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NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ MWN00ഀ Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ p. 970.479.2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections 970.479.2149ഀ ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit E09-0059ഀ ACOM Projectഀ Job Address: 1000 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Statusഀ Location.....: VAIL RUN Appliedഀ Parcel No...: 210312104001 Issued . .ഀ Expires.ഀ OWNER FLEISCHER, WILLIAM I.ഀ PO BOX 4000ഀ VAILഀ CO 81658ഀ APPLICANT SHEARON ELECTRICഀ P.O. BOX 43ഀ AVONഀ CO 81620ഀ License: 121-Eഀ CONTRACTOR SHEARON ELECTRICഀ P.O. BOX 43ഀ AVONഀ CO 81620ഀ License: 121-Eഀ 05/19/2009ഀ 05/19/2009 Phone: 970-949-6456ഀ 05/19/2009 Phone: 970-949-6456ഀ Desciption: COMMON ELEMENT: ELECTRICAL RECONNECTION TO BOILERSഀ Valuation: $3,000.00 Square feet: 0ഀ PRJ09-0154ഀ ISSUEDഀ 05/19/2009ഀ 05121/2009ഀ 11/17/2009ഀ ~O~ G lഀ FEE SUMMARYഀ Electrical Permit Fee--------- > $65.55 Total Calculated Fees--> $69.55ഀ Investigation Fee--------------> $0.00 Additional Fees > $0.00ഀ Will Call Fee--------------------> $4.00ഀ Use Tax Fee------------------- > $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> $69.55ഀ Total Calculated Fees > $69.55 Payments-----------------> $69.55ഀ BALANCE DUE---------- > $0.00ഀ APPROVALSഀ Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTഀ 05/21/2009 shahn Action: APഀ CONDITIONS OF APPROVALഀ Cond: 12ഀ (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state thatഀ all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stateഀ laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building andഀ Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OURഀ OFFIC M 8:00 AM - 4 PM.ഀ Cpl S Q 9ഀ Signature of Owner or Contractor ateഀ Print Nameഀ elec_prm_041908ഀ ELECTRICAL PERMITഀ Project Street Address:ഀ OD O 4101V LoD -a'ഀ (Number) (Street) / (Suiteഀ Building/Complex Name: ~L ~!Nഀ Contractor Inform ~t''° n:ഀ Company:I~'J~aI'or! l~ഀ Office Use:ഀ /,G mac,ഀ Project #:Lഀ Building Permitഀ Electrical Permit Eon, - 00_. 1ഀ Lot Block # Subdivision:ഀ Company Address: d Q Xഀ Detailed Description of Work:ഀ ~CGo~lhwr~~~~ഀ City: State: Zip.ഀ Contact Name:.. dohഀ Contact Cell:ഀ E-Mailഀ Town of Vail Contractor Registration No.: IcAr Gഀ X~ ax--,g,ഀ Contractor Signature (re ired)ഀ (use additional sheet if necessary)ഀ Work Class:ഀ New( ) Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair f?( ) Other( )ഀ iefll~c~,in~e 0-~ dot C.>*R, Sഀ Type of Building: `Cഀ Single-Family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-Family ( ) Commercial(L~ഀ Property In/formation `l~ ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( )ഀ Parcel #:.c /O 3 1a ( o 4 94 O co (10ഀ (For parcel contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 orഀ visit www.eaglecouty.us/patie)ഀ Tenant Name:ഀ Owner Name:ഀ COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUA-ഀ TION OF WORK (Labor & Material)ഀ Amount of SQ Ft.:ഀ Electrical ':4. Z_g , coo, -ഀ Date Received`:ഀ Vഀ 12„~ rte ~(ZZ~Oഀ Dഀ MAY 15 2009ഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statementഀ Statement Number: R090000532 Amount: $69.55 05/21/200911:15 AMഀ Payment Method: Check Init: JLEഀ Notation: 3848 SHEARONഀ ELECTRICഀ ഀ Permit No: E09-0059 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMITഀ Parcel No: 2103-121-0400-1ഀ Site Address: 1000 LIONS RIDGE LP VAILഀ Location: VAIL RUNഀ Total Fees: $69.55ഀ This Payment: $69.55 Total ALL Pmts: $69.55ഀ Balance: $0.00ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmtsഀ ഀ EP 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 65.55ഀ WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00ഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ MEovlo'ഀ Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ p. 970.479.2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections 970.479.2149ഀ PLUMBING PERMIT Permit P09-0033ഀ ACOM Project PRJ09-0154ഀ Job Address: 1000 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Status ISSUEDഀ Location.....: VAIL RUN Applied 05/08/2009ഀ Parcel No...: 210312104001 Issued . 05114/2009ഀ Expires . 11/10/2009ഀ OWNER FLEISCHER, WILLIAM I. 05/08/2009ഀ PO BOX 4000ഀ VAI Lഀ CO 81658ഀ APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBINGഀ P O BOX 340ഀ MINTURNഀ CO 81645ഀ License: 134-Pഀ CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBINGഀ P O BOX 340ഀ MINTURNഀ CO 81645ഀ License: 134-Pഀ 05/08/2009 Phone: 970-827-5736ഀ 05/08/2009 Phone: 970-827-5736ഀ Desciption: COMMON ELEMENT: REPLACE DOMESTIC HOT WATER SYSTEMഀ Valuation: $63,291.00ഀ ഀ ഀ FEE SUMMARYഀ ഀ Plumbing Permit Fee--->ഀ $960.00 Will Call >ഀ $4.00ഀ Total Calculated Feesഀ $2,269.82ഀ Plan Check >ഀ $240.00 Use Tax Fee------------ >ഀ $1,065.82ഀ Additional Fees >ഀ $0.00ഀ Investigation-------------->ഀ $0.00ഀ TOTAL PERMIT FEES-->ഀ $2,269.82ഀ Total Calculated Fees--> $2,269.82 Payments > $2,269.82ഀ BALANCE DUE-----------> $0.00ഀ APPROVALSഀ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTഀ 05/14/2009 JRM Action: APഀ CONDITION OF APPROVALഀ Cond:12ഀ (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informationഀ as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structureഀ according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Townഀ applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INS~.IOfഀ AM - 4 PM. <ഀ BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0(ഀ of OW-Mr orഀ Print Nameഀ D toഀ plmbpermt1_041908ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statementഀ Statement Number:ഀ R090000479 Amount: $2,269.82 05/14/200901:32 PMഀ Payment Method:ഀ Check Init: JRMഀ ഀ Notation:ഀ ഀ Permit No:ഀ ഀ P09-0033 Type: PLUMBING PERMITഀ Parcel No:ഀ 2103-121-0400-1ഀ Site Address:ഀ 1000 LIONS RIDGE LP VAILഀ Location:ഀ VAIL RUNഀ Total Fees: $2,269.82ഀ This Payment:ഀ $2,269.82 Total ALL Pmts: $2,269.82ഀ Balance: $0.00ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:ഀ Account Codeഀ ഀ Description Current Pmtsഀ ഀ PF 00100003112300ഀ ഀ PLAN CHECK FEES 240.00ഀ PP 00100003111100ഀ PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 960.00ഀ UT 11000003106000ഀ USE TAX 4°s 1,065.82ഀ WC 00100003112800ഀ WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00ഀ Project Address:ഀ /C,©O oA.ISഀ Contractor Informationഀ 4ഀ Company: de-01,4ഀ Company Address: 40 ~w e /r,):S_~ , /ഀ City: ) State: b-) Zip: 6ഀ Contact Name: -1 11"f~ Iഀ Contact Ph: ga'7 ---s-7 3 G / Cell: 9 1) y-CoO,3 Dഀ E-Mail:..