HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 13 BLOCK 2 LOT 27 LEGALttt4 tn .48. ri._.., ., ?llls OEED, ...t t'rh rrr.r Aqtr! t!, I9a, TIULAH A. XMLIt! .d Da ng ,fXD0{A .t ih. tdrrr.t ,:i/ tiffi'ri.t 1i3,1i".#thgu.rl D x. rplrr, n Jcn, ,lurr, r! ,o rrufoffloao f/? tiltrl'l lno o!rr^t,, J, ftttt. rl lo lr rro||toao tt, tltararr. aa! tr ,al.|lr,,| 3'|!| 2a20 sRAEErrRt, n6tltfR, tltl}Irr, aoar2-.r. l.Dl d.6. lrcr ri. cn !r, .,y'nff.r;. ri.r ,^. ..'o.iiil ii. ,r.., p,r, ,., .!:ti\?Ltiii:i f.T.?-llo }|JIJIRED SIXft-ftr/Z nl'JS ND, AIO r. rtt ..f. Frrt .t t|i. rf ..r r..t . ^- -_]t.7 rrr._..ta F.rr., tw tf.rra r.r. ttr 3,r, -d la't},dlrref .q.., -n c6r-..., i.. i.r.r6.d. .rlr.., |.t. rv rrrriyl, _l or- t6 il;,i,. rd ,.,a, }|ar^, ,/lt.rfr.r -{-.6'tn, st. ri. ..rd F.r, r ii?-.r1r-r..r, r,t.- rrirc'rr--irii-iJ-J, .r. F ,r.l_t,r ia..,tl a.r-ry or" rililr " '-. lll'iiil.'ll"!.#::.::':,1?. PLE Se SEE ^1-frctcfl E0{IAn .A' q'- .f .. 16 n .rh.r ,t r? p^rcEl. !, LrA Za. ItL t, l ntAJ! A tgt ar. fA& Vt t !lt6rtrar .f ri ff f .rl rf rLt.r dr. rr...arr.r.a. .l Frt.ulor tr".t. -t.ttr!, a ). d- _aava,. a,n .r-rrtn. f -tre. ,. .-rrt.r. I.1., t.r,- ,l ,ortta lir\ a az r drt'. at''.. |//qaInr...!r, .r.r. .r tb.rr ,..r._yr. ., rr. ..rr, ,.r; ., r* ,rr.ii,-riirii ii-il'- r.ry.... r. it L t.br.-!.rl.l'- t-t.6, .tta ti. t..dtt-.Ia ,l crtdf-.:c rvr .! rc 'rc ti. ..ta|'-t.i *..:.?,,-.- r-..rrH. dn tt ,rt rr-. ,- E rla p, dt'. cdrr Fr, rr. i.t.r ..rr ...rh r.,.d._rl ri. rta r.rr, .r ti .tr.iil-ll tt-otr, tta r.t,lr. __,|.n. -.f .D.. ri.r .r ri. rf i .r ti. F.-t r,r dr .r irr .r-ti... r..-.rr, r. rr .iit irirr ot A il'i Oi - - -.6.'{r, i cr ....r. r-.. F"xr. .btrsr. ,.. r,-r._rl ri.rr rl io..iiii. fi'rr. re re dle. d r_ _.f ar, tvf f ,6. ,n r.der -ri.,tr, |. r,-r, r..rt^, r|| ..a .6., ri. ri-ii irar, 6a Jt6a - ar.r-a. _,ri.r fi. f- ... rr- .3.t.., ,,- .tt i-#,r##r$mm:effi#ffiffin E a ra, rr. ra.rd nrr|.ra ,,-rr t. ii. rrrt.t ,! ,-..-t._t ._r]t- at x|| '.rt, o, tE .rar, Irt, lh ratr ,a:;'g',;::a:'l': i ='1.?:"3.:1.1:a,S:s(r'.'r'rlr.r ' r d'ii irliii'j q ;;a i;i.t,. J;il lt:i^5.j:'1": *':,?'::::'i:l,t gff :.?:i::rti.:.5ri -;-;;'':';; fi '';-::4,;; ...r€er.., :! ri. 6..r .rr...r, ,.rt r. eiiitii ;;;i r;;: c,qlrfy of Taflj9 rr. to?.!.r.1 trlr-rl t.. ..tErt€t l Ltrfr ,' litr ..r at .q vttfit+| A. XRAIISE AI|D oEorIS rct(ll0{A t,grf^.In.nj|{ll--. ,rar.rfi ,ra, ,rtr7... t t.rl it ,ttatai r-t.,tt ,{a,t|!'fu:.D " , '. i ii.(/ .i A ffib::::J':. .T,;|i,il'".|' 0|t0'r..,n.toi.