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NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ 0"ഀ TOWN OF SAILഀ Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149ഀ ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMITഀ Job Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAILഀ Location......: UNIT 31, MOUNTAIN MEADOWSഀ Parcel No....: 210112419031ഀ OWNER FLANAGAN, JUDITH B. 01/14/2009ഀ 2605 PASADENA PLഀ FLOWER MOUNDഀ TX 75022ഀ APPLICANT BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC 01/14/2009 Phone: 970-926-3202ഀ P.O. BOX 426ഀ EDWARDSഀ CO 81632ഀ License: 168-Bഀ CONTRACTOR BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC 01/14/2009 Phone: 970-926-3202ഀ P.O. BOX 426ഀ EDWARDSഀ CO 81632ഀ License: 168-Bഀ Description:ഀ INTERIOR REMODELഀ Occupancy: IRCഀ Type Construction: IRCഀ J'(,~aiy~ Tri k K_e_ ULOO'ഀ U 'stഀ Valuation: $96,700.00ഀ Total Sq Ft Added: 0ഀ FEE SUMMARYഀ Building Permit Fee------ >ഀ $972.75ഀ Will Cal Fee--------------------- >ഀ $4.00ഀ Total Calculated Fees >ഀ $3,343.04ഀ Plan Check-------------------->ഀ $632.29ഀ Use Tax Fee--------------------- >ഀ $1,734.00ഀ Additional Fees----------------------->ഀ $0.00ഀ Add] Plan Check Hours-ഀ $0.00ഀ Restuarant Plan Review----->ഀ $0.00ഀ TOTAL PERMIT FEES-------------->ഀ $3,343.04ഀ Investigation----------------->ഀ $0.00ഀ Recreation Fee----------------->ഀ $0.00ഀ Payments >ഀ $3,343.04ഀ Total Calculated Fees-------->ഀ $3,343.04ഀ BALANCE DUE------------------------ >ഀ $0.00ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informationഀ as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structureഀ according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Townഀ applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROMഀ 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM.ഀ 10- 115_1~ 112-11 ID 'lഀ Signature of Owner or Contractor Dateഀ SF11ay~-t hlf( 6;-o-4 %32iQyf-ഀ Print Nameഀ Permitഀ B09-0004ഀ Projectഀ PRJ09-0012ഀ Status :ഀ ISSUEDഀ Appliedഀ 01/14/2009ഀ Issuedഀ 01/29/2009ഀ Expiresഀ 07/28/2009ഀ bid_alt_construction_permit_041908ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statementഀ Statement Number: R090000090 Amount: $3,343.04 01/29/200901:13 PMഀ Payment Method: Check Init: DDGഀ Notation: Boles046255ഀ ഀ Permit No: B09-0004 Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMITഀ Parcel No: 2101-124-1903-1ഀ Site Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAILഀ Location: UNIT 31, MOUNTAIN MEADOWSഀ Total Fees: $3,343.04ഀ This Payment: $3,343.04 Total ALL Pmts: $3,343.04ഀ Balance: $0.00ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmtsഀ ഀ BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 972.75ഀ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 632.29ഀ UT 11000003106000 USE TAX 4% 1,734.00ഀ WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00ഀ 7DW O!ഀ BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONഀ Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace, etcഀ (Project Address Project # _ t~J W ,ഀ 1 ~P v Mt'o""^"'" P r I DRB# 'ഀ Contractor Information Building Permitഀ Company: Boles Constructionഀ Detailed Description of Work:ഀ tile the Entry floor, renovate the ow er Room,ഀ Company Address: P.O. Box 426 new tile floor and cabinets in the Laundry,ഀ new woo floor on the main eve ,new i chen,ഀ City: Edwards State: CO Zip: 81632 new gas fireplace in the Living Room, renovateഀ Contact Name: Brad Foster Bath 1 and Master Bathrooms, new paint throughoutഀ ContactPh: (970) 926-3202 Cell: 376-2244 new carpet on the stairs and upper level.ഀ (Use additional sheet if necessary)ഀ E-Mall: bfoster@bolesconstruction.comഀ Architect O Designer (X) Engineer ( )ഀ Town I n No: 68-B 970-926-3202ഀ X =0 Phone:ഀ Fax: 970-926-2078ഀ Contractor Signature (required) E-Mall: bfoster@bolesconstruction.comഀ Property Information Work Class:ഀ Parcel 2101-124-19-031 New O Addition ( ) Remodel (X) Repair ( ) Other ( )ഀ 004684 MEADOW DR #I31ഀ Legal Description: Lot # Blk # Work Type:ഀ Interior (X) Exterior( Both ( )ഀ Subdivision: MOUNTAIN MEADOW CONDOMINIUMS Unit: 31ഀ Job Name: Flanagan Renovation Building Type:ഀ Single-Family ( ) Two-Family ( ) Multi-Family (x)ഀ Owner Name: Judith B. Flanagan Commercial ( ) Townhome ( ) Other ( )ഀ Mailin Address: 2605 Pasadena Place, Flower Mound, TX 75 2ഀ 9 ~2& Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ( )ഀ (For Parcel # Contact Eagle County assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or Gas Log ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (1)ഀ visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie)ഀ Valuations (Labor & Material) # & Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ( 1)ഀ Gas Log ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( )ഀ Building $ 75,000ഀ Plumbing $ 5,000ഀ Electrical $ 15,000ഀ 1,700ഀ Mechanical $ഀ Total $ $96,700 $0.00ഀ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( X) No ( )ഀ Monitored Alarm: Yes ( ) No ( X)ഀ Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (x)ഀ Date Receivedഀ JAN 13 2009ഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ Jan 28 2009 2:07PM Boulder Environmental 866-699-4121 p.2ഀ ".j Aഀ Boulder Environmental Management, Inc.