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NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ TOMOFVdILഀ Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149ഀ ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit B08-0341ഀ Project 3 O & - 65 SOഀ Job Address: 241 E MEADOW DR VAILഀ Location......: VILLAGE PARKING STRUCTUREഀ Parcel No....: 210108227002ഀ OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 09/24/2008ഀ C/O FINANCE DEPTഀ 75 S FRONTAGE RDഀ VAILഀ CO 81657ഀ APPLICANT NINE-0 CONSTRUCTION SPECIALT 09/24/2008 Phone: 970-618-1729ഀ 2421 BLAKE AVENUEഀ GLENWOOD SPRINGSഀ CO 81601ഀ License: 881-Bഀ CONTRACTOR NINE-0 CONSTRUCTION SPECIALT 09/24/2008ഀ 2421 BLAKE AVENUEഀ GLENWOOD SPRINGSഀ CO 81601ഀ License: 881-Bഀ Phone: 970-618-1729ഀ Status :ഀ ISSUEDഀ Appliedഀ 09/24/2008ഀ Issuedഀ 09/26/2008ഀ Expiresഀ 03/25/2009ഀ \rഀ k Lഀ Description:ഀ NEW ELEVATORഀ Occupancy:ഀ Type Construction:ഀ Valuation:ഀ Total Sq Ft Added:ഀ $53,000.00ഀ 0ഀ ..,x...,~ FEE SUMMARY ..,.........,.Rഀ Building Permit Fee------ >ഀ $664.75ഀ Will Cal Fee--------------------- >ഀ $4.00ഀ Total Calculated Fees >ഀ $1,960.84ഀ Plan Check-------------------->ഀ $432.09ഀ Use Tax Fee--------------------- >ഀ $860.00ഀ Additional Fees----------------------->ഀ $1,960.84)ഀ Add'I Plan Check Hours->ഀ $0.00ഀ Restuarant Plan Review----->ഀ $0.00ഀ TOTAL PERMIT FEES-------------->ഀ $0.00ഀ Investigationഀ $0.00ഀ Recreation Fee----------------->ഀ $0.00ഀ Payments >ഀ $0.00ഀ Total Calculated Fees-------->ഀ $1,960.84ഀ BALANCE DUE------------------------ >ഀ $0.00ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informationഀ as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structureഀ according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Townഀ applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEL HONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROMഀ 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. qഀ Signature of Owner or Contractor ateഀ Print Nameഀ bld_alt_construction_perm it_041908ഀ +++++i.xxxx+xxxxx+xxxxx+xxxxxxx+xx+x+xxxxxx++xxx+xx++xxx++xxxxx+xxx+xxxxxxxxxxx++xxx++xx+x++x++xxxxxx++xxxx+xxxx+x+xxxxxxxxx+xxxx++++++xxx++++x+++++++xxxxxx++++xഀ APPROVALSഀ Permit B08-0341 as of 09-26-2008 Status: ISSUEDഀ ++++++xxxx+xxx+xxxxxxxx++xxx++++xxx++xxx+++++xxx+x+++++++++xxxx+++++x+++++xxxx+++xx+x++++++xxx+++xxx+++xxx+++++xxxx++++xxxx++++++xxx+++++++xxx++++++x+++++xxxxx+ഀ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTഀ 09/25/2008 jplano Action: CR 1) Per NEC Articleഀ 110.14(C) (1)(a) the 60 degree column on Table 310.16ഀ shall be used for circuits rated 100 amps or less, as theഀ drawings do not indicate if fused switch is existing orഀ new. Verify the #3 alum conductors are sufficient for theഀ load.ഀ 2) Provide the motor HP rating.ഀ 3) Panel SP5: Provide load for the eight branch circuitsഀ not indicating load.ഀ 4) dwg E1.0: Keyed note #3 indicates the sump is in theഀ machine room. Verify location and provide GFIC receptacleഀ for sump or single receptacle per 620.85.