HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB090293Design Review Board਍ഀ ACTION FORM਍ഀ n?WNOFVAI਍ഀ Department of Community Development਍ഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452਍ഀ web: www.vailgov.com਍ഀ Project Name: SPRING HILL LANE REMODEL DRB Number: DRB090293਍ഀ Project Description:਍ഀ Participants:਍ഀ CHANGES TO APPROVED PLANS: CHANGE WINDOW SIZES FOR BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE,਍ഀ REDUSE HEIGHT OF KITCHEN WINDOW, ADD WINDOWS TO WEST WALL OF BEDROOM 3.਍ഀ OWNER SPRING HILL LANE LLC਍ഀ 465 KEARNEY ST਍ഀ C/O TIM ZARLENGO਍ഀ DENVER਍ഀ CO 80220਍ഀ APPLICANT TIM ZARLENGO਍ഀ Project Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL਍ഀ 07/27/2009 Phone: 03-331-0678਍ഀ 07/27/2009 Phone: 303-888-7258਍ഀ Location:਍ഀ Legal Description: Lot: 16 Block: 3 Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY FILING 1਍ഀ Parcel Number: 2101-092-0700-9਍ഀ Comments: See conditions਍ഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTION਍ഀ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP਍ഀ Second By:਍ഀ Vote: Date of Approval: 07/29/2009਍ഀ Conditions:਍ഀ Cond: 8਍ഀ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of਍ഀ Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).਍ഀ Cond: 0਍ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with਍ഀ Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.਍ഀ Cond: 201਍ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of਍ഀ approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS.਍ഀ Cond:202਍ഀ (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following਍ഀ the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is਍ഀ commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.਍ഀ Cond: CON0010887਍ഀ The applicant shall install new windows which match the color of the existing਍ഀ windows in the duplex structure, which are a shade of light brown.਍ഀ Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00਍ഀ 30 Al਍ഀ V-A਍ഀ Del਍ഀ >artment of Community਍ഀ 75 South F਍ഀ Vail, Cc਍ഀ Tel:਍ഀ Fax:਍ഀ Web: ww਍ഀ Development Reviei਍ഀ Coordin਍ഀ Application for Design Review਍ഀ Changes to Approved Plans Pt਍ഀ General Information: This application is for all changes to approved plans prior to Certificate of Occupancy. An ap-਍ഀ plication for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development਍ഀ Department. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unles ui r is isir n਍ഀ construction commences. D਍ഀ Submittal Requirements: JUL 2 7 2009਍ഀ 1. Three (3) Copies of all pertinent approved plans will illustrated, labeled changes਍ഀ 2. Joint Property Owner Written Approval Letter, if applicable਍ഀ Fee: $20 TOWN OF VAIL਍ഀ Single Family ✓ Duplex Multi-Family Commercial਍ഀ Description of the Request: Change window sizes to meet egress and match existing building openings.਍ഀ Reduce kitchen window height to allow for backsplash. Add windows to west wall in bedroom 3.਍ഀ Physical Address: 1498 Spring Hill Lane i vLi+ A਍ഀ Parcel Number: 2102-092-0700-9 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)਍ഀ Property Owner: Spring Hill Lane LLC਍ഀ Mailing Address: 456 Kearney St, Denver CO 80220਍ഀ Owner's Signature:਍ഀ Phone: 303-888-7258਍ഀ Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: Tim Zarlengo਍ഀ Mailing Address: 456 Kearney St, Denver CO 80220਍ഀ E-Mail: tzarlengo@msn.com Fax:਍ഀ Phone: 303-888-7258਍ഀ For Office Use Onl Cash_ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # uth # Check # ( If K,2਍ഀ Fee Paid: Received From: 6✓ r਍ഀ Meeting Date਍ഀ A' P