HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlen Lyon Proposed 2000 Major SDD Amendment - WithdrawnTOWN OF VAIL਍ഀ Department of Community Development਍ഀ 75 South Frontage Road਍ഀ Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ 970-479-2138਍ഀ FAX 970-479-2452਍ഀ www ci. vail. co. us਍ഀ Glen Lyon Office Building਍ഀ Proposed 2000 Major SDD਍ഀ Amendment਍ഀ WITHDRAWN਍ഀ AI,IIIIIII.IMII਍ഀ 0 RECYCLEDPAPER਍ഀ ljUtxlUlq' l.all ' - rUnuuy ✓au.va਍ഀ APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL਍ഀ TORON r~ i-4 COMMISSION APPROVAL਍ഀ gENERAL INFORMAMN਍ഀ This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific਍ഀ information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not਍ഀ be accepted until all required Information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town਍ഀ Council and/or the Design Review Board.਍ഀ A.਍ഀ "TYPE OF APPLICATION:਍ഀ ❑ Bed and Brealdast਍ഀ ❑ Employee Housing Unit (Type: )਍ഀ O Conditional Use Permit਍ഀ 0 Major or ❑ Minor Exterior Alteration਍ഀ • Major or O 'Minor Subdivision਍ഀ (Vail Village)਍ഀ O Major or Minor Exterior Alteration (Llonshead)਍ഀ • Rezoning਍ഀ ❑ Sign Variance਍ഀ 0 Variance਍ഀ O Special Development District਍ഀ ❑ Zoning Code Amendment਍ഀ -12 Major or ❑ Minor Amendment to SDD਍ഀ ❑ Amendment to an Approved Development Plan਍ഀ B਍ഀ DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: Addition਍ഀ to existing Glen Lyon office building਍ഀ .਍ഀ to include: approx 12,000 s.਍ഀ easa e o ice space, ,਍ഀ condominiums, 2 Employ਍ഀ ee Housin Units and additional਍ഀ parking as required.਍ഀ C.਍ഀ LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:, 5 4 BLOCK: K FILING:਍ഀ P H Y S I C A L ADDRESS: l o o n South Front਍ഀ age Road West਍ഀ D.਍ഀ PARCEL*: 2103 121 09 003 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 97D-328-8640 fir parcel਍ഀ E਍ഀ ZONING: Special Development District਍ഀ F.਍ഀ NAME OF OWNER(S): Dundee Realty (Greg Finch)਍ഀ MAILING ADDRESS. PO Box 160਍ഀ Avon, C-0 8-1਍ഀ 6204~4 ONE: (970)845-7838਍ഀ G.਍ഀ OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S)-਍ഀ --H਍ഀ NAME OF APPLICANT: Kurt Segerberg,਍ഀ Segerberg Mayhew Architects਍ഀ .਍ഀ MAILING ADDRESS: 1000 South਍ഀ Frontage Road, West #300਍ഀ -਍ഀ Vail, CO 8਍ഀ 657 PHONE:਍ഀ 1. FEE: Sege sub nftl requirements for appropriate•fee਍ഀ PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS਍ഀ AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,਍ഀ 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657.਍ഀ ਍ഀ Fdr.'.OfFi~:e'it ©n~t3l:' .><a਍ഀ ਍ഀ ..J?..਍ഀ hca , ':Datez ' PEC. tHeedcx,): mate:਍ഀ aP..... .਍ഀ .Pre-~igporY:~F!IeettR9 Date:.:'.~.,~-,਍ഀ AM•°O 1111100਍ഀ Gilt dgeees 4 okxes C6A emu਍ഀ c T ok. 'Du `116M * 1%U 6 EHu਍ഀ MEMORANDUM SD, 0AiL11'n/1.I n਍ഀ ~1 F C~~ . SF.cn'o~.Is਍ഀ TO: Planning and Environmental Commission਍ഀ FROM: Community Development Department ~~m SF~» SETb~~k.਍ഀ DATE: March 13, 2000਍ഀ ENU਍ഀ SUBJECT: A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed major amendment to Special਍ഀ Development District No. 4 (Cascade Village), revising the Glen Lyon Office਍ഀ Building site (Area D), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West/Lot 54, Glen Lyon਍ഀ Subdivision. 0 55਍ഀ Applicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg- Mayhew Architects਍ഀ Planner: George Ruther਍ഀ 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST਍ഀ The applicant, Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg- Mayhew Architects is requesting a਍ഀ major amendment to SDD #4, Development Area D. The purpose of this request is to allow for਍ഀ the modification to the approval granted by the Town last year for the expansion to the existing਍ഀ building (Ord. No. 14, Series of 1999).਍ഀ The applicant is proposing to construct a 37,088 sq. ft. (gross) office building addition to the east਍ഀ of the existing building, a 3,270 sq. ft. modification to the existing building by adding hallways and਍ഀ an elevator, and two EHU's (1,127 sq. ft. and 738 sq. ft.). The resulting total leaseable area of਍ഀ the building is 35,741 sq. ft. which requires a total of 147 parking spaces. The new building is਍ഀ proposed to be constructed above two levels of a parking structure containing 121 parking਍ഀ spaces. The east end of the site will also contain a surface parking lot (with a level of parking਍ഀ below) of 20 parking spaces, for a total of 142 parking spaces.਍ഀ The proposal also includes aligning the entrance of the parking lot with that of the Vail਍ഀ Professional Building directly across the street and re-striping of the traffic lanes on the South਍ഀ Frontage Road to accommodate turn lanes and bike lanes.਍ഀ The purpose of this worksession meeting is to਍ഀ 1. review the proposed development standards for the Glen Lyon Office Building,਍ഀ 2. discuss the employee housing requirements of the project, and਍ഀ 3. present the comments of the Town Council and Design Review Board worksessions.਍ഀ II. BACKGROUND਍ഀ The original Cascade Village SDD was approved in 1976 and has since been amended several਍ഀ times. The development plan approved in 1988 for this area included additional office space and਍ഀ a micro-brewery.਍ഀ rowivo~uA~਍ഀ In 1999, the PEC and Vail Town Council approved a major amendment to SDD #4 to allow for a਍ഀ proposed expansion to the existing Glen Lyon Office Building. Please refer to the Zoning਍ഀ Analysis for a comparison of the previous approval to the present proposal.਍ഀ PROJECT PROS AND CONS਍ഀ Benefits਍ഀ • Provides a substantial increase in office space in the Town of Vail਍ഀ • Improves and redevelops an unsightly area and older building in the Town of Vail਍ഀ • The 2000 proposal has an overall reduction in traffic impact and volume from the 1999਍ഀ approval਍ഀ • The project generally complies with the Town of Vail Land Use Plan਍ഀ Negatives਍ഀ The building is substantially larger than the previous approvals਍ഀ IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION਍ഀ As this is a request for a worksession to discuss the proposed major amendment, staff will not be਍ഀ forwarding a recommendation to the PEC at this time. Staff will provide a recommendation at the਍ഀ time of final review. The final review is currently scheduled for Monday, February 28, 2000.਍ഀ V. DISCUSSION ISSUES਍ഀ Staff has identified a number of issues that should be discussed in greater detail between the਍ഀ applicant, staff and the Commission. Those issues are listed below:਍ഀ 1. Proposed Development Standards਍ഀ The 2000 proposal results in various changes to the development standards permitted by਍ഀ the 1999 approval. The most notable changes are an eleven foot reduction in the Gore਍ഀ Creek stream setback, 6 fewer parking spaces than required by Code, and four new਍ഀ dwelling units on the top floor of the building. Staff would suggest that the applicant and਍ഀ Commission discuss the appropriateness of the proposed changes to the development਍ഀ standards. Staff would recommend that the applicant be required to maintain the 50-foot਍ഀ setback from the centerline of Gore Creek.਍ഀ Zoning Analysis਍ഀ The development statistics for the proposed buildings in Area D are shown below (Note:਍ഀ Deviations from the 1999 SDD approval are indicated in BOLD)਍ഀ Zoning: There is no underlying zoning prescribed for this SDD਍ഀ Lot Area: 78,307.81 sq. ft.਍ഀ 2਍ഀ Standard 1999 SDD Approval਍ഀ Height: 72' maximum਍ഀ Setbacks: Per development plan:਍ഀ N: 1਍ഀ S: 10'਍ഀ E: 155'਍ഀ W: 135'਍ഀ Stream Setback:਍ഀ Site Coverage:਍ഀ Landscaping:਍ഀ Parking:਍ഀ 55'਍ഀ 30% (23,492 sq. ft.)਍ഀ 59.7% (46,757.81 sq. ft.)਍ഀ 143 required per code਍ഀ 147 provided਍ഀ Commercial Floor਍ഀ Area:਍ഀ Density:਍ഀ GRFA:਍ഀ Loading and Delivery:਍ഀ 2. Employee Housing਍ഀ 35,741 sq. ft. total/leaseable਍ഀ 37,088 sq. ft. total/gross਍ഀ (14,000 sq. ft. gross existing)਍ഀ 0 DUs਍ഀ 2 EHUs਍ഀ DU - 0 sq. ft.਍ഀ EHU - 1,865 sq. ft.਍ഀ 1 berth required per code਍ഀ 2000 SDD Proposal਍ഀ 72' maximum਍ഀ N: 3'(+2')਍ഀ S: 2'(-8')਍ഀ E: 164'(+9')਍ഀ W: 151'(+16')਍ഀ 50' (-5 feet)਍ഀ 29.4% (23,037 sq. ft.)਍ഀ 60.9% (47,678.81 sq. ft.)਍ഀ (+921 sq. ft.)਍ഀ 147 required per code਍ഀ 142 provided (-6 spaces)਍ഀ 34,300 sq. ft. total/leasable਍ഀ (-1,441 sq. ft.)਍ഀ 4 DUs (+4)਍ഀ 2 EHUs਍ഀ DU - 8,000 sq. ft. 8,000)਍ഀ EHU -1,865 sq. ft਍ഀ 1 berth provided਍ഀ The applicant is proposing the same quantity of employee housing units (2 EHU's) as was਍ഀ previously approved. The scale of the project and the type of use proposed will not਍ഀ generate as many employees as the previous 1988 approval, since that project included a਍ഀ micro-brewery and restaurant. The applicant has been working with the 2 EHU਍ഀ requirement for the past several years.਍ഀ A recent study (June 1998) on Town of Vail businesses shows that professional offices in਍ഀ Vail, on average, operate with 5.86 employees per 1,000 sq. ft. of net leaseable floor਍ഀ area. With other SDD projects the Town Council has required that 30% of the demand਍ഀ generated be accommodated either on-site or off-site, in the form of deed restricted਍ഀ housing. The currently accepted standard for minimum square footage of housing਍ഀ required per person is 350 sq. ft. If we apply these numbers to this project we find the਍ഀ following:਍ഀ Employee Housing Generation਍ഀ 25,241 sq. ft. (net leaseable floor area) x 5.86 employees/1,000 sq. ft. = 148਍ഀ employees਍ഀ Kit 4o cvvic.& 0 Rom oki.਍ഀ 3਍ഀ Employees to provide housing for = 148 x 30% = 44.4 (45) employees਍ഀ Translates to 15,540 sq. ft. of housing਍ഀ Staff would suggest that the applicant and Commission discuss the appropriateness of਍ഀ providing more employee housing units in the building. A review of the plans indicates਍ഀ that a large portion of the top floor of the building could be used for residential purposes.਍ഀ 3. Vail Town Council/Design Review Board਍ഀ On Tuesday, February 15 and Wednesday, March 1, the applicant met with the Vail Town਍ഀ Council and the Design Review Board. The following is summary of the comments and਍ഀ input provided by each of the respective boards:਍ഀ Vail Town Council.- (Individual Member Comments)਍ഀ • The scale and mass of the building needs to be reduced and stepped down at the east਍ഀ and west ends as suggested by the Design Review Board.਍ഀ • The stream setback shall not be encroached upon.਍ഀ • The employee housing unit requirement as determined by the Employee Generation਍ഀ Analysis shall apply.਍ഀ • No tree loss shall be permitted along the south side of the new building.਍ഀ • Remove the old building and start from "scratch".਍ഀ • An increased number of employee housing units should be provided.਍ഀ • Incorporate the old building into the new building.਍ഀ Design Review Board਍ഀ • More articulation should be provided along the south and north sides of the buildings.਍ഀ • The old building should either be better incorporated into the overall design or the਍ഀ buildings should be physically separated above grade.਍ഀ • The east and west ends of the new building should be stepped down to reduce the਍ഀ perceived height and mass of the building.਍ഀ • The openings to the parking structure should be better screened from public view.਍ഀ • The use of stone and the mixture of proposed exterior building materials is good.਍ഀ • A tree preservation plan shall be required.਍ഀ • The dormers help to break up the roof. Look at using more or larger dormers to further਍ഀ disguise the roof size.਍ഀ • The vehicular and guest front entrances should be better designed and detailed to create਍ഀ a greater sense of arrival.਍ഀ VI. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THIS REQUEST਍ഀ Titlel2, Chapter 9 of the Town Code provides for the establishment of Special਍ഀ Development Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section 12-9A-1, the purpose of਍ഀ a Special Development District is:਍ഀ 4਍ഀ To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order to਍ഀ promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and਍ഀ quality of the new development within the Town; to facilitate the adequate਍ഀ and economical provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and਍ഀ scenic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the਍ഀ community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. An approved਍ഀ development plan for a Special Development District, in conjunction with the਍ഀ properties underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements for਍ഀ guiding development and uses of property included in the Special਍ഀ Development District.਍ഀ The Town Code provides nine design criteria, which shall be used as the principal criteria਍ഀ in evaluating the merits of the proposed Special Development District. It shall be the਍ഀ burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed਍ഀ development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one਍ഀ or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public਍ഀ interest has been achieved.਍ഀ Staff will provide a review of the nine criteria at the time of final review.਍ഀ A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood਍ഀ and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height,਍ഀ buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation.਍ഀ B. