HomeMy WebLinkAbout531 E Lionshead Cir Performance SportsDesign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Performanc€ Sports Sign/Awning Project Number: Project Description: Replace existing sign/awnings with new awnings (2 signs total) Owner, Address, and Phone: Stephen P. Sheridan 531 Lionshead Mall, Vail, CO 81657 476-17t8 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: same as above Project Street Address: 531 Lionshead Mall Legal Description: Lot 3, Block l, Vail Lionshead Filing I ParcelNumber: BuildingName: LrzierArcade Comments: 4 awnings on existing building are to be replaced with 4 new awnings in mid-blue; 2 of the awnings will bear the "Performance Sports" name as signage with the size of each being 89.5"x6"1 the other 2 awnings will be plain with spider web accents at corners; awnings to be back-lit Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action:Staff approved Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: llll0l99 DRB Fee Paid: 525.00 Project Name: Performance Sports Sign/Awning f Qu"*,iun"? Catl thc Planning Dcsk at 479-2 | 2li * C"tn J-- rog.*<>c't-r.-trt e^'* aAatcvnl rcW)'ttQg -lf' D Tltis application is ibr any sign that i.s locatcd rvithin thc Torvn of Vail. Spccil'ic rcquircntcnts arc availablc tiom thc Dcpartnrcnt of Conrnrunity Dcvclopntcnt. Nanrc of lJusincss:FC(rhr+r.i;i: SPUCI( Btrildingrranrcandaddrcss:55r rJc\S,{CA\ r4lrLL / 4lZ,E( 4Cc4\-. BL} _ Narncoforvncr, Stp-lre^i ? sH6c,D,1 '.r \ J-r.l^i "n^bf$ll .11G-t1,V Mailing addrcss: {5i /*runl S ,+€"ql /'1t.a Signature of owner: Nanrc of pcrsorr subnritting:57rivE Si*(:c o4,.{ ) Jc,+x Eu-.r?f rto Phon", {10 , -}, F F. Typc ofsig-n (sce back for definitions): A. B. c. D. E. n Frcc standingtr Wall signtr Other, spccity: D Haueine sisnd t*i,'{ " \t. H. Sign mcssagc: Sizc ofsigu and sizc of lcttcring tbr cach sign proposcd: t. .t. K. L. Lctrsthofbusinessfrontagc: 3t ' Fnox-f , 52 'Bqc4 Hcight ofsign abovc gnrdc: Nrrrubcr of signs proposcd:_ Nunrbcr zurd sizc of cxisting signs:.).-tfv\E 4S 6JrSt rqr;_Location ofcach sigt (att?tch a sitc plan and an clcvation drawing or a photograph clcirly indicating thc proposcd location): Matcrialsandcolorsofsigr(attach santplcs): fi+rd.blrl;t ( Usl.tk- lell-v't'4 .,/ Dcscribe lighting of sign (existing or proposcd):'lRo w-tl (aouur, LVe Vfiu rvloctlr*ir,r FEE: $20.00. PLUS $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA. ( tt rrrt . cn'l rc at*, ^a) F,Y-r M. N. o. SU BMITTAL REOUIREMENTS: D Conrplctc Application. O A sitc plan shorving thc cxact location tvhcrc thc sign is to bc locatcd. tr Elcvation drarvings or photos shorving proposcd location ofthc sigrr or awning.tr Colorcd scalcd (l/4"=l') drawing. including spccific lcttcring and dimcnsions and a phoro, ifavailablc.tr Sanrplc of proposcd nratcrials. 0 Drawings shorving horv and rvhcrc sign or arvning rvill attach to thc building and horv thc awning rvill bc constructcd. D Condonriniunr Association or Landlord approval - attach a lcttcr. ! STGN CATEGORIES.: l. Frccstanding -A singlc or ntuli-lhced sigr aftixed to a supporting stnlcturc, or inrbedded in ahd cxtendilg lionl thc ground and detachcd fionr thc building. - 2. Awrrirur or Hnngine -Any sign attachcd to a building and cxtcnding in rvholc or in part morc than 9" bcyond th*-,.. building linc. - 3. Wall - A sign attachcd to. paintcd on, or crectcd against thc rvall of a buildirig or struchtrc with thc cxposctt titcc of thc.sign in a planc parallel to thc facc ofthc rvall and not projccting nrorc than 9" lionr thc tacc ofrhc w:rll. 4. Display Box - A frccstanding or rvall sign cncloscd in glass for thc cxprcs.s purporiu oftlisplaying nrcnus. ct|rrcnt cntcrtainutctrt or rcal cstntc listings. 5. Joint dircctory siEl - A frc*tiuding. hanging or rvall sign that lists all thc tcnants rvithin a multi-tcnaut building. 6. Subdivision cntnrncc sign - A sign to itlcntity a nrajor subdivision. a condonriniunt complcx, or group of aPartnrcnt buildings having at lcast I 00 lincar l'cct of liontagc along a vchicular or pcdcstrian way in any RC, LDMF. MDMF. HDMF. or SDD z-onc district. SUGGESTIONS: L Copics of thc Sign Codc arc availablc lionr thc Dcpartnrcnt of Conrnurnity Devclopnrcnt. You-nray wish to chcck thc Codc to vcrify thc typc and sizc ofsign you arc allowcd. 2. Bc spccilic. Vaguencss in the description of design. size. construction nray delay thc approval ofyour sigrr. 3. Mcasurc thc frontage ofyour business to deten:rinc thc size (arca) ofthc sign you arc allowed. 4' Lightinglbrawningsnrayspot[ightonlythesignlcttcringonthcawning. Lightingnraynotshincinto pcdcstrian or vehicular ways. 5. All individual btrsincss signs will be reviewcd by the Departrncnt of Conununity Dcvcloprncnt. Ncw sign prograrlrs or anlendntcnts to sign programs will bc rcviewed by thc Dcsigt Revierv Board. I; : cvcryorrr./lirnnVsi gns/si gnapp.S I 3 a Awninss bv SPI 4. rsEagle Pa'fi East Drive. *.o.11, irunlirt",tT"rado 81631 Phone 970-328-5330 . Fax 97G'32&5331 Date: Nove,mber 2. 1999 Job Contact: Steve Sheridan Name: Performance Sports Mail Address: 531 Lionshead Mall Job Narne: Performance Sports Job Address: 531 Lionshead Mall Vail, CO 81657 Vail. CO 81657 Phone: 970476-1718 Fax: 970416-8665 SALXS CONTRACT PROPTOSAL: We propose to fabricate and install 4 new, Shed-style awnings as follows: Size: | @77 tn.long; 2l in. high w/ a24 m. projectio4 I @ 148 in. long 21 in. high w/ a-24 n projection. | @ 160 in. long, 24 in. high wl a 48 in. projectiorL | @ 137 in. long, 24 in. high w/ a 48 in. projection. Frame:Wcldcd aluminurn natural. Fabric:Cooley Brite, Mid-Blue #0301 Valance:9'welded valance. Signage: See Attached. Warranty: 5 year manufacturer's limited warranty on frame rod fabric. Notes:Avming is sold for use as sunshade only. Purchaser is responsible for all design review board (DRB) approvals and building perrnits" ifapplicable. Pice does not includc clcctrical wiring and hook-up, if applicablc. Installation approximately 5 weeks after receipt of signed contract, deposit, and DRB 4proval if applicable. Please Charge: Deposit Balance on Delivery _VISA _MC _AMEX_Discover ard No: Exp Name: Signature: Subtotal s 7.76s.80 4.5olo Sales Tax (Materials Only)$ 317.!)6 Total Purchase Price s 8,083.76 Less Deposit (Due with Cotrhact) Balance Due On lnstallation $ $ 4,041.88 4,041.88 ACCEPIANCf,' Of' PROPOSAL: The undersigned Purchaser hereby accepts this proposal, orders and agrees to purchase and pay for the above described merchandise and to be bound by all terms and conditions stated, including Terms & Conditions on the reverse side. Purchaser hereby acknowledges receipt of an executed copy ofthis Sales Contract and acknowledges that Purchaser has read and understands all Terms and Conditions herein. By (Purchascr)Tirle Ilrtc By (Se[er)Title Date ,{ \ .a- Q v TI @orLl/0}/Sg l1:2J FAX 970 J28 5J31 SPI uto@xioIoIJ p H E H Iro ot@x io lto J -:-: Septedber L2, l-99o Mr. John Pellerito Performance Sports 531- Lionshead MaIlVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Performance Sports Signage Dear JP: Thank you for keeping me posted on your awning signage. Myunderstanding i-s that you have hired an awning company to cover enough signage to leave two awning signs. Per our phone conversation of last week, your store is also allowedto have two window signs. The window signage may total 10 squarefeet, and must not be larger than 158 of each window in which they are placed. You agreed to remove all but two window signs to bringyour signage into confornance with the Vail sign code. In addition, you may show acceptable credit cards, hours ofoperation, and rrhelp wantedrr signs. Please have the reguired signs removed by Thursday, September 2oth.If you have any guestions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Betsy RosolackPlanning Technician 'L FIL E COPY offlce ol communlty development75 3outh trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 47s"|39 August 13, 1990 Mr. John Pellerito Perfomance Sports 531 Lionshead MallVail, colorado 81557 Re: Dear JP: It has come to our attention that Performance Sports has excessivesignage on the ar,rnings. Because you have more than one frontage,you are alloved two exterior signs. We note that you have at leastfour sigms, counting the 'rski rentalrr signage. Our files indicateno approval of either the awnings or the signage. We are reguesting that you remove all but two exterior signs byAugust 22, 1990 and also submit a sign application to our officeby August 22nd. Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. If youhave questions or concerns, please feel free to call at 479-2L38. Sincerely, /<J,A/,-f Betsy RosolackPlanning lechnician r'L.r t' ' ,'l '- l ,f t (1'-t' / '/ .-,,) \ t.z-- a) ''1 r- : ft (' ,"< ) 1/ JI A xT ..-u'-, n tlrt\.t' N'/ +l tuL4^!.4'.- Stla c-rL+'l'-t o) ,/'; , Lt t/.^t , /,, <7 -'t (- - t?'t I P". t '/' ' 1"" t t"Jf\ ..'t'i l'l.i 'li-'r^'. l\ t) i./ €v' /,.,' lt /j' i't-(l .a-,r,.lt tr".: \) ;)z x s-.,i- r' (' ,.. ( / ... 1r ''n' ./* I ' ('-t " 2).\- t'-i ') ,. ,1,. ) { o ).tza ;Lt. iI.. / t./ : ' ,.t,1:-,'f t '.) r', c_.? ? "/ t'- Jo tl/f>c-/ Jg/1 z. l- ( +,, /',-'/ ,1,-/J ," /2 -,D/-- L"L \ Az^0-6-- - /d't'' f', i t I c;v., .A, (ta - /' ,t / z + c(.: c,tt---,> J ,.(r.-f. o'.- ' -/l lrta-z-/..// rFt L,+).K.1,' Cr-4.( z-Jt ja *ar