HomeMy WebLinkAbout2197 St Moritz WayDesign Revlew ,Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81.657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.?452 web: www.vailgouconn Project Namel HUBBARD LOW Prcject Description: Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8060495 CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS (DRIVEWAY/ROOF ELEVATIONS) 1012012006 Phone: 418-4806OWNER TRENT HUBBARD PO BOX 8388 2656 DAVOS TRL AVON co 81620 APPLICANT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHITECT LLLOI2OI2OO6 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: @00001843 CONTRACI-OR THD COLORADO INC 1012012006 Phone: (970)748-0862 PO BOX 8338 AVONco 81620 License: 280-A 2L79 ST MORITZ WY VAIL LocaUon: VAIL HEIGHTS LOT 7 Loh 6-9 Block: Subdivision: VAIL HEIGHTS SUB RL 1 2103-114-0103-7 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ActioN: . STAFFAPR Date of Approval= lU2Ll20O6 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approal of thls ryoject shall bpse and beaome rold one (1) ymr bllowlng tllc &b of final approwl unless a bulldttg p$mlt is lssued and construction ls ormenccd. and is diligendy pursued towad ompleUon. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fc Pald: S2O.OO ; Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Crlorado 81657 te:ll 97O.479.2128 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.\railgw.com Gaeral Infonnadon: All projecG requiring desbn revieu/ must reeive approval prlor to submlttirE a building permit applicatbn. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partiotlar approval that is reque*ed. An applicauon for Design Revlew cannot be acepted unul all required infonnatbn is received by the Cornmunity DeveloFn€nt Department. The project may aho need to be revierrved by the To/rn Council and/or the Planning and Envilonmental @mmisdon. ifcr*gn rciiew agprorral hps unlccc a bullding pcrmlt ls iscucd and onstruaffon onrmenee wlthln one year of the app|oml. Descrlpdon of th€ Rqu6t!() -l -O(o thbns o] Locadon of the Propocal: toe 7 Bbck- Subdivision:Vttt- ltttatt(s La\ 1 PhysicalAddress' zt11 ST Moel(z Parrcd ]fo.: zto3:114: c>1Q3:a (Contact Eagle Go. Assessor at 970-328-86'm for parel no') Zontng: ?r',uor:t/Qcurh^4 ^ k)v,^t g,,or.Le FAv,-< t{ame(s) of Owner(r): ilailing Mdress: Owner(s) Signaturc(s): l{ame of Appttel*r t) olnn G - Ma"h n, An)l trfaifingMdreee: FOEOY L4ZO\ , €46( tr/a.. A//'.7i -Phone: 7zo lZb OS-42 E-mall Address:7Z*, 'o':fl < T}Ded Reyiew and Fee: ,a-l!' cn neo o Appro/ed Plans (y gff#*##m.already approved by Plannins sbfi or the Submittd Roquarcmentr: Gy*ts of Plans Mdressing Project Changes Signafure of Horneowne(s) or Assaiation cl -N Vr)af o -tr ^(,"l S8ll*?g"r* ****o., Lfl V av, M*u..eDut.' LL-[ f$b Planner: FtcdevlFORMS\Pemits\Planning\DRB\drb-change-to-approved-plans-13age-05-1 1-2006.doc lOBq 1?lll E.3b,OO 816rl Goner temo Tc BillGibson-Town of Vail Planner Gc: Trerf Hubbard - @neral Conhador Frorn John G. Martin - Archibct D.b 10182006 R.r Hubbard - Lot 7, Vail Heights, 2179 St Morits Way, Single-Family Residence tr&F Change b Approved Phns - Sitg Plan revisions #1 - explained Dear Bill, We have made some rcviskxs b he site plan wtrir:h will require your approval and will need to be on file with the buiHing departrnent The mdn catalyst fcr tfie revisbns b based on the actual dahrm finish elevations of the St Morits cul- desac. Trent Hubbard, the General Gonfacbr and owner of Lot 7 and Lot 8, ha inbrmed me that the actual elevation of the culde-sac at the exact location of the driver,vay access is 1'6' higher in eality tran what was shonrn on he cMlengineeed plans. We had always assumed a dafum elevation of 7988.5 Eet Trent has surveyed in an actual number at that location of 7990.0 bet a difierenoe of 18' or 1'€'. He has requested thatthe entire drivanray and the entire building be raised up 1'€'from the apprwed location b bke advantage of this neur information. It s:tands b reason that il the drivanray and lhe house relatbnship do not change, htt are merely naised tre 1'6' dimension, then buildirq heilhb at the drivanvay will remain the same. The thing that will cfrange is tre relationship of roof ridge b ac{ual grade dilecty beloiv. For hat reason I have provided rwised ddge elevations on borh lhe sib plan and tre elevations. Floordafum elanations have been re\rised on the sib plan and floor plans. I can assure you that ure have not busbd the 33 bot height limit anywhere on the building due to these rcvisftrns. It also stands b reason frat sile walls will be afiected in a pooitive way with this change. For instance, walls hat uere once 6'{" tall can now be 4'€" ta[. Thank you, John. . Page I TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemertta***+*'+{.