HomeMy WebLinkAbout770 Potato Patch Condo #6J November 1-4, l-989 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, co 8l-657 Attn: Peter Patten RE: Expansion of unit 6, 77o Potato Patch Dear Peter: The Board of Directors of 770 Potato Patch Condominium Association metto review the plans for Unit 6 submitted by lttr. Nugent and after consideration the Board of Directors consents to the rnodifications as proposed on the attached plans drawn by Snowden-Hopkins Architects dated November 2, 1989 and comprised of two pages. If you have any questions please contact rne at ny office. Sincerely, 770 POTATO PATCH CO ASSOCIATION /) 4,t,./ /4ot,ttt FrUn4r'W Boris Momiroff, Presi ent 770 Potato Patch DriveVail, co 8L657(303) 476-2779 BM: ne Enclosures WHILE Y@T' WEffi @UT . Op.d.t J-,s/oH-akt" C4T^ rt tr- 6/Z'4- Project Application ,.i. /I, toate li/( /'J /,/r'<-h iProiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Archiiect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Revlew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 1,/ Date: Town Planner \ statt Approval \ SNOWDON & HOPKINS ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 > wE ARE SENDING YOU d Attached E Under separate cover via LETT'ER @F TRANSNfl ITTAL E Samples I Specifications TO ! Shop drawings ! Copy of letter / erintt E Change order E tr Plans (303) 476.2201 coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTIONIIt lt,l Pl tl//fry,rtil hlzn+' t-/un/t*ultt THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS n For approval { Fo,. yor.s" ff As requested n Approved as submitted n Approved as noted ll Returned for corrections tr Resubmit-copies for approval n Submit -copies {or distribution D Return -corrected prints checked below: ,fr For review and comment ! ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO SIGNED: Prcqltl?|G2 /@ tE, gtut ts. ot1,l tl anctoau...... not at not d, klndlt aotilyt u. tt gnc.. APPLICAT ION FOR PROPERTIES IN FOR AODITIOI'{AL GRFA E)(CESS OF ALLOI{ABLE GRFA ffi0SEp27pge Oate of Appl lcatlo Date of ORB Meetln nRri^Pjh r cAT t0r{.,J0N F rRE NC E A prr-appllcation conference with a nember of th€ plennlng staff ls rtrongly oncOuraged to d{rcuss the provlslons under whlch cddjtional GRFA crn be addbdto r.flte. lt shoulC be understood that thls ordlnrnce does not asgurc each propertya! addltlonal ?50 squore.feet of GRFA. Rather, the ord{nance altowl for ggl!,t![ rourrq le_et lf certaln condJtions Bre met, 5rr - Appllcrt'Jons for addltlons under thlr sectlon will not b€ accepted unless thsyare.cOmplttt. Thfs lncludet all lnformatlon requlred on thlt fonr rs well asDcslgn Rcvfcw Board submlttal requlrgrents. A. PRO.JECT D€SCRIPTTONI tr/, B, TOCATIOI{ OF PROPOSAL: Address *b C. I{A,IIE OF APPLTCAI{TI Address D. I{ME OF APPLI REPRESENTATIVTI Address llAl.tE 0F ol,lnER(S)r Sl gnrtu rr( s ) Rdcress I F. Flllng Fce of 100.00 {s requ{red rt tlnre of submittal submittal rEqulrementsr shall be a flnal certlflcate of occupanqy, propertf owners and of owners ofls avallab'le from thr Erglr County Condomlnlum arSociatlon approval (,lf app'l lcable). Exlrtfng flOor plan of structure, Your proposal wlll be revlewed for compllance with Vallrs Conprehenslve Flan. Lesar Descrrpilon: rot b etocu,*!