ഀ 5) dwg E1.0: Show circuiting for machine room lightingഀ and locate switch near entry per 680.23ഀ 09/25/2008 jplano Action: AP Correctionsഀ addressedഀ Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTഀ 09/26/2008 mcgee Action: AP 1. Submit fireഀ sprinkler permit for revisions.ഀ 2. Submit fire alarm permit for revisions.ഀ 3. Submit control sequence matrix with fire alarm.ഀ 4. Submit NWCOG approval.ഀ 5. Submit method of monitoring elevator phone per ANSIഀ A17.ഀ 6. Submit detail on shaft ventilationഀ 7. Submit detail on electrical and elevator mechanicalഀ equipment.ഀ 8. Provide details in cab interior materials andഀ flamespread.ഀ 9. Elevator graphics are required.ഀ 10. Designate elevator recall primary and secondaryഀ levels.ഀ 11. Provide details on elevator recall and emergencyഀ power.ഀ 12. Upgrade to existing elevator controls may be requiredഀ to sequence recall and operation of existing elevator.ഀ Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKSഀ 09/26/2008 tk Action: NAഀ +++xxxxxx++++xxx++++++xxxx+++++++xxx+++++++++++++xxx++++++++++++++++++xxxx+++++++xxxxxxxx+++xxxxxx++xxxxxxxxx++xx++xxxxxxxxx+x++xx++xxxxxx+x+++xx++x++.+++++++++++xxx+++++xx+++++++x+ഀ See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply.ഀ bld_a It_construction_permit_041908ഀ CONDITIONS OF APPROVALഀ Permit B08-0341 as of 09-26-2008 Status: ISSUEDഀ Cond: 1ഀ (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANYഀ WORK CAN BE STARTED.ഀ Cond: 12ഀ (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODEഀ COMPLIANCE.ഀ Cond: CON0010343ഀ ELEVATOR TO BE INSPECTED BT NWCCOGഀ Cond: CON0010344ഀ SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR SPRINKLER, ALARM, PLUMBING,ഀ MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICALഀ Cond: CON0010345ഀ The electrical permit will be issued only after revisedഀ electrical drawings are received addressing electricalഀ comments emailed to me engineers dated 9/25/08ഀ b Id_a It_construction_perm it_041908ഀ r.ഀ Devekഀ BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONഀ Separate Permits are re uired for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace, etc.ഀ brഀ Project Address 41 3~ Project # le? 101ഀ LL,,ഀ DRB#ഀ Contractor Informationഀ Company: vt&44) c•L erJrS _T".ഀ Company Address: A-A- ( tg lcf /Y-ഀ Cit: lv~ State: Zip:ഀ Contact Name: A, ~C G~ f~l ~i,Nഀ Contact Ph: ~70 ceff: 9'70 - '71.17- 9'16 9ഀ E-Mail: 0 C 4 fyr S~'/ ~~Iv'`ഀ Town of Vail Contractor Registration No:ഀ Contractor Signature (required)ഀ Property Information I ZaU2...ഀ iഀ " Parcel JYr7fX./`Y O~~ഀ Legal Description: Lot # Blk #ഀ Subdivision: V'; I L v-ഀ Job Name: V I t-ഀ Owner Name: 1 O J Vr~ഀ Mailing Address: 75,. eഀ - 4-v41.ഀ (For Parcel # Contact Eagle County assessors Office at 970-328-8640 orഀ visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie)ഀ Valuations (Labor & Material)ഀ Building $ 3 5ഀ Plumbing $ഀ Electrical $ഀ Mechanical $ഀ Total $,t~✓ഀ S?~;VCr®ഀ CVo fj Building Permitഀ Detailed Description of Work: _ഀ L `ഀ ,0~ഀ (Use additional sheet if necessary)ഀ Architect (vf Designer Engineer (vKഀ Phone: T54 t_ ,,,r, . 