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Design Review Boardഀ ACTION FORMഀ n?WNOFVAIഀ Department of Community Developmentഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452ഀ web: www.vailgov.comഀ Project Name: SPRING HILL LANE REMODEL DRB Number: DRB090293ഀ Project Description:ഀ Participants:ഀ CHANGES TO APPROVED PLANS: CHANGE WINDOW SIZES FOR BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE,ഀ REDUSE HEIGHT OF KITCHEN WINDOW, ADD WINDOWS TO WEST WALL OF BEDROOM 3.ഀ OWNER SPRING HILL LANE LLCഀ 465 KEARNEY STഀ C/O TIM ZARLENGOഀ DENVERഀ CO 80220ഀ APPLICANT TIM ZARLENGOഀ Project Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAILഀ 07/27/2009 Phone: 03-331-0678ഀ 07/27/2009 Phone: 303-888-7258ഀ Location:ഀ Legal Description: Lot: 16 Block: 3 Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY FILING 1ഀ Parcel Number: 2101-092-0700-9ഀ Comments: See conditionsഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTIONഀ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPPഀ Second By:ഀ Vote: Date of Approval: 07/29/2009ഀ Conditions:ഀ Cond: 8ഀ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town ofഀ Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).ഀ Cond: 0ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult withഀ Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities.ഀ Cond: 201ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date ofഀ approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS.ഀ Cond:202ഀ (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year followingഀ the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction isഀ commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.ഀ Cond: CON0010887ഀ The applicant shall install new windows which match the color of the existingഀ windows in the duplex structure, which are a shade of light brown.ഀ Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00ഀ 30 Alഀ V-Aഀ Delഀ >artment of Communityഀ 75 South Fഀ Vail, Ccഀ Tel:ഀ Fax:ഀ Web: wwഀ Development Revieiഀ Coordinഀ Application for Design Reviewഀ Changes to Approved Plans Ptഀ General Information: This application is for all changes to approved plans prior to Certificate of Occupancy. An ap-ഀ plication for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Developmentഀ Department. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unles ui r is isir nഀ construction commences. Dഀ Submittal Requirements: JUL 2 7 2009ഀ 1. Three (3) Copies of all pertinent approved plans will illustrated, labeled changesഀ 2. Joint Property Owner Written Approval Letter, if applicableഀ Fee: $20 TOWN OF VAILഀ Single Family ✓ Duplex Multi-Family Commercialഀ Description of the Request: Change window sizes to meet egress and match existing building openings.ഀ Reduce kitchen window height to allow for backsplash. Add windows to west wall in bedroom 3.ഀ Physical Address: 1498 Spring Hill Lane i vLi+ Aഀ Parcel Number: 2102-092-0700-9 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)ഀ Property Owner: Spring Hill Lane LLCഀ Mailing Address: 456 Kearney St, Denver CO 80220ഀ Owner's Signature:ഀ Phone: 303-888-7258ഀ Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: Tim Zarlengoഀ Mailing Address: 456 Kearney St, Denver CO 80220ഀ E-Mail: tzarlengo@msn.com Fax:ഀ Phone: 303-888-7258ഀ For Office Use Onl Cash_ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # uth # Check # ( If K,2ഀ Fee Paid: Received From: 6✓ rഀ Meeting Dateഀ A' P DRB No.: 6ഀ Planner: V vG Project No: d S Dof gഀ Zoning:ഀ Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block:ഀ Land Use:ഀ Apr-09ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statementഀ Statement Number: R090000912 Amount: $20.00 07/27/200902:32 PMഀ Payment Method: Check Init: JLEഀ Notation: 1432 J KRUEGERഀ AND COഀ ഀ Permit No: DRB090293 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr Plansഀ Parcel No: 2101-092-0700-9ഀ Site Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAILഀ Location:ഀ Total Fees: $20.00ഀ This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00ഀ Balance: $0.00ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmtsഀ ഀ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00ഀ 11ഀ pow°F yi JUL 2 7 2009ഀ JOINT PROPERTY OWNEഀ WRITTEN APPROVAL LETT TOWN OF ' IL -ഀ This form is applicable to all Design Review applicants that share ownership of the subject property. For exam-ഀ ple, the subject property where constructi i occurn is a duplex, condominium or multi-tenant building. Thisഀ form shall be completed by the applic is neighbor/ joi property owner. In the case of a multiple-family dwell-ഀ ing or multi-tenant building, the authors ciation shall complete this form and mail to: Communityഀ Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, CO 81657 or fax to 970.479.2452.ഀ I, (print name) , off joint owner, or authority of the association, of propertyഀ ! ~il/►ഀ located at I q q n 7~l Ir► /h !✓I- provide this letter asഀ written approval of the plans datedഀ which have been submitted to theഀ Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the ad-ഀ (Signature)ഀ IVഀ Additionally, please check the statement below which is most applicable to you:ഀ (Date)ഀ ❑ I understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to en-ഀ sure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations.ഀ (Initial here)ഀ ❑ I request that all modifications, minor or otherwise, which are made to the plans over the course of the re-ഀ view process, be brought to my attention by the applicant for additional approval before undergoing further re-ഀ view by the Town.ഀ (Initial here)ഀ 7/7/2009ഀ dress noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include:ഀ JELD-WEN Windows and Doorsഀ Brad A. Wrightഀ (970) 481-3394 Cellularഀ (970) 871-6799 Officeഀ (970) 871-6798 Faxഀ bradw@jeld-wen.comഀ QUOTE BY: Brad Wrightഀ SOLD TO: J. Krueger and Company - Johnഀ PO Box 1551ഀ Avon, CO 81658ഀ Phone: 970-949-4814ഀ Fax: 970-949-4814ഀ ~J Jv1 e .ഀ 10 1 E CLOM7 Eഀ J R W. E Nഀ JUL 2 7 2009ഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ PO#: PROJഀ LINE NO. LOCATIONഀ SIZE INFOഀ Line-1 Bed 5 & 4 egressഀ RO Size : 54 3/4 X 48 1 /4ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 114" = Vഀ lz:-o5po To vvn"-7ഀ (5)~~ S. o4pe)o,„ yഀ UvI&r> Rrik A-C F~o .ഀ 13Er a2oo,#0 5 P gVI o(6"ഀ I'sX to Itഀ ECT NAME: Springhill remodelഀ REFERENCE: Confirmation 6-25-09ഀ BOOK CODEഀ DESCRIPTIONഀ E JDBW05660ഀ TO: Springhill Remodelഀ 1498 Springhill laneഀ Vail, CO 81657ഀ 970-471-1203ഀ UNIT QTY EXTENDEDഀ PRICE PRICEഀ DIM-CHGW5040ഀ Custom Clad 2W HGWഀ Frame: 54 X 47 1/2ഀ Luxury Color Frame Luxury Champagne Luxy Color Sash Luxuryഀ Champagneഀ Natural Pine Interiorഀ Nail Flange Standard DripCap,ഀ 4 9/16 Jamb Width. 4/4ഀ Leftഀ Chestnut Brz Hardwareഀ W/Lifts Cam Lock(s)ഀ IGW Int Glz Low-E 366 Hi-Altitudeഀ No Gridഀ Luxury Color Screen BetterVue Meshഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10/09) PWഀ Line-2 Entry temperedഀ RO Size : 24 3/4 X 72 3/4ഀ tv 49 6 A,ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/8" = Vഀ $641.11 2 $1,282.22ഀ CCC2472ഀ Frame Size : 24 X 72ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 24 X 72),ഀ Custom Clad Casement,ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash - Luxuryഀ Champagne,ഀ Natural Pine Interior,ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,ഀ Stationary,ഀ DP 35,ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Tempered Glass, High Altitude,ഀ Traditional Screen Stopഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04110109) PWഀ $537.35 2 $1,074.70ഀ Q41.26.434 cost-066155ഀ Quote Date: 411012009 Drawings are for visual reference only and may not be to egad s1 o NI orders are su(Rices are suect to change.)