HomeMy WebLinkAbout97 Rockledge Rd (1)IBrownstein I Hvatt I Farber 410 Seventeenth Street Twenty-Second Floor Denver, Colorado 80202-4437 bhf-law.com October 9.2002 Marc C. Diamant Attorney at Law T 303.223.1132 F 303.223.0932 mdiamant@bhf-law.com VIA FACSIMILE & FEDERAL EXPRESS Russell Forrest Town of Vail - Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: 97 Rockledge Road, Vail, Colorado; Lots 2 and 3, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing (the "Property") Dear Mr. Forrest: Our firm represents Jack and Viki Thompson, who own property at 45 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado 81657, which neighbors the Property. After reviewing the public records regarding the allowed uses of the Property and discussing the Property with various town officials, it appears clear that the Vail Design Review Board (the 'DRB") erred in granting approvals for construction of the funicular and related retaining walls on the Property. Accordingly, we request that the building permit be revoked, that construction on the funicular be halted, and that the structures be removed immediately. On or about May 1, 2000, Jane Snyder of Resort Design Associates submitted an Application for Planning and Environmental Commission Approval (the "Application") on behalf of Bennett and Jacquie Dorrance, the owners of the Property. The Application requests approval for demolition of the existing duplex on 97 Rockledge Road, construction of a single family home, and an access easement for 87 Rockledge Road for a new driveway. There is no request for a conditional use permit or variance for the funicular. The DRB approved the Application on May 18, 2001, without requiring such further approvals. In a telephone conversation on September 24,2002, Allison Ochs, the Planner responsible for the Property, indicated that she believed the funicular to be an accessory use permitted by the Town of Vail City Code (the "Code"). We respectfully disagree and believe that the facts support our position. Brownstein Hyatt & Fatber, P,C. Denver, Colorado T 303,223.1100 F 303.223.1 111 Washington, D.C. 1 202.296.7353 F 202.296.7009 Asoen/Vail. Colorado T 970.945.5302 F 970.384.2360 66&t5n318t9.2 Mr. Russell Forrest October 9,2002 Page 2 According to the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Vail (the "Town"), the Property is located in the Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (PS) District (the "PS District"). Section 12-6D-4 of the City Code lists accessory uses permitted in the PS District, including home occupations, private greenhouses, tool sheds, playhouses, garages, swimming pools, or recreation facilities customarily incidental to single- family and two-family residential uses. Accessory uses also include: "[o]ther uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof." The funicular is not customarily incidental to and necessary for the operation of residential uses. The Property has adequate access through Rockledge Road rendering the funicular clearly unnecessary. Moreover, the funicular does not fit within the listed accessory uses. Since the funicular clearly does not qualify as a use by right or as an accessory use, we reviewed "conditional uses" allowed in the Town. Section 12-OD-3 of the City Code lists ski lifts and tows as conditional uses for the PS District. A funicular may be more akin to a ski lift or a tow than to a greenhouse or tool shed but even that analogy seems specious until a hearing is conducted to determine how a funicular will function on the Property. At minimum, the DRB should have required a hearing to determine whether a conditional use permit could be issued. As we previously indicated, however, no special permits or variances were requested or required in connection with the Application. This omission violates the plain language of the Code. The zoning regulations were adopted by the Town in order to promote the development of the Town in a manner that will conserve and enhance its natural environment and preserve its natural beauty (Code, SS12-1-2, 12-11-1). The funicular and the infrastructure required to support the funicular, undermine this objective. The funicular, the rails that support the funicular, and the retaining walls that support the rails are entirely unrelated to the natural landforms and native vegetation that exist on the Property. The natural landscape has been significanfly interrupted in order to accommodate such construction. Further, the retaining walls throughout the Property exceed the height restrictions imposed by the Town's development standards. We also have reason to believe that the retaining walls are inconsistent with the mock-up submitted by Resort Design Associates and approved by the Town last year. The DRB should require that the retaining walls be modified to comply with the code and be consistent with plans and specifications submitted therefor. By erroneously granting approval for the funicular and the retaining wall, the DRB failed to comply with the letter and spirit of the Code. The funicular neither qualifies as a use by right or as an accessory use under the express definitions found in theCode. Absent a conditional use permit, the DRB should reverse its approvals, revoke the permit, and require the Property owners to remove the funicular. 660/,t5n3',t819.2 Mr. Russell Forrest October 9,2002 Page 3 Our clients have made good faith efforts to resolve this matter with the Property owners but have been unable to reach an amicable solution. We have therefore been asked to pursue all available administrative and judicial remedies. We look forward to your response regarding these issues. Please call me with any questions or comments at 303-223-1 132. Thank you for your time and aftention. Sincerely, BROWNSTEIN HYATT & FARBER, P.C. f@,, Marc C. Diamant cc: Jack & Viki Thompson (via facsimile) Jay Peterson (via facsimile) P. Cole Finegan (via hand delivery) 6664/5131819.2 Resort lles i gn TO: COMPANY: AIIDRESS: f,E: lrlary Alicc Malorc TRANSMITTAL FROM: Elizsbcth Smitb DATE: 9442 JOBNAME: Mabne JOBNUMBER: 23048 CCr Crordon Pierce RogerRitzdorf Jay Pctcrson Allison Ochs' Town of Vail Building Dept. OlennBrown Wcarcsdingvia Fat B Anscbd B Oridnals tr @y 0f lcttcr tr SDocificatiors tr qhpr Oundcrscperatpoowr trPrids Osloprt'awingr trOutgeotldct tr COPIESI DAIE DESCRIPTION Fidd&pqt 69 trftrtcaiwandoom!|cu trForsppror,rl trForyourilfrmstim EForlqnu* tr AsrEqcpd NOTE: 1414 liprrrre st'a!r. Sritc ll0. llortldcr. CC, 8(, 102 i'riTiffr-i-i;.r-rfj-' r.iirb:.rry-r't'o -----r"'iirA?lrl"'"',]i-;;;;;;;--iwi.nliortociiLn,co'n' IE5|OITDEiIGEEEA$s0qArrt ResoFt Des i gn 3€Ef -.t4€f -S€EF @/O4/gZ e!3: 254 Owrs Conractor Consulrsnt x x I ".@? Rcrott Dcsip Associatos 1434 Spilcc Sbc€t, Scit I l0 Boulder, CO t0302 303-392-4433 phoc 3o3.3923366 fox ARCHITECTS FIELD REPORT NAT'ocUMENTG7ll PROJECT: MrloncRctidcrce CONTRACT: TIELDREPORTNO: 69 ARCHITECT'S PROJECI' NO: Zl04&ll0 2304&0r DA'fE 081/2U02; 10:00 AIVI WEATT{ER Sunny TEMPr 60 EST % OF COMPLETION CONFORMANCE WITH SCIIEDI,JLE (+, t PRESENT AT sl'lti: Elizabeth smith, (RDA) Bnd Fortcr, Mike llouclc, (shscltcr). WORKINPROGRESS: Iustrl6tiol of Ecn roof under.way, hstellrtion of frccir boerd undcrrvrS copper wrzP @ Elcvelor 2 wing wrtb undcnvry, stonc work @ Spr urdcrrvrS window wrll Sltss ilsts|lrtlol underven tilc barc irstelletlon @ Strlr I ud 2 uldcnven Dinilg Roou lloorilg cornplete, iostalhtion of rcber @ watcr feelurC utdowet'' crcrvetion of hOlding bnk arcrs @ wrtcr feet[re comPlctg constrctior of Mcchelicel Veult for wrtcr fceturc uudetrrey, storc work @ Ski IIut Petio Action BY:Discussion: III)A? Mcol 69.01 f.tizaUcttr .ststcA ttrat Nicol rcceivcd thc $ttop drawings from Myers for the stccl at thc Living Room stair. She ha-s not received ry solnmcnts or detailiag from Nco), and will contact Dime on Friday rc: when thcsc can be emectpd. 69,02 Hiilisrucd ip'pt! d slrop drawiugs frorn R&R Woodwork for thc durnbwaiter door and wstcr t'eahr€ vault door. Chcnlult Irtcriors 69.03 @the rcviscd stain sample has not bcr:n delivscd to thp siic, but should be arrivitrS within the weelc Notc: Thl sample arrived Thursday, SlzrtOZ - Elizthth rcviewcd it: It is lightcr md browncr (not as gay) tbatr thc original stain samplc $$ r€qucsted. The lmel revicrv nceds to be douc by Jan Chcnault, RD,\ Sheeller 6!r.u @gRoorn is undcrrray' Thc dcpth of thp wall is linnitcd to the existing $pacc betwccn thc south rxlgc of thc wall and the edtr of thc T-iving Room{u RDA. Mery Nicc 69.0S ffi'"Trcs Osos'bronzc in vail. Elizsbcdl fccls the location currc'ntly scleated for the stntuc tt'lty fecl too forrral and will thcrdole suggest an alumrtc loca$o-@ RI)4, NlcoL R&R 69.06 m fottor.,rng ltenrs *,rs rcviewed at the covcrcrl Entry/Garage door sunourd.r:l) Thc header bcams aud ths rekc beams will be locatcd in thc same planc. This will allow fte rakc to hrde the nrcf structrue bcyond. 2) lte timbsr order submitted by lbHC4ySrygYigygd'rtodift d- M :\rrjtall4ltMrloncV304S&rrU!{XSFiddRcpo tuJ04tFR-G+21fi I'doo P.€c I or2 Resot-t lles i 9n 343-.149-3:€6 @/D+/AZ @9.& P.@3 REBORT BY: Eliubeth Smitlt cc Yle cneil: Benncs Dorrance Jack Sibley/Whitewatrr hcquie Dorrance G,rrick Stone/stoue Mcch Oeorgc SUcffcrlCScC Georgc Picrcc/Terra'san Rick Wiulcllcr/GSCC RonCorstiqr/PcakPrcpertics Brad Foster/GSCC Jim ElleltroclolPcak l-and Paul SisnoodGSCC Rmdy covingtott/Point 5 Mike HoucVGSCC RandY HclzPu?oint 5 Dilnc Hirratranft.Iicol Jim Ncwsome,/Mycrs Ray Story/RDA Shrart Edgcrlyrlvfyen Honrard Duttll.srsotr Daw Littldcallegos John Cumminsllvfarrrot Blccfic Rich Passey/Gallcgos Kevin Whitc/ Whitc Liglrting IaD Chemult Mnry Lynn Roclc'rcllAililliam Ohs Janc Snydcr/RDA lbn Hafi/ R&R Millwork Jercmy craig/All storc Fire Prrotcltion cc: Yir frx Maty Alice lvtalone Gordo'n Picrce Jay Pctcrson RogerRiudul/AlA Industries Gl-cfrn Brown/Pcak Intcrion Allison Ochs, Town of Vail Building Dcpt' and farr,{ to R&R for ordering' RDA to swrdinste slight nodification$ wrth Nicol at the wrappcd oolutnn st the west edgc of the covcred Enty. 3) Ilcrrth Exchengc 69.O7 Tttrnaces tet oe sia and visitcd Hcarth Exchange in Mintuttl to view the log sEt propo$cd for usc at ttc Fire Pit aod Living Room firephcc. Thc log set was approvtd, Thc grate to be uscd lt thc Living Roour will bc a custom shanc. dcsiglcd to fit the intedor oflhe :fucplacc, '- 69rE The botlom of the Fitc Pit will bc finished with firebrick and coverod with Lava Rock Shecflcr 69.09 ftizaUclh vitwoO itre coloted concrctc (proposcd for thc drivcway curb) poured at tbc wntsr fcanrr vault roof. RDA alprovcd thc color for usc at thc driverzy. LArson 69.t0 UtizaUeft-rcnevca thc modificd paintiug of thc rock wall at thc Drivewuy' In gcncrat, thc cols looks much bctter. howcvcr, ir i$ stil a little too -orongC'. Thc turge and depth of cols between thc Mcchonical Vault and tbc housc is approved and should bc opplicd to the cntirc wall. Tlrc addcd touchcs of scor ai& in thc blending of the rcck int!-!he-!i!b!dg'- Merimum Comfort 69.11 lbe thiclcrcsC of the concrote at the cnd of thc rmter fcatutc is to be thickencd to l?'thick walls and 8" thick floor- This area has vcry $tecP slolrc and thickenins thc well u/tll pmvidc additiood s 69.12 The next sit rur:ting is schoduld for'fhursday, 96/02'-!9i904I4 M :\pJ\2loalMdmcV3OlSDocJU3oaEFrcldRqnrts\zloal| l;R-tj0-23048'doc Prlc 2 of? KURTZ & ASSOCTATES, lnc. STRI/CTURAL E't'G'flEERS 5012154 ROAD GLENWOOD SPRINGS, coLoRADO E1601 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL //h* lo l?r/ol ,-! Jlorran<,c- t Arl--roz $,,rn J U* I bpt ,$ Corruwarfy D",lelrfu,"tt' 15 €. Ft,rf.5- A.-sV^tl, Co. -BtASl Attrntion .Alli5O A VC n9 Rcg.rding Wr.tnn SENDING You -,li51o.roo_Uxorn sEpARATE covER VrA_ THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: -SuorDRAwrNGs Xp*"* -Pr.aNs -Ser"nrus -sprcmcenoNs_Conr oF LETTER _Crteuce oRDER Copres Dars Nutvrgen DgscRrprrol.tz,*/, c,, ffi,5Dn{^:, (L*)lSy,a) Tnsss ARE TRANsMITTED As CHEcKED BELow: -Fon AppRovAL -Appnovar As suBMrrrED _Rrsun"rrr_coprEs FoR AppRovAL AfonYouRUsE -ApnovEoAsNorED -Su*rr coprEsFoRDIsrREUnoN -AsnseuesrED _RsruRNEDFoRcoRREcrroNs _MDpRrNTs _Fon RwIEw ANDcoMMENT -Fon BIDS DUE-19- -PRrNrs RETURNED AFTER L9AN To Us RSMARKS: CoryTo FILE SrcNrsp: Rcsont lles i gn se'€l-.14s-9€€6 @/4./@t CEI:51P P.@t FACSIMILE 1l>zlo t Allr'sart 1lrv pPb &rP, REcARDING, A&. If|6lfi$ TRANSMITTAL DATE: TOr COMPAIYY: FROM: JOBNAME: JOENIIMEIER: FAXNT]MBER; PAGES: CC:^wd'AeY ftrr0S' -{u'alrtgono - trle 1}q^& tnrwd {t,u lauhn* rhr fuvaru,;- '4llc+\Mt ne*r6 Ct Pa-haune-r lfir/ Fur"iada.lr) 'lD d"Pud'^w'hL ah*\t- €;^^r unr 6mtr oL+fu bt (se6w)rJt). 1l^t " is nof, {msuElu vunn^, avL-lto eid't o# -1h0,t^,8{laa, +r 'fi'pnti. Thr/c w4'tt dlb @ a- CT carn, L7r'" xbo' x lz" ) f a drs covrntt CqLu rzl't fD,') W errh nDr')'. Wc trrt'll \andscaf(. ewvd 'fhrtro aa -Iw;4/,1 Nwhw- Xt^*t)\q'io8'44t( Pltrc cm*t rhs tbo'r rcrtcr c thc runbs bdow if thcrc lr rny qucrlln trFttJhl tlin trrrumt*bn tli bclimab f iucad.d only fo, rhr '|.|.fd:|||;c ,rd ng drrtro infafrtin rh{t i. Frvilcfaf 5d onli&nthl. I f rc ttrrc? of lhi tncap L rxrt rht irunrrfcd rtciirrr, nrr |l.o hcclry rrriGr:rl rhrr my r5irrairrin rlionitrurim tv crlryin6 of$h drtt|t'i.rin; rrtil.' Frhftn d. lf t(u hrt nrrivql tlJr rxrrnnrnietioo h wrur. plcn: nxify ru irr*din{.. rt t}r nrrmht ldos to rttmgu ic n:turn. 'IhnL F0. Strscl, $uitc llar, llrrulrlf r. (: l) lr0l02 f:r r rlall. {{9..11(r6 c m r i l: i n f,r @) ll c r o r t l) c r i 6 n . c o m l,ll.l Sprurr. ffii-Ji.ii;.il-ii.iJrr rEsotr DrSrGN E\C-t-lGfl EiE at5ocl/lrui sww. Rc rort l)cri gn.<c'm TRANSMITTAL oN- hfr^ff%\ I \\ tn-l I\ r\./ \ -\ \'\-,, ," A:l\;*n &he {irrrcnno tr ! "nn j'fl fL pnNme ?eMa\(:,o"*o. 4247 REGARDING ! oRIGINALS UNDER SEPARATE COVER COPY OF LETTER SPECIFICATIONS SHOP DMWINGS tr tr . tr PRINTS OTHER L-J 6crad,.r14 PIan '/L x 4V.e a++-I COPY TO rxou XtM- 4<.pf!,+.r: 1434 Sprucc Strcet,Suit€ 110, Bouldcr,CO 80302 p h o n e : 3 0 3 . 4 4 9 . 4 4 3 3 fax:.303.449,3366 ema il; info@Re s ortDesign. co m www. Reso rtD esign. co m !!-{tr z+ JsIfl -.E. I\-! $J\IIQ) Tto 5r \-s dE ,s 7 3 $E [1 ] g*fr \J€s eg *+ G$s o Ssi ..4>GS TRANSMITTAL DArE to los l ol toB NAME rrfa [.cvu- roRNo. ?qn4fi .ol REGARDING I oRIGINALS {o.,^.r"o ! ! UNDER SEPARATE COVER COPY OF LETTER SPECIFICATIONS SHOP DRAVINGS ! u ! D PRINTS OTHER COPIES DATE DESCRIPTIONa,, lrr lo *ttrcWal,Cabs :) n llia -ta,^J, Iu/ eflntkvv ( httnck [7]'/py 0*.o4 7,i,^Y,** E--Q\'Hn3 ) Y COPY TO 1434 Spruce Strc€t,Suite 110, Bouldcr,CO 80302 pho ne :3 03.44 9.44 3 3 fax:.303.449.3366 ema i l: i n fo @ Rc s o r tD e s ig n. com www. Reso rtDcs ign. com 3€tE -449i-i|:|6a @/n/aL et3! 51P P,WZResor-t Des ign I,f # w ff t\'o9 es" , V I I F"[ iliT E-\old I?\e1 Fl,Esor-t Dcs ign 36-449-E!=€A LOt'6/oL Ql4t 5€P P.@L FACSIMILE DATEI r10: COMPAITY: FROM: TRANSMITTAL to'a,al .*{tttlan-w*s JOBNAMD: fu(YU,^rJ' ToBNI'MBER= ?U+1 FAl(NI]MBER: PAGES: ? CC: T!5OITDETGN -r-IA''IE ASSOGIIXES RDGARDINc' XruE,n@g^+u4 sbUV-w, -{4' a[l,t56nl- Wnafiun v.nadi- J{^r' uorv[s 6krll a$v1- t6,^n do {t^r SorJt . t} qar# J0 $a M.ov,c- afra$^* aAtltd,r . i hop 'lh/3 cYwnl is oE wiatLgtlu'? Th,rs 4lAMv dth Streus .t\t, v+taUd +rr sS dllrriV* qrith 2 dntv.rvS rri -fhr r\A[ddb. lMll ftr,ur^d ^ ffinW ,N* r/#h avn\Ae/r }ryll";}/c/.td rAoa t. 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CO 81657 LETTER @F TRANSMITTAL the followine items: ! Samples E Specifications WE ARE SENDING YOU ElAttached flUnder separate cover via I Shop drawings I Prints fl Plans ! Copy ofletter I Change order tr D^tE 5/2llol roBNo.0012 ArrENrIoN Allison Ochs RE' MALONE RESIDENCE 87 Rockledge Road Vail. Colorado COPIES DATE NO.DESCRTPNON I 5/2v01 Street Address Assignent and Change Form - 86 Forest Road THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval I For your use ! As requested ! For review and comment tr ! FOR BIDS DUE _ 20 ! Approved as submitted ! Approved as Noted I Returned for corrections E Resubmit _ copies for approval E Submit _ copies for distribution I Return _ corrected prints D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: COPY TO: SIGNED: If encloswes are not as noted, *tndly notily us ul once. ci2 E =g uJo- roc\|rn(\lnc{tfi ra(\] C!tn IIJ uJu- tr =E UJal. hffi LLreL*d) Ol FFl 11 Irlt4 H F FJ E to\ L( llr,-r 16 P{F1Pn l-33Jo14 EEO>r(9Fl z'-.1gH =(a uJF o F FIz zz z FJ U' U' z lc5tz.;t-{IiaF< zcJ f(,)z(or{ qF -zTJ-oz t-l& lA L] EH =aa 6 Vl : &H aHE E F F l : \ t lt uJv) =x t! F(J acF2 s\st \\, ,li \ prT El+ oh\ \ t It N N '\ o)o^o.:oc) stqt!o9l,-o ;\ :NE\*:t sv't$*'Et =l;\ Fts;\C .r. tINI Ir\{\. Y @ o !, (5 o) o) o d) E =l q) (g 'Q)'5 o N ut 'oF q) o) (rt o, o oo = c a/;;(! E:go- (6'=g)(,'*io;octro(Ecoat.e; I89tr I6ptr-o e:5 :ge€ >=c9G 35;_'E >g EEsoo --: ogrsR:i.Y- (6 CL(! O.sEs .teO_ =*eE;:EE EO (u: EE E ueE(g O'- v --c.|t@r EEE9i;i6>96a -Y=E3;8 ,3't e96.qrqEEr- o ct) -9G rr\o (\ @rn FtlDrt c\ I.^N ca \t rn c^l c7) + F t!c z j ao Y uJ z aF IJJuJ z6 = E = TIJ = UJlull.zoF ulc uJ 6; _uJ uJEzI |lJ F6 o-uJ o-lz uJJ() x F LUo U' UJ UJt.LL =E UJo- J F F z c}J J a 6UJ.JIIJ z. ro = d - = Our = rr F NOrwn'rvA z xFlo' \Joz= =iHoooHF^AZY!3; =FE6A d.azr-OtP? EEoq e7!9-cX:F 5E. . *1 uJ(/)i .\1 (9 =>E -r(a N z E .J rL (E o (Ll o uJ F c'lc! t tL z E o z tr TIJ r+x =UJz l-i It1 Ezlz koo< >aE 8c;<z -,1-ll-l Lz, 9z -Fdo3trOI X X X X l Fa z tt,1Y uto Jl<li-l zl .. >l lllouluJzoF llJ(L) z Eo UJl) olt zY9r ulo- F 2 F Jfoz IE o\ I @c') & IL'<-o+ .l -ls .ttlol{ dt6 .ir C\ U) ts CEo a =F IJJ o N N.l( (f) I&IE zI Fol cr)\t -$l6F' -+3ov)o zH o\o\ c'l E z z ujF o al)z ul Eo @o-zo Fo-LJY u, co oF F (E uJ l.|-o Goo t-- tu.F-oz n z .nQzz.trro>z (L tJ- P4.|4EgIlE ..i3\J r-., = =E?- ;'r J- --u,JEtr= ==EuJaIt :lt-o YE<c!f6<nEaB9!;a9EE=>E JFE b=(, dtr: >o- E oo9 \trEX'Lt x>o=Fct ..1o-i'oi llj coo --I E =E UJo-zot-(J :)EFazo() .DEI h B z Hat)t4 >t U) F, rjj z -t a-r U) FJ F IJJ =z & HU) Flr F\o\ lI. cc = \o o\1'\ I\o I t- .l H u)F t4F E =E IE let-.|E-rlzl& rrr ta^ Ipp IYftu1tv)tullq l< t<t= F,+ I\o FlH - i'i ns Fl 1qx l'f, fiY5l2 =tr t )o\- z ';uJ CT Ja t!oz3I l I =c l! out 5 l!oz30F =E Az ciuJc, ltoz3ol-=tr z.; uJ.E J l!oz3oF =tr z u,l = r!oz3o ui UJ|- ulz = F uJE E <FEO IJ,J <ZE arz )t<oQF trs YFaz A8 t2? =Ed. zo o J . r uJ = t = (I ir =b2 O <oa, q.urX -) LJ a rx|lxrlxlIl<JIXIIl<J \, oz L Et!d c.l talf{c.l c) C\e{alrlulLL ts =ul /, /,i': ! , *,\ ,t J:i /i"i,,:,tf7,"' 9\ x od eF F..l LE J Fi o\q !! ."{ ct >a .] Ja<Fl u- O >-r zJatl] l' ulF o F FI ==o zz ';7 -J la{ U' z lu dl H? 96 zvioJ(J)z6H ;32 A?, r-.1 o.r !{ FH rap |/J v : v{Jtrr -rr1& f-rFlr rJz. q 3 E Xfr H x D.{ fr4 itld J cr. H LLJllJq) i IL F Fz t).\\i q J\ir{\'\\r.. a\-t ..+ ;-- | |'tl_ li.,lT =lI<t+ -,{ | ful+ t\. r\ 'l \ {t /.i o) 0) 0) 'r: q U\ 6c; o.. ll) o l'.:E{o'r !.t 1l -"/ P\ : f\., E{ o\ v=\Er o o 3.9 o e co FcoN -a ]ot- o o =ooo o f() l !) .attc =l o c(! 4;; ot:(!'= (1, (nJ F-U: YE6E =.2 nEXyE.: ; '-od)occ- ':{s.i;-c9c e5-._!>\Z!2 (B = t-{F O O ':l !.= aF<-Y o J PE= sH= = .::o-(E o-a=*.5E9 aP O-Ego OD:LCeo oE> -:EEE *-C P*E9.9:rJ, (E +:9i;B6>, .l<:E :- Y'-xv>.! /'r-bo;9E orqEE!oct) uJz3 ulIFoz LL UJ fF zo6 v1 ln Fixprt ,.\ ,-.4 <>rrtc{.t .{ '-a F =uJIL zo!flll Y IJJ I z J 9u.F t/J.JuJ z6 d zr(J uJ L!UJ z tr IJJt UJ o ql =g uJtz 6uJo F UJo o-lz UJJ x uJo at)u-l UJu- h =E. LrJ J F z =f6 9 F TJJ t! z .D =f 9z I UJ "f5 t{ NOrlvn'lvA a y7 3:z z u- l' i o- 4 7i,:X r Z=eC P O E,<h o Ei7 > 9:X Y iJ< LL<o* if-ur - E i':i5-|',.,;Fofrv*(\t(, GJ >E -I z tr l (r d f uJ o :!..I Ea c J z Eoo z tr uJf.- !4X 3UJz I I tzlzO@F ^uro< > iii>ar8o<z ll-rl (vl Iicr l t Fir94Lt_ do3trOI X )< ir' Fl t (,z Fa) CI) =cc o o <li-l zl zl -. >io UJo tr.lt!zoT l!ll.i(! J z Eoo uJl .i o) z O IF zo F Jlu)z l.I ;1, og (! rN 'J) ;4 (!oo =l- lJ-oo{t a.l a.| ! Cr: I z I a ? ,j 7,i :a" IJJF U)dt -z F UJY uJdl F ,.-r.o\Ia' Ul .+a! -' |'r '-rn"t v/.| H u.r-.b kzo o\tt ) 9z OuJ H z =.-<(n0 =zd8)1-}<ulltl ze a'\ F-,': () ...1 -..'; (DuJ HH F u,q LLo IJJ 2 lU)IoF I JFh> o- ilJ>rLOLoo\uJ ;- JJ uJd] F o ooo o E Eo(t o I-- E =Elrlo-zIF() EFazo() -lbl ;l <l !l r-11 ==tt- J (7'| F J i3irl7. F.{ta xl{at, ui z (D --') Fcntd& f.r. F\<h utEoo = I '1 3 () z (no\14I I F,l t- 'JlH HH a =tr ;r kt2M r& L(n to l9 I lL!Itxlrt t<t It=t<l5 t'-\-t I\o F{ i;' =o Y'\n F -$).l) Avr a -.!,): =Etr \- (*)\- oz o IJJ J lr-oz =F tr oz ciu, = TL z3 F ,l tr ,' I qJ E J u. z3oF =tr oz ouJ = t!oz3 F E oz (,qJ J TLoz3 F UJ trF E. LUz = FC) uJ 'r <F t!<zE (nZo )E<o(JF :< YF=zulioIO 2p s3 '-B() <^YF?<) =tiz -O E Eir -U \JZ <do?.f& '4 l-qr _\J--lzal<lFol< 11 .a -IJ --m r-.3\oi\o -lts{ @mxm!{ z(-o U' -{m HFzv) HzOO|.\ -O+- c-\) trio t, t-\lG' CHECK REQUEST DArE: 4-/.-/2, VENDORNAME: VENDOR NUMBER:7-D 7 6 O 7 DESCRIPTION OIr EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUI\'D FOR Bp * 4 ? f S NAME OF JOB;J os .e*\l fZo--;,7 ACCOUNTNUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 AMOUNT OF REFUND:,*s-b C) ,-^ DATE APPROVED: APPROVAL SiGNATURE:on Tj7, IWgli ffi | "1" l* tlt-l|l f=ilstulnifil- ll "l ll-t-|" I l; il l-lhlilrtrI '. ll I ll*l*l=l* iIil9R i IIF@ o ll^zllC Il"4lld ll#l*l ll!ttill ||- El:;=tjl Nm=gl :1. ''lln<BI14l I I Ni.JL,r cl oz '{€'16 NI t'-l{r!.4G--t tdqEdH{BJ"l| | l-l:J td'ltdtludF:tc):1 Eiorr'( 1"q(n7qc{tFJE 1E ;ts!l fd >:l d<H zooz..2rE.\ E;HTDzc.6)F -'9frza ozFO>{ H:'.'2tol ol :l.lv)l 3l :,1 r,ltslzl "'t zz =z6--{ oI m cDgt!r- f<zFc)r(9nE-nrf'c)I :ltti r- C-r ri|<oIHrri \o\o BHc) Frrl F1 € HH x C-.1qr-r \o\o t- 1lm =.'nmm<, cam -{ X o m z .It m 2{ m 2 m m{ mo m ;z'nmm =mo z6 - =2 m mo 6 t- zo mox =c - -9m == m =- '71mmU' VALUATION H HtsF =mo z t- f- = z.o m|-m no t- |-oz N)tJ ur o FJul tJ ooo '' N)t,r ooo .; ,1, '.: UJ N) tl s u) Nur l.J b{ND4 ln@ NJ 0\tJr wl?/u$'ls?'/7 tl 49 +3 PEFMIT NUMEER OF PROJECT DATE ?7 Joa nev,z READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WEO THUR FRI . INSPECTION REQUESl TOWN OF VAIL 479'2138 AM, PI Lo"otro*r O7 - 'Ral ot'f".tnn, \ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNOATION / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND o RoUGH / D.W.V. O BOUGH / WATERO FRAMING - ROOF E SHEER " PLYWOOO NAUING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION B SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr CALLER o FINAL tr ROUGH tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o O FINAL O FINAL O DISAPPHOVED O RETNSPECTION REOUIREAPPfIOVEO CORRECTIONS: ffiEgs I sg*il ssEs;f'J €EBgF; E;gE iEEggct O-: -549 (/' E gE€:= E !a;p' eaiiE g?eh zoge EE HS Egj atl ugft Gu, =ll,-C, $rSl-l P 3 Es6?c( Feoo<2 -t do igfEd03Aoa ^ tlX olrtu,z 5l " 9t p 3 : Fx ulcrl>o X at 6 r t, rE I I g 6 I Bo d I3Io oc + fv")N('--_.i-\ +ou, UJ E =Eu,c o- =EUJG + 0I u d t{fi ozo =93o€ I I I I I I I ! o0)!,i---OtbecUr.o_){:-= iiFL )rl i --'l?