HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT 6 (2)I .. .'., "-?J/, --. ', ') 414163 B-517 F-991 JOHNNETTE F'HILLIPgi 45 pc 1uF3 CLERK, CBL0RnDO to 30 pl use as REC 15. AA DOC o.oo , ..{. ) {,-\'* ORDI NANCE #39(Series of 19B1) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING'ORDINANCE #30 OFI977; CHANGING THE MAXIMUM ALLOl'|ABLE DI^IELLING UNITS ON LOT 6, BLOCK 2, POTATO PATCH, FROM A MAXIMUM OF 30 UNITS TO A MAXIMUM OF 31 Dl4lELLING UNITS; PROVIDING THAT ONE SUCH Dt,lELLING UNIT BE RESTRICTED TO AN EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT; SETTING THE STANDARDS GOVERNING SUCH EMPLOYEE HcJUSING UN IT; SETT ING THE PERMI SSI BLE GROSS RESI DENTIAL FL00R AREA ("GRFA") F0R SAID 31 UNITS; AND PROVIDING DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. l{HEREAS, Ordinance #30 of I977 zoned Lot 6, Block 2' Potato Patch to a maxjmum of 30 dwelling units; and the al I owabl e number of un'i ts restri cted to empl oyee housi ng l.lHEREAS, the Planning and }'lHEREAS, the current owner of the property wishes to amend us 1 uni t whi ch woul d be a caretaker faci I i tY; and Envi ronmental Commi ssi on has recom- mended unanimous approval of this amendment; and l,lHEREAS, the Town Council considers it important to obtain dwelling units restricted to employee housing; and d ri tIHEREAS, the Town CounciI is of the opinion that this amendment is in the interest of protecting the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Vail; NO}J, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOl,lN COUNCIL OF THE TO!'lN OF VAI L , COLORADO, THAT: Sect i on 1 Exhibit A of 0rdinance #30, Series of I977 , fifth paragraph from the top,'is hereby amended to read as follows: Lot 6, Block 2, Potato Patch shall be zoned Medium DensityMulti-Family (MDMF) with a maximum of 31 units with one unitof the 31 which shall be restricted to employee housing accordi ng to the fol Iowi ng restri cti ons : 1. That the Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) of the site as determined by the Commun'i ty Development Department under MDMF zone standards not be exceeded on the site. That fifty percent of the required parking be enclosed The archi tectural des i gn of the structure and the materi aland colors must be visually harmonious with the remainderof the site. Access to the unit must not adversely affect the privacy of adjacent structures. The applicant shall agree in writing: a. That the employee housing unit shall not be sold' transferred'or- conveyed unit for a period of not'less than the'life oi Tr.ent l'lilliam Ruder' a lifein being, Plus twenty one (21) years fro-m date that the Ceriificate.of 0ccupancy is issued for said unit and b.That the employee housing unit shall not be leased or rented fbr iny period-of less than thirty (30) consecutive days-, bnd that if it shal'l be rented ' it shal I be rentei on'ly to tenants who are f u'l'l time empl oyees i n the Upper Eag'l e Val l ey. - Ihe "Upper Eabt e- Val l ey" sha'l i be deemed to incl ude the Gore vailey, Miniurn, Red cl iff, Gilman, E9g_lg:vgjl ' and Avon ind thei r surroundi ng areas ' A "ful l -time employee" is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week; and That the employee housing unit shal I not be divided into any foi^m bt timeshares, interval ownership or fractional fee, and c. d. That a dec'laration of covenants and restrictions shal be filed of record in the 0ffjce of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a form approved by the Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to insure that the resiri cti ons herei n shal I run wi th the I and ' Section 2.If any part, section, subsection' sentence, clause or phrase of this ordjnance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it wou'l d have passed thi s ordi nance, and each part, secti on, subsecti on , sentence ' clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or m0re partS, SectiOns, SubSeCtion, Sentences, Clauses or phraSes be deClared inval id. Section 3. The Town Counci I hereby finds, determines and declares is necessary and proper for the health, safety and of Vai I and the inhabitants thereof. Section 4.The repea'l or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code is provided in this ordinance shal'l not affect any right which has accrued, d[Y duty imposed' any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, itrJ prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provis'i on repealed or repealed c! rlr? lro OJ o LL ul$i -tr o6 r- oo Itr F n I cq rq 'A$ {t that this ordinance welfare of the Town -2- ONCE IN FULL TH THIS ORDINANCE OF THE TOl^lN OF 1981. and reenacted The repea'l of any provision hereby sha'l I not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded un'l ess expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IS 20th DAY OF OCTOBER, 198I, AND A PUBLIC HEARING ON SHALL BE HELD AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOt^lN COUNCIL VAIL, COLORADO, ON THE 34/_ DAY OF - . f ATTEST: INTRODUCED, READ APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBL I SHED IHIS -f,44_DAy 0F ATT EST : I c.] ui 4L4L63 B-517 tr-991 It/t7/Bg l4:48 trG 3 OF3 -3- IJJo J olo 9 z a =FIDoA ': r ! a a.:tz = ='! -t 2 ? E t2a L tl e' "t?nii,ii;€r; E i =2;:22'!.2-lc-5: ; i ;:r a -. ;= E:E€;;;,i j i = j.= '-- '?.i:*.'ii?i:E 2.. ..€ i€i;ii:! =i:: - x -€355:; +zEEC.j-.,Fi iE; r: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.lal .:-1 =-l(l+rlirtlo-l ol+rlrol+rlol'lOIF\l ^l € Pt= Fl@o z .U +t o'o IAo&. () f .rJ kl ^n!\urH :1 t--f>xt-l '.' v lzz:{<3rt CEP2t-tuf,<i Fsiq-i{r1 lrl 1.,-(.-fR:GYAd5s{%caS=oort ztL: l- i- -!{<F:ioiIl{z!\>Qe9 -\rF3Er.r^a5trIX ,A -; \ r.,l '..r- * O )B:FP:,-;vF39sdFxoto<xizu:fii=treSXS r,', I-Y- i53S {-fF -6f F' +ff{ +{ :tO.tl trnP-IFa .Fl+ t{t -lf llra Elr.rFrt fH €, frfFFr -ciFtLt|e }F\alf-|F.ta:a+ttt}|rFl "-HLrrfr\E if{aqLr+ ArrFl t+<,t-) ..Jtd-a rF)rFthAr IEilv Lo ./, o! ] (,, z rOu f=,(u 318/e0 phone call from 770 condo President; please notify him of any proposals for 77 0: MR BORIS }IOMIROFF 770 POTATO PATCIT IIL4 vArL c0 81657 fte- >1)7 o p*{[&, April 27, 1982 Mr. Peter Patton Town Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 RE: 770 Potato Patch Drive Dear Peter: Re: your recent "red tag" of the above job and our subsequent conversations, I am informing you by this letter that we arein the process of doing preliminary road work (etc.) at Potato Patch and will conform strictly to the engineering plans sub- mitted to and approved by the Design Review Board. Thank you for your he1p. Si ncerely,An nn/ Xlfu /J,-'7+qPx / /ohn Thomas (/._Jt:rg The above has been the Department of Deve'lopment and received by Conmunity e conditions P.O. 8ox 696, Vai , Colorado 81658 . 303/a76-0250 . Anolher exclusive resodr developmenl ol Vail Investments & Developmenl, Ltd. lll(J J o z (J <( z tn o, '= ? | a a ilE = a ':. -v , a = Z=c ! F.!. - 13; i.4 ai..,.zz..?;;i: E i: e;:: ! 5 i : : :: ,i+':it;i r. :.= i=E c'- ::,:6?iE:272;.12 *ii?i.:. =E : X -Ei i s:: 1-a = = -, i i != !-*: 00 =l =l '; ! (J F @ z (Y) Id, (u +, (UE 0) U kJ .tJ ^AtYo F-'-orH9t)::5 lzz:s<a,r-jx=6):, A :\2utt:<E tsEou: iE=|lJ \ --1*s= {t4caS,"oor zl{ I- i- -tr:<r-:iF<}Jcllf=z ?385L{F3E"rl!SFTXKJ,a * lr- -:dto>Bsil9 =<!Q HFtX +*oXAE=;;u=x3,.'l-Y* FESE i-eil- -O.tsa{ rFffr +4, X.A. FR rnF-.i-a IF a.'" ffl -ffl-:a.Ua,trF+ rF. --,,v i-t+:(F+F{FILa|e ap'FaaHF. -t,tt<, *lrrFaLfL*fn\.F,lv rF.E A.\trl fr+'14,LI.fJt{-l flJrFtt{A.F)\t )z chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS SSiO.rt GrlxrooD lpnDact coloR^oo fiaot $!/eG-ra3l ,nonf[y lt. Jotn ltrcrms P.O. Box 696 Vail-, @ 81657 Dear Sir: Jure 15, 1982 Subject: For:rdation b<carration Obserration Proposed ltrlti-fardly DeveloFrent, Loiu 6, Block 2, VaivPotato Patctr, Vai1, @lorado Job lto. 23,029A -Jre subsoil onditions e:resed in the for:rdalion elrcavations for tlnits13, 14 ard 15 ut(fr0,j:ffi"bDrive, vail, 6lorado. Itb previously condugled a soil ard fcn:rdaLion inrrestigaticrr at t|re subject site issr:edu'der or:r Job llc. 23,A29 dated Decsnber 3, 1981. At the tine of our site wisrt, the o<carration had been ccrpleted to proposed fourdaLion bearing elqrations. Cut depths mried frcm 4 feetto 14 feet belq^r tlre adjacent grade. Ttre bearilg elerzations step rp ilI to 6 fot inesrents parallelirrg the surface grade. the subsoil onditions eposed in ttre open e>(cavation consistpredordrantly of sardy grravels w:Lt} oc.casional cobbles ard boulderssimilar to tlpse encountered. in or:r previous irvestigation. ltre erposedsoils stcutd be suitable for sup6nrE of the recennrlnded 2,500 psf Uea:lingpressure. SeveraL local areas of disturbed soils to a depttr of 4 to 5 i-nches rrcre ncted. Ioose or distr:rbei soi.ls stpul-d be eittrer curq:acteatc 1009 stardard P:.octor density or rsrpvred prior to tJle placenent ofccncrete. A11 pertinent design or construcllon recrcnnerdations crcntajnedir the original report shou-Id be observed.. l^Je renain available for additional observation and testirq at vourrequest. If any guestiors or if rlle can be of fr:rther service, pr ease call Very truly yours, cllni AltD ASscTArEs, rNc. IrUB/dc Rev. By: S.L.P!c!: E1&rado DngineeringAttn: Ben Elnpre Snovder tbpkins OIf|CE3: CASPER . COtOnaDO SpntNGg . DENVER As reqr:estpd, r.e rrisited t}re subjec,t site for tte purlnse of evatuating . SAI,T LAXE CITY PETER COSGRIFF JOHN W. OUNN ROBERT H. S. FRENCH STEPH EN C. WEST TIMOTHY H. BERRY ARTHUR A. ABPLANALE .JR. JOHN B.WOOO FREDERICX E. S KILLERN LAw OFFTcES CoscRrrn DUNN & FnerucH, P C. P. O. Box 34o VarL,CoLoRAoo e1658 t303t 476-75s2 June 11 | L984 LEAOVILLE OFFICE: P. O. AOX !l LEAOVILLE, COLORADO AO4E, (303) 446-lAas BRECKENRIDGE OFFICE: P. O. AOX 5AA BRECKENRIOGE, COLORADO 8O444 (3 03) 453 -290 | Mr. Gary MoranBuilding Inspector Town of Vail75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81657 Re: 770 Potato Patch Drive Dear Gary: I enclose a copy of the report which I have received from Tyree/Associates related to the HBF units at 770 Potato Patch Drive. I will appreciate being advised byyou of your position as to what steps must be taken before afinal Certificate of Occupancy will- be issued to HBF. CertainJ-y, I would want to know if you have any contact from Silverado in regard to Certificates of Occupancy for the HBFunits, which are unj-ts 3, 7 and 12. Yours very truly, JlilD:kem Enc. cc: Mr. Lundy (w/o enc.)Mr. BeLl (w/o enc. ) 75 south frontage rosd Yall, colotado 81657 (303) 47$'2138 (303) 479-2'139 Decenber 4, L989 S incerely, A. Peter Patten Jr.Director of Cornrnunity Development APPIpp ofllce ol communlty develoPmenl Mr. Abe StrapiroP.O. Box 1448Vai1, co 81658 Dear Abe: upan researching the comnunity Developnent Departnent files, I've dlterrnined that-our records indicate the following for 770 Potato Patch: No. of dwelling units allowed = 30 plus l- enployee unit' No' of dwell'in! units existing = 16 plus 1 enproyee unit' No. of dweJ.ling units allowed but unbuilt = 14 Sq. Ft. of GRFA allowed = 55,410 Sq. Ft. of GRFA existing = 32 'L94Sq. Ft. of GRFA allowed but unbui}E = 24,2!6 The community Development Department believes these to'be accurate iig"i"r "" tiri" date. We reserve the right to confirrn the existing ,rrib.r of units and their square footage upon application for any additional units. I t p \ATES -J [e Jl-!,t-9 -d.DING CODE CONSI'LTANTS 41524 EOUTH TWENTY FTRST STREET,- COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 8O9I'4 PHONE (303) 535.3055 May 29, 1984 Mr. John DunnAttorney At LawP. O. Box 34OVail, Colorado 81658 SUBJECT: LOCATION: INSPECTION CRITERIA: OCCUPANCY CLASS IF ICATION : TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: CODES IN FORCE: UNIT 12 Field Inspection, May 16 & May 22, Igg4 770 Potato Patch DriveVail, Colorado Per Vail Building Department Group R, Division I V-N Assume 1979 Uniform Codes iiv Exterior: 1:. Front steps into entry vary in riser height from 512 inches to7J[ inches. 6rK z. There appears to be untreated rumber in direct contact iriththe soil. 0r 9. Exterior grade should be adjusted to drain surface \^rater awayfrom the building at the northeait corner of the front entry area. -t*g€n .a: _ Exte-rior stucco application has been patched on the north-ab'sLde of the building. perimeter insuration is stitt visible. Ak5: on th-e east and south sides of the building the exteriorU) stucco work has not been completed. ^,r-6. ..fhe first froor main deck has a double 2x6 (16,, on cenLer) @\v cantilever spanning approximately 6 feet. Appears to beoverspanned. ,r E f_ ? 7 . Fireprace frue is ,rot z'!..! J"". portion of the buildingSL within 1O feet. Secrion 912(a) of the ur-lE.--- ever on vtest end not \teathered in. ie no insulation in exterior wall at storage room by oFF Ylcu6 ra /C66f Ftur- F&zt"b' O. Gap under first riser at entry. J }Vqt. Hole in built up roof on north side over entry. .az UEL2. We are unable to locate dryer vent termination outside. Abt. We are unable to locate oven exhaust termination. 0(,r+. Flashing at weat end of top deck is not secure. $l(t5. Door at upper deck needs flashing at botLom of the threshold. ALL6. Brick walkway at front entry is loose and moves. Should bev- grouted to rnaintain stability. Interi-or s r-ll ?$vt1 L7. The northeast corner of the dining room aPpears to have- excessive defLection in the floor sheathing. W 18. Overflow roof drain from upper deck deposits water to lower- deck. Jlfl$*tg. Glass door from kitchen to exterior deck has not been proper- 'f'' ly identified as safety or laminated glass. trafrq 20. Kitchen cabinete are only 16 inches above the stove cookingWc; surface. ( SO inches requiredl . *a6! Zt. Handrails throughout the unittro proper height. (30":34"). 6t 22. Door from upper deck swings over a landingI2 inch lorrer than the threshold of the door. 23. Exterior stucco at upper deck window is not trave not been installed at the which is more than complete. installed in roofed with ahas not been donerecognized stan- ulft rt&'z+. Built-up roof does not appear to have beenv" accordance tiri th recognized standards. rttlff8\(25. The flat roof section of the unit tras beenw'r single-ply membrane assernbly. The installationin an approved manner. Should be installed $tith ag, dards. 26. The skylight frame is missing scre$rs in various locations and some are not tightened. '27. water closet on first floor does not flush properly.0( -2- 25. 7&a zs. vffiL,' '' "o( s. N'+. o(4' s. there is no closet flange. 6 0{; t3o-. -Duct- for thermador stove exhaust should be provided with arat.eo enclosure as per Section L9O2 of the UMC. UNIT 7 Water cl-oset in lower bathroom does Water closet in east lower bathroom not flush. still not installed and pipes under stairs to second floorthe one-hour integrity. exterior GFI outlet because sidinq is water from "{* f,+o! Exterior: 1. on west side of buirding under the deck there is a hore inthe wall that shoutd. be filled. 6. 7. area It appears that ungalvanized staples have been used to applyexterj.or siding, particularly on the southrdest corner. Siding is cracked on the west side of the unit. We are unable to locate the dryer vent to the outside.aptu{rfl g//E We are unable to locate the oven exhaust to the outside.ri(, *,urps t oe The fireplace flue is dented. The parking rot is grade so Lhat drainage goes under the deckand not to culvert. Interi-or: S'9. _Handrair has not been provided on stairs to second froor,rPt- IeveI. ^Ul, ?:_. _!"lf:. in garage have not been anchorecl to foundation byo-{f6 anchor bolts. Need to confirm what was used to anchor thesl 4.trt6v walls. ,,r.},t f O. Penetration of jacuzzi tY l' should be filled to maintain.ll f\ry, 11. Unab1e to open cover onr 0( to tight against outlet.r\ t{*tr, Bottom.of patio door should be sealed to prevenrenterlng unl_t.r,*En {Stj. skylight. grass in tiving room is cracked. S,b 14. Kitchen cabinets are onry lg inches above stove cooking sur-tqS face. (30" required. ) -3- 0u /15. Duct for thermador stove exhausL should be provided withrated enclosure as per Section L9O2 of the UMC. 16. Lo\.ter west bedroom appears to be short of natural ven-tilation. Only one operable window has been provided. 6\LfZn A hole under the stairway frorn the basement should be filled. EO 6fft4. No ventilation has been providecl in underfloor area6. \ 19. Glass in door from patio to upstairs bedroom tras not been. specified as tempered or safety glass. dL 20. Doors from deck into upstairs bedroom and(Jnt lanaing more than I inch b-elow the threshold lrl$&2I. Exterior deck carpeting not installed. in t{Y" manner. ru/ tW'ZZ. Single-ply membrane roof above tiving room poorly installed.Insufficient ballast has been provided. roftfZg. No handrail at lower bedroom where there are t\.ro risers. {fiUNIT 3 Exterior: 1.. Door from upper deck swings over a landing which is more than\b inch lower than the threshold of the door. 2. No roof jacks have been installed on plumbing ventspenetrating roof. 3. The single-ply mernbrane roof on theroof is not complete and is not installedspecifications. 4. Roofing on the flat portions of theconstructed. The built-up roof has usedrock ballast. 5. No flashing or counterflashing hasroof on the h/est side of the unit. 6. Floor drain in garage is missing a Interior: 7. Broken plaster in ceiling of livingroom appears to be causedby walking on the roof. g. No handrail has been provided to the upstairs bedroom fromIanding. bath open over aof the door. a good workmanlike sloped portion of theto the manufacturer's unit are not properly a plastic membrane with a been provided on sloped cover. -4- 9. Cleanout cover missing on cleanout in east lower bathroom. 10. T'lxe eaat bedroom stairs ?rave riser dimensions that vary from4 to 6 inches in height and handrail. 11. Water valve on the hot water heater is improperly installed. tt 12. Insufficient ventilation in lower west bedroom only oneoperable windovt has been provided. 13. L,or^ter bath on west end does not have required 30 inch $tidthat lvater close!. 14. Electrical outlet plate missing in lower west bedroom. 15. Duct for thetmador stove exhaust should be provided with arated enclosure as per Section 1902 of the UMC. To the best of our knowledge this reflects our findings in the fieldinspection conducted on the aforementioned dates and the actual con-ditione of the units. If any of these observationa appear to be outof order please let us know. tfully, David P. Tyree Code Coneultant DPT/RMC: cm \\FJ A ,--': '\-j " ,u/.' --"*-- s*-=s- €,e +\, -v 'Plan vatv( . cAdIruEr PREPARATION the installation of the unil so that the gas shut-oft re regulator are accessible from lheand side, and 2 KO.O back (see Fig. 19). Three power suppi-y'pigtaits" are proa/ided in "J" box -one black one while, and one red. NOTE that the red wire rs ""ooeO. Do nol remove lhis cap as only the black- and J'JIi". rnir". are used for the 120 volt circuils of the :oral Blower (CV2536) is employed, incoming tSlv wires should be connecled black lo black io'white. Incoming ground wire should be con- oreen colored hex head sctew located inside 'e-e wiring diagram Fig. 22 or 23' Leave circuit )FF until-cooklop is connected. so inside "J" box is a small black "capped" wire. is only to be used for conneclion o{ CV2336 entilatbr (see Fig. 19). Otherwise, do nol remove r Remote Blowei (Cvzgs6) is emploved' bling '11 while wire f rom the Remote Blower into the "J" oh anv convenient K.O. and connect the black 6 "smitt' black wire in the "J" box. Connect the e lrom the Remote Blower lo the white wire in ox together wilh the while from the incoming ppry. counterlop. drive nails or screws through de- 'of ei "O" (see f ig 17 and 18) located in the end )l the rough-in box and lighten lo pull slde roainsl corf nlerlop taking care nol to damageollket around bottom lip of rough-in box."and gasket not shown.) countertop is particle board construction or tile-wnicn prevdnts fastening through the de' roles the unit can be fastened to the countertop r nails or screws through holes "E" (see Fig'-1.7 ito the edge of the countertop, taking care not lo oorcelain finish on rough-in box. I 1 'alve ano gas pressure reg ront of, cabinet. -fii6G'it has been Design Certified for installation\ )ountertop near adjaqenl walls and proiecting surfaces\ :onstructed of combustible material. The minimum rorizonlal dislance(s) from the side and back edge of )ooktop to adjacent vertical combustible walls extending r minimum oi 30 inches above cooking sur{aces; left hand ;ide wall 5 inches; right hand side wall 5 inches; and q nches from rear wall. I i4inimum horizontal dislance from tront edge of counler o f ront edge of appliance: 1 inch. Minimum horizontal dis- ince beiween 'overheat cabinets to eilher side of rppliance: 46 inches. \4AXIMUM DEPTH OF CABINETS INSTALLED ABOVE rHE COOKING SURFACE OF THE COOKTOP IS 13 NCHES. MAXIMUM DEPTH OF DRAWER UNDER UNIT S 16 INCHES. fhis appliance is equipped with an intermittent ignition levice. IOUNTERTOP OPENING - Size this opening to the limensions indicated by the asterisks shown below (see Fig. 17). Droo in CV2236 Vent Intake (Fig. 1) and allach ducl and malie electrical connections (see Fig. 19). Powersupply, 12Ovolts, 1 Phase,60 Hz. connectstojunc' tion box f'i"i'Uot locat6d al bottom right hand corner of vent intake (CV2236) unit (see Fig. 19). Knockouts are provided in "J" box for % tradesize conduit l7s" diameler K.O.'s) - 2 K.O.'s at bottom, 2 K.O.'s at right capPed. Do 1 while wlres gas cooktop. When lntegri power suppl) and white to necled to grl "J" box. See breaker OFF NOTE: Also i This wire is Remote Vent cap. When Rt black and wh box through wire to lhe ": white wire lr the "J" box power suppr To fasten co pressed hole f langes oi t spacers aga silicone gas (Spacers ant NOTE: lf cou sudaced, w pressed hol€ by driving n: and 1 8) into ' damage por 0tscilnl0t CUI||UI ' FtG. 17 ..1 it', )/,/,/l I = llilinlr 0islr.rt trolt Conb3rlill! illr |ldl l| ! = iliiift!|n 0islan.t froil C.trbuslibl! L!lt Sid! wrll l0 51i" C = li.inu'n orslrnc! ttoir Conhllibl! 8ie$ Sid! Y.ll l. | 5h-U///,,'t %,'MN.@ ;.,,N*'-w +f" MlN. 't FLAT AREA //', )ou / 4 u' 3"r| --.---) FRoM| '=4./ couru6,, ,/ ffi)l,",.W/./ffi,/'ffiNY/ './ ., W' /"'"1u"'./,/'./ // %" MIN- FLAT AREA .l -4 box 100 Yail, colorado 81657(3031 476-s613 department of community development July 19, L982 El Dorado Engineering Co.P.0. Box 669 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 RE: 770 Potato Patch Attn:. Ben Elmore Dear Sir: Plans for the above project have been checked and may be picked upon for corection at the Build'ing Department office, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Comnents and corrections are noted in red on the p1ans. Please return two sets of corrected plans alons with the checked set. Upon approval of pl ans 2 sets will be stamped approved, l for the job and 1 for our fi] es. If there are any questions regarding this p'l an check, please contactthe undersigned between 8 and 9 a.m. or 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Fri day. Si ncerely, Chet Horton Building Inspector CH:df ELDORADO ENGINEERING-MPANY 823 Blake Avenue BoxE69 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLO. 81607 (303) 94S8596 ,no vNV ?at1tb ?XCA CoAoos+t{t,t-19 ""..r-". {O o, L "or"rr^r.o., ?& oerc Z'22'bZ CXECKEO 8Y riosrcri!+t i-#, tlt- ?d!., rh. 0t|l1. E LDoRADo ,5[X'*:ff ' T{ru en trv GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLO. 8160I (303) 945€596 JOB sft€ET No. CALCULATED SY CHECKED BY OATE OFL oxe 2i!t'Dl s6s;p N aNE mEraai 6)rq G|ra4 rb, 0lrll. ,1;/' Sincere'ly, ,<r^- (ooto @ ,i,tIc)o O\.E93EEco-tov)251d O(Jga;fi9FAF t^ al-frt o(rO\oo6i=uJz2s6oz\.lll oD23E5:)oozoao- -.{ =ulE? =ul6=2dER tr@z6z UJoo EooJ uJ 0ctober 15,'1982 Town of Vail P.0. Box 100Vall, C0 81657 ATTN: Chet Horton RE: 770 Potato Patch Dear Chet: Enclosed ane our calculations for the balconies calculations for the caretaker un'lt. l.|e do not with either one. Please cal'l if you have any questions. Ben Elmore, EIT BE|Jlw Reviewed by: ,rRH of the D unitsfeel there is and wind any problem OFFICES:'GLENWOOD SPRINGS ' RIFLE ' DURANGO rnA vELDoRADo:[1]::I'TGflnnnv .,..,..o r ^ or ! GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLO. 81601 cALcuLArEo ., BdE o^IE lo 4-b2 (303) 945-8596 CHECKEO BY l.la FJ E : ntlrrJa ?a zlA J C-461,.L n N]T eA'-Ez'fA (Pl 1 L"?lor.IAF 1t,\t- ot 4z tlJ 6r{f.oZ 1+a.a-,z ta:]g-z oF a JTAvFt o J' -: li : $,n ,{Rfi 3IEI !i2 l:,.^ eb t,o It l-"* \)-et.'c-r -l e..!,{,:l/1 n :{ i\.I a n,r1 J,- I ?.pli Se vo \.3r:p.-T\- //\\h";9F tp..t*et !r- //\\ 'l)/\r' Norc A LLC FA T€ZlaR /3 La\'&6;1>w.,k looP ntaa rDE 4-l-4 'tv ;ID rt' 'lc VD (lro it42'4 00 F.t e.-Yr.^oot v.l't UtL L l^JoC!-1 I l.la;.!",rl t a4 F 4 AJA.I . Drl 1*{'Wt tJ 6 1)-nE Ar!!ulu 4V Pi0q.n ?!al / \-iEs.'rlt . ldF iaE olall. 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce of communlly develoPment February I , .l984 Duddy-Vie'l e ConstruCtion Box 331Vail, Colorado 81657 Gentl emen, I would like to remind you that your ternporary certificate of occupancy on 77A Potato Patch expires as of this date. Please make arrangements to ca'l I this office fof,a final inspection. The temporary certificate of occupancy was issued on December 8, 'l 983, stating that a vacuum brakers are needed on the hose bibs. Also' a pocket door is needed on the bathroom downstairs, and the hot tub is not in. We would appreciate your inrnediate attention to this matter. Building Inspector GM/rme lnun box l(Xl Yail, colorado 81657 l:rr3l 476€613 department of community development TO: Silverado Savings and Loan FROM: Steve Patterson, Town of Vail Chief Building Official DATE: June 28, 1982 RE: Perrnit Issuance for 77O Potato Patch Gent L enen : The building pefltrits wilL be issued in each phase of construction at 770 Potato Patch in accordance with Town of Vail ordinances andregulations concerning construction and zoning when they are requested and approved. The first phase (17 units) have only to bepaid for at this tiure and perrnits would then be issued. - *** rnn,nrrr,r*t,,PANY 823 Blake Avenue Box 669 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLO. 81601 (303) 9.5€506 CHECKED BY ,oa I gHEET NO, CALCULATEO BY DATE t(,er l i11 .\ l./'\trN ts\T rx e tT- o chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGI NEERS lato. tta orlxuooo t ttxot coloiaDorr@t !t/r.&7a5a AnqrJst 26, L982 s'bject: ffi3ffi*ffiffi*ffi Obsenration, Pro;nsed D4>le><, Units'5 ard 6,' Multi-Fanily' Der/elogrentl I-oL'6, Block 2, Vail'&otato Patch, Vail,. Colorado. Jd No. 23,O2gA Mr. John Tbnas P.O. Bo< 696 VaiL, @ 81557 Dear !,1r. Itsms: As rcqr:ested, r,e nnde serreral site visiLs during tlre period of Augr.st J.l to Ar$rst 23, L982 to errafi:ate site drainage ard general subqrade qdiEiss for foundaticn $ryFort. !'ile praliotlsly stducted asoil ard fcnmdaticsl inrrestigation at the subject site reported uder o:r Job I.b. 231029 dated Decelnber 3, 1981. the sr.rbject dusrlex is located in te area previo:sly identified as shallo,,l ground wat-er ard reqLliring sr:bsurface drainage to allcn for develoEnent. Dring cur August LL, L2 and 16 site visits, drainage alter.rra._tives ard reccrnrendaLions were discr:ssed. Gr Argu.st 12, ue net with repnesentatives of the arctritect, engineer, crrner arvf ocavatorat ttrc site. l,le agreed tlrat constnrction of deep intercept draixs as reccnnerded jr qr ciginal- report hautd be an effectirc 1og tern reans of lcnarcring qround urater level. Hc[,rever, due to the proxirnity of existing viater and sover rnains ard building Units 1 through 4 to tlre poposed str:rrtrre, onstructiqt of deep drains does not appearfeasi-ble. The buifdinq wiff be nu/ed slightly do,vnslope ard aray fr.crn $te utility eassent to Fro\ride addieional area for the tnrilding erccavation and redr:ce the risk of urdenni:rirg the adjacent water and serner mains. V*e reccnnrended tJrat a sr:bdrain be constnrcE€d along the entire Whillside of t}re excawation to htercept growd water seepage and preverrt wetting of adjacent lorer lenrels. Since tlre drairr will be constructedfolloriag er<calntior, cqrsiderable pr.oblens with ds,,atering ard subgradestabilization stpuld be opected. the grarrel bacidill strould be placed to wittrin abctrt 2 feet of tlre grcud surface. ltre bottcrn of the drain stpuld elcterd appro<inately 2 feet belcw the lcnest adjacent flmr slab or crer,fl space grade ard be a di-stancE laterally away frun the edge of the footirg equaf to or greater t}an tlre depth belor the bottcttt of t}te l tlti OFRCET: CAatEn o COLOnAOO lPnt OS . DENvEn . SALT LAXE CtTv i,lr. Johr thcrnas Aigust 26, L982 Page 2 fmting. PlacsrEnt of interior lateral trendl drains,r.rtrich sossfotirq lires at a relatively petperAncufar angl-e will probably a]ca be required to der^rater tlre rgnainder of the er<ca\raLiqt. hterj-ordrains should be kept. asi rtarrcr,.r as praotsLcal to reduoe dish:rlcance ofadjacent bearirq so+s. DJrinq. the LiJrE of o.tr Aug\tst 18 ttuqrgh 23 site visits, er<carraticnto fmti-rry ifade, placerent of sr:bdrains ard stabilizatiqr of softsub$ade areas v.las perforned. Ort dept}rs belqr,r t}re adjacent grornd surface to footing grade ranged fnn 9 to 10 feet along tlre rprttr sj-deof tte occavation and to about 3 feet alcrg ttre south sj-de. An e.r^iticural 4 foot deprth of topsoil ard soft clayery sard was rsrpved frqn the eeqtand sotrtlrcast portiors of Unit 5. eu.stred r"ock, about 3 to 5 ilctldiareter, was placed ard ccnpacted within this area arul otber strallcw subexcavated arees to stabilize and elsrate tne subgrade to for:rdatiqrlevel. I'finus l- jrntr size qushed rocJ< was tfren used to €p tlre J-argerrcd<. Ihe final surfaae was vjbrated witi a cqpactor. Ite nattrral soils e<posed witiin the ranaining o<carratiqr and wittdn portj.ons of tJre o<cavaticn obsewed pnior to ral< placerent onsisted of sitty to clayery sandlz gravels with occasimal c&bles arul snall bor:fders. The naturalgranular soils ard crushed rock cbserrred aL footing grade strcnrtd besuitabl-e for the recomerded 21500 psf allcnable bearing pressure. . Other resnrendaUiors preserrted in tln origirnl retrprt rrrtrich are applicabJ.e strldd also be cbsenred. If }rou have any questicns or if rte can be of firrtler senrice, Very tnrly yours, GItsi AND ASSMATES, INC. please SAD/dc Rev. By: S.L.P.cc: eaig Snoden Ben ElnDre 6Y..ij:Z #p;*tt'tffi3 15222 .3!- ^a l&*,,^',,,$fti'ii"ii'ds q chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS l0sio. rta o|-lruooo ttitraot.coloiaDo arto, st/t 5_7.51 D'".-',t-frr-"r,r*.l' ' ""iii ,' sEP 2 nlz ll Subject: Fourdaticn D<cavaLior Cbsenratiqr, Hrolrcsed MrlLi-Far[ly Oevelogrent , IclE 6, BIoc* 2, vaiL/Fotato patrh, Vail, Colorado. Job No. 23,029A I't. Jolnr ftcrnas P.O. Bo< 695Vail, 6 81657 Dear Sir: As requested, r,ure &senred tte o<cavalion for nrildinq unit 25A ada caretalcer ltrrit at the s:bject site on Au$:st 30, 1992 ti eratuate trresubsurfae cqrditicns exposed for fondatiqr swport. vfie preyiouslycdtducted a soil ard fondatior iwestigaLicnr aCtrre sr:bjeit, site rEportedunder our J& I\b. 23,029 dated Decsnber 3, l9gl. At tl|e Lfurc of otrr site visit, erccarratisr for the prr:posed uritswas essenLially orplete. c'ut depths ranged fisn g to g teet uercrn'adjacent qrcnnd surface at t}le upfriff side arui 3 to I feet at tlle dcrml|.illside of the excarraulon. a naximln ctrt depth of about rr feet was cbsewed iJl ttte central ponticur of tlre er<carration Ltrere t}ere was a 2 fot stepdcnm.rn the soutlreast oorngr, wtrere cut deg$rs ranged 7 T/2 rD r0 feet wefsubsoirs were observed. ltre qrtract6r had aiparently stabilized thisarea w:ittr about 5 b 12 inches of 3 to 6 furch-arushed-rock. rhe coaiserod< was caFped with 3rl4 irntr crrushed rock. Dauateing of the o<cavationwas appa:entIy not perfomed and free grourd water was about 6 to 12j.trdles belq,r fmtirg el-evation iJr the south{est @rner. A strean located4 to 5 feet a'qt of ttre ercatration rvas pnobably contributing to ttregE otlnd wa@r onditiqts in tl"is area. The rsnairder of the e<carraLiqrwas relatirrery dI:/ witll only an occasionar minor wet area ssenred.. ryr?ad footings 24 tD 36 i-nctres wide were befuq fo*ned dr:rjng o:ryisit. Ttg.:9if" o<posed at ttre bottcrn of tlre e><cavatior, eccl*ting ttregravel fill, wrsisted of siler to clay€V sads and gravels, witi o"UUfesand oc€asidtat snall banldens. ttpse soils are sirnilar to ttpse errcurteredin our prariors investigati.ur ard inclr$.jng the rock fiLl strould be suitable August 3I, 1982 OFRCET: CAtPCn . COLOnADO tpnt}|o!' . OEtaVEn o SALI ! XECtTv for sqport of t}le reccnnelded 21500 psf bearirg pressr:re. fhe sdrject e:<carratiqr is laated in tne area prerrior:sly identlfiedas haviry shal-Lcra' grourd rdater requirirg subsurface drainage to allcn fordeveJogrent. 'Ihe ct:rrelrt grcnmd water leveI should be o<pected to rise durfuqseascmal rr.noff. I{e reccnnend an rmderdrain systsn be bstalled toprotect tlle lorcr revels of tjre buildi:rgs fron wettirq. other appricabtedFsis" ard cqrstnrcEicm recsnnendatims presented in or:r original- reportshonld also be obcen/ed. If lDu harre any questions or if rre can be of fr:rtlrer senrice,please ca]1. 't'ir. lotrn thcrnas Auqust 31, 1982 Page 2 Rev. B1z: S.L.P.cc; Srsrden & HcpkinsAttn: Gaig Snorden Eldorado EqineeringAttn: Ben Elmne Very truly yarrs, CHEN AI\ID ASSGUIIES, Il.lC.ffi3;!1-Bffilt*"'";d$r! 1s222 i:l^ ^ a futt',,,$ chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS $f. nO. 15/a OLENWOOD SPRI|{GS.COLORAOO !1!t't 30tga3.?i158 Jrne 2I, 1982 Subject: For:rdation DccavaLion Observatior, Proposed larlti-fanf Iy DenreIotrxrent,Iot 6, Block 2, Vaivlr>tato Patch, Vail, Colorado .Iob No. 23,O29A I\4r. John Thdnas P.O. Bcx 695vall, @ 81657 Dear Si::: ., As reguested, we observ-ed the foundation occavations for Building UnitsI0, 11 and 12 at the subject site on Jr:rre 21, 1982 to deternrine the general subgrade conditions for foundation suplnrt. lde previously conducted a soil and fourdation investigaLion at the subject site reported under our Job Nc. 23,029 dated Decsrrber 3, 198I. Ad<tiLiona1ly, we ;:erforned a preli:ninarl' soil and for:ndation irrvestigation f-or tlds site and the adjacent Tcl; 34 of Block I, repoz'ted under cul Job No. 14,059 dated January IO, L977. At t}re Line of orr site visit, the e)<cavation had been cut irrto the southerly facing, noCerately steep sloping tr:illside. Cut depths belotl grourd surface varied fr.om an approxirate ndnimun of 3 feet at the south edgeof the excavation to a rnaximtm of about 15 feet at tlte north edge. The bearinq elevations st-ep tp at several locations and are generally less than 4 foot jn height w'ith a ma:<irinnn step of about 7 foot. Relatively rninor gror.:rrd water seepage was cbserved within the deeS:er cut porEions of the e{-ca\E--ion. As previously recrncrended, a forrrdation drain systern slrould be ilstaLled to der,v:ater ttre excavation and protect all trele: grad: levels of the trrilding fr.cm wetting. tlee urrderdrain shcuJ.d oonsist of a perforated drain pipe, insta[ed in a gravel fifled trenctr placed at leastI foot belcnrr ]orpest adjacent grade a:d sloped on a rtinjrmm Ie; grade to suitable gravity outlet. Ttre gravel beneattr tlre floor sl-abs should be corurected to the underdrain systsn. The soils o'posed at foundaLion level irl the occavation consist \ a '/ - ,8. Jr:ne Page Jol'n Thonas 2L, L982 2 Any loose or disturbed soils at fou-rdalion bearing lerrel should beeither ocnpa.cted to 100? standard proctor density or renoved prior toconqrete placarent. Applicable design and construction reccnrendationspresented in the original report should be obsenred. I{e will be avai'lable for additionar obsenration ard tesLirg at yourreguest. If you have any questions or if roe can be of further ser',r-ice,please call. Very truly lpurs, cr{EN AND ASSrcIATES, INC. S/rDldc Rev. $z: S.L.P.oc: Eldorado ErgineeringAttn: Ben ELrDre Snc&'den llcpkins NOWDON AND HOPKI ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU XAttacneA tr Under separate cov€r via LETTil@F TRANSNNITTAL TO the following items: O Samples ! Spociticationstr Shop drawings Y Copy of letter tr Prints E Change order tr tr ----vfl]F7 l*'"" fi1t'/AnENtlon' '/zntt ///ttwnn FE:( -/ifl /'#ft, 4ou"lfuo tlrU i,ll,,i'h / -4 coPtEs OATE NO.DESCRIPTION /il I t6 ifi?a //rA4 1 //q/N// {fi/i r,?//e,f - tlN+trt /'4 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked belw: E For approval !