HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Trails Chalets #3A))n,-l-)l oz F1=.t UJo- lr c <\ (n IJJ UJu- E =Eu.,o- €/8€€ attoz €8-t4-e Pd I I I .$ ti: \l I I I $l q-IIJ\.,< tc) \IE StB IsrF l= lu lnIFxlztslo El=al J =laol.6<1,.2lzzl 7 uJz3 ul F z Jlu l! .9o^oy!E Rgss:E;S '6E.'; o. !, r(.-o6;e !F FE .so 5sNOojctr EEFO eb'=oo olccall E3oo8o6 ol) =E?i'5idl!-oc,b of -El.9 .99 oo_c(Et; g, .g3>cE -(l)riE@o!oOqo(! (1, UlpE9c.=(E flE-oa6c-=d; o!rF'i=o6 5'E'E >,6=5F99cv'-o(D-Ei=!6o :o+o.9uEE ?rcE.or!^ EcF6=o..! o'-6.9 of EE 3=(,>(!:cF(5X Rd6e E- crEEoo)o(! o0) o 'a(t E o .= o .; = ..:o (U .9 o- o .2 oatt E q) (E :at-c @o)Eo 3o -go(U otD o olrt olr) tf,(\, ro C\I c c oo Oo rf,t\ rf)F.C! UJ z YouJ z J J oE ouJJuJ z co = z ouJ UJllrt!z9t- uJdoqJ E .D BllJtuJe.zo Itlo F aa o-uJ o- z uJJo x uJo o UJl!u-t =E IJ.J.L FoF ('zo =o 9EFoUJJul oz6 ==Jc z uJ: *NOtJ.Vn'lv^ FtglE IE ;l; *lP:t-.E EE3o 5bHt/, z-; oo.xtro-qLCF(Jl- H_#uJt/tZ=& E>c itn =.D z io- FOEEoo1>9Cr9Zl!<oqhu6;oFO.i6i z e l! uJo- F oo(\l<l o-t! z E o z E UJF =Uz tltltltl Fzlz9gl<oo< >Eztxr!X.i<z at)Fz,, 9= EO3trOI UJl ! oalllzY9IF q t- 7 --r I<l -l zl zg(! 0l lqkt | :]I F I }(/)t o I F =l d I d lr o q:) N I J 'd I t{f N\\.:J \ \{ $rl1 (o il l\l-l sl Ho E =Elrlo-zoFofE 6zo() uJF() @o-zoFI IJJY lrjd) ot- tr E UJo tJ-o ILoo I uJFoz atr IJJ(L rL EU E<ctl€ue9!L CEf>E drE FEE =*E Ub!! \rucxaLE X>e q-o-i!tr ul .DoF --- (\\\. J 9z O LU = tl|l.t I _l 'l is'l l*rJ. tz.F -,: J ll- 1Co (Ud o, (J L c) 'ii=z CD -r tL J ) UJ =z !6 (lJIo(5 trJ (n sf(aaul ctds.-l = r\(ooIrotor\ -o- d tso = t! oartuJ J = - o +) L.tJ tn oc) 'oclrol =llEltrl I I Ilsfl(\l lR I el= slsEl I ils YI =l ur<tJ9t luFl r- 2 tr oz o UJtcJ IIq z13l FI lr EF = tr- d UJI <l>lttl zl3l '-l ol =.1olull 5l ?l>l rLlolzl]lqFI=ltr tr o IJJ 1l <I>l ttl rJlzl}I 9l ulJtu E uJz3 FoUJ =T(J G <F ur<ze.t!F(rzo J EF LuJ r >Y ;# 1Zqo() ax ::F7t)Z<+(r il= =u tirt! Oz J<oo25Ha !!n zo9zeoo =z=:)dP Jo5zaoh 55dl IJJ t E!tr TOwN oi,vel DEpARTMENT oF coMMLTNITyDEvELopMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Mechanical-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> willcdl-> 09/10/2001 JRM It,em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT AcEion: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DCi.): FIELD INSPECTIOIIS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Condr 22 (BI..DG. ) : COIrIBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF TTIE ],997 I]MC, OR SECT]ON 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTALI,ATION MUST EOI{FORM TO MANT'FACTT'RES INSTRUETIONS A}TD TO EHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. ,-)a-.( U,L(-a.t rs! r-,- ( K 'ff, ' )o'-\ J,.-arls LA.,!.{ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M0l-0145 Job Address: 413 GORE CREEK DRVAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: Vail Trails Chalet 3A Applied. . : 0910712001 ParcelNo...: 210108233003 Issued. . : 0911812001 Project No f\-"-_ Ollt{ER JONES, BErTY L. & JOHN K. 09/07/200L Phone: 2243 GOIJDSMITH IIOUSTON TX 77 03 0- 111.8 I-,icense: col[TRAcToR FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOO9/}7/2O0L P]rone: 970-668-3'160 P O BOX L330 FRTSCO, CO I0443 License:101-M ApPLICATgt FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOO9/07/200L Phone: 970-668-3750 P O BOX 1330 FRTSCO, CO 80443License: 10l- -M Desciption: Install gas lines install gas insert into a pre-existing non-EPA wood bumer Valuation: $3.664.03 Fireolace Informslion: Restricted: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logt: o # of Wmd P€llet 0 FEE SUMMARY ta:t*raa.t.ttltrrtr.t**ttt:l:t:|:tratrrrrr'rlr!taa*****trrrt'''r'tt*'t 980 . oo R€stuaranl Plan Review-> $o. oo Tolrl Calculated Fe€s-> 9103 ' o0 S2o.oo DRB Fee------------> So.oo Additional Fe€s-> (S103'00) go.oo TOTAL FEES-------> $1o3.oo Total Permit Fee--> 90'00 93. O0 Pavrner $->so. 00 BALAITCE Dt E-_> 50.00 t*ttraaa'talaaa**sItem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMH{T Ccind: 2i (BI,DG.): GAS APPLLE}ICES SHAI-,L BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CMPTER g AIID SIIAJ.,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I]I{C, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TITE 199? IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CIIAPTER 3 AIID SEC. 10l'7 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC, Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOIL,ERS SHALL,, BE MOIJMTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE COIIST. UNIJESS IJISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBI-,E FI,OORING' Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERITIIT,PLAIiIS AND CODE AIIALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECITAIIICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AII INSPEqTIOIT REQT'EST. Cond: 30 (BI,DG.): DR,AINAGE OF MECIIA}IICAL ROOMS CONTAINIITG HEATI}TG OR HOT-WATER SIJPPLY BOILERS SHAIJI-' BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI-,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 OE TIIE 1997 UMC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. t'tt''..''.l|||t.|'''|||||||.tr'''',lt|**t|t''*''|*|*'t|'.|*t'}***'it|lt''''''t||r|'t'.t''.'..ttt.t.|l|*******' DECLARATIONS Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS OR AT OUR OFRCE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF AND OWNE I hueby acknowledge that I have read thrs application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot Plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd MWNOFVAIT 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WII-I NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) PERMIT AP Permit will not be accepted without the following: Contact Assessors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit Job Name: n'""'""'=''6d+,, + Ootm Q*nu Job Address: VoitTnails Ch"Jd-=A- 'lr-1 Goro ( \ooA \cn rtc Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: nnn r, y-./ Atlulg55. -) .) //zrA -7 lG"oai#mlreOwners Name: Detailed description of work: t ,n b* aa? -]helet qb -4terr,l gllp a -p -r& XtnrJ -C\].A, r-oocd frurrpr- ^ar','.. , , ^'tet.a Work Class:New( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Do={n-A\E.n's'F TvDeofB|c|q:Sinole-familV().Duo|px{)Mu|li-.ami|"tt'li"ffi No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Eccorl this building:Efu1ts in -"ttt" "t -,r"t'.. Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (r.,) Gas Logs ( ) wood/pellet ( ) wood surningllrtOr ALLOWED)' ..\, Isthisaconversionfromawoodburningrirep|ace COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PER,MIT (Labor & Materials) aJ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: Frita F,re ol oae Town of Vail Reg. No.:l9t m Contact and Phone #'s qlO- fTTrchele Lbr-3tuit *********************{**FOR OFFICE USE ONLyx*x*******************x*****x< 6 2001 Fi / everyone/forms/ mechperm i pat€ Bec4ve_C_i Rff,fidHfi': November 26,2000 Dear Sir, I am requesting permission to reprace a wail wood burning cooking unitalready existing with a gas burning r,,epta"e in the unit v"iii.rr, 34, 4l3E. Gore Creek Dr. I can be "ontu"i"J-Ji'iono r. ,on", 2243 Goldsmith Houston, Texas 77030 113-660-0325 Thank You, ll'l{-^+r /l ^\_)-!r\4( )f\u. * l:_ t- -ry r {- _0 r-J r, { h '( <-..-/tJa^ John and Betty Jones A*tB*1!W A GRAND NEw LooI< FoR YoUR LARGER MnsoruRY oR Zeno CLEARANGE FIREPLAGE! Heat-N-Glo insuts nw ofer lln reclanguhr and ardnd uith blach trim on the ouh'ide, as wdl as tbe uisting brass trim. Patent Pending (Shown with CGR423Z-BK)Patent Pending CFX-GRAND Heat-N-Glo s largat fireplac insert is the Cf,K-Grand. Its generous size combined with its great bum crcate adrarnatic look for your larger sized masonry or builhin fireplace. The CFX-Grand was ileveloped using Heat-N-Glo's new palent pending CIX Technology. Its ceramic fiber firebox acts as a great insulator that allorvs hi$er BT'u's and a more mbust firc with a spectacular glow. It also provides warm radiant heat. The firebox is also brick stamped for added authenticity. Another knefit to HeatN-Go's CFX models is the expanded viewing area for a full view of the beautiful fire - the largest of any tnsertl As with each of Heat-N-Glo's fireplace inserts, the CFX-Grand is a direct vent with a seald combu$ion chamhr that provida great energy efficiency and won't alter the qualiqv of your room air The CFX-Grand is also AHU.E. (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) rated to guarantee grcat heat output. The CFX-Grand can be coupled with a number of optional Vision Series decorative fronb to crcate a distinct look. One option is oprable bi-fold doors that truly lend to this fireptacr's authentic masonry look. Vhat's more, when the bi-fold doors are closed, the heat radiated fiom the fireplace can be drastically reduced for a warm night or when entertaining. Itodel CFX-Grand: TOP VIEW (Shown with ATGA- 4232-BK) AT-GRAND The At-Grand's larger dimensions work gpat with larger fircbox openings and maximizes the view of the fire. Generous BTU's and a sealed combustion chamhr nmvide excellent energy efficienq. In addition to grcat heat output and high BTU'S, the AT-Grand has been trsted and approved as a wall fumae. With an A.EU.E. (Annual tuel Utilization Efficiency) rating of 5!