HomeMy WebLinkAbout97 Rockledge Rd/ . -t*rrrNr oF coMMUMry orutorr*TO\^/NOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970479-2738 Ur^( U.\\-O t Lot sA, BU.i\! NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROIECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,P/$DUP) PERMIT Permit #: 801-0094 job Address: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 97 Rockledge Road Applied . . : 04/30/2001 ParcelNo...: 210707775033 Issued. .: 06/20/2001. ProjectNo : ?04-6t'Ob6t Expires. .: 12/17/2001 CONTRACTOR SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION 04/30/20Ot Phone: 970-845-s6s6 P O BOX 373 VAIL CO 81558 License: L29-B APPTTTCAIIT SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTTON O4/30/2OOL Phone: 970-845-5555 P O BOX 373 VAIL CO 81558 I-,icense z 129-B o$INER BENNETT DORRANCE TRUST 05/3L/2001, Phone: 7600 E DOI]BLETREE RJANCH RD 3OO SCOTTSDAI-,E AZ 8s2 s8 I-,icense: Desciption: NEWSFROccupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Dwellings zone 3 v-N 138.55 6,466 $895,864.30 Private Garages zone 3 V-N 36.2! 846 $30,533.65Totals... 6,466 $3,573'o74.oo* Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 3,573,074.00 Fireplace Information: Rescicted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 2 # of Gas Logs: 2 # of Wood Palleh 0 FEE SUMMARY Building--> 912 , 052 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review->So. o0 Total Calculated Fees-> S2L,375 .2O Plan Check-> 5?,840.30 DRB Fee---> $500.00 Additional Fees --> S0.00 \ Investigation-> will call->53 . oo Clean-up Def!osit----> TOTAL FEFS;----> i2r , 31s .2o BALANICE DUE->$0 .00 Approvals:IEe-n: 05100 BUfLDING DEPARTMENT 04,/30/2001 iIRM Action: No PIJAI.IS TO CHARITIE, ALLISON, Pw o5/3L/2ooL cDAvrs Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENr o6/La/20oL ao Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DBPARTI{EMI It.ern: 05500 PITBI-,IC WORKS OS/I4/2OOL LS Action: DN NEED STAI,'PED APPROVED DRAWINGS FOR BOITLDER SO - OO Recreation Fee--> 5969 . 90 Total Permit Fee--> $2r,315.20 go. oo Paymmts-> 92L,315.20 RETAINING WA],IJS FROM LICENSE o6/L3 /2oo]- T-,s I'ICENSE PE. ONIJY TWO COPYIES IUem: 05550 ENGINEERING Action: AP SUBMITED, DRAWINGS RECIEVED BOI'I.,DER RETAINING TO BE TN FTIJE AT COM/DEV. WALL DRAWINGS F: RETURNED TO AIJIJ a P. E. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the infonnation required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin6 and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and ottrer ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR TNSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUn nOUnS ru Apv-eNCt OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 \PM. Serd Clean-up Deposit To: SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR ANDOWNET / PAGE2 CONDINONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 801-0094 as of 062G2001 Status: ISSLIED ffi rffi ffi t*****ffi **##*rt*!t*iffiihtrl*rffi PennitType: NEW(SF&P/S,DLJP)PERMT Applied: U/30/n01 Applicant SHAEFFERCONSTRUCTION Issued: M/20/2W1 Job Address: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location: 9TRockledgeRoad ParcelNo: 270107775033 CONDITIONS Cond:33 (PLAN) THIS PROIECT MLLREQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENTSURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BESUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIORTOREQUESTFOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONSARE REQUIRED TOCHECK FORCODE COMPUANCE. * **** *lt|t** * *** * **++t f+ ** * ******** ** * * *+ + + + + + + ++********* * **** *** + *i + ++ + + f + **** *** t tt * *** * *f TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StatemeNrt * * * * * * **** + * {' * *+ + + ++ + *t * '}** * * * * *'* * + * * * * i * + + + + + * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * *t f:t * + + ++ +**t l' * * * *'}* ** ** **** Statement Nurdber 3 R000000972 Anount: $21,375.20 O6/2O/2OOL09:01 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #646rL / eeotge Shaeffer Conat. Permit No: 801-0094 TlFe: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Parcel No: 21010711503 3 Site Address: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIIJ Location 3 97 Rockledge Road Total Fees: i2L,375.20This Palment: 92L,375-20 Total ALL Pmta: $2L,375.2OBalance: $0.00 * | I ++ i+ +** * * * {.*'t l. * ** * ** * *** * * * + t* + + + + + * I | * ** ***** * *** * * ** * *a**** **** * * * **** *+i + ++**'t'}'t *'}'}'}*1. ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI.J FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES t^JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 12.062.00 500 .00 7,840.30 969. 90 3. 00 q) I .J' E U aa P b€Er, b bl-;Es, +€:: rE e'-gF;!pr€'E;5.: AE F PD:.i.e s.E€ es >-9.5E.:'irJit!xe-- tr qxeF 0 g e !tr r i)J o-'E; X 6 EE*€=Et;;:": €'fr H .8 -egE 9i 5, iEE'Es.!rE! er s.I BEF " fl a-;t 5 HI iE:EF 0ll .O ,> tq3 I <ilo\l rl =l ,-.l4t-aq.) z lrfl II I I I I II I I I I I I I II Izl I I I ii U -baa U o CJ - -lt-)l colt\/.1 I .:.I 6tifix 1l6 6 6 I I \+rI t: I I'ar 3 |58 |xq I.o.s IHr I :e Ix.E i,b I3.+.F I9E E DISEE EIg{€ }lETE HI?: g :l "EEb UlEE 5 AI - ah It i^lSgE HIbgE Ul€€8 FllsEf 2llfE gl i g'r Rl s 5i Ie3t I;E I I9ic .ij 3EE $3ee b.X-'g \*r;rb 2.ci€E b.e€ E {I uo! .f€Tt 5EE; '6tl 9t5 E .9 ='l EFs s g z HUz(A DUUo fto trlH '4UH FlHHftHU .B 'P !.-l.rs LJSSi N.9 S\srf)s nLtl\oL^v o t-{-9Lrgav J *r n, -.,<E$$+ s s'.R €i4- Sl Hr Ss^$ss .1.\ Ll S -Ql'r'3 YR'5 Ln E!tsNJs .^s s 9pS := r-fs F.J-{C> = =OF{ I k th6 Fr cto OJl{ 'dtt. (E o trI 5 I APPucArioN [LNor BEAccEPrED tt t-t""t$ffi$P \ 97 O - 47 9 - 2L49 (I nspections) TOWNOFTIN Separate Permits are required for electrical. p mechanical. etc.! ,g"i::,*,S:iI75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Conbct Assssots Offrce at 970-328-8640 or visit CCMPLfTE VALUATICNS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Parcel# &tOl O7l tb OO jcbAddress: f f RoeKt"Jle B"\ , Ua, I *\ ;cb Name: lJ osro'nc.c_ Subdivision: \)q,[ U , \lof .Filing: lsf .<at. aJl ICwners Narne: hSe n Phone: oos - ^11'1 Phone:JO3- &65 -oolcl )e.€iiec ,iesc;icucn cf work: \)..., Wc:kiles-r: New(e)/Acditcn( ) Remcdei ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Cther( ) an EinU e\ist at ihis lccaiicn:Yes'b.)- Nc (,trVork T'rpe: :nts'icr ( ) E:<terior ( ) Boih (.r-- Tvpe ci 6idg.r Singie-iamily r ;)--T:vo-iamily ( ) MulE-iarnily I ) Commerc.ial ( ) Res'.aurant ( ) Other i ) No. of Acccmnncoaticn rlniis in inis building:i,lo. sf i:rsi:ng Dweiling lnits ir.r this Duiloing: N ,\c/Tvee :f Fire:iac:s Exisitnq: Gas Aocliances ( ) Gas Lcqs ',- ) WccdlPelle: ( i fiocd 3urn )lcr-vee:f ilrellaces ?:cccse,:: Ges Aooiiances L0 Gas'-cqs ira) Wccdlpeilet ( ) Wcc'l Et-.:l'tljgg (llCT D.ces a F're Scrrnkler Sys:ef] l<isi: ye-. i ) Na i D---1cg5 3 iir': Alair: ! csi: '(;: iL-{ llo ( ) sUiLf IlrG; s 5/ 5 +3/O 71 .OO ILtrL I KIL{L: :OTI-1FR.: s Fr--N'5lfiC: s MEC!'iANIC{LI 3 .iDl"\L: S i:::..]\l i-!:-\.\]-l IEPL'_iii lr) CONTRACTOR IN FORMAT]ON ^ -- - -- t.:E: iCl cll LJlrLl cl\vl . f:r.o.a. S\o..tte. C.^s|.. q5.Town :i tiaii R:E. i\io.: ra9 B Ccntac and iicne #'s: i3 rq.& tsos-l< r s> 4o -/ S-Sqlk :ontiacicr Signarure: .r|*:ri:r.r.r:!tti*r**i:ti*i*rri***rti;rt*ti**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY" * t + i r i t r i i r! i i i:r * i:t i i:t i i i:t i i * r t * i:t:t i i : e,,.F .^c/...fc r.i.--o.t1 o Dcpartmc* ol Connniry DcvcloPmcnt 75 South Fronmgc Rad Vail. Colotu 61657 970479-2136 FAX 970-479-2152 BUILDING PERIIIT ISSUANCE TnrE FRAT}IS If this permit reguires a Town of Vail Firc Dcpannent Approval, Engincer's (ttblic Works) rcvievr and approval, a Plamiag Depamut rcview of Hcalth Departnenr review, aod a rcvlcw by &e Building Departrrenr, rhe estiaucd rirnc for a tml rwiew rnay alte as long as three (3) wccks. All comracrcial (large or srnall) and all mrlt-hmily pcrnria will havc to follow thc abovc mcarioned nraximum requireurcnu, Rcsidcntid and small projccts $ould take a lcsscr arnount of timc. Howcvcr. if residcatial or smallcr projccrs impact tbe variors above mentioned dcpargncots with rcgand !o neccssary rcvicU thcse projcCs rnay also take tbe lhree (3) week p€riod. Ever.v a:tcmpt will be madc by tiris dcparrmem to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, thc undeisigned, understand rhe Plan Chcck procedurc and time i-ame. I also rnder*and rhat if Ihe pennh is not pickcd up by the expirarion date, rhrr 1 must sill pay the Plan Check Fce and rh^r if J Ail to do so it may afiect ftnue pcrmits dut I apply for. Agccd to B: Projccr Namc: Work Shcct qas turncd tno thc Corucoity E 6'cogocd DcpL MAR 12 2001 GEOHGE SHASITR CON$RUCIIOII IVWI{ OFVAIL €'R'CICIEDP^,4 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JoBN.NTVE: MEMONANDUII ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PTJBUC WORKS JAI{UARY I. 1999 WHEN A.PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQI,JIRED bo. rq.r\c<* DATE: .4-a'{ -o ) PI.EASE ANSWER THE FOITOWING QIIESTIOI\NAIRE REGARDING TI{E NEED FOR A ?IJBIJC WAY PERMIT': t. Is &is a nr:w rcsidcocc? 1 {. ( o_ ves -a(uo Is d€molition uo* bcrag pcrformed$a requircs thc-usc of thc Right-of-way, '^cc'ncals or pnb[cFopcrq4 YES-'7t' }{o-4- ..,.. Is any uulity work nccdcd? YESJZ- NO- Is tbc rlrivcnray bciag repaved? YES .-'l-NO Is a difcrcnt access reeded lo dre sitc otbcr'?hti the odstlnt rrvtnay? YES- ,n-ra"' Is any dreiogc wrrrk bcrlg doc tlat a$ctrs rbc Ri$l+f-Wsy, caeocnts' or ptrbtic prwcrty? YES NO t-.,.'- 7. 8. Is a'Revocablc Riglrt<GWay Permir" rcquird? 1/ES- NO ? A. ts rhe Rightd-Way, gscmcns or prblic propcny o bc uscd for saglg Frttnt u fwbgl'YES_ rlo__zB. tf NO to 8A is a pa*i"g. sraging or fencrng plo Equired by Conrlunity DcveJopmcst?\fts NO If you arsua{ed YES o uy of rhcse qucstionr a "hlblic way Pcrait' srust bc obraircd 'hblic wry Permif applicarions rnay be obatrcd at tlrc hrblic Wck's o6cc or ar Commr-mrry f,'cvelopmcrt, [f you havc any qucstioas pl^ <e ca]l teonard Salrdryal frora h,rblic Wo*s at 4?9-2198. I I'A\E READ A.\D ,A,NSIPERED AII THE ABOVE QUESNONS. Ddd 4'dtof MAR 14 2001 Cootncror Siganre CEOROE StlffiFN CONSIRUCIION !|AR- l2-Ol I E. Z:'ts l<tJ!| : I lrv-g IJr!- |JEV_|JEr I .L t) | ! alt.a aJzq52 lJAljE A/ IV I PUELIC WORI$ PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits Fill out our check lisr provided with-a Building Permit Applica-lio-q. If yes was urswercd to any of the quescions then a "Public Way" is reguired. You can pick up an agplication at tither Community Developmenq locatcd a 75 South Frontage Road or Prrblic Works, locatcd at I309 Varl Valley Drive. Notice sigp offs for utiliry companics. AII utilities mu$ field veriry llocarel respective uulities prior to sgning application. Some utility companies require up to zlE hours norice to schcdule a locate. A construction traffic conroUstaging plan must be prepared on a sepamte sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traf6c control de$ices (sigos, coneg etc.) and the work zonc, (area of Consmrcrion, Staging etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will necd to be resubmirted for approval tluough the winter. Skerch of work being performed must be nrbmitted indicating dimetsions (lengtll width and dcpth of work). This may be &awn on tie traffic control plan or a site plan forthejob. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for rerriew. If required locates will be scheduted for the Town of Vail Electricians rnd Irrigarion crcw. The locares take place in thc morning but may require up to 4E hours to pcrform. The h,rblic Work's Constnrction Inspeaor will revicw the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be comacted as to the star and any requirements that may be needed. lvlost pernris are released within 4E hours of being received, bur please allow up to one (l) week to process. As soon as the permir is processed, a copy will be faxed to Communit-v Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be releascd. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to ds work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Pubiic Way Permits are valid only until November l5d. A neur Public Way Permir is required each year if work is not complae. ,, 4. 5. 6. l|lAR 14 2001 GEOHGE SHAEffER COIISIRUCIION TO; FROM: DATE; SUBJECT: MAR 1 2 2001 GEORGE SHASFH CON$RUCTIO|\I ALL CONTRACTORS CURREVILY REGISTERED WMII T}IE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF V.ANL PI,JBLIC WORKS A..\D COMMI.]NITY DE\IELOPEMENT TAIUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERI'AL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEFOSTTS ON PUBLTC WAYS PROBIErIED A. unlaudrl deposia: Subjecr to nrbsection c thereof, it is unlaetful for arry Pcison to liner, Uack or d@o6it, qr cause 16 tre litered, rracked or dcPosircd, sand, glavel. rocks, mu( dirt' snow, ice, Lr any other dcbns or nratcrial upon any srtc€r. side*alk, alley or public placg or any portion rbcrcof.g. il il"; Abacmant: Tbe Director of public works may norifr and rcg'ue any_ pcrson who violares or causes another, uiolat th" paovlsion of Subscrtion A hcrcof, or who h^c in the Dircctor's cmplo)'lr€trt a pcrson who violates or cai|ses anothcf, to violae tbc sarnc' t'p remOrre suctr duri, gnuef, ro.f.r,, mrd. dirt, sow, icc or any ofber debris or rnarcrial within *-.v ro,,' tza) houn aftcr reccipr of said noticc by thc Dircctor of hublic Works' ln 6c *-t"tl, poroi so ootificd do€s lot comply with the Ddice wihin tbe penod of tme bcrein ,p*rr*a-*," pircaor of -hrblic Wor&s, or qhcr a'thorizcd agcrn, may causs-:ury such sanA di"a, ,ir*, mud, dirt, suow, ice, debris or any orh$ matcrial rc be removed fronilrly strEcr or alley a! tie o(Pcrce of the nodfied' C. Exceptions: 'Ihe prousiorrs of subsccior A hereof shatl nol be applieble:- i. Wirftio Oc immediare area of ary conslctioR, nainenancc or repair prqccr of any- ,o.c o, aty o, of ,ni r"ar', tr,"io, scwcr rnain, dccaiciry- linc, gas line telephonc line or any appuEoancc th€reto; 2. To dcposirs of san4 dirt or maerials n€cessary for the pro1e.,ion of tbc public safeqv; and i. ro puiil" areas dcsipated for rbe drmping or dcposinng of sald materials' D. Surnmons; Pcnalty: es t alrernative to lhe notice for ruaoval providcd in subscion B above, a[y p",,**hovio|aEsorcarrsesaoolhertoviolarcdresame,maybeissuedasummonsto "ppo, ueror" oe Municipal court of the Town for said violations, and upon bciag fomd gpltr-vofavio|auonhergundcrbcPmishcdasprovidedrnSccion|{-lofthiscode.g. ftotj""; peaa$t,: It is,rn-'."rn f for arry person'to fail or refrsc ro comply witlr thc noticc of the Dircdor of hrblic works as providcd in nrbscction B hereo{ and anv such pcrson sball' ia uaaiUon ro paymenr of rhe "i-r. of removal incurrcd by thc Dircctor of hrblic Worls' as p.rlaaa i" oiUsedron B hcreoi upon bcing fo'-nd gily of a violatron.here'ndcr'. bc p*itit Uf" * providcd ra Sectron la-t of Ot" Coda (1997 Code: O'rdinencc 6 (1979) Rcadaodaclnowrcrtgedby: {T)-r', ( [ ' Posidon or RclstioNilip to Pfoje(r: i.e. corEador or o\tttcl) o^r"' 4'&/4/ IilSPECrIOtr PSBITIT IIIII{BB: II{SPESMOil TTEts: JOB ADDIESS: BESIILT: couuEms:7-/-oz 2}".- (el6t Kuavz @ Assoca o 4rGS O .,) 't/ay -/#- otuJob Codc PoRerlll64 /o-os-ol Rusg Chccksd - Shccr- O{Kuarz & AssocntEs, CousutrtNG EruclHegns g ? v23\AaZ 'uJ297oL(-) 'J \) ,$s _\ & $ - cd **-tNI-: N tq{{i E;giI €ti:$$ wT.;S -rl; = I$rul\t\ {\ E.2:flrU -o -, o \]J -f I E rQ/\- boa3 ho v\)qt G oxN $;.:s "'r. fr b'-tvi.a'-ilrl 6'-.'l'i'1o'-t'rz" ,O*Qv. 98*3*H yoefrgz 1 cot'lile-cfiol I" ho. oAK fEnlo^J 'fiv = fer.toN w7 H)- Peqg- 2r € synrqeTat c 8xt z4-svi wew9 t vMa$ Fur.r.Y ipztlzt o?'rvP s/f')in.x 6u TnRzh?a? 3o? o L (a{r?flLL .t4, A;o #oLy ttl ?os-r q ATTA^H wl 9fttffitrL e?oxl ( S' ?A,ces) Roe-To- rg-Tl? 6oUNTe"- Ll,G 9CREVJ. 1EAT-cuT lortL To 440409ATe. gEht/t BeAetNer (ea xto-f dveL- <dT)- Tv? A*@ I e 5/o" v lo" U.GHw/ (s)-3/1' )a. catNTeQ-tur{K- fHRtJ BoL,Tq s4d cA? fr-l/*4t"4 'cxe * To.-T9 EIrz lf'lL la'l - rll t.2/6 4ta. 9UNKTY7 ft6/o"* 6tt*'7.b1'@+ lo*lz w/ (z)- 3/1')a. coJtTek 9ilNt< Tu€u- eoff9 TYP TIB 4-o>4 ri:RlJga | ..b,O 7ag1l ' 1-o>4 b Tg6xQxi/6 -l ,rt?- I 5'- f' TKLJA9 NOfe: CaPggctrot'lfr E as o*g AEgeneY\To 9E TLAce @ +.oF T<ue? nq^w<g h" = l''o" 1L€VAfioN lz'-L.tz1t' Q. ?YrqllETetc tz'- z.Y4 I a1 ( I T96x qz1- Vi );" cotrrr-fia€'Sdt.l KBo6e G WooP CoRB€L li Q.t/z L ll 7o x 3/u" 1.,/; \... i L-l a) J Vlooe Tsr4 I t{ 0hJ^l vAeHE-? A a.o. sav Avly 9321| Io.Vz,. 3r(d' eA9€ r?. Y4' * lC'*ty'' w/ (+\ - 5/d' )tn. sLeEuE, TV f e ErPAr'l:to'.1 ASc{o(l r $ rl.t tb alP 9ID€. EA. COL r t L t/t ct-2rc- 1-- ? --i trztd'x/,.td @ { Te cot- q_'4)b. AsTt{r A326 Boffg C aNNEcfioxl (L t/g" * 1! A' H re H w1 1z\- 9$ )ta. cou^tTee.srrNr f.rrd gotTg - 'fvP e De.co(,|TNz gfl\ CvJeUO G Ftc€. o? Ta ZoU) l" ?R\ (Act< '(. o. 4orJcRfi6 - 9e€. Aqcuffe.d 9(tLL z7l' );^.* /o,Yl' HovL ld Ox 8.?oET - CLeAr{ Hou€ q F{LL IIALF F-cJLLwl ;TR.ILTIRAL e?ovl' FoLLow ALL RecofnAtJDA-j f<los LVLYANOIJ -_lfuc^lL?l -lbxbl ' lrIt lr l- -1trr---l Ill v4'= fou 'Tiaile oF E-PaYf nFP. oo DESIGN DETAILS, SPECIFICATIONS AND CALCULATIONS FOR THE MOSS ROCK MSE WALLS FOR THE DORRANCE RESIDENCE IN VAIL, COLORADOIllrrlrltrlllrlllllrltllrl Prepared for: George Shaeffer Construction Attn: Mr. Brad Foster June 6.2001 WR Yenter Companies, Inc. 20300 West Hlghway 72 Arvade. Colorado E0007 bmof Vail OFFICFCOPY I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I.ll'f,tn - oo DESIGN DETAILS, SPECIFIGATIONS AND CALCULATIONS FOR THE MOSS ROCK MSE WALLS FOR THE DORRANCE RESIDENCE IN VAIL, COLORADO Prepared for: George Shaefier Construc[ion Attn: Mr. Brad Foster Reviewed by: 6o/oro.rt c. Ruckman, P.E.'->"-"s['a- ilYNTR - I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I Paqe 1.0 LIMITATIONS 2.0 scoPD ox'wo 4.0 MAITRIAL SPECIFICATIONS Stone Facing..... Borlders........... 5.0 DESIGN CALCUII\TIONS 6.0 DESIGN I'RAWINGS Enor! Booknark not defiacd Enoil Boobnafi not fuftned 6 .alY'HTER - ill 1.0 LIMITATIONS The following information has been developed by Yenter Companies, Inc. and is provided to George Shaeffer Construction, Inc. (Soliciting Parties) for the moss rock walls at the Donance Residence. Information and data contained in this report is proprietary. The information and data contained herein, including all design and pricing information: (r) is provided for the exclusive use and review by Soliciting Parties; and (ir) shall not be used by or distributed by Soliciting Parties, their agents, employees, officers, directors, members and managers to third parties without the prior written consent of Yenter Companies, lnc. The findings and recommendations given in this proposal report are site-specific, and are valid for the rock and boulder walls for this specific project, only. t I I I I I I .alT'EITRrI- I I I I I I I t I I I I 2 I I I I I I I 2.0 scoPE oF woRK This report provides design details, specifications and calculations for the structural design of the proposed mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) moss boulder and rock retaining walls at the Donance Residence Project in Vail, Colorado. Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining walls will be constructed as indicated in the wall layout drawings in the plans. The facing of the walls will be moss boulders and moss rocks, provided by Others. The walls range in height from zero to six feet with backslopes not to exceed 3h:1v between tenaces, in tront of the bottom wall and above the top wall. Backfill for the retaining walls will be Class 1 structural backfill or open graded rock. For the walls, Yenter Companies, Inc. will installfacing with geosynthetic reinforcement on maximum 12-inch spacings. The length of the fabric will be equal to the height of the wall. but will in no case be less than 3'. -lY'EITIN -I 3.0 CONSTRUCTION GUIDELINES I t I I I I I I I I I I I 3 I I I I I I Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls Gompaction Compaction is key to the success of these structures. The facing, whether block, rock, timber or any otherfacing system that we install, must be placed upon a solid base to preclude settlement and deformation of the facing itsetf. The backfill behind the wall must be well compacted to mobilize the composite behaviorthat is the essence of this powerful system. The specified compaction for all of the backfill and base for the facing is 95% of Standard Proctor. lf the material can be tested we will have compadion tests performed by a laboratory representative. Compaction fequency and method will be established by the Yenter design engineer. A procedure will be established for the particular material including moisture adjustment, lift thickness and equipment type and number of passes required to obtain specified compac'tion by the Yenter pro;ecf foreman. This procedure will be uniform over the entire construction. lf a cfrange in material occurs, a new compaction sequence will be established based upon additional compaction testing. In many cases the materialwill be too rocky to test. ln this case a determination will be made by the Yenter design engineer regarding the type of compacfion equipment, moisture adjustment and the number of passes by that equipment. In no case will the compaction effort be less than 3 passes of the primary compacior. Lift thickness will be the spacing between reinforcement, but in no case greater than 12 inches. The Yenter projec{ foreman will assure that the proper number of passes is applied to all backfill. The Yenter project foreman will assure that the proper number of passes is applied and will document in a projed diary. The test results will be kept by the Yenter project foreman and by the Yenter design engineer. .al,Y'NTR -I I I Facinq I Appearance I Facing for this projecrt consists of moss rocks and boulders. The facing must be placed sot that the resulting surface is true to the design layout. Appearance of rock and boulder facing is subject to individual stone setter styles, but must conform to client intent. This willI be determined by sample view by the dient and the Yenter projed foreman.I Facing will be placed true to line and grade desired within fre follorring tolerances: I Matefials r Boulders and rocks forfacing will be selected fom sound, hard, durable stock. Each stone will have a relatively level upper and lower surfaces so that it can be stacked. Stone I having an upper or lower surface with an angle to horizontal greater than 20 o will not be- placed. I Reinforcement Reinforcement will be of the strength stated in the design. Fabric will meet the specified I wide strip tensile capacity. Reinforcement for this project will be Amoco 2044 or I equivalent as designated by the Yenter Engineer. r Backfill I Backfill will be granular soil with a Plasticity lndex less than 6. The portion passing the I number 200 sieve will be less than 20 per cent. Maximum rock size in the fill material is I limited to the lift thickness. Backfill may also be open graded rock. I Construction of Rock and Boulder WallsI I Backfill will be placed in lifts no greater than the reinforcement spacing, usually 12 inches. I Reinforcement will be placed with a minimum of wrinkles. The reinforcement will extend over the top of the rocks in the lift when practical. Fabric will be cr.rt around rocks andI boulders that extend above the partioJar lift of baddll by more than about six inches. I Stones that have no fabric at the top of the stone may have a "tail' reinforcement placed on top of the stone and extend into the backfill three feet from the face of the wall. I Reinforcement will extend to the back of the facing wtrere it is in the middle of a rock or I boulder. Fabric that extends beyond the face or is visible will be removed after construc'tion. 4 I I .alYHTNrIr I I 4.0 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Fabric Drain I Fabric dr-dins consist of 12 inch wide JDR Drainage Composites SWD-12, which is an I equivalent of Miradrain @ 6000. Supplier will be Vance Brothers ,lnc., Aurora, Colorado, or equivalent. I Fabric Reinforcement Fabric reinforcement for this p@ect will be Amoco 2044 or equivalent. I Backfill Backfill will meet the requirements for Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) I Class 1 Structure Backfill, unless othenrise specified by Yenter Engineers. OpenI graded rock may also be used. /alYTTR - 5 I I I 5.0 DESIGN CALCULATIONS I The maximum height cross-sedion of 6 feet was analyzed for both internal and externalr stability. SlopeM/ version 4.22, a slope stability-modeling program developed by Geo- t slope Intemational, was used to model the extemal or global stability of each section. The design soil parameters used for the global stability analysis were as follows: r Site Soil: Soil Unit Weight 1 =120lblft3 I Internal Friction Angle^6 = 26"I Cohesion c=250|'bfi1f I Compacted Backfill w/ Reinforcement:I soirunitweighty--1251b1ft- Internal Friction Angle 0 = 34" Cohesionc=1O00lbfftzI I Each MSE wall was also analyzed for intemal stability. The intemal stability wasI analyzed using the Golorado Transportation Institute publication Desion and Construction of Low Cost Retainino Walls as a guideline with these soil parameters. I I t 6 I I T I I T -lYH,rH - o id oooo oo(L t E -9=EE #5Fs ",F*eF€- = E=E€=oaur)ot t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'ol NlNL -o E =E oorr() #;r Eese e A -egeE-E+€E==€rEEuroo) o aLIL o- () (Eo E (E 8E olLp- E"';-o- bt - O- O cE *E,-E='E*ij9b Eo*59u85 EEE,Be A5#EE oo l-ffi,**TEDFILL SURCHARGE LOADING BETA PPHI i OENSITY 1 Rcinforc8m€nt Tu T a (1c.4) MAX WALL HT (H) PHI i Foundation Soil REII'IFORCEMEIUT CALCUIATI] I'IS 'TH Sioma H PTANE L TOTAL oH s I Lf Lt KaOZ+P\T/Sh 'FS TFS 0r. )0biri') (n. )TANITF D fi.) 't47 9.2 3 12 174 2 10 2o.2 6.7 2 I 5.6 I .r ' itEr-" '-:5_U 243 4.8 311 4t2 3.0 4 33E 4 'rg$..:'365 3.51 3.0 3.0 o SPACING F. s. = t*ij ',,i,,"'- 'PULLoUT F. s. =.Wixi'i .}'li.i.:il ' rtEDru SPACING USED Le REINFORCEMENT TENGTH (FT)MINIMUM EMBEDMENT = 3 FT t-ffiI (cos +rcos (p) (@s pr 0.667 0.902 0.813 0.532 EXTERNAL CALCUI.ATpI{S CTI DESIGN MEI}IOO sltDtt'tc FOR Fs= 1.5 Li= Fs (H (+i+2q)r\E-4csoRT(Ka)y2tTANslG( +q)+c8l) 4.8 (tt) Less Than 6 Feet o|( FO{'NDATIOT{ FAILURE #, BEARING cApAcrry FAcroRs (rERzAGHr AND pEcK) e. (3qKs+ K&6CSQRTKa)H2I6L(O+H)€=0Fac{oF .5(L-2e}2Nr+Ctlc(L-2ey(+l+q)LFS= 0,0 CHECK FOR BEARII{G CAPACITY L= 6 (ft.) 7so (rb/fr) ALLOIA'ABLE BEARING@ - BEARIIIG CAPAC]TY MOD|FICATIOI{ = 6 (fi.)= 125 (rbn1 0.0 = 2so (lb,lr') otBurv)i.SHmfi.) 125 (rbff)= €F 125 (tDrr-l :.&?ffi= 22fr 0b/li') ALTERT{ATE A'PROACH CHECK FOR SUOII{G STABIUW LATEML EARTH PRESSURE= 30 PSFFRICTION u= 0.53 SUMF=0 TERAL PRESSURE x WALL HT x .5 - (UNIT WT x VOL x FRICTION+COHESION x LENGTH) -#2.&2442 L€E than 0, OK FS= tt BACKFILL FOf THE MSE WALL MUST BE FREE DRAINING GRANUI.AR MATERIAL REINFORCEMENT MATERIAL IS AMO@ 2006 COMPACTION S}IOULO BE 954 OF ASTM D698 VALUE l,lo IEST SHOUu) BE TAKEN WITHIN 3 FEET OF IHE FACING. o o 6.0 DESIGN DRAWINGS /alr'f,TlR - 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t P a oo o. irn> ==E= 6-0 ,^ -. N)P rX8.3+,5 6'X ,t'X 7l\)Yo oo-"o ,<-(D"-rla-O o ..i.o -o_-r- o*- € vo 9o(D (rJ z.-fiDoo =oO a+' o N) a o--t:) ,^. 9Y ,.-i ;^1 = '}-: .'- U) EA=a),-. c *w C),4) ^o_o _:!.E 3 < (D+ (D --r'1:<Hc) -* (D ;==>=(o_ =iiJ (D: (D=(Do-o o u ).L- '_rr+ \<: ,-- - (o aD "'r u..e.5 ;t;oo oIo-ao (D6- €t< ?o g=.:- (D l' €Q :d <n(D @<OOC. U'E(/, -'n oo-a) (O 3 E 5 itI =:It T 5 I B F B arTl@'P< LAo(, zd o_t 1 TI E at dEE I r II ; l gFEF gS '<t!z dn R 3 Fz F z() o GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P.O. Box 373 VAIL,COLORADO 816s8 Tel (970) 845-5656, Fax (970) 845-7013 TO: WE ARE SENDING YOU lAttached Dunder separate cover via ! Shop drawings ! hints E Plans ! Copy of letter ! Change order I LEfiTER, @F TRANSMITTAL the followine items: ! Samples ! Specifications srqdrq- ?. = ql Fo"(t-$be \Scc L)q'\\: COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION c9-(o4-O I SYctn^".0 Enorn...-ft {a,--tA-*- (-r. )o1lq. 0 0 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For approval ! For you4use/ El4tS requested ! For review and comment E FOR BIDS DUE - 20 REMARKS: COPY TO: ! Approved as submitted I Approved as Noted ! Retumed for corrections D- I Resubm it copies for approval ! Submit copies for distribution corrected printsE Retum ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US s,GN."D,//IzI.t: pk If mclosures are not as noled, hindly notlfy us al once. TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 O DEPARrMENroFcoMM.JNr#),urroPMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL NMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Permit #: 802-0311-95['ooq 1 Job Address: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 97 Rockledge Road Applied . . : 09/2012002 Parcel No...: 210107115033 Issued . .. : 10/10/2002 ProjectNo : p RTO1 - ,JoGS- Expires . .': 04/08/2003 owNER BENNETT DORRAI.TCE TRUST O9/20/2OO2 phone; 7600 DOT'BI,ETREE RANCH RD 3OO SCOTTSDALE AZ 85258 License: CoIITRACTOR IrtAXrMt!,1 COMFORT POOIJ & SPA, 09/20/2002 Phone: 970-949-6339 P O BOX 2670 VAIIJ CO 81558 L,icense: 267 -B APPr-,rCArillt MAJ(rMW COMFORT POOIJ & SPA, O9/2O/2OO2 Phone: 970-949-6339 P O BOX 2670 VAIIJ CO 81-5s8 Iricense:267-B Description: IN-GR.OUND GI]NITE SPA Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Valuation: $16,685.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Applianccs: 0 # of Gas togs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 ttl+*,1*,t*+t*lll,l*a***:t+:|aa****tai*++:rl++tat*ll:l***l'l:!:l:|'lla*tl'lall+:l+* FEE SUMMARY So. o0 Total Calculated Fe€s-> 5357 .75Building---> $215.00 Restuarant Plan Review+ Plan Check--> S139.75 DRB F€€-_-------->SO.0O AdditionalFees--->$0.00 $0. 0o Total Permit Fce-> $357 . 75 90. 00 Pa)ments-----> $3 57 . ?5 90.00 Investigation-> will call-> S0.00 Recreation Fe€--> $3.00 Cleon-upD€Posit--> TOTAL FEES------> g3s?.?5 BALAIICE DUE-> Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTT'{ENT O9/25/2oo2 cdavis Action: AP barrier is required for this spa and will be checked for code complaince at final or TCO Item: 05400 PIJAI{NING DEPARTMENT L0/Lo/2oO2 ao Action: AP IIEM: 05600 FfRE DEPARTMEMT Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this pemrit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have rcad this applioation, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as rcquircd is corrpct. I agree to comply wift the infonnation and plot plaq to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfrusture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approve4 Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable ttereto. REQT'ESTS FOR INSPECT1ON SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY+OI,JR HOI,'RS IN ADVA}.ICE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 t'|*!**{.'|***'|'}*'}:|t*'++*****'t'}'|****'}*+++|**:t'**'l**,|****f******:}:}:}*{t***tt***!*{t'}'}**t't:t!}l!'t,||++l+**||'*!} CONDINONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B02-031I as of 10-10-2002 Status: ISSUED:}*:i*'}'t'*'}******'t'}'},}**t*'t{'{t'|*++*t****'|r'}***'}**+*i****,},}**dt'}'}'}****'}++**,t**,}*,}'}:},*'|********l''**'}*'}'i****+++++** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLiILD PERMIT Applied: 09n012002 Applicanr MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL & SPA,INC. Issued: l0/1Q12002970-949-6339 To Expire: 04/08/2003 Job Address: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location: 97 Rockledge Road ParcelNo: 210l07l15033 Description: IN-GROUNDGUNITE SPA *****'}'}**1t*{'*,|.{''t*!t******d.'}**,*|tdt{'lt*:l**#*'}*****,}*'|.*,}Conditions**'|**'!'|'|.**'*:|t****'t'}!t**'}***d'***************** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0005586 A barrier is required to protect this spa. Banier shall comply with 97 UBC Ap Chapter 4 Sec. 421.1 and will be confirmed during TCO or final inspection Itaff*f+f'}'lt*a++aaaa*+lalfaf***lataaff+aaa+ftatltff+rataaaaaai**ftaafaaaaf**aatatatr*a*a*a*+ TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€m€otlltt**+atltlfa't*la**+fta*tfa*{tla*aaffa'tatl't'+++ttaaf*tlrla**'}al.ltt**+*+t+ttt**t*ltaatll*llt+ft Statencnt Isudber: R0000032{4 Arnourxt: $357.75 L0/AO/2OO2O3:33 P}l PalmeBt lletbocl: Check Init: LCNotation: *2680/eannl Nielson Permit lto: 802-0311 TlDe: itDD/AIrT sFR BEILD PERITiIT Parcel No: 210107115033 SLte Address: 97 ROCKITEIXIE RD IIAIIJ Iocation: 97 Rockledge Road Total FeeE: S357.75Thls Pal/|Fnt: 9357.75 Total ALL Fnte: i357.75Balance: $0. O0 ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 215.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 139.75 r.rc 00100003112800 wrLL CALL INSPECTToN FEE 3.00 red for -OR IN, General Contractor: nvn(om4ort?oo(+ Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phond #'s: Grr,l N,"ls.n 7b9-qo8 cet 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUILDING: $ lO, b8S,oo ELECTRICAL: $orHER: $ tO, LBS'oo PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ COMPLETE VAIUATIONS FOR For **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************** ot rcr Fees: DT B Fe€s: Public Wav Permit Fee: F:/e4/eryone/forms/bldgperm of Construction: Parcel # Contact Assessors Offrce at 970-328-8640 or visit P-aicel# lLC\O7llSD33(application'will not be accepted without parcel number) Job Name: Dotfa&lc 9".5.)z*ca--JobAddress: Ql R"cl..- L.A^-RA, Lesat Descr.ption ll r-ot3{f ll au"t, ) ll ririns. }Subdivision :'P.a rlL.f owners Name:B*,.c*|futre,,.< ll nddress:luro a\uil.tr*.t,,u.l grl* loc ffiT;u,Az g.ELsg Architect/Designer:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:.I ut 'grau nJ gut,4. sPq WorkClass: New$) Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (1j) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family fi) Two-family ( ) Multi-hmily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noflypeof FireplacesExisting: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Nofiype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) wood Burnino (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) qts-< 4 t-^...'. s t'^''- tJ.. !4 '^.'\ 7*"<--X' +,.k#D{-:EP 172rlrl:z Question'S? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project zr-l Name: Kzw1trz-1t Dll4rlzc Project Address: This Cheklist must be omoleted before a Euildino Permit apolication isarcpd. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadways and shoulders without written approval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown o D D o o a o D o tr a tr o tr tr o Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: HOW DID WE RATE WTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Gommunity Development Departnent Russell Fonest DirectoG (970)479-213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contiaci? Building f- Environmental_ Housing AdminPlanning DRB PEC Was your initial contact with our staf immediate3L _ stow no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped?_ 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5, Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit ltD lrUA Please rate the performance of tre staf person who assisbd you:54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 0verall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use fie Front Service Counter? 0ll ics 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the lime to complete this survey. We are committed b improving our seMce. 0r -l 8. WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT": o Is this a new residence? a Does demolition work being performed require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property?YES NO K Is any utility work needed? YES No_j-_ Is the driveway being repaved?YES NO{ Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NO{ Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES_ NO___x_ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property toYES NO Y If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan NO_l_ YES Noy If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Wori's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESNONS. Job or Project Name: bf Date Signed: YES-L_ NO be used for staging, parking or fencing? required by Public Works? Co-llttactor S i g natu re Company Name F : /everyone/forms/bldperm4 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached theck list with the Buildina Permit Apolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.), This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew, The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to pefform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above prooess is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. 1-16.0 z read F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed o BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Departmenf the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projecB should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projecls may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project l,lur"''R rwnrt ?rtf aPze, Darc: 4-14'oL F:everyone/formtbldperm3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT ,?rr-rrrr Parcer#:I f I f ' I I n - I [ - I I I 1e- Brds.Permitn,E I !'I I n n 1.Job Name Str€et Address n n n-n (lf unknowncatlLJ LJ r_J 1 | 479_2139 ext.o) Excavaling Contractor Name Malllng Address TOV Contractor's LicEnse Numbor REOUIREO () APCity Phone # 4. Start Dat6 Work is for (circt€ one) Other Completion Date Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone (Permit Expiratlon Date) CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access c. 6. Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. 7.Rubber out-riggers are required on Asphalt surfaces underneath the 8.A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee nebessary Town of Vail signatures, BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works otfice to obtain the up to one weel( to process. Depth Total sF $ Total LF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ Public Service Natural Gas Group (1 -800-922-1987) Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Gablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public Works Construction Inspector (970-479'21981 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSUREST A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. 10. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172) 11. Perminee must contact Public Works D€partment at 479-2198 24 hours prior to commencing of work. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. I certity that I have read all chapters ot Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractor's Signature ot Agreement Pnnt name cleafly ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Date of Signature White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check offeach of the items below: a The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culvefts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2t98 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancy issuance. 1'lq'oL Agreed to by: 4n|fit.Vqt, Prilit Nama Project Name: Date Signed: B*nrtl D o\vtutc F : /everyone/forms/bldpermS NWNOF MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSTTS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works, In the event the person so notifled does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified, Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. tr Notace and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED D No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to intefere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance, (Ord, 2(1968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any seqtion of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and olaced in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge, (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comnlv with the above code orovisions: Print Name Position or Relationsh ip to Project: Date Signed: F:/everyone/fornrs/bldpermT Signature Ercluiae Maaafactuler oI tlu HYD RAMATIC Hydraulic Swimming Pool Safety Couer RE: ASTM F-1346-91 CERTIFICATION To Whom It May Concern, The pool cover fabric used by Aquamatic Cover Systems for all the safety cover systems consists of a l6 oz. sq. yd. solid vinyl, including a polyester substrata scrim reinforcing layer to enhance tear strength and prevent tear propagation The material used substantially exceeds ASTM requirements set forth for safety covers of the type manufactured and distributed by this company. ASTM F-1345-91requirements are as follows; The cover and fabric installed on the swimming pool filled to its normal water level shall be capable of supporting the weight of 485 lbs. This total weight shall be composed of one 210 lb., one 225 lb., and one 50 lb. weight, each distributed over a one square foot area and all three contained within a three foot radius. The test weights shall be placed at the center of the cover system (or at least 4 ft., but not to exceed 6 ft.) from the edge of the swimming pool. The above test shall not cause damage to allow any of the test objects or the persons to pass through the cover. The Aquamatic Cover Systems have, in fact, been independently tested by two testing agencies including Underwriters Laboratories to exceed the above listed standard. Sincerely, Hany J. Last, BSME, MBA President dm:hjl Coryorate OlFces:200 Mayock Road, Gilroy, CA 95020 . 80U2524044 ' Fax 800-600-7087 (Pg. I of a) ECSo File: Date Tested: Date Reported: Specification: #059T3030-2 May 20,1993 May 21,1993 ASTM Designation: F 1346-91 Tested Unit: Built-In, Under.Deck-Track, Automatic Swimming Pool Cover System Manufacturer:Source:AquaMatic Cover Systems * I."ABORATORY ANALYSIS * REFERENCE: Standard Performance Specifieation and Labeling Requirements for Safety Covers for Swimming pools, Spas and Hot Tubs (ASTM Designation: F. 1346-91). I. SCOPE Requirements for safety per ASTM F 1346-91. 