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Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision, Block 9, A Resubdivision of Lot 20
IDINJSJO�4 P�Sx-),PO Y'DO ....... . .... '0 1 OV�- ER OF SA\D 0 � S1ER'"Y GGR-CNWES3ER�� NIL -Iry �. J� �+ � � 'tNESpU.CNEA G1HESaU ('� 1 ARK\JAC D MARKt\1 UMEDI ,"j 1 � FOUND M U�EN-C FOUL 036 55 W SASS D NEREON Q-KE$� ONUMEN 1NE MON gE\NG S \ND\GATE tERp1. GN> 202� (\NG THEM 5g33 AND No 5933, D 20g AS 1\ \E �� E OF SURVEY. MAR 1NE �tNE G M GpP jP `U�tNUM GAP ° P.l GREASE �G�S 24P AN RTNE REGQ v�0 6 6$ �I DARED DA7 PON , UM\ 1 P O1© Ew N ¢ 1� gpSED U A 1 AL R Wt1N A A\D QT 2 �tEGN AR NY, GRDER 5 t-J �� being s°\e d a5 BEARINGS RERARW\TN N° 5 REP,A USDiv\DE S SNpWN i'E E GUMPA N EFEG(\lNTNS �Y ?�+C� Cpm�`anY, de$GCibe AND• `aT 20, �O SEDU�r1 A `� eAgEp C1N \tY Cad° 2�07 20, F SA\D A N\S p\ A7 \5 S D R\GN78 Np\ r\ E GUARp,\.\iE 1\O E N ER ON• DWnersh�p li Gp\oral° \vas C\a\�' County G°\° GGRNER G pU QSE Of T eAS ENt FGAR D R*! �A GAS \pN�PM N*{ A WN N nd �G a Ofi Eag 1NE gpLE RP ENS\pt i8, ARGN PER ME GE ANY t EtN N0 EVE Gspl\ 1GAjti3 SHG Qed�cat��n �A��"` led 'in the ON �a \e, Stakeffice o{ the 3l DaUNDAR� P D r1� SE U MUS-C GOM c'1A DE�Mj'NEDA�EGF S5, EGPESSTO tS that s\tua Gountl °{ \n the 4i 1NE OPER A 00 P- W Gerti�cate a� roPertY n N° 121108, RUA�Y 2a2� 5 E� o YO OJe SFR reSen \ p{�I"c1.C\, SUB EG? G.1G Gfl�° �� DU F� ��F1R �tiN�t�A E F FtTNEPUP �.DS RUB URES. ow a\\ men bs mP1e °pa\\ that tea P 20, S\OGk °� ��C RecePt\o the sar'oe'nto FE E. AGG°Rut �keE�EARS A MENGED M sURv F t5 Pt At is ASSOG G�ngrs in flee ubd\vis\on, L ber ? ,1`�?2, d Nidedue Pment pes 51 VEY u,}\THtN E�( P'E GdM EpN PRE iN U S EPTED PY \vEW A� AND'�S Q``QWtNG SvRtG�\ONS, iF ws. d an Su in De \° and d so inks p NER N7 GR 1NE DR 1NE F \NG RE 1970, tN {p\\4 t `n ©eye\oP� rem rded SePtem t, P\atte rm°unta Ea9\e; and FEGf iN WGP' EASEME NGE GF a,EGT �O UC pMfC� 3U�Y 24, Dun the gets;a\d °{ V a\i irate County ofi dgd\cafe ;at DE L UN\1S \N 1ENANGE A\NrENA C 2p \S SU usE 8 EtDED \\ \r\term tyre p\at eGorder gse Prgs nd sty\e n o{ va�1, does hereby anY\ng P fNE �iNEA WAY N'A\N FGR i NE M Arl`f i G evefc R G 0 ENS REGO AGE 3?S. \N y a rad°, Per e P and R by th nan\g a e- fipw and d° accom 61 & DRNE 6 AND TEE GGMP ge QR R \N tNS1RUM K220 A� P \gTS5 (�OUN�A \o G S; have er the ion \n the rnents; non the h\Oh are ACCESS 2A At1D 22 GUARAN GRFE\1U 1A\NED \N vA\\- Go \e G°untl ore or \es \ P\at and Subd;Vis tmPCdVe s OS SOO rope", ` d does ?l 1NE �075 2 D 1\1t E 1 A\N A F As G°N \L 2s,15�1, p4A1 GF fag g18 acCes mon th. F\n24, \ao \' g' a requ\red d p\ace ;d rea\ P pn, an \rag the ANp FROM RGN 6Y t AN N01 GON AL pR VEG pED APR SON 1NE p.9 n of \e ton °{ gnts an \ors o{ sa Shown here r rovid E sEA \GN DG NA1tON N \ pEGOR ANp NOTE GE �5. COntatn\nq cks as sh°w . ;On o{ L e G°m \" irnpr°le tY\ose P° he voosg ib\e {o P SA\D t\7� AN75, WN \pN, ©R StRUN'E V A1t©NS 225 Al PA and b Resub \ca {or rep ER VEN EL\G \N ER aK \o di`�'s \\ity {or th er P ed is ent`ty sons P G1tvE GO GO\rOR, R MENpEp tN 1\ONs, RE , AW \N SO rots \v; \on, a g reSPons\YS ds and oth s hereby d easemen s to the Reso* pN RAGE,1 AND AS A RESTRtG-VeVOg7, Subd GePt th ub\ic r°a and dog p\at as structure 8> Y 11 P PAGE 2S VE�AN1s, pED gEP hereby ac o{ the P {orever, mPanying cessarl � aK2�s A7 rtD\7\ONS, 0GK RECOR t apart a\i the P,�bmc n the acr�o ma\nta'n ne se g us °{ ern t ° to\\ a d stab\\shed. EASEMENT '0g tvts\0N a \nd\cated �t tie r\g� tet 'assernents are e A© 2021 O eoX 1g2 $1632 ©EVEi-OPME day herebces fior wh\ch Address: Edwards, 00 G°m\�\S5\on th+s Sevv day pfi ert�t�cate and Environn1enta\ any t2►1 Cpmm�S5lon � \ P\ann\ng oC\rri C rtab\City comp/'��� end �,nv�ro�men gd by the °{ � a\ \ted Owner a Go\orad l,,.• is hereby �apa 2Q21 • \ Oat miss\on G1�aY ofi phi {ina � � ° .ronmenta\ Gom 6Y e tt+ls LLG, a ofi .F ha\rman Go\orad and Env\ pefiore m Wes' is know\edged (teat H C own °fi �a� \\ P\ann'n9 TIES `• w °{Va F as ac _ �K .- ° n (ATE O 6 wnersh\P w as yt �X Yk S '' d O - cQ F'°`` d atvon an erK GoApr ad �3 g . '' !. ,,r y.n GOUN�Y Cgs\{\cafe °20 1, by 5 �Vp�1 -down ofi �a\ `�� a�Pe�" ''"1 y �� ° tY\attY\\s -. he {oreg°m, N. • n\pany. .L, SPRpN K pV��-1G F ' t; i °{ Golorad {tor �` an ,ggOw9i 4pRN� pfi the State was made ions o{ Gx orad° \i(n S (Q' �E O� C� 54 0("" 2025 der the \aws that such Pi g n and d�mw\th misS\on P're a\ S t4 TAR \0 fires. June used un n hereon, s the \oca C\ancg eY°r's rveJO. \ice d Show w nd \n COMPIA N►Y G°m d o{fi;d\a\ se comma ded\cated an c4rrguP°n he 9r4u Co{ess'°na\ a sS o{ s and an- _-- oC,�ti#icate C°{ess\ona\ I'll is\°n and n the P e standard 7 3 VV\tngs �, : _ SU�vey \ am a P S \a\d out, P der mY su eel n\e arg astas based nc with aPP\\eab\ t a vn th \ da 5 REBAR S6C CAp SET A NPUUM\NUM GA R ,(N t �✓ R.O. � VJ�/ REBA FOUND N° RED pLA