\;$l !-tl?EAr. .--\\\c' zo9 =<coo =ziE troo =dg3E? 3gEIbo Eg8AE9 TE llsI P tsEIY llJGzoF(J =El-'tf, 5I tJ$ ffi J*qEl U Hq{ $ st E ^ EC, Jf o ! aa c;z olrJG :J >lr!q zl3qH =g uJJul ctz d TJ =tto23 o1F tqq lt-z6I\ q. z ='ro"\ (,u, ()e E-rO<(F o3 ctlrj <=el!Fs8 C' JC6P=(,HEt6 -o eF 3Ed6 C) dF =FgE EosE =+eo2 o() FFx1,-re.- at.ars,Gr'Aii T-'L- -, i oveq HAFrcz IvFElE4 ' : (A?M a/gr ffi.-tv' ca\?.aetvt*W I l^ujz .1\ T'e.lA4l-,wY il e',- a{ 2 otsgl LlFlg ?F eYvz"ft\Ja'- @7 A/q-E,;H^IFJ9A +AF?TT FbN?, lHFf r,t- ec4q1 r'-w-_4u9, ).4AJ).Fga\/A ?*F.$7VT, tvtQ,P4 ^U ?4UlgW, D?.( a*t FIJieBlt{fr) (-- U" e1U SvaAV 1.l;.Avv?e' qEUzT to< 7? t*1e'Ze. \/ato +Prce, 4Ai4. 4t-A? FLbS AA^ @.lfi!:*rTOt-{ >ta,uv'fa @T1t-tQl eP ftr^Bll4c-z fu11-FA'. +L Vfa l alvv OeTAtL e @?*e'4 4/+n - f-ptl JobeY ?e?taek-.?41 ?4ralz-LeFtaer ?6rc AWAoufl Aa.7. 6/ t-7 /11 SI{EET NO. t . ' 'l ' . os.t 17 | 199 L te r e a FROII d/5urthi.y/PFatt P.t2 l__I I Lih{€"_F .-. fi,?aht.-F,ar-fti4ltjlTFlEtr', - 'v?W,**ci. aHa^.^ .!' F}nil!"+#TPoFr. HA.-t-- Ta.. FA 'nlrftb:"irt r,9EA811+@ bn....#.; .+1b4.o ti i I plo;'#EF:lf'" rlf..l:AZ+i'.. e. o PRIMARY UNITisExisTrNc- NEW CONSTRUCTION OFSECoTDIFYNN]T MAXIMUM OF ONEWOEDEUFNING- FIREPLACE ALLOWED a I - L.Jrc)/lt tLL'rI::' CEKIIFrcATE OT O TO#T. DISCTOSWE STAIEMENT .\-OTICE OF PENALTY FOR EARLY WITTIDRA\ryAL' Dcar Depositor: , T}is Time Deposit account has a maturity date. Excepr r,; m€nrioned below. you cannot withdraw any principal from th, account beforc thc maturity date without our consent, and '-\. I musl charge a p€nalty for early withdrawal. We can only consen\ to an early withdrawal at the rime you request ir The pcnahr \ witl be an amount cqual tb: r1 2'-\ Ll the greater of ( I ) aU the interest eam€d on the amoun' withdrawn from the most recent of thc date of deoosir I. r\. Iasr renewal, or (2) all interest that could have been eamc. F on the amount withdrawn during a period equal to oncv half the maturirv Deriod.\- h LJ one month's inlerest on the current principal yalue of th1 h cenificale.... . ... I I rhree month's interest on the current principal value of rhc 1r ^,:' .J ItrHrl<9>f.ii E 5 3.46-0 =tar;rq3' !Jgo5-= rP YO * IItJr lr''r)tslololHl5 i6 =65eoB It69 :ii:o' gE P=e9 *<.;8 83 65.?t 6c) R=t669 i"_6d+l s.E E4 = a o = iE a t' e i''"In ld) | /-t 1(,3 I I I .l I I I{ I t-l 5 @ lo, lHlo\lo lo igirE id9,c;i=trt ti; il!ioil 3a ?Fg:r tDl,3f;!a.,efl ! e.dl { =-i an i, =\ d:ds I; *? i:i3; 5=Je FE{: 4?6 =6X=3 " 3 ilri =: r-.lu' ;iilxe?:lu: 1P 3l ":*E: d-36. F:5 t ;g$E +R S:.sE;iPX=.e6oqa c9;edHqt-q 3cl<EF9IN E tE I l,deal\ 9E i'l\c B€ $l t' FqFI a€ al;'{ |€Erl F.q f:;qi= E.A1: E?{ F F q€:IaEi :5rc;?PP g;pF trE!trtrgFil3 e 3:',5E-tFFH g' :< ;it! =(!E5 6- ?? zI I'trl llIl\F.lltr F- zr tibfololE- EEg EE =.4I9r"1 oAF2.^l2L zrl'Jtr TEPE@leI t\)l{ l. b\'.,t-i ln 2{o t||xnl.. ..*lxXxEI D4 €zlltF u) H HzPF '''ra ..\' t-l9 L--J\_ ) 'Ve will use the nominal (simple interest ) rate in effecl'f calcr:Jte the amounr of the penalty. We will charge the penu::. !1 first .rgainst rhe interesr accrued and if necessary a reduc:: c\ in rl:e principal will be required to cov€r lhe remaining penei:, Ci} EXCEPTIONS.J NE MUST CONSENT TO A REQI]'EST FOR EARL-:\\ITHDRAWAL WITHOUT PENALTY IF ANY ACCOUN OWNER DIES OR IS DECLARED INCOMPETENT. \IT MUST CONSENT TO A WITI{DRAWAL REQUEST ;I: THIS IS AN I.R.A. OR KEOCH ACCOUNT AND T:I1: REQUEST IS MADE WITHIN 7 DAYS OF ESTABLISHINL THE ACCOUNT THE PENALTY IN SUCH CASE WILI] BE ALL INTEREST LARNED ON THE AMOUN-|\IITHDRAWN..,1E ARE PERMITTING TO WAIVE THE PENALTY IF TI{IS IS AN I.R.A OR KEOGH ACCOUNT AND YOLJ .\RE AT LEAST 59IA YEARS OF ACE OR DISABLED AT THE TIME OF REQUEST. ENDORSEMENT Date 2 zz tsqt @rFIz z i zorln orn som!vm.2 c,mz-loDa fit q 2s; d t Ea tYL :::'.... - sENi Byixbrox TetecoDier ?0zl |Q g-91 ; gr4spir ;o.' I iIUIY 1991 Itr. Key Coker Cotrnelltone Elnk Dallar rX vrA TELECOPTER TO 21{-528-9770 Rel Elne c€rtltlcate of Depo8lt No. 18027 Deat !tr. coker! Ehe Town of Vall regulrea a8lurance that ths above Certfitqats of Deposlt r-cently legued to lt for ny beneflt nay li-"eaeened by thi rown upon llc denand, without facing a chtll€nge froln rne regardtng lt; redemDtlon. trhs putPoge of thls lettet ls.to.estEbllsh TI 3qr:3Ttll-,!o i*3 any riaeniirirn ot ihe auove Certlflcate-of Deposlt by^ltt€ 'lown-ofviir, psritttrng coinerstone Banlc to redern t'hat csrtlflcate of, gsriltttng corn€ratone Banlc-to redern Uipoiri upon defrand ry the lown of vrll,.Ilth?-u! :1t{dstenBtna?lon on your-part regardlng whether the -terng of the ral rrrd rrrr.aanent-hava or have not b€3n :atllfled, You ngy frelated agteGnent have or have. not tatllfled, You nay reIY "ii"'ir,ri'r.t[ei-rn-reaeetntns tle--c?Ttlf lcate, ?f -P?Poill-uf:l-!!:riiii."C-or demand of the fowi of VaLI. I agree that thlt cons€nt and agreenent shall be lrrevocable. truly your!tu) iloreY, ' Byt Baaed upon the foregolng conaent and agreenenlr the Corn.="line iintr heraby igsuier the Town of ValI that th€ C;H!3-itiii ganf wrrt f,onor th! request of the Town of Val1 for il,l -ieCenftfon of thc abova Certlficatr 9l Depollt.ltlthout any- c6nrE"t ol requtremint of agreencnt b,y,Clfnton lf. Joleyr.Jl:1.4o1 rhola bsneltt-thE Csrttflcate of Dcporlt ldat lstuod ancl 13 Derc. trltle t - THIS AGREEMENT, macie and entorcd lnto xltt Eigqf-day of JuJy, 1991;";i ;;e-ail;E'clrrNtroN ir. ioBEYr rIR' r (he.lnaf,ter lirlio-t[i"'pivai6e;;t; ina tn" !oI{N oF vAIIr' (hetolnaltor called the rrllotln" ) . wITNESSECH! WHEREAE, the Develoftott EE.a oondttton of-approve-l- of thE Josey ReEldence, -t;-il-;-"nsiruoted on IJot 3' Blosk 7' vall i;iias;-ririt-siriig-inii-dlniiicr calted the "R€sldenceil), har be€n raqulr€cl by tn6'iown to ent'E lnto r Developer InprovemEnEs Agrcement; and IIIIEREAE, the DavcloPcr ls obllgateg 99 provlde securlty or corraiiiii--iufrrii;;i-r;-ihe Judgrneit of the rown to nako reaeonable provi;ilii ii"--doniiitfon o! cartaln tmprov€*'nte !3u forth balowt lnd WHEREAS, thg DaTeloPEr.t|lsheE to grovlde collateral to quarantea p"rfe=iaili-ii-ir*t-agreet"nl, . evtdsnclng hiE $;iil;i;n|-t.-.lliipriirr-pirurninous eavlns of a -rotdwev connesrinE rhe .;iiliil-"rlicte at ihe- eait' €nd ol RockledEc Roaa wlth rhe tor upori-;fii;fi the Berlclence la to be conBtructedr B8 per ptans ano eplciiiiltilns ineiirnafter the .Imptoventcnttr')i and WHEREAS, the fotrn hae agreed to hold ths af,oremgntloned eecurtty or cottltiiir on teims ind condltlons as sat forth hereln, Noll TIIEREFORET ln oonelderellon of the followtng Ttllel- .ou"n'"itu';;a-ii;;6r"nt,i,--ttr" Devalop€r and the Eown agrt€ r8 followe t 1. the D€veIoDeI-hereby agtel'' at hle sole ccst and axDsns6, to furnlin-itf cqutlmeni-ani nlteslal neceglary to oelfosrn ana oompiete tns irnplovernenii' on or bstore 1 lugurt iggz, 1! o Un5da-;;.;;; roicet..lter.rlie Pornlt to pave tuch drlveway crn-be'IliiiiJi ln-gr U"iore I May 19e2' -Iflthin t'htrtv davs aft€r rn' d;d';-i thl! Agrs;;;l,-ttre'Oivelopet ah-"+1.'PS" to-the unitEd stiil"-ioreEr s6rvtse a'requeat-f,or a Bpccrar uge rermlt rrcrnlttrnl"Ei"-il;iltPi ine roaaiav' and' ruch further -f orrnat Pernit, re{uret ie rnay.ue rleulieA .ui'' ttte Iinlted gtlteE ForBFt gervtse. -t;#-B;n'-uiraer"tiia"-anA ieknowledqea that the Davelopcr nay not'f,; ill; i6 oLtatir-lne iequegt€d permLt untll and unlsrr the UifiEA-Stit"r for"i iervfci lsluea a rgoclal uge D.ril* ro rhe riiir-ii i;ii ;.rrrtil"g-itre to"n to rnalntaln thet iorrlon o! RocxiliE". n;14-n'ou_on-unfied gtates fcrcat Scrvtcc ag a Dubllc road. ln-tha cvcnt o dnftla States Forett Servlce speclal utr prrntt or rlmllar authortty tf lagued to tho Diveloper, oi to.Bny oth€r entlty PrrnlEtlng !h? pavlng of the roadwal ln queatlenl the Developer chall csttrPl€tG, ln a goocl worknantike nannar, all lmprovamantt at ltrtrd above, in sccordAnce wlth all plana and rprcltLcatlone tlled ln thc offlce of tha Connunlty Dev-Ioproent Departnent O! th9 fol.rn of Vall, and to do aLl work Lncldentll thcreto accordlng to and l,n courpllanco wlth such obhel d3gi0n3r drawlnglr ltlrptl apeclflcattonlr eketchea, and other iatter subntttid by the Dcvelogcr heretof,ore Or to be apgroved by any of the abova-reterenced govcrnnantAl .engttt"e. -lff lald-Hork shall be donc undsr the lnapcctlon otr ild-t; thc eatlsfactton of thE Town Engln.sr, the Tonn Eulldlng Oiil.i.i, or oth€r offlclal fron thr Town of vall, allceted bv ;il;ilt-atgirtctr or scrvlces dlatrlct!, aE thelr reapcctlvl lntererts n.y "ppcii, and EhAll not b. deetled cotlplete untll ipproveA and-cc-iptei as eourplctrd by the llown of ValI Comnunlty piiefopsent Degattnent and Publlc Works D€Pattn'nt' 2, The total .ttlm.ted coet of rald wotk and lmprovo$enta. ie the aurn of $61150.00. llo tecure and grrafanbe. Perfornancc ot fi" oUffgatlonr as tet forth herelnr_ the DeveloPsr ag83?3 ioiiovicte Eecurlty ina cotlateral ln the forn ol a Certificate of il;;;tb A;;il-i;t itre name of tha ro?tn ot valrr ln the iltrount of iiiiEo.od;-;; il n6ic ni the rlown qf vatl, aE cscroht as€nt, whlch shall Earve o" rctuiity'foi th€ tfiplovamants eet forth abova Lf there le a default und6l thls Agresursnt by Doveloper. 3. Thc Develop€r may at any tlme aubctltute for the collateral orfgrnifii-slt'forth ibove another fonn of collateral ;il;i;tii io-irre toin to guarlntee thr folthfur cornplotlon-of- ghola-improvemanie-referrei to hEreln and the performancc ol th€ iarr# of,-tht" Agrccmont. Such accoptance by the.1own of Jii'Jl"iirvs coliateiai lhall bc at the Town'r rolo dlacratlon' 4. '!ha Town ghall Dot, nor ghatrl any of,lICer of, 6nDloy3e ghereoi, U.-ttaUe or responrlblc for any accldent, lo't. ot Itnlgi-ir.9p."ing-or-ociuriilg. !o thr work apeclllrd ln thls egt.E*ene'lrlor-to-the CgnplStton and acgoptance ol thc lame' notr for any perlont o" ptop."ql'inJf:fd.by ilargn o{ th€ nrgule of ratd wortr, but af f ii iafd'Italtllttei EhaII and are hrlby assufiI€d bY the DeveloPer. S.TheDevaloPgfherelyagrcrr-tolndlrnrrlfvandhold harmlege "r," to"ii-If,i-"lii-ii'rli-"rrtcerrr- fttnli and onploycea ;;;ffiil-"ni-rorgii,-liari,ii, damas"r, or 1labt11!+"" to whtch the r1.6!.,n 6,. rnr' sucn oi ftr oliiceffi aients, or cmgloye€t mly brcomc ;ilJ";; iJl rnrotar aa anv Euch lott6., cl?r$?'.dernagct ot rrifiriit,rci 1or iiirona ti reep-ect theieof) that. arlse out ot or afc baBed opon oii-p.iioril""ce-by thr Deveioper hereund€r; and fi; il;;;otEi- "niit-ritmburs€ th; rown lor any and rll lesal or^. oLher expgnEes c.aronably lnculrecl by the llown tn eonnectton wlth 6, If the Town degcrmlnec thlt rny of guch ln9rovenelll l-E eonternpleted hrscunder are not congtrucled ln compllanCe-wl'th- the ;ffi;-il] rtectflcatton6 tet forfh hercln, lt shall f,urnlgh the Feuefoper a IIEL ot rpectflc dellsienclef snd ehall be €ngttlOd i" "onlf"ue to t{lthh;id collateral to lnsurs such conpllence. It if,r-fl*n aetsrrnlnea that the DavelOper ulll not construct lny or iir ol the lmprovemenrs Ln acsordance wlth all ol rhe ii"clifiitfoni and tlne tablet ac s€t forth hereln (eacopt as ! ;a;"ti oi tnC refueii'o! ths Unlted states Foregt sorvLces to i;;;;-dt iieuriid-plrrnft,-whlch the partloc acknowled?€d le nog wtrhtn the conirJi 6i-ltrr'Developer)r-tle Town shall glvc the il;;l;F; wrlttan "oifce o! cuch-deii:mlnatlcn and'- unleE; luch impio"imentr ara--compfetca b1. thc datea a6 sol forth abovc or wtrhln a rBasonalfe-iirtod aiter such dste If wrcther does not ;;fii[ lfra-cosrpieiion ot such lmprovrnetlt6' otr unlecr the ffiffi"fiion-6-t-in"-impiovemcntt- le prevented or not authorlzed ii"iiri-uriitJa stiieE i6rEst f,.rvlcar the rown nay redeem the llriiirEl-t"-oc-Jepoglt and aPply 6uch tundl as may be necerrary ii-cJmpf"te the iiiinicn"O lirir6vementa' but not. ln an amount oreatef, than the il;ilt--;;t-l6rtn-ilove 'and not belora cuch impiotremenus st€ comgleted' 7, Ehe Dev€toper $arrant6 aII worh and nlterlal tor a pertod'of-Jne year ;ftes accegbance of all work raf,c$ecl to in rht. AgreemonE "i-dl-t"tn ii-such work 1c located on llown o! vall. I;nd or road rlght-of-way' 8. Tha partlcs heroto nutually r?{oq !11! lhll Agr€emant may b; "minA"i fiorn tfme to- t1me, piovidra that suoh anendnengr be ln wrttlns .ni-i:"iiiiita-ui-iri irartter hereto' tnverblgattng ol detendlng any ruch lolrr .clalnl- dlqoge, .ifalffiiy of actlon. Thl; lndennlty_provlelon_ghall bs tn adclltlon to any oth€r llabillty whtih the DeveloPar may have. 9. rhls Agreemant shall 9:prl! q1-llol:."1:11.*.:?*T:d tat uiin iliirll-iililit-'i"iro-liii-nevrroper rnd conttrmatlon bv tho rown et"t "o"i-irnpi"vementl are cortpietadl.?I lPl-uP:1 ,11?-irri E6wn that suchEnB 'rewl' {''u6u Er'r'.x"-,iri"i'ii-'d.iiacn." iriiurrsirtng that the unltedDrgFgntatlon to t -r r i s-A I rr..r . !ha,.rr..1 rrla an othlr3ili::T;lllit"t.#i"i-"iu-noi-ricoe i :P?cl:1-5:-::.:tI?Itili;; ioirot Errr'lcs wlll not tggue a specltr ule or E'Enr' ffiffi iiiiliiirq;-F"";nei"ucilon oi tirE rnprovenen$ wtthtn Lhe tlne Provlded abovo. Dat€d tha daY and Year flrgt vc wrltten.I I I By: 'Attegt:OF VAIL gTATE OF CoLORADO COUNTI 0f EACIL'E ))rsr ) l[hc foregolng Devclopcr rnltTovanentl aok_no?tledged betore 83 thl.s nfl\ clay of wltn€cr ny hand and oltlcial seal. AEro€I[snt Wa!J{otv - ' 1991 a' by rp\agntdev. J!YlDu - 27 Jun 9r rr> Town of Vail Community Development,75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 8165?(303) 479-2L38 Plan review based onthe 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 51091Address: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD. Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N 2 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE Name: JOSEY RESIDENCEDate: ttlay 20, 1991 CoNITACTOT: TO BE DETERMINEDATchiIect: ARNOLD,GWATHMAY,PRATEngineer: PETER MONROE Plans Examiner: MIC}IAEL WHITAKER Portions of the material- contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Building Officials # IDENTIFICATTON CORRECTION PCOUIRED 1 ELECTRICAL WORK A11 electrical work is to be complete to therequirements of the lat.est National Electrical Code,all Town of VaiI Ordinances, and Holy Cross Requirements. This project will require a site improvement survey.This survey shal} be submitted and staff approvedprior to a reguest for a frame inspection, Under nocircumstances wil,l a frame inspection be donewithout an approved site improvemenL survey. 3 ONE WOOD FIREPLACE Only one wood burning fireplace may be instal-Ied perdwelling unit within the Town of Vail. Gasappliances with "B'r vents only are not restricted under this regulation. Gas 1og apparatus'ret.rofitted lrithin wood burning chimneys arerestricted as such. 4 STUCCO DOES Exterior surfaces with stucco shall be provided with REQUIRE LATH exterior metal lath as per UBC 4706 with 2 layers ofINSPECTION paper. Windows and doors are required to beadeguately flashed(not with jusL screed metal) . Alath inspection is required prior stuccoapplication. 5 DOORS AND WINDOWS Glazing in a hazardous location is required to be AD,JACENT TO DOORS glazed with safety material . -- Sec. 5406. 6 VENTILATION In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundryrooms a mechanical ventilation system connecteddirectly to the outside shalI be provided. Bathrms DRYER MOISTURE EXHAUST WHIRLPOOL BATH COMBUSTION ATR 10 MECHANICAL ROOM which contain only a water closet or Lav. may beventilated wit.h a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shalL beinstalled as per UMC 1104 and 1903. Fl-exibl-e duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and shall notbe concealed within construction. Ducts shallterminate outside the building and not exceed 14' lengt.h. Plumbing fixtures with nechanical apparatus shall besupplied with an access panel for inspectj-on andrepair of equipment. UPC 904. In buildings of unusually tight. construction (a11 new construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air sha1l be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openings shall be as per UMC Ch. 6. Furnaces not listed for closet or alcoveinstallation shall be installed in a room or spacehaving a volume at least L2 times the volume of thefurnace. A boiler unit will require a space 16times larger than the boiler. UMC 504(b) Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design ofsystem, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, ventlocation and terminaLion, and combustion air to besupplied prior to any installation. Due to Colorado State Statutes, al-1 sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flowrestriction devices. Al-so, the maximum water closetflush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallonsper f1ush. A 36 inch high guardrail- with a maximum opening of 6inches is requied where step is greaLer than 30inches to floor or grade be1ow. -- Sec. ITll . Winding stairways may be used if the required widthof run is provided at a point not more than l-2" fromthe side of the stairway where the treads are thenarrower, but in no case shall any width of run beless than 6". UBC 3306 (d) . At eaves and vall-eys an adequate underlayment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid noppedto sheathing and between layers or a conmercialwater c ice shield may be used as per Table 3281 . tt- T2 MECHANICAL DRAWING REOUIRED FOR MECH. PERMIT FLOW RESTRICTORS GUARDRAIL REQUIREMENTS WINDING STAIRS ICE & WATER SHIELD 13 t4 J.O 18 FOUNDATION REINFORCEMENT 18 SUBMIT SOILS REPORT In additlon to a minimum reinforcernent, not lessthan two #5 bars shall be provJ-ded around all window and door openings. Such bars shall be extended beyond the corners of the openings not less than 24 " . UBC 26L4 (d',t 7 . IfOIB TEA REINTONCS|ENE I8 GR.ADI 60. Include a copy of the soils report for the site tobe built on. -- Sec. 2905. (b) e (c) Town of Vail Community Development75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 Plan analysis based ontfle L988 Uniform Buildinq Code Project Number: 51091Address: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD. Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N Name: JOSEY RESIDENCEDate: tlay !7, I99IConIracIor: TO BE DETERMINEDArchitect: ARNOLDTGWATHMAY,PRATEngineer: PETER MONROEPlans Examiner: MTCTiAEL WHITAKER NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a completelisting of all possible code requirements in the 1988 UBC. It is a guide toselected secLions of the code.Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniforrn Building Code ( 1988 edition) with permission of International Conference of Building Officials LTGET,\'ENTIIATIONFL NAME A}ID EXI .TING REOUIREMENTS AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 carage2 Master bedroom2 Master bath2 Kitchen2 Dining/Living Room2 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR1 Mechanical Room1 Laundry roonL Bedroom #2l- Bedroon #31 Family room1 HaIls, closets, etc. 440 t66 56 252 675I 1q,o? 39qn t7'7 181 22t 422 1090 2687 0.00 I O . OU 0.00 25.20 6? .50 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 17.70 1,8 . 10 22.10 0.00 0.00 8 .30 2.80 12.60 33.75 0.00 0.00 2.50 8.8s 9.05 r_1.05 0.00 No Yes No No No No NO No Yes Yes NO No I 1 t L I 1 L t_ t l_ 1_ 1 'l 1- 1 TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens direct.ly to the exterioris required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meetthe following. -- Sec. 1204.L) The minimum clear height i-s 24 inches2l The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The ninimum clear area is 5.7 square4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches The number of exits is based on TabLe 33-A A mechanical ventilation system nay be used openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 2) 3) feet (Dwellings) in in lieu of exterior ROOM DIMENSIONS:Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have aceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceilingis sloping, then the minimum height is required in only t/2 of the area. --Sec. 1207 . (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least. one room whj-ch has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than ?0 square feet. -- Sec. 1-207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen sha11 not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. l2A1 . (cl GLAZING REQUIREMENTS:L) AlI glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 2) Note windows and doors in a tub or sholter area are required to besafety glazed regardless of the height above the floor. -- 5405(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS:A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrallylocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) A. The smoke detector is required to be wired to the building's power source. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 3.A smoke detector is required on all- stories. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4.If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is requiredin the ceiling of the upper leve1 close to the stairway. --Sec. 1.210.(a) 4 FIREPLACE REOUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE:1) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707.(b)2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and walls of firebox areto be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 370?. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney wa11s is 2 inches. Combustible material maynot be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustiblewithin 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each L i.nch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4l The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible material. The hearth size must be at least:If Opening size is: Front extension Side extensionLess than 6 sq.ft. 16 inches 8 inches6 sq.ft. or greaLer 20 inches l-2 inches -- Sec. 3?07. (k) & (1) 5) Chimney height must be per Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, mat.erials approved for Lhr fireconstruction are required on the garage side only and any doors betweenthe garage and the residence are to be a self*closing L 3/8 inch solidcore door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503.(d) ex #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS:A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3305.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the mininum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3305. (c) exc.#1Provide a handrail on one side a stairrnray 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height =36 inches, maximum opening size = 6 inches. -- Sec. 17L1. exc 1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is reguired to be protected as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inchesor more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205.