HomeMy WebLinkAbout2195 Chamonix Ln #5nAf*rhs/,f 4Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 iaxt970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: MOBLEY HOTTUB Prcject Descriptlon: Partacapants: DRB Numben DR8060569 FINALAPPROVAL FORTHE INSTALLATION OFA HOTTUB t2l1912006OWNER MOBLEY, MARCY 837 GOOD HOPE DR CASTLE ROCK co 80108 APPUCANT MOBLEY, MARCY Project Address: PINE RIDGE TH UNIT 5 Legal Description; Parcel Number: Comments: LzlL9l2O06 837 GOOD HOPE DR CASTLE ROCK co 80108 2199 CHAMONIX LN VAIL Locationr Lot: 2,3, Block: Subdivision: PINE RIDGE TOWNHOUSE 2ro3-rL4-0402-6 Motaon Byl Second Byr Voter Gonditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz LZl 2Al 2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Entryl 1212O12006 By: RLF Action: COND Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Gond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of f. Ordinane 26, Series 2006 shdl be subJect b the pendlrc employee housing reguhtlms In whatever bm they are flnaff adopted; pm\rlded. horaner, that lf the Tom fails to adopt the pending emdqee housing rcgulatbns S April t5,?nflil, this Ordlnance shall not apply to such danehpment appllcations. Cond: CONflD8613 The appllcant shall affi fur and obtaln m dectrlcal permlt for the installation of a hd tub on thelr p|operty. Planner: MCHEL FRIEDE DRB Fe Pald: $25O.OO TOlyN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138/479-2t39 FAX970-479-2452 December 20, 2006 Marcy Mobley 837 Good Hope Drive Castle Rocl CO 80108 Sent via email to: MMobley@avaya.com Re: DRB06-0569 Department of Community Development Dear Marcy, Thank you for your Design Review application to place a hot tub on your property at2l95 Chamonix Lane, Unit #5A in Vail. I am writing to inform you that I have staff approved the application and it will appear as staffapproved on the January 3,2007 Desigr Review Board agenda. After conducting a site visit, I have determined that no additional mitigation is necessary to screen the hot tub, due to the natural screening that occurs on your property. However, one condition has been placed on the application, as follows: "The applicant shall apply for and obtain an electrical permit for the installation ofa hot tub on their property." The application is valid for one year from the date of approval. You may commence installation upon obtaining an electrical permit from the Building Department. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Planner. Town of Vail (970)479-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com CC: Town File Rachel Friede L2lLSl2ggg L72L7 izttstzbae lsr14 L2ll3l26g6 16:5E 97S9258887 s313?34258 e799269En? FOX HOT TI.ES BAV PAFI( HOTEL FO( iUT TUBS PAGE A2 PAGE g2tS6 Mlnor Errtrrlor Af'terations Applicatlon fior Deelgn Ravlew 0epdtnert d Communft y Daclgnert ?5 gr|lh FftrrhttE Rod. VnL Aorlrlo Elbb/ telr 970.179.2128 fd: 9t0.479.2{54 v{rb: www,vdhqv,com Grnerel ltFnnstidl: lfiileCl-nq,itng dlCgn ruvlew mu* rlelve approvtl paorlo euhrfitfttg t HlEne Pomlt applica&n' FEose iC# rb fr subnuuirt requherlcns rur He Fartlcqhi'epprwd thAl F Equdld' Afi aPPlatlon hr Dealgn Rpvlew tin-xfti acrrunO unti al nqUA inFriEtttn b rlechrld Dy 0E conmunlg DardoPrffirt DepErnErfi' lhe udir nar atsb need It h fEda{ed bt uc Tovrn Goncll €naVa the F{anlhg ?qttl q?rlromEnEl Otflttf{-o!.5efi;;l;.iffiit-ta9la *rtai e lulldlng FnnE rt Eirwrr rnc onstrurfion ccfiiixner rf,tlt cro yur * fte nlplrrrol Deslpftnof $rRfllue3! CI P 6l 0r oI c.4 J * ot 0F { locntlott of the FroPottF FlfftelAddFi6ll Plrqol r{qr zo.llngl tlame(s) ol Onne(a): HalllEg !i{.|r.fc O$rncrG) 8lgnrh0rs(ttt Ithmeof ApFllcanb llalllnllddlrmt B.mlllddlrs "w; of Roview and Feer Fl Sgns tr coicQu.!il Felltew O NE{ Con!trurgontr Acffitlon tr Mlnof AtctotFn (ildttfif|tY/omme|rFD lr.|rn {lrr lon (dngle.fatrlly/dUDlot) CfiaEEs !o Appruved nlrB hgh eo. t'ssEF€r a! t70-l2l€f/r0 lbr punxl no.) fct *550 gr00 t?tr| $20 *10 FJrR f t.lh Det r0tEG flot of Ehl :lgn anaa, No Fed fi20 No Fet ri4 urnqucuotr sla ncw hutldinl or d€nro/|1'bulld' roi an-aaldcn vihen gquarc roatagc b oddcd to any teslftntbl or .6m,!rerdrl bulldind lhclides 250 ddlHans & InHbr 6nV1s$01S.comnffill bullding (hcludes 250 Fnr ; mr r{rarur tn |rtlldli0r nnrnl iiii alanpr'fti brlldltEf, rnd *r |tntrE!,filEnq ouch a, n'ro.fiq, ptirury, wlndor addftfrrs' lrntcaptng, fefi*e end Eilthhg uElb, ct6, Fof ntrs dtrr€F b bqmings end tlt|! imfilleft]ll'ttlf' slJcrr at' m*rollm, pglnEng, ,rrlrdor ddtlo|r, lendEpplrg, futds qno Ntrlrlh0 uEts, efr. f#-ri;liiofls-b- btrne alnsdy aopmt€d by Plontiry $Etl or hr 6€*n Rivlew Bognt, t'l n ghscL ilo.:GO _rc" Z .seearatfi Reques -s L2/L5/zag' L7?L7 1.21L612a66 15:la Lillilmai lE:58 9769268887 8313734258 3?Ot26AB07 FOX I.T]T ruBS BAV PAM I{UTEL FOX I{TT TIJB8 PAGE g4 PAqE 56186 PAGE 03 I rorilrrmPr*rYottilGR \ nl/* TIJPJFEI AFPROYAT IFTT-!R,' l, (prlnt rf fit a ffi orrner of prtpetlu ls{dtld al. pravlde ttfs brer os wrmln appot€l ot fte pac datal wlrlch hF,a bGetl ilbn{tH to $E Tot tn af tEll Conmunlty Dwalnnmont Dqril'ttnent Fr 6rg pmposed impm'emen$ tD br comFlEtqd a! tfF rdd rB ttrtd aboue, I und.Ft nd thtl the pfopGed lmFta 'oltr.||lb hdudct m'@ry 41,ru-- Adln0onalv, plsrs (hod( tfi e statsmcnt b€lqn tvhiil is mstt ilplicgble to your w I udespr,l thatmttot'noiltftpt*ttx tt$yw dedc'plln $monrllp a utl8 of tbe rsEw &* ; "** aapbne *fit tla Tow't Wtanb pdes *td rydttlotu a I Gqucgt t|,a| il |n@rt{',fiv|6, t|T|wror 'd1',ltffp|,|fitr, eft ||1ffi o na &,8 ol,'rifu @,n# ] m n*i itacw, W omni a i y eenwt by ttg Wtaft rq effiilotf, awt od HoE wffim fttriler Evlst w tlre Tom' ffir ,fibtfwslt tttt* ttli'. n*l lrl lllvltfr lt F:Vir'ARtR[,l5\Psillts\FsrlnS\DRt\dtt-mh"r-nlcJDla'toled0c tilpt of t' tmtnloot . -, €rt*if : L2/r512966 L7|L7 LzlLll2A06 15:14 L?.f Lil ?.d63 1€:58 9769268887 8313?34258 s76s25888? FOX IIOT TUBS EAV PARK I.trTEL Fox ll$l' T[JBS PAGE PAGE i'Ar*. ub B5 a4/46 Survey/9lte Plen Revlew Ghackflst Deoa rtnrent ol brnrnunltv DErdoD,TErt 75 snrlth Frcnbg2 R{Yl, viil, Glorflln R16S? UEL 970 Ji9,ll28 f?Ilt E?O.479.X52 urob: trww Ja llqov,cotlt #,fr b cn|,afrfi't fin'f E gunilffi Prfrr-m P,ffic tlot*t rerlaar d a p@ de.dePnE|'A o/nftEr!