HomeMy WebLinkAbout770 Potato Patch Dr #8Project Application o^r"fr .b,lnnl Name:Proiect Project Contact Descriplion: Person and Phone LtvpT^'1 LJ*t +- a9 f2gLlt owner, Address and Phone: Ll rt e V A (-11r\^ V6uL6 4?31 Architect. Address and Phone: Lesal Descriptio n:Lot (j , ebck Z,- , ,r,^n @lr--TO PxTrA , zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPROVAL Summary: M I -r t- t'JcaI ' I Town Planner' Date: fA7 U. I LeTl I {""-Approval -.- , *_._-DEC-44-'AS HED B9:16 ID:PRINTSF{OP PLLJS ffi92 WtrEL r-E:343?sTE2 FA)( TRANSMITTAL Comporw Compony A.td,sss 7€ sl fBd+tW fu Addrers 4--' # EPi.atEFu, Cltv/Btotstzp ctty/srdreap Ptrone#1448 enone4frfi,r wa.q#d{ F xtg13 4?q- 4Ee To?ql number of poges (nchJdlng thF poge) lf you do rrct recehe oil pogt€6. deosE coll:(303) 757-?978 FA)(($03) 757-0E2? 570EortEwnsAw. Denver. Coloroclo 6O2?2-Ego5 nne ?ft:r, ., DEC-€4-'93 tED E9:1?ID:PRINTSTFP FLI,JSJS...._. T_+-N0:367ffi822 FAl{I{0,3034?92157 (l t. DlEGfttTIOr|r E. llrt Ol lbvllrl -h Ecnat stott on . _ rcdltlon lril.ool ttzco,oor #, rrr.r.rten :ir{ l.'' 4,,.:i t:6,'h F.: ( iir !.,'. n).' l:. (lr0.001 G. llrDlatlll url Arylrr l0 D. Ll6rll luEdlvkl oa t. td[ rnur tgrtrFPed asrvrt iBitlfr* Y:j'*ro. .j"on 0D tFlr.tetxr llifG Ol olt'tthl {, u u. .ltfrltlrtlIrtltnc I it. It.Dr|th!rDDII . Illl#EDllllr - vf,!0r?ril| 0-t 10.000 ilt;831 :iJt:t83tll0,00r - | !00; oo0!t00,00r - lt,ooo;000I o$ar f1,000;000 le,ra#ffiip,fo,rttI t0.00I 10.00ft00.00te00.00lr00 .00 1800.00 ffiffiry.lr,#sfff!! !!!ffiH,ti#,*,, r.h lttllclttox frr,r. It Drotftto ttt!6! oHrl, I !|cttl!(n| Tosn of Vrll O El rtt!.tclttfrf - till o||l YrI|., oeru rg11rqrig! EcuvrD,arrf 0r 0ll rrEirrrcr raatltlrll *,#r,f; l$8tH#ffi iF#,tHI**! , lf,aiDcr rrrgtlirrro! t' lvlrrd t/a/ll oo(pr$o ffisa w, p, 02 BIlril lDeltc'Arr' t rEDllrtlrtmtv! r \:.--*- DEC€4-'83 t€D A9:19 ID:PRINTSItr FLUS TEL |.[J:36'E?3822 fi693 PEl .ffird. ,r,u, Torn or v.lo FAI ilo' 3034?sal5? O '' o' ,,,F'., ;"' i l.utnuarnrullli , fi r*b o, ,*,io.*, Krla. E"'.Je.lllolJ. DttGhtpllldlrI firlrt rDErtttr -,-.#.. .i. DltcBllrtoH O? rRorrEfl "riur*s IFFES !olE StrEtlD ff" ffi $,,,, i. il1.5i'$lpo:i!:$tlif,"i';ffqut'ro'o'I'uaqrtrillilG;sn -..{|F_'_-t --- a-r- ryilt it.' t rrr'e"' gr'r ts ll'".' :.:'...i ., tr !OI&D$|c TritAt!, ?lt! fr x tERtltt.l, noolIfr r{dlnegl .. : Ooh., ltatt ttrrrrttl!P ;,. ''fr.: 'i,r t.,d. .. luetlti.. ..- . -F.' ":l lottltrs. ..: lrtndorrf .i ' tllcou rrrafi,: i' DlorrFlll , i, Doag 151*ff ..."i.i.; .I lllrC aE orcl nrttiir':. ..i rrurr[] ' :r'\"'.i lS',. tl.ahtogr.t' 'i: llilloil.,.."*,. l. olalnhorrGlt' 0tbrr I ' i. &rlDsclDlcr Nri.ot*ffii rfio"riffii rfi""riffi f:, : Dlallt rrTEf,rr!!3 lg!|$gulMlt cni[en-rqq atriltr.ta altgri; . EnoDOnn il!"jry_r,qy |!lDl_ ___ Rp: th. -F H-- I a{. . L, i.t T :. DEC-@d-'.93S3 t ED A9 ! 29 tD : PR INTSHF -F.LL,E- . JEL-NS :.3437sftt422 Torn ol uril O Fflt l{0, 303{?9215? O rtrl|.d Dll rttlrorltoil - tilril O, nr&r COtdIfE g6s P@ :: "'":?