HomeMy WebLinkAbout770 Potato Patch #17 21010631903175 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 303479-2 I 07 / FAX 3O347r2 I 57 Ofice of Town AttorneY November 4, 1993 l[r. Raymond L Petroo, Jr. Holme Roberts & Owen, Attorneys at Law 1700 Lincoln, Suit€ 4100 f)enrrcr, Colorado 8(}20t1 Dear Ray: As I inalicated to 5l9u in a tclephone convergation, I have discussed the restdctions on Unit ti,ZZOPotato P;tch Ihive wiih Kristan Pritz of our Conmunity Dwelopnent Departnent' Due to the circumgtances oncerning the use restrictions on the unit by Vail Ordinance No. 39, Series of 1981, we would be wiIing to work with vou if vgu hail { !P!9{u1ity to il.hr* th" caretatefs unit which ig now being offered for eale Uf F" FDIC. The Town'B-agreenent to l€move the restriction conveyanq would be conditioned upon fia"i"S an appmpriate regtrictiou on the unit pursuant to the Tova-'s Employee Housing i-Srlitio". Thj" i5e Fstriction would oemanentlv reetrict the unit as an employee-houaing .to]t "" defiaed in the houeing ordinanae" I haoe enclosed a @py of the Town's ordinances i! that regard for your consideration. If you have any questione or comnents, please feel ft'ee to contact me' Very truly yours,6^yi.* R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attomey RTr\[/dal Encloeure i*ror", HousrNG' Chepter 1857 EMPLOYEE HOUSING Purpose. Employee housing units (EHU) gener- ally. Applicability. Type l-Employee housing unit. Type tr-Employee housing unit. Type Ill-Employee housing unit. Type tV-Employee housing unit. Type V-Employee housing unit. Jo Sections: r8.57.0r0 18.57.020 1E.57.030 18.57.040 1E.57.050 1E.57.060 18.s7.070 1t.57.0E0 a f 8.57.010 Purpoee. The Town of Vail's econony is largcly tourist based and the healtlr of this eoonomy is preni$ed m exemplary servicc forVail's gucss. Vail's Ebility to providc such scwice is dcpcndent upon I strong, high qualiry and consisteruly available work force. To achieve such a work force, the cmmrmity must wort to provide qualityliving ud worting cmditims. Availability of housing pays a critical nle in crcating qualty tiviqg and wo*ing conditioru for thc community's wort force. The town rccognizes a permanent, ycar rcund population plays an imponant rclc in sustaining a healthy, viable comnunity. Funher, the town rccognizes its role in conjturction witr tbe prlate seoor in ensuing housing is available. (Ord" 8(1992) $ 4 (pan).) It.57.020 Employee housing unlts @HU) generally. A. A chart2 ateched o this chapter md incorponted hercin by rcfecncc illustratcs tbc rcgircmots foreach6pe of EHU. B. No emplolae housing unit wNch is constructcd in accordance with this chapter shall be suMivided or divided into any fom of time sharts, inrcrval orvnoshipc, orfractional fec. C. All t)?es of EHUs may be leased, but only to tenants who are full-time employees who wo*in Ea$e County. An EHU shall 462a (vril 9-29-92) YEE HOUSING K. Each EHU shall have a separate entrance and shall not be corulecled in any way to any unit it may be anached to. (ord. 8(1992) $ 4(pan).) 18.57.030 Applicability. A. The requirements of this chapter shall be in addition to the requircmenn set fonh in each zone disuict where EHUs are permined by this chapter and all other requirements of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. B. Where the provisiors or requirements of this chapter conflict with the provisions or-requirements set forth in any zone disuict or any other rcquirements of the Town of Vail Mnnicipal Code, the p'rovisions of this chapter shall conuol. (Ord. 8(1992) $ 4(part).) 18.57.040 Type I-Employee Housing Unit. A. Rrrpose. To allow for constnrction of an EI{U on lots in the pdmary/secondary and two-family zone disuicts which do not meet the minimun lot size rcquirements for said zorB disuic's. B. Generd Conditioru. A Type-I EHU shall comply with the following general prwisions:l. It shdl be a permined use in the primary/secondary residentid, ard two-family residential zone districts. 