ഀ 5 Deer Trait Road Boulder, CO 80302ഀ Phone: (303) 449-1175 Fax: 1 (866) 699-4121ഀ January 28, 2009ഀ Boles Custom Buildersഀ Mr. Brad Fosterഀ P.O. Box 426ഀ Edwards, CO 81632ഀ RE: Bulk sampling of suspected asbestos-containing materialsഀ 4686 Meadows Drive, Unit 031, Vail, Coloradoഀ Dear Mr. Poster:ഀ JAN 28 2009 Dഀ P Dഀ T---OWN OF VAILഀ Attached is the report for the asbestos survey and bulk sampling of suspected asbestos-ഀ containing building materials at 4686 Meadows Drive, Unit #31, Vail, Colorado.ഀ This investigation was conducted on behalf of and for the exclusive use of Boles Customഀ Builders (client), solely for use in a limited asbestos survey of the property. This reportഀ and the findings herein shall not, in whole or in part, be disseminated or conveyed to anyഀ other party, nor used by any other party, in whole or in part, without prior written consentഀ of Boulder Environmental Management. .ഀ The results of this survey are limited to materials that were assessable and foreseeable.ഀ Additional materials may exist behind hard surfaces. Personnel knowledgeable ofഀ asbestos containing materials should always oversee demolition activities. Demolitionഀ work should be halted and sampling performed by a state of Colorado licensed buildingഀ inspector if additional materials, which are suspected of containing asbestos, areഀ encountered.ഀ If you have any questions regarding the contents of this report, please do not hesitate toഀ contact us.ഀ Sincerely,ഀ 0A_ /1--,ഀ Chris Maronഀ Project Managerഀ *Asbestos *Lead "Industrial Hygiene "Saffety"Final Air Testing*ഀ *Health and Safety Training*ഀ Jan 28 2009 2:07PM Boulder Environmental 866-699-4121 P.3ഀ Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. 2ഀ 5 Deer Trail Road Boulder, CO 80302ഀ Phone: (303) 449-1175 Fax; 1 (866) 699-4121ഀ BULK SAMPLING REPORTഀ 4686 Meadows Drive, Unit #31, Vail, Coloradoഀ Introduction:ഀ On January 27, 2009, Boulder Environmental Management, Ine.'s building inspector,ഀ Mark Symmank, conducted bulk samplin of f suspected asbestos-containing materialsഀ under the direction of our client.ഀ Sampling:ഀ During the sampling process, suspect ACM was separated into three EPA categories.ഀ These categories are thermal system insulation (TSI), surfacing ACM, and miscellaneousഀ ACM. TSI includes all materials used to prevent heat loss or gain or water condensationഀ on mechanical systems. Examples of TSI are pipe coverings, boiler insulation, ductഀ wrap, and mud packed fitting cement. Surfacing ACM includes all ACM that is sprayed,ഀ trowelled, or otherwise applied to a surface. These applications are most commonly usedഀ in fireproofing, decorative and acoustical applications. Miscellaneous materials includeഀ all ACM not listed in the thermal system insulation or surfacing categories, such asഀ linoleum, vinyl asbestos flooring, and ceiling tile.ഀ Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. followed EPA recommended samplingഀ guidelines for identification of asbestos in bulk matrices. A set of three (3), five (5), orഀ seven (7) samples were collected for each material type and analyzed by Polarized Lightഀ Microscopy (PLM). Each sample set was systematically analyzed. Upon determinationഀ that a sample in a set contained asbestos, analysis of the remaining samples in the set wasഀ discontinued. If no asbestos was detected during the analyses, the suspect material wasഀ determined to be negative for asbestos content.ഀ *Asbestos*Uad*Industrial Hygiene*Safety"Final Air Testing*ഀ *Health and Safety Training*ഀ "aഀ Jan 28 2009 2:07PM Boulder Environmental 866-699-4121 p.4ഀ Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. 3ഀ 5 Deer Trail Road Boulder, CO 80302ഀ Phone: (303) 449-1175 Fax: 1 (866) 699-4121ഀ Results:ഀ The following materials were analyzed and determined to be non asbestos-containingഀ utilizing polarized light microscopy (PLM).ഀ NON AS1RESTnC_rn1VTATN7NY_ MA•TL,DiAV rഀ MATERIALഀ v a•ac-a .a Liഀ LOCATIONഀ ~it1L~7ഀ SMPLE IDഀ peel texturedഀ Kitchen west wallഀ 7-MS-OIAഀ drywall and j ointഀ Den east wallഀ 1-27-MS-02Aഀ compoundഀ Laundry room ceilingഀ 1-27-MS-03Aഀ Texture onlyഀ Upstairs west bedroom west wallഀ 1-27-MS-04Aഀ Texture onlഀ Upstairs east bedroom east wallഀ 1-27-MS-05Aഀ Trowel textured drywallഀ Garage west wallഀ 1-27-MS-06Bഀ and joint compound.ഀ Garage north wallഀ 1-27-MS-07Bഀ Gara a ceilingഀ 1-27-MS-08Bഀ Discussion:ഀ Sample analyses results are reported in percentages of asbestos and non-asbestosഀ components. The EPA defines any material that contains greater than one percent (1%)ഀ asbestos, utilizing PLM, as being an asbestos containing material. Materials that areഀ identified as "none detected" are specified as not containing asbestos.