DRB No.: 6਍ഀ Planner: V vG Project No: d S Dof g਍ഀ Zoning:਍ഀ Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block:਍ഀ Land Use:਍ഀ Apr-09਍ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement਍ഀ Statement Number: R090000912 Amount: $20.00 07/27/200902:32 PM਍ഀ Payment Method: Check Init: JLE਍ഀ Notation: 1432 J KRUEGER਍ഀ AND CO਍ഀ ਍ഀ Permit No: DRB090293 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans਍ഀ Parcel No: 2101-092-0700-9਍ഀ Site Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL਍ഀ Location:਍ഀ Total Fees: $20.00਍ഀ This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00਍ഀ Balance: $0.00਍ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:਍ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmts਍ഀ ਍ഀ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00਍ഀ 11਍ഀ pow°F yi JUL 2 7 2009਍ഀ JOINT PROPERTY OWNE਍ഀ WRITTEN APPROVAL LETT TOWN OF ' IL -਍ഀ This form is applicable to all Design Review applicants that share ownership of the subject property. For exam-਍ഀ ple, the subject property where constructi i occurn is a duplex, condominium or multi-tenant building. This਍ഀ form shall be completed by the applic is neighbor/ joi property owner. In the case of a multiple-family dwell-਍ഀ ing or multi-tenant building, the authors ciation shall complete this form and mail to: Community਍ഀ Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, CO 81657 or fax to 970.479.2452.਍ഀ I, (print name) , off joint owner, or authority of the association, of property਍ഀ ! ~il/►਍ഀ located at I q q n 7~l Ir► /h !✓I- provide this letter as਍ഀ written approval of the plans dated਍ഀ which have been submitted to the਍ഀ Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the ad-਍ഀ (Signature)਍ഀ IV਍ഀ Additionally, please check the statement below which is most applicable to you:਍ഀ (Date)਍ഀ ❑ I understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to en-਍ഀ sure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations.਍ഀ (Initial here)਍ഀ ❑ I request that all modifications, minor or otherwise, which are made to the plans over the course of the re-਍ഀ view process, be brought to my attention by the applicant for additional approval before undergoing further re-਍ഀ view by the Town.਍ഀ (Initial here)਍ഀ 7/7/2009਍ഀ dress noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include:਍ഀ JELD-WEN Windows and Doors਍ഀ Brad A. Wright਍ഀ (970) 481-3394 Cellular਍ഀ (970) 871-6799 Office਍ഀ (970) 871-6798 Fax਍ഀ bradw@jeld-wen.com਍ഀ QUOTE BY: Brad Wright਍ഀ SOLD TO: J. Krueger and Company - John਍ഀ PO Box 1551਍ഀ Avon, CO 81658਍ഀ Phone: 970-949-4814਍ഀ Fax: 970-949-4814਍ഀ ~J Jv1 e .਍ഀ 10 1 E CLOM7 E਍ഀ J R W. E N਍ഀ JUL 2 7 2009਍ഀ TOWN OF VAIL਍ഀ PO#: PROJ਍ഀ LINE NO. LOCATION਍ഀ SIZE INFO਍ഀ Line-1 Bed 5 & 4 egress਍ഀ RO Size : 54 3/4 X 48 1 /4਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 114" = V਍ഀ lz:-o5po To vvn"-7਍ഀ (5)~~ S. o4pe)o,„ y਍ഀ UvI&r> Rrik A-C F~o .਍ഀ 13Er a2oo,#0 5 P gVI o(6"਍ഀ I'sX to It਍ഀ ECT NAME: Springhill remodel਍ഀ REFERENCE: Confirmation 6-25-09਍ഀ BOOK CODE਍ഀ DESCRIPTION਍ഀ E JDBW05660਍ഀ TO: Springhill Remodel਍ഀ 1498 Springhill lane਍ഀ Vail, CO 81657਍ഀ 970-471-1203਍ഀ UNIT QTY EXTENDED਍ഀ PRICE PRICE਍ഀ DIM-CHGW5040਍ഀ Custom Clad 2W HGW਍ഀ Frame: 54 X 47 1/2਍ഀ Luxury Color Frame Luxury Champagne Luxy Color Sash Luxury਍ഀ Champagne਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior਍ഀ Nail Flange Standard DripCap,਍ഀ 4 9/16 Jamb Width. 