HomeMy WebLinkAboutB07-0124 PlansGENERAL NOTES ALL MA "' S H A LL , * "' . ..... BE A' S S AND )N ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, ORDINANCES, :PERMITS,AND CON TRACT DOCUMENTS, ,THE SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND SITE ,CONDITIONS BEFORE STARTING WORK. SHOULD A. DISCREPANCY :APPEAR IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, OR BETWEEN THE z DOCUMENTS AND EXISTING CONDITIONS, THE SUB- p `CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AT ONCE : FOR INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO PROCEED. .SHOULD A CONFLICT OCCUR IN OR BETWEEN DRAWINGS AND ;SPECIFICATIONS, CONSULT WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR FOR CLARIFICATION. .............. .......... I .............. .............. THE JOB SITE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CLEAN AND ORDERLY 'CONDITION, FREE OF DEBRIS AND LITTER, AND SHALL NOT BE q :UNREASONABLY ENCUMBERED WITH ANY MATERIALS OR ,EQUIPMENT. EACH SUB-CONTRACTOR IMMEDIATELY UPON zCOMPLETION OF EACH PHASE OF HIS/HER WORK SHALL REMOVE ALL JRASH AND DEBRIS AS A RESULT OF HIS/HER OPERATION, ALL MATERIAL STORED ON THE SITE SHALL, BE PROPERLY STACKED z ,AND PROTECTED TO PREVENT DAMAGE AND DETERIORATION. �FAILURE TO PROTECT MATERIALS MAYBE CAUSE FOR REJECTION OF WORK. DATUM ;100'-0" EQUALS DATUM 8011,55'USGS 8011.9 X I- 11 ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER\ 80 11.6 EDGE ASPHALT 8011.4 DRIVEWAY 80 10.2 I ON H , A 09 LOT 11 )C,P, 801 10- UTILITY EASEMENT 8012.5 8012 PHON E PED 4 EDGE ASPHALT ROAD wf� / Q=: 5 6'52 ) R L=48.50$ ' 8 010.3 10 8' DIA. BUSH TOP/13ACK CURB Uy� 8006.2 do, 8006.1 CONC PAN A1.01 SITE PLAN A1,02 ...... . ...................... ­ ..... . .... ­_,_-,­ ............. - ........... ..... ......... . LANDSCAPE PLAN A1.03 ................. ...... . ............. ..... ...... ...... .... .......... ............. ........... : CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN A2.00 GROSS RESIDENTIAL FOOTAGE ALLOWANCE A2.01 LOWER LEVEL & WALL SCHEDULE A2 02 (MAIN LEVEL A2.03 ............... ­ .......... :UPPER LEVEL A2.04 .......... .......... ROOF PLAN & DETAILS 'A3" * 0 l '0" R T H & SOU " _ * E L E V A" - T 1 N . ... . .............. . .. .. ..... ........ A3 'M ':`t�,Sf& WE'&"EL IONS A4 01 .... . ............ .......... ............. fi6aS& FLOOR SCHEDULE A6.01 ............. ....... ...... . ..... ............. . . DOOR SCHEDULE & DETAILS A6.02 VVIN DOW SCHEDULE & DETAILS LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE IS PROPERTY LINE SILT FENCE TO BE LOCATED ALONG EAST AND WEST PROPERTY LINES 0 k. U� 0 Revision/issue 02.16.2007 DRB Resubmittal 03.02,2007 DRB Resubmittal 04.25.2007 Permit Submittal General Contractor CONSTRUCTION POST OFFICE BOX 5821 425,*740.1440 VAIL COLORADO 1 ,31658 425. f v"wW. gill Otell 0. 00 In Project Nome and Address 2498 Arosa Drive Lot 12 Block C Vail Das Schone Town of Vail, Eagle County Colorado Project 0701 Sheet A1.01 SITE PLAN Dote 01.29.2007 Scale 1 " =10'- 0)) C PLANT LEGEND SYMBOL QTY BOTANICAL NAMF---- COMMON NAME SIZE O LL- Revision/Issue 02.16.2007 DRB Resubmittal 03.02.2007 DRB Resubmittal 04.25.2007 Permit Submittal 05.09.2007 Core & Shell 06.05.2007 ME 10.16.2007 RCP 12-01-08 DRB Resubmittal General Contractor GILLETTE LLC CONSTRUMON POST OFFICE Box 5821 425.740.1440 v VAIL COLORADO 81658 425.740.1440 f www.gillettelle.com Project Name and Address 2498 Arosa Drive Lot 12 Block C Vail Das Schone Town of Vail, Eagle County Colorado • ,a-56 '52* R==48.87 Lz=48.50# I PIC E -A PUNGENS, COLORADO SPRUCE 10 HT. 6 PICEA PUNGENS COLORADO SPRUCE 8" HT. 9 PICEA PUNGENS COLORADO SPRUCE GHT. LL 2 POPULUS, TREMULOIDES ASPEN 2" Caliper 2 SYMPHORICARPOS MOUNTAIN SNOWBERRY 5 Gallon OREOPMLUS 6 ROSA WOODSI NATIVE ROSE 5 Gallon O LL- Revision/Issue 02.16.2007 DRB Resubmittal 03.02.2007 DRB Resubmittal 04.25.2007 Permit Submittal 05.09.2007 Core & Shell 06.05.2007 ME 10.16.2007 RCP 12-01-08 DRB Resubmittal General Contractor GILLETTE LLC CONSTRUMON POST OFFICE Box 5821 425.740.1440 v VAIL COLORADO 81658 425.740.1440 f www.gillettelle.com Project Name and Address 2498 Arosa Drive Lot 12 Block C Vail Das Schone Town of Vail, Eagle County Colorado • ,a-56 '52* R==48.87 Lz=48.50# Ln 0 00 Revision/Issue 02.16.2007 DRB Resubmittal 03.02-2007 DRB Resubmittal 04.25.2007 Permit Submittal General Contractor E J.JLC CONSTRUCTION POST OFFICE Box 582I 425.74(f,1440 Y VAIL COLORADO.S108 42 5 .740, 1440 f www. gill c ttell o, co, ni Project Nome and Address 2498 Arosa Drive Lot 12 Block C Vail Das Schone Town of Vail, Eagle County Colorado Project 0701 Sheet A 1. 03 Date 01.29.2007 CONSTRUCTION Scale MANAGEMENT 1 "= 10 '_0" PLAN LOWER LEVEL GRFA: 2336 S.F. LOWER LEVEL WALLS: 1600 S.F. SUBTERRANEAN WALLS: 372 S.F. GARAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE: 925 S.F. SITE COVERAGE: 2360 S.F. MAIN LEVEL GRFA: 2360 S.F. MAIN LEVEL GRFA: 1478 S.F. 00 Revision/issue 02.16.2007 DRB Resubmittal 03.02.2007 DRB Resubmittal 04.25.2007 Permit Submittal General Contractor G,t' CONSTRUCTION POST OFFICE BOX 5824 4th 74t4. 1440 v FAIL COLORADO 1658 425.740,1440 f W-.&AV, gill etudle. com Project Name and Address 2498 Arosa Drive Lot 12 Block C Vail Das Schone Town of Vail, Eagle County Colorado Project 0701 Sheet A2. 00 GRFA Date 01.29.2007 Scale 1/8 $)=1p-V) TYPE �DESCRIPTION V0 --- ,Portl.and cement stucco over metal lath over #15 grade D� paper over 1/2" OSB plywood over ZxS d.f taming 16" oc. with Aber glass blown in blanket insulation, MemBrain Smart\/apori 'Retarder, 6/8"typeX drywall board and skip troweled gypsum! over #16 grade D paper over 112" 0813 ph over 2x6 d.f. ilraming 16" o.c. with fiber glass blown in blanket insulation MemBrain Smart Vapor Retarder, 5/8" type X drywall board: and skip troweled gypsum plaster. W3 imarflex 2-318" drain & dry board over Dissco 540 Mastic over: �8" concrete foundation wall furred with 1-618." metal taming 16" o.c. with fiber glass blown in blanket insulation, MemBrain �Smmt Vapor Retarder, 5/8" type X dr)wall board and skip: marflex 2-3/8" drain & dry board' over Dissco 540 Mastic oVer: 18"concrete foundation wall. Portland cernent stucco over metal lath over #15 grede D �paper over 1122" OSB plywood over 2x6 d.f. taming 16" o.c.: labove a VV4 concrete stem wall furred with 1-50'nietal studs lwith fiber glass blown in blanket insulation, Meni.Brain Smart, Napor Retarder, 518" type X dr�wall board and skip troweled jgypsum plaster. .......... .... ..... Jypical Interior Wall - Skip troweled gypsum plaster o'v" e.'r' '518" type X drywall board over 2x6 d.f. framing 16" o.c. with Aberglass sound insulationand opposing layer of 518" tYpe: W7 ISkip troweled gypsuni plaster over 518" type X dry�vafi` �board over 2x4 dA framing 16" o.c. Do not install! Jnsulation or di)�wall adjacent to the Isokern Flue. WS �Storage Room Partitions (fiture wine room) - Ski �,trovveled gypsum plaster over moisture resistant 5/8' typei lbarrier (installed on warm side) and oppos.ing layer of 518'": :type X drywall and skip troweled gypsUill plaster. � � _ � m'-n^ t �Iv 24'- 0" | | / . — ------------------ t 2 } Lo _ _ 04.25.2007 Permit Submittal General Contractor POST OFFICE BOX 5821 425740.1440 Project Name and Address 2498 Arosa Drive Lot 12 Block C Vail Dos Schone Town of Vail, Eagle County Colorado Project Sheet A 2. 01 LOWER Date 01.29.2007 Scale in cv . FN Y'A4.%01 CN 16'-0" Z 1 ri � A 4.01 - V 24' - 4'- 0" (D 8'-0" 4'- U� 0 Revision/issue 02,16.2007 DRB Resubmittal 03.02.2007 DRB Resubmittal 04.25.2007 Permit Submittal General Contractor COMTRUCTION POST OFFICE Box 5821 425- 1440 Y VAIL C OLORADO S1658 42- f www"'ill ottello, coal Project Name and Address 2498 Arosa Drive Lot 12 Block C Vail Dos Schone Town of Vail, Eagle County Colorado Project 0701 Shoot A2.02 MAIN Dote 01.29.2007 LEVEL Scale 1 /4';= i 1 01$ IF in -- -----�— -- -- ` sn/o/ -- -- -- -----\�/ ~ �r �{ | '' ''v | } F�t,shed Floor lOQ'-J 5/8^ ` -- -- -- -- -----\�/ / X\ ~ ' m ! | N K L���- -�-�—/ J N | _ | � | 1 111141 EASTBATH ~ AST BEDROOM | | | WEST BEDROOM W1 | — — i 1 0 . . | | 04.25.2007 Permit Submittal General Contractor CONSTRUCTION POST OPFICE BOX 5821 4Z5,740,1 Y VAIL COLORADO 81658 425.' f W gillttl[d1c, ,o III Project Nome and Address 2498 Aroso Drive Lot 12 Block C Vail Dos Schone Town of Vail, Eagle County Colorado Project 0701 Sheet A2.03 UPPER Date 01.29.2007 LEVEL Scale 1 ypical Eave- 2x6 Cedar Facie 2 Cedar Facia a ' IF In i Scale 3/4" — V-0" I F ,n M �EA3.02 CN oG- , ?l r 16 01 N 7A3. 24'-0" 16 -U (D @ G) 0 Typical Rake —1-1 1-1-1— —.— Copper Drip Edge 2x6 Cedar Facia 1 02 Cedar Facia Scale 3/4" = V-0" Y ^ A4.01 N �6, 2 -1 ) �A- 2 COPPER GUTTER & HEAT TAPE U� 0 r Revision/Issue 02.16.2007 DRB Resubmittal 03.02.2007 DRB Resubmittal 04.25.2007 Permit Submittal General Contractor "F �7 Gir 1z I, I CONSTRUCTION POST OFFICE BOX 5821 4Z 5,'40,14,40 -v FAIL COLORADO S165S 425,746 f 1Y1SCti: ill C0111 Project Name and Address 2498 Arosa Drive Lot 12 Block C Vail Das Schone Town of Vail, Eagle County Colorado Project 0701 Sheet A2.04 Date 01.29.2007 ROOF Scale 1 /4 V- of) K| �L_ �-| /^ |\j/l[-/[i �- |�z\/r�T'/l�l ' ` `'' `' ' �-' `' . �� ` ' `' ' ' " '!'--0" 1 = [, ti_ [-( t^ 1/4" = l24'-3^ L YWOOD 123 . T.O. PLYWOOD KDRIDGE 121 . TD. PLYWOOD @R|DGE 109 T.O. PLYWOOD UPPER LEVEL 1O0'-O^ T.O. PLYWOOD MAIN LEVEL T.O. GARAGE SLAB l24' PLYWOOD . . T.O. PLYWOOD 0 RIDGE 109 . T,O. PLYWOOD UPPER LEVEL >OO'-0^ T.O. PLYWOOD MAIN LEVEL 90 . T.O. GARAGE SLAB T T T 04.25.2007 Permit Submittal General Contractor CONSTRLTCTION VAIL COLORADO 91658 4- f Project Name and Address 2498 Aroso Drive Lot 12 Block C Vail Dos Schone Town of Vail, Eagle County Colorado Project 0701 Sheet A 3. 01 Date 01.29.2007 ELEVATIONS Scale T T T I G I T nD C T I Revc E s �ion W e s t L- i e v a 1 orl EXISTING 124'- 3" / I T .0. PLYWOOTL"�' 123'- 3/4" 1,0- PLYWOOD @ RIDGE 1 - 5 J/8: T.O. PLYWOOD @ RiDGE 109-0 5/8" T.O. P UPPER LEVEL 90'--11 3/8" T.O. GARAGE SLAB 124'-3" PLYWOOD 123'-1 3/4" T.O. PLYWOOD @ RIDGE� 121'-5 3/8" T.O. PLYWOOD @ RIDGE -- ---109'-0 5/:�, T.O. PLYWOOD UPPER LEVEL. 100'-0" T.O. PLYWOOD MAIN LEVEL ------90'-11 3/8" EXISTING T.O. GARAGE SLAB 100'-0" T.O. PLYWOOD t� LE VEL O o� c� General Contractor CONSTRLYMON P09T OFFICF. BOX 5921 42"�,"40,1440 v FAIL COLORADO 8165S 425740.1440 IF wwwl gill �ttdl C' C0111 Project Name and Address 2498 Arosa Drive Lot 12 Block C Vail Das Schone Town of Vail, Eagle County Colorado Project Sheet 0701 Date A3. 0 2 01.29.2007 ELEVATIONS Scale 1/4 )J= 1' -0" T F1 Sandset stone paving over undisturbed structural grade or .... . ... ...... .... ltvludset stone pa\4ng over snownielt over 4" reinforced ,concrete slab over Insul-Tarp over 4" clean gravel over �UhdiSftlrbed structural grade or compacted structural fill. ,4" reinforced concrete slab. over 4" clean gravel over e flooring o\�er radiant heat over 4" reinforced �concrete slab over InsukTarp over 4" clean gravel over , undisturbed structural grade or compacted structural fill. Aooring over 4" reinforced concrete slab over Insul-Tarp over A" clean gmA-1 over undisturbed structural grade or 'compacted structural fill. Do not install radiant heat. Isolate slat) fi heated slab. 3/4" finish flooring over radiant heat over 4" reinforced Concrete slab over Insul-Tarp over 4" clean gravel Over undisturbed :structural grade or compacted structural fill. ',3/4" finish flooting over 3/4" cdx pl�wood over 112" gWcrete & iradiant heat over 314" T&G $turdifloor over 11 7/8" I-Joi,sts; with ifiberglass acoustical insulation over 6/8" type X drywall board 'IN! l/ �` �' �� � , �l'-/�l `}��|![�l ~�����| |o n 1/4 = 1`-0 �- � W l [` i on (P 124'-J^ T.O- PLYWOOD . . F.O. PLYWOOD (0-) RIDGE 121 . �O. PLYWOOD @R|DG[ . TO PLYWOOD UPPER LEVEL` T.Q. PLYWOOD MAIN LEVEL 3 T.O. GARAGE SLAB ' . . T.O, PLYWOOD @ RIDGE T.O. PLYWOOD @ RIDGE 109 . T.O. PLYWOOD UPPER LEVEL lOO'-O^ T.O. PLYWOOD MAIN LEVEL . . . T.D. GARAGE SLAB U� 0 0� 04.25.2007 Permit Submittal General Contractor CONS TRTT(,"TION POST OFFICE BOX 5821 4 2 5 ' 1440 v VAIL COLORADO 81658 425,740-1440 f Project Name and Address 2498 Arosa Drive Lot 12 Block C Town of Vail, Eagle County Colorado Project Sheet A 4. 