( For your use ( As requested tr Apprcved as submitted O Approved as noted D Returned fror corr€ctions E Resubmit-copies for apprwal tr Submit-copies for distribution E Retum -corrected prints El For reviaw and commcnt tr tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Pioflf,l2a+2 @/tr" sd., h, orrl.la .Ddo4ttat rrr aot ., nod:td, klndt, n&lrtt ua at onca. q chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS $a to. $a oLlrfooo ltn|xcl,coloeloo tttor l0N/9.] tasr JuIy 15, 1982 Subject: Fourdation Ercarration Observation, Proposed l.tulti-Family DEvelofrent, I-oL 6, Block 2, VaivPotato Patch, VaiI, Colorada Job tto. 23,029A 1,1r. .john ltpnas I P.O. Box 696Vail, O 81657 Dear l,tr. ItEmas Centlqen: As rrequested, r,e obseled tlre o'cavation for Rrilding urits 1 through 4 at the subjecE. site on July 2 ard July 6' 1982 to evaluate the srJbsoil onditions eposed for fcundatiqr suporE. I€ p!:eviol-lsly ondwted a soil- ard for:rdation invesLigaLion at tlre subject site relnrted rrder our Job lib. 23,029 dated Decsrber 3, 1981. At tlxe tjrre of or:r initial site visit, tJre ontrastor had @an exca','ation in the rnrttreast corrrer of Unit 4 ard noved to the rprthwest @rner of t}'rit I after encourtering slnllo,r gr:or:nd water conditicns in t}at area. Ttre excarration at Unit 4 was about 6'feet deep and aboutl0 feet x 20 feet in dinension. Clayqrr sands and gravels r^ere erqnsedin the e<cavation belorp about 3 feet of topsoil ard free g:rourd lrater 1evel '"as obsenred at about deptfr 4 feet belovu tlre surrourrding gr:ound s.rrjace. In tle rprth/Est @rrrer of Unit 1, an atr4rroxirnate 25 feetx 35 feet ercca',ation had been cut. Cut depths ranged fircrn 7 l/2 tD I0 feet in the rprttern uphill area to 3 to 4 feet at the lqoer southern e':C of ttre t.rdt. tlo fnee hrater was observed and the soils e<posed !p-re a silty sarui ard gravel. TLre csrtrastor ras advised to install t:errCres or drains for trnrnranent devraterilg of the site as neecied. Depth of drains r,,as suggested at 2 feet belon sxca'ralion level andat least 2 feet qtside of footing areas. At ttle tine of qr site visit on July 6, tlre rrestern tuo t}'irds of the erccavauion for ttnits I through 4 had been oopl-eted. Ort depths OFFrcEs: CA3PER . COIONADO SPRIXG3 . OEIIVER . STLT LAXE CITY o I4r. John Thqrns July 15, lttt Page 2 ranged frqn 7 L/2 tD 11 feet at the northern r-phi}I side and frsn 2 U2to 5 L/2 feet at tte lover dorruntrill side. A stepdoln of I to 2 feet r,ras obsenred jn the central portion of the brildings fo[ot,rring tle rntural slope dorarrlr-ill. Ftee gror:rd v.rater seepage r,eias obsetr\/ed jl the north c€ntra1 portion of tle e><cavation against the phill cut at approxj.nately 8 to l0 feet belcn tlre growd swface. At the nortlrcast @rner of Unit 4, free grornd vrater !€s still observed at about a 4 fot depttr. A de\^rat€ring drain systen hErd alTr:rerrtly not beerr j.nstal-led. The contractor vlas advised ttnt a penranent drajn qgstem r^ould be neededto protecL all belcn gacade levets of tlie building f:un r,'etting. Interior laterals nray b required to drain belcrr flcor areas and stprten the drainrIo.v path. Ttre trendres slpuld be sloped to draj.n to a gravity outleL and grarrel beneath the floor slabs shoul-d be cqrrected to tlre u'rderdrain qrsten. soils eposed at for.rdation level jrr ttre o<carrations onsisted predcrnhantty of silty to clayey sands ard gtrarrcIs, cobbles and ecasiornlgnall bulders, similar to tbcse encountered in our prerrious investlgaticn. ltese soiLs are suitabLe for st4ryort of tle reccr(Erded 2,500 psf bearing paessure. IlriJsrrer, due to tlre presence of seepage, re reccnnend filal obserration of tle s<cavation follcming der^atering. I-mse or disturbedsoils below tlre footilgs should be rsrorred prior to @tcete placenent. Soft areas stnutd be renpved and replaced w'iti a structural fill ccrrpactedto at least 100E standard Proctor density. A thin layer of washed rocl< can be r:sed at tlE bottcfir of trenches to facilitate drairage and cqrcreteplacenent. Applicable designr ard crcnstnrction recremendations presentedjn our origilal report should also be obsenred. I{e vdll be available for :rlditional obsenraticn arul testirg at lpurrequest. If you:have any questions or if ue can be of fi:rther senrice, please cal1. Very truly yours, GiEN N{D ASSOCT.FffES, rNC. DAY/dc Rev. B1z: S.FIE$cc: Caig Snowderr ffir\.if$,i. 1s222 !, @ Ben Elnore chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNIGAL ENGINEERS tolto,rta olEltooo tt xct ocoiloo ataot live.tr.sa July 20' 1982 Sr:bject: For.rrdation Dcaration Obsenration, koposed ltrlti-fardly De\reloFlEnt' Io,t 6, Block 2, VailAotato Patch, vail, olorado Job No. 23'029A It. John Ttlsnas P.O. Eox 696v'ail, @ 81657 Gentlsten: As requested ty R.D. Ocanrford, r.'e obsenrcd ttre er<cavaticn for Brildtrg UELts 1 through 4 at tfe subject site on July 15' 1982 to evaluate sr:bsr:rface orditions oposed in tbe er<carraticn for foundation stmorE. lie proriosly ordrrted a soil ard fourdation imrestigation at ttre sr:bject site reported r:nder our Job llo. 231029 dated Decsrber 3, l98t ard r"eported prenriors obsenratims of tle ercavation for Hrildingtldts 1 th::ouqh 4 jn a letter dated July 15, 1982. At t}re tirre of the qur-ent site visit, tlre o<carration for Buil4ilgttrits 1 tlrrouqh 4 bad beer ccnpleted. lbudations for Llnits I and 2 had beAn ccnstructed and tlre contJiaettr had beqrn fonning the foudations for tldts 3 and 4. c\rt depths for tlnits 3 ard 4 ranged tucllt 6 to 7 feet jn tlre rprthern Wfrill side, 3 to 5 feet jn the dolvnslope porfim of tte e:<canation. A stetrdorvn f:rcnr I tD I L/2 feet was observed jn tte sout}rern U4 o'.,- tlre occavation. $srporarT lateral ard e*terior drair trenches haC apparently been instalted to der^,ater the area of UrLits 3 and 4 in the I easterrl portion of t}re excaration. Scrne water flovr r^ras ncted at ttp 2 drain exits dcl^rnhilI frqn tte c€ntral and southeast areas of the units. lte :nalority of the excavalion v,as cwered with 3/4 inch crusted rock. Average depth of the rock les about 5 to 12 inches w"ith a naxint'Jn depth of about 24 jnches rsithin ttre eastern portion of Ixrit 4. Itre crusted roclt apparently r:sed to irte:cept g::orndtater seepagert€s outletted to tt{c drairr trenches frcnr the southern excarraticn perineter. The creel< Iocated about 6 to 8 feet east of Unit 4 sLill had a npderate flcntr. the natural soils observed in tlre er<cavation rrrere essentially tJe sarrE as previously reported although ttey r"ere nasked in npst areas due to the eushed rod<. !4inor seepage was observed ir Whill portiots of tlre excavation about 1 to 2 feet above t}le bott€rn of t}te er<ca',ration. SerrcraL soft r,et areas r€re observed ard free rrater levef was found to be withj-n about 6 irntres of footing elerration at serreral locations. oFflcES: caStEn o coloi^oo sPnNos o DELy€R r saLT llrE clTy 1, I't. John Thsnas' Juty 20, L982 Paqe 2 Ttre subsoil orditions developed in the o<carntion are solEtrhat rrariable but stpuld generally $ryFort tJre 2,500 psf reonrerded bearing pressure. Iocalized higher settlerEnt potential- slDuld be opecbed. Ihe contractor r,as advised to additicnally rorcnre aU soft areas ard pLace 3/4 inch cn:shed rock. Dewaterilg of ttre e>(cavaticn has generally r|ct been jn acordanoe with previous correspcndence . A pennanent r-rrderdrain system stroufd be jnstalled at least 2 feet belont lolvest adjacent finished grade and sloped to gravity outlet. , the close proxirnity of 'tlre existing creek to tlte stnrctr:re IIBy b contrjJcuting to the ground\€ter pr.oblans jn t}le area. @rsideraticn should be given to eittrer J-ininq of the ditch or use of a culvert- Applicable desigrr ard construction recqnrerrdations lxesented jn our original report and subseqrrcnt letters stpuJ-d also be obsenrcd. $Ie witl be arrailable for additional obsenration ard testing at )'ourreguest. If yctr have any questions or if r*e can be of firther service, please ca1l. Very truly yours, CIIEN A}ID A,gSOCI{IBS, I}iC. DAY/dc cc: Snowden & IbpkinsAttn: fraig $roriCsl Eldorado ErgineeringAttn: Ben ELprre Crawford EKca\rati:lg P.O. bx 2003vail, @ 81657 fr Y*l4d ft-Ii;5;;;;:o<l*r61a:' "oli tr: 15222 .3 ?<r "c3 :#:or,^,'rr.-kai'[r'l chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECH NICAL ENGINEERS lu to. tta ol[xuooo ttitxot.coloiat)o ataot !o!,/ta!.ta5a August 2, L982 Subject: Foundation E<caraticu: Obsenraciqr, Proposed l,lu,lti-fanily Developrent, LoE 6, Blod< 2, vaivPotato Patclr,vail, colorado Job No. 23,029A I'8. John $gnas P.O. Box 695vail, @ 81657 Dear Sir: a.s requested, rre observed ttre er<cayation for Buildilg Units 7, 8 and 9 at the sulcjecE, si@ qr July 26, 1982 to e\raluat€ tlp subsurface orditions e4osect. lE trxarior:.sly orrdrrted a soil- and foundatiqt innestigation at tlre subject site reported under or Job No. 23'029 dated December 3, 1981. At the tine of our site visit, tfie erccavation had reportedly been ocnplete to design fowrdation beariJq elevaLiqrs. Crrt d€pt]ts into ttre sotrttrerly sloprng hillside ranged f:sn a rrrudJnrn of 12 feet irlr the rprthwest @rner to about 2 feet in the southeast corner. The er<cavation had nwercr:s stepdcnns generally folloudng ttre noderate slope of the site. Seraeral areas of topsoil rtere obserrred in tie shallor cut areas of tlte er<carration. These areas rere approxirnately 2 feet deep jJr the central garage, 5 inches in tlte rprtlreast @rner ard rp to 2 feet jr tlre central- slab bearing area. The @ntrastor was adrised ttnt tte topsoil should be rensred prior toonstrnrctiqr of footjngs or slabs. Duing our site visit, rsrpval of topsoil jJr tle gcrrage area ard the northeast @rner was jnitiated. Sgtreral areas of seepage r,'er.e observed in the e<cavatiqr with free vater level within about 6 inctres of foundation level in several locations. A I inctt anrstred rock ms being used as bad<fill irr apparently softer r,tet areas for stabilization. trlo attergt in daratering was observed in ttreseareas. A trendr drain was collecting scre free ruater frcrn the rprthv'est and rryestern portion of tte e<cavatim. @ntractor was advised of several r€lleiniJrg soft areas wtridr should be renoved ard stabilized. OFFICES: CA3P€R . COLORADO SPR|I|OS . DE VEn o 'ALT l.lXE C|TY I't. Johtr ltsras Algtrst 2t L982 Page 2 the natural soils eposed in the erccarration be1cry the t psoil consistof silty to clayey sands ard grarrcls witJr occasionaL obbLes and srallboulders. these soils are sjmilar to those encountered in our previor:s invesLigation and genaally suitable for spport of tlre r.eccnnended 21500 psf bearing pressure. eoLlnd vrater seepage has apparently carrsed serreral soft areas which stould be renoved. 9{e reccnnend a positivemderdrain sllstsn be jnstalted to faeilitate da*atering of t}le e:<cavatiqr and protcct, the lcr'Er levels againsL r,vetting. The drajn slpuld be placedat least 2 feet belorrr lcrrest, adjacent firristr grade. I-oose or distr.rbed sojJ.s belor the footjngs sficuld be renoved prior to consre@ placanent.. Other applicable design ard cqrsUr:cCion reccnnendatiqrs presented inour origjrral report slnuld also be obsened. Itle d-It be available for ed4itiqr observaLion and testing at yourreguest., If you have any questicns or if r,.le can be of firrther senrice,please cr"]l. Veqg truly yours, CHEN AIID A.SSOCIAIES, INC. DAY/dc Craig $rorden Ben Elrore Crapford DccarraLino ffis;frh i, 15222 I fu'-'.$$ t chen and assoclates CONSULTING GEOTECHNTCAL ENGI NEERS l0! RD. tla ottiuooo lpirxos,coroR^oo tr6or tor/ra}rasl r -t ll rli u Septenber L0, L982 Subject.: FourdaUion D<cavation Observaticn, prcposed !,trlti- Family Dqzelogent, Lot. 6, Blocl< 2, Vailpotato patctr, Vai1, Colorado. Job No. 23,029A 5[P I{r. Jotm ltsnas P.O. Bol< 696Vail, @ 81557 Dear Sir: As requestedr we cbsenred, tl:Ie e:<cavation for a proposed bati hcrJse $jacent to tlre proposed srr,imring pool at the subjecl site on sepeenber8, L982 to q/ahnte the sr:bsr.:rface conditicns e><posed for prrpose offoundaLion sLpIDrt. hle previously corducted a s6il ana to'unoiticrnirnrestigaticn for t}e subjecE site reported rrrder our Job No. 23,029dated Decsrben 3, ]981. At the tfue of our site visit, er<cavatsLqr for ttre proposed stJrrshlrewas essentiarly ccnplete. ort deptlrs ranged f:sn g to g rbet belcn tlree:<rslirlg gronxd rever at tne rryLritr side and frcnr 6 to 7 feet on tltedsrmhirl side. A trenctr, aboul 2 feet deeper ttnn the occavation bottcnrarri 5 foot w'ide, extended south frcrn tlre rniddre of $re o<cavation t}upughthe proposed srrinrdng trnol area. Itris cut, about 9 feet deep, was tor isq,trer and drain Une leadiJrg dcr^TntLilt frcnr ttre structure. Giavel fitledtrendres leading to the drain rine had been ixst-alled in the rniddle oftie battr house erccarration to facil-itate daratering. scne standing waterwas still existent in tlre bottcrn of the excavation. Gr:ound water r,rascbsenred to be frcrn 0 to 5 inclres belo,rr fmtiag g'rade irr npst of thee:<cavalion. witldn previorrs soft arvl wet areas of the buildingo<cavaLior, 3/4 inch cnrshed rock had been placed to about nrocimndw$r, 2 feet. Several otlrcr soft, rret areas were obsenred in tlrebottsn of the excavatim arrl the qqltractor was advised that additiqraldel^raterjJg ard subgrade stabilization sho.tld be perforned. rn ttrerernairdry areas, $re natr.ual soils erposed onsisted of sildr to clayeysands and gravels wittr scne cobbles, sirnilar to ttrose encountered h ourPfeviotls investigaticn. these natural soils aryl adeqr:ately stabilized areasshourd be sitable for suppon! of ttre recrcnnended. z,sbo psi bearirrgpressure. OFFlClt: CAIPER . COLOnAOO gpnt OS . DENVER . SALT LAXE C|TY -t /,- t"tr. John Tfsnas Septanner 10, 1982 Paqe 2 The subject elcavation is located jJr tfle area proriously idenLifiectas having sha1lcrt ground lvater condiLions requi-ring subsurface drainageto allcrr for daneJ-otrnent. Ttre q:rrent SEorlrd water level strcul-d be expecteA to rise a:rilg seascrnf luoff. $b resnrend a permanentuderdrain q/stsn be instal-led 2 fee.L belqrr footing grade cornecCingwith the erdtiJq drain under constn:ction to protect ttre lcner slab lerrel frcrn wetting. Other appllcabJ-e design ard co'rstrustion reccnnendaficns Sxesented in our original reporC shor:Id al.so be cbsenred. If you have any questiors or if r.rc can be of ft:rther serrice,please call. Very tnrly Itours, GInl AilID ASSOCIATES, INC. DIrY/dc Rev. By: S.L.P.cc! Sncx,vden & Horplsi-nsAttn: Craig Snqpden Eldorado ErgineeringAttn: Ben Elrore Cralyford DccarratjngAttn: R.D. Crar^rfo!:d ffi,h3R ffi.ri"."'";{.-"'"\! tszzz i'-h edjh,,^-.,-$ffi?t'd'!S 75 south lrontage road vall, colorado 81657 (3qrl 479.21(x) FAX PHONE TRANSIIITTAL SIIEET TO: colrpANy ualcr (cor# Tr- l<> F{ol "SFN( PTToNE NuIsER. L{ 4 L[ 33?? l-arnou: Lr tSJsax_- ?.,n{-z_-.al.^oern: 1l t-7---. rnre; 4 :Z{ tNO. oF *AGES IN DOC.'IENT (NOT INCTJTDTNG CO\'ER SIIEET) , 1 RESPONSE REQUIRED?:-- snNr sv: f r?lr -€l ExtENsroN Nuuenn: L{^)? z(z\ TOWN OF VArL FAX PHOIIE M'IIBER:303-479-2L57 March '16, '1984 Building Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81658 Re: 770 Potato Patch Gentl emen: Si'lverado Banking is the lender for the project you be so kind as to instruct your staff to copy notices affecting or relating to the development in advance for your cooperation. David C. Nilges Vice President DCN/si cc: D. Gordon V. Miller listed above. l.lill this office with 'l i sted. tle Ve SilvdadoBanlinS .Crlorado Blvd. at t-25 . 3900 E. Mc:dco Avenuc .Dcnvcr, Coloredo 80jll0 . (303) ?59-5225 (opfi a'r .ixs>'i'rr c.) (,) .._o61zo<(oJ6o,-. H#ao =JUR E\J-.- cia(tEZlu=uJ*z6oozo r.lJ oo=zzq55o(/J ..-ZaR3-x,-- o26<,^i(L: o)o--a2Z, UJ EeLlJ llJzYo5z6llt c) 8$ ooJlrJ tF.t-A- July 13, '1982 City of Vail Bullding Dept. 75 S. Frontage Rd. l'lestVail, C0 81657 ATTN: Bil'l Andrews RE: 770 Potato Patch - Units 14 and '15 Dear Mr. Andrews: The purpose of this letter is to verify the design of the s'lab under the stair area for Units 14 and '15 for 770 Potato Patch. Deslgn was based on the UBC, 1982 Edition, Section 2907 b): Bearlng Wal'ls. Bearing wa1ls shall be supported on masonary or concrete foundations or piles or other approved foundation system which shall be of suffJclent size to support al'l 'loads. This was done in place of following UBC, 1982 Edition, Table No. 29-A, where it states, the minimim depth in this situation shall be 8". Attached you will find the verifying ca'lculations to this design. Sincerely, /r"- fur-rl, Ben Elmore, EIT BE/ilw Encl osure Reviewed by: JRH, P.E. & L.S. OFFICES: GLENWOOD SPRINGS. RIFLE. DURANGO st{Efr N(J.oF__3-* *4e- 6,;.s. ll-11' %iLCAICULATEO. BY CH€CXEO BY ,ri,i,' l;,;:- i";r:i3*,':,:'! J-\ Et DORADO ENGINEERHOOHPAHY 823 Blake Avenue Box 669 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLO. 8T60I(303) 9.+8590 $c -77o +2TAro PATC-4 v1SHEET NO, CALCULATEO.AY w.g otre ll-11-lbL CHECXEO BY OATE llal vail, colorado 81657 1303) 476.5613 July 1, 1982 Snowdon and Hopkins - Architects 201 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Craig Snowdon Dear Sir: department of community development Subject: 770 Potato Patch Plans for the above project have been checked and may be p'icked up for correction at the Building Department office,75 South Frontage Road, VaiI. Corrnents and correctjons are noted in red on the p1 ans. Please return two sets of corrected pl ans along with the checked set' Upon approval of plans 2 sets will be stamped approved, l for the iob and 1 for our fi I es . Since this project has started you are hereby advised that no framing inspections will be made without an approved set of plans on the job. If there are any questions regarding this plan check, please contact the undersigned between 8 and 9 a.m. or 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Si ncerely, 4,r4-Z*- Chet Horton Bui ldin9 Inspector CH:df lSry fuH* Ben E'lmore, EIT BE/itw (ooP YgllrJ ;,>Y'(Et? (n{ O6;zo<(c)JE p6 F*aogd E r!, ___ uiaA(EZilF =6oozouJooBzz F- u] 5ccU) :.zo, 8E 'Htr9 8i tJZ ZUJ $eu,l l!zY65z6lJl er) 8$ trooJ uJ o,u* ,lu]y 27, '1982 Toum of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, C0 81657 RE: 770 Potato Patch Gentl emen: This letter is to inform you that I am aware of the fact that the truss Joint system has been changed to a llood-I system. John Becher of Diamond International has informed nre that he has a manufacturer'sletter stating they are equlvalent. If you have any questions concernlng this matter, please call me at this office. Sincerc1y, OFFICES: GLENWOOD SPRINGS o RIFLE. DURANGO ELDoRADo ENGrNEERrNdi"ro*, 823 Blake Avenue Box 669 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLO. 8I60I (303) 945-8595 $e ?rm*to - ?$t co$>oLl t tJ t ouu SHEET NO. cALcuLATED ev WE , E.,IT oarc-Z:-?&&- CHECKED 9Y ..:. LDAD 1N4 .HA 10?l |I.F ,IF bb llo ttr-t t/er NtrL ofl'4nitl vtu.B.|:.-: NA r.4r a,u tl 1*IL o5E tfl -J 't,el 6tL {,,4{Y,.?J 1.b,,")la,^r -12 ft c?:o ),o L)Aj lt z ?,12 Rl ,ar)aCl 2?-5*l 7At 24 Lb nld It o(n \fo 'B\ ( 2t(rToo VAu .--.1 (,,:.L t,O/,*Nt^Jl4 4\d 1"\/ 6,4+,4 ,,+t2.)r bo *)?B 4et lt -21 |L e4,*/t rye t,,IE D l\1 rr)(2>l 1l- H !iz;, ::ia 'di t4 V:.. tJr t+ _aT,q ,tA ..;:Y.icoi-"-tl*' llltr ?r0Qft A+l /^-E ej:/ lr . e4bi. $a olrrt. @(D9CU9t;6x>.i.q86:oorzo<@J5 -8cH#ooEdEo-- td@AEZr.rJ F 2E(9oz.ouJoo3zzE35o(/) .-Zo)R3 5a26fq =o-8D 22- E?UJ UJzY65zcDLrj (r) 8s !EooJ' lrJ August 17, '1982 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road l,lestVail, C0 81657 RE: 770 Potato Patch Dear Sirs: Enclosed are existing elevations for Buildings 10 - 15. More elevations will be submitted as they are obtained. Unit l0 l. Roof elevation above master bedroom:2, Roof elevation above sitting room:3. Deck elevation outside sitting room: Unit 'l'l 'l . Roof elevation above master bedroom:2. Deck elevation outside master bedroom: Unit 12 508.96 507.08 497.40 l. 2. 3. '13 Roof elevation above master bedroom: Roof e'levation above sitting room: Deck e'levation outside sitting room: 510.85 513.48 s03.78 509.69 497,65 534. 39 5'n .63 532.42 512 .65 Unit Unit l. 2. '14 Roof elevation above master bedroom: Garage e'levati on : Roof elevation gbove master bedroom: Garage elevatlon: l. 2. OFFICES: GLENWOOD SPRINGS. RIFLE. OUnANGO Tom of Vall Page Two August 17, 1982 Unlt 15 l. Roof'elevation above master bedroom:2. Roof elevatlon above sitting room:3. Deck elevation outside sittinq room:4, Deck elevation main level:5. Garage elevatlon: I!_Vou have any questlons concerning this matter,offlce. Slncerely, s35.46 538.04 528.27 518.83 513.35 please call thls .fu1€ *o< Ben Elmore , EIT BEIJlw (o trfreuE+EP r, IO61zo<@J5 fiq H#aO Fd''- C'jaAEZ ii: trzb('ozourorc3zzq55o(/) .-Z6) 8E:526to.=d 8g- 2z E?UJ [! 6Tz6lu a) 8$ trooJuJ August 17, 1982 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, C0 81657 RE: 770 Potato Patch Dear Sirs: Enclosed are existing elevations for Bui'ldings '10 - 15. More elevations will be submitted as they are obtained. Unit l0 1. Roof elevation above master bedroom:2. Roof e'levation above sitting room: , 3. Deck elevation outside sitting room: Unit 11 'l . Roof elevation above master bedroom:2. Deck elevation outside master bedroom: Unit 12 Roof elevation above master bedroom: Roof elevation above sitting room: Deck e'levation outside sitting room: Unit Roof e'levation above master bedroom: Garage elevation: Unit Roof elevation above master Garage elevation: s08.96 507.08 497.40 l. 2. 3. 't3 510.85 5't3.48 503.78 509 .69 497,65 534.39 s'l'l .63 l. 2. l4 l. 2. bedroom:532.42 5'l 2 .65 OFFICES: GLENWOOD SPRINGS. RIFLE. DURANGO / Town of Vall Page Two August 17, 1982 Unlt 15 l. Roof e'levatlon above master bedroom:2: Roof elevatlon above slttlnq room:3. Deck elevatlon outside sltting room:4, Deck e'levatlon main level:5. Garage elevation: If,you have any questions concerning this matter,offl ce. Slncere ly, 535.46 538.04 528.27 5t 8.83 513.35. . please call this /€*2/,*o* Ben Elmore, EIT BEfilw dro6noo .nn,nrr*,nnC. P. O. Box 669 823 Blake Avenue GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO 8160T E2-LtrTTT OF TRANSNflOTTAL TO (30:r) 94$8s96 Eu4 oF //t//- Attached ! Under separate cover vaa Prints I Plans E Samples Change order OATE IJOB NO.b-t7-/z | $,tzzn ATTEN]ION '?7o PorATe 72'raH the following items: ! Specifications ARE SENDING YOU tr ! Shgl drawings 6og of letter ! tr COPIES DATE NO.OESCRIPTION I 'e ' l oa'"ol lAtezJcArtotls FDQ .ANTILEUF-R SECTTAJ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: v6 ^ppror"t For your use As requested n Approved tr Approved n Returned as submitted as noted for corrections n n tr Resubmit-copies for approval Submit - copies for distribution Return -corrected prints ! tr n ! For review and comment n FOR EIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKSp\^Yrbe T, ve?a loEr-e*1. Wc6l9-s MLw aAGF..s MoF\?rlt>$S <orAJ-L-l L.Lptl^JLt .t^r-tE,ti1i,,tJg. t".llo|-/'eF\T l*rJD 3++Eg, C,\?,*tL-tTtE3 3OPA-,E> A F&-Ivo r'P a*epaY nF r'tt^^OaT A t\tJt'Ez- T*e 6lAZ2.1 4O$E>IT)O\J1 M.'l DWthA .WLb beee oA TJT. c^6!4?.b(,t$13 AAp r-'q.trL;eai|tptsg vte€ f2 cA'<R/ vffi/c4L A/D 4pz/Fr /J4p.S COPY TO SIGNED: It encrogurcs aar rot ra notad, kindly totify us tt oace.pn0qjc'I 2as2 -A€€3l tr.. G,!dl. ts. otlt) oEr/q^f . lLar;'. 'i.: Loaos . 75 P'F /O PfrE Lrcl€ (z4D .paD Lo40 - ffii"fitrJ'i=#!:'%.1 .T 45r/br,& ],i t\tl^ 'h l- i, Lrt/€ (aaa40 Psrt ,85 7Ar TbrAL . ',B- E5x4xt.o?=6p/h.' ,lJ = 55 x. /'4? a ?e ntftr. ftoF R, ,1t- 7t/z'' rs! I /z', F. . ELDORADO ENGINEEHNO. P. O. Box 669 823 Blake Avdue GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 - .- ---=}. /n r= q=LETTEB @F TRANSNflITTAL oarE lJoE No' 8- 17 - 92 | SEza -77o Pa+4'+o Po-loh (303) 94s.85e6 TO Chcl ilo,/on C,& o/ I,/*,/ WE ARE SENDING YOU ! f Shop drawings D Copy of letter Attached I Under separate cover via v6in "tr Plans E Samples the following items: ! Specifications E Change order tr coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 2 B-t1-zz Ka.t\+e) f.o'je.,-4 2 A-t1-97-Ar^iliz-l , Canias b-u 2 9^-11-e.2-R.,ti-c) a),,^1-9 2 C,-11-ZL RotiqA I(-ooies to-t2 2 A-11-*Ratod,I Cooiee tz-6 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked,/.{f or approval E For your use E As requested D For review and comment tr tr FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS below: E Approved D Approved D Returned as submitted as noted for corrections tr tr tr Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Retu rn -corrected prints 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US stGNEot /<.e-*) u-v412 2lT Pn00u ?a0? /^r-ersl rE G.6r Ia 0l{50 ft aarcrolrr.as ara not ,t aot d, hindly notily us al onc.. ,ELDO,RADO Efi GTNEER|COil PANY JoB Porxro tj4* SHEET NO, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLO. 81601 (303) 94'8596 c^,-cu,.^reo. sv-ECE o^fE z-3-%z CXECXEO AY SCALE ,ELDORADO ENGINEERIEOMPANY 823 Blake Avenue Box 669 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLO. 81601 (303) 945-8596 at WE, E,lT 2.?2-b2- _DATE DATE JOB SHEET NO CA LC ULATE D CHECKED BY PRouf,r2oll ,1@ ric. G'd.i 16.01t71 box 100 vail. colorado 81657(3031 476-5613 department of community development this plan check, please contactor 4:00 to 5:00 p-m. Monday thru September 15, 1982 Snowdon and Hopkins, Architects201 Gore Creek Dr.Vail, Co'lorado 81657 Subject: Potato Patch 770, Dear Craig and Pam: Plans for above.project have been checked and may be picked up forcorrection at the Building Department office, 75-soutir Frontage Rd.,Vai I . Comments and corrections are noted in red on the p1ans. Please return two sets of corrected plans along with the checkedset upon cornpletion of corrections. Upon approval of plans 2 sets will be stamped approved, l for theJob and 1 for our fi'l es. If there are any questions regardingthe undersigned between 8 and-9 a.mlFri day . Si ncerely, ,.. .z , -/ ,/' '2nY /slah- Chet Horton' ' e- Building Inspector CH: df uni ts 25 & .Ttl rt lumn delillmsnt nf pilics box 567 . vail, colorado 81658 . 303-476-567i October 26, 1982 John Thomas Reference: Illega) Parking at 770 Potato patch Drive Dear Mr. Thomas: It has been brought to my attention tjme and time again that theconstructjon unrkers employed at your construction site areil1ega1ly parking on Potato Patch Drive. I have also received numerous complaints about cement trucks, drywall trucks, etc. b1 ocking off Potato Patch complete1y. This, of course, istotally unacceptable as to our previous arrangements. To clarify once again what arrangements are acceptable, the vehicles may park on Potato Patch Drjve as long as they are off the traveledportion of the road. In other words, they can park on the shoulderand not on the pavement. They nay park only on the south side ofthe road, and no parking will be allowed on any curve. Also, Iask for your cooperation in contacting your sub-contractors andexplaining to them that they are not allowed to park on Potato Patchfor the purpose of loading or unloading. I am sympathetic to your park'ing situation on Potato Patch, and amwilling to work with you to the best of my capabilities, but we must have that road clear for the residents that live there and for emergency vehicles. This wri tten letter will serve as a fjnal notice or warning, and if,in the future, any vehicles are il1ega11y parked or blocking theroad, they will be ticketed and towed without any further notices. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact nB at the Vail Pol ice 0epartment. Si ncerel y, F VAIL Curt Ufkes Ass'i stant CU/msj HI Chief of Police TO I SNOWDON and HOPKINS ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive P. O. Box 1998 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 ------\ LETTER @ F ]TRANSNfl [TT'AL- "^"/o /4/tf, l'"''"51c! ^rrENi'o.n Chtrk -\\or{on"'' ?rlr lc\rnn i4nrnrLf,ic' rrnl| lb - lb GENTLEMEN: WE D D ARE Shop copy SENDING YOU drawings of letter Attached tl Prints Change order Under separate cover via E Plans the following items: n Samples /Specifications! D ! (303) 476.2201 coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION \l}ll'l \dblat .1n\s Pirn+'l _Y THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval !1rfor Your use VAs requested ! Approved D Approved E Returned as submitted as noted for corections tr tr D Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Return -corrected prints tr tr For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGN FOAI, !4+2 - Ay.ilall. hom @ Torr..ra, M.!.. Oi.Sg tt ancroarrrcr tra 'lol aa aotad, kindly nottlyt ua ta TO SNOWOON and H/ ,.lNS ARCHITEC', : ?Ol Gore Llreek Drnre P. O. Box 1998 vAtL coLoRADO 81657 LETTER @F TRANSNfl IT-TAL the tollowing items: Plans y tr Samples /Specifications GENTLEMEN: WE ! tr ARE SENDING YOU Shop dnwings Copy of letter tr u D D oATE. . ; .- lJoa No. | ,--,,,:Ltlrt.i | ''.1 ,arrENitoN ft .f r rrif" , t-(-i r ; ,/ ,* EI Attached- [ Under separate cover via Prints \ Change order COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION -r Jt \ .-1 r l-t- -T THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked E For approvaliE for your use V As requested E For review and comment D tr FOR BIDS DUE belo'/r: D Approved as submitted fl Approved as noted ! Returned for corections Resubmit-copies for approval Submit-copies for distribution Retum -corrected prints tr tr tr 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO FOFta zaGZ - Ay.IrU. tcn @TotrE rd. M!r!. ora00 ,t Gncrosuros ata not aa aot.d, kindly notiry u. ea onca. p. o. Box il. "r" lm""J"Y:lt ""o*" l-o""-,",")ti' I {'Jho-fu/"q-fla/7/ 4 tl d P-i^l4/, BY Wr*-t*4k /-K/*;- O , #zt #frJJ. (oa9.E. ><a\;;9uJ ;,>.i.q36l O 611zo<@J6 Ro li'i <trccu>O s2dEo-- </i@AEZ HF46OozouJoo=zzq55o(/) ..-Zo,o!P --{ >6tr9 6qa>zt)E> UJ uJzuo5z6uJ c)a'r c\J6co IEooJl! August 17, 1982 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, C0 81657 RE: 770 Potato Patch Dear Sirs: Enclosed are existing elevations for Buildings l0 - '15. More elevations will be submitted as they are obta'ined. Unit l0 'l . Roof elevation above master bedroom:2. Roof elevation above s'itting room:3. Deck elevation outside s'itt'i ng room: Unit '11 I. Roof elevation above master bedroom:2. Deck e'levation outside master bedroom: Unit 12 Roof e'levation above master bedroom: Roof elevation above sitting room: Deck elevation outside sittine room: Roof e'levation above master bedroom: Garage elevation: Unit'14 Roof elevation above master bedroom: Garage elevation: l. 2 ? s08.96 s07. 08 497 ,40 509.69 497.65 5'10.85 51 3. 48 503. 78 534. 39 511.63 Unit l3 't. 2. t. 2. 532.42 512.6s t DUTIANOFFICES: GLENWOOD SPRINGS . NIFLE.GO Town of Vail Page Two August 17, 1982 Unlt 15 l. Roof elevation above master bedroom: 535.46Z, Roof elevation above sitting room: 538.043. Deck elevatlon outside sitting room: 528.274, Deck elevation main 'level: 518,835. Garage elevation:513.35 If,you have any questlons concerning this matter, please call thlsoffi ce. Sincerely, ,<*f€ *on Ben Elmore, EIT BE/jlw o 170\Arr, Vrt-r--qcb Ixx Village Inn Plaza Condomiruums e A" \0- July 2, 1987 Mr. James J. Co111ns 777 Potato Patch DrlveVall, CO.81657. Dear J.J.: Thank you very much for copyJ-ng me on your letter to Peter Jamar. Thls is the firsc tlme I have heard about a proposal of addltlonal unlEs at 777 Potato Patch Drive. Let ne start by saying Ehat I 1002 agree wlth the contents of your.letter of June llth to Peter Jamar. I was servlng as Councilman clurlng the time that properEy was zoned, and it was then the recommendation of the Town staff and Plannlng Commission that all the property on Potato Patch should be zoned residentlal. It was only after Vail Assoclates threatened not to annex the property that Che Councll reluctantly agreed to nu1tl-fam11y zoning on variousparcels, lncluding the 777 Potato Patch proJect. To lncrease the number of unlts would only make an already intolerablesltuation worse, Keeping ln mlnd that the area is a long way frorn belng bul1t out and thaE Ehe road ls narrow and dangerous, r.r'e should do everythlng that we are capable of to prevent addltlonal unitsnot yet zoned from belng allowed in the neighborhood, P1ease let me know lf Lhere ls anythlng furEher I can do other thanraising rny strongest objectlons to the Town of Vall by copy of this lecter. Slncer y yours, Josef taufe r JS3 Peter Patten, Town of Vall .. Pator J.!ar Copy to: 100 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-5622 o WESTEF]r| ?ELE.CC'MMCTN|CAI.ICUUq !NC. LAF|F|Y ROMFIELL EXECTJTIVE VEE PFI€SICENT OIFECTOFI May 27,1987 Peter Jamar Associates, Inc.Suite 308Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Janar: fn response to your May 22rd nremcrandum concerning your plans to seek approval of 20 additional units aE 770 Potato Patch Drive, f have tbe foJ.lowing comentss I vould be very cpncerned about any increased density to 770 Potato Patch Dri\re. In addition, it is my opinion that 770 has had a dramatic negative effect on all property values near and above it on Potato Patctr Drirre. Your menrorardum refers to people attractecl to Potato Patctr because of "panoramic views and sunny exposuresn - 770 Fotato Patch colpletely destroyed the views for manyof the qper residenc€s. It is not arcjhitecturally consistent nith the existing hqnes and has curpletely changed tbe feeling of a rather exclusive, lovr-profile area to a poorly constructed, low cost, high densiQr housing comunity. I definitely would appreciate receiving information as it becomes available. specific developrenE Rcrnrell 799 Potato Patch Drive r8,/srn cc: City Planning Ccnrnission Garv Bossow GENERAL OFFICES . PAFIK PI-AC€ . I'€I9O OTC BOULEVAFIO . SU]TE !'CE P.O. 8OX 4117 . €I{GI-E\^/C,OO, Cq.OeAOO Elolsl' . (:D 7g6.et@ Sincerely, PETER IAMAR ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNING, OEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS, RESEARCH MEMORANDUM perty OwnergTo: Potato Patch PAbFrom: Peter .lamai(JDate: llay 22, 1987 RE:'/7O Pot at o Patch Drive Seeond Phase Unimproved Land Durlng the fal-I of L984, I was retained to asslst in aneffort to revige the currently approved development pLan asit relates to future phase deveJ.opnrent at 77O Potato PatchDrive, Our strbmittal requested the approval of twenty (20) conparatively smaller condomj.niums ranging ln size from 1,1OOto 1,50O square feet for two- and. three bedroons respectivelyrather than the currently approved fourteen (14). Noteworthyfeatures would include designer kitchens, expansive masterbedroom sui.tes, upgraded landscaping and oversized garages.Even erith the additional condominiuns, the overall aitedensity remains with j.n the medium density multi-family aoningdesignation currently in place. The Town of Vail's Planningand Envj.ronnental Comrnission approved our request citing animproved site plan, 7X less Gross Residential Floor Area(GRFA), less building site coverage, concealed overfl-owparking, no requested variances, and that the lessened sizeof the newly proposed condominiums wouJ.d '.result in lesgdirect sales compet j-tion within the gubdivision. Swayed byvar:.ous political considerataons, the Vail Town Council optedagainst our request; thus the site renains in disarray. The property owner has agai.n asked me to approach theTown and restrbmit our original request which would tikelyallow for f j-na1 completion of the project within two tothree years. My client f eel-s that each Potato Patch homeowner would be best served if we were abLe to modify thecurrent design and develop a product which does not directlycompete $rithin the exj.stj-ng spectrum of Potato Patch condomini.umg and residences.Further,they feel itadvantageous to encourage and create interest from aqualified market participant which may not be interested inacguiring one of the expansive condominiums or residences, Suite 308, Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road Wesl . Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303) 476-7154 a but which is attracted to Potato. patch panorami c ' vi:ers", anQ. gunny ex.posures. Arguably, constructj.on would nean additional traffic on analready dangerous road and the nuisances associated with on-going constructi-on. In support, however, it can mean nelrexc j.tement atrd life for a property constant.ly perceJ"ved asdistressed. In order to modify the current development parameters,vre nust first submit the proposal to .the Town Council fortheir review and approval. As you may be aware, the Townplanning staff and Council will be quite interested in theresponse fron surrounding property owners.To conpensatesurrounorng property owners for the nuigances associated withfurther development, my client is willJ.ng to estabJ.ish a fundof 93O,OOO.O0 to be adrninj-stered by a Homeowners, committeecomposed and for the benefit of property owners locatedabove the Piney Lake turn on Potato Patch Drive should oursubmittal of 1984 be approved largely intact.My cI ientwould not seek part j.ci.pation on the committee. It j.s my opinion that the $3O,OOO.OO might be just thecatalyst necessary to establish an upper Potato patch honeor.rner's committee which could be instrumental inpetitioning the Town for much overdue subdivi.sionLmprovenents such as road repair and street lighting whichare purportedly financed by property taxes.Expendituresfor such items as recreational amenities, signage to <lissuadesightseers, a landscaped entry and perhaps a security gatecould also therr be considered. As a longtime Vail resident and past' member of theTown's Community Development Department, it is my feelingthat substantial damage ha_s been dorre to the surroundingproperty values by the current development plan and that the n mplemerrta !:icn of that pJ.an was less than optimun. However,I also believe that responsible conpletion and maturity of77O wj-J-I enharrce surroulrd:i.ng property values if future o developnrent is; bet terimplemented.planned anrl because of the more responsibl y fn conclus j-on, enclosed is a guestionnaire that whencompleted and returned wj.lI allow t-ts to sample your rea<:tionsto our proposal prior to formally submitting the revised plan1:o the Toern of Vail .Shor"rLd the enclosed ouestionnaireindicate that this proposal is Ii}<eIy to receive a poorreception f ronr a s j.grrif icant; nunber of homeowners, it isunlikely that the revised deveJ.crpmerrt- plan r*oulcl beresubmittecl to the Town. Thank you ln advance for your cooperation and timelyassistance and please contact me j.f you have any guestlons. PJ /nh enclogure ( s ) oz E =tLI.L oro(\, ooo ooooo C' UJuJtr- E =EuJo tn s (f) c} tl) c.')