ഀ Conclusion:ഀ The materials sampled in this study do not contain asbestos. The results of thisഀ survey pertain only to materials tested. The laboratory reports supporting these findingsഀ above are attached.ഀ Please contact Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. with any questions or concernsഀ regarding this report.ഀ Sincerely,ഀ Chris Maronഀ Project Managerഀ 'Asbestos*Lead,%dustrial Hygiene"Safety*Final Air Testing*ഀ *Health and Safety Training*ഀ Jan 28 2009 2:07PM Boulder Environmental 866-699-4121 P.5ഀ STATE OF COLORADOഀ ASBESTOSഀ CERTIFICATION*ഀ Colorado partinetlt. of P li.c Healthഀ and Envirovmeatഀ Air Pollution Contro,t Divisior,ഀ This certifies tഀ Mark Sylll malokഀ Certfffcaifion No: 10,571ഀ has met the requirements of 25-7-507, C.R.S. and Air Quality Controlഀ Commission Regulation No- 8, Pon B, and rs bgrei certified by theഀ state of Colorado in the following d1V;cipline;ഀ Bu dliag Inspector*ഀ 1xwedc 1114nQ09ഀ Expires on. .11/412009ഀ ^yഀ f Zഀ zee a~c~a ~ഀ ~ Tbia r[Rfflrare,dv r+rAltwnig rrhl~ Mr~~otrse~rsf~+» rcJ's ctYrr~aut ~h~dlan-,~spaaw~+t ainJarl!v,~trtptxrഀ eFWl faw f" Ind dtb'N0fTr[ogw--W#dadromഀ Jan 28 2009 2:12PM Boulder Environmental 866-699-4121ഀ cഀ ഀ zഀ mtroll aഀ Mഀ rഀ "G3ഀ ~J7ഀ 0ഀ qഀ Lഀ 0ഀ ii.ഀ W tഀ 18 0ഀ yDഀ P.6ഀ Jan 28 2009 2:14PM Boulder Environmental 866-699-4121 p.7ഀ JAN-27-2009 03:17P FROM:STROM ENV. iC303)487-4534 T0:1066699412l P.2-12ഀ Cam' S3 Boulder Environmental Management, Inc.,ഀ S I?eerTreil Road, Boulder, CO 60302, Phone: r 303) 449-1175, Fax: 1(866) 699-4121, Email: Cmamn3oOO@aol.comഀ em - BULK SAMPLE LOGഀ NAME: 4Wt 57D p -Z9 _ T .ഀ Phone Mobile Fan ~ ~ 3f v` -ഀ Emailഀ S OPE: ❑ Complete building demolition novation/restotation ❑ Sample per client's directionഀ AHBRA Protocol followed - Minimum samp cs, 5 samples for surfacing materials 1,00091-5,Ws.f., 7 samples if>5,000s,fഀ C STBUCTION F.R A ! -ഀ SAMPLE 1)ഀ MATERIAL SAMPLEDഀ BUMI)ING/LOCATIONഀ QUANTITYഀ V41% ^ഀ Boots Seam tape ❑ Duct concealed in ceilings or concealed in walls to upper floor Q Boilcr insulationഀ Q Pipe insulalion on radiant / domestic water Q Fluo Q Breeching cement 0 Tkansite aiding Q Tranaito roofഀ ACCESSSED: Q Crawl space Q Basement ❑ Attic Q Roof © Checked under carpeting, layered flooring, and overlaysഀ Type of heating system(s) Steam, ❑ Forced air, Electric baseboard, Q Radiant stoveഀ PACMഀ - 42ഀ AREA(s) INACCESSIBLEഀ 11 -f 14ഀ INSTRUCTIONS: STOP ON FIRSTഀ SAMPLES COLLECTED BY: -iഀ ITE: TIME:ഀ SAMPLES RECEIVED BYഀ TE: /47-7/drl TIME:ഀ tttഀ uVt,~11V1i: City VAK L, D'A'ഀ COMPANY BILLING I O:ഀ Jan 28 2009 2:14PM Boulder Environmental BGG-699-4121ഀ JAN-27-2009 03:161' FROM-STROM ENV. 1(303)487-4534 70:18666994121ഀ Strom Environmental Inc. Envirannഀ 6925 N. Broadway, Denver, CO. 80221 Phone (303)487-4533 Faxഀ CLIENT: BOULDER ENVIRONMENTAL, INC.ഀ 5 DEER TRAIL ROADഀ BOULDER, CO 80301ഀ CLIENT PROJECTഀ PROTECT NAME: 4686 MEADOW DR.ഀ ABBREVIATIONS: SAMPLE TYPEഀ VT-Vinyl Floor Tileഀ FS-Floor sheetingഀ AC-Acoustical Spray-Onഀ CT-Celling Theഀ DJM-Drywall Joint Mudഀ WP-WAR Plasterഀ GRAN-G rtnalarഀ P.8ഀ P. 1"2ഀ SEI PROJECT Mഀ 0109-53ഀ DATE OF RECEIPT:ഀ 01-27.09ഀ DATE OF ANALYSIS:ഀ 01-27-09ഀ SAMPLED BY:ഀ CLIENTഀ PAGE M.ഀ 1 OF 1ഀ ASBESTOS TYPEഀ CHRYS-Chrysotlleഀ AMOS-Amoslteഀ CROC-Crocidollteഀ TREM-Tremnllteഀ ANTH-Anthophylliteഀ NAD-No Asbestos) Detectedഀ TRACE-<°h Asbestosഀ MATEI IAL TYIഀ CELL-Celluloseഀ PG-Fibrous Glsusഀ AGGAggregateഀ NF-Non Fibrousഀ BIN-Binderഀ 3YN-Syntheticഀ HH-Norse Hairഀ CL[EN Irഀ SEI LAMBഀ S44MPLE DESCRIPTIONഀ *AASAFS..OSഀ QTH>g1t ATR TAlഀ Stmplpഀ ilimojtntdusഀ 1-27-MS-01A-Aഀ 93349Aഀ TEX'1'U1119 COAT-TAN, Gഀ NAUഀ 1D9%AGGREGAT9ഀ tl nഀ GOODഀ _ഀ NOഀ 1-27-MS-DIA-0ഀ 935490ഀ URYWALL/WMI-TAN, GRANഀ NADഀ 30.%CELL+AGGഀ GOODഀ NOഀ 1.27-MS-02A-Aഀ 93550Aഀ TEXTURE COAT-TAN, GRANഀ NABഀ 100%AGGREGATEഀ GOODഀ NOഀ 1-27-MS-01 A-8ഀ 93551113ഀ DRYWALWDJM-TAN, GRANഀ NADഀ 35•/.CELL+AGGഀ GOODഀ NOഀ 1.27-MS-03A-Aഀ 93551Aഀ TEXTURE COAT-TAN, GRANഀ NADഀ 1omAGGRIECATF,ഀ GOODഀ NOഀ 1-27-h1S-03A-0ഀ 93SSIBഀ DRYWALL/DJM TAN, GRANഀ NABഀ 304/.CELLF-AGGഀ GOODഀ NOഀ 147-M3-04Aഀ 93352ഀ TEXTURE COAT-TAN, GRANഀ NADഀ 100%AGGREGATEഀ GOODഀ NOഀ 1-27-MS-DSAഀ 93553ഀ TEXTURE COAT-TAN, GRANഀ NADഀ 100%AGGRRGATEഀ GOODഀ NOഀ 1-21-MCOISR-Aഀ 93594Aഀ TEXTURE COAT-WHrrE,ഀ NADഀ 190%AGGREGATEഀ GOODഀ NOഀ GRANഀ 1.27-MS-6tis-Bഀ 935540ഀ DRYWALL WM-WN1TE, GRANഀ NADഀ 25%CZLL+t-AGGഀ GOODഀ NOഀ 1-27-MS-0711-Aഀ 9335!IAഀ TEXTURE COAT-WHrrr,ഀ GRANഀ NADഀ 1611%AGORCCATEഀ GOODഀ NOഀ 1.27-MS-07B-0ഀ 93$553ഀ DRYWA IJDJM-WHITE, RANഀ NADഀ 301AC£LL+AGGഀ GOODഀ NOഀ 1-27-M"&a.Aഀ 93SMAഀ TEXTURE COAT-WHITE,ഀ NADഀ 100%AGCREGATSഀ 6000ഀ NOഀ GRANഀ t-27-MS DEB-Bഀ 9J556Bഀ DRYWALL/OJM-WHITB, GRAYഀ NADഀ 30Y.CELL+AGGഀ GOODഀ NOഀ METHOD: Polarized Light Microscopy, EPA Method 600111-97/116ഀ DETECTION LIMIT: 7%Asbestosഀ ANALYST. Lars Malmstromഀ Authorized Signature:ഀ Lars MalmstronVLabMifectorഀ 'This report pertshm only b the Items taled. Tbls report may not be reproduced aerept lei full with pantdsstoa of SEN. Th4 report csanot be rod by The dlrat to claim productഀ tndorsetn.nt by N VLAP or icy teeaey of the U.S. Government. P)sorTik samples roar yield "Yalto Negadvs" (el%) aabrstas due to the she of nbertas fibers. DcTlatUve resulrs can heഀ abhsaed by TaM or SENT aa.lysh. lilt] recammertds raandysls by point wullkbr mare accursts quadlf eadon) or TIIM Anslyds(for enhaneed detection) for materlaL regulated byഀ EPA NESIrAPS and eootalntrlg lest Ilan tea pereent(<10%.) asbastas by Polarized Llght(PLM). solh serdtes we avallabla for an addktonal fee.