*^|. |..c.. I rr t a tl pARceL a ?ocrThlF xt?8 Ax_UrDtvlDJD O)t]-to 2 trfrr'rzrt tf IID ,O )^rcA. C.r'or ?8 Br'.ocx r ^ Rr.u'orvrslon 6i- vot"it'l6ri,'iiiilrcr, rco.rotfo to,rrRECoRDED p&nr rHrREor. coux?r- or ialr,i hi:fr-oi-ii-r,oraoo, r/n'-fART!C1rlARLr DESCRTS!t l! FOLtOllS tPANCEL BIA PIRT Of tpT 2t, lt,ocx 1, --A_RrAUrDtVt, tc,E ot wt ,7. v^tr, vrl.,t*2,;gi,l;I:1"" rr Lrxc, EAcL! cpunrr, coronao6, "n6irJirircurerr.r DEcrtato r _corotrNctlfc At "B! SOUIHI^!!_CORXIR O' a^:o tln 2a, ?jti'' ga w'ltll- aa9!91!!9 r? nrNu?la .6 racorDs ralr .rt.gr'-iifm-il'- T)v. r<rrrr oJEEc,i'rxcr 11rENc! *oRrH ..'!oRE!s r l - rixuili- 16-ria6xor '^rr ro.oo ?g,,r,Trf r:r{cf lf .RTH 81 DrcRrEs 06 -HTNUT!! rO iicoirlr-irii-i ,to t,,tt t marca *.'n'r DrcnEEs 53 ir r r.urEs ro erco'og rrsi- lloo-iirrj-iilic: romt a, DErrzsa Oall!l:f9s ro clcofio. xrsr e.-20 rrrri rriiii i5fri i"iiorut ,r rllnnar ,o:.199199 EAsr 2r.20 rrEr, ?HrNc! nonri-ii-oioililr-oftrnnrr to rtcorr:!9I 21.20 rEEr, rnl'ct sourx r orciiri- u-ir'friri-ro rlclxB t fr, ,r,ooFIET, r]frrcr sourn 15 oEcrlrs 06 ;rxrrrrr-io-'ii6ilor-rrrr a.oo t l;t, fir4i3sourr_f D?cRrr8 ri xnrurr!--3o czclxD. iigi- ri. oo'-iirrr rntg/|c3 'rc,(rrt a,?l9M! 06 xrxrnle lo aecpros zisi i.lii-iieii'ilriEi rornr . atortt ,,1tllyr99 !0 8E(noflDa lAsr r r. !o ru:rr Driri--iariiiii-o:cnra o. rtrutrr ro,EcoNDs f^sr r!.60 f EElr r'Excr ioiri i' oiciiii"ri-xinnrr c6 -ricild-d; ,l::gg rEm to ?xE PorNt or r8crxNlrc. IrclcETHER F:TH ^N urDrvtDro oxr_xrii- rrr!R!a? tr Axo,{, ALL ot tpzt,t. jBrrcK 2. ^ REsus'rvrsror or-rm ri,'viii-iliir;; iliinrzrxrx ]rr.rxr, 2r'r2 |couNrr, colrR^Do, rrcEpr DAnclL B oreCiirso-iioic -;uio rArctt i a-hirrDBttar{. PA.RCIL A:_l-fM ot tot 2.. rlocx 2, A REsuEotvtatoN o, Lc/r ,7. V^tr, vtr.DAa?Hrmrlnrr rrLrxc, !AcL! courrr, coranroo,' xoizJinircureelr DtacltrtD tlfoLlrvS t COXXETTCINC ,r? TH! SOLTT EAST CoRxER Or 8AtD t..'f 2t, THtXCt IOfDt aa forcnEts 27 xt u?ts {6 saconos pEsr r:.er rtrt to-iir tnur eorrt oi. EBlcrx*rrfc, ?HElrcE lroR?H . oEcRf,Es lr nr iuiii - l6-gi66lor .ct ai.ao f','fl, ZTHETcE aourx ar oEcRErs 06 xrNUrEs ro srcoNDa reii-ii.lo,trr, T txai zsourH a DEcnEEs 5t xrxuTEs 5o sf,coHos rrsr rl.io izril ?lttnc:'roum llDEGnEE8 06 IINUTES lO gEcoltos EAST !.6.00 fEE?, fXAXCf fOtrfX f O:CiCt!- f frrrNUTEs 50 SEcoNos rEsr 9.ro fEETr TLETCE ionix-ii'oton4r oa rtra('rla rosEcoNDS yES? a.00 ?EET' tflErc! souTr a DEcntls ct tilruTrr ro rrcorr-nrrll,oo ?3Et, T|ENC? !