HomeMy WebLinkAbout770 Potato Patch Dr #Koelln Revrew Acuon rot TOWN OF VAIL DateCategory Numbet Project Name: Building Name: Project Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: /" OLegal Description:Lot ( / Block /- Subdivision Proiect Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by;Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval $o"ooofConditions:( a"uff a(L fE lst !$rtl1!lilii..rr!t11,r,i Fti!ri:1+!r$n\':iri.':q/,, :1i ! , o s/ 4/sLI DRB APPLICATION . IO]rN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: vised COI.,ORADO RFC',DAU0 1 1 9g3 rsrs ^pprrcArfili"il}]lJor "r AccEprEDITNTIL AIJL REQUIRED TNFORI,ATION rS SgBlrItrED I.PRO,JECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: ********** @xt5V n TYPE OF REVIEW:5P N NPPLTC|\fIO New Construction ($200.00)Mi-ncrr-A1li6?a'ei6n Addition ($50.00)_Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS:rz4 Oet U*ltr / TEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block Subdivision D.ae If property is described bydescription, please provideat.tach t.o this application. ZONING: a meeLs and bounds 1egalon a separate sheet and Tr F G. LOT AREA: If required, applj-cantst,amped survey showing IoU area.nust provide a current NAME OF APPTICANT ?-cle6c..rc Setup,La.*tMailing Address:bn4et iPhone r,tt - f'Zf,<?ro -l/69 EAA?J,-AAPPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE: Address: SIG}TATURE (S) :Mailing Addres Phone on-sZ{ - 526- lUog be paid atthe tlne of submittal of DRB applicat.ion. Later, whenapplying for a buitding permit,, please ideni,ify theaccurate valuat.ion of the proposat. The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according- Lo the table below, toensure the correct, fee is paid.- run prrro: $ ,X-4' Jl tZiFEE sGHEDULE: -ldtl t'Jo l- * Ll l' ,'yoruorroy^ ^^^ --89'- S/ups$ 0-$ 1o,0oo €a:oo)$10,001 -$ 50,000 $s0.00$ 50,00L - $ 150,000 $100.00 $150,00L - $ 500,000 $200.00 $5001 001 - $1,000,000 . $400.00$ . Over $1,000,000 $500.00 *.DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI, EXPIRES ONE YEAR AI'IER I.II{AL APPRO\ZIJ. I'NI.ESS A BUTIIDING PERMIT TS TSSUED A..\D CONSIRUCTTON TS STARTED. **NO .A.PPI.ICATTON WrI.I. BE PROCESSED WITSOUT OWNER' S SIGNATI'RE L NAME OFMailingn. I.NAME OF OWNERS: 1icable. above, are t,o I I t ) wn Condominlun Approval if a DRB FEE; DRB fees, as sho J. K. T(fl'lH (}F llFr I L l'liscel txeous Cash flE-11-9f,16:94:14 Fle,-FiFt. * 1??801 Fttrrnrin!+ r:K*11175 t,1Frl{if'1ull CfiI'1FORT\$RB FEE Flni,.:uri t lerrde red ;' It'er Paid fi1fiS[ls41f,f,1886 iih.::ri-rge re t'u rned :) THFlF.lt< l/OL.| Y,:ur csshier EEHTHfl [ - lhc To*n ofVdl ?,A.as Fndfit Peid 26.W B. BB ,19,9-s N9 45102 DDRESS lps, PAID--cr$-O,crr I I I -7 Eolicc RecciPt NYnbersff !s-S tlddt ltumbcrs TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTi\{E}iT OF COiVIMLiNITY D EVELOP}IENT . S,\LES ACNON FORIf 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD 8r657 (_, 0t 00004!540 ZCIT\|C .rij\D A DDRESS MAIS 0l fii0042115 UNTFOL\{ B UILD[".'O COD E 0l 0000{24t5 U MFOP.