HomeMy WebLinkAboutE09-0059NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES਍ഀ MWN00਍ഀ Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ p. 970.479.2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections 970.479.2149਍ഀ ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit E09-0059਍ഀ ACOM Project਍ഀ Job Address: 1000 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Status਍ഀ Location.....: VAIL RUN Applied਍ഀ Parcel No...: 210312104001 Issued . .਍ഀ Expires.਍ഀ OWNER FLEISCHER, WILLIAM I.਍ഀ PO BOX 4000਍ഀ VAIL਍ഀ CO 81658਍ഀ APPLICANT SHEARON ELECTRIC਍ഀ P.O. BOX 43਍ഀ AVON਍ഀ CO 81620਍ഀ License: 121-E਍ഀ CONTRACTOR SHEARON ELECTRIC਍ഀ P.O. BOX 43਍ഀ AVON਍ഀ CO 81620਍ഀ License: 121-E਍ഀ 05/19/2009਍ഀ 05/19/2009 Phone: 970-949-6456਍ഀ 05/19/2009 Phone: 970-949-6456਍ഀ Desciption: COMMON ELEMENT: ELECTRICAL RECONNECTION TO BOILERS਍ഀ Valuation: $3,000.00 Square feet: 0਍ഀ PRJ09-0154਍ഀ ISSUED਍ഀ 05/19/2009਍ഀ 05121/2009਍ഀ 11/17/2009਍ഀ ~O~ G l਍ഀ FEE SUMMARY਍ഀ Electrical Permit Fee--------- > $65.55 Total Calculated Fees--> $69.55਍ഀ Investigation Fee--------------> $0.00 Additional Fees > $0.00਍ഀ Will Call Fee--------------------> $4.00਍ഀ Use Tax Fee------------------- > $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> $69.55਍ഀ Total Calculated Fees > $69.55 Payments-----------------> $69.55਍ഀ BALANCE DUE---------- > $0.00਍ഀ APPROVALS਍ഀ Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT਍ഀ 05/21/2009 shahn Action: AP਍ഀ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL਍ഀ Cond: 12਍ഀ (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.਍ഀ DECLARATIONS਍ഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that਍ഀ all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state਍ഀ laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and਍ഀ Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.਍ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR਍ഀ OFFIC M 8:00 AM - 4 PM.਍ഀ Cpl S Q 9਍ഀ Signature of Owner or Contractor ate਍ഀ Print Name਍ഀ elec_prm_041908਍ഀ ELECTRICAL PERMIT਍ഀ Project Street Address:਍ഀ OD O 4101V LoD -a'਍ഀ (Number) (Street) / (Suite਍ഀ Building/Complex Name: ~L ~!N਍ഀ Contractor Inform ~t''° n:਍ഀ Company:I~'J~aI'or! l~਍ഀ Office Use:਍ഀ /,G mac,਍ഀ Project #:L਍ഀ Building Permit਍ഀ Electrical Permit Eon, - 00_. 1਍ഀ Lot Block # Subdivision:਍ഀ Company Address: d Q X਍ഀ Detailed Description of Work:਍ഀ ~CGo~lhwr~~~~਍ഀ City: State: Zip.਍ഀ Contact Name:.. doh਍ഀ Contact Cell:਍ഀ E-Mail਍ഀ Town of Vail Contractor Registration No.: IcAr G਍ഀ X~ ax--,g,਍ഀ Contractor Signature (re ired)਍ഀ (use additional sheet if necessary)਍ഀ Work Class:਍ഀ New( ) Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair f?( ) Other( )਍ഀ iefll~c~,in~e 0-~ dot C.