|ORTH Ir OECRera 06 'ltturla ro iicoroe aart ).ro-'ttiiTHENCa sourB . oecREEs rr xrru?Es 50 8SCONO' rEsT it.50 rrrr l rxrrcr- roi,ilr85 DEGRESS 06 HrwrEs ro slco 08 ntST lo.2o r24f, Tn2xcJ norm r ororiri--'5l HrtturEs ao sEcoroa EAsr a,6o IDET, TlrENc! fioRTH 15 oGcttEa oa iirnrr,r ro3ECONOS HEST la.€0 fEtT To THE pOtXT Ot trct xll{c, --t t PUBLIC NOTICE I.IOTICE IS I{EREBY GMN applied for a resubdivision of Fi-1ing; and a resubdivision of THAT Vail Associates, Lot 27, Block 2, Yaj-I Inc. has Village 13th Tract E, Vail Village llth Filing, Town of Vail, County of Eag1e, Colorado, pursuant to Article III, Section 3 of the Town of Vail Subdivision Regulations. Each parcel of land is proposed to be divided into seven (7) residen- tial lots. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that Vail Associates, Inc. has requested that the Resubdivision of Lot 27, Block 2, Yai-L Village 13th Filing be rezoned from the existing Low Density Multiple Family zone district to Resiciential in accordance with Section 21.500 of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1973, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 2l.5OO of the Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on June 24, L976 regarding the requested rezoning or Lot 27. Pursuant to the Subdivision Regulations, the Planning Commission wil-I hold a Public Hearing on June 10, 1976 to consider the preliminary resubdivision p1ats. Said hearings wi-11 be held before the Vail Planning Commission at 3:00 p.m. in the Vail Municipal Building. TOWN VAIL DEP OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Zoning Administrator Published in the VaiI Trail June 4, L976 IAPt'LlcAT t()il t ott vAt{tA}tct And/Or coilD t T t0itAL U5L t-,Lt(f"il T Ordinance llo. B (Series of l97i) Nay 28, 1976 Publication Da te I { : iApp I i Hear i Ftnal ca t ion Date ng Dafe 0eclslon date for Town Councl I Hearing Fee $ 100. 00 Vail Associates, Inc.I (we )of P. 0. Box 7(Applicant) Col orado (Address) Vai Irrrare .(C do hereby request permission to appear. vq r,_J I PEr rr>>tL)fl t0 aPpea rCommission to request the following: ( ) Varianca from Article(xx ) Zon i ng Chungo i.oo-_L-DltF--'( ) Park ing Variance( ) Conditiona I Use pernrit ( State ) be fore the phone 476-5601 Vai I Plannino Sect ion to Jwo- famTlf-EEfilEn ti a I tn to a I I o'rr Zone. following llunbe r described property:Lot/tract 27 B lockFor the Filing Clearly 13th Filin state purpose and intent of this application To down lone Lot 27, 13th Filing