(a)2\ Provide ventilation in all attic areas. The net free vent area isto be not less than 1 square foot for each L50 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be 1/300 if at least 50* of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper port.ion of theattic. The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve orcornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS :For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A STTE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE POSTED PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET. For M1 occupancy SLOPE GARAGE F'LOOR TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE TO OUTSIDE OR PROVIDE A FLOOR DRAIN WITH WITH SAND AND OIL INTERCEPTOR TO DRY WELL OR TO SEWER. ANY GARAGE FLOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPPROVED BY UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT. IN GARAGES W]TH LIVING AREA ABOVE, THE WALLS OF THE GARAGE WHICH ARE BEARING THE AREA ABOVE SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH ONE HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. UBC 503 (B) . ntOUN 2 c,tee1 .lune 25, 1991 Vail Department of Comunity Development 75 South Frontage Road l{estVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Josey Residence Dear Sir or Madam: The purpose of this 'l etter is to confirm that Nelson/Zeeb Construction Company has identified the costs of paving the driveway serv'i ng Lot 3, Block 7, VaiIVillage First Filing, fron the circle at the east end of Rockledge Drive, to be $6,160.00. This amount covers six inches of road base and two inches ofasphalt paving. Respectful 1y, NELSON/ZEEB CONSTRUCTION CO.Za/--Richard A. Nelson Presi dent RAN/mh Drawer 5400 .Avon, Colorado 81620 .303-949-5152.tax 303-949-4379 Aspen Business Center .8ldg. # 210, Unit K .Aspen, Colorado 81611 .303-925-9223.Fax 303-925-9240 E t S O N ZE E Bnstruction Company N Co f have read tbe memo dated glrtl suryey pollcies stlpulated ln tbe Torn of Val.l3, 1991 and conoit to adherlng to then. subdivisio "l)*.^,/ t/. /1- /-* s :\l(Elrtatl\tcr\rulv.y.t ol \J eS< y Job Nan6 tegal Description:t ot -!, BJock _2, rs,'17/Leer o?ts? taot;K|,reurthn.u/Frrtt An P.St \Ail, (ir}rff|rr Dc.nvlr. (t*rre.kr Monrce & NewellFfigirst, &r. October 10' 1991 Arnold/Gwathmey,/Pratt Archltects 1000 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81558 Re: .toscy Residence, 97 Rockledge Roadr Val-I, Colorado (M&N #578) GentLemen: The structuraL framing of the Jossy Resldence was observed byMonroe & NeweII Engineersr Inc. durlng construction. It is our opinion, based on our linlted visual observations, thatthe building is constructed substantlally in complJ-ance wlth theintent of the construction tlocuments prepared by our offi-ce. Tothe best of our knowledger Bny deficl-encies found during ourobservations have been coruected. ff you have any questions or comments, please call.. &tr Very truly yours Clalre ,t ffiO OCT 1 nt99t october 8, 199'l Mr. cary Murrain, Chj.ef Building Official Town of Vail Cornrnunity Development75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81657 Re: Josey Residence 97 Rockledge RoadVa1l, Colorado Dear Gary: This letter is to reguest the substitution of a rated mechanical door and frame with a standard 1 3/4" two-pane1 wood door and wood frame with smoke seal- and closure. It is our understanding this satisfies the separation requirements for residentj.al mechanical rooms. Please notify us of any problens. Respectfully submitted. ARNO-LD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHTTECTS, P. C. Eri Architect EJ/ad copy to: Nelson-Zeeb Construction t6610 g 1C0 0,m October 29, 1991 Mr. Dan Stanek Town of Vail Building Department75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 Re: Josey Residence Stucco Dear Dan: The black paper on Josey exterior stucco detail is atypographical error, and both Kern and ourseLves know it is notnecessary. The paper won't be done and hope you will aLlow themto proceed. Please call if you have any guestj.ons. Sincerely, ARNOLD/ GWATHMEY / PRATT ARCHITECTS, P.C. Edward M. Gwathme EMG,/ad , ArA I e /2tl l99l 99 r tt FROII nr.no I d/€u.t,hiay/Pi.Lto TO 4792 r 3?o P.el/gl [r0 ocT 2 91991 October 29' 1991 ltr. Dan Etaneh Tswa of Vatlr.Building ltePartnent 75 South Frontage Itoad WQstva1I, Cg 81657 Ret. ,Josey rts;ldence Stucso Dtar D+n r lho bLach paper on Josey €xterlol atucco detall ts a typogrepllical errorl enCI both Kern aad ourselveB know lt ls notne-eeeary. Th€ paper r,tgn't b€ doas ald hope you will allort then to prooeed. Pl.ease call if you have any gueatious, $lncerely, AIiITOLD/GI{ATE{EYIPRAtrT ARCHITESTS, P. C, Eilward i'1. cuathne , AIA Elic/ed T0TFL P.0l /O I PERMIT NUMBER OF,PROJECT TOWN OF REQUEST T VAIL JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALL TUES WED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUTLDTNG: /'' th,,^-"- \ eluuatxc' 4corrruos / srEEL ( uoo' ,=' tr uNDERGRouND tr n D o tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. - FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTO INSPECTION PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT "^r, \\-\ JoB NAME TOWN OF CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: T BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER _ ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr FINAL tr FINAL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO gnl €\\ gN$r \sk\ ct1'z\€s.. e oCCz> at -=7,(!50 S;IR\lJg \*Ec)o v, .^ Nft, IIII'IIIIll .Il IIrlt n elllSILIl\t\s NUSStr s, \f ttru r\$'S' g, r-ocYC) ffi ait !€ U !ilIz 5,I t FIlaI It tI :! a E t E I 2 3 tI TI!t t .l I t rt trz oz =IFE wltoEu,.D =zoz IF EIlz all; ElrI R -9 l\li 2lr1;l :;-ilt1_.tll-l I -ij r: iiXr. lL_i \ $Nilhsss $i$r\il$ $ss$$$i N r t i$R I s$$$$t$ i$$$NtN lN$t\N$$ INN$$\NI {$$NfN$\ i$$N$NRS NiNNN\Ni t$$t$NHsN [$Ni+NN $[$$\t 'Avi -A r h,6$r)€- EN'Nr e$9E [S Nv' q$ i.E{.\E-. \d Eo\h' = ENUsXvr\^!g- rN* \I E$ il *E ;S$\ Lootoo.=OEDcc uJ i:igE =!ifg9o .q6cY -c= gOogooY(J $., -ct r^t Igo S) t $t' dz.oo-) E a -ttf1: E !it Tt I,tt: ! It t ? ; E € E I 2a3 II 3! aIJIt I I I I tI U) tsz:to =o =FE UJl!oEuJ@ =:tzoz a Ell,U'.Do T F 0c o- R $$iir$$ rl\$$sr$ ; t, I i ,.t s \isiitil \ I t il N te.\t{\\\1is.}!tti$ N\ i s sAte{t.:iS IiiNNFI u\tx$t- $\[$$ o '.{.,.|{\r.'{l6)t- rr\\ ERTt gat}' E ^BSq?$r'g\\9:, ).i 5 .rx l,n2 9NL1-ts}.-r!F d\)e- ES $ = €Nrld 6\r5 I otc,:c, rt, Er lrj 9E Ei P,A cF'o=E=() (t)cgocV(J \n- N g6o n t q\ oz - ;9tI aIt! tItI a Ta tIt tt a t g i E:tI;tI tII{ItIIaI I I I tI E (.5 =o F(r tl, bGu, 3 -e PERMIT INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAILOF Y\ NUMBER PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSP LOCATION: JOB NAME |TION: .[r '\ON 'TUES WED '*'* @ CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V.FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING . N ROUGH/WATER _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILIN,G tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: C TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL lQeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR llL-1 (r . -rt i;ir iJ\,{. 8ft, ,PECTION REQUEST VAILPERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PRNUMorlBEF ) o I JECT JOB TOWN OF NAME -----@ PMINSPE BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL FAppnoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST :. MBER OF PROJECTPEBMIT DATE JOB NAME cArl READY FOF INSPECTION:MON TUES WED TOWN OF VAIL THUR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O FINAL tr FINAL D SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 4q *i{A - #IttspEcrlo"NtTOWN OF REQUESTVAILNUMBER OF FROJECT JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MO TUES FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: THUR lc'/? BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEr- tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr r-l E FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING n tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL D FINAL )qeenoveo O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIO onrc la-?*?f rNSPEcroR PERMIT DATE READY FOB LOCATION: hvz * INSPECTION: ra JOB NAME CALLER TUE THU INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOQTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr n o POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROU GAS PIPING ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING N ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o >r; /: tr FINAL tr FINAL KAPPROVED cohnEcrtorus, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, /A'- Z r' 7/ rNSPEcroR INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT l1r/DArE /() )'/'// JoBNAME TOW\ OF VA|L L INSP CTION: OALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION.7 BUILDING: ftr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ' tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE-'o' tr RoucHi D.w.\ AMING I tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL {eeenoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /, - /^ "1 tDAIE /o - z F'"7/ TNSPECTOR 4q+b PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL \l n -onre /C)25 JoB NAME -:l6.eq--{-ln4t(*5 ' l, CALLER SCIJN TNSPECToN: @ ruES *ro -! t"r* FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND ! FOUNDATION / STEE_t- a RoucH/D.w.v tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING D INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PniFsxo" CTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL Ue* c9'" wED ;H4R Gil ---@ PM/,/ (4. \--/ Jc>ssY CALLER TUES ur/ ,; ? -/1APPROVED CORRECTIONS: lqls PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:'- JOB NAME tr DISAPPROVED BUILQING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D E tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr FINAL tr o FINAL ELE trl (r o( tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEAIING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR {.'iltrunT v(+ t\ ) :r,lll TOWN OF VAIL PSi PERMIT NUMBER OE PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR JOB NAME MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H, TUB n r-l tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR -- r-r _ EI FINAL n ROOF.& SHEEB"r PLYWOOD NAILING {l-1J,ffiloNA'1"\(fi sneernocK NArL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER o tr o ROUGH CONDUIT T] FINAL -)(ott*ou.o CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE \\\ JoENAME CALLER AM CD PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: cTto {,/oN UES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL :APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED hffis,op DATE INSPECTOR lair. -- r- 'l-j 't# INSPECTION REOUEST\$su, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT "^rr\ \ \J.BNAME TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR C FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nFsop q ?/3 tINSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INS,PECTION:,) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME LLER MON lTUES-/ WEDY,/THUR FRI tr DISAPPROVED' E ZAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: N REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB 96HEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr n FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ,-*9ArE t'4 Z {', rNSPEcroR ,fri - ."!F INSPECTION REQUEST,,i TOWN OF VAIL//, ^//w'-PERMIT NUMB OF READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECT, OJECT oon, 17 4 I ,o" *o* CALL TUES BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND - D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING r-r RooF & sHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH C EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR FINAL D FINAL APPBOVED tr DISAPPROVED fl REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: niFsnop DATE .?c INSPECTOR PERMIT NU OF ROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CA TU INSP THUR FRI CTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ^,@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELE trl OF tr( B MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL iTAPPRovED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: J{ INSPECTOR o 75 Soatb Frontagc Rotd Vail, Colorado 81657 t 0 t -47 9-2 I t I / 47 9 -2 I t9 Dcpartmcnt of Commtnity Dcuelopmcnt CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED May 28, 1992 Clint Josey 6060 N. Central Expressway, Suite 305 Dallas, TX 75206 RE: Letter of Credlt for Lot 3, Block 7,vall vlllage Flrst Flllng Dear Clint: Upon your request, I have enclosed the Certificate of Deposit for roadway improvements associated with the above lot which you submitted to the Town of Vail in June ol 1991. Ron Phillips, Town Manager, has endorsed the Certificate. Please call me should you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation. k Enclosure Shelly Mell Town Plan oo-|}' PS Form 3E00, June 1990 (t)nc) D{ ^IEI<XxxF' D<t €zrl, ut FH6)H4 F E Gt>a rurr IJ JI lrJ ihf, '?s= 6),9d f 836'a8o sgq3EaPrO:s8s[E h.\3N,N3N\s\ \t\ st c.ler 6 FglSi IDt8ffilst8 hat:u lrl E H ,€;i/ )l i,l i I I I I I 19 \\ ilN $li3t\ -!IrN:/ l' *l l\lNI It li l\. li N slt$lN lil..- t\ $$N I N-|ql @ o @ t4t:tIti H"l \l 6N\\ \1 Y II N N )ahgqt g7 Ol10FtsP'lropo ll10 lF'lo PllF' Iltp.IFtpoI f.rtltttl |ilo€z 4 HF Ft |J z Fd H|.il c)rrtszFil {tst-. f-{ u) o\ o\ o ifi= ri'- 1 r3 ft ,;. I'lu !lL,t- lv, I I II: : = + ? Il0l\lx J r-tt\l\cIN I I III I I 2 € =E = =n.5q. :1"i{tzF.5 =#.rPIrnl ds ^-? TE rF. 6 2.1 r =l?cl i6:'{' ,r: 'tt I;l <l g. 'g: it;6'; -3 Fc) 6'F ea 1E it'< ?i =_x5= {i64.sf;xaa; $x ;: i di; @l 1e it;:ri!;rii re: i*iiIIti5 ! 'E:!itti Iri !E i iE; ltE; iE.!i! ! i9l '-t !6' tEill=|.-. f g: as o-t 32 i a5 5 6 6 F IE b' g' I E9 al6, e 8i it'!rl ol F; Ei :; [! 6i <, *cf Ei.3Eri: tc_:=9 e8Eeq- ,4 6'6l Fq i5',;c8g5^ €r,8o *a56 Vdle66 e.d : sEi9.= ',l >' RI6r pt :! BJ?tEi q! P.! I P. 6 a 6' L I6 6 II 6 ,i E9o 6 5' F--l txt r"rrJ rxJ r-J sFeF.E O- 5 3.i6 -!e3d?9-: u?o5-= FPo=' +- IItJll(,lr lHlrro Dfnl 1 c iv:.rc, C . W. J o S E Y, J R. 6060 NoRTH cENTRAL ExpREssway. srE. 3o5, DALLA.. TExas 7s2o6 Ms. Shelly Mello Town of Vail 'Dept. of Community Development 75 South Frontage Rd.Vail, CO 81657 Re: lmprovements to access to Lot 3, Block 7 Vail Village First Filing Dear Ms. Mello: You have requested a letter from me stating my intent that, upon obtaining authority from the United States Forest Servicefor certain improvements to the roadway which accesses Lot 3, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing, from the cul-de-sac at the easterly end of what is generally recognized as Rockledge Road, those improvements will be constructed. By this letter, I state to the own of Vail that I do, infact, intend to make the required improvements to the roadway which accesses Lot 3, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing, fromthe cul-de-sac at the easterly end of what is generally recognized as Rockledge Road, as soon as possible after approval for such improvements is obtaindrl fr.om the United States Forest Service. It is my understanding that, based upon the foregoing, thecertificate of deposit 'which was previously deposited with the Town of Vail to assure my efforts to make the required improvementswill be released. Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this matter. Yours,very truly; Clinton W. Josey, Jr. CWJ:bc IEC'D MAR 1 B€92 uniteal statee tr. . tlhite Rivet ,l ,.o"" Ranger Diatrict Department of Service 'r",rr .,I+f 1o{F$ga P.0. Bor 190Ag.icr'ltr'.e FlrU t'Eiii&f - Mintqrn. Coloredo 81645 Reply to: 5400 Date: March t6, 1992 Sbelly Mello Torn of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd.Vail, CO 8f657 Dear Shelly: I have received your letter regarding you! possession of a letter of credit for the owoere of Lot 3, Block 7, Vail Village FirEt Filingr 97 Rockledge Road. I have not recieved nor do I aoticipate approving a request forfor thie eccesa on llational Forest Systen lands at this tioe.is being pursued that would resolve this existing titl-e cLaim. exchange would take eeveral years to complete. I hope thie infornat ion aids you in your decision regarding thecredit. Please call Rich Phelps, Recreatioa and Laads Officer further ags ietalce. iuprovement e A laud excbauge Such a land letter ofif you need RTP District Ranger @ F$t200.29(7.821 SENT 8y:X0r0x TEtEcopiEr ?0210- 8-gl ; 3:4gPil ;A/4 ;f,3 I iluly 1991 Mr. trey Gokorcornarltonc Btnk DAllAs TX vrA IELECOPTER EO 21{-528-9770 Rer .EInr Certlllcatc of Dcpoalt No. 18027 Dear l{r. coker: trhr flown of Vall regutrea asluranoe thrt Che above Certfilcaii of D€Dollt r-contly trrued to tt for ny brneflt Eay ;;-il4;6;a uy tni rown uDon lLl dcnandr wlthout f,aolng a cnallenge frofr rne regardtng ltr r.d3mDtlon. Eh€ .Durpoge of thtr lrtt€r. +!.to. €ltabllrh nv -agr::Tt1!-:o "nt' riliriitfEn-ot [tri'auovi Ccrtlllcate of D€Pottt bt.!l€ Iown-of vlifl'p""tiiiing coinerrtona Bentt to rldecn thrt g€rtltlcate of,' permltttng Cornerrtone Benk-to rldecnolpoiti uporr dcfrand bY the Eown qf vrrlt-Yllh?I! lll-a"[rrmfni-tfon-"n Vout Palt regardlng wh€ther th3 -terns of the 'rlrlad r.rre.rrent-havt or havi not bacn rattrfled. You nAy frelated agrecnent havl or havo. not ratl.fl6d. You naY reIY.iir'iilr"' r.t[ei - tn-reaerntne tle-.g?rtt f, lcate^?f ^P:lo:ll-"*1-!I3iiiii."I-or-CinanA-ot ttrc towi ol Vrll. I agrre that thtl conrcnt and agreetent rhall be lrrrvocable. .\ truly your!, Q) Jorey, CORNERETONI ' Byt Bared upon thr forogolng consent and qE-r-!?gel!, thi Cornrsii|nc Bank nrreby irruier the ToYrn of-Vell that th€ ;;Hfirg;ni genlc wiif ltotror thr rcquest of tho Town of Vall for rh;--ilaar0piron of the ebovc Ccrtlllcatr 9! Depor,lt wlthout any- "-dm.r[-6i-iiqufrctrsnt o! agreen€nt by-Cunton lf. JoBeY, .{r: 1. gor wholc benellt thr Cortlflcatc of DepOrlt war lSfUed and lt nelo' l[ttIet rul'U Jiir- l!tr$ti' pllfqIJoPEF IMeRovEt{Fllr f,oREFMlNr - THIS AGREEMENT, nade ancl entortd tnto YIl;Lt !Q$ day of .ruJy, lee1;";i fia-a;;pg'cr,$Tg! Iy. JosEr, rrR,r (heillnatter catlad the',D€v6i6peJil anA trt" r6Wfl-OF-i'lii,r' (tierefnafter called the rillown'f ) ' WITNESgEtrHI fiHEREA8, the DtV€IopEf, as. a OondltLon of, approval- of ths JoEey Re|ldence,-to-ui-ctrrsfruoted on L,ot 3, Blook 7, vrll Vtllace Fifrt rrriig"irr;;;tilf;;r-called thd "Reeldence")' hl!,- #;;-;;q;i;a.;t in6 'iown ro enrlr rnto r Develop€r InprovementE Agreencnti ancl tfltEREAF' the D€vtloPer le obllgate{ tg provldc aecurlby or corraielal--iufrrli;;i-il-i[e-juaomeit of the Town go naks reasonable provi;Ioiir tb-r "ou,ifoiton ot certal'n improvemlnta sct ferth below, and WHEREAS, the Develqp€r^ill3hes to provlde collateral to otrarantee perro#aili-ot' ch13 a$reenenl' evldanclng $?,:;;iil;i;ni-t"-ill6iiriin-uiiuminouc aavrns of a roedwgv connacrinE the "*i![ing ctrcle al-irre'€EBt-€nd ol RockledEr Road wlth th€ tot upoi ;hi;fr the Rerltlenci rs to be conBtructedr Be per ptans "nu "p'J*iiiEitilns ifi;;alnafirr tne "tnprovem6ntr"), and WHBREAS, th€ Bown hae agreed to hold the afor€mentloned eecurtty or "oriitiiir on tairns ind-conartlong a3 8ot forth hereln, NoW THEREFORE, ln ooneld€rat,lon of the followlng Tl!!el- covenanrs ana aillarliitir--ttri oeveloper and thc Town agr3€ s8 followe t 1. Ths Dsveloper heteb-y aoreer' at hls role cogt and 8xp3ne6, ro furniirr-irr equrFnaii-ani naterlal necegtary to oerfostr anc coropiete thc inplovernenir' on or bsfore I Auguat isgz, lf c un*ie';;.;;; il;;i-ii;rviie Pornlt_to pave ruch drlveway o"n u*-Iui;il;e gtt 9t b;i;il-i yav-1ll?' -wtthin thlrtv davs afrsr rh' d;t;-;i thlr Agr!il;;a'-the'Dcvaloper th1+l.tYlllt to-the unitEd siiiir-iorest s6rvis" .'requeat tor a Eltcclar uss pernlt perrdttril"Ei:'ii;ilg li'ine roaaitv'' and Euoh lurthor rormar pcrnts rclurrt-as-n:I-?9 ilq"liid-b!-t[ unlted stoteE ForeEt s.tvlce. 'rlie Town underste;de and ieknowladges that th€ DevetoDcr ,.y not'6; ilt; Io ontitii-lne iequested DernLt untll and unxarr the'iiriiO-ilit"i ioiii[ i-divrci lrruce- a reeclal uge oorntr !o rhs rliii-ii iirr p"rmriEr"g ttte.Town to malntaln thst lortton ot no.iiiegi. *;ig^nin oi-unrira etctes lorcrt servtcc aa a publrc foaa. -in'ttre evcnt o iinrtia states Torett servlce LINI o spesial utt prrmtt or rlnllar authorttY ta l!6rr6d to the DEveloper, oi ts any other entlgy pcrrolttlng !h: pavlng of the ioaawait lir queatlcnl thc Dcvrlop-r rhall-so&Plrt-l' ln a good workma;li.ke -mannetr, all lmprovamentl at ltltrd rbovc. in sccordance wLth all plana lnd rprclllcatlonr tlled tn thc offlce of tfrr Conmunlty Developnent Departncnt Of the fown ot Vallr aodio ao all work incldcntil thcrcls accordlng to rnd Ln compllancc wlth such othet dgligngr drawlngl, mtpt, lpeclflcattonlr-ieictree, and other iatter cubnlttrd by the Developcr he1999!ore or to be approved by any of ths abova-tctcrenced governP?llal_ ent,itfee. -iff leld-work ahall be donc undor the tneDcctlon.ot, il;-L; thc aatlaiictfon ol the Town Englncor, tFP roq4 Eulldlng oiirri"i, or other offlotal lrorn thr Town of vallr allceted by ;il;fit-etgirrcti-oi rorvtcas dletrlct!r iB thetr rorgootlvr lirterccta m.y .p!"ii,-and chall not b. decnecl conpletc untll ippro"eC anct-aciipici al complrted by the Town of vall Comnunlty pliefopnen! Degarirnent and Publlc llorks Depatts!.nt. 2, $he total ettlmated co8t ol rald work and lmprovo&entt. ie tht gurn of t6r160.00. |Io lecure ancl guatinbe' Pertormance ot fig-oUfigattons ia tet forth heplnr- thc DeveloPel agal?3 ioii""iae iecurlty ina-collatoral ln itre form of a Co*ificate of il;;;ib a;;il-i;t the nama of the sown ol vallr ln the enount of ,iETi[olo6;-;; il ri6ia ny_tne.town o! Vall, at 1c{orf 4sant' whlch ahell Eetve oe rcauitty'for tha lmprovemants eet forth above lf there lc a default under thls Agreelnant by Davsloper. 3. Tho DeveloPer nay at any tlne gubstltute for the collateraf orfgrnifii-sli'forth ibove another torm of, collateral ;;Api;bii io-irre toin to guarlntee thr latthful cof'nDletlon-ot. bhose Improvsmtnia-ieterrei to hcreLn and the perfornanc' ol tho i6rms of-thta agrccment. $uch accoDtance by the llown of ariiiniifv€ coti;ieiif rhall bc at Lhc Torrn'r rols dlrcrctlon' 4. Th6 fown Ehall Dot, Dor rhall any offl.c€r of 3nDloy9e thoreoi, ue ttaUe or rerpoirlblc tor any acsldentr loar- or Il^igi-i,rpp."rng-or occuriilg. !o thr worl apeclllrd ln thls egr.E ent'lrlor'to-ttre eonpl[tlon and lcgcBtance ol thc tase' nor tor any petrtonr or prop"=!i'-fn1ut"d by tra-gn o{ th€ n;tule of iila-iiirfr,-lot "ir bt iatd'lliSlllttei EhaII and are hrpbv asguned bY the DeveloPer. 