HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Commons HistoricalI TO: FROM: DATI: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Conmission Department of Conrnun'i ty Developrnent January 5, '1 983 A conditjonal use permit request for a drive-up bank facility and a request for an amendment to an approved site plan as per procedures in Ordinance 13, Series of l9Bl to construct Phase I of the Vail Cormons project. Appi'i cant: Vail Cormons, Ltd. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE Vail Conmons is a major new shopping, offjce and residential project proposal approvedby Eagle County in the fall of .l980. Upon the annexation of Nest Vail several monthslater, the Town accepted the County approva'l and set up procedures for amendnientsto these County-approved plans. l,le also iater adopted the new Commercial Core 3 Zone District for the West Vail commercial area in which drive-up facilities area conditional use. The drive-up faci'l ity'i s proposed to be located in the northeast corner of the parkinglot wjth its own one-way access lane 'located to the east of the parking 1ot. After using the drive-up bank facility, the vehjcle would nnke its way out of the lotin a simi'l ar manner as other cars parking in the main 'l ot. Proposed is three drive- up teller stations underneath a sod roof structure to make it less visib'le fromsurroundi ng properties. The second request is to amend the site plan by altering the parking 1ot design, reducing by 37 spaces the parking available on the Vail Cormons site. But alsoproposed is to restripe the adjacent parking 1ot to the west (owned by the samedeveloper) according to Town of Vai I regu'lations, thus increasing parking capacitythere by 15 spaces. These l5 spaces are added to an existing excess of i7 spaceson the Vai'l Das Schone site total'ing 32 spaces, the number short on the Vail Commonsproperty according to T0V regulations, l,le wi'l I treat these requests separately, first addressing theconditjonal use permit req uest . PART I CONDITIONAL USE PERMI] Consideration of Factors: Relationshi and i .+the use on develo nt ob.iectives of the Town. The proposal has no effect upon the overall development objectives of the Town. Jhe_."+-"9!-gI-!F-$C--q. I i gh! ilqjl-l_,-d_r:!fr!_V!g!_qt_[qpu'iation, transportl!_jo]rfacl llIleS, ut'l lrttps_, -sch_oolS, parks and recreation faciliiles,_and other publiC No significant effects upon these factors would occur if thc permit were approved. 'fl Commons -2- 1/5/83 lllgct_!pon traf f ic w_i]! teflicg|q1_1gf-qrc1ge_telp1g.qslt sL,_-i_tt!_q119!Jg_q_nd_t-e!9-l-trian safc-tlr _qlq SgnWU_e_!qq, _trg.fll-g__f l-ow_and control-'_acgess_' maneuveraLl_]-i-!J- and remgva] of snow f rol _Up__!llggl_g-rf!_la$1ru__qlgg_sj_ Thjs js the critical factor re]ating to the proposal . Origina'l 1y proposed vlas merely locat'ing the facjlity in the corner of the parking lot, without a single lane accessfor the teller stations. The staff felt that this would produce traffic congestionjn the large parking'l ot. The single purpose access lane novr proposed should reduce congestion measurably by separating the access to this function on1y. As one leaves the drive-up station the traffic congestion in the lot should not be significantwith the exception of peak periods when the lot is full or near full. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located,InEtunTn se -in-ietation tb surrounl]ng uses. The proposal to do a sod roof structure will greatly minimize the impact of thefacility on the surrounding properties, especia'l 1y the residents of the Vail Heightsproject to the north. Such other factors and criteria as the Conrniss'ion deems appljcab'l e to the propose!_ use. The e1vj1gnme1ta1 impggt report concerning the proposed use, if an envjronmenta'l-i..----.-.-:--.-----:-.-.'--impact report is required by Chapter ,I8.56. No EIR is required. F IND INGS The Department of Community Deve'lopment recorrnehds that the conditional use permit be approved based on the following findings: That the proposed locatjon of the use is in accord rvith the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the djstrict in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the condjtjons under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public hea'l th, safety,or welfare or material'ly injurious to properties or improvenents in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the app'licable provis'ions of thjs ordi nance. We feel that the one-way access lane will aid traffic flow in the parking lot asit relates to the drive-up stations, and thus, the facility should not create problernsof congestion in the lot. The des'i gn of the facility has been sensitive frorrr adjacentproperties'perspectives, and this facility wjll not have a detrirnental effect uponthe high qualjty character of the remainder of the project. o VQCommons -3- )/5/83 PART II SITE PLAN AMENDMENT Thus, the interior landscaPed is qreatlY jncreased with the aeslhetjcl of the Park'ing 1ot The second request amends the parking lot design of the.!ai] Cunryons,pf9ieg!^91. wel'l as the Vail Das Schone park'i ng f ot. - Couniy regrlf atjons req'i ored the Proiect to have 347 parking spaces. A parking design t-or t[is figure was approved.by Eagle C"r"iy-""d aiiepted by the Town upon annexaijon. That design provided.little room for interior tanoscaling ina-contajned ;*;;;; iirculation^pittern' Under the recently ..ulrud-fotun parking're6uiations the proi'ect'i s required 342 spaces' The proposal now is for a revised and much improved c'i rculat'ion pattern and a great deal more'i nterior landscaping. i6" fotlowing statjstics reflect the djfference in-the County-approved plan and the proposed one: Size of Total Lot = 87'000 sq ft Interjor LandscapinglntCouni' plan=$,224 sq ft or-7..1% of total parking lot area Interior t-anoscapini'in-Fiofli,t.a-ptun'=-it,itO tq It..ol-.13'4% of total " '' '' Interjor 1anoscapini M;.i;ffi-R;quirement in'ro*n'of Vail regulations = 10% area (which can double as snow storage to some extent) ;;-p;;;;;;l -ina wi t'l be a pos'itive impact on the and overal'l Project. The redesign of the two parking lots allows the appljcant to utjlize the new compact car space allotment ot-ZlSl" of in. totat numOer of'spac-es' Moreover' the Vajl Das Schone tot can guin lpulJi rpot tu-iitiping bV going fron existing l0 x 20 foot iii. ipu."t to ihe 9'x l8'requirement under the Town' The park.i ng lots for these projects.are very related, and-indeed many people wjshing to go to the Vail Comn'oni-site may have business in one of the retail faciljties existing to the west of Vail Commons ana,-if'ri, wish to^park in the Va'i'l Das Schone lot. The bottom line figure remains ut-if'" t"qrired 342 spaces under Town.of Vai'l regu'l ations, so the proposal does not t.itty represent a request for a va.iance from the total requirement. In light of the above factors, the Department of community Development recommends approval of the proposed amendment to tne ragre county ap-proved sjte plan for Vail Conmons. Two conditions. of aooroval aoply: l.TheapplicantmustworkwjththeTownstaffandpaysforthecosttoconstructa bicycle/pedest.ian path on tne ioulfr-iiae ot Ubth ttre Vail Commons parcel and the Va1 I Das Schone parcel . ii'"-p.ift must be completed in conjunction with the Town's bike path construction in this area' 2 A deed restriction must be filed with the Eaqle countv clerk and Recorder after a.oproval UV tne'io"n'iJ"-ifre Viil"Oal ilf,one'property-whjch is an off-site and.joint purting-iicility aoreer"ni-ut required by Section .18.52.06C of the Vail MuniciPal Code. briner,,scott architects 143 e meadow dr vail, colorado 81657(303) 476.3038 December 15, 1982 Mr. Peter Patten Department of Community Deve lopment Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RX: Addendum to Materials Submitted December 13, 1982 ' for vail Commons P.E.C. Review Dear Peter: The developer for the Vail Cor nons project is requesting a minor revision to the approved site plan for the project. The site plan rras approved by the county and when west Vail was annexed by the Tor^m of Vail the plan was accepted by the town with the understanding that while it did not conform to alL the requirements of the town it would be accepted under the "Grandfather" clause. The changes to the site plan are as follows: The addition of a drive-up facility in the northeast corner of the parking lot. rhis facility would be a three (3) station (I manned, 2 unmanned) drive-up built into the berm at the corner. The berm would be high enough to enable a sod roof to be placed over the facility thus from the Chamonix Lane residents it would not be a very visable structure. The habitable space is approx- imately 140 square feet. The facility would operate during normal banking hours with a separate drive-up lane with directional and open,/closed signage proposed to alleviate any traffic conjestion in the 1ot. The second change in the site plan involves parking. when the plan rras approved at the county level the project was required to have 347 parking spaces- one of the advantaqes to being annexed by the Town of VaiI was the possibility of having reduced parking require- ments thus permitting more landscaping. The approved Town of Vail plan contained 288 parking spaces using then current zoning guidelines. The Town of VaiI now has new zoning guidelines which the developer has been asked to follow. Using these new regulations and assuming one large restaurant in the project we are required to have 342 spaces in the project. The vail Comnons site as redrawn would contain 310 spaces (56 covered) or a shortaqe of 32 spaces. The developer of Vail Commons is also the owner of the adjacent Vail Das schone property. r) 2) ltr. Peter Patten Town of Vail Decehber 15, 1982 Page T'wo This property currently contains an excess of 17 spaces usingthe new zoning guideline. By re-striping from l0 to 9 fooU spaces and using the compact car cLause we could have an excessof 32 spaces or the number ne are short in the Vall Corunons lot. The developer would re-stripe the Vail Das Schone lot if thisplan is acceptable. Drawing CUl which r,fas attached to the P.E.C. submittal explains this proposal as well" as give an overview of the parking situation for the entire strip. The developer is not asking for any other changes to the approved plan. The structures, landscaping, acceleration/deceleration lanes, etc. would remain as approved. If you have any questions or co[mentsplease do not hesitate to call or stop by. BRINEB/SCOTT ARCHITEeTS, INC. GBS,/rh cc: ,Jay Peterson Sincerely, .';I ONDINANCE NO. 13(Series of 1981 ) AN ORDINANC]] IMPOSING ZONING DISTNICTS ON CENTAIN DEVELOP:\IINTS AND PANCELS OF PROPERTY IN TII]T iII]CENTLY ANNIXIID II'EST VAIL ARUA; ACCEPTING PRIO]i APPROVALS OT TIIE EAGLE COUI.ITY COT{TIISSIONNNS RELATII{G TIII]RETO; SPECIFYING AMINDIIENT PROCEDURBS ; SETTING FONTH CONDITIONS RIII,ATING TIIERETO; AMENDING TIIE OFFICIAL ZONING IUAP FOB THE TO$'i{ OF VAIL: AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN RNLATION Ti]ERETO. III{EREAS, the torvn of Vail, Colorado, recently annexed ttre lVest Va1l area, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, effeetive on December 31, 1980; and ]IIIEEEAS, Chapter 18.68 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Va1l sets forth procedures for the imposltion of zoning districts on rec,ently annexed areas; and TiIinREAS, Seci;:l <:n 31--12-.ll-5 (s) C.R.S, 1.973, as amendeci, reqnires the Torvn to bring ihe nervly annexed ll'est Vail- area undet its zoning ordinance within ninety (90) dai,s after the effective date of said annexatj-on; and. I1IHERBAS, because of certain actj.ons talien by and approvals of the Eagle County Conmj.ssioners reii",ti-ng to the within specif ied prol>erties the Tor'.':r Ccuncil is of thc opini"on that the zouing des:i.gnation for thc:se al'eas should recognize said approvals and coiidi-tions; and \llIllREAS, thc Planiring and llnvironmental Convnissiorr of the Toivir of Vail has considerctl the zcnj-ng io be inrposed on the nervly annl':<ecl lTest Va:i1 areer at er public lLeariilg rind has;riiide a recc'niutcuciatior:) relating thereto, to the Town Council;.and I'lJIn-BEAq, the Town Council considers that it ls in the interest of tl-re i:ub1ic health, safety an.i ivelfare to so zoltc said 1::t'e;icrt,y; NOIY, TIIIRETONJJ, BN IT ORDAI}I]]D BY T}IE TO1YN COTJNCIL OF THE TOI']I{ OF V.frIL, TIIAT: Sc-.ction 1. Froceclrri'es Fulf 11l ed. The procedurc.s for the deternrj.nrtion of thcr iutposc.d oir the ncwly anncxed \"'est Vail arca 18.G8 o.[ thc Vail L]i:nicipirl Cocle hrlve been zoiring distriets to br': as sct folth in Chapt'er f rrlf i 1lod . Sect i.on 2 .Folt lonf-of osi tion of Zonjnr{ Dislrj cl; on Cert,ai.n 1)arccls and n t:tt' 1 au rrcxctl Wr:s t Vli.]-ar()2I . Pursuant to Chapter 18.68 of the Vail lvlunicipal Code, the properties described in subsections e, t, E, h & i belolv are a portion of tlte I[est Vail area annexed to the Town through the enactment of Ordinance Ncl . 43,. Series of 1980, of the.Tolvn of Vail, Colorado, effective on the thirty-first day of December, 1980, and hereby zoned as fol,lows: a. The developments and parcels of property specified below in Subsections e, f, B, h & i shall be developed in accordance with the prior agreement, approvals and actions of the Eagle County Commissioners as the agreements, approvals and actions relate to each development or parcel of property. b. The docurnents and instrurnents relating to the prior county approvals, actions and agreements are presently on file in the Department of Comrnunity Developrnent of the Town of Vail and said approvals, actionri and agreen:ents aL:e hereby accepted and approved by the Torvn of Vail. c. A11 buil<iings f or rvhich a bui-lding permit.has not been issued, on the effective date of the annexation of l','est Vail shall comply with Dcsign Revj-erv Cri-te::ia of the r/ail Ltunicipn-1 Code pri.or to the issrrance of a building permit. Ci. ?Jitc Ctlil:t:'.:.,i:i i;y l)sy6J-optiic.:;:-l l-lelrlir't:,il:'i - Iilay issuc Stt)-f f ap1:roi'a.Ls for tninor changes j-il site design or other mil-ror aspects of the plan for an]' of the specifj,cci iievelopments or parcels. Thesc propcsed changes may be approved as lrlesented, approved rvith coirditions o:: denied by the Staff with an appeal rvithin 1O days of the Staff decision to the Plauning and nnvironnrental Commissign. !'or major changes, such as a re-design of a major part of the si.te, cirrirrges as use, density gontrol , height or cther developrnent standa.rcis, a Planning and Euvi.ronnrental Ccnunis;sion r"rriuo,6),r1cl be retiui-rcd. Thc procedure t-for cha.nges shall br-. in a.ccordauce v:ith Cirrpter 18.06 of thc Vail. Ilunicip:'r1 Cocie. e. Tlte folloli.ug deveiolrments ancl plrrc.els of property shell be subjcct to thc terrns of this ordinr[ce: ( 1) Ti:c '.'rr1l Llji , Phasc.s i throul;li C . (2) Slrltrce C-lccl< Tolrnlr,rttscs. ( 3 ) lr{clt dorv Crcr:li Contlo;rr j n i.ums . It m Ee -2- ( 4) Varil Intermountain Swim and 'fcnnis Club . (5) Briar Patclr, Lots G-2, G-5 and G-6 Lionsridge Subdivision Iiling No. 2. (6) Casa De1 So1 Condominiums. For any zoning purpose beyond the Eagle County Commissioners' approvals, agreements or actions, the developmeuts and parcels of property specified in this subsection (e) shal 1 be zoned Resldential Cluster (RC). f. Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing No. 4, shaIl be subject to the terms of this ordinance. For any zoning purpose beyond the Eagle County Commissioners' approval, agreement or action, this parcel of property shall be zoned Si-ngle Family Zone District (SFR) with a special pro- vision that an employee unit (as defined and restricted in Section 18.13,08 of the Vail llunicipal Code) rvill be subject to approvals as lrer Section 18.13.080. The secondary uni-t may not exceed one third. of the total Gloss liesidential Flco:: Area (GRF/I) all_orvecl on the 1ot as pel the Single Far:ri1y Zone District Density control (section 18.10.090 of ttre Vail llunici-pa"1 Code) and Greenbelt & Natural Open Space (GNOS). g. Lot G-4, Lionsridge Subdivision, Fili.ng No. 2, has been the subject of litigation in the District Cou::t of Eagle County , anrJ a Cqlrt order Iras been lssued regarding the dcvelopmetlt of tlris property. The 'forvn ir:rs furLher app:.'ovcd Resol-ution;i.l-: of 1g8i. in regarc.lo a subse- qrtent agreement rvith the owner. The Resi-dential clus-ler (Ro) zone District ivi1l be the applicable zone on this lrroperty to guide the future development of the parcel, rvorking rvithin the bouncis set by the Court Order and Resolution No. 5, Series of 1g81. h. Block 10 , Vail Intermountain Subdivisi-on and the Ell.iott Raitch Subdirrision, sha11 be sr.rbject to the. terms of thj-s orcli-nance. For an1, zoning purpose beyond the Eagle county commissioners' appro\ra-l, agree- lllellt ol' action, Block 1O and ttre lilliott Rench, shal.l. l:c zoned PliurzLr-1'/ secotrdaly District. Lots 8, 1s & 16 of Blocir 10, vail rntermountaj_n, slraIl be zonecl Greenbelt & Natural O1:en Space (GNOS). i. ' Vail Comnrons, VaiI Das Shone Fi1ing No. 4, slral1 be sirlljcct to the. tc'rns of this ordinance. For any zoning purpose beyond flre Eaglc Coitnty Contnii-ssioners' a.greerucnt, approvel or ac-l: j-ou, Va.i1 Ccllirrr<r1s sltall bc zoncd C<>rnnrcrcilt1 Corc III (CCIII). -3- Section 3. As provided in administrator Zoning Map to Section 4. Section 18.08.030 of the Vail l\lunicilral Code, tlre zoning is hereby directed to promtr)tly modify ancl amend the Official indicate the zoning specifj.ed herein. -r" If any pa.rt, section subsectj-on, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this orcliuance, and the Torvn Council hereby declares it would have passed this olclinance, and each part, section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, secti.ons, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be dectared invalid. Section 5. The council hereby states that this orclj-nance is necessary for the protection of the public heal_it:, saf et5' and vrelfare. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST BEADING, APPROVED AI{D ORDERED PUBLISIIED oNcE rN FULL, this 3rd day of itarch, 1981, and a public hearing on ttris ordinance sharl be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Tor'.'n o.f Vall, Colorado, on the 17th day of l,Iarch, 1gi]1., at T:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building of ilre Town of Vai1. l,l aSro r ATTIIST: -4- oo PLANN ING AND ENVIRONi4TNTAL January .l0, l9B3 COMM I SS ION PRESENT W'il I Trout Diana Donovan Jim Viele Dan Corcoran Duane Piper Gordon Pierce Jim Morgan (1ater) STAFF PRESENT Peter Jamar Peter Patten Betsy Rosol ack n /\ lrQv' l. Appointment of member to DRB for 3 months. Jim Viele volunteered to attend DRB January, February and March, and Gordon Pierce said that he would attend DRB April , May and June. ?. E'lection of new chairman to take office February i4. Dan Corcoran was re-elected chairnnn, and Duane Piper re-elected vice-chairnnn. 3. Approyal of minutes of December 'l3, .l982. |,lill Trout had two corrections to make to the minutes. Donovan moved and Pierce seconded to approve the minutes with the comections as noted. The vote was 6-0,in favor. 4, Bequest for exterior alteration and modific{tion in C ommerc al Core II in order to construct lovee locker space and pub'l ic locker acil i ties n the oadin ck area of the Vail Lionshead Gondola Buildinq.icant:ssoc. , Inc. Peter Jamar explained the request and added that since there really was no g4erlgr alteration, the Lionshead Urban Design Considerations and Design Guideljnes didnot apply. He referred the board members to the letter from Bob Parker suqgesting that sections 18.24.065 and .|8.26.045 be amended to exempt construction in interior areas only from the PEC review process. Jamar explained that the staff would be reviewing th'i s procedure. Shawn Primer of VA told of trash changes. Viele moved and Donovan seconded to approve the request per the staff memo datedGEEm6-e Ft tenrporaFiltl-- (-Y^ft 0") 5.uest for setback variance to encroach l0 feet into the'l 5 foot rear setback nq Forest Service property in or a two famil res idence onof II, block l, Potato Patch F'iljnq l.ppl icants:ave Iri and Fred Bartl it Peter Jamar reminded the board that there had been a similar request at thejr last meeting' but asking for an encroachment of'l 4 feet rather than .l0. Jarnar cxplainedthat the house had been nroved to the north, He added that one condition the staff would like to add would be that the applicant build a snot, fence along thc torest Service property line. Tonr Briner, archtect for the app'l icants, was jn tltc arrdience. t' L-v - L- Trout stated that he was even nrore enthusiastic about thc prorrosed projcct this time than he was last. Donovan said that if the purpose was to protect ther ncighbor, she would like to see rnore trees planted bet'rreen this pr"oject and the Wilson house. Viele favored the project. Corcoran agreed vrith Donovan that specific attcntion bepaid to the landscaping next to the Wilson's. (Patten arrived. )Donovan moved anc Lo_gl_$!g! qdlo__Cfft:ovq tle rgqqg1tl-S1:setbackDonovan moved and Trout seconded to applove tle -1gqqe1tl-S_!:_tl1e_.l0 foot re_g_l vaf r_qtqe_!9l__Ue:!q_f_f_Jne119_gqt_e-q__&nVryy_-"1Q._lSi3__w_fth_tj-e_ g.qlt_drtio_!_l-ha_t_ a !e19e_!e_p1e,qe{,q!o!g lbe ForegL letryiqe ptlofelIy__ljle qnq_q]_sgl!eI_!&B__Le_ in favor of aporoval .'ln Tavor oI approva I uest f onditional ermit in order to construct a drive-throu stri ct uest t0 amen an aoproved site a sn0\,1l" Etq"__pi"Is-$y-n.s_ttq-q-t-ro ttut-ons be l* .t"d to_l-qq!-!_&0,_g-Il3__planting on the Wilson side of the property. The vote,was 5-0 6. e-in teller faci ment a lity and to revise the parkinq plan for ------7----.--'-----__- ------Ji=-as Scnone, F l l lng 4. Appl ]cant: va l l Peter Patten exp'l-ained the two d i fferent requests and Jay Peterson, representing consider the conditional use permit first.the appl icant, requested that the board Patten showed the sjte plan and explained that the drjve-through facility was on the northeast corner of the site with 3 stations. (Pierce returned.) Signing was discussed. Peterson felt that the drive-jn bank helped rather than hindered the project, as much traffic at banks was five-mjnute. Gary Swetish, architect, added that they may use a gate, but hadn't decided. Piper moved and.Pierce seconCed to approve the con4itional;EstaTfinq. Next the s'ite plan amendment was considered. Patten showed the site p1 an changes and explained the added parking spaces. Peterson said that the owners of the Vail Commons project owned 52% of the Vail Das Schone shopping center where part of the parking for the Vail Commons was to take place. Patten added that there two i conditions for approval . (Morgan arrived.) One was that the appl'icant pay for the cost to construct a bike path on the south side of both the Vail Cornmons area and the Vail das Schone parcel . A second condition was that a deed restrictjon be filed for an off-site and joint parking facil ity agrement for the Vail das Schone property. Jay Peterson objected to the condition of paying for the bike path. He stated thatVail Cornmons already had approval fron the County, and shouldn't have to pay for the bike path which he felt was an added burden and unfair. Corcoran pointed outthat Simba Run and Vallj Hj had to pay for the bike paths in front of their properties. Peterson answered that that had been a part of their original SDD approval, but V.C. already had received approval from the County. Trout asked'if there were anyproperties that had been approved along the N. Frontage Road that had no.t br:en askedto install a b'i ke path, and Patten answered, "N0," stating Sirrrba Run and Vall i-H'i were the only ones. Pierce asked how the bike paths were fundcd, and Patten repljed that they t';,'r'tt funded through recreation fees and general open space capital inrprovement funds. ['attt:n an to allow the dr e vat I uommons oev ns, Ltd. i'i C -3- 1 1l:, , .:sked Peterson if ilttshetter vlrs stitl part o, r?t,,,, ;rnd petersori .,trcd that it was. Patten suqgested that onc requirement a1rcady,rr,.:r_, under tlrr: !,,:r.tnLy,that the appl icant put in a bus sheltcr on Chanronix Road alorr'1 viith an acr-, ,:,, irr_rpthe shelter to the Vail Conttnons arca. Peterson replied thaL Vajl Conrnons wouliJ gradethe bike path, put in entployee housing and the bus shleter. The phasing of the project was djscussed. Corcoran was concerned that there mightbe a utility easement in front of the property that would prohibit construction ofthe bike path. _Peterson repi ied that t-he Town could buil d on top of utilities,but would have to replace the paving if it were damageZ. More discussion followed concerning grading, landscaping and paving of the bikepath. lfpSf_ntqre4_q&_lf€le seconded to aoorols_Lhe_3rns1tlell sile_p_l,qlgfp91-lle {q_||ry:mg tTn- ii-aranTnq i-tLre timeof constructi V-ugfsg-r."lrnntlaTTuficrpaT-I@ The vote was 7-0, unanimously in favor. W,of the=geleral cjrculation and access p'lqn forthe Arteria]-Bus-ness-DTstFictl-IFpTica sean Patten explained that_the ltatg ttigtrway Department had the final jurisdict.ion inacceleration and deceleration lanei, airO that a meeting had been scheduled forThursday with them. He added that the staff had receiied different answers fromdifferent persons in the Highway Department ana was-iryins-to resolve this, wiihthe resu'l t that the staff wished to table th'is item uniil the January 24 meeting. More discuss'ion followed. and Viele moved and Donovan seconded to tabl e this itemunti I the meetin ot Janua vote was 0-l w an a STti[Tnq. Dick Ryan announced Council that would that there wou'l d belast from 12:00 noon a joint meeting onuntil 5:00 pm. January 25 with the PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION January'10, l9B3 2:00 3:00 1. 2. 5. 4. pm pm Site Inspections Pub'l ic Hearing 5. E. Appointment of member to DRB for 3 months. Elect.ion of new chairman to take office February 14' Approval of mjnutes of December l3' 1982. Request for exterjor a'l teration and modification jn Commercial Core II in order to constrqct emp'l oyee locker space and public locker facilitjes in it"-toiaing dock area'ofthe Vail Lionshead Gondola Building. Appl icant: Vail Associates, Inc. Request for setback variance to encroach l0 feet into the 1.5 foot rear's;iil;i adjoining Forest Seivice property in order_to build a two fami'ly residence on lot-18, block'1, Vail Potato Patch Fi'ling l' App'licants: Dave Irish and Fred Bartlit Request for a condit'ional use permit 'in order to construct a drive-through Uarit facitity in the CC3 zone district and a.request to amend an approved illl piin'to"allow [ne arive-ln teller facility and to revise the parking pian ior the Vail Commons deve'lopment at Va1l das Schone, F'i1ing 4. Appl icant: Vail Commons, Ltd. 6. Request for reconsjderation of the genera'l circulation and access p1 an. ior tf," Arterial Business District.