from LDMF (75 units) to seven (7) two- fami'ly residential s'ites. l{hat do you feet is the basis for hardship in this case? i flnat urc 6l Apo I icant Roge r {,61. Ti I kenrei er Developrrent Manager &*3 ii ili uri r i!,'iril;;i=;'1*:'liiliiiilllililll'lll !lliii lii,i ii;iii!t?iii i E i ii? irii,,lillliiiiliiliilI!ii iii ?;u'ii''li'.;'ii'iliill,ailE * 3 6:6 o (, I O r! lr{r.'{x x 3 3 - ! 5;9 i i 5 0 € o 3 tr.ruo{Jiti'lEcqot!aorq{,eooo.A.a.A.r.,r>q,EFroorr'O '.1 O !-r.' sr 9{.C O tl, 9' - '! .,. (J O '-l Oc...r,o,-{ lq >r o trog!,-r qr E |{ ul otoAEOloOdOD9-Elo r r.i o ar c o.'{ j]J .rr .,r o .,{ o lt)Fr E F .u .-r E -r O ! <,E O,r F d U O E .r .4ort i r! -,r !a o F -r t1.. t o t E o.rr r,O.rat!94.Er-,l :.rfilO..{2tNq.c ! {r E O \D O E.i q' 6 9. rr Ei qr B 0t O €D.4 0 Flo\crcot]>d.dE>ntrol!t<l!'!Z, t4 rlr lo .J'!OcoE .{ .lr .\t ,1 AA .c .qdEC t:1 04 O "r.-r \>'-{o\5{rd +, El .u E,'lEFi tr > a , !h Fl ! ..1 O .r I > i4 nt 6OEr,! t! C E .-l g N .{ C E > qr .,{ rr O o R o 'E rl,Hi ! { r. .-! o \ t o ..1 x n, E ri o ! r{ ro p o ..N .)HrrrF. > .d E Q .{ E ..r E U ! r E t O O tu X I '! .q !-{\QEF ,< d ! O O O ..r O A 4 E 0. E gt .e E d .i.1 44tZ <' Er F ' ,E > O N Ft 1r i! Lr O O O .'t '{.,r h qEO g O!.po0r@o>qroo-r t,,.-o dro.riEo ()H a c o rr a A v, l] 2 ' O O 4 > tl > C tt aa.Eu7a. c ! a o o r rt {, o o o I z A ..1 rD !rpHdH< o o c, o o E E rr rr (J .{ C ,q € .i A O t{ Fr rr E !AiEAAA N i ..r 'lt o ! O d ! q, E c tU < '{ O 9, EtoErHZ l,t 9l ! tD O '.1 \r al -r )4 E E O ..r O. A O N 0lE f..tc r 4 ! o 6 o .r ,o o o E .4 o & .i o oLlarr= d l0 p or .rr E o >l ..i o Fr E N u E o rr o - tr, .l d n:E 'J.?42 .'{ E E a o c ! r. d l! o o o c o, ti .,r r0ErAE H O - rr ! ..r O O rJ C tr .,r ri Dr n E 5 E{ d (, ..t ,-r {,Ecr ..1 .-l >-{ lrt E,A dO .}, o\ CO|IO€HEOO.{cJtL>Vo. c{ {J ..1 r0 O, 6 4r ..q 'o r C lD .,r ri L) .,r lr O, ..r d dZBF.,44 !| 11 .-l I! >: 'o r! ,rr ,,r F ll, jl .O E ,- '! r,1 o tti > E<r!H I c) O O ! ri O o .{ d U C d - I r, lorJD.. o E ! dr o o ..r or Q, ..{ o r d q ..r I o F{ o 19 0). -2.r(, 0, .{ o ! lt' o i c & t a a c .l d u o o - Q ..i o |t|o\.ilrt4z E 4| a a t O q .-l O lD ae O A q E E !l d U 0, Oa&H , o o . (t c. .r o rl tr ..t Q, a o & q c E c o44 .?Z . I cr O c 6 o +, \ .P 0, E O 0., N O C a t '(JU::FO C + O .J '{ O q O 4., O f| .i < '! (J .c 0J Iq }l O O Fr Fr!Ff3rqloo9a - o tt E r -i . € o i .r € o < i o ! . o El o, o aI'.1 H< |/) d n I 6 O t,) O ! O q, rl l, .c O .4 .r :l . E r, < (,::tq!