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Glen Lyon Proposed 2000 Major SDD Amendment - Withdrawn
TOWN OF VAILഀ Department of Community Developmentഀ 75 South Frontage Roadഀ Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ 970-479-2138ഀ FAX 970-479-2452ഀ www ci. vail. co. usഀ Glen Lyon Office Buildingഀ Proposed 2000 Major SDDഀ Amendmentഀ WITHDRAWNഀ AI,IIIIIII.IMIIഀ 0 RECYCLEDPAPERഀ ljUtxlUlq' l.all ' - rUnuuy ✓au.vaഀ APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTALഀ TORON r~ i-4 COMMISSION APPROVALഀ gENERAL INFORMAMNഀ This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specificഀ information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application can notഀ be accepted until all required Information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Townഀ Council and/or the Design Review Board.ഀ A.ഀ "TYPE OF APPLICATION:ഀ ❑ Bed and Brealdastഀ ❑ Employee Housing Unit (Type: )ഀ O Conditional Use Permitഀ 0 Major or ❑ Minor Exterior Alterationഀ • Major or O 'Minor Subdivisionഀ (Vail Village)ഀ O Major or Minor Exterior Alteration (Llonshead)ഀ • Rezoningഀ ❑ Sign Varianceഀ 0 Varianceഀ O Special Development Districtഀ ❑ Zoning Code Amendmentഀ -12 Major or ❑ Minor Amendment to SDDഀ ❑ Amendment to an Approved Development Planഀ Bഀ DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: Additionഀ to existing Glen Lyon office buildingഀ .ഀ to include: approx 12,000 s.ഀ easa e o ice space, ,ഀ condominiums, 2 Employഀ ee Housin Units and additionalഀ parking as required.ഀ C.ഀ LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:, 5 4 BLOCK: K FILING:ഀ P H Y S I C A L ADDRESS: l o o n South Frontഀ age Road Westഀ D.ഀ PARCEL*: 2103 121 09 003 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 97D-328-8640 fir parcelഀ Eഀ ZONING: Special Development Districtഀ F.ഀ NAME OF OWNER(S): Dundee Realty (Greg Finch)ഀ MAILING ADDRESS. PO Box 160ഀ Avon, C-0 8-1ഀ 6204~4 ONE: (970)845-7838ഀ G.ഀ OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S)-ഀ --Hഀ NAME OF APPLICANT: Kurt Segerberg,ഀ Segerberg Mayhew Architectsഀ .ഀ MAILING ADDRESS: 1000 Southഀ Frontage Road, West #300ഀ -ഀ Vail, CO 8ഀ 657 PHONE:ഀ 1. FEE: Sege sub nftl requirements for appropriate•feeഀ PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTSഀ AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,ഀ 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657.ഀ ഀ Fdr.'.OfFi~:e'it ©n~t3l:' .><aഀ ഀ ..J?..ഀ hca , ':Datez ' PEC. tHeedcx,): mate:ഀ aP..... .ഀ .Pre-~igporY:~F!IeettR9 Date:.:'.~.,~-,ഀ AM•°O 1111100ഀ Gilt dgeees 4 okxes C6A emuഀ c T ok. 'Du `116M * 1%U 6 EHuഀ MEMORANDUM SD, 0AiL11'n/1.I nഀ ~1 F C~~ . SF.cn'o~.Isഀ TO: Planning and Environmental Commissionഀ FROM: Community Development Department ~~m SF~» SETb~~k.ഀ DATE: March 13, 2000ഀ ENUഀ SUBJECT: A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed major amendment to Specialഀ Development District No. 4 (Cascade Village), revising the Glen Lyon Officeഀ Building site (Area D), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West/Lot 54, Glen Lyonഀ Subdivision. 0 55ഀ Applicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg- Mayhew Architectsഀ Planner: George Rutherഀ 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUESTഀ The applicant, Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg- Mayhew Architects is requesting aഀ major amendment to SDD #4, Development Area D. The purpose of this request is to allow forഀ the modification to the approval granted by the Town last year for the expansion to the existingഀ building (Ord. No. 14, Series of 1999).ഀ The applicant is proposing to construct a 37,088 sq. ft. (gross) office building addition to the eastഀ of the existing building, a 3,270 sq. ft. modification to the existing building by adding hallways andഀ an elevator, and two EHU's (1,127 sq. ft. and 738 sq. ft.). The resulting total leaseable area ofഀ the building is 35,741 sq. ft. which requires a total of 147 parking spaces. The new building isഀ proposed to be constructed above two levels of a parking structure containing 121 parkingഀ spaces. The east end of the site will also contain a surface parking lot (with a level of parkingഀ below) of 20 parking spaces, for a total of 142 parking spaces.ഀ The proposal also includes aligning the entrance of the parking lot with that of the Vailഀ Professional Building directly across the street and re-striping of the traffic lanes on the Southഀ Frontage Road to accommodate turn lanes and bike lanes.ഀ The purpose of this worksession meeting is toഀ 1. review the proposed development standards for the Glen Lyon Office Building,ഀ 2. discuss the employee housing requirements of the project, andഀ 3. present the comments of the Town Council and Design Review Board worksessions.ഀ II. BACKGROUNDഀ The original Cascade Village SDD was approved in 1976 and has since been amended severalഀ times. The development plan approved in 1988 for this area included additional office space andഀ a micro-brewery.ഀ rowivo~uA~ഀ In 1999, the PEC and Vail Town Council approved a major amendment to SDD #4 to allow for aഀ proposed expansion to the existing Glen Lyon Office Building. Please refer to the Zoningഀ Analysis for a comparison of the previous approval to the present proposal.ഀ PROJECT PROS AND CONSഀ Benefitsഀ • Provides a substantial increase in office space in the Town of Vailഀ • Improves and redevelops an unsightly area and older building in the Town of Vailഀ • The 2000 proposal has an overall reduction in traffic impact and volume from the 1999ഀ approvalഀ • The project generally complies with the Town of Vail Land Use Planഀ Negativesഀ The building is substantially larger than the previous approvalsഀ IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONഀ As this is a request for a worksession to discuss the proposed major amendment, staff will not beഀ forwarding a recommendation to the PEC at this time. Staff will provide a recommendation at theഀ time of final review. The final review is currently scheduled for Monday, February 28, 2000.ഀ V. DISCUSSION ISSUESഀ Staff has identified a number of issues that should be discussed in greater detail between theഀ applicant, staff and the Commission. Those issues are listed below:ഀ 1. Proposed Development Standardsഀ The 2000 proposal results in various changes to the development standards permitted byഀ the 1999 approval. The most notable changes are an eleven foot reduction in the Goreഀ Creek stream setback, 6 fewer parking spaces than required by Code, and four newഀ dwelling units on the top floor of the building. Staff would suggest that the applicant andഀ Commission discuss the appropriateness of the proposed changes to the developmentഀ standards. Staff would recommend that the applicant be required to maintain the 50-footഀ setback from the centerline of Gore Creek.ഀ Zoning Analysisഀ The development statistics for the proposed buildings in Area D are shown below (Note:ഀ Deviations from the 1999 SDD approval are indicated in BOLD)ഀ Zoning: There is no underlying zoning prescribed for this SDDഀ Lot Area: 78,307.81 sq. ft.ഀ 2ഀ Standard 1999 SDD Approvalഀ Height: 72' maximumഀ Setbacks: Per development plan:ഀ N: 1ഀ S: 10'ഀ E: 155'ഀ W: 135'ഀ Stream Setback:ഀ Site Coverage:ഀ Landscaping:ഀ Parking:ഀ 55'ഀ 30% (23,492 sq. ft.)ഀ 59.7% (46,757.81 sq. ft.)ഀ 143 required per codeഀ 147 providedഀ Commercial Floorഀ Area:ഀ Density:ഀ GRFA:ഀ Loading and Delivery:ഀ 2. Employee Housingഀ 35,741 sq. ft. total/leaseableഀ 37,088 sq. ft. total/grossഀ (14,000 sq. ft. gross existing)ഀ 0 DUsഀ 2 EHUsഀ DU - 0 sq. ft.ഀ EHU - 1,865 sq. ft.ഀ 1 berth required per codeഀ 2000 SDD Proposalഀ 72' maximumഀ N: 3'(+2')ഀ S: 2'(-8')ഀ E: 164'(+9')ഀ W: 151'(+16')ഀ 50' (-5 feet)ഀ 29.4% (23,037 sq. ft.)ഀ 60.9% (47,678.81 sq. ft.)ഀ (+921 sq. ft.)ഀ 147 required per codeഀ 142 provided (-6 spaces)ഀ 34,300 sq. ft. total/leasableഀ (-1,441 sq. ft.)ഀ 4 DUs (+4)ഀ 2 EHUsഀ DU - 8,000 sq. ft. 8,000)ഀ EHU -1,865 sq. ftഀ 1 berth providedഀ The applicant is proposing the same quantity of employee housing units (2 EHU's) as wasഀ previously approved. The scale of the project and the type of use proposed will notഀ generate as many employees as the previous 1988 approval, since that project included aഀ micro-brewery and restaurant. The applicant has been working with the 2 EHUഀ requirement for the past several years.ഀ A recent study (June 1998) on Town of Vail businesses shows that professional offices inഀ Vail, on average, operate with 5.86 employees per 1,000 sq. ft. of net leaseable floorഀ area. With other SDD projects the Town Council has required that 30% of the demandഀ generated be accommodated either on-site or off-site, in the form of deed restrictedഀ housing. The currently accepted standard for minimum square footage of housingഀ required per person is 350 sq. ft. If we apply these numbers to this project we find theഀ following:ഀ Employee Housing Generationഀ 25,241 sq. ft. (net leaseable floor area) x 5.86 employees/1,000 sq. ft. = 148ഀ employeesഀ Kit 4o cvvic.& 0 Rom oki.ഀ 3ഀ Employees to provide housing for = 148 x 30% = 44.4 (45) employeesഀ Translates to 15,540 sq. ft. of housingഀ Staff would suggest that the applicant and Commission discuss the appropriateness ofഀ providing more employee housing units in the building. A review of the plans indicatesഀ that a large portion of the top floor of the building could be used for residential purposes.ഀ 3. Vail Town Council/Design Review Boardഀ On Tuesday, February 15 and Wednesday, March 1, the applicant met with the Vail Townഀ Council and the Design Review Board. The following is summary of the comments andഀ input provided by each of the respective boards:ഀ Vail Town Council.- (Individual Member Comments)ഀ • The scale and mass of the building needs to be reduced and stepped down at the eastഀ and west ends as suggested by the Design Review Board.ഀ • The stream setback shall not be encroached upon.ഀ • The employee housing unit requirement as determined by the Employee Generationഀ Analysis shall apply.ഀ • No tree loss shall be permitted along the south side of the new building.ഀ • Remove the old building and start from "scratch".ഀ • An increased number of employee housing units should be provided.ഀ • Incorporate the old building into the new building.ഀ Design Review Boardഀ • More articulation should be provided along the south and north sides of the buildings.ഀ • The old building should either be better incorporated into the overall design or theഀ buildings should be physically separated above grade.ഀ • The east and west ends of the new building should be stepped down to reduce theഀ perceived height and mass of the building.ഀ • The openings to the parking structure should be better screened from public view.ഀ • The use of stone and the mixture of proposed exterior building materials is good.ഀ • A tree preservation plan shall be required.ഀ • The dormers help to break up the roof. Look at using more or larger dormers to furtherഀ disguise the roof size.ഀ • The vehicular and guest front entrances should be better designed and detailed to createഀ a greater sense of arrival.ഀ VI. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THIS REQUESTഀ Titlel2, Chapter 9 of the Town Code provides for the establishment of Specialഀ Development Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section 12-9A-1, the purpose ofഀ a Special Development District is:ഀ 4ഀ To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order toഀ promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character andഀ quality of the new development within the Town; to facilitate the adequateഀ and economical provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural andഀ scenic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of theഀ community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. An approvedഀ development plan for a Special Development District, in conjunction with theഀ properties underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements forഀ guiding development and uses of property included in the Specialഀ Development District.ഀ The Town Code provides nine design criteria, which shall be used as the principal criteriaഀ in evaluating the merits of the proposed Special Development District. It shall be theഀ burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposedഀ development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that oneഀ or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the publicഀ interest has been achieved.ഀ Staff will provide a review of the nine criteria at the time of final review.