2, As staied in referenced standard. J. As stated in referenced standard. CLASSIFICATIONS & MINIMUM CRITERI.A4.1 Power Safety Cover (PSC): Provides a high level of safety for children under the age of five by inhibiting their access to the water. 4.1.1 As stated in referenced standard. I\.TATERHLS AND MANUFACTURE Test unit complies with the 5.1,5.2 and 5.3 requirements. 4. 4081247 -4937 FAX 408/247.7540 AUTOMATIC SMMMING POOL COVER CERTIFICATION (Pg. 3 of 4) ECSo File: #059T3030-2 MINIMUM I-ABEL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL COVERS Unit complies with requirements. TEST METHODS FOR SAFETY COVERS 9. 1 Static l-oad Test. Test Unit was subjected to 490-lbs (composed of one 150-lb, one l6Glb and one 180-lb weight) slightly exceeding load required per Standard. Test objects were applied at t$,o different points (the center point of the cover; and, between attachment points at a distance of 4.5 feet) and remained in each test position for a period of 5 minutes or greater. Although, normal deflection was observed, no passage through the cover was possible. Test Unit complies with requirement. 9.2 Perimeter Deflection Test. Applied 50-lb weight at a distance of four-and-one-half feet from side of pool. Applied 36.6-lb. ellipsoidal shaped test object. Test Unit did not allow the tesr object to pass through, gain access to, or be subject to entrapment between the cover and the side of the pool. Test Unit complies with requirements. 9.3 Surface Drainage Test. Applied a 36.6-lb. torso shaped test object in a supine position, faceup, at a distance of two-and- one-half feet parallel with edge of pool. An even water spray was applied at a rate of 10 gallons per minute. After 3 minutes, minimal water collection was observed around test object. Continued applying water with no unsafe water pooling. After 30 minutes drain time, re-applied 36.6-lb test object with no unsafe amount of water pooling. Test Unit complies with requirements. 9.4 Openings Test. Applied solid faced spherical test object with a breadth of 4.5 in. at a force rate of 40-lbs., steadily, to the top surface of the pool. No allowable passage was observable. Test Unit complies with requirements. OPEMTING CONTROLS, SAFETY CO\/ERS 10. I Unit complies with requirements. 6. AUTOMATIC SWIMMING POOL COVER CERTIFICATION (Page 2 of 4) ECSo File: #059T3030-2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SAFE"TY COVERS 6.1 Installation/Use of safety covers. Unit complies with requirement. 6.2. Label attached to the cover meets, and/or exceeds the general requirements as required by the 8.5.1, 8.8, 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 guidelines. 6.3 Markings for safety covers. 6.3.1 Unit lists manufacturers name. Unit complies with guideline. 6.3-Z Unit lists date manufactured. Unit complies with guideline. 6.3.3 Manufacturer provides instructions to consumers to inspect the cover for premature wear in consumer packaging. Unit therefore complies. 6.3.4 L:bel attached to unit meets the general requirements described in 8.4.1, 8.7, 8.7.1, 8.7.2.,8.7.3,8.8, 8.8.1 and 8.9. Unit complies with guideline. 6.4. Fastening Mechanisms or Devices. Fastening devices remained in their intended, secured positions when the test unit was subjected to the load and perimeter deflection tests performed as called for under the 9.1 and 9.2 guidelines. Unit complies with all require ments. 6.5. Openings. No openings were allowed, when tested by the test method described in 9.4. Test object did not gain access to the water, nor was it subject to entrapment. Therefore, unit complies with this guideline. 6.6. Seams, ties or welds in the cover showed no signs of damage when tested by the methods described in9.1,9.2,9.3 and 9.4. Unit met all requirements under this guideline. PERFORMANCE REQUIREI\'TENTS FOR SAFETY COVERS Refer to'l'est Methods as described in the 9.1,9.2,9.3 and 9.4 grridelines. 9. 10. o (Pg. a of a) ECSo File: #059T3030-2 10.2 Unit complies *'ith requirements. i0.3 Unit complies *ith requirements. 10.4 Pool cover operating controls. 10.4-l Controls comply with requirements. Unit compties with requirements. 10.4.2 Unit complies with requirernenrs. CONCLUSION: Tested unit has met all requircments of this Standard. UNIT COMPLIES WITE ASTM F 1346-91 REQUIREMENTS. TING SERVICESOPt" '.. o) ?cI^....^.r 93.05.20CKK 1 ApiITI'PE II EMPLOYEE HOUSIIIG UNrr RESTR|CTn/E COI/ENANT WHEREAS,ne ftlvvarrr.'-Trusl-bhr! t|cor'm€(g) ('[te Ownet,) d ccrt h propcrv bgdy dFcrbod as:ri.1 I cormorly kngvvn ac:CtlFgppc.tn;and VVTIEREAS,0E Outer wistrc b pbce c€.t!h trstldirr cl the use da unl or rprtnrrl locabd on |hc Prrparty frr rh€ td|€dl of u|o o|rra arrd fp Tcrn dVe[, Colondo Cho Ton ). NOW' fi€REFORE thc Clum"r do€ he$by lrn9occ, orbblhh *srd€dge, snd daC.o tor thc berdlt cf a[ pacons urho firry h€.€lrtathr pirdrre, o. |.fie, a hdd the s,bject lrnd t|c fofowitg n*tdorq co'\,€nan$, and cofidtbE 8l of whtch stEll b9 d€€med to run wtth thg tsnd and ifint to h€ b€ndt erd be bfidng upon ths otrffi. ili r$oaclirrc grd|b66r sj@e6eo't,9d ar8i9r|3. 1. Trrc Employe Hq.etq UnA GHUI rrrrdr:irg43? muerlf.d, b hdtby ltct|ctd.s. TlO. tl EHt, nfihtr mr.rd cDmdy wifi cl |h. p.ot lCons of Cha$r rS, Tla 12 of itb To$,n Cds ofValasamerdd. Yltl3 25ASl @,n* 7. Thr TlDe tl EHU c|dl n<t be s.tdvlded q dtvtdod irto ary fum of &rrtnna, ltn,al onmtip, afacdonglbc, Th. TlDe ll EHU ghd be lcesod to and occrplart !,y tc|lrnb who s! tu[*no snptofGc wtro rrrk h @e County. The Type tl EHU rh.[ not b. Le3€d 6r . pstod h3s t6n tht ty (SO) consqttiLrr daya. For the Rrrpocea d tfr garagrEpL a fuHfnc snololr b orD ut|o uod(s an rwfagp of 8 rnhimum of thLty (30) trcrc e|dr u/ad( on E y€ar rpurd ba6b. Tha o.vnd of 0p Type 0 EHU shar fer{ the unn at r fitd|frly r€ntat rab conriabnt wih r lorcr t|ao fiio.. mrket r&r p(rvalrf|tbr dmua p@p.itia! h hc Tqvn. Tho 1}D. f Elil,J ct|al be qiliruqlsly rc<&d ard sha! not r€mdn vecer{ for I p€.tod tO soaad fr€ (O conteoltivg rioothE, Oqnancy of th. Typ6 ll EHU shd bc fimhrd to a me*rum ol trro pssoos per berloqm. f tho T}'P. ll EHu lg €rEhrd.d wihdn e dc(lc.U ear|ga a mlnlnonr d cr,cng{ve (ZB) 6quar€ 6d of dofage sF tn rddllql to tsnd dosat ?aCC b rtC*ld hr ftF sd!t|iv! usg of thcG4lsrtdthe T)D.ll E{U. ThcType ll EHU |*rl hsvr fi! qrn glbrnca Tllca *aI bo rF hbfr ro tun any EHU b any thcllig unt b wilch f |nry b. ctEdrd. Thc Tpc ll El'il,J mrd csrbin s klbh6.r o. kitctancfie ild a bdupotn. Ttr Tlpe U EFf,t rnsy not bc !ott, brrtrm4 a cqrw!trd !.pe|"d|Hy t!.n lra ult u,{h wttlotl nb.Fdet8d. 0. t& krhthrr tunrary 1otE$t$r, fr. owncr a, |hcTlne I E]L,3hX rn rdt txo (2) co0ar. d r aro.n afldar/ir cir a frflr b be obhir€d riom tF csniilrw D..€bF g{ oefitn ril, to thccqttmwnyDi'@ D€gttnar( ssdrtgftr|h aru..r€affihhglla$acrprqpo lrq,3|r{ un|l l[ bcn ]€nbd 6 oncr.ocq.rptrd ftor,gtrc.n tha t€r, lta'rtrfd rrtc, ulc o.oP ai,N9- or osd G) -{o rJ tetrt D\r- a(oI-- O. Ooo -6 -=-; -e -- - -tt-- -s.-- -- - -(ll-ai -=-a-l!--=-i -B-,, -:r-> -o I *2 a E# #g sgo+;u,qsge 3€=r<6'oga F= aE E e hr|ic^!.t rlr m F!.1of2 a oatd trat o housir€ un[employbr.tr€ lrnar who rcsldca rrriUrln the e(|pbyi b a tul-lime .mfr|ra In EsCa Connv. The Tpe ll EHU shal b€ op€rebd and m*$ln€d h .ccodance wilh Cfnpbr lS, Tdb iZ of tho To|fi cod€ of vail. Fsilure to do 9o rnry r6uh h grtorcamcnt p.oce€dt€E itr s ood d oo.npsbdl jultdbdofr and h mod'|9e ryln cntrr 3, nlo 12olt': Toln oode cf vd. Ihc oqnirc. rAdOoae, ctipgHorn, 9 t rqlxrn nb contrhld hsair lHt ]ot bo {/rn,cd, rb.ndsrd. hrni(tEd, or snended ercapt by |he $ruen consif of both tE Towri cf Ve! ard the Omc|dthc Pmperty. TOWN OF VAX- a Ootd€(b munlip€l oo.ponEotl ll. btu,**W" @*u il|iln!il.l$lLu[ll Uilll lll|[$ lllll Bv: Mf/t_--- T6{in MsnaoE hrqdng hstrrrncflt wEs scknoryL4ld rJ. *,@, arteT "s1"on %. . #D*"n---PtopcttyOrvnar ff nrebrugoineiEtrrms vesadarowteds€d #r*^Ao"yc ilga4-- zoft TONYAWATIERSllo Fl nnrc - ARlzoMI RICoPA@| rY le C.rilt Eryb Dec 6, 2003 llllllll"l,,:,,',:-,',it.,,,, lryco''dsconq',*: Q^l- { -H o-re_-- lry cfinnbrho €rglc: LOBELE! DOM| DSOtrf, Notary tubflcmy^colmisbn Explres July 5, 2O(P/cu, Frontag€ Boad Vait, COg1657 s*r* '- tonEts i i..DoNALDsoN..'iL: WrmS k/bdrp.r ta ?000 Prc. 2 o,2 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENP VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMIT Permit #: A02-0013 Job Address: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Shtus. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 97 Rockledge Road Applied. . : 0312612002 Parcel No...: 210107115033 Issued . . : 0511512002ProjectNo, ?R.S-6t-Od C5 Expires. .: ll/ll/2002 owNER BENNETT DORRANCE TRUST 03/26/2002 Phone: 7600 DOI'BLETREE R,AIICH RD 3OO SCOTTSDAI,E AZ 852s8 License: APPIJICAIiIT Invision Communications 03/26/2002 Phone: 97O-926-L895 P.O. Box 2001 Edwards, CO 4L632 License: 530-S eoNIRACToR rnvision Communications 03/26/2002 Phone: 97O-926-L895 P. O. Box 2 0o1 Edwards, CO 4L632 L,icense: 630-S Desciption: installfire/securitysystem Valuation: $1.000.00 'ttttt++'t t t+l at:t+a Electrical---> 53 05 . 00 Total Calculated Fe€s-> $3 08 . 00 DRB Fe€----> $0. 00 ftdi1i616l f6gs-._> $54 . 00 Investigation-> $0. O0 Total Permit F€e--> $352 . 00 Will Call-> $3. oo Palments---> $352.00 TOTAL FEES-> 33 08 . OO BALA}ICE DUE-> $O . OO Approvals:I€em: O5600 FIRB DEPART!{ENI o3/2?/2oo2 mcgee Action: DN Permit application received ol o3/27/o2 da 03 /2s/ 02 is not complete. No plans or submittals were attached. 05/09/2002 mvaughan Action: AP +|tl*l|||||||||*+.ti++'ltl+llt|||*.'*l|.ttllt||l|ll.*|.|t*|...|.l.'|'||lt||||..ll|..|.t*.'}:t*********}*| CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan' and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfucture according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto REQI.IESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL Bf, MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPIIONE AT 479-2t35 rROM t:00 AM - s PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF aaaaa*tftttfl*flftta+*+++++++++******f+ttttafataftttat++++f++f++a*++t*++f++++*****+fat+tafaf TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statcm€ntaaaalalfaat**l**a+aa+tf++a+t*aft*+*+a*++*a+t+tatata+ta+aatattattata+af++t++ia+++++**+a+*+++* gtatemeot lnmber: R000002398 Amount: $352.00 O5lt5/2OO2O3:08 pM Palmeot lrlethod: C'lreck Init: DIXINotatlon: 781 -InvLELon Comn ----t------ . PermLt tlo: A02-0013 Type: ALrARll PERMIT Parcel No: 210107115033 Site Addreee: 9? ROCKL$GE RD \ZAIL Location: 97 Rockledge Road Total Feee: $352. O0 Thle Palnnent: $362,00 Total ALL, hte: 9362.00Balance: $0. O0 altfltfalfttt++fa+++++*++++***++a*t**f*tlaa**'}*9**'}*94*'t'}a'ia*+lr'la**alaa'iff*a'i*l****'i*fl*l*ll' ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Current Pmts EP 00100003111400 TEtr,tP0MRY PoWER PERiltTS 305.00 pF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 54.00 t.lc 00100003112800 t.lILL CALL INSPECTIoN FEE 3.00 ACCEPTED rF TNCoMPLOR Uf Project #: Building Perinit # Alarm Permit #: 9, O- 47 9 - 2135 (Inspections) MWNWYilL 5tI 2id page of this form. Applir FloT:oo COIIIPLETE VATUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (labor & Materials) Fire Alarm: $ l00D r*************'l************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Tolvn gf Vail Reg. No.:itd Phone #'s: IRg(- - c<Jt 331- ConEct Aswsrc Otrre at 97O-328-864O or visit for Patel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. Permit # is provided above) WorkCxass: New(tzf AddiUon( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Retro-ft( ) fther( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-fanitylf Two-family( ) MultFfamily( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Acommodation UniB in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Y6 ({) NoDoes a Fire Alarm Exist Yes ( ) No F :/everyon4f onns/alrmperm TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT PROCESS FOR COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL EIREALART' SYSTEMS Commercial and ResidenHat Fire Alarm shop drawing requirements at Ume of submittal must include the fiollowing: A Colorado Registercd Engineer's stamp. Device locations on rcflected ceiling plans. Typical device wiring diagrams. Battery calculations. A list of specific device model numbers. Equipment cut shets of each type of device. The number of each type of device. Information indicating the specific zones. Circuit diagrams. Point to point wiring diagram. Wiring type, size, and number of conductors. The source of AC power circuits, Fire alarm panel locations. Knox Box locaUon.- Information indicating monitoring method and monitoring a9ency. Information regarding property managens and contact numberc. Owne/s primary residence location and contact numberc. Instructions for fire alarm system operations and any pertinent code numberc for proper operations. This check list has been provided b ensure that our revienn pnrcess may be handled in a timely manner. I have read and underctand thqabove listed submittal rcquirements: -\ r\ Project name: lta"tvratt L:brrotna( Contractor Signature: TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT GUIDELINES FOR PREVENTING NON.EMERGENCY FIRE ALARMS In order to prevent a non-emergency response from the Vail Fire Depaltment Suppression crews to the construction location you may be working on we ask that you petform the following tasks: Determine what kind of fire alarm system exists within the structure you ane working in with the owner or the manager of the property involved or by contacting the Vail Fire Department. Determine with the owner or manager of the propertyr which alarm company seruices the system for them. Become familiar with the different components that are associated with the fire alarm system and how they operate before the DEMO begins. Never paint a smoke detector, thermal detector, or any other compohent of the fire alarm system' and never paint a sprinkler head. For small projects bag detector within the area you will be working in before you start, and remove the bags after work is done for the day. For larger projects, please contact the Vail Fire Depaftment so that we can work with you in determining what needs to be done to alter or "Zone Ouf' specific areas of the alarm system for the structure, Pfease contact the Town of Vail Fire Marshal, Mike McGee at 479'2135 or the Town of Vail Fire Prevention Officer, Mike Vaughn at 479'2462. I have read and understand the above guidelines. Project Name: Contractor Signature: Date Signed: TO\^TNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-21.38 DEPARTMENT', ao,*rlt DEVEL''MENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D01-0013 Job Address: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: 97 Rockledge Road Applied . . : 05/01./2001, Parcel No....: 210107115033 Issued. . . : 05/04/2001. ProjectNo.: , Expires...: 10/31,/2W7 owNER Hur\rr, DAVID S., BRUCE W., & Os/Or/200t Phone: cRow, B.A. HItNr - Atr,RED, L.B. HItMr 8235 DOUGT,AS STE 1300 DALLAS TX 75225 License: coMrRAcToR SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTTON 0s/OL/20OA Phone: 970-845-5556 P O BOX 373 VAIL CO 8165 8 License : 1-29 -B APPLTCANT STAEFFER CONSTRUCTTON 05/0L/2OOa Phone: 970-845-5655 P O BOX 373 VAIL EO 81558 I-,icense : L29-B Desciption: Demo of Existing SFR Occupanry: R3,U1 TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation:. $50,902.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Plan Check-> InvestiSation-> will call-> AddSqFt 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # o[ Gas togs: 0 # of Wood Pellet *rd* FEE SUMMAITY Building-> $495.00 Restuanant PLan Review->s0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-> $498 . 0o So - OO Addidonal Fe€s-->S0. oo S0 . O0 Total Permit Fee-> S498 . 00 $0.00 Paymmts--> 5{98.00 $0.00 DRB Fee-..-._-> $o - 00 Recreation Fee-> 53.00 Clean-upDeposit-> TOTAL FEFST----> S498. O0 BALANICE DUIE-_-> Approvals:Iteim: O5100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEN:I o5/o3/2ooa cdavis Action3 AP Item: O5400 PLANNTNG DEPARTMEITT 05/0r/200L ao Action: AP Item: 05500 FrRE DEPART!{ENT Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS 90.00 os/03/2oo! t:K O Action: Ap v See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrration and plot plan, to cbmply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build thii structure aciording to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town apptcable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEI-EPHONE AT PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: TUREOF OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 6:00 AM - 5 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Permit #: D01-0013 as of 05-04-2001 Status: IASLIED ***ri*ri**ti********#tnt#*****!ffi#ir.a***rtrt*rt*trrnf***rt***********************n********!r*:t**** PerrritType DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applied: O5/Or/2OAl Applicanh SHAEFFERCONSTRUCTION Issued: O5/M/200797O-U5-5655 ToExpire:10/31/2D1 |ob Address: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location: 9TRockledgeRoad ParcelNo: 270707115033I Description: Demo of Existing SFR Conditions: Cond:38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOMNG THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS ISREQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK OCCLIRING ON THIS SITE. IF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQL]IRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BESTARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ;:r#*Jil;, H;ffit*************+***+{'**{'.'r*******'***3**f,,,*******{'ir'..il;;- * ** * * 'r * *4,!t *** * * * *** ** * +r * '] * * * * * * * {. * !* * * *,r**r. * * *t * f* {.* + {.{. * ** * * *'t **!r*** li 't,* * *+ *+*r,*tti i + + +*+*j** ** Statement Nunber: R000000698 Arnounr: $498.00 OS/04/2OO|O2:48 pM Payment Method: Check Init: RA Notation: 64OL2 Permit No: D01-0013 1\4)e: DHvrO. OF PART/ALI BLDG. Parcel No: 21010711503 3 Site Address: 97 ROCKL'EDGE RD \IAIL IJocation: 97 Rockledge Road ThiE Palment: $498.00 Balance: +*+'i++ **t *t't***** *** * ** **** *********+++*+f, *+a*l++***t***+*a*+*'lr'} *ttf 4t'lr******* Total Fees: $498.00Total AIjL PmtE: $498.00 90.00 Current Pnts ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEIS i^lc OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 495. 00 3.00 mwvaFvAn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: S. o"1g. Sha',: $e r G*:tr-.t,.,.,, U"" P4'l Town of Vail Reg. No.:raq '3 Contact and Phone #'s: Ble& F.--tc. 845 f/.6A Contractor Signature:fl'/;,lo"J A,*-< e COMPLETE VATUATIONS FOR BUIt?ll{G PERMIT (tabor & Materials BUILDING:$ \\ \ELECTRICAL:S \f lL orHER: +be-"^o to, goa.,ro PLUMBING:$ tft t\MECHANICAL: $ I\l\TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Conbct Assesorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visitParceli# ptOlO?lAOoO+ (application,urill not be acce@,without parcel number) JobName: \| .=13 t Cclq(. <_rob Address: g 7 u3*I l.Ja. ?.!, i).,l Legal Description Lot! *3 ll atoct: / ll ritins: Li Subdivision: jc., ) J,ll "1"-Owners Name: t5. 'r.' ett 'Docccnc<-AddreSS: A uac e . lJ6-\\ct cci l(an-\ Frd\+< 3co Sc otl* d.o-\e Ha Rsd58 PhOne:6& lel ,ta'l1 A(chitecVDesigner: ^Rc so rt l).1.o ., Hs:cn-,..*. ., AddreSS: ltsy Sp"*c- 5t. 51. tloB's'l&-" C- ,9o 3oar phonei3a3 - q./ r_./as 3 Engineer:p,.ol A*.*.".f**r^" ll nddreslp"+..--?-Dza^l o?h.&," tt 'o* ll Phone:ro:- Gcs'a)eo Detaileddescription of work: l\e".,o1,t,o., o{ Fx,rt, ^1 \tF\.< WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demolt4/Ornerl'1 Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (z-J--Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (/-)- Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family (r-F1[lt-i-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2-No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Z No/Tyoe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loss (A Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (3) No/Tvoe of FireDlaces Prooosed: Gas Aopliances [J) Gas Loos 62] Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (4 No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: yes ( ) No (L4' ****************r.**r.r<**************>r**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***t **************************r.******* DRB ,/ F:/everyone/f orms/brdsperm\*l Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: / This Chsklr'st murt fu ompleted before a Buildina Permit appliation isaceoM, u All pages of application is complete 4-lAutDRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form 6-.9 \t\" Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex t a{O.-* "'to Complete site plan submitted ^M ' '*B*- gf{udrcway eermit application included if applicable (refer to Public works .h".klirg4:$-\-i *'\o o Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaqe Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurrinq Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie,loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown ApplicanYs Signature: Date of submittal: D D tr tr tr a tr o a F :/everyondforms/bldperm2 Received By: HOW DID WE RATE WrrH YOU? Town ofVailSurvey Community Devebpment Departnent Russell Fones[ Director, (970)479-2139 Check all that applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contacfl Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin Planning . DRB_PEC 2. Wasyourinitalcontactwifrourstafiimmediab dow or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped?_ 4. Was your project reviewed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5, WastltisyourfirstlimetofileaDRBapp_PECapp_ : Bldg Permit I\UA i 6. Please rate the performance of the stiaf person who assisted you:5432lName: {knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall effeciiveness of fie Front Service Counier. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best lime of day for you to use tre Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nentime? Thank you for taking the tme to complete this suruey. We are committed b improving our service. WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A.PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": o Is this a new residence?YES t-/'*o Does demolition work being performed require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES- NO z--'-- Is any utifity work needed? VfS U/-nO - o o u o o YEs ,tt^oIs the driveway being repaved? Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NO Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YES Is any drainage work belgdone that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public propety?YES NO "" ?NO is the Right-of-Hayflggments or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? If answer is NO, is a parking-qtaging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES_ NO_ ,/ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Work at 479-2L98. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. 4 Contractor Signaturp Job or Project Name: lLr[a-tee Date signed: /-&/-O- F :/everyone/forms/bld perm4 How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Aoolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifo (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. */ atd/ F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed TVWNOF BUILDIT{G PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-fami[ permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must sUll pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Asreed tobyt //Le.l^-l il, ilt/- Print name Signature ,\Project Namet L)Arya4ic e F: everyoneforms/bldp€rm3 ,tr Parcel #: Blilg. ii;l ;rl -rlil TIT.u LJ T o TAPPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 - T T rL--r i=-1L-J I i-t LJ 1.Job Nam€Street Address Excavatlng Contraclor Nams Mailing Addr€sg TOv Contractor's Licens€ Numb€r REOUIRED () zl9City Phone # 4. Starl Date Work is for (circte one) Water Other Completion Date Sewer Gas Electric Telephone CATV Landscaping (Permit Expiration Oale) Temp. Site Access Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL, EOUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. 7.Rubber out-riggers are required on Asphalt surtaces underneath lhe A signature below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to process. Depth Total SF $ Total LF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ Public Seruice Company (1-800- Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987) U.S. West (1-800-922-1987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitalion District (970-476-7480, ent. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town ot Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public Works Construction lnspector (970'479-2198) 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172)'10. 11.Permittee must contact Publlc Works Deoartment at 479-2198 24 hours prior to commencingof work. Failure to notify tfie Town will result in forfeiture ol bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12. I certity that I have read all chapters of 'l'itle 8 - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TFAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor MWNOF DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: ',t) ,n'1, ^.,1 A, 0 t t Print Name N Project Name: (\.',f r a<c<- Date Signed:4-aq-o t Signature F:/everyone/forms/bldpermS Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED tr Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. D Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifu and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any Such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. E Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above. any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 ofthis code. u Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Work, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7.3A.1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED o No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) ! 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) Ihavereadandwillcomp|ywiththeabovecodeprovisions:A.M Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: .*cr,1 Searrrce; F:/even one/forms/bldnermT t GEORGE SH,OFFER P.O. Box 373 Vail. Colorado 81658 (970) 845-56s6 DATE: TO: FROM: RE: Fax Cover Shee TIME: PHONE: FAX: 9:16 AM (970) 479-2142 (970) 479-24s2 May. 2,01 Town of Vail Charlie Davis Brad Foster Dorrance Residence - 97 Rockledge Road Number of cover sheet: 2 Charlie: Attached is letter from A & B Asbestos Abatement Inc. concerning the removal of asbestos material from the Malone and Donance Residences. Brad Foster Project Manager Lol.lzl, /.run*. A.*l ., ,.,1- :P., e /,t- l4)o..<-- , Fllftt : ffi,B AsBEsros ABATET€hrrdc Pfor.E 1€. i I gru 242+LLZB 11a9. 91 ml A:Wn Pz 4m Asbestos Abatement Inc. Hazard Assessment . Air Monitoring . Lead Paint Abatement . complete Asbertos Removal ct Disoosal May 1,2001 Gaorge Schaffer Conslruction Company P.O. Box 373 Vail, Colorado 8'1658 Attention: Mikc Alt RE: ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AT 87 & 97 ROCKLEDOE ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 87 Rockledge on February 28, 2001 A & B Asbestos Abatement, Inc. completed the safe andproper removal of the asbestos containing tloor tile.and transite sheet material from the reskJence. 97 Rockledge on lt/arch 8, 2001 A & B Asbestos Abatement, Inc. completed the safe anct proper removal of the asbestog containing ceiling lexture hom the room adjacent to th€ kitch?n ai this resEence. The romoval was done in containod areas under differential air gressure. All removal was done by wel non-mechanical hand methods. All final clgan up was done by HEPA vacuum and wet wiping methods. All asbestos wasto wag properly packaged and labeled for disposal at an EPA apprcved landfill. lf you have any questions and/or commcnts, please contact mc at 1.800-248-i204. Sincerely,46,-* 635 West White Avenue . Craud Jun6ion. Colorado 81 505 . (9ZO) 2.13-2573. l -800-748- t 20a . FAX tg70l242-1128 'John R. Pctorman, oil*rrr"r oF coMMUN,r" ouuurot', NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Iocation.....: 97 Rockledge Road ParcelNo...: 2l0l07l15033 ProjectNo: L0 / 30 /2oo]- 300 Permit #: Status... Applied. . Issued . Expires . . Phone; TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 OSINER BB,INETT DORRAI$CE TRUST 7600 DOI'BI-,ETREE RANCH RD SCOTTSDALE AZ 85258 I-,icense: CONTRAqIOR MARMOT ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 4511 AVON, CO 8162 0 License:250-E APPLICANT MARMOT ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 4511 AVON, CO 8L620 License: 250-E Desciption: Valuation: L0/30/200L Phone: 970-926-0990 L0/3O/2OOL Phone: 970-926-0990 E0l-0253 : ISSUED: 10130/2001: Il/0112001: 04/3O|2OO2 NEW CONSTRUCTION: SERVICE, ROUGH AND TRIM $1.000.00 tltaaa*lat,ttt,tatarti.,,liaaaal.r**llttt:lrttr.aaa'l*ala.arr**'l:l'lt**rtr*lll FEE SUMMARY El€€t ical-.> DRB Fee--> lnv€stigalio{r-> wilt cEll-> TOTAL FEES-> 9259.00 9o. oo 90.00 $3.00 s272 .OO Total Calculaled F€€s-> Additional Fees------> Totsl Permit Fe€--> Palmqrts---_> BALANCE DLIE-> 9272 . oO s0.00 5272 . OO 52't2 .00 s0.00 Approvals:It6m: 06000 EI-,ECIRICI'L DEPARTMEIII t0/30/200L DF Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMNI Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have rcad this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and ordinances and state this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigrr rcview approvd Uniform ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. APPLICA"usry:rfn(,rjrFr*co'. N,.\- ts#i"'*1euiidins pelm*it * iBE I =Electrical Permit #: NVt{0F 97 O- 47 I - 2A49 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontaee Rd.Vail, ColoraEo 816l L^rlar.l Eqala ?;,, t7 \ ,/*l;1 'I#,"m # Parcel # (R.equited if no Hdg. permit I irtlfidil above) Job Mdres: n ?o.tt*e tot: !Bfock: 7 Filins: lS-SuMMsion: Owners Name:r*-\,,cF fl Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Debiled descripUon of work: l&J Q.tgqtaa+.' 9elrca ?ouGl A,,z\ {Zr*t WorkClass: ru*K Addihon( ) Renrodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPov'rer( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (X) exterior (r() Both ( )Does an EHU o{st at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Singte-family (t') OuOto< ( ) Multi-ramity ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: t No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (,rC) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) CoMPLETE SQ. FEETFOR ALUATIONS FOR ALt OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ CONTRACTOR INFOR.IIATION Electrical Conbzctor: l p^6 F-Lffiac- {sc- Town of Vail Reg. No.: 2SoE Contactand Phone #'s:\rr- ?z< -ono Contractor Signature: Z _ .----= ,t** + *il*:l:r*-** + * :t:l :& + tt *:l *:l rl:* rl :L + **FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ** *****t ** ** ***:t:t * :,F,re€4:'. I,:t..,, :.,,;,rl,.:.;..,..: !ees'ii,"t 1: :;:ffidE.*^l l -- @ved: I:,',,. \nrs r+tot rEwr.r oi vArL FrRE orro*rrr'o 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-213s SPRINKLERPERMIT Job Address: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Location.....: Parcel No...: 210107115033 ProjectNo | (0361-oot"S owNER BENNETT DoRRANCE TRusr o4lot /2oo2 75OO DOIJBI-,ETREE RANCH RD 3OO SCOTTSDAI.,E AZ 8s2 58 L,icense: CONTRACTOR PI{OENIX FIRE PROTECTION 7].1 HARRTSON, I'NIT B IJEADVILI-,B, CO 80461 License z 226-li VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: T}IIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #:F02-0008 Status. . Applied. Issued . Expires . Phone: .: ISSUED.: 04/01/2002.: 08/22/2002.: 02/18/2003 Desciption: install fire sprinkler system...dorrance residence Valuation: 520.280.00 04/ot/2002 Phone: 97O-872-6L74 FEE SUMMARY ++***irrrrt'l'*'!*:t:l****,lr**taaaaarr*'t***:l***,*******'lr*t**,r***** Mechanical--> Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Call--> $420 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $los. oo DRB Fe€---__-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES-----> $3.00 $0. 00 90-0o $528.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Addirional Fees__> Total Permit Fee___> Payments--- - BALAIICE DUE.--_--> s52 8 - 00 90-oo ss28.00 $528.00 $0.00 Item: O51-00 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIiII o8/2o/2oo2 mvaughan Action: AP Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD CONDITION OF APPROVAL INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. RDQUESTS ['OR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJRHOURS IN ADVAI\CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213s FROM 8:00 AM- 5 PM. FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 't*alt9'l**r*****fffft+++*+*laa+***aaa******a'}*a*a****'i*'i*{r***+t*tlll*+f**l**at*t**a**rt*+***l TOWNOFVAIL, COTORADO Stat€m€Nrtaaaa*llaaatfl***flf*+t+*+t+fl+a+allat**taatlaataltaa*a**ft+++t++******atala*aaa***t'lta'}'i***l gtatemerrt Number: R000002947 Anount: $528.00 O8/22/2OO2O1 :17 PIrf Patm€nt Uethod r Check Inlt: DIXI llotatLon: Phoenix 1.63 0 Pemit No: FO2-0008 TlEe: SPRINIqJAR PERIIIT Parcel No: 210107115033 Site Addrege: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD I'AIIJ Location: Total Feea: $528.00This Patrment: $528.00 Total ALL Pnts: 5528.00Balarces $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERI.IIT FEES 42O,OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 105.00 llc OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Description l'lov 26 O1 l1:43a Vlil Fin" Dcpt V.il cO 97O 479 21?6 p.l ^t i_tO't=/Ul-<.e_ 'ffii#illYtuel= ,e65 Bulldins Permit #: sprinklir Permit #. 970-479- 2135 (Inspections) APPTICATION UNLL NOT BE ACCEFTED IF INCOM I Flrc Sprinkler shop drrwlngs arc r€quired at tlme of permlt submittE must indud€ the following. Permft applicatlon wlll not be accepted and without thls informadon :. A Colorado Reglstercd Englneer's stanp or ]|.I.C.E.T. L€vel UI (mln) stamp-. Equipment cut sheets of materials.. HydrauliccalculaUons. . A State of Colorado Plan Registration fonn. . Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Conb"ctor. Fire sprinkler: { /.-C2 o 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 contact Asgessors Offre at 97G328-8ilO or visit forParel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. Permit # is provided above) 7J ai A'7 1111Agg ioo Name: F\ .r\\ )nf Cavrce V ^ C JobAddress: 1-1 R.--k l.J* f2-l LegEl oescription ll Lot: ll Block: ll Fil ng:Subdivision: Owners Name:Addressr Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed Location of vrork: (i.e., floor, unrt #, bldg. #) Detailed descripticn of work: b, T. - L t t, [ -'..^ f : .* S^Do.o \(,o .^ 1^<J" -- WorkClass: New(;S Mdition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family $4 Two-farnity ( ) Muiti-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Oder ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Unib in this buildlng:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Flre Alarm Exlst: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sp'inlder System Exist: Yes ( ) Ns (._ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Matsrlals) Contact and Phone #'s:()8t2.6t? OFFICE USE ONLY""*r ** ***** ** ****tr* *,t * * ****** ** ' * * *** F :,/everyoneforms/sprtpet'm ' ? aeRTNKLER sysrEM ANAr,ysrs (fupERrAr,) t/t)',I I O cALcuLArroN #1 (A) {| ' i+S* Contractor : THE PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR Company Address:288L HwY. 92, HOTCHKISS, CO 81419 ('J\,bT PAGE: 1 OF DATE: 06.18.2002 DESIGNER : T. Shaw Authority : VAIL FIRE DEPT X",::::::,"* ilffir ;: .-'^*;lqrgi# JOB NAME : DORRANCE RESIDENCE ADDRESS : 97 ROCKLEDGE ROAD, VAIL, CO 81658 Description:MASTER BEDROOM 201 # oF SPRINKTER : n Oa*.Mln.Safety: 0 PSI SYSTEM REQUIREMENT:- FgL-oDDt 'z tfrf Total PressureGPM PSI105.17 40.30 RESIDUAI FLOW 510.0 cPM Node System GPM39 105. 17 39 70. 00 PSr FTRE PUMP RATING:PUMP PRESSURE Hose HydrantGPM GPM0.00 0. 00 SOURCE INFORMATION:- SUPPLY STATIC PRESSURE RESIDUAT, PRESSURE 60. 00 PSr FLOW SPRINKLER K= 11.40 OVERHEAD PIPE C= L5O/t2O ITNDERGROUND C= 140 TOTAI SAFETY -- 29.17 PSI BeLow Supply FILE : C : \FireAcad\CALC\01-244-C1 .ndb rf E orro o,lr)\t 0-(, =otr @o{ F-tr'(r, rqOzII] ^QS ga rt HA&Y trr i l,/ Dz"<3 to ti loro C\l c)ro (\or |() oos (tSd)sJnsse.rd o@ - -, -,i---iaiIio)ic.{!o:iiei=iotOiE-----i-aL- iEio:o:>tA =(L .19.-. N do idooo Q)'!---co Eoo =Or---q l-* F:dof7 5o-efln... Cl Ul ; '__ ___l _ - __ __'_'_ -'-_ - -a-__ ; i--------------.:-----------------:--.---.--..---.--:----------.--..-.i-..---------=--j------ -----------| - -- -------------: i:lE: :i ; i I q: ii;iiEr:; i i : El :i i '1 i Ej i t oo 0$_ 0 .0,$ e\l ilff$$:{0,, 'l^ rA9r! f { THE pHoENrx FrRE fecrrow FrRE pRorocrroN afr*to* SPRINKLER SYSIEM ANAI,YSTS (N,IPERIAI,) JOB NAME: DORRANCE RESIDENCE FfLE : C : \fireAcad\CAL,C\01244-C1 .ndb NODE ELE\TATION PRESSI]RErT. PSI DISCTIARGE GPM WASTAGEt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LL t2 13 14 15 16 77 18 L9 202t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3L.2 31.8 31.8 3L.2 31.8 31 .8 3L.2 31.8 31.8 3L.2 31.8 3l_.8 31.8 31.8 3r..8 2L.2 2L.2 12.0 31. I 2L.2 L2.0 L2.0 31- .8 31.8 3r_ .8 31 .8 2L.2 2L.2 2L.2 2L.2 L2.0 L2.O L2.O L2.O 12 .0 L2.O 6.0 1.0 0.0 5.24 5.47 6.7 6 5.49 5.75 6.95 5.20 5.44 6.7L 5.34 5.58 6.7 4 10.07 10.04 LL.25 18.90 19.20 23.67 LL.26 18.70 23.21 23.60 '7 .64 7.01 8.83 10.40 L8.25 18.54 19. 07 19.35 23.86 24.L6 24.t9 24.33 24.28 24.45 27.O8 39.25 40.29 26.L 26.7 26.0 26.3 1.9 4.4 1.6 2.9 rra\J! 'r s,' Jod NAME: DoRRANCE RESTDENCE FILE : c : \FireAcad\cArc\O44-c1 .mdbPIPE NODE FLOW DIA. LENGTH No. No. GPM IN.FT. FRICTION PSI/FT. PRESSURE PSI QN:26.1 QP=26.1 D=l- .055 L=0.7 E:J. Z FT=E LT=3. 8 0. 138 PT=S.24 K=1,1.40PF=O.53 V:9.58PE=-0.29 C=150.00PT=5.47 Pv=0.62 QN:0. 0 QP=26.1, D=1 .055 L=1. 6 F=7.7 FT=T 1,T=9. 3 0.138 PT=5. 4 7 PF=L.28 PE=O. 00 PI=6.'7 6 K=0.00 v=9.58 C=l50. 00 Pv=O.62 QN=2 6.7 QP-26.7 D:l .055 L=0.7 E=3.2 FT:E LT=3. 8 o.r44 PT=5.49 K:11-.40PF:O.55 V=9.81PE=-A.29 C=150.00PT:5.75 Pv:0.65 Q[:0.0 QP=26.7 t\-1 ntrtrt,-J-.vJ.) L:0. 6 E='1.'7 FT=T L,T=8.3 o.1,44 PT:5.75 PF:1.19 PE=0. 00 PT=6. 95 K:0.00 V=9 . 81 C=150.00 Pv=0.65 QN=26.0 QP=26.o D:l- .055 Y=3.2 FT:E IJ'T':J. U 0.137 PT=5.20 K:11-.40PF=0.53 V=9.55PE=-0.29 C:150.00PI:S.44 Pv:0. 6l- QN=0.0 QP=26.0 D:l .055 L=]. 6 E=7 .7 FT=T IT=9. 3 0.137 PT=5.44 vE=r. z t PE=0. 00 PT:6.71 K=0.00\/=O EE C=l50.00 Pv=0. 61 10 11 QN=26.3 QP=26.3 D:l- .055 L:0.7 E=3.2 FT=E LT=3. 8 0. t_40 PT:5. 34 K=11 . 40 PF=O. 54 Y:9.67PE=-O.29 C=150.00 PT=5. 58 Pv=O. 63 11 t2 QN=0.0 QP:Z 6. 3 D:l .055 L=0.6 E: t. I FT:T LT=8.3 0.140 PT:5.58 PF=1 . 16 PE=0. 00 PT=6.'7 4 K=0.00 V=9. 67 C=150.00 Pv=O. 63 QN=O.0 QP=1.7 D:l .055 L=2.9 F=0. 0 FT:0 LT=2.9 0. 015 PT:6 . 71 PF=0. 04 PE:O. 00 PT=6. 7 6 K=0.00 Y:2.84 C:150.00 Pv=O.05 QN=0.0 QP=33.8 E='7.7 FT=T LT=l-4. 8 PT:6.7 6 K=0.00PF=3.31 Y=]-2.42PE:O.00 C:150.00 PT=10. 07 Pv=1 .04 10 1? D:l .055 0.223 . ,JoB NAME: DoRRANCE RESIDENCE ", Sitt;ofi; t tt ;;ffi "ot cerc fol n -t t iilffi ," No. NO. GPM "*rarro?PSI/FT. PRESSURE PSIIN.FT. I2 QN=O. 0 QP:10. 0 D=1 .055 L=8 .7 F:0. 0 FT:0 LT:8.7 0.023 PT-6.7 4 PF=O.20 PE:0.00 PT=6.95 K=0.00 V=3. 66 C=l-50 .00 Pv=0.09 11 t2 QN=o. 0 QP:36.7 D:1 .055 L=4.2 F:7 .7 FT=T LT=11 .9 0.259 PI=6.95 K=0. 00PF=3.09 V=13.47PE=0.00 C=150.00PT=10.04 Pv=L.22L4 L4 15 13 QN:o. O QP=33.5 D=1 .055 L=2 .4 F=3.2 FT=E LT=5.6 0.218 PT=10.04 K=0. 00PF=1.21 Y=12.28PE:O.00 C=l50 . 00PT:11.25 Pv=1.02 15 IO I4 QN=0. 0 QP=33.5 D=1 .055 L:10 . 7 F=3.2 FT=E LT:l3. B 0.21-8 PT:11.25 K=0.00PF=3.02 Y=LZ.28PE:4.62 C=150.00 PT=18. 90 Pv=l-. 02 1b I1 15 0N=0. 0 QP:33. 5 D--7.52'7 L:3. B F:4.'l FT=E LT=8 .4 0 .036 PT=18.90 K=0.00 PF:0 . 30 V=5. 8 6PE:0.00 C=150.00PT=19.20 Pv=0.23 \'l 18 L6 QN=0. 0 QP=33.5 D:l-527 L=9.2 F:4.7 FT=E LT:13.8 0.036 PT=19.20 K:0. 00 PF:0 .50 V=5. B 6PE=3.97 C=150.00PT=23.6'l Pv-0.23 .LJ L9 11I' 0N=0. 0 QP=37 . 1 D=1 .055 L:l .4 E=5 . Z FT=E LT:4 .5 0.264 PT:10. 07 K=0. 00PF=1.20 V:13.60PE:0.00 C:L50.00PT:11.26 Pv=\.24 L9 20 lx QN=0. 0 QP=37.1 D=l .055 F=0.0 FT=0 LT=l0 . 7 o.264 PT:II.26 K=0.00 PF:2 .81 V=13. 60PE=4.62 C=150.00PT:l8.70 Pv='J..24 74 t_3 19 QN=0. 0 QP=3.2 D=1 .055 L=9.8 F=0.0 FT=0 LT:9.8 0.003 PT:10.04 K:0. 00PF=0.03 V=1.18PE-0.00 C=150.00PT=10.07 Pv-0.01- zv QN:0. 0 QP:37 .1 L=9.2 F:4.7 FT=E LT:l-3.8 PT=18.70 K:0.00PF:O.60 V=6.49PE:3.97 c:150.00PT=23.27 Pv=0.28 20 2t D:L.52'7 0.044 ! .\Jg l7, JOB NAME: DORRANCE RESIDENCE FrLE : c : \FireAcad\cArcc44-C1.mdbPIPE NODE FLOW I'IA. LENGTH oFRICTION PSI/FT. PRESSURE PSINo. No. GPM IN.FT. 2t 2t 22 QN:0.0 QP:37 .1 D:L.527 L=2.8 F=4 -7 FT=E LT=?.5 0.044 PT=23.27 K=0.00PF=0.33 Y=6.49PE=O.00 C=150.00PT=23.60 Pv=O.28 22 QN=O.0 QP:18 . 3 D=l .055 L=5. 3 F=7 .7 FT=T LT:13.0 0.071 PT=6.71 PF=O.93 PE=0.00 PT=1.64 K=0. 00 V=6.71 C=150. 00 Pv:O.3023 L2 24 23 QN=o. 0 QP:16.4 D=l . 055 L=2.5 E=3.2 FT=E LT=5. 7 0. 058 PT=6 .7 4 PFEO.33 PE=0.00 PT=1 .0'l K-0.00 V=6.01 C=150. 00 Pv=O.24 24 23 24 QN:o. 0 QP:l6.4 D=1 .055 L=9. I F=0. 0 FT=0 tT=9. I 0. 058 PT=7 .07 PF=0 .57 PE=O.00 PT=1.64 K:0.00 V=6.01 C=150. 00 Pv=O.24 23 25 25 QN:0.0 QP:34.6 D=1 . 055 L:1. 9 E=3.2 FT=E LT=5. 1 0.233 PT=1.64 PF=1 . LB PE=O.00 PT=B . 83 K=0. 00 Y=L2.'72 C:150. 00 Pv=1. 09 ZJ 26 zo QN:0.0 QP:34.6 D=l .055 L=3. 6 E=3.2 FT=E LT=6. I 0.233 PT=8.83 K=0.00PF=L.58 Y=L2.72PE=0.00 C=150.00PT:l0.40 Pv=1 .09 26 27 27 QN=0.0 QP:34.6 D=l .055 L=1,0.7 F=3.2 FT=E LT=l3.8 o.233 PT:10.40 K:0.00PF=3.22 v=L2.'72PE=4.62 C=150.00PT=18.25 Pv=1.09 27 28 z6 QN=o.0 QP:34.6 D:L.527 L=2.8 F=4.7 FT=E LT=1 .4 0. 038 PT=18 .25 K:0.00 PF=O .29 V=6. 07PE=0.00 C=150.00PT=18.54 Pv:0.25 28 29 29 QN:0.0 QP:34.6 D--L.527 L:9.2 E=4.7 FT=E LT=13.9 0.038 PT:18 .54 K=0. 