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Uo+ 2t K dale Gree -ഀ TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENTഀ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ 970-479-2135ഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ ALARM PERMITഀ Permit A08-0051ഀ Job Address: 169 N FRONTAGE RD VAILഀ Status ISSUEDഀ Location.....:ഀ Appliedഀ 06/12/2008ഀ Parcel No...: 210106409002ഀ Issued .ഀ 06/18/2008ഀ Project Noഀ Expiresഀ . 12/15/2008ഀ OWNER US WEST COMMUNICATIONSഀ INCഀ 06/12/2008ഀ CORPORATE TAX DEPT MCBഀ 3130ഀ 6300 S SYRACUSE WAY STEഀ 70ONഀ ENGLEWOODഀ CO 80111ഀ APPLICANT COMMERCIAL SPECIALISTSഀ OFഀ 06/12/2008ഀ Phone: (970)ഀ 328-1951ഀ WESTERN COLORADO, LLCഀ PO BOX 3913ഀ EAGLEഀ CO 81631ഀ License: 161-Sഀ CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL SPECIALISTSഀ OFഀ 06/12/2008ഀ Phone: (970)ഀ 328-1951ഀ WESTERN COLORADO, LLCഀ PO BOX 3913ഀ EAGLEഀ CO 81631ഀ License: 161-Sഀ Desciption: REPLACE FIRE ALARM SYSTEMഀ Valuation: $59,900.00ഀ *##}**##*####**##t##**##}*##t*#}}*}*}############}#++##*}**+}#}##*## FEE SUMMARY *+#*t**#f}*+##f##**#f*#*#*}#####}+#+#***t*#*t#**t****#}}*}#*ഀ Electrical > $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $2,478.25ഀ DRB Fee--------- > $0.00 Additional Fees--------> $0.00ഀ Investigation > $0.00 Total Permit Fee--------> $2,478.25ഀ Will Call--------> $0.00 Payments > $2,478.25ഀ TOTAL FEES--> $2,478.25 BALANCE DUE-------> $0.00ഀ Approvals:ഀ Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTഀ 06/17/2008 mvaughan Action: APഀ CONDITIONS OF APPROVALഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,ഀ and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with allഀ Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design reviewഀ approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIO ALL BE MADE SEVENTY-TWO HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970-479-2252 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM.ഀ ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statementഀ ഀ Statement Number: R080000982 Amount: $2,478.25 06/18/200809:04 AMഀ Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: DDGഀ Notation: Michael Ryan -ഀ credit cardഀ ഀ Permit No: A08-0051 Type: ALARM PERMITഀ Parcel No: 2101-064-0900-2ഀ Site Address: 169 N FRONTAGE RD VAILഀ Location:ഀ Total Fees: $2,478.25ഀ This Payment: $2,478.25 Total ALL Pmts: $2,478.25ഀ Balance: $0.00ഀ ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmtsഀ ഀ BP 00100003111100 FIRE ALARM PERMIT FEES 2,246.25ഀ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 232.00ഀ APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNEDഀ Project #ഀ Building Permitഀ Alarm Permit -kos-co'51ഀ 970-479-2135ഀ APPLICATION (inspections)ഀ TOWN OF VAIL FIRE ALARM PERMITഀ Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time ofഀ application submittal and must include information listed on the Vail,ഀ 2nd page of this form. Application will not be accepted without thisഀ information.ഀ Contact Faodp rn/onft/ A nec~~rc. r%zr -a n7n .fnnഀ Fire Alarm: $ wire pull and conduit only 59,900.00ഀ CONTRACTOR INFORMATIONഀ re Alarm Contractor: Commercial Town of Vail Req. No.:ഀ ialists of Western Colorado, LLC. II 161-Sഀ actor Signature: rm CD 6 PIrrlഀ Phone # ' s:ഀ Tim Ward (970) 328.1951ഀ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*************************************,~*****,~********,ഀ Other Fees. Date ceived:ഀ Public Way Permit Fee: Accepted B :ഀ Occupanc Gഀ '&WK-ഀ Rporoved DS 3111111URM 0ഀ APPNV ao IoW JUN 12 2006ഀ By:ഀ r itle: TOWN OF 'VAIOate: . l~ . Qtഀ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials)ഀ iഀ TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENTഀ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ 970-479-2135ഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ ALARM PERMITഀ Job Address: 169 N FRONTAGE RD VAILഀ Location.....:ഀ Parcel No...: 210106409002ഀ Project No 1 (51i~ -pഀ OWNER US WEST COMMUNICATIONS INCഀ 06/24/2008ഀ CORPORATE TAX DEPT MCB 3130ഀ 6300 S SYRACUSE WAY STE 70ONഀ ENGLEWOODഀ CO 80111ഀ APPLICANT COMMERCIAL SPECIALISTS OFഀ 06/24/2008ഀ WESTERN COLORADO, LLCഀ PO BOX 3913ഀ EAGLEഀ CO 81631ഀ License: 161-Sഀ CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAL SPECIALISTS OFഀ 06/24/2008ഀ WESTERN COLORADO, LLCഀ PO BOX 3913ഀ EAGLEഀ CO 81631ഀ License: 161-Sഀ Desciption: FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FOR ENTIRE BUILDINGഀ Valuation: $16,000.00ഀ Permit A08-0054ഀ Statusഀ ISSUEDഀ Applied.. :ഀ 06/24/2008ഀ Issued .ഀ 07/14/2008ഀ Expires .ഀ 01/10/2009ഀ Phone: (970) 328-1951ഀ Phone: (970) 328-1951ഀ #f**#***##*#k*#*##fi#k*#f*#*#**##*#*#*#*#t##*k*#*###****#*##*#***fi### FEE SUMMARY ***#s##****#*#**#f*##**#f******#*##**##t*#**}**s***#*#*##*#*ഀ Electrical > $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $832.00ഀ DRB Fee--------> $0.00 Additional Fees > $0.00ഀ Investigation---> $0.00 Total Permit Fee--------> $832.00ഀ Will Call $0.00 Payments > $832.00ഀ TOTAL FEES-> $832.00 BALANCE DUE--------> $0.00ഀ #####kfi#fi#4i##*################f*###fi*#############*f##**######+#f+#*#+##*#######t####fif##f**+##fi4#fi4########+fit#*#k####fi*#######}#}##*k}*#i*###}ഀ Approvals:ഀ Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTഀ 07/14/2008 MV Action: AP PER SIGNATURE SIGN OFF ON PLANS. LCഀ ##*##frt##t#tt##t###fifi##*##rt*###+#+fi##t#+#+###########t#t####*##rt#rt}###k#kk+#+####k###**#########+#+#t########*4*#t##}}+#####}f#####*#######t##i}#ഀ CONDITIONS OF APPROVALഀ +++++++++++++++***+*+++++*++++++****+*++*++*++t++*+**f*#}##+}ts+fkt****srt*##*rtk##k+*+#+#+t*+t*+****#*##+*tt##+**+*+++++++++*++****+*t+*+++++++*++ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,ഀ and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with allഀ Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design reviewഀ approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE SEVENTY-TWO HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970-479-2252 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM.ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statementഀ ഀ Statement Number: R080001145 Amount: $832.00 07/14/200811:23 AMഀ Payment Method: Check Init: SABഀ Notation: 10914ഀ Commercial Specialistഀ ഀ Permit No: A08-0054 Type: ALARM PERMITഀ Parcel No: 2101-064-0900-2ഀ Site Address: 169 N FRONTAGE RD VAILഀ Location:ഀ Total Fees: $832.00ഀ This Payment: $832.00 Total ALL Pmts: $832.00ഀ Balance: $0.00ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmtsഀ ഀ BP 00100003111100 FIRE ALARM PERMIT FEES 600.00ഀ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 232.00ഀ APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNEDf4?J0g_0 2 qഀ Projectഀ Building Permitഀ Alarm Permit b 4~ - (j0 '54ഀ 970-479-2135 (Inspectionsഀ OMoFVI TOWN OF VAIL FIRE ALARM PERMIT APPLICATIONഀ Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of 75 S.ഀ Frontage Rd. application submittal and must include information listed on the Vail, Coloradoഀ 89657 2' page of this form. Application will not be accepted without thisഀ information.ഀ CONTRACTOR INFORMATIONഀ Fire Alarm Contractor: CS W L Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone #'s:ഀ ty& W1~1~ 11 1(DI- ) -TINA ~)AIZb --Ct7b-q-ti-022.1ഀ E-Mail Address: L S ,-f 5 1 hഀ Contractor Signature:ഀ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARMഀ Fire Alarm: $ഀ =M111110 13ഀ Nft Qഀ ['nnfart Fanto Cnunty Assessors OfFce at 970 -Sher-vJsit'wvivit~~ahwcounfv.ഀ Parcel # \0 1 Doi - 00100 Zഀ Job Name:ഀ WESTഀ [Jo Ad ress:ഀ N,CNiAഀ Legal Descriptionഀ Lot: Block:ഀ [Filing:ഀ Subdivision:ഀ deഀ Owners Na e:a&'A( Aഀ JX,ഀ e~ Phone:ഀ jjഀ Engineer: ess:ഀ DE , c A A t`~o 10'13ഀ ~4~ Pj or_7 0 ` -c,-iഀ RR tStc CC .ഀ . q e) X2ഀ Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit bldg.ഀ Detailed description of work: ~S >ti40r-ഀ W & W F i'" AGA9 -M S STf N1 c i~-ഀ Work Class: New Addition ( ) Remodel ( )ഀ Repair ( ) Retro-fit ( ) Other ( )ഀ Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant (ഀ ) Other ( )ഀ No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:ഀ No. of Accommodation units in this building:ഀ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No )ഀ Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist:ഀ Yes ( ) No )ഀ **************************************:FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****************:*:*~*~***********ഀ Other Fees:ഀ Date Received:ഀ Public Way > Permit Fee:ഀ Accepted B :ഀ Occupancy Group:ഀ Inഀ Iഀ I t r \\Vail\data\odev\FORMS\PERMITS\ALRMPERM.DOCഀ ILJIഀ JUN 2 4 2008ഀ 67ovmoഀ TOWN OF VAIL 'ഀ 1ഀ DN-1253:A • 1-207ഀ by Honeywellഀ zഀ Generalഀ 30-2021-24 & 30-2021 E-24ഀ Ultraviolet Flame Detectors"ഀ The Pyrotector Yodel 30.2021-24 and Yodel 30-2021E-24ഀ Ultraviolet (UV) Flame Detectors are highly sensitive to theഀ ultraviolet radiation given off by all types of flames, includingഀ those produced by flammable liquids and gases. Since theഀ detector does not respond to normal ambient light conditionsഀ such as sunlight, incandescent or fluorescent lighting, it is ide-ഀ ally suited for use as a flame detector in a variety of areas.ഀ The Pyrotector Ultraviolet Flame Deteclatis. a compact unit-ഀ ized package consisting of a detection tope, encapsulatedഀ solid state electronic circuitry, and a dry-contact Form-Cഀ (SPDT) alarm relay. In the event of an alarm, the relay latchesഀ on and an alarm light is illuminated for easy identification ofഀ the unit in the alarm state. The relay is reset by momentarilyഀ interrupting power to the unit. A three-second time delay isഀ built in to minimize false alarms cause by the presence ofഀ sparks, lightning, etc.ഀ • Model 30.2021-24 is contained in a general purpose enclo-ഀ sure and is intended for indoor use only. It mounts on aഀ standard 4' (10.16 cm) octagonal electrical junction boxഀ (not included).ഀ • Model 30-2021E-24 is intended for indoor use and is con-ഀ tained in an explosion-proof enclosure that meets allഀ requirements for NEC Class I Groups C and D; Class IIഀ Groups E, F, and G; and Class III hazardous locations.ഀ • Both models operate on 24 VDC.ഀ Theory Of Operationഀ The Model 30-2021-24 and Model 30-2021E-24 UV Flameഀ Detectors operate with a Geiger-Muller-type tube that utilizesഀ an ultraviolet sensitive photocathode within a fused silica enve-ഀ lope. When exposed to UV radiation, the photocathode emitsഀ electrons that ionize the inert gas inside the tube. This initiatesഀ the current flow that produces an alarm signal.ഀ Application Considerationsഀ To ensure proper operation of the detector, the viewing windowഀ and the surface of the sensing tube must be kept dean andഀ free of contaminating films at all times. When cleaning theഀ sensing tube, the user must exercise caution to apply mini-ഀ mum pressure, thereby minimizing the possibility of damage toഀ the detector tube.ഀ Model 30-2021-24ഀ • Spectral sensitivity range: 1700 to 2900 angstroms, withഀ peak response at 2100 angstroms.ഀ • Temperature range: -13•F (-25°C) to +140°F (+65°C).ഀ • Humidity range: up to 90% RH.ഀ PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS, 30202124:ഀ Enclosure type: general-purpose painted steel with pro-ഀ tective cage and totally encapsulated electronics.ഀ Dimensions: 4.09' (10.389 cm) diameter; 3' (7.62 cm)ഀ deep.ഀ Weight: 0.75 lb. (0.34 kg).ഀ PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS, 30,901E-24.ഀ Enclosure type: explosion-proof housing with 3/4' (1.905ഀ cm) NPT female entries. NEC Class I, Groups C and D;ഀ Class II, Groups E, F, and G; Class III.ഀ Dimensions: 6.76' (17.17 cm) x 2.75' (6.985 cm) x 4.75'ഀ Cutting and welding operations within the cone of vision of the .065 cm).ഀ (12ഀ detector can generate high levels of UV radiation that can Weight: 3.75 lbs. (1.7 kg).ഀ Vs i ua ' SWAMI. To avoid unwantedഀ MIAsഀ gized while these ies a @ctor Sensitivityഀ it should be not u ygloyy_ The response time of the detector is a function of the size ofഀ ing embers. A high r 8/t~cs the Model the fire, fuel type, and the distance from the detector to the fire.ഀ ~9,0-2054-24 or 30-2054A-24 should be used for this type of Smaller fires and greater distances normally require greaterഀ PI response times- Figure 1 illustrates the relative sensitivity ofഀ Model 30-2021-24 Detector to gasoline fires. Figure 2ഀ shows the relative sensitivity of the Model 30-2021 E-24.ഀ Model 30-2021E-24 is approximately 10% less sensitive.ഀ I _involtage: 22 to 27 VDC for 24 VDC unit. For example, a three-second response time is achieved at 10ഀ • Operating current: STANDBY`. 12 m maximu (3.048 m) rather than 12 feet (3.658 m) when detecting aഀ VDC. ALARM. 100 mAO 24 VDC. 6' (15.24 cm) gasoline fire.ഀ • Alarm relay contact rating: I A @ 26 VDC.ഀ DN-1253:A • 328/08 - Page 1 of 3ഀ Model 30-2021 E-24ഀ Cone of Visionഀ The Model 30-2021-24 has an 180° cone of vision. Relativeഀ sensitivity is greatest at a viewing angle of 45° on either side ofഀ the central axis. At angles greater than 45°, sensitivityഀ decreases, as illustrated in Figure 3. For the viewing pattern ofഀ Model 30-2021 E-24, with 60° cone of vision, see Figure 4.ഀ Installation And Wiringഀ The Model 30-2021-24 and Model 30-2021E-24 are intendedഀ for use in indoor applications. Connection to both models is viaഀ color-coded wire leads with the following functions:ഀ • RED: +24 V operating power input.ഀ • BLACK: Common 24 V operating power input.ഀ • WHITE: ALARM relay -common.ഀ • BLUE: ALARM relay - normally dosed contact.ഀ • ORANGE: ALARM relay - normally open contact.ഀ The Model 30-2021-24 can be mounted on a standard 4'ഀ (10.16 cm) junction box. The junction box should be mountedഀ securely to a supporting surface such as a wall, piping, etc.ഀ See Figure 5 for 30-2021-24 mounting hole locations. Connectഀ the external wiring to the detector as illustrated in Figure landഀ Figure 8.ഀ To install the Model 30-2021 E-24, remove the front cover fromഀ the detector and mount the detector on the junction box. Seeഀ Figure 6 for 30-2021 E-24 mounting hole locations. Make theഀ electrical connections as shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8.ഀ Place the cover back on the detector and mount it to any flatഀ surface.ഀ A swivel mount is available for use with the Model 30-2021 E toഀ facilitate installation and orientation and provide easy adjust-ഀ ment for the viewing field of the detector - order part numberഀ 10-3995. This optional accessory meets the same NECഀ requirements for use in hazardous areas as the detector.ഀ Typical head-on sensitivity Typical hea"n sensitivityഀ to a 6" diameter gasoline fire: to a 12" diameter gasoline like.ഀ 50ഀ a 40 0ഀ z 30 2ഀ y 20 t~iJഀ Q Oഀ 10ഀ 0 2 4 6 8ഀ 1263namnl "ME (seCLnds)ഀ 50ഀ 40ഀ 30ഀ 20ഀ toഀ 0 2 4 6 8ഀ 2~rtb.VMV TIME (seconds)ഀ Figure 1 Model 30-2021-24 Detector Sensitivityഀ Typical head-ep sensitivity Typical head-on sensldv3tyഀ to a 6" diarneler gasoline fire: to a 12' diameter gasoline FNe:ഀ 50ഀ 40ഀ Z 30ഀ Qഀ 0ഀ 10ഀ 0 2 4 6 8ഀ 1253M wmf TIME (seconds)ഀ 50ഀ 40ഀ z 30ഀ 4Qഀ H 20ഀ Oഀ 10ഀ 0 2 4 6 8ഀ 1253M.WW TIME (seconds)ഀ Figure 2 Model 30-2021 E-24 Detector Sensitivityഀ Maintenanceഀ To assure maximum detector sensitivity, keep the surface ofഀ the sensor tube free from dirt or other contaminants at allഀ times. Periodically test the sensitivity of the detector using aഀ controlled flame or a UV test lamp such as the model W8066.ഀ Engineering Specificationsഀ The unit shall be an open area ultraviolet flame detectorഀ designed to operate on 24 VDC.ഀ It shall have encapsulated electronic circuitry and Form-Cഀ alarm relay contacts. The unit shall have built-in alarm indica-ഀ tion from the front of the detector. it shall respond to a 12-inchഀ (30.48 cm) diameter gasoline fire in six seconds when viewedഀ head-on from a distance of 30 feet (9.144 m). The detectorഀ shall not respond to normal ambient light conditions such asഀ sunlight, incandescent, or fluorescent light.ഀ The detector shall have a three-second time delay to spuriousഀ responses. Model 30-2021-24 shall have a 180° cone of visionഀ with the greatest sensitivity at 45° on either side of the centralഀ axis. Model 30-2021 E-24 shall have a 601 cone of vision.ഀ Explosion-proof units shall meet NEC Class I, Groups C andഀ D; Class II Groups E, F, and G; Class III.ഀ Agency Listings and Approvalsഀ Consult panel manuals for lists of compatible UL-listedഀ devices. In some cases, certain modules or applications mayഀ not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be inഀ progress. Consult factory for latest listing status.ഀ Product Line Irdorrnationഀ 30-2021-24: Ultraviolet flame detector, 24 VDC, in a general-ഀ purpose-type enclosure intended for indoor use.ഀ a°ഀ DETECTOR sEXSRnrrVഀ IT 1rഀ 2u•ഀ 50• \ --L F-4 / 50•ഀ rlr_ / \ X L_J ! / X = \ Vഀ 70°ഀ arm / / / 7--,C /_,CUtC\Uiulyf!/Y~ V_C I 1 1 _ W1ഀ f00 g6 &J 00 60 4•) 30 20 20 30 40 SC 6J 73 50 W 100ഀ 90°ഀ % RELATIVE SENSRrvnY % RELAT7vE sENsrnvrryഀ Figure 3 Model 30-2021-24 12003wrrഀ 0°ഀ DETECTOR I SENSRഀ ?0' tr 20.ഀ 2C'ഀ 4V 3Vഀ sr V ' .1 1~. 1 /'-l . " / / seഀ 7rഀ a0•ഀ tx 97 ?1 6U SC JC x 20~ 211 3Q 4C 60 63 10 80 -d 100ഀ _L _Lഀ 9L RELATIVE SENsrrmrv % RELATIVE SENsnwrrY~~ഀ Figure 4 Model 30-2021 E-24ഀ Page 2 of 3 - DN-1253A • 328Mഀ 30-2021 E-24: Ultraviolet flame detector, 24 VDC, contained inഀ an explosion-prod enclosure.ഀ 10-3995: Swivel mount for use with the 30-2021 E-24.