HomeMy WebLinkAboutCourtside Townhomes Soil & Foundation Investigation 1980/*l h.ilnaz l:-r' , 4t.?{//r|j/ ,L 6brL-f,R Ca*&;A E u, /,orr,- - Phoe /ffi2(-/rt^ "-,1&""o;A % I I I t I D I I I chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS sor|' & Four{DATroN ENGI.NEERING SUITE C-7 VILLAGE PLAZA r GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 I 3031945.7458 SOIL AI{D TIX.DIDAI CT\I II{\ESTIGATIChI PROPOSM IUMIO,IE DEVEI.OPi'ENT COI,JRTSIOE PIA.SE IIT\arl,, @roRAm Prepared For: t't. John thcrnas P.O. Box 695vail, @ 81-657 I Job lio. 2LrO56 ogEober 8, 1980 I OFFIC€S: OENVER, COLORADO / COLORAOO SPRINGS, COLORAOO / CASPEF,IIYOMING / SALT LAKE CITY' UTAH I I I ] D I D D D D t TABI.E CF @{IEVIS cc[$Gr]srct{s SCoPE SIIE OC[rDrTrCt{S s:UBSOrt CCD{DIrrCn{S FUJNBTICT{ RM4,IENDNTTCIiS GrcU{D TTMRS U{MDRAIN SYSIEM SURFECE DRAI}AGE MISCtrTANM]S FIqIRE 1 - I,MATICD{ CF D(PI'RAIORT PTIS FIGT]RE 2 - @APHIC IOGS & IEGEND & }UIES FTGIRES 3 AND 4 - SWEf,;IrC€I{SOLIDFfIIOI IEST RESIJI-,TS ETqJRES 5 AND 6 - GSADTfTTO{ TtsST RESIILTS MSI,E 1 . SIM4ART OF IABORAIORT TEST RESULTS t I t ] I I I D D I t ccr{crrjsrchls The proposed buildings can be fourded with qread footings placed crn the upper natural soils with design details and precautions as discussed be1ow. SCOPE ltris report presents the results of a soil and fourdatiqt inves- tigation for the proposed Courtside Phase IIr DeveloFnent, vail' Colo- rado. Ttre report presents thre reoormended tlpe fourdation and al-low- able beari.ng pressures, general subsoit conditions together with other soil related design and cDnstruction details. A preliminary s.rbsur- face investigatian conducted within the Courtside Develotrrnent area under Job Ntnrber 161971, dated Septernber 13, 1978, llas reviewed and utilized to sulplerent this report. SITE @{DIfiCt{S At tie ti:re of ttre field investigation, the site was vacant and overed with native grass ard trees on the higher portions. The ground surfacre is sonewhat irregular and slopes &r^m generally towads the north. Elevatiql differential across the buildirg area is cn the order of 35 feet. Ttre existing Courtside DeveloFnent is located dir- ectly acrross the existirrg access road to the north. suBsorl, ccr{Drrrct{s The srbsoiL oonditions lrere investigated by excavating 5 e:glora- tory pits at the approximate locations shor'm on Fignrre 1. Itre subsoil mnditions at brilding units 36 throrrgh 39 were srbsequently c'bserved I t I I t D I D D D I -2- and tested as reguired on September 23 and 26, 1980. GrapLric logs of tfie srbsoil pa:ofiles enountered at the pit loca- tions are slrcnrn on Figure 2. In general, Ctp sub€oils @nsist of 'ap- proxirnately 1 1/2 to 4 feet of topsoil orrerlyj.ng a gravel' obble and ard boulder rnixed deposit in a silt ard sard matrix. This profile is si:nilar to that enountered during ttre prreliminary investigation' oc- casional thin, sandlz clay layers vaere also encountered in this depos- it. At test pit 4, a grravelly clay layer *. least 5 feet thid< was encrcuntered belcnl the cearser granulan soils ert depth 6 feet. Results of onsolidatiql tests, lrresented cr Figur^es 3 and 4r indicate the finer