HomeMy WebLinkAboutS000GENERAL NOTES, SCHEDULES AND TYPICAL DETAILS S000 10/22/2015 This document is the property of Heery International, Inc. and Heery International Inc. retains all rights therein, including copyrights. It may only be used in a manner consistent with Heery International Inc.'s rights while Heery International, Inc. is providing services for the specific project identified or referred to herein or extensions thereto. It may not be used for any other purpose except with the express written agreement of, and compensation to, Heery International Inc. Copyright © 2013 by Heery International, Inc. all rights reserved. WHEN PLOTTED AT FULL SIZE THIS SHEET MEASURES 30"x42" drawn by checked by sheet number sheet title item date date issued for seal/signature consultants/construction managers owner's project number project number Heery International 555 17th Street, Suite 500 Denver, CO 80202 720.946.0276 CDT APC MAY 28, 2015 MAY 28, 2015 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Phase 1 West Wing 181 WEST MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, CO HII-1302604 STRUCTURAL: Structural Consultants Inc. 3400 East Bayaud Avenue, Suite 300, Denver, CO 80209 303.399.5154 MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, LOW VOLTAGE: Cator Ruma & Associates, Co. 896 Tabor Street, Lakewood, CO 80401-4700 303.232.6200 CIVIL: Martin/Martin 225 Main Street, Unit C101, LANDSCAPE: Lime Green Design, Inc. 900 East Louisiana Avenue, Suite 209, 303.733.7558 Edwards, CO 81632 Denver, CO 80210 10/22/2015 14-011-05 PAD FOOTING SCHEDULE MARK FOOTING SIZE REINFORCING REMARKS THICKNESS A 1'-0" { 4'-0" 4'-0" 5-#5 EACH WAY BOTTOM B 1'-2" { 6'-0" 6'-0" 7-#6 EACH WAY BOTTOM C 1'-6" { 8'-0" 8'-0" 9-#7 EACH WAY BOTTOM D 2'-0" { 9'-0" 9'-0" 10-#7 EACH WAY BOTTOM F 5-#6 LONGITUDINAL TOP AND BOTTOM, 1'-6" { 4'-0" 14'-0" CENTER ON MIDPOINT BETWEEN COLUMNS 15-#6 TRANSVERSE TOP AND BOTTOM G 9-#8 LONGITUDINAL BOTTOM 2'-0" { 8'-0" 13'-0" 14-#8 TRANSVERSE BOTTOM H 11-#8 LONGITUDINAL BOTTOM 2'-0" { 10'-0" 13'-0" 14-#8 TRANSVERSE BOTTOM NOTES: 1. CENTER ALL PAD FOOTINGS ON GRIDLINES, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. K. Additional temporary bracing and shoring shall be provided as required to stabilize the framing and to support construction loads. Temporary bracing shall remain in place until permanent bracing is installed and/or additional construction loads are removed. L. The Contractor shall provide cold-formed steel members at the size and spacing indicated on these drawings. Larger sizes and/or closer spacing may be substituted provided the substitutions are coordinated with the project Architectural and Structural drawings. M. The cold-formed framing details are intended to indicate the member sizes and connections relevant to the cold-formed steel framing. The cold-formed framing details are not intended to be "dimensioned" drawings and should not be used for material take-off lengths. Refer to the architectural drawings for required member lengths. N. Refer to architectural drawings for all dimensions and locations of openings in walls. O. Sheathing on the cold-formed steel framing shall be installed as indicated in the architectural drawings and specifications, and in accordance with ASTM C955. Joints in sheathing must be installed at slip locations in the cold-formed steel framing as indicated in the architectural drawings and specifications. P. These drawings do not include the design and detailing for the interior cold-formed steel framing. Q. Unless noted otherwise, all track sections shall as a minimum match the wall studs in size and mil thickness. 9. Masonry: A. All masonry block units shall conform to ASTM C90. Masonry block units below grade and all having exterior exposure shall be medium weight or normal weight, unless noted otherwise. Interior masonry block walls not exposed to weather or earth may be lightweight, unless noted otherwise. B. All mortar for exterior walls and interior bearing walls shall conform to ASTM C270, Type S, 1800 psi compressive strength, mixed in proportions of 1: 1/2: 4-1/2. Grout for masonry bond beams, walls, and pilasters shall be made with pea gravel stone aggregate and shall develop 3000 psi compressive strength in 28 days, mixed in proportions of 1:3:2 (Portland Cement: Sand: Pea gravel). Alternate mix proportions may be considered, provided they are submitted for review. C. All masonry assemblies shall develop 1500 psi ultimate compressive strength (f 'm) in 28 days. D. Horizontal reinforcing in all masonry walls shall be standard Dur-O-Wal or equal spaced at 16" on center, unless otherwise noted. Terminate joint reinforcing at control joints and expansion joints. E. Vertical reinforcing shown on the drawings shall extend for the full height of the wall and shall be grouted in place, using a maximum of 4'-0" lifts. Provide one additional bar at all corners, end of wall, each side of openings, and each side of control joint. High lift grouting may be done up to a height of 15'-0" as long as cleanouts are provided at the base