-l 4 o 4 o N o E ! < $ t< < t J t{ c .r ..1..r -t 9(J Ll - t| O ! < trl - o c O .J ti Or r'i .J H o CE<F{ E O rt t'' O d a r. r. * N 6 i d o o 4 r, r < E t aE: -..l.i .lq ,,l ! c r! J E !.1 d o t a E & ,) (l} ,q A 0r 3 > ^ <t n EqoEol,. :r (l o a r. ic o. .c q, (l rr .J t I r{ .r E 11 o A F Erli!.tro S ! N .r € .a i .a o ,ll o - 3 0, t o - r! - o t .rOdcEU',{AoJlhdOO.iOe44.{ >> 6 €r -A h - tr',a i ! -.{., c A 3 6O.{ECor.iOo4ZL,JrF{\CaAOr.!!CO3OOE-{>r! Za,a Etu,tr OE O C .EOOr qrr -4r i o ..,r ! \ c rD ..{ o 0 .!r F .t 4 a.-rg>i.c-{o.t.aa'o.J.r.r{tEO,.{OlribolJA!l!!t6, .dn ll' >o c..r o r 6n, a E oor.r>oNktq >.Q(Hhtr'r g() ol F tao F' o30t]cFr -a crl<ot40FlrF ZA(,0H oo AH <E zz adFaioa <.qo IbF. c, .l oz 9 2 F])jo o o fiIiu E c j Ae 1!F ata It }t ,,LoTE.ar.t .o )rOrt!!|!4'a96 3t,cQ 6iruOrl!!aaBrr{t8f .,.:i lnwn r utl box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 June 1, 1976 office of the town manager MOUNTAIN BELL PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC CABLE T. V. WESTERN SLOPE GAS COMPANY RE: Resubdivision of: Tract E, Vail Village Ilth Filing Lot 27, Block 2, YaLI Village 13th Filing Pursuant to the Town of Vail Subdivision Regulations, ArticleIII, Section 3 notice is hereby given that Vail Associates, Inc. has requested approval of the subiect preliminary subdivisionplats. Recommendatj-ons must be made wi.thin ten (10) days from the date of receipt of the preliminary subdivision plat' Failure to make recommendations within the prescribed ten-day period sha11 be deemed an approval of the proposed subdivision ' A public hearing will beon June 10, 1976 at 3:00 Yours tru1y, hetd before the Planning Commissionp.m. in the Vail Municipal Building. cc: Eagle County Department of Planning and Development Diana Zoning S. ToughillAdmi-nistrator i;iii** iiiiiii iiil isigg *' i i oo.IPof:t1- 0arrEaEIeEh,& \{\ 4<' I I I I\l ! I-.1 ^\\t\).1 I .2 EG' E o 9l U) hG' o Eo o Q) o '€ 4 E'x s U) a I\,72 ) I I.l..r I I 'y'l{ I II qt ; .-) oF-l :'or' 1r-{ E,i9<,g t6I.c ota)iJI PzlEale.-$ it,E ^:ttt-.5,Ji U - ; ql PI ..i 1 I I I Irl I IJ)2l2l 4 I I tt o , q' IbsEEsEs-8 E l; f ii*:tii€ i:l E +FgiE;iiE i; {i rEsie,ESg ; E E.s i-:€iit! # E E ; 5:?i Fg-sE A € :I e:;:EEie s t ; E :qEiE;EE ; fl IfEi;tEiiersia i;EEIE€EE€ Eii E ar;;ElEEfi € ; :i ;:;i:€;E€; = t Hl ;f igt;;a* ; r E f;l i;:g;ssi€E€Z Al =.;;:53'i3 IAE qj€eE gljfE Er g I ' o N I I I I I I J \ I I E xo ,'a t EI E F t: Ad lt E? H x C)14 rr.v E2sP OOt \ a i a, 7-r-a-of ,F qtdft) h)4-h* tZ**, 1t"- taa - t <,/a{J77 fi-c - /e-z-:i/&-a-t ,Q I # lr 4412-i X-rt Z/4r /;a, lQ 1 vft+27 @__? t)H- ry tO /4', /c- /o ?t t1 4 /4"--.. Tazo =' A-. !,,4 ; I ll | /2-/?r'7 --l- , . 