ഀ 3.5 inchesഀ (8.89 cm)ഀ Figure 5 Model 30-2021-24 Mounting Holesഀ Wiring Diagramsഀ 5.87 inchesഀ ~-(14.91 cm)-►~~~ഀ 2.62 inches ;ഀ (6.65 cm)ഀ ;Conduit 1/2"ഀ (1.27 crn) NPTഀ Figure 6 Model 30-2021E-24 Mounting Holesഀ NOTE: Mounting hole diagrams Figure 5 and Figure 6 areഀ not shown to scale with one another.ഀ Control Panelഀ Key:ഀ LOOPഀ LOOPഀ • RED: +24V operating power inputഀ cur C En:Rreഀ POWERഀ x* wngmഀ BLACK: Common 24V operatingഀ _ഀ was ,ഀ _ഀ ഀ power input.ഀ _ഀ • WHITE: ALARM relay - common.ഀ • BLUE: ALARM relay - normallyഀ FIE ^^R+r+% auEഀ dosed contact.ഀ • Orange: ALARM relay - normallyഀ ഀ -ഀ open contact.ഀ - ,ഀ NE: Flame or ember detector.ഀ FIE sഀ • PSR: Power supervision relay Pഀ 2040 or equivalent.ഀ ? wr:i*Eഀ -ഀ - -ഀ • EOL: End-of-line device as requiredഀ ഀ -ഀ by panel.ഀ i SLA X RRIഀ iഀ F.'E.r....Y a~ഀ PSRഀ NOTE.ഀ .ഀ Figure 7 Double Loop Panel Wiringഀ Control Panelഀ LOOP POWERഀ l r1 r~s POSഀ FIEഀ FIEഀ FiEഀ 1 u;aFr ~ഀ PSR Eഀ VIO-U i 5ഀ mഀ Figure 8 Single Loop Panel Wiringഀ Notdier®is a registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc. Pyrotectorഀ is a brand name of Detector Electronics Corporation.ഀ 00008 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized useഀ of this document is strictly prohibited.ഀ 1S0 ~oo~ This document a not intended to be used for irstalfaibon purposesഀ We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate-ഀ We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirementsഀ i M All specifications are subject to change without notice.ഀ 41111111LITY SYSTEMS Made in the U.S. A-ഀ For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118.ഀ www.notifier.comഀ Page 3 of 3 - DN-1253:A • 328=ഀ DN-6643A1 •1-410ഀ NOG-12 Seriesഀ Non-Coded Conventional Manualഀ Fire Alarm Pull Stationsഀ Generalഀ The NOTIFIER NBG-12 Series is a cost-effective, feature-ഀ packed series of non-coded manual fire alarm pull stations. Itഀ was designed to meet multiple applications with the installer andഀ end-user in mind. The NBG-12 Series features a variety of mod-ഀ els including single- and dual-action versions.ഀ The NBG-12 Series provides an alarm initialing input signal toഀ conventional fire alarm control panels (FACPs) such as theഀ SFP Series, and to XP Transponders. Its innovative design,ഀ durable construction, and multiple mounting options make theഀ NBG-12 Series simple to install, maintain, and operate.ഀ Featuresഀ NOT1 FI E N`"ഀ by Honeywellഀ • Aesthetically pleasing, highly visible design and color.ഀ • Attractive contoured shape and light textured finish.ഀ • Meets ADA 5 lb. maximum pull-force.ഀ ~`4ovpgഀ • Meets UL 38, Standard for Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes.ഀ • Easily operated (single- or dual-action, model dependent),ഀ Constructionഀ yet designed to prevent false alarms when bumped, shaken,ഀ or jarred.ഀ • Cover, backplate and operation handle are all molded ofഀ • PUSH IN/PULL DOWN handle latches in the down position toഀ durable Pdycarbonate material-ഀ clearly indicate the station has been operated.ഀ • Cover features white lettering and trim.ഀ • The word `ACTIVATED" appears on top of the handle inഀ • Red color matches System Sensor's popular SpectrAler*ഀ bright yellow, further indicating operation of the station.ഀ Advance horn/strobe series.ഀ • Operation handle features white arrows showing basic opera-ഀ tion direction for non-English-speaking persons.ഀ Operationഀ • Braille text included on finger-hold area of operation handleഀ The NBG-12 manual pull stations provide a textured finger-holdഀ and across top of handle.ഀ area that includes Braille text. In addition to PUSH IN and PULLഀ • Multiple hex- and key-lock models available.ഀ DOWN text, there are arrows indicating how to operate the sta-ഀ • U.S. patented hex-lock needs only a quarter-turn to lock/ഀ tion, provided for ran-English-speaking people.ഀ unlock.ഀ Pushing in and then pulling down on the handle activates theഀ • Station can be opened for inspection and maintenance with-ഀ normally-open alarm switch. Once latched in the down position,ഀ out initiating an alarm.ഀ the word "ACTIVATED" appears at the top in bright yellow, with aഀ • Product ID label viewable by simply opening the cover; labelഀ portion of the handle protruding at the bottom as a visible flag.ഀ is made of a durable long-frfe material.ഀ Resetting the station is simple: insert the key or hex (modelഀ • The words "NORMAL" and "ACTIVATED" are molded into theഀ dependent), twist one quarter-turn, then open the station's frontഀ plastic adjacent to the alarm switch (located inside).ഀ cover, causing the spring-loaded operation handle to return toഀ • Four-position terminal strip molded into backplate.ഀ its original position. The alarm switch can then be reset to itsഀ • Terminal strip includes Phillips combination-head captive 8/32ഀ normal (non-alarm) position manually (by hand) or by closingഀ 'ഀ screws for easy connection to Initiating Device Circuit (IDC).ഀ the stationഀ s front cover, which automatically resets the switch.ഀ • Terminal screws backed-out at factory and shipped ready toഀ 2ഀ Specificationsഀ accept field wiring (up to 12 AWG/3.1 mmഀ ഀ • Terminal numbers are molded into the bacrplate, ellmirk ingഀ PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS:ഀ the need for labels.ഀ pull stationഀ SB-10ഀ SB40ഀ WBBഀ WP-10ഀ Hഀ 5.500 in.ഀ 5.500 in.ഀ 5.601 in.ഀ 4.25 inഀ 6.000 in.ഀ (13.97 cm)ഀ (13.97 cm)ഀ (14.23 cm)ഀ (10.79 cm)ഀ (15.24 cm)ഀ Wഀ 4.121 in.ഀ 4.125 in.ഀ 4.222 in.ഀ 4.25 in.ഀ 4.690 in.ഀ (10.467 cm)ഀ (10.478 cm)ഀ (10.72 cm)ഀ (10.79 cm)ഀ (11.913 cm)ഀ Dഀ 1.390 in.ഀ 1.375 in.ഀ 1.439 n.ഀ 1.75 in.ഀ 2.000 in.ഀ (3.531 cm)ഀ (3.493 cm)ഀ (3.66 an)ഀ (4.445 cm)ഀ (5.08 cm)ഀ • ~pfl ns (FUEGO) avaiahle (NBCr12LSP, NBCr12LPSP). ee43amz mഀ • a~NBG-10 Seri es.ഀ • Models parka d ) clam- ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS:ഀ shell-style, Point %Jam. conratings: gold-plated; rating 0.25 A 0 30 VAC orഀ a cutaway dust/pai hes ilry contact circuit (Terminals 3 & 4, NBG 12LA):ഀ D rat t 0 A o 30 VAC or VDC.ഀ Rrnlft Uഀ 1 ~`Y tf~ഀ • Switch contacts are normally open.ഀ • Can be suriace-mounted (with SB-10 or S13-110) or semi-ഀ flush mounted. Semi-flush mount to a standard single-gang,ഀ double-gang, or 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical box.ഀ • Backplate is large enough to overlap a single-gang backboxഀ cutout by 1/2" (1.27 cm).ഀ • Optional trim ring (BG12TR).ഀ DN-6643_A1 •04/22/08 - Page 1 of 2ഀ Yഀ 4ഀ ENG/NEERING(ARCH►TECTURAL SPECIFICATIONSഀ Manual Fire Alarm Stations shall be non-code, with a key- orഀ hex-operated reset lock in order that they may be tested, and soഀ designed that after actual Emergency Operation, they cannot beഀ restored to normal except by use of a key or hex. An operatedഀ station shall automatically condition itself so as to be visuallyഀ detected as activated. Manual stations shall be constructed ofഀ red colored LEXAN (or polycarbonate equivalent) with clearlyഀ visible operating instructions provided on the cover. The wordഀ FIRE shall appear on the trout of the stations in white letters,ഀ 1.00 inches (2.54 cm) or larger.' Stations shall be suitable forഀ surface mounting on matching backbox SB-10 or SB-VO; orഀ semi4lush mounting on a standard single-gang, double-gang, orഀ 4' (10.16 cm) square electrical box, and shall be installed withinഀ the limits defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) orഀ per national/local requirements. Manual Stations shall be Under-ഀ writers Laboratories listed.ഀ NOTE: 'The words 'F`1RE/FUEGO' on the NBG-12LSP and NBG-ഀ 12LPSP shall appear on the front of the station in white letters,ഀ approximately 314' (1.905 cm) high.ഀ Pre-Signal Modelsഀ The NBG-12LPS and NBG-12LPSP pull stations are non-codedഀ manual pull stations which provide a FACP with two normallyഀ open alarm initiating input signals. 'Pre-signer input is activatedഀ by pushing in, then pulling down, the dual-action handle. A'gen-ഀ erar alarm input signal can be manually activated via a momen-ഀ tary rocker switch mounted inside the unit. This general alarmഀ switch can only be accessed by opening the cover with the sup-ഀ plied keyAock. See diagram at right.ഀ Agency Listings and Approvalsഀ The listings and approvals below apply to the NBG-12 Seriesഀ pull stations. In some cases, certain modules may not be fistedഀ by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Con-ഀ sult factory for latest listing status.ഀ • C(UL)US Listed: file S692.ഀ • CSFM approved: file 7150-0028:199-ഀ • FM approved (except NBG-12LPS, NBG-12LPSP).ഀ • MEA approved: file 67-02-E (BB-1P_ ABG-12L, NBGI2LOgഀ NBG-12LA).ഀ • Lloyd's Register type approved: file 93160141 (E3) (NBG-12,ഀ NBG-121, NBG-12LA, NBG-12LOB, NBG 12S).ഀ • U.S. Coast Guard approved: files 161.002/2313 (AFP-200 withഀ NBG 12, NBG 12L, NBG-12S); 161.002142/1 (NFS-640 withഀ NBG-12, NBG-12L, NBG12Sr 161.002/27/3 (AFP10101ഀ AM2020 with NBG-12, NBG-12L, NBG12S).ഀ • Patented: U.S. Patent No. D428,351; 6,380,846; 6,314,772;ഀ 6,632,108.ഀ Product Line Informationഀ NBG-12S: Single-action pull station with pigtail connections,ഀ hex lock.ഀ NBG-12: Dual-action pull station with SPST NO switch, screwഀ terminal connections, hex lockഀ NBG-12L: Dual-action pull station with SPST WO switch,ഀ screw terminal connections, key lock.ഀ NBGI2LSP: Same as NBG-12L with English/Spanish (FIRE/ഀ FUEGO) labeling.ഀ NBG-12LPS: Dual-action pull station with pre-signal option.ഀ NBG-12LPSP: Same as NBG-12LPS with English/Spanishഀ (FIRE)FUEGO) labeling-ഀ NBG-12L08: Dual-aacfion pull station with key lock, outdoorഀ applications listings (NBG-12LO), and backbox. Includes SB-UOഀ indoor/outdoor backbox, and sealing gasket. Model will alsoഀ mount to WPA0 weatherproof backbox in retrofit applications.ഀ NOTE: NBG-12LO not available separately;ഀ NBG-12LO + approved backbox = NBG-12LOB.ഀ Outdoorapplicabons listings apply to NBG-12LOB combination.ഀ NBG-12LA: Dual-action pull station with key lock and annuncia-ഀ tor contacts.ഀ SB-10: Surface-mount backbox, metal.ഀ SB-1/0: Surface-mount backbox, plastic. (Included with NBG-ഀ 12LOB.)ഀ BG12TR: Optional trim ring for semi-flush mounting.ഀ WP-10: Outdoor use backbox.ഀ 17021: Keys, set of two. (Included with key-lock pull stations.)ഀ 17007: Hex key, 9/64'. (Included with hex-lock pun stations.)ഀ NOTE: For addressable NBG-12LX models, see data sheetഀ ON-6726.ഀ 1.360• .ഀ (3.531) ` Dimensionsഀ Tഀ 5M~D c8, Eഀ 17.540;ഀ f1-6os1ഀ 5.500,ഀ ;13.670)ഀ iഀ ROCKERഀ SWITCHഀ for Ganesഀ Alarri,ഀ nolilicatforഀ IBG-12LPSഀ TOGGLEഀ SWITCHഀ for Pre-Signalഀ lunchonഀ NOTOER®, SpectrAWO Advance, and System Sensor@ are registeredഀ trademarks of Honeywell International Inc.ഀ 612008 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized useഀ of this document is strictly prohibited.ഀ ' O 9001 This document is not intmded to be used for installation purposes.ഀ we try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. 11111111111F '"W"ഀ We cannot coverall specific applications or anticipate all requirements. i S IMI All spec cations are subject to change without notice. It1ALITY SYSTEMS Made in theU.S.A.ഀ MEഀ For more information, contact Noti ier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118.ഀ www.notffiw.comഀ Page 2 of 2 - DN-6643A7 •0422106ഀ bഀ DN-6936:A • H-211ഀ r'ഀ FST-851 Series OT l F 1 RA.ഀ Intelligent Thermal (Heat) Detectors (M)ഀ with FlashStcan® by Honeywellഀ Noti ier FST-851 Series intelligent plug-in smoke detectorsഀ with integral communication provide features that surpass con-ഀ ventional detectors. Detector sensitivity can be programmed inഀ the control panel software. Sensitivity is continuously moni-ഀ tored and reported to the panel. Point ID capability allows eachഀ detector's address to be set with decade address switches,ഀ providing exact detector locations for selective maintenanceഀ when chamber contamination reaches an unacceptable level.ഀ FST-851 Series thermal detectors use an innovative thermistorഀ sensing circuit to produce 1350FPS70C fixed-temperature (FST-ഀ 851) and rate-of-rise thermal detection (FST-851 R) in a low-ഀ profile package. FST-851H provides fixed high-temperatureഀ detection at 190'FiSM. These thermal detectors provide costഀ effective, intelligent property protection in a variety of applica-ഀ tions. FST-851 Series detectors are compatible with all Notifierഀ intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs).ഀ FlashScan® (U.S. Patent 5,539,389) is a communication pro-ഀ tocol developed by Notifier Engineering that greatly enhancesഀ the speed of communication between analog intelligentഀ devices and certain NOTIFIER systems. Intelligent devicesഀ communicate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices withinഀ the group has new information, the panel's CPU stops theഀ group poll and concentrates on single points. The net effect isഀ response speed greater than five times that of earlier designs.ഀ Featuresഀ • Sleek, low-profile, stylish design.ഀ • State-of-the-art thermistor technology for fast response.ഀ • Rate-of-rise model (FST-851 R), 15°F (8.30C) per minute.ഀ • Factory preset at 135°F (57°C); high-temperature model atഀ 190°F (88°C).ഀ • Addressable by device.ഀ • FlashScanO (NFS-640, NFS3030) and classic CLIP sys-ഀ tem (AFP-100, AFP-200, AFP300, AFP-400, NFS-640,ഀ AFP1010, AM2020, NFS3030, NFS2-3030) compatible.ഀ • Rotary, decimal addressing (1 - 99 on current classic sys-ഀ tems, 1 -159 on FlashSc19 s ms).ഀ • Two-wire SLC connection.ഀ • Visible LEDs "blink" every time isressed.ഀ • 3601-field viewing angle of the visual al rs (twoഀ bi-color LEDs). LEDs blink green in Nory l dഀ turn on steady red in M. r~a, Rഀ • Integral communicys built-in deviഀ lion.ഀ • Remote test feat in tfRS,zanel. /ഀ • Built-in functionalഀ byഀ • Walk test with address die n add f 121 wi'1lഀ the detector LED 12-(pause)-1ഀ • Low standby current.ഀ • Listed to UL 521.ഀ • Backward-compatible.ഀ • Built-in tamper-resistant feature.ഀ • Designed for direct-surface or electrical-box mounting.ഀ • Sealed against back pressure.ഀ • Plugs into separate base for ease of installation and main-ഀ tenance. Separate base allows interchange of photoelec-ഀ tric, ionization and thermal sensors.ഀ • SEMS screws for wiring of the separate base.ഀ • Constructed of off-white Bayblend®, designed to commer-ഀ cial standards, and offers an attractive appearance.ഀ • 94-5V plastic flammability rating.ഀ • Remote LED output connection to optional RA40OZ remoteഀ LED annunciator.ഀ • Optional sounder, relay, and isolator bases.ഀ • Optional recessed (RMK400) or surface (SMK400) baseഀ mounting kits.ഀ Specificationsഀ Size: 2.1' (5.3 cm) high x 4.1' (10.4 cm) diameter installed inഀ 13501 base, 6.1' (15.5 cm) diameter installed in B71 OLP base.ഀ Shipping weigh: 4.8 oz. (137 g).ഀ Operating temperature range: FST-851 Series, FST-851 R: -ഀ 20°C to 38°C (-4°F to 100°F); FST-851 H: -20°C to WC (-4°Fഀ to 150°F).ഀ Detector spacing: UL approved for 50 ft. (15.24 m) center toഀ center. FM approved for 25 x 25 ft. (7.62 x 7.62 m) spacing.ഀ Relative humidity: 10% - 93% noncondensing.ഀ Thermal ratings: fixed-temperature setpoint 135°F (570C),ഀ rate-0f-rise detection 15°F (8.3°C) per minute, high tempera-ഀ ture heat 190'F (88°C).ഀ ELECTRICAL SPECIF7CATIONS:ഀ Voltage range: 15 - 32 volts DC peak.ഀ AWit (max. avg.): 200 NA @ 24 VDC (withoutഀ ication); 300 pA @ 24 VDC (one communicationഀ ;seconds s with LED enabled).ഀ L Aon,rrent 6.5 mA 0 24 VDC ("ON").ഀ ses available: ° ' ,ഀ B71OLP: 6.1' (15.5 cm) diameter.ഀ :4.1' (10.4 cm) diameter.ഀ B501BHT: Sounder base assembly. Includesഀ 4W4R8 A*lay Base: Screw terminals: up to 14 AWG (2.0ഀ mmfiBelay typb:.Form-C. Rating: 2.0 A @ 30 VDC resistive;ഀ 0.3 A 0`10 VDC inductive; 1.0 A @ 30 VDC inductive.ഀ Dimensions: 6.2'..(15.748 cm) x 1.2' (3.048 cm).ഀ :xam»uzz z2 ~zx~ഀ DN-6936:A • 1/11/07 - Page 1 of 3ഀ FST-851 Series in B71OLP baseഀ B224BI Isolator Base: Dimensions: 6.2' (15.748 cm) x 1.2'ഀ (15.748 cm). Maximum: 25 devices between isolator bases.ഀ See Note 2 under Installation.ഀ Applicationsഀ Use thermal detectors for protection of property. For furtherഀ information, go to systemsensor.oom for manual 156-407-00,ഀ Applications Manual for System Smoke Detectors, which pro-ഀ vides detailed information on detector spacing, placement,ഀ zoning, wiring, and special applications.ഀ Installationഀ The FST Series plug-in intelligent thermal detector uses a sep-ഀ arate base to simplify installation, service, and maintenance.ഀ Installation instructions are shipped with each detector.ഀ Mount base (all base types) on an electrical badd= which isഀ at least 1.5' (3.81 cm) deep. Suitable boxes include:ഀ • 4.0' (10.16 cm) square box.ഀ • 3.5' (8.89 cm) or 4.0' (10.16 cm) octagonal box.ഀ • Single-gang box (except relay or isolator base).ഀ • With 13501BH or 8501BHT base, use a 4.0' (10.16 cm)ഀ square box.ഀ • With B224RB or B224BI base, use a 3.5' (8.89 cm) or 4.0'ഀ (10.16 cm) octagonal box, or a 4.0' (10.16 cm) square box.ഀ NOTE: 1) Because of the inherent supervision provided by theഀ SLC loop, end-0f-line resistois are not required. Wiring 'Paps" orഀ branches are permitted for Style 4 (Class B") wiring. 2) Whenഀ using relay or sounder bases, consult data sheet DN-2243 (ISO-X)ഀ for device limitations between isolator modules and isolator bases.ഀ Agency Listings and Approvalsഀ These listings and approvals apply to the modules specified inഀ this document. In some cases, certain modules or applicationsഀ may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing mayഀ be in process. Consult factory for latest fisting status.