HomeMy WebLinkAbout770 Potato Patch common& 4 5 7 8 25}. ". d4 7,n zal a 7 /83 Potato Patch Cl ub 'letter of 6/82 statedr allowed 42 units + I units I -14= 29,306 unit I deck 140unit 9 deck 277 manager apt + clubhouse Units 15-17 Units 18-19 Un'i ts 20- 26 Phase IV Al I owed : 10,885 4,110 16,L75 36,890 97 ,783 8,3.|6 106,0gg il.3,583 106,099 4/84 #25 8/86 #25 I1r SI t added 153 requested to 1 S,.Tf ,.Li: ', 1' o-'- - t rY 7,484 sq ft expansion of bedroom, Slifer unit, Kristan Pritz approved add 65 sq ft F/z "'-.Lot- L.. /.r qtsl.Ctry, - L( e-{, i,, J', - } ,, ,-t) Prcject ilame: Project Description: Partlclpants: OWNER GOLNNG, MAUREEN 05/2612004 Phone: ,+825 S GAYLORD ST ENGLE\A/OOD co 80110-7130 License: APPLICANT MASTER SEALERS 0512612004 Phone:970-476-3975 P.O.@X4473 VAIL, CO 81658 License: 577-8 ProtectAddrcssr 770 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL location! 770 POTATO PATCH DRIVE Legal Descrlpdon: Lo* 6 Block: 2 SubdMsion: POTATO PATCH TOWNHOMES C Parel Number: 210105321001 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 Souh Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2t39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8040206 CHANGE GMVEL AND TAR ROOFS TO ASPHALT SHINGTES TO MATCH EXISTING CONVERTED ROOFS Motion By: Second By: Vote: Condlffons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt 05126120M Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vall Bullding personnel prior to construction activitles, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this proJect shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax; 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to.the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application ior Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the C-ommun'rty Development Depaament. Thepoect may also need to be reviewed by the Town C.ouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction oommences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:?a ,f"zlo zZ ezf,a:?L h zzt ftz t ula L Lcc I Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:erlcr: Z subdivision: L4p,/tzttr? 4ec,p Physicaf Address: 72c -o'4'4i nof.,fr.r-r*-2ra:.q 1t'/ 4 ccot-f #Parce|No.:ffi(ContactEag|eCo.Assessorat970-328-864oforparce|no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):.eft.rc.# ,-ffi RECEIVED : ,; 2 Ztiu,l 7.ao/1 /z c,t-//> 7Mailing Address: Z 4c-(U?/ra 4c F./€JY Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): r a.fy'-o.,-/e NameofApplianE% Maifing Address: E a. ??2J z.o'z a<arz df * Phone: ?rc- €>e2- E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee:tr SignsE ConceDtual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition E}/fiinor Alteration (multi-ft mily/com mercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request , TOWN OF \/AIt. $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 Plus $1.00 per square foot of totg/s$p$rr . ':W For construction ora new brfi#r;Ifl;b,litr. ^lt \ For an addition *nere sggpp;1ffi"lgtd.i&ar @fis,tiut or' commercial building (incll{fi3 E5$additions &jnteiolggnversion$.-_ retaining walls, etc. n tr rer@fing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Page 1 of t3lL[llil03 t*+ * **+ f + + **a * ******* + l' * l* t * * ** | *tft't+ + + *********t * **+**** **'t+ **** * * ** * * * ** * * * *+ | * ***** ** t * t TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopynrfrtuqt m llS2G2llol rt 1,0:ll7:!lt 05126/2004 Stat€meot * *+ t * ++'f 'if *{' t * * *****+tff**{r't't*******+ + iff*lr+ ++ i*t tt**++ +*+ *+ * * * ** * * + ***'}{ta{' t + a *{' + + + *+***+ * +{r Staternerrt Number: R040005907 AmounE: $250.00 05/26/2OO4O2:01 PM Paymene Method: Check Init: IJC NoCaCion: #763?/naster sealerg Permits lilo: DRB04O2O5 Type: DRB-Minor Alt, Comn/Multi Parcel No: 210105321001 Site AddreEE: ?70 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Lrocation: ?70 POTATO PATCH DRWE Tota1 Fees: 5250.00 Ttris Payment: $250.00 Total AIrIJ Pmts 3 $250.00 Balarce: S0.00 + f *{' * * + **** **** * ** **++****+{r*'t**{i*** *{'*'}**** * ** | *{'{rt * i *'t |t + + f* * * * ** *t+******* t f * t*** * l"t*lt**'}'i ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniotion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3I122OO DESIGN REVIEhI FEES 250 .00 ,*ffi I, (print name)_ description) JOINT PROPERTYOWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Departnent for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: ,r,// I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Page 2 of L3lLL|L7l03 PROPOSED MATERIALS Buildinq Materials Tvoe of Material Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows fultta '/ /,^ E ;:4*6"' -':> Window Trim Doors DmrTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specifo the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and atbch a color chip. Page 6 of t3lILltilo3 26- 5-O4; 9:O4AMiCrossro€ds Rea lty REAL ESTATE SALES & MANACEMENT May 26,2004 Community Development Department, Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Sirs, The purpose of this letter is to convey authorization from 770 Potato Patch Townhome Association to: t ) Apply for roofing permit on behalf of the association; 2) New Celotex Presidential Asphalt shingles to be Weathered Wood in colbr; PlEase call if you have any questions. 1Uv- Realty, tJd. Agent Patch Townhomes t'.O. Brlx 1292,Vdil. Colorado 81658 . 1650 Vail Vallcy Drive - Fallridge, Suite C-3 19701 476./n00 . FAx 1970]' 479.9534 hclrrie@crossroadsvail.com . www.crossroadsvail.com ie7a4733534 770 Potato JAY f'Io Crobsr W5.naging NhIVONCE M,qsrER Sn,atERs, fNC. Fully Licensed & lnsured Contractor License#3 7 I S-TOV License #577-8 Roofing & Prutective Maintenance Specialists PtO Box 4473oVAIL, CO 8f 658 Phone (9?0) 827-5550 r Fax (970) 827-5558 o Cell (970) 3m4702 r (81X)) 286SEAL (7325) T0: Joe Suther From: Michael Boyd MASTER SEALERS INC. This is the Description of work being done at 770 Potato Patch Town homes. Master sealers is removing the dummy decks on deck areas and replacing the membrane. We are also changing the pitched hot tar roofs to Celotex Presidential an Architectural Asphalt shingle with a class A rating. And we are replacing upper flat roofs with a fully adhered E.P.D.M. system to match ones previously done as shown in photos. We are doing the entire complex so that all the roofs match all the deck areas are the same and all the old tar and gravel roofs are Celotex presidentiaL g,$r*Iffir, g -zL 'oy -- Page l ofl '.- ta' - "'<i..//1 ;1,,{w -"?,F-*t'7 n IISPECTION'S COUPLETED The ltens belon need to be conplete beforeglvlng a pernit a flnal C of O. Plea-ee check off h the box provided. FINAL PLNAINC DATE:tl FINAT UECBANICAL 0,1+-fu DATE: I m FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: l\ nt\l| \.J 1 Ir CERTITICATE OF OCCUPA}ICY TEMPORARY C OF O LA}IDSCAPING DTIE DATE: FILE NAI.IE:r\Sdts{ "--' uLolqt lrr.J"cCrtfl n)rl,,,t bv Nov-i9-92 THU 14:55 To*f Vait FAX No "Ai',,'',r. uz - "-'-.-=- r0 IMPROVEfuiEI'IT Those improvements listed l-n the letter to the Town of Vail dated November 12' 1992, attached hereto as Exhlbit A. NOW, THEREFOFIE, 1n 6erlsidaraticrn ol the lolior';ing mulual covonants and agreernents, the Developer anc the Town agree as t0llcY/s: 1. The Develeper allreeg, at its sole cost and erpenses, to turnish all gquipment and matelial necessary to perform alld uompiete all irnprovements, on or before _ 6/30lg--3_ The Developer shall cornpleie, in a gcod viorkmaniike manner, ail irnprovements as listerJ above, in arccorrlance w;th all plins and specitications {lleci in the Oftice Of the Comrr'tunity Davelopntenl Deparlrrent, the Town ol \';til, and tO d0 all wOrk incidental thereto accorcirng to and in complance wrlh th€ following: o 500 .00 Srich othor <lesigrrs, drav.,itrgs, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submilted by the Developer to be apprcved by any of the abovo'teferenced gov€rnmental entities, Ail said r^rcrP, shnil be done under lho inspection ol' and lo tha satisfacticrr of, lhe Town Engineer, lhe Town Building Ofiicial, cr other Otficial lrom the Town of Vail, as atlecled by Special dislficls ol serylce districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed conrpleta until approvecl ancJ accr'pte.d as contpleted by the Town of Vail Community DeveloFn':errt Department and Pr;blic VJorks Department. The total e-qtinialed cosl of said work and irrprovements is lhe sum of Mftq744s (aR€ SrqVE DEVELOPER IMPNC./EME THIS AGREEMENT, rnadg and enlererl into this -.lt_6_t-trday ol _ws-verbgl-, 19 9J by and anrong -&ls.t9-I+t-c}--T.qglbCx0-.-"{h€reinaf t?{ called th€ "Developer')' and the TOWN oF vAtL inereina,,ier car6a th; ;Tilfr t$Par Enersnip lli1EFlEAS, the Oevelcpef, as a conditiorr of apProvalol fhe -p-ot3tg-B1tih :gt*gp""' wishes lo enl,er into a Developet lmprovenrent Agreetttent; ancJ unics H' J' & K WIIEREAS, the Develcper is obligated to provide security or collaieral sut{icient in lhe Judgmentcf the Town t0 make r'easonoble provisions for ccml;ietiort of certain improvernonts set forlh below; and WHEREAS, the Developer rvishes to provide collalr:ral to guaranlee per{Ormance ol thls Agreemont, includlng constructlon of the above-referenced lmprovements by means cf the iollowing: Developer agrces to establish a cash deposil rvith lhe lOwn of Vail in a dollar arnourtt as set iorlh below, iuch cash depcsit account shall provirle securily for lhe lollowing: $_z TO SeCurg artd guanntee perforntance cf ils obligations as sst forth herein, lhs Developer agr€€s io provldrr s.ecurity arl,J cclial.)'al as follovrs; /r cash depcsitact:ount in ttre ainourrt ot $_ 9-,t-5_{L__.._ to be held by the Town, as escrow agenl, shall provide the security for ihe improvemerlls set forth above il thefe is a default under thc Agreement by Oeveloper. 3. Tlte Developer tlray al any lirna subetitule ths coiiateral origirrally set forth above lor anothet lorm ol collateral acceplable to tlie To4n to guaf antee the faithful complelion of lhos6 intprcvements reteired to herein and ti'rs perfornrance of tlre lerms of this Agr€emeFt. Sucfr acceplance by 11";6 fLrwn of aiternativc coliateral sfrall be at the Town's Sola discretion. 4. Tfre Tuwn shall not, nor shall any olficer or empioyee ihereof, b: liable or responsibie fot any accitlertt, loss or clanra.ge happenilg ur occurring to ths !(ork specilied in this Agreenrent pricr tc tjre oornpleticn and acceptanc€ of lhe sgnro, nor shall lhe Toyrn, nOr any officer or smprlqygs therccf, be liabie for any p?rsor-ts u1 siqrprrrty injured by r€ason 0f the nalure 0l said work, brrt allof sai.J liabilitles shsil at]d are hereby assurned by the oeveloper. The Doveloper hereby agrees to inoennil,v and hoii harm;ess th6 Tov/n, and any cf its otficer-t, agents arrd ernpioyeas against a:ry lcsse.s, clairl'rs, damages, or liabilities to vrhich the Town or any oi it.s olliceis, agents ot ernplcyees rnay becorne subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, Camages or liabilities (or actions in rr3gp6s1 thereof) tfrat arise out of or are based trporr any perforrnance by the Developer hgr€urldsr; and the Developer sirall reinrburse the 'l'own for any and all legal or olher expenses rea:ronably incurr:d by the Town-ift- -connectiorl vlith invr;sl,igating or defending ,lny such lcss, clailn, darnage, liability or action, Thi5 in{smnlty provision strall be in adcjitron lo any other liability whictr lho Devrrloper nray have. 5. li iS tiiiiluaily agretd iital tiie Dereiop,-,r ffa! appiy io iiie To'ryn and tfre Town shall aulhorize tor partial release ot the collatefal dofjosiied with tfre Torvn fr:r each catcgory ol imptcvemental such lirne as such inrprort,nertls Are c;,,gtructed in compliance with all plans and specitications as referenceqJ lrereunrjer anci a:,ccptrrd by the Torin. 6. l! ihe Tcwn deierrn;nes that any ot the improvenrents conterr'platad horein ar6 not constructed in ccrniiliance wilh lhe plans and specifications set forth herr:in by lhs date s€t forth In paragraph l, the Tov.'n may withdrart from the cash ceposit such funds as may be necessary lo complele the unfinished inrprovr:menls. The Town shall felease erjch funds upon the written request of the Town stal;ng that tl're inrprovemerrts have not been completed as required by llie agieement, The Town shall n0l requiio lhe concurrenca ct lh6 developer prior to the release of the funtis to lhe Towrr. nor shall il'c Tcwn be required to verify independentiy tha! the imDrovernents nave nct been completed as reqrrired by this Agreerrient, but *shall felease such funds Solely upon lhe l'own's lvritten request. r\uv-, u-YZ r nu I q, 3 | Kama Deese, Assistant Secretary STATE OF COLCRADO COUNTY OF EAGLE -Ihe lqlegoing Oev-eloper lrnprovenr day of ., reg}by Witness rny liand and oflicial seal. lv'ly commission expires: lcr.ru varl r HA ltu, JUJq lvc I ? ro 7, Tlre Develol:er -r.rarlirnls all work ar|'J iltaterial lcr a period of rlne year alter acceptence ol all vrork referred to in this Agreerllent by lhe Town if sLich work ls locatgd 0n Town ol Vail proparly or 0n road right.cf-way. 8. The parlies herelo mulualiy agr€e that this Agreernent may be amencjed fronr tirn€ to limo, providod that such am3ndmonls b€ in wriling and exacuted by all parties hgreto. Dated the rJay and year frrst above writlen. f, Uq j---:-Y: POTATO PATCH TOWNHOMES PARTNERSHIP TOU/N OF VAIL ss, CO., GENEML PARTNER iro, President ATTEST: E*U-o\--. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ., The foreoolno Develooer lmorovement Aqreement f6f Aay ot tior*i^-l'+< '. 1994by Ke"'Shap;^ before me this tlsRE$l PJl. !r ni:gtr :Witness my hand and officialseal. My commission expires: t-2?-?/ POTATO PATCH TOWNHOMES PARTNERSHIP :, -|-0lrlF{ i3F LrSl I L f,li>-cel lsnrou= C_-sh r i -!:f,*.:''i 1-l r.1.1: 1.,:' Flt'r:,: i. p r. + l. t:t;:'+'ii R,-:':r-'.i'-irrt. #r- ll. # 1:,rjr,FUl-itin F,i..rT[:l-i ]Hr:ri,JllBi,lE:;!t1Li.rt.i..LiF,l,lE:f.ll,Hrjr.:F_li EH t- Hnli t-rf rt t.;-,,ri':i* r+,j .! I tem F3id ,: f. itrit tit!;:D,iii tJ{8 L.h.:irr'l* r-+ lLi rnF,J -l-Hif r-tli. v01J i'1-rr. ry' ,--.31-1!-1i;rl- :;l-!:F i..ll-ll.l j E 'l:,;'5, rr!.:i flmounr pai d '_-:r.. t. :r. r:ill f', i:1ljl DETACH AND RETAIN THIS STATEMENTTHE ATTACHEO CHTCK IS IN PAYMENT OF ITEMB DE€CRIE!€O IELOW.IF |{OI CORRECT PLE^6E NG,NFY U3 FROMP'LY. NO RECTIFT EEAIFEO. DELUXE - FORM WVC-3 V.4 INVOICE rL/ 1.2192 landscap deposit Unlr H 1140 9,375.00 FFnrn ttatt . ?hLL',ituv , J TOWN OF VAIL_ OTPIRTiUT}iT OF COMMI.NITY DEVELOP}IENT SALES ACTION FORM -,,",, Prfa,lc ?air,tn -i lf - Ug9a,q wuN o,rre l\ r 21t 1-->- :.:.:. r'r'r':iij::i': : r:.:::. :::1 llii i i ::' ".'''r,'t:.iii:'r:tiirri'i:iii'.,NOi:i.iii:lliiiCOST EA ZO|\T\IO A}.'D ADDRESS T,IA.PS0t 00004r540 UNIFO R.\{ B UILDu.^G C OD E0l 0000 42415 0l 0000 424 ! 5 UMFOR.\{ PLUMBT\C CODE 01 000042415 UMFOR.II,\{ECHANICAL CODE 0l 000042415 UNIFOR..\{ FIRE CODE 0t 0000 42415 NATiONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 0t 0000 42415 0l 00004t543 B LUE PRD.ITS O,')'LAR 0l 000042412 I xeaoxcoplEs/sruDIEs 0l 000042371 PENAI.TY FEES / RE-t.i.'^'SPECTIONS 0r 000011332 | PLtu\ REvIEw RE-CHECK FEE [S40 PER I-iR.l 0l 0000 42322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l 0000.il412 CONTRACTORS LICE\S ES FEES 0l 000041330 SION APPLICATION FEE0l 0000 41413 0l 0000 4 t4l3 ADDMONAL SIGNAGE FEE ISI,OO PER SO.IT. 01 0000 424{0 VTC ART PROJECT DONANON PRE PAJD DESICN REVIEW BOARD FEE0l 0000 4)331 * 0t 0000 41010 TAX ONAL USE PER\{IT0l 0000r1330 ALTERATION IT1ORE TH0r 0000.r1330 0l 0000 41330 0l 000041:t30 rsPEctAL SLtsDIVISION0l 0000 4 l3 0l 0000 J I 0l 0000 4 t330 * * * * * * * * * Ltt NIGI -"a"" iiP::-95=\",t\v ! r:io:f,; ts:3;;-{ NIaoIg'5!"w3?.t4'i oc o oo a I -t .i I iil: gIfif;Egg $Egifi;l O, (o ,rol> ,C) m-I I I| 4 7.Oa'n t t"t3'tJ" w lo {c t t oczI nffoaoD! at t I- (: 'oo TI m -.1o -o o -l -t 1' -lo :I l'"I t: ob AY oY aDg io IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE Sse Poge 5 for LINE TABLE ond CURVE TABLE go o\/t o n1/ Y2 ioI -c-"- PAGE I OF 3 Jo8 I 90-510 9l -076.OflG 0czI f>1,: 1D't!, o9OIFIoD .. 1 Itl\ -- -.-\\ \:t - --\r--1\,;\'\ / /- -\t---- -l-T c1 iIo|,5 ni iEi5 i t,-1^ ri I(f ar' t2t Ia, I t,nl ,tO, Ii,, Iiltl tl tn'o'J? c.t @ali' ,:,'-mg rr'i: ,',.')i,l';'-' ,: I t I I Il- i ,'"- ' 2 7.tO-,i--!Jtd"_<. ,q,'il: J ".''{tj B Ji2"f,'\- B i:'r -g,l o @ 4/89"o./,. l'r',)' .,K' ,' ,r(l)t/ ./.\\\/ / l\\\\-/ \ : \\\ \-,f.r, -o \- \-/\\\\, ...1 -\ /\\\\', tt- /\\\\/ ' z.\\\/,N$','rN(v%,,n-- ,'\1:.\A /.'ffi",J," "'"/'-{-," t/ - n66 - -izi--=;! fr19!ltt Flizr{ I Ir' l" I t ")3rp.., .lc ./' o .,ord / o, I'i^e a ."tof 'Si* iNri ,Nt--'l - i i;Jl lr/lr /^ ('/ rl/'^ ,,\ )'f"\r,'/ \ ,.X( ""/! +es >v-,.\(r.. \ /ir,.; )h_ I,'" V ,--./ -.t u _- -'i ,r' \,,' - ,' ,/ '' 003053Q,€ 91so ,z Starbuck Suweyors & Engineers p.0. Box 1584.205 E. Cb"'.bars Ave,, Eaglo, "O 61631. (303)328-7204 no IMPBOVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE DETAIL OF DIMENSIONS CUNVE TABLB 20' LINE TABLE Bearlng t Delta Rad,c! 20.5? | r6n 104!?0,c2 57'18'54" {0.38'c3 38'58 | 3?' 70.66 | C{ 25' 5,1| 41' 3?6.141c5 :04'33'53" 50,00 'c8 2?.51'46t 7.50,c7 58'32'0?" 22.60',c8 38'09 '!33' 35.00 | c9 5l'29't?" 30.00 'c10 2{'u'03',295.001C11 '11c2{ | 49" 28.00'c72 39.05r 60" 30.96 | cl3 28'11' 02" 30.96 'c14 34'28 ' 59" 28.00 | ct5 16'26 '38" ?0. 60'cr6 19.58 | 01" 104.761cl? 33'52 '54" 59 . 21 | c18 2{'1? ' 03" 2?5.00 | cl9 104'02,08" 30.00'c20 33'54 | 22', 49.21' c8 cD N.01'50 ' 15 "r{. 38.10' N.lq'20 ' 34"E, 38. 73 'N.6{'28'r?"E. 4?.1119.83'06'07"8, 168.68's.56'00'37"9. ?9. r0's.69'52'38"8. 3.61 's.57'5?',35"8. 22,OO:s,05'10'25"E. 22,88', N.06'12 ' 11"W. 26.06 'N.70.54,31"W. 124.10' s.5a;'r.l | 2l "t{. 19.891s.33'45'28"8. 20.12',s,86'3{,53"8. t4.O2l s.18'14',27"W. 16.60' N.60.r6 | 08"S. 20.27' N.03'48 ' 38"8. 36.32 's.8?'23'59"9. 34.51 ' s.70'54',31"8, 115,69's.66'3?'51"S. 47.29', S.87'2,1r 43"S. 28.70' 38.311 {0,39' .48.031 1?0.11' 9t.25' 3.65', 22.951 23.31 ' 20.98 | 125. 03 r ' 20 .24' 2t , 13' t{,151 18. 85' 20,28' 36.51 | 35,01 ' 116,56 | 54.4? | . 29.12' L* L2 L4 L6 L8 L9 Lt4 L16 Ll8 L19 L20' L2t L22 L23 L26 L28 L30 1,32 :,33 Lq4 Dl s tanca ir.gn' 15.00 | 24,121 15. 28 | 9a .00., r1.00, 10, 82 ' 92.50' rr9.54 ', 01.54 | 9.381 48.02' 20.83', 08. 15, 18. 0o , 8.65, 26,52' 23.38' 10. 93 ', 19.00' 17.5{' 102,00' 22,20'. 26.28', 3. {5' 25.67 | 42.00 | 8.07 | E.50' 55.99' 8?.00' 20.09' :0. 00 ' 18. 00' '200. 98 ' 10.00 | PAGE 2 Of 3 JOB J 90-510- 91-076,0WC 5 P.O. 5 Bo: Starbuck SurveYors & Engineers 1584.206 E. Charabers Ave., Eagte, co s1s31' (303r328-720a \ \--rF-- LON AT TOP OF SHI AT TOP OF/ nt{,NIryJ ----l \a\-i P1lf '"l IF UNIT K ,ro r col-cnrE .- -- l*,_,.-trI 2o,t SCALE : 1,, 0u UNIT Ha 11 7.8' .'l f-20:l' lo "6 --.-..- AT TOP OF SHINGIES(? . ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE FOUNDATTON ./ - -2>---/./{\-.