*t***********f***************t**t*******a**+***+****+***t**********a*alaaa*f*faaaff Statement, Number: Ro50OO1?54 Arnount: $20.00 LO/2O/2OO6LL:43 Alt Pa:ment Method: Check Init: iIS. Notatj.on! xsl4/atoHN I,ERTIN Permit No: DR8060495 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr P1ansParcel No: 2103-114-0103-7 SiEe Addreee: 2179 ST MORITZ WY VArLtbcation: VAIIr HEfGFTS LO" ? TotaL FeeE: $20.00lltris Payment,: $20 . 00 ToEaL Ar,r, Pmts: $20.00Balance: 90. OOfff***at't+'t+*1.***+***t+trt****'|l*ri'*t***t******r.'**iftr'i**t*'t'l****t+**a***********s'|**'l***talll|} ACCOUN ITEM LIST: Account Code DeacriDtion gurrent Pnt,a DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO ' DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Page I ofl ra Bill Gibson - Hubbar4 Lots 7 &8 From: Bill Gibson To: John G Martin Date: MlzilaOOG 3:13 PM Sublect Hubbard, Lob 7 &8 Hey John, FYl: Fire sprinkler systems and monitored alarm systems will be required at both new Hubbard Residences (2187 and 2197 St. Moritr Drive). Bill Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) 479-2173 (97O) 479-2452fax file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\GW)00001.HTM 04/27/2006 ller 13 OG O9:42a ObcFlohr p.l Arthur I. Mears, P.E., [nc. Nanral Hazards Consultants 555 CoutryRoad 16 Ounnison, CO 81230 TdlFtx: (9701641-3236 \ ,rr \\t - tt a a February 21,2006 Mr..fonrad Oberlohr 2656 Davos Trail Vail, CO 81657 RE: Rockf;atl and debris.flsy hazard, Lots 6 ard 7, Vdl Heiglds Dear Mr. Oberbtu: As you know, I visited LS Olnd 7on St Modfzlllfy ye$efitsy to tlstarmine the e)eosure of ttr* tots to rocllu #rd debds fon Tlt frlHdrE sunrnarizes my oonclusions. 1 . Lot 6 la not erpoeed b rockfiell or debr'il lurs and will tlot Fgquirs mftigation. The relatiwly short, e*t- and sou0rcf,rfuing slope aboye ttp lot is the face of a broad soutlrterdirg @e. Tftts ridge pr€b.ts tre slb ftom debris floue. Furthemore. thb slope does nd support unstable rock outcroppings that produoe a roddall huard. 2. Lot 7 (located lmmedlafiely to the east of Lot 6| ls similarly protected from debrls flows and ic not erpored to roclcfell. titigatlon uill not be rcqulrcd. Sinilarto the sibralion on Ld I, un€table rod< outcroppirgs are not locabd above Lot 7. Pbase contact me if you have addilioml qrestiona Sincerely, Orft,-,-l filao,a Arthur l. ldears, P.E. Hpr 12 2oo6 5:35PM HPjISERJET FHx FlklT@ffim"**t{al.aTt||*rlcr indt., LPDFIIIilUUre 615{Drrl&t061$Elo DATI:Apilt:2,?MInmry TDBISS 2U9 !L !ffi fty vtil, @ tlet? OWNEf,/mrYI,t: Xod Obqlohr/ TBD O(TITAITIDffitrTXN:tirHoArldJ.[rtddjr[l: AE()YBT8 ALXSTOPCIIBTTSID WEOT{r|$ATTTCHBD IIAIIIIAI.E EAVBEBEN DBI,;NENED $IT'II) lOU ttAVE ]tl.ff aUSSTtff.f g nECAnDtN(} THESB XATEIIAIS, oB OUB NBw ON-UNE TBANTACUON MiqI{AGBllll{T rno61eurinrveur,r. r:.ersBooNtAcTnir Aodo8rtrrrmooolry Al THE rlDvB Plf,I{E NUllBr. WB SD{CSNELY TBATT YOU K'T YOINnJSA{E8& A POUCY.|sST'|'|G A6B]IT OF F!N'T IIENICAI| T1Tlr ll{tuEArcl gortAtrY P. 10 !ITI' DdDA.nX!'TTITT -DINIVEAY ITAI{SDtrITAL <<Tifle Brrlcs Adabcsl>>, <<Tith hph AdecED> <<Ti{c Brucl LcrtiqP> <<Tiuc kr.h Phmt> Foc <<Ine Ernoh Foo> EqleTitbHd-TitlcOdY E4bTillconly P.O.Bq.1980 00$ ChnbarAru f f ErlgC0 tl6lr lFllAIIr tidcnu!@otrco.mr(I(tc(nDs tTO|IUI|GEE(D Ti[€Vd fter0mllllttd POEq( 8338 Aro,@816il1 lAe X-UAILSllo(Fc(PIIe H.BA8B ntsvIBwTtrDI{CI.OSEDMAIIIIALOOMruxtLY AITIDTAtrBNOTTOFTHBFOLIOWINGTETU8 HP LRSERJET FFXo fA|T@mm***t'Bhr,trd.tlott ftttrl Date: April12,2006 RE: Buyer/Borronar: TUI) Sdlor(r): I(offrd ODct{obr propciiv lCficrs: 2179 gt' MortEWtt Vdl' CO tf657 FIe Numbcr: 6lSHOl I 1 t50'Sf o.EIO We would liko to thaok you for choosi4g First Am€ricm HcritEgF Title Corrprny for yow title insmmenccds. Errclosod pleose ffnd: E COMMITMEIff(a)tr ccR'str SiIIPFORTINGDOCUMENTStr TAX CERTIFICATE to bllow ftom tJro Escrow OffEcc SSc&ldTqPsactl{unber For all of yanr clci4g ncods, ,,ur Egcrow OftcGr is: Egh Title Only; Plcaro ftol frte to cootact yanr ao*r * iCmll2&5ff1 ai: pfU) Cr&S23t, ormit: ddcvrutr@fihaoo.cm, P.O. Eor f93o qfso Chrmbcrr Arc. # I h3!c' CO t1631. Fc all of l,61gtrtlc eod corunihest ncede, yorr Titb Eminer is: ftih Kcltrr. Pleare ftol froo to co.racty&ro,mincrst (970) 3tS-521{frx p?0)3;lS-Sf52,emil: plrcycr@frhtco.coo' P.OBor 19S0 0010 CtrDbcrr Aw. f I Eqb' CO ErGrr' Oncc agdn, rh+'rk yor fur pnr bnrinors, and plcase ful fuc to c@cf pur Burinosc Dovelopmcnt Rcprcc.qagrrc for-a fog-i! md porrrwd t TideVaufr cr rn' m{im trosactbn El|tagEm€ot progru- We look brward b ccviry alt of lurftlo ocods. Sirccroly, Itnt Americar EctttrgG TtdcComprny P. 11 SERJET FHX 04/tzliffil'.14;Jr7!\df'PK ASAGENTTiOB f,lnt Aucrlcal Tille llorrncc Conprny II{IOIDIATIOil rte Titb Ins[.occ omitneil is e legd comrt beiweo you and frc coryy..It is bqEd b sbv sc bolit u wbch tr wi[ irs+ a f:gc Ifrre id*y n you lAr h|i;y dl tuuc yur tafft cE(fiitr ddc o 6o lmd rirtq srbj€otlo tlG limifilkls SGn inttc Folily. ftc Coryry wiU gitE you r erlde oflb Sotic!'ern' if f'ou s*. Ihc OmoihlltirbocdothchdtitlcasdttcCmilncch.ArydutgFsinfrchdtitbclheEsactim naye&ct ile Comitoeot 0d tb BdicY. Tb Comnitm.d k eftjcdb itsBcqrdrcornts' Erytiorsad Cdftim. IgB INIIOX}IIJIIO!