00PF=O.53 V--6.0'lPE=O.00 C=150.00PT:19.07 Pv=0.25 29 QN=o.0 QP:34.6 L=2.8 E=4.7 FT=E LT=1 .4 PT:19.07 K=0.00PF=0.29 V=6.07PE=O.00 C=150.00PT:19.36 Pv=0.25 30 30 D=!.527 0. 038 r}|(J& tt o' JOB NAME: DORRANCE RESIDENCE ,, fi"""oS; t "t ffi8;'ot cer'c f 1 n -t tiilffi ,"a No. No. GPM IN.FT. FRTCTION PSI/FT. PRESSURE PSI JI 30 31 QN=O.0 QP:34. 6 D=I .52'l L:9.2 E=4.7 FT=E LT=13.8 0. 038 PT=19. 36 K:0. 00PF=O.53 V=6.07PE=3.97 C=150.00PT=23.86 Pv=O.25 31 32 32 QN:O.0 QP=34. 6 D=L.52'7 L=3.3 E=4.7 FT=E LT=8. 0 0 .038 PT=23. 86 K=0.00 PFO. 31 V=6 . 07PE=O.00 C=l50.00PT=24.t6 Pv=O.25 18 33 JJ 0N:0. 0 QP=33.5 D=!.527 L=5.3 E=Y.Z FT=T tT=14.5 0 .036 PT=23.67 K=0.00PF=0.52 V:5.86PE=0.00 C=l50.00PT=24.I9 Pv=0.23 32 33 34 QN:0.0 0P=34 . 6 D:2.981 L=19 . 0 F:0.0 FT=0 LT=19 . 0 0 .001 PT=24.16 K=0.00PF:0.03 V:1.59 PE=0. 00 C=150. 00PT=24.19 Pv:0.02 zz 34 35 QN=O.0 QP=37. 1 D=t.527 L=7.5 F=9.2 FT=T LT=16.7 0.044 PT=23. 60 K=0.00PF:O.73 v:6.49 PE=O. 00 C=150.00P'l=24,33 Pv=0.28 33 35 36 QN=O.0 QP=68.1 D:2.98t T _? E F:9.2 FT=E LT=l6. 7 0. 005 PT=24.19 K=0. 00PF=O.09 V:3.13 PE=0. 00 C=150 .00PT:24,28 Pv:O. 07 35 34 37 QN:o. O QP=68 .1 D:2.98I lJ=Y.I F=0.0 FT=0 LT=9.l- 0.005 PT=24,28 K=0.00 PF=0. 05 V=3. 13 PE=0. 00 C=150.00PT:24.33 Pv:O.07 34 36 38 QN=O. 0 D:2.981 QP=105.2 L:1 .8 F:9.2 FT=E tT=11 . 0 0. 012 PT=24,33 K:0.00 PF=0. L3 V:4.83 PE=O. 00 C=150.00PT=24.45 Pv-0.16 36 37 39 QN=o.0 D=3.900 QP=105.2 L:6.0 F:0. 0 FT=0 LT=6. 0 0. 005 PT=24.45 K:0.00PF:0.03 Y:2.82PE=2.60 C:120.00PT=27.O8 Pv:0.05 37 QN=O.0 D=4 .310 QP:105.2 L=5. 0 F:0. 0 FT=FI 10 LT=5. 0 PT=27 .08 K:0. 00PF:10.00 Y=2.31PE=2.17 C=L20.00PT=39.25 Pv:0.04 40 38 0. 000 raftu tr y. .'OI NAIIE: DORRJANCE RESIDENCE FILE : C : \FireAcad\c,Atcf244-C1 .rndbPIPE NODE ELOII EIA. LENGTHNo. No. GPM IN.FT. ER.ICTION PSI /FT. PRESSI'RE PSI 38 39 4t QN:O.0 IF*A.220 QP=105.2 L=200. 0 F=53. 6 FT=ETG LT=253. 6 0.002 PT=39.25 K-0.00PF=0.61 Y=2.4tPE=0.43 C=140.00Pl=40.29 Pv=0.04 PAGU ; lU LEGEND S-f,= f- J=l,= Q= ll=D=lf=p=p= FrX Standard 45 degree elbowStandard 90 degree elbowLong turn degree elbowStandard teeButterfly valve Gate valve Check valve Alarm valve Dry pipe valve Deluge valvePre-action valve Back flow preventer = Constant pressure x l-n PSIfor fitting F Normal flow dischargeFlowi in; plpe Pipe inside diameterPipe lengthFitting equivalenceFltting typeTota1 lengthTotal node pressure Pressure friction lossPressure elevation lossSprinkler K-factorVelocity C-factorVelocity pressure QN= QP=!= Y- p= FT: LT= PT= PF= PE=l(=\/= PV= SIGNIFICAI.IT TIYDRAULIC.AI, NOTES : Maximun velocity of 13.50 FTISEC at pipe 18Most remote sprinkler @ node 7 d.'HlEi'ili;ff-flfrYs rs llPERrAr) ContTactoT : THE PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR Cornpany Address:288'1, llWY. 92, HOTCHKISS, CO 81419 PAGE: 1 OF DATE:06.18.2002 JOB NAME : DORRANCE RESIDENCE ADDRESS : 97 ROCKLEDGE ROAD, VAIL, CO 81658 Description :MASTER BEDROOM 201 DESIGNER : T. Shaw Authority : VAIL FIRE DEPT CONTRACT #0]-244 REF. TO DRAWING #FP 3OF3 IIAZARD DESCRIPTION: NFPA l-3 SINGLE HEAD CALC CAJ,CULATION CRITERIA : - TOTAL AREA : 256.0 SO.FT. DENSITY : 0.100 USGPM/SQ.FT. Max.AREA,/SPRINKIER z 256.0 SQ.FT.# OF SPRINKLER : 1Min.Safety: 0 PSI SYSTEM REQUIREMENT:-Node Svstem 39 GPM 26.02 SOURCE INFORMATION:- SUPPLY STATIC PRESSURE RESIDUAI PRESSURE 39 70.00 PSr 60.00 Psr FI,0W FIRE PIJMP RATING: Hose HydrantGPM GPM 0 .00 0. 00 Total- GPM zo.uz RESIDUAI FLOW510.0 GPM Pressure PSI 31. 68 PTJMP SPRINKLER PRESSURE K= 1l- .40 OVERHEAD PIPE C: ]-5O/L20 UNDERGROUND C: 14O TOTAL SAFETY : 38.28 PSI Be]-ow Supply FILE: C: \FireAcad\CALC\01-244-C1.rndb v*#.Kpt i----- --l- ---------- - - - ---- - - - --- - - - - - - -i - - - - - - - - -- - -- --- ---- -.- - l- - - ---'- cll4)lU'io!git:ol i I : i : : i I -:nd-=---4-(:, oic$(99(\t@oGl ciolo:8.$,at*6)5:...!n- tFtl6Y L4olv6tr : i i : i I iaiLlo:(o ir:oip ifiotO:o,l---i{L--- iE!oior>io i .-i------. o l.) olOrt @o$ =o(9 'otrt-rO cr) lr'l \,/zlr'lnoF\JH i,-.gDrt rqKilY'F r'r1 d'IU5z2<3Nt. \) & n (r,ro c\lo ro o88e8 (tSd)arnsseld oo@N oo Pa dffi "9,f;M V0' t- @ 0 0 ilff$$:{0,, ?^ rnE pHoENrx FrRE fecrrox FrRE pRorEcrroN cfnacro* SPRINKLER SYSTE[,{ ATiIALYSIS (TMPERIAI) .fOB }iIAME: DORRANCE RESTDENCE Ff LE : C: \FireAcad\C.AL,c\01244-C1.ndb NODE ELEVATTON PRESSUREFT. PSI DISCHARGE GPU I{ASTAGEt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7I 9 10 1L L2 13 t4 15 16 L'l 18 19 202l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3L.2 31.8 31.8 3L.2 31. I 31.8 31.2 31.8 31.8 31.2 31. 8 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.8 21.2 2L.2 L2.O 3r, .8 2L.2 12.Ot2.0 31.8 31.8 31.8 31 .8 2L.2 2L.2 2L.2 2L.2 12.Ot2.0 L2.O 12.ot2.ot2.o 6.0 1.0 0.0 7.t2 6.83 6.83 7 .64 7. 35 7.35 5.2L 5.44 6.72 7. 59 7.30 7.30 7. 38 7 .4L 7.50 L2.34 L2.37 16.37 7 .48 12.32 16. 34 16. 36 7.22 7.27 7.31 7 .43 L2.2912.3t L2.3s L2.37 16.38 L6.4L 16. 41 L6.42 16. 41 15.43 19. 03 3L.20 31.68 26.0 1.6 JOB NAI"TE: DORRANCE RESTDENCE FrLE : C ; \FireAcad\cal,c!44-C1 .mdbPIPE NODE FLOW Tr}.. LENGTH No. No. GPM IN. FT. FRrcrrP PRESsuREPSI/FT. PSI QN=0. 0 QP:o. O D:l. 055 L=0. ? F:3.2 FT=E LT=3.8 0.000 PT=1.t2 K:0.00PF:0.00 V:0.00PE=-0.29 C=150.00PT:6.83 Pv:0.00 QN=O. 0 QP=0.0 D:l . 055 L=1.6 F=7 .7 FT:T LT=9. 3 0.000 PT=6. 83 PF=O. 00 PE=O .00 PT:6. 83 K=0.00V:0.00 C=150.00 Pv:O.00 QN=o. 0 QP:o. O D:l. 055 L:0.7 F=3.2 FT=E LT=3. 8 0.000 PT=1.64 K=0.00PF=O.00 V=0.00 PE=-0.29 C=150.00PT:?.35 Pv:0.00 QN=o. 0 QP=O. 0 D:1 .055 L=0. 6 F=7 .7 FT=TLT:8.3 0.000 PT:7 .35 PF=O.00 PE=O. 00 PT=7.35 K:0.00 V:0.00 ai- 1 En nn\J-I'J\J ' \J\J Pv=O.00 QN=26.0 QP:26.0 D=1 . 055 E=J . Z FT=E LT=3. B 0.137 PT=5.21 K=11 .40PF=O.53 V=9.55 PE=-0 .29 C=150.00 PT:5. 44 Pv:0. 61 QN:o. O QP:26.O D:l-. 055 L=1.6 F='7 .7 FT:T LT:9.3 0.137 PT:5.44 PF=1 .28 PE=O.00 YL:O. tZ K:0.00 V:9.55 C=150. 00 Pv=0. 61 10 11 QN=0.0 QP:o. O D:1 . 055 L:U. / F=3.2 FT=E LT:3. 8 0.000 PT=?.59 K=0.00PF=0.00 V:0.00 PE=-O .29 C=150.00PT:?.30 Pv:O.00 11 L2 QN=0. 0 QP:O. O D:l- .055 L:0. 6 t=7 .7 FT:T LT=8.3 0.000 PT=7.30 PF=O. 00 PE=O. 00 PT=7.30 K=0.00 V:0.00 C=150. 00 Pv:O.00 QN=O. 0 QP=L2.9 D:1 . 055 L=2.9 F=0. 0 FT=0 LT--2.9 0.037 PT:6.72 PF=O.11 PE=0. 00 PT=6.83 K:0.00 Y=4.7 4 C=150. 00 YV:U . t5 QN=0,0 QP=12.9 L:1.7 F='1 .'l FT=T LT:14.8 PT=6. B3 PF=0. 56 PE=0. 00 PT=?. 38 K=0.00 Y:4.7 4 C=150.00 Pv:O. 1-5 10 -LJ D:1 . 055 0 .037 JOB NAME: DORRANCE RESID-ENCE n, fl"""oS; t "t ;;"T"ar cerc f 1 n - t t ;Hffi ," No. NO. GPM IN. FT. orartt PSI/FT. PRESSURE PSI T2 QN:O. O QP:4.6 D:1.055 L:U . / F=0.0 FT=0 L1=8 .7 0.005 PT=7 .30 PF:O.05 PE=0 .00 PT:? .35 K=0.00v:L.67 c=150. 00 Pv:O.02 11 I2 QN:O. O QP=4.6 D=1 . 055 L:4 .2 t=7.'7 FT:T LT=11 . 9 0.005 PT=? .35 PF:O .06 PE=0.00 PT:1.4L K=0.00v:I.67 C:150. 00 Pv:0.02L4 1_5 13 QN:o. 0 QP=8. 1 lJ:L. uJ3 L=2.4 F=3.2 FT=E LT=5. 6 0.016 PT=7.41- PF=O.09 PE=0. 00 PT:? .50 K=0.00 Y=2.9'l C=150. 00 Pv=O.06 l5 to 74 QN:o. 0 QP=8. 1 n=1 nq5 L=10 . 7 F:3.2 FT=E LT=13.8 0.016 PT:? .50 K:0.00 PE=O .22 Y=2.97PE:4.62 C:150.00P't:12.34 Pv:O.06 -LO .| ,1LI 15 QN:o. O QP:8. 1 D=|.52't T.= ? Q F:4.'7 FT=E LT=8 .4 0.003 PT:I2.34 K:0.00 PF:0. 02 Y:\.42 PE=0. 00 C:150.00 P'I:L2 .31 Pv:0.01 1.1LI 18 l-o QN:o. O QP:8.1 D:I. 'I I L=9.2 E=4.'l FT=E LT=13.8 0.003 PT:12.3'7 K:0.00PF=O.04 v:!.42 PE:3. 97 C:150.00 PT=16 .37 Pv:0 . 01 13 L9 LI QN:o. O QP=9. 4 D=1.055 !-r -.t r:5 - z FT=E LT=4 .5 0.02L PT:? . 38 PF:O. 09 PE=O. 00 PT:7. 48 K:0.00 V:3.44r.- 1 C.n nnv-rJw. vw Pv:0. 08 t_9 20 1B QN:o. O QP=9. 4 D=1. 055 F:0. 0 FT=0 0.021_ PT:?.48 K:0.00PF:O.22 v=3.44 PE--A.62 C:l-50 . 00PT:L2.32 Pv=O.08 13 l4 IY QN:0. 0 QP=3. 5 D=1. 055 L=9. B F=0. 0 FT:0 LT=9. B 0.003 PT:7. 38 PF:0. 03 PE=0. 00 PT:1.4I K:0. 00 V=l-.30 C:150.00 Pv:0. 01 20 QN:O. O QP=9 .4 L=9.2 E--tt. I FT:E LT=13.8 PT--).z.32 K:0. 00 PF=O. 05 V=l-. 64 PE=3. 97 C=150. 00PT:16.34 Pv:O. 02 20 2L D=L.52'7 0 .003 . JOB NAI'IE: DORRANCE RESIDFNCE FILE : C : \FireAcad\celcQ44-c1.mdbPIPE NODE FLOW DTA. LENGTH No. NO. GPM IN. FT. FRrcrrP PREssuRE PSI/FT. PSI 2t 22 2L QN:o. O QP=9. 4 D=I.527 L=2.8 F=4.7 FT=E LT=? .5 0 .003 PT=16.34 K=0.00PF=O.03 V=1.64 PE:0. 00 C=150. 00 PT=16.36 Pv=0.02 zz QN=O. 0 QP=13.1 D=l-.055 T.: q ? E='l .7 FT=T LT=l-3.0 0 .039 PT=6.'12 PF:0.50 PE=O.00 PT='l.22 K:0.00 V=4 .81 C=150 . 00 Pv=O.1623 24 t2 z5 QN=o. 0 QP=4.6 n-l n(R L=2.5 FT=E LT=5.7 0 .005 PT='l.2'l PF=O. 03 PE=O. 00 PT=7 .30 K=0.00 V=1.67 C:150. 00 Pv=0.02 23 z.l 24 QN:0. 0 QP=4. 6 n:1 n qq L=9. B F=0. 0 FT=0 LT=9. B 0.005 PT=?.22 PF:O.05 PE=O.00 PT:1 .21 K=0. 00 V=1 . 67 C=150.00 Pv=O.02 23 25 25 QN=0. 0 QP=B . 6 D=1.055 L:1.9 F=3.2 FT=E T m-q 1 0.017 PT=1 .22 PF:o.09 PE:0. 00 PT=?.31 K=0. 00 v=3 . 14 C=150.00 Pv=0. 07 25 zo 26 QN=O. 0 nP=R 6 D=1.055 L=3.6 F=3.2 FT=E LT=6. 8 0.017 PT:7 . 31 PF:0.12 PE=0. 00 PT='|.43 K=0.00 v=J . t4 C=150. 00 Pv=O. 07 26 27 27 QN=O.0 QP:8. 6 n-1 nqq L=l0.7 E=J.Z FT=E LT=13.8 0.017 PT=7.43 K=0.00 PE--l .24 V=3.1"4PE=4.62 C=150.00PT--72.29 Pv=O. 07 2-7 28 28 ON=O. 0 QP:8. 6 D=L.527 L=2.8 F=4.7 FT=E LT=1 .4 0.003 PT=I2.29 K=0.00PF:O.02 V=1.50 PE=0. 00 C=150.00 PT:12 . 3l- Pv=0. 02 28 29 29 Qlr--o. 0 QP=8. 6 D=I.527 L=9.2 F=4.7 FT:E LT=13 . 9 0. 003 PT=r2.3t K=0.00PF:0.04 V:l.50PE=0.00 C=150.00PT:12.35 Pv=0.02 29 QN-o.0 QP=8. 6 L=2.8 t=4 . I FT=E LT=1.4 PT:12.35 K=0.00PF:O.02 V:l.50 PE=O. 00 C=l-50 . 00 PT:I2.37 Pv=O.02 JU 30 D=I.52'7 0.003 r.tt\JfJ It O' JOB NAME: DORRANCE RESTnENCE FrLE : C : \FireAcad\cArc!244-Cl- .mdbPIPE NODE F]-,OW DIA. LENGTH oION FT.No. No. GPM IN.rr.FRICT DC T / PRESSURE PSI 3t- JU 31 QN=0.0 QP=8.6 D=]..52'l lJ=J . Z F=4.7 FT:E LT=13. 8 0. 003 PT=I2.3'l K:0. 00PF:O.04 V:1.50PE=3.9? C:150.00PT:16.38 Pv=O.02 31 JZ 32 ON=O.0 QP=8.6 D:\.527 L=3.3 F=4. 7 FT=E LT=8.0 0. 003 PT=16.38 K=0.00PF=O.02 V=l .50PE=0.00 C:150.00 PT:16 . 41 Pv=0 . 02 18 5J 33 QN=O.0 QP=8.1 D=I.52'7 !=J. J F=9.2 FT=T LT=l-4.5 0. 003 PT=16. 37 K=0 . 00PF=0.04 v:!.42PE=0.00 C=150.00PT=16.41 Pv:O.01 32 33 34 QN=0.0 QP:8.6 D:2.98L L=19. 0 F=0. 0 FT=0 LT=19.0 0.000 PT=16.41 K:0.00PF=O.00 v:0.39PE=O.00 C:150.00PT=16.41 Pv:O.00 zz J{ 35 QN=o. 0 QP=e.4 D=\ .527 L=7 .5 F:9.2 FT=T LT=16.7 0. 003 PT=16.36 K=0.00PF=0.06 v:L.64PE=O.00 C:150.00PT=16.42 Pv:O.02 35 36 QN=0.0 0P:16. 6 D:2.987 L=7.5 F:9.2 FT=E LT=16. 7 0.000 PT:16. 41 K:0. 00PF=0.01 Y:O.7'lPE=0.00 C=150.00 PT=16. 41 Pv:O. 00 34 37 QN=0.0 QP:16. 6 D:2.987 L=9. 1 F=0.0 FT=0 IT=9, 1 0. 000 PT=16.41 K:0. 00PF=O.00 V:0.77PE=O.00 C=150.00PT=t6.42 Pv:0.00 34 36 38 QN-o.0 QP=26. 0 D=2.98L L=1.8F:9.2 FT=E LT:11.0 0.001 PT:].6.42 K:0. 00PF=O.01 V:1.20PE:O.00 C=l50.00PT=16.43 Pv:O.01 36 39 QN=0.0 QP=26.0 D:3. 900 L=6. 0 F=0. 0 FT=0 LT=6.0 0. 000 PT=16.43 K:0.00PF=0.00 V=0.70PE:2.60 C=\20.00 PT=19. 03 Pv=0. 00 37 QN=O.0 QP:26.0 t=5. 0 F=0. 0 FT=FI 10 LT:5. 0 PT=19. 03 K:0. 00PF=10.00 V:0.57PE:2.17 C=120.00PT=31.20 Pv=0.00 40 38 D=4 .310 0. 000 r!$Jtr tl t. JOB NAME: DORRAIICE RESIDENCE FILE : C : \FlreAcad\cer,c!244-c1 .ndbPIPE NODE EI,OI{ YIA. I"EI{GTENo. No. GPM IN.FT. gRrcTrott PSI/FT. PRESST'RE PSI 38 39 4L Qlil=0.0 QF-26.0 D+4.220 t=200.0 F=53. 6 FT:ETG LT=253. 6 0.000 PT=31.20 K=0.00PE,=O.05 V=0.60PE=O.43 C=140.00PT=31.68 Pv=0.00 rta\'E ll lu LEGEND S = Standard 45 degree elbowE : Standard 90 degree elbowL -- Lonq turn degree elbowT = Standard teeB = Butterfly valve G : Gate valve C = Check valve A : Alarm valve D = Dry pipe valve W = Deluge valve P = Pre-action valveF : Back flow preventer Frx = Constant pressure x in PSI C : C-factorfor fitting F PV = Veloci.ty pressure QN - Normal flow discharge QP = Flowt int pipe D = Plpe inside diameterL = Pipe length F = Fitting equivalenceFl = Fitting tlpe LT = Total length PT = Total node pressure PF = Pressure frictlon loss PE = Pressure elevation lossK = Sprinkler K-factorV = Velocity STGNTFICAI{T HYDRAIILICAI NOTES : Maximum velocity of 9.55 FT/SEC at pipe 6 Most remote sprinkler 0 node 7 di.'ill:$'"il?3ff -ANALYS r s fr PERTAT ) ContTactoT : THE PHOENIX TIRE PROTECTION FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR Company Address:2881- HWy. 92, HOTCHKISS, CO 814L9 PAGE: 1 OF DATE: 06.18 .2002 JOB NAME : DORRANCE RESIDENCE ADDRESS : 97 ROCKLEDGE ROAD, VAIL, CO 81658 Description:LIVING ROOM 109 DESIGNER : T. Shaw Authority : VAfL FIRE DEPT CONTRACT #OL244 REF. TO DRAWING #FP 3OF3 HAZARD DESCRIPTION: NFPA 13 EIGHT HEAD CALC CA],CUI,ATION CRITERIA: - TOTAI AREA : 2O48.0 SQ.FT. DENSITY : 0.100 USGPM/SQ.FT. Max.AREA/SPRINKLER : 256.0 SQ.FT. # OF SPRTNK],ER : 8Min.Safety: 0 PSI SYSTEM REQUIREMENT:-Node Svstem 38 GPM 243.'tB 38 70.00 PSr FIRE PUMP RATING: PUI{P PRESSI]RE Hose HydrantGPM GPM0.00 0.00 Total GPM 243 .7 B RESIDUAI, FLOW 510.0 GPM Pressure PSI 53.25 SOURCE INFORMATION:- SUPPLY STATIC PRESSI'RE RESIDUAL PRESSURE 60.00 Psr FLOW SPRINKTER K= 11.40 OVERHEAD PIPE C: I5O/L20 t NDERGROIIND C= 140 TOTAI SAFETY = 1.4.20 PSI Below Supply FILE : C : \r'ireAcad\cAIC\0I244-C2 .mdb =*F qct =oogaoah,3ng|{)('rNS&€to .. Nqfr-:iE O FE €),:-o.---o'----jEFE FE3 ilrli/i/rIi/, /i :---'-------------a'_-_-__ -'- - ___ -_r tc6 E..E L i.-------..---- r@lfl @0$ =0-o 'otri\.tct(Y) frl Uzfr'] 9+az trl Ie\ 14CL/U 44,<O&il.6n o (nlOt e)ro oo0aaaaoo6FOlot(o$l (tsdemsssld ao $ SPRTNKLER SySTEM Ar.rAtySIS (IMPERIAI) .'OB NAME: DORRANCE RESIDENCE FILE : C : \FireAcad\CALc\01244-C2 .ndb NODE EI,EVATION PRESSI'REFT. PSI TnE pHOENrx rrRE fUCtrOr FrF€ PROTECTTON ClaCtOn DISCIIARGE GPM WASTAGEt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7I 9 10 tL L2 13t4 15 L6 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 35.0 34.5 29.9 30.1 28.9 30.7 36.7 34.7 15.9 1? .5 12.9 19.9 20. 5 2L.2 2L.2 20.5 2L.2 2L.2 2L.2 20.s 2L.2 20.5 2L.2 20.5 2L.2 20.5 2L.2 20.5 2L.22t.2 20.52r.2 2L.2 2L.22t.2 2L.2 2L.2t2.0 2L.22t.2t2.0t2.0 L2.0 1-2.0t2.o L2.0 L2.O 6.0 1.0 0.0 6.33 6.57 8.18 5.20 5.43 6.03 8.24 9.42 10.04 9. L6 10.80 6. 89 8.08 6.96 8.17 6.43 6.77 9.53 7 .24 7 .67 r.0.75 8.13 10.37 13.73 17.43 28.30 9. 06 15.71 23.89 25.36 32.26 32.42 33.90 34.40 35.01 37.74 49. 91 53.25 28.7 26.O L2.L 1.5 ' 'JOB NAI'IE: DORRANCE RESIDIiNCE ", 5;"";o;;t "t ;iffi 'd\cAtc? 1 n -t'iilffi ," No. NO. GPM IN. FT. TRICTIP PSI/FT. PRESSURE PSI QN-28.7 QP--28.7 D=1 .055 t=3.2 FT:E LT=3. 8 0 . 1,64 PT=6. 33 K=11 . 40 PF=0. 63 V=10. 53PE=-0.29 C=150. 00 PT=6.67 Pv=0.75 QN=0.0 QP=28.7 D=1 .055 L=I.5 F:7 .7 FT:T Lt=9.2 0.164 PI:6. 67 PF=1. 51 PE=0. 00 PT:8.18 K=0. 00 V=10. 53 C=150.00 Pv:O.75 QN=2 6. 0 QP:26.O D:l .055 L=O.'l F=3.2 FT=E LT:3. B 0. 1-37 PT:5.20 K:l1- . 40 PF=0.52 V=9.54PE=-0.29 C:150. 00 PT=5. 43 Pv=O. 61 QN-0.0 QP=26.o D:l .055 L:t.2 F=3.2 FT=E LT=4.3 0. 137 PT=5. 43 PF=0. 59 PE:0. 00 PT=6. 03 K=0. 00 V=9.54 C=150. 00 Pv=0. 61 QP=26.0 D=1 .055 L=8.5 F=7 .1 FT:T IJL:IO. Z n 1 ?? PT:6. 03 Pt=2.22 PE:0. 00 PT=8.24 K:0. 00 V=9.54 C:150. 00 Pv=0.61 QN-35. 0 QP=35.0 L:0. 7 t=3.2 FT:E LT:3. B o.231 PI=9.42 K:11.40PF=0.91 Y=72.84PE=-}.29 C:150.00 PT:l-0.04 Pv=1.11- t-0 1L QN-34.5 QP:34.5 D:1 .055 L:0. 7 F:7 .7 FT:T LT:8. 4 o.23L PT=9. 16 K=11.40PF:1.93 v:I2.66PE:-0.29 C=150.00 PT=10. B0 Pv:1.08 L2 13 QN-29. 9 QP=29.9 D:1 .055 L:0. 7t:7 .'l FT:T LT=8.4 0.178 PT:6. 89 K=11.40PF=l-.49 V:10.98 PE=-0.29 C=150.00PT=8.08 Pv=O.81 L4 QN-30.1 QP=30.1 D=1 .055 F:7 .7 FT:T LT:8. 4 0.L19 PT=6. 96 K=11 .40PF=1.50 V:11-.04PE=-}.29 C:150.00PT=8.17 Pv=O.82 L6 QN=28.9 QP-28.9 L:0.7t:3.2 FT:E LT:3. 8 PT=6.43 K=1-1.40 PF=O.64 V=10. 61PE:-0.29 C=150. 00 PT=6 .'l'7 Pv-O . 7 6 10 17 D:1 .055 0.167 ' 'JoB NAME: DoRRANCE RESTDENcE ,, 5*"""o3;t "t '";ffi "arcai'c fil' -tt iilffi ," No. No. GPM IN. FT. oFRICTION PSI/FT. PRESSURE PST '1 1 I7 18 QN=0.0 QP=28.9 D=1 .055 L=8 .9 F:7 .7 FT:T LT=l6. 6 0.167 Pt=6.'17 PF:2.7 6 PE=0. 00 PT=9. 53 K=0.00 V=10.61- C=150. 00 Pv=O.76 19 20 t2 QN=30.7 QP=30.7 D=1 .055 r -n .' E=3.2 FT=E LT=3. B 0.186 Pt='l .24 K=11 .40 PF:0.71 V=L1.26PE=-0.29 C=150.00 P'l='l .6'l Pv=O . 85 20 27 13 QN=O. 0 QP=30.7 D=1 .055 L=8 .9 F--7 .7 FT=T LT=l- 6. 6 0.186 PT=1.61 K=0.00PF=3.08 v:IL.26 PE=0. 00 C=150.00 PT=10 . 75 Pv:O.85 tl zz 14 QN=0. 0 0P:13.9 D=1 .527 L=1 .5 F=4.7 FT=E LT:6. 1 0 .007 PT=8. 08 PF=0. 04 PE=0. 00 PT=8.13 K=0.00 v:2.43 C=150.00 Pv:O. 04 zz QN:O. O nD=1 ? A D:I.52'7 L=7 .3 F=0 .0 FT:0 Lt= / . J 0 .007 PT:B. L3 PF=O. 05 PE=O. 00 PT=8.l-8 K=0. 0O Y:2.43 C=150.00 Pv:0. 04 L5 l6 QN-0. 0 QP:42.6 D=1-.52'7 lJ-L -Z F=0.0 FT:0 T rT- 1 'l 0.056 PT:8. 18 PF=O.06 PE=0.00 PT=8.24 K:0. 00 v:7.46 C=150.00 Pv:0. 37 L7 QN:O. O QP:68. 6 D=\.52'l L=6.4 F:9.2 FT=T LT:15 . 6 0.136 PT:B -24 K:0.00PF=2.l-3 V=12. 01PE=0.00 C=150.00PT=10.37 Pv:0.97ZJ 18 QN:o. O QP:35. 0 D:L.52'7 L:B .5 F:0.0 FT:0 LT:U . J 0. 039 PT:10.04 K:0.00PF=0.33 V=6.13 PE:O. 00 C=150.00PT=10.37 Pv=0.2523 23 l-1 19 QN:o. O D--L.52'7 QP=103.6 L:l .5 F-0. 0 FT:0 LT-1 .5 U . ZYZ PT:10.37 K:0. 00PF=0.43 V=18. 14PE:0.00 C=150.00PT:10.80 Pv:Z.22 11 QN:O.0 D=7.52'7 QP=138 . L L:L.2 F--4.7 FT:E LT:5. 9 PT:10.80 K=0.00PF=2.93 v=24.19 PE=0 .00 C=150.00PT:13.73 Pv:3. 94 20 24 0.498 ' JOB NAME: DORRANCE RESIDENCE ,, 5i"",i.o;;t "t ;;ffi 'd\cAlc*.l' -t';ilffi ,",p FT.No. No. GPM IN.FT. FRICT PSI/ PRESSURE PSI 2L 24 25 QN=0.0 D:L.527 QP-138 .1 L:2.8 F=4.7 FT=E IJL= I.q 0.498 PT:l-3 .73 K:0 . 00PF=3.71 Y=24.L9 PE=O. 00 C=150. 00 PT=]-7 .43 Pv=3.94 25 zo 22 QN:O. O D=L.527 QP-138.1 L:9 . Z F=4.7 FT:E Ll=13. I 0.498 PT:17 .43 K:0.00 PF=6. B9 Y=24.L9 PE:3. 97 C:150. 00PT=28.30 Pv=3.94 13 15 23 QN-0.0 QP:16. 0 D:|.527 L=9.'l F=0. 0 FT:0 LT=9. 6 0.009 PT=8. 0B PF=0. 09 PE:O. 00 PT=8. 17 K=0.00 V=2 . 81 C:l-50.00 Pv-0.05 t5 a1 24 QN:O. O QP-4 6. 1 D:|.527 L=8.9 F:4.7 FT:E LT=13.5 0. 065 PT=8. 17 PF:O. I9 PE:0. 00 PT=9.06 K:0.00 V=8.08 C:l-50. 00 Pv=0.44 21 1Q 25 QN-o.0 QP=4 6. 1 D:],.527 L=7 .3 F=0. 0 FT:0 LT:7.3 0.065 PT=9.06 PF=0.48 PE:0.00 PT:9. 53 K:0.00 V=B .08 C:150. 00 Pv=0.44 t8 2L zo QN-o.0 QP=75.0 D:L .527 L=7.6 F=0. 0 FT=0 L't: / - O 0.161 PT:9.53 K=0.00PF--]-.22 V=13.14PE:0.00 C:l50.00PT=10.75 Pv:1 .16 2l 2B LI 0N:0.0 D:L.52'l QP:l05.? L=11.7 E:rt. I FT=E Lr:l.b-5 0.304 PT=10.75 K=0.00PF:A.96 V=18 .52PE=O.00 C:150.00 PT=15. 7l- Pv-2 .3L 28 ZJ 2B QN-o.0 D:L.527 QP=l05 .7 L=9.2 F=4.7 FT:E L-t=l_J. u 0.304 PT=15. 7l- K=0 . 00PF:4.20 V=18.52 PE=3.97 C:l50.00 PT=23. 89 Pv=2.31 29 30 29 QN:0.0 D:I.527 QP:l05.7 L=0.2 t=.+ - I FT:E LT=4.9 0.304 PT=23. 89 K=0.00 PF=1.48 V=18.52PE:O.00 C:150.00PT=25,36 Pv=2.31 26 QN=O.0 D:I.527 0P-138.1 L=5 . J E=4.1 FT:E LT=8.0 PT=28.30 K=0.00PF=3.96 1,1=24.L9 PE:O.00 C:150.00PT=32.26 Pv=3.94 30 31 0.498 , .JOB NAI'IE: DORRANCE RESIDENCE ", 5i""*oS;t tt;;8;'arca',cfil n -tt iilffi ," No. No. GPM IN. FT. oFRICTION PSI/FT. PRESSURE PSI 5I 30 32 QN:O. O D=!.52'l QP=105.7 L:14 .0 E=9.2 FT:T LT=23.2 0.304 PT=25.36 K=0.00PF=?.06 V=18.52PE:O.00 C=150. 00PT=32.42 Pv=2.31 31 32 32 QN:O. O D=2.981 QP=138.1 L:8.'l F=0. 0 FT:0 LT=8 .7 0. 019 PT=32.26 K=0.00PF=O.17 V=6.35PE=0.00 C=150.00PT=32.42 Pv=O.21 32 33 33 QN:O.0 D=2.981 QP:243.8 L=L1.8 E=9.2 FT=E Lt=27.0 0. 055 PT=32.42 K=0.00 PF=1 .48 Y=tI .2IPE=O.00 C:150. 00PT=33.90 Pv=O.85 JJ 34 34 QN=O.0 D=2.98L QP:243.8 L=9.1 F=0.0 FT:0 LT=9. 1 0. 055 PT=33.90 K=0. 00PF=O.50 V=l1.21PE=O.00 C=L50. 00PT=34.40 Pv=O. B5 34 35 35 QN=0.0 D=2.98L QP--243.8 L=1 .8 F:9.2 FT-E LT=11.0 0. 05s PT=34.40 K=0.00PF=O.60 Y=lL .2LPE=0.00 C=l50. 00 PT=35.01 Pv=O. B5 J5 Jb JO QN=0.0 D=3 . 900 QP=243.8 L=6. 0 F=0. 0 FT:0 LT=6. 0 o .022 PT=35.01 K=0.00PF=0.13 V=6.55PE=2.60 C=120.00 PT=37 .'14 Pv-O .29 36 3't 3t QN--0.0 D:4.310 QP=243.8 L=5. 0 F:0. 0 FT=F, 10 LT=5.0 0. 000 Pl=3'l .'7 4 K=0. 00PF=10.00 V=5.36PE'=2.L7 C=120. 00PT=49.91 Pv:0. 19 3"1 38 38 QN=O.0 D=4.220 QP--243.8 L=200.0 F=53. 6 FT=ETG LT=253.6 0. 011 PT=49.91 K=0.00PF=2.91 V=5.59PE=O.43 C=140. 00PT=53.25 Pv=O.2L LEGEND S = Standard 45 degree elbow 0N = Normal flow dlscharge E = Standard 90 degree elbow QP = Flow; in; pipe L = Long turn degree elbow T : Standard tee B = Butterfly valve G : Gate valve C = Check valve A = Alarm valve D = Dry piPe valve !{ : Deluge valve P - Pre-action valve F = Back flow preventer D = Pipe lnside diameterL = Pipe length F = Fitting equivalenceFI = Fitting tlpe LT = Total length PT = Total node pressure PF = Pressure friction loss PE = Pressure elevation loss K = Sprinkler K-factor V = Velocity Frx = Constant pressure x in PSI C = C-factorfor fitting F PV = Velocity pressure SIGNIFICANT HIDRAULICA]. NOTES : Maximum velocity of 24.19 FTISEC at pipe 30 Most remote sPrinkler G node 4 t -t THE DORRANCE RESIDENCE 97 ROCKLEDGE RD., VA|L, CO 81958 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT SUBMITTAL INDEX 1. PRODUCT SPRINKLERS 2. PIPING 3. PIPE FITTINGS HANGERS MISC. VALVES 6. ELECTRICAL DEVICES 7. CONNECTTONS AMERICANTUBE DYNAFLOW MUELLER SPEARS MUELLER MUELLER AFG RELIABLE FEBCO BUTTERBALL TYPE'M'COPPER CLASS 125 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS COPPER FITTINGS COPPER HANGER TEST& DRAIN MODELG SWING CHECK VALVE 860 REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW BUTTERFLY VALVE MAKE CENTRAL CENTRAL CENTRAL 4. 5. SYSTEM SENSOR T-TAP FLOW SWITCH SYSTEM SENSOR PLUG.TYPE TAMPER SWITCH SYSTEM SENSOR FLOW SWITCH GUARDIAN TWO.WAYF.D.C. "The above listed items are the proposed equipment to be used on this projecl, however we reserve the right to use an 'equivalent' product or manufacturer at our discretion. VAIL TTPE DTPAPTA,TENT Approved as SUbnltted Er- l{sted tr By: Tltlo: llrtr: MODEL / DESCRIPTION ELO OPTIII'A CONC. PENDANT ELO-I6 GB FR UPRIGHT MODEL E SIDEWALL ZL'L-/' .:.<z 147/rk' 7- zz'?z- t"i ELO OpfimarM rlZo f Concealed Quick Response Extended Goverage Automatic Sprinkler Central's Model ELOC Sprinkler, the ELO OptimarM Adjustable Concealed, is an extra large orifice, quick response, extended coverage, adjustable concealed sprinkler. lt provides significanl advan- tages in lighl hazard occupancies includ- ing very low slart pressures (only 5.2 psi required at 16'x 16'spacing), almost l" of adjustment in a thread on cover plate and a quick response listing up to 18'x 18' spacing. The Model ELOC covers 400 sq- ft. using less pressure than a standard %' sprinkler would use at 225 so. ft. The Model ELOC is the sprinkler of choice Jor any light hazard ceiling application, especially applications requiring the additional aesthetics of a concealed sorinkler, This combination ot features allows the ELO OptimarM Concealed Sprinkler to provide the most cost effective method of installing concealed sprinklers in a light hazard occupancy. By adding the option of the clean room seal, the ELOC can be used in areas where dust or air flow cannot be allowed between the room and the area above the ceiling. This option is used extensively in "clean room" applications where the integrity of the ceiling is critical. The clean room seal is U.L. Listed for 16'x l6' and 18'x18' spacings for standard response only. lt is NOT Listed for 20'x20'. See clean room seal data sheet lot details. Inherent in the design, is the capability to compensate for ceiling heights which vary with respect to the sprinkler system piping. This signilicant fealure allows the ELO OptimarM Concealed to seat tlush with ceilings that can lluctuate ovet 3/i' in height. lt's 3%" diameter cover plate presenls an unobslructed and aestheti- r']f,,'J L.rll.I lirll9 .64 Orifice Temperature Ratings: See chart on page 3 Maximum Working Pressure: | 75 psi Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 psi Standard Finishes: Sprinkler: brass Cover Plate: brass, chrome plated or white painted with special painted f inishes available. Length: 2%" to 3%" (6 cm to 8.3 cm) Cover Plate: 3%" diameter (8.3 cm) Ceiling Openin g'. 21/2" diameler 6.4cm) Weight: 8.8 oz. Tzts grans) complete assembly with cover plate Patented with additional patents pending. No.2.7.6 Product Description cally pleasing appearance. The thin cover plate projects a mere %0" below the ceiling. Also, the ELO Optirnsru Concealed comes with a protective cap that protects it f rom damage and paint with a special cone shaped point that allows the ceiling to be marked for exact hole location. The ELO Optimsla Concealed Sprinkler employs Central's exclusive link activating mechanism. The sprinkler is brass with it's cover plate available in brass, chrome plated or white painted with special linishes available. Operation: The sprinkler absorbs heat through it's ceiling cover plate which is soldered to the adjustable retainer ring wilh a fusible alloy. At the rated temperalure, the alloy fuses, resulting in the plate dropping away f rom lhe sprinkler. At this point, the deflector drops down below the ceiling surface, bringing about the link's exposure to the fire's heat. The heat fuses ihe link's thermal element resulting in a rapid expulsion of both the activating mechanism, as well as the sealing cap. Water can now flow in a pattern engineered to meet the extended coverage require- rn ents. Technical Data Model: ELOC Style: Concealed (adjustable) Options: -Clean Room Seal (Pa'.t #10908100) ' Clean Room Seal is U.L. L6ted lot ELOC as standad response only. Please rclercnce Clean Foom Seal data sheel lot more inlormation. Wrench: OptimarM Concealed (paft #126s) Orifice Size: .64" 1ta.s nml (ELO\ K-Factor: 1 1.4 (163.02) Thread Size: 3/o'N.P.T. (19.1 mm) Approvals: U.1., cUL, M.E.A. 7-95-E Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsy Fr-o ?,,'r* con"Jrs"fiJno"n, rro 2,*o*, Fiqure 2ELO Optima Conceiled pendent (Ac tivatect) II ,' ,71. Reducins z 1/2. !1/9. ii.-----coup!t!s__ ! -Hde Diamoter--J- - Face ot F€ducing Coupting t 3/8. (ref.) I tl2 II'21t4. x7t16. I I I II I I I I 3/8' to 1t4' JI t 3//16, 3 1/4' Diameter \ i t' x ?4' Reducins . \ 21t2'x1t8' r''-----cqcp!qs--: /l HoleDiamater-l......- F.ca ol Roducing Coupting t 3/8" (ref.) I a I I I21t4' x7/16. 2 Design -.v Data Design Requirements - ELO Optima?M Concealed pendent Efrtended Coveraoa Lioht Ha:.q..A A^ar!^^.r--- Central Sprinkler Optima ConcealedWrench to tighten the unit into thefitting. The wrench is deslgned tomate w_ith the body's wrench bosses,tnside the threaded supporl cup. A l:q!( tisht joint requires a onty 7 to 14n. tbs. of torque. Torque levels gre.ater than 2l ft. lbs. may distort theonrrce seal, resulting in leakage. Hazard ns Coverage Area (ft. x ft.) Minimum Flow (spm) Minimum Pressure (psi). Temperature Cover Sprinkler 16 x 16 (eso sq. rr.) (Quit* Res@nse) 26 5.2 135.F/570C 165.Fn4"c 160"F 1.C 212.F1100.c 18 x 18 fszt sq. fi.) (Quick Res'e,nse) 33 8.4 135.F/57.C 165.Fn40c 160.F/71"C 212.F/100"c20 x 20 (4oo sq. ft.) (Standard Ftesponse) 40 12.3 1350F/57.C 165.Fn40c 160"F 1.C 212.F/.100c Opti66rm Concealed Wrench rt #1 Caution: Minimum spacing between sprinklers is g,.The euick Besponse Listing is ontyapplicable up to lg, x ig, spacing, The2o,x 2o'spacing is standald re{ponie onty. ceiling cover plates are avairabre in a variety of metailic or painted finishes. Forcustom painted finishes, the customer mustiurnish a quict-Oryinjp"i"i pirf"iably lacquer-based, to ensure proper cotor duptication. on" qr"i Lip;il i, ", required for each 2OO plates. 4nstaflation The Central ELO OptimarM Con_ cealed Sprinkler must be installed in conformance with current NFPA 13 and NFPA 13R Standards. Devia- tions from these requirements and standards, or any alteration to the sprinkler assembly itself will void anv warranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, installation must also meet local government provisions, codes and standards. as applicable. .The.system piping must be properly sized to ensure the minimum required flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for the proper model, style, orifice sjze and temperature ratingprior to installation. lnstall sprinklers after the piping is in place to avoidmechanical damage; replace anv damaged units. Wet pipe systems must be protected from freeztno. . Upon completion of the instailation, the system must be tested oer recognized standards. In the event ofa thread leak, remove the unit, applynew pipe joint compound or tape, andreinstall. lnstallation Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed inthe pendent position. Step 2. The face of the sprinkler fitting should be installec, a nominal _2%" (tte') behind the finished ceitingline. Adjustments, lo compensate forvariations in fitting face to ceiling height, may be made by threading thecover plate retainer in and out of theunit's support cup. Step 3. Use only a non-hardenino pipe joint compound, or Teflon. ta-oe.Apply only to the male threads. Step 4. Hand tighten the sprinkler inlo the fitting. Avoid making contact with lhe deflector when using the 'Tetlon is a trademark of lhe Duponl Core. Step 5. After initial installation andbefore the cover plate is installed. cover the sprinkler with the specialplastic protective cap. The cao isspecially designed lo not only protect the sprinkler, but allow the ceilinginstallers to locate the sprinkler b.'y gre3ginO the ceiling board up againsrtr. the end of the cap has a specialtip, therefore leaving an impression inthe ceiling board for the location ofthe sprinkler. Care should be takento only press the ceiling tighily againsrrne cap as excessive pressure willoamage the sprinkler. Sfep 6. To install the ceiling coverplate, manually thread the coverretainer into the support cup. Con-tinue threading until the coverretainer's flange rests against thesunace of the ceiling. Caution: Speciat care must be takenwhen installing with a CpVC system.Sprinklers must be installecl after themanufacturer,s recommended settingtime for the primer and cemenl toensure that neither accumulate withinthe sprinkler. Sprinklers must be handled care- fully. They must not be transported or stored where ambient temperature may exceed 100"F/38"C. For best resulls, store them in a dry, cool location in the original shipping package. Do not install sprinklers that have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers must never be painted, coated, plated or altered in any other way from manufactured condition or they may not function properly. Any sprinklers altered in such manner must be replaced. The owner is resoonsible for the proper operating condition of all fire protection devices and accessories. The NFPA standard 25 entitled, "lnspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems" contains guidelines and minimum maintenance requirements. Furthermore, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction may have addi- tional regulations and requirements for maintenance, testing, and inspec- tion that must be obeyed. It is advisable to have sprinkler systems inspected regularly by a qualitied inspeclion service. Length of time belween such insoections can vary due to accessibility, ambient atmosphere, water supply, and site activity. Do not aftempt to reassemble or otherwise reuse a sprinkler that has operated. Replace any sprinkler exhibiting corrosion or damage; always use new sprinklers of the same orifice, style, and temperature rating as replacements. O1996 Central Sprinkler Company Prinled in U.S.A. operating guide and valve instruction. Drain water and relieve pressure in the pipes. Remove the existing unit and install the replacement, using only the recommended sprinkler wrench. Be certain to match model. style, orifice, and temperature rating. A fire protection system that has been shut off after an activation should be repaired and returned to service immediately. Inspect the entire system for damage and replace or repair as necessary. Sprinklers that did nol operate but were sub- jected to corrosive elements of combustion or excessive tempera- tures should be inspected, and replaced if need be. The Authority Having Juisdiction will detail mini- mum reptacement requirements and regulations. Leak stopping products, sucn as water glass, must NEVER be intro- duced into a sprinkler system. ^-. -.= EENTFLAL .-lF Central Sprinkler Company 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, pA 19446 Phone (21S) 362-0700FAX (21s) 362_s38s 'Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year from the date of shipment. Please refer to the current Price List for further details of the warranty. For special painted cover plate finishes, the customer must supply aquick-drying paint, preferably in a lacquer-base finish to insure proper color duplication. Without such a guide, Central Sprinkler Company cannot be responsible for acceptable color matching. All custom painting of the cover plate must be comoleted at the factory. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories and other products are available through- out the U.S. and Canada. and internationally, through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call 215-362- 0700 for the distributor nearest you. Patents: The ELO Optimsru Concealed sprinklers are protected under U.S. Patent #4,976,920. Additional patents are pending. OPTIMATM is a registered trademark of Central Sprinkler Company. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg 1 foot pound = 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.$$$ ftpg = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cm" 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 liters Conversions a re app roxi m ate. l Special care must be taken when | ,"..rr" the discharge pattern is installing wilh a copper system. - critical to protection of life and Sprinklers must be installed only after property, nothing should be hung or the inside of the sprinkler drop and attached to the sprinkler unit thai associated fittings have been wire would disrupt the pattern. Such brushed to remove any flux. Residual obstructions must be removed. In the tlux can cause corrosion and in event that construction has altered extreme cases can impair proper the original configuration, additional sprinkler operation. sprinklers should be installed to lTlltcare & ]l,'li$,*ttr*fuiliii!r*:.. Frorderins. ]JMaintenance f:"*';f,nkxr#'; ffff"# I+fI lnformation ties having jurisdiction, and notify all Ordering Information: Whenpersonnel who may be affected placing an order, indicate the fullduring system shutdown. A fire product name. please specity thewatch during maintenance periods is quantity, mocrer, styre, oiifice'size,a recommended precaution. temperature rating, sprinkler finish,To remove the system from service cover plate finish, and sprinklermode, first reter to the system wrench. ELOC.2 O ffili.'3:33"3:"'"" A Extended Goverage Light Hazad Upright, Pendent and Recessed pendent Glass Bulb Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured bv:Central S kler Company 1 nf,fltlfil,onFTechnical o The Central Model ELO-I6 GB FR Extra Large Orifice Automatic Glass Bulb Upright, Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers are designed for E):tended Coverage spacing in Light Hazard occupancies per NFPA 13 with very low pressure required. They are Listed as Quick Response, up to 18' x 18' spacing, and as Standard Response, above 18' x 18'spacing. The ELO-16 GB FR Sprinklers are Listed by U.L. under smooth flat horizontal ceilings The Model ELO-16 quick response Glass Bulb Sprinklers incorporate a specially designed deflector that provides a much greater area of coverage than most commercial sprinklers. The extra large orifice allows this greater area of coverage, while requiring much lower oressure. The Model ELO-16 GB FR incorporates the latest in heat-responsive glass bulb technology. The operating mechanism consists of a 3 mm liquid-filled {rangible capsule that is only 2.0 cm in length. The ELO-1 6 GB FR sprinklers are Listed by Underwriters Laboratories as Extra Large Orilice Sprinklers. They are intended for use, as all extendeo cover- age sprinklers are, with hydraulically designed systems and using the flows and pressures as shown in this brochure. All spacing is rounded up to the next higher category. For example, 17,-6,,x '15 -0" spacing would be calculated at the Listed 18' x 18'flow and pressure. Operation: The glass bulb capsule operating mechanism contains a heat- sensitive liquid that expands upon application of heat. At the rated temoera- ture, the frangible capsule ruptures, lhereby releasing the orjfice seal. The sprinkler then discharges water in a pre_ designed spray paltern to control or extinguish the fire_ . .,\ r rii._ I _:-9ll,5E.r iiELO.I6 GB FR- trrlr[l Model: ELO-16 GB FR Style: Upright, Pendent and Recessed Pendent Escutcheon: Model ELO Recessed (2-piece) Note: For the recessed configurction, only the Model ELO necessed 2-piece Escutcheon may be used. Substitution of other "recessed" escutcheons may Impair the openting sensitivity and dlst bution pattem, For the pendent vers I on, n on-recessed escutc h eo n s s u ch as the Model 401 may be used, but are not requlred. Wrench: ELO/ESLO/ESFR Combination (upright and pendent) Patl #1079 ELO Offset (recessed pendent) Part #1092 Orifice Size: O.64" (t6.anm)(ELO) K-Factor: 1'l .4 (163.02) Thread Size: %" N.P.T. (19.1 mm) Temperature Rating & Glass Bulb Color:Ordinary 155'F/68"C Red lntermediate 200"F/93"C Green High 250'F/121'C Blue Approvals: U.1., .FM, MEA 466-92-E Vol. ll' FM Approval is lor brass pendent onty not upight, or recessed pendent. please consult FM Guidelines lor installation criteria. Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 psi Standard Finishes: brass, chrome plated Corrosion- Resistant Coatings: white or black painted Escutcheon: brass, chrome plated, white or black painted Length: 31/e" (7.94 cm) Width: 2" (s.os cm) Weight: 5.0 oz. (142 grams) Pendent & Recessed Pendent Sprinkler \! No. 3.3.0 ELO-I6 cB QR Quifesponse Extended Coverage Light Hazard Upright <-2. Oiameter__"-__--' ELo-ln eR euick Response Extended Coverage Light Hazard pendent ELO-16 GB QR Quick Response Extended Coverage Light Hazard Recessed pendent 1 7/8' Diamater --* Nols: C-sntral's Model 65 or 401 escutcheon may bs used. When usinoc€ntrals Modet 65 sscutcheon, the rac6 6t R.C. is ro iiroin oJ ila,r1l16' bsyond the tinished ceilihg line. L--- -:=-__ _l _ 3/8'Mln. 1 t/0' Mar. 1 I Finished Ceiling Llne Model ELO (2-piece) Recess€d Escutcheon 2 - N;Hl'o e ffi'remenrs- nprightLightHazardExtendedcoveraseApplications pI|nstallation Quick Response (g mm Grass Bulb) 15s"F/68.c, 200.F/9 sc and zso"Fr1z1.c rsmp€ratures ' U8,ed as Ouick Resoonse." ugd as glE/nctad ilesponse Onty. Caution: Minimum spacing between sprinklers is i2,lor upright version. Design Requirements - pendenl & Becessed pendent Light!t{d Extended Coverage Applications l'i"k R*po^:" (3 .m ct".. aurb) rs6"'Fioa'c,eoo"Hsg.c and 250.F/121.C Temperarures ' Listed as Qubk Rasponse.'.' Listed as Standad Response Onty.t R€cessed Pendent Sqinktet is Li;E(f as Sandad Response Onty. All Cenrral Modet ELO_16 GB eRAutomatic Glass Bulb Sprinklers mustbe installed according to current NFPA13 Standards and these installationinstructions. Deviations from these requirements and standards or anvalteration to the sprinkler itself will voidany warranty made by Central Sprinkleruompany. In addition, installation mustalso meet local government provisions, codes, and standards as applicable. . The.system piping must be properly sized to ensure the minimum reouiredflow rate at the sprinkler. Check for theproper model, style, orifice size. andtemperature rating prior to installation. Install sprinklers after the piping is inprace to avoid mechanical damage; reptace any damaged units. Upon completion of the installation. the system must be tested per recognized standards. ln the event of a thread leak, remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. Installation Sequence Step 1. For Recessed pendent Sprinklers, the face of the sprinkler fitting should be installed a nominal %,,(t%") behind the ceiting tine. Adjustments are made via the push-on esculcheon. ll"p Z. Use onty a non-hardening pipejoint compound or Tefton'tape. niify only to the male threads. Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler intothe fitting. Use the appropriate Central wrench to tighten the unit into the fitting. A leak-tight joint requires only 7 to 14ft.-lbs. of torque; a tangential lorce of 14to 28 lbs. delivered through a 6,,handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 ft.-lbs. may ctistort tire orifice seal, resulting in leakage. The upright sprinklers shall be oriented so the frame arms are parallel with the branch line pipe per NFpA. 'Teflon is a lrademark of the Dupont Coro. Cautiont Minimum spacing between sprinklers is12'-6" for pendent and recessed pendentversions, filote.. AII spacings are not listed as quickresponse. Please check. For FM Projects Spacing Between Sprinklers Maximum Location From Any Wall Minimum Design Flow per Sprinkler (gpn) Minimum Oesign Pressure per Sprinkler (psi)' 16'x 16' (256 sq. ft.)' 18'x 18' (324 sq. ft.) "20'x20'(400 sq. ft.) 8 feet I feet 10 feet 30.2 gpm34 gpm42 gpm 7.0 psi 8.9 psi 13.6 psi Spacing Between Sorinklers Maximum Localion From Any Watl Minimum Design Flow per Sprinkler (gpm) Minimum Design Pressure per Sprinkler (psi) ' 16'x 16' (2s6 sq. ft.)' 18'x 18'(324 sq. ft.)