3. Tho DEvoIoPef hercby agrcl1 to lndcrnntfy and hold harrnresE tr," rornl-iiC-.iii-ol-fti ofllcerrr- agant- and rmploycea ;ilfi;-""v-rorjll,".irari,ii, -damagcr, or ltiblllttea to whlch the T6',n 6r rnv Busfl-oi ft,r otiicEfll aientsr of rrnPloye€s r'nly breome ;il;";; til iniorii ac anv auch lociar, cllrsf ,.duntser or ffi6lfftf"i tor-acEforu tir feoltec! theraof) that arlge out ol or ar. baBed upon oii-p"iieriio""". pV thr peveioper hereund€rt end ;[; il;;topiir eniir-iirmburre thi rown lor any and rll lesal or^ other expens€e tlaaonably lncutred by thc Eown in eonnaotlon with L I htT o JO5b.Y lnvertlgatlng ol det€ndlng any ruoh lotll.clalmr- ctggnger. ffaUfffiy of actlon. Tht; lndenntty_provlelon_ahalt bc tn iOqition'to any other l{ablllty whtqh the Developal may have. 6" lf the Town determlncr thlt any of-eueh lmgrovenellP ::contelnplated hcreunder are not Conlttuctcd ln compllanqe.wlth. Ehe ;ffi;-il4-ip""Lir"iitons set fofgh hercln, lt shall turnlFh the t"iliop|i i-ii![,-oi ip-crfic dpflsiencler und ehall ba €ntitl6d to conttnu. to wfifrnoiA col,teteral to lncure Auch co1npllrnc€' It ;hr-i;" aete;rinii tnat the Developer wtll not construct lny or iif of the lnprovenentr Ln asoordanie wlth all ol tha "iiritfcatlan; and tlrre tqblet as rst lorth heretn (eacspt as a ;a;"it of the relusif-'o! ihe Unltod states rorest servlcec to i;;;;-dt iiiurciJ-E-rrnit,-whtch the paftter acknowredgcd lt not wtrhtn rhe contrii 6i-ttrr'Developef)r-thc 19w1 1n1ll glve the .ilill;p;; wrltt,an nolfcC o! such-de€6rmlnatlon and'-un-less cuch Improvenentt are'-co-mpfitca-b1.1hr datca as 8et torth abovc or wlthtn a treasonabl;*Fii;d a?ter such dat3 ll $reBth€r does not ;;fii[ lfrs-EonpiEiioi ot ruch lmProvrnentB, of unlelg ths fiilil;rilion-6i -itrl-impioue0lentt- ls prevrntcd ot not euthorlzed ;;;h;-n;rtdo sd[is-F6iEat scrvlce,- the trown nav r.edeen-t!9-*- Ii.iiifliii-"C-Jep""rl ancl apply auch fund! aE may be neceeearv t;-.ornpf"re the uiirnistrEC linlr6ven€nt8, btt not. ln an anount iieil6i-than the-iioiint -rJt-l'orrtr abovr and not before such impiouements aro comPreted' 7, trhe Dsv€topcr $arrEntc EII worh and matrrlal tor a perroo'ot-one yeir irtes aaccptance of all work mfarred to in rhle Agreetnsns ii-d!-t.wn it-suCh work Lr located on Town ot ValI. tind or rosd rlghb-of-way' 8. rhe eartrffi hereto *ot,i:tllltl:: lilit :l:n Hffi:H:fil,may Ue amended fron gtne to. tlmt be l$ wrltlns ",ii-i:"Jiiit'ta-d-iii iartler hereto' s. rhts Asreemcnt thall ?:'prl:--:li-:ln1:r"l:11.3:.f?l:Tsdrat uion iliitlH-I!.iiliit-'iffi^lil;-Daviloper end conftf,natlon bv tha rown tr,"t "ooil-i'piiv"mentl-f!!-"?lPitt?l{..:: Ill."E* "'l?. Ene 'Iowlr Err.r. I'rrvr. ."rr'-Yv."rE"-- ii"r-iiliurrghtng ihat the unltedpi*""ntatlon !o the Town.?l-:Ytll-.-^ - rAa^rrl rrr. ar orhrrHll:l'F;iliir"i.fii"i-"in-nii-riioe I gpeolar uie or other ffiffi ii-ti"iilril_i;"-;nsi"uciion of the Improvemen$ wlthln [,he ttne Provlded rbovo. Dated bhe daY and Year flret wrl.tten.I II I 'Afu€8t, ! By: OF VAII, CL I N o T J ubb r 8IATE OF COIJORADO ))rrrcouNTr 0F EAo&E ) l8hc foregolng Dcvclopcr lrnDTovtmentr Agr.rmrnt wa! aoh_novtadged Setoi! ec thl. nfr, day of SrrLv - , 1991 by tfltn€sr ny hand arrd offlqial ceal. My comnlssl.on exPltrtt on! rp\aEntdev. JsY lDM - ?? Jun 91 FIL T COPY 7J Soxtb Frontagc Roai Vail, Colorado 81657 t 0t -479-2r t I / 47 9 -2r t9 D cpartmcnt of Commanity D co clopmcat April30, 1992 Art Abplanalp, Esq. Cosgriff, Dunn & Abplanalp 108 S. Frontrage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Josey Resldence Dear Art: The expiration date tor the Josey development agreement is quickly approaching. As we have discussed, the Town will release the letter of credit due to the timing of the necessary U.S. Forest Service permits. However, in order to releass this, he Town needs a letter from Clint Josey indicating his intent to make the reguired improvements to lhe drive at sucft time that he USFS approval is obtained. Please contact me at 479-2138 should you have any questions. ln nA IVYvYW---- SENT BY:xErox TBlecopier ,orOr- 8-91 ; 3:49P[| i I July 1991 Ur. Eey Cokercorn€rltone Etnlt DallaE TXvrr TELECOPIER EO 21{-528-9?70 ;#3 {04'1 L,fl<n Ber Tlne certlflcatc of D€pollt No. 18027 Dear !tR. cOkerl Th€ Toetn of Vall requtrea tllurance that tha above Certrlt.aii of Depoelt r6'cently lrlued to lt for my beneflt nay i"-"Eaeedd bt thi rown upon lf,1 dcmand, wlthout faclng a Ltrallenge froln ne rcgardtng lts redemDtlon. Eh€ purpoge of thts lettet t3 to ortablleh ny igreem€nt to -any ril"ritfin of ihr alovc Certlllaate of Dcportt by.llto tlown-of Viifl'petifitrng Coinemtone Banh-t9 rede€n. that C€rtlflcate of Vesy truly yourt, ,.) n/,/ //{-4-t-nn<-tt-'- t-<-cltnton lf, Joley, Based upon thr forrgolng consent and agsaelt l!, thP Corn"tJiona Fant tiereby irtuil the Town of VaIl that th€ ;#;a;-i;ni eanr wiif lronof th. r.qu€st of the llown of Vr1l for trrl--iiAenptlon of thc above Certllicatt 9! DaPol_It wtthout any- conse"€-oi requlrcmsnt of agrrltn nt by.Cllnton IY. ,loge{r.Jf.. ' -lot;il;; Uenegtt-ttrr-Ceitfftcai,e ol oepoilt waa lg.ued and ls held. trrDJUL 12lgel A^0,42 afrol'b" Ws +oY ngn:* uepolti upon dcffand by the Eown qf val.lr.ylth?I! :lId€tcrmtnatlon on -your'part regardlng whether the -terng of the rstrr.ad r.rracrient-heva-or havi not bean fatltfled. You nay frelated agracnent.havc -or havc. not fatltft€d, You naY relY "i6"-inr"' r"tlJl - tn-reaeentns t1e-.g?rtl f l6ato ^?f -P:tolll-*P:1-ll:i6iii""t-or-detrancl o!_ the towf, o.f.Val1. I agr.e that thtr coneent and agreeaent Fharr be lcrevooabla. CORNERSEONI ' Byr Tltlr t TO: FROM: DATE: METTIORAI|DI'U Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April 8, 1991 SUB.IECT: A request for a paving variance from Section L8.52.080(E) in order to consLruct an additionaldwelling unit on Lot 3, Block 7, Vail Village FirstFiling/97 Rockledge Road.Applicant: Clint Josey DESCRTPTION OF THE VARTANCE REOUESTED The applicant is request.ing a variance from Section18.52.080(E) - Parking Standards - Surfacing. This sectionrequires that a]I off-street parking be paved. UnderSection 1-8.64.050(D), if a property is requesting additional development, and there are deficiencies in t.he existing site development, the DRB and staff sha1l require request thatall development standards be met. Currently, Lots 2 and 3 use this driveway as access from Rockledge Road. The applicant has requested approval ofaddiLional GRFA and a second dwelling unit for Lot 3 andwil-I therefore be required to pave the driveway to Lots 2and 3. A variance from this requiremenL is necessary because a portion of the driveway is on Forest Serviceproperty, and at this time the U.S.F.S. wj-11 not al-l-ow theapplicant to pave the drive at this tirne. The applicant hasagreed to post a letter of credit for such improvements andwould proceed with paving the drive if and when approvalfrom the Forest Service is received. II ZONING CONSTDERATIONS The proposed driveway meetsstandards in terms of widthproposed at a maximum gradeto be heated. all- zoning and development and slope. The drive isof 8t and will not be required III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Sect.ion 18.52.050 ofthe Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Tbe relationsbip of tbe reguested variance tootber existing or potential uses and structures inthe vicinity. The staff finds that the request to not immediatelypave the driveway wil-l- not have an impact on anyadjacent properties. If the U.S.F.S. denies theapplicant approval to pave, the driveway would remaingravel . The visibility of the drive is such that thenegative impact would only be on the owners of Lots 2 and 3. The driveway grade meets the required B* grade, and j-s not required to be heaLed. The staff findsthat, with the addition of a secondary unit to Lot 3,it is necessary to require the paving of the driveway. However, due to the pending Forest Service action, theapplicant is unable to commit to paving. The drivewill be paved should the Forest Service approve therequest. 2. Tbe degree to whicb relief from tbe strict andliteral interpretation and enforcement of aspecified regulation is necessary to acbieveconpatibility and uniforaity of treatment amongsites in tbe vicinity or to attain tbe objectivesof tbis title witbout grant of special privilege. Staff finds that the granting of this request would notbe a grant of special privilege. At the time that the driveway and Rockledge Road were constructed, the exact boundary of the National Forest was unknown. AL thj-stime, the exact location of the Forest Service boundaryis being reviewed and verified. Rockledge Road andother driveways which encroach on Forest Service land have been paved without permission from the ForestService. It has been only recently that the Forest Service has taken action on such reguests. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light andair, distribution of population, transportationand traffic facilities, public facilities andutilities, and public safety. F, Staff finds that the request will not have any impacts on the above criteria The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantinq a variance: That the granting of the variance will notconstitute a qrant of special privilegeinconsistent !,rith the limitations on otherproperties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not bedetrimental to the public health, safety orwelfare, or materially injurious to properties orj-mprovements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more ofthe followj-ng reasons: a. The strict literal i-nterpretaLion or enforcement of the specified regulation woul-dresuft in practical difficulty or unnecessaryphysical hardship inconsistent wlth the ob jectives of this ti-tle. b. There are exceptions or extraordinarycircumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not applygenerally to other properties j-n the same z.lJ L La= - The strict interpretation or enforcement ofthe specified regulation woul-d deprive theapplicant of privileges enjoyed by the ownersof other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recornmends approval of the request. We find that theinability of the applicant to pave the existing driveway atthis time, because it. is on Forest Service land, to be aphysical hardship and should not be considered a grant ofspecial privilege. If the drive could be relocated onto theapplicant's property, staff and DRB would require that thedrive be paved at the time of development. Itowever, sincerelocatj.on is not possible, we find that. the existinglocation and the requirement to pave in the zoning code tocreate a hardship. V. The applicant is willing to post a letter of credit for thepaving of the driveway. Should the appticant's reguest tothe Forest Service to pave the driyeway be denied, theletter of credit would be retdrlveway would r f Foqnize that the o- paving the dSJ.veway if approval isreceived fron the U.S.8.S. c t \pac\e€oo!\Jor€y. {08 'I PETER COSG RIFF JOHN W. OUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALB JR. TIMOTHY H. A ERRY ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN LAWRENCE P. HARTLAU B Law OFF|cEsCoscntrn DuruN 6, ABpLANALp a taet|lr€Rsr'irp rNcLuotNc a pRoFESsto!{aL coRpoeatrotl VArL NarroNAL BaNK Bu tLotNG SutrE 30o loa SoUTH FRoNTAGE Roao WEST VAr L, CoLoRAoo 8t657 TELEPHoN E: (3O 3) 476-755? TELEcoPTER: (3O 3) 476-4765 12 February 1992 It[uFEB t g t99z Y3:e*,r,, CosGRrFE, DuNr. E BERRv F, O, aOX tl LE.ADVILLE, COLOR^DO'O:TCI (7r91 4€C-16a3 f.L*t ,nult Mr. Larry Eslswith Town Attorney Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVail CO 81557 Dear Larry! As you may recall, last sunmer Clinton W. Josey was requiredto enter into a Developer Improvenent Agreement with the Town ofVail in order that he might provlde the Town of VaiI with someassurance that he would attempt to construct certaln roadway lmprovements reJ.ated to a residence which he has constructed onLot 3, Block 1, Val1 Vlllage First riling. A copy of that Developer Improvement Agreement ls enclosed for your convenlentreference;- Those roadway improvements were dependent upon Mr.Josey's abllity to obtain from the Unlted States Forest Service aspecial use permit for that portlon of the roadway extending eastof the termLnus of publicly maintained Rockledge Road. Mr. Joseyposted a certificate of deposit ln the amount of $6,160.00 lnorder to assure the Town that he would make the required effort. The bond was not conditioned upon the issuance of the special usepermit, but upon the effort to construct roadway lmprovements, aneffort itself dependent upon his ability to obtain such a pernit. Ehe purpose of thls requirement was to ellninate, lf posslble, any question regarding access to the property which he waslmproving nlght be renoved. Shortly after entering into that agreenent, we contacted theUnited States Forest Service both by letter and by telephone inorder to inltLate the special use application process. A copy ofthe letter directed to the Forest Service is enclosed. Becauseof the Forest Servlces' position that Rockledge Road ltself ls atrespass onto forEst Service land, because of the current effortwhich the Forest Service is making with the Town of Vail andothers to resolve a number of boundary problems around the To$rnof Vail, and because the Forest Service wlll not pernit accesswhich is dependent upon unauthorized access, the Forest Servicewlll neither supply the necessary material to submit an ?4ro*eP?Kfl) CORPORATION IS OUNN & ABPLANALA P.C. IN VAIL. application, nor rdill It accept an appllcat,ion for the accesswhich Mr. Josey was asked to initiate. l'{r. Josey is now involvedwith several of his adjoining land-oerners and representatives ofthe Town of VaiI in attempting to effect an exchange by whtchlands would be obtained from the Forest Service through anexchange for other lands desired by the Forest Service.Unfortunately, there is no possibility that this can be conpletedwlthin the one year contenplated for the processlng of a specialuse permit under the Developer fmprovement Agreement. It is my belief that at least some offices of Town of VaiI government are aerare of the efforts being made to resolve the Rockledge Road problen. lHor,rever, we wish to be certain that Ur.Josey'E deposit with the Town of Va1l is not in Jeopardy, and forthat reason I would apprecl.ate your confirnation that the effortgwhlch are being made with the United States Forest Service,lnvolving the cooperation of representatives of the Town of Vall,Mr. Josey and several of hls neighbors, to either effect an exchange which would create a buffer bet$reen the Tosrn of Vail andForest Service land, and hopefully including both that portion of Rockledge Road whlch 1s malntained by the Town of Vail as well asthat roadway extendlng easterly of the Town-naintained portlon of Rockledge Road, meet the lntent of the Town's requirements undelthe Devaloper fmprovenent Agreement with Mr. Josey. t Your review of this natter and your confirmation that theefforts belng made to resolve the RockLedge Road problem satisfy Mf,. Josey's efforts ln thls regard would be appreciated. AAAJT: JEnclosure Oa- RrLuiEB13t992 pgvELoPER IIIPROVEMEI|T AoREFMENq . EHIS AGBEEMENT, made ancl entaasd lnto !!te -=- day of June , 1991;--lt iria-anong'clllitroN 11. ioSEy' J!,r.{he.lnatter liiila-liri'"u3*'eiop;t;i; and the !o'trT{ oF vA:L, (herelnaltar cittea the 'rlrown'r ) ' WTTilESSETH! WHEREAE/ th€ Dsvelopet, aB a condltlon of- approval of thE JoEEy Resldence, -to-Ui c-otlsiructed on Lot 3' Blook ?' vall iiiiis;;-iiiii riring-irr"ieiniiigl called the 'rR€sldence" ), har i;;;-;;qrliea by th5'iown to entrr lnto a DEveloper rnprovemanss Agraenent; and wgEREAE, the Devcloper le obllgateg t9 provJ'de aecurlty or coffaiai.i--JufifciEni-fn-tne Judgnent of the Town to l6'kg rea'onable psovi;i;;i ior-liotpieifon of certain improvements s€t forth belowl and WHEREASItheDevelopar.wtah€stoprovidecollateralto flrarEntee p"rforiai;;-;i= iitts-agreencnl, .evldanclng qr: .:;;iil;i;d-!;-"iliipiiih blrurninous eavlnE of a roadway connectinE tn. .*i!iing-cfiife at ifre'€aBt €nd of RockledE! Road wlth rhe rot upo; ;;ili trrE-nirroencE 1l to be conEtructed' sE pe8 plans ano spB'ciiiiitiiins iliieinatier the rf tmProvementrr')i and WHEREAS, the Sown har. agreed to hold ths afosenantloned oecurlty or coltatiiif on te;ms and condltlons 8s sat' forth herein ' Nol{ TIEREFORE, ln coneldsraUlon ot the followlng ryllel- "ou"niiru-iina-agi"6menti, ttre Devalop€f and the Tgwn agf'€ aE followa 1. The Developer heraby sgresS' ac hts cole ccst and sxDense, to furntch-clf equlpmant ani materlal neceggaly to oeifosn anC eonpieie the rlmpiovemcntt' on or bOf,ore 1 Augugt i99:, lt a unlt"i-ii"iit rditit-servrie Petmlt-to pave guch drlveway crn,be lliiir"i l"-o" lii;;;-i uiy-lss2. -t{lthin thtrtv davs after the dat6 of rhlg lsreeiliii, tha'Dcveloper ehall tubnlt to-the Unired gtails-iorest S5rvfi;";'requ"tt for-a spcclal use parmlr Berrulttlni"ii"'ii"i"g""i in. roacriay, and-.auch further iormar p€:rnit regusEt -4" nttv-ry-f;A"t;a u!'- ttre UnttEd etatea Fotest getvtce. -trhe Town under"iiia"-ind ictcnowladqaE that the Developcr nay nor t; ili; 16-itdiii-ine"i"quc"tec p6rnlt untll and unrers tn" iirila-irirro fori"-t ierv:'c6 lglues- a rpeclal ure uornft ro rhe rJiir-ii v;ll-;;fuilin; rhe rown ro majnratn thet ilitil"'Ig-iil"t i|lge-noio n-ow on-unried ssatee loreEt Scrvlso ao a DublLc roao. -ii'ifr"-""ent o Unfl"a States Forest Servlce i r . =,9 }'^\ -V gpecial uss pcrmLE or tlnllar authortty ta tasuecl to Lha D6veloper, o! to any othet entliy pcrmtttlns lhg Pavlng of the roadwat ln questslonl the Developer ehall eomglete' ln a good worknanJ.ike man:let, all lmprovements as ltrtocl above. ln aceordance wlth alI plane and tprclflcatlone !1led tn thc offlceof the comnunlty Development Departnent o! the Bown of Vall, andto do all work lncldentll thcreto accordlng to and ln compllancc wtth such oLhel designs, drawlnglr tllrPlr apeclflcattonll Elcetches, and othEt natter subnltted by the Develoger heretofore or to be-approved by any of the abovs-lttorenced govetntfiantal- entltlee. -eff sald-Hork shall be donc under the inapcctlon otr €ncl tO tht satlBfactlon of the Town Englnrs!' the Town Eulldlng oirtct.t, or other offlclal fron thr Town of vallr alleeted by ipcctal dletrlctr or 8€rvlcae dlstrlCtt, aE thelr resp.otlva Interasig nay appearr and shall not b. dAeroed cornplete untll ipproved and ac-Lpted ac eonplcted by the Town of vail Conmunlty pilatopsent DeDAttment and Publls l{orkg DBPaltnont. 2, The total ertlmated coBt of lald utork and lmpfovo$enta- ie the sum of $61160.00, Eo tgcure and guatantae Performanca ol tte obllgattotls ag eet forth herrln, the DavelaP€l Bgrs?s !e "io"iO. iecurlty and collatcral ln the form of e Corbifiqate of ieooett drawn fi: ttre namo of the Toltn of Vallr ln the anqunt of giifeO.OOl-io la held by ths tcwn of vall, as.Bclol{.Pgont' whl'ch if.iff Eerve aE sccuttty- for the lmplovements eet lorth above Lf inere 1g a defautt under thlr Agreenent by Developer' 3. Thc D€vetop€r may at eny tlme gubctttute for the collatetal orlqlnAtiy eet-forth ibove another form ol collatetal icEtpiaUt€ to ihe toin to guarantee th. folthful complotlon-of- thoa6 ImproyemantB referrai to hereln and ths performanc. Of th€ iCrnra oi-titt" Agrrcment. Such acc.ptance by fhe.Town of iiiJrnatfve coliateral lhall bc at the Town'r rolc dlccratlon. 4, llhe Town ehall not, nor ghatl any offlcar of anDloye€ thereof, be llabLe of, r€sponrlble lor any accldent, loss. or Jirrnige-iroipe"rng or osquriing to thr work epeclllcd ln thle egi.ir.nt-firlor-to the cgopl6tion and acceplance ol thc lane, nor for anv petlons or prop€rtl ln1ured by roalon of th€ nAtut€ of !iia-iiiri;-b.I-arr it iard-llalgttlei shali and are hrlby asEuln€cl bY the DeveloPer. 5. ghe Dovslopgs hereby agrc.s to lndetnnlfy and hold harmleaE the tro?rn, aia any o!-tt; of,flc€l8r- B9€nts and rmploycea ;ilil;i-.ny-roaaei, ctarmir..danagsg, or ltabllltlee to whlch the Town or any eucll oi tte ofiicErc, agentsr-or cmgloyeeE may btcome rullect tol Inlofar.a! any Fuclr loglerr clatn6, denages or fraififtf.i (or actlont ti reapect thereof) that. artse out ol or ais UaseO up6n a"i-p"iiorrnonce-by the Dev€Ioper hereunder; and ;[; il;;tolEr cnait'ralmburee thi lown lor any and all lesa1 or. - oLher exPEnae5 rlasonably lncurred by the Bown in connectlon with o lnverNlgatlng or ds!€ndlng any ruch lollr.ctatnl- damage, iianrtiit or'acllon. rhl; lndenurltv. Pffvllfon.!!1rr be ln iOgition-to any other llabitlty wfrtih-tbe DevEloP€l nay have. 6, lf the ltown dgtermlnes that any of.such lnproveme?F ::eontelnplated hereunder are not congtructed ln cqmpllance wlth ghe ;i;;;"[;a-;;";iii;"elone set rorLh hcretn, lt shall rurnrgh the fii"liiopli i-iiii or-iiecrflc dellcienclec and ehall be entltlecl to conrtnua ro wrifrfroiO collateral to lnaurE such cornpllance. If ;r-i;; eetemr;ii-tnit the Devoloper wtII not congtruct any or iii og the tmprovemEnts ln accordanle wlth all ol the ro.ciif"ationi and ttne tablec as B€t fo:th herein (except as a ;;ili;^#'irr'd-"ui"rir-'"c-ihe unlted statea rorect sorvlcet to i;;;;-;t i"qulr"i-eqrrjt,_"hlch rhe Darutos aclcnoyled?€d 16 not wlrhln the controf ii-ttra'Developer)r-tl. Tcwn ehall glva the .il;;i;d;-wrltten-"J[rce-o! i,ittr' deiirrnlnatton and,- unless such Improvenent! ara 'c-olmpr"i"i-Ui tnc datee aa gel forth abovc or ;ii;i;:;"I"onilii"iiniJa a?ter such date If eteathBr does not ;ffiii tna-courpi"ifqi-oi Juch tmprovtnetltE' or unIEsE th€ ;;#il";i.n-6I-iil-impiouementr- ls prevented or not euthorlzed by the United Smlet-i6rEst Servlce, the Town may redeem the liriiirll'i"-"c-aeioiri ina gPply auch funds as mav be neceararv to complete the uilinfcneA finlr-ovanettta, but no. .tn an amount oreater than the ;;ffi;-';;t-i'-oittt above'and nci before such irnpio"etents ar€ comPleted' 7. the DovetoBel $atrrantg gll worlt nnd naterlal lor a Def,lod of cne yeai ifUel acceptanci of all work trcferred to in {[i"-lgl""irnt'tirrre nown tf'auch work tl located on Town ot virr. rina or road rlght-of-way' 8. The gartlcg hereto mutually rgTs? !ll1! !$t Agreement mBy b; "me;d"[ ti]i-tr*e-io lfnre, piovidra that such anendments be tn wrrrlng .ni-u*JEiii"i-ti-iii lartlar he=eto, e. rhlB Asreemant shalt ::!Bll:--111-l:n::^"*:1,*,I?l:"i3oral,Iion iliirli-l!'i"liir-i"ii-tiii-oeviroper and confltltatlon bv th6 rown un"t "o"i-iiiiJ""m;lq-t-":llil*:1,:: lll-u?i: :li'the Town und'E Eusrl Ar'tP-evs||rE"-- -;;"-;i[iirr"irrng ihat the unttedii"""ntatlon to th? ToLl'?f-::1?:'...a i rh6^tr1 rres or othotrEfii::'F:ill.'E'ili"i-liri'n;i-i;;"; I :*'l::*:::-::':'I?Ifi;;;;;-;;i"it Ser.'lco wl'tl not lEsue a gBeelar urs or etrr'* pemrr aubhorizil;^!!"