1ol*L' . " ? ?tt A//.Lfr-"' V4,/-",4-*/-<- k)z-' c-at// *A*1 +6o./.*d ./ , 7 d,l /a6t t/a-i-( 3 7/ r - r"-v:9.% +* /,,"1/.,1 //z- d3 o o s- ffi:ft,r?l 5?2*-*9 86'ao ./ ?-t\.1+.14 i- Va.A*r-' ,,/ ,Zffuz-fut- , 4-^2t ttt t/a,--Q ,14*r.*4I'*/,,---,n,, -'*- &l -lru t/oJ ^Rel r*t $N LJ-.t+-fl.f,,Lu A'*Ut- rc zz-ei-;-,,a .)6.//YLz- ^t- box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 June 1, 1976 James M. NicholsMichael and Barbara Loken Richard and l,Yendy GustafsonHorst Stolze Raymond B. DowDonald and Susan MarksRobert and Donna BuckleylVilliam Duddy and Ludwig Kurz Re: Resubdivision of Lot 27, off ice of the town manager Block 2, YaLL Village 13th Filing Pursuant to the Town of Vail Subdj-vision regulations, ArticleIII, Section 3, notice is hereby given that Vail Associates,Inc. has requested approval of the subject preliminary sub-division and down-zoning from Low Density Multiple Family toResidential. Preliminary subdivision plat may be reviewed atthe Vail Municipal Building, Department of Community Development Recommendations must be made within ten (10) days from the dateof receipt of the notice. Failure to make recommendationswithin the prescribed ten-day period shal1 be deemed an approval of the proposed resubdivision. A public hearlng for the preliminary plat will be held beforethe Planning Commissj,on on June 10, 1976 at 3:00 p.m. inthe Val1 Municipal Building. Yours truIy, DEP OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPIUENT ana S. Toughill AdministratorZoning 't- Best copy Available ./ ) Pr{,{,t.,t.r i: ii 1r,,, 't , n !.o 'Li'jL1 .lcron. J. R r her and Barbar6 l(!an Rulhar - rlri. nf'r' cu'1x or '.o ,!. "o "*" Ji;'llyl?'th' tAt ti4 r'd 'Jir:. ,'. j r)cl.\'.[5. lil'., P {) n'* ' .iij}},, or rh. c,,'tY ot E 'qle 'r'l s " o: Crl:dr,!''l '. rrt Pd: .rd rt r)+n lttsd:d f.-13 in llt qul"! lrrtFr'r':': 'r'':ir i ji1:i ' " -'i f" ji.-'i"i. "-i.A; et'.Grrn.r .u $d A*t j - -:i'i"'r:'i::i '-'' -.1 -:!'' $r r' *'.-.r"Ji ,'l:-"i. il -" it"; o! $' l:n Fi 't :r "-d \ i i\' \!rI: \\ i \\rrrr r:r\i i: ! I:l.i\r'' '- -ii -st1:.r:-"" o ngnf,or.o..ria F'rics ot rl' i': t 'r b\r l !' 