-.. .ii rr'mrlgr., r.' 'f'l' d'j.;' ':!F': !.. i .f'. i . 'ltt;' P.02 ll.lrr DrrE illlle+lsq rr€lrvrDr _-olrt f ou rcl' rrct _ffi rrrc rt?ua r"r"'rl' rrir,i'f ifiii$ff ffif ,ffi llirlot. lioitEfi4irrEotxr,rrolr' l. tUrl o! NgvtEx r.. rrrr qr aavlEt | -f----l$fr Go lructloa tftee .00t -!f,inor tltrrrlloa fitO,OOf. rddlllon ltr0Sr ilrDl!$ti I i|vlar D, |.lor& tuDdlylrl on #li$iii'ii:i,iiiili:ft ii :"*rrol,a rtl boundr l.lrlI arprrrc. rhart .rdd t. t. lr u u. ..,' 1. Erlqem,tl. i,'gg,l=.,l-*illl !5t #,!fihBffidflffi,I t0.00I 10.00. 1100.00 u00,00t{00.90t500.00 .i {l:ii,ir" .' fi . lc. $t' lol|tm! IOI lnB* i llrt||tp.d mrvat iR.llil:': t'*g_'. .*"'T HrlG.oF ttrDr.tcN]f ilii^il r'et't scrTrr' ! dltrtttf,tlrtv! r .-.-.-- Ir E ll|l 0l OtfitERl .ll$lurr||rtllng I J. x. ' sisffilTtoffi,,mff s!#[ffiffi,*,, r.lo rt9ltclufl ft}D ll Dne*ltt! ttttil! on|rrr l ttt|ltnnt I S Hfefivlanagement Comfiny Property Management & Leasing October 22, 1991 Janee and t'lartha Kelce422t South Bellalre ClrcleEnglewood, CO 80110 Re: Unlt 8, 770 Potato Patch Drive Dear .Iamle and Martha: The Board of the 770 Potato Patch Drlve Condonlnlun Aesoclatlonhae approved the followlng changes to the exterlor of your unlt.New caeement wtndow off master bedroom deck and addltlona] pipera1l1ng to natch existing surrounding pipe ralling. A prlvacywa]I of the eaet, end of the deck adJacent to 1lvlng rooru andkltchen on the nain lever whtch w111 match the eurroundlng coLorand materlals. Two new windowe fron the livlng room are alsoapproved. In addltlon, approval ls glven for the addltion of theSlaes block off of the bathroon, over the bathtub. Your originaL plans called for an alrlock and addltlonalnodlflcatlone to the entry way on the norbh slde. Per our 1astconvereatlon you have put theee plane on hold and you wI1I eubml_tnew plans before the Board approves of thte or any othernodlflcatLons. Slncerely, ltark llathewsProperty Hanager MM: ed 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 360, Vail, Colorado 81657 Telephone: (303) 476-1063 TELEFAX (303) 476-2523 iiii iL {.':.': IL;,i!II tL f 'lr 1.-,- ):- l;-:' i IF* I I t_ Ir L:-I- II:': .-l-t ,l I =l rl\lil -_t \r ; \ .1r f t '.,j{ I.l | :l \ \ \ \ I \ I \: \i1,i/I lLt\ii 'l,:)i, -./ : f'!\' I l-tl1 | " ' r.,' | |I - r|=--| ,/' l-' '- -t , r,/ JtZi ft\,'J- -tl :--=:Jl=,t F-J-ll, lf--/l: | |\,ll\[l,\ lit-, : I I il[1i,lli___il l|) | i=l rl| e = EBLLIco . \i >Q trjl: ..; x .i i' :.l'{ !,l.i'lt! ! .1 I .i : I o IrlL A5T =L =',/A:i,2f t, 7'*'- l'-D" I , 41Y,*4{ wa:i- ffiTCH tr'lr\:arALQLOQ-A'riC ifr4.3 l /I i,-. n LIw \VALL I -r-{rrrr},{ 0F ";;;.***-- . Hiscellgneous CssF, . L 2*Er6_t I 14: Sg; FE i Rec*ipr * EgtlS9Ecr:ount# r:K*?g:iq HELIjE F:EEII:.EI{CE..CONI,I t,EU FEEFm$un t iende re,J J F6. A0 Item paid foront paid S1 6EB041JSfiBBA Srt. g,:r f,hang* returned 3 Er. BE T-HlqHt{ V{fTJ Vour caEhier STEFHEI.IIE