HomeMy WebLinkAbout770 Potato Patch Condo #2Project Application proiecrDescriptton: @ -*22- f,e-lnJ contact Person and Phone //A , 4 t L Cdn sl. BN 4otY //a./ (a 6/6sK 6zt- < q >4 owner, Address and phone: S kf)."^ J L ;s e--r| , t ZSS h){a/ nr:r-/ 2) . h))xa.//o. I/tl 6aoqK ' Architect, Address and Phone: Comments: Design Review Board Motion by; o^rc t- / - lo DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: Summary: o^,", A ^ /-fO ' z-NzV#sz FROM hm: . RE - Etser ha.tT#2 SUBJECT For4ra Pr7rck MESisiAGiE I/l/ l3-.EgEgBX "4s 468 POLY PAK (50 SETS) .P{68 NO REPLY NECESSARY REPLY REQUESTED - USE REVERSE SIDE octNelsaTff A'tdlnl llvc WOdJ o ., oo$qofilt' DRB IPPIJICATION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB UEETING: '****TI{rs APPLTCATTON wrLL Nor BE AccEprED tNTrL ALIJ rNFoRuATroNIS SUBI.IITTED***** I. PRE-APPLTCATION MEEIING: A pre-application rneeting with astrongly suggested to detelruineinformation is needed. No apoli the zoning_?drninistratorl. i@responsibility to rnake an appointrnent wiltr ttre st planning staff nenber isif any additional responsibirity to rnake an appointrnent wilrr tne staff to f indresponslDrrny to nake an appolntrnent with the staff to fout about additional subnitt-t requirements. please notethat a COMPLETE application will streamline the approvalproggi? for your project by decreasing the nurnber-6fconditions of approval that the DRB uriy stipulate. ALLcon(lltlons.of approval nust be resolved before a buildingpernit is issued.. Appllcation will not be processedwithout Ownerts Signalure. A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION: IOCATTON Address OF PROPOSAL:Pq-'- o{LaDe.- frco[o"sc Block a-/Dt 'oPe 4s B. ilai1ing Addressz l2€S- lAcs,Tr4ertrz RoI'Il' *7r,a-rr r (t ?- phone - ? 6zf - J - D. NAI{E oF AppLrcANTrs REPRESENTATTVE: uJtu,d( (r<n.s< Mailins maressz Co-/- {0) 7 I+r4_ta/a klorf L,egal Description Lot Subdivision Zoning c.NAITIE OF APPLTCANTz JTFroh,a^. if. F4SA -. Phone E.NAIIE OF OITINERS: EIGNATURE (S) S Maiting Address: Phone F. G. Condoniniun Approval if applicable. * $f/mrz/ 477tpy.7 DRB FEE: The.fbe will be paid at the tirne a buildinqperrnit is paid for. VALUATION FEE I 1.O. OO $ 2s.00s 50.00 $100.00 s200. 00 s300.00 $o$ 10,001 S 50, oo1 $150, 001 s5OO, OOl$ over : t +il€8S- $ 150, ooo- $ 5oo,ooo- sl,000,000 91, 000, 000 (ovER) II.IMPoRTANINqtIcEREGARDINGAI,LSUB[.fissIoNsToTIiEDRB: A.Inadditlontoneetingeubnittalrequireuents'theitpficant must stake the el'te to indicate-Property fi-nes ana luitaing corners. Trees that wiII be renoved uust also be mark6d. This work nust be conpleted before the DRB visits the site. B. The review procesE for NEW BUILDINGS will nornally Lnvolve two separate ueetlngs of the Desigrn Review aoara, so the lppllcant strould plan on at least two neetings for a final aPProval . c.ApplicantswhofailtoaPpearbeforetheDesignRevlew.S-oird at their scheduled-ieetlng and who have not asked io, " postponenent w111 be reguired to be rep.bll.shed. D. At the discretion of the zonlng adninlstrator, the i"ri"wing iteni Day not have to be presented to the oesign n6view Board. t-hey, however, have to be pies6ntea to the Plannlng-Departnent for approval: a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changes that do not alier the exlstlng plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public sPace, which have had letters subnitted froir adJolning property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominlun association' E. You nay be required on Your Property.before Proceeding. to conduct Natural Hazard Studies You should check with a Town Planner h[:$l i. i, o Stephen J. Eisen 1255 Westmoor Road Winnetka, lllinois 60093 7/tr/90 Mark Matthews Sl i fer Management Via Fax 303-476-2658 Re: 770 Potato Pttch #2 Dear Mark: Pursuant to a meeting to take place today of thecondo board, and in compliance with condorequirenents regard'ing alterat'i ons, I wishto make the fol I owi ng request: Eliminate the center beam from two windowsi n L/R facing south, to create a si ngl e l argebay window. This work is to be done bya competent contractor who, in fact, hasdone the identical work within another unit.There wi I I be no rel ocation of fi repl ace. T.hanking you in advance for yourattention to this request. ,r \r"' .'