- --a ,rb' 6 ,\'t.' o I NPROY E'IE'IT LOCAT I OII CERT I F I C AT E I hereby certify that this Improvement Location Certificate was prepared Potato Patch Townhomes Partnership and the Town of Vall; that it is notsurvey plat or improvement survey plat; and that it is not to be reliedthe establishment of fence, buildiirg or other future improvement lines. fora land upon for I further certify that the improvements on the above described parcel on thisdate, July 30, 1992, except utility connections, are entirely within the boundaries of the parcel, except as shown; that there are no encroachments uponthe described premises by improvements on any adjoining premises, except asindicated; and that there is no apparent evidence or sign of any easementcrossing or burdening any part of 3aid parcel, except ai noted. Based on FEIIA mapping, subject property is not located in a designated 100-yearflood p'lain Note: There was no final title po'licy available for this survey, so there may be easements or rights-of-way of record other than what is shown on thiscertificate. - l{ote: Ridge elevation is on top of the shingles. Note: Ties are shown to the face of the foundation. Note: Elevations are based on an elevation of 8497.50 feet sewer nanhole located approxlmately 25 feet southwest of theUnit D. Job No. 90-510 Page 3 of 3 Starbuck Surveyors and Engineers for the rim of a southwest corner of r$"A-!a W P.0. Box 1584, Eagle, Colorado 81631(303) 32e-7208 Eagle; (303) 625-3913 Rifle t\ 8',- I E* - gt z a .: A;:::i i = -* !=u, ii::c-" E: = :_v;;;€ 5Lit'!a.nlE j= r' l::iJ E E = a i:4 2i a - i -=+.a :.: a =;a:;c,_.: - (,=. i2- ?i_ i zi i i = .= '= =--3:1;iiai: = i.! ..E i = 9 z j .i=l-: e Fi:= L ! = ^-=:.. = 7. c--.ii ! : "- : -vv'-1.:?:-:: i:+ t - a i:: -,!Jziili ii 'z E Fl l'. (J I I ,.$ N \ -+lorlorlIe{l ;t 0al (JI "l 'p ac 'p F.lFl t! H H U' zts t zB ts F F F u Fl H z H.A (, olF-l'll*tlVtl{l I/,e\J ('aa13ia(1l FYq,^ *=;v2E95:rl x4-l-.i \O I54H :-€ =J'-.,i F{ Itsq4s =rA-\ ltlXE,_i !.f=.u 2tra E;. ul H \J> dcz' Ct ql{z s:X At <' a< -.1if, x =o :4cn =u:i tl i EH =sF z lrJ.1.:\a: F- z *J -t1 z r/) Irl :-U F-a4q i. kl Qz .'5 !L F- rrl F- S -.F rtz z ,*' al !]l z tF q.rl ar,\Fz.! allJ lrl !J ;lF a\ F- Fz ca r{l\lt\4 :i.JF 'l- *-tI.-A. €-trFffrar+A. FR ENF-.ararrrart-l-a-aH -l.ilj EF il-t s, +- -FrF?F? 11|e a+\ -aHr- -E' *Fr€LIH sv tF. 11 A.rFlat-l .iljlrrrfJH |.A.g c : U c- F li.l 1 - oz ==t r,lJc -ir@c'\ e.l.ir \o\o \o c!(t uJ UJII == UJ trftilit qmqt **D c.) vF]z z o\ c.) XE Fl --r r.l<Fl6E E>.',OFJraJztt)qfr- qJF o F EFIz ozz r rF4ttHttxttaI lFltttsF. lr'_ll-'lFlIA |prlhr t=ta tolrr.l l()trt1llZ lr=1lFet.ll() tol .lF Fl I.1()Htv Y,>tr<@ =.^a 4)CEJ-lR€ z-4 o-1 H 3 I t!JuJ(t =I Golt Fo Fz o qJz3oE|t[l6z-:Ev PS<F7oYZo< FNH\g F{ F{<o@rd .l'E\OroOo()&xHO.P.'4Z ido>(,Ar< oFI F{ z f:lFlq, I AIx? (l) t56 *s6l.91,aJ, (5 So .o i( e6 =)':t' 8,.,'ctr cibr;r bl-. Efi'€! G c,I'oo I fo E o =l oq) 9o- !.9 0) eEEg F.9 R €' EE E;I 6 t:E'c-o> : tEi; >=:'c968.I05o.35t= E EEB*.€ 3 ;'€qeP E!seo- o o--SE; eoiEorsf;e€.Er;(!: Ee E H' EsEs, -o..yo.-ecll(! o'- .=E;O., g,f;; i, ; EI;E:eoi: Fe;g;E9do -cEg: - o (6: .tttt@ c7) (\lNo\ (.) Oo a \l+l1l.l- Il( A 5J N\) Iaxj F-@ N(\ {, E =w zoJ o X (u z EF uJJUJ z6 = J 2 ()U = uJu.l z tr uJE C)lll |r 6 =t! !! zo t! F6 UJ o- i u,lJ X F uJol tnuJllJLr- ==E IJJ.L J FoF zoJ @ J F uJ UJ oz co =Jo. J = IIJ: Ff H H NOrl'vn]VA u. E 2E ;F 323.^zZtL- Y ): vr"F ^ tt Z l-;; B =F;a O (r F{ZtOrJ82 qH** -,8F; EH =R 27'. : uJ):rNc|(J >E =lDN la lE ta lHI lF4 IF, t* t: ldlilulIH E HHH zoF l.J o uJo- F c{l,n e. uJ J z Eoo z tr UJF q rg- =UJz ItliltlaLzlzOa <oo< =H9!L6o<z Ez, 9z ilo3trOI -l X X X x Fl i z Fa 2 Y u.ro al -l zl zl ai t' uoulllJzo = G. ItJ .J z Eoo !Jl a z iF z tr .J U>z (! ulo- lt>ot! tt J =F q,l \' \a .k & C)u)OO | /lw.-a { 'ul'l H FJ zH utz Fl lrJF U) coo.: zo FI UJY Iu co oF ,-{re EH: bel><l*zl501,ZlrHlguJbEzo ts =E, UJo-zIF(JfEFazoo n J 2 _t_ UJ =|+ PSI I I Iot =.1olurl 1l slhlol il sOl ltlFIF I =.1olsJl :lal>l t|.lolzl3l9lFI zl cil sl<l>lt!l zl BIotFI \o(q\oc! I\o F1t-t F;i F X FE o J = HFl AH =E o\r\o\F IOr$ I<lrlo.t Icol-l II Iolz.l ol tlI 6l EI =.1oluJl 5l al>ll!lolzl3lolFI -j8 | i$lt:l IEl<I>-l "tzq= trl FB E-r F. I f{l<iF.{ . ui z (D llat IHt > |El E-.{ Icai Fl It<lEI F1 IEll E4 |zttrHl o I a <l H Itr.l p( |t<l.t :E Iql- Irl d 1l Htsrl ddaeeiAEo t Fz z -C) uJ = (! t: =+E !-Oz. (J >Y =<z.dfF:zrJ- o -rO<FcouJ<ZE,UJFtrt zo () UJtrIO F EFz I ol o)r have read the survey pollcies stipulated ln the nemo dated April 3, 1991 and courit to adhering toTown of Vail them. 1/)r)r6e -R-tctl'ra^n |!.,,, e ?q r.n"err.5Lr,4r -Ll.t)r d*gttz- ' Frr4a lrrc . Aao,A- Fru PFrr4j Sepi-- L\- or t n:t a ?-{ - ?ArcL( ,t t-TDqiw(J-^-.r-l t-- ABc, ft,5 t(-- Job Name 6pgos3 Permit Number Lesal Description: "ot / , Brock Z, subdivisio ")^tfufufi /l* q : \l!lrt.n\e.nor\rure.y.pol sc Y iEEEg,ii iliii*, * r-l P .-J IJ _) {.., ou,u,,tt E.c,luo, e o o2'-:o:- A.E=8: oF <( iB.l 9.6Itt \('' 2ZooF^Vl33 =uro Eg|l<olH6 =t z zo EulF c;2 ctuJEJ oz E r) h-) i-- t:, rDvi d2 orlGJ s|r0zt F o2 ctI|ltl lro2]o A tlt r- r]) r9rt rl' Ic a \D F. l-, r1l\i' V)(-/ | .\I IE \nu)zo z t P 4, tJ t- ot-{.Fg U :z t0q -s --sc-+ E ) d L €' nl|l E :a I (- + I tJ4 Ic f"\tf- , <l- /l- '"f! el o.) IufG Iq E rJ ly C4 v-€ v'\ t- ,ot-s cf t o I, =o( tli 2 t-: )( i7'.\ c-J: AED zo9 =Eaoo,z dP :Ei E =OEuJo. o u,lo, EIalulGltouro2 3a,g, 6 GI E J UJ l! dIo() eoIrl J uJooF o- E.g ulIL F 16 E = lg sE, l-.rlfl I- o.zo 5E ZE()E ,'C.\i \?(ItrEY'F t-6 aEla trgl \ ,oro uJ Eo @o zo o-llJY tu@ o :d,Edt>:: TE L\lll .--ro- I ulFoz ut o ',f oo PROJECT NUMBER: 81491- ADDRESS:, 7'10 POTATO PATCH DR. OCCUPANCY: R1 ,M1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON: V-N DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED: YES CORRECEIONS REQSIRED Tbe iteos listed belou are Dot iatended to be a coopl€te listingof all possible code requirements ia tbe adopted codes. rt is aguide to selected sectioas of the codes. Tbe followiag is not tobe const::ued to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro-visions of tbe adopted cod€s or any orditrance of the Town of Vail . 1. GLAZING IN A HAZARDOUS LOCATION IS REQUIRED TO BE GLAZED WITH SAFETY MATERTAI,.2. ATTIC ACCESS (22X30) TO EACH ATTTC AREA.3. ALL ELECTRIC WORK TO BE COMPLETE TO THE REOUIREMENTS OF THE 1990 NATIONAT ELECTRICAL CODE.4. BATHROOMS AND LAUNDRY ROOMS 9{ITHOUT NATURAL VENTILATION ARE REQUIRED TO IIAVE MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM DIRECTLY TO THE OUTSIDE.5. MECHANICAL ROOM HEATING A}TD COOLING EQUIPMENT LOCATED IN THE GARAGE SHALL BE INSTATLED WITH THE PILOTS AND BURNERS OF HEATING ELEMENTS AND SWITCHES AT LEAST 18" ASOVE THE FLOOR LEVEL.6. IN BUILDINGS OF UNUSUAI, TIGHT CONSTRUCTION. (AIL NEW CONST.IN TOWN OF VAIL), COMBUSTION AIR SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE OUT SIDE.7. MECTTANICAI ROOMS FOR HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOTLER APPLICATIONS A FLOOR DRAIN SHALL BE SUPPLIED FOR SUITABLE DISPOSING OF ACCUMULATED FLUIDS.8. ROOFS WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR A SNOW LOAD OF 80 LB. PER SQ. FT. DECKS SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR A LIVE LOAD OF 1OO LBS. PER SQ. FT.9. EXTERIOR STUCCO APPLICATIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH EXTERIOR META]-, LATH AS PER SEC. 4706 UBC OR AS PER MANUFACTURERS SPECS FOR THIN COAT APPLICATIONS OR SYNTHEIIC STUCCO APPLICATIONS.10. A CHIMNEY ENCLOSURE FOR A WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE FLUE SHALL BE PROTECTED BY A ONE HOUR FIRE RESTSTIVE CONSTRUC?TON.11. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. THIS SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND STAFF APPROVED PRIOR TO A FRAME INSPECTION APPROVAL.12. SKYLIGHTS SHALL BE OF MATERIAI,S AS SPECIFIED BY UBC 3402 OR SHALL BE PROTECTED BY SCREENING AS PER UBC 3403. LOADS SHALL BE DESIGNED AS PER UBC 3405 (TOWN OF VAIL SNOW LOAD IS 80 LBS PER SQ. FT.). ao Plan Revier Baged onthe 1988 Uniforo Codes NAI4E: POTATO PATCH DATE: 8-14-91 CONTRACTOR: SIIAPIRO ARCHITECT: BACHRACH ENGINEER: NICOL PLANS EXAMINER: DAN T.H. 5-PLEX REALTY STAI{EK oo oo PAGE 2 1.3. THE OPEN SIDE OF ALL DECKS, PORCHES, STAIRS, ETC. WHICH ARE MORE THAN 3OU ABOVE GRADE SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH A GUARDRAIL. OPENINGS CAN NOT EXCEED 5". WHTHIN R-1 OCC. AND ALL R-3, HETGHT MrN. rs 36"-oursrDE R-L occ., HETGHT MNrN. rs 42". sEc.1711 uBc14. FLOOR DRAIN IS REQUIRED IN THE GARAGE OR SLOPE THE GARAGE FLOOR. IF FLOOR DRAIN IS USED, IT MUST CONNECT TO A DRY WEI-,L ORA SAND AND GREASE INTERCEPTOR. ANY FLOOR DRATN CONNECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VAI,LEY WATER E SAN. DIST.15. AREA SEPARATION WATLS WHICH TERMINATE AT ROOFS OF DIFFERANT HEIGHT SHALL TERMINATE AT A POINT 3OI' ABOVE THE LOWEST ROOF WTTH THE EXTERIOR WA],L ABOVE LOWER ROOF OF 1HR CONST. AND CEILINGS BELOW SHALL BE FIRE RESISTIVE AS NOTED UBC 505.16. A GRIPPABLE LADDER IS REQUIRED TO ACCESS GRADE FROM A WINDOW WELL BEING UTILTZED OUTSIDE AN EGRESS WINDOW. ANY COVER OVER WTNDOW WELL SHALL BE EQUIPED WITH APPROVED RELEASE MECHANISN WHICH IS OPENABLE FROM THE INSIDE WITH NO SPECIAI. KNOWLEDGE.l-7. A SMOKE DETECTOR IS REQUIRED INALL LEVELS. NOTE; ALL DETECTORS ARE TO SOUND AN ALARM TN BEDROOM AREA. CH 12 UBC. INCLUDE A COPY OF THE SOILS REPORT FOR THE SITE TO BE BUILT ON. EGRESS WINDOWS MUST MEET CH T2 OF UBC. OCCUPANCY SEPARATION REQUIRED BETWEEN GARAGE AND THE RESIDENCE ]-HR FIRE CONSTRUCTION AS PER SEC.5O3 UBC. STAIRWAYS TO MEET CH.33 OF UBC. ATTIC VENTILATION REQUIRED AS PER CH.32 OF UBC.Att CRAWL SPACES WITHIN THE TOI,IIN OF VAIL ARE LIMITED TO A EARTH TO STRUCTURAL FLOOR CEILING HEIGHT OF s"BE EARTH FLOOR ONLY, BE VENTILATED AS PER UBC 2516(C) 6 WITH MINIMUM ACCESS AS PERuBc 251-6(C)2 AND MAXTMUM ACCESS OF 9 SQ.FT.24. EXCAVATION BELOW SLABS ON GRADE SHALL NOT BE PERMTTTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL.25. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE POSTED PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET26. rN GARAGE WrTH LTVTNG AREA ABOVE, THE WAILS OF THE GARAGE WHICH ARE BEARTNG THE AREA ABOVE SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH ONE HOUR FIRE RESTSTTVE CONSTRUCTTON. UBC 503 (B) . IX r-9. .A 21. 22. zJ- oo MULTFFAMILY DATE: 9-3-91LEGAL: LOT 6 BLOCK 2 FILINGADDRESS: 770 POTATO PATCHOWNER: SHAPIRO REALry ARCHITECT: BACHRACH LOT SIZE: 0 PROPOSED USE: ZONE DISTRICT: GRFA ALLOWED ON SITE ALLOWED SITE COVERAGE SITE COVERAGE USED SITE COVEHAGE REMAINING LANDSCAP COVEBAGE GRFA USED ON SITE GRFA REMANING ON SITE oo PROPOSD USE:YNN 14778 0 O 9438 SQ FT USED O FOR UNITS D,E,F O & G PEBMIT#4539 141?s 639 VAIL POTATO PATCH PHONE # 949-7979 PHONE# 47&2636 UNIT A FLOOR BASEMENT SQ.FT. 1ST. FLOOR SO.FT, 2ND. FLOOR SQ.FT. 3RD. FLOOR SQ.FT. LOFT FLOOR SQ.FT. TOTALS CREDITTOTALS GRFA ALLOWED TOTAL CREDITS GRFA USED GRFA REMAINING CREDITS REMANING TOTAL 970 1083 10€ 0 0 3101 #GAR.spaces 0 't4778 751 .5 ?3,49.5 12428.5 GARAGE STORAGE415 TUN0wN0 t,l/N 0 lll/N0 l.UN415 0 415 0 MECH. STAIR8200510 8t]000082 139 TOTAL GROSS82 139 AIRLOCK VOID000 72.50€00000 115.5so.FT. 31010 115.5 N/A N/A ].t/A N/A 25 UNIT B FL@R BASEMENT SQ.FT. 1ST. FLOOR SO.FT. 2ND. FLOOR SQ.FT. sRD. FL@R SO.FT. LOFT FLOOR SO.FT. TOTALS CREDIT TOTALS GRFA ALLOWED TOTAL CREDITS GRFA USED GRFA REMAINING CREDITS REMANING UNIT C FLOOR BASEMENT SQ.FT. 1ST. FLOOB SO.FT. 2NO. FL@R SO.FT. 3RD. FLOOR SQ.FT. LOFT FL@R SQ.FT. TOTALS CREDITTOTALS GRFA ALLOWED TOTAL CREDITS TOTAL 990 1072 1055 0 0 3117 #GAR.spaces 12428.5 74a.5 2368.5 10060 TOTAL 971 1081 10.16 0 0 3104 #GAR.spaces 10060 752.5 N/A 25 tl/A GARAGE STORAGE MECH. STAIR AIRLOCK421 N/A 82 0 00 l.l/A 0 51 00 l.l/A 0 88 00N/A0000N/4000421 0 82 139 0 TOTAL GROSS SQ.FT. 82 139 0 vorD 0 trt.5 4t 0 0 106.5 3117 106.5 VOID 0 72.5 ,f3 0 0 115.5 3104 115.5 f.UA N/ATVA 421 N/A TOTALo 417 MA 81 GARAGE STORAGE MECH. STAIR AIRLOCK417 IJ\A81 00oNA051 00M408800t.J\40000N40004't7 t.|\A 81 139 0 GROSS SQ.FT.139 0 GRFA USED GRFA REMAINING CREDITS REMANING o 2351.5 770€.5 oo N/A N/A 25N/AN/A N/A UNIT H FL@R BASEMENT SQ,FT. 1ST. FLOOR SQ.FT. 2ND. FLOOR SO.FT. 3RD. FL@R SO.FT. LOFT FL@R SO.FT. TOTALS CREDITTOTALS GRFAALLOWEO TOTAL CREDITS GRFA USED GRFA REMAINING CREDITS REMANING TOTAL 970 1083 10,€ 0 0 3101 #GAR.spaces 77N.5 751.5 2349.5 5359 GARAGE 415 0 0 0 0 415 0 415 STORAGE N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A N\A MECH. STAIR AIRLOCK VOID820000 51 0 72.50880{l00000000e 139 0 115.5 TOTAL GROSS SQ.FT. 3101e 139 0 115.5 N/A N/A 25 N/AN/A l.l/A UN]T J FL@R BASEMENT SQ.FT. 1ST. FLOOR SQ.FT. 2ND. FL@R SQ.FT. sRD. FL@R SQ.FT. LOFT FL@R SQ.FT. TOTALS CREDITTOTALS GRFAALLOWED TOTAL CREDITS GRFA USED GRFA REMAINING CREDITS REMANING TOTAL 990 1072 1055 0 0 3117 #GAR.spaces 5359 748.5 2368.5 2990.5 TOTALo 421 N\A 82 GABAGE STORAGE MECH. STAIR AIRLOCK421 N\A 82 0 0oN\A051 0oN\A0880oN\A000oN\A000421 N\A e 139 0 GROSS SQ.FT.139 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A VOID 0 63.5 4| 0 0 106.5 3117 106.5 N/A25 UN]T K FL@R BASEMENT SQ.FT. 1ST. FL@R SQ.FT. 2ND. FL@R SQ.FT. 3RD. FL@R SO.FT. LOFT FL@R SQ.FT. TOTALS CREDITTOTALS GRFAALLOWED TOTAL CREDITS GRFA USED GRFA REMAINING CREDITS REMANING TOTAL 977 1081 1046 0 0 3104 #GAR.spaces 2990.5 752.5 2351 .5 639 GARAGE STORAGE MECH. STAIR AIRLOCK417 fAA 81 0 0oMA051 0oMA0880oMA000oMA000417 MA 81 139 0 TOTAL GROSS SO.FT.139 0 N/A N/A 8'lN\A417 VOID 0 72.5€ 0 0 115.5 3104 115.5 N/A,8N/AN/A NOTES: GRFA USED PHASE 1, 9438; PH,ASE 1, T.C.O. ISSUED LETTER OF CREDIT REQUIRED PRIOR TO ALL T.C.O.'S FOR/ LANDSCAPPING, PAVING PT{ASE 11 AND 111. 5ro ; | ...S7p-H;l---:+f$;3_]i_$.FtT$.$:;3..$j.}.'i"*$t*i}'*- 3$$.$1iT:ir$* R$$ i u, i.gi+STi*lsilfr i*:Y I :i i si l ii ) ; ; i ; . * s I ! ri?.n Yl .-.;-i14€ !*{1-u i;i-vl5.t-Zp'--n"F-> Ji'Z:;S'2'32'Z='G; n' - rG;' ;x., r:. tl ._oHa[F'i[-;-ii E i :lc-*e*; 'i.m ""' l; t- #Jil=-:r*-:+x - ;$ lil.'q:* :S;:,_:fi?t tlfl'Jlf- -i!-$ 3'5 " im"in$ ,lrl:i iYr.; :s3= ?-T--f'T TT F- 5 : i ::"i ?'i'r' j--"r -:--,'-: I -i s ";: -iG:.iliil-r-Fqs-$o--- cs \--r- t-_" l--' \9 {tso' t.s-'-s-(j- r--- f-- \9 *'-:'-i_ -Qs -.-:- /l t-.r llJ \-rrr ' '- -l-t : , \,i.a4 5,\,I d! P;.).- 1:- .'A -+- :.e ---il-rfr v,ii- . J4t----rl-.5 -=-o- o;' :r -,- 7 q{ t tu r't ^+*to-a *iI -i -: eY *x'4j n! €'8Y-t- € € o o .r'r'-Jn-t S-l -',- -\, {';,';-a- *:*-"j'i.-r .xi'.'_ :'i : t -rr;-\.+_i__+."i_;_!.i l:*oq€Ys-j_6-.F+-'.fS ;-{ $ \y.S .J._r-}:-;-*$,"j.-e+ .i e -;G."=-$-; P -{.-r _T _Y i _t _* 5 } '_t "- : e -r -, --,^ -,-^. i -:.i * -;-: i+ -i+ d --...' -< sr r -r.- --".-{--* ;-...r-...':.-r as c..l cs cJ co r.-, cs'rJ -cO'rn - io- .o - 0f' N rvi f0'rCt Mt -'--"+i'-r j-g tlr- N 91. {--d" ! 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I II I I I I I I .tii;ti.--'I r !ilirillilrilr!iilllil: I o I fir !C, Z' o0 .:i T 1-.-+ {-{JlJe ee-l-tin UD, dl{3l t dl>l s?l" dl -Dl qr ,'vr40rl9a _*:_ ^ \,.!, -a- Eq)vti 3e.-tJ is. e: =' f -lo g|, .o .1,vD,tD4.u '0, ./\.:- 4 -Jl"-\5 ,'l idyia. i!€'a ^ouL I .l {l-dlf,t Ui -ni'>l o-f-t_\(!cri ' \.al ,rvj d -\ I tig6,fpf lfiE, . q-{ 3H8 14.. 1.F 6I O..l 'rH-'tJI H.Fd l,st#Ot{>i5 a g ;€sl.{O>) Crr bO{ .d r-l Cll, O d.r{{ '.{r5 C 3EH $ il l,l ,,j ii I li lr itirlili'lliirliiill lrii'ilriI, r - iliit.l a;,b0'trrGg a€olD,t Eg6'db'5Ei.a- b0. $g f,;O',,ct.u $r:ErlrFi<J( i I ! I \lc/ Inl>ioi i otioil0; -1vl'i)l % <-\-oi eriEiJi )-lnti i 3lol 1itl' '.1Tl -I Qr G/- I oo AJi Oi oi l.J|iJi. -1 .lrlLi.' ,-$'i:</0t: tq i;€fidr rJJi.o -qi \i 9l drT- A!- - g' orlA, L,'. oJn !\, C9 F v{{ 0i,cPi(r lr IrFf;Uit0l : J ,t, l? :J :Lr X;,G- & { +,ilJr 5t ti 3r !:i t+l Pt i i Iaifult-i -,, i 4.;Ni rUi r-l v\i ari I j I I I .-r IIt 'ItJlP;vl wiA,:#l niJI I I)i ror i1l<.i liitJi_ i-l{-iioi "lGi'iei=iijl t-icP.al lut .;ii#ig: 4 o {\} .J -l.N ;Fii<iI Arn; Fi *l '.D I;i<i I$if.15I { F ). 5 0o 0c -J 3 i.}i.-.1 | J:<iJisl ld' i oiviJi. -ilDi As_/ : ,$i:i{ Y;Z*- et;8fi cr a,,J:o t($\,,)t (9 frt' !.{4a;\s/ (n >< \5 CJ, 3Acl4.3 Alr5iai (J' I I/^l,ull-i-/i 4,ri ru: ri g\iutl ALl ril {i t+t,:7i ,olGlri <J;Tiii 'iiiiJii rDi i i3livI i llri,rl Ali6i rtl-Lt, *i Ei Ei 9-lsl :. I\5rn I:C. Ii15l'. ---):.i(lis- -1\5 i l3, iolsfi ij5 iwiitU: s( r r$r. 'i iJ: e'ti, t lgi -!lol {t2 a. 0; :CPi(l , ;r:tHi; rJi :0 J ,!ll it-i -< io.i {;lc- & I I : I I II I I Il. I I I I tillliI t- ilI l_tllli'-ltlll .il\g/it c,\ti ;etli.t * t.lJ}ni < rs3 ><. L.'. ntl,.1J e).-J tJ 1 slrb- t-3va,) c\: It. ..':'ri 2.<' llri D- , t-:tr)r. /1 J/. $; a> t-4 .'l::l lll, I I ti li I' i i:l lr It :l tl;, .;; 'rl it,i ';ilr il i .l:r,,.1 .rl ,l 'ir.ill |:; : ' o'SttF'j&i :,ni3 "s0r.{,:i Fdo r.ao*ss'.+ f.n )t-|v'.Ji'|, i"ttl- 99i{i o:r? u '!l ,,E'itr; IS, +<'o ',Et l|':'z'.. trr'-->, :X;,*tt to! alrt \JI ;7,ldi)>i v 8: A/|J) ttt7 o)? )l-(q ,,iriil3jr r:},.-' 3rvtl ..s: :sr/l, i-s : '. .L '5' V.t. \t !.s 'v) ffi; t3iMidfi ' ^,4rJ, d ;; i t'9,. r iS4i i.q;vlvz<..i, a' o C!s. a. J; d:''\ i l.li iNL ; trr€-' 4,jo, *rl L-lc- a: 'i z-' )rl 6 9rr, L:l.\,/l !rI i'ui ial; :o -, 1:r,u 5'6'e ?er d!f)At\rl 'I itlti lg -ivi€ s: o,p i: o' j ;l ei.i i,,iillil:'rilllrliiii iiilil:trrll,i-lil.rirlrrrl,iiit i'ill,l,i;i,lrii:.riill ,I IIi!it 1,: !',: I ! .i : r,!r; ,f\t { l$, 'j JJI Fiti " " €l.J.lo {t:z7 ,{i)i :aPl t'sii*ilJili L cri i{ii*iisir-'iirii+l I *91._r;l.'i is' l!' isiJ,i+ilfr l-['i i"g :A rrOt-rl-S{ - l*s l-l.i sr I i I It- I I i" I It,- 'r-'rS:6; Q ,Ford i3i= o/' nO SL\l [":<t =l , gl, AAgi i-<i ir IN. I ao, I i ioe;so I-:N flc I I I t. -.:-rioi li-ilil i..iI r0it: t.'' 'r - t\c i 'r'':i;;liliir:iil ,I I lsl!-I I I t- l\r\). 0'c).CP I.l !vl 0i $l ft H f:, o: &iol ult,F: l ( rllJ3a tlr f{ c( 0oA I I I I 1.. I I I I' t- ' I I I G\s/ t,.i, 'I ,t it I L- ', N.c-/J J,c 21-J,'r .JI t, -2 ;$irs- P3* 0\] ts a) <.2 pl; tL/ t2. -i,{,U. l-l;l'<U r)':.t'.N lf,t rt' .l-l tr) J o'aEF L*i5 .9q 'ri ,e^d'A -s,r"+ l sqli*i (db 5, id, 9rq<r o:r? u ill , TDtu,,:Lr * .a a' ,,ff i|':z'lo--> l)(,rt:o ia r lltitjlil-L,ihl;1>> i '" >t'i<.lci A/r)It a- D)? )l.<s rll:ii'-r tf ,l ,i ,rl ,j ;,'r.i l1:lii lril'ii''' rt ii't'l:r It'rl,li1 IIL :l l i i l i i r 1 t ,l l.1E- f- -| 3r;Vt1 i .5;l-t l-, I -J| l4i.s tv-) ,,qE i ,3d:ds ij3 ,,u-. i. i \gi.q,v.v'?<.i' a., c!s. a. J; dY''i i | 'tlr iM I ,ri€ jt' ac- al 'i a' )ri'6 'J/' Dl \A i i'uI INJr '.O-,i :r, v 5,K, o<'- -i 1,ft',6\n AL v) ,lI i'ri laz "i *i€*.o ^7' o'j ;i gi.i ;wi,$r{ i \tt 'i. I J'F i*i "i gl -r,iol {lz7li- i:i i ,*< M ;3; -rir3 'nPl ;Jti*tiJrll ic-li to= *a iJi+ i$ ;cJ hj: i *: is;rf,I*llfl .l-t,i I i-$i-s* ir i-\S- tsJ 1 M; Doi $r\t6' 2t AtpA, E.<i I . AJ' :4 i* lloIN -Jl :ilili:liiiil,:illi,;iiil':!!i ,lrrirri::::,iiiii lllri,lli i,rli.r!lri i"i '; i lnl l" 'r' -i\a j ii i,i l:l'tililill'iiril; ii'l ' tt lr ilirls l,si It.s I i I l. v; CP(.l.., I; N:. 8' I iil/h; I€2il I /--\ ts...J s G|,\bj.qr"' : *:.i. J',J a;+ , 4, tir,= x. Ptvvnj. rt'o ') "Y: <t':> r 0L;ro- :, i . ,) I l' I j t-, \t. c'/) io':,)' , ,."1-' 2'Nl />- 'oEt,?t: t ,t?, 3 #€cC{-.,Y' li ,t "$<,,i sao'.q- !1 I l--9 'I,l: ;ri I,ii__:--1-). ila rli,ii$t!\'| I l. @bI '5I ,04 : 9lq 'dii sln u ,l. ur:r19-r',tU.'2, ,9,!<{liol ui ui,ty tll,7. '!'r<iiql r&l :lr!.' ur' +ti , >l ,is-liqi 0rtulfJ2It.--> ,:L rq r+' i I ' Q,t-- i-tot< <r Fl'- -- en{Y't5 C." O-r, S' qt.{ \l rArl i r.llt qr v,'+ r,Q rl<i i t)r l Ji iliiig IA1Fl trji 4aiJ: rul.,, E l,z''-.i s/, Vl i*ti i.-i ; tz"l r i-i .o; 3iF"i t, rli i.n, tU; I .t, - -l IL* Jr i'vli -=-'--,iiir.tl'a\ |rDl i 4gIit <: J'5 i5, *g''tl oE I lvi 13iq/ : d,5 ij5 i. ', ,,)i igl*'C -rO.l' a9. A.':4, ht -^-a'N,r'.x , I At,ifgl.r O-*-x" K -: a E, Q,.5*i fii-1 ' :ro', iAg' =,y o, o^. 