ഀ A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhoodഀ and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height,ഀ buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation.ഀ B. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workableഀ relationship with surrounding uses and activity.ഀ C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Title 12, Chapterഀ 10, of the Town Code.ഀ D. Conformity with the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Townഀ policies and Urban Design Plan.ഀ E. Identification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect theഀ property on which the special development district is proposed.ഀ F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed toഀ produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features,ഀ vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community.ഀ G. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on andഀ off-site traffic circulation.ഀ H. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize andഀ preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions.ഀ Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional andഀ efficient relationship throughout the development of the special developmentഀ district.ഀ 5ഀ \ ~ഀ Iഀ 1ഀ ~ഀ ^ഀ i i Iഀ Sഀ 1 ~d iiiu+iivnl,gi"iVl'°(f 141 i'°stlഀ tnoud+si r,iഀ 9 0ഀ Dഀ ~ Gഀ Eഀ ഀ G 6ഀ li ;ഀ i l~ഀ •ഀ i I J ° I 1 ~ ~ I ~ i ~ ''ll°719+IS °Ei9illEl1eti2'Si°i=S'ltlii=gitgiS SSi2f ESഀ Iഀ ~ ~ ~ -Rഀ sഀ ° lഀ i-illlfllഀ ili'~iillll i ~lll~ilI lilt ~6~ii~lEEiil l11l1ഀ iഀ =ഀ iഀ Qഀ iഀ Sഀ lഀ > -a•; _o®.S oDo\ i G.ഀ 94Dഀ S i P i l f( + l E -6 S,ep+ii,SyiS'S<Stu :'IiaEY^Snp„nSi,i9Slii1ഀ -ഀ ilRlഀ ഀ ഀ jt 6 iഀ i7 ' IiI+ ==qi"1 +r ia=iu>ES=:;iac+.i+t=rfa::'++'taUili++lഀ gal : e l-,~ Es lj i Iഀ ~ഀ nഀ ➢ei ~ ; ; , , tlഀ Qഀ i ; rഀ Eഀ S F P E ~ S,6i ~ q•rlP,i 1+E+i•i Efif+lif (+'li E4i°ഀ Iഀ mഀ r~ഀ i E i ( i ! i Eഀ , slEi;tli ~ Ili~lll,ll~lll l ~~llii~~li l~l I, lfE~l(~l 11ഀ > -nഀ I ¢ f E E 1 f!i Sഀ ~I i Oഀ Oഀ p - 'iallai3dd°S,+a"tD•iiAiiiifiti2i7i+t =qpSSi,tl 4ഀ ഀ N ;'Iഀ ,lf 1!- 3 I ij~iii 111 l I{ l i Eഀ o c)ഀ 1 i iഀ ~ഀ ~ഀ m nഀ gഀ +ഀ ' '7 I 4ingSS l°tii,R,gj t11PI,Y(+f,igi+°gPN19Ni1ഀ N Iഀ - - ~ t i'i°E!iഀ iEEllfl 1 lllEilഀ u 1l° iഀ 9ഀ Jഀ ~a ~ii II,~ഀ ; "ഀ I ~ ~ഀ ,ഀ mഀ q f!ഀ lഀ lij° § (li d i !E till 1111 11111ഀ ~41i l tഀ - -ഀ ~ഀ 0 .ഀ L Iഀ i E l 4 i i I 1 + i {i'r li >li/:••ഀ ~ , ;j i ; d , 3 ~ , ~ ~ I ii,i,l(,vai•• r' i.+, i Eiiഀ :j lഀ Iഀ rഀ nഀ I E l $ ;ഀ itഀ iEഀ I{ l' iഀ l ~ഀ ° I Zഀ -ഀ •ഀ •ഀ Iഀ gPlഀ ifഀ il°Hi:i,i :I,11(41Ui2°iiഀ rഀ iiഀ ;iഀ t°i`ഀ <ഀ iഀ lbഀ Lഀ Iഀ Eഀ lpgഀ ilഀ ~ഀ ilE -ഀ i l iഀ 6 alഀ o liഀ bഀ €ഀ iഀ ( ➢ 9 ' Iഀ Iഀ iഀ {ഀ iഀ aഀ .aഀ uഀ uഀ Eഀ Iഀ ~I3 -ഀ Dഀ Vഀ GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDINGഀ Sഀ Pഀ 3 ,rid %ഀ 7000 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROADഀ 33 jഀ ഀ Iഀ "iഀ -1ഀ 1ഀ VALL, COLORADOഀ ) ( ~°'{§C 6_`-=!=: zഀ i=ഀ 'ഀ Nഀ Y;ഀ ~ഀ plഀ ~ഀ Iഀ GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDINGഀ ICഀ iഀ I 1000S0=Fഀ Iഀ ഀ ഀ °Cഀ Oഀ 1ഀ 9ഀ ;ഀ R0NTAGER0A0ഀ F}ഀ =ഀ 3 qഀ ~lഀ ഀ Vഀ 9ഀ (ഀ r 3ഀ l--_ഀ _ഀ Iഀ 6ഀ ,ഀ A ,COLORADO 1ഀ -ഀ f.ഀ ഀ Iഀ ഀ ഀ Iഀ 7-0ഀ ;ഀ iഀ yഀ " °3F I h °ഀ 71°ഀ ° j-------- Gഀ rഀ ~ a.e ~ \J x8 flഀ ;;:A ~j➢ I 2 Xഀ n:'L 'Mgഀ Iz lഀ 'm V-°~ elm s COIഀ m < Tഀ i I~ I xg mഀ L mഀ mഀ Mഀ ~I I jeഀ Iഀ oഀ 1 ~ഀ LQ YI iij l I.I GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDING j 3 I0 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD w;4colORAOOഀ i_-___------ഀ Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ r.ഀ P'Uഀ Aഀ 'Uഀ zഀ iഀ Iഀ Iഀ i Iഀ I Iഀ iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ Iഀ r--Gഀ 9ഀ 1ഀ 9ഀ 1_Oഀ •-Oഀ -1ഀ m'Mഀ o~Tഀ rഀ Oഀ Aഀ Aഀ rഀ zഀ r--_---___-ഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ i Iഀ I 1ഀ Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ rlഀ Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ Iഀ I tഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I iഀ Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ t~ഀ tഀ t Oഀ lഀ 1_Qഀ tഀ I:.ഀ 4ഀ 1--0ഀ Iഀ ~Aഀ rഀ i~ഀ ?10ഀ IAഀ Aഀ IDഀ IZഀ ഀ Iഀ I Iഀ Iഀ i iഀ Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I ~ഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ Iഀ I Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ i Iഀ I Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ I Iഀ Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I 1ഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ I Iഀ 1 ~ഀ t-~ഀ -'S7ഀ 1ഀ T- Jഀ iഀ Dഀ ~ഀ Iഀ Iഀ ~ഀ ,ഀ iഀ ~ Iഀ Cഀ GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDINGഀ ,ഀ zഀ tഀ nഀ ഀ Iഀ I6ഀ LJഀ Iഀ ~Jഀ Liഀ 1000 SOUTH FRONTAGEROADഀ VAIL, COLORADOഀ ~ഀ 5aഀ ~•s~ dഀ 'ഀ _ഀ ഀ 5ഀ 'ഀ _ഀ 41*g,~C ,n2 ~ I~ഀ .rte✓7 i- ~ Iഀ c L aഀ a ~ - A i - -ഀ plഀ I dot-ഀ I rഀ I Iഀ I 1~\ tr " rw -ഀ +5ഀ ' 'N luഀ ilPഀ I.ഀ JJJr~~~~fffr ~ - t ; ' I fഀ pഀ ~ rഀ Iഀ Fഀ F2 pഀ .aഀ rlJjഀ i7ഀ .rഀ %P q4ഀ e rഀ r rഀ S 0 ~ aഀ i _ GLEN LYON OFFICE LODGE rഀ 2 31 sr3 s °ഀ 1000 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST 4 = ~ Tഀ d~ഀ ` .Mഀ rnഀ aഀ Hഀ Oഀ zഀ c~ഀ o'mഀ rഀ Io:4,ഀ T f ~ `Pഀ lit BIZ Iaഀ Iഀ Iഀ Cഀ o. I=ഀ Irഀ rഀ Cഀ j~ഀ sഀ I ;ഀ GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDINGഀ C Cഀ 1000 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST I 3 +a _ a 'ഀ i P mഀ s + .n e sഀ liNഀ ~s P t 3I'ഀ ~F sliഀ 4 J J b p a d dഀ sfഀ o /ഀ I 'ഀ rഀ 1 I. cഀ - I iഀ N F GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDING q,ഀ Iഀ 1000 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD ~S n c 5 r.ഀ y 3ഀ =rFഀ vna.cotoanooഀ MEMORANDUMഀ TO: Planning and Environmental Commissionഀ FROM: Community Development Departmentഀ DATE: February 14, 2000ഀ SUBJECT: A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed major amendment to Specialഀ Development District No. 4 (Cascade Village), revising the Glen Lyon Officeഀ Building site (Area D), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West/Lot 54, Glen Lyonഀ Subdivision.ഀ Applicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg- Mayhew Architectsഀ Planner: George Rutherഀ DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUESTഀ The applicant, Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg-Mayhew Architects is requesting aഀ major amendment to SDD #4, Development Area D. The purpose of this request is to allow forഀ the modification to the approval granted by the Town last year for the expansion to the existingഀ building (Ord. No.14, Series of 1999).ഀ The applicant is proposing to construct a 37,088 sq. ft. (gross) office building addition to the eastഀ of the existing building, a 3,270 sq. ft. modification to the existing building by adding hallways andഀ an elevator, and two EHU's (1,127 sq. ft. and 738 sq. ft.). The resulting total leaseable area ofഀ the building is 35,741 sq. ft. which requires a total of 147 parking spaces. The new building isഀ proposed to be constructed above two levels of a parking structure containing 121 parkingഀ spaces. The east end of the site will also contain a surface parking lot (with a level of parkingഀ below) of 20 parking spaces, for a total of 141 parking spaces.ഀ The proposal also includes aligning the entrance of the parking lot with that of the Vailഀ Professional Building directly across the street and re-striping of the traffic lanes on the Southഀ Frontage Road to accommodate turn lanes and bike lanes.ഀ The purpose of this worksession meeting is to provide the applicant the opportunity to presentഀ the proposed changes to the 1999 approval and receive feedback from the Commission on theഀ request.ഀ II. BACKGROUNDഀ The original Cascade Village SDD was approved in 1976 and has since been amended severalഀ times. The development plan approved in 1988 for this area included additional office space andഀ a micro-brewery.ഀ TOWN OF YAMഀ In 1999, the PEC and Vail Town Council approved a major amendment to SDD #4 to allow for aഀ proposed expansion to the existing Glen Lyon Office Building. Please refer to the Zoningഀ Analysis for a comparison of the previous approval to the present proposal.ഀ III. PROJECT PROS AND CONSഀ Benefitsഀ • Provides a substantial increase in office space in the Town of Vailഀ • Improves and redevelops an unsightly area and older building in the Town of Vailഀ • The 2000 proposal has an overall reduction in traffic impact and volume from the 1999ഀ approvalഀ • The project generally complies with the Town of Vail Land Use Planഀ Negativesഀ • The building is substantially larger than the previous approvalsഀ • The 2000 proposal encroaches into the 50' Gore Creek stream setbackഀ IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONഀ As this is a request for a worksession to discuss the proposed major amendment, staff will not beഀ forwarding a recommendation to the PEC at this time. Staff will provide a recommendation at theഀ time of final review. The final review is currently scheduled for Monday, February 28, 2000.ഀ V. ZONING ANALYSISഀ The development statistics for the proposed buildings in Area D are shown below (Note:ഀ Deviations from the 1999 SDD approval are indicated in BOLD)ഀ Zoning: There is no underlying zoning prescribed for this SDDഀ Lot Area: 78,307.81 sq. ft.ഀ Standard 1999 SDD Approval 2000 SDD Proposalഀ Height: 72' maximumഀ Setbacks: Per development plan:ഀ N: 1ഀ S: 10'ഀ E: 155'ഀ W: 135'ഀ Stream Setback:ഀ Site Coverage:ഀ 55'ഀ 30% (23,492 sq. ft.)ഀ Landscaping:ഀ 59.7% (46,757.81 sq. ft.)ഀ 72' maximumഀ N: 3'(+2')ഀ S: 2' (-8')ഀ E: 164'(+9')ഀ W: 151'(+16')ഀ 44' (-11 feet)ഀ 29.4% (23,037 sq. ft.)ഀ 60.9% (47,678.81 sq. ft.)ഀ (+921 sq. ft.)ഀ 2ഀ Parking: 143 required per codeഀ 147 providedഀ Commercial Floorഀ Area: 35,741 sq. ft. total/leaseableഀ 37,088 sq. ft. total/grossഀ (14,000 sq. ft. gross existing)ഀ Density: 0 DUsഀ 2 EHUsഀ GRFA: DU - 0 sq. ft.ഀ EHU - 1,865 sq. ft.ഀ Loading and Delivery: 1 berth required per codeഀ VI. DISCUSSION ISSUESഀ 1.ഀ 2.ഀ 147 required per codeഀ 141 provided (-6 spaces)ഀ 34,300 sq. ft. total/leasableഀ (-1,441 sq. ft.)ഀ 4 DUs (+4)ഀ 2 EHUsഀ DU - 8,000 sq. ft. 8,000)ഀ EHU - 1,865 sq. ft OCD? ADOഀ 1 berth providedഀ Staff has identified a number of issues that should be discussed in greater detail betweenഀ the applicant, staff and the Commission. Those issues are listed below:ഀ Proposed Development Standardsഀ The 2000 proposal results in various changes to the development standards permitted byഀ the 1999 approval. The most notable changes are an eleven foot reduction in the Goreഀ Creek stream setback, 6 fewer parking spaces than required by Code, and four newഀ dwelling units on the top floor of the building. Staff would suggest that the applicant andഀ Commission discuss the appropriateness of the proposed changes to the developmentഀ standards. Staff would recommend that the applicant be required to maintain the 50-footഀ setback from the centerline of Gore Creek.ഀ Employee Housingഀ The applicant is proposing the same quantity of employee housing units (2 EHU's) as wasഀ previously approved. The scale of the project and the type of use proposed will notഀ generate as many employees as the previous 1988 approval, since that project included aഀ micro-brewery and restaurant. The applicant has been working with the 2 EHUഀ requirement for the past several years.ഀ A recent study (June 1998) on Town of Vail businesses shows that professional offices inഀ Vail, on average, operate with 5.86 employees per 1,000 sq. ft. of net leaseable floorഀ area. With other SDD projects the Town Council has required that 30% of the demandഀ generated be accommodated either on-site or off-site, in the form of deed restrictedഀ housing. The currently accepted standard for minimum square footage of housingഀ required per person is 350 sq. ft. If we apply these numbers to this project we find theഀ following:ഀ New Impact Only:ഀ ♦ 25,241 sq. ft. (net leaseable floor area) x 5.86 employees/1,000 sq. ft. _ഀ 148 employeesഀ 3ഀ ♦ Employees to provide housing for = 148 x 30% = 44.4 employeesഀ ♦ Translates to 15,540 sq. ft. of housingഀ Staff would suggest that the applicant and Commission discuss the appropriateness ofഀ providing more employee housing units in the building. A review of the plans indicatesഀ that a large portion of the top floor of the building could be used for residential purposes.ഀ VII. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THIS REQUESTഀ Titlel2, Chapter 9 of the Town Code provides for the establishment of Specialഀ Development Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section 12-9A-1, the purpose ofഀ ^aSpecial Development District is:ഀ To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order toഀ promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character andഀ quality of the new development within the Town; to facilitate the adequateഀ and economical provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural andഀ scenic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of theഀ community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. An approvedഀ development plan for a Special Development District, in conjunction with theഀ properties underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements forഀ guiding development and uses of property included in the Specialഀ Development District.ഀ The Town Code provides nine design criteria, which shall be used as the principal criteriaഀ in evaluating the merits of the proposed Special Development District. It shall be theഀ burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposedഀ development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that oneഀ or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the publicഀ interest has been achieved.ഀ Staff will provide a review of the nine criteria at the time of final review.ഀ A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhoodഀ and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height,ഀ buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation.ഀ B. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workableഀ relationship with surrounding uses and activity.ഀ C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Title 12, Chapterഀ 10, of the Town Code.ഀ D. Conformity with the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Townഀ policies and Urban Design Plan.ഀ E. Identification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect theഀ property on which the special development district is proposed.ഀ 4ഀ t Rഀ F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions desiഀ ned toഀ gഀ produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features,ഀ vegetation and Qverall aesthetic quality of the community.ഀ • t w i.~N .,.,~?t \:#ia • ~ ~..~i G. . i i; ~rn.,~~, , 1 ..e• ir~~~ ~ 1.:1ഀ G. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians ac ressirig"on andഀ R * li r~e'.. ~ .ഀ Y-ഀ off-site traffiF,cjr~ufatioQ.ഀ ~ഀ wഀ liഀ ഀ ~ f Y rഀ rഀ ~r.r •ഀ H...=c ;{g*ctipljtial and,aQ.athei landscaingntd oppnspace in order to optimize andഀ reservഀ pഀ eഀ natur~al'fatur'es; recrbatiotrഀ d° iഀ 'fAn~ഀ 'ഀ , ews aഀ nciഀ :ഀ ^ഀ •ഀ ഀ yഀ .ഀ t'•.♦~.'~ ' ~°'Jl..~ R.. )fi;'~,1• .ഀ ഀ `w ~+E 'ഀ ,ഀ 1. Phasing`plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workabie, iShctiollal nct'"ഀ ഀ efficient relationship throughout the development of the special developmentഀ °ഀ district.ഀ tഀ ,ഀ `ഀ ~Zfi...jr ,fir,. • y` ~~i .4"%.• aഀ . .';"•y~T'f icy tiw'ഀ ഀ eഀ r ~ഀ rഀ Pis,"# ° =ti! ►ഀ +ഀ aഀ ,ഀ ~ _ "s. . L • Jf !b°7"~'-ഀ 7.. • . Jഀ .a ~ ,F'~`•i .,l j a ,ഀ f~ i _."~+i ~3• ~ ' 11~ :ഀ 5ഀ °~r SELfio~ts oL, S. S+ഀ ~ t • Serbs' - -pE.vi~rta rs; RravmgE old bldg.ഀ }REtr"sഀ -b vae loc.- OLJ Foe G"us ; "PKauioe six M006ഀ ~..t~ UsEs~ EE eR~-~'~ഀ '5ptAc~S oa El cvVti lഀ C rat coos uD ctom; OkA cv-, (.OLJ II-,x-r I kE-51 ©td bldg.ഀ Doug Ekqaeei:,ഀ Cln tilo-t-b~ck. C-,-tc-F,~~cy, rr~E~trs l~n IN~~-~q .ഀ I~td{+,s Ve m lggclഀ 'p i,a,~ E • loos eWdsഀ dlrv.t MIT MI#U W=6. OMce -n:i~ M C, -DWE.tltdiഀ S ze*wi SG-4-~ is stAc u.M>.ഀ StighT T>a-4 4koaഀ iu ~!,¢.k ict~ -,-t¢bE l c cl ~ .1.ഀ TH FEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTഀ PUBLIC NOTICEഀ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town ofഀ Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of theഀ Town of Vail on February 28, 2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Inഀ consideration of:ഀ A request for final review of a proposed major amendment to Special Development District #4ഀ (Cascade Village), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West (Glen Lyon Office Building)/Lot 54,ഀ Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision.ഀ J;kApplicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew Architectsഀ Planner: George Rutherഀ A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the conversion of existing hotel rooms intoഀ employee housing units, located at 2211 N. Frontage Rd. (West Vail Lodge)/Lot 1, Vail dasഀ Schone #3.ഀ Applicant: Reaut Corporationഀ Planner Brent Wilsonഀ A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an addition to the existingഀ raw water intake structure and pump station, located on Black Gore Drive/Lot 8, Heather of Vail.ഀ Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation Districtഀ Planner: Brent Wilsonഀ A request for variances from Section 12-6C-6, Section 12-6D-6, and Section 12-14-6, Town ofഀ Vail Code, to allow for an extended entry, trash enclosure and deck expansion, located at 706 W.ഀ Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6t" Filing.ഀ Applicant: Cliff Illig, represented by Beth Levineഀ Planner: Allison Ochsഀ A request for a variance from Sections 12-61-1-6 and 12-14-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for theഀ addition of gross residential floor area and balconies within required setbacks.ഀ Applicant: Vicki Pearson, represented by Ron Diehl, Architectഀ Planner: Ann Kjerulfഀ A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for an amendment to a previously platted buildingഀ envelope and a revised lot access, located at 1452 Lionsridge Loop / Lot 4, Ridge at Vail.ഀ Applicant: Mike Youngഀ Planner: George Rutherഀ The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection duringഀ regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Communityഀ Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information.ഀ Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-ഀ 2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information.ഀ Published February 11, 2000 in the Vail Trail.ഀ 1ഀ ,tiഀ 7YlIM ns rr y►ഀ ~~rnt~E old bldg. ~ qt(J c-°~+me~-ഀ ~C r1~~ ~ +~ad v~~dഀ L hucA,--ഀ 1ഀ ,ഀ 60 -90-eJF 14A*E~.ഀ Much 3-1 k okഀ t e*4U -~*P- Co Ve, -ഀ sha.e,4w6ftdz- ~nusrഀ tilo I-,~, lam.ഀ -Eao b~qഀ Y~ .ഀ C~ uc~Lഀ E~Huഀ -geAtഀ ~10 S64-4C> oohഀ S iziE ?ഀ It O ! 1ഀ 4240OF iMa~-:6ഀ &N Uഀ 4cഀ S'C'Cp DDLOLI EtVIഀ To:ഀ From:ഀ Vail Town Councilഀ ' x•ഀ iഀ Memorandumഀ George Ruther, Senior Special Projects Plannerഀ Date: February 22, 2404' -ഀ y,ഀ Re: Glens Wfi :Ol~fiee Buildilpg Proposed Major Amendment to SDD #4ഀ The purpose of this memorandum is to providetia brief development history bf the G1en,Lybn Office`ഀ ! Building and to inforip thl Town ;Council-o_tpie ingot provided by the Planning & Environmentalഀ Commission and the Design Review Board on the current major amendment proposalഀ Development History ,ഀ • On June 15, 1999, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1999, allowingഀ approximately 37,000 gross square feet of' office building and two ehu's.ഀ • In the summer of 1995 the Planning & Envirorlinenll Comm Aion revlcx4ic `,a proposal for a major 1ഀ amendment to the Glen Lyon Office Building approved development plan. The applicant withdrew the ~tഀ major amendment request.ഀ • On January 3, 1989, thk Vail Town Council approved Ordinance No. 40, Series of 1988, allowingഀ approximately=12,5.00 gross square feet of office building, two ehu's aqA one freemarket dwelling yW lഀ unit. . •..c kCS11ഀ • The original'SDD approval anticipated a microbrewery, employee housing and approximately 17,000ഀ a gross square feet of office building on the site.ഀ Punning & Environmental Commission Comments + ~1ഀ A • , The applicant must submit a grading plan so that the impacts on the stream bank and the existingഀ { mature vegetation can be evaluated. q wyoo~ഀ • The additional mass created by the proposed condominiums is unacceptable4' 5Cഀ The'scale and mass of the new building is out of context within the surrounding built en ironment. ' $ ►j 1*ഀ • The parking requirement must be met on-site. ,6 .,~r }'j ~C70Dഀ • • No stem setback encroachments should be proposed 0ഀ ' • i " ' • Vlore employee housing units should be incorporated into the mix of uses qn the development site.ഀ 6ഀ ' si2n &68'ie.W Board Commentsഀ • The design of the building mass is too blocky. More artioulatidu through inereased ve'`tical andഀ horizontal off sets needs to be incorporated into the design.ഀ • The new building bears to relationship,to•'he'existing building.. The alchitect4re`4 the entireഀ • development A,eeds to be explored. * Aഀ • . `S 3 s: • of the new building and the old building could be. separated on the site.ഀ The 50-foot Gore Creek stream bank should be maintained to`protect the sfeeplysfoping strearntan'kഀ = r: and to'preserve as niany`of•t e urge evergreens as possible.ഀ • Tree loss shall be kept to a minimum.ഀ • i > = The4ong l}otdgtal.ridgeline of the roof needs to the broken up.ഀ • The new building should be stepped down on the east and west ends.ഀ • The view ipto theproposed parking structure from the South Frontage Road•sk4ll be, minimized.ഀ FV W.LIN Off We W I. J. 16 IQ 41'.29 2Wഀ I I { ~ a;epv R ~ ~ -ഀ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ I ~ 1 a { ~atN~itt!'E!! its1;31t1I E ~ ~ ~ t y►tatEtIEEEEE'sE EE! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V v ~ o ~ ~ഀ i i I I! 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Oഀ Aഀ rഀ I~ഀ zഀ Aഀ GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDINGഀ 1ഀ W 1000 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROADഀ VAR, COLORADO c 18ഀ =tഀ f0.ഀ rnഀ rnഀ 0ഀ zഀ O ~ഀ rഀ 11 Ixഀ Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ 0ഀ r ~ഀ tഀ z ~ഀ Iഀ ;ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ wഀ j, 1ഀ Cഀ tഀ dഀ Nഀ rഀ ;ഀ aഀ Iഀ _ഀ zഀ m ~ഀ cmഀ 'roഀ zഀ Iഀ 'a •aഀ fഀ aഀ rഀ 'GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDINGഀ 1000 SOUM FRONTAGE ROAD WESTഀ p' o0ഀ U4ഀ aഀ ~8 ~ഀ ~ഀ CUഀ I.- = Yഀ Vഀ mഀ mഀ r 'ഀ ~ ~ഀ m mഀ mഀ ~ഀ ~ഀ mmmഀ _ഀ ഀ !i7ഀ Wഀ gഀ Qmഀ mഀ Wഀ C-) LLJഀ ~ഀ ~O~OCഀ Mഀ yഀ yjഀ Qഀ Q.ഀ V- OCഀ C Zഀ F~ •-aഀ Cഀ =ഀ 1--ഀ Q9ഀ Oഀ C O .-qഀ y'ഀ 1-- 61ഀ Wഀ ELLJഀ Z.5 05ഀ C~ഀ LL.ഀ ~1e .mayഀ dZgഀ Gt H[~1Jഀ mഀ Qഀ Oഀ ~Ic ~ഀ ~y Qഀ Camഀ Oഀ ]ഀ U Q .-yഀ ~ Wഀ Yഀ C.1 Zഀ Sഀ Yഀ Wഀ .ഀ tYഀ OCഀ q~A4ഀ Aഀ WF--ഀ Zഀ Qഀ ccഀ W Wഀ ALAJഀ L:;ഀ ¢ Oഀ Aഀ a Wഀ (nഀ Z Yഀ H Vഀ Q O Zഀ A F-- Qഀ I RECEIPTഀ - The Town of Vailഀ jl CI)DATEഀ 117 'P YQഀ 19 L E REഀ 94ഀ RECEIVED FROM_ഀ FI /I / " w 1 11 Aഀ II ADDRESS xഀ ഀ ~I Permit Numbersഀ j HOW PAID- Cash. 'ഀ j~ Check,ഀ Byഀ LLARS Sഀ «Jഀ tഀ Town of Vailഀ • ' s L .rtment of Community Developmentഀ 75 S. Frontage Roadഀ Vail, CO 81657ഀ Nam Receipt No.ഀ Address:ഀ Project: Date__Lഀ Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAILഀ Account No.ഀ Itemഀ No.ഀ Code # I Cost Eachഀ Totalഀ 001 0000 314 1110ഀ Zoning and Address Mapsഀ ZA $5.00 Iഀ *ഀ 001 0000 314 1112ഀ Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 !ഀ iഀ CB $50.95+ഀ *ഀ 001 0000 314 1112ഀ Uniform Building Code 1997 -Volume 3ഀ $57.20 iഀ *ഀ 001 0000 314 1112ഀ International Plumbing Code - 1997ഀ CB $36.00 Iഀ *ഀ 001 0000 314 1112ഀ International Mechanical Code - 1998ഀ !ഀ CB $35.00ഀ 001 0000 314 1112ഀ Uniform Mechanical Code -1997ഀ $33.60 Iഀ *ഀ 001 0000 314 1112ഀ Uniform Fire Codeഀ CB $36.00ഀ 00.1 0000 314 1112ഀ National Electrical Codeഀ CB I $37.00ഀ 001 0000 314 1112ഀ Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997ഀ $9.95ഀ 001 0000 314 1112ഀ Model Energy Code - 1995ഀ $10.00ഀ 001 0000 314 1112ഀ Analysis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codesഀ j $12.75 Iഀ *ഀ 001 0000 314 1112ഀ Other Code Booksഀ CBഀ 001 0000 314 1211ഀ Blue Prints/M lar Coy Feesഀ BF $7.00ഀ 001 0000 314 1111ഀ Xerox Copiesഀ XC $0.25ഀ 001 0000 314 1111ഀ Lionshead Master Plan $1.80/$1.60)ഀ _ഀ MS I $40.00ഀ 001 0000 314 1111ഀ Studies, Master Plans, etc.ഀ MSഀ 001 0000 315 3000ഀ Penal Fees/Re-inspectionsഀ PNഀ 001 0000 311 2300ഀ Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/ per hourഀ PF jഀ 001 0000 315 2000ഀ Off Hours Inspection Feesഀ OHഀ 001 0000 312 3000ഀ Contractors License Feesഀ CLഀ 001 0000 312 4000ഀ Sign A lication Feeഀ SP $20.00ഀ 001 0000 312 4000ഀ Additional Sign Application Feeഀ SPഀ 001 0000 311 2200ഀ Design Review Board Fee (Pre-paid)ഀ DRഀ _ഀ 001 0000 315 3000ഀ Building Investigation Feeഀ ഀ PN jഀ 001 0000 240 3300ഀ Developer Improvemeni Agreement Deposit D2-DEP10ഀ ADഀ 001 0000 312 1000ഀ Restaurant License fee TOV)ഀ RLഀ 001 0000 230 2000ഀ Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.De t.Rev.ഀ !ഀ SAഀ *001 0000 201 1000ഀ Taxable @ 4.5% (State) - Tax payableഀ !ഀ TPഀ *001 0000 310 1100ഀ Taxable @ 4.0% Town - Retail Sales Taxഀ :ഀ T7ഀ Other/Misc. -ഀ MSഀ 001 0000 311 2500ഀ PEC APPLICATION FEESഀ 001 0000 311 2500ഀ Additional GRFA - "250"ഀ PV $200.00ഀ 001 0000 311 2500ഀ Conditional Use Permitഀ PV $200.00 !ഀ 001 0000 311 2500ഀ Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 s q. ft.