{ IS NOT PART ff TEE TfIl,D INSI'RTNCE COTUMIIIIUTIT. YOU STOULil' XDAD AEE OOMMNIIil{T VANY CINilUIiY. Itr YOU EAvf AIYY QUETTTIOITS AXOUT TED OOUilITTII{T PIIAS OOI{TACT TED XS$'trnG Of,TICE. AGNEEI'ENT TO ISIIJE FOIJCY tlrlaAm6ytcg lltb lrlrm6g Ctuprny, fdst9dto inbis cmgimciltar frcGomOuy' thottgb iE |8toi ftrt An{cm f,tfft{e llfr Copq, nf,crrtdto b eir Agl€Gmdas thc A$d' qgt6 to irrue a policy to yorr aoconiling to Sc tms-of tlir cmniurcot W[cu wo show thc polisy an(xtrt 8Dd yorn line L tbo pnpcee tnsuna in Sc[odrlo A fris mnituu ttcc@ c&ahto ar of tlc ConmimDrc ehown in Sc'b&b A Etencquirffi rlormbtc Cmtd brn trd bco nEf si&it sixnods & lhc Comifcot Oeerour Otigadm rndtrilis Cmnihcutwill dd. Alao, ourobligrtbaua&t thb Cotroitnlotwiltcod wb meFoliEy ir isEd ed ilEt mdigdinlo yo wilt bc rffme Fdby' On dligBtioo utrdElbis Cmad@il iE limIcd ty th3 fllowing: TtcProvidme in SahqblorL Tte R€qui$ttrs h ScsoduleB'I. Ttc Elocptioos in Schodulo 82.Ilp Dirdosuer end Coodidms mntEingl b lttil Oooniffi. Tbis Codtmcrtr is not vu&l without S&IEDIJLE A ud Soaiqe I and 2 of SCXIEDIILE B dacted- I'irrtAnrricr lldc hrunnce Coupuy w4TxrfuPrccidot P.l2 FilcNo: 6l5$ltft0{10'Elo STAI{IIABI' COMItrNME!{T FON TITI,E INilINANCE XSST'@BY F'irst Anerican Heritege Title Company fii:& .L.';';H:.i'j"tc.riiruirD * f/^^.e t€- 4a--e*-7- s€6y *W cmssgna Rpr l2 20oE s:36P1'l HPallsERJEr FRx n l2 llloNo: Sl3EllllltrdllETOulr?,tffi+t4f? PM*.rr COITIDITIONS I, I'EFINTIIONI(r) "Mo|tr8cn rnu EET!|T d.od ofttolr o3 otb!( Fudry iffiudilt iUi '1l,rU6 n-c*' lrar tiilo laddr rtrt jw ouauodvo acioc dn&r &qhg th t'flo roodlt b 6lawshcotho btd b loorbd-(o) "[od' mour &o hqd a soodominirm unft dororibod i! S{oduh A td rny implorJcrats or tto liod rlrliohrrrclptprty.2 LAIER DEIGCIAIb Ero@ioor ia Sohodulo B - Sdio I ury bo udodft rbow iry &fu,.licns m cncuntt8r|9r' ftrt e9p.|tr hr th. fth rin b prUio ruodr or lc coatod or rl|cbod bctwoo thc Conrnitnc Dclo rad th do o stiob r[ of tts R.qufol61fd15 of Sc,hodtlo B - Sogtion I u! urt. Ws dull terc m liatilif b )oo ttrtolulo of tli! utofuert3. EXISTII{}I}EFECTS If aay &&ctf liat or oaouDbrlro orirtiag d ConDitsrt llrto uo ut rloqll h Scldttlc B, rt! ,!rJt r|'God Soh;ub B b rboil tt d" If w& rnod Sctltk n r rhow lhoro ddccr, linr ot oocunbrooo+ rlo *ell bc lir4o b yo .loodtg e Prra$rpb 4 bdow unloo Wn [ar* of tiir idrmcioo rd di.l oot nll or rbou it in wddry,4. UhIITAITO{OPOUR,TIABIIJTT Our only oblil.dd is !o lril. 10 you tto Polioy rfcrcd !o itr ltfu Conmi!trroC *,tro 1ou hrw nst it Roquirriot. lf rr trvo ry libilty O 3ou Sr roy tor jno ia.,or bc.!! ds crc ia dhir C@6iblG4 our tisfiiy wi[ be li6it d o yuir stret ilur i"ud uv iu" dyial o rtir Oomibot rfror you dcd i! lood fihh lo; ' mrpU wftnth noqlittillotr rhom ir Sc,hlduh D-S{tiol o. ofinfoirtE wi6 ou ni ito corrot rny Ercoptiolr rloun ia Schcdub B. Scction2. Wc d.ll rot bc ti.blo 6 6e6 rhm to Folicy Lnorc rtmr ir SoDcdd! A of Ob Oomdnrr and or lblility it nrtilct to 0ro Itnr of rlo Polioy frru to bo itwd lD ],!u.5. q3IMSMUSTBEBAIIEDONTfiIS@MMTMENT fuy chh, rbthd or !d bd tn qlboaoG, whichlmr ny hrvo sgiilt ur oqte!CIi4 thtido E tto hd taur bo bocd m |Lir Cooaih.nt nd L tubjcot b itt t not. prscursxps NOrICE TO PT(FECTIYE OWNf,NA (A STATE ENT MADE,iS REQT,MED BT COU)RAIIO D{SURAITCE, REGil'LATIOI{) TGAFPKITXCTION qft.o fir C{d4ry oodrro tb dudng od ir rupo6lo 6r nocrdiU c fthg tc tcfrl &c.nord tutirg no,6 tto ttlgito, ttc Cory.ry $rU bo rc+oriblc ftr dl -.tt<r r|dl;l qrgorr oo tb lcord Filr ro tch doo .f Fcediag c 6lirg. MDCEAf$CA IIf, IT PnIilECTION U5rsu ao r toSm of e ri$te tgily !*if!.o. pc mey rcqp* modoio'r 'lia orrng: b to hnnd o ywr poliy d hrormo. tf fto popsty bciog p|trT;hllod b rt ba eo nu.c of cultrgioq inprsvuotr c ]Erh in ltc lrt rir !d5 FiD3 b lb drb of ttir oooiumt ttc G@ir@db will bc prynot dtho qfrWbo pnnnim rd fu co$du of ra Af6drir rd hdnnfty ry tt Dll6. If tDs gsfety *lng pBd|rcd ru o6rtnct!4 brFFtEd or ropirsd wirli! dr aooAr prior b |t drtc of 6lr omnilrol tbrqiruo ory imln dirdm of c.rbi! trarldrl io$cort'rn, fqmct of frooiror rad idrnity, ancg drr* Ibo fncrl cryicmooo md ebor lo rutioct b6e rsvirion n! eppnornl of 6o Cmpy. SPECIAL TAXII{G DI8TRICT NOTICE (A Ndico Girto h Coafrroity Wtt tlodm f(l..l l-l1l CI,S.) Tho art$Gt bd nry bo looud b e rpocLl uing didice r ca.rflhe of trr6r dro lidsg crA utg jridfutio fl bo otrrimd fro &o c{ety t&urG c ttr orq trtruul r*taind |lG, rC iMin EgrfiEr|t rDodal dfuica rd rbo bunderb of rct diruic0 uy bc olldrd fioa tho band ofcoungooorirdmag tlo oorrf ei.rt erd $add.r, c ttc ooqty uE !so.. FRIVACY IROilFE $('R CUETOMERS Ws will ac sst ryhlic pcnl ilhildiE !o.!y dtdrl modlirtod or!