HomeMy WebLinkAboutPotato Patch Townhomes Condo commonTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT t ,rt <,, U-.^\ pa\Jo-PJ& \-c:-rrv&r;-:y. tq*"-r*NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES >oQ.\€?-tLk-I U ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 803-0165 Job Address: 770 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 770 Potato Patch Drive Applied . . : 0710l/2003 Parcel No...: 210106323001 Issued. .. : 07/3112003 ProjectNo : JfiToi-oo(((, Expires '..: 0ll27l2oo4 owNER PHOEBE M. VOSBECK REVOCABITE 07/Ot/2003 Phone: R. R,AI[DAI,I., & PHOEBE M. VOSBECK TRUSTEES 77O-A POTATO PATCH DR VAIL, CO 81557 License: col[rRAcToR PRIMA ASSOCIATES REAIJTy, LmO7 /OL/20O3 Phone t 97o-476-43O0 P.O. BOX 1292 VAIL, CO 816s8 L,icense:239-B APPIJICA}iIT PRIMA ASSOCIATES REALTY, LrDOT /OL/2003 PhONC : 970-476-4300 P.O. BOX L292 VAII,, CO 81_558 License:239-9 Description: Conmon Element - exterior alterationsi stone veneer to buildings, planters, trash enclosures and new heated pavers Occupancy: R-lru-l Type Construction: V l-HR Type V l-Hour Valuation: $75,000.00 Add Sq Fl 0 Fireplace Information: Reslricted: y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 FEE SUMMARY aartltar+tat'|at..tr**r*ar*a,rrrr.*al*att*r.lrtar'l'rt*t:ltr:rt't*t*t So. oo Totsl Calculated Fees-> 51.353.94Building--> $818 . ?5 Restuarant Plan Rcview-> Plan check-> s532.19 DRB F€€__--->So. oo Additional Fees >so. 0o Investigation-> Will Call----> SO . OO Recreation Fee-.._> $3.00 Clean-uPDePosit----*> $0. oo Totd Permit F€€---> $1, 3s3 . 94 SO. OO Payrnents--> $1 , 353 . 94 TOTAL FEES > $1, 353 . 94 BAI ANICE DUE->s0.00 Approvals:Item: 051-00 BUfIJDING DEPARTMENT o7/3L/2003 GCD Action: AP Item: 05400 PLAIiINING DEPARTMEMI Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTME!flI Item: 05500 PITBIJIC V|ORKS | +:+*'itt **1* t*tat See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. PAGE2 ,t '* ''i'rr* l* ** * * * **:* {' 'tf *'}*:i * '},}* * * * ** '* *:r *{. 't * 't ** * * 'tr:* * * ** *rt't 't t * * * *:t * *,t,t:t * * ** * * * ** * f 't**'t't*'t*!t't****'r't ,t+*t******** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0165 as of 07-31-2003 Status: ISSUED {.**{.*f***'t+,|'}'|,}*'tt***'}****,}f!t|***'|**'t*'t*:f*+***,}*'t****'|***,f**'f*!t't**,t*ttf****f**{.{.'l't*{t*!t*'*'|.'t:t**!t,}*,t******* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 07101/2003 Applicant PRIMA ASSOCIATES REALTY, LTD. Issued: 07/31/2003970-476-4300 To Expire: 0l/27/2004 Job Address: 770 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location: 770 Potato Patch Drive ParcelNo: 210106323001 Description: Common Element - exterior alterations; stone veneer to buildings, planters, trash enclosures and new heated pavers *,.{t{.,|t'}!t'|t*,!**,it'i*{t**:t'|t'l.,*'},t'**'t!***!t.'t+*|**f**'t**|'}*****Conditions*'}*'t'tt*:**'l,(**'t'|t*********** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTONS ARE REQUIRED To CffiCK FOR coDE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.31O.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. ** ** ***f* * * +l' + * + *** ***af + + ++'t** *** r*a** | + +*+++**+ +t**++++ f ** t* * f* **'t't+ +++f++++** **+**** * * + f+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemelrt ** * * ***f + ++ 'f* * * * ** t***t {'**** 'l'l*** *l f**+ +t * | +**l' +*+ + **{t++**+ ** * i+ * * * *t*'t,1.**ti**{' ****+ * * * ***f + Statement Nuniber: R030004416 Amount: $1,353,94 O7/3L/200311:19 AM Pa:tment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Potato Patch TH 229L Permit No: 803-0155 Type: ADD,/AL,T SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2101063 23 001 SiTe AddreEE: 770 POTATO PATCH DR \TAII, Location: 770 Potato Patch Drive Totsal Feea: $1,353.94This Payment: $1,353.94 Toeal ALL Pmta: $1,353.94Balance: S0. oo **t * **i * * + + + * * * * * *'|,t ** t * **,i ** * ** *** f * * ** * * * * * f* * +* * * + * * * ** * * * + 'l* * * * i f f++ f, * + + * * * * * * {. * * * +{.