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable਍ഀ relationship with surrounding uses and activity.਍ഀ C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Title 12, Chapter਍ഀ 10, of the Town Code.਍ഀ D. Conformity with the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town਍ഀ policies and Urban Design Plan.਍ഀ E. Identification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the਍ഀ property on which the special development district is proposed.਍ഀ F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to਍ഀ produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features,਍ഀ vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community.਍ഀ G. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and਍ഀ off-site traffic circulation.਍ഀ H. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and਍ഀ preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions.਍ഀ Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and਍ഀ efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development਍ഀ district.਍ഀ 5਍ഀ \ ~਍ഀ I਍ഀ 1਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ^਍ഀ i i I਍ഀ S਍ഀ 1 ~d iiiu+iivnl,gi"iVl'°(f 141 i'°stl਍ഀ tnoud+si r,i਍ഀ 9 0਍ഀ D਍ഀ ~ G਍ഀ E਍ഀ ਍ഀ G 6਍ഀ li ;਍ഀ i l~਍ഀ •਍ഀ i I J ° I 1 ~ ~ I ~ i ~ ''ll°719+IS °Ei9illEl1eti2'Si°i=S'ltlii=gitgiS SSi2f ES਍ഀ I਍ഀ ~ ~ ~ -R਍ഀ s਍ഀ ° l਍ഀ i-illlfll਍ഀ ili'~iillll i ~lll~ilI lilt ~6~ii~lEEiil l11l1਍ഀ i਍ഀ =਍ഀ i਍ഀ Q਍ഀ i਍ഀ S਍ഀ l਍ഀ > -a•; _o®.S oDo\ i G.਍ഀ 94D਍ഀ S i P i l f( + l E -6 S,ep+ii,SyiS'S<Stu :'IiaEY^Snp„nSi,i9Slii1਍ഀ -਍ഀ ilRl਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ jt 6 i਍ഀ i7 ' IiI+ ==qi"1 +r ia=iu>ES=:;iac+.i+t=rfa::'++'taUili++l਍ഀ gal : e l-,~ Es lj i I਍ഀ ~਍ഀ n਍ഀ ➢ei ~ ; ; , , tl਍ഀ Q਍ഀ i ; r਍ഀ E਍ഀ S F P E ~ S,6i ~ q•rlP,i 1+E+i•i Efif+lif (+'li E4i°਍ഀ I਍ഀ m਍ഀ r~਍ഀ i E i ( i ! i E਍ഀ , slEi;tli ~ Ili~lll,ll~lll l ~~llii~~li l~l I, lfE~l(~l 11਍ഀ > -n਍ഀ I ¢ f E E 1 f!i S਍ഀ ~I i O਍ഀ O਍ഀ p - 'iallai3dd°S,+a"tD•iiAiiiifiti2i7i+t =qpSSi,tl 4਍ഀ ਍ഀ N ;'I਍ഀ ,lf 1!- 3 I ij~iii 111 l I{ l i E਍ഀ o c)਍ഀ 1 i i਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ~਍ഀ m n਍ഀ g਍ഀ +਍ഀ ' '7 I 4ingSS l°tii,R,gj t11PI,Y(+f,igi+°gPN19Ni1਍ഀ N I਍ഀ - - ~ t i'i°E!i਍ഀ iEEllfl 1 lllEil਍ഀ u 1l° i਍ഀ 9਍ഀ J਍ഀ ~a ~ii II,~਍ഀ ; "਍ഀ I ~ ~਍ഀ ,਍ഀ m਍ഀ q f!਍ഀ l਍ഀ lij° § (li d i !E till 1111 11111਍ഀ ~41i l t਍ഀ - -਍ഀ ~਍ഀ 0 .਍ഀ L I਍ഀ i E l 4 i i I 1 + i {i'r li >li/:••਍ഀ ~ , ;j i ; d , 3 ~ , ~ ~ I ii,i,l(,vai•• r' i.+, i Eii਍ഀ :j l਍ഀ I਍ഀ r਍ഀ n਍ഀ I E l $ ;਍ഀ it਍ഀ iE਍ഀ I{ l' i਍ഀ l ~਍ഀ ° I Z਍ഀ -਍ഀ •਍ഀ •਍ഀ I਍ഀ gPl਍ഀ if਍ഀ il°Hi:i,i :I,11(41Ui2°ii਍ഀ r਍ഀ ii਍ഀ ;i਍ഀ t°i`਍ഀ <਍ഀ i਍ഀ lb਍ഀ L਍ഀ I਍ഀ E਍ഀ lpg਍ഀ il਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ilE -਍ഀ i l i਍ഀ 6 al਍ഀ o li਍ഀ b਍ഀ €਍ഀ i਍ഀ ( ➢ 9 ' I਍ഀ I਍ഀ i਍ഀ {਍ഀ i਍ഀ a਍ഀ .a਍ഀ u਍ഀ u਍ഀ E਍ഀ I਍ഀ ~I3 -਍ഀ D਍ഀ V਍ഀ GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDING਍ഀ S਍ഀ P਍ഀ 3 ,rid %਍ഀ 7000 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD਍ഀ 33 j਍ഀ ਍ഀ I਍ഀ "i਍ഀ -1਍ഀ 1਍ഀ VALL, COLORADO਍ഀ ) ( ~°'{§C 6_`-=!=: z਍ഀ i=਍ഀ '਍ഀ N਍ഀ Y;਍ഀ ~਍ഀ pl਍ഀ ~਍ഀ I਍ഀ GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDING਍ഀ IC਍ഀ i਍ഀ I 1000S0=F਍ഀ I਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ °C਍ഀ O਍ഀ 1਍ഀ 9਍ഀ ;਍ഀ R0NTAGER0A0਍ഀ F}਍ഀ =਍ഀ 3 q਍ഀ ~l਍ഀ ਍ഀ V਍ഀ 9਍ഀ (਍ഀ r 3਍ഀ l--_਍ഀ _਍ഀ I਍ഀ 6਍ഀ ,਍ഀ A ,COLORADO 1਍ഀ -਍ഀ f.਍ഀ ਍ഀ I਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ I਍ഀ 7-0਍ഀ ;਍ഀ i਍ഀ y਍ഀ " °3F I h °਍ഀ 71°਍ഀ ° j-------- G਍ഀ r਍ഀ ~ a.e ~ \J x8 fl਍ഀ ;;:A ~j➢ I 2 X਍ഀ n:'L 'Mg਍ഀ Iz l਍ഀ 'm V-°~ elm s COI਍ഀ m < T਍ഀ i I~ I xg m਍ഀ L m਍ഀ m਍ഀ M਍ഀ ~I I je਍ഀ I਍ഀ o਍ഀ 1 ~਍ഀ LQ YI iij l I.I GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDING j 3 I0 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD w;4colORAOO਍ഀ i_-___------਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ r.਍ഀ P'U਍ഀ A਍ഀ 'U਍ഀ z਍ഀ i਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ i I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ i਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I਍ഀ r--G਍ഀ 9਍ഀ 1਍ഀ 9਍ഀ 1_O਍ഀ •-O਍ഀ -1਍ഀ m'M਍ഀ o~T਍ഀ r਍ഀ O਍ഀ A਍ഀ A਍ഀ r਍ഀ z਍ഀ r--_---___-਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ i I਍ഀ I 1਍ഀ I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ rl਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I t਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I i਍ഀ I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ t~਍ഀ t਍ഀ t O਍ഀ l਍ഀ 1_Q਍ഀ t਍ഀ I:.਍ഀ 4਍ഀ 1--0਍ഀ I਍ഀ ~A਍ഀ r਍ഀ i~਍ഀ ?10਍ഀ IA਍ഀ A਍ഀ ID਍ഀ IZ਍ഀ ਍ഀ I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I਍ഀ i i਍ഀ I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I ~਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ i I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I 1਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I I਍ഀ 1 ~਍ഀ t-~਍ഀ -'S7਍ഀ 1਍ഀ T- J਍ഀ i਍ഀ D਍ഀ ~਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ,਍ഀ i਍ഀ ~ I਍ഀ C਍ഀ GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDING਍ഀ ,਍ഀ z਍ഀ t਍ഀ n਍ഀ ਍ഀ I਍ഀ I6਍ഀ LJ਍ഀ I਍ഀ ~J਍ഀ Li਍ഀ 1000 SOUTH FRONTAGEROAD਍ഀ VAIL, COLORADO਍ഀ ~਍ഀ 5a਍ഀ ~•s~ d਍ഀ '਍ഀ _਍ഀ ਍ഀ 5਍ഀ '਍ഀ _਍ഀ 41*g,~C ,n2 ~ I~਍ഀ .rte✓7 i- ~ I਍ഀ c L a਍ഀ a ~ - A i - -਍ഀ pl਍ഀ I dot-਍ഀ I r਍ഀ I I਍ഀ I 1~\ tr " rw -਍ഀ +5਍ഀ ' 'N lu਍ഀ ilP਍ഀ I.਍ഀ JJJr~~~~fffr ~ - t ; ' I f਍ഀ p਍ഀ ~ r਍ഀ I਍ഀ F਍ഀ F2 p਍ഀ .a਍ഀ rlJj਍ഀ i7਍ഀ .r਍ഀ %P q4਍ഀ e r਍ഀ r r਍ഀ S 0 ~ a਍ഀ i _ GLEN LYON OFFICE LODGE r਍ഀ 2 31 sr3 s °਍ഀ 1000 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST 4 = ~ T਍ഀ d~਍ഀ ` .M਍ഀ rn਍ഀ a਍ഀ H਍ഀ O਍ഀ z਍ഀ c~਍ഀ o'm਍ഀ r਍ഀ Io:4,਍ഀ T f ~ `P਍ഀ lit BIZ Ia਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ C਍ഀ o. I=਍ഀ Ir਍ഀ r਍ഀ C਍ഀ j~਍ഀ s਍ഀ I ;਍ഀ GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDING਍ഀ C C਍ഀ 1000 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST I 3 +a _ a '਍ഀ i P m਍ഀ s + .n e s਍ഀ liN਍ഀ ~s P t 3I'਍ഀ ~F sli਍ഀ 4 J J b p a d d਍ഀ sf਍ഀ o /਍ഀ I '਍ഀ r਍ഀ 1 I. c਍ഀ - I i਍ഀ N F GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDING q,਍ഀ I਍ഀ 1000 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD ~S n c 5 r.਍ഀ y 3਍ഀ =rF਍ഀ vna.cotoanoo਍ഀ MEMORANDUM਍ഀ TO: Planning and Environmental Commission਍ഀ FROM: Community Development Department਍ഀ DATE: February 14, 2000਍ഀ SUBJECT: A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed major amendment to Special਍ഀ Development District No. 4 (Cascade Village), revising the Glen Lyon Office਍ഀ Building site (Area D), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West/Lot 54, Glen Lyon਍ഀ Subdivision.਍ഀ Applicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg- Mayhew Architects਍ഀ Planner: George Ruther਍ഀ DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST਍ഀ The applicant, Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg-Mayhew Architects is requesting a਍ഀ major amendment to SDD #4, Development Area D. The purpose of this request is to allow for਍ഀ the modification to the approval granted by the Town last year for the expansion to the existing਍ഀ building (Ord. No.14, Series of 1999).਍ഀ The applicant is proposing to construct a 37,088 sq. ft. (gross) office building addition to the east਍ഀ of the existing building, a 3,270 sq. ft. modification to the existing building by adding hallways and਍ഀ an elevator, and two EHU's (1,127 sq. ft. and 738 sq. ft.). The resulting total leaseable area of਍ഀ the building is 35,741 sq. ft. which requires a total of 147 parking spaces. The new building is਍ഀ proposed to be constructed above two levels of a parking structure containing 121 parking਍ഀ spaces. The east end of the site will also contain a surface parking lot (with a level of parking਍ഀ below) of 20 parking spaces, for a total of 141 parking spaces.਍ഀ The proposal also includes aligning the entrance of the parking lot with that of the Vail਍ഀ Professional Building directly across the street and re-striping of the traffic lanes on the South਍ഀ Frontage Road to accommodate turn lanes and bike lanes.਍ഀ The purpose of this worksession meeting is to provide the applicant the opportunity to present਍ഀ the proposed changes to the 1999 approval and receive feedback from the Commission on the਍ഀ request.਍ഀ II. BACKGROUND਍ഀ The original Cascade Village SDD was approved in 1976 and has since been amended several਍ഀ times. The development plan approved in 1988 for this area included additional office space and਍ഀ a micro-brewery.਍ഀ TOWN OF YAM਍ഀ In 1999, the PEC and Vail Town Council approved a major amendment to SDD #4 to allow for a਍ഀ proposed expansion to the existing Glen Lyon Office Building. Please refer to the Zoning਍ഀ Analysis for a comparison of the previous approval to the present proposal.਍ഀ III. PROJECT PROS AND CONS਍ഀ Benefits਍ഀ • Provides a substantial increase in office space in the Town of Vail਍ഀ • Improves and redevelops an unsightly area and older building in the Town of Vail਍ഀ • The 2000 proposal has an overall reduction in traffic impact and volume from the 1999਍ഀ approval਍ഀ • The project generally complies with the Town of Vail Land Use Plan਍ഀ Negatives਍ഀ • The building is substantially larger than the previous approvals਍ഀ • The 2000 proposal encroaches into the 50' Gore Creek stream setback਍ഀ IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION਍ഀ As this is a request for a worksession to discuss the proposed major amendment, staff will not be਍ഀ forwarding a recommendation to the PEC at this time. Staff will provide a recommendation at the਍ഀ time of final review. The final review is currently scheduled for Monday, February 28, 2000.਍ഀ V. ZONING ANALYSIS਍ഀ The development statistics for the proposed buildings in Area D are shown below (Note:਍ഀ Deviations from the 1999 SDD approval are indicated in BOLD)਍ഀ Zoning: There is no underlying zoning prescribed for this SDD਍ഀ Lot Area: 78,307.81 sq. ft.਍ഀ Standard 1999 SDD Approval 2000 SDD Proposal਍ഀ Height: 72' maximum਍ഀ Setbacks: Per development plan:਍ഀ N: 1਍ഀ S: 10'਍ഀ E: 155'਍ഀ W: 135'਍ഀ Stream Setback:਍ഀ Site Coverage:਍ഀ 55'਍ഀ 30% (23,492 sq. ft.)਍ഀ Landscaping:਍ഀ 59.7% (46,757.81 sq. ft.)਍ഀ 72' maximum਍ഀ N: 3'(+2')਍ഀ S: 2' (-8')਍ഀ E: 164'(+9')਍ഀ W: 151'(+16')਍ഀ 44' (-11 feet)਍ഀ 29.4% (23,037 sq. ft.)਍ഀ 60.9% (47,678.81 sq. ft.)਍ഀ (+921 sq. ft.)਍ഀ 2਍ഀ Parking: 143 required per code਍ഀ 147 provided਍ഀ Commercial Floor਍ഀ Area: 35,741 sq. ft. total/leaseable਍ഀ 37,088 sq. ft. total/gross਍ഀ (14,000 sq. ft. gross existing)਍ഀ Density: 0 DUs਍ഀ 2 EHUs਍ഀ GRFA: DU - 0 sq. ft.਍ഀ EHU - 1,865 sq. ft.਍ഀ Loading and Delivery: 1 berth required per code਍ഀ VI. DISCUSSION ISSUES਍ഀ 1.਍ഀ 2.਍ഀ 147 required per code਍ഀ 141 provided (-6 spaces)਍ഀ 34,300 sq. ft. total/leasable਍ഀ (-1,441 sq. ft.)਍ഀ 4 DUs (+4)਍ഀ 2 EHUs਍ഀ DU - 8,000 sq. ft. 8,000)਍ഀ EHU - 1,865 sq. ft OCD? ADO਍ഀ 1 berth provided਍ഀ Staff has identified a number of issues that should be discussed in greater detail between਍ഀ the applicant, staff and the Commission. Those issues are listed below:਍ഀ Proposed Development Standards਍ഀ The 2000 proposal results in various changes to the development standards permitted by਍ഀ the 1999 approval. The most notable changes are an eleven foot reduction in the Gore਍ഀ Creek stream setback, 6 fewer parking spaces than required by Code, and four new਍ഀ dwelling units on the top floor of the building. Staff would suggest that the applicant and਍ഀ Commission discuss the appropriateness of the proposed changes to the development਍ഀ standards. Staff would recommend that the applicant be required to maintain the 50-foot਍ഀ setback from the centerline of Gore Creek.਍ഀ Employee Housing਍ഀ The applicant is proposing the same quantity of employee housing units (2 EHU's) as was਍ഀ previously approved. The scale of the project and the type of use proposed will not਍ഀ generate as many employees as the previous 1988 approval, since that project included a਍ഀ micro-brewery and restaurant. The applicant has been working with the 2 EHU਍ഀ requirement for the past several years.਍ഀ A recent study (June 1998) on Town of Vail businesses shows that professional offices in਍ഀ Vail, on average, operate with 5.86 employees per 1,000 sq. ft. of net leaseable floor਍ഀ area. With other SDD projects the Town Council has required that 30% of the demand਍ഀ generated be accommodated either on-site or off-site, in the form of deed restricted਍ഀ housing. The currently accepted standard for minimum square footage of housing਍ഀ required per person is 350 sq. ft. If we apply these numbers to this project we find the਍ഀ following:਍ഀ New Impact Only:਍ഀ ♦ 25,241 sq. ft. (net leaseable floor area) x 5.86 employees/1,000 sq. ft. _਍ഀ 148 employees਍ഀ 3਍ഀ ♦ Employees to provide housing for = 148 x 30% = 44.4 employees਍ഀ ♦ Translates to 15,540 sq. ft. of housing਍ഀ Staff would suggest that the applicant and Commission discuss the appropriateness of਍ഀ providing more employee housing units in the building. A review of the plans indicates਍ഀ that a large portion of the top floor of the building could be used for residential purposes.਍ഀ VII. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THIS REQUEST਍ഀ Titlel2, Chapter 9 of the Town Code provides for the establishment of Special਍ഀ Development Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section 12-9A-1, the purpose of਍ഀ ^aSpecial Development District is:਍ഀ To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order to਍ഀ promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and਍ഀ quality of the new development within the Town; to facilitate the adequate਍ഀ and economical provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and਍ഀ scenic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the਍ഀ community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. An approved਍ഀ development plan for a Special Development District, in conjunction with the਍ഀ properties underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements for਍ഀ guiding development and uses of property included in the Special਍ഀ Development District.਍ഀ The Town Code provides nine design criteria, which shall be used as the principal criteria਍ഀ in evaluating the merits of the proposed Special Development District. It shall be the਍ഀ burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed਍ഀ development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one਍ഀ or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public਍ഀ interest has been achieved.਍ഀ Staff will provide a review of the nine criteria at the time of final review.਍ഀ A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood਍ഀ and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height,਍ഀ buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation.਍ഀ B. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable਍ഀ relationship with surrounding uses and activity.਍ഀ C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Title 12, Chapter਍ഀ 10, of the Town Code.਍ഀ D. Conformity with the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town਍ഀ policies and Urban Design Plan.਍ഀ E. Identification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the਍ഀ property on which the special development district is proposed.਍ഀ 4਍ഀ t R਍ഀ F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions desi਍ഀ ned to਍ഀ g਍ഀ produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features,਍ഀ vegetation and Qverall aesthetic quality of the community.਍ഀ • t w i.~N .,.,~?t \:#ia • ~ ~..~i G. . i i; ~rn.,~~, , 1 ..e• ir~~~ ~ 1.:1਍ഀ G. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians ac ressirig"on and਍ഀ R * li r~e'.. ~ .਍ഀ Y-਍ഀ off-site traffiF,cjr~ufatioQ.਍ഀ ~਍ഀ w਍ഀ li਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~ f Y r਍ഀ r਍ഀ ~r.r •਍ഀ H...=c ;{g*ctipljtial and,aQ.athei landscaingntd oppnspace in order to optimize and਍ഀ reserv਍ഀ p਍ഀ e਍ഀ natur~al'fatur'es; recrbatiotr਍ഀ d° i਍ഀ 'fAn~਍ഀ '਍ഀ , ews a਍ഀ nci਍ഀ :਍ഀ ^਍ഀ •਍ഀ ਍ഀ y਍ഀ .਍ഀ t'•.♦~.'~ ' ~°'Jl..~ R.. )fi;'~,1• .਍ഀ ਍ഀ `w ~+E '਍ഀ ,਍ഀ 1. Phasing`plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workabie, iShctiollal nct'"਍ഀ ਍ഀ efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development਍ഀ °਍ഀ district.਍ഀ t਍ഀ ,਍ഀ `਍ഀ ~Zfi...jr ,fir,. • y` ~~i .4"%.• a਍ഀ . .';"•y~T'f icy tiw'਍ഀ ਍ഀ e਍ഀ r ~਍ഀ r਍ഀ Pis,"# ° =ti! ►਍ഀ +਍ഀ a਍ഀ ,਍ഀ ~ _ "s. . L • Jf !b°7"~'-਍ഀ 7.. • . J਍ഀ .a ~ ,F'~`•i .,l j a ,਍ഀ f~ i _."~+i ~3• ~ ' 11~ :਍ഀ 5਍ഀ °~r SELfio~ts oL, S. S+਍ഀ ~ t • Serbs' - -pE.vi~rta rs; RravmgE old bldg.਍ഀ }REtr"s਍ഀ -b vae loc.- OLJ Foe G"us ; "PKauioe six M006਍ഀ ~..t~ UsEs~ EE eR~-~'~਍ഀ '5ptAc~S oa El cvVti l਍ഀ C rat coos uD ctom; OkA cv-, (.OLJ II-,x-r I kE-51 ©td bldg.਍ഀ Doug Ekqaeei:,਍ഀ Cln tilo-t-b~ck. C-,-tc-F,~~cy, rr~E~trs l~n IN~~-~q .਍ഀ I~td{+,s Ve m lggcl਍ഀ 'p i,a,~ E • loos eWds਍ഀ dlrv.t MIT MI#U W=6. OMce -n:i~ M C, -DWE.tltdi਍ഀ S ze*wi SG-4-~ is stAc u.M>.਍ഀ StighT T>a-4 4koa਍ഀ iu ~!,¢.k ict~ -,-t¢bE l c cl ~ .1.਍ഀ TH FEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERT਍ഀ PUBLIC NOTICE਍ഀ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of਍ഀ Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the਍ഀ Town of Vail on February 28, 2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In਍ഀ consideration of:਍ഀ A request for final review of a proposed major amendment to Special Development District #4਍ഀ (Cascade Village), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West (Glen Lyon Office Building)/Lot 54,਍ഀ Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision.਍ഀ J;kApplicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew Architects਍ഀ Planner: George Ruther਍ഀ A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the conversion of existing hotel rooms into਍ഀ employee housing units, located at 2211 N. Frontage Rd. (West Vail Lodge)/Lot 1, Vail das਍ഀ Schone #3.਍ഀ Applicant: Reaut Corporation਍ഀ Planner Brent Wilson਍ഀ A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an addition to the existing਍ഀ raw water intake structure and pump station, located on Black Gore Drive/Lot 8, Heather of Vail.਍ഀ Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District਍ഀ Planner: Brent Wilson਍ഀ A request for variances from Section 12-6C-6, Section 12-6D-6, and Section 12-14-6, Town of਍ഀ Vail Code, to allow for an extended entry, trash enclosure and deck expansion, located at 706 W.਍ഀ Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6t" Filing.਍ഀ Applicant: Cliff Illig, represented by Beth Levine਍ഀ Planner: Allison Ochs਍ഀ A request for a variance from Sections 12-61-1-6 and 12-14-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for the਍ഀ addition of gross residential floor area and balconies within required setbacks.਍ഀ Applicant: Vicki Pearson, represented by Ron Diehl, Architect਍ഀ Planner: Ann Kjerulf਍ഀ A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for an amendment to a previously platted building਍ഀ envelope and a revised lot access, located at 1452 Lionsridge Loop / Lot 4, Ridge at Vail.਍ഀ Applicant: Mike Young਍ഀ Planner: George Ruther਍ഀ The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during਍ഀ regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community਍ഀ Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information.਍ഀ Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-਍ഀ 2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information.਍ഀ Published February 11, 2000 in the Vail Trail.਍ഀ 1਍ഀ ,ti਍ഀ 7YlIM ns rr y►਍ഀ ~~rnt~E old bldg. ~ qt(J c-°~+me~-਍ഀ ~C r1~~ ~ +~ad v~~d਍ഀ L hucA,--਍ഀ 1਍ഀ ,਍ഀ 60 -90-eJF 14A*E~.਍ഀ Much 3-1 k ok਍ഀ t e*4U -~*P- Co Ve, -਍ഀ sha.e,4w6ftdz- ~nusr਍ഀ tilo I-,~, lam.਍ഀ -Eao b~q਍ഀ Y~ .਍ഀ C~ uc~L਍ഀ E~Hu਍ഀ -geAt਍ഀ ~10 S64-4C> ooh਍ഀ S iziE ?਍ഀ It O ! 1਍ഀ 4240OF iMa~-:6਍ഀ &N U਍ഀ 4c਍ഀ S'C'Cp DDLOLI EtVI਍ഀ To:਍ഀ From:਍ഀ Vail Town Council਍ഀ ' x•਍ഀ i਍ഀ Memorandum਍ഀ George Ruther, Senior Special Projects Planner਍ഀ Date: February 22, 2404' -਍ഀ y,਍ഀ Re: Glens Wfi :Ol~fiee Buildilpg Proposed Major Amendment to SDD #4਍ഀ The purpose of this memorandum is to providetia brief development history bf the G1en,Lybn Office`਍ഀ ! Building and to inforip thl Town ;Council-o_tpie ingot provided by the Planning & Environmental਍ഀ Commission and the Design Review Board on the current major amendment proposal਍ഀ Development History ,਍ഀ • On June 15, 1999, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1999, allowing਍ഀ approximately 37,000 gross square feet of' office building and two ehu's.਍ഀ • In the summer of 1995 the Planning & Envirorlinenll Comm Aion revlcx4ic `,a proposal for a major 1਍ഀ amendment to the Glen Lyon Office Building approved development plan. The applicant withdrew the ~t਍ഀ major amendment request.਍ഀ • On January 3, 1989, thk Vail Town Council approved Ordinance No. 40, Series of 1988, allowing਍ഀ approximately=12,5.00 gross square feet of office building, two ehu's aqA one freemarket dwelling yW l਍ഀ unit. . •..c kCS11਍ഀ • The original'SDD approval anticipated a microbrewery, employee housing and approximately 17,000਍ഀ a gross square feet of office building on the site.਍ഀ Punning & Environmental Commission Comments + ~1਍ഀ A • , The applicant must submit a grading plan so that the impacts on the stream bank and the existing਍ഀ { mature vegetation can be evaluated. q wyoo~਍ഀ • The additional mass created by the proposed condominiums is unacceptable4' 5C਍ഀ The'scale and mass of the new building is out of context within the surrounding built en ironment. ' $ ►j 1*਍ഀ • The parking requirement must be met on-site. ,6 .,~r }'j ~C70D਍ഀ • • No stem setback encroachments should be proposed 0਍ഀ ' • i " ' • Vlore employee housing units should be incorporated into the mix of uses qn the development site.਍ഀ 6਍ഀ ' si2n &68'ie.W Board Comments਍ഀ • The design of the building mass is too blocky. More artioulatidu through inereased ve'`tical and਍ഀ horizontal off sets needs to be incorporated into the design.਍ഀ • The new building bears to relationship,to•'he'existing building.. The alchitect4re`4 the entire਍ഀ • development A,eeds to be explored. * A਍ഀ • . `S 3 s: • of the new building and the old building could be. separated on the site.਍ഀ The 50-foot Gore Creek stream bank should be maintained to`protect the sfeeplysfoping strearntan'k਍ഀ = r: and to'preserve as niany`of•t e urge evergreens as possible.਍ഀ • Tree loss shall be kept to a minimum.਍ഀ • i > = The4ong l}otdgtal.ridgeline of the roof needs to the broken up.਍ഀ • The new building should be stepped down on the east and west ends.਍ഀ • The view ipto theproposed parking structure from the South Frontage Road•sk4ll be, minimized.਍ഀ FV W.LIN Off We W I. J. 16 IQ 41'.29 2W਍ഀ I I { ~ a;epv R ~ ~ -਍ഀ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ I ~ 1 a { ~atN~itt!'E!! its1;31t1I E ~ ~ ~ t y►tatEtIEEEEE'sE EE! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V v ~ o ~ ~਍ഀ i i I I! 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O਍ഀ A਍ഀ r਍ഀ I~਍ഀ z਍ഀ A਍ഀ GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDING਍ഀ 1਍ഀ W 1000 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD਍ഀ VAR, COLORADO c 18਍ഀ =t਍ഀ f0.਍ഀ rn਍ഀ rn਍ഀ 0਍ഀ z਍ഀ O ~਍ഀ r਍ഀ 11 Ix਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ 0਍ഀ r ~਍ഀ t਍ഀ z ~਍ഀ I਍ഀ ;਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ w਍ഀ j, 1਍ഀ C਍ഀ t਍ഀ d਍ഀ N਍ഀ r਍ഀ ;਍ഀ a਍ഀ I਍ഀ _਍ഀ z਍ഀ m ~਍ഀ cm਍ഀ 'ro਍ഀ z਍ഀ I਍ഀ 'a •a਍ഀ f਍ഀ a਍ഀ r਍ഀ 'GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDING਍ഀ 1000 SOUM FRONTAGE ROAD WEST਍ഀ p' o0਍ഀ U4਍ഀ a਍ഀ ~8 ~਍ഀ ~਍ഀ CU਍ഀ I.- = Y਍ഀ V਍ഀ m਍ഀ m਍ഀ r '਍ഀ ~ ~਍ഀ m m਍ഀ m਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ~਍ഀ mmm਍ഀ _਍ഀ ਍ഀ !i7਍ഀ W਍ഀ g਍ഀ Qm਍ഀ m਍ഀ W਍ഀ C-) LLJ਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ~O~OC਍ഀ M਍ഀ y਍ഀ yj਍ഀ Q਍ഀ Q.਍ഀ V- OC਍ഀ C Z਍ഀ F~ •-a਍ഀ C਍ഀ =਍ഀ 1--਍ഀ Q9਍ഀ O਍ഀ C O .-q਍ഀ y'਍ഀ 1-- 61਍ഀ W਍ഀ ELLJ਍ഀ Z.5 05਍ഀ C~਍ഀ LL.਍ഀ ~1e .may਍ഀ dZg਍ഀ Gt H[~1J਍ഀ m਍ഀ Q਍ഀ O਍ഀ ~Ic ~਍ഀ ~y Q਍ഀ Cam਍ഀ O਍ഀ ]਍ഀ U Q .-y਍ഀ ~ W਍ഀ Y਍ഀ C.1 Z਍ഀ S਍ഀ Y਍ഀ W਍ഀ .਍ഀ tY਍ഀ OC਍ഀ q~A4਍ഀ A਍ഀ WF--਍ഀ Z਍ഀ Q਍ഀ cc਍ഀ W W਍ഀ ALAJ਍ഀ L:;਍ഀ ¢ O਍ഀ A਍ഀ a W਍ഀ (n਍ഀ Z Y਍ഀ H V਍ഀ Q O Z਍ഀ A F-- Q਍ഀ I RECEIPT਍ഀ - The Town of Vail਍ഀ jl CI)DATE਍ഀ 117 'P YQ਍ഀ 19 L E RE਍ഀ 94਍ഀ RECEIVED FROM_਍ഀ FI /I / " w 1 11 A਍ഀ II ADDRESS x਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~I Permit Numbers਍ഀ j HOW PAID- Cash. '਍ഀ j~ Check,਍ഀ By਍ഀ LLARS S਍ഀ «J਍ഀ t਍ഀ Town of Vail਍ഀ • ' s L .rtment of Community Development਍ഀ 75 S. Frontage Road਍ഀ Vail, CO 81657਍ഀ Nam Receipt No.਍ഀ Address:਍ഀ Project: Date__L਍ഀ Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL਍ഀ Account No.਍ഀ Item਍ഀ No.਍ഀ Code # I Cost Each਍ഀ Total਍ഀ 001 0000 314 1110਍ഀ Zoning and Address Maps਍ഀ ZA $5.00 I਍ഀ *਍ഀ 001 0000 314 1112਍ഀ Uniform Building Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 !਍ഀ i਍ഀ CB $50.95+਍ഀ *਍ഀ 001 0000 314 1112਍ഀ Uniform Building Code 1997 -Volume 3਍ഀ $57.20 i਍ഀ *਍ഀ 001 0000 314 1112਍ഀ International Plumbing Code - 1997਍ഀ CB $36.00 I਍ഀ *਍ഀ 001 0000 314 1112਍ഀ International Mechanical Code - 1998਍ഀ !਍ഀ CB $35.00਍ഀ 001 0000 314 1112਍ഀ Uniform Mechanical Code -1997਍ഀ $33.60 I਍ഀ *਍ഀ 001 0000 314 1112਍ഀ Uniform Fire Code਍ഀ CB $36.00਍ഀ 00.1 0000 314 1112਍ഀ National Electrical Code਍ഀ CB I $37.00਍ഀ 001 0000 314 1112਍ഀ Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997਍ഀ $9.95਍ഀ 001 0000 314 1112਍ഀ Model Energy Code - 1995਍ഀ $10.00਍ഀ 001 0000 314 1112਍ഀ Analysis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes਍ഀ j $12.75 I਍ഀ *਍ഀ 001 0000 314 1112਍ഀ Other Code Books਍ഀ CB਍ഀ 001 0000 314 1211਍ഀ Blue Prints/M lar Coy Fees਍ഀ BF $7.00਍ഀ 001 0000 314 1111਍ഀ Xerox Copies਍ഀ XC $0.25਍ഀ 001 0000 314 1111਍ഀ Lionshead Master Plan $1.80/$1.60)਍ഀ _਍ഀ MS I $40.00਍ഀ 001 0000 314 1111਍ഀ Studies, Master Plans, etc.਍ഀ MS਍ഀ 001 0000 315 3000਍ഀ Penal Fees/Re-inspections਍ഀ PN਍ഀ 001 0000 311 2300਍ഀ Plan Review Re-check Fee ($40/ per hour਍ഀ PF j਍ഀ 001 0000 315 2000਍ഀ Off Hours Inspection Fees਍ഀ OH਍ഀ 001 0000 312 3000਍ഀ Contractors License Fees਍ഀ CL਍ഀ 001 0000 312 4000਍ഀ Sign A lication Fee਍ഀ SP $20.00਍ഀ 001 0000 312 4000਍ഀ Additional Sign Application Fee਍ഀ SP਍ഀ 001 0000 311 2200਍ഀ Design Review Board Fee (Pre-paid)਍ഀ DR਍ഀ _਍ഀ 001 0000 315 3000਍ഀ Building Investigation Fee਍ഀ ਍ഀ PN j਍ഀ 001 0000 240 3300਍ഀ Developer Improvemeni Agreement Deposit D2-DEP10਍ഀ AD਍ഀ 001 0000 312 1000਍ഀ Restaurant License fee TOV)਍ഀ RL਍ഀ 001 0000 230 2000਍ഀ Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.De t.Rev.਍ഀ !਍ഀ SA਍ഀ *001 0000 201 1000਍ഀ Taxable @ 4.5% (State) - Tax payable਍ഀ !