4/4਍ഀ Left਍ഀ Chestnut Brz Hardware਍ഀ W/Lifts Cam Lock(s)਍ഀ IGW Int Glz Low-E 366 Hi-Altitude਍ഀ No Grid਍ഀ Luxury Color Screen BetterVue Mesh਍ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10/09) PW਍ഀ Line-2 Entry tempered਍ഀ RO Size : 24 3/4 X 72 3/4਍ഀ tv 49 6 A,਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/8" = V਍ഀ $641.11 2 $1,282.22਍ഀ CCC2472਍ഀ Frame Size : 24 X 72਍ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 24 X 72),਍ഀ Custom Clad Casement,਍ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash - Luxury਍ഀ Champagne,਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior,਍ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,਍ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,਍ഀ Stationary,਍ഀ DP 35,਍ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Tempered Glass, High Altitude,਍ഀ Traditional Screen Stop਍ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04110109) PW਍ഀ $537.35 2 $1,074.70਍ഀ Q41.26.434 cost-066155਍ഀ Quote Date: 411012009 Drawings are for visual reference only and may not be to egad s1 o NI orders are su(Rices are suect to change.)਍ഀ bject to rev ew by JELD-WEN 1DBW Last - 6/25/2009 - 13: cale. Last Modified:6/25/2009਍ഀ 9਍ഀ LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDED਍ഀ SIZE INFO DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICE਍ഀ o. Line- 3 Entry਍ഀ RO Size : 45 1/2 X 60 3/4਍ഀ i਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/4" = 1਍ഀ '70 r-k'T਍ഀ X \s'1 tl~G, OPEN I Ny਍ഀ to 00w਍ഀ Line- 3-1 (Al)਍ഀ RO Size : 23 1/8 X 60 3/4਍ഀ /਍ഀ i਍ഀ Main Line Item਍ഀ Frame Size : 44 3/4 X 60਍ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 44 3/4 X 60),਍ഀ Custom Clad Casement, 2 Wide਍ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash - Luxury਍ഀ Champagne,਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior,਍ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,਍ഀ Factory Mull,਍ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,਍ഀ Left/Right,਍ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,਍ഀ DP 35,਍ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,਍ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stop਍ഀ This mull configuration complies with AAMA 450 standards and is਍ഀ professional engineer-approved.਍ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04110/09) PW਍ഀ $953.12 1 $953.12਍ഀ DIM-CCC2460਍ഀ Frame Size : 22 3/8 X 60਍ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 22 3/8 X 60),਍ഀ Custom Clad Casement,਍ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash -਍ഀ Luxury Champagne,਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior,਍ഀ Nail Fin (Standard),਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 114" = 1'਍ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,਍ഀ Hinge Left,਍ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,਍ഀ DP 35,਍ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,਍ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stop਍ഀ Line-3-2 (A2)਍ഀ DIM-CCC2460਍ഀ RO Size : 23 1/8 X 60 3/4਍ഀ Frame Size : 22 3/8 X 60਍ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 22 318 X 60),਍ഀ Custom Clad Casement,਍ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash -਍ഀ Luxury Champagne,਍ഀ DP 35,਍ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,਍ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen਍ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior,਍ഀ Nail Fin (Standard),਍ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/4" = 1'਍ഀ Hinge Right,਍ഀ Q41.26.434 cult-066155 Page 2 of 8 (Prices are subject to change.) JDBWO5660 - 6125009 -13:07਍ഀ Quote Date: 