HomeMy WebLinkAbout770 Potato Patch commonDepartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us October 30, 2001 Thomas R. Du Bois Fritzlen Pierce Architects 1650 E. Vail Valley Drive, Suite C-1 Vail, GO 81657 Re: 770 Potato Patch Development Potential Tom: You have inquired about the amount of available gross residential floor area (GRFA) remaining al the 770 Potato Patch Condominiums. The Town's records indicate the final approved development plan for the project (August 8, 1984) allowed the construction of 22,557 square feet of GRFA for Phase ll and a lotal site coverage (Phases I and ll) of 22"h or 37 ,652 square feet. The approval of the final site development plan in 1 984 identified the maximum amount of both GRFA and site coverage and effectively "max'ed oul" the development potential for the properties. As you are aware, the Town has approved minor remodels at 770 Potato Patch utilizing the '250" bonus credit, and the use of this credit is an option for any units that have not yet utilized il. However, the Town's records do not indicate the availability of any new site coverage for an expanded building footprint. lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please contacl me at (970) 479- 2140. Sincerely, tt'r.--,f r-\-- Brenl Wilson, AICP Senior Planner tP un"uo"* \ BLOCK FI t I IIG u ll I T LANDSCAP COVERAGE GRFA USED OX SI TE GRFA RETIAN I XG OII SITE TOTAL 970 1083 1048 0 0 3101 #6AR.spaces 21216 751 ,5 ?349 .5 21866.5 GARAGE STORAGE415 ll,/X0 N/x0 N/ll0 il/ll0 [/x415 0 NIA N/A l,tEcl. sTAtR AIRLoCK l/0tD.820000 51 0 Tz-50880450000000082 139 0 115.5 TOTAT GRoSS SO. FT. 310,|82 139 0 115.5415 NIA N/A x/A n [ , N r r ab..,^Vor,*s Wv''SL-170 Y, , R, RP/S ZOI{E DTSIRICTS DATE:AUc.2,1990 FL@R SASEIiEXT SO. FT.lsT. Ft@R S0. rr. zlrD. FtooR sa. tT. 3RD. Ft@R SO. FT. IOFT IL@R SO. FT. TOTALS CREDIT TOTALS GRIA ALLOI'ED IOTAL CRED I IS GRTA USED GRTA RE].IAINING CREDITS REI,IANTNG LEGALs LOT ADDRESS: 770 cd/NER I\TbQ +'+Afr (D PEONE # ARCilITECT: , a, a a,(,/ PHoNE # LoT stzE: | . VV -f PRoPosED usE. G'v\n\h-r'twlqi6le-iisinrcrr'iov1? sn'- nes R P/s j -.t> L Yl{ GRFA AttolJED olt l}l{5- 24216'- ALLOIJEO SITE COVERAGE N srrE covERAGE usED -o--> aUWSITE COVERAGE REMAIXI}IG O U tl II rumR BASETEII SO. FT.lsT. FL@R S0. tT. zxD, tt@R s0. FT. 3RD. FLOOR SO. FI. LOTT f L@R SO, FT. TOTATS CREDIT TOTALS GRFA ALIO!'EO IOTAT CRED I TS GNTA USED GRTA REI'IAI II I NG CREDITS REI.IANI}IG TOTAL 990 1072 1055 0 0 3117 fGAR.spaces 21866.5 718.5 2368.5 19498 GARAGE STORAGE421 NlAO N/A0 N/A0 ulA0 lllA121 0 sTAIR AtRLoCK l/OtD0005t 0 63.588043000000139 0 106.5 6ROSS S0. Fl. 3117139 0 106.5 r{EcH. 82 0 0 0 0 82 TOTAL 82 N/AtlA NlA NIA 4Z I il/A NIA 25 U ll F L@R BASEIIENT SO. TT. 1ST. FLOOR SO. FT, 2x0. rt@R s0. Fl. 3RD, FLMR SO,IT.rorT FL@R SO. rT. TOTALS CREDTT TOTALS GRFA ALLOUED TOTAL CREDITS GRTA USED GRFA R€].iAINI NG CREDITS REI,IANIIIG TOTAL 990 107? 