0v), tA2 a,': =! rl, I r.tA;Al;jo ii,i fcl -l{i,36 o,^./l | , Q\ a''-j;ldis r i tr.,i rvt:fl$ !( '.r'Oi^ orGA' ^'Ov/) )Z rrr. J *rcj ; ;; iitol:R:a $:, E, _3 :-, *c \9 r:1l,lI trsli ;s, =i{ € o, Q C! .--. ' ! crtJ6 sf, u,u+ t1ll sifl<Y,.: ^\tJ $.5:'<r' 6' J +H-e w. r.r {,\tt.t lJ' F i*i "I gl -r,lol {i2ati- i3i f ,*od| \tl- I qi; '.1-i s.r J l"9ll1$ Iilti .9i',-t IiN: rA\ it-l *i i$l i-Jl I trlicii-r lic'i ili..v Ir-,l*iei i-*i| -}.,i<itll lNi J I I i'$i? Ii* rcOi-. l-si1-l-sl-t.I {t'r tlioil\l i-siirirftItrl :i, h.f, 'rjls: IrriI )Ai i-9 1 l..ciit i i i ;<i\r Irop .i vl Iti ll;i!li ri I-li\<i I.ii'-^! I ::'i I lr4 I 1 '. a.' rEifo.l ,<r i d :+-iiFl ; DAil_tq-i : =-,t--:<: iAA;i' : l-::;<J iFo i,ltcl 4i -I':<'rFAfr ''1!, '. -tl=lrai )Al i<-i.+; 'Fr<.col ('{ii+; '4i I5ita,+ai {1 L4 l{.Jt cOi I l*l t--' 1 -'i<-\llt 'l Ii-l i+ I i i.o rolii-l ir-ril ii t,ll ,t I lrlri I i:r1 iei rtt,li i I t'.t\ I I I 'iri i i l.o:ir(\i ii j? I Ilslirnii!iill tilrtirlII Lli b:. Ei $i3i h, P, vo,g, ri IF.:U o, * ; inn il"; ;,iO-: iore d- ' .l(i Al; :Bia' : rllJ3' D, tlr, tl \IU 06 0o i iI I I I I :.' N[ z 2 Ju MA. ; : ! I I I I I'-1 I I I i I I ;' i-l I I I I _l I II I I..-l I I--. I I i I :v'la)iiti\rr\: rl;,1rr,lG); i€2ii ;r .tA\9i lNt")*:.i5,J a;+ ;$'9 t-ttv1J..J 4'-+ "vl.(t> 0Ll:0-- i 'i il l .l P. 'y'{,*rJo' Jl t-i-J, c'z NI, P. ,. ,l ri ll I itl ,rl ti'1, : o:az.?;t:111,3 f I I cr9 I (o '(-, ir "!9{s*00,-f I .$9 I ll I ii I ,i\tyIIrAi I i-+{i ir ll @g ,,4. i 9rqi<i o it'?, u ly I uil' t1)'-r t!J J:{.q | 1,, I :!I\,;u,'t.-fl '\ l--:>: I >r.is-ilar ,'u l.Il rr-U "'2:lu-.? tr{.:g r+I, r lr'--!-tc.< <'F { l:": 1f, c'" I o -r, rii q) =rr\i CdJ I I IJI Si .v;{e IrQ. rl<: i )r i<.i i ;l l, ,tiri 1g'l rFjr l..o' 3li\^ i q-l * .:\vr, J 5IA :'l{rlp' . -i r4l llt iJ".5 7,, u): i.5i , {, r\.t') r co P ^,1,l) i all Jl :. rtl i{}i i,-'-at Irdj i_.-r--iilr ^ilrDl i ^ H.n' T {i21. <,i rl & H3l ,^.,2ke : 13;dd5 iiiS ii i.li ia4l*.t9 :lo.1 aU ./\5'6.r *i, li .X I I 'uii t,Ui ..r' Ol -x'" K ",a E, Q,'5 "6, S -q i lloli lAli -,; Y:0'..i, a, o,E a,'-.3r tui Xrr/$lAI;\4] ?oa'1 z : U'ic9 Ii€O';a Qt'5'u! ool i\n I ao, c- 4 \^ , tr) N ), ,0 {.O'.,.t rr': J r...i r P\-> -1,2 ,1 E, O;3: l! i'& s),i,J+Hs Lu,is =' {;€ c,; Q f-i ,tJ 6 VQ r-i . r-/ v ir ii <tai <, Y:.3 J:$5:' <r' <i Jilr* r9 i{-(o l6it-r It*.9ir,lI)|: i .ei,-t II c.l; o{'l l'* .9 iJii*ll<-li-I Iisr l'-tli-,l*rPl rYiI 'r- .i<i iari I["vl:-:x l(O 1J+io1lfc t' I I I I I I I-t" ' I .1..-- Sqoc ii*rSi_(l'Ir^1-9 .: C,'r i I i ioi \Sj*i \Sf $+, i, iL^r l Iieo: t-t j I ':ali-si t.ss r= l'<i\I lroH;YIi rrl rlitli, i'<i I.irr-l Ii?] i'i'-r i I =E'.P) tcr '{t it':E i Falt_,rtt , '=,',t-':<: i AA,i -::t, r-l :F:, <'j IFDi ,sl id; < di AAi:<.| I*; '€t'<Ecgr €'qi i .a-: I5iz+ i,*a i{1 A i i otl ;coi irItf\l f.'. irc .i- ri lli-i l->l ri i i roliq-iidil 1l ill ri ll ot ';I l"r+ i'i I1t\t\. l I I I I r_ ii 'I'ic(1lisol li ilir Il-slrrniilii iitlllj, li liiitirlii Ni. J a ,' : 6 Ft+- : i i I drtu,Ia Ei $:IibP ; i ! i rllJ 3ia !!, \,U 0( or oln i i I i I I I 9 sr<z 2 Ju MA. I I I i I l I I i I ! i i I i I i I '! I I i I I I I I I II I t I i I ' I' I . .l t. I I-., .1 I I, 1- , II I'l I i Irl @ @ v|lrAl9l| --4 |Jl', r I;'fl iil.'1-l llElt:tr'l ;lr I hl:J;3 t{ giirt,2tr] 0?u ; EF -ls-i\j ,3ro/ss 6, a. 5'd $ .t- F ). iltllnii C'ri !l Ii ---r. 1lli:rli iitl-1 1ti-ii ll @ @ : I fFl I, i ;tr ti -i.i irillii IIt' I e,\9j.Qrl;") rSls , a,ii46''4.* i l: i i, li rii ll irril r __,;I ,i1 t- i--tl rli lll I||- ' olEt,F- ,55 I L I I 'l ' 'r'--l,l 'l; I b,l :{ e:h i(i o,t" U a. a-'r, \9 A-'r $ l\-: >-T\1 9i )clr \9; r' e.r|L-, \5 )ltgn''a_l :fl '\ti c \-/-ls-r\5 <-i1i,.\ i c-rJltr-i 1r-1\tl ilrl -i <; i l-J i ' -:-- i<,') I ri(>_ i : :.)-i-t\fi i iiIr!rQ. ioi').'o.ll. :61 A,J o'*p loi o' Fl-r'e" ai),ol:rs i PJ;l<:.J.vl Jq rL 0c oJ etr D s)L'e .t- I It- Il_ 'ii(f I iJl'91 rlI-I| -lipi o,5 i ;5: lAl'd.3 ij5 1 a o-t VI ipiu T; :o, o)g, i&1 -t o\4(L a\n v o ohJ\I ru Sr.o 5.o).JlI.-r. (L.'&l 1M, '.2 . .!, v-I rljz,I' 1o cL 2 \n i,oia4losiv<'r)o5 arlur IA/ l, I ? z\n J s Dlrt L!- IUM. o. o J -A' ?o e.- V) v 6 a,! N- D AI \3 Jo)JIo--r i :,ui rl\4I .: oiy u?trol qt!-.J<,/)l:lto\n E :f,- c:.z M w <.o OEFI ws, OtC) 5oJJo I. -t - - I I-''l I I I I ;iil'.ltDltuiir-l l\Lri '2'tol ;wirt'{ !S'3'" J'F ,* * I fl -r,loiz7lr- '-l " -"-5.i.El 8*ov i 3,J i-ti 3 n.rd xrr iJ lYlo L(Cl €:f-_; ,i*'ri(' :-e l,l:^i ?l<i t^qll | -.IYIi5l i+iI Y-i loi l-oi i.€i-;* l t--i- \li It9 1-ts- lcO t<. l\r lo i\.g It^t1 I J* tr.i e r...s i :r- IiF- rJi*i9 l-s 1.00 lr.lrl -t- Ir6 lr() sl* i:,i\sl-AlpiI^ i l- .l -${l it - l' I*i I t_t'I I i"t j l-pti iifl -l- l-ccr l_l_ i _1 r N.P''x- ,,!t t' UJL'/l J\J cc c0 =. r! {.J.,:Dol rrl'-1 -l, tlj , n 'I 1' AT f4 N4 ilis, '1 &, i=-'i-t, Iiaf iDA r '<I- lit ,il iilrnjl I19; i'.d': i:+:, i-|------t-----1,li-i-ll-i-f-r ii.it<l I(<\ | |I -t 't'- ; .li-;i*l Ir \1r1 :ta] "I!|fii icc|i-l \lv / i,= ri.l i,cll': l, C't t: ll Ltiiri-l ll lIti(!. tl t lro i '<'l i \-l <su \s{ o \i+i-, ;O-i \t3sg 0l i CP(rli ll :ril)t O;.-9 ...F l..1 .l I''I I '- t I {|ct Ip )-.$,vr oJ {tuJ 3: a" ur: 0{ lr" I i -l I j -l Ill ?.11'ro Plrgtt. Tar:A,Nags:3 - -}.IoTeS.Ee-$9af,E . - --o-q:, lSlg--i I J. , .$[eu-(q1 or.r Waab.-be99g.-A!r:19"-! {a.c:,.s-,s* !,rs. u9.t 9!. V?9O-Q4'4 '- f. . ^., \\t'rH'bu "l.zUt rozs-SrPPt: E-E-;po. -Tr€1l i 5g-4 ur- Lo tLSsI :i-Udge:j--: i @ S".n l\Arzournrce is -en.s,ltOriotj. S.tl.-A.qn-. FAcel Lrr/ae. l\rsule i BB,c:-ilf.-TBAse, Z-3A-3:4tbryral -FasiD-Ep-t:]!e-+-+ , . .Fr-,uSH T"urt. *0"--eAAG !r-Ff 9-': lF ,.1?.J.? *oe-ePvlF*B*!i(t{ *---l- . !"re. S"pr,,'a-e fi-'EprS;j;,;lut isrre,vAlrbd 4uD PatreFrtS &q!o-:@-L.l - SyurztE r, . T5r , i"Cr: rj1_g-D .To ?PT- -Bgrceg- FeFeic.Lr:-e-$, i L- '' "'/'\r t-' : I z1 -' ' ' '---:- *t--rj---:i-_( ^ 1 ^'i-A., r\ ap$ gf oor). e-irrl". B-'"{l+e if ur ,\1 6:-1)3:o. a-ro'zlt-9!L : t'TJ >lANtJr. \J. -- -, f:/FreuU MiAS.rt?..: b9oe.3 .T;rofZ; Ftrf |t/;dc,'j- -- i \- STAN LEY 1'vJ> fo VE ?1lt rnr.a.u"g,L U-U FuR't-r iS*#l EY \labr.u&En Sc.,PP\-ian. O '[""p gooR ' SEtp goAlt /^ \- -*---- : R3) Dooc .HAraDurn<q \p- -€a.sroEtl-r-rA.Lj. Seql*ls , . FAcEr Lr{re.AANDLEi BPic-JI 3e4<s, ZJe*fi{tptg': FasiQaA-dA-,---+----- r. ,.. . . $iierr.$er oN Woo6 .bqq-Qg"AiLI6s5 Ae,.:. 1-,q*-!,s-. -u.9:1 .o-d "p-"to-!4'etr. ,.. . . $iierr.$er oN Woo6 .bqq-Qg"AiLI6s5 Ae,.:. 1-,q*-!,s-. -u.9:1 .o-d -p-oJo--Q4'et i -';-_-"r-'- -.i---]--s, t'' .^.. Il r r'r. .- .^ .FuuSu Tou-r-. ar.D eATeiE s,-ET < ,. !-1 . te I? -ae"PgP*!9. rp-tT1t - i . . bope. SuPPi)'-B f,rQn iS..lcg:.,- {uu t5rtrgBryaTrdAJ 4tlD Pl1-f e.talt5-?eqoo<t'y2;' I W AS Za Rveepl,Rguu !.N"Bl -qt', AL' 5u'i{q DqoR9,' _Joergr bog FRAUE-e B !-Lgarr: lC- O$:,?aq!o-B, --_JoeKE-r bog FI AUEP B\i_LBAU:il6_ (b{:|e49 --:- -@ .-U""e S.rppl,lsB-.ra* t"A,g,-su A; -rFAJ.q{Pb"AG- iG;.- - -i--,- --Fr r.\ iS u QAe> -r,r aZ-g S u,P-P--,ujiK-T" r rF-.:-Qs-i r U - \-qz'?-Pi9y .:.,--.--'.---l-- I NErAu MiFRoR DooRg To Ee TFAr'asuE9g FloNr --AnA\ -----l .SIAFI LEY ''',. >Jb Eg{n\IJ i.lii:.lll "^i'i iO. ,i,ii;. O ii;I,.irllilil;i:i;ii ;iiiri,irli,i- i, tAtu T,fe f,zArED i WPS rc; Bd \sqir ib, u A uuY tirri iT" til.l s u.r-. :L;,$rED tlpizuu-rAt<F, I , , @ I tl I i . ,j ltl) ,l IIsJ F=.p.us.]e i$*tk+iol oeu*r",1^ i u;n "r*$,lilifiiil,ill i I 1 i i i ! '-1 .r -i i-.--i --;' I 'i i l. t -r- I Frs uD cub cg I !.i srii {c 1 oPeu i u i"'. i D ; ri'aq n lti:t'l,,rlilliliirriirlil ,T'rre;\ooR S,u€puf le; L4rup.- TSS :alVq*J: ,A F, lbesll GS D[a Avf r Nc. s Ar:rD: Lo t"v txi Fqg(>p QUA'"riTY ANO F\AND TAKE.- oFF ' bFuivetat R; Aqizee u u Posl W rT1l ?F: IFcr ; M A;rt * c1 ,.::riii t' i lriilr i r r : -f 1 ' 1 I iii t' i lriilr i | ' : I -i 1 I I I i {u-roMrui ic, CLoSeR: tAuv .13-,'> .o( +to3Fttr -pnuu T<,6+Fliil6 l\\!N-qu=F .;Slnrqre ,Seeu. I ?AGgAaE Lpc.K,Sff. r .l l I i i I iAru T,Re f,2Ar€D QQeP ro; Be \sqi iTo ttS,t g u.r-. ,L;,grsD HnPUw*ler:- :.i; F s.D cHecR i.+iFXir)c. i ePe,ol "9iiirrillliir,ii,l-*E;\ooR €uPPutlR; L,pruu -3S,( l -'ii I ,ll+6;*)oo{<. bot"lzglel<i u+lLL l)F I ;beli /-,nt, $RAv)rgc.,9,AND, b 1...,i.A.i! .>l r*Vi Ai.n tln\lN .r-l l, - ,\l i QDA*ri TYI AND I+AND TAKE - oFF . 6; ^qqaee'u ,u Pos.f W r,tll Ti<: Jsar lll:,!iiiitiiiirr {u-tor'.t*r ic 1 cLqSeK i: }Aue iZ,%: , --- | A -; r=l' ri jr.ri-,- -- C'^ i. ii']3Ruu 13,gAFiilc, i+\\NqsF . 1 Sm"re I ?AqsAaE iLeek is+f. i iPfttels i'?=o ioY,i' I i I Ii.,ii,il,l1i-i 11 $.rFPliee f5 fur<:Nistl Dg ,b*rR SFI-errs , FoF,Ar.u j bb-e P 1 itraR corur'a-euf9, AnID iAPFFoil*u At uYl il . u S, I li.;-*iint l- :'-'- --;)eT_ oF .__L BrLS Fort r iqo's*ss Td--l i:i.l-l ;oo.' ;f i-f'',1 T-1-ii-1-r. l-+- 1--li tuerr ( i onJ A r-' iA\xlA(t.ErR I i gep,AeTuRe i ji:l t;cg lprTui :i, :'i;,i;;.1rtiit*-li . i i 1--li ;i"ij FR fo Fur<ltqis H DE 1rE :FoF,Ar-u ibb-ep 5 i,rl oP C) t{1J R h0 -1 r-i 0) tl sro a !u .P B b0 4E tl in HaH H tl F{|]I FI F{ V) H EF ao. fE{ Qoo ti:h c6tie*, E ild' 6'8 e- E A{ Flgb bi +rO6 E5 r-l Fdt Fldtr bo.Poc E.E at{zHk vi Y. c)6a.AAr.{ d8& 6a.d (I)r{d8fi IFY, o e 'lYd 66,.AACFXH ax fi do6a.Fl Odtdxix 66a ctBA1 ltFI |rI B FI slEl |o(f)sflN* Eg coo C\]c\tc-* F{ = @o)A]6tF-:* R = =.5ssEEsie gg$# Noi$* a g E cr) COstt R = l.aI HT tit-i trxx>f tiF L E .Fl t-l Fi B P X.,6A E.-tFr cq +) ox+r Ed c c)x+r c:r{Fl g:l FI r{* r{ Ft +J 68fiFi5C t.-{icq .p 0)8fi C! '-|F{lQ € oxd trii z F{ = H rJ)IMd t{ {Joor{O€Fgx xqJ IMd t{ +) r{'15t<xgg FIlF{M9.YH LJ.q.l c -C .l'lgE >! ;: JI >ldtt E mItoc\lrO b4 f,l 68 '='.iv# mos cl')t-ct4Pi{h9 r-.'| r-{E*g# c0 tr CfJ r{(fJ c)tdM€ trCBocqFl?{;g rr5 trJ P.11XHh h Y a a tr 3 a /ri ti R a E rr t{ R a tsHoP q es € 0).'1 F {J '-l Fr c)r_t.FlI 6l-tFr R:l N* or, * 1.?fi (o* f,s .c€fi f{o +Jaat = sr:* efi N+ * i-ndI+ n CQ rh t{ -Co.P{rdqa >c5 * r-l ll.t-: ..csscQ* (r) P .i\ ]ifi l.{o+)(n E H 54 r-lI c\l t.a r-l'\ t-lo c\l Y FIt! h d SEA8 I-s:iaF{E rqjl-{D<a> Bgx =t )* ETtrF{ Y4caAEH 'J.dF H tr +)od S{ {J i-\,Y b0 +.1 ;ir ll h .P HP -i b0 tl EI aHzH F< H.a Fl t{Fra (nx E (,9, EgfQCq h:tF ((h-t 5dd6€> Fl FA( Flrdh b0+J !Rlid rl Fd rdh b0 rrq)cf.RHd aHzt-{tr{ e E 5 6ofra.AAr-l d8& 66a..1 Ocdx,{r axv 91 F FI 6 fr,n.AArtd8f;H 6 a)6a.Hqri CE8& Ufr,.Fl Ulr-l dp.h F{ t{ 4 Hg Fr |o(f)<lN E = @ dic.lt- g E R oil C\Ic- I = F"ts 8EEssi e ggEF oNc\t<l:rts R5 o)(f) cf)\tr xx = F{ 9tc E< htt Frr l'{I lr E.r (t }{U +) a)x+r d '-rl-{ cQ +J 0)8fi tr r-tFT IQ 1J o8fi Cir{t-{ trl FtFl* r-i Far-{ l.J c) x,iA CF{rr lQ +J c)xtil CF{FI CQ +J 0)r'i# 4-"icQ 2 ll = P6 rOIv cltiP FIOttltxx xE rOIx* tr i5oo t{nM= EsT I r'{MR trEv .:rr-l ||{.F'tgF F,r-! g cd H s tr.l A]to |.q|1 Ebg -{ Fl-C Fl9g 6c\] cot-cxfHh9 *cg# EIt-E-(f) c)tdX€ t{ cd rf?{HEdi -.t4l-l Fq t.l H d F R 6 rr tr g I ^oFF 'rA a tsl.{ +J P a.{ +.'0)t-t F.rr {Jo '-l c-r .l-) 0)Ft.Fl F aF!a g C\l CE t-l:h Ps +J .c A{ tr +Ja = st+ {Js c{ * +)dsncq* cd (fJccl:h O+).!i .svl |r{ >cd c\ t-l p cd sncQ* at P d +is b{J c NIr{M I E cil I 6 Fl\b N Ig r''{ E h o5 dB I,-' #^iaF{B r'1 j bn HEfr-i FF5 FIDZE1 RFHF{ F{ZEc0AEad5 la l'^ F3FaHB F{ u{FI ct) H E F ,.tiPtrz o.NN 5 U=ri r-t filAf'r= 0)! r-! 6 ti '{61 I :{ Fl c) dE5X1Y |.r{ lrt d o (!. a +)Id 9r 6; ;x ^: .ri .pIrl c)bI),-.{ ci F-{ ([d.c=o-.xutld,. xltx,x (A Hzt{tr 91xYliI e E g ot{ () I I g E x fr .Fi HIt to<r t- 9t = o.'l <tl d 9{ = o Cdc)fr€-ItXXza) I +)0)ub0 .x ;i €€ F{,3^rlyHlFi>{e ;x;i f I {J R .EUdfr Htt l'{q) $.5Ccdph ma) q B atiq) FtC r.{'d8 +) +)aa E E aa o)r-lqrl'dE +) +)(aa q).P €g 0) .r{x I I z trlI LiL = Fi FI Ix- =(5'J.T PCO(, cf)50ir- c\] trlat{ l.{oPd|otr+ .!d t{d0).'{ b0AEEd T E rl+ H P{ Fl* rd E c\I Fz l-t h T- P .rl E 0) +Ja 8(o I )< r-1 €cnrqr * a6@ b0 R cf) fr )l r-tF! {J E(n g F XHtr{a Fl Cda 38.qa d 'Fl=a #.r-l @ t{ A av) cdF{Pho "ts 0) O ,!d '''l .ri .ri CEh(/2L) otsb0 0)ct>.F{ 'r{ -{ C.fr { R'l SgEJi .P iD€a otr.rl t{kql ,xx oaFa*o T3 ;rY:Y:nv I r-iddo(J-o ho9Ptrda)FrJ fuCR'i Fllt 6 <xY q) +).F{ M c) +).ri M fi €g H Ps hH a Fa Y )ic?1 ,<XXgd Ft v )lc?ixXXEd c) P X Eo.Fl.'!R';-+r ,ixxEE ?o.F{ t:xxxEE x 14 olc m =o F 2tn '-1iYl (n |4 F }lI o (l) tsr hz l-'l E hNHo5b0qfis 8 T€l.,i ,{x HJ Es HHl=EH=FH HHEi1Y.dF H Ei F{ aHz F{ F{ (nx E t- .. F2 o.€ h_,3 6-tri F-i CllAtr= 0) 1-? rt a H ,lc{ I Pi{ rr c) EC1YEE q) E o x tr+JI F{ F.! ll9r ;{ ;J 'pltr+JIrl F{o ija =o_.x(u F.Ir-{.Q.P 8E v)Ha xxYE HYH 6 ax r-!() I bEfrl ;<FF.r $t- og rl sr g = q) q) Frft5itxE6 I I €E* -Y :lLt c€ r.l .iFgi-l l-{ Edt-'d I P(.) t{O'rt c)dlr F{ Flr b s.5 E$fra o 3 aq) xU aaq)rlC! rt'F{ C)d0)]JP(a (n VEdFl oFl .r.l Odo){JP(aa olJ'Fi 7 I g ob0.Fl E z E-{I .iE.E tt Jr] -{c) dpc>(, Iro I€ c/)(t (f)5C\!h C\I aH 'ro (gloL+q).ll ti .'.1 b0 ,5 Al rl ErOFlIF h -lp Pi ri* !dHE 8N Fz h h loq +Ja.-l q)+l(n Ic) ,LU .pg a onsl bl v)d@ e .(! o R6 CA Hfn ia y{ o +J H Cd +J $uo E F{HE l!1 (n -i a!?eaad'rl=a u) FrA aa rlPb0 ots C) O ,ld 'F{.rl .ri Cstq cA C) c€b0(I)cg>.'-{ .'-.1 F{ C6€ e'dSE;A tJ..{ 0)lJa q)tl.Fl !rc)Fl ,x A( 0)Ix(n ,1c).!d lJUd S4i l- Fl Fo n\ry\ul{.) 5rcdoF+J x;.jY)v 6H H 6 6 .rl |4 o +) |4 F +Jg hH s hH1.! Y )icRNEts r-l(tq Ed NH =G o +).t-l M .r{c ':1 Eg Fldo ItxxxEd HM CNt4 tnF a F lt) q to a)M = or-: h0 '.'1 o a.r{ q) RE offrt tr] z .i E hNlo5b0 il 8S Ir8*6 t'r.i 'J l-{ FslElti8HE EFFHFIgHH*E;dF F --i.- Ytx 0o\o:q€ Sr r- -1 lllJOj.a tt€ 08dos f.'t4lz77 rl!ti;l| 0li oli=lI ,lt Itt,lt-(li riIrrli sli-l ii3-".'.$lTItl.t,.1tl't,. I-+-l*gl-ol$l{l$le\9 lf-'*: I r'4l ool,t C l,;tl'-l >., I g El sx| A-cDl-$-l nT: I.t. u.} I iuto | ,s.----tsMl,-;' ar' l 11. :r:r I iudlj6rrl f--- ^5t I u9Jl'9Sl,*.u.l,DLlo ill$7o&. c/oJo 1 4 :( == ) DIa L't TTGr b * z4E llt\lz {)o-o- : -. ] t -I c.: t .! , I : i I.{ i 'tj ( .-r, o( (( 2t !lt t i ' '-l (':t I i . -.: j 'l :: -'-' I lli..-i -i I '.-:., OL$l CD4 ,?.,l ; &tal-s\fl ,.2 lf> Al; I i ' c6o r.tlblA I :lN- rl I IJI I. II -l lJ-ll =l Jl)t -)l._l -ar-l ol4l wl>l Tl--l -l a-l r rl)l ixl-l-'lrl lrllfl C)l -f Zlgt <l!l -ltJl ?l &lgl <l clLl ':.:\al e- : ,l ': ' : '.;.. .. : .; j + I.(n| Ltll>lOI:Tl..,-l-t Z) '=TO+l- ti-rr--i(), Fitr I Ilo1l-r;<i tl-irOi io--i.lll-r-'I ll-T'-'lri i:tiIii:l!i, Lt€<b .q ,QJdSf-J</7t7 2;QoVO, ss J lrlJa =,4ort$ ,o o.g i> ":,so: s!?,d .lg€T(U ti,o -=- a) <QsrrN *i' AJ 9o- e.91rQl c/aJoo 4 I = l' bc.l'{ g \9'f,' *66il.sr, -o(ocl ..t $r€ t o$ tJ\N 1* _Nt{\v'( F TF C{* s { c{. -t-_ , oll. tr\of':t( ., iif --$l ,$-l;X !1;\ ir-i';' )$laot C'J .'- aI >1 ADl- t\'ro 0- n, o$€ A'o ;\,, \5'o 'o 7 = Uo.o'lI\n rrrD.4.. :' tS,.-o ..oio.l=a--'I b rl z4t ri o rul:S utq .. l.ll , i-t i -:- i rt _, r$ ,\1 'o .01,4 , lrtilf}lil or ,.ciu rGJ ltlI,or r l-r-.u,.N luri>io 'l.Lt ;\5z.<,AI,I ,& 'rd}:jF \t1 ,7 if> v I,.-lltr rlj Iiirlit oei$r I T",.frl Eflxrl:t: t:i-1li oll-rB \):frEio , .(.) I coo urbrA I t 2o:o ult .A (nl rJJl>lol-l =l;l Hl FI I I I I ! t' I I I i'I I ; $IFI I 0..,N fir-l t t-la co F-tA r.t c\l hkhooop .|., +Joootd td td {J{J+)886ooc) |.-l r-t r-ldcdfil PPP888 -l ri r-{(l)c)0) E6EHHH.H.F{.F{ =F= t". t{ tr €P+) td td ls +JI+J UUU r{ r'i Fi63 (B cd()AO .F{ .r{ .F{ oo()999E: E: E: >>h.o.o.orSddooc)frfrfr.r{ .Fl .Fl FFFHHH (H +r q'{ ooc) -\J -\.' _WFFF 4 R oot oFl R<{AI o|or-lt- rr)N fioit Y EF .pa r.l F{ Q :41 aco E6; ril rtr cttrE€8d.r.{ rOdF o €F4 b0 .Fl : c) r-{b{ : co I N c) +r X .Ji Pa io,dE Q-cq <l @a9i!rrF r.t{F{-t{-o\tl .p .$8 FEfid dd 6.'{ +)dti\l al q) EIlo |4 b0 tn_da'r'l sFl l'l'F{ coooH sfi ?! i,^Hq x{f,&a F-{I:tr|fiE -,t tFv'Ev,siqx" x -dE s## ,$t +JvlE'>9 o.tt>.6r-l <oh d€ v;r+)>AR 8q H E a.Poaor{ "d H$ [€ E5 ci 8r-t A 0) +) CN tsFI s 0)b0 tJd c) ErE€ 9FFt l{E8 'r* 6 c)P(A 5€.P c)P.t.{(n 'r.P a tct s =I.1 I N Lr AItr{' l.l r'1 6 Ysfl t{Fl Et- IFl k =Id Ir{ =t- IFl Eni Isr o ;i{ =t- I =o Yr-l r-.{ B Yr-l F6 Ir'{ =god ol q{tcr-{ Fr or-l\n-l t-. a oC\lIot '-{r-t \n8CO * @rl(o E<r N E }4 I 3dr Tg t-\ Ic.t (n Bc- -l F. E6l* oitF-ldrari I!4 o+)ZN r.rlrFrIt+OO{J sg3 r{IAF8Fr 6)-l r-{ 8ocD 00*d trt gF{z = rt q)P.ri rf.z hor-l E.rlM r''{rHrtfr r{ db tr Fl ,X|4 P 'r.lriz Ft Fl Fl *x t-l r{t.F{ }< Y 0) al F c)'Ftr-t Pfi.Fl Fl IFF O Qq'-{{J trO+ca94 -..t 'r o 3AEE." *7F a)+r.r{r{ FI o1 F{ +)dr'{Fr ;'l 'FiFI .q o F! = P il =Fl = .A -l0)vt{X .<; PP>,$ bn .Hqt.l FrO'dt _r,{ FL, tt C)P Fl x:v.HF II {J =riFl.l = +Jfi."1 Fl 0)r_l X :th c)r-{ Y t{. 5 P 6do ad-F'F| F{CHP..r v) >E 3r.l.'e.8 &AE/^ ct4l FI |4 t z N Er tr{trEO -t{P,; IIJ H E7. Etri tF !zEtr I g fr 7,)FT E I F E hhhooo+)+){Jo(.)odd(Bt{ t{ t{+).P+) BBB r-l -l Fldd6looo.F{ 'rl .Flh t{ f.{€+J+)888Fl Fl r-{ooc) >, >1 h u66l{tiFr'ri 'r{ ..i === €+)+) ddF t-)+JP F{ Fl Fl(ddcd .F{ 'H 'ri *l +l 'i{XXHxxx >,hh9.O.O 666 frfrflEtt +r +.r (H ooo,op!pp9FFF U' 'r c) a.rl 8Ed.Er{, Rft-^vXX .'r ilxxY:YviY 6DcQ .T '-l do r-i U+)an bo =E FEc(uro .o It{o .Y .$l P .= rl ,< d Y {J @ FPF FrrF{-f{-o<rpr8og!uxfi(5 Fl r-troo(9oJ ,"9#+d3!! trl"0) ;ia ddE 6€66.ri 6 EE o€F{b0 .Fl : q) X ni P ff a IFf; O OErrPtrE*(h p< -*I s.EQZ (n bd-F.r.r tl9+)!qh.H dE.E.q g EEA +)tJ =*bo.HqFl .AJ -o) tr'l(J IEI oa |ri +Jd F{h ;-l $ii -Ltf.!(tr .(l' aH F Erix HF{6 H F. F<ti tr.r H F! r1 FI t) E 0 H tr1 rlEO I I I.1. iI ': i I ro *. v, z5&l U r'\1E ^Y 0Lz'{, tJ 88fi* ":Jde ,l{ -rii0, i I I |^ 2ql 'irD'f P AIx. ot i o'ln&,(u AA 2.j J 7-4 0r.lL Ill,llI,i .l o I I I Q\ ai- J l l l o: : l I. d !^ I S1 g F>- I 3 6 e, \\F F I d { nnIJi tul r3l:lo.l< d e'' d lr idiiJi: r.l-'I r; r 60tg ,$5 t ,ltut d i s'iit,"rO- c-f i" i figi t-l- I' i lr o e4oo- or I 3i I r--...- |+ilA i- I I i I I tll I : it !3 I o, c,..(r .J:v ] 'I'aIt ]J ,a tat- -fi])g, ;i, pl 5g , ' iJ lr,lli ilii' I rl o o '=j J. lJ- t! !41t $s AFT. T.a,= "!' J ^6i 3 :i gg 'tI i -t0I d -b $i a D_ rl o I i a\' )aT> t: i Iti \ i),qF !i t I6 .;i Olr li \l :: ,a t) A J'I '01 ,J,r<o. -J d I S1 g F I : {o* t I i :; ,i \,i 6-' tv, I t : I l: i 6o I !- ,l d { ,AA J :tU 1r- J, P 'd - t.oo e{g OA (n, d l:dj iJE]r-r- It t o t- I f- 6g 0to- ,sF. I I i Iioi0citr!o- ir-i.tlr Ilr 7. N. di3lglgi* lg't'- Iir o e6o _G- 0-atg t t i E \ Ii- i i I i I I i ! i I i :{l N. ll .i t, rt sl H € lri l I t ! tl l-i ill i I l(i-Yti P\6 I ir'I-t- T )i"'i ll,t\ 6tfl ss *-u6.s [r r? l) I i i I I TieaL (t4T loq. rl n,iN lhrRii icAc- ilto l I l- I I I i I. I )Ilitr.36 to&c I i,,q Ccf it' 6tfl ss ri )u,'Li{i fu i€RaE *OG*s 4TL' l,&ct- tfrtA -r,1 SPc +ta.{C Irt.1 . i arP4.F),) b, Al r-A lout A t\ 4u,-n |l t/V f{;r'll K;'{4 $sl;ii T lt Y" l-"1 L : : l ,/E RT ,fo rje iii ti-i-;lr ll I I I I ll CL.-sei-R;o -| 7J South Frontage Roail Vail, Colorado 81657 30t -47 9-2 1 t 8 / FAX t0t -47 9 -2 r 66 rFn. FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Department of Pahlic llorks/Transportation MEMORANDIIM Dan sranek t\tlGreg Hall l--.rJ-t t October 2, L99l-770 Potato Patch Drive, Units D, E, F & c Dan the following need to be corrected: 1) A revocable right of way agreement will be required for anylandscaping in the right of way. 2) The drainage pipe asphalt cuts in their drive will need to bepatched in. 3) The dirt to the west and north, adjacent to the roadway willneed to be moved before further C.O. !s will be granted. 