- Applicants: Property owners in the proposed Arterial Business District. Published in the Vai'l Trail January 7' 1983. ! I ,-./-i'DECEMBER lO, 1982 AI'PLIC^T:[OI'] rOI(M lr()li COND]:IIIONNL [ISI' PERI'III I. 'i This procedure is roquircclConditional Use Permit. The application will not be submitted. for any pr<.rjcct required to obtain a accepted until all infornation is PrroNE 99L-oo?.2 A. NAME OF apPLfCANT vArr. corrlr{oNs r,'rD ADDRESS gg:: r,ewr,en avnNun, €urrn 3oz B. NAME Or APPLICANT'S REPI{.ESBNTATIVE BRINER/SCOrr ARCHITECTS' INC. ADDRBSS 143 EAsr PHONE 476-3034 JAY PETERSON - DEVELOPMENT REPRESENTATIVE c.AUTIIORIZAT OF PROPERTY n SIGNATUI],E ADDRESS LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRBSS VAIL DAS SCHONE, WEST VAIL LEGAL DESCRTPTION LoL Bl.oclt Filingr N0. 4 I.allll ul tlJ , tt,V.' Ft0 t o,.t_ "to I t?'L wl (u- FSB $50.00 irlrts rtn ratc for cach A list- of thc name a.moLrnt equa 1 to t.hc ploPcrty owncr: to bc of owners of all therr cttrrcnt f irst-c i.a ss l)ostaSe not i Fi cd heleurder. property adjacent to thc subject propcr'Ly and tlicir adrlres.scs. tv VAIL COMMONS CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION NATURE OF PROPOSED USE: Drive-thru Bank Facilj-ty, accessory to proposed occuPancy of First National Bank of Denver in the Vail Conunons Project' OPERATING HOURS: Normal Banking Hours FACILITIES PROVIDED: Three drive-thru traffic lanes and one hralk-up teller window. COMPATIBILITY WITH SURROUNDING USES: Facility will be visibte on south and west sides where commercial activities are currently in existence. North and east sides will be built j.nto existing slope of sj.te to conceal facilj.ties from Chamonix Lane residents. (See attached drawings) PROPERTY OV\INERS ADJACENT TO VAIL COMMONS SITE Vo', oo, scHoNE ,o*oo'Orc Unlt No. A5, 6, 15, lg,20e26 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-7 A-8 A-9 A- l0 A-ll A- t2 A-t3 A-lll Name and Address West Vail Assoclates, Ltd. 9933 Lawler Avenue Skokie, lllinols 50075 Spears, Larry D. 6 Rogers, Caroll 526 D. AvenueLawton,0k. 73501 W6WAssociates, Ltd. 9933 Lawler Avenue, Suite 410 Skokie, lllinois 60076 Kajita, Earnest T. 6 Yukiko 9ox 27Vail, Colorado 81557 Gusse I J. Thomas P.0. Box 3335 Aspen, Colorado 816lL Showa I te r , Howa rd G. 28364 Lorain Road North 0lmsted, 0hio EIf070 Vesterstein, Pau I 3822 Gladstone Street Duluth, Hinnesota 55804 Scand inav ian Ski Shop, lnc, c/o Magnusson, Bengt Rume l62 l !/aukega Road Glenview, | | I inois 60025 Downhi I I Associates, Inc. c,/o He I ms , Il. R i cha rd 0ne IBM Plaza Chicago, lllinois 506 ll Hamro I , Burt Sr. 832 Fell st. San Francisco, Cal ifornia 94 117 Her i tage House Apt. 29 East First St. Hinsdale, lllinois 60521 Franch isc Operat ions , Inc. 28364 Lorain Road North 0lmsted, 0hio 44070 Gore Val ley Interprises, Inc.2l5l North Frontage Road West eox 430Vail, Colorado 81657 w. A- l5 uo'it oo, scHoNE coNDor,u ut ,"onr inued) A- r7 A- l8 A-2 | A-22 A-23 A-2\ A-25 A-27 A-28 REsuBDrvr s roN oF BUFFEItfcREEK Lot No. -26-- "-21-.- l.l 6 !J Associates Ltd. 9933 Lawler Avenue, Suite 410 Skokie, llllnois 60076 Franch ise Operat ions , Inc. 28364 torain Road North 0lmsted, 0hio 44070 Dietrich, Joseph N. 9933 Lawler Avenue skokie, lllinols 60076 Wright, Carl H. Box 2176 Vail, Colorado Brugh, Patrick Box | 502Vail, Colorado Stel lo 81657 J. 6 Lesl ie K. 81657 c/o Wade, Lloyd R. 3275 South Steele St. Denver, C<.rlorado 80201 Gore Val ley lnterprises, lnc.2l5l North Frontage Road West Box 430Vail, Colorado 81657 Pans i ng , James E. 50 South Steele St., Suite 558 Denver, Colorado 80209 Resort P rope r t. ies 3894 Niagra tlay Denver, Colorado 80237 | | ian olv \ Erickson, Paul A. € Jeannine \po souttr Foothill Dr. Derivql , Co lorado 80228 Jacobi ,/Jean Paul a 204\7,,6or ia Lane ! .2+- ia Fields, lllinois 50461 ( zg ) Hi ller, william Henry lll\,-/ ' Box 1528Vail, Colorado 81657 -37- 4r' -rd --foA-J VAIL HEIGHTS FILING NO. I Lot No. 1E=# VA IL HE I GHTS CONDOM I N I UI.I #2 Un it No. l-A spara it is, Arv in va \of or "dor,r{tSSl Ka s pa ra\ i s .r. Roma s 81657 Colel Patricia H. aif , Colorado 8'1657 ael H. 6 Cole, Lynn L 6 Henry I Sam Dav i s Co. lnc. clo Dav is, Roi C. Jr. 820 l5th st. #800 Denver, Colorado 8O2O2 Brandess, Leo, Jayne c/o Brandess-Cadmus Real Estate, Inc. Box ll05 Vail, Colorado 81657 Mclaughl in, S. Douglas 6 Harding, Thomas G. t Ke I ton/Garton Investment Co. Box 567Vaif, Colorado 81657 Rickman, Patricia A. Box 1383Vail, Colorado 8165> Rickman, John l,/. Box 1383Vaif, Colorado 8165>. Knight, Reuben B.l90l Tenth St. Wichita Fal ls, Texas 76301 Xarshall, David E Mooney, Kemp 2099 Chamonix LaneVail, Colorado 81657 D ixon, Gera I d D.c/o Vel loy Clcaners Minturn, Colorado 81645 l-B i uo,a retnrrr rnroor,*,rll l("on.inued) Unlt No, l-c 2-A 2-S 2-C 3-A 3-B 3-C VAIL HEIGHTS CONDOMINIUH /I 5. Vail, Colorado 81657 Wheeler, Janis K. E 0l Box 29l l Vail, Colorado 81657 Burket, Joseph F. ll6 8ox l l87Vaif, Colorado 81657 Mooney, H. K, lll General DeliveryVail, Colorado 81657 EI iopulos, George Box 1948VaiI, Colorado 81657 lly, Brian E. Jantzen, Wi Ima Sue Dav is, Ross Jr. Box 190 Va il , Co lo rado 0sterfoss, James Box 970Vail, Colorado L inden, Marge E. Box 955 81657 6l'largaret 81657 M. Kel Un it No. t. 2. Schroeder,Oonnis E. 214 North Broadway Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 Burgum, Freder ick Arthur Farmers' Elevator Co. Arrhur, N.D.58006 l,/e t t laufer, Varren Taylor Box 3l5ltVail, Colorado 81657 Nigh, Jerry t Cathy Box 485 Avon, Colorado 81620 Wood, Andrikopoulos 6 S imakso c/o A, G. Andrikopoulos Box 788 Cheyenne, Wyoming 72001 Tschopp, David E. Box 1728Vail, Colorado 81657 3. 4. 5. it Ia. J.7.. 8. 9. t0. ll t2. Low, Glenn E, Jr. 6 GinaP.0. Box 273 Avon, Colorado 81520 Borstad, Darlene Box 1454Vaif, Colorado 81657 Golden, Beverly J. Box 1697Vail, Colorado 81657 Costel lo, Charlyn t't. Box 261Vaif, Colorado 81657 0'Br ien, Thornas C. Box 432Vail, Colorado 81657 Emrick, Gary D. Box X Avon, Colorado 81620 Hickey, l.llchael Patrick; Kdenan, Janet Engel Box 2013 Vai l, Colorado 81657 l,lcCoy, lll | | iam J. 8ox | 547Vaif, Colorado 81657 Mills,,Dolores C. 560 Sunset Drive Coral Gables, Florida 33134 4ioyt, El lanor A. 8ox 850Vail, Colorado 81657 Hinne - Vail Vll 7ll South Smith Avenue St. Paul, Hinnesota 55107 Haupin Roberta Jo Box 2753Vail, Colorado 81657 K. 3. lt. 5. 5. i t- -i 7. 8. ,t I CROOKED SKI TOWN HOUSES Snyder, Laura H. Box 3412Vall, Colorado 81657 Debra S. Gi I lett Box 907 Vai l, Colorado 81657 Hardy, Hichael R. Box l9l IVail, Colorado 81657 Pyke, Virginia A. Box 1775Vail, Colorado 81657 HOMEOWNERS ASSOCI ATION l.Gilbert, Cynthia A.; Beeson, Frances Box 78 IVail, Colorado 81657 8ass, Patricia L. 930 Windsor Trail Roswell, Georgia tOO76 Langhoff, Charles R. a OeCoot , Bruce Box 2125 Vai f, Colorado 81657 Horris, Gerald S. e Stephanie S. 260 A South Monaco Parkway oenver, Colorado 802211 A.; Beeson, Richard L. E. 4. a/^ W/*Lul:T 3 Ita -.. ,F.1 DEPARTMENT EAcrE CouNrY t OTPPI.ANXITO AND DEVELOTITENT r:,il .: Jeffrcy B. Sclby P.O.Box 1528 Vrll, Colorrdo Erglc Coulty Aanex P.O. Bo! ?89 Eegle, Colorrdo 81631 5 Augugt 19?6 61e$? Ro: . Zo-E-?6 tbe orpttoned eppllcatlon wta rt tbc 6 August l9?.[ hgrt4g Pbm 83E-633E At your rsquortl Comnlrslonsrs, Bort rogrdr, Qucnlln Mltohctt, Jr. Plunlng Arstrtln.t QM/gc Enc. (l) wltMrun. Tha Boerd of Couaty' eooepted your wlthdrewal._i i.., i'i .. . ' i'''.:' lr iT::::ifl,::":,T":::i): Eaglo Countyr Colorado File No. Feo Paid Datc Rccd. 7 a-/-75_ $-2A 2-4- (minlmum 5 copies required; print or type, except signatures) . Section 10'Oo Applicent Jeffrev B. Se1hy, Moit Address P.O. Box 1528, Vail lncne";!fp1!!!!- 1. Type of Amendment sought (check as apprbpriate): x Zone District Map; ---PO; Administrative 2. Present Zons Commercial/ to: Proposed Zooe_&Utrer.g& 1 / Genera 1 3. General location of propertY.Vail das Schone Comnercial Center adjacent to Resubdivision of Buffer Creek, between North Frontage Road and Chamonix Road 4. Zone District t\4ap attached? ves (sec. 10.02.01) 5. Legal desciiption of property a. Subdivision Name Vail das Schone Commercial Ce4!er- -Lot Btk b.. metes and bounds (may be attached): (Addn. .No, ) 6. Brief Purpose and Reason for Amencjment (s) (may be attached) : To change the zoning of the property to a11on for a greater number of commercial uses which are conslstent \rith Vailt s only major conrmercial aod shopping center. Th'e change of zone will al1ow the properEy owners greaEer flexabllity in provlding commerctal services to the Vail area. ?. Attach e>qrtination oi avidence ihat Amendment is desiraSle (sec. 1O'03-03 a,b,c,d): (include possible negative impacts of proposed change). 8- A complete Iist of all orvners including acJdresses, of the propcrty propcsed for Rezoning end of all ov/ners of all aCjacent properties is attached hereto; this signatory is Properly auihorized to mal<e application for Aro,6d;nents stefed herecn-. n A , '--'shfr appl i date ' Otf ice Use Appl ication accepted as complete for Public Hearing on date Application rejected as lncomplcte for Public Hearing because: datc by: plrJrlning i.rdmir ri:;t rat or ['ugc 1 cf 2 a In reviewing the proposed Anendment, we feel the County Connnissioners and the Planning Connnission should consider the followlng poinls in their deliberation of the rezoning request: A. In as much as it is the intent to give this area commerciaL use zonlng, the exlsting zoning ls inconsistent with thepollcies and goals of the Master Plan. Ihe existing zoning, Commercial- T-imited, restricts the use of. the properLy to meetlng the daily or convenience shopping needs of the imme- dj.ate area. In fact, thls area services a much larger com- munlty, the entire Gore Va1"1ey. In thls comunity there is no area for locatLng certain necessary cormnercial oPerations such as a site where area businesses can recelve and store goods which will later be brought to :retail establlshmenLs'or a site where wholesale buslnesses can conduct business wLthout having to be located ln a retall- area. Not having a slte for these types of operations has necessltated the use of facilities removed frorn the community or significantly altering standard business operations. This has resulted in extra expense, Limitation of flexibility, and trenendous incon- venience to area businesses. If other facilities have been l-ocated, they are not cost ef fecti.ve because of the added fuel and enpl.oyee time required in their use. Ihe proposed zoning, Commercial General-, increases the allowable uses of the site to lncLude a business service center. Such a servi.ce center would provlde a site for the types of operations referred to above and wouLd al-low area businesses to operate more effectively. A service center is a very definite community need, particul-arLy at a tlme lrhen Vail Village is attempting to pedestrlanize itself. B. The area for which rezoning is requested has been designated as a comrercial center by the Master Plan and the applicants are not changing the area in any measurable degree such that the proposed use wouLd be against the public interest. Ihe area is already Partlally developed wlth commercial uses such as Safe- r.tay as well as many other retail shops and commercial services. The applicants are in fact, applytng for a change which is very much in the public interest as such a facillty is desparately needed ln the Gore Vallev area. C. fhe area whlch is the subJect of this rezoning application, does. possess geologlcal, physiol"ogical and other environmentaL condi- tions which are compatable with and characteristic of the use requested. The property is mostly fl-at with a very slight slope to the southwest. The main access is off the Frontage Road which is a commerc ial route. For the above reasons and wlth the knowledge that the proposed business servlce center is greatly needed in the area, the petitioners ask that the Planning Courmission and County Coromissioners apProve the proposed zoning change. P{esent Propertv qnner Vail City Corporation Suite 250 Greenwood Plaza Terrace Englewood, CO 80LL0 Contract Optlon Holders Jeffrey B. Selby Rlchard M. Tofel David J. Tyrrell P.O. Box 1528 Vall, CO 81657 AdJ aceot Prop.er ty ftilners Vail City Corporation Sulte 25O Greenwood Plaza Terrace Englewood, C0 80L10 Lot 38 ResubdivisLon of Buffer Creek Rol C. Davis Jr. Sher:man Agency 828 Shernan St. Denver, CO 80207 I.ot 39 Resubdlvlsion of Buffer Creek VaiLden Conpany Ltd. Z CarL V. Anuta 450 South 40th Street Boulder, C0 80303 ? &1r .-4.-,2rF+r'4rL*-r'-1r -'{,$|'_f$tt'ifr(. rl'8er'* iflttf " ',..':r J1r'41 4|.4*t ;r':,i!]...* '*t/ , EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT ,RECEIVED OF ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee lication For flt z Subd ivision APPI ication Conditional U19 Special Use ariance Aopeal Fee Code: (Building) Total Recqived All items are received no-payment of any item' I.,ll' 562 AMOUNT [."ipt snafr be cancelled for,#k o Gore Range Properlies REALTOR O Bichard M.Tolel rlellrey B. Selby August 5, L975 81657 Eagle County Comnissioners Eagle, CO 81631 Dear SLrs: We are withdrawing our appLlcatlon for rezoning of 120,000 square feet of Vail Das Schone commercial area from Commercial, Linited to Comnercial, General for the following reason: Feedback from the public indicated much concern \,tith the blanket rezonlng to comnercial general even though the particular design and use of the proposed building was not necessarily objectionable. This problem results from the fact that the county has no control- for de- sign rewlew of any proposed buildings or their uses. While we were perfectly willing to restrict our use and design to that vhich we had proposed to the West Vail Association, there Ls no vehicle in the county zonlng procedure to assure the public of our intent. lilhile our intent was to provide a service ln Vail- Val1-ey which we deter- mined from public comment was needed; namely, an alternative drop-off point for dellveries to VaiL to hel-p the vlllage attain a more pedestrian character, lt became apparent from many citlzens of West Vail'that novi.ng this problern from the Vtllage to West Vail was not in the valleyr s best interest. Sincerely, Ior: Jeffrey B. Se1-by Richarcl M. Tofel David J. Tyrrell- Uail,Golorado P.0. Box 152E Uail. Colorado 61657 303-476-24E2 I'J ltt'?",.? T 3';l'"&'ff i' i3 ;''d': lD Eagle Countyr Colorado Flle No. Ze-8-?b Selby Plannlng Commission Recomm€nd approval condit lons: Action: Date of Public Hearing 18 June 1975 xR€commend denlal r€asons: Board of Qounty Commissioners Actlon! Date of Publlc Hearing Approved condltions: oeniea X reasons: Withdrawn by e pFrli c nnt 5 Aueust 1975 _Date Page 2ot 2 August 1, 1975 Eagle County Corunissionersc/o Mike Blair, CounLy Planner Eagle County Court HouseEagle, Colorado RECEIVED AUG 5 - 1975 .tept. 0t Pl:iiririltj & lj!yel fagle County, Colo- Gentlemen: I have auLhorized Mr. Frank Earle to Present this letter Eo Lhe Board meeting on Tuesday, August 5, as a forqal protesE to the request for a zoning chbnge on the land imnediatgly -east of tlie Vail Das Shone Shopping Center from the limited conrmercial to full comnercial cbtegory. As an owner of property in close proximity to this land, I strongly protest such re- zoning for Ehe following reasons: 1. The comunity of West Vail is priqarlly a residential cornmunity. As such, zoning land full corrnerical is inconsistent with the needs of the residenEs and with other land use in Ehe West Vail area. 2. Full comercial zoning and the related activity (in this case, that surroinding a warehouse facility) would create visual and noise pollution. Should diesel machinery be required i.e., large trucks, it would create air pollution as well. 3. The traffic pat.terns created by warehouse and/or manufacturin! activity in a residential area would be hazardous to children waiting for school buses and at play. 4. The addition of a full conrnerical zoning area would have a significantly detrimental affect on values of surrounding residenLial Property' 5. The inconsistancy in service requirements for resi-dential and full-comnercial property would cause added expense in Lhe construction and mainEenanceof utility and road services. 6. Section 7.00.1 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution requires an Environmental Impact Report on "afl-... larid use change. . . : " At the very minimum, I believethat an EIR on a change of this significance should be required before a ruling is made on this request. Eagle County Corqmissioners Page 2 August L, L975 cc: Dan Koprinakar CLlseb Due to the above listed reasons, I feel that the WestVail land use mix created by the requested change would bei_nappropriate and consequently I stiongly urge you to rejectthe zoning change request being nade tonight. I thank you for hearing this protest. Sineerely,. t i11 C-[^*I,o L*qt^{( Charles n. r.r'gr,Jr 0U P. 0. Box 2126Vail, Colorado 8L657 SACILE COUNTY DEPANTMENT OT PTANNINC AND DEVELOPMENT Eaglc County Annex P. O. Box ?80 Ergb, Coloredo El83r 19 Junc 19?5 Phons 388-0388 Srlby/Tofcl/ud Tyrrell P. O. Box 1628 Vell, Coloredo 6166? Re: Ftlc No. Zo-8-?5 Rczonlng Selby/Tofe l,/Tyrrell At thclr regular meottng on 18 Juna 19?5, thc Eegle county plranlng comnlcrlon rrvtewed your Appltcetlon for RoronlrS from Commcrolel Ltntted to Commerold Gcnoral rtd recommcuded that lt be dratcd. The rscommcndatton wttl bc prceented to thc Board of county commlselon*rrt thctr epeclrl meetlng on 86 Junr 19?6, beglnnlng rt g:00 A.M. ln Roorn 3, Eegle Coulty Annex, 616 Brordwey. Eqgle, Coloredo, At thet tlme, the Boud oould aot ea rdvcrtlgad publlc hcrrlng for lurthsr revlrr of the eppllcr[on. tf you havc rny quceUona, youtrc.woloonc to oontrct thle offlos. Eeet RqgrnCa, Qucnttp Mltobcll. Jr. Plmnlng Aralettat QM,/Kt cs: Boerd of County Commlesloaerr |o oo L- Ar€ust 2, L!15 Messrls Micke Blair Da].e Grant Daniel Kopri.nkar A1 Orlorslry County Comissionersrhgle County Cour"b House Eagle, Colorado GenLlenen: As I rjJL be unable to attend the neeting on August 6, re re-zon5:rg to a comerical ar€a the property easrb of Safenay ir Vail das schone, I wou.Id li-ke hererith to voice ry opposition to above nentioned re-zonJrg, In view of the fact that there are now geveral warehousea under constructionin Dow Junction and north of l{inburn, I feel that the above property shouJd renaiJl as is desi€nated at this ti-ue. At the busiest season, runely October tfrmugh Aprile tnrck traffic rould be ocbreue\r heaW if we aLlowed walehouse Epace on the pr.oposed site. Si.nce school buses are pickiag up snalJ- childrea it rould be rcre desireable to have comprical tnrcks on the intergtate with dfuect access to Vail. I have been eryloyed at Chrisby $ports as office nanager since 1971 and have resided iJt VaiJ. for the past eight f,eareo I a^n ve4y aware of the need for warehouge epace but do feeL that the rrarehouses in Dor{ Junction will sernrice our neede at this ti.ne adequately. $ vote would defiaiteJy be gg on the proposed re-zon5lg. Si.ncere\r, Vail, Colorado 8f557 cc: Karea Scheidegger l{ondick lrIOl/tEELltrllror Gore Range Properlies REALTOR O Bichard M. Tolel rlellrey B. Selby Uail, Golorado Et657 P.0. Bor 152E Uail. Colorado E1657 303-476-24EZ l4ay 19, 1975 l.Ir. Quentin Mitchell Eagle County Planning Office Eagle, C0 81631 Zc. - *-zt s sL ttV ?-ezaa,,E- Dear Quentln: Enclosed is a llst of the property olrners of Vail Helghts, Flling 1, Subdi.vlsion, whlch are adjacent to the property proposed for rezonlng. This llst shoul-d complete the entire llst of adJ acent property olrners. I have also asked Mr. Dave El-more to write a letter to you acknowl-edginB 13 1, ri ::i"::it::i:g the requested proposed rezonlng. You should have lt in - no'*,rrF,( ap77rlVlVIf you have any queetions or need any further information, please do '] I ! not hesltate to call me co11ect. Thank you for al-1 your he1-p and advise. Sincerely, Lot 17 -t. Lot 16 Lot 15 - 1. n 3. 4. 2. J. 4. 5. 8. o 10. 11. 6. 7. t). nur."",FILlNG Crooked Ski Totmhouses John K & Maree C. Jacks 11481 I^t. 27rh Place Lakewood, CO 80L20 Howard & Sharon Fricke 30 Danbury Drive Springfleld, IL 6270q C.R. Langhoff & B.E. De Cook Box 2126 Vail, CO 81657 Morri-s & Les S. Levitt 3700 E. rliff Denver, C0 8021-0 James C. Craig & Robt. W. McMillan Box L14 Vail, CO 81-657 Vall- Heights Condornlnium Ronald D. t{tlhelm Box 1255Vatl, CO 8L657 Fred K. Burgum & Bruce J. Pearson Arthur Farmers t Elevator Co. Arthur, ND 58006 David M. Floyil Box 1084 Vall, CO 8L657 Frank R. & Maurine L. McNeill Box l-491- Vail, CO 81657 Wood-Andrikopoulos & Simakso Z Paulson, odeLl & Peterson L776 Lincoln Denver, CO 80203 Robert W. McMillan Box 1035 Vai]-, GO 81657 James C. Craig Box 1l-4Vail, CO 81-657 Patricia A. Rickman Box l-383 Vai1, CO 81657 Barclays Ltd. 7" L.B. Robertson 4L1 Colorado Bldg. Boulder, CO 80302 Charlyn M. Costello Box 26L Va1l, CO 81657 Janet M. Rudder Box 2015 Vall, C0 81657 Gary D. Enrick Box 1455 Vai1, C0 81657 12. PLANNING STAFF INFORUON SHEET t#:vY!. N6ne Selby/Tofel R"qr"rt__ x==o!'ng__ (1) Location: Eastern end of Das Schone commercial tract, east of Safeway. (2) Size: 12o,ooo sq. ft. (3) Proposed Action: Rezoning from Commercial Limited (CL) to Commercial' Genefal (CO) to perm'it the construction and operation of a trucking and warehousing facility. (4) Significant Physical Features: None though drainage easemenis will be a' pre-condition of construction. (5) Surrounding Land Uses (600t or more, as significant): Commercial to west. Residential to east and north. North frontage road to south. (6) Utitities (Availability,/Locations)r y"" (7) Roads (Types/Locations): paved road along south edge. . (8) Current Area Zoning: CL - Commercial Limited (9) Other Significant Conditions: None . (10) Staff Comments: See #4, above (11) ' Staff Recommendations and Conditions: Approval EAGLE COUNTYDEPARTt'frr':#l)i#? DE vEL? ENr P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6398 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 3 June 1975 Vai I City Corporation Suite 250 Greenwood Plaza Terrace Englewood, Colorado 80110 The purpose of this letter is to advise you that there has been arezoning applicationmadewhich'ifapproved,wou|daffect|andinyourimmediatearea.Foryour information, the following is provided: Name of Applicant: Jeffrey B. Selby, Richard M. Tofel , David J. Tyrrell Description of Subject Land: Vail das Schone Commercial Center adjacent to Resubdivision of Buffer Creek, between North Frontage Road and Chamonix Boad. Present Zone District: Commercial ,/ Limited . Proposed Zone District: CommercialAeneral Date and Location of Publ ic Hearing: Wednesday, tU rrn" 1975, beginning at 8:00 P.M., Eagle County Annex, Rm 3, 510-Broadway, Eagle, Colorado 81631 . Your comments conceming this application are invited. For further information, do not hesitate to contact this off ice. S incerely,M Quentin Mitchel I, Jr. Planning Assistant av/*t EAGLE COUNTY D EPARTN4J"% :Hll) i#? o r veuf,r rr..rr P. O. l3ox 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 3 June 1975 Roi C. Davis Jr. Sher man Agency 828 Sherman St. Denver, Colorado 80207 The purpose of this letter is to advise you that there has been a rezoning apptication made which, if approved, would affect land in your immediate area. For your information, the following is provided: Name of Applicant: Jeffrey B. Selby, Richard M. Tofel , David J. Tyrrel I Description of Subject Land: Vail das Schone Commercial Center adjacent to Resubdivision of Buffer Creek, between North Frontage Road and Chamonix Road. Present Zone District: Commercial/Limited . Proposed Zone District: Commercial/General Date and Location of Publ ic Hearing: Wednesday, 18 June 1975, beginning at 8:00 P.M. Eagle County Annex, Rm 3, 510 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. Your comments concerning this application are invited. For further information, do not hesitate to contact this office. S incerely,4*t^MJa// Quentin Mitchel l, Jr. -'t ' Planning Assistant QM/Kt EAGLE Vai lden Company Ltd. c/o Qarl V. Anuta 450 South 40th Streetrr Boulder, Colorado 80303 D E P A RrM0'J;'""'jSl)?#? DE vELt/ E Nr P. O. Box 789 Phone 32e-6398 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 3 June 1975 The purpose of this letter is to advise you tlrat there has been a rezoning application made which, if approved, would affect land in your imrrrediate area. For your information, the following is provided: Name of Applicant: Jeffrey B. .Selby, Richard M. Tofel , David J. Tyrrell Description of Subject Land: Vail das Schone Commercial Center adjacent to Resubdivision of Buffer Creek, hretween North Frontage Road and Chamonix Road. Present Zone District: Commercial,/Limited Proposed Zone D istrict: Commerc ial,/General Date and Location of Public Hearing: Wednesday, 18 June .1975, beginning at 8:00 P.M. Eagle County Annex, Rm 3, 510 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. Your comments concerning this application are invited. For further information, do not hesitate to contact this office. S incerely,/.*/h"nffi{/U Quentin Mitchell, Jr. Planning Assistant oM/kt TiIUTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO Notice is hereby given that the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners shal I conduct aPublic Hearing beginning at 7:30 PM on A,ugust 5, 1975. Said hearing is being held in compliance with section 10.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution, and it will convene at the Commissioner meeting room, 510 Broadway, Eagle. The following matters will be heard: 1. File No. Zc-5-75 Applicant: Allen Stephens Request: Rezoning of 15.078 acres of land from Resource (n) anA Residential Suburban Medium Density (RSM) to Residential Multi-Family (RMF). Location: lmmediately rrcrth and east of Vail Intermountain Subdivision, more specif ical ly described as fol lows: Parcel 1: tlAll that part of the NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., described as fol lows: Beginning at the NW corner of said NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Section 141 whence the true position of the West 1/4 corner of said Section 14, bears S 87009rW, 1380.06; thence N 87009' E-, 415.0 feet to a point on the Northerly bank of Gore Creek; thence S 33002'W. 185.09 feet to a pointontheSoutherlybankof GoreCreek; thenceS 1031 | E. 130.0 feet; thence S 87009' W., 310.0 feet to a point on the Westerly, line of said NE 1/4 SW 1/4; thence N 1031' W. 280.0 feet along the Westerly lineof saidNE 1/4SW1/4to theN.W. cornerof saidNE 1/4 SW 1/4, the point of beginning, containing 2.08 acres, more or less, County of Eagle, State of Colorado." Parcel 2: 'All that part of the NW 1,/4 SW 1/4 Section 14 Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of said NW1,/4 SW 1/4, whence the true position of the West 1/4 corner of said section 14 bears South 87009 I West . 