ഀ BULK ASBESTOS SAMPLE ANALYSIS REPORTഀ NIST/NVLAP LAB #200490.0ഀ Oഀ xഀ Vഀ ~nഀ nn Dഀ Mഀ ~ rnഀ Oഀ §rnഀ r ~Nഀ -n yഀ Dzഀ rnrഀ Or ~z Cprഀ =0 DM -zഀ n MM d > oഀ O z O Gഀ 10ഀ 70ഀ _ -1ഀ O 0ഀ 2ഀ rnഀ ~ zഀ C~ഀ ~oഀ O.ഀ `d -ഀ 00ഀ ~ഀ Xl ioഀ oഀ z zഀ ~ഀ zഀ zഀ -Dഀ -Dഀ =ഀ ~ഀ nഀ ttഀ -ഀ o Iഀ -nഀ I sഀ Dഀ ~Jഀ Iഀ 1.ഀ I d°ഀ Iഀ Iഀ luji iri iNl I<lzഀ ~(3O--icrnrr> Or~Oഀ <O<ഀ z r-ഀ Oഀ r~ഀ zO00ഀ C7rrrriiഀ nഀ 0 Dഀ rഀ ~XCIഀ rU,3ഀ 5U20>ഀ rnഀ Oഀ OzNഀ DOഀ Nഀ O~ഀ Aഀ z 6-ഀ Oഀ N Zഀ O 3ഀ D=ഀ -ഀ zഀ C7D0'ഀ <ഀ z r~ഀ Dഀ z -nഀ M rnഀ Mഀ dഀ dഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ Iഀ Iഀ ~ഀ Iഀ Ujഀ nഀ O zഀ rnഀ ° rn 7ഀ OR XIഀ IIഀ D juT, 10ഀ -n nഀ Mഀ ~ Dഀ O ~ഀ rഀ T~ ~ഀ rഀ Mഀ nഀ -iഀ Pഀ lഀ aഀ ~ഀ nഀ -40ഀ rഀ ~ഀ Dഀ Oഀ <ഀ ,ഀ Aഀ zഀ -ഀ Iഀ vഀ oD~ Iഀ Dzr 10ഀ -~ttd -ഀ iഀ rഀ O~ഀ Xഀ ~Mഀ zഀ DOഀ yഀ 3~ഀ m~ഀ zഀ Elഀ -nzഀ lഀ aഀ 0 ` ~uഀ 45ഀ z Sn?ഀ cഀ -n CALIഀ N 2ഀ O Vഀ Dഀ cxnഀ r ~ഀ Mountain Meadows Unit 31 Remodelഀ EXISTING MAIN LEVEL PLAN Town of Vail, Coloradoഀ SCALE: 1/4"=I'-O" DATE - 06.06.08ഀ 81 4eഀ 12~ts~ 1~~/Oqഀ P-m- nnn4ഀ rഀ O~ഀ zഀ Oഀ -nഀ c Tഀ p-au►%aNTഀ ;Uഀ =Q%ഀ Ozഀ =ഀ cPZOd4zഀ =ഀ 1ഀ pഀ Vഀ =rrJ =pഀ nഀ Oഀ ~ഀ ~ഀ m =ഀ nഀ it aഀ ഀ -ഀ -n -nഀ r1iഀ Xഀ zഀ Cഀ rnഀ Aഀ rnഀ rnഀ rഀ rഀ ~cഀ ocഀ 0ഀ ~rഀ mഀ itഀ Mountain Meadows Unit 31 Remodelഀ EXISTING UPPER LEVEL PLAN Town of Vail, Coloradoഀ SCALE: 1/4°=1'-0° DATE - 06.06.08ഀ geUGS-6-0 0011/6ഀ 'RE VlSt: 11 7' pct.ഀ 3ഀ Dഀ zഀ rഀ rnഀ xഀ zഀ Oഀ rഀ rഀ -11ഀ Oഀ Oഀ rnഀ dഀ rഀ rഀ rഀ rnഀ rnഀ rഀ rഀ Nഀ Oഀ U3ഀ Uഀ rഀ Nഀ xഀ rnഀ Uഀ iഀ Oഀ C~ mഀ mഀ 70ഀ rഀ Z>t-> ~ഀ 176~3 nഀ ~oO z3z<Ozഀ -rnirrizഀ ~z~rtONDOഀ nzmഀ X1ഀ - U)ഀ rnഀ rnഀ >U) >Zഀ ord~ഀ rnzrndഀ U) 2 U)ഀ Mountain Meadows Unit 31 Remodelഀ PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL PLAN Town of Vail, Coloradoഀ SCALE: 1/4°=1'-0° DATE - 06.06`08ഀ rഀ Dഀ G) D c~ N ; zഀ 2rDC~<~ഀ f)J G ~~1dOz_~ഀ rnzzO7tlzഀ z rnഀ Oഀ ~rt ft►nഀ r~ഀ i :Kഀ DDഀ ~ഀ ~ഀ rriഀ c rn n~ഀ -ഀ nഀ rnഀ rഀ ~ഀ l7zD2-'uo>ഀ C)CJrO-U>zഀ ഀ rnഀ id~T~ഀ ഀ -ഀ Mഀ Aഀ 'ഀ n rഀ -iഀ ~>Mcഀ Dഀ ~rnN~rNഀ >ഀ NUj zഀ rഀ rnഀ c~ഀ O zഀ Oഀ 3 ITഀ cഀ Dഀ rnഀ Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ .Iഀ zഀ _(J)ഀ O~ഀ - ~lഀ Uzഀ -TI nഀ 1 Iഀ ~ഀ .ഀ I Iഀ Ciഀ Mഀ IIഀ `ഀ dഀ IIഀ IIഀ IIഀ Xഀ ?aഀ rഀ Tഀ ~ഀ ~ഀ Zഀ Oഀ Oഀ Mഀ Mഀ dഀ dഀ Nഀ rഀ Nഀ Oഀ rഀ Nഀ zഀ Mഀ Uഀ mഀ Z I ~ഀ c_-ഀ 0ഀ Aഀ rnഀ rഀ rnഀ rnഀ rഀ rഀ zഀ Qp Dഀ OQNഀ D -~iഀ -n uഀ -nഀ rഀ zഀ Mഀ Oഀ Oഀ Oഀ Nഀ -tlഀ Q? ~1ഀ Ozഀ Q%ഀ Nഀ Iഀ oഀ gഀ Dഀ ~Dഀ DDഀ >ഀ ഀ o=ഀ dഀ c"ഀ Dഀ Mountain Meadows Unit 31 Remodelഀ PROPOSED UPPER LEVEL PLAN Town of Vail, Coloradoഀ SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" DATE - 06.0 .08ഀ - IS~.Q ~el~ഀ 1,C 7/09ഀ (p U)ഀ O~UJ~N~ഀ 70ഀ Qp=G = M = Q)ഀ DzD3:D~ഀ -n -n -Ttഀ -1lnrtlurtfnഀ z zNഀ dഀ Z> M>ഀ ~0 70 rnഀ r~P 17MC~ഀ N~rn>ഀ j,ഀ r- Mഀ fiഀ Nഀ Mഀ dഀ N C11ഀ xഀ forഀ 3D nഀ 16Oഀ z ~ഀ C)ഀ Nഀ Oഀ ~ 0ഀ 0ഀ zDഀ zഀ Nഀ Mഀ rഀ (-1{ഀ rഀ rഀ Mഀ rnഀ rഀ Q~ഀ ~ഀ iഀ rnഀ ~ഀ rഀ Mഀ Oഀ oഀ -ഀ ~ഀ mഀ mഀ Oഀ Mഀ Mഀ rnഀ rഀ 3 7MOഀ Oഀ Z1ഀ Dഀ Dഀ rഀ >ഀ Nഀ Nഀ -rtഀ -(Iഀ rഀ Zഀ CMഀ Tഀ oഀ Nഀ (1ഀ rnഀ =ഀ Nഀ ~ഀ rnഀ Xഀ 3ഀ Mഀ rMഀ Qഀ ഀ dഀ dഀ Oഀ lZ3ഀ Dഀ Mഀ xഀ Oഀ -CJഀ zഀ rഀ 7Cഀ Mഀ mഀ r1iഀ Xഀ Zഀ Dഀ zഀ rഀ rnഀ rnഀ rഀ rnഀ rഀ rnഀ nഀ nഀ bഀ rഀ tഀ zഀ EXISTING MAIN LEVEL Mountain Meadows Unit 31 Remodelഀ ELECTRICAL PLAN Town of Vail, Coloradoഀ SCALE: 1/4°=1'-0° DATE - 06.06.08ഀ Reuഀ ~zഀ rn:~ഀ dഀ ~ N rnഀ Xഀ c~ഀ 3>nഀ Oഀ 0 > oഀ Nഀ EDഀ C~ Oഀ c~ഀ Sഀ c~ഀ F ~ഀ d M zഀ rnഀ rഀ C~ഀ rഀ 3ഀ rnഀ C~ഀ rഀ GNഀ ഀ rnഀ r N ~ഀ ? r-ഀ rഀ -Uഀ -rrഀ Eഀ (5) zഀ >ഀ zഀ zഀ rnഀ oഀ =ഀ m0ഀ rnഀ > =Mഀ Nഀ hiഀ C~ഀ rrn-.ഀ rnഀ rDrn- G Oഀ c g -zi ~ഀ ~n z >ഀ 73ഀ C1ഀ Dഀ rഀ >ഀ zഀ zഀ D Nഀ r Nഀ -nഀ >ഀ zഀ rnഀ rnഀ rm-ഀ =ഀ C7 O Lj)ഀ M Aഀ rnഀ nഀ O toഀ Oഀ rrAഀ 70ഀ >ഀ rnഀ xഀ M c~ഀ ~ Oഀ 7v-ഀ rഀ -CIഀ -1ഀ gഀ rഀ zഀ Mഀ rnഀ EXISTING UPPER LEVELഀ ELECTRICAL PLANഀ r1iഀ Xഀ Zഀ Cഀ rnഀ rഀ rnഀ {ഀ rnഀ rഀ riiഀ rഀ rnഀ nഀ nഀ Dഀ rഀ rഀ zഀ Mountain Meadows Unit 31 Remodelഀ Town of Vail, Coloradoഀ SCALE: 1/4"=l'-O"ഀ DATE - 06.06.Q8ഀ 2~v'~s 1/ 7/ Oqഀ 41 0ഀ ~zഀ LE Mഀ vZ)ഀ ~IF ~ഀ :-'4 N Mഀ -D-I Nഀ rjopഀ ~~ooഀ N C~ഀ z>ഀ Zഀ Nഀ Oഀ Q 'c 0ഀ 0ഀ ~ഀ Sഀ zഀ Mഀ 3ഀ aഀ ~ഀ Oഀ n'ഀ Nഀ rnഀ Mഀ dഀ rഀ C,ഀ rഀ -0ഀ =ഀ -nഀ r-ഀ rഀ Zഀ Mഀ Oഀ oഀ ~ഀ mഀ Oഀ Mഀ Oഀ Xഀ Dഀ rnഀ nഀ >ഀ Dഀ 4ഀ rnഀ pഀ CNഀ ~1ഀ rഀ ~pഀ ~ഀ ~ഀ ~ഀ rnഀ rഀ zഀ Mഀ Mഀ -ഀ Cഀ ഀ 3ഀ Mഀ Mഀ rഀ rttഀ nഀ aഀ vഀ ഀ mഀ oഀ rഀ 3ഀ Zഀ Qഀ Mഀ ~ഀ mഀ z ~Nഀ Dഀ Zഀ ~iഀ (11ഀ tA)ഀ Xഀ Zഀ rഀ rnഀ rnഀ rഀ rnഀ rഀ rnഀ nഀ nഀ rഀ rഀ zഀ -n nഀ ~Dഀ rnNഀ aഀ Oഀ Oഀ EXISTING MAIN LEVEL Mountain Meadows Unit 31 Remodelഀ ELECTRICAL PLAN Town of Vail, Coloradoഀ SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" DATE - 06.0 0pഀ F2~lJ1S o~ !