HomeMy WebLinkAbout2199 Chamonix Ln #9oz E =u,o-cf) ttIIJuJu- E =Elu.L a'4oeiy's'lalt N6ca Ic\ Ir- I I I I I IH irE rl I I I I I I t..., !lo lr-iltrl,o i,z;ro tuF o F eFIz =z ouJF z 2 dff c0 .O zzo tu,z3 UJ F z )UIal, =I ol! o ur F 6).c C' 'oFI q) .lol (5g\ €ra.b oI' (U c) ; =o E o cldn) (! 3 .9 q) o)'6 o .ttoooo ,6 ; q, Ec(E o) .E oN lD ]o 0) o! Eo o J (J Q o E l) 6 o =G --- oo- (!'=og)*isE8Fco.,.e; 3EgEFfc EBEc-o''frs Ea5:gFe'; -c96'- cL -c 35t_E>!r (!=:EH fEo.9; s !q: c.:- (! cL(E o-sEE(/)-o,Efie E;(!€-'-OE:" c.9o6* Es E *eC(60- ! --csf;;-E;t:6>o (!= J:EHi8 B6B9E orcEg -oql -c ln rnF ==E UJ zo: d) t z Jo- =F rI| z J ) 2 I UJ = L!l.lJtl.z tr gJ uJg. o (D 3 _ul uJ z 6 UJo F6 o-l! o-fz tll o x uJo U' UJt!l.L E =tuJ(L F F z ! J F IuJ UJ z6 =) z I() uJ- NO[Vn']VA c + ;FE> =-zzv-;ooo-tr ^ 6 2,.g 5 E 9cE 9 O F.tt o cxc5 d 8l<) z XFt!<\'/ = act9 n Ee!L ).( t!.a 6 =6iGi 6* =>0a -I lr(u +J ct to+,(s B z9F l l!q UJ(L F (ts aa-LuE : z Eo zIkEUJF ;LUz I I I I trzlzOatr q,l<oo{ =F8o<z I I . Lz Az urOBtrOI ll H it t-]tl t.] toltqlItr u,/l CC urz iF (L 2 F 5az ; 3 F rl'j l _l Il il:l5l <tFl zl zl - >l ujo UJ UJzaF ll,J J zo Eo z tr (D z Y(E tL ca Id (o UJFo CoofzoFcuJY UJdl FF (f cnllJ o\Oo\t! -lo-l> cllo- -l 8 .rlr Il Hurbkzo z.n9 =F=<coO>z O- [r ix(,o= =fI--:t!6d> F =uJctt l!oz tro2o E JFLU-!i= c LlJ>rlOtr \ IIJ :>IJFt!J tru, .DoF co E oo q' g5 oIJ o E =e, lrJo-z9F C) =)EFazo(J trDD c.)F Ir\N@ rl\?lcll-t I I I el :lttlol zlBlolFI Ibp ri!.rlA Ir{ 1 Dt,0l q )htq -l =l *l 1l\Tl(nl otuJtEl JI <I>l 6l zl3loll-l b! .r{ r+ oFl '.1 t{l{ o)Fl E I I ol =.1ol 3, ?loluJl 5I al>lttlolzl =lolFI LIJ OI =.1OItul 1l <t>l lr-lolzl;t9lFI II Iol 0Jlulcdl Iol o cll v.bqll]l ,.olaol uJ vl= u,l <z=4= S{ CJrt.'{ tt 0,+J rd llJ =z -) !toz.t;() =#)zu-o EoFo d.Fz z -f uJ = & iruJ -.1- tYb2 c F Fzoo J aF LlJJ UJ uJ F'r <F(r(JuJ<zu.UJFarz C) (5 LUJ fDtr , fi10'llJut 9 t i3 TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM DATE: PERMIT /I bt rb OUT COI.{PLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPIED PERMIT INFORMATION * * **** * * * ** * ** ** ******* ** * *** l-Electrical ffi-Uectranical [ ]-other }.kAuu.""=l ' Lnat MttwtY. Legal Description: Lot Ol{tners Narne: Architect: Block_ Filing susprvrsroN: Address: 5A.n^€Ph. Address: .O'fr5+36 , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED if, ***** ** * * *********** ** * ******rl [ ]-Buitding I l-Plunbing t ceneral Description:) lUrmber and Tltpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancesv ,t* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS P,@ Number of Accomrnodation Units: cas Logs_ Wood/Pellet oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANIcAL PLAN cnncx sBgs -7zF- RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: ********************************* ELECTRTCAL: $OTHER: $ MEcHANrcALr lW.TOTAL: $ CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. I{ork class: [ ]-New 1r{-ota.r.tion [ ]-Additional t,g\-nenair t l-other Nurnber of Dwellinq Units, I Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Address: MechanicalAddress: ******************************** FOR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBING PERMIT FEE: I.