HomeMy WebLinkAbout770 Potato Patch Dr #ATOWN OF VAIL Dare /0,2-6.73 Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: owner, Address napnone: R o*/nd Va-/.z. / *cnirccU&6nG AddreEs and Phone: L€gal Description:Block Z Subdivision Comments: Board / Statt Action Motion by: Seconded by: fl Approval n Disapproval ffff npprovat Conditions: Town Planner Daret lo .2L, 93 DRBFee Prc-paid # 20. Y Ra/seo:=: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 11D P,n7,'['r',r'/t lNLr-oocP As technology has progressed, a new type of hot tub and spa has been developed. This new type is essentially a self-contained unit with all plumbing, etc., containecj within the structure of the unit. The only necessary component for tris type of unit is an electrical oulet. For theTown's purposes, these units will be considered moveable/portable hot tubs and spas. The following information must be submitted, where applicable, with all requests for portable/moveable hot tubs or spas: survey or site plan - The building location, all property lines and the proposed hot tub unit should be shown. cut sheevphotograph of unit - All units must be U.L. listed and must meet the uBc. condo Association - lf a unit is to be located on a general common element (G.c.E.) or limited common element (L.C.E.), condominium association written approval must be obtained. Hazards - A hazard letter will @! be required unless some other structure, as defined in section 18.04.310 of the Town of Vail Municipalcode, is also being added. specific requirements for structures in hazard areas are in Section 18.69 of the Town of vail zoning code. Maps indicating hazard areas are available in the Community Development Department office. A hot tub may be added to an existing, conforming (legal) deck. Decks may encroach into sebacks, including front, rear, side and cree( either 1/2the seback distance or 10 feet if within 5 feet of grade, or 1/2 the setback distance cr 5 feet if more than 5 feet from grade. Please refer to SecUon 18.50.050, 18.5S.060 and 18.58.300 of the Town of Vaitzoning code for the specific regulations. Requests for hot tub/spa encroachments into setbacks further than allowed for decks may be approved by the Design Fteview Board. Other secticns of he code, which are not cited in this memo, may also be applicable to some installations. All completed applications for movable/portable hot tubs will be reviewed by staff. No approval can be given without all the necessary information as listed above. This review program is not applicable to permanentrbuilt-in hot tub/spa unib. The Town will not regulate 'temporary" hot tubs which are sited for less than a 48-hour period. @ Pdil@ $P*@ plr MEMORANDUM General Public Community Development Department February 19, 1992 Movable/Portable Hot Tubs and Spas TE0'[t nni I r!. rl.l:] lu&w v^effi - ^ a^-) 'Fn'w orevised DRA APPLICATION - TOWN OF IrAIIr, COLORADO R[fi,i,[ji]; : o DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : e/4/sL DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** tIIIS APPITCATION WILIT NOT BEUNTIL AI.L REQUIRED XNFORMATION PROJECT TNFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: **********I. B.TYPE OF REVIEV{: New ConsLxuct,ion Addit.ion ($50 .00) ADDRESS: LEGAI. DESCRIPTION: Subdivision Conceptual Review ($0) a meets and bounds legalon a separat,e sheet and - fue/-r'.sra/nr*eoca5 94 ($200.00f -L W$20.00) c.z If property is described bydesqription, please provideattach to this application. ZONING:F E LOT AREA: If required,stamped survey showing applicant must provide a currentLot area. G. n.NAME OF APPLICANTI REPRBSBNTATIVE: Mai'l,i ng Address:. (<cr( Mkxo-4url cetaper Pot-{ se^ttAu<a- -.HA€..L€-| T K. NA}IE OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: Phone qq9 -633.) I.NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (S) :Mqiling Address:phone 2oz -./6? - 2-eo Condoninlum Approval if af,p1icable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at.the t,Lnle of submittal of DRB applicatj-on. later, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VailwiJ.J. adjust the fee according to the table below, toensure t.he correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: .'