(o oo o(flr)(\l oo cOo o "':(o F)ro (\j oo o (f) oO orr) wld F =EuJo-az ! to YogJ ()z c IEFoUJ u, o2 ao ==d J 9z ouj = u,u,u-zI u,lE(tu,E oE oo3g uJGz -v, UJo tsu,ocu.loA 2 uJ(, x FulU'l q>ulr!|r =E. o J FoF 0z I o 9 F UJ u, (Jz =)Jo- Iz C)lr,T NOrrvnlv^ :;o =uJdi=.oN zzoo F-ltq5:E? O .tt O5b<)zu-<o\uJ:<gUFOj(\i YGo =ozoFL G()<tttct EUJzqJo rl'lol rf)l*l roi .h+,.E 5 ]AtU(Utl-l6lo zlol FI<l -,1<l>l F oo Lf,oEo UJ c c c (. /-ryv,rr//'-="tJk*r , /,,-_4 */ ?r'"_s/ g/J m-rf/ /=-PQy% -*rv? mHrsz7z;/ &fr"o'-*lO7Y(vry4 /#ry4- c(Y at Id oE o .; f .; o Eg co .!C) CLo UJF o ulFaoo?zo Fo-ut:<r!ooF ts =(rulG tl.o Go.o I ulFoz E =Euto.t!or,U,tro'12 zE<cLf93o-a9 =.8tr.F t> =Ul-E F=Q 1EedulE 6tE 90g =tutrxc! ;IXu' -J;# u,(o0F d ',1.: v4 -/ zo9zeloo =zlfJOLt+ E[-ln o.a !r, c.=(oJCo';:EEai.(dC...' '.6.o.ltF-'i=o6o5 5 r.'t >.a6= EPoo\E()'-oo?lti -6o.o. -al (\,1cfIF It\ F la =liG I'lrl r- o-zoFo :) E,Fazo() /(--.\/.x=\'{lE\rJJ= L; J<o59 =Ezo!:-JY(-)A;E ElEi. . /ryry4ryou4 -r.4r4*7"a-n.n/*fu % t'fuv--f'**t 4-ry-?ry2.%&4,1,--,TJry.,E zru-'rra'w/ r32to1tj,ry "TVa?a-t,a.//, I -ry f J/tt // .,m ryry'*f,ryV'% luatulredag luaudoloraq rt3unuruo3 ".'4 ,tr 'o/fry "ww/'7w '6os -4{TL 1' .-,t t\ D ,- ,l .-.l----il 5oLO TO l--Vail- Investments & P.O. Box 596 1 Vail, CO 81658 I 9-23-82 | To date lDelivered I Contract '-'rY='T_-F- 6541 SOUTH trOLLEGE AVENUE o FORT COLLINEi, CtrLORADO BBSZ5 PHBNE (3O3) 226-2657 SH IPPED TO Development Co, _l 770 Potato Patch Drive Vail, CO 81658 I Total ContracE Amount completed up thru concrete and spa. Total amount due this invoice Work pool placement on swirmti 004038 6 ,000. 0l 33, 600. 0( 33, 600.01 Jobsite |((l ,[lt-,1r,i @ |''|J z UJ Y J g c, Jo U)oz U) o o3zl!Jo o)@ @Xo(D o o. a(ro f U'oz Jo IIJ ulF2 I.IJaf actU UJz z uJoztrJf, z O 28 December ]982 ilob #81229 LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N - Drainage Easement A strip of'land'10 feet wide lying 5 feet on each side of the following described centerline, situate in Lot 6, Block.2 of Vail/Potito Patch as recorded in the office of the C'lerk and Recorder's office of Eagle County, Colorado, being more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at a point on the northerly boundary of sai.d..Lot.6, wh6nce tFe northwest corner of Lot 5, Block 2 of sajd Vail/ Potato Patch, said point also bejng on the southerly boundary line of said Lot 6lnd the northerly right-of-way line of Potato Patch Drive, bears South 29 degrees 14 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of-401.86 feet, with ill bearings contained herein being relative to the final plat of said Vail/Potato Patch; thence South a distance of 7.55 feet; thence South 35 degrees 50 minutes 'f 5 seconds West a distance of 22.2A feet; thence South 10 degrees 29 minutes 29 seconds East a distance of 54.92 feet; thence South 64 degrees 53 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 35.34 feet; thenc6 South 19 degrees 26 minutes 24 seconds East a distance of 36.06 feet; thence-South 77 degrees ll minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 22.56 feeti thence South a distance of 58-00 feet; thence South 23 degrees 42 minutes 09 seconds West a distance of 44.78 feet; thence South 14 degrees 32 minutes 04 seconds btest a distance of ?7.89 feet; thence South 4l degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds l'lest a d'istance of 36.12 feeti thence South 04 degrees 05 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 40.3'l feet to the terminus of the above described centerljne and the souther'ly boundary'line of said Lot 6, whence the northwest corner of said Lot 5 bears South 82 degrees 39 minutes 04 seconds East a distanceof 186.74 feet. The of N z z ul uJz z u,l il above described easement is subiect to change upon completion an accurate field survey. OFFICES: GLEN!VOOo SPRINGS. RIFLE. DURANGO o 28 December 1982 Job #81229 LEGAL DESORIPTION - Drainage Easement A strip of land'10 feet wide lyjng 5 feet on each side of the fo]lowing descrjbed centerline, situate jn Lot 6' Block.2 of Vail/Potito Patch as recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recoi'der's 0ffice of EagIe County, Colorado, being more particu- lar'ly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly boundary line of said Lot 6,-sald [oint aiso being on the northerly right-of-way line of p6tato Pitch Drive, whence the northwest corner of Lot 5 of said Vail/Potato Patch, said corner also being on the southerly boundary line of Lot 6 and the northerly right-of-way line of Potato Fatch Drive, bears South 6'l degrees 5l m'inutes l4 seconds East a distance of 5.49 feet, with all bearings contained herein being relative to the fina'l p'lat of said Vai'l/Potato Patc-h; thence ItortF 44 degrees 40 minutes 07 seconds East a distance of'120.49 feet to the-terminus of the above described centerline; thence South 42 degrees 07 minutes 57 seconds Hest a distance of 119.04 feet, to said northwest corner of Lot 5. The above described easement is subject to change upon completion of an accurate field survey. o @ @ L) @ !orirI o(r)o.\ oo 96(ro loA zOj'o oonJ .,i Fa-oEtr6lrO.>o o"d. 3uJzutu1 JO(,z-\tll O,.i@zi- >< =of,tI) zOOn \;'-z ==urxY ojz l|CoLUz z uJ o ooJ UJ oFFtcES: cLENWOoD spntNGS . RtFLE. DURANGO trwn 75 soulh lrontage rd. Yall, colorado 8'1657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development Decenber 27, 1982 John ThonnsVail Investments and Development, Ltd 4558 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear John, *tt 770 Potato Patch Drive Recently, upon the review of the Phase I condo plat for 770 Potato Patch Drive' we djscbvered a nunber of variations from the approved DRB plans. The most significant change is the new floor'l evel below the "lower level" of units 5 ani O. As I expiained to you in the office last week, the ceil ing height and _the existence oi a pernnnent ttoor in this area qualify it as Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) aird we must count it toward the overal'l allowable in the project- I real ize tliat there is only a sma'l I access via a 'ladder to th_is space, but Steve Patterson has explainLd that the area still cannot be called a crawl space. There wou'l d be no problem in improving the access to this area along with other improvements as Ioirg as you obtain the necessary approvals for doing so from our departrnent. There are a nunber of other minor changes in Phase I which increase the GRFA on the project. A11 the changes are noted below in the chart, along with the new figures for your rennining GRFA in Phase II. The bottom I ine figure of 998 square feet must be taken out of the project into the allowed overall GRFA. We wil] be happy to and Craig on accomplishing this previous to issuing a building Hope you have a nice holiday season. Phase II to fit work with you permit for Phase II. As A. PETER PATTEN, JR Sen'ior Planner APP:bpr Enc'|. table of GRFA Analysis a ER 1982770 POTATO, PATCH DECEI'IB UN IT GRFA ANALYSIS FOR DRB GRFA I 955 1863 1863 1955 1833 I 955 1833 1863 1896 1955 I833 1896 .l833 1863 1896 1800 817 EX ISTING GRFA DI FFERENCE I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 '10 ll t2 t3 't4 t5 25 Ca reta ker 1955 1863 1863 t 9s5 2874 218'l 1833 't863 1896 't9s5 1848 1896 1848 1863 t'896 1800 805 32,194 24,247 56,44] NA NA NA M 104'l 266 NA NA NA NA t5 NA l5 NA NA NA -12 '1325PHASE I TOTAL PHASE II BALANCE TOTAL ALLOI.IED TOTAL BUILT (PHASE I) AND PLANNED (PHASE ri) GRFA TO BE TAKEN OUT OF PHASE II 57,439 998 ir.- Date hlrlrr -7-7- APPLICATION FORM FOR A CONDOMINIIJM/TOWNHOUSE PLAT REVIEW A. Nane of Applicant Address ,/),'€p -oae Address c.Authorization of Signature Mdress D. Locat Lot ion O of Proposal ilocy 2 Filins E. Fee $100 F. !,bterials to be submitted shall include: 1. on9 conplete set, of the plat including site nap, floor area nap, elevationsand sections, This can be in nylar oi print rbirn upon subnittii. Dea;iirequirenents for a condoniniurn/townhouse plat can be found in Sectionof the subdivision regulations, 2. One nylar copy of the site map t.o be retained by the Torin of Vail for records. 3. A copy of the declarations and covenants to show that landscaping provisionsare included. 4. Any other infornation requested by the zoning administrator or Town engineer. G. The plat shall include a signature block for the Town of Vail with a line desig-nated for the senior planner/zoning adninistrator for his signature along witha date line for said signature. H. Review Period: Within l0 days of neetin$ subnittsl requirements as hcrein listed, the plat shall be approved or disapproved by the Public lrforks Dcpartment and the Conmunity Developncnt Dcpartment. If disapproved, the plat shall be rcturned along with a writtcn description of the reasons for disapproval . The plat shall not be revicwed again until corrections or rnodifications are nade cs they relate to the recsons for disnpproval . Every timc a plat, is subnitted or resubnitted, thc l0 day review pc'riod will apply. Thc plat shall bc tlccnred approved by the Town of Vail if no action is takcn within l0 days of a corrcct and valid subnittal . I Profect Application Proiect Name: \ Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Addr€ss and Phone: b , r,o"* ., " 'i.*lt',.igr*ri*l, li* ^ .; 'l ,: i:'i' f" . '*.,riF7l' ,u^n 7F/{ ,t'^"y'JQy''/F Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL . xFtr-rt/Ell --- 5rA9 q9V nfu 6e+ --Z -/?5s/e //#cc tasy' D t ?ss/E /ssslD / gssl E /zsz/a tsefC B?6f fiswr6 /ltr/.E /833 FD t??a Y?'@d -,€ | 733'6'c 18es Y! /sf6f'l/0Es+r /7211# I7o e //*' bf 6l ful ,/ar/ 6cK 'z/ ftttYa e/ hrsra 3,?z 4err4 Buc4re-.4aaea ,3,2o ,UJS tr^- QSpsr t {) Qu,,tzl $) {6t qlo / ,/Jo + /F* u.vt@y2"a uNtr+ / tftl 23'-q I zs{ tzsv , L eo + l7c. 6 7 8.7)/o*,{ L /lrtL+ri I /gl /Y .<r. llo ItgL/r +qi /6 U{rts: '-'Z- /7 /g /7 7/ 7t 7z L3vl7s eb 272/u 3o FeltlS6P ' /68 | /6el /6rl / 83s /a6l 1zt/ a wn lTfr GzF'A7 Wvfr lcu{lnaqrg /88vA ftoo(2?rc,ts /88rB /96'/A ts'of /rW*6 /xsvA6 6 6 Q€ € earx4 *6 C 2r 6 -- 4x Tx _- fltx lgn / trsq 1/63ET /89elx fl4 4 x /6st 7w 4'rzo 7fZtrfif{k -i,ffi':;os'7/6f /7L( 674#t >t7 ryfun.{6 t?6-'leY .:. tuwn n 75 soulh tronlage rd. vall, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7ooo o department of community development November 3, '1982 Mr. John Thonns P.0, Box 696 Vai'l , Colorado Bl658 Dear Mr. Thomas: Re: 770 Potato Patch Changes It has come to the Town's attention that several changes have been made to the 770 Potato Patch project since the Design Review Board approved the project. These changes are out1 ined in detajl in Craig Snoldon'sletter of September 13,'1983. (See attached letter.) The significant changes are: I ) Flip flopping unit 252) Revision of caretaker floor p'l an3) Revision of GRFA as fol'lows: . a. Unit 6 f 30 square feetb. Unit 5 +285 square feet Th;ORFA revisjons bring the tota'l built a4d p'lanned square feet to 56,44'l square feet, 3l square feet over the a'l'lowed GRFA of 56,4.l0. Thjs 3l squarefeet must be taken out of the second phase of the project. The other changes as outl ined instaff approved. Sincerely, Snowden's 'l etter of September I3 are ,]IM SAYRE PI anner JS : bpr Encl . cc: Craig Snowdon Snowdon and HoPkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive P. O. Box 1998 Vail, Colorado Sepfember 13, 19Bz 303 476-2201 81657 Tom of Vail Planning DePb. 75 South Frorrtage Road Vail, C0 81657 ALtention: Peter Jamar/Jim SaYre: As per our discussion Augu-st 6, 198,2r-I am sutxnitting a J'ist of modifications to tnJfi"!l-pr,u"" of irc Potalo Patcl Drive (Units 1-15,25' caretaker and pool house) as you requesteci. These changes were due to site conditions and TOV Suif.lj-r,g Department requesls which occurred during the ;;i;ai;, of the wo"r.ine 5"u"ing". As we had dlscussed, because the Developerrs timetaOil *! u""y grgftt, it was our unCerstanding that minor changes and some ,*l;"";"n,cl! t"! in grl" case of unit 5 and the caretaker rinit) could be brought bo the Tor,rn staff's attention for review and then incorporated into Lte Drar,rings without goir:g Lhrough_t,he DRB process every time a ehange o""r"r"o. nt Ine comptetlon of Ph"se 1 we then could review all changes ,r.i. *a-Jecj.de if' DRB notificali,on and presentation was necess"ry. 'Because Phase 2 will not begin until next year and our . tjrneLable wiII allow us to conptete bire remainder of the working Drawi-ngs prior to beginning construction' i^,e can.present "i{ g:::}?le modifications to the DRB before proeeedirtg. I appreciite your cocperation in this matLer over the past months, and hope the project ,uill b" an exciting assel' to the corrnunityrs design. Follorving are Lhe list of changes beirg subnritLed ori a per building basis: Units 13-15i. Additional window (bedroom 3) to 1or"'cr tevel Unj"t 14' 2. Beorganization of ba'iroom 3 plan atrd vtindows 1'o accommodate grades better at lower leve1 Unit 15' 3. Addibional winclows added to western dinir4l rocm-ural-l at main level Unit 13 (reorganization of inLerior spaces)' 4. Ilevised configuration of main 1evel deck to accommodate cantilever design at ctlning room of tJrrit 15' 5. Modification of--entry couri walls of Units '13 and 1it ' 6. Subsbitubion of swinging patio doors instead of slicliruI glass doors and adclitional windows at the upper level of Unj'ts 13' 14, and .15. 7. Relocation of sPa unit and Unit 13. deck access door to uPPer lerrel Units 10-121. No|es 2 & 4 above for Units 10 and 12' ,ti.T o 2. Note 3 above for Unit 11.3. Notes 5 & 6 above for UniLs 10, 11, and 12.4. Note 7 abdve for Unit 11. Units 7-9 (same as 13-15)1. Notes 'l , 5 & 6 above for Unit B.2. Notes 2, 4 & 6 above for Unit 9.3. Notes 3, 5, 6 & 7 above for Unit 7. unl_Is 5 and b1. Relocation of windows i.n bedroom 3 lower leve1 Unit 6.2. Change in garage slab elevation from $St-grt Lo 87'-11 rtand lowering the living/dllirrg/kitchen level (which also lowers bedroom and sit,ting room levels) from B7t-6t' to B4r-5". 3. Revising entry access to Unit 6.4. Revision in total G.R.F.A. for Unit 6 from 2000 s.f. bo 2030s-f.5. Due to minor shifts in building locat.lons for Units 1-4 and Units 7-9r Unit 5 required major design mo^lifciafion to alf. levels to keep unit within required property setbacks (see plans and elevatlons).6. Revision iI total G.R.F.A. from 1845 s.f. to 2050r s.f.7. Change in garage slab elevation fron $$t-gtt to 87'-11". Units 1-41. Additional windows in lower level bedrooms - Un.its 1,2 &3.2. Reorganization of bedroom 3 plan and windows to accommodate grades better at l-ower level Unit lt .3. Revised configuration of mai-n level deqk to accommodate' cantilever' desi,grr at dining room of Units 1 and 4.4. ModificaLion of entry courL walls at all units.. 5. Additional storage baystogarage of Uni-ts 3 and 4.6. Reverse of J-ivi.ng room cantilever and firepJ-ace structtire oftlnit 4 to improve unit vie',vs.7. Substitution of swinging patio doors inslead of slidirrg glass . doors and additional windorvs aL upper leve1 of all units. Unit 251. Revising unit orientation by flip-flopping unit (living roomis located to the west ) and allor.rirrg Lower portion of unit design to be on the most exposed I'acade.2. Additionalrvi-ndows added to west elevatj-on of living room kitchen and naster bath.3. Relocai:ion of caretal<er unlt t,o allow for additional winclows n north and easL l,alls of master bedroon a:rd bath. ' Caretaker Unit,1. Revision of flocr plan to accommodate UniL 25 re-orientation and connection to poofhouse.2. Ilevision of loLal- G.R.F.A. from 775 s.t. fo 805* s.f . (with revised entry vesLibule). t' Poolhouse1. Revlsion of floor pJ-an with reduction in s.f. and sj.ze.2. Revision irl south elevatlon window and door configuration. f would like to sit down and revlew this lisb wlth you at your convenience, and answer any questlons you may have. Vle could then decide if apresentation to the DRB is necessary. Please let me loow when roe can get tOgether, and agag ttrank you for your cooperation on this matter. Sincerely, CNS/ncc cc: J. Thcmas ....:- .,., -,-.- .!_,-_-.-.- .. _.'".G!lI ,t Snowdon and Hopkins r Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive g0g 426-220,1 P. O. Box 1998 Vail, Colorado 81657 September 13, 1982 Toun of Vail Planning hpt. 75 South Frontage RoadVait, CO 81657 Attention: Peter Jamar/Jim Sayre: As per our discussion August 6, 1982, I an subnitting a List of modifications to the first phase ot 770 Potato Patch Drive (Units 1-15, 25, caretaker and pool house) as you requested. These changes were due to slte conditions and TOV Building Departrnent requests which occurred during the completion of the Working Drawings. As we had discussed, because the Developerfs timetable i^ras very tj€ht, it was our understandllg that minor changes and some major changes (as in the case of uni-t 5 and the caretakerunit) coul-d be brought to the Town staff's attention for revlew and then lncorporated into the Drawings without going through Lhe DRB process every tjme a change occured. At the completion of Phase I we then could reviewall changes made and decide if DRB notification and presentation wasnecessary. Because Phase 2 will not begin unt11 next year and our timetable will allow us to complete the remainder of the l/orking Dnawingsprior to beginning construction, we can present any possible modificationsto the DRB before proceeding. I appreciate your cooperati-on in this matter over the pa.st months, and hope lhe project will be an exciting asset to the conrnunityrs design, Following are the list of changes being submitted on a per building basis: Units 13-151. Additional window (bedroom 3) to lower level Unit 14.2. Reorganization of bedroom 3 plan and vrindows to acconmodate grades bet,ter at lower level Unit 15.3. Additional windows added bo western dining room wall at main 1evel Unit 13 (reorganization of interior spa.ces).4. Revised configuration of maln 1evel deck to accormnodatecantilever design at dining room of Unit 15.5. Modification of entry court r,ral1s of Units 13 and 14.6. Substitution of sr.,ringing pa.tio doors instead of sliding glass doors and additlonal r,,rindows at the upper leve1 of Units 13,t+, ano t).7. Relocation of spa unit, and deck access door to upper levelUnit '13. Units 10-121. Notes 2 & 4 above for Units 10 and 12. ,r.tfr, t' 2 2. Note 3 above for tlnit 11.3. Notes 5 & 6 above for Units 10, 11, and 12.4. Note 7 above for Uni.t 11. Unlts 7-9 (same as 13-15)1. Notes 1, 5 & 6 above for Unit 8.2. Notes 2, 4 & 6 above for Unit 9.3. Notes 3, 5, 6 & 7 above for Unit 7. Units 5 and 61. Relocation of wi.ndows in bedroom 3 lower 1evel Uni.b 6.2. Change 1n garage slab elevation from $$t-6tt to 87t-11rrand Iowerlng the livirg/dining/kitchen level (which also lowers bedroom and sitting room leve1s) from 87t-6" to 84t-5t'. 3. Revising enbry access to Unit 6.4. Revision in tobal G.R.F.A. for Unit 6 from 2000 s.f. to 2030 5-r -5. Due to minor shifts in building locations for Unils 1-4 and Unlts 7-9, Unit, 5 required major design modifciation to all levels to keep unit within required property setbacks (see plans and elevations).6. Revi-sion in total G.R.F.A. from 1845 s.f . to 2050t s.f .7. Change in garage slab elevation from 86t-0u to 87t-11tt. Units 1-41. Additional windows in lower level bedrooms - Units 1,2 &3.2. Reorganizatlon of bedroom 3 plan and windows to accornnodate grades better at lower level tlnit 4. 3. Revised configuration of main level deck to acconrnodate cantil-ever design at dining room of Units 1 and 4.4. Modification of entry court walls at aII units.5. Additional storage baystogarage of Units 3 and 4.6. Reverse of living room cantilever and fireplace structure of Unit 4 to improve unit views.7. Substitution of swinging patio doors instead of sliding glass doors and additional windows at upper level" of all- units. Unit 251. Revi-sing unit orientation by flip-flopping unit (living roomis located to the west) and allowing lower portion of unit design to be on the most exposed facade.2. Additionalwi-ndowsadded to west elevation of livlng room kitchen and master bath.3. Relocati-on of caretaker unit to a1low for additional windows on north and east walls of master bedroom and bath. Caretaker Unit1. Revision of fl-oor plan bo accorrnodate UniL 25 re-orientation and connection to poolhouse.2. Revision of total G.R.F.A. fron 775 s.f. to 805t s.f. (with revised entrv vestlbule ), Poolhouse1. Revision of floor pLan ruith reduction in s.f. and size.2. Rerrlslon in south elevation wlndow and door configuration. I would like to sit down and r"eview this list wlth you at your convenience, and answer any questions you may have. We could then decide if apresentation to the DRB is necessarJr. Please let me hnow when we can gettogether, arrt again thank you for your cooperation on this natter. Sincerely, CNS/ncc cc: J. Thomas @ ?:|-. 1 /."\ 'i'-v;?EP =(>o61Zo<@J= urgFrraDO(t^ulx ..- ciaaEZ zV)(,ozouJoo=zzF u.l 5o(/') --zao9 --- f;>6<,..i(LY =Lo:()=o;ziJF>il<Ltl 111zYolz6lIJ d)o* cooJlrJ August 17, 1982 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road l.lest Vail , C0 8'1657 RE: 770 Potato Patch Dear Sirs: Enclosed are existing elevations for Buildings l0 - '15. More e'levations will be submitted as they are obtained. Unit'10 '1. Roof elevation2. Roof elevation3. Deck elevation Unit I I '1. Roof e'levation2. Deck elevation Uni t '12 Roof e'levation Roof elevation Deck elevation above master bedroom: above sjtting room: outside sitting room: above master bedroom: outside nnster bedroom: above master bedroom: above sitting room: outside sitting room: 1. 2. 3. 13 508. 96 507.08 497.40 509.69 497.65 51 0. 85 51 3. 48 503. 78 Uni t 1. 2. '14 Roof elevation above master bedroom: Garage elevation: Roof e'levation above master bedroom: Garage e'levati on : 534. 39 5't 't .63 Unit l. 2. 532.42 5'12.65 OFFICES: GLENWOOD SPRINGS ' RIFLE ' DURANGO Tovn of Vail Page Two August 17, 1982 Unit 15 l. Roof elevatlon above master bedroom: 535.462. Roof elevatlon above slttlng room: 538.043. Deck elevatlon outslde sltting room: 528.274. Deck elevation maln level: 518.835. Garage elevatlon: 513.35 If you have any questlons concentlng this matter, please call thls office. Slncerely, /fu12 -oz< Ben Elmorc, EIT BE/ilt{ box lfl) veil, colorado 81657 {3031 47es613 department of community development June 7, 1982 Craig Snowdon 201 Gore Creek Dr.Vajl, Colorado 81657 RE: DRB Dear Craig: 0n June 2, 1982 the Design Revjew Board approved the pool the caretaker's unit, and temporary site development sign. wall height should be lowered to a maximum of six feet in and no lighting for the temporary sign is included in the approval . The entrance gate is to be approved at a later Si ncerely, Submittal of 6-2-82 house, The hei ght, Board 'sdate. t1 '/,7-- Jim Sayre Town Planner JS:df Prolect Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone ; tkl{4tr< u/tr M{,t Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: / .-, Legal Description: tot {P , Block -/ , Filing Coroments: 1 Design Review Board DISAPPFOVALAPPROVAL BE$TCOPY hwn 75 south tronlage rd. vall. colo.ado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 25, 1982 Craig Snowdon 201 Gore Creek Dr. Vai l, Co'lorado 81657 Dear Craig: This letter is to confirm that my gross residential floor area for Condominium Project comprised of caretaker's unit show a tota'l of I department of community development calculations of the ProPosedthe 770 Potato Patch Drive 30 units plus one on-site 56,126 square feet. I would also like to remind you that the final Design Review Board approval is still pending the submittal of a title report for theproperty. It is understood that the design of the pool house' iooi area, and entry gate will be reviewed by the Design Review Board prior to the issuance of any building perm'it for that area. If you have any questions, p'lease contact me. Peter Jamar Town P'l anner PJ:df t'o chen and CONSULT a ssociates, i nc. ING ENGINEERS SOI L & FOUTIDATI (T{ CIIIGINEERI G j 5080 RD. 154 .GLENWOODSPRINGS,COLORADO 81601 r 303/945-7458 SOIL AND FqJilDTiTICb{ I}I\ESTIGATIOI{ PROPOSD MULTI-FAI,ILY DE1/ffiOPMEI\II IC{' 6 Bi-€i( 2, \IATLIPCrIATO PASGI \AIL, @IORAM kepared For: It4r. John Thcrnas P.O. Box 696Vail, CO 81657 Job Nc. 23,029 Decsnber 3, l98l OFFICES gENvEn. COt3EADO I COIORADO SPRINGS. COLOnAOO .' CASPE R. WYOtlrtNG / SALT LAI(E CITY, UTAH o o { IAS.,.E @ Q\IIENIS mrcx!slors S@PE moPGED CO\SITI,CTIOI{ SIIE CCTIDITICNS g.rBsort @iDrrrchts GRCXJIID I'AftR CCDiaAOL FC[.i:iDHCiCEi Rffi.FEIOATICUS SOPES AI{D REfAINITG SIFjCTI'RES I;NUERDRAE.{ Sl'Si5!,i :IMR SI,ASS SI;FA3E DRTI}GG ll.lTlitICX.lS ]ICTIRE 1 - IClflICbI G IES'I PrIs fIGJRE 1A - GRCJ}D ISIIIER. :IGJRE 2 - I.MS OF'TEST PIIS rIGIiE3.LreD&}DIE !'IGJRES 4&5 - SI{ELITONSOI,IDAIICN IE9I RESIjLTS FIGJFE 6 . GRADATICII lEgT RESULTS TABLE I - Sul,Itli'SY 0F IASRAIORY TES'I RESUIf,S I 2 2 2 3 4 4 6 I 8 8 €[iT.,,uslols (1) Su.lcsoj-l conditicns are erratic ard gnerally consist of lcr,'rer bearing sards orrerlying coarse granular sulcsoils. ShaIIcm grourd water exists c'ver al-out 508 of t}le site. (2) The proposeJ structu.e should be fcnrdeal with spread footings extended through aU, tpper softior rret silty sards ard designed for a rnaiilua soil bearing pressure of 2500 psf. Ccrpact€d stn:stural fill nay be req'uird in areas of sh,al1o" grot$d !,ater. In dr:f areas, q>read footilgs rnay be placed on the upper sands and designed for a -.-.: I r ----_:.- . ----l,r(.lJi'-s!.t|lri s(Jrl. !€<rr-L lg iJl.Csb|jrC 9t rVrJU P!jt. (3) Derratering dulng crrilstrustion and installalion of pe::ranent drairnge si'stes=.rs v,'iil be re'qi:iled irr shallcpr gr.or-uld r.ater areas. Other design details and precautj-ons are discr:ssed belcw. -2- SOPE Ttris report presents tJre results of a soil ard forsdation investigation for tlre proposed developrent on Iot 6, Block 2, Vail/?otato Patch, Vail' Eagle Ccr:nty, oolorado. Tire report presents tte reccrmended forrdation type, allo,rabLe soil bearing pressures. subsoil alrd grot:nd water conditions i,and other qeotech.nical related d,esiqn and constrrrLion details.i'' Ciren and lrssociates previcusly onducted a preliminarl soil and iorr-rdation irrvestigation for the subject develognent reported unCer our Job }tc. 14,059 ard dated Januaq/ L0, 1977. Inforrnation contajled !'tithin +j:at report has be--r: utiLized as back-gr:o:rd infor:rn+-ion and to -c'-4p!-erent thi s repor-t. ?RC?CS:D CC];STFJCIION lle ulde::steni that t-he proposed cons'iJ-.Jctior'.,,'i-11 co:rsist of 2 to 3 sto{', nuLtj--fanil,1' frare rnite- Fowrdation loaij-ngs e-re assurcd to be relat:r'el1' light. Retaired cut depttrs belcw tle groutd surface are e*?ectei *-o i= on tlre order of 8 feet rna-\cilrnlr. Slab-o:-graCe censtruction is p:cp:seci for lornrer- floors arrd in parking ar@s. If Cesign plans are sigaifica::tly differerrt frcrn tbose descrjled, tJrj-s cffice shoufd be rctified for re-eraLultion of reccnnendations. SITE M}DITIOTiS At the tfue of our field inrrestigation, tlre lot was undeveloped and apparal in si"rilar crcni.liLioa to that rnten previonsly :.rircstigatai. '"'cr;'c-ralir:il sovc.i: '-on5lstal of l.f,tj.i'e gl?sses, rrrels a:''c 93.q3 i::JEh. Scattered Aspen trees and heaqy' bnrsh r,rere located prinarillz along ttrc o -3- soutlern border of tle lot wittdn a drairage area. Tte drairnge dranrel itself ag)ears to harre been relrcated 80 to 90 feet rr,rest of its natural lo,;ation on ttre r4per portion of tte lot. lrtater was flor^rirlg at tlte tirre of tte field investiqation. Occasional boulders to about I0 foot size r,'ere rcted h t}re area. Topographically, tlre sj-te slopes dqon to the soutfi wtere a very *eep, 2:l (tnrizonta-l- tc \rertical) grade, or steeper exists along the south border of ttre lct. fne site is surrorsrded to the north, west ard south by Fotato Pairch trrive and to the southeast by hew mrlLi-fanrily '.rnits. A 20 f@t wide utility eassrcnt transects the 1ot frcra the east to tne rtest near '.-ne south centrai mrtion <.rf the site. Is-i.soi], coNDrfrcNs I The subsoil ccncii-tions '^€re in,'estirrated b1' er:carlatrng 6 e.rplcratory pits at the appro.':irate focatj-cns slror,:r on F igure I. Previous test pits axcavated for our prelimila:i' i:rvestigation are also shc'rrn on :igure 1. Graphic logs of tle s':L-'soil profiles ar:e presented on FiEure ?. In general , dre subsoil profiJ.e r,arieC sl:gh-tli'. kl-o,s a tol:scil layer, ioose si1t1, or clai.el- sands, to a na*ilu: Cepth of B feet, r\:cre encgunterd .lri:rerily w"ith-in tlre north and central poticns of the lot. Dense silty sards and g:r:a','els rnere found to r.r'rderlie the upper sands and were enc.or:ntered near surface (about 4 feet or less) or,'er tfre rsrainder of the site. Cobb1es and boulders to a rr:_-jrun 48 inch size r,rere encountered in the test pits and becane nDre nunerous u'ittr depth. The crcarse granular subsoils b€re enoountered in all pits to the maxinam depth a'plored, 12 feet. SvEtl- consolidation tests perfoi:rr,ec on tlpi.cai sirriJ>ies of thc t:ppcr sancs and sanci rn:trjx are presented on Figures 4 arxl 5 ard ildicate tJre imterial to -4- possess a roderate to }r.igh settlsent potential r47on loading ard uetting. Frgure 6 presents tlre results of gradation analyses perforned cl.r tte rninus 3 tc 5 ilch fractj.on of the underlying @trse granular deposit, A s'JrrriEry of laboratory tes-uing is preserrteJ on Tabie I. Free r.later was en@L!'rtered in Test Pit 4 at tlp tirrc of ttre field i:ivestigation. Previous wcrk irr l;tre area indicates that growd wa@r i:ay be wittr-in 2 feet of tlre gro'und surface jn the central portlon of the site. Figr:re 1A', stum tle approxirrete area of shallcr'r grrowrd water. In I general, ij:e sr:csoils encouni€refl jl i;he pits outsicle the ljmits of tllis aea toere sliqhtlv trcist to n:ist, G?C-nrD leER CO'ITFOL i Shal-l-o.v g:ouni l'=,te: d.epth occ-lrs within abcut 50i cf Lie site- a\tens i'"'e tnierC:aina;e rrill .o:oirabl-y Lc required to penrii- t builcii::g and :ca**a! construction i-:r rlis area. A seri.es cf *.:::erc!: Craj:rs cormectd iith slotted pige ItEi'prc"e xrf,st feasible. l€ reccx;.rrend the systan be ;-^!^1r^^ -- ^--r" i'1 tle constructicn ses,uence as possible tc facilitate -:DeG-IE\,- qli: (:CLL l-Y .r-l I L- s \-\Jr ri' (J- U\- !.JU. r Jt - :f-\'Ii. trr. in aCCition to '"he --:ench q'stet, bLan::et Cra:-.-:s or lntcri c:' :ui!.eng lateraLs IrB)' be re.:r.:ired. A1 L drairs shouid d:1'lighc b1' gravitl' ilo.,r. lb will be at'ail-able to revis.nr &:airage plans upon reguest. .:!{"\DATI ON Rrcq\$MJDINIONS Considering tfle soil t14:es ercrcu'rtered in tie anploratory pits, we re'qmend the proprosed structures be fourded v:itJ, spread footings e-xtended th:o.:qh the upper organic topsoils arxl placed on ttre Lonaer sands ard gravels or ccr -maeted str.rctura]- fiII. In crry Areas ' tirc f-ooLinqs nay be placed on t}le rppe:: siltlz sands. Settler{Ents are estirnated at I inch n"raxirrurn. (8) (e) -6- A soil engireer stpuld inspect ttre footing e:<caration to verify tle above reco.nerdalions. A11 exterior footirrgs should be provided with adeguate soil crcver for frost protection. SIOPES At{D RETAI]']N}3 SIFUCTIJRES Heights of r:nretajled q,rt and fill slcpes should be kept as lor^r as possibie. Gerrerally, any rannade slopes exceeCilg about 15 vereical feet sho'ui-C be stuclied on an ildil'i<1i:a1 basis. Slopes should be prctected frcrn surfacre \aater nnroff anC seepage by constructj.on of berlns' diversion . :----.,r ---l(JldlUIej-S UI. LlId-U rb. iid5 LS [J<lL t.e UJCLI- rv !l+!l. |.d]IL L-r 1I U(1YI l{-ru L Ll lc ce:tral pcrtr-on of the site r,r*rere sirallo* grrcunC water and surface flow can pe opected. T:. c*or=ry>r ql.^r-t'-^--j,ng a::eas, we rec?n.F:ld the use of retaining stJuctt:res -"o :ira-:rtai:r a nra-r,im.ri sJ-o1e i-rchiation of 2 : i (irori zontal- "o verticai ) . Retaining walls rrtrich can lrrdergo a noderate afiplxtt of iptiorr shculd be Cesigned tc resist lateral ea---uh pressures based on an eguivalent fluid r..eignt o5 35 pcf. Buili-ng foundation walls should be designed for 40 pc:. These pressures assurTe granular bad<fil-l havjrg a near horizontaL back' slope a::C dra-inage of fr-ee wat--r to pre!'ent buildup of hltirostatic pressures. Drairnge can be acconplisheci by constrr.rcting urderdrails irt tl're badcfili- and placing a free Craining material irl a zone at least 2 feet tlLiC< irrrirediatel)' bahind tlre rnel1 or by construcb.ing the walls with cobles sucfl as for crib wal-ls or gabions. Any surclrarge trxessures frcrn srol loads, slopilg backfiil, parking, builoings, stad<ed retaining walls etc., must ip a&it-<i io ij re aix.l,e ciesigr r plessules. -7- Base friction on the footings of 0.3 tj:rcs t}e rprnral force and passive earth pressures based on an egu:ivalent fluid ueight of 400 pcf can be used to resist sl. idilg ard overtuming. Passive eart}r pressure strould be reduced by 50'5 if a lxrcyant ordition exists. L'\9ERDP.AT\- SYSTEI4 In addition to gro'.:nd water contrbl as previously discussed, rrle : reccnr,end a for-rrdation drain systen be'utilized to protect all belcur grade levels of the brrj-1di-ngs. Tte rnderdrail shcu.J-d consist of a perforated drain pipe installed irt a grarrel filled trench. The trench shr,''r:ld be at_ l_east l_ fo,lf be ldt,/ l cr!.Fst ad_'iaeent finished level. Tre drain U-ne stpuld slope on a nr-inirnnr iB grade to a suitable g=avity outlet or pui:3. FI.I]OR SLr"gS Tne natr:ral soi-1s at the site exch:sive of the upper orga:ric soils ani,/or soft silty sa:rds are capabl-e of srppor-+-ilg lightly loaded floor slabs. Slabon g:raCe floors shoulC be separatel fron Lcaring r.ernbcrs v,j-tl'l a positive expansion jolnt and shouLd be adequat€l-v rreinforceC.. A nd-nj-mLl,l 4 inch layer of free drainirg gravel should be pJ-aced beneath the slabs to distri-bute floor loads and aici jr subsurface dralnage if reguired. Ttris underslab gravel should be ocnnected to the underdrain Sj"st€ln. uFper soft silty sards or sardy silts enocuntered at slab grade shoul-d be rs:or,'cd anC replaceC mnpcted to 95t standard Pre-tar density .-:1. :.r :.:v-,ri.:.1-tr:r. rrrn1-nnl- nn:rr a,.i-iv'rn rTt}.r.r lrry-.q i !-1r i,;r;19* Ui-a:fUl a:: SOiIS ffge of oversized rock can also be use<l as backfill. organic soils should be cfirpletely rsroved. -8- g.]RFAG DRAI}GG Ite follcning drailage precautions shoul-d be obsenred durirrg constnrctiqt ard rTaintained at aII tinr:s after tlre struetures have been ccrrpJ.eted: (f) S<cessirie wetting or dryjng of the fouedati-on e<cavation stpuld be avoidoC durirg oonstnrction. (2) l'liscellaneor:s backfill arourd, tlre structures should be nrristenecl I lEnd copacted Lc at least 90* of stardard Proctor density. (3) fne grould surface surrolrdJrtg tJre exterior of the strustures shcul<i be slo1:ed to drain away in all directicns. A rni"nJrn-m slcpe of 6 inches il tlre first 10 feet is reccsmerded. (4) Rmf dora:spouts ard drahs sbo'.rld cischarge r"e.11 beyond tlre lirrLits of ali badrfill-, r.:iGTio\s This repot nas been prepared in accordance w'itfi generally accepted scil anC foundation engi::eering practices il tris area for +-he use b1' '.-he client fcr oesign p'urposes. The cc:clusions and recrcnnendatio;rs s'.ibritted j-n this report are Lnsed upon the Ceta obtained frcrn the test pits et:cav'ated at the locatic::s indicacal c:: the test pit plan. the natrire and e}teat of valiations betr,'een tl,e test pits ney not beconE evident rnlil excar,ration is perforned. If during oonstruction, soil and grorrxi water cpnCitions appear to be different from those descri-bed -...-t o -9- herein, this office should be ad\rised at q'6:e so that rrernluaLjon of tle reocnnendations rnay be nade. I€ resurrerui qFsite obsenraliOn Of exca'lrations and fouondation bearfuq stxata by a soil engineer. GIB:I AIO ASSCIAIE9, Il.lC. Revielrcd By Rfrldccc: SncnpCer & itcpkirs u- i' IF t. itnll:jrF t..lcrt-. -IFt'a n *z ttt c F o c<t .,-r srt ol+J ta oo - r(Ji F *t o xtl AF{ z- g.l/i/F, Lo4Fc- t- ,ut"l I o J o *r F Fa- !<o or,1e <1 to.r{ I F c) qr Q)OP c= a)ti 1,<g C,OP $.1 F.A 7ixoOF.tr Fr <.n oo tt, o ..r Oc, ia F tr< ..< r.t 0rpu)(! co(J c., JLJ-. o+) F z-o t, tlo O- -rA<t a.l Fo4FCL F"""a kro /i ,/ i, /t ,r'J:,%t". o tl rrl u(fF F Fo ll i; i ,ll\ ' ,];I EI,EVATION'- FEET {.tr,tr C)Nta rm 6ttl Ut @(rl@U1 (,r ltl :F't!t!Favr -l olt F F'FtvOo FlUr F, h)t, z\) j Ffll.*OIJrNN t.Nootl ul ,58f;o$ tloroSll 5.N. {,\t t^ :Fg*Irlts(rlFiOlnNF.JJ-{ .tt -| tl oulN. lrr @l''rNC) @tl (n @tl o @l/lo(n It -| ! ! .l tr ! { o\ ' -t s J 1.' .{ an I T f.J l:,..r 'i'tl i,r j l; EI,EVATION - FEET EI,EVATION - FEET -,Fl'oo'ot' fiiflSand (SM), silty, occasi<inal gravels and cobtrles, clayey sand layers, loose, _tfflslightl)'noist to net, dark bmvn. f.QtGravel (GM-SM), sandy, silty to clayey, occasional cobbles or boulders to l4 ffi foot size, nediun dense, slightly mist to ret,'dark brown. 