2. It shall be allowed on a lot that is less than fifteen thousand squarc feet in toal site arca. 3. It shall be one of the dwelling rnits in a nro-family dwelling pursuant to Section 18.54.050 I design gddelines duplex and primary/secondary development It may also be Iocated in, or auached to, an existing garage provided the garage is not located within any setback, and further provided that no cxisting Parking requircd by the Town of Vail Municipal Code is reduced oreliminated.4. It strall not exceed forty percent of ttre otal GRFA allowed on the lot. An applicant, however, shall be permined m apply to the Community Development Department 9f Oe Town of Vail for additional GRFA not to exceed two hundred fifty squarc feet to be used in tbe construction of o EMPI,O 462c (vdl 9-29-92) o EMPI-O 7. 8. rE HOUSING It shall be entitled to a GRFA crcdit of four hundred twenty-five squan fcct, as sct forth in Scaions 18.12.090 A. urd 18.13.0E0 A. of this code. If a Tlpe t EHU is sold separately from the nro-family dwelling it is part of, then the ptovisions as set forth in Section 1E.57.020 subections B, C and E as well as Section 18.57.90 8,5 a" and b. shall be incorporated into awittcn agrcementapplicable to botttthe Type I EHU and the dwelling unito whictt it is anached in a fonn approved by the town atomey whictt shall nn with the land and shall notbe amended orterminarcd withoutthe written apprwal of the Town of Vail. Said agreement shall bc rccorded at the courty clcrt std tpcorder office prior o the issancc of a building permitforbe constructim of an EHU. Thirty days prior to the transfer of a deed for a Type I EHU, fie perspcctive prnascr shall submit an application to the community dwelopmot department documenting tbat the prospective prchaser meets &e criaria set forth in Scctions 18.57.020 C md 18.57.0'm B 5 a. and shall include an affidavit affrrning that he or sbc meets these qiteria" (vril 9-29-92) 9. L c.Applicatioa Any penon wbo wishes to construct a Tlpe I EHU sball submit an application for design review board approvat b tte c@mtrtity dn elopent deparmern containing 6e following informaim: f . itp name and mailing addrcss of the applicanr 2. Tbe wrircn consent of tb ownen of thc lot or Prcperty to be includcd in drc applicuion or the wrincn consent of thcir agcnt or arttrorizcd EPresentatives. For the purposes o! this subeection, agcnt or arthorizcd rcPrcsentative shall mean any individual or association authorized or eorpowered in writing by the property owner to act on his or her behalf. If any of the Prcperty to be included is a condminiunized do,elopme.nt, the penircn condominium association may be considercd the agent or authorized rcpresentative fortlp individual tmit ownerif allowed by all pertinent rcquiremurs of the condominium association's declarations. s.J,..i: 46?E o o EMPT-OEE HOUSING It shall have a GRFA not less than thrce hundred square feet" normorc than nine hundrcd squarc feet. An applicant' however, shall be permiued to apply to Ote Commqruty Development Deparunent of the Town of Vail foradditional GRFA notto exCeed five hundred square feet to be used in the construction of the EHU. The applicant strall submit an application for the additional GRFA on a form provided by thi community develoPment departrrent. Approval. or denial of the riErest snan Ue made by the <leqigl review board in accordance with Section 18.54.040. If an applicant obtairu design rcview board apprwalj-o-rfive triuirOrcO squarc fcet of additional GRFA for the EHU' he or she shail not be entitled to receive additional GRFA pursuant to Chapter 18.71 - Additional Gross Residential iiloor Arca of this Code for either urit on the lot. If an applicant obuins design review board approvd f9r no1 more ttran two hrndred frfty square feet of additional GXFA for the EIIU, he or she shall be entitled !o rcceive additional GRfA pursuant to Ctrapter 18.71 ' Additional Gross Residential Floor Arca of this code for one dwelling ruritonthe lot It shaU have rptmorc than two bedrooms. No morc than two adults urd one child not older than sixteen years of age strall reside in a one bedroom Tpe II EIIU. No more than two adtlts and trro children not older than sixtecn yean of age shall reside in a two bedroom T)'pe tr EHU. Eiin fpe U EHU shall be rcquired to havc no less than one pa-rking space for each bedroom located therein' Howiver, if a-one bedroom Type II EHU exceeds six hundred squar€ feet, it strall have nvo pa$ilg spaces. All pa*ing qpic€s rcquircd by ttris co.l9 sl4l be located on the iame t6t 6r Src u-Ure gfnf. If not dwelling exists upon the prcperty which is proposed for a T1rye I EFU at the time a buiiAin! permit isissued, orif ur existin-g.dwelling is q b' demoliihed urd replaced by a new dwelling, not less than one of the parking qpaces rcquircd by this subseaion shall be enclosei. a Uriee-nundrcd squarc feet GRFA crcdit sha[ 5. ( 6. 