of each grouted cell. All cells must be cleaned prior to grouting, and all vertical reinforcing must be adequately secured in position. F. Fill all voids and block cells solidly with grout for a distance of 24" beneath and 16" each side of all beam reactions or other concentrated loads unless otherwise noted. G. Provide horizontal bond beam with a minimum of 2-#5's x continuous at the top of all structural walls, at all floor and roof levels, and at levels called for on the plans. Terminate bond beam reinforcing at expansion joints. Top of wall bond beam reinforcing must be continuous at control joints. H. Lap bond beams for a distance of 4'-0" minimum at vertical steps in bond beam courses. I. Cells of portions of exterior masonry walls extending below grade shall be grouted solid. 10. All dimensions on structural drawings shall be checked against architectural. 11. Engineer's approval must be secured for all substitutions. 12. Do not place backfill against basement walls until basement and first floors are in place or walls have been adequately shored. 13. Verify all openings through floor, roof and walls with mechanical and electrical contractors. 14. All dimensions and existing conditions shown shall be field verified by the Contractor. It is the Contractor's responsibility to immediately notify the Engineer should any existing condition not be shown, or if any existing condition differs from those shown on the drawings. 15. During erection of the building, the Contractor shall be responsible for temporary bracing to withstand all loads to which the structure may be subjected, including lateral loads, stockpiles of materials and equipment. Such bracing shall be left in place as long as may be required for safety and until all structural framing and diaphragms are in place with connections completed. 16. Do not reproduce contract documents, copy standard printed information, or use electronic BIM or CAD files as the basis for shop drawings. 17. The Engineer does not provide inspections of construction. The Engineer may make periodic observations of the construction. Such observations shall not replace required inspections by the governing authorities or serve as "Special Inspections" as may be required by the Building Code. 18. Special Inspections shall be performed by the Owner's Agent in accordance with Chapter 17 of the Building Code for the following: A. Structural steel construction, Section 1705.2 and AISC 360-10 Chapter N. B. Structural concrete construction, Section 1705.3 and Table 1705.3. C. Masonry construction, Level B, Section 1705.4 and ACI 530 Table 1.19.2. D. Soils, Section 1705.6 and Table 1705.6. E. Sprayed fire-resistant materials Section 1705.14. 19. Contractor is responsible for supplying elevator sill angles, hoist beams, guiderail supports, and divider beams. Supply and installation of additional required supports and brackets not shown on drawings are the responsibility of the elevator supplier. 20. Significant permanent equipment sizes, weights, and locations are indicated on the drawings as provided to the Engineer during design. Changes in sizes, weights, or locations must be submitted in writing for review by the Engineer. Required supports or braces not shown on the drawings are the responsibility of the equipment supplier. 21. All steel or steel connections permanently exposed below grade shall be coated with a zinc rich paint or asphalt mastic. 22. All expansion anchors indicated in the drawings shall be HILTI KWIK-BOLT-TZ carbon steel expansion anchors for concrete in hammer-drilled holes with standard embedment or approved equal, unless noted otherwise. Anchors are to be installed and inspected in accordance with the supplier's recommendations and specifications. 23. All epoxy anchors indicated in the drawings shall be HILTI HIT-RE500-SD adhesive for concrete anchor system in hammer-drilled holes with standard embedment or approved equal, unless noted otherwise. Anchors are to be installed and inspected in accordance with the suppliers' recommendations and specifications. 24. The following is a list of performance-specified items to be designed by others and presented as a deferred submittal in accordance with IBC Section 1063.4.1. All deferred submittals shall be sealed and signed by a Colorado Registered Professional Engineer. A. Curtainwall or storefront window systems. B. Steel stairs. 25. Explanation of section designation used: 1. Design Standards: A. International Building Code 2015 Edition B. ASCE 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures C. ACI 318-14 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete D. AISC 360-10 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (LRFD) E. AISI S100-12 North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members F. ACI 530-13 Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures 2. Gravity Loads Used in Design: A. Roof Live Load................................................................................................... 20 psf B. Main Roof Superimposed Dead Load................................................................................. 25 psf C. Level 2 Entrance Roof Superimposed Dead Load..................................................................... 72 psf D. Floor Live Load 1. Level 1 Offices, Operating Rooms, Laboratories or Patient Rooms (reducible) + Partitions..............85 psf + 15 psf 2. Level 1 Corridors (reducible)................................................................................ 