HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-02-11 VLHA Meeting Results
Vail Local Housing Authority
Meeting Results
February 11, 2020
3:00 PM
Town Council Chambers
75 S. Frontage Road - Vail, Colorado, 81657
Steve Lindstrom James Wilkins
Mary McDougall Francisco Meza
Molly Morales
Staff Present:
George Ruther
Lynne Campbell
1. Call to Order
A quorum being present Lindstrom called the meeting to order at 3:12PM. Wilkins and
Meza are absent.
2. Citizen Participation
2.1. Citizen Participation
No public comment.
3. Approval of Minutes
3.1. VLHA January 28, 2020 Meeting Results
MOTION: Molly Morales SECOND: McDougall VOTE: 3-0 Approved
4. Main Agenda
4.1. Resolution No. 1, Series of 2020, a Resolution Approving an Exemption from Audit
for the Fiscal Year 2019, for the Vail Local Housing Authority in the State of
Presenter: Carlie Smith, Financial Services Manager
MOTION: McDougall SECOND: Morales VOTE: 3-0 Approved
4.2. Employee Housing Deed Restriction Obligation Outside Town of Vail – Request
for Policy Recommendation
Presenter: Tom Braun, Braun Associates
Tom Braun, Braun and Associates and Craig Cohn, Chief Real Estate Development
Officer, Vail Health presented their request to meet Vail Health’s housing mitigation
outside the Town of Vail.
Ruther provided an overview of the proposal request. He specified the Town of Vail’s
(Town) land use regulations require developers to meet their employee housing
obligation within the Town. Braun and Cohn want to get the Authority’s insights and
comments and to make a recommendation to the Vail Town Council (Council) for a
development’s ability to meet their obligations outside the Town boundaries. Ruther
believes the request is policy related and a discussion with the Council. Housing would
forward the recommendation to Council for review. If the policy were to change it would
be implemented within Town’s zoning code, reviewed in a Planning and Environmental
Commission (PEC) application and taken to the Council for an amendment
consideration. Braun, Cohn and Ruther anticipate having policy makers give direction to
the Town’s implementing boards, PEC and Community Development. They hope
Council will give policy direction and identify ways to implement housing mitigation at the
land use regulation level.
Morales questioned if the request is for Vail Health or a general policy question.
Ruther said this request is general policy. Because this is a policy question Morales
does not need to recuse herself as a Vail Health employee.
Braun reviewed with the Authority a request for an amendment to the Town code related
to where the employee housing obligation should be met. Is housing a Town issue, a
County issue or both? Braun believes it is both.
Braun provide background to Vail Health’s West wing. Vail Health paid the Town $1M
plus for their obligation of 56 employees. The East wing has a 5.14 employee housing
mitigation obligation. Cohn wants to meet the obligation but with the intent to benefit Vail
Health employees. Braun noted it is difficult to do development in Town. Vail Health
attempted to do their own version of Vail InDEED however, due to the type of Vail
housing stock available there wasn’t much interest with Vail Health employees. Braun
and Cohn are hoping to meet the employee housing obligation down valley, West of
Dowd junction. They are suggesting an amendment to the regulations which would allow
for mitigation down valley. A great example, Braun referenced is the Town’s purchase of
23 rental units at 6 West Apartments in Edwards. The Town’s survey indicates a high
degree for regional housing solutions down valley.
Braun believes there should be parameters for housing down valley, including where in
Eagle County. Would it trigger a need for review of housing sites along public transit
stops and employee shuttles? Should housing be for rental and/or for sale? Should there
be a higher ratio if housing provided down valley? These questions should be reviewed
along with land use solutions. Is this something that if you check all the boxes you can
move forward or does the mitigation need a board approval? Is there support to study
this further? If yes, Braun and the Housing department will move forward. If Council
agrees Braun will support the Housing department to move the amendment forward.
The Authority asked if down valley units would be deed-restricted Town units, like the 6
West Apartments?
Yes, per Ruther, they would likely be similar.
Ruther stated looking back to current methods of mitigation came about more than
decade ago circumstances have changes. Some of the benefits to the Town have
changed. How do we ensure jobs in Vail are provided housing opportunities inside
Town? He is not sure this method is the only way to provide community benefit.
A key component is transportation. The Town did capture in the 6 West Apartments a
benefit back to the Vail employees with the tiered rental opportunities. Ruther pointed to
the economic values and benefits study regarding availability of housing stock in the
Town. Eagle County’s Needs Assessment recognized not everyone who works in Vail
wants to live in Vail. These are some of the considerations while reviewing changing the
Morales reiterated Council’s desire for the Vail Local Housing Authority (Authority) to
review other housing options outside Vail.
McDougall said she needs to look at the economic analysis done by Economic Planning
Systems and how the change in policy would affect benefits show in the analysis. What
are the benefits of employees living in town, environment, sense of community,
transport, spending money? Look at one by one from the report and items Authority has
reviewed. We need to be thoughtful.
Morales asked if fee-in-lieu funds were used to purchase 6 West.
No per Campbell, fee-in-lieu is only used to purchase buydown units.
Per Ruther when it comes to mitigation the direct purpose of commercial linkage and
inclusionary zoning is to provide employee housing.
McDougall is not opposed to change she needs to further review.
Lindstrom is in favor of the change and to pursue reviewing the list of affects and
benefits of how the changes effect housing. He is in support of the concept.
Morales stated she would have difficulty not supporting this change after the Town
purchased 6 West restrictions.
The Authority supports a Council recommendation to move forward with review and
changes for outside Vail housing options and seeking Council’s direction to staff to
amend the mitigation code.
Morales motioned to recommend to Council to investigate pursuing the housing deed
restriction obligation outside the Town of Vail limits as outlined.