਍ഀ TP਍ഀ *001 0000 310 1100਍ഀ Taxable @ 4.0% Town - Retail Sales Tax਍ഀ :਍ഀ T7਍ഀ Other/Misc. -਍ഀ MS਍ഀ 001 0000 311 2500਍ഀ PEC APPLICATION FEES਍ഀ 001 0000 311 2500਍ഀ Additional GRFA - "250"਍ഀ PV $200.00਍ഀ 001 0000 311 2500਍ഀ Conditional Use Permit਍ഀ PV $200.00 !਍ഀ 001 0000 311 2500਍ഀ Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 s q. ft.਍ഀ PV $200.00਍ഀ 001 0000 311 2500਍ഀ Exterior Alteration - More than 100 s q. ft.਍ഀ PV $500.00਍ഀ 001 0000 311 2500਍ഀ Special Development District - NEW 1਍ഀ PV $1,500.00਍ഀ -਍ഀ 001 0000 311 2500਍ഀ Special Development District - Major Amend਍ഀ PV $1,000.00਍ഀ I਍ഀ 001 0000 311 2500਍ഀ Special Development District - Minor Amend਍ഀ PV $200.00਍ഀ 001 0000 311 2500਍ഀ Subdivision Fees਍ഀ ! PV਍ഀ 001 0000 311 2500਍ഀ Variance਍ഀ f PV $250.00਍ഀ 001 0000 311 2500਍ഀ Zoning Code Amendments਍ഀ !PV $250.00਍ഀ Re-Zoning਍ഀ PV $200.00਍ഀ 001 0000 319 3100਍ഀ Greenstar Program --1਍ഀ H਍ഀ Other -਍ഀ MS਍ഀ (TOTAL:਍ഀ Comments:਍ഀ T o਍ഀ Order # Check # Received by:਍ഀ e਍ഀ h M਍ഀ C਍ഀ on਍ഀ y਍ഀ as਍ഀ i '਍ഀ F:/Everyone/Forms/Salesaci.exe 2/10/99਍ഀ Glen Lyon Office Building਍ഀ Master Plan਍ഀ Adjacent Property Owners਍ഀ 09-002 Town of Vail Finance Department਍ഀ 75 South Frontage Road਍ഀ Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ 09-003 Glen Lyon Office Building਍ഀ Andrew Norris਍ഀ 1000 South Frontage Road਍ഀ Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ 09-004 Hagopian, Pennington਍ഀ 09-005 Tim Pennington਍ഀ Brentwood Associates਍ഀ 11150 Santa Monica Blvd.਍ഀ Suite 1200਍ഀ Los Angeles, CA 90025਍ഀ 00-001 Vail Corp.਍ഀ P.O. Box 7਍ഀ Vail, Colorado 81658਍ഀ 00-002 H & K Mgt. Limited Liability Co.਍ഀ 00-004 953 South Frontage Road., W.਍ഀ Suite 230਍ഀ Vail, CO 81657਍ഀ 00-005 Amoco Oil Co.਍ഀ Property Tax Dept. M.C. 2408਍ഀ 200 E. Randolph Dr.਍ഀ Chicago, Illinois 60601-7125਍ഀ 00-010 Town of Vail Finance Department਍ഀ 75 South Frontage Road਍ഀ Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ o"਍ഀ OWNERSHIP MAP਍ഀ 00-002਍ഀ 00-004਍ഀ ND਍ഀ FROIAI AGE R/਍ഀ WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST਍ഀ RED SANDSTONE਍ഀ CREEK਍ഀ 00-001਍ഀ THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY਍ഀ PUBLIC NOTICE਍ഀ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of਍ഀ Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the਍ഀ Town of Vail on February 14, 2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In਍ഀ consideration of:਍ഀ A joint worksession with the Design Review Board to discuss the proposed development਍ഀ plan/master plan for an approximately 12 acre unplatted parcel of land, commonly referred to as਍ഀ the lower bench of Donovan Park, located south of the South Frontage Road and east and north਍ഀ of Matterhorn Circle.਍ഀ Applicant: Town of Vail/Vail Recreation District਍ഀ Planner: Dominic Mauriello਍ഀ A worksession to discuss a proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 4,਍ഀ located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West (Glen Lyon Office Building)/Lot 54, Block K, Glen Lyon਍ഀ Subdivision.਍ഀ pplicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew Architects਍ഀ Planner: Brent Wilson਍ഀ A worksession to discuss the the Town of Vail's revised parking generation analysis and਍ഀ proposed amendments to Chapter 12-10, Town Code.਍ഀ Applicant: Town of Vail਍ഀ Planner: Brent Wilson਍ഀ A worksession to discuss the proposed changes to the Town of Vail's parking pay-in-lieu policy਍ഀ and proposed amendments to Chapter 12-10, Town Code.਍ഀ Applicant: Town of Vail਍ഀ Planner: Brent Wilson਍ഀ A review of a proposed amendment to the Town's Subdivision Regulations (Section 13-7-7 -਍ഀ "Condominiums and Condominium Conversions"), to allow for the conversion of accommodation਍ഀ units to employee housing units.਍ഀ Applicant: Town of Vail਍ഀ Planner: Brent Wilson਍ഀ The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during਍ഀ regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community਍ഀ Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information.਍ഀ Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-਍ഀ 2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information.਍ഀ Community Development Department਍ഀ Published January 28, 2000 in the Vail Trail.਍ഀ rv ~,b਍ഀ i਍ഀ TOWN OF PAIL਍ഀ 1਍ഀ r਍ഀ THi. . FEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERT਍ഀ PUBLIC NOTICE਍ഀ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of਍ഀ Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the਍ഀ Town of Vail on February 28, 2000, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In਍ഀ consideration of:਍ഀ A request for final review of a proposed major amendment to Special Development District #4਍ഀ Cascade Village), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West (Glen Lyon Office Building)/Lot 54,਍ഀ Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision.਍ഀ Applicant: Dundee Realty, represented by Segerberg Mayhew Architects਍ഀ Planner: George Ruther਍ഀ A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the conversion of existing hotel rooms into਍ഀ employee housing units, located at 2211 N. Frontage Rd. (West Vail Lodge)/Lot 1, Vail das਍ഀ Schone #3.਍ഀ Applicant: Reaut Corporation਍ഀ Planner Brent Wilson਍ഀ A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the construction of an addition to the existing਍ഀ raw water intake structure and pump station, located on Black Gore Drive/Lot 8, Heather of Vail.਍ഀ Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District਍ഀ Planner: Brent Wilson਍ഀ A request for variances from Section 12-6C-6, Section 12-6D-6, and Section 12-14-6, Town of਍ഀ Vail Code, to allow for an extended entry, trash enclosure and deck expansion, located at 706 W.਍ഀ Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6`h Filing.਍ഀ Applicant: Cliff Illig, represented by Beth Levine਍ഀ Planner: Allison Ochs਍ഀ A request for a variance from Sections 12-61-1-6 and 12-14-6, Town of Vail Code, to allow for the਍ഀ addition of gross residential floor area and balconies within required setbacks.਍ഀ Applicant: Vicki Pearson, represented by Ron Diehl, Architect਍ഀ Planner: Ann Kjerulf਍ഀ A request for a minor subdivision, to allow for an amendment to a previously platted building਍ഀ envelope and a revised lot access, located at 1452 Lionsridge Loop / Lot 4, Ridge at Vail.਍ഀ Applicant: Mike Young਍ഀ Planner: George Ruther਍ഀ The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during਍ഀ regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community਍ഀ Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information.਍ഀ Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-਍ഀ 2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information.਍ഀ Published February 11, 2000 in the Vail Trail. ,GJ਍ഀ 1਍ഀ y1਍ഀ MWAT nc Ud IF਍ഀ ORDINANCE NO.14਍ഀ SERIES OF 1999਍ഀ AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RE-ENACTING ORDINANCE NO. 11, SERIES OF 1999,਍ഀ CASCADE VILLAGE, AMENDING AND RE-ESTABLISHING THE APPROVED਍ഀ DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR LOT 54, GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION, KNOWN AS THE GLEN਍ഀ LYON OFFICE BUILDING LOCATED WITHIN DEVELOPMENT AREA D, IN ACCORDANCE਍ഀ WITH SECTION 12-9A-10 OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS TO ALLOW FOR THE਍ഀ CONSTRUCTION OF AN EXPANDED OFFICE BUILDING AND TWO TYPE III EMPLOYEE਍ഀ HOUSING UNITS; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO.਍ഀ WHEREAS, Section 12-9A-10 of the Zoning Regulations permits major amendments to਍ഀ previously approved development plans for Special Development Districts; and਍ഀ WHEREAS, Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, as owner of the property, has਍ഀ submitted an application for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 4,਍ഀ Cascade Village, Development Area D; and਍ഀ WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to repeal and re-enact Ordinance No. 11,਍ഀ Series of 1999 to amend and re-establish the Development Plan for Lot 54, the Glen Lyon਍ഀ Office Building to allow for an office expansion and employee housing units; and਍ഀ WHEREAS, the proposed major amendment to the Special Development District is in਍ഀ the best interest of the town as it meets the Town's development objectives as identified in the਍ഀ Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan; and਍ഀ WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the Zoning Regulations, the਍ഀ Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on May 10, 1999 on the major਍ഀ amendment application and has submitted its recommendation of approval to the Vail Town਍ഀ Council; and਍ഀ WHEREAS, all notices as required by the Town of Vail Municipal Code have been sent਍ഀ to the appropriate parties; and਍ഀ WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council considers it in the best interest of the public health,਍ഀ safety, and welfare to amend and re-establish the Development Plan for Special Development਍ഀ District No. 4, Cascade Village Development Area D.਍ഀ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF਍ഀ VAIL, COLORADO, THAT:਍ഀ Section 1. Purpose of the Ordinance਍ഀ Ordinance No. 11, Series of 1999, is hereby repealed and re-enacted by Ordinance No. 14,਍ഀ Series of 1999.਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ Section 2. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled, Planning Commission Report.਍ഀ The approval procedures described in Section 12-9A of the Vail Municipal Code have been਍ഀ fulfilled, and the Town Council has received the recommendations of the Planning &਍ഀ Environmental Commission for an amendment to the Development Plan for Special Development਍ഀ District No. 4, Area D, Glen Lyon Office Building (Lot 54).਍ഀ Section 3. Special Development District No. 4਍ഀ 'Special Development District No. 4 and the development plans for all sites other than the਍ഀ development plan for the Glen Lyon Office Building (Lot 54) therefore, hereby remain approved਍ഀ for the development of Special Development District No. 4 within the Town of Vail, unless they਍ഀ have otherwise expired.਍ഀ Section 4. Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village shall read as follows:਍ഀ Purpose਍ഀ Special Development District No. 4 is established to ensure comprehensive development਍ഀ and use of an area in-a manner that will be harmonious with the general character of the਍ഀ Town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and promote the਍ഀ objectives of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Development District No. 4 is਍ഀ created to ensure that the development density will be relatively low and suitable for the਍ഀ area and the vicinity in which it is situated, the development is regarded as complementary਍ഀ to the Town by the Town Council and the Planning & Environmental Commission, and਍ഀ because there are significant aspects of the Special Development District which cannot be਍ഀ satisfied through the imposition of standard zoning districts on the area.਍ഀ Definitions਍ഀ For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:਍ഀ A. "Special attraction" shall be defined as a museum, seminar or research center or਍ഀ performing arts theater or cultural center.਍ഀ B. "Transient residential dwelling unit or restricted dwelling unit" shall be defined as a਍ഀ dwelling unit located in a multi-family dwelling that is managed as a short term rental in਍ഀ 2਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ which all such units are operated under a single management providing the occupants਍ഀ thereof customary hotel services and facilities. A short term rental shall be deemed to be਍ഀ a rental for a period of time not to exceed 31 days. Each unit shall not exceed 645 square਍ഀ feet of GRFA which shall include a kitchen having a maximum of 35 square feet. The਍ഀ kitchen shall be designed so that it may be locked and separated from the rest of the unit਍ഀ in a closet. A transient dwelling unit shall be accessible from common corridors, walks, -or਍ഀ balconies without passing through another accommodation unit, dwelling unit, or a਍ഀ transient residential dwelling unit. Should such units be developed as condominiums, they਍ഀ shall be restricted as set forth in Section 13-7 Condominiums and Condominium਍ഀ Conversions, Subdivision Regulations. The unit shall not be used as a permanent਍ഀ residence. Fractional fee ownership shall not be allowed to be applied to transient਍ഀ dwelling units. For the purposes of determining allowable density per acre, transient਍ഀ residential dwelling units shall be counted as one half of a dwelling unit. The transient਍ഀ residential dwelling unit parking requirement shall be 0.4 space per unit plus 0.1 space per਍ഀ each 100 square feet of GRFA with a maximum of 1.0 space per unit.਍ഀ Established਍ഀ A. Special Development District No. 4 is established for the development on a parcel਍ഀ of land comprising 97.955 acres as more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A.਍ഀ Special Development District No. 4 and the 97.955 acres may be referred to as "SDD No.਍ഀ 4."