HomeMy WebLinkAboutB05-0368 plans L . �
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Dieparbneni ofCommunity AeYr/opmen[
Buf/dl� Salely and Inspecdon SeMcrs
75Sa.dh Fiunbge Raad
I�all, Ca✓o2do 81657
fAX 97D-475-1451
TO: Contractor/Applicant Architect
WE 0'Neil Construction Burkett Design/
Joe Pflug Scott Tumipseed
proj# 05027.001
FAX/Email #: jpflug@weoneil.com aldo.sebben@burkettdesign.com
FROM; Chris Gunion, Bui(dtng Plans Examiner
DATE: Monday, November 27, 2006
SIi'E ADDRESS: 333 Bridge Street, 3`d Floor
The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003
Intemational Building Code, 2003 Intemational Residential Code, 2003 Intematlonal Mechanical
Code, 2003 IntemaUonal Fuel Gas Code, 2003 Intemational Plumbing Code and 2002 National
Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail.
The f+�//ow1� Qovnn�nls wl// need t�o be add�sed pdor Ao /ss�anae ofa bu!/d/ng pe�mJt:
For processing:
.--- • Please submit two complete sets of revised consUvctfon documents containing the.Lquested
information with all plan revfsion items clouded or otherwi� identifled
• Qlease resaond in writing to each comment bv marking the attached list or creating a res�onse
- letter Indicate which plan sheet detail soecificatlon or calculation shovvs the reouested
` informatlon Please send revisions to the atte�+i�� 9f the �lans ex�miner with the buflding
t�rmit a�olicatfon number noted.
o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal tf�e engineer's or architect's "weY' stamn signaturej
�eaistraUon number and date on the cover �,Qe of any structural calculatlons all structural
� detafls and structural sheets of the olans For commercial or multi familv oroiects all sheets of
the plans must be stamp�
V �
, Architectural Comments•
. 1 Coordinate all plan changes�and plans sheets witfi the orfginal plans prepared by Burkett Designs.
Revised plans will need to show all information originally shown on the approved construction
dauments for this project as well as the proposed chang�. Piease resubmit a complete plan set.
Photo cooies of Burkett's oriainai plans have been placed into the revised plans to coordinate all
previous information pertaining to the new use of the space.
2 Provide complete revised plumbing, mechanical, elecdical and fire protectlon drawings incorporating
the proposed changes.
Plumbing and Mechanical systems will remain as is. Revised Eledrical �lans have been incoroorated
into the new drawing set. Fire Protection plans will be submitted directly bv Westem States Fire
3 Indude wall type construction details for all new walls shown on the plans. Provfde wall key on the
floor plans corresponding to the appropriate wall rype. Indude UL, gypsum or other fire resistive
listing for all fire resistive walls. See Burkett Designs sheet A0.2 for the wall type details used in the
original construction documents.
Aphoto copy of Burkett's paae AO 2 has been placed into the revised drawing set and references
made in the revised set to said page. There will be no changes in wall assembiv from Burkett's
oriainal plans.
4 Include a complete revised means of egress plans for the proposed changes to the 3`° floor. Include
occupant load calculations for each area of the proposed 3nO floor, common path of egress travel
distance, exit travel distance and exit widfh calculatlons based on occupant load. IBC 106.1.2 IBC
ch. 10
A revised Egress olan is shown on page A0. 1 along with the revised occu�ant loads Special
consideration and changes have been made to accommodate for the new occuuancy loads
concerning travel distance and exit widths.
5 Revise plans. Common path of egress travel is limited to 75'. The proposed floor plan results in a
93' rnmmon path from the south dedc to the bar room where occupants have a choice of two exits.
IBC 1002 and 1013.3
Chanaes have been made to the locker lavout and floor plans to allow for the max travel distance of
6 Amend sheet A2. 1 to provide a fire resistive wall key. See Burkett Designs sheet A2.03.
Sheet A2. 1 has been amended to reflect all fire resistive walls.
a Provide a complete door schedule. Include fire res(sdve rating of doors, doors sizes and fiardware
rypes. Exit doors require panic hardware per IBC. All other doors shall have single acdon lock
release hardware per IBC. Lever type hardware is required per ANSI 117. 1 1998
A photo copy of Burkett's page AO 3 has been olaced in the revised drawiny set and references made
in the revised set to said page There will be no changes to doors from Burkett's oriainal olans
� .
8 Include a revised reflected ceiAng plans for the 3r° level.
� A revised reflective ceiling plan has been nlace into the revised drawing set as page A4 1
9 The ski storage room is not permitted to open into the e�dt enclosure vestibule area. Openings into
exit enclosures are limfted to normally acupied spaces. IBC 3019. 1. 1
Ski storac�e access exit enclosure and the fire door have moved to accommodate exit widths and
allow storaae to open into a normally occupied space.