4/10/2009 Drawings are for visual reference only and may not be to exact scale. All orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN Last Modified: 6/2512009਍ഀ LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDED਍ഀ SIZE INFO DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICE਍ഀ Line-4 Hallway਍ഀ RO Size : 64 3/4 X 60 3/4਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/4" = V਍ഀ R vtS~p TO WA-r6+ ExiTW4਍ഀ CCC3260-2਍ഀ Frame Size : 64 X 60਍ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 64 X 60),਍ഀ Custom Clad Casement, 2 Wide਍ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash - Luxury਍ഀ Champagne,਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior,਍ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,਍ഀ Factory Mull,਍ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,਍ഀ Left/Right,਍ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,਍ഀ DP 35,਍ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,਍ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stop਍ഀ This mull configuration complies with AAMA 450 standards and is਍ഀ professional engineer-approved.਍ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10/09) PW਍ഀ $1,006.76 1 $1,006.76਍ഀ Line-4-1 (Al) CCC3260਍ഀ Frame Size : 32 X 60਍ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 32 X 60),਍ഀ Custom Clad Casement,਍ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash -਍ഀ Luxury Champagne,਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior,਍ഀ Nail Fin (Standard),਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/4" = 1'਍ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,਍ഀ Hinge Left,਍ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,਍ഀ DP 35,਍ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,਍ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stop਍ഀ Line-4-2 (A2) CCC3260਍ഀ Frame Size : 32 X 60਍ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 32 X 60),਍ഀ Custom Clad Casement,਍ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash -਍ഀ Luxury Champagne,਍ഀ i਍ഀ i਍ഀ ' Natural Pine Interior,਍ഀ Nail Fin (Standard),਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/4" = 1'਍ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,਍ഀ Hinge Right,਍ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,਍ഀ DP 35,਍ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,਍ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stop਍ഀ QQ-1.26.434 cult-066155 Page 3 of 8 (Prices are subject to change.) JDBWO5660 - 6/25/2009 -1307਍ഀ Quote Date: 4110/2009 Drawings are for visual reference only and may not be to exact scale. All orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN Last Modified: 612512009਍ഀ LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDED਍ഀ SIZE INFO DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICE਍ഀ Line-5 Dining Tempered਍ഀ RO Size : 36 1 /8 X 60 3/4਍ഀ (G਍ഀ 4਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 114" = 1'਍ഀ CCD3560਍ഀ Frame Size : 35 3/8 X 60਍ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 35 3/8 X 60),਍ഀ Custom Clad Double Hung,਍ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash - Luxury਍ഀ Champagne,਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior,਍ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,਍ഀ 4 9/16 Jamb,਍ഀ Beige Jambliner,਍ഀ Standard Double Hung਍ഀ Chestnut Bronze Hardware, Cam Lock(s), With Finger Lifts,਍ഀ BetterVue Mesh Brilliant White Screen,਍ഀ DP 35,਍ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Tempered Glass, High