+"20' x 20' (400 sq. ft.) 8 teet 9 feet 10 feet 30.2 gpm 33 gpm 40 gpm 7.0 psi 8.4 psi 12.3 psi FM Approval for the ELO-16 GB FR penOer,t is suO_ject to the FM installation guidelines. Consult yourlocal FM office for information. fTlftGare & *;,t=rn*!.,l,ir"?t'tii,?;lJ Mainbnan ce ;*:ffi:.it "".il" ;":::J' 0rdering H"::::rmation oSprinklers must be handled care- fully. They must not be transported or stored where ambient temperature may exceed 100oF/38'C. For best results, store them in a dry, cool location in the original shipping package. Do not install sprinklers that have been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklers should never be painted, coated, plated, or allered in any other way from manufactured condition or they may not function propedy. Any sprinklers altered in such manner must be replaced. The owner is responsible forlhe proper operating condition of all fire protection devices and accessories. The NFPA Standard 25 entitled. "lnspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection System", contains guidelines and minimurn maintenance reouirements. Furthermore, the local Authority Having Jurisdiction may have addi- tional regulations and requirements for maintenance, testing, and inspec- tion that must be obeyed. It is advisable to have sprinkler systems inspected regularly by a qualified inspection service. Length of time between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambient atmosphere, water supply, and site activity. Do not attempt to reassembly or otherwise reuse a sprinkler that has operated. Replace any sprinkler @1994 Cenlrat Sprinkler Company Printed in LJ.S-A. critical to proteclion of life and property, nothing should be hung or attached to the sprinkler unit that would disrupt the pattern. Such obstructions must be removed. In the event that construction has altered the original configuralion, additional sprinklers should be installed to maintain the protection level. Do nol attempt to replace sprinklers without first removing the fire protec- tion system from service. Be certain to secure permission from all Authoi- ties Having Jurisdiction, and notify all personnel who may be affected during system shutdown. A fire watch during maintenance periods is a wise precaution. To remove the system from service mode, first refer to the system operating guide and valve instruction. Drain the water and relieve pressure in the pipes. Remove the existing unit and install the replacement, using only the special sprinkler wrench. Be certain to match the model, style, orifice, and temperature rating. A fire protection syslem that has been shut off after an aclivation should be returned lo service immedi- ately. Inspect the entire system for damage and replace or repair as necessary. Sprinklers that did not operate but were subjected to corro- sive elements of combustion or excessive temperatures should be inspected, and replaced if need be. The Authoity Having Jurisdiction will detail minimum replacement require- ments and regulations. A trENTR/AL Central Sprinkter Company 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, pA 19446 Phone (215) 962-0700 FAX (215) 362-5385 placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, model, style, orifice size, temperature rating, type of finish or coating, and sprinkler wrench. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other products are available through- out the U.S. and Canada, and intemationally, through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362- 0700 for the distributor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year from the date of shipment. Please refer to the current Price List for further details of the warranty. Patents: Patents are pending. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg 1 foot pound = 1.36 Nm'l psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cm? 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm" = 3.785 liters Conversions are approximate. OPTIMATM is a rcgistered tademak of Central Sprinkler Company. o ELO.16 GB FR.O o yf#:,:,' Horiz Sidewall & Req Horiz Sidewall Glass Bulb Automatic Sprinkler Tyco Fire Products -- www.centralsprinkler.com 451 Norlh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 -- USA Customer Service/Sales: Tel: (215) 362-0700 | Fax: (2t S) 962-5385 Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5SOO ^-. --,---Ouicf nesponse ] : Extended Coverase Lisht Huard EENTRAL --'7 o General Description The Central Model B. 8.0 K-factor (17 132 lnch orifice), Quick Response, Extended Coverage Light Hazard (ECLH) Horizontal Sidewall & Re- cessed Horizonlal Sidewall Sprinklers are decorative glass bulb sprinklers designed lor use in light hazard occupancies per NFPA 13 or FM installation standards. They are designed tor installation along a wall beneath smooth & level ceilings as defined in the applicable installation standard. Horizontal sidewall sprinklers are generally used in lieu of pendent sprinklers because of aesthetic, building construction, or installation economy considerations. The recessed version of the Model B using a two-piece Series 4211 Recessed Escutcheon provides 3/4 inch (19,1 mm) of field adlustment. In addition to its aesthetically pleasing appearance, the adiustment provided by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe to the sprinkler must be cut. Operatlon: The glass bulb contains a fluid which expands when exposed to hoat. When the rated tsmperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass bulb, which then allows the sprinkler to activate & flolv water. WARNING The Mdel B ECLH Horizontal Sidewatl and Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers described herein must ba installed & maintained in ampliance with this document, as well as with the apdicable standatds of the National Fire Prct*tion Association, in addition to the standads of my other authotities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the integilty ol these devices. The owner is responsible for maintaining thelr fire p,otection system and deices in pmpet operating ondition. The installing contactot or spinkler manufacturer should be @ntacted relative to my questions. nTechnical Sprinkler ldentif lcation Number stN c4332 Approvals UL and ULC Listed. FM Approved. CIhe approvals apply only to the servica conditions indicated in the Design Criteria Section) Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12,1 bao Pipe Thread Connectlon 3/4 inch NPT Dlscharge Coefllcient K = 8.0 GPM/psilz (116,8 LPM/bar'z) Temperature Ratlngs 135"F/57"C, 1 55.F/68.C, & 175.Ft79"C Flnlshes Sprinkler: White Polyester, Chrome Plated, or Natural Brass Recessed Escutcheon: White Coated or Chrome Plated Physical Characteristlcs The Model B ECLH Horizontat Sidewall & Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers utilize a dezincification resistant (DZR) bronze trame and a 3 mm bulb. The twopiece button assembly is brass and copper. The sprinkler trame oritice is sealed with a gasketed spring plate (Belleviile Seal) consisting of a beryllium nickel disc spring that is sealed on both its inside and outside edges with a Teflonru gasket. The compression screw is bronz€, & the deflector is brass. Extended Goverage Light Hazard Horizontal Sidewall & Rec. Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers No.2-12.1 Figure 3 Model B Sldewall with Series 4221 Fecessed Escutcheon O'nu,". Model B Sidewall wlth Series 4211 Recessed Escutcheon Figure 4 lnstallatlon sequence uslng W-Type 7 (10683) Sprlnkler Wrench figur" 1O Model B Sidewall Or> WRENCH LUGS Design Griteria The Model B ECLH Horizontal Sidewall & Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers ars UL and ULC tisted for use in tight hazard occupancies using the design critsria in Table 1 as well as any additional requirements specilied in current NFpA'13 Standards tor Extended Coverage Sidewall Sprinklers. The Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are only listed withthe Series 4221 or 4211 Recessed Escutcheon Assemblies. The Horizontal Sidewall and Recessed Horizontal Sidewatl Sprinklers must be installed in such a manner, that no other sprinkler is located within the maximum protection area of any othef sprinkler. The 135oF/57'C & 155'F/68'C Model B ECLH Horizontal Sidewall & Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are FM Approved for use in light hazard occupancies in accordance with the FM Loss Prevention Data sheets. The Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are only FM Approved when the Series 4221 Recessed Escutcheon Assembly is used. The Horizontal Sidewall and Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are FM approved with a ceiling to top ot dellector distance ot 4" - 12' (101,6 mm - 304,8 mm) and up to a maximum spacing (W x L) ot 16' x 24' (4,9A m x 7,82 m). 1E ,3tt {12,7 .tlrn r 9.5 rrn) o{rt{Tlttc FACE OF FtTTt 6 SURFACE CLOSURE lrouxI|l{G PI-ATE In/8'r 3/E' (28.6 rnir| ! 9.5 |rfn) TOP OF OEFLECT(Itltt 7116" 1.1 mm) 1/Z' (12,7 mm) MAKE-|N (38,1 mm) -' SURFACE 2-114" (57,2 mm) *.r"" f*, | *^.,-f: pure -.": -l'3-. ----l ^s.1]l\9 3rl' r 114' (9.5 rtlh t 6.4 mm) MOt,NTING SURFACE CLOSURE MOU?iT[{G PI-ATE 1-1la' .111" (31,E tnm r 6,4 fin) raureiul and ULC FtodPressu." n"qt"r"nt" Model B 135oF, 155"F & 175"F Horizontal Sldewall & Recessed Horizontal Sidewall SpacingMxL) Minimum Sidewall Sensitivity Becessed Sidewall SensitiviU (Series 4221 ot 4211 Esc.) Top of Deflector to Ceilino F I ow/P re s s u re D i sta n c e- 1350F 1550F 175"F(s76) (68"o og"c)1350F 1550F 175"F(57"q (68.O (79"C) 16'x 16', (4,9mx4,9m) 26 Wm / 10.6 psi (98 lpn /o,73 ba)OR QR QR QR QR QR 4'-tg(101,6-Wtamm) 16'x 18' (4,9mx5,5n) 29gW/13.1 Nl(110 Lpn/O,91 bal QR QR QR QR QR QR 4\12'(1O1,6-tut,gmm) 16'x20' (4,9 n x 6,1 m) 32 gpm / 16.0 psi (21 Lpn/1,10Mr)QR AR 4'-6'(101,6 - 152,4 mm) 16'xn'(4,9nx6,1 m) siJ gW / 17.0 psi (125 Lpm / 1,17 bar)QR QR 4'-12'(101,6-W,8mm) 16' x 22'(4,9nx6,7n)35 gpm / 19.1 psi (133 Wr/ 1,32 bel QR QR 4'- 6' (1 01 ,6 - | 52,4 mm) 16' x 22'(4,9mx6,7n)36 gpm / 20.3 psi (136 Lpm / 1,40 bar)QR QR 4\12',(101,6-W,8mn) 16' x 24'(4,9mx7,3m)39 gpn / 23.8 psi (148 Lpm / 1,A bar)OR QR 4'-6'(101,6- 152,4 mm) 16'x 24'(4,9nx7,3m)40 gprn / 25 psi (151 Lpm/1,72bar)QR QR 4'-12" (101,6-tut,8mm) o Installation The Model B ECLH Horizontal Sidewall & Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the lollowing instruclions, NOTES Do not install any bulb type sqinklet if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the syinkler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. me diameter ol the air bubble is approxi- mately il16 inch (1,6 mm) fot the 135'F/57C, 155"F/68"C, and 175oF/ 79"C tempentue ntings. A leak tight g4 inch NPT sprinkler ioint should be obtained with a toque ot 10 to 20 ft.lbs. (13,4 to 26,8 Nn). A maximum of 30 ft.lbs. (40,7 Nm) of toryue is to be used to install 3/4 inch NPT sprinklers. Highet levels of torque may distort the spdnkler inlet with consequent leakage ot impair- ment of the sp nklet. Do not attempt to make up for insuflicient adjustment in the escutch- eon plate by under- or oveftightening the sprinkler. Readjust the position of the spdnkler fitting to suit. Step 1. Horizontal sidewall sprinklers are to be installed in the horizontal position with their centedine of waterway perpendicular to the back wall and parall€l to the ceiling. The word 'TOP' on the deflector must face towards tho ceiling. Step 2. After installing the Series 4221 or 4211 Mounting Plate (as applicable) over the sprinkler pipe lhrEads and with pip6 thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand lighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. Wrench tighten the Sprinkler using only the W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 4). To use the W.Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, slip the Wrench opening over the Model B Sprinkler Deflector by passing the Sprinkle, Wrench up from beneath the Sprinkler as shown in Figure 4. The W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to the Sprinkler Wrench flats only. Using a 1/2 inch ratchet drive or by applying an 8 to 10 inch adjustable wrench to the hex end of the sprinkler wrench, tighten the sprinkler inlo the fitting. NOTE Push on the Sprtnkbr Wrench, while it is being turned, to ensure that the Wrench recess stays fully engaged with the sprinkler wrench tlats. Carefully remove lhe Sprinkler Wr€nch by disengaging il from the sprinkler wrench flats, and then lowering it down over the sprinkler deflector. The Model B ECLH Horlzontal Sidewall & Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers must be main- lained and serviced in accordance with the following instructions. ,VOIES Absence ol an escutcheon which is used to cover a clearance hole, may delay the time to opention in a fire situation. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the firc protection system it controls, permission to shut down the affected fire prctection sygtems must be obtained from the proper authori- ties. All peBonnel who may be affected by this action must be notitied. Sprinklers which are tound to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automalic sprinklers must never be shipped or stored where their tem- peratures will exceed 100'F/38'C & they must never be painted, plated, coated or olheruvise altered after leaving the factory. Modified sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products ot combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced il they cannoi be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft brislle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid damage - before, during & after installation. Sprinklers damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twisU slippage, or lhe like, must be re- placed. Also, replace any sprinkler thai has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb (Ref. Installa- tion Section). The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance ol their lire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the appli- cable standards of the National Fire Protection Association (e.9., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorilies having jurisdiction. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be conlacted relative to any questions. It is recommended lhat automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested & maintainod by a qualified lnspection Service. Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are waranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by Tyco Fire Products. No warranty is given for products or components manufac- tured by companies not atfiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Producls or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, im- proper installation, corrosion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the Nalional Fire Protection Association, andlor the standards ot any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Materials found by Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either reoaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products neilher assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale ol products or pads of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's repre- sentatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CON- TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, FOR INCIDENTAL. INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSE. OUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER ryCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILIW OF SUCH DAMAGES. AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LIABILITY EXCEEO AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY 'SMADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHEN WANRANNES EXPBESS OB IMPLIED. INCLUDING WARRAN. TIES OF MENCHANIAB'LITY AND FITNESS FOR A PABIICULAR PUNPOSE. -tl0rderingf r. H":,lformation O placing an order, indicate the full produc{ name. Please specify the quantity, model, style, orifice size, temperature rating, type of finish or coating, and sprinkler wrench. Refer to price list for complete listing of part Numbers. Teflon is a tredemark ot the Dupont Cotp. Gare& o l$lLimned Maintenance t3 Warranty t,tltdO f now controt f Tyco Fire- I I Products Printed in U.S.A. 2-01 Submittal Oata Sfrel Dyna-Flow' High Strength Steel Pipe Dyna-Florr pipc is thc lrigiull" high-strength lightrvull sprinllcr pipc. D.vna-F[xv hls outstlnding h;-dnrulic caplbiliticl arrd is rccognizcd ui thc nNsl nopulitr irltsrntttlc tnSchcdul(.-ltl piF:. Lightrucight. elsv to cur rrd !'us]- to hundlc lbr instullirtion. Dynl-Fhrrt is u rnlulhlc uddilir)n hr {ny lilr prot(.clion svrtsm. Additional Benelltt Lightlcight lrrd errsl.to ilsrull. rusulring ir m()rc cmcicnt usc of rrrur frcight itnd htror dolhrs. Pnr\.idcs rt{bility nccdcd ro rtrmply \ irh srt|ndunl hrngcr sl'ircing { lS t-t0.C.) p!'r l(fnA. A\uillhlc in Strndlnl lcngthi tirr yow con\'!'nicnrr. or crn hc onlsrLd in custont lcnglhs uprrn rpprorirl, f-Jsl c(tting itnd rvclding. itr rvcll s crsv nrll gnuving and ud ltrcpirn(ion,Arrrihblc in Frctory nrll gmxr,t tirrm for quickcr shop tumirround. CL-.rlL dunrhlc nrill curtingpro!ides lonScr "shclf lill" und lcts ils ln qxccllcnt prin&r li)r cuslotn Ftint lpplicutidns. Supedol Hydraullc! \\ ith rn insidc diurncrcr of rn lo I l.'i, l:lrgcr rhtln S{hcdrlc .10 nd up hr 7'l; llrgcr lh o Schlrlulcltt. D1-nl-Fltrr pipc hydraulies arc e'rir.!.pli0n{1. Llrycr l.D.:i cnuble. Dt-nu-Fh)*. irml rcht!.d conrltrtnsnlt. kt tr!'&r$n-siz!'d N ithin tll('svlilsnl llrus ircrc sins thc polcnt irl lir.i()h (rrsl sllings. Frr ctrnrplctc I lucn.Willi nls ch.rn!i. rcl-cr to ..Dynir-Fhr\r I lvdntulicDltr Tubles." Goatings & Febalcataon Dynir.fhrr prrxlucts lrc cr\rt(.d rvilh rrn cnlironnrqnrirlll. approvctl anrl spccilllv lirrnruhterl nrrxlifie'<l-ucrylic or sulcr-b sr'<l c()irting. This duarbk'coirring is pirinrlhlc. Thc hl ljk co{lins ucts xr un c\ccllqnt Jrrimct Jnd is rrriisttnt to trc{lhcring xDd L.\ad(trudxtion from outdoor strr gc. Nlctxllurgicxl proffnics pror idc erce'llcnt fihricirtion chur:rcrcriitici lor qnd prcp tinishcs. nclding and nrll gnrovirtg. No sJrcrill prr)('c:s ur rquipnrcnt itrr nrr-d'"{ for l'abrL.irtion lnd inshlhlirrn. Speclflcations & Appmyat! D;-na-Florv Sxplr.l{t piJrc is nritnuftcturcd to nr!--r ASTIA 795 Tvpc E. (;nrdc A rnd rrc in conrpliancc * irh NFPA- l-t und N FPA- l "1. Att sizcs of Dvnir Flort arc UL Listcrl. Flr'l Approvcd rrnd ULC Listcd. Dynu-Fltrv Sul^-r Flo is UL UL( List!'d lirr usc rr ith roll grtrrrud. pluin.cnrJ crruplings. lrrtllcld!'d.i(rinti lili $ct. dry. p.c-nclion rnd dclugs systclrs. lr is Flrl Approtcd for roll gnxn.crl. plaln-cndcd. und scldcd.loints li)r nct ly$lcms. Rcft'r to lppropriltc drrcumcnlitlion lilr up-10-d!tc listing und appror:rl intirnrrlttion. D,vna-Florr Srpcr Fhr it n(nt uruihblc "hot{ip"grrhirnize.d rnrl hirs hctn spcciticallv !!pro\cd bv FNI lir dry" Jvstcms usqs. Stamp Herc Amcrlcll Tub. rld Plpe wrs rcquird by Alllcd Tubc ud Condult ot Fcbmry l, 197. Tl€ clth.sred 4htndl ud *radrrd rtll frnily of productr rlthougl t!€y trrt dmelEd uDea rlr tL qr€ in dl rtlFt! wlfn Egrrd io rher$L,wdglt,bq le couq linirtr rd rppmvds. For crrmple. Dyu-nor rd Supar Ilo rtl tlc r|m prodqc r! rn DI Tlrad rod Supcl 4lL XL b m[uf|ctured wfth Erferior gfi|llad codi€. BIjt i! nrlofictred xirh Bhcl hcquer codin& @w@ Product NPS r1' *25 l{omlnrl t.D. 1.191 30.3 WVFt XzO Flll.d wr^lti 2L' 1546 719 wt/Llft 26' o.430 L.2 Pcq uft 91 91 '.Aaa456 r Llt'1-059 1.31 1.95 IAL2 a22 r L*" t.72A 1.667 2.71- r4O 43.9 2.5 4.O3 2440 1107 1868 447 r.2' r5O 2.203 56.O 2.LO4 3-1 3.79 5.64,2h- 37 37 1634 741 1945 aa3 3.314 fJ4.2 19 19 1544 700 160a 7295.O 10.69 4.310 4.473 1(,.a6 6.7 16-16 Projsct:Sprinkl6r Confactor:Date: Engine6r;Specilication Rel€rence: Localions:Comm€nts: System Typ€: s2-5 d)oPPER ruBE DAm Wall TYPE K Gmss Section of 80rc' .334 .436 11.7 'r8.1 23.9 45.2 u/Ft Fl/Eundle 1.04 1.36 2.06 .455 .6s5 .884 1,14 1.75 2.48 Copper Tube. Types K, L, and M seamless drawn copper tube (ASTM Bg8) are accepted by NFpA (Section 3-1.1.4) for use in fire sprinkler systems. In copper, type refers to wall thickness, where Type K has the thickest walland Type M has the thinnest. Type M is also the least costly. Types K and L are used when bending is required. For quick identification, copper tube is color coded as follovis: Iype X - green, Type L - btue, Type M - red, and DWV- yeilow. For some applications where copper tube will be used for larger-diameter lines (12+ inches or larger), the local code author- ity may be consulted regarding the possibte use ot Typd OWt' lube (ASTM 8306). This tube has slightly thinner walls than Tyge M; thus, copper may pro- uoe even better economy for some applications. When using Type DWVfor sprinkler apptica-- tion-s, pressure-type fittingi (not DWVfittings) must be used. STREAMLTNE copper tube is available in drawn (hard) temper in straight lengths of 20-Ft. (some in 10-Ft. lengths) and in soft temper coils ol 60-Ft. and 190-Ft. lengths. Addfiionalry, Mueller Brass Co. offers red brass and copper pipe in stan- dard and custom sizes, as well as ACR and refrigeration serv- ice tube. Nominal Slze t.D.0.D. yt V" ,b % 1% 1U2 2 21h 3 3th 4 5 6 1A 2t 3/. 1 1Vt 1r/2 z'/2 o it'/2 4 6.. y6 y2 Y6 % 1 1Yl 1th 2 21h 3 3th 4 5 6 8 1V. 11h 2 3 4 5 o .o73 .127 .218 .035 .(X9 .049 .(x9 .065 .065 500 200 200 r00 100 100 20 20 20 20 20 av 20 500 200 200 100 100 100 20 20 20 20 20 20i 20 500 500 200 200 100 100 t00 20 20 20 20 :4r8 .arl .839 .750 .875 1.125 1.375 1.625 2.125 2.625 3.125 3.625 1.245 r.481 1.959 2.435 .o78 .145 .233 .348 .o30 .035 .040 .42 .045 .375 .500 3.857 4.805 5.741 7.583 .315 .430 .545 r.o25 r.265 1.505 1.985 2.465 .109 .120 .1U .160 .192 .271 TYPE L .750 .875 1.125 1.375 r .625 2.125 2.625 3.125 3.625 .500 .625 6.125 8.r25 .110 -125 .140 .200 WPE Ij| 3.905 4.875 5.845 7.725 1.26 '1.78 io9a}l 6.81 9.21 12.0 18.7 26.8 46.9 .159.2* .517 .874 1.31 1.8i| 3.17 .080 .090 .100 .025 .028 .030 .032 .035 .o42 .(x9 .058 .06s .072 .0&l 20 20 20 20 r00 100 20 20 20 20 20 2.03 2.68 3.58 4.66 6.66 8.92 16.50 .650 .809 2.87 4.43 6.10 1.32 1.87 3.27 7.21 12.6ro R 27.9 DWV .0.10.42 7.61 10.20 19.30 .145 .244 .263 .328 .465 .7fi .875 1.125 1.375 1.625 2.125 2.625 3.125 3.625 4.125 5.r25 6.125 8.125 1.375 1.625 2.125 3.125 4.125 5.125 6.125 .450 .569 .8t 1 1.055 1.291 1.527 2.009 2.495 2.981 3.459 3.935 4.5n7 5-881 7.785 1 .295 1.541 2.U1 3.030 4.009 4.981 5.959 .682 .940 1.46 .095 .109 ,122 .170 4.89 6.98 9.40 12.2 18.9 27.2 47.6 .042 .045 .058 .o72 .o83 1 .O7 t.69 'Expressed as inches" FITTINGS DUCTILE IRON SUBMITTAL SIIEET D99.I @ LISEO <FM> I ;---:---?a l1-/ \-,.-tiii:-l-l--. _-_ i_ WEIGHT EACH PIECE APPROVEO rlrlrl lrti !lIl-'llilrllcl:llit NOMINAL st2E (tNcH) ITEM CODE, MAX. WORKING P.S.t. DttritENstoNs WBGHT EACH PIECEAB 1 DT333 500 r.50 1.5{t 0.85 1 1t4 oT444 500 1.75 1.73 1.22 1 1t2 oT555 500 1.94 1.94 1.55 2 DT666 500 2.25 2.25 2.45 WEIGHT EACH PIECE WEGHT EACH PIECE WEIGI{T EACH PIECE Submitted by: Date: Approved by: Date: For installation on the project contractor 4OI8 WESTHOLLOW PARKWAY HOUSTON, TEXAS 77082 TOLL FREE: 888-861-STAR, TEL: 281-558-3000. FAX: 281-558-9000 By: FITTINGS DUCTILE IRON SUBMITTAL SHEET D99.1 <FM> APPROVEO DIICTILE IRON TIIRE,4DED FITTINGS SPECIFICATIOiIi: ASTlll A-536 All ductile iron scresed fittings meel or exceeds materials conforming to ASTM A-536 CRADE 65-45-12. ASI\! E Bf 63 CLASS 150 Ductile imn threaded fittings dimensions conform 1o ANSI-ASTM 816.4 CLASS 150. ANSI/ASIUE Bl.20.l All ductile iron thrcaded fittings are NPT standard conforming to ANSVASME B 1.20.1 @ LISEO @ LISTEO 4OI8 WESTHOLLOW PARKWAY HOUSTON. TEXAS 77082 TOLL FREE: 888-86I-STAR, TEL: 281-558-3000. FAX: 281-558-9000 NOMIT{AL stE (|NCH) ITEM CODE, MAX.DtiiENstoNs WEGHT EACH PIECEP.S.r.A B c 1X1Xlt2 DT33,I 500 1.26 r.26 1.36 0.64 tx'tx3r'0 DT332 500 t.3?1.37 r.45 0.73 1Xlt2Xr oT3t3 500 1.50 r.36 1.50 o.71 lX3raxl DT323 500 1.5{,1.45 l.50 0.76rxrxt rr4 DT33,'50r,1.67 1.67 1.58 0.98 1X1X1 1t2 DT335 500 1.60 1.80 t.65 1.16 1 1l1X1X1t2 oT.31 500 1.34 1.26 r.53 0.82 1lr4xlx3r.,DT432 500 1.15 1.37 1.62 0.90 1 1t1Klrl DT433 5{t0 1.58 r.50 1.67 1.00 1 1t1X1Xl 1t1 OT'134 500 1.75 1.67 1.75 1.0E 1 1tlX1X1 1t2 DT/.35 500 1.88 1.80 1.E2 1.42I 1t4X1 1t1x1t2 of441 500 1.34 1.34 r.53 0.86 1 1tlr1 1t1x3t1 DT142 500 1.45 1.45 1.62 0.92 1 114X1 1l4K'l oT443 500 1.58 't.58 1.67 0.95 1 1tlr't 1t4X1 1t2 DTrl45 500 1.88 1.8E 1.82 1.45 1 1t4X1 1t1X2 oT446 500 2.10 2.',to 1.90 1.7 5 1 1t2x1rlt2 DTs3I 500 1.41 1.34 1.66 0.95 1 1t2X1X3t4 oT532 500 1.52 1.37 1.75 1,14 1 1t2X1X1 or533 500 1.65 L50 1.80 1.17 1 1t2X1X1 1t1 oT534 500 1.82 1.67 1.88 1.34 1 1t2X1X1 1t2 oT535 500 1.94 't.80 r.94 1.45 1 1t2X1 1t1x1t2 DT54I 500 1.41 1.34 1.66 r.05 1 1t2X1 1t1K3t1 of5/.2 500 1.52 1.45 1.75 '1.15 1 1t2X1 lt1(1 oT543 500 1.65 1.58 1.80 1.25 1 1t2X1 1t1X2 DTsrt6 500 2.16 2.10 2.02 1.90 1 1t2X1 1t2x1t2 oT55t 500 '1.41 1.41 1.16 t.'t 5 1 ltu1 1t2x3t1 oT552 500 1.52 '1.s2 1.75 1.21 1 112X1 1t2K'l oTss3 500 1.55 1.65 1.80 1.301 41 2X1 1t4l oT554 500 4.82 't.82 1.88 1.46 1 1t2X1 1t2X2 DT556 500 2.16 2.r6 2.02 1.9E 2X1X2 DT636 500 2.25 2.O2 2.23 2.'t5u1 1t1X2 DT646 500 2.2s 2.10 L25 2.30u1 1t2x1t2 0T651 500 'l.,tg 1.11 1.E8 1.50 2X1 1t2r3t1 oT652 500 1.60 1.52 '1.97 r.62 2X1 1t2X1 0T653 500 1.73 1.65 2.02 1.64 2X1 1t2X1 ,U1 DT654 500 1.90 1.82 2.10 1.80 2X1 1t2X1 1t2 DT655 500 L02 1.9't 2.16 2.O0 2X1 1t2X2 DT656 500 ?.25 2.16 2.25 2.35 2X2X1t2 DT66I 500 1.49 1.49 1.88 1.60 2X2X3t1 DT662 500 1.60 1.60 1.97 r.68 2X2X1 oT663 500 1.f 3 r.73 2.02 1.85 2X2X1 1t1 DT66/r 500 1.90 1.90 2.'10 2-0/ 2X?I1 2 I)T665 500 LOz 2.02 2.16 2-18 2X2X21t2 DT556 500 2.60 2.60 2.39 3.612 ?I?fA1 DT762 500 1.f1 1.60 L32 L28 NOMINAL slE flNCH) ITEM cooE l MAX.DIMENSIONS WEIGHT EACH PIECEP.S.l A B 1 DX033 500 1.50 r.50 o.98 1 1t1 DXO44 500 1.75 1.75 1.50 1 1t2 DX055 500 1.94 't.!t4 1.90 2 DX066 500 2.25 2.25 2.95 1 lt1[1 DX0a3 500 't.58 1.67 1.27 1 1t2X1 ox053 500 1.65 1.80 't.48 2X1 ox063 500 '1.73 2.O2 2.10 I EHTRPoc CTcA Nomlnal Size 1Y1" 1r/2n z' 21/{ 3" 31/2" 6" PB'(crs) 3.0 3.0 4.O 5.0 6.0 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 Outside Diameter Comparison Copp.r IYpc [l Polybutyhn€ Pipe St€el CPVCSch.40 Pipc l{o0rlnrl Slzc vf 1r/t' 1l,f7 zt€r 3tE{v 5-r Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittings (Comparison)l Tee Branch Copper Steet CPVC 2,0 3.0 3.0 4.O2.0 5.0 5.0 5.03.0 6.0 6.0 7.O3.5 8.0 8.0 8.05.0 10.0 1o.o 1o.o6.0 12.0 12.0 NA7.5 15.0 15.0 NA9.0 17.0 NA NA10.5 20.0 NA NA13.0 25.0 NA NA15.0 30.0 NA NA 'NotG: Expressed as equivalent teet ot pipe. . polybutylene spaces. That's because labrica-tion is possible in small workareas, wilh heavy pipe thread-rng machines beirlg replaceo oy portable, easy-to-use hand tools. .875 NA1.125 1.315'r.375 L660r.625 1.9002.125 2.3752.625 2.8753.125 3.5003.625 4.OOO1.125 4.5005.125 5.5636.125 6.6258.125 8.625 Elbow45" t!?iy conntr stee! GPvc Copper Saves Space. Often buildings with LiqhrHazard Occupancies a-re de_signed with severe mechanical space limitations. With copper's excellent corrosion resistance, smaller tube and fittings can beused. And, because itb ductile,lube can be bent to bypassobstruclions, if necessary. Also, copper can be installed easilywithin metal stud partitions. Connections can be made cleanly and easily even in tight Etbowg(r t|?i, "onr"r steer .PVC 1.0 2.0 7.02.0 2.0 7.02.0 3.0 8.02.5 4.0 9.03.5 5.0 10.04.0 6.0 12.O5.0 7.O 15.06.0 8.0 NA7.0 10.0 NA9.0 12.0 NA10.0 14.O NA 1.050 NA1.315 1.315 1 .660 1.6601.900 1.9002.375 2.3752.875 NA3.500 NANA NANA NANA NANA NANA NA All of these facts are significant aovantages in retrolit installa_ tions that 1-equire concealment, such as office, residential, andhotel applications where room vacancy must be minimized. 1.0 1.0 NA1.0 1.0 NA1.0 2.0 NA2.O 2.0 NA2.O 2.0 NA3.0 3.0 NA3.0 4.O NA3.0 NA NA4.0 NA NA5,0 NA NA7.0 NA NA 'SOLDER JotNr P|ISSURE F|TT|NGS I Tees 3 Part No. Box Wt/Ea A Vax 3/tx 3L 4-3655 10 .34 111/s 1x th 4-3656 25 .3il 1 ?/s2 T-305* BC rr/ts 31/52 lrAe ws-1101 Description 25-ft. coil 50-ft. coil 45o Wyes Part No. A-3726 A-4119 4-4216 Part No. A-121 1 A-1212 FxMxC rAL Wt/Ea A .15 19hz.34 11742.55 1ryr6 T-317. B 17h 1 7/sz 1lYsz Size12 Box 10 10 5 Size ,t lt 1 Tube Strap perforated copper l^ooooooooo A .75 .75 Wt/Ea .3 1.0 't.9 Box 50 20 10 Box 100 r00 100 100 50 50 50 25 25 15 1 11/4 11/z 2 Wt/Ea 1.93 3.86 SOLDERING ACCESSORIES 4-900 Scotch Brite* cleaning pads A-902 sandcloth Size 10yd. roll 25 yd. roll 50yd. roll Part No. A-3382 A-3343 A-1454 Size rh % 3/s Yz 5/e 1 1Y1 11/z 2 CxCxC TUbe Straps 2 hole Size 1/e 1/q '/a Y2 Ve 3/n Part No. A-1210 Part No. A-1203 A..127A A-1366 A-2529 A-1467 A-2574 A-2614 A-2650 A-2675 A-2708 Box (t piece = 10 pads) 'Reg. Trademart ol 3M Co. ws-1 100 Parl No. A-6735 A€736 A-6737 A-6738 A-6739 Carton 18 Wt/Ea .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .o2 .03 .o4 nq 'Cast Bronze A-908 open mesh abrasive cloth -St ttt Aa-" abrasive coated, non-loading woven mesh, designed tor cleaning copper tube and solder joint fittings. Waterproof . . . can be used either wet or dry. Size Part No. Box Wt/Ea Pcs/Master Wt/Master Carton 50 {i A-901 wirc cleaning brushes Part No. A-6731 A-6732 A-6733 4.6734 A-6740 Size V1 30 lt4x5yardrcll A-1215 1 .4 15.4 otoo", o 2Y2",3".4" &6" Swiirq Check Valvet Bulletin 8070 -Fl (D @\ The Right-Check Features 1. Grooved end connections. 2. Cornpact, lightweight design. 3. Non-slamming, spring loaded clapper to minimize water hammer. 4. Approved for horizontaland vertical installation. 5. Streamlined body design provides very tow tnctton loss. 6. Elastomer faced clapper provides leak-free, non-sticking sealing. General Reliable Model G Swing Check Valves are multiplepur.pose. valves performing regular check vaiveouttes wtth- very low frlction loss. All four sizes areapp1gve.d for use in fire protection systems. Typicalapplications include connections kjetween oi.rblicwater suppties ang private fire systems, bt theotscnarge trom tire pumps, at gravity tankconnections and at lire departmint pi.rmperconnections. _T!e 4" Model G CheckValve is provided witha /2,,MI suppty side connecrion (tteni 12, Fig.2). fhis Vz',NHr suppry stde connection is optional for all othervalve sizes and must be specified. Grooved end connections provide fast and easyinstallation using listed or approved mechanicdlglooygd couplings. Rigid styte.grooved couptingscan be used for positive clamping to resist ftbxuial ancl torsional loads. Right-CheckrM valves and associated equipment , should periodically be given a thorouoh inbo'ection'and test. NFPA 25 provides rninimum?naintbnance' requirements. Check valves should be inspected anooperated at least annually. Parts should 6e replacedas required. When Model G Swing Check Valves are installed vertically, the direction of the flow arrow must oointupward..For horizontal instaltations, the hingd pin must be located at the top. Figure 1 Valve Descriptionl. Rated working pressure 250 psi. 2. Factory hydrostatic test pressure 500 psi. 3. Friction loss, expressed in equivalent length of Sch. 40 pipewith C = 120 (based on Hazen and Williams formula): 2Y2"- 7 tt.3" -7 tt. m lmmm h/vR€@[,]) 4" - 17 tbs. 6" - 38 lbs. 4 llgl9ft9.. gjg_oved end dimensions per ANSI/AWWA C606.5. Face-to-Face distance "1" (Fig.2): 2Vz" - 7.O3in. 4,,- 8.44in. 4" - 10 ft. 6" - 16 ft. x.F20 6I) 97 ta8'" 05L 1O - 7.62in.6" - 10.25 in.6. Shipping weight (inctuding ptugs): zYr" - 9 lbs.3" - 11 lbs. I / T/"/,6'i ,T The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon, New yorkt 0552 Parts List - Refer to Fi 'Not f ield reptaceabte. Valve Disassembly1. Close the rnain water supply valve and drain thesysrem.2. Remove the check valve from the piping system.3. Inspect the Seat (2) for any cuts, scr-apls anOoenrs. Heptace the valve if any darnage ii founo.4. To replace the Facrng Seal (4), remove-the Clapper(J), unscrew the Locknut (10) and remove rneRetention Bott (9). Valve Reassernbly1 Thorougl.Jy ctean the Clapper (3). Insert the ^ Retention Boti (9) with a new Castei(6).?. Place the new Facing.Seal (4)_and ihe CtampingRins (5) asainst ne brappei r'si risj;i!;it; ["*Locknut (10)to 21 in. - tbs. torqui,ein2i,,and 3,.sizesand to 52 in. - lbs. in 4,, and 6,,sizes.3. lnsert the clapper assembly into the valve throughth,e..do),vnslleam opening. Reinsert the Hinge ein @ywhile holdlng the coils of the propertylrienteO lpring (7) in ptace. Instaltthe hinge pin Frrg tl1).4. Reinstall the check valve in the svstem.5. Place the system back in service. Approvals . . Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. andUndervwiters' Laboratories certified for CjnaO-a ep-proueOby Factory Mutuat Research Corp..- ruvC Men z5ilss_e' Fl4 Apprgved as both a ,.Single" check vatve and as an ..Anii-Water Hammer" check valve Ordering lnformation Soecitu: 1. Modet G Right-Check'"Valve. 2. Size 3. 72" NPT- optional supply side connection for valvesrzes otner than 4,,_ Conta.ct the. installing contractor or Retiabte il any difficutties arefi:fffii$:fl "tn"'ld ieplacement pa'ts be needei' ;"e;iil&;u;.e The equipment presented in this btrllerin is to be insralled In accordance ",ll^rl"^]1:"1l1.gnr siandards ol the Narionar Fire prorecrion Association racto.y vrruat:,:::],"]_"""j.T:::."1^tji'1.::ll:.-"jti'zaions ini "rso-*i-rn-iil pliu,"ion" oi sovernmenrar "oo"s oio,oinances whenever appricabre.;il" "- ffi:"*"he mosr highry quarired andreputaSre sprinkrer contracrors rocated hrougnort me uniteo St"rii. cl"ro" "no roreign countries. The Rellable Automatic Sprinkle. Co., lnc.Rl *n * o"n, ReMs@n lines ndicate updated o, new data. E.G. Printed in u.s A 11/99 p/t€99€e7oo7t (800) 431-1588 (80o) 84ffiO51 (914) 668-3470 wv,/w. relra bleSprinkler Cofir Sales Oflices Sales Fax Corporate OfficesInternet Address Figure 2 " 4anufactured by IONS sPEctFtcATloirs INSTALLATION INSTRUCT BB.SC SERIES AND M I LWAU KEE VALVE COM PANY sPEcrrfnrfoNs Fon SLow cLos SLOW CLOSE BUTTERBALL VALVE ASSEMBLIES PATENTED 1. Provides slow opening and closing properties in aquarter-turn valve. The purpose is to eliminate hydraulic shock and water hammer in fire protec- tion and other liquid slptems 2. Economically replaces cumbersome O.S.& y. gate valws. 3. Compact, lightweight manual operator has scotch yoke design & visual position indicator. Close cou-pled for positive direct drive 4. Available with or without a builtin supervisory tam- Per s.vitch. 5. UUFM rated at 175 psi. Also availabte at 3SO psi with NYC. B.S.A. approval. ffiApproved @6D,-,","0 For use with fire protection sprinkler systems. 175 psi. SUPERVISORY TAMPER SWITCH KITS AND BUILT-IN ASSEMBLIES PATENTED 1. Available factory assembled or as a separate kitlor field assembly. 2. When mounted on the BB-SC100 Slow Closevalves and wired up_ the switch signals any move-ment ot the valve disc from the full open position. It also signals any tampering with thd switbh. 3. Supervisory control can be monitored at either oneor tuo locations because it houses two prewired S.P. DT. micro switches. 4. lf a tamper switch that can only be monitored atone location is required, consult factory. 5. Switch Ratino: 10 Amps/ 115 VAC . 60 H, 0.5 Amps./28 VDC 6. Wire leads arc 24', long. Consult factory for spe- crar rengtns. 7. See back page of this spec sheet for installation instructions. Approved bry the New York Cdy Board ol Stds. & Appeats under Calendar No 996-81-SM, for both 175 and 350 osi. MOOEL DESCRIPTION srzEs BB-SC100 BB-SCSo2 Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch UUFM 175 psi - Threaded Ends NyC BSA Approved 1', 1V.', 1y2u, 2',2V2u BBVSCl00 BBVSCSo2 Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch UUFM 175 psi - Groored Ends NyC BSA Approved 2n 1u,1 2n ,2V2' V1n, 1 V2' ,2th, BBHSC100 BBHSCS02 Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch 350 psi - Threaded Ends llYC BS4 Approveo BVHSC100 BVHSCSO2 Valve Less Switch Valve With Switch 350 Psi - Grooved Ends NYC BSA Approved 2u, 2 V2' BB-SCKo2 Supervisory Tamper Switch Fits All Valrres MI LWAU KEE VALVE COM PANY2375 South Burreil Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207 Valves built to take it...since 1901 THREADED ENDS BB-SCS02 (Valve dTamper Switch) VALVES LESS TAMPER SWITCH BB-SC100 (Threaded Ends) Sizes: 1", 1Vto, 1Vz', 2",2Y2' VALVES WITH BUILT-IN TAM BBVSC100 (Grooved Ends) Sizes:.2,,,2V2', PER SWITCH GROOVED ENDS BBVSCS02 (Valve wflamper Switch) DIMENSIONS _ INCHES stzE 1 1V.1W 2 2Ya A 21le 2 sle z 7le 31la 4lla B 5 r/ro 513/sz 5 zllsz o,/8 6Ve c 1s/ro 1rs/ra 231rc 2 3la 3 5Ae D 1 23lsz 21le 2 3la 3 l/re 3 tlz E t 5/ro '-l t6 F V6 G 4 tlz 4 1/z H 2 3/a 2 tla w t3lr6 1lla 11lz 17ln 21la L.o 2.25'2.50'3.25'4.5'10.0, w - is the wrench make'up length. L.o - is flow resistance expressed in equivalent tength of schedute 40 pape. ffiVl\w I Ir I /As/----t-,a\F MATERIAL LIST NO.PART MATERIAL SPECIFICATTON 1 Indicator Sintered lron F0008P 2 Housing Bronze ASTM 584 3 Body Bronze ASTM 584 4 Handle Brass 5 DiSc Stain. Stl.Type 304 6 Disc Seal EPDM Elastomer 7 Switch Housinq Die Cast Aluminum M I LWAU KEE VALVE COM PANY 2375 South Burrell Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207 Valves buili to take lt...since 1901 VALVE TAMPER SWITGH I ALLATION INSTALLATION - USA A. The BBSC can be installed in any orientation in a piping sletem using standard Naiional pipe Threads. Wrench should be used lo hex on the end of valve being threaded to pipe. pipe sealants should be used sparingly. B. The BB-SCKO2 srvitch can be easily mounted onthe valve in the field. (See special installation instruction sheet provided with every srvitch kit.) C. lf only one. micro srvitch is required, simply tuckthe second 3 wire lead set back into the - supervisory control housing. D. Make electrical connections in accordance withlocal codes. INSTALLATION - (For Underwriters' laboratoriesoF CANADA) A. Installation must provide upright orientation of vatve. B. Electrical connectlons as follows: "Bonding andgrounding to be in compliance with the requirements' of the Canadian Electrical Code Part 1." C. Conduit: The insertion depth of the threaded conduit must not exceed 1/8,, into the supervisory s/vitch housing, and the threaded conduit must fit tightly onto the switch. INSTALLATION FOR NEW YORK CITY VALVES N.Y.C. special valves have a large Flow Indicator which points in the direction of the valve disc, indicating open or closed. The valve should be installed in a position where the indicator is readilv visible. BB.SC WITHOUT A TAMPER SWITCH BB-SCS WITH INTEGRAL TAMPER SWITCH NOTE: DETAILED INSTALLATTON TNSTRUCTTON SHEETS ARE PROVIDED WITH EACH VALVE. ,l WIRING DIAGRAM E,j. SWIrcH POSITION WITH VALVE FULL OPEN TO CHANGE WIRING FBOM NORMAL OPEN TO NORMAL CLOSED, REVERSE REO AND BLrcK. M I LWAU KEE VALVE COMPANY Valves built to take it . . . since 1901 2375 South Burrell Street . Milwaukee. Wisconsin 53207-1519Telephone: Area code 4141244-s24o o Telex 2-69497. Fax No. (414) 744-sg4o ,FEEEtr R E D U C E {RESS URE A SSE/V'8IYo BACKFLOW PREVENTION lharacteristics Physlcal Properties Size ot Mainline Max. Working Pressure Hydrostatic Test Press. Temperature Range Encl Conn€ctions Materials Main Valve Body Coating Shut Off Valves Trim Elaslom€r Dlscs Spring 2 'V2', 3,4', 6", 8" 175 PSI (1200 KPa) 350 PSI (2a00 KPa) 32o F to 1400 F (0o C to 600 C) Flanged ANSI 816.1 Class 125 Ductile iron Grade 65-45-12 Fusion epoxy coated internal and extornal AWWA C550-90 OS&Yresilienlwedgo gat€ valv6s ArI^/vA C509 Bronze Alloy C83600 EPDM Stainl€ss steel U.S. Patent No. 4,989.635 Agency Compliance Slzes 2%'-10-. ANS|/AWWA (C511-89) Slzes 2%'-8'. ASSE (Std. 1013). CAN/CSA (864.4).UL .FM S/zes 4', 6- & 8'. Approv€d by th€ Foundatlon for Cross Connec on Control and Hydraulic Research at th€ Univ€rsitv of Southern California.F Apptication H€alth Hazard MODEL 860 REDUCED PRESSURE ASSEMBLY Model 860 Flow Curves 320 400 eM 4" and 6" 1200 1600 MODEL 860 IiISTALLATION 240'| 6080 6gls oooJ10Eo{l-5 =oC15 ltloor10 !r!oT5 n15 oa-3 10 |!OA 2OOO GPM 8" 800400 2 1/2" and 3" 3'! -a 21/z r n 6" I 4" 500 1000 1500 2000 25OO GPM MASEER, Oimensions and Weights ilot!: Olnanalonr ara noirlnd. Albrancaa nru|| ba |nrata lof nonnal m|.n Lctud.|! tdara,rcaa. NEt x€tvrl, wl.NRg O3IY3lIEAgco€FtLb.J{Lb..t l1t2' a03ra 25 lQ t25/8 tO t/a ltrtn lo 2r9 22't' ,ar 1/! 2t 5r! r2ttt ro t/a t! .to l3t 2t3.c tt. 2t t4 !r! t0 t/. t5 t/! to t/8 !17 33aa' 56 34 3/a tartt t! 20 3r 1/r .!t 5t6l' 65 ar 3ra 2l In t3 5/t 2! tra t21ta I Materials of Construction rr€M OESCRIPTIOH IIAIERIAS lr€M OESCRIPT|o I.|^I€RIAS |l€M oESCRJPTION MATER|AS I 2.1 2.1 2..I J.2 3.J l,a a a.l a.2 5.1 G I 9 9.1 r0 r0.l lEody lCo'.. lonhe lC{ Sc6' lH.r Nst IE|D.^J6 Ph ls..t Rhg lG.*r lsoctl H..rt Scrrt El.rtlc S!09 rut Euriinc.sw|rg A|r 51ri9 Ph Rd.i lr|9 CIOR.tddr! C!9 Ch.ct Ol.l Load Pln L*r Sjrlng R.u! Sgdng Sla.ig..dc Stop J|.n ||rl Spn^e Sr.rne 2.d Or.cl 5066o Slifi 2ard Ch.cI A53t 6n 65{5r2 ^536 GR 65-atr2 EPOM ASIM O2(DO Plrtld St..l Pl.ld St..l .20 ss 856a Aloy Cla;00 EPot ASIM O20o r&&ss 30r ss ta&ss gsl.a Arby CE${ro Latal R.ih 30. SS JO2 SS r02 ss €Potrl Co.t.d GR, a5 Oirtl. kon l'h A2tC i!. 3O4iS !t.,n 81 50 Aby C0lJoO 85ta Alroy Cl350O loa ss r&t ss A'l! t)". 8lr SSr3lf ltp.6tl SS A3t3 Ttoc 6tt SS tl t2 r2.It! ta t6tfll It. I zo 20. r 20.2 2l 22 2t 21 2a. l 25 26 2f 2a 2t. I 29 3ttlt lSorne A,icc lUtr S,.lng R.r,l7 |&'ling\St. Slrri lPlvd 8.ri E Flaoga Gatf.t &.n.9 S€td Har Jrn t5l Watlraa Fb.g. Nlr Fbng. Nd R.V. Cov..8l.- Sa.ar G.al.r R.v. Edy Cora. Sott E!bov RV tno 8dl Waalrar RV Mr! Nu G.*.t, Stoin , L.9. O.Crngtn 8.rnoa Flo! Waaliaa RV SFr^g RV St.!| Mth G,,id. g1!O Arct C22O0O8St Alby C!3tloo&.td R6h Bltttt Alot C!3600 RObdF.bns &.1.1R6h r&l ss J02 SS Fl.r.d St..l Pl||d St..l 85el r|tty C!3600rat ss HOP€ Bsta lJby C!500ret ss ast6 GR as{t t2 Pl.Ld St.al Plat d St-l Plrtrd StrtEPoi SS Ll.tn Nilnb ^Sru 020qt A2.0 1,. SS rcd.l R6h A1l3 Dp. tO2 SS aca||l Rqtr B!i0a Arw ClS6oo Il.r 3t 3a f,a. t 35. r 35.2 36 3t. r 39 a0 at a2 {3 at.t a1 a5 a5.l r6 a6.l aI .r7,1 60 6r 62 lMsh Grld. O8ln9 S..l Ollc Low.r Grid. S..t RlnE Gf t6q GRhg €xlctrioo San. Ol.Dhraq.n Rrtarnct Elp Rlng Sall Velvc Nl9C. Grr. V.tv. (NRS) &rlrnt !d Filti.! &rlth..d Flnir!gsfih..d Pfrg GaaLal Ga*rt W3Jra, NUt Hul lda'rtllcatiqr Pt.ta ldradtcadsr Ptata otiva Scr.w FOA EPOI' EPOM ASIM OzMO &dJ Rasr 858. ^|rcr C!36O0 FOA EPOM €POH ASrM O2m0 Aa.hl Rrrh N'l.b ASru O2Oo0 asE ^lbyc83600Acatal R6h Ac.td R!!lr 950. Arty C8,{00g.|ta aww^ c509gSta Aby C4]600 a50r Arry C!IoOBst abyct!6oo €Polrl ASIM 0260 EPOM ^SrM O2mog:t! Abr:60$t Alot :AO 854. Abr C63600 856. ^by C!3600 &16 Aloy C26@0 &tt Aby C26tD0 Stldals S.at BACKFLOW PREVENTION 3MB lndustrios, lnc, P.O. 8ox 8070. Fresno, CA 93747. Fax: (209! 