ഀ Town of Vail Cqnt c ion -ഀ Contractor Sഀ Plumbing Valuation (Labor & Mateഀ ri I 7ഀ Plumbing $ J a~~ഀ Property Informationഀ Parcel _ 210 Z, I v V W 00(i Legal Description: Lot #ഀ Subdivision:ഀ Blk #ഀ Job Name: V Q`1 1 RAA.,Y\ഀ Owner Name:ഀ Mailing Address:ഀ (For Parcel # Contact Eagle County assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visitഀ www.eaglecounty.us/patie)ഀ Project 1 r_J V- Iഀ Building Permitഀ Plumbing Permit ro t ' Qy 33ഀ Architect ( ) Designer O Engineerഀ Name: j.-~~)Cnഀ Phone: 791nഀ Zഀ Fax: ICs- 7,5''2-ഀ E-Mail:ഀ Detailed Description of Work: r O-ഀ ഀ (Use additional sheet it necessary)ഀ Work Class:ഀ New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair(() Other ( )ഀ Building Type:ഀ Single-Family ( ) Two-Family ( ) Multi-Family ( )ഀ Commercial Q() Townhome ( ) Other ( )ഀ Date Received:ഀ Ip ~~oഀ MAY 07 lppg Dഀ TOWN OF VAഀ TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATIONഀ `Yഀ HADER'Z'ഀ ENGINEERING • COMFORT SYSTEMSMഀ PO BOX 8610 • AVON, CO 81620 • Telephone 970-845-7910ഀ Fax 970-845-7522 • E-mail drader@raderengineering.comഀ 5/7/09ഀ Chuck Talleyഀ Jerry Sibley Plumbingഀ P.O. Box 340ഀ Minturn, CO 81645ഀ RE: Vail Run Resort - Boiler & Water Heater Replacement Projectഀ REI Job # 9031.00ഀ Mechanical Peer Reviewഀ Chuck,ഀ We have completed our peer review of your design documents addressing a boiler and water heater replacement project atഀ the Vail Run Resort. Our review is based on your submittal package received on 5/6/09 which includes the following:ഀ ■ Boiler piping diagramഀ ■ Boiler wiring diagramഀ ■ Commercial water heating sizing calculationsഀ To summarize our review, we have the following comments:ഀ 1. Boilers and water heaters appear to be adequately sized. The commercial water heating sizing calculation showsഀ (Energy Saver Recommendation #2) that (3) 399,000 Btu/h boilers with a total of 195 gallons of nominalഀ domestic hot water storage will more than meet the anticipated demand (11 1 The proposed design calls for (3)ഀ 399,000 Btu/h boilers and a total of 357 gallons, which more than meets the calculation requirements.ഀ 2. All equipment shall be installed per the manufacturer's installation instructions. Installation must comply with allഀ applicable codes.ഀ 3. Boiler flue piping and combustion air piping shall be installed per the manufacturer's installation instructions.ഀ 4. Include isolation valves at all equipment for servicing and replacement.ഀ 5. Include a manual isolation valve on the water make-up line to each of the boiler systems.ഀ 6. Pumps P-1 through P-5 appear to be adequately sized. Lengths to the unit heaters were not given in the submittalഀ and therefore we recommend confirming the P-5 pump size prior to installation based on actual field conditions.