HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-26 VLHA Meeting Minutes Vail Local Housing Authority Meeting Minutes TOWN OF VA L4 January 26, 2021 3:00 PM Zoom Virtual Meeting 75 S. Frontage Road -Vail, Colorado, 81657 PRESENT ABSENT Steve Lindstrom Greg Moffet James Wilkins Mary Mc Dougall Molly Morales Staff George Ruther, Housing Director Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator 1. Call to Order 1.1. Virtual Meeting Part 1 Pre-Executive Session 1.2. Virtual Meeting Part 2 Post Executive Session 1.3. Call to Order A quorum present Lindstrom called the meeting to order at 3:05PM, Moffet is absent. 2. Citizen Participation No one from the public was present. 3. Approval of Minutes 3.1. VLHA January 12, 2021 Meeting Minutes MOTION: Mc DOUGALL SECOND: MORALES VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED 4. Main Agenda 4.1. Resolution No. 3, Series of 2021, a Resolution Approving an Exemption from Audit for the Fiscal Year 2020 for the Vail Local Housing Authority in the State of Colorado. Presenter: Carlie Smith, Town of Vail Financial Services Manager MOTION: WILKINS SECOND: Mc DOUGALL VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED 4.2. West Middle Creek Rezoning Application Status Presenter: Matt Gennett, Community Development Director Gennett provided an overview of the three West Middle Creek Planning and Environmental Commission applications. A minor subdivision agreement, land use plan amendment and rezoning applications were submitted to PEC on January 25, 2021 for the February 22nd meeting. A new legal description will be recorded as Lot 4 Middle Creek Subdivision. Discussion ensued regarding the submittal packet and copy of the packet will be forwarded to the Authority for review and comments. Next steps: PEC public notice ready February 1 Staff comments end of week and before February 171h. PEC will review at the February 22, 2021 meeting and most likely followed by a second meeting March 81h 4.3. Resolution No. 1, Series of 2021, A Resolution Approving the Purchase of a Deed Restriction Interest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described as Condominium Unit B201, Homestake at Vail Condominiums, Eagle County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 1081 Vail View Drive, Unit B201, Vail Colorado; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto. Presenter: Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator MOTION: WILKINS SECOND: MORALES VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED 4.4. Resolution No. 2, Series of 2021, A Resolution Approving the Purchase of a Deed Restriction Interest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described as Condominium Unit B-1, Heathers of Vail Condominiums, Eagle County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 5197 Black Gore Drive, Unit B-1, Vail Colorado; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto. Presenter: Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator MOTION: WILKINS SECOND: Mc DOUGALL VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED 5. Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members 5.1 Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members Presenter: Steve Lindstrom, Chairman Lindstrom noted the next West Vail Master Plan discussion on the commercial center is scheduled for February 11, 2021. VLHAwill have opportunity to work on housing within the plan. Discussion ensued about the phasing next steps. Morales has a copy of the WVMP PowerPoint and will provide to the Authority. An EPS status on Commercial Linkage / Inclusionary Zoning and housing data was provided by Ruther. Ruther will be presenting lessons learned and results of Vail InDEED at the CAST meeting Thursday, February 261h. At the February 2nd Council meeting discussion will resume regarding long term funding strategies. Mc Dougall made a motioned to leave the regular meeting and enter executive session. MOTION: Mc DOUGALL SECOND: WILKINS VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED 6. Executive Session 6.1 Executive Session per C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(a)(e) - to discuss the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer, or sale of property interests and to determine positions, develop a strategy and instruct negotiators, regarding: submitted Vail InDEED applications and program details. Presenter: Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator Mc Dougall motioned to exit executive session and return to the regular meeting. Wilkins left after the executive session. MOTION: Mc DOUGALL SECOND: MORALES VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED 7. Any Action as a Result of Executive Session 7.1 Action as a Result of Executive Session Morales recommended continuing forward with the Vail InDEED offer as discussed in executive session. MOTION: MORALES SECOND: MOFFET VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED Reminder of upcoming dates: 2/2 W middle creek planner staff 2/9 VLHA comments due 2/11 WVMP commercial center review 2/22 PEC meeting 8. Adjournment 8.1 Adjournment 5:OOPM (estimated time) Meeting adjourned at 4:33PM. MOTION: Mc DOUGALL SECOND: MORALES VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED 9. Future Agenda Items 9.1 • Land Banking (sale of GRFA) • Public Health Housing Incentive, Eagle County Health • Joint VLHA, Town Council, Planning & Environmental Commission meeting • Regarding Commercial Linkage/Inclusionary Zoning and adopted Housing Policy Review 10. Next Meeting Date 10.1 Next Meeting Date February 9, 2021 Meeting agendas and materials can be accessed prior to meeting day on the Town of Vail website www.vailgov.com. All housing authority meetings are open to the public. Times and order of agenda are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time the Vail Local Housing Authority will discuss an item. Please call (970) 479-2150 for additional information. Please call 711 for sign language interpretation 48 hours prior to meeting time. Housing Department