4) A11 drainage ditches, utility cuts, and excavation work willneed to be cleaned up and reseeded where appropriate. If you have any questions, about these conments, please contact meat 2160. cc: Pete BurnettcH/jw MULTI-FAMILY DATE: 9-3-91LEGAL: LOT 6 BLOCK 2 FILING VAIL POTATO PATCHADDRESS: 770 POTATO PATCHOWNER: SHAPIRO REALW PHONE # 949-7979 ARCHITECT: BACHRACH PHONE # 476-2636LOTSIZE: 0 PROPOSED USE: PROPOSD USE:ZONE DISTRICT: GRFA ALLOWED ON SITE ALLOWED SITE COVERAGE SITE COVERAGE USED SITE COVERAGE REMAINING LANDSCAP COVERAGE GRFA USED ON SITE GRFA REMANING ON SITE 14778 0 0 14120 639 N N n?P' , o|J b*' 9438 SQ FT'USED FOR UNITS D,E,F & G PERM]T#4539 UNIT A FLOOR BASEMENT SO.FT. 1ST. FLOOR SQ.FT, 2ND. FL@R SQ.FT. 3RD. FLOOR SQ.FT. LOFT FLMR SQ.FT. TOTALS CREDIT TOTALS GBFA ALLOWED TOTAL CREDITS GRFA USED GRFA REMAINING CREDITS REMANING TOTAL 970 1otrt 10/A 0 0 3101 #GAR.spaces 14778 751 .5 2349.5 12428.5 STAIR AIRLOCK VOIDGARAGE 82 0 0 82 TOTAL082 0 51 88 0 0 139 GROSS SQ.FT. 139 000 72.50€00000 115.5 31010 115.5415 N/A N/A N/A N/A 25 N/A UNIT B FL@R BASEMENT SQ.FT. 1ST. FLOOR SQ.FT. 2ND. FL@R SQ.FT. 3RD. FLOOR SO.FT. LOFT FLOOR SQ.FT. TOTALS CREDIT TOTALS GRFA ALLOWED TOTAL CREDITS GRFA USED GRFA REMAINING CREDITS REMANING TOTAL 990 1072 1055 l\U 1.|IJ 3117 #GAR.spaces 12428.5 748.5 2368.5 10060 GARAGE STORAGE MECH. STAIR AIRLOCK42't N/A 82 0 0oN/A051 0oN/A0880oN/A000oN/A00042',t O 82 139 0 TOTAL GROSS SO.FT.421 N/A 82 139 0 N/A N/A N/A VOID 0 63.5{t 0 0 106.5 3117 106.5 N/A25N/A UNIT C FL@R BASEMENT SQ.FT. 1ST. FLOOR SQ.FT. 2ND. FL@R SQ.FT. 3RD. FLOOR SQ.FT. LOFT FLOOR SQ.FT. TOTALS CREDIT TOTALS GRFA ALLOWED TOTAL CREDITS TOTAL 977 1081 1046 0nv 3104 #GAB.spaces 10060 752.5 GARAGE STORAGE MECH. STAIR AIRLOCK417 N\A 81 0 0oN\A051 0oN\A0880oN\A000oN\A000417 N\A 81 139 0 TOTAL GROSS SO.FT. VOID 0 72.5 ,13 0 0 1 15.5 3104 1 15.5417N\A 81 139 0 '-cRrR useo GRFA REIilAINING CREDITS REMANING *,u TTof,.5 t\UA N/A ].UA25N/At'l/A UNIT H FL@R BASEMENT SQ.FT. 1ST. FLOOR SQ.FT. 2ND. FL@R SQ.FT. 3RD. FLOOR SQ.FT. LOFT FLOOR SO,FT. TOTALS CREDIT TOTALS GRFA ALLOWED TOTAL CREDITS GRFA USED GRFA REMAINING CREDITS REMANING TOTAL 970 1083 1048 0 0 3101 #GAR.spaces n@.5 751.5 ?3'49.5 5359 GARAGE STORAGE415 MAONA0 1.1\AONA0 l.l\A415 nM 0 415 l.{\A MECH. 82 0 0 000v 139 TOTAL GROSS SQ.FT.82 139 STAIR AIRL@K VOID 0 51 88 0 00o 72.50,|(l00000 115.5 31010 115.5 N/A TUA N/A N/A 25 N/A UNIT J FLOOR BASEMENT SO.FT. 1ST. FLOOR SO.FT. 2ND. FLOOR SQ.FT. 3RD. FLOOR SQ.FT. LOFT FL@R SO.FT, TOTALS CREDITTOTALS GRFA ALLOWED TOTAL CREDITS GRFA USED GRFA REMAINING CREDITS REMANING TOTAL 990 1072 1055 0 0 31 17 #GAR.spaces 5359 74A.5 2368.5 2990.5 421 N\AONAONAOMA0 N\,/C421 MA 000 63.50 ,13 00000 106.5 31170 106.5 GARAGE STORAGE MECH.STAIR AIRLOCK VOID 82 0 0 0 82 0 51 88 0 0 139 N\A TOTAL GROSS SQ.FT,82 139 l.t/AN/A N/A N/A 25 N/A UNIT K FLOOR BASEMENT SQ.FT. 1ST. FLOOB SQ,FT. 2ND. FLOOR SQ.FT. sRD. FL@R SO.FT. LOFT FL@R SQ.FT. TOTALS CREDIT TOTALS GRFAALLOWED TOTAL CREDITS GRFA USED GRFA BEMAINING CHEDITS REMANING NOTES:GRFA USED 4't7 MA 000 72.50€00000 115.5 31040 115.5 TOTAL 9n 1081 10.f6 0 0 3104 GARAGE STORAGE MECH.417 tl\A 810 tl\A 0OMAOONAO0 t|!{ 0417 Nlq 81 STAIR AIRLOCK VOID 0 51 88 0 0 139 TOTAL GROSS SQ.FT.81 139#GAR.spaces 2990.5 752.5 2351.5 639 ,l-EfiEROF O1*^:l D PR]OR TO ALL T.C.O.'S FOF/ ,se Tl-Attufflr. .J./ L!t-.- sll,{l'llt() ilfiV|jt()ll\rilNT (j0 August 1"7, 1993 Roberto Samman Said andEduardo Samman SaidAgui.ar & SeijasNo. l-70 Lomas VirreyesMexico, D.F. LIOOO Re: Unit K, Potato patch Townhones Dear Meussers Sanman-Said: Please be advised that in the event you elect to convert your wood burning fireplace to a gas 1og fireplace, it is importantyou understand that a nuilding Permit from the Town of Vail isrequired for this work. Please feeL free to caII John King at (303)949-1676 if youhave any questions regarding this. Sincerely, POTATO PATCH TOWNHOMES PARTNERSHIP oject Manager !6fi 100 W. Bcrler Creek Itlrd Avon (lc t(,r, SLtitc 210 . LyBarger KingGary Murrain, Town of Vail t-I'$t 6961Zpg3 l)r)51 { )llicc Ilr)\ t{) l{) ,\rott ( jrlrrrtrlrr Sl6.l(l .l I,l. ( ,0 j ) ().tr) _(lrit) l:,\\ 1i{) i) (l i() :(t! | V FIJG n '%) L?.52 \. r,r $HAPIRO DEVELOFETIT P.O. Box 5640 Avon, Colortdo at G20(303) s+6-zgao FAX 949-7984 uAtE: August 5, 1993 Communlty Development oept75 S Frontage Road WestVail CO. S1657Attn: Shelly Mello SUBJECT: Potato Patch TovJnhomes - Landscape Complianoe Fee Per our lEttEr dated November 12, 1992, the landscape compiiflnfae ie to be refunded upon inspection and approva'l 'o:f .t'landscapi ng at Potato Pat ch Townhomcs. The Town of vai I Bui 'lbi D.gartmcnt and the Pub'l ic Works Department inspectcd and apprpvthe landscaplng Friday, Augugt 13, 1993, tharcfore Ir.cp.ctful ly rcqucsting you lcfund our 99375.0O. Pl rare edvise usc whan w. may rxp.ct to receive thc rrfund ,.ia/l/5' r) Aesi strnt Proj ect Manrger CA efr (H^ cc: Ken thapi ro Abs 0hap i rtrLarry LyBarger,Jerry LEndsck John Ki ng Gcorgc R6dford t-It i. I l( e E s d m AIC/" {)1(' lrJ ,t7'nt Nf TO: Town ot VaJ I -Yrut""^ow !, TOWN OF VAIL.75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL,co 81657 970-479-2138 Valuation: $e000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: y Investigation-> Will Call---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Wood Pellet: Building---> 53 54 . o o Restuarant Plan Review--> Plan Check--> 5235.60 DRB Fee-------------> Add Sq Ft: 32 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Cas I-ogs: 0 # of 90. oo Total Calculated Fees--> 5575.00 So.oo RecreationFee.------------> S3.00 Clean-upDeposit----------> S5o. oo Additional Fees-------->90.00 522.40 Total Permit Fee-------> 9575.00 So. oo Palanents------------------> S575.00 TOTAL FEE$----------> s676. oo BALANCE DUE------> -Po !o,-\o ?"^\-"-L l.-t --l'.-k ro^"-'a NorE: THIS pERMIT MUST BE posrED oN IoBSITE AT ALL TIMES Lt''''^\ I ADD/ALT MFBUILDPERMIT Permit #: BO1-0292 Job Address.: 770POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: 77}Potato Patch Dr Unit 7 Applied...: @/20/200L Parcel No....: ?"10106319007 Issued ...: 10/09/2W"1 Project No...: /KlOt -OV3?.-' Expires...: M/07/2Cfl2 owNER irack Dunietz o9/20/2oot Phone: 2t2-294-7492 940 Park Avenue New York, NY 1002s License: COMTI?,ACTOR RIPPY CONTRACTORS O9/20/2OO1- Phone: 970-328-3655 P.O. BOX 3510 EAGLE, CO 81631 License:124-B APPLICANI RIPPY CONTRACTORS 09/20/2007 Phone: 970-328-3655 P.O. BOX 3610 EAGLE, CO 8r.63r. License z L24-B Desciption: Addition of 32 sq. ft. to living room and change wood burning fireplace to gas. Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated TypeOccupancy: ?? s0.00 Approvals:It,em: 05L00 BUILTDING DEPARTMEI{Ir 10/02l200L GRG Action: AP Item: 05400 PIAI,INING DEPARTMff:I Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEX\TT It.em: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS 'See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213s OR AT oUR OFFICE FROM E:0o AM - 5 PM, Send Clean-up Depooit To: n,/a SICNATURE OF OWNERORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE PAGE 2 t**********n*{**{..*ft****************it*************lt****************n**!t*******rt*********************** CONDNIONSOF APPROVAL Permit #: BO7-0292 as of 10{9-2001 status: ISSUED *******************{*i*********t!*********!t"tn*******#*****lt****************tl*r.r***************rt******** PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Applied: 09/20/2007 Applicant: RIPPY CONTRACTORS Issued: 1o/o9/2w1 970'3283655 To ExPire: M/O7/2ffi2 Job Address: 770 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location: 77O Potato Patch Dr Unit 7 Parcel No: 2101063\90f7 Description: Addition of 32 sq. ft. to living room and change wood buming fireplace to gas. Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BESTARTED. dr*{t**:t'}**{r!tir*l'| !t*tl********+*{.**ldr* {r *r}*{r:lrr}*l* l.**rlli t * * f l'f *****:}'* '} '}*tl* fl*l**l* t *f t'f {t *'l't{t ft*ll TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *****'i**++:f 't*+* **+****t****+{r**'}*{r+'tl t:trt:i*'ff:l 'i'}***+ + * * ++:t*** ** '}***'l** + ++****'f'} ****:* **'}* r*'l{t* Statement Nurnber: Ro00oo154o Arnount: S676.00 aO/09/2Oo]-O4:47 Pt4 Payment Method: Check Init: iIARNotacion: ?031 Permit No: 801-0292 Tlpe: ADD/AIJT lilF BUITJD PERII{IT Parcel No: 21010631900 7 Site Addreee: 770 POTATO PATCII DR \rAIL Location: 770 Potato Patch Dr Unit 7 ThiE Payment: $576.00 Total Fees: $576.00 Tota1 ALrLr PmEg: S576..00 Balance: $0.00 t********+*'t**l'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | **!******** ****'i * {r *:l!t*r}*++ * *!**l' +*rlr*+***** * * ****{.*'l '}'lt'}* '}**+ * * ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current ffis BP O()1()OOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,J FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES hJC OO1()(){}O31128O() WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 364. 00 50. 00 236.60 22.40 3. 00 Qlru*n"^*r#(& Building Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 - 2149 (I nsPections) mwvwufiLay 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 5nSeparate - rr t)#bror Parcel # 210106319007 Job Job Address:770 Pdato Patch drive Legal Description lot:6 Block:)-ritins: J p futfr prEllsubdivbion : Ownes Name: lack and Shelly Dunietz Address: 940 parkavenue New York N.Y. 10028 Phone: L 2t2 288 4614 ArchitecVDeigner n.a.Address:Phone: Engineer:Boyle Engineering Address:143 East Meadow Dr Phone:476-2L70 WorkClass: New() Addition(X) Remodel( ) Repair( ).Demo( ) CIher( ) - WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both(X)Poes an EHU exist at thb bcauon: Yes ( ) No (X t Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-famiv ( X ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Oher ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in thb building: 3 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 0 No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Existing: Gas Appliancs ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/PelH No/Tyoeof FireplacesProposed:GasAppliances( X) GasLms(X ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBuminq(NOTAIIOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )@st: Yes( ) No(x) CoMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) ffi ELfCTNCAL: $ 500 OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $ 20fi)TOTAL: $ REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: N A IIIFORIUIATIgII '-,.' TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0260 Job Address: 770 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: UNIT# TPOTATOEPATCH Applied..: ll/05/2001 Parcel No...: ?101063 19007 Issued . . : lll07/2001 ProjectNo I ([L50t- 0331- Expires. .: 0510612002- Lq-OVINER Jack Drnietz LL/05/2001 Phone: 2]-2-294-7492 940 Park Avenue New York, NY 10028 License: COI{TRACTOR DOIJBLE DI.AlitOllD SERVICES 1,L/05/200L Phone: 970-926-6202 P. O. BOX r-452 ED}IARDS, CO 8!632 I-,icenee: 215-E APPLICAIfT DOIJBI-.,E DIAI/IOND SERVICES Ll/05/200L Phone: 970-926-6202 P. O. BOX L452 EDtitARDS, CO 8\632 I-,icense: 21-5-F' Desciption: PROVIDEAND INSTALL ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEL Valuation: $ I,200.00 Eleclrical----> S50 .00 FEE SLItttMARY .:tatatr**rtttr:itt***,lr:t:t:t*r*r:lttrrrrr..t...'tr.aaaart****t!:*r Total Calculated Fe€s_. 553.00 Additional Fees----- 50.00 Total Permil Fee---' S53 - oo Palrnents---------- ' 953.00 BALANCE Dt)E----' So. oo DRB Fee---->' lnvestigation-- > Will Call---> 5o .00 s0 ,00 93 .00 *******:l|'r'taallraaa Approvals:IEem: 06000 EL,ECTRICAL DEPARTMEM TOTALFEES-> S53 . oo Lr/05/200t DF Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDC.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. Nov-Ol-Ol ll: I lA E'oublc OiarrFnd Ser\ricc 97(J 926 62C)3 P -O2 AI t\\ t I r-lNtd,NntFuMY Buildirg Permit f: Electrical Permit *: 97 O-4r r-2149 (hspcctiom) COI'IPLETE sQ. FEET FOR NEw BUIIDS andVALUATIONs FoR AtL OTHEnS (bbor & Irtateriats) COI{TRACTOR IIf FO R}IATIO 1{ t.+rt**l*or****rfrr**arr*r**r.r****rr**FOR OFEICT USE OlfLyr+r***rrrr 1r.**.***rfrrftlrG**tr.lrl+ NOV ft; TOv-cc *l \ i I ._J ?5 S. l'rortece Rd.Vail, Colora?o 81652 CAt\ t9. 1-l lo-ru-")U,J ove) '-L-'--s'' bvg!:L Parcd f (Required i --.-- 4swsmal?trr-.--.f no bldg. permit f is - provided ab 'lo *""'JacK bun,efa Fas tdutca robgdSD: hitto klrh " rt;+x ,7 tegal Descriptbn tot:Elock:Filing:Subdivbion: owners Narne: ]r. a-ilil; t Z.Jffi Phone: Eqgineer:Phone: r.rs.rdtGq qescn[r$frn ot worK:ltpuidr nnd inSl,alI plorl-ricn0 kr rpmnrlo/------rr---.----.----r.__-l!.ttrworkClass: New( ) Addltion( ) nemodel M Kepeir( ) Tempporver( ) Other( )workType: Interjor(, ExtdoiT l--Soth-Does an EHU exist at this lGUm: yes ( ) No ( ) No. of Existing Dtteilirrg Unib in this building:No. of Acmmmodation Units in this building: $&tlqermit for a hot tub: yes ( I No (V) Does a File Ahrm Exist:ves ( )-- wol-T-Does a Fire Sprinkler Systerr exist: --vesll tro( ) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAT VALTJATION: $ Town of Vail ReS. r\b.:Contad and Phone #3: F:/evrryone/brmyelecp.rn TOWN OF VAIL' DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M01-0174 Job Address: 770 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location.....: TTOPotato Patch Unit 7 ParcelNo...: 210106319007projectNo:PflDl O33D- OWNER Jack D.rnietz 09/2L/200L Phone: 2L2-294-7492 940 Park Avenue New York, NY 10028 License: CoNTRACTOR RIPPY CONTRACTORS, INC. 09/2L/2O0L Plrone: 970-328-3555 P.O. BOX 361-0 EAGLE, CO I 1631 License: l- 08 -M APPLICAI.IT RIPPY coltl"IRAcToRs, INC. 09/27/2OOL Phone: 970-328-3655 P.O. BOX 3610 EAGI-,E, CO 81631 License: 108 -M Desciption: REPLACE WOOD FIREPLACE WITH CAS FIREPLACE Valuation: $2,0m.00 fireplace hformation: Restticted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet:Mechanical--->s4o'ooRestuaranlPlanReview.->go.ooTotalCalcrrlatedFees_.>s53.00 Plan Check-> $1o.oo DRts Fee--'---------> 5o'oo Additional Fees---------> (Ss3'00) lnvestigation-> 90 - Oo TOTAL FEES-----> S53. OO Total Permit Fee------> S0 ' 00 Will Catl--> S3 . o o f alTnents------------> S0 ' 00 BALANCE DUE-----> so ' o o It.em: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEN| to/02/2ooL GF{G Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMm{T CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE' Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01- OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE r.997 rMc. Cond:23 (BI-,DG. ) : INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER ].0 OF TI{E 1997 UMC, CTIAPTER 10 OF TITE 1997 IMC. Status...: ISSUED Applied . .: @/21./2001' Issued. .: 1O/W/2001' Expires. .: U/O7/?0[,2 Cond: 25 (BL,DG. ) : GAS APPLIATiICES SHALI-, BE VENTED ACCORDING TO TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE ],997 I'MC, OR Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS lO HEATING EQUIPMET'IT MUST COMPLY WITH TTTE L997 I'MC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOI'I{TED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IJNLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOIJMTING ON COIIBUSTIBI,E FLOORING. Cond: 32 ( BLDG . ) : PERMI t , PLANS AIID CODE ANALYS I S MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANI CAI-, ROOM PRI OR TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BIrDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECIANICAT, ROOMS CONTATNING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR :::..':.::3-1-1...1i...TT...'-111.iIi.:. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plin, and state it ut utt the information ai required is correct. I agree to compty with the_information and plot plan, io comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, ancl to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvecl, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM.,-zu( -'-.------SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE CHAPTER 8 A}TD SHALI, CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. CHAPTER 3 A}ID SEC.1O17 OF /n .-i 3 /DArE: /o -2/ 0/ THIS LETTER IS TO STATE THAT I AM TIM SOLE OWNER OF MY COMPANY AND I DO NOT HAVE WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE BECAUSE I DO NOT HAVE AI{Y EMPLOYEES. I WLL NOT HOLD TIfi TOWN OF VAIL LIABLE FOR ANY ACCIDENTS, AND AT THE TIME T}IAT I HIRE SOMEONE I WILL PROVIDE T}IE TOWN OF VAIL WITH PROOF OF WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE. --24 ---2/- NAME (o,Tt a'4h3 COMPAI{Y N ( \"/U'A - Project #t - .D 0nLl f,*i*'#ir*,x; APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Permit will not be accepted without the MVflWVilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Provide Mechanical Room laYouto Mechanical Room Dimensionso C.ombustion Air Duct Size andn Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and o Heat Loss Calcs.o EquipmentCut/SPecSheetsAswtsat Patel# Parcel # (210106319007) Job Address:77o potato Patch driveJobName:ffitr Subdivision: ?V' r/. <- Phone:212 288 46t4Rddressg,$ Park Ave'nue Ne* York N.Y'Owners Name:Jacj and Shelly Dunietz WorkClass: New() Attdition( ) Alteration(X) Repair( ) Other( ) Poes an EHU e\ist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( X )foilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other(X rype of Bldg: single-family ( ) Duplo< ( ) Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) R€staurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:0No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 3 tlonypuof fir"ptacesProposed'GasRppliances( ) easf-ogs(X ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning(NOTALLOWED) Yes( ) No(x) coMPtETE VALUATION FOR MECHAIIICAI PERMIT (labor & Materials) 328 36ss 13903738 Town of Vail Reg. No':Mechankal Contractor : Rippy Confractors *******************,3****FOR OFFICE oNLY***************************** F: /cvGryon€/ f orms/ mechP€rrn PROPERTY MANACEMENT September 13,2001 Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: 770 Potato Patch Drive Condominiums Unit 7 Dear Sirs: The purpose ofthis letter is to convey the approval by the 770 Potato Patch Drive Condominium Association for the following changes to Unit 7: - Enlargement of the main floor (living room) by approximately 32 square feet in the southwest comed and addition of a new window on the west side of the southwest comer. Please call ifyou have any questions. Crossroads Realty, Ltd. Managing Agent 770 Potato Patch Drive Condominium Association Copy to: Mike Rippy PO. Box 1292, Vail, Colorado 81658 / Crossroads Shopping Center / 143 E. Meadow Drive-Suite 39lA 970.47G4300 / FAX 970-479-9534 email: home@crossroadsrealtyvail.com website: www.crossroadsrealtyvail.com Sincerely, /.* Bill Sargent 1?o o'1 b,..-t ,r-m Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departsnent of Community Devdopment 75 Sorrth Frcntage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: DunieE residence DRB Number: DR8010286 Project Description: Addition of 32 sq. ft. to living room and change wood burning fireplace to gas. Participants: OWNER Jack DunieE O9lZilZOOl Phone:212-294-7492 940 Park Avenue New York, NY 10028 License: APPLICANT BILLSARGENT 0812il200L Phonel476-4700 CROSSROADS REALTY LTD. POB T292 VAIL, CO 91659 License: Projed Address: 770 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location: unit 7 Legal Description: Lot: 6 Block: 2 Subdivision: 770 POTATO PATCH DRIVE C Parcel Number: 210106319007 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval: 08/31/2001 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0004975 Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $5O.OO Town of Vail * LAP tar-lq o' bveze ? l. NrL+ oir 'JEB Att tl osb w*€iir.. l-l^-f L Ttri,lltqv hlrg b*z,r-eL lttfo ,,ty.lo r^ltfF TAo FoNg lo4q 4." og- * l-lu$ql, a,ulilJm{Tsge REgIDENTIAL REHODEL UNIT ,1 11', PQrAlo PATCT-| rc)AE) VAIL,COLORADO rr.