HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-12-08 VLHA Meeting Minutes Vail Local Housing Authority Meeting Minutes TOWN F &) December 8, 2020 3:00 PM Zoom Virtual Meeting 75 S. Frontage Road -Vail, Colorado, 81657 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Members Present Members Absent Steve Lindstrom, Chair Molly Morales Mary McDougall James Wilkins Greg Moffet Staff: George Ruther, Housing Director Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator 1. Call to Order 1.1. Virtual Meeting Part 1 (pre-Executive Session) 1.2. Virtual Meeting Part 2 (post Executive Session) 1.3. Call to Order A quorum is present, Lindstrom called the meeting to order at 3:OOPM. Morales is absent. 2. Citizen Participation 2.1. Citizen Participation No one from the public is in attendance. 3. Approval of Minutes 3.1. VLHA November 24, 2020 Meeting Minutes MOTION: WILKINS SECOND: MC DOUGALL VOTE: 3-0 APPROVED 4. Main Agenda 4.1. Commercial Linkage/ Inclusionary Zoning Update Presenter:Andrew Knudtsen & Rachel Shindman, Economic Planning Systems Ruther provided overview of a draft memo noting the Housing department is looking for input regarding the memo's section 3. Recommendation. Town Council has expressed interest in reviewing and potentially updating the Town's Inclusionary Zoning and Commercial Linkage policies. The Housing department has discussed with PEC providing background and is scheduled to worksession with PEC for additional input on policy related issues on December 141h. Discussion is still around policy making and we may need additional feedback from the policy makers. Fee-in-Lieu Payment Calculation. Currently fee-in-lieu addresses the gap in affordability between current sales in Vail and 80% of AMI in EC. Fees haven't been updated as often as they could be, and data needed is not easily obtained. How can the Town look differently how fee-in-lieu is calculated? There are two potential data sources. First, MLS sales data where projection is more closely related to Vail sales. Compare this to actual cost to constructing deed-restricted homes in Vail.A matrix is provided in EPS' presentation. Today's goal is to get direction from VLHA which method to calculate fees-in-lieu to recommend to Town Council. EPS recommends using this method last Mitigation Rate. Town of Vail's current rate is 20% mitigation of net new floor area for commercial development and 10% of net new floor area for residential development. Residential development is inclusionary zoning. Peer resorts rates are higher than TOV rates today.The Town lets the applicant decide what type of unit is best to solve their housing needs. Developers and applicants are not looking for future property owner interest. Staff recommends increasing rates for both commercial linkage and inclusionary zoning. EPS reviewed their fee methodology comparison. Four methods of data gathering are compared. Major components of data are the timeliness of data being used and how easy is it to update. EPS recommended MLS as best data source where the data can be segmented by property age and geography. The Authority agreed to pursue using MLS for data. A future meeting will be held to review what the rate will be. The Town's nexus study was last updated in 2016. Rates were based on 100% of each specific land use. EPS discussed the three (3) mitigation rate levers. 1. Generation Rates — how many employees coming from commercial rate, won't change or residential which will be established. Currently set at 100% of employees generated and based on rational nexus study done in 2016 2. Percentage or Rate —developers will be responsible 3. Cost of Percentage or Rate - address this last. EPS and VLHA will return at later date to discuss specifics of increase EPS is looking to generate a parallel review on residential as was done for commercial development. EPS has description of methodology which will be shared with Authority. Prioritization of Mitigation Methods. Method utilized by developers is generally building onsite units, offsite units are typically utilized by larger developments and fee-in-lieu when less than a whole employee is required or smaller developments. Since 2015 the Town has collected over $3 million onsite vs. offsite options. The Town does not use prioritization of mitigation methods today. Staff recommends VLHA recommends to Council the order of prioritization methods listed in the memo on pages four (4) and five (5). Recommendation Order: 1. On-site units 2. Off-site units — either an incentive or disincentive to use this method, could be new units constructed off-site or purchase a unit 3. Off-site units outside the Town of Vail (4X multiplier) —to be discussed further 4. Conveyance of property on-site or off-site— land bank, conveyance of raw land 5. Payment of fee in lieu — potentially the last resort available to developer EPS stated other communities require a specific order and developers are only allowed to go to a different method if they prove they cannot provide the previous method. Application of Regulations. Commercial linkage applies to all Town of Vail commercial areas. Inclusionary Zoning applies to residential zoning. Staff recommends the Town amend the Town's zoning code to add residential linkage as a mitigation tool for residential development and redevelopment. The Authority is interested in assessing the addition of residential linkage. EPS will provide details and comparables at a future meeting. Next steps EPS and Housing will present to PEC at December 14, 2020 meeting and Council on January 5, 2021. 