|oid.[ uClr rr br! bn rdorizod by |tcectm, caonq|italtyhw. OONSUMTN, DTCI,ANAM}N STATI$IBNT Thir Coolmod &c fitlc Isrro nry irlodc e Sclcddo E cccAdo.neenc b ccdcd aidearr l&d r drtd coa hoe bsa rvd!4 Lrrld, a dir*bs oarqod 0,or to nr&oo !#. If ertjh n&loc ir lsds tho|' is s &atid ludileod tlel o tlid pry ror& omordl irlot h <d gs ol6c abrnk, c fpdrrdrqy ia tho gnp<y- Tto ntkood nirgnl crc ray iddo lhe dths ro otc sad ur t firFrty {i*f,s lho cor&EG otursl poirrin- Ycn nry bo dlc b obth fitls irltds oo$rsgo rlgrrdiry rry rruh Fhdod Gitql oSeb rortrnoc ud ilr o6ct upo yurr mcerEp. .Ask fou tillo corlpoy rqcolohlivr &r .id.t'ioo yrilL lti! irrra Rpr 12 2OOE 5:36P1'l Connlhent No: RSERJET FRX P. 14 Policy Amotmt $ TOCOME 3. (l) SlrndrrdOrcnPolicY TBD Proporcd lrorcd: I|cc sinph idcrcrt in fte lild dc|tribcd in thb conuitu,[t fu ord d tte conmitmert IIj3 by: IbnradOb€rlobr TbG Lrd rc&rrtd to il thb Connitncff t rlcrcribcd lc follGl: Lob ? .fd E, Vail Hcighds, Filirrg No, I accodiqg to the rccorded plat froreo4, Coulty of Esglg $trtrof Colcub. (for bfrrndioal prupodos wlyl 2179 St' McitzWay, Vail, CO t1657 PREMIIJM: OwDs! PolicyTBI! 04'll2nffi6 421:48 PM pk PK 97s.00 First Amcrican lleritage Tifle Company COMNdITMENT SCETX}U[,E A 6l$EOl1lttI|t61(>EtO 1. Connltn.trt Dde: lt[Nrch 30' 2t106 rt 6;fi] AJ[' 2. Policy orPoliciel to bcirrucd: Hpr 12 2oo6 5:36P1'l HPjISERJET FRx P. 15 o4nz/2q,64:ufirupkP'(FrlcNo.:5l9Eo11r3s6rGtlo fbruNo l344Al (CO{t) ALIAHdi r --FrEp Ceultm* SCEEDULE B- Sccthn I Roqdnncoc Tbc follortng rcquiremontr murt bc mct: & pay tleersod.norffi frrfrc idcmst intho lard aod/orfuthc mortUfge tobc icttrd' b. Payustb praniums, f€cs udchaps frrthepolioy. o. Oh,in a certificalc of tilcg rlue ftom tre courrytrcasuff s tho colty trrcegurcds antuial rg€nt d" TheAtrdsvit adlndemnity signodby lfunrad Obolohr adnoadzed e. The fotlowing doorncm *isfrcOryb us mltt bo rigncd ilelivesed nd rec,6dGd. l. Wafi6m!' pl63d flfrciflt to mrrry thc fec rinple cffi 6 idcrclt in &c led do$riH or rftrtcd to hdEin, to$c Ptopoted lruur€4 Sc'hodulo A ItE n 24. Z. Ttb Cmitrrcut is subjoct b stoh frrear Exccpd6 ud/or RcquicmcG as Day aP€ar ooscrt|ry whenthe name sftho (hopoced hgure4 Scls&lc A Itffr 2s) haE b€€o disctGed. Thc following Etcriat whici my nc rccessarily bc rccordo4 Eutst b€ ftnaishcd to fr€ Coqlny to its satir&srimto'wit: f. Cdeliuce with thc provisims of Sscim 39-f4-l0e Cobrado Revisd Stefis68, Eqrfuiry conplction md filing of a Reel Propcty Trmsftr DeclarUim. & Evidcocc catisfrrtoryfo tbo Coryany of Corylirnoc with an onilitrncc eording e nel ectaie trdf€r tax- wi&in &c Townof Vailtogrthcr wi6 all amendmcNlts 6€rsb. NOIE: IF TIIE SALES PRICE OF THB SUBIECT PROPERIY EXCEEDS $IOO.MO.OO TIIE SBTLER SIIALL BB REQUIBED TO COMpt-y WIIrr TIIE Drscro8uRE oRwnHHorJ)INC DRrOVllltONS OF c.Rs. 39-22{04.5 NONRESIDENT WnHHOLDING). HP LHSERJET FHX 16P.Fpr 12 2OOG 5:37PM 0{lltTOO6 4;t*Ul FU lkIK FormNo f:rg-![! (Co.'88) ALTAneIrofnfcOEdhn0 E[rNo.: Jl$lOllrS{l]ETt' SCEEDIILE B- Scction 2 Erocpdor Arry poticy we irruo wil hrrc the folhurlng erceptlou ud€ll thsy rrc tdcn crrc of b our trtisfrrtlo!: Tace aod Atlo8@ffirrot cctifiedtoth€ TreasurEds (}4EcG. Any ftc6, righls, idercsts tr claims rrhich arc nct shown by ihc lnrblic rccords b,ut wtich oould bc dlt"irJt b!, aa inspoction oftc laad otr bydaling iD$iry of pertons in poescEsion lbcreof' Ba$aec, or clsims of cemonts, d slrwn by public rcoq*. Discrcparcic+ coOies in bondary lin€r, ihdttgc in arcq .nfioachou$c, and any ftds thich a aonocf cu11ct'and idpcsdd otrtc hld rrfudd dirclorc, ud wtich are aot rhown @ rhe public records' Aoy lieq or right to a licn, for lcr\ricor, labor or rndrcrbl hsrqofurc c lscafter ftrnisho4 funpoccd by llw aod not rhowa by thc public recorde. Any and atl rryrid tocet, asrcsr@tt aod uoredcoocd u:r sales- Ractvatiom ard c*ccpiurr in pdcds and in actr efiodziry tb, ;ir issuamc as the EanG may a'ffcct thc sutdcct ptopoily nd rfcificaly, thc rigb' of tto prqriac of a wil q lods to extract ard rtmove hic qP td€ficilr inoritC tsismo bai6und to peastrsto or iut€flroct the premiros as sot futh ir Unit€d Stat€c PUtt reordcd Ocfobcr 14 fgf t in B@k 93 at Pagp 30f; and aly and all atrignrncttc thet€of or idctEd tb€rein. Ree€crdioos aad erocgtims in paW aDd ads ardflidlg thoir irguanoc as ttro €sloc 4.y aftct thc mbjecf ptop€rty gra ryeci6crtty; the dgE to ditchls sd nxewoin us€d in cmostion with vsslcd and acciurd-wtbr tighl UrftllhEtr$,ih$o tBarvstiu of o riSbof-wsy frr diSch€s ad c8!ab ooogttttcotlW &c auttority of ttc unfoa st8tos as lct furfr in unitcd Statcc Paw reoorrdcd october 14 1918 in Book 93 0Prgs 301. Cweram, couditiou sod r€$tric.tiolq which do rct iaclude a forfd'ture or r€verter ohure, sa forth in the iEmum€ur rscodsd fuobcc fO, f959 b Bo* 2f6 d Dqge 1J3. Provisiru t€gsrdhg ncs, aolc, ctl9c4 ard fdbnal origi4 if aoy, ac dclctcd Easd!