'l b t ndisturbed tland Drive Sanple iti ll n Disturbed Bulk SanpleL'_l r-,,,a.1,!- =- Depth at nhich free water vas encoutered at the tine of excavation. : !.IOTES: - l) Test pits nere excavated on october 8, l9gl with a backhoe. , ?:::r;i;ltrit" approximate and were estinated for contours on plan provided 3) h'C = ltiater Content (e;) DD = Dr), Density (pcf) -200 = Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve ' LL = Liquid Linit (',") PI = Plasticity Index (lo) t2s,oje LEGEND q'-iidfui' Fig. 3 percanl pcl feet tfrr attu aJJt Ll.lr.,ri rlrL. O gcistura Content . 4.7 Ory Unit weight ' 94 . 5 S.mple ol: silty sand . ti rronr: Test Pit 2 at . dp .0 I coqat_ _ -',lU,ot'o-Fto..(J 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fig. .. .4 - -- SWELL.CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS 9 l0 ll 12 15 14 15 16 #23,O29 APPLIED PRESSURE - KSI cfrr at., 's:i,criltcsr tlc. O t.0 t0 APPLIED PRESSURE - KsI $ nfv t trO1+llctulotr?z.o (J J 4 5. 6 ,7 I 9 l0 0.r 100 Hoisttrro Content = 9.1 gorcont Dry Unil WGight 'l l1 . 7 gcl S.mpl6 ot: clayey sand ,, From: 1gs1 Pit 2 at 7 feet fi r I ) r2s,0z9 SWELL-CONSOLIDATION T€ST RESULTS Fig r cA-2-7g' a o hen and associates, inc. HN. 7 HR.tN 15 MlN. 0z A. z()culc o = zul|Jat o. 60 MtN. t9 Ulll.r MtN. I MtN CLAY TO SIIT GRAVEL 36 % LIOUID LIMIT SAMPLE oF silty 'rm '50 'ao'r u2 OIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILrJ|/|ETERS o z FUJarFz oGul 70 80 90 127 | r52 sANo 49 % s{-r ANo GLAY 15 J,o %PLASTICITY ]NDEX I sanci G' eravel FFroNl Test Pit I % at l0 feet 'IME7HRl5 Mltr 60 M'I 19 MrN I MIN r S STANCARO 2aa5 ltB.'5o '.0 '33 '16 a r49 .297 | 590 1.19 z F 50.EF 60() A 70 u2 DTAMETER OF PABTICL€ IN MILLIIETERS CLAY TO SILT G8AVEL 38 * seno Sii rr s[-r ANo cLAt 24 LreurD LtMrT 2? cb PLASITCTTY llro€X 5 s^nPL€ oF silty sand.6 gravel rrnr Test Pit n 5 at l0 feet #25,029 FigGRADATION TEST RESULTS 127 | r52 ir I t 6l dE.E a a, (!h D. ar5 cC'ul +J o EGrt .F v. c(6o 0) o q) lr sJ c0o .J th B!- EEg' t!E.: J atI a3 ' F(, |||=;9Ua-Jf rn ln O;, g:E c{to e.lt\I lsEe;'frieo la F-s(..1 z ; o a.' ;d 6r =r4 Jis o r4 oo14 i=rc ln € F- r{ -rP r-<=r ;3:E:1 ., tr- s 2; I cI J' !!o r.l F- I I III L F c\I |n c|t\lo Irtel oz, o a, F :) ct) liU E rl.' 6, ul F z ala o E o (l :) U) o chen and C O N S U LT I tolt & touxornoil t6 s. zuNl . oEilvER. colon^oo t0223 lxG lxll lllG 102tt casr FlRsr srnEET . castEn, wYoulllc 12601 PREL II{ IITARY s0l t AND FoUNDATrolt rNvEsTlGATl0N FOR A XULTI-FA}tILY OEVELOPhENT LoT 34, 8L0CK I Al,tD Lor 6, BLoCK 2 POTATO PATCH SU8OIVI SION VAIL, COLORADO Prcparcd for: PIERCE, ERIIIER AND FITZHUGH SCOTT vArL, coLoRADo 81657 associates, inc. NG ENGINEEFS 303/r.a-t105 307t23/.2124 Jenuary lO. 1977Job t{o. | 4059 oo TAILE 0F C0irTfxTs . coilclusloNs I SCOPE 2 PROPOSID CO}ISTRUCTION 2 stTE coltDlTlor,ts suBsott coNDlTtofls 3 . FOUNDATIOII RECOI{XENDATIO}IS 3 'I RETAINIHG STRUCTURES : II | ,,r, n*o,un ; q I SuRFAcEDMTNAGE I : j UNDERDMIIIS 5 ' lrfscELLANEous 6 FIG. I - LOCATION OF TEST PITS rj FIG. 2 - LOGS OF TEST PITS I ,l FIG. 3 - LEGEI{D AIID IIOTES FIGS. ,I THROUGH 6 . SI{ELL.COTISOLIDATIOII TEST RESULTS F|GS. 7 THROUGH ll - GMDATloll TEST RESUTTS TABLE I . SU'II{ARY OF LABOMTORY TEST RESULTS coilclus | oils (l) The arca ls sultablc for thc proporcd constructlon of multi-frmlly dnell Ings. (2) Thc subsolls gcncrally conslst of 0 to 6 fcct of loosc, sllty sand overlylng medlum densc sllty sand and gravcl. Bcdrock was not cncoun- tcrcd In any of thc tcst plts. (3) The most sultabte foundatlon typc would bc sprcad footlngs placed on thc sllty sand and gravel solls and &slgned for naxlmum soll prcssures i , ,n thc range of 1,500 psf to 21500 psf. I (tt) Frcc water wer cncountercd In 3 of our tcst plts Indlcatlng thc nced for shallo{ Gonltructlon and/or undcrdraln systcns In thcse rrcas. -2- SCOPE Thls report prescnts thc results of a prcl lmlnary soll and foundatlon Invcstigatlon for proposed multl-famlly dwelllngs at Lot J4, Block I rnd Lot 6, Block 2 of the Potcto Patch Subdlvlslon,. Val|, Colorado. ltost ssitablc foundat lon types, a range of allo+rable soll pressures, lratcr tablc conditions and other soll related dcslgn detalls are dlscusscd. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION lle understand that the resldentlal unlts in thls area src to bc of tno to three-story f ranre @nstructlon wfth partlal garden lcvel concrcte bascmcnt parkl.ng structurcs. ltodc ra t€ col urnn loeds typical of such constructlon arc anticlpated. Slab-on-grade constructlon for lower floors and parklng arcar ls antlclpated. Intcrlor rctalnlng wal I typc structurcs of one story and as hlgh as 2 storlcs are antlclpatod on the uphlll sldc of sonrc of the bulldings. SITE CONDITIONS At the tlme of our Invcstlgatton, both lots $,crc vaclnt. Soll covcr conslsted of grass and r*ccds wlth aspen grovcs. The ground surface slopcs down moderatcly to stceply to thc southeast, The maxtmum dlffcrcnce lcross the slte ls about 90 fcet end betwecn 8 and 30 fcct across any onc structure. A small knoll oqcurr In thc castcrn part of Lot 34 and thc rlopc ls rnore gcntlc herc and to thc cest. Thls gentlc slope on thc r',cst sldc of Lot 6 has. swampy rrea wlth standlng watcr and a smell crcek. Potato Patch Drlvc and sonc utllltlcs had bcen conttructcd. Road cuts havc created stecp stopes. Sonr retalnlng walls had bcen constructcd for thcrc. A hourc lr to 5 yGtrl old occurt on Lot l0 to thc ccrt. lt rppcerl to bc In good condltlon frqn r foundetlon polnt-.oJ vlcr. -3- suBs0tL coNDtTt0N Thc subsoll condltlons rcross the sltc wcrc falrly unlform end conslstcd gcnerally of 0 to 6 fect of loo.rc, silty sand overryrng mcdrum dcnsc silty sand and gravel wlth numerous cobblcs ond some bouldcrs. Bedrogk was not cncountcrad In any of our tcst plts, Test plts g and ! ln Lot 3t, Block I Ihavc a thln lgycr of topsor r ovcrlylng thc medium dcnsc aravcls. LocatlonI .nd Logs of thc Test plts lre shown In Flgs. 1,2 and J. Srvell-consolldatlon tcsts on typlcal samplcs of thc sllty sand and gravet arc shoryn ln Flgs. 4 through 6. Thc rcsults of thcrc tcstr lndlcete that thc matcrlrl docs not gossess a sr*ell potcntlal, but rathcr_consolldatcs on loading end wcttlng. Gradation tcst rcsults on typlcal sarytes of the sllty sand and gravel erc rhorrn In Flgs. 7 through ll. Free watcr xas cncountcred In 3 of our test ptts durlng our Invcstlgatlon rt dcpths of ll to 6l fcet. Thcsc 3 tcst plts 6re locatcd ln thc wcstcrn portlon of Lot 6, Block 2 In thc swlmpy !rca. FOUNDAT ION RECOI{HENDAT I ONS Eascd on thc prcl lmlnary tcst lnformatlon, we bel feve thc Dost deslrabls. and. safe typc foundatlon r.rould bc sprcad footlngs placcd on thc lorer sllty sind and gravel solls and desrgncd for soil pressurcs In the range of 2'000 to 4,000. psf. Pleclng thc footlngs on thc lovrer coarsc araincd solls rhould bc fcaslble glnce molt of thc foundatrons wilr rcqulrc cut3. lf lt ls ncccssary to place footlngs rt a hlgher clcvetlon, thcy may bc placcd on r nlnlmum of thrce fcct of ccnpactcd flll. Thc flll may consfst of thc uppcr loose sllts rcnrovcd rnd rccompactcd to l00t standard proctor dcnrfty. Footlngs placcd dlrcctly on thc uppor loosc rllt rhould bc dcrlgncd for lon prcssurct - on thc ordcr of |,000 prf. o -q- Contlnuous foundatlon wrlls should bc rclnforccd top and bottom to 3pan rn unsupportcd lcngth of l0 fect. Foot Ings should be placcd belout frost depth. Frost dcpth of 48 to 60 Inchcs ls corrrcnly used. RETAIN ING STRUCTURES The uphlll walls of the structures should be deslgncd as retainlng xalls to retaln carth of an equivalent fluld rvelght of 35 pcl . lf thc toc of thc wall is morc than 3 feet belorv the ground surface, passlve eprth prcssure can bc consldercd effcctlve and should be calculated on the basls of rn equlvalcnt flutd nclght of 400 pcf. The r.relght of thc Aranular backfill wlll bc approximately 130 pcf. A hosc draln ls nccessary behlnd such walls. i I S ITE GRAD ING Extenslve site gradlng is proposcd, although excesslvc depth of cut end flll ls not expectcd. As wlth any hlllslde sltc, lt ls vcry lmportant' to cxcrclse caut ion In pcrformlng cxcavations. Temporary slopes on the order of l:l should bc stablc. Permanent slopes whlch are not rctalncd should bc no steeper than 2:l and prefcrably flattcr to facllltate revegeta- tlon. lf seepage ls encountercd In thc cuts' such condltlons should be Inspectcd by a cornpetcnt soll cnglnecr to determlne what rcnredlal measurcs mlght be requl red to Insurc slope stablllty. Shal low groundwatcr €ncountGrGd In Tcst Plts l, 4 and 5 Indlcatcs that such scepagc can bc expccted In thcsc arcas and cutr should not bc dcep herc. Cautlon should bc.uscd In pleclng fllls. Thc around surfacc should bc 3trlppcd of vcaetrtlon.nd should bc bcnchcd prlor to placlng thc flll. -5- All flll should bc ccnp.ctcd'to at lcast 9Ot standard Proctor dcnrlty. Flll bclou the f loor rfab arcrs In partlcular should bc wcll conpacted to prcycnt futurc scttlqrnnt. Prlor to placlng flll bclovr floor slabs, the natural solls should be scarlflcd, nolstcned and compacted. Placenent of flll should not block natural dralnage ways. SURFACE OMINAGE I Thc natural drainage on thc cxlstlng hlllsldc is good to fair In the swampy arca. lt ls vcry |rportolt that after construction all dralnage bc dircctcd away from the bulldlngs. Sonre of thc solls arc susccptlble to rplsturc changes and lt l: hnportant to provldc aood surfaec dralnage. In addltlon, thc follovlng deslgn and constructlon dcttlls should be obscrved both durlng and aftcr constructlon: i I . (l) Exccsslvc rrrettlng or drytng of the foundation cxcavatlon should be avoided durlng construct lon. (2) Eackflll around thc bulldlngs should be nolstcnsd and cornpacted to rt lcast 853 standard Proctor dcnslty. (3) The ground surface surroundlng thc cxterlor of the bulldlngs should bc sloped to drtln away fron thc bulldlngs In all dlrectlons. (tt) Roof downspoutr and drrlnr should dlscharge wcll bcyond thc llmlts of all backflll. UIIDERDM INS Shallor frcc watcr ryas cncountercd In Tcst Plt I and lbovc bascmcnt lcvcl In 2 othcrs. lf thc lorpr floor lcvcl of . structurc Is to be rfthfn 2 fcct of thc Aroundwatcr trblc, an undcrdrlln rystcm rhould bc Inrtrllcd rround thc p.rln3tcr of thc bulldlng to ProtGct thet lo|tcr lcvcl. o -6- il I SCELLANEOUS Thls rcport ls prcl lmlnary ln nature. lt ls posslblc that crratlc subsol I condltions may cxtst bctwccn thc wldely spaced tcst plts. ue recommend that furthcr Investlgrtlon bc pcrfornred by thc dl99 lng of addltlonrl test plts Prior to excavatlon or the lnspcct lon of the foundatlon'excavatlons aftcr they have becn.opened. Any ptaccment of flll should be tcstcd for ;'proper conpactlon. ve wlll be ovallablc to perform such Inspectlons or to 'discuss thc results of our rcport lf thcre are any questlons. CHEN Al{D ASSoC IATES , I lrc. RcvIa.rcd JDF/mbr !- E6 !ilD: t* si lty, with so,.:re cobb lesdark b rown. -o and bou l ders, r.,ediu:l dense, gravel, fine t; coarse sand,moist, b rntrn to dark brown. T.r2sci l, send, sl ight ly :rcist, Sand (S9-Sil) , clean tclocse ic nred ium dense, sllty, occaslonat s I ight ly mei st t., Sand and G rave IgradeC, loose tc ( Sl.t-Gfl), with bouldersnediun dense, moist to and c bblcs, silty, sand wellsaturoted, brown. b I nd icetAs drlvc samplc. I P I no i cstes bag sample. i -F lndicctes depqh to free water at thc tlnE }TTiS: (l) Tesi oits were axcavated on Dece,rbcr ZO, (:) !levat icng are approximate and r,vc re takcn (3) 'r/C = r,.'atcr Content (/,);t? = :11. Density (pcf); -ZCC = :ercent lassini lio. 200 Sieve;i-L = Li:uid Limit (%) ;Pi = Fl;:sticity lndex;,llp = licnclost ic. of excavatlon. 1976 with a backhoc. from contour map furn I shed. hend L3G E$D A}ID iiCTES Fig- 3 |? I -E|tnl) e It, 0 2 4 6 8 t0 0 2 \ 5 8 l0 l2 r3h ,l { ,059 CHEN AND ASSOCIATES Al?LICO "rCtgulC - r.t Srol l-Conrcl i&tion Tcrt Rerultr tt tuL .JA I 6 tto(,LAI6IJ ?{olurol Dry Unrt Wrrght - 75.3 Dcl l{olu;ol Yoralura Conltnr - 40.8 Darct^r pressldnuddcrl tlllr ure du{ to iwettlTrg. 1 i i i i I l!,ii;iiii:i!,:i iiiii; | !t i I t, ilr;,i:ii Typ I cja I lolurol 0ry Uart l1re it . 87.7 cct Loturot lorttera Coatrr,i . 6.0 9c'cr::? PPLI gD FRESAUR E Fle. 4 fxrN AND AssocrATEs O o.0 a E3rrtlyl o,L9^6zL' APPLI O PR E 36UF E - lrl l{olutol 0rt Unrl t{otutol Io' rt u?a ress I od under I ture due lto trcttlng. i li ln W.'9rrt. 130.8 Conrr. i . 7.2 ress I on ure d Tvp I de wg ap0 I cJr l)a^t'L' t.ua??LlcD ttc ttulI t0 - lr? llolurol 0ry Unrl W.rght ' | 17. I oct l{otu.ot Iorltrr?a Contanl ' 10.3 o.'ctnr Slrrl l-Cmrcli&tion Tert Rcrullr Flg.5 |} HEN AN D Assoc tAr ES o or to ro APPLIE0 PiESSUnE ' lrt Typlcal ramplc of rrnd frql Tcst Plt 8 at depth 6'-6". Srcll - Con so li do I ion --Tcit.-* Resulls r.0 I -ttor!| ,o 82(, roo Fle.6 Iolurol Dry Unrl Wrrglrl : lll.5 pct NoturOl UorrluTt Conlrnl: l. I paf ccat {dd I lo ta €sslon t rdc r (t qon 3 an rr 5 c due tr $et ln ( \ \ , I l,o5g lrr* rxo AsrocrlTrs O Coruultira Soil ond foundotion Eng inooo tcar a-r .rl rt cr,tv rr.al'.c, to ltLt ra(l"ttallrcl cravGL ll % L rOulO Ll.a I r saMrL: ot f Ine wl th otr ot0rrta t lt ot ,al !l ll Ir!!t(rl t^f.o 59 % srLl aND cLAY 20 % tLlarrc I rY rigEx to coarse tand ?roM Tcrt Plt I occarIona| gravc l coaa!tt .7ci:Q I.t depth 6t-0" v I llrr0lr0 llr'10 lll__l r r tvtr!I I Cif.a louril ortirnOl..@ .!O ..dto .. -::_-_:+ _- { a.,l lo c !a I I Ia I a !a I I a a Ja .l tt I ,. at It I ciavEr L I oUlo 5AM?LI 2l % rr.xo $t %3rLr axD CLAY l7 7o Lf r{f r 27.1 % rLA!rrcrry ri{orx 10.6 A o. flnc to coar3c rrnd TroM Tcst Plt 2 et depth 8r-0" wl th occ.r laral gravel GRAoATIoN TEST. REST L-T+-* Fls. 7 C^ xt0l0rlrlr ltltYll vt I I lrvll Di a r,a .(a- a- alr '- v t tutDr.O ll.,llqc I Clfra leelt @(tr-ac .!@ .lJ..o.tc .a_ Fr .. _ \. !: t' t Jf -i---F--+-+-l_ -- +_ _+ _.r.F:> -..--+--_, r ,-..+__.4l---- rF - Y -----.+ - -r F-.-r---. -5 |.-{_-_ - ---r ---- -- +- -l-- -- -t-- -- -___1-_- --'----+-----.---+- ---_.+r_ .-l -'. r -::t--a:------r a*- - :--1-= a----- 1 ----. + --F::-=:i:f -- .t- + .1 .--l =*j-z:-:-i :--=::-li:{:-.-:I-=_ -l- - i':- '.- .F'. -.-i:: l- ---- t''--I - -J_ - ---l -.-./a -J-- --t.- .A'/7 |t - t.t- - t tt- -? .i- - -- --t '-_- -1--- _--1 '__t-__ f - -l - -l - 'f ' _1 - t -'.-..t--:1 --+, -- 1 -_-'1. --i il _ it '--'t --:_=l ----+--:=-='.-' -. ,l ..J- ' -t-:._l;']-'- rl - -- t-- .---J.-{' n 3oa @r o.r oti c'. ,.a ttr ^l-t o ,r ^ilr. .tr tta ,r t. rrt ,iiT r,o'rltltr or rtrlitlt r: r'(lfritrf rr rI C!ty ttr.at(r t0 lrL? |rq-.!.lt.Ct colaL I I ,t4,o5g HTN Corurltirp ArsocrAr:3 FernJotion Enginom ANO Soil and Cra ra lOu a.d .aa a- a at ' -.r .,@ .ro..o.r slxo .52 % 3rL? % :raatrc t ?Y Ito coarSe Sand 7roM occailonal gravcl I lt oln % Plt 3 rt cOllrtl ! at It I a !it I I a a! at It C!lV tr.atrCr ?O lt!l tE-rLalrrCr G.av€L 3\ % L]OU I O !laat r' saMFLr ot flnc irl th A'|.O CLAY I rao: r Tes t depth 8t-6" C!lr t...tr'(l ?O llLt lE-t\.tr cl raaa! t I orAvGL 32 % s^"o t6 tL trLr axo cusv ll % lrouto LlLtY '/l ,LAlTlc.lYY lrtDEx * sar.rLr or grtval ly rend TroM Tcct Ptt 4 rt dcpth 8r-0tt Fl9. I C , 0'rrtrtr !a tl IrL! u ! trri0rro ltr,ttt I c(lr. tcvata orftr-l.t(a r5 .rd tc .. 3 .. \' \' I r t. tla lar ala r- q q o o't olr ct. ..a ttt l. s ' .a .illa .t all .4. I taa rator..ata.9r rrr ?itl t rl r'r!fJttt.r ,t{,059 GRADATION TEST RESULTS.-_ .*.. Cr exo AsrocrATrs C-on&rlting Soil ond Fo.rndotion Erpinom llr ra. t.a I rrl!.1 aa.a tar : a a It a r3 !_- _- +__ =:-:l_:--, F--. ? -a r-- a<b - ---.,a F-- -'._ -a '' _ . 'l.--_ _ - --, ; :. i rL--. -t---i l. :-" I f -- - . ..-x_i- --- li--. -.{- - l- i rol.--r-F-- .F 'l.- - + --.o[-:-- *:]'&@r I to ao t!| F a ta; IriI I Or^rt t t a C\lt rtrrlr( tO lrLl '.O.trall,Ct 6FAV€L 36. Vc saxo 50 LfGf{J|o !f Mf ' % !ar.tLt or !favel ly Sand ! I ll IrL!rtal .[ srLr aro curv 14 Plaa Ttct rY txofx ..oM Test Pl t % % 5 et depth 9r-0" Itr,tl Loo, .l I xY0r0JIfa, lilLytr!5 -;;-vEFrn6nat- a !a I I a a Orl AVf L (. loul o zt 7, LIr,IY rer.o f,g %frLt ^,r.o cLav t9 % % ,Ll3rrcrrY ixoe x A 07 flnc to coarlc tlnd 7ror. Tert plt 7 ct depth 6r-6r'yl th occarlonal grrve I GRAOATION TEST' RESUL'TS_'Flg. 9 Ca ? I xY0rOJlrat lilLYtr!5.-;;-Y'ErTn6nr-rr a a.a a. .. a-. g traiorl.,@ .to ..o. !a t!ll .flq.C\a rr tov.aa O.ar'-r -\'\'r'r'.J_ -t--- :=z. LTJ 2:'- -:t, : -.: a-_ . r--F_- e--- f ---..--.'.t- -.- . - .--4. --:--:'L:.--+ -,:--{*-*-._-'. ]' i - I ..- - .--t ___ .r-_r._- 'T_ f-i::: ::i::F:::-::i---J-j --J --J:--.t-a---,1 --1- -: 1--- { .ir-.I. _. T.[ -Ji -. -l '1 '' 1 1.. - +----. -=f::-:--=i't -t -I -.- .t :-=-t: -r ::::'.':--t.qa &a c! ctr ol0,rt1,,.'"o, rTCdf ,.',1..|X,'i...f " I I'r!t c(tt:, ra'.(, to I !t .o,....tr.c,corlrtt ,l4,o5g |c*tx exo Asso.,^r* O Coruulliry Soil qd Foun&tim Eaginom a aa I I a a a IaI I I I t! al It I t: aI I a o.Av:L 56 7, LtcUlo Ll14t r sali.tt: or s!fidY 29 % srrY axo cLAV 15 tLat ttc I tY tiaDEx rnoM Test Pl t 7o % 7 at dcpth lr-Qrt % g rave I CIAVI,L LIoU'D SAr.tLi ,l4,o59 6t % ra|r' Lf xlt % or 3andY grrvc I GRAOATION ,0 % 3tLt axo cLAY 7 % ?LA!'ICI TY INO: I A t.ot Tcst Plt 8 lt dcPth !t-6" TEST RESULTS-* FlS.t0 c^ I llo ' 't -Lla .l ll .1. I,DrrrtrCr Or 'rtfltLa rt rrL!fJ(rtrl HYBtOttr I ltlt-Y!l trtvI lllLYlrl .a. l.a I |tr .(.(,r.ilDl aa'a tc.- a- aDr ?ai s ! ttriDarD l(r'll.\cr) .r(p .to..a.r .a li Cr,lrr toerla O.ft'raaJ SJ[ :-:. --+---.-J--._+::t:t=f-J--:--=I ---l+a-'-a----|-+.t-._-tJ==__{__ ,-_+_ _- -- F - - --+-- ----?- - '- :_:a_.-_i t - ---:+-r _-:L -l-l''---1 -: -! f- -a .-- y _.. ----.a + ''-- 11 -__ ._r-.-'f:. l:L _--E 4:'l-:::l ____l !__--:::--l=1 -a :t-l .- _l }- . ,lt-:'l -t-- -t - | - --{ -----{- -+ +.- - t --- J----f-i *- to-.:----l _: :l - --F:--l---l--t: t-- I tTt t -- -r tr-- -- .._ _+_ |'- ---1---- | 7_ t- lr r'r_rl -r-{-t_-l - .-l --_'!-.-_: - !_ - -?':tl t_I - 0,1 Olt OlOrlt . I t''^l.'lF ,'l -ilra .i lI 'l' l' taa rarl a'!tt. ot trrfrtr.t 'r r'Lrlftrt.r 'rgtav rt .lr'<' tO ltll !rc-rr.tr,Cl @llrtl a a'l o IrlI I I o ! I I Ii a !at a ,t a I a a 3 a @laral orav€L !lorJlo Lltal ? 5AM'LI c|F 7,%r% % 3tLr a.ro cLAY PLAirtctrY lr{of x ' 7lot. Qr,* AND Asso.Ar* O Corlulting Soil and foun&rion Enginom ra- a rr 'lt Ctlr tr..lr(r tO lrLl rro-a!.!t'Cl GFAVEL. 65 % sa,.o 25 lfcfufo Lfrrrr $ 3aMFLr or Sindy g rave I % sr.-? axo cLAY tLAa ?tc I TY txoEr rroM Tcs t lo% % Plt 9 at dcpth !r-0r' Fl9. | | c^ 7 0r.ra l C r ,T:?hf ,.',1..1 a rtfl t{ YDro |' I t a trtLY!r!l!t Y_L !!l!!9!trl tll I i-|' .a.|;'rtata|| rai loar tt art L ! t traiolao lta at.\cc .,tD rF..dto .. Fa frr - --a__--.F- :- ---=-F:==-:F,-- -rt -- -.__ -l _-__ -r__r-l-::-j f--f-- - t- -,r:= .:-: F:-::_T - -- -F- - --._ !__._- -.-f ts ao --+.--L +---t I -_'t'-:r= -1-'- ,l_-.-t-an @a ooa o.l ott or or al lr..to, flffhf ,- ''l.,.lr!."rr.." ttr 'r' r' rrT-'-ir c!ar ,, rt'.i ' r0 l'!t .o r\.tt c @aO! I I , | 1r.059 GRADATION TEST RESU[T5 a!) o: oto>: >l>at alaLILIL.el.e i(,.al.ol.att1rl!J! vri u.,v, cr clco ata ol a>t >3l aLI LL!'i c,Cll t a:, ,"1 . !l !cl ca!a6l u, FCIOZ=Orrl|l,-Gl>g tt,Evt .ur<Oa3-z |9 tJzt^ .=3rZs-oa(, o, c93c;s!u urtct : E E3 -l*l*l^l-. .l .t .r .r,\' Gt I O I f\r ctt\i -: cJ l€i -i-r-li- 4 3 q oFJlo u,c F FNIF:XE;-oo utF : irt Fo (AJElruo tr IIfo lt. \ r---) ( /'/ \\-I )"\ ryt/ m-t K o ie ) I{tI I I II l/! ,rffi/Tffil, \, \,; i\ i\ l=-<- \\r;l ih'.,\\\ ,.) ) -, )t))f )rr) --T;i i7..../..J{ft(ry'\i,/J \/' \:fi1_q \\ \ \ \ IIrl O \ oa)_ \(lotl(J: t/.t _o\ cr .;: o ?:cr\.) ct F\ cf.r aIl (c 041 -.IItt c,Tc)(r(\l.-fl rn c,.T\ Or\'l' -?cc <n t .r^F o\Cril.- ..'\ t \-.OnF\ . . !tt\-ocJd) t"f\ oI ||oI i I o(J .:GI-J. LtN =Cr | -l(l = | C)C)rncn cn..c) N- a-{ Sttri(rO.-t->c|.Je. or- cu o|.\ @ F t- g, F Ir.: No\h.:l€n+, ll o.-trt -tq)\O.$co+., u lr, .+\o-- t/\ .3cotl o-Fl! - () oJ lt\ tt o- F\ ! -o:: Foxol ,o(Jt\r - t) Ga3rc-lsl or.r\.:f@ tt\ ..'o) 13l.J - 1.10 lIvA3'll rtrr\ q) tt\t\ -jl('r', C)(o..t(Y) (o (o oo\ co rort\ocr('rr-'.\ tr\ JCOOco ,. <)()(O .|Y\F.ll .L .ll.no:: - <,llo ll ll c)!r (\l -,. |', (\l:r | fi-' :i I o at\@ r(no . - f.r 1\l t'\.O .Irn O\ {-- ClOI r I [oc) ct (J cf Lr (\l =o =6 > | qJrri . .-t.N O\O-o_ .o tl( -oI ll llos) r., L)oN36 ><) | O.\r\ r ir-r$O . \O(>F.l\ .-- ll hoY'ii TT 8t?(JC:) (J C-l c\t -J ->: nr = r:r | -J aL o\..-a (\t N.f.\Ns38 9A Jt /13 ,1 F].:fr,.-t ,r\ L'ors., ! L- r\.o -- d)a, ll IJ coo.^s .J ll o-; o\o '@ +r ll :tl @-r3 .J ll a.; \oo\ (o .J ll tr I O \ONCO a'\'.! c.t .c)O ..c{N .OO rtr O- ll. J c.,l5 l\ --o--rtll ll 00llll(J rt a-l a r (\l (.) rr> b ;J (-) | :': (r o -'t'(,J .l <)(t'l.-t(U (r\-t'(rl oorJ\q, (o (o Itl o q, () rr\(u,. I L-:-r-, , -Lr-r-r--t--li*r-r-r -.-l -, -r.*,-..r . l. r-. t- r . lr" lil ll'Alll t.tt.t..llrlo' E. A. SM ITH aoo HDUlTox ||AtlJla|. EA! !|-De . HOUETON, TEXA3 A''OOZ CTlll a l4.aolE October 26, L98L . Tonn of VaLl 75 South Frontage RoadVaLl, Colorado 81657 AtteDtlon! llr, Peter Patten Gentlemeu: Thle le to adviee that I am the owner of vaLl Poteto Patch, vail, colorado. 0cT 3CRffB Ipt 6, Block 2, I hereby authorlze Janes E. Sbeahan of Vell Investment & Developmentr Ltd. to act tn rny behalf on matterepertalnlag to zooLag, deeip and developnent of theproperty. Thaak you for your cooperatLon. EAS:nm o i ,I J0HN P. HALL and SHERRIE HALL whose street address issherrie,tohn Manor,_Town or rqecr,inicsbu"s, cJ'itv';i=L'"il*1."1and State of Pennsylyulia fo.-iiie consideration of TW0MrLLr0N sEVEN HUNDRED AND Firri iHo[5Ail0-ili,i6olooo.ootgqL!ARS, in trand paid, hereby seit ano coiv-y'io'ioenn n.splITH, JR. , TRUSTEE oi ttre Siri iI Trust z:, wioie it"""taddress is 800 Houston Natural -das guir diig, ciiy'of Houston,county of Harris and State oi rJi.r, the f6irowi-ng.reat propertyin the county of Easle and State"Ji'c;i;r;;;,-io"i,r, WARRANTY DEED (short Statutory Forn) Lot 6 Bl ock 2 VAI L/ POTATO PATCH(Torvn of Vail ) ts appurtenances and warrant the t.i tlc0venants , condi ti ons , easements and with all isubject toof rcco rcl . PENNSYLVAItTA ),/? ) ss.f,Taaedeub ) foregoing instrument was$day of Vrrr. , l9gl , t,litness my hand and official sea lly Commission expires : e to the same,restri cti ons acknowledged before me by J0HN P. HALL and SHERRIE S i gned th i s 41D day of J"r. STATE OF County of The rhis -ff.D HALL. lArltcl^ I cuRREY, ilOTARY PUEUC I-OWER PAXION IWP,, DAUPHIN COUIITY My co tsst0tt EtptRES SEpr. 3. t984M"mber PBnrlyFrnn lbiooelron ol llotarirs 'l-- "lt urft (* PLANNING AND INVIRONI'll:N'lAL COII}'IISSION lilli[']'ING 0ctober I2, 19BI s fAFl.-PRESF.NT Gerry White Scott lldwards Dan Corcoran Duane Piper Wil l 'l'rout Roger Ti I kcnre ier Jim Morgan later Di.ck llyan Peter Pattcn Peter Jainar Betsy Roso lack Larr:y lJskni th COUNC IL Ron Todd 1. Apprgval of JLifr!!S:_€ Septernber 28, 19-81.. l,/i11 Trout pointed out that item 7, requesting a rear setback for lot 1, resub of Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn Srd, did not include a request for a variance flom a setback fron a watercoursc. With this coucction, Scott moved and Dan seconded that the ninutes by approved. The vote was 5-0 in favor. 2, Apolication for a 58 square foot Gross Residential Floor Ar:ea 'r'ariance for unit #304 Vorlaufer Condorniniums. Peter Janar explained the memo adding that the applicant had also subni-tted two alternate schenes which would not require a variance, and that the st-aff could not see that the applicant had unnece-ssary physrcal liardship. Tim Clark, architect for Beck Associat-es, said that the appli-cant di.dnrt have enough roon in this condo (which he had receivgd in an exchange) ' Iie added that there was not enough height roon in the loft at present for anything else. [{e explained that to use the alternate plans would mean havi.ng to go through the bath roon to the dressing or storage area. Roger stated that perhaps if the plalr were a better one, that was reason enough to grant a. variance. Dick Ryan remindecl then that a sinilar request in l{est Vail recently was denied. Peter Jarnar read part of the code, 18,64.0i0 regarding nonconfornting uses and structures being limited in enlargcment or alteration if it would increase the discrcpancy rvhich the Pickens request did (nade it more non-conforn- ingy' Roger felt that each case should be judged on its own rnelit. Duane felt thai inconvenience did not sound like a real hardship. Will felt that the archi-tect couldnrt achierre the same thing with the alternate plans. Scott stated t'hat he didntt have any problem wi.th the bathroorn as proposed, but that in order to follow the ordinance, didntt scc how they could approve the t'equest. Gerry rnoved and Dan secondcd to deny the reqtrcst because thcre was no real herdship shown, and because with thc alternatc plans, the applicant could have a bath rvithout the variance. 'l'he votc was 4-2 in favor: of denial. Roger and Will voted against, Rogcr stotjnll thxt the applicant net all but the hardship cri.teria, and l{ill had stated his rcason. PEc I rc/n/sl 3, !"$lg:! rq" a condrl*i el9_ljje,pgrryl_t_ _in ordcr t.o I if t t.lrc restrict ion to linrit thc studcnt Lrody of the Vail Ir{ounta i.n School Dick Ryan gavc facts fron thc mcrno and stated that the school had bccn a good neighbor in thc Booth Cr:eck area. lle addc:d that two agcncics lr'ould havc control ovcr the number of studcnts in the school: The State Dcpartncnt of Eciucation of Colorado and thc Board of Directors of the school. Joe Stauffcro chairman of the board of the Mountain School explained that the reason the school wanted to have largcr classes was a social one, that the classes of 6 children were too snal1. He addcd that the school has fulfilled al I the prorniscs made to work on the log cabin, pave thc parking lot, and landscape. lVith the addition of students " t}r.ey would not increase the size of the school buildi-ng, and that the present facilj.ties are adequate and can handle rnore students. Discussion followed concerning whether or not to set a top limit of students in the conditional use permit. Joe felt that without a top set nunber, that the -school would use good judgement with safeguards also from the State. He added that if the classes were too largc, rnary parents would conplain. If the nurnber of students became too much for the present facilities, they would have to come back to the PEC to increase the size or nunbcr of buildings. Dan spoke in favor as a neighbor, as did Nancy Miller', anotJrer neighbor. Scott felt that if'they removed the student 1imit, it was likely that the next request would be for an increase in the size of the building. Joe said that the present board was not planning on increasing the size of the building, but that later they r,rere planning on coming in to ask to put in a custodial apartrneDt in the loft area. Roger was involved in the original application process with Vail Associates to use the land for the school , and remenbered that the biggest concerll was to restrict bhe,number of students for the benefit of the neighbors adjacent, and felt that he had no objection to the increase if the students could be ' kept h'ithin the present bullding. Itlill Trout wanted to know the precise nunber of students per square foot of building limit the State would have on the school . Joe wasnrt able to anslver this, but stated that 12 students per class was thc ideal class size in their opinion. Scott felt that he would personally prefer a limit, even if it were beyond the boardrs expectation. Duane agreed with Scott, but also agreed with Dan that the school would be using the State guidelines and also that .the school had been a good neighbor. Roger noved and Dan seconded to approve the request for a conditional use pennit in order to. lift the restriction to limit the student body for the reason that the State would restrict the number of studcnts. The vote was 6-1 in favor with l'Iill voting against. Will r.ras not opposed to expansion but fclt he couldn't vote without knowing, exactly what the State restrictions were in terns of nunbers. The request was granted. PEC a 10/12/8t +._-!,.Llgg:t _For a var'ilnrc from sidcat 1763 Shasta" lot 12" Vail Villacc, lot 12" Vail Village l!('st lliling #2. Applicant: lrntl front sc ti) il ck s for a residencc Gottlrr icd Ang) ei.tncr. Petcr: l)attcn cxplaincd thc meno adding tha.t the st;rf f rccorurcndcd denial or tabl irig to let the architcct arrive at ir better solution to the site. John Perkins, architect for the applicrlnt, stated that the issue is thatIlr. Artglcitncr desired to build a.n Europcan style ch.riet, and that the house woulcl have to be rcctangular. Outside dirncnsions would be 30 x 40, feelingthat 24(10 sq ft rvas a necessary size for a fanily of 4, lle explained thatthe lot faced south, and also the views are to the south, so they wanted toput thc garage in the back and out of thc way. Dan stated that after being out on the site, that he would agree that it was possl.ble to have a. better design. Ije was nore in favor of putting thcgarage in the front, Johnrs reply was that he didntt hant to show the garage doors on the front elevation. Roger suggested putting the girlage on t'he otherside, and Peter replied that this would move the house rvithin 5 feet of thepropel'ty line, and that those neighbors had already disapproved of the plan as it existed. John said that he has a letter from the owner to thc west and that this ownerdid not have any problern with 1t Gottfried Angleitner, the olner, stated that he had bought the lot before annexation and didnrt r:ealize the rest::ictions. IIe felt that the i\ortheast corner was not buildablc. Dan pointed out t.hat the neighbor to the rvest hadsold the lot to Angleitner, Gerry felt that building the house as prcsented would overclorvd the ncighbors. Duane said he did a hzrsty check on squarefootage and found that with 1100 sq ft footprint, wi.th height, could allowthe structure to be cl osc to the requircd size. and that thcre still couldbe a 'Ilrol ean styl e. John explained that the lot was 4 to 5 feet lower in the back, and wantedto work with Iittle excavating or fill. More suggestions regarding steppingthe living spaces dorr'n, trying to adjust the building shape to fit the lot, and the south exposure fol I owed, Roger mcntioned that the PilC is concer.-nedwith energy conservation, and that the south exposure was lnportant. Perhapsshifting the house to the east was discussed, though a letter had been receivedfron the property owner to the east protcsti-ng the setback requests. The otrner requested tabling until the next regular PEC neeting. The members voted in favor of the reauest to table. .5. Request for.a conditi.onal. usc pcrmit to hcve a rcal estatc office in srracc'ff;f tF-v icaiiffi Peter Patten explained the nemo, adding that this nal1 would be sirnilar tothe rnall s in Lionsheacl and Vail Village and should be trcated the sane way. Jacobson, reprcsenting thc applicant, statcd thct the location was idcaloffices rather than rctail shops--tlr:rt it was locatcd tow;rrd the back. Jin for -4- ro/12/81 lkr addcd that onc would havc to go down stairs anci that it didn't fit intothc traffic prttcrn arrcl was not on the stlect levcl , llc acldt:d that if thcrc r.Jelc to bc a nix of rctlrj I spacc, thj.s would be as closc to lct:ail as nlany thin11s. About thc pa r-li j.ng issuc as stntcd in the nr:mo, Jacob.son felt thatthc r';hole idca of nrl ls i,s to gct peoplc in, and clitlntt sce how a real estatooffice could gcncratc nore traffic than a-liurnitut'c: store. ('l'he staff inthe ncno statcd that rvi.th 12 sales peoplcr, the rcal cstate office was boundto conrpound the parking situxtion,) Gerry rnentioned that this was to be a peclestrian rrrall, ar-rd that if all the retai I spaces becamc of f ices, tlre mal t- Th-ilrfc tGi worrld bc Iost. The rcal estatc office could be on the 2nd floor as well, he added. Ile felt that the whole village should be treated the sanrc. Dick llyan explained that one reason the new ma1l had a connection toward Crossroads was to conncct to the opening in Crossroads to the r.rest. lle agreed with Gerry that the idea rvas to have a pedestrian, shop oric:nted ma11 to tryto tie together the whole vi11age. Jirn Jacobson rnentioned that there was already a par:king problem on the backof Crossroads and r,/ondered how that c.ould be a good place for people to walk. Dan felt that this connection was better than the tine in frorrt of Crossroads where there were 50 or 60 cars. Gerry White said that the pedestrian level should be a nore active shoppi-ng center or dining, rather than office, Peter P. added that the uses should tre visjtor oriented. Dan pointed out that the visitor is already goj-ng tobe on foot aftcr parking in the parking structute, and so r,,'ould not generatetraffic as a real estate office would. Scott stated that back when real estate offices l{ere a real threat-=when they were naking lnor'e noney than the retail shops-, it rnade sense to legislate then out of the core areas, but that people do brorvse through rea.l estate offices looki.ng at the pictures and brochures. llowever, hc added that a real estateoffice on the ground floor does become very valuable space, Roger agreed that it made sense to legislate real estate offjces out of BridgeStreet or malls, but didnrt thi-nk it made sense to con{)are this mall wj.thVail Village and Lionshead, He felt that each particular applicant shouldbe decided separately. Danrs concern was rvith the idea of just how many norereal cstate offices were going to want to be on the ground floor if one wasallowed at this time? Peter repeated that this rnal I was desiglicd for an intercsting commerci.al, shop-oricnted atnosphere, similar to Conunercial Cores 1 ald 2, designed forhigh traffic and was planned to be a prinro- nall as stated in the neno. Jacobson said that the developer had designated business or professional usefor that spot and for another spot also. lte added that thEre were no rcal estate offi.ces in the Crossroads area. llc felt that the envi.r:onnent shouldbe looked at each time, and didntt feel thcy were setting a precedent. a l,ric -s- t0/12/8r Dan rncntiorrcd that hc had just cone flonr a vacation in Durango and as he r.'lr I lied through the totvn, didn't like all the real estate officcs on the rnain strcot, and that thcy were n o-t'- looki.ng for rcal cstate off j-ccs. I:ric Bachman fclt tirat i.f Dan hacl be en f ron D;r1l as, pcrhrLps, they m j glrt have bcen looking for real estate offices. IIe a.clded that thcy intended to have thc office veryattractive with lots of modcls. Jinr suggestedlimiting the nurnber of rcal estatc offices in that mall. Gcmy replied that therc rvould be no way to linit otlter real.to::s fron asking for conditional uses. Dick ltyan nentioned that peoplc had talked to hin about changing the fi.rst floor of the Kiandra to real estate offices. Jim wondercd about using a deed restriction. Wil 1 Trout wanted to know what percentage of the area the real estate office would be taking. Scott saw no di-fference if Gorc Range Propcrties asked to be in that building than i.n thc mug sirop area. Jin Morgan felt that nnybe horizontal zoning should be talked about with the whole area in nind, Ji.m Jacobson suggested looking at having only one real estate office in the building with a non-competing lease in the deed restriction. Dan rernindedhin that they couldn rt gct around the parking and traffi-c. Jacobson wantedto see stuclies showing that it'.would indeed genel'ate traffic. Gerry felt that the parking was not the issue, for if there was any par:king at all, peoPle would use it. Roger felt that there were nany unanswered questions. Scott and Duane felt that if there werc already 42 spaces short, what the developer put in the spaces would have nothing to do with the fact that there were already too few parking spaces. Roger stated that he would vote agai.nst the project now, but with more infornation might vote for it. Jacobson asked if the only additional information needed was with regard to parking and deed restrictions, and a-sked also for a po1l of opinion fron the nemb ers . Jim stated that if the appl icant coulcl come back eirse his concet'n of the parki.ng, he nrj-ght vote in Duane felt that he did not want the applicant to Dan felt that what was needed was a clarification parking and he was concerned with traffic. Gerry felt he would vote no notv, because who knew how many real estate offices were too nany? with a deed restriction and favor . show a deed restriction. of restrictions concerning the magic nunber of ltlill would like to see a real estate office there with a lease agleement. Scott was in favor of the real estate office without a lease, Rogcr was concerned about the parking program for the whole progrant. Jacobson askcd to table till the next regular nceting. The ncnbers votcd7-0 in favor: of tab)ing. (t. Rcqrrcst for t1 atrlcndrn()nt to tlre 'lowrt of Vlril Zort irrg 0rtlinrrrtcc No' 30iA " r-?i'i g z7l-fo ?r.i-tr -orrc iinliffi c'i,'i i t 6u to-t! .'t' r uit'- f -tou,-rc- Appl icant: Vail Illvcstment and Devcl oPlncnt, Lt d.--.