ഀ PV $200.00ഀ 001 0000 311 2500ഀ Exterior Alteration - More than 100 s q. ft.ഀ PV $500.00ഀ 001 0000 311 2500ഀ Special Development District - NEW 1ഀ PV $1,500.00ഀ -ഀ 001 0000 311 2500ഀ Special Development District - Major Amendഀ PV $1,000.00ഀ Iഀ 001 0000 311 2500ഀ Special Development District - Minor Amendഀ PV $200.00ഀ 001 0000 311 2500ഀ Subdivision Feesഀ ! PVഀ 001 0000 311 2500ഀ Varianceഀ f PV $250.00ഀ 001 0000 311 2500ഀ Zoning Code Amendmentsഀ !PV $250.00ഀ Re-Zoningഀ PV $200.00ഀ 001 0000 319 3100ഀ Greenstar Program --1ഀ Hഀ Other -ഀ MSഀ (TOTAL:ഀ Comments:ഀ T oഀ Order # Check # Received by:ഀ eഀ h Mഀ Cഀ onഀ yഀ asഀ i 'ഀ F:/Everyone/Forms/Salesaci.exe 2/10/99ഀ Glen Lyon Office Buildingഀ Master Planഀ Adjacent Property Ownersഀ 09-002 Town of Vail Finance Departmentഀ 75 South Frontage Roadഀ Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ 09-003 Glen Lyon Office Buildingഀ Andrew Norrisഀ 1000 South Frontage Roadഀ Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ 09-004 Hagopian, Penningtonഀ 09-005 Tim Penningtonഀ Brentwood Associatesഀ 11150 Santa Monica Blvd.ഀ Suite 1200ഀ Los Angeles, CA 90025ഀ 00-001 Vail Corp.ഀ P.O. Box 7ഀ Vail, Colorado 81658ഀ 00-002 H & K Mgt. Limited Liability Co.ഀ 00-004 953 South Frontage Road., W.ഀ Suite 230ഀ Vail, CO 81657ഀ 00-005 Amoco Oil Co.ഀ Property Tax Dept. M.C. 2408ഀ 200 E. Randolph Dr.ഀ Chicago, Illinois 60601-7125ഀ 00-010 Town of Vail Finance Departmentഀ 75 South Frontage Roadഀ Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ o"ഀ OWNERSHIP MAPഀ 00-002ഀ 00-004ഀ NDഀ FROIAI AGE R/ഀ WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FORESTഀ RED SANDSTONEഀ CREEKഀ 00-001ഀ THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTYഀ PUBLIC NOTICEഀ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town ofഀ Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of theഀ Town of Vail on February 14, 2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Inഀ consideration of:ഀ A joint worksession with the Design Review Board to discuss the proposed developmentഀ plan/master plan for an approximately 12 acre unplatted parcel of land, commonly referred to asഀ the lower bench of Donovan Park, located south of the South Frontage Road and east and northഀ of Matterhorn Circle.ഀ Applicant: Town of Vail/Vail Recreation Districtഀ Planner: Dominic Maurielloഀ A worksession to discuss a proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 4,ഀ located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West (Glen Lyon Office Building)/Lot 54, Block K, Glen Lyonഀ Subdivision.ഀ pplicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew Architectsഀ Planner: Brent Wilsonഀ A worksession to discuss the the Town of Vail's revised parking generation analysis andഀ proposed amendments to Chapter 12-10, Town Code.ഀ Applicant: Town of Vailഀ Planner: Brent Wilsonഀ A worksession to discuss the proposed changes to the Town of Vail's parking pay-in-lieu policyഀ and proposed amendments to Chapter 12-10, Town Code.ഀ Applicant: Town of Vailഀ Planner: Brent Wilsonഀ A review of a proposed amendment to the Town's Subdivision Regulations (Section 13-7-7 -ഀ "Condominiums and Condominium Conversions"), to allow for the conversion of accommodationഀ units to employee housing units.ഀ Applicant: Town of Vailഀ Planner: Brent Wilsonഀ The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection duringഀ regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Communityഀ Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information.ഀ Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-ഀ 2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information.ഀ Community Development Departmentഀ Published January 28, 2000 in the Vail Trail.ഀ rv ~,bഀ iഀ TOWN OF PAILഀ 1ഀ rഀ THi. . FEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTഀ PUBLIC NOTICEഀ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town ofഀ Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of theഀ Town of Vail on February 28, 2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Inഀ consideration of:ഀ A request for final review of a proposed major amendment to Special Development District #4ഀ Cascade Village), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West (Glen Lyon Office Building)/Lot 54,ഀ Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision.ഀ Applicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew Architectsഀ Planner: George Rutherഀ A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the conversion of existing hotel rooms intoഀ employee housing units, located at 2211 N. Frontage Rd. (West Vail Lodge)/Lot 1, Vail dasഀ Schone #3.ഀ Applicant: Reaut Corporationഀ Planner Brent Wilsonഀ A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an addition to the existingഀ raw water intake structure and pump station, located on Black Gore Drive/Lot 8, Heather of Vail.ഀ Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation Districtഀ Planner: Brent Wilsonഀ A request for variances from Section 12-6C-6, Section 12-6D-6, and Section 12-14-6, Town ofഀ Vail Code, to allow for an extended entry, trash enclosure and deck expansion, located at 706 W.ഀ Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6`h Filing.ഀ Applicant: Cliff Illig, represented by Beth Levineഀ Planner: Allison Ochsഀ A request for a variance from Sections 12-61-1-6 and 12-14-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for theഀ addition of gross residential floor area and balconies within required setbacks.ഀ Applicant: Vicki Pearson, represented by Ron Diehl, Architectഀ Planner: Ann Kjerulfഀ A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for an amendment to a previously platted buildingഀ envelope and a revised lot access, located at 1452 Lionsridge Loop / Lot 4, Ridge at Vail.ഀ Applicant: Mike Youngഀ Planner: George Rutherഀ The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection duringഀ regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Communityഀ Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information.ഀ Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-ഀ 2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information.ഀ Published February 11, 2000 in the Vail Trail. ,GJഀ 1ഀ y1ഀ MWAT nc Ud IFഀ ORDINANCE NO.14ഀ SERIES OF 1999ഀ AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RE-ENACTING ORDINANCE NO. 11, SERIES OF 1999,ഀ CASCADE VILLAGE, AMENDING AND RE-ESTABLISHING THE APPROVEDഀ DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR LOT 54, GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION, KNOWN AS THE GLENഀ LYON OFFICE BUILDING LOCATED WITHIN DEVELOPMENT AREA D, IN ACCORDANCEഀ WITH SECTION 12-9A-10 OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS TO ALLOW FOR THEഀ CONSTRUCTION OF AN EXPANDED OFFICE BUILDING AND TWO TYPE III EMPLOYEEഀ HOUSING UNITS; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO.ഀ WHEREAS, Section 12-9A-10 of the Zoning Regulations permits major amendments toഀ previously approved development plans for Special Development Districts; andഀ WHEREAS, Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, as owner of the property, hasഀ submitted an application for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 4,ഀ Cascade Village, Development Area D; andഀ WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to repeal and re-enact Ordinance No. 11,ഀ Series of 1999 to amend and re-establish the Development Plan for Lot 54, the Glen Lyonഀ Office Building to allow for an office expansion and employee housing units; andഀ WHEREAS, the proposed major amendment to the Special Development District is inഀ the best interest of the town as it meets the Town's development objectives as identified in theഀ Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan; andഀ WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Zoning Regulations, theഀ Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on May 10, 1999 on the majorഀ amendment application and has submitted its recommendation of approval to the Vail Townഀ Council; andഀ WHEREAS, all notices as required by the Town of Vail Municipal Code have been sentഀ to the appropriate parties; andഀ WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council considers it in the best interest of the public health,ഀ safety, and welfare to amend and re-establish the Development Plan for Special Developmentഀ District No. 4, Cascade Village Development Area D.ഀ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OFഀ VAIL, COLORADO, THAT:ഀ Section 1. Purpose of the Ordinanceഀ Ordinance No. 11, Series of 1999, is hereby repealed and re-enacted by Ordinance No. 14,ഀ Series of 1999.ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ Section 2. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled, Planning Commission Report.ഀ The approval procedures described in Section 12-9A of the Vail Municipal Code have beenഀ fulfilled, and the Town Council has received the recommendations of the Planning &ഀ Environmental Commission for an amendment to the Development Plan for Special Developmentഀ District No. 4, Area D, Glen Lyon Office Building (Lot 54).ഀ Section 3. Special Development District No. 4ഀ 'Special Development District No. 4 and the development plans for all sites other than theഀ development plan for the Glen Lyon Office Building (Lot 54) therefore, hereby remain approvedഀ for the development of Special Development District No. 4 within the Town of Vail, unless theyഀ have otherwise expired.ഀ Section 4. Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village shall read as follows:ഀ Purposeഀ Special Development District No. 4 is established to ensure comprehensive developmentഀ and use of an area in-a manner that will be harmonious with the general character of theഀ Town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and promote theഀ objectives of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Development District No. 4 isഀ created to ensure that the development density will be relatively low and suitable for theഀ area and the vicinity in which it is situated, the development is regarded as complementaryഀ to the Town by the Town Council and the Planning & Environmental Commission, andഀ because there are significant aspects of the Special Development District which cannot beഀ satisfied through the imposition of standard zoning districts on the area.ഀ Definitionsഀ For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:ഀ A. "Special attraction" shall be defined as a museum, seminar or research center orഀ performing arts theater or cultural center.ഀ B. "Transient residential dwelling unit or restricted dwelling unit" shall be defined as aഀ dwelling unit located in a multi-family dwelling that is managed as a short term rental inഀ 2ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ which all such units are operated under a single management providing the occupantsഀ thereof customary hotel services and facilities. A short term rental shall be deemed to beഀ a rental for a period of time not to exceed 31 days. Each unit shall not exceed 645 squareഀ feet of GRFA which shall include a kitchen having a maximum of 35 square feet. Theഀ kitchen shall be designed so that it may be locked and separated from the rest of the unitഀ in a closet. A transient dwelling unit shall be accessible from common corridors, walks, -orഀ balconies without passing through another accommodation unit, dwelling unit, or aഀ transient residential dwelling unit. Should such units be developed as condominiums, theyഀ shall be restricted as set forth in Section 13-7 Condominiums and Condominiumഀ Conversions, Subdivision Regulations. The unit shall not be used as a permanentഀ residence. Fractional fee ownership shall not be allowed to be applied to transientഀ dwelling units. For the purposes of determining allowable density per acre, transientഀ residential dwelling units shall be counted as one half of a dwelling unit. The transientഀ residential dwelling unit parking requirement shall be 0.4 space per unit plus 0.1 space perഀ each 100 square feet of GRFA with a maximum of 1.0 space per unit.ഀ Establishedഀ A. Special Development District No. 4 is established for the development on a parcelഀ of land comprising 97.955 acres as more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A.ഀ Special Development District No. 4 and the 97.955 acres may be referred to as "SDD No.ഀ 4."