ഀ • UL Listed: S747ഀ • ULC Listed: CS630 (ML255)(FST-851A, FST-851HA,ഀ FST-851 RA)ഀ • MEA Listed: 383-02-Eഀ • FM Approvedഀ • CSFM:7270-0028:196ഀ • BSMI: 01313066760025ഀ • CCCF: Certif. 4 2004081801000018ഀ • U.S. Coast Guard: 161.00223/3 (AFP-200); 161.0022713ഀ (AFP1010/AM2020); 161.002142/1 (NFS-640)ഀ • Lloyd's Register: 03160011ഀ RE/IOTEAffOJW, AMRഀ +r--l -ഀ ~ Iഀ Iഀ Iഀ 3 3 3 ,ഀ 1ഀ ,ഀ 1 ,ഀ 1 ,ഀ Iഀ Iഀ i----- 'ഀ ഀ N2 6ഀ 5 13 5ഀ bt NA Rഀ 3 2 1 p'~bഀ Address dial on back of detectorഀ fഀ Page 2 of 3 - DN-6936A • 1/1 1107ഀ 6714%*2.1f Wiring Diagramഀ Product Line Informationഀ "A" suffix indicates ULC Listed model.ഀ FST-851 Series: Intelligent thermal detector. Must be mountedഀ to one of the bases listed below.ഀ FST-851 SeriesA: Same as FST-851 Series but with ULC List-ഀ ing.ഀ FST-851 R: Intelligent thermal detector with rate-of-rise feature.ഀ FST-851 RA: Same as FST-851 R but with ULC Listing.ഀ FST-851 H: Intelligent high-temperature thermal detector.ഀ FST-851 HA: Same as FST-851 H but with ULC Listing.ഀ BASES:ഀ 871OLPBP: Standard U.S_ low-profile base, pkg. of 10.ഀ B71OLPA: Standard U.S. low-profile base, ULC Listing.ഀ 8501 BP: Standard European flangeless base, pkg. of 10.ഀ B501 A: Standard European flangeless base, ULC Listing.ഀ B501 BH(A): Sounder base, includes B501 (A) base.ഀ B501BHT(A): Same as B501BH(A), but includes temporalഀ sounder.ഀ B224RB(A): Intelligent relay base.ഀ B224BI(A): Intelligent isolator base. Isolates SLC from bopഀ shorts.ഀ ACCESSORIES.ഀ F110: Retrofit replacement flange for older style high profileഀ bases. Converts bases for use with FlashScan® detectors.ഀ RA400Z(A): Remote LED annunciator. 3 - 32 VDC. Fits U.S.ഀ single-gang electrical bout. Supported by B710LPBP(A) andഀ B501 (A) bases only.ഀ SMK400: Surface mounting kit provides for entry of surfaceഀ wiring conduit. For use with B501 (A) base only.ഀ RMK400: Recessed mounting kit. For use with B501(A) baseഀ only.ഀ SMB600: Surface mounting kit for use with B710LPBP(A).ഀ BCK-2008: Black detector covers, box of 10.ഀ M02-04-01: Test magnet.ഀ M02-09-00: Test magnet with telescope stick.ഀ XR2B: Detector removal tool. Allows installation and/orഀ removal of FlashScanib Series detector heads from base inഀ high ceiling installations.ഀ T55-127-000: Detector removal tool without pole.ഀ XP-4: Extension pole for XR2B. Comes in three 6-ft. sections.ഀ DETECTOR GUARDS:ഀ NOTE: Some guards listed below may not be applicable toഀ FST Series.ഀ ST19601: Low-profile, flush-mount smoke detector guard,ഀ wire.*ഀ ST19602: Low-profile, surface-mount, smoke detector guard,ഀ wire.*ഀ ST19609: High-profile, flush-mount, smoke detector guard,ഀ wire.*ഀ STM605: High-profile, surface-mount, smoke detector guard,ഀ wire.*ഀ STI 9604: Rush-mount heat detector guard, wire.*ഀ STI 9610: Surface-mount heat detector guard, wire.*ഀ *For dimensions and additional information on STI Steel Webഀ Stoppers, see data sheet DN-4936.ഀ STM200-SS: Fhuh-mount stainless steel smoke detectorഀ guard (compatibility pending).ഀ ST18230SS: Surface-mount stainless steel smoke detectorഀ guard (compatibility pending)-ഀ Ndifier® and FlashScarr® are registered trademarks of Honeywell IMerne-ഀ tional Inc. Notilier® and BayblencM is a registered trademark of Bayer Corp.ഀ 00007 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized useഀ of this document is strictly prohibited.ഀ This documerd is riot ~oo' We try to keep out pirdended r t formation up-to-date and installation acpurpose&ഀ curate. We cannot cover al specific applications or anticipate all requirements.ഀ i Ali specifications are subject to change without notice.ഀ /SSLITY SYSTEMS Made in theU.S A.ഀ For more information, oordact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118.ഀ www.notifier.oanഀ -ഀ Page 3 of 3- DN43936:A * 1 A 1 J07ഀ DN-6886:A • H-113ഀ FSL-751ഀ Very Intelligent Early Warning (VIEW®)'ഀ Laser Smoke Detector by Hone e f lഀ NOTFIERഀ ; z~z, z„•', tea.;ഀ Generalഀ The Notifier FSL-751 VIEWO Laser Detector provides a revo-ഀ lutionary advance in early warning smoke detection technol-ഀ ogy. The unique design of this detector, combined withഀ enhanced intelligent sensing algorithms in the Notiflorഀ AFP-300, AFP-400, NFS-640, NFS-3030 or NFS2-3030 con-ഀ trol panels, allows smoke detection sensitivity that is up to 50ഀ times higher than present photoelectric technology. Becauseഀ of this high sensitivity, the FSL-751 can provide very earlyഀ warning of slow smoldering fires. Its performance is compara-ഀ ble to present aspiration technology, at a substantially lowerഀ installed cost.ഀ The FSL-751 uses an extremely bright laser diode, combinedഀ with special lens and mirror optics (U-S. patent pending), toഀ achieve a signal-to-noise ratio that is much higher than tradi-ഀ tional photoelectric sensors. In addition, the tightly focusedഀ light beam, combined with the intelligent sensing algorithms,ഀ allow the system to differentiate between dust and smoke par-ഀ ticles. Because of this differentiation, the FSL-751 can be setഀ to extremely high sensitivity, yet can reject false signalsഀ caused by larger airborne particles such as dust, lint, andഀ small insects.ഀ The FSL-751 is an intelligent (analog/addressable) detector.ഀ Using CLIP mode, up to 99 FSL-751 detectors may beഀ installed per loop. On FlashScan® systems FS~40MFS-ഀ 3030MFS2-3030), up to 159 addresses ar ble. Theഀ FSL-751 may be mixed in any oombination with rഀ intelligent sensors on the same loop and is quickly i Iഀ using the panel autoprogram feature. The FSL-751 prov'ഀ dual bi-color LEDs, which blink green in normal operation a►%ഀ illuminate steady red in alarm. Qഀ Flash8carr® (U.S. Patent 5,539,389) is ti on pro-4,,,,ഀ toool developed by Noti ier Engineeri ng~reatly noesഀ the speed of communication an intelliഀ base (top), 8501ഀ M-400 recessedഀ devices. Intelligent devices oommunica -a rou shion. rp-,~ഀ 9 i AO tiFtJ kit {66ttprxl]wഀ If one of the devices within the group has ne rmation` M_ ` (Basi4 sold separately.)ഀ panel CPU stops the group poll and conoentrasirgle \ഀ points. The net effect is response speed greater than`~ഀ times that of other designs. Notifier"og Acl8tec5able communications protocol pro-ഀ Using the enhanced intelligent sensing algorithms, the VIEWഀ system provides drift compensation (meeting UL requirementsഀ as a calibrated sensitivity meter), maintenance alert (3 levels),ഀ selection of 9 alarm levels and 9 pre-alarm levels, and reportഀ of drift compensation used and recent peak values. The sys-ഀ tem includes a seffaearn sensitivity adjustment to set the pre-ഀ alarm level just above the peak levels sensed over long peri-ഀ ods of time for each detector's actual environment. The systemഀ includes multi-detector algorithms that permit one sensor toഀ consider readings from adjacent sensors to provide fasterഀ detection of fires.ഀ Featuresഀ • Very Intelligent Early Warning (VIEW®) smoke detection.ഀ • Advanced laser light source and patented optical design.ഀ • Sleek low-profile housing (1.66'/42.164 mm height).ഀ -wdes extrem' _rebeble operabon proven in millions dഀ • Sensitivity-ഀ - 0.03% to 1.00% foi 7seFP-300/AF15 400 Legacy Systemsഀ - 0.02% to 2.00% for Onyx S'aries panels.ഀ • Rotary DECADE address switches. Set 01 - 99 on legacyഀ systems and 01 - 159 on FlashScan® systems (NFS-640,ഀ NFS-3030 or NFS2-3030). These switches allow quickഀ selection of address without resorting to binary switches,ഀ special programmers, or bar coding devices.ഀ • Dual bicolor (red/green) LEDs flash green when Normalഀ and are steady red in Alarm.ഀ • Compatible with the AFP-300, AFP400, NFS-M, NFS-ഀ 3030 or NFS2-3030 (all software releases).ഀ • Dual LED design provides 360° viewing angle.ഀ • Built-in magnetic test switch, or automatic test commandedഀ from panel.ഀ • Optional relay, isolator, or sounder bases.ഀ DN-6886:A • 01/09107 - Page 1 of 4ഀ Specificationsഀ Operating voltage range: l5 to 28 VDC.ഀ Maximum standby current: 230 pA @ 24 VDC (no communi-ഀ cation).ഀ Maximum average standby current: 255 ILA o 24 VDC (oneഀ communication every 5 seconds with LED blink enabled).ഀ B224RBIB224BI: < 700 pA o 24 VDC (includes detector).ഀ Maximum alarm current: 6.5 mA @ 24 VDC (LED "ON').ഀ Operating humidity range: 10% to 93% Relative Humidity,ഀ non-condensing.ഀ Operating temperature range: 00 to 4900 (32° to 1200F).ഀ Loop resistance: 40 ohms maximum.ഀ Dimensions: Height: 1.66 inches (42.16 mm) installed inഀ B71OLP base. Diameter: 6.1 inches (154.94 mm) installed inഀ B710LP base; 4.1 inches (104.14 mm) installed in B501 base.ഀ Weight: 3.6 o2. (102 g).ഀ BASES AVAILABLE.ഀ 8710LP: 6.1 inches (154.94 mm) diameter.ഀ 13501 BP: 4A inches (104.14 mm) diameter.ഀ B501 BH: Sounder base assembly. Includes B501 BP base.ഀ B501 BHT: Sounder base assembly, temporal three-tone.ഀ Includes 13501 base.ഀ B224RB Relay Base: Screw terminals: Up to 14 AWG (2.00ഀ mm2). Relay type: Form-C. Rating: 2 A ® 30 VDC resistive;ഀ 0.3 A ® 110 VDC inductive; 1.0 A @ 30 VDC inductive.ഀ Dimensions: 6.2 in. (157.48 mm) x 1.2 in. (30.48 mm).ഀ B2248I Isolator Base. Dimensions: 6.2 in. (157.48 mm) x 1.2ഀ in. (30.48 mm). Maximum: 25 devices between isolator bases.ഀ Recommended Coverage Per Detectorഀ In order to support sophisticated smoke/dust discriminationഀ algorithms (cooperating multi-detector), it is recommendedഀ that at least two FSL-751 detectors be installed in each roomഀ or enclosed area.ഀ Recommended coverage per detector is 400 square feetഀ (37.16 square meters).ഀ Installationഀ The FSL-751 plug-in detector uses a separate base to simIAfyഀ installation, service, and maintenance. A special tool allowsഀ maintenance personnel to plug-in and remove detectors with-ഀ out using a ladder.ഀ Mount base on a box which is at least 1.5' (38.1 mm) deep.ഀ Suitable mounting base boxes include:ഀ • 4' (101.6 mm) square box.ഀ • 3-1 IT (88.9 mm) or 4' (101.6 mm) octagonal box.ഀ • Single-gang box (except relay or isolator base).ഀ Agency Listings and Approvalsഀ These listings and approvals apply to the modules specified inഀ this document. In some cases, certain modules or applicationsഀ may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing mayഀ be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status.ഀ • UL Listed: S1115ഀ • MF-A Listed: 3-02-E; 447-99-E (AFC-600)ഀ • FM Approved (except NFS2-3030)ഀ • CSFM:7272-0028:218ഀ • BSMI: C1313066760036ഀ • CCCF: Certif. 4 2004081801000015ഀ • U.S. Coast Guard: 161.002/42/1 (NFS-640)ഀ Ordering Informationഀ FSL-751: Laser Detector. Intelligent laser sensor with Flash-ഀ ScarM capabilities. Mounts to one of the bases listed below.ഀ FSL-751 A: Canadian model.ഀ BASES.ഀ B71OLPBP: Standard U.S. flanged low-profile base, packageഀ of ten (10).ഀ B71OLPA: Same as B7101-P, but with ULC listing.ഀ 8501 BP: Standard European flangeless base, package of tenഀ (10).ഀ B501A: Same as 1350113P, but with ULC listing.ഀ 13501 BH: Sounder base, includes B501 base.ഀ 6501 BHA: Same as B501 13H, but with ULC listing.ഀ B501BHT: Sounder base assembly. Temporal three-tone.ഀ Includes 8501 base.ഀ B501 BHTA: Same as 13501 BHT, but with ULC listing.ഀ B224RB: Intelligent relay base.ഀ B224RBA: Same as B224RB, but with ULC listing.ഀ B224BI: Intelligent isolator base. Isolates SLC from loopഀ shorts.ഀ B224BIA: Same as B22413I, but with ULC listing.ഀ ACCESSORIESഀ F110: Retrofit replacement flange for BX-501 base.ഀ RA40OZ: *Remote LED annunciator. 3 - 32 VDC. Fds U.S.ഀ single-gang electrical box.ഀ MOD40OR: Detector sensitivity test tool. Use with most ana-ഀ log or digital multimeters. Satisfies requirement of NFPA72 forഀ sensitivity testing.ഀ SMK400: Surface mounting kit provides for entry of surfaceഀ wiring conduit. For use with 13501 base only.ഀ RMK400: Recessed mounting kit. For use with 13501 baseഀ only.ഀ M02404-01: Test magnet.ഀ M02-09-00: Test magnet with telescope stick.ഀ XR-2: Detector removal tool. Allows installation and/orഀ removal of 700 Series detector heads from base in high ceilingഀ installations.ഀ XP-4: Extension pole for XR-2. Comes in three 5-ft. (1.524 m)ഀ sections.ഀ *Supported by B710LP and B501 bases only.ഀ fഀ Page 2 of 4 - DNf886:A • 01 A)W7ഀ REMOTEANNUNCIATORഀ ഀ U sledഀ Cwpabbleഀ CONTROL 3 3 2ഀ PANELഀ 1 li ~ഀ 1 1ഀ 1 ~ഀ 1 1ഀ 1ഀ iഀ i 1ഀ 1ഀ 1ഀ - OPTIONAL RETURN LOOP iഀ ഀ Wiring Diagramഀ (standard base)ഀ 2??2..??2???S??Y?YYMY22:Y2Y2222222222222?Y2?2?2?. ???YYcYR^.;.2Y.^.2222TMYC22::::2222 .22'.YL.??Y2??2??2:L:?\'.1'.\'::?'CY2Y;?22YaCY24:22222Y2YYY222"+Yc2.`2222Y2Y22222 =22222222Y'.22k YY22Y22:'•~2::2'e.~x_???2:??????:???'..t'.22Y2Y2\3J~\\'22`vtY.\\ഀ DN-6886:A • 01109/07 - Page 3 of 4ഀ FSL-751 Designഀ The FSL-751 incorporates an extremely bright laser diode and integral lens that focuses the light beam to a very small volumeഀ near the receiving photo sensor. The light then passes into a light trap and is absorbed. The photo sensor is activated by a scat-ഀ tering of smoke particles in this small-volume light beam.ഀ In a typical photoelectric detector, the light beam is very wide and can reflect off the chamber walls into the photo sensor becauseഀ dust accumulation changes the wall color from flat black to gray. With the FSL-751, the concentrated light beam does not touchഀ the walls, therefore it is much less susceptible to dust accumulation.ഀ Smoke scatters light in all directions and, in a typical photoelectric detector, only a small portion of that scattered light reaches theഀ photo sensor itself. In the FSL-751, a special mirror reflects and concentrates most of the scattered light into the photo sensor.ഀ See laser detail drawings on this page.ഀ Compared to smoke, airborne dust particles are very large and very sparse. Since a) they are in motion; b) the illuminated vol-ഀ ume is very small; and c) the FSL-751 flashes the laser only every few seconds; then the occasional dust particle cannot remainഀ in the light volume for more than one or two samples. This transient signal from dust is the key to the dust discrimination per-ഀ formed by VIEW.ഀ Test LEDഀ Smoke direction bafflesഀ Laser diode &ഀ integral lensഀ 0ഀ assembly Sensing chamberഀ Laser beamഀ Mirror Detailഀ c'ഀ Protective yhousingഀ RF shiehഀ Chamber coverഀ Bug screenഀ Safety interlocks (4)ഀ Smoke sensing chamberഀ cower/screenഀ r~ Smoke sensing chamber baseഀ Spring contact to bug screenഀ Circuit boardഀ Contacts toഀ mounting bracketsഀ Photo diode Smoke detector baseഀ ssomi.wrrഀ Ndifier®; FlashScan® and VIEW® are registered trademarks of Honeywellഀ IMemationel Inc-ഀ C2007 by Honeywell Irtemational Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized useഀ of this document is strictly prohibitedഀ 1S0 9oo1 This document is not intended to be used for installation purposesഀ We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. N ~>rഀ We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirementsഀ (A A AN specifications are subod to charge tr txxA notice.ഀ QIAtITT SYSTEMS Made in theU.S.Aഀ For more information, contact Nodiier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118.ഀ umm notilier.oomഀ Page 4 of 4 - DN-6886:A • 01 M=7ഀ FSD-751 PL(A), FSD-751 RPL(A)ഀ Intelligent Low-Flow Photoelectricഀ Duct Smoke Detectors with FlashScan®ഀ Generalഀ NOTIFIER FSD-751PL(A) and FSD-751RPL(A) Intelligent Pho-ഀ toelectric Smoke Duct Detectors provide low--flow technologyഀ that enables duct smoke detection throughout a broad range ofഀ airflow environments in HVAC applications. The low-flow tech-ഀ nology can detect smoke at air speed velocities of 100 feet perഀ minute (0.5 m/sec) or greater, while continuing the same reliableഀ performance to 4,000 feet per minute (20.32 misec). The intel i-ഀ gent low-flow duct detectors sample air currents passingഀ through a duct and gives dependable performance for shutdownഀ of fans, blowers, and air conditioning systems, preventing theഀ spread of toxic smoke an fire gases through the protected area.ഀ FSD-751PL(A) and FSD-751RPL(A) are compatible with allഀ NOTIFIER addressable panels. FSD-751PL(A) and FSD-ഀ 751 R PL(A) provide a remote alarm output for use with auxiliaryഀ devices, such as the RA400Z(A) remote LED annunciator, asഀ well as remote test capability with the RTS451(A) orഀ RTS451 KEY(A) Remote Test Stations.ഀ Traditional panels support addresses of 0 - 99. The Flash-ഀ Scan@ protocol supports addresses of 0 - 159. The patentedഀ FlashScan communication protocol was developed by NOTI-ഀ FIER Engineering, it greatly enhances the speed of conwnunica-ഀ tion between analog intelligent devices and the Notifier controlഀ panel. Intelligent devices communicate in a grouped fashion. Ifഀ one of the devices within the group has new information, theഀ panel stops the group poll and concentrates on single points.ഀ The net effect is response speed greater than five times that ofഀ earlier designs.ഀ Applicationsഀ Duct smoke detectors have specific limitations,ഀ NOT a substitute for open area smoke detectorsഀ NOT a substitute for early warning detection.ഀ • NOT a replacement for a building's regular fire detection syഀ tem.ഀ Please call NOTIFIER for a copy of System4sor's applicaticഀ guide, Proper Use of Smoke Detectorsഀ anonഀ (A05-1004-00). 4*ഀ Featuresഀ • Air velocity rating from 100 to 4;000 feet per ute (0.3`tQഀ 20.32 m/sec).ഀ • Patented telescopic sampling tube.ഀ • Easily accessible code wheels for addressing detector.ഀ • Outside mounting tabs.ഀ • Mounts to round or rectangular ducts from V to 12'(0.3 to 3.7ഀ meters) wide.ഀ • Transparent cover for convenient visual inspection.