_rnllng-,Wil fuftfu hft\l Zone 0lctrlct E, ff 3. 4. The fol'lowlng lnforrratlon, {n addit{on to DRBrequlrid w'lth thls subm{tta'lr li" Vrrlltcatlon that the unJt hEr recelved ?, l{amgs and malling addreesgs 9f adJacentunltg on the sane lot. Thls {nfoimnt,tonAssessor's offlce. L l'ln3dl"r:i I Dq-r' r:'t- n t-t :' G. SEP aE ,8s tlr4? TO SNOWDON & HOPKINS ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 LETT'ER @F T'RANSNfl OTTAL / etans tr Samples tr Specitications trcr.5[.P 2'i 1989 WE ARE SENDING YOU 4( ettached I Under separate cover via tr Shop drawings ! Copy of letter ! Prints D Change order coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION ?tllhlsl f MiiT "I?/,4 . o/?tr,,l {/toi"ri,7 lrrxlre ilbw, - o/ar', /4ldt i st /M ///tFl? tri*Lwp/c /rt/ , */4 prtva runctrg /rib I I 'ip/-arill pi4,,'l-rt I /I /lhlet 77-', THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked For approval For your use As requested For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE tr F F tr tr REMARKS below: tr Approved as submitted ! Approved as noted fl Returned for correctaons tr Resubmit-copies for approval ! Submit-copies for distribution ! Return -corrected prints 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ll ancloqtraa taa not ta notad, ltndly notitlt ua tt onca. H|', @|'t.,c'!tsrkol|lt ,-- Owncie of adjolnlng units arol No.6 Pcny and Gall Maloff No.7 -^O'€-}lugCFi 15" f,louu5 3116 Hlllcide Dilvc Wrgt Covins, CA 9179t L.J 'W*<-a Rhhatd J. Mook (?) -(lngdd L. Regal Ronald J. and Carmen L. Holzhauer 139/5 W. Budelgh Brookflsld, Wl 59005 (t f,lfon, izT':' \onut NFy:"'i' rt"*t'' *oi;' Zr, u ruou,,, (+a//, S heln-& )1,, e t tn 7 J.t^ Y,na ";r pA / -? o r-r apr c sJu'7 4;;;-'-t'---' tr/+ tis*1 l 'tr T0TAL PAGE . AB t {(* ssow t 4 e1 Vr-**- * l'/r'-"/ , trt Lf) Ot't v(s tr hf to /^r4't2 ..'/' Ol,-r"l*", 6' t?^'*"A. t (Lrz"e'az'ct( c'- izr 6 1!u* 131 Lo a.r. J"z , T-v 1Y e {/ 6JJ s //to.tl",, Do"y'^ 5-J- J- ( /* C, ,t1- (,rd.il lr e r7 ^lrrtt-ihclkt-+Jorr ''r t ' vJ Y( L f[ ,/r PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GfVEN that the Design Review Board of the Townof VaiI will hold a public hearing on November l-, l-989 at 3:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a third satellite dish at the Vail RunResort, 1000 lJionsridge Loop. Applicant: Joyce Cornmunication, Inc., bda K-LITE 2. A request for a addition of 25O sguare feet to unit 6located a 77O potato patch. This wiII be acconplishedby converting crawl space to living space. Appticant: D. Eugene and Bonnie L. Nugent The applications and information about the proposals areavailable in the zoning administrator's office during regularoffice hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMT'NITY DEVEIJOPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail Trail on October 1.3, L989 ,ztwL f t (o*J+ /z- -z v =/ ;1ra,'-* 2!.