01 Dote 01.29.2007 SECTIONS Scale hi 0' 0` - i 0" Front Door Exterior ro 5" Typical interior Door 0'- 4 r d . 0 0'-6" 0*-10"0*-8" Elecirico Meter Door F Counter 2x8 Cedar Belly Bond 2x12 Cedar Belly Ban 2x Blocking 24" oc. 4x12 Cedar l- Wire Brw Wire Brushed 3x6 Cedar Trier scole 1-1/2" = V-0" Patio Door Threshold @ MudseL Patio E Door Header Scale 1 1--1/2" = 1 1' - 0" 'inish Floor Flogstc n Weather Stripping acing Stucco Wiric Copper Hashing w/ Soldered returns over Waterproof tlernbron( Finish Floor 2x8 Cedar Belly Bond 2x12 Cedar Belly 8( 2x Blocking 24" 0.< Cedar '. Patio rL Threshoid Cd-) Sondset Patio Scale 1 --1/2" = V-0" Ho Cop, wate Finish Floor Flo( Counter Patio Door 11 - hreshold @ F Balconies Sccle 1-1/2" = 1 Entry Door Threshold 30ttorn Finish Floor scale 1--1/2 — V-0 P SCHEDULE 00 ,f� NO LOCATION LVS DOOR JAMS HARDWARE NO. LOCATION ILVS DOOR JAMS H ARDWARE J, Mudrooin I Style: TruStile 3070 Width: 6-7/8' Model Baldwin 5432.402.PASS Oval Knob W Arched Rose 14 Master Vestibule I Style: TrUStile 3070 Width: 6-718" Model: Baldwin 5432.402.PRIV Oval Knob w/ Archad Rose Town of al age Count Lower Level Project 0701 Top: Square Swing: Left Hand Finish Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze Main Level Top: Square Swing: Right Hand Finish: Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze Material: Knotty Pine Hinge: (2) 4-112 x 4-112" Hager 1279 USIOB w/Acom Tip Action. Passage Material Knotty Pine Hinge: (3) 4-1/2 x 4-1/2" Hagar 1279 US1 OB wl Acorn Tip Action: Privacy Sticking: Reverse Roman Ogee Hinge Mortise: (7")(36-112"YG6")(NA) from Top ofDoorto Top off-finge Bore: 2-318" Backset 136" C.L. froin Bottom of Door Sticking. Reverse Roman Ogee Hinge, Martian (7"3[36.1/2°} {66 )(N/A) from Top of Door to Tap ol'Hinge Bore 2-3/8 Backsoll 06' C.L. from Bottom of Door Panel: "B" Scoop Panel Hinge Corners: Square Bolt. Baldwin 8252.402 A rched Deadboft Panel. "B" Scoop Panel Hinge Comerst Square Bolt Size: TO x G8 Weatherstrip: Ker(4n Bolt Sore: 41-112' C.L. ftom Bottom of Door Size: 2'8 X 68 Weathorstlp: N/A Soft Bore: Thickness: 1-314" Threshold: Pemko 95718DW Adjustable Sill wl 21ODPK Shoe 'Stop; (1) Ives FS17-_ - US1 08-LS Thickness: 1.3/4" Threshold: N/A Stop: (1) "s FS436x435-3/4-US108-LS Comment: Comment: I Comment I comment. Comment: Comment: Mvdroom 2 Style TruStile 3070 Width: 6-718' Model: Baldwin 6432.402.PASS Ova Kni Arched Rose IS Master "h 1 Style: TruStile 3,070 Width: 6-718" Model: BaldvAn 5432.402.PRIV Oval Knob w/ Arched Rose Baldwin 6432.402.20 Oval Knob w/ Arched Rose Lower Lovel, Top: Square Swing: Pair - Right Hand Active Finish: Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze Main Level Top* Square, Swing: Right Hand Finish: Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze Material: Knotty Pine Hinge: (1) 4-lr.� x 4-IrZ Finger 1279 USIOB w/ Acorn Tip Action: Passage Material; Knotty Pine Hinge: (3) 4-112" x 4-1/2 Hager 1,279 US10B).vt At om lip Action: PdAAcy Sticking: Reverse Roman Cigna Hinge, Mortise: ( from Top of Door to Top of Hinge Bore; 2 -3/8"Batkset 136" C.L. front Bottom of Door Sticking: Reverse Roman Ogoe Hinge Mortise: froto Top of Door to Top of Hinge Bore: 2-318" Backsot 36" C.L. firon) Bottom of Door Panel: 'S" Scoop Panel Hinge Corners: Square Soft (2) Baldwin 0378.402 4" Ornamental Surface Bolt Panel "S' Scoop Panel Hinge Comets: Square Soft: Size: Ve X 68 Weatherstrip; Kerlin Bolt Bore: Mount top of door - Each leaf- Mudroom side Size: 2`8 X 68 Weatherstrip: N/A Bolt Bore: Thickness: 1-374" Threshold: Pemko 4llPKL Automatic Door Bottom Stop: (2) Ives FS13-_ -US tOB-LS Thickness: 1-3/4" Threshold: N/A Stop: (1) tees F$13- - US10B-LS Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Stair Closer 1 Style: TruStile 3070 Width: 6.7J8' Model: Baldwin 5432.402.PASS Oval Knob wit Arched Rose :10. Master Toilet I Style: TMSIile 3070 Width: 6-718" Model: Baldwin 6432.402.PRIV Oval Knob wl Arched Rose Lower Level Top: Square Swing: Right Hand Reverse Bowl Finish: Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze Main Level Top: Square Swing* Right Hand Finish: Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze Material: Knotty Pine Hinge: (3) 4112"x 4-1/2" Hager 1279 US10B wl Acorn Tip Action: Passage Material. Knotty Pine Hinge: (3) 4-112" x 4-1 Hager 1279 US10B wl Acorn Tip Action, Privacy Sticking: Reverse Roman Ogee Hinge Mortise: (T 1/2")(661(WA) from Top of Door Top of Hinge Bore: 2-318" Backset 136" C.L. from Bottom of Door Sticking; Reverse Roman Ogee Hinge Il4ortisa. (7")(36-112")(66" )(NAt from Top of Door to Top of Hinge Bore: 2-318" Backset 36" C.L. from Bottom of Door Panel: "B" Scoop Panel Hinge Corners. Square Bolt* Panel. 'B" Scoop Panel Hinge Corners: Square Bolt: Si ze: TO x n Weatherstrip: ITA Bolt Bore: Size*, 2'O .x go Weatherstrip: NIA Bolt Bore: Thickness. 1-3/4" Threshold. ITA Stop: (1) Ives FS13-_ - US10B-LS Thickness* 1-314" Threshold: N/A stop: (1) Ives F$la-_ - USIOB-LS 'Comment Comment. Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: 4 Lauridry Room 1 We: TruStile 3070 Width: 6-718" Model.: Baldwin 5432.402.PASS Oval Knob w/ Arched Rose 47 Master Closet 1 Style: TruStile 3070 Width. 6-718" Model: Baldwin 0465.402 Edge Pull (2) Baldwin 0458.402 Flush Pull Lower Level Top: Square Swing: Left Hand Finish: Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze Main Level Top: Square Swing: Pocket Finish: Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze Material: Knotty Pine Hinge: (31 4-112' x 4-112" Hager 1279 US10B vvlAcorn Tip Action: Passage Material: Knotty Pine Hoge: NIA Action: Slider Sticking: Reverse Roman Ogee Hinge Mortise: (7 front Top ofDoorto Top of Hinge Bore 2 -378" Backset 136" G.L. fiom Bottom of Door Sticking: Reverse Roman Ogee Hinge Mortise: NtA Bore: 36" C.L. from Bottom of Door Panel: "B" Scoop Panel Hinge Comers; Square Bolt. Panel, 1 13 1, Scoop Panel Hinge Comers: NIA Bolt:l Size: TO x 61 Weatherstrip. WA Soft Bore: Size 2'8 X 68 Weatherstrip: N/A Bolt Sore: Thickness: 1-314" Threshold. WA Stop. (1) Ms FS13- - US10B -LS ThIcIall 1-34' Threshold: N/A Stop:I 'I Comment: Comment* Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Hafele Hawn Junior 80tz VAO"Track 407,59.180 5 Storage Room I Style: TmStlle 3070 Width* 7-3/8" Model: Baldwin 5432.402.PASS Oval Knob w/ Arched Rose 9, Master Bedroom I We: TruStile 3070 Width, 6-718" Model: Balftin 5432,402,PMV Oval Knob v91 Ar ched Rose Lower Level Top, Square Swilog: Left Hand Finish: Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze Main Level Top. Square Swing; Left Hand Finish: Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze Material: Knotty Pine Hinge (3)4-112'x 4 -112" Hager 1279USIOBw/ Acorn Tip Action: Passage Material: Knotty Pine Hinge: (3)4-1/2"x 4-172" I-laget 1279 US10B w/ Acorn lip Action: Privacy Sticking: Reverse Roman Ogee Hinge Mortise: (7")(36-I/2')(66")(N/A) from Top of Door to Top of Hinge Bore: 2-318"Backset / 36" C.L. from Bottom of Door Sticking: Reverse Roman Ogee Hinge Mortise: (71(36-1/2)(66")tWA) from Top of Door to Top of'Hinge 'Bore: 2-3/8" Backset 136" C1. from Bottom of Door Panel: 'B"Scoop Panel Hinge Comers: Square Bolt: Baldwin 8252.402 Arched Deadbqlt Panel: "B" Scoop Panel Hinge Comers: Square Bolt: Size: 3'0 x 6'8 Weatherstrip; Ketf-In Bolt Bore: 41-1/2" C.L. from Bottom of Door Size; 2'8 x G8 Weatherstrilp: N/A Bolt Bore; Thickness; 1 Threshold; utoatic Door Bottom Pemko 411t Stop; (1) Ives FSl 3- - US108-L$ Thickness: 1-314" Threshold: N/A Stop: (1) Ives Commend Comment: Comment. Comment. Comment: Comment: Guest Vestibule I Style: TruStile 3070 Width: 6-718" Model; Baldwin 6432.402.PMV Oval Knob wl Arched Rose 10 East Room I Style: TruStile 3070 Width: 6-718" Model: Baldwin 5432.402.PRIV Oval Knob w/Arched Rose Lower Level Top: Square Swing: Right Hand Finish: Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze Upper Level Top; SqtWe Swing: Left Hand Finish: Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze Material: Knotty Pine Hinge: (3) 4-112"x 4-112 Hager 1279 US10B w/ Acorn Tip Action: Privacy Material. Knotty Pine Hoge: (3) 4-112"x 4112" Hager 1279 USIDS w/Acom Tip Action: Privacy Sticking; Revers Roman Qgee Hoge Mortise. P "X66 )(N1A)Irom Top of Door to Top of Hinge (7)(36 1 Hi Bore: 2-3W Backset 136" C.L. from Bottom of Door Sticking: Reverse Roman Ogee Himgo Mortise; (7 "j(36- 112'7(66 ")(N /A} from Top of Door to TopotHinge Bore 2-3/8" Backsol 136 C.L. from Bottom of Door Panel.* "B" Scoop Panel Hinge Corners: Square Bolt Panel; "S' Scoop Panel Hinge Corners: Square soft: Size: Tin x 8'8 Weatherstrip: WA Bolt Bore: Size: ? X GO Weatherstrip N/A Bolt Bore: Thickness: 1-314' Threshold: WA Stop: 0) Ives FS436Y435-3/4-USIOB-LS Thickness: 1-314" Threshold. NtA Stop: (1) teas FS436x435­3t4-US1 OB-LS Corrarl Comme C omment Comment: Comment: Comment: 7,' Guest Bath I We: T(t,lStile 3070 Width: 6-7/8" Model: BalcPMn,S ' 432.402 ' .PPJV Oval Knob w/ Arched. Rose : 24, East Bath Style: TruStile 30.70 Width! 6-718" Model! Ba o,5 ' Idw4.32.402,PRI Oval Knob wt Arched Rose lower l-evell Top; Square Swing: Left Hand Finish: Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze I Upper Level Top; Square Swing: Right Hand Finish: Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze Material: Knotty Pine Hinge: (3),4112" x 4 -1/2" Hager 1279 USIOBwlAcorn Tip Action: Privacy Material: Knotty Pine Hinge: (3) 41/2" x 4112" Hager 1279 USIOB w/AcomTip Action: Privacy Sticking: Reverse Rom an Ogee Hinge Mortise: from Top of Door to Top of Hinge Bore: 2.3/8' Backset 136" C.L, from Bottom of Door Sticking* Reverse Roman Cigna Hinge Mortise* (7")(36-1/2)(66 from Top of Door to Top of Hinge Bore; 2-318' Backsel 136" C.L. from Bottom of Door Panel: "B" Scoop Panel Hinge Corners: Square Soft: Panel: 'S' Scoop Panel Hinge Comers: Square Bolt Size: TO X 6'8 Weatherstrip. WA Bolt Bore, 41-1/2' C.L. from Bottom of Door Size: 2*8 X 58 Weatherstrip: NIA Soft Bore: Thickness: 1-34" Threshold: NIA Stop: (I ) Ives FS 1 3-_ - USI OB-LS Thickness: 1-3/4" Threshold,. N/A Stop: (I) Ives FS436x435­314-US I OB-LS Comment: Comment: Comment. Comment: Comment: Comment: Guest Closet I Style: TruStile 3070 Width: 6-718" Model: Baldwin 0466.402 Edge Pull 2.1, West Room I Style: TniStllo 3070 Width: 6-7/8" Model: Baldwin 6432A02,PPJV Oval Knob wl Arched Rose BaldvAn 0458.402 Flush Pull Lower Level Top: Square Swing: Right Hand Finish: Distressed 011.Rubbod Bronze Upperi-eml Top: Square Swing: Right Hand Finish; Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze Material: Knotty Pine Hinge. (3) 4112" x 4 -112' Hager 1279 US10B w/ Acorn Tip Action: Slider Material Knotty Fine Hinge: (3) x 41/2" Hager 1 US108 vv/Acom Tip Action" Privacy Sticking: Reverse Roman Ogeo Hinge Mortise: (7"�'36-1r2")(66")(N1A) from Top of Door to Top of Hinge Sore: 36"C.L. from Bottom of Door Sticking. Reverse Roman Ogee Hinge Mortise: (7 from Top of Door to Top of Hinge Bore. 2-318" Backset 136" C.L.'firom Bottom of Door Panel: "B" Scoop Panel Hinge Corners: Square Bolt. panel, "W Sc Panel Hinge Corners: Square Bolt; Size: ZO X 68 Weatherstrip: N(A Bolt Sore: Size: 2"8x V8 Wea.thorstrip: WA Bolt Bore; Thickness: 1-314" Threshold: WA Stop: Thickness: 1-314" Threshold: NIA Stop: (1) Kos FS436x435 ­314.USI0B-LS Comment: Comment: Comment: Hafale Hawa Junior 80tz 5-10" Track 407.69.144 Comment: Comment.. Comment: - dest Bedroom I Style: TruStile 3070 Width: 6-W8 ModeU Baldwin 6432.4020MV Oval Knob vv] Arched Rose 2 West Both 1 Style: TruStile 3070 Width: &T/V Model: Baldwin 5432.402.PRN Oval Knob w/ Arched Rose Lower Level Top: Square Swing: Left Hand Finish: Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze Upper Level Top: Square Swing: Left Hand Finish: Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze Material: Knotty Pine Hinge: (3) 4-112'x 4 -112" Hager 1279 US10B w/ Acorn Tip Action; Privacy Y Material. Pine Hinge: (3) 4-1/2"x 4-112" Hager , 127.9 USiOBw/Acorn Tip Action: PrIvaq Sticking: Reverse Roman Ogee Hinge Mortise: (7*X36-I12"A66")(N1A) from Top ofDoorto Top of Hinge Sam: 2-3V Backsot 135" C.L. ftom Bottom of Door Sticking: Revorse.Roman Ogee Hinge Mortise: (7'A36-1/2")(66 from Top of,Door to Top dfHingo Bore: 2-318' Backsot / 36" C.L. 0rom Bottom of Door Panel: "B" Scoop Panel Hinge Corners: Square Solt: Panel: "B" Scoop Panel Hinge Corners: Squato Bolt. Size: 2'8 X 9 Weatherstrip: IWA Soft Sore: Size 28 X 68 Weatherstrip: N/A BoItBoro* Thickness. 