453-9030 -@@65S 860 6/96 860.PM6 ODEL IOI I MODEL I OI Ii The AGF Monufocturing Inc. Model l0l l Motches All The Feotures And Benefits Of Our Populor Model 1000 TESTIORAIN By Providing Both The Test Function And The Express Droin Function,With The Added Feoture Of An Integrol Presure Relief Volve. The AGF Monufocturing Inc. Model l0 l I T Performs The Some Functions As Listed Above While Providing The Fittings Necessary For The Instollotion Of The Included Pressure Gouge. The Models l0l I ond IOl lT Are Single Hondle Boll Volves Thot Are Light Weight And Compoct, Include A Tomper Resistont Test Orifice, Integrol Tomper Resistont Sight Gloses, And Are 300 PSI Roted. The Volves Comply With All Requirements Of NFPA i 3. 13R, & l3D, Which Stipulotes A Pressure Retief Votve Be Instolled On All Gridded Systems And Downstreom Of All Pressure Reducing Volves. Designed To Relieve Excess Sysiern Presure Coused By Surges Or Temperofure Chonges As Well As Sofue The Difficult Problem Of Providing The Relief Volve With A Droinoge-Piping Outtet. Avoiloble In A Full Ronge Of Sizes From 3/4'To 2' NPT & BSPT, With All Specifioble Orifice Sizes 3/8", 7 n6",1/2',.17 t32,5/8 (ELO), & 3/4" (ESFR). The Models l0l I qnd lOl lT Are Shipped With All Necessory Components Included. To Expedite System Testing The Unit ls Shipped Serni Assembled With The Relief Volve Port And The Byposs Droin Port Plugged. 3 3 The Included UL/FM Model 7000 PRV Feotures A Flushing Hondle And ls Foctory Set At i 75 PSI With Other Settings Avoiloble. os\ec\ou\ i*iil,*r0,, MODEL IOI I WITH RELIEFVATVE AND BYPASS PIPING MODEL IOI IT WITH RETIEFVATVE, EYPASS PIPING, AND PRESSURE GAUGE IAPPING. MODEL TOOO (Ut I.ISTED/FM APPROVED) PRESSURE RELIEFVATVE FACTORY SET AT I75 PSI MTH OTHER SEMNGS AVAITABTE. FRONT VIEW. MODEL TOI I FRONTVIEW. MODEL IOI IT From lhe Februo 1994 Edifion of NFPA Potogtoph 4' requires q relief volve be inslolled downstreom of oll reguloling volves. Porogroph 3 ' 1.2 requires AIL GRIDDED SYSTEMS be provided with relief volves- ORIFICE SIZES AVAfLABLE - s/E, 7/16, rt2. ttl32, Ero(s/s)', ESFR(3,/4). DIMENSIONS. INCHES #HifbwemDhiifi'ri. @@ MATERIAL LISTstzE OVETAU UflGIH r0lr AND r0ilTt0t I A l0t tT A B c D E F G H 3,.4"7 jh6" l9l.l&fir 8'tt' 25O.09rr.n I ttl' ttsa.n n 2 3lre" 55.65anan 3 5/s" 932srn.n 3 t/st lS.tt|nri I l3/tc" /as.IYi n 49r$" | | t.l2fi.tr 6 ttC' ldI-/UIln.n lrt 7 elrc" l9lSlTr|r Sttc'n$Jttri,n I ttt' ltL|n rr 2 tho" 55.65.n n 3 s/C', t3rlom 3 3la" E5.lAYrn I lt/ret' /|5.Jarnm 4tttt' l l7.l2tn n 6 t/C' l62.ie,rrnI th"7 tsht' 20l|tfn l0 rd 239.t9nYn | |l/rc" a2.tOn|!i 2e1rc"65.36arari 4 ttl' l0ai6|'rn 3 s/rC' t2.l&|l'l llslrc"lO.ttfin 5 e/rc" lal,!9m.n 5 l/e' l9l2.2t |rnI ttl'6 l5/rr" X25.*trr I I r/r" 2.S..7Jrrn I rvrC' /('-sltarr 3tu'tl.sorn n 5r/rC' | 2tarrlt 3'|ta"9r.l&rrm 2stt6a.t.rrn 8 rd' 206,63,n|t1 | 0 ?/C' 27t etrrr 2',E ls/re" 2!6.atr'|t!ll rd 2t5.atrrrn I l!/ret' ,.5.5o.trn 3tt,"tl.sornrn 5 l/te" | 2?rn|ll 37d'99.l6ntm 2'tc'56ttnrn E142O6.6t nrn l0 74" 2tt.6&n n 'Avoiloble on I | /4' to f size units onlv. PART: HANDIT SIEMBAtI SODY MATERIAI: SEEI ROO ERASS c.P BROT.TZE BRONZE VAIVE SA' IMPREGI{AIED TEFTON INDICAIOR PIAIE SIEETREUEFVATVE BROI{ZE BYPASS FIIINES BRASSsYPASSIUSING NYIOBRAID Ul USING CxrO19(N, t €xil$l3(Nl AGF MANUFACIURING COMPANY 100 Quoker Lon€ l,folvem, PA 19355 USA I€lephone: (6 I 0) 240-4901) For (610) 2/0-4906 www.lesldndroin.com JO8 NAME: ARCHITECT: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: TilSTALLATION AND MA|IANCE TNSTRUCT|OT{S PSP1 Plug.in Special purpose Supervisory Switch SffiIry^ A Division of plttwav 3625 Ohio Avenue, St. Garles, inois 60t 7i l -800.sENsoR2, FA* 630-37?.6495 Spcclflcatlonr Dimensions: Weight: Enclosure Rating: Thmper Protection: Operating Voltage: Maximum Operating Current: Operating Temperature: 4.73' L x 2.94- W x 2.21" D (12 cm L x 2.5 cm W x 5.6 cm D) With bracket - B.S" L (21.5 cm L) 1.7 lbs. (.77akg) Cast-aluminum rain-tight outlet box, Indoor/Outdoor NEMA 3 Cover tamper switch and tamper-proof cover screws 6/12/24 volts ACIDC 250 mA -4' F to 149' F (-20' C to 65' C) lmportant Please Read Carefully and Save This instruction manual contains important information about the installation and operation of tbis supervisory switch. This manual should be left with the owner/user of this equipment. Gencral lnformatlon The unit is intended for supervision of non-rising stem tatevalves and other valves that cannot be monitored by con- ventional supemisory switches. Thming the valve wheel will pull the plug out of the jack and close a set of normally open contacts. A lockout will prevent reinsertion and re- quire removal of the cover. Thmperproof screws are pro_ vided for the cover. Removal of cover, or cutting of cord or ground faults will cause an open circuit. The device should be wired to the trouble circuit of a fire alarm control panel. In.t llatlon l. Choose a location near the valve (safe from flooding) and mount the bracket to the wall. 2. Rotate t}le box on the bracket until the ptug faces the valve. The plug must also point downward. Tighten the locknut on the pivot. 3. furn the valve to the full-open position. Insert the plug into the jack. Tightly loop the 8-ft. waterproof cable through the valve wheel and back into the box through the cable clamp. Close valve to check that plug pulls out and then turn valve back to full-open position. Cut the cord to the minimum length required to make the con- nections within the box. 4. For all exterior applications, rrse,/2, NpT, listed liquid- tight conduit connectors. 5. Wire the device as per the circuit diagrams shown (see Figures 2-5). Tfim the unused black wire flush with the cable casing and cap the red wire of the cover tamoer switch. Flllure 1. PSp''! 6. If a longer cable is required, use SJOW A 16-2, two con- ductor l6-gauge stranded rubber-iacketed cable. 7. Using the adhesive pad and wire tie provided, dress thewires away from the lock-out mechanism. L When installing the cover, make sure the O-rings are in place on the cover screws beneath the cover. D770-r5-00 I56.984-02 As stipulated by Factory Mutual and Underwriter,s Labora- tories, this unit is not intended or designed for ordinary us- age. It is a special application device to be used for unusual conditions where no other approved or listed method ofprotection is available or practical, such as non-rising stem gate valves. stored to normal when the valve is in normal condition. Flture 3. Multlple deytcca Ctars B: As this unit does not meet NFPA codes and standards (re-quiring restoration of the signal when the valve is posi- tioned to normal), special attention should be given by theresponsible parties to assure that the proper operation ofthis device is maintained. This device should only be re- F,Eule z.smlaerice ctass B: FACP|r||nAN GctRcutT OTE: xO OtHEn lypEs OFIXITIATINC DEYIC€ XAY BE@{ ECTED TO THE SAIIE FACp txtTtATtr|G Onclfr. iql! --_l IYATES-PROOF cAELe VALVE WHEEL F CP |XMAN G ORCUIT i{oTE: O OIHEn TypEt OF TIIINANTG O€VICE TAY BE @iiIIIECTED IO THE SAI|E FACP I}IMAING CIRCU]T. .9,t- rg ___l WAIEF.PN@F CAELE -__l WAIEF,PROOF CAOLE gF e; D770.15-00 I56-984.02 Flturc 5. il||ltlplc dcvlccr Ctr.. A: Filure 4. Singlte dcvtce Craa rclEr lo OIHCI TYaaa 6xn G oe$cE ral aEooatE€tEo to ttc saIEi.cr tal!^trac ctictlT. I itl trrl I I r19 t !'I, |-- It FrE: rc Otrcl rtCt C$arum|o EV|CE rAV aCcotflctED to ll|ta IaFAC' LlllllliFt qicui n a},: D770-tS -00 156.984.02 The Syrte m Sonror WFD Scrr!,s vJnLrtype wJtertlotv tletecror.rv n.l cornputcr (l(,signc(l p,rtltllc. firs Schetlule fO rnrouehSclre.tlulc.t(l src(,| pipr, sizr,s 3. rhrough S" ffr,., .t.:rignli,hi,rrnit rn,rkcs it (,Jsy to insr.rll .tnrl sitnp[,to,rroin,,,inir.",,'il" rnorrnlctl in .r verric.rl or horizont.ll prlsitiorr .rntl i,,,,i,atriolo,r|r(lulr .rn(l Ul..listr.,rl rrut(l(xrr wct.ltip(. slrrinklcr irrsr.tll.rriorrs.Srvitch .uscnrbly .rnrl rlt,l.ry nrtch.rnism .rssurrbIv ";;,"|;rephcc.rlllc. r\tlv,rrrcctl fc.rrrrre,s rnclrrrlc:5orl.d R.tard Asstrrcs lh.lt tltr..ttljtrst.tlrlc [(,l.tr(l is n(){ 'jontJ tnirt.lt(.rl l}v rlustJn(l (lirt rvhcn thLr C(lvcr is rcrntlvrrl.Vl.ual Swttch Ac vrtlon Pcrntrts irrsl,tllt'r to .tccrrr,ttcly scr ltl!. tr,t.tr(l L,vrrn lIl(lcrt'xtrenrcly noisy corrtlitrons.Mechanlcal Delay Adlurtm.nt 'l'he yrircu nt.rr ic tlcl.tv is prcsct ,lt rlial sctting J irr rhc ircrory. 'lo atljulr rhe "o,r.L1o"Itlel.ty,rnovclhc.rdiustnrL,lt d,ar di.ll lo thu desired numbcr. Ruglged Swltch Aeaembly Srvitches nre L'ncloscd irl .l durtblL' terrnin.ll block for .ttLlcd strc'ngth. Accomrnotl.rtes 100% Synchronlra on Activilrl-'s both ll.rrrn p.rnel .rnil loc.rl trcllDurabl€ Tampcr Rerlctant Enclocurc ttp tO It r\lVC rvirc. .lt lllc s.ltne tillrc_ Red rpoxy p.rintcd rner.rl covr:r conrpletr.,lv crrclosts lh(, clcctrrc.ltcornpollpnts to keep out tttrs( .rntl rlirt. hnprovr,rl self.guitlirrpsecurrty scrervs .rnd removal tool InJk(, rlc(ccror rcsist.rnt to't.rmpering: 1.iring tlilgr.rrn irrside covt,r sinrplifits iit,ldrniltnlen.lnce. Specifications Static Pressure R.rting: Tfiggering Threshold Bandwidrh (Florv Rare) : MJ.\irnun Surge: Comprrible Pipe: Contlct Ratings: Overall Dimensions: Conduit Entnnces: )perating Temperature Range: Sizes Avrilable: o System Sensor 8,/96 1,50 PSI (i!l.rx.) 4 - l0 cPtt 18 FPS Steel rvater pipe, scheclule l0 rhrough .t0 T\vo sers oi S.p.D.T. (Form C)r0.0A@ l:5/25OVAC 3.5A@:4VDC See figure on back TWo openings for r/:. conduit 32"F to l20oF (O.C ro 49"C) For schedules l0 lhrough .10, sizes 2- through g' C0ver T.rrn!,er Stvi tch: Shipping Weiglu: Service Use: Auromatic Sprirrkler: Oiltion.rl nrottr.'l 5.1(r. lt)00 \.lries. J - I lbs.. accurtling ro si,:r, NFPA 13 NFPA I3D NFP.{ I3R NFPA :] One or TWo F.rmily Drvelling: Residenri.rl Occuplncies up ro { Srories:NirionJl Fire Alarm Cotle:lVlrrlntv: 3 ve.rrs F \@@@*rrln* This document is not intended ro be used for inst.llhtion purposes.405- 180.01 I II ,y._t{. t8.tl.c.,n. P,N At7.Ot,O2lj1- - "-".o..,.- o,o*o.o - El.ct'r.al conde'| .ntr.n .- | latl-dr..l f,or€: C.lmd.da..^xr6...,! ri.. -.rr r. ||orhO. O!.ri-r.n. trni.col|.atk. ta a. (aao..a.. . .nar a.t-ra. wm Oimensions I corrrct.^r0.ca'rtll 1L vrc ' ro .!9t ' , tavoa- - l1ar9t $"ntto' WFD Assombly Daagram .- -'*--.:-- ' --aio,,.,. riii+ *_;r ;:rFJ.''i o.x ,5l5:-i:Lj_a::;; jl I D.. trDr..r !..r c.r co..*l|.n WFD Fiold Wirin! Diagram jl I E FD Waterflow Detectors .,s (lcsign.l{L'(l on t lrt' rlrlrvings Jn(l/or .ts sptcified herc,in. DLrtcctors slr.rll rnourrt rlrr lnl,clc.rr pipr, sp.trr of tht,.rpproprrate, trolllll.ll siz.c', crthcr I vcrtic.ll rrptlorv or horizon(,ll run, at lelsr(r" irorn .ury littirrgs rvlticlt rn.rv ch.tngr'rv.ltL,r (lirr,ction, florv r.rrr.,.(rr lripc (li.lurctcr ()r no closer rhltr 14" lrtrnr I v.rlvt, rlr rlr;rirr lJ(,tecr0rs sh.rll h.rve ,l scltsitlvity in rhe rJngr., o[.] to l0 ij.lllor.lspr'r nlt utL' ,rrrrl .t st.rtic l)ressurc rlting of J5t) psi for J,'_9,, prpts.'fhe drrcctor sh.rll rcspontl to rvl(crflorv in rhe spc.cificd rlirecrion JltL.r r prL'sr'( tinr'tlel.ry which is fir-,ld .rtljusrlblt. Tlrt, rlt,l.ry Ordering! Information t!'p(. rv. or ow (L"tcclors sh.rll br_'instlllqd on sysr,-,rn piffi mechlnisrn shell be a s.,.,1".'1 ,n."lr.r n i.Jli.--,-,.'r,,n.ffi1i visurl indic.ttion of lctr[rtion. .fhL" .rctu.ltion rntclr,rnisrn sh.rllincludr'.r polyerhylcnc vlne inscrrr,tl througlr.r holc in rhr-.prpc.ilnd conn('ctcd bv ,r rnechrnic.tl lirrk.rge to rhr, (lclily rnr.,ch.rrrtsrrr. Outprrrs sh.rll consist oi tlu.tl SpOl- srvitchcs (krrnr C corrr.rcts).Trvo contlrrit entrJlccs (one oI rvhich is .r knockOtrt tyl)0j [()rsr.rnrl.rrd [ittings oI cornrntlnly usttl clsclric.ll coutluir ih.rll lruprovirlcrl on tltr' (l(rt(rctors. A lirounrlillg Irr()visi()0 is prrlvit|'.t1. Alld('tectors slr.tll bc listt'tl by U trrlcnvritr.,15 l,,rbtrr.rtorics ,,,, ,,rj.,,,.or ou tdoor ttst. !VFD:O IVFDJ5 WFDJO \vt-'DJ5 wFD.t0 WFDsO WFD(,t) IVFDSO r\.i00S-d0 \VJtcrflorv DL'rccror, SclretluL. 10/.10, f" (50 rnnl) lV.rtt'rrlorv D('leetor, Scht'd ule lO / 40, J' / !' [65 rnrn ) \V.ttr,'rilorv De{('ctor, Schcdule l0/.10, J" tS0 rnrn} W.tterilorv D!'tt'ctor. Sclrt'rl r.rle l0 i 10, l, / i' lv.rtr'r orv D(,tr'ctor. Schedule l0/.10,.l- 00 mrn) W.rtr'rt]orv Detr'cr or. Scht d rr L. t 0/.1 0. 5 " W.rrcrllol Detr..ctor. Schetlule l0/40,6. (150 nltn) lV.tter orv Dl'tector, Schetlule l0l.10, g" (10() rnrn) RL'pl.lcr'nlent De!.rv lVlechanisrn ior IVFD l',-S,, sizes llepl.rcr'rncn t'['r'rrni [.tl t ock tirr WFt)A7:.01.0: 5.{(r-1000 S0l-(r(r.()l IVITDIV Cur.er'Lurper Srvrtclr Kit ior WIrL) Rcpl.lcerncnt T.t|rrpl.'r Scrcrvs ti)r Cov(,r {)i \\'l:[.) llcgr 1.1cg111('s11 -l'.tnrpcr Irrorlt \Vrcnclt tr)r Cr)\.cr r)lIVFD C5S- t64-01 Rcphcenrr_,nt llcr.rl CovertVFDN.I NE.\tr\.1 Caskct Krr 'ULC ut r.siorr rlrlrr.{rkrrttl u,ittt .i1., lirtt(rn,hg ffu, lrrrtlt/ uuurb{r tuk! /dcf on' irt-{r(tl[1] tt'lt,ll (u|cr rrlrtD(r -stt,l t(.,/l System Sensor Worldwide Distribution In Canadr; Sr.stt m Se sor CJnJdJ, KitrmJt RoJd. Unlr t7 . rissJugJ, OntJrio Crnrdr LsN JTs Telephone: 905.81:-0:6i Fr.{: 905.81:.0i71 PJBe l In rhe United Kingdom: svstem Sensor Europe, Ltd. HorshJm Crres lll, Norrh Sr. Horsh.rm. lves( Susser RHIJ 5PJ, Unired Kintdoln Tclephone:'l.l- l.l0l.l76500 Frr: .l.l- I{0J.11650t ln Indi.r: Slislcm Setrsor IndtJ A-J0.1 ll.lhesllwrn N jg.rr Ork.rv llills L:ne Andhcri Ersl. uutnb.li l0009J TelelJ.\: 91.0]1.$t0:i6.l In the F.lr EJst: Svstenr Scttsor Pittrv.lv F.lr EJst. Lt(|. Sui(e 106. World Shippan8 Cenlre; CJn(on Ro.rd Tsirnsh.rrsui, (orvlo0n, Hotlg Kong Telephone: S5l-ll30r)0t0 F.x:85:.::16.65S0 .{05. I iio.1)3 cuARDTAN FIRE Eourpmtf, tr.rc. 3430 N.W. 38rh STREET MtAMt, FLORTDA 33142 (305) 633-0361 I nnorrcrr"uilJl I Shcrt '.A" i 41 No. t90 STRAIGHT 'Y' SIAMESE For Opcning Through Woll i. li,,llt lfili,Tllted rrira Porishcd 8"3s ch'o'r! Prrt€d. ru.L. rnd f.M. t istlrt No. t9l 90" ANGI.E 'Y' STAMESE For Opcning Through Sldcwotk No. l9l clapper valves. 5. ti" or y." b.lt dtip. 5. l.lttlrrd: ..Auto.Splr... or,.Standpip€., No. 190 Double clapper projecting Siamese, with independent anterior self-closingBodies are of heavy brass and buitt to last the life of the building. Lettered: .?uto Spkr.., or ,,Standpipe., Finish: Rough grass _ polished Brass _ Chrome plate Threads: Local Fhe Dept. Thread Plugs and chains, Breakabre caps, or Escutcheon pretes can be furnished as an exra. Siamese should be protected against freezin g by k or /r, gall Drip. l}3. Srealrblc |rot Crp.a, toc.l fir! orpl. Thr€rd, SPECIFICATION FIRE EOUIPMENT FOR SPECIAL HAZARDS -r{It '4 xzw r2k 5 xZh x2k 6r2y2 |2rl '4 x?t/z x ztA 5 xZk x2ll 6x2y2 rzW Guardian Firs Equipment, Inc.LIFE SAFETY 4U 309 309A 309P SIAMESE PARTS Model 309 Round Furnished in 1%", sizes, Escutchcon plates 2%', 3',4" or 6' Finish: Cast, cast and chrome, polished, or polished and chrome. Lettering: "Srandpipe", "Auto Spkr",.Auto Spkr & Standpipe", ;Wati Hydrant' or 'Fire pump Test". Model 309A Aluminum Round escur-cheon plates for 4,. pipe, painreC reCand lenered Auto Siki orStanOpip? Model 30gp plastic Round escutcheonptata.s^for 4" pipe, red texan anJ iei.tered Auto Spkr or Standpipe. - -- Model .21.1 Rectangular Wall plate. I | '/? rong x 4Yz" widg.Finish: Cast, cast and chrome, pol.. . as!-€_d. polished and chromeLenering: "S tandpipe.. or..Auto Spki,. Model 211A Rectangular Wall plate, same as abovo only in aluminumpaintd red. Model 243 Breakable Aluminum Capsfor siamese made in ZVz,; ana-5;sizes, painted red Modol.l45 Plug made in sizes 1y2., thrup,: !lo,c-o ot pin^lug or sensibte tug.Ftntsh:.Rough brass, rough an-dchrome, potished, or piolished and chrome M ode_l- 310 Pentagon plug for models288 and 289 c-heck snoorsSizes: 2yr" and 3,'Finish: Polished or polished chrome Model 289 Short pattern Spring Checksnoots 3.. mate Npr bi irt';;;dtlhose thread to swivel. Sizes: 3" x2yz" or 3,. x3'.Finish: Polished or polished chrome Model 288 _Long patrorn Spring CheckSnoot 3 " femate NpT riiiO ,.iitf,-f,ri: agon by 2Vz" or 3,' 6mate holethread to svrrivel. Sizes: 3" x 2%" or 3.,x 3.,Finish: Polished or polished chrome 211 21 A w 310 243 145 289 288 Guardisn Firo Equipmcnt, Inc. Spccify Sitc lnd Thrard Whir O.d.rrog. ot "^r oF coMM'Mr" o*rrotutTOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M0l-0126 Job Address: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Iocation.....: 97 Rockledge Road Parcel No...: ^ 2l0l07l15Q33 kojectNo , VEfOk 6dus OWNER BENNETT DORRN{CE TRUST 08/L7/20o]- Phone: 7600 DOI'BI.,ETREE RAI{CH RD 3OO SCOTTSDAI-'E AZ 8s2ss Lricense: CONTRACTOR YVIIITE WATER PIITMBMG & HEATIOS/17/200I Phone: 9'10-32e4708 P O BOX 4290 EAGr.,E, CO 81531 Lricense: 104-P APPLICANT YVIIITE WATER PIjJMBING & HEATIOS/11 /200L Phone: 970-329-3708 P O BOX 4290 EAGI-,E, CO 81631 License: L04 -P Descipion: PARTIAL RADLANT FLOO& HOT WATER FAN COILS,SNOWMELT Valuation: $104,000.00 Firtplace lnfcmalio: Recirioled: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas togs: O # of Wood Pellet: 0*talrraaarlaatrataaatt'trtttrtt,t'ratr,r..r*.i..$.1|ti.r'rr'.**'ilt*'|i.'raalr FEE sl-tMMARYMccl'snicEl-> $2, 090.00 Rcsluarsnt Plsn R6view-> Phn Cbock-> 3520.00 DRB Fc€--> S0.00 Total Calcllaled Fees-> 92, 603 .00 SO .00 Additional Fees.-->$7s. oo hvestigafion-> will c!ll->s3,00 Paymenls.--> S2, 678 . 0O BALANCE DLIE__> Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEIIT O8/24/20O]- CDAVIS Act,ion: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPAR1'I,IEI{T CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF IIIE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTTON 701 0F TtrE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BIrDG.): INSTALLTATION UUST CONFORM TO MANTFACTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 I,MC, CmPTER 10 OF THE 199? rMC. Cond: 25 Status...: TSSUED Applied. . : 08ll7l200l Issued. . : 0812912001 Expires. .: 0212512002 9o.oo TOTAL FEES-> 92,503.00 Total Pemit Fe€.-._> S2,678.00 so.0o oo (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLTAIICES ,rrl BE vrnutED AccoRDrlrc ro orApk I ArirD sHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THB 1997 I,MC, OR CMPTER 8 OF TIIE 1.99? IMC.Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMMIT MUST COMPIJY WTTH CHAPTER 3 AIID SEC.1O17 oF TIIE 1997 IJMC AI{D CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 TMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILTERS SHA,LI-, BE MOITNTED OII FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IINLESS LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTTBI,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PIJAIIS AND CODE AIIALYSIS MUST BE TO AII TNSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI ROOMS CONTAINING BOITERS SHAI.L BE EQUIPPED WITII A FLOOR DRAIN PER SECTION 1004.6 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. POSTED IN MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR HEATING OR HOT-WATER SI]PPLY sEc. 1022 OF TIIE 1997 nMC, OR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinanc€s and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQT'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV TEI-EPHONE 479-2138 oR AT OUR oFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTORFORHMSELF AND OWNE APPucArrt,.#"fl * kh?,,f-" Gas Line Size and Location Spec Sheets CTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE TION FOR M PERMIT Labor & Materials Contact Asressorc Office * * * {. * * * * * * * * {. * * * * * * * + * * * FOR OFFICE USE ON Lyx * * {. Mechanical Pernit #: 97 O- 47 9-2149 (Inspections)S tst-"-- mvNMvALlY ?,rr'r'AF'ri, 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ffi'nt for Parcel # OMPL- OR Building Permit #: Permit will not be accepted without the follo ROUTED TO: DATE ROUTED: Vail Reg. No.: Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit workclass: ttew)t'f Addition( ) Alteration( ) nefiir1 ) other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: YesBoiler Location: Interior ffi Exterior ()gJ Other ( ) Type of Bldg: Single.family (X Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances f4J Gas togs (/) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood buming fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) F: /everyone/form3/ mechp€rm ***nuQL9*iI ******x* APPROVED wfintilff,#Hfll.uruBrN c ANtt HEATTN G rNG, The following are specifications for the mechanical systems for the Dorrance Residence in Vail Colorado. The snowmelt boiler will be a Teledyne Laars model ph 1200. This boiler will be located under the funicular landing. The boiler will be located outside with the flu pipe of 16" diameter extending below guest bedroom#4 and rururing through the roof in the existing flu chase for the library. The inside of this flu chase must be 20" clear just for the boiler flu. This does not account for the size of the library flu. The snowmelt boiler will heat approximately 4716 square feet. The domestic hot water storage will be located in the mechanical room. It is our recommendation that the house have at least two 146 gallon storage tanks for available hot water. We recommend the Buderus model St-401 hot water tanks. The boiler located in the mechanical room would heat the house, the domestic hot water and the heat exchanger for the outside spa. At this time we recommend the Buderus model G334W132 with an input of 542 MBH. The flu pipe for this boiler would be 10" diameter needing a chase of 14" clear thru the roof. The boiler is sized on a radiant floor heat loss, not a forced air heat loss. If fan coils are used for the majority of the heat load we would anticipate a somewhat higher heat loss. If the sheet metal contractors heating design includes any outside air and makeup air we could anticipate a much higher heating load. WfL rfrocc V- Y+ l. 2. 3. A-? | Saumr f ,uctfirs Pn oVwtu(a 4. The6-mb-ustion air vent for the mechanical room would square inches for two openings if the mechanical room outside from a horizontal chase. tS gfoLur0;;b teQ Cbrlt&snau lhe 5. Our intent is to provide schematic submittal by l/12 for both the Malone and Dorrance residences. Vail OFFIO GOPY fu.r,sE>d.2r>a DgftNI'11 on^r. scc. ,of,l_ tra f '-UD*----llftRto+toi z oooooooooo oooo(o RpEEHH ooflb Eooo N(f)tr)@tr)o:;oi6;oo)to $o oooooooS sE$R .d](Il(D .1 J J Ju)aa (\. 3oJ IU 3 TIJ(L F trJI F oulF UJI tooJtr o 5a z C) F = =o o ooooooultr 1 I,UtI ultr UJ E. JJ E FI UJE, 1 UJu FJY 2 oJO dooo oaIo Fxul (., a oFIzl oot LLo(t Fl!aU) Fl.Lac) FLra(t) lJ. 1l-J Ftra U) FlJ-aU) ooo No CE trU)oritf- @ str) tr U)oo)N o lroo(o o LLaoF- o o o lrao@ O (O C{ lif -6l|.*$(O UJ E. t dloz UJ(9zloJ lo IF JJ I c\I E.llJo Bo tr E.m N uJo UJo x o fI .r-o TUmF(/) uJ ooE. Yzlm o O.rC! f- oot.zN (f,$f\ o@(ooSrONr-(o $t cD CD99(of-@C-,1 (ll CLr; ffi {Te5J.3t-(l!. ELp Jlt =(g o C =F F aa?P,lH5 3;9u9d 5H? ad6=IId(L Fo 5(t) llJF TIJt(JL oz o(D CNt ,r=9F-t =od=r,.lc > F.ffi7,cukr?i ==6=>ulJ.. 5=kHo5-o ,a*HHngE,E11ffiHH,EEEEEE 3?FF HHH(J() HHJJ ItlJ fr^;E I E EEHfr*E*H*E E' ''r '1 FI Fr..i t{.aa.r a-l t\ aa arl .-..at ,-r a-.ic;t\o N o\o vtct o .,-lo1 r'r o\ c.{OO ci€o Io A Efitr Ao rigEHF 3la PEF aEe D r. r'rt'l i,, (J Eq# eldU .Eoozo Ff prEnrx E *Fra:B Efig A6qF A .Ah otrt, EFfrl IU>.6aEA^art PEE. Eai#i'8 EFE; E EFf;! R cl,-r q!oqqf\ a.l.do 8888888388888J i J.-.,i Fr H F. F<'-. Ft..1 7aEEEEEEESEEgEEEEEEEEEEEE H.R.$.€ofi o.ts3$ooofi $ooo e ia in ls is I iaRER I Iirs I ii FFFFFFFFFFFFNFFFFFFFFFF555555555555d5S55555555 , r.t a.t Gl 6l cl 6l ..1 ar .l c.r r{ al Fl .'l a a! c! .'! a! o o otI,Ja rrrrllllllll^ l- l^ l^ l- I l-G'c'cr i I l-^ | I I sr K:e= 3= FlrI R 3 n;3 I g F $3 t- F -r |rl \o F 06 \O c, c| o..r i I € €.: !! C! qr :'.n d o(tir o. o F ao F - F ii = o vr o\ oo o $ i^ o rf F €.'r (.lr.; i.t \b 6 6 @ + o F o\ O od \E| F v) c.l o - + !4r \O.'1 o\+ i.i - 6 .i.'r.. - i r. .|.l \O F.l vr H-.l.rSI o.{oo-a{r-\oo\.n--.o\ r. vr c o 6r,-. -. - - $ $ * * I * fi ; $ E 8D ht; -'- = i.i -. cl N; cl c't a{ t'l F. t{ c{ \O '-' F az2HH,{ E*sE*EnEsE*H sHsHEExsEee -.c.t N.n.i !f tf lfr vr \o \O \O F- oO o\ I 9 9 I = S t I .RR..€€ooo.$E ine iine | | I infr* a FFFFFFssFFFF As55s5s5s5555 E --Ao€€@!!ooe 3 l--. I i-."'l !i l^*3 {-.rrnFsB==gF**H e=33S8RgSe38Fg3'FRdRFgK-939H c.,6ri^.::.-* Pg ;d Fi ri,.i + tr !O t- .., * I - $ 3 He o E EEn 5 fi- a-nEHE;H g ESgHHHgHEfiF?8il 1t::9s399999 spIre HFg€s EfrH** '-Frn3$Efi3xn @t-gE 33 FI6 rrN Httrl;i r''r jr!, E1 B9 AqE -I IJ H Hgtr8 BHds 7e fr-a IHE EiH Hsf; BHH HBN EFE EEgH * * $HH glEE,aea 96Ftd.ra 68 3q(Jtt z )r e.a.aootrr{(Jz axo tn7t :t8ItrI zfr l*HH;i IgEHEH 3 HHfig; gs3q ls cFli iEnEE'ia iEgHHH?q,d,t;Zaadd 'tE222244 iSPEPEee: Ets,E-.^-"IE AH e;r -t*HH 5 e{ H5A-?t,t=s!2c:E 3o gE3g agg aaE3ggiEEEfi e egeeeft aBggg aeeQ???EgE Siiill EEEssFF HHHfi Efi ,EEEiFFaa*aEfl Efl fl f E sF E 3n q q q eE $$ $ $ $ * IHHH H HH H EEHHHHHHPHHH F I-.lrl lrl1n v,ooJFrUU 9VlEIHD;foo(J9 \o \o HH Etl 3s KF hrt) ^39Hrfic/ r.&ul ]q p.l slg r \o \o 2 ?.t * rEFEoHov9<Vt*V' e-tt_ ?,-f'l:,'e iI: 't -ltr?tCJ 1ri al cl ol H 4,mdo saTA J3* rH9-H dBHHS oOOOF. lrlo Hfi3 oooArEl H H H gEHHEHHHH z BFaoz.!6TOt{&u l.lzoN tnl?i aifrxPiltilE'o ta ESq HH3t E8>z 8f; xH 33 ue trHtr>(JF ulJt- dg eg to a(J |I.1 lrlFIFFJ dFzt{t{(? {o iIJ HCfQ Iq rt tf, -f \ct \oN(\lct .\t a.r..r t|' $ r VtrO\O\OFOO\ aUz |J.1etn Htll e E 8 }IIGH,IY 'H A4ar4/o HydroniG Boilers Town of Vail (_ Pump (PH Models) Outdoor Sizes 500-1825 30y. __l Outdoor Sizes 500-4500 Submittal Data /ramp8tz l-- I ------l &aLfu 16Vr6 Ouldoor Sizes 2200-4500 FFICE COPY gsE Hydronic Heating Boiler Hydronic Heating Boiler with mounted pump 41% Front Sida - Standard Equipment . ASME 160 lb. working pressure heat 6xchanger. 24V control system. Operating gas valve/pressure regulator. Water flow sensing device. Removable burner tray (500-1825). Built-in draft hood. Glasslined cast iron headers. Non-combustible base (500-1825) . Cov€red control box. Redundant safety gas valve. Operating conlrol. Manual rsset high limit. Aulomatic reset high limit (28O0-4500) . Manual pilot valve. Pilot gas regulator. Manual shut-off valve. Slainless steel burners . External water side gaskets . Flanged connection. High gas pressure switch (2800-4500) . Pressure relief valve (75 PSI). 1 15/24V transformer. Terminal strip. Temperature/pressure gauge. on/ofl toggle switch. 2 amp fuse. Power on light - IBR Net'i GasRatinq Connection ArUli Size (lnches)'? x tooo l,laturai-LP" Inputr'. Outputt'' Models BTU/H BTU/H HH/PH. x1000 x1000 Water Conn. Size (lnches), Dimensions (lnches)r.4 Shipping Weight (tbs)3 Dimensional Data A 500 600 715 850 1010 . 1200 1430 1670 1825 22W 2800 3200 3600 4000 4500 2 33sta2 38sa2 44vt2 sozru 2r rz 582rrz 66ra2tn 762tn 85rn 2t rz 92ua4 65lra478 488 4 1 00rlz4 1i0.|24 123 500 410600 492715 586850 6971010 8281200 9841430 11731670 13701825 1497 2205 1786 2745 2223 3150 2552 364s 29524050 32814500 3645 357 428 510 606 720 856 1020 1191 1302 1553 1933 2219 2567 2853 3170 1uq 1tn lut 1n 1n 1n 12 1n12 2 2lZra 2ttz 2rn 3t4 3t1 3ta 3t1 1 I '11t1 1vq 11t1 1rn 1vz l ttz 2 z 45tu 50ra 55sr 62ut 69ta 77 tta 87 uz 97 1030r 83 95rra l05riz 118 128 140tn 800 910 995 1030 1180 1330 1490 1600 1660 2320 2600 2t50 3175 3380 3790 t'rOIES.'1. Input End oirlpul mu3l be deraled 4% p€r lo(D leat atrova s€a level wh€n install€d above 2000 le€l alritud€. 2. Dlmensions ar€ nominal. 3. Unitg wilh Durnos add 55lbs.lor sizes 500-1825. a. Fo. other boile. ratingsi nn^,iordi io.Jiii'iiii"aF . ffi Rrdriton su.t.co: EoB "q rt. = o!# tan sc. n. = Nel{fflio! 5. Wh€|| two eos conn€clion sizos are shown. lh6 smaller applies to tho slandard Oas kain, whil€ lhe larQer npplies to o0tro.ral lrains. such as lour slaft€ ormolo.i26d g6s valves. Coosull laclory lor €racl sp€cilicalio.rs.'PH Models (500-1825) only - Rate of Design Temperature Rise Across Boiler 20"F 30'F 3s.F Flow and Pressure Drop Size Hd. LossGPM (Fr.) Hd. LossGPM (Fr.) Hd. LossGPM (Fl.) Hd. LossGPM (Fl.) 500 600 715 850 1010 +'12OO 1 430 1670 't825 2200-1P 2P 2800-1P 2P 3200-1P 2P 3600-1P 2P 4000-1P 2P 4500-1P 2P 41 49 58 69 82 98 11.7 179 179 222 222 ,:u ,:u 328 365 1.7 2.3 J.Z 3.6 5.0 b.v 9.5 4.8 13.0 ta q '2'', ,o'., 16.6 21.3 33 39 47 55 bo 78 93 109 119 143 143 178 178 204 204 ,:u ,?, 292 'I .1 t.o 2.2 3.1 3.6 4.9 o.l 9.1 10.4 8.5 5.0 13.2 o.t' 18.1 9.3 10.8 14.3 27 32 39 46 55 t)5 78 91 99 119 119 148 148 170 170 197 197 219 219 243 0.9 1.l 1.6 z.z 3.1 5.0 D.6 8.3 2.7 6.1 4.0 9.3 5.0 12.O 6.3 17.8 21.5 9.9 23 0.7 28 0.9 33 1.1 39 1.6 47 2.2 56 3.1 67 3.7 78 5.0 85 5.7 102 2.1 102 4.5 127 3.3 127 7.0 146 4.1 146 9.2 169 5.1 169 12.7 187 5.8 187 15.9 208 7.0 208 19.8 'Not recommended Consult lactorv. , OfES: Sizes 2200 lo 4500; 1P designales single-pass heat exchanger, 2P designates two-pass heat exchanger. Factory Provided Pumps - Model PH Boilers - Motor Electrical Data Sizes Power (HP)Voltage/Phase Current (Amps) 500-850 +1010-1200 1 430-1825 1ta 3t4 1 15/1 1 15/1 115t1 5.4 5.8 ee Recommended Minimum Clearance From 500-1825 Sizes 2200-4500imum Clearances (lnches)(lnches) djacent Top Water Connection Side Opposite Side Front Rear Vent 24 24 Open 24 24 24 Open 24 /vOtE: Bas€ tor combustibte floodng is standard on siz€s 500-1825. Sizes 2200-4500 r6quir6 in$allalion on nontornbustible floors. at t6:ltt 49. clcrranco tho|ltdb€ p.ovlded in tront ol the bolle. to. maintenance accessiblllty (rerioval ol burnera, elc.). Waterpik Technologies, Inc. 6000 Condor Drive, Moorpark, CA 93021 .805.529.2000. FAX 805.529.5934 20 Industrial Way, Rochester, NH 03867. 603.335.6300 . FAX 603.335.3355 480 S. Service Road West, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6K 2H4 . 905.844.8233 . FAX 905.844.2635 www.laars.com Lirho in u.s A. €) Laars Heat,ng sysrems o0o7 Documenr 1055H 1 .":TBs-lsocalo" SU160fn[951 ^B su,60 Scror&oo losl $,pfid wifr St , s.mlsr ST nod€b,t d LI tsl*s. tags supdkn rih b.qBl ST la{*s. ,w. mu.I' PaTiReciroHbo rsftrr| Eoilef wdor $rpdy Soilor rvster rolun Cold waler lecdl Don€slic hol lvater dratr "TBS-lsocald' L1 35....1T300 lh{" I f *t- L models desigrcd for slacking G124X gas boilers. LT models designed for stacking G115 oil Technical Data "TBS lsocal@' SU, Sl L and LT fluuteloAdvantages oJ Buderus T hermoglaze@ Insulated Hot Water Tanks . Constantly availalrle lrot ,'"- \w t('r :rl llt(' lufll ()f il t:tp. . I{igh dcnsity fluoro -carbon free bontlecl frram insulation for lxrtte r tnaintenirnce of stored hot water tcluperature, o Ut ()nornical-lretter insulation, ol)tional recirculation of hot water back to the heater. TOWn gf;ffgi$'rt.rcc area heat o Corrosion Itrotccti()rr-tlre lludertrs'lbarnogktztg l)r'(xress pr()lects the intcrior ol'tlrc larrk lirrttr cotrosiotr ( iruse(l I ry ltr()st lylx'.\ ()l' witl('t. l1.,1,r,|r)g/rrzcs is ir ll( )t I t( )l.lcll('()trs, lx'fl|l;lnctlt l)r'()tcclive coating, Inntlecl tO tlre interior of the nretal tank. o [asy access cover for cleatring o[ coil arrd tank interior. . Sturrrl:rltl Nlegrtcsitrrr anr xlc ttxI lbr active conosion l)r()tectroll. o S'l' rnotlcls :tr';rilalrlc witlt clt't1r'it antrle . . I l(rriz()ntal tanks lbr st all kx rtlllirrt. vt'tticrtl lrtnks lirt' itnpfoverl recovely rates. . N() :l(lltilslirt intltttlql. . L()ganlrti( rl Sl'JOl) priority (orr- tlol ava ilalrlc tlrtotrgh l3utlents. . 'l:rnks a(lal)l l() 1,4006. ( Not lrviril:rlrlc tlrltnrgl r lludcnrs). ' Ercludng sc|ew-on leet. " Allt!'righls are 5% high€r wilh pacting material. ''SUl60, ST200-SI300. all L and LT models: Rcsnlcrlial Tnn&s ale doliverod wdh outcr iaclcl inslalled. hrlerior dimensbos a.e not applk;abl€. Larg€ Sl nxdels: Jactels ad insuhtion paclag€d separalely. I Required boiler outpul lo achievo staled continuous ntings. Siz€ pJm9 in ord€r b g€t raled tank oulpuls. tt Albw 15' above tank fcr anode rod renpval Buderus TIYDRONIC SYSTEMS 16 lrduslrial Way Salem, New Hanpshire 03079 Tel: (603)B9B-0505 . Fax: (603)898-1055 Website: www.buderus.nsl AB EZ ErqEI E2 v5 sr2qlsl3msT10tsr/5lsl95l A| t/LT nodeb Al rnod€b sur60 sT20GSnm sT10r.stsslA L/LT modds sut60 sr20GsT3o0 sTrorsrgsl ru [/Lf rnodels t' 1' ! t,a. lx,'f I tN' t''t' 'ltN' ErsEL SU160 fsr2oGsll5l I tr'-sl95t llt,' AI l"/LT models lttr' m bcilers. Application 'TBS-lsocal@' SU, ST, L and LT MODEL DIMENSIONS Boiler Water Temp.F Continuous Rating (2nd hour) Inlet Temp. = 59 'P Oullet Temp. = 140 'F Gal/Hr BTU/Hrl BOILER WATER FLOW RATE Gal/Min colL PRESSURE DROP feet of head WEIGHT approx. lbs. "TBS. lsocal" Contents Gallons Vertical Models D glt Drp 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 152 114,000 199 149,000 290 218,000337 252,000440 330,000 511 384,000 572 429,000 97 124 145 97 124 145 215 73,000 93,000 109,000 73,000 93,000 109,000 161,000 8.8 l r.o 22.0 26.4 24.2 22.0 19.8 ,|5.4 15.4 17.6 15.4 15.4 17.6 22.1 6.5 4.3 8.4 11.4 11.4 11.7 12.0 3.1 4.4 2.7 3.1 4,4 8.0 216 286 371 458 649 827 9s7 189 220 246 1B9 220 246 JOJ su-l60 sT-200 sT-300 sT-401 sT-551 sT-751 sT-951 42 53 79 106 146 198 251 21tn 27 ru 27u 31 rn 39 ro 39m 43 ut 47n' 42it$' 57 rrro' 73 18 l0tr,t 86 85 sn 25 sn 31tn 31rn 35 tn Hoizontal li,lodels IY H'L 1.r35 L-160 L-2m LT-135 LT.r60 1T.200 1T.300 36 12 53 36 4? 53 79 25 vr 25s 25J/,| 25 tn 25 ttt 25u 25 yr 25 s. 25u 25 vt 25lr 25 vt 25 ltt 25 3u 32 36 rr 42 na 32 36m 42 na tt tll llodels Heating iredium Boiler Water {coil}Domeslic Hol Water ( tark) Max. Pressure psl Max. Temperatule "F Max. Presure psi Max. Temperature "F SU. ST. Land LT llol Water 362 320 150 200 8HSotttlBR.3 3'm Sutiect lo cl|a rge wilhoul nolice. E EEE EUEEE EE Etrtq HEEi;EEHEIE*'EH"a E * .oEre fr H^iJ Flcttz r'C \tEI U' NEI tlrb: VFFFFNFNEt trr Fl trr It Fr El Et €-to\(r5gr5JFI I I [I tl t: F-rF,-UBSSHFHrrrgOOOO\Ot9ll *=:-EEr$*F :il8*Bg$$*F Es FiP EtgegforhJltJoo\ooot- ^:;-ss$$*H.uE Ea;t-uEEg$E ee o=$E-Ft'.f c'\ O\ t- O O (> !^ HN .--HF-FtEgefiko€ O tJ 6s o5 o@ FFEEFEEE EEr";g"T8 E3-E F3\/ tsqsFtlt d36tt!.| it o+ o€ o S^* ft5c":o+E ar*g ti*" oFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 or*r^T oF coMMUNrr" oruuro.^lb NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M0l-0203 Job Address: 97 ROCKLEDGE RDVAIL Status ' ' ' : ISSUED tocation.....: 97 Rocktedge Road Applied. . : l0/l l/2001 Parcel No...: 210107115033 Issued ' ' : ll/1212001 ProjectNo : lt-50\4d45 Expires' ': o5/lll20o2 O!{NER BENNETT DORRAI{CE TRUST IO/LL/20OL Phone: ?600 DOIIBLETREE RANCS RD 3OO SCOTTSDAIJE AZ 95258 License: COMTRACTOR STONE MECIIAIIICAL, INC. L0/LL/20OL Phone: 970-242-50L4 1].11 SOTITH 9TH GRAI{D iIUNCTTON, CO 81s01 Licen6e: 124-M APPLICANT STOI{E MECIANICAI,, INC. I0/LL/20OL Phone: 970-242-50\4 1111 SOIITH 9TH GRAND ITUNCTION, CO 81501 License : L24-Nl Desciption: INSTALLATION NEW HEATING SYSTEM THROUGH OUT THE HoUSE Demo/rebuild of Existing SFR Valuation: $148,320.00 Fireplaco Informatim: Resriat€d: Y # of Ga's Appliances: 0 # of Ga's l'ogs; 0 # of Wood Pellel 0 *t...|*'|.'l'|.'t...'...||'..!'',}.|..|.**||'t|.''..')t+**'.t*..*lt.....***.t Mcchanical_> 92 | 960. oo Rshrsrad plan Rwi€w-> 90. oo Tolal Calculated Fees-> 93 , ?28 '00 plan Check-> S7{5.00 DRB Fee-> $o.oo tuklilisnal Fee's-__-'> 50'00 lnvestigarion-> 9o.oo TOTAL FEES-> s3,728.00 Total Psrmil Fe+'---> s3',728'0o Will Call-> 93 . oo Pa]Tnenls---__> S3 ' 728 ' 00 BALANCE DUE-> 50.00 rattlttaraaar:l*l,ta Itsem: 05100 BUrI,DING DEPARTMB'IT LO/L}/2OOL CDAVIS Actsion: 'AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMBfI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDGI.): FIELD IIISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR coDE CoMPLIAI{CE' Cond: CON0005076 REvIsIoNsAl{DMoEINFoRMATIoNIsREQu]REDFoRKITHCENIIooDSIZEANDCHANGESTo COMDO VEIIT SIZE FOR TTJO BOII,ERS aaaarl'la,t,laaalalta DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and oL * * * infcnatim as rcquiredt* I ryr€e to coryly with tle irfcnatiilnd plot plm, to c@pty with all Toum qdinanpc mdstate laws, mdtobuiHthis smmre aocordingtotbotorvns zoniag andsuMivisiocodg, desrgnrevicw ryprovor[ Llnifcm Building Codc aod cfhordinuccs of thc Twn applioable th€rtto. REQI.JESTS FIOR,INSPECTION SHATI" BE MADE TWENTT.FOIJR HOIJRS IN ADV FRoM t:00 AIr{ - 5 Pf,d. CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE mvM0p 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81557 AppucArlorlrr Nor BE AccEprED rF rr{coMpllFr XiW72t&Building Permit #: Mechanical P6rmit #: 97 O- 47 I - -(Inspections) Permlt will not be accepted without the following: f"s"'O2;OBProvlde Mechanical Room Layouto Mechanical Room Damensionso Combustion Air Duct Size ando Combustion Air Duct Size ando Flue, Vent and Ga+tinesire and Locations Heat Loss Calcs.s Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets - en'r-{ &. o.,,6'Sr -- cuic u F-,aoit t+ R E-Sm;rrA \- Q@t( Contact Assessors Office at g7O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. p-rm ztoto.ltzoool?.rol o'l I z'o Oo ' Job Name: Dorror.,,"a Re.srA.r...-Job Address: 1'1 ?oclctedlc Ro.A!cr!- Co Legal Description Lot: 3 Block: 1 Filing: I r$ Ownq,rs Name:--f5a nncrT l.rotz Q.C.r.t( Q Address:Phone: Engineer: Resorl Desrln .Address:'tt"l"rll',I t J.Phone: 3 63 -rlqq - qq3 5St rlG ltO 8 03oz-- Detailed description of work: .Pa .. - " 'a u" ' -rrt lbrrrOrFGaTdr F'rL' aor!O_ri-ro,FJ,AiA r -Eldn,riT, Bo,tza vah'rt Htl , acrF go Si-to!t ArQ, , reAr(JLSpft(€- V.6Tr{fiTroFl, LQ\l.Q v(.^Tl r.l (. , trtAG pl .1CL aor}1 Bu S?ror t r-r,4. WorkClass: New(l) Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repatr( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior(X) Exterior(y) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes (l ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: single-family fi ) Duplex ( ) Mutti-family ( ) commerciat ( ) Restauranr ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Noflype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Nofl-ype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Isthisaconversionfromawoodburningflrep|acetoanepAPhai.W COMPLETE VATUATION FOR MECHANI CoNTRACTOR rN ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***************************** Fr /everyonc/fo.mr/ mecfi perm MECHANICAL: $ l<g. 32o ,oo S|rt. Mec-honrco-t. ll-rrc- Town of Vail Reg. No.: lzr{-M tact and Phone #'s:rrr.-v. stone or Br\\ S{Urlc- : I , I ioad Express: Load calculation s"*l General Job o D'9h:t",: Job Description: Building Owner: Program Usen CommentS: Program was Run: Datasel Name: Donance Residence Lot 3, Block 7 Vail Village le Ganick S. Stone Heat Loss & Gain 06/10120Gt 12:09:37 PM C:\CDS\LOADEXP\DATAWAILDORNCE2A.LE OFFIGE COPY TllemanTtt I Residence Geographlcal DateLocetion: Vail, Colorado Weather File: Vail, ColoradoLatitude: 39 deg Elovallon: 8.150 fi D6lgn Data Summer Dsn Dry Bul Summer Dsn Wet Bul Vvinter Design Dry Bu Density-Sp Heat Prod Design Simulation pc 82.0 deg F 60.0 deg F -28.0 deg F 0.81 43 Btu-min/(hr-fr 3-F) Jan To Dec Bulldlng Peak Data Month/Hour: Cooling Capacity: Cooling Sensible: Senslble Heal Ratio (S Heating Capacit Jan | 1 0.0 Mbh0.0 Mbh 0.000-20.1 Mbh I gaot pr.rr tNFrooa- *?a f - Tqi> LLL- *CC rS - .,toedEgt!.3:Lo€dcahuhlimt*O o Dercdpdons Vordon 2.2 ZonCAir Hrndler Descrbgms Alr Handhr 1 2 3 TYPo ooNsrANr CONSTANT CONSTANT TyP. ConrmrddRdrn Cfitrndcld Rcta[ Comnercbl R€tal Coflurcdal Ret.ll gOcdedon : lI+l tl'+z UH€ Dpcdndm Gdegc fl Gareg6 t2 EHU oaregc Gang€ # 2 Bridgs Zone 1 2 3 1 EC' U'oz EE=tga, oo .9t .sr.9J JJ isEPE E EEsE H H$= ,C\.g.is# O|rgdoq 3,Fo--; ll,6eott 30tooolqqqcqoooooo ooEE oooooo tat oooooro Irt ooocroo Fi;i;;i orD,, == o |J) at ro ro l',-(')O(tOFOociciooo (r)cDsor@cn xxxxxx(\l-NF.otN F(\-atr\iF o aJ,2.2.--JJJ)J-.f "=""5*F (tt;t! o (,o E.! o ooo .9 oE6._ ctt F-< 6rL! t- Elo ,. o,PaP-a--3i 6L:Fgt3 oP,a O.- =i: o 0- th o o i5 s oo q)(L 6(,) oo(!L o)5o() '-9otl o)cf cooo Eo tr g o Eoco)oEEo!:trFFEI9:=f\*s -c o oF F or(rl (UEE trg foo Soooqqoo 0qc?qOO n-OOOc\tN 6t = EEFFs$g* EEgSES$E -- o-ot: , . tr 6 6 9eEEE 8>>o@::!tr oooo.U) :RO-(Joo!Fq:i E<9(rd9o .. .c.b.9 8e a: 8,x H b: =(L c(5-O(D;< > co(,)c sSoooEr- o' CLtrr- ;'- " @6.d6*86 bpoE6_0a,it d!i' S eorLdl EEo('coFoooo ii..co 'EE- i- ., '- .c ?, aoa6oo- ll .= =oC)o6oro)o)ccccoI€EU) dldrdto c,e f'r 3€ *8gHggs5g6gH.H.9>E6E,! .' s-?.EE'gg-g o) cD ,E-*Ss8 6roorf)oto|f, ooooF t() (O iir() OO Og** cio c'ioo E.an.,cooo.=>El- o, or.E.cEE,9.9JJ Ed .. EiEeP r .3 t6s..€=€!Fii ;q8_HEg_ E E ; .r* -_.r.>_e io o.;'=fi2'OPz,t-U)JU)- tr- o < (/) !F*EEE.F! 3333Py 9o o o o tlJ lJ.l trl UJ =f,€ o.clo9.ri ri ri Cjte$'flP.$.$ssgg E=EE gEg" iF'-. I5:I.-5#53 igggg*;iisi+iggt N|!GlocO.9Eo= d'c>; oN oo o bIo Na o(,corP6g,-toz0to .9(!3ll3- o9(l,:>3'Fq!! .9< ot ot.E .gtr Itt! r!EEU' U'oozz oo!lotooclo\totoocroooooo (!.!oq) ooooooo ooooooo ocroooFF (\tN NCIF!'FFN oozz C - EF5ir E :€o(! o oovru z oz E.t E -C -Col ot 0t ot otJJ J JJ o3-5*-P ra! Io r,) rf) (v) c, (.,FOc)o.OOOooooooo EEJ=.9 -E<<(L (L.Elrcr ooo EE Ssrirsp *-,*_ $585fifi gFSFEAA gg€g€EE(J|,a(,ot.r xxxxxxx OICIFOC!alt(DNF cl) €o(, o oq, .Ep(!Gat -gos ,6 o ,E .- ctEE.€F O$e€ ._ort r:< 6u. =F grt o* F oo CLoJo .Eo{, i5 s slY{,(L 6 C) o (! LL l o, 1='d() =oE otc Ell,oooo tr s5€oo(U(! ooofo(90ooc; cD o) att ocroooid o) o) :fcc(oEET.qgur .c== oEEE qs 5NoEqo o.E.< e94 6OE>; ooccd5 E EEIgN O_O-9rF.E .eTEE F o.ogs 8qq i)9oEqqoo gc 6sist rl-- C\T C{EE<9 Etr 6 c Egs o u A.p.B- HE flflA8 sf;=..ddatFtEieE6fa6XF'orttEgdEEE HE=(l' ^ o o o f f =dla\>>>a@v aalnooc{c{.cc{ ;qgggEEE#E: :*gFE'ss s I s€ 6t(,orttotoro ooooF- ro (O i: t- to oO OPNN dct c.ido ;'6 ..E{,oo-=>,r- l- ctr o, .9.9)JJ E 'r_9EeP t-3'iio..9q€ ;EHre+;s.g$.e FTEEE.E53333 Py Po o o o uJ uJ uJ llJ:= H'€ o-O-OO.ri ri ri gi te$P'$E$ E1EE oCL F +lr-E{" gti --E - toOD .FGTF frZ F -N rllocDotFoE t- Gl O.," .;8-E,6 h .. l-'9 E .. flI u'.E E ..EEdO g n+E sqggaSs E sg$ PEef;gF or qr or ot tl Elpo ooGE EEEat tt s) (.t,o oooz zzz {oott{ooo!tcrot*\foaoociocicicidctci ooogEE oclooooooo ooooooooo Oc|oOOOONt-(\ (\ oozz EEF5E=oooooz E6,tg E EEEJ 5=fc ctco -g -9.!9(t- (L(Lo- trto ooo oo clt ot ct) ot o):= :=f, ct rn r(, (t ae at u) (, (f,(vtFO(rt(v)atOOOcici o o cici cid cj . *t r, *.E O.=.=.=O99g otSSgottG EssesEFBB €$-g$€€EBEoo (,'ooourtrt o(tNaOF(\IFF.r}OtF xxxxxxxxx OlOlO(\lFF(Odr(O..r _F F(\e)-(\la"t-N o aD a, u> 3**333gcs E(!EU' Gooottto .J> o .E :F E '6 q, .Eo.- o.!tr:-< dr!-F Ctt3 r:9 __q€ E":F ttt .q et tr oo JU' c a.t E6 s q, o(L 6o ool!t! o) Ec)o 3o6-o c -c cooo Eo tr 5F€()o(U(E oooa?atgooo .e) .s,oo0,ooo6o)o)f.s.s q6i6iqtE EEP cts Ec.r G Eao I.9= gs4 6QE c'o l/)|/,Etr.o.6 b EstgN O.O-- 'EE .