silt arr:t c1q1 fraction to be moderately to highly onpressible wtren loaded. Gradatian analysis perfc'rned qr ttre minus 5 inch frae tion of the coarse, grranular soils are presented on Figures 5 and 5- Ibisture @ntent was described as being noist to very mist and rp free r,vater was enountered to the rmximm depth investigated' 11 feet. Drring the preliminary investigaticr, free water was reasured at depth 12 to 17 feet below grourd surface. FOUNBTICbI REmm{nImTrO:{S We understand the structures will be tvp story and utilize vmd frane ard crawls6:ace-type cpnstruction. Fbundatiqr loadings ar€ as- sured to be relatively light and range to a mximm of about 3 kips per lineal foot. Cut depth to achieve f@tirq bearing elevation is eryected to be tlpically 8 feet or less. Based qr the slbsoil ondi- tions enoountered at. the exploratory pit ard hole locations ard ex[Ds- ed in b-rilding unit excavations 36 through 39. re r=onnend tie use of spread footings placed on the utrper natural soils. Ttre follotrirg de- I I I I I I I D I D t -3- sign ard constructicn details shrould be observed: 1) . Footirgs strould be placed on the l4{Er natural soils below all topsoil arrS desigred for a rnaximun bearrng pressule of 2'000.psf. The natural soils o<posed across b'rilding units 36 through 39 are suitable for sultport of this reonnerxled bearirg pressure. Under this trrressure md assuflEd light loadingsr l€ estimate settlerents to range between app:'oximately 1/2 to 'l inch. (2') I"linimr.m footing width should be taken as 'l 6 inches for wa1ls and 2 feet for colunrs. (3) Continuous foundation walls strould be reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length of * least 10 feet. Wal1s actirg as retaining structures shoufd also be designed to resist an equivalent lateral earth pressure of 40 psf per foot of depth- Thris pressure as$nnes a rrrell ollpacted gnanula baci<fill having a surfae gradient slotrnd away frun the structure. (4) Any 1ocal soft trnckets of mil fourd at the base of the foting excavatiorrs shoutd be renpved ard the footinqs exterded to the lor+er firm soils. At test pit 4r adjacent to unit 31 r a thick layer of very nrcist clay was enountered belo*r approximate depth 5 feet. Stabilizaticxr of ttris day layer may be required- (5) Exterior fotings should be plaoed belcn frost depth. GROUND FT.OoRS we understand crawlspace oonstructiqr wilt be utilized within the rnain h:ilding area. wher€ slaktnrade floors are used, the existirg surface strorld be sEripped of all vegetation and topsoil. Any rc- quired fill strould consist of non<xpansive grarula soils onpacted I I I I I I I I D D D -4- to at least 95* of standard Procttr density (Aslil 1698) at a nroisture antent rear cptimun. ltre cn*ite soils sLrould be sritable for use as filt-material prcvided all oversized rod< is renoved pricn to @ltglac- tion. lro t=duce the effects of scxne differential nurerent, all slabs sfrould be separated frcnr bearirg llembers with a positirze expansior joint and adequately reinforced. A minim'rn 4 irtch layer of base cour- se strould be prrovided beneath garage slab floors. If basenent floors are goposed, the gravel