1004.69 feet; thence North 87o09t East 375.37 feet along the northerly line of said NW 1/4 SW 1/4 to the Northeast corner of ' said NW 1/4 SW 1/4; thence South OOo31.t East 2BO.O0 feet along the easterly line of said NW 1/4 SW 1/4; thence South 83o 32' W. 156.00 feet; thence North 39o 11r 3O'r W. 359.71 feet to a point on the northerly line of said NW 1/4 SW 1/4 the point of beginning." The above described tract of land contains 1.748 acres more or less. Publ ic Notice Pige 2 Parcel 3: Parcel 4: rAll that part of the N 1/2 dw r/a of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian' lying South of the Northerly line of said N 1/2 SW 1/4 and West of the Easterty line of said N 1/2SW 1/4, described as follows: Beginning at apoint on the Northerly line of said N 1/2SW 1/4 whence the true position of the West Quarter Corner of said Section 14 bears S. 87009' W. 1795.06 feet; thence N. 87o 09 I E. 965.06 feet along the Northerly line of said N 1/2 SW 1/4 to the Northeast cornerof said N 1/2 sW 1/4; thence S- o1o 28t 45n E. 28O.OO feet along the Easterly line of said N 1/2SW 1/a; thence s. 870 ogtw'. 673.17 feet; thence S. 730 32' w. 605.35 feet; thence S. 52o 59t 3ort W. 14?.24 feet; thence N. 39o 11t 30" W. 263.87 feet; thence N. 83o 32t e. 156.00 feet; thence N- B7o O9r E. 310.00 feet; thence N. 01o 31' W. 130.00 feet; thence N. 3*O2' E. 185.09 feet to a point on the Northerly line of said N 1/2 SW 1/4, the point of beginning and containing 8-55 acres' more or less, together.with a perpetual right-of-way over and across the land belonging to party of the first part adjoining on the South by way of existing or revised roadways to the existing roadway so as.to provide perpetual ingress and egress from United States Highway 6 to the above described property from the South. " Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado. Township 5 South, Range 81 West Section 14, Lot 13. 2. File No. Zc-6-75 Applicant: David Grounds Bequest: Rezoning tive (5) acres of land from Resource (B) to Rural I Residential (RR). Location: "Lot 1-A parcel of tand situated in Tract No. 101 of Sections 2O and 29 in Township 5 South, Range 85 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows:" tBeginning at a point whence an iron post with a brass can found in place and properly marked for Angle Point No. 5 of Tract No- 99, said point being the same as Angle Point No. 4 of Tract No- 100 in said township and range bears; N 22o 161 29't E 679.92 feet; thence South 312.89 feetl thence West 348.05 feet; thence North 3i2.89 feet; thence East 348.05 feet to a point of beginning. " The above described parcel of land contains 2.50 acresr more or less. The above described parcel of tand is subject to a 15 foot road easement running al I along the Easterly line of said parcel . "Lot 2-A parcel of land situated in Tract No. 101 of Sections 20 and 29 in Township 5 South, Range 85 West of the Sixth Principai Meridian, lying Northerly of a right-of -way line of a 60 foot road ristrt'} way, more particularly descrif as follows:rr rrBeginning at a point whence an i.ron post with a brass can found in place and properly markdd for Angle Point No. 5 of Tract No. 99, said point lying the same as Angle Point No. 4 of Tract No. 1OO in said township and range bears N 22o 161 29'r E 679.92 feet; thence South 312.89 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 489.79 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of said 60 foot road right-of-way; thence 57.93 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 521.73 feet, the chord of which bears N 47o oor o5,r W 57.90 feet; thence N 43o 49' 14rr W 141 .51 feet along the Northeasterly right-of-way line of said road; thence North 13'1 .75 feet; thence East 348.05 feet to the true point of beginning.'t The above described parcel of land contains 2.50 acres, more or less. The above described parcel of land is subject to easement running al I along the Easterly line of a'15 foot road said parcel . 3. Fif e No. Zc-7-75 Appl icant: Richard Mayne Request: Rezoning 152.6 acres of land from Resource (R) to Rural Residential (RR) Location: 't1/2 mile south of Gypsum, or more precisely: SW 1/4 NE 1/4' and W 1/2 SE 1/4 section 8, Township 5 South, Range 85 West, of Sixth Principal Meridian, excepting the 3.2 acre L. D. S. site and two homesites. (4.2 acres r more or less)tt 4. File No. Zc-8-75 Appl icants: Jeffrey B. Selby, Richard M. Jofel and David J. Tyrrel I Request: Rezoning 120,00 square feet (2.75 acres) of the Vai I Das Schone commercial area from Commercial Limited (CL) to Commercial General (CG) Location: I'as above, more specif ical ly described as follows:rr LictL oEscnlprloN oF pAncEL "1" rh nort uf the Srruthv(:rtt Quilrtr'r of Scctlon 12 and tlrc Sorrttcoot d"lit"t of Sectlon ll, ail ln Townehlp 5 South' Range 8l l{egt of the slxth Prlnclpal Hcrldlan' County of EaBle,,.St5!e of Colorado. norc partlcularly descrlbcd ra follo!'s:" It8eglnntng at the Northv('st corner of Lot 39, Resubd{vl8lon of Buffar Crlek as recorded elth the Eaglri County Clcrk and Recorder. sald corner also belng on the Soutlrerly lllrc o[ Chononlx [-lne; thsncc S3?"07'52"E along the Sorrtltvcscerly llnes of lrrt 38 and Lot 39 of said liceubdtvlslon of Buffer Creek, 328.40 feec to tlle Nortlrerly rlglrt-of-vay l'nc of lnGerstatc llighvay Nrr. 70: Llrcncc along sald Northcrly rt8,ht-o[-eay llne 168.94 fcct alonS' thc erc of a 5910'00 foot rtdl.us curve to the left uhosc ccntrnl antile ls ot'38'16" and trhosc long chord bcars 546"40r1?"1'' 168'93 feet; thence l€ovtng 6nld Northcrly r{8ht-of-vay llnc N37'o?r52""1 and parallel to che souttr':sterly llnc o( sald lrt 38, 382.10 fet't to thc Southerly linc of Chf,rnonlx Lanci thcnc€ elonS sald'southcrLy ltne 7l'89 fcct olong thc' orc of ' ' r 414.37 foot radlua curva io the rlght ulroFc ccntrol anglc t6 E'56'28" and vhose long chord bear't N6l'53'54'1E 7t'8I fr:ct to a Polnt of tangt'nt; thcncE contlnu{ng along aold liouthcrly . i ltnc ond along satd tangert N66'52r08"8 100.00 fbet to the trua Polnt of beStnnlnS' contulnlng 59,941.0 equaru fcotl or 1.3?61 ecree. oore or legs. "i Public Notice Page 4 , LEGAL DBSCRIPTION.OF PARCEL ,.8'' ItA por! of tho Soutl|yuDt quortcr of .scrtlon 12 and the Sout hcast Qu.rrt.'r of $r'c- . tlirn ll, all ln T(ffuuhlp.5 Sorrth. ningc 8L. L'ctt uf Ch.! SJ:th lrlnclpol llcrld1o6. County of Eirglo, liiatc of Cul.uririu, more prrticul.rrly des..rih.:d as foll.rre,r: rl ' lbonacnclng at thc Northvcs! corner of Lol 38. Resubdtvlslon of Buffer Creok as ,o"nid,l.l v(th the Usgle County Clerk and Recorder. said cornet also belng on thc Sotrthcrly llne oi Chaaontx Lanci thence Sl7'07'52"8 along cbe Soutiiuestcrly lln.,s oi Lor 38 and Lot 39 of sald Resubdlvi.slon of Suffer Crech i28.40 tuut io tlrc' Northerty rtght -of-war - lluc- 9 ! lnterstat€ ttlghway No' 70; thcn'cc al,rng sal.l Northerly- rlg,ilt-of-vay llne t68'94 fcet along the are of 8 5910,00 foot rad i.un "uruu io tiie left uhose central sngl'e is 01'36'16" and, vhoso long chorct beors. s45'40'12'ii 168.93 feet to the true Polnt oI b€glnn1n8; thencc conttnulnl, long sald Northcr.ly rlSlrt-of-vay Ilnc 154'44 feet alonS the trc of aald 59IO.OO foot radlus curvc co itto tuft vh()6c ceotrel anglc is 01.29'50" and rrho.rc long chord bears S45"06'09"n- 154.41 feet; thence lcavlng eald Northerly rlrCrt-or-riy itne X37'07'52"t'f and parallel ro the Southtreltcrly ilne of satd Lt ia, aoo,eb feet to the southerly llne of chanonlx 13ne; thcncc N5l'19'00"ll und along sald Southcrly llno, lI2'50 !:u: to a.Polnt of curvc; thenc(' r'rrnctnulng along said Southerly ltne 40'58 fcc! alonS' rhc nrc of a 411.t7 toot rldl,rs iurvc to the rl8ht vhose cenlral angle ia 05'36'40" and u'hose lonB chord bcars lt54o07'20"E 40'56 fcet; thcnce iou"ing saful sourherly rln; 537'0?'52"E and paralrer to tbc s,ur\- /'/ "u"iotiY llno of ,;irld-tot 38, 382.1,0 fect to E!to-:::" Polnc of ' bcglnntng, 'contrtlnlng 591952.3 aquare fee! or 1'376f acteet /'\rnore or leae. rl 5. File No. Zc-9-75 Applicant: Helmut Lilischkies Request: Rezoning a .6 acre lot from Residential Suburban Medium Density (RSM) to Residential Multi-Family (RMF) Location 'tlot 15, Block G, Vai I Das Schone filing 2. Persons being affected by a decision on this reguest are invited to make comments to the Board by appearing at the Hearing, or by submitting written statements in person or by mai I thru the Planning Department. Further information may be obtained, and comments submittedr. by contacting the Eagle CountyDepartment of Planning and Developmentr 510 Broadwayr Phone 328-6338, P. O. Box 789, Eagle, Colorado 8'1631 . by: Maxrvell Barz Eagle County Clerk and Recorder -\ItEt tlqJ-tl -,-,-\\t -I -,\llr - il*-l-b{u,** David G. Elmore Pres i dent DGE/j h ^o/]0001 E. Evans. #69C. Denvef. Colorado 80231 --rdre?SQr.gffinmd+Lrerarraea:cnfrlel;ooA.calora{ha0llfl:-3O1'ZZ0-]68'&- reer o efltional develop ent eompany I m June 9,'t975 Mr. Quentin M'itchel'1, Jr. Planning Assistant Eagle County Department of Planning & DevelopmentP. 0. Box 789 Eagle, Colo. 81631 Dear Mr. Mitchell: In response to your letter of June 3, 1975, please be advisedthat Vail City Corporation is in favor of the land in quest'ion being rezoned "Cormercial/General" from the present zon'ing of "Conmerci al /L imi ted" . If you need any further 303-750-1600. information, please contact me at Very truly yours, ,., t suite 250 . 823 commerce drive . oak brook. illinois 60-12l '312-887-1300 ,ffi DRAINAGE STUDY FOB VAIL DAS SCSONE FI.LING NO. 3 EAGI,E' COI'NTY, COI,oRADO AMENDMENT I.OR VAII, DAS SCHONE - FILING NO,4 Prepared ffi f- RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC., P.O. Box C100 Avon, coloradlo 8155? Anon Phone 949-5072 Ilenver Phone S93-l-531 Amended: March 22, 1975 A,nended: Augiust 2, L97'I March 17, 1976 Dnainage Study for:Parcel A Das Schone Commercial Tract LocATrOll: Pancer A , of the Das schone corn,-ner:ciar- 'rraet , is a 3. 25 acne pancel lying just llest of the Das Schone safeway sto.e in west Vail ,North and Eas'r of the west vail r-70 inter:hange, in the sE 1,r4 0fsection 1l , Torvnship 5 south, Range 8r- west of the 6th pnincipal Menidian, Eagle county, co-lorado. This parcel is about I r,/2 miLesllest of vai], colorado, and is not pnesently within the boundar:iesof the I'own of Vail_. AREA AND GENEML DrscuSSroiJ: The pancer unden consideration ries in a major dr-ainage anea rabered rA'r on the attached map. The totar_ drainage area feeding towards Area rrA, consists of about r40 acr^es and splits into tr^ro <iinections, about 400 feet above parcel A in back of the ord Gore creek schoor building and fr.ows southwesterry and Southeasl-er.ly al-ong rathen poonly defined dr.rinage swaLes. W_ith wonk previously done, nanely two 30r' culvents across chamonix Road Eas't of the subject sitg and a large drainage channel behind the safeway store and shoppette building, veny little outside drainage neaches Pancel A. Ther"e a'e existing noad ditches on the Nonth sideof chamonix Road which corlect the sma]-len amount of dnainage from Lots 2, 3 and 4, Vail Heights and di.vert this f10w to cur.verts be10',, the subject pancel . ?he a'ea within parcel A, after being built up, will be about 70% impenvious with paved panking and st'uctures. This will add littre additionar- f10w to the existing dr:ainage ditch ar-ong the south side of the parcer, which is the Nor"th side of r-70 North frontage road. This drainage will be enough however,, to cause a need for ncw lange culverts ;rt the intersection of the vair nest turn-off and the entrances to the phil]-ips Gas senvice station. -1- CRITERIA: For smalLen areas, the aud most consenvative one to a l0O year storm is computed rationa] drainage formula is the best use. The m:rximum expected nunoff for as .foll-ows : FoR AREA "A". Q=140x0.2x3=84cfs. 7/2 fon dnainage ditch South of pancel A = 42 cfs, less routed through existing 24'r culvert acnoss I_70 highway Gore Creek _ Balance for: drainage ditch Add Safeway and Shopoette Flor{s (4 Acres ): Q = 4 x 0.5 x 3 Add Area from parcel A (3.25 Acr:es ): Q=3.25x0.5x3 Add Rarnada Inn Site (2.1 Acres): Q = 2.1 x 0.5 x 3 Add Lot C, Lots I, 2, and 3, Vail Das Schone, Filing No. I (2.8 Acres): Q = Z.B x 0.5 x 3 Additional outside area flow vrould be from theunplatted parcel to the East of the Shoppette (6.6.Acres) Q=6.6x0.5x3 Drainage Ditch Total Flow Q=AIR l{hene, Q = Maxirnum expected r"unoff or peak dischange fnom the watershed based on a l_00 year storm. A = Tnibutary area in acnes. I = Runoff coefficient for" a fainly sreep slope with noderate vegetation = 0.20 and with Z0% impervious arlea = 0.50, R = Maxirnum expected rainfall in a I houn period which is considered 3'r fon the Vai_L area. 30 cfs 12.0 cfs 6.0 cfs 4.9 cfs 3.1 cfs 4.2 cfs 9- 9 cfs 40.1 cfs v 36" <liameter culverts shouLd bc installed i on fron* ^f +h.r subject Parcel A and the Ptri-Ilips Station' unden all entnances' These r+il1 carry about 40'1cfs each at a I'4% gnade' Because the existing 241r culveri und'er t-70 ' l'lest of Parcel A is taid at a steep grade, no changes alle necessary to handle the maximum flows' 'fhe new 36" culverts proposed for the Safeway Store and Sboppette entnances (see attached rnap ) have nct been installed yet' l-or cl-ay vritlt soine gravel ' the vr:loci ty of f low in the frontag'e roacr di.tch shourd. be kept un<ler. 5 feet per second. Ttre road ditch should be 2'5 feet deep by 4'5 feet r'ride to carry the maximum flow' Drainage from the subject Parcel' A can be adequa'[ely carnied along the side lot lines to this r:oad ditch ' Care shoul'd be taken to provide adequate drainage away from each structure on the site' SJlit{ARY: Farc:e'l A shour d not be seriously af fected clu:'ing a hea\ry storm if tfrc above Protective rneasures ar'e taken' The County may becone invsfved in the installation of a new culvent at the Chamonix Road interseciion, but new development wilr cause part of the additionar flows. Respectfully Submi Eted ' RICI{ARDS ENGINEERS' INC' #*--Z €'€""/'*/*- Kenneth E. Riehards ;;;;;";; Professionar Ensineer and iand SurveYor No' 2lB3 -3- ,4" J t'93 \) \' \9:N. <o' 0\ 1^."sr -.-a I ui.;-i* -- ...a; .r33 ' 35', .tJT a \.K \u .a \ \u \\ ...rt, .r3t aj \d c\ \)\ \ August 2, !977 AMENDMENT TO DRAINAGE RAPORT FOR VAIL DAS SCHONE - FILING NO. 4 LOCATION: Vail Das Schone Filing No. 4 lies just East of the Safel'ay and Shoppette Center in West Vail, North and East of the West Vail I-7O interchange 1 in the SE L/4 of Section 11 and the SW L/4 of Section 12, TownshiP 5 South ' Range 8l west of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado. This parcel is about I 1,/2 rniles west of Vai1, Cotorado and contains about 6.6 acres! AREA AND GENERAL DISCUSSION: The proposed subdivision is not affected by the runoff from Area ,,A" as shown on the map in the previous drainage report. There i-s no outside drainage which crosses this parcel as shown by Lhe drainage study performed for Lots 14 and 15, VaiI Heights, a coPy of which is attached, There is a small irrigation ditch which crosses the property near its easterly line. The drainage from the North is pickeil up by the North drainage ditch of Chamonix Lane, anal the area east of this Property drains to Buffer Creek ' The area within the subdivision, after being built up, will be about 7Og impervious with paved parking and structures. This will not be enough, however t to cause largier than 36" culverts to be necessary for the Safeway Store and shoppette sites. The drainage will be enough; however, to cause a need for larger culverts at the intersection of the West Vail turn-off and the entrances to the Phiuips Gas service station to handle the 100 year storm r otherwise there will be floocting across the roadway at these locations. which would gio directly through the underpass to Gore Creek' CULVERT SIZES FOF ENTRANCES FROM I-70: Using the Rational drainage formula: Q = ArR for a small drainage area lrJhere: Q = Maxinum expected runoff -2- A = Area = 6.6 acres I = Runoff coefficient for an area \tith 70? imgerviousness = 0.5. R = Expected Maximum t hour rainfall which is 3" for this area. Q=6.6x0.5x3=10cfs. One 24" culvert for each entrance will adequately handle this amount of flow. A stilling and settling type catch basin is recouunended for interceptinq the sand and oil runoff from the parking areas for each side of the entrancesr or a total of four basins. These should be 4 ft by 4 ft square and about 6 ft deep, with a reinforced concrete cover anil a 21" x 36" cast iron grate. The lineS from the basins shoul-d be 12" in size and daylight near the ends of the 24" culverts. These 12" lines should be placed about 24r' above the bottom of the basins so that sand can settle out, The existing drainage ditch along I-70 will need widened out. There are gravelly materials in this drainage ditch which should hel-p filter out oils received from.the parking 1ot not picked up by the catch basins. Footers should be placed under the catch basin walls, but the bottoms should be left open for slow draininq through crushed rock. Drainage from the buildings, and parking areas should be carefully designed, and routed to the catch basins. SUMi'IARY: The proposed subdivision should not be affected during a heavy storm if the above protective measures are taken. The County and/or State may become involved in the installation of a new culvert at the Chamonix Road intersection, but new development will cause part of the ailditional flows. Respectfully submitted' RICHARDS ENGTNEERS, INC. ft-.*fr?. rfl;/'-/-- Kenneth E. Richards Registereal Prof essional and Land Surveyor No. Engineer KER:cr 2183 ' ''-.v TP C|VIL I'\iciNiiRING . PLANNiI.iG . 5URV[.Y5 SUBDIViS|ONS - ti/ATiR & 5fV/fR SYSTUIS Box 643 Voil, ColoroCo 81657 ?honc 47 6 -5O7 2 Donver 24.i-152I llarch 26, 1973 o.r?,l) | //--7charCt Crzalizs.ett,.,/ Konneih !. Richords l1;. Robert llcltillan Janes C. Craig ConstructionP. O. Box 114Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Drainage Study Lois l-4 & 15, Vail i{eights, Fili:rg lio. 1 L0CATION: Vail Heights, Filing No. l- is a subdivision lying in the Eas! Oee-Eaft-"f the Southeasi Quarier of Seciion 11, Township 5 South, Range <i'6+ Irtest of the 6th Principal lleridian, Eagle County, Colorado. ThLs landi; I is about 1 1/2 niles t/est of the r.rest liae of the Torm of Vai1. A*REA: The area under coas ideraiioa for this repori Lies in the Easierly ..one-thild of this subdivision and conslsis of two sites, Lots L4 and 15. Tirere are oo major drainages crossing these sites, the roajor ones being to the West near the llest line of the subdivision, and Buff e:c Creek to the' Easc. of the sub<iivision. A sna1l lsolaied drainage swale does cross the' liortheast corner of Loi 14, as shown on the atiached nap, The outside area drained is less than two acres and parr of this drainage is picked up by a ditch running at abouu right angles to the svale. The area behind Lots 14 and 15 is fairly steep and the tine of concentralion of the storn flov vilL be quite short. Ii is reconae::ded, thac the drainage selaLe.be re-rouied over to existiag lot lines, anC that che proposed bulLdings be. protecced by ditches ter! feet or Eore bahind theu. , CRITERLA: Using che rationaL drainage fornuLa, the naxluun expected runoff for a l-00 yea! slorir vould ba coapuied as follows; Q=AIR . I{here , Q = Maxinuo expecied runoff or peak dlscharge fron the qptershed based on a 100 year storm, "' A = Tributary area in acres. I - .R.unof.E coefiicient for a sreep slopl vich litEle vegecatioir ,= 0,40. R = lf.axinun expacted rainfall Ln a L hour period or 3" for the Vail area. Thea, Q=2:r0.4x3=2.4cts Regirlerad Prof ersionol Enginearr Regisle.ed Lond SurviYorr oTo: l'!r. Robert Hcllillan Jarces C. Craig Construction From: RLchards EagLneers, Inc. Page 2 March 26, Lg77 ' the drainage dl.ich around rbe buildings should be wide (8r to 10') aadshaL1ov, L2t' to'15" deep in the cenier, so that velocities are kept dovn.Reseediag as soon as possibla rviLl also prevenc erosl.on. A few snall'rockchecks aloag the steep North'South svales Deatr the Lot lines v111 be helpf,ulin prevent{ng storionrter fron cuteiog a chaanel into the slope. Drlvewayculverts should be 18tt dlaneter, nini.ncn. Respeetfully Subroltted, RICHAR.DS ENGII$-EERS, INC,ffieMKeaoeth E, Richards Registered Prof,essLonal, Engineer and Land Sunreyor #2183 - . ' ' IGR/pr *d^r/t tnguz^raz4 IoP CIVIL TNGINrTRING . PIJNNING . sURVIYS SUBDIVISIONS . !iATIR & sE\YTR 5Y5TTA5 Kenneth E. Richords Jarnes C, Craig Construction P. O. Box 114 Vail, Colorado 8L657 Re: Drainage Study Lot 16, Vail Heights, tr'i1ing lio. 1 LOCATION: Vail Heighrs, Filing No. 1 is a subdivision lying in the East o""-l{"lf of the southeast Quarter of section 11 , Toranship 5 South, Range 81 l,Ies t of the 6th Principal }leridian, Eagle County, Colorado. This land is about I U2 n:i1es r'rest of the rvest line of the Tolqn of Vail. AREA: The area under consideration for this report is ae the east end of Va.it tteights and consists of one 1ot on1y, Lot 16- There are no najor drainages crossing the site, the major ones being to the Hest near the r,res t line of the subdlvision, and Bufier Creek, just East of the subdivision. A srnall drainage swale does affeci this site, however. Originally this swale crossed Lot 17 to the East but r.tas rerouted by the buildars to Ctre lot line betveen Lots 16 and 17. Ihe outside drainage area fot this swale consisfs . of about 4 acres as shor.rn in the attachecl raap, Part of this drainage is picked up by a ditch runoing at about right angles to the swal-e. I.he area is fairly steep and Lhe time of concentration of the storm flow will be quite short. CRITERIA: Using the rational drainage formul-a for a sinaller area ' the rnaxi- mun runotf for a 100 year sEo]:]n rvould be coEputed as follorvs: Q=AIN Where, Q = l,Iaxiraum expected runoff or peak discharge from the watershed based on a 100.year sEorm' in cubic feeE per second (cfs) ' A = Tributa ry atea in aeres. ,' I = P.unoff coefficient for a sEeep slope with little vegeEatiori = 0.40. R = llaxinurn expected rainfall i., " i hour period or 3t' for the Vail area. fnen, Q=4x0,4x3= .Bcfs g.' tr.r 1908 Vo il, Colcrodo 81657 Phooo 476-5072 Denver 244- 152 | Ilarch 20, 1974 Regirtered Prof es:ionol Engineers Regirtered lond SurvaYors To: James C. Craig Construction From: Richards Engineers, Inc. KER:l-m cc: Richard. Hart, Attorney Planning Coirmis sion Page 2 March 20, 1-974 RECOIRIENDATIONS: A drainage ditch eorapletely around the building is recouulended.This ditch sho"ld be wide (B'to l-0'1 ana snafforv, 12" ro 15" deet in thecenter, so that velocities are kept dorrn. Reseediog as soon as possible wi-llhelp prevent erosion. Rock work along the drainage swal-e between Lots 16 and 17 vrill- be helpful i.n preventing storirwat.er frorn cutting a channel into the s1-ope. Driver"ay culverts should be 18" dianeter min imum. Respect fully submitt.ed, RTCHARDS ENGINEERS, INC.6*-#e6rLL Kenneth E. Richards Registered Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor No. 2183 1,t I F{rcfrAR.Ds ENGirufr.s, P. O. Bor 6;t3 Vail, Colorodo 81657 Phooo 47 6-5OTa Dcnver Linc - 24.1-t 521 \ tNc. I IIII,hIt\ $ \.\ h-f //{^,Y ./4 t, pEA/N4iF erupv .', Co/crodc, I\\\\ ias';5. \\- \P/V'5y \ t-/2 /.d \ \\q\ \ urA \ \ \Y ,y\ .-/2 /.d \ q\ \"'4, , \), 'l ,K 4t /.o/s /4 g /5.'/s Gan ./..o1 lili leti -z-zo-7/ ,(€,e / |'..' \ -.-'-.-" ;\i .: .' -*;Gl- ,,,1,', fr-r -. .. '1. -:.:= 't1,,',1' " ::---;=;ri=:nl, /r.. _ .-_ . _: i:l f -:-. :>{':\l ^-. '--}+, \l / -1600_ - -..1 ,----.>I I -.1: --' , It' (:,t i l\ '\l\i.\'r tl\,'....' :7i rl -: --: l,/ ,r'\' a--', I i',':-5\i/ /' ^)'ll l'f' , I | -.,..'r tolttto|,rolnol e6 8. zurl txciltrrlxo Prepared For: I€st VaiI DeveloSnent Corlpration 9933 Lawler Avenr.E, Sulte 410Slckie, Illirpls 60026 chen and associates, inc. C O N S U LT I N G E N G I N E E F S DEXYER. COLORAOO aOZI3 EIGINEERTIG GEOT.GY Al\iD SOIL II\1/ESTIGATICO{ PROFOSED OFFICE BUILDI}G IN \AIL BS SGIO}IE,FILIIG 4, VIESI \AIL, OIIRADO tO3/7alt-7103 Job }rc.19r2Il S€ptstber 14, 1979 TABLE OF OITENIS S@PE PROFqSED @NSTRTTICN SIIE qIDITICNS GDTGIC SEITI}Is q]BSOIL @IIDITICbIS GDIGIC @$IDTTTOIS AFFECIITG PRCPOSED @[IS$[,CTICN FEI'NHTICN RrcOOGNBqICNS GROUND ETERS SURTACE IRATT.I}GE PAVED PA8KI}G AREA MISCELI4NDUS FIG. 1 - TCATTCN OF EXPI'RIIIIORT rcI..8S EIGS. 2 anC 3 - LOGS OE SXprcR,Af,Ory HOLES FIGS. 4 tnrqrgh Z - GRADATICN TESI nESJLTS TABI,E I - g.[&{ArOI OF IATRASOIAT IEST RESJUIS I I I I 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 S@PE this report. €\rerE an engineerirg geology ard soil investigatian for a six acre site, includirg the prroposed office hrilding in Vail Das Sclrone, FILlrg f4, lrlest Vail 6lorado. The report presents IErtirent geologlc qrditions ard corrers ttre nmt desireable tlpe foundation, allcrnble soil pressure, rater table orrlitions ard other soil rel.ated deaigrn arri onstnrction detaile. PROPOSED @IISTKJCTICN We urderstard t}re proposed buildlrg wlII be a tireFstory strlrctur€ for netail stores, offlc-es1 ard cordcrniniums. Oonstn)ction wlII be eittrer steel fralre or concrete. Itre br.rildirg will have a garden level, wittr unximum c.lts ard fil]s on the order of six to eigfit feeL. If the hrildirq design is significantly different frcrn that described above, r+e shoul.d be notlfied to re-evalrate the remmerdatiors ontaired in ttris report. SITE CCNDISTCNS The slte ls a vacant Lot east of ttre present VajL Das Schone building in the l.test VaiI pJ.aza. llle existirg br,rildirg is a threestory trcod ard consrete stnrcture in excellent cordition frcn a fotrdation starrtpoint. . The lot slcpes to t}le tiEst at,4 to 6t, w"ittr sparse to npderate rced and thistJ.e @ver. Sewral- piles of fitl up to 9 feet high are on the lot; the location of ttrese pifee is stp$rn dt the site plan -2- (Fig. l). The fill appearc to be r,ery sirnilar t- orFsite soil.s. Mdltionally, a rarrge pile of rotuded granitlc bourders is located just uest of ltest, tble 4. the grcurd surface on ttre site is quite erraEic drr to irregular placenent of fill In scne places. Gernral slc4= on ttre site is generalJ.y to ttre i€st at 4 to 6S. A snall drainage ditch separates the site frcrn ttre asphalt parking area for ttre existirg shoptng enter. llc vrater rns frovring in this dicdr at the tine of drillirg, nor .