-s,8Eb Fo(ngs 8qq *oorFoooo gq 6cje .'-(\IC!Efr<9 -=tr 6 H Eggoce.9.9', .E .E'E 'l;'s -E'E{fl gXJ..oo66F'cEHsE6faH5L9=eeE=(L e c c o. o-=ct ^ o o o J f Edl;<>>>a@r a 0,lt ln o c{ c{ c c\| ".fitsE555:s: * s:0"55'g g'5 5*E' 5lr)o|rioRorr) ooooF- r() (O i:F(, OO OPN* do c..io(, ;'o.-EOoo-=>,Lt_ o) o) .9, .elJJ E(U "(r_9EBx t-9 'i5o.-€.=9 ;gHtr'f;:Ff;$s FiEEF6fi 33339; Po o o ollluluJul =HE o-o-O.o-ci ri ri Cj Ee$.P'fl,fl.flsggs c,o- F 3 q lLEJ-t 5tE =eb - doo .F: iF.F iF 62. F t-o c\t O o) c\,1 Fc,'.= FC\l O.." d8.-E ,. >\3g"FE E ..=Eua g EEg gegfaSs E s*fi FseF;es qtE.gEEOEuotll oz $crtoov4300ododci (Eotl, c) oct900 octooo oooF-t-c{ c{ oozz o ooz.Dz cn t,r EtJ JJ c) (l c) G, (')aooarrooctdcicici ,1 S-.c.t EE:r5o 9<<(L 'L(rlro ooo =$5rrat,.aUrOgsgsB .Q i ji c-tr-v ti e l? .9Pq dg ()_ o- E€:EEo@ot tr xxxxxt(rtAt(o(., 3l3cp ot E(' U' Eq, (J('t E(! IJ' o -gos .9 o i5._ o-9 E,, F'BS-a--9i 5'r;F 9) ,_i o. v =F o() o,Io '-oot s ocq)(L .9oo oo|!u- qt ,g'6o 3oE!t')c =-c co(Jv, Eo:tr 5,E-coo(\t oo(v) oc;o .9o()o6 cDf.c(u(UxIur:E=olFot-E .r.s E(\t6'Ego I.9< IeE 6.PE c'o ootr,Eo>,5 E g.€59; o E E u)o 8bb F u,og .5,$c8.. frBq 6ict dc;- (\1 (\IEE<9 5trd E-oed e iFF.-= fl= .sr.s, xibF EEiSgg?i- --ulJ O (!F cEE&eE3*aE;YFo->eE9jjEtEE&"-== Ss999ddEE lo(lJaocr$lC\lEC!-sfigg555E€o,F>>-..@E,L *'],iHF == =c', ot t---€s€ 6roorf)o'Ro|r) ooooNr()(O i:F|rt OO O'P" oci c'lo(, '6 ..cOocL =>iLt- o) 0) E'F .9, .e)JJ €(u '. 0aoro ^J (5.llH '-3gij.ic..€=9 ;E;ac*;gEt.g>J -c.= C14, OO.OO5*qE&83 +aaa9y Po o o o uJ lll uJ UJ = H'E aE-Ed ri ri ci Lite$P'$$Egsss t = q .lL$ g, = --- A €,E,trrts d2 € Fs P*-s-3g 3 .. E E;, sF*gFg, E sg$ €seE;eF 0,o- F c€ gg'ccn:cg #ggi+fi E Eta oox!ELtatEa.c, 888889 qeq lororo!o@@ FONcrott $TP t, alE s PIEtl5l-lg lEe g € H::EBFs $$;.r'+ Ee95Rp6Bg$Fs Gi) ar:t lcl q, q!ddF:lJdGtN I r I o*I €o E lt E E 35---- s3[3=3 !HHfififi - FN!, cI('! !dE.EE >E 3 f;f o II Eg ct €o $ E 6 EaoP ,ftI , Load Express: Load calculation soffU Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peak Load summary Air Hand 1 - Alternaove I UH-1 Kestdence Ateas ( Floor: SlabOnG/ExFln Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: ft2) 258.0 44.O 0.0 0.0 272.0 16.0 378.0 Space Sens Load Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fc{r CoolAirflow Cool Airflw WSfty Fctor Cooling Check Cool Check W/Sfty Fc,tr Heat Airflow Heat Airflw WSfry Fcir Btuh Btuh cfm cfm dtnlfrz drnn2 240 dm 264 cfrn Heating Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Cooling Coll Peak P€aked at Time: Mo/Hr: 1 | 1 Outside Aln OAOB: 12WB: 9 RELHUM: 55.7o/o Cooling Coll Psak Heating Coil Peak I olat Loaq Dgns Lqaq rercnl qI I qI( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) l'/"1 rgaK I aI oens rercnl oI toI( Btuh ) (%l ENVELUI'E LUAUD Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUD Total Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Padition SlabOnG/ExFh 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0,000.00 0,000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -504.90 -1,865.21 -374.22 -3,314.52 Sub Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 _ -6,058.84 8822 INTERNAL LOAOS Lights People Misc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS outside Air Humidification lnfilkation SuD. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat PkuD Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -27 .84 -781 .53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 809.37 11.74 OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gland Total Wsafety Fac{or 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 €,868.21 -7,555.03 . Lgad Express: Load Calculation t"*L Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peax Load summary Air Hand 2 - Alternatlve 1 UH-2 Resrdgnce Arcas ( f,2 ) Floor: SlabOnG,/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: SDace Sens Load 365.9 Spc S6ns Ld W/Sfiy Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow 504.0 Cool Airflw W/Sfty Fclor0.0 Cooling Check 709.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fc,tr21.0 Hsat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fctr 250 275 Btuh Btuh ctn cfn cfmn2 dmlfr2 cfm ctn Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 1 I 1 Outside Air: OADB: 12WB: 9 RELHUM: 55.7o/o Coollng Coil Peak ( Btuh ) l%l Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr INTERNAL LOAOS Llghts Peopla Misc MISC LOADS Outsido Ak ' Humidiftcation lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat R€t. Fan Heat Duc-t Heat Pkup ExhaBt Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 44.71 -1,254.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafiety Fador . foad Express: Load Calculation S"fi3 Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peak Load summary Air Hand 3 - Alternauve 1 UH-3 Kestognce Areas ( f,z ) Floor: SlabonG/ExFlr: Root: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: SDace Sens Load 246.0 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow 325.0 Cool Airflw WSfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check 375.5 Cool Check W/Sfty Fclr12.5 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airnw W/Sfty Fctr 158 174 Btuh Btuh cfrn cfm cftn/fr2 clmlllz cfrn cfrn Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Ak: OADB: -28 Coollng Coll Peak Poaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 1 I 1 Outside Ah: OADB: 12WB: I RELHUM: 55.704 Btuh ) ( Btuh ) l'h, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00--tr---05r ( Btuh ) l'/.1 0.00 0.00@re 0.00 -936.98 -394.45 -2,327.32 0.00 0.00 Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Psrtition SlabOnG/ExFh INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS Outsid€ Air Humiditication lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 -29.86 -838.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cooling Goil Peak Heating Coll Peak .4,526.940.00 4,979.63 . Load Express: Load. Calculation S"*O Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peak Load summaryZona 1 - Atterna$ve 1 Garage #1 Kesloence A.€ar ( fr2 ) Floor: slabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Soace Sens Load 258.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fctr44.0 cool Airflow0.0 Cool Airtlw W/Sfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check 272.0 Cool Check W/Sfiy Fctr'16.0 Heat Airflow 378.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfly Fc{r Btuh BtUh cfrn cfm cfm/n2 cli1l/ft2 240 dm2U dm Heatlng Coll P.ak Outslds Air: OADB: Coollng Coll Peak Peaked et Time: Mo/Hr: Outside Ah: OADB: WB: RELHUM: -28 1 t1 12 9 55.7% Coollng Coil Peak Heating Coll Peak ( Btuh ) ( Btuh I l%l Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Conduc-ted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Padition SlabOnG/ExFh INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Ah Humidincation lnfiltretlon Sup. Fan Hsat Ret. Fan Heat Duc-t Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 -27.U -781.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . Load Express: Load Calculation S"*l Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary PeaK Load SummaryZone 2 - Alternauve 1 Garage#2 Kesrdence Ar€as ( Floor: SlabonG/ExFk: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: fi2) 322.9 0.0 400.0 0.0 438.0 6.0 0.0 Space Sens Load Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fctr Cool Airflow Cool Airflw W/Sfiy Fctor Cooling Check Cool Check W/Sfiy Fclr Heat Airllow Heat Airflw WSfry Fc{r 177 194 Btuh Btuh cfm ctrn cfmlftz cfm1ftz cfrn cfrn Heaflng Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/tlr: 1 I 1 Outside Air: OADB: 12WB: I RELHUM: 55.7o/o Cooling Coil Peak ( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ( Btuh ) 1%'t 0.00 0.00 -1,153.20 -189.34 -2,594.70 0.00 0.00 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/EXFk 0.00 -39.20 -1,100.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTERNAL LOADS Lighls People Misc MISC LOADS Outside Air Humldification Inliltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Ouc-t Heat Pkup Exhausl Heat 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Load Express: Load Calculation a"ftli|l Version 2.2 Peek Load Summary PeaK Load SummaryZone 3 - Alternatvo 1 EHU Garage Kesro€nce Areas ( fi2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFh: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 246.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfry Fc'tr0.0 Cool Airflow325.0 Cool Airflw WSfty Fc{or0.0 Cooling Check375.5 Cool Check W/Sfty Fc{r12.5 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfry Fctr 158 '174 Btuh Btuh cfrn cfrn cfrnn2 cf,mnz cfrn cfrn Heatlng coll Peak Outside Ah: OAOB: -28 Coollng Coil Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 1 I 1 Outside Air: OADB: 12WB: I RELHUM: 55.7o/o Coollng Coil Peak Heating Coll Peak I otat Loao uens Loao ],ercnl oT I oI( Btuh, ( Btuh I lU.l rgaK | 9t oenl' FefGnI or tgl( Btuh I l%l ETWELOPE LOADS Solar Skylighl Solar Glass Solar--_Eu6-otaf 0.00 0.000.00 0.00--o.00 ----0m-o.0d-- 0.00 0.00 -- -o00 - o.o0 Conducl€d Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partilion SlabOnG/ExFk 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -936.98 -394.45 -2,327 .32 0.00 0.00 ___:ggb Total _ _ INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.658.75 80.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Oubide Air Humidification lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duc't Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -29.86 -836.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00--EgE--- OVruNDR Sizing __--l.L_-m_qL_-- 0.00 0.00 -868.19 19.18 0.00 G6nd Total Wsafety Factor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4,526.94 -4,979.63 . Load Express: Load Calculation S"-t VeFion 2.2 Peak Load Summary feaR Lo=d SummaryZone 4 - Altematrve 1 Garage # 2 Bridge Resldence Areas ( ftz ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFh: Roof: Skyllght: Wall: Wall Glaes: Pa ition: SDace Sens Load43.0 spc S€ns Ld W/Sf,y Fctr0.0 Gool Airflow 104.0 cool Airf,w WSfly Fctor0.0 cooling Check 27 1 .O Cool Check WSfty Fclr 15.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw WSfty Fctr 73 81 Btuh Btuh cfn cfrn c'rnlfr2 cfin/ft2 cfrn cftn Heatlng Coll Poak Outs6e Air: OADB: -28 Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 1 I 1 Outsido Ah: OADB: 12WB: 9 RELHUM: 55.7o/o Cooling Coll Peak ( Btuh I ( Btuh I 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 ( Btuh I $l Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Conduc{ed Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS Outslde Air Humlditicetion lnflltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Ducl Heet Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.60-- n:dr ,-oril- 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 05d 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,092.70 -2,301.97 .load Expnss; Load Calculation S"-t Vc|llon 2.2 Tfrl6 Pago Job Desoiption: Building Owner: Program User Commonts: Program was Run: Dataset Name: Donan@ Residence Lot 3, Block 7 Vail Mllage 1r Ganick S. Stone Heat Loss & Gain 06/10/20Gr 10:55:06 AM Tmmauvt a -- Kitald€nce Googr.phlcal DataLocation: vail. colorado Wealfier File: Veil. ColoradoLetitude: 39 deg Elevation: 8,150 ff Derlgn Datr Summer Dln Dry Bul Summcr Dsn Wct Bul Wnt6r Design Dry Bu Density-.Sp Heet Prod Design Simulatlon pe -t Pror^{r B169€rr!-D *Elf - TYp - 'rlL t€a.rs 82.0 deg F. 60.0 deg F -28.0 deg F 0.8143 Btu-min(hrfr$F) Jan To Dec Bulldlng Peak Data Month/Hour Coollng Capacity: Gooling Sensible: Sensible H6at Ratlo (S Heating Capacit Jan / t0.0 Mbh0.0 Mbh 0.000-36.0 Mbh ,Irad E er€st: Load Cebulatbn So{turl - Vcrllon 2.2 ZonclAir Handbr Dcscrlptiot€ Alr llendlcr 1 2 3 ?-on 'l 2 3 TYPt CONSTANT CONSTAI.IT CONSTANT Typo Conm.rdal RetaH Comm.d.l R€ta[ Comm€rdsl Rctail D|rcrlpdon csF-l csF-2 csF-3 tltcrlpuon llaln Hous. Crawbpao. EHU Cnwlapace lMng Dinlng Crarubpaoo ogo ooiT @ (o x(o o-E,.(r_F F,'o;o E,,{t-FOto; <t, clt Ito g, (1,o gt C' v) -a s ,6 q, .E (o c,I E Eo(,) =tr oto o .9 .go s {)(., C'(L -9 o oo tl- l o) =o() 3 -9o-oo, E cc, o Eo tL co o tsocltU,EFo:!cF FEf 9;;5<< -s()oF F oto |soo r- E5oo Soooqqoooc?.'?qOO ,iOOOC.l (\l E * s= - F"-aH66RPsEEt8f;;*6fy-- o- o. i: . E 99;'a'EEEP oo(UoU) )eO-oootF:6 E<9(r6 9o E98ia: 8,xu, hrsdzo ^od);<> og) ,E sEooolr-O CL L.>:,. @ E.E./r O;i*::E y+ 6 Pi5 E 5 3 3? -e,.e I t'c)r(Ldt it'o ,.cooo-=>\Et- d, tt).E .c .9.s)JJ E..r_9EeH r-3ei5p..€=€4Fb ;i q 8.EE g;EEBC#;rEiq5itEEEt3393 E g et;ii;,r,rff,fl:==E CL()-O-O-,i,i,i s#Ep$p$gggg EE(t'(u @F-OO oo -o.!a trt- i- . . --cE oOr.L'- .c_ F, a B.€ E*o()0'6o)o)ctccccc,€€EC)'= '= = ct)d)m(Do oCIEt:* €€*E *HF= FE€E ;ggagfiiEgF=iHgf$ oo(/,ooo,tot.cc!---flg s*i=]=*tEE*ElL lL gl*jicD O) rE**9sS 6(rO(rO6-O|f, OOOOF- rO (O i: r- l.r) OO Og'* od cio(9 I 't: 3c N(! NOcO.9 r<2aoc>; N o(, Eo Foo N a oogo-ttho.:o8tr. og ll3- (o9a,::>3'FE|[,f;E;E-3< E a 0ltEooII Eo tt.= o o o ct).gE(gEU' .go S .9o 0) .Eo.- CIE-F.< dr!!F OlS rr -!P ._ cti|- l:< brL:F Ot9-.rDI Xtt tr c)()o .n .9o E i5 E C)eIt(L o6o oool|- l f:€oooo ooo(octoddc; ct o)aoo(l)oo6o)o)5cco6EtqiE EEP clg oNG Fco I.9 r< i8F E>; ooeE6.E b'EE5gN O_O_-OEE .S'Hbb F i5_utg Js Eoo oeoFEqoo Ec 6ee rr--c{NEE<9 5(r 6 E Hggo r a .*.e'n .o.o8 "?.xis'EBd68.fi=..55atFeE4eE8fa H Ei9=eeEf;q66699Edr;<>>>vraE N C{-C (\l O)rtsdfitsc EE'EEoo -cloooo (',oo o cci d c,iE coc,oE..a q -9Ee E ar -9 o L! .a r- -OO *.t .,q.v F ->#_5fi E bj.4.d.d9 g f f :f :F,fl'fl'fl g'g ddci==.9 .9 .9,66>>=:= sfiFH t6g- = <-o @E - E#aAav.E -' RP''s-B..oEg o8.EB iE€s'eeFFgEg$ E $+$ $EEg;E$EF oo(,)oo ".H E_E5I rn*i E'"- *--P#g €sS 6roo|froto|r)F- |r) (O .i: t- LCJcr6tNco(, E(U..o o --ij A.ij .. ; q 8- BEBEEE € E9Y Po o o o[l'= * E E6.EE-,ioroooooxo c, o o (l) (D (l)Eo(rI(L(LaL(L= t !'g ={= c,ao clt E(!-co ooo ot E([ o -g(, s .9 c) .Eo.- ct- < 6rL - t- tltX'o I+ o.- .- cl- < Eu-6F R ,q gt =F oC)o. at) Eoq, 6 s oc,o.L -9oo oo$t! f rol.) o (, eo ooII dt fF€()oru(u ooo(rr(')odoc; .s,.9)oooc,oo6 CDO'JccoEE*,q9ur.c .-EEE crs 5N-Oco E.9=e4 6.gg E.'a oocco.6 b bf 59N O_O.-rEE E,Hbb FoU:-9 :ts 8oo 3,9oEqqoo Eq 6do rl.-(\tc{EE<9 5tr6 'c'; a E 6 e H.F'E-'ziE trflAE s*=..d6'atFlE&eE6fa '; YFo-=eEs!E;EEo-oo-=(l' ^ o o (l, 5 f,Ecox>>>@@v o,C,'6o 'o 0)-oo)E = C0)oo Eo tr ;'6 ..E0)oo-=>' 0) o)cc .o.9JJ E6.'(r_9EeP r-3'5ij.._o=9 ;gHB€#:Ff;i.g BiEEFf;$ 3a'339; Po o o o l! uJ llJ I'U =f,€o.o.o.cLririri$te$$fi.9Psssg aaolnoNNcc! FggegEE#E,, ,,sTE=-gg =; - go@€s€ btr)orootorr) ooooF- l(, (O i:-rO OO OP*^ oc; c.ioo qEE l! iizg ESEOi Y-6 0E o€#'ts ESOE € -- RP'g-q,.,o:, d g_EE5 E ?i,fEE a sis EFgFagstH E sg$ FFEE;eppe 5 *""t""g EEEEfrfi! -;r'r ' ' EI- 88888d og E* EEE oC 50JClEoog E- E E HEEE*$3 SEFqq €8885t6sse:t a\r (\l art (o F $dqee oo fi.8o't o rOGlCt-6dN.ito c, ctto clt ol $Hr=== iH5Hfi6 - rNd) {ottg o E 6! €- g .9 ffE-=€ E.E>E 3J!t o.:a Eg eE €o CoET.l Eaotto3i;at rilttt5 .,Load Express: Load Calculation t"ft'/l Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary PeaK Load Summary Air Hand 1 - Alternatve t csF-'l Kestoence Areas ( Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr Roof: Skyllght: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fc{r Cool Airflow Cool Airflw w/Sfty Fclor Cooling Check Cool Check w/Sfty Fc,tr Heat Airflow Heat Airfhrv WSfty Fc{r ffi) 1,872.O 70.o 0.0 0.0 348.0 0.0 816.0 Btuh Btuh cfrn clln critn/ft2 c+m1frz 600 cfn 660 ctrn -28 1 t1 12 o 55.7o/o Heatlng Coll Peak Outslde Air: OADB: Goollng Coil Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: Outside Ah: OADB: IIVB: RELHUM: Cooling Coll Peak Heating Coil Peak totat Loao oens Logq reronr 9r tar( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) l'/.) FgaK | 0t JSnS reICnI OI tOI( Btuh I lq/l ENVELUF'ts L(JAU! Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 0.00 0-00 8-00 0.00 0.00 Conducted Skylisht Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFk 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00dIil ----0.80 o.oo- 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,297 .84 -5,985.36 -5,273.10 -1335650 --11:iT- INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total MISC LOADS . Outslde Ah Humldification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 0.000.00 0.00o.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1 ,177 .* -3,544.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.721.67 25.83 OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -18,278.00 -20,105.80 . lroad Express: Load Calculation t"*L Version 2.2 Peek Load Summary HeaUng Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 1 | 1 Outside Air: OADB: 12WB: I RELHUM: 55.7Yo Ak Hand 2 CSF-2 Areas ( Floor: SlabOnG/ExFh: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: ft2 | Space sens Load434.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fctr. 54.0 Cool Airflow0.0 Cool Airflw W/Sfty Fc'tor0.0 Cooling Check 276.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fclr0.0 Heat Airflow 276.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfiy Fc{r Btuh Btuh cfm cfrn cflir'lftz cltrlfrz 307 cfm 337 cfm Cooling Coll Psak Heating Goil Peak ( Btuh) ( Btuh I $l t-eaK I oI J6ns r-ercnl oI I oI( Btuh ) l'l"l ENVELUT'E LTJAUD Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Paditlon SlabOnG/ExFk 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,822.43 -2,024.46 4,067.8? Sub Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 -7.914.7'1 87.85 INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outslde Air Humidification lnlillration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exheust Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -273.0O -821 .66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00--Sub-ToE-0.00 0.00 0.00 -'f .094.66 12.15 OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsaf€ty Factor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -9,009.37 -9,910.31 fLoad Express: Load Calculation t"frwo Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peak Loao summary Air Hand 3 - Atterna[ve 1 csF-3 KeStoence Ar€as ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Pertition: Space Sens Load 360.0 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fc{r 10.0 Cool Airf,ow0.0 Cool Airflw WSffy Fc'tor0.0 Cooling Check 72.0 Cool Check WSfty Fc{r0.0 Heat Airflow 456.0 Heat Airflw WSfty Fclr 184 203 Btuh Btuh cfrn cfrn cfm/ff2 dmn2 cfm cftn Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Coollng Coll Peak Peeked at Time: Mo/Hr: 1 I 1 Oubide Air: OADB: 12WB: I RELHUM: 55.7% Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar ( Btuh ) l%l Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFk INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS Outslde Ah Humidification lnfilhation Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fsn Heat Ducl Heat PkuD Exhausl Heat 0.00 -226.45 -681.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsefety Fador Cooling Coil Peak Heating Coil Peak -5,48r.49 0.00 6,029.64 .. . |oad Express: Load Calculation **b Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peak Load summary - Altemaflve 1 KeSldenceZone 1 Main House Crawlspace Areas ( fr2 ) Space Sens Load Btuh H€atlng Coll PeakFfoor: 1,872.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fctr Bluh Outside Ah OADE: -28SlabOnG/ExFh: 70.0 CoolAirflow cfrn Roof: 0.0 Cool Airfh/ W/Sfiy Fc{or cfrn Coollng Coll PeakSkyfight: 0.0 Cooling Check cftnfiA Peaked at Tlme: Mo/Hr: 1 I 1Witt: 348.0 Cool Check WSffy Fctr cfrr'lflz Outside Air: OADB: 12 Wall Glass: 0.0 Heat Airflow 600 cFn WB: IPartition: 816.0 Heat Airflw W/sfty Fctr 660 cfn RELHUM: 55.7o/o Coollng Coil Peak Heating Coll Peak I Otat Loao iens Loao Forcnl or I or( Btuh I ( Btuh ! (%) reaK I oI JenS t'ercnl or tol( Btuh ) l%l tsNVtsLUPE L(JAU5 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,297.84 -5,985.36 -5,273.10 Sub ToFl__ _._ INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc _ _qao 0,q0____ 0.8q 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 -13.556.30 74.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total - q00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Oubide Alr Humidification lnfiltretion Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duc't Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.(x)0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -1,177.54 -3,544.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ._ OVAJNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.721.67 25.83 0.00 Grand Total Wsafiety Faclor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -18,278.00 -20,.|05.80 .lLoad Express: Load Calculation ""*l Version 2.2 P6ak Load Summary Peak Load summary - Altema$ve 1 RestdenceZone 2 EHU Crawlspace Areas ( ltz ) Space Sens Load Btuh Heatlng coll PeakFloor: 434.0 Spc Sens Ld w/sfty Fclr Btuh Outside Air: oADB: -28 SlabOnG/ExFh: 54.0 Cool Airllow cfinRoof: 0.0 CoolAlrflw WSffy Fclor cfm coollng coll PeakSkyfight: 0.0 Cooling Check dmlftz Peaked at Tima: Mo/tlt: 1 I 1Wafl: 276.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr dm,lftz Outslde Air: OADB: 12 Wall Glass: 0.0 Heat Airflow 307 cfrn WB: IPartition: 276.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfiy Fclr 337 cfm RELHUM: 55.7o/o Cooling Coil Peak Heatlng Goil Peak I olat Loao bens Loao Fercnl oI I or( Btuh ) ( Btuh I l%l reaK tol Dens rercnt oI toI( Btuh ) l%l ENVETOPFIOAI'T Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total -0I- 0.oo o.oo 0.00 0.00 Conduc{ed Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFk 0.00 0.000.00 0.000,00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,822.43 -2,O24.46 -4,067.82 _Sub Total _ INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc - o00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -7.914.71 87.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Ah Humidificatlon lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Ducl Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -273.00 -821.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ___S!D_,Total __ OV/UNDR Sizing - --Iid o.oo o.oo 0.00 0.00 ._ -1,094.66 _ 12.15- 0.00 Grand Tot l Wsafety Factor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -9,009.37 -9,910.31 .lLoad Express: Load Calculalion t"b Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary PEeFfo:ld SiuramaryZone 3 - Altemauve 1 Resrdonce Living Dining Crawlspace Areas ( ff2 ) Floor: SlabonG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sem Load 360.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fdr10.0 Cool Airflow0.0 Cool Airflw W/Sfty Fc{or0.0 cooling Check72.0 cool Check W/Sfty Fctr0.0 Heat Airflow 456.0 Heat Airflw WSfry Fcir 184 203 Btuh Btuh cftn ctrn cfrn/ff2 cfrn/fr2 cfr1r cfm Heatlng Coll Poak Outside Air: OADB: coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: Outslde Air: OADB: WB: RELHUM: -28 1 tl 12 9 55.7o/o Coollng Coil Peak Heating Coll Peak -5,481.49 0.00 0.00 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS outside Air Humidification lnllltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duc't Heat PkuP Exhaust H6at 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 €,029.64 Dorrance Resldence Vail, CO Heat Loss SummarY 07tolt2001 RodilfNUUEER& NAME Sq Ft BTU Heat Loss BTU per 8q Ft Radlant ln-floor (YrN) Baseboard Heat (YrN) Fan Coll unn -30 KITCHEN-LIVING 31 BEDROOM 33 BATFI-LAUNDRY 10 STAIR 12 HALL 13 MECFIANICAL 14 HALL 15 GUEST BEDROOM #1 18 BATH #1 20 GUEST BEDROOM #2 21 BATH#2 23 GUEST BEDROOM #3 24BATH$3 25 GUEST BEDROOM #4 26 BATH #4 11.5 LAUNDRY 100 srAlR 101 FOYER IO2 POWDER 103 SKI HUT l(X LAUNDRY 105 KITCHEN 106 PANTRY 1O7 BAR 108 DINING 109 LIVING ROOM 110 TV LOUNGElll GALLERY 113 POWDER#2 116 LIBRARY 200 STAIR 201 MASTER BEDROOM 202 MASTER CLOSET 204 TOILET 2OY2T5 MASTER BATH 206 TOILET GAMGE 1 GARAGE 2 EHU GARAGE MAIN HOUSE CS EHU CS LIVING/DINING CS 201 '122 55 ,18 142 174 70 225 115 225 77 235 125 295 100 60 225 127 33 298 37 250 45 195 180 510 378 175 50 166 112 359 137 16 2U 18 258 366 246 1,872 134 360 3,259 7,107 s24 1,269 1,087 1,414 62 8,328 989 8,116 1,010 I,421 2,986 1,010 979 977 1,771 *2 239 14,423 541 139,120 5,591 7,719 53,595 5,840 85 874 2,417 2,fi4 9,361 1,582 219 4,218 251 7,555 7,886 4,S80 20,1ffi 9,910 6,O30 l6 01 l7 27II 7 37I 36 l3 17 24 3 B 7 10 l6I ,f8 l5 566 0 2s ,13 105 15 0 l8 l5 21 26 l2 l4 l8 l6 29 22 20 11 23 17 N N N N N N N N N Y N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y FCU-1 FCU.1 FCU.1 FCU.2 FCU-2 FCU.z FCV-2 FCU-2 FCU-2 FCU.2 FCU.2 FCU-2 FCU.2 FCU.z FCU.z EH.1 FCU-4 FCU-4 FCU-5 FCU-5 FCU-4 FCU.7 FCU-7 FCU-3 FCU-3 FCU-3 FCU-3 FCU.4 FCU-4 FCU.4 FCU-6 FCU.6 FCU-6 FCU-6 FCU.6 FCU-6 N/A f'UA N/A N/A N/A N/A AVERAGEBTU'SOFT 35 heat loss .Lgad Expmss: Load Calculation a*!Version 2.2 Tl0e Page Job Description: Dorranca Residence Buildlng Owner: Lot 3, Block 7 Vail Villege ls Pmgram User: Ganick S. StoneComments: Heat Loss & Gain Programwas Run: 06/1120&t 1:17:15 PM Dataset Name: G:\CDS\LOADEXP\DATAVAIL\DORNCEOA.LE OFFICE GOPY Allemative Retldence Geographlcal DataLocation: Vail. Colorado Weathor File: Vail, ColoradoLatitude: 39 deg Elevation: 8.150 fr Dellgn Data Summer Dsn Dry Bul Sumr€r Dsn Wet Bul Wnt€r Dosign Dry Bq D€nslty€p Heat Prod Design Simulatlon pc 82.0 deg F 60.0 deg F -28.0 deg F 0.81 43 Btu-min(hr-fi &F) Jan To Dec Bulldlng Pe.k Data Month/tlour: Cooling Capacity: Cooling Sensible: Senslble Heal Raiio (S Heatlng Capacit ttlrig. -- - Rl?}l a t A9' 3l -PP?a a v'{*'3r Jul I 1713.0 Mbh12.7 Mbh 0.979-18.0 Mbh !)p,t Lr,'.c a..|t__ , - r*u coTc €.|<F.a\ - q Plo'"'.LI - < oo-,ii utl tc ort- *''t'' + - l/r.tw\t,5tFt... flaH . .FcdEQr€.s:Loado.lqlHont*!O Darorlpdonr V6G,ion 2.2 Zonc/Alr Handlar D€$f Ftbn3 Zonar^lrHlndler AIDl?IlErrg ' 'l l{lllOGnGE Ak llenrner Typc D''crlpdonI co0lsTANT ,Fcue Zone Type Dfrdpdon1 ComrEdal Rstrll 200 Sttrh2 Cormerdd Rdail lOt Uaaer g€dmoil 3 Corrncrdd Retr[ 102 liffir Closet4 CorffiFdal R.0rll ,04 ToiH5 Commadal Retal ,0:l .205 M.der Bath6 Conrnerclal Rctrl 206 Tollet -U'oz. z qt '-6FZrD :X5 Z.t E -g<(L(!oo a\looO\iOOcidcto oE oooo oooo OOOt-N .c, .c -.9 .9r.9'J JJ |.) c) rr, (',qc?cqoooo o(0FT.'OtF c\ cr(9.=o Ia;S otE sEegd9 do- €E€EoooE @(!()F v, 33*H ct) €o a) (l,ooqtc6(!.cU' o.gos .9 q, 6 ='9{ 6r'xFP;i og+ cr- -_ o.rtE,, ;F !P; o*,-\ O. - =F o()o ta) c .Eo(, ii E oo c) 6o ootL l o, .E oo =o6-o o)c cooooEcooc ceo E_s€€EE€€8.F€ 3 "q-- E6p-.3gB8oo-n-888: 9aa .Kcicjcj(o?sE fr ,'uaagru*-g, *ESEggSEsSq #s555FFeEEE o, =(l'oI Ec(u o) :=s.8ooo(Jr-- O o- Lr ;!;,'a 6 66a,bfi -lt >=fr'86:trfr.EotiJU' CL- -s'g I5'ol(Ldr so,.EOoo.t=>st- ED O'CE EE.gr.g,JJ E '.4_9EeH ..9ei5s..€=€;b; ;qeeEeEEEa€E;FqIE stEEE.F533e3 95 Po o o o [l Ul llJ Ul '= ='E CL O- O- O-.i ,i .i E#$p$$$gggg EE(l'(s @FOO oo Ei;,=E-^tr r ..5g€b 8.-E.g *ooo6o)ot0rcqcc0)€€€(/) dldldt() q'o- F - = q €.EA *g, 5E'- =FR_Q;j.. ltrrEttrE 62--tJ=s oFoNro5E€g 3 g €E:FE € F 3Eg6E Ea -r=-:B,5€€5:€gg *s€ *Fdiq53sPeEE o:"z 5E--tP38 6gs$$ s*$ €FEf;Es ooU'(t(D6t(\tc$tx c, = = ctEtE fiEo'g EEgEEdE,! ,' egEE'gg-g o) o) rE*-€s€ 5stoc\to'to(, ooo?-F- (O F- i:-to OO OP'* oo doo 6toN(!gO.9<p.6 -4, s coN oo Eo Lo U' NI o(, o.P6d)-:oEEac '9(! =o 8FE(!9(l,:>g'e9augg;E_9< r*aaoto{ttloo\loooocidcic; q' CD ED C'' olttt oooo (| U' V' U' U'ooo ozzz z E o c -9<(L|roo EEE =a=ccEo ogaL(L0-ooo .i .E .E 66.8 eSSSotatSG EE EFFE A €€€gg€Eooo(/,urotr ([(!3!oo!) ooooooo ooooooo OOCtOOOt-N E-*3di (t (r) a" ro ro (', (r)(.)crarroooociociciooo = .v,ct (E Etf o .3 r..oo-..,-R xxxxxxx!tf.),',rN-F FAla.)(\tgtF- tt, u, ut u, 33$33$p ot =o U' oooot €oE.J' -g N .9at, oq 6._ o-!tE< drrriF Pat c€ --si EL:F tD9,, Ox6E-U' =F C' CI o c 'Eo(, i5 oo6(L ooo ()(!IL o) ._c (l)o =oo-o o, 5.g co)oooEE(tl(J c .9oEE.E.EEEE€ ,$=*u"EEE.,8bb z-o E, -SgBsoo.qsccq 6c;c, Hoodi** ; $ilggFgFggs :N (! Al(!cO.9qE6oc>; N lq Hc€g $ H; g,! *&?--EE-gg ; o, c', rE**€s€ 6\tONc!torr, OoOOl-:roF- llrtO OO O9.,,.',,1 o ci dotd '6 ..cooo=>,Lt_ tt o) 'E 'j:-c -c .e) .s,JJ 6 "o(gEe H t-9 t6ii. 9=-o H€;Bs#;g.g$E siEEE.F5 33339Y Po o o o tll lll tlJ llJ =X'EO.O.O-Aririri$te$,$$$$ gEEc oo- F q ll-g .,:-E 9eo euae E-odt .E iF iF {F 62F .-N NooNr-o.E '-N-'- o..g s -:rE 5H -:==,58€g EE5 gggEF:E E fi+€ g$Eg;EF TD E oo4 qqqooo lE(, ooo ocro ooN oz oozz F-g<(L(! QO 1ECD O'JJ QfiI(v)o()ocrcio ct ,r! ,E o;sf; E-u @- HTE,FO ci;.9 o-ll +r =fo.900tt o&, @OFe dl..|(o *3s ctt €(! (t 0,oo ED Eo att g s .9 to .E ._ o- E 5'-.F CD$e3 --9t 5'raF R,q en =F C'o CI o c.9(J ID i5 s (,)coo- -9o oGt! o) Eoo =-9C)-oo)c3-c ctoanolt (u(,c e() AA€€E;';€rEE FEH8bb Y.o !,F.3988ooi888q Fcici Yddd EFiiiggEssi ,(\ .!otogO EA-os EoN CJ0Joqroc{GtrGl s=.B=SgEHHEE.', g'EHH 3= = € s€ 6\fONOtOrn OOOrF roF- ij- ro oo og'* oci o oo '6 ..cc,c, o-:>.r- t- d, olEC .s,.s)JJ E..s _SEeH '-9-e6'd -. -o = -o ; EH Bc#;Ffi $ .g FTEEE$ia'a'33 9Y Po o o c, llJ lU lll Ul =f,'€ o.o-o. ori ri ri cj5p$pp$p€sss 8. F = q IIE g,E =eb - doU' E FFiF 62.E -- PP-s-8..' d8.8,.>F b ?i ,-E;€*g EH -s658€g f€E EESEF:E s $*$ $$Ef;EF !,!oEU'd(v, E,9i(t It ttt €G-cU' 6'oo CD.EuoIU' -g(, s .9 e{,E6.- ct E F* $Fs PH.:F Cttf;a€ =F oo CI U' .9il .go s cc)g o .9o oo(!tr f o.o flfl€€E-Ef€ HEE € * - EE, .5PB8oo-!,sssq 600 Hocici iriiissgsgi o)c'6(, 3oo-ootc =-c cooo{DEc(ooc aoJ|/,oo(\l(\tsc{___=E ,, ,, B'**$=*tEF*E - o, eco@€ s€ 6so(\rokolo ooooF-|r)N i: r- lr, OO Og** ci cj .f o(, ;'6 ..Cq,oo-=>Ll- o) o)cc EE.9.S'JJ E6 '.(r_9EeH o-9 o6p..-o=-oiiaii ;q8.gEgEEEAC#;trqiq>:'-E'EclgoocLo-6T6_E€85 ++34P; Po o o o llJ LlJ tlJ lU sEcFFFFgccc q LLgr-g geE c'E€c d2.€ '-* (oro@s-8,-- E ,. og "s 6 li .-!i € .Exoo g fEg gEgPFgE E €+$ sseE;EF Nt!a\t dcO.9q8aorE>; CoN gr ttr EDE ECE I' t'o or! aD otto oozzz OiOO!tqc)OOo*oo{+ooodciciciooocio a0(!gE S0croooooo foctoooooo focrooooFF oozz E a-q €€€o d{ o o oz u5 .ttzo Et ot or ot cD otf, f5 555 € EEI 5tc ct.9 .c -c <<(L o-(L traro oo oo tt .t, o lSdi$3scs O ..l r{l I'O (9 (it l() (') av)loctoc)rv)oooiocicioocicici Er o, cL ct>-: > >..: -i >r,.=oo.=.=o99 'S99SS3EE rEF F EEFAA flE $FE E FFF a(oOGrqr-!t(OCttFv xxxxxxxxxDtlFool(t(\rtF-N -FN.rtFC!t-ol tt 5oEo oooot =o U' -gos .9 €) i5 aP.< dE!F CD $ag -_ ElE-E-< ds-:F Cl3 o* -U' g tr o o. o cooo i5 s oo o .90 o(,(trl|- o'.E ()o =oE-o o) E c0)ooc)Ec(l'oc E.9o Afl€€Er;€,EE ,8 E 6Rbb :x-c6rg |- -Ag88ooq888q 6oo Kctci ci- ;.n. = Ni:6s g ,..8 Hgu*-**$?,E,u * E$rEg3.EsE; #iirEEEE;EEco:S>>>a@58Str Nl!$losO.9qea -O -EcoN oral,'/)o(\tc!EC\l =ok=ciEiEfrE,, ,, i?*5E"9EEtE ; ; etoco€s€ 6\fOOtO?c'r() c'OOOts ra, F- i: r- rr) OO Og.* od .f orn ;'6 ..c0)oo.=>, o) o,EC -c -c.sr.e)JJ 6 "(_9EeH o-Sa,xii .og-a aFgreecEE+3 9Y91t)ooolllllJllJllJ = t'E EI+EA ri ri d ci 5e$$P.f;'flgegg o F T = qlrpd.to .c ,r; <F-o ---- d' -oth s.E iF F 62F -rf) Nor@o.t-o.E t-F t- o..€ .j8"E E ,,ii .'EE E ..EEO.O E E*g segPags E €gfi $gEE;EP or clngoo oct oa oF.t\ .q cDJ t a,ltctdci cttC Eoo2 5IoU' Ef(r<.L(rc) cl .Eo SEE(a-QcrEflo Eii.9()4r s'fooood xxFaA o dtI-d8E EI f; r,-1- CD s8U' CI $r.FCD 8€o ctt =o o IEoo() ttt.gto o o .g(9s Eo cc,c6 !t o{, !t 6co =F oo CI o .9o E i5 S oe!to- "9 oolt l o)€o() =ooII ctC E cooo(I,1tcooc .oo flA€€Efr€rEE ,q H 6fibb Ya- .s, -5E88ooissc: 6Ra E'de6r!-<E n Ee;gflagFFF* fig!g5FF€EEF oto(\locO.98paoc>; EoN aa(,l/,oC\t(\l-cc{ ;Aggg9EEEE h =*E-HF'gg i f sf osoC\rotorr, ooooF-r()F ijsl.., OO OgN' c; ci $oo '6 ..cooo-=>rSFo) o,.F'E o, o,JJ E..coE ^. J OJJP o-9 tiio..9s€.abii ; q g.gE eEEEaCE;Fqi3 EEf,€***FFFF:= = 'ti O- CI CI O- ,i ,i ,i E#Eppppgggg c)o. F I 3 qttgd-t ItE =EE s€G,tr d2.E -t rr(r@N.-8..g d8.9 r' >q E ,,ii ,: t E;s E eggEg' E sE$ FcEt;ec €F 8 PRRE HFF G|,$ ;gIe t s$ $ F* $ ()@* Ictt tdI€ $Hr= IHHEi F E::: g € o gooo E EfiggE FE-E E €888 P fit66ct (o (o.'i .'t r.t d 35b- ood a; og oo(, {o* Eg o F g IEi =o(,rEgto €,conr- E sess E- t, all e EI rl, lE* N@ dto I E E E FfiEE! cr- cr_ o-.n P93 B i fqqa or 999 iEO*:!€8Eeo IBF {$ g g $Hr= IHH6 c.9r! !dE.F€ taE 'E F o * E€ e #E € T!o EIIg xut E 'Loact Express: Load Calculetion t"*L Verslon 2.2 Peek Load Summary Air Hand 1 FCU-6 Ar6as ('ltz )Ffoor: 875.1SlabOnG/ExFlr: 0.0Roof: 1,133.3Skylight: 0.0Wall: 1,089.3 Wall Glass: 107.3Padition: 0.0 Space Sens Load Spc Sens Ld W/Sfry Fctr Cool Airtlow Cool Airflw W/Sfry Fclor Cooling Check Cool Check WSfiy Fctr Heat Airflow Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fctr 12,766.7 Bluh 12,766.7 Btuh 825 cfm 825 cfn 0.94 cfrn/fl2 0.94 cftn/fr2 825 cfm 908 ctrn ri06 Hoatlng Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: Cooling Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 Outside Air: OADB: \A/B: RELHUM: -28 /18 'r1, 55 35.8o/o 3.353.67 21.51 _ 0.00 0.00 0.00 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Conduct€d Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabonG/ExFk INTERML LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS Outside Air Humklification Infiltratlon Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duc't Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat -21 .19 107 .450.00 0.000.00 0.00442.05 442.060.00 0.00537.54 537.5.1-9.77 -9.77 -3,257 .18 -958.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.681.50 13,300.20 13.681.50 13.300.20 Grand Toial wsefety Faclor .'toad Express: Load Calculation t"*L Version 2.2 Peek Load Summary Peax Loao uummaryZone 'l - Atrernauve I 200 Stair Kestoence Ar€as ( fr2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 112.0 Spc Sens Ld WSffy Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow176.0 Cool Airflw WSfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check 247.3 Cool Check W/Sfty Fcir13.8 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw WSfty Fc{r 1,471.5 Btuh 1,471.5 Btuh 95 cfm 95 cfrn 0.85 cfrn/ff2 0.85 cfrn/ft2 95 cftn 105 cftn Heaung Coll Peak outside Air: oADB: Gooling Coll Peak Peaked et Time: Mo/Hr: 7 Outside Air: OADB: WB: RELHUM: -28 t17 78 57 U.5o/o Cooling Coll Peak Heating Coil Peak I otar Loa(I otns Lqqq rFtcnl qI I qI( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) l%'l FeaK I oI DenS Fercnl oI tot( Btuh l lY,l ENVEL(J}'E LIJAUI' Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.001,219.14 1 ,219.11 0.00 0.00 _. Sub Total_ Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr 1,219.14 1,219.14, 76.95 0.00 0.0074.95 74.9552.83 52.83120.74 '120.740.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -545.60 -466.55 -1,137.35 0.00 0.00 SubTotal _ INTERML LOADS Lights P€ople Misc 248.s2 248.52 15.69 3.82 0.00 0.00 3.82 0.00 0.00 -2.140.50 100id 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidiftcation lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan H6at Duc,t Heat Pkup Exhaust Hoat 3.82 3.82 0.24 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.0050.95 50.960.00 0.00 61 .96 61.960.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 112.91 112.91 7.13 0.00 0.00 OVruNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 1,584.39 1,584.39 1,584.39 1,584.39 -2,149.50 -2,3il.45 .Load Express: Load Calculation S"*L VeBion 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peak Load SummaryZone 2 K6Stdence 201 Master Bedroom Ai€as ( Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Parlition: ft2) 358.8 0.0 420.O 0.0 289.0 49.0 0.0 Space Sens Load Spc Sens Ld WSfiy Fctr Cool Alrflow Cool Airflw W/Sfry Fc{or Cooling Check Cool Chock W/Sfty Fctr Heat Airflow Heat Airflw WSfty Fdr 5,978.9 Btuh 5,978.9 Btuh 386 cfrn 386 cfrn 'l .08 cfrn/ftz 1.08 cfrn/ff2 386 cfrn ,/16 drn +LQ Heating Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Coollng Coil Peak Peaked al Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 14 Outside Air: OADB: 77WB: 58 RELHUM: 35.40/. ( Btuh I l,/") 200.74 3.15 ( Btuh I l%) Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conducted Skyllght Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFk INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc -3,257.18 -958.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Oubide Air HumHmcafion lnfiltratlon Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duci Heat Pkup Exhausl Heat 6,372.93 5,991.60 6,372.93 5,99.|.60 Coollng Coll Peak Heatlng Coil Peak -8,509.74 -9,360.72 Jload Express: Load Calculation *frvyl Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary PeaT Load SummaryZone 3 - Alternatrve 1 202 Master Gloset Kesroence AGas ( ftz ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFh: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: 203.9 Btuh 203.9 Btuh 13 cl?n 13 cfin 0.10 cfrn/ft2 0.10 cfm/ft2 13 cfrn tl cfrnpa' t1 Space Sens Load 137.0 Spc Sens Ld WSfiy Fctr0.0 Cool Airflovy 214.5 CoolAirflw WSfiy Fc-tor0.0 Cooling Check 146.0 cool Check WSfiy Fctr' 3.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airtlw W/Sfiy Fclr Hcatlng Goll Pcak Oulside Air: OADB: -?8 Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 19 Outslde Air: OADB: 70WB: 54 RELHUM: 38.2oh Heatlng Coll Peak Grand Total w/sabty Factor 219.57 219.57 219.57 219.57 Cooling Goll Peak ( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) (%'l 0.00 0.0040.61 40.81@-40.€-1 -i-sq_- 0.00 0.00108.94 108.94-0.69 -0.6950.38 50.380.00 0.000.00 0.00 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Conducled Skylighl Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Mlsc 0.00 €64.95 -101.79 .671.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.007.06 7.060.00 0.q)8.59 8.590.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidmcation lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Rot. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat .Load Expre$: Load Calculation S"*l Vorsion 2.2 Peak Load Summary Heatlng Goll Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 20 Outslde Air: OADB: 67Vl/B: 52 RELHUM: 41.1o/o Tone 4 204 Toilet Areas ( Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: 236.5 Btuh ' 236.5 Btuh 15 cfm 15 cl?n O.97 c'mtfl2 0.97 cfm/ft2 15 cfrn -1.7 cfm .(e,ap|' ftz ) Space Sens Load'15.8 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fcir0.0 Cool Airflow22.6 Cool Airflw w/Sfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check28.0 Cool Check W/Sfly Fctr0.0 Heat Airnow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fctr Heating Coil Poak ( Btuh ) ( Btuh I $l 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 ( Btuh ) (%l Conduc-ted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabonG/ExFh 0.00 0.0012.52 12.920.00 0.008.60 8.800.00 0.000.00 0.00 -199.33 100.00 INTERML LOADS Lights People Misc 215.02 215.020.00 0.000.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outslde Ah HumEmcation Infiltration Sup. Fan H€at Ret. Fan Heat Duci Heat Pkup Exhausl Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.008.19 8.190.00 0.009.96 9.960.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 254.70 254.70 254.70 2il.70 'Load Express: Load Calculation t"*l Vorsion 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peal( Load summaryZone 5 Resrdence 2O3 - 205 Master Bath Ar6as ( Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylisht: Wall: Wall Glass: Parlition: friz ) 234.0 0.0 276.O 0.0 352.5 40.0 0.0 Soace Sens Load spc Sens Ld WSfty Fctr Cool Airflow Cool Airflw WSfly Fc-tor Cooling Check Cool Check w/Sfly Fclr Heat Airnow Heat Airflw WSfly Fctr 4,510.9 Btuh 4,510.9 Btuh ?92 drn 292 dm 1.25 cIm,lft2 1.25 dmlfrz 292 dl:jg1 dn j& Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: Coollng Coll Peak Peaked et Time: Mo/tlr: 7 Outside Ain OADB: \A/B: RELHUM: -28 t18 73 55 35.80/6 Cooling Coil Peak ( Btuh I lY,l 0.00 0.00869.86 869.86 Solar Skylight Solir Glass Solar Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabonG/ExFlr 0.00 -855.60 -1,357.25 -1,62 t.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00120.26 120.26 137 .42 137.42188.76 188.760.00 0.000.00 0.00 3,194.57 3,194.570.00 0.000.00 0.Q0 INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS Outslde Ah Humidification lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duc{ Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00156.19 156.190.00 0.00189.93 189.930.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,857.00 4,857.00 4,857.00 4,857.00 ' lpad Express: Load Calculation sofl\Verslon 2.2 Peak Load Summary PeaKfoed SummaryZone 6 - Altemative 1 206 Toilet Resrdence Areas ( Floor: SlabOnG/ExFh: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: ft2) 17.9 0.0 24.0 0.0 26.5 1.5 0.0 Spac6 Sens Load Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fclr coolAirtlow Cool Airflw WSfiy Fc{or Cooling check Cool Gheck WSfty Fck Heat Airflow Heat Airflw W/Sfly Fck 364.9 Btuh 3&1.9 Btuh 24 dm 24 dnr 'l'.32 drnlfr2 1.32 dmn2 24 clm ?e dn *f O,rrFjJ' Heatlng Goll Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Coollng Coll Poak Peaked et Time: Mo/Hr 7 I 18 Outside Air: OADB: 73 \ /B: 55 RELHUM: 35.80/6 Gooling Coil Peak Heating Coll Peak ( Btuh ) ( Btuh ! lohl ( Btuh I lol"l Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.0014.25 14.254.23 4.2319.49 19.490.00 0.000.00 0.00 244.03 244.090.00 0.000.00 0.00 Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partilion SlabOnG/ExFlr INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS outside Air Humidlfication lnliltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duc{ Heat Pkup Exha$t Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.q)12.64 12.640.00 0.0015.37 15.370.00 0.00 392.92 392.92 392.92 392.92 hoad Express: Load Calculalion S"*l Job Description: Building Ownen Program User: Comments: Program was Run: Dataset Name: t-Qe3 OFFICH SOPYDonance Residence Lot 3, Block 7 Vail Village ls Ganick S. Slone Heat Loss & Gain o6/10/20&t 12:36:01 PM CICDS\LOADEXP\DATAVAIL\DORNCE3A. LE Version 2.2 Title Page ffi Geographical Datd Location: Vail, Colorado Weather File: Vail, ColoradoLatitude: 39 deg Elevetion: 8.150 ft Deslgn Data Summer Dsn Dry Bul Summer Dsn Wet Bul Wnter Design Dry Bq Denslty-Sp Haat Prod Design Simulation po 82.0 deg F 60.0 deg F -28.0 deg F 0.8143 Btu-min(hFfr3-F) Jan To Dec Bulldlng Peak Data Month/Hour Cooling Capacity: Cooling Sensible: Sensible Heat Ratio (S Hoaling Capacit Jul / 16 5.3 Mbh5.0 Mbh 0.938-11.6 Mbh Ex4 Ftra - FAN roi I slar .,w\ - yJooni c utat - caol,,i1 ,'i Scono',t..)t ctL - tlp"'iorcic eiorr IYlrt,.. - Brna .WHeaT - Do?a a ert*o3r - Srouc e w#rrsf - C *a*l +part t.