ഀ bject to rev ew by JELD-WEN 1DBW Last - 6/25/2009 - 13: cale. Last Modified:6/25/2009ഀ 9ഀ LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDEDഀ SIZE INFO DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICEഀ o. Line- 3 Entryഀ RO Size : 45 1/2 X 60 3/4ഀ iഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/4" = 1ഀ '70 r-k'Tഀ X \s'1 tl~G, OPEN I Nyഀ to 00wഀ Line- 3-1 (Al)ഀ RO Size : 23 1/8 X 60 3/4ഀ /ഀ iഀ Main Line Itemഀ Frame Size : 44 3/4 X 60ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 44 3/4 X 60),ഀ Custom Clad Casement, 2 Wideഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash - Luxuryഀ Champagne,ഀ Natural Pine Interior,ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,ഀ Factory Mull,ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,ഀ Left/Right,ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,ഀ DP 35,ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stopഀ This mull configuration complies with AAMA 450 standards and isഀ professional engineer-approved.ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04110/09) PWഀ $953.12 1 $953.12ഀ DIM-CCC2460ഀ Frame Size : 22 3/8 X 60ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 22 3/8 X 60),ഀ Custom Clad Casement,ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash -ഀ Luxury Champagne,ഀ Natural Pine Interior,ഀ Nail Fin (Standard),ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 114" = 1'ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,ഀ Hinge Left,ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,ഀ DP 35,ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stopഀ Line-3-2 (A2)ഀ DIM-CCC2460ഀ RO Size : 23 1/8 X 60 3/4ഀ Frame Size : 22 3/8 X 60ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 22 318 X 60),ഀ Custom Clad Casement,ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash -ഀ Luxury Champagne,ഀ DP 35,ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screenഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,ഀ Natural Pine Interior,ഀ Nail Fin (Standard),ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/4" = 1'ഀ Hinge Right,ഀ Q41.26.434 cult-066155 Page 2 of 8 (Prices are subject to change.) JDBWO5660 - 6125009 -13:07ഀ Quote Date: 4/10/2009 Drawings are for visual reference only and may not be to exact scale. All orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN Last Modified: 6/2512009ഀ LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDEDഀ SIZE INFO DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICEഀ Line-4 Hallwayഀ RO Size : 64 3/4 X 60 3/4ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/4" = Vഀ R vtS~p TO WA-r6+ ExiTW4ഀ CCC3260-2ഀ Frame Size : 64 X 60ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 64 X 60),ഀ Custom Clad Casement, 2 Wideഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash - Luxuryഀ Champagne,ഀ Natural Pine Interior,ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,ഀ Factory Mull,ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,ഀ Left/Right,ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,ഀ DP 35,ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stopഀ This mull configuration complies with AAMA 450 standards and isഀ professional engineer-approved.ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10/09) PWഀ $1,006.76 1 $1,006.76ഀ Line-4-1 (Al) CCC3260ഀ Frame Size : 32 X 60ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 32 X 60),ഀ Custom Clad Casement,ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash -ഀ Luxury Champagne,ഀ Natural Pine Interior,ഀ Nail Fin (Standard),ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/4" = 1'ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,ഀ Hinge Left,ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,ഀ DP 35,ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stopഀ Line-4-2 (A2) CCC3260ഀ Frame Size : 32 X 60ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 32 X 60),ഀ Custom Clad Casement,ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash -ഀ Luxury Champagne,ഀ iഀ iഀ ' Natural Pine Interior,ഀ Nail Fin (Standard),ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/4" = 1'ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,ഀ Hinge Right,ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,ഀ DP 35,ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stopഀ QQ-1.26.434 cult-066155 Page 3 of 8 (Prices are subject to change.) JDBWO5660 - 6/25/2009 -1307ഀ Quote Date: 4110/2009 Drawings are for visual reference only and may not be to exact scale. All orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN Last Modified: 612512009ഀ LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDEDഀ SIZE INFO DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICEഀ Line-5 Dining Temperedഀ RO Size : 36 1 /8 X 60 3/4ഀ (Gഀ 4ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 114" = 1'ഀ CCD3560ഀ Frame Size : 35 3/8 X 60ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 35 3/8 X 60),ഀ Custom Clad Double Hung,ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash - Luxuryഀ Champagne,ഀ Natural Pine Interior,ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,ഀ 4 9/16 Jamb,ഀ Beige Jambliner,ഀ Standard Double Hungഀ Chestnut Bronze Hardware, Cam Lock(s), With Finger Lifts,ഀ BetterVue Mesh Brilliant White Screen,ഀ DP 35,ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Tempered Glass, High Altitude, CA Urban Fireഀ Code Label,ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10/09) PWഀ $581.55ഀ $581.55ഀ Line-6 Diningഀ CCD3560ഀ RO Size : 36 1/8 X 60 3/4ഀ Frame Size : 35 3/8 X 60ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 35 3/8 X 60),ഀ Custom Clad Double Hung,ഀ N (Cഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash - Luxuryഀ Champagne,ഀ rഀ Natural Pine Interior,ഀ uഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,ഀ 4 9/16 Jamb,ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/4" = 1'ഀ Beige Jambliner,ഀ Standard Double Hungഀ Chestnut Bronze Hardware, Cam Lock(s), With Finger Lifts,ഀ BetterVue Mesh Brilliant White Screen,ഀ DP 35,ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04110/09) PWഀ $431.59 4 $1,726.36ഀ Line-7 Dining Doorഀ DIM-CISWf3068ഀ RO Size : 36 3/16 X 83 1/4ഀ Custom Clad Inswing 1-Pn1ഀ Frame: 35 7/16 X 82 1/2ഀ Luxury Color Frame Luxury Champagne Natural Pine Interiorഀ Aഀ Luxy Color Sash Luxury Champagneഀ Folding Nail Flange Standard DripCap,ഀ 4 9/16 Jamb Width. 