>*R, S਍ഀ Type of Building: `C਍ഀ Single-Family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-Family ( ) Commercial(L~਍ഀ Property In/formation `l~ ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( )਍ഀ Parcel #:.c /O 3 1a ( o 4 94 O co (10਍ഀ (For parcel contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or਍ഀ visit www.eaglecouty.us/patie)਍ഀ Tenant Name:਍ഀ Owner Name:਍ഀ COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUA-਍ഀ TION OF WORK (Labor & Material)਍ഀ Amount of SQ Ft.:਍ഀ Electrical ':4. Z_g , coo, -਍ഀ Date Received`:਍ഀ V਍ഀ 12„~ rte ~(ZZ~O਍ഀ D਍ഀ MAY 15 2009਍ഀ TOWN OF VAIL਍ഀ ਍ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement਍ഀ Statement Number: R090000532 Amount: $69.55 05/21/200911:15 AM਍ഀ Payment Method: Check Init: JLE਍ഀ Notation: 3848 SHEARON਍ഀ ELECTRIC਍ഀ ਍ഀ Permit No: E09-0059 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT਍ഀ Parcel No: 2103-121-0400-1਍ഀ Site Address: 1000 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL਍ഀ Location: VAIL RUN਍ഀ Total Fees: $69.55਍ഀ This Payment: $69.55 Total ALL Pmts: $69.55਍ഀ Balance: $0.00਍ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:਍ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmts਍ഀ ਍ഀ EP 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 65.55਍ഀ WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00਍ഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES਍ഀ MEovlo'਍ഀ Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ p. 970.479.2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections 970.479.2149਍ഀ PLUMBING PERMIT Permit P09-0033਍ഀ ACOM Project PRJ09-0154਍ഀ Job Address: 1000 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Status ISSUED਍ഀ Location.....: VAIL RUN Applied 05/08/2009਍ഀ Parcel No...: 210312104001 Issued . 05114/2009਍ഀ Expires . 11/10/2009਍ഀ OWNER FLEISCHER, WILLIAM I. 05/08/2009਍ഀ PO BOX 4000਍ഀ VAI L਍ഀ CO 81658਍ഀ APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING਍ഀ P O BOX 340਍ഀ MINTURN਍ഀ CO 81645਍ഀ License: 134-P਍ഀ CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING਍ഀ P O BOX 340਍ഀ MINTURN਍ഀ CO 81645਍ഀ License: 134-P਍ഀ 05/08/2009 Phone: 970-827-5736਍ഀ 05/08/2009 Phone: 970-827-5736਍ഀ Desciption: COMMON ELEMENT: REPLACE DOMESTIC HOT WATER SYSTEM਍ഀ Valuation: $63,291.00਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ FEE SUMMARY਍ഀ ਍ഀ Plumbing Permit Fee--->਍ഀ $960.00 Will Call >਍ഀ $4.00਍ഀ Total Calculated Fees਍ഀ $2,269.82਍ഀ Plan Check >਍ഀ $240.00 Use Tax Fee------------ >਍ഀ $1,065.82਍ഀ Additional Fees >਍ഀ $0.00਍ഀ Investigation-------------->਍ഀ $0.00਍ഀ TOTAL PERMIT FEES-->਍ഀ $2,269.82਍ഀ Total Calculated Fees--> $2,269.82 Payments > $2,269.82਍ഀ BALANCE DUE-----------> $0.00਍ഀ APPROVALS਍ഀ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT਍ഀ 05/14/2009 JRM Action: AP਍ഀ CONDITION OF APPROVAL਍ഀ Cond:12਍ഀ (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.