1-314" Threshold: NA Stop: (1) Ives FS436x435-314-USI0B-LS Thickness: 1-314" Threshold: NIA Stop: (1) Ives FS436x435­W4-US10B-LS cornment. Comment: Comment: Comment: Command Comment: Pantry 1 Style: TruStile 3070 Width: 6-718" Model: Baldwin 5432.402.PASS Oval Knob w/ Arched Rose 23 Meter Door I Style: Site Built Baal Door Width: N/A Model: Richards-Wilcox 0536.00489 FLUSH PULL Main Level Top: Square Swing: Right Hand Finish: Distressed Oil Rubbed Bronze West Elevation Top: Swing: NIA Finish: Pointed Material. Knotty Pine Hinge: (3) 4112'x 4-112'Hager 1279 US10Bw1Acom Tip Action: Passage Material* Wire Brushed Cedar with Square Groove Hinge: N/A Action: Sliding Stlpkinq: Reverse Roman Ogee Hinge Mortise; (7 "X3 6• Top ofDoorto Top of Hinge Bore: 2-318 Backset 136 C.L. ton! Bottom of Door Sticking: Hinge Mortise: NIA Sore: Panel: "S" Scoop Panel Hinge Corners: Square Bolt Panel: Hinge Corners: N/A soft: Size: 2 x Va Weatherstrip: WA Bolt Bore: Size: Weatherstrip: NIA Bolt Bore. Thickness: 1-3/4" Threshold: WA Stop: (1) Ives FS13- - US10B-LS Thickness: 1 2-114 Threshold: N/A Stop: Comment: Comment: comment: Comment Comment: Comment: Richards-Wilcox (2),010Z.00676 Assembly, (1) 0102.00046 6 Track, (3) 0102.00055 Spacots. Bumpers It, Powder I Style: TruStile 3070 Width: 6.7/8" Model: Baldwin 5432.402.PRN Oval Knob w/ Arched Rose 24, Garage 1 Style: Overhead Door Width: 3-112" Model: 2" Low Headroom TrackvNilh.Polyethylone Rollers; Main Level Top: Square Swing: Left Hand Finish: Distressed Oil Rijbbed Bronze Lower Level Top: Arch Top Swing Overhead Finish: Material: Knotty Pine Hfinge (3) 4112 x 4 -112' Hager 1279 USI0B)v1 Acorn Tip Action: Privacy East Elevation Material: Wire Brushed Cedar with Square Groove Hinge: N/A Action: Overhead Sticking. Reverse Roman Ogee Hinge Mortise: from Top of Door to Top of Hinge Bore; 2-318 Sackset 36" C.L. from Bottom of Door Sticking: Hinge. Mortise: NIA Bore: ,Panel: - B - Scoop. Panel Hinge Corners" Square Bolt: Panel: Hinge Corners. NIA Bolt; Size: ZO X Ve Weatherstrip: N/A S*ft Bore: Size: 1 470 x 7'3 Weatherstrip: Kerlin Bolt Bore: Thickness; 1-314" Threshold: WA Stop. (I) Ives FSI3- - US 1 08-LS Thickness: 2-3/4" Threshold: Door Bottom Seal stop: Comment: Comment: Commonl: Comment: Connolent. Wire B"ush Jam to Match Door Comment LiftMaster3850 :0 ever wt377LM wireless ant 12 Entry 1 Style: TruStile 3070 Width: 8-1/2 Model: 25 Garage 1 Style. Overhead Door Width* 3-1/2" Model. 2 Low Headroom Track with Polyethylene Rollers Main Level Top: Square Swing: Right Hand Finish: Lower Level Top: Square Top Swing: Overhand Finish. Material: Knotty Pine Hinge: (3) 5"x5' Hager BB1199 US10B wl Acorn Tip Action: East Elevation Material: Wire Brushed Cedar With Square Groove Hinge: NIA Action: Overhead Sticking: Reverse Roman Ogee Hinge Mortise: from Top of Doorto Top of Hinge Bore: 'Z-3/8"Backset t 36" C.L. from Bottom of Door Sticking Hinge Mortise NIA Bore; Panel: "B" Stoop Panel Hinge Comers Square Bolt Panel Hinge Corners: N/A Bolt: Size: 1'0 X G's Weatherstrill). Kerf-in Bolt Bore Size. 10`0 X 7`3 Weatherstrip: Keif-in Bolt Bore: Thickness' 2-114" Threshold: Pemko 4llNBLAutomatic Door.Boltotln Stop: (1) Ives FS13-__ USI QB-LS Thickness: 2 -3/4" Threshold: Door.Boltom Sign] Stop;l Comment: Clad Exterierwl Wire Brushed Cedar Panels Comment: Wire Brush Jam to Match Door Comment Comment:11-figh Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass Tampered Comment. Wire Brush Jam to Match Door Commont41ftMaster 3850 Opener � ,n, coat 2 Style: ftustile 3070 Width: C-7/8" Model: '26 Garage I Style: Overhead Door Width: 3-112" Model. 2" Low Headroom Track with Polyethylene Rollers Main Level Top: Square Swing: Right Hand Reverse Bevel Finish: Lower Level Top: re Top Square a Swing: Overhead Finish: Material: Knotty Pine Hinge; (3) 5"Y, V'Hager BBI 199 USIOBw�Acorn Tip Action: Dummy East Elevation Material; Wire Brushed Cedar with Square Gtoow H Hinge: N/A Action, * Ovethead Sticking: Reverse Roman Ogee Hinge Mortise: (77")(36-1/2')(66")(N/A) from Top of Door to Top of Hinge Bore: WA Sticking: Hinge Mortise: N/A Born* Panel. "B" Scoop Panel Hinge Comers! Square Bolt: Panel: Hinge NIA Bolt: Size: V9 x 6'8 Weatherstrip: WA Soft Bore: Size: laox 73 ' Corners. Weatherstrip: Koff-in Soft Bore: Thickness: 1-3/4" Threshold: WA Stop: (2) Ores F$13v-_ - USt0B-LS Thickness: 2-314" Threshold: Door Bottom Seal p: Comment: Comment: Comment: C 'ornminit:1 Comment: Wire Brush Jain to Match Door Comment: LiftMastor 3850 Opener lHigh Attitude Low E21nsulated Glass le-Lpre4 l� rvl_� Revision/Issue 02.16.2007 DRB Resubmittal 03.02.2007 DRB Resubmittal 04,25.2007 Permit Submittal General Contractor g- -y CONSTRUCTION POST OFFICE BOX 5521 4 2 5.'740,1440 -v VAIL COLORADO 81658 425.740,1440 f www'!4illettoll 0, to III Project Nome and Address 2498 Aroso Drive Lot 12 Block C Vail Dos Schone Town of al age Count Colorado Project 0701 Sheet 6.01 DOORS Date 01.29.2007 Scale 1/4" Entry Coat Closet L U Arch Top Garage Door Square Top 'Garage Door IA 4' 0 1 ti ti F _ _­ -,- __ -,- __ __ __ — ___ — __ ___ — 10 ' -2 3 / 4" Stucco Return Beyond Fiosh & Seal per Window Manufaturer Polystyrene Blocking as Rc Window Sill @ Clear Story OJ0z Scale 1-112" := l'-O" Polystyrene Blocking as RF Rosh & See! per Window Monufaturer Drywall Return Beyond e vil Expanding Foorn Drywall Return Beyond Stucco Return Beyond Typical Window Head @ 2x8 Wall �A Scale 1-112" = V-0" Stucco Return Beyond Flesh & Sao[ per Window Monufaturer Snapped Flagstone Sill Drywall Return Beyond Pal S I Typical Window Sill (4 2x8 Wall Scale 1-1/2" = V-0" TYPE Polystyrene Blocking as CITY jc JAMB o A Flash & Sea! p( Window ManufaturE 1 Frame: 50-5/8" x Width: 4-11/16" 514 Jan) Extension 514 Reveal Model: Pozzi L North Elevation Pozzl: Stucco Return Boyd, Swing: Inactive Let Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze POST OFFICE BOX 5821 4 2 5. 4 0 v ";'AIL COLORADO 81658 425,740,14140 f gill ottell C, 00 Description: Clad Inswing 2-Panel French SectorTop Cladding,: Standard Color Chesnut Bronze Action.: Multipoint Locking System Sheet A 6.02 WINDOWS Date 01.29.2007 Scale 1f4 „ =1 $_ 0 0$ 7 - Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge:: Oil Rubbed Bronze Adjustable Bore: Species: Pine Interiors - Unfinished Strike: Oil Rubbed Bronze Backset: 4 Glazing: High Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass - Temp Threshold,: 6-11/16" Mortise /Dead: SDL: 1W x 4H 1-3/8" Bead Profile Flange: Folding Nail Flange & Drip Cap Stop: (2) Ives FS17 - US10B-LS I Comment Comment: Comment: B Kitchen 1 Frame: 125" x 82-112" Width: 4-111/16'5/4 Jam Extension 514 Reveal Model: Pozzi North Elevation Pozzi: CIFRTS10068 Swing: Inactive Left To Oil Rubbed Bronze Description: Clad Inswing 4-Panel French Sector Top 00 Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Action: Multipoint Locking System Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge: Oil Rubbed Bronze Adjustable 6 ti F _ _­ -,- __ -,- __ __ __ — ___ — __ ___ — 10 ' -2 3 / 4" Stucco Return Beyond Fiosh & Seal per Window Manufaturer Polystyrene Blocking as Rc Window Sill @ Clear Story OJ0z Scale 1-112" := l'-O" Polystyrene Blocking as RF Rosh & See! per Window Monufaturer Drywall Return Beyond e vil Expanding Foorn Drywall Return Beyond Stucco Return Beyond Typical Window Head @ 2x8 Wall �A Scale 1-112" = V-0" Stucco Return Beyond Flesh & Sao[ per Window Monufaturer Snapped Flagstone Sill Drywall Return Beyond Pal S I Typical Window Sill (4 2x8 Wall Scale 1-1/2" = V-0" D i y inc r Z i nensions Include (2) 2 x Inset Furring ? w/ Expanding Foam Wood Casino -A-1-1t, /_ At 1� - I - ypical Window 1 @ 2x6 Wall Sc 1 1 - i / 2 " = 1' -0" Stucco Return Flesh & Seal Window ManUf0tL Snapped Flogst, Wood Cosine Typical Window S11 (42x6 Well I g I corn 'Scale 1-1/2 = 1 1- 0" Window & Door Casing cam, Full Scale WINDOW SCHEDULE TYPE Polystyrene Blocking as CITY jc JAMB o A Flash & Sea! p( Window ManufaturE 1 Frame: 50-5/8" x Width: 4-11/16" 514 Jan) Extension 514 Reveal Model: Pozzi L North Elevation Pozzl: Stucco Return Boyd, D i y inc r Z i nensions Include (2) 2 x Inset Furring ? w/ Expanding Foam Wood Casino -A-1-1t, /_ At 1� - I - ypical Window 1 @ 2x6 Wall Sc 1 1 - i / 2 " = 1' -0" Stucco Return Flesh & Seal Window ManUf0tL Snapped Flogst, Wood Cosine Typical Window S11 (42x6 Well I g I corn 'Scale 1-1/2 = 1 1- 0" Window & Door Casing cam, Full Scale WINDOW SCHEDULE TYPE LOCATION CITY UNIT JAMB HARDWARE A Study 1 Frame: 50-5/8" x Width: 4-11/16" 514 Jan) Extension 514 Reveal Model: Pozzi 04.25.2007 Permit Submittal North Elevation Pozzl: CIFRTS4068 Swing: Inactive Let Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze POST OFFICE BOX 5821 4 2 5. 4 0 v ";'AIL COLORADO 81658 425,740,14140 f gill ottell C, 00 Description: Clad Inswing 2-Panel French SectorTop Cladding,: Standard Color Chesnut Bronze Action.: Multipoint Locking System Sheet A 6.02 WINDOWS Date 01.29.2007 Scale 1f4 „ =1 $_ 0 0$ Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge:: Oil Rubbed Bronze Adjustable Bore: Species: Pine Interiors - Unfinished Strike: Oil Rubbed Bronze Backset: Glazing: High Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass - Temp Threshold,: 6-11/16" Mortise /Dead: SDL: 1W x 4H 1-3/8" Bead Profile Flange: Folding Nail Flange & Drip Cap Stop: (2) Ives FS17 - US10B-LS I Comment Comment: Comment: B Kitchen 1 Frame: 125" x 82-112" Width: 4-111/16'5/4 Jam Extension 514 Reveal Model: Pozzi North Elevation Pozzi: CIFRTS10068 Swing: Inactive Left Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze Description: Clad Inswing 4-Panel French Sector Top Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Action: Multipoint Locking System Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge: Oil Rubbed Bronze Adjustable Bore: Species. Pine Interiors - Unfinished Strike: Oil Rubbed Bronze Backset: Glazing: High Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass - Temp Threshold. 