MOTION: Morales SECOND: McDougall VOTE: 3-0 Approved
4.3. Resolution No. 5, Series of 2020, a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a Deed
Restriction Interest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail
Legally Described as Condominium Unit 7-Q, Pitkin Creek Park Phase III, Eagle
County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 3971 Bighorn Road, Unit 7- Q, Vail
Colorado; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto.
Presenter: Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator
MOTION: Morales SECOND: McDougall VOTE: 3-0 Approved
4.4. Resolution No. 6, Series of 2020, a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a Deed
Restriction Interest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail
Legally Described as Condominium Unit A-13, Vail Das Schone, Eagle County,
Colorado with a Physical Address of 2111 North Frontage Road West, Unit A-13,
Vail Colorado; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto.
Presenter: Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator
MOTION: Morales SECOND: McDougall VOTE: 3-0 Approved
4.5. 2019 EHU Compliance Status Update
Presenter: Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator
Campbell reviewed the number of 2019 annual compliance responses received. As of
February 1, 2020, 57% (501) responded of those who were required.
Lindstrom asked if the police were summonsing. Campbell noted not at this point. This
update will be presented to Council on February 18.
McDougall asked if any Vail InDEED units have not complied.
Yes, per Campbell.
Morales and McDougall stated the lack of response troubles them.
McDougall asked if owner details will be included in Council’s update.
No not at this time, according to Ruther.
Morales asked if any of the 2018 non-compliant owners were non-compliant in 2019.
Campbell acknowledged 2 owners are not in compliance. One submitted incomplete
compliance and one has not responded.
Campbell reviewed the compliance process and what documentation is required. The
Town is working to make process as user friendly as possible.
The town attorney said the Town needs more expeditious process outside the court.
Ruther noted a fee
option is the Town will waive the fee if on time otherwise charged Worst case if the fee is
not paid the Town will record a lien on the property. The Authority agreed with placing a
lien on the property.
Ruther said the Town needs to elevate the importance of the program.
McDougall said there are ways to make submittal more user friendly, but she sees the
lack of response as a lack of respect to the Town by EHU owners. Partnership and
community the Town and Authority promotes feels they are getting slapped in the face.
Morales is challenged providing Vail INDEED money when owners are not compliant.
What is the point to issuing funds?
There is a reason to document compliance for this program according to McDougall.
Lindstrom said reflect to council that the Authority takes seriously and would support
strenuous efforts to ensure compliance. The Authority believes it should be financial and
5. Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members
5.1. Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members
Presenter: Steve Lindstrom, Chairman
The Housing Subcommittee heard from Susan Mitchell regarding branding.
Ruther presented the Authority branding changes after review by VLHA, Subcommittee
and staff.
Name: Vail Home Partners
Tagline: Creating Sustaining Maintaining
A Vail Town Council, Vail Local Housing Authority Partnership
The Authority prefers “A Partnership of the Vail Town Council and Vail Local Housing
Ruther reminded the Authority of the annual State of the Town Community meeting on
March 10 from 5:00-7:00PM. Doors open at 4:30.
Ruther provided a Vail InDEED program update. He presented to a number of Town of
Moab community members where members were impressed. Moab faces the same
issues as Vail regarding employee housing. The Town of Frasier went live with their
version of Vail InDEED and already have half-dozen of applications.
Later in the week Ruther and Campbell are meeting with Town’s attorneys to begin the
process to update Town code sections followed by; a meeting with Economic Planning
Systems (EPS) to review update processes for inclusionary zoning and commercial
linkage updates. The Town will meet with CDOT on February 20 regarding a public /
private proposal located on a 1.8-acre parcel at Columbine Drive and Spruce Way.
Council was agreeable to research this project further.
McDougall motioned to exit regular meeting and enter executive session.
MOTION: McDougall SECOND: Morales VOTE: 3-0 Approved
6. Executive Session
6.1. Executive Session per C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(a)(e) - to discuss the purchase,
acquisition, lease, transfer, or sale of property interests and to determine positions,
develop a strategy and instruct negotiators, regarding: submitted Vail InDEED
applications and program details.
Presenter: Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator
The Authority reconvened the regular meeting at 4:27PM with Lindstrom, McDougall,
Morales, Ruther and Campbell present.
McDougall motioned to re-enter the regular meeting.
MOTION: McDougall SECOND: Morales VOTE: 3-0 Approved
7. Any Action as a Result of Executive Session
7.1. Action as a Result of Executive Session
McDougall motioned to instructed staff to move forward with the Vail InDEED
applications as reviewed in executive session.
MOTION: McDougall SECOND: Morales VOTE: 3-0 Approved
McDougall is unable to attend the March 10 Housing Authority meeting but is available to
attend the Community Meeting.
8. Adjournment
8.1. Adjournment 5:00 PM (estimated time)
Morales motioned to adjourn the meeting at 4:28PM.
MOTION: Morales SECOND: McDougall VOTE: 3-0 Approved
9. Future Agenda Items
Incentives for Long Term Rentals in the Town of Vail
Deed Restriction Compliance and Enforcement Policy Recommendation
Housing Sites Discussion
Civic Area Plan
Land Banking (sale of GRFA)
Public Health Housing Incentive, Eagle County Health
Commercial Linkage and Inclusionary Zoning Updates
10. Next Meeting Date
10.1. Next Meeting Date February 25, 2020
Meeting agendas and materials can be accessed prior to meeting day on the Town of Vail
website www.vailgov.com. All housing authority meetings are open to the public. Times
and order of agenda are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to
determine at what time the Vail Local Housing Authority will discuss an item. Please call
(970) 479-2150 for additional information. Please call 711 for sign language interpretation
48 hours prior to meeting time.
Housing Department