-.<-,' \1,ta,'^ Ut ^. '//7 x.s {1. e ./'1/,'z-> rY,o [ ">,y g :60 . o - /v, L' qc f Y 1 i'K1 {t, :.,5 rfr to/r o -. /,1+ N;// <sw- i.-l.' I rd! &&\ efr o-r"'= -A Dzt */. to/tb a;.r of 11w*/_n&/ktr, c rvtlo ?/, *i' l I i I T(fhlFl CIF L"a I L- $istglraneous Cesh t:r?-:;-Lr! i::-:t:lT- ' - F.lrl'::*iPt * ltlliilr'11:t ;;;;' o --, lllr*'olliirr,1.tn'HF'PI-Ir:Fil iL, -r.i'.lUtrl[iut l "!, H0f]i l r i{ l:EE .1._ .., , ,. 1.!:J[{. filil tlf rl*tnt t erlde r;'o Iten Fsid 6lmount' Paid Eil t:1r-1i-16-1 l:::i[tfrHB I tJ[ ' iii] ri . [ltJ . ;hnng* rE l Lr rrr?'f -|-HraHf4 \/(:ILI ',i,3,-t Y C:el-'i*l' 5T MARKMA'rtEws dlh$tmy R.al Estatc r43 E. MEADOI{' DR. VAIL, COLORADO 8T657 303.476- r063 DEFMRTMtrNT @Ftr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcroN FoRM AccouNT #TOTAL AMOUNT 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPLICATION FEES 01 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 42+1s 1988 UNIFORI,I BUILDTNG CODE 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORM PLUIIBING CODE 1 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORI/ MECHANICAL CODE 1988 UNIFORM FIRE CODE r 0000 42415 1987 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE I 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41s48 BLUE pRlNTs (M.rtARs) 01 0000 42+12 XERoX CoptES ,/ SruOteS 1 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE_|NSPECTION 1 0000 41322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEE CONTRACTORS UCENSES FEES 1 0000 41330 0l 0000 4t413 ,SIGN APPLICATION COMMENTS: .,"t ct =E =E UJ4 o c..l ooG! C.I oo c!N U'llJut1! tr =E IJJo- d6eln1u Lqhst +fr o\ o\ C.l U'H4 z frl F) ;l Orr6lOl gl rH '-'13 lo .il I r-l I .lI L)lral il"t,o i* uis l5 Eri,g H:;o tzti ,Z oIIJFoz(,zo!fo .Oo =z nutz3o UJIFoz ul!EfF zo .Jt L vt r\. ^.rYs € ts z tI]lJ(.) ct Ec,t sttql .9 CLo.6(!\]'oF (l)c o aooocat .EEo oE o Itc6ottoo ctt.sI o E o =cfd() o(l CL6 '.g E EEfig E; gg E i€E :E*E !EEE 5E:E$!seo.6 cL-SEieoiE-o =€e€ EEEE - o.!a o -r.c!60'-E.c= O O gEiE lEE;., o,o - 3E$E rn O.l N (n .$ ED tl F\ rn(\C'C.lrn + E-EUJo-0 =o4fao -C)uj-oz Jq. J 9e,F gJ t! z .D =Jc 9z E uJ = X !n c{6l ul IIJl!-9F IIJqog.l oe o.D:}UJ t!czo U'uJo F anIuJ Glz urJ x Ft!ol 3tllJllJt! ts =t UJo- J oF (9zo! =.D J 9cFC)UJJul ozoI o- -tI =-oUTt Fl NO|lvn]V $.,G,cr.,izu-HCF14 oF_i aFl tuuJ t >E -Eof ur & =coN z2oo 3a 2o01>E9lr<oqHd-8 jGi zIF t u. G o. oe qJo. F Ne{ - ItlE J zo Eoo bd q;Fzlz F ct t ooo at,Fz z =u,3 ollJ 5cUcl! o2 f, =F E uJ JJ o u,z:ao F zoF5 oz --l I Flz z I ;)J a Fxt! u- 3 o lJl<ltrlzl zl .. >louJoululz U'E .Eu,4J zoF6o z Fv, 5E t]- l"l*lt it6 il" II H*E ll ioH |<-ltfilH z9F Eul J 3uJz OK) CU -L O r<-1'O.1._1 | H j.l) zH <nz uJt <too?zo FcEIY UJo oF b S-d3bili-lo.l FlltalH u,:^F\.,zo z oPzeoo =z==o-- P =fi8 tr!! E =Eulo-t! EgE<taie.IEa9EEE ;cE FEI rtE ooI RutE XO-T HTsj IIJooF F lb = tiOE I-lfJ L- o.zoFo -EFO*ZiL'-t(Js rm\zrE - oz dutcr ltoz3oF Fl t F.rzrq z 'li=zoo-r Eo- Ht FlF2 Pl tscn 6 \o B B .4)!J;g -G : NN I\o io. jH F6 azHv Iz B ztlt =g .it(\ clJl IF\C\@ I\tNN 02 ti ute, J IIoz3oF zoHH(J Haz EI HzHE