€d3, colditi@s, ro$rioriong md lsenatioos os sbrnn qr rwtrvod on tho rccordod Plst of V*il Hciglfr Subdivisioa Filtng No. l, rocordcd Jurc 25, l%9 in Book 215 d Pry 483. Earqnm, ootrdition, rwniCiqo ud rescryaliooe as shor! or res€fl/Ed d lhe map d Vail lloigh(u Cordominiums, rccodcd lv[ry 15, 1973 in Book 229 fiPaga t32. Covoaob, condti66.o"d rcgtrictionc, qfrich do nd bclude a frr&ibre or rsvett€r churg ast forlt in 6c instrgnrccrt rccordcd IWay 15, l9?3 in Book 229 st PagD 131. Pmtrisi@t rogardiog race, color, crced crd rdiou.l 6igig if ary, erc ddded" 13. rtn corcm€ot for Uadcrgrouud rigb of way aad incidadal purpccs granted to Holy Cr,oos Enerry by thc l. 2. 6. 7. 3, 4. J. L 9. to. ll. inctnm€mt r@ord€d o Fdmrary 25,2fi)O d Reccptio No. 723,f5t. Fpr 12 2OOS 5:3?Pl*l RSERJET FHX p. 1? lits No.r .illElllll!0dGDTOo4r?Jlffi 1:r4n7 PM 1tPf,' 8oo Na 1344-Ba (cO{E) At Li[Pf& IrryI! Oldlhtdt SCEEDULD B- Section 2 ExccPtioc (Cootmcd) 14. Tcoq cdditi@r, p,r!witi6s, agrcqrds oal dligerions-g9q""d in thc tnftarfruouc Conguction ;eF"r,tat t*.,*i d Juc l, 2il14 tRmlrioNuubcr t73985' 15. Tccns, mditions, provirionr, q9eg8€n6 tnd oblig4lgt- coctaincd in tbc Tcur4 Cod|it td vault Agrrc-d teotdJ o I 10305 d Rcccption tJurdcr 395719' Fpr 12 ZOOG ?: 29P!l HP LHSERJET FFXo p.3 ?.2Fpr I I zOoG ?z 4?P]1 HF LRSERJET FRX 'lnfrcdr.itnrha ft Lor.f ,-tl$u $etatffi | L\q1,err\^op\rau)+ ilNp rrrifivippRoyArryEnrrrcrrrdr V*tL,, r|I- urn snE b !.dfv or|| 0ta.FoF.d hrprcvrrilrs w! mt hrplcf rq -Edng or lroFrd uUfV |El,lar rrC rb Or||ll *t'lcrmabultv rcd lsrlEr.fs acr infivcict r,ra 4* orir.i n *r-u*io"-,rfft pr.p.*i-,1*',ril-i- ffi,ffi,rf;ff 1* *ral em6 *,', rtc-qrtr.-rrt -*ffiil rnrn b r'L'lrdi - t,f-rlrIitr" !@iI[trtr ilrrfnm.slarrc (d) r / rroSfaos?lit4iY grr.6rotu (rr)fff= Stt W|t|n {!tr!aonrrton HCTTOn||PIFFUntCA' ,?E !6t.O7a.(B),?!,rofl{cr (tu)OtArRrh$rll tnrqE$IcrttcrrB'frsrzs (utqn,rrs,.st.(tr0ffic! JrllVrsnrrftEnaiilEil"dn itEL .-r,llclr.lxtrav . ttu.2el.toga (fd)@tcl:'rf &$rtt 0.25fra0!l ldr?rlre Dert rturn|rwffirrtt[tttloilD[!ruCtta.{7t.7{oGDtn ?A.m&Ocr||* iix||b.OrllM.$c Gilftrs|arrlr 9[4tf.2169 c. u0oItjl9[.168.1611(h0 @tEcF lildDftrrbrd* fiirrrodr.arrf{lo tgEs{TF r{If-rpgurl I v'nc|lon tbnr lrel.:rm*lrFrron.$ grhc uulFf collPrnb, ria no ommnts.r! mrditilndl, ar rt.g tu't ur yuna rrll Frnr untitlnn m tdJrra itta ur.d'drp#-nt crr, p,u.d. z l' r rt{Q emprny hr untm lfir hcgoal mnrul.ldm, fE ulH rc9rcstrtltiuc rtrdt noE dltily cr th uilftwliouon ftnn Utrt hGn b r protlrn rnoi mtir- b - ,rlbd, 'riaEirjrda.rro * oamn 6 A-iritrd tcrb ihe rcrn of ttrt Hilew,'pbr nO n nhi ultlii r$-n##rn'0oiFii'rffiantrrf irU liliil*rt rfDfr'|ltdlflrdeemrl* 3. T||g fillc|Uo|rt rb not EIG,-| ur. oft|(la of thc rt#Onatllv S obbh r fuilc Wry plrdt h,n lr OrD|rtrnt ctr.rbr&wod6rsu'cro,ncv1rr41qggnu.qpl{l{(i{l6iiilbro--ry-i.ut-dliafr ;--fE tfil uilth $r Tourr of \rrll. !!L EtPi b Eqt{t t.ld .0tttl b ttmlt rrt nMsxl dnMoc b urc riltr3 tbf tr.t0ot .t f n nritdr tlrr[rM ,hlt .tt |h.1 h my.riy dE du rrhorfd dgn&n clE (unhli Orqtc iedcrfv rg l|titr ci-s rEr.rr. dUtslbfln), FPr l4 2OOG 4: 25Pl''l SILtEIlffi'lE FP HP IFSERJET FHX l,tgoooeutoot Hr rs il o:31 P,tz p." Lar 6, UAIL ++eSt{ruS J\X1 5{ uNWSIb "X,L,,il-Yfll:,ilH;;;; tL\r t r '.;-1'-" ifL d,'rt.' lH'frHA* * vufi tttt lhc propo:d irmpoerrtnB will not Inplct ilry cxitfing or proposed ugtiV sqrrter, rd .tto to vsrtry !!nfl9 lqhblllty .nd h@!on lbr na , coosbgctlon rnd CrouH be u3cd ]n conJurrctbn wfttr g'rp.rl€ your r.rllltV phn rodr(tldullt|g lld€lleuml A dle ghn, i'rdudlrg gnrdtlg plln, floor pbn, and clstlfir, shdl be srtrntttcd to $e thllotilh, nitities ? ax CL) (9 js 7|-g. tar tDDfotrrt ild vlrilfEaton qmSr 9t0.5rr.7L89 (bel) 910.10r.0157(fs) 970,687122 (teil) Oontlct: $rw WlEr 5ll$trCort*.@rn ErcELl|lEH Ef,tSSrrE CtlS 970.26207r (d' 9m.{6&r{u (fu) cont|e Riclrslcremt HOtVCrOs3 EICC?RIC 970.917.5{25 (tcl) 9m9r5,{Er (fu} Conbct JeffVnoonr lEoo@hpfyqss{,seo EXEILEI{ETEY 970.261{038 (far} conttft3i Klt losrfi 970.262,+02r lodtcrlnc lacc llSl.cRwEBWArnr EI!|8TAYIOII DEINTGT t70.r76,r{co (tcr) 971L{7t,{089 (fcrl conbcti frEd Hfflec lhr&orud.sc col|c/r3TGlltE 970,'t66,2669 e|c. lr00 (H) 970.{64262 (hr{Cori*t 6rid Dorc.rbr*lu dolErGcrlrr.dncrt. 