਍ഀ B. The district shall consist of four separate development areas, as identified in this਍ഀ ordinance consisting of the following approximate sizes:਍ഀ Area Known As਍ഀ Acreage਍ഀ Cascade Village਍ഀ Coldstream Condominiums਍ഀ Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single Family Lots਍ഀ Glen Lyon Commercial Site਍ഀ Dedicated Open Space਍ഀ Roads਍ഀ TOTAL਍ഀ Development Area਍ഀ A਍ഀ 17.955਍ഀ B਍ഀ 4.000਍ഀ C਍ഀ 9.100਍ഀ D਍ഀ 1.500਍ഀ 40.400਍ഀ 4.700਍ഀ 97.955਍ഀ 3਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ Development Plan--Required--Approval Procedure਍ഀ Each development area with the exception of Development Areas A and D shall be਍ഀ subject to a single development plan. Development Area A shall be allowed to਍ഀ have two development plans for the Cascade Club site as approved by the Town਍ഀ Council. The, Waterford. and Cornerstone sites shall be allowed one development਍ഀ plan each. Development Area D shall be allowed to develop per the approved-,਍ഀ development plans as approved by the Town Council. The developer shall have਍ഀ the right to proceed with the development plans or scenarios as defined in the਍ഀ development statistics section of this ordinance. Amendments to SDD No. 4 shall਍ഀ comply Section 12-9A of the Municipal Code.਍ഀ Permitted Uses਍ഀ A. Area A. Cascade Village਍ഀ 1. First floor commercial uses shall be limited to uses listed in Section 12-713-਍ഀ 3, (Commercial Core 1), of the Municipal Code. The "first floor" or "street level" shall be਍ഀ defined as that floor of the building that is located at grade or street level;਍ഀ 2. All other floor levels besides first. floor street level may include retail,਍ഀ theater, restaurant, and office except that no professional or business office shall be਍ഀ located on street level or first floor (as defined above) unless it is clearly accessory to a਍ഀ lodge or educational institution except for an office space having a maximum square਍ഀ footage of 925 square feet located on the first floor on the northwest corner of the Plaza਍ഀ Conference Center building;਍ഀ 3. Lodge;਍ഀ 4. Multi-family dwelling;਍ഀ 5. Single Family dwelling;਍ഀ 6. Primary/Secondary dwelling;਍ഀ 7. Transient residential dwelling unit;਍ഀ 8. Employee dwelling as defined. in Section 12-13 of the Municipal Code;਍ഀ 9. Cascade Club addition of a lap pool or gymnasium.਍ഀ 4਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums਍ഀ 1. Two-family dwelling;਍ഀ 2. Multi-family dwelling.਍ഀ C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots਍ഀ 1. Single family dwelling;.਍ഀ 2. Two-family dwelling.਍ഀ 3. Type II Employee Housing Unit (EHU) per Chapter 12-13, of the Municipal਍ഀ Code.਍ഀ D. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site਍ഀ 1. Business and professional offices;਍ഀ 2. Employee dwelling as defined in Section 12-13 of the Municipal Code.਍ഀ Conditional Uses਍ഀ Conditional uses shall be reviewed per the procedures as outlined in Chapter 12-16 of the਍ഀ Town of Vail Zoning Regulations.਍ഀ A. Area A, Cascade Village਍ഀ 1. Cascade Club addition of a wellness center not to exceed 4,500 square਍ഀ feet.਍ഀ 2. Fractional fee ownership as defined in the Town of Vail Municipal Code,਍ഀ Section 12-2 shall be a conditional use for dwelling units in the Westhaven਍ഀ multi-family dwellings, as amended. Fractional fee ownership shall not be applied਍ഀ to restricted employee dwelling units or transient residential dwelling units.਍ഀ 3. Special attraction;਍ഀ 4. Ski lifts;਍ഀ 5. Public park and recreational facilities;਍ഀ 6. Major arcades with no frontage on any public way, street, walkway or mall਍ഀ area.਍ഀ 7. Transportation Business.਍ഀ 8. Temporary, Use of the Tennis Facility for Conferences and Conventions਍ഀ B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums਍ഀ 1. Public park and recreational facilities;਍ഀ 2. Ski lifts.਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ 5਍ഀ C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots਍ഀ 1. Public park and recreational facilities;਍ഀ 2. Ski lifts;਍ഀ D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site਍ഀ 1. Micro-brewery as defined in Town of Vail Municipal code, Chapter 12-2.਍ഀ Accessory Uses਍ഀ A. Area A. Cascade Village਍ഀ 1. Minor arcade.਍ഀ 2. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in਍ഀ accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vail਍ഀ Municipal Code.਍ഀ 3. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools,਍ഀ tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to਍ഀ permitted residential uses.਍ഀ 4. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional਍ഀ uses, and necessary for the operation thereof.਍ഀ B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums਍ഀ 1 Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in਍ഀ accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vail਍ഀ Municipal Code.਍ഀ 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools,਍ഀ tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to਍ഀ permitted residential uses.਍ഀ Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses,਍ഀ and necessary for the operation thereof.਍ഀ C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots਍ഀ 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in਍ഀ accordance with the provisions, of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vail਍ഀ Municipal Code.਍ഀ 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools,਍ഀ 6਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to਍ഀ permitted residential uses.਍ഀ 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional਍ഀ uses, and necessary for the operation thereof.਍ഀ D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site਍ഀ 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in਍ഀ accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vail਍ഀ Municipal Code.਍ഀ 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools,਍ഀ tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to਍ഀ permitted residential uses.਍ഀ 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional਍ഀ uses, and necessary for the operation thereof.਍ഀ 4. Minor arcade.਍ഀ Location of Business Activity਍ഀ A. All offices, businesses, and shall be operated and conducted entirely within a਍ഀ building, except for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, and the outdoor਍ഀ display of goods.਍ഀ B. The area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly in front of the਍ഀ establishment displaying the goods and entirely upon the establishment's own property.਍ഀ Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by਍ഀ outdoor display.਍ഀ Density--Dwelling Units਍ഀ The number of dwelling units shall not exceed the following:਍ഀ A. Area A, Cascade Village਍ഀ In Area A, a minimum of three hundred fifty-two (352) accommodation or transient਍ഀ dwelling units and a maximum of ninety-four dwelling units for a total density of two਍ഀ hundred seventy (270) dwelling units.਍ഀ B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums਍ഀ 7਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ Sixty-five (65) dwelling units਍ഀ C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots਍ഀ One-hundred four (104) dwelling units.਍ഀ D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site਍ഀ No dwelling units shall be allowed with the exception of employee housing units as਍ഀ defined in Chapter 12-13 of the Town Code.਍ഀ Density--Floor Area਍ഀ A. Area A, Cascade Village਍ഀ The gross residential floor area (GRFA) for all buildings shall not exceed 289,145਍ഀ square feet.਍ഀ B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums਍ഀ Sixty-five thousand square feet (65,000 sq. ft.) GRFA.਍ഀ C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots਍ഀ GRFA shall be calculated for each lot per Section 12-6D-8 (Density Control) for the਍ഀ Primary/Secondary district of the Town of Vail municipal code.਍ഀ D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site਍ഀ GRFA for employee housing units shall be as approved on the development,਍ഀ however, the GRFA shall be at least 1,865 sq. ft.਍ഀ Commercial Square Footage਍ഀ A. Area A, Cascade Village਍ഀ Area A shall not exceed 35,698 square feet of commercial area.਍ഀ 8਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ B. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site਍ഀ The gross floor area shall not exceed 35, 741 sq. ft. of net (leaseable) floor area.਍ഀ Development Statistics for Area A. Cascade Village, and Area D, Glen Lyon਍ഀ Commercial Site਍ഀ CHART 1: Area A Completed Projects਍ഀ Retail/਍ഀ Square਍ഀ On-Site਍ഀ Cascade Structure਍ഀ Aus਍ഀ DUs਍ഀ GRFA਍ഀ Commercial਍ഀ Foot਍ഀ Parking਍ഀ Parking਍ഀ MILLRACE 1਍ഀ 16਍ഀ 20,000਍ഀ 20਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ {p਍ഀ MILLRACE II਍ഀ 14਍ഀ 17,534਍ഀ -5਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ MILLRA( E IN਍ഀ 3਍ഀ 6,਍ഀ 7਍ഀ - 1~ y 1..਍ഀ +s-17x4 y~i਍ഀ MILLRACE IV਍ഀ 6਍ഀ 10,450਍ഀ 19਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ (COSGRIFF)"'਍ഀ k~ i{Y.਍ഀ * 1r° 'f਍ഀ -਍ഀ Iw. ''p 4~ ~ f਍ഀ r 4x Cs਍ഀ >w..4਍ഀ t~o+dWlti ~7t ~ ~਍ഀ t`F਍ഀ r!਍ഀ '਍ഀ tr a, . .਍ഀ "a,iri~1.਍ഀ f਍ഀ .਍ഀ g਍ഀ ,਍ഀ WESTIN਍ഀ 148਍ഀ 55,457਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 115਍ഀ Alfredo=s਍ഀ 104 Seats਍ഀ Cafe਍ഀ 74 Seats਍ഀ Little Shop਍ഀ 1,250਍ഀ Pepi Sports਍ഀ 2,491਍ഀ W & H Smith, Vaurnot਍ഀ 900਍ഀ Y 4 '~~FT਍ഀ CMC BUILDING਍ഀ Cascade Wing਍ഀ 8਍ഀ 15,870਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 16਍ഀ Clancy=s਍ഀ 1,600਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 13.3਍ഀ Theater਍ഀ 4,220਍ഀ 28਍ഀ College Classrooms਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 40਍ഀ College Office਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 4਍ഀ Theater/Meeting Room 2.1਍ഀ 1,387਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 11.5਍ഀ 9਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ TERRACE WING਍ഀ Rooms਍ഀ 120਍ഀ 58,069਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 105਍ഀ Retail਍ഀ 5,856਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 20਍ഀ PLAZA 1਍ഀ Rooms਍ഀ 20਍ഀ 7,205਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 16਍ഀ Retail਍ഀ 1,099਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 4਍ഀ Bl਍ഀ o਍ഀ w਍ഀ M਍ഀ PLAZA II਍ഀ Conference਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 35਍ഀ Retail਍ഀ 925਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 3਍ഀ v਍ഀ CASCADE CLUB਍ഀ Retail਍ഀ 300਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 1਍ഀ Bar & Restaurant਍ഀ 252਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 3.5਍ഀ Office in CMC਍ഀ 828 -਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 3਍ഀ Wellness Center਍ഀ 1,386਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 7਍ഀ Office in Club਍ഀ 420਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 1.4਍ഀ tr਍ഀ •i਍ഀ ਍ഀ w਍ഀ aa^਍ഀ f.਍ഀ .਍ഀ ~k਍ഀ LIFTSIDE਍ഀ (WATERFORD)਍ഀ Units਍ഀ 27਍ഀ 56਍ഀ Employee Units਍ഀ 2਍ഀ 1,100਍ഀ 2਍ഀ TOTALS਍ഀ 27਍ഀ 47,500਍ഀ 58਍ഀ Cascade Club Addition਍ഀ Wellness Center਍ഀ 4਍ഀ 500਍ഀ Y਍ഀ ,਍ഀ 22.5਍ഀ Plaza Office*'਍ഀ 925਍ഀ -਍ഀ 10਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ office parking requirements.਍ഀ ***For the purposes of calculating GRFA for the Cosgriff parcel (Millrace IV), no credits shall be given except for 300 s.f. to be਍ഀ allowed for each enclosed parking space.਍ഀ CHART 2: AREA A਍ഀ REQUIRED PARKING਍ഀ Parking for Completed Projects per Chart 1਍ഀ Parking Spaces਍ഀ in਍ഀ 461.9਍ഀ Cascade Parking Structure਍ഀ Less 17.5% Mixed-Use Credit਍ഀ -80.8਍ഀ Total Required Parking at Build-Out of Area਍ഀ A in Cascade Structure਍ഀ 381.1਍ഀ Existing Parking in Cascade Structure਍ഀ 421.0਍ഀ Required Parking in Cascade Structure at਍ഀ Build-Out of Area A਍ഀ With 17.5% mixed-use credit਍ഀ 381.1਍ഀ Development Plans਍ഀ Site specific development plans are approved for Area A and Area D. The development਍ഀ plans for Area A are comprised of those plans submitted by Vail Ventures, Ltd. and਍ഀ other developers. The development plans for Area D are comprised of those plans਍ഀ submitted by the Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership. The following documents਍ഀ comprise the development plan for the SDD as a whole, Waterford, Cornerstone,਍ഀ Cascade Club Addition Scenario 1 and 2, Millrace IV, and Area D-Glen Lyon਍ഀ Commercial Site and is not all inclusive:਍ഀ 1. Waterford, Sheet #L-2, dated 11-12-92, Landscape Plan, Dennis Anderson.਍ഀ 2. Waterford, Sheet #1.1, dated 11-13-92, Site/Grading Plan Gwathmey, Pratt,਍ഀ Schultz.਍ഀ 3. Waterford, Sheet #2.1, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 38/43' 3", Gwathmey, Pratt,਍ഀ Schultz.਍ഀ 11਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ lp-1 - all uduy UeeiI wulaeu Tor a reran parking requirement. i ne new parking requirement is based on the difference between the retail and਍ഀ 4. Waterford, Sheet #2.2, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 48'-6"/53'-0", Gwathmey,਍ഀ Pratt, Schultz.਍ഀ 5. Waterford, Sheet #2.3, dated 11-13-92 Plan Level 59'-0:/64'-3" by Gwathmey,਍ഀ Pratt, Schultz.਍ഀ 6. Waterford, Sheet #2.4, dated 11-4-92, Plan Level 69'-6"/74'-9", Gwathmey,਍ഀ Pratt, Schultz.਍ഀ 7. Waterford, Sheet #2.5, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 80'-0"/85'-3" Gwathmey,਍ഀ Pratt, Schultz.਍ഀ 8. Waterford, Sheet #2.6, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 90'-6" Gwathmey, Pratt,਍ഀ Schultz.