970 _2. Is - 636ഀ Fax:ഀ E-Mail:ഀ Work Class:ഀ New Addition ( ) Remodel (vl--Repair Other ( )ഀ Work Type:ഀ Interior 6,or Exterior Both ( )ഀ Building Type:ഀ Single-Family ( ) Two-Family ( ) Multi-Family ( )ഀ Commercial ( Townhome ( ) Other ( )ഀ # & Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ( ) A0ഀ Gas Log ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( )ഀ # & Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ( )ഀ Gas Log ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( )ഀ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( V, No( )ഀ Monitored Alarm: Yes (v'j No( )ഀ Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (A,-rNo ( )ഀ Date Receivedഀ i YP n ~Iഀ Lഀ J OFഀ V iLഀ Vail Transportation Elevator Electrical commentsഀ Stan Hahn [SHahn@vailgov.com]ഀ Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 1:09 PMഀ To: mwallace@mesprings.comഀ Cc: John Plano; John Gallegos [JGallegos@vailgov.com]ഀ Michael, a couple comments and questions concerning electrical plans:ഀ 1) Per NEC Article 110.14(C) (1)(a) the 60 degree column on Table 310.16 shall be used for circuits rated 100ഀ amps or less, as the drawings do not indicate if fused switch is existing or new. Verify the #3 alum conductorsഀ are sufficient for the load.ഀ 2) Provide the motor HP rating.ഀ 3) Panel SPS: Provide load for the eight branch circuits not indicating load.ഀ 4) dwg E1.0: Keyed note #3 indicates the sump is in the machine room. Verify location and provide GFICഀ receptacle for sump or single receptacle per 620.85.ഀ 5) dwg E1.0: Show circuiting for machine room lighting and locate switch near entry per 680.23ഀ Please call with any questions.ഀ Stan Hahn, C.E.M., LEED APഀ Town of Vailഀ Office 970-479-2147ഀ shahn@VaiIgov.comഀ Lഀ ';,ij Pep IV s Reply to AlI For,,~ardഀ RE: Vail Transportation Elevator Electrical commentsഀ Michael Wallace [mwallace@mesprings.com]ഀ Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 1:31 PMഀ To: Stan Hahn [SHahn@vailgov.com]ഀ Stan,ഀ Thanks for the quick review. Here are my responses below.ഀ 1 and 2. I do not have elevator information yet. The sizing isഀ basedഀ on the existing elevator and will be changed as necessary whenഀ we getഀ elevator submittals. The disconnect should be fused, I will rഀ verify thatഀ it is the case and will modify the drawings if it is notഀ currently shownഀ that way. The existing elevator is fused at 70 amps. If theഀ new isഀ that or less the #3 conductors will be sufficient.ഀ 3. Will add the loads.ഀ 4. There is an existing receptacle in the machine room for anഀ existingഀ sump pump. I do not know if this serves both shafts or not. Ifഀ not,ഀ the new receptacle is for the new sump pump. We will show it asഀ aഀ single receptacle.ഀ 5. This is an existing elevator machine room. Lighting andഀ circuitingഀ are already there.ഀ M; -L,- -l ii -,l l n LIഀ E Cഀ Dഀ i"a' 1 2000ഀ Nine-O Construction Specialties, Inc.ഀ Vഀ TOWN OF AIN. vഀ 2421 Nake Ave., Cilcrmooooclഀ (970) 618-1729ഀ 'Ciഀ We " V T C- Z--le 7i~-ഀ AgtC is Sett oT J-owo 4 gc~~ഀ IP/ 0 CIO-& / -f elഀ - o,o nt S - !o j++wc"K,# e4f -L'ഀ 75 4 k- J, X14ഀ ~1 a /0 2 e J 7~, -y , J h Pep( jt-e { 7 A cv, y ILഀ `~/`f _~Drr.. ~l,'✓r 1+[ g °d" ~~,'/~/.~C ~vv~.