7. 8. vii::l C'4629 Oril9-29-92) t, j!:t:jt}t?f T."i*''Sf;:f i:.Sn..fitTr o o EMPL 9. OYEE HOUSING It shall not be entitled to additional GRFA in accordance with Chapter l8.?I-Additional Gross Residential Floor Area- GRFA shall bc determined as set forth in Section 1E,04.130 B. of this code. A T1pe m EHU may be Ented in comfliancc with seaion 18.57.020 or it may be sold, transferrcd, or conveyed separaEly from other dwelling units or employee housinguir thatmay be locahd on the same lotorwithin the same building in whictrthe Type III EIIU is locared so long as ir mees &e following conditions:t. It must be used by the owner of the EHU as a permanent rcsidence. For the purpose of this paragraph, a permanent rcsidcnce shall mean ttp home. orplace in which orrc's habitation is fixed urd to which one, whsneyer he or she is absent, has a prcsent intention of rctuming after a deparnrre or absence therefirom, rcgardless of the duration of absence. In dercrmining what is a perman€nt rpsidence, ttre own statrslull tale thc following circun$arpes relating to the owner of the rcsidence into account: business prsuits, cmplolment, income s(rulccs, rcsidencc for income or other tax purposes, age, martial status, rcsidencc of parcnts, spouse and c,hildrcn if any; location of personal and rpal propcrty, and motor vdriclercgistruim"b. If a Tlpe UI EIIU is sold, transferred, or conveyed segararty tom thc otherdwellingunia and/orT)"e III employee houing units in a multifarnily stnrchrc it is a part of, or from other dwelling unis and/or Tpe III EHUs locarcd on the same lot, ttre Type III EHUs in the structurc or on that lot shall be n$ject to all the provisioru set forth in Section 18.57.@0 F, G, H and Kof this ctraptcr. If a Tlpe IU EHU is sold separatdy ftom other dwelling units and/or Tlpe III cmployee housing units in a multifamily structurc it is a part of, or ftom ottrcr dwelling rurits and/or T!"e UI EHUs located on tbe same lot, the provisions as set forth in Section 18.5?.020 sbsections B, (vril 9-29-92) t0. ll. (- 6A n EMPLOTEHOUSING 4. It shall have a GRFA of not less than two hundred squarc feet and not morc ttranthrce hundrcd squars feet andihall include a bathrmm and akitchenettc as defined in Chapter l8.O{ - Detuiitions of the Vail Municipal Code.5. Eachbuilding which conuins aType MHU shall contain a stonge locker not less than five feet width x six feet height x five feet lengttr (one hundred fifty cubic feet) in size for eachTlpe MHU contained therein, and not less than one washer and dryer for common use by each eight EHUs located therein. In no event shall less than one washer and dryer be provided in a building with less than eiglrt EHUs.6. No morc than one person drall rcside in a Tlpe MHU.7. It shall be rcquired to have one parking space. Guest. parking requirerdenu shall be determined by the planning utd environmental commission in accordance with the conditional use permit review process set forth in Section 18.60.060 Criteria - Findings.8. It sha[ not be entitled to additional GRFA under Chaprcr 18.71 - Additional Gross Rcsidential Floor Arca.9. GRFA shall be determined as set forth in Section 18.04.130 B. of this code. (Ord. 8(1992) $ 4(part).) 1t.57.0t0 Type V - Employee houslng unit. A. Purpose. To allow for construction of an EHU on los in the hillside rcsidential zone disuicl B. Gcneral conditions. A tlpc V EHU shall comply with the following general provisions:l. It sha[ be a permined use in the hillside residential zone district2. It shall be one of the dwelling units in a two-family dwelling pursuant to Section 18.54.050 I. design guidelines duplex and primary/secondary developmenr. It may dso be located in, or asached !o, an existing garage provided the garage is not locarcd within any setback, and further provided that no existing pa*ing required by the 6?k (Vril 9.29.92) p Eq' E E:tct E(, 6oCLlt o xo 0'ooo E -co- o €go {J ciat ro(\lt oooc) O EEg 5 gr*s .> Ft4 =€EE>o .> Ega: !t=o =6 d d' ro(\lrt rl0 FEE .