ഀ B. The district shall consist of four separate development areas, as identified in thisഀ ordinance consisting of the following approximate sizes:ഀ Area Known Asഀ Acreageഀ Cascade Villageഀ Coldstream Condominiumsഀ Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single Family Lotsഀ Glen Lyon Commercial Siteഀ Dedicated Open Spaceഀ Roadsഀ TOTALഀ Development Areaഀ Aഀ 17.955ഀ Bഀ 4.000ഀ Cഀ 9.100ഀ Dഀ 1.500ഀ 40.400ഀ 4.700ഀ 97.955ഀ 3ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ Development Plan--Required--Approval Procedureഀ Each development area with the exception of Development Areas A and D shall beഀ subject to a single development plan. Development Area A shall be allowed toഀ have two development plans for the Cascade Club site as approved by the Townഀ Council. The, Waterford. and Cornerstone sites shall be allowed one developmentഀ plan each. Development Area D shall be allowed to develop per the approved-,ഀ development plans as approved by the Town Council. The developer shall haveഀ the right to proceed with the development plans or scenarios as defined in theഀ development statistics section of this ordinance. Amendments to SDD No. 4 shallഀ comply Section 12-9A of the Municipal Code.ഀ Permitted Usesഀ A. Area A. Cascade Villageഀ 1. First floor commercial uses shall be limited to uses listed in Section 12-713-ഀ 3, (Commercial Core 1), of the Municipal Code. The "first floor" or "street level" shall beഀ defined as that floor of the building that is located at grade or street level;ഀ 2. All other floor levels besides first. floor street level may include retail,ഀ theater, restaurant, and office except that no professional or business office shall beഀ located on street level or first floor (as defined above) unless it is clearly accessory to aഀ lodge or educational institution except for an office space having a maximum squareഀ footage of 925 square feet located on the first floor on the northwest corner of the Plazaഀ Conference Center building;ഀ 3. Lodge;ഀ 4. Multi-family dwelling;ഀ 5. Single Family dwelling;ഀ 6. Primary/Secondary dwelling;ഀ 7. Transient residential dwelling unit;ഀ 8. Employee dwelling as defined. in Section 12-13 of the Municipal Code;ഀ 9. Cascade Club addition of a lap pool or gymnasium.ഀ 4ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiumsഀ 1. Two-family dwelling;ഀ 2. Multi-family dwelling.ഀ C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lotsഀ 1. Single family dwelling;.ഀ 2. Two-family dwelling.ഀ 3. Type II Employee Housing Unit (EHU) per Chapter 12-13, of the Municipalഀ Code.ഀ D. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Siteഀ 1. Business and professional offices;ഀ 2. Employee dwelling as defined in Section 12-13 of the Municipal Code.ഀ Conditional Usesഀ Conditional uses shall be reviewed per the procedures as outlined in Chapter 12-16 of theഀ Town of Vail Zoning Regulations.ഀ A. Area A, Cascade Villageഀ 1. Cascade Club addition of a wellness center not to exceed 4,500 squareഀ feet.ഀ 2. Fractional fee ownership as defined in the Town of Vail Municipal Code,ഀ Section 12-2 shall be a conditional use for dwelling units in the Westhavenഀ multi-family dwellings, as amended. Fractional fee ownership shall not be appliedഀ to restricted employee dwelling units or transient residential dwelling units.ഀ 3. Special attraction;ഀ 4. Ski lifts;ഀ 5. Public park and recreational facilities;ഀ 6. Major arcades with no frontage on any public way, street, walkway or mallഀ area.ഀ 7. Transportation Business.ഀ 8. Temporary, Use of the Tennis Facility for Conferences and Conventionsഀ B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiumsഀ 1. Public park and recreational facilities;ഀ 2. Ski lifts.ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ 5ഀ C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lotsഀ 1. Public park and recreational facilities;ഀ 2. Ski lifts;ഀ D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Siteഀ 1. Micro-brewery as defined in Town of Vail Municipal code, Chapter 12-2.ഀ Accessory Usesഀ A. Area A. Cascade Villageഀ 1. Minor arcade.ഀ 2. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit inഀ accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vailഀ Municipal Code.ഀ 3. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools,ഀ tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental toഀ permitted residential uses.ഀ 4. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditionalഀ uses, and necessary for the operation thereof.ഀ B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiumsഀ 1 Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit inഀ accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vailഀ Municipal Code.ഀ 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools,ഀ tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental toഀ permitted residential uses.ഀ Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses,ഀ and necessary for the operation thereof.ഀ C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lotsഀ 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit inഀ accordance with the provisions, of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vailഀ Municipal Code.ഀ 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools,ഀ 6ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental toഀ permitted residential uses.ഀ 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditionalഀ uses, and necessary for the operation thereof.ഀ D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Siteഀ 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit inഀ accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vailഀ Municipal Code.ഀ 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools,ഀ tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental toഀ permitted residential uses.ഀ 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditionalഀ uses, and necessary for the operation thereof.ഀ 4. Minor arcade.ഀ Location of Business Activityഀ A. All offices, businesses, and shall be operated and conducted entirely within aഀ building, except for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, and the outdoorഀ display of goods.ഀ B. The area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly in front of theഀ establishment displaying the goods and entirely upon the establishment's own property.ഀ Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed byഀ outdoor display.ഀ Density--Dwelling Unitsഀ The number of dwelling units shall not exceed the following:ഀ A. Area A, Cascade Villageഀ In Area A, a minimum of three hundred fifty-two (352) accommodation or transientഀ dwelling units and a maximum of ninety-four dwelling units for a total density of twoഀ hundred seventy (270) dwelling units.ഀ B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiumsഀ 7ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ Sixty-five (65) dwelling unitsഀ C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lotsഀ One-hundred four (104) dwelling units.ഀ D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Siteഀ No dwelling units shall be allowed with the exception of employee housing units asഀ defined in Chapter 12-13 of the Town Code.ഀ Density--Floor Areaഀ A. Area A, Cascade Villageഀ The gross residential floor area (GRFA) for all buildings shall not exceed 289,145ഀ square feet.ഀ B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiumsഀ Sixty-five thousand square feet (65,000 sq. ft.) GRFA.ഀ C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lotsഀ GRFA shall be calculated for each lot per Section 12-6D-8 (Density Control) for theഀ Primary/Secondary district of the Town of Vail municipal code.ഀ D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Siteഀ GRFA for employee housing units shall be as approved on the development,ഀ however, the GRFA shall be at least 1,865 sq. ft.ഀ Commercial Square Footageഀ A. Area A, Cascade Villageഀ Area A shall not exceed 35,698 square feet of commercial area.ഀ 8ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ B. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Siteഀ The gross floor area shall not exceed 35, 741 sq. ft. of net (leaseable) floor area.ഀ Development Statistics for Area A. Cascade Village, and Area D, Glen Lyonഀ Commercial Siteഀ CHART 1: Area A Completed Projectsഀ Retail/ഀ Squareഀ On-Siteഀ Cascade Structureഀ Ausഀ DUsഀ GRFAഀ Commercialഀ Footഀ Parkingഀ Parkingഀ MILLRACE 1ഀ 16ഀ 20,000ഀ 20ഀ 0.00ഀ {pഀ MILLRACE IIഀ 14ഀ 17,534ഀ -5ഀ 0.00ഀ MILLRA( E INഀ 3ഀ 6,ഀ 7ഀ - 1~ y 1..ഀ +s-17x4 y~iഀ MILLRACE IVഀ 6ഀ 10,450ഀ 19ഀ 0.00ഀ (COSGRIFF)"'ഀ k~ i{Y.ഀ * 1r° 'fഀ -ഀ Iw. ''p 4~ ~ fഀ r 4x Csഀ >w..4ഀ t~o+dWlti ~7t ~ ~ഀ t`Fഀ r!ഀ 'ഀ tr a, . .ഀ "a,iri~1.ഀ fഀ .ഀ gഀ ,ഀ WESTINഀ 148ഀ 55,457ഀ 0.00ഀ 115ഀ Alfredo=sഀ 104 Seatsഀ Cafeഀ 74 Seatsഀ Little Shopഀ 1,250ഀ Pepi Sportsഀ 2,491ഀ W & H Smith, Vaurnotഀ 900ഀ Y 4 '~~FTഀ CMC BUILDINGഀ Cascade Wingഀ 8ഀ 15,870ഀ 0.00ഀ 16ഀ Clancy=sഀ 1,600ഀ 0.00ഀ 13.3ഀ Theaterഀ 4,220ഀ 28ഀ College Classroomsഀ 0.00ഀ 40ഀ College Officeഀ 0.00ഀ 4ഀ Theater/Meeting Room 2.1ഀ 1,387ഀ 0.00ഀ 11.5ഀ 9ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ TERRACE WINGഀ Roomsഀ 120ഀ 58,069ഀ 0.00ഀ 105ഀ Retailഀ 5,856ഀ 0.00ഀ 20ഀ PLAZA 1ഀ Roomsഀ 20ഀ 7,205ഀ 0.00ഀ 16ഀ Retailഀ 1,099ഀ 0.00ഀ 4ഀ Blഀ oഀ wഀ Mഀ PLAZA IIഀ Conferenceഀ 0.00ഀ 35ഀ Retailഀ 925ഀ 0.00ഀ 3ഀ vഀ CASCADE CLUBഀ Retailഀ 300ഀ 0.00ഀ 1ഀ Bar & Restaurantഀ 252ഀ 0.00ഀ 3.5ഀ Office in CMCഀ 828 -ഀ 0.00ഀ 3ഀ Wellness Centerഀ 1,386ഀ 0.00ഀ 7ഀ Office in Clubഀ 420ഀ 0.00ഀ 1.4ഀ trഀ •iഀ ഀ wഀ aa^ഀ f.ഀ .ഀ ~kഀ LIFTSIDEഀ (WATERFORD)ഀ Unitsഀ 27ഀ 56ഀ Employee Unitsഀ 2ഀ 1,100ഀ 2ഀ TOTALSഀ 27ഀ 47,500ഀ 58ഀ Cascade Club Additionഀ Wellness Centerഀ 4ഀ 500ഀ Yഀ ,ഀ 22.5ഀ Plaza Office*'ഀ 925ഀ -ഀ 10ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ office parking requirements.ഀ ***For the purposes of calculating GRFA for the Cosgriff parcel (Millrace IV), no credits shall be given except for 300 s.f. to beഀ allowed for each enclosed parking space.ഀ CHART 2: AREA Aഀ REQUIRED PARKINGഀ Parking for Completed Projects per Chart 1ഀ Parking Spacesഀ inഀ 461.9ഀ Cascade Parking Structureഀ Less 17.5% Mixed-Use Creditഀ -80.8ഀ Total Required Parking at Build-Out of Areaഀ A in Cascade Structureഀ 381.1ഀ Existing Parking in Cascade Structureഀ 421.0ഀ Required Parking in Cascade Structure atഀ Build-Out of Area Aഀ With 17.5% mixed-use creditഀ 381.1ഀ Development Plansഀ Site specific development plans are approved for Area A and Area D. The developmentഀ plans for Area A are comprised of those plans submitted by Vail Ventures, Ltd. andഀ other developers. The development plans for Area D are comprised of those plansഀ submitted by the Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership. The following documentsഀ comprise the development plan for the SDD as a whole, Waterford, Cornerstone,ഀ Cascade Club Addition Scenario 1 and 2, Millrace IV, and Area D-Glen Lyonഀ Commercial Site and is not all inclusive:ഀ 1. Waterford, Sheet #L-2, dated 11-12-92, Landscape Plan, Dennis Anderson.ഀ 2. Waterford, Sheet #1.1, dated 11-13-92, Site/Grading Plan Gwathmey, Pratt,ഀ Schultz.ഀ 3. Waterford, Sheet #2.1, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 38/43' 3", Gwathmey, Pratt,ഀ Schultz.ഀ 11ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ lp-1 - all uduy UeeiI wulaeu Tor a reran parking requirement. i ne new parking requirement is based on the difference between the retail andഀ 4. Waterford, Sheet #2.2, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 48'-6"/53'-0", Gwathmey,ഀ Pratt, Schultz.ഀ 5. Waterford, Sheet #2.3, dated 11-13-92 Plan Level 59'-0:/64'-3" by Gwathmey,ഀ Pratt, Schultz.ഀ 6. Waterford, Sheet #2.4, dated 11-4-92, Plan Level 69'-6"/74'-9", Gwathmey,ഀ Pratt, Schultz.ഀ 7. Waterford, Sheet #2.5, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 80'-0"/85'-3" Gwathmey,ഀ Pratt, Schultz.ഀ 8. Waterford, Sheet #2.6, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 90'-6" Gwathmey, Pratt,ഀ Schultz.ഀ 9. Waterford, Sheet #2.7, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 101'-0" Gwathmey, Pratt,ഀ Schultz.ഀ 10. Waterford, Sheet #2.8, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 111'-6" Gwathmey, Pratt,ഀ Schultz.ഀ 11. Waterford, Sheet #2.9, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 122'-0" Gwathmey, Pratt,ഀ Schultz.ഀ 12. Waterford, Sheet #2.10, dated 12-14-92, Roof Plan All Levels Gwathmey, Pratt,ഀ Schultz.ഀ 13. Waterford, Sheet #3.1, dated 11-13-92, Elevations Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.ഀ 14. Waterford, Sheet #3.2, dated 11-13-92, Elevations, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.ഀ 15. Waterford, Sheet #4.1, dated 11-4-92, Sections Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.ഀ 16. Waterford, Sheet #4.2, dated 11-4-92, Sections, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.ഀ 17. Waterford, Sheet #4.3, dated 11-4-92, Sections, Gwathmey,, Pratt, Schultz.