$iim;;otsr€offi r4e6s i6 bolb -€|rlng r|Eltt .. edar .tc*qcLWlZ{tt'Y.tLQE.batl',1fl3r'4t-lnt 11o-1!l) tr;r DAIIl-}al !+EE? l.; &lLlr fl*ruFnof 9v>vl a €*ttI t*\a I 1 ..., hlg L[ wRF'tlv€g,/c-rh q\wt6illz-urtt^\r tV tv pst aLs(fs. rzllcn *gL-t, PY- -. lt -.'la4 lrr-t -G.\- N lHnall ffib Nra"u K;',itiiMr;tl U tr bofb .|grrrE, kE l4:l .. ndos 4-a*fld|,,!pFPrEc.'A- vall. alqt& alrt1J10t1L-rno ..L-,-,,,., r.r REgIDENTIAL REIIODEL UNIT T 1'10 POrAlo PAICI{ ROAD VAIL. COLORADO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 Valuation: $80.000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Y NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Permit #: B0l-0010 Job Address.: 770 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED location......: 770 POTATO PATCH DRUNIT 4 Applied...: 0112412001 Parcel No....: 210106319004 Issued...: 02/05/2001 ProjectNo...: ?$-\Ot-OOr r. Expires...: 08/04/2001 OWNER BjARjAD, CINDY 07/24/200! Phone: 770 POTATO PATGI DR I'NIT 4 VAIL CO 815 57 License: CoNTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTTON O!/24/20Ot Phone: P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL, CO CBI-,L# 471-4888 81558 I-,icense z 25L-A APPLTCANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTTON 0L/24/200L Phone: 970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL. CO cELr_,# 471-4888 81658 License: Desciption: NEW KITCHEN,INSTALL SKYLIGHTS,NEW MASTER BATH ADD ADDITIONAL SQUARE FOOTAGE TO LryING ROOM Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Tlpe Construction: V l-HR TypeV l-Hour Type Occupancy: ?? # ofGas Appliances: 0 Add SqFt: 32 # ofGas l,ogs: 0 Building----> S54 0 . 00 Restuarant Plan Revi€w-> Plan Check--> 5415 . OO DRB Fee----------> SloO . oO Mdhional Fees--> Investigation-> will call-> SO. OO Recreation Fee-> 93.00 Cleon-upDgposit-----> TOTAL FEES--> 51,158.60 BALANCE DUE--> Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT O1-/29/200L @AVIS Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0L/25/2001 bg Act,ion: APPR It,em: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEMT Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ( ( tJc,-^ \ T'L\-iP-\.h l,= '-o!^{o?".\J^ C-[o: # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SII4MARY **raa*aaa'r'aa:rat*'tt'taa'rttaa:tattata**arat+ir*t*trt,r*at**:r:itata So.oo Total Calculaled Fees-> 51,168.60 10. oo S9.GO Total permit Fee_> 91,1G9.50 9O.OO Palments--*----> $1,168.60 s0.00 :|l,alatrt:ltaaaalt*tta See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required., comploted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOTIR HOURS Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A IN ADVANCE BY 2l3t OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR C CTORFORHMSELFAND OWNE PAGE 2 *:f * * **:** * * ** *:l * * *** * ** * * * **:* * ** * *;* ** * * * ** * * * ft*** * ** * * * * ** * * * ****** ** * * * +* * * * ++ * * * +*** ** ***** * *** * ***'f t * CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit #: B0l-0010 as of 02-05-2001 Status: ISSUED ** * *'t* * * ** *:*'t * t !t* ** * * ** ** * * * * * * * *t * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * *:t ** ** {' t {r * * * t 't* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * !t * * * * ** *:1.*** * {r Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BLIILD PERMIT Applied: Oll24l200l Applicant NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: 02l05l200l 970-845-1001 ToExpire: 08/04/2001 Job Address: 770 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL Location: 770 POTATO PATCH DR UNIT 4 ParcelNo: 210106319004 Description: NEW KITCHEN,INS TALL SKYLIGHTSNEW MASTER BATH ADD ADDITIONAL SQUARE FOOTAGE TO LryING ROOM Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQURED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETMTIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALEDWITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATEzuAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3 10.6.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CANBE STARTED. *;f** lr* *,|l*'l * 'l* *{r'}* ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** *!i*'}**** *+*;t***+* * *:***1!t't'}*{r'l****'l * ** * *,} l':i '1,}:t:l '* '}:t't 't* * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 02-05-2001 at 10:58:37 02l01l200l Statem€nl * ** 'l*,i* *{tt*!*:l:f +l ***+:f '*'t ++!t'f't*+'t'l'f*'}*:lr,}'}*'l 'lr *'*'+:t:l't+ +'tl':[*!ir]*:t * * + ++ * * * +t *'t,t*lt***'t'* *'t*'l'i']*']* *t't* Statements Number: R000000418 Amount: 91,158.50 02/05/2}OLLO:58 AM Palment ltethod: Check Inits : KMI{ NotaEion: #19530/NEDBO Permit No: 801-0010 Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 210106319004 Site Addrege: 770 POTATO PATCI{ DR \IAII, Locat,ion: 7?O POTATO PATCH DR I'NIT 4 TocaL Fees: $1,168.50 This Payment: $1,158.60 Total ALL Pmts: 91,158.60 BaLance: $0.00 't 't***'tt'i'tr*t'i,****'t*******:*****************,t ** * * * *** * *,i * * * 't,t ** + * + * * * * * * '1. * * * 'f 'lr * **{r * * * * ** 'l * ** * * ** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIElt.l FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES t^JC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 640. 00 100.00 416.00 9.60 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED MorrrrrO l-Jq- ol Project *: PQ sot - cr,tt Building Permit #, bol- oolo 97 O - 47 I - 2L49 (I nspections) TWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontase Rd.Vail, Colora-do 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! Contad Assesfrls Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcef S ZtotOu3t1OO+ lob Name: EnAgD JobAddress: 7'7o Pof*ro FAfc4 U^ltf + Legal Description ll Lot: ll etock: ll riting:Subdivision: owners Name: /v/Ap, u^/D/ ll Address: TTtePonn irET uttn* ll ehone: Zt L- gtlp - 5-soo Arch itect/Desig n r, g*r, rr/, a Addressi /4\r/oN/Phone: ?+7 _ +t+ 4 | Engineer:f4d gg.V,S A/6n/.^d* ess i / td sLfft T,f^ry Y'Phone: 479-2J7O Detailed description of work:/rlai /(/ fa'/a4 SlvLt Af rJ, lu4tr4 6*rH,8fi4P ouf L|,J/NL ?a)^4 WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel (v/Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (Vf Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (9' Type of Bldg.: Singlefamily ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-familv (uf Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing.Dwelling Units in this building: /No. of Accommodation Units in this building: I Noflype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ffiooaBurninq ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (uf, No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (-/Y coMPtETE VATUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) BUILDING; $ 90,ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ REFUNDCLEANUPDEPOSITTO: A/A,6D b^Tsf, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: r{eD60 Town of Vail Req. No.:2s/A Contact and Phone #'s: 7of -s7 g r Contractor Signature: *t(*******.l*****************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***********************!r*****:r******* F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm RECD JAN I0l,t'N 0f t'ilt Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: / This Chekh'st must be ompleted beforc a Buildina Permit aooliation is acceptd, a )hll pages of application is complete { U"IDRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form 5y''Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex p Complete site plan submitted ;:q-fuOtic Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) //Stuging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaoe allowed on roadways and shoulders without written aooroval o./Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring 1{ 2cnttect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi fariily) ' / Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) { WinOow and door schedule ;{ Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) ;y'StruAural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) y'S Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection )O Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated t' $moke detectors shown on plans /rr1"rand quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: F:/everyoneformtbldperm2 Received By: I0[1\l0F BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and apprcval, a Planning Departnent feview or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeKs. All commercial (large or small) and all mulU-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Date: O/- 2L/'P/ F: everyoneformsAldperm3 rumv0F WHEN A *PUBLTC WAY PERMTT" IS REQUTRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUEfiONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence? YES NO " o tr tr o tr Does demolition work being performed require the ut6f tn" Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NOJ_// Is any utility work needed? YES- NO/,/ Is the driveway being repaved? YES- NO / / Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- NO ,/('/Is any drainage work$ng done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES NO / O o Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES No-z |s,f:Yt;H2eetents or Pubric Prooertv to be used for staging, parking or fencing? fr'{*"'''-R:i'Y , staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permif'applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached), If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public WorK at 479-2198. ALL THE ABOVE QUESIONS. Job or Project Name: Date Signed: F :/everyondforms/bldperm4 e/-Lq -c2/ Company Name PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Aoplication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verif,7 (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some uUlity companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the '-Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". ) NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. 0/-- LL('4/' Date Signed erstand the above. F :/everyone/forms/bldperm5 DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check offeach of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvefts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2798 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Cedificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: dn Project Name: Date Signed:(, ' l'o/ F:/everyon4forms/bldperm6 Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBTTED D Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. D Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate *re same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Work, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. J Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above. any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as orovided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. a Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979). CODES 7-3A.T AND 7-3A-3I PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED D No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) g 1) a Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cruse it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) ! 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: 0/,''Zq '-O/ F:/everyone/forms,6ldpermT aL-a3-1992 t2':26qt1 FROM TO 84599?9 December 22, 2000 Community Development Depaftment Town of,Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vaii, CO 81657 Re: 770 Potato Patch Driye Condominiums Unit q Dear Sirs: The pulpose of this letter is to convey the approval by thp 770 Potato Patch Dnve Condoriunium Association for the foliowing changes to lJnit 4: - Enlargement of tbe main floor (living room) by appr6ximately 32 square feet in the southwest corned and addition of a new window on the west side of the southwest Icomer. ;i- Addition of a window on the west wall of the masterjbedroom. The Association does not grant approval for any alteratidns to the exterior walis on the upper level with the exception of the window on the wes{ wallmentioned above. Please call ifyou have any questions. Jrncerely, {1 ttt< t/l Bill Sarjent Crossroads Realty, Ltd. Managing Agent 770 Pogto Patch Drive Condominium Association Copy to: Nedbo Construction via facsimile: 845-9979 t:$ 81658 / Crossroads Shopping Center / t43 P. A1 FR0t'1 :F&E RSEESTOS ABATEI",1ENT, tNC.PHONE N0. i t 918 242+1128 Jan. @2 2AAI A3|39Pn P9 Hazard Assessment r Air Monitoring o 1.au6 paint Abatement .Complcte Asbestos Rernoval & Disposai DATE: 0l/0?01 INVOICE NO: l,2K05i L Tn.NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 34i9 VAIL, COI,OR DO 816.58 ATTENTION; TOMI'IENDERSON DESCRiPTION ASBESTOS SURYEY COMPLETED ,TOB SITE LOC.4TED AT: 770 Potato Patch #4 Vail, Colorado 8 16.58 AMOT/NT 5 Bulk Samples @50,00 per sarrrple (24 hour tu1p66njd) Labor @aQQ.QQ per 8 hour lny TOTAL COST OI' SURVEY ?AYMaN'r $HAI,L BE MADE UnOl{ ggyrr"aroN Or,.WoRKAND INVOICINC B'Y A AND '} ASBESrOS ABATDMENT rN(''-OR BY PREARN.ANCEI) PROGRESS P^YMENTS. INVOICESTXAT EXCEET' 30 OAYS IN PAYM,DNT ARE SUEJECT TO "IN'I'EIT.OST ACCRUtsI' AT A RATB ()F 18% PER ANNIIM rLUSANY EXPDNSES TNCURRED DUnTNG COLLECTTON, A'!"roRNEV f,'E&S. $ 300.00 150.00 $ 450.00 sst PAYMENT TERMS DUE ON IIECBIPT TOTAL AMOTNT DUE T1{IS INVOICE FROI.1 : A&E ESBESTOS RBCTEIIENT, INC. ) INSFECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: RBP.ORT PRBPARED 8Y: BILLCARY BUILDINO INSPECTOR CPRTIrTCATB No : s2BQ43o47 PHoNE N0. i ', 979 242+LL28 Jan.'Q2 2441 A3|4AP1 Pi,A A & B ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, INC. 635 WEST WHITE AVENUE GRAND JUNCTION, COLOIIADO 81505' l-800-748-1204 NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P,O. BOX 3419 vAiL, coLoRADO 81658 LOCATION: 770 POTATO PATCH #4 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 FROI4 : R&B ASEESTOS RBflTENENT, INC.PHONE N0. i L 97@ 242+LL28 Jan. 82 zAAL A3:4APY ?'L! INTROQUCTION: on December 22' 2000' an inspcction/srrrvey was conducted nnd 6 bulk samples were colecie(l from the 770 POTATO PATCH #4 VAIL, COLORADO 8I653 ' ' The purpose ofthc inspection/survey was to .locate and sar:ple suspected asbestos corlrarnlng nraterials thatnigitt be present in the iiont room arca,,the 20d floor b$rh nnd closit *hich ,s pl",.,,recl fc,. renovation work. Tho urspection was made and drc sarnples wcre collectcd by Bill Cary, an A.H.E,R,A. and Sratc uf Coloracjocertified B-uilding ltlspector- Gteot.care was trken durirrg tire inspection ano ,*,r',flint ro be as acr:urate as' possible' It shorrld be notcd that rnininral damage was clonc to the existing buildir:g eirucrr.lrcs durir:g tbeinsptction sotherc rs no docrr:neutotion fnr unsJcn con{itiols ur storecl item.s. At t5c ,.q,r"st cf the cl)entftis report only covcrs tlre renovauon aLea. Ali eamplos were qnnlyzsd by DCM Scrence Lab in Lakewooci, Colorado, This labor.a.tory r$ deetned"Profrctent" in.the E.P.A. Quality As$trsnce (eA) program for thc deternrjnodon of asbestrrs in irulkmaterials, and is accredired by the fung1;qxr Hygiene Association (AIHA). SAMPLTNG P4O'l'OCor._: A random sarnpling scheme was uscd to sample the suslrec.t rr)0redals that were discovcrcd. Ifduring nnyfunlre dcmolition or renovation wor:k suspccl muteriol is discovered tha,t husll t been sarrrplcd gr:d wortlcl bsdisturbed, work should be halted until the mqterinl htrs been tesred. RENOVATION ARE^ DESQSIPTION: . The. flont wqll by sliding door: is going to be dcmolishsd to allow for cxprnsion of the living r-oont a::ea. Thewslls are wood frame with textured shccrrock on the insidc. T[e ceil,ing is rhc sa:ne as Cre walls. The floor iscovered wilh.carpet and ceramic tile, Two composite sheetrock sa'nple-s were collectecl forrrr thc wall to bedemolished nnd four.tamples were collected fiorn..rn upstairs berJroorl wall, bath, and closet arcas. CONCLUSIONS ANn RECOMMTiNnATION.q: I Laboratory analysis of the six llrlk srnples indicnte that no asbestos wtrs ictected in any of tl19 bulk samples.At the request of the client only the ar:eo thrrt will be impacted ou by thg plarljgrl r.enovairon is inclu<led inthis sqrvey, .r-i: :.i FROM : C&B RSBESTOS AERTENENT, INC. NTONE rc. I ','g?A SAMPLE LOCATION AREA SAMPLED FROM 1st floor south wall/west 1st floor souh wall/center 2nd floor mesler bedroom closet 2nd floor bathroom' Znd floor bathroom ceilino 2nd floor bath wall w/light texture w/light texture w/light texture wiwall paper no texture w/light texture wfuiall paper Jan. A2 2W1, A3:4LPt1 Prz FRIABLE YES/NO Yes Yes Yes Yes Yss Yes SAIUPLE# PPC-B-001 PPC-8-002 PPC-B-003 PPC.B-004 PPC-8-005 PPC.B.006 ,''. PHohfE N0. i L 97A 242+lt?e ASBESTOS TYPE Jan. 82 2Ag1 g3:41P1,1 Pi.3 SAMPLE RE$ULTS COLLECTf O N O ArE: 1 2t2lt 00 DESCRIPTION Sheetrock Miight texlure Sheetrock w/llght tbxture Shcelrock Wllght texture Sheetrock Mwall paper no texture Sheetrock w/light texture Sheetrock wArrrall paper KEY: NAD . No Asbestos Oetectecl SAMPLE # PPC-B-o01 .PPG&002 PPC:8-003 .PPC;8-004 PPC.8-005 PPC-B:006 NAD NAD NAD NAD NAD NAO 0 0 0 ,a! r PHoNE NO. 't 1, 9?A SUSPECT I,IATERI,AL CONOITION TYPE OF SUSPECT OVERALLMATERIAL CONDITIONSSAMPLE # PPC-8.001pPc-B-o02 PPC-B-003 PPC-B-004 PPC-8.005 PPC-8j000 ' KEY: SUR. Surfacing SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD coo0 GOOO Jan. O2 zAAt A3t42Pn eta-. . NO NO NO NO % n 0 U 0 TYPE OF DAMAGE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NiA i,': FROI",I : A8B RSBESTOS RBRTEI'IENT, INC.PI.€NE N0. " t 974 242+IL28 POTENTIAL FOR DISTURBANCE Jan. 92 zWL A3i42Pil P!5 @ SAMPLE # PPC-B;001 PPC-B-002 PPQ.8-003 PPC-8-004 PPC-B-o05 PPC-8.006 ACCeSSIBtLITY YES/NO YES YES YES YES YES YES POTENTT/AL CONTACT HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH INFLUENCE VIBRATION POTENTIAL LOCATEO tNAIR PLENUMFROSION YES/NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 't'. ,.t,;' @ TOWNOFVAILFIREDEPARTMENT VAILFIREDEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t35 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMIT PETMit #: AOI-OOI7 Job Address: 770 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Status ' ' . : ISSUED Location.....: 770 POTATO PATCH DRL]NIT 4 Applied. . : 03102/2001 ParcelNo.'.: 210106319004 Issued' ': 06127/2001 ProjectNo : Expires. ': 1212412001 OWNER BARAD, CINDY 03/02/2O0L Phone: 770 POTATO PATCH DR T'NIT 4 VAIL CO 81657 License: APPIJICAI.IT VAIL ELECTRONICS, LTD. O3/02/20oL Phone: 970-827-9t2O P.O. BOX 460 MITTTURN. CO 8154 s License: 198 -S CONTRACTOR VAII-, ELECTROITICS, I-,TD. 03/O2/2OO]- Phone: 970-927-9]-2O P.O. BOX 450 MINTI'RN, CO 91645 License: 198 -S Desciption: Additions to existing system to bring unit to current codes Valuation: $2,000.00 *t.*t'l't1||||{|,|*l't|tt|*l'++*',il'i''}ii*i|***l.:}ii'*|**'*****'''ii*'tFEEsUMMARY'l*||'|*|.+******* Dlectriaal--> S5O . OO Tolal Calculat€d F€€s-> 953 . 