-- t I)cter Pzrttcn explaincd and listed tho restrictions in the ncno. Craig Snowdon, architcct for the appl icant, statcd t-hat tl're applicant agrecd to the restrictions and addccl that thc-s-e would bc l1xut'y unj.ts with a s ii-n glr-;r c c css onto thc Potato l)atch Drive, Petcr s;tated that he had rcceived :l letter from John Ha11 stating that hc approved the rerlucst. Craig expl:rincd the access fr:otn Potato Patch Drivc an<l also thc visabil ity. Ger:ry stressed that the total allowable GRFA wouldltt be exceeded. lle was concerned l"'ith the growing need for crnployee housing. Jirn Sheehan stated the plan was to incorporate the employee unit with the cabana neat: the pool . I{oger moved and ltrill seconcleci to recorrurrend to Town Counc j.1 approval of thc amenclment wlth the conclitions of approval listed by staff. The vote was 7--0 in favor, unanimous, 7. Reque_st for exler:ior alteratj.on ar1d nodifiTtlon ,to.ihJarnourrtofofficespaceondeck.APp1icants: Carlos Agostoni and James J, Sprowls. Rick Baldwin of PierceBaldwin Associates, alchi-trects for the ploject stated that Dick Ryau rcconmended they come bcfore thc PIIC that day' Dick Ryan said that the Council had approved the Casino rcquest with changes, and that lulrs, Hill had sent a letter shorving no real objcction wi-th the extension to the r{est. Rick added that the briclge was a dead issue at present-- that other external factors had forced this decision. Dick felt that the PEC nust concentrate on the issue. fol lowed concerned liking the proposal . Dan noved and Roger seconded to approve the exterior The vote was 7-0 trnanimously in favor. The neeting was adjourned at 5:40. -6- 10/12/81 The di'scossiorr which alteration of the deck area. oa PI,ANN ING A\iD ENvlll0l'lllliN't Al, C0M|"!ISS ION Monday, 0ctobcr 12, l9B1 3:00 P.n. l. Approval of minutes of Septenrber 28, 1981. 2. Request for density control vatiance to extend existing loft area on unit ll304 of the Vorlaufer. II,JI. Pickens. 3. Request for a conditional use pernit in order lift the restriction to limit the student body of the Vail Mountain School. 4. Request for a variance fron side and front setbacks for a residenceat 1763 Shasta, Iot 72, Vajl Village ltest Fi)ing #2, Appli"cant:Gottfried Angleitner. 5. Request for a conditonal use perrnit to havc a real estate officein space #7 of the Vai-l Village Inn, Phase III. Applicant: P. Van Ewing, III. 6. Request for an amenclment to the Town of Vail Zoning Orcliriance No. 30, series of L977, to add the allorr'ance of one enployee rmit, on Lot 6, Block 2, Potato Patch. Applicant: Vail Investment and Developnent, Ltd. Publishcd in the Vail lrail Octobcr 9. 1981. MEI'40RANDUII TO: Planning and Environnerrtal Cotrunission FROM: Departnent of Community Developurent,/Peter Patten DATE: October B, 1981 SUBJECT: Proposed anc:ndment to Ordinance No. 50, Series of 1977 as it relates to Lot 6, Block 2, YaiL Potato Patch Fjling No. I to allorv 30 unit-s plus an enployee ::estricted ca.retaker unit, Applicant: Vail Invest- nent and Devel oprncnt, Ltd. BACKGROIJNI) Ordinance No. 30 of 1977 was the down zoning ordinance resulti.ng fron the Growth lUaragement Stucly. One of the donn zoning-s was a nulti-family parcel in Potato Patch--Lot 6, Block 2. The PEC and Council voted to zone thj-s perr:el to a naxinun of 30 units with Mediurn Density Multi-Fanily Zone District develop- ment standards (i.rrcluding GRFA). REQUE9T The request is to arnend that ordinance to allol another unit rvhich would be used to house a caretaker/ security person near the entrance to the project. The applicant has stated that he would agree to the applicable restrictions of Ordinance 22, Series of 19Bl to the unit (restrictions for the secondary dwetling unit for lots under 15,000 sq ft). Also, he has agreed that no additional GRFA witl be requested (other than that allowed for tire original 50 units) for this caretaker unit. RECOMMENDATION The Department of Cornmunity Developnrent reconrnends aPProval of this ordinance amendment. I{e feel that not only does this tyPe of unit selve a valuable pulpose for the future residents of the project, but it allows the project to provide housing for the enlployee(s) it is gencrating. Conditions of Approv:rl I, That thc restrictions contained in Section 18.13,080 (B) 3, 5, 6, and l0 bc applied and executed as it relates to the caretakcr -unit. 2, That the total allowable 6RI:A for thc oriSj-nal 30 units not be cxceeded on the prolcrty. I p,r( c'i E " ,tct/ ttl department of community development October 8, 1981 John Thornas Vail Investrnent and Developnentr LTD. P.0, Box 696 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Lot 6, Block 2, Potato Patch Dear John: Itve received the new topographic nraps fron Eldorado Engineering' Irve also spoken with t'tiihiel Heinbulk, the surveyot, and he has confirrned tirat there is substantially less area of 402o sloPe in the southwestern Portion of the site' He also agreed that the 40% slope that did exist in this area is due to the road cut' and not the natural sloPe of the land. withthisrevisedsubnittal,IrverecalculatedtheallowableGI.FA on the lot. My figures are as follows: Acre s r70,755 9,583 76r,L72 APP:bpr luwn n llil box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 Total site area Area over 40eo sl oPe Buildable site area MDMF GRFA area Allowable GRFA .-'1'I Sincerely, ./; .)_ -- , t /1.'iJJi2- A., PETER PATTEN, JR Senior Pl anner 3,92 . zz 3.70 !q40 sherrie ,fohn Manor Mechanicsburg, FA 17055 october 1, 1981(dictated Septeqber 28, 1981) Town of VaiI Department .of Corununity Developrnentettn: A. Peter Patten, .Tr', Zoning AdninistratorVai1, Colorado 8l-657 n. D lt-a I I c: Mr. James Sheahan Vail- Investment and Development Ltd. JPH: chs Wn Gentlemen Recently I received a public notice which, inter alian refertred to I request for air anendment to the Town of r/eil Zoning Ordinance-#30, Series of L977t to add the allowance of one eiployee unlt on Lot 6, Elock 2n Vail Potato Fatch, firstfiling, to bring the total of units to 31. May this Letter please confirm tfre approval of my wife and myself is owners of the adjacent Lot 34 and of a duplex lot higher on the hill of this r-equest by Vail Investment and oeielopnent Ltd. We believe it woulh be good planning to permit the addition of an employee unit so that the 30 condominium units may be better cared t6r Lnan by absentee mai,ntenance personnel . In fact, it is our suggestion that you consider an amendment po:mitting the adalition of an employee unit to al - such develop- itents tn ftre va1ley, where requested, so that on trand, on site management is available as a giood investment to the 1on9 term mainienance and stability of the growing Vail conmunlty. Snowdon and Hopkins r Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive P. O. Box 1998 Vait, Colorado 303 476-2201 81657 Sepfember 17, 1981 1,1r. Peter Patten Town of Vail Planning Administrator 75 South Fnontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: The applicant, Vail Investments and DevelopmenL, Lfd. is requestlng a modification to the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance No. 30, Series of 1977(as it effects Lot 6, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch) at your October 12, 1981 PEC meeting. As the applicant's representatj.ve and archltect for the project, we are requesting a modification to Section 10, Exhibit A (Lot 6, Block 2 Vail,/Potato Patch) to allow 30 dwelling units plus one employee housingunil (as restricted under Town of Vail Ordinance 22, Series of 1981),in lieu of the 30 dwelling units as noled in lhe ordinance. Enclosed is a completed application and list of adjacent property owners and addresses.. ff you need further informalion or f can be of any further assJ.stance, please let me know. Snowdon CNS: js Enclosures t FORM FO Petititate@ I. PETITION R AMENDI4ENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OR REOUEST FORIN DISTRICT BOUNDARIESA CHANGE This procedure is reguired for any amendrnent to the zoning ordinanceor for a request for a district boundary change A. NAME OF PETITIONER-___V4&-JNYEST'1EIIT AND DEVELOPMENT, LTD. ADDRESS r.0. gox 696, Vail ,PHONE476-0250 B. NAME OT PETITIONER]S REPRESENTATIVE SNOWDEN AND HOPKINS ARCHITECTS ADDRESS ZOi Core Creek Driv HONE4T6-2201 c.AUTHORIZATI PROP SIGNA ADDRESS Box 696 lt^.3 1V C'IJ Colorado 81658 pHONE 476-0250 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAT, ADDRESS 760 - 762 - 770 PoLaLo Patch Drive . '.r :l I ori/l E. LEGAI DESCRIPTION lot 6 block filing Vail/Potato Patch $f00.00 plus 184 for each property owner to be notified. F. A list of the names of owners of a1l property ad.jacent to thesubject property, and their mailing addresses. SEE ATTACHED SHEET PeJition form for Aneto zoning ord or Requesr | "n.r,ne in roli3:ri." rr. Four (41 copies of the forrowing inforrnation: A- The petition sharr incrude a srunmary of the proposed revisionof the regulations, or a_comprete dEscription oi ttre proposeachanges in district boundarils and ;-r";- itai""li"g-tf,e-Lxistingand proposed district bound,aries. .tppri"*t nust subnit rritten and/orgraphic materials stating the reasons for i.iqueit. ffI. Time Requirements The Planning and Environmental commission meets on the 2nd and 4tl'Mondays of each month. A petitio" ritrr-trt"-rr."""r"ry accompanyingmaterial must be submitted four _ r..i" pii". to the date of the meet_ing' Following the Pranning and snviro;rnenlar comnission meeting,alr amendments to the zoning ordinance or district boundary changemust 90 to the Town Council for ii"ii-_"1i"". BLock 1 Lot 33 tfalker, Douglas !{. Box 1'177 Vail , Colorado 81658 BLock 1 Lot 34 Hall , John P. & Sherrie Sherrie John Manor Merchanicsberg, Pa. 17055 Block 1 Lot 24 Damson, Barrie M. & Joan S. 366 Madison Avenue New York, N.Y. 12210 Block 1 Lot 25 Gray, Hadley l{.; Duddy, William Box 331 Vai1, Colorado 81658 Block 1 Lot, 26 Haerther, Uitl.ian W. Jr. 844 Sunset Road Geneva, Illinois 60134 Block 1 Lot 27 TraYlor, C.T. Jr.clo 'lsL Mortgage Co. Box 1413 Houston, Texas 77001 Block 2 Lot 3 Oberlohr, RuPert P. & Conrad Box 146VaiI, Coj.orado 81658 Block 2 Lot 4 Christenson, Gyneth Ruth 6129 Leesburg Pike. APt. 1204 FaIIs Church' Virginla 22041 Block 2 Lot 5 Sumaru CorP. c/o Bossow, GarY R. 2800 A AsPen Lane Vail , Colorado 81657 Block 2 Lot 10 TaLham, Thomas P. 1200 Milan Houston, Texas 77002 I t >^4Jth Cill I hlze ttrttlgaLl t/f34 abcL I bl z4 6lrJ /Aza --t 6 I t IwLlbf2h Wt bl zt -tttl6tul / (if O btuL2 bl4 ,d*r //Uk(,futEbn /0, tux A7/Uql,h hlpS 7/// ,,John P t' 4/wna 4lvrlre Jtw trruarl/lardeulnfu, fz, i/oF Cvnaan , b*rb l( i "JuAtho ffld*n ftunar fbpfuil, il// /42/0 . 4o/,''lldb'/. l0' L)//,*t'fuX',ryti 0 Usl lwrrL',f , thill*^ /D k, b44 e/",st ru 4rnrae r lllupiE AO1A4 ftp.t/ar, c,f ,k, flt! hqilft& 0, fur /4/a llnaelm , ftrKps 770o1 &nnr/l dnrrctnwt , &wrh U,lil4 klel tazeb.,rd( fl/a , /d 1zo4 tCla Uwal, o Up Zzo4/ lun*il- fup, o/n fugwp, Cgru{. 'frgt ,^*rdffihe f,wt/ Utr flmlt t l0 74hr* t%wua P //0 ffir/*t hfuBfw, F6rn 77mz Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive P.O. Box 1998 Vail, Colorado 300 47&2201 81657 Septemben 17, 1981 Mr. Peter Patten Town of Vail PLanning Administnator 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81557 .Dear Peter: The applicant, Val1 Investments and Development, Ltd. is requesting a nodification to the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance No. 30, Series ot '1977 (as it effects Lot 6, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch) at your October 12, 1981 PEC meeting. As the applicant's representative and architect for Lhe project, we are requesting a modification to Section 10, Exhibit A (Lot 6, BLock 2 Vail,/Potato Patch) to a1low 30 dwelling units ptus one enployee housingunit (as restricted under Toun of Vail Ordjrance 22, Series of 1981),in lieu of the 30 dwe1J.ing units as noted in the ordinance. Enclosed is a completed appl-ication and lj.st of adjacent property owners and addresses. If you need further information or I can be of any further assj.stance, please let me know. Cl{S : js Enclosures Snowdon I FOR retitiofate September 1?, 1q81 : AMEN'DI'IENT OR REQUEST FORIN DISTRICT PETITION TORI{ A CHANGE I. This procedure is reguired for any amendment to the zoning ordinanceor for a reguest for a district boundary change A. NAITIE OF PETITIONER ADDRESS P.0. Box 695. Vail,PHONE476-0250 B. NAII{E OF PETITIONERIS REPRESENTATIVE SNOWDEN AND HOPKINS ARCHITECTS NDreSS 201 core, Creek Dri HONI:4?6-2201 C. AUTHORIZATI PROP SI ADDRESS Box 696 Vail Colorado 81658 PIIoNE 476-0250 D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL TO THE ZONING ORDTNANCE BOT'NDARIES ADDRESS Patch Drive LEGAT DESCRIPTION lot block z.filinq Vail/Potato Patch $f00.00 ptus 18f for each property owner to be notified.FEEE. F.A list of the names of owners ofsubject property, and their nailing SEE ATTACHED SHEET all property adjacent to the addresses. petition form for A**'.1 zoning ord or Reguest r$r,.nse in uo[i8:ri"" rr. Four (4) copies of the folrowing information: A- The petition sharl incrude a sruunary of the proposed revisionof the regulations, or a_conplete d-escription oi trr" pi"por"achanges in district boundarils intl ;-;;- indicaiing-tfre-'cr*istingand proposed district boundaries-. appricint nust subnit rritten and/orgraphic naterials stating the reasons fo, '_'"qr"it. IfI. Time Requirements The Planning and Environmental commission meets on the 2nd and 4thMondays of each month- A petitio" "itrr-irr.-rr""""r"ry accompanyingmaterial must be subrnitted four _ *'""i" pii"r to the date of the meet-ing' Forlowing the Planning and nnviioirmental comnission r""tirrg,all arnendments to the zoning ordinance or district boundary changemust go to the Town Council-for ii""i-".1i"". ll PROPERTY ADJACENT TO.LOT 6 BLOCK 2 VATL/POTATO PATCH Block 1 Lot 33 Block 1 Lot 34 Block 1 Lot 24 Block I Lot 25 Block 1 Lob 26 Block 1 Lot 27 Block 2 Lot 3 Block 2 Lot 4 Block 2 Lot 5 Block 2 Lot 10 Ua1ker, Douglas ll. Box 1177Vall, Colorado 81658 Hall, John ?. & Shemie Sherrie John ldanor Merchanicsber8, Pa. 17055 Danson, Barrie M. & Joan S. 366 l,tadison Avenue New York, N.I. 12210 Gray, Hadley U.; DuddY' Will'ian Box 331Vail, Colorado 81658 Haerthen, I{illian U. Jr. 844 Sunset Road Geneva, Illinois 60134 Traylor, C.T. Jr. c/o lst Mortgage Co. Box 1413 Houston, Texas 77001 Oberlohr, RuperL P. & Conrad Box 146Vail, Colorado 81658 Christenson, Gyneth Ruth' 6129 Leesburg Pike. APt. 1204 Falls Church, Virginia 22041 Sumaru Corp. c/o Bossotf, GarY R. 2800 A Aspen Lane Vail , Colorado 81657 Tatham, Thomas P. 1200 Milan Houston, Texas 77002 Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drira P. O. Box1998 Vail.Colorado {g 47elaJ1 81857 September 17, 1981 Mr. Peter Patten Town of Vail Planning Adrninlstrator 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: The applicant, Vail Investnents and Development, Ltd. is requesting a modification to the Tonn of Vail Zoning Ordinance No. 30, Series ot '1977 (as it effects Lot 6, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch) at your October 12, 1981 PEC neeting. As the applicant rs representative and architect for the project, we are requesting a nodification to Section 10, Exhibit A (Lot 5, Block 2 Vail,/Potato Patch) to allow 30 dwelling unlts plus one employee housingunit (as restricted under Tonn of Vail Ordinance 22, Series of 1981),in lieu of the 30 dwell5ng units as noted in the ordinance. Enclosed is a conpleted application and list of adjacent property ouners and addresses. If you need further jnformation or f can be of any further assistance , please Let ne lirrow. CNS: js Enclosures Petititate Se.plember 17, 1s81 PETITfON FORI'I OR REQT'EST FOR A CHANGE IN DISTRICT BOUNDARIES I. This procedure is required for any amendment to the zoning ordinanceor for a reguest for a district boundary change A. NAIttE OF PETITIONER Vlfr. INVES$8NT AN ADDRESS P.O. Box 696, Vail , Co PHONE476-0250 B. NAI'18 OF PETITIONERTS REPRESSNTATM SNOWDEN AND HOPKINS ARCHITECTS ADDRESS PHONE4?6-2201 C. ATITHORIZATI SI ADDRESS Vail Colorado 81658 PHONE 476-0250 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS ?60 - ?62 - ?ZO Potato Patch Drive LEGAT DESCRIPTION lot FOR AI{ENDI.{ENT TO THE ZONING ORDINAI{CE E. FEE $100,00 plus l8f for each property owner D. to be notified. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to thesubject property, and their rnailing addresses. SEE ATTACHED SHEET Colorado 816 filinq Vail/Potato Patch Petition form for Ar,""+ zoning ord or Request tf"n.r,s. i' uoli3:ri"" II. Four (4) copies of the following information: A. The petition shatl include a srunmary of the proposed revisionof the regulations' or a-complete d-escription oi trre pioposeachanges in district bor:ndariis and ;-r;- inaiciiing-tfie-"existingand proposed district boundaries-. lppricint nust subnit written and,/orgraphic naterials stating the reasons fo" i'uq""st, IfI. Time Reguirements ?he Planning and Environmental cornmission meets on the 2nd and 4thMondays of each month- A petitio" "itrr-{rt"-rr..."".ry accompanyingmaterial must be submitted four _ r""i" piiot'to the date of the meet-ing' Following. the- Planning and nnviioi:mentar comnission rneeting,all amendments to the zoning_ordinance oi-aistrict boundary changemust go to the Torln council for ii""i-".1i"i. tlPROPERTY ADJACENT TO.LOT 6 BLOCK 2 VAIL/POTATO PATCH Block 1 Lot 33 Walker, Douglas ll. Box 1't77Vail, Colorado 81658 Block 1 Lot 34 HaII, John f. & Sherrie Sberrie John ltanor Merchanicsbergr Pa. 17055 Block 1 Lot 24 Darnson, Barie M. & Joan S. 366 Madison Avenue Neet lork, N.I. 12210 Block 1 Lot 25 Gray, Hadley tt-; Duddy, lJilliarn Box 331Vail, Colorado 81658 Block 1 Lot 26 3?i'Si:;.ti::i- tl. Jr. Geneva, Illinois 60134 Block 1 Lot 27 TraYIor, C.T. Jr. c/o 1st Mortgage Co. Box 1413 Houston, Texas 77001 Block 2 LoL 3 Oberlohr, Rupert P. & Conrad Box 146' Vai1, Colorado 81558 Block 2 Lot 4 Christenson, Gyneth Ruth' 6129 Leesburg Pike. APt. 1204 Fal1s Church, Virginia 22041 Block 2 l,ot 5 Sumaru CorP. c/o Bossow, GarY R. 2800 A AsPen LaneVaiI, Colorado 81657 Block 2 Lot 10 Tatham, Thomas P. 1200 Milan Houston, Texas 77002 I Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Driw P. O. Box 1998 Vail, Colorado n3 47&2201 81657 Septenber 17, 1981 l,tr. Peter Patten' Town of Vail Planning Adnlnistrator 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: The applicant, Vail Investnents and Developnent, Ltd. is request5ng a modification to the Town of Vall Zoning Ordinance No. 30, Series of 1977(as 1t effects Lot 6, Block 2, Vall/Potato Patch) at your October 12, 1981 PEC meeting. As the applicant I s representative and architect for the project, we are requesting a modification to Section 10, Exhibit A (Lob 6, Block 2 Vai1,/Potato Patch) to allow 30 dwelling unlts plus one employee housingunit (as restrj.cted under Tovn of VaiL Ordinance 22, Series of 1981),ln lieu of the 30 dwelling unifs as noted in the ordinance. Enclosed is a conpleted application and list of adjacent property owners and addresses. If you need further information or I can be of any further assistance, please let me know. Si.ncerely, CNS: js Enclosures Snowdon Petitiolate September 17, 1q81 PETITTON FORITI FOR AI'{ENDI'{ENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OR REOUEST FORA CHANGE IN DISTRICT BOI'NDARIES A. NAITTE OF PETITIONER ADDRESS PHONE476-0250 B. NA}TE OF PETITIONERIS REPRESENTATIVE SNOWDEN AND HOPKINS ARCHITECTS NDruSS 201 core.Creek Dri HONE4T6-2201 C. AIITHORIZATI PROP SI ADDRESS Box 596 Vail Colorado 81658 pHONE 476-0250 LOCATION OF PROPOSAT ADDRESS I.This procedure is required for any amendment to the zoning ordinanceor for a request for a district boundary change ER Colorado 81558 D. Potato Patch Drlve LEGAT DESCRIPTION 1ot block 2 filinq Vail./Potato Patch E.FEE $100.00 plus 18C for each property owner to be notified. F. A list of the names of owners of arl property ad.jacent to thesubject property, and their nailing addresses. SEE ATTACHED SHEET petition form for A.""O zo.nins. ord or Resuesr f+h.,rg" in UoIiS:ri." rr. Four (4) copies of the forrowing information: A. The petition shal1 incrude a sururary of the proposed revisionof the regurations, or a_complete alsciiption oi trre pioposeachanges in district boundariis and ;-r*;- inaici-inj-tfie-"existingand proposed district boundaries_. eppricant rnust subnit written and/otgraphic naterials stating the reasons fo, i'"q"est. fII. Time Reguirements The Planning and Environmental commission meets on the 2nd and 4tJ.Mondays of each month- A petitio" ritrr-trt.-r".""rury accompanyingnateriar must be subrnitted four _ ,o.ei" pii"r' to the date of the meet-ing' Fortowing trre pra"ning and snviro;;entar commission meeting,all arnendments to the zonini-ordinance or aistrict boundary changemust go to the Town Council-for ii"ii-""1i"". Block 1 Lot 33 Walker, Douglas ll. Box 1177I vail, Colorado 81658 Block 'r Lot 34 SillijohnnP. & sherrie Merchanlcsber$, Pa. 17055 Block 1 Lot 24' Damson, Barrie M. & Joan S. 365 !{adison Avenue New York, N.Y. 12210 Block 1 Lot 25 Gray, Hadley W.; Duddy, I{il]ian Box 331Vail, Colorado 81558 Block 1 Lot 26 Haerther, tfillian lI. Jr. 844 Sunset Road Geneva, Illinois 60134 Block 1 Lot 27 Traylor, C.T. Jr. c/o 18t Mortgage Co. Box 1413 Houston, Texas 77001 Block 2 Lot 3 Oberlohr, Rupert P. & Conrad Box 145 VaiL, Colorado 81658 Block 2 Lot 4 Christenson, Gyneth Ruth' 6129 Leesburg Pike. APt. 1204 Falls Church, Virginia 22041 Block 2 Lot 5 Sunaru CorP. c/o Bossow, GarY R. 2800 A AsPen LaneVail, Colorado 81557 Block 2 Lot 10 Tatham, Thomas P. 1200 Milan Houston, Texas 77002 corot.da 0t65t ?31 Peter paiten Seqror Plannoa Departmcnl ol Communrty Ocvelopment departmbnt of community developnrent February 12, 1981 box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 John P. HaLI Sherrie John Manor Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055 Dear Mr. Hall, This is a guestions history of response to your;ext6G;;;;>f 9BI concernins zoning on 1ot 6, Blocf.4, VaiT Potato Pe-t.c\.-!!, Irve itrt'estigated the iaft€r-Eiiilhave discussed it with La::ry Rider, Tovrn of Vail attorney. At the Novernber I, Lg77 meeting of the Totrn of VaiI Council , it was agreed that the above lot would be allowed 30 drvelling units ott. tire Property(also, they grante.l yo]| J-un1!:-pll-fgt 34). However, there was no contract en tered int o c onc ern lne-6ell' I orG5-rdT6's s Re s id en t ia I l.l I o or Ar ea (GRFA) of the property. The lrledium Density lr{ultiple Family (l'lD}fF) Zone District was designated as the appi.icable developnent standards (setbacks, height, etc. ) for the lot. Subsequent to this neeting, in May 1978, a llazard Orditlance was passed by the Tov,l Council whj.ch further affected cicns.ity and GiiFA on all propertie (except Single Farnily and Duplex) in the Tot'rn. It is the Town attorney's opinion that the 40% slope restTictj.on unde:: this ordinance rvould apply to your propert), with regard to youl' allowable GRFA. Thus, the 30 unit figure wj-ll remain in effcct, but the alloruable GRFA can only be determined try the subnission of a toPographic map stamped with the seal of a liccnsed surveyor, so that a1l areas of 40% or nore can be subtractcd out. l.{y cornputations frorn the rrnoff icial (unstanrpcd) topo nap you subnitted in Septernber of 1979 shorv this figure to be in the area of 51 ,000 square feet. Please note that you nay apply to the Departn:ent of Corrununity Development for a GRFA variance which rvould Lre dcterrnirled b1'thc PIanning atrd Envirort- :- nental Conrnission. If I can be of furthex assistarlcc., Please call--encloscdis ny card. Sinccrely, et&"-l A. PDTIR PATTI]N, Senior I,l anncr APP: bpr ?# cc Larry Ri.dcr r-ioLl1 IrI CAT I Oll AGI':UUi'iuliT \r-P-( ,-ryv 1 0t c(ttt THIS AGREEI:EIiT l'rade t-his lst dav of l"air ' 1915 beiv"een VAIL ASSOCIATEST Ir'NC' ' a Colorado corporation (hereinafter called ,,vAr') and JoHN P' I{ALL and sIIERRTE HALL (hereinafLer callecl "Ha1}s" ) ' RECITALS: I. on April .22' Lg15' VAI as Seller and John P' HaII as Purchaser entered into the following four Agreernents: . a' Agreement for the purchase and saLe of real estate covering Lot I' Block 2' VAIL/POTATO PATCH' Eagl-e County' Colorado; whic]- real property !s hereinafter referred to as "Lot 1" and which Agreenrent is hereinafter referred to as the "Lot 1 Agreernent"; b' Agreenent for the purchase and sale of real estate covering Lot 5' Block 2' LAIL/PoTATo PATCH' Eagle county' Colorado; which real ProPert)z is hereinafter referred to as 'Lot 5" and which Agreement is hereinafter referred to as t the "Lot 6 Agreement"; cr Agreement for the purchase and sale of real estate ccvering l,ot 34' Block I' VAIL'/POTATO PATCH' ""n-t" ":"::t:- Coloradoi which real property is hereinafter referred to as "Lot 34" ancl which Agreement is hereinafter referred to as the ,,Lot 34 Agreement"; and d' option Agreement covering LoL 25' Block 2' VAIL VILLAGE THIRTEEIiTH FILING, EA9IC COUNTY. COIOTAdO; WhiCh realproPertyishereinafterref-erredtoas,,Lot25..andr'lhich Agreemen!ishereinafterref.:rredtoasthe.,Lot26Agreernent''. 2' Pursuant to the above-described four Agreements' John P. HaIl acquired ti"le to I'ot I ' LrtL 6 '''nd Lot 34 rrd acqrtir'=C anoptiontopurchaseLot25fromVAl.JohnP.}iallsubseguent-]1' conveyed Lot 1' Lot 5 ancl Lot 34 to the Halls and assigneil aII interests in the Lot 26 Agrcenent to the llalls' The Halls and VAI are the only parties.having any interest under the four Acrr-,c;.c; tg Ccscr :?'A 3. VAI and the 1, terrninate the Lot Lot 5 and the Lot 34 is to accomPlish the ,tl rgr''tg Halls wish to rescind the ourchase of Lot 26 Agreement and modify and amend the Agreements. The purpose of this Agreement foregoing objectives' of this Agreement bv both Parties ' $9,480. 48 (rePresenting Payments the Lot I Agreement, which PaYments in the sum of $7,164'23 after 1975 in the sum of 52,316'25) as AGREEI,IENT IN CoI{SIDERATToN oF the Recitals and for other good and valuableconsiderationrVAlandtheHallsagreeasfollows: l-. Recission of Lot I Purchase' a- UPon execution of this Agreement by both parties' the Halts shalI "*".",lt", have acknowledged and deliver to VAI a General FlarrantY Deed conveying their interests in Lot I subject only to those matters as set forth in rxhibit A attached hereto and by reference made a Part hereof' b- Promptly after detivery of the above-described Warranty Deed, VAf shal1 mark the Pronissorlt I'lote dated April 22,1975 from Joh,n P' Hall payable to the order of VAI in the original principal amount of $143 '754'00 "Paid" ' shall obtain the. Release of Deed of rrust securing such promissory Note and describetlonExhibitA,andreturnthecancelledPromissory Note, Deed of Trust and Release to the Halls' Both such Promissory l\'lote and Deed of Trust were given in connection with the purchase of Lot 1' c- UPon execution VAf shatL credit the sum of made b1z the Hal1s to VAI on were made on APril 22, 1975 adjusiments and on JuIY 15, foIlo-":s: (i) S3, €'66' 00 shal1 be creCited aqainst the prin ^pal payment of S3,656'00 due ApriI 22' 1976 on the Prorn-:;soryNotefromJohnP.HalltovArdatedAprl-t.22,L9T5 in t]:r sum of $69,654-00 relabing to the Lot 34 Agreement; and ' (ii) The balance against the princigal Payment of9l,7l8-00dueApril22,lgT6onthePromissorvNotefrornJohn -2- P. Hall to V/rI ,loO i"rtri! ?2, 1975 in tn,Qut of relating to the Lot 5 /rgreement. C. Upon execution of this Agreement by both VAI and the Halls sha1l be releaseci from all under the Lot 1 Agreement and all rights of boLh Halls thereunder shaI1 terrninate. 2. Termination of Lot 26 Agreernent. UPon execution of this Agreement by both parties, both VAI and the Ha1ls shall be released from atI obligatj ons under the Lot 26 Aoreernent and all'rights of both VAI and the Hal1s thereunder sha1l be terminated. UPon execution of this Agreement, the Halls shatl execute, have ackndwfedged and deliver to VAI a Quit CLaim Deed convefing their interest under the Lot 26 Agreement' together with their copy of the original- option Agreement markec "Cance1Ied". 3. I'lodification of Lot 5 A@ reement. Upon execution of this Agreement by both parties, the Lot 6 Agreement and Lot 34 Agreement sha11 be modified and amended as follows: I a. A11 references to the Lot I Aqreement and the LoE 26 Agreement as contained in Seclion 10 of each Agreement shal1 be deleted; b.AllreferencestofourAg.reementshallbeamended to reacl two AgreerTlents in Section t0 cif each Agreementi c. Section L2 of each Agreernent shall be amended to read as follor'''s: 12. Construction of Recreational 'A-nenitiee' Seller I=-tr't v-Pofntd PATcH' As part of the consideration for this Agreenent, Purthaser shall have the opoortunitY to construct recreational amenities on Tract B and on a comPact 'rectangular parcel of land containing a maximurn of tr,,o coitigruous acres of Tract c as :equested bv Purchaser and as apcroved bv Sel-1el (which lands are hereinafLer referred to as Lhe "recreationaL lands") in connection with his dev lopmcnt of the ft"ri="t, in accordance wj'th this ction 12' Prior io taking advantage of the oPportur,ity to-construct recreati5nal amenities on the Recr'. -'tional Lands' purchaser shalI submit to seller Di.;ns and documents evidencing aPProval by the Town of ':ail for the construction- of recreltional ameni les such as tennis $171,5oo. o0 both parties, obligations VAI and the -3- O !-^ ^h-'lr'cr'd) ' " t'u'i'-'i:ri Pool'ccurts (u:': ch ti(-l)' be enclc.,scd) a par three noii"oi'';;":!-::l::.'l-lli,.[r:";]:l:'.ii;" ::::"""1;:' r,l = i,1,?i"il^;;";,i,il;i - ; "ou i' i s i or and'"he ordinances an'J : I''cgulations of tht"t""'t :l ^::i t;*=il:|"' plans must arso' ;;;;i;" -that-the recreatlonat iirt ue madc a'vailabIe for.use--by the general-public' and Purchu"ot "i"ii"uJ ""frt1ed -to. :1":::^" "31t"r,.""t discrimin.toty'itt for the use of the same' r aqrees to submii";";;-Pl-als t" ii't-r"wn 9f vair by N6vember 1, 19i6 and witt'in =i"it"a"vs after'approval of such planr uv iIrl"i, setler "iip"t-"r'u=:: =:h:11 enter into a Lease which will cont-ilil ;;;g other provisions' lrt" fofro"ing Provisions : a- Purchaser must cornrnence const:::tt^?l of such recreatio".'' iiiiiti'll-*iit':-""I1''"t irca:s after the date of the Lease tna to'pfete the t"*"-*itnin a reasonable period of time' b' Purchaser may use the Recreational l'ands onllz for the "or,"ar.,r"iion -ana ^-irri..rli"" "r the recreational ameniiies """;;;;-;y suctr app'roved plan' c' The recreational- amenities must be available fot t-tf" UY tfte general Public' d. The term of the Lease sha1l be for a period of 99 Years' e. The rent under the Lease shall not be in excess of $100'00 Per Year' f. The Lease shall be.a "net" Lease; i'e" purcr,-aser =n"ii-ilv-;ii,::::l *:::'l::t":i:l lli ""r.?Tffii::':""l.lt"nl:;::i;'::ii';-;;;ri{v'r''ries' I and -..he "o=tt-Jf'rei'"ir= and naintenance' If the Town of VaiI has not approve'd such-pl"t't= as above described ttiii"-li"'-!""t rt"^-Lrre aate of their submissio", !"i"i-i"Ii'6-p"t"rtl="t has not pursued attempting to obtain approv"i";; t""n'!t3l:'uttigentlv within t''t"i' i"ii"a-"r ti*"' 'Purchaser's right to construct t":;;-.;;'i-r-'*"";-;i;; ;" the Recreational Lands shall ;;i;;;i"anv teiii""t"' H:YeY:r' If Purchaser'";;;;;;-'!aitio''.i"'ii*t-t" :b:i:? aperoval from the toti"li-i-tl'-t''a tl Purchaser'shall have been diligently p"tJii'-'; ii" attempt to obtain such approval, tnen ver agrees-"of-io ""ttu'onably withhold granting .t'l'="*i"''=i6"" of [i*" to P-:Tcha??tni?ln"t"t ih"_p,,'po:: ::r::lirH3:,'t;: ;:*?:irr: ;i any of shall be rn the Notes d";;;i;;; i" s""ti""'io or this Asreement at any tl,n"'"i^"i;;;t";'s rioht to construcc improvsne''t= oi-Ir'" n""r""ti""ul Lands shaII also ;;i;;il;;iiy";";!:1.:, ..TiT:":""?'.il: ;::;l:: ll' "' !l:;.':::'::'13''ill".fi"xl;;;"''t' "''i'i:.?"d at the closing or iiiit'r'ul sr'arr it'steaa survive the closing of title- d' Section 13 of each Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: 13- qeeeprs " i3)l"itt;nln"owner of Tracc u' "::"/:" -'i^:^:* p,rr.haser shallconsiderati;;-for this Agreernentr Purchaser have the ",'i^i'il"i;t -i:-i:J:;!i:l';":n:":"i::i:li::' ::"*;::*ll3"'-;"i::"i?Id'"-;;;";;]u''" svstem" ) on Tract C in connection with-his develbpment of the premises, in accordance *itii-Li'is section 13' Prior io tal:ine '-;";;;;;;-oi *'"-oplott""itv to construct o ..o_,_.,the Conve)tance Svstem, Purchatscrr 5h;iLl- F\rl-,mr t plans and documents e;idencing aporolral bY the Town of Vail- for tne'"onstruction of t-he Con"'e"'ance Sl'sten on Tract c. such plans shall be-in "'opliott"e-with the Protective covenants for veri/l'orero -PATCH-SUBDr\tlSIoN and the ordinances and n"g"fl'--iont of the Tovrn of vail' Such plan''.jil";i=1..|'""iae-itr"t the Conveyance system will be made available for use- bY tle- general public' Howeverr Purchaser sha11-f'"t'"-thl righl to make such charges as h;";;;*=-iit rot lr't t'tse lnd operation of such conv"y-""E=ivJt"r-r"-r"ig-"r- iuctr chlrges and fees are non-discriminatory agarr,"i trr-" general public' se'ler shall apProve or aittiit;;; ;i such -plans within sixty a.y= uri!;-;;; I"l^itiitn of such plans bv Purchaser to seller, which approval shall not be un- reasonabrv ti;;;;ia: it s"rilt does not disapprove of such pr.,,i';rilt; """i' tio"l suctr plans-shalI be ieemed to naie"i"""--"ppt"ved bv setlei ' rf seller disapprov." oi """rt pi^""s' puilhaser sha1l revise such pIan" tt'a re-sulmit t""i-iltti=ea p1ans. to Seller for sellea's approval in ttre"mannet t"i forLh in this Section 13' I]pon apProval of such plans bv seller' Se1Ier shal-1 ionvey such non-exclusive oerpetual oedestrian easements over,. above and across 'Tract C as rnay be t.q,'iili" [o-t"""*piittt-tr'" ' instal]-ation of the approved Conveyance-system' -'-fi is understood and agreed that purchaser shall have unt*ii aptlL ??'-L977 in which to submit such plans to the'i"t" tr Vail- for its approval' rf the Town of Vail has ""t "pploYtd t::l ?1""= rvithin one year from-the date of subirission' and if the Purchaser has not diligently trursued his attempt to obtain such approval duri"nttIli"i"ir"a' then iurchaser's right to consiiuct the Conve;-ance System on Tract C shall automatically termi-"u[L. If, however, Purchaser has dirig.,'iiy-pt"'=""a r'is -aitemDts to obtain such approval tto#d;';;; "i-v"i1 durinq such period' then upon Purchaser'" t"g""!i-vni-agreesito extend ' such peri"d';;";i;" ut tiy be necessary in order to obtain the necessary aPprot"I fto'n the Town of Vail' rf Purchaser shall te in a"Il"it under the^provisions of any or tie-ilo!t=-a"""tiu"J-i" section r0 of this Agreement -i--"y tirne' Purchaser's right to construct the conve.,ti""- -sy=tem-on- Tt;;;-' irt"ri ars-o automatically terminate' -ti*"- is of tnt !J=""ce under- this section 13. rne proii;";; oi tt'it section 13 shall not merge with the documents exchanged";I-$; closing of title but shall insteal i"rtit'e the closing of title' e- Except as modified by subsections 3 a' b' c' d of this Agreement, the Lot 6 Agreement and the Lot 34 Aqreement shall remain in full force and effect' Misce l laneous. a. This Agreement shall be binding uPon and inure to the benefit of VAf and the Halls' their respective heirs' personal rePrcsentativcs' successors and assi-cns' b- This Agreement' together with the Exliibit attached hereto, contains the entire agreement betr'ieen the parties and rnay not be further modified or amended in any manner excePt by -5- -! ii '?t"' sisned bY vAr "'a t"?:ral}s' an instrurnent 1n c' T5e Section heailings are inserted only for convenient reference and t" l"'-:l:::-':"H'"t"';t"' *'' :onvenient rer=--" ^-.F nr ttrg Exhibit attayfr-e.-a. herec.r' - l : _- _, ""on" of this Agreeme-nt "t tn-:-:,. *- -.,r,rti.i"il in-accordance - -.scoPe e! ";. rnr= on;.ement -shal-} be constr"9" "" l- ::'--- '' r.,irh rhe raws or *" t:"_:",::r""rr:;t"-;"", wrirten. ExEcuTED the day and year rNc. rVAIL AssoclATE-:1* " *ii tl"t""iI corPor at ion ATTEST.: { 6Eret -5- E_IllrBrT A (attached to and forming f Part of Agreement between vair Associatesl rn9-., a colorado corPora- tion, and John-"]-i"ii-ind sherrie Ha11 dateo--""'i y /'Le75) I"TATTERS TO WHICit TITLE IS SUBJECT 1. 2. 3. 4. rhe lien of real propertv tti:t^,,::? 