HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-08-27 VLHA Meeting Results (2)
Vail Local Housing Authority Meeting Results
August 27, 2019
3:00 PM
Town Council Chambers
75 S. Frontage Road -Vail, Colorado, 81657
1.Call to Order
1.1A quorum being present Lindstrom called the meeting to order at 3:06 PM.
Ruther is present from staff.Present are Lindstrom, Morales, Meza, McDougall
and Wilkins.
2.Citizen Participation
2.1Citizen Participation–No one from the public is present.
3.Main Agenda
Due to the number of Vail InDEED applications for review Lindstrom proposed to
table items 3.1 and 3.2 to a future meeting.
3.1Possible Incentives for Long Term Rental in the Town of Vail
Presenter: George Ruther, Housing Director
MOTION: WilkinsSECOND: MoralesVOTE: 5-0Approved
3.2Annual Deed Restriction Compliance Verification Policy Recommendation
Presenter: George Ruther, Housing Director
MOTION: WilkinsSECOND: MoralesVOTE: 5-0 Approved
3.3Resolution No. 23, Series of 2019 a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a
Deed Restriction Interest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of
Vail Legally Described as Condominium Unit 7-R Pitkin Creek Park Phase III,
Eagle County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 3971 Bighorn Road Unit 7-R,
Vail Colorado; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto.
Presenter: George Ruther, Housing Director
MOTION: Wilkins SECOND: MoralesVOTE: 5-0 Approved
4.Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members
4.1Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members
Wilkins noted residents have moved into Stillwater.
Morales mentioned she was present at the PEC meeting approving the East Vail
McDougall acknowledged and appreciated the Planning Commission’s
review and consideration of the East Vail parcel as it was a challengin.
Meza made a motion to move into executive session.
MOTION: MezaSECOND: McDougallVOTE: 5-0 Approved
5.Executive Session
5.1Executive Session per C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(a)(e) -to discuss the purchase,
acquisition, lease, transfer, or sale of property interests and to determine
positions, develop a strategy and instruct negotiators, regarding: Real Property
Acquisition four (4) submitted Vail InDEED applications and program details.
Presenter: George Ruther, Housing Director
The Authority reentered the regular meeting at 4:19PM. Meza left mid way through executive
session. Only the 4 Vail InDEED applications were reviewed and discussed during executive
6.Any Action as a Result of Executive Session
6.1Any Action as a Result of Executive Session
McDougall motioned to instruct staff to proceed as directed by the Authority members
with respect to the reviewed Vail InDEED applications.
MOTION: McDougallSECOND: WilkinsVOTE: 4-0
Ruther reiterated if the Vail InDEED negotiations are successful resolutions for those
properties will be presented at a future VLHA meeting for final review and consideration.
McDougall asked about Booth Heights (East Vail parcel) next steps. Per Ruther Council has
option to call up PEC decision at the September 3meeting. DRB application submittal and
review are next followed by construction drawingsubmittal.
Morales asked if the Housing Authority had discussed holding a Council candidate housing
forum prior to elections. Lindstrom thought it was a good idea. Morales will work with staff to
formulate questions and determine a moderator, date and time. Staff will add as a review item
for the next meeting.
7.1Adjournment 5:00 PM (estimated)
Morales motioned to adjourn the meeting at 4:27PM.
MOTION: Morales SECOND: WilkinsVOTE: 4-0 Approved
8.Future Agenda Items
EHU Capital Improvements, Labor Cost
Housing Data
Housing Sites Discussion
Civic Area Plan
Proposed 2020 Budget Discussion Land Banking (sale of GRFA)
9.Next Meeting Date
9.1Next Meeting Date September 10, 2019
Meeting agendas and materials can be accessed prior to meeting day on the Town of Vail
website www.vailgov.com. All housing authority meetings are open to the public. Times
and order of agenda are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to
determine at what time the Vail Local Housing Authority will discuss an item. Please call
(970) 479-2150 for additional information. Please call 711 for sign language interpretation
48 hours prior to meeting time.
Housing Department