*'1. * * ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cunrent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERI'IIT FEES 818.75 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 532.19 t.JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO tl Project #: BUI 5, ai 7 V TOR INF Email address: -\- Contractor Siqnature: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor 4 Materials BUILDING:$ f 5, CC.arat ELECTRICAL: $ <,OTHER:$ PLUMBING: $ r;..,,MECHANICAL:$\.-'rorAL:$ ?5 , c'C'c For Parcel # Contact Eaqle Countv Assessors Ofitrce at 970-32&8640 or visit wv,rw. Parcel#-" (A lC I CE 1J Rcr, | ( Q<-nt'Ni-A €l=ue!+ Job Name: 7 70 y'c, \.-L 1^fJ., Ihul.ra,wry .-'ooooo'"tt' ?7., ?*+J, rr.{ct'r ol fr/ Legal Description Lot:L Block:0 Filing:subdivision: ,h* .i- t'..tr-Jr-iiu-rl l$rt Owners Name: r IOSL< -t Address:17t A P.rl.|,o t',1. L 0f Phone: ArchitecUDesigner. l fO Address:Phone: Engineer: N'It Address:Phone: ffik: r- , /nJ^i;;" "J iv.o l)ane.l fi(r,4, encl6,c{e Ywr,ploitefirpq& WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ut(l Repair( ) Demo() Other() Work Type: Interior ( 1 exterior )d Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family Q$ Muhr-family ( ) Gommercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: t (-No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances (iD) Gas t-ogs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas togs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) Does aFire Alarm Exist: Yes ()C No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler 9vjilEg *qt: Yes( ) NoX L ilElv_c'u*:r*****++***********************FOR OFFICE USE ON ..... 9 /t ?nn? Type of Construction:JUnl .' iTCcepte4 By: /N Onnrrnlncv Grorrn:I Planner qign.-off: V \lReceived:-rTorl:Polu'ur''. \Va iI\daIa\cdev\FORMS\PE RM ITS\BLDGPER M.DOC 07 n6t2002 O*20-2O04. lnepecton Requant Reportlng Page 13 6:25 am - vAlL. CO - TOWI{ OF - R€quecled Insp€ctDlb: Thursd8y, lllay 20, 20(X- InsoeddonArea: GD srre Addres': it8 ffiilgIdBh?R vArL ArPrD Inlbnn fon Acilvrs 80$Ot66 TVpc: &BulLD Subf\nr: ASFR S[dl3: ISSUEDCordTp-: Occryftc! (fre: Vl*lR hryAln: GDOuibr: PIICIEBE M. \,OSBECK REVOCAALE TRI,STApplhant PRniAASSOChTESRE LTY,LTD. Pfffi: 9il>476-{itrO Corib*tor: PRmAASSOCIATESREAW.ITD. Phom' 970!476;4in0fu3crlp{on: Comnon Ebmeril - ed.rlor atterailon3; silona v€noor lD bufidln s, F|lnbr!, t ch €ncloctt €n and new tnatod lalrBfsCornm.',It ROL'TED TO GREG ATID ELZABETH FOR REVIEW. DFLORES Reouecbd lrc!€cflon(sl Iten: gtl BLDG-Fln.lR€qu&r: PRIMAASSOCIATES REALTY, LTD. Rcquested Tlme: 08:00 Alf,' Phone: 97O'47&.(m .or- 90+m6i! Eil.rcd By: FRONT K ,/zt l*/' /lI/ ltv' I /| ,' /^ fb, f| 't -//NI v' /k/r'" t / U Coomarttr: Jav ^*teHll: coAvrs Thre Erp: lns!€cdon HllbrY !hm: 10 BLDGFoo0nqs/Sileellbm: 20 BLDCrFound0on/SbelfiBm: 3X' BLDGFramlmItem: 5O B|-DGkrsuffin[lm: 60 BlDgsh€€tockl,Lllbar: 7() BLDGllbc.llem: g) BLDeflnclbm: 2i PLAI$ILC Foundallon Pbn n m: 2i! PtAr$|LCS|bPhlbr: tXB PII0$TEF.C/Ondtr: 591 PU\ll-FlNlLCiO REPT131 Run Id: L877 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT March 17, 2003 Community Development Department Town of Vail 75S. Frontage Road W. Vail. CO 81657 Dear Sirs: The purpose of this letter is to convey authorization from the Potato Patch Townhomes association to: I ) New moss rock stone veneer to buildings;2) Replacement of railroad tie planters with new concrete planters; 3) Planters to be covered in moss rock veneer;4) Improvements to trash enclosure per drawing- Please call if you have any questions. Sincerelv. Bill Sargent Crossroads Realty, Ltd. Managing Agent Potato Patch Townhomes Association RECEIVED JUN z 4 2003 TOV€OM.DEV. PO Box 1292, Vail. Colorado 61658 / 1650 Varl Valley Drive - Fallridge, Suite C-3' 97V47G43OO / FAX970-479-9534 email home@crossroadsrealtvvarl.com r,vebsitc www c rossroadsrea ltvva il com L IMPROVEMENTS TO POTATO PATCH TO}YI{HOMES General Notes (revised April 2,2fi)3) The owner is the Potato Patch Townhome Condominium Asscciation. The property manager is Crossroads Realty Ltd. The