HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Trails Chalets reroofProject Name: Vail Trails Chalet Condo Protect ltGcription: Reroof Partacipants: OWNER Vail Trails Chalets Condo As07/12l2001 Phone: 413 E Gore Creek Drive VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Master Sealers, Inc. 07/l2l200l Phone: 390-6702 -MIKE' POB4473 VAIL, CO 81658 License: ProjectAddress: 413 GORE CREEK DRVAIL Loca6on: Legal Descripuon! Lot: K Block 5-E Subdivision3 VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 1 Parcel Number: 21010820,1005 Comments: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.219 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB010195 BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Bill Pierce Action: APPROVED Seond By: Charlie Ascevedo Vote: 5-0 DateofApproval: 08/0V2001 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate re\riew committee(s). Oond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. @nd: CON0004962 The roof material must be fire-retardant cedar shakes, Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: 320.00 t;-*ffi 1,,.,cArroN Questions? Cu,, On.nning Staff at 479-2738 FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific informauon, see the submittal requirements for the particular approlal that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may abo need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. DESCRTPION OF TH E REQU EST:'/.ar'€L LOCAION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:.z atoclK'f .f FTLTNG: g!6 @^lFn /trry'4 otP{./R .-C. D. E. PHYSICAL ADDRESS: ?tt tt PARCEL h\*ezeaeetatz er (Conbct Eagle Co. Assqssors ffice at 970-32S-S640 for parcel #) ZONIN1 &L6< ea:-->.*/d?pc F. NAME OF OWNER(S):?a-anzpzzE €e-..azt .,€J'J'rc-24 MAILING ADDRESS: .?z ? --.e/7 da-< -t C.-..{/..{ a?27 z-// Z-?tz 4e PHONE: OWIIER(S) SIGNATURE(S)r Sl .e.Fa<-ztza NAME OF APPLICANT:,e77/t24 TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:tr New Construction - g2O0 Construction of a new building.tr Addition - V MinorAlteration - .dpe E, 4aZ/tO-' DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permiL please identiFy the accurate valuation sf the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project wluation. PLEASE SUBMTT THrS APpLTCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL R"EQUIREMENTS AilD THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRO|{TAGE ROAD, VAII. COLORADO 81657. $so s20 H. Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. MAIUT{G ADDPESS: _ .4 a. aes .*7J _.??-.'. ca 4?.,/f rlP PH}NE: 7 ?2- f,Ze& JUL I2 MI BUILDING MATERIALS: o% TYPE OF MATERIAL: .4-F.'caaFRoof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sofftts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walb Exterior Lighting Other COLOR: .aaz 6-z * Please spec8 the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip ** All oderior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-5J. If exterior lighting 's proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a sepaEte lighting plan. Identify each ftcutt type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. PROFOSED I.AI{DSCAPII{G Botanical Name: Common Name: Ouantiwi SiZgI: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: E{STING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping: deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 5 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Tvoe:Souare Footaoe: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION ryPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, ftnces, swimming pools, ek.) Please specify. IndkEte top and bottom elevations of retaining walb. Maximum height of walb within the friont s€tback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walb dsewhere on the property is 6 feet' Jul ll Ol O8:3Op Dia$alt<in (303r |o-ss88 VAIL TRAI LS CHALET CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 413 East Gore Creek Drive VailColorado JulY 11,2001 p.2 To whom it may concern: I hereby authorize Michael Boyd of Master Sealers, Inc. to apply for design reviewapproval in order to change our roof from iar and gravel to Maravista Designer Metal Shingles. lf you have any questions or desire any additional information, please beltee to contact me at (303) 884-2000. Very truly yours, c\fir' ,l) Lrtn{-JFA.lli i, -- Diane Balkin, President r0r4ilrt) Project Name: Vail Trails Chalets Project Description: Reroof Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Oommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2t39 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB010417 Pafticipants: OWNER Vail Trails Chalets Condo As12/19/2001 Phone: 413 E Gore Creek Drive VAIL CO 81557 License: APPLICANT Master Sealers, Inc. l2ll9l200I Phoner 390-6702 -MIKE POB 4473 VAIL, CO 81658 License: Project Address: 413 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: K Block: 5-E Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE EIUNG 1 Parcel Numben 210108204005 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Blumetti Action: APPROVED Second By: Woldrichvote: 3-0-1 Date of Approvalz oU28l2OO2 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005175 That the roof be Owens Corning MiraVista New Slate Grey. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO TO-m Application for Design Review Deparhent of Community Development 75 Souh Frontage Road, VaiL Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This. applicaUon b br any project requiring Design Rwiew approval. Any project requiring deign raniew must receive. approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please reftr to the submittal requiremenc for theparthuhr approval that is requestecl. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informatbn is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also rieeO o Ue reveweo Oy the Town council and/or the Planning and Environmen&rl Commission. oiiin neview Board approval lapsei unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of tfie appioval. Description of the Request:42' t a-/ .r*)./a -+?.zl ,1//.f,4 .{///..'.-./.1 "72.tr,/Z/./ Location of the Proposal| l-cl": K AkJek:{-7 Subdivision: ./3 {aa,f c.xa.fZ aaat el Parcel No.: ?zazz? ) alzea'(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Ourner(s):t2./Z /.2.?rZ -r 1ar'-ea ar|az..z./tcv Mailing Address:?Z= dz./ €*z/ .a...2-.// --' ,?,Qrra ?/z4.aa/ /zcta€ Physical Address: Owner(s) Signature(s):f/f,.'./a/d-7t .attrutVtra Name of Applicant:.-Ye r.*-z r.{.ez/.? / -Zl' Mailing Addrss:- 4.'3*/??t Type of Review and Fee:tr New Consbuctiontr Additbn n Minor Alteration tr Changcs to Apg,roved Plans Arc),ail 9zz - lrsa For consbuction of a new building or derno/rebuild. For an addition where square botage is adcled b any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior mnversiors). For minor changes b buildings and site improvernenb, such as, remofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, hnces and retaining walls, etc. For revbions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Ra/iew Board vEi., t/?// 4:a f,.ztrf f Phone:7?z' t>2 r' $200 $s0 izo \r-./--\ PLfAsE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMEMTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. eull tfrufou 'rvwY l. Questions? GII the Planning Staff at 479-2138 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS o Stamped topographic survey*, if applicableo Photos or plans which clearly convey existing conditions*r Photos or plans which cleady convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)*o All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used.n Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicabletr Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicableo The Administrator and/or DRB mav reouire the submission of additional olans. drawings. specifications. samoles and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project wilt comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an astefisk (*). II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and cglor number(s) o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Buildlno Mabrials LIST OF PROPOSED IIIATERIALS TVoeof MaErlal C.olor ?z rZ r/tte.tt,r.{t/Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffib Windows WindowTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Raib Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wdls Exterior Lighting Other Noftes: Please specify the manufacture/s color and number and attach a color chip. All e)(Erior lighting must meet the Town's regulations regarding lighting (see Title 14 - Development Standards). ff exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fDtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each frxture type and provide the height abwe grade, lumens output, luminous area, and atbach a cut sheet ofthe light fixtures. )/ t/ / ') '/u v' - ProJect Name: Vail Trails Chalet Condo Project Descrlpdon: Reroof Partlclpants: OWNER Vall Trails Chalets Cnndo l,{71t212001 Phone: 413 E Gore Creek Drive VAIL CO 81657 Llcense: APPUCANT Master Sealers, Inc. 07/L2|200L Phone: 390{702 -MIKE rcB4473 VAIL, CO 81658 License: Project Address: 413 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Legal Descrlptlon: Loh K Block 5-E Subdlvlslon: VAIL VILLAGE flUNG 1 Parcel Number: 21010820{05 Comments: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Dorelopment 75 South Frontage Road, vall, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8010195 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motlon By: BillPierce Actionr APPROVED Second By: Charlie Ascsyedo Vote: 5-0 DateofApproval: 08/01/2001 Condltlons: C.ond: 8 (PLAN): No cianges to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vall staff and/or the appropriate revlew aommittee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult wltft Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Oond: CON0004962 The roof material must be Rre-retardant cedar shakes. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 irl ll 0l 08:30p Gne Batkin_. ta VAIL TRAILS CHALET CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 413 East Gore Creek Drive VailColorado JulY 11, 2001 To whom it maY concern: I hereby authorize Michael Boyd of Master sealers, lrr' to applyfor aesign'ro;e;'approvarin oruer to change our roof from tar and gravel to Maravistra Designer Metal Shi ngles. lf you have any question:-T -d-ryig3ny additional inforrmtion' please eb tee to cont-act me at (303) 884-2000' Very truly Yours, t\ . tl I -) t.funiJ)A.l-li io -. Diane Balkin, President ,|, -"o-"r"" p." *rt*'a***l***tt****t't**tll'f't*****l*t*****{r*t *f t{r **** *t{' * * *l* t!t*** f,*t** * tt'* ** +ltll tt*l t*tt t+'| l TO\VNOFVAIL, COLOMDO Statcment+frl'f+*+*'ltl*tlf,***+f*tl**'l*l+i*tl*i***if+*+ttitl**+tt*tt*tttrtt**t{tfttt*!ttttttrttt**ft*ttttt statement Nurnber: R000001845 Amount: $20.00 t2/L9/2oo1-o4:o4 p!