r\t\ I@Ncn r,lNl =l olzl dl H tsH F] F-lf:l v)ttlHv =eII oz oIJcI ltoz3o t -rO<FcouJ<ZE,[!FtnZo() oz 6 = t-t irg+(ro2ffiri<1r--l I}<J I}<I L-J ct =E =GLlja I ril* NO|lvnlYA ou,u,IL tr =E UJo- II l'-I.ttiI'\ lH ''6- I I I I .dl ,,{l -t S$-i lE rlr10 ,.l)S,-i '13",i lg pl: =liot €9lz =t6 I l* IE utz =ou, oz \ ulo =Iggiff 5;:.E F =€igE iEEIF €;Ee€o=-oL,.g: o-!t itgg$ iEE€g !; c, ./| tr sEii: iEgig o tl( ({ il /r slJJ 0 0 Jt $l F J TI do g &dn FIEu,o-(9zoJ lo xc)lu Qz.q 6 EFc)uJJUJ C'z dt =:)d dIz C' UJI 3 wlrJlr.zoF u.lEou, o oCo E E z(, uto aI!roe = UJJ(, x F u,vtf an UJ u.Jl.|. !5 =11,cJ Fo €6.i,ru{=i6 =zooFa -'2 Ee 3?g89]l<og HgJnl . -c,o!taozo o- E 6ltr,oc ur u,(, zI f l! rc(9 G (' u, ilFil l|;il llEll IH I|;il tltltlltt 529s5?g$g:<2 oE<F9.;6}EOI u, J an zY +F lrJ z F J oz oooBo I I I I :l?lFIol JlslFI EI zl .. >lou,oulu,z att ts GUJ zoF6o 3 U' oz vt 5 @ o =Y A 1t H 3Jt Fxgl lr 8G P' .(J u 00)2 2) LgI uo) E EuLr- UJF o L)) I U ; trtrtr zo9 =<roo =zde =d9ifi$dd= NNtr ttoEgE<cL=€a&P;E =q=>E!:{F E FF: =f,i 8b! trru5 6$E 8tro- lt,oo rt -a t =E UJo-zoFoDe,1-azoa ' !. 9.tir . I ,:'' -}*:)' lil J$ ${F-i _\-x ts q \alq ! u :s2 UJ =z o-r I e to- rl sl(sr-ivtl >l ()l df\ \t+ 6 Jt4ulqoo1 :E {4/ lgr dflp = LrJl :l il fl =CE uJ UJF' 9l.l 5l il3lotFI ElrJ 3o ()u, o EJO<FEC)l!< UJFatZo() <oC)F=(,=<iiF u., o() (,z .D =Jo. ) ) )) i5::F =3gE chg*Eo2 o < (.)9.t'JO .Ff,-,Fx(lltA$,Gtta{ o '\., i .,,,!.r a' 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FDi]M. DATE: SUBJECT: olflce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIIETOh]N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC I{oRKS/cotoruNITy DEVELOPMENT ltARcH 16 , 19 8I CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unr.alvfur_ for anyperson to litter' track or deposit u"v-=o:-r,-rJ"i, sand., debrisor rnaterial, incruding trash iumpsters, portabre toilets andworkmen vehicles.upon any srreer, =ia;;uik;-;li;y or pubticpr?:. or any portion theieof. ine righr_"i_;;t-;n arr Town ofVail streets and.Ig"g= is approxinately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance w11] be. str_i;lit--enforced by the Town of vairPublic works De'artment- periins touna vi6r"[i"g this ord.inancewill- be given a 24 hour written--notice to rernove said mat,eriar.In the event the person so notified doei-";a--;;;p1y with thenotice within the 24 hour.tin;-;;;;i;i;,"in"-i"iric worksDepartment wirl remove said rnateiiut _.t the expense of personnotified' the provisions "t irri= ordinance sharl not beappricabre to clnstruction, riir',i"tu.,ce or repair projects ofany street or arley or any utiliries i; il"-;iifri-._"uy. To review ordinance No- e in full, please stop by the To\.rn of:::i"::t1:i"3"";f;i:'ffii:.:: "ri"i" a copv' rirani vou ror v-ur Read and acknowledged by: Date o November 14, i-999 Town of VaiI75 S. Frontage Roadvail, co 8l_657 Attn: Peter patten RE: Expansion of Unit 6, 770 potato patch Dear Peter: The Board of Directors of 770 Potato Patch Condominium Association metto review the prans for unit 6 subrnitted by Mr. Nugent and afterconsideration the Board of Directors consents to the nodifications asproposed on the attached plans drawn by snowden-Hopkins Architectsdated November 2, l_989 and comprised oi two pages. If you have any questions please contact me at my office. Sincerely, 770 POTATO PATCH CO Boris Moniroff, presi 770 Potato Patch Drivevail , co 81557(303) 476-2779 BM: ne Enclosures ASSOCTATION 6o,* '.. .,. ';. ,' :1! ., ' 'lr,.,1, .t- | ..'..,; ,-L-ii----t-]F s -tllixi 11. !#wil-'wa rrvz t-iVba e.e"+( fii *+tnU7$'awin T,,, NY: iw-re?a tll{)6raw un. ?xn V nuqail', , , 4p,a'ai '.-: "foQ)tta9'i'" " t@ d r+ ;ttt@ tu Ly'ld nc,wnl :NE %;* "zi4dh wET€W l''-i-"i'l': '1/-,^\V:p,affiY,- tII 'I o STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONS 1) All lumber shal'l be Doug-Fir *2 or better.2) Structural steel shall be A36 or better' bo'lts shall be A307.3) Sheath f'loors with 3/4" plywood or oriented strand boardwith minimum span rating of 4O/2O or better and g] ue withPL400. Nai I p'lywood with 10d @ 6" oc.4) Sheath all exterior walls with 1/2" plywood or orientedstrand board with minimum span rating of 24/O or better.Nail with 10d @ 6" oc at panel edges and 12" oc at intEr- mediate studs unless shown otherwise.5) Live loads used for design--Roof-75 psf snow.-Floor-40 psf residential. -Wind-25 psf. -Earthquake-Zone 1 UBC6) A]'l construction to comp'ly with the 1988 Uniform Bui lding Code (UBC) as adopted by thE Town of Vai'l Building Depart- ment and the "Genera'l Conditions of the Contract for Construction" (AIA Document A201 ).7) Construct walls as follows- -Exterior-2x6 @ 16" oc.-Interior-2x4 @ 16" oc, unless shown otherwise.8) A]'l beams, joists and rafters sha'll bear upon wal'ls-or beams OR be hung with Simpson Strong-Tie hangers or approved . equals. A] I connection hardware as manufactured by SimpsonStrong-Tie or approved equals.9) All structural members are shown in their final position, during construction it may be necEssary to shore portionsof the structure while other parts are being constructed. Contact the structura] engineer for consu'ltation as requ'i red.10) Contractor is responsible for a'l I non-specified connections'contact structura] engineer for d€ta'i'ls as required.11) Contractor ie to coordinate a]l diaphragm penetrations ('i.e., chimneys, plumbing sewers, etc. ) through roofs, f] oors and foundation wa]'ls with appropriate sub-contractors. GeneralContractor is responsib'le for msans, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures associated with this proiect.12) All materials exposed to exterior and/or moisture conditionsto be treated for these conditions (i.e. chemica] treatment,stai ni ng, pai nti ng, etc. ) as requ'i red by code..13) See p'lans as re'leased by SNOWDON & HoPKINS ARCHITECTS for ba]ance of project. I$aa+r wHM 1?a frnz,#o Wt ad..4.N>aw4,+f,(? w/1401 l' a FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box prov'ided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL BUILDING TEMP0RARY C of 0 DATE:DNE: / -/-7d CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: Z -/ a)