sbrould be a free drainingr srushed rock Qpe. I]IiIDERDRAIN SYSIE!,I Although free water was rot en@untered d, tiIIE of exploratory pit or in the excavation fcr hrildirg units 36 through 39, it ha,s been our elq>eriene in npuntain areas srch as ttris tttat local seetE or IEr- ctred water can develop at tine of peak runoff. Ttprefore, eadr level exeavated into ttre hillside sftould be potected with an urderdrain systsn. The underdrajn strould cstsist of a perforated pipe embedded in a gravel-filled trench pLaced at least 1/2 f@E below cawlqraoe grade arr:l sloped on a minim,.m 1S grade to suitable outflovr. The grav- eI beneath any basenent slab areas strould be onnected to the under- drain svstem. SIIRFACE ffiAII.IAGE The follovring drainage pnecautions strould be cbserved during con- struction and maintaired at aII tines after the brifding has been onr' pleted: ( 1) Excessive vetting ctr d.ying of thre fioundatiqr e:rcavation should I t I I I D I I D I I (2't -5- be avoided durim mnstnrction. Miscellaneous bad<fitl arqrnd buildings slrould be roistened and orpa.eted to at least 90t standard Proctd density. TLre grrourxi surface zurrounCing buildings, drives, etc. strould be sloped to drain away in all directions. l€ reormerd a nininnrm slope of 5 inches irr the first 10 feet. Rrcf domspouts ard drains shrould discharge welt beyord the 1im- its of all backfill. MISCELIANMJS Ttris report has been prepared in acordance with generally accep- ted soil ard foundation engineerirg practices in this area for the use bV ttre client fior design trrrposes. Ttre onclusiqrs and reomstda- tions submitted in this report are based r:pon the data obtairecl frcnt the o<ploratory pits o<cavated at the locations strqm on the o<plora- tory pit plan. ltre natue ard extent of variatisls between the ex- ploratory pits nuy rpt beconre evident trntil excavation is perfonned. If , durirg cststruqtion, soil, rod ard ground water odditions a;pear to be different frqn those described herein, this office *rould be ad- vised at oncre so that re"evaluatiqr of the recornerdatians ntay be made. l{e recsrmend m*ite cbservation of excavatiqts md fourdation ctEl AltD assoclAf,Es, rNc. (3) (4) Steven L. Pawlak' P.E. by I t , D. I ) l D I , COURTSIDE PHASE IIl Pit 5 Pit 6 Pit 4 COURTSIDE PHASES I AND TT Property Line \.East Meadow Drive N Scale: lrr='40 r Centerline #2t,056 2751 to LOCATIoN 0F EXPLoRATORY PITS - Fig. 1 z HF .t t I I , I I I I I I t TEST PIT 1 EL+8505.6 t 8-540 8s 35 8s30 85 25 8520 8515 8510 8505 8500 TEST PIT 2 EL=8505.41 --'t I TEST PIl 3 EL=8520. 3' TEST PI I 4 EL=8517 . 6' TEST PIT 5 EL=8534.0' TEST PI'I' 6 EL=8541 . 5' 1-240=12J --r- 200= 13 _1LL=31 PI=9 t WC=26.4 DD=87. 1 -200=47LL=27 BsOPI=6 Very noist at 10! - 200= 10 LL=29 8495 t;r=; 8540 8535 8s30 8525 8520 8 515 851 8495 LEGEND: --i -J Disturbed Bul k SanPle Topsoi I Gravel (GM), with cobbl es & borrldcrs to + 5' maximum size, silt 6 sand matrix, nediun dense to dense, noist, brown. Clay (CL), sitty Q sandv with some gravel fj cobblcs, nediun stiff, very moi st, brown . F Hand Drive sarnple F I z F j Practical Rig Refusal NOTES: (1) Te-st pits were excavated on 9/1,1/80 with a backhoe. (2)Te-s t pit surface elevations as given. (3) No free water was encoun- tered i.n the test pits at the time of excavat i on . (4) WC = Water Content (eo); DD = Dry Density Qcfl;-200 = Percent Passing No. 200 Sieve; LL = Liquid Linit (%); PI = Plasticity Index (e6) GRAPHIC LOGS & LEGEND 6 NOTES - Fig I I I , I I I I I (.A-: -/9 I I ^l v) C)tr^ (J 7 chen and associates, inc. - ksf I "'s 0 I -t A ,\.4orsture Content .. 