HomeMy WebLinkAbout5027 Main Gore Dr--Eia holn '/+/, Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 tax.970,479,2452 web: www.vai lgov.corn frb/E / ootinmtY CEI/EL0FMEI{I Project Name: SCHINK REROOF Project Descrifiion: RNAL APPROVALTO REROOF WTTH CEDAR SHAKES SAME FOR SAME Pafticlpants: owNER SCHINK JAMES & ApRrL 0711312006 2OO E MNDOLPH DR STE 6100 CHICAGO rL 60601 APPUCANT PLATH CONSTRUCIION PO BOX 3367 EAGLE co 81631 License: 148-8 CONTRACTOR PI.ATH CONSTRUCNON 07 | t312006 Phone: 328-5515 0l 1312006 Phone: 328-5515 PO BOX 3367 EAGLE co 81631 License: 148-8 ProjectAddress: 5027 MAIN GORE DR NORTH VAIL Location: 5027 MAIN GORE DR Legal Description: Lot: 1-A Block l Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDffiON Parcel Number: 2099-182-0400-1 Comments: SEE CONDITIONS DRB Number: DRB060309 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvah 07 Jl3l2O06 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction actlvities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. C-ondt 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date r.{\. rj. | .c-t I- \ ..: C\*( 1\ .:.$Cr t. I 't! r' r'\qf j -'i'r\. of llnal approval, unless a bu[dlng permn b bsued and @nstuction is commerrcd and is diligenuy pursued tol^rad csnplctbn. Plennen Joe Suther DRI Fce Pald: f20.0 'l Ganeral lnformatlon: At proiecrs reculring deelgn tsvlow must rcccile spproral pdor to submlttlng a bUlldlng P.ermit applicatlon' PleaE€ rsfir t6 he suo,nlnal reqrtlrer,mnb br the penicuter spProval that is requeted. An applloeuon for Deden Rtvro'r qannot be aeepted untii att reqUlrrod inrormatlon tS riietveO by the C6mmunity Devclop'nent Dopgnmenl. The t,rEl€cl n6y also nmd o be rgvi€wgd by tre TOwn Coundl and/or the Planning and Envrbnmontal Cornn ksion- boitgn r.vt.w rpprovtt lapscc unlei a bulldlng parmtt ls lrrued ond Eotgtfuclion commcnc'3 wlthln $ne lroat of the approval. Dsecription of the Rsquestt -tIeL-A€. rdru/4" -Aalla -flnt't '/n-tzrIE&--- rAE-A',EL-xytL--pt--JrAtzz,---cJ!4zcg-- t-ocsuenotth.Proposrl: Lotr ilQ Broch ]'fl $rbdivicion;-Qg$q!!G.-61!--elAtD1 Phyaieal Address: ',$Ln t{.n$l - Ge-e=-9r'--.''--..- parcetl,to.: aoqq\g?o{ 6oL (contacrEasil.co.AE€e6sorat970€284640forparcel no.; ilon ine : N a m o (a ) o f o wrr e r ( s ) : --l*f tS"4'-g+.'L-L"!;-!-- til a i I ins Add rcss : -- .-LO-O--f@-6tOp--- Owner(e) Signature(s): lrlure of Applicant: lvlaiJlng Addroso: E-mrll Addroas:*tlr -,J23-'55Lo Plu0 $1,00 ppr wueru foot of totll €ign 3reF. For comtucdon of a n€w building or demo/robuild. For gr rddltlon wlren squaB foolage b ddad to arry r€sidential or anrmadd buildiig (hclud6 250 Eddition€ & Intsdor cpnva6ion6). fu mlnor clungf b buildlngs ard riti improvgrnenb, sudr -,6ruonn9. painting. whdow .dditbns, FndgE pine , tehcss and rteldng wtllr, rlc. For mlnor chgrgE lD buildingr and dit? i,nprovrmgnb, such 6. rcroofrng, p3nhng, vylndorr addltlong. lendccrping, fgnc€6 ano rdrlnlng wlb, atc. Fv rrddonr lo da|)3 already spprot€d by Planaing S:taff or tho DrdgnRcvlcwBord, 9?@4?5e,671 P.AL. JUN--;\A-2446 13: 51 UAIL REALTY Application for Design Review Ogpanmsnl of CoYtmunity 0av0l0pm0nr --.75 gorrth Frontagr Rod, Vdl. Colorado 61057 lel: S70-479.2139 lar: 970'47e2a52 wob : wr*'v.ci.reil.co.ug % @oo g, o\r) :D TOWN OF VAIL.foza /f*,, 6*n fL. TOTAL P 81