-(,lb8o(l'-"8AB 8+lO @- EF 9E EF :.E Into-o , $s€ E9.r 9Fc =tlt :']L tll- Eo.cooE6 ==tl- EETL z c149 =!tEG6C) Gt (\l ((0 F z !EaL sz (\l (ct sz 3E FEE tntro o uJc o UJL ollj& .D cco o. EgogE., 6E EeE E€E oz at(D oz oz ctroN oo o E oz oz v,o 0E.9(,<E =dtEOcrtr @t€o fEfr+EO d attooct)ooc, IE cia,ooo)olO$ rE dU'oo CD6o(\l sJ vtooC\ o ai ESE o qo u?o (It c{ttt)c;o flFr EC'€o a8-(l) lf,JF eOEO-o.E rdcf5a {z z ooo ol st)EO3? E€gF 6.9rV6< E(Etl.o Fad .> = nFE E.,s,F t gBFI *EgH, gE*6s EEcH, BE$6$ (6F^c!popp -9t o =0,-tr rO =*IIJ F $ =oo F oo F zoCL F 8. E 3; o$qt\q @ oroct\q @ o(Oq Nq oo oF-qt-lO oo o@q Nu?o N ({ (.1\o* e.l\ov z (Apo r-l IFrjt<J ux? d9 t- H() F <tI RoF?q FF.lalq6ZF{P z F C)t{CA 14,RI O'-fI D= TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3034792100 FAX 3034792157 ffice of the Mayor December 13, 1991 Ms. NoeIIe Paiee Staab FDIC StaffAttorney Advi s oriesAlans actions Federal Deposit Insura:rce Corporation Legal Division 7W Llth Street, Suite 3000 Denver, Colorado 80202 Dear Ms. Staab: In your letter to the Vail Town Council of November 15, 1991, you alEue that certain ,"ri.i.tioot piaced. on Unit 17, 770 Potato Patch Drive by Town of V-{l Ordinance No' 39' Series of 19ti1, limiting the uait for use as a caretake/s unit are invalid, and that the Town should remove the restrictions in order to allow the FDIC to sell unit 17. The Tow:r's r€sponse is as follows: 1) ordinaace No. 39, series of 1981, is a valid legislative enactment of the Town of Vail. The ordinaace prohibits the conveyance and the leasing or renting of the unit for a period ofless than thirty (30) consecutive days, and requires that tJre unit be rented only to tenaots who are full time employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. It is th; Town of Vail's position that any conveyance or rental which viohLs the term of the ordiaance is iavalid. This unit represented additiona,l density added to the 770 PotatoPatch condomini"- comple& whid never would have been gfanted ifthe unit were uot restricted as an employee housing unit. 2) You argue in your letter that the FDIC should be permitted to disregard the restriciions because no covenants containing the restrictions were filed on the land records of Eagle County. Under Colorado law, the recordation of a zoning ordinance is not-necessary to provide constructive notice to subsequent purchasers, such as the FDtb in tlis instance. Colorado case law provides that a "oning amsarlmsll is a legislative enactment, and as such does not need to "o Ms. Noelle Paige Staab Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation December 13, 1991 Page 2 comply with Colorado recordiag acts. the goals of the Colorado rcgeldingstatute are satisfied tbrough the zoning approval process. consequently, theFDIC had record notice of the restricbions of Ordinance No. 39. In addition,the condominium map for 770 Potato patch Drive which was siped a-ud accepted by the owaer of the property, and which is recorded on the land' records of Eagle County desipates the "nit as a caretakey's rrnif. Finally, as can be seen from the enclosed correspondence, the FDIC has been notified by the Town of Vail on severa.I occasions of the restrictions contained in Ordi:rance No. 89. 3) You note in your letter that the Silverado Llvestment Company was the owner of record and had been paying property taxes on ;ls rrnif. Ho*ever, in a lettcr dated September 27, 198g, a copy of which is enclosed, the Eagle Couaty Assessor verified that the caretaler's rrnif, st TTOPotato Patch Drive has beenconsidered part of the general conrmon elements and not assessed as a separate unit. Apparently, the unit was assessed as a separate "nit for thefirst time in 1990. The Town Council of the Town ofVaij understaads that the FDIC has a duty to liquidate theassets of the Siiverado Investment Compaay which are presently ia reieivership. Nevertheless, the Town must insist that ia the process of liquidaiion, the Towa's gldinanais are not violated. The Town, however, would be happy to discuss with the FDIC some solutionwhich would result in some solution which would be acceptabie to the FDIC, but wouldmaintain the integrity of the Town's ordinance. Very truly yours, 7r*r--" a MF- Margaret A. Osterfoss Mayor l,AE/dd Raym.ond L. Petros, Jr. FDIC Federal Deposlt Ingurance Coryorellon L"i-Jiiwl"i.diqiti11,s11p..1;9uite-3000,o€nver,coloradoa)202 . ^^S\ RB! Nov 2 o lselftm ISIN$\'a ' oenyerconsottdat€dofiicetgob2sazc. ro,(30O#s9 llovember l5' l99l Vail Torm Council 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co]orado 80657 Re: 7590 - Silverado Banking, Savings and Loan Association DenYer, C0 - In ReceivershiP llatter No.: A1517 Asset No.: 28198 Lamis No.: 000157001 Dear Council . ltlembers: Asyoumayknow,onDecemberg,lgsS'theFederalDeoositlnsurance Corporation ("FDIC') was appointed receivei-iir litveraOo Banking, Savings and Loan Association. At that time Si'l veraOo investment Company. was a who'l ly owned subsidiary of Sttverido fiatifiing. ffre ais.is of Silverido Investment Company' inc'f uding 770 Potato-P;t.h d;i-*, #!7,.