//Oeഀ r rഀ ~z~ഀ NMഀ > Nഀ Mo Mഀ c~ഀ 3~ nഀ Orഀ NOഀ z~ഀ zഀ Nഀ OOഀ }ഀ Oഀ rn ~ഀ r rഀ vഀ N ~ഀ Mഀ ~ഀ r =ഀ rഀ Oഀ N vഀ rഀ ~ഀ ~ ~ഀ ഀ zഀ rnഀ v =ഀ rഀ yഀ Zഀ iഀ rnഀ nഀ oഀ ~m0ഀ -ഀ CAഀ ~ഀ D rnഀ Aഀ Mഀ C~ഀ Mഀ Oഀ rഀ tഀ oഀ r UOiഀ z Dഀ -ഀ r"ഀ Zഀ -z+ഀ _ഀ -0ഀ Dഀ rഀ -nഀ Xഀ Zഀ Mഀ Dഀ -i 00ഀ = rnഀ rnഀ 2ഀ ഀ N3ഀ r Oഀ xഀ Mഀ mഀ 0ഀ Mഀ 70ഀ r-ഀ Mഀ Xഀ Oഀ 7Gഀ Zഀ Cഀ I11ഀ rഀ rnഀ rnഀ rഀ tTIഀ rഀ rnഀ nഀ nഀ Dഀ rഀ rഀ zഀ EXISTING UPPER LEVEL Mountain Meadows Unit 31 Remodelഀ ELECTRICAL PLAN Town of Vail, Coloradoഀ SCALE: 1/4"=1.-0^ DATE - 06.0ഀ )P-45Uys67D obi v 8ഀ yzev,s~.Q I I, 09ഀ Installation Instructionsഀ NOTE: If you need to install ducts, note that the totalഀ duct length of 3~/4 " x 10" rectangular or 6" diameterഀ round duct should not exceed 120 equivalent feet.ഀ Outside ventilation requires a HOOD EXHAUST DUCTഀ Read the following carefully.ഀ NOTE: It is important that venting be installed usingഀ the most direct route and with as few elbows as possible.ഀ This ensures clear venting of exhaust and helps preventഀ blockages. Also, make sure dampers swing freely andഀ nothing is blocking the ducts.ഀ Exhaust connection:ഀ The hood exhaust has been designed to mate with aഀ standard 3'/4" x 10" rectangular duct.ഀ If a round duct is required, a rectangular-to-roundഀ transition adaptor must be used. Do not use less thanഀ a 6" diameter duct.ഀ Maximum duct length:ഀ For satisfactory air movement, the total duct length ofഀ 3%4" x 10" rectangular or 6" diameter round duct shouldഀ not exceed 120 equivalent feet.ഀ Elbows, transitions, wall and roof caps,ഀ etc., present additional resistance to airflow and areഀ equivalent to a section of straight duct which is longerഀ than their actual physical size. When calculating theഀ total duct length, add the equivalent lengths of allഀ transitions and adaptors plus the length of all straightഀ duct sections. The chart below shows you how toഀ calculate total equivalent ductwork length using theഀ approximate feet of equivalent length of someഀ typical ducts.ഀ EQUIVALENT NUMBERഀ EQUIVALENTഀ DUCT PIECESഀ LENGTH X USEDഀ LENGTHഀ Rectangular-to-Roundഀ Transition Adaഀ tor*ഀ 5 Ft. X (1) =ഀ 5 Ft.ഀ pഀ Wall Capഀ 40 Ft. X (1) =ഀ 40 Ft.ഀ 90° Elbowഀ 10 Ft. X (2) =ഀ 20 Ft.ഀ 45° Elbowഀ 5 Ft. X ( ► =ഀ Ft.ഀ 90° Elbowഀ 25 Ft. X (2) =ഀ so Ft.ഀ 45° Elbowഀ 5 Ft. X ( ) =ഀ Ft.ഀ Roof Capഀ 24 Ft. X ( ) =ഀ Ft.ഀ Straight Duct 6" Round orഀ 31/4" x 10" Rectangularഀ 1 Ft. X (3~ =ഀ 32 Ft.ഀ 147ft is greater than 120ft so need toഀ Total Ductworkഀ 147 Ft.ഀ put in booster fanഀ * IMPORTANT: If a rectangular-to-round transitionഀ s adaptor is used, the bottom corners of the damperഀ will have to be cut to fit, using the tin snips, in orderഀ to allow free movement of the damper.ഀ Equivalent lengths of duct pieces are based on actual testsഀ and reflect requirements for good venting performance withഀ any vent hood.ഀ 5ഀ BOLESഀ C0NST,RUCTI.ONഀ ~f,~Ao_vV'mx~ ex.~X~E:Aഀ • zZ'ഀ Ilkഀ T8c14'\ഀ 40 1?4" ~ DoosT~R-ഀ INM S1ഀ 60ഀ ~nഀ oഀ :mowഀ Mഀ 4Y,I'Dഀ S07ഀ wb Itഀ C14aഀ GE Space Maker Microwave/Hood pഀ Model # JVM1653SH05ഀ UTAH COLORADO- MONTANAഀ 3100 Pinebrook Road, Suite 2250 Post Office Box 426 76911 Gallatin Roadഀ Park City, Utah 84098 Edwards, Colorado 81632 Bozeman, Montana 59718ഀ 435.658.1507 • 435.658.1718 Fax 970.926.3202 • 970.926.2078 Fax 406.763.4850 • 406.763.4820 Faxഀ bolesconstruction.comഀ zഀ rഀ rotഀ rrrഀ rഀ rഀ F C)ഀ Oഀ ~ഀ ❑ഀ ❑ഀ ~ഀ oഀ oഀ cഀ Dഀ C)ഀ ~CDഀ ~oഀ pഀ 4cO<ഀ oഀ Cഀ orഀ CDഀ ~ഀ 0ഀ CDഀ ~ഀ Cഀ ,ഀ Dഀ Dഀ ഀ sഀ IDഀ ~t -ഀ oഀ -ഀ -ഀ CDഀ rഀ sഀ `ഀ ഀ a~ഀ °ഀ °ഀ Qഀ IDഀ ~ഀ oഀ oഀ "g,ഀ ~ oഀ ~ഀ D wഀ CDഀ rഀ cഀ Dഀ ' 3ഀ .ഀ o ~ oഀ CDഀ oഀ CD ((q ~ •ഀ o CD oaഀ C)ഀ oഀ CDഀ rnഀ Oഀ Vഀ G~ഀ Mഀ CP C~ഀ O Oഀ Idഀ - . WPഀ i,TCഀ 0ഀ JLJI!° I--IIഀ Iഀ Iഀ .Iഀ ഀ CP C~ഀ 00ഀ o ~ഀ rഀ J6 0ഀ Oഀ CEOLi/✓~'~ G.irV"~ഀ ~ nഀ mfrഀ 70 Iഀ -ഀ WCcഀ Iഀ y,~ഀ O Iഀ I~ഀ cഀ d N I~ഀ O ~ഀ Iഀ Iഀ dഀ zഀ Oഀ CIJഀ Mഀ zഀ nഀ zഀ (:Bഀ 70 illഀ I•ഀ 71 { d of ~ഀ pi li,lഀ 0ഀ Oilഀ >~>rnഀ <~zdഀ M MMഀ 7cഀ Mountain_.Meadows Unit 31 Remodelഀ PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL PLAN Town of Vail, Coloradoഀ SCALE: 1/4°=V-0° DATE - 06.0608ഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ TOWN OF VAfI,ഀ Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ p. 970.479.2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections 970.479.2149ഀ ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit E09-0012ഀ AMFഀ Job Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAILഀ Location.....: UNIT 31, MOUNTAIN MEADOWSഀ Parcel No...: 210112419031ഀ OWNER FLANAGAN, JUDITH B.ഀ 2605 PASADENA PLഀ FLOWER MOUNDഀ TX 75022ഀ APPLICANT JEFF ELECTRIC, LLCഀ PO BOX 3635ഀ VAILഀ COLORADO 81632ഀ License: 417-Eഀ CONTRACTOR JEFF ELECTRIC, LLCഀ PO BOX 3635ഀ VAILഀ COLORADO 81632ഀ License: 417-Eഀ 01/29/2009ഀ 01/29/2009 Phone: (970) 376-8528ഀ 01/29/2009 Phone: (970) 376-8528ഀ Statusഀ Appliedഀ Issued. . .ഀ Expires.