Altitude, CA Urban Fire਍ഀ Code Label,਍ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10/09) PW਍ഀ $581.55਍ഀ $581.55਍ഀ Line-6 Dining਍ഀ CCD3560਍ഀ RO Size : 36 1/8 X 60 3/4਍ഀ Frame Size : 35 3/8 X 60਍ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 35 3/8 X 60),਍ഀ Custom Clad Double Hung,਍ഀ N (C਍ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash - Luxury਍ഀ Champagne,਍ഀ r਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior,਍ഀ u਍ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,਍ഀ 4 9/16 Jamb,਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/4" = 1'਍ഀ Beige Jambliner,਍ഀ Standard Double Hung਍ഀ Chestnut Bronze Hardware, Cam Lock(s), With Finger Lifts,਍ഀ BetterVue Mesh Brilliant White Screen,਍ഀ DP 35,਍ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,਍ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04110/09) PW਍ഀ $431.59 4 $1,726.36਍ഀ Line-7 Dining Door਍ഀ DIM-CISWf3068਍ഀ RO Size : 36 3/16 X 83 1/4਍ഀ Custom Clad Inswing 1-Pn1਍ഀ Frame: 35 7/16 X 82 1/2਍ഀ Luxury Color Frame Luxury Champagne Natural Pine Interior਍ഀ A਍ഀ Luxy Color Sash Luxury Champagne਍ഀ Folding Nail Flange Standard DripCap,਍ഀ 4 9/16 Jamb Width. 5/4਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/8" = 1'਍ഀ Right਍ഀ Authentic Oil Rub Brz Traditional Sglpt Hdl Set Sglpt Mort਍ഀ Authentic Oil Rubbed Bronze Adj Hinges਍ഀ vvn PM M਍ഀ Std Sill਍ഀ ~NG~% + 4 ~~C'IG It 1 P28/0਍ഀ Std Btm Rail਍ഀ Ins Wet Int Glz Low-E 366 Tempered Hi-Altitude਍ഀ p਍ഀ No Grid਍ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04110/09) PW਍ഀ $1,523.90 1 $1,523.90਍ഀ QQ-1.26.434 cust-066155 Page 4 of 8 (Prices are subject to change.) JDBWO5660 - 6125/2009 -13:07਍ഀ Quote Date: 411012009 Drawings are for visual reference only and may not be to exact scale. All orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN Last Modified: 6125/2009਍ഀ LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDED਍ഀ SIZE INFO DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICE਍ഀ Line-8 Kitchen Slider਍ഀ CHGW6036਍ഀ RO Size : 72 1/4 X 42 1/4਍ഀ Custom Clad 2W HGW਍ഀ Frame: 71 1/2 X 41 1/2਍ഀ Luxury Color Frame Luxury Champagne Luxy Color Sash Luxury਍ഀ Champagne਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior਍ഀ Folding Nail Flange Standard DripCap,਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 114" = V਍ഀ 4 9/16 Jamb Width. 4/4਍ഀ Left਍ഀ V :r $ N ~I(ti H 1 "OW਍ഀ Chestnut Brz Hardware਍ഀ W/Lifts Cam Lock(s)਍ഀ IGW Int Glz Low-E 366਍ഀ -ro Lt, # F+EIG I f .਍ഀ No Grid਍ഀ Luxury Color Screen BetterVue Mesh਍ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10/09) PW਍ഀ $610.35 1 $610.35਍ഀ Line- 9 Master bed 2਍ഀ Main Line Item਍ഀ RO Size : 45 1/2 X 48 3/4਍ഀ Frame Size : 44 3/4 X 48਍ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 44 3/4 X 48),਍ഀ Custom Clad Casement, 2 Wide਍ഀ C਍ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash - Luxury਍ഀ Champagne,਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 114" = V਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior,਍ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,਍ഀ of wI p'7 l4 %o਍ഀ Factory Mull,਍ഀ C~ta aJ' lloh਍ഀ A, C7਍ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,਍ഀ Left/Right,਍ഀ ~~Qvv C~~'' t o਍ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,਍ഀ DP 35,਍ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,਍ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stop਍ഀ This mull configuration complies with AAMA 450 standards and is਍ഀ professional engineer-approved.