-V-;ii, tolorado, are being 'liquidated' iiii;-ilii is sometiri.i "irlirrea tb as itre "caretaker's unit" 0n January lT, lggl, Kristan lli!t, Connnunity Developm^ent Director for the Town of Vait, sent . i6iii"-ii-it'e rOIC.'iniiletier citeiordinance 39' Series of 1981, and stateO Jfrit the unit couii'not be sold bJ the "Condominium Association" until the Ordinance expires-. According. to the Ordinance' this was' at a minimum, 2l yeir's;;;y."-ifi'iluld'b;'-noted itrat on January 17, l99l the "Condominium Rssocitio# tii-a not own ttt" *if nor was the unit a common element of the comp'lex. SifveriOolhviitmeni Compiny was the ownet of record' Further' it had been payins p;;il;;y';il;;,'Fi L" iJi'"ssrent on the unit. Nothins in the Dectaration wouto iniii;{; iili the untiJi i common element of the propertv' The 0rdinance states "ft@tinq: a' that the employee housing unif sr,aii ;in- "" and b' that the,,employee housini rinit iri"fi not b6 i;;;;e-;;-;"nt.O roi-tlv period. of,less iil;. iili;ii-r36'i-..:'i.y;.nd,'ir'if.srrari-ue rented, it shall be rented onlv to tenants who are tufi liile empio'..s in the Upper Eagie V.ll:.y.] Upon our review of the file, we ..nnoi"'itlJ-rtiin wtro tt1e. applican[ may ha-ve been; however' no aqreement was found in writing which could be construe!.as 1n aoreement to limit tfie ability to sel'l or'otr'Lilii"t..ont.y ii,-.--pt9i,-,i1iqt .fh-i"efore-, it is difficult io ascertain any reitrictions by virtue of the Ordinance' Apparently,0rdinance3gwasPlssedandorderedpublishedbytitleonlyon November 3, 1981. 'i;"il;r*il;'oit-tre-ieal estate'records, Y{e can find no indication which unit iiieiignlted as"ihe-emp1oyee housino unit' Further' a recent tiile commitment received by ilre ib-ri'ii'on'J ng Declaiation of covenants lni-iiitiiiiiioni tiili"i;!;ii;dfiti nniltr timits the abilitv of the owner to sell or otherwise convey this unit, despite Paragrap.h-5'd'..of.the ordinance which provides that the ffiiiit't- tlail -ag-r;;'in--wiiting tttat a Declaration of Covenants and Restriidions shall be filed of record in a form approved Ut !!:ir-."itiJr.Jv iJr ir,. b'.,i;;it ;f the town. Therefore, anv such covenant cannot be construed- to run with the land. Fjna]ly,the0rdinancewasnotrecordedinthe-real.propertyrecordsof Eagle County until n6tii''6it-iZ,lgeg. nt ttrat time, Silverad6 Investment Company owned the unit and .eriiinrr; riad not tgrtto io ltre restrictions included in the 0rdinance. For these reasons and others, iu.ftli ttr. right aoainst unreasonable restraints on atienation of property, iT"ii- iiiJ rOiC's'oosition that the proh.ibition of sate iii'i6"tf, i; tf'e Oiainance'woufA not be upheld bv the courts' Because the FDIC has a duty to liquidate the as-sets of the Receivership' we must take imrrediate action to do so. i;';;;.;;iteteptrone conversation I had with Larry Eskwith, iown of Vail Attorngi; h" itateO that- he has no authority to ;;-;.i-;;y lorpromir.'ii'.'o"Ainance ano-iugsested that I write to vou' Please contact me no later than December 15, l99l r.esard.ing-how y9u wou].d propose to resolve ir,i'i iiitili-in order'io'meet-our mutual-obiectives. If we do not hear from you we will be forced to iri:t:r-. il; i;g.j remiedies in order to liquidate tnis assei. 