{ Payment l{ethod: Cagh Inlt : ,JtlR NotaE.Lon: Pennit No: DR8010417 T14e: DRB - l,tinor Alteration Parcel No: 210108204 005Site AddresE: 413 GORE CREBK DR VAII, IJocation: Total FeeE: $?0.00 Ttria Payment.: $20 . 00 Total AL,L ht6: $20.00Balance: $0.00 't't*r**{***t*t{t**:}*tttf tt *,}'t* *tt* t I * * r* * * *'i +*t | +* * **i t +*'t,}** * f l' *'}* lr*'r* ** +'i + | 't 't *rt**t*:}**'}tt+t ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current ftnts DR OO1OOOO3II22O() DESIGN REVIEI^I FEES 20. 00 Project Name: Vail Trails Chalets Project DescripUon: Re-roof Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8020349 Pafticipants: APPUCANT Douglass Roofing Company 09130/2002 Phone: 303-288-2635 7277 ES4fIhPlace Commerce City, CO 80022 License: OWNER Vail Trails Chalet Home Owne10/08/2002 Phone: Diane Balkin 337 Cook Street Denver, CO 80206 License: Prcject Address: 413 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Vail Trails Chalets Legal Descripuon: Lot: 1TO Block Subdivision: VAILTRAITS CHALET Parcel Number: 210108233010 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Charlie Acevedo Action: APPROVED Second By: Hans Woldrich Vote: 3-0 DateofApproval: IO/02/2002 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail sbff ard/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (Pt AN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to @nstruction activities. Cond: CON0005615 That the proposed asphalt shingle material shall not be permitted; however, approvable roofing materials shall be wood shakes, wood shingles, tar & gravel, metal standing seam, or metal shingles with colors to be reviewed by staff. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 SEP- l7-O2 l4:35 FROM : TOV-COM -DEV-DEPT.1D,9764?92452 PAGE 2/3 \arcel Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Developrnent 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel 970.a79.2139 tax: 97O.479.7452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General fnformation: All projeds requiring design review must receive approvat prior to submiting a building permit applkation. Please refer to the submittat requirements for the particutar a9proval that is reque$ed. An application for Design Revrew cannot be accepted until all required information is received bV the Community O€velopment DepartrnenL The project may also need to be rwiewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Envionmental Commis$on. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences widrin one year of the approval. Description of the Request ArrrTIQrrE qLAIE ponPulc Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: Physical Address:413 EAST GORE CREEK DRIVE Parcef No.: : tOtoqC SSot#:ontactEagteCo.Assessorat970-328-8640forparcel no.) ,\/|zonins: f\4b t/"tl- - -Natne(s) of Owner(s):VAIL 1AAILS CffAI,BT EOilE OIINBRS ASSOCHTION. Dlane Balkln 317 Cook St- Denver- CO 80206 Owner(s) Sgnature(s): Name of Applicant: nOUGr lSS roroflgc COICTAIW MaitingAddress: 7277 EAST 54IU PLACE OOUUBRCE CITY' COLORADO 80022 Phone:( E-mail Address: t{CorrG0douglassrooflng - corr F?Xi (io3) 288-8502 Type of Review and Fee: tr SignsE Concepfual Review O New Constructontr Mdition t' rvinor Altention (muhi-family/commercia l) O Minor Alteradon (single-family/du plex) B Changes to Approved Plans O Separation Request arready approved by eranni$ E 9,FJr\rE"D SEP 3 0 2002 $50 Plus 91.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee 5550 For constuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addnion where square footage is added to arry residential or commercial building (inctudes 250 additions & interbr conve6ions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site impro/emens. such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls. eG. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site impro/ements, such as, reroofing, painting, windorv additions, landscaping. fences and retaining wallt etc.$20 For ro/isions to plans Oesign Review Board. No Fe€ 'J3,[,*pq'w Application oaie: Plann€r:&a /0/ '155 S. Madison, Suite 228 Denve( CO 80209-3013 303-329-0535 800-266-8565 Fax 303-377 -27 40 www.techniscan.com Scan Technologies Rool & Building Diagnostics & Consulting TechniScan, Inc. September 30,2002 Town of Vail Design Review Board RE: ProposedRoofSystem VailTrails Chalet 413 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado TechniScan, Inc. was hired to design a roof replacement system and solicit bids from contractors for the project referenced above. Proposals previously acquired by the Homeowners Association, and engineering reports, were submitted for our review and consideration. The first con@rn was the snow load capacity of the existing structure. The attached report from Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. states that the maximum weight of the new roofing system should not exceed the weight of the existing rool and consideration should be given to reducing system weight. The currently proposed roof weight is approximately 3.5 