- C~°ഀ kIllഀ W , ` ~ v ~ S-c s e ve rc :70v-'~';f , .,.1ഀ ta re-ഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ TMWNOF Yഀ Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149ഀ ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit B08-0341ഀ Projectഀ Job Address: 241 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status :ഀ Location......: VILLAGE PARKING STRUCTURE Appliedഀ Parcel No....: 210108227002 Issuedഀ ഀ OWNER TOWN OF VAtL 09/24/2008 Expiresഀ C/O FINANCE DEPTഀ 75 S FRONTAGE RDഀ VAILഀ CO 81657ഀ APPLICANT NINE-0 CONSTRUCTION SPECIALT 09/24/2008 Phone: 970-618-1729ഀ 2421 BLAKE AVENUEഀ GLENWOOD SPRINGSഀ CO 81601ഀ License: 881-Bഀ CONTRACTOR NINE-0 CONSTRUCTION SPECIALT 09/24/2008ഀ 2421 BLAKE AVENUEഀ GLENWOOD SPRINGSഀ CO 81601ഀ License: 881-Bഀ Phone: 970-618-1729ഀ ISSUEDഀ 09/24/2008ഀ 09/26/2008ഀ 03/25/2009ഀ Description:ഀ NEW ELEVATORഀ Occupancy:ഀ Type Construction:ഀ Valuation:ഀ Total Sq Ft Added:ഀ $53,000.00ഀ 0ഀ ..............x.= FEE SUMMARYഀ ഀ Building Permit Fee------ >ഀ $664.75ഀ Will Cal Fee--------------------- >ഀ $4.00ഀ Total Calculated Fees >ഀ $2ഀ 015ഀ 84ഀ Plan Check-------------------->ഀ 'ഀ $432.09ഀ Use Tax Fee--------------------- >ഀ $860.00ഀ Additional Fees----------------------->ഀ ,ഀ .ഀ $2ഀ 015.84)ഀ Addഀ I Plan Check Hours->ഀ $55.00ഀ Restuarant Plan Review----->ഀ $0.00ഀ TOTAL PERMIT FEES-------------->ഀ ,ഀ $0ഀ 00ഀ Investigation----------------->ഀ $0.00ഀ Recreation Fee----------------->ഀ $0.00ഀ .ഀ Payments >ഀ $0.00ഀ Total Calculated Fees-------->ഀ $2,015.84ഀ BALANCE DUE------------------------ >ഀ $0.00ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informationഀ as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structureഀ according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Townഀ applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROMഀ 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM.ഀ Signattu/te of Owner or Contractor Dateഀ Print Nameഀ bld_a It_co nstru ction_pe rm it_041908ഀ XX*k***X***XX**k**k***XX****X***kX*X***XX***XXX*********X*kk*kX*****X***XXXX****XXk***XX****XX***XX**kXX****XX****XXk*X*XXX***kXXXkk*XXXk**k*XX****XX****X*Xk**kഀ APPROVALSഀ Permit B08-0341 as of 10-02-2008 Status: ISSUEDഀ ***k**X**kX****k**k*kkX***kX***k*X***X**k*k*Xkk***X*k*******XX*k**kXX*#***k*****X***kfiX****kXkkkkkXk*kXX***k*k***k*Xkkk*rtX*kkk*XX*X*kkX*****XXkk**XX*k***k******ഀ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTഀ 09/25/2008 jplano Action: CR 1) Per NEC Articleഀ 110.14(C) (1)(a) the 60 degree column on Table 310.16ഀ shall be used for circuits rated 100 amps or less, as theഀ drawings do not indicate if fused switch is existing orഀ new. Verify the #3 alum conductors are sufficient for theഀ load.ഀ 2) Provide the motor HP rating.ഀ 3) Panel SP5: Provide load for the eight branch circuitsഀ not indicating load.ഀ 4) dwg E1.0: Keyed note #3 indicates the sump is in theഀ machine room. Verify location and provide GFIC receptacleഀ for sump or single receptacle per 620.85.