1055 0 0 3117 #GAR.spaces 19498 718.5 2358.5 171?9.t GARAGE STORAGE121 I\A0 [\A0 [\A0 [\A() N\A421 N\A ll\A NIA HEC}I. STATR AI RLOCK vOID820000 51 0 63.50880430000000082 139 0 106.5 TOTAL GROSS SA, FT. 31178? 139 0 106.5 N/A NlA N/A 4a I juA25 U ll t FLooR SASElrE|,lT S0. FT. 1Sr. Ft@R S0. FT. zND. FI(DR SO. FT. 3RD. FI(nR SO. FI. lotT FLmR S0, tT. TOTALS CREDIT IOTALS GRFA ALLOJED TOTAT CRED I IS GRFA USED GRTA REHAIil I NG GARAGE STORAGE417 x\A0 x\A(l N\A0 l,r\A0 x\A117 x\A }IECH. STAIR AIRTOCK VOID81 0 0 00 51 0 72.50880430000000081 139 0 115.5 TOTAL GROSS SO. FT. 310481 139 0 115.5 TOTAL 977 1081 1016 0 0 3104 #GAR.spaces 17129.5 752.5 2351 .511n8 117 N\A fr..{{rr ""W,+,(o 7?0 't."!-e #,.rh Slifer Management Company Property Management & Irasing September 9, L992 tim DevlinTov Corununity Developnent75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 8L657 Dear Tim: Recently in an Annual Meeting of the ol,\tners f<r 77A Potai:o Patch Drive Condominium Associatiorr Ehe question of expansion \,vas raisad. Some of the cwners have crawlspaces or decks they would like to expand into but- the issue of having the necessary GRFA to do this was brought up. I would appreciate a written response stating tlte Town's position of allowing erpansion up to the 250 s.f. Iirnit forthe owners so I can mail it to them. In this letter if you could address this issues along with any other conments or information I would appreciate it. 1) The owners understand the Town allows a orre time expansion of an additional 250 s.f. for a unit. What are the requirements andrestrictions for this expansion? Aiong with your explanation a copy of the ordinance would be helpful .2, Is there any additional GRFA allowable for the project. I look forward to your response on this r.r,r.tter. Flease contact meif you have any guestions. Mark MathewsProperty Manager MM/sd Sincerely, 143 East Mcadow Drivc, Suitc 3@, Vail, Colqado E1657 Tclcphonc:(303)47G1063 Tclcfax: (nr41G2523 0lrrT- I L 3 ,l 5 6 7 v 1 l() tl tL t3 t.l ,3 !s CAzE TN<EP Efrf, 77o P"raro P+rca N6 A- N SPeicflou 9 aN * -gau* zzag T7C.o,'S 4tc EX Frt€p oN Z- r- F 3 AN THE flJE + * //tr4: 4t c 6+gB F /yec T C,E,C ARE IggAEO lft EFE6R AF I N Co Ct?EcT tAFoC/e1 qto N O N fuuupa -TtoN RoueH Ploa*pe tuen EGET,FRextpe sfrfT&cENtn Ftunc €tEz. ?Eu,P. C oFd.(onnaTg. 2y'aft. 2/r4tz 7/esft' ?/z/*. tftt/r. t/v/ez s/rr/tz r/{/pz t/r/t" t/z/rz 7/z/*z ?/z/rz E/so/ru tzlt/tt- ra/q/tz ?/t/rz %s/az- I q/e/rz 7/glz- 7y'y't. c/7/4" r"/thz n/"42 t'4rie Thiz 9/ur" rz/,/cz r//t. r/ez/ru */z-/t. t/e,/t-l I,/"y'rrl ,o/r/nl ro/s/e.l u/*zl z/r,/tz ?/r/a. z,/su/tz zy'y'rz /o/rg/t" ro/rs/. 2 /zzltz ?/zthz t/2,/fz t/r,/n htt/ez t/zu/rt tr/r7/tz &/e ,/t. ,/"t/r- 7 y'qftu t lq/cz ?/27/ft ?/"/ez r/z/rz 7/,q/rz z/u/rc ^/r/n tofrh, ?/r/tr 1r/.r/tul z/q/t l,/rrrttl c/.#z I ilu/r.l ,/.r/n I,r"r"1 I,o/y/t4 rc/r/e.l I I I ,r/lft I 'o//tl,//4 ?h/r' 7/t/2. zrt#, ?/4. it4c.l r/'/a" I ?fi/z I lrr/e4 ,ft*4 ltt.| ru/"hl /"/,4 I I 0r3ffi6,4'2.-rrt3 0,trPaoeat 2-tt-j3 06UAeovCO 2-t t -eg 95ttrfrvQ ?-tLe! 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