6-111/16" Mortise/Dead: SDL: 1W x 4H 1-318" Bead Profile Flange: Folding Nail Flange & Drip Cap Stop: (2) Ives FS17- USJOB-LS Comment: Comment: Comment: C Powder Frame: 36" x 48' Width: 3-30 514 Jam Extension 514 Reveal Model: Pozzi North Elevation Pozzl: CCCFS3648 Swing: Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze Description: Clad French Casement Sector Top Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Action: Cladding .1 .9 Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze H .9 Bore: Species: Pine Interiors - Unfinished Strike: Backset: Glazing: High Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass Threshold: Mortise/Dead: SDL: 1W x AH 1-3/8" Bead Profile Flange Folding Nail Flange & Drip Cap Stop: Comment: 1 Comment: comment: C Stairwell I Frame: 36"x 49' Width: 3-30 514 Jam Extension 5/4 Reveal Model: Pozzi North Elevation Pozzi: CCCFS3648 Swing: Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze Description: Clad French Casement Sector Top Cladding: Standard Color Chesnut Bronze Action: Cladding: Standard Color Chesnut Bronze Hinge: Bore: Species: Pine Interiors - Unfinished Strike: Backset: Glazing: High Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass - Temp Threshold: Mortise/Dead: SDL: 1W x 4H 1-318" Bead Profile Flange: Folding Nail Flange & Drip Cap Stop Comment, Comment: Comment: D Master Bath I Frame: 66" x 72" Width: 3-3/8" 514 Jam Extension 5/4 Reveal Model: Pozzi North Elevation Pozzi: CCCS2466-3 Swing: Left - Center Unit Stationary - Right Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze Description: Clad Casement Sector Top 3-Wide Unit 'Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Action: C]IOdding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge; Bore: Species: Pine interiors - Unfinished Strike: Backset: Glazing: High Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass "Temp Threshold: Mortise/Dead: SDL: 1W x 4H 1-3/8" Bead Profile Flange: Folding Nail Flange & Drip Cap Stop: Comment: Comment. Comment: B Master 1 Frame: 126'x 82-112" Width: 4-11116'514 Jam Extension 614 Reveal Model: Pozzi South Elevation Po.zzi: CIFRTS10068 Swing: Inactive Left Finish,: Oil Rubbed.Bro.nze Description: Clad Inswing 4-Panel French Sector Top Cladding: Standard Color Chesnut Bronze Action: Multipoint Locking System Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge: Oil Rubbed Bronze Adjustable Bore: Species: Pine Interiors - Unfinished Strike:: Oil Rubbed Bronze Backset: Glazing: High Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass Temp Threshold:. 6-11h6" Mortise /Dead: SDL: 1W x 4H 1 -318" Bead Profile Flange: Folding Nail Flange & Drip Cap Stop: (2) Ives FS17- - US10B-LS Comment: Provide alternate for Sage IGU Comment: Comment: E Living Room I Frame; 116'x 48" Width: 3-3/6'5/4 Jam Extension 514 Reveal Model: South Elevation Pozzi: N/A swing.: Stationary Finish: Description: Clad Picture Sector Top Cladding: Standard Color Chesnut Bronze Action: Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge: Bore: Species: Pine Interiors - Unfinished Strike: Backset: Glazing: High Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass Threshold: Mortise./Dead: SDL: 4W x 2H 1-318" Bead Profile Flange: Folding Nail Flange & Drip Cap Stop: Comment: Provide alternate for Sage IGU Comment: Comment: F Living Room 1 Frame: 116rx 84" Width: 3-3/6'5/4 Jam Extension 5/4 Reveal Model: Pozzi South Elevation Pozzl: CCC3084-CCCP5684-CCC3084 Swing: Left - Center Unit Stationary , Right Filni'sh: Oil Rubbed Bronze Description: Factory .Mulled Clad Casement Windows Cladding, Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Action: Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge: Bore: Species: Pine Interiors Unfinished Strike; Backset: Glazing: High Altitude Low E2 Glass Threshold: Mortise/Dead: SDL: 1W x 4H 1-3/8" Bead Profile Flange- Folding Nail Flange & Drip Cap Stop: Comment: Provide alternate for Sage IGU Comment: Comment: B Dining I Frame: 125' x 82-1/2" Width: 4-11116" 514 Jam Extension 514 Reveal Model: Pozzi South Elevation Pozzi: CIFRTS10068 Swing: Inactive Left Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze Description: Clad.Inswing 4-Panel.French Sector Top Cladding: Standard Color Chesnut Bronze Action.: Multipoint Locking System Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge: Oil Rubbed Bronze Adjustable Bore: Species Pine Interiors - Unfinished Strike: Oil Rubbed Bronze Backset: Glazing High Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass - Temp Threshold: 6-11/16" Mortise/Dead: SDL: 1W x 4H 1-3/8" Bead Profile Flange: Folding Nail Flange Drip Cap Stop-, (2). Ives FS17- - USIOB-LS Provide alternate for Sage IGU Comment. Comment: G Guest Bedroom -- Comment- 1 Frame' 125" x 82-1/2" Width: 4-111116" 5/4 Jam Extension 514 Reveal Model: Pozzi South Elevation Pozzl: CIFRT10068 Swing: inactive Let Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze Description Clad Inswing 4-Panel Frerich Units Cladding: Standard Color Chesnut Bronze Action: Multipoint Locking System Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge: Oil Rubbed Bronze Adjustable Bore: Species: Pine Interiors - Unfinished Strike: Oil Rubbed Bronze Backset: Glazing. High Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass - TeM Threshold 6-11116" Mortise/Dead: SDL: 1W x 4H 1-318" Bead Profile Flange: Folding Nail Flange & Drip Cap Stop, (2) Ives FS436x435-314-US10B-LS Comment: l Provide alternate for Sage IGU Comment: Comment: G Family Room I Frame: 129' x 82-1/2" Width: 4-11/16" 614 Jam Extension 5/4 Reveal Model: Pozzi South Elevation Pozzi: CIFRT10068 Swing: Inactive Let Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze Description: Clad Inswiing 4-Panel French Units Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Action: Multipoint Locking System Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge: Oil Rubbed Bronze Adjustable Bore: Species: Pine Interiors - Unfinished Strike: Oil Rubbed Bronze Backset: Glazing: High Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass- Temp Threshold: 6-11/16" Mortise/Dead: SDL' 1 W x 4H 1-3/8" Bead Profile Flange: Folding Nail Flange & Drip Cap Stop: (2) tvqs FS436x435_3f4-US10B-LS Comment: Provide alternate for Sage IGU Comment: Comment, H Garage 2 Frame 36" x 48 Width: 3-318" 514 Jam Extension 514 Reveal Model: Pozzi South Elevation Pozzl: CCCFR3640 Swing! Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze Description: Clad French Casement Unit Cladding: Standard Color Chesnut Bronze Action: Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge: Bore: Species: Pine Interiors - Unfinished Strike: Backset: Glazing: High.Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass Threshold: Mortise/Dead: SDL: 1W x 3H 1-3/8" Bead Profile Flange: Folding Nail Flange & Drip Cap Stop: Comment: Comment: Comment, C Bedroom 1 3 Frame: 36" X 46 Width: 3-3/8 514 Jam Extension 5/4 Reveal Model: Pozzi East Elevation Pozzi: CCCFS3648 Swing: Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze Description-. Clad French Casement Sector Top Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Action: Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge: Bore: Species: Pine Interiors - Unfinished Strike: Backset: Glazing High Altitude .Low E,2 Insulated Glass Threshold: Mortise/Dead: SDL: 1W x 4H 1-3/8" Bead Profile Flange: Folding Nail Flange & Drip Cap Stop: Comment: Comment. Comment: H Dining 2 Frame: 36" x 48' Width: 3-3 /6' 514 Jam Extension 6A Reveal Model: Pozzi East Elevation Pozzl,! CCCFR3640 Swing: Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze Description: Clad French Casement Unit Cladding: Standard Color Chesnut BronZe Action: Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge: Bore: Species: Pine Interiors - Unfinished Strike: Backset: Glazing: High Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass Threshold: Mortise /Dead: SDL 1W x 3H 11-318" Bead Profile Flange 9,Nail 'Fla. ' ge & Drip Cap Stop: Comment'. Comment: Comment: H Kitchen 1 Frame: 36" x 46' Width: 3-3/8" 514 Jan) Extension 514 Reveal Model: PoZzi East Elevation Pozzl: CCCFR3640 Swing: Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze Description: Clad French Casement Unit Cladding: Standard Color Chesnut Bronze, Action Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge: Bore: Species: Pine Interiors - Unfinished Strike: Backset: Glazing: High Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass Threshold: Mortise/Dead SDL: 1W x 3H 1-318" Bead Profile Flange, Foldin g Nail Flange & Drip Cap : p Stop Comment: Comment: Comment: C Bedroom 2 3 Frame: 36" x 46' Width: 3-3/6' 5 Jam Extension -5/4 Reveal Mode 1: Pozzi West Elevation Pozzl: CCCFS3648 Swin Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze Description: Clad French Casement Sector Top Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze, Action: Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge: Bore: Species: Pine Interiors - Unfinished Strike: Backset: Glazing: High Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass Threshold: MortiselDead , : SDL: 1W x 4H 1-3/8" Bead Profile Flange: Folding Nail Flange & Drip Cap Stop: Comment Comment Comment: H Master Toilet I Frame: 36" x 48" Width: 3, $14 Jam Extension 514 Reveal Model: Pozzi West Elevation Pozzl: CCCFR3640 Swing: Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze Description: Clad French Casement Unit Cladding: Standard Color Chesnut Bronze Action : Cladding: Standard Color - Chesnut Bronze Hinge: Bore: Species: Pine Interiors - Unfinished Strike: Backset: Glazing: High Altitude Low E2 Insulated Glass Threshold: Mortise/Dead , : SDL: 11W x 3H 1-318" Bead Profile Flange: Folding Nail Flange & Drip Cap stop: I I I Comment: l I Comment: l I Comment:1 1o' 1t ;/4., Revision issue 02.16.2007 DRB Resubmittal 03.02.2007 DRB Resubmittal 04.25.2007 Permit Submittal General Contractor L 1, C CONSTRLrCTION POST OFFICE BOX 5821 4 2 5. 4 0 v ";'AIL COLORADO 81658 425,740,14140 f gill ottell C, 00 Project Name and Address 2498 Arosa Drive Lot 12 Block C Vail Das Schone Town of Vail, Eagle County Colorado Project 0701 Sheet A 6.02 WINDOWS Date 01.29.2007 Scale 1f4 „ =1 $_ 0 0$ 1o' 1t ;/4., 1& 56'52' R= 48.87' L= 48.50' UTILITY EASEMENT LOT 14 NOTES: 1) DATE OF SURVEY: 10/12/06 2) SURVEYOR HAS MADE NO INVESTIGATION OR INDEPENDENT SEARCH FOR AMENDED PLATS, EASEMENTS OF RECORD (OTHER THAN PLATTED), ENCUMBRANCES, RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, OWNERSHIP TITLE EVIDENCE, OR ANY OTHER -c 8003.:3 FACTS THAT AN ACCURATE AND CURRENT TITLE SEARCH MAY DISCLOSE, 3) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 4) BASIS OF ELEVATION: SEWER MANHOLE 860 INVERT = 8010.0, S) BASIS OF PROPERTY LINE LOCATION: MONUMENTS AT SW CORNER LOT 10 AND S 1/4 COR SEC 11. 6) BEARINGS AND DISTANCES ALONG PROPERTY LINES SHOWN HEREON ARE AS SHOWN ON THE SUBDIVISION PLAT ONLY, A BOUNDARY SURVEY WOULD BE NECESSARY TO DETERMINE THE TRUE DIMENSIONS OF THE LOT AND SETBACKS, WHICH MAY VARY FROM THE PLATTED DIMENSIONS. ~ 7) 1' CONTOUR INTERVAL. 8) POSTED ADDRESS: 2498 AROSA DRIVE, 9) A PORTION OF THIS FALLS WITHIN A' MODERATE HAZARD DEBRIS FLOW AREA ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL DEBRIS FLOW HAZARD MAP OF TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO AS ADAPTED BY COUNCIL ON OCTOBER 17, 2000 IN ACCORDANCE WITH RESOLUTION NO. 13 SERIES OF 2000. (SEE DRAWING). 10) 5' WIDE EASEMENT SHOWN ALONG ALL SITE BOUNDARIES AND RIGHT OF WAYS RECORDED IN BOOK 190, PAGE 559. 