਍ഀ DECLARATIONS਍ഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information਍ഀ as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure਍ഀ according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town਍ഀ applicable thereto.਍ഀ REQUESTS FOR INS~.IOf਍ഀ AM - 4 PM. <਍ഀ BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0(਍ഀ of OW-Mr or਍ഀ Print Name਍ഀ D to਍ഀ plmbpermt1_041908਍ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement਍ഀ Statement Number:਍ഀ R090000479 Amount: $2,269.82 05/14/200901:32 PM਍ഀ Payment Method:਍ഀ Check Init: JRM਍ഀ ਍ഀ Notation:਍ഀ ਍ഀ Permit No:਍ഀ ਍ഀ P09-0033 Type: PLUMBING PERMIT਍ഀ Parcel No:਍ഀ 2103-121-0400-1਍ഀ Site Address:਍ഀ 1000 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL਍ഀ Location:਍ഀ VAIL RUN਍ഀ Total Fees: $2,269.82਍ഀ This Payment:਍ഀ $2,269.82 Total ALL Pmts: $2,269.82਍ഀ Balance: $0.00਍ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:਍ഀ Account Code਍ഀ ਍ഀ Description Current Pmts਍ഀ ਍ഀ PF 00100003112300਍ഀ ਍ഀ PLAN CHECK FEES 240.00਍ഀ PP 00100003111100਍ഀ PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 960.00਍ഀ UT 11000003106000਍ഀ USE TAX 4°s 1,065.82਍ഀ WC 00100003112800਍ഀ WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00਍ഀ Project Address:਍ഀ /C,©O oA.IS਍ഀ Contractor Information਍ഀ 4਍ഀ Company: de-01,4਍ഀ Company Address: 40 ~w e /r,):S_~ , /਍ഀ City: ) State: b-) Zip: 6਍ഀ Contact Name: -1 11"f~ I਍ഀ Contact Ph: ga'7 ---s-7 3 G / Cell: 9 1) y-CoO,3 D਍ഀ E-Mail:..਍ഀ Town of Vail Cqnt c ion -਍ഀ Contractor S਍ഀ Plumbing Valuation (Labor & Mate਍ഀ ri I 7਍ഀ Plumbing $ J a~~਍ഀ Property Information਍ഀ Parcel _ 210 Z, I v V W 00(i Legal Description: Lot #਍ഀ Subdivision:਍ഀ Blk #਍ഀ Job Name: V Q`1 1 RAA.,Y\਍ഀ Owner Name:਍ഀ Mailing Address:਍ഀ (For Parcel # Contact Eagle County assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit਍ഀ www.eaglecounty.us/patie)਍ഀ Project 1 r_J V- I਍ഀ Building Permit਍ഀ Plumbing Permit ro t ' Qy 33਍ഀ Architect ( ) Designer O Engineer਍ഀ Name: j.-~~)Cn਍ഀ Phone: 791n਍ഀ Z਍ഀ Fax: ICs- 7,5''2-਍ഀ E-Mail:਍ഀ Detailed Description of Work: r O-਍ഀ ਍ഀ (Use additional sheet it necessary)਍ഀ Work Class:਍ഀ New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair(() Other ( )਍ഀ Building Type:਍ഀ Single-Family ( ) Two-Family ( ) Multi-Family ( )਍ഀ Commercial Q() Townhome ( ) Other ( )਍ഀ Date Received:਍ഀ Ip ~~o਍ഀ MAY 07 lppg D਍ഀ TOWN OF VA਍ഀ TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION਍ഀ `Y਍ഀ HADER'Z'਍ഀ ENGINEERING • COMFORT SYSTEMSM਍ഀ PO BOX 8610 • AVON, CO 81620 • Telephone 970-845-7910਍ഀ Fax 970-845-7522 • E-mail drader@raderengineering.com਍ഀ 5/7/09਍ഀ Chuck Talley਍ഀ Jerry Sibley Plumbing਍ഀ P.O. Box 340਍ഀ Minturn, CO 81645਍ഀ RE: Vail Run Resort - Boiler & Water Heater Replacement