+%, this lireplace insert is trst€d to the same $andards required fm today's high efficiency fumaces. The standard blower also increases ib efficiency even morc by pushing ttrc warm air out into your mom. Used with ttre optional hand held remote contml thermostal you can maintain a warm and cozy atrnmphere in your mom, alcially with the campfirc logs found in the AT-Grand. There are 1 I optional dcorative fmnts available to be paired with the AT-Grand to complete your own penonal look. odsl AT-Grand:SIDEVIEW FRONTVIEW 24 ra Ii l ai,l.l SIDEVIEW FRONTVIEW SIDE VIEW 2613lra [681r,f"!l 121t31 33341rr5/Nr,1l ELECTBICALrcCESS SIOE VIEW TOP VIEW A NEw WAY To LIGHT UP AN OLD FEATURING OUR VISION SU PREME BEAUTY! SURROUNDS FLAME WITH ,Sgnrgs op ,.Patent Pending'Patent Pending r , r\ -- (Shown with CINR4027)" nVu{}o.'^-cFx-rN +/- IF The C$(-IN was developd using Heat-N-Glo's norpatent pendtng CEI Tec.hnology. Ib ceramic fiber fircbox is a great insulator that allorc highet B1ll's and a more robust fire wi*r a ryectacular glow. It also provides warm radiant heat. the firebox is also brick stamped for addd authenticiql Another hnefit to Heat-N-Glo's CM model is the elpandd vioring area for a full vien' of the beautiful fire. ls wi*r each of HeafN-Glol inserh, the CFX-IN is an air-tight fircplace with an A.EU.E, rating that allows it to be operated using an optional hand held remote control themo$at. Now you can maintain a warm and comfortable temperaturc in your room with a simple tum of a knob. Ttre CtX-lNwas daignd h fit inh most masonry or-builrin fireplaas, fiansforming them into a dirylay of hauty while pmviding a larger than usual viw of tire firc. k with the CtX;Grand, the CMIN can be coupld with one of the rrcral optional Vision Series decorative fronts to create your own look. f,odol CFX-I : SIDE VIEW FMNT VIEW (Shown with ATSR-4027) AT.gUPREME Mdel AT-Supreme combines great heat output with true beauty. It is the fint fireplare insert m h designd with Heat-N4lo's nenrest pafent pending design: The Mlstifire Bumu is built right into the refractory completely concealing it to pmvide the most realistic fire on the market. The AT-Supreme is tcsted and approvd as a wall fumace. Wi*r an A.EU.E. (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) rating of 73+%, this fireplace insert is test€d to the sarne standards required for today's high efficiency fumaces. It also offers optional thermostatic contml ' and lets you varv the flame's hei$t to control BTU ouQut. The standard blower increases its efficiency by pushing ttre heat creahd bv the fire into your room. To add to tlre beauty of the AT-Suprcme, ir campfire logs recreale ttre nahrral feeling of gathering amund a traditional campfire with family and friends, and the optional stamped refracory allows you to customize it even more. Iodel AT-SupEme: SIDE VIEW FRONTVIEWTOP VIEW 19 34 , J502Mr!!1,szofilts,t,,i*ffi, [70MM] ,.,.iHffi,**,I tElrrrm I F29[736rlMH SIDEVIEW SIDE VIEW TOP VIEI/\I &al€d Combuslur (lhamber Variable Flxm€ Adjustor Ceramic Fib€r Canpfit€ l,ogJ A.