3:'":::^""ts for LeTs' i'jttii""tl-:'gzs' ^"na' for subseguent vears' Riqht:of the Proprietor gf 3 vein or lode to extrict and r"mo.," his ore Jil;;";;;*l-tnotri"ti" s.'ne be found to oenetrate ot t"t"ttect the pt"titlt-hereby ?:l"ttd' and iigr,t of way ror aitcnes or ttnlil-""nstr-ucted' by the adthority o, .r,. united states li-t"r"."ed, in.,uni-"ed stares parents -;J;;;;; r.aay_? , ^lgoa in Book 48 at pase so3, and recor":;-;;;;-ril'rsig'i"-"""x 123 at paee 517' Restrictio'':^1: ;::t:'.";:nl"rltlt'ument recorded March 5, 1974 in Boox utility and drainage easemerrts as shown-g".th: Prat of Vair/pora.o nu.iiil'i"Iota"a-uttli l''- t97q il-lo"* 233 aE oaqe 629, ano -I"lut"tted in -i;;;t;"nt recorded March 'ri"'rt1l- in-sook 233 ax Page 528' i::"1 l:; :: ",,€4" fu:1 i ; *i:i: !"i!:'#: :, liil' ?ilu' from Jofrn P' "uii ffi'tr't p"uric truEEce of 'E1:9le county, coforadl-rot the use "i v"ir Associates' rnc' qiven to secu." a promisrory ,,1a" in the originar Siit"itr.t-"^o"''t of $ra3' 7s4' oo' o rffi' VNIL JOHN AGREEMENT FOR THE ptincinsn AND SALE oP REAL ESTATE THIS AGREEI'IENT dated lpriL 22' 19?5 is -between ASSOCIATES, INC'I a Colorado co::poraticn ("Sel1er") and P. HALL ("Purchaser")' 1. Purchase and SaIe' Seller agrees convey anC Purchaser agrees to purchase and pay described real ProPerty: Lot6,Btock2' VAIL/POTATO PATCH ;;;i! -ountY' colorado The above described real ProPertY ,,Premises'. The Premises are sold and conditions and subject' to the agreenent The purchase price for tbe 2' PurcheJe-Jrlse' Premises is $2 14 ' 3?O ' 00 payable as f oIlor'rs: (a) $17I'500'00 shall be paid by Purchaser exe- cu-,ing and delivering to Seller at the closing of title Purchaser's -promissory note substantially in the form of Exhibit A attached .heretoinsuc}rprincipalamountandbearirrginterestattherate of 8t per year' Such promissory note strall be secured by a deed of jgrlst to the Public Trustee of Eagle county' colorado for the use of Seller constituting a first lien on-the Premises 'substantially in the form of Exhibit B attached h'-'reto' (b) Thc balance of the .purchasc i': ic'e ' subjecc toadjustmentassctforthinSection3,shal}b:paidtoSel}cr at the closing of title in cash or by a certifie'l or bank cashier's check PaYabIe to Se}ler to sell for the and f ol torring is hereinafter ca1led the anil Purchased on the terms matters set forth in this - Price' The f ollor"'ing 3. I'a, items shaIl be adjustments to the purclrase Prlce: (a) Real- property taxes and assessment: ":-:": premises for the year of the closing of titte payable in the fol- lor'ring year, with the amount of such taxes and assessments baseil upon the amount of such taxes and assessments for tbe year pre- .ceding the closing of title' sha1l be apportioned b'etween Seller and Purctraser as of the date of the closing of title' t"' ^t the.closi ng of title' Se]Ier shall pay the premiun for the oh'ner's title insurance.n"t::".,to be issued to PurchaserPursuanttosubsection4(a)(i)..Atthec}osingof titre, purchaser sharl pay the premium for a mortgageer s title insurance policy to be issued insuring the deed of trust des- crib'ed in subsection 2 (a) and shall also pay all recording and documentary fees clue at the crosing of title. Each party shall Pay any other costs and expenses incurred by such party in . connecrion wi-.-lr the transactions conternplated by ::t:r:t^^.:",:onnectroJr w..urr u"- '.r_i ar +o or on the date of 4' Title Evidence' (a) Prior to o: closing of title' Se11er shall .deliver to Purchaser at Seller's exPense the following title evidence: (i) A prelininary title insurance conmit- 'mentissuedbyTransamericaTitlelnsuranceCompanyshowingthe .statusofrecordtit}etothePremises.Suchprel.iminarytitle insuranceco;imitmentshallcommittoinsuretitl'JtothePremises - the arnount of the purchase price subject to the in purchaser an ErrE arrrv-"- - r^: ,. orbro and to the standard matters set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto printecl exceptions appearing in title conmitrnents issued by said insurer witlr respect to real property in Eagle County' Colorado uPcn Pa)'r'ent of the policy prcmium by Se'l-Ier' a;rd the reco::ding of 'a cor)veyance from Se1ler to Purc)raser' .' (ii) A certificate of taxes due prcpared bY the Treasurer of Eagle County' Colorado' '-2- (b) If Purchascr asserts the cxisterrce of any encumbrance, encroachment in'or defect in or objection to title other than those set forth on Exhibit C which renders title to any portion of the Premises unmarketable and which Purchaser does not \taive (any of which are calJed "defects of title"), Purchaser shall give written notice of any such defect of title to Se11er prior to or on the date of the cLosing of tit1e. If Purchaser does not give seller written notice of any such defect of title within such time, Purchaser shall be deemed to have waived any such defect of title. After receipt of such notice, Seller may, but shall not be obligated to, remove or cure a1I such defects. If Seller elects Lo attempt to remove or cure aII such defects, Seller shall be entitled to an adjournment of the closing of titl-e for a period of up to 30 days in which to. remove or cure such defects. Se1ler shall be entitled to use the proceeds from the closing of title to cure or remove any defect of title which may be removed by payment of an ascertainable sum of money. Seller shall also be entitled to provide Purchaser with title insurance protection against any defect of title and such title insurance shall be deemed to satisfy Sel]errs obligation to Iemove or cure such defect of title. If Seller does not elect to remove or cure aI1 defects of title prior to the date of closing of title or if Seller is unable to remove or cure all defects of title prior to the adjourned date of closing of title, Purchaser may efect to rtaive such defects or to terminate this agreement in which event neither party shal1 have any further obligations hereunder. If Purchaser does not give Se1ler written notice of termination on the clate of closing of title or, if sel ler has elected to attempt to cure all r]efects of title, on the acjourned date of closinq of title, Pu::clraser shaIl be deemed to ha.'e waived such defects. 5. l'larranties of Sel-1er- i,r) As of -April 22 ' ] 975 '' Seller warrants and represents as follt..'s: r I : iI{i :: { I !t I ; [' ln Lhe VAIL/PoTATO (i) Natural gas mi ..ns have been PATCH subdivision a( :ording to the insta lled speci fi ca t ions -3- O i.' o !!,"-"),:';*,';,ir'i;:t)i'!" {i''"'f ::: :.? Y:' i^','u Tn' ii.si' "'' Y 6 a s e 6Ed t s L o c- a\ €' of public Serr'lce cc)n?en)' of Coloradorl Tl'e availability of oFIJt^t""t naturalgasforthe'useofsuchsubdivisioni-s,}tor':ever' subjecttothediscretionofPublicServiceCompanyofColorado. (ii) No Portion of the Premises is covered by water a-t any time during the year' or is subject to floods, trurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, avalancheSt -volcanic erruPtions or any other natural hazard' except that thePrenisesiSsubject.toanornal-"hieat.,offorestfiresfrom naturalorhulancauses.Noneoftheforesteillandwithinor adjacent to the Premises has been burned by forest fires in modern times. Nc Federal, state or local agencjr'has formally identified the area in rvhictr the Preirises is l0cated as subject to a special forest fire hazard' iurther' the Premises is not affecled by a flood plain, including a 100 year flood plain' nbr is it in an area designated to be flood prone as identified bv the Federal t"1::;" ,:li::"":"'"",=". the Zonins Adminisrra- tor of the Tor':n of Vai1, Holy Cross Electric F-ssociation and Vail l.,'ater anc Sanitation District to Pro\'ide Purchaser with lettersrelatingtothezoningofthePremises,theavailability ofelectricservicetothePremisesandtheavailabilityof \,JaterandserverservicetothePremises'respectively'Further sell-er has provided Purchaser with a 9eo1o9icaI report Pre- '- paredbyl.loodr.;ard-ClevengerandAssociatesofDenver,Co}orado. Seller makes no rePresentations or warranties as to the accuratcness or reliabirity of such letters or geological report or as to their contents' (iv) AII rvor)< rvhich has been performed in or about ,-he irc;ni j;es or natcrial s f r-rrnislrcd thereto ""'hich might itr any circuinstanccs give rise to a nrechallic t s or materialmen t s lien )ras been paid for and aIJ nccessdrll '',''.u.rs of rights to a mcchanic's or materiallnenrs lien have been obtained' (v) Seller has no knorvlcdge of any pending actions by any governmental auLilority having overthePrcmiscsaffcctinqtheuscsofortitle or tlrrcatcncd jurisdiction tt\-. -'- . -' _/;e s u !.Dt tttt toJltAY FoL '!'- 7 -r -, OOr\) (b) rn addition ro havine the opport"ll:1 . =y'tr,)\ to review the material ref erred to in subsection 5 ttt :'^'^:' tfui Purchaser has had the opportunity to inspect t'5eJ'=.r;:=i-*s' 0U- the zoning of the Premises ' and the availability of utilities to serve the Pren''ises' Except for the obligations of Seller underSection14ofthisagreement,PurchaseraccePtsthePremisesfl . !'Vr:i\ as is in its Present condition (c) purchaser acr-,nowledges tha-u he has t:t - ,rrrrr)fW relieduPonanyrePresentationsorwarrantiesofSel}er'"nt.'ltLt]w_ decision t" ""';:;'"r:""",'."r,r""=""r"::r:'r:::r::':"'::::*J"if!::iice4re lr.fLal ' \s'-' ^*- ^-,-".'"*tttt exchanged at the closing of d€^€orJes' merge into the various documencs ei'!\/'u,-? title but shall instead survive the closing of title' 6' Closing of Title' (a) The closinq of title shall take place at 3:00 p'm' Denver' Colorado time on at the offices of Sellerrs couDs€lr Holme Roberrs & owen, suite loro, 1700 Broadwalr Denvel:-:":r^":"" ' (o) The fo1lowing shall occur at the closing of titl-e, each being a condition precedent to the others and a1l- being corsidered as 6ccurring simultaneously: (i) Sel-Ier shall execute' have acknowledged -^--':- = oeneral warranty deed to the Premises and deliver to Purchaser a 9€ subject to the matters set forth in Exhibit c and to any defects oftitlewaivedbyPurchaserPursuanttosubsection4(b)above. (ii) Purchaser shall pay to Seller the portion of the purchase price payable Pursuant to subsection 2 (b) ' ' (iii) purchaser shall €xecute' have ackno"r- ledged as rec;uired 'and deliver to Se1ler the promissory note ' and dced of trust provided for in subsec-'ion 2 (a) ' 1iv) Each ParLy sha11 deliver to tlre other - 'f icates' opinions of counsel i::d the i: .1"., ". ,"""r:* ;::"r" or as mav be necessarv 'or i erPrul to carry out their'obligations under this agrcement' (v) Seller shall deliver to Purcha$r : pos- scssion of the Prcmiscs' Purclraser shall be cntitlsfl !6' ful} enjol'mcntoft-hePrcmiscsasofthedaLcofposscssion:''l)ject only to thos'c maLters 'set forth or referrcd to lrercin' -- : )'- 7' Fir;l'' of Loss' If betvleen the date of this agree- m?n! and the date of ttre closing of title' dnY Part of the Premises is taken in condemnation or under the right ef eminent domain, Purchaser shall have the right by written notice given to Seller prior to or on the date of closing of titte to terminate this agreement in which case neither party shart have anY further obligations hereunder' Seller shatl promptly notify Purchaser of each occurrence of the l-,ind specified above. rf Purchaser shall not terminate this agreement because of any such occurrence' Seller and purchaser sharl perform their respective obligations under this agreementandthereshallbet.lo.diminutionorabatementofthe purchase price; provided' however' that Seller shall on the date ofclosingoftitledelivertoPurchaseranYcondemnationawards receivedbySellerandassigntoPurchaseralfofSeller'sright, title and interest in anil to any condemnation awards not yet received as of such date; and Seller shall refrain from' without . purchaser's prior rvritten consent' accepting or 'agreeing upon lhe anount of any Pa)'ment of any such avrards arising out of such occurrence rrred B' Brokers' If either Seller or Purchaser has rncr any obligation' contingent or otherwise' for brokerts or finder's ' feesvrithresPecttothemattersprovidedforinthisagreement. the party incurring any suctr obligation shall be solely responsible therefor.Eac}rPartyagreestoholdtheotherPartyharmless..fron and against any and all costs' exPenses' claims' losses or damages' including reasonable counsel fees, resulting from violati'ons of the agreenentccntainedinthisSection.sdAggJoJ|-rA,{,c0rl,n.'o....',1 \N - ---^xi ar't r"re.s- Sel1er lle* Ptovide/j Purchaser \)lgpg":-"o!jcal l:'iaPs' >errc'rre / + l''- '\ I 'i t"")^r ..r-^ Dr-r,.ni s.'s slrot.'i nq '-fe- ^9o.1'-',9''ltr"9f.i i..h Lopos: - r r ica r "'i'^i: f,,f drri'ii:l;f.";iiii.-ir:t_*flrt.i :i' ;ij.,,2,.- ay A t!€ettrEFr.).':-' .Li-*ishes to har.e Os f e.". the premisr:, at two foot intervals^ -rf Purcnast h,Jtr;'eac|, a topograpl:ica' map of the premises showing the contour of the:j:;;:7;! Premisesalonefootinterva}s,.-SeIlersha}lprovidePurchaseruith,]A"JD such a Lop -rraphical maP at a cost to Pur'chaser at thc lcsser of ao" tJr sg d of s500.00 rr sellcrrs cost of labor and materials incurred in 'i;:::' prcpari'rg ;::ch l-oPographic'el maps plus I5 perccnt of suclt toottt/a' I,l' Lll ttMr-a:i, -6- lrs c'-.r!-Li 1:( J '--. , -!,,.: , 1:'; 5r:llr:" 'the right to obtain a '.oi->oq raphical rrap of ti-re Premises sho\':ing thecontourofthePremisesatonefootirrtervalsvrithint\.Jo years after the date of closing of title by delivering a written request to Seller for such map vrithin such time' If Purchaser shalt not request sucb maP vtithin such time' Purchaser's right to obtain such a nap shal1 terminate' Seller shall provide Purchaser r^rith such topographical map within 90 da1'5 after Purchaser'srequesttherefor'TheprovisionsofthisSection'9 shall not merge into the virious documents exchanged at the closingoftitlebutshallinsteadsurvivettreclosingoftitle. and Purchaser have on this date entered into Agreement for the Purchase alrd Sale of Real Estate relating to Lot 1' Block. 2' vAlL/PoTAToPATCH,AgreementforthePurchaseand.SaleofRealEsta-.e relating to Lot 5, Block 2, :VAIL/POTATO PATCH' Agreement-for the Purchase ancl Sale of ReaI Estate relating to Lot 34' Block 1' vAILlPoTATo PATCH, and Option Agreement relating. to Lot 26' €1ock--1, VAIL VILLAGE THIRTEEiT*TH FILfNG' Each of these four agreements prcvide that a portion of the purchase price for the real property covered by each such agreement shaIl be paid by purchaser delivering to se11er a promissory note to the order of. SeIIer secured by a deed of trust to the Pubtic Trustee of EagleCounty,ColoradoforthebenefitofSel}erontheProPerty sold under the provisions of each such agreement' 9"-9:l"J:' :lg't 5, s e I I e r sh a r I d " r iY=I-lgjgr = j't 11"1q- s en-e r a l I" tt-11!y--9" ei for Lot 30,.Block 1, v4rry.lgrlTo PATcHJree and clear of a1l liens and encumbrances "*"ept as stt fotth in Exhi hereto. purchaser sharl not be required to pay any ":l:]91taticn for the Purchase of such Pr:oPert)' in adcition Lo the consiclerat:cn ;a* -,- .-eer:rents icscribec (-lb?i'e. 1f bct\"'ecn -'-he c'i.'-ue of thisagreernentandJunel,IgT6Purchaserslra}Ibeindefault under the provisions of any of the prornissory notes given in connection }'ith the four agreements described above, Purchaser': right to obtain a convcyance of such ProPerty shall autoriratical terminate. Seller agrecs to execute a rnenlorandum of the pro- visions of tlris Scction 10 for recording at thc rc<1uest of :..''-:.-l ;.-i' c:. ; -7- oo oraftcrtheclosingoftitleprovidedforinthisPurcbaser on this Section 11 e:ichanged at -'-he sha1l not closing merge with of title but agreement. UPon termina'-ion of Purchascr's right to obtain a co4veyance of such ProPerty' Purchaser shall execute and deliver to. Se1ler a recordable document in a form satisfactory to Seller,scounselreleasingand'guitclairningtoSellera}lof Purchaser's rigtrt, title anil interest to obtain a conveyance of such proPerty' The provisions of this Section 10 shall not nerge rvith the various documents exchanged at the closing of.titte but shall instead survive the closing of title' 11. Construction of Improvements on the Premrses' PurchaserisacquiringthePremisesforthePurposeofconstructing improvements on the Premises at some future date' Prior to the construction of any improvements on the Premises ' Purchaser agrees c\ to obtain rhe approvar- of arr regulatory authorities having -\Y--F jurisdiction over the Premises including but not limited to / \ /t -- .r','. / the Town of Vail and any Architectural Control Committee' . Th€i Provisions of the rrarious docuinents sha1l instead survive the closing of title' L2. constr"ction of @' Seller is the owner of Tracts B and C' VAIL/POTATO PATCH' As part of the consideration for this agreement ' Purchaser shall have the opportunity to construct recreational amlitt": :" t:tc_:-.:i: on a compact, rectangular parcel of land containing a ma>:lmum of two contiguous acres of Tract C as requested by Purchaser and as aPProved by SeIler (which Iands are hereinafter referred to as the,,Recreatio:'ral Lands") in connection v"ith his develoPt"tt.'$ of Lhe Prc;:,ises, in : ccordance with this Section l-2 ' ' F::ior to taking advantag€ ef ihe opportunity to construct recreational anenities on the Re<'i-eational Lands' Purchaser shaII subnity'o . i' ' ' L/''a t St tce e- plans and docum6.n!5 ,rVidencing approval by the Town of vair for I the constrtrction of -ecreational amenities such as tcnnis courts' a swirn-'ning pool, a 'r thrce golf course or othcr similar facilitjcs. Such p"ins shall bc in compliance with the 1>lotectivc covc:nal)ts for VAIL,/:'TTATO PATCII subdivision and Llre ordilrirllccs -n* S-?-frd resuPmr and Purchaser shalf enter into a lease which will contain' among other provisions, the following provisions colr'tclcl .'ron EF- (a) Purchaser *"t;;;;;;]""CPt"th recreational amenities within 3fu -o'-o'r€ .after the date ofthelease;;N')cot\'lLG-r€THetapt€u)tttltx)rt/fcd'oNAgLePcatob only for amenities s ar rrrF MJ/ /' '>. !' (b) Purchaser may use the Recreational Lands the construction and maintenance of the recreational covered bY such aPProved Plan; (c) the recreationaL anenities rnus'" be availabLe general Public; (d) the term of the lease shall be for a Perloo (e) the rent under the lease shall not be in excess of $100.00 Per Yeari ano I (f) the lease shall be a "net" lease; i'e'' i.|,PurchasershalIpay.al-l.costsassociatedwiththeov,nershipof | :'-^-." ^^r- i^."lrrFino but not limited to real property I the Recreational Lands including but not l' and the costs of repairs and rnainLenance' 'y'.; 'tu"u", utilities charges .l '!'/ Plt?lhtl4 t!rs No.T tl!n!''/'r? 7t?a^fjj" ;-';-',:e As iescribed-'l .! $. f';i.:;;-- j--' c::ci:=1---'-.--: -;i:'--:-':'i;-1""' :^- fi,,,,^J". ,r^'3.:;i:1;1'rrrro, purctrascr's righi to consLruct recreatio:"ar N" amenities on the Recreational Lands shalr auLomatically terminate' R ;;";:,";"="; ,;,r, be in deraurr under rhe provisions or anv or I ' " ection 10 of this agreement at any time 'I tn" notes described in s' I t purclrascrr s riglrt to construct improvcincnts on the Recreational \ -'-! ^*-r'i ^:'''l I rr ternj natc ' Tilne is of the csscnce I Larrds sh'el-I also automat-icaIIl' tcrnj nat( \\ un(rcr Lhis section 12. Thc provisions of Lhis scclion 12 slrall and regulations of rhe Town of Vail.. Such plans must also t[ tDU/ provide thar rhe recrear io""t ?lil;;,'.T rli ll |"' x,?:"";li:i,jt t:ff:;.,, and regulations of the 'r'own ol \ for use by the general eublici i F6€t' :_ -t- not mcrge with the but shall instead documents exchanged survive the closing at the closing of title .iof titfe. SelLer is the owner of Tract C' IALL/POTATO PATCH' As Part of the consideration for this agreement, Purchaser shal1 have the opportunity to investigate the feasibility of installing a con- veyance system for the mechanical transportation of people (the "Conveyance System") on Tract C in connection with his dtevelopment of the Premises, in accordance with this Section 13' Prior to taking advantage of the opportunity to construct the Conveyance system, Purchaser shalt submit plans and documents evidencing aPproval by the Town of Vail for the construction of the Conveyance System on Tract C' Such pIan.s shall be in cornpliancerviththeProtectivecovenantsforVAaL/PoTAToPATCH subdivision and the ordinances and regulations of the Tovrn of VaiI. Such plans must also provide that the Conveyance System r^rill- be made available for use by the general public' Se1ler ffr,t,r/I V'iv sha}l approve or disapprove of such plans within sixty uu'Sr,rrff-.l' ' after the subrnission of such plans by Purchaser to Sef feja t171fi:;:,:'. l-xjr-y ur,"', Seller does not disapprove of such plans within such time' \ such plans shall be deemed to have been approved by Seller' If Seller disapproves of such plans ' Purchaser shall revise suchplansandresubmitsuchrevisedplanstoSellerforSeller's approval in the manner set forth in this section 13' upon apfroval of such plans by Sel}er, Sel1er shall conve)' such non-exclusive perpetual pedestrian easements over' above and across Tract C asmayberequiredtoaccomplishtheinstallationoftheapproved Conveyance System' If Seller does not convey such easements as 'describcdaboveby/lpri122,:-977,Pur-ci.as,cr.Srigir.;tocon- struct':reConveyances)'s'iemonTractCsl'rallautonatically termina:'...IfPurchasershallbeindefau}tunr]ertheprovisio:rs ofanyt-itlrenotesdescribedinSectionl0ofthisagreementat an1l tim,, Purchaserrs right to construct the Conveyance Syslcm onTracCshallalsoautomaticallyterminate.Timeisofthe cssencc :nder tl.ris scction 13. T)re provi sions of this section 13 sh.-r].IItrItl.|Cfgewiththedocuments..exc)tatrgedattheclosingof of titl l>ut shall insteail survive thc closing of title' -. I r) - 14 . Cor)sLluc-t j c,n-olJro-3(la:--l€!-j!gLi!g' - iit -oi -o? - before Octc'bcr l, Lg76, Seller shall causc to be constru:J;ed pav_cd roads as shov.rr on the plat for VF-IL,/POTATo PATCH sub- Civision according to the standards of the Town of Vail for acceptance of paved roads for maintenance by the Town of Vail inalIportionsofYAIL/PoTAToPATCHsubdivisionnecessaryto provide access to Lots 30 and 34' Block I' and Lots l and 6' Block 2, VAIL/POTATO PATCH- (Ol on or before october l' i-g75' Seller sha1l :s of ttre perimeter of the Premises to be 'staked with steel pins in accordance with the recorded' plat for the subdivision in which the Premises is locateil' (c)' Sell-er shall use its best efforts to cause its obligations under subsections 14 (a) and (b) to be completed by the date set forth j.n each subsection; horvever, each such date sha1l be extended for delays because of weather, strikes, inability to obtain materials, labor shortages' acts of God' h'ar, aggression, destruction, contractor l s breaches of contract' ^^!,6*..*..=-!> t r.rc'''r ar-'i ^h r.nrrr'l- decrees or orders or any other IUvg- rr..r'-:-. eG-L ruv U-lcl LI!'rr, occurrence or. condition beyond se11er's control occuri'ng in connection with each such obligation' (d) The provisions of this Section 14 shal} not nerge with the various documents exchanged at the closing of title but shaft instead survive the closing of title. 15. overPass. SelIer has been negotiating with the Tor'rn of Vail for the construction of a Pedestrian. overPass across fnterstate Highway I-70 from the Vail/Lionshead area to the vicinity of the Premises. Seller agrees to cooPerate b'ith the ?o'.in of Vail in these negotiations by offering lanCs o"'ned by Sellerforeast't'i3]ltgtobeuscdfortheterminuspointsofthe pedestrian overPass - -.-'_......16.SubstituteSecurity.(a)--Toiacilitat.*the thereof) TCH (the f anY is agree- financing of construction on the Premises (or a portio:' Seller agrees to acccPt Lot 30, Block I, VAIL/PoTATo P 'LoL") as partial substitutc security for the Payment of thc promissory notes refcrrcd to in SecLion I0 of t' r,{,lrt on the f oIlowing colrditions: Qt, Purchascr ov"ns tlr<: O t" iee si;irirl'e: absolute free and clear of aII liens and encumbrancee elrcePt those matters set forth in Exhibit D hcreto; and (ii) Purchaser may obtain a release of any one of the deeds of trust securing the promissory notes referred to in Section 10 of this agreement (but only if Purchaser is not in default under any of such deed ::"-t or the promissory notes secured by such deeds of trust) by the Payment in full of all Principal and interest then due on the promissory note secured' by such deed of trustr less 935'o0o' upon the tendering of a recorclable instrurnent in a form acceptable to Seller vrhich' vrhen recorded,wi}lconstituteavalidfirstlienontheLotinfavor 'of se'Ier' (b) Purchaser may tender to serler such other substitute security to obtain a release of any of the deeds of trust securing the prornissory notes referred to in Section l0; provided that seller' in its sole anil "Ot"tr1:: discretion' shaIl have the absolute authority to determine the acceptability ' of such substitute security and sha}l not be reguired to accePt anY of such substitute security' I?' Igt:lggg' A1I notices' deliveries and other cornmunicationsrequireilunderthisagreementshallbegivenby handl delivery or by registered or certified mail' Postage Pre- Paid' directed :t :"::t"'": "' serrer' to "trer at: Sherrie John l'lanor -'---nia I?055 " i""n""i"tbur9' PennsYrvat with a coPY to: tf tt""il'?:]l :":31:?^3:;'"";!' s'' i ra i''g *xil"::t";3i:'3o1o-"^"' Ese' intc'nied for Purchls€!1 'g9 pur-ci":'ser at: P. O. Bo>: ? - 6.,.E-t i*ii;:l:'"$:"3::?1* '' oL'Lo' Ese' I{ith coPY to: $lT" "l::E'-li "'SIi? ^1 o' o Denvcr, t"t"i;:-,:i il'il'"t"h, Dss.I\ttcntion: -12- An1' notice, detivery or other communication madc in connection with this Section shatl be deemed to be effective when delivered and receipted for. Either party by notice given as above may change the address to which future notices may. be sent' 18. Assignment. Neither Selferts nor Purchaserts rights and duties under this agreement may be assigned or delegated vrithout the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent may be wiihheld in the soLe discretion of the party vrhose consent is reguested. - 19. Default and Termination. In the event of default by either seller or- Purcbaser hereunder prior to the date of the closing of title, tbe remedies upon default are as set forth below unless otherwise provided in this agreement- rf Purchaser shall default in performing Purchaserts obligations hereunder prior to the date of the closing of title, this agreement sha11 terminate' upon . such termination, Seller shall- have no right to an action for specific performance or money darnages or to any other remedy. If Seller - shalI default in performing its obligations hereunder prior to . the closing of tit1e, Purchaser shal1 be entitled to elect to (i) seek specific performance of this agreement or (ii) to terminate this agreement. Upon termination of this agreement under this Section or any other provision of this agreement, neither Seller nor Purchaser sha11 have any further obligations hereunder. 20. lliscellaneous. (a) Subject to the provisions of section 1,8, this agreement shal1 be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Purchaser and Selter and tneir respective heirs, persona1 represcntlt-i-r,'c3,- succisi:ors .r.nrl 153-'i-11i. (b) This agreement, togetiier with the e>:iribits a.,tached hereto, contains the entire a$rt :nent bctr,'een the parties and rnay not be modified in any manner ex,'-Pt by an instrument in .r.rriting signed by Seller and Purchaser- . (c) The section headings rre inserted only for convenient reference and ao not define, i mit or Prcscribe the -r3- '.4-- -a-----. - -' scoPe of this Colorado Law. agreemcnt or any exhibit attachrd hc:reto' (d) This agreement shall be construed under EXECUTED AS of the date first set forth above' SELLER: vArL ASSOCTATES, rNc., a Colorado corPoration,(sEAr) ATTEST: SecretarY -14- o E)IIIIBTT A (Attached to and forming a part of Agreement for the Purchase and SaLe of Real Dstate betr.,'een Vail- Associatesr Inc., a Colorado corporation, as SelLer, and John P. Hall , as Purchaser, dated APril 22' f975.) PROI{ISSORY }JOTE $171.500 . o0 Denver. Colorado April 22, ?-975 OR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby promises to pay to the order of VAIL ASSOCIATES' fNC' ' at P' O' Box 7' Vail, Colorado 8155?, or at such other pI ace as may be designated by the holder of this note in vrriting' the princS'- pal sum of $171,500.00 tcEether with simple interest on the unpaidprincipalbalancesofthisnoteatanannualrateof.6.92 percent from the date hereof until paid. Accrued in'r-erest to ttre date of payment shall be payable guarterly on the fifteenth da1, o1 each July, october, January and April of each calendar year beginning with the calendar year of the execution of this note until this note is paid in full. Accrued interest to the date of Payment shal1 also be payable on the date of payment of the entire unpaid principal balance of this note' The principal amount of this note slraIl be payable in, installments as foffows: g tO,7IB.00 shall be payable on ApriL 22, L976i S 10,7I8.00 shall be payable on April 22, 19772 S 10,718.00 shall be pal'able on APriI 2)' L973; .(.") (d) (a) (b) S I0,718.00 shall be payable on April 22' 1979i and Pir<1c ( r: of 'flrrcc Pagcs Io (e) the entire unpaid principal balance of this . note shall be payable on ApriL 22' 1980 . The principal or interest to become due under this note may be prepaid in whole or in Part at any time without notice, penalty or premium- Prepayments of principal shall be applied to installments of principal due under this note in the reverse order of approaching maturities, and prepal'ments of interest shall. be applied to instal-Iments of interest next becoming due under this note. Unless designated otherwise by the party liable for the payment of this no!e, all amounts received under this note shall be applied first to accrued interest hereunder as of the date suih amounts are received and then to the reduction of the outstanding principal balance hereunder 'UPonpaymentinfultoftheprincipalamor:ntofthis note and all interes_t due hereon either through regular pay- ments or through prepayments, the party liable for the Paf'ment of this note shalt be enti-"led to a discount in the amount of $6,200.00. The party liable for the payment of this note shall be entitled to ileduct ttre amount of the discount froro the last payment of principal and interest made under this note. rf the amount of the discount shall exceed the amount ofsuch1astPayment,theho1derhereofsha11paytheParty liable for the payment of this note the difference between the amount of the discount and the amount of such last payment upon reguest of the party 1iable for the Pa)rment of this note' In no event shall any discharge of this note in any manner other than pai'nent in ful'l of the principal amount of this note and all interest due hereon through Iegular payments or through prepayments entitle the Party liable for the pa)'ment of this note to the discount provided for in this paragraph. Ifthisnoteisnotpaidwhendueordeclareddue hereunder, the unpaid principal balance and accrued interest Page Ttvo of Three Pages o thereon shall draw interest at the annual rate ot L2 percent- Failure to make any payment of principal or interest when due or any default under any encumbrance or agreement securing this note shall cause the whole note to become due at once at the option of the holder of this note; provided that the holder of this note shall not declare a default hereunder until the holder shaI1 have first gi.ven the Party liable for the payment of this note written notice of any a11e9ed default by certified mai1, return receipt requested directed to the iast address of the party li'able for the payment of this note known to the holder of this note (the date of the giving of such notice sha1l be the date of delivery shown on the receipt returned to the holder of this note) and such alleged default shall not have been cured r,sithin 30 days after the date of the giving of such notice. The maker and any endorsers hereof severally waive presentment for payment, protest, notice of nonpayment and of protest, and agree to any extension of time of paynent and partial payments before, at or after maturity, and if the principal- or interest on this note is not paid when due, or suit is brought, agree to pay all reasonable costs of collection, j-ncluding a reasonabfe amount for attorneys' fees. This note is secured by and entitled to the benefits of a deed of trust of even date herewith from the maker hereol, to the Public Trustee of Eagle county, colorado and covering Lot 5, Block 2, Colorado. VAIL/POTATO PATCH EXECUTED as of the date first Joirn P. HalI , Eagle CountY' set forth above. Page Three of Three Pages J 3i c ut , lr-t Sherrie John l{anor Mechanicsburg, PA. 17055 FebruarY 2, 1981 Mr. Peter Patten, Zoning Qfficer Town of VailVail, Colorado 81657 cerely yours, Ke"t .*.( 1'/r, Dear Mr. Patten: It has come to my attention that you have, rePresented to certain inquiring patiies recently that the allowable GRFA on my iot g, e1o6k 2, ia'i-l- Potato Patch-parcel may.be less than the 59,706 SF grantea-Uy Zoning Admini'strator, biana Toughill,.in-1975, and as affirmed in lwo letters received from Jay Peterson in L977 '."pla= of which three documents are enclosed herewith' ThelettersfromMr.Petersonareunequivocalthattheallow-able GRFA as a result of Planning Commissi6n and Town Council meetings i" SS,706 sF ana i would appreciite and request with this letter a response from you "l-v""t L'arriest opporturiity 1" to the amount of perrnissible cR1'A-yo., i.r""ive for f,ol- g, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch' The topography of that Lot has not changed since l.975 ' I have in hand a 20 page engineering report as a reiult of the diggilg of seven test pits on r,5t 6 affirming th9 very stable and suitable nature of the soil on that lot for standird form Lonstruction, and my sche- matic developme"[-p:-""=, tt i"f, were shown to you in September of -1979 ' show that ,ro p.ofo!"a Uoifaing is sited upon any portion o! l-,9t 5 which might exceed 30t'in sJ-ope, alfhough I haslel to.add that the degree of slope should not be " rll".rarrt fa6tor in determining lot usage' I have represented to several parties recently the allowable GRFA of 59,706 SF on Lot 6, Block 2, Vail potato p-i.tt, ind would.appreciate your clarifi- .itio' on this rnatter at your earliest opportuni-uy. hn P. JPH: Pbc cc: Stewart H. Brown, Esg. Enc. Y Ha11 -/l LNoJ+ lown n ryi:f l|fll bor 10O vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47e5613 Apri'l '19,'1975 olf ice of the tonryt manag€r tlr. John P. Hal I Vail, Colorado Re: Lots 't and 6, Block 2 and Lot 34, Elock 'l' Vaj'l Potato Patch Dear llr. Ha I I : At the request of Hr. Fred 0tto of vail Associates, I have.inade a pre- liminary zoning review of the subiect sites and the following are general restrictions of densities on the sites. Lots 6 and 34 are zoned Medium Density Multiple Family whlch allcws a iange of 15 to 30 units per acre and total gross-residentia'l floor area ot i4,gZO square feet. i have circled the definition of GRFA in red in thi attached zon'ing ordinance. Lot 6 wou'td al'low 59,706 square feet and Lot 34 43,465 square feet of GRFA. Lot I is zoned High Density Multiple Family which would-a'llow a range of ZS to 50 units per acriand a total grols residential floor area of f.t.t8te square feet. The enclosed envjronnrental impact report nust also become a part of the possible restrictions on the subiec'u sites. To my knowled-gg'.there are no other contracts between Vail Associates and the Town of Vail which would further restrict building. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact our departnent' Yours truly, Hand Delivered to Fred 0tto ELOPMENT , i ana S. Toughill Admi n i strator o I riaotntcr 3. oTto JAv t. ?crfaSox JOx.. t. a L'SH Orro, PernRsox & BrlsH ATTOFNEYS AT LAW POSr 0a rrc € eor 3,.9 vAIL, COLORIDo {Jt667 l'lovember 2, I977 Sincerely yours, By: -/4/ VAr L Ptrof f,S3,OnAL 3 Ut! gr rrc 430:l .;3 - OO9? waarri E F| P,to.cssror{a! DUtt.otho(1O3, 9.9 - 5l€O llr. John p. HaItSherrie John ManorI':echanicsburg, pA Dear John: The Town Council.met-last night at which time I pre_sented a compromise down-zoning for Lot O anj iot :n,Vail Potato patch. The followlng was passed by theTown CounciL for your two Lots: 1) The Medium Density Multi. Family Zonewas kept for both Lots. 2', 30 units will be allowed on Lot 6 and8 uni ts wi 1l be a I lorved on Lot 3 4 . 3) The allowable G.R.F.A. on LoL 6 willbe 59,706 sguare feet and 15,212 square.feet on Lot 34. 4') I have a_oreed to give up your recre_ational amenities and ybur cramway onTract C. After this down_zoningr fouwill have no further interesr on Tract C. The next meeting for the second reading will be oniJovember L5th, I977. however, I foresee no furtherdifficulties. If you have any questionsr please contact my office. JKP: pf Peterson I Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Cot+Do Project Application Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legat Descripti on rct A , arccx ? , riting Comments: l/ ,^," lfa B Il/ -,,.