$as there any surface r.rater on ttre site. GMI,GIC SqIPI}G 1lre site is approxir.ratery 40 feet aborre ttre present rever. of Gore creek. thin terrae deposits of si.lt and cray cap tle site. our test holes irrlicate that these aJ.Luviar deposits rarge fron ni.t to 4 feec in depth. Beneath the ttrin arluvial csrer are preistocene glacial deposits. l4ore specificarly, thqy reSresent the tenninar rcraine of the BuJ.I r€ke Age Glaciatlon. rhe graciar tiJ.r is unstratified crayey sards with gravers, cobbres a'l bcxrlders. rhe borrlders ard cobbres ar.e generarry subrcunded to subargular sanlstone fragrrents ard subrcunded to rouded pleces of granite. the till is gererally red to reddish brcnn in olor arrl rpist,. Bedrod( r-urderlyirg ttre site is ure Mintr:rl tbrmatiorr of Fenrsyr- mnian Age. the Minturn crcps cut on tie steep hillsi.de rprth ard northrest of the site. rhe LTCi( is prirnarlly a rcd concrcneritic o -3_ sardstone, with local linestone lenses. The rock is generally quite hard. the contact betr*en tie Minturn ard the overlyirg Maroon FolTation is apprroxfunately 10OO feet abore ttre site on the rprth si.de. STJBSOIL @,IDITICIIS Sulcsoil corrjitiorrs at tire site r,tene irvestigated by drillirg eight e4iloratory holes in tJle buildirg al.ea ard tl*c addit.ionaL fples in the parkirq area to the east. Soil corditiqrs encomtered included scattered fitl to deptls of J. I/2 feet. ltre fiff was generally clayey ard sitty sarris, nedir.rn bncnn in color, rrittr occasional graveLs arrl small, cobbles. llaturaL sardy clays ard silts trere encounteed belcry the fill in Test tloles 2 ard 3, ard at, t}re surface in Holes 41 51 7, 8 ard ttle tlytc Lples ln ttre parkirg area. Ihe sil-ts arrC clays are generally dry to slightl.y fiDist ard nedium brc*'n in oolor. Beneath tlrese surficial. soils are the glacial dep6its, consis- tirg of cobbles arri boulders set in a red clayey sard natrix. These deposits extend to the rnaximun depttr investigated, 25 feet. Drill rig refusal r.ras ccnurDn cr large bouLder.s at depthrs betlreen 15 ard 20 feet. Gradation test,ing r"esuLts are presented cn Figs. 4 through 7. Ttre Gradationb incl.ude only naterlal less than 2 indres in diareter. Free water ms not encountered in anv of our test hoLes. GMIGIC @b{DITICNS AFFECTI}I3 PROFOSED @T{STFIJCTIOI There are rp corditions at the site ritridl constltute a nnjor geologic hazard. t€ do not anticipate any urusual prroblerns associated -4- hrith the site geology or soil conditions prorided that nonral good engineerirg practlces are forrqred during praruring and construction. NLnlerors boulders ard cobbLes will be enqountered durirg ex- cavation. l'lct of tlrese wirl. be of a snnJ.l enough size to be renprred by Iight duty earth novirg equigrent. Occasional_ Iarge bcrrlders rtsy require heavier duty equifrcnt. flIJNBTICN REO'TMENDATICITS Considerirg the prcposed construction ard subsoil corrditions, r,,e believe the ucst desireabre type foundation for tJre buildirg would be slxead footirgs praced on the natural derse sards ard gravers, belcp the upper fills, silts ard clays. Fbotings can also be pJ_aced on controlled ccnpacted filr. rhe follqrirg design ard construction details shouLd be obsenred: (I) Footirgs qr the rntural sards ard gravels should be designed for a rnaximun soil Sxessure of 41000 psf. Under ttris pressure \,€ estinate that total. settlefiEnt will be qr the order of I inctr and maxirnum differentiaL sett-lerent acrosE the pnopmed b.rildirg wil.I be less than 3,/4 incfr. 12) lles, fill rgquired belcr., footirgs shculd be €ntrEcted to at Least r00t starviard koctor density. rtre filr shourd extend beyord the fmtirg on each side equal to the depth of fill. The existirg fill shoul-d be rsrprred first,. lhe fiLl stpuld be limited ro ninus 6-indr rmterial. (3) Conti.rl-pus fourdation saLJ.s slptrl.d be r.einforced top ard bottcrn to span an unsupported lengttr of at least 10 feet. o (4) Iocal. soft podcets of soil found within the loaded depth of the footings or belcr^r filred areqs should be rencved ard the footirgs exterded to tJre lcn'er firrn soils, or the soft soils r.eplaced ccnpa.cted. (5) Dcterior footirgs shouJ.d be p,rwided wj.th adeqr:ate soil. correr above their bearirg elevation for fret lrotection. MSJI{D FI.MRS The existirg fill should be scarifj.ed ard ccrntrEcted to at Least 95t stardard Froctor density. Aryr neu fill should consist of nrinus 6 indr nateriaJ. aLso conpacted to 95t stardarrd proctor dersity. The ccrpacted filr or on siLe soiLs wotrld ttren be sui.table to support sJ-atson-grade onstnrction. Slabs sfpuLd be separated frcm all bearirg nErbers with a peitive extrnnsion joint and adequately reinforced. A -indr layer of free drainirg graver slpurd be provided beneath the floor slabs to serve as a leverirg course arvl to dis- tribrte the fl.oor loadirys. rf tLre natural or fill soirs at subgrade LeveJ, are clean ard granular, the gravel Iayer nay be qnitted. SURFACE DRAT}.IAGE The follcryirg drainage precautians stpuld be obsenred durirg construction ard naintained at atl tines after ttre br.rildirq has been ccrnpleted: (]) Excessive rrEtting or dryirg of ttre foundation excavation stpurd be avoided durirg corstrrrtion. -G (21 Badtfill. am,nd the brildirg stpuld be rcistened ard osnpacted to at, Ieast 90t standard Prcctor density. (3) The grotrrrt surface surror:rdirg the exterior of tfre brildirq shouJ.d be slcped to drain away frcrn thre buj-Ldirg in afl directions. (4) Roof dornspouts ard drains strculd dischatge veII beyord the Iinits of all baddill. PA\DD PARKI}I3 AREA I^le urderstjrd that \rehicuLar traffic r.rill corrsist of perconaL cars ard occasional delivery trucks. korrided tJrat ttre total gnes rcight of irdividual trucks does rpt ocoeed 151000 Sntnds, \€ re- ccnwerd ttre follcndrg pavenent sestion: (1) Five indres of asphaltic oonsrete or, (21 I\p indres of asphalt,ic qrcrete orrerlying 6 inches of base course. lhe sulrgrade sbould be scarified ard ccrnpacted to 95t stardard koctor density. should the traffic differ substantiafly frcrn the abo\re, re stpnld be rptif ied so tiat lile can re-evaluate our reccsr:erdations. -7- I.{ISCELIANMJS Ttris report has been prepared in accordance with gereralJ.y accepted soil ard foundation ergireerirg pract.ices in t}is area for the use of the client for design iurposes. The onclusions ard reccnnendations suh:rj.tted in this report ar.e based upon the data obt,ained frqn ttre exSrloratory lples drilled at ttre ]ocations irdicated on the exploratory tole plan. the nature ard extent of variations between the exploratory toles nay not. beqre evident until excavatign is perforrned. If, durirg constructionr'soi.l., rod< a-rd grourd water conditions appear to be differ.ent frcrn tlpse described herein, this office should be advised at, onqe so tbat re-evaLuation of the recaorerdations ray be nsde. l€ reqrurerri on-site obeenration of excavations ard founlation bearirg strata by a soil engineer. GIBT A}ID ASSOCIATES, IIE. By Revi€fled DCC mt cc: BrirerAerkinsfitzhugh S@Ct Mr. c. Hrdsqr Wirtlr 'lu. I \;\;\i \$ \/.)/.t ___/."'- .' -"- ..-.. --1 k,/ I /= -// ,,\!! / ,--tri__\ ///,-- \ !.2 = (-/ i- -"' -. - -'( 9\ \tP \3i \Fl -' I o o .LtrJ - xorlv^:tll I t -lt-' -tt-' :Tr-' :Yf-' :t€-' IYt-' 6 -at- -as-' \l N} -.-- +q?i? Ix;i- T -l;l t 3 Xo IllJ - raollvi3lto l,tlHolc P-l El.-82.01 lltl Holc'P-2 91.-/8.0' ' FLr,t{ I z,o l- lrJJl! 16/5 trC-3.7 LL.I3 : P 1.601 ;200:l I 30/9 Flrllr,t! I -o F lrl lrl 27/12 trC-lr. 5 LL-21 Pl-llr -200-17 2519 August 26, 1979 wlthst holos were drll lcdcd on a {-lnch Flll, sand, clayoyrl som very sandy cl ays, mcdlum brown, rplst,!cattcrcd gravol s , Clsy (CL), sllty, sllghtly nolsr, reddlsh brown, stlff, scattorodgravel t .. , Sl I t (HL) , clayoy, dry :to sl lghtlyrol:t, mcdlum brown, scattcrod gravcl s l, Sand and gravcl 1SC-CC), cleyey,scltterod cobblog 6 beuldcrt, nnlst, rcddlrh brovrn, mcdlum donsc to vcrydcnsc , I f.lndlsturbcd drlva ramplc., Tho symbol 15/12 lndlcatos that 15 blous of a 140-pound hanmcr fal I lngr3gilnchcs worc roqul rcd to drlvo thc samplor 12 lnchos. t:i Dlsturbod standard spllt spoon sample. Tho symbol 30/6 lndlcatcs that 30 blows of a 140-pound harner falllng 30 Inchos wcre rcqulrod to drlvc thc samplcr 6Inchcs. (r) (3) No frcc w.tGr wa3 holcs at tlmc of (4) uc LL Pt LEGEND: ,dlameter contlnuous f I lght por^rer iaugcr. (2) 'Elcvatlons arc approxlmato and rncro tsxon from contours on plans provldcd. t, found at tcstdrllllng. l,latcr Content (t) ;Llquld t-lmlt (t); Plastlclty Index (t). F I I 19 ,211 LOGS OF EXPLOMTORY HOLES Flg. 3 clx rxo AssocrATrs C.oruultlrp Soll qd Fann&tlon Englnrrr !aa a FII a ro!a I I.oB a GLly tt!.rtEl F0 lrLt lr*.t!.3llcl orAvEL O % .aNo Lleulo LtMlt .ar.rLG o7 Sandy Cl aX c(tv atrrllEl tro atLl lFrrlltrcl % at LT axo .LAY tLAatlcltY lr{Clrx 7ior4 Holc I 80% % at dppth 4 foct. 20 % i o Iat I t a!aat tIt a OTAVC L Ltouto 'AI' FLI 37 1, LtLtt .Axo 55 % or Gravsl ly lall GRAOATION % .r Lt Axo CLAY FLAarlclTV rxotx .r Trorr HOIC 2 TEST RESULTS 8% * et depth B fcot. aoal at arl rll .o ort ott or. |.. ttt -t- F r.rt -hla .l lr rlr ll trt DrtraYaa ot ?arrc!l rt rrLLEa?all tral'a -ia I- a- aal r-l orrrl ? I I ot !t rr rt|.lrjtrtrl I 1g ,211 Fl9. tt cr?l rxo Asroctlrls C.ooulting Soll dd Fon&tlon Enginon u l. lt^tolao lral.r€ op.rOelo .atraal|. ao a|| art arl |rrl orlrarat o, ttt r.rt TI cLlt t'l^rt|.l l! arLt lE.ttrltlSl orlvrr- 5\ % Lloulo LIr|IY th EtLt axo .LAY ttaatlclTY lxo(x F4tldY '"o.. ,tfolc P,l ll '1, % at depth I foot. uxo J!. % r^M?Lr o' !) lghtl.Y;ClgvoY', G rave I . c ! I I oI I !aaI II a Cr^Y trlratlcl ltt lt!? lE-ttrltrcl OiAYCL tlcuto aa,.tLa '53 7. .AHo 30 % .tLr AxD cLAY Llrlrr % PLAattctrv lxocx o, ,sllghtly sandy Gravol;. rro. Holo 12 GRADATION TEST RESULTS t7% a at dopth 2 feot Fls. 5 CA-? rl| at-t a -l | !l orrrtlar ot 19,21I GLIV lt!rlt€l ?O llll lro-r!.all3l or^vrL \5 't Ltclu | 0 Ltralr laMPLr ot C layoY ANO ASSOCTATT! 5o:l crd Fq,rndotioo Enginoen "^*o 3o Gl. .r LT Axo .LAV Ta tL^a?lclTY 3xorx 'Sandy Grayol ,.,/i\.reola Holc 3 at colarlt 25% % dcpth ! foot. ct* Corurrltlrp o Ia I I a !at tt a ao xt ts ot;t It I o ! I I a t0 - rc clly tt!.itEl lo ltL? liap-t!.alrcl @aalal oiAvtL Llculo IArJ| 'L( 10 % rr*o ..tl S .rLT Axo cLAY Lfrltr % FLArYtcr?v txorx o' Qrayp.l ,,,S,anlV GlaY.r I reou gq16 { GRAOATION TEST RESULTS ,\9 % th at dopth 4 foot. v t. frat9.rg atr.roo .to..q.F .atra.aa.l aoLt a- art lF orlrt r t I ot ll rt rrLLlcararl .tO c.o.to .a 1.. .. \' \. rr. J j Jtra,. I rr3 i3.(l|trraral|. -ta a- ata rtt orlrtrtt ot tltYtgLl rt rl tl9,2l I Fle. 5 c|lN ANo Cooultlng Soll crd AssocrArrs Forrn&rlon Englnoo c Ia I I a a IaI a I I !aa a IIt a aI;at It I cLtY rtlratrSl lo ltlt lrc-a!'rl?lgl CLat lt\rtl€l l! ttLt lEFr(.llrgl oravrL 44 % Lt<lulD Lllrlt .^"o .43 % .t Lr % tLA.Trct rY ,L dopth B foot. oiAvGL 6l % .AXo 25 7, t.Lr aNo cLAy 14 % Lrouro LrMrr % pLlarrctrY txorx % raM?Lr ot 5l lghtly c.lpygyr,,,l. 'i tro^' Holo 6 at dopth 14 fcct. sandy g rave I AXO CLAY I'.DEX tblc 8 at T.r3 rArrrL. o' (.C I ayoy,/ Gfavcl ly Sand rro.r or^rtrtl o, ,altrcLl rr or^rtlat or ,altTg!t rr IrrLral?trl !t9,2tl GRAOATION TEST RESULTS Flg. 7 ll,c F J o at (,rdzd.^ 2vtstt 9o-zgJ-oqoo- c! q\ - oa aFJfa td E F2a: lrJTF xxtri -o,4 LJF : rfz FO Al ltiEl!uo c { E :)o |bp Unlc::o. l2C. lD. L2t), IZF so IL cl :-.\:i,'..cTc:u s TI cs Dep::l to lc<irock : Te:r : u: c Si::i-;ce :Sucloli :-' Subsc:a:u:t : Uni f :cC/.,.S1t0 Classlf lca:lon :Per:.cabl1i.iy (below 2 feec) : Pe':ccn: Coarse Fragrnents(gravc1, cobbl,e, ston€) :SoiI Reac:ioa (pll) : Sh r 1nk-Sr,.ell PotenClal : Po rc:r: i.al Frost .Actlon' Deep Fi-ne sandy 1oa,n Stony sandy clEy 1oam, stony sandy loamVery sLony sa.ndy loarn, very stony loaryA-i+, A-6, A-2; ML, sc, sM, GMRapid - 6.0 to 20.0 in./hr. over J)F ?.1+ to 8.4 I'ioderate to Lor"r lioderate None B Hlsh Modsraie S - stonlness S - seepage, stoniness S - seepage, stoniness S - seepage S - stonirees S - stonlness M; S on slopeo over 15$ M - strcnjressl S on slopeo over 15tr Poor Poor - s tonlr:ess Fai,r Falr foor - 1er1ie slones (surface) Flood llazard l{ydrologlc Group CorrosiviEy - S teel- Csncrrte DEGREE & I(IND OF LIMITAIIOITS(o ls sllghr; H io Moderaio, S'1s Severe) I Scptlc Tank AbeorptlonFlelds .: Ser.rage Lagoone : Sanltary Landf11l - Trench : - Area : Scallow ExcavatLong : D.relllngs w/baserrents :w/o basenenta 3 Local itoadg and Streeta ! SUI,:;.EILITY AS A SOURCB OF.... Dally Covcr for Landfill : ?o2soi). c- ^.1 C ravc 1 ilo;d f lLl ONIER, SOIL FEATURI?S .,J ',ADVA.\cg coPY STJ-8JECT To cHANcE',NOT TO BE USED IN P.IACE OF Oi,I-SITE INVESTIC"ATIOII. '-58 /,,. These soil-s are on moun tain sideslooes. The major soil is deep and v,e]-l drai"ned. Tppicarly the surface layer is i:ne sandy loan about I lnches thick. The subsurface is stony fine sa."tdy loa."l about 18 inches thlck. The subsoil is stony clqy loam abou! Lo inches thick. The underrying layer is stony loaru cxtendj.ng below 60 inches Fermeability is rpderate Tpical-Iy the surface rayer of the ninor soiL is sardy loam about 2J inches thick. The subsoil is gravelly sandy cray loam about J irches thick. The substratun is gravel-ly sandy loar:r. Permeability ls moderately rapid. Unit 12 These soiLs are on terraces and all-uvlar fans. They are deep ard welJ cira!.ned. T;'pically the surface layer is fine sa.,rdy loan about 3 to B inches. thick. Tlic subsoil is slony sandy clay Loarn abcut 9 to L8 inches thick. The substratum is very stony loangr sard or sandy ).oarn thal extends belovr 60 inches. Fermetrbility is rapld. NAI4ES AND HAILING ADDRESSES OF ADJACENT LAND AND CONDOMINIUM OWNERS VAIL DAS SCHONE CONDOHINITiI Un it No.Name and Address A5, 6, 15, 19, West Vail Associates, Ltd. 20 E 26 9933 tawler Avenue Skokie, lllinois 60076 A-2 Spears, Larry D. 6 Rogers, Carol I W. 626 D. Avenue Lawton, 0k. 73501 A-3 W t l/ Associates, Ltd. 9933 Lawler Avenue, Suite 410 Skokie, ll I inois 50075 A-4 Kajita, Earnest T. E Yukiko Box 27Vail, Colorado 81657 A-7 Gusse I J. Thomasp.0. Box 3335 Aspen, Colorado 8l6l I A-8 Showalter. Howard G. 28364 Lori in Road North 0lmsted, 0hio 44070 A-9 Vesterste in, Pau I 3822 Gladstone Street Duluth, Minnesota 55804 A-10 Scandinavian Ski Shop, Inc. c/o l,lagnusson, Bengt Rumel62l Waukega Road Glenview, ll linois 50025 A-ll Downhill Associates, Inc. c/o Helms, W. Richard One IBM Plaza Chicago, lllinois 605 11 A- 12 Hamrol , Burt Sr. 832 Fel I sr. San Francisco, California 94 117 A- | 3 Her i tage House Apt . 29 East First St. Hinsdale, lllinois 6052 1 A- 14 Franchise 0perations, Inc. 28364 Lora in Road North 0lmsted, 0hio 44070 A-16 Gore Valley lnterprises, Inc. 2l5l North Frontage Road West Box 430 Vail, Colorado 81657 A-t7 A- l8 A-21 A-22 A-23 A-24 A- 4> A-27 A-28 RESUBDIVISION OF BUFFER CREEK Lot No. zo W t W Associates Ltd. 9933 Lawler Avenue, suite 410 Skokie, lllinois 60075 Franchise Ope ra t ions, lnc. 28354 Lorain Road North 0lmsted, 0hio 44070 D ietr i ch, Joseph N. 9933 Lawler AvenueSkokie, lllinois 60076 Wright, Carl M. Box 2175Vail, Colorado 81657 Brugh, Patrick J. e Lesl ie K. Box 1502 Vai f, Colorado 81657 Stel loc/o l,/ade, Lloyd R. 3275 South Steele St. Denver, Colorado 8020 | Gore Val ley Interprises, Inc.2l5l North Frontage Road West Box 430Vaif, Colorado 81657 Pans i ng, James E. 50 South Steele St., Suite 558Denver, Colorado 80209 Resort Prope rt ies 3894 Niagra Way Denver, Colorado 80237 Erickson, Paul A. t Jeannine 1300 South Foothill Dr. Denver, Colorado 80228 Innsbruck Partners #2 Box 733Vail, Colorado 81657 Jacobi, Jean Paul g Lil I ian 2O\\7 Dor ia Lane 0lympia Fields, lllinois 50451 27 28 ' REsusojv rs toN or aurren e r (cont inued)_ - Mil ler, Wi ll iam Henry ll I Box 1528Vail, Colorado 81657 Kaspara i t is, Arvin Box 729Vail, Colorado 81657 Kasparaitis, Romas Box 729Vail, Colorado 81657 37 Cole, PatriciaH. 6 Hichael H, e Cole, Lynn L 6 Henry l. Box 475Vail, Colorado 81657 38 Sam Dav i s Co. I nc. c/o Davis, Roi C. Jr.. 820 l6th St. #800 Denver, Colorado 80202 39 A Brandess, Leo, Jayne c./o Erandess-Cadmus Rea I Estate. Inc. Box I I05Vail, Colorado 81657 40A McLaughl in, S. Oouglas E Harding, Thomas G. & Kel ton/Garton lnvestment Co. Box 567 Vail, Colorado 81651 VAIL HEIGHTS FILING NO. I 29 35 36 . Lot No. f5 - #9 Rickman, Patricia A. Box 1383Vail, Colorado 81657 #12 Rickman, John W. Box 1383Vail, Colorado 81657 #10, #ll E #13 Knight, Reuben B. l!01 Tenth St. Wichita Falls, Texas 76301 VA I L HE I GHTS CONDOH IN I U},I #2 Lot #14 Unit No. l-A Harshal I, David E l'looney, Kemp 2099 Chamonix LaneVail, Colorado 81657 l-B Dixon, Gerald D. c/o Yal 1ey Cleaners Minturn, Colorado 81645 Un it No. l-c L'ft 2-B L'U 3-A 3-B t-v VAIL HEIGHTS CONDOilINIUH #I Dav is, Ross Jr. Box I !0Vail, Co lorado 0sterfoss, James Box 970Vail, Colorado Linden, Marge E. Box 955 Vai l, Colorado 81657 Wheeler, Janis K. € 0rReilly, Brian E. Box 291IVail, Colorado 81657 Burket, Joseph F, ll s Jantzen, Wilma Sue 8ox | 187 Va.i l, Colorado 81657 Hooney, H. K. lll General Del ive ryVail, Colorado 81657 E I iopu los, George Box 1948 Vail, Colorado 81657 Schroeder, Donn is E. 214 North Broadway !,layza:a, l.l i nnesota 55391 Burgum, Freder i ckArthur Farmers' E I evator Co.Arthur, N.D.58005 Wett laufer , Warren Tay lor Box 3154 Vai l, Colorado 81657 Nigh, Jerry t Cathy Box 485 Avon, Col'orado 81520 Wood, Andri kopoulos E Simaksoc/o A. G. Andrlkopoulos Box 788 Cheyenne, Wyoming 72001 Tschopp, David E. Box 1728 Vai l, Colorado 81657 8t657 t l4a rga re t |,l. 8l 657 ot #15 un it No. l. .) 3. 4. 6. Lot #15 VAIL HEIGHTS CONDOHtNtUtOl (continued) 8. 9. 10. Low, Glenn E. Jr. E GinaP,0. Box 273 Avon, Colorado 8.|620 Borstad, Dar I ene Box 1454Vaif, Colorado 81657 Golden, Bever I y J. Box 1697Vaif, Colorado 81557 Costel lo, Char I yn M. Box 251Vaif, Colorado 81657 0'8rien, Thomas C. 9ox \32Vail, Colorado 81657 Emr ick, Gary D. Box X Avon, Colorado 81520 J. Mills, Dolores C. 550 Sunset Drive Coral Gables, Florida 3313\ Nelson, David E. e Beals, Janet K, Box 2874Vaif, Colorado 81657 Hickey, Michael Patrick; Keenan, Janet Engel8ox 2013Vail, Colorado 81657 HcCoy, William J. Box 1547Vail, Colorado 81657 Hills, Dolores C. 560 Sunset Drive Coral Gables, Florida 3313\ Hoyt, Ellanor A, aox 8!0Vail, Colorado 81657 Minne - Vail Vll 711 South Smith Avenue St. Paul, M innesota 55107 l4aupin Roberta Jo Box 2753 Vai l, Colorado 81657 ll 12. Lot #16 Unit No. I 2 3. 4. 5. 7. c r ' vRlt HrlGxts coHoolltxtulllcontinuea) - Lot #15 9.Snyder, Laura M. Box 3412Vail, Colorado 8'1657 Debra S. Gillett Box 907Vail, Colorado 81657 Hardy, Michael R. Box l9l IVail, Colorado 81557 Pyke, Virginia A. Box 1775Vail, Colorado 81657 t0. il. ot #17 ce0qED q{Ll9lN H0usEs H0ME0WNERS ASsOClATl0N l. 4. Gilbert, Cynthia A.; Beeson, Frances A.; Beeson, Richard L. Box 781Vaif, Colorado 81657 Bass, Patricia L. 930 '/indsor Tra i I Roswel | , Georg ia 30076 Langhoff, Charles R.6 DeCook, Bruce E. Box 2126Vail, Colorado 81657 ,Yorris, Gerald S. € Stephanie S. 250 A South l,lonaco Parkway Denver, Colorado 8022\ t2. , t. c, ,.-5Foo ,c 3 .€ O:o tt 'F(uc16co oco(u.P OF O! > ! lrl (|J O o!-oa Or C (u .'.) - 6..r o.qP .! c-o l! o 0 oo o, o t- -o o.F(rP!< E g)oro c qr(lJL.ul: d) {J (U c\r c o)..o ra-5|!0 (u IUE o '-r!-tE c, (u.rJ .4 3 6' <t< rn Cr ctrx ooo rFEl->ro, nr Bo o-- o)< l! -c 'F .Fort- c<doo E< |! C +r! o E oE oo!'tt >.r!i!oJ{rl! o3< = rr',aco (|,!.F(l,(u,rr ={r t o E> a-rg -c +., F t^-o c'rQ t! 3.F E.F O +)(FF (U (l) -o=E =.F -c -E o -:zo(,o. c,'0.P (|)(l, or^! (, I( ..- (, (, +t (Jo.rr oP c.lJ rtF C dJ (|Jtt .FOrE C = o EF E oF-c !- o +t(Jt-(r) o o u, v) <t I r,/7 (1,'t) '_E .F o-o E (J(l) a, <3 .lJ t-O rr! ! ro -s o lo3<B @ -ro f cQ o(u O F (.) q, o,o9 E'.16 o! o orEl! -co E> O'FLth l!.F oqj |oaro'! +,9-r) (U t^()!Erooro or-c -c iz Icn-ao.E F (u ,-F()t !.- (5 ! E - t- (F (')rdo(F- o sPO<t OlF <E O) oorol P.F 5CO q- o(|) o.F .-c aJ L'lt oF E tFl,','Frr o_ = >(,o. d'. O- r!F -.^ EVr<)d roc t-'FL ,6 0r rd o POC.FO() t/r.F (lJ.rJ 0,,c o (J'o.F -! Q F(FF g (uO(,.tO c E.,J C i! E'F .P l- c, = Or! >o -cc oJ oF (J (n.P -CF Fc|. .go ., q- (9 (u_g t^lJ(|JC.P(l) ! (,|.F (U t-c 0 q- c, o+r Ft.F-O .(1, (, .r >r (,c <oco >.o0 (,)!-oJvt n, q,.O (Jlt- OJ I-! cO l!.F cl -rgq,, (t^COH(\I i-" _E C' llal (I) O oc 3r,!J ot/,C' LF EO <Eo< O .(J.F q, O >) r.- \- .|J >,.- Co!. {Jolt,O O C cF.J..-r 1r > (|,dq, ro o!o, E c(J o,r.- . o E.rJO (,.F $.F.-o@€ Ul o rn!H.F.F tr 't' c >'c oq-J'o > (u !.F OoE l- 'oP6.QA c)(JCc l!@ J oo vr.F '(:t Fo+r (, (, o, o r,Q.F t (U -E !.F.c o >PL.) =-<F .! O(, o> cad E o >-o o5(l)E G|d(F.F >rf ! > cO C O OJF dJ.FF E > O EAEP.:P=5.F_O IDP O-r (J>tr r! o- o(u oLo o r!loat- (J F.F EdF ur.ttco dnt.t,(a-c O.=r- CFNPr! i-O6-i.F GOr.F- |, oip.E - .F.- € .P U CF 3'- CojrEo c,-Y lrF Eu)|/'.t,-.. E .. tt o+.r I ol d.lrl l- |q.,l ot 9- =l ll r.-ol ()t do)l .r,l .rJd,l co I q7 e^o .rJ g'Fl ! o_tr:t o!g<uo, oo <u ,- c (,! (,O -c t-.F ,ot E.F()f!- FCI- .n crP cC dS.F '(' ^^^ F @ 5 o c qJ o .o t- (,) (uo l-6 I I I @ o, o o !-c oq) FO co o, oJ <h=o ov7 - c'.. 3dP .ro!F it-olo.o (u =(o c '<u oo >e(u r! ClI OC) c.!ar ! o- l-.F l. >,E O>I E oror!0.oo, E r.- a).F !.c -E: o- d ...!l L=l.rl !-lol ql5l llq1 (Jl dl .ol 1t' l-P !Ej-qr ocrt/) ir, troE =o +rcc> d.!Jo, (,.J O c(/ro-.9-.E<t)OFi O CF t-,ttli t Io- (.) E Vl'F|! oF l-+tPl: .F.- ro r- rooro< rg o c!ar<\tF>a6 = cor@;5.. EEloEI.. 5t q,+lt otdt^t !loJl gl rF5l !l (Fqt ot |!OJI .t'I .Pdl cot u7 o c'|t, .= !s. ar !(u cJ llc .! PE J rgo O'F =xtF ' E. o o o<r ob€ gJF (Wrr, ,o o. (,.I E'FE P 'F.F'-!O(, '! +, oJG. oJ.rJ A !slo,o.!(uc .oc\ro! i-o -FOrhP (' C.P >51t .J IJ E 3 OOF q,,.rJ O c =-.- P .^- = lg (J.6F EO q'.*) .F O- rO .|.) .F 'E .|J (D <1,.h E,o .o '! !- rJ (DP O(,rocl- t, c!.F o, q, C- = ,- .J'.F = ,O-'O ().F O O)o <lr .F6 oq-aa o ur o.or+- a\l 5 0l, 0-l aP Pq,, o (,.rJ ,- .hO!-cO(^E 'Foo-FJ.g 5 ! (-) o r,/7 +, !_i,'r oo, rt- = O).Fi6P.F ol 'rF (u:h.F E c-o.P.F LFro.l,.F> :E . .or € '<lHFPC! A6Aq, 'E -c o, = q+' c.! .F . o1(Y) c| rtt! . r! (\J t- I,! +t - rF (,o.E -a _9 -p! Coo- >o<ul!ch c JFF cr'C 5F F .o.F .(t .F !4 ao'E'F - a c loc.rrc--O .Fl5 r'r- @c '!F C C () <U O)FOO .FC(UC! .F.P O.O.F !c rr xo -E'co €o (u (,(to,E oC -C('t-FE '- O O-O-c ct' EA 'A'F t.- Oo.. cJP vrl 5{JE.(JOJ (l') O(., El O.o c.u O'd L q, -t 9- (J ro !d.! rr l- .FI .F OO I Cl OrFH O'.. c O 'Fl !o-:lF(u.'ct r (lJo Et .-o !clOl (|') P c)l >.o C'j c,l.Ff (J l!- 'ol .F c tt.-l.fJ I C () l! CI iO a.-- +)ltEl O .F (J Ol -o .F - .- .dl'gl (J +- .F (-jrl :J -c .F O Elcl .- E I (,Ft! r, cl(ljl i+ .p -c ,61 ol El " b3 il €... Elol (^ (JF aJl a oi()l ll' .Fl cl ()Iot o u1t ... =t crlcat ! ^^ | +Jlat dLl< -cv I t,lLI :q-l OI Ojlo'l q-q-l @l 5l-Yl (Fidl rl q1(.)l rElrt (ot ortllt .rltt l F-| dlcol u).:I . EI(J (rt < c6 (-J I ..1ol : q, (u =oLL I I o@ct! = co "P 'c,to,E 0 q,d,<\J .t- o,.o I7r <@ o,) o ! {, o, -lol'.1 131 EI 3I ,91;l.l€l <v r! _o t'): -o. (lJ9-!g'F 'O .F .|.o5 (u..1 (U 'l, o .rr.oooF(,0a,s or E-c- oo-(J @!o .- tr -@ O (uP () g+rC t- .P.P(u3 ]Jc^oo{-i o, dtJ! .F O-O -o .F o 'o r,' ccC\t o PCo'.FOC ooJ 3. >=ot-co oo E --c o -ol {Jr 6lol !-t(l,lcrt:' l-r.l ol.Eldlcol F...9l +,151(,ll-lot0l>llzlqtot@l6l olEI6l'l-l ()I !l-l il rl ;l :l al, Id.l <co (= L=)<l-)t;](=c= 6ot l'""1 (= t- 6ll)a=l>t= | /;Tltc)I nr--__r I \:=(o) N f\- 6..- Rn (0D)l-r V^u c=)72 t< --r I -)rA\V12\v UTJn6\ W o =: .F9-erEO o-(u =q- = 6 z |! o o) F E o o >Eo.! (!) = tt E .-o cl l! =,-l qJ ol <u =!l {r9 ol c or 9l .9 <F oal 'O ^^l6 'r <\r(+- |q-l {Jl o)'F o- (D .r-t. cE .c . = .F.o O+r d) c. o r.t-.p J oAA. c) cJ.F F +)d, t^-- o.F cr)-o o -o o.! C.O-OF |/l c I o (u! o+)D- = a-c iu J ro-!z = oo(Do() r rr =-c-E.!=+) .u c-v-sz o (, QOJ F'F.- - C(, +r O--C<.- (l- B tU C C lnF - .{ro o oJ r oPI >O_E, CJ CrF xv 3.F <D Oo (, ra-€ ->. E5 O-- Cu(! OE l'F O (/,d.F'F _ct E'F (lJ +tc r! co 3.p .d.F .o (F l- -c 3 5E OJ +J O{Jr, o > ! -o.FO, l!- c O ro (a .r-t c (J >) u) o o !- -c.P d) orp-szlzi (!P ()l-{J 9- C.O 16(, -d o '6 0-o o. = r! - (1, o o,) qJ <o(l).d .rr aDl3.doq,o -(I,)oo)o>o > 9-o lo.oo-ccrr)cJ'F OJ oF.|J(\ l- ]Jt 6l6t r-l:tt ..ylol olol .uldl col ,L O!o P,rJ ar rdo6 =o .ljQ) .hojE o c.t_ c,Ocrr l!o'l .. -c.!o) P!- .F =o- F t- .p (, ,!oo o cr) ,uo .FF !(F o, !-o ll,i- .6-<! ().F O- (, OJ.-5 0.>6 oar .t, !-oJ ..poo(u!- aJ (, rE (, cic '-.F J(UEGtq)(J.-F+tC XQ.Y ?go .F.E ! >,3.- C .6 -O+r oq- Q_ q-.! EO POE .6 r,r- o o (-)o o(F .F c(F'rc o.P o o.p ..F P ().F .d lr C(uP tr E U O)F o (/, L O L'F t.d o i- O.F.F L -< o o o-.pq- .rJ oo o.u L < (, ct.F () c= O O.F.r, <Hz o_(J o.F3-od o-< H(\l<Y' <t NI ot oo! cQ ooJ.o =or CFr'r- ! o-o = .!'- (u. P=L- .^ a Elo.F 0J Oc.F = o F i- (.) coao- (U O.FE .-.)>, E O s).. rd c) O-.- OIE '(J.FI E o.- '- .ol I I 9lo- q- ... El'ol olcl ol.. 5l oJl+jt ot dl(^I LI Iot ot .r- | =t rt q-l6t ol rolot rot Plc<l col (,l o@c01 0 >5 E I o= !lEOor@ElE(O {rl +o ocoOoo 'P 3|!.F (U= <ao<co(J \ EAGLE COUNTY Planning and Development P. 0. Box .|79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731| BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMt55toNERSExt 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTIONExt 226 or 229 CLERK &RECORDER Ext 2l7 COU}ITY ATTO R N EYExt 242 ENG I N EERExt 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALTH Ext 238 EXT EN 5IO NAGENTExt 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NGExt 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNELExt 245 ROAD & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2l I Ba-salt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 50C IA L SERV ICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 At their meetjng of 0ctober 23, 1979, the Board of County Commissioners reviewed your sketch plan and made the fo'l lowing comments: I ) Provisjon of acceleration/deceleration lanes along Frontage Road must be made by the developer; 2) Project should be reviewed by the West Vail Architectural Cormi ttee; ,,.3) Serious impacts on the West Vail interchange - provjde a study on capacity and incremental traffic generated by the Proiect; 4) Height of structure should relate to surrounding nei ghbors; 5) Reduce the size of the buildings; 6) Do not deviate from county parking regulations; 7) Sign code will be strict'ly enforced; Thomas A. Briner c/o Bri ner/Perkin/Fitzhugh Drawer 2299Vail, Colorado 81 657 RE: Fil e West Dear Mr. Briner: 8) No dogs 9) Proceed P1 ann i ng TB/ ncm October 30, .l979 Scott - Arch'itects No. Su-.|26-79-SVail Plaza Sketch Plan w'i I I be permi tted; to Preliminary Plan with direct'ion from staff. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Respectfully yours, i-.-- --:-) Thomas Boni Asst. Director of, Planning Board of County Cornmiss'ioners Town of Vail box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development TO: FROM: DATE: RE: EAGLE COIJNTy PLANNING COIIIIISSIONERS TOWN OF VAIL/DEPARTMENT OF COI.O,IUNITY DEVELOPMENT PETER PATTEN 5-15-80 FrLE NO. SU-126-80-P, WEST VAlL COMMON The Planning Staff, Planning and Environmental Commission and the Town Council have all reviewed the proposal for West Vail Common. The following are our concerns and recommendations: 1. INADEQUATE SNOW STORAGE AREAS we feel that using the landscaped areas around the parking lot .as snow stoiage is nOt acceptable. Tbese areas, with heavy tree plantings, cannot accormoclate the large anount of snow which must be stored ou a parking lot of that size. 2. PARKING/LANDSCAPING REQUIRETI-ENTS our opinion j-s that, since this rvil-l most 1ike1y be developed when the property is in the Town of Vail , that our parking and landscaping requirements should be followed. Attached is a calculation of what our parking requirement would be under this proposal along with a comparison to the county's requirements. Rs you can see, our lrequirements represent a 15.7/. reduction in number of spaces. Moreoveri we rebommend that our 10U requirement for interior landscaping in the parking lot should be put into effect. our calculations show that only 5y. of the parki.ng lot interior is being proposed for landscaping-this is insufficient. A further reduction in amount of asphalt could be attained by reducing the size of the parking spaces from 1Ox2O to 9x18. lYe feel this is fu1ly warranted due io the rapidly decreasing size of automobiles. The attached parking calculations show that half an acre of asphalt will be converted to landscaped area if the Town,s parking rreconrnendations are fo11owed. We feel this substantii:-fy improves the aesthetics of the project. As you know, this is a critical problem in the Gore Valley. The Town has adopted a policy of encouraging new projects to provide housing for the employees the project itself generates. It is our opinion that 25/" of. either the number of residential units or the residential floor area included in this proiect should be employee housi.ng. We cannot afford to have a major project geneiating a large dernand for employees such as this to be built without provisions for employee housing. 4. INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL ACCESS Page Two 3. EMPLOYEE HOUSING Two aspects of the Landscaping plan need More internal landscaping in the parking breaking up the large amount of asphalt. landscaping external to tbe lot should be A. The Town is of strong opinion that access to Chamonix Lane should not be provided. If built it would cause problems with cars short-cutting through the parki-ng 1ot' Iurther, the condition of Chamonix Lane does not warrant increased traffic being added to it. B. The developer proposes use of Vail Das Shonets parking lot for access to the underground parking 1ot for the condomj-nium owners. We feel the possibility of the proposed deceleration/ right turn land being extended westward to the entrance to Vail Das Schoners 1ot should be looked at this will help tbe traffi-c flow in this area. C. An internal access from West Vail Common's 1ot to the other Commercial parking lots will keep cars off of the Frontage Road. The desision to get in the car and drive over to Safeway for groceries will be made regardl.ess of whether or not the person has to get back on the Frontage Road to do it. By including an internal accesswayr the rest of the commercial center can be connected. We feel that a rear accessway between the commercial properties should be located near where the drive to Chamonix Lane j-s proposed. If this is not feasible ' the less preferable alternative would be to extend the service vehicle drive on the southeast side of the buildings. 'D. Inclusion of a bus shelter on a pull-off from the Frontage Road is highly recommended by the Town. After annexationt we will be running a high-1eve1 bus service to the commercialcenter and a bus shelter is needed. 5.LANDSCAPING further attention.1ot will aid in A wider strip of included as we11. gp*H**+fi$fet#ffi ln+^ -.-**'J4eIl r l{e faaf . o 1ve' fi;li;,i.uiffi iirui+*rusti*ifu ,-sincerely :^.. 'rcrusion or """ "..ofri"1ff.I;;:1"- Pase ?hr! A. peier par"r piunn3J E).-( 4.,\\ Pi"k nvun \\ ulrector E TOIfN OF VAIL PAEKING REQUIREMENTS FOR IYEST VAIL COMMON 1. COMMERCIAL PROPOSED PARKING BEQUIREIMNT SPACES REQUIRED 75,932 sq. ft. I sp./300 sq. ft. coUNTY BEQUIREMm{T.... ......253 2. RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED PARKING REQUIREMENT SPACES REQUIRED 12 units G 1200 1.?sP/unit 2l sq. ft. each 24 units @ 1078 1.6 sP. /unit 38.4sq. ft. each TOTAL 36 units/4O,272 sq. ft. 60 County Requirement 2.5/unit 90 3. COMM. /RES. SUBTOTAL 253 TOV 313County 343 4. TOWN OT'VAIL MULTI-USE REDUCTION 300-400 spaces required gives a 7.5/, total reduction-24 spaces for a new total of 289 spaces TOTAL REDUCTION OF 54 SPACES (T5.7Y") FROM COUNTY REQUIREMENT 5. REDUCTION OF PARKING SPACE SIZE Proposed-10x20-343 spaces=68r600 sq. ft. TOV Recorunendation-9x18-289 spaces=46'818 sq. ft. For a reduction of 21,?82 sq. ft. or.5 acre of asphalt -rprrt_{r i oRECEIVED JLIS ii 1980 !t I .r, Drvcl. f i, cLll'J COLORADO OEPARTMEX? OF IIEALTX 12IO EAST IITH AVENUE ,OENVER,COLORAOO 80220. PHONE 320-8333 Frank Tr.aylor, M.D., Executive Director DATE: June 2, 1980 SUBJECT: NON-STATE ASSISTANCE REV]EW ATiID COMMENTS TO: Terrill KnightEagle County Planning PROJECT IITL,E: West Vail Common, File #Su-125-80-p STATE IDENTIFIER: COMMENTS: (Due May 21, 1980) Radiation & Hazardous Wastes Control: A11 solid wastes from construction posed of in lega11y designated solid waste disposal sites.Air Pollution Control: The Air Pollution Control Division has articu- ffi Eagle County in the past with respect to the relationship between growth and air quality. We feel confident that Eagle County is aware of these concerns and is working toward incorporating thern into land use planning. our concerns remain unchanged in the case of this proposal. eve Kelsev Environmental Planning CoordinatorSOC-3, Jan 79 COLORADO o STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS [4a.y 29, 1980 tr4r. Jarnes C. Riley Brandr l4anager Inter-[dountain Engineeri ng P. O. Bor< C-100 Avon, @ 81620 Dear IUr. Riley: We have reviev/ed the preliminary design drari.ng you sent for the West Vail Ccnnron entrance and find the design is adequate. I arn sending a copy of the dralring to IvIr. Larry Drieth, Senior Higtrqnay Foretnan, for his reference wtren he issues the drive- way pernit for this intersection. Thank you fon suppting the drawing for our reviery' Very trruIy youxs, R. A. PR6EN@ DISIIIICT ENGINEM DISIRICT SAFEIY & IRAFFIC M{GINffi DBC:lrnvXC: Prosence BradburyL. Driethfile P.O. Box 2107 GRAND JUNCT|ON, CO 81502 ,303\ 242-2862 :,:CEryFDly jg80 "","i!, llg;1;1;_Intcr-ltountrln Englneerlng ua. Jl4S:cjn cc: John Amato Jim Collins Jim Bailey BOX NO. C-100 AVON, CO 81620 949-5072 0ENVER 893-1 531 May 15, 1980 Mr. Terrill Knight Eagle County Department of Planning & Development Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Your File No. Su-126-80-P - west Vail Associates, Ltd. West Vail Common Dear l4r. Knight: We represent the Upper Eagle Val"ley sanitation District, which supplies sanitary sewer service to the above referenced proPerty. We understand that this development will consist of commercial space and 36 condominium units. No problems are foreseen in providing service to this development. The District presently has excess capacity in its vrastewater treatment plant and has begnrn construction on an expansion that will more than double its present size. Accordingly, upon payment of proper tap fees and conpliance with the Districtrs rules and regulatj.:ons, the district can and will provide service to this property. Sincerely, UPPER EAGLE VAILEY SAIIITATION DISTRICT Jt-{$t UA ?fa"-L Inter-Mountain Engineering ' Ltd. Engineers for the District Jeffery M. Spanel Vice President 1420 VANCE STREET LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 Phone: 232-0158 RONALD C. MCLAUGHLIN KENNETH R, WR IGHT HALFORO E. ER ICK6ON DOU GLAS T. SOVERN WILLIAM C. 'AGGARI ROBERT L, CARLEY JOHN T. MCLANE RONALD B, CLON INGER GENE A. BURRELI. JAMES B. FLOOO WILLIAM KENOALLMICHAEL E. MERCERIOMAS OORNEUSH JOHN M, PFLAUM JIM M IE D. WHITFIELD ROEERT A, FERGUSONJ. IiAROLO ROBERTS JACK W. STEINMEYER LEANOER I.. IJ FIMY *a"t-".LAUGHLT N r*o'*..*tO ENGINEERI NG CONSULTANTS 2420 ALCOIT S'REET DENVER, COLORADO AO2I I (303) 454-6201 May 9, 1980 COMFLETE ENG'NEERING SERVICES IN THE SPECIALTY FIELDS OF WATER SUPPLY AND OISIR IBUTION WATER AND SEWAGE TFEATMEN'' SEWAGE COLLECTION ANO REUSE sTORM ORAINAGE FIRE PRO'TECTION FLOOD CONTROL OTH ER WATER.OR IENIED PROJECTS RECEIVED MAY 1Z 1IBO oept. of Pl.nninS & Dnel. Eogls, Coitnty, Colo, Eagle County Pl ann'ing Commission Eagle County Dept. of P1 anning and Development Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 8163.| Re: West Vail Commons Dear S'i rs: We represent the Vajl Viliage West Water District in which the proposed West Vail Commons development is located. As enqineers for the District we have been asked to review the water supply siiuation. Due to circum- stances beyond our control , we must request a 30-day extension in the review period. The District has been approaching the capacity of its water supply, but has very recently located and repaired several sizable leaks. We need more time to determine the effects of these repairs on water demand. Wealso need more detailed information on thedeve'lopment's projected water use and fire flows. We are currently obtain'i ng th'is 'information from the developer's Engineer. The District is pl ann'ing a large improvement pro- gram for its water system, and bids will be opened soon. hJe would liketo be sure that this program will proceed before comnitt'i ng to serve the proposed project. This should be clear within two weeks. Please let us know what the new review deadline will be. The next District board meeting will be on June l0th, and a response should be expected atthat time. Yours truly, WRIGHT-McLAUGHLIN ENGINEERS By EZe,€f- Francis D. Barrett cc: Byron Brown Jim Col I ins Jim Bailey FDB: hh BRANCH OFFICES GLENWOOO SPFINGS STEAMEOA' SPRINGSASPEN OILLON LAKE P. O. BOX 12A6 P O. EOX 5220 CHEYENNE O24I VENINOR AVENUE DRAWER B GLENWOOO SPRINGS. STEAMBOAT VILLAGE, 3!3O HENDERSON ORIVE asPEN, CO|-ORADO 8t6tt FRISCO, COLORADO aO443 COLORADO at6ot COLORAOO 40499 CHEYENNE, WYOMTNG 6200l RICHARD D. LAMM GovERNoR ;"up*ffinquo COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING - 1313 SHERMAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE (303) 839-2611 RECEIVED MAY 121380 De9l. ot Planning & o|el. Ergle, County, Colo.JOHN TI/, ROLD Dirsctor May 8, .|980 Mr. Terril'l Knight Department of Planning and Development Box 179 Eagle, C0 81631 lle have reviewed the data submitted regarding this preliminary plan and the general and engineering geology of the general v'icinity of the site and we have no objection to approval of this application. Dear Mr. Knight: JLH/gP cc: LUC GEOL STORY OF THE PAST . . RE: IIEST VAIL COMMON su-'l 26-80- P Yours truly, Jeffrey L. Engi neeri ng Geol ogi st OGY . KEY TO THE FUTURE EAGI.E COT,NTY Community Development P.0. Box .l79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73 | I BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMr55toNER5Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 April 17, .|980 tlest VaiI Associates, Ltd. 9933 Lavrler Avenue, Suite 4.l0 Skokie, Illinois 60076 A5SE550 R Ext 202 BU ILD ING IN I NSPECT IO NExt 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDERExt 21 7 COU},IT Y ATTO R N EYExt242 5 L,o "r,' tlENGINEER L"..Ji.. .,.Ext 236 . i ENVIRONMENTALHEALTHExt 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARYExt 25 5 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea gle Ext 252 Va il 475-5844 PLANNINGExt 226 ot 229 PU RCHASING/PERSONNEL E xt 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l I8isall 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 5'l SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURERExt 201 Re: File No. Su-]26-80-Pllest Vai I Conrnon rg' af i*{. or. I't-'l The Development Revjew Team had the fo1lowinq comments concern'inq your proposal : l) P'lease show building height comparisons with surrounding bui'ldings.2) Snow storage should be provided within thec I Drooertv boundaries. Calculations now",'a -J lhoir t57 of paved area provided as snow i'l r storage. (Cbunty regu'l ations 20,"4)3) Parking spaces @ 2.5 spaces per unit and 1 space per 300' commercia1 (minus storage) yields 348 spaces.4) Design of access to Chamonix lane should be reworked. l'l.tl corner of parking 'lot should be separated from the western section.(i.e. landscaped)5) Show intersectjon detai'l with frontage road,i.e. curve radji, dimens'ion of lanes' signs, etc.6) Investigate potent'ial of access to Brendeis bui l ding.7) Please show surmary table at revegatation with quantities, size and type of piantings'8) Solicit response from l',lest Vail Architects Control Commission.9) Park'ing lot maintenance needs to be specifically addressed in covenants. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Thank you, ./'74rtOnaa -fu',2,<.t Thomas Boni/'ftt Assistant Directorof Planning TBlJ h c.c //L.- ,//r"uLt-'' RICHARD D. LAMM Governor J. A. OANIELSON Slate Engineer DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Department of Natural Resources 1313 Sherman Streel - Room 818 Denver, Colorado 80203 Administration (303) 839-3581 Ground water (303) 839-3587 REffiruED nPR y I i"t30 glpt. of prj,:, rrg & Devel. t',sh, Counq,Ailg. April 17, 1980 Mr. Terrill Knight, Director Eagle County Department of Plannlng & Development P. O. Box I79 Eagle, CO 8163I Re: West Vail Common File No. Su-126-80-P Dear Mr. Knight: This is to acknowledge recelpt of prelimlnary plan materlal for the above referenoed commercial development. The West Vall Water Distrlct has been designated as the source of water; however, no Ietter of commitment for servloe has been submltted. Information avail- able in our files indtcates that the Dlstrlct may have sufftcient water avallable to serve this development. We would recommend approval of West VatI Common contlngent upon the developer obtainlng a wrltten commitment for servlce from the District. Very truly yours, //n a. /*- Hal D. Simpson, Chief Water Management Branch HDS,/GDV:mvf cs: Lee Enewold, Div. Eng. Land Use Commlsslon EAGTE COUB{TY DEPARTMENT OF Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO BOARD OF COUNTYcoM M rss toN E R5328.6809 ADMINISTRATION328-667 4 ANIMAL SHELTER949-4?92 ASSESSO R328-6593 BUILDING IN SPECT ION328.6339 CLERK &RECORDEREaqle 328-6377Baeall 927-3244 CO U NTYATTO R N EY328-6674 ENGINEER328.6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 325-77 t8 EXTENSIONAGENT328-6370 LIBRARY328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLANN ING328-6338 ROAD & BR IDG E328.6591 SHERIFFEaqle 328-66 | IBaialt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 50c rAL 5E RV ICES328-6328 TREASURER 328-6376 PI,ANNTNG E DEVELOPMENT 328-7 371 B163't RE: File No. Su-]26-80-P APPLICANT: l^lest Vai'l Associates, Ltd. 9933 Lawler Avenue, Suite 4.l0 Skokie, Ill inois 60076 April 2, .|980 Thank gou verg much , TertiTl- Knig Di rector EncTosed herewith is a copg of an appTication and pTan submitted to the EagTe Countg PTanning Commission fot review and recommendation at their regular meeting on Mav 2.l. .l980 rn accotdance with C.R-S- 706-2-9, 7A6-2-33 and 706-2-34 ' 7963, as amended and EagTe Countg Subdivision Regulations ' Section 3.05 and 3.07, as amended effective 7 August 7976' gou ate required to receive the p7an, and gou have 35 dags Tron date maiTed within which to respond or the pTan wil7 be deemed to have been approved bg gour agencg' ThePTanningConnissionwouTdsincereTgappteciategout conments and tecommendations a few dags prior to the meeting date. If gou desjre additional infotmation ot time, please advise this office in writing' rK/ jk E!!lc Ccunll, C')Lorrdo cLt{1liitc.\fE o "',li::':1,1i'." " -,..,,,",',r",,", S u -'l 2 G -80 - P D. {cor'Saiions 'n E3.llc-4.u5. Cree;( to E'J'r3rosl 1. Cslor:':o G.'olo-f,ical Surv:Y lt/ 2- Cclo. Oepartrneit ot F ealth l,/ 3. col3.ado stele Engrneer a/ .. E€le county S:nttarisn ,./ t' s3-:te cJuntY ='Jire:r-----=r',- 6- Ftolv C.oss =lectrrc Ass'' -. "",.-.tt'.,t ' l/ 9. U's. soil co.servstion servrce l/ 9. U.s. Surea! of Land vlanegerent ,-/ 'to. Colorado Fliverw3ter consv' Dist' y' tt. Div. cf Water AesoLrrces :9.AFolicatio.s in gasalt Ar:a: 1. Tovrn of =3916 2. Eagle Sanrt3i ion Dislrict 3. Coloradc Oivision cl V'fildlii' 4. U.S. Foresl S:tv'.e 5. g:9le V!lley Tel:..1one Co' 5- Rochy Nlin. Natu.al G3s 7. Scho3l Distrr:t aE5OJ G.{..licatiol.3 in Uoper E3!le valrey: 1. Towt oi Nlintutri 2. Town of Rad Clirr 3- Uppe.:39le ValleY Sen' Oist' 4. €3g16-Vail Me:ro eistrici 5. Olier Oi3t. (.o.e ai prese'i tin'e) 6- Schc.l oisiric! 1=:!J 1. Catcra4a Oivisic6 cf j/ilcilife 3. U.S. Fore:t S.rvi.e 9. !vlt.. 3ell Tetec.ti-' Co- rO. Public Servica Co. cl Cols' 1. Town oi 3asalt 2, Planning 9agres3.tative 3. Sc.ool Oistricl REiJ 4. g?sali Watet Cc.sv. Dist- 5. Sasalt Ru.al Fi.e Cist. il.Orr-^r A,:edci.:3 (wFa.. .ipp..pri3t"') -, y' l. C.l:..Lr ciF!. ct lr,Jtv,r/3\----- l!!-.2- crtc. 9i3te Fo"r:t S-'rvi40 5. gasalt water at Sanii3iion Oist' 7. Coloraic Oivision ot wildlite i; Cire v"lley - Vail Atea: _ ' 2. Town oi vail :: t----' 7"- vsil ville4e west !'/atet g san' A. U.S- Forest Service 9. Mount3in Bell TalePho.e Co. 10. Rocky NIln. Nalutal Cas -r1, l.1t' sopri3 soil conserva:ion C.Acolicaric.s in GYPeum Afea: t. Town oi Gypsum 5. E4te ValleY Teiephone Co' 6. Ao.kY Mtn- Nalural Gas 7. S.-:o Oist.ic: CE:a-:, Gla:rn .jq'.ii;trr. ;i:tfic:O::=.fr::':;ti; ir \.]ciorrcD 1. S,ir_.Jt Ci!l.ist R-:-rJ 2. Scicoi Oit(.i':t ii 1 3. U!: F...:1 5'./i.€ (9i31:) .i. US:.rc.t Sc./ic r (r',iittirrtr) 5. E.:tG valtcy Illei:ho.o Co. 6. Yan:pa V.ille'/ Electric 2. Eagle Cou.tv A roo'i Authority 6' +!i++'r'fi'6 iYfi\ tr 3. Cclo.adc Division ot wildiife ?' \''" t-_ l_''_- gilll 4- u.5 - Fo.€st sefltce ''/"' scFoor District R='oJ -E-1 Ai, Coloradc Oivision ol Wildliie U.S- Fc.?sl Se.vice Mtn. 3elt ieieor..e Co. Public Service Co. of colo' Up.er =3914 VaileY Sen. EAGLE COUNTY ontDepartment of Community Deve'lopme EAGLE, COLOBADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731 | - P.0. Box 179 BOARO OF COUNTYcoMMt55toNERSExt 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A5SESs0RExl2O2 BUILOING IN INSPECTI O N Ext 226 oc 229 CLER K & RECORDERExt 2l7 COUNTYATTORNEYExt 242 ENG IN EE R Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENTexl 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 475-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PE RSONNELExt 245 ROAO & BRIOGEExl 257 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2l I Aaialt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURERExt 201 August 28, 1980 Briner/Perki n/Fi tzhugh Scott 433 E. Meadow Drive Drawer 2299Vail, C0 81657 Re: File No Zs-103-79 Fi'le No Su-126-80-P At their Pub'l ic Hearing of August 27, 1980, (having been continued since July 14, l9B0) the Board of County Conrnissioners approved your specia'l use permit for dwelljng units f n a Cornmercial Limited zone, with the condition that the permit be reviewed after 7 years to determine whether or not there is demand within thisproject for employee housing, and if there is, the emp'loyee housing shall be continued within this project jndefinite'ly. In addition, the Commissioers reviewed and approved your pre- liminary plan for this project. Si:neerdl.y; Susan Vaughn Pl anner Board of County Cornmissioners EAGTE COUNTY Conrnun i ty Deve l oPment TELEPHONE 303/328.731I &cPe,[trbHooo rtu.t BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrSsloNERsExt 241 ADMINISTRATIONExt 24t ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 AS5ES50 R Exl 2O? BUILOING IN I N SPECT IONExt 226 or 229 CLERK &RECOROERExI 217 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENG I N EER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH Ext 238 EXT ENSI O N AGENTExt 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eag le Ext 252Vail 476-5844 PLANN I NGExt 2?6 or 229 PURCHASING/ PER50NNELefi 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERV ICEs 328.6328 TREASURERExt 20 | 16 July 1980 Bri ner,/Scott Archi tects 143 E. l4eadow Dr.Vail, Colorado 8.l657 Re; Fi le File J-y'.'--' -.,-.--') Thomas Bon'i Assistant Djrector of Planninq No. Su-126-80-P No. Zs-108=79 Dear Tom: At their meeting of July 14, 1980, the Board of County Commissioners contjnued your ipecial Use Permjt to August 27 to allow the applicant to address the fol l ow'ing : ( 1) chi I drens pl ay area(2) bus shelter(3) employee housing In another motion, the Board tabled your preliminary pian to a1 1ow app'l icant to submit revjsed plans showing the following: (1) de'letion of paral'l el parking area on the northwest portion of parkinq lot and the inclusion of a landscaped area between the northwest and eastern portions of the parking I ot. (2) additional landscaping study which considers snow removal and incorporates more coniferous varieties. (3) additional lane alonq frontage road or access between parkinq and Vail das Schone. If you have any questions please contact this office. 4./ Board of County Corm'issioners West Vai I Assoc iates . Inc. EAGLE COUNTY Communi ty Deve'l oPment P.0. Box .l79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73r I BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMt55loNER5 Ext 241 AOMINISTRATIONExt 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I N5PECTIO N Ext 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECORDERExt 2l 7 COUNTYATTORNEYExl 242 ENGINEERExt 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEA LT HExt 238 EXTENS IO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Va il 476-5844 PLAN N I NGExt 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGEExt 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basall927-3244 Gilman 827-575 | SOC IAL 5ERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | June 5, .|980 West Vail Associates, Ltd. 9933 Lawler Avenue, Suite 4.l0 Skokie, Illinois 60076 Re: File No. Su-]26-80-PFile No. Zs-]08-79 }{est Vail Commons At their meeting of June 4, the Eagle County Planning Cormission recomrended approval of your spec'i a1 use permit to allow a mixed commercial residential use in a Commercia] Limited zone. Also, they recolrrnended approval of your prefiminary plan rvith the condition that you improve the passabi'lity of the connectjon off your parking areas at the NE corner of your building. Construction at this connection should include speed bumps. The Planning Commissjon also recommended that the Board of County Commissioners consider the reduction of parking requirements as per the letter from the Town of Vail. This recommendation w'i 11 go to the Board on 14 July, beginning at 9:00 a.m. If you have any questions please contact this office. Sincerely, Thomas Boni Assistant Directorof Planning TB/J h cc: Board of County Commissioners EAGLE COUNTY Community DeveloPment P.0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731| BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtsStoNERsExt 241 ADMINISTRATIONExt 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 21 7 COUNTY ATTORNEYExl242 ENGINEERExt 236 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENTExl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252Vail 476-5844 PLANN I NGExl 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNELExt 245 ROAD & BRIDGEExt 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l IBaszll927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREAsURERExt 2Ol I4ay 22, '1980 llest Vail Associates, Ltd. 9933 Lawler Avenue, Suite 4.|0 Skokie, Illinois 60076 Re: File No. Su-.|26-80-P tlest VaiI Commons At their meeting of May 2l, 1980, the P'lanning Corm'ission tabled your request for pre'l iminary plan review to their June 4 meeting. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Respectfu'l ly yours , J/rs,r',4,,,fo ,,-u /s,t Thomas Boni Assistant Directorof Planning TB/j h Iill L t I brinerr'scott architects 143 e. meadow dr. vail. colorado 81657(303) 476 3038 May 16, 1!80 Mr. Thomas Bon i Ass i stant Di rector of Planning Eagl e County re: West Vai I Common Dear Tom: Regard ing the comments of the Development Review Team per your letter of April 17, 1980, my office has given them consideration and looks forward to answering these at a Presentat ion to the County Plarinirig Commission May 2l , 1980. For your informat ion this is where we presently stand with regard to the 9 items conta ined in your letter: A surveying crew is expected to give us, by the 2lst' an accurate reading of adjacent building heights. These will be indicated by a prof ile drawing. The proposed \'/est Vail Common building will be between J2tand 35' high depending upon structural requ i rement s. Item2-SnowStorage @ 20% requirement has been met by utilizing a portion of the Frontage Road R.0.W. Jim Strain, from his conversat ion with you, bel ieved that your staff would en- dorse this situation in light of the great amount of area being requi red by this formula and, of course' assuming thattraffic view corridors would not be adversely effected. There remain other al ternat ives. The equiir,alent of the approximate 27OO sq. ft. of area shown in the R.0.W. could be accommodated within the ,oro-perty lines if we were al lowed to exceed the 12 feet limit at some locat ions by approximately 3 feet. or We could accommoda te this amount of storage within the de- pressed court areas on the south side of our building. or We could assume that the amount of snow presently shown on the R.0.W. would be removed from the site in accordance with the parking lot maintenance provisions as addressed by the Condomi n ium Declaration. Thomas Bon i t4ay 1 5, 1!80 Page 2 Item 3 - Parking Spaces ffidicate that a surplus of 4 spaces have been provided rather than the deficit of I sPace you mention. However, we will provide one more space and will show its location at the May 2lst meeting. lle wi ll indicate to the Planning Commission the feel ings of the Town of Vail Plan- ning Staff and Planning Conmiss ion regard ing a reduct ion of spaces due to the multi-use of the building and their re- commendation for smal ler parking spaces. Item 4 - Access to/from Chamonix Laneffiwith the Traff ic Study requested for the Prel iminary Plan. The entrance is being engineered so that it is perpendicular to Chamonix Lane. A separat ion of the lots is being cons idered, however, we have a concern that such a separat ion would not be in accordance with the recommendations of the traffic study. I tem 5 - lntersect ion Deta i I s @ been engaged to design this inter- section in accordance with County and State Highway guidel ines. Progress drawings are available, however, a final review by the State has, of this date, not been achieved. The State is in accordance with the recommendations of the traffic study but must make a decision on the relative merits of widdning the roadway to the north, or the south, which would effect the turning radius into the parking lot. Item 6 - Brandess Buildin Access to the Brandess Bu i I d i ng i s wou ld requi re an expend i ture on the very poss ibl e, however it part of the Brandess Bu i ld ing owner. I tem 7 - Landscapingwithin our Prel iminary Plan submittal there is a "Site De- sign Report'r authored by Mr Rick Lamb, a I andscape architect. Pages 2 and 3 of this report i temize the species, number and size of plant materials proposed for this project. This in- formation is also indicated on plan sheets 3 and 4 of our submittal. Although my own definition of t'landscaping" is broad enough to include paved courts and paths we @-!g! excluded these potential ly hard surfaces from our calculation of imperv ious materials, thus, we wou ld expect to have, with our plan, j2.12 of the site "green". Thomas Bon i May 15, 1980 Page l Item 8 - West Vail Archi tects Control Commi ssion nd asked to meet wi th her committee in order to explain our concept for theproject. I suggested that the cornmittee members, at their convenience, meet at my office where I could explain model s and drawings describing the project. Mrs. Scheidegger stoPped by the office, expressed concern over flat roofs, painting the building white, the lack of a direct auto connect ion to the Safeway parking lot and the entrance from Chamoni,x Lane. She asked for a site plan, which I gave her. I have neither heard from her or any members of her committee since then. I tem 9 - Parki ng Lot l.la i ntenance The developer intends that the West Vail Common Condominium Association wi I l, within its declaration, provide that the parking lot be plowed and snow removed during the winter and mechanical ly cleaned during the summer, As requi red, the lot wil I be sealed and stripped. I hope this rrprogress reportrr will be useful to you and your staff. lf you have any questions prior to the 21st, please don't hesitate to cal I me. Thank you. Yours : d rn'l' Thoma s TAB/ahp cc: Hud Wirth Jay Peterson truly, !tr,D-;^.-. A. Br i ner Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Septenber 5, 1979 TerriJ-l Knight, % Eael-e County Box 179 Eagle, Colorado Eag'l e Q6untrt Elanner Hlannirg Dept. 8r63t TerrJJ-l: The Thomag A. Briner sketch plan proposal was zutrnritted to the Eagle Cornty Soil Consenration Dlstrict for rgvler,r and comnent. l{e have no conments concerning this request at this tlne. SincereJy, ,&-^tL,S;h, Bud Gates, President \ ()neParkCentral - l5l5 Aropohoe slreet P. O. 8ox 84O Denver Colorodo 8O2Ol (3O3) 534-1261 Augfust L7, L979 Eagle Couhty Planning Deflartnent P.o. Box 789 EagLe, Colorado 8L631 Re3 Prel-fuiinary Develolment Plans SU-126-79-S - West VaiL Plaza SU-125-79-S - Lions Ridge #2, Parcel F -re-subdivision Gentlsren: We have exarnined the above captioned pLot plans andl finct that at this time Westeln has no faciLities on the land to be plotted. PLease note that we are a transniss ion utility and our approval does not reflect our abiLity to ser:\re subj ect subdivisions. f,::?[:i -;;:, &::;:t"y Very truly yours, .' ,i,r4, I 4autat 4 k4"" Laura L,. Rodgers " Associate Right-of-Way Agent r,LR/Pf _/ .L- .\ 3A 4B '55 Hap Ualc lio. SOIL CIIAIUTCTE:IISTICS Dcp:ir co )cdrock : Tex:u:e c '.- --. ^ i'l' JUCSC:3:U:l : Uni f lcC,/.viSllO Class'^f lca:lon:Per:.eabllity (below 2 feet) : Pe:ceni Coarse Fragments- (gravel, cobble, 6ton€) :SoiI Reac:lon (pll) : Shr lnk-Sr.'el1 Potential : Po !c:r:la1 Fros! Actlon'(sur:ace) 3 Flood llazard : Hyd rol.oglc Group tCorroslvit,y - Steel 3- Cencratc t DECREE E KIND OF LIMITATIONS(O ls Slighr, H 10 Modera:a;S'ls Severe) Septlc Tank AbeorptloaFlelds .: J Sewage Lagoona_ : 'Santrary Landflll'- Trench : - Area : Si":allow Excavatlona : D,relllngs w/baseurents ; w/o basernente : Local Roads and Streets : SUI'..,.,BILITY AS A SOURCE 0F.... Da1!y Cover for Landflll ; Topsoll S and Cravel Roadflll OT1IER SOIL FEATURES Deep Fine sandy loarn Stony sandy cLay Loan, stony sandy loamVery stony sardy loan, verlr stony loany sand.A-4, A-6, A-2; F'lL, SC, Sl.t, Gl.{ Rapid - 6.0 to 20.0 in./hr. over 35X7.4 to 8.4 l.ioderate to 1or lloderate None B Hlgh Dlodrratc o 72C. ]^2D.L2F "q4fi4s.S s- s- s-s- s- S- M;S M- stonlness seepage, stonlness seepage, stonlness aeepage stonineEE stonlness on olopeo over 15tr otoniness; S on sJopes over l5S Poor Poor - s tonlneas Fair Falr Poor - large stones NOT To BE USED IN PIACE OF OH-SITE'.ADVA.!,ICS coPY suBJEcT To CIiANGEII FI.?-: #. St .:. These soiIs. are on mountail sideslopes. The major soir is deep and vrell drained. Typicarly the surface layer is frne sa'rdy loan about S lnches thick. The subsurface is stony fine sandy loa,n about 18 inches thick. The subsoil is stony clay loarn about 10 inches thick. The underlying layer is stony loarn extending below 60 inches. Perneability is rnoderate. T1pica1ly the surface layer of the rninor soil- is sard,y J-oam about 25 jrrches thick. The subsoi.l is graveJ-ly sandy clb,y Loam about J inches thick. The subsfratum is gravel).y sandy t-oan. Permeability is rnoderateJ.y rapid. Ur:it 12 These soils are on te*aces ard alLurrtal- fans, They are deep and werl dra:led. !i,'i"-"1.i- l:.^. i::l ,'1i'i. COh1M. | ;_i-. , j :._. .:i t , Li;r, i,.iG ar .,5*f1.,.19r-7 'Til.'rt.r ?;pical\y the surface layer i_s Tlie subsoil is stony sandy clay substratum is very stony Loany inches. Perrneabllity is rap1d. fine sc-ndy loan about 3 to B inches. thick. loam abcub 9 to 18 inches thick. The sard or sandy loam that extends belcrr^r 60 o Eagle Co'rnly, Colorrdo cerlific{tion is hereby made that o copy of an appl{calion submitled and given the above File No. was entered lnto lhe u.s. \hrls, or hand delivered, on to the offices/persons ds listed horeon, p|tges_ot_, as marked bt the inilirls pranning commissionr'"No$4;1f/Q.- 7q - a O.Apptications in Eagle-Brush Creek to Edwards: Certifler's Signature : \.All Applications refer€d to: 1. Colorado Geological Slrrvoy 2. Coto. Oepartrnent of Health 3. Colorado Stat€ ErEineer ./ 4. Eagl€ county Sanitaria,r -/ 5. Easte co.rnty Er'gineer---'-----7 -/ 6. Hory Cros3 Electric Ass'n -, €e'orad. Mtn. e6llcgc Bist. 1. Town of Eaole 2. Esgle Sarlltation District 3. Colorado Division ot wildlife "./ = --7 -./ 4. U.S. Forest Service 5. Eagle ValleY TelePhone Co. 6. Flocky Mtn. Natural Gas 7. School District RE50J 8. U.S. Soil Conse.vation S€rvice 9. U.S. glireau of Land Management '10. Colorado River Water Consv. Dist. 11. Div. of Water Resources GAoolications in Uoper Eagle valley; B.Applicaiions in Basalt Area: 1. Town of Mi.turn 2. Town of Bed Cliff 3. Upper Eagl€ ValleY Sa^. Dist. 4, Eagle-Vail Melro Oistr ct 5. Other Dist, (none at present tim€) 6. School District RE5OJ 7. Colorado Division of Wildli{e 8. U. S. Fo.est Service 9. Mtn. Sell Talephone Co. 1. Town of Basall 2. Planning Repressntaiave 3. School oistrict RE1J 4. Basalt W6tar Consv. Dist. 5, Basalt Rural Fire Dist. 3. U:l F.'crl S_rvi.e (=.-:.1.) \ US Forcat se.v'ce (Mi.turn) |I5. E:r,r'c Vr lcl Telepho.e Co. I 6. Yampa vorley Erectric I s.oiher Asenci':s (where .rppropriate) |l, Golo.a<rc oept. or llighways Ii--/| ./ z. c"t". ctc:e Forcst srrv;ce { 6. Easalt Water and Sanitation Oist. -10' Public Service Co' "'":'o'.. .,...,7. cotorado oivision of witdri.s *-ooo,,.Jr6f" ,;"#!.;d,;':r::'^i::: i''"i B. U.S. Forest Servic€ / 1. western slope cas -_/./ ---- 9. Mountain Bell releptlone co. ./=2_ Town of vail l:::'- .......-10. Rocky Mln. Natural Gas "/ 3' vail village west water & san' ----J1. l4t. Sopri s Soil Conservatlon 4. Lions RidgB Water C.Applicatlons in Gypsum Area: -----/ 2. Eagle Col]ntv Airport Authoriiy 6' Vail lniermountain Water 3. Colorado Division of Wildlite 7_ Vail Seitation Dist' 4. U-S. Fo'est Seiv ce 1 8' School o strct BE5OJ , / ' / 5. Eagf e valley ler€prb^e co. / 9' colorado o;vlsion ot wildlile Vl-<z"tlt-'-'Ll 6. Rocky Mtn. Nahrral Gas / -)o' U'S' Forest Service 7. School oistrici RE5oJ .14tt' 't"' Bell Telephone Co' <i. C,j2:um sq:itarign ti;;,ct ---712. Public service co. ol colo.ojrppFE?trqns in cororaco ---7t- Upper Eagt€ Va ey San.1. S,:hool District RE50 2. Scl'ool Disirict t+ 1 Applicat ons in Colorado River Area:1. School District RE5OJ 2. 3. 5. 6. Oiher Agenc jes (where appropriate) School Distfict # 1 US Forest Service (Eegte) US Fo.est Service (Mintu.n) Eagle Valtey Telephone Co. Y3mpa Valley E ectric 1. Colorado Dept- of Flighways 2. Colo. State Forest Service ,. .f?--- COTORADO DEPARTMIXT OF HEALTH 12IO EAST IITH AVENUE . D€NVER,COLORADO 80220 . PHONE 320-8333Frank Traylor, M.D., Executive Director DATE: SUBJECT: TO: August 15, 1979 NON-STATE ASSISTAI{CE REVIEW A}TD COMMENTS Mr. Terrlll- Knight DLrector, Eagle County Planning Department Eaglen CO 81531- Hae anyone looked lnto the addltlve inpact that thls slte w111 have on aLr quality takLng into consl-deratlon the exlsting de- veLopoent Ln the area and the additlonal automobile trafflc generated fron thls 81te? PROJECT TITLE. Sketch Plan - West Vail Plaza - Eagle County - Su-126-79-S .STATE:rq.ENTIFrER: NA GoMMBITS DUE; september \9, 7979 COM}4ENTS:WATER QUALITY CONTROL The Water Qual ity Control Division feel s the sketch plan for this subdivision is in order. Both water and sewer appear to be available. Final commitments for these ser- vices however, must be arranged. In addition, the Division would appreciate the efforts of the developer to incorporate the fol lowing guidelines for construction runoff management i nto final site plans. AIR POLLUTION COMROL RECEIVED n1;,#ffiT,f;:'' SOC-3, Jan 79 Micki Barnes, Program Planner SEP 19 1379 - t.' r The Soit consttion Service has deveropua ,h!ollowing checkl istI to be used in construction, and we would appreciate the developers us ing these practices, l. The area and duration of exoosure of erodible soils should be reduced to the greatest extent practicable. 2. Soils should be protected by using temporary vegetation or mulch or by accelcrated establ ishment of permanent vegetat ion. Scaments of work should be completed and protected as rapidly as c6nsistent wi th construction schedules. 3. The rate of runoff from the construction site should be mechanically retarded and the disposal of runoff should be control led. 4. Sediment resul ting from construction should be trapped in temporary or permanent debris basins., 5, Dust should be kept within tolerable limits on haul roads and at the site by applying water or other dust suppressors' 6. Temporary bridges or culverts should be used where fording of streams is objectionable. Borrow should not be taken from areas wherepollution from the operation is inevitable. 7. Temporary measures should be used to keep erosion control if construct ion is suspended for any appreciable length of time. 8. Protection against pol lutants such as chemicals, fuels, lubricants, sewage, etc., should be provided. 9. Construction should be timed to avoid rainy seasons if practical. lO. Sanitary facilities should not be located over or adjacent to live streams, wells, or springs. I l. Grass or brush fires should be prevented, Burned-over areas usually are vulnerable to erosion. EAGLE COUNTY EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73 | I o qJt BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrSstoNERsExt 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO RExt 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTIONExt 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDERExt 217 COUNTY ATTO R N EYexl 242 ENGINEERExt 236 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH Ext 238 EXT EN S ION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PU BLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NGExt 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONN ELExt 245 ROAD & BRIDGEExt 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l 1 Basalt 927-3244cilman 827-575 | SOCIAL 5ERVICES 328-6328 TREASURERExt 20 | 0ctober 7979 Thomas Briner Drawer 2299Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: File No. Su-126-79-S West Vail Plaza Sketch - At their meeting of October 3, 1979, the Planning Cornmission reviewed you sketch plan and setback variance request. The Conrmissjon recofimended denial of your setback variance request on the grounds that a hardship had not been established and that the buil"ding would be a visuai intrusion along Highway 6 (bldg. height). The Plannin! Commission made the fol'l ovring comments on your sketch plan request: 1. Cut the size of the building down. Fewer dwelling units would be more desirable. Interpretatjon of the residential/commercialsplit allowed under a special use in a CL zone would provide 66% cornmercial and 33% residential floor area rat'io. 2. Greenspace would be attractive between Vail das Schone and proposed building. 3. Increase landscaping in parking area. Protect the views from adjacent residential land as much as possible. 4. Provision of parking should meet al 1 county regulations. Fifteen percent overlapp parking is not recommended. 5. Investigate the potential forinter parking lot access. This recormendation will be presented to the Board of County Corrnissioners at their meeting on 24 0ctober 1979, beginning at 9:00 a.m. 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. If you have any questions, please call this office. Respectful I v vours. -..2, ,/ -*)/./-*.-- a-- o^ ? Thomas BoniAsst. Director of Planning Enclosed find an application for special use permit requ'i red construct residentiai units in a CL zone (Sec. 3.07.03 (32) ) +n EAGTE COUNTY EAG LE-., CO LO RADO 8'I 631 TELEPHONEl 303/328.7311 BOARD'OF COUNTYcoMMtsstoNERsExt 241 ADMINISTRATIONExt 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55ES50RExt 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO NExl 226 or 229 CLERK &RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTYATTORNEYExt 242 ENG I NEE RExt 236 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTHExt 238 EXTENSION AGENT Exl 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NGexl 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNELExt 245 ROAD & BRIDGEExt 257 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2l I Basall927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 5l SOCIAL SERVICE5 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | o August 9, 1979 RE: Su-126-79-S Sketch Plan APPLICANT: Thomas A. Brinerc/o Briner/Perkin/Fitzhugh Scott Architects Drawer 2299 Vai1, Co. 81657 Enclosed herewith 'is a copy of an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County P1 anninq Commission for review and recormendation at their regular meetinq on 19 September 1979. In accordance with C,R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations' Section 3.05 and 3.07, as amended effective L August 1976' you are required to rece'i ve the plan, and you have 35 days from date mailed wjthin whichtorespond or the plan will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sjncerely appreciate your comments and recommendations a few days prior to the meeting date. If you desire additional information or time, please advjse thjs office in wri ting. Thank you very much, al"iltt /"'y6Y? L Terrill KniqhtT Tk/j p Enc ,t^o 8ilNER/PERKIN/FITZHUGH SCOrI AI.\jI 1I-IEC] S DRAWETI 2299 \r\ri,.() 81651 l3o3lJi5.lL)38 August l, 1979 Eagle County Plann ing Commi ssion Eagle CountY Planning DePt. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Sketch Plan West Vail Plaza Dear Members of the Eagle County Planning Commission: t have been requested by the l,est Vail oevelopment Corporation to seek you Sketch Plan approval for a mixed use development on the 5.6 acre tract immed- iately east of the Vail Das Schone Condomin iums. This tract is designated as Vail das Schone Filing No. 4 and proposed development will be named West Vail Plaza. Inquiries to the developer may be addressed to: Mr. Hudson Wirth, President West Vai I Development Corporation 9933 Lawler Avenue, Suite lrl0 Skokie, ll I inois 50076 Phone 312-667-6305 Attached please find a check in the amount of $300 dollars to cover the fee for Sketch Plan review. Al so enclosed are: a. Sketch Plans showing proposed scope of development including schemat ic floor plans and cross sect ions thru the site.b. Letter from Mr. David Yoder of Yoder Engineering with regard to sewer and water requ irements and their impact on existlng utilities as well as a prel iminary analysis of storm drainage requirements including run-off from the proposed parking area.c. Informat ion on solls and geology for this site as made available by the U. S. Soils Conservation Service office and the Eagle County Planning office. ln addition to data included here there is specific soils and geology information on file with the County for the adjoining site. Reference can be made to a letter from Richards Engineering !nc. to Eagle County Planning Commission dated July 18, 1977 REt Sketch Plan and Perl iminary Plan - Vail das Schone Condominiums. The above letterincluded a soils report prepared by Thomas Summerlee, Reg istered p.E. No. 9991 and referred to a Geological Study prepared by Charles N.Johnson, Registered P.E. No. 852 1. Both of these reports are thoughtto be on file with the County. Ea'g l e County Planning Corqissions August l, 1979 tPage 2 This site has been urbanized by previous development to the extent that the impact of additional development on wildlife is judged as nil. No wildfire is expected, and no minerals or signs of radiation are known to exist. Upon approval of the Sketch Plan, West Vail Associates is prepared to proceed with further analysis of the soils, drainage requi rements and methods for implementing significant landscaping features in combinat ion with the Prel im- inary Oesign of the proposed building. Until that time a massing model at a scale ltr = 30r is available in the architectsr offices for review at anytime by Planning Departrnent Staff or Planning Commi ssioners. lf there are any questions I wi ll be pleased to try and answer them. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, T,rrt*tAA6r^^/ Thomas A. Briner TAB/cg x)t )t.ltr tiN(;tNtititilN(; Oxstu;t:\N't's. tNC. N tttcchetrricirf rrrxl clcctricirl -_--_ -----1 David L. \bder, P.E. . Vernon S Denison . James E. Braddock . N<rrman !l Kinrre.v Mr. Tom Briner West Vail Plaza SiteJuly 30, 1979 Page 2 Site Drainage: A drainage study by Richards Engineers (March 22, 1976) included the Plaza 6.6 acre site. The referenced study based runoff calculations on the rational drainage formula, estimating the 6.6 acresite to have 70% impervious area when developed. The tota'l square feetof parking and roof area of the Plaza Project is 69.9% Our review of the Richards Engineering report indicates that the basic assumptions are rational , the calculation method conservatjve, andtheir recorrnendations rea'l istic. We would therefore propose to utilize the existing swales and ditches on the 6.6 acre site, making only such engineered improvements as necessary to accommodate the project construction. l.le also feel it is imperative that consideration be given to site containment of surface pollutants. This, particularly in the nor- mal runoff of parking areas, can be effectively engineered by utili-zing o'il and silt traps at the low points of parking areas. l'lith the improvements recommended by Richards Engineering to the drainage netv{ork existing in 1976 (which included the Plaza site), we bel ieve adequate consideration for the runoff effects of a 100year storm has been accompljshed, and with properly engineered oil and silt traps on the Plaza site, negative environmental impacts of the project will be minimized. If there are questions concerning our development of the above information, please contact us. Si ncerely, P.O. B<rx 249 125 North Eighth Strcet Grarrd Jtrtrcti<rn, Cokrrmkr 81501 '303 -245-0148 P",r;A/4/il'^' David L.Yoder Colorado Registration #10715 DLY/ei P.O. Box 3231 145 East Sixth Street Durang<r,C<rfrrrado 81301 . 303 -247-3231 )'ot)tlt tiN(;tNtilitilN(; oltisul;lt\N't's, tNC. \tttccltitrticitl urrrl clcctric:rl David L. Viler, P.E. ' Vernon S. Dcnison .Jrrrrts E" Ikaddrrck . Nrrrnrrrn li Kinncy July 30, 1979 Mr. Tom Briner Briner, Perkin & Fjtzhugh Scott, Inc.P.0. Box 2299Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: West Vail Plaza Site, Prelim'inary Analysis of l'later, Sewer and Site Drainage Impact Dear Mr. Briner: The following corments are based on the 6.6 acre tract known as "Vail Das Schone Filing No. 4" with the proposed project consisting of 50 2 bedroom units and offices and conmercia'l areas with 34,800 S.F. and 33300 S.F. of GFA respectively. Using standard factors of the State Health Department, the water and sewer impacts are as fol 'l ows: Domestic lJater: Maximum daily demand at full occupancy andutilization will be 23,800 gallons per day with little con- sumptive use. Peak instantaneous demand will be 240 GPM. Sewage: Population equivalents (PE's) on the per person B0D5basis of 0.'l 7 pounds are estimated to be 373 PE. The West Vail Water District currently has an eight inch water main on the north side of Chamonix Lane. The Water District engineers, Wright and Mclaughlin, state that by the fall of'1979 (this year), the District wi'll have an additional eight inch water main in the north frontage road which will be loopedinto the existing system. The water system will have more than adequate flow and pressure for approved fire protection of the West Vail Plaza Project. Because fire flow denands are usuallysignificantly greater than domestic peak f'low demand (5000 cPM. vs 240 GPM), we anticipate no impact on current facj'l ities which has not been considered in the present utility's normal growthpattern as planned by the District engineers. The Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District has a l0 inch sewer main in the north frontage road. Project sewage at 373 PE's can gravity flow to the existing sewer main. The current capital improvements program of the UEV Sanitation District has engineered consideration of the estimated PE impact of the West Vail PlazaProject both in the collection system and treatment faci'lities. PO. Box 3231 145 East Sixth Street Durang<r,Cof<rrad<> 8l3ol . 303-247-3231 P.O. Box 249 125 Mrrth Eighth Street Grand Junct iorr, (irlorrrrkr 8 I 501' 3O3 -24.5' 0l 48 .tAI -.a{ ,' ldap Unlc )lo.LzE, LzF solL cliiv.cTf, iri sTlcs Dep:ir io iccirock : Texiu:c Subsoli :i! subst:e:u: : UnifrcC,/,'viSItO C lassj. flcai ion:Per:.eablliiy (below 2 feec) : Pe:cen "- Coarse Fragmencs. (gravcL, cobble, 6Eone) :Soil R.eac:ioa (plt) ! Shrlnk-S'"re11 Pocentlal : Po !c:r:ial FroEr .Actlon'(sur;ace) :Flood llazard iliydrologLc Group tCorrosi.vj-ty - Steel r- Conor.ti I DEGRNE E KIND OB LIMITATIONS(o 1s slighr; lt lo Modcratc" S'1s Severe) Seprlc Tank AbaorptloaFlelds .: J Scwage Lagoona. :/Sanltary Landflll - Trench : - Are8 : Si:aLlov Excavatlona : D.relllngs w,/basernents ;v/o basenenCg I Local Roada and Streets : SUI...;.BILITY AS A SOURCE OF. .. . Dally Cover for Landflll : ?o pso 1I Sand G rave 1 Ro ad f 111 OT1IER SOIL FEATURES Deep Fine sandy loam Stony sandy clay Ioan, stony sandy loamVery stony sandy loan, very stony Loany candA-4, A-6, A-2; l{L, SC, Sl{, GM Rapid - 6.0 to 20.0 ir./hr. over )>b 7..l+ to 8.I+ I'ioderate to lcryr lloderate None B Hlgh Dlodurtr S - stonlness S - seepage, stoni-ness S - seepage, otonlness S - oeepage S - stonixess S - stoniness M; S on olopeo ov6r 15tr M - stcnlness; S on slopes over 15tr Poor Poor - s tonlnesa Falr Falr Poor - largo stoneo i;1.1r',- ' : Itotl-SITE INvESTIcAlIoll. i.:ri o 12C. 12D. o $.ESt.{!l :.::t:i:{r @ ..ADVA.\CS COPY SUBJECT TO CIIANGE.' NOT TO BE USED IN PiACE OF t Un:t 9 These soils are on mountain si_deslorres. ;,iri*: ?he nrajor soil is deep and vlell draineci. Typical.ly the sq.rface ]ayer is ilne sandy loan about I inches thick. The subsurface j-s stony fine sandy loa.n about 18 inches thick. The subsoil is stony clay loam about 10 inches thick. The underlying layer is stor,gr loan extending belcw 50 inches. Permeability is rpderate. Typicarty the surface J.ayer of the rninor soil is sardy loam about 25 jnches thick. The subsoil 5.s gravel-\y sandy clAy loan about 5 inches thick. The substratum is gravelly sandy loalr. Permeabj-]ity is moderately rapid. Ur.;it 12 These soils are on terraces ard alluvia-L fans. They are deep arrd weLL drailed. Typica]ly the surface layer is fi-ne sandy loam about I to 6 inches thick. Tne subsoil is stony sandy clay loam abcut t to 18 inches thick. The substratum is very stony J.oary sard or sandy loam that extends berour 60 inches. Perrneability is rapld. 's ''.Olr. rp-__ tht@Tla,<nffiq#= h\ /aaln' r Plrahr,ln9---..r,,1It 1 t.)eti+r sal€t;lta. +t: .ii ,?'.' { \. (," ---5A .- I '59, I ltap Ualc l;o._1?g;l2D.- L?i, LZF SOIL CIiAIU"CTf, :TiSTICS Dcp:ir ro 3ecirock : Tex t u:c c,.---. ^."Sucsolf :'r! Subst.:aru: : Uni f rcd/.v,SUO Clase j.f lcaiton : Penea'cl1ity (belov 2 feet) : Pe:ceni. Coarse Fragments. (gravc1, cobble, Etone) :Soil Reac:lon (pll) :Shrlnk-Swell Pocentlal : Po !c:r:i.al FrosE .Acttoo'(suriace) : Flood llazard : Hyd rologic Group ICorrosivicy - Steel t- Cenorata t DEGRNE & KIND OF LIMITATIONS(o ls sltghr; U 10 Moderaie, S' ls Severe) Septlc Tank AbeorptlonFlelds .: Ser.rage Lagoone. : San,lcary Landflll - Trench : - Area i ShaLlov Excavatlone : D;elllngs n/basenents :u/o baseurente 3 Local Roads and Streeta : SUI'.'.,.BILITY AS A SOURCE OF. .. . Da1ly Cover for Landflll : ?opsoll Sand ' , Cravel : Roadf1ll ; OfiER SOIL YEATURES Deep Fine s andy loam Stony sandy clay J-oam, stony sandy loanVery stony sandy loarn, very stony loa4rA-4, A-5, A-2; ML, SC, SM, Gl{Rapid - 6.0 to 20.0 in./hr. over 3fp7.4 to 8.4 l'loderate to lovr lloderate None B Hlsh Dlodrrctc S - stonlless S - seepage, stoniress S - seePage, etoniness S - seepage S - stoniness S - stonlrtess M; S on slopeo over 15S M - stcninessi S on slopes over 15S Poor Poor - s tonln€ss Fair Falr Poor - large stones IN P.IJCE OF ON-SITE xs.6#iid .) f$ "ADvl,\cg copy suBJEcr ro CHANGE" NOT TO BE USED "iri!n':-r Un:l 9 These soils are on mountaix sidesloDes. The major soi-I is deep and vJeLI drai.neci. Tipically the surface layer is i:-ne sandy loan about I j.nches thick. The subsurface is stony fine sandy Loa.':r about 18 inches thick. The subsoil is stony cJ.ay loarn about 10 inches thick. The underlying layer is stony loarn extendin6 bercur 60 inches. Perneability is rpderate. Tpically the surface rayer of the rninor soil is sardy roam about 25 jrnches thick. The subsoil- is gravelly sandy cray loan about J inches thick. The substratun is gravelly sandy J.oa.,,n. Perneability is moderately rapid. Unit 12 These soils are on terraces ard allurrlal fans. They are deep and, weII drai:led. ?;pj-cally the surface layer is fine sandy ]oar.r about 3 to B inches thick. Thc subsoil J-s stony sandy clay Loarn about 9 to l_8 inches thlck. The substraturn is very stony loany sa-rd or sardy loam that extends belc,r^r 60 inches. Permeability is rap1d. EAGTE COUNTY Department of Communjty Development . EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73 | I - P.0. Box 179 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ext 24'| AOMIN ISTRATIONExt 241 ANIMAL SHELTER949-4292 AS5E550 R Ext 2Oz BUILDING IN IN SPECTI O N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECO R DE RExt 2l 7 COUNTYATTORNEYExl242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAIL H EALT H Ext 238 EXTEN5ION AG ENTExl 247 LI BRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eag le Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NGExt 226 or 229 PU RCHASING/PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaq le Ext 2l I Baialr 927-3244 Gilman 827.5751 SOCIAL SE RVICES 328-5328 TREASURERExt ?01 August 28, 1980 Br j ner/Perki n/ Fi tzhugh Scott 433 E. Meadow Drive Drawer 2299Vail, C0 81557 Re: File No Zs-10S-79File No Su-126-80-P At their Public Hearinq of August 27, L980, (having been continued since July 14, 1980) the Board of County Commissioners approvedyour special use permit for dwel]ing units in a Conrmercial Limited zone, with the conditjon that the permit be reviewed after 7 years to determine whether or not there is demand within thisproiect for employee housing, and if there is, the employee housing shall be contjnued within this project jndefjnitely. In addition, the Commissjoers reviewed and approved your pre- liminary plan for th'is project. Si:neerdlJ; Susan Vaughn P'lanner Board of County Commissioners EAGTE COUNTYPlanning and Development Post Office Box ]79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtSStoNERSExt 241 ADMINI5TRATIONExt 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO NExt 2?6 or 229 CLERK &RECOROER Ext 217 coU TY ATTORNEYExt 24? ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENTExt 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTHEaglc Exi 252Vail 476-5844 P LAN N ING Ext 226 or 229 PU RCHASI NG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIOGEExl 257 SHE RIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Baszlt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5 751 SOCIAL SERV ICES 328-6328 TREASURERExt 20 | October 30, .l979 Town of Vail P. 0. Box .l00 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: File No. Su-]26-79-5 l^lest Vail Plaza Sketch Plan At their meeting of 0ctober 23, 1979, the Board of County Conmissioners reviewed the lrlest Vail Plaza and a letter from the Town of Vail was read into the record. The Board directed the applicant to reduce the size of the buildings; provjde parking without variance and address traffic impacts. In a related hearing before the Zoning Board of Adiustments, the requested varjance to the setback requirements was denied. The mjxed use of the buildings will be constrained to a 66-33% comrnercial residential spl jt. (Please see enclosure. ) Thank you for forwarding the concerns of the Town of Vail If you have any questions, please contact this office. Respectfully yours, *- Thomas Bon'i Asst. Director of Planning TBlncm Enclosures (2) cc: Board of County Cormissioners EAGTE COUNTY,Pliinning & Developnent SiS:lfi:ffi:{ 927-3823 (Basalt area)Post 0ffice Box ]79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731| BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrsstoNERsExt 241 AOMINISTRATIONExt 241 _ i ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 AssEsso RExt 202 BUILDING IN INSPECT IONExt 226 or 229 CLER K &RECORDERExt 217 COUNTYATTORNEYExt 242 ENGINEERExt 236 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSI O N AGENTExl 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 475-5844 PLANNING Ex1 ?26 ot 229 PU RCHAsING/ PERSONNELExt 245 ROAO & BRIDGEExt 257 SHERIFF Eaole Ext 2l I Ba:sall 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASU RERExt 201 November 6, 1979 Bri ner/Perki n/Fi tzhugh Scott P. 0. Drawer 2299Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Tom: I am somy that I have not been more available to you in your attempt to understand the Board of County Commissioners' reaction to the West Vail Sketch P1an. Ambiguity is a frequent characteristicof the outcome of these meetings. S'ince there is no motion taken at Sketch Plan Revjew, each Board member reacts individual ly. The Ietter which I wrote concerning the outcome of this meeting is based on notes taken by Susan Vaughn. My impress'ion was that although the Board m'ight not have said that acceleration-deceleration must be provided, they want to avoid the dangerous situation which exists at the Safeway entrance. The planning staff will recomnend that a lane be prov'i ded. Regarding what setback would be required on Chamonix Lane, the Iof is cons'i dered a "through" 1ot, and, as such, the setback would be 25 feet or 50 feet from centerline, whichever is greater. Asst. Director of Plann'ing P.S. Keep the garden concept. TB/ncm Re: West Vail Sketch Plan Dear Tom: lrve tried repeatedly to reach you, I got someone to say theyrd have you I am a bit concerned by the lording,of the l.test Vai I Sketch Plan to theparticular: BRINER/PERKIN/FTZHUGH SCOTT,\ii'I IIT!(-TS lllA\,ljFl? .)7)9 \u',,\L C-O 6l:5/,..flfbA?fffO November 2, tgTg NOV i " 1979 M r . TOm BOn i Dept. ot ptannins & Drvdr Assistant 0irector of planning Easle' countv' colo) P.0. Box 179 Vai f, Colorado 81657 corning closest to success two days ago when return my cal l. I guess, of your report of my presentat ion Board of County Commi ssioners - two items in Item #l re: accelerat ion/decelerat ion lanes . . . and Item #3 re: impacts on the West Vail Interchange . . I recal I telling the Board that we rnrould look into the use of either of these lanesbut ldonrt remember the Board saying ttraEffiTanesrtmust berrprovided. lrnrouldthink that any determination regarding a major modif icatjo-n to the north frontageroad would follow the I'studyrr requested in ltem #3, To that end I have talked to Kent Rose at the Town of Vail, and he has no traffic counts, nor I bel ieve anyinclination or directive to obtain such data that would be useful to a ',studyrr.I have talked with Mr. John Nusskern of the State Highway District EngineerrsOffice, and he was not aware of any data that their office might have obtained re-garding the West Vail interchange. He is, however, still looking into it. Certainly, if your offlce has studies, or can direct me to informat ion regardingrrirnpacts on the West Vail interchang€,,, lwill be most appreciative of your help. Thank you. Wi th best regards, 1\\/v\^A/ttb/#^^r"/ Thomas A. Br iner cc: Town of Vail Board of County Commissioners TAB/cg / ..//t''l1F { box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 September L8, L979 department of community development a 1t{b r*1t Eagle County Planning CormrissionEagle County Court HouseBox 850 Eag1e, CO 81631 Re: 6.6 Acre Tract East of Vail Das Schone Shopping Center Dear Planning Commission Members: The Town of Vail is concerned with and does not suPport thesite plan submitted for the 5.5 acre tract inunediately eastof the Vail Das Schone Shopping Center. If Lhe Town isinterpreting the County Zoning District Regulations correctlyfor L/C Limited Commercial there seems to be several problems with the site plan. 1.Under Uses, Special: 3.07.03 (321 Dwelling Units, not to exceed 50 percent of the gross cormnercial floor area. As shown on the plansr ground leve1 retail and second level offices total 76,945 square feet. Second and third level- condominiums total 56'803 square feet. From our calculations, over 50* of the conmercial space is under consideration for condominium use. 2. Maximum Lot Area:adlercdE-EtTuildings, or a total of 70 percent including coverage by all impervious materials. The Town did not calculate the total coverage ofbuilding and parking, and would like to know ifit is under the maximum 1ot coverage. 3. Minimum Setback:lEf rront vard:Arterial Street: 75 feet from street centerline or 50 feet from property line, whichever is greater; Local Street: 50 feet from street centerline or 25feet from front property line, whichever is greateri AGLE G@ f,nterofff,ee mnenn@rendunn To: TERRILL KNIGIIT, PLAI{NING DIRECTOR Subjsct: SUBDIVISION REVIEI^I From: ERIK EDEEN, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTI{ OFFICER File No.; Su-126-79-S Date: 9 /L9 /79 Coments: A plan and method for keeping the parkLng l-ot swep t clean of refuse and other debris which would lead to stream contamination should be submitted, Parking 1ot sweeping n'ith debris being picked up and taken to the County Landfill should be done at least 2 per nonth during the summer months and during the winter months when the lot is clear and free of snow. Erik Edeen EI'IE/ncrn BRINER/PERKIN/FITZHI'GH SCOTT AQCI ] T.TCTS DD.A$/ER it2q) 'iA., CC 8165i {3o3lri6 3O-?E August l, 1979 Eag le County Planning Commi Eagle County Planning Dept. Box. I79 L-Eagle, Colorado 81631 sston ,,QU.a -L4v' Re: Sketch Plan West Vail Plaza Dear Members of the Eagle County Planning Commission: Mr. Hudson Wirth, President West Vai I Development Corporation 9933 Lawler Avenue, Suite 410 Skokie, lllinois 60076 Phone 312-567-6305 s?y '3aa ,a3 I have been requested by the lJest Vail Development Corporation to seek you Sketch Plan approval for a mixed use development on the 5.6 acre tract immed- iately east of the Vail Das Schone Condominiums. This tract is designated as Vail das Schone Filing No. 4 and proposed development will be named West Vail P laza. lnquiries to the developer may be addressed to: Attached please find a check in the amount of 5300 dollars to cover the fee for Sketch Plan review. Al so enclosed are: Sketch Plans showing proposed scope of development including schemat ic floor plans and cross sections thru the site. Letter from Mr. David Yoder of Yoder Engineering with regard to sewer and water requ i rements and their impact on existing utilities as well as a prel iminary analysis of storm drainage requirements including run-off from the proposed parking area. Information on soils and geology for this site as made available by the U. S. Soils Conservation Service office and the Eagle County Planning office. ln addition to data included here there is specific soils and geology informat ion on file with the County for the adjoining site. Reference can be made to a letter from Richards Engineering Inc. to Eagle County Planning Commission dated July 18, 1977 RE: Sketch Plan and Perl iminary PIan - Vail das Schone Condominiums. The above letterincluded a soils report prepared by Thomas Summerlee, Reg istered p.E. No, 9991 and referred to a Geological Study prepared by Charles N.Johnson, Registered P.E. No. 852 1. Both of these reports are thoughtto be on file with the County. a. b. c. ' iill:.t?:"llr!'"""' ns fssions Page 2 This site has been urbanized by previous development to the extent that the impact of additional development on wildlife is judged as nil. No wi ldfire is expected, and no minerals or signs of radiation are known to exist. Upon approval of the Sketch Plan, l'/est Vail Associates is prepared to proceed with further analysis of the soils, drainage requ irements and methods for implement ing significant landscaping features in combination with the Prel im- inary Design of the proposed building. Until that time a massing nrode I at a scale l" = 30' is available in the architects' offices for review at anytime by Planning Department Staff or Planning Commissioners. lf there are any questions I wi ll be pleased to try and answer them. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, /fi TlrvrwnnD/$l-/r^r\/ Thomas A. Briner TAB/cg )'or )rilt riN(irNririrtnri)NSur, r.\N'r's, rNC.\ rrrccltiuricerl arxl clcctl'icerl ----'1 David L, Yoder, P.E. ' Vernon S. Denison . James E. Braddock . Norman E Kinnev Mr. Tom Briner West Vail Plaza SiteJuly 30, 1979 Page 2 Site Drainage: A drainage study by Richards Eng'ineers (March 22, 1976) included the Plaza 6.6 acre site. The referenced study based runoff calculations on the rational drainage formula, estimating the 6.6 acresite to have 70% impervious area when developed. The total square feetof parking and roof area of the plaza proiect is 69.nf ,OT, b,*^. Our review of the Richards Engineering report indicates that the basic assumptions are rational , the ca'l culation method conservative, andtheir recommendations real istic. gJ\^"ro t, \^i, We would therefore propose to uti'l ize the existing swales and ditches on the 6.6 acre site, making only such engineered improvements as necessary to accommodate the project construction. l^le also feel jt is imperative that consideration be given to site containment of surface pollutants. This, particularly in the nor- mal runoff of parking areas, can be effectively engineered by utili- zing oi1 and silt traps at the 1ow points of parking areas. With the improvements recommended by Richards Engineering to the drainage network existing in .l976 (which inc'luded the Plaza sjte), we believe adequate consideration for the runoff effects of a .l00 year storm has been accomplished, and with properly engineered oil and silt traps on the Plaza site, negative environmental impacts of the project will be minimized. If there are questions concerning our development of the above information, please contact us. Si ncerel y, P,,tA/.qilt^' Dav'i d L. Yoder Colorado Registration #107.l 5 DLY/ei r;7 P.O. Box 3231 145 East Sixth Street Durango,C<rlorado 81301 . 303-247-3231 P.O. Box 249 125 North Eighth Street Grand Junction, Colorado 81501 .303-245-0148 .r'rirhirt IiN(;rNrintus,{ll)NStlrlr\N'r's. INC.\ ntccltiurical anrl clcctricirl David L, Yoder, P.E. ' Vernon S. Denis<xr . James E. Braddock . Norman E Kinney July 30, 1979 Mr. Tom Briner Briner, Perkin & Fitzhugh Scott, Inc.P.0. Box 2299Vail, Co]orado 81657 Re: West Vail Plaza Site, Preliminary Analysis of Water, Sewer and Sjte Drainage Impact Dear Mr. Briner: The following comments are based on the 6,6 acre tract known as "Vail Das Schone Filing No. 4" with the proposed project consisting ofA 2 bedroom units and offices and commercial areas with 34,800 S.F. and 33300 S.F. of GFA respectively. Using standard factors of the State Health Department, the water and sewer impacts are as follows: Domestic Water: Maximum daily demand at full occupancy andutilization will be 23,800 gallons per day with little con- sumptive use. Peak instantaneous demand will be 240 GPM. Sewage: Population equivalents (PE's) on the per person B0D5 basis of 0.17 pounds are estimated to be 373 PE, The hlest Vail Water District currently has an eight inch water main on the north side of Chamonix Lane. The Water District engineers, Wright and Mclaughlin, state that by the fall of 1979 (this year), the District will have an additional eight inch water main in the north frontage road which will be loopedinto the existing system. The water system will have more than adequate flow and pressure for approved fire protection of the !'lest VaiI Plaza Project. Because fire flow demands are usual1ysign'ificantly greater than domestic peak flow demand (5000 GPM vs 240 GPM), we anticipate no impact on current facilities which has not been considered in the present utility's normal growth pattern as planned by the Djstrict engineers. The Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation Djstrict has a l0 jnch sewer main in the north frontage road. Project sewage at 373 PE's can gravity flow to the existing sewer main. The current capital improvements program of the UEV Sanitation District has engineered consideration of the estimated PE impact of the West Vail PlazaProject both in the collection system and treatment facilities. P.O. Box 3231 145 East Sixth Street Durango,Cokrrado 81301 . 303-247-3231 P.O. Box 249 125 North Eighth Street Grand Juncti<.rn, Cokrrado 8l50l . 303 -245 -0148 Eagle County 9-18-7 9--Page Commission (b) Rear Yard: Commercial uses 25 feeL, for lots adjacent to residential uses 75 feet; for lots with residential occupancy 25 feet; (c) Side Yard: 10 feet or half the height of the principal building whichever is greater. The Town considers that several setbacks do not meet the minimum setback requirements. The plan needs to be revised to reflect the setbacks of the zoning district. 4. PARKING LAYOUT: The parking layout shown on sheet one seems like it would be confusing for driver entering and driving in the parking lot. This layout should be revised to provide good circulation for vehicles throughout the parking lot. The Town also questions ingress and egress to Charmonix Lane. This is a narrow street that has been used for residents of units in this area. By opening up accessto Charmonix Lane residents from the Valley' Vail Ridge,Vail Das Schone I and 2 could start entering and leaving this shopping area and increase the impacts of traffic on this street. The Town considers that a redesign of this plan is needed. Only some of the major points have been addressed in this letter and there are several other site design considerations that should be resolved before formal consideration of the request. Dick RyanDirector Department o Community Development nry"n Very rrulv yollj, D,../ /4*.-_ 7[nru."r*r" o EAGLE, COLORADO 8163'I TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | | BOARO OF COUNTYcoMMt5SroNERSExt 241 ADMINISTRATIONExt 241 $ ANIMAL 5HELTER 949-429? ASSE5SOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN IN5PECT I O NExl 226 or 229 CLER K & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 COUNTYATTORNEYExt 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTHExt 238 EXTENSION AG ENTExt 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANN I NGExt 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNELExt 245 ROAD & BR IDG E Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2l I Easalt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-5 7 51 SOC IAL SERV ICES JZO-OJaO TREASURERExt 20 | September 14,- 1979 Thomas Briner Drawer 2299 Vai'l , Col orado 81657 RE: File No. Su-126-79-S In reviewing the number of items submitted for the September 19, !979, Planning Commission meeting it has become apparent that we will not have enouqh tjme to qet to all of these applications of the meetjng. Therefore we have contjnued your appljcation (as.we'l I as a number of others) to the P1 anning 'Cornmission hearing of October 3, 1979. l,le apologize for the inconvenience. Respectful I y , '-r-n J) /+Ii"ua/ Qa*t Thomas Boni Asst. Director of Planning TBl ss C/.-*L (/- "/-.-fi*/ (/,-,i 3 E .:6 E s - E,a c o) uq- . Eo- Ei I] E ( ..- Eg ,E F* io'|,ot'oi ^ =E : :E..F:' Z ! .E=E ;!; .!E i ;-PEE E "- E-: is Y .€*B: ; iF E!: l'g6 't- : .:g+;H * -' i-zf iiE':; e '!l:F e:F E:; tii: E; E EFEic s es €E.i' a.*; E.E ; Eirle a -. fo;E .:.:; : -lii= r, 3l EH: €;Pl :"i : i::f; p5 :; E::. -33-:ci E ef:;: Eg.-;g 9...: S.g E -;o."o o o sc:0 i.:p- --.9^ - oorcLo:r :E;F :sE: E "E:;; :; i; i-F*: -sE€; €ts E ' o'b! 3.: eBa_ oc._ s;5;H ;-a 9_-€.: -?E€ -'.: 3 "o.,o-o - N.! a-g^ =zE'i 3:b -b 9-38!E ! ;.F E: E,o ,!i ! eo> ,.? i nt "g€ P -E .e E'.gb F.:g b'- Ei, -,oo o ord;; ,-:= Fe; ;. -:grs g :P Ht :ii: 5';9; -Ei '= tFo": r 5f 3E EFHS ::A: E;i E: -Eit= a E-r .?: Eh;: :EEE F!; "i'i F: e.il E 'Er EE; E.::..:nii e3= be9".:"j 3i; o-! d6G eq dg..h: B g. - 3..i ",='* ?:EE -Eg ' 5.: oa.ocra'E r.is* :;:3 =i= -E eF =.':'.=-7.. t "€ ?7- r,i'B- .;fts ei.: * ,E ii€''is i F i= g:i Fi!s .:;: - ;=- Ps ; g;t 9.! E .' g: qi b !{F; :;ec ::3 R .!. o'!* gE5 E - .:; F:= E cL 5io e6L .' !. -€ePr- g t h" ..59 Es93 ;j;9; FEf i sb -;iaE; E R E; € oEq-i..E3t..=-u..H s : ;E g ;Tt !, ;+ ! ; : i' i Ei + H ri s ; i:& g dE&. co ." c3 Ec, o,p car'o o.rl .- O,. PE O.P J O.E 'Jd (,o, c aJo , F o Jc,O Q'F,, q9 5 L.J|).| (, <l! .J doJ= o'F -,o+Jo >oE, I5 - . i= RoqJ o! !(J- !uE 0ro o!6t Ed or 'O t =5 Fq o ; -i 5E {JlEo !o6 .-L () 'ErN l)io <+ g' b c (., o Et(Jfl9- Ldco(, oo >r'lEa) rr- 01 orD!, {Jlo .F O Fouod d or5.rr ! oc)x t! ooto <o L .- 'O O', > *g 5 E"rrJ PO .F ='E' t 3Eo ld o_O .r -0 lE >E F F > 'IJ ]J Oi .- 0., '- -6)F- (J(J (.'o.oEfE(nr!o 0J or 9-dr-.-oad 9.: oo x .rro6LoJ e @ {-.P .E.r f 'o o (oo >r{l 'r o)! oo ! t E o,(r! cL o.- >' (.)|c oo, .rr.: 9 i -3 e< !ario) -.= b .Fe:- c., .c (l)o u > c sr>'rEo o cr o-E, o '- .).- o, +r En,5 .ix.EE .6 i o or- >gi or &, e e i;'.:; P !F <)- d o.. rJ o o'o: o -o!oLSpo P Oo a., o 3= o, od-c c cJ ! ola ! FEF:co-Jcz.o- E a <\r.') sr 6 F ,Zl4Lt"..- < _,/ t-r = ). - 6 o, i3 v) \|- 6, - >rO q, oJd >@a O O.- Gt.J'-gd r- Ed) O E- O c! d3- E ".E:o .1.- rr-oE (|)(uo L.!o o.>\ o =P o .r' i.-(l, o>!.c.g16r q-! , E .o c(D.oO d]J-c OJ L)E OOJ I a.- t-.a 6 i o 4.,a F..J = '; E 9l :o- (=t=L:fq{ -J (=L:I 60l L-l (o)(7f=i- @(=i=L=l @ C)O(- (o)b 6I) -Fi5OE .t o *or,r, oF PUBLIc HEARIN. COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO NoticeisHerebyGiventhattheEag,leCountyZoningBoardofAdjustmentwill hold a Publi. i.u"itg-Uesinnittg at 10:'00 A'Ml on the l1th of .,gctober 1g7g, jn u..oraun[. wittr section-s.0+ of the Eagle County Zon'ing ' nii6iriio".-'suia Heiring wi'll include the fo1lowjng: 7v-79-79 - West Vail Development,Corp^- . Request: Varjance f"ii i;;ii;n :.02.07 Minimum Setback (1) Front Yard-CL Zone Lodution: Vail Das Schone Filing #4 This Hearing will be held jn the McDonald Building, county cormissioners Meetinr Rooi #103, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. Persons being affected by a decision on thjs request.are invited to make comments to tfre Board-by upp"i"in! at the Hearing, or by submitting written statements in person or by mail thru the Secretary. by: Katherine Peterson SecretarY {!+o i I File No.VARIANCE APPLICATION Action of Zoning Board of Adiustment on Variance Appllcation Approval tr- conditions: Oenial rea90n3:(eee Order of ttre Board, attached) Note: Section 9.04.10 Appeals from the Board' Any further oppeal from the decision of tfE Board may be made to th€ courts, aE provid€d by la\,v, providedr howev€rt that such appeal is mad6 prior to twenty (20) Aays follo{ ring the date of the notificatlon of the Boardr s decision. Page 2 of 2 EAGTE COUNTYOffice of Concnunity Development EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731| BOARO OF COUNTYcoMMrsstoNERsExt 241 AOMINISTRATIONExt 2{l I ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 AS5E550RExt 202 BUILDING IN IN SPECT IONExl 226 ot 229 CLER K & RECORDERExt 217 COUXTYATTORNEYExt 242 ENGINEERExt 235 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALTHExt 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaglc Ext 252Vril 476-5844 PLANN I NGExl 226 or 229 PU RCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BR IOGEExt 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Bas.lt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 50crAL SERVTCES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | lil;;;rl:li(303) 949-52s7 October l-9, L979 West Vail Deve lopment Corp. 9933 Lawler Avenue Skokie, Illinois RE: File No. Zv-79-79 on October LI , L9'79, the Ea91e County zoning Board of Adjustments denied your request for the variance' The reason for denial was that no hardship was proven to the Board. If you have any questions, pl,ease contact this office. Respectfully yours , fi{,/n gln cc: Zoning Board of Adjustments r. tr fPLlcArloN FoR vARIANCE j Jrom the Zoning Resolution of Eagle County, Colorado to the Zoning Board of Adjustments (minimum 2 copies requlred; prlnt or tyPo' except sigrratursg) section s.o4.os (Requ'i red Fee i s $35.00) Flle No 2.!f 3. 4. 6. 7. reepau 35,// Date recd.7,tz?+,tL'*-1' vYz b//'-' Receipt #EEZ_ Appticar.rt,/owner lilest Vai I Develop Mai I Address 1. Regulatlon and Section Nsmber(s) ol Tonlrg Resolutlon from whlch Varlence ls Bot€ht: pr€sent 7sa6 C/L - Cormerclal Llmlted General locatlon ot prop€rty (ln rclatlon to a Town, Roadr sttesm or oth€r la.|dmark): Property ls located In l{est Vall on the North Frontage Road between the Vall Das Schone shopplng center and the Brandess Bulldlng Legal descrlptlon ot ProPerty a. Subdivislo.t N"-" Va l l Das Schone - F l t-Btk-, or, b. rnetes and bounds (may bs attached) include surv€y or map: see at tached 5. Brlof Purpose a/rd R€ason for Varlanc€ (may be attachEd): see attached Attach expl€nation that ono or mor€ conditlons €xist under S€c. 9.04.06r 1-5' see number 5 above Statement: seeattached A complets tist of all owners addresses, of tr|e propelty proposed for vsrlance ard of atl owner3 of all adiacent ies ls attached hereto; thi; this signstory is properly to i?xe appl icli." Gl variancd stated hereon - e .1 Signaturo appl icent; own€r? --(l-q.tlO-u-r--:--Bl-l-,:S/-P-er!-in/tj-t-z-t1g9J,--lee-t-t-,:-Ar-eh!-t-e-c-gs)-offlce use Appt ication accepted as cornplete for Publ lc Hearlng on Apptlcation r€lected as incomplete for Public Hoaring becaus€: 3.07.07 Hlnlmum Setback: (t) fqon!-!91! by: pl annir€ odmini strator Pago 1of 2 I o BRINER/PERKIN/FITZHT'G+I SCOIT ArcHITECIS DI-?AWER 2Vn VA:1, CC 8165/ [3O3]4i6 3O3B WEST VAIL PLAZA - APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE PARAGRAPH 5 ' The building requirements of the proposed development can be met without the developer being granted a set back variance. However, the developer bel ieves lncreased visual benefi t as well as functional benefl t wi ll accrue to county citizens if the present requi red 50 foot set back from the south property line is permitted to be reduced to l0'feet. By comparlng turo optionsfor siting, Option One being permissable by present zoning, the reasons for the request may be more easily understoodl seN|9e nolt L fori.qe 0ption Two - This option extends an al ready large parking lot to the east (permitted) another 700 feet. It increases the burden of ingress and egress at Frontage Road. ft offers unbroken asphalt as a close view to l/2 the residential units and a north (w/out sun) view to other l/2. It places some shops far away from other shops. It could requl re service vehlcles ori Chanron ix Lane. It does not lend ltself to interesting architectural features. It leads to a superficial landscaping approach that concentrates only on the thin leftover edge of the slte. Nelther thru buildtng form or landscaplng does lt attempt topositively integrate wlth the existing conrnercial development. tltllsafe.ry /////fl Uest Vail Plaza Page 2 Option Two ( p ropo sed ) "orlh frotrl4a - This opt ion locates the required parklng seParate from present park ing. - lt al lows separation of ingress and egress. - lt provides a variety of views to the residential units. - lt compacts retail area to as near as possible to existing shoPs. - Service access is screened and available from an existing service d r ive. - The bui lding shape gives architectural interest. - Large corners of the parcel as well as rrinterior" areas proposed as I andscape features. - The parking lot of Option One is replaced by a building. building and landscaping together form a visual rrend" to commercial strip, but also serve as a gateway and public space for the commercial complex. are The the common s It's the developer's belief that OPtlon Two is a better idea. The requested variance for a setback occurs adjacent to the highway right of way and very likely would not be a noticeable Incroachment. lf the building were to be forced within the requi red set back lt wauld serve less as a visual stop to the existlng parking lot and be closer to the residentlal development across Chamon ix Lane . -. 1 u'Lt cATtoN FOR VARIANCE from the Zoning Resolution of Eagle County, Colorado to the Zoning Board of Adjustments Date recd. 3.General location of property (in relation to Property is located in West Vai Vail Das Schone shopping center 4.Legal description of propertY a. Subdivisio6 11s6-16 Va i I Blk_r or, b. metes and bounds (may be attached) include survey or map: see at tached Brief Purpose and Reason for Variance (may be attached): see at tached Attach erplanation that one or rr|ore conditions exist under Sec' 9'04'06' 1-5' see number 5 above Statement: seeattached S i gnature of autfro-riZed-appl icant; owner? office use -i)-ary od. rgzl Appt ication acceptecJ as complete for Public Hearing on Application rejected as incomplete for Public Hearing because: o. 7. nrcxozrt77 Fe€ Paid J.tif 6 Receipt #82!