-4.1'{it' 'boad Erp]g3E: Lod Calculatlonsru Ver3lon 2.2 ZonelAlr Hsndlcr Da3cripff ons ZonefAlr Hapdler D*cr{pdon3 Al. H.ndlcr Typt1 CONSTAI{T DicrlFdon lcu-r tl6crlpdon ib Kidrcn-Llvlng Roon 31 Bldrcom is Blrhteundry Zona 1 2 3 TYp. Cormcdal Retail Commcrdal Rotail Corflrnatd.l Rdail CD q' .E .Ett rooo.tooozz ^vU' z oto:to)ooOrtO\l(\lOOoooctctcio o (l'(!e gE ooooooo (o ra) coooo()|.,l.)L) 3000000 6Faz FF(!F(Y-(\I E EC ru q, q) o oo CEI .9tJJ (t (v) |., (9 t t- l'-5('0(v)!.ooicictoooo F:$::EEdg d9g 9 9cog(Eo:;E3 E36,5d it-etg==fi8Ess;; ItOIF(!-@F xxxxxxx oNatNFO(g tJ, ut v)(A U' U)i5i55FF5"*""FF =o U' IE!t0 .gl,o.cat) (tt() s .oocq, .E --9 dF Ot + e- -_ ctY Crl ;F F6 o*"ut tr o o. .J) .9(J E i5 s o o(L I \J a. o.;6+.9F,+ <tr: dt oq F - 3 € ; Ee:* s€EE ;HF9Yo+5 o,rlo)c.rFo "6SJFEC! 3a; 8: *;:FE s -Eoq ig F€€ - ic = e,pFHE€fir 'rpeEE $Ez ?:sr:-e???fpfttibiD pfE .Eggss $*F EpE$tE$$FE Eo (J C-r€€EEE€orEE X6o8bE ;3E -o ,l! F.3888oop.888C hcio Vooo sriisssFsgi ot :='6 o; _9o3 €DcJc coo6oEcoo aaD!t lt oNol€$ frEEEEHHfrE,, ,,H?55-gg g ; ; ecoo8s€ 5soNoto|r, ooooF- rr) F- i: t- rO OO Og*t oo .'jo/n > o.,trqtoo-E>.l- t- cD o,EC CE.9.S'JJ E6 ..(r -3EeH '.3ciio.-€r=€i:b; ; E 8--EE g EEEBCA;Fq54 > f -. E .E c Jg o o- 9:.gdTqE€35aj-eA9y Po o o o lU llJ trJ LlJ '=== oO-O-O-,i,i,i t#Ep$pEeggg 'o)c (uq) .,L 1'c(u o)E s8ooo(Jt-o o .. .' t-lL >\-;;a6.dcr*06 c';;= I.rr =lJ Ffr E oiEJVJ O-^s'g I t'or(Ldl EEGto @F-OO oo 9t,,:EItr;..F' or o tL'= .c a7 u)gEg*oooi;o)o)o)ccccc)E€€UJ (Ddtdl(J 'ng(\l (!qO .9qE6oC:>; oN o(, Eo -oo(\lI oC'c,o"EF(,'=obEItc.9 (!El13-E(U9(l)::>3'Eg(Esg.a l- =o_9< o*otoei ol €.T.c(a oz tr: Eo.a CDf |4|ctcr cloct xx|ot eo oct oa att>i5f" $sCEdg E.:9A sE ot Eo.Co tooo o, 5o-caJ) o.Eos .9o o .EoaP.< drr;F Pg&t ,=P{ 6'!:F tlr ,Q e€ =F oocl U' .9o .go s oo {)c Eo^-tlo.i6+(!r: '+5 c0 o o C-E€€-fiEE€oEE .qoo8bb Y-o n, .5.$8Boo!acc: *RR uddci sE f; u gu g*FFgEE,* * Egsfgi€s$n filsEgFF€EEE o).E ()o;o (l)-o o)EJ-c Ed)()oo)Ecooc Itoto|,cr(\lol.c(\l= (J k:r c ttslts fiE ,, ,, E?*E"5tEEtE ; ; ecoo8s8 brtONoltO(, OooOt- Lt F. a:F|r) OO Og" oo d tu(t '6 ..co(l'o =>,Lt- o, o)cc -c -c.sr.s,JJ Edr..E5EeP o .9 o6o..€:-tiiEii.. ; E 8.gE eEEEBCE;trqiq F*EAE.Ffia'33e 9y Po c, o o ul ul uI llJ = H'i? O- O. o. CL ri ri ri gj Ee$$$pEEcgE oC! F ? = e -g:ta =q\t aEHF|l;Ag EEEEfr oooo FTi=YF - c..l oc\to)c.rr-o "6SJE -- O..-g Fi O ooa . -s dRE E ?i..'- sE E 'EE€€$EL 2h -r5'Eig E€5 sqgEFSs85e E 5*€ EFEE;EE$F$ (\GotocO.93zcL-o5 oN (,t E,cobtoo ;! ao o)cE(EE(t, IEID o ot.cooEo -g :x .9a c, .Eo.- o. E F* E -eg ?H" E[E-o =F o() CI o .9 c i5 d)Io .9o^(\ o'i6+t+g f: e() c€€€EEE€oEE X(EoHbF :86 \o llt Fo3,E88oo-=-888C 6dci Hooo iriiisgggg; o)c '6() =oE-o CD fE ct()oc)oc(uo o 9l g E glsgJcc.l ,, ,, -fifrE*g$.E E * Elq F e"sf st O B\to(\lofioro(/)ooooF- lO t- Er-|r, rOO Og*' do $oo '6 ..cooo. =>rr- l- ot o)EC, -c!(') o)JJ o6 '.(r_3EeP o-!cliit..Pr€ii.a;.. ;i q8.gEg EEEBC#!Fqlq>f>c:EE!4O.O.O.O.6T6_E€Ei SAea9y Po o c, o llJ lU llJ llJ sE$FFFFCccC oo.F I 3 go -g =o5 tf oF s^- tE!fiE 3+s€3 e .ErtrrE dt ur =-. fE -o r- rod)(\rFo '"6SJ.E r- O.. (O r.--s! ,-i o ood .. - I '-ioI E , i -B x E €9bba,. g EEg FegPFg8F8e E €g$ PFEF;eFscs otoNa!cO.9EPAcll c>; oN o!t()loEcioo5 @o goF N|E E a, -9 ctEEo C ote-O FFFfi essG @(OaO lr* * gl!* t El*s ; lE* t CD O' O'ooo .co!t!tJ ait qt (p6BgR or- o_ -g ro ra) E b::fiEggN- t- t_|o|{)ro €t T E 4RO(",;!ooECtge o E€F [i OYtt (J :< l- FgffF gHES ioo()IF cI scqcI #833E ECDO)O) E E5E (oror-ot (r,q rtt rooci ooo{ o :F op a:o tlF oYo. c) Y t- F3F3 €EH3k.o6()r tD .E8oJO o oE.olrl o oo6E (!oI E I €838 P E Egggb |r)-|f,-().(, :== BiEililild 9q9 EotoE @oo$$a cootE EEEE9E 3xl!oA o t! Eg go Eov)c.9oEoEotooJ di Prr.xulIt(o3 load Express: Load Calculation t"*L Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary PeaK LoaO Summary Air Hand 'l . Altemaflve 1 FCU.l Kesldence Areas (. ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFk: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: space Sens Load 378.0 spc Ssns Ld WSny Fc'tr 378.0 Cool Airflow0.0 Cool Airflw W/Sfty Fc'tor0.0 Gooling Check 552.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr25.5 Heat Airflow 396.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfry Fcir 4,669.4 Btuh 4,669.4 Btuh 302 cfrT 302 cfin 0.80 cfrT/ft2 0.80 cfrn/ft2 302 cl?Yrtt2 dn jrD Heating Coil Peak Outside Air: OADB: Cooling Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: Outside Air: OADB: WB: RELHUM: -28 7 t20 R7 52 41.1% Cooling Goll Peak ( Btuh l (%) 0.00 630.86 -601.74 _ -601.74 -1 ,|.07 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFk Sub Total INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 0.00 0.00 -882.85 -2,594.40 -574.99 -2,268.00 {.320.25 -21.41 130.290.00 0.000.00 0.00161.68 161.600.00 0.00196.61 196.61-9.77 -9.77 -3,257.18 -958.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Oulsido Air Humldificetion lnfiltration SuD. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat OVruNDR Sizlng -10,536.00 -1 1,589.60 5,438.14 5,079.84 5,438.14 5,079.84 .Lodd Express: Load Calculation S"*l Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary PeaKfoadsammary - Alternative I Residence Zone 1 30 Kitchen-Living Room Areas ( fi2 ) Space Sens LoadFloor 201.0 Spc Sens Ld w/SfiY Fcir SfabOnG/ExFlr: 201.0 Cool AirflowRoof: 0.0 Cool Airflw W/Sfty Fc-tor ' Skylight: 0.0 Cooling CheckWaff: 221.5 Cool Ched( W/SftY Fclr Wall Glass: 9.5 Heat AirflowPartition: 258.5 Heat Airfiw W/Sfty Fctr 2,075.0 Btuh 2,075.0 Btuh 134 cfin 134 cfrn 0.67 cfn/ft2 0.67 cfrn/fr2 134 cfrnWdn 150 Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Coollng coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 18 Outslde Air: OADE: 73WB: 55 RELHUM: 35.8o4 Cooling Goll Peak Heating Coil Peak ( Btuh ) ( Btuh I l%l 0.00 0.00392.32 392.32 392.32 17.56 0.00 0.000.00 0.0016.16 16.16-10.37 -10.37-324.16 -324.16 -57 .02 -57 .02 ( Btuh I (olol 0.00 0.00 -339.96 -'t,041.05 -375.34 -1 ,206.00 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Conduc'ted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFh 2,058.04 2,058.(X0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.0071.8s 71.850.00 0.00a7.37 87.370.00 0.00 INTERML LOADS Lights People Misc Sub Total MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidifioation lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Rel. Fen Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.00 2,234.19 2,234.19 2,2U19 2,2v.19 ' Load Express: Load Calculation t"*"O Vorsion 2.2 Peak Load Summary Feaft Load summaryZone 2 - Attemauve 1 31 Bedroom Kesroence Areas ( fi2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFh: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Parlition: Space Sens Load 122.0 Spc Sens Ld WSfly Fc{r 122.0 Gool Airflow0.0 Cool Airflw WSfty Fclor0-0 Cooling Check 264.5 Cool Check W/Sfry Fctr'16.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fclr 1,904.4 Bluh 1,9(H.4 Btuh 123 c'fm 123 cfm 'l .O1 drnlfrz 1 .01 dtntlftz 123 cfrn 135 ctrn t4t Heatlng Coll Peak Oulside Air: OADB: Coollng Coll Peak Poaked at Tlme: Mo/Hr: 7 Outside Air: OADB: Wts: RELHUM: -28 t15 78 58 34.0o/o Cooting Coil Peak Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/E)iFlr ( Btuh ) ( Btuh I (%) 0.00 0.00238.54 238.54 ( Btuh ) (%l 0.00 0.000.00 0.0023.86 23.8q-25.26 -25.240.00 0.00-70.28 -70.?8 1,249.16 1,24514930.00 420.000.00 0.00 INTERML LOADS Lights Paopl€ Misc -21 .41 130.290.00 0.000.00 0.0065.94 65.940.00 o.(xl80.18 80.18-9.77 -9.77 -3,257.18 -9s8.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mtsc LoAos Outside Air Humldificatlon lnfiltralion Sup. Fen Heat R6t. Fan Heat Ducl Heat Pkuo Exhaust Heat 2,460.96 2,102.68 2,,160.96 2,'101ffi -6,733.77 :f,407.14 Heating Coil Peak "" Loio Express: Load calculation sob Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary reat( Load summary - Alternatlve I ResldenceZone 3 33 Bath-Laundry ArsaB ( ft2 ) Space Sens Load 690.0 Btuh Heatlng Coll PoakFfoor: 55.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fctr 690.0 Btuh Outside Air: OADB: -28SlabOnG/ExFlr: 55.0 Cool Airflow 45 cftnRoof: 0.0 Cool Airflw w/Sfty Fc{or 45 cfn Coollng Coll PeakSkyfight: 0.0 Cooling Check 0.81 cfrn/ft2 Peaked atTim6: Mo/hlr: 7 I 20Wall: 66.0 Cool Check w/Sfty Fctr 0.81 cfrn/ft2 Outside Air: OADB: 67 Wall Glass: 0.0 Heat Airflow 45 cfin vVB: 52Partition: 137 .5 Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fc'tr AS' dm RELHUM: 41.1o/o 5o Coollng Coll Peak Heatlng Coil Peak ( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) l'/,1 rgar I or o€ns rercnl aI rat( Btuh ) l%l ENVEL9I'ts L(JAUU Solat Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,--qu!-Iota!-- Conduc{ed Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partitlon SlabOnG/ExFh 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 27 .39 27.39-172.43 -172.43-9.64 -9.64 0-Q9_________9.0q 0.00 0.00 0.00 -310.20 -199.65 -330.00 Sub Total -154.67 -154.47 -20.82 -839.85 100.00 INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 750.86 750.860.00 0.0093.86 93.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total u4.72 844.72 1L3.€g 0.o0 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification lntiltration SuD. Fan Heet Ret. Fan Heat Duc't Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.0023.89 23.890.00 0.0029.05 29.050.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total =--szs- 523- 7.13 o.o0 0.00 OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 743.00 743.00 743.00 743.00 -839.85 -92s.84 ".,Loed Express: Load Calculation ""*L Job Description: Building Owner: 'Program User: Commenls: Program was Run: Dataset Name: Dorrance Residence Lot 3, Block 7 Vail Village 18 Ganick S. Stone Heal Loss & Gain 06/19/20&t 4:38:(X PM C:\CDS\LOADEXP\DATAWAIL\DORNCESA. LE Version 2.2 Title Page OFFICE COPY Allernatve Kestdence Geographlcal DataLocalion: Vail, Colorado Weather File: Vail, ColoradoLatitude: 39 degElevation: 8.150 ft Deslgn Data Summer Dsn Dry Bul Summer Dsn Wet Bul \Mnter Design Dry Bu Density-Sp Hcat Prod Design Simulation p€ 82.0 deg F 60.0 deg F -28.0 deg F 0.8143 Btu-min(hrft3-F) Jan To Dec Bulldlng Peak Data Month/Hour: Cooling Capacity: Cooling Sensible: Sensible Heat Ratio (S Heating Capacit Jul / 1558.4 Mbh54.5 Mbh 0.933-94.1 Mbh [",*_L1s | Dgle wo f L,Lt,.u ,nua . ff-..r{. lo" J ,^ ,-',u,A1/t;-'^o E ro (.,E ilF 5 NhsgE SH$g |odr(\t€cnE+'.tcid aa? arttocto)o)@octdct- NG Eo tIo .'e ** EEs tt .s $H E * fi3 o(, l'c oo(, .coooo:t F ol ltl (\lfi83E3|r,ttoqdai.jro r.' a\t - €R88R6g:SgtFc'cI oo- r,i si .:rrr(oc)F 4llJ oYC()YE|. s3"33 gEEST E6@()o! ?r I coror* E;SSHE dd.tE --'5r E> .rtse ff cE-Eo qlJct 5 E fr *$g$ B fr '$$t 'lI*i,jtE -,-. Fg$3F EAE?'3F6@(J()I Ft o |!c o 5qEqE.=oi:5>E 3 !6I el!-cooco 6 =.Jii(.tttat3 ?lioECI lu !,o3 Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary PeEK Load Summary - Altornatve I Kesldence Air HEnd 1 FCU-3 lrcas ( ff2 ) Space Sens Load 26,938.5 Btuh Heatlng Coll PeakFloor: 1,263.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfry Fctr 26,938.5 Btuh Outside Ah: OADB: -28 SfabOnG/ExFh: 375.0 Cool Airflow 1 ,741 dmRoof: 1,651.0 Cool Airflw WSfry Fctor 1 ,741 &n Cooling Coll PeakSkylight: 0.0 Cooling Check 1.38 c]lln/ft2 Peeked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I SWall: 1,233.3 Cool Chack W/Sfty Fctr 1.38 ctu/ft2 Outside Air: OADB: 62 Wall Glass: 321.3 Heat Airflow 1 ,741 dm WB: 49 Partition: O.O Heat Airftw W/Sffy Fctr !P+d 6^ RELHUM: 44.8% lgqk Coollng Coil Peak Heating Coil Peak tout Loao )ens Loag( Btuh I ( Btuh I r€rcnl oT I oI l'/"1 ( Btuh ) l"l,l ENVELOPEIOADS_- Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar-EuEToEt- - 0.00 0.008,388.20 8,388.20--_-T.366.20 a:es.zo ts39 0.00 0.00--- -T-o-il ----TI0 Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFk 0.00 0.00-265.97 -265.97627.16 627.16161.70 161.700.00 0.00-197.38 -197.38 0.00 -5,118..l0 -10,900.40 -5,706.08 0.00 -2,250.00 Sub Total 325.51 325.51 0.99 -23.974.6Q ____ jl6-?9_ INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Mlsc 12.931.90 12.931.909.300.00 4,200.00332.77 332.77-' -2L564.60 17.,46450--38.31- - 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidilication lnfiltration Suo. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duc{ Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat -214.12 1,302.870.00 0.000.00 0.00932.76 932.700.00 0.001,134.25 1,13/..25-97.72 -97.72 -32,571.80 -9,585.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total r.zss.ra --5fr277 5.31 4?'157 .20 63.75 OVruNDR Slzing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 33,033.50 29,450.50 33,033.50 29,450.50 -66,131.70 -72,744.90 'Load Express: Load Calculalion t"*l Verslon 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peak Load summary Air Hand 4 - Attemafive I FCU-7 Kestoence Ar€as ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFk: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Spaco Sens Load295.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfiy Fctr0.0 Gool Airflow0.0 Cool Airflw WSfty Fclor0.0 Cooling Check0.0 Cool Check W/Sfly Fc{r0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw w/Sfty Fclr 10,527.4 Btuh 10,527.4 Btuh 680 cfrn 680 cfrn 2.31 c-tmlftz 2.31 c-ffinz 680 cfrn /&ffi .150 Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Tlme: Mo/Flr: 1 I 1 Outside Air: OADB: 12lAlB: I RELHUM: 55.7Yo ( Btuh ) ll"l Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Sub Total Conducled Skyllght Roof Glass Wall Partitlon SlabOnG/ExFlr INTERNAL LOADS MISC LOADS Outside Air Humldification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duci Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat Sub Total OV/UNDR Sizirlg Coollng Coil Peak Heatlng Coil Peak 't I,335.20 1 ,|,335.20 't 1,335.20 I 1,335.20 ' !o?d Express: Load Calculation a"*L Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary P6aL toadtiummary - Altematlve 1 KesidenceZone 6 105 Kitchen Ar.as ( ff2 ) Space Sens Load 9,913..| Btuh Heatlng coll PeakFfoor 250.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fctr 9,913.1 Btuh Oubide Air: OADB: -28StabOnG/ExFlr: 0.0 Cool Airflow 641 cfinRoof: 0.0 CoolAirflw W/Sfty Fc{or 641 cfm Coollng coll PeakSkyfight: 0.0 Cooling Check 2.56 dmlft2 Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 1 I 1 Walf : 0.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr 2.56 drnlftz Oulslde Air: OADB: 12 Wall Glass: 0.0 Heat Airflow 641 cfrn WB: IPartition: 0.0 Heat Airflw WSfiy Fctr 705 cfn RELHUM: 55.7o/o Cooling Coil Peak Heating Coil Peak totat Loao sens Loaq rarcnl or tor( Btuh I ( Btuh I (ltl rga|{ rar oeos Fercnt or lal( Btuh I l%l ENVETOPEIOAI'5 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total - OIo- ---030 --- Ooo 0.00 0.00 Conduc,ted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFh 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.o0 INTERML LOAOS Lights People Misc 3,413.00 3,413.000.00 0.006.500.06 6.500.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total MISC LOADS Outsido Ah Humldification lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Du61 H6at Pkup Exhaust Heat -33i3-o-6=-]313ft-EZ6- 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00u3.25 343.250.00 0.00417.39 417.390.00 0.00 _ 0.q0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total - 76-34 760.64 7.13 0.00 0.00 OVruNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 10,673.70 10,673.70 10,673.70 10,673.70 0.00 0.00 '' Load Express: Load Calculation **l Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary reax Loas summafyZone 7 - Atlemauve 'l 1OO Pantry r(estqence A]€as ( Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Root: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: fr2) 45.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SDace Sens Load Spc Sens Ld WSny Fch Cool Airflow Cool Aimw W/Sfty Fctor Cooling Check Cool Check w/Sfiy Fc{r Heat Airffow Heat Airtlw W/Sfiy Fdr 614.3 Btuh 614.3 Btuh 40 cfrn40 cfTl 0.88 ctn/ft2 0.88 cfrn/ft2 40 ctn .4{'dn' 45 Heating Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 coollng coll Peak Poaked at Tlm6: Mo/Hr: 1 I 1 oulside Air: oADB: 12WB: 9RELHUM: 55.7olo Cooling Goll Peak Heatlng Coil Peak I olar Loao DBns Loao rercnl oI I oI( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) l%l rean | 9t oeos retcn[ oI I oI( Btuh ) l%l ENVELOPE LOADS Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ___ riub Total Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total INTERML LOADS Lights People Misc 0.00-- s.00 qQo 614.34 614.340.00 0.000.00 0.q) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 614.U 614.U 92.87 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Alr Humidification lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Rel. Fan Heat Duc-t Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 21 .27 21 .270.00 0.0025.87 25.870.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 47.14 47.14 7.13 0.00 0.00 OVAJNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Faclor 661.48 661.48 661.48 661.48 0.00 0.00 j . Load Express: Load Calculation a"*l Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peak Load summary - Alterna[ve 1 Kesrd€nceZone 8 107 Bar Ar€as ( fi2 ) Space Sens Load 2,774.0 Bluh Heatlng Coll PeakFfoor: 195.0 Spc Sens Ld WSfly Fclr 2,774.0 Btuh Outside Ah OADB: -28 SlabOnG/ExFh: 195.0 CoolAirflow 179 cftnRoof: 176.0 CoolAirflw WSffy Fctor 179 cfrn Coollng Coll PeakSkylight: 0.0 Cooling Check O.9Z dmnz Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 15 Waff : 232.3 Cool Check WSfty Fclr 0.92 cfmlft2 Outside Air: OADB: 78 Wall Glass: 67.8 Heat Airtlow 179 cfrn WB: 58Panitbn: 0.0 Heat Alrflw w/Sfiy Fctr tF ^*^ RELHUM: 34.Ool" .Lg" Cooling Coil Peak Heating Coll Peak ( Btuh) ( Btuh) l%l rga|( | oI DenS retcnt oI I oI( Btuh ) (%l tsNVELUI'E LUAUS Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solat 0.00 0.00162.63 162.e3 0.00 0.00 sub Total Conduc'ted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFk 162.63 1e.63 , -5.44 - 0.00 0.002.59 2.59335.41 335.4156.28 56.280.00 0.00-112.U -112.34 . 0.00 _ 0.00 0.00 -545.60 -2,258.84 -1,068.35 0.00 -1,170.00 Sub Total INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc _ 281.95_ 281.95 9. 1,996.61 1,996.810.00 0.00332.77 332.77 -5,082.79 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 sub Total -2,32s37 2,329.i Tl.sg 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Ak ' Humidificetion lntiftretion Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duc{ Heat Pkup Exhausl Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.0096.05 96.050.00 0.00116.80 116.800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ---21ris 212.65 r.13 0.00 0.00 OV/UNDR Sizlng 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 2,986.80 2,986.80 2,986.80 2,986.80 -5,082.79 -5,591.06 "Loed Express: Load Calcutation SoftwO Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary eeZone 9 108 Dining Areas ( fi2 ) Space Sens Load 5,62i.6 Btuh Heatlng Coll Peak Floor: 180.0 spc sens Ld wsfty Fctr 5,621 .6 Btuh Outslde Air: OADB: -28 SlabOnG/ExFlr: 180.0 Cool Airflow 363 cfrn Roof: zU.O Cool Airflw WSny Fclor 363 cfrn Coollng coll Peak skyfight: o.o cooling check 2.02 dmlftz Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 16 witt: 386.5 Cool Check WSfty Fctr 2.02 dmnz outsido Air: OADB: 77 Wall Glass: 97.5 Heat Airflow 363 cftn WB: 58 Partition: 0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfry Fc{r -400 cfrn RELHUM: U.1o/o t'il? Cooling Coll Peak Heating Coll Peak { Btuh ) ( Bruh ) (%) rear I or D€ns retgnr or I ot( Btuh , ('/"1 ERVET.OPFIOAT'5- Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.003,564.99 3,564.99 0.00 0.00 _€ublotal - Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr @ 0.00 0.0039.51 39.51 230 .77 230 .7728.36 28.360.00 0.00-85.04 -85.04 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 -818.40 -3,308.29 -1 ,81 1.02 0.00 -1 ,080.00 Srrh T6lel 23.60 - 21530-- 353 -7.017.71 100.00 INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 1,843.02 1 ,843.020.00 0.000.00 o.fl) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Srrh Tolal l.e433t- r J4-332 ==502-0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humiditicetlon lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fen Heat Duc{ Heet Pkup Exhaust Heat (:rrh ?/rtel 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00194.65 194.650.00 0.00236.70 236.700.00 0.00 4si.3s - 43TF -m - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00--.3- -----T30 OVruNDR Sizing 0.00 o.(xl 0.00 Grand Total WSaGty Fac,tor 6,052.97 6,052.97 6,052.97 6,052.97 -7,O17 .71 -7 ,719.48 . ".Load Express: Load. Calculation Soft$,O Areas ( fi2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFk: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partitlon: Ve6ion 2.2 Peak Load Summary Zone 10 109 Living Room sDace Sens Load 510.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfry Fcir0.0 Cool Airflow 660.0 Cool Airflw W/Sfry Fc{or0.0 Cooling Check 366.5 Cool Check W/Sfiy Fclr83.5 Heat Aimow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfiy Fctr 11,141.3 Btuh.|1,141.3 Btuh 720 cfm 720 6m 1.41 cfrr'lfrz 1.41 dmlf,2 720 cfrn7P ct'r' 180 Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Ah: OADB: -2A Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 15 Outside Air: OADB: 7gWB: 58 RELHUM: 34.OYo Gooling Coll Peak Heating Coil Peak ( Btuh I ( Btuh | (%)( Btuh ) l%lENVbL9PE LOAUS Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar' --stb Total- - -- - 0.00 0.00522.02 522.02ar.6/ mE -t.26 0.00 0.00---.' 0i0 -l.oo- Conduc-ted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Padition SlabOnG/ExFh 0.00 0.00-10.55 -10.55 221 .15 221 .15226.62 226.620.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -2,046.00 -2,833.25 -1,685.90 0.00 0.00 Sub Total INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc _437.21 W-2I___J,73 5,221.89 5,221.899,300.00 4,200.000.00 0.00 €.565.15 13.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 Su! Total MISC LOADS Outside Ak Humidification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan H€at Ducl Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 14_521.90 9,421.89 90.62 -214.12 1,302.870.00 0.000.00 0.00385.77 385.770.00 0.00469.11 469.11 -97 .72 -97 .72 0.00--li0 -32,571.80 -9,585.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 5l3J,i z,o603t 439 OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Fector 16,024.20 12,441.2Q 16,024.20 12,4412Q 48,722.30 -53,594.60 : : : Load Express: Load Calculation S"*L Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary PeaK Load Summary Zone 11 - A[emauve 1 1 10 TV Lounge Kesroence Areas ( fr2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFh: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space sens Load 378.0 Spc Sens Ld WSffy Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow 551.0 Cool Airflw WSfiy Fctor0.0 Cooling Check 248.0 Cool Check WSfty Fctr7?.5 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw WSfly Fclr 401.7 401.7 478 478 1.?7 1.27 474rgD Bluh Bluh cfin cfin cfmlftz dmn2 cfrn cfn Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Ah: OADB: -28 Cooling Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I I outside Ak: oADB: 62WB: 49 RELHUM: 44.8o/o Heating Coll Peak -5,308.91 -5,839.80 Grand Total Wsafety Faclor 7,969.58 7,969.58 Cooling Goil Peak 7,969.58 7,969.58 Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabonG/ExFlr INTERNAL LOADS Llghts People Misc 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00256.29 256.290.00 0.00311.65 3.|1.e50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification lnfiltralion SuD. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duc{ Heat Pkup Exhaust H€al ,, Logd Expr$s: Load Calculation Softriv Deslgn Data Summer Dsn Dry Bul Summer Dsn Wet Bul Winter Design Dry Bu Density-Sp Heat Prod Design Simuletion pe 82.0 deg F 60.0 deg F -28.0 deg F 0.8143 Btu-min(hr-ft3'F) Jan To D€c Peak Data Month/Hour: Cooling Capacity: Cooling Sensible: Sensible Heat Ratio (S Heating Capacit Version 2.2 Title Page Jut / 1s49j Mbh53.4 Mbh 1.086-1q68 Mbh I e0 General Job Job Description: Building Owner: Program User: Comments: Program was Run: Dataset Name: ' Dorrance Residence Lot 3, Block 7 Vail Village 1a Garick S. Stone Heat Loss & Gain 06/19/20Gr 4:21:58 PM CICDS\LOADEXP\DATAWAI L\DORNCESA. LE Geographlcal DataLocation: Vail, Colorado Weather File: Vail, ColoradoLatitude: 39 deg Elevation: 8,150 ft -Mr.,iq L..* | Alr+s - 4 r,.'r a.,l uv,rs - 61J".^,,, r.,13 $.. I- toolil 'ul t tanot'ta'z - N,-,J, e , t" tr n^l rrl k'...l,* m.r q O l?oo.Fry\I ytol p'"pu t"-J ,.'! /,.1,i.1 s""i"rt,t, -d-1r-r-.- - B*t ( {/ttr-u 3T - Dr 1.2 tP+1htSr - kr c.rrrrr e flhQ3a / ''atA - F*.1 D,Ar. alA -IowI t Logd Exprws: Load Calculation S*l o D,etcrlptlons Version 2.2 ZonclAir Handler Descrlptions ZonclAir Hqndler Allemsuve - I KegtqencE Alr Handler Typo1 CONSTANT2 CONSTANT3 CONSTANT' 1,' OrsrAir type Commercial Retail Commerdd Rotall Conrmerdal Ratall Commercial Retail Commorcial Retall eilrriU!ilRd.il, Cmsrhl Rctrll , Commerclal Ratail Comrflerdal Retall Commercial Retall Commercial Retall Commorcial Retall Commerdal Rehil Commercial Retail Drtcdptlon FCU€ FCU.4 FCU.5 F1Bu-7 D.tcrlptlon l(X) Stah 101 Foycr 102 Powder 103 Skl Hut 104 Laundry tGltr ren' 1oofrnty 107 Bar lO8 Dlnlng 109 LMng Room I 10 TV Loungg 111 Gallcry 113 Porder #2 ll5 Library Zonr 1 2 3 4 5 cc !4V II 10 11 12 13 14 tf,€pC'E.c (,oxo lllz *ootoo!io9oO.cOO!tOooocidctcici o E oooooooc) oooooooo ooooooot-N o =F6 9g EEE:t:'ig .s _|p<(L aL o-do o oo 2 Et6,Fg g .c .c 4,E E.9.q .9.9' .9JJ JJ J | (t (o rro (., rO lJ) (', ('tr(too(tooaatoroooooooo oFFro(\l@@Nl.- FOlclrFtt(r-- g: gss *t ot tr E ur-dgddgo $g$EiflE3EET8oouratt6E .o 5g;Eg.t(!c f$.b9 E8 xxxxxxxxF(O@Gl-aONO v, tt, u,U' U' U'<JJ<JJ<trdSSdggdg ot €t! U' oo C" .Ep(! ttt l! s .9 co E i5.- cr- E F..!. F ttt $ 8.8 ._ El E 5* =F Ot,i B.t F o cl o op s o C'c -9o o a)ot! .9ogH€€Ef;f€ .EE F t 6ftbb Y6EF -3'E88oo-o-888: 9nA .Hciocj(tr1E-e fr u g'g*8FsEE,s * E$EEg3EsEfi #lsgg;-F€EEE CDc (UoI!tcoo,.Es8ooo(J -O CL ....F ,, hBsA* EEc'd,;5 =gl c- E 5 E Eq -e,g I €'o-o-dl o).E'do 3o6o otcJ.c. c 0.tooo!co()c iio..tooo.EFg) (')tc Eg.9.S)JJ E6 ..(ro1t.. JF9? o-9-e6p..-o=€i:E.;.. ;i E 8.gE g EEEFg#_=tr,tIE FiBEE,Ef; 3399_ ar _u \ v., -r o: ol cr o-9i P,o o o o t! lrJ llJ UJ EEEFFFP-CCCE EEc,(sd)F-OO qo Eid.=trt- i- .. c O)qU-'-._EE(' !PXOooooSoto)0)EcEcc'€E€q) = :f :f .:='dldt(D(J oo F 3 €rEE Efifi:: GE.tr€ F$gEEE eN-s-Es gfFEE .tu =rEFsfi€EEEEE 8€' 5E--fP=-8 .ggs33 $€$ FFEE;8$ ! 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Ei EiEF E8E8E8E8ESEPP xxxxxxxxxxxxx Ol (o (\l aO (\l (O Ol (O Ol F (\l F F out.Doo.r,vttnaauroritirirgri$pp ot €(! o ct ot =CI at o -go :s c.9 ct i5._ o. E F" -F ED$e€ o- F..< d ,J-ar R .q tn i: ooo. at .9 o i5 s c,o q)(L E()(\I o'T6+l+55: cq oo 3 c.9 (s =oE{h,:oE8^T:EgH * 8 H4€ - 5-x=go rF.F .._ r._ o llJ -1. fF _o o@o1rlr_o .'.6 SJ.E -rr-- O.. 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F = c\lrEr.E *en ---- 'j oah F iF iE .F (EZE .-: N:Ps-8..g .t8.9:q g ,,flr .:E E ..=E0.0.9 :H -E.9.98fi-- z' X - 5 -dt'iD r\r d - s E.H5 EESEF58 E s*$ Fsef;eP lt- cDoo o!.st,(!Go Cg C)ot.st|!Eat, o-gos c.9oco .Eo.- cLE'E<.6 lXo+ct-o b-F<.o ,1 CL =F ooc! 3U' c,.9opo a c,oec,TL .9o() oo.!u-5 ot .E'6(t =o6-o o)c =E coooooc |U(-,c o. (-, Afl€€Eff€rEE ,q H 6Hbb Y(t)- ,g) -SP88o.iggsC Sctci Hdoc;;** 5<E fr EilfigggFggE t',i o(\tl!gO.9qpa -og?o coN o 9l g g 9sJsJEc'l-fr.Bg=sjHEsE ,, ,,ts?55-gg g or or eto@€ sS 6to(\totoro ooooFIr,F E-tr) OO OP" cio doo ;,-o ,,cooo.:.> cD o)CC EEo) ctJJ o6 .. 0(.. jEe €.. E jei5o.-€q€dE.u ;E8.HEgEEEBCE;Fqiq Etf,**fr*FFFF sEgepFFCggE oCl. 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E E E(!tlE.oa .9 -gtoE ttooJ u Eo. ulut! 3 ', Lo,ad Expr$s: Load Calculatlon t"*L Version 2.2 P6ak Load Summary Peal( Load Summary Air Hand 1 - Alternauve 1 FCU.3 Kestoence Ar€as ( fi2 ) Floor: SlabonG/ExFh: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Well Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 1,263.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfly Fctr 375.0 Cool Airflow 1,65'l .0 Cool Airllw WSfty Fclor0.0 Cooling Check 1,233.3 Cool Check WSny Fc{r 321.3 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fclr 22,738.5 Btuh 22,738.5 Btuh 1,470 c-fm 1,470 clm 1 .16 c'rnlftz,|.16 cftn/frz 1,470 dmW'dn N\F Heatlng Coil Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 9 Outside Air: OADB: 62WB: 49 RELHUM: 41.8% Cooling Coil Peak ( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) (%) 0.00 0.0010.078.90 10.078.90 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 0.00 0.00-623.04 €23.04388.83 388.83-173.47 -173.470.00 0.00-197.38 -197.38-bo5o6- -66'5I- tlz 12.931.90 '12,931.90 0.00 0.00332.77 332.77 MISC LOADS Outrside Air Humldlfication lnfiltration Sup. Fan Hoat Ret. Fan Hoal Duc't Heat Pkup Exhausl Heat OVruNDR Sizing 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00757.33 787.330.00 0.00957.41 957.410.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24 .483 .20 24,483 .20 24.483.20 24.483.20 -23,974.60 -26,372.OO Load Express: Load Calculation t"*L Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary PeaK Load Summary Air Hand 2 - Alterna$ve 1 FCU4 KestdencE Areas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFh: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 779.7 Spc Sens Ld WSfiy Fclr0.0 CoolAirflow 453.0 Cool AirfhY WSf,y Fctor0.0 Coollng Check 692.5 Cool Check W/Sfiy Fch 41 .5 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fclr 8,749.8 Btuh 8,749.8 Btuh 566 cftn 566 cfrn 0.73 drnln2 O.73 cf,tnnz 566 cfrn A2t dn tolS Heatlng Goll Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Cooling Coll Peak Peeked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 18 Oulside Air: OADB: 73Wts: 55 RELHUM: 35.8o/o Coollng Coil Peak ( Btuh ) ( Btuh I l%l 0.00 0.002,128.40 2,',128.40 0.00 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Conduc{ed Skyllght Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr SuEToEl - INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification lnliltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Dud Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.00195.87 195.8738.85 38.864.57 4.570.00 0.000.00 0.00 5,182.11 5,182-110.00 0.001,200.01 1,200.01 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00302.97 302.970.00 0.00368.41 368.410.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsatsty Fac'tor 9,421.19 9,421.19 s,421.19 9,421.19 , Load Express: Load Calculation a"U Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary P6aK Load Summary - Alternatlve 1 Kesrdenco AhHand 3 FCU-S Areas ('fr2 ) Spece Sens Load 8,403.0 Btuh Heatlng Coil PeakFloor: 331.0 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fctr 8,403.0 Btuh Outside Air: OADB: -28 SlebOnG/ExFh: 20.0 CoolAirflow 543 cfinRoof: 481.6 Cool Airflw W/sfiy Fclor 543 cfrn coollng coil PeakSkyfight: 0.0 Cooling Check 1.64 cfm/ff2 Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 | 11Wafl: 467.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fc{r 1.64 dmlft2 Outside Air: OADB: 69 Wall Glass: 106.0 Heat Airflow 543 cfm WB: 53Partition: 240.0 Heat Airfhv W/Sfiy Fclr t97 cfrn RELHUM: 38.2oh 0'c0 Cooling Coil Peak Heating Goil Peak I OIat LOaA DeItS LOaq FetCI|I Or I Ot( Btuh I ( Btuh ) (%)( Btuh ) (%', ENVELOPFIOAT'5 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.004,618.53 4,618.53 0.00 0.00 ___rsub Total __ Conduc{ed Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFk d618.53 4,618.53 55.48 _ 0.00 0.00-183.14 -183.14-7.93 -7.93-210.94 -210.9469.12 69.120.00 0.00 _ 0.00 0. 0.00 -1,492.96 -3,596.70 -2,149.60 -253.44 -l ,620.00 Sub Total -332.89 -332.89 -4.00 -9.112.10 68. INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 3,052.3s 3,052.35930.00 420.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 3.982.35 3.172.36 47.84 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Ah Humidificatlon lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Rel. Fan Heat Duct H€al Pkup Exhaust Heat---gu6-otal- -578.24 -159.600.00 0.000.00 0.00290.96 290.960.00 0.00353.81 353.81-9.77 -9.77-E t ----775-f0 ---l-il -3,257.18 -958.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Zfr6E TTEil OVruNDR Sizing 0.000.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 8,324.74 8,233.38 8,324.74 8,233.38 -13,328.40 -14,661.30 'Load Express: Load calculation *U VeFlon 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peak Load Summary Air Hand 4 - Alternatve 1 FCU.7 Kesloence AtBas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: sDace Sens Load 295.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fc{r0.0 Cool Airflow0.0 Cool Airflw W/sfry Fctor0.0 Cooling Check0.0 Cool Check W/Sfly Fctr0.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw WSfly Fc,tr 10,527.4 Btuh 10,527.4 Btuh 1,240 dm 1,240 cfrn 4.20 dtmtftz 4.20 dmfil2 1 ,240 c{m i1364 cfin \\1lo Heatlng Coll Peak Outslde Ah: OADB: -28 Goollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 1 I 1 Outside Ak: OADB: 12WB: 9 RELHUM: 55.7o/o Cooling Coil Peak ( Btuhl ( Btuh ) l%l 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 4,027 .34 4,027.310.00 0.006.500.06 6.500.06 Conducied Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidificatign lnfiltration sup. Fan Heat Rel. Fan Heat Dud Heat Pkup ExhaBt Heat -635.57 3,224.610.00 0.000.00 0.00664.13 664.130.00 0.m807.59 807.590.00 0.00 -126,472.00 -139,119.00 1 1 ,363.50 15,223.70 1 1,363.50 1s,223.70 'Load Express: Load Calculatlon t"U Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peal( Load summaryZone 1 - Altemative 1 100 Stair Resldonce Ar6as ( Floor: SlabOnG/ExFh: Roof: Skyllght: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: r|2) zza.u 0.0 70.0 0.0 220.5 10.5 0.0 Space Sens Load Spc Sens Ld w/Sffy Fclr Cool Airflow Cool Airflw W/Sfty Fc,tor Cooling Check Cool Check W/Sfty Fcir Heat Airflow Heat Airflw w/Sffy Fctr 557.6 Btuh 557.6 Btuh 36 cftn 36 c{m 0.16 cfrn/ft2 0.16 cfin/flz 36 cfrntg cfl;]' a€ Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: Cooling Goll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 Outside Air: OADB: IA/B: RELHUM: t18 73 55 35.80/o Grand Total WSafety Fac{or 600.35 600.35 600.35 600.35 Heating Coil Peak -1,609.63 -1,770.59 ( Btuh ) ( Btuh I V.l 0.00 0.00500.34 500.34 ( Etuh I lV;) ENVEIOPELOATXT Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Conduc{ed Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partitlon SlabOnG/ExFlr INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS Outside Ah Humidification lnfillration Sup. Fan H6at Ret. Fan Heat ouc{ Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Lo.ad Expr$s: Load Calculation t"U Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary PeaK Load SummaryZone 2 - Altemative 1 101 Foyer Resrdence Arcas ( fr2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Well: Wall Glass: Partition: Spac€ Sens Load 127.0 Spc Sens Ld w/Sfty Fc{r0.0 Cool Airflow0.0 Cool Airth/v W/Sfry Fc{or0.0 Cooling check150.0 Cool Check W/Sffy Fctr5.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airfh,v W/Sfty Fctr 1,748.0 Btuh 1,748.0 Btuh 113 cftn 113 cfrn 0.89 cfrn/ff2 0.89 cfrn/n2 113 cfrn 124 dm trD Hsatlng Coll P6ak Oubide Air: OADB: Coollng Goll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: Outside Air: OADB: WB: RELHUM: _28 7 t17 76 57 34.5o/o Cooling Coll Peak 0.00 0.000.00 0.0019.21 19.21-14.85 -14.850.00 0.000.00 0.004.36 0.23 1,300.35 1,300.350.00 0.000.00 0.00 1,300.35 1.300.35 69.09 - ( Btuh ) l%') 0.00 Solar Skyllght Solar Gless solar Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFh 0.00 0.00 0.00 INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOAOS Outside Air Humidilication lntiltration Sup. Fan Heat R€t. Fan Heat Duc{ HeEt Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,882.16 1,882.16 1,882.16 1,882.16 Ver3ion 2.2 Peak Load Summary PCar Load SummaryZone 3 - Altema$ve 1 102 Powder KeSldence Areas ( Floor: slabOnG/ExFk: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: r'2) 33.0 0.0 70.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Space Sens Load Spc Sens Ld W/Sfiy Fctr Cool Airflow Cool Alrflw WSfly Fctor Cooling Gheck Cool Check WSfry Fclr Heat Airflow Heat Airflw W/Sfly Fctr 38.0 Btuh 38.0 Btuh2 cfm2dm o.07 d,rr.lfr2 0.07 ctm/fr22 ctm 7dn o Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Goollng Goll Peak Peaked at Tlme: Mo/Hr: 7 I 19 Outside Ah: OADB: 70WB: 54 RELHUM: 38.2o/o Cooling Coil Peak ( Btuh, ( Btuhl l''l,l ( Btuh I l%l 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.0036.86 36.860.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 36.86 36.86 90j2 Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Pertition SlabonG/ExFlr INTERML LOADS Lights P€opl€ Misc 0.00 -217.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhausl Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 1 .32 1.320.00 0.001.60 1.600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 0.00 40.90 40.90 40.90 40.90 Lo€d Express: Load Calculation So*Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary PeaK LOaO UummaryZone 4 . Atternauve 1 103 Ski Hut Resrdenco Ar€as ( n2 ) Floor SlabOnG/ExFlt: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load298.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fctt20.0 Cool Airflow 411.6 Cool Ai w w/Sfty Fc-tor0.0 Cooling Check 467.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr 106.0 Heat Airflow 240.0 Heat Airflw WSfty Fctr 8,365.0 Btuh 8,365.0 Btuh 541 cftn 541 cfrn 1.81 cfrn/fi2 1.81 dmlff2 541 cfrnSan 6co Heatlng Coll Peak Outsido Air: OADB: -28 Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 11 Outside Air: OADB: 69WB: 53 RELHUM: 38.2% Cooling Coll Peak 8,283.83 8,192.47 o.00 0.004,518.53 4,618.53 0.00 0.00-220.00 -220.00 -7 .93 -7 .93-210.94 -210.5469.12 69.120.00 0.00 ( Btuh ) (lol 0.00 -1,275.96 -3,596.70 -2,149.60 -253.44 -1,620.00 Solar Skylight Solir Glass Solar Conducied Skylight Roof Gless Wall Pan on SlabOnG/ExFlr 3,051 .22 3,051 ,22930.00 420.000.00 0.00 -578.24 -159.60o.00 0.oo0.00 0.00289.64 289.640.00 0.00352.21 352.21-9.77 -9.77 INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidmcafion lnfiltratlon Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duc-t Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat -3,257.18 -958.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -13,111.40 -14,422.608,283.83 8,192.47 Load Expr$s: Load Calculation Sor|rcv Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peal( Load summaryZone 5 - Afiemauve I 104 Laundry Kestoence Areas ( fi2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFh: Roof: Skyllght: Wall: Wall Glass: Partttion: crand Total Wsafety Faclor Space Sens Load 37.2 Spc sens Ld W/Sfty Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow0.0 Cool Airflw W/Sfiy Fctor0.0 Cooling Check70.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fc{r5.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfiy Fc{r 2,003.0 Btuh 2,003.0 Btuh 129 cfin 129 cfm 3.48 cl?n/fi2 3.48 clin/nz 129 cftntsffi t4D Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Ah: OADB: Coollng Coil P6ak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: Outside Air: OADB: WB: RELHUM: -28 10 t14 52 39 35.2% Heatlng Coil Peak 2,1ffi.70 2,156.70 2,156.70 2,156.70 Cooling Goll Peak ( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) l%l 0.00 0.00471.75 471 .75 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 4s.64 - =0 --2.il 1.200.01 1.200.01@o @@_ 0.00 0.00 -169.66 -322.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Oubide Air Humidilication lnfiltration Suo. Fan Heal Ret. Fan Heat Dud Heal Pkup Exhaust Heat Sub Total OV/UNDR Sizing Load Expr$s: Load Calculation So VeBlon 2.2 Peak Load Summary reax Loao JummaryZone 6 - Atfernauve 1 105 Kitchen Kearqence Ar€as ( ff2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Parlition: Spac€ Sens Load250.0 Spc Sens Ld w/Sffy Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow0.0 CoolAirf,w WSfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check0.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr0.0 Heet Airflow0.0 H6at Airtlw WSny Fctr 9,913.1 Btuh 9,913.1 Btuh 1,200 cfrn 1,200 cfin 4.80 cfrn/ff2 4.80 cfm/fi2 1,200 cfrn 1-,329 'drn \\'\t' Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: Coollng Coil Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 Oubide Air: OADB: \IVB: RELHUM: -28 t14 77 58 35.4% Cooling Coll Peak Solar Skylighl Solar Glass Solar Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFk INTERML LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS OuEide Alr Humidification lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Ducd Heat Pkup Exhausl Heat Btuh) ( Btuh) lY,l 0.00 0.000.00 0.(x) 0.00 0.00 0.00 ( Btuh ) ll"l -97 ,715.40 -28,756.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 €35.57 3,224.610.00 0.000.00 0.00642.86 fl2.860.00 0.00781.72 781.720.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,702j0 14,562.n 10,702.10 14,562.30 -126,472.00 -139,119.00 Grand Total Wsefety Fac{or . Load Express: Load Calculation tU Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peax Load uummary - Anemaflve 't KestoonceZone 7 106 Pantry Areas ( n2 ) Space Sens Load 614.3 Btuh H6atlng Coll PeakFfoor: 45.