ഀ Installationഀ Refer to installation manuals for control panel and dud detectorഀ for detailed information or to install equipment. Installation man-ഀ uals for detectors: 1561978-003R for FSD-751PL(A), 156-1979-ഀ 004R for FSD-751 R PL(A).ഀ Wring: For signal wiring (the wiring between detectors or fromഀ detectors to auxiliary devices), it is recommended that singleഀ conductor wire be no smaller than 18 AWG (0.821 mn2). Theഀ DN-6955:A • H-215ഀ NOTIFIER~ഀ by Honeywellഀ 3242r""M 324N".kg 3242MAഀ ഀ ഀ wഀ s►ഀ rOj~ ~p y 0 RTS~.51 RTS451 KEYഀ duct snf6~i~,,dd mmodate wire sizes up to 12ഀ (3.31 r ommended for the lastഀ foo .48 m solid -connections may beഀ ifഀ S nd alarm system control'parlels have specifiFഀ cations ignaling . Circuit (SLC) wiring. Consult the con-ഀ tro nel . cations wiring require ments before wiringഀ the de loop. FS 1PL(A) and FSD-751RPL(A)ഀ detectors a igned ease of wiring; their housing providesഀ a terminal strip w lampin ales.ഀ LED Features: If prog med v fl* . t'he system control panel,ഀ two LEDs on each duct smo elector light to provide local vis-ഀ ible indication.ഀ Programming specificationstrequirements for intelligentഀ system control panels: The number of devices that can haveഀ their LEDs programmed to illuminate is limited by the features ofഀ the panel and the individual devices. The actual number ofഀ devices is determined by the control panel and its ability to sup-ഀ ply LED current. Refer to the control panel installation manualഀ for details.ഀ DN-6955A • 1229M - Page 1 of 4ഀ Wiring Diagrams for FSD-751 PL(A)ഀ COMMUNICATIONഀ LINEഀ UL Listedഀ Control Panelഀ 6821%*tW'dഀ zഀ 0ഀ Detectorഀ Terminalsഀ rഀ wഀ Y Zഀ o 1 gഀ 01 ,eഀ w 0 00ഀ t- C U U Uഀ Detectorഀ Terminalsഀ Inlet Tlube Selectionഀ iഀ 00ഀ 22ഀ U U / 'ഀ U C03ഀ on fo otherഀ Detectorsഀ 1st Detector on the 2nd Detectorഀ in Loop in Loopഀ ,,dldhb, FSD-751 PL(A) Duct Smokeഀ Detector using a UL or ULCഀ Listed control panel.ഀ ' FSD-751 PL(A) Duct Smokeഀ Detector with an optionalഀ RA40OZ(A).ഀ FSD-751 PL(A) Duct Smokeഀ Detector with RTS451(Ayഀ ffi21""3-"""`ഀ RTS451 KEY(A).ഀ COMMONഀ 4ഀ TESTഀ ©ഀ NOTE. For RTS451(A), Terminal 3 is notഀ used. RTS451(A) does not have a Terminalഀ Field-Installedഀ JUMPERഀ 6. For RTS451KEY(A), Terminals 3 and 6ഀ are not used.ഀ ഀ 2 30ഀ LEDഀ RESETഀ RTS451 /RTS451 KEYഀ Outside Duct Widthഀ Inlet Tube'ഀ Up to 2 feet (0.6096 m)ഀ ST-1.5(A)ഀ 2 to 4 feet (0.6096 to 1.2192 m)ഀ ST-3(A)ഀ 4 to 8 feet (1.2192 to 2.4384 m)ഀ ST-5(A)ഀ 8 to 12 feet (2.4384 to 3.6576 m)ഀ ST-10(A)ഀ Inlet tube is required and must be purdrased separately.ഀ Order One inlet tube for each duct smoke detector ordered.ഀ :aea~zatir~.xxao-~x,,.a~~zxzxxti~zxa~~~ar.xmxxz. ~~...~ax, .xxxecxti~zx>xzxr ::ca::k ~..xxxxxa~-^~rx~.xxxxz.~~~,r.,xxxxxxxaw.xxxa:.x>:.>ഀ Page 2 of 4 - DN-69%A -1229Mഀ Wiring Diagrams for FSD-751 1PL(A)ഀ FSD 751 RPL(A) Duct Smoke Detector using a UL-Listed control panel:ഀ COMMUNICATIONഀ LINEഀ 0 U,ഀ 0 Uഀ aoo~~ഀ J;r3 a~--ഀ OQO d ~O ---0--ഀ UL-LISTEDഀ CONTROL PANEL J1 JUMPER 1ST DETECTOR J1 JUMPER 2ND DETECTORഀ IN LOOP IN LOOPഀ NOTE 1) Jumper J1 shunt must be insteRed for 2-W applications J1 shunt must be removed for power PCBഀ supervision. Note that removal of shunt without adding external power will prevent communications to the panelഀ over the SLC. 2) External power of 24 V AC/DC or 1201220 VAC must be connected in order to power all remoteഀ hom orstrobe accessories.ഀ FSD-751 RPL(A) Duct Smoke Detectorഀ with an optional RA400Z(A):ഀ RA40OZഀ DO NOT BREAK TABഀ 00 0 ON RA40OZഀ 100 o + -ഀ o 0 sഀ 5 = Alarm Signalഀ 7 = Aux. Powerഀ FSD-751 RPL(A) Duct Smoke Detectorഀ with an optional PA400:ഀ PA400ഀ 00 ~ഀ 4>0ഀ e oഀ ° 0ഀ 5 = Alarm Signalഀ 7 = Aux. Powerഀ FSD-751 RPL(A) Ductഀ Smoke Detector withഀ RTS451(AYRTS451 KEY(A):ഀ FITS 451!ഀ RTS451KEYഀ 1ഀ ALARM SIGNALഀ 3ഀ O NOT USEDഀ ALARM SIGNALഀ 5ഀ 6^ NOT USEDഀ 7ഀ 2ഀ AUX. POWERഀ CIRCUITഀ ~ഀ REFERENCEഀ 4ഀ 4ഀ TEST+ഀ Iഀ TESTഀ 31ഀ 5 SWITCHഀ TEST-ഀ FOR RTS451, TERMINAL 3 iS NOT USED.ഀ (RTS451 DOES NOT HAVE A TERMINAL 6.)ഀ FOR RTS451KF_Y. TERMINALS 3 AND 6ഀ ARE NOT USED.ഀ 7006M4.V9 dഀ :zzzrxex,.m.•~z»;:~;.x.ccer,., xzx~xzzzcezzzxxxxxxxxxescxc~ze;~crr~nxxix~:ccxtixzzx;~xxxxx„zxzzzzzea~.;zz::zxr:rr.~zzz~.,.--^~^%,,.xss~rr.:~z;::::;~ti~~.~~.xexr..;za~:::zz::zഀ DN-6955A • 1229M - Page 3 of 4ഀ Product Line InfornEationഀ NOTE: A" model sulfur is for Canadian modelsഀ FSD-751PL: Addressable low-flow duct detector housing withഀ photoelectric smoke detector.ഀ FSD-751PLA: Same as above with ULC listing.ഀ FSD-751RPL: Addressable low-flow duct detector housing withഀ photoelectric smoke detector with DPDT relay.ഀ FSD-75IRPLA: Same as above with ULC listing.ഀ A5053FS: Replacement photoelectric sensor board.ഀ A5067: Replacement power board (without relay).ഀ A5060: Replacement power board (with relay).ഀ ST-1.5(A): Metal sampling tube, duct widths 1' to 2' (see ln/etഀ Tube Selection table on page 2 for metric lengths).ഀ ST-3(A): Metal sampling tube, duct widths 2' to 4'.ഀ ST-0(A): Metal sampling tube, duct widths 4' to 8'.ഀ ST-10(A): Metal sampling tube, duct widths 8' to 17.ഀ RA400Z(A): Remote annunciator alarm LED.ഀ RTS451(A): Remote test station. Mounts in single-gang box.ഀ Includes red alarm LED and magnet test switch.ഀ RTS451KEY(A): Key-activated remote test station.ഀ F36-09-11: Replacement filters.ഀ M02-04-00: Test magnet.ഀ M02-09.00: Test magnet with telescoping handle.ഀ S0839-01: Replacement photo insect screen.ഀ P48-01-00: Replacement end cap for plastic sampling tube.ഀ P48-21-00: Replacement end cap for metal sampling tube.ഀ T80-71-00: Replacement plastic sampling tube.ഀ Specificationsഀ FOR FSD-751PL(A)ഀ Operating voltage range: 15 to 30 VDC.ഀ Standby current: 300 pA @ 24 VDC (one communicationഀ every 5 seconds with LED blink enabled).ഀ Operating temperature range: 32" to 131"F (0" to 55"C).ഀ Operating humidity range: 10% to 93% relative humidity (non-ഀ condensing).ഀ Storage temperature range: -221F to +1581F (-30"C to +7("C).ഀ Duct air velocity: 100 to 4,000 feet/min (0.5 to 20.32 m/s).ഀ Shipping weight: 3.35 lbs. (1.5 kg).ഀ Dimensions: 14.75" (37 cm) length x 5.50" (14 cm) width xഀ 2.75" (7 cm) deep.ഀ FSD-751PL(A) accessory current loads @ 24 VDC:ഀ RA40OZ(A): 0 mA standby, 10 mA maximum in alarm.ഀ RTS451(A) and RTS451KEY(A): 0 mA standby, 7.5 mA maxi-ഀ mum in alarm.ഀ FOR FSD-751RPL(A)ഀ Operating voltage range: 20 to 30 VDC, 24 VACNDC, 120/ഀ 240 VAC auxiliary power (requires a separate auxiliary source).ഀ Standby current: 300 pA @ 24 VDC (one communicationഀ every 5 seconds with LED blink enabled).ഀ Operating temperature range: 32" to 131 "F to 55"C).ഀ Operating humidity range: 10% to 93% relative humidity (non-ഀ condensing).ഀ Storage temperature range: -22"F to +158•F (-0"C to +70"C).ഀ Duct air velocity: 100 to 4,000 feettmin (0.5 to 20.32 m/s).ഀ Shipping weight: 3.90 ibs- (1.8 kg).ഀ Dimensions: 14.75" (37 cm) length x 5.50' (14 cm) width xഀ 2.75" (7 cm) deep-ഀ FSD-751RPL(A) CONTACT RATMIGSഀ Alarm auxiliary contacts (DPDT): 10 A @ 30 VDC; 10 A @ഀ 277 VAC (0.75 power factor); 240 VA @ 249 VAC (0.4 powerഀ factor); 1/8 HP @ 120 VAC; 1/4 HP @ 240 VAC.ഀ Minimum switching current for auxiliary contact must beഀ 100 mA DC minimum @ 5 VDC.ഀ Supervisory contact (SPST): 2.0 A @ 30 VDC (resistive).ഀ FSD-751RPL(A) accessory current bads @ 24 VDC: PA400:ഀ refer to PA400 data sheet DN-2405. RA40t7Z(A): 0 mA standby,ഀ 12 mA maximum in alarm. RTS451(A) and RTS451KEY(A): 0ഀ mA standby, 10 mA maximum in alarm.ഀ FSD-751RPL(A) CURRENT REQUIREMENTS (USINGഀ NO ACCESSO)WES)ഀ 20 - 30 VDC power supply voltage: 26 mA maximum standbyഀ current; 87 mA maximum alarm current; 3 to 10 second alarmഀ response time; 2 second power-up time.ഀ 24 VAC, 50160 Hz power supply voltage: 65 mA RMS maxi-ഀ mum standby current; 182 mA RMS maximum alarm current; 3ഀ to 10 second alarm response time; 2 second power-up time.ഀ 120 VAC, 50160 Hz power supply voltage. 44 mA RMS maxi-ഀ mum standby current; 52 mA RMS maximum alarm current; 3 toഀ 10 second alarm response time; 2 second power-up time.ഀ 220/240 VAC, 50160 Hz power supply voltage: 25 rrA RMSഀ maximum standby current; 30 n-A RMS maximum alarm current;ഀ 3 to 10 second alarm response time; 2 second power-up time.ഀ Agency Listings and Approvalsഀ The listings and approvals below apply to FSD-751PL(A) andഀ FSD-751RPL(A) Intelligent Low-Fkrn Photoelectric Smoke Ductഀ Detectors. In some cases, certain modules may not be listed byഀ certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consultഀ factory for latest listing status.ഀ • UL Listed: file S1115 (FSD-751PL, FSD-751RPL).ഀ • ULC Listed: file S115 (FSD-751PLA, FSD-751RPLA).ഀ • CSFM approved: fie 3240-0028:205.ഀ • FM approved.ഀ • MEA approved: file 384-02-E.ഀ • Maryland State Fire Marshal approved: Permit #2127.ഀ RashScang. NOTFIt3S and System Sensa® are registered trademarksഀ of Honeywell Intemational Inc.ഀ 02006 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized useഀ of this document is strictly prohibited.ഀ '~O 9001 This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes.ഀ We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate.ഀ We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements.ഀ MIMESIS I M AN speciicafions are subod to charge without notice.ഀ IIALITT SYSTEMSഀ For more 'rdamation, contact Nolifier. Phone: (tai) 484-7161, FAX: (tai) 4847118.ഀ vvuuw.nofi7ercomഀ -ഀ Page 4 of 4 - DN-6955A • 12091106ഀ dn-6720:a1 • H-220ഀ FMM-19 FMM-1019ഀ FZM-1 & FDM-1ഀ NOTIFIER~ഀ 0 (1Jഀ Monitor Modules with FlashScan@ by Honeywellഀ FASOഀ General n nഀ Four different monitor modules are available for Notifiers intel-ഀ ligent control panels to suit a variety of applications. Monitorഀ modules are used to supervise a circuit of dry-contact inputഀ devices, such as conventional heat detectors and pull stations,ഀ or monitor and power a circuit of two-wire smoke detectorsഀ (FZM-1).ഀ FMM-1 is a standard-sized module (typically mounts to a Vഀ [10.16 cm] square box) that supervises either a Class A (Styleഀ D) or Class B (Style B) circuit of dry-contact Input devices.ഀ FMM-101 is a miniature monitor module (a mere 1.3' (3.302ഀ cm) H x 2.75' (6.985 cm) W x 0.5' (1.270 cm) D) used toഀ supervise a Class B (Style circuit of dry-contact inputഀ devices. Its compact design allim-the FMM-101 to often beഀ mounted in a single-gang box device it monitors.ഀ FZM-1 is a standard-sized module u nitor and super-ഀ vise compatible two-wire, 24 volt, smoke on a Classഀ A (Style D) or Class B le B) circuit.ഀ FDM-1 is a standard- ' dual monitor m u oni-ഀ 6~ o - o(~)ഀ B ©8 oഀ 3x~ഀ 7 Z FMMA and FZM-1ഀ 8 3ഀ 5~• 4ഀ ~o v o0ഀ detail of FDM-1 - noteഀ "ones" addresses are 0, 2,ഀ 4, 6, 8 onlyഀ tor ryand supervise t ~ ent twowire~t ; CI s4ഀ dry-contact initia ce cin~bb 1 Loov mssഀ syslet~s ~ ~ O °ഀ consecutive addrr in inteN" two-wireഀ I' C~ഀ Gഀ FlashScan® (U.S. Patent 5,539,.M) is a commurnc~ioriti.prtഀ tocol developed by N&WIER Engineering., that greaitly -ഀ enhances the speed of communication between analog intelli= `ഀ gent devices. Intelligent devices communicate in a 'grouped m be wired as aNFPA S e B Class B or te D Classഀ fashion. if one of the devices within the group has new inior- A) Initiating Devic6 Orcuit. A 47K ohm E d-of-Une Resistorഀ mation, the panel CPU stops the group polFv►d corioenvatesഀ on single points. The net effect is response sp6gq greater than (Provided) terminates 'the Style B circuit. No resistor isഀ five times that of other designs. required for supervision of the Style D circuitഀ I WW1 OPERATIONഀ FMM-1 Monitor Modules Ea6R-fMM-1 uses one of the available module addresses onഀ • Built-in type identification automatically identifies this device °ap SLC loop. it responds to regular polls from the control panelഀ as a monitor module to the control panel. a rts'itp type and the status (open/normal/short) of itsഀ • Powered directly by two-wire SLC loop. No additional power Initiaiin ice Circuit (IDC). A flashing LED indicates thatഀ required. the module- is in communication with the control panel. Theഀ LED latches steady on alarm (subject to current limitations onഀ • High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity. the loop)ഀ • SEMS screws with damping plates for ease of wiring.ഀ • Direct-dial entry of address: 01 - 159 on FlashScan sys-ഀ tems, 01 - 99 on CLIP systems.ഀ • LED flashes green during normal operation (this is a pro-ഀ grammable option) and latches on steady red to indicateഀ alarm.ഀ The FMM-1 Monitor Module is intended for use in intelligent,ഀ two-wire systems, where the individual address of each mod-ഀ ule is selected using the built-in rotary switches. It providesഀ either a two-wire or four-wire lerant Initiating Device Cir-ഀ cuit (I DC) for normally-open -co fire alarm and supervisoryഀ devices. The module has a panel-controlled LED indicator.ഀ The FMM-1 can be used to replace MMX-1 modules inഀ existing systems.ഀ FMM-1 SPECIFICATIONSഀ Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC.ഀ Maximum current draw: 5.1 mA (LED on).ഀ Maximum operating current: 375 pA (LED flashing).ഀ Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 1,500 ohms.ഀ EOL resistance: 47K ohms.ഀ Temperature range: 32'F to 120'F (0°C to 49°C).ഀ Humidity range: 100/6 to 93% noncodensing.ഀ Dimensions: 4.5' (11.43 cm) high x 4' (10.16 cm) wide xഀ 1.25' (3.175 cm) deep. Mounts to a 4' (10.16 cm) square xഀ 2.125' (5.398 cm) deep box.ഀ FMM-1 APPLICATIONSഀ Use to monitor a zone of four-wire smoke detectors, manualഀ fire alarm pull stations, waterflow devices, or other normally-ഀ open dry-contact alarm activation devices. May also be usedഀ to monitor normally-open supervisory devices with specialഀ supervisory indication at the control panel. Monitored circuitഀ FMM-101 Mini Monitor Moduleഀ • Built-in type identification automatically identifies this deviceഀ as a monitor module to the panel.ഀ ckr6M a1 •04126/08 - Page 1 of 6ഀ • Powered directly by two-wire FACP. No additional power F73114 Interface Moduleഀ required.ഀ • High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity.ഀ • Tinned, stripped leads for ease of wiring.ഀ • Direct-dial entry of address: 01 - 159 on FlashScan sys-ഀ tems, 01 - 99 on CLIP systems.ഀ 14 15 0 1 ADDRESS 0 1ഀ 13 2 ~ 2ഀ 12 3 3 LOOP 11 O 4 O 4ഀ t09 S 7 65 9 8 7 65ഀ TENS ONESഀ Oഀ ഀ W 4ഀ Uഀ Lഀ coഀ The FMM-101 Mini Monitor Module can be installed in a sin-ഀ gle-gang junction directly behind the monitored unit. Its smallഀ size and light weight allow it to be installed without rigid mount-ഀ ing. The FMM-101 is intended for use in intelligent, two-wireഀ systems where the individual address of each module isഀ selected using rotary switches. it provides a two-wire initiatingഀ device circuit for normally-open-contact fire alarm and securityഀ devices. The FMM-101 can be used to replace MMX-101ഀ modules in existing systems.ഀ FMM-101 APPLICATIONSഀ Use to monitor a single device or a zone of four-wire smokeഀ detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, waterflow devices, orഀ other normally-open dry-contact devices. May also be used toഀ monitor normally-open supervisory devices with special super-ഀ visory indication at the control panel. Monitored circuit/deviceഀ is wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) Initiating Device Circuit.ഀ A 47K ohm End-of-Line Resistor (provided) terminates the cir-ഀ cuit.ഀ FMM-101 OPERATIONഀ Each FMM-101 uses one of the available module addressesഀ on an SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from the controlഀ panel and reports its type and the status (open/normal/short)ഀ of its Initiating Device Circuit (IDC).ഀ FMM-101 SPECIFICATIONSഀ Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC.ഀ Maximum operating current: 375 NA.ഀ Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 1,500 ohms.ഀ EOL resistance: 47K ohms.ഀ Temperature range: 32'F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C).ഀ Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing.ഀ Dimensions: 1.3' (3.302 cm) high x 2.75' (6.985 cm) wide xഀ 0.65" (1.651 cm) deep.ഀ Wire length: 6' (15.24 cm) minimum.ഀ • Supports compatible two-wire smoke detectors.ഀ • Supervises IDC wiring and connection of external powerഀ source.ഀ • High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity.ഀ • SEMS screws with damping plates for ease of wiring.ഀ • Direct-dial entry of address: 01 - 159 on FlashScan sys-ഀ tems, 01 - 99 on CUP systems.ഀ • LED flashes during normal operation; this is a programma-ഀ ble option.ഀ • LED latches steady to indicate alarm on command fromഀ control panel.ഀ The FZM-1 Interface Module is intended for use in intelligent,ഀ addressable systems, where the individual address of eachഀ module is selected using built-in rotary switches. This moduleഀ allows intelligent panels to interface and monitor two-wire con-ഀ ventional smoke detectors. it transmits the status (normal,ഀ open, or alarm) of one full zone of conventional detectors backഀ to the control panel. All two-wire detectors being monitoredഀ must be UL compatible with the module. The FZM-1 can beഀ used to replace MMX-2 modules in existing systems.ഀ FZW1 APPLICATIONSഀ Use the FZM-1 to monitor a zone of two-wire smoke detectors.ഀ The monitored circuit may be wired as an NFPA Style B (Classഀ B) or Style D (Class A) Initiating Device Circuit. A 3.9 K ohmഀ End-of-Line Resistor (provided) terminates the end of the Styleഀ B or D (class B or A) circuit (maximum IDC loop resistance isഀ 25 ohms). Install ELR across terminals 8 and 9 for Style Dഀ application.