4.2. Eagle County Housing Guidelines Update— Discussion Presenter: Tori Franks, Eagle County Real Estate and Development Manager Tori Franks provided an update regarding Eagle County's housing guidelines. She noted unlike Vail the County guidelines have been kept outside of the County code. Their housing administrative procedures are updated annually. The housing guidelines are being updated in a three-phase process with phase to align with the County's updates to the Land Use Regulations rewrite, comprehensive plan update and new visioning process. Phase II goal is to update mitigation methods, public benefit, to respond to the housing market, add flexibility and modify language to match guidelines versus regulatory. They were able to include many comment ideas into the draft. A summary for major changes is listed in Frank's presentation. Frank's invited VLHA to provide comments during the County's update. She will advise the Town's housing staff regarding timing of those comments. 4.3. VLHA 2020 Annual Budget update and 2021 Proposed Budget, Resolution 27, Series of 2020 Presenter: Carlie Smith, Town of Vail Financial Services Manager Smith and Campbell provided a current 2020 budget forecast and a 2021 budget overview. The Authority is agreement with the proposed budget. Moffet moved to approve Resolution No. 27, Series of 2020. MOTION: MOFFET SECOND: WILKINS VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED 4.4. West Middle Creek Rezoning Application Presenter: George Ruther, Housing Director Ruther provided a proposal for rezoning the West Middle Creek Parcel. Council did express interest in rezoning to Housing Zone District. Council is looking for opportunity to develop in the future.A portion of land is owned by CDOT who has expressed interest in selling or trading to the Town. A vehicular easement was granted from Middle Creek Village during the Middle Creek Village amendments which will allow ease of access to the site. Council would initiate the application and seeking VLHA's partnership with Vail Home Partners to act on Council's behalf.Acting as agent you would direct/lead Town staff during the review process. The property is currently zoned Natural Area Preservation District (NAPD)with some steep slopes however the site is deemed developable. After more studies staff will come back with a plan. Only a portion of the site would be rezoned, very west portion of the lot. A majority of the Authority agreed to support moving rezoning discussion forward. Moffet is unsure of rezoning the parcel from NAPD. VLHA's recommendation will go before Council on December 151h for their recommendation. Ruther will forward a copy of the memo to VLHA prior to the meeting. 4.5. 2020 Semi Annual Update on Housing Presenter: George Ruther, Housing Director Twice annual the Housing Authority provides an update to Council on progress of goals and status. Ruther suggested including future opportunities for housing. One opportunity is the CDOT East Vail parcel at the corner of Columbine and Spruce which CDOT wants to sell. The update will be provided at the December 15, 2020 Council meeting. 5. Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members 5.1. Matters from the Chairman and Authority Members Presenter: Steve Lindstrom, Chairman There are no updates from the Authority. 6. Executive Session 6.1. Executive Session per C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(a)(e) -to discuss the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer, or sale of property interests and to determine positions, develop a strategy and instruct negotiators, regarding: submitted Vail InDEED applications and program details. Presenter: Lynne Campbell, Housing Coordinator 7. Any Action as a Result of Executive Session 7.1. Action as a Result of Executive Session McDonald recommended staff continue with Vail InDEED negotiations as discussed in executive session. MOTION: McDOUGALL SECOND: MOFFET VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED 8. Adjournment 8.1. Adjournment 5.32PM (estimated time) MOTION: MOFFET SECOND: McDOUGALL VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED 9. Future Agenda Items 9.1. • Land Banking (sale of GRFA) • Public Health Housing Incentive, Eagle County Health 10. Next Meeting Date 10.1. Next Meeting Date December 22, 2020 Meeting agendas and materials can be accessed prior to meeting day on the Town of Vail website www.vailgov.com.All housing authority meetings are open to the public. Times and order of agenda are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time the Vail Local Housing Authority will discuss an item. Please call (970)479-2150 for additional information. Please call 711 for sign language interpretation 48 hours prior to meeting time. Housing Department