100 psf 3. Level 2, 3, 4 Offices, Operating Rooms, Laboratories or Patient Rooms (reducible) + Partitions........65 psf + 15 psf 4. Level 2, 3, 4 Corridors (reducible).......................................................................... 80 psf 5. Lobbies (non-reducible)...................................................................................... 100 psf 6. Stairs (reducible)........................................................................................... 100 psf E. Superimposed Floor Dead Load..................................................................................... 10 psf F. Snow Load Design Criteria 1. Ground Snow Load, Pg = 145 psf 2. Roof Snow Load, Pf = 122 psf + drifting requirements 3. Snow Exposure Factor, Ce = 1.0 4. Thermal Factor, Ct = 1.0 5. Snow Importance Factor, Is = 1.20 3. Wind Load Design Criteria: A. Basic Wind Speed Vult (3-second gust) = 120 mph ultimate B. Exposure Category B C. Risk Category IV D. Building Enclosure Classification: Enclosed E. Topographic Factor, Kzt = 1.0 F. Wind Directionality Factor, Kd = 0.85 G. Internal Pressure Coefficient GC pi = +/- 0.18 H. Analysis method used for MWFRS design: Directional I. Analysis method used for Components and Cladding: ASCE 7-10, Chapter 30 Part 1 J. Components and Cladding (C&C) - Ultimate wind pressures provided are based on 10 square foot effective area. Submit design calculations for components not indicated in drawings with appropriate adjustments to the wind pressure based on actual effective areas. Edge and corner distance, a = 16 feet. 1. Zone 1, + 16.0 psf or - 30.7 psf (ultimate) 2. Zone 2, + 16.0 psf or - 51.5 psf (ultimate) 3. Zone 3, + 16.0 psf or - 77.5 psf (ultimate) 4. Zone 4, + 28.1 psf or - 30.4 psf (ultimate) 5. Zone 5, + 28.1 psf or - 37.4 psf (ultimate) 4. Seismic Load Design Criteria: A. Seismic Design Category C B. Building Risk Category IV C. Soil Site Class C D. Basic Seismic Force Resisting System (two stage analysis): Steel ordinary moment frames not specifically detailed for seismic resistance (new 4th story) and ordinary reinforced concrete shear walls (existing building) E. Response Modification Factor, R = 3 F. Analytical procedure used in design: Equivalent lateral force analysis G. System Overstrength Factor, Omega = 2.5 H. Deflection Amplification Factor, Cd = 3 I. Site Spectral Response Accelerations: 1. Ss = 0.256 2. S1 = 0.073 3. SDs = 0.205 4. SD1 = 0.082 J. Seismic Importance Factor, IE = 1.50 K. Seismic Response Coefficient, Cs = 0.103 (new 4th story) L. Design Seismic Base Shear = 390 kips (new 4th story) 5. Foundations: A. Soil data was taken from recommendations set forth in Report # 13.277.A by Cesare, Inc. dated March 13, 2015. See geotechnical report for complete soils information. B. Maximum total load soil bearing pressure capacity used in design is 6000 psf. C. Equivalent fluid pressure used in design of retaining walls assuming the use of sand and gravel soils is as follows: 1. 60 pcf for restrained conditions (At-rest) 2. 40 pcf for non-restrained conditions (Active) 3. 300 pcf for passive pressure 6. Concrete: A. All concrete shall be made with stone aggregate and shall develop the following 28 day compressive strength: Footings.........................................................................................................3000 psi Underpinned footings.............................................................................................4000 psi Foundation walls.................................................................................................4000 psi Interior slabs-on-grade .........................................................................................3000 psi Slabs-on-steel deck..............................................................................................3500 psi Other concrete...................................................................................................3000 psi B. All reinforcing bars shall be ASTM A615, Grade 60, unless otherwise noted. Welded wire fabric shall conform to ASTM A185 or ASTM A497. All reinforcing bars indicated on the plans to be welded shall be ASTM A706, Grade 60. C. Concrete Protection for Reinforcement (unless otherwise noted): 1. Concrete poured against earth......................................................................................3" 2. Concrete poured in forms but exposed to weather or earth: a. #5 bars or smaller.........................................................................................1-1/2" b. Bars larger than #5............................................................................................2" 