lbs per square foot. This is opposed to the existing BUR system which has a weight of approximately 6 to 7 lbs per square foot. Consequently, significant system weight reduction can be realized. Upon review of a proposal to install a new Owens Coming Mira Vista roofing system, it was noted that minimum slope requirements by the manufacturer for installation is 3:12 slope. The roof slope on Vail Trails Chalet is on the borderline of this minimum standard and, in some areas, does not meet this requirement. ln addition, it was recommended in the Monroe & Newell Engineering report that the cunent snow removal program be maintained. Metal shingles could be easily damaged during snow removal procedures. Recently itwas learned that Owens Coming is discontinuing manufacture of the Mira Vista roofing system. Shake shingles were reportedly proposed for roof replacement on this building in the recent past. The same concerns about low slope conditions would apply, which is specifically addressed in Chapter 15, Table 15-8'-2 ot the 1997 Uniform Building Gode. In fact, a minimum 4-12 pitch is required when installing wood shakes. The proposed Elk Prestique Premium laminated shingle meets code requirements noted in Chapter 15, Table 1 5-B-1 of the 1997 Uniform Building Code. Due to the lower slope and severe climate conditions, a layer of W.R. Grace lce & Water Shield is being installed over the entire roof deck as an underlayment. A venting ridge cap to create airflow through existing soffit vents will also be installed. All skylights, head walls, verticalflashing details and vent pipes will be flashed to the new roof according to manufaclurer's specifications and to meet local building code. TechniScan, Inc. The VailTrails Guys September 30,2002 Page 2 - Proposed Roof System It is the opinion of TechniScan and the homeowners group that the appearanoe of the roof will be greatly enhanced over current conditions. Laminated asphalt shingles are used in a number of exclusive locations throughout the Denver area. Several examples of this type of shingle exist in new developments in the Cherry Creek Shopping District and in the Denver Country Club area. Accompanying this report, we have supplied manufacturers'sample boards and printed material for your review. Should you have any questions, please call. Vice President Enclosures GLG/hd lO.3?@4?92452 PAGE 3/3SEP-.1 ?-O2 l4 ' 36 FROM ' TOv -COM-DEu-DEPT ' Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS TVpe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindorTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walts Enerior Lighting Other t4^1ir..-. S/+j-<- Notes: Please sperify the manufacturer's name. the color name and number and attach a col6r chip' Page 6 of r2l0U07l0Z Sep 2? O2 04:23per-<.-&e 1J.21 :r Il i ane BaIkin DOUGLAAS ROOFING (3031?80-SS88 343 288 86A2 P.az p-? ruilfi,m descriprion) flo"i \ -frarts JOI'{T PROPERTY OWNER WR,ITTEN APPROVAL LETTEN. a joint oyvner ot property located at (addrcssnegal cnolal-&, n<J orn,4 rrJ rn S providc this letler as writGn opproval of the plans deted which have be€n submitted to the Town of Vail Community Oarclopm€nt Department tor the proposed lmprovernenB to be completed atthe addfess noted above. I that the propos.d mDrgvementr include: I further understand that minor modjfications may b€ made to thc ptans over the course of the rcvist, process t0 ensure compliance with the TownS applicable codes anct regutations, understand R Page 2 ot tZlOZtOTlOz TOTAL P.SE **t*lt*l'*tlt+,}***lt*tfff**+aattlllfft*+*lflttalf,|**t*afflltfaat*attft+f+rraatttattt***rtaaa TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO siatencnttl't*+t*l**tfft**faa**aaala+a*atlt'|t'la**+*ttfa*+tta+ft*+fat***tat****aa*+t**ttr*ff*:t*aa+,1*r*t stat€m€nt Nuiber ! Rooooo3185 Amount 3 g25o.oo og/30/200201 r5? pM Paym€nE Method: cheok Inlt: rJlR RoofingNotacion:28913Douglaag Pe:rnlb No: DRS020349 1ype: DRB-Minor AIt,Conm/l\nrltlParcel No3 210X08233 010sLte Addresas {13 GORE CREEK DR vAfIJIocatLon: Vall Trails Chalet,g Total Feee: S2SO.0OThlE Payment: $25O.OO Tobal. ALL pmtg: g25O.OO Balance: 90. OO*a'}*t**t*afrtr+r*+rittltttfft*aftttf+tr*++++a**ttfttttaa*ti***at*,lata*a*rrrt*t+faaf*taa***t* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current pmts DR OO1OOOO31122O() DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250 .00 01 r€C-00-2001B,THU 10353 AI1 FALLRIDGE AT VAIL FAX 10, 9704790562 P, i f-- f,\ Monroe & Newell Engtner.rx' tnC I)*;rtber l1, ?001 14r. Nruo I'icciert'li lO Snx 512. Va;!, CO 81658 )lc: Vnlf Tksils C:h.dct Of&N s496) G:rlkmcc: lJlsr prirpogc, of rhis lcucr le to follow up oD oru cotwssEtione hrirh youself ancl Mr. l{ic lji(! Htryd on Mr.stu Scalcrs, Ioc. h is pur urdcret4diqg the Hfiteownert rLsr!;iaiiorr worrN liire to rqplaco the building's atisting toofing. ^f.s ,{{ec.r,Lr.rcd it is yoru int+ntion to rcruovo thc crirthg roo6ng metcrial wbich ie built-rry tlrr mrrl gr:'.ucl arr.l re$4'r6 i1 qith a motol ot wood cbalce roofmg systen Eithq of tbe fifl','cstncrit tooting ryst:nts would be ligtrtor weigbt thur tho cxisting trr and gravol tl/ttsnr. Irr a,l.li'-lori, tr'c havg rL.nicrvcd thc lcutr by Redrvinc{dzim, Inc. dated Augtst 24 2000 r\t'ittor to lv{r. Oary A.rlaros at Davis P.rrvrcrship, PC, 'Ihc lctterr is a smrctrml crvaluatiou of thr:cxiatilgtrvflding. Tn6 lctt$ Frle$'Ttismyopinionthrtthproof shouftlbc t$:,tn'.'iliaherl tud let),rih wi{t lugcr nructurdmcrnbcrs." Wbilo this stgtamcnt has merit, irt o:'rr c'6'inli,rr tl^'- J{oareowncru Associ.ltion has othrr optiom *'hicb it may conriclcr. !.l,r rr.faon(o!.n c wcll. (om 70 BtrcLrr,r.rl R.:rd . Sui(! l0{ t P.O, BoX lj97 . Avon, COlorCdo 6t620 (r1 6) 9 lr.7 | 6is. l'AX (tto) g4g. 4054. cnuitr lvon S rh o nro e.rlcr,cll. co r0 1"13't3H 3ftMr,{ sqaggaoF0/l(, l! t/-.1 saier rrurlur., \r DEC-O6.2OOI THU 10153 A}I FALLRIDGE AT VAIL FA)( N0, 9704?90562 !iirel,, explrrrntion of roo.f soow losd rcquirtEcrrtr aod bu[diag aodes ir approprriaia Ttro Tottr of Vril arul r,o$t flsss in ths wcstan Unitc'd Starcs luvs sdoprd rbo llniftrm i,lultdin$ Orilc 6 t=tut* buildirrg c,:rstructioo. Thc codc uras firstpqblisbcd in 1927 mrl hrs lrffit ldurdcd ar approximarcly 3 -ycar inrqvals Sincc Ort timc. In gcncral, 6c (odchaib*hlmomorgnl.,trictiyenithtino. Thec,urr€ntTorntofVailBuildingCodcis th,r l9y7 cditiol of 0ro Uniform Building Gode. It is not bolea whrt cdition qf thc code (if i'rty) wls in t'fiect il 106-f in *r* jurisdlotion of the Tov,n of Vril when ttro Vall Trails Cc,ivlontiniuns wcw coastnrotcd. .{ brtildftrg is gcoerally considcrcd o comply with thc ()odcifitco:rrpliorlrithtlrecditionutder\ltllciirvasconstrrctcd" Iftbisc,cmonotftc alie, rn.ijor rclisiurr wsuld be raluircd to uosl buildiagc approrirnatcly every tucc ye'nrE. Thecc rrrc rcq{irnrrreils in dre Code rhat buildings te brougbr rB to cwpnr l;tsridiirilq ur.de.r srmc circtrrsknccs. Rc"roofing of + building (cqpccially with a ligtlejrttiglrt srysturn) is not orro ofrbos,r circurusianoes, ln oru opinion .Iurf al tlu Urrifontr Buildirrg Codc har gottcn morc rcJtristjvc since 1963, the mow loads tll) I urv*t [x: dr*igrrcd ftrr hrvc incrcnscd. Wc rrt not rwaro of thc snou, lord r",iujr{u(rul$ in l}ru Towu of Vail in 1963, bur (if lbere wrs one) it can bc assu!€d irwle lmt tlr,'i rlc B0 pounlb prr srluerq foot cunartly rcquirod. Wc hr.,s rcl'icwd old pLno pr\.laTfii by rr?uralrlo hofes$iotnl Engineers ttat indicaro dcsign snow loads in 6e 60 prf tangc. It shc,uld !"'c notrd that tho lrtrowt of $owfall carh win&r in Vail urd n-"nrtlirrg rcof folaq ore irrrirpeudent of a changa in desigp requirco)clrts. lh ftnftat cd,'lplicd€ rhc situ.ilion, thc allowable lords rhst we d€ allowed to dssign rrr.ed loernLars for lravc decridsed in rhe ranc tioe period. In otha wods, now 2x8s Itrat ue bdng ini,talled in tuday's roofs rvill not support as much loed as drc 2r8s ittsutl*J in tlrr.roof iu l96i (osnrniug thcy are thc same specics urd gradc). 1lre bottorn lira of all ftis le thsr a rhorouglr anrlysis mny concludo that thc roof was ,r'llitige for tirs ::aow loarls at the timc jt wrs builr Also, rrr 0u bcst of oru knou4cdgg tl'c tool brri lNrformcd silisfactorily for rlc lec 36 yers. l\tith alt of tiiE ahrvo seid, iho follomog are thc Homogu/ner's Ascociadsn options: l. lto first optior is to lcavo ho brdldir$ as ie. rhis o$iur is reaeoaable baced ou rh.r fifl lhrt tl*' brilrling rnay luva br*o c(s,stuctcd in gcncml ooarplirnoc withtbl ffuildirq Codo in crfiqt it tbo tjnrc of its consuuctiou The fut tlal Oc hril.ling hrrr otmost forry yrars of snow load history alm srppotb this option hwide aart' roofrng on tbe buildirg rher rcduccs or oqpals thc orrcnt load on thcbidlding. Jt is ournidcmtanding a wood slringlc roofwill do rhis. If lhis option is _lelected' it ir iltrporttnt trot to rdd any rD$ularislr or otlctohangos thar will'affocth'rv 111L14, and whors slow accurntdates on thoroof It will rlso bc inpctart totrr"jchln rhc currmr luggram of snow mai cneocc lf this option or oac abovo icealccl;d, thc rupfurill E t :E€ofieodaro thc dasign toadtng rigubeil for nervcorlsl, rtrJirrn in !ta;l. r9/80 ;*\/J Tl$t:lt 3:ri0l)l zz :qr P, 02 I ,^^rr]j^r^ '' -,.d-oo-zoot 1119 t[:54 AI'I FRLLRIDGE AT VAIL FA)( N0. 9704?0056'2 3. I\wide a nqw siru.,tlrtl loof fraraing sl,eto fo'r thc butldiag. A rcl*ively lon- irr8$siru sppl$$qlr to this iu to construc! a nss roof sptcnr complcloly rbovc rhc c*iring plywood roof sbeathing,. this optitm woull aUow the acw roof to bc hoDlrtcd In r.'rr opLrioo" crch oflhc Srcc opriohs ir visblc anil tbe dacirion vbich to prrsua dqr,crals on cuouornicl snd the )arg.{enn FIan of lhc Association I1'ycrtr ha$s rr'y g,rcstions ol contrnrnts, plo8.qe c8ll, !'ory tiulyyoots. MONI{OU, & NBWET.[.. ENGA{EE'IIS, INC. I'rrncipa! F0/r'0 :t!l:l I I toorrlrrfilltrtl{ 30u.{}{az:9I P, 03 *ll'f*l***l+*'t**lt**'l*'tti**t***l'tt**'r'|*r{'t*lrtflt****t*'t****l*lt*lti****l+'r*f+'}*fr*+f*+'}rlt*lf TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stotem€nr+'t'}*'l*'l**'| lri'i****t*****l*'l't**t**,t't* * *'**t+ + *'t***+* * * *+++'|*+r**i* * *+ *'ir.*ttr*ri*t'**'t*{'* ***'t ***+rrl Statement Nurnber: .R000001845 Amount: 920,00 L2/t9/?OOLOA:04 PM Pa)ment lrlethod: Caah Init : ,.tllR Notation: Permit t{o ! DRB0104U T}'pe: DRB - }tinor Alteration Parcel No: 210108204005 Sit.e Addreee: 413 GORB CREEK DR VaIL Location : Total Fees: 520,00Ihia Palp.ent: $20 .00 Total ALL Rnts: $20. 