5/4ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/8" = 1'ഀ Rightഀ Authentic Oil Rub Brz Traditional Sglpt Hdl Set Sglpt Mortഀ Authentic Oil Rubbed Bronze Adj Hingesഀ vvn PM Mഀ Std Sillഀ ~NG~% + 4 ~~C'IG It 1 P28/0ഀ Std Btm Railഀ Ins Wet Int Glz Low-E 366 Tempered Hi-Altitudeഀ pഀ No Gridഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04110/09) PWഀ $1,523.90 1 $1,523.90ഀ QQ-1.26.434 cust-066155 Page 4 of 8 (Prices are subject to change.) JDBWO5660 - 6125/2009 -13:07ഀ Quote Date: 411012009 Drawings are for visual reference only and may not be to exact scale. All orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN Last Modified: 6125/2009ഀ LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDEDഀ SIZE INFO DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICEഀ Line-8 Kitchen Sliderഀ CHGW6036ഀ RO Size : 72 1/4 X 42 1/4ഀ Custom Clad 2W HGWഀ Frame: 71 1/2 X 41 1/2ഀ Luxury Color Frame Luxury Champagne Luxy Color Sash Luxuryഀ Champagneഀ Natural Pine Interiorഀ Folding Nail Flange Standard DripCap,ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 114" = Vഀ 4 9/16 Jamb Width. 4/4ഀ Leftഀ V :r $ N ~I(ti H 1 "OWഀ Chestnut Brz Hardwareഀ W/Lifts Cam Lock(s)ഀ IGW Int Glz Low-E 366ഀ -ro Lt, # F+EIG I f .ഀ No Gridഀ Luxury Color Screen BetterVue Meshഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10/09) PWഀ $610.35 1 $610.35ഀ Line- 9 Master bed 2ഀ Main Line Itemഀ RO Size : 45 1/2 X 48 3/4ഀ Frame Size : 44 3/4 X 48ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 44 3/4 X 48),ഀ Custom Clad Casement, 2 Wideഀ Cഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash - Luxuryഀ Champagne,ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 114" = Vഀ Natural Pine Interior,ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,ഀ of wI p'7 l4 %oഀ Factory Mull,ഀ C~ta aJ' llohഀ A, C7ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,ഀ Left/Right,ഀ ~~Qvv C~~'' t oഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,ഀ DP 35,ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stopഀ This mull configuration complies with AAMA 450 standards and isഀ professional engineer-approved.ഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04110/09) PWഀ $868.68 1 $868.68ഀ Line-9-1 (Al)ഀ DIM-CCC2448ഀ RO Size : 23 1/8 X 48 3/4ഀ Frame Size : 22 3/8 X 48ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 22 3/8 X 48),ഀ Custom Clad Casement,ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash -ഀ Luxury Champagne,ഀ Natural Pine Interior,ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 114" = 1' Nail Fin (Standard),ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,ഀ Hinge Left,ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,ഀ DP 35,ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stopഀ QQ-1.26.434 cult-066155 Page 5 of 8 (Prices are subject to change.) JDBWO5660 - 6125/2009 -1307ഀ Quote Date: 411012009 Drawings are for visual reference only and may riot be to exact scale. Al orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN Last Modified: 6125/2009ഀ LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDEDഀ SIZE INFO DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICEഀ Line-9-2 (A2) DIM-CCC2448ഀ RO Size : 23 1/8 X 48 3/4 Frame Size : 22 3/8 X 48ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 22 3/8 X 48),ഀ Custom Clad Casement,ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash -ഀ Luxury Champagne,ഀ Natural Pine Interior,ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 114" = 1' Nail Fin (Standard),ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,ഀ Hinge Right,ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,ഀ DP 35,ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stopഀ Line-10 Master bed 2 VIFഀ RO Size : 45 1/2 X 29 X 6 1/4 Frame Size : 44 3/4 X 28, LEG-HIGH= 5 5/8ഀ Custom Clad Geometric, Direct Set Trapezoidഀ PITCH = ( 6 / 