.VAIUATION$ o - $ 1o,ooo$ 10r 001 - $ 50,0oo $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 5oo,ooo $500,001 - $1, oo0, o0o$ . Over $1r000,000 *.DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI,, EXPIRES ONE YEAR ;T'TER EINA! APPROVAII I'NIESS A BUIIDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AIiD CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPI,XCATTON WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT O'{NER'S STGNATURE 1 FEB$ 20.00 $ s0.00 $r-00.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00.00 C€nftrv.n+zl. VailValley,Inc. 100 W. B€aver Creek Boulevard, Suite 129 P.O. Box 5640 Avon, Colorado 81620 Fax (303) 949-1232 Business (303) 949-7979 October LL, L993 Mr. PauI Chadwick ilaximum Comfort PooI and SpaP.O. Box 2666Vail, co 8L658 re: spa installation at Potato Patch Condominium Association,Unit A Dear Paul , I want to inform you that as Managing Agent for The Potato Patch Townhome Condoninium Association, I am authorizing you to proceed with the installation of the Spa at Unit A. Please proceed withthe instatlation according to Shapiro Development's specifications. In the event you require additional information or have questions regarding this issue feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Potato Patch Tordnhome Condominium Association Century 21- VaiI Valley, Inc. Dlanaging Agent By:G. Garnbrell,President/Property Management RexVice aF) i" ::- _qJ\.J fe,-A lndependently OwnedEach Off ice ls And Operated o \tn,{nzv$ il$fitl:vr|on , epvl { N I I I ) @ ,a etF\|. qd 8Egi rn B ,b o\ gPA g,ttctlE efltr ?4.r F - i/ FI I lt olo'\ r/) II , ri I I I , .ll t tl ; o-. lrl: o o { I I i!'l I Ic I p F2 lrJz lr.l C (lo lrJ(,ol,.l t, \ \ a rtla4f o- utt ll EGqJ() Tehtt-t tlF LJtrt I t_ ['1i:.-re I lEneoug C.ash 1u- 1. !'.!,:;1 1 . l-ti , -- -' FJ':,',-r,,ipi. ri ;. l1:4i:lij'-,;,-'1.';;; i4 i:'it: # i:l,.lF-r:i. i lliii ; iii_rrl i r:Ji'tFirF:T ...i:,F:Er FF.E illril,. ,t-i r i I *f r,Jr:'i *,-l :::;i[i, r:ir'] Hrnoun t paid lrjj" _.tt"l *. [rr] THHT.{T{ A,-.tfI.J t.t, ,,_. '..- ' ':.r' i.:Et--{l-Hil RECEIPI - The Town " Vail "^'" /g d ,sffi RECEIVED ADDRESS 453^; Permit Numbers How PArD-c.,n-**xJ2Fl . PLEASE }IAKE TOWN OF VAIL D E PA R Tn{ E.\.. T O F C O lvl }1 Lil'{ ITY D EV EL O P }lE N T' S,1,LES ACTION FORtr{ 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD I'lLl' Z C\T\|C .fu\D A DDRISS h'A'S0t 00004)510 0l ococ421l5 uNr.':o L\{ I UILDh-G COD E UMFOR.\{ PLU]6f,\6 CODE0l 0000 124 I 5 uM FOR-\'t l\fEcHr-ucr.L coDE0l 0000 .12.r r 5 UNIFOfu\{ FIRE CODE0l coc0 r:.{ | 5 OI OOOO{2{IJ I N,UIOI.JALELECTPJCALCODE onrER. coDE iOOKS0t 0000 {21 t5 B LUE PRIVTS OTYLA0l ct10.il513 0l 03r[.r21t 2 | >:EROX COPIES / S'iUDGs 0l 00c{ 42371 PENA !.fi FEES / R E.I,..-'S PECT]ONS 0t 00fi?.i t332 i pL,tv nsr,Ig'v RE.cuEcK FEE ls.(o FER tiR. 0t 0000 42323 OFF IIOURS L\.S?ECTION FEES CONTit-l CTORS LICL\S ES FEIIJ0l 00.}3.t1{t2 .01 olo0 414 t 3 SIGN APPL]CATiON FEE 0l 0m0rl-r30 ADDITIONAI, SIGNAGE t;E ISI.O] PSR, SO.IT.0t 000041{13 lTC AR,T PROJECT DONAT]ON PRE PAJD DESIGN REVJEIV BOARD FEE BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER D *'01 0000 41010 rAX 0r 0o0o 42371 rNvEsTrGATroN FEE (BUTLDTNG) I TOrAL ouu, I Croal{1330 ONAL USE PER\ OR ALTEiANON ILESSTHA.I.I IOO0l c00041330 0t 00c0{t3-i0 OR, ALTER..TTON II,ORETH,A"Y !CO SO.FT. 0t 0000 .l I 0l 0000d13i0 l ci0004t3i0 0t 0000{13 0t c000{t330 :Y.(.:rCO:\lLl o Y,! The perfect spa for smaller spaces and tighter budgets. It's all the spa you could ask for - with plenty of room for four and lots of hydrotherapy options. And all this luxury is available at a price you wouldn't expect. The Prodigy is also sized to fit through a standard doorway, so finding the right space is easy. Finding the time to enjoy it is even easier. Seating Capacityr Up tc 4 ldr t! rnd one ch C Dimenrionsi 5'1 ":.:6 10".'r 29"-l WaterCapacity: 2959a cns Jet Configuration:5letsto;. inc ud ng ljett"eam for i.ct .alvei a-d ower back 4 adl:stab c n)-CrotneraPY lels SeatingType:Deep r.r t-eue bencF lyce seat n3, bar'1er-l"e€ Effectrve F kerArea: o0 .q.a'en. lop .1,'b HydrojetPump:Hrghlreflr ent. | tsP S vo t .5 rw rta n es: rte. : reqJ -:r ded.aied 23 afnp c rc- t rccaptlc e Ina uccd as sianda'd The rmostat Sensitivityr Plusormnus ldeBreeF E ectrical Safety: Comp ete / U L stec Weighri 485 bs dr1.,945 bs. fr ed 1Aa-l l t-./r