Project਍ഀ REI Job # 9031.00਍ഀ Mechanical Peer Review਍ഀ Chuck,਍ഀ We have completed our peer review of your design documents addressing a boiler and water heater replacement project at਍ഀ the Vail Run Resort. Our review is based on your submittal package received on 5/6/09 which includes the following:਍ഀ ■ Boiler piping diagram਍ഀ ■ Boiler wiring diagram਍ഀ ■ Commercial water heating sizing calculations਍ഀ To summarize our review, we have the following comments:਍ഀ 1. Boilers and water heaters appear to be adequately sized. The commercial water heating sizing calculation shows਍ഀ (Energy Saver Recommendation #2) that (3) 399,000 Btu/h boilers with a total of 195 gallons of nominal਍ഀ domestic hot water storage will more than meet the anticipated demand (11 1 The proposed design calls for (3)਍ഀ 399,000 Btu/h boilers and a total of 357 gallons, which more than meets the calculation requirements.਍ഀ 2. All equipment shall be installed per the manufacturer's installation instructions. Installation must comply with all਍ഀ applicable codes.਍ഀ 3. Boiler flue piping and combustion air piping shall be installed per the manufacturer's installation instructions.਍ഀ 4. Include isolation valves at all equipment for servicing and replacement.਍ഀ 5. Include a manual isolation valve on the water make-up line to each of the boiler systems.਍ഀ 6. Pumps P-1 through P-5 appear to be adequately sized. Lengths to the unit heaters were not given in the submittal਍ഀ and therefore we recommend confirming the P-5 pump size prior to installation based on actual field conditions.਍ഀ 7. Triangle Tube Prestige boilers are furnished standard with ASME "H" stamp. We confirmed through code਍ഀ research and based on information from the Colorado state boiler inspector that the Triangle Tube water heaters਍ഀ do not require an ASME stamp and therefore the domestic water expansion tank (ET-2) does not require an਍ഀ ASME stamp either. Also, ET-1 heating water expansion tank does not require an ASME stamp because the਍ഀ maximum system pressure will not exceed 30 psi and the pressure relief valves in the system will have a 30 psi਍ഀ setting.਍ഀ Provide a neutralization kit filled with limestone chips to properly neutralize the boiler condensate prior to਍ഀ discharging into the sewer system.਍ഀ Sincerely,਍ഀ J. Houle, P.E.਍ഀ ll~਍ഀ il਍ഀ Q਍ഀ N਍ഀ ~'q਍ഀ E >਍ഀ A਍ഀ a਍ഀ ~ M਍ഀ p਍ഀ M਍ഀ Y,਍ഀ a਍ഀ o r,਍ഀ J਍ഀ w਍ഀ Iv਍ഀ 3਍ഀ a਍ഀ ~ f਍ഀ 39j਍ഀ b਍ഀ k਍ഀ =M਍ഀ I਍ഀ rv਍ഀ F, a਍ഀ -s- r਍ഀ ii਍ഀ M.Y.iH~ 1V93N1[:VM dW'ld਍ഀ 1਍ഀ M.1JII.l Itl!1.IUIM1VN JnnA਍ഀ \ I - L਍ഀ r!਍ഀ C7਍ഀ I d਍ഀ r਍ഀ I਍ഀ a o਍ഀ P਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ w਍ഀ O਍ഀ F"਍ഀ ¢ O਍ഀ N਍ഀ l਍ഀ I.