_ '-'"'''""'"'J;l;:: ;:::"1 ff;;, ;0"'," l^,il]u . o o, Applicant,/owner West Vai I Developm Mait Address 9q?? Lawler Ave.. Skokie. lll. Phcne: (?l2l 677-6?0q 1. Regufation and section Number(s) ol zoning REsolution from which variance is sought: 3.07.07 l'linimum Setback: (l ) Front Yard 2. present 7on6 C/L - Commerclal Llmited a Town, Road, Stream or other landmark): I on the North Frontage Road between the and the Brandess Building administrator o BRINER/PERI(IN/FITZHUGH SC DRAW:R 22W '\/AlL. CC 8 65/ SCOTT ARC-]TFCTS .3031.1/6-3038 WEST VAIL PLAZA - APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE PARAGRAPH 5 The building requirements of the proposed development can be met without the developer being granted a set back variance. However, the developer bel ieves increased visual benefit as well as functional benefit will accrue to county citizens if the present regui red 50 foot set back from the south property line is permitted to be reduced to lorfeet. By comparing two options for siting, Option One being permissable by present zoning, the reasons for the request may be more easily understood: seNre 0ption Two - This option (permi tted) another 700 - lt i nc reases It offers un i ts and It p laces It could ?nt'qe extends an al ready large parking lot to the east feet. the burden of ingress and egress at Frontage Road. unbroken asphalt as a close view to l/2 the residential a north (w/out sun) view to other l/2. some shops far away from other shops. reouire service vehicles on Chamonix Lane. - lt does not lend itself to It leads to a superficial only on the thin leftover interest i ng architectural features. I andscap i ng approach that concentrates edge of the s ite. Neither thru building form or landscaping does it attempt to positively integrate with the existing commercial development. tlrr1s'rc"! Ar(n West Vail Plaza-'Page 2 Opt i on Two (proposed) - t orlh frodqc This option locates the required parking separate from present parking. It al lows separation of ingress and egress. It provides a variety of views to the residential units. It compacts retail area to as near as possible to existing shops. Service access is screened and available from an existing service d r ive. - The bui lding shape gives architectural interest. - Large corners of the parcel as well as "interior" areas are proposed as I andscape features. - The parking lot of 0ption One is replaced by a building. The building and landscaping together form a visual 'rend" to the commercial strip, but also serve as a gateway and public csnmon s space for the commercial complex. It's the developer's belief that option Two is a better idea. The requested variance for a setback occurs adjacent to the highway right of way and very Iikely would not be a noticeable incroachment, lf the building were to be forced within the required set back it would serve less as a visual stop to the existing parking lot and be closer to the residential development across Chamonix Lane. TAG[[ COUNTT DEPABTEiIEI{T 0f PI11ffHIH& AHD EE1lEt0Pt#E$iT McDonald Bldg.550 Broadway P.O. Box l?9 Eagle, Colorado 816.jl 23 September 1977 West Vail Associates, Ltd. 9933 Lawter Avenue, Suite 410 Skokie, Illioois 600?6 Re: File No. Sp-93-77 Vail Das Schone Filing #4 At their regular meeting on 22 September 197?, the Eagle County Planning Commission agreed, at your request, to change your proposal from a preliminary plan to a sketch plan. They then reviewed your sketch plan submittal and determined thpt you may proceed to the Preliminary Plan stage of the Subdivision process. During the review of the sketch plan, the following items were discussed: 1. There was a concern about the number of curb cuts onto the frontage road in this general area, and there was discussion about restraining the number of curb cuts for this project. 2. The landscaping was discussed, particularly comparing the pro- posed landscaping with that required by the Town of Vail.3. It was requested that a general conception of the proposed uses be provided, particularly in terms of distinguishing between commercial, office space and commercial/residential uses.4. It was requested that Lots 1 and S be outlined more clearly to show the snow removal areas more clearly.5. The question of the availability of water, in view of the closure of the Vail Village West Water District main well should be, addressed at preliminary plan stage.6. There was a lengthy discussion about the manner in which this area relates to the entire West Vail commercial area, particularly regarding the circulation patterns and the concept of 5 commercial buildings as opposed to one or two large buildings. As you are preparing your Preliminary plan, the Commission suggests that you take the above items plus all other discussion into consideration. / ,,1 -/ -/ // ,/./ ) ,/ 7'.tst+t O{ .//;.' lM/ Attwr v/Tcrrill Knieht ,/Plnnner - ( cc: Board of County CommissionersPliiiriiiig-1tt l;rrlnr('nt/l)l,rnning Cornrrrission: Subdivision, ll,czonitr11, Applicatirrns anrl llcvit'w (3t13) 32t1.63.18 llrrikling Otficill: lluildirrg Ircrrnits lnri Inspr:ction, Zoning Arl niinis tratiun (30J) 328.(iJ39 o to t .22r o.: a Eao r6P oor: ot ; cato >,P . .c ! '€- G p.t ; Eg!6 ,"4: .: g:idE H3A;.35ho Ft& i .o cq tO o U) € .oo 3 o B ' oo o o o. N 5i,i: Et3;ilig o ,'oE*.-)= a r) o !.dt:'*54 ; e&En:tr9i,:i 4.:t :sdii;:EF ll tF*8.,;64tro EE 7q1 0i.e p o* q B. 4="iil;.*,H E: 3:dPt:::{ El aeF?^Esi.: 3.s ?tb-E:;iTF ii :F$EE.g5;5 3: lne:3HE;!fl Ei '.4t*;f:6;fi FF #iiaai;r.Fe i3 'iHr-.:?AFE ,5b T.!fiq,rQ6sr' er 629.f;atEelt *i 6: o'Ti;:.:: le f:s8SHTT:g TH g;:s*!i:i; ;+s ;$s;erEEEt. 3ir ;E r.- ^ O..q d o o ;5f fl*i;g 3HE ; d-.h! * Q,tui! tEfEi$ !rlrif, ;Eti Ef:€E; ii;;;;fi;i!;ii!; iiii3iigii;;;iit' iiii*iiiiiiiiiiiii*::iil E:nlF; E3;i::i gig;EiEiiii sgiiiffi 1' o c,€6q :idJql(,tlL Et, * H #- r3 €rasE+'l:fi+ai€l* !g cne e#i:i;aigIili!sE; :ii g ,;;t ?i li :€ 3 5iii ;; Er; : slEi;i;4;:;siE$fii ;i$ ;$ ;s5iiiE:5sE;#3s:: i€e €s *:sii;;iiiii{4lii iic iE i;i;iii;iiiiEiFii sgr ;s:!,tiE:EfttFisitft *:i ;; f ; e: ai; f,a*; l*i i li €*F,c i*::;;E;t:lEi'lE€l i;$€i; ;;:;t g;+;gi r*€';i; B sf g rild iijii Q. t* 3€* a : lh-6?'Piieq'Erps ; t;3 3 ";E3:; r E ;'e x FiiE 3 i * F;E;:i Fsi53! s: EEs.-3i-PX:FE;:gg E t*!*:8b F i:ai-bsgd s U; $a; s i+:!:eiEj s ! fiAq! i. g *srgB;g<8.' F Fo, aL 3-3OEt!3 rllO eK On qY6 Oi 9cj .:o: ':oE *!l c 6' +t a > :E.T A F,x, .4 = 'o a.2F I trilX " o+oqtb! .: ac.= s ,9 _9e : F :oq : F -": o.g 0- : ;:o. q oE- o h EEg 6 E EO.q E q Rq . h d :A1 S ! ; !.4o !r l.l d t'|o- z 9 ;;.:1|.r^ gte2F.;a'6 --2,=lrl g:E:9-IGDE.Jd3l o' =sEI F=g4" et:=zz1 -,<b'r!9-:t-. io* E.. =,crr niE;t-r6!<dar.. Sit ''GI 'o ro = 3.1 r). g g t '* ilii{l i, ;*i;;iiiiir i;;iiili; xt iir; i i ;iiiiii ur'i E:E'Ei' IE i;iE ruiu ilii;ii ;;ii tsli:ii Ei, i;i; Ei;r*lg;;ls ;ii; il€iiis i;; :iili,ii:iill?ate liti; igiiiii €ii iiiiigEiitiiiI'i; i-i,: ;;lilisr* ?? ;;ilg;;;i'ii-i*it ;i$;l Fi!..=...=..!!<re O !!<co O r;<@ o a) ! iro;b!;d .? , E €o S{, 3 .i b Eiieiai i iii iil iiii; i ii gi g;:i;; g iu*r'!EE su'li icsEii rIeigE E* i :l;iif,; i;' *' , iErEa*a=:.Esi E8 s b'_1iE9.: ;'g3EF ? -"fr.H:EEii;.':l Ej as r:E:eTH e:;dEr ;;:€El; ErEi: i I ! ?s Eiiisii i5:i'i iF {,;i5f,$ isiiii Ei lr';iiiEis, i;:ffi ;l iiiE;i ;;ssiE !i iH;*;*iiiHl ;F$g;i ;s*$#l;€i Jloo,< d d Ei; .i e; '' d ToEqo1? *'; ,: h?L ;i:o ac O Y:S -X E o! ci oFa. .=e P: .. 9 E :3;3s ii!" e € >,!i I *E ! F.- [.U! d) ;r.J < es 3 rJ'O ! .r{ E E ob9 !iror :il fl6 ,?i,. i-a ' xtoO q. _\t $t1UU , ll .i td ).lq,,ofi$ 6, !{JdqJFr >o. q aJ \t o il .i': ofj F d .;r 6 ..1o o) ! o3t1 'a 5 S A 'Aboo 01 ho!, .c > oxl. O fr 0).{k11 (' F. Fo.o t{ o" oti e ' do > .n F >a).r{ 0l .a >0., E ! E .O Oc.o o E "o !>J c. o r. J o,(ro>:ue q e,7 a .,.1-do o ojoco,! : . .t l] 01 Fe ,.C, t.4 0r o El >!o E k q oto 8,,,r€Pi o q.,rlca o 0)i.,t o tr ul .J o tr.r'r .Jl | ! .rr a,F. . -C 0J !l A.! rNEOa{rdlNEFO.N@u u olN _.) a, x.ri ir El I x o .6 od<) Ol@ 'nle cl6 dld dt o00l , ., o tt ot I r, ,lFq o ltl ot0J p<tcJ !tot! !r nl lrl= lu,) ol l,l0,.i old bd! ql olirl.6r: . ,lrl r/l ql . rl_?l! O E'l ! oll. dlo slolSi z arl , olo llz ol.nl oo cdl t palai @l cdlPol E I,r < oq C)r!<14 ll OE ae.98 ;5 --.Qt -io v- .:'i3 ., te >! ' C' t1 v.i 31r nJ O ' O1J r].o ! olio. r.a , AA ,D t040, r4 ,': .:j qr q I t: iu.c o t o .(i o.4 .> 0 0u k Ji.a d € o! lr !r u n !F C o fi ri rUA! ac r e, d o-a .r{ !.v) ar p t1:k tL Fv i .! oE t d i (i ('OO dJ.i .a O ALIo ! tr 6 g a6 o t 6 o r!.,r .i 4r .,r 1lo tno q o rJ>h q o !o! c.r ru ! c xdir .0 0 0,q c d J,o l: c1 a (lE o 6 a 11 14 a t1 .o0)o rdd .t o d o .o o ri'i trj a .A F .-lu , (looin a: o F. 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S rq<lq o!&<ra .$ 414 o o3,rdo a6FA i4A ..r E..{.rE(,q{ ror!ir orr or, !rr(J > 0, >!5 .,r!!o}{b0 x'r, (, o >' ql oJ !.o o dJ .! g!dr4J€.'atl.0q EF O tr ooi{ooFr At{.rJ .rrHtdot t.H Ork .d o a>qr.r{ <, o o* rl,.g r. .d.o d! B o o o radurl 6.6 O(n > o..n €iE rul {1, u oo-cor.0,!t{ r. o EFq' Oc..,r {, aao ,u ! Eil!' rn g ! r.r u oro o.o e rl i, rl, n)ooc>r.,cuX r{.r{ at .r{ rJ Co'c rr ! or, d 6€r{tr or.qrFo(lrO!'rrCrE(H c ! ij oE 6 t ! 6..{ ol d .:. d O Ar. > OEO!rJOr-rO.i.r oO"|J.i ts d d rr > cldO o. O o.E OIE''l 1L rD.d A.'l .rrl '.> d c ! 6 lto'r{ oa. F ol,+l! d E o d"ntF-a< d O !H Cl'{r xooolo ,.og El,x o" o o El o u '{ rr lrr{ ar (/l .rr ol Fdr .l r { -c olH 0.).r{ :lo u F iJll! Eo olo o dle 0)l. rld€ 4 l! r.o ldd o (, . al.i r{Ell ioirul EJEOlotroN.Ji.oo'OftldLlJ!?|llt0)o r4lF ! o. o u)lo ! ooO..lO .dtl FFr A>rd o r.cF- .C OF O' NO(J.i 3 0r n,o (n ar |io Icaqdoo rr .,{ o,cqr r-rrJp d!r q d rn (!o ! 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(D 'dlolrr o.co rrl ol! oco- !l ol!r o@ 6.rrl c, olFcorJ ri Gt <Jt t{ ct ()t F{ cl o rr or cl-o ot d iF | ,, tl (rl0J,{ | rr:lcJ,o r-r r..3l ol orr |.. :l 0rld, o !lolodlrr nt 0r !lolslrr d 0, rJlol.4lu cr o urLool! alc o !le 6.Alrl ldc7|olrl l'!Ec.lolll cd c@4ldr.lo l.rr, @lE ol bdql J !.1 OI Cllefl : ..{ dJl odql I ..1 ol.J .C c qli olo ' ,lllql ct c.. . rlrilllE c{ t:lrlql Er'* . flJtl Llo.. tlu o ttlolalrD o 9lulrrlO O ulol alo o ot r olo rl o (n0r Z olrll!lu OZ orl .!lJl1, OZ ojl(ol!l-n oz arl.{ ill ('-lorz o!d F<f ,af (/)l .! z .ztrct(]]t i! z .ttFt6t 4 z et x ,6t.d 6tt r4lrooo .r.r . '. d t. r .ra t. r .r'i.d. .i.!! bq l!<,Aq) l&<14() tr.<F() t!<.dcA qlo<r&< rt ut 1o F. .or{ ..4 t{ Fl 1t : vail, colorado 81657 1303) 47e5613 ,?tr ,^- L-J- /l r^^ .,v'\h J€P ^tJeptt, ln /g7z &cu i:*uau' coro' off ice of the town manager September 19, 1977 Eagle County Planning CommissionEagle County CourthouseEagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Vail das Schone Filing No. 4 ?he Vail Town Council has revlewed the plans for Vail das SchoneFiling No. 4 and wlshes to make the following comments: 1. This application should only be consideredat sketsh plan because the information providedis inadequate for a prelirninary p1an. 2. There is no description of what the uses ofthis property will- be, a requirement for both sketch and preli-minary p1an. (4.01.01-a and4.O2.01-k4 of the Subdivision Regulations) 3. An adequate street plan and parking plan needsto be submitted. 4. The landcaping plan is inadequate. More planting area needs to be shown. The Vail Town Council does not feel that the proposed divisionof lots is appropriate for this site. If each lot were builtto its maxi-mum, which is more likely with the division into51ots, a total of over 145,OOO square feet of commercial space could result. This would require the provision ofover 48O parking spaces. For a commercial or maybe commercial/resldential project ofthis size to work efficiently, there has to be a planned interrelationship between the uses and structures on the site.IYith the plans belng as vague as they presentJ.y are, with noindication of access ways, no proposed location of the structures, and no adequate landscaping p1ans, the likelihood of acorrdinated, well thought out, commercial development isvirtually non-exj-stent . llal For the benefit of Gore Va1ley, future users of the West Vailcommercial area, and future owners of commercial sites in"lTestVail, the Vail Town CounciL strongly recomrnends a more detailedsubmission of plans before either sketch or preliminary planapproval is granted. Ideally, this site should be developedas a single unit. But if the site is to be divided intosmaller parcels, at least an overall site plan for the areashould be submitted before the division takes place. In the development of this site, the Town feels that theEastern part should be utillzed for residential units. Thiswould provide a buffer zone between the Buffer Creek residentialarea and the Vail das Schone Commercial Center. We wouldappreciate it if the developer would consider this request. Sincerely, JAD/di /. dr tngurr-oo, 0oo. CVIL TNGINffRING . PIINNING . sURVEY5 SUBD|V|S|ONS . WATER 6{ SEWER 5Y5TEI\5 o ..,?bA- Kcnncth E. Richords Box 3il C- 100 Avon Vd'|t Colorodo {i}Jf,l 81620 Phonc .lfil*9*} 9 49 - 5O7 2 Dcnvcr lll.{ill 893-1531 Septenber 17, 7977 Registered Profesrionol Engineers Registered Lond Surveyors RECTJVED SEP r ,t ia-,-,_ " tJtl De!t. ,r, ,' .-,*, .;l]r"t 11,**t Mr. Terrill Knlght, Planner Department of Planning and Developrnent 550 Broadway P.0. Box 179 Eag1e, Colorado 81631 Re: File No. Sp-93-77 Preliminary Plan Vail Das Schone Filing No. 4 Dear Terri.11: In response to our meeting last Thursday regardlng Vail Das Schone Filing No. 4, a proposed subdivision of 6.6 acres East of the Vall Das Schone Shopping Center, we would like to clarlfy the items brought up by the Technical Review Committee and further discussed with you. It was hoped that thls area could be completely subdivldedwlth the condition that, upon sale of each 1"ot, (total of flve lots), there would be an individual subnittal for each building locatLon, parklng and access planning, land- scaping, etc. It now appears that the same condltions, as previously applied to Filing No. 3, would not be appli.ed here. We are respectfully requestlng that the overall plan for Filing No. 4 be changed to a sketch plan application. Additional preliminary plans and flnal plats will be submitted as requi.red, when it ls knor^rn how the property is Eo be utilized. I personally feel that we may not be followlng the intent of the subdlvj-slon regulations by this procedure, since no sa1e, or offer to se.11", ls supposed to be made until an area has been approved through the subdivislon process. Since the onners of rhis property are not sure of what the use of each lot will be, the new submittals will be geared to the desires of future purchasers, conditloned upon the needs of each and, with the best atternpts made to coordlnate the parking and access areas, landscaping, drainage and other critical aspects. This area has C/L Zoning, and owners of the property to the East have just started construction on a recently approved office building. I^/e feel that better control- could be achieved by an overall plat at thls time, with additional required subnlttals on each 1ot as soLd, and coordlnated planning \^tith the adjoining 1ots. However, sLnce this approach appears to be lmpossible, prlncipally due to the Town of Vailts objectlons, rre are wllJ-ing to adhere to these requests, especially slnce all the existing county standards and best development policies are desired to be followed in thLs area bv the Owners. The above discusslon lncludes items (1), (2) and (3) on your letter of Septernber 2, 1977, namely: (1) sketch plan vs prellminary plan; (2) specific uses for each lot and (3) adequate trafflc pattern and parking plan needs. For ltem (4), the landscaping p1an, only the plan for the perimeter areas was or could be submitted at this tfune. Additlonal landscaplng plans w111 be submltted for each site along wlth the coordinated driveway and parking plans. More pl-anting areas will be required and wlll be a condLtion for each new purchaser - in other words - aLl existlng county regulations will be adhered to before final buildlng permits are approved or issued. Item (5), a dralnage problem, ls an Ltem to which I must take exceptlon. There are no drainage problens for this area, to ny knowledge. Adequate retention tLne is provided by the planned catch baslns (four in nr.urber ) and the gravelJ"y soll condltions provlde further timed filtratlon of the olls and grease frorn the parking areas. There are no problems, ln this regard, from the exlstlng parkl-ng areas, at least, to my personal observations, even though no catch basins have been installed to date. As you cErr realize, there ls not room to put ln retention ponds and, if they were put io here, they would probably lead to extensive objections by the neighboring property owners, and would be a source of nuLsances, trash collectors, odors, etc. Item (6) overall conceptual plan, ls virtually Lurposslble to achleve because of the nultiplicity of or{n ers at this time. Ilowever, as a practlcal matter, each adj oining owner certainly has the desire to develop so that hls comerclal establish- nent will benefl,t by adjolning owners. To date thls ls belng aceompllshed, and the proposed Filing No. 4 will have covenants affectlng such items as coordlnated access drlveways, parking areas, dralnage, 1-andscaplng, no wal1s or fences between adJ oining properties, linited special use areas, etc. Iten (7), Vail Village West tr'later Dlstrl-ct, is an ltem beyond our control at this time. We thoroughly belleve that, upon the completlon of lmprovements to the Vail Sewage Treatment Plant and cleaning up of Gore Creek below this plant, that the well whi.ch has been fotmd to contain pollutants will be found to be safe and be put back lnto servLce. As far as the looped wacer llne is concerned (see letter of August 29, L977 from Lyon, Co11lns and Assoclates), the ohrners of this 6.6 acre parcel are wi-lling to pay thelr share of cost, lf requlred, for the line South of this parcel, provided owners to the West, other benefited property owners, and the dlstrict, pay their proportionate share. Th{s partlcular l1ne has been needed for several years nou, especially because of the addltlonal hlgh numb er of taps, incl-udlng corulerclal , condoninlum and townhouse unlts, and for the needed fire protection for the overall area. As agent for the Owners of the proposed 6.6 acre subdivlsion, we respectfully request approval for the overall area at thj-s time, and will be submitting all necessary additional lnforrnation when prelinlnary plans and requests f,or approval of indlvidual flnal olats are made. To: Mr. Terrill tGrlght, Planner Department of Planning and Developrnent From: Rlchards Engl-neers, Inc. KER: crcc: llest Vall Assoclates, Ltd.Vail Village West Water and Sanitatlon Page 2 Septenber 17, L977 Slncerely,.ry,,Wffil-z Kenneth E. Rlchards Registered Professional Englneer and Land Surveyor No. 2183 Dls tric t L- ,-l t I3OI GRAND Septenber 7, L977 AVE., GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COI-ORADO 8I6OI It{r. Terril l Knight Eagle County Planning Corunission Dept. of Planning fi Developrnent P.O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 REF: Electrical Power for proposed Vail Das Schone, Filing No, 4 easement nust be provided for Lotplat, or any alternative easenentElectric Association. Inc, RECEIVED sEP 1 3 1977 0ept. 0l Planning & Devel. fugl€ County, Colo. 2, as shown on the enclosed copy location presented to, and approved Dear Mr. Knight: Be it known to the Planning & Zoning Cornnission of Eagle Cormty, Colorado, that the above nentioned subdivision is within the certificated service area of Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc. Be it further known that Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc. has an existing three-phase, underground power line adjacent to the proposed developnent (approxi- mate location is shown in green on the enclosed nrap), and has an adequate supply to serve the proposed subdivision, subject to the tariffs, rules and regulations on file with the Public Utilities Conrnission of the State of Colorado, and appro- priate contractual arrangenents with Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc, It will be the Developerrs and,/or the Developerrs assigns the existing power line to the desired location(s) within responsibility to extend the proposed developnent. In of by, addition, an the proposed Holy Cros s Si-nce re 1y , HOLY SS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION. INC. RDB/K Encl . cc: Richards Engineering, cc: West Vail Associates, cc: Bob Waldrop, HCEA Vail cc: File:Eag1e PQZ Inc., Box C-100,Ltd., Suite 410, 0ffice Avon, Colorado 81620 9935 Lawler Ave., Skokie, fNc. BrinkI ey, r1.60076 =-\trl ,tFr,\ 'I. ",N a"% \l i: {tN N ^qS \- ir \,\ Nt5\ *\\ \Ni,,\'.! :..- (r."t z u.4 W :c) o..9 {1. ';', Oa):-,t.1 t/ . rr/' . I *t ' - ;,1) ,r/-^r,, \t."t . \t\ l.'L'\,t \=--'.9 \o\-'.n\ ""\=- I*RXw, \Yco \'i*N.*.r.- \* a"'," ,. ]:.. ..fa\. ":l t./f-/ r, 'k tri .N\D'\ i i 'i \ i..{ riil' }.'Q 'r $--\ 'tt {ii r.. v\tn :.t'{}'':\ \i- \: .':. - f?}..I (A \arl*\t.,a\4. ,\. \s\ri r)\:{. ,..'t' ,. -rl" '\-.R "."N\r,.r '': "- -\r '-'J" rt'ilN 5 ri '"*u) " il .t' 'i'.:s..:t -/ r1Sh5\ :: { $ t, :::: \ \ S^.o.\ ../i r )t,$N/-N I {',u.\$ t\* t*$a I d ld ,,I;;,iirc | it "*Rr' *ir.$)$ i Irs 'Iiilt in$ $ | $xut]Il N \ RICHARD D. LAMM Governor C.J. KUIPER State Engineer DIVISION OF IYATER RESOURCES Department of Natural Resources 1313 Sherman Street - Room 818 Denver, Colorado 80203 Administration (303) 892'3581 Ground Water (303) 892-3587 September 7, 1977 H[CEIVEt) SEP 1 4197t uept. 0t planning & Deyel. Esgtc County, Colo. Mr. Michael S. Blair, Director Eagle County Department of Planning & Development P. O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Vail Das Schone Piling 4 Pile No. Sp-93-77 Dear Mr. Blair: This ls to acknowledge receipt of preliminary plan material for the above referenced subdivision. Since this development is wlthin the service area of the Vail Village West Water District, we would recom- mend approval of Vail Das Schone, Flling 4. IADIGDV:mvf cc: Lee Enewold, Div. Eng. Land Use Comm. r)uLY Yovs'./l /\ A. fln"-"tt-'-' ]eris A. uty State Danielson Engineer k &M.Q#S(}too'ttr RICHARD O. LAMM GovERNoR JOHN W. ROLD Dirsctor RECEIVED sEP 6 1977 [retl. 0f Planning & Dcver. !agle County, Colo. COLORADO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATUBAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BIJILDING - 1313 SHEHIIAN STREET DENVER. COLORAOO 80203 PHONE (303) 892-2611 September 2, L977 Mr. ltichael S. Blair Department of Planning aod Developnent PO Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mr. Blair: RE: SP 93-77|PRELIMINASY PLAN/ VAIL DAS SCHONE if4 Based on the geology of this areat we have no objection to this subdlvision. Sincerely, /fuz-la L. R. Ladwig Engineer ing Geologist r,RL/Ls cc: Land Use Cornnission GEOLOGY SToRY oF THE PAST... KEY TO THE FUTURE o Ect|.cl[IAtr'tf trIEPAFITrV|ENT CIF HEALTH 4E1O E.11TH AVENUE DENVEFI e,g22o PHO|'IE 348-6111 EXT. 329 ANTHONY ROBBINS. M.D.,M.P.A. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: September 1, 1977 R[f SEP z tgi,, Uept, 0l l,r.:1r,.,,; - ,,...., .. fsgl€ Cgutty. Coto. SUBJECT: N0N-STATE ASS ISTANCE REV IEW AND COHHENTS anni ngS. BlairTO: Yes Eagle CountY P'l ATTN: Mi chael McDonal d Bl dg. Eagle, C0 B'1631 NA No No No No vesLl Yes Yes ls this project con s is ten t with the goals and objectives of Ehis agencY? ls the re ev id ence of overlapp i ng of dupl ica- tion with other agencies? ls meeting desired with aPPl icant? A l5-day extens ion is requested. Ron S'imsick, Program Administrator PR0JECTTITLE:F.ileNo.Sp93-TTPreljminaryPlan-VailDas Schone Filing No. 4 STATE IDENfIFIER: NA C0tIHENTS DUE BY: 9/21 [j l__-] T E i! tri Commen ts : tle & Phone 50C-3, Feb 77 ATTACHMENT B a t{E f,t{D DEIIEL0PtilHff S50Brordwry P.O. Bor 179 Eegle, Coloredo 8l6ill 2 Septenber Lg77 West Vail Associates, Ltd. 9933 Lawler Avenue Suite 410 Skokle, Illinoi.s 60076 Re: File No. Sp-93-77 Prelininary PlanVall Das Schone Filing #4 The Technical Review Commlttee for Eagle County (a group of technical advisers from varlous public agencies) reviewed your'application on 1 September L977. They offered the following comments to you and the PLanuing Commisslon for consideration of approval and use of the property: 1. This application should only be considered a sketch plan because the information provided i.s inadeguate for a prelininary plan. 2. There is no description of what the uses of this property will. be, a requlrement for both sketch and preliutlnary' plans. (4.O1 .Ol-a and 4.O2.O1-k4 of the Subdivision Regulations) 3. An adequate street plan and parklng plan needs to be su bmi t ted . 4. The landscaping plan is lnadequate. More plantlng area needs to be showu. 5. There is a drainage problem ln the area. There should be. more on-site detention and gradual release of vater. 6. It would be helpful to have a conceptual plan of the whole West Vail conunercial area to determine how the whole area flts together. 7. The proposed area is served by the Vall Vltlage lVest lYater Distrlct, whose maln well has just been ordered shut down by the State Health DePartment. Planning Department/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rezonin& Applications and Review (303) 328{3311 Building Official: Building Permits and Inspection, Zoning Adminlstration (303) 328-6339 DEIIBTTTilI McDonald Bldg. OT PI.AI{I{I IAEI.E TOUNTT Page 2 These comments *111 be for*arded to the County Plannlng Departmentand Plannlng Conrmission for conslderatlon at their rueeting on either21 Septenrber or 22 Septenbet 1977. An ageuda wi.th a speclfic datewill be mailed to you by 16 Septernber 1977. If yop haveraoy questions, please contact this office. fu/fryLlTerrl11 Knight/Planner t TK/dK cc: Board of County Comnissioners F- fi"o,6,sllins & 6o.,&; LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 1740 Williams Street / DenueL Colomdo 80218 / Phone [303] 399-7053 August 29, L977 Mr. Michael S. BLair, DirectorDepartnent of Planning and DevelopnentEagle CountyP.0. Box 179Eagle, Col-orado 81651 Re:VAIL VILLAGE WEST WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT ;File No. Sp-93-77 Prelini-nary Plan--Vai1 das SchoneFil-ing No. 4 Dear Michael: We have reviewed the referral sent to the Vail VillageIriest Water and Sanitation District on the above referenceddevelopnent. It would appear that an additional water loopline and fire hydrant would be required to provide water ser-vice to this increasingly high density area. With this pro-vision, the Vail Village West Water and Sanitation Districtcan and is prepared to provide water service to the property. We urge the developer to contact the Districtts engineer and resolve this issue. Sincerely, AiL VILLAGE WEST WATER James P. CollinsLyon, Collins G Co., Inc DISTR]CT MANAGER JPC: aj hcc: Byron D. Brown Frank Barrett Thomas T. GrinshawWillian Cacek West Vail Associates, Ltd. 9953 Lawlor Avenue, Suite 41-0Skokie, Illinois 60076 RECEIVED AUG 311977 Dept. 0t planning & Devel. fagle County, Colo. O: EAGLE C o OU NTY E}WI RONMENTAL HEALTH P.O. Box 01 1 . gq91s, Colorodo 6,|631 r 328-7716 MIil{ORANDIM 10: Michael S. BlairDirect'or, Department Ri:C[tyED AUG I 7 877 0cpt. Ol p,oln,,, er,. c.#il:rXd.*, of Planning and Development FRCI{: DAIE: SUBJ: CCI'IMENTS: 1!a 2. Erik W. Edeen, R.P.S.Environmental Health Etf,E: sam Erik W. Edeen, R.P.S. 17 Aueust 1977 File No. Sp-93-77 - Vail Das West VaiL Associates, L,td. 9933 LawLer AvenueSkokie, I]-linois 60076 Shone Filing # 4 Culverts on I-70 Interchange should beto approval. Sedimentation pond or filter shouLd be remove parking 1ot runoff pollutants. upgraded prior installed to e,*/"" €/--/