ഀ 5) dwg E1.0: Show circuiting for machine room lightingഀ and locate switch near entry per 680.23ഀ 09/25/2008 jplano Action: AP Correctionsഀ addressedഀ 10/02/2008 jplano Action: AP REVISION APPROVEDഀ TO ADD A WALL FOR A STORAGE ROOM, ALARM AND SPRINKLER TOഀ BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT -1 HOURഀ OF PLAN REVIEW DUE=$55.00ഀ Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTഀ 09/26/2008 mcgee Action: AP 1. Submit fireഀ sprinkler permit for revisions.ഀ 2. Submit fire alarm permit for revisions.ഀ 3. Submit control sequence matrix with fire alarm.ഀ 4. Submit NWCOG approval.ഀ 5. Submit method of monitoring elevator phone per ANSIഀ A17.ഀ 6. Submit detail on shaft ventilation.ഀ 7. Submit detail on electrical and elevator mechanicalഀ equipment.ഀ 8. Provide details in cab interior materials andഀ flamespread.ഀ 9. Elevator graphics are required.ഀ 10. Designate elevator recall primary and secondaryഀ levels.ഀ 11. Provide details on elevator recall and emergencyഀ power.ഀ 12. Upgrade to existing elevator controls may be requiredഀ to sequence recall and operation of existing elevator.ഀ Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKSഀ 09/26/2008 tk Action: NAഀ k*X****k*X**k**XXXXX***XX*k****X***kXXX***XX*****X***#**X***kXX******X**k*kkX**kk**Xk***XX***k*X****k*X*X**XkX***XkXk****XXkX**XXk**XX*k******k****Xk*****XX****X***k*XX*****XXk**k**ഀ b Id_a It_co nstruction_pe rm it_041908ഀ See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply.ഀ bld_aIt_construction_perm it_041908ഀ rrx,,rxrrx,xxrx,xxr„xxxxx,xxxx,xxrx„xrxx,,,xxx„rrx,rrxx„rxxx,xxxxrx„rrxrr,,,rrr,xr,rr,xxxxx„xxrx,xxxx,xxxrrxx,rxxxxxx,xrrx,rrxxrx,rrrrrx,x,rxr,„xxxx,,,,rrrrr,,,xrrxr,„rxxx„ഀ CONDITIONS OF APPROVALഀ Permit B08-0341 as of 10-02-2008 Status: ISSUEDഀ xrrx,,,xxrxrxxx,,,xrr„xxr„xxrrx,rrrx,,xxx,rrrxx,,,xxrxr,xxrr„rxrrxr,xrrx,rrxr„rrrxxxx,rrrx„xxx„xxrx,rrrrrr„rxxrr„rrxrr,,,rxxr,,,rxrx„r,rxxr,r,xxx,,,,xxxx,,,xrxxx,xrrxxxr,,,ഀ Cond: 1ഀ (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANYഀ WORK CAN BE STARTED.ഀ Cond: 12ഀ (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODEഀ COMPLIANCE.ഀ Cond: CON0010343ഀ ELEVATOR TO BE INSPECTED BT NWCCOGഀ Cond: CON0010344ഀ SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR SPRINKLER, ALARM, PLUMBING,ഀ MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICALഀ Cond: CON0010345ഀ The electrical permit will be issued only after revisedഀ electrical drawings are received addressing electricalഀ comments emailed to me engineers dated 9/25/08ഀ Cond: CON0010355ഀ ALARM AND SPRINKLER FOR THE NEW STORAGE ROOM TO BE APPROVEDഀ BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENTഀ bld_a It_constructio n_pe rm it_041908ഀ Revision Submittals:ഀ 1. "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisionsഀ 2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued.ഀ 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance.ഀ ( Revisionsഀ Permit #(s) information applies to: Attention: Response to Correction Letterഀ i _attached copy of correction letterഀ Deferred Submittalഀ O Otherഀ Project Address.ഀ Contact Informationഀ Company: + _ G' SGT _a ti c .ഀ Company Ph: f6/iS - ~l l Fax: la 7C'ഀ Contact Name: W1 Vlq~- ~ _ഀ Contact Ph: q 7G' Cell:ഀ E-Mail: c~-ഀ Town of Vail Contractor Registration No:ഀ Signature (required)ഀ Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor & Materials)ഀ (DO NOT include original valuation)ഀ Building $ഀ Plumbing $ഀ Electrical $ഀ Mechanical $ഀ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm $ഀ Total $ഀ kuse auumunai sneer it necessaryഀ Date Receivഀ D~ഀ I Ii (Y-Tഀ TOWN OFVAILഀ Wഀ 0ഀ Qഀ tഀ &Ai6ഀ wഀ Nഀ 0iഀ Uഀ Luഀ Zഀ Dഀ Enഀ Oഀ O✓ഀ I.Lഀ aഀ 0ഀ wഀ Oഀ 0$QoQഀ ~ N y]ഀ ~ ck Wഀ 0°ഀ OZഀ 0 ~ 0ഀ O Q Qഀ °g~ഀ QaYഀ ZU_Zഀ X-ഀ LL aഀ Nഀ Nഀ O Nഀ N N ~ ~ഀ 0 Q O L'u,ഀ UZ00ഀ OWdഀ Z~UZഀ 0F-ipഀ NZO~ഀ Ow025ഀ 0wvXFidഀ II a H W ceഀ Vഀ Mഀ CVഀ DESIGN CHANGE NOTICE 1013 NO. 8155ഀ CHANGE ADDED CLOSET IN TRAMIT CENTER OMCES VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER SHEET NO.ഀ C REQuumBY NINE.000NSTRUCnON 241 S FRONTAGE RD E# 4 I Iഀ = ATTACH TO SHEET AI.: PROPOSED THRID FLOOR PLAN TOWN OF VAIL, COഀ CUENT DATEഀ OWNER DATEഀ JSK, INC. o 'URISDICTION DATE scALEഀ .nsrax~.oxrn MK DATE 3[ഀ unE~dwrm nui 0 /112008 ISSUED FOR PERMIT ryy WSK ~2~ഀ r.n m ims m NO. DATE RECORD DRAWING OF DESIGN CHANGE NOTICE BY CHKഀ ARCHITECTURE - CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND SURVEYING - MAPPING - PLANNING - STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGഀ 0ഀ iഀ mഀ ° cS ~ Nഀ O Vഀ ClU) caഀ O 0ഀ CLC ©m~~Cഀ ca ca 4ci Qp * W v ALSഀ $ഀ ifഀ vഀ 3caഀ o ~o0ഀ U rd~~ cl. 4fcഀ C)ഀ 00-ഀ vഀ v v c: 'cഀ f V C Coil .3. `cഀ C5ഀ . -10ഀ ~ CDഀ MAY/01/2009/FRI 02:02 PM NWCCOG FAX No,970-468-1208 P,001/001ഀ boo- c1 o~~,~ov~RNA a f < u xഀ • ' < 5 C D u'!, V aiഀ To Martin Haeberle Town of Vail, Building Official TOW" -)f Vailഀ From: Gene Morse, Elevator Inspector a '40ഀ Ix f%ഀ 970-468-0295 ext. 108 or elevato nwc.comco.us othkAwഀ OPYഀ Date: 4/30/2009ഀ Project Name: Vail Transporbdtion BOB,- 03(tഀ ❑ Conveyance Plan Reviewഀ W Conveyance Test and Inspectionഀ Location: 251 S. Frontage Rd . Vail, Co.ഀ Permit Number: NWCCOG 09-081ഀ Conveyance Type: Commercial Hydraulic Passengerഀ ❑ The plans; have been reviewed and found to conform to all applicable ASME 17.1 andഀ IBC codesഀ Rt The rated speed of the conveyance meets ASME A17.1 requirements, speed in upഀ direction 150 FPM, speed in down direction 150 FPMഀ The conveyance at the above location was inspected and tested on 4/22/2009 and a:ഀ ❑ TEMPORARY Certificate; has been issued.ഀ g FINAL Inspection Certificate; has been issued.ഀ ❑ NO certificate; Is being Issued.ഀ ❑ FOR CONSTRUCTION USE ONLYഀ Comments:ഀ Sign ature.ഀ Northwest Colorado Council of Governments ♦ PO Box 2308 ♦ Siiverthome ♦ CO ♦ 80498ഀ 970-468-0226 • Fax 970.466-1208 www.nwc.cog.co.usഀ ~ wഀ TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENTഀ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ 970-479-2135ഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ SPRINKLER PERMITഀ Job Address: 241 E MEADOW DR VAILഀ Location.....: VILLAGE PARKING STRUCTUREഀ Parcel No...: 210108227002ഀ Project Noഀ OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 10/17/2008ഀ C/O FINANCE DEPTഀ 75 S FRONTAGE RDഀ VAILഀ CO 81657ഀ Permit F08-0086ഀ Statusഀ Appliedഀ Issued . . .ഀ Expires .