00 DRB Fee--> So. oo tul{ilimal t'663---_> 50.00 Inve$igalion-> So.oo Toral Permit Fe€-> 553'00 Will Call---> $3. oo Paymcnls----> S53.00 TOTAL FEES-> S53.OO BALAFICE DUE-> 9O.OO Aporovals:If6m: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIflT O3/02/2OOa Lc AcEion: NO routed tso fire $ /Og/20O1, mvaughan AcEion: DN Advised installer of zoning requirements. S information strowed no updated zoning capability. O5/LS/20Oa nruaughan Actsion: AP t|t||||lt.|tt+|'|i*|',t||||||'.|i.'|'||||l|||*'l't..|||||tt|**tlt|***''||* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL atattl'lalltl**+*** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, compl€ted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigrr review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. R-EQUESTS FOR INSPBCTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS AT t:fiIAM - 5 PM. ONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE ttl**'l*f t'l**ttf tt'** **'l***{r**** ***trt*t *'t*:t,t* l*'}* ***f +{r*'t*l* t trt'}** **t'l*** ***:}***'tatt*,}** +*'| **t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stattn€ntItl+{t**t't+'l*****+'t*'ttl*******l*i**titl*+lrar'lflll'tt**t*t'i*'tl|tf*****1f,{.*'t**ll'**l+l*l*lt+tl'}'t*il Statement Nuniber: R000001009 Amount: $53.00 06/27/200ffL:32 All Payment Method: Check Ini!: DF Nolation: 16928 Permit No: A01-0017 Type: ALARII PBRtitIT Parcel No3 210106319004 Site Addreeg: 770 POTATO PATCH DR 'UAIL Location 3 770 POTA?O PATCII DR INIT 4 ToEal Peea: $53.00Ttria Payment: 953.00 Total ALL Pmtg: $53.00Balance: 90.00i*t****|l t **'| t'l ||t *tf :lr* | *'l't't* t**'tr* t**** * **f ,**** | f * *'t*** !t{"}*lrtl **t*:t+* I'i f **f f t*f '}l tr*tt * t**'***'t*l t't ACCOT]NT ITEMLIST: Account Code OescriDtion Current ffis EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEI4POMRY PilER PERI,|ITS h,C ()O1OOOO3I128OO t^lILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50. 00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-O027 Job Address: 770 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Staurs . . . : ISSUED [ocation.....: 770 POTATO PATHCF LINIT 4 Applied . . : 0212112001 ParcelNo...: 210106319004 Issued. . : 02/2112001 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 08120/2001 OWNER BARAD, CIIIDY O2/2L/20O1- Ptrone: 400 Douglae St. ENGIJET\IOOD, N. J . 07531 Iricense: COIIIRACTOR DOIIBLE Q ELECTRIC 02/2L/2O0L Phone: 970-148-9780 P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS CO 81632 I-,icense I 190-E APPLICANT DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC O2/2L/20OI Phoner 970-749-9780 P.O. BOX 242 SDWARDS CO 8163 2 License: 190-E Desciption: ADD AND MOVE RECEPTACLES LIGHTS,SWITHCS ADD A SUBPANEL Valuation: $15,000.00 Eleslr.ical-> S27O .00 TOTALFEES-> 5273.00 FEE SUMMARY nataalaaaaaaaaaaa.taraaaaaaaaaaaarraa&:*:trrrat,taatl.tt...... Total CElculsted Fees-> 5273 . 00 Additional Fees----->90.00 Total Permit Fce--> 5273 . 00 Payrn€ifts-> S2?3.00 BAL"AIVCE DLrE---> S0.00 DRB Fee--> In'estigation-> will cEll-> 90.00 90.00 F3 .00 Aoprovals:If6m: 05000 EI-,ECIRICAJ, DEPARTMEN'T 02/2L/200]- CDAVIS Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIEI-'D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requird completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approved" Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOIr'Rs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR ofFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OWNER OR CONTRA **lt *** | *i** ***** lr:t:* * *'lr'i'i* *'|l't'i* *'l*** *'l* ir:** ***** {.rt **,t'} *'t*'}* ** 'lr * * * tr t' '} * *** * * ***** 't*** {.'*** {t'l** lt *ri TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Rcpdnted on 02-2l.200l at 09:58:07 OA2U2OOI Stdeineirt Statement Number: R000000465 tunount,: $273.00 02/2r/2O0lO9:57 All Palment Method: Check Init: CD Notation: *8650 Permit No: 801-0027 Tnte: EITECTRICAIJ PERIiIIT Parcel No: 21010 53190 04 Site Addreeg: 770 POTATO PATCII DR \'AIL Location: 770 POTATO PAAICF UNIT 4 Total Pees: $273.00 Thie Payment: $273.00 Tota1 ArrrJ Pmts: 9273.00Balance: $0.00 l.'t** * ***!t:|**i'lt*l:t ******tlr|********lf'f'f*******lt'l'l{.**{r'}'}*'t'}'f*****d.tt***'}'+**:flt*l**'r*****{t*'t*f'} ACCOI,]NT ITEMLIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current ffis EP OO1OOOO3I114()() TEMPOMRY POI^JER PERMITS rc OOI()OOO3I12SO() WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 270.00 3.00 APPLICATION WILI NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colora-do 81657 ConA(t Assessrc Office at 970-328-864) or visit for ParceI # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided aOove) QtOl oCpS I Q Od9 'oo t"TiAG hu ,?'ooTl%' Po**{.r Pq{=A o q Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: owneFAgRe; n'o.LA^ llAddress:Phone: %V gSfZ Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: *OO ? fl4arre PL.lq3 Lrq hf+ S 9c,.*=lo< - l+DO 506 Po,,ral workclass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodet!>fRepair( ) Temppower( ) other( ) Work Type: lnterior(.2-f Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (-,)-4uplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes (No (FI Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes f;4 No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $a4) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION le Q €\a.cfr Contact and Phone #'s:Town of Vail Reg. No.: *tr*r.**t ******,t***************J.**tr******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY"***rt************.#rr,.:uo.. F:/everyone/forms/elecperm I D D D Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-5. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker oanel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verifli that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is reouired. LI o a If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have read and understand the above. z /n' Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. /'1\ - Xnl'nAts/.JMntmy HOW DID WE RATE WTTH YOU? Torm of Vail Survey Gommunity Development Dqarfitatt Russell Forrest Dirccbr, (970)17s-213e Gheck allthat appfies. 1. Which Departnen(s) did you conhct? Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your inilid conbct wiilr our sffi immed#_ dow _or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it befure pu were helped? 4. Was ywr proiect revienved on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why noP 5. Was this yourfirstlime b fle a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ ttUA , 6. Please rab be performance of tre sffiperson who csisbd pu: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overalleftctiveness of fie Front Service Counbr. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is fire best time of day for you b use $e Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb pu hara which would allow us b beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time b complete this survey. We are comrnitted b improving our service. l-' TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINGPERMIT Job Address: 770 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location.....: 770 POTATO PATCH DR UNIT 4 ParcelNo...: 210106319004 ProjectNo, {R5Ot-6OL\ OWNER BARjAD, CIIIDY 02/2t/200L Phone: ?70 POTATO PATCII DR I'I{IT 4 VAII, CO 81657 License: CONfRACTOR LORTON PLITMBING INCORPORATED}2 /2L/20O1' Phone : 970-328-5900 P.O. BOX 3635 EAGIJE, CO 81631 License: 255-P APPLICAI(I IJORTON PLIJMBING INCORPORATED02/2T/2001 Phone : 970-328-5900 P.O. BOX 3635 EAGLE, CO 91631 License: 255-P Desciption: NEW KITCHEN,INSTALL SKYLIGHTSNEW MASTER BATH ADD ADDITIONAL SQUARE FOOTAGE TO LIVING ROOM Valuation: $9,500.00 Fire?lace Information: Restricled: ?? # ofGas Applianc,os: ?? # ofGas Logs: ?? # of Wood Psll€t: ?? ...'l'!...|'.'|.l'|.i|||..|||t.....'..'*t|''''.'.'!}r*:':|*:}***}r*:t***.|.tFEEs$Y Plumbing-> S150.OO Restuar'ri Plan Revicw-> 50.00 TotNl Calqrlat€d Fc€$-> $190.50 plan Check-> S3? .50 DRB F€€-> SO . oo Additional Fees---> 90 . 00 lnv€$igation-> SO.OO TOTAL FEES----> S19O.5O Toltl Psrmit F€ts--> S190.50 Will Call-> S3.oo Paynflls-> 9190.s0 BAL$ICE DUE-> 50.00 tIttaail***:l:t,ttlaaIt,em: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEM| 02/2L/2O0L JRM Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' taaaaata*ttt:aatlllllllllt*lta****a** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttrat I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information rcquired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infomration and plot plan, to comply with all Tom ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Permit #: P0l-0014 Status... : ISSTED Applied. . : 02/2112001 Issued. . : 02/2ll2OO'. Expires . .: 081201200 - a- Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIIR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OtlR OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE WNER OR CONTRACTORFORHMSELF AND OWNE afttat*l*f*a{'**l*t**itl'l'}'t*tt*'}lt{'l*tt+l'**'}***'}**+**********t******+**+++++***+t++*a*+*+lt+a* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprhted on 03-09-2001 at 09:45:55 O3l0i}.l200l Stat€mentti+*atl:tal*+lflll't+*taa+llr*t*tll'}**tt't***+***********{'l********lralra*++ll+t+**+ta*tl***'}++*++a SCatement Number: ROOOoOO469 Arnount: $190.50 02/2L/2OOL01 :27 PM Pa]tments MeEhod: Ctreck Init: GRG Notation: Per:nit No: P01-0014 Tlpe: PITUUBING PERITIIT Parcel No3 210105319004 Site Address: 770 PCIIIATO PATCH DR VAfL I,ocaIion: 770 POTATO PATCH DR UNIT 4 Total Fees: $190.50 ThJ.s Payment: $190.50 Total" AIJ, PmtE: 9190.50 Balance: $0.00ff*a*tf+ta***tft*a+a*{'ttt+**ft********r+*a*****+***r{'{r*'}**+***r+***+{r+l*++**t'}{r*f*'}t*ff++fa* ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Curnent Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 37.50 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUI'IBING PERMIT FEES 15O.OO h/C OO1OOOO31128OO }JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3,OO APPLTCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #; 72,TOt - OAll Building Permit g; €3Ot-<3o\O Plumbing Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact Eaale Coun ,or -I Asressrs Office at 97O-www.eaqle-cou for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: BNqS Re ccrtsc=4tob Address: ffi,i Legal Description Lot:Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:anssslJ* lSperre.lvFt'sT { vr'r{Gt<-v\\>\h.)q -o-AjTl;r1scfiJ--Ue.Seil Gs=r1 ?Ii.s.rc<ats5, TrJSa'cu ^)FD Fl*fl)e€ -?-flea)ctPta' TH€ *f ou-g WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration$4f Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family{ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 3 No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase Ii device? Yes ( ) No'f>q COMPTETE VALUATION FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $O,OO CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Plumbino Contractor: \-rOeTDN ?u,-: tnBFQT'r c Town of Vail Reg. No.: -,25,3+ Contact and Phone #'s: =t\\) Loe-\-r, s laa 6aob Contractor Signature: ONLY*****************:t******rr************ eceiYea 3l l-r- RECD FEB 2T2r/r1 ************************:t**t ** *+:e *** ** *F€lR OFFICE USE F/everyone/forms/plmbperm { To1l /:\r{Y \ ,^ -\\t-@ *ilflRArE,,urrHyou? Torm of Vail Survey Community Darelopment Departnent Russell Fonest Direcbr, (970)47s-213s C[eck allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you conhct? Building EnvironmenEl_Housing_Admin Planning _DRB _ PEC no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wai[ how long was it before you rJtrere helped? 4. Was your profect reviewed on alimely basis? Yes / No lf no, why nof; 5. Was 0ris your first lime b fle a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ l{/A 6. Please rde $e performance of tln sffperson who csisibd you:54321Namq (knowledge; ruponsiveness, avallability) 7. 0verall efiectiveness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best lime of day for you b use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you fortaking the tme to complete ths survey. We are commited b improving our service. i ArPrI) lnformt0eE AcltltuGonstTni;P*aril: Otnor: Apdkant:C*lclor:D*crF{on: Co|rut|st Inspecilolr Reguest RqusCon NEDBO CONSTRUCTIOIT,Coili|mnb: Unf*{ RtaueetBd Tlmc: 00{10 Af' Fhone: $+5735 Enbr.d 8}|: LCATPSSLL K I I Ii Requasbd Inspcct llater tYednetdryr tffc-h 07,2001 Asslqncd To: CDAVISl]}Ioacilon TvD.: Etr-DGIn*ncdmAiira: cOSlh Adlrecs: 770 POTATO PATCH Df,t VA,L 770 POTATO PATCH DR UNIT 4 Hl4{XXO 2fiX0631gXX BARAD, C,N.IDY Sxltr$ FNX.TEDIt|rpArE: CD Phono: 970-,84&1001 ALL SKYLKIHTS,NEW MASTER BATH ADD ADDlTlOl.lAL SOT ARE FOOT GE TO TO CHARLIE D AI.ID BILL G . JIIOI.IT)RAGON SubTyDe: AltF[Ae: V 1-FlR Ty"'r Occrfoirct/: Reouelleq |n$.adon{{ lbml C0 BlDo.shccfod(tlrtl acgn dTo:Ac{onl ,@ TlmcEp: ln$.atbnHlrbY Hn: 10 BlDfr-Foodmcrshel to9dondlihn: 20 BlDG'Fonnfilon/sibd (o9|bnalilln: g) BLOSF ililng afficiEl) *Aooro\r.d -tzn3lfol -lnrp.clor: atRG Ac0oo: PA PARTIAL APPtlOt/A CommqrE: Mkrohnc rxtmdhg b.ck.!o..il 14 io s|ryport new 4 canillewr a Ol(. OK to ffir $l!r plyttDod .ubtho.. m/O2101 lnrDrcbr: JRilConmenb: FRiAillilci APPRO\GD5t) B|-Dc{t|fiilon l#onrl}qlBu)Gishc.frocktlaff iffiii70 BLDG-l,ilrc. ichdorrt)90 BLDg+ln€l (R6q$.d) lun:lbn:ilan: nrNn: Ac{on: AFAPFROVED REPT131 Rtrn Id: 442 ^'\ Hemcetco InspeetDrb:lnipoclsl ArEr:SfbAdrhosl; U,€dnecdly, June 2?, 1001 CD 770 POTATO PA1'CH DRYAIL 7?O POTATO PATCH DF UNIT4 A,P[t Infonn{[on Acfytlr Exla-fl'lo Twt: r+MF Conel T!fi: Ooa"qe'r,,[y:ot,rrhr: BARAD,Cr\DYCdtttc&n lrlEDSO COfTtsTRUCT|0T'| $tabt: lnep trn; rt IgSUED CD Erccrbtbn t'lEW XnClil:Nt{gTALL SHYL|0}ITS"NEW ITASTER EATH ADO ADD{T!Oi|AL $AUARE FOOT GE TO. LfV|i.|C}ROOTIg)ffiflsrt P|jFIS RO,'TSD TO CHNRLE D ANS EILL G . $iONDRAGON 'ai R€tn|ecbd_lFlrec{q|{rl lhthr g0 BLOG#btrlRequ.sbr: NEFDO cO'tlSTRlJcTlot iCmirFnb: t hIT*a471-35t7 StCA*rsHIft coAl/rs Requcsbd Timr, 0l:00 ttt$' Pfron.: S7t}84+1ml Erfirrs.J B!,: DFLORES K hPF hrocctq[Hl*brv isn: 1O BLD{l"f-o(#fK.SbGlIm: 20 BtD@Fo([ffiofl,ffilf,n: 20 BLDGFo{$fi0o|r,'hn: an 8tDgfBFh0 " AtDrovsd "GR6'' Coattrnrfib: lrkrohm8*ubfiffi.0&{lllol hcp.dor: JRMCofirr,!fltr: FRli/ltrlc APPROT ED *ADt&*d lt$.db'l: tutAffrorred Shc*oct fcUnf4 @J?3/Dl -h.!.doff CRG' A.dan: PAPARTIAL AltPRcnsncnte: lrkphrm oxlsndho bock cbod 14' to iupfod niti,4 csrdn.r,[qj: A.dan: PAPARTIALAPPRCVAL Acilon: AF APFRS'ED hil 30bnt: 60 hen: 70ilem: 90 $,; SubTvla: AliFtfte: V t-l{R Rtrn Id: 724 .,'! , 06 ci :c0i 9:Ul am AIP,O lntormatiorr Inspeutirar Request Reooltanq vAtr.. ct-l 'towN Qt- Page 15 ll:rlu r: ''ii /- L. f i.1L.t- l-l-l:Ct.:: ii,:05. ?Ci' U I'A,I LIJ Uii .jAIL o t'Afi rcF uNll .l ActF./ .t/' EU1,rr )lr / l ype FF t,t:(. S;ub I yp€. Ai,lF SlalUS: ISS'UED..lon!t | \.,r'c: r-pqr rp2ir'r.r|. l,sF- InSp AteA' E r.i rt:rr.6l'){01ru;11()f{'}dcr,rar. pAF?an r'nrfly S-F FA"J€L "#l;;;l ffiiFli;Eli:$ii F[ffi, ;;ijifi:;ffi 68z+nu,'i1'1iJ.tir,r1 ann.'t.lf, MO'JT- nllctr-Trrc"ti. l.l':t iTS.i:.'v1r!Tlrc S, ,:.UC /. ll'Fn,lNl-l. Fif tlg,rO f i.-iruusti-tl urspsctrut,,s| It!/dA l;h- ;lenr: 190 tLL.-J iri.ri ;it'-ru..i-i li!'rc: u!:-C At'{ 'fl"-'t'l L'W ,ierr,rt.,rr.,r Lrt ur_LL "u,f?i_".i.i:L,,, ,._ i v. rlrr r !iu,iu. 5,u rlL riu ^:*Hig. ryfiff--,"u E ,'r*.r€d*v DF,()kLs. 9#,& I:,1::!.f tl1r:l:f:i 'lqnr: l1o El liC-Ianlp. p619a,v rcrr' ,;r'!. LItem: 1ln Fl fC F.., r{',1 t-j ',1,'r" ''' ApPrnvr,rt " A. ' ) 03 {:: ti !:,"sertut. e r " .' rlt.'rn 'nnT Af t':C'.'tD L)iierii: 130 f L|jC-iqnduit tlption,:ll ,\ - A, A -a- - ./iielii. I iU LLLi.--LLildUlt lupuall;l) flianr: i40 i:L[g l,,li{,c. itrptror,.il,rr"r)f. leu LLLc-l u,r, ,:'iJ,ii1;'-':', ^ | (_Wpotnl* \' YQ,f'ffi riEpi',1:r i liuri Icl:692 TOI4ilV# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Prcject Name: Potato Patch exterior alterations DRB Number: DR8030246 Project Description: Common Element - Change to paint colors for exterior alterations; stone veneer to east, west and south side of buildings; stone veneer on planters, stream headwall, landscape wall and trash enclosure; new heated concrete pavers Pafticipants: OWNER PHOEBE M. VOSBECK REVOCABLE 06/30/2003 Phone: R. MNDALL & PHOEBE M. VOSBECK TRUSTEES 770-4 POTATO PATCH DR vArL co 81657 License: APPUCANT Prima Assoc Dba Crossroads R06/30/2003 Phone: 479-4300 1650 Vail Valley Drive Suite C3 Vail, CO /Ay@crossroadsrealtyvail.com 81657 License: ProjectAddress 770 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL Location: 770 Pobto Patch Drive Legal Description: Loe 6 Block: 2 Subdivision: POTATO PATCH TOWNHOMES C Parcel Number: 210106323001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval= O7lO2l2O03 Conditions; Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entryt 0710212003 By: EECKEL Action: AP Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 F AX.970-479-2452 COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: COMP DATE: # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLUDTNG COVER SHBET)--JL- RESPONSE REQUIRED? FfSEN"TBY ('. TOWN OX'VAIL COMMUNTIY DEVf,LOPMENT FAX # gIO-AlgAfl TOWN OF VArL COMMUNITY DEyELOPMENT TELEPHONf, #-gmqzg-zu!- FAXTELf,PH ANDNOTES: F:EvERYONE\FORMS\FaxShect TOI,VN Application for Design Review Depaftment of Community De\relopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All pro;ects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested, An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information ls received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Envimnmental Commission. Design review apprcval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval. Description of the Request: Locationoftheprcposat: t-ot: 6 anct: 3 suuaiuision,PoiJo ?a\J Towltrqes & physicar Address: 77o ?e\-.L ?a\r[ nr tt"r+t^ Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970'328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s)of owner(s): l-7o 3J^t- Q.,f . L A^<o.1" lton Mailing Address: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:o.\ Mailing Address:U 651 Type-tr SignsE Conceptual Review Phone:oO $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee tr D tr tr New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multFfami lylcommercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request vr tr For OfficgSse Only: Fee Paid: ,JU Cnec|no.,3,97S Application Date: Planner: No.:l1t,- l-<-- o Phase IV - 2OO2 oo J---/ ,-l 11r \l (--r X I r\ PROPERTY MANAGEMENT June 9'n 200:] Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Co 81657 Re: Potato Patch Townhomes Dear Sirs, This letter is to covey the associations' approval of the following cclor scherne: l) Stucco SW703l lr{ega Greige 2) Siding SW7032 Warm Stone 3) Trim SW7033 Brainsrornr Bronze These colors have been selected to compliment the Moss Rock as requestecl bl rhe Design Review Board. a. Realry. t,rd. anagl Agent Potato Patch'fownhomes Copy to: Bill Sargent PO. Box l292,Yail, Colorado 81658 / 1650 Vail Valley Drive ' Fallridge, Suite C-3 97 U 47 6- 4300 / F AX 97 0 - 47 9 -9r3 4 email: home@crossroadsrealtyvail.com website: www.crossroadsrealtyvail,com -a {.*|******'l*|'1.******'r*{.'r*****t *'}t''r*'t *i*{.t't*i********'t**t********:t ***i.**'tr}**'t {.*|'tr'tdt'i**'}!*****'r't TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statementl.