26 .4 Percent Dry Unit Weignt - g7 .l P.t sample or: silty san<.1 ti clay From: 'l'est Pit #4 at 11 feet APPLIED PRESSURE Moisture Content = 15.9 Percent Ory Unit Weight = 1'1'1 .6 Pcf Sampre ot: Silty sand.Q clay From:Botton of excavat i on, Unit 36 APPLIED PRESSURE _ KSf #21 ,056 SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS FIN J I t I I I D I I D t c\o 0 Y1q c)F A ( chen and associates. inc. 1.0 10 APPLIED PRESSURE _ Ksf 100 Moisture Content = 74 .0 percent Dry Unit W6ight = 95,0 O"t Samoleof:^..-- --- Silty sand & gravel From: Bottorn of excavation, Unit 38 t- on ur dr w( rt I\ ( )<---, I 1d 1r I S l c n 1. c L1 comp' pres su edr ( \ \ #27 ,056 SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Fig 4 I t I I D D I I D I chen and associates. inc. 24HR 7HF 45 MIN T5 MIN o = Fz , z o CE 60 MrN 19 MIN 4 MrN. 1 MrN. GRAVEL 58 v" LIOUID LIMIT SAMPLE oF Si 1ty '100 '50 '40 '30 slruo 32 % srLT AND oLAY zgoh PLASTToTTY tNDEx sandy gravel FRoM Test 10 % 7% Pit #L at 9 to 10 feet o z t- Fz Q 24 45 60 MtN t9 MtN 4 MlN. 1 MlN. CLAY TO SILT GRAVEL 56 ,a LIOUID LIMIT SAMPLE oF Cl ayey o74 .149 .297 | .590 1 HR.7HR 15 MtN.'50 '40'30 .o42 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS sAND 3I w srLT AND oLAY 31 % PlAsrrctrY tNoEX sandy gravel FRoM Test GRADATION TEST RESULTS 13 ro ^06J Pit #4 at 5 to 6 feet SIEVE ANALYSISHYDROMETER ANALYSIS DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS #2I ,056 Fig SIEVE ANALYSISHYDROMETER ANALYSIS 24 HR. 7 HR DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS I I t t D I I I t t chen and associates, inc. 60 MIN 19 MIN 4 MIN, 1 IVIN o4 z o o =F Fz '"2- 50(cFz 60(J 70 80 :to 100 I GRAVEL 54 o/o LIOUID LIMIT SAMPLE OF e; ] +..ur r ujf SAND 34 OI" SILT ANO CLAY * ,r^rt,ctrY TNDEX FRoM Test L2 "k ok Pit# 6 at 8\ to 94 feetsandy grave I I5 MIN 24 45 HR.illN.60 MtN. 19 MrN.4 MlN.'50 '40 30 '16 '10 ''8 t .590 1.19 A.u2 2.O DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS (, 4 z (J CLAY TO SILT GRAVEL go LIOUID LIMIT SAMPLE OF % SILT AND CLAY PLASTICITY INDEX FROM #21,,056 GRADATION TEST RESULTS Fig ta!ttttIttt CHEN AND ASSOC IATES ,lob No. 21.056 TAELE 1 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS P I'I OEPTH (F E ET) NATURAL MOISTURE (%) NATURAL DRY DENSITY ( PCF ) ATTERBERC LIMITS UNCONFIN ED TRIAXIAL SHEAR TESTS PERCENT PASS ING N0.200 SIEVIJ SOI L TYPELIOUID LIIIT ("/) PLAST ICITY ||tDEX ("/.1 COM PRESSIVE STRENGTH (PsF) OEV I ATOR STRESS (P s F) CONFINING PR ESSU R E (PSF) 1 q- 1 0 29 7 10 Siltv sandv pravel 4 5-6 31,9 l3 Clayey sandy gr.rve 1 +11 26 .4 87.r )7 6 47 Siltv sand 6 clav 6 8r-9,Si I tv qandv sr';rrrel Unit 36 Fts.Grd.15.9 111.6 Si l tv sanrl t cl rv Unit 38 Ft s. Grd 14.0 9s.0 Siltv sand 6 clav CA'4