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fctr 614.3 Btuh Outside Alr: OADB: -28SlabOnG/ExFlr: 0.0 Cool Airflow 40 cfrnRoof: 0.0 Cool Airflw WSny Fctor 40 cfrn Coollng Coll PeakSkyfight 0.0 Cooling Check 0.88 cfm/ff2 Peeked at Time: Mo/Hr: 1 | 1Wall: 0.0 Cool Check W/Sfiy Fctr 0.88 cfrn/nz Outside Alr: OADB: 12 Wall Glass: 0.0 Heat Airflow 40 cfm WB: 9Panition: O.o Heat Airflw W/Sf,y Fc{r S{ An RELHUM: 55.70 $\$ Cooling Coll Peak Heating Coil Peak I olar Loao Jens Loao retc or I oI( Btuh l l Btuh l l%l r-eaK I oI iens l,ercnl oI tol( Btuh ) l"/,1 ENVELOPE LOADS Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total _ Conduc{ed Skylight Roof Glass Wall Parlition SlabOnG/ExFlr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc SuEToEf _ 0.0q . 0.09 614.34 614.340.00 0.000.00 0.00 ----6T4-1434-------T143/----E8 o_Qq_ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -o3d-- - 016- MISC LOADS . Outside Air Humidification lnfiltration Sup. Fen Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duc-t Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat--SnE Totat- - 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.0021.27 21.270.00 0.0025.87 25.870.00 0.00 - dT_-AT--77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00-n6--6rd-' OV JNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Feclor 661.48 661.48 661.48 661.48 0.00 0.00 Load Expr€ss: Load Calculation Sona U V€rsion 2.2 Peak Load Summary Feax Loao summaryZone I - Attemaltvg 1 107 Bar Kealoence Areas ( ft2 ) Floon SlabOnG/ExFh: Roof Skylight: Wall: Well Glass: Partition: Grand Total Wsafoty Factor Space Sens Load 195.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty F61i 195.0 Cool Airflow 176.0 Cool Airflw WSfiy Fclor0.0 Coollng Check232.3 Cool Chock W/Sfry Fclr67.8 Heat Airflow0-0 Heal Airflw w/Sfiy Fc{r Gooling Coll Peak 2,774.0 Etuh 2,774.0 Btuh 179 cfrn 179 c,fm O.92 drnlft2 0.92 cfm/fiz 179 cfrnEf dn PF Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Ah: OADB: Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Tim€: Mo/Hr: 7 Outside Air: OADB: l/t/B: RELHUM: -5,082.79 -5,591.06 -28 t15 78 58 34.Oo/o 2,986.80 2,986.80 2,986.80 2,986.80 162.63 162.63 5.44 0.00 0.002.59 2.59335.41 335.4156.28 56.280.00 0.00-112.34 -112.U Solar Skylighl Solar Glass Solar Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabonG/ExFh INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS oulside Ak Humidmcation lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat R6t. Fan Heat Dud Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 1,996.61 1,996.610.00 0.00332.77 332.77 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.m96.05 96.050.00 0.00116.80 116.800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 VeBion 2.2 Peak Load Summary PeaK LOaO SummaryZone I - Atrernauve 'l 108 Dining Kesroence Arcas ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabonG/ExFlr Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 180.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fctr 180.0 Cool Airflow 264-0 Cool Airflw W/Sfry Fclor0.0 Cooling Check 386.5 Cool Check W/Sfiy Fctr97.5 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfry Fctr 5,621.6 5,621.6 363 363 2.02 2.02 363ffi tT\T Btuh Btuh cfm cfm cffift2 dmlft2 cftn cftn Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Air OADB: -28 Coollng Coil Peak P6ak€d at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 16 Outside Ah: OADB: 77WB: 58 RELHUM: Uj% Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar _3t04€9__!q.s0 0.00 39.51 230.77 28.36 0.00 -85.(X =lEo 1,843.02 0.00 0.00 ( Btuh ) 0.00 €18.40 -3,308.29 -1,81 1.02 0.00 -1,080.00 -7.017.71 Conducled Skylight Roof elass watl Partition SlebOnG/ExFk INTERNAL LOADS Llghts People Misc 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00'194.65 19,1.650.00 0.00236.70 236.700.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humlditication lntiltralion SuD. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat -7,O17.71 -7,719.48 Cooling Coil Peak Heating Coil Peak 6,052.97 6,052.97 6,052.97 6,052.97 . Load Express: Load Calculation Sofrtt{L Vorsion 2.2 Peak Load Summary FeekTo-adsEmmery - Altemative 1 RosldenceZone l0 109 Living Room Areas ( fi2 ) SpaceSens Load 6,941.3 Btuh Heatlng Coil PeakFfoor: 510.0 Spc Sens Ld w/Sfly Fc{r 6,941.3 Btuh Outslde Air: OADB: -28 SlabOnG/ExFh 0.0 Cool Airflow 449 cfrnRoof: 660.0 CoolAirfhir W/Sfty Fcto|149 cfm Coollng Coll Peak Skyfight: 0.0 Cooling check 0.88 cfrn/ftz Peaked at l-ime: Mo/Hr: 7 | 10 Wall: 366.5 Cool Check W/Sfty Fctr 0.88 cfrn/ft2 Outside Air: OADB: 65 Wall Gfass: 83.5 Heat Airflow 44ty dtlt WB: 51 Partition: 0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfry Fctr /94 drn RELHUM: 41.6% J\F Cooling Coll Peak Heatlng Coll Peak ( Btuh I ( Btuh I llol FeaK I oI Jens rercnr or I oI( Btuh ) (%l INVEL(JPts LUAUS Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.002,212.72 2,212.72 0.00 0.00 Sub Total - 2,21272 2,212.12 29.0!0.00 0.00 Conduc'ted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition slabonG/EXFh 0.00 0.00-367.62 -387 .82-'17.19 -17.19-108.55 -108.550.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 -2,046.00 -2,833.25 -1,685.90 0.00 0.00 SU! Total_ _ INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc _4@ 5,221.89 5,221.890.00 0.000.00 0.00 6.565.15 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 su! Istal_ MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidmcation lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Ducl Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat _Jw 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00240.35 240.350.00 0.00292.26 292.260.00 0.00 _ 0.00 0.00_ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Srrh Tolel 532.61 s32.61 7.13 0.00 0.00 OV/UNDR Sizing 0.000.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsabty Faclor 7,473.86 7,473.86 7,473.86 7 ,473.86 -6,565.15 -7,221.67 , Load Express: Load calculation ""ft|l Ve6ion 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peal( Load summary - Alternatrve I Kesrdence Zone 1'l 110 TV Lounge Areas ( ftz ) Space S6ns Load 7,401.7 Btuh Heatlng Coll PcakFloor: 378.0 Spc Sens Ld WSlty Fcir 7,401.7 Btuh Outside Alr: OADB: -28SfabOnG/ExFlr: 0.0 Cool Airflow 478 c-fmRoof: 551.0 Cool Airflw WSfty Fctor 478 cfrn Coollng Coll PeakSkyfight: 0.0 Cooling Check 1.27 6mn2 Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 | IWaff: 248.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fclr 1.27 dmlft2 Outside Air: OADB: 62 Wall Glass: 72.5 Heat Airflow 478 cfm WB: 49Partition: o.o Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fctr pZ6 t " RELHUM: 44.8o/o ,r$P' Cooling Coll Peak Heating Coll Peak I o[at Loaq DeI|s Lgaq rqlcnt qr I9t( Btuh) ( Btuh I $l Fqa|( | or oers rer9nl aI r 0t( Btuh ) (Yol EI\IVELOPE LOADS Solar Skylight Soler Glass Solar 0.00 4.'138.56 0.00 0.00 Sub Tptal_ _ Conducted Skylight Roof Glasg Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFh 4,138.56 - 413!lq_5L93__ 0.00 0.00-297.52 -297.52-160.17 -160.17-149.56 -149,560.00 0.000.00 0.00 _ 0.00 0.00 0.00 I,708. r 0 -2,460.01 -1, 140.80 0.00 0.00 .Sub Total _ INTERNAL LOAOS Lights People Misc -607 .25 -607,25 _ -7.62 3,870.34 3,870.340.00 0.000.00 0.00 -5,308.91 100_9q 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 3,870.34 9,8?0.34 48.56 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidincation lnfilhation Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Ducl Hsat Pkup Exhaust Heal -StETo6- 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00258.29 254,290.00 0.00 31 1.65 31 1.850.00 0.00- ---56-733 ------507. 3--- Zs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00----i3-0----j-od OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Fac{or 7,969.58 7,969.58 7,969.58 7,969.58 -5,308.91 -5,839.80 .' Load Expr6ss: Load Calculation S"L VeBion 2.2 Peak Loed Summary @atrve 1 ResldonceZone 12 111 Gallery Areas ( ft2 ) Space Sens Loed 1,803.5 Btuh Heatlng Coll PeakFfoor: 175.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fclr 1,803.5 Btuh Oubide Air: OADB: -28 SlebOnG/ExFh: 0.0 CoolAirflow 117 cfrnRoof: 25.o Cool Airflw W/Sfry Fctor 117 c-tm coollng coll PeakSkylight: 0.0 Cooling check 0.67 cfm/ffz Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 21Wall: 0.0 Cool Check W/Sfly Fc{r 0.67 cfrn/nz Outside Air: OADB: 65 Waff Gfass: 0.0 Heat Airflow 117 drn I rB: 52 Partition: O.O Heat Airflw w/Sfty Fc{r N cln RELHUM: 45.5oh t10 Coollng Coll Peak Heatlng Coil Peak I olat Loao DenS Loaq rercfrr or I ar( Btuh ) ( Btuh l l%l rea^ | ot 0qr|5 retc||t ur t(,I( Btuh I lo/ol ENVEIOPE-ICTAT'T Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total Conduded Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 0.00 0.00 't |.69 11.690.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.00 -77.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - lclletaf INTERNAL LOADS Ltghts People Misc 1,791.83 1,791.830.00 0.000.00 0.00 -77.50 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SubTotal _ MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duci Heet Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.0062.45 62.150.00 0.0075.94 75.U0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total - 1383e ft8-39- 7T 0.000.00 OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 1,941 .91 1 ,941.91 1,941 .9,| 1 ,941.91 -77.50 -85.25 .' Load Express: Load Calculation ""*l Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peak Load SummaryZone 13 - Anemativo 1 113Pwder*2 KesldeFce Ar€as ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: SDace Sens Load49.5 Spc Sens Ld Wsfty Fctr0.0 Cool Airflow 108.0 Cool Airfiw W/sfty Fc{or0.0 Cooling Check63.0 Cool Check W/Sffy Fc'tr5.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fctr 141.0 Btuh 141.0 Btuh 9 cfrn9 ctrn 0.18 cftn/fi2 0.18 cftn/ff2 9 cfm 1da^ o -28 7 119 70 54 38.20h Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: Goollng Coll Peak P€aked at Time: Mo/Hr: Outside Air: OADB: WB: RELHUM: Cooling Goil Peak Btuh ) ( Btuh t l%l 67.69 67.69 44.59 _7160-- n{-77i- 0.00 0.00 0.00 ENVELEPELOAT'tr' Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar' conducied Skylight Roof Glass Wan Partltion SlabOnG/ExFlr INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 0.u) 0.00 0.00 0.u) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.004.88 4.880.00 0.005.94 5.940.00 0.00 Mtsc LoAos Outside Ak Humidmcafion lnftlt.ation Sup, Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duc{ Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 151.80 't 51.80 151.80 151.80 Grand Total Wsafoty Faclor .' l.o.ad Express: Load Calculation a*l Vorslon 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peak Load summary - Alternauve 'l Kesrdonce Zone 14 116 Library Arsas ( ff2 ) Space Sens Load 2,496.7 Btuh Heatlng Coil PeakFloor: 166.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfiy Fcir 2,496.7 Btuh Outside Ah: OADB: -28SlabOnG/ExFh: 0.0 CoolAirflow 161 cfnRoof: 250.0 CoolAirflw W/Sfty Fc{or 161 cfrn Cooling Coll PeakSkyfight 0.0 Cooling Check O.97 drnlft2 Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 18Wall: 189.0 Cool Check w/Sf,y Fc-tr 0.97 cfrn/fi2 Oulside Ah OADB: 73 Wall Gtass: 16.0 Heat Airflow 161 /dm l rB: 55Partition: 0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfly Fc{r )rt dn RELHUM: 35.80/6 1@ Coollng Coil Peak Heating Coll Peak I otat Loao lens Loao rercnr or ror( Btuh ) ( Btuh I $l rea[ | ot oglts rgt(;r|L 9I |9t( Btuh l l%lENVEIC'PEEOATIT Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.00u5.29 &15.29 0.00 0.00 SubTotal _ Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFk 645 .29 645.29 24 .O0 0.00 0.00 101 .44 101,4423.92 23.9226.37 26.370.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 _- _0.00 0.00 -775.00 -542.90 -879.30 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 151.73 151.73 5.64 -2.197.20 100.00 INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 1,699.67 1 ,699.670.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 1,699.67 1,699.67 6323 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification lnfiltration Sup. Fan Hoat Rot. Fan Heat Duc{ Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.0086.45 86.450.00 0.00105.12 105.120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total --tEi5--T0i:57 ----T:15 0.00 0.00 OVruNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 2,688.27 2,688.27 2,688.27 2,698.27 -2,197.20 -2,416.92 t ' Lrad Expr€$r: Load Calc|tlation Softsf Job Description: Building Owner: Program User: Comments: Program was Run: Dataset Name: Donance Residence Lot 3, Block 7 Vail Village 1E Ganick S. Stone Heal Loss & Gain o6/10120Gr 1:45:02 PM C :\C DS\LOADEXP\DATAWAI L\DORN Version 2.2 Trtle Page Town,.i, FIG',1 1{}P Al@maove KeSloence Goographlcal DataLocation: Vail, Colorado W6ather Flls: Vail. ColoradoLatitude: 39 degElovaton: 8,150 lt De3lgn Data Summer Dsn Dry Bul Summer Dsn Wbt Bul Winter Design Dry Bq Density-Sp Hcat Prod Deslgn Slmulatlon p€ 82.0 dog F 60.0 deg F -28.0 deg F 0.8143 Btuflin(hFft3-F) Jan To Dec Bulldlng Peak Data Month/Hour Cooling Cepaclty: Cooling Senslble: Sensible Heat Ratio (S Heeting Capacit Jul / 16 23.9 Mbh22.6 Mbh 0.94546.3 Mbh Lc*tct- L t. c,1- Aara,l - Ftrl aoir i1l.ra.+t -.tXDao|^ic Pt" .r - Coo.',n1 u)f fronoaa'rr! - du16,OtFl'i7t.'{L' - Bi?rf (ir*u3f - OrYl , rr.trr - O.t!?l- VCr,LYIA4 I - dorrt a . lra o..rr+^r l* - co*lar:r.!- oJ,e- - 6e,t ^,lspo,-r rr- {lr{o- ' ,Load.Exptess: Load Calculation S*l o Descriptionc VeFlon 2.2 Zone/Air Handler Descrlptlon3 ZonelAlr Handler A|lemaBve - r Kestoence Alr Handt?r'1 TYPe CONSTANT Zoal€ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8I 10 11 12 13 Typ€ Commerdal Retail Commorcial Retail Co.nmercial Rateil Commerclel Rstail Commerdal Relall Commcrcial Reteil Commercial Roteil Commerclal Reteil Commerci.l Retall Commerclel Retail Cornmercisl Retail Commerclel Retail Commercial R€tail Dlacdptlon FCU-2 D'!cdpdon lost h 12 Hall 13 Modranical 14 Hall 15 Guest Bedroom #l 18 Beth #l 20 Gussl Bedroom #2 2l Bath #2 23 Gu€st Bcdroom #3 24 Balh #i 25 Gucat Erdroom ,r4 28 Bath #4 Leundry 11.5 A -o z gooo\looodocic; o E oootoro (o oolr)o()F- ooao *o)eO E o .Lo q)f (O lJ) F- i-a"ooooocia oU'<JFFd<{iS(LaL igEo(lP*g.t9O E E 6ddE()t €-g: g d6'@ri (\l-(OOt CD Eo o ooo Et €o U' gos .9 C) .E 9 E,,;F Pii o*; o.- ,=Pt 5',- =F O)t oP'a F c, at) o o oc()(L ooo^No-i d.ll: =]ts E) - = E (s5o -iG€F E e Ea gaEE fi6-.. Eitr,trG fr,ii;'--e ? € .oo)"oNFo "6sJ9;€€ q ssgg e'tgEHE*EFF$iegfigi :;tEE f#5gffiDiD gFc;i- o o o)cD =.lg:63=6O fi<'V g o flfl€€E;r€rEE .q 6 dRbb YI :s'F.3E88oo-v-888: 9ss Kcjdcj egignegfsgs fii5EEa*a*EEEp ot.c oc, =o o)-oo)cf-c co() ]Art)EE(u()c o 9l g g 9$s€sJex o @:tt.=\EF9SZHH-E,, ,, H?:5 -; * g ; ; ecod8s8 b$Oc.lO'tOtr, OOOr'N|r)i.- il - r.f) OO Og*. oo ooo o..trooo-=>\Lt- g) t')ccg-c .9.9)JJ E "soE ^J O.IJP '-9g5p..€=-3;aii ;Eg^BEg =6=;|l:J.=-qEc,6 E 6 ; €; EF.t.'.t.F*EEFEfi 3333g5 Par o o o r.u ru ltt t! 6p$P$EFg EEE q! ,c(!(,IE (o o, s8oooO=OF;i o LL >-;'a66E* gE E 6F -q c- E6-e-9(/JJU.,O-^ -e,.9 I €'or(L-cr| EEooof'-oo qo -o '^F c ...E',Pe 'rC.-^= ()v/&8.99ooo;cD(')o)cccco t tt E v.,EE=-etmd!d!(J q) CI F ('t 'oNr!sO.9qpaoc>; oN o(, o bo @(\I ooco.. T'ioEqlbGa '- .EfIEGqo:>3EEG9F96 -3< 0 o cD oo ) )) do lJ o j E p tttcE(!I at> ot.E o U' o -gos .e Co i5 E tr.-< 6'l. -F t't$e€ E- F':F CD ,H e€-at = oo CI Ju, c.o E i5 s oco(L 6oA. !GEE 'i E-+> dl IDCL F 3 o (EEo5{ ss 8'^[;ESE E E H4€ - ;sg€u, E FFF cD ul:^. j F _crt or@61t_o .-6SJ 'E r-- O.. (O 'F" dg. :gd.; E =puE,ls.! g .. EE ghi ,-ts'e5EE.x.0 s neE seg#a5sFge c €t$ PFEf;EEs€F .9 c) E E.E.Eg=EF"Eg_g_EEEi=..,rEE ,qtEgbb Y3 ,-* .3988ooe888: qFiH .Kocic;E;sP ... E gilggggggge ot Eoo =o6-oo,cfE co ooE oo E I E E 9SS5SFEEegEE6*,L ,'efEE'gg g tl) o) t=**€s3 btoc{oto|r) ooooF- r() t- i: r- rO OO 1r)g*' do ..i cto '6 ..cOoo-Etr g) g,cc CE.q).9)JJ !,6..troE ^J o.llH t-9 o,x+i -o --o rEFseEiEEg3 9Y Po o o o U ul tlJ llJ =f,'€ cL CLO- cLri ri ri qi 5e$P,fl$Psssg olo(\logO.9*E: CIQs-o oN [otiat o o o Jt- E.oE EIr. c'l.sItr[E.J' I() ot .EE6Io o -gox c.9 coE6:=9< 5r!;F P; o.- __ c! 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(o r'-o ..i O OO= "a :6I H , i "g a EEg FeePagsre* E €g$ epef;eFFPp o!gt\t(!cO.9 tie. -o,.oit c>;coN (E Eg ut *oct!t cr c,ctcio FIE -glILo eoi ooog)|{) orou)ro to ocro ('t F- t-(r|oodcto F. tO aO xxx|ool 0r iP;tr-i*€.go 9 .$ps EE= at,u,<FF,!, t V.\J<<qtr ctt .Etto,G(t, lt,oottt ._Ettt! @ o -gos E EIc6.- o-E'F.< 6s-rl- aD$es -_ c!9- E,, ,q'eg-at =F (,oot2 U' .9oo 6 s oEo.L oo(Ja (vbqE+ 4g5Edl .e o frfr€€E5t€ "E-E .q I Itbb ;EE \o llt F83f33..8338i'* ; $ilE$gggggs (\,1 (! N(!gO.9q!. -o.@t>;c N sJ9 +t :='RO5()>=o c,-ooo)occtE cooooI'c(ooc ;'6 ..co00=>rLl- ot cD 'F'E,.c -s.9.9JJ q)o-tr 3 ceo oE + qFF"* lEEfiE srigE3 c'trrE'E fiffijF ._o oN@c\tFo ..6SJ - F(\l O., (O r.-' dg :gE ..5 H , l -E rr ir -P;EA,.*F =r. i-ii-,^-E r4='^ -4 E r g:s,d* 'E * qfi -+ f€5 gqr-FE'-Eggg E sg€ €FeE;.ss$$# oaoaoc{N.c ,afi E s.55EE ,L - erE=-gg ; ; ecotn€s8 6stO(\lNtO|r) (fOOF- |r)F- i:rtf) OOg** ci ci 6)(, o6 ..(r _9Eeii o9o(E,, ; E; re#; S.gn g F*EEE,Fr 333395 Po o o o llJ l! uJ lll =;Eo.O_o.O.riririqjIe$E$.FP EEEE roro o tc EgootI lo ro x d) olc (!EU' Its(,o CD tt .Eut .oos E.9ocoE E,- ctEE< 6rr -l- tt + Er. -'ut.c\ P F"Ei E,-r Cl. - =tr oo CIoJo .9(.tq, i5 E c()co(L .9o() ^-so?tt+(!st+5i:a 3 e(t' =U's { SF P"H EEEEe 5+i€3 c .cae @ura, r€ -' P5'E-E,."Eq = d8. :8fiH..F"ui; € ..!gHEq,.=i ZH ,-sE-E'AHEFE s E*E gqg+FSssse E sg$ Fsgf;sPPEp c.9o AA€€E;f€rEE ,E 6 dgbb ;EE,F.3988ooe888: *es H""g<E n e;;sta*F$FE fi*g55FF€EEF ot.s oo;oEo o,c5c co()ooEc(uoc 'eH flflEggFS: =*E-EE-ss s 5*s 5sf OC!OtOrO OOOOF- (, F. ll r- rr, OO Og*N do + o,(, Fo,.cc)oo=>\ cn ot.g.EEEo) g)JJ o6 ..8 _9EeE* *ig HgHBc#;FE$fi F*EEE$t 3a'33P; Po o o o llJ ltl llJ llJ sEpFeFFCggg N$t\t(!gO.9Ee-q-oE2o E0N a! E[) ul toiooo oz F! -g o CDJ (Y) ta)(vt ctct ci og oo oo oq N 5$ E5 EE 8b B.Eo.^ ta, al F(\ o.A5rog o, 6(!Eo o o CD E(! vt tt.g(, s .9 o .Eo._ cL E F"-r F ErS o9+o.- .-- Pf5'! =F CDfes-o co ct{ratrtrP::E E- E.T E E;; IrEE F 6 68bb zEF, .5$sBooisss: 9aa .Hctdc;(Uf,sE fr u B'gFFFsf'* * EgEEgSESEf;ii o--! o- o- i: . . E ii$gg5;';'EEEP =F roo o. o .9 o 6 s €,co(L 6() ^No_i6+ += o @ o o 0 (l) C\t c\.t c 6l o) =(Jk=ciEiEJrEco'g EH.gEE*-'=: *HfH;=gg-gg5*E' 5 E$oNNto|r) oooo o)i- ro F- UF|r) oO ocgt- oci ..iE.oOE € ..0r $-9Ee EH o-9' g i5ii..€q€ a;agfE sg*HfiBE sEpFenFceee5S oo. F. .f 3 o (u 5os $ $f;FotEEfi;s€go Lll =^. iFo "6sJo..; o oo-F d3 $gtge* ;'3€6+ Ei orO@l<atCLr-Lr- 'E€SFF Uoo = '' .i-t E- EEg Etfl; €*$ F$Eg E(!; U' Co "gJo6o !,ooJtioeo- UJttlltoJ olg6loqO.9Ee.a -{, s_ t,toN FF o$t@c{FOI r- CD ItoE(t, oz E{oct to 30 to E codo s) octt artici cl'i.EiSfEdgcoE6|:o9E=:,,8 xxoa{ v,(ni5so g .Cto.CU' Eoo Et E.!-,U) o .E(, s c.9 2o .Eo-_ o- =F qll,'i o Jl+ cr" ,=' Fq. o-:F CDt o* €() flA€€E;f€rEE ,'q66HEE ;a- rg) -3g88ooe-888: Eaa EddEEA-<9 e, EilfiEggFggs F @()o tt .9o .Eo s coIq) ;(t ^,sJ Et+(! c.+€+> @ 0,.c ()c,]Io! o)cf cooo(t)1tc(l'oc '6 ..cOoo =>lr- t-(') o)cc -c<.9) .S'JJ oct F f 3 €o os t op E^* iEEt' 5F.i5E ..rErErts m uJ:^. rE -- e*-E-Fr"gB d . -S o:E b a..'- F-E € .tgb.EH. E f€g sFsgF5Effe E s*s FFEf;eFp$E $to N(!cO.9qeaOE>; oN |!Jaoooc\toltc\| EF s.s.-ESE#5: "^*!-FF-gg g i'*E'5to(\loRo|r, ooooF- r.c) t- i:r- lr) oo og.l .\ od l.oo 6 "(r-9EeH '-3 oi5ii..€=-oi:ti; ; E 8.eE g EEEB€e;Fqsq F* EE E,F $ a'+'3 39y Po o c, olUuluJUJ =f,q oooo.ri ri ri tjte$PP,$Psgss tt, atl Et,ooEEOU'oozz !'too ooEP oo oo oo EE55EEaroIL 'Loo (", (t(t a!)dci {s EI'oc,(!6oooooo!Iroooo $rl ao to rN an aJ,att u,55oo .gttott Io ctt.gI'(!EU' gos .9 q!, .Eo o E-< 6'! $as ,=P< ElL E -s.g -o o o.o U> .Eoo 6 C)() o =() ^Nbq6+t+g]ts dt !,o F T = o o oE \i s$ d^[;Es€ E fr H4fr "c 'tr 'ts F,l"i 3F ,_o oo')66c{r_o ..6Sy 'E r-N O.. (Os an€sE*e*FiFril E s*$ FFeE;ePFFg c -o ct flfl€€Eff€rEE ,.q66gbb z3. F -Bg88ooi888q iioct Hooc;;** 5oE fr Ee;gflaiFgF# fi$55!FF€EEE o)c '6o -9Q'_o CDc =E oo@oEEooc aao|,oNC\lrol BH 99.555frE -- "-*EEE-gg g €sS b[8ilNE93 8808P-* dd o.t (l,o '6 ..c(l,oo.=>.st_ ot o) EF .9.9)JJ ' 6.'E_9EeH t-9 t6i:..€:€ ;Ef;ac#:$fifi.g F*EEE.FE 33339; PO o o o Ul llJ tlJ llJ:=HE CLO.cLOri ri ri Cj Ep$PPEP 9EEE ({o Gt|!qO.9=pa {E-a oN ctr cttcc!t 'ct(!(!EEOU'oo2Z 6.!pc ooo ooo ooo {q{ooo olFtt oz EE CE.90,L(Loo €clt -.1 (t llt (.,cl| ct (v)cidci .ct.g .i.s{;s;E;g dcr F5o-o6 95aE8o(/)o Nro* .J' U'aDo5r5ofo ct! €(!cU' !)oo ttt €(! .t> !(9s c.stttco .Eo.-e E 5*-.F Ot$c€ aP.< 6rraF RRgi-o =F q)ocl U' c,9(JlD i5 s c0,o q,(L -9oc)^(\|bq6l++€jE !c oc! .9 (U =o5 { SF H^5raic\lE EEEI€ ---- FgSsa) .r- .F e .L Ctl llJ -'.., I5 -9 oc!@or-e "E$- ' r-- O,.(o A ll, ooE . "F dqI E ..ii,.'-.. sE E ..EEd_69.-i ZH ,..sgB'eHEFEg ne5 E6gEESsF5e E sP$ ssEE;e€FF$ €o AA€€Er;€rEE ,E66gbb Y3p -5gB8o.isag: 6AR EddSErc.)<E fr $ilgggggggE o, =oo 3 -so-o o)c =E coooc)o $(,) o9t9E9StSl€SJ &F 8.8-EEF#Etu,=>-\z (u (u g,r r'].{FH =Eo) o, tE--€s8 6tgNoEPS 8808g" oo too '6 ..cd.loo=>LL- o) o) .s,.s,JJ E6 ..(r5EeH r-9 o i5 ii .. €:9 ;€Hac+;$.gts F*E88.Ffi3333 9y Po o o o uJ IJJ lJ.l UJ =*'q oo.oori ri ri qj te$PP.flP EEE1 GtoN(t'cO.9 Ie -o, -oE goN rcsoaagocto cD c! It !to6.c .€o tttoozz 5- !to(Lo.oo ot J a.t (.t ta,rt..toocto ot.t, u,l5Joof 6g O(!ooit octo octo octo aO(oF it !t ..t F(\3\I 5igEEITgg !t .gt E 8S*i EES c't E.! u, dto() qtcE(! U' o -go .:R .9 {t i5.- o- R F* F'cg ,,- It E'^ F'cg =F {,o o. o co ID i5 s e{,o C'.L 6() ^C{o'T l|-t-t<)a t0 g o Afl€€E;;€rEE ,E E HfibE E6 .s,\o dr F.3g88oop-888: Qaa Eodc; (!'f<E n u E'gggFsa?,H * E$EEgiEEFfi-E"6EIEFl-$;! 58F999;;EEEE (t,c '6o =oo-oq)c -c c.ooat,oEc.ItC}c o'0,Jo|,oc{N-EC! = o::i citsrE frEO.P EEOEE6E: :*E-HF-gg * $'*S'5$o(\tc{if,oro ooooF- Lct F- il r- tO OO OgNN od .'io(, ;'6 ..co(|)0- =>,L1_ ('t o)EC EC, .9, .e)JJ E6 '.(r_BEeI r5 t6p..9=-o ;E;rc*;$s$.g F*EEE.FE 33339; Por o o o tlJ LIJ lU ul = X'€ o o- o. o..i .i .i d Ee$P,$$Essss oCI F I = o -g2o5* SF E^'i B i'i- c{C IEEEE =ssg3 c.r€E dlur.-. rE -: R:-S-Fr"Eg 3 .. - cL ,ioI E ' i -Hr E ..tPa.Eq.'i -'E .EE8E,FEF€g fi.H5 gqr-olE--fi#gg E sE€ Psef;EsFFF NlqNOsO.9qp6.orE>;c N |{) 'o o tr .dgoCooI- @ EoEo E0)ooqt €|! o o(t (9 s .9o (, E6._ CL € F,.eF CD Se8 --9t E'!:F tD!2 ,. lr)x 5.E-a tr aocl o .9 ct AH€€Eff€.EE .q E 68bb ;3F .S,EsBooicsc: 6RR EddS $gigggggsgi * I q g PssSs P : *EE;"FtgE'EEx'x'ttr6ts€ O 6xgsoEPS 88'8 Pg" od sEo+,o6 IE..r g -98 s 6E" glt P raa ;i q&qEgb EEEaeE;FE5E=2, F+EEEEt AAAieFP.i E'ar o o g tllJlll 'fl 3.3 sEE$$Epe.Eeeqe qg NOcO.9qpaoc>; oN .9o() i5 s o ID TL .9o() ^-sJ9r(, .|6r-rt4Yo I r 3 eoJt,s \l o,g d^i;EDe .* E H+€ - 5gg*=U, t rF .F rF dl LlJ :^. fE -s pp-s-Br"EB E .. - o- -.r oE g F -de EE -ssF€fi€Fe=g E.HE gqSEE--fi#gg E $*fi F$Eg;E$E#s aEgxut *o$clct ci l!c,a ctor{t o rattal cro (r)t-g) clocl E -9acl NCI (\F. P !,o o Ec,oo ctt.gt,o u, .E(, s .9 {, 6._ o-E-t -d;itr =- 9t fo" :-- 9i 5rt;F 9r6 (,; i: oo o .9 IJo i5 s c)oo -9o(J^(\I!€ ti ]L6J.'+5f: dl I 3 ce -g aE !c q$ p"* EEEI€ -_-- =;isgo .F {_ q_ rF (Il LU :^. J.E -p coF-.oc{-g..'"8$ " .;& :gd ..3 E n,F -a P E ijPb60,.j ZF -sgF'q.EEFSg f.HE gqs-EF.-E#gg E fi*€ sEeE;EeF$E eo Afl€€Er;€prEE I H H 6()0 =-o E, .5pE€oo**ggg: eRR .Eoog *F;fifggFgg; (Dc.)l,ooN$lEc{u) =()kxcrEiEfrEc ,L _ E.*--;"F,gEtEE o, ct ,E-- I€s€ 6 .8tBSoEPB 88oE PP" dci cie OeanC HE..r €oE ^ cJ (u.Y OP t.3t I6ii..€r€ ;gHF"#:F.F$.FE., TEE**f*FFFfigE E*EeFr=-$eEEEEEodrdddd>>>=== cloN|t'sO.9=eaorc>;coN o F 9ciEEo c (oool-q a -': = Ftrt|E O)drot lr* * gl!* $ El*E $ lE* 5 <qoF:rootloEEo E TI1: E|,toE iir 85v-E FgflE9 SEES6 E@.oO6-o!a< E Eri; NF€o E(, d st8r ooo .A .EOOOtF.@@6NRR(oct('t c,i ct ..tAIGIN E8886vPPotct@$$$ E€ sqqqg f; s.$.$.s 99.? EJr oc>rJ'8o Iro xi (! .5 ;@Eo 3lJct b E(,It 5(! llE Fl''-lt [$ H $Hr=i SHESa Fdldlo6-3i E * €883- E'+$+ B H I$R* C.ec!6gE i:E >t,-o oJ .Yooo- o o E E E6 EoU' Co -g!a.tfroEo3 p c\ 1|l EoJ . . Load Express: Load calculation S*L Version 2.2 P€ak Load Summary F iea[ Load summary Air Hand 1 - Altemative 1 FCU-2 Residence Ar€a3 ( lt2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 1,890.3 Spc Sens Ld WSfly Fc-tr 1,891.0 Cool Airllow0.0 Cool Airflw w/Sfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check 1,147.3 Cool Check WSfiy Fcir 216.3 Heat Airflow 865.5 Heat Airtlw W/Sfly Fclr 21,353.9 Btuh 21,353.9 Btuh 1,380 c,l?n 1,380 cfrn 0.73 dmn2 0.73 dnlfrz 1,412 dm 1"*3 dl'l r$u Heatlng Coll Peak Outslde Air: OADB: -28 Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hn 7 I 17 Outslde Air: OADB: 76l/VB: 57 RELHUM: U5% Coollng Coil Peak Heating Coil Peak ( Btuh I ( Btuh I $l ( Btuh ) (olol ENVELOPFfOAI'S Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.003.846.80 3.846.80 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 3.846.80 3.8/t6.80 15.50 0.00 0.0c Conducled Skylight Roof Glags Wall Pertition SlabOnG/ExFh 0.00 0.000.00 0.00325.08 325.08-241.27 -241.271,018.81 -1,018.81-915.84 -915.84 0.00 0.00 -7,337.61 -5,392.07 -1,191.10 -1 1,346.00 Sub Total -1.850.83 -1.850.83 -7.46 -25.266.80 59.9? INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 17,545.60 17,545.603,720.00 1,680.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 _ Sub Total _ MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidifcatlon lnfiltretion Sup. Fan Heat R€t. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exheust Heat 21.265.80 19,22s.60 85.70 ,_ -85.65 521.150.00 0.000.00 0.00756.39 756.390.00 0.00919.78 919.78-39.09 -39.09 0.00 0.0c -13,028.70 -3,834,15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 1.551.43 2.158.23 6.25 -tA nAt qn ,n nr OVruNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Faclor 24,813.00 23,379.80 24,813.00 23,379.80 42,129.70 -46,342.60 . , Load Express: Load Calculation S"*L VeBion 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peax Loao Jummary Zone 1 - Atretnauve 'l 10 Stair Kesroence Ar6as ( Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: WallGla$: Patition: fi2) 47 .5 48.0 0.0 0.0 84.5 10.0 138.0 Space Sens Load Spc Sens Ld W/Sffy Fcir Cool Airflow Cool Aidw W/Sfty Fclor Cooling Check Cool Check W/Sfty Fc{r H6at Airflow Heat Airflw WSfry Fctr 798.6 Btuh 798.6 Btuh 52 cftn 52 cfin 1.09 c1?n/n2 1.09 cfill/nz 52 dm 9+ c+m.( Heatlng Coll Peak OuEide Air: OADB: Coollng Coll Prak Peaked at Tim€: Mo/Hr: 7 Outside Air: OADB: Wts: RELHUM: -28 t17 76 57 34.5% ( Btuh ) ( Btuh , (%') 0.00 0.00886.65 886.66 ( Btuh , l%l Solar Skylight Solar Gless Solar Conduc{ed Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFk 0.00 0.000.00 0.0038.42 38.42-8.15 -8.16-102.06 -102.08-'17.u -17.U 0.00 0.00 -339.31 -397.15 -129.60 -288.00 1.62 1.620.00 0.000.00 0.00 INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS Outside Air Humldification lnFltratlon Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat PkuD Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 27 .65 27 .660.00 0.0033.63 33.630.(x) 0.q) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8s9.92 859.92 8s9.92 859.92 -1,14t.06 -1,269.47 . ' . Loaq Expr$s: Load Calculation SofuL Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peax Loao Dummary - Arrerna{v€ 'r KesrqenceZone 2 12Hall Ar€as ( fi2 ) Space Sens Load 1,059.3 Btuh Heallng Coll PeakFloor: 142.0 Spc Sens Ld w/Sfry Fc{r 1,059.3 Btuh Oubide Air: OADB: -28SfabOnG/ExFh: 142.0 Cool Airflow 68 cfrnRoof: 0.0 Gool Airflw WSfiy Fc{or 68 cfm Coollng Coll PeakSkyfight: 0.0 Cooling Check 0.48 cftn/ftz Peaked at Time: Mo/tlr: 7 | 21Wall: 0.0 Cool Chock WSfiy Fclr 0.48 cfn/ft2 Outside Air: OADB: 65 Wall Glass: 0.0 Heat Airflow 68 cfrn WB: 52Partition: 93.5 Heat Airfhrv w/Sfty Fc{r ld *n RELHUM: 45.5% 1o Coollng Coil Peak Heating Coil Peak ( Btuh ) ( Btuh I (%)( Btuh ) ("t l ENVELOPE LOADS Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 _qqb Total Conducl€d Skylight Roof Glass Wall Parlition SlabOnG/ExFlr _ 0.00 . 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 -1 17 .25 -1 17 .25-35.08 -35.08 __ _ 0.00 ,0_q 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -135.76 -852.00 SubTotal _ INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc -152.32 -152.32 ._-13.36 1,211.61 1,211.610.00 0.000.00 0.00 -987 .76 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS outside Air Humidification Inflltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat PkuD Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.0036.68 36.680.00 0.0044.60 44.600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 81.28 81.2E f .13 0.00 0.00 OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Totel Wsafety Factor 1 ,140.57 1,140.57 1 ,140.57 1,140.57 -987.76 -1,086.54 Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary reaK Loao Summary - Atlemasve 't Kestoence Zone 3 13 Mechanical Areas (. fi2 ) Space Sens Load -245.4 Btuh Heating Coll PeakFfoor: 174.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fctr -245.4 Btuh Outside Air: OADB: -28SfabOnG/ExFh: 174.0 CoolAirflow 16 cfmRooi 0.0 Cool Airflw w/Sfty Fclor 16 cfrn Coollng Coll PeakSkyfight: 0.0 Cooling Check 0.09 ch/ff2 Pesked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 | 21Wall: 0.0 Cool Chock W/Sfiy Fc{r 0.09 cfrn/ft2 Outside Air: OADB: 65 Wall Glass: 0.0 Heat Airflow 16 cfrn WB: 52 Pan ion: 165.0 Heat Airtlw W/Sfly Fctr t dn RELHUM: 45.5o/o (rqVtuJiu Cooling Coll Peak Heating Coil Peak rolar Loao lens Loaq rorcnl or toI( Btuh) ( Btuh I (%) FeaK I oMns Percnt oI I oI( Btuh I l%') ENVELOPE LOADS Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total Conduc{ed Skylight Roof Glasg Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00-208.34 -208.34-42.98 4?.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -241.23 -1,044.00 Sub Total -251 .32 -251 .32 1 10.93 -1.285.23 100.00 INTERNAL LOADS Llghts People Mlsc 5.94 5.940.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 5.94 5.911 -2.62 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat ReL Fen Heat Duc{ Heat PkuD Exhausl Heat 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.008.50 8.500.00 0.0010.33 10.330.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 18.83 18.83 -8.31 0.00 0.00 OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Faclor -226.55 -226.55 -226.55 -226.55 -1,285.23 -1,413.75 , . Load Expre$: Load calculalion SoftwL V€lsion 2.2 Peak Load Summary ],eaK Loac Summary - Attemauve 1 KeatoenceZone 4 '14 Hall Arcas ( fr2 ) Space Sens Load 580.0 Btuh Heatlng Coll PoakFfoor: 70.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfly Fclr 580.0 Btuh Outside Air: OADB: -28SlabOnG/ExFh: 70.0 Cool Aimow 37 cfrnRoof: 0.0 Cool Airtlw W/Sfty Fclor 37 cfrn Coollng Coll PeakSkyfight 0.0 Coollng Chock 0.54 c-fm/fi2 Peak€d at Tlme: Mo/tlr: 7 I 21Wall: 0.0 Cool Check w/Sfiy Fclr 0.5.1 cfrn/fi2 Outside Air: OADB: 65 Well Glass: 0.0 Heat Airflow 37 c-fm WB: 52Partition: 0.0 Heat Airflw w/Sfty Fctr H dm RELHUM: 45.5o/o /0 Coollng Coll Peak Heating Coll Paak ( Btuh ) ( Btuh I $l FeaK I or Dens rercnl oI I oI( Btuh I $l ENVEIOPELUAT'T Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solat 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Well Partltion SlabOnG/ExFh 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00 -17 .29 -17.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 420.00 Sub Total -17 .29 -17.29 -2.77 -420.00 100.00 INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 597.28 597.240.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidmcation lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat REt. Fan Heat Duc't Heal Pkup Exhaust Heat gd-.n _ 597.28 _95.e 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.0020.08 20.080.00 0.0021.12 21.120.00 0.00 0.00 _ . 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.(x) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OV/UNoR Slzing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 624.49 621.49 624.49 624.49 .{20.00 .462.00 " , Load Express: Load Calculation Soflw Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary PeaK LOaO 5ummary Zone 5 KeStoence 15 cuest Bedroom #1 Areas ( ff2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFh: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Partition: Space Sens Load 225.0 Spc Sens Ld WSf,y Fc{r 225.0 coolAirflow0.0 Cool Airflw WSfty Fctor0.0 Cooling Check 109.0 Cool Check WSfty Fctr35.0 Heat Alrflow209.0 Heat Airf,w w/Sfly Fcir 2,942.1 Bluh 2,942.1 Bluh 190 cfm 190 cfm 0.85 cfrn/ftz 0.85 ctn/fl2 190 cfn ?.@ dm 7\a Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Ah: OADB: Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: Outsido Air: OADB: WB: RELHUM: -28 7 t15 78 58 34.00h ( Btuh ) ( Btuh I 0.00 0.00532.21 532.21 ( Btuh I lohl Conducted Skylisht Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/EiFlr INTERNAL LOADS Llghts People Misc 0.00 0.00 -1,187.59 -512.30 -305.56 -1,350.00 -3.355.45 -21.41 130.290.00 0.000.00 0.00101.87 101.870.00 0.00123.88 123.88-9.77 -9.77 -3,257.18 -958.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification Infiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duc{ Heat PkuD Exhaust Heat Coollng Coil Peak Heating Coil Peak 3,646.63 3,288.33 3,646.63 3,288.33 '. , Load Express: Load Calculation a"*L Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peak Load summaryZone 6 - Altemaflve 1 18 Bath #1 Kesto6nce Arcar ( Floor SlabonG/ExFk: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Gless: Partition: frz) 1 't 5.0 115.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 143.0 SDace Sens Load Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fctr Cool Airflow Cool Airflw WSfty Fclor Cooling Check Cool Check W/sfiy Fclr Heat Airflow Heat Airflw WSfiy Fc-tr 1,361.0 Btuh 1,361.0 Btuh 88 ofrn 88 ci?n 0.76 cftn/ftz 0.76 cfn/n2 88 cfmCl 6n q5 Heatlng Coil Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 21 Outside Ah: OADB: 65 l /B: 52 RELHUM: 45.5o/o Cooling Coil Peak ( Btuh ) { Btuh , (%l ( Btuh ) (%l 0.00 0.0{t0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.00-180.56 180.56-28.41 -28.41 Conduct6d Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr 1,569.98 1,569.980.00 0.000.00 0.00 INTERML LOADS Lights Psople Misc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.0047.13 47.130.00 0.m57.31 57.310.00 0.00 MISC LOADS outsido Air Humidilication lnliltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Hoat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 1,465.45 1,465.45 1,465.45 1,465.45 . Load Expre$: Load Calculation t"*al Verslon 2.2 Peak Load Summary PeaKLOacl SulnmaryZone 7 - Altemafive 1 20 Guest Bedroom #2 f{esrdsnce Areas ( Floor: SlabOnG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Pa ition: fr2) 225.O 225.O 0.0 0.0 133.0 35.0 0.0 Soace Sens Load Spc Sens Ld WSfiy Fclr Cool Airflow CoolAirflw W/Sfty Fc{or Cooling Check cool Check WSfry Fctr Heat Airflow Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fclr 3,197.3 Btuh 3,197.3 Btuh 207 clm 207 c'rn 0.92 cfrn/frz 0.92 cfl'J/frz 207 dn'l ?21 dn 4A Heatlng Coll Peak Outside Air: OADB: -28 Coollng Coil Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 15 Outside Air: OADB: 78l/VB: 58 RELHUM: U.O% Cooling Coil Peak ( Btuh ) lvol( Btuh ) ( Btuh I , (%) 0.00 0.00532.21 532.21 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.000.00 0.0052.43 52.4318.48 18.480.00 0.00-129.62 -129.62-58.73 -58.73 -1.50 2,303.78 2,303.78930.00 420.000.00 0.00 Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partitlon SlabOnG/ExFk INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc -21.41 130.290.00 0.000.00 0.00110.71 110.710.00 0.001U.62 134.62-9.77 -9.77 MISC LOADS Outslde Air Humidification lnfiltretlon Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Dud Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.00 -7 ,378.41 -8,116.25 3,921.40 3,563..|0 3,921.40 3,563.10 ( ,Load Express: Load celculation s"*L version 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peak Load summaryZone I - Alternaflve 1 21 Balh#Z Kesloence Ar€as ( ff2 ) Floor: SlabonG/ExFlr: Roof: Skylight: Wall: wall Glass: Partition: Grand Total Wsefety Faclor Space Sens Load 77.0 Spc Sens Ld W/Sfty Fc'tr 77 .0 Cool Airflow0.0 Cool Airnw W/Sfiy Fctor0.0 Cooling Check61.0 Cool Check w/Sffy Fctr5.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw WSfry Fctr 'l,384.0 Btuh 1,384.0 Btuh 89 cfm 89 cfrn 1.16 c-lmlfr2 1.16 cfm/fr2 89 cftn ,C cfrn too Heatlng Coll Peak Outsid€ Air: OADB: Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Tim€: Mo/Hr: Outside Ah: OADB: \AIB: RELHUM: -28 7 t9 62 49 44.8o/o -918.36 -1,010.19 Coollng Coil Peak ( Btuh ) (Btuhl l%l 0.00 0.00430.28 430.28----Ao-r8- --73d26 -_AE_ 0.00 0.000.00 0.004.52 4.52-29.07 -29.070.00 0.00-63.86 {3.86 ( Btuh I l%l .00 0.00 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar' Sub Total Conducted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr I ,051.20 1,051 .200.00 0.000.00 0.00 INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc MISC LOADS Outside Ah Humidification Inliltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Ducl Heat PkuD Exhaust Heat 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.0047.92 47.920.00 0.0058.28 58.260.00 0.00 1 ,490.24 1,4W.24 1 ,490.24 1,490.24 '-. Lo4d Express: Load Calculation t*l Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peal( Load summary - Anernatve 1 Re3ldenceZone I 23 Guest Bedroom #3 Ar€as ( f,2 ) Space Sens Load 3,143.5 Btuh Heatlng Coll PeakFfoor: 235.0 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fclr 3,143.5 Btuh Outslde Air: OADB: -28 SlabOnG/ExFh: 235.0 CoolAirflow 203 cfrtlRoof: 0.0 CoolAirflw W/Sfiy Fc{or 203 cftn Coollng Coll PeakSkyfight: 0.0 Cooling Ch€ck 0.86 cfrn/ft2 Peaked at Time: Mo/llr: 7 115Wall: 103.0 Cool Check WSfty Fc'tr 0.86 cfn/ft2 Outside Ah: OADB: 78 Wall Glass: 51 .0 Heat Airflow 203 cfr|| V\rB: 58Partition: 0.0 Heat Airtlw W/Sfty Fclr ?3 .ffi RELHUM: U.Oo/o 270 Coollng Coil Peak Heatlng Goil Peak ( Btuh ) ( Btuh I l%l l'eaK tol Jens rercnl oI tot( Btuh I $'l tsNVtsL(JI'E LgAUU Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.00357.81 357.81 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 357.81 357.81 9.31 0.00 0.00 Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFk 0.00 0.000.00 0.00113.26 113.26-37.36 -37.360.00 0.00-135.38 -135.38 0.00 0.00 -1,730.49 -484.10 0.00 -1,410.00 Sub Total -59.49 -59.49 -1.55 -3.624.59 46.23 INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc ?,406.17 2,406.17930.00 420.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 3.336.17 2,E26.17 E6.7E 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outeide Air Humidification lnliltration Sup. Fan Heat R6t. Fan Heat Ducl Heat Pkup Exhaust Hoet -21.41 130.290.00 0.000.00 0.00108.85 108.850.00 0.00132.36 132.36-9.77 -9.77 -3,257.14 -958.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ---2nE-- .fF.r6Jd _4.215.72 53.77 OV/UNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Faclor 3,844.51 3,486.21 3,844.51 3,/186.21 -7,UO.31 4,624.34 ^. Load Express: Load Calculation S"*l Verslon 2.2 Peak Load Summary Peax Loao uummaryZone 10 - Attemartve 'l 24 Bath #3 Kestoence Ar€as ( ft2 ) Floor: SlabOnG/ExFh: Roof: Skylight: Wall: Wall Glass: Padition: space Sens Load 125.0 Spc Sens Ld WSfiy Fctr125.0 Cool Airllow0.0 CoolAirflw W/Sfry Fctor0.0 Cooling Check252.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fc{r23.0 Heat Airflow0.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fctr 2,067.6 Btuh 2,067.6 Btuh 134 cfn 134 cfrn 1.07 drnlft2 1.07 drnlflz'l34 cfm J47 dm t44 Heating Coll Peak Outside Ak OADB: -28 Coollng Coll Peak Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 | 10 Outside Air: OADB: 65 \ /B: 51 RELHUM: 41.60/o Coollng Coil Peak Heating Coll Peak 2,226.21 2,226.21 0.00 0.00u0.47 640.47 649.47,____ n.77 0.00 0.000.00 0.0047.70 47.70-125.80 -125.800.00 0.00-105.91 -105.91 -2.7'14.82 Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabonG/ExFh INTERNAL LOADS Lights People Misc 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outsido AIr Humidmcatlon lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Dud Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat 2,226.21 2,226.21 I . ' 'Load Express: Load Calculatton S"*O Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary PeaK Load Summary - Altemaflvo t Kealoence Zone 11 25 Guest Bodroom #4 Areas ( ft2 ) Space Sens Load 3,741.7 Btuh Heating Coll PoakFfoor: 295.0 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fc{r 3,741.7 Btuh Outside Alr: OADB: -28 SfabOnG/ExFh: 295.0 CoolAirflow 242 drRoof: 0.0 CoolAirflw W/Sfty Fc,tor 242 cfrn Coollng Coll PeakSkyfight: 0.0 Cooling Check 0.82 clmlfrz Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 15Wall: 312.0 Cool Check WSfiy Fclr 0.82 ffiz Outside Air: OADB: 78 Wafl Gfass: 51 .0 Heat Airf,ow 212 c+m WB: 58Partition: 0.0 Heat Airflw WSfty Fclr 9ffi c-tm. RELHUM: U.O% 7b^ Cooling Coil Peak Heatlng Coil Peak I olat Loao Jens Loaq rercnr or I or( Btuh ) ( Btuh | (%, rsa[ | ()t oens rercn{ or tor( Btuh ) (V.'t Solar Skylighl Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.00357.81 357.81 0.00 0.00 Sub Total Conduc{ed . Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr 357.81 357.81 814_ 0.00 0.000.00 0.00113.26 -113.280.00 -169.9,1 __0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 730.49 466.40 0.00 770.00 Sub Total -169.95 -169.96 -3.87 4,s66.8s 5{8e INTERNAL LOADS Lights Peoplo Misc 3,020.51 3,020.51930.00 420.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 3,950.51 _ 3,440.s1 89,99_0.00 0.00 MISC LOADS Outside Ah ' Humidification lnftltretlon Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat -21.41 130.290.00 0.000.00 0.00129.56 129.560.00 0.00157.55 157.55-9.77 -9.77 -3,257.18 -958.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -Sub-ToEI 255.92 407.62 5.EZ 4.215.72 45.91 OV/UNDR Sizlng 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Factor 4,394.27 4,035.97 4,394.27 4,035.97 -9,182.61 -10,100.90 r ' Lo?d Express: Load Calculation SofrwT Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary PiBak foad Summary - Alternatlve 1 F(esldence Zone 12 26 Bathtg Arras ( fl2 ) Space S€ns Load 1,312.6 Btuh Heagng coil PeakFloor: 100.0 Spc Sens Ld WSfty Fc{r 1,312.6 Btuh outside Ak: OADB: -2a SlabOnGi/ExFh: 100.0 CoolAirflow 85 cfrnRoof: 0.0 CoolAirflrv W/Sfty Fctor 85 cfrrr Coollng Coll PeakSkyfight 0.0 Cooling Check 0.85 cfm/ftz Poaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 22Wall: 45.0 Cool Check W/Sfty Fclr 0.85 ctrn/f,2 Outsxjