HomeMy WebLinkAbout413 Gore Creek Dr #7 & 91512 Larinetz #4 Denver, Co. 80202July 15, 198e Mr. Jln Sayre Town of Vail Planning Office7, So. trlontage Rd.VaiI, Colorado Dear Mr. Salrre: Perniseion 1e requgsted to replace the existlng front rin- dows in Unlts 7 and p, Vall ltsaile Chalet buildingr {1J Gore Creetr Drive, wlth bay wfndows. They woul-d exactly natch the two bay wlndows already lnstalled 1n the bulldingr Anderson #45-CP-25-20-W. Enclosed 1s a photograph ehowlng Unlt 7 and the unlt aboveyrhich has the new bay window. The other photo shoils a sketchof the skirting whlch would go under the rindor according to the wlshes of the condonlniun Boarct of Managers. (See encloeedletter. ) fixere would be no roof attached to the wlndow asit will fit up under the overhead balcouy. Unit 7-A belongs to ne; Unit 9-l to Dr. Gllbert Balki-nt 45 So. EInr Denver. Aa we are eagqf to 6et thie work done qui-cklyt will you please let us hear fron, C6 soon as possible and arrange a building pernit? l4y Denver telephone nunber Le 891-5467, Lf you have any questions. very truly yours, tl -,t tl,/I A ++2a',.4--<- Drnstan C. Ilinsl . i\t, -t .:)n'l ^ u ,,ru ,iLt't' fuEle Bays she: andBo$/s l'U"- p'.'- "I want a different kind of window- one that'll make our home unique in the neighborhood."He: "I'm for t[at, as long as it's easy to take care of." Sound like you two? Then consider Perma- Shield@ angle bays. Made from Perma-Shield casement or Narroline@ windows, angle bays offer unique charm with next to no upkeep. Indoors, they create a special place of warmth andcharacter. Outside. their low- maintenance exteriors assure lasting beauty. After a more contemporary look? Build-in Perma-Shield bows. Theirgently curved style- created by Perrna- Shield casements-blends beautifully with today's home designs. Remember, too, that bays and bows made of Perma-Shield casements can be ordered in either white or Terratone color. And that all-wood casement bays and bows are also available. Andersen@ bays and bows. The pride of the neishborhood. 4/ .X -\ 20 ,*'-) Window type: Casement. Sash swings O gpen 0ike a door) on hinges mounted top and bottom. Sash opens/closes using crank operator, Especially practical over sinks, counters and other hard to reach nlaces. Casements can be arranged singly, in pairs, rows, angle oay ano oow torTnatlons (see pages 20-21) and with other flxed windows. i I a I I Sash lock pulls sash firml.v* closed; ejects for easy opening. Extension hingei provide "plentv of space to u'ash outside oT sliss from-interior. 3lifLo ,mt - - B'4+- ro.of : I lasvrEw€oFAoM ElrEF oRl I _l r__ [_ -1,,I€FT RIGB'I STATIONAFY You could buy these windows on their wood beauty alone. But read closer. What we do fo the wood makes these casements even more beautiful. We take the natural beautv of wood and protect it. With a special freservative that resists decay. warping and iirsects. Then, takins advantaEe of the stabilitv of wood, we biild ftame"s and sash that i.retiglt and tme. JWo times tighter thanindustry air-infiltration stan-dards. And we prime the exteriors. To provide weather prbtection and a good basi for painting. Finally, we join the insulating power of wood to optional double-pane insulating glass-a mari'iage that brings year-round .- savings on,heating and cooling and ends your storm wrndow cnores. Anderseno wood casements. Beautv through and through. tT.- [--t i- -illl,li .- . L::.- .l Also svailabl(,: 70 l)iclur. s in(il,r f,,mbnratx)ns lmp,rta,nt A/ , or. . oasult Jcu. AndFrscn deal-r for *xa, tsrzca DPlorP maklng rough 0pening Wood casement units shown on overleaf: N23\ll'=:'- j L- -..1N?4Nl--t ' L -r rL =lN251\ II l9 t) lr\f] rrl I,-f OP / Overall Producl' In Place VERTICAL SECTION \it l1 ,4' t't9w'!rl I',r' lrlnltrnn',l'l 9 tot: I I 9 z \ NOTE: fffiS''5""'dJ """,". 1yr, = 1'0" OVERALt. UNIT DLT'IENSIOIIi Ii IDTH ,,ur^O, . "uUUn O"t"'*U *'Ot" s'.le t tle'sior Jrdbr :'f.) s|OE JA A Sde Exten3'ot rrtr'6 ,lI ... t -i bD, .6 ^?itx!l''"" qrr" l\ ./ f,r )'JP o{" ,t" Q,f ^g'( 97' MULLION POST ri[ MU!!roN POSr r]*illr:#rC ' *4 'rt\'*'irV, \fj':l ' flxru^l;L:ill'," . nrr"a,". 'rt'*tt'*" trY$ +1.e:\* "{s^.to By others MULLION inl"l*, . " " "',. o " I " I l, :::, : ll' :^:J I,,?,1'$"",; 'llil"?ii'Xnirdetsen' exterlor nlllrrrurr I - 'lislred trY olhers l{oTE:L|qh!colo|edaleasarebasIcDalIsIljInlsheobyAnl:|elsenoa,IcoIolerjaleasaIelo.olr1n]cndedparlslocomr,leleUnItassemD|y 25 l'i L dlJ ]J I ffilu-'o'tn'" t"' unil No 45'4446'20'w 111? x3112' v ItY' VAIL TRAILS CHALET I CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Hr. and l"lrg. Dugtan Himsl 151? Larimar €itreet *?4 Denver, Colorado €1020? Dear Duke and Sharon, JuIy 1?, 19Ba re! Eay wi ndow Vail Trails Chalet I am very hatrpy to advi se yoLl your reqLtest for the replacement of the {ront window to a bay window hag been approved by a Special Heeting of the Foard o{ Managers on July lOn 198?. This approval is gubject to the following conditiongl 1. The utse of "Andergon Window ft45-CP-25-2O-hl" 2, Tinted qlass(gray o{ bronze} wil} not be acceptable. 3. A furll skirting, in the same contouF as the bay windowt below the window wilt be used. This will will go drop vertical 1y to apprslt imately I inch from the deck. No portion of the window will be attached or resting on the deck.The contour of the window will rise vertically and will meet the window above in a harmonous rnanner. The exterior of the sl<irting will be of the satnGt type materi al ag the gray paneling now on the exterior o{ the building,6. The window trim and sllirting are to be painted 2 coats of gray paint, the same type and color as noul on the exteri or of the building,7. The addition will be constructed in a workman li[(e ,nanner and will be completed within 3O days after commencing construc t i on. I know you wiLl enjoy this addition and i+ you have any questions, please do not hegi tate to call me. etary 4. 5. U I Li k-- \\t\,Lt $-{ dn