{ECIIANTCAL PERMIT FEE. Z'-- ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: -l BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: u]-t,rtrr,rUt\lL:r--t-_--l_--lConments: ontractor: VALUATION CLEAN T'P DEPOSIT REN'ND 75 south lronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21_38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURIENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn sumrnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash dumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public P1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on al1 Town ofVaiI streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance will be strillfy enforcld by the town of VailPt:lplic works Departnent. persons found vi6rating this ordinancewirr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the pulfic WorksDepartment will remove said materiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beapplicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in ful1, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain I copy. tiranf you for yourcooperation on this natter. (i. e. contractor, owner) tuwn u l|flI 75 soulh frontage road vail. colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ofllce of communlty developmerrl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permi.t req.uires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineel''s (Pyb] ic Works) reyiew and approval , a planning'Depariment review or Health Department review, and a review by the BuildingDepartment, the estimated time for a total review may take as Iongas three weeks. All commercial ('large or small) and a'll multi-famiiy permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentialand smali projects should take a lesser amount of tjme. However, ifresidential on smalier projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as s,qon as poss'ibl e. I',. the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. Project Name ue!'rrqlr ' !J !st v rvrri,!ir ' sgrul .' Town of Vail Plan Review Based onthe 1992 uniform CodeE OFFICE COPY NAME:COATES BOILER DATE:1 /12/93 ADDRESS:21,99 CHAI4ONIX LN. CONTRACTOR:,JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING VAIL. COLORADO ARCHITECTTNONEOCCUPANCY:B2 ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCT]ON: PLANS EXAMINER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED lthe iteug listed bel.ow are not int,ended to be a cory)lece listing of all Doseible code requireneatE in the adoDted codeg. rt i8 a gruide to Eetected sectiong of, the codes. llhe following iE not to be construed tso be an aDDroval of any violation of any of Ehe Dro- "i"i"r" "f th" "doDt il. 1) COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC.607 OF THE 1991 UMC. 2) ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.7O3 OF THE 1991 uMC. 3) INSTALLATTON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 2L OF THE ]-99]- I]MC. 4) GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION oF ANY EQUTPMENT PER SEC.1206 OF THE 1991- UPC. 5) FTELD TNSPECTTON IS REQUTRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. P1.- Review Baeed onthe 1992 Unifotm CodeE o FIELD COPY NAME:COATES BOILER DATE:7 /12/93 ADDRESS:2199 CHAMONTX LN. CONTRACTOR:,JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCUPANCY:B2 ENGTNEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: PLANS EXAMINER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REOT'IRED Tbe itetrs liEted below are not intended to be a corylet,e lieting of all Dossible code requirenents in the adoDted code8. IE iE aguide to selected sections of ttre codee. 'lrhe following iE not uo be const,rrred to be an approval of any violaEion of any of the Dro-,ri"i""" "f th. rd.DE i1. 1) COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.6O7 OF THE 1991 UMC. 2) ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC,7O3 OF THE 1991 UMC. 3) INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTJRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21. OF THE 1991 UMC. 4) GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION OF ANY EQUIPMENT PER SEC.1.206 OF THE 1991 UPC. 5) FIELD TNSPECTION 15 REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. O INSPECTION. F PERMIT NUMBERTOF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR (.Fil -: tt ,.1\---' TOWN OF NAME CALLER TUES WED // BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D,W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL N FINAL tr FLNAL..- ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT P,FINAL Y E FINAL ffuaoveo]ORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION BEOUIRED INSPECTOR FriGsxop AUG- 2-98 ltoFl 6 :59 5I BLEY TLUl'IE I N6 1Se5A2?5254 ]tc,o aue P. Sl ry{iiy i;iFr.EY PLU,tsI}G, IM]. 1O4CA MAIN ST )ir Ci A(!X 310, l4IllICuRf\T, C0 816{5 ( r!03 ) 827-5735 ri,.r i$(303)827-s234 n^m, S1&jj-;t,5 rc, Zlr;L,l*^ * of pages :irti.rr.i;r:,g " l,i$ MESSAtr: .,"*, *J-_. Please call jf 1;1t,,r |;,1r'i rilf {f.,[,iil,it,:n3 g!. do not recej,r.'$ rj],J. l;d{jf$[ ltrank your AUtr- Z-93 nUN b:t9 !;rtLb.y pLUF JINU I ,5td 38 I | >Z,c1 P.VZ Rlt," :a J :ttnin}r|a l- 'tl6rt?r(t arrrvtll, rii'idr.r t7i'n , lt,t.0OO{roOr*ti At{lJ#hlCt, lllp,o'7t,, :311 q16a1irlI, tr|l{.#}rnrtr nqrlt*. { r:Dn *$drir tlfilll-FlN' R,I$DEITITTAI GAs BOI tER$ lviUiltisr RB il,45; (rlrU, 135. 180 ?25/ 2;rC, :{lS, 360 OPERi\Ttfii{MANUAL |..%.+. I N S T rl. t, l,,it. T' i fi f,j l ,i WARNING; tf .gru. ehr rll![ {fulirn.r tlvrnc,l*ntrucriontdrotv, a !irr' .J1' rt?ioai+n m.oy rerult causiug Irrr{rerl} dfi fiirl€r..,';xmicrnJal }nJury or l+ss of lifel SPtll;rfi i. lN$ rffu*'l t$h0$ I{i Ebll"ttt t'!.1r,{6f t{olc: Itctq:n t}.ic :,r*,rrul lirr f?t:ure r*j-?,'i.,.fhir manr:al s;rry.i l,rrr icta'trrir.rnrr :,r:. ..lle .:,reteitatlon, opention and.trq rriin( c{ tji* lt,r,itdl ll i:;r;t ;rr*i-v rq:uur-IrEndAi rhat tliil.' ,"rr.1L tl b€ r+l'rr.\uei (onrpJ.]lely bolho frrogogding fiitl lrl rt\td"!?iiirru. !r:riu;r:r yirl,rs rity dft"n nDt nPply to bou{!',*r , ur!tr0f 6r!i rr:lr"rJl,..ri '..,. :arpr6p4rly operatud. Erpu/!,4..",. lras rfrmlr 'n.rr i,n:1n5,y ly15tqltn-tnn @ e).etem 'l(r;j;-rr. ui'.h, j.r t.lrqn h,J.j1;:l dnil{.ildEot. iS the tanlsc of 'rrrgl.. r,,;rrr..: ii;1g i,-cr.r Bier ; ir. i ;;ro,t . e cerorug Tqpldcnt, check {-,r :i*,lr,,"r.,iiptiiur. ;FL'jUE. Fay lrar-tlflrzlar attentioJj t;, il*rr,* *lr,rutptr,irvir i{ t,rr lrirkr, ,rfiich mav gho.r 5igrrs .,:l'!J:.rt .1.i1 r...t rirl,.rlr,r,r.,, ,,rislrelrllerl V€nl]'total nurtrbg: 'ri fio,;tri sirco';: [. *,ri,-i.r; dip rvith thuse aLttiuJ[' .,ri : "r,rj I* ri'r..q: i 'rqlp rr; ,li ne*F nr a thcrtagc, imnrcr.li-l,t,,.rll rir,1,.t I'i. i.s.r, iclr,, ncnf altcraticri r, WARNINGT hoprrprr lnrt*lla*rrirr, ildjust. E.cnb altcraddrlt. itlrirh r$; r c,*i i drrux.nt'e t:anrl!ll' I oif tt(ifl trfi .n(tu (:tttl FOR TOUN TN}K'TY H[*$r *FF{rIg OFEI{ATING #fi,it l$tl8 $,Ffgft r'$II )EI.JA 5AFETY Do ufiN ctcri: $r utc gr{,$rrlinc or other I {lxrurcaple vapors a:rd llquids in thc vicin.itv <tf this cr fi rlp r}fher f ppli*ncs.I $t'"6o rqiury $r Btopr#ny drrd$go. P,efbr toCnlfl lDAt tril, iiur jr *\r$lt*A.-rr ar. arLlition:rlinformstiou, E rtlyrdt ft r{urllfio<t jnstaller. urrviue qgen{iJ' (ir t}rq $s$ sryltpll.i}. I).r not rLcr-" lld$ boiler: if *$y psrt h^e6 beenundGlw&{er.. Iuurr,::tUal,ttl. i:xll ;r rlual i ff erl selrvlce technleiqrr to irlrlpect thc b6ilff sndto replq:* rr[i- ;161 !, ,rl'llxr 1'ontrol rysteJrran(l an]' gaE e{ltrlr{)t \sbif lr hss bccn under wal,rtr', floilTFN?$ Sefety Wrrrirqg, ,...... t,l Code6 , , Loc cti$n Tllet|rinE Artometi(''ri0ft , lftL".r Fsr, Ges Snpptl Wglef l-;( |f' j1e6tr+,rri ,,,.. Electricsi i,i!)fi rs!'ti.rnE Etgt I,p I t{rtrur.iions Etsndirrg Fii(tJ. {.:i}.liboh: Inl€rEittunt Pi,liilt ( :or&vilc V@t rDd &nll-i'eut $'lv:itahue Me.tlrta'bar(r(| Ilert Ercbtr4ltr l,nrp{reti(llr ,.,..,., l, hrerrentic}l! rt Fftsfr.rjn$ ,, ,. , ,..,,........ t{t Couponmt f,.o,.Ehr)n , , . . , , . , . . . . . I i,r Herd Loe$ /;br,rt . . ....,.,.fU Piping lnJor,tal&xr -. .... ., .....--.....li ;,i, s I !( it RErlacorrrml l'*r:ra HUL- 2-9$ nul{f :ul, 5tttt-EY PLUf'trlNL r 3vsEz (J264 F. U.5 lItlPtORTAl{T; Cuuiu}t .u!l lblirnr hqr: &iiirir r4r and Pue liopdationc anri nl.htlr tirJbtl f ,ldr$ iiNih Jrppry to thie inslxllxl,irm Cunru'1lt irr:a! garr ii Liiil,r, rtr::.rryar1 iu authc rire ald inopccl rrll rral tqd flili, ;rtw-tilrlrir;tur Yo.u gao boilon nrlrf;{, h*v$ r.r, srryF}ii, .}t ,.!srh nil circulEt- iog errrrnd lt drrt'frrg i:,{l.'1tl|r, ..$erAtion'i'tr pzq.rur gat cmburtim and 1'f(rlrr$ ,tr !;u:q Thc infionuoiioq qo]'satu !([ i$ bhio urrnual ie in- tahrlc,l lo? ule Ip rlunli$rrrl lrr-n*rbhrnd boileriustdhrt boilrt^ sfirn isc t#,hnkrlaur '';,1' .qag suD. plier* Coneuii yotrr].Jrt$rl (r!(F{n lrlt Ftqpor lnctal. latlnn nr nnrvle* 1nlr:duree. Vr'All.lll'lG; Sboqrir{ qv+lrlqrnii{rr1 lr'* sqr n; ri^ho ErearyPb hil to rbu( of,i clo 6At'tirm ilff rrr rlixr:orr. rpct tft'e elcohtrul rdF#lv'i,.., tJte ttnmlr. iwt ad, ehut off tho g4F Aqt'Fly nl. ]{|c&llL{r d.,(te'nr,al fo 'l'bc itrstollatl!}e'. llx,iat {$nfl*'ln lrr ,i}r' r:cquila' ueurc of thE arrifirrliir lirriritrt.r$rir{ricboE or, in tbe abctocc of ryoch rcqtrtqq@cnft. iht lrl'eet erll. fiGE of tb6 ustsrj4s( iu#I f,sp ct*{c,, ANt{! ZllC.l nnd the natfu'Erl dt|rtrttr itfit*. A lifil I !f f.l'A ?O Wrun: n:rluired qy tlre *ut#*1rf;'irrw ng jurirdic. tiot tlc iutalt+iig .arrlll *orjarsr *r thr: !rt6rr- derd for cr':nrt'rll rnrl ria{t,i.r,' dt'rit><i$ for Inrtallatisr in 0urcd.& rl}Llii! ,}]t:i6l:u':o hr:ai i'rih* and ro ths CAN LMi9 jnntalLailinr rl,r:d,."e {rLr' ;grr burniag rlluiprrrul Thir allrlinrl|r,: nr*qf"* r,li* ,llXil fignj:iftg ll\{{otr.nlnce (,rt. terie, *'ith tbo lynn na,r4iirld tt'r:C crrrrinii lxnuurbly providd, x.c $F.r"hL,:r,l ir! i,lrr: hli,lll itnu&ud li* gao fired boilcr!, ANSI l{i?J'.:.rl rN$'rl(Ltnt lt){rt px$r;touRE I{,CATIOIi CF EOIIER 'l'hic boilcr mtu" .r".' plrr:qd ryr, t l*vel, rt(fi-corabustri.bi# inm1. Cooll"epr r:',rt+'ltrxxl in l, trrrmhler*d uul]-cotlin,n" , 1 tible . Thc boiier rrrsl not t : rur:r.,.licd cn cerpetug. ttfrr ingtllis'.irrtr otJ {':rnl]trrtiirl'l lhlirirrg orrly wluri iir stalled op arr'*c rl barr;, reFr No lcrt; iiiurttotion lirr sPFroffists lag+ irer?i. r1u"nb+! Fig, I fPBtt4t ff$NgLJsnrLE fi$oR SASE fLSAF.AI{{F5 ClCara.oces $.onr rryuiUr:Citrlc rxilu.l.rlirrlo5: It4ht erdo *, i' Ileu - 6' Ldt eide $' lt4' [rr' vu'vi''nr Fnrr r i. -'l\fur,rrii''ll I f, oirr h',ffTrhr {rq t €' (2{n frr ser';i$n] llop lmco.uqlc.d lrc*ir Ctsit iioqii I'i'' (Ltod€13 45-180j Top (measrr cni.l lwrri rlr l'r. 1r,iJ{1) :lf '{}lod€ls 116-86C) coeuLtsllof{' Ar.!o vFNTlLArloN Allt OPENING hovuiru:c foy cr,rniultin,:; iri.,rl ,!a,i lalioo air rcrret b* itr uuuunli: Er, x lthr 5*t llon Ii,il, ,,lir lpr Co{obuBtioq fiur Vcotilotrc.n, d flu i*rir8r ridtt;,ra .r{ '}a Nxl hnal Fue! Grs Oodo {dgj :itzl}.l. or auplir"abie gro'noron8 0f thr' hcal buildiq tlr{tr.. Fs,2 ItlfTtutl?dhl ,tlt intrtlliorJill {ArfliJEll P*Altt{lf94t thrr applirnce. WARNNGT Tb mir.it).'r6 ibd ltnss,tbli,l..ii 1)[ ief irxrE Fpir. sonal lqitu-r', Sr4 qr r'l.rr'61r. Lr )r,ul Ld':irri:, ntvi..: fiolate thc following eai$qr 1 ;11111, . l. Alwrys keep *.r ltrtr ar,rir.ril .yrlrr jrrrilrt f: r,e of ,:rmr- hr.qtihle Dratei-iali. rsr.roi.tJ{, # ci,ib'.r. Cirmrirrble hq- uide aad vapo:i l 2, Nant CCVer y1ft..- lrriij., iptll: .nill lir"r4 Sg:n',,.rnr, rf, StOre ti ash m dehi*ruual ii, atlaj rir ' rl o; ^ri ".rny ',r,lry bhct thc tlo,w of fivsl fiir t$ lflur ltbltr.'r |..n' lril I'.