਍ഀ 1਍ഀ = k l਍ഀ =਍ഀ § F਍ഀ pa' Asa Mh਍ഀ 14਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ti ~਍ഀ z਍ഀ a U਍ഀ Q਍ഀ s a 3਍ഀ o ~਍ഀ 003਍ഀ v~ ~਍ഀ i M਍ഀ x਍ഀ m „Nnrs,w< _਍ഀ O as਍ഀ ਍ഀ ,਍ഀ C਍ഀ .n਍ഀ iviuiwv,xl਍ഀ U nn਍ഀ W f਍ഀ C aL਍ഀ ;yy v - craw ro °਍ഀ a਍ഀ ^I arxa al P਍ഀ ਍ഀ i਍ഀ j u "਍ഀ o਍ഀ o਍ഀ u r਍ഀ a਍ഀ N I਍ഀ N u-n w.LSOwanlu -਍ഀ ~਍ഀ 0 3 I਍ഀ o਍ഀ O rn .~noLnn.,nlon਍ഀ O xvo.lv,nln err਍ഀ An਍ഀ i਍ഀ Ivo.<~nixu it਍ഀ 7 }਍ഀ y a inn r,i਍ഀ -cc਍ഀ o Q -਍ഀ > w਍ഀ pan z਍ഀ m ,.~rnsunr _਍ഀ ua13o a oinnv uw,,v 1♦਍ഀ ਍ഀ lasan,vnnvwiiwi,.tx'i਍ഀ Z਍ഀ ^਍ഀ w o਍ഀ a਍ഀ C਍ഀ p La<~u l਍ഀ ~਍ഀ '਍ഀ `਍ഀ r਍ഀ nwaaxl਍ഀ m਍ഀ _਍ഀ in w਍ഀ v aov119v arxau. -਍ഀ s਍ഀ p ansN3s nlaw.l਍ഀ tD rl liiv lsol<ma਍ഀ ~ N਍ഀ ; U਍ഀ -਍ഀ LLtr.vtsowa,਍ഀ ~ s = I਍ഀ .I aotv,nnai~n਍ഀ ^O਍ഀ ~਍ഀ Nno1<,nJaiJ IL਍ഀ 3 ,nrl.~x,rUnl~lr਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~r਍ഀ o nan,.,n.,਍ഀ N au,. uu਍ഀ {il F-਍ഀ -਍ഀ a <਍ഀ ana.਍ഀ r~c਍ഀ C਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ਍ഀ ,.xn਍ഀ ~ 'y ,39,'a vnNVw f਍ഀ z਍ഀ ~ pL.e aiwn਍ഀ W ~ g਍ഀ E ❑਍ഀ {਍ഀ W਍ഀ F a rtxLwu n. _਍ഀ N nnsn9s urwuu -਍ഀ n ~਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ~਍ഀ r਍ഀ ~ m਍ഀ 0 I਍ഀ .shwa਍ഀ W਍ഀ o o਍ഀ a਍ഀ z਍ഀ ar਍ഀ ~ a ~਍ഀ -਍ഀ ,nutaw~਍ഀ 111111. V. LVV7 IL. I I I m uwnuL I UnnvL.nv਍ഀ Bradford White( Corporation RightSpec® Water Heater Sizing Program Page 1 of 2਍ഀ RlghtSpec Commercial Water Neater Slz਍ഀ i ~ H(ff਍ഀ Recommendations਍ഀ C O k P a R A T F G N਍ഀ Job Specifications਍ഀ Date:਍ഀ 5/6/2009਍ഀ Customer.਍ഀ JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING਍ഀ Job Name:਍ഀ I਍ഀ VAIL RUN CONDOS਍ഀ Application:਍ഀ Apartments਍ഀ Installation Type:਍ഀ Indoor਍ഀ Fuel:਍ഀ Natural Gas਍ഀ VentType:਍ഀ Standard Atmospheric਍ഀ Altitude:਍ഀ 7000 ft. to 7999 ft.਍ഀ Shower Heads:਍ഀ 2.5 GPM਍ഀ Inlet Temp:਍ഀ 40°F਍ഀ Stored Temp:਍ഀ 140°F਍ഀ General Requirements:਍ഀ 61 Units with 1 Bath਍ഀ I਍ഀ Laundry Requirements:਍ഀ I਍ഀ 2 Washers (75 Pound Capacity)਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ I਍ഀ i਍ഀ A~fF~-f, on eiaC'4਍ഀ I਍ഀ http://rightspec.bradfordwhite.com/Sizing/Apt.aspx 5/6/2009਍ഀ i mn 1. U. Lvv., IL. I Ii o❑ %A.V11VL I v1I11 y Li%V nv. riiI਍ഀ nxouiuiu v&Lcu turporauun xugniopectw Water Heater Sizing Program Page 2 of 2਍ഀ '਍ഀ Energy Saver਍ഀ Energy Saver਍ഀ Ultra High Efi਍ഀ Recommendation # 1਍ഀ Recommendation # 2਍ഀ Recommenc਍ഀ Heaters Required:਍ഀ 3਍ഀ 3਍ഀ 5਍ഀ Heater Made! No.:਍ഀ D-65T-370-3NfA1਍ഀ D5T-399-3N਍ഀ EF~OT-1,99E-3Ni਍ഀ Vent Type:਍ഀ Std਍ഀ Std਍ഀ Std1PDV/DV਍ഀ Heater Capacity:਍ഀ 65 Gallons Each਍ഀ 65 Gallons Each਍ഀ 60 Gallons Each਍ഀ Input per Hour:਍ഀ 370,000 BTU Each਍ഀ 399,999 BTU Each਍ഀ 199,999 BTU Eac਍ഀ Storage Tanks Required:਍ഀ None਍ഀ None਍ഀ None਍ഀ Storage Tank Model No.:਍ഀ Storage Tank Capacity:਍ഀ Piping Diagram (if available):਍ഀ Piping Diagram਍ഀ Piping Diagram਍ഀ Usable Storage:਍ഀ 138 Gallons਍ഀ 138 Gallons਍ഀ 210 Gallons਍ഀ Recovery:਍ഀ 843 GPH @ 100°F Ri਍ഀ 911 GPH @11 00*F Rise਍ഀ 872 GPH @ 100°਍ഀ 1st Hour Delivery:਍ഀ 