10 Refer to the original constrvctlon drawfngs for the restrooms. Accessible dear floor spaces and
tuming diameters must be shown on the plans. The proposed new partitions are not permitted in
the aaessible restrooms. ANSI 117. 1 1998
A photo copy of Burkett's page A7 03 has been placed in the revised drawinq set and references
made in the revised set to said page. There will be no changes to the restrooms from Burkett's
original plans. The partitions have been eliminated and access per code is noted on the revised �lan
Il Revise plan to provide an accessible route, 5' diameter tuming space and dearances a flxtures
throughout the kitchen area. ANSI 117. 1 1998 sectlon 804
The revised olan notes all turnina radii and access per code
12 Revise plan to provide an aaessible route, 5' diameter tuming space and clearences throughout the
locker room areas ANSI 117.1 1998 sectlon 803
- - - The revised olan notes all turning radii and access per code
13 Include a complete interior flnish schedule with flamespread listings for each type of materfal
proposed. IBC 803
The revised plan notes a complete interior finish schedule with flame soread rating on oage A3 1
14 Provide details for restroom facilities clea�iy showing compliance with the following:
• Water closet locatlon from wall, height of seat
• Location all paper, soap and other accessorfes
• Lavatory height, clearances, accessible handles, trap protection
• Mirror height
• Restr�m sign detafls, mounting heights and IocaUons
• Grab bars sizes and mounting locations/helghts
A photo copy of Burkett's page A7 03 has been placed in the revised drawing set and references
made in the revised set to said paae. There will be no changes to the restrooms from Burkett's
� oriainal �lans.
ti 15 Provide an accessible area for food and drink service. IBC 1108.2.9.1, ANSI 117.1 1998
Access for food and drink per code has been included into the revised olan set
� . .
' Mechanical Comments:
16 Provide complete revised plumbing, mechanical, electrical and fire protectlon drawings (ncorporatlng
the proposed changes to tfie mechanical systems based on tf�e revised plans.
Plumbing and Mechanical systems will remain as is Revised Electrical plans have been incomorated
into the new drawing set. Fre Protection plans will be submitted directiv by Westem States Fire
17 Amend plans to provide the required ventilation for the new locker room areas, bar and lounge per
IMC 403.
Laker layout orovides adequate venting with original ventilation layout.
18 Provide a type II exhaust hood for tl�e proposed dishwasher, or include submittal for undercounter
dishwasher. IMC 507.
The dishwasher has been eliminated from all olans.
Plumbina Comments•
19 Provide complete revised plumbing, med�aNcal, elecdical and fire protectlon drawings incorporating
the proposed changes to the plumbing systems based on the revised plans.
P�umbina and Mechanical svstems will remain as is Revised Electricai plans have been incorporated
into the new drawina set. Fire Protection plans will be submitted directly by Western States Fire
20 Amend plans to provide a plumbing plan for the new bar and kit�en area flxtures.
There are no new kitchen features and no plumbing in bar area.
�IecMcal Comme�•
21 Provide complete revised plumbing, mechanical, electrical and flre protecdon drawings incorporating
the proposed changes to the electrical systems based on the revised plans.
Plumbino and Mechanical systems will remain as is. Revised Electrical ptans have been incorporated
into the new drawing set. Fire Protection olans will be submitted directly by Western States Fre
22 Amend plans to provide a revised power and IighUng plan as weil as revised load calculatlons and
panel schedules.
The revised drawing set includes the new lighting olans with load calculations and panel schedules on
paaes E0. 1. E0.2. El. l, and E2. 1 .
=23 Indude a product submitXal for the proposed boot dryers.
A boot dryer orodud sheet will be attached to the front of all plan sets
EeeraY Code Comments:
24 Indude a statement of oompliance to tfie 2003 IKC.
A statement of comoliance of the 2003 IECC will be attached to the front of all plan sets
� : .
Environmental Heatti� Comments:
25 Please contact Bill Carlson, Environmental Healtt� Specialist for informatlon regarding food service
and bar licensing.
Contact has been made with Bill Carlson. All of his comments have been addressed and are refleded
in the revised plan set as well as with prooer oermits.
Ptease refer to tlre oover sheet for informedon a� rasubmittlng pla�. In oMer Eo evoid delays In issuanae of
a permlt, please d�edc � requested infoematlon la I�uded witl� tlre rasubmltEed pla�. Please wbmR
revised plare aa a oomplete set Pattlal plan resubmittala will not be revlewed.
F:�aa��arusa�Mrr ooraMErrrs�eos-0�eos-oace�oncanme�,�s ooc
..� .