12)ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne,ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 114° = 1' Natural Pine Interior,ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,ഀ Qr ou((FO IAU W101 14 3 3/8 Jamb,ഀ Casement/Awning Detail,ഀ Left Handഀ (9"ofie,i M {W 611W INl~Y7UU'DP 35,ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,ഀ Traditional Screen Stopഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10109) PWഀ $598.26 1 $598.26ഀ Line-11 Bed 3ഀ CHGW6040ഀ RO Size : 72 1/4 X 48 1/4ഀ Custom Clad 2W HGWഀ Frame: 71 1 /2 X 47 1 /2ഀ Luxury Color Frame Luxury Champagne Luxy Color Sash Luxuryഀ Champagneഀ I Cഀ Natural Pine Interiorഀ Folding Nail Flange Standard DripCap,ഀ 4 9/16 Jamb Width. 4/4ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/4" = 1'ഀ Leftഀ Chestnut Brz Hardwareഀ W/Lifts Cam Lock(s)ഀ IGW Int Glz Low-E 366ഀ No Gridഀ Luxury Color Screen BetterVue Meshഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10/09) PWഀ $657.48 1 $657.48ഀ QQ-1,26.434 cust-066155 Page 6 of 8 (Prices are subject to change.) JDBWO5660 - 6/25/2009 -13:07ഀ Quote Date: 4/10/2009 Drawings are for visual reference only and may not be to exact scale. All orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN Last Modified: 6 /2 512 0 09ഀ aഀ LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDEDഀ SIZE INFO DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICEഀ Line-12 Bed 3ഀ CCA2424ഀ RO Size : 24 3/4 X 24 3/4ഀ Frame Size : 24 X 24ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 24 X 24),ഀ nഀ Custom Clad Awning,ഀ %ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash - Luxuryഀ iഀ Champagne,ഀ Natural Pine Interior,ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/2" = 1'ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,ഀ O(2~;?~1rഀ Aഀ 'ഀ Venting,ഀ -ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,ഀ DP 30,ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Annealed Glass, High Altitude,ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stopഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10/09) PWഀ $291.08 2 $582.16ഀ Line-13 Bed 3 temperedഀ CCA2424ഀ RO Size : 24 3/4 X 24 3/4ഀ Frame Size : 24 X 24ഀ (Outside Casing Size: 24 X 24),ഀ Custom Clad Awning,ഀ \ഀ Luxury Color Exterior - Luxury Champagne, Luxury Color Sash - Luxuryഀ \ഀ Champagne,ഀ Natural Pine Interior,ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/2" = 1'ഀ Nail Fin (Standard), No Sill Nosing, Standard DripCap,ഀ t11! a 1 ER a t::ഀ 3 3/8 Jamb,ഀ Venting,ഀ Nesting Crank Handle, Chestnut Bronze Hardware,ഀ DP 30,ഀ Insulated Low-E 366 Tempered Glass, High Altitude,ഀ BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, Traditional Screen Stopഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10/09) PWഀ $331.78 1 $331.78ഀ Line-14 Master Bed CHGW6040ഀ RO Size : 72 1/4 X 48 1/4 Custom Clad 2W HGWഀ Frame: 71 1 /2 X 47 1 /2ഀ Luxury Color Frame Luxury Champagne Luxy Color Sash Luxuryഀ ~ Champagneഀ Natural Pine Interiorഀ Folding Nail Flange Standard DripCap,ഀ 4 9/16 Jamb Width. 4/4ഀ Viewed from Exterior. Scale: 1/4" = 1' Leftഀ Chestnut Brz Hardwareഀ W/Lifts Cam Lock(s)ഀ IGW Int Glz Low-E 366ഀ No Gridഀ Luxury Color Screen BetterVue Meshഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10109) PWഀ $657.48 1 $657.48ഀ QQ-1.26.434 cust-066155 Page 7 of 8 (Prices are subject to change.) JDBM5660 - 6/25/2009 - 1307ഀ Quote Date: 411012009 Drawings are for visual reference only and may not be to exact scale. All orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN Last Modified: 6252009ഀ 1 'ഀ LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDEDഀ SIZE