6E At$elltllgsolrlr Gonrmentr er! &u.uo.t (o*ME Au- U^@b tr Ttl>l,o*^.,t API l! m Iqr$t, |f tha udllty aFptoyal & vtilncNflr forn Mt signaturo! frorn !.ch sf thc ritilty comFenEs, rnd no @nvnerts It rn?de dtncrdyqn lhg ?fin, tllg ToN/n will flauma th th.c rr. no problemr r'td thc devabpment cln proeed, 2, lf ! rtlllty omprDy llE @nclmt wfUr de FopoeF con5trudlqr, tlrc ultlity represcntfiv. shllt not" dlrcdry dl tl! uUlWtfiific'tkn tbrn th.t tts. ls r fden wfik'| nrrdr io bc rlrdrud, The F€se rhsdd tnen bc &triled h rn ilbchld lcfrtr b tfic Torvn of Vrll, t-lowwrr, plce hccp lD mhd Urrt it B th€ trspoffi{blw of t}re u$lfy ompany and ftc rrglcrtt b csdvc ldentficd probhms, 3. Ttr. nr[lcrdon] do not dlcvc thr anurbr gf d|! rapodbllty to obtrfn a Rrbltc way Fcmlt from tte olp.rtilnt gf R$ilswalc at thcTowtof Vrl. Uillltr l*'rtlot trrt h ablrrd bbn dlsrha In rny njUC rigt*'otwlf of cu6,iltrt wniln $C TOrm of Vrl. A hulldltr ornnlt b rot r PuHla llfrl Frrrrft rld nrrrt br dtdnrd rcfrrrtrt ThcOaclgcrls rcryhd rt'td t0r06! to n bqi|t !ry rwilrd dtawlngrb the ut$lt.3fr rc.rptrovrlE G.rritlcrton llth€ Submltbd plm! a|e rltscd in lny wty dtcr thc tuthorilcd ihnrtuf! drr! (unless othrndse fgedflcrlly nohd within U! co|nmrntrrt d thk torm). Otldopcfi ggndlrc f :\ab F$nMSyry1nqgv'|rnfigDRnrrb rddrtbn. u-3.loosdoc tlrte Pogc 9 of 14 .r 1/zJl100s flPn hPF 14 2OOG 4:25PM HP IRSERJET FRX .-. p' 3 , xc'-,$tf.tlT cry '-;;i[;;;n"l--"^ Fpr t4 'o;;''* P'01 , '- rf?o-o-e irSlPll HP Lr'lsEl(JE l FnA";-\,rtr i ,yl*g H?.f: 'UJ nr v^owrz utrt A\l21 'unuwrtpRDvrttwrmcrrrol V+{\- ilHH*#ffi2#ffi#fii affi'Ilrlr gulr rr 2 I\.t' oI' sD, ,tl7' E ffi,-r.,rogt!!$,oltrm n0tttoilrl(orlOI|B Drlru|[l '6n@lcB BtrlflriltilEtrffa|lrt'.tg,.f5?l{d}inq4fl,$or(|b)Bfi.! lli slfll BVCilIl|CTrlEtl!.xr,t{u0r)it0.f{t,aoll (frrl6d|t! Jrtv|lcrl+ffilG lntltrlar .lt4ltl,.tQl| Grr)atanDtilSqin{cfr$r||lett utrr|wlfmrtrlrl|'IAIICIDI'IIGT 9?0,+lt,trtr irrar* trnn Urr Tcwr oltfiL fltr ttttF ll |Irill ila lrf D rrttl rvrf,ha iqttt D Sr t|tfil.F? nl?lgd I trdncdut t lf '|!fltEo gtnr r't rtst kr r,|' x? rF 0|3 rullrld rrnif ft! Gfurr ;t!tr|l.,i i-nar ruc sll ltt 6r llatrdilllbttt|l' Hoill|'ltlDtr, Prnrr1trtulril,|ifrflErLl]3"''!. nFR lt rG ?1116 rtaElf FRGE.E os+ta{otttfto' cnEtt Fr{ ltdl Ga|CrarcltEtnJ|ttilal d,uol6)nMniltl(Frl'sttrcE lllra@': lffil nnrv rmrerrr r- f,il'6n fom lrr ftml,. trm rch d thr uurr cnrprtr+ na rn onilr'r 11 mc siuil'q;il tif, d,. rr"-,r drfril; tin fi; ;i;t';*r"a ro rr aatosn.it .rn of!d. I tr r rllr e|llrrr ilr sEq Hrn q!.9tF* qtnt'ff} ltr Jblt nFt#':|'-at iil |EE 'rdt r! h ult r'or'r 3,in u"ruaa,r.6fifr"l,ir[F.e nrovra--.-iii-!ili;id !t !-D.deUd h ]t -l*ncd nlt E tu tlwn ot $rr. norr51,iffi'dildt'ffi t - ti b dft|o;5ttt c $' ut1 6"j1rv 11 I: "lbnr 5 rd|llofrtlD|lB'rtrt t.rhrfd1iclcil.5,61131ir.j3rtr#clh,rrlsrirb:F r-.l|itcwtltPt?'iilrE ti|.Dtrt[tldn*urlrrthtrtrrvfiEi E111!5.ffi* Hpr 12 2006 ?:29P1'l HP IHSERJET FHX O p'rt rpr-u-!b08"11rfu Frcr-ElfnD O et0att{039 r-e$ p.ootloo! f-ulFpe 11 aoo6 asllPn HF Ln-c|irEr rrtft' ' a Lcrr -l rl*ru +Et6uts ztot-l Dr {opwu' b-}A. *$[P --' -iriliwrrprovnrwnrrrrnii t ]r\tU . n?lql!..Erup.qilrt$hcprqsdhrFu,tncitrwrlinotnP|c!ryq[E.lt !rg|lpod rtttfitf Griq, hdltDbI lEi, llilki lrthGy 1g latdcr lrr rrr ffl.hfl'L.rA rxl dr.nta h- rrrzr r mrr r a rr-h m.rirr r-.-.-r. -l--I uqygettri u4uwrnd hdm-frirrrr s'rriFb-inirifi't;rffi tr-ffi;efi'lnt mi;ffiil;iffiFn-\ 1ld. _ltlHuhe ;llamhfir i rh plm, liofdrlg gnfirg pfin, lloor phn, rd daaoltr, $rlt !r ririlEd' o tr: ttitirm.. |!il$t6rryF0vdlrdyrr[F!00.Ji firfi!|{le4crarytn @nutr trll- - qrflff4 eJSS!S.ADF)I 970.38+e54f.0I' , 1r0,66?.ry(d,l .( etB &trttlitrrri' @q[ i rcuilartllsuruEta --'-- ffi " ' 9?!r!t.{07BGD7 qil.Jq!.1_,?qr(Er) Gilrb(t ftdrshrls,D llolYcrqrttuENnG ,n0,tt.sfzr (I|l 970.0{5.{00t.(tr). @tEtt Jc'lvmmMIEEs EGEImIEV . - -!'lirFF . ero.zt'"r'0il(infficB'Elqrtt70.2ar.@iErthctogat stoLl'mr!f,wfiEitTTETAIDIIUFilET9tufru{o(ulffi,ffi,iOe(tu)CdrF frtdlldcrtrrtrt!'r|it aE GofrclttGrur ',Bra:f€9d' trmltsD ',0..e.?617 flhoffi(t t|qlDortrtHdu &iEd.^6rEr+ayl "ly'o t@lfltr ugfy-rypnrl I vdldbn ftm Lr gn*,|l. frlrl|. Fdr 0t llr odlt empmlc, and ls cilm:rts ut.n*dl|tctycl$! lbil!.EFfilnwll na.l:tl*ticn rcnorftiirlsnr rnd ||tdwdrynqf cn p|!d. 2- I?-r uclltl or?rny hil anrcrnr ntr Uro p'Qiro Cntudoo. h. rolv,rcprsaHvc lHl t6 dli.ry oD fi. rt|ryrqillotoo fbrn hlc nrt b r prdlen whldr hcdt b b rFlvd. Thc bar *lcrH r|D bG Str[.d h rn itdrod ltiE $r llurl of lfiL tffittrr FEs lq n nuri ftt t fr Ere rerpilUny of !t3 rruilty onrplfiy ]il tl|| ffis* Ilc*hc ldqUltd tt?Udn!. S.llErrfrlltluoBo trdlltdchc ontnrbulo|r.|Eimflqbfrh I ?rDlslvay plldtfomhct|lgftnmof DuUlc ttttlc rr Ira Tou- of r,tl u||l|!r.-lE6a'rr Fr-* athqid El.- 4..r-= .. +r rarE +6JtE-ioililri r{fi !l| Tlum ctvlll. Tlrc Dsycbect Ir rqfbd urd rgecp b r$dt r.rf tlvtd rrrilrtrgr b Ur uilne lor rsrrgqd f t?atit*bn f (r .. ilIDatut pbns rr dfril in .ny Fy altsr !G drlroru.d JFem Ot! (unlrl odrarraa rgcdtcrtlt med UDh |hGGoirilatrrr otUEbm). tbillgpGrtSlgnrlut Hpr 12 ZOOE ?: 29PM HP IFSERJET FHX P.7, ' LoT tUA{t ttel6ffi3,7tq-1 * wVr7. qfr\-..rn- .ffi- " -*,'. ,," -J*:'.:T:'ff#':,,*.. *ff:,::t" venry scrvtct wailaUllty and locrU6n for neu'r drffuctO and shoutl be usei ln coniunClon urldr gcpcrlng your u$lty plan. ' and dredulfig hstallatlons, A dte pbn, Infrrdlng gndlng plan, flmr plan, and €hvatons, shrll be crbmltH b U! lbllowhg uHltE brapproal and vedllcaUon. euEsr 970.5F,7189 (E) 970i8,r.02t(tb,0 970.6g1,0n2(cd,t',) CorrtaclsE SEric\rJaErs srabrsOor,uei.com ETCEL ]IIGII PREIfl'RF GAS 970.252.,1076.