ഀ PRJ09-0012ഀ ISSUEDഀ 01/29/2009ഀ 02/02/2009ഀ 08/01/2009ഀ Desciption: WIRING FOR INTERIOR REMODEL, REPLACE BASEBOARD HEATഀ Valuation: $10,000.00ഀ Square feet: 1200ഀ ഀ FEE SUMMARYഀ Electrical Permit Fee--------- >ഀ $57.50 Total Calculated Fees-->ഀ $61.50ഀ Investigation Fee-------------->ഀ $0.00 Additional Fees >ഀ $0.00ഀ Will Call Fee-------------------->ഀ $4.00ഀ Use Tax Fee------------------- >ഀ $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE--->ഀ $61.50ഀ Total Calculated Fees >ഀ $61.50 Payments----------------->ഀ $61.50ഀ BALANCE DUE---------- >ഀ $0.00ഀ APPROVALSഀ Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTഀ 01/29/2009 JLE Action: APഀ CONDITIONS OF APPROVALഀ Cond: 12ഀ (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state thatഀ all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stateഀ laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building andഀ Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OURഀ OFFICE FROM 8:00 PM. _ഀ -217ഀ c2l,ഀ S'_ atu e of Owner or Con ctor Daഀ Print Nameഀ Cഀ Projectഀ elec_prm_041908ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statementഀ Statement Number: R090000098 Amount: $61.50 02/02/200909:52 AMഀ Payment Method: Check Init: SABഀ Notation: 1026 JEFFഀ ELECTRICഀ ഀ Permit No: E09-0012 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMITഀ Parcel No: 2101-124-1903-1ഀ Site Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAILഀ Location: UNIT 31, MOUNTAIN MEADOWSഀ Total Fees: $61.50ഀ This Payment: $61.50 Total ALL Pmts: $61.50ഀ Balance: $0.00ഀ ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmtsഀ ഀ EP 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 57.50ഀ WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00ഀ APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNEDഀ Project Fg-u~ ~ 12.ഀ Building Permit ` - a'Oഀ Electrical Permitഀ TOVIAAUI" 970-479-2149 (Inspections)ഀ 75 S. Frontage Rd.ഀ Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATIONഀ CONTRACTOR INFORMATIONഀ Electrical Coon//tractor:ഀ C L+C a✓ Lഀ Town of Vail Reg. No.:ഀ Cഀ Contact Person and~Phone #'s:ഀ ~ d ; 3 frE ` S~ഀ E-Mail Address: o 5(`e(eഀ ഀ e__ YchG,, Cwt Fax#:ഀ Contractor Signaturഀ i/ L) 'uഀ COMPLETE SQ'*OOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (Labor & Materials)ഀ LECTRICAL VALUATION: $ഀ AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: =Fഀ Contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www. ea le-coon . com for Parcel #ഀ Parcel #ഀ Name:ഀ 7 ~51:z41:ഀ ' ~riഀ JobAddഀ ess:ഀ ~Yo~i (f=•ഀ Legal Descriptionഀ Lot:ഀ Block:ഀ Iഀ F Filing:ഀ Subdivision:ഀ O ers~K,< f n©~ dress: <<P lamഀ sac IV,ഀ d. Phone:ഀ Engineer:ഀ Phone:ഀ Detailed description of work: J✓ k ~ഀ rഀ Samഀ Work Class: New Addition ( ) Remodel Repair ( )ഀ Temp Power ( ) Other ( )ഀ Work Type: Interior Exterior ( ) Both( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes( ) Noഀ Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial(ഀ ) Restaurant( ) Other 7_,r_ ~ഀ No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in this building:ഀ Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes Noഀ ) Noഀ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes( ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes(ഀ Other Fees:ഀ Date Received:ഀ DRB Fees.ഀ Accepted B :ഀ Planner Sign-off:ഀ F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Building\electical-permit 11-23-2005.DOC Page 1 of 2 11/23/2005ഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATഀ MRO VY 'ഀ Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ p. 970-479-2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections. 970.479.2149ഀ MECHANICAL PERMITഀ ASFRഀ Job Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAILഀ Location.....: UNIT 31, MOUNTAIN MEADOWSഀ Parcel No...: 210112419031ഀ OWNER FLANAGAN, JUDITH B.ഀ 2605 PASADENA PLഀ FLOWER MOUNDഀ TX 75022ഀ APPLICANT SKYLINE MECHANICALഀ P.O. BOX 1258ഀ GYPSUMഀ CO 81637ഀ License: 121-Mഀ CONTRACTOR SKYLINE MECHANICALഀ P.O. BOX 1258ഀ GYPSUMഀ CO 81637ഀ License: 121-Mഀ 03/06/2009ഀ 03/06/2009 Phone: 970-524-6809ഀ 03/06/2009 Phone: 970-524-6809ഀ Desciption: INSTALL GAS FIREPLACE INCLUDING VENTILATION (GAS PIPING BYഀ OTHERS)ഀ Valuation: $9,500.00ഀ ALL TIMESഀ Permit M09-0030ഀ Project PRJ09-0012ഀ Statusഀ ISSUEDഀ Applied..:ഀ 03/06/2009ഀ Issued .ഀ 03/06/2009ഀ Expires .ഀ 09/02/2009ഀ ...~~.~..~.~..~........~,...~.,...,.~..,...,~~.:.,..,.~....,..,.~.~~~.~.....,.,.,..~....~..FEE SUMMARY..~ ..................<.........<...........<..,...~.~.*.................~.............ഀ Mechanical Permit Fee---> $200.00 Will Call > $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---> $254.00ഀ Plan Check > $50.00 Use Tax Fee------ > $0.00 Additional Fees-----------> $0.00ഀ Investigation-----------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> $254.00ഀ Total Calculated Fees--> $254.00 Payments-----------------> $254.00ഀ BALANCE DUE--------- > $0.00ഀ APPROVALSഀ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTഀ 03/06/2009 JLE Action: APഀ CONDITION OF APPROVALഀ Cond: 12ഀ (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.