਍ഀ 9. Waterford, Sheet #2.7, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 101'-0" Gwathmey, Pratt,਍ഀ Schultz.਍ഀ 10. Waterford, Sheet #2.8, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 111'-6" Gwathmey, Pratt,਍ഀ Schultz.਍ഀ 11. Waterford, Sheet #2.9, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 122'-0" Gwathmey, Pratt,਍ഀ Schultz.਍ഀ 12. Waterford, Sheet #2.10, dated 12-14-92, Roof Plan All Levels Gwathmey, Pratt,਍ഀ Schultz.਍ഀ 13. Waterford, Sheet #3.1, dated 11-13-92, Elevations Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.਍ഀ 14. Waterford, Sheet #3.2, dated 11-13-92, Elevations, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.਍ഀ 15. Waterford, Sheet #4.1, dated 11-4-92, Sections Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.਍ഀ 16. Waterford, Sheet #4.2, dated 11-4-92, Sections, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.਍ഀ 17. Waterford, Sheet #4.3, dated 11-4-92, Sections, Gwathmey,, Pratt, Schultz.਍ഀ 18. Waterford, Sheet #9.1, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.਍ഀ 19. Waterford, Sheet #9.2, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.਍ഀ 20. Waterford, Sheet #9.3, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.਍ഀ 21. Waterford, Sheet #9.4, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.਍ഀ 22. Waterford, Sheet #9.5, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz.਍ഀ 23. Cascade Club Addition Site Plan, Roma, 10/10/88.਍ഀ 24. Cascade Club Floor Plan, Roma, 10/10/88,਍ഀ 25. Millrace III, Sheet #1, dated 5/6/93, Site Plan, Steven James Riden.਍ഀ 26. Millrace III, Sheet #2, dated 4/13/93, Floor Plans for Single Family Residence,਍ഀ Steven James Riden.਍ഀ 27. Millrace III, Sheet #3, dated 5/6/93, Elevations for Single Family Residence,਍ഀ Steven James Riden.਍ഀ 28. Millrace III, Sheets #4 and #5, dated 3/20/93, Floor Plans for Duplex Building,਍ഀ Steven James Riden.਍ഀ 29. Millrace Ili, Sheets ##t and #7, dated 5/6/93, Elevations for Duplex Building,਍ഀ Steven James Riden.਍ഀ 30. Millrace III, Sheet L1, dated 5/6/93, Site/Landscape Plan, Steven James Riden.਍ഀ 12਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ 31. Millrace IV, Scenario I, a/k/a Cosgriff Parcel, Site Plan, Arnold Gwathmey Pratt,਍ഀ 10/28/91.਍ഀ 32. Millrace IV, Scenario I, a/k/a Cosgriff Parcel, Elevations Arnold Gwathmey Pratt,਍ഀ 10/22/91.਍ഀ 33. Millrace IV, Scenario I, a/k/a Cosgriff Parcel, Floor Plans Arnold Gwathmey Pratt,਍ഀ 10/23/91.਍ഀ 34. Millrace IV, Scenario I, a/k/a Cosgriff Parcel, Landscape Plan, Dennis Anderson਍ഀ Associates.਍ഀ 35. Cosgriff Parcel, Survey, Alpine Engineering, Inc., 10/31/91 stamped.਍ഀ 36. Survey, a part of Cascade Village, Eagle Valley Engineering, Leland Lechner,਍ഀ 6/8/87.਍ഀ 37. Site Coverage Analysis, Eagle Valley Engineering, 10/10/88.਍ഀ 38. Cascade Village Special Development District Amendment and Environmental਍ഀ Impact Report: Peter Jamar Associates, Inc., revised 11/22/88.਍ഀ 39. Topographic Map, Inter-Mountain Engineering, Ltd, 12/1/94਍ഀ 40. Improvement Location Certificate, Eagle Valley Surveying, Inc., 3/2/92਍ഀ 41. Site Plan, SL-1, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99਍ഀ 42. Site Grading Plan, SL-2, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99਍ഀ 43. Landscape Plan, SL-3, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99਍ഀ 44. Southeast Elevation, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99਍ഀ 45. Northwest, Northeast, & Southwest Elevation, R.G. Clark & Associates,਍ഀ 3/26/99਍ഀ 46. Sections & Details, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99਍ഀ 47. Parking Level Plan, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99਍ഀ 48. First Floor Plan, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99਍ഀ 49. Second Floor Plan, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99਍ഀ 50. Third Floor Plan, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99਍ഀ 51. Fourth Floor Plan, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99਍ഀ 52. Off-site Improvement Plan, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99਍ഀ 53. Roof-Top Mechanical Plan, R.G. Clark & Associates, 3/26/99਍ഀ * A maximum of 1000 sq. ft. of common area, in addition to the approved plans, may be਍ഀ added to the Waterford project to allow for compliance with the Uniform Building Code,਍ഀ Uniform Fire Code and American Disabilities Act. The staff shall review all such਍ഀ additions to ensure that they are required -by such codes.਍ഀ Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single Family Lots਍ഀ 1. Building Envelopes for Lots 39-1 and 39-2 per sheet, L-1, prepared by Design਍ഀ 'Workshop, inc., datea 11-9-98.਍ഀ 13਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site਍ഀ Glen Lyon Office Building Development, The Resort Design Collaborative International, Sheets਍ഀ A2 - A4, revised 6/16/99, as may be amended by the Design Review Board.਍ഀ Development Standards਍ഀ The development standards set out herein are approved by the Town Council. These਍ഀ standards shall be incorporated into the approved development plan pertinent to each਍ഀ development area to protect the integrity of the development of SDD No. 4. They are minimum਍ഀ development standards and shall apply unless more restrictive standards are incorporated in਍ഀ the approved development plan which is adopted by the Town Council.਍ഀ Setbacks਍ഀ A. Area A, Cascade Village਍ഀ Required setbacks shall be as indicated in each development plan with a਍ഀ minimum setback on the periphery of the property of not less than twenty feet, with the਍ഀ exception that the setback requirement adjacent to the existing Cascade parking਍ഀ structure/athletic club building shall be two feet as approved on February 8, 1982, by the਍ഀ Planning and Environmental Commission. All buildings shall maintain a 50 foot stream਍ഀ setback from Gore Creek. The Waterford building shall maintain a minimum 20 foot਍ഀ setback from the north edge of the recreational path along Gore Creek.਍ഀ B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums਍ഀ Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the development plan.਍ഀ C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots਍ഀ Required setbacks shall be governed by Section 12-6D-7 of the਍ഀ Primary/Secondary zone district of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. For single-family਍ഀ Lots 39-1 and 39-2, development shall occur per the approved building envelopes and is਍ഀ subject to the following:਍ഀ All future development will be restricted to the area within the building envelopes.਍ഀ The only development permitted outside the building envelopes shall be਍ഀ landscaping, driveways (access bridge) and retaining walls associated with਍ഀ driveway construction. At-grade patios (those within 5' of existing or finished਍ഀ grade) will be permitted to project beyond the building envelopes not more than਍ഀ ten feet (10') nor more than one-half (2) the distance between the building਍ഀ envelope and the property line, or may project not more than five feet (5) nor਍ഀ more than one-fourth (3) the minimum required dimension between buildings.਍ഀ D. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site਍ഀ Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the approved development plans.਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999 14਍ഀ Height਍ഀ A. For the purposes of SDD No. 4 calculations of height, height shall mean the਍ഀ distance measured vertically from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is਍ഀ more restrictive), at any given point to the top of a flat roof, or mansard roof, or to the਍ഀ highest ridge line of a sloping roof unless otherwise specified in approved development਍ഀ plan drawings.਍ഀ B. Area A, Cascade Village਍ഀ 1. The maximum height for the Westin Hotel, CMC Learning Center,਍ഀ Terrace Wing, Plaza Conference Building and Cascade Parking਍ഀ Structure/Athletic Club is 71 feet.਍ഀ 2. Cornerstone Building: Maximum height of 71 feet.਍ഀ 3. Waterford Building: Maximum height of feet as measured from finished਍ഀ grade to any portion of the roof along the north elevation shall be 55' (South਍ഀ Frontage Road), 56' along the west elevation Westhaven Drive, and 65 feet਍ഀ along the south and east elevation as measured from finished grade.਍ഀ 4. Westhaven Building: A maximum of 55 feet.਍ഀ 5. Millrace III: A maximum of 36 feet.਍ഀ 6. Millrace IV: A maximum of 36 feet.਍ഀ 7. Cascade Club Addition: A maximum of 26 feet.਍ഀ 8. Cascade Entry Tower: A maximum of 36 feet.਍ഀ 9. The remainder of buildings in Area A shall have a maximum height of 48਍ഀ feet.਍ഀ C. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums਍ഀ The maximum height shall be 48 feet.਍ഀ D. Area C. Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots਍ഀ The maximum height shall be 33 feet for a sloping roof and 31) feet for a flat or਍ഀ mansard roof.਍ഀ E. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site਍ഀ Development plan drawings shall constitute the height allowances for Area D.਍ഀ Site Coverage਍ഀ Areas A & B: No more than 35% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings,਍ഀ provided, if any portion of the area is developed as an institutional or਍ഀ educational center, 45% of the area may be covered unless otherwise਍ഀ indicated on the site specific development plans.਍ഀ Area C: No more than 25% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings,਍ഀ unless the more restrictive standards of Chapter 12-21 of the Vail਍ഀ Municipal Code apply.਍ഀ Area D: No more than 30% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings and਍ഀ the parking structure, as indicated on the approved development plans.਍ഀ 15਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ Landscaping਍ഀ At least the following percentages of the total development area shall be landscaped as਍ഀ provided in the development plan. This shall include retention of natural landscape, if਍ഀ appropriate. Areas A and B, fifty percent (50%), and in Areas C and D, sixty percent਍ഀ (60%), of the area shall be landscaped unless otherwise indicated on the site specific਍ഀ development plans.਍ഀ Parking and Loading਍ഀ A. Area A, Cascade Village਍ഀ 1. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 12-10,਍ഀ except that 75% of the required parking in Area A shall be located within a਍ഀ parking structure or buildings with the exception of Millrace IV, Scenario I, where਍ഀ 66.6% and the Westhaven Club & Lodge, where 71 % of required parking shall਍ഀ be enclosed in a building.਍ഀ 2. There shall be a total of 421 spaces in the main Cascade Club parking਍ഀ structure. A 17.5 percent mixed-use credit per the Town of Vail parking code,਍ഀ has been applied to the total number of required parking spaces in the Cascade਍ഀ structure.਍ഀ 3. There shall be a total of 58 on-site parking spaces on the Waterford਍ഀ building site with a minimum of 75% of the required space located below grade.਍ഀ No mixed use credit shall be applied to this site.਍ഀ 4. There shall be a minimum of 93 enclosed parking spaces located within਍ഀ the Cornerstone building with 37 of the required spaces available to the public for਍ഀ short-term parking. No mixed use credit has been applied to this lot.਍ഀ 5. The third floor of the Cascade parking structure shall not be used to meet਍ഀ any parking requirements for accommodation units, transient residential dwelling਍ഀ units, employee dwelling units or dwelling units.਍ഀ 6. Phasing: All required parking for Cornerstone and Waterford shall be਍ഀ located on their respective sites. All required parking for the Cascade Club਍ഀ Wellness Center Addition Scenario 1 shall be provided in the Cascade parking਍ഀ structure.਍ഀ 7. Seventy-five percent of the required parking shall be located within the਍ഀ main building or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties਍ഀ within a landscaped berm for Millrace III.਍ഀ 8. All loading and delivery shall be located within buildings or as approved਍ഀ in the development plan.਍ഀ B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums਍ഀ Fifty percent of the required parking shall be located within the main building or਍ഀ buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a਍ഀ 16਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ landscaped berm.਍ഀ C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots਍ഀ Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 12-10 of the਍ഀ Municipal Code.਍ഀ D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site਍ഀ This site shall have a minimum of 143 parking spaces.਍ഀ 2. No loading or delivery of goods shall be allowed on the public right-of-way਍ഀ along the South Frontage Road adjacent to the Area D development.਍ഀ Recreation Amenities Tax Assessed਍ഀ The recreational amenities tax due for the development within SDD No. 4 under Chapter਍ഀ 3.20 shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed twenty-five cents per square foot of the਍ഀ floor area in Development Area A; and at a rate not to exceed fifty cents per square foot਍ഀ of GRFA in Development Area B; and at a rate not to exceed fifteen cents per square਍ഀ foot of GRFA in Development Area C; and at a rate not to exceed seventy-five cents per਍ഀ square foot of floor area in Development Area D; and shall be paid in conjunction with਍ഀ each construction phase prior to the issuance of building permits.