ഀ ISSUEDഀ 10/17/2008ഀ 10/20/2008ഀ APPLICANT WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTI 10/17/2008 Phone: 303-792-0022ഀ 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAYഀ ENGLEWOODഀ CO 80112ഀ License: 338-Sഀ CONTRACTOR WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTI 10/17/2008 Phone: 303-792-0022ഀ 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAYഀ ENGLEWOODഀ CO 80112ഀ License: 338-Sഀ Desciption: ADD SPRINKLER HEADS IN ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT ROOM AND PITഀ RELOCATE 1" LINE IN TRANSIT OFFICE, ANDD ONE HEAD INഀ TRANSIT OFFICE CLOSET.ഀ Valuation: $3,800.00ഀ FEE SUMMARYഀ Mechanicalഀ $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review-->ഀ $0.00 Total Calculated Feesഀ $511.50ഀ Plan Checkഀ $350.00 DRB Fee--------------------- >ഀ $0.00 Additional Fees----------->ഀ ($511.50)ഀ Investigation->ഀ $0.00 TOTAL FEES-------------->ഀ $511.50 Total Permit Fee---------- >ഀ $0.00ഀ Will Call----->ഀ $0.00ഀ Payments >ഀ $0.00ഀ BALANCE DUE--------- >ഀ $0.00ഀ ഀ ഀ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTഀ Item: 05600 FIREഀ DEPARTMENTഀ 10/20/2008ഀ drhoades Action: APഀ CONDITION OF APPROVALഀ Cond: 12ഀ (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.ഀ ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,ഀ and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with allഀ Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design reviewഀ Mഀ Kഀ approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE SEVENTY-TWO HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970-479-2252ഀ FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. iഀ 1'~A' Zഀ TURE OF Oഀ OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNERഀ APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNEDഀ Project - D3Oഀ Building Permit gd$~- 0 3 ¢ഀ Sprinkler Permitഀ Aഀ TOWN TOWN OF VAIL FIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT APPLICATIONഀ Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submittal andഀ 75 S. Frontage Rd. must include the following. Permit application will not be acceptedഀ Vail, Colorado 81657 without this information:ഀ • lorado Registered Engineer's stamp or N I C E T Level III (min)ഀ D •ഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ Fire Sprinkler Contractor:ഀ ipment cut sheets of materials.ഀ raulic calculations.ഀ to of Colorado Plan Registration formaഀ s must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor.ഀ CONTRACTOR INFORMATIONഀ Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone #'s:ഀ s V_ P 3 3 - S 3o e- 174 ctr y 303- ~'y q - ~qഀ E-Mail Address:ഀ Contractor Signature:ഀ i,ഀ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials)ഀ Fire Sprinkler: $ '3 ~d00 • aC5ഀ Contact Eagle Cozen Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www, ea lecoun us for Parcel #ഀ USE ONLY*****************,~,~***.****ഀ *OFFICEഀ Approvfi -tdഀ Appr w?t CIഀ R~ ~u cP~ croQഀ D~aഀ -F ~~a4S`O~~Fra\ nrin ler Perm 10 19 06 DOC 10/19/2006ഀ Parcel # p0ഀ rഀ Ntw eVt &%1-) 'j "C1•.k' Of!"r~t L- e4 e4/s Y.ഀ Job Name: Yt w~od~( Fob ddrev:ഀ Legal Descriptionഀ Lot: Block:ഀ Filing: ]ഀ IFഀ Fubdivision:ഀ Owners Name: a"y • v.. Address: 73-5• F1-ti &1e_ Phone:ഀ Engineer: Address: Phone:ഀ Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit bldg.ഀ v~~t4 ~QrIG~ti 5 ►YCtG~(.~Y~ e['e"4T6r ~ C(Kt~ ! Val~.1 ~4KlL p'fT(G~ഀ Detailed description of work: tom„ l s ! h e /r s~. t$~►+ j.,+ es r~~ Mt' t«. P: f.ഀ [t(ctaeIt 6 N-f !H ]tr4N4e/ aY''rrf l. AM l .4 -,de- re-L -p- a7r/Geഀ 1Nork Class: New( Addition ( ) Remodel'P< Repair ( ) Retro-fit ( ) Other ( )ഀ Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) CommerciaW Restaurant ( ) Other ( } 'ഀ No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in this building:ഀ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes No( ) Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ) No ( }ഀ 05-11-2009 Inspection Request Reporting Page 5ഀ 4:11 Dm Vail, CO City Ofഀ Requested Inspect Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2009ഀ Inspection Area: ~"pഀ Site Address: 241 E MEADOW DR VAILഀ VILLAGE PARKING STRUCTUREഀ A/P/D Informationഀ Activity: B08-0341 Type: A-COMM Sub Type: ACOM Status: ISSUEDഀ Const Type: Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: jpഀ Owner: TOWN OF VAILഀ Contractor: NINE-0 CONSTRUCTION SPECIALTIES Phone: 970-618-1729ഀ Description: NEW ELEVATORഀ Aem: $40 BLDG-Final C/Oഀ Oestor: NINE-0 CONSTRUCTIONഀ ned To: JMONDRAGONഀ Action: Iഀ PECIALTIESഀ Exp:ഀ / iഀ djഀ 04:00 PMഀ 970-618-1729ഀ JMONDRAGON Kഀ Inspection Historyഀ Item: 30 BLDG-Framinഀ g Approvedഀ 10/03/08ഀ Inspector: JGG Action: AP APPROഀ Comment:ഀ Framing is Ok.ഀ 10/22/08ഀ Commentഀ Inspector: GCD Action: PI PARTIA SPECTIONഀ NEW FRAMING IN OFFICഀ :ഀ E IS STEEL STUDS. EXISTI FRAMING IS WOOD SOME OFഀ WHICH HAS A UL FRT STAMP ON IT.ഀ 11/19/08ഀ Cഀ Inspector: GCD Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVALഀ omment:ഀ STEEL STUD FRAMING AT 4th FLOOR ELEVATOR SHAFT.ഀ 12/19/08ഀ Comment:ഀ Inspector: GCD Action: AP APPROVEDഀ FURRED DOWN CEILING IN ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT ROOMഀ Item: 50 BLDG-Insulatiഀ 11/25/08ഀ on Approvedഀ Iഀ nspector: GCD Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVALഀ Comment:ഀ EXTERIOR WALLഀ Item: 60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail Approvedഀ 11/19/08ഀ Inspector: GCD Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVALഀ Comment:ഀ OFFICE AND ELEVATOR LOBBYഀ 11/25/08ഀ Inspector: GCD Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVALഀ Comment:ഀ 2 LAYERS ELEVATOR SHAFT ON OUTSIDEഀ 12/10/08ഀ Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVEDഀ Comment:ഀ SHEETROCK APPROVEDഀ Item:ഀ 70 BLDG-Misc.ഀ Item:ഀ 90 BLDG-Finalഀ Item:ഀ 532 PW-TEMP. C/Oഀ Item:ഀ 533 PLAN-TEMP.ഀ C/Oഀ Item:ഀ 530 BLDG-Temp.ഀ 02/05/ഀ C/Oഀ 09ഀ Comment:ഀ Inspഀ NEEഀ 02/06/09ഀ I nspഀ Comment:ഀ MAFഀ Item: 535 DIA - 30 DAYഀ Item: 536 DIA - SITE/LPഀ Item: 539 PW-FINAL C/ഀ Approvedഀ )r: GCD Action: AP APPROVEDഀ O VERIFY PULL SIDE APROACH MEETS ACCESSABILITYഀ )r: GCD Action: NO NOTIFIEDഀ J AND I MET WITH MIKE OF NINE O CONSTRUCTION RE:ഀ ILL SIDE APPROACH TO THE TRANSPORTATION OFFICE DOOR. THERE IS ONLYഀ TEAD OF THE REQUIRED 18".ഀ J REQUESTED THAT THE ARCHITECT OF RECORD STAMP THE AS BUILTഀ PION.ഀ DERഀ kPINGഀ REPT131 Run Id: 9730ഀ