-;;irii,l"clon oi tlre Improvements wlth!'n [,he ttne Provlded abovo' Pated the daY and Year fl g wrltten.I t I I ton IOWN OF VAII'r.Attedt ! By: G EtATE OF CoLORADO ))rs: COUIfTY 0r EACIIJE ) d'' The foregolng Doveloper Irnpgovements Agrecraent flat eokno?rledgid EefoiB ne thlE llfl.. ctay of Sotv - ' 1991 by- Ct rproTl ul. tlosev- nT . , teal ' - ./-'^ Noraly ?ubllc rp\agntdev. JEY fPU - ?7 Jun 91 Wltnegr ury hand artd ofllcial My coffnlssion exPl.lcs on: EttIEACTTTE|DAR -rlarn$&,st!drcItC@.Es|||&tr{t5 iid.,i"i,8 15 i992 PETER COSG RI FF JOHN W. DUNN ARTH UR A. ABPLANALA JR. TIMOTHY H. A ERRY ALLEN C. CH RISTENSEN IIWRENCE P. HARTLAU g LAw OFFrcEs osGRrrr. Dururu & Aeplaltalp a P^etN€FsxrP rNqtuora{q a FRoFESstoN^t coRfoR^lroN VarL NATToNAL BeNx Burr-orrc SurrE 3oo toe SourH FRoNTAGE Roao wEsr VarL. CoLoRADo 81657 TELEPHoN E: (3O 31 476-7552 TELEcoPI eR: '3o3l 476-476512AusustM o c U. S. Forest ServiceAttentlon: Richard Phelps Post Offlce Box 190Minturn, CO 81645 Dear Mr. Phelps: As you are aware, thls office represents Clinton B. Josey,Jr., who is the o$rner of an undivided one-half interest in Lot 3,Block 7, Vail Village First Fillng. We have previously dlscussed the deslre of Mr. Josey and hls neighbors to obtain formal approval of the U.S. Forest Servicefor thelr long-standlng use of an access roadway extendingeasterly from the cul-de-sac which is part of Rockledge Road, apubllc street historically nalntained by the Town of Vall, tothelr properties. These owners haver.in fact, formed an o$rners' associatlon in order to facilitate the Forest Service'sconsiderat,lon of access to the subject propertles ln as part of aslngle appltcation process. During our conversations earllerthis yearr you Lndicated the Forest Service's desire that anyapplication for such approval be delayed until the completion ofa land ownershlp analysis which was being conducted by or for theForest Servlce. Slnce the time of our most recent conversatlon,our cllent has processed, through the Town of Vail, anappllcatlon for constructlon of lmprovements on h1s property.Although the To!.rn of Vail understands the Forest Servicersconcern related to acceas and was satisfied lrlth the access whichhas long been usedr.the Town has required that we makeapplicatton for the Forest Service's specl.al use permit, in orderthat the driveway may be paved, ln confornlty with Townslandards. The purpose of this letter is to make thatapplication. It ts ." ."p..aatlon that you will require an appllcatlon drawn in a form standard for the U.S. Forest Service. If youwill provide me with that form, I will submit such a standardizedappllcatlon promptly. Apart from the questlon of obtaining a special use permitwhich would aut,horlze the paving of the existlng roadway, the lN LEAovtLLEI CosGRrFF, DUNN & BERRY E O. EOX ll LgaovrL!E, qoLoR^oo aot6l (7r9t 4ect-t€95 THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATTON IS OUNN & ABFLANALB P,C. IN VAIL. ongoing project has established the desirabillty of placlng water and natural gas llnes adJacent to or under both Rockledge Road and the road!.ray which provides access to the Josey property andlts neighbors. It seems logical to lnstaLl these utllitles slmultaneously wlth a regradlng of the road whlch would make accesE somewhat less challenging. It is apparent that there already exlst above-ground electrlcal utllities crossing the Forest Service land ln thl.s area, and we would appreclate your conflrmatlon that the lnstallatlon of these two utllltles ln asEoclatlon wlth lmprovlng the grade of the road would be acceptable to the U.S. Forest Service. I hope that you wlII have an opportunity to revievt this request and to contact ne this week. Naturally, I wLll be available to discuss these natters with you. Very truly COSGRIFF Arthur A. LANALP Abplanalp, Jr. .AAAJT: Jxc: Cllnton B. Josey, Jr. LAw OFFTcESCoscnrrE DuNr{ & AapLANALp A PARTNERSIIIP INCLUOINq A PROFESSIONAL COFFORATION VAtL NartoNAL BANK Bu rLor NG Surre 3oo log SourH FRoNTAGE Roao WEsr VArL, CoLoRAoo 8t657 TELEPHoN E: (3O 3, 476 - 7552 TELEcoPf ER: t3o3t 476-4765 12 February 1992 0", i {L ",'11 A- p \ PETER COSGRIFF JOH N W. DUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALR JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN LAWRENCE C HARTLAUB lN LEApvtLLE! CoscRrFF, DUNN & BERRY P O. EOX tl LEADVILLEI COLORAOO (7tc) 4€€-t€€5 Dr. Tom Steinberg 1022 Eaglenest circlevall co 81558 RE: Rockledge Road U.S. Forest Service Land Dear Dr. Steinberg: AB you are aware, thJ.s offlce represents several landownersabuttlng Rockledge Road who are lntereEted Ln working with the Town of Vail and the Unlted States Forest Servlce ln resolvl.ng access problems associated wlth the ownershlp and development ofpropertles along the south boundary of the Town of Vall and Lncluded in Block I of Vall VlIIage Flrst Flllng. There has been considerable dlscussion regarding theacqulsltion of lands from the Unlted States Foreat Service whlch would serve to legitimize those portions of Rockledge Road whlchare presently located on Unlted States Forest Service property, and whlch would serve as a buffer between the Town of Vall and Forest Servlce property, thereby preventlng further expanslon of development up the south face of Vall mountaln. Those landowners whom thls Offlce represents are interestedln the creation of a buffer to lnsulate Forest Service property from development. one of the alternatLves available, and thatwhich seems moat acceptable to the Tohrn of vall, would be an exchange by which the Forest Servlce wouLd be given other lands more suitable for Forest Servlce ownershlp in exchange for astrlp of Iand to be deeded to the Town of Vall. A questlonexlstg, however, as to whether the Totrn, as the osrner of such abuffer strip, could deny use of that land for purpoaes of acceggto reach other lands to the south. In other words, would Town ownershlp create an effectlve buffer and llmitatlon on the growthof development, or would Tolrn ordnershtp of the land simplyprovlde a corrldor by whlch access to Federal land tnight beeffected. Our clients seem to be wllllng to cooperate Ln an effortto acquire property deslred by the Unlted States Forest Servlce, exchange that property for the buffer area, and then turn over tothe Town of VaiI the property necessary to create the buffer 90il€l (@\__._- f/, \'{h CORPORATION IS DUNN & ABPLANALP. P.C. IN VAIL. whlch they and the Town of VaiI deem necessary, lf the Town ofVall's ownershlp wlII accomplish thelr goal of ltnlttng furtherpreasure to develop the south face of Vail Mountaln. If theTown's ownerahip of the proposed buffer operates aE a hazard tothelr plan or an opportunlty for a potential developer, thelrlncllnatLon would be to obtaln the property through a honeowner'sassoclatlon, convey to the Town that portion of the property which ls necessary for the exigting Rockledge Road, and rely uponthe Town to zone the property as open space ln order that further development nlght be prevented. Becauae the question of the effect of the Town's ownershlpof a buffer Is one whl.ch we feel would be most approprlately determl.ned by the Town and lts counsel, we would appreclate your consultatlon with Larry Esl(Idlth and, 1f posslble, a determLnatlon on hiE part regardlng the Town's ablllty to freeze the land(other than the exlEtlng Rockledge Road and the roadway to the east of its terninug gervLng existing private property) as open apace, without naklng the land vulnerable to converslon lnto access for the development of public land to the south. Naturally, if elther you or Larry Eskwlth have any guestlons regarding the proposal which ls now under conelderatlon, I would be pleased to digcuag that with either of you. AAAJT: Jxc: Mr. Clint JoseyMr. Jerry Mulllgan COSGRIFF # '/'t 13 I PErNs PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT 6- L/- qq INSPECTION:MON JOB NAME '<.\, ..- r-i?rs CTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAILt17r- +, I ?, CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TUES @ {,i.r* r) THUR FRI PMAM ci 7 Fa €r*',; BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D D tr D FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB fI SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr 71s1p,y 'P'sL,<- t.r.,ew) /CO tr FTNAL ELECTRICAL:. MECHANICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL q APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,*#"roN- REeuEsrTOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSP LOCATION: MON TUE THUR FRI AM PM PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDo tr o D tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL BUILDING: ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tr. rusrecTroN's CoMpLETED Tbe lteoe bclos ueed to be cooplete before glvlng a pernit a floal C of 0. Pleaee check off 1o the bor provlded. DATE: FINAI ELECTRICAL FINAI, BUIU)INC EAST SIDE:}JES? SIDE: DATE: i-rrl TS{PORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY DATE: I.AI{DSCAPING DIIE l'll.IE r trILB NAilE:4qqvs No 0 .o.U^^At' d/.Nfh/ % ,''atohft{ o 75 soulh hont ge roed Yall, colondo 81657 (303) 47$2138 (3Gt) 47S2139 February 28,1992 FIL E COP Y olflce of communlty development Mr. BillWood United States Forest Service P.O. Box 190 Minturn, CO 81645 Re: Josey Resldenoe, Lot g, Block 7, Vall Village Flrst Fillng97 Rocktedge Road Dear Bich: The owners of the residence listed above cunently have a letter of credit with the Town of Vailin the amounl of $6,160. These funds are to insure the paving of the driveway to theresidence. The funds were to be released at such time as the-owners Lceive permissionfrom the USFS to instalt paving materials. At this time, the driveway has not been paved, and it is my understanding that the usFS isnot in the position to review such a request. The expiration date of the ldter of credit beingheid by the Town is June 25, 1992. In order to determine if the letter of credit should berenewed or returned to the owners, I need to know what time trame you would expect for anapproval such as this. Your timely response to this request would be greatly appreciated. please call me at 479-2138 should you have any questions Sincerely, /'' -'t AA In nA(-){qYW\ Ih',t-ru"-- Shelly Mello I Town Planner lab fr- PEIER COSGRIFF JOH N W. DUNN ARTH UR A. ABPLANALE JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN LAWRENCE P. HARTLAU B VArL NAT|oNAL BANK Bu TLDtNG SurrE 3oo lo8 SourH FRoNTAGE RoAo WESr VATL,CoLoRADo 81657 TELEPHoNE: (3O 3) 47 6 -7532 TELEcoPT ER: (3 O3't 476-4765 lN LEADvtLLES CoSGRTFE DUNN 6 BERFY P. O. 60X ll LEA'DVILLE, COLORADO €O.I€I (7te) a6€- t€rg5 14 November 1991 Mr. Mlke Molllca Department of Comnunlty Development Town of Vall75 South Frontage westVall, Colorado 81657 HAND DELIVERED RE: Resubdlvision of Lot 3, Block 7,Vail Village First Filing Dear Mlke: As you are aware, thls Office represents Mr. Clinton tf. Josey, Jr., the olvner of an undivided one-half interest in Lot 3, Block 7, Vall Vlllage First Filing. Following up on a conversation which we had earlier thisfall, I am provlding you with the following materials related to the resubdlvlslon of the above property: 1. Proposed resubdivlsion plat. The mylars of this plat have been slgned by the o$tners but not yet signed by the mortage holder or other requlred signatories; 2. Party waII agreement, slgned by Lhe owners but not yet signed by the mortgage holderi 3. Appllcatlon for Duplex Subdivision Review; 4. Check in the amount of $100.00, representing the processing fee for the Town's duplex subdivislon review. rt is my understanding that you will circulate th18 materialto those offices of the Town of VaiI whose approval Ls requlredfor thls resubdivision process. Upon recelvlng your approvalthis plat, I will circulate the same to the mortgage holders andother required stgnatories, includlng such lenders as may beidentified by the signatory title company, whlch will be LandTitle Guarantee Company. THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IS OUNN & ABPLANALE P.C. IN VAIL. O O Law oFFrcES ., ! CosoRtFE DuNN & ABpLANALp mi0NOV L btgvr A PARTNERSHIP INCLUOINC A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION t Thank you for your fomard to speaklng you nater.lal . -t ( attentlon to these aoon r€gardlng the natter. I shalt look adequacy of thls COSGRIFF, AAAJT: Jxc: Mr. CIInton tf. Josey, Jr. #tu,p 2 11991 ili iiirl :::l::,: ::::i::j i;::::i ::::::., ::i:,: ltjit TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI,JNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM DArE: l/ /)q14 i,.,,'ilO: ,: 01000041330 COM. DEV. APPLICATION FEES tlpl*tfr):"- 01000041540 ZONINGAND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l 0000 4zl5 IJNIFORM BIJILDING CODE $50.00 0l 0000 42415 I'NIFORM PLUMBING CODE $36.00 0l 0000 42415 I'NIFORM MECHAMCAL CODE $32.00 0l 0000 42415 1JNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.m 0l 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $30.00 01000042415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 0r 0000 41548 BLTJEPRINTS (MYI-ARS)$7.00 0l 0000 42412 )GROX COPIES /STUDIES $0.25 0l 000042371 PENALfi FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS ormp]042322 OFF HOTJRS INSPECTION FEES !j::iii riiil ,li., l$ li* lt: lir 0l 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 0000 41330 OTHERFEES 01000041413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 0l 0000 . :iit :::::::: l:lii: i:::l::: ririi: .'iiri ::::::: 'ii:':;: :;:jj]::::;]i:: !i:i::: <)e-r^" ''--/L o' " 'r i ir-'siE -7tlr\ ) --" '- ' 7 7 T'I I / Vt r I .. I rlrl lll I rr r! !!!l!tll! !!t!t!.r!t!l.r!l! -TIfLIFI EF 1JFI I I_ l'liscel laneo$s Csh l1-28-9i 88: 14:54 Fte':E,iF,t. * 8BB€,:F, ffc,:ururrl. * l:l'i * 156f, t:t:r5tiF:iFF! [,Lltll'.| r!], FIEFLfl],lffLF\EBt'11'1 ['EU BFP Flrn,:,un t tende r*,1 l 1Bg. EE Item Paid brfit Paid EI|,JEE1[41]IFJEII:]E 188. BE i-h.:ng* l'* t|-rl-rred J -l-HFlt..l}{ VOL, rJ,:r-rr caghi*r S-I'EFHffFIIE ol ^---I Tvv . oATE_ APPLICATION FOR. DUPL,FI,SUBDIVISI0il REVIEW APPLICANT___aFIEoN w. gogEY, JR. . . €960 North Central - Sutte 30'5 'lrrl' A.t{Al'lE 0F }|AILINg ADDRESS 691-8994 Cr NAHE 0F APPLICAI{T'S REPRESENTATIVE ertnCqagrlff, Durn &'Abplahalp - Enm104 F6r+h,Er.r.ntrgF infd wasrr vatl Fp,F1.6,57 PH0NE_:[J6:?jI2_ NME 0F PR0PERTY ol,|NER (prlnt or iypg) OI.INERIS SICNA'JoseyrSulte 305-6060. N. Centr MAILING AiIDRESS Dallas rx 7s2o6 trBulte 1300.18235 DouglaaAve.rpallad lrx 75225 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL F. 0. L0T-g--8LOCft-;-SUE0 IV I s I 0N E. ' ' .rEt $100.00 PAIo I'IATERIAL TO BE SUIJMITTEO 1. Two mylan c.oplos of thr duplgx rubdlvlslon plat following the rsqulrotncnts of Sectlon 17, 15. 130 (Cl, l,?,3,4,6,7,0,9,10r1 I'13 and.. l4 of the Subdlvlrlon Regulatlonc. 2, . The plat must contrln the followlng rtatamontr ,iFot zonlng purposeE. the tWo lotg crerted by thlr rubilvlrlon ga to bo treriril ai one-entlty wlth no nor€ than ons two-frmlly resldsncs ellowad on tho cotnblned arsat of the tero lots.r The rtatirnlnt must ba modlffed rccordlng to the number of lotr cr.atsd;. 3. A copy of thr declrratlons snd/or covenants propored to. a*ure ths. mrlnilnrncs of rny conmon trlrs, Tho dsclanatlon'rnd/or qovsnrntg rhall specl.flcally rddrosr tho palnt'lng of thr oxtorlor! of tho .unlts sb tlirt thc-unltr wfll ba'pelnted thr same color and mrlntalnsd In the samo mannen APPRoVAL pRocEssr RwtEll 0RITERIA Therr crn be found ltr Chrpten 'tl,Z* of the Subdlvlrlon Regulatlons. H.. FTLINO AND RECORDII{C, Thr Drpsrlrnent of Conrrnunlty Devslopmrnt nttl be-responrlbll fbn pnomptly. ricoidiiii fhe-plst end icc-omprnyln-g doqunrntr wlth ths Ergle County Glerk . and Rocordor upon. Town of Vall approvali {\i ' a-' PROJEqTS DATE SUBMITTED! COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAI,: PUBLIC I{ORKS Reviewed by: Conmenta: TE OF PUBLIC IIEARING / 2-2-7 | W^-=</ Date: Date: TNTER.DEPARTIIENTAL REVIEW , POLICE DEPARTfiENT Reviewed by: Connente: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Cornments: revlsed 3/LL/9L .o Ta: Gi ,,\. . !. Date: Date: t t PARTY I{ALL AGREEMENT AND COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONSDECI"ARATION OF STATE OF COLORADO COI'NTY OF EAGLE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: 4{ 'u ' WHEREAS' CLINTON If. JOSEY, JR. ("Josey") and David S. Hunt ("Hunt", and together wLth JoSey, the "Declarants"), own that certain iroperty corunonly known as Lot 3' Block 7, Vail Village, First i'fffng; Town oi Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado (the "Propertytt ) I|HEREAS, the Declarants have caused the Property to be partitioned and subdlvlded pursuant to that certain Resubdivisionptat (herein so called), executed by the partles on November 13, 1991, prepared by Eagte valley surveying, Inc., to be recorded in the Real froperty -Records of Eagle County, Colorado, which is incorporaied herein for all purposes and, subs-equent to the date hereoi, the Declarants lntend to convey a portlon of the Property more partlcularly descrlbed on the Resubdivision Plat as Lot 3A ("Lot 3A") to Hunt, ind a portlon of the Property more particularly described on the Resubdlvision Plat as Lot 38 ( "Lot 38" ) to Josey; I{HEREAS, a residence and other improvements are located on Lot 3A (the ',Lot 3A Residence") and Josey has or will soon construct a resLdence wlth related improvements on Lot 3B (the "Lot 38 ResLdence" ) ; WHEREAS, the Lot 3A Residence and the L,ot 38 Resldence will share a conmon waII ("Party WaIl") on a portion of the common boundary between Lot 3A and Lot 38 as more particularly described on the Plati WHEREAS, Declarants deslre to and do hereby establish a plan for the ownership and use of each Lot by establishing separate ownership rights and obligations related and appurtenant to the Lotsi V{HEREAS, fot purposes hereof, Lot 3A and Lot 38 may herein beindividually referred to as arrl.'.ot" and collectively as the "Lots"i and Hunt and Josey and thelr respective helrs, legal representatives, successors and assigns may collectively be referred to herein as the "parties'r or tto!,tners" and lndlvldually as "party'r or t'owner"l t NOI|, TNEREFORE, for and in consideration of the cash sum of Ten and No/100 Dollars (910.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby expressly ac]<nowledged, the Declarants do hereby covenant and agree as hereafter provided. 1. Declaration of, covenants. The Decl.arants hereby publish and declare that the. following terns, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, uses, reservations' linitations and obJ.igations shal.l be deemed to run with the land described herein,shal1 be a burden and benefit to Declarants, their heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns, and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the land which is described herein and improvements constructed thereon, and their grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. The Party Wall and any extensions of the Party WaIl shall be legally deemed to be a Party Wa1I in all respects and shall be subject to this Agreement. 2. EncumbranceE and claims. Declarants acknowledge that they have physically examined the proposed Party WaII prior to signing this Agreernent and Declarants waive any and aIl claims, damages, demands, actions, proceedings, rights, or remedies that each nay have as against the other arising out of or relating tothe Party WalI. 3. Danaqe and Repairs. (a) In the event of damage or destruction of the Partywall from any causes, other than the negligence of eitherparty and except as provided in Paragraph 5 of this Agreenent,the then owners of the Property sha1l, at joint and equal expense, repair or rebuild the Party WaIl on the sane spot and on the sarne line, and such construction shall be of the same size, and of the same or sirnilar rnaterial and of like guality with the present wall, and each party, his heirs, successors, and assigns shall have the right to the use of the Party wall so repaired or rebuilt. The parties agree that repairs and reconstruction of the Party WaIl shall be undertaken whenever a condition exists which may result in darnage or injury toperson or property. Either party, upon discovering thepossibility of damage or destruction, shall notify the other of the nature of the danage, the work required to renedy thesituation, and the estimated cost of the repair or reconstruction. The other party shall then have 20 days afterthe receipt of the notice either to object to the repairs or reconstruction or to pay the partyrs share of the cost of thework. However, in the event of an emergency (i.e., acondition that is irnnediately threatening to the safety of persons or property) the other party shall then have 5 daysafter the receipt of the notice, which notice shal1 state thatan emergency exists, either to object to the repairs or -2- a reconstruction or to pay the partyrs share of the cost of the work. (b) If either party's negligence shall cause danage to or destruction of the Party WaIl, the negligent party shall bear the entire cost of repair or reconstruction. (c) If any party shall neglect or refuse to pay thepartyrs share, or all of the cost in case of negligence, the other party may have the Party WaIl repaired or restored and sha1l be entitled to have a nechanicsr Lien and lis pendens on the property of the party failing to PaY, and the non- defaulting party shall be entitled to the renedies provided in Paragraph 9, subject to the subordination provision provided in Paragraph 9 (d) . 4. Easenents. (a) Each party to this Agreernent and his respectiveheirs, lega1 representatives,successors, assLgns,contractors, licensees, agents and employees shall have an easement in that part of the Lot of the other on which the Party WaII is located, as nay be necessary or desirable to carry out the terrns of this Agreenent. (b) Each party to this Agreement and his respective heirs, legal representatives,successors, ass19tns,contractors, licensees, aglents, and ernployees shall have an easement in that part of the Lot of the other necessary ordesirable to inspect, rnaintain, repair, or restore the Party Wall. (c) Each party to this Agreement shall perrnit the otherparty and said other partyrs contractors, licensees, agents and ernployees to enter his Lot at alt reasonable tines upon 48hourst prior written notice, for the purpose of inspecting,rnaintaining, repairing or restoring the Party WaIl and sha1I secure the perrnission of the tenants, if any, occupying suchProperty for such entrance. 