+, 'lR\w) T0If{N0rvAnLy Date '7-){;-?'7 o Des o rmign Review Action Fo TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Namc: Buildins Namc: Project Dcscription; Owner. Address and Phone: Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Project Street Addrcss: Comments: rtrock 4 subdivision Vnru //'Qalli/S zoneDistrict?,fS Zt17 ChatvtoNtx L*^, O,tr,, #V -r- B'oarfiStaff Actioi\,=-.---_'--'- Motion by:Vote: Seconded bv: tr Approval u Disapproval K Staff Approval Condifions: Town Planner orc, 7' 78 a'/ DRB Fee pre-paid 2C, da-. CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any pijcct rcquiring Dc.sign Rcvicw approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rwicw approval prior to subrrritting for a buiiding perntit' Fo' spccific infomration' scc thc submittal rcquirenrcnts for thc particular approvill that is rcquc.stcd. Thc apipiication cannot bc acccptcd trntil all thc rcquired information is subnrittcd. Thc piojcct may also nced to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environmcntal commission. d.rign R.ni.rn Board approval cxpircs onc year aftcr final approval unless a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd' Qucstions? Cnt. Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: o Au o ls't AAo'e qenoe . ftrco t B.LOCATION oF PROPOSAL: LOT:- BLOCK:-.-- FILINC: PARCEL #: ZONING: PHYSTCALADDRESS: vN rr #1 , Llqq ctlAt'oNlY llNE (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) -z"t TOl'i[N OFVAIL C. D. E. F. G. NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS:3ts z 3o3 - ?3 \-416 OWNER(S) SI GNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANl': MAILINC ADDRESS:t. *oNu, 30 3 -+33 - TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Constnrction of a new building' tr Addition - $50 Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comnrcrcial building. H. FMinorAltcration -$20 [ncludcs minor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcnrcnts, such as, rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping' fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. DRB fecs arc to be paid at the timc of subnrittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building permit, please idcntify thc accurate valuation ofthc projcct. Thc Town of Vail will adjust thc fec according to thc project valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, AI,L SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' vArL, coLoRADO 8r6s7. o BUILDTNG MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Wiudows Window Trim Doors Door Trint Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chintncys Tra.sh Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** othcr R.ePwabP PEc-LlN5,=tPft ,'THRaE Foaa +,tqt| KAtLt< / F ENc€s ,D?_yf ffg ryri#* + Plca.se specify the manufacturcr's color, number aud attach? small color chlp *+ All cxtcrior lighting must meet thc Town's Lighting ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposcd, plca.se indicate tti nurnU., offixturcs and locations on a sqtaratc lighting plan. ]Oe.1tiff each fixturc type and providc ih. huigi,t uboue grade, lumons output, lurninous area, ald attach a cut shect of the lighting fixtures' COLOR:| F-g0vrooo DECL S tD(^Jq To &.l-r,^Jf liftf"1\vrtON9 Updated 6/97 I pnoposeolnnnsclPrrc Botanical Namc Comnron Namc Ouantity Sizci PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL *Minimum rcquircrncnts for landscaping: deciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trees - 6 fcct in height shrubs - 5 gallons Typc Square Footagc OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUdES (retaining walls, fcnccs, swimming