1"'1 '- - r'rds \ Jr, iri lot 27. Block ?, '.1:.Il- !'Ul-jJf . i':i;l:!.;:;:11 ftl,CE, F'rilc C,r!r:!. t-r)l !r '-io' &ll, t UEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPITENT DATE: June 24, 1976 RE: Vail Associates Request to Rezone and Resubdivide Lot 27, , "lock 2, Vail Village 13th Filing Lat 27, Block 2, YaiL Village l3th Filing contains 284,950 square feet (6.541 acres) and is presently zoned Low Density MultipJ.e-Fanily whieh would a1low 78 dwelling units to be constructed on the site. The request for resubdivision and rezoning is for seven (7) residential lots which would a1low a maxi.mum total of 14 dwelling units, or a reduction in density ot 64 dwelling units. We feel that the rezoning is in the best interests of the Town of Vail as the eharacter of the Booth Creek area is primarily residential and the site is completely surrounded with two-faml]y residentiat sites and greenbelt. Our current Growth Management Program is an attempt to addressreduction of density throughout the Valley and this type of rezoning is a big step in the right direct ion. tot 16. Dlocl 2. vAtL vlLl.|na lllr|tF lll FlLlllG Best Copy Available ts . . rrr.rEt-LJr lJttr. _._ _lltl9? trrll L lrn .r.i-. -q{ J|Ir. .rd SIFInl; nALL tinIlrBrt ,6, b...Ira. rri l6thJOB P. AAI.L ![Et Juil 30'rL , cobd C\lborLnal dlb{ft.t.tr..i VAIL |"SSOCTAII9 ' lIC. r..I.rlh -rrha .ra a{- ri'||. -a b rh a lD. l- .f tb il dClolor.ilo ...|r.dFr:l|lif,lsEll nrt rL ..t Fr laa { rb lla F.r, t* .ra b ..*rrd- .f iL - I S10.00 and other gool ud vrlu&L conrlder.tion----------tnatlFd,ar {b|h.Er ihdFIY t.lFtat -a F( rb t..ttldbli-ffd..t -rtt,b tta r-{rrbl' .{.q.a ra eult Ct^rlo. dl'b r- - r..||, r--..1, -r d lXtll C|l|I -r. rI r..!.a L r..ra Fi. aE.dtrft r,.1 t\ llh| h.-d-ditr|h..IF. ta! aIiarrrr v. ld brlia.-a-- t!|l; j!.h Ll.d E r rr._------------tn J J CIl|t'ETN|cE Fot IITT,:R PUiD(\SES OTILV--NO EO'FI|aARY STAIIFS RI(lt,tRTD tl. tt(rrla B-..r tr. *tmr rd t t{. r rb jrlol 1q a .lun.- r ?6r* John P. Rdll. lna sh€riie Rnll rtr t. trrt i||r n: ri !.b -Abrl -!i: . tll- .r r.i .rl .ltli{ r.lft.-rf|l.. e.fan t O-.*r trpn StGt tt t$.b.j h, - O.t. E !e !O IlfI II|D IO I3D U..- rr* rl {.r &a.b tF.'ur.. r u,t rxlrtr rbi-rd.* - r.Etf. lbr-& rFrtlrl.i d.l b 6.. ttr. Fr. Lrf,ra.d .lh d.F, a rbrntn hr .ltbtt tsi".t0r L hr-.G!',bLc! F*qF{r r.{r.r..a.a |L rI F tI a. r..d -!|. b rr-.i.d.rb tr.ttr . 1 !| I!t rltrL rr||lF, tt .td Dir ter { rLir..F{ g vj ;t{.*Fl..t hit!'. sdrl . t fh'drrr.n!.&tqtr ':,/llll Ir!'ff'"n ,",, d nl 1 rt al!' d tr. ar. &i t.Er Ir|.{ !-La... D.i!r .a ," ,r. *"1 ... ..iv l-"['ltlall - ?Fttltstt\rAnte i ltl^t l '?err or lf,Idrfrlul! I Corrr d C\nt€rlnnd l_ X,h.*..