5. Alteration; Utilities; Restoration; Liens. (a) Either of the parties hereto nay" at any time, upon20 daysr prior notice to the other party, alter the PartyWalI. The notice shall include copies of the plans andspecifications applicable to the proposed alteration oraddition to the Party Wall. Either party may make the Party waLl- or any alteration or addition of greater thickness thanthe presently existing Party Wall, but may not make anyalteration or addition of less thickness and may not extendthe Party WaII to a greater width upon the Lot of the other -3- u party than the presently existing Party WaI1. The part of the Party Wall that is to be altered shall becone and remain a Party Wafl. The party building any such alteration shall do as }ittle danage as possible to the Lot of the other party, and shall pay for the cost of repairing any danage to the Lot of the other party. Moreover' in the event that either party desires to increase the thickness of the Party WalI for the purposes of increasing the height thereof and it is found necessary or desirable that a portion of the footing requiredto sustain the increased thickness be placed beneath the Lotof the other party, then such footing may be so placed at thesole and entire cost and charge of the party desiring theadditional footing. The footing shall be constructed in the rnost rnodern and approved method known to engineering skill andin a manner so as not to endanger the Party WaII or anybuilding on the Lot of the other party. In addition' theparty at whose instance the footing shall be built shall beIiable for any and alI damages occasioned by the construction work perforrned on the Lot of the other party. (b) Any alteration of or addition to the Party Wa1Ishal] be built in a good and worknanlike manner of likedurability, strength and fire-resisting qualities to the PartyWaIl and shall conform in a1l respects with the laws and ordinances regulating the construction work in force and effect at the tine. (c) The party altering or adding to the Party WalI shalLbe responsible for the cost and expense of building thealteration and addition and thereafter for the cost and expense of restori.ng or repairing the Party lilall as provided in Paragraph 3 of this Agreenent. (d) After the Party WaIl has been altered or added to by one party, the other party may use the increased portion forthat party's Lot, provided that thereafter the parties shall each share half of the cost of maintenance and repair of the Party Wall as provided in Paraqraoh 3 of this Agreement. (e) This section shall continue to be applicable to any and all subsequent alterations or additions to the Party Wall. (f) The party altering or adding to the Party Wall shallobtain and deliver to the other party, prior to construction,a surety conpany bond in an amount acceptable to the otherparty as being sufficient to indemnify that other party against loss, danage, liability, or injury to persons orproperty upon the Lot of sai-d party. (g) Utility or service connections or lines' facilities or other utility equipment and property located in, on or upon ,} -4- |o either of the Lots, which are used solely to supply service or utilities to one Lot shall be owned by the owner of the Lot using such utility or service and all expenses and liabilities for repair and maintenance shall be borne solely by the ohlnerof such Lot, who shall have a perpetual easement in and tothat part of such other Lot containing such property as is reasonably necessEry for purposes of maintenance, repair andinspection. Such utility or service connections or lines, facilities or other utility eguiprnent which serve both Lotsshall be the responsibility of the o$tners of both Lots and expenses associated therewith shall be borne equally. Costs and expenses of landscaping, service utilities, parking, maintenance and repairs, except as caused by the negligence or witful act of an ohlner, shall be allocated egually between the owners of Lot 3A and the owners of Lot 38. (h) fn addition to maintenance provided for herein, the owners of the Lots shall, at their own expense with respect to each Lot, provide exterior maintenance and exterior repair to the improvements located on the Lots and any unirnprovedportions of the Lots, including, but not linited to, theexterior walls and the roofs of any irnprovements; provided, however, repair, replacement or cleaning of exterior windows shall be considered interior rnaintenance. (i) Each owner shatl be solely responsible for maintenance and repair of the inside of all improvements located on such ownert s Lot, including, fixtures and irnprovernents and all ut.ility lines and equipnent Iocated thereon and servicing only such Lot; window glass and framesshall be deemed interior naintenance. In perforrning such maintenance and repair, or inproving or altering such Lot, no owner shall do any act or work which impairs the structural soundness of any improvements located on the Lot of the other owner or the Party l{al1 or which interferes with any easernentgranted or reserved herein. (j) No owner shall nake or suffer any structural or design change (including a color schene change, either perrnanent or temporary and of any type or nature hlhatsoever, upon any part of such ownerrs Lot without first obtaining theprior written consent thereto from the owner of the other Lotwhich consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.In the case of damage or destruction of any irnprovernentsIocated on a Lot or any part thereof by any cause whatsoever,the owner of such Lot shall cause with all due diligence, the inprovements to be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of insurance, if aDYr for that Purpose. such improvernents shall be restored to a condition comparable tothat prior to the danage and in a harnonious manner to prornote the common theme of both Lots. ,I -5- |. (k) If any ohrner shall cause any material to be furnished to such ohrnerrs Lot or any labor to be perforned therein or thereon, the other owner shall not under any circurnstances be liable for the payrnent of any expense incurred or for the value of any work done or material furnished; all such work shall be at the expense of the owner causing such work'to be done, and such owner shall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, naterialrnen and otherpersons furnishing labor or rnaterials to such Lot or any improvenents therein or thereon. Nothing herein contained shal1 authorize any owner or any person dealing through, with or under any oltner to charge the Lot of the other owner with any mechanicrs lien or other Lien or encunbrance whatsoever and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien or encunbrance of any kind against one o\,rner or against one owner I s Lot for work done ornateriaLs furnished to the other ownerts Lot is hereby expressly denied. Except as provided in Paragraph t hereof, if, because of any act or omission of any owner' any rnechanicrs or other lien or order for the paynent of rnoneyshall be filed against the otber ownerls Lot or any improvements therein or thereon, or against any other owner (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable assuch), the owner whose act or omission forms the basis for such lien or order shall at its sol.e cost and expense causethe same to be cancelled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to such other owner,within 20 days after the date of filing thereof, and furthershall indemnify and save the other ott/ner harmless from and against any and all cost, expenses, clains, .Iosses or damages,including reasonable attorneys' fees arising therefrom orpertaining thereto. 6. Insurance. (a) Each party shall be reguired to obtain, andmaintain, ItA1l Riskstr insurance for his respective building and other improvements in an arnount equal to at least eightypereent (8Ot) of the full replacement value of such buildings(exclusive of ttre cost of excavation and foundations), without deductions for depreciation. (b) Each owner shall provide and keep in force, for theprotection of such owner, general public Iiability and property damage insurance against ctains of bodily injury or death or property damage occurring in, or upon' such ownerrs Lot and the inprovements thereon, as well as the Access Easenent (hereinafter defined) in an linit of not less than $500,000 in respect of bodily injury or death to any nurnber of persons arising out of one accident or disaster, or for damage to property, and if higher Iinits shall at any time be ,} -6- ,} custonary to protect against possible tort liability' such higher linits shall be carried and each owner shall name the other ov/ner as an additional insured party under such policy. (c) At the option of the ovtners, the owners nay jointly acquire a single policy to cover any one or nore of the hazards required by this Paracrraph 6 to be separately insured by each owner. (d) The policies of insurance shall, if the sane are availabte hrithout any increase in the premium for the insurance coveragJe, contain waivers of subrogation and waiversof any defense based on coinsurance or of Pro rata reductionof liability or of invalidity arising fron any acts of theinsured. Duplicate originals of an ownerrs policy of insurance and of all renewals of such insurance, together withproof of payment of premiums, shalI be delivered to the owners at least 10 days prior to the expiration of the then currentpolicies. The owners shall not do or permit any act or thing to be done in or to the Party Wall which is contrary to the 1aw or which invalidates or is in conflict with the ownerrs insurance, An owner who fails to cornply with the provisions of this Paraqraph 6 shall pay all costs, expenses, liens,penalties or damages which rnay be inposed upon the owners by reason thereof. 7. Lardsqapinq, Service Fac . (a) The parties from tine to time shall undertake such Iandscaping and general outdoor improvements including' butnot Iirnited to, driveway and parking areas as they may nutually and unanimously deem proper for the harrnonious improvement of the Property in a colnmon thene and each owner snatt be solely responsible for aII expenses, Iiabilities andgeneral upkeep responsibilities with respect to such landscaping and outdoor improvements on that portion of the Property owned by such party. The parties shall not unreasonably danage the value of the Property such as by shoddy upkeep outside, but shall nake all reasonable effortsto preserve a harmonious comnon appearance to the Property. (b) The area identified on the Resubdivision Plat asrlAccess Easementrt (herein so called) shall be a common access to facilities on the Property. The parties hereby created a reciprocal easement and right-of-way for each owner over, across and through the Access Easenent. The owners sha1l have equal right to the use of such Access Easement and no ownershall hinder or permit his invitees to hinder reasonable access to the other otenerrs Lot or park or permit his inviteesto park any vehicle on the Access Easenent in a nanner whichwill prevent access to the other Lot. Snowplowing, heating' -7- O and other necessary maintenance of the Access Easenent will be required fron tine to tirne, the costs of which will be shared by the owners of Lot 3A and Lot 38 in egual amounts, unless olherwise borne by a honeovtnerrs association, if any, which may assume responsibility for all or Part of such expenses. (c) The area identified on the Resubdivision Plat astrparking Easementlt (herein so called) shall be a common parking area available to the owners of the Property, subject to the restrictions contained herein. The owner of Lot 38shall avoid the use of the Parking Easernent if other parking is available on Lot 38 in order that the Parking Easement may be available to the o$tners of Lot 3A, if possible. The Parking Easement shall be used solely for the short term parking of motor vehicles owned or rented by the owners of Lotga or Lot 38, or their guests or invitees, which rnotor vehicles shall not be kept in the Parking Easement for more than forty-eight hours without being rnoved. The Parking Easernent shalt not be used for storage of motor vehicles, non- motorized vehicles, equipnent or other property, or for any other purpose than the short tern parking of motor vehicles as authorized hereby. (d) In the event comnon utility or service connections or 1ines, conmon facilities or other equiprnent and property Located in or on either of the Lots, but used in comrnon with the other Lot, shall be necessary, such property shall be owned by the onners as tenants in common of egual undivided one-half interests by the owners of each Lot and, except for any expense or liability caused by the negligence or willful acl of any owner, or such ownerrs heirs, Iegal representatives, successors, assigns, aqents, employees, contractors, invitees or guests, which expense or liability shall be borne solely by such ovrner, all expenses and liabilities concerned with such property shall be shared equalty. The owner of the Lot on which such property is Iocated shatl have a perpetuat easenent in and to that part of the other Lot containing such Property as is reasonably necessary purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. 8. Destruction of Improvements on Propertv. (a) In the event of darnage or destruction to any irnprovements located on the Property by fire or other disaster, the owner of the darnaged or destroyed improvements shall then pronptly authorize the necessary repair and reconstruction work to repair or reconstruct the danage or destroyed property. ItRepair and reconstructiontt as used herein, means restoring: the improvements to substantially the sane condition in which they existed prior to the danage with 'I -B- O such inprovenents having substantially the sane dirnensions as before. (b) Notwithstanding the above, the owners and first mortgagees of any or aII of the destroyed or darnaged property nay agree that the destroyed or damaged property shaLl forthwith be denolished and aII debris and rubble caused by such demolition be removed and the parcel(s) regraded and landscaped. The cost of such landscaping and dernolition work shalL be paid for by any and all insurance proceeds available. 9. niqlrt to Lien. (a) If an ol^tner, at any tirne, shall neglect or refuse to perform or pay his share of any obligation reguired hereunder, the other owner may, but shall not be obligated to, after 2o daysr written notice to such owner, nake such payment or, on behalf of such other oh/ner, expend such sun as may be necessary to perform such obligation including, but not fimited to, the payrnent of any insurance premiurns required hereunder or the undertaking of any work required hereunderfor repair, restoration or maintenance, and such other ohrner shal1 have an easement in and to that part of such defaulting ownerrs Lot as is reasonably necessary for such repair, restoration or maintenance. (b) A11 sums so paid. or expenses by an owner' with interest thereon at the rate of 188 per annum from ttre date of such palment or expenditures, shall be payable by the owner so failing to perform (the t'Defaulting Ownerrr) upon denand of the other owner. (c) AlI sums so demanded but unpaid by the Defaulting owner shall constitute a lien on the Lot of the Defaulting owner in favor of the other owner prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except: (i) liens for taxes and special assessments, and (ii) the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such Lot. The lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid sum shall become due and may be foreclosed in Iike manner as a nortgage on realproperty upon the recording of a notice or clain thereof executed by the nondefaulting owner setting forth the amountof the unpiid indebtedness, the name of the Defaulting owner, and a description of the Lot. If any such foreclosure or any other collection proceeding the Defaulting or'tner shall be required to pay the cost.s and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorneyst fees. (d) The lien provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any first rnortgage or deed of trust, including all additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer of any such Lot rl -9- O as the result of court foreclosure of a nortgage or foreclosure through the public trustee, or any proceedings inIieu of foreclosure, shall extinguish the lien of such assessment as to paynents thereof which becorne due prior to such sale or transier, but shall not relieve any former ownerof personal liability therefor. The mortgagee of such Lot who acquires titte by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deedin lieu thereof shalI not, however, be 1iable for future assessments on the date it becomes the owner of such Lot. Nosale or transfer shall relieve such unit from liability forany assessments thereafter beconing due or from the lien thereof. In the event of the sale or transfer of a Lot with respect to which surns shall be unpaid by a Defaulti.ng owner, except transfers to a first mortgagee in connection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed in lieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such Lot shall be jointly and severally liable with the seller or transferorthereof for any such unpaid surns. (e) Upon written request of any owner, mortgagee,prospective rnortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a Lot, the owners of the other portions of the Property shall issue a written statement setting forth the anount they are owed under this paragraph, if dDY, withrespect to such Lot. Such staternent is binding upon the executing owner in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such.statement shall be iornplied with within fifteen (L5) days after receipt thereof, all unpaid sums which become due prior to the date of making such request shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person requesting such statement. 1-0 . Use Restrictions. (a) The Property shall be and hereby is restricted to residential use, and such use, as well as conditional and accessory uses, shatt be defined and permitted by the Town of VaiI Zoning Regulations. For Purposes of calculation of the right to use of perrnitted gross residential floor area, Lot 3A shall be entitled to 508 of the use permitted to the Property and Lot 38 shall be entitled to 40* of tbe use pernitted to the Property. For purposes of calculation of use rights,other than gross residential fLoor area, Lot 3A shall beentitled to 50* of the use perrnitted to the Property andLot 38 shall be entitled to 508 of the use pennitted to theentire Property. In the event the owners of a Lot acquireadditional real property adjoining such Lot, the owners of such Lot shall be entitled to all pernitted gross residentialfloor area arising as a result of the additional real property acquired by such owners and the ohlners of the other Lot shallnot be entitled to any portion thereof. ,l -10- O (b) No exterior mounted radio, shortwave, television or other type of antenna whatsoever or tank of any kind, either elevated or buried, or clothesline or incinerator of any kind whatsoever or outside storage of any personal property shall be pernitted or rnaintained on the Property without the prior written approval of all owners. (c) No animals shall be kept or naintained in, onr or upon the ProPerty, except that each owner nay keep and rnaintain within his Lot one dornesticated dog and/or one domesticated cat. Under any circumstances, any and all such dornesticated aninals shall be kept under control at aII times, shall not be pernitted to present a nuisance to the other or{rner and shall be kept controlled in strict conpliance with all ordinances that may apply to such animal. (d) In addition to the parking restrictions set forth in Paragraph 7(b) above, parking of boats, trailers, campers, motor homes, ATVs or recreatj.onal vehicles on the Property is expressly prohibited with the exception of parking of such vehicles by the guests or invitees of an owner for not more than a 24 hour period. No vehicle of any type may remain in the same parking space for more than 24 consecutive hours. (e) No rrtime sharing, n ninterval ownershiptr or sirnilar interest, whereby ownership is shared by owners on a tine basis, shaLl be established on the Property without the prior written approval of all ohrners and all lienholders holding a first norigage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of Lot 3A or Lot 38, which approval shall be reflected in a document of record. l-1. Indemnitv. Each of the parties agrees to indennify the other against the partyrs share of the liability for injury or personal or property damage, when such injury or damage shall iesult from, arise out of, or be attributable to any naintenance or repair undertaken pursuant to ParagraDh 3 of this Agreement. L2. Disputes. The parties understand, agtree, and consent that any controversy or difference arising between the parties with respect to any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be submitted to the decision of three arbitrators' one to be chosen by each party and the third to be chosen by the two chosen by theparties. If a party fails to choose an arbitrator within L0 days after the first one is chosen, then two other arbitrators shal1 be chosen by the AmerLcan Arbitration Association. If the two arbitrators chosen by the parties fail to choose a third arbitrator within 10 days after they .have been selected, then a third arbitrator shall be chosen by the Arnerican Arbitration Association. Each party will pay the costs of its experts, evidence, and legal counsel, but ths other expenses of the arbitration will be borne -Lt-- O equally by the parties. The arbitration wiLl be governed by the Cornmercial Rules of the American Arbitration Association then ineffect. A decision of a rnajority of arbitrators shal1 be final andconclusive on the parties. Judgment upon any award of thearbitrators nay be entered in any court of cornpetent jurisdiction. Any party rnay institute arbitration under this section upon L0 days, written notice to the other party and in the manner set forth in Paraqraph 16 13. Description and Reservation. Every contract of sale, deed, Iease, rnortgage, deed of trust or other instruruent pertaining to the Property shall legally describe a Lot or other real property interests as follows: Lot 3A or Lot 38 (as the case rnay be) together with aone-half (L/21 interest in an Access Easement and Parking Easenent according to the recorded map thereof, and according to the Party Wa1I Agreement and Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Lot 3' Block7, Vail Village First Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, recorded in Book -t Page - of the recordsof the Clerk of Eagle County, State of Colorado. Each such description shall be good and sufficient for all purposes to sale, convey, transfer, encumber' or otherwise affect the Lots and appurtenant rights, benefits and burdens thereto as created by the provisions of this Agreernent and each such description shall be so construed. .l L4. Propertv Division. (a) Declarants hereby establish this pLan for thesubdivision of the Property into two (2) Lots for ownership and fee sinple consisting of Lot 3A and Lot 38 and the Access Easement identified on the Resubdivision Plat. (b) The area on each Lot identified as an Access Easement shalI be subject to the provisions set forth herein. (c) Lot 3A and Lot 3B shalI each have appurtenant thereto the right to use the Access Easernent for the Purposesestablished herein. which right shall be inseparable from Lot 3A and Lot 38 and may be conveyed, Ieased, devised, or encurnbered only as such undivided and appurtenant interests. (d) No owner shall bring any action for partition or division of Lot 3A or Lot 38 fron their appurtenant interests in the Access Easernent. (e) fn the event Lot 3A and Lot 38 are owned by the sane person or entities, the doctrine of'merger shall not apply. -L2- t (f) The parties, if more than one, having the ownershipof each Lot shall agree among thenselves how to share the rights and obligations of such ownership; provided, however, if a corporation, partnership, association or other legalentity shall become an o!,rner or the parties, if more than one, have the concurrent ownership of a Lot, then such entity orconcurrent owner sha1l fron tine to tirne designate oneindividual who shall represent such entity or concurrent owners in aII natters concerning all rights and obligationspursuant to this Agreenent. (g) Any such entity or concurrent oltner shall givewritten notice to the otber owners designating the individualto act on such owners or their behalf and such notice shall beeffective until revolced in writing by such entity or owners. Any act or ornission by such designated individual shall be binding on the entity or owners having designated hin j.n favorof the other owner or any person who rnay rely thereon. (h) Each Lot shall be considered a separate parcel ofreal property and shall be separately assessed and taxed. L5. Encroachnents. If any portion of the improvements associated with Lot 3A or Lot 38 nolv encroaches upon the other Lotas a result of the construction of any building, or if any such encroachments shall occur hereafter as a result of settling or movernent of any building, a valid easenent for the encroachrnent and the naintenance of the same so long as the building stands, shall exist. In the event any building shall be partially or totally destroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a result of condennation or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of the building on the other Lot, due to such rebuilding, shall be perrnitted, so long as such encroachments are of no greater extent that those previously existing, and valid easements for such encroachments and the naintenance thereof shall exist so long as the building shall stand. L5. Notices. Upon the execution and delivery hereof, and frorn time to time as the ownership of each of the Lots changes, each owner shall register such ownerts rnailing address with theother owners and all notices of denands intended to be served upon owners shall be sent by certified or registered rnail, returnreceipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed in the name of the owner at such registered nailing address. In the alternative,notice may be detivered, if in writing, personally to the owners. L7. Severabilitv. Invalidationprovisions hereof by judgiment or courtthe validity of any other provisj.ons,force and effect. of any one of the terms ororder shall in no way affectwhich shall remain in full - 13 - .o 18. coverning Law. This Agreernent sha1l be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of CoLorado. L9. Nunber and Gender. Number and gender as used in this Agreernent shall extend to and include both a singular and plural and all genders as the context and construction reguire. 20. Recordinct. The parties understand and agree that this Agreernent shal1 be recorded in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado and that this Agreement is binding on the parties andtheir heirs, successors and assigns. The cost of recording this Agreernent and/or any changes or amendments thereto shall be borne equally by the parties. 2L. Duration of Declaration. Each provision contained inthis Declaration which is subject to the laws and rules sometirnes referred to as the rule against perpetuities or the ruleprohibiting unreasonable restraints on alienation shall continue and remain in full force and effect for a period of 2L years following the death of the last survivor of Clinton E. Josey, Jr. and David S. Hunt, or until this Declaration is terminated ashereinafter provided, whichever first occurs. A11 other provisions contained in this Declaration shall continue and rernain in full force and effect until January L, 2O2L, and thereafter for successive periods of 10 years eachi unless at least L year prior to January L, 202L, or at least 1- year prior to the expiration of any such 1-O year period of extended duration, this Declaration is teiminated by recorded instrument, directing terrnination, signed by all owners and alL lienors holding a first rnortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of the Property. 22. Amendment or Revocation. This Declaration may be amendedor revoked only (a) by Declarants so long as Declarants own both Lot 3A and Lot 38, or (b) upon unaninous written approval in recordable forn of all- owners and all lienholders with a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of the Property. 23. Enforceuent and ReuedLes. (a) In case of emergency involving irnrninent loss of life orinjury to persons or property, each provision of this DeclarationshalI be enforceable by any owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or nandatory injunction; gryidedr @y€.Er all other enforcementproceedings shall be resolved in accordance with Paracrraph 12 hereof. If court proceedings are instituted in connection with the rights of enforcement and remedies provided in this Declaration, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses in connection therewith, including reasonable attorneysl fees. -L4- t (b) Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actions ineguity or at }aw which are instituted to enforce any provisions hereunder shall be brought in and only in the Courts of Eaglecounty, State of Colorado. (c) Failure to enforce any provision of this Declarationshall not operate as a waiver of any such provision, the right toenforce such provision thereafter, or of any other provision ofthis Declaration. IN WITNESS WUEREoF, Declarants have executed this Agreernent to be effective as of, although not necessarily on, Novenber 13, tssL. HUNT: .JOSEY: -15- t s s s This instrurnent was acknowledged before Novenber, L99L, by CL,INTON W. JOSEY, itR. ..4t STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OA DAL,LIS 5 s s me on the 13 e"ay of This instrument was acknowledged before ne on *" /,3Laay of Novernber, L99L, by DAVfD-S. IIUNT. Printed Name of Notary STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DAL,LAS u*%,llJFPoi:'=" =il3[l$#**ffi'='Notary PubI c, State of My Comnis n Expires: nted Name of Notary 585.1 v: \RE\JTG\14938 -16- ' DIAIE \ia'(J\,L|JnAU\., - COUNWOFEAGLEWFFICE OF THE TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE d oRoERNo.: 1b110 VENDORNO.: eOOOa ISSUEDTO: LAND TITLE CUARANTEE COHPANY BOX 337vArL co 81658 RAr. PARCELNO.: OOOB6SO ASSESSED TO: HUNT, DAVID S. .rOSEY, CLINTON tr. 35OO THANKSCIVINE TOU'ER DALLAS, TX 732OI AMOUNTS BEFLECTED ARE VALID ONLY UNTIL - 07 /31/9L PROPERW DESCRIPTION VAIL VILLAGE FIL 1 rLocK 7 LOl 3 rAX LIEN SALE AI.IOUNT IS SUBJECT TT] ]HANGE DUE TO ENDORSEI.IENT OF THE :URRENT TAX BY CERT OF PURCHASE JOLDER. AFTER SEPT I, PERSONAL PROP. .. I'IOBILE HOtlE AI,IOUNT IS SUBJECT TO ]HANGE. AFTER OCT. 1 REAL PRT]P. TAX:rl'ltrUNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANOE. PLEASE ]ONTACT THE TREASURERS OFFTCE FOR ]ORRECT A'.ISUNT PRIOR TO REI'IITTING. NOTICE THE WOERSGNEO. DO HEREBY CERTIFY T]'IAT THE ENTIRE AIt Ot NT} TA(ES OUE UPON TH€ AEOVE DESCRIBED PARCELS OF REAL PROP- :RW A''IO AI OUTSTANDhE SALES FOR T'NPAIO T^)(ES AS SI{OYI'N :lY THE FE@RDS lN MY OFFCE, FROi, WHICH IHE SAME ItiAY STILL 3C REO€EMEO WTTH IHE ArcUNT REOI,IRED fOR AED€MPTON ARE \S IIOIED HEREN. r WIINESS IVTIEREOF,\I HA\G HEREI},ITO SCi IliIV XEHO AI.ID SEAL}ilS OIAY OF JULy AD te 9l TREASURER, EAGI€ COT'NW SHERRY'BRAI{OOil IHFi CERTIFICATE OO€S I{OT II{CLUDE I.^NO OB IMPROVEMENTS ASSES. SED UNOER A SEPARATE SCTEil.'LE NUI,|BER, PERSOITIAL PROPERTY TDGS. TRANSFER TAX OR MISC. TN( @II-ECTED ot{ 8€HALF OF OTHER ENTITIES. SPECIIAL OR LOCAL nPffi\TEMENT DISTBICT ASS€SSM$IIS OR i,NB|tE HCN'ES. t'.ItESS SPECIFICALLY MENTIC'NED. FEE FOR ISSUTNG TH|S CERTIFICATE $ 10. OO CURBEI{TTAX TAX DUE: 7,5?3.66 ADVERTISING: MISC: TOTAL TN( DT'E TAX LIEN SALES OR OELINOUENT TAX TOTAL AMOUNT TO REDEEM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TOTAL SPEC. ASSMTS Dt.|E STATUS: PAID o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oo o. oc o. oo w A,la<; bKm Iart,-o(?L ) al-tbxrLd tuo t4 buning TO: FROM: DATE: SUBTECT: -PrJ4m e- /Vqh>-w--zaL'r rrv/,o-i- {-r\ II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The proposed drivewaY meets standards in terms of width proposed at a rnaximum gradeto be heated. section Afl?t/additionalVillage First aII zoning and developnent and slope. The drive isof 8? and wiII not be required A request for a paving varianse fron 18.52.080(E) in order to construct andwelling unit on Lot,3; 81ock 7, Vailfiling/97 Rockledge'Road.'Applicant: Clint JoseY tu{f, \ail{t I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARTANCE REOUESTED The applicant is requesting a variance fron Section L8.52.080(E) - Parlcing Standards - Surfacing. This section requires that aII off-street parking be paved. UnderSection i-8.64.050(D), if a property is reguesting additional development, and there are deficiencies in the existing site development, the DRB and 'staff shal1 require request thatall developnent standards be met. Currently, Lots 2 and 3 use this driveway as access from Rockledge Road. The applicant has reguested approval ofadditional GRFA and a seconil dwelling unit for L,ot 3 andwilt therefore be required to pave the driveway to Lots 2 and 3. A variance fron this requirement is necessary because a portion of the driveway is on Forest Serviceproperty, and at this tirne the U.S.F.S. will not allow the applicant to pave the drive at this tirne. The applicant has agreed to post a letter of credj-t for such improvements and would proceed with paving the drive if and when approval from the Forest Service is received. ttElilORANDItU Planning and Environnental Connission Conrnunity Developnent Department (h*rn" April 8, 1991 III.@ Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 ofthe vail Municipal code, the Conrnunity Developrnent Department recomrnends approval of tbe reguested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationsbip of the reguested varl.ance toother existing or poteDtl.al uses and strustures Lutle vicinity. The staff finds that the reguest to not irnnediatelypave the driveway will not have an irnpact on any adjacent properties. If the U.s.F.S. denies theapplicant approval to pave, the driveway would rernaingravel . The visibility of the drive is such that thenegative impact would only be on the owners of Lots 2 and 3. The driveway grade neets the required 88 grade, and is not reguired to be heated. The staff findsthat, with the addition of a secondary unit to Lot 3,it is necessary to reguire the paving of the driveway. However, due to the pending Forest Service action, theapplicant is unable to cornmit to paving. The drivewill be paved should the Forest Service approve the reguest. 2. The degree to rhish rellef from the strict andliteral interpretation and enforcement of aspecified regulation is necessary to achieveconpatibility and uniformity of treatnent amongsites Ln the viclnity or to attaln the objectivesof tbis title witbout grant of special privilege. Staff finds that the granting of this request would not be a grant of sPecial privilege. At the tirne that the driveway and Rockledge Road were constructed, the exact boundary of the National Forest was unknown. At thistime, the exact location of the Forest Service boundaryis being reviewed and verified. Rockledge Road and other driveways which encroach on Forest Service land have been paved without pernission from the ForestService. It has been only recently that the Forest Service has taken action on such reguests. 3. The effect of the requestecl varianee on ligbt andalr, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilitl.es, public facilities andutilitiese and Public,safety. :,i ;: I.t lr,.i staff finds that the request on the above criter{a. i ; will not have any inpacts or B. of3. That the granting of the variance will notconstitute a grant of special privilege inconsLstent with the liuritations on otherproperties cladsified in.the same distrlct. That the granting of thdjvariance will not be detrinental to the public health, safety or welfare, or nateriatly injurious to properties improveuents in the vicinitY. That the variance'is warranted for one or morethe following reasons:, The strict literal interpretation or enforcemerit of the specified regulation wouldresult in practical difficulty or unnecessaryphysical hardshitri itrconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally ito other properties in the sarne zone. b. v. c. The strict interpretation or enforcenent of the specifiefl regulation would deprive the applicant,of privileges enjoyed by the ownersoi other properties in the same district. I, STAFT RECOMI,TENDATION Staff recornmends approval of the reguest. we find that the inability of the applicant to pave'the exlsting driveway at this tirne, because it is'pn Fordst'service J-and, to be a physical hardship and should not be considered a grant oflpecial privilege. If the drive could be relocated onto thealplicant's property, staff and DRB nould reguire that the A-r-ive be paved it ttre tirne of development. However' since relocation is not possible, we find that the existing location and the requirenient to pave in the zoning code tocreateahardship. i I 3 The applicant is willing to post a letter of credit for thepaving of the driveway. :Should the applicant's reguest tothe Forest Service to pave the driveway be denied, theIetter of credit would be returned to the applicant and the driveway nould remain unpaved. .lge acknoltledge that the drLveway may never be paved. However, Iile recognize that the owner is cornmitted to paving thq drlveway if approval isreceived fron the u.S.F.s. c :\pec\neoos\Josey.408 4 I I a- i.t"k -ft"9+.4lihe- ' I ,--lIt r9 !\_ cf' :a I I : ! TI? -\\.:fiEl # +J"-)A^-rruWf -P-q PUBLIC NOTICE NOTTCE IS IIEREBY GMN ttrat the PlanninE and Environmental Counlsslon of the Town of Vail wlll hold a public hearing !'n accordance wlth sectLon 18.66.060 of the uunlelpal code of the Town of vall on Aprll 8, 1991 at 23oo p.u. ln the Town of Vall uunlclpal Bulldlng. Conslderatlon of: A request for a variance frou pavlng drlverayr,qg?ey Residenee, Ipt 3, Block 7, VaiI Village Flrst ELILng/ 97 RockledEe Road.Appllcant: Cll,nt iloseY A request for a eetJcack varl.ance, Forbes Residence, TeTag Townliouses 48 and 58, Lot 48/58 , vall Vll1age Fourth filing/ {83 Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Walter Forbes A request for a eetback variance at the Chrlett'anl'a lodge, I.ot 5, Block 2, vail vlllage First Filing,/ 356 Hanson Ranch Road.ApplLcant: Paul t sally Johnston A request for a eetback variance, Pitto Residence' Lot 3, Blocti 1, val.I vlllage Eleventh Filtng/ 2920 Booth Creek Drive.nppllcant: J. Russell Pltto A reguest to repeal Town of Vall Munlclpal code chaPter- 18.7i - Additional GroEs Residentlal Floor Area, conmonly referred to as the n25O Ordinance.rlApplieant: Town of VaiI Appea1 of staff decision that Christiania Lodge rEievelopnent proposal considered by lhe Dl'B 9n March 6, 1991 is in vlolat-ion of the zoning code, 356 Hansen Ranch Road/ I,ot D, Block 2, Vail Vlllage lst Filing Applicant: Bl11 l.lorton of Jack Dtorton Associates, Inc. A reguest to anend Town of Vall Uunl'clpat Code Sectlon 18.5i.160 - off street Parklng and roading Exernptionsr -Sectl-on Le.24. 180 - Conmerclal Core I ParkLng and Loading, section 18.26.150 - Counerclal core II Parking ang Ioading, ana sectton 18.22.140 - hrbtlc Acconmodatlon Parklng and IoadLng.Appl!.cint3 Town of Vail A regueBt to auend Town of Vail t{unl.clPal_Code.Sections 16.O{.330, 16.20.160, and 16.20-220 - t{indow alEms. Appl.ieant: To$n of Vall )(r. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7. 8. 3 -ar -v7 9. A worksession to consider a conditl.onal pernit and adensity variance to allow the construction of additions toexisting Etructures and the construction of enployee houslngon the Days Inn sLte, 2211 N. Frontage Roadr/ I€t 1, Block A,Vail Das Schone Third Aillng, a resubdivision of VaiI DasSchone First Filtng.Applicant: Peter Jacobs of Days Inn All Ltens tabled from the Uarch 25, L99L PEC neetl.ng agenda. a use information about the proposals arelnspection Ln the Conmunity Development Departnentfrall on litarch 22, L99L. The applicatLons andavaLlable for public Departnent office. Town of Vail Connunity DevelopnentRrblished in the vall Vernon Taylor Uary Noel Lamont U,S. Forest Service 107 RockledEe Road 87 Rockledge Road Holy Cross Ranger Dlst.Vail, CO 81657 George Gillett 45 vail RoadVail, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81657 P.O. Box 190Itlinturn, Co 81645 DEFMRTMENT EF _--- ,E@MMUNITV DEVELEFMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM ACCoUNT t c0srNO. EA. I 0000 41330 cou. D6t APPUC.IIION FEES I 0000 41540 ZONINC AI.ID ADDRESS UAPS 1988 UNtFoRtr Butr-DtNc coDE 0c00 42415 1983 UNtFoRtr PLUUETNC CODE 10000 12+13 1988 UNtFoRll UEcHANtcAL coDE 100c0 42415 19t8 UNIFORII RRE CODE | 0000 4.2413 1987 NA]IONAL E:CTACAL CODE 10000 12115 OT}iER CODE BOOKS | 0000 41548 PRINTS (uruns) 01.0000 42412 0x coPtEs / sruoEs I oooo lzszt B / nE-NSPECIION oFF HouRs nspacaoH tb CON::iA TORS UCENSES fEES 0t 0000 rat4t3 .stcil lttuc,$Ioll ao i.:a:lIt,r*lriiliiiiir Y11Se2P4l/t# lW ?av11l^1l{^'L*2od 9)o1 a+tr|CIEIJ rsUI rel I 5 t I!f ) iI I *,.d *Jt8q t{ iipid's{ lifti$ I $ I( It II **tgsl iii l*ll$n t:L E .""),A ,A,. >r= -r,\ oir i I sl .rlol JI fil -f I -lJI \r. ,'/V\*t\'. )r11w&Elffi W,t*'y'rlt\liilL,''pcvi ffi 32fEt1€, )Al -+ I -€ I+ \: I KiI ,/ ./ o ${qvda1!n€d l.ler* .>t !y11t^,lt Lwop etol ?'{1'rl9v{,J.asof M NoLb{Afla HjrE' tt :l aa f* xg $ iit I ti $s63 l! J lr tij- | 1- 1-_1F- __--J Itl __; fi E!\ E H I II iBi *-i$' * F i J fr F ,f Itl t iI { ),t *Y't[tA1V Lffi14 9]'1t\&BJ I?Fr.r i* 9l Il "l'71 EI rl EI JI t $ I EI!$ir5il t Project Application Date Name: ----:\u,Proiect Project Contact Description: Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: -11 .l I iy\Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n: Lot b , Blocr f . riting Comments: elrzone i f 'l Design Review Board Date Motion by: ..1-' seconOeo (;(Ct t'( ato,, \lu it lf D APPROVAL'1'D D ISAPPROVA L tr,){ ft (; n In :t't , , v ri _ Su m mary: Town E Statt Approval March 'l 1, 199'l Ms. Kristen Pritz, Director Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81657 Re: Vari.ance from Paving Driveway Dear Kristen and Commissioners: Mr. Clint Josey is co-owner of 97 Rockledge Road and hasapplication to DRB to make improvements to his property,a secondary unit to Lot 3, Block 7, Vail Village 1st. Access to this property and others as well as portions of Road are in the White River National Forest. madei.e., add Rockledge Mr. Josey and his neighbors intend to improve, pave, and heat theexisting driveway they have lived with for 27 years. Mr. Joseywill pave and heat the portions on his property now. Applicationfor this action is into the Forest Servi-ce. In the interim, the Applicant wishes to continue with their plansto build this surnmer, and reguest relief from 18.52.080 gection E and ordinance 19.1976 until lie will be allowed@ Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, OLD/GWATHMEY/RATT ARCHITECTS, P.C. ard M. Gwathmey, Af El.,tGlad Enclosures to:copy Clint Josey '#. i'1r.ela *oao t ii$ \\ iQ ii* P^\:ildo7\\ltQlAtrrsl\lltAttrr ...'lIl:l iiix4 lil[-A oo€:tr =m a s Ti:af'l ,; i.lo fgr- 6) o rrl9-h=NFDFR iYl mzi) r;l.:l .!zs1 It at n.ms:<:zY'';) !-qz; !', tl r! l i , \\\\\\\.\\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\..\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'. a! a 'l aahaaaaaaaaaa?aa a aatataaoa a .)l aaaa 'laaaaaaaaa1lat ooooolloo(6oo ooooo %Er? oooooo :l'ii.*jooo)Q.orogo f oo( ri:;*.',Fj 'oo0OOOI )ooooooXtot b"oofJ fl$$ $:Hq#t&'4iaaaaaa la aaa aa a l'1 , \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \' ! ,l't I .:,' K,\ \Q ', .\u +'./ri-'fi' o SD i\4Ali 1 'r iegl! Apptication out@ MEETING DATE A VARIANCE PEC APPLICATION FOR t.Thi s wil l A. procedure ls required not be accepted until for any project requestlng a variance.all lnformatlon is submitted. The appl icatlon NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS Rfr.FtJ NAME OF APPLICANT'S ADORESS REPRESENTATIVE I'tuP t0Do PHONE c.NAME 0F 0I,{NER(S) (type or print s ADDRESS PHONE O. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 91 KftKLfDff' RO LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 3 BLOCK,1 FIFTLTNG vl vAtL, rjtutncr; tsr PAI D cK#FROM THE FEE MUST 8E PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I,IILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. E.'G F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIN0 AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT IIILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMEER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO.)DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION t^lILL 8E ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUOE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT Is THE APPLjcANT.S RESPONSIBILITY TO [nxE nn APPoINTI,IENT I,IITH THE STAFF TO FINO OUT AEOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT gV OECREFIfrG-THE NUI'IBER oF cONDITIoNS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING'AND ENVIRoNMENTAL CoMMtSSIoN MY sTrpuLATE. ALL CoNDITIONS 0F APPROVAL MUST 8E COMPLIED I,IITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERJ,IIT IS ISSM" ' , Ilr. rouR (4) coPrEs 0F THE F0LLOWING MUST BE SUBMTTTED: €\.