/?rsjgc Ntsme! Projer:t Address: Applic!nt: tr cl llhlnpeo aneaor Frgpefv CMUSlte Dltm ArvEvsllulte-m@t Suwey€/e $ret sr5mp and Sgntfit|? Date ornrveY Nonh armw Propcr scato (tN'10'or 1"=20) |€E6l deecrlPton Basls of b€eilngs / Bencllm'fl( 5p0t Elev-dtion5 GpeEA rtsht of t't ay and ptopan'v llrer; incfudrnE Searingn, dlstnncFn iflil ctln'e lflfomEUon, Lrt sftedriaiu. Ars (cvcltdes red hazrd iuironcrre, stopb grcEter than <Kl9b, and floodplain) FE-glf,Exc4!!:msrtFl ri LEftlmFe Plano 'lifle Report(secton E) O Ervlmnr$ertd f'h:ard6 06r. roC(lbllr Cebrl9 flow, I'vllanche, wedmde, fiooQhin' eollg)e watercoJrse setDadG (tf +pICaUe)a lteeso l"abaled easemen$ (l.e' dfainage, udllry, i€detilirn, €bc,.)o l@graptvq tJUIty lcationstr Adiacent madway! bbderJ atrl 6dBc ot esDfialt for both ddes of the rctdw?y sfroien tui a minimum of 250 In el$ar dlrscfion Sorn PtoPorty, g t't c tr E a o o EI I. o A6cer6, (chlck all)lffii typ'. J# nris]ud surtsce are sho$'n on $e site Plan' E llnmetrrt tr tiaxsd (Forlon In Ro\l' In a se+at€to zorE) Snow dlr?gc RtEsE tF! ctlourn on ilrn .sirte plan withln ptlFetw bouncaries (30% of ffffeirray area if u*'eaEOl iO* of ddvervey areB if heeted) iiii-rr-riil* araals, dimrnsiorF Edli ar€ detady nctld olr.U1q sl6 farr crrd -u;;rferllt lD qlttdt'prfient Affi;fib:11.--dtecpc* sectin omromv Grde (not tte ayenEe Erarlp):- prrlri"l;-d* ;nd nimlng ndii at€ noted on slte plan a'd confrrm tD D€'ndopmnt StEndanb, p,p.1ZAl4 corEhrction Slte (dEck all) ffiiffof;ll tt llt'E ana niecr ,olE ar€ shorl'n 0n the sib glan' ffiiJ; Ad"tbtn€c corFtflrcUsr fiEnclr€ l! Cio{ 'n 6n tln Fiu pull' ;'#;;; u.,"Gpp.ono suir]in rna 6nstruc{lonTra{f,c cortrol.Flaffi, es pertfi€ f.'bn€t of Lfrliiilir-an" c"n'trot oolc"i, irll be rccca!il P.lor to qr#rtcdon' rum;n,; U.,..j Revorn46 lii'Ort ot WaV permh Wlt be requlred pnol to rylsmrcEon. o tr n, tr EI ct o P:\clor,\fOnfqS\fentnrtPhmlngpRsldil-tilirnr-aiJg'tr8't!04'&c Pe$ u0f l!Ly?5n0d6. L2lLsl2gsi L7.L7 12115/2ool lo:c! 9749264887 FAr 970{?71147 TCMILLrl.FCV llob I e9 F$< HOT TUBS PROPERTT ICM 303 - 683 -06l e PAGE S7 @ 001 p.1Tvlu 1A- 9187 "r,rr,-"*"'af auq;f tor tlqrrt A,* Prlperry tr{ritire Addqs (if 3i':-' :S*ig *$'-'gilK.-'ci--,t .,: ?c) ,:!4-'QgY:;'-'{f* 3nr-48t-7'77/Ph[6 Cb . dloEEtcd itrr rritg ufih pbrd dado visrE, rania!1 !otc, 0f fhr Flped c,hnpr orrdditio, od rtr prqo*d coccucd.oo Uic sorcturc. enrr t"rr+lee.nf d. l.rfrirTiFi* sritla loriso ofnsocilian ryprwal !o FoclGd rbieh dll be rc4uina for eorcy^ rpprural $fcc <irn* rf1o,y pfouilg SOfflq thc& +pErtiqr fr o). prcr* uantL nuega wit i qy-#fi .