property manager shall be the primary contact for the contractor. The work indicated of the drawings shall consist of improvements to the trash enclosure, modifications and improvements to the planters at the units, the wall at the entance sign" a stone veneer on the existing concrete wall at the sfeam, stone veneer on the south, west and east sides ofthe units, and installation ofconcrete pavers at each ofthe ten condominium units, all as shown on the drawings. The work shall be executed in the summer of 2003 starting around May 1- The owner encourages the contactor to provide cost savings and value engineering suggestions for the work- The existing timber planter walls shall be removed and new concrete block with stone vene€r shall be installed as indicated with necessary concrete footing. The planters shall be slightly reconfigured as indicated on the drawings. New walls shall have a snapped edge sandstone cap. Care shall be taken to protect existing landscape material as well as tb existing inigation system in the planters. New topsoil shall be added to the planters by the property manager to bring the planting level up to the wall height. The property manager shall remove and store any plant material tlnt will interfere with the wall construction for replacement after completion of the planterwork A stone veneer with sandstone cap shall be applied to the sfream concrete headwall. Stone shall not be applied to the inside or streamside of the wall. Stone for the project shall be moss rock as selected by the owner. Contractor shall submit specific samples for final selection 9. The efsting timber walls of the trash enclosure shall remain and shall be furred as necessary to install stucco. A new concrete curb at the roof of the enclosure shall be installed and bonded to the existing concrete. The new curb shall be waterproofed with a membrane and tied irto the existing waterproofing on the existing roof. The existing concrete floor slab shall be removed and a new level concrete slab installed. The new stucco shall be paintedto match the stucco on the units and the wood on the doors and fim shall also be painted to match the wood on the units. Carpentry work and painting shall be by the property manager. 10. The driveway entrances work shall consist ofremoval ofexisfing asphalt at all units and removal of existing flagstone at unit A, re-compaction and preparation ofthe existing road base, coordination with snow-melt contactor, installation of new Qoncrete pavers on sandbed in two patterns as shown with a band arormd edges, and installation of a new concret€ band at units A B, C, E J, K. Concrete pavers shall be of a standard color and shape by '?avestone" or equal. Contractor shall submit samples to owner for selection I l. The property manager shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits. All work shall be done in a workmanlike manner in accordance with Town of Vail codes and requirements. 12. The work shall be carefully coordinated to be the least disruptive to the owners. Coordinate with the property manager on the scheduling of the work so it will, in so far as possible, coordinate with the owrers schedule of occupancy of their unit. 4. 5. 2. 7. 8. 6. Pase I Ur g &. g,A 7 }:_,9 I $didJt $i\lt- 5 ig5ii,igg giiiiiiig r!t ||) r5 p tE EEE g i'fi HE1, ct2Ut 3t"t l= rDSG;cnF.goE.o o B]l--,' Cj H&A $,s.) t- .*e9uu- rl$lr;.3r\tiS. li: '** lgT5 o=ft;1i.o Itll t- .-' 'o .rr'c! _ o)ait 7Il-L)ut\\ JJ<li*aiJ ----- !,tfl xvt^l ,t1v( Ngtt,zZL .)oVW sl 1 Vrrrl '!9INVU ,,gZ; E ?iad,53 s.4<) l$zeczs |JJoA!r A us. t I o) Eea dl E] ru s g B G:rIulv 6 rlj 3grF uc)7o<Jo t--rlt(tlr *a E*gp*e oz4.rO (r)t- \t<).z,rc<J' t tOr2ta85 e5 b:\,li (u -rt* o-oE,*$$q., a8,:qr; 3 {ffrrllill' I 0. 9. :l Ya I3tl ra s.EFdS,p ljFt\ z, li ilil JJulci $* gE tlll "E* ?l'" {isi 8i slil uisi rrr i sizl!ni r-il ?l 2IF tr, *lr, z d BeI 5rl F$f6i&sl t-ul u.r,.f\tr t: Ezl olao rl' :rl atl ? Bt l1 I $ >.uo, 57g/ P/ c5ss\ Vr 6\? 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