{o.Drtlo , A. 4-!NITIEry 5TATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THEREGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO AODRESS: '1. The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potential/ uses and structures ln the'vicinity. \/2. The_ degree to-which relief from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement ol:,rl::lll:l^r:gytation is.necessarv.to achi.u. iorpiiiuiritvand uniformitv of treatment among sites ln the viiinity o" to iiiiin'[r,"obJecti'res of this tltle without grant of special privirege. OVER o 3. The effect of the variance o1 light and air, dlstributjon of-population'r" iiirriiriition, irairii facilitiis, utilities, and public safetv. A toooqraphic and/or lmprovement survey at a scale of at least lu - 20' stamped'Uu-i'i6ioiiao ticbnsea iurveyor includlng locations of al'l.existing.lmprove- ;i";.;-iiliuOi"g-giiJes-ana 6teuations. -0ther elements which must be shown. i.i-iirii"g-ini-foaaing ireus, lngress and egress, landscpped areas and utjlity and drainage features. ilrto$^D - A site plan at a scale of at least lrro 20r showing existing and proposed buildings. gp"Lddp - A]'l prelimtnary bullding elevations the dimensions' general appearance, existing and proPosed on the site. 2-Vari ance B. c. D.and floor plans sufficient to indicate sca'le and use of all buildings and spaces tst,tLCredlt- E. A pre'timinary title report to verify ownership and easements FbR[ f tr6 F.Iftheproposalislocatedjnamu]ti-fam.i.|ydevelopmentissociatioir, then wrltten approval from the associationpi"iiit-trai tie ieceived bv'i outv authorized agent for . N,ar-G. Rny'laAittonal material necessary for the review of the delermined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modificationsr an improvement waived by the zoning administrator. : Time Requirments The Planning and Env'ironmental-Commission meets 6?-eiritr-'mdnitr. A complete aPplicatlon form and iir-a"i.iiued above) inust be. lubmitted-a minimum iEa ;ubiic hearing.. No incomplete applications aamt i'r i strator ) wi i I be accepted by the pl ann'i ng nated submittal date. which has a homeownersin support of the said association. application as survey and slte Plan maY be IV. on the 2nd and 4th MondaYsall accomPanYing material of 4 weeks Prior to the date of (as determined bY the zoningitaff before or ifter the desig- th JOSEY - APPLICATION TOR A VARTANCE III. Nature of Variance RequestedRelief from pavi-ng drive which i-s on Forest Service land Regulation18.52.080 Section E 1. Relationship of the requested variance to other existingor potential uses and structures in Lhe vicinity. None; the driveway is not presently paved. 2. Degree to which relief from the street or literalinterpretation and enforcement is necessary to achievecompatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites inthe vicinity or to attain the objectives of this titlewithout grant of special privilege. O!'lner wishes to pave and heat drive and will do so whenpermission is granted. Until such time he reguests theexisting condition remain. 3. Effect of variance on light and air, distribution ofpopulation, transportation, traffic facilitiesr utilities and public safety. No effect. ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Lot 3 - Block 7 Vail ViIIage 1stHunt-Josey Primary-Secondary 97 Rockledge Road Vernon Taylor 107 Rockledge RoadVail, CO 81657 George Gillett45 Forest RoadVai1, cO 81657 Mary NoeI Lamont 87 Rockledge RoadVail, CO 81557 U. S. Forest ServiceMinturn, CO PETER COSG RIFF JOHN W OUNN ARTH UR A. ABPLANALB JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN LAWRENCE E HARTLAU B Law OFFTcES CosoRrrr. DUNN & AapLnNeup A PASTNERSHIP II{CLUDIIIG A PROFESSIONAT CORPORATION VArL NATToNAL BaNK Bu tLDTNG Su rrE 3oo IO8 SoUTH FRoNTAGE RoAo WEST lN LEAovtLLE: CoscRrFF. DUNN & BERRY P. O. aOX ll VA|L. COLORAOO e1657 LEADVILIE, co|-gR,rDO 60'l€l (7t9) zr€la - laas TELEPHoNEi (3O3) 476 -755? TELEcoPIERT 13O3) 476- 4765 6 March 1991 Town of Vail Department of Communlty DevelopmentAttentlon: SheIIy Mello 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 3, Block 7, VaiI Village Flrst Filing Dear: Ms. MeIIo: Thls office represents Clinton Josey, Jr., who owns an undivided one-half lnterest ln the above property and who has before the Town of Vail a request for the development of a secondary unlt complementing the slngle-family dwelllng now occupying the property. The other haff of the property inquestion is owned by Davtd S. Hunt, and the property to the eastls owned by Mr. and Mrs. BIII Lamont. These other owners have been consulted by our client regarding the proposal whlch ourclient has before the Town of Vail, and both have generally lndlcated thelr willingness to cooperate ln the goals and effortsoutlined in this letter. f understand that you have requested that the ollners of Lot 3 obtain from the United States Forest Service approprlatepermisslon to occupy and improve that driveway extending from theeast end of Rockledge Road which provides access to our cllent'gproperty and to one property on each slde of our client'sproperty. I have been asked to lnvestigate the manner in whlchyour request might be satisfied and to respond to your request. The method by which our cfients may obtain the permission whlch you request is through a Unlted States Forest Servlcespecial use permlt. Such a process ls ordlnarlly reasonabJ.ystraightforward. In the case of Rockledge Road, however, the United States Forest Servlce is unable, at this time, to take any action on such a reguest. The reasons for that position on thelrpart are two-fold. First, the Town of Vail has requested such apermit on a portion, if not all, of Rockledge Road. our client's reguest would therefore be a competing application and could adversely affect and delay the application which has been made bythe Town of Vail. Secondly, the Forest Service has delayed eventhe application of the Town of Vail due to the fact that the THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IS OUNN A ABFLANALB P.C. IN VAIL. agency wishes to make a "1and ownership adJustment survey" by which it witl identify which properties adjacent to ForestService property encroach on government property. That agency has determined that the development of Lot 3 has not created Euch an encroachment. The position of the Forest Service is that Itprefers not to grant competing permits whlch could be confllctlngln their terms and their use. It is the positlon of the Forest Service that handling Rockledge Road and the driveway to the eastln an individual-ized manner would be such a hazard. In fact,granting a special use permit for the driveway would assume thegranting of the Town of VaiI special use permit applicatlon. Consequently, at thls time any application on behalf of ourclient would be counterproductive to the Town's efforts and would probably delay the Town from achieving its goal of obtainingproper authority over aII or part of Rockledge Road. Although practlcal access to our cllent's propert'y ls over the driveway at the east end of Rockledge Road, and our client desires to assune responsibllity over that driveway, eitherindividually or in cooperatlon with his neighbors, that cannot be accomplished at this time. Our clj.ent is willlng to enter lnto a commitment to the Town of vall that he wlII, possibly ln association with the adjoining property owners, improve the driveway servlng the property in guestion in an approprlate manner, includlng heatlng. Hovteverr any actual work toward thls end must avrait United States Forest Service action on the Toltn ofVaiI's application, which itself will not be considered by the Forest service until completlon of its land ownership adjustment survey., I hope that the foregoing information is adequate for yourpurposes. If you desire some commitment on the part of ourctient toward driveway lmprovements upon the lssuance of theUnited States Forest Service special use permlt' r,te will be pleased to work with you to that end. If you require any furtherinformation, or if you have any questions regarding thls matter, you may, of course, contact me. AAAJT: Jxc: Mr. Clint Josey, Jr.Mr. David S. HuntMr. and Mrs. B11l LamontMr. Ned Gwathmey A. Abplanal DAE IPPLICJtrIIIOIT DATE APPI.,TCATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB I.IEETING: *****THIS APPLICATION WIIJJ NOT BE ACCESIED I'NTIL ALL INFORI'IATIONIS SUB!.!II1!ED***** r. PRE-APPIJTCATION UEETTNG: A pre-application neeting with a planning staff uenber isstrongly suggested to deter:uine if any additionalinforuation iE needed. lto application will be accepted the zoning adninistratorl . It ls the appllcantrsresponsibility to nake an appointrnent witn tne staff to findout about additional sr:buittal reguirenente. please note process for your proJect by decreasing the number ofconditions of approval thal the DRB rniy stipulate. ALLconditions of approvaL must be resolved before a buildingpernit lE issued. Application will not be proceseedwithout ownerts Signature. that a COUPLETE application will streamline the approval A.PROJECI DESCRTPUON: B. I'CATION OF PROPOSAI.I: Address c) Legal Deecrj.ption Lot Block c. D. snbdivision V/ lrr NN-1E oF APPI,TqAIIT z IN!€ i, MR) NAl.fE OF APPLfCANT I S REPRESENTATM: Zoning o.N,do Uailing llailing Address: F Prrone +'lb'll+'l OWNERS: slctrtrrnRE(8) 3 Mailing Address: Phone Condoninium Approval if applJ.cable. tlDf Agl',[f{Bt,e. DRB 8EE: The fee nill be paid at ttre tirne a buildinqoermit is naid for. r. G. VALUATTON $ o-I 10,001 -I 50,001 - s150,001 -9500,001 --.9 Over s 10, oooI 50,ooo$ 150,000I 500,000 91, ooo, ooo sI'r 00o, o0o FEE $ ro.oo I25.00$ s0.00 9100.00 s200. oo s300. o0 II. TUPORTN{T NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBUISSIONS TO THE DRB: -\t A. In addition to neeting subnittal reguirenents, theappllcant nust etake the site to indicate propertylines and building corners. Treea that will be removeduust also be uarked. This work uust be completedbefore the DRB visits the site. 1,rt)171LFE &qFltf B. The reviehr process for NEW BUILDINGS will normalJ.yinvolve two separate meetings of the Design ReviewBoard, so the applicant should plan on at least twoneetings for a final approval . ? Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard at their scheduLed ueeting and who have not askedfor a postponement will be required to be republished. D. At the discretion of the zoning administrator, thefollowing items nay not have to be presented to theDesign Reviev Board. llhey, however, have to bepresented to the Planning Departrnent for approval: a. l{indovs, sklzlights and sinilar exterior c}rangesthat do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from anyother Iot or public space, wlrich have had letterssubnitted from adJoining property owners approvingthe addition; and/or approval from the agent for,or nanager of a condoninium association. you may be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studieson your property (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debrisflow, wetlands, etc). You should check vitlr a TownPlanner before proceeding. c. E. ,-@ LIST OF I.TATERIAI,S NA}{E OF PRO-7ECI: IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: I.oT BI'CK STREET ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION V/ I'T' DESCRIPTION OF PROJEET: The following infonatLon isReview Board before a final At- ffi Eflxr1tr/u A. required for subulttal to the Deslgnapproval can be given: TYPE OF !{ATERIAL COIORBUILDING !{ATERIAI.S: Roof Siding Other I{aII Materials Fascia Sofflts I{indows I{indow Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. IAI{DSCAPING: PIANT }TATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES Name of Designer: Phone: Eela&!selJane common Name ouantitv Size*lFffiJ lb -L*'E B\rvRp MtRr-. cffip- EXTSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED fErr\stf I'vrr1E_ *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimun caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous 1.1P;t l.t l,t.^ trees. Uininun heicht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PIAIIT UATERIAI,S: PROPOSED SIIRUBS Comnon Name ouantity SiZg;| EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED rlndicate size-of proposed shrubs. llinimurn size of shrubs is 5 qalIon. Scruare Footaqe GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR UETIIOD OF EROSION CONTROL Botanical Narne N*tr. c. olItER LAIIDSCAPE FELTITRES (retaining walls, fences, swimning pools, etc.) Please specify. fndicate heights of retaining isafls. ltaxinum height-of wills wj.thj.n the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of nalls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. F6I.F,(z t?6'lP{}rl\&u'\u,b sTl^uofi- , -'!(J r SUBDIVISION i'OB NAME BIOCK ADDRESS / P"nl U.S. West ComrnunicationsL-800-922-L987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company. 949-5781r' . Gary tlall b. et\o FILING V.V. t$ Fc">a Authorlzed Sionature [>, ( r{, ', 1 = led.^c- The location of utllitres, whether they be main trunk rines orprgpg:9d ltnes, must be approved and virifiea-uv-lne forrowingutilities for the acconpairling site plan. Holy Cross Electric 949-5892 Ted Husky,/Michael Heritage Cablevision 949-5530. eflFJbhmln Ctar. NOTE: Upper Eagle Valley Water& Sanitation District ,r 47 6-7 480j./' Fred Haslee Assoc. Laverty T.V. H\s 4 -//- 7/ (o-u-I , 6- //-1/ _* Please bring a site plan when obtainJ-ng upper Eagre Valteyl{ater & Sanitation signatures. *.^ ,tzrstiq qa-- servt(o .is Lir( .)fO seate-r/r;4/til)d ,^tit/ -u.ey' t'o 4e- re/ocr-Ye-,D tit coot-Ab,di,s'l ..e,, jf* -b4-;- "p-rb,--i6t /f* *d (r. # k ^t,b I e-z)s*u1 L6r,ts, Pd fr's-)fu L ?oeule !7e 6-rl-?/ These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut perrnit fronthe Town of Vail, Department of public t{orks and toobt3in Utilltv locations before dlqcrincr in any publicrrght-of-rday or easement in the Town of Vail . Abuildinq,pernit is not a street cut permlt. a Etreetcut permit rnust be obtained separately. This forrn is to verify service availability andlocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing.your utility plan and schedirtinginstaltations. Ttv*fcz Foa!uo*1, I ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRIETS DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block - Filing ADDRESS: OWNER Fence,/Retaining l{all Heights 3' /6' Parking Reqrd PHONE PIIONE Allowed Existing Proposed Total (30) (33) 201 15 1 15r (30) (50) (3oo) (600) (eoo) (1200) (50) (100) ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE ARCHITECT IPT SIZE Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscaping Credits: Garage Mechanical Airlock (2s) (50) Storage (2OO) (4oo) Drive: Pernitted Slope 88 Actual Slope Approved by Town Engineer:Date: Environmental/Hazards : Avalanche 1) Flood Plain 2) t Slope 3) ceoloqic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) RockfalI c) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATTON SUBDIVISION IPT 3 BrocK 7 FTLTNG JOB NN4E ADDRESS U.S. l{est Comrnunications 1-800-922-L987 458-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 .cary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc.949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-55 3 0Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 4SOFred Haslee Authorized Sicrnature Date The location of utllities, whether they be nain trunk lLnes orproposed 1ines, rnust be approved and verified by the followingutilitles for the accompanying site plan. NOTE3 1 in any publlcright-of-way or easement j.n the Town of Vail . AA streetcut permit nust be obtained separately. This fonn is to verify seri\rice availability andIocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing your utility plan and schedulinginstallations. * Please brlng a site plan when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley water & Sanitation signatures. These verifications do not relieve ttrehls responsibility to obtain a atreetthe Town of VaiI, Department of Public contractor ofcut perrnit fronworks and to DArE: 'I:LL1\ ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USEIPT SIZE Height Total GRFA Prlnary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbasks: Front Sides Rear Water Courge Site Coverage Landscaplng Fence/Retaining WalI Hei Parking ock rage Dri.ve: ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS : Iot (50) Block 7 rui"s Vf f'(' TotaI s5 I,EGAL DES ADDRESS: OT{NER Pronosed 33 ttas g6 w|J, 15 t,toJ' VaFt6, rP HilHEaribo- $4t - 413,5t5'tntl If)|.F, (300)0)_ (e0o) (1 (50) (100 (2s) (so) (200) (4oo) b 4Wt5, AssuMrrzz 4?5 FEP,srF ruR- t{€l$ cFprrJAp(rt- 8.L -tted Slope 88 Actual SloPe Approved by Town Engineer:Date: Flood Plain IU.A- * Slope Geologic Hazar.ds PcLb' a) Snovr Avalsitche \JDr,t, b) Rockfall \Itt c) Debris Flon Oohr. 1) 2l 3) Allowed (30) (33) 5s3L .33tg 4 ) lfetlands pilja Or UKW ?w ftb t/=1.lqttl^.J *r.nL4u1 Px'u"t>' ZONE CHECK roRsFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRTCTS , -1-I /-lfr PHONE PHONEARCHITECT ZONE DISTRTCT PROPOSED USEI'T SIZE -/ Secondary GRFA -/Setbacks: Front Sides Rear u,Water Courge Credits: carage Tlit'' /) /\/- z^'L! vt. t- 201 151 15! (30) (50) Proposed Total 4<2i4 U,lz,l€ 3o\1,tOO -ute. . 1 -tqt' \b I t14,lb /site coveraveff -,'r.andscapinq " 16ol t, A4t, fr|' tt4c '+,+(\ /*+fi vs x) 2, 3) Fence/Retalnlng l{all Heights 3t/61 Parking Reqrd 6+ nrA rl r't tl'.; z-21 lo:--e-t.ool @rgoot dfoc Drl,ve: Permitted Slope 8t Actual Slope !lechanical Airlock storage (eoo) (It00) (50) (1oo) (25) (50) (200) (400) Date: tu"r Approved by Town Engfneer: Envlronmental/Hazards : Avalanche Flood Plain t Slope Geologic Hazards a) snos Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debrls Flow 4) Wetlands DArEs ? r, ql .i -1I-,EGAI., DESCRIPTION: I.Ot '' BIOCK -/ FiIINg ADDRESS: OWNER Allowed " \)l"nfwU rcAA((A +N at/\rt;a7- ;raQ*L-rrer'".c"vJ - |W\^,* pcd- A \t*f,-( Y-l cttd-(f /A) U tdA^ f'frvwi\ ' ' 0,v'rw tD I Vn v€.6Tt"heA tD E*1, ) ' )--KTYL) I HTEP..OEP.qRT}IENTAL REV I EW DATE OF PUSLIC HEARING _---'7 PROJECT: DATE SU3I,I CCI'J"IENTS IIEEDED 8Y: BRTEF DESCRIPTION OF T}tE Ea r*y L' 1"1 z FIRE DEPARTI4ENT Reviewed by: Cocunents: 5;k ?b^ .-rho,l ) lho o fru/ox d- f r* JT- POLICE DEPARTI,IENT Revieved by: Coraerrts: RECi:EITi OX IEPART|.:!NT uJk"c i: /Ai Cu.n,.-l J,t,,d^ 7tte I t,llL ,.P* Date 0ate '|l r. . ij; Revle"red by: Co;nents: / Date ot ;r 9fl February 11, 1991 Ms. Kristen Pritz, Director Town of Vail Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81657 Re: Proposed Josey RemodefLot 3 Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing Dear Kristen: Clint and Mary Josey wish to add a secondary residence to the existing Dutch Barn structure on Rockledge Road extension. This most challenging design project includes: 1. Dealing with the existing design's compatibility, our proposal uses similar farm-like forms, but does not mj-rror the existing building; materj.als and colors will also match existing. 2. Making the proposal one structure which we feel we have done. Even though the 250 is not required, the Joseys plan to correct existing deficiencies; pave the drive and parking, and increase landscaping. Ms. Kristen Prltz February 11, '1 99'l Page 2 We understand the project is within thevariances. If you or your staffpersonto call. Thank you for your conslderation. SlncereJ.y, / cwATHr.r^EY / pnerr ARcHrrEcrs,P. C. guldelines and reguires no do not agree, don't hesltate RBASe RfiuFs i.','tl€\) hut<rte- Edward M. Gwathne EMG/ad Encl-osures: DRB AppllcationDrawings 3 ffi-Plat/SurveY Ec*ryr@-Plans of Exlsting Building copy to: Clint JoseyAl Allred It is! rlfllltl I I Il r${ iii s:$iid d,'d q$ir'1llll#in' '\ ,,)--'t. -r . \.]K;45:.,a )--o\i\. j")i ffili$t++ \-1,, 1 iXi-'*u(tr\t',$[:*\'t,ilY, ,,'Q, t,'t,.' 'ii'l','i'i:hl:li! {.: \li \\\ . \ t. I t\\I ,' \" I { \,4 ',\)\Z-i. 't Fi. tl 'r /' t t\'t'\t ii.*--i-\-i-;z \ lE \ t \ 'ir' ,t' \ \ 4 T o v' c-r!d **n)p?t Lc ,l ' 1t^1tu^ L X)a1e c )t4 arr.,A NvlrJ a^\'l frAa1 Llaat?14 llool iFt ifi rllr . rt(tI isll iiiti iiii 3r$i drll t F Jp a $fI.I a I.t I Fua 3f 0 $ p I alJf tti 6l I! I I I I I T J '-i I @. ,i I I I+ .e!$r I $li [| $lull I ,[t iiiin!tl t$ liiiil t9 it 5rts tq j{ I Ij Itl I ft ;ii tl! tii I riltltl titiifi{l {Ji ; I il.liii :l i ili; !-l l t i $l $ill $l ttl I r)rirtirtitri'ttiirt!r l Ira -1v-,tt Itfro .t* ,,,-'--:;- r ' d ? 'ir I I:i! l" t\ t.'l llOrnl itr i' I0lI tT nn-T]:t nffir-n a a t 3'rl iiii JI I ,iL. II 'rj rii \ a FJta I j {3 R ;-,;i f, .a a -!t.; ri:f,r 1" {i'1tj,-e,r#i,"t#4 'l t.I \ M MA)D LC i fzatr\ltv' L ,r26}1d a b1 a1-,+4 1ff) te^a1 \>)44 tcfaal6zt Itear !Irl hi \ FII I E It * LIrl)l F( t .lz(t{t I !E ir il !; 'I E ; I xJI t$ i l, ||lli a di.{! 'rq !PtrfrI-t Iel -Tl-,'} tI \ll tl I I rl 'd' Il r I 3i I $l$l{ lllIrL* t\ {I R I 1 0- il){ 10 ulg tt. 0u!I0r!I ; U7 $( J, L 1q x T rtl $ Ir t e FtII\ Ii I'I .Jt U It .tIJtt \ o (+J i,I s{q t't L!j .1I 0 i s bfII\l:I.\ll tlt I I I t t: E 1iF $' i$tj i %/ a'\./ t[t""t_- + ,/(r ./' . -il;c-ri;- f,r.!L'> o t '. I i l.ts_li I I. i + I iri 'tll IJ- 1 i [* l.o\1Elm fi*,' J---'. \ $xt IIt ini -\ + l,t :l6"rl$i *' !'J /'lo -1 <'.J! $)l b tt- e€) 2..4q1rcJ L-o A ?,''l1th1ts/l L>Y2Ofr 9q aa\:lcllgrM,Iss|\ l.l< rff =fE: t.-- F.tlaa 6*) ffi Lo st *trf1tlt1VA L*nfi SV1 v>+;r,\q#|J IEf Jlt_-ild E n FNI!I t ;.1 rlll ii Iil i)t et 3 llI5 J $tL i\l I, ri I I*E+ ir]x El$ * * i$ $l _rl_-+ LeRsoIl . . . The huhnud R.t"oid ffuii:' .' l": L i3 h trr. c iulr t Irl{('(Iiil)er I{c irt lirrccLl ( r rne rete ) Ir;rrtels hcin.r rr ir-cil il Il: l:inishctl lrtrlieilil rock rLnd rnutl lrrlrrrctl rr :rll l.l:''l{Lrhblc' bcinl pllt r'tl nr irrtrli( lil r r Lrtlllitrl, (i: .\ne]rir|rnL P.ilt( l\ ,,\ rllt !r(rul nrir. il'I:illrrr g irrrtl tc\tulnl! l-rclirccrr piincl.. LARS0Il Evolutio?r of a Proj..f T f wAu's A: Footing is ready with steel reinforcing and bulkheads. I: Seaming. D: Spraying shotcrete: 10" thick at the top of the wall and 16" thick at the bottom of the wall (approx). C: Tying steel curtain and placing the moisture-proof membrane K: Colored artificial mud text roots and stones being plac B: Pouring of the concrete footing: l8 to 20" thick and 4 to 8' (fr) wide. J: Blending of textures.L: Stainins of rock face. 1olto $I * \) u F $ v,{1I, ..^f--a'-,E.Y; o bolloo Fao"TqPo ?' L)l ?o*lo i$ t t\ s $\t\) & { $A- P $ w .-'4 .,, .. -. ,.1. ' .N* illi 'I r ,