-\ -t,r Design Review Board APPROVAL +Sr;-- (tlot RccePtaute) I I Subd'ivi s'i on Lot B'lock Filing r. subrd!!rl-ll4! Agrebment (if aPPlicalrle) ---- z - Enqi neeri ng-Erglllsme4! [t]3lll:*r'l',iorru-''";-0rc"'r-=rc:tq-zz- ' - ,rr:1:+jeS3. Sourqi- il-g!t-:=- a r D L EI --;;-'*M=- (AccePtabl e)4 itt**hr tr El ectri c Gas Se'rter l,later Tel ePltorie T.V. Connetrts: :W=9. i'i e t t.r.t t iiliogJlnqtr-t-l ApProved: Di saPProved: BilI Arrdre:':s a.r o Mountain Bell .Roon 113 427 E. Colorado Av. Colorado Sprlngsr' Co. 80903 November 161 1981 Barney FixEI Dorado Engioeerlng 823 Blake Av. Glenwood Sprirys, Co. 81601 Dear Sirs: As requested in our telephone conversatiou oa Friday, November 13r 1981t the lofomation requlred by Eagle Gouaty follows. Tfre 770 Potatoe Patch ProJect belng bullt at 770 Potatoe Patch ln vai1, Golorido wtll be provlded telephone service from tbe. vall excbange offlce of Mouatain BelI Telephoae CoBPany. Mountaln Del1 is a public utility subject to regulatloa by the colorado Publie Utilities Cormrission and the Federal Coumunlcatlons CosmissLon. Telephone facilities have not been exteaded !o this Development rror can any comitmeut be made as to rdren they will be available. Extension of our plaot loto ttris area depends uPoo nuterous factors, such as our capital requireoents aud ablllty to raise capital. Thl's would also depend on the avallablllty of maapower and supplles, potential use of the feclllties, and the econmic feasibility of provldl'ng setvLce. Most of our constructl.on work Ls sdreduled in the spring and stmer months. Since the 770 Potatoe Patch ProJect is wlthla close proxlmlty of telephooe faclllties, construction charges w111. not aPPly. If additional information is needed, please call Barbara Galloway at 636-4806. Yours truly,g.u&'ry B. Galloway / Suoervisor Residence luwn n 75 loulh trontage rd. Yail, colorado 81657 (303) '176-7000 lltl e'T department of community development July 'l , ,|982 Jennifer Lowel I EI Dorado Engineering 823 B'lake Glenwood Springs, Colorado 8l 601 Re: Unit I Dear Ms. Lowel I : The staff approves the retain'ing wall and roof overhang encroachnentinto the setback for un'it one, 770 Potato Patch. The reta'ining wall and overhang should not go beyond four feet into the setback. Thank you for your concern. S i ncerel y, ,%fiM SAYRE Pl anner JS: br ,'770 Potato Patq Li i /\ l;rlitf tv l:;lor'l 770 Potato Patch .rolr NAHt: t,o'r lll,offi 2 F il..tNG Val'l Pot$o Patch ,ruirtrnss 770 Pdtato Patch Drlve Tlre loca t i.on I irr es, ltnrst accompanying of utilitics, wltcthcr thcy bo lnlj.n trunk bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc llollowing sitc plan. Authorized -SiSnatttra l-tountain llel l lrlesterrr Slope Gas Public Scnricc Company' lloly Cross Electric Assoc. Vail CabIe T.V. Upper Eagle VallcY rratcr and Sanita-t ion District li.ncs or proposedutilitics for thc Dato tru/ r tr 6-t// /-/!z*/ .: t NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contrac.tor of his responsibility'to obtain a street cut Permit from the Town .of Vail, Departnient of Public lVorks and to.obtain of-way or easement in the Town of Vail . A building pernit is not a street cirt pernit. A street cut Pernit nust be obtained separately. .,This fonn is to vcrify senrice availablity.and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installatlons. ; i'l r'l .l llr,... r .. lri:: | , ll'lI' tl rrl'l'l' '1. r(il 4'ruA'rcrl 31 rrnifs llfi I Vlrj 2 | lr l ,, at,tached horne .!'l'l(l rl vnrrzrpln'lo!['crr development 'l lrt' l',r|1,,1.in:i ilrl,,:ir:rl irrrr i.. llo t'tl lrr'!rr: r. it I irr,rl ;rgr;rlrrt,;r I A. l;llll.!r I;;r; iii' l'l:llli'l,Ji lloo ll Sj rl ing Othcr l'iirl I i'lat cri u I s l:ascia Soffi.ts lVindor.rs l{indovr 'I'rinr Doors Door'l'rim l{and or: Dcc}. llai I s Flues Flash j ng,s Chinneys Trash Enclosurc! Grccnhorrs es 0ther _l,lt:q: ..,: l,_.ll''. t .''' i j'.!_ lr.r1ttirr.rl l'or' ::ttlrr;,itt;rl I'y lltr: :rgr;rlii';1q11 to lltc l)rr:; ir:rr lir.f i1 ,,.; t rr rr lr(: 11 i v<:tt: .(:t,j-t't brownt..-e$-geyg_l 1 x redwood sealed 8. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES h7 6- 17 OL Botanical Name see landscape plan Synthetic stucco beige rough sawn plywood sealed wood dark brown wood. - dark brown ' sealed wgod-re.dwgod seale.9 - melal" lipe rail dark brown metal beiSe or dark brown n/a anodized aluminum bronze or dark brown Conmon Name Si zeQuanti ty thetic stucco SIIRUBS nlqlliln. , covLt(5 see landscap€plan sau/O toor^.r;l: s0D see landscape Plan TYPE see landscape plan SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGESEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL see I andsr:ane nlan C. 0ther Landscape Featur.es (retainlng walls, fences, swlmmlng poolsr etc.) P'lease specify. retaining walls to enclo'se project - stucco or wood pool - see plans water course bridge - see plans B' lltIl.Iililinll"o."p"g iri'teriats incrrrdinly 'rl'c,r.':., l,rrr, a'<r G;.ot,rrr covci^) Ilotanical Nane Common Namc Plcea Pungens Col . Spruce Plnus Latlfolla'contorta' Lodgepole plne Populua Treguloldee 4spen Rosg-$oqgell -__.- Rlle_glrpIqup_ Rubus Dellclosue Potentllla I'rutlcosa Potentllla Frutlcoaa 'lft';!ve1.egt l._-_-' Betula Occldentalls llal-ue Dolga an'18 11 74? ----Ug4-B.eee ---. - .14 _Alplne _gqeg!* .l? ____ _ . Thlnble.bgtly___ _3-2 __ Clnquefoll 85 48 12,-14' 30 -ljr';16' 52 2 'r-3" cal .t? j"z.h" ca]-. #5__ #5_ _ t5__- #5 Si zc 14'- 18'-T2t:16, 14'-16' Mt. Everlet 42 ' *--€lnqrcfoll. .-- -." " t$eatern Bed Blrch Dolga Crabapple #5 t7 l2 #5 Zr-Ja cat- \j be Hlgh Altltude nlrture as supplled by ir\:lj. rrl- l; l,l.(;i i, !.. lriii;( :l' I l''l l{ r'.t, ill;'.. i.it ,lj l'l!o., 1.(: i ttoutoT PATCH DNIVE ;.'1, 2 lll.t.:i,t,VAlL/POT ATCH .. -.31. Unifs-atiached houre dev.el.opuenl-- - 'llrc' fol lr'1;l11f ittt 'rlt::rrl irrrt i., lloarcl lrt'l,rrt: it J itlr I ;t;t1l1t;vir I A. littll,l,li;r; l.l4l'l;ltll.l,J; lloof Siding Othcr liall ivlal crials Fascia Soffits Windovrs llindovr 'I'rirr Doors Door l'rin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chirmeys Tra sh Encl osures Greenhous es 0ther B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MTERIALS TREES rr.rlrtirt'tl l'or s;r.tlrr;rit Llr I lry l lt<: irppl it':rnl. to thc J)t::;i11rr li,r.v.i t.,rr crr rr Ilc lliv(ln: 1;-.pe o f_il'r t I ..l.,rjf I (ioIor @- - ure!s1@'gt--ulr+.'rr.9- -I!0-EOggoq_--No. 1.--_ seale4- Synlhelic stucco - ST0 B5B7 beige * grey rough sawn plywood seafed wood clad dri-ftwood by Peachtree wood clad driftwood bv Peachtree wood sealed r'rnnd-r'c4r^reod _ . - . .qealffl _ .r"f "'l ni n" t ai 'l - wood Urefal -dark brgwn , - - rne tql _ _ . beipe Erev or dark brown to natc wall srrnthetic stucco STO.B58J Leiee Arev n/a .anodized +lumlnum - b.ronze or dark brylrn Aq!'aAe doors painfed fo Etch stucco - beige grey wall screens - painted to match stucco beinge grey Si.vertson anC ,Ass Ir16-1'rCL Botanica'l Name Common Name Quanti ty Sl ze ^see 'l andscrFc fr'l en see landscape p1-anSHRUBS 6i:01rrtn . .$ee.funqurg;1lpfeo -cOvLRs sQunPrr,rrrnl: -_---- . - s0D see I rndsr-enc Dlanvvv +qrrsvvsPv I SQUARE FOOTAGE SEED TYPE see ra,-'d=eaf,,e lra.' SQUARE F00TAGE TYPE 0F underground sprinkl-es system IRRIGATION TYPE 0R METHOD see landscape plan OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wa1'ls, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Please specify. I"piaifl-ing w: l l< to ann] Oqa projaet - ctUCCn nl. r.'nnd -----Sgteining wa] | s heiwecn ctr'l dpsr.s - <f r\na fAaing - FcnL--sce Flans __ cv r sr.r ng werer collr,_qe - see p t,ans _ __ hnidge - stone facing- TO sNOwDoN and HOPKIO ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive P. O. Box 1998 LETrtro@F TRANSnnITTAL the following items: GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU tr Shop drawings X Copy of letter X Attached ,!i erints n Change order D Under separate cover via .! Plans E Samples tr Specifications C VAIL COLORADO 81657 f303',t 47F.22OL coPlEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 4 Ft/j4/4/r 0 'ltafihl n ,rft fwu|ffln{ lhrrrla r ?/nia'fgytat/a 'i,trr c 9I/7/qlh / /I a fu.trzrufarhn-W tf;,/,,rz T THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval I For your use E As requested tr Approved as submitted E Approved as noted E Returned for corrections Resubmit-copies for approral Submit-copies for distribution Return-corrected prints n D tr O For revie\ry and comment D O FOR BIDS DUE 19- C PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO SIGNED: FOnM 2||{>2 - Av.lhblr tron /@ Iom..f'dl Mr.. Ol4Og la ancroasrlt aaa rot aa ,rot.d, klndlyt noliflt ua tt onca- o Project Appllcatlon Proiect Name: Project Description: Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: h'* *'". s fIl i atocx ? , riting Design Review Board tl n.,A lz/z t/ DISAPPROVAL:-o Summary: lt 1..'! ::. t I l'.. . i . ! ; i , : : r . , ' i | ' I | , . : ; PorAoPArcH . l' : i 31 units DRIVE .2. lti.t.', allached home I tv .,; ri VAIL/IOTATO PATCH development 'l lrr,. f',rll,'l;i1jl itrl',1i:::rt i,rt| i.. lkritrrl lrci'lr',. tr t irr:rl ;tIPttry;1 | A. l:illl.lri;:r; i.ii'fl:l:1.,'tl,l; lloo f Sj <lj ng Othcr l',itl I i'lu1 cliul s l:ascia Soffi t s l{indor.rs Ittindor.r 'I'rinr lloors Door'l'rirn llancl or Dcck llails Flues Flashi ngs Chinncys Trash Encl osures Glecnhorrs es 0ther lr.riuif('rl l'or' ::trlrr;,iltir I lry llrt: r r ; r 1 r I i ,. ' : r r t t ltl tltc l)t::; ir:rr llr'1'j11,' t'l r rr b(: ,l iv(:tt: tg_"1.{-_ry9-u--"_} 1 x redwood f:1,_l-1t1 brown Synthetic stucco beige rough salrn plywood sealed wood dark brown r.rnnrr dark brown.-gtlyL-_-_ r.z'',.rrl SeaIeO% q90d-re.dw993- --egaleg---- metal pi!e--rail- -- - --dark brown .-metal - Slark brown metal beige or dark brown n/a anodlzed aluminum bronze or dark brown Q'i rrorl <nn and Asenni af e< L'?6-1?OL Botanical Name Cormon Nanre Quanti ty Si ze _-see_le!3-E!g-E_[an -_-p e.9._!eg3 gg.qe_-plan sealed B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES tic stucco SIIRUBS Gt:0tiiln cOvr-t(5 s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGAT ION see Landscape prt s0u rcr(lrLf.iJ: see ]andscape plan SQUARE FOOTAGE see landscape Plan SQUARE F0oTAGE rrndangnolnd spr"i nklens s:rstem TYPE see I andscaoe olanTYPE OR NETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.Other Landscape Features (retaining walls, netainine walls to enclose project - fences, swlrmlng pools' etc.) P'lease specify. stucco or wood pool - see plans water course t2,-^ t -/ -I 4/,77o fu kla fufl,| v'M.S/E: ,3,72 4a /46e.at fitlafut&Z F+' /%,ez-s, eUr o/stucr: Oiln'r fr.A^mA * e U/Y/Z.S; <b * /Atar, oNlT 44afi$ ,h%cln r e?7'fu rSr&le ,SE aa/%€ . /f.4m:3o2, AaF,Sf',&.nF 76t 837/ 4 .f/4a49tZ &e4r sez<ss # 6ptlr - ir I' g4- -e2-e' Ze, A/Y, lNrA /?%d XGa /?6r( nt. Y?c /sqi / xC9 /7F3F X;F /7t6 4 YZr /7<7d xz = //p76 T tee //,6{ ?7tse7/6 Sst t E tt, ?e 6lt €/a?, - 2- - - r --z- v /777Nt x 2 =/ft/ qb X -i = 0.{t7i 6@ C sEsv 4Lgs Gee@ k{a: * ttttT- 2 ,C : lz O u't//r -zxl =8 C c4t7-?)(6 =/Z O u,tftT - zxt E ortr - z,fz f u,ftT _ ?xz e gTEt { 6 tJrt/l -L X?- = V 114)r-/tr ez x3 = 6 betl 6t : &'& ,-yQs! 766444;: /t-/fr7r6 ?zzz 6-t€lot vV 417L c - 7aa7 Y6 6fzz u/a/r- 7{r t - 7f/ Y€ -/Q7o ?z-s 6 - /2oz YZ 2ft1/ /t6o p- Tfzy? /a/1 4 - //Of Yz 22 to €8,s7 7ft-/7o3 x3 stuf = 7- ENGINETRING CHEEK LIST o (Acc Subdivision Lot Bl ock Fi1in9 1. Submittal Items (A) Topo llaP(B) site Plan(c) utility Plan (D) Title llePort (E) Subdivision Agreement 2. Enqineering Requirements Arn o &rot 62_ (tiot Acceptable)eptabl e) (if applicable) (n) cu'lvert Sjze i s i o il v e\r'ay G ra d e--t 87-, nlax f-[ETuel) 3. Source of Utilities l. (A (Blr ln (E (F El ectri c Gas Se'rler l,la ter Tel epl:crie T. V. 4.':corrunents : @-fuue,y-.< e p o2tuetryE 62oeo-Luzx-OK Approved: Di sapproved: Der,artn::ni of Publ i c l'Jorks Bi I I Arrdre:'rs Vail Investments evelopment, Ltd. & DNovember 10, 1981 Town of VailMr. Peter PatEen Conmunity Development Box l-00Vail, CO 81658 Dear Peter: Pursuant to our telephone conversation this after- noon, please be adviied that revegecatiol-wilL b-e done on Lot 6, Potato Patch by May 1, L982, in the event Ehat we do not develop the property next spring. If you have any quesEions, please do not hesitate to contacu me. Sincerely yours, VAIL INVESTMENTS & DEVELOPMENT, LTD. ^li,a.W---.r i JoUn B. Thomas lGeneral Partner /ar ///bk/ Box 696 / Vail, Colorado 81657 / (303) 476-0250 .'. i:r. :;rJlrt) IV l:;l of.:770 Potato Patch .r0t] I'rAi,il: l,o'f RI,O(K rtuiutt:ss 770 Pdtato Patch Drive FTI"ING Vai'l Potato Patch Tlrc locat i.on of util j-ties, lines, llust irc irpprovcd and acconpanyi.ng sitc plan. l'lountain pel l h'estern Slope Gas Public Senrice Company' lloly Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley flater and Sanitation District r,rhcthcr thcy bo nt:.r.in trunk vcrificd by the following Authorized Sicnattlre...r-.:_ lincs or proposedutilitics for the Dato --: 1m// /t-t63/ //:/ 4 Y/ r . NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town.of Vail, DePartment of Public ltlorks and to obtain t utility locations before digging in any public right- i - . rr^!'r a r-..:r -' of-way or easenent in the Torm of Vail . A bttilding permit is not a street clt permit. A street cut Permit nust be obtained separately. .,Thir form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction rvith preparing your utility plan and scheduling instaLlations. )7 a Project Appllcation Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL ;;ti 'l r-ir,* .- Town Planner E Statl Approval tnwn department of community development November 5, 1981 Mr. John ThomasP.O. Box 696 Vail, CO 81658 Dear John: since you,ve installed your access road and culverted the drainage on Lot O, notaio Patch, at tbis late date, we would' li.ke you to re-vegetate the exposed dirt areas that you've \ distuiUed in the process- I[e are requiring many proJects :to revegetate their disturbed areas ihis time of year so that we wonrt have serious erosion control problems next spring. This becomes especially important if you don't start-construction first thing in the spring. You should have ample time in the next week or so on that slte to throw some seed down and put hay matting over it before we get snowed in. Appreciate your cooperation, as always, John. Jr. box lfl) Yail, colorado 81657 (3{r3) 476€613 Peter Patten, Senior Planner c{rrordo €165t ?31 box 100 vait, colorado 81657 {303} 476-5613 John P. Hall Sherrie John Manor I'techanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055 Dear Mr. Ha1l, Peter paiten Solror plannet Ocpartment of Communrly Developmenl department of community developnrent Fcbnrary 12, 1981 This is a quest ionshistory of response to your_)-efr€t of February 2, on lot 6, BIscK'2, Vail Potato Patcly!)). ltve investigated the Rider, Tom of Vail attorney. At the November l, lg77 meeting of the Torr'n of Vail Council , it was agrccd that the above lot would be allowed 30 dwelling units on the PrcPerty(also, they granted you 8 units on lot 34). However, there was no contl:act entered into concerning tIE-ETTolv56I6T-ross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) of the pl'operty. The l'ledi-un Density [ftrltiple Fanily (uDl'{F) Zone District was designated as the applicable developnent standards (setbacks, height, etc. ) for the lot. Subsequent to this meeting, in May 1978, a lhzard OrcU.nance was passed by the Tourr Cou:rcil whj.ch further affected rlcnsity and GIIFA on all propertie (except Single Family and Duplex) in the Tor'm. It is the Town attorneyrs opinion that the 40% slope restriction under this ordj-nance rvould apply to your property \./ith regard to your allowable GRFA. Ihus, the 30 unit figure l,til1 remain irr effcct, but the allowable GRFA can only be determined by the subnission gf a topographic rnap stamPed wj-th the seal of a licensed suxveyor, so that a1l areas of 4oga or more can be subtracted out. luly computations from the trnofficial (unstan4red) topo nap you subnitted in Septenber of 1979 sirorrr this figure to be in the area of 51 ,000 square feet. n lot 6, BIocK-2, Vail Potato Patcll-fi. Irve investigated the th' have discussed it with LarrY PIease note that youfor a GRFA variancc :- hental Conunission.is rny c:rrd. Senior Irlanner APP:bpr may apply to the DePaltnent of Corrunr"rnity Development which t.rould bc dctcrnrincd by the P) a:rning and Environ- If I can be of furthcr assistance, please call--enclosed cc Larry llidcr , Jll o RonERT H.\TtlsoN 221 NoRTFT LA S,.\LLE STREET CHrc,\co, ILLINoIS €o60l 3t2 -236 -E245 Decernber 18, 1979 It{r. Craig Snor,rden Chairman, Design Review Board c,/o Snowden & Hopkins, Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vai1, Co lorado 81657 Dear Mr. Snowden: Re: Iot 34, Tract B, BLock 1 Iot 6, Block 2 Vai l,/Potato Patch Subdivision I understanil that a plan has been subndtted to your Board for the development of the above captioned lots. From the information I received, it appears that a request for a change in the purpose use of some of the land, particularly in Tract B, may be in the offing. If a change of use is requested, I hope that a hearing will be helctto a1low all property owners in the subclivision to express their opinions and recomnendatlons. I worked closely with the Vail Associates representatives and was assured both with documentation and verbalJ-y that the restrictions would be enforced and that we could rely on the type of deve lopment that the City of Vail and Vail Associates wish to see rnature in Potato Patch. I purposely sold rny condominium in Lions Head to get arniay from the concrete jungle that was allowed to develop there. The trade for the inconvenience and nnre difficult rnanagenent responsibilities was the acguisition of greater privacy and quietness. It is nry understandingthat the uppe r tier lots in Potato Patch nere to be single family with duplexes allowed although many of the buye rs prefer not to builil duplexes. I feel strongly whether I Live afl year around in VaiI or live part time -- I pay the same real estate taxes as people who live al1 year around. I must pay for the sane services to rnaintain qa property, driveways, etc., as if r liveil there full time. o l{r. Craig Snowden Page Trro Deceober 18' 1979 As a prcperty o$ner I eqtect I wltl be dluly notifiecl of any rieetings andt tlrat there will be a public hearing on any proposed change of exlstLng zoning regulations, city policies andl,/or covenants of record. Sincerely, Robert H. wllson cc: ltr. ChrLg Sivertson li!r. Tom Hollis ur. Fritu Glade Ur. ECl Drager -t r. ilim Rrbin l{r. Ctrud< Donally!tr. Peter Patten -. - BARRIE M. DAMSON 366 MAOIEiON AVENUE NEW YORK, N, Y. IOO|7 Decenber 4, 1979 Mr. Craig Snowden Chairngn, Design Revlew Board c/o Snowden & Hopkins, Archltects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 34, Tract B, Block I Lot 6, Bl-ock 2 Vail/Potato Patch SubdLvisl-on Dear Mr. Snowden: With regard to Mr. John llallrs proposed development of the subject propertl.es, rre are specifically concerned about che plans for incorpor- ating trto tennls courts, picnic tables, a pavilion and pathways in the development of Tract, B referenced above. It is our understandLng that Mr. Hall- was directed by the Design Review Board to revise his originaL plan and that at this tine no specific proposals are avallable for re- vlew by any of the l-nterested parties, including the Design Review Board, the Town of Vall staff and the property ovrners. Any developrnent of Tract B, and especially the uses proposed in Mr. I{a11ts plan, could have a dlrect effect on the proPerty value and present seclusion of adJacent properties. Therefore, because of our coDcern and that of other property or^tners rtith whon we have discussed the matter, Lt. would be appreciated if you would notify us' as well as the other property orrners in the Potato Patch subdlvision, of the date on which the next review of John Hallrs proposed plan will take place since ne believe that cornments from aLL oarties who will be affected should be taken into consideration. cc: Chris Sivertson, Torn llol-llsFrltz Glade Ed Drager Jim Rub ln, Town Design Revlewtt tl tt rl It tt of Vail- Staff Mr. and Mrs. Board tl ll tl rrie M. Damson m**lluue* High Prupenilr$, il*d, Robert Serofin 7310 lslond Circle Boulder, CO 80301 303/530.0892 cc: Larry Mullin Craig Snow:len Chris Sivertson lorry Mullin P.O. 1604 Voil, C0 81557 303/476.30e4 7 December 1979 Mr. Luc Meyer 813 Potato Patch Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 34, Tract B, BLock 1 Lot 6, Block 2 ValL/Potato Parch Subdiviston Dear Luc, Thanks very much for your letter of November 9 apprising us ofthe status of proposed development of the above referenced property. Larry Mullln and I, as general partners of llountain High Properties which owrrs Lot 21, Block 2, were shocked to hear of the proposal for developrnent of portions of Tract B for the exclusive use of a select subset of the property owners in the Potato Patch. lloreover, it was disrnaylng to learn that this proposal, made without infonning Potato Patch ovmers, would be considered by the Design and Review Board. It is our belief and desire that Tract B should remain as undeveloped green belt ia perpetul-ty for the enj oym.ent and use of all Potato Patch propelty onners. If the deveLopers of l,ots 34 and 6 trrish to have private tennis. courts, picnic areas, or extra parkingit seems that these amenities should be placed on Lots -34 and 6 and .not . on . greenbelt land which has been lntended. for the general use. ofall residents in the subdivision. I agree w'ith you that- defaeing of Tract B as proposed would havea detrlmental affect on the'general quiet atmosphere now enJ oyed by.Potato Patch resi.dents and lrould adversely affect property values 1nthe area. I,Ie don?t need a tennis court, paddle ball court, swirmningpool, pavillons, etc., on every square foot of open space in Vall.Letts leave some to Mother Nature. If I can help you further in roatters related to this issue Iwill be happy to do so. Again, thanks very much for acting in ourinterests and those of other owners in the Potato Patch. Torn llollis Fritz Glade Ed Drager Peter Patten Rogenr H.'J/tlsoN 221 NoRTFt L,.. .SALLE STREET cr{rc,1co, ILLrNors 6060l 312 -236 - 82 a5 December 18, 1979 !lr. Craig Snor^7den Ctrairmal, Desigm Revi ew Board c,/o Snowden & Hopkins, Architects 20I Gore Creek DriveVail, Oolorado 81657 Dear Mr. Snowden: Re: Iot 34, Tract B, Block 1 Iot 6, Block 2 vail,/Potato Patch Subclivision I unilerstand that a plan has been subnitted to your Board for the development of the above captioned 1ots. From the information I received, it appears that a request for a change in the purpose use of some of the land. particularly in Tract B, may be in the offing. If a change of use is requested, I hope that a hearing wilL be helilto allow all property owners in the subdivision to express thej.r opinions and recornnendations. I worked closely with the vail Associates representatives and was asstrre tl both with documentation and verbally that the restrictions would be enforced and that we could rely on the type of deve loprnent that the City of Vail and Vail Associates wish to see mature in Potato Patch. I purposely sold my condominium in Lions Head to get away from the concrete jungle that was allowed to develop there. The trade for the inconvenience and rpre difficult management responsibilities vtas the acquisition of greater privacy and quietness. It is ny understanding that the uppe r tier lots in Pot.ato Patch were to be sLngle family with duplexes allowed although many of the buye rs prefer not to build duplexes. I feel strongly whether I live all year around in Vail or live part time -- I pay the same real estate taxes as people who live all year around. I must pay for the same services to maintain ny property 'driveways, etc., as if I lived there full time. a o !8. Cralg Snosden Page '[\do Decernber 18, 1979 AE a pnoPerty oryner I sq)ect I wilt be duly notifieal of any neetings and that ttrere will be a public hearl'ng on any proposed change of, eristlng zoring regUlations, city policies and/or covenants of recorrdl. SincerelY, Robert H. wilson cc: litr. Chrls SLvertson l,!r. Tom Hollie !,tr. ISritz Glade!{r. Ed D!.ager !,tr. atin tbbin -.!,tr. Chuck Donally !tr. Peter Patten ) 29 October 1979 Mr. Craig Snowden Chalrrnan, Deslgn Revlew Board c/o Snowden & Hopklns, Architects 201 Gore Creek Drlve Val1, C0 81657 Cltizen lnput, we belleve, ls nost every effort Eo see to lt that you matter. Flnally, please notlfy us has been requested by Mr. Hall. Block 1 Subdlvlsion important ln thls case. Again, please make recelve as much lnput as posslble regardlng this by telephone as soon as a review hearing date Re: Lot 34, Tract B, Lot 6, Block 2 vall/Potato Patch Dear Cralg: Recently we have become ar^rar e that Mr. John Hall has proposed a development plan for the above referenced properties. 0f speclal lnterest and concern to us ls the proposed developnent of Tract B incorporating 2 tennis court.s, picnic tables, a pavilion and pathways. In conversations with several other property _owners and residents of the area, our concern seems to be shared. However, because Mr. Hall was dlrected by the Deslgn Review Board to revise hlsorlglnal plan, no speciflc proposals are presently available for review byeirher the Towrr of Vall staff, the Design Revi ew Board or property or,tners ' For several reasons, lncludlng Ehe Townrs comnitment t.o preserve and acqulre narural open space, the uncertalnty regardlng Mr. Hallrs proposed use of Tract B' the poEentlal problems assoclated wiEh the development and use of Eennis courts and plcnlc facllltles, and the concerns of adjacent property ovrners as to ho\^t these proposals may tffect the value and enj oyrnent of their properEy, we ask that you make every effort to notlfy the other owners 1n the Potato Patch Subdlvislon as to the date of the next review of Mr. Hallrs proposed plan so that you may receive sufficient citlzen lnput. The lrnpact of this plan to develop Tract B may have substantlal effects on other property owners ln the area. The orlglnal prot.ectlve covenants of the Potato Patch Subdlvlslon call for revlew of all proposed lmprovements ln the subdlvlslon by an architectural revlew comrittee. It ls our underetanding that that review conmltteers responsib llitlee have been aeslgned to the Town of Vall Design Revlew Board. We wlll apprecLate your tlmely response and Lrmnedlate attentLon to this matter. cc. Chrls Severson, Tom Hollls, Jlm Morgan, Enc losure Georges Boye Frltz clade f{6 29 0ctober 1979 Mr. Cralg Snowden Chalrrmn, Deslgn Revlew Board c/o Snowden & Hopkins, Architects 201 Gore Creek Drlve Va1l, C0 81657 Re: Lot 34, Tract B, Block 1 Lot 6, Block 2 lVall/Potato Patch Subdlvlslor}/ Dear Craig: Recently we have become aware that Mr. John Hall has proposed a development plan for the above referenced propertles. 0f speclal l-nterest and concern to us ls the proposed developnent of Tract B incorporatlng 2 tennis courts, plcnlc tables, a pavllion and pathways. In conversatlons with several other property o\rners and resldents of the area, our concern seems to be shared. However, because Mr. Hall was directed by the Deslgn Revlew Board to revise hlsorlglnal plan, no speclflc proposals are presently avallable for revlew byeither Ehe Town of Vall staff, the Deslgn Revl-ew Board or properEy owners. For several reasons, lncludlng Ehe Townrs commicmenE Eo preserve and acqulre natural open space, the uncerEalnty regarding Mr. Hall's proposed use of Tract B, the potentlal problerns assoclated \rlEh the development and use of tennls courts and plcnlc facl1ltles, and the concerns of adJacent property or^rners as to how these proposals may affect the value and enJ oymenr of thelr property, we ask that you make every effort to notlfy the other ounera Ln the Potato Patch Subdlvlsion as to the date of the next revlew of Mr. Hallrs proposed plan so that you may recelve sufflclent citizen lnput. The lmpact of thls plan to develop Tract B may have substantial effects on otherproperty o\rners in the area. The orlginal protective covenants of the Potato Patch Subdlvlelon call for review of all proposed lnprovenents in the subdivlslon by an archlEectural revlew comlt.tee. It ls our undersEanding that that review commlcEee's respons Lb lL it ies have been asslgned to the Town of Vail Design Revlew Board. Cltizen lnput, we belleve, is mosE every effort to see Eo 1t thaE youmatter. Flnally, please notify us has been requested by Mr. Hall. important ln thls case. Again, please make receive as much input as posslble regardlng Chls by telephone as soon as a review hearlng date We will appreclate your ti.nely response and lmnedlace attention to chis matEer. cc. Chrls Severson, Ton Hollls, Jim Morgan, Fritz Glade Enc l-osure Georges tiF #$Jlounleln S0igh Prop a erlles Roberl Serofin 7310 lslond Circle Boulder, C0 80301 303i530.0892 cc: Larry Mullin Craig Snowden Chrls Sivertson Ton llollis Frirz Glade Ed Drager , [$d, lorry Mullin P.0. 1604 Voil, C0 81657 303/476-3094 7 December 1979 Mr. Luc Meyer 813 Potato Patch Road Vail , Co1-orado 81657 Dear Luc, Thanks very much for your l-etter of November 9 apprlsing us of the status of proposed development of the above referenced property. Larry Mullin and I, as general partners of Mountaln High Propertiesvhich owns Lot 21, Block 2, nere shocked to hear of the proposal for development of portions of Tract B for the excluslve .use of a selectsubset of the property owners in the Potato Patch. Moreover, it wasdisnaying to learn that thls proposal", made wi.thout informlng Potato Patch owners, would be consldered by the Design and Review Board. It ls our belief and deslre that Tract B shoul-d remain as undeveloped green be1-t in perpetuity for the enj oyrnent and use of all Potato Patch property or^rners. If. the developers of Lots 34 and 6 wLsh to have private tennis.court.s, picnic areas, or extra parkingit seems that these amenities should.be placed on Lots.34 and 6 and. .. :' not oa greenbelt Lan{ which has.been Lntended for the general .use ofall residents in the subdivislon. I agree with you that defacing of Tract B as proposed would havea detrimental affect on the general qulet atmosphere now enjoyed byPotato Patch residents and would adversely affect property val-ues inthe area. I{e dontt need a tennis court, paddle ball court, swimming poo1, pavilions, etc., on every square foot of open space in Vail.Letrs leave some to Mother Nature. If I can help you further in matters related to this issue fwill be happy to do so. Again, thanks very much for ac tI-ng in ourinterests and those of other o$rners in the potato patch. k Donnally PeEer Patten L J c.TRAVIS TRAYI,OR, JR. CHAIRMAN OF THE EOARO FIRST MOBTGAGE COMPANY oF TEXAS, lNC. 52s-7000 P. O. BOX 1413. HOUSTON, TEXAS 77OOl November 26' L979 DIRECT LINE 525-7't 60 I I! !1r. Craig Snowden Chairnan, Deslgn Review Board c/o Snowden & IloPkins, Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vall, Colorado 81557 Ref r,ot 34, Tract B, Block t \\ Lot 5, Block 2 \ \ vat1/rotato Patch subdlvlsion]\_t Dear Cralg: I understand that a plan has been submltted to your Board for the developrnent of the above captioned lots. Fron the informa- tion I recllved, it appears that a requesL for a change in the purpose use of some of the land, partlcularly in Tract B' may be in the offing. If a change of use is requested I hope Lhat a hearing wlll be held to ailow all proPerEy owners in the subdlvision to exPress their opinlons and recouurendations ' Prior to my purchaslng Lot 27, Block I in the PoEato Patch Subdlvl,sion, I personall-y uade at l-east 5 trlps to Val-l' DurLng those trips I lnspected every vacant lot for sale in the entire town of ValI. I eonsulted with a number of real estate agents t bullders, archltects and knowledgable buslnessmen ln the com- munlty to ascertain whether Potato Patch was in fact a Flrst RateDevelopnentandlftherestrictionslJeresuchthatthe property values would be protected' oneofmyprlmerequisitesl'astofindanareawlthlowdensity restrictio;s. The development of vall wlth hlgh density construc- tion \ras of alarm to me and I was concerned that the Village of Vailmaybeulttmatelycompl-etedasa''concretejungle''.Ihope thle rtill not haPPeo. I arn in the mortgage banking buslness and full-y aPPreciate all ofthefactorsthataffectPropertyvalues.Iama]-solnthe : ; !1r. Craig Snowden November 26, L979 Page Two Residential Lot DeveloPment buslness in Houston' My cornpany has completed the development of ovei 25,000 residential lots in the llouston Metropolitan Area' You may recall that Uouston is the only major clty l-n the uniteil states without zoning. our property l-s protected by individual subdivision restrlctlon, which when approved by the city become the governlng ordinance' It is therefore' extremely imPortant that Property o\tners can rely on restrLc- tions approved prior to the subdivlsion plat recording' I realize that reasonable requests for changes are necessary. I also recognlze thaE revlew boards are usually made up of un- pald volunteers who give their time unselfishJ-y only to be criticized bY nearlY everYone. ThepurposeofnyletterlstorequesttheRevlel'BoardtotakeintoconslderatlontheviewsoftheproPertyoldnersandtogive the owners a chance to revLew the request for any proposed changes or deviation from the existing restrlctLons' If open land'is used (as a change ln the restrictlons) the followlng questions come to ml nd: 1. Will the imProvements be available to all subdlvision owners? 2. What will the cost be? 3. Will it be an lncrease to the ProPerty owners tax base? 4. W111 aLl owners be taxed or only those who elect to use the faclllties? 5. W111 the proposed faclll-tles be an attraetlve nuisance ? 6.wlllthefacilltiesattractoutsideusers(Poachers) reducing the owners qulet enj oyment of their property? 7. Who w111 rnonitor the use, upkeep and management of the facilities? These are Just some of the questlons that come to mind' Many of the ProPerty ovrners of existing houses live outslde Val1 and any attiaciion which may unreasonable- increase use of restricted ptop.tty could result in securl-ty problems' Mr. Craig Snowden November 25, L979 Page Three I hope to be a ProPerty ormer ln the Potato Patch for many ;.;;'"-.;A r torria ;'tt" to 'ee any type of change thst may adversely affect Property values of llving condltlons -wlthin the area. I am at pt"""ttt attemPtlng to Purchase addltlonal nrlplti"-i" ttre suuirvlsion for lhe construction of another residence. I certainly warrt to be constructive in my views anf i,n Do ltay ;";;-;; i."trr". the righrs of orhers-so long as their requests "i"-r.it,-i"""or,"Ur" ""i r" keeplng with the overall- develop- nent sch;me origlnallY Planned'l I i cci Mr. Chris Slvertson Mr. Tom llollls Mr. Fritz Glade Mr. EiI Drager - !tr. Jlm Rubln ,/Mr- Chuck DonallY / 1"1r. Peter Patten 29 October 1979 Mr. Craig Snowden Chairman, Design Revlew Board c/o Snowden & Hopklns, Architects 201 Gore Creek Drlve Va11, C0 81657 Re: Ilot 34, Trqgt B, ploc\_1 Lot 6, Dl_og_k 2 Val1/Potaco Pacch Subdlvlslon Dear Craig: Recently we have become aware that Mr. John Hall has proposed a development plan for the above referenced propertles. 0f speclal interest and concern to us ls rhe proposed development of Tract B lncorporatlng 2 tennis courts, picnic tables, a pavilion and paEhways. In conversations with several other property owners and resldents of the area, our concern seems to be shared. Ilowever, because Mr. Hall was dlrecEed by the Deslgn Revlew Board to revlse his orlglnal plan, no speclflc proposals are presently aval1ab1e for revlew byeither the Town of Vall staff, the Deslgn Revlew Board or property ouners. For several reasons, including the Townre comnitment to preserve and acquire natural open space, the uncertalnty regardlng Mr. I{al1rs proposed use of Tract B, the pot.entlal problems assoclated vlth the development and use of tennls courts and picnic facillties, and the concerns of adJacent property owners as to how these proposals may tlf fect the value and enJ oyrnent of their property, we ask that you make every effort to notlfy the other owners in the Potato Patch Subdivlslon as to the date of the next revierr of Mr. Hallrs proposed plan so that you rnay recelve sufflcient citizen lnput. The lnpact of thls plan to develop Tract B may have substantlal effects on other property or,,ners ln the area. The orlglnal protectlve covenants of the Potato Patch Subdivtslon call for revlew of all proposed lmprovements 1n the subdivlslon by an archltectural revlew coullttee. It ls our understandl-ng that that review connlltee's respons ib llities have been assigned to the Town of Vail Deslgn Review Board. lmportant in thls case. Again, please make recelve as much lnpuE as posslble regardlng thls by telephone as soon as a review hearing date We will appreciate your tlmely response and imnedlate ention to this matter. cc. Chrls Severson, Tom Hollls, Jim Morgan, Fritz Glade Enc 1o sure Citlzen input, we believe, ls most every effort to see to lt that you maEter. Flnally, please notlfy us has been requested by Mr. Ha1L. act Lt^ Georges p s d ,: e qq. \itrt- ;i\ Fq \FN$ t+go$" $R\(+ tD -*' q+ saqs FX --\ V){ $,1a* t 0c \b {1 \tE DE 2 ts N-f sRtDd o \iB.,s :f-i:r"r. (oF: 8\ t-.n f -.Sca $ s S.. \nn || -t/tr - w\y ul-T (J ] S-I $H \'l:iF 6+ FP f \r1 - 6 f5F -I P,or vt' ,g \ $l_trI aJ F H I-rs. ll \tt J 5, $ $ s \ $ $" {v:s x {' l-'lI NUTES REGULAR MEETING VAIL TOl.lN COUNCILI NOVEMBER, I977 t. The regular reeting of the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado was convenedat 7:45 P.M. on Tugsday,.November 1,1977, in the Vail Municipal Building Council Chambers. Mayor John Dobson and the following Josef Staufer Rodney Sliferliilliam Heimbach Robert Ruder I'lilliam l'liltoJohn Donovan Others present included: counci'lmembers Stan'ley F. Bernstein, Assistant Town Manager Lawrence Rider, Town Attorney ORDINANCE N0. 29, Series of 1977, rezoning a portion of VaiI Run from RC to SDD5 was introduced on first reading, having been continued from the October 18, 1977 meeting of the Council. Councilman Heimbach movedoto continue the first reading of the/' ordinance for 30 days, until the December 5, 1977 council meeting. Counci'lman Donovan seconded the motion, all present voted in favor; and the motion carried. 0RDINANCE N0. 27, Series of 1977, regarding short-term tax anticipation notes, t.las introduced on second reading. Councilman }lilto moved to approve the ordinance on second reading; Councilman Ruder seconded the rption; a1l present voted in favor and the motion carried. 