[U.E. Rating 0n/0ff Switch ceramic Class Approved lbr trltsonn or Zero Clearaoce Fireplaces r ith up to 50 ft of \enting Standing Pilot Ilaintxins lndoor Air Quality Regulats l'lame Height and Heat ouFut Realhtic Canpfirc ll0k Approled for Supplenental Heat Convenient op€mtion SaIe lo Run at High Ternperatufts ./\ Uodel lo fir Alrnost Anv Need In Cxe of a Pouer failun, HearN'Clo Gas lircplaces with standing Pilots urll Continue to 0p€rate ollonJ liemo-e c, nrlful ur fhermorBt - The I hinrrtc in Conlenience HEAT-N-GLO INSERT MODEL FEATURES INDIVIDUAL MoDEL FEATURES MooEL AT.G RAN o*. jj.;00-3s.500 BTI yHr lnpul $irh NG. 17,000-33,000 BTUs/Hr Inpur with LP Gas. A.fU.E. Rating of 69+% NG, 65+96 LP. fllsn I n€rmat tfitctenc\. Teired r0 CGA p4.1 1i96 FE = 41.4S 92" (Canada). Standard 160 Cl'M Blo[er for Gnat Heatinp Effectiven€ss. InsurlledJunction 8or lor Es Insul]atiorr oi Oplional Remorc Contrcl. Larger Size for Larger Firqlace 0penings. Custom Sized Surrounds Available up to 50" ride (l[etal Surroun& Onh). Decoratire suroun& to choose from: ATG-4229, ATG-4232, ATG 4832, ITS,ATG. ATGR.1232, ATGR'{232-BK, ATGR4832, ATGR-4832-BK. ATGA.4O32, ATGA4O32 B( MoDEL AT.SU PR EM E*. 23,000-33,000 BTU'yHr. Inputwith NG. 19,500-31,000 BTU's/Hr. Inputwith LP Gas. A.tltl.li. Ratjng 0f 73+% NG, 71+?6 LP. High Themral Efficienq. Tesred r0 CGA P4.l - 1996 FE = 43.93 s,; (Canada). Standard 160 cFIl Blow€r for Great Heating Effecti!€ness. Installdjunction 8ox for Eaq' Installation of 0ptional Remote Contml. Custom Sized Sunounds Availabl€ up t0 50' wide (i\leul Sunounds Onl,v). Decoratire frunl./surrounds to choose fmm:,\TS-402ti, ATS-4131. .\TS.1{32, \TS-ATS. DF.ATSC-R, ATSR-1027, ATiR-4027-BK, r\TSR-4232, MSR-4232-BK, ATSA-4032. ATSA-4032-BK MoDEL AT-ZC *'| 16,000-23,000 BTU Input NG & LP. A.lU.E. Raling 0f 66.7+% NG. 7l.0+% LP. High Thermal Elficienqv. Tesred r0 CGS P4.1 FE= 4599l" (Canada). ()ramic Fiber Campfire Sryle Logs Recreate the Look and Feel of a Traditional Campfire. IrrstalledJunction Box for Easv Installation of Optional Remotr Control. Smrller Srze for Smaller Fireplace Openings. Standard 160 CFM Blorer pmvides Grert Heating Eflectiven€ss. An Oplional Flue Adapter may b€ required for Liners t0 l'it F-\isting l'lue (ZC-ADAPT). Custom Sized sunounds Available up to 50 ' wide (Metal Sunoun& Onll-). Decoratile suroun& to choose from: Llasonn,. ZC-3624-3, ZC-362t -4, Zov (.ldrd nrc. Dl-2C32, DF-ZCJI-CARCH, DI.ZCJ6, DF-ZCJ6-CARCH INSERT SIZING GUIDE Minimum dimensions or exinino lirsbor rccomm€nded ror eas€ ol ins€rt inslalhtion Model Frcrt Wldth Back Wdlh neQht Oepth ATG]and 331/2 24 v8 241t2 13 AT-Supreme 29 20 21 U4 l3 AT.ZC 23 3t4 14 58 19 1/8 't4 CFX-Grand 34 3t4 24 U4 26 3t4 141t8 cFx-t1{30 201t4 231t2 l4 cFx-zc 2a 17 16 1/4 t6 BTU Needed, By Square Footage & By Type of Insulation Squars Fa€t Up To 200 Up To 400 Up To 600 Up To 8fi)Up To | ,000 Well lnsulated 3,000 BTU 6,000 BTU 9,000 BTU 12,000 BTU 15,0@ BTU Avslage 6,000 BTU 12,000 BTU 18,000 BTU 24,000 BTU 30,0@ BTU No Inaulgtlon 9,000 aru 18,000 aTU 27,000 BTU 36,000 BTU 45,0m BTU Chad based upor' an a€a vlin a c€lling 63s h8n l0 f66r. Ab@ chan is Eogh 6nmi. or{y. aclul STU! nedod my Ery depending or cllmal€, numbor ol windo6, insulatbn eic. Th€ lhme and emb€r app€arsncs may v€ry bas€d m lh. tpe ol luer bumed 8nd d.s !