***'i****'***'l:lt't**{r********rt't**,}***!t****'t*,tt*,t******'t****{.**{r**{.r,r!:r*****:t****'}****,ttt t ,i,ti**t* gtatement Number: R030004254 Amount: $20.00 06/30/2OO3O3:54 PM Palment Method : Check Init : iIAR Notation: 2275 PoEaEo Patch TownhomeE Condo Assoc Permit No: DRB030245 Type: DRB- Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 210106323001 SitC Addrees: 770 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL IJocation: ?70 Potato Patch Drive Total FeeE: 920.00This Palment: $20.00 Total At r, Pmts: $20.00Balance: $0.00 **'t ,lr*'t:t't ***********{.'*{.**{.*t **+*******'}**+*****t 't't*t*t't+***I't*****'t******rt ***{i{r**lr*'l*****t*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Curnent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI/ FEES 20.00 1. IMPROVEMENTS TO POTATO PATCH TOWNHOMES General Notes (revised April 2,2003) The owner is the Potato Patch Townhome Condominium Association. The property managsr is Crossroads Realty Ltd The property manager shall be the primary contact for the contractor. ( | , The work indicated of the drawings shall consist of improvements to the trash enclosurE,- modifications and improvements to the planters at thg.lpits, the wall at the ep$ance sign, a stone veneer on the existing concrete wall ptrthe stread $one venper on the $uth, west and east sides of,the units, and installation ofconbrete pavers ?t each 6fihe ten condominium units, all as shown on the drawineF. r--\' 4. The work shall be executed in the summer of 2003 starting around May l. The owner encourages the contactor to provide cost savings and value engineering suggestions for tlework- n5. The existing timber planter walls shall be rdr4oved and new concrete block with stone veneer shall be installed as indicated with necessarj concrete footing. The planters shall be slightly reconfigured as indicated on the drawings. New walls shall have a snapped edge sandstone aap. 6. Care shall be taken to protect existing landscape material as well as the existing irrigation system in the planters. New topsoil shall be added to the planters by the property manager to bring the planting level up to the wall height. The properly manager shall remove and store any plant material that will interfere with the wall construction for replacement after completion of the planter work , / ,7. A stone veneer with sandstone cap shall be applied to the strqiin concrete headwall. Stone shall not be applied to the inside or streamside of the wall. 8. Stone for the project shall be moss rock as selected by the owner. Contractor shall submit specific samples for final selection. 9. The existing timber walls of the trash enclosure shall remain and shall be furred as necessary / i to install stucco. A new concrete curb at the roofofthe enclosure shall be installed and bonded to the existing conffete. The new curb shall be waterproofed with a membrane and tied into the existing waterproofing on the existing roof, The existing concrete floor slab shall be removed and a new level concrete slab installed. The new stucco shall be painted to i 1t- match the stucco on the units and the wood on the doors and trim shall also be painted to match the wood on the units. Carpentry work and painting shall be by the property manager. 10. The driveway entrances work shall cgnpist of removal of existing asphalt at all units and removal of existing flagstone at unit A"Yqcompaction and preparation ofthe existing road base, coordination with snow-melt cortffictor, installation of new Qoncr€te pavers on sand bed in two patterns as shown with a band around edges, and installation of a new concrete band at units A, B, C, 11 J, K. Concrete pavers shall be of a standard color and shape by '?avestone" or equal. Contractor shall submit samples to owner for selection I L The property manager shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits. All work shall be done in a workmanlike manner in accordance with Town of Vail codes and requirements. 12. The work shall be carefirlly coordinated to be the least disruptive to the owners. Coordinate with the property manager on the scheduling of the work so it will, in so far as possible, coordinate with the owners schedule of occupancy of their unit. 2. 3. Pase I $set l- *a9 r+u- t]\J(x;.,I c\ il:iS, x..gN; sT5 ?1=fs9ut F- J- r(r '-ltt xvt.l lt1ytt trgt' r'zL i.)tVW sl 1 V0ti'lrartlvU,,9Z;' ts E:Qd.h'3 q- 5 l! z,,o c2 $ r-1, \DD ur A Hs- zv) i Jurai'iolgI PI c?) C! rtr c\r z, =) lolurl>t-llrl IC) !r^tE i 589u.t Fff e / l I / 'o :d._ o 7I 6ut\\ JJ H VIt$lFI ftl *l*,1<)l EI $ g ! F" ii Gtt $G-tIulv 6 ? 6?3 e \t.t,6strzp* N I,l el G)I3l c{ ql urlcll +'l ul al 9J <-)lzl*l fl sl H !.q)r2tuil5 P5 b=vlii ilt :lilf EiHE3f 3ETr6iu Fglz ltr'g r -;, \ tliH|l; trofAe FgB Hq5 !a st-A 3 2-t * JI p $a $ti{o2e I I 6 3 FeoaCol- L5 ttol 3 *aL - .b1\) lL 6,2e'i'i.I z ii iirl ilvuror{,a scr 'fl\!r tl zIt- u, 4is2 d*u Q I F & iGE $rsi -:!Uo In\o\l-qlll sr lU; -.r 6s s) ES- ol-<l)- g : ILG ;z4.Jo- I \A \\ tr I \ \ \ g & hd.t0-o I Foxlu I I 'l* t,t o- cl J Eo.-4 lrl Ftuu -,$ s $ ;rt 9s -- ler egEa. 6s:8g2 77gP Hdt Hea a-:i, |rFIE Su IE Hr $s $5 'z3 * E i3ia3s olttJl X:I$l*lzl7lpl :[l HIs.-l PIf,l sl wl3l pl z,l HI>l()lvl C)-l zl Igl \nlotdltl frrlTI{tp.l i-ltl-l -9l ozt'-ol hl 3 Elt rrrl XI-rl' \Nl 9lol,zl g,ll 'tr| slty'-l .rl-o *1,ol{ 3t{ tl sf,)A , Evru r <.3 !L{lt Est f.h ii. u,sdi --J 4 I4 zo tsUril \n tDv| 6 A 5st E 4 s* 2Ei :vlrtz. F. s2 ,tg..*.,t|, 9Jf !4ur6t b-- slqa5rL d\Lz)zo \9z $z Jtd +,^ rlr1 +grI\ <, b\ Lr+ ;::E$: 39 a5ldEir2 rS fit i$ HEiiB pF Irfl /- fr!tIll. .t-a 4 s3v-fr D0w J UJlul- ts l.z. es 228a'ogtlM+ 3,=;76t F3!l 96 \bz' 5 J1t+;u,5 r\ ..r J:l Lo ,A .$!{x sI$ zo 5\u \02 tr ,1rll ittu et- 1t" $z $1..tf raFl Pz i;t-- ir r$,,t {,lrt{ .tIlS Bi4irrt-kt nE H 1.' !zaa -6-s '.c :a 47 vllls '.trs 4t-t|r,r($r r-l.-ut P2 9.uBZ1^treif- 11Vl.A )!gt{lI 19 ,ffi Project Name: 770 Potato Patch Project Description: Reoaint o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us DRB Number: DR8020323 Participants: OWNER BOOTH CREEK MANAGEMENT CORP 09/122002 Phone: 1OOO S FRONTAGE RD W STE 1OO VAIL CO 81557 License: APPUCANT Tom Dubois @lt7l2002 Phone;476-6342 FriElen Pierce Architects 1650 E Vail Valley Drive C-l Vail, CO Tomdubois@vailarchitects.com 81657 License: ProjectAddressr 870 POTATO PATCH DRVAIL Location: 770 Potato Patch Drive Legal Descraption: Lot: 7TH. Block: Subdivision: POTATO PATCH CLUB CONDOM Parcel Number: 210106306O43 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approval= lOlO3l2OO2 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN); No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PHN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO ,r*ffi General Information: Application for Design Review Department of Community Development - zs iorln ironuge Road, Vail, colorado 81657' - - iel g7o'479.2139 fax: 970'479'2452 web: urww.ci.vail'co'us ffiffiio]lffil?Hli. review must receiYe 1!?r-olllfT:P-':b*Tll3"1t'll':3ffJlli'.'iil'ni"ili Jii"T[ii''.ift"Tt1lllH'":1li}#H[ [iTt:Tffi':i'l'r]il'r"Ji'ii'li *dG;;,T",T'll?::l l";*i'#l*+"#:'ffiiS.':::[l'Ti,lXl'If["lf..J';EAT'fiT 'iJ#t d;t#t*l* i:*lm5$"HffiH:l]l'"li:cannot be accepted unfl all requrreo Intormauur '' '="''iirilli;th" pfi.il' and Environmental Commis-lion.prJjil tfi;l* need to b€ reviewed !I 1"- -T-TL{5* rc icc,r.d ,,ra .or.rrrucioicoiimences wittrinpoect may-also need to.b€ revieweo Dy me rowrr *""if'i!'.Lu.i'"ii ";nrftuction commences within 6"lign t"iri.* approYal lapses unless a building Pen one year of the aPProval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot:-Block:- Physical Addr€ss: Parcel No.: tJ <t (Contact Eagle Co, Assessorat 970-328-8640 for parcel no') zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s Name of APPllcant: Mailing Address: t1'+ E-mail Address;h qDWail $50 Plus $1'00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addition *nl"lq"it ft'i'ttgg lt tdltdio any residential or , ll"' ilril Li.i-J o-r,roirg iriilrdo zso {g,li9l:-l lPtior conversions)' ( Szso For minor cnangetio' b'iiaings and site improvements' such as' t-i*nng, -pai,iting; windoi additions' landscaping' fences and '' retaining walls' etc' $20 For minor changes'to buildings and site improvements' such as' reroofins, painting: ffi;- iaaiiiont' 'landscaping' fences and .. \ retaining walls, etc' 6zo -.\ i"i't*"i".. t plans already approved by Planning staff or the ' J Design Review Board'NoFee ' REC'D SEP L2?002 &96 O{oss/ooJ,strypetf Review and Fee! O Signstr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tl Minor Alteration (multFfamilY/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (sin gle-fa mily/du Plex) I,-&- qhanges to APProved Plans tr Separation Request ,/ J-L Dr" C6'^+5*u.* xo.. 99 k \- ay:$a__ PROPERTY MANAGEMENT September 12, 2002, 2002 Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road W. Vail. CO 81657 Re: 770 Potato Patch Drive Condominiums Exterior Paint Colors Dear Sirs: The purpose of this letter is to convey the approval of the 770 Potato Patch Drive Condominium Association for the exterior color changes deicribed in the Septemb er 2"d ,2002, attachment from Exterior Color Design. Please call ifyou have any questions. Sincerelv-L't l4ttvl. u, Bill Sarg6nt Crossroads Realty, Ltd. Managing Agent 7 7 0 P otato Patch Drive Condominium Association PO. Box 1292, Vail, Colorado 81618 / 1650 Vail Valley Drive - Fallridge, Suite C-3 97 0- 47 G4300 / F AX 97 U 479 -9534 email: home@crossroadsrealtyvail.com website: www.crossroadsrealtyvail.com DESIGN 1650 EAsr VAII VAIEy DruvE VA[" CoLoRADo 81657 970.479.9577 . FAx 970.479.9329 SEPT 2,2002 770 POTATO PATCH FINAL EXTERIOR COLORS PAINT BY SHERWIN WILLIAMS WEST VAIL- COLORADO TAN CONCEPT COLOR NO. I COLOR NO. 2 GRAY CONCEPT col-oR No. 3 COLOR NO. 4 STUCCO GRAY & TAN CONCEPT sw 1103 sw 2043 EV 02-s28 EV 02-817 sw 2067 DISIGN 1650 EAsr VArL VAIEY DRrvE VAn, CoLoRADo 81657 970.479.9577 o Flx 970.479.9329 SEPT 2,2002 770 POTATO PATCH FINAL EXTERIOR COLORS TAN CONCEPT GRAY CONCEPT COLORNO. I COLOR NO. 2 COLOR NO. 3 COLOR NO. 4 sw 1103 sw 2043 EY 02-528 EV 02-817 STUCCO GRAY & TAN CONCEPT SW 2067 PAINT BY SHERWIN WILLIAMS WEST VAIL. COLORADO Iz trJ!uNdF rrr d.-LL O. I No F-{ f\r{ r( f\ \J Fi oeo. tFi (-1Fi -) aa L-t -i OP cdFi o.Pd:Pc Fr \/f-.f-. ZUJ!uNdFurd.-lr o- f{I "{.';t -";.{ d* iY l--o. U 0 4 F i-oLJU-1 W , t' -'ir 'l*.' 3 l-o- ttlt, J.n TJ Frl tr ll ''E "*"f .,r.i,s Lj j:I FINAL INSPEgTION'S COMPLETED The belol items need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUI'IBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY C of 0 rcim.r or varr, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479 -2t38 DEPARTI,IETTT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT tok-!,i?..^-t kQ-lot AT ALL TIMES M98-0049 JOBSITE Permit #: Job Address...:l,ocatsion......:Parcel No.....: ProjecE Number: Fireplace Infoslation: ReEtricg€d: 770 POTATO PATCH DR 770 POTATO PATCH #25 2101--063-19-025 *of Gas ApPlianccg I APPI-,IEEI\TT VAIL VALLEY PLT]MBING & HEATING P O BOX 2048, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRASIOR VAIL VALLEY PLUMBING & HEATING P o Box 2048, AVON CO 8A620 OI'INER SMEDL,EY ROBERT W & PHOEBE E -iIT 5220 RIDGE TRAIL, LITTLETON CO 80123 Description: INSTAI-,L BOILER FOR PARTIAL HEATING SEatus. . Applied.Issued..' E>qrires. Valuation: *Of Gaa Logs I ISSI]ED 04/2L/L998 04/23 /1998 L0 /20 /L998 Phone: 303949777L Phone: 3Q3949777L 9, 000 .00 *of, wooa/Pallcs r FEE 9UI4MARY Mcchanical_-_> tao-oo Re6luarant Plan Revien--> 'oo Totsal calculabed Pees_-_> 226'00 Plan Check---> 45'OO DRB Fee-------- 'oo Additsional Fees---------> '00 Inve.Eigation> 'OO ToTAIJ FEES----- wilr carl----> 3.oo nXffi::";;;--------:-:-:: "':li 6E?Di A3'r8 o o"*Ht lo]YrELl-AryRSR AppRovED rBfipL : BUr LDrNG Divi s ion : EEiDi',ii6E.l#* DEPfitifrHii+ ;il ;;;"'-- -bL'pt: FrRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE--BEQUTBED TO CHEq4 E'OR-CoDE COMPLIANCE' i' isx#f,tffinu;ft tfid$ ta8satEu;B:nufiEF""ifii'8"fr9+*b3i" os"""" ; . Eg]ii3 $-P, i$"ft* 3fr Rlf ie3lEffi Ep.'_ieleqtry"^so,-crrApr E R e- .4ND; ffi$iH$itiig*tstar+g;g*+6'lu'58il3gg sI'fi"B"E? 3 6'uxfi" ; . g8i;8fl.t8fi"1fl tlquMEUrqEp--9N^ FLooRs eE _L{eNcQyBusrtELE coNsr .; HHkfii$, ffisil^fi8*;usElEitg,Si;:trBH+'EE"""ost88*IN"', *' *" ;:fiffi trB8llll:g*til*$iFif lHiEiletSsiTs'rsH.EAT{Ngdr**Bh'rHEi"' SiiP'F-LV-Eorteil5I3HaILL Er- uOurppro wrrH A FLooI 7i19-0r' THE 1991 rlMc.e. sEE SecrroNs*6F^r5gl'utrg_109-r,ocATION ON GARAGE HAS TO BE-' 16i; iNdHES- ABOve tgg E!-qq& LEVEL '.. t9*1"*t5"I#fl;efufeUF+Hi]"1i H,*ERHi*fii"fl'"fi f;fio6Efi""' *****J**********:l*************************************************************** DECT,ARATIONS r hrrcby acknorl.dgc tsh-t r h.ve r.rd thi6 applic.Eion, fillad ou! iD fu1l thc inforriation rcguired, couPl'ged an 'ccurat'' plot plan, rnd st.ts. chats all th. infon.tlon plovldld aa rcquired i6 c0rrect. I agree to qodPly eith the infoloatsion rnd plots plen' tso co[ply ,ith !l], ToFn ordinance. tnd 6tate lars, and co buiLd LhiB 6truclurc according Eo gh' Tosn'€ zoning and eubdiwiglon eodc6, design rGvicr approvld, unifotn Buj,lding code and otshrr ordinance6 of tshe To$n apPlicabls thercto' REQITEST9 FOR rNspBetroNs gHALrr BE ADE TWElrrv-FOt R HOURS rN AD llcts BY TET EPHONE AT 4?9-213S OR AT OUR OSFTCE FnOU gr0o a 5ro0 PM SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRAqTOR FOR HTMSELF AND OI{NER 'rtt a ati.tlJaai.r tor{N or vArr,, cor,oRADo gsrlGnnc Jraiti a tr, ta rtrtt'rt a aaattt a titt ttt*t'r*ttt t' r t tt.}tr 222.oo Oal2llga 15t24 lnlt: uAw sc.ts.!r$ tlurbarr REC-otgO lDunE t P.lrEGng cghod ! CK tfogltlon: L6639 Psruic No! Palcel No: glEC Aaldrra.: LocaCion! ItL. P.:&anc !l9s-Oo{g Tf?. r E- ECH llECllANlcr.L PlRllIT 210r-063-19-O2s 770 POIASO PATCII DR 77O PO?ArrO PATCH I25 Tocrl F.!a ! 228.00 22g.OO Tot l Atl, PdCs ! 228.00 B.lanca B . O0 'rrrt'rt a !atta rf'rti AceounE Cod. uP 00100003111300 PF 00100003112300 r{c 00100003112800 D.rcripcion !,tECHNfIcrtJ PERMII FBE8 PInr| CHECI( FEEB rILIJ CII'& I!'SPECIIOIV PEE lDounE 1e0,00 {5.00 3.00 lonEacc Eagle CounEY rc 970-328-8640 for Assessors 0f f lce Parcel /. TOWN hlu l+< Address: Address: Ph. Ph. t'l-aaaitionat [ ]-Repair 1 )-oxher3fufufuk< of Accornrnodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet Nurnber ******* ****** Jr** * * * * tr** *** ** ***FOR OFFICE USE * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *'t )t't * * * * * *'k * * ********************************* EI,ECTRICAL: $OTHER: $MEcHANrcAr., G27d.gD TOTAL: $ CoNTRACTOR INFORMAI,ION * * *,* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r( ,* * * * Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of vail- Phone Number: Town of Vail ^ - Phone.Number:cir i"QPt? "",,Phone Nu:nber.. Reg. NO. Reg. No. BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI.,AN CHECK TEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: *77 e-at OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PER,\IIT /i OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCE PERMIT INFORMATION ** ************************* I -E1ectrical y/-uecnani-cal [ ] -other Job Address: Block__ I. iling sUBpIvIsIoN, .R,EL il 't e/ol - |c63- tq- oz5 PERMIT APPLICATION FORM( D^rE, y_2o _?tr , APPLTCATION l.ft ST BE FILLED r J< * Jrrtrt********* rt ** ** *** **** *** ,[ ]-Building [ ]-Pluhbing t rob Name: ,egal DescriPtion:Lot )wners Name: rrchitect: /./a t -;eneral Description: 'ork C1ass: I J-Ne$t [ ]-Alteration umber of Dwelling Units / 'umber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances, '- * * * * * * * * * t( * * * * * * 'l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS ,,UILDING: $-,LUMBING: $t- **** **t.******** * * *.****.*** **'eneral Contractor: ddress: Iectrical Contractor: ddress: Iumbincr contractor: ddress: echanicalddress:ont actor: UTLDING PERMIT FEE: LUMBING PERMTT FEE: ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: LECTRICAL FEE: IHER TYPE OF FEE: RB FEE: cnments: VALUATION :LEAN UP DEPOSIT REFTIM TO: i tif*u{ =\tl-on-oo"$'ts \r )s{ l( \-P \ +. \f l.o :t {)t.\ It! I \5 offfifboTY Mqg'oo{Q g az6 I 576 AZ6 H O IV d A3-l-lVA -lM h0tu !!dlg'zl 866 l-lz-7 I $ FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED :rft The beloiv items need to be complete before giving a pennit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0RARY C of 0 I 75 south lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 November 6, 1986 ofllce of communlly development Mr. Jim Flaum High Country Properties Post Office Box 1027 Vai 1 , Col orado 81 658 Re: Sale of the 770 Potato Patch caretaker's unit Dear Jim: The Community Development Department is aware that High Country Properties islisting the 770 Potato Patch caretaker's unit for sale. I have enclosed a copyof 0rdinance #39, Series of 198.| which requires that the employee housing unit not be so'l d "for a period of not less than the life of Trent l,lilliam Ruder, alife in being, plus twenty-one (21) years from date that the certjficate of occupancy is issued for said unit." This unit is restri cted by ordinance and therefore is not to be sold until this time peri od is up. The Community Development Department is reguiring that you discontinue listjng this unit for sale. If you have any questions about this requirement, please feel free to call me at 476-7000, ext 111. Si ncere ly, Ki,f"?'h Kri stan Pri tz Town Planner KP: br cc: 770 Potato Patch Condo Assn. J '"{ ,, ,1t":l z ,rHaX /,Arr'{ t lLt ctp Y " o, / 71"'l l' f)lrer'<^cJ\L-t w ^' / j- l1'a{c' O+1.