11) BUILDING SETBACK INFORMATION IS NOT PLATTED. PRIOR TO ANY DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS ON THIS PROPERTY, TOWN OF VAIL SHOULD BE CONTACTED FOR CORRECT BUILDING SETBACK INFORMATION, X.X DENOTES CONIFEROUS TREE WITH APPROXIMATE TRUNK DIAMETER X,X DENOTES DECIDUOUS TREE WITH APPROXIMATE TRUNK DIAMETER SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE (, Michael J. Post, a Professional land Surveyor registered under the laws of the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that this topographic 'survey was made by me and under my supervision, grid that the survey is accurate tared correct to the best of my knowledge. michce �ycrtrr� - Color a �y o e Z o M TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY LOT 12, BLOCK C A RE UBDIV I N OF VAIL_ BAS CHONE F'IL...Ii�JG P\4 n, 1 TOWN OF VAIL_ EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO DO 897TOPO,DWG 10/16/06 KPJ JOB No. 897 EDGE ASPHALT ROAD DESIGN CRITERIA: 2498 Aroso Drive Job #0703-05 Roof Live Load (Snow) - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80 paf Roof Dead Load ----------------------------------- 35 pnf Floor Live Load ------------------------------------ 40 pef Floor Dead Load ----------------------------------- 30 pof Wind (3Second Gust) -------------------------------- 90 mph (Exp. B) Seismic Design Category ---- --- ------------------------- EXEMPT ' |BC/IRCEdit|on ------------------------------------ 2003 FOUNDATION DESIGN: o. Design of individual and continuous footings is based on o rnoxhnurn allowable bearing pressure of 1500 paf (dead load plus full live load). b. Foundation and retaining wo||a have been designed using on noeunood lateral pressure of 55 pcf. o. Footings ohoU be placed on the natural undisturbed ao1|, or compacted structural fill per the recommendations of the gaoteohnico| engineer, below frost depth. d. This foundation has been designed according to the design recommendations set forth in geoteohnico| report #107 0133 by HP Ceotech. The contractor ohoU follow the construction requirements from this oonna report. o. Provide continuous foundation drains around the perimeter of all basement woUo and at the base of retaining wo||n. Contact geozoohnioo| engineer for details. t A representative of the gooteohnioo| engineer ohoU verify soils conditions and types during excavation. Construction of the foundation may not proceed without verifying these values. Report any discrepancies from original findings to otruoturol engineer for n*-evo|uot|on of foundation design. g. Bookfi|| around and above structural buttresses and retaining woUo ohoU be compaction -tested per the recommendations of the Qeoteuhn7uol engineer. h. Do not book0| against t i i woUo until supporting e|ernento (such as floor framing) are in place and securely anchored, or adequate shoring is installed. Concurrent bonkfiUing of each side of o free-standing retaining wall to final grades as indicated on plan or section is required unless temporary shoring is installed. i. Verify type of MU with aui|a engineer and structural engineer prior to bookfiUing. REINFORCED CONCRETE: o. Concrete design is based on the "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" /AC| 318A as adopted by Chapter 19 of the 2003 IBC. b. Structural concrete ohoD have o rninirnunn 28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi. o. Concrete uhoU be proportioned using Type H| sulfate-resistant cement. Admixtures containing chloride eo|ta ohoU not be used. d. Cold weather concreting procedures ahoU be provided as recommended in the ACI Manual of Practice Concrete e Anchor bolts for beam and column bearing p|otoo ahoK be placed with setting templates. t Expansion bolts nhoU be located at o rninhnurn of O bolt diameters from concrete edge and apooad at o rnininnurn of 10 bolt diameters unless noted otherwise. g. Anchor bolts for wood sill plates uhoU be placed at 4'-0" rnoxinnunn spacing with one anchor bolt at 12" from each end or corner and o rninirnunn of two anchor bolts per piece. h. Concrete floor o|obo on grade and on rneto| decking or plywood supported by framing oho|| hove oo*n or tooled control joints at o rnoxirnunn spacing of 15-0" in each direction. Locate control joints along on|urnn grid lines where possible and provide o|ob isolation joints around columns. i Concrete coverage for reinforcing steel: 1� Concrete cost against and permanently exposed to earth: 3^ 2. Concrete exposed to earth or weather: A. #5 bar and aroo||ar 1 1/2 B. #8 through #18 bar 2^ 3. Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground: A. Slobs, wo||a. joists (#11 bar and snnoUer) 3/4" B. B*orne cn|unnne 1 1/2" REINFORCING STEEL: o. Detailing, fabrication and p|ocornont of reinforcing steel oho|! be in accordance with the /CI Manual of Concrete Practice. b. Except where otherwise noted on the drawings, reinforcing bars mhoi| conform to ASTW Specification A015 and nho|| be grade 60 except tiao, field bent bars where permitted by note on p|on' or bars to be welded, which aho|| be grade 40. o. At splices, lop bars 44 diameters. Do not weld or use nnochonioo| splicing devices unless specifically approved by engineer. d. At oornors, rnoko horizontal bars continuous or provide corner bars. Around openings and steps in concrete, provide (2)-#5 bars extending 2'-6" beyond edge of opening or step. e. Extend reinforcing steel o nninirnunn of 2'-6" through cold joints. Unless specifically located on plan or details, coordinate ou|d joint locations with engineer. t Epoxy adhesive for reinforcing duwa|o ahu|| be "Hi|ti" or "Simpson" or approved equivalent adhesive oyatorna. W|ninnurn enobodrnenta if not opeoiHoo||y indicated on the drawings, aho{| be according to the manufacturer's specifications. g. Metric bar size conversion table: METRIC STRUCTURAL WOOD FRAMING: o. Except where noted otherwise, all 2" nominal |unnber, t otudo, ehoU be Douglas Fir-Larch #2 and batter, and all solid timber baonoa and posts J^ nominal and wider ohoU be Douglas Fir-Larch #2. b. Studs ahoU be Stud grade and better Douglas Fir-Larch or Horn Rr. C. Built-up posts ohoU consist of Douglas Fir-Larch or Hem Fir #2 or better 2x4 or 2x6 studs per plan and uho|i be nailed together with 2 rows of 16d nails @ G' on center along each stud. d. Built-up beonna consisting of multiple 2x members ehoU be nailed together with two rows of 16d nails ep000d at 12" on center, or with two rows of 1/2" diameter thru-bolts spaced at 24" on center. e' Top and bottom plates oho|| be Douglas Fir-Larch or Henn Fir #2 and better. Plates placed directly on concrete woUo or slabs ahoU be pressu re- treot*d Hem Fir #2. t Ledgers attached to concrete wmUn shall be treated Henn Fir #2, or if LVL material is uaod, aho|| have o continuous waterproof rnonnbrone between the concrete and the wood. g. Wood b*onna bearing in beam pockets in concrete or masonry woUa ahoU bear on o treated 2x6 bearing block. Provide \4° clearance around end of wood beam. Block against sides of beam pocket with treated 2x blocking to provide |otoro| support for beonn^ h. Beneath solid or built-up oo|urnno noted on p|ono blocking of area equivalent to column above aho|| be provided within floor joint ap000e and in wo|| spaces below. Door or window trimmers consisting of o single stud do not require opeo\o| blocking in the joist space. i. Except as noted otherwise, nninirnunn nailing ahoU be provided as specified in the "Nailing Sohedu|e" on the drawings /2003 |8C Table 2304.9.1\. j. Bolts used for wood framing connections nhoU be installed with standard washers and nuts. k. Unless noted uthorwiao, steel connectors such as those manufactured by the Simpson Company ohoU be used to join rafters, joists or beorna to other beorna at flush-framed conditions. Use all specified nails. Connector conditions not otherwise noted ahoU utilize Tvom U or Type HU hangers of o size specifically designed for the rn*rnber supported, as shown in the manufacturer's published tables. Contact structural engineer for details as required. |. Wood nailer p|otoa installed on steel baonno or concrete woUo for top-flange hangers shall be ripped to rnotoh the width of the wall or beam flange. Nailer plates supporting top flange hangers from one side only ohoU be installed flush with the face of wall or beam flange at the hanger locations. nn. Manufactured joists oho|| be from on approved manufacturer and nho|| be equivalent in load carrying capacity and deflection criteria to BC| GODO series joists in the depths and spacings indicated on plan. Provide blocking, broo|ng, web stiffeners and other accessories as required by the manufacturer. n. Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) oho|| have the following nn|ninnurn properties: 1. Flexural utraua - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2600 psi 2. Modulus of elasticity --------------------------------- 1 poi 3. Tension poro||o| to groin ------------------------------ 1850 psi 4. Compression puro||o| to grain --------------------------- 2310 poi 5. Compression perpendicular to groin (parallel to glue line) --------- 750 poi S. Horizontal shear ----------------------------------- 285 poi 7. Connection of multiple-member beams: A. Top-loaded beams i\ For members 12" deep or |eoa, nail each rnenob*r to the next with 2 rows of 16d nails at 12" o.c. ii) For nnonnboro greater than 12" deep, nail each member to the next with 3 rows of 16d nails at 12 o.c. B. Side-loaded beonna i\ For two or three member beonoo, nail each member to the next with 3 rows of 18d nails at 12" o.c. ii) For four member beorna bolt through with 2 rows of 1/2" diameter bolts at 12" o.c. iii) For members consisting of more than four nnernbern, contact structural engineer. o. All lumber used in construction uho|| hove o nnoxinounn moisture content of 19%. p. Un|oaa mode of treated or naturally decay-resistant wood, all deck bonnno and joists (including g|uo-|onna) wider than 1 ahoU be aoo|ed and flashed at the top surface per architect. q. Framing Notes: 1. Exterior *oUa: A. All exterior *mUe are 2x6 studs @ 16^ o.c. to o rnoxinnunn height of 12'-6 2x6 studs @ 12^ o.c. to o nooxinnuno height of 14'-6 and (2)-2x6 studs @ 18 to o rooxinounn height of 17'-4^ unless otherwise noted. WoUa taller than 17'-4 ohoU be framed with manufactured laminated studs. Contact engineer for spacing requirernenta, if not indicated on plan. Cop with o double top plate installed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other partitions. If overlap is not pomaib|o, strop top plates with rnoto| strap ties (Simpson 3T292 or equivalent). 8, Gable-end wo||m nho|| be balloon-framed to the bottom of rafters or end-wall trusses unless approved by engineer. C. Floor or roof framing rnernboro must be aligned to boor within 5 inches of the studs beneath. D. Provide 7/18^ thick APA rated sheathing (plywood or OSB) rated 24/16. exposure 1, at exterior face of exterior *o||o. Block all - horizontal joints and nail panels with 8d noUa spaced at S" along panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. E. Provide (3)-2x10 headers over all door and window openings, with one 2x6 trimmer and one 2x8 king stud each end, unless otherwise indicated. F. At boorn bearing locations in stud no||a, provide multiple-stud posts equal to width of bearing member unless noted otherwise. 