. . ...-- l..; .:- .: : ii',:i:..r: :.!-'..i; :, i::e'...:i: -..i'.:::.,::,'.i:l!.i.: ....;-"j,,:,;-,. ' ..r_ : .. 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I Il*la I I Ag CIo{J<tr =(J E F Fzoo z 'r ul = o :+(J (JZ J I F uJJ e(9oZF =#1Zrro (I <FCOuJ<zEUJF(^Zoo HNT o- E =eu,A PH<F 6zU'< z zl .. >louJoulUJz at E gJ o. J z9Eoo ;I22tLo ooE ^ Az E P 3E vr(JGe! filr<oq tH6 s-r ;-n|.9 Y;6 f ur F =oG| oz u o I dINI \,1| ')lt\ l$ IHt;lof- J$,1 itt; E E() 5l a =l:l H olz) otarl :l<l l!o2 E=clr triJlrlF euJz =o F(JlljEE()e E-rO<(FG(Jr.u <ze a.Z-o(J *5()F E?gEj8 z"g s3>Fd5o 3E =3gE sE =+G5=oIEEx)<xx>( Dnn zoP =e.Do =z;d .__-6>=z =qgtotr=brn E =ElrJe o UJo FItlu,o. 6EgE<ta ='2tgD9EFEE83:f:xE6tq€i HoF ts =E,lrlGzIFo =E, azooGYCh, .D-e4=,t'ElrI I,.- -. 75 soulh frontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (3{Xl) 47}'2138 (3{Xr) 47$,2139 oltice of community development Plan Review Based onthe 1988 Uniforn codes PRoJECT NUMBER: 8/2/90 ADDRESS. 77O POTATO Prclt #2vArL, corsRADo OCCI,PANCY: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V.N NAME: EISEN REMODEL DATE:8/8/90 CONTRACTOR: l,[fNfCK CONST. ARCHITECT: EISEN ENGINEER: NONE PI,ANS EXAMINER: MICHAEL WHITAKER 1. 2. CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Safety glazing reguired in hazardous locations as per uBc 5406. Field inspect frame for structural integrity. It is assumedthat center post being removed is nonstructural . Addadditional trinmers for bearing header spanning more than4t. ff center post is structural, engineer design requiredto carry load for new header over replacement window. f,El?,r 7/rr/90 Hark Matthews S'l ifer l'lanagement Via Fax 303-476-2658 Re: 770 Potato P*tch #2 Dear Mark: Pursuant to a meeting to take place today of thecondo board, and in compliance with condorequirenents regarding alterations, I wishto make the following request: Eliminate the center beam from two windowsin L/R facing south, to create a single largebay window. This work is to be done bya competent contractor who, in fact, hasdone the identical work within another unit.There wi I I be no rel ocation of fi repl ace. T,hanking you in advance for yourattention to this request. o Stephen J. Eisen 1255 Westmoor Road Winnetka. Illinois 60093 ,' \,',, Si ncerely, Ei sen bw 'q3 rF ^lo rm q7 {o €z oT F 75 south lrontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479'2'138 (303) 479-2139 olfice of community development Plan Review Based onthe L988 Uniform Codes PRoJECT NUUBER: 8/2/9o ADDRESS. 77O POTATO PTCH #2vArL, coIoRADO OCCUPANCY: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIONs V-N NAI.[E: EISEN REMODEL DATE: 8/8/eo CONTRACTOR: }TINICK CONST. ARCHITECT: ETSEN ENGINEER: NONE PI,ANS EXAMINER: I'{ICHAEL WHITAKER 1. 2. CORRECTTONS REQUIRED Safety glazing required in hazardous locations as peruBc 5405. Field inspect frane for structural integrity. It is assumedthat center post being renoved is nonstructural. Addadditional trimmers for bearing header spanning more than4t. If center post is structural, engineer design reguired 1ccarry load for new header over replacement window. CTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILtNs READY FOR LOCATION: INSP CTION:\PM ILDING:PL o tr o tr tr tr UMBING:BUIL DFC ..tr FC vh;Rc-PL E] INI DSF tr_ AMING UNDEHGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEE ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr HEATING E tr o tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAb FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTLONS: oorc t-/3 €d rNSPEcroR ffisnop