ഀ FZIIII-1 OPERATIONഀ Each FZM-1 uses one of the available module addresses onഀ an SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from the control panelഀ and reports its type and the status (open/normal/short) of itsഀ Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). A flashing LED indicates thatഀ the module is in communication with the control panel. Theഀ LED latches steady on alarm (subject to current limitations onഀ the loop).ഀ F23W1 SPECIFICATIONSഀ Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC.ഀ Maximum current draw: 5.1 mA (LED on).ഀ Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 25 ohms.ഀ Maximum operating current: 270 pA (LED flashing).ഀ EOL resistance: 3.9K ohms.ഀ External supply voltage (between Terminals T3 and T4):ഀ DC voltage: 24 volts power limited. Ripple voltage: 0.1 Vrmsഀ maximum. Current: 90 mA per module maximum.ഀ Temperature range: 32°F to 120'F (0°C to 49°C).ഀ Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing.ഀ Dimensions: 4.5' (11.43 cm) high x 4' (10.16 cm) wide xഀ 1.25' (3.175 cm) deep. Mounts to a 4' (10.16 cm) square xഀ 2.125' (5.398 cm) deep box.ഀ FM-1 Dual Monitor Moduleഀ The FDM-1 Dual Monitor Module is intended for use in intelli-ഀ gent, two-wire systems. it provides two independent two-wireഀ initialing device circuits (IDCs) at two separate, consecutiveഀ addresses. it is capable of monitoring normally open contactഀ fire alarm and supervisory devices; or either normally open orഀ normally closed security devices. The module has a singleഀ panel-controlled LED.ഀ Page 2 of 6 - do-6720 a1 •0428Mഀ NOTE: The FDM-1 provides two Class B (Style B) IDC circuitsഀ ONLY. Class A (Style D) IDC circuits are NOT supported in anyഀ application.ഀ FDM-1 SPECIFICATIONSഀ Normal operating voltage range: 15 to 32 VDC.ഀ Maximum current draw: 6.4 mA (LED on).ഀ Maximum operating current: 750 pA (LED flashing).ഀ Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 1,500 ohms.ഀ EOL resistance: 47K ohms.ഀ Temperature range: 32° to 120'F (0' to 49°C).ഀ Humidttyrange: 101Y. to 93% (non-condensing).ഀ Dimensions: 4.5' (11.43 cm) high x 4' (10.16 cm) wide xഀ 2.125' (5.398 cm) deep.ഀ FDM-1 AUTOMATIC ADDRESSINGഀ The FDM-1 automatically assigns itself to two addressableഀ points, starting with the original address. For example, ff theഀ FDM-1 is set to address "26', then it will automatically assignഀ itself to addresses "26• and "27".ഀ NOTE: 'Ones" addresses on the FDM-1 are 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 onlyഀ Terminals 6 and 7 use the first address, and terminals 8 and 9 useഀ the second address.ഀ Q CAUTION:ഀ Avoid duplicating addresses on the system.ഀ Installationഀ FMM-1, FZM-1, and FDM-1 modules mount directly to a stan-ഀ dard 4' (10.16 cm) square, 2.125' (5.398 cm) deep, electricalഀ box. They may also be mounted to the SMB500 surface-mountഀ box. Mounting hardware and installation instructions are pro-ഀ vided with each module. All wiring must conform to applicableഀ local codes, ordinances, and regulations. These modules areഀ intended for power-limited wiring only.ഀ The FMM-101 module is intended to be wired and mountedഀ without rigid connections inside a standard electrical box. Allഀ wiring must conform to applicable local codes, ordinances, andഀ regulations.ഀ GALMONഀ Face plate for FMM-1, FZM-1,ഀ and FDM-1ഀ Agency Listings and Approvalsഀ In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certainഀ approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult fac-ഀ tory for latest listing status.ഀ • UL: S635ഀ • ULC:S3705ഀ • FM Approvedഀ • CSFM:7300-0028:202ഀ • MEA:ഀ - 143-01-E (FDM-1)ഀ - 317-01-E (FMM-11--101)ഀ - 345-02-E (FMM-11--101)ഀ - 457-99-E (FZM-1, FMM-11--101)ഀ -447-99-E (FMM-1/-101, FZM-1)ഀ - 232-WE (FZM-1, FMM-1/-101)ഀ -128-07-E (FZM-1, FMM-1/101)ഀ • U.S. Coast Guard:ഀ -161.002/23/3 (AFP 200: FMM-11--101, FZM-1)ഀ - 161.002142/1 (NFS-640: FMM-11-101)ഀ Lloyd's Register:ഀ - 03/60011/E1 (FAQ!-1/-101, FZM-1)ഀ - 94/60004/E2 (AFP 200: except FDM-1)ഀ - 02/60007 (NFS-640: FDM-1)ഀ - 07/60007 (NFS2-3030: all)ഀ Product Line Informationഀ NOTE: A' sutra indicates ULC Listed model.ഀ FMM-1(A): Monitor module.ഀ FMM-101(A): Monitor module, miniature.ഀ FZM-1(A): Monitor module, two-wire detectorsഀ FDM-1(A): Monitor module, dual, two independent Class Bഀ circuits.ഀ SMB500: Optional surface-mount backbox.ഀ Architects'/Engimmrs' Specificationsഀ Specifications of these and all Notifier products are availableഀ from Notifier.ഀ Mounting Diagrams forഀ Standard-sized Modulesഀ eഀ Oഀ /vഀ oഀ 0ഀ eഀ dn-6720:at • 042a/08 - Page 3 of 6ഀ Wiring Diagramsഀ The following wiring diagrams are included:ഀ 1. FDM-1: Typical dual two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration.ഀ 2. FMM-101: Typical two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration.ഀ 3. FMM-1: Typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style B.ഀ 4. FMM-1: Typical four-wire fault-tolerant initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style D.ഀ 6. FMM-1: Typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration for security systems (with alarm versus short capability).ഀ 6. FZM-1: Interface two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style B.ഀ 7. FZM-1: Interface two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style D.ഀ 8. Applications with Conventional Detectors: Resetting Conventional Detectorsഀ Figure 1 FDM-1: Typical dual two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration.ഀ Two Initiating Device Circuitsഀ -00~ X & N) TO Mextഀ -ked Devoe H FROM Panelഀ 230 pA max @ 12 VDC max. M014lTOR Devwഀ 47K EOL j M~t1LEഀ Resistor ~Ccm.:aatfcarrcxl Lineഀ ELR-47K :9 O 0 32 VDC max mum.ഀ Twisted-hair isഀ '8 w 1' + recommended.ഀ 47K EOL i6 ® 3: All shown wiring is supervised and powerഀ Resistor .5 limited.ഀ ELR-4 K L , :•E~ 4. connect modes to listed co mpatDleഀ R O © NQfFER control panels orbഀ • ANY NUMBER of UL Listed contact closure devices maY be used.ഀ Do NOT MIX fire abrrn initiating, supervisory, or security dew:ces on the same circuitഀ Instal contact closure devioas per manufacture's installation instructions. 6e22%virl meഀ Figure 2 FMM-101: Typical two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration.ഀ f • DICEഀ BLACK ►ഀ UL LISTED 4 REDഀ Compatible Miniature Monitor Moduleഀ Control r ,;789 7lp ~o ; 80ഀ Panel Iഀ )A1 l 43ഀ s 12ഀ 2•..151`3 210 tഀ VIOLET► `YELLOWഀ 47K EOL INCLUDEDഀ ~xxza~xxzx~xxzzxxz:.xxexzexxz w•xzazanxsxzzzzz,x~xzzzx:.z~xxrs.~zr,•-•xzzx:.zzz~ xzz x..~x~:cac xxexzxxxxazzxeaxxz;::xzzs~;3:.xxxx~xz .••.z-e~rzzxzznxxzzza~:zzzzzzzrFZZZZxzzzzzxzz%:~ ~xx~~~~~~~.zxxzഀ Page 4 of 6 - do-6720 a1 •042ar08ഀ NOTE: Wiring Diagrams Uus Page: FHA11L1ഀ • Connect modules to listed compatible NOTIFIER control • Any number of UL-listed contact closure devices may beഀ panels only. used.ഀ • All wiring shown is supervised and power limited. • DO NOT MIX fire alarm initiating, supervisory, and secu-ഀ • Install contact closure devices per manufacturers' installa- rity devices on the same circuit.ഀ tion instructions.ഀ Figure 3 FMM-1: Typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style B.ഀ TD Rkxtഀ Device + - FROM Pane!ഀ P»evia~sഀ MOWITOR + Devineഀ Ini iating Device Circuit (IDC) MODULE (bRഀ NFPA Style 8, poor limited:ഀ Communication Lineഀ 230 uA max. @ 12 VDC max. 5 O 0 32 VDC maximum.ഀ 6 Twisted-pair isഀ 47K EOL 7 1 + recommended.ഀ Resistor ¢ ® 4ഀ ELR Comntriticalion Lossഀ ELR-47Kഀ :x~v ,rrrxss, (opConal cor4wchon for panelsഀ -~Jഀ Q / which support this feature)ഀ FUTURE FEATUREഀ --.--r ---t-, 15720,012.-fഀ Figure 4 FMM-1: Typical four-wire fault-tolerant initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style D.ഀ TO hex!ഀ Deviceഀ FROM Paneiഀ or Previousഀ MONITORഀ Deviceഀ MODULEഀ R\ഀ Communication Lineഀ :9 O 0ഀ 32 VDC maximum.ഀ ;ഀ :ഀ - Twisted-pair isഀ EOL Resistorഀ 8 1ഀ 2;ഀ + recommended.ഀ is imemai atഀ ;g ;ഀ terminals 8 8 9ഀ 4;ഀ - Comrrwrrsatior: Lossഀ (optiorral correction for panelsഀ G 0ഀ which support this histuഀ e)ഀ 1?ഀ FUTURE FEATUREഀ 6720wk&WWഀ Figure 5 FMM-1: Typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration for security systems (with alarmഀ versus short capability).ഀ TO t kxtഀ Dഀ iഀ FROM Panelഀ trUllefing Device Clrctut (WC)ഀ evഀ ceഀ or Previousഀ ഀ NFPA Style 6, power E7stedഀ MONITORഀ Devr_cഀ 230 pA max. O 12 VDC maxഀ MODULEഀ Ib:ഀ ~Cഀ iഀ iഀ uഀ 14K Series Resistor`ഀ \i-ഀ q O t:ഀ 1ഀ ommunഀ onഀ neഀ catഀ - 32 Von rrharimum...ഀ . Wiste.--pair isഀ 47K EOLഀ 8ഀ 7 2ഀ =ഀ + rr ommandad.ഀ Resistorഀ 6 3ഀ Communication Lossഀ 5~ഀ ELR-47Kഀ 4ഀ (opt•onal conneruon for panelsഀ •ഀ Qഀ whin support rnis feature)ഀ )ഀ Q)ഀ FUTURE FEATUREഀ 672aw4 wrtഀ .,,xxa~a~,,,,..~::lrxxxzxx,.,...:xix?,azzzzc,,,,,,zzxxxx,,,,,xxzxea'xr::,...zzxx:a'zzaxxxr.z,...-,,..-.xzs::.,z„ax,M,.,,.-,.,,-zzzxx.zrr~xrzz;^.:,.,,.. , xzszxzxzxzzxzxxa,..ഀ dn-6720:al • 04/28/08 - Page 5 of 6ഀ NOTE: 1Mring Diagrams HUB Page: FZA -1 and FRM-1ഀ • Connect modules to listed compatible control panels only.ഀ • Terminal wiring must be power limited.ഀ • DO NOT MIX fire alarm initiating, supervisory, and secu-ഀ rity devices on the same circuit.ഀ • DO NOT LOOP wire under terminals. Break wire run toഀ provide supervision of connections.ഀ • Detectors must be UL listed compatible with module.ഀ • Install detectors per manufacturers' installation instructions.ഀ • Power to the interface module must be externallyഀ switched to reset the detectors. An FRM-1 relay controlഀ module can be used to switch power from a standardഀ power supply; see Figure 8 below.ഀ Figure 6 FZM-1: Interface two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style B.ഀ 7D Headഀ Deviceഀ NiERFACEഀ NODULE r~ഀ v~ c L,1ഀ 3.9K EOLഀ Resistorഀ (incku'eoഀ A2143-10ഀ Oഀ 1ഀ n-~ 2ഀ 3 ~ഀ FROM Panelഀ or Previousഀ Deviceഀ Commuricalion Lineഀ 32 VDC maximum.ഀ Twisted-pair isഀ recommended.ഀ n_} L1ste, Battery Backupഀ 3 r + snitched OCഀ 4 Dower supply.ഀ A~ Optional Branch Circuitഀ P3 Nei! kiledace Moduleഀ Module, supervises supplyഀ voltage and detector loop. 672DMr6.wmfഀ Figure 7 FZM-1: Interface two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style D.ഀ TO Nextഀ - FROM Panelഀ Deviceഀ Deviceഀ cr P.ഀ iousഀ Deviceഀ NTFRFACEഀ NODULEഀ Cഀ iഀ iഀ Liഀ `Jഀ antu mഀ -atഀ onഀ neഀ 32 VDC maximum.ഀ Twis:ed-jmr isഀ g Uഀ Sഀ iഀ recommended.ഀ wഀ 2ഀ 6 ( 3ഀ +ഀ Listed BatletV Backupഀ oV~~ 4ഀ 5ഀ + Switched DCഀ 'ഀ pcഀ wer supply.ഀ I °ഀ A-- Ophon.al Branch Cirr uitഀ TO Aleaa k11e4se MCd&ഀ AtOdute ~.~CM116lS Sl_'pptyഀ vokay-e and detector bop. 672h1r6.•rttഀ Figure 8 Applications with Conventional Detectors: Resetting detectorsഀ NOTE: To reset conventional detectors, externally switch off power to the interface module they are connected to. This example shows FRM-Iഀ (see DN-6724).ഀ TO Nextഀ FROM Pane)ഀ De►;ceഀ C70ഀ or Previousഀ RELAYഀ Deviceഀ CONTROLഀ DC POWERഀ ഀ MODULE lഀ SUPPLYഀ Listed for F7reഀ ©ഀ Communication Lineഀ Proles„ don withഀ Battery Backupഀ 6ഀ _ 32 VDC maximum.ഀ s 1ഀ ;wasted-p-oir isഀ 7 2ഀ +ഀ recommended.ഀ -ഀ ഀ cഀ ® -1ഀ rx~ഀ O p pഀ 672D. r.wnlഀ Notifier@ and FlashScanO are registered trademarks of Honeywellഀ International Inc.ഀ ®2008 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized useഀ of this document is strictly prohibited.ഀ ISO 9001 This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes-ഀ We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate.ഀ We cannot cover al specific applications or anticipate all requirements. ;aഀ M~fil i RIMiIM Ail specifications are subject to change without notice.ഀ 49ALITY SYSTEMS Made in theU.S.A.ഀ For more information, contact Notfier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118.ഀ www.notifier.comഀ Page 6 of 6 - do-6720 al • 0428108ഀ FCM & FRM Seriesഀ Control and Relay Modulesഀ with FlashScan®ഀ Generalഀ FCM-1 Control Module: The FCM-1 Addressable Controlഀ Module provides Noti ier intelligent control panels a circuit forഀ Notification Appliances (horns, strobes, speakers, etc.) or toഀ monitor a telephone circuit. Addressability allows the FCM-1 toഀ be activated, either manually or through panel programming,ഀ on a select (zone or area of coverage) basis.ഀ FRM-1 Relay Module: The FRM Nfapers, elay Modഀ ule provides the system with a dry activatingഀ a variety of auxiliary devices, succontrolഀ equipment, etc. Addressability alo beഀ activated, either manualy or throu1 aഀ select basis. dഀ FlashScan® (U.S. Patent 5,536L399) is a communicasഀ tocol developed by NC i I En " ing th4,ഀ enhances the speed of n 'n n analഀ gent devices. Intelligeid ci s nicate ' a gഀ fashion. If one of the devices wd n the p hasഀ mation, the panel CPU stops the g poll a conoeഀ on single points. The net effect is respon peed tഀ five times that of other designs-ഀ Featuresഀ • Built-in type identification automatically identifiesഀ devices to the control panel.ഀ AN& ob.ഀ ~W_ 190_tഀ infor`~ 6ഀ DN-6724:A • H-230ഀ NOTIFIERഀ by Honeywellഀ • FC is configured for a single Class B (Style Y) orഀ Cl A (Sty •.Z) Notification Appliance Circuit.ഀ • The F i~provi2letwo Form-C dry contacts that switchഀ together.ഀ Operationഀ Each FCM-1 or FRM-1 uses one of 159 possible moduleഀ addresses on a SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from theഀ control panel and reports its type and status, including theഀ open/normal/short status of its Notification Appliance Circuitഀ (NAC). The LED blinks with each poll received. On command,ഀ it activates its internal relay. The FCM-1 supervises Class Bഀ (Style Y) or Class A (Style Z) notification or control circuits.ഀ Upon code command from the panel, the FCM-1 will discon-ഀ nect the supervision and conned the external power supply inഀ the proper polarity across the load device. The disconnectionഀ of the supervision provides a positive indication to the panelഀ that the control relay actually turned ON. The external powerഀ supply is always relay isolated from the communication loop soഀ that a trouble condition on the external power supply will neverഀ interfere with the rest of the system.ഀ Rotary switches set a unique address for each module. Theഀ address may be set before or after mounting. The built-inഀ TYPE CODE (not settable) will identify the module to the con-ഀ trol panel, so as to differentiate between a module and a sen-ഀ sor address.ഀ • Internal circuitry and relay powered directly by two-wireഀ SLC bop. The FCM-1 module requires power (for horns,ഀ strobes, etc.), audio (for speakers), or a telephone riser (forഀ handsets). Internal relay feature available on RashScanഀ systems only.ഀ • Integral LED ublinks" green each time a communication isഀ received from the control panel and turns on in steady redഀ when activated.ഀ • LED blink may be deselected globally (affects all devices).ഀ • High noise immunity (EMFIRFI).ഀ • The FCM-1 may be used to switch 24-volt NAC power,ഀ audio (up to 70.7 Vrms) or telephone.ഀ • Wide viewing angle of LED.ഀ • SEMS screws with damping plates for wiring ease.ഀ • Direct-dial entry of address 01-159 for RashScan, 01 - 99ഀ on traditional systems.ഀ • Speaker, audibleMsual, and telephone applications may beഀ wired for Class B or A (Style Y or Z).ഀ Applicationsഀ The FCM-1 is used to switch 24 VDC audibleAfisual power,ഀ high-level audio (speakers), or control telephone devices. Theഀ FRM-1 may be programmed to operate dry contacts for doorഀ hollers, Air Handling Unit shutdown, etc., and to reset four-ഀ wire smoke detector power.ഀ Constructionഀ Specifications for FCF&1ഀ • The face plate is made of off-white NoryM. Normal eij!erating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC.ഀ • Controls include two rotary switches for direct-dial entry of Maximum dUrrent draw:, 6.5 mA (LED on).ഀ address (01-159). Average operating current: 350 pA direct`poll (CLIP mode),ഀ 375 NA group p64 (RashScarAb mode) with LED flashing.ഀ DN-6724:A • 6/22/07 - Pagel of 4ഀ ~ഀ \ഀ tഀ FCM4 th6duleഀ \ wiring diagram Fig. 5 for FRM-1)ഀ External supply voltage (between Terminals T3 and T4):ഀ maximum 80 volts (RMS or DC).ഀ Drain on external supply: 2 mA maximum (using internalഀ EOL relay).ഀ EOL resistance: 47K ohms.ഀ Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 490C).ഀ Humidity range: 10% to 93% non-condensing.ഀ Dimensions: 4.5' (114.3 mm) high x 4' (101.6 mm) wide xഀ 1.25' (31.75 mm) deep. Mounts to a 4' (101.6 mm) square xഀ 2.125' (53.975 mm) deep box.ഀ Specifications for FRWIഀ Normal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC.ഀ Maximum current draw: 6.5 mA (LED on).ഀ Average operating current: 230 NA direct poll (CLIP mode),ഀ 255 pA group poll (RashScarM mode) with LED flashing.ഀ EOL resistance: not used.ഀ Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C).ഀ Humidity range: 10% to 93% non-condensing.ഀ Dimensions: 4.5' (114.3 mm) high x 4' (101.6 mm) wide xഀ 1.25' (31.75 mm) deep. Mounts to a 4' (101.6 mm) square xഀ 2.125' (53.975 mm) deep box.ഀ RELAY CONTACT RATINGSഀ FOR BOTH FCM-1 AND FRM-1 MODELSഀ Loadഀ Applicationഀ Maximumഀ Currentഀ Descriptionഀ Voltageഀ Ratingഀ Resistiveഀ Non-Codedഀ 30 VDCഀ 3.0 Aഀ Resistiveഀ Codedഀ 30 VDCഀ 2.0 Aഀ Resistiveഀ Non-Codedഀ 110 VDCഀ 0.9 Aഀ Resistiveഀ Non-Codedഀ 125 VACഀ 0.9 Aഀ Inductiveഀ Codedഀ 30 VDCഀ 0ഀ 5 Aഀ (UR=5ms)ഀ .ഀ Inductiveഀ Codedഀ 30 VDCഀ 1ഀ 0 Aഀ (UR=2ms)ഀ .ഀ Inductiveഀ Non-Codedഀ 125 VACഀ 0ഀ 5 Aഀ (PF=0.35)ഀ .ഀ Agency Listings and Approvalsഀ In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certainഀ approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult fac-ഀ tory for latest listing status.