00 Balance: $0.0of*i'l+**tttl**aa*tat*lta*l*t{r***tt**lr**'l*+t++t*'r*t+**rt**t**+*f+++*r++:r*'*'tt**r*t*t'}*a**ta**ta ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current ffis DR OO1OOOO3I122O() DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20 .00 proofsh2; Directory. ai\ TechniScan Asset Management System ,lt:"[-a I TechniScan. Inc. File Name. MVC.3855.JPG lOTl'lSlO2 08:41 :42 AM) t/au )., (r'"u-*t /') /"L .tf6.vzePhoto Proof Sheet ., ,,j ," J^ Photo Title: Photo Text. MVC-3865.JPG 107119102 08:41:42 AM) Photo Text: 07/25/02 14:31.28 (Copyright a 2002 Techniscan, lnc All rights reserved )Pase: / t Direclory; ai\ proofsh2 TechniScan Asset Management System Photo Proof Sheet TechniScan In c. File Name MVC-3875.JPG (07 l'l9l02 08:41 :52 AM) Photo Text: File Name: MVC-388S.JPG (O7l19l02 08:42:04 AM) Photo Title: Pholo Text: 07/25/02 14:31:31 (Copyright @ 2002 TechniScan. lnc All nghls reseNed.)Pase / z. proolsh2 I cchniScan Assert Matttacyetrtent Systettt Photo Proof Sheet TechniScan. Inc. Ftle l'.lane MVC.389S.JPG (07 l'l9 102 08 :42: 1 4 AM) PJ,nn ritt.. Pholo Text MVC-39OS.JPG (07119102 08:42:38 AM) in,rto Titln. Photo Text 07/25i02 1,1.31.34((hpy,glt"2002T|r:ltniSt:t ). ltic All ulrl)ls rd.s.nt'r/ j *,.r'.rse 75 ) proofsh2 TechniScan Asset Management System Photo Proof Sheet TechniScan ln c. MVC-39'lS.JPG (07115102 08:42:52 AM) 07/25/02 14:31:36 (Copyright @ 2002 Techniscan, lnc All rights reserved.)Pase: 6 Ll .i .. tl/L ''l'- /| T r:,; h ti iS ,; an. ln,:, ,: i ,ii .l,ii.'.il 'i': ll';',;: Photo Proof Sheet MVC-392S.JPG (07119102 08:44:08 AM) MVC-393S.JPG (07l19lO2 08:44:08 AM) v-,rr;rir.' X ) proorsfl-Techniscan Asset Management System Photo Proof Sheet TechniScan. In c. D[.c.lory MVC.394S.JPG i.07119102 08:44:28 AM) plinto rirc Photo Text Ftlc f,lame MVC-3955.JPG (07119102 08:44:38 AM) Phota Titlc Phalo Texl 07/25/02 1,1 3:) 27 (Copynght , 20A2 Tachtltscat) ltJc All '/!,'/)1s /cscn cd )Pase K 6 TechniScan Asset Management System Photo Proof Sheet TechniScan ln c. Directory. ai\ File Name. MVC-3965.JPG (07119102 08:44:48 AM) Pholo Title Phato Text: File Name. MVC-397S.JPG lO7l1SlO2 08:45:10 AM) Photo Title. Pholo Texl 07/25/02 14:33 31 (Capyright I2002 Techntscan, lnc All rights rescvcd.)Pase X 1 proafsh2' Directary. ai\ TechniScan Asset Management System Photo Proof Sheet TechniScan lnc. File Name. MVC-3985.JPG (O7l19lO2 08:45:36 AM) Photo Title Phota Texl: File Name: MVC.399S.JPG lO7l19102 08:45:50 AM) Photo Title: Photo Text: 07/25/02 14.33:35 (Copyright A 2002 TechniScan, lnc. All tights reserved.)Pase: /XA t ,LL,.;r. /l,i Te,: h rriS,;.r n. l rr ';... ., i i'..i,l.rt:r';i,,'iir l.'it';,'-"t' Photo Proof Sheet //,, t ,'-/-! l. 1 1 ",r /:-. e- ' , :,.:,( #t:i/-1 MVC40OS.JPG (07l1SlO2 08:48:16 AM) MVC4OlS.JPG (O7l19ll2 08:48:16 AM) 07i25/02 11 )il 1t., (i.ot'fltjiil [);](lrr r/ Directory: ai\ .'. 7prootsn^TechniScan Asset Management System Photo Proof Sheet TechniScan. Inc. File Name: MVC-402S.JPG (07119102 08:48:34 AM) Photo Text: MVC-4035.JPG (O7l19lO2 08:48:48 AM) Photo Title. Photo Text. 07/25/02 14.28.22 (Copyright O 2002 Techniscan. lnc All rights reseNed.)Pase: Z / O 3V4 2 4qa r 'E I r<cv c\.1cvOO utFo c0o-zo F(L ut:< uJdl oF F ElrJ b-l!@lfL >{ Y CDIL., "{I otl 'l UJt- $tOEzo z.n9Z-.oo =2d8 =E* lYoA;H tsE Ht!o:H6vE3€8i9EA 'EE =>FJF =l!i-E Ff I 6;E 9oE =HE f;T€-i HoF. E =E,lrlo,z9F() E.Fazoo nt]n llj zoz6Jlo c6 I I l., tx I I I I IrE IFg<OF +@ >gzo+>tole< cD <r.rt Z tuJIF |.rlocq\-t,ole.l\.ol I I I 'l'.r tY<ilqgH iEdoqJ (n IJJlutLtr =uJI 71//-- 9D/ o t!Ju,l(t =I t! CE F z uJz3o |! n z 6 UJz3 UJ Foz sf\.ct xoso 5<) s5i}t' 9€(Di;s{9q/T o) t: (! .Y, agg$EEF,/t E;eEF'i g c E EE:Ec-o> ef:E ; si;c96F.l oE orrEr: EE-F::€85gqeP Elaco-(! 0.-o=-o6 P o-oi6-ors*e€E6:i EEIg_ o..:: o ct o'- :t= o (/, s€;; sal=9 6 E-5 lfi ;;9Eo -esgt rr)r\ F\@to tr) LO an IJJulltF =cuJo- FoF x Blt z trq o t! EtuzllJ =>G --('ELUN =oN zz99g5 zF90analr6:rJ- <v=iH .ini t o-f J z E z tr uJF) =llJz UJ f all,rlJzY-F o =2,. Oz do3tr oz E =Eulo- =.1ollr.ll :l <l>l r|.lol zl3lolFI tlJI,l ?l EFI l3l, cil =.1oluJl 5l <t>lttlolzl3lolFI cil =.1oluJl 1l <l>l blzl3lolFI II el dl .''l <l>l t!lolzltl FI (Jz. =II UJ =z :1 (1, E ! tn UJ z t2?;(J=<acft-JZo-O c) E ir LU+Eo2 () E uJ uJ E -rO<t-GO IJ.J <zu,IJJ F.aZo El!! \. I tt INSPECTION REQUEST '' . TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING . ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooo NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR Q FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oz F =luo- (f) |.r)sf o ahuJ UJtt ts =E,uJo- ( Eruj'\ EFI@toa-q-9C#N) I /\l $i si* 1l , ti{ $l l;<lrg {s LUF o lolruIF sl7sl ztrloahl Jzl ) =l.o6l.dllozlz GuJz3 lrJuJo =I rdgol-O)oo(J(\Io<@P OLar) O) (oE@(usfo I l-o, oo (uF ci Eo o € CL6 BoFos. e. ho a =o o o gF 9+,'='r-d3 -CLFa,6oFo.5= g5 OFa(Jo- i;'= (u6e. o,Eoo.. gF 9+,'='r-d3 -CrFa,6oFo5= g5 OFa(Jo- i;:& c.9o0)E U;o,ooo '.9 .- o Dc6, o)'s N -o. 'F o o) =Y (U El fl a, o T,, fo o (E a;3' -i- ooti 6'=o(,)*!u;'octroG =.2 n.Yo 6EPctr.= g oxEc-o'-oc*5* if .o =roF!'l =cY'- EsE_E>. E EA :e9cc- € cs!q! c.=- (6 ct(s c)- sEEo- o,'= .i!frEE6:EE EO6: EEs - o-.1:+r C6 0'- € --c.1rO- EEE-9i' =6>,o(!: ra:E3i8 .3'6 B9E orOEEr-oct o1r) r.o (\t oosf o o Oo o F{ oqoo ro(\l Olcr)co ==Et!o- z -() IJJ z J 9EFollJ tr oz = E J oz tlt = gJ uJl!z tr uJcouJ No 3UJ t! z 6UJ tr oo-uJ z UJJ x F l,lJU' u>uJuJu- tr =Elrto- J FoF z @ o F IJJJUJ (,zo = o- J 9z qJ E NOtlVnlVA I I I I 9a"l=_r"rlpE r.u .$ lE = tD ot ltn-oSl= ;.POJ-,};E6 6b=F-<^Z1A;; ar.;a o E!Z t ()O8 I ^8'is$ ;{f 5 E-!