-./t,l;L66 final 75 south lronlage road otlice of communily development vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 479-2139 January I7, L99I Mr. Dale Holaday FDIC 1L25 17th St Suite 700Denver, CO 80202 RE: 770 Potato Patch Employee/Caretaker unit Dear Mr. Holaday: Attached please find a copy of the ordinance 39 Series of l-981-, which sets the standards for the ernployee housing unit located inthe 770 Potato Patch deveJ-opment. The ordinance stipulates inSection L.5 that the unit shall not be soldrtfor a period of notless than the life of Trent willian Ruder, a Life in being 21years (21) from the date ttrat the certificate of occupancy isissued for said unit. tt The ordinance goes on to further statethat if the unit is rented or leased that it shall not be for aperiod of not less than 30 consecutive days and that it must berented to a full-tine employee of the Upper Eagle Va11ey. Inaddition, the ordinance restricts the unit frorn being dividedinto any form of tirneshares, interval ownership or fractional fee. It is the staffrs opinion that the unit can not be sold by the condoniniurn association until such ti:ne period as indicated by ordinance has expired. If you have any questions regarding this requirement, please do not hesitate to call me at 479-2L38. Sincerely, t('fu" ?,\- Kristan Pritz Conmunity Developrnent Director cc: Mark Mallher,,rsr Slifer ManagenentBill Post / t.2 414r6s F-srz r-"tffiih,o= JoHNNETTE FHILLIFS \enees-eeumfv cuenx, ( Fs r oFJ COLORADO REC 15, aa DOC o. ao \r'\ \t": ORDi NANCE #39(Series of 19Bl) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 'ORDINANCE #30 OF1977; CHANGING THE l'IAXIMU}4 ALL0l,lABLE DTJELLING UNITS ON LOT 6, BLOCK 2, POTATO PATCH, FROM A MAXIMUM OF 30 UNITS TO A MAXIMUM OF 31 DI,IELLING UNITS; PROVIDING TIIAT 0NE SUCtI Dl,|ELLING UNIT BE RESTRICTED TO AN EMPLOYEE }IOUSING UNIT; SETTING THE STANDARDS GOVERNING SUCH EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT; SETTING THE PERMISSIBLE GROSS RESIDENTIAL FL00R AREA ( "cRFA" ) F0R SAI D 31 UNITS; AND PROVIDING DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. I'IHEREAS, 0rdi nance #30 of L977 zoned Lot 6, BI ock 2, Potato Patch to a maximum of 30 dwelling units; and l,lHEREAS, the current owner of the property wishes to amend the allowable number of units to 30 p'l us l unit which would be restricted to employee housing use as a caretaker facility; and |^lHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission has recom- mended unanimous approval of th'i s amendment; and t^IHEREAS, the Town Counci I consi ders i t important to obtai n dwel I i ng uni ts restri cted to empl oyee housi ng; and ' t/ ,' ] 'ri I d c.::ri I.'IHEREAS, the Town Counci I i s of the opi ni on that thi s amendment is in the interest of protecting the health, safety and welfare of the i nhabi tants of the Town of Vai I ; ORDAINED BY THE TOl.lN COUNCIL OF TIlE TOI,INNOI^I, TITEREFORE, BE IT OF VAI L, COLORADO, THAT: Sect j on 1 . Exh'i bi t A of 0rd j nance #30,Series of 1977 ' fif th paragraph from the top, i s hereby amended to read as fol I ows : Lot 6, Block 2, Potato Patch shall be zoned Medjum DensityMulti-Family (MDMF) with a maximum of 31. units with one unitof the 31 which shall be restri cted to employee housingaccording to the following restrictions: 1. That the Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) of the site as deternined by the Community Development Department under MDMF zone standards not be exceeded on the site. ?. That fifty percent of the required parking be enclosed. The architectural design of the structure and the material and colors must be visually harmonious with the remainderof the site. J r-t . .,\- -c, ,.C Access to the unit must not adversely affect the privacyof adjacent structures. 5. The applicant shall agree in writing: c. That the employee housing unjt shall not be sold'transferred or conveyed unit for a period of notless than the life of Tr.ent !lillianr Ruder' a 'l ifein being, p1 us twenty one (21) years from date thatthe Certificate.of Occupancy is jssued for said unit' and That the employee housing unit shal'l not be leasedor rented fbr -any period-of less than thirty (30) consecutive days, and that if i t shal I be rented ' it shal I be rented only to tenants who are ful I time emp'l oyees in the Upper Eagle Va11ey. The "UpperEagle Va11ey" shall be deemed to include the GoreValley, Minturn, Red C'l iff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas. A "full-time enrployee" is a person who works an average of thirty(30) hours per weeki and That the employee housing unit shall not be divided 'i nto any toim bf timeshares, interval ovlnership orfracti onal fee, and That a decl arati on of covenants and restri cti ons shal I be filed of record in the 0ffice of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a form approved by the Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to insure that the restrictions herein shall run with the land. Section 2.If any part, secti on, subsecti on ' sentence, cl ause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid' such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of th'is ord'inance; and the Town Council hereby declares jt would have 4. a. b, d.0t .,! rr) t!o IU (n u-) $l@ r. cno I Cr f- It'! I c0 F]q) .t $ passed tlri s ord.i nance, and each part, sect i cl ause or phrase thereof, regardl ess of the partS, Sect'i Ons, SUbseCtion, sentenceS, clauses or phraSes i nval i d. Secti on 3. The Town Counc i I hereby f inds, determi nes on , subsecti on , sentence ' fact that any one or more be decl ared and decl ares , safety andthat thi s ordinance welfare of the Town i s necessary and proper for the heal th of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Sect i on 4. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provisjon of the Vail Municipal Code is provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, drY duty imposed' any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, dIJ prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provis'ion repealed or repealed -2- ,L-,o READING AND ORDERED tS -f,a-t__DAy 0F and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shal'l not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded un'l ess expressly stated herein. AND ORDERED PUBLISHED c..lri INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED ONCE IN FULL THIS 20th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1981, AND THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE HELD AT THE REGULAR MEETI OF THE TOI^IN OF VAIL, COLORADO, ON THE 34aL DAY 1981 . ATTEST: A PUBLIC HEARING ON NG OF THE TO}{N COUNCIL t)0F ,?tlzz-2<,4z<-( INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED ON SECOND PUBLISHED --Z- -Zl-a: ar/- TH :7 .-/.^--u , rgg:. ( ATT EST : 8-517 F-991 lI/17/ES 14:45 pG 3 oFs4L4L63 -3- oz tr =t, IJJo- (\c! \JI ; ) \ (n r.lJ LlJu- b =El,!.L $$SN**\* o\ o\ r\ ahH z tr,t F) z -rE<J0n 6sO()z4 J ad yJ E lt?ll-|ldllHttd EI IH |:ttoI lFtllcI lrdI llrttxI tFlI o," tH= FI;E EI6EIDI J =l;E:t;s =l€* & F-1 EIb{H t!JuJo ='r lt Fo Fzo CEulz-od u- l!iz.;3aolulFI<F7oY2o< F@<(f)tr)H ,--l \o(J .+ '-rO-r@ <n14x<oo €FQ V ''-Jrrr.<For> I I H z F-l o (D -co(5 .o o- CL(! c =oFo v, ; rl) o T' (g o o == c0 E o =f o o o-o.(5 3.9 q) oii6.Y,.-- o q, ;ig8E; =.e s? t*t g e-.= (! -= =._- o; o Y.9c-o> ef sE:Ef:€ >=:c96F -*=o)3E=;_! >.xHFANiEeo:€85€esFElsecL o o--sEtsoiEorEfie€lt;6: :E€ H E6FS :-oE3(! o'- .:r;o./l e€I eI a =s5()>'=:*o-o*6F9 iE ;:9E o -eEgg \'(a(\ F .ar.J-C.l rn c.lrn F r.lJo- z = d) - UJI z J F Jl! z6 d J 2 I uJ = UJuJ z tr TU uJ 3gJ llJ z 6llJo F6o(L UJ c z gJJo x F llJ at uJ uJu- F =EuJo- FoF zo) J o F t!)|lJ z to = J z IoqJ I J - NOrtvnlvA F FH t&l< lF-1 YMe. =4 v;i =Xt,-.36 UJ -t<:> EEt!tr] >E -I(a =d)N zzootr^6q5E9 0 U'O =><Jzr!<o* ;-otoFO -i<ti l"tz lot& l3 l8 ElrlrlrJ li,D lFrIH lElr'ltq)t<lFlIAlr:l le1ta R z tr lJ LL o-l uJ F c.)(\ ao-uJE z Eoo {cz E uJF =UJz l FzlzQa KOo< >U2l!xrL6o<z U)Fz .. z ":F urO3tror X X X X l F ztr(t) 6 z )at!UJo Jl<li-l zl zl .. >l uJ uJtljzotr uJ ) z Eoo llJfJ.J ac aaluzY = zIF oz I ,-i mC)cf IIJFodl -)z Fo uJY IJJd! 9o'Fco F'l fi -{'dN t!arz >F) TJ-crF-H gFJ 2E z.n9z2coO =z O- lr E t -t T--I]JLJ L I J.-i6!, l,/ =z utoQ}:I A;E F uJo. TL IJJ z ao F I o- JFuJ-!-= (L llJ>(LOI9o\ ITJx>Er-J L! t! F o E oo o t E Eo(, o E =E,lrJo-zoF() -t E,Fazoo '6 , ((t .<f, I .ir ,lrlrnl =l ol =.1(tl H ts F-lE] d Hx HH B =tr HlJl <l>l u.lolzl3lolFI ol =.1otujl 5t ;lzl 3tolFI Icql*l.'t I I el slX;I N-t {Jl I<l 6\>l \tll.l Or Fl E H& E E EHX E =(r I J(JI E-rl<lAl <lFI Rl H z Jtr t€ tsHz LlaFE Fl E r:{fzt Fr : ii =z -') @o\.irN I\o io- H E F H E-r pr FF IUEoo ! = tttt Fl E X E14 UJ =z I<lrlFrl =lII I cil =:lol IJJI 5l al>l :l FI U) F-r<H .d \l = TL F IFe.l@ E |- EFz IEFouJ 6 (Jozl;o =#=JZqo o to Fzoo z t uJ = e. ;. = !., z E <F(r() lr.J <ZEt.! F(tZo() J<Oa?. -rt E FIFlFIxlf }{ IHlt4t> II to' il: I; l6 lr Il!lzt3loc tr. uJ ;5ltufT 6gvr< IEtEs fl in;:f; [€€E:i flr;i€s" fl =eEjsI cg--EPl:o5^= | :5i€; | ;fE;€ cir:: r f -aFE;gFEg i E.* iE' - o_: o:r-- c a@E3E;S sF =:5E t;;li(EEoo(g'o;i O-;fisEs9Eo'--3t5$ii l_ l<lo I w(\J c(rE I t I Jqv>l o o +,.oc,o x{, 4, Eo(J :' rgJ- (u -o(, -oo-co.f| t{- la- -v Ctlcrco.-(r] a,a au<L -o(UC {-,o(uL)r FCcoLUI 'LO OJ.lJ t/! c,l o.) F(\l rrJ (5 J r! .-o oa- ul 4 lL')'u J 1! F l_ I,Q, 0) _-co -C o -,-J ,r(---\/ -\=AI --r.--l\ 3I t' /,1 ,- \r/ lE IU UJtr-t uJ G<FIzI Fo L =cIU J FoF F o oo ru ()u,cr I o oo (J F l@NOt tyntvA \J; E) E d €.:c ut 1lc'tuJl 5l al FI Blg r!l :t <-l>lr!l\JI ]l FI il tt tl ril ql $ll.\-ll\,, ll "lll!llFtl rll ll tl -tl ill +{q rtJll (l,/llFtl ,J dl I I I "tvlul CJda ac lu, c,L -l-); I{l @ 3-.1 # z.n9 =< )OAL t\t\ I J-r<< r! ^ts< =t!*f L: lll-.o--.r!UJo€!J< ZV,<:z Ld oF><rs3F rrA:- |r--..i].lE._+l o.-ru I €51\ular-(- |:-J>- |iI-lu( tl<:t! FL q, cl at.E' E o(, o 'E a F r : coF(J c(Fz C) ll ilr [- 5Fzo :c(r3: =8 :9 F? -i-!z!,.o(J o o oo J 9 FOLUJ $.u leI JOI <t-I F3 | *6lg -u .'- 'O[<+-:> .<tOu .J ut <ooo[! u]JO atl UJFozo o €l(tzz (J (J I I I z9,n<()o< =i.XEo-:<z t- t<lo-tv l: :l<::lol EIclol<l c rul =l o (r'; l ;:l"l I-l r'lIIJ 968s IEo; 9a:>Y(Jv=3[ c- (J>- (J o ciu,E -l<lilolzl BIol ^:a t/])al q { q -'l il ld g (, ) ll r{ J I -l I 5 F oo BUILDING PERMIT ROUTING SHEET PLANNERS NAME:DATE: JOB JOB 114y5; -t* rn"r v\Ac'r[r>\( LEGAL Dl ADDRES5 ild.-f- 5TREET trrl c DESp. LoT.Cz-BLKA nuNc ttr'; I Pa-\^-\o- \],,1 OWNERS NAME: TOWN COUNCIL APPRO\EL laui(s (frecrt4P66 GP.Ar-trca, W? w(ycoNDtlloNs \fEs No PIINNING COMMISSION APPRO\EL Ei(. C2,t*:raf} / r)CONDITIONS YES NO NLTERAnoN ( ) ADDTTIoNAL ( ) REpAtR ( ) cRoss sQ. FT.IEt U6E EO FI.2[tr USE 54 Fr.IB UG 84 Ft lDlttqI FT. EASEMENT 1 St FLOOR 2 ND FLOOR 5 RD FLOOR + TH FLOOR 5 IH FLOOR 6 IH FLOOR TOTAL G.R.F.A. CREDITS SQ. FT. fl l2 ll ,1 toflL (idtr tortl co68 so Fr. ci.FL u9 PROPERTY DISC.To # 0F FT. NORlH EAST SOUlH WEST TOTAL LOT SIZE DEPARTUENT CHECK OFF APPROVED YES I-ANNING BUILDINC Nl'L IN FIRE PUBUC WORKS OIHER PI,.AN CHECKER:DAIE - o Milc lligh Federal Sovings & Loan Association 3900 D. Mcxico Avenue Denver, Colorado 80210 l30Jl?69'6226 January 13, 1989 Mr. Steve StaffordSlifer and Company 230 Bridge StreetVail, C0 81657 Re: 770 Potato Patch Drive HOA Dear Mr. Stafford: Sue Campbell, our FSLIC Representative' has approved the following: Roof Repair Unit 8 Approved as per s'igned bid for $2'418. Please have the work completed as soon Request for Physical Changes to Un'it 5 This is the request to build an interior iacuzzi/spa. Approved !! Please provide the necessary information to me so a request for approval can be subnritted to Ms. Campbell on the following items: Miscellaneous Repairs Units 11 & I Will the expense be Copy of signed Proposal attached. as possible. Is this bid strictly for water damage to the units ? covered by the HOA ? (Copy of bjd attached) Deck Addition to Un'it 15 llow much cornmon ground will this deck addition take HOA dues may have to be adjusted according'ly because owner of unit 15 willing to pay a higher assessment Please do some research on this and get me a figure additional dues. Should you have questions, p1 ease contact me. Si ncerel y, ^in .,'\^,.\ | Vt{1rL,s. I l1,U)avwuht Ilene M. Wanneke REO Asset Manager Encl r ? The HOA assessment for of the addition. Is the to qet the addition ? you feel is fair for ,-,Sli[er&uompany December 29 , l'9 BB I"ls. Jean Kirol Ui"f" Uigtl Federal Savings & Loan Assrn 3900 A. I"lexico Avenue Denver, CO 80210 Re: Unit 5 ' 770 Potato Patcll Drive Condominiums The owners of Unit 5 have requested permission from the con- dominium association to build an intlrior )acuzzilspa i1 - their unit. flre oniy exterior chanse would be a 414" wide x 61 high operaure wit'&ow assembly on-the north side' You will find enclosed a ";;t-;i !n"ir l-etter and the plan for the work to be done. -i-r"ti*ve the pian that they have submitted will enhance the .'.fo. of their ttttit titt'out any detrimental effectonthe"o''oo''a:-ngunits.Therefore,Irecommendthat[f,.-ptoj"ct be approved' at soon as possible as they are very anxious to begin work. If you have any questionsf.got't.hesitate to contact me' Your prompt. atteriiion to ihis matter would be greatly aPpre- c iated. Would you also Iet me know if there have been any recent changes to the noira of Directors of the condominiunt Associa- tion. My recordu ttiff indj-cate the following Board members: Dear Ms Kirol: PresidentVice PresLdent/ TreasurerBoard Member S incere 1Y ,h%z-Steve Stafford Property I'lanager ss/jr cc: Ms. Prescilla Younker I"ls. Diane Edie Ms. Ilene M. Warneke Dr. & Mrs- Perry Maloff Jean KiroI PresciIla Younker Diane Edie 'f,\7tl\ $cl!D 23O lft-ls" S".'", V"ilrcO SK'5? (3Of l 4?6'2421 I:/\X 476'2658 Oo t i (303) 827'57rr\ro ...) o< fio gU = WE ARE SENDING YOU ! AttAChEd n Under separate cover via tr Shop drawings n Gopy of letter E Change order I I Plans LETTETJF TRANSNNOTTAL J-s- I q JOB NO trrE''rroN ( /Ja< ,,//*Lrr il-*Ae' BECK & ASSOCIATES, IN P.O. Box 1413 vArL. coLoRADO 81658 tr Samples lollowing items: n Specifications €bu*'d,on s V/'*A 4/tn* +n+-a nV - a 4 a-3- a- r- 8q THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval I Approved as submitted I Approved as noled n Returned for corrections I Resubmit-copies for approval ! Submit-copies lor distribution D Return -corrected prints n For review and comment n ! FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS .I9- T PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US SIGNED:COPY TO It enclosurcs arc nol es noted, kindly notily us al otco. r2l) +- r- {- It W f r2"Wf,,",ffig* ilr ++A, MP W\'Y' - tfowt utrt( + ru'4:O 4-'Po'flvAl*2 2-\1)Hr2--/hl4+], IUJ%' Wlt4 ,At IUt.t]W /:1il!2. ve.rt? m w!|v?,./tAe'Z{fD '*fW,[.?,bY A/ Waz .PlAc]ANe mI* *Pe.@AW. Atu7./FF V- + /AA+-'+$fA &i?"- ?n6{Dl AtN-r(,,& AOa)1tt@1J4\jWZ @ttt/s> ,.Vtu l-AY,oLlrr-, AltwtA(?w)/^slbl ANAAul$ 4rtaA* vocNtorf , WYffi, T, fq*-wr1,-+--+-AffiIO}JA r;rr )* u'M#,#l'hr ffi.VaH1i,t,g%t{ry-"a,; a*2xb ,t,ll,+ -d' 4 w$dw4. t______.i -ii _ .-* I I ++ r\b s4 A)eJ-@(a/lw'70w 274-/ UA{/L/ (2, Aeo 41tt- Vxqr W,4,wly MAw P+lt> z?AA@r11d"' ur-lr( 4) lto w,A-rovl.ll-f2{tu'ry 3,,1q ';.:1d H: s q q) *.tIx\ U ' -:-,iU;ii:lil t1I5:'rrllllllll-II |l ro lu -a ,.1U' ,0\i [\ il{,?I..! I v t) \I \,| ql t'9t-l v)l 1\? {--wfi _=.'._;.r'---'--*---:T-..,'---.*'-l,:-.],';':'-..!.j,.....,'l-'...i-..]--'":-..'-...';-*'-ir--# l,.ill ,. ,r',,,,.,,, ,, ;, ', 1 t.: , , , ,-, ,i ,, . . .. OOVUOIOC.t-llvA'' il. r9, ;t.; i;.;:;fr\llltft '.Lln llill n .... Il 1 ,t . \,.1, .'r 1. (', r::j;ij;;'r!'rl.,f .tr'' :'.f r.{I 1 f, ." -7!IU -t7.-'..'..r fl..,' .,ilf't'..ii.r..'.',i..:.;..'.:i..]...'|_."!:1.' ) ' .i -: $r_ii$$$ $c\l!$$ ') 2 I I ; .:t T ,.$ _tu- _t_l rh ill,i(r-bf:rr(t :: i ao$-t q ${r.ft:.tl $lF -+ ul:1 ul -# o*9 \- :tNl e.i ltt tt- R'\s\t\stN_/\ ,-:1' ;C),;..1 ', ', l.-,,ff ,o o s\ \ \ \\ \ N\l \$o .+--- I .:1- .-\ a>' c')*,\ -'- .(>!, l.s---+ ^9\ s\ r'. vtsl\l aJl *i\l\1 N o \\ X\ \ o Tq: A s *d I _l-ol -l;l *l'-"-tfnl ,l __rl4l<)lol H; $H ffirq nfirtll lb - P HI APl 3l2l .f. ---..r--)- =IJ n\) x rl i v !- o,l.-f V] 0 0, a Il-t l,) ',l-!J -+I D ^(Ll- o (n UJ UJ LLt =z Hts r4AazH F] H ttt!F zozo)5 oz O\l IIJ I I t* ztlHl<J>E rrl I L/,-z>l=&lozl9 I I I I I t..., t6ItrllL iv t2r6t-- e#3*,=tkt uJ lF 2 a 6 d)-c ol 3N =\r c- \l>\u .o\.-F.-- \ AJ$ \J xl .ilqN iN6\-c \J 6 c) !'f E =cf, ,-i oo ol.: HI.=t.* ar l-'' Dt.3t-o zl-i fft: ' Fll'(J t- u, c) ao co a o q) N _(,, ] F c)E o (o o) UI .2 c .:; c)-(5'=o(a*iaXoc-o(5cvraoI Q-xy9s:E'- E oGc-c- ]:{P d'i =cE'- d6-_E >.3 Ea =:Ecc-e;9 Jq: c.=-(!o-(! o-i=-o-E o(,+o.'= dr:EE D;6s: boro*);Pq:F *eC :*-co o* O) an .Co !.=a)==tu>,I(ua.Y;EP;9'-xv -3^t s9E-croEgr-oo) -o(! L E.llJ oz :l oz =l UJ u-z F UJ 3 uJezI o 6 o-wo f,z l.|J a UJ UJL! ts Iu .J F F z ==d t.lFflFlt< lF E lFi l*l(/)l(aKlFrl' 11...{ lF1K loa 17, t(t)lF{ lr.1lzIH tFclt<|q) € ztrl ()HH 4 ts z tr.t z zHE Ff & h t< l0al2Il"l lFlIH||{l.- IlFl tz -* 3.x3zXe2l-H =3r rFf =3::- Er (,2orr -r(n =cDN zz io_ iY"r-)^=EY <h <5z>-O(J<)zr!<og o-Y FO..';c.i 1u- E (9 o-l o E LUc z Eoo zo F g. F ;llJz .. >lo UJouJUJzaF (. ll,Jo- J z Eoo It\ =- ? lE I 1r\z (.1r Iiurlt' t.,zo F Jl U)t= o Jo- (rii oz Lzff, r?doB'lror (!oo I I ?l(rl utl Cclrl <lilolzl3lolFI ol '.1 qt <l>l tr.lolzl3l9lFI I I I I I .lolzl ol HI .,l <l>l tLlol 2l .,t3t 5ol uJFI F xe B Fl z F "lrdlelHI<lFllFllrI]I I-l t"{ |c!lo.,t Itlol r.JJl oaJa = I q FJr4\l J ql =l<lz IJJ =z ---') i I It- I I I Hdctq--l >- E(J xHFfFlHB E v,rdFl Et |t\ .i. INcr) I I ,l uJl TI <I>lr!lolzl3lolFI I aa M 14 H v =E dl =.1 EI 5l sl rLlol zl-lolFI E ir =b2 O t F Fz -J FF uJ) uJ gP ;C) =ffF)z O O Fz 2 -O LIJ = UJz. B FOtlJEr <F uJ<zE oz tr =E,llJ z YE > =<eEa a == d JO \oo- u- (n F\DtJIf )..i5 ="*36il>,x--p<LtL l = uJIL uJ z l(t)o F s (L JF !->i(r(L LIJ>(LOtr9o =ur-(L:>fiFJ tt UJ(D F o Ecloo o Ecr EcoC' o --GI (oN Ocf o\o\ C\ z zH IJ.|F o ts =Elrlo-zIF C) E,Fozo,c) $ \9 \h uJ =g, @oazo-F uJY... !![r zo9z_ecro =zJOO- tJ- EE=.a; Ebrr l!. .o- o;1F-i1- =trlrl'^o-lrloN +^l rl | |t\ HFroEzo ==0a LU l!o uJ - F 16 { - = li g $E l- or Elrl r-o.=F\l lE Xi \EY. E'rPtr oa.i EE^t; IP"fE E\ae# YE5 3 UJoorF gF E3 J \ oz ==GIIJo. { zo g\ I\ I zl .. >l uJ IIJ uJz F =uJ z Eo e s Eilhlo oq -ig FrN(, z IIJ J- z] F II ol =.1 url 5l-l>ltrlq f, ,l EI fl fli 'ii=z lo v)q a \$ vltq,J. -:.S F v1 rt\< \J =tr "}\ Ia (F oz ctuI J oz;o rrt .: G -rO<FEOIJJ <ze.UJF(rz-oo <oOF FE6>t 7 75 roulh trontage road tail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-.2\39 Every attempt wr"ll be made by thjspermit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the frame. offlce of communlly devclopment BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requ'ires a Town of Vajl Fire Department Approvai, Engineer''s (Public t,Jot'ks) reyiew and approval , a Planning Department rev'iew or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estirnated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Res'identia'l and small projects should take a'l esser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. department to expedite this p1 an check procedure and time Communi ty Development Department. :..' 75 soulh lronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2r.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oltlce of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l4aRcH L5, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soiI, rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trash durnpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street. sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaitPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewil} be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public WorksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotifj-ed. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fu1l, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/ReIa€ ionship (i.e. contractor, owner) .-\\, il INSPECTION REQUEST' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\ -\\-u\onre \ \\ \>l JoB NAME INSPECREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D D tr tr tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER # RAMING OOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL O FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE /-t )-7 z INSPECTOR #;attb PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE '3-ll - INSPECTION . tlREQUEST' ' TOWN OF VAIL *!JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON I l.'CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:i-|t,.1) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr o tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL I( FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o /trunl FINAL flappaoveo O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: </rl DATE INSPECTOR ;--/ nr$s'ro" .\ u zo 6',,1 l-10- 1g zrtr o U36ii {filltlrlt!Ittl :rl H1 H ft th. rtzo BI I