HomeMy WebLinkAbout433 Gore Creek Dr #16Bo'u("Tii6"% ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0006 Status. . . App1ied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Valuation: fof Gas Logs:Fi reptace Information: Restri cted: **************** FEE sulll'IARY , NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Addre66...: 433 GORE CREEK DR Location I #168 Parcel No..... : 2L01-082-34-024Project Number: APPLICANT FRISCO F]REPLACE & STO\rE SHOP P o Box 1330, FRTSCO CO 80443 CONTRACTOR FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOP P o Box 1330, FRrsco co 80443 OWNER PARKS M B PO BOX 365, VArL co 81658 Description: NNPT,ECS WOOD FIREPLACE WITH GAS INSERT FINAL 07/te /Lee6ot/2s/Lee6 o7 /23/ree6 Phone: 3036683760 Phone: 3036683760 2,329 .00 fof [ood/PaLl,et:fof Gas Appliances: Restuarant Ptan Review--)Tota I' caLcul'ated Fees---> 78'00 Additional, Fees---------> -O0llechani ca L---> Pten check---> Invest i gation> t,i Ll. catL----) 60.00 15.00 .00 3. OO .00 .@ 7E.00TOTAL FEES----- ******t********** Dept: BUILDING Division: Total Permit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- 7E.00 78.00 .@ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI{ENT-0lli-9l1996 DAN Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTR!:D rO CHEq4 qqR-q9DE-qQM,P-L-IANCE'i . bol,rs0stloN-4ifr.-i5 -db-ouieED-PER Suc. oo7-qF-Tq-E le-e I -lll4c: --- 3 : iidfAir,AiloN-iiuSi b'6frF6il.1t- rb-[ieNuFaciqnn s ]NsrRUcr IoNS AND-- tct-ApFnuoix cHAprER 21 oF TEE legl-UYq-._- -- --a . di.s--1G'F-r-,laiicEii"-s frEilL- es -VnNtno -AeeqRD ING - To-qFAPTEB 9 AND 5-n-n,l-r, tenlnilrlin-iis-Specrg-rED-ru--sEq.e-0-6- -o-E-THF le91-uyq.,. s . Id'cE5s-io'-n-eiiiiu'e-sourFfrENr-uu$r-e0upr,y wrrH sgc. sgs AND 703 0F THE 1991 ttMC. **************************************************************************Jr**t'** DECLAR,ATIONS I hereby acknoul.edge that I have read this appl,ication, fil,Led.out in ful,L the information required, comPLeted an accurate plot p1an, and state that art the iniormation proiided as rlqui red is correct. I agree to compl'y rlith thc information and ptot Pl'an, to compty $rith al,l Tolrn ordinanccs and state [aws, and io buil,d this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes,'design review approvcd, Uniform Buitding C6de and other ordinances of the Town apPticab[e thereto' REouEsrs toR rNspEcrloNs SHALL BE IiADE TUENTY-FoUR HouRs tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Af 479-213E oR AT ouR oFFIcE FRoll E:m A 5:00 Pl'l SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HI]'ISELf AND OI'INER --,"t- **********************J,***************************************** TOI,VN OF VA]L, COLOR.ADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Pa)rment Method: CK Notation: WAMD ?8.00 ot/t9/e6 13:39FEES Init: DS Statemnt Number: REC-o111 Amount: M96-0006 Type: B-MECH MECHANTCAL PERMIT 2L0L-082-34-024 433 GORE CREEK DR # 168 Total Fees: 78.00 Total ALL Pmt6: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code**WAMD FEES** Description WAIVED FEES 78.00 78.00 .00 Amount 78.00 pxi,;:,rx,y;;,:,; ,'fu*ry#"**t ::'|fu/ t' '+'h.,'t ""/Legal Description: rot_lt(y*r "? rilin Onners Nanes Architect: PERUIT // n 8a' , ,(, / ,a z ,nQra)"*-*g Req. No. /2//4bbR;=:'^ - t arrlruAlrLtrr llusl EE ELIJIJE.ilfryA COI.IPLHIEIJy OR IT UAY NOT BE ACCEP{IED f,***********************X* . ,Yr4&yFoRua:roN *********************rr******* '11-".,',u,,,ntl-,,,,^tffitfiy,"!{fu1\4-uectranibaI[]-other JobNarne: o O#*4q;"{{61; fssF...f .?.# n BUTLDING: $ PLIIMBTNG: -.,JI******** * * * ********* * ******-rt-t Eeneral Contractor: Ph. ceneral Description: -w-ork Class: [ ]-ifer' ft3-atteration [ ]-Additional [ ]Tr/a7r'e-' Dvf #[ ]-oth Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nnmber of Accomnodation Units: #9"" and T14pe of Fireplaces: cas'Appliances / - Gas Logs_ !{oodr/pellet_ l(************** ******************* VADUATTONS ********** * **************** * ***** EI,ECTRICAL: S OTHER: $!{EcEANrcAul@o TOTAL: I coNTRACToR INFORI{ATroN * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Contractor: Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VailPhone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Address: // l. -8a * *** **** * ** ** ******** ** ********* FOR Electrical Address: . Pl.unbing Contractor': Address: BUTLDING PERMTT FEE:PLI'UBING PERMIT FEE3 MECIIANICAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: PLWBING PIAN. CHECK FEE:MECIINITCAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI,E]AN-UP DEPOSIT: rOTAL PEM{IT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNAIIURE: -4sca ocl 0 l9e5