*dfi-fr;ffin *u-,..raoc rtD[ ror E] Ery '.qoirt rr'orer rrfruing .pi;-r t.rifrhg -o r clct- ilcrr erpprt !o'n b Slorb ih tto.d rcqqin lfttril.t irfrmrrian, gg|lvd vilt br dr&nrd udl rdttoorl hfrrl|rdo b rrcrhad.Rr'.crrs llal or oviaer uiJ' ddhquem a*" #.Ii,r-r;;'rr'in *t D" resrb.Th. gt,rrg urdrrstgfi ua rgruc drrm l. No uort h $il r:qucrr rl'rl ornnqrcc rrdf rr{noo tFcvrr ry rha bo'd is nri.,.,t 2' oncc npprond, comarriaa nrut h. corplead rvrllrlo rhc rppovarl mmcrlur tinc rd arrn be dc h r uag,rhtlhE rlt |i rrr.EDlr ffit'errfrh rrdihU.rtAeropgni# 3 ' Applicrnl lue rcgorclbili1y 6r rcororaL ln r rrlnoly nranq. oflu dctrt rt3,rli11s fuD co*,'ficn. d- co3s.t[orio,r nrur mer {t anlnQ. h.iEt||g todtq Ura, hvr dttc ecr trt coUfy. hg. ooAirry ]rrnineoiriqcd lbrll t! eollcllrEd c! o ,ve'lv* o:;diii;;;F-i I- -ao _ r.r. 5. Wbar 41tic.btr, uitb, *glatry.& d! r& tra u tod hiiru qrcrrilico i, r be nrco- €. MirtrPrt'cnrlu of ooy &cns ia trb nq||.rr. ci*.r orrl or qlpsq s6r, .rE& alry gprovd by rilr bcrt 7, 4|1y ctsEtc' ftenr apprwed rlcdgD rcarire mnegcnruDt:rEiorrl, 8. UFon ot]ltpblon you rrunr rrccdrgqr._obllgc, f0r rr6F ceuny arc lar,rc.llvlrt , ph$ td Drys r &!corury oficcs tp&rd ro Ary rr rrorre rr d ra arrG, - I lrtrr ar6 lbc rcHcd t|llllem *roornr rp*';r;-"'ffi:rfr3fff;Hf,i,fifr:ffl:igrf;lil:l1t5,t,iE':H'""b.rcDc ,D {rodrdor ducr roso-rilhlF tOri-ilsojiiiqilrr rw$r tr*ri -aDDD ji',b aptj Ds /a-/3t{ tla''t lrlb d(L bac<.s,lect {"arr. Fag sv'1n Fine Ridge Requsst For DesiEh Appoval R.visc{n6ll^)3 *2n tht-7tb ilr: (8 Lzl\5/20A6 L7=L7 9709268S87 FO{ F€T ruBS Frcnl Tim Roche PAGE 6T 16 S€cond Sh. Edwards, Co. 81832 97G926€407 Tol Joe Suther FlE||cr lU15tO6 Re:CG: tr Ugent E For Rwlerr E Ple*ee @mmeni tr Please RePU E Please ltacycle a Gnrm€nts: Mr. Suther: please find included in this Oansmission fie minor albration applicstion for a hdub. I've also included the Pfne Ridoe HOA application Wc expect io havc eppmval frtrm the HOA on 12118 or 12119. Thank you for your trne and if I may be of turther assistrnce please call me 970-926€407, Thank again. Tim Roche t *** ****** ***f*++******+*************++++*** *************** * * * * + + + + + * *+ * **************** * t + * TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Statement{.**t t*** * * ** *** '}*t*** *******:}:t:t* *'}*,t,}**** * * * * **,lt,l.* * 't 't '1. '1. * *+ + + + * * * * * * * * * * * *,},t,},lt'}'}********** * * * Statement Number: R050002126 Anount: $50.00 12/19/200603:58 PM Payment Method: Cash Init: iISNotation: $/tru nOCgP Permit Nor DRBO6O559 Type r DRB-Minor Alts, Comm/Multi Parcel No: 2LO3-LL4-O4O2-6Site Addrees: 2199 CHAMOIiIIX I,}iI VAILLocation: PINE RIDGE TH ITNIT 5 Total FeeE: 550.00This Payment: $50.00 Total AJ,L Pmts: $50.00BaLance: 50.00x*************+*+t*t**********+*****+*+*+i.****************++*+*+******'i***++{.*+****i****{t*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES s0,00