'iiu tiy contact *'ili'.itii at (303) 296-4703' Ext' 3773 or at the address indicated in the tetteitreiO. If-I may answer any questions for ;ili. th; j"terim,JiJise]et ne know. I look forward to vour response. Vai'l Town Council Potato Patch Unit #17/31 November 14, l99l Page 2 NPS: cz Encl osure Larry Eskwith, Linda Preston, SincerelY' TDI aff AttorneY Advi sori es/Transacti ons Esqui re Account 0fficercc: SENT BYI . ||lrroE Xfra Eria ia!6b|rebic!ebdm t{r EI l|lA lth h.rA! Lf. cls lrr! tt|'f &y6lLfru'J! Anonoyr c lrn' r|LSlfil&!eb Drlrr' |r.t'Fro 1016 tl$onOm)ldffiUcOhs.odt{r al{ao DeaF l,Ir.ls, Aaeocla reEPOnBe FDrC toI an llrrLtof a cond Conitontnl FDTC Iu{th PDIC har,tcqucsted thc Tosfl for relicf frmOrdlnancel{o. 39,- acriec-of 1981, }thtan regtrlcts-tue-iare anou8a of 3 Eoard. of the 7?o potato patch Drlve condonlnfus, rge. hae aekad u. to rrLt. ttrtr icttcr to you ln '1-litl1r: i1!:d,I-'q!:_r ls_, rsel,, wrlitrn [y ur-vl.rl lswn councit. lrtlo"si. r-il'u-;;;ii"Ei, -'-thlr _ letter aE r Denber oi ure poira-ana-ln'l*""nlun in 770 potato Eatoh. caretaksrrs unlt at ziO potato fatch. TtreAgesslatlon dlsputes certaln cii[eientl--in tJret lnd the Aaeoaiatlon wlehee to furnleb the TownLnfonatien whlch wc leitsve woufa-le LelDfirl lnpthd conel tlon of thle natter. not tothe To$'n,ure and coEECnt! to glre FDIC letter are ag folloret Inv6untt. he Condol[lniu! A8Eoctatlon urEcE thc llor'lil Cotucllcin<l Ordlnanoc t|o. 39 at thlr tlur. I{r alro invitccooprretlon tn helFing to iaetrion a eoLuCion {o tUearahlp of the aareiax6ris GlE.--' - Otarerehl.u. lhe IDIC, aE succaseor to gllverad,oL;oEpanyr -olatbB tg be ttre o$Irer of the CaretakerrEconcsnlnlu! AsaocJ.ation, tro'livcr, ucifei:ii tr:it-ft c-12-s1 i 1:02Pil ; Holme Roberts & Owen Dec6ilb€r 12, L991 Lavren6e altvtth, Eeg.Eown Alosn of V75 g.Road 81657VaiI, Col ! Covcnants ?70 potatoon Caretalcsars Unl,tPatcb Drlve Condonlnlune 303479215?if, 2 L' ttt'rOEC 121991 D:|t;? I*d{,.d c|iil ||Jr S!0 lI n*La ,'|!-bdx.d. Cdqdo l}lt td aEtoHha|st'OdrF0f SENT BY: 512-e1 ;1:02Pri o 3034?9215?;f, 3 1r tlre tclal own€r of the caratakcrre unlt. rn thleregard, r FebmarT direct your attentlon to the Xetter dat6d Itwr€nce Dgc€nbar Page 2 to thcCondonlnlneant toconclonlniBook 3!0r onunlt.the 3uPloy.cthC FDICCond,oulntIn even Dot havdand thatthe dealgrnawag 3 refcrs tothoLettareJanuary Irepeatedllfo. 39. thlg caIctt6r1989, totlre Eaglato be authority dlaputc. th,EFg. , 1991 e B comon elcuent for the beneflt of ttre n any E swners. 'llhe condomlniuo D!p, faool3ded atPage 903, SaEls County Clar,c and Reeorder'a Offica,23, 1982, daelgnates thls unlt as a caretakrrrsnancB No. 39 evldencge tlrle lntent by statlng In 'I|hcrcaar clausc that, thlg erGra unlt would be .to 'ebl,Ioyee houaing uB6 as r caretaker facllltyr,lngly, Prohlblta lts eale and rcetrlcte ite use to NotLca of covenant. Tbe IDIC alalnr that tt dldof ttre reetrictiong contal.ned ln tbi covcnant,event, no agreeoent wac executed to gffectuata Housvsr, ae diecueaed previouely, thle unlt lE ouring. D*pitr our rrprrtrd Erque3ts to neet wltlro laaolve thie el.tuation, the IDIC has !6buffcd th.n AEeoctation. fn faot, we have been uneuoeegefulentifying an lndlvlduEl'within ttre IDIC who baato negotlate wlth ur ln an attenpt to resolve tb.ie ' 1990' frm tbc Acgoclatlon's attoErey, ur. Poat,Cr asaertlltg lhe clalu by the AaaoclatLon. Ehcn Aegocl,etlon bellaves that th€ carstakcrrs unit raa EecondIy,8ilverado aE a carBtak€rrs unLt ln the condonlnlum nap, whlcband accepted by tha ocncr ot tlre property.the l€EaI deaeription Ln the attaohed dcad toInveEtsent eonpany, dated lprll L2, L985, explieitlythir unlt ar thc tcaretak3r unitr' rnd rafsrtncasu! map. Finally, aa evidensad by thc attachcalthe Town of Vall dated Novenber 61 1985 and, 1991, to the FDfe or lts agant, tha FDIC has betnadvleed by th6 Tom of, thc oxlBtcnce of Ordlnance Tares. the FDIC clai.ug to have pald taxee onunlt. Hoyever, accordlng to the attachedEaqle County ABEsBsor, dated Eepteuber 2the Eagle County ABEsBsotr,Eepteuber 2?,Board nenber of tbe Condoulnlun AeasciatlonrCounty AEeesaor hsd coneldered ttre caretaker,g unl,tof the genoral connon clruentc and had not aeeeasedItaaite unit through 1989. rhc FDIC haa latled topay the taxee toE 1990, rtt€n thla unlt was llretcaparatelasseEBed (apparently at the requeat of the FDIC). SENT BY:r5?