ഀ • UL: S3705ഀ • ULC: CS669ഀ • FM Approvedഀ • CSFM: 7300-0028:202ഀ • MEA:457-99-Eഀ • Maryland State Fire Marshal: Permit tl 2020ഀ PRODUCT LINE INFORMATIONഀ NOTE: A° suffix indicates ULC Listed model.ഀ FCM-1(A): Intelligent Addressable Control Module.ഀ FRM-1(A): Intelligent Addressable Relay Module.ഀ A2143-20: Capacitor, required for Class A (Style Z) operationഀ of speakers.ഀ SMB500: Optional Surface-Mount Backbox.ഀ C13500: Control Module Barrier - required by UL for separat-ഀ ing power-limited and non-power limited wiring in the sameഀ junction box as FCM-1.ഀ ISOLATEDഀ WADR4NTഀ Mounting Diagramsഀ Note CB500 Module Barrier, whichഀ creates isolated quadrant.ഀ Qഀ i ~ഀ CAUTIONഀ LSE-ENERGIZE UNIT PRIOR TO SERVICIyvഀ Page 2 of 4 - DN-6724A • 622107ഀ Wiring Diagramsഀ The following wiring diagrams are provided:ഀ 1. FCM-1: Typical notification appliance circuit configuration, NFPA Style Y.ഀ 2. FCM-1: Typical faun-tolerant notification appliance circuit configuration, NFPA Style Z.ഀ 3. FCM-1: Typical wiring for speaker supervision and switching, NFPA Style Y.ഀ 4. FCM-1: Typical faun-tolerant wiring for speaker supervision and switching, NFPA Style Z.ഀ S. FRM-1: Relay module wiring diagram.ഀ Figure 1 FCM-1ഀ Typical notification appliance circuit configuration, NFPA Style Y.ഀ • Connect modules to Listedഀ Communication Line 32 VDC max.ഀ compatible Notifler controlഀ Refer to panel documentation forഀ panels only.ഀ TO Nextഀ Deviceഀ type of cable required. FROM Panelഀ or PMMsഀ ~ഀ • All wiring shown isഀ PONTഀ . Deviceഀ supervised and powerഀ ? MODIJa.Eഀ 24 VDC Cruxഀ limited.ഀ 47KEOLഀ Cഀ / DO NOT LOOP wireഀ /ഀ tഀ iഀ lഀ 3 & 4ഀ • Module polarities areഀ EELLRR47Kഀ g 5 1ഀ onഀ ermഀ naഀ sഀ .ഀ t[ Break wire to provideഀ shown in alarm.ഀ 7 -is 2ഀ sഀ upervision of cഀ onnections.ഀ 6 3ഀ 24 VDCഀ LOOഀ 5 aഀ P /pLY1E55ഀ POWERഀ V /ഀ SUPPLYഀ ►ഀ W Wഀ ?o rer SuPf~Yഀ ~ഀ UL listedഀ • Esola►ed, reye3eced,ഀ power-limitedഀ EOL Relayഀ TO NEXT control mode or EOL Relay.ഀ per NFPA 70.ഀ shovinഀ energizedഀ ONE RELAY REQUIRED for each cwmit.ഀ Some control panels have the RELAY BVILT INഀ Listed for for fire prc a tl xrഀ 24 VDC coilഀ and do not require external Miring.ഀ with battery backup.ഀ e72•eirt-••M EOLR-1ഀ Refer to the manual.ഀ Figure 2 FCM-1ഀ Typical fault-tolerant notification appliance circuit configuration, NFPA Style Z.ഀ • Connect modules to Listedഀ Communication Line 32 voc max.ഀ compatible Notifier controlഀ Referto panel docurnemaeon forഀ panels only.ഀ TO Nextഀ Deviceഀ type d cable required. FROM Panelഀ 4-4ഀ or Previousഀ • All wiring shown isഀ EOL Resistorഀ CONTROLഀ Deviceഀ supervised and powerഀ is internal atഀ v ~LEഀ 1~)ഀ 24 VDC Circuitഀ limited.ഀ termiriais8&9ഀ ~reഀ • Module polarities areഀ 8 Uഀ 8 1ഀ ~TLഀ Oഀ Break wFeto provideഀ shown in alarm.ഀ zഀ supervision of conrections.ഀ 6 ~R 3ഀ V~ഀ 24ഀ LOOഀ P ~g HESSഀ POWERഀ !1ഀ vഀ SUPPLYഀ r ►ഀ ഀ Power Supp!Yഀ ഀ Isolated, regulated,ഀ UL listedഀ EOL Relayഀ - TO NEXT caxrd motile or EDI-Retayഀ po vervlknkedഀ per NFPA 70-ഀ shownഀ enerr dഀ ONE RELAY REQUIRED for each cl•cu-iLഀ Some control pawls have the RELAY 8U2T Wഀ All-ഀ •ഀ Lഀ isted For fire protectionഀ 24 VAC coilഀ and do M require external l rv wi~g.ഀ ~ഀ backup.ഀ be"ഀ e7240Y2mirif EOLR-1ഀ Refer to the manual.ഀ 'Q'22`.'.22222Y.'22222222222t2btt222222222TR222%22222Y`v22:? Y22:2.':'.\"..'2:iC~71@272:22.\\\`2\'2.\\\\!\°'2i2iu1\•:2:.::\\YV\'v0?\'+k'.\'2?i4222A\v`.\\':2.22'.'.2:27R1\\'\H'2??:2.'a'222:.".'.:`222b'.2:;: 2.'2t'.'.2'.'.2\'+'.::212'.2\'1Ci\\CQ:Q\~LC.\\'222ഀ DN-6724'A • 622/07 - Page 3 of 4ഀ Figure 3 FCM-1ഀ Typical wiring for speaker supervision and switching, NFPA Style Y.ഀ • Connect modules to Listed 'Refer to panel documentationഀ Com umnication Lire rortype of cable required.ഀ compatible Notifier Control TO Naxt t+) O 32 VDC max. 1-)ഀ FROM Panelഀ Panels onlyഀ t+) arPrevtousഀ • All wiring shown isഀ CONTROLഀ Deviceഀ supervised and powerഀ MODULEഀ Audio Circuitഀ limited.ഀ oഀ GO NOT LOOPwireഀ / on terminals 3 & 4.ഀ 4TK ED`ഀ • Wires must be supervised Resistorഀ 0 -ഀ sഀ +ഀ I( Break wire to ensureഀ superlision of tonneau.ഀ per NFPA. ELR-47Kഀ 2ഀ (ഀ )ഀ ~ഀ o 3ഀ +ഀ AUDIO AMPLIFIERഀ • Module polarities areഀ s , 4ഀ 70.7 VRMs max. Iഀ shown in alarm.ഀ Vഀ Cഀ Use only models AA30,ഀ O Oഀ AA,100. or AA-120.ഀ ഀ J__ LJഀ Amplifier mutt provideഀ wing supervision per W PA.ഀ TO Nextഀ Speaker Switching Circuit NFPA STYLE W Control Moduleഀ SUPERVISIONഀ Speakers must be listed for fire protection. Last rrroKkie must returnഀ arz4w3.■wr Refer to the Relay Contact Rating table for rnaximum load. wires for supervisionഀ Figure 4 FCM-1ഀ Typical fault-tolerant wiring for speaker supervision and switching, NFPA Style Z.ഀ • Connect modules to Listedഀ Cemrywrikaഀ +ian Lineഀ Refer to panel documentationഀ iഀ compatible Notifier controlഀ .ഀ TO Wxtഀ o; type of cable required.ഀ 32 VOC mexഀ panels only.ഀ Device Oഀ . _ FROM Panelഀ orPrevv sഀ • All wiring shown isഀ CONTROLഀ Eov R4 sistor is rxe<nal at terminals s & e.ഀ MODULEഀ t+)ഀ Deviceഀ Atxliv Circuitഀ supervised and potherഀ Capacious: A2143-20. 10,0 Pl.ഀ < 10ഀ Iഀ 16 Vഀ rzഀ dഀ kഀ dഀ A lഀ GO NOT LOOP wdreഀ limitedഀ , nonHpഀ atഀ eഀ ,ഀ eaഀ age.ഀ pഀ 0ഀ on terminals 3 & 4.ഀ .ഀ • Wires must be supervisedഀ 9ഀ ;ഀ 6 1ഀ supupekwre:nഀ servisiono or Can c~nneclions.ഀ per NFPA.ഀ (-Hഀ e 3ഀ ~ഀ 1ഀ AUDIOഀ + AMPLIFIERഀ •ഀ polarities areഀ 5ഀ ~ aഀ 7 70.7 0.7ഀ VRMS max.ഀ shown in alarm.ഀ Useഀ onlyഀ ,ഀ AA-100, or AA-120.ഀ lmptfisrmustnurideഀ TO Next 9 s.goen on per NFPkഀ Speaker Switching Circuit NFPA STYLE X Cantrot Module SUPERV1SR)Nഀ Speakers must be listed for fire protection. Last module must retumഀ en4w4.ww Refer to the Relay Contact Rating table for maximum load. wires for superrismr..ഀ NOTE: Regarding audio ampltfer in Figures 3 and 4 above. Audio circuit wiring must be twisted-pair as a minimum. See Notirter installa-ഀ tion manual for detailed information.ഀ Figure 5 FRM-1ഀ Relay module wiring diagram.ഀ • Connect modules to Listedഀ TO MAIഀ compatible Notifier controlഀ t+)ഀ panels only.ഀ ഀ • Module does NOTഀ supervise controlledഀ circuits.ഀ RELAY COMMONഀ NORMALLY LOSED 2ഀ NORMALLY OPEN 2ഀ RELAY COMMON 1ഀ NORMALLY 'CLOSED 1ഀ Toroഀ mz4we..nv Oഀ 171ഀ REiAYഀ MODULEഀ aഀ 2 3ഀ } a ~~-a VNORMALLYഀ 00ഀ FROM Pare!ഀ o or Proviousഀ ഀ Comrnunicatbn Lineഀ 32 WC maximum.ഀ Refer to panel documentationഀ for type of calve requred.ഀ Notdier® and FlashScanm are registered trademarks of Honeywell Interna-ഀ tional Inc. NoryW is a registered trademark of GE Plastics, a subsidiary ofഀ General Electric Company.ഀ 52007 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized useഀ of this documert is strictly prohibited.ഀ :inc....ഀ ' ~O 9001ഀ This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes -ഀ We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate.ഀ We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirementsഀ i MNഀ All specifications are subject to change without noticeഀ fISAL1TT SYSTEMSഀ Made in the U.S. &ഀ For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118.ഀ wwsr rKdifrer.comഀ Page 4 of 4 - DN-6724:A • 622x07ഀ rഀ dn-60244:a1ഀ ACPS-61 O(E)ഀ _ NOT' FIEWഀ Addressable ChargedPower Supply by Honeywellഀ The ACPS-610(E) is an auxiliary power supply with a batteryഀ charging option and a host of special features. Selectableഀ charging options allow the ACPS-610(E) to provide 6 amps ofഀ 07ഀ °ഀ power to four outputs while charging batteries from 12 to 200ഀ AN, or 10 amps of power when the unit is configured for use withഀ an external battery charger. Four individually addressable out-ഀ puts can be independently confgu for auxiliary power orഀ Notification Appliance Circuits (NAഀ Ao=L supportഀ %ഀ notification appliance synchronization foufacturedഀ by System Sensor®, Wheelock, and Gen to dis-ഀ Oഀ able battery charging allows the system designer t~ a fourഀ built-in circuits to distribute 1, Ips of power for r-ഀ poses, excluding NAC applicpti6as. rObഀ 0ഀ The ACPS-610(E) is c~ w OTIFIER iഀ alarm control panels usomp' CLnd Fla n® r #ഀ cഀ T O O O Oഀ FEATURESഀ • Listed to UL Standard 864ഀ 9th Edkഀ nഀ ,ഀ kഀ .ഀ • Provides 6.0 A of NAC power or 10 of genbcal purposeഀ power.,ഀ • Four Class B (Style Y) or four Class A (Style Z) Dutputsഀ rttdi-ഀ ` Applicable Local an Building Codesഀ ,ഀ vidually addressable by the FACP.ഀ lteqഀ uiremenis of the Local horny Having Jurisdictionഀ aഀ • When built-in outputs are configured for NAC operationഀ SCC11 ATIONSഀ circuit supports strobe synchronization with the followinഀ manufacturers' audio/visual devices: System Sensor (Spec-ഀ PrimaPy.(AC) piiwgഀ rഀ :ഀ trAlert® and SpectrAlert Advance Series) or Wheelock orഀ ~ഀ ,ഀ _'-ACPS-670;120 NACഀ 50/60 Hz inputഀ 5ഀ 0 A maximumഀ Gentex.ഀ ,ഀ ,ഀ .ഀ _ ACPS 610E: N01240 VAC, 50160 Hz iinput, 2.5 A maxi-ഀ Each circuit can be software-selected for use as: a Notifica-ഀ mum 'ഀ tion Appliance Circuit, general purpose 24 VDC power, four-ഀ Output voltage: 24 VDC electrically regulated and powerlim-ഀ wire detector power, or door holder.ഀ iced (under primary AC mains). Under secondary power, 20.4ഀ • Steady, March Time (120 PPM), Two Stage, Temporal, orഀ to 26.4 VDCഀ UZC Zone-Coded and Non-Coded devices - software-select-ഀ able by circuit.ഀ Output circuits - TB3, TB4, TB5, TB6 on Main Board: 1.5 Aഀ • Universal Zone Coder (UZC-256) option supports for pro-ഀ maximum for any NAC output circuit. 2.5 A maximum for anyഀ power output with battery charger disabled.ഀ grammable coded outputs. Up to 256 different codesഀ • Secondary power (battery) charging circuit -TB3 on KAPS-ഀ • Charges 12 to 200 AN batteries with full supervision. Theഀ 24 Board: lead-acid battery charger which will charge 12 toഀ charger on the ACPS may be disabled via software. Whenഀ 200 AN batteries. Maximum charger current - 5.0 Aഀ disabled, a separate, external charger is required, for exam-ഀ ple a CHG-120.ഀ • Wiring: utilizes wire sizes 12 to 18 AWG (3.1 to 0.78 mm2)ഀ • May be used to provide battery backup for multiple ACPSഀ • SLC specifications: Average SLC current is 1.287 mA. SLCഀ supplies.ഀ data is transmitted between 24.0 VDC, 5 VDC, and 0 VDC atഀ • AC loss detection, brownout detection, and AC loss delayഀ approximately 3.33 Kbaudഀ reporting.ഀ • Battery fuse (F2): 15A, Slo-Blow.ഀ • Power-limited outputs.ഀ ACPS PROGRANNMINGഀ • Isolated Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) interface.ഀ • Selectable ground fault detection.ഀ The ACPS-610(E) is programmable via the simple-to-useഀ • Canadian two stage operation.ഀ PK-PPSSpBrogramming utility, which requires a Windows@ PCഀ GENERALഀ eഀ INSTALLATlgp STANDARDSഀ The ACPS-610(E) complies with the following standards:ഀ • NFPA 70 and NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Codeഀ • Underwriters Laboratories UL 864, 9th Edition, Standard forഀ Control Units for Fire Alarm Systems and CAN/ULC -ഀ S527-99.ഀ m a U port and cable. A copy of the PK-PPS programmingഀ utility is included with each ACPS-610(E). Programming may beഀ performed during an on-line session with the ACPS-610(E), orഀ previously saved programs may be downloaded to individualഀ ACPS-610(E) units. The ACPS-610(E) requires the use of aഀ minimum of 5 SLC address points, and will use up to 14 SLCഀ address points to fulfill requirements for Canadian supervisionഀ and two stage operation.ഀ In addition, the installer should be familiar with the followingഀ standards:ഀ • NEC Article 760 Fire Protective Signaling Systemsഀ dn-60244:a1 • 10129107 - Page 1 of 4ഀ Iഀ Label-ഀ ~ഀ tഀ a~~~a+ഀ ഀ pഀ C*WW.ഀ AAlfഀ chage {155 " 22M AH)ഀ .ഀ 5 4ഀ iഀ ഀ t©r Geratഀ 1ഀ bഀ Sj Type:ഀ .d# tiix qlഀ Otd4xt 1;.ഀ .ഀ W,, S$om Se"aar InA aiഀ MAW 2ഀ b+2ഀ Skt1t W;ഀ YESഀ OLtxA,ഀ b+3ഀ cie°:.ഀ 21)V-Inഀ cഀ h 4~5ഀ SAC % rayഀ 10ഀ U4ഀ iഀ X. 2ഀ xഀ Ott aഀ N C C n3ziy3 gഀ N ACഀ O A 4ഀ Powe Ret toഀ Example of programming for the ACPS-610 using 6 addressesഀ &.rt~:ഀ t ~ഀ ~e4~±!txss;ഀ Cheri:ഀ d - , 200 )ഀ MorAO #*ti*,ഀ bഀ CWe T#ഀ c ?alanഀ Outpd tഀ b+1ഀ Dual std.ഀ SAW Type.ഀ Ewke rs l MCIഀ b :ഀ OOPQ -3~ഀ b+ 3ഀ 't4 syd Sen, i' 3ftn-,a iഀ 04ptA 4:ഀ ttYk^4rfഀ ,ഀ ? ~rii9~ ar.ഀ tiഀ AC Fa:ഀ b*6ഀ A 1;ഀ ; maഀ RAC C,ഀ Oഀ tAPA 2-,ഀ OBIഀ h31ഀ OkAtഀ b+o11ഀ Backഀ Fwishഀ Example for ACPS-610 using Canadian reporting with Two Stage.ഀ Page 2 of 4 - dn-60244:a1 . 10129!07ഀ LISTINGS AND APPROVALSഀ These listings and approvals apply to the modules specified inഀ this document. In some cases, certain modules or applicationsഀ may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may beഀ in process. Consult factory for latest listing status.ഀ UL.AILC Listed: 5635ഀ ORDERING INFORMATIONഀ ACPS-610: Addressable charger power supply, with selectableഀ built-in synchronization, and four built-in control modules.ഀ Includes installation instructions and PK-PPS programming util-ഀ ity CD. Requires Windows PDC with USB port and USB cable.ഀ Several mounting options available (see below).ഀ ACPS-61011: Same as ACPS-610, but configured for 220/240ഀ VAC operation.ഀ CAB-PSI: The CAB-PS1 can house one ACPS-610(E) andഀ two 12 AH batteries. Dimensions: 15.218" (38.654 cm) high xഀ 14.5" (36.83 cm) wide x 3.562" (9.048 cm) deep with door.ഀ DR-PS1: When installing an ACPS-610(E) into an older versionഀ of the CAB-PS1 used for an ACPS-2406(E), the new wider doorഀ must be ordered for use with the older version cabinet.ഀ BB-25: The BB-25 can house one ACPS-610(E) and two 12ഀ volt, 26 AH batteries.ഀ CAB-31-4 Series: The ACPS-610(E) can mount in any of theഀ CAB-3/4 Series cabinets. This can be in the bottom of the cabi-ഀ net or a tier via a CHS-PS and CHS-13H. See CAB-4 Series dataഀ sheet (DN-6857).ഀ EQ Cabinet Series: The ACPS-610(E) can mount in any of theഀ EQ Cabinet Series cabinets. See EQ Cabinet Series data sheetഀ (DN-60229)ഀ CHS-PS: Power supply mounting kit. Optional kit used to mountഀ the ACPS-610(E) in a location other than the bottom of the CAB-ഀ 3/4 cabinet or in an EQ Series cabinet (e.g., 2nd, 3rd, or 4thഀ tier).ഀ CHS-BH: Battery mounting chassis used to mount batteries inഀ a location other than the bottom of the CAB-3/4 cabinet (e.g.,ഀ 2nd, 3rd, or 4th tier).ഀ Batteries: ACPS-610(E) battery charging circuit range is 12 -ഀ 200 AH. See BAT Series data sheet (DN-6933).ഀ a+zxx:;zzzzz~rxzxxzzzzzzzzzzzr..zzzzzx r..-zzr= 2 z= ~zzzzaz.-~z1.axx?zzx,zzzzzzzzsrzzz~za..,.zzzxzza~-.4zzzzzzzzz zzzz.x~r., zzzxzxzzzzrzzzzzzzzr..azzwzzzrzx-:zzzzzzzzxcxzzxzzzzz;^;-kzzzzzzzxxzxxa.~~~c~zzaa~~z,-xzr.ഀ dn-60244:a1 - 10/29107 - Page 3 of 4ഀ Notifier® .FlashScan®, System Sensor, and SpearAlert® are registeredഀ trademarks of Honeywell International Inc.ഀ 02008 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized useഀ of this document is strictly prohibited.ഀ '~O ~oo~ This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes.ഀ We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate.ഀ We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. <K.«<« ~ 1 :ഀ F> i ~ All specifications are subject to change without notice.ഀ INALITT STSTEMS Made in theU.S.A.ഀ For more information, contact Notiter. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118.ഀ www.rK fier.comഀ :xxrexxax.ഀ Page 4 of 4 - dn-60244:a1 • 10/29/07ഀ DN-7111:A3 • A-13ഀ Fire Alarm System by Honeywellഀ s s„>.ഀ Generalഀ NFS2-640 i`F.ഀ Intelligent Addressableഀ The NFS2-640 intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panel is part of theഀ ONYX@ Series of Fire Alarm Controls from NOTIFIER.ഀ As a stand-alone small-to-large system, or as a large network,ഀ the ONYX Series of products eels virtually every applicationഀ requirement.ഀ Designed with modularity of system planning, theഀ NFS2-640 can be configu vn Pew devices for smallഀ building applications, or for a large ca high-rise applica-ഀ tion. Simply add addnal peripheral nt to suit theഀ application.ഀ NOTE: Unless call t w' a version end ofഀ the part numb640 fe►s tom 6 andഀ NFS2-640E; sim 'iCR(12 infersഀ and CPU2-640E.ഀ vഀ Featuresഀ • Listed to UL Standard 864, ed n.ഀ • One, expandable to two, isolat int nt S'ഀ Circuit (SLC) Style 4, 6 or 7.ഀ • Up to 159 detectors (any mix of ion,ഀ sensor) and 159 modules (N.O. marniaഀ smoke , notification, or relay) per SLC. 318ഀ 636 per FACP or network node.ഀ • Standard 80-character display, 640-character large isplay,ഀ or display-less (a node on a network).ഀ • Network option - 103 nodes supported (AFP-200, AFP-3ഀ 400, NFS-320, NFS-640, NFS2-640, AFP1010, AM2020,ഀ NFS-3030, NFS2-3030, NCA/NCA-2 Network An unciatorഀ NCS Network Control Station, or ONYXWorksTm Networkഀ Control Station) using wire or fiber-optic connections.ഀ • 6.0 amp switch mode power supply with four Class AB buik-ഀ in Notification Appliance Circuits (NAC). Selectable Systemഀ Sensor, Wheelock, or Gentex strobe synchronization.ഀ • Built-in Alarm, Trouble, and Supervisory relays.ഀ • VeriFire® Tools offline program option. Sort Maintenanceഀ Reports by compensation value (dirty detector), peak alarmഀ value, or address.ഀ • Autoprogramming and Walk Test reports.ഀ • Optional universal 636-point DACT.ഀ • 80-character remote annunciators (up to 32).ഀ • EIA-485 annunciators, including custom graphics.ഀ • Printer interface (80-column and 40-column printers).ഀ • History file with 800-evert[ capacity in nonvolatile memory,ഀ plus separate 200-event alarm-oMy file.ഀ • Alarm Verification selection per point, with tally-ഀ • Autoprogramming and Walk Test reports.ഀ • Positive Alarm Sequence (PAS) Presignal.ഀ • Silence inhibit and Auto Silence timer options.ഀ • March time/temporal/California two-stage coding/strobe syn-ഀ chronization.