HomeMy WebLinkAboutCO 1300 Westhaven Dr$,trttftrutr nf (Drrupunru Oumn (Df liluil fruililing lHrpurtmpnl THIS CERTIFICATE ISSI/ED PURSUANT TO THE REOUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDINC CODE CERTIFYTNG THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSI/ANCE THIS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE VARIOUS ORDINANCES OT THE TO!(/N REGULATING BUII-DING CON.STRTJCTION, AND OR USE, TO THE BEST OT OUR KNOWLEDGE. Name CASCADE VILLAGE (THE WESSIN HOTEI,) UseClassification Dwelling/todging c Drinking/Dining Croup B-2, R-3 Building Permit No.00675 Typc Construcrion II F.R. Owner of Building Mansfield Ltd. Building Address 'l 3 0 0 Westharrcn nriva The hLrilding officiil may, in rvriting, suspend or revokt e Certi- ficare of Occupancv issued undtr the pnrviriorrs of this code when_ cver thc certific:ate is issued in crror, or ()n rhc basis of incorrect informarion supplicd, or rvhen it is deternrined that the buildingor stnrcture or portion th,:reof is in violation of any ordinance or regularion of the Town of Vail or an1 ol the provisions o[ this codc. Decemher q, 1q*+ - - POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE Vail DepartmentFire lnrn Building name: Building owner: 42 W. Meadow Dr. Vail, Colorado 8'1657 Date served: December- 7, 1q81 - 476-2200 Dateof originalinspeclion: December 9, 19R2 Building address: 1300 Westhavin Time served: CORRECTION NOTICE West i n Hoiel Mansfield Ltd. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: F UNTFORM FIRE CODE (U.F.C.) VIOLATIONS n o NATToNAL ELECTRIC CODE (N.E.C.) VIOLATIONS D s NAT|oNAL FIRE CODES (NFPA) VIOLATIONS Et SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PBACTICES OTHER DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: FINAT- C.Q- rNsPECrrnN pacn t UFC 79.302(c) Tank Connections - Flammable Liguids Codet install protective cover over f ilI cap to deisel tank- Cover must bqjll-uqh-j^t:ilh sidewalk and tight fitting- Protect from ice build-up on cap. uFc 10-30L(b) Fire Protection - special ; design and mount fi.re zone map for attic zones, in PBX room adjacent to other zone maps UBc 430s ( a)Fire Rated Ceilings ; replace ceiling tiles in Cafe,f & B storage room, and replace grates in ceiling of 2nd floor employee meeting room vrith rated tiles' Meeting room is not approved for this usage until ventilation requirements are met. UFC l-0.315 (e),(f) Protection of Grease Hood and Ducts - secure surr ace nozzels over Cafe cooking equipment and install fire rated access doors to facilitate cleaning of ducts at 90" turns for Display Kj-tchen and Cafe exhaust ducts .Have ducts cleanei CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY:A.M./P.M. Oate: lH AccoBoANcE wrrH TowN oF varl r/ruxrcrpA,. cooE- rr.12 rF you FA'L To co*ply wtrH THls coRREcrloN NortcE ot{ oR BEFORE THE AAOVE STATED COMPLETION DATE YOUR FAILURE WILL f,ESULT IN FURTHER ACTIO EEING TAXEN UNDER THE pROVtStONS OF THE U.F.C. - EDlTlOtl, WHICH llAY INCLUDE YOUR aEING TSSUED A SUMMOHS TO APPEAR lN 'IUHICIPAL Oi COUHTY COURT FOR THE VIOLATIONS ABOVE SPECIFIED. UPON A FINDING OF GUILTY OF SAID VIOLATIONS YOU WILL BE SUB' J€CT TO THE PENALTIES PROVIOED 8Y LAW. BUILOING OWNER/MANAGER: FIRE DEPABTMENT OFFICEF: (Stgh.tutal (Stsnatur.)I rnt.t Vail Fire Department lnrn 42 W. Meadow Dr. Vail, Colorado 81657 Date seNed: ' 476-2200 December 9, 1982- Westin HotelBuilding name: Building owner:Mansfield Ltd. Date ol original inspeclion: Building address' 1300 Westhavin Drive Time serve€t: CORRECTION NOTICE December 7. 1983 THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: a uNrFoRM F|RE CODE (U.F.C.) VIoLATIONS o tr NATToNAL ELECTRIC CODE (N.E.C.) VIOLATIONS O 0 NATioNAL FIRE CODES (NFPA) VIOLATiONS F SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PRACTICES OTHER DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: ( cont . ) FIIIAL C.o. jIISPECTTON PAGE 2 Have access doors to HVAC svstem Labeled as to sYst and purpose . UFC 85-104 Electrical Hazards - remove heat tapes from atrium and center UFC 10.302(a) Maintence of Fire Protection Systems - providF aeee.ss t(.l CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY:A.M./P.M. Date: IH ACCOROANCE WTTH TOWI{ OF VAIL ITUNTCIPAL CODE '5.12 IF YOU FAIL TO COTIPLY WITH THIS CORRECTION NOTICE O ON BEFORE THE ABOVE S'ATED COIIPLETIOII DATE YOUR FAILURE WILL RESULT IN FURTHER ACTION BEING TAXEN UNDEN THE PROVISIOHS OF THE U.F.C. - EDITIO , WHICH MAY TNCLUOE YOUR BEING ISSUED A SUMIIONS TO APPEAR IN HUHICIPAL OF COUNTY COURT FOR THE VIOLATIONS ABOVE SPECIFTED. UPOrt| A FINOING OF GUILW OF SAIO VIOLATIO S YOU WILL BE SUB. JECT TO THE PENALTIES PROVIOEO BV LAW. EUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICER: lS'gntIut.J installed to give smoke tight seal betweglt ry1n4e\,t,3ng frames . remote ends of attic for inspection and service sprinkler system and smoke detectors All cited violations shal1 be corrected by 17:00 hours, Decenber 23.1q83. with the except ion of the installatlon of fire rated access doors and Display kitchen exhaust ducts. Doors shall be installed by 1-20-84. lSignrltj ,(Tlu.t