pools, ctc') Ptease speciff' Indicate top and bottorn elcvations of rctaining walls. Ma*imuir height of walls within the front sctback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls clscwhere on the propcrty is 6 fcct. Updated619T o This fonn is to vcrify scrvicc availability and location for ncw construction and should bc uscd in conjunction with prcparing your utility plan and schcduting installations. Thc location and availability of utilitics, w.hcthcr thcy ilc main inrnk linc.s or'proposcd lines. muit bc approvcd and vcrificd by thc following utilitics for thc accontpanying sitc Plan. Authorizcd SiSnaturc Datc U.S. Wcst Communications | -tt00-922- l 987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvicc ComPanY 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/John Boyd T.C.I. 949-5530 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sarritation District + 4't6-74110 Ftcd I {aslcc * plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan, and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Water & Sanitation signaturcs. Firc flow tlccds tnust bc addrcsscd. NOTES: J. l. If thc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs fronr cach of thc rrtility companics, and no commcnts arc madc dircctly on thc fomr, thc Town will prcsunre that thcrc are no problcms and thc dcvclopnrcnt can Procccd. Z. lfa utility company has conccms with thc proposed construction, the utility rcprcscntativc shall note dircctly on the utility vcrification form that thcrc is a problcm which nccds to bc rcsolved' The issuc should thcn bc,dctailcd in an attached lcftcr to thc Town of Vail. However, plcasc kccp in nrind that it is thc responsibility ofthc utiliry conlpany and the applicant to rcsolvc idcntificd problcms. Thesc verifications do not rclicve thc contractor ofthc rcsponsibility to obtain a Public Way permit fiorn thc Department of Public Works atthc Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must bc obtaincd bcforc digging in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE Updatcd 6/97 A prc-application confcrcncc with Town of vail staff is rcquircd. No applicition can bc acccptcd unless thc mandatory prc-application nrcctir.rg has bccn conlplctcd. It is thc applicant's rcsponsibility to schcdulc this ll. ilt. IV, mccting by calling 970-479-212tt. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board ntccts orr thc lst and 3rd Wcdncsdays of cach month' A complctc application forrn and-all accompanying nratcrial tnust bc acccptcd by thc Cornnrunity Dcvcloprrlent Dcpartntcnt a minirnum of thrcc and a half (3 l/2) wccks prior to thc datc of thc DRB public hcaring. REVIEW CRITERIA your proposal will bc rcvrcwcd for compliancc with thc Dcsign Guidelincs as sct forth in Scction l8'54 of thc Municipal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. Ifa propcrty is locatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i.c. snow avalanr:hc, rockfall, floodplain, dcbris florv. wctland, ctc), a hazard study must bc subrnittcd arrd thc owncr nlust sign an allidavit rccogrizing thc hazard rcport prior to thc issuance of a building pcrrnit. Applicants arc cncouragcd to chcck with thc planning staft'prior to subrnittal of a DRB application to determinc thc relationship ofthc propcrty to all nrappcd hazards' B. Basic plan Shcct t'ornrat. For all surveys. sitc plans, landscapc plans and othcr sitc intprovcments pltns, all of thc tbllowing must bc shown' l. plan shcct sizc nrust bc 24"x36". For largc projccts. largcr plan sizc nray bc allowcd' 2. Scalc. 'fhc ntinirnurn scalc is l"=20'. All plans nlust bc at thc santc scalc. 3. Craphic bar scalc. 4. North arrow. 