(H) 970.{68.1401 (fbx) GonEct R'ltt Sitnerc HOIYCROSS ELECTRIC 970.947.5i125 (bD 970.9{5..t0E1 (Ex) Contrd JeffVmrr @@fttvcro$.gen EXCET ETIERCVgzo,zez.rorg (hi) @ftacb: lG Eogart 97D.26a{02.f lffitglne Bogcrt AulberEltlslcnllul!ge4lDllE D|E EABII RII'ERWATERi !'AIUIATIOTI DTSTRICT 970.476.7{80 (trD 970.{76..{069 (f!x) Contlcu F€d lhCc€ ftaslecOerwsd.om OOMCASTCABI.I 970.468.2q69 eNc 1100 Id) 970.,158.2672 (fa) conffi Jnd€ear JJ,^ilr*ttbradeh, dciEsocable.omcasLom - tro'ttS: 1. tf UE udw rpproral & verlfratlon form hu slgnahJras frpm cadr of tha rfiW compsnles, rnd no ommcnB rrc mde d|ecily d.l th! tbm, the Town wlll prcemc ttrat ttrerc arE no prcblerns and the development can Foceed. e If a u0llty cpmFny has @ncrfls wlft Ure proposed consbucilon" the utlllty rcpr€sentrdv€ shalt nsE dltidy m tfie ud[ty rarillcdon tbrin duturcre ts a problem vuhfffi needs to be resolvcrl. The isqp should then be dcttllcd ln an atlrdted lefF b ute Tovm of Vall, Howarer, phasc keep In mlnd tH t ls $c rcq,on-shllfty of fle utlltv compcny and the tPpllcant to re$lve lderuRea pablerns. 3. These yerlfidons do not rellene tie Go]ttsacbrof tlr rcspondblfity b obbh a hrbllc Way Pcrillt fiom &c DcP6Etltnt of R.D[c li\rorls at the Tovm of vall. lldlltr.lnraleor-old.tsidfhid,.Edec-Chgiug h Eny gublk tlglt of{vsy or easemilt wit'lin ttt Tolvn of Vall. A.brrltdtnq oarnrlt |r rEt r Puillc Wry pcmlt End muit ht'obtrlnd rDrt&lu. Thc Dardoper ls rcqulr€d and age* b submlt cny rodsed drawlngs b tne lfi|ntcg fAr reapprowl & rc-rreiflc.|ton lf the subriltGd plans are alEnrt in sny wdy afrer tie arJthodz€d slgnaure date (unle$ dreilvisc sP€dllcllly n@d wluln 0te cD|n'ilslta|e. d$bllorm), l)w 'c^bb cn <iL - Ll-t2'o(, Dqrdopet's Slgnaul€O€h { i-algc ! t) | Iv :'niLr'.i-- _....^. .L:. llvgBtrze €-( r"toG Ja? Lo- 1 E>teg^orc VA LL Setcc--Z t-*.*;on. ,':ljff&hYnt};':lf1 t!- .ri" ',..*,. '. lj r?, ,lt*if -' ' tl'\ 't i.a- 'v..ii.,- i I.,ti- , Products ltovrded by Lighting Universe Page I of Part Number: SKU: knufacfuret: Quanfty: Ilmenriors Finirh Optione: Glerare Options: Lamp Options: Dimensions: Application: llateriabr Provided by: 88321NB 10(x48{) Troy Lighting 'l Wdth: 7.5" - Height: 18" - Pn{erdkxr: 1O.5' - 11" TCD Natural Bronze Ckear Seeded (1)10&v A19 Med C 11" TCD Exterior Wet Hdr&forged wrought iron and seeded glass Lighting Unit/erse Product DescriptionlNotes : This small hand-forged wrought iron exterior sconce fiom the Garnelot Collection is finished in a Natural Bronze color and comes with dear seeded gtass.Note: Bulbs not induded. http ://www. li ghtinguniverse.com/prinlprinti ng-asp Page I 4/10/20C l{FF- 14-e@6 11 : 33P FRfI"t:O:3e8693 .Arthrl ltfoalr, p,A, Inc. NrunlllarbComfiaule 555 Cotlltynod 16 Gunnleor, @ t1230 TrlrF&.t {yr0}aar-}Uf Fctruory21,2006 Mr.$mrod Otoriohr 2EEBDevETrdI vdr, coSroft RE Foaibl md cDri}tuttffil l.oDo *rt 7, lrbit lEigtrb Dcarl*. Obrrbhr: Ar you l('law, I dfrd l.ots 6 rnd 7 m sa r6ftr ttrlw n*l'dry fi' drbnnfnG firdrcsrp drEro lsb b rEctnil ftd dlffi H. ThE F|hrltlg t|l|nfuilae myooFcludilr. t. Lof 3 b adupcld lo 'lolll cd.Drb ton td rr|l ||ot rled|rntggilor. Tb ddrdy -oA Ge rrd !orfh.-.hEh3 dG9ca.lFth. Eboplbcdrff rurbffifi tqB tltnqibrratrplbfiunt|rtrrllon Furfrrrue. lrbJf ds rE rrft rffie_ roctg'lEopplt{lttilprm.o r |acffilhcrrd2. lot t {locrha tnarrdrbfi b Or ril d t-d 3l b rffirtt er*clrdtrn .fD'. ftm r.ra b rncpor.t 5 morifl' rnrrGi rt[ rrlh r4trd. f,rfrrb tfr rhfrrqr t.ot6, |rilrb |Dit qmpffr an ndbabd&oyctdZ Plrcnontrolnrf ntrudiDdt|r}{arl. Snildy, Otrc-"JJlloaa Ar0||rl. r,h|!, P.E P.: o Lcgal dcscription: Lot ? _- Block Addrcss Arch itcct lTrJ.^ rau.4 ^Zonc district Lot sizc Tohl GRFA ri[ng tjarl t-lai#l Pbonc Phonc }:f::o usc .XL {q.n1i *Buildablc arca_._j Existing Proposcd Total = 5rflS=--Jt'tLl- R cmaining z,?!/6 Allorvcd -- Sitc Covcra!c Hcight Sctbacks ls thc propcrty n on-con formin g? '! IMinirirum tcf,Ln 3'/6, Requircd 5 lg,?66 % a91 3 Encloscd = 7,L9/3(/ i J :i '1 1 20' .15, t5, z/ \ ,a ktb(3oo) (5oo) (eoo)d11m) 3) Wcrlands 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc_ Pcrmittcd Sf opc l0 07" proposcd Slopc Z to 2to Ycs .,/ No Ycs__Z_ No l) Pcrccnt Sfopc (<>30%") Ves I 2) Floodplain ufn b) RocHall c) Dcbris Florv z4t6 (5 (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar %) tt a >..i,t Projcch _ . U SURIEY Scalc -.:_ Bcnchmuk'l + Lcgaldcscription j- LorSizc Utility locations Spot clcyations lr LJ SITE PLA}T Sitc Covcrage EavcVovcrhangs (4) DESICN REVIE}Y CHECKI,JSI,' . q FLOORPbNS Buildablc tuea Eascmcnts. :___ Topognphy I00yr. floodplain Watcr Coursc Sctback . Environmenlallhzards 1 CondoApproval Ptrotos of sitc Buil ding ngtcrial samplcs C.O. Vcrification .' Y iqrv Corridors . __. Vqdmccs plir rcstsiciions l,6"pfl*lrrts lrtl r Design Review Board ACTION FORfYI Department of Com m unity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:97O,479.2.N52 web: www.vailgov-com Proiect Name: Project Description: HUBBARD LOT 7 NEW SINGLE FAMILY Location: VAIL HEIGHTS LOTT Loh 6-9 Block Subdivision: VAIL HEIGHTS SUB RL 1 2103-114-0103-7 BOARD/STAFF ACTION DRB t{umber: DR8060101 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 06/06/2006 Participants: OWNER TRENTHUBBARD PO BOX 8388 2656 DAVOS TRL O4l L3|ZO06 Phone: 418-4806 AVON co 81620 APPUCANT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHmCT LLO4lr3l20O6 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 Licenser C000001843 ARCHmCT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHmCT LLO4|L3|2OO6 PO BOX 4701 EAGLEco 81631 License: C000001843 CONTRACTOR THD COLOMDO INC Ml L3l2oo6 Phone: (970)748-0862 PO BOX 8338 AVON co 81620 License: 280-A 2T79 S'I MORI'IZ WY VAILProject Address: Legal Description: Parcel Numben Comments: MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DUNNING DANTAS 4-0 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rwiew committee(s). Cond:0 !r (P|-AN): DRB apprcval does not @nsdtub a permit for building. Please onsult wlth Town of Vail Bulldlng personnel prlor b aonstruction actlvities. @nd:201 DRB approval shall not become valH br 20 days followlng the date of appronal. Cond: 202 Approna! of this proJect shall lapse ard beome vold one (1) year following the da$ of final apprwal, unless a buildlng pemft b lssued and onstrucdon ls comrnened and ls dlllgen$y pursued toward compleUon. Cond: CON0007952 Flre sfinkler system rcqulred and shall omply wlth NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. @nd: ON0007963 Monlbred fire alarm qpem rcqulrcd and shall qomply wl$ NFPA 72(ZXl2) and VFES standards. Planner: Bill Glbson DRB Fee Pald: 1650.00 o ion n Review New Construct Application for Desig Depaftmeflt of Co.nmunity Development 75 Soutfl Fonbge Road, Vail, colaado 81657di 9m.479.2128 fax: 9m.479.2452 Yveb: r$$Y.vailgw.@m General Informatioru All prols resiring dxn$ revi:w rnlst reeive apgpval pfor to srbnning a buiHirp permit appll?tion. Pbase refer to tfre shniUal rcquiremenb fur the paftirrlar appronl that is rcquested. An applicatirn fur Design Review cannot be a@pf, wrtifi all rcquired infiormation b reeived by tfre Community Darclcpment Departnent The pmject may also need to be rwieured by the Torvn Counql and/or the Plannilg and Envirmmenbl Cornmission. ilsigii reJiew apgronal lapses unless a building pefiiit b issued and consirudion comm'enes within orn year of the approval. Dessiption of t'|€ Requesc c7do 0\ o -\o \ Location of ttre Proposat: L* a Aock:- glbdivisbn: Phyrd{al Address: parcef rro.: ZtoE-ll{ alcrS?(Conbd Eagle Co. Assessor at 97G328€e$ tor parcel no.) Zonins: ?AVA&L(//ScaNo^Pr( Hame{s)ofowner(s): T?Elf ftc{;e'izr MailingAdress:7o o9#dreroo Name of Applacants Mailing Address: Phorc:rq ,c tr Signsfl Cone*ual R*iew ,{ Ho"ConstructionO Addition tr MinoAfEratixt (muhFf amily/cttrterciaD tr Minor Albntlrn (tingb-fiamryl&Pl€x) tr Changes b Approved Pbts tr Sepamtirn Rerpest $50 Plus $1.00 per squae fod of bbl dgn area. No Fee ,-€n For cotsuction of a noY fuildfp or defib/rebuRd' \fuf For an additbn where square fucge is added to any residential or conrmercbl bulldng (ittcltldes 250 adrfitinm & interhr convenions)' $250 For minor dnnges b buibings and ste imfo'ernents' srcfi 6, rsroofirE, PaintirE, windovr additjons, landscaping, fences and retaanir|g walls, etc $20 For mirpr dlar€€s b btlildings and site imprwements, sudt as, retoofing, paitting, v{indov', additions, brdscapitlg, fences and t€tahing vmllS etc t20 fr revlc?tts b pbns already approned by Hannirg Staff or the De*n R€$eilt Boatd. No Fee E-rnail Address: TOWNOFVAIL. COIORADO Statement Number: R050000359 Arnount: $65O.OO 04/L3/2O0609:01 AIVI Staternent Tnit: iIS Notation: 2o1L/r$D Palment Method: Check COLORADO Permi t No: Parce1 No:Site Address : IJocation: This Pa)ment: DRBo 6 0101 TlT)e: DRB - Nerr ConEtructsion 2103-114-0103-7 2L7 9 ST MORITZ WY VAII., VAIIJ HEIGHTS IJOT 7 $5s0.00 Deacription DESIGN REVIEVI FEES ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003!72200 Total Fees:Total AIJIJ Pmts : Balance: s5s0.00 $5s0.00 $0.00 Current Pmts 5s0.00 I.4ATERIAL 1 COLOR tsOARD IIATERIAL9 AND COLOR SUMI-IARY DRDGL METAL ]ERRA COTTA 1TJCCC VENEER 91O COLOR TIASOO 'PEARL' i/,{lNpot"{ ALUM. 6LApgIERRA PACIFIC - 5A6E 6REEN }frE CNLORED ELEVATIOI.IS AJPEFDF-'K TRANSPARENT $tqot @EDAR) ,ELK" 4O-YEAR(DLOR' ANTld,E 5LA-IE 6ALLE@5TONE CASTLEPEAKLEDOE 9TOI.IE HEADER - COLOR TO MATCH BODY STONE Hubbard - Stltoritzlot 7 tot ?, vdl Hcight liliDg I