Permit #
• Permit Date
COMcheck Software Version 3.2.0
Lighting Compliance Certificate
2003 1ECC
. Report Oate: 12113106
Dat2 flename: J:\t342-1 .00-\LTGCAL-1VIREABL-7 .CCK
Section 1 : Project Information
Project Title: Vista Bahn Third Level
Construqion Site: . OwnedAgenk DesignedContractor:
333 Bridge Street � Jon Braoks
Vail, CO 87657 ' , AE Design Group
� 1900 Wazee Street, Suite #255
' Denver, CO 80202
, 303.296.3034
Section 2: General Information
Building Use Descnption by: Aetivlty Type °'
Project Type: New Construetlon 0��!b �
AGNvIN Tvoefsl . Flaor Area � Q�.•'� F • 9 �
Conven6on. Conference or Meeting Center 355 �;� � R`��
t�, ' S 3
L�bby - Other 357 � 35 717 • 3
Corridor, ResVOOm, Support Nea 314 9; ' Z , I?> .µ ;��
Storage, IndusVlal and Commercial , gpg 0�;.� • `� .
Other ` F , . ;G�.�`� i,
Dlning qqq ` s`s��il NL �n� •`•
� , �iq�N�xMMx . .
Section 3: Requirements Checklist
Interior Lighting:
O 1 . Total actual watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts.
Allowed Watts AMual Watts Complles �
2900 2886 YES
❑ 2. Exit signs 5 Watts or less per slde. '
Exterior Ughting:
❑ 3. Efflcacy greater than 451umenslW.
Ezceptions: ' .
' SpeGalized lightlng hlghlighting features of historic buildings; signage; safery or securiry lighting; Iow-voltage landscape
lighting. �
� Controls, Switching, and Wiring:
❑ 4. Independent controls for each space (switch/occupancy sensor).
Ezcepfions: �
Areas designated as securlty or amergency areas that must be wntinuously IIIuminated.
Lighting in sWirweys or corridors that are elements of the means of epress.
� ' , Page 7 of 3
-- � ❑ 5. Master switc�et entry to hotellmotel guest room. . �
� ❑ 6. Individual dwelling units separately metered. '
0 7. Each space provided wilh e manual control to provlde uniform Iight reduction by at least 50%. �
Exceptions: i
• Only one Iuminaire in space;
M occupant-sensing device controls the area;
The area Is a cortidor, storeroom, restroom, public tobby or guest raom; �
Areas that use less lhan 0.8 Watts/sq.ft. �
O 8. Automatic Iighting shutoff control in buildings larger ihan 5.000 sq.ft.
� � 0 9. PhorocelVas[ronomical time switch on exterlor lights.
Lighqng intended for 24 hour use. � . �
❑ 10. Tandem wired one-lamp and three-lamp ballasted Iuminalres (No single-lamp ballasts).
Electronic high-hequency ballasts; Luminaires on emergency dreuits or with no available pair.
Section 4: Compliance Statement
Compliance Sfatement: The proposed lighting design represented in this documenl is wnsistent with the building plans, �
speciflcations and other calculations submitted with this permit applicatlon. The proposed lighting system has been designed to
meet the 2003 IECC, Chapter 8, reqWrements in C che 1 Version 32.0 and to comply with the mandatary reqWrements in the �
Require enis Checklisl.
� V ✓f �Y'3 � . � y' ��i '.Ao
. Principal Lighting Designer-Name � Si9� Date
Page 2 of 3
.� . .
. Permit #
. � Permit Date
COMcheck Software Version 3.2.0
Lighting Application Worksheet
2003 IECC
� Report Date:
. DBtO filB�ert18: J:\1342-1 .00-\LTGCAL-1WREABL-1 .CCK
Section 1 : Allowed Lighting Power Calculation
Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watta
(k2) Watts I tt2 (B x C)
Conven[ion, Conference or Meeting Center 355 1 .3 462
Office 401 7 .1 441
Lobby - Other 357 1 .3 464
Corridor, Restroom, Supporl Area 314 . 0.9 283
Storege, Industrial and Commercial 809 0.8 847
Other 204 7 204
Dining 444 0.9 400
Total Allowed Watts = 2900
Section 2:_ Actual Lighting Power Calculation
n s c o e
Flxture ID : Descrlption / Lamp / Wattage Per Lamp / Ballast Lampsl # o} FlMure (C X D)
Fixture Fintures Watt.
Incandescent 7 : D1 : Recessed Downlight / Incandescent SOW 1 20 37 740
Incandescent 2: D2: Recessed Downlight ! Incandescent SOW 1 17 37 629
Linear Fluorescent 2: F1 : Flourescent sVip I48' TB 32W / Electronic 1 1 32 32
Compact Fluorescent 1 : Ct : Ceiling fix[ure / Triple 4-pin 26W / Electronlc 3 8 � 78 624
TB I T12 Fluorescent 1 : Rt : Recessed 2x2124' T12U 40W I Elecfronic 2 10 67 670
Compact Fluorescent 2: W 1 : Wall sconce / Triple 4-pin 28W / Electronic 7 4 29 118
Inwndescent 3: Pi : Pendant / Incandescent 75W 1 1 � 75 75
Total Actual Watts = 2886
Section 3: Compliance Calculation
If the Tolal Allowed Watts minus the Total Actual Watis is greater ihan or equal to zero, the building complies. .
Total Allowed Watts = 2900
Tolal Actual Watts = 2886
Project Compliance = 14.1
e - �
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