਍ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04110/09) PW਍ഀ $868.68 1 $868.68਍ഀ Line-9-1 (Al)਍ഀ DIM-CCC2448਍ഀ RO Size : 23 1/8 X 48 3/4਍ഀ Frame Size : 22 3/8 X 48਍ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 22 3/8 X 48),਍ഀ Custom Clad Casement,਍ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash -਍ഀ Luxury Champagne,਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior,਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 114" = 1' Nail Fin (Standard),਍ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,਍ഀ Hinge Left,਍ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,਍ഀ DP 35,਍ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,਍ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stop਍ഀ QQ-1.26.434 cult-066155 Page 5 of 8 (Prices are subject to change.) JDBWO5660 - 6125/2009 -1307਍ഀ Quote Date: 411012009 Drawings are for visual reference only and may riot be to exact scale. Al orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN Last Modified: 6125/2009਍ഀ LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDED਍ഀ SIZE INFO DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICE਍ഀ Line-9-2 (A2) DIM-CCC2448਍ഀ RO Size : 23 1/8 X 48 3/4 Frame Size : 22 3/8 X 48਍ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 22 3/8 X 48),਍ഀ Custom Clad Casement,਍ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash -਍ഀ Luxury Champagne,਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior,਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 114" = 1' Nail Fin (Standard),਍ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,਍ഀ Hinge Right,਍ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,਍ഀ DP 35,਍ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,਍ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stop਍ഀ Line-10 Master bed 2 VIF਍ഀ RO Size : 45 1/2 X 29 X 6 1/4 Frame Size : 44 3/4 X 28, LEG-HIGH= 5 5/8਍ഀ Custom Clad Geometric, Direct Set Trapezoid਍ഀ PITCH = ( 6 / 12)਍ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne,਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 114° = 1' Natural Pine Interior,਍ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,਍ഀ Qr ou((FO IAU W101 14 3 3/8 Jamb,਍ഀ Casement/Awning Detail,਍ഀ Left Hand਍ഀ (9"ofie,i M {W 611W INl~Y7UU'DP 35,਍ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,਍ഀ Traditional Screen Stop਍ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10109) PW਍ഀ $598.26 1 $598.26਍ഀ Line-11 Bed 3਍ഀ CHGW6040਍ഀ RO Size : 72 1/4 X 48 1/4਍ഀ Custom Clad 2W HGW਍ഀ Frame: 71 1 /2 X 47 1 /2਍ഀ Luxury Color Frame Luxury Champagne Luxy Color Sash Luxury਍ഀ Champagne਍ഀ I C਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior਍ഀ Folding Nail Flange Standard DripCap,਍ഀ 4 9/16 Jamb Width. 4/4਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/4" = 1'਍ഀ Left਍ഀ Chestnut Brz Hardware਍ഀ W/Lifts Cam Lock(s)਍ഀ IGW Int Glz Low-E 366਍ഀ No Grid਍ഀ Luxury Color Screen BetterVue Mesh਍ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10/09) PW਍ഀ $657.48 1 $657.48਍ഀ QQ-1,26.434 cust-066155 Page 6 of 8 (Prices are subject to change.) JDBWO5660 - 6/25/2009 -13:07਍ഀ Quote Date: 4/10/2009 Drawings are for visual reference only and may not be to exact scale. All orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN Last Modified: 6 /2 512 0 09਍ഀ a਍ഀ LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDED਍ഀ SIZE INFO DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICE਍ഀ Line-12 Bed 3਍ഀ CCA2424਍ഀ RO Size : 24 3/4 X 24 3/4਍ഀ Frame Size : 24 X 24਍ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 24 X 24),਍ഀ n਍ഀ Custom Clad Awning,਍ഀ %਍ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash - Luxury਍ഀ i਍ഀ Champagne,਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior,਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/2" = 1'਍ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,਍ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,਍ഀ O(2~;?