-r(\|/o z9 { tr lu F oo (f) rJ)sf O x E-cu,l J z Eo z tr IJJ J ;ulz (t)Fzlz9!a<oo< =HHr!6ci<z a)Fz. Az fio3trOI tl |,-lt-l-T-tltl_I I o.rrttl| |'Elt'nI t(,I t9Il!F-----+-----.1I lcI ljlxlsll:l*l uJfJJ !)u)tuz orF 2oF oz llto 2 Y {E (L oz a J@ I (, Ito ,-{ i) IIJFq too zoFILulY uJ oF E TEuJI5-lrElFOIuqroltlg.,,lakzo zoPze60zz dP ifi =f;=E;E tr UJIu-o:l!E2E<cll60t'tB9tt ir Ea-,='E dtrE E=(, i iii:>o-.- (J tLE oo9 Eu.iEX(Lt x>Oi:lFo"to-irri uJ @oF --- ts =Elrlo-z9:F(J"fEFazoo nnn zIu- (-' v, ru!F lU ii =z (D -) (\lNr€l Irt,rJ)r\. o(-) (oLoL = F I "l-l olsrl.ElJI al>l g otFl cil =.1olIJJI:l <l>lttlolzl3l FI ol =.1(tl utl 5l ,?l blzl3l9l-l zl ol tl <l>l Elol zl3l FI I I 3q "l el3 elt =t r\<lN>l l!lol il rOl urFI F UIL {J() at'LPcoC) L(l, ooT voF =(rtr F IIJt- <FGOlJr <zELIJ F(42oC) )E<o(JF E3 XF --1 Z >Y =E-J t-4Zrroo FO EFz z I ul = L-Eir = f-, Z <O(n c)r|l lljJO trn! [o -f,6 F{oo (\l I Iro IuFo c0oazo F0- IJJY IuooF E (E l,uo- ILo Ioo I lljFoz t!F o ut]D zz^9 >_Eoo =z o.-P :E= =oi =HEDKA tr =|ll lt qJoz oat) FEIE #F h=:.tso- lll>(r-O|!9o5utx(L:>ul' 7 IJJooF ico Eco at BE .E t E E 8 o IrOl>trf=E'rl =a.-E ts =E.lrlo-zoF(J D E,Fazo() '- oz F =tuto-iel; VV' <.9/r,/n gE;EES qEFIE"i o ; (! .Y' rl;:e E; gET -9-Fo t-; E"i € €EisI Y(D.vc|a!-6Errg:o.voo *;g sE .c; dD .r, E -. n! <l) O Ilctl!tr-doPlolP.4r4 C)(rl (J Ol'"-+{>UII Ll(uLl u|ct+rl'-(Ul rgEl o =t L(ul.Pcl ol(u(7)lF,-l'Ft >,Ol F-+{ o.(/ll o.cl =,-,1 - I J ;Zz!-oooh o- O=Xl>YE P oi<trgcz>-ooa)A(Jzx l!<9+ iER Eq5 ad(\o =2i =F ;EEg<(D()l 6 <E3=<E EtE s -iEgbilP z t! J TD FoJ {JC)(I) LI vl+to, |U C) rttLF .E il =z. coo-) UJ oo E UJ 2 d F =E uJe. = I =()=ctr z ou., -<l iloi zl3l FI +r (lJ lrl (U o+., = =tr oul 1a>I l|-l zl3lolFI Etr z ouJ J r|. z =oF tr 'l(,l IJJItrlJI<l>lttlolzl3lolFI =Gtr oz ciul J z3 ulJulF llJz =o F ul =I()E (l <F LrJ <zEIIJ F(1 ZoC) J&<o(JF t<tl --'"' 2 ^r.tr oro ,n E^ZY =#d5o *6 =Fza)4<+(r -,2 =g E EiruJ+EOz <()g?.u.l H-a 5j)oFt(:)o u.ltr!) @o.? zoFo- UJ:< lu(D oFt u,o-. Ll-o (Loo I IJJF z tr uJo.ltoeuJE9E<c!fooneB9tt ar'EE ;'i- =qJ:-E b=|, dtr: >o-I O r.r-E ooI 5utE XCLE ;=xuJ'oiIttr utg!oF aEa-E ts =Elrlo-zIF(Jf,EFazo C) u,F J ca I 3I$ (,z. =tI- I l d I I ^l\ {Fo) rl l- )l} J .T d J \ s u,; =z @o-) t! =z qJ Eoo Eo =E allJ o = Ic EC) =(! tr oz li uJG J l!oz3 F J .\ \ n.: wjt =CEtr ltl o+ ciz oUI CE Ja l!oz =oF $Kx Ist.\i u EF =tr oz ciul(r J- tLoz3oF tr oz CJultr Ja u-o2 =oF t aut 5 <t t!ozBoF ulJuIF e.u,z =o FC)[! ='r C)E E --r O<Far c) u,J <zEUJFt.t Zoo JE<oOF =()H#fr'2 l-8 Eoozt- =<z&:)Fd6o 6F 73 g6 t irsi*s FOzo'o <c) I :E* E;Elbn z,r9ze coo =z>fdP DDN b G t oz tr =tulo- l{ i \iE i3 irE EE:;EV EEE|E i=! 5! E' Eie'E iEAEE C -'- (5tI 05 orlJ q'; c o fESgF F gEOZat-<gFH3goor =2-xaEg;i O(lur8sa<coo >E -If ul zI tno2>-oc)<)zs-<o*H6;()FO.ini E.{ sE$ 3 Fr RJEJ6€ Eluz UJ *lt -ili ,frlr p J INSPECTION: CALLER TUES 'WED THUR neouisr VAIL AM PM t 'NstnoNTOWN OF' .1 .,' DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: Mory BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS r] CONDUIT T] SUPPLY AIR tr,APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR .\ V6\IL Tf.IAlLt:i i]IIAL.[1" COI''IDSFIIFIITJI'1 AE;E|OTJIATION I,III''ILITF:Si T]F I,IF.ET INfi Aurgr-rst 24,' tqfl:i A meeti ng cf ther Boar-clat the Reqlenr:y f{r:ite,l .[iordr:n La;rwj, g;, .:'nrJ Jcrlrrr The agelnda in l L,rried Ll-itr l, The c ar;:e t: i rrq wfricfrirrstallecl in ttrr* f;:il1,,etr:lt lral Iway nrr1. y., ll'rr:r c:rf llj.rec{:orri !,{aE; h€:l.tl sn Aurr-tlts;t ?4,, t9A3 -l hase irr *tL:.enclance :i nr::: I r-rcletl iriharorr Hinrll , Cr.rr r y . i: r:.r i. .r. ot't i n r-; : i/,J a\:i t:t: h €:: i. rrs;Lal. 1 'f lr.;. l; i.g 4:l:r" l.fit: c "rr" pc:'1. '.Lc:l rct j. ort ed il thFi !:{..tmrrer r,r i. 1I tre nri. rld.[ r.l fr,:i.[.[way i"rncl'Lhe li;rs ngL Lic:el:'i mar:Je,i - ?. 'fhe gtuccr: csntrarct.: :r;-r':: hreeri IelL: ;rnd Ficir- l:. r,.J:i. 1l sL.*r-t s,onreti dr.tr-i ng the* secc:ncl nreell r:r'i ii+::r;:tc,mi:er-. hle w j. .1. I tirE ':rav j. nq *tn acryl type of g:ttrccr-i w:ith ar' L.lri{Jcir-:L,:rynieiFr'L fiF ?" o{ nIynr-if i:::am {type) inriulatiorr. Appr-c>l i rnal-,rl y 1./.1; s' {: the bur j. Idj nql wi l.i. Lre c.lane ttris tirne. fii(?ic c!{ ;1 . The orrLy exLerior prai. rrti.nq ulirj.cir r,.li l. 1 tre th,nt which is clir-ecLI )' r'{'r I "rtt:rcl i-: cr AdcJi. t i or:al. e;r1--er- j.or piri.rr{::i.rrc1 ir; bc+ilrq; trudqet.rry r e;is(Jn s. t: r-: clorrn tfr is {: *11 ulilll:.he r;turccoiiirl pr'g jcrc:t. rrn.,it r':r rrrr-'d l-rFrr-at.se of 4 " A compl ai lr l- was recei ve.:cl rergar"di. o+ the ol an'Lt=rs. Dt-re L r:: L-.he sitrcrrt.:'i::frit; wi1l have+ tn tre adclr"elsi$ecJ ne::t t: :r, T'he f iscal year wi:r:l er:;f.abl[ j.rihed Frutgurst 31 . "f hi s warg tlt.:rrr: i. r:rdt.ar trooltg aLrdi L{rd ,-rrrd a r"e1:rcr-1.r m*r:.le :i. n 6. A etoraqH r" (:lc.lfii wi.i. I b e,: i-rr.r i .['t: j.n i:ire errrtry way ttr bE+ r-rsied f:c:r" r;tcir'nq€? ci.f i:he.l 7" The haI Iway's ;rre to 5 g,' p,,,i.i. ii{::r,ld, el . CJther than prnja.c L:s c.l ir e:lc.[ y' r'e.rl al-ed rnati ntenance" no aicl(i j.'[ic.]rr",ri r..rl.lrlr,,i- i-.rh:i iirll;i rrq Lhe. qr-rai i. i- -r.' o{: i::.1-r er pJ.arrting ${tasttrf l arid ...frr,r t:i me Li yeilr " :,:: 1.:r r" i rr c.; . as; r-ltnni nrg f r-om September 1 toto i i l. e tax r-t.rtLrrna.' have the t :i. niel {nr thr.: annnal rneeL,i ng. 