2. Interior Load Bearing Wo|[a: A. Interior load bearing wo||e are 2x4 or 2x6 studs (as indicated on plan) @ 16" o.c. with 1/2" gypsum wallboard both sides unless noted otherwise. Cop with u double top plate installed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other partitions. If overlap is not possible, strop top p|otan with rneto| strap ties (Simpson ST292 or equivalent). B. Floor or roof framing noonnbora must be aligned to boor within 5 inches of the studs beneath. C. Provide (2)-2x1O headers over all openings in wo|(, with one 2x4 or 2x6 trimmer and one 2x4 or 2x6 king stud each end, un|oau noted otherwise. D. At boorn bearing locations in stud wo||o, provide multiple-stud posts equal to width of bearing nnornbar un|oun noted otherwise. 3. Floor Construction: A. Provide 3/4" thick APA rated Sturdifloor rated at 24 o.o., tongue and groove. exposure 1. Glue and nail panels to all supports with 8d nails spaced at G" along panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. |nato|| sheathing with long dimension perpendicular to joists and end joints staggered. B. Provide solid blocking between floor joists at all bearing locations. Blocking material oho|| match the floor joist material. 4. Roof Construction: A. Provide 3/4" thick APA plywood sheathing rated 40/20. exposure 1. |nato|| sheathing with long dimension perpendicular to rafters or trusses and end joints staggered. Nail with 8d nails spaced at 6" along panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. B. Plywood sheathing aho|| be applied continuously over the primary roof members (rafters or trusses) below overfrornod orooa to provide adequate lateral atobi|ity. C. Provide wind/seismic anchors at supports for all roof joists and trussed rafters. See nailing schedule. D. Provide solid blocking between roof rafters, trusses and lookouts at all bearing locations. Blocking nnotorio| ohoU rnotoh rafter, truss chord, or lookout rnotorio|. 5. Wind Bracing: A. Wo||o over 4 feet long which are sheathed with gypsum wallboard on both faces and are indicated as shear *oUa on plan have been designed to resist wind forces in accordance with Table 2308.4.5 of the 2003 |8C. B. At shear wo||a. screw 1/2" gypsum wallboard to all studs and to top and bottom plates with #B x 1 " drywall screws at 7" nnoxinnunn spacing. C. Exterior plywood or OSB wall sheathing is required un|oao specifically deleted by engineer. STRUCTURAL STEEL: o. Structural steel oho|| be detailed, fabricated and erected in accordance with the most current editions of /USC Specifications and Code of Standard Practice. b. Structural steel YV shapes uhoU be ASTW A992. Other rolled shapes, including plates and angles aho|| be ASTW A36. Round or rectangular HSS shapes shall be ASTW A500 grade B. c. All bolts used in steel framing ohoU conform to ASTW Specification A325. Anchor bolts and bolts used in timber connections may be ASTN A307. Bolt sizes shall be 3/4" diameter unless noted otherwise. d. Tvo[oo| framed beam connections shall consist of pairs of 1/4" angles using the nnoxinnunn number of bolts called for in Table ||-A of the 4|SC Wonuo| (ASD Ninth Edition). e. Expansion bolts ohoU be wedge type "Hi|ti" or ~ Row| ^ or ''3innpoon or approved equivalent with the following rnininounn ennbedrnontm 1/2" diameter ---- 2 1/2 5/8" diameter ---- 3" 3/4" diameter ---- 4" f. Epoxy anchors co||ad for on the drawings aho|| be "Epoun" or ''Row|" or "Sinnpson" or approved equivalent anchor systems. Minimum ernbodrnenta, if not specifically indicated on the drowinga, ohu|| be according to the manufacturer's specifications, g. All welding oho|| be done by on AWS qualified welder. h. Delay pointing within 3" of field welds until welds are completed. |. Where corrosive soil conditions exist, steel angles that are used to support exterior stone veneer aho|| be galvanized and oho|| be attached to the foundation with galvanized or stainless steel expansion anchors. j. All grout beneath column b000 p|otoo and steel beorno at bearing aho|| be non-shrink, non-metallic typo grout. Grout shall have o nninionuno compressive strength of 2508 psi. STONE/BRICK VENEER: o. Anchored stone or brick veneer and its ottoohrnonta nhoU conform to IBC Section 1405.6 with o *ino tie to the structural booking for every 2 equona feet of vonamc b. Un|oou noted otherwise, provide loose lintels over openings as follows, one angle for each 4^ of wall thickness, long leg vortioo|, to boor 4" nninirnurn each end: Openings to4/-O"-------------------- CONNECTION 3 x x1/4" Openings 4'-l" toG'-O" - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4"x31 LONG LEG VERTICAL ^ x ABOVE FINISHED GRADE Openings G'-l" tu8'-O - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5" x 1/2" x 2 - 8d common Openings 8'-1 to 1O'-U" ----------- G^ x J 1/2 x 5/16" (Multi ong|oo ahoU be oriented back-to-back) 3. 1" x 6" subfloor or less to each joist 2 - 8d common face nail o. Stone or brick veneer aho|| be supported on dry-stock CWU units to the foundation, or provide steel angle support per details on the drawings. r). Sole plate to joist or blocking 16d at 16" o.c. typical face nail GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: o. Structural erection and bracing: The structural drawings illustrate the completed structure with all elements in their final poaitiona, properly supported and braced. The oontrootor, in the proper sequence, nhoU provide shoring and bracing as may be required during construction to achieve the Unm| completed structure. Contact structural engineer for consultation /not in contract) on required. b. Dimensions: Check all dimensions against architectural drawings prior to construction. Do not 000{e drawings. o. Construction practices: General contractor is responsible for nnoonn no*thodn, techniques, sequences and procedures for construction of this project. Notify structural engineer of onninaiuna or conflicts between the working drawings and existing conditions. Coordinate requirements for mechanical/electrical /plumbing penetrations through structural elements with structural engineer. Joboito safety in the an|o responsibility of the contractor. All methods used for construction ahoU be in 0000rdonoa with the latest editions of the |8C/URC. d. Details not apooifioo||y shown on the drawings ahoU be constructed in o manner ainnUor to the details that are shown for like conditions. These itonno ahoU be brought to the attention of the structural engineer as noon as possible for approval. Approval ahoU be obtained prior to installation. e. It is the responsibility of the contractor to contact the structural engineer at the appropriate time to perform site observation visits. Observation visits to the jobsite by the engineer are for determination of general conformance with the construction documents and oho|| not be construed as inspection. f. Though every effort is rnodo to provide o complete and d*or set of construction doournenta, discrepancies or omissions may occur. Re|ooan of these drawings anticipates cooperation and continued communication between the oontrootor, architect and engineer to provide the beat possible structure. These drawings have been prepared for the use of o qualified contractor experienced in the construction techniques and ayatonoe depicted. 2003 IBC FASTENING SCHEDULE (TABLE 2304.9.1) CONNECTION FASTENINGO m LOCATION 1. Joist to sill or girder 3 - 8d common toenail LONG LEG VERTICAL A.F.G. ABOVE FINISHED GRADE LOWG|T. 3 - 3" 14 gage staple ADJ. 2. Bridging to joist 2 - 8d common toenaileach end ANCH. ANCHOR LVL LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER 2 - 3" 14 gage staple APPROXIMATELY 3. 1" x 6" subfloor or less to each joist 2 - 8d common face nail 4. Wider than 1" x 6" subfloor to each joist 3 - 8d common face nail 5, 2" subfloor to joist or girder 2 - 16d common blind and face nail r). Sole plate to joist or blocking 16d at 16" o.c. typical face nail WA7 MATERIAL BLKG. BLOCKING WANUF. MANUFACTURER Sole plate to joist or blocking at braced 3 - 16d per 16" braced wall panels MINIMUM BOT. BOTTOM /N\ NEW B.O.VV. 7. Top plate to stud 2 - 16d common end nail BRG. BEARING N. W. NORMAL WEIGHT 3 - 3" 14 gage staple CANTILEVER 8. Stud to sole plate 4 - 8d common toenail CONTROL JOINT OPNG. OPENING CMU 3 - 3" 14 gage staple OSB ORIENTED STRAND BOARD 2 - 16d common end nail IT PLATE CLG. CEILING 3 - 3" 14 gage staple PLYWOOD 9. Double Studs 16d at 24" o.c. face nail POCKET CLR. CLEARANCE R.O. ROUGH OPENING COL, 10. Double top plates 16d at 16" o.c. typical face nail CONC. CONCRETE REF. REFERENCE CONN, CONNECTION Double top plates 8 16d common lop splice CONTINUOUS REQ'D REQUIRED CONST. 12 3" 14 gage staple typical face nail RET. 11. Blocking between joist or rafters 3 - 8d common toenail REV. REVISION C.W. CRIPPLE WALL 3 - 3" 14 gage staple ROUGH SAWN 12. Rim joist to top plate 8d at 6" (152mm) o.c. toenail SCHEDULE DE DETAIL SECT. SECTION D|AG. 13. Top plates, lops and intersections 2 - 16d common face nail DWL. DOWEL S| k4. SIMILAR 3 - 3" 14 gage staple DRAWING 14. Continuous header, two pieces 16d common 16" o.c. along edge 15. Ceiling joists to plate 3 - 8d common toenail E. J. EXPANSION JOINT SQ. SQUARE 5 - 3" 14 gage staple ELEVATION 16. Continuous header to stud 4 - 8d common toenail 17. Ceiling joists, lops over portions 3 - 16d common minimum, Table 2308.10.4.1 face nail EQUIP. 4 - 3" 14 gage staple STRUCT. 18. Ceiling joists to parallel rafters 3 - 16d common minimum, Table 2308.10.4.1 face nail T 4 - 3" 14 gage staple EXSTC. 19. Rafter to plate 3 - 8d common toenail (E) 3 - 3" 14 gage staple T&G 20. 1" diagonal brace to each stud and plate 2 - 8d common face nail T�O. 2 - 3" 14 gage staple EX 21, 1" x 8" sheathing to each bearing wall 2 - 8d common face nail 22. Wider than 1" x 8" sheathing to 3 - 8d common face nail each bearing wall FDTN. FOUNDATION 23. Built-up corner studs 16d common 24" o.c. FLOOR T.O.M. TOP OF MASONRY FRWG. FRAMING T.O.VY. 24. Built-up girder and beams 20d common at 32" o.c. face nail at top and THRU 3" x 0.131" nail at 24" o.c. bottom staggered on GAUGE 3" 14 gage staple at 24" o.c. opposite sides GALV. 2 - 20d common face nail at ends and at TREATED GEN. GENERAL TS 3 - 3" 14 gage staple G, L. 25. 2" planks 16d common at each bearing 26. Collor tie to rafter 3 - 10d common face nail UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE HDR. HEADER YERT. 4 3" 14 gage staple face nail HOR|Z. 27. Jack rafter to hip 3 - 10d common toenail HSS HOLLOW STEEL SECTION W. F. WIDE FLANGE 4 - 3" 14 gage staple HEIGHT W. P. 2 - 16d common face nail INTERIOR VV.YY.F. WELDED WIRE FABRIC INV. 3 - 3" 14 gage staple WD. 28. Roof rafter to 2-by ridge beam 2 - 16d common toenail VV WITH J3T. JOIST 3 - 3" 14 gage staple WITHOUT 2 - 16d common face nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 29. Joist to bond joist 3 - 16d common face nail 5 - 3" 14 gage staple 30. Ledger strip 3 - 16d common face nail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple 31, Wood structural panels and particleboard: b 1/2" and less 8d' (per KRIVI )q Subfloor, roof and wall sheathing 2 3/8" x 0.131" nailn 2" 16 gageP Single Floor (combination subfloor- 3/4" and less 8d' (per KRM)q underlayment to framing): 7/8" to 1" 8de 32. Panel siding (to framing) 1/2" or less 6df 33. Fiberboard sheathing: 1/2" No. 11 gage roofing n ailh 6d common nail No. 16 gage stoplei 25/32" No. 11 gage roofing nailh 8d common nail No. 16 gage staple 34. Interior paneling 1/4 4di NOTES T0 TABLE 23049.1 For Sk 1 inch = 25.4mm. 2 J/O^ x 0.113^ nnUw and 3^ x 0.131^ noUn are standard 8d and 10d Gun nails. o. Common or box noUa are permitted to be used cnucpt where otherwise stated. b. woi|m spaced at J inches on center at edges, 12 inches at mtmrmomoto supports except 8 inches at supports where spans are 48 inches or more. For nailing of wood structural panel and particleboard diaphragms and shear wmUn refer to Section 2305. Nails for wall sheathing are permitted to be cummun, box or cooing. u Common or deformed shank. & Common r. Deformed shank. t Cormoivn -mmiotontsidingoronaingnoi|. g. Fasteners opoovd 3 inches on center at exterior edges and 8 inuxua on center at intermediate supports, x. Corrosion- resistant roofing nails with 7/16-invh diameter head and 1 1/2 inch length for 1/2-inch sheathing and 1 3/4 inch length for 25/32-inch sheathing i. Corrosion -resistant staples with nominal 7/18-inch crown and 1 1/8 inch length for 1/2-inch sheathing and 1 1/2 inch length for 25/32-innh sheathing. Panel supports at 16 inches (20 inches if strength axis is the long direction of the pone|, unless otherwise marked). j. Cooing or finish nails spaced 5 inches on panel odgoa. 