~1r਍ഀ A਍ഀ '਍ഀ Venting,਍ഀ -਍ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,਍ഀ DP 30,਍ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,਍ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stop਍ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10/09) PW਍ഀ $291.08 2 $582.16਍ഀ Line-13 Bed 3 tempered਍ഀ CCA2424਍ഀ RO Size : 24 3/4 X 24 3/4਍ഀ Frame Size : 24 X 24਍ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 24 X 24),਍ഀ Custom Clad Awning,਍ഀ \਍ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash - Luxury਍ഀ \਍ഀ Champagne,਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior,਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/2" = 1'਍ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,਍ഀ t11! a 1 ER a t::਍ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,਍ഀ Venting,਍ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,਍ഀ DP 30,਍ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Tempered Glass, High Altitude,਍ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stop਍ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10/09) PW਍ഀ $331.78 1 $331.78਍ഀ Line-14 Master Bed CHGW6040਍ഀ RO Size : 72 1/4 X 48 1/4 Custom Clad 2W HGW਍ഀ Frame: 71 1 /2 X 47 1 /2਍ഀ Luxury Color Frame Luxury Champagne Luxy Color Sash Luxury਍ഀ ~ Champagne਍ഀ Natural Pine Interior਍ഀ Folding Nail Flange Standard DripCap,਍ഀ 4 9/16 Jamb Width. 4/4਍ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/4" = 1' Left਍ഀ Chestnut Brz Hardware਍ഀ W/Lifts Cam Lock(s)਍ഀ IGW Int Glz Low-E 366਍ഀ No Grid਍ഀ Luxury Color Screen BetterVue Mesh਍ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10109) PW਍ഀ $657.48 1 $657.48਍ഀ QQ-1.26.434 cust-066155 Page 7 of 8 (Prices are subject to change.) JDBM5660 - 6/25/2009 - 1307਍ഀ Quote Date: 411012009 Drawings are for visual reference only and may not be to exact scale. All orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN Last Modified: 6252009਍ഀ 1 '਍ഀ LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDED਍ഀ SIZE INFO DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICE਍ഀ Line-15 7-0 jbx਍ഀ Part J 13165਍ഀ JAMB EXT HEAD 3-3/16 4/4 CAS 84 NAT AC-525 JWCU਍ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10109) PW਍ഀ $18.68 2 $37.36਍ഀ Line-16 4-0 jbx਍ഀ Part J13161਍ഀ JAMB EXT HEAD 3-3/16 4/4 CAS 48 NAT AC-525 JWCU਍ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10/09) PW਍ഀ $7.71 1 $7.71਍ഀ Total: $12,499.87਍ഀ Sub Total: $12,499.87਍ഀ CO State Tax (2.9 $362.50਍ഀ Note: Please review all sizes, specifications, quantities, and pricing. Upon review and NET TOTAL: $12,862.37਍ഀ acceptance, please authorize below: Total Units: 23਍ഀ X਍ഀ U਍ഀ w਍ഀ QQ-1.26.434 cust-066155 Page 8 Of 8 (Prices are subject to change.) JDBW05660 - 6125120 09 -1 3:07਍ഀ Quote Date: 4/10/2009 Drawings are for visual reference only and may not be to exact scale. All orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN Last Modified: 6/25/2009਍ഀ JELD-WEN Windows and Doors਍ഀ Brad A. Wright਍ഀ (970) 481-3394 Cellular਍ഀ (970) 871-6799 Office਍ഀ (970) 871-6798 Fax਍ഀ bradw@jeld-wen.com਍ഀ JELB~WEN਍ഀ <WINDOWS ~'L}OWS & DOORS਍ഀ QUOTE JDBW05754਍ഀ SHIP TO: Springhill Remodel਍ഀ 1498 Springhill lane਍ഀ Vail, CO 81657਍ഀ 970-471-1203਍ഀ PO#: PROJECT NAME: Springhill remodel glass block unit਍ഀ REFERENCE: Confirmation 6-25-09਍ഀ QUOTE BY: Brad Wright਍ഀ SOLD TO: J. Krueger and Company - John Krueger਍ഀ PO Box 1551਍ഀ Avon, CO 81658਍ഀ Phone: 970-949-4814਍ഀ Fax: 970-949-4814਍ഀ Drywall returns਍ഀ LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDED਍ഀ SIZE INFO DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICE਍ഀ COMMENTS:਍ഀ Notes:਍ഀ Change to sizes in entry and Master bed 2 in order to meet egress and align਍ഀ 4-0 x 1-0 Glass Block in Master Shower not included਍ഀ Line-1਍ഀ Pacific Accent 0602 Premier Series, Tan thermally broken alum frame,਍ഀ Clear Glass block, 47 1/2 x 17਍ഀ $459.00 1 $459.00਍ഀ Total: $459.00਍ഀ Sub Total: $459.00਍ഀ CO State Tax (2.9 $13.31਍ഀ Note: Please review all sizes, specifications, quantities, and pricing. Upon review and NET TOTAL: $472.31਍ഀ acceptance, please authorize below: Total Units: 1਍ഀ X਍ഀ lei ~ S਍ഀ 9t,ocA4਍ഀ 1 v I A10 OvV '51 ?C-t> Zo਍ഀ 13 U,V-V, S (06S਍ഀ A-h਍ഀ iATAE U਍ഀ F-4O h waA 5t.lpe72਍ഀ ~v 15AVf ,਍ഀ C਍ഀ QQ-1.26.434 cult-066155 Page 1 of 1 (Prices are subject to change.) JDBWO5754 - 6(2512009 -12:14਍ഀ Quote Date: 5/2 812 0 0 9 Drawings are for visual reference only and may not be to exact scale. PJI orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN Last Modified: 6/25/2009਍ഀ r '਍ഀ S਍ഀ W਍ഀ tti਍ഀ P,਍ഀ s਍ഀ on n V / 0਍ഀ Z਍ഀ .M~਍ഀ M਍ഀ rc_਍ഀ D਍ഀ D਍ഀ N਍ഀ 4਍ഀ C਍ഀ r਍ഀ v਍ഀ L਍ഀ CoiG IUt਍ഀ r'u਍ഀ !Rj i '.S਍ഀ t 1-਍ഀ It u਍ഀ 41 a਍ഀ , e~਍ഀ g n਍ഀ 4 en਍ഀ 41਍ഀ I਍ഀ .਍ഀ p਍ഀ R`IC)਍ഀ I਍ഀ N਍ഀ T਍ഀ ffI ~ L਍ഀ l." z਍ഀ ~,tP lit਍ഀ m A਍ഀ N਍ഀ I ~਍ഀ J਍ഀ i~਍ഀ .r`਍ഀ 1਍ഀ ਍ഀ ti਍ഀ n਍ഀ n਍ഀ J਍ഀ A਍ഀ tD਍ഀ N਍ഀ '11਍ഀ nn਍ഀ N਍ഀ a਍ഀ s਍ഀ III਍ഀ y਍ഀ N਍ഀ `A਍ഀ IRE਍ഀ 1਍ഀ t1਍ഀ L਍ഀ 41਍ഀ O਍ഀ O਍ഀ IR S਍ഀ In~m O਍ഀ S p਍ഀ S਍ഀ lt ~ 's1a 3 0-g਍ഀ -°-'iN L਍ഀ m rp਍ഀ 1 ro R !fV਍ഀ t''I 1 'P਍ഀ i਍ഀ L J 9 cu r-਍ഀ rt਍ഀ -n਍ഀ al਍ഀ n਍ഀ m I io਍ഀ n a m਍ഀ m m m. m਍ഀ K!"਍ഀ V Q਍ഀ C fa ~R਍ഀ to O m I,,਍ഀ Q਍ഀ a c਍ഀ 'e਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ~I਍ഀ I਍ഀ m j਍ഀ n਍ഀ i a m ~਍ഀ o਍ഀ ,਍ഀ ਍ഀ W n਍ഀ rD਍ഀ ~I਍ഀ ~਍ഀ O aD਍ഀ NNNY਍ഀ ~PS\~਍ഀ 'Nir.y TN਍ഀ .਍ഀ AI O l".਍ഀ m਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ~i਍ഀ ,r ien T਍ഀ O.਍ഀ tNi n O`਍ഀ -T਍ഀ cn਍ഀ NIT ti, T਍ഀ m਍ഀ tir T y~ r', T n, e1਍ഀ A-਍ഀ -A-NN਍ഀ FE FE਍ഀ 0~਍ഀ ~n਍ഀ .m਍ഀ A'Nn਍ഀ y਍ഀ (9਍ഀ 0਍ഀ a਍ഀ m y਍ഀ I°਍ഀ It਍ഀ to -਍ഀ 1 A U਍ഀ y਍ഀ r-਍ഀ p਍ഀ m਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ u I>;- y y਍ഀ IE>਍ഀ 'sj਍ഀ I਍ഀ O id m ~਍ഀ ~਍ഀ e਍ഀ Iv. u~ S਍ഀ 1'਍ഀ I 6`i W਍ഀ ~3਍ഀ 6਍ഀ T ~N਍ഀ ~r਍ഀ ~r਍ഀ r਍ഀ IQ਍ഀ ~ ~ $pJ਍ഀ Ild਍ഀ cr i.਍ഀ I ~਍ഀ ~I਍ഀ I e9਍ഀ ! _ _ ' ~ r ra-s਍ഀ - -਍ഀ s਍ഀ R n਍ഀ w਍ഀ O਍ഀ ~ r_ ~p਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~ A਍ഀ ~ n m y iG~਍ഀ m n਍ഀ y਍ഀ ~ ~ Lb਍ഀ a਍ഀ m y m਍ഀ U'p m਍ഀ t~ Q 10਍ഀ ° `.n u਍ഀ ~ O G~ ~ -U CI਍ഀ !fl਍ഀ S਍ഀ l਍ഀ niy n਍ഀ - 40਍ഀ e਍ഀ 2਍ഀ w਍ഀ yL ~C~'1਍ഀ b ~ ~ jm਍ഀ ©U਍ഀ N਍ഀ ~ O r਍ഀ r (v਍ഀ a਍ഀ t,਍ഀ au'.,਍ഀ ~਍ഀ a਍ഀ ~N਍ഀ w਍ഀ g਍ഀ 4਍ഀ u਍ഀ (਍ഀ tit T E 1਍ഀ n itr਍ഀ ~ ~ i਍ഀ L71F~~ X10਍ഀ uc਍ഀ rt-EA.. G t. .~^w -75 a1 E.FG4"w CO^ R 5-T El਍ഀ G15.. ] F F" kF E ARF਍ഀ .਍ഀ (e਍ഀ ਍ഀ 0਍ഀ n਍ഀ to -p q਍ഀ .7 y਍ഀ u਍ഀ - -਍ഀ Al਍ഀ ~l56R. 1 .,f਍ഀ ..O\ TAN F RE O. R., t 1 {਍ഀ 5,4- fd -~r nE G151.. A'~ cc . r4u°Ch_.B . CG\ 1..__਍ഀ vER\ o I~ - / r1 -਍ഀ r. .਍ഀ _.._?R਍ഀ 5 :OU਍ഀ ..D FRI- ..Er A\. -_7" GCNffNT TOE਍ഀ ELK 'E G1,~ . V C R:5PCi.਍ഀ J- n F5 EAx .o_਍ഀ 5, O' CE Cid,_R^I'6 .tee਍ഀ OT, !PR PROJECT TPEN T..E ONE LIFTED 4FOVE JITWOUT EXPRE55ED V' TTEN CCMSE\T C CU570`7 DESIGN GRCJP. INC਍ഀ