'f; Lr r- n ;i c.: t,: r-oorn ct{: the ea:;t de.-c !,: fr-rrrri tt-rre . tr, the€! ,:(l-jt:vE" arrd ncirrnal wi .[ L b q:: started. ,lr:rhn Si t.l N iiiecretar"y r, ,,4n ,.r Lit.i|. r .'\ '1f .^" ".I ; a 4a; . -.4:t- ]- ., ..;-:t-: .ii;,T:- -rF..r1r: Project Application o Prolect Name: Proiect Oescription: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Pho Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: DISAPPROVAL?rc Su mmary: Chief Building Olficial oo $ \ KJ( \ {Ki $t :r.--\ \s='5 Gl '1t;,r'-l : ' --t ft<rl -N!$lftn{ $s --+ oiz i/ ts.\1 i *3t *Y'$st ii. _.-.---.-t. ,rY$ / ! I I I I Il J$3 *\ I\ =: \$ s s r $ ssFL N( f:-F- \-\r tlt ' I Ks_ \- _\s sL( s,_NrT K s_ $ N * $ Nt $ E S\K$! Fs-t. K \ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: Valuation: $53,000.00 Fireplac€ Information: Restdcted: Y Building---> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> Will Call---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OWNER MARILYN M. FLEISCHER MARILYN M. FI,EISCHER 52 E MEADOW DR 205 vArr_, co 81557 Iricense: CONTRACTOR EARL F. DOUGI,ASS ROOFING 728]. EAST 54TH PI,ACE COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 I-,icense: 200-S APPI-,ICAI\TT EJARL F. DOUGLASS ROOFING 7281 EAST 54TH PI,ACE CoMMERCE CITY, CO aoo22 IJicense: 200-S Desciption: re-roof same for same Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?'! co !0/t5/2002 Phone:303-288-253s co L0/Ls/2oo2 Phone:303-288-2635 Add Sq Ft: # ofGas Logs: 0 Job Address.: 413 CORE CREEK DR VAIL Location......: 413 e gore creek dr ParcelNo....: 210108205009 Project No...: Permit #: 802-0349 Status.....: ISSUED Appf ied...: 10/1512002 Issued...: l0/15/2002 Expires...: 04/13/2003 Phone: # of Wood Pellet: 0 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees------> Total Permil Fee-----> Payments------------1 BALANCE DUE-----> \)<^^\ U,tt..q. it ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES U".^\ 4f.^\THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT LrvrNG LO/Ls/2OO2 TRUSTEE # ofGas Appliances: 0 ca."!.t $836.25 9835.2s $836.25 s0.00 itt+'|t*,1t*,t'l*'l**:ri.**:t**l.****:**t:l'lt*,||*:!'l*a'll:t**:l**'l'*'l'lt'l'l*1.*'t:ilrl:t'l l 'l,l $505 . o0 Restuannt Plan Review-> 5328.25 DRBF€e----------> $0.00 RecreationFee----------t $3 .00 Clean-up Deposit---> TOTAL FEES--> $0.00 $0.00 $0. oo $0. oo 9835.2s Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{II L0/a5/20o2 DF Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEMT IICM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS ** * a* t1.t tl t ll +*+l | 'tl I rt*,t rt*'t 't*t * * li * a* t ** t t* lltl +tl +t f | +* ** t i! l' ** ** ** *a * til I I t:t* 'ti | * ++ +* +l:|* * * *+ * +:l*'ttt * t + i f'l l:l 'l lt l**a | *a See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. PACE 2 *,|:f,i'|:t*'}|t't|'t|**:t,i{t**{.****!t|{t*it,}*!t**'it*t:|t'i't:t*!t{t*****t**+**t!t*'it}t**!f,}*{.'t****** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit#:802-0349 asofl0-15-2002 Status: ISSUED {.'i'r'}**t'|{.l*|'t**,|*'|*'|,i!t*t,t|*'}'t'}*:|*:t*{t**'}****'t'}*:it***:r***,}{t,t*{t**!t'}*,t*:||*****{|** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 10/15/2002 Applicanf EARL F. DOUGLASS ROOFING CO Issued: 10/15/2002. 303-288-2635 To Expire: 04113n003 Job Address: 413 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 413 e gore creek dr ParcelNo: 210108205009 Description: re-roof same for same Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBE STARTED. \ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect, I agree to comply witl the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET tl APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Bu Permit #: DINMVNOPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Golorado 8'1657 , etc.l fr.iorqe( GUi 3os-2..98- a65 COMPLETE VALI,ATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor&Materials) ffirec>Q' t, BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: S ffi PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ 6V ,2c t) . 0Q Parcel # Contact Assessors Otfice at 970-328'8640 or visit ZroletZ') oooos JobAddress:z?'r3 E. Gare- cree( br,Job Name: uo, I T,ro-\., Cko/e+ WorkCtass: New() Addition() Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo() Otnerb4-- 6+4#Zfti/ Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior 0/) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-familylf commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bu No/Tvoe of Fi : Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED tFire3FrinRiETfystem Exist: Yes ( ) No **ir**********fr*****'***************FoR oFFlcE usE oNLy******t***t***t***r.ff00-0€+ -{ 4 2A02 {d -". !"(:,ffi',y=-..--"t Date Received: r uruGuss ROOHffi Phone: Y/0.952-2040DOUGLASSROOFING FAX 910.35AS}76 snail szurbri8pn@ouglassrooan8:com To: Doris FloresFrom; &ofr ZurbrigmDate: 1D2&AzSubject: Reroofat4lSGoreDr. Doris, Here are the photos you requested of the curent roof at 413 Gore drive. fire new roof is to be replaced similarly. If you have any questions, please give me a call atWU352-2040. DouglassRoofing -{"r-tMScott Zurbrigeh, Estimator I r RECEIVEB ocT 2 5 ?002 R ECE '1 i:ilT ? : 4 trrr /r v7$7 o to Ol- lv r\r /, I -,^ t I r tlLF'-l'-r-t - :'_--: -- ltt'.-'-. .'. I . t-r .t' :l + R'ii ;.€