\,I PI.UIO T\G CODE 0l 0000 42.115 .l UMFOR-\.! |\{ECH,r.\'ICAL CODE 0t 0000{?{lJ UNIFOfu\{ FIRECODE 0t 000042{t5 N..\TIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 0l 0000.{24 r5 OTIIER CODE}OOXS 0t 0000.il543 BLUE PRL{TS $IYLAII 0t 0000 {2{ I 2 }:ER,OX COPIES / S'iUDIES 0l 00co 12371 PENAI,TY FEES / RE.L..-SPECT]ONS 0t 00c0.il332 i pL,T.v REvISv RE.CHECK FEE [S(O FER, HR.I 0l 0000 423?!OFF HOURS I,\.SPECTION FEES 0r 0000{l{12 CONTL\ CTORS LICL\S ES FEIS 0t 0000{r330 SIGN APPLICATiON FEE.0t 0000414t3 0t 00004t{t3 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FT,E ISI,OO ;'ER SO.IT, 0l 0c80421.,10 IvTcARTFRoacTDONATjON PRE PAJD DESIGN REVIE]V BOARD FEE 24T2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI l0l0 T X 0r 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDTNG) I 'TO"AL our, 0l 0000{t330 EYTERIOR ALTfiRAT]ON IIiORE THA,I'I IOO SO.FI. 0t 0000.t I OI OOOO'1330' ISPECLAL DEVELOPTfENTDI 11330 IZOMNG CODE A"VEI*rDl.'lEl.{Ts * * * * * * * * * o ilEGvo Multi-level seating options and a Moto Massage lounge have made this one of the most popular spas in America today. Up to five adults can relax in the bubbling waters of this peaceful refreat. Plus, its great looks and low profile make the Sovereign a beautiful addition to any backyard or patio enclosure. Imagine, this much pleasure just a few steps away. Seating Capacity: 5 :d: t, Dimensions:1'4"; '- 1" t)) N WaterCapacit),: l.-i la lc^; Jet Configurarion:; 1.,1 'rc-r '/.t, Yr.,3""r 111 ,r" lets io fcet ca re! and llwcr :J(k J aClLrs?bie h 'drot^e-a:ylets SeatingType:Dee: rr- t e';e bcn.h tyDe 5eat 'g p -i llotc lYassage ic.l-ge Effective Filter Area 90squareicet top c.rd ng Hydrojet Pump:Sta R t? l'1ax E Glaslctpump hghyeficent, I lP 5vot 5 k,, 'tarn es! 5tcc requretdedcated2S d^or', r. oi a r'd- .d )p.-, -aa:er Ava ib a' ThermostatSensirivity: I u;or m nt: CeErccF ElectrrcalSafety: Ccrl ete.,, U - rsted WeiBht:53C r:. d'y.3 3:5lbs I cd ..' ( go,) .6 NOT E : FXrll lNc :,I.S . rlNDEfl rt{f OF POiATO I' jr7- r oG€ or . Pa v[ rauN r AE P€, ^i74'rL E ,J f' 9AvF rlt:'i I ' ErisTrNo D R IVE, !. .aur L c tNG wVailValley, Inc. 100 W. Beaver Creek Boulevard, Suite 129 PO. Box 5640 Avon, Colorado 81620 Business (303) 949-7979 Fax (303) 949-1232 August 6,lY)3 Mr. Paul Chadwick Iv{a,rimum ComfortPool and Spa P.O. Box2666 Vail, CO 81658 Rc: Spa imtatlation at Potato Patch Condominium Associatio,n, Unit K DearPaul, I want to inform youthat as lvlanaging Agent for The PotatoPatch Townhome Condominium Association, I an authorizing you to procecd with thc installation of the Spa at unit trL Ploase procced with thc installarion according to Shapiro Dwelop'm.cnfs spccifications. Inthc event you requirc additional information or harre qucstions rcgarding this issuc f€€l ft1ee to conlact me. Sincecely, Pota0o Patch Tovmhomc Condominium Association tu lndepandently Owned Vice Presidcot, Propcrty ldanagpnmt Each Ollice ls And ODerated