ഀ • Field-programmable on panel or on PC, with VeriFire Toolsഀ program check, compare, simulate.ഀ • Full QWERTY keypad.ഀ • Charger for up to 200 hours of standby power.ഀ • Non-alarm points for lower priority functions.ഀ • Remote ACK/Signal Silence/System Reset/Drill via monitorഀ modules.ഀ • Automatic time control functions, with holiday exceptions.ഀ • BaLY~it, 640-character display.ഀ • uppo SCS Series smoke control system in both HVAC orഀ S modes (not UL-Listed for FSCS).ഀ Pn and CRT EIA-232 ports.ഀ • IA-485 annunciator and terminal mode ports.ഀ Alarm, Trouble, Supervisory, and Security relays.ഀ FLASHSCAN® INTELLIGENT FEATURES:ഀ • Poll 318 devices in less than two seconds.ഀ • Activate up to 159 outputs in less than five seconds.ഀ • Multicolor LEDs blink device address during Walk Test.ഀ • Fully digital, high-precision protocol (U.S. Patent 5,539,389).ഀ • Manual sensitivity adjustment - nine levelsഀ .ഀ • Pre-alarm ONYX intelligent sensing - nine levels.ഀ • Day/Night automatic sensitivity adjustment.ഀ • Sensitivity windows:ഀ • Ion - 0.5 to 2.5Wfoot obscuration.ഀ • Photo - 0.5 to 2.35%/foot obscuration.ഀ Laser (VIEWe) - 0.02 to 2.0%Noot obscuration.ഀ • Acclimate PlusT" - 0.5 to 4.0%/foot obscuration.ഀ • HARSH' - 0.5 to 2.35%Root obscuration.ഀ • Drift compensation (U.S. Patent 5,764,142).ഀ • Degraded mode - in the unlikely event that the CPU2-640ഀ microprocessor fails, FlashScan detectors revert to degradedഀ operation and can activate the CPU2-640 NAC circuits andഀ alarm relay- Each of the fax built-in panel circuits includes aഀ Disable/Enable switch for this feature.ഀ • Multi-detector algorithm involves nearby detectors in alarmഀ decision (U.S. Patent 5,627,515).ഀ • Automatic detector sensitivity testing.ഀ • Maintenance alert (two levels).ഀ • Self-optimizing pre-alarm.ഀ iaഀ ,19~1h 3ARഀ -4 21098 ..n oഀ ~46ഀ ling L® Oഀ 1 or Surfഀ Exteഀ gyp/ Powഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ ! 610-CHARACTER DISPLAY FEATURES:ഀ VIEW (VERY INTELLIGENT EARLY WARNING)ഀ SMOKE DETECTION TECHNOLOGY:ഀ • Revolutionary spot laser design.ഀ • Advanced ONYX intelligent sensing algorithms differentiateഀ between smoke and non-smoke signals (U.S. Patentഀ 5,831,524).ഀ • Addressable operation pinpoints the fire location.ഀ • No moving parts to fail or filters to change.ഀ • Early warning performance comparable to the best aspirationഀ systems at a fraction of the lifetime cost.ഀ ACCLIMATE PLUSഀ LOW-PROFILE INTELLIGENT MULTI-SENSOR.ഀ • Detector automatically adjusts sensitivity levels without oper-ഀ ator intervention or programming. Sensitivity increases withഀ heat.ഀ • Microprocessor-based technology; combination photo andഀ thermal technology.ഀ • FlashScan or classic mode compatible with NFS2-640, NFS-ഀ 320.ഀ • Low-temperature warning signal at 40•F t 5•F (4.44•C tഀ 2.77•C).ഀ HARSH HOSTILE AREA SMOKE HEAD:ഀ • Provides early warning of smoke detection in environmentഀ where traditional smoke detectors are not practical.ഀ • The detector's filters remove particulates down to 30 micronsഀ in size.ഀ • Intake fan draws air into photo chamber, while airborne parti-ഀ cles and water mist are removed.ഀ • Requires auxiliary 24 VDC from system or remote powerഀ supply.ഀ RELEASING FEATURES:ഀ • Ten independent hazards.ഀ • Sophisticated cross-zone (three options).ഀ Delay timer and Discharge timers (adjustable).ഀ • Abort (four options).ഀ • Low-pressure C02 listed.ഀ VOICE AND TELEPHONE FEATURES:ഀ • Solid-state digital message generation.ഀ • Firefighter telephone option.ഀ • 30- to 120-watt high-efficiency amplifiers (AA Series).ഀ • Backup tone generator and amplifier option.ഀ • Multichannel voice transponder (XPIQ).ഀ HIGH-EFFICIENCY OFFLINE SWITCHINGഀ 3.0 AMP POWER SUPPLY (6.0 A IN ALARM):ഀ • 120 or 220/240 VAC.ഀ • Displays battery current/voltage on panel (with display).ഀ SLC lnte#igent Loop iഀ Up to 32ഀ ഀ moteഀ Diissplaysഀ DEVICES aഀ -851 k ria;e . us - - - - -ഀ o FFIFI 1 I•B I,I Iഀ ~!!0fഀ F: L-751 Ftasl-.SGW.O V1Ew19ഀ FSW751 Fla;K&wa @ HARSH.- NBG-12LX FMM-1ഀ FZW,. XP6110 XPIQഀ _ഀ `ഀ b Q'ഀ FSlxni nae&an8 pMteഀ ekഀ NQ Modulesഀ 'aoa:ഀ 'ഀ - - - -ഀ SLC Irt t L 2 IDCഀ Relay Contactഀ FDU-80ഀ FDU-80ഀ FDU-80t~ഀ DEVICESഀ 51 FSWl Fഀ Fഀ Pഀ Tഀ a a iiiii 1il•I I•I I,bഀ ഀ ®ഀ EIA-4a5ഀ Sഀ -8ഀ Sഀ -851ഀ Phota Im Their, al - - - - - - -ഀ to@3-12LXഀ N .1 •eeeeഀ FAtM-1 FGIiL1 XP4C-M XP" XPIQഀ 1DC NACഀ KDM•R2 displayഀ ORഀ ഀ EL1-485ഀ 2048 annunciaiLwAc ntrd poOlsഀ Iഀ =ഀ 'ഀ *ഀ _ഀ ! ■ 1►ഀ ഀ NCഀ Aഀ -2ഀ ! ■ i ►ഀ dഀ lഀ Inഀ ഀ pഀ with no displayഀ ACM-8Rഀ iഀ ACWAEM-24AT tDM-32ഀ Relay Contralഀ LED Annunciator Custom Graphicsഀ t?phonal 6,38 point UDACT Dual phoneഀ _ഀ lines toഀ ഀ Centralഀ EA-2i2 Tsrmina:ഀ Staffഀ Sampleഀ Systemഀ NFS2-64ഀ 0 EIA-232ഀ Optionsഀ "C" cabinet size shownഀ PRN Printerഀ 7111bloഀ CRT-2 Terminalഀ ~R`Q2'wt`t::L'~C:22:, \-~\`7htilX~O`4XV'2\2t,C ?,T~,"C::C.i'YQ2•,.\L'22fC,~C.v':t`.5;+'2b'Q.YO'~?k^>i•'.::::::',',2:',',2C•'.0.~'.2:?2Y.:2Y::::'.2:: :C:Y\^C`1::.2::23ഀ Page 2 of 10 - DN-7111:A3 • 8/3107ഀ FlashScan, Excilinive Newഀ World-Leading Detector Protocolഀ At the heart of the NFS2-640 is a set of detection devices andഀ device protocol - FlashScan (U.S. Patent 5,539,389). Flash-ഀ Scan is an all-digital protocol that gives superior precision andഀ high noise immunity.ഀ In addition to providing quick identification of an active inputഀ device, this new protocol can also activate many output devicesഀ in a fraction of the time required by competitive protocols. Thisഀ high speed also allows the NFS2-640 to have the largest deviceഀ per loop capacity in the industry - 318 points - yet every inputഀ and output device is sampled in less than two seconds. Theഀ microprocessor-based FlashScan detectors have bicolor LEDsഀ that can be coded to provide diagnostic information, such asഀ device address during Walk Test.ഀ ONYX Intelligent Sensingഀ Intelligent sensing is a set of software algorithms that providesഀ the NFS2-640 with industry-leading smoke detection capability.ഀ These complex algorithms require many calculations on eachഀ reading of each detector, and are made possible by the very-ഀ high-speed microcomputer used by the NFS2-640.ഀ Drift Compensation and Smoothing: Drift compensationഀ allows the detector to retain its original ability to detect actualഀ smoke, and resist false alarms, even as dirt accumulates. Itഀ reduces maintenance requirements by allowing the system toഀ automatically perform the periodic sensitivity measurementsഀ required by NFPA 72. Smoothing filters are also provided byഀ software to remove transient noise signals, such as thoseഀ caused by electrical interference.ഀ Maintenance Wamings: When the drift compensation per-ഀ formed for a detector reaches a certain level, the performance ofഀ the detector may be compromised, and special warnings areഀ given. There are three warning levels: (1) Low Chamber value,ഀ usually indicative of a hardware problem in the detector; (2)ഀ Maintenance Alert, indicative of dust accumulation that is nearഀ but below the allowed limit; (3) Maintenance Urgent, indicative ofഀ dust accumulation above the allowed limit.ഀ Sensitivity Adjust: Nine sensitivity levels are provided forഀ alarm detection. These levels can be set manually, or canഀ change automatically between day and night. Nine levels of pre-ഀ alarm sensitivity can also be selected, based on predeterminedഀ levels of alarm. Pre-alarm operation can be latching or self-ഀ restoring, and can be used to activate special control functions.ഀ Self Optimizing Pre-Alarm: Each detector may be set for "Self-ഀ Optimizing' pre-alarm. In this special mode, the detectorഀ 'learns' its normal environment, measuring the peak analogഀ readings over a long period of time, and setting the pre-alarmഀ level just above these normal peaks.ഀ Cooperating Multi-Detector Sensing: A patented feature ofഀ ONYX intelligent sensing is the ability of a smoke sensor to con-ഀ sider readings from nearby sensors in making alarm or pre-ഀ alarm decisions. Without statistical sacrifice in the ability toഀ resist false alarms, it alkxvs a sensor to increase its sensitivity toഀ actual smoke by a factor of almost two to one.ഀ Field Programming Optionsഀ Autoprogram is a timesaving feature of the NFS2-640. It is aഀ special software routine that allows the NFS2-640 to "learn"ഀ what devices are physically connected and automatically loadഀ them in the program with default values for all parameters.ഀ Requiring less than one minute to run, this routine allows theഀ user to have almost immediate fire protection in a new installa-ഀ tion, even if only a portion of the detectors are installed.ഀ Keypad Program Edit (with KDM-R2) The NFS2-640, like allഀ NOTIFIER intelligent panels, has the exclusive feature of pro-ഀ gram creation and editing capability from the front panel keypad,ഀ while continuing to provide fire protection. The architectureഀ of the NFS2-644 software is such that each point entry carriesഀ its own program, including control-by-event links to other points.ഀ This allows the program to be entered with independent per-ഀ point segments, while the NFS2-640 simultaneously monitorsഀ other (already installed) points for alarm conditions.ഀ VeriFire Tools is an offline programming and test utility that canഀ greatly reduce installation programming time, and increase con-ഀ fidence in the site-specific software. It is Windows®-based andഀ provides technologically advanced capabilities to aid theഀ installer. The installer may create the entire program for theഀ NFS2-640 in the comfort of the office, test it, store a backup file,ഀ then bring it to the site and download from a laptop into theഀ panel.ഀ Above: Keypad program editing.ഀ Below: Autoprogram function.ഀ DN-7111:A3.8!3107 -Page 3 of 10ഀ VeriFire Tools System Programming screenഀ CPU2-640ഀ Board Diagramഀ All NAC circuits areഀ power-limited, supervised.ഀ TB9: NAC#1ഀ LEDs 11, 12ഀ TBS:NAC#2ഀ LEDs 13,14ഀ TB7:NAC#3ഀ LEDs 15, 16ഀ TB6: NAC#4ഀ LEDs 17, 18ഀ T135: Relays:ഀ TBIM DC Power (24 VDC, Power-kmiled); NowResettable, Resettable. 11: Network/Service Connection (NUP),ഀ T131 1: E1/1-485 Connection (supervised); Terminal Node, ACS Mode. der-limited, supervised.ഀ J2. USB A VeriFire Tools Connection.ഀ 1Bt2 EIA-232 Connection; Printer, PGTerminal (CRT). J3: USB B VNiFlra Tools Connection.ഀ RESET RES_RT IM G? XNfI aG5 46N1>9t fC,l.'41' NUP: J.0- 1:566 _ iy~yr~yഀ • • ♦ rs a . _ uuഀ J2 l~J JS T613ഀ Atleftഀ F26~ഀ sar 783ഀ SWt: Ground Fault Detection Enable/Disable.ഀ F2: 15 A Slo-Blow Fuse, P/N 12057.ഀ J8: Zone Coder Connection.ഀ 11313ഀ T&I Battery Connection; over-current protected,ഀ ENlഀ ~axrഀ non-power-limited.ഀ LEDS: Earth Faultഀ (general boardഀ ground fault).ഀ 0ഀ TB/: AC Powerഀ Connectionഀ (non-power-limited):ഀ Hot Neutral, andഀ 1B1 Earth Ground.ഀ lഀ M,ഀ `ഀ CJ tഀ C)ഀ TB13: SLC Loop #1ഀ (supervised, power-limited).ഀ jP1ഀ oo~ഀ JP7: Ground Faultഀ Jumper (SLC #1).ഀ Superwsory,ഀ `ഀ wഀ ഀ ~ഀ :KF"ഀ caഀ asഀ Securityഀ SiJ?~'ഀ ,ഀ iEOTT! !ഀ ~ഀ ~jഀ j ~Jഀ ഀ ~ഀ °78ഀ •l~ഀ gyp / i~•ഀ J6: Auxiliarഀ Trouble Inഀ ut bഀ GE..ഀ ®ഀ yഀ pഀ bഀ yPiഀ J5: Security Tampeഀ r Switch. jഀ ഀ wnഀ BUBഀ O=ഀ ഀ ® J4 1ഀ ഀ .c w a c wഀ \ IK~EYGarlഀ Jr RHPഀ - _ _ _ -ഀ ഀ _ഀ _ _ _ -ഀ .uanu m:AMILEഀ SYN. 7 2 3,4ഀ nഀ '7rrഀ tEDS: 8 7 U%4 a 2"""ഀ 'ഀ T B4: Alarm Relay, Trouble Relay.ഀ SWI, SW2,ഀ System switches, J7: KDM-R2 LEM: Power On (AC or battery)ഀ LED70: SLC Loopഀ Output relays; power-limited only ifഀ SW3, SW4: 'No Keyboard Connection LED2: Signals Silencedഀ #1 Ground Faukഀ connected to a power-limited source.ഀ Disable-Enable Operation':ഀ LEDS: Point Disabledഀ LED9 SLC Loopഀ 7111 bard.wrt(ഀ switches for Backuഀ NACs P SWS Acknowledgeഀ Alarmഀ LED4: System Troubleഀ #2 Ground Fault.ഀ ,ഀ 1 - 4 respectively. 51N6 Silenceഀ LEDS: Supervisoryഀ J4: LEM-320ഀ SW7 Resetഀ LED6: Securityഀ Connectorforഀ LED7: Pre-Alarmഀ SLC Loop #2.ഀ LEDS: Fie Alarmഀ Networkഀ -Diagram wFഀ Fഀ Block Diagramഀ ഀ PTഀ NOTI•FIRE•NETഀ J:ഀ 24 V wF iഀ Sample Node Configurationsഀ _tഀ NFS-640ഀ KEY?ഀ NFS2-640ഀ PRNഀ iഀ ooooc~o NFN Twisted-Pair Wireഀ NFN Dual Fiber-Optic Linkഀ - - ACഀ iഀ - Other Interfacesഀ FDU-80ഀ ACSഀ OP770NALഀ Connectionഀ PRNഀ NCS/ONYXWorksഀ ഀ NCA-2ഀ 1ഀ 7111 cwt.wnr ACSഀ Page 4 of 10 - DN-7111 A3.8/3/07ഀ Placement of Equipmentഀ in Chassis and Cabinetഀ The following guidelines outline the NFS2-640's flexible systemഀ design.ഀ Rows: The first row of equipment in the cabinet mounts in chas-ഀ sis CHS2-M2. Mount the second, third, or fourth rows of equip-ഀ ment in chassis CHS-4MB (see NFS2-640 Installation Manualഀ regarding panel output modules) or CHS-4L (for voice compo-ഀ nents, see Voice Alarm System Manual).ഀ Wiring: When designing the cabinet layout, consider separationഀ of power-limited and non-power-limited wiring as discussed inഀ the NFS2-640 Installation Manual.ഀ Positions: A chassis offers four basic side-by-side positions forഀ components; the number of modules that can be mounted inഀ each position depends on the chassis model and the size of theഀ individual module. There are a variety of standoffs and hardwareഀ items available for different combinations and configuration ofഀ components.ഀ It is critical that all mounting holes of the NFS2-640 are securedഀ with a screw or standoff to ensure continuity of Earth Ground.ഀ Layers: The CHS2-M2 accepts four layers of equipment, includ-ഀ ing the control panel. The CPU2.W fills three positions (left toഀ right) in the first-installed layer (the back of the chassis); its inte-ഀ gral power supply occupies (the left) two positions in the nextഀ two layers; the optional display occupies (the left) two positionsഀ at the front, flush with the door. Some equipment, such as theഀ NCA-2, may be door-mounted directly in front of the controlഀ panel. The NCA-2 mounts onto the DP-DISP with NCA-ഀ 2RETRO kit; see NCA-2 data sheet for mounting options (DN-ഀ 7047). The NCA-2 can be used as a primary display for theഀ NFS2-640 (use NCA/640-2-KIT) by directly connecting their net-ഀ work ports (required in Canadian stand-alone applications).ഀ Expansion: Installing an LEM-320 Loop Expander Moduleഀ adds a second SLC loop to the control panel. The LEM-320 isഀ mounted onto the CPU2-640, occupying the middle-right, sec-ഀ ond (back) slot on the chassis. If networking two or more controlഀ panels, each writ requires a NCM-W (wire) or NCM-F (fiber)ഀ Network Control Module. The NCM-W/-F can be installed in anyഀ panel output module position (see manuaQ; the default positionഀ is at the back of the chassis next to the control panel. Optionഀ boards can be mounted in front of the LEM-320 or NCM mod-ഀ ules: for ease of access, complete installation of those devicesഀ before mounting another layer.ഀ SLOT 1: CPU, KAPS-24, and primary display.ഀ SLOT 2: CPU, KAPS-24, and primary display.ഀ Keypad/displayഀ unit attaches toഀ chassis rails.ഀ SLOT 3: Mounting location for LEM-320.ഀ o SLOT 4: Recommendedഀ 0ഀ mounting location for NCM-F.ഀ "'oഀ Equipment Placementഀ in CHS2-M2 Chassisഀ Oഀ 7111 rhsZ. fഀ KQM-R2 Controls and Indicatorsഀ Program Keypad: QWERTY type (keyboard layout at right).ഀ 12 LED indicators Power; Fire Alarm: Pre-Alarm; Security;ഀ Supervisory: System Trouble; Signals Silenced; Points Dis-ഀ abled: Control Active; Abort Pre-Discharge: Discharge.ഀ Membrane Switch Controls: Acknowledge/Scroll Display; Sig-ഀ nal Silence; Drill; System Reset Lamp Test.ഀ LCD Display: 80 characters (2 x 40) with long-life LED backlightഀ (see illustration at right).ഀ ~Bഀ ഀ ® -ഀ B B B B B B Bഀ ® a° i - ~ ~ -e " seasഀ ro 10ഀ anumm"Mons -w~,mഀ OMMMMMEOMMഀ ~~umaxizzzzzm.szzzzzzzzzzxxzzzzzxzxaxzz;xzzxzzz,~..xa mr`...xxxzxxxzzzanzzxzzzz;;>.zzzzzzzzzzzz:,•atiazzzxzxr.-zuzzzrrzzzzzzzz;~zzrzzrzxzx11xzzzzzzzxzzzrrzzzzzzzxxxxzxzzzzzz.~r..w:_xzzzzzzxztzz>zxza~u.~~~ഀ DN-7111:A3 •8/3/07 - Page 5 of 10ഀ Configuration Guidelinesഀ Stand-alone and network systems require a main display. Onഀ single-CPU systems (one CPU2-64W-640E), display options areഀ the KDM-R2 or the NCA-2. On network systems (two or moreഀ CPU2-640 -640Es), at least one NCA-2 or NCS annunciationഀ device is required. Other options listed as follows:ഀ KDM-R2: 80-character backlit LCD display with QWERTY pro-ഀ gramming and control keypad. Order two BMP-1 blank modulesഀ and DP-DISP2 mounting plate separately. Requires top row of aഀ cabinet. Required for each stand-alone 80-character displayഀ system. The KDM-R2 may mount in network nodes to displayഀ "local" node information as long as at least one NCA-2 or NCSഀ network display is on the system to display network information.ഀ NCA-2: Network Control Annunciator, 640 characters. On sin-ഀ gle CPU2-6401-640E systems, the NCA-2 is the Primary Displayഀ for the panel and connects directly to the CPU2-6401-640E. Onഀ network systems (two or more CPU2-6401-640Es), one networkഀ display (either NCA-2 or NCS) is required for every system. Onഀ network systems, the NCA connects (and requires) an NCMഀ network communications module. Mounts in a row of FACPഀ node or in two annunciator positions- Mounting options includeഀ the DP-DISP2, ADP-46, or in an annunciator box, such as theഀ ABS-21). In CAB-4 top-row applications, a DP-DISP2 and twoഀ BMP-1 blank modules are required for mounting. See NCA-2ഀ data sheet DN-7047.ഀ CPU2-640: Central processing unit with integral 3.0 amp (6.0 Aഀ in alarm) power supply for an NFS2-640 system. Includes CPUഀ factory-mounted to chassis CHS2-M2; one Signaling Line Cir-ഀ cuit expandable to two; installation, programming and operatingഀ manuals. Order one per system or as necessary (up to 103 net-ഀ work nodes) on a network system.