-s1 ;1;03PM;o ttr,Esq. , 1991 oi tuiE unft i'lll-De ae a clretaker'e unLt forof thc ??O Potato Patch condloulnl'un owncrE. caae do not heeltate to contlct us lf, you rcqulreintorlatlon. l{r. Borir MouiroffUs. fngrld L. R€gall{r. }lark uattheweHs. Noelle PaEa 8taab, rDIC 6tatt Attornaytle. Llnda Preiton, FDIC Account of,tla.rllllllan ,t. Po8t, 8Eq. 3034?8215?;f, 4 Lsrence Dec€Dber Page 3 several Tgwnat thielntrnCadtbe benef addl RLFreavcci (tt/ conelualonr vs belleve llre FDIC letter eontal'naccurac:[t!. Ehe Condouinfun Alloclatlon urgc! th3lI not to taki any iction to reeolnd thle ordlnanee ne and to talce aDiroprlate stslta to- cneure !fa! the 8ic'!oEc 10 t991 EAGLE COUNTY ASSESSOR P. O. Box 449 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328-7311 Septeml)er 27, 1989 l4s, lng,rid P.egal ?70 Potato Patch DriveVail, C0 8155? RI''lr Caretaker I s Un'l t 7?O Potato Fatch Drivc Condorninlums Deal Ms. Rogal t This lcttcr is to venifY Caretaket.r s Uult ol 7?0in Book 350 Pagc 903 of bccrr cons ld.tY'od l\ar! of as a seFar'ate unlt. EAGT,E COUNTY ASSESSOR GJO/ jmt tlrat our iecordc currently reflect that the Potato Patch Drlve condomlnlums os recorded Eaglo Cortnty necords on December 23r l9B2 lras the generol cornmon olements and. not aEses:tcd <.o o 75 soulh frontego road vall, cotorado 91657 (303) 476-7000 November 6, 1986 olllce of communlty developmenl ). Mr. Jim Flaum High Country PnopertiesPost 0ffice Box 1027Vai1, Colorado 81658 Re: Sa] e of the 770 Potato patch caretaker,s unit Dear Jim: The Community Development Department is aware that High Country Properties is'l isting the 770 Potato Patch caretaker's unit for sale. I havl enciosed a copyof Ordinance #39, Series of'l 98l which requires that the employee housing unit- Ir9! bg sold "for a period of not less than the life of rrent ttil1iam Ruder, a'life in being, plus twenty-one (zl) years from date that the certificate ofoccupancy is issued for said unit.,, Thjs unit is restricted by ordinance and therefore is not to be so1 d until thistime peri od l. rp. The community Development Department is requiring that youdiscontinue listing this unit for sale. If you have any questions about thisrequirement, please feel free to calI me at 476-7000, ext I'l 'l . Si ncerel y, Ki'[,^flh Kri stan Pritz Town Pl anner KP:br cc: 770 Potato Patch Condo Assn. ,/.2../' O-', ;-'. 75 south lrontage road oflice ol community developmentvail, colorado 816S7 (303) 47$2138 (303) 479-2139 January 17, 199L Mr. Dale Holaday FDIC 1125 17th St Suite 7OoDenver, CO 80202 RE: 770 Potato patch Employee/Caretaker unit Dear Mr. Holaday: Attached please find a copy of the ordinance 39 series of 1_981,which sets the standards ior the employee housing unit lccated inthe 770 Potato Patch developrnent. ihe-orcinance stipul-ates insection 1.5 that the unit sha11 not be sol,d.for a plrica of notI'ess than the life of rrent williarn Ruder, a Life in bei.ng zryears (21) fron the date that the certificate of occupanct isissued for sai.d unit.t' The ordinance goes on to further statethat if the unit is rented or leased that it shalr not be for aperiod of not less than 30 consecutive days and that it nust berented to a fulI-tine enrployee of the upper Eagte vaLrey. rnaddition, the ordinance ieslricts tne unit fro; beinc dividedinto any forin of timeshares, intervar. ownershio or fiacti.cnaifee. ft is the staffts opinion that the unit can not becondominium associ.ation until such tirne period asordinance has expired. If you have any questionsrequrrernent, please do not hesitate to cal_l- rne at S incerely, Kristan PritzCommunity Development Director cc: Ma:k !,latthews, SJ.ifer ManagenentBill post i.,/ t,. I - - r:'--- sold by theindicated byregarding this lit>-zLJb. "a 4 \;,-)-/.J-.''r, t'.') 'J 414163 B-517 F-991 l|/t7/Bg 14243 FG I DF J JOHNNETTE F,HILLItrS EAGLE COUNTY CLERK, COLORADO REC 15. oo DOC a. bo to amend wou'l d be ORDI NAN CE # 39(Series of 1981) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE #30 OF1977; CHANGING THE IqAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DllrlELLINGUNITS ON LOT 6, BLOCK 2, POTATO PATCH, FROM A MAXIMUM OF 3O UNIIS TO A MAXIMUM OF 31 DI"JELLINGUNITS; PROVIDING THAT ONE SUCH D|.lELLING UNIT BERESTRICTED TO AN EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT; SETTING THE STANDARDS GOVERNING SUCH EMPLOYEE HOUSINGUNIT; SETTING THE PERMISSIBLE GROSS RESIDENTIALFL00R AREA ( "GRFA" ) F0R SAI D 3l UNITS; ANDPROVIDING DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. l{HEREAS, 0rdinance #30 of !977 zoned Lot 6, Block 2, Potato Patch to a maximum of 30 dwel'li ng uni ts ; and l'|HEREAS, the current owner of the property wishes the allowable number of units to 30 plus l unit which Town Counci I is of the opinion that this amendment of protect'ing the health, safety and wel fare of Lot 6, Block 2, Potato Patch shal I be zoned Medium DensitvMulti-Family (MDMF) with a maximum of 31 units with one uiritof the 31 whj ch shal I be restri cted to empl oyee housi ngaccording to the fo11ow'i ng restrictions: That the Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) of the sjteas determi ned by the Commun'i ty Devel opment Departmentunder MDMF zone standards not be exceeded on the si te. That fifty percent of the required parking be enclosed. The archi tectural des ignand colors must be visualof the site. ',.