ഀ Cond: 22ഀ (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTIONഀ 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL.ഀ Cond: 25ഀ (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC.ഀ Cond: CON0010577ഀ SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GAS PIPING BY OTHERSഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informationഀ as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structureഀ according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Townഀ applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0(ഀ AM -4 PM. -ഀ re of Owner or Contractorഀ .-.-6-09ഀ Dateഀ mechcanical_permit_041908ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statementഀ Statement Number: R090000214 Amount: $254.00 03/06/200902:54 PMഀ Payment Method: Check Init: LCഀ Notation: #14894/SKYLINEഀ MECHANICAL INC.ഀ Permit No: M09-0030 Type: MECHANICAL PERMITഀ Parcel No: 2101-124-1903-1ഀ Site Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAILഀ Location: UNIT 31, MOUNTAIN MEADOWSഀ Total Fees: $254.00ഀ This Payment: $254.00 Total ALL Pmts: $254.00ഀ Balance: $0.00ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmtsഀ ഀ MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 200.00ഀ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 50.00ഀ WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00ഀ Mar 02 2009 3:48PM Skyline Mechanical INC. 970-524-6810ഀ P.1ഀ Mechanical Room Lawg ,t drawn to ar ale ro in ludo S~ S eഀ Mechanical Room Dimensionsഀ Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationഀ Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationഀ Heat Loss Calculationsഀ Equipment Cut / Spec Shoatsഀ Project. Addressഀ L Projectഀ Q~ O Vഀ a Pet, &V 2ഀ -Jr 14.11ഀ Contractor Information Building Permit # ~O 9 (000 4ഀ Mechanical Permit O L - 0-2ഀ aഀ Company: " .(fഀ 1~ /Q 1 fZ P~_~~[ Detailed Description of Work:ഀ Company Address:ഀ City: & szelm l ~5oZഀ State:_ C G,. Zip:ഀ Contact Name: Tu Sf1~~ U /C rn iQ `ഀ ads F/ 2 ,~L i~cPഀ Contact Ph: to ~5'O 9 Cell: g d ~ - jഀ E-Mail: °TU Sf/,-t. (9 15~YLI-ve 11•c _,c~g , C AAAഀ (Use additional sheet it necessary)ഀ Town of Vail ;ntractor Regi lion Noഀ X Complete Valuation for Mechanical Permit:ഀ Contracto nature (required) Mechanical $ Sy, S~Jp~ nഀ iഀ ' Property Infon~m7atlon Work Class:ഀ Parcel ?c f New ( Addition ( ) Remodel AA Repair( )Other(ഀ Boiler Location:ഀ Legal Description: Lot # Blk #ഀ Subdivision: Interi . or ( ) Exterior ( ► Other ( )ഀ Jab Name: Norrype Existing Fireplaces:ഀ -si j2 s ( } ( )ഀ i Gas Appliances( ) Gas Logs Wood/Pelletഀ Owner Name: dl 8 FL~,s, FJ (-Ry Norrype Proposed Fireplaces:ഀ Mailing Address: 6 C $ P45A Q P ,q p L Gas Appliances )r) Gas Logs ( } Wood/Pellet { )ഀ (For Parcel fr Contact Eagle Cou. v. assessors Office at 970-328-8640~° visit . `ഀ www.eaglecounty.us/patie) r t o[uer@ a~ p t,(~j~ 1 / K Building Type:ഀ (5 ° Z Sin9ie-FamiiY ) Two-Famiiy( Multi Famiiy ( )ഀ ) $ }ഀ Architect( ) Designer( Engineer(ഀ Name: Commercial ( } Townhome ( ) Other(ഀ )ഀ Phone: Date Received:ഀ Fax:ഀ E-Mail:ഀ 4'~,FBI\`~I[ഀ MAk, Q rഀ TOWN Gഀ - I Iwwniv i[ems m l31 DB a ached t0 t:hi eA it anDllC'r*1pnഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ MWNOVE0ഀ Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ p. 970.479.2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections 970.479.2149ഀ PLUMBING PERMITഀ ADUPഀ Job Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAILഀ Location.....: UNIT 31, MOUNTAIN MEADOWSഀ Parcel No...: 210112419031ഀ OWNER FLANAGAN, JUDITH B.ഀ 2605 PASADENA PLഀ FLOWER MOUNDഀ TX 75022ഀ APPLICANT MR. PLUMBER,INC.ഀ PO BOX 1563ഀ EAGLEഀ COLORADO 81631ഀ License: 345-Pഀ CONTRACTOR MR. PLUMBERJNC.ഀ PO BOX 1563ഀ EAGLEഀ COLORADO 81631ഀ License: 345-Pഀ 02/09/2009ഀ 02/09/2009 Phone: (970) 574-6768ഀ 02/09/2009 Phone: (970) 574-6768ഀ Desciption: change TO 2 1/2 BATH ROOMS,AND KITCHENഀ Valuation: $6,000.00ഀ Permit P09-0011ഀ Projectഀ Statusഀ ISSUEDഀ Appliedഀ 02/09/2009ഀ Issued.ഀ 02110/2009ഀ Expires .ഀ 08/09/2009ഀ .........~>.w..... FEE SUMMARY,,............ഀ Plumbing Permit Fee---> $90.00 Will Call > $4.00 Total Calculated Fees $116.50ഀ Plan Check > $22.50 Use Tax Fee------------ > $0.00 Additional Fees > $0.00ഀ Investigation--------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--> $116.50ഀ Total Calculated Fees--> $116.50 Payments > $116.50ഀ BALANCE DUE-----------> $0.00ഀ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTഀ 02/09/2009 JRM Action: APഀ APPROVALSഀ Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTഀ CONDITION OF APPROVALഀ Cond:12ഀ (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informationഀ as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structureഀ according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Townഀ applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE-W°ADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0(ഀ AM - 4 PM.