ഀ 18. Waterford, Sheet #9.1, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.ഀ 19. Waterford, Sheet #9.2, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.ഀ 20. Waterford, Sheet #9.3, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.ഀ 21. Waterford, Sheet #9.4, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.ഀ 22. Waterford, Sheet #9.5, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.ഀ 23. Cascade Club Addition Site Plan, Roma, 10/10/88.ഀ 24. Cascade Club Floor Plan, Roma, 10/10/88,ഀ 25. Millrace III, Sheet #1, dated 5/6/93, Site Plan, Steven James Riden.ഀ 26. Millrace III, Sheet #2, dated 4/13/93, Floor Plans for Single Family Residence,ഀ Steven James Riden.ഀ 27. Millrace III, Sheet #3, dated 5/6/93, Elevations for Single Family Residence,ഀ Steven James Riden.ഀ 28. Millrace III, Sheets #4 and #5, dated 3/20/93, Floor Plans for Duplex Building,ഀ Steven James Riden.ഀ 29. Millrace Ili, Sheets ##t and #7, dated 5/6/93, Elevations for Duplex Building,ഀ Steven James Riden.ഀ 30. Millrace III, Sheet L1, dated 5/6/93, Site/Landscape Plan, Steven James Riden.ഀ 12ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ 31. Millrace IV, Scenario I, a/k/a Cosgriff Parcel, Site Plan, Arnold Gwathmey Pratt,ഀ 10/28/91.ഀ 32. Millrace IV, Scenario I, a/k/a Cosgriff Parcel, Elevations Arnold Gwathmey Pratt,ഀ 10/22/91.ഀ 33. Millrace IV, Scenario I, a/k/a Cosgriff Parcel, Floor Plans Arnold Gwathmey Pratt,ഀ 10/23/91.ഀ 34. Millrace IV, Scenario I, a/k/a Cosgriff Parcel, Landscape Plan, Dennis Andersonഀ Associates.ഀ 35. Cosgriff Parcel, Survey, Alpine Engineering, Inc., 10/31/91 stamped.ഀ 36. Survey, a part of Cascade Village, Eagle Valley Engineering, Leland Lechner,ഀ 6/8/87.ഀ 37. Site Coverage Analysis, Eagle Valley Engineering, 10/10/88.ഀ 38. Cascade Village Special Development District Amendment and Environmentalഀ Impact Report: Peter Jamar Associates, Inc., revised 11/22/88.ഀ 39. Topographic Map, Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd, 12/1/94ഀ 40. Improvement Location Certificate, Eagle Valley Surveying, Inc., 3/2/92ഀ 41. Site Plan, SL-1, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99ഀ 42. Site Grading Plan, SL-2, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99ഀ 43. Landscape Plan, SL-3, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99ഀ 44. Southeast Elevation, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99ഀ 45. Northwest, Northeast, & Southwest Elevation, R.G. Clark & Associates,ഀ 3/26/99ഀ 46. Sections & Details, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99ഀ 47. Parking Level Plan, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99ഀ 48. First Floor Plan, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99ഀ 49. Second Floor Plan, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99ഀ 50. Third Floor Plan, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99ഀ 51. Fourth Floor Plan, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99ഀ 52. Off-site Improvement Plan, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99ഀ 53. Roof-Top Mechanical Plan, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99ഀ * A maximum of 1000 sq. ft. of common area, in addition to the approved plans, may beഀ added to the Waterford project to allow for compliance with the Uniform Building Code,ഀ Uniform Fire Code and American Disabilities Act. The staff shall review all suchഀ additions to ensure that they are required -by such codes.ഀ Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single Family Lotsഀ 1. Building Envelopes for Lots 39-1 and 39-2 per sheet, L-1, prepared by Designഀ 'Workshop, inc., datea 11-9-98.ഀ 13ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Siteഀ Glen Lyon Office Building Development, The Resort Design Collaborative International, Sheetsഀ A2 - A4, revised 6/16/99, as may be amended by the Design Review Board.ഀ Development Standardsഀ The development standards set out herein are approved by the Town Council. Theseഀ standards shall be incorporated into the approved development plan pertinent to eachഀ development area to protect the integrity of the development of SDD No. 4. They are minimumഀ development standards and shall apply unless more restrictive standards are incorporated inഀ the approved development plan which is adopted by the Town Council.ഀ Setbacksഀ A. Area A, Cascade Villageഀ Required setbacks shall be as indicated in each development plan with aഀ minimum setback on the periphery of the property of not less than twenty feet, with theഀ exception that the setback requirement adjacent to the existing Cascade parkingഀ structure/athletic club building shall be two feet as approved on February 8, 1982, by theഀ Planning and Environmental Commission. All buildings shall maintain a 50 foot streamഀ setback from Gore Creek. The Waterford building shall maintain a minimum 20 footഀ setback from the north edge of the recreational path along Gore Creek.ഀ B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiumsഀ Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the development plan.ഀ C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lotsഀ Required setbacks shall be governed by Section 12-6D-7 of theഀ Primary/Secondary zone district of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. For single-familyഀ Lots 39-1 and 39-2, development shall occur per the approved building envelopes and isഀ subject to the following:ഀ All future development will be restricted to the area within the building envelopes.ഀ The only development permitted outside the building envelopes shall beഀ landscaping, driveways (access bridge) and retaining walls associated withഀ driveway construction. At-grade patios (those within 5' of existing or finishedഀ grade) will be permitted to project beyond the building envelopes not more thanഀ ten feet (10') nor more than one-half (2) the distance between the buildingഀ envelope and the property line, or may project not more than five feet (5) norഀ more than one-fourth (3) the minimum required dimension between buildings.ഀ D. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Siteഀ Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the approved development plans.ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999 14ഀ Heightഀ A. For the purposes of SDD No. 4 calculations of height, height shall mean theഀ distance measured vertically from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever isഀ more restrictive), at any given point to the top of a flat roof, or mansard roof, or to theഀ highest ridge line of a sloping roof unless otherwise specified in approved developmentഀ plan drawings.ഀ B. Area A, Cascade Villageഀ 1. The maximum height for the Westin Hotel, CMC Learning Center,ഀ Terrace Wing, Plaza Conference Building and Cascade Parkingഀ Structure/Athletic Club is 71 feet.ഀ 2. Cornerstone Building: Maximum height of 71 feet.ഀ 3. Waterford Building: Maximum height of feet as measured from finishedഀ grade to any portion of the roof along the north elevation shall be 55' (Southഀ Frontage Road), 56' along the west elevation Westhaven Drive, and 65 feetഀ along the south and east elevation as measured from finished grade.ഀ 4. Westhaven Building: A maximum of 55 feet.ഀ 5. Millrace III: A maximum of 36 feet.ഀ 6. Millrace IV: A maximum of 36 feet.ഀ 7. Cascade Club Addition: A maximum of 26 feet.ഀ 8. Cascade Entry Tower: A maximum of 36 feet.ഀ 9. The remainder of buildings in Area A shall have a maximum height of 48ഀ feet.ഀ C. Area B. Coldstream Condominiumsഀ The maximum height shall be 48 feet.ഀ D. Area C. Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lotsഀ The maximum height shall be 33 feet for a sloping roof and 31) feet for a flat orഀ mansard roof.ഀ E. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Siteഀ Development plan drawings shall constitute the height allowances for Area D.ഀ Site Coverageഀ Areas A & B: No more than 35% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings,ഀ provided, if any portion of the area is developed as an institutional orഀ educational center, 45% of the area may be covered unless otherwiseഀ indicated on the site specific development plans.ഀ Area C: No more than 25% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings,ഀ unless the more restrictive standards of Chapter 12-21 of the Vailഀ Municipal Code apply.ഀ Area D: No more than 30% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings andഀ the parking structure, as indicated on the approved development plans.ഀ 15ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ Landscapingഀ At least the following percentages of the total development area shall be landscaped asഀ provided in the development plan. This shall include retention of natural landscape, ifഀ appropriate. Areas A and B, fifty percent (50%), and in Areas C and D, sixty percentഀ (60%), of the area shall be landscaped unless otherwise indicated on the site specificഀ development plans.ഀ Parking and Loadingഀ A. Area A, Cascade Villageഀ 1. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 12-10,ഀ except that 75% of the required parking in Area A shall be located within aഀ parking structure or buildings with the exception of Millrace IV, Scenario I, whereഀ 66.6% and the Westhaven Club & Lodge, where 71 % of required parking shallഀ be enclosed in a building.ഀ 2. There shall be a total of 421 spaces in the main Cascade Club parkingഀ structure. A 17.5 percent mixed-use credit per the Town of Vail parking code,ഀ has been applied to the total number of required parking spaces in the Cascadeഀ structure.ഀ 3. There shall be a total of 58 on-site parking spaces on the Waterfordഀ building site with a minimum of 75% of the required space located below grade.ഀ No mixed use credit shall be applied to this site.ഀ 4. There shall be a minimum of 93 enclosed parking spaces located withinഀ the Cornerstone building with 37 of the required spaces available to the public forഀ short-term parking. No mixed use credit has been applied to this lot.ഀ 5. The third floor of the Cascade parking structure shall not be used to meetഀ any parking requirements for accommodation units, transient residential dwellingഀ units, employee dwelling units or dwelling units.ഀ 6. Phasing: All required parking for Cornerstone and Waterford shall beഀ located on their respective sites. All required parking for the Cascade Clubഀ Wellness Center Addition Scenario 1 shall be provided in the Cascade parkingഀ structure.ഀ 7. Seventy-five percent of the required parking shall be located within theഀ main building or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining propertiesഀ within a landscaped berm for Millrace III.ഀ 8. All loading and delivery shall be located within buildings or as approvedഀ in the development plan.ഀ B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiumsഀ Fifty percent of the required parking shall be located within the main building orഀ buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within aഀ 16ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ landscaped berm.ഀ C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lotsഀ Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 12-10 of theഀ Municipal Code.ഀ D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Siteഀ This site shall have a minimum of 143 parking spaces.ഀ 2. No loading or delivery of goods shall be allowed on the public right-of-wayഀ along the South Frontage Road adjacent to the Area D development.ഀ Recreation Amenities Tax Assessedഀ The recreational amenities tax due for the development within SDD No. 4 under Chapterഀ 3.20 shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed twenty-five cents per square foot of theഀ floor area in Development Area A; and at a rate not to exceed fifty cents per square footഀ of GRFA in Development Area B; and at a rate not to exceed fifteen cents per squareഀ foot of GRFA in Development Area C; and at a rate not to exceed seventy-five cents perഀ square foot of floor area in Development Area D; and shall be paid in conjunction withഀ each construction phase prior to the issuance of building permits.ഀ Conservation and Pollution Controlsഀ A. The developer's drainage plan shall include a provision for prevention of pollutionഀ from surface runoff.ഀ B. The developer shall include in the building construction, energy and waterഀ conservation controls as general technology exists at the time of construction.ഀ C. The number of fireplaces permitted shall be as set forth in the Town of Vailഀ Municipal as amended.