INFO DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICEഀ Line-15 7-0 jbxഀ Part J 13165ഀ JAMB EXT HEAD 3-3/16 4/4 CAS 84 NAT AC-525 JWCUഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10109) PWഀ $18.68 2 $37.36ഀ Line-16 4-0 jbxഀ Part J13161ഀ JAMB EXT HEAD 3-3/16 4/4 CAS 48 NAT AC-525 JWCUഀ PEV 2009.2.0.208/PDV 5.339 (04/10/09) PWഀ $7.71 1 $7.71ഀ Total: $12,499.87ഀ Sub Total: $12,499.87ഀ CO State Tax (2.9 $362.50ഀ Note: Please review all sizes, specifications, quantities, and pricing. Upon review and NET TOTAL: $12,862.37ഀ acceptance, please authorize below: Total Units: 23ഀ Xഀ Uഀ wഀ QQ-1.26.434 cust-066155 Page 8 Of 8 (Prices are subject to change.) JDBW05660 - 6125120 09 -1 3:07ഀ Quote Date: 4/10/2009 Drawings are for visual reference only and may not be to exact scale. All orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN Last Modified: 6/25/2009ഀ JELD-WEN Windows and Doorsഀ Brad A. Wrightഀ (970) 481-3394 Cellularഀ (970) 871-6799 Officeഀ (970) 871-6798 Faxഀ bradw@jeld-wen.comഀ JELB~WENഀ <WINDOWS ~'L}OWS & DOORSഀ QUOTE JDBW05754ഀ SHIP TO: Springhill Remodelഀ 1498 Springhill laneഀ Vail, CO 81657ഀ 970-471-1203ഀ PO#: PROJECT NAME: Springhill remodel glass block unitഀ REFERENCE: Confirmation 6-25-09ഀ QUOTE BY: Brad Wrightഀ SOLD TO: J. Krueger and Company - John Kruegerഀ PO Box 1551ഀ Avon, CO 81658ഀ Phone: 970-949-4814ഀ Fax: 970-949-4814ഀ Drywall returnsഀ LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDEDഀ SIZE INFO DESCRIPTION PRICE PRICEഀ COMMENTS:ഀ Notes:ഀ Change to sizes in entry and Master bed 2 in order to meet egress and alignഀ 4-0 x 1-0 Glass Block in Master Shower not includedഀ Line-1ഀ Pacific Accent 0602 Premier Series, Tan thermally broken alum frame,ഀ Clear Glass block, 47 1/2 x 17ഀ $459.00 1 $459.00ഀ Total: $459.00ഀ Sub Total: $459.00ഀ CO State Tax (2.9 $13.31ഀ Note: Please review all sizes, specifications, quantities, and pricing. Upon review and NET TOTAL: $472.31ഀ acceptance, please authorize below: Total Units: 1ഀ Xഀ lei ~ Sഀ 9t,ocA4ഀ 1 v I A10 OvV '51 ?C-t> Zoഀ 13 U,V-V, S (06Sഀ A-hഀ iATAE Uഀ F-4O h waA 5t.lpe72ഀ ~v 15AVf ,ഀ Cഀ QQ-1.26.434 cult-066155 Page 1 of 1 (Prices are subject to change.) JDBWO5754 - 6(2512009 -12:14ഀ Quote Date: 5/2 812 0 0 9 Drawings are for visual reference only and may not be to exact scale. PJI orders are subject to review by JELD-WEN Last Modified: 6/25/2009ഀ r 'ഀ Sഀ Wഀ ttiഀ P,ഀ sഀ on n V / 0ഀ Zഀ .M~ഀ Mഀ rc_ഀ Dഀ Dഀ Nഀ 4ഀ Cഀ rഀ vഀ Lഀ CoiG IUtഀ r'uഀ !Rj i '.Sഀ t 1-ഀ It uഀ 41 aഀ , e~ഀ g nഀ 4 enഀ 41ഀ Iഀ .ഀ pഀ R`IC)ഀ Iഀ Nഀ Tഀ ffI ~ Lഀ l." zഀ ~,tP litഀ m Aഀ Nഀ I ~ഀ Jഀ i~ഀ .r`ഀ 1ഀ ഀ tiഀ nഀ nഀ Jഀ Aഀ tDഀ Nഀ '11ഀ nnഀ Nഀ aഀ sഀ IIIഀ yഀ Nഀ `Aഀ IREഀ 1ഀ t1ഀ Lഀ 41ഀ Oഀ Oഀ IR Sഀ In~m Oഀ S pഀ Sഀ lt ~ 's1a 3 0-gഀ -°-'iN Lഀ m rpഀ 1 ro R !fVഀ t''I 1 'Pഀ iഀ L J 9 cu r-ഀ rtഀ -nഀ alഀ nഀ m I ioഀ n a mഀ m m m. mഀ K!"ഀ V Qഀ C fa ~Rഀ to O m I,,ഀ Qഀ a cഀ 'eഀ ~ഀ ~Iഀ Iഀ m jഀ nഀ i a m ~ഀ oഀ ,ഀ ഀ W nഀ rDഀ ~Iഀ ~ഀ O aDഀ NNNYഀ ~PS\~ഀ 'Nir.y TNഀ .ഀ AI O l".ഀ mഀ ~ഀ ~iഀ ,r ien Tഀ O.ഀ tNi n O`ഀ -Tഀ cnഀ NIT ti, Tഀ mഀ tir T y~ r', T n, e1ഀ A-ഀ -A-NNഀ FE FEഀ 0~ഀ ~nഀ .mഀ A'Nnഀ yഀ (9ഀ 0ഀ aഀ m yഀ I°ഀ Itഀ to -ഀ 1 A Uഀ yഀ r-ഀ pഀ mഀ ഀ ഀ u I>;- y yഀ IE>ഀ 'sjഀ Iഀ O id m ~ഀ ~ഀ eഀ Iv. u~ Sഀ 1'ഀ I 6`i Wഀ ~3ഀ 6ഀ T ~Nഀ ~rഀ ~rഀ rഀ IQഀ ~ ~ $pJഀ Ildഀ cr i.ഀ I ~ഀ ~Iഀ I e9ഀ ! _ _ ' ~ r ra-sഀ - -ഀ sഀ R nഀ wഀ Oഀ ~ r_ ~pഀ ഀ ~ Aഀ ~ n m y iG~ഀ m nഀ yഀ ~ ~ Lbഀ aഀ m y mഀ U'p mഀ t~ Q 10ഀ ° `.n uഀ ~ O G~ ~ -U CIഀ !flഀ Sഀ lഀ niy nഀ - 40ഀ eഀ 2ഀ wഀ yL ~C~'1ഀ b ~ ~ jmഀ ©Uഀ Nഀ ~ O rഀ r (vഀ aഀ t,ഀ au'.,ഀ ~ഀ aഀ ~Nഀ wഀ gഀ 4ഀ uഀ (ഀ tit T E 1ഀ n itrഀ ~ ~ iഀ L71F~~ X10ഀ ucഀ rt-EA.. 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