3. Slabs and walls not exposed to weather or earth..................................................................3/4" D. No splices of reinforcement shall be made and no welding to reinforcing shall be permitted except as detailed or authorized by the Engineer. Reinforcing lap splices are to be as indicated on drawings. Wire fabric reinforcement must lap one full mesh plus 2" at side and end laps, but not less than 6", and shall be wired together. Make all bars continuous at corners or provide corner bars of equal size and spacing. E. Detail bars in accordance with the ACI Detailing Manual and ACI Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete. F. Provide all accessories necessary to support reinforcing at positions shown on the plans. G. Place 2-#5 bars (1 ea. face) with 3'-0" projection around all openings and at re-entrant corners in concrete slabs and walls, unless noted otherwise. H. Footings and slabs shall not have joints in a horizontal plane. Any stop in concrete work must be made at center one-third of span with vertical bulkheads and tapered 2x4 horizontal keyways spaced 12" on center, unless otherwise shown. All construction joints shall be as detailed or as approved by the Engineer. I. Slab-on-grade control joints are to be spaced at a maximum of 15 feet on-center and are to coincide with column center lines and re-entrant corners unless noted otherwise on the drawings. J. Continuous bars in walls, beams and grade beams shall be spliced as follows: 1. Top bars – at mid span 2. Bottom bars – over support K. All stirrups shall have a minimum of 2-#4 horizontal reinforcing support bars provided as spacers when no other horizontal reinforcing is provided. L. No chloride admixtures shall be added to concrete without Engineer's approval. M. Provide 6 x 6 - W1.4 x W1.4 WWF as minimum reinforcing in mechanical pads. N. Quote price separately for providing an allowance for additional reinforcing, fabrication and placing of 200 feet of #5 (Grade 60) reinforcing bar. Reinforcing shall be added on the shop drawing or placed in the field at the discretion of the Engineer. O. Concrete wall tolerances shall be as follows: Plumbness - story to story.................................................................................-1/2" to +1/2" Plumbness - entire height of wall..................................................................................H/500 not to exceed......................................................................................................1-1/2" Plan Alignment.............................................................................................-1/2" to +1/2" Wall thickness............................................................................................-1/4" to + 1/2" Variation in size & location of sleeve & block outs....................................................... -1/2" to +1/2" P. Allow for additional concrete thickness to compensate for structural member and formwork deflections. 7. Steel: A. Structural steel shall be detailed, fabricated and erected in accordance with the AISC "Steel Construction Manual." B. All structural steel shall conform to ASTM A36, except wide flange shapes and channels which shall conform to ASTM A992 (Grade 50), pipe sections which shall conform to ASTM A53 (Grade B), and HSS sections which shall conform to ASTM A500 (Grade B). Exposed (weatherized) steel channels shall conform to ASTM A588 where indicated. C. Headed anchor studs shall conform to ASTM A108 with 60 ksi minimum tensile strength and shall be automatically machine welded, providing complete fusion. D. The steel connections have been designed. Provide connections as detailed. Alternate connection details of equal capacity may be considered, provided they are submitted along with calculations. Alternate connection detail drawings and calculations which are submitted must be sealed and signed by a Colorado Registered Professional Engineer. E. All welders shall have evidence of passing the AWS standard qualification tests, and have a current certification. F. Minimum weld size shall not be less than 3/16" continuous fillet weld, unless noted otherwise on the plans. Indicated welding is based upon E70XX electrodes. G. Connections made with high-strength steel bolts shall conform in all respects to the AISC "Specification for Structural Joints Using High-Strength Bolts." 1. All high-strength steel bolts shall conform to ASTM A325 and shall be installed to a snug tight condition, unless noted otherwise. High-strength bolts shall be properly pretensioned at pretensioned and/or slip critical connections noted on the drawings. 2. ASTM F1852 high-strength bolts may be used in all connections including all connections designated to be snug tight with the following restriction: if ASTM F1852 bolts are used in the connections for cambered beams or beams supporting a concrete slab designated as snug tight, the bolts shall be installed to a snug tight condition (i.e. the splines shall not be snapped off). H. Anchor rods are to be ASTM F1554 36 ksi, unless noted otherwise. I. Steel Deck: 1. All steel deck shall be erected in accordance with the specifications of the Steel Deck Institute. 