ഀ CPU2-ME: Same as CPU2-640 but requires 220 VAC, 1-5ഀ amp, (3.0 A in alarm).ഀ NCA1640-2-KIT: Bracket installation kit required to mount NCA-ഀ 2 to CHS2-M2 chassis with CPU2-6401-640E.ഀ DP-DISP2: Dress panel for top row in cabinet with CPU2-640/-ഀ 640E installed.ഀ ADP2-640: Dress panel for middle rows with CPU2-6401-640E.ഀ BMP-1: Blank module for unused module positions.ഀ BP24: Battery plate, required.ഀ Option Modulesഀ AUDIO OPTIONSഀ DVC: Digital Voice Command, digital audio processor withഀ message storage for up to 16 minutes of standard quality (2ഀ minutes at high quality) digital audio. See DN-7045.ഀ DVC-EM: Digital Voice Command, digital audio processor withഀ message storage for up to 32 minutes of standard quality (4ഀ minutes at high quality) digital audio. See DN-7045.ഀ DVC-KD: Keypad for local annunciation and controls; statusഀ LEDs and 24 user-programmable buttons. See ON-7045.ഀ DVC-A/O: DVC Analog Output board provides four analog out-ഀ put circuits for use with AA or XPIQ Series amplifiers. Four-ഀ channel operation supported. See ON-7045.ഀ CA-1: Chassis, occupies one ter of a CAB-4 Series enclosure.ഀ The left side accommodates one DVC and a DVC-KD (optional);ഀ and the right side houses a CMIC-1 microphone and its wellഀ (optional). See ON-7045.ഀ CA-2: Chassis assembly, occupies two tiers of a CAB-4 Seriesഀ enclosure. The left side accommodates one DVC mounted on aഀ half-chassis and one NCA-2 or BP-CA2 mounted on a half-ഀ chassis. The right side houses a microphone/handset well. Theഀ CA-2 assembly includes CMIC-1 microphone. ADDR Seriesഀ doors with two-tier visibility are available for use with the CA-2ഀ configuration: ADDR-134, ADDR-C4, ADDR-134 (below).ഀ TELH-1: Firefighter's Telephone Handset for use with the DVCഀ when mounted in the CA-2 chassis. See DN-7045.ഀ ADDR-134: Two-tier-sized door designed for use with the CA-2ഀ chassis configuration. ADDR Series doors are similar to CAB-4ഀ Series "DR" doors, but a clear window space exposes the topഀ two tiers of the CAB-4 enclosure. Use an SBB-B4 backbox withഀ the ADDR-134. See DN-7045, DN-6857.ഀ ADDR-C4: Three-tier-sized door designed for use with the CA-ഀ 2 chassis configuration. ADDR Series doors are similar to CAB-ഀ 4 Series "DR" doors, but a dear window space exposes the topഀ two tiers of the CAB-4 enclosure. Use an SBB-C4 backbox withഀ the ADDR-C4. See DN-7045, DN-6857.ഀ ADDR-134: Four-tier-sized door designed for use with the CA-2ഀ chassis configuration. ADDR Series doors are similar to CAB-4ഀ Series "DR" doors, but a clear window space exposes the topഀ two tiers of the CAB-4 enclosure. Use an SBB-D4 backbox withഀ the ADDR-D4. See DN-7045, DN-6857.ഀ DPA-1: Dress panel, used with the CA-1 chassis when config-ഀ ured with a DVC. DVC-KR and CMIC-1. See DN-7045.ഀ DPA-1A4: Dress panel, used with the CA-1 chassis when theഀ CMIC-1 is not used. Provides mounting options on right twoഀ bays for two ACS annunciators, or for blank plates. See DN-ഀ 7045-ഀ BP-CA2: Blank plate for CA-2 chassis, used for NFS2-640 Fire-ഀ fighters Telephone Applications with no NCA-2.ഀ CMIC-1: Optional microphone and microphone well assemblyഀ used with the CA-1 chassis.ഀ RM-1/RM-1SA: Remote microphone assemblies, mount onഀ ADP-4 (RM-1) dress panel or CAB-RW-RMR (RM-1SA) stand-ഀ alone cabinets. See DN-6728.ഀ FTM-1: Firephone Control Module connects a remote firefighterഀ telephone to a centrakzed telephone console. Reports status toഀ panel. Wiring to jacks and handsets is supervised.ഀ AA-30: Audio Amplifier, 30 watts. Switch-mode power. Includesഀ amplifier and audio input supervision, backup input, and auto-ഀ matic switchover, power supply, cables. See AA Series dataഀ sheet, DN-3224.ഀ AA-120/AA-100: Audio Amplifier provides up to 120 watts of 25ഀ VRMs audio power for the NFS-640. The amplifier contains anഀ integral chassis for mounting to a CAB-64, -C4, or -D4 backboxഀ (consumes one row). Switch-mode power. Includes audio inputഀ and amplified output supervision, backup input, and automaticഀ switchover to backup tone. Order the AA-100 for 70.7 V RMS Sys-ഀ tems and 100 watts of power. See AA Series data sheet DN-ഀ 3224.ഀ XPIQ: The XPIQ quad intelligent voice transponder for distrib-ഀ uted multichannel voice evacuation systems, an integratedഀ audio amplification and distribution subsystem controlled byഀ FACP. Capable of playing up to four simultaneous messages.ഀ Accepts up to four 25-watt amplifiers. See XP1Q data sheet, DN-ഀ 6823.ഀ POWER SUPPLIES, STANDARD CABINETSഀ FCPS-24: The FCPS-24 is a remote six-amp (four-amp contin-ഀ uous) repeater/power supply. See FCPS-24 data sheet, DN-ഀ 5132.ഀ FCPS-24SW-24S8: Remote six-amp and eight-amp power sup-ഀ plies with battery charger. See FCPS-24S61--2458 data sheet,ഀ DN-6927.ഀ CHS4: Chassis for mounting up to four APS-6Rs.ഀ CHS-41L: Low-profile four-position Chassis. Mounts two AA-30ഀ amplifiers or one AMG-E and one AA-30-ഀ DP-1B: Blank Dress panel. Provides dead-front panel forഀ unused tiers or to cover AA-30, AAA 20, or one AMG-E and oneഀ AA-30.ഀ CAB-4 Series: The CAB-4 Series cabinets are fabricated fromഀ 16-gauge steel with unique full-front LEXAN®, reverse-silk-ഀ Page 6 of 10 - DN-7111 A3 - 8/3/07ഀ screened for durability. The cabinet assembly consists of twoഀ basic parts: a Backbox (SBB-_4), and a Locking Door (DR--4)ഀ that may hinge right or left. Cabinets are available in four sizes,ഀ "A" through °D', with one to four tiers. A trim ring option is avail-ഀ able for semi-flush mounting. See CAB-4 Series data sheet, DN-ഀ 6857.ഀ CAB-M Series: Marine cabinets required for Lloyd's Registerഀ or U.S. Coast Guard listed use. See DN-5063.ഀ COMPATIBLE DEVICES, ELA-232 PORTSഀ PRN-5: 80-column printer. See DN-6769.ഀ PRN-6: 80-column printer. See DN-6956.ഀ VS4095/S2: Printer, 40-column, 24 V. Mounted in externalഀ backbox. See DN-3260.ഀ CRT 2: Video display terminal. See DN-3756.ഀ COMPATIBLE DEVICES, EIA-485 PORTSഀ ACS: Annunciator Control Modules ACWAEM-24AT and ACM/ഀ AEM-28A: remote serial annunciator/control systems. See dataഀ sheets, DN-0524 and DN-6862.ഀ ACM-24AT: ONYX Series ACS annunciator - up to 96 pants ofഀ annunciation with Alarm or Active LED, Trouble LED, and switchഀ per circuit. Active/Alarm LEDs can be programmed (by pow-ഀ ered-up switch selection) by point to be red, green, or yellow; theഀ Trouble LED is always yellow. See DN-6862.ഀ AEM-24AT: Same LED and switch capabilities as ACM-24AT,ഀ expands the ACM-24AT to 48, 72, or 96 points. See DN-6862.ഀ ACM-48A: ONYX Series ACS annunciator - up to 96 points ofഀ annunciation with Alarm or Active LED per circuit. Active/Alarmഀ LEDs can be programmed (by powered-up switch selection) inഀ groups of 24 to be red, green, or yellow. Expandable to 96 pantsഀ with one AEM-48A. See DN-6862.ഀ AEM-48A: Same LED capabilities as ACM-48A, expands theഀ ACM-48A to 96 pants. See DN-6862.ഀ FDU-80: 80 character, backlit LCD display. Mounts up to 6,000ഀ ft. (1828.8 m) from panel. Up to 32 per NFS2-640. See FDU-80ഀ data sheet DN-6820.ഀ LDM: Lamp Driver Modules LDM-32, LDM-E32, and LDM-R32;ഀ remote custom graphic driver modules. See LDM data sheetഀ DN-0551.ഀ ACM-811: Remote Relay Module with eight Form-C contacts.ഀ Can be located up to 6,000 ft. (1828.8 m) from panel on fourഀ wires. See ACM-8R data sheet, DN-3558.ഀ RPT 485: Repeater, isolator, and/or fiber-optic medium; repeatsഀ EIA-485 over twisted pair or converts to fiber-optic nwKkirn. Seeഀ RPT data sheet, DN-4737.ഀ SCS: Smoke contra stations SCS-8, SCE-8, with lamp driversഀ SCS-8L, SCE-8L; eight (expandable to 16) circuits. See SCSഀ data sheet, DN-4818.ഀ TM-4: Transmitter Module. Includes three reverse-polarity cir-ഀ cuits and one municipal box circuit. Mounts in panel moduleഀ position (single-address-&pde) or in CHS2-M2 position. See D*ഀ 6860.ഀ U13ACT: Universal Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter,ഀ 636 channel. See DN-488ഀ UZC-256: Programmable Universal Zone Coder provides posi-ഀ tive non4nterfering successive zone coding. Microprocessor-ഀ controlled, field-programmable from IBM®-compatible PCsഀ (requires optional programming kit). Up to 256 programmableഀ codes. See UZC-256 data sheet DN-3404.ഀ COMPATIBLE INTELLIGENT DEVICESഀ BEAMHK: Heating kit for transmitter/receiver unit of FSB-ഀ 200(S) below. See DN-6985.ഀ BEAMHRK: Heating kit for use with the reflector of FSB-200(S)ഀ below. See DN-6985.ഀ BEAMLRK: Long-range accessory kit, FSB-200(S) below.ഀ BEAMMRK: Multi-mount kit, FSB-200(S) below.ഀ BEAMSMK: Surface-mount kit, FSB-200(S) below.ഀ FSB-200: Intelligent beam smoke detector. See DN-6985.ഀ FSB-20OS: Intelligent beam smoke detector with integral sensi-ഀ tivity test. See DN-6895.ഀ FSI-851: Low-profile FlashScan ionization detector, will replaceഀ FSI-751. See DN-6934.ഀ FS~-751: Low-profile FlashScan ionization detector. See DN-ഀ 6714.ഀ FSP451: Low-profile FlashScan photoelectric detector, willഀ replace FSP-751. See DN-6935.ഀ FSP-751: Low-profile FlashScan photoelectric detector. Seeഀ DN-6714.ഀ FSP451T: Low-profile FlashScan photoelectric detector withഀ 135°F (57°C) thermal, will replace FSP-751T. See DN-6935.ഀ FSP-751T: Low-pile FlashScan photoelectric detector withഀ 135°F (57°C) thermal. See DN-6714.ഀ FST-851: FlashScan thermal detector 135°F (57°C), willഀ replace FST-751. See DN-6936.ഀ FST761: FlashScan thermal detector 135°F (57°C). See DN-ഀ 6716.ഀ FST41SIR: F"Scan thermal detector 135°F (57°C) with rate-ഀ of-rise, will replace FST-751 R. See DN-6936.ഀ FST751R: FlashScan thermal detector 135°F (57°C) with rate-ഀ of-rise. See DN-6716.ഀ FST-851H: FlashScan 190°F (88°C) high-temperature thermalഀ detector- See DN-6936.ഀ FSD-751P: FlashScan photo duct detector with housing. Seeഀ DN-6821-ഀ FSD-751PL- Low-flow FlashScan photo duct detector withഀ housing, will replace FSD-751 P. See DN-6955.ഀ FSD-751RP: Flash Scan photo duct detector with relay andഀ housing. See DN-6821.ഀ FSD-751RPL: Low-flow FlashScan photo duct detector withഀ relay and housing, will replace FSD-751 RPL See DN-6955.ഀ FAPT-851: FlashScan Acclimate Plus low-pile mufti-sensorഀ detector, will replace FAPT-751. See DN-6937.ഀ FAPT 751: Acclimate Plus low-profile multisensor detector. Seeഀ DN-6833.ഀ FSH-751: FlashScan HARSH Hostile Area Smoke Head. Seeഀ DN-6875.ഀ FSL-751: FlashScan VIEW laser photo detector, will replaceഀ LPX-751. See DN-6886.ഀ LPX-751: Low-pile VIEW laser photo detector. See DN-ഀ 5306.ഀ B224RB: Low-profile relay base.ഀ B224BI: Isolator base for low-profile detectors.ഀ B710LP- Low-profile base- Standard U.S. style.ഀ B501: European-style, 4" (10.16 cm) base.ഀ B501BH: Sounder base, includes 8501 base above.ഀ FMM-1: FlashScan monitor module. See DN-6720.ഀ FDM-1: FlashScan dual monitor module. See DN-6720.ഀ FZM-1: FlashScan two-wire detector monitor module. See DN-ഀ 6720-ഀ FMM-101: FlashScan miniature monitor module. See DN-6720.ഀ FCM-1: FlashScan NAC control module. See DN-6724.ഀ FRM-1: FlashScan relay module. See DN-6724.ഀ NBG-12LX: Manual fire alarm station, addressable. See DN-ഀ 6726.ഀ ISO-X: Isolator module. See DN-2243.ഀ DN-7111 A3 - &3107 - Page 7 of 10ഀ XP6-C: FlashScan six-circuit supervised control module. Seeഀ DN-6924.ഀ XP6-MA: FlashScan six-zone interface module; connects intel-ഀ ligent alarm system to two-wire conventional detection zone.ഀ See DN-6925.ഀ XP6-R: FlashScan six-relay (Form-C) control module. See DN-ഀ 6926.ഀ XP10-M: FlashScan ten-input monitor module. See DN-6923.ഀ Other Optionsഀ DPI-232: Direct Panel Interface, specialized modem for extend-ഀ ing serial data links to remotely located FACPs and/or peripher-ഀ als. See DN-6870.ഀ LEM-320: Loop Expander Module. Expands each 640 to twoഀ Signaling Line Circuits. See DN-6881.ഀ NCM-W: Network Communications Module, Wire. Order oneഀ NCM per network node (CPU-640, CPU2-640, NCA, NCA-2).ഀ See DN-6861.ഀ NCM-F: Network Communications Module, Fiber. Order oneഀ NCM per network node (CPU-640, CPU2-640, NCA, NCA-2).ഀ See DN-6861.ഀ NCS5-W-ONYX: Network Control Station, Wire. UL-Listedഀ graphics PC with mouse, 17" color flat-screen LCD monitor.ഀ Order as necessary for network systems. Each NCS consumesഀ one of 103 network addresses. See DN-6868 (previous NCS-ഀ K9, ONYX DN-6869.ഀ NCS5-F-ONYX: Network Control Station, Fiber. UL-Listedഀ graphics PC with mouse, 17" color flat-screen LCD monitor.ഀ Order as necessary for network systems. Each NCS consumesഀ one of 103 network addresses. See DN-6868 (previous NCS-F),ഀ ONYX DN-6869.ഀ ONYXWORKS-NW: Workstation with NFN wire PC card.ഀ ONYXWorks workstation GUI software and hardware packageഀ for NOTI-FIRE-NET. Includes NFN Gateway (NFNGW-PC-W)ഀ wire version.ഀ ONYXWORKS-NF: Workstation with NFN fiber PC cardONYX-ഀ Works workstation GUI software and hardware package forഀ NOTI-FIRE-NET. Includes NFN Gateway (NFNGW-PC-F) fiberഀ version.ഀ ONYXWORKS-EW: Workstation with Echelons wire PC cardഀ ONYXWorks workstation GUI software and hardware package forഀ Building Systems Integration, WSSUP Workstation Supervisor.ഀ Includes Echelon Gateway (ECH-GW-PC-W) wire version.ഀ NFN-GW EM: NFN Gateway, embedded.ഀ VeriFire-TCD: VeriFire Tools CD-ROM. Contains programmingഀ software for the ONYX Series. Includes local panel connectionഀ cable. Programming PC requires a serial port connection. Seeഀ DN-6871.ഀ BAT Series: Batteries. NFS2-640 utilizes two 12 volt, 18 to 200ഀ AH batteries. This series of products replaces the previous PSഀ Series. See DN-6933.ഀ NFS-LBB: Battery Box (required for batteries larger than 25ഀ AH).ഀ NFS-LBBR: Same as above but red.ഀ Page 8 of 10 - DN-7111:A3 -813107ഀ SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONSഀ System Capacityഀ Intelligent Signaling Line Circuits ...............1 expandable to 2ഀ Intelligent detectors 159 per loopഀ • Addressable monitor/control modules 159 per bopഀ • Programmable software zones 99ഀ • Special programming zones ...............................................14ഀ • LCD annunciators per CPU2-640/-640Eഀ and NCA-2 (observe power) 32ഀ • ACS annunciatorsഀ per CPU2-640/-640E 32 addresses x 64 pointsഀ • ACS annunciatorsഀ per NCA-2 32 addresses x 64 or 96 pointsഀ NOTE. The NCA-2 supports up to 96 annunciator address pointsഀ per ACM-24/48.ഀ Temperature and Humidity Rangesഀ This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0 -ഀ 49•C/32 - 120°F and at a relative humidity 93% t 2% RHഀ (noncondensirlg) at 32°C t 2°C (90°F t 3•F). However, theഀ useful fife of the system's standby batteries and the electronicഀ components may be adversely affected by extreme tempera-ഀ ture ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is recommended thatഀ this system and its peripherals be installed in an environmentഀ with a normal room temperature of 15 - 27°C/60 - 80°F.ഀ Agency Listings and Approvalsഀ The listings and approvals below apply to the basic NFS2-640ഀ control panel. In some cases, certain modules may not be listedഀ by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Con-ഀ suft factory for latest listing status.ഀ • UL Listed: file 5635.ഀ Specificationsഀ • Primary input power, CPU2-640 board: 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz,ഀ 3.0 A. CPU2-640E board: 220/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 1.5 A.ഀ • Total output 24 V power: 6.0 A in alarm.ഀ NOTE. The power supply has a total of 6.0 Amps of avaifabbഀ power. This is shared by all internal circuits.ഀ • Standard notification circuits (4): 1.5 A each.ഀ • Four-wire detector power: 1.25 A.ഀ • Non-resettable regulated power outputs: 1.25 A each.ഀ • Battery charger range: 1.8.44 - 200 AH. Use separate cabi-ഀ net for batteries over 2ഀ • Float rate: 27.6 V.ഀ Cabinet Specificationsഀ NFS2-640 sytems can be installed in CAB-4 Series cabinetsഀ (tour sizes with various door options, see DN-6857); or forഀ approved marine applications, CAB-M Series cabinets (twoഀ sizes, see DN-5063). Requires BP2-4 Battery Plate.ഀ • ULC Listed: file S635.ഀ • FM Approvedഀ Standardsഀ The NFS2-640 complies with the following UL Standards andഀ NFPA 72 Fire Alarm Systems requirements:ഀ - UL 864, 9th Edition (Fire).ഀ - UL 1076 (Burglary).ഀ - LOCAL (Automatic, Manual, Waterfbw and Sprinklerഀ Supervisory).ഀ - AUXILIARY (Automatic, Manual and Waterflow) (requiresഀ 4XTMF).ഀ - REMOTE STATION (Automatic, Manual and Waterflow)ഀ (requires 4XTMF).ഀ - PROPRIETARY (Automatic, Manual and Waterflow).ഀ Not applicable for FM.ഀ - EMERGENCY VOICEIALARM.ഀ Acclirnate Plus'", HARSH-, NOTI•FIRE•NET-, and ONYXWorks'" areഀ trademarks; and FlashScan®, NION®, NOTIFIER®, ONYX®, UniNet®, Vernഀ iRre®, and VIEWS are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc.ഀ Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corpora-ഀ tion. Echelon is a registered trademark of Echelon Corporation. 1861116 is aഀ registered trademark of IBM Corporation. LEXAN® is a registered trademarkഀ of GE Plastics, a subsidiary of General Electric Company.ഀ 02007 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized useഀ of this document is strictly prohibited.ഀ 'SO 9oo1 This document is rat intended to be used for installation purposes.ഀ ";t.:.-.ഀ We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. •r>.•ഀ We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements.ഀ MME ` AN specitcations are subject to change without notice.ഀ INALITY SYSTEMS Made in theU.S.A.ഀ For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118.ഀ www.rmtiiier.comഀ Page 10 of 10 - DN-7111:A3 • 8/3/07ഀ