5. Titlc block. proicct nallrc, projcct addrcss and lcgal dcscription' 6. lndication of plan prcparcr, addrcss and phonc nuntbcr' '1. Datcs oforiginal plan prcparation and all rcvision datcs' tt. Vicinity tnap or location tnap at a soalc of l "= I '000' or largcr' 9. Shcct labcls and nttntbcrs. l0 . A bordcr with a tninimum lcft sidc nrargin of l '5"' I l. Nanrcs ofall adjaccrrt roadways. 12. Plan lcgcnd. C. For new construction and additions, the applicant nlust stakc and tapc thc projcct sitc to indicate propcrty lines, proposcd buildings and building comers. All trces to bc removcd nlust bc taped. The applicant must cnsure that staking donc during thc winter is not buricd by snow. All site tapings and staking must bc completcd prior to thc day of thc DRB mccting' D. Applicmts who fail to appear beforc the Design Rcvicw Board on thcir scheduled mccting date and who havc not a.sked in advance that discussion on their itcm bc postponcd, will have thcir items rcmovcd fronr thc DRB agcnda until such time as the item has bcen rcpublished. E. Ifthc DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must bc resolvcd prig to thc issuurcc of a building pcrmit' Updatcd 6/97 STAFF APPROVAL Thc Adrninishator lnay rcvicw and approvc Dcsigr Rcviw applications, approvc with ccrtain modifications' dcny thc application, or may rcfcr thc applicationlo thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board for dccision' All staff approvals arc subjcct to final approval by thc DRB. Thc following typcs of Desigr Rcvicw applications may bc staff aPProvcd: A. Any application for ar addition to an cxisting building that is co.nsistcnt with thc alchitcctuIal dcsign' matcrials and colors of thc building. and approval has-bccn rcccivcd by an authorizcd rncmbcr ofa condominium association. if applicablc: B. Any application to modify an cxisting building that docs not significantly charrgc thc existing plancs of thc building ano is gcrrcrally consiitent with thc arr:hitcchrral dcsign' nratcrials and colors ofthc building, including. uJt not lirnitcd to extcrior building finish t'atcrials (c'g' storlcwork' siding' roof matcrials, paint or stain,), cxtcrior lighting, canopics oi awnings. fcnccs..antcnnas' satellitc dishes' windows, skylights. siding. minor comnrcrcial facadc improvcitrcnts, and othcr sinrilar modifications; c. Any application lbr sitc improvcmcnts or rnodit'ications including' but not linritcd to' driveway nro4ilicatiols. sitc grading, sitc rvalls. rcnroval or modifications to cxisting landscaping' installation of acccssory structurcs or rccrcational lacilitics' ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this application rcquircs a scparatc rcvicw by iuly local, statc or Fcdcral agcncy othcr than thc Torvn of Vail. thc applicatio' icc shall bc incrcascd by $200.00. Examplcs of such rcview, may includc. but arc not limitcd to: Colorado Dcpartnrcnt of Uigh*oy Acccss Pcrnrits' Army Corps of Enginccrs 404. ctc' B. Thc applicant shall bc rcsponsiblc for paying any publishing fccs which arc in cxccss of50% of thc apptication l'ec. lf, at thc applicant's rcquest. any ntattcr is postponcd for hcaring' causing thc nrattcr to tc rc-publishcd. thcn thc cntirc fcc for such rc-publication shall bc paid by thc applicant' C, Applications dccmcd by thc Contnrunily Dcvclopnrcnt Dcp€rtnrcnt to havc dcsigrr, land usc or other issucs which may havc a significant impact orr thc cornnrunity rnay rcquirc rcvicw by consultants in addition to Town staff . Should a dctcrrrrination bc madc by thc Town staff that an outsidc consultant is nccdcd, thc Conrnrunity Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt may hirc thc