ഀ D. If fireplaces are provided within the development, they must be heat efficientഀ through the use of glass enclosures and heat circulating devices as technology exists atഀ the time of development.ഀ E. All water features within Development Area A shall have overflow storm drainsഀ per the recommendation of the Environmental Impact Report by Jamar Associates onഀ Page 34.ഀ F. All parking structures shall have pollution control devices to prevent oil and dirtഀ from draining into Gore Creek.ഀ G. All trash compactors and trash storage areas shall be completely enclosed withinഀ Special Development District 4.ഀ H. Proteci:ive measures shall be used during construction to prevent soil erosionഀ into Gore Creek, particularly when construction occurs in Areas A and D.ഀ Additional Amenities and Approval Agreements for Special Developmentഀ 17ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ District No. 4.ഀ A. The developer shall provide or work with the Town to provide adequate privateഀ transportation services to the owners and guests so as to transport them fromഀ the development to the Village Core area and Lionshead area as outlined in theഀ approved development plan.ഀ B. Area A, Cascade Villageഀ The developer shall construct a sidewalk that begins at the entrance toഀ the Cascade Club along Westhaven Drive and extends to the west in front of theഀ Westhaven building to connect with the recreational path to Donovan Park. Theഀ walk shall be constructed when a building permit is requested for the Westhavenഀ Club & Lodge. The sidewalk shall be part of the building permit plans. Theഀ sidewalk shall be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permitഀ and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for Westhavenഀ Club & Lodge.ഀ 2. The developer shall provide 100-year floodplain information for the areaഀ adjacent to the Waterford and Cornerstone buildings to the Town of Vailഀ Community Development Department before building permits are released forഀ either project.ഀ 3. Cornerstoneഀ The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. 8, Series ofഀ 1998 for previous requirements.ഀ C. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site.ഀ 1. The owner/applicant shall ensure that the utilities to this site are all placedഀ underground for the entire length of the site prior to the issuance of a Temporaryഀ Certificate of Occupancy for the development.ഀ 2. The owner/applicant shall be required to provide roadway improvements inഀ accordance with the approved plans. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, theഀ applicant shall obtain approval by the Town of detailed civil engineering drawings for allഀ proposed improvements including drainage improvements.ഀ 3. The owner/applicant shall deed restrict two Type III, Employee Housing Units inഀ accordance with the Zoning Regulations prior to obtaining a temporary or final certificateഀ of occupancy on the project.ഀ 4. The owner/applicant shall record an easement for the existing bike path on theഀ west end of the property prior to obtaining a temporary or final certificate of occupancy onഀ the project.ഀ 5. The building plans, rooftop mechanical plans, landscape plan, tree protectionഀ plans, and dumpster enclosure details shall be reviewed and approved by the DRB.ഀ 6. The owner/applicant shall mitigate the trees being removed by the development.ഀ The DRB shall determine the ratio of mitigation. A substantial vegetative buffer shall beഀ established along the north elevation of the building.ഀ 7. Add a significant gutter system to the roof which ties into the drainage system forഀ the site.ഀ 18ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ 8. Provide a commitment to provide significant trees prior to being reviewed by theഀ Town Council.ഀ 9. Make improvements to breakup the overall fagade of the south elevation.ഀ 10. In the drainage plans, provide adequate drainage for snow melt from surfaceഀ parking area to prevent draining directly into creek.ഀ 11. The number of parking spaces shall be reduced to the minimum required in orderഀ to save trees on the east end of the site.ഀ Employee Housingഀ The development of SDD No. 4 will have impacts on available employee housing withinഀ the Upper Eagle Valley area. In order to help meet this additional employee housingഀ need, the developer(s) of Areas A and D shall provide employee housing on site. Theഀ developer(s) of Area A shall build a minimum of 21 employee dwelling units within Areaഀ A Westhaven Club & Lodge building (Ruins), 3 within the Cornerstone Building and 2ഀ within the Liftside (Waterford Building). Each employee dwelling unit in the Westhavenഀ Club & Lodge building (Ruins) shall be deed restricted as a Type III EHU. Said deed-ഀ restriction shall be executed and recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder'sഀ Office prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy. Each employee unitഀ in the Cornerstone Building shall have a minimum square footage of 600 square feet.ഀ There shall be a total of 2 employee dwelling units in the Waterford Building. One shallഀ be a minimum of 300 square feet and the other a minimum of 800 square feet.ഀ The developer of Area D shall build 2 Type III employee dwelling units in the Area D Theഀ GRFA for these employee housing units shall not be less than 1,865 sq. ft. The GRFAഀ and number of employee units shall not be counted toward allowable density or GRFAഀ for SDD No. 4. All Employee Housing Units shall be deed restricted per Chapter 12-13,ഀ as amended, of the Town Code prior to issuance of building permits for the respectiveഀ project.ഀ In Area C, Lots 39-1 and 39-2, shall be required to provide a Type II, Employee Housingഀ Unit (EHU) per Chapter 12-13 of the Zoning Regulations of at least 500 sq. ft. each, onഀ each lot. These lots shall not be entitled to the 500 sq. ft. of additional GRFA. The 500ഀ sq. ft. shall be included in the allowable GRFA on these lots. Each lot shall also beഀ entitled to 300 sq. ft. of garage area credit for the employee housing unit, in addition toഀ the 600 sq. ft. garage area credit allowed per residence. The driveway width of 12 isഀ allowed to remain (no increase in driveway width is required) for all allowed/requiredഀ dwelling units and employee housing units on these lots.ഀ Time Requirementsഀ SDD No. 4 shall be governed by the procedures outlined in Section 12-9A of the Townഀ of Vail Municipal Code, unless such time requirement is amended hereinഀ 19ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ Westhaven Club & Lodge Conditions of Approvalഀ 1. That prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant submit a detailedഀ contractor's cost estimate identifying the costs necessary to relocate the existingഀ overhead utility line along the applicant's north property line underground, and that theഀ applicant establish a financial bond with the Town of Vail in the sum of 125% of the saidഀ relocating costs to insure the undergrounding of the utility lineഀ 2. That the applicant regrade and revegetate the knoll located at the northwestഀ corner of the development site at the time of the final grading of the Westhaven Club &ഀ Lodge. Due to the exposure and aspect of the hillside, the knoll shall be regrading toഀ slopes not exceeding 3:1. The regrading shall be reviewed and approved by the Townഀ Engineer and said regrading shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Temporaryഀ Certificate of Occupancyഀ 3. That the applicant provide Type III Employee Housing Unit deed-restrictions ,ഀ which comply with the Town of Vail Employee Housing Requirements (Title 12, Chapterഀ 13, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code) for each of the 21 employee housing units, andഀ that said deed-restricted housing be made available for occupancy, and that the deedഀ restrictions be recorded at the Office of the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior toഀ requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Westhaven Club & Lodge.ഀ 4. That the applicant submit detailed civil engineering drawings of the required off-ഀ site improvements (street lights, drainage, curb and gutter, sidewalks, grading, etc.) toഀ the Town of Vail Public Works Department for review and approval prior to the issuanceഀ of a building permit.ഀ 5. That the applicant record a twenty foot (20) wide pedestrian/bike easement forഀ that portion of pedestrian/bike path traversing the applicant's property and as identifiedഀ on the Topographic Map prepared by Intermountain Engineering Ltd., dated 12/22/94,ഀ and that said easement be recorded at the Office of the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder,ഀ prior to the issuance of a building permit. The exact location and language of theഀ easement shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney and Town Engineerഀ prior to recordation.ഀ 6. That the applicant provide written documentation from the Public Serviceഀ Company granting approval of the construction of the Westhaven Club & Lodge in theഀ location identified on the site plan relative to the high pressure gas line. Writtenഀ approval shall be granted prior to the issuance of a building, permit.ഀ 20ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ 7. That the applicant record an access easement along the east property line forഀ that portion of the driveway and access and trash enclosure which encroaches upon theഀ adjoining property and that said easement be recorded at the Office of the Eagle Countyഀ Clerk Recorder. The exact location and language of the easement shall be reviewedഀ and approved by the Town Attorney and Town Engineer prior to recordation.ഀ Recordation of said easement shall be prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificateഀ of Occupancy.ഀ 8. That the final landscape plan and architectural elevations be reviewed andഀ approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board, prior to the issuance of a buildingഀ permit.ഀ 9. That the approval of this major amendment to Special Development District #4ഀ shall become lapsed and void one year from the date of a second reading of anഀ ordinance amending the district, and that should the approval lapse, the applicant shallഀ be required to remove the "ruins" and restore and revegetate the site by no later thanഀ September 1, 2000. A bond providing financial security to ensure that said removalഀ occurs shall be required following second reading of an amending ordinance. It shall beഀ the applicant's responsibility to provide a cost estimate of the removal and restorationഀ work. The bond shall be in the amount of a minimum of 125% of the removal andഀ restoration of the site costs. The bond shall be in place within 45 days of secondഀ reading of this ordinance. If the bond is not in place with the 45 day time period, theഀ approved development plan for the Westhaven Club & Lodge shall become null andഀ avoid.ഀ 10. That the applicant revise and submit an amended site plan, landscape plan, andഀ grading plan indicating improvements to the existing boulder retaining wall along theഀ east side of the access driveway. Each of the plans shall be reviewed and approved byഀ the Town staff and the Design Review Board.ഀ Section 5.ഀ If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reasonഀ held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of thisഀ ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, andഀ each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact thatഀ any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declaredഀ invalid.ഀ Section 6.ഀ The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code asഀ 21ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, anyഀ violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor anyഀ other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed orഀ repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision orഀ any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein.ഀ Section 7.ഀ All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof,ഀ inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. Theഀ repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or partഀ thereof, heretofore repealed.ഀ INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDEREDഀ PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING this 1st day of June, 1999, and a publicഀ hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 15th day of June, 1999, in the Councilഀ Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado.ഀ ATTESTഀ yrഀ 0 E A Lഀ Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerkഀ Robert E. Ford, Mayorഀ READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 15th dayഀ of June, 1999.ഀ m nfillഀ ~;«nmഀ 14 Fഀ ZiZie?L~ഀ Robert E. Ford, Mayorഀ `SEALഀ ATTEST:ഀ ORഀ Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerkഀ 22ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ EXHIBIT "A"ഀ KOELBEL PROPERTYഀ DEVELOPMENT AREA Aഀ Vail-Roseഀ 12.370 acresഀ A part of the SW 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., describedഀ as follows:ഀ Beginning at a point on the West line of said SW 1/4 NE 1/4 from which the North one-quarter comer ofഀ said Section bears North 0° 15' East 2269.48 feet; thence North 0° 15' East, along said West Line, 152.36 feet.to aഀ point on the Southeasterly right of way line of U. S. Highway No. 6; thence, along said Southeasterly right of wayഀ line, as follows:ഀ North 52°27' East, 102.31 feet;ഀ North 49020' East, 519.57 feet; andഀ North 48° 13' East, 549.09 feet, more or less, to a point on the North line of said SW 1/4 NE 1/4; thenceഀ North 88°33' East, along the North line of said SW 1/4 NE, 368 feet, more or less, to a point on the centerline ofഀ Gore Creek; thence, along the centerline of Gore Creek, as follows:ഀ South 36°49' West, 101.04 feet;ഀ South 182 P West, 54.08 feet;ഀ South 1,24' West, 205.02 feet;ഀ South 12, 10' West, 110.25 feet; andഀ South 28,4 1' West, 242.35 feet, thence South 75o 15' West, 1064.10 feet to the point of beginningഀ Rose Parcelഀ 3.190 acresഀ A tract of land situated in the SW1/4NE1/4 of Section 12, TP 5 S., R. 81 W., of the 6th P.M., lyingഀ Southerly of that certain tract of land described in Book 199, Page 197, Northerly and Westerly of the center line ofഀ Gore Creek, and lying Northerly and Easterly of those certain tracts described in Book 211 at Page 106, Book 211 atഀ Page 108 and Book 215 at Page 365, described as follows:ഀ Beginning at a point on the North-South center line of said Section 12 whence the North quarter corner ofഀ said Section 12 bears N. 00° 15' E. 2269.48 feet;ഀ thence N. 75, 15' E. 346.26 feet to the true point of beginning, said point being on the South line of thatഀ tract described in Book 199, Page 197 and which bears S. 08°26' E. 2205.34 feet from the North quarter corner ofഀ said Section 12;ഀ thence N. 75,15' E. 717.84 feet along the Southerly line of that tract described in Book 199, Page 197 toഀ the center of Gore Creek;ഀ thence S. 28,41' W. 130.61 feet along the center line of said Creek;ഀ thence S. 05°24'30" E. 104.50 feet along the center line of said Creek;ഀ thence S. 49029' W. 95.50 feet along the center line of said Creek;ഀ thence S. 22°34' W. 124.47 feet along the center line of said Creek;ഀ thence S. 54 100' W. 119.34 feet along the center line of said Creek; to the Southeast corner of that certainഀ tract of land described in Book 211, Page 108;ഀ thence N. 33 -16'30" W. 140.12 feet along the Easterly line of that tract described in Book 211 at Page 108;ഀ thence N. 57,42'30" W. 169.88 feet along the Northeasterly line of that tract described in Book 211 at Pageഀ 108;ഀ thence N. 8602'30" W. 162.92 feet along the Northerly line of those tracts described in Book 211 at Pageഀ 108, Book 211 at Page 106 to a point;ഀ thence N. 3257'30" W. 76.08 feet along the Northeasterly line of that tract described in Book 215 at Pageഀ 365, to the point of beginning.ഀ Heede Parcelഀ 1.260 acresഀ County of Eagle and State of Colorado, to wit: A tract of land situated in the SW 1/4NE 1/4 of Section 12,ഀ Township 5 South, Range S I West of the 6th Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point on theഀ North-South center line of said Section 12 whence the North Quarter Corner of said Section 12 bears North 00 degs.ഀ i 5 mins. East 2269.48 feet; thence North 75 degs. 15 mins. East 346.26 feet; thence South 32 degs. 57 mins. 30ഀ secs. East 76.08 feet; thence South 11 degs. 00 mins. 30 secs. West 279.99 feet to a point in the center of Goreഀ Creek; thence North 50 degs. 32 mins. West 111.31 feet along the center line of said creek; thence North 38 degs.ഀ 40 mins. West 239.09 feet along the center line of said creek; thence South 76 degs. 35 mins. West 89.91 feet alongഀ the center line of said creek to a point on the North-South center line of said Section 12; thence North 00 degs. 15ഀ mins. East 13.95 feet along the North-South center line of said Section 12 to the point of beginning.ഀ Totalഀ 16.820 acresഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999 23ഀ GORE CREEK ASSOCIATES PROPERTYഀ DEVELOPMENT AREAS B, C & Dഀ 80.700 acresഀ Legal Descriptionഀ All that part of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows:ഀ All that part of the N1/2NE1/4 of Section 12, lying Southerly of the Southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highwayഀ No. 6 and Northerly of the Southerly line of said NI/2NE1/4, as shown on the plat on file in the office of the Eagleഀ County Clerk and Recorder as Document No. 97489, described as follows:ഀ Beginning at the highway survey monument at the intersection of the Southerly line of said highway and theഀ Easterly line of said NI/2NE1/4, whence the Northeast corner of said Section 12 bears North 0°03' West 634.785ഀ feet;ഀ thence South 73°26'30" West 1112.13 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway;ഀ thence South 70°34' West 125.10 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway;ഀ thence South 69025' West 100.00 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway;ഀ thence South 65 ° 50' West 100.00 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway;ഀ thence South 62,15' West 100.00 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway;ഀ thence South 58 °40' West 100.00 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway;ഀ thence South 55°05' West 100.00 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway;ഀ thence South 51,32' West 100.00 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway;ഀ thence South 47°57' West 232.58 feet along the Southerly right of way line' of said highway to a point on theഀ Southerly line of said N1/2NE1/4;ഀ thence North 88°33' East 497.67 feet along the Southerly line of said N 1/2NE1/4 to the center of the NE1/4 of saidഀ Section 12;ഀ thence North 88°33' East 1379.35 feet along the Southerly line of said N1/2NE1/4 to the Southeast corner of saidഀ N1/2NE1/2;ഀ thence North 0°03' West 760.95 feet along the Easterly line of said N1/2NE1/4 to its intersection with the Southerlyഀ line of said highway, the point of beginning,ഀ ANDഀ All that part of the SW 1/4NE1/4 of Section 12, lying Southerly of the center of Gore Creek as shown onഀ the plat on file in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder as Document No. 97489, described as follows:ഀ Beginning at the Northeast corner of said SW I/4NE1/4;ഀ thence South 88°33' West 131.67 feet to a point in the center of said Creek;ഀ thence South 40°09' West 94.04 feet along the center of said Creek;ഀ thence South 1812 P West 54.08 feet along the center of said Creek;ഀ thence South 1 °24' West 205.02 feet along the center of said Creek;ഀ thence South 12, 10' West 110.25 feet along the center of said Creek;ഀ thence South 28°41' West 320.00 feet;ഀ thence South 5124'30" East, 170.00 feet along the center of said Creek;ഀ thence South 27°00'02" West 85.24 feet along the center of said Creek;ഀ thence South 54°00' West 259.34 feet along the center of said Creek;ഀ thence South 65°34' West 109.62 feet along the center of said Creek;ഀ thence South 69°04' West 186.13 feet along the center of said Creek;ഀ thence South 85°25' West 68.88 feet along the center of said Creek;ഀ thence North 77°36' West 26.96 feet along the center of said Creek;ഀ thence North 50°32' West 199.19 feet along the center of said Creek;ഀ thence North 38 °40' West 239.09 feet along the center of said Creek;ഀ thence South 76°35' West 89.91 feet along the center of said Creek; to a point or, the Westerly Iinc of saidഀ SW1/4NE1/4;ഀ thence South 00 15' West 461.90 feet to the center of said Section 12;ഀ thence North 89.02' East 1382.65 feet along the Southerly line of said SWI/4NE1/4ഀ to the Southeast corner of said SWI/4NE1/4;ഀ thence North 0°06' East 1384.32 feet along the Easterly line of said SW1/4NE1/4 to the Northeast cornerഀ of said SW 1/4NE1/4, the point of beginning,ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999 24ഀ ANDഀ The NWI/4SE1/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M.;ഀ ANDഀ All that part of the SE1/4NW l/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., lyingഀ Southerly of the Southerly right of way line of U.S. Highway No. 6, as shown on the plat on file in the office of theഀ Eagle County Clerk and Recorder as Document No. 97489, described as follows:ഀ Beginning at the Southeast corner of said SEI/4NW1/4;ഀ thence South 89002' West 836.95 feet along the Southerly line of said SEl/4NW1/4 to a point on theഀ Southerly right of way line of said highway;ഀ thence North 5235' East 1057.07 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway to a point onഀ the Easterly line of said SE1/4NW1/4;ഀ thence South 0° 15' West 628.21 feet along the Easterly line of said SEI/4NW 1/4 to the Southeast corner ofഀ said SEI/4NW1/4, the point of beginning;ഀ EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING:ഀ that part described in Book 188 at page 545;ഀ that part described in Book 191 at page 241;ഀ that part described in Book 203 at page 231;ഀ that part described in Book 203 at page 531;ഀ that certain island adjacent to the above-described property, and located in the middle of Gore Creek,ഀ which the parties intend to exclude from this transaction;ഀ County of Eagle,ഀ State of Coloradoഀ ALSO THE FOLLOWING PARCEL FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE "COSGRIFF PARCEL"ഀ A tract of land situated in the SW 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South,ഀ Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, lying Northwesterly of the centerഀ line of Gore Creek described as follows:ഀ Beginning at a point whence the North Quarter Corner of said Section 12 bears N.ഀ 11 103' W. 2292.72 feet; thence S. 86°02'30" E. 89.50 feet; thence S. 54°42'30"ഀ E. 169.86 feet; thence S. 33- 16'30" E. 140.12 feet to a point in the center ofഀ said creek; thence S. 65°34' W. 109.62 feet along the center line of said creek;ഀ thence S. 69004' W. 90.78 feet along the center line of said creek; thence N.ഀ 23,12'30" W. 317.54 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.05 acres,ഀ more or less.ഀ ALSO DESCRIBEDഀ Beginning at a point whence the North Quarter Corner of said Section 12 bears N.ഀ 11 °03' W. 2292.72 feet; thence S. 85043'14" E.89.84 feet; thence S. 5725'30" E.ഀ 169.46 feet; thence S. 3259'30" E. 141.47 feet to a point in the center of saidഀ creek; thence S. 65 °31'36" W. 109.62 feet along the center line of said creek:ഀ thence S. 69°01'36" W. 103.02 feet along the center line of said creek; thenceഀ N. 23 24'09" W. 319.09 feet to the point of beginning.ഀ TOGETHER WITH an easement as described in Document recordedഀ August 5, 1980 in Book 306 at Page 443 and recorded in Book 307 at Page 80ഀ of the Eagle County records.ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999 25ഀ Also including all water and well rights appurtenant to the above described property,ഀ including without limitation, Well Permit No. 94702, water rights decreed in Civilഀ Action No. 2375 in Eagle County District Court, and all that portion of water rights decreed in Caseഀ No. 80 CW 410, Water Division No. 5, (Core No. 1 Well - 0.05 cfs)ഀ A part of the Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6thഀ Principal Meridian, described as follows:ഀ Beginning at the center of said Section 12; thence S. 01 15'00" W. Along the east line of said Northeast Quarter.ഀ Southwest Quarter, 162 feet to a point on the north line of a tract described in Book 189 at Page 591; thence alongഀ said north line S. 88°59'31"W. 353.7 feet; thence southwesterly along a curve to the left whose radius is 78.93 feet,ഀ and whose chord bears S. 52°25'32" W. 94.05 feet, an arc distance of 100.74 feet; thence N. 10°05'39" E. 222.12ഀ feet to a point on the north line of said Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter; thence N. 38°59'31" E. along the northഀ line of said Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter 390 feet, more or less, to a point of beginning, Eagle County,ഀ Colorado.ഀ Unplatted parcel added to Cascade Metropolitan Districtഀ (copied from Land Title Policy No. B1672770)ഀ ,Fഀ 26ഀ ordinance 14,Series of 1999ഀ