ഀ nature of Owner orഀ Print Nameഀ `~-\V-C~,ഀ Dateഀ pimbpermt1_041908ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOഀ Statementഀ Statement Number:ഀ R090000138 Amount: $116.50 02/10/200903:54ഀ PMഀ Payment Method:ഀ Check Init: DDGഀ Notation: Mr.ഀ Plumber 888ഀ ഀ Permit No:ഀ ഀ P09-0011 Type: PLUMBING PERMITഀ ഀ Parcel No:ഀ 2101-124-1903-1ഀ Site Address:ഀ 4684 MEADOW DR VAILഀ Location:ഀ UNIT 31, MOUNTAIN MEADOWSഀ Total Fees:ഀ $116.50ഀ This Payment:ഀ $116.50 Total ALL Pmts:ഀ $116.50ഀ Balance:ഀ $0.00ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:ഀ Account Codeഀ ഀ Description Current Pmtsഀ ഀ -ഀ PF 00100003112300ഀ ഀ ഀ PLAN CHECK FEESഀ ഀ 22.50ഀ PP 00100003111100ഀ PLUMBING PERMIT FEESഀ 90.00ഀ WC 00100003112800ഀ WILL CALL INSPECTION FEEഀ 4.00ഀ TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATIONഀ ?14fo ~ Doഀ ഀ Project Address:ഀ Li 0 ~6 `t V1~ r~ ~~~rഀ Contractor Iഀ Company: ~AZ \I.+ O-A 1- n 1ഀ Company Address:ഀ City: t c. t Stater Zip:ഀ Contact Name: ~c~ac .w ~c _v~ sഀ Contact Ph: ~A)Lv ~y-&'A CY Cell: 11'\C ;'AG ~C'ACkഀ E-Mail:ഀ Town of Vail Contr tar Registration No:ഀ X-ഀ Contractor Signature (required)ഀ Plumbing Valuation (Labor & Material)ഀ Plumbing $ _ L1,000ഀ Property Informationഀ Parcelഀ Legal Description: Lot #ഀ Subdivision:ഀ Blk #ഀ Job Name: Gcilഀ Owner Name:ഀ Mailing Address:ഀ (For Parcel # Contact Eagle County assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visitഀ www.eaglecounty.us/patie)ഀ Projectഀ Building Permit b un - C Lഀ Plumbing Permitഀ Architect ( ) Designer ( ) Engineer ( )ഀ Name:ഀ Phone:ഀ Fax: rഀ E-Mail:ഀ Detailed Description of Work:ഀ C_VN ycSഀ U \ഀ CV%Aഀ (Use additional sheet if necessary)ഀ Work Class:ഀ New Addition ( ) Remodel Repair ( ) Other ( )ഀ Building Type:ഀ Single-Family ( ) Two-Family ( ) Multi-Family ( )ഀ Commercial ( ) Townhome ( ) Other ( )ഀ Date Received: E LEഀ D E 1_0ഀ FEB o 9 2009ഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ , 0 1ഀ 05-04-2009 Inspection Request Reporting Page 1ഀ 4:03 pm Vail, CO - City Of roഀ Requested Inspect Date: Tuesday, May 05, 2009ഀ Inspection Area: JRMഀ Site Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAILഀ UNIT 31, MOUNTAIN MEADOWSഀ A/P/D Informationഀ Activity:ഀ B09-0004 Type: A-MFഀ Const Type:ഀ Occupancy:ഀ Owner:ഀ FLANAGAN, JUDITH B.ഀ Contractor:ഀ BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INCഀ Description:ഀ INTERIOR RE Lഀ Requested Insഀ pection(s) /ഀ BOLES,CUSTOM,ZUILDERS, INCഀ Time Exp:ഀ Inspection Histoഀ Item:ഀ 50 BLDG-Insulationഀ Approved "ഀ 03/10/09ഀ Inspector:ഀ shahnഀ Comment:ഀ Item:ഀ 60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nailഀ Approvedഀ 03/17/09ഀ Inspector:ഀ JRMഀ Comment:ഀ Item:ഀ 70 BLDG-Misc.ഀ Item:ഀ 90 BLDG-Finalഀ 05/04/09ഀ Inspector:ഀ JRMഀ Comment:ഀ CANCEL Bഀ Y GC.ഀ REPT131ഀ Sub Type: AMFഀ Use: IRCഀ Phone: 970-926-3202ഀ Status: ISSUEDഀ Insp Area: JRMഀ Requested Time: 08:00 AMഀ Phone: 970-926-3202ഀ Entered By: JMONDRAGON Kഀ ` rഀ Action: AP APPROVEDഀ Action: AP APPROVEDഀ Action: NO NOTIFIEDഀ Run Id: 9642ഀ 05-04-2009 Inspection Request Re orting Page 2ഀ 4:03 pm Vail, CO - City Ofഀ Requested Inspect Date: Tuesday, May 05, 2009ഀ Inspection Area: JRMഀ Site Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAILഀ UNIT 31, MOUNTAIN MEADOWSഀ A/P/D Informationഀ Activity: M09-0030 Type: B-MECH Sub Type: ASFR Status: ISSUEDഀ Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: JRMഀ Owner: FLANAGAN, JUDITH B.ഀ Contractor: SKYLINE MECHANICAL Phone: 970-524-6809ഀ Description: INSTALL GAS FIREPLACE INCLUDING VENTILATION (GAS PIPING BY OTHERS)ഀ SKഀ weഀ JMഀ Insaection Histoഀ -Fഀ Time Exp:ഀ b (Aoഀ Item: 200 MECH-Rough "'Approved'ഀ 03/09/09 Inspector: JRM Actionഀ Comment: FIREPLACE ROUGH ONLY APPROVEDഀ 03/10/09 Inspector: shahn Actionഀ Comment: VENTILATION APPROVEDഀ Item: 340 MECH-Misc.ഀ Item: 390 MECH-Finalഀ REPT131ഀ Requested Time: 09:00 AMഀ Phone: 970-524-6809ഀ Entered By: JMONDRAGON Kഀ AP APPROVEDഀ Run Id: 9642ഀ 04-30-2009 Inspection Request Reporting Page 6ഀ 4:07 pm Vail, CO - City Ofഀ Requested Inspect Date: Friday, May 01, 2009ഀ Inspection Area: JRMഀ Site Address: 4684 MEADOW DR VAILഀ UNIT 31, MOUNTAIN MEADOWSഀ A/P/D Informationഀ Activity: P09-0011 Type: B-PLMB Sub Type: ADUP Status: ISSUEDഀ Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: JRMഀ Owner: FLANAGAN, JUDITH B.ഀ Contractor: MR. PLUMBER,INC. Phone: (970) 574-6768ഀ Description: change TO 2 1/2 BATH ROOMS,AND KITCHENഀ Item: 290 PLMB-Final Requested Time: 09:00 AMഀ merits: 3176-3049ഀ red To: JMONDRAGON Time Exp: Entered By: JMONDRAGON Kഀ Action: MBER,INC. Phone: (970) 574-6768ഀ ;ഀ Y /ഀ 1ഀ Inspection Historyഀ Item: 220 PLMB-Rou h/D.W.V. Approvedഀ 02/19/09 Inspector: JRMഀ Comment:ഀ Item: 230 PLMB-Rough/Water Approvedഀ 02/19/09 Inspector: JRMഀ Comment:ഀ Item: 260 PLMB-Misc.ഀ Item: 290 PLMB-Finalഀ Action: AP APPROVEDഀ REPT131ഀ Run Id: 9596ഀ Action: PAP APPROVEDഀ