਍ഀ Conservation and Pollution Controls਍ഀ A. The developer's drainage plan shall include a provision for prevention of pollution਍ഀ from surface runoff.਍ഀ B. The developer shall include in the building construction, energy and water਍ഀ conservation controls as general technology exists at the time of construction.਍ഀ C. The number of fireplaces permitted shall be as set forth in the Town of Vail਍ഀ Municipal as amended.਍ഀ D. If fireplaces are provided within the development, they must be heat efficient਍ഀ through the use of glass enclosures and heat circulating devices as technology exists at਍ഀ the time of development.਍ഀ E. All water features within Development Area A shall have overflow storm drains਍ഀ per the recommendation of the Environmental Impact Report by Jamar Associates on਍ഀ Page 34.਍ഀ F. All parking structures shall have pollution control devices to prevent oil and dirt਍ഀ from draining into Gore Creek.਍ഀ G. All trash compactors and trash storage areas shall be completely enclosed within਍ഀ Special Development District 4.਍ഀ H. Proteci:ive measures shall be used during construction to prevent soil erosion਍ഀ into Gore Creek, particularly when construction occurs in Areas A and D.਍ഀ Additional Amenities and Approval Agreements for Special Development਍ഀ 17਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ District No. 4.਍ഀ A. The developer shall provide or work with the Town to provide adequate private਍ഀ transportation services to the owners and guests so as to transport them from਍ഀ the development to the Village Core area and Lionshead area as outlined in the਍ഀ approved development plan.਍ഀ B. Area A, Cascade Village਍ഀ The developer shall construct a sidewalk that begins at the entrance to਍ഀ the Cascade Club along Westhaven Drive and extends to the west in front of the਍ഀ Westhaven building to connect with the recreational path to Donovan Park. The਍ഀ walk shall be constructed when a building permit is requested for the Westhaven਍ഀ Club & Lodge. The sidewalk shall be part of the building permit plans. The਍ഀ sidewalk shall be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit਍ഀ and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for Westhaven਍ഀ Club & Lodge.਍ഀ 2. The developer shall provide 100-year floodplain information for the area਍ഀ adjacent to the Waterford and Cornerstone buildings to the Town of Vail਍ഀ Community Development Department before building permits are released for਍ഀ either project.਍ഀ 3. Cornerstone਍ഀ The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. 8, Series of਍ഀ 1998 for previous requirements.਍ഀ C. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site.਍ഀ 1. The owner/applicant shall ensure that the utilities to this site are all placed਍ഀ underground for the entire length of the site prior to the issuance of a Temporary਍ഀ Certificate of Occupancy for the development.਍ഀ 2. The owner/applicant shall be required to provide roadway improvements in਍ഀ accordance with the approved plans. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the਍ഀ applicant shall obtain approval by the Town of detailed civil engineering drawings for all਍ഀ proposed improvements including drainage improvements.਍ഀ 3. The owner/applicant shall deed restrict two Type III, Employee Housing Units in਍ഀ accordance with the Zoning Regulations prior to obtaining a temporary or final certificate਍ഀ of occupancy on the project.਍ഀ 4. The owner/applicant shall record an easement for the existing bike path on the਍ഀ west end of the property prior to obtaining a temporary or final certificate of occupancy on਍ഀ the project.਍ഀ 5. The building plans, rooftop mechanical plans, landscape plan, tree protection਍ഀ plans, and dumpster enclosure details shall be reviewed and approved by the DRB.਍ഀ 6. The owner/applicant shall mitigate the trees being removed by the development.਍ഀ The DRB shall determine the ratio of mitigation. A substantial vegetative buffer shall be਍ഀ established along the north elevation of the building.਍ഀ 7. Add a significant gutter system to the roof which ties into the drainage system for਍ഀ the site.਍ഀ 18਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ 8. Provide a commitment to provide significant trees prior to being reviewed by the਍ഀ Town Council.਍ഀ 9. Make improvements to breakup the overall fagade of the south elevation.਍ഀ 10. In the drainage plans, provide adequate drainage for snow melt from surface਍ഀ parking area to prevent draining directly into creek.਍ഀ 11. The number of parking spaces shall be reduced to the minimum required in order਍ഀ to save trees on the east end of the site.਍ഀ Employee Housing਍ഀ The development of SDD No. 4 will have impacts on available employee housing within਍ഀ the Upper Eagle Valley area. In order to help meet this additional employee housing਍ഀ need, the developer(s) of Areas A and D shall provide employee housing on site. The਍ഀ developer(s) of Area A shall build a minimum of 21 employee dwelling units within Area਍ഀ A Westhaven Club & Lodge building (Ruins), 3 within the Cornerstone Building and 2਍ഀ within the Liftside (Waterford Building). Each employee dwelling unit in the Westhaven਍ഀ Club & Lodge building (Ruins) shall be deed restricted as a Type III EHU. Said deed-਍ഀ restriction shall be executed and recorded with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's਍ഀ Office prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy. Each employee unit਍ഀ in the Cornerstone Building shall have a minimum square footage of 600 square feet.਍ഀ There shall be a total of 2 employee dwelling units in the Waterford Building. One shall਍ഀ be a minimum of 300 square feet and the other a minimum of 800 square feet.਍ഀ The developer of Area D shall build 2 Type III employee dwelling units in the Area D The਍ഀ GRFA for these employee housing units shall not be less than 1,865 sq. ft. The GRFA਍ഀ and number of employee units shall not be counted toward allowable density or GRFA਍ഀ for SDD No. 4. All Employee Housing Units shall be deed restricted per Chapter 12-13,਍ഀ as amended, of the Town Code prior to issuance of building permits for the respective਍ഀ project.਍ഀ In Area C, Lots 39-1 and 39-2, shall be required to provide a Type II, Employee Housing਍ഀ Unit (EHU) per Chapter 12-13 of the Zoning Regulations of at least 500 sq. ft. each, on਍ഀ each lot. These lots shall not be entitled to the 500 sq. ft. of additional GRFA. The 500਍ഀ sq. ft. shall be included in the allowable GRFA on these lots. Each lot shall also be਍ഀ entitled to 300 sq. ft. of garage area credit for the employee housing unit, in addition to਍ഀ the 600 sq. ft. garage area credit allowed per residence. The driveway width of 12 is਍ഀ allowed to remain (no increase in driveway width is required) for all allowed/required਍ഀ dwelling units and employee housing units on these lots.਍ഀ Time Requirements਍ഀ SDD No. 4 shall be governed by the procedures outlined in Section 12-9A of the Town਍ഀ of Vail Municipal Code, unless such time requirement is amended herein਍ഀ 19਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ Westhaven Club & Lodge Conditions of Approval਍ഀ 1. That prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant submit a detailed਍ഀ contractor's cost estimate identifying the costs necessary to relocate the existing਍ഀ overhead utility line along the applicant's north property line underground, and that the਍ഀ applicant establish a financial bond with the Town of Vail in the sum of 125% of the said਍ഀ relocating costs to insure the undergrounding of the utility line਍ഀ 2. That the applicant regrade and revegetate the knoll located at the northwest਍ഀ corner of the development site at the time of the final grading of the Westhaven Club &਍ഀ Lodge. Due to the exposure and aspect of the hillside, the knoll shall be regrading to਍ഀ slopes not exceeding 3:1. The regrading shall be reviewed and approved by the Town਍ഀ Engineer and said regrading shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Temporary਍ഀ Certificate of Occupancy਍ഀ 3. That the applicant provide Type III Employee Housing Unit deed-restrictions ,਍ഀ which comply with the Town of Vail Employee Housing Requirements (Title 12, Chapter਍ഀ 13, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code) for each of the 21 employee housing units, and਍ഀ that said deed-restricted housing be made available for occupancy, and that the deed਍ഀ restrictions be recorded at the Office of the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, prior to਍ഀ requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Westhaven Club & Lodge.਍ഀ 4. That the applicant submit detailed civil engineering drawings of the required off-਍ഀ site improvements (street lights, drainage, curb and gutter, sidewalks, grading, etc.) to਍ഀ the Town of Vail Public Works Department for review and approval prior to the issuance਍ഀ of a building permit.਍ഀ 5. That the applicant record a twenty foot (20) wide pedestrian/bike easement for਍ഀ that portion of pedestrian/bike path traversing the applicant's property and as identified਍ഀ on the Topographic Map prepared by Intermountain Engineering Ltd., dated 12/22/94,਍ഀ and that said easement be recorded at the Office of the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder,਍ഀ prior to the issuance of a building permit. The exact location and language of the਍ഀ easement shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney and Town Engineer਍ഀ prior to recordation.਍ഀ 6. That the applicant provide written documentation from the Public Service਍ഀ Company granting approval of the construction of the Westhaven Club & Lodge in the਍ഀ location identified on the site plan relative to the high pressure gas line. Written਍ഀ approval shall be granted prior to the issuance of a building, permit.਍ഀ 20਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ 7. That the applicant record an access easement along the east property line for਍ഀ that portion of the driveway and access and trash enclosure which encroaches upon the਍ഀ adjoining property and that said easement be recorded at the Office of the Eagle County਍ഀ Clerk Recorder. The exact location and language of the easement shall be reviewed਍ഀ and approved by the Town Attorney and Town Engineer prior to recordation.਍ഀ Recordation of said easement shall be prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate਍ഀ of Occupancy.਍ഀ 8. That the final landscape plan and architectural elevations be reviewed and਍ഀ approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board, prior to the issuance of a building਍ഀ permit.਍ഀ 9. That the approval of this major amendment to Special Development District #4਍ഀ shall become lapsed and void one year from the date of a second reading of an਍ഀ ordinance amending the district, and that should the approval lapse, the applicant shall਍ഀ be required to remove the "ruins" and restore and revegetate the site by no later than਍ഀ September 1, 2000. A bond providing financial security to ensure that said removal਍ഀ occurs shall be required following second reading of an amending ordinance. It shall be਍ഀ the applicant's responsibility to provide a cost estimate of the removal and restoration਍ഀ work. The bond shall be in the amount of a minimum of 125% of the removal and਍ഀ restoration of the site costs. The bond shall be in place within 45 days of second਍ഀ reading of this ordinance. If the bond is not in place with the 45 day time period, the਍ഀ approved development plan for the Westhaven Club & Lodge shall become null and਍ഀ avoid.਍ഀ 10. That the applicant revise and submit an amended site plan, landscape plan, and਍ഀ grading plan indicating improvements to the existing boulder retaining wall along the਍ഀ east side of the access driveway. Each of the plans shall be reviewed and approved by਍ഀ the Town staff and the Design Review Board.਍ഀ Section 5.਍ഀ If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason਍ഀ held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this਍ഀ ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and਍ഀ each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that਍ഀ any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared਍ഀ invalid.਍ഀ Section 6.਍ഀ The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as਍ഀ 21਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any਍ഀ violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any਍ഀ other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or਍ഀ repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or਍ഀ any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein.਍ഀ Section 7.਍ഀ All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof,਍ഀ inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. The਍ഀ repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part਍ഀ thereof, heretofore repealed.