€ndng cor lgularion Lrs€d c FX-G RAN Or * *. 26,00040,000 BTU yHr. Input with NG and [P. Hish Thermal Efficiencv. A.F'J.E. Rating of 73+% NG, 68+7" tp. R€alistic Brick Refractory Lends to ib Autheniic trlasonry L0ok and Radiates Heat. Larger Size fOr larKr Fir€place Openings. High BTU's offer a Sp€ctacular Bum. Decoratile surmunds to choose from: CGR4232,CGR4232-BK, ec&.4Q2rccR-4832-BK, CcA4032, CCA-4032-BK c FX-tN ij> -.-7b:m--.l8.000 rrusrllr Inpur wirh NG and LP. A.nLr.E. Rating of 73+e6 Nc. 68+% LP. High Thermal Efficiency. Realistic Brick R€fraclory Lends to its Authentic Masonry look and Radiatrs Heat. High BTU's offer a Spectacular Bum. Decorati\€ sunounds to choose hom: CINR-4027.CINR-4027-BK crNR-4232, CrNR4232=BK*qrN!-4032, CrNA-4032-BK\ _ _ .,. MooEL CFX-ZC*** -- - \. 10.000-J0.000 BTI 's4lr lnput wilh NG and LP \. A.EU.E. Ratingof 7J+% NG,68+% LP. Realistic Bdck Refractory l-ends to ils Authentic Masonry Look. Unique Smaller Size is Perfecr for Zem Clearanc€ Fireplac€s. ljecorative surmun& to choose fmm: CZCR-3i22,UCR-3722-BK I Snrr0und not includ€d '.."" Suround and iront nol includcd]"t-sl'Iound,f ront ordercd sqaratcly l.nrdrsi",Rdh\'r.{m,.Fifmpr0.l0"r'snu.rsrlrlJslrlc,{...i.'l(|r8q{.c.:.1.{16...1-l-o' {.|Lj Jt --r,:l.i.rt.j.t{8:{.j\r! i,rT,6t i0 b.bri,: ._, 'i{.i. ir.\__.q,tir(J . J-8jib i.j, r: t.{sl.l0lt.5 i1.1.4)r:5.611.4$l: (Auslrulia) ;43790r tE638Ji (cxordr) I l.lj.i!6i 1..19i.i16.l.l95.zfA; i:MexLco) 97+i5ll iNo{Zxnl rd | .l(r}.i65. rr otficl | .S. arxl f0ftjgn nxen6 Fndirfl B.INSEFT.FL REVK 3/01 HL{T-\{L0, a division 0{ H€dh Techn0logies lnc. 20802 |(ensinflo0 Bhd lak€tille, M\ ttfi4 (952) 98t-60m rar (952) 98t-60o1 Enail us at info@heatnglo. com Visit our Veb slte a0 wrlrfl.heahd0.corn elb rp(; PERFECT INSERTS FOR YOUR SMALLER MASoNRY oR BUILT-IN FIREPLAcE! cFx-zc Mo&l CFX-ZC overcomes the biggest obstacle involved in installing an insert into an existing fireplace. Ib compact size allows it h fit into a variety of firebox openings without modification, while maximizing the vierv of ttre fire. The CFX-ZC has the most authentic masonry look available in a smaller sized insert. With a BTU input of up h 30,000 per hour, you can be sure of an abundance of glowing flames. This is not t)'pical in a smaller sized insert. Another contributing factor t0 ih realistic look is its use of Heat-N-Glo's n€Nest patent pending CIX Technology that crcates a fireplace chamber lind with an authentic masonry brick pattem that acts as an insulator to crcate a morc robust fin with higher BTUs and more radiant heat. While the CIX-ZC was daigned for a smaller sized fireplace opening, it provides the largest viewing area in its class to enioy this insert's