2. Steel deck capacities are based upon published data by Vulcraft. Steel deck by other manufacturers may be supplied in lieu of that shown provided section properties are equal to or greater than those of deck specified, and if approved by the Engineer. 3. Deck gages shown on the drawings are to be considered minimum. The deck supplier shall provide the required deck gage based upon the indicated loadings and the actual number of spans resulting from the final layout configuration. 4. Contractor shall provide all additional framing as required for openings through deck larger than 6" unless reinforcing is provided in the drawings. 5. Steel deck shall be fastened to supports as indicated in the drawings. 6. All structural framing necessary to support deck edges not shown shall be L3x3x1/4. 7. Deck supplier shall provide cold-formed steel closures as required to form slab edges, unless noted otherwise. Attachment of steel closure shall be equivalent to that of a deck side-lap. J. Fireproofing considerations (Re: architectural plans for building classification): 1. All columns, beams or bracing connected to columns are to be considered as primary framing members. 2. All horizontal framing members are to be considered restrained or unrestrained in accordance with ASTM E119, Table X3.1. 8. Cold-Formed Steel Framing: A. The cold-formed steel framing materials are to be manufactured by a member of Steel Stud Manufacturers Association (SSMA) in accordance with ASTM A653, ASTM A1003, and C995. Material sizes and mil thickness are indicated on the drawings. Minimum section properties are to meet or exceed SSMA Product Technical Information publication and referenced in ICC report No. 3064-P. B. The minimum yield strength of the cold-formed steel framing components shall be as follows: 1. 54 mil or thicker = 50,000 psi. 2. 43 mil or thinner = 33,000 psi. C. All cold-formed steel framing shall be constructed in accordance with the AISI "Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing - General Provisions" unless noted otherwise, and shall comply with all manufacturers recommendations using the manufacturer's recommended accessories, subject to review by the Engineer. D. The cold-formed framing may be punched or unpunched, except load-bearing steel studs shall be unpunched. E. All connections shall be welded, screwed or power fastened as indicated on these drawings. 1. Welds- all welded connections shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the AWS D1.3 specification for welding sheet steel in structures. All welding shall be performed by AWS certified welders. All welds shall be cleaned and coated with rust inhibitive zinc paint. The minimum weld length shall be 1" for cold-formed steel to cold-formed steel connections. Indicated welding is based upon E60XX electrodes. 2. Screws-ASTM C1513 #10 self drilling screws, unless otherwise noted on drawings, manufactured by Buildex or Hilti and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Screws shall be spaced a minimum of 1/2" between adjacent screws and from metal edges. 3. All power-actuated fasteners (P.A.F.'s) indicated in the drawings shall be 0.157" diameter HILTI X-U pins (P.A.F.'s) or approved equal, unless noted otherwise. P.A.F.'s to be installed in accordance with the supplier's recommendations and specifications. a. Provide minimum 1-1/2" long P.A.F. for cold-formed steel connections to concrete. P.A.F. in concrete shall be spaced a minimum of 3" between adjacent P.A.F. and a minimum of 2" from concrete edges. Minimum P.A.F. embedment in concrete shall be 1-1/2". b. Provide minimum 1/2" long P.A.F. for cold-formed steel connections to structural steel. P.A.F. shall be spaced a minimum 1-1/2" between adjacent P.A.F. in structural steel and a minimum of 1/2" from steel edges. The P.A.F. point shall be driven through the back of the structural steel member. F. Provide cold-formed channel bridging at 4'-0" O.C. vertically in wall framing. G. All members shall be cut squarely for attachment to perpendicular members or slope cut as required for an angular fit against abutting members. H. Field cutting of studs shall be done by sawing or shearing. Torch cutting of cold-formed steel members is not permitted. I. Do not cut or splice cold-formed steel framing members unless indicated by these drawings. J. Do not bear or connect cold-formed steel members within 9" of the punched openings in the member webs unless the members are reinforced with a minimum 12" long unpunched track or stud at the punched opening. The track or stud reinforcing piece shall be the same size and mil thickness as the punched member. Fasten the reinforcing piece to the member with a minimum of four screws. 2 2 2 1 ADDENDUM #4 TOV: B15-0185 DFPC ID: 9667 09.21.2015 1 1 1 GENERAL NOTES SECTION IDENTIFICATION X S-X SHEET LOCATION OF DETAILS 10.20.2015 ADDENDUM #5 TOV: B15-0185 DFPC ID: 9667 09/13/2016 01/04/17