A 1 y 190.300g1 A �° 5 \NUM CAp y\�N AN° �26�26 P L.S•SEA A 1'AoU3 p .L•S. , p .L•S N S 82*3112�„ _ 88.87 A \� 37 73, 63.30'44„ SE 1'NA�U3� sM CAp 86,39, -- vREs, 49• 26'-••• BOA© \VAiE �1, �•-"` .,,,-...' �-,-_• MEN\ FOR pR N° 121108� 2$•�3' S3'1,=`�1 � 15' Epso �tNpi NO �RECEpTtON 29. �A NN 9.6 E vE 6' �� $9•�jAr� ACCESS CE E\ASEMLA1i 5 650 It2� •��� N M EP�NEQNB f 1N\S P Fa0RE p` ' a \ 2 6 ! --- 00 1 SQQa 6$ 59'S4" � r W - 109_23' t •p5 54 11 �`� �� ESS gc a EA EMEN S -� MANJEN4 IB� \\\i5 PLA `a1 p•40�1 ACRE' t y �• �CREA 3 N 70'3$ 01 " W_ a _ 65.7i' ' t U �! \ 72'09'51" W - 44.50' '600 t1) t '0 D aci ri 1 _ t N { pRA\NACE�o FEZ Iasi t ' 0 'JY �RE�Ep �aN t750 l„01 ? ACRES ORA\NAGEN EA �2�10g} ow\v tRECEpi\DN AD©RESS � ppdvE Np USE SUMMARY US SEX 292o S �Wg PRY DRtvE \- Ep pUP 293 P AC- DUPLEX `O7 2nA p.5s?7 AG• \ G7 208 0 ggiS C��UE R= ' t 0� �� 0. 5 REBAR $V FOUNa A UM'NUM CPR A 1» N" 50,33 P L.S• Gove r Y 4� JGJ' of �a U� Feet FOUND �` � AUUM\ No ' Sg33 A 1 p A-5. hereby cgrt\{y Land comb\ete by �\e and \v\s\on as that s'JGY\ P d \n a' 1OT red 1. pub\ic 1, d° ; e, c°rre 4 id Prop � s o{ said Su� \on ofi \and,ggn prepare reed or \mP Rp 202 p\at tru Surqey Saand Stre tY16 SU \at ha`S b either gXP , V a crate sem rn\ng each P rracM, ents the;ots, easements a u\at\Ons 9°�g be\\e{,that rant, or wa -" dal ofi aPpGcabie reg{ormat\on aia is not a 14 ea\ this o kn ageand that such Page Set mY hand and s ��,© havebeen is Pr here°{ 1h P©p LICE. own upon the t\pgat° such lands in witness 1� �0�;••'�`0Y�! c' d nds Sh and tha lf' U J``) : o to � w v\\tedo ab\iity company p9 that the Ecker 0491 ° � ce6xN o t\ e; N- No, 3 9�. �t �erttiticete n doe erebY a Gott jo\\ows7. salvo, ° P .L S D.c�s �� -ride Gomna y gXce,D G si P ntee Hogs fie Land 1\t\e G . vested \nand encurnbra an\ined an r of ail Y\/ens f� eX e d c\ga ! '� {re an gad Gir-, #3011 GO BA65 day °{ �...� Gated thiS / r ' Agent s\gnatu Agent name oNAL dug and payab es and asse�rngnts \ '2. rat o{ taX s o{ J 0i -V axes �atd that the enta laat areupak 21{uii a cei�icate do hereby deSV ibed on t{i's P N0.12 dens\gn rea\ estate the un ei °fi I \upon air par ` day °{ Gated th\s 1050 �4 unty ofi Eag\g G© \reasuCer # pn vie s o cock 11 d° order at% 2/ p rficate R d Rec eC`S fie& {the GOV, Recept\on N° C1erk a0d fiord ecord in th dOUey Tecorded at as fir\ {pr r 2a21 an Recorder Eae Zh P\atw � \s � Gierk and day °{ ,► �� t/ pgpu'�1 r , 8Y