-\\tLl l ' ,i I' restricted to employee housing use as a caretaker faci tity: and !lHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commiss'ion has recom- mended unanimous approval of thi s amendment; and [.lHEREAS, the Town Council considers jt important to obtain dwel I i ng uni ts restrj cted to empl oyee housi ng; and l.lHEREAS, thE 'i s in the interest the inhabitants of the Town of Vail; NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED 8Y THE TONN COUNCIL OF THE TOl^lN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Secti on I Exhibit A of 0rdjnance #30, Series of I977, fifth paragraph from the top, is hereby amended to read as follows: ?.(c':ri of the structure and the materia'l1y harmoni ous rvi th the remaj nder 5. ./-J "( 4.Access to the unit-must not adversely affect the privacyof adjacent structures. The applicant shall agree in writing: a. That the empl oyee hou s i ng uni t sha I I not be sol d ,transferred or conveyed unit for a perjod of notless than the life of Trent t,lilliam'Ruder, a lifei1 being, p1 us twenty one (21) years from date thatthe Certificate.of 0ccupancy is issued for sajd unitand b.using unit shal'l not be 'leased riod of less than thirty (30)d that if it shall be rented, itto tenants who are f ul'l timeer Eagle Val ley. The "Upperbe deemed to i nc'l ude the GoreCliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail, andunding areas. A "f u'l l -timen who works an average of th'i rty and That the employee housing unit shal'l not be dividedinto any form of timeshares, interval ownership orfractional fee, and That a declaration of covenants and restrictions sha'l'lbe filed of record in the 0ffice of the Eagle CountyClerk and Recorder in a form approved by the TownAttorney for the benefit of the Town to insure thatthe restrictions herein shal I run with the land. That the empl oyee hoor rented for any peconsecutive days, anshall be rented onlyemployees in the UppEagle Valley" sha'l 'l Valley, Minturn, RedAvon and their surroemployee" is a perso(30) hours per week; c. d. c! rinr tro iu I'! CL lr') o f. (f'(n III F u'! IE nl rO .t {t that this ordinance welfare of the Town Section 2.If any part, section, subsection, sentence, c'l ause or phrase of th'is ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision sha'll not effect the va'l'idity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town counci'l hereby declares it would have passed thi s ordi nance, and each part, secti on, subsecti on, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more Parts' sect'i ons, subsection, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid Section 3. The Town Council hereby fjnds, determines and declares is necessary and proper for the heal th, safety and of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 4.The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal code is provjded in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecuti on commenced , nor any other acti on or proceed i ng as virtue of the provision repealed or repealedcommenced under or by -2- r I ATTEST: 4t4tg3 11-317 F,-99r 1r/17/Ag r4:4i F,6 3 0F3 and reenact€d. The repeal of any provision hereby any provision or any ordinance previous'l y repealed un'l ess expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AN ONCE IN FULL THIS 2Oth DAY OF OCTOBER, 1981, AND A THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE HELD AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOI.IN OF VAIL, COLORADO, ON THE 3 E- DAY OF 1981. ATTEST: INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED ON SECOND shal I not revi ve or superseded D ORDERED PUBLISHED PUBLIC HEARING ON OF THE TOt.lN COUNCII 5.r ( I c! :i READING AND ORDERED ls ,L-z-t__DAy oF -3-