਍ഀ INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED਍ഀ PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST READING this 1st day of June, 1999, and a public਍ഀ hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 15th day of June, 1999, in the Council਍ഀ Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado.਍ഀ ATTEST਍ഀ yr਍ഀ 0 E A L਍ഀ Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk਍ഀ Robert E. Ford, Mayor਍ഀ READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 15th day਍ഀ of June, 1999.਍ഀ m nfill਍ഀ ~;«nm਍ഀ 14 F਍ഀ ZiZie?L~਍ഀ Robert E. Ford, Mayor਍ഀ `SEAL਍ഀ ATTEST:਍ഀ OR਍ഀ Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk਍ഀ 22਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ EXHIBIT "A"਍ഀ KOELBEL PROPERTY਍ഀ DEVELOPMENT AREA A਍ഀ Vail-Rose਍ഀ 12.370 acres਍ഀ A part of the SW 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., described਍ഀ as follows:਍ഀ Beginning at a point on the West line of said SW 1/4 NE 1/4 from which the North one-quarter comer of਍ഀ said Section bears North 0° 15' East 2269.48 feet; thence North 0° 15' East, along said West Line, 152.36 feet.to a਍ഀ point on the Southeasterly right of way line of U. S. Highway No. 6; thence, along said Southeasterly right of way਍ഀ line, as follows:਍ഀ North 52°27' East, 102.31 feet;਍ഀ North 49020' East, 519.57 feet; and਍ഀ North 48° 13' East, 549.09 feet, more or less, to a point on the North line of said SW 1/4 NE 1/4; thence਍ഀ North 88°33' East, along the North line of said SW 1/4 NE, 368 feet, more or less, to a point on the centerline of਍ഀ Gore Creek; thence, along the centerline of Gore Creek, as follows:਍ഀ South 36°49' West, 101.04 feet;਍ഀ South 182 P West, 54.08 feet;਍ഀ South 1,24' West, 205.02 feet;਍ഀ South 12, 10' West, 110.25 feet; and਍ഀ South 28,4 1' West, 242.35 feet, thence South 75o 15' West, 1064.10 feet to the point of beginning਍ഀ Rose Parcel਍ഀ 3.190 acres਍ഀ A tract of land situated in the SW1/4NE1/4 of Section 12, TP 5 S., R. 81 W., of the 6th P.M., lying਍ഀ Southerly of that certain tract of land described in Book 199, Page 197, Northerly and Westerly of the center line of਍ഀ Gore Creek, and lying Northerly and Easterly of those certain tracts described in Book 211 at Page 106, Book 211 at਍ഀ Page 108 and Book 215 at Page 365, described as follows:਍ഀ Beginning at a point on the North-South center line of said Section 12 whence the North quarter corner of਍ഀ said Section 12 bears N. 00° 15' E. 2269.48 feet;਍ഀ thence N. 75, 15' E. 346.26 feet to the true point of beginning, said point being on the South line of that਍ഀ tract described in Book 199, Page 197 and which bears S. 08°26' E. 2205.34 feet from the North quarter corner of਍ഀ said Section 12;਍ഀ thence N. 75,15' E. 717.84 feet along the Southerly line of that tract described in Book 199, Page 197 to਍ഀ the center of Gore Creek;਍ഀ thence S. 28,41' W. 130.61 feet along the center line of said Creek;਍ഀ thence S. 05°24'30" E. 104.50 feet along the center line of said Creek;਍ഀ thence S. 49029' W. 95.50 feet along the center line of said Creek;਍ഀ thence S. 22°34' W. 124.47 feet along the center line of said Creek;਍ഀ thence S. 54 100' W. 119.34 feet along the center line of said Creek; to the Southeast corner of that certain਍ഀ tract of land described in Book 211, Page 108;਍ഀ thence N. 33 -16'30" W. 140.12 feet along the Easterly line of that tract described in Book 211 at Page 108;਍ഀ thence N. 57,42'30" W. 169.88 feet along the Northeasterly line of that tract described in Book 211 at Page਍ഀ 108;਍ഀ thence N. 8602'30" W. 162.92 feet along the Northerly line of those tracts described in Book 211 at Page਍ഀ 108, Book 211 at Page 106 to a point;਍ഀ thence N. 3257'30" W. 76.08 feet along the Northeasterly line of that tract described in Book 215 at Page਍ഀ 365, to the point of beginning.਍ഀ Heede Parcel਍ഀ 1.260 acres਍ഀ County of Eagle and State of Colorado, to wit: A tract of land situated in the SW 1/4NE 1/4 of Section 12,਍ഀ Township 5 South, Range S I West of the 6th Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the਍ഀ North-South center line of said Section 12 whence the North Quarter Corner of said Section 12 bears North 00 degs.਍ഀ i 5 mins. East 2269.48 feet; thence North 75 degs. 15 mins. East 346.26 feet; thence South 32 degs. 57 mins. 30਍ഀ secs. East 76.08 feet; thence South 11 degs. 00 mins. 30 secs. West 279.99 feet to a point in the center of Gore਍ഀ Creek; thence North 50 degs. 32 mins. West 111.31 feet along the center line of said creek; thence North 38 degs.਍ഀ 40 mins. West 239.09 feet along the center line of said creek; thence South 76 degs. 35 mins. West 89.91 feet along਍ഀ the center line of said creek to a point on the North-South center line of said Section 12; thence North 00 degs. 15਍ഀ mins. East 13.95 feet along the North-South center line of said Section 12 to the point of beginning.਍ഀ Total਍ഀ 16.820 acres਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999 23਍ഀ GORE CREEK ASSOCIATES PROPERTY਍ഀ DEVELOPMENT AREAS B, C & D਍ഀ 80.700 acres਍ഀ Legal Description਍ഀ All that part of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows:਍ഀ All that part of the N1/2NE1/4 of Section 12, lying Southerly of the Southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway਍ഀ No. 6 and Northerly of the Southerly line of said NI/2NE1/4, as shown on the plat on file in the office of the Eagle਍ഀ County Clerk and Recorder as Document No. 97489, described as follows:਍ഀ Beginning at the highway survey monument at the intersection of the Southerly line of said highway and the਍ഀ Easterly line of said NI/2NE1/4, whence the Northeast corner of said Section 12 bears North 0°03' West 634.785਍ഀ feet;਍ഀ thence South 73°26'30" West 1112.13 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway;਍ഀ thence South 70°34' West 125.10 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway;਍ഀ thence South 69025' West 100.00 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway;਍ഀ thence South 65 ° 50' West 100.00 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway;਍ഀ thence South 62,15' West 100.00 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway;਍ഀ thence South 58 °40' West 100.00 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway;਍ഀ thence South 55°05' West 100.00 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway;਍ഀ thence South 51,32' West 100.00 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway;਍ഀ thence South 47°57' West 232.58 feet along the Southerly right of way line' of said highway to a point on the਍ഀ Southerly line of said N1/2NE1/4;਍ഀ thence North 88°33' East 497.67 feet along the Southerly line of said N 1/2NE1/4 to the center of the NE1/4 of said਍ഀ Section 12;਍ഀ thence North 88°33' East 1379.35 feet along the Southerly line of said N1/2NE1/4 to the Southeast corner of said਍ഀ N1/2NE1/2;਍ഀ thence North 0°03' West 760.95 feet along the Easterly line of said N1/2NE1/4 to its intersection with the Southerly਍ഀ line of said highway, the point of beginning,਍ഀ AND਍ഀ All that part of the SW 1/4NE1/4 of Section 12, lying Southerly of the center of Gore Creek as shown on਍ഀ the plat on file in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder as Document No. 97489, described as follows:਍ഀ Beginning at the Northeast corner of said SW I/4NE1/4;਍ഀ thence South 88°33' West 131.67 feet to a point in the center of said Creek;਍ഀ thence South 40°09' West 94.04 feet along the center of said Creek;਍ഀ thence South 1812 P West 54.08 feet along the center of said Creek;਍ഀ thence South 1 °24' West 205.02 feet along the center of said Creek;਍ഀ thence South 12, 10' West 110.25 feet along the center of said Creek;਍ഀ thence South 28°41' West 320.00 feet;਍ഀ thence South 5124'30" East, 170.00 feet along the center of said Creek;਍ഀ thence South 27°00'02" West 85.24 feet along the center of said Creek;਍ഀ thence South 54°00' West 259.34 feet along the center of said Creek;਍ഀ thence South 65°34' West 109.62 feet along the center of said Creek;਍ഀ thence South 69°04' West 186.13 feet along the center of said Creek;਍ഀ thence South 85°25' West 68.88 feet along the center of said Creek;਍ഀ thence North 77°36' West 26.96 feet along the center of said Creek;਍ഀ thence North 50°32' West 199.19 feet along the center of said Creek;਍ഀ thence North 38 °40' West 239.09 feet along the center of said Creek;਍ഀ thence South 76°35' West 89.91 feet along the center of said Creek; to a point or, the Westerly Iinc of said਍ഀ SW1/4NE1/4;਍ഀ thence South 00 15' West 461.90 feet to the center of said Section 12;਍ഀ thence North 89.02' East 1382.65 feet along the Southerly line of said SWI/4NE1/4਍ഀ to the Southeast corner of said SWI/4NE1/4;਍ഀ thence North 0°06' East 1384.32 feet along the Easterly line of said SW1/4NE1/4 to the Northeast corner਍ഀ of said SW 1/4NE1/4, the point of beginning,਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999 24਍ഀ AND਍ഀ The NWI/4SE1/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M.;਍ഀ AND਍ഀ All that part of the SE1/4NW l/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., lying਍ഀ Southerly of the Southerly right of way line of U.S. Highway No. 6, as shown on the plat on file in the office of the਍ഀ Eagle County Clerk and Recorder as Document No. 97489, described as follows:਍ഀ Beginning at the Southeast corner of said SEI/4NW1/4;਍ഀ thence South 89002' West 836.95 feet along the Southerly line of said SEl/4NW1/4 to a point on the਍ഀ Southerly right of way line of said highway;਍ഀ thence North 5235' East 1057.07 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway to a point on਍ഀ the Easterly line of said SE1/4NW1/4;਍ഀ thence South 0° 15' West 628.21 feet along the Easterly line of said SEI/4NW 1/4 to the Southeast corner of਍ഀ said SEI/4NW1/4, the point of beginning;਍ഀ EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING:਍ഀ that part described in Book 188 at page 545;਍ഀ that part described in Book 191 at page 241;਍ഀ that part described in Book 203 at page 231;਍ഀ that part described in Book 203 at page 531;਍ഀ that certain island adjacent to the above-described property, and located in the middle of Gore Creek,਍ഀ which the parties intend to exclude from this transaction;਍ഀ County of Eagle,਍ഀ State of Colorado਍ഀ ALSO THE FOLLOWING PARCEL FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE "COSGRIFF PARCEL"਍ഀ A tract of land situated in the SW 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South,਍ഀ Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, lying Northwesterly of the center਍ഀ line of Gore Creek described as follows:਍ഀ Beginning at a point whence the North Quarter Corner of said Section 12 bears N.਍ഀ 11 103' W. 2292.72 feet; thence S. 86°02'30" E. 89.50 feet; thence S. 54°42'30"਍ഀ E. 169.86 feet; thence S. 33- 16'30" E. 140.12 feet to a point in the center of਍ഀ said creek; thence S. 65°34' W. 109.62 feet along the center line of said creek;਍ഀ thence S. 69004' W. 90.78 feet along the center line of said creek; thence N.਍ഀ 23,12'30" W. 317.54 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.05 acres,਍ഀ more or less.਍ഀ ALSO DESCRIBED਍ഀ Beginning at a point whence the North Quarter Corner of said Section 12 bears N.਍ഀ 11 °03' W. 2292.72 feet; thence S. 85043'14" E.89.84 feet; thence S. 5725'30" E.਍ഀ 169.46 feet; thence S. 3259'30" E. 141.47 feet to a point in the center of said਍ഀ creek; thence S. 65 °31'36" W. 109.62 feet along the center line of said creek:਍ഀ thence S. 69°01'36" W. 103.02 feet along the center line of said creek; thence਍ഀ N. 23 24'09" W. 319.09 feet to the point of beginning.਍ഀ TOGETHER WITH an easement as described in Document recorded਍ഀ August 5, 1980 in Book 306 at Page 443 and recorded in Book 307 at Page 80਍ഀ of the Eagle County records.਍ഀ Ordinance 14,Series of 1999 25਍ഀ Also including all water and well rights appurtenant to the above described property,਍ഀ including without limitation, Well Permit No. 94702, water rights decreed in Civil਍ഀ Action No. 2375 in Eagle County District Court, and all that portion of water rights decreed in Case਍ഀ No. 80 CW 410, Water Division No. 5, (Core No. 1 Well - 0.05 cfs)਍ഀ A part of the Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th਍ഀ Principal Meridian, described as follows:਍ഀ Beginning at the center of said Section 12; thence S. 01 15'00" W. Along the east line of said Northeast Quarter.਍ഀ Southwest Quarter, 162 feet to a point on the north line of a tract described in Book 189 at Page 591; thence along਍ഀ said north line S. 88°59'31"W. 353.7 feet; thence southwesterly along a curve to the left whose radius is 78.93 feet,਍ഀ and whose chord bears S. 52°25'32" W. 94.05 feet, an arc distance of 100.74 feet; thence N. 10°05'39" E. 222.12਍ഀ feet to a point on the north line of said Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter; thence N. 38°59'31" E. along the north਍ഀ line of said Northeast Quarter Southwest Quarter 390 feet, more or less, to a point of beginning, Eagle County,਍ഀ Colorado.਍ഀ Unplatted parcel added to Cascade Metropolitan District਍ഀ (copied from Land Title Policy No. B1672770)਍ഀ ,F਍ഀ 26਍ഀ ordinance 14,Series of 1999਍ഀ