ഀ 7. Triangle Tube Prestige boilers are furnished standard with ASME "H" stamp. We confirmed through codeഀ research and based on information from the Colorado state boiler inspector that the Triangle Tube water heatersഀ do not require an ASME stamp and therefore the domestic water expansion tank (ET-2) does not require anഀ ASME stamp either. Also, ET-1 heating water expansion tank does not require an ASME stamp because theഀ maximum system pressure will not exceed 30 psi and the pressure relief valves in the system will have a 30 psiഀ setting.ഀ Provide a neutralization kit filled with limestone chips to properly neutralize the boiler condensate prior toഀ discharging into the sewer system.ഀ Sincerely,ഀ J. Houle, P.E.ഀ ll~ഀ ilഀ Qഀ Nഀ ~'qഀ E >ഀ Aഀ aഀ ~ Mഀ pഀ Mഀ Y,ഀ aഀ o r,ഀ Jഀ wഀ Ivഀ 3ഀ aഀ ~ fഀ 39jഀ bഀ kഀ =Mഀ Iഀ rvഀ F, aഀ -s- rഀ iiഀ M.Y.iH~ 1V93N1[:VM dW'ldഀ 1ഀ M.1JII.l Itl!1.IUIM1VN JnnAഀ \ I - Lഀ r!ഀ C7ഀ I dഀ rഀ Iഀ a oഀ Pഀ ഀ ഀ wഀ Oഀ F"ഀ ¢ Oഀ Nഀ lഀ I.ഀ 1ഀ = k lഀ =ഀ § Fഀ pa' Asa Mhഀ 14ഀ ~ഀ ti ~ഀ zഀ a Uഀ Qഀ s a 3ഀ o ~ഀ 003ഀ v~ ~ഀ i Mഀ xഀ m „Nnrs,w< _ഀ O asഀ ഀ ,ഀ Cഀ .nഀ iviuiwv,xlഀ U nnഀ W fഀ C aLഀ ;yy v - craw ro °ഀ aഀ ^I arxa al Pഀ ഀ iഀ j u "ഀ oഀ oഀ u rഀ aഀ N Iഀ N u-n w.LSOwanlu -ഀ ~ഀ 0 3 Iഀ oഀ O rn .~noLnn.,nlonഀ O xvo.lv,nln errഀ Anഀ iഀ Ivo.<~nixu itഀ 7 }ഀ y a inn r,iഀ -ccഀ o Q -ഀ > wഀ pan zഀ m ,.~rnsunr _ഀ ua13o a oinnv uw,,v 1♦ഀ ഀ lasan,vnnvwiiwi,.tx'iഀ Zഀ ^ഀ w oഀ aഀ Cഀ p La<~u lഀ ~ഀ 'ഀ `ഀ rഀ nwaaxlഀ mഀ _ഀ in wഀ v aov119v arxau. -ഀ sഀ p ansN3s nlaw.lഀ tD rl liiv lsol<maഀ ~ Nഀ ; Uഀ -ഀ LLtr.vtsowa,ഀ ~ s = Iഀ .I aotv,nnai~nഀ ^Oഀ ~ഀ Nno1<,nJaiJ ILഀ 3 ,nrl.~x,rUnl~lrഀ ഀ ~rഀ o nan,.,n.,ഀ N au,. uuഀ {il F-ഀ -ഀ a <ഀ ana.ഀ r~cഀ Cഀ ~ഀ ഀ ,.xnഀ ~ 'y ,39,'a vnNVw fഀ zഀ ~ pL.e aiwnഀ W ~ gഀ E ❑ഀ {ഀ Wഀ F a rtxLwu n. _ഀ N nnsn9s urwuu -ഀ n ~ഀ ~ഀ ~ഀ rഀ ~ mഀ 0 Iഀ .shwaഀ Wഀ o oഀ aഀ zഀ arഀ ~ a ~ഀ -ഀ ,nutaw~ഀ 111111. V. LVV7 IL. I I I m uwnuL I UnnvL.nvഀ Bradford White( Corporation RightSpec® Water Heater Sizing Program Page 1 of 2ഀ RlghtSpec Commercial Water Neater Slzഀ i ~ H(ffഀ Recommendationsഀ C O k P a R A T F G Nഀ Job Specificationsഀ Date:ഀ 5/6/2009ഀ Customer.ഀ JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBINGഀ Job Name:ഀ Iഀ VAIL RUN CONDOSഀ Application:ഀ Apartmentsഀ Installation Type:ഀ Indoorഀ Fuel:ഀ Natural Gasഀ VentType:ഀ Standard Atmosphericഀ Altitude:ഀ 7000 ft. to 7999 ft.ഀ Shower Heads:ഀ 2.5 GPMഀ Inlet Temp:ഀ 40°Fഀ Stored Temp:ഀ 140°Fഀ General Requirements:ഀ 61 Units with 1 Bathഀ Iഀ Laundry Requirements:ഀ Iഀ 2 Washers (75 Pound Capacity)ഀ Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ iഀ A~fF~-f, on eiaC'4ഀ Iഀ http://rightspec.bradfordwhite.com/Sizing/Apt.aspx 5/6/2009ഀ i mn 1. U. Lvv., IL. I Ii o❑ %A.V11VL I v1I11 y Li%V nv. riiIഀ nxouiuiu v&Lcu turporauun xugniopectw Water Heater Sizing Program Page 2 of 2ഀ 'ഀ Energy Saverഀ Energy Saverഀ Ultra High Efiഀ Recommendation # 1ഀ Recommendation # 2ഀ Recommencഀ Heaters Required:ഀ 3ഀ 3ഀ 5ഀ Heater Made! No.:ഀ D-65T-370-3NfA1ഀ D5T-399-3Nഀ EF~OT-1,99E-3Niഀ Vent Type:ഀ Stdഀ Stdഀ Std1PDV/DVഀ Heater Capacity:ഀ 65 Gallons Eachഀ 65 Gallons Eachഀ 60 Gallons Eachഀ Input per Hour:ഀ 370,000 BTU Eachഀ 399,999 BTU Eachഀ 199,999 BTU Eacഀ Storage Tanks Required:ഀ Noneഀ Noneഀ Noneഀ Storage Tank Model No.:ഀ Storage Tank Capacity:ഀ Piping Diagram (if available):ഀ Piping Diagramഀ Piping Diagramഀ Usable Storage:ഀ 138 Gallonsഀ 138 Gallonsഀ 210 Gallonsഀ Recovery:ഀ 843 GPH @ 100°F Riഀ 911 GPH @11 00*F Riseഀ 872 GPH @ 100°ഀ 1st Hour Delivery:ഀ 9B1 Gallonsഀ 1049 Gallonsഀ 1082 Gallonsഀ 3 Hour Average Delivery:ഀ 889 GPHഀ 957 GPHഀ 942 GPHഀ Approx. Storage Recovery:ഀ 14 Minutesഀ 13 Minutesഀ 21 Minutesഀ % of Demand Satisfied:ഀ 103%ഀ 111%ഀ 110%ഀ Heater Top Vent Height:ഀ 64112"ഀ 641/211ഀ 57"ഀ Heater Diameter:ഀ 28 114"ഀ 28 114"ഀ 28114"ഀ Heater Vent Diameter:ഀ 8"ഀ 8"ഀ 3 or 4"ഀ Copper Brute Iഀ Copper Brute IIഀ 'ഀ Recommendationഀ Recommendationഀ Heaters Required:ഀ 1ഀ 1ഀ Heater Model No.:ഀ 94t2Q0INഀ BWCV1250NACഀ Heater Capacity:ഀ 0 Gallonsഀ 0 Gallonsഀ Input per Hour:ഀ 1,200,000 BTUഀ 1,250,000 BTUഀ Storage Tanks Required:ഀ 2ഀ 2ഀ Storage Tank Model No.:ഀ M-3-ST80R5ഀ M2UgT-80R4ഀ Storage Tank Capacity:ഀ 80 Gallons Eachഀ 80 Gallons Eachഀ Piping Diagram (if available):ഀ Usable Storage:ഀ 128 Gallonsഀ 128 Gallonsഀ Recovery:ഀ 913 GPH @ 100°F Riseഀ 999 GPH @ 100°F Riseഀ 1st Hour Delivery:ഀ 1041 Gallonsഀ 1127 Gallonsഀ 3 Hour Average Delivery:ഀ 956 GPHഀ 1042 GPHഀ Approx. Storage Recovery:ഀ 11 Minutesഀ 10 Minutesഀ % of Demand Satisfied:ഀ 111%ഀ 121%ഀ Heater Height:ഀ 58"ഀ 41 1/2"ഀ Heater Width:ഀ 72 114"ഀ 80"ഀ Heater Depth:ഀ 29 314"ഀ 315/161,ഀ Heater Vent Diameter:ഀ 16"ഀ 12"ഀ (A) - AS ME Available - Checkഀ Local Codesഀ A - ASME Standardഀ http://rightspou.bradfordwhite.coadSizing/Apt-aspx 5/6/2009ഀ fA . J (Cഀ (:::,I~ഀ 05-26-2009 Inspection Request Reporting Page 8ഀ 4:32 pm Vail, CO=City Ofഀ Requested Inspect Date:ഀ Wednesday, May 27, 2009ഀ Inspection Area:ഀ JRMഀ Site Address:ഀ 1000 LIONS RIDGE LP VAILഀ VAIL RUNഀ A/P/D Informationഀ Activity: P09-0033 Type: B-PLMBഀ Sub Type: ACOMഀ Status: ISSUEDഀ Const Type: Occupancy:ഀ Use:ഀ Insp Area: JRMഀ Owner: FLEISCHER, WILLIAM I.ഀ Contractor: JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBINGഀ Phone: 970-827-5736ഀ Description: COMMON ELEMENT: REPLACE DOMESTICഀ HOT WATER SYSTEMഀ Requested Inspection(s) 12h ~ 5ഀ Item: 290 PLMB-Finalഀ Requested Time:ഀ 10:30 AMഀ Requestor: JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBINGഀ Phone:ഀ 970-827-5736ഀ Comments: CHUCK 827-5736ഀ Assigned To: JMONDRAGONഀ Entered By:ഀ SHAHN Kഀ Action: Time Exp:ഀ S400~ഀ Inspection Historyഀ Item:ഀ 210 PLMB-Undergroundഀ Item:ഀ 220 PLMB-Rough7D.W.V.ഀ Item:ഀ Itഀ 230 PLMB-Rough/Waterഀ 240 PLMBഀ Gഀ iഀ iഀ em:ഀ -ഀ asPഀ pഀ ngഀ Item:ഀ 250 PLMB-Pool/Hot Tubഀ Item:ഀ 260 PLMB-Misc.ഀ Item:ഀ 290 PLMB-Finalഀ 14, b 0 e /Z- ~ ? (/t lllt2._ഀ - ~ t I?-, g4v Iഀ REPT131ഀ 'Woഀ Run Id: 9774ഀ E09 -0059 : Entries for Item: 190 - ELEC -Final 14:54 01/18/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke AP BOILER ROOM REMODEL. MDENNEY 06/04/2009 A000124 923 Total Rows: 1 Page 1