spectaculaf glow It is also A.EU.E. rated to asure great heat output. CFX lnserts are the only inserts available that have been appmved to cover the existing grill work on a prefabricated woodbuming fireplace. This clean face design offers the most authentic look. Model CFx-zc:SIDEVIEW FRONT VIEW SIOEVIEW TOP VIEW Nf -zc ls with most masonry fireplaces, many built-in fireplaces are inefficient as well. The AT-ZC is a great solution to this heat loss problem. Model AT-ZC maka installing an insert into a built-in fireplace a breeze. This design offers the most attractive, non-inhusive insert available today. The AT-ZC is also A.EU.E. rated, providing maximum heat outpul especially with its standaxd blower. The unique rlesign of the optional DF-2C36 (Daorafive Fmnt/Surmund Combination) allows the front to fit right inside the zero clearance unit's opening for a clean, flush finish to the existing unit. And it won't obstruct existing grills. The smaller size of the AT-ZC also lends to its installation flexibility. Now even those smaller zero clearance or masonry {ireplace openings can be hansformed into a beautiful and efficient centemim to vour room.Shorvn with DF-2C36 INVEST IN THE BEST Heat-N-GIo Insern- ofier a rc4, importtnt bmef;t otw gas logs - HMT )UnUf! Altbougb gas logs arc effniettl in lhe buming of ga fuel, mut of tln fuA aeatedfrom gu' lags gles up tbe climnq system. An fuserl is fuiped to capture lbat but and send it bark into lour r00m. Your frqku aill not utly hok grut, it it an enetgi efrcinl bwt source. HEAT-N-GI-O DI RECT VENT (AIR TIGHT) FIREPLACE INSERTS Offu Eeat and Effienq Vhilc Malnt4tnlnglnbor Alr Qualtty All snen Hwt-N-GIn ftrepkce inserts feature our patmtd Dhect Vent Twbnolog/. Direct aa produch baue an air tigbt firebax tlnt draus air for ambution fmm tlte outside, na,a' stwl@ tln u,arm air from inside your bome; nor do tbey oufu a clW draft situa.tion. Ihis eflniae daign allous no gillage of combwtim gasa into lln home, thereby manleining yur clean air qualily. Hut-N-Glab patented sealed mmbustion (dirut rmt) sy,stan giw ltou mugt eficimcy and nwintains clwn indou air, BlQwtr nol arailable on CFX nscis OPTIONAL VISION SENIES DECORATIVE FRONTS FOR YOUR INSERT Standard Black Fmnt .\lcrand: DF .{TG-l) A]''Supr€mq I)f MS-C AT-crand: Dr-ATG-BAY AT-Suprcme DF-ATS-MI' AT-ZC: DF-ZC-tj,t' tuched Glass Surround wilh Bt-lold Doors AT{;ftmd: AICA-4232 CB( for Bl{k Trim) AT'Suprern€: A|SA-4232 CBK fot Black Trim) cI\|-cr,rnd: CCA-42J2 CBK fof ltlaxk Trim) CfXlNr CINA-4132 CBK for ElackTnm) AT{mnd: DF-/$G-DARCH AI-SuUtrn€: DF-1fi$DARCH AT-tturd: ATGR-&3U4832 CBK for Black Trim) AT.suprcne: ATSR{027/{232 r-BK lor Black ltim ) CFX-Grand: CGR-423?4832 C8K for Black Tdm) CFX-IN: CINR-4027/4232 (-BX for Black Tirn) CFX-ZC: CZCR-3722 GBK for Bla.k Trin) AT-Crand Dn'AfC-CARCIl ,$SuJ)Iemcr DI AI S CMCH AI ZC: Dl 7.C{IARCH (\'l|riono) ,\l:ZC:l)l ZI;32 (IARCH (Zem Clearanc€) l-f-ZC: Df-Z(l36CM(jtt (2ro Clearrnce) D€corative Arch frofi Clean Arch Front Rectangular GLss Sunound wilh Bi-Fold Dools 4rd-