consultant' Thc Dcpartmcnt shall cstimatc thc anrount of tnoncy ncccssary to pay thc consultant and this arnount shall be forwarded to the Town by thc applicant at ihc timc oi filing un application' Expcnscs incuncd by the Torvn in. . cxcess of thc amount forwarded by thc application .s-hall bc paid to thc Town by thc applioant within 30 days of notification bythcTown. Any cxccss funds will bc rehrned to thc applicant upon revicw cornPlction. VI. Updated 6/97 f, E[ gL a o MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE.EXTEiUOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS GENERAL INFORMATION This application applics to chaugcs nradc to a sitc or cxtcrior altcrations ofa building. Any altcration in rvhich additional building squarc footagc is addcd rvill requirc an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS Photos or sketches which clcarly convcy thc cxisting conditions. Photos or skctchcs rvhich clearly convcy thc proposed building or sitc alteration(s). All rclcvant spccifrcations for thc proposal including colors and rnaterials to be uscd. Condonriniunr Associatiorr approval (if applicable). If thc intcnt of thc proposal is not clcarly indicatcd, thc Adnrinistrator may dctcrminc that additional nratcrials arc ncccssary for thc rcvicw of thc application. ,OI'i/N OF VAIL ?LIKE +lQ? Scale: 114" = 1 '-0" New wall 3'H above new decking Existing railroad tie retaining wall Unit 9, Phase l, Pine Ridge Exis{rng Grass ,/ New Concrete Slab New Concrete Slab Exrstrng Sidewa\K Proposed deck and storage shed addition to Unit 9, Phase 1, Pine Ridge Townhouses, 2199 Chamonix Lane, Vail: 1) Replace existing concrete slabs with new slabs 2) Replace existing Landing (approx. 5'x 10')with new deck surface as indicated. 3) Construct new storage shed (7.5' x 4' x 8'H)- exterior surface to match siding on townhouse. 4) Construct 3'H wall around new decking - exterior surface to match siding on townhouse. 5) Move existing sprinklers to corners of new flower garden. }VKE .1lq7 Scale: 114" = 1'-0" Unit 9, Phase l, Pine Ridge Earstrng Grass Existing railroad tie u, retaining wall Elrstrng Sidewa\K DUKE+/q+ New 3'H wall surrounding new deckExisting railroad tie retaining wall -----------r New concrete slabs Elevation showing proposed deck and storage shed addition to Unit 9, Phase 1, Pine Ridge Townhouses oI -Dul+ Ezlal il .lt_l il Exiting Front Elevation - Unit 9, Phase 1, Pine Ridge Townhouses Pnrdcdld Gorl RrryG hopGrfu 2qt7 No(t RdSc nodwc.t V.lt, CO 11557 Fax Cover Sheet DAIEI luly?f' lW To TlnnyWillior PHOiE: 4?lh7rfi To*rof VdlFtdgScnbca FA* 4TrU52 FnOM: Ccmic llolb PIIONB: (90) 476-3EU'}(nP FAr: (y'0) 4?6-138:i n& DcD3r lrub, Pi!3 Ridgc Uuil 9 DccL Proponl GC: Cildycilbrt lfuohrr d ppr ictdq orr rtd: tl Mesqr Thc trhriry pjcs iElu& l|r infiorntrtioo ror ru!t6!cd m tlnir 9 Pic Rilgc 'li'*,r r irirrc. ox,Ed by Dcbn Dukc. By reixity vre ( thoe of frur EOD oaobcrs wlirry) 6is DlrD h.s hrrr apprrwcd by rbc Bord d Dtircqar of Plc tldp Tom ltdrct, sto cd o utllaix rll orbfuL rrcirieonral claqgcs. lf you brt lly Ercdiru q aod furttcr infuudo, phc girc rc e cjt. Ttrntyoc TbIclu" TO :lgVd gEergltEsE 80:rT L66tlazlla I, L oo Permit Numbers Folice RccciPt Numbcrs HOW PAID-I iat.+,u trrF r--rg r L- l'lisrel I aneous Cash r:t?-.i:,J-!I 1?:.111;!5 .;r,--,-,r i t-, t i+ i'7r:lF,!:t!:l !--!t:ii,r rril # r-: i r-:iltr{Fli}.rlrInF]',1 !-]l_lli['. FF I-i ! riri,. r|, I ,. !,::1 t!_th r |=jr_! T tcn nri,l i:j 1 !i!:irr],j'+ i ri.:i. ,1. ili:laJ i l-, :--r,,-.t,a r* 1.r t l-r-rg,_1 i IiPF-I FEES :F " ii{r llmnr rn 1. n-e i ,l .1r:l r:ir'.l -f Ht:lF.lt{ r,!f-_r|-l i,i,-,r,r i- ,:.3.:ih i {::- tE!:t Tqil RECEIVED FROM