12 inches at intermediate supports. k. Panel ovppn,ta as 24 inches. Cooing or finish nails ap000d 8 inches on panel edges, 12 inches at intermediate supports. |. For roof sheathing applications, Dd nails are the minimum required for wood structural panels m. Staples ohoU have o minimum om*n width of 7/16 inch. n. For roof sheathing opplicotiona, fasteners spaced at 4 inches on center at edges, 8 inuboo at intermediate supports, o. Fasteners spaced 4 inches on center at edguo. O inches at intermediate supports for oubfloor and wall sheathing and 3 \ncxma on center at edges, h inches at intermediate supports for roof sheathing. p. Fasteners opoovd 4 inches on center at edges, 8 inoxoa at intermediate supports. q. Items noted as ^po, KRM^ have been changed from the IBC aohodv|* to o more restrictive requirement. &B. ANCHOR BOLT LAW, LAMINATED A.FF. ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR LLV LONG LEG VERTICAL A.F.G. ABOVE FINISHED GRADE LOWG|T. LONGITUDINAL ADJ. ADJUSTABLE LTWT LIGHTWEIGHT ANCH. ANCHOR LVL LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER APPROX. APPROXIMATELY LSL LAMINATED STRAND RIM MATERIAL ARCH. ARCHITECT MAX. MAXIMUM BD. BOARD MECH. MECHANICAL BLDG. BUILDING WA7 MATERIAL BLKG. BLOCKING WANUF. MANUFACTURER 8W. BEAM MIN. MINIMUM BOT. BOTTOM /N\ NEW B.O.VV. BOTTOM OF WALL NOM. NOMINAL BRG. BEARING N. W. NORMAL WEIGHT CANT CANTILEVER O. C. ON CENTER C. J. CONTROL JOINT OPNG. OPENING CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT OSB ORIENTED STRAND BOARD CEM. CEMENT IT PLATE CLG. CEILING PLYWD. PLYWOOD CENTERLINE PKT. POCKET CLR. CLEARANCE R.O. ROUGH OPENING COL, COLUMN RAD. RADIUS CONC. CONCRETE REF. REFERENCE CONN, CONNECTION RE|NF, REIN FORCE/RBNR}RCEMENT CONT. CONTINUOUS REQ'D REQUIRED CONST. CONSTRUCTION RET. RETAINING C.P. CRIPPLE POST REV. REVISION C.W. CRIPPLE WALL R.S. ROUGH SAWN DBL. DOUBLE 3CHED. SCHEDULE DE DETAIL SECT. SECTION D|AG. DIAGONAL SHT. SHEET DWL. DOWEL S| k4. SIMILAR DWG. DRAWING S.1.P. STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANEL EA. EACH SPEC. SPECIFICATION E. J. EXPANSION JOINT SQ. SQUARE ELEV. ELEVATION STD. STANDARD EN G. ENGINEER 5TL. STEEL EQUIP. EQUIPMENT STRUCT. STRUCTURAL EQUIV. EQUIVALENT T TRIMMER EXSTC. EXISTING T&B TOP /k BOTTOM (E) EXISTING T&G TONGUE & GROOVE EXP. EXPANSION T�O. TOP 0F EX EXTERIOR T.O.C. TOP OF CONCRETE F. D. FLOOR DRAIN T.O.F. TOP OF FOOTING FDTN. FOUNDATION T.0.L TOP OF LEDGE FLR. FLOOR T.O.M. TOP OF MASONRY FRWG. FRAMING T.O.VY. TOP OF WALL FTG. FOOTING THRU THROUGH GA. GAUGE TRANSV. TRANSVERSE GALV. GALVANIZED TRTD. TREATED GEN. GENERAL TS TUBE STEEL COLUMN G, L. GLUE-LAM TYP. TYPICAL GYP. GYPSUM/GYPCRETE U.N.O. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE HDR. HEADER YERT. VERTICAL HOR|Z. HORIZONTAL V.|.F. VERIFY IN FIELD HSS HOLLOW STEEL SECTION W. F. WIDE FLANGE HT. HEIGHT W. P. WATERPROOF INT. INTERIOR VV.YY.F. WELDED WIRE FABRIC INV. INVERTED WD. WOOD K KING STUD VV WITH J3T. JOIST VV/O WITHOUT ALL LUMBER CONNECTORS IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH PRESSURE-TREATED LUMBER SHALL HAVE A S|MPSON ZWAX OR HDG FINISH AND SHALL BE ATTACHED WITH FASTENERS THAT ARE GALVANIZED PER A5TW A153. CONTACT ENGINEER FOR ALTERNATE USE OF BARRIER MEMBRANES. , � | - � TYPICAL PLUMBING/MECHANICAL HEADER |-JOIST OR LVL HEADER TO MATCH DEPTH OF FLOOR JOISTS ° " CONNECTION SCHEDULE SIMPSON H5 LJ 00 SIMPSON JL4x4xl/4xO'-5 1/2 W/ (D NOT USED 0 co , � | - � TYPICAL PLUMBING/MECHANICAL HEADER |-JOIST OR LVL HEADER TO MATCH DEPTH OF FLOOR JOISTS ° " LJ 00 0 co designed by ALE drawn by JDH checked by issued PERMIT 04Z25ZO7 sheet JOB #0703-05 1O'—O" 50'—O" 24'—O" STEP TO.F. . 18'—O" T.O.W. = SLOPING STEP T.O.F. = 86'-11 3/8 T0.W. = g3'-6 T.O.F. = O0`-8 ' " 24—U 5O'—O" ! , Cn w | 2'-6" 2'-0"� `- IBM rAft Wm : -1 kwm OUNDATION PLAN NORTH SCALE: 1 /zL �� 1 , __(l ,, .'`'' `^_`_. . / . . ~ 4or ft PLAN NOTES 1. ELEVATIONS OF CONCRETE FOUNDATION ELEMENTS INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: lxq SIZE C: THESE ELEVATIONS RELATE TO 100'-0 AS A REFERENCE ELEVATION AT THE MAIN FLOOR, AND DO NOT REFLECT ACTUAL SITE ELEVATIONS. 5 T. 0. F. 9 5'– 8 2. TOP OF FOOTING ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON FINDING ADEQUATE SOIL BEARING CONDITIONS AT THAT DEPTH. CONTACT ENGINEER IF DVEREXCAVA7lON IS REQUIRED. J. STEPS IN TOP OF CONCRETE WALL INDICATED: 4. CONTINUOUS CONCRETE FOOTINGS ARE CENTERED BENEATH CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALLS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. d � CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALLS ARE 8" THICK AND CONTINUOUS FOOTINGS ARE O" THICK x 18" WIDE UNLESS NOTED OTHERYMSE, O. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. 0 Co jox Cc 4" CONCRETE SLAB ON 4" CLEAN designed by ALE drawn by— JDH checked by issued PERMIT 04 25 07 T.O.W. 102'–O�� T. 0. F. 9 5'– 8 GRAVEL BASE ON UNDISTURBED GRADE OR COMPACTED 1 STRUCTURAL FILL PER SOILS ENGINEER. REINFORCE SLAB WITH IN SLAB THROUGHOUT. PROVIDE sheet O d 2 JOB #0703-05 STEP T.O.F. Z T-07 T.O.F. 86'–ll 3/8 1" DEEP SAWN OR TOOLED CONTROL JOINTS AT 15'-0" 2'-0" STEP MAXIMUM SPACING EACH WAY. T7 \ STEP 0 2'– 2 8'0 r T.O.W. 90'–ll 3/8 GRAVEL BASE ON UNDISTURBED GRADE OR COMPACTED SLAB 4 1 �5 STEP T.OF. 90'-8 3/8 ENGINEER. REINFORCE SLAB WITH 1 IN SLAB THROUGHOUT. PROVIDE 1" DEEP SAWN OR TOOLED CONTROL JOINTS AT 15-0" MAXIMUM SPACING EACH WAY. STEP T.O.-� SLAB r3 86'–ll 3/8[—1 O L 90'–ll 3/81 E \ T.O. SLAB _0 1 L C 0 T.O. SLAB 1 F L 'T T.O. SLAB 0 N �S7 0 0 L 90' -11 3/8 T.O.F. 86'–ll 3/8 4" CONCRETE SLAB ON 4" CLEAN GRAVEL BASE ON UNDISTURBED SLAB' T.O.F. 86'–ll 3/8 00 I 4% - (o GRADE OR COMPACTED ENGINEER. REINFORCE SLAB WITH IN SLAB THROUGHOUT. PROVIDE 1 " DEEP SAWN OR TOOLED SLOPE SLAB MAXIMUM SPACING EACH WAY. \r T.O. DRAIN T.O.F. 86'–ll 3/8 A T�O-W. 90'–ll 3/8 .F. 86' C T.O.W. 90'–ll 3/8 Y' �2 O L 90'–ll 3/8 T.O. SLAB ' " 24—U 5O'—O" ! , Cn w | 2'-6" 2'-0"� `- IBM rAft Wm : -1 kwm OUNDATION PLAN NORTH SCALE: 1 /zL �� 1 , __(l ,, .'`'' `^_`_. . / . . ~ 4or ft PLAN NOTES 1. ELEVATIONS OF CONCRETE FOUNDATION ELEMENTS INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: TO.VK=TUP OF CONCRETE WALL T.D.F.=TOP OF CONCRETE FOOTING SIZE C: THESE ELEVATIONS RELATE TO 100'-0 AS A REFERENCE ELEVATION AT THE MAIN FLOOR, AND DO NOT REFLECT ACTUAL SITE ELEVATIONS. 2. TOP OF FOOTING ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON FINDING ADEQUATE SOIL BEARING CONDITIONS AT THAT DEPTH. CONTACT ENGINEER IF DVEREXCAVA7lON IS REQUIRED. J. STEPS IN TOP OF CONCRETE WALL INDICATED: 4. CONTINUOUS CONCRETE FOOTINGS ARE CENTERED BENEATH CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALLS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 5. CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALLS ARE 8" THICK AND CONTINUOUS FOOTINGS ARE O" THICK x 18" WIDE UNLESS NOTED OTHERYMSE, O. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. SPREAD FOOTING SCHEDULE TYPE SIZE C: Lli REINFORCING < 00000 0 CD 0 Co jox Al C: Lli < 00000 0 CD 0 Co jox Cc designed by ALE drawn by— JDH checked by issued PERMIT 04 25 07 sheet O d 2 JOB #0703-05 Ff­r� FBM. PKT. 1 LSL RIM @ FLOOR PERIMETER INDICATED THUS. MAIN FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1^—O" PLAN NOTES: 1. INTERIOR WOOD STUD BEARING WALLS ARE INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: 2 POSTS BELOW (ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABOVE) ARE INDICATED: NON—CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: Z SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT D0 NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE INDICATED: � 3. ALL COLUMNS ARE LABELLED AT THE TOP. 4. FLOOR SHEATHING IS 3/4" TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STURO|FLOOR EXP.1 SPAN RATING 24 O.C. 5. (XXX'—XX") INDICATES TOP OF STEEL BEAM ELEVATION. WOOD BEAMS AT THIS LEVEL EXCEPT HEADER3, ARE FLUSH WITH FLOOR JOISTS UNLESS NOTED (DROPPED). /_\" �. " �� INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE — REF 31 FOR SCHEDULE. 7. ALL FLOOR JOISTS ARE 11 7/8" BC| 6000 1.7 @ 18 O.C., TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. / AM TYP Ld �4 1 LSL RIM @ FLOOR PERIMETER INDICATED THUS. MAIN FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1^—O" PLAN NOTES: 1. INTERIOR WOOD STUD BEARING WALLS ARE INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: 2 POSTS BELOW (ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABOVE) ARE INDICATED: NON—CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: Z SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT D0 NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE INDICATED: � 3. ALL COLUMNS ARE LABELLED AT THE TOP. 4. FLOOR SHEATHING IS 3/4" TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STURO|FLOOR EXP.1 SPAN RATING 24 O.C. 5. (XXX'—XX") INDICATES TOP OF STEEL BEAM ELEVATION. WOOD BEAMS AT THIS LEVEL EXCEPT HEADER3, ARE FLUSH WITH FLOOR JOISTS UNLESS NOTED (DROPPED). /_\" �. " �� INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE — REF 31 FOR SCHEDULE. 7. ALL FLOOR JOISTS ARE 11 7/8" BC| 6000 1.7 @ 18 O.C., TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. / AM Ld 0 Co designed by ALE drawn by JDH checked by issued PERMIT 04/25ZO7 sheet 3 JOB #0703-05 � 1 + \ 611d TF l PROVIDE I—JOIST lb BLOCKING BELOW WALL ABOVE 109 PROVIDE |-JOIST BLOCKING BELOW WALL ABOVE Az EXTERIOR HEADERS ARE: 2x8 TRIMMER AND (l)-2x6 OR 2x8 KING STUD EA. SIDE, TYP. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE PROVIDE I-JOIST BLOCKING BELOW WALL ABOVE X+6" �4 x 0) 11 7/8 LVL D 11 7/8 LVL INTERIOR HEADERS ARE: (2)-2x1O'o W/ (1)-2x6 OR 2x8 TRIMMER AND ( 2x6 OR 2x8 KING STUD EA. SIDE, TYP. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 4)-1 3/4x l4 LVL tK UPPER FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = l'—O" PLAN NOTES: 1. INTERIOR WOOD STUD BEARING WALLS ARE INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: 2. POSTS BELOW (ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABOVE) ARE INDICATED: NON-CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: 0 SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE INDICATED: � 3. ALL COLUMNS ARE LABELLED AT THE TOP. 4. FLOOR SHEATHING IS 3/4 TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STUR0FLOOR, EXPA, SPAN RATING 24O.C. 5. (XXX'-XX") INDICATES TOP OF STEEL BEAM ELEVATION. 000D BEAMS AT THIS LEVEL EXCEPT HEADERS ARE FLUSH WITH FLOOR JOISTS UNLESS NOTED (DROPPED). /, _\ 5, " �/ INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE - REF 31 FOR SCHEDULE. 7. ALL FLOOR JOISTS ARE 11 7/8" BCI 6000 1.7 @ 16" O.C., TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PROV |-JOIST BLOCKING BELOW WALL ABOVE 1 LSL RIM K0 FLOOR PERIMETER INDICATED THUS. � TYP. ~ |� /3\-2x1O'a VV/ (1)-2x6 DR 2x8 TRIMMER AND ( 2xO OR 2x8 KING STUD EA. S|DE, TYP. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE vj ip < 00000 0 Co Cn C) 0 designed by ALE drawn by JDH checked by IL PERMIT 04/25/07 sheet 4 On r EXTERIOR HEADERS ARE: 2x8 TRIMMER AND (l)-2x6 OR 2x8 KING STUD EA. SIDE, TYP. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE PROVIDE I-JOIST BLOCKING BELOW WALL ABOVE X+6" �4 x 0) 11 7/8 LVL D 11 7/8 LVL INTERIOR HEADERS ARE: (2)-2x1O'o W/ (1)-2x6 OR 2x8 TRIMMER AND ( 2x6 OR 2x8 KING STUD EA. SIDE, TYP. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 4)-1 3/4x l4 LVL tK UPPER FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = l'—O" PLAN NOTES: 1. INTERIOR WOOD STUD BEARING WALLS ARE INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: 2. POSTS BELOW (ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABOVE) ARE INDICATED: NON-CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: 0 SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE INDICATED: � 3. ALL COLUMNS ARE LABELLED AT THE TOP. 4. FLOOR SHEATHING IS 3/4 TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STUR0FLOOR, EXPA, SPAN RATING 24O.C. 5. (XXX'-XX") INDICATES TOP OF STEEL BEAM ELEVATION. 000D BEAMS AT THIS LEVEL EXCEPT HEADERS ARE FLUSH WITH FLOOR JOISTS UNLESS NOTED (DROPPED). /, _\ 5, " �/ INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE - REF 31 FOR SCHEDULE. 7. ALL FLOOR JOISTS ARE 11 7/8" BCI 6000 1.7 @ 16" O.C., TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PROV |-JOIST BLOCKING BELOW WALL ABOVE 1 LSL RIM K0 FLOOR PERIMETER INDICATED THUS. � TYP. ~ |� /3\-2x1O'a VV/ (1)-2x6 DR 2x8 TRIMMER AND ( 2xO OR 2x8 KING STUD EA. S|DE, TYP. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE vj ip < 00000 0 Co Cn C) 0 designed by ALE drawn by JDH checked by issued PERMIT 04/25/07 sheet 4 JOB #0703-05 CONT. 1 3/4x14 LVL L W/ /3\—LEDGERLOK LL FASTENERS @ 1O^^ O.C. ofig 11 ROOF FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1Z�4�=V—O" � I k PLAN N[lT�� ' —'' ''_�__' 1. POSTS BELOW ARE INDICATED: 0 NON—CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE INDICATED: � 2. ALL COLUMNS ARE LABELLED AT THE TOP. 5. ROOF SHEATHING IS 3/4" APA RATED SHEATHING, EXP.1, SPAN RATING 40/20. 4. "/-\" INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE — REF. S1 FOR SCHEDULE. 5. ROOF BEAMS ARE DROPPED UNLESS NOTED AS (FLUSH). O. ALL ROOF RAFTERS ARE: 1 3/4x14" LVL`a @24", TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 7. INDICATES ROOF OVERFRAWE. OYERFRAWE WITH RAFTERS TO MATCH SPACING OF ROOF BELOW, WITH 2x4 CRIPPLE POSTS TO RAFTER OR TRUSS BELOW SPACED 48" O.C. MAX ALONG EACH OVERFRAME MEMBER. STR UCTURAL � LVL LOOKOUTS 3/4x l4 LVL LEDGER LEDCERLDK LL358 Ld < 0 0000 to Lo OW 0 Co N � A designed by ALE 'drawn by JDH checked by issued PERMIT 04/25/07 sheet � 'o CONT. H0 R( TOP BOT = 2x6 STUDS @ 16 (lC ----- " PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING WATERPROOF BETWEEN CONC. 8c ALL UNTREATED \ \ WOOD MEMEBERS 1/2" 0 x 10" A'8.'a @ 48" O.C. |N CONT. TREATED 2x8 R � ^ 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN ` �5 D�LS x . @ 10^ O.C. 'a CONT. H0R|Z. TOP 8t BOT #5`o TRANS\( @> 48"-- NMI W -- |—J0ST BLK8` PANELS @ 24 IN FIRST JOIST SPACE W/ NAILS INTO EA. PANEL, TYP. 1 1/2" GYPCRETE TYP. I—JOISTS PER PLAN CONT. TREATED 2xl2 DRIVE PINS @ 16" O.C O.C. T.O. SLAB 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN SLAB SCALE- 3/4" = 1'-0" 2x6 STUDS @ 16 O.C. W/ 1/2" PLYWD. OR 03B SHEATHING WATERPROOF BETWEEN CONC. 8c ALL UNTREATED `. 00DD WEMEBERS � 1/2" 0 x 10" &B.'o 0 48"--- O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 R � ^ 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN LAB CONT. TREATED 2x12 LEDGER VV/ /2\-16d DRIVE PINS @ 18" O.C. #5'a VERT @ 10 D.C. #5 DWLS x o Ky 12" O.C. |' 1D" `a CONT. HOR|Z TOP &BOT PERIMETER DRAIN PER SOILS ENGINEER I—JOISTS PER PLAN O's CONT. H0R|Z. @ 16" D.C. 4 STONE VENEER PER ARCH. 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN c A1 STONE SHEATHING O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 -- |—J0ST BLKG. PANELS @ 24" CONT. TREATED 2x6 W/ (5)-8d NAILS INTO EA. PANEL TYP. 1 1/2" GYPCRETE. TYP. — --- --- -- (IF HEATED SLAB, GLUE 2x4 OR 2x6 STUD E TO CONCRETE) BRG. WALL 00 LU 0 T.O. SLAB CONC. SLAB PER PLAN LO O L 90'—ll 3/8 SLAB "R, 0 N � A designed by ALE checked by issued PERMIT 0 CONT. TREATED 2x6 It W1 sheet (IF HEATED SLAB, GLUE 2x4 OR 2x6 STUD TO CONCRETE) CONC. SLAB PER PLAN SLOPE O L 90'—ll 3/8 SLAB � 'o CONT. H0 R( TOP BOT = 2x6 STUDS @ 16 (lC ----- " PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING WATERPROOF BETWEEN CONC. 8c ALL UNTREATED \ \ WOOD MEMEBERS 1/2" 0 x 10" A'8.'a @ 48" O.C. |N CONT. TREATED 2x8 R � ^ 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN ` �5 D�LS x . @ 10^ O.C. 'a CONT. H0R|Z. TOP 8t BOT #5`o TRANS\( @> 48"-- NMI W -- |—J0ST BLK8` PANELS @ 24 IN FIRST JOIST SPACE W/ NAILS INTO EA. PANEL, TYP. 1 1/2" GYPCRETE TYP. I—JOISTS PER PLAN CONT. TREATED 2xl2 DRIVE PINS @ 16" O.C O.C. T.O. SLAB 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN SLAB SCALE- 3/4" = 1'-0" 2x6 STUDS @ 16 O.C. W/ 1/2" PLYWD. OR 03B SHEATHING WATERPROOF BETWEEN CONC. 8c ALL UNTREATED `. 00DD WEMEBERS � 1/2" 0 x 10" &B.'o 0 48"--- O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 R � ^ 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN LAB CONT. TREATED 2x12 LEDGER VV/ /2\-16d DRIVE PINS @ 18" O.C. #5'a VERT @ 10 D.C. #5 DWLS x o Ky 12" O.C. |' 1D" `a CONT. HOR|Z TOP &BOT PERIMETER DRAIN PER SOILS ENGINEER I—JOISTS PER PLAN O's CONT. H0R|Z. @ 16" D.C. 4 STONE VENEER PER ARCH. 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN c A1 STONE SHEATHING O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 -- |—J0ST BLKG. PANELS @ 24" IN FIRST JOIST SPACE W/ (5)-8d NAILS INTO EA. PANEL TYP. 1 1/2" GYPCRETE. TYP. — --- --- -- |—JOIST BLKG. PANELS @24" IN FIRST JOIST SPACE W/ NAILS INTO EA. / . PANEL. TYP. 1 1/2" GYPCRETE, TYP. / #5 D�LS x . @ 12^ O.C. (2)—#5's CONT. HDR|Z. TOP & BOT. #5'a TRANS\i @ 48 90'-4 3Z8 _| _ PERIMETER DRAIN PER SOILS ENGINEER 1/2" EXP. MATL TYP. STONE VENEER PER ARCH. 4^ CONC. SLAB PER PLAN ""' 8 3 ^= . 4 T.O. SLAB lr (5)—#5's CONT. l ' —O " CONT. TREATED 2x12 LEDGER W/ /2\-16d DRIVE PINS @ 16" O.C. #5'o CONT. HOR|Z. @ 16" O.C. 2x6 STUDS @ 16 O.C. �/ � � '/ __--�` 1/2' PLYWQ. OR OSB SHEATHING 1/2" 0 x 10" A8.a @ 48 O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x1O h, RIPPED T0 MATCH FDTN. WALL �5 DWLS x . " @ O O. lo /2\—#5'u CONT. H0R|Z. TOP & BOT A ll i ll ` ' m ^ ° . -2 . Z 1 1/2" GYPCRETE, TYP. <H>TYP. l~T[\F. | _ PERIMETER DRAIN PER SOILS ENGINEER 11 7/8" |—JOISTS PER PLAN #5'e VERT. @ 16 O.C. #5'a CONT. HDR|Z. @ 15" O.C. 1/2" EXP. MAl TYP. STONE VENEER PER ARCH. 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN e CONT. ry 2x6 STUDS @ 15" O.C. W/—,� 1/2" PLYWD. OR OSB ` SHEATHING 1/2" 0 x 10" A.B.'a @ 48" O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 h, | u Uu u � ". I,��� #5'o VERT @ 18 O.C. #5 DWL3 x @ 32^ O.C. 86 PERIMETER DRAIN PER SOILS ENGINEER 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN T.O. SLAB O .C. " 2—O' ' ^a CONT. H0R|Z. 2x0 STUDS @ 16" O.C. W/ 1/2' PLYWD. OR OSB � SHEATHING 1/2" m x 10" A.B.'o @ 48" O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x8 h, OL ' PERIMETER DRAIN PER SOILS ENGINEER � /NO SLOPE @ SIM.\ 1/2" EXP. MAT TYP. 4' CONC. SLAB PER PLAN SLOP E LAB NO SLOPE @ SIM. /1\—#5 CONT. HOR|Z. @M|D—HT. � #5 DWL� x @ 48" O.C. `a CONT HOR|Z. TOP BOT. 1/2" PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 LL PERIMETER DRAIN PER 6" 8" 6" SOILS ENGINEER ` #4DWLSxo @ 24" O.C.-'| T.O. SLAB 90 ^J, 90'-3 3/8 T.O.VK `r T0.[ PERIMETER DRAIN PER SOILS ENGINEER -- 1/2" EXP. MA7 TYP. 4~ CONC. SLAB PER PLAN T.O. SLAB /_- . (1)—#5 CONT. H0R|Z. @ MID—HT. + � #5 DWLS x LD @ 48^ O.C. 's CONT. HOR|Z, TOP 8c B0T. ' —� " 1 4" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN SLOPE SLAB /1\—#4 CONT. HOR)Z. /1\—#5 CONT. HOR|Z @ MID—HT. � #5 DWLS x @ 4O^ O.C. 'a CONT. HOR|Z. TOP 8o B(}T SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" Uh 00 LU 0 r- LO N � A designed by ALE checked by issued PERMIT 0 sheet SCALE: 3/4" = 1'—D" BM. PER PLAN " 0 x O" LAGS "".�._". "`"" ^°L. PER PLAN ° ` (4) NAILS INTO SOL BLKC. 8TWN. EA. LOOKOUT, TYP. LQOKOUT5 @BRG. TYP. EQ EQ. STRUCTURAL SUB—FASCIA, TYP. 1 3/4xl 4 LVL —j 1/2" PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING � LYL PER PLAN ,G. BTYVN. @ BRG. TYP. }S @ 16' PLYWD. OR 4TH|NG ° / a . �/, '.^ .. " ".���"� / @ 24 (3)-2x1O 2x6 STUD WALL 1 7/8 LVL RIDGE BM. 11 7/O LVL VALLEY BM. FRAMING NOT SHOWN FOR 6\ CLARITY \ VALLEY BM. 3/4x11 RIDGE BM. �~� ^ � �''"^ ��" '`" o/�x// //o LVL x0 1 3/4x14" LVL RAFTERS @ 24^ O.C. \)~� 8x12--/ (1)-1/2"O»8" LAG 8D- 24" O.C. PROVIDE MIN. EMBEDMENT OF 4" 711 � 2x8 STUDS @1O 1/2" PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING 1 BU<G. BTWN. RAFTERS @BRG' TYP. 1 3/4x 4' LVL RAFTERS Ox1O 2 1/2" 4^ == 1'--O^ " . ^` �=` `' ^`^. //� cm-. mn/� 4" CONC. SLAB I o �5 D�LS x . @ 12'' O.C. (2)— CONT. HOR|Z. TOP . & BOl[ #5'a TRAN5K @ 48"-- m� � C*| �^V� 1 14 LVL B kC. BTWN. RAFTERS @BRC, TYP. 1 3/4x14 LVL RAFTERS @ 24' D.C. � THRU—BOLTS \ ue 16 O.C. ~ 2 1/2" #5'e CONT. HQR|Z. 0D 16" O.C. ° 2x4 OR 2x6 BRG STUD 16d DRIVE PINS @ 16" BRG. WALL (IF HEATED SLAB, GLUE T 0 00 co CONC. SLAB PER PLAN PLAN STONE VENEER PER ARCH. SLOPE SLAB 0 00 T.O. SLAB M"b Qo ro 1'-4" STL BM. PER PLAN 2x NAILER DRIVE PINNED TO TOP FLANGE 11 7/8" I—JOISTS PER PLAN CAP 1 Bkx. YMDTHx1'—O W/ (4)-3/4 THRU—BOLTS BASE R 5/8x12x1'—O— VV/ /4\-1 0 x 10" A.B.'n ON 1^ MIN. SHIM /b NON—SHRINK GROUT T T.O. SLAB ' (SLOPE @ 3|k4.) ° SEE SCHEID. FOR REINF SCHEID. WIDTH STL BM. PER PLAN 2x NAILER DRIVE PINNED TO TOP FLANGE BASE T 5/8x 2x1'—O W/ 0 x 10" &B.'e ON 1' MIN. SHIM /b NON—SHRINK GROUT OL ' . T.O. SL"" . ^ SEE SCHED. FOR REINF 11 7/8" |—JOISTS PER PLAN '-- 1 VNDTHx1'—O W/ (4)-3/4"o THRU—BOLTS STONE VENEER PER ARCH. T.O. SLAB L - j T: Q. SCHED. WIDTH , ro SCALE: 3/4" = 1'—O" 0 00 co 0 00 designed by, ALE drawn by JDH checked by issued PERMIT 04/25ZO7 sheet ,J, 102'-0 PER| SOIL WA��TYP. SLAB PER PLAN CONT. HOR|Z DT. 0 �� -�_ CONT. 2x DRIVE-PINNED TO TOP FLANGE SEE PLAN 11 7/8^ |-JOISTS PER PLAN PER ARCH. PRE-MANUF MASONRY UNIT STONE �� PER ARCH. C Li 00 CMU PLATFORM 6" STRUCTURAL CONC. SLAB AS NECESSARY CO Uj 100'-0 fi ==O T 4 0 // //o /-o«o/S-- STEEL BEAM PLAN WAY a/ CEm/EnE» PER PLAN �-11 7/8' |-JOISTS PER PLAN IN SLAB PER PLAN F FITTED STIFFENER EA. SIDE OF WEB 11 7/8" |-JOISTS PER PLAN 3TL BM. PER PLAN W/--/ 2x NAILER DRIVE PINNED TO TOP FLANGE CAP R: 1/2x8W. WIDTH x -- 1'-O 3/4"0 � TS PER PLAN \ ./ � \ \ -----�' \ �-3TL BM. PER PLAN W/ 2x NAILER | DRIVE PINNED TO TOP FLANGE |U | \ n^.^^^ /^.n'_� , /"" m/ ^`^. ./� 4)-3/4'0 THRU-BOLTS | | (2 EA. �|D�> SPLICE ' ' � PER PLAN 1'--O" 0­1 1) o/ vn 0n^°' LVL STRUCTURAL SUB-FASC|A, Od NA|LE EA. LOOKOUT, 2x( SHEATHING LVL ,FTERS PER PLAN - 109 ' -0 ffiffawagom " RN loo C Li 00 CO Uj Co F designed by ALE drawn by JDH checked by issued PERMIT 04/25/07 sheet d--A 8 JOB #0703-05 M 0 Ln U) • I c� { CC Yr co 0 co X " O Lo M 0> Ln U) • I m o rl ncn cn OM M O �= rn `, T rn z w c> Co C>z ;u K m z a V7 { Yr 1 r -0 ci 01 } Wes: > U) > 4 > CO a) `o °' x r m 0 b oon 3> xo C) m Z -1 QI d t o ; -� - } z - ° C> - c , ; > spa 0 0> x 0= , 0 >, > � cry ? C: - m > m m ? L? ° co c7a z M --i c om i "' Xa'� 0 c o C om mn �� 0;Q M r- 0 z 2 ;Q ,g 0 -� C) 0 0 m o rl ncn cn OM M O �= rn `, T rn z w c> Co C>z ;u K m z a V7