9B1 Gallons਍ഀ 1049 Gallons਍ഀ 1082 Gallons਍ഀ 3 Hour Average Delivery:਍ഀ 889 GPH਍ഀ 957 GPH਍ഀ 942 GPH਍ഀ Approx. Storage Recovery:਍ഀ 14 Minutes਍ഀ 13 Minutes਍ഀ 21 Minutes਍ഀ % of Demand Satisfied:਍ഀ 103%਍ഀ 111%਍ഀ 110%਍ഀ Heater Top Vent Height:਍ഀ 64112"਍ഀ 641/211਍ഀ 57"਍ഀ Heater Diameter:਍ഀ 28 114"਍ഀ 28 114"਍ഀ 28114"਍ഀ Heater Vent Diameter:਍ഀ 8"਍ഀ 8"਍ഀ 3 or 4"਍ഀ Copper Brute I਍ഀ Copper Brute II਍ഀ '਍ഀ Recommendation਍ഀ Recommendation਍ഀ Heaters Required:਍ഀ 1਍ഀ 1਍ഀ Heater Model No.:਍ഀ 94t2Q0IN਍ഀ BWCV1250NAC਍ഀ Heater Capacity:਍ഀ 0 Gallons਍ഀ 0 Gallons਍ഀ Input per Hour:਍ഀ 1,200,000 BTU਍ഀ 1,250,000 BTU਍ഀ Storage Tanks Required:਍ഀ 2਍ഀ 2਍ഀ Storage Tank Model No.:਍ഀ M-3-ST80R5਍ഀ M2UgT-80R4਍ഀ Storage Tank Capacity:਍ഀ 80 Gallons Each਍ഀ 80 Gallons Each਍ഀ Piping Diagram (if available):਍ഀ Usable Storage:਍ഀ 128 Gallons਍ഀ 128 Gallons਍ഀ Recovery:਍ഀ 913 GPH @ 100°F Rise਍ഀ 999 GPH @ 100°F Rise਍ഀ 1st Hour Delivery:਍ഀ 1041 Gallons਍ഀ 1127 Gallons਍ഀ 3 Hour Average Delivery:਍ഀ 956 GPH਍ഀ 1042 GPH਍ഀ Approx. Storage Recovery:਍ഀ 11 Minutes਍ഀ 10 Minutes਍ഀ % of Demand Satisfied:਍ഀ 111%਍ഀ 121%਍ഀ Heater Height:਍ഀ 58"਍ഀ 41 1/2"਍ഀ Heater Width:਍ഀ 72 114"਍ഀ 80"਍ഀ Heater Depth:਍ഀ 29 314"਍ഀ 315/161,਍ഀ Heater Vent Diameter:਍ഀ 16"਍ഀ 12"਍ഀ (A) - AS ME Available - Check਍ഀ Local Codes਍ഀ A - ASME Standard਍ഀ http://rightspou.bradfordwhite.coadSizing/Apt-aspx 5/6/2009਍ഀ fA . J (C਍ഀ (:::,I~਍ഀ 05-26-2009 Inspection Request Reporting Page 8਍ഀ 4:32 pm Vail, CO=City Of਍ഀ Requested Inspect Date:਍ഀ Wednesday, May 27, 2009਍ഀ Inspection Area:਍ഀ JRM਍ഀ Site Address:਍ഀ 1000 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL਍ഀ VAIL RUN਍ഀ A/P/D Information਍ഀ Activity: P09-0033 Type: B-PLMB਍ഀ Sub Type: ACOM਍ഀ Status: ISSUED਍ഀ Const Type: Occupancy:਍ഀ Use:਍ഀ Insp Area: JRM਍ഀ Owner: FLEISCHER, WILLIAM I.਍ഀ Contractor: JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING਍ഀ Phone: 970-827-5736਍ഀ Description: COMMON ELEMENT: REPLACE DOMESTIC਍ഀ HOT WATER SYSTEM਍ഀ Requested Inspection(s) 12h ~ 5਍ഀ Item: 290 PLMB-Final਍ഀ Requested Time:਍ഀ 10:30 AM਍ഀ Requestor: JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING਍ഀ Phone:਍ഀ 970-827-5736਍ഀ Comments: CHUCK 827-5736਍ഀ Assigned To: JMONDRAGON਍ഀ Entered By:਍ഀ SHAHN K਍ഀ Action: Time Exp:਍ഀ S400~਍ഀ Inspection History਍ഀ Item:਍ഀ 210 PLMB-Underground਍ഀ Item:਍ഀ 220 PLMB-Rough7D.W.V.਍ഀ Item:਍ഀ It਍ഀ 230 PLMB-Rough/Water਍ഀ 240 PLMB਍ഀ G਍ഀ i਍ഀ i਍ഀ em:਍ഀ -਍ഀ asP਍ഀ p਍ഀ ng਍ഀ Item:਍ഀ 250 PLMB-Pool/Hot Tub਍ഀ Item:਍ഀ 260 PLMB-Misc.਍ഀ Item:਍ഀ 290 PLMB-Final਍ഀ 14, b 0 e /Z- ~ ? (/t lllt2._਍ഀ - ~ t I?-, g4v I਍ഀ REPT131਍ഀ 'Wo਍ഀ Run Id: 9774਍ഀ E09 -0059 : Entries for Item: 190 - ELEC -Final 14:54 01/18/2013 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke AP BOILER ROOM REMODEL. MDENNEY 06/04/2009 A000124 923 Total Rows: 1 Page 1