0RDINANCE N0. 28, Series of'1977, arending and subdividing SDD4, Glen Lyon, was in- troduced on second reading. There was no discussion and Councilman Donovar{rnoved to approve the ordinance on second reading; Councilman Slifer seconded-the motion; all present voted in favor and the motion carried. 0RDINANCE N0. 30, Series of 1977, amending Title'18 of the Vai'l Munjcipal Code and re- zoning certain parcels wjthin the Town of Vail in accordance with Growth Managenent recommendations, was introduced on first reading by Mayor Dobson. The Mayor then introduced Town Attorney, Lawrence Rider who explained the legal aspects and the process of the 0rdinance. Allen Gerstenberger, Director of Cormun'i ty Development for the Town of Vail, was then introduced. He outlined the agenda for the following presentation and explained the background which led to the development of the ordinance now under consideration. He traced the history to the formation of the Town of Vajl Goa'ls Cormittees and the results of their work, then followed by the staff working to collect data and infoymation with the help of Briscoe, Maph'is and Lamont; a consulting firm from Boulder, Colorado; along with assistance from Royston, Hanamoto, Beck & Abey; a con- sulting firm from I'lil'l Valley, California, for a period of two years. Then' working with the P'lanning Cormission and the subsequent formation of the Citizens Cormittee on Growth Management, through bi-weekly meetings for a period of 6 months' reports were submitted by subconrnittees of the Citizens Conrnittee to the Planning Corrnission' forming the basis and serving as an impetus for the current plan. He then introduced Dick Elias, Chairman of the Citizens Conmittee on Growth Management who outlined the detai'ls of the process and results of the cormittee's work and added that he felt the cormittee and its sub-corrnittees represented a responsible cross-section of the valley wide interests. He further stated that the conmittee was not a no-growth cormittee and that he believed the recormendations made were "middle of the road" recormendations. He cormended the corunittee and the staff for their work. Allen Gerstenberger then surmarized the issues of the cormittee's report, stating that the cormittee was striving for equity for a'l 'l property owners and reminded the persons present that the process'i s an ongoing one, designed to manage growth as opposed to Lontrolling growth. Town Attorney Larry Rider points out, for the record, that the full report has bien reviewed by the counGi1 and that copies have been made available to the publ i c. Zoning Administrator, Diana Toughill, then defined the technical aspects of the definitions contained in the report and gave a brief background of the process taken to detennine the recormendations which were being made Ed Drager' Chairman of the Vail Planning Conmission was introduced. He outlined the process of the Planning Cormission and restated the approval of the Planning Cormission for the Growth Managernnt proiect. \ . /tes/Regular_Meetinf ,{ovember, I 977 .,age TYto 1 He reinterated that the Planning Conmission had recently passed Reso'lution #l ofthe Vail Planning Cormission which incoorporates the repoit of the Citizen'sCormittee on Growth Management. He pointed out that the vote of the Planning Conmission on the Resolution was unanimous for the reconrnendations which werebeing presented here tonight. Reso'lution # I was presented to the council asthe official document representing the Planning Colrmissions recormendations. Mayor Dobson then invited citizen corment. Mr. Bob Byrd, a member of the Citizen's Connittee pointed out that the;plan was based on factors now known and asks thatthe cormittee monitor the plan and review the situation on a yearly basis or hefears that the plan might fail. He recormended that a revierconmittee be implemented as soon as possible. l'lr. Bi'll Luke asked that the Town of Vail not approve the p1an. He stated that he felt !,hat t-h-e-plnn !!qs. ar_br1tra1y, land cited seveiil general'objections to implementationof the plan based on inequities. Mr. Lou Parker' a member of the Citizen's Cormittee, reinterates that the sub-corrnitteeon which he served has asked for a lower maximum population figure than the one whichapPears -in the report, and points out that the existing figure was unanimously approvedas a maxjmum recommended figure. Councilman Heimbach stated that he has been concerned with Section # 2 of the 0rdninance,and asked Diana Toughill to clarify the Primary/Secondary Zoning c'lassification. l'ls.Toughill then explained, using a valley-wide map,-specifically ihat areas were to be zoned. Councilman Heimbach again states concern over-thb appirent ability to tell any6ne what can be built on private land, and further states that he wi'll vote against Section # 2of the 0rdinance. Mr. Ron Todd, a rnmber of the Vail Planning Cormission, clarifiesthe intent of Section #2, stating that the zoning is based on per-cent of GRFA. l.lr. Dudlgy Abbott, a member of the Vail P'lanning Cormission, responds in an attempt toclarify the section in question by stating that one of the goals of the section isto lower the frequency of large mirror-image duplexes. Councilman Heimbach stated thathe did not wish to belabor the point but that he stil'l is opposed to the section. l'lr. Bill Shephard, a homeowner on Folrest Road, stated that he understands the problemsfacing the Town of Vail, but that he was concerned over loan values, and feels that the zoning had been arbritrary in that it did not include all areas of duplexes. He statedthat he felt that owners of existing buildings were being unduly penaiized and requeststhat a grandfather clause be incorporated into the ordinance for ex'isting buildings in an area to be down zoned. Mayor Dobson expresses concerns also over some elements of the Ordjnance. lrts. Toughill and l.lr. Todd made a brief explanation in an attempt to clarify the intent of the ordinance and specifically Section #2. A brief discussion between members of thecouncil and the audience then took place concerning the question of replacement of anybuildings which might be destroyed and effects of the proposed new zoning on rebui'lding.Mr. Luke asked for corments in response to his earlier corments. A brief discussiontook place between council members and Mr. Luke relative to possible changes incharacter in some neighborhoods as a result of the proposals in the ordinance and Mr. Luke stated that he has great concern over what he perceives to be a different set ofrules for upcorm'ing developments as opposed to those governing previous developments. Counci'lman Staufer points out that rules do change. Mr. Luke further questions the Town'sright to zone use of land but not population. Councilman Slifer answers by pointing outthat courts and state statutes have upheld density controls. Town Attorney Larry Rider stated that this ordinance and the process for its implementation are designed tocorrect deficiencies in the original zoning ordinance and that compact neighborhoods were a goal of the new regulations rather than having patchwork zoning. At this point in the meeting, l'ls. Toughill began a parcel by parcel explanation of the proposed changes, beginning with The Racquet Club and continuing to the last parcellisted in the Planning Corrnission memorandum of report which is attached and made a partof these minutes. Members of the audience speaking on behalf of property owners who were opposed to the changes being discussed were: Attorney Dick Hart spoke on behalf of the owners of Parce] 4, (Jackson, Cook & Zablinsky)stating that the owners felt they were not being treated fa'i rly in the progression of zoning up the va1ley. (- t; ' Attorney Jay Peterson spoke for the ownerJ of Parce'l # 6, Lot 6, Block 2, Vail Potato . rtes'/Regular MeetinSf November, .|977 ,,age Three Patch and Lot 34, Block l, Vail Potato Patch; stating that the owners had suggested a compromise. Roger Tilkemeier cormended the owners for volunteering a down zoning compromise and expressed a hope that Parcel C in Potato Patch cou'ld reamin open space. He iurther stated that the covenants at this tirne call for Tract C to be recreation space or open space. Diana Toughill and Larry Rider state that future plans do cal 1 for that parcel to be dedicated to the Town of Vail. Regarding Parcel # 9, Lots l, 2, 3, Block 3, B'ighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition, Ms. Toughill-explained the proposedjrezoning. Mqyor Dobson asked for any further conrnents from the owner, Mr. Bill Luke. Mr. Luke declined any further corment stating that he does so on the advise of counsel . Mr. Abe Shapiro spoke on beha'lf of his interest in the proposed zoning of Parcel # l0' Lot 26, Blotk Z, Vail Village l3th Filing, stating that he has proposed a comprom'ise and explained the elements of his proposal, reminding the council that the planning conmission had recomnended approval of the compromise. D€ue!€pFRRon Lustick sopke on behalf of the owners of Parcel # ll' Lot 7' Block B' Lionsridge Fi'ling No. l, stating his case for retaining the existing zoning and that the owneis of the lot feel that if Lot # 8 can retajn the LDMF zoning' then Lot # ll should be al'lowed to do so also. Regarding Parcel # 12, Ms. Toughill explained the zoning and the topography of-the Lot and read-a letter of protest from the owners of Lots 3, 4, 5, 6' 7' Block I ' Bighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition. Regarding Parcels # 15 through 21, Ms. Toughill explained that all parce'ls in.this gr6up weie to be changed from two-family residential to primary/secondary residentia'l iisti^ict. She read letter of protest irom Fred Lazarus (Lot l, Block I, Vail Village 1st Filing); and a'letter of lgreemtint with proposed zoni19 from_John Tyl.er, the owner of i;}:A titing lot. - She read a letter of protest from Col. Edward 14. Brown' Lot 9, Blk 5; Bighori Subdivision 5th addition, requesting additional information and objeciing to the-down zoning. Joanna Peterson was'present to speak on behalf of the owiers oi tot.2, Vail Vi'llage 7th Filing (Crawford House) obiecting to the proposed downzoning and presented a iequest for possible consjderation of variance since the owneri had iranted to build an additional building next door. Councilman S'lifer and Mayor Dobson agreed in stating that perhaps design or variances could solve the the problem. A brief discussion followed Mr. Shapiro's request for another clarification of the meaning and purpose of the Primary/Secondary Zoning District. Mr. Lou Parker requests ttrai ait ot lhe'l'lth filing be pliced undef the primary/secondary district' . Following some discussion, Councitmen Witlo and Slifer stated that the llth filing probably could not be added to this proposal by the council. Mr- Parker disagreed. Mr. tlilliam Sheppard, owner of Lot 4, Block l, Vail Vi'llage 6th Filing ipoke on his own behalf in oposition of the proposed zoning of his property. Mayor Dobson questioned how far zoning could be used to accomp'l ish other-goa'l s., Councilman Donovan stated that these ire selected parcels to be rezoned in an effort to preserve develop'ing neighborhoods, Councilman Staufer stated that protection of a heve'loping neigirUoitrood-can only be done by zoning. Mr._Shapi.ro asked-for a-clarification of the'us6 of lhe word "densityi'. A briefdiscussion followed. Councilman Staufer itatea that basically thc aoal-of this plan was to preserve the quality experience and inat it can only be -preserved through rLstriction of zoning for densities. Lou Parker questions the ritio 'of primary/secondary district zoning to straight residential zoning. Ms. Toughill explained thal they were the same. Town Attorney Larry Rider reconunended to the counci'l that the public hearing portion of the meeting -Oe cloied and that the ordinance under discussion be taken section by section and any chinges to be made be done by motion of the counci'l . Counci'fman Heimbach moved to remove Section #2 lron the ordinance. Mayor Dobson Seconded the motion; Councilman Heimbach and Mayor Dobson voted in favor and a'l I others present voted against the motion. The motion failed. Town Attorni-y Larry Rider explained that some elements of section #2 had been inadvert- enity ULen oirmittei from the copies of Ordinance #30 and he explained those additions. Couniilman Iilto moved to approve and include those sections left out. Councilman Staufer seconded the motion; all pilsent voted in favor and the motion carrjed' f' .,utes/regut ar_meeti nS I'November, 1977 page four - Sections of the ordinance were explained briefly to the council by Lary Rider.'^: Fol'lowing the planning cormission memo, each parcel proposed for down-zoning' u,as then considered and voted upon jndividual'ly: No nrction was necessary for parcel #1. Councilman l,li'lto moved that parcel #2 remain LDMF. Councilman Ruder seconded the motion;all present voted in favor and the motion carried. Councilman Heimbach moved to app_rove the proposed changes in zoning for parcel #3. Councilman Donovan seconded the motion; all present voted in favor and the motion carri ed. Councilman Heimback moved to retain LDMF for parcel # 4; Councilman Staufer secondediall present voted jn favor and the motion carried. Councilman l.lilto moved to approve the proposed rezoning for parcel #5; Counci'lman Heimbach seconded the motion; all present voted in favor and the motion carried, Counci'lman Heimbach moved to approve the compromise proposal that the owner's interest inTract:0 be deeded to the Town di vail. Counci'lmin Ruder seconded the motioni-- ''' Counci'lnan Donovan voted against the motion; all others present voted in favor; and the motion carried. Parcel # 6 was the parcel voted upon. t' Councilman Ruder moved to approve the proposed rezoning of parcel #7. Councilman l.lilto seconded the motion; all present voted in favor and the motion carried. Councilman l,lilto moved to retain the LDMF zoning for parcel # 8. Councilman Heimbach seconded the motion ; all present voted in favor and the motion carried. I Councilman Ruder moved to rezone parcel #9 as proposed; Counci'lman Donovan seconded the Imotion; al 1 present voted in favor and the motion carried. Councilman Heimbach moved to accept the compromise proposed for parce'l # .|0. CouncilmanI'lilto seconded the motion; Councilmen Staufer, Slifer, Wilto and Heimbach voted in favor of the motion; Councilmen Donovan and Ruder voted against the motion; the motion ca rri ed. Counci'lman Wilto moved to leave parcel #'l I as LDMF. The motion was seconded by Councilrnn Heimbach. Councilmen Staufer, Donovan, Heimbach and l.lilto voted in favor of the motion; Councilman Ruder voted against the motion; The motion carried. Councilman Ruder moved to rezone parcel # 12 as recommended. Counci'lman Staufer seconded the motion; all present voted in favor and the motion carried. Councilman Wilto moved to rezone parcel # 13 as recormended; Counci'lman Ruder seconded-the motion; all present voted in favor and the motion carried. Counci'lman Ruder moved to accpt the proposed rezoning of parcel #14. Councilman Heimbach seconded the motion. All present voted in favor and the motion carried. Counci'lman Slifer moved to accept the proposed zoning for parcels # 15 though 2.|. Council- man Donovan seconded the motion. Councilman Heimbach voted against the motion. All others present voted in favor and the motion carried. Councilman llilto moved to adopt 0rdinance #30, Series of 1977, with the amendments made by the Counci'| , on first reading. Councilman Oonovan seconded the motion. Al 1 present voted in favor, except Councilman Heimbach who again expressed his opposition of Section #2 of the ordinance. The motion carried. . Resloution #20,Series of 1977 was introduced by Mayor Dobson. Councilman }lilto moved to approve Resolution #20; Counci'lman Donovan seconded the motion; all present votedin favor and the Resolution was approved ty the Council. Resolution #20 sets forth the upcoming week as l,later Conservation Week in Vai'l . . Mayor Dobson then turned the meeting to the presentations and other matters. Pepi' Gramsharmer official ly requested the withdrawal of a parking variance for 9 cars for the Vail Athletic Club. It was so noted for the record. Mayor John Dobson then requested a ro1 'l ca1 'l vote for the appointment of two members to serve_on the Sign Review Cormittee of the Design Review Board. The applicants were:Toni Berns; Fred Distelhorst; and Gail Strauih. Fred Distelhorst and Toni Berns were elected to serve on the Sign Review Conmittee ofthe Design Review Board. layor Dobson then read the names of those persons to be appointed c'lerks and judgesfor the upcoming Council election on November 22, 1977. Ail persons were app6inledto the positions. A listing of those persons is attached, and made a part hireto,of these minutes. Counci'lman Donovan moved to adjourn the rneeting, there being no further business forthe Counci'l to consider. Councilman Ruder seconded the motion; a'll present voted infavor and the meeting was adjourned at ll:15 pm. ,,tuEes/regurar t""rtnf. November, 1977 page five ATTEST: MEMOMNDUM TO: FROI4: DATE: RE: TO}IN COUNCIL PLANNI N9 Co|'$'|ISSI oN/DEPARTI'IENT 0F CoMMUNITY DEVELoPMENT NovEl-tBER 1, 1977 RECOMMENDATIONS OIi PROPOSED ZONING AMEI{DMENTS AND DOl.lN ZONING. e II (7.971 acres, approximately 6 acres bu i 'l dab'l e ) RCRezoning: LDI'IF with 60 units maximum to units cument zoning - 60 units units amended LDMF - 54 units units proposed rezoning - 38 units Tne fol'lowing is a sumnary of the Planning Cormission meeting of September '19'- 1977 and recormendations of the Cormission to the Council. Reso'lution No. I of the Vail Planning Cormission was approved which adopted Phase I of the Comprehensive Plan and by reference the maps and all documents to which the maps refer, as well as recognizing the Report and Recorunendations of the Growth Management subcormittee. The Planning Cormission then unanimously approved the Zoning Amendments out'lined in the attached memorandum. Each parcel proposed for down-zoning was then considered individually: l. Racquet Club (13 acres) PFo[63Eii-EEoning: Reduction of units. l4aximum units current zoning - 390 units, county approval 360 units Maxjmum units proposed - 247 units Planning Cormission recorunendation - Maintain MDMF with 247 units tota'l maximum. lla'lter Kirch proposed to the Planning Corrnission that they consider his remaining undeve'loped''l and and a proportional share of the land used for recreationa'l amenities at the proposed MDMF maximum of l8 units per acre or a maximun of 247 units. This represents a 30% down-zoning for the balance_ of the proposed project. All members were in favor with the exception of Mills. 2. Vai'l lnvestment Properties (0.4 acres)@nc I'laximum units current zoning - 76 units !'laximum units amended LDl.lF - 57 units Maximum units proposed rezoning - 38 units Planning Cormissio.n recormendation - Rezone to RC Craig Folson was present to object to reduction in density (letter attached). The Planning Cormission voted 5 for and Ron Todd opposed to the rezoning- II II Allen Gerstenberger then surmarized the issues of the cormitteers report, stating thatthe connittee was tlfiying for equity ior ali-piop"iiv-i*n.rs and reminded the personspresent that the p.o.g:.._is-an ongoiirg one, deiig;;d-io-rinug" growth as opposed tocontrolling growth. Town Attorne! Lairv niaei-p6init-or[l"io" the record, that the fuilreport has been reviewed by the c6unGil'and thai-.opi"i-r,in" been made available to thepubl i c. Zoning Administrator, Diana Toughill, then defined the technica.l aspects of thedefinitions contained in the ""io"i ini gave.a.brief.background of the process takento determine the recomnendations which-were-being made-.""i0 Orug"r, Chairman of the VailPlanning cormission was introduced. He'ouilinea"ilre-i"oc"ii of the planning cormissionand restated the approva'l of the Planning conrnission io"-ilr" Growth Managerent project. Gore Ran Proposed Maximum l'laximum Maximum lage 2 Recormendations on Amendments and Down proposed Zon'ing Zoni ng. Planning Cormission reconmendation - Rezone to RC Bob l,larner, representing the owners, notified me to infonn the Planning Conmission that he has withdrawn his employee housing proposal and that theycould proceed rith the down-zoning to RC. Planning Cormission voted unanimouslyto rezone the parcel 4. !qc!son, Cook, Zqblnsky (3.0 acres)@tonc l'laximum units current zoning - 36 units l4aximum units amended LDMF - 27 units Maximum units proposed rezoning - l8 un'its Planning Cormission recormendation - Rezone to RC Cass Zabinsky was present to protest the proposed rezoninq. After a lengthy discussion, al'l of the P'l anning Corrniss'i on, except Ed Drager voted to reduce' the densityto RC. Mn Zabinsky Iater requested that the Plann'ing Cormission reconsider theirvote in light of their decisjon on the Weisen parcel; the motion was defeated unanimously. 5. Lots 2 and 3, Block 8, Bighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition (.255 and .419 acres) Maximum units current zoning - 8 units I'laximum units amended LDMF - 6 units Maximum units proposed rezoning - 4 units Planning Cormission recormendatin - Retain LDMF Erika McCall was present representing Vail East Lodging. She pointed outthat Vail East had a'lready voluntarily down-zoned two of their parcels toagricu'ltural and wou'ld like to retain the possibility of developing five or sixunits on the subject property. The Planning Conmission voted to retain the LDMF zoning with Sandy Mills opposing the motion. 1) 6. Lot 6, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch Lot 34, Block I, Vail/Potato Patch lilaximum units current zoning - Lot l'laximum units amended IIDMF - Lot 6 Iilaximum units proposed rezoning - Haximum units proposed compromise- PI anning Commi ssion recormendati on (3.91 acres)(.997 acres) 6 - Il7, Lot 34 - 29- 70, Lot 34 - 17LotS-23, 1ot34-5 t8t 8.--'RBfiFp Uf,]t: il3liilUfr' - accept compromise Allen Gerstenberger then sunmarized the issues of the cormittee,s report, stating thatthe cormittee was striving for equity for all property owners and reininded the personspresent_that the process is an ongoing one, designed to manage growth as opposeil tocontrolling growth. Town Attorney Larry Rider points out, f6r lhe record,'ttrat tne fu]lreport has been reviewed by the counGil and that copies have been made avii'lab'le to thepubl ic. 1o!!ng Administrator,- Diana Toughill, then defined the technical aspects of thedefinitions contained in the report and gave a brief background of ttre process takento determine the recomnendations which were being made -Ed Drager, Chairman of the VailPlanning Connission was introduced. He outlined the process of itre-planning Cormissionand restated the approval of the P'lanning Cormission ?or the Growth Managem6nt project. ./age 3. Recormendations Qn Amendments and Down proposed Zoni ng. zonr n9 C Jay Peterson was present representing the-owner' John Hall. He requested the Pla-nning Cormissiolr to retaih the MDMF Zoning which permits .35 GRFA as opposeA to [C at .25 GRFA and limit the unit naximum to 30 units on Lot 6 and 8 ,iits on Lot 34 to allow large luxury units. Peterson further proposed that Hall *iirio ue iitting to iuii-iiaim to itrl iown of Vail his right to develop.recreational amenities and a tramriiy on Tract C (adjacent to Sandstone-Tot Lot)._-White' Abbott' il;;.; inO ioOJ voted in favor. of tlie iompromise with Hanlon and ltlills voting agai nst. 7. Be]inda Ward Weisen (1.5 acres) Fropo;edTezdlng: LDMF to RC Maximun units current zoning - 18 units Maximum units amended LDMF - 13 units l4aximum units proposed rezoning - 9 units Planning Corrnission reconmendation - Retain LDMF Ms. l,leisen was representeO by Jay Peterson who requested the property-remain at t-Ot'lF since it is lolated betweLn t-he Racquet Club and Timberfa'lls. I'lills made a motion for rezoning to RC which was seconded by Hanlon; Todd, Drager, and Abbott voted againsti motion for rezoning failed. 8. Lot 7, Block A, t-ronsridge Filing N (1.234 acres) l'laximum units current zoning - 14 units Maximum units amended LDMF - 1'l units Maximum units proposed rezoning - 7 units Planning Comniision recormendation - Retain LDMF Gary Flanders, rePresenting the new owners' was present to protest- lle proposed reductio-n in densiiy aha to reqiest the property remain LDMF because of its location direct'ly adJacent t-o iolnestafe. Planninb Cbrmilsion voted unanimously to retain the LDMF zoning. 9. Lots l,2,3, Block 3, Bighorl gubdivision 3rd Addition (Lot I - .800 acres, Lot Z - .937 acres, Lot 3 - .732 acres) Proposed Rezoning: LDMF to RC Maximum units current zoning - Lot Maximum units amended LDI'IF - Lot Maximum units proposed rezoning - Planning Cormission recormendation I -9units,Lot2-l'll-7units,Lot2- 8Lotl -4units,Lot2-- Rezone to RC units,Lot3-8units,Lot3-6 5 units, Lot 3 - unlts units4 unil ,3 Lot 'l is owned by Jakob who has submitted no written protest. . Mr. Bil'l Luke who owns Lots 2 and jcalled in a protest at 6:00 P.M. the day of the meeting- Our staff has since met with his attorney. Planning Corunission voted unanimously to down-zone all the lots to RC. Allen Gerstenberger then sunmarized the issues of the cormittee,s report, stating thatthe cormittee was s!1ivin9 for equity for ali piope"iv-o*n""r ana reininded the personspresent-that the process is an ongoing one, aeitghea io-rinage growth as-oppoieo tocontrolling growth.. Town.Attorney t-airy Riaer poinis ort,"16" irre ""cJ"a,'[tit 1,. rrttreport has been reviewed by the cbunti'l-and thai copiei-trive been made availab1e to thepubl ic. 4o!!ng Administrator, Diana Toughill, then defined the technical aspects of thedefinitions contained in the refort ind gave a uriei uaiig"ouna oi-[rr.-p"o..is-t.r"nto determine the recorrnendationi which wire being madi-. "ro orager, cnilrmin of the vailPlanning Conmission was introduced. He outlined-tne-proceii or-[rre'pii.riins'cJ-issionand restated the approval of the Planning corrnission i'o" irr" Growth Manigeilni-pro;ect. 'laq; 5' Reiormendations Anendments and on proposed Zoning Down Zoning 2o.ffi""'3l'.li1l;il!:[};b:li,3;?..il!i!:i,.Lotsl0-l2' Lots l-7, vtirlpiitii"pli"-n'i"iidA i;iift;;-fu;;uaivision or Lots I and 2' . Vail/Potato Patch. Property orn""i-iia not obJect to proposed rezoning' 21 - tit!#*l b3li, l|.' ft ,:l gl:il":":'il5il1;:i:l:eIlit' il, gr o.r-q,. qiehe"n subdivision sri-ioaition. Lots li,";iiii-'ii-r-tt:.]-19'Block 5; Lots l-4' Block 6; Lots l-20, Block 7; eignorn iubaiviiion 5th Atldition' No protests rr.""-"i."i'ia tiom o*nli:t-in-siirya-:::gnd Addition' rhe BonrickSubdivisionwasapproveawittrcovenintssimilartotheproposed new Zone. One written pr9tg:q.t'ut'""t"iu"a t"o* Colonel Browne who owns Lot 9, Block 5, in the 5th Atltlttton' Planning Commission voted unanimoygly "nur""ii"a ii tt.tt l5-21 from Two-Family Residential. to approve the rezoning of each lot neiiolhtiar to Primarv/Secondary (Total density reduction as outlined ii-eionirt-mi"nagement subconmittee report - Total density reduction as recorrnended by the Planning Commission - Thereisno..scientific..wayofcalculatingthe.popul.ationreductionforthe primary/Secondary rezoning,.but we u".-ii"iii.ni it'ut'ii will have a positive effect ;;;'d; imalllr site oi'tt'e second allowable unit' Allen Gerstenberger then sumarized the issues of the cormittee's report, stating thatthe cormittee v{as striving for equity for all property owners ana reminOed the personspresent_that the process is an ongoing one, deiighed 1o manage growth as opposei tocontrol]ing growth. Town Attorney tairy Rider p6ints out, 16r lne recora,'itrai ttre tuttreport has been reviewed by the countil-and thal copies hive been nade aviilab'le to thepubl i c. 4oqlng Administrator, Diana Toughill, then defined the technical aspects of thedefinitions contained in the report and gave a brief background or lrri proceii-tatento determine the recormendations which wire being made -Ed Drager, chiirman of the vailPlanning Cormission was introduced. He outlined the process of irre'piinnin!'connisstonand restated the approva'l of the P'lanning Corrnission for the Growth Managen6nt project. 447 units 440 units ( wRoseRr H. VtlsoN 221 NoF-TH L,r S,\LLE STREET Cr-lrcAco, ILLINoTS 6060l 3t 2 -236 - 82 a5 December 18, 1979 l,tr. Craig Snowden Chairman, Desigm Review Board c,/o Snowden & Hopkins, Architects 201- Gore Creek DriveVaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Snowden: Re: lr:|- 34, Tract B, Block 1Iot 6, Btock 2 vai1./Potato Patch Srrbdivision I understancl that a plan has been submittedl to your Board for the development of the above captioned lots. From the information I received, it appe ars that a request for a chanqe in the purpose useof some of the land, particularly in Tract B, may be in the offing. If a change of use is requested, I hope that a hearing wj.11 be held to aLlow aJ-J- property olrners rn the subdivision to e:<pres s their opinions and recormendations. I worked closely with the VaiI Associates representatives and vtas assurecl both with documentation and verbally that the restrictions would be enforced and that we could rely on the type of development that the City of Vail and Vail Associates wish to see mature in Potato Patch. I pur?osellr sold my condorniniurn in Licns Head tc get avial' fro:n +-he concrete jungle that rtas allowed to develop there. The trade for the inconvenience and nnre difficult management responsibilities was the acquisition of greater privacy and guietness. It is rny understanding that the uppe r tier lots in Potato Patch were to be single family with duplexes allowed although many of the buyers prefer not to build duplexes. I feel strongly whether I live all year around in Vail or live part time -- f pay the same real estate taxes as people who live aI1 year around. I must pay for the same services to maintain ny property, driveways, etc., as if I lived there full time. 'l- . ur. Craig Snowden Page T\oo Decenber I8r 1979 As a pltoperty olener I e:qtect I wl-ll be tluly notifieal of any neetings and that there will be a public hearing on any proposedl change of exlsting zonipg regulations, city pollcies ar1f./ot covenalttg of recorrtl. Sinoerely, &,bert H. Wileon cc: l{r. Chris SLvertson!tr. Tom Hollisl{r. Fritz Glade Iitr. Bd Dragerllr. Jir RrbiJr l{r. Chud< Donally ? !lr. Peter Patten a il$ain lNigh Proparliss, [$d Robsrl Serofin T3l0lslsnd Circle Boulder, C0 80301 303/530.0892 cc: Larry Mullin Cralg Snonllen Chrls Sivertson lorry Mullin P.0. t604 Voil, C0 81657 3031476.3094 7 December 1979 Mr. Luc Meyer 813 Potato Patch RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 34, Tract B, Block 1Lot 6, Block 2 VaiUPotato Parch Subdivision Dear Luc, Thanks very much for your letter of November 9 apprising us ofthe status of proposed development of the above referenced property. Larry Mullin and I, as general partners of Mountain lligh Properties whlch owns Lot 2I, Block 2, were shocked to heat of' the proposal for ' devel-opment of portions of Tract B for the exclusive use of a selegt subset of the property otners in the Potato Patch. Moreover, lt lras disrnaylng to l-earn that this proposal, nade without lnfo rrnlng Potato Patch owners, would be considered by the Design and Review Board. It is our belief and desire that Tract B shoul-d remain as undeveloped green belL in perpetuity for the enjoyment and use of all Potato Patch.property owners. If the developers of l,ots 34 and 6 wish. to have private. tennis courts, picnic areas, or extra parklngit seems - that .these arentttes should be placed on Lots 34 and 6 andnot on greenbelt land which hg.s been Lntended for. the general use ofall residents in the subdivislon. I agree with you that defacing of Tract, B as proposeC woulC ha',, e'a detrlmental affect on the general quiet atmosphere now enj oyed by Potato ?atch residents and would adversely affect property values Lnthe area. We dontt need a tennis court, paddle ball court, swimingpoo1, pavilLons, etc., on every square foot of open space in Vai1.Letrs leave some to Mother Nature. If I can help you further in matters related to this issue Iwill be happy to do so. Again, thanks very much for acting in ourint,erests and those of other owners in the Potato Patch. Ton llollisFritz Glade Ed Drager Peter Patten f. *r c.TRAVIS TRAYLOR. JR. CHAINMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST MORTGAGB COMPAI{Y OF TEXAS, INC. 525-7000 p. o. Box lzlt3. HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 November 26, 1979 OIRECT LINE 52s-t160 .l II Mr. Cralg Snowden Chairman, Design Review Board c/o Snowden & IloPkins, Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive VaLl, Colorado 81557 Re: Lot 34, Tract B, Block I Lot 6, Block 2 )Vail-/iotato Patch Subdivision Dear Craig: I understand that a plan has been submitted to your Board for tn" a..r"fopment of the above captioned lots' From the infonna- tion I reclived, l-t apPears that a request for a change l-n the purpose use of some of the land, Particularly in Tract B' may be in the offing. If a change of use is requested I hope that a hearing wll-l be held to ailow all Property owners in the subdivlslon to exPress their opinions and recotrmendatlons ' Prior to my purchasing Lot 27, Block I in the Potato Patch Subdivl,slon, I personally na<le at least 5 trips to Vail' Durlng those triPs I inspected every vacant 1ot for sale in the entire town of Vall. I consulted rtlth a numbet of real estate agentst builders, architects and knowledgable businessmen in the corn- munity to ascertain whether Potato Patch was in fact a First Rate beveLopment and lf the restrictions were such that the property values would be protected' One of my prl-me requisltes was to find an area wlth low density restrictlons. The development of vail with high ilenslty construc- tion rtaa of alarur to me and I was concerned that the Village of VaLl may be ultinately conpleted as a "concrete jungle"' I hope this wil1 oot haPPen. I am in the mortgage banking business and fully aPpreclate all of the factors that affect Property values' I an also in the ? j I I Mr. Craig Snowden November 26, 1979 Page Two Resldential Lot Development busl-ness in Ilouston' My company has completed the development of ovei 25,000 residentlal lots in the Houston MetroPolltan Area. You may recall that Houston is the only major city in the United States rtithout zoning. Our property is proteeted by individual subdivislon restrictlon, which when approved by the city become the governing ordlnance ' It is therefore' .*trer.ly imPortant that Property owDers can reLy on restrlc- tions approved prior to the subdivision plat recordlng' I reallze that reasonable requests for changes are necessary' I also recognlze that revl-ew boards are usually made up of un- paid volunteers who give thelr time unselfishly only to be crltlcLzed bY nearlY everyone. The purpose of ny letter ls to request the Revl-ew Board to take lnto consideratl-oD the views of the property owners and to give the owners a chance to review the request for any proposed changes or deviation from the existing restrictions. If open land is used (as a change in the restrictions) the followlng questlons corne to mind: 1. Will the l-nprovements be available to al-l subdivision owners? 2. What wiLl the cost be? 3. Wil-l it be an lncrease to the proPerty owners tax base? 4 . !1111 all ol^tners be taxed or on1-y those who elect to use the facilitLes? 5. Wil-1 the proposed facilitles be an attractive nuisance? 6. Will the factllties attract outside users (Poachers) reducing the owners quiet enjoyrnent of thelr property? 7. Who will monitor the use, upkeep and management of the facilities? These are Just some of the questlons that come to mind ' Many oftheproPertyownersofexl-stinghousesllveoutsldeVailand "oV "aat".aion rchich may unreasonable. increase use of restricted pt6p".ty could result in security problems' i- - -" - -tI I ! ? Mr. Cralg Snowden November 26' 1979 Page Three I hope to be a Property olrner ln the Potato Patch for many years and I would hate to see any type of change that may '"dversely affect Property values of livlng condltlons rtithin the area. I am at pi"s"ttt attemPtl-ng to purchase addltional piop"tay in the subdlvislon for the coostructl'on of another residence. I certalnly rtant to be constructlve ln my views and ln no ltay want to reltrict the rights of others so long as thelr requests .r.-e"rr, reasonable and in keeplng \t-ith the overall develop- ment acheme orlglnal-lY Planned ' lf Vail is going to be an attractive' on-goJ-ng tol'n based,on a ,rorraert.rf glr-ots, fine recreatlonal facllities and a relaxed ffi. rayf., tt wiil- have to conttnually resist the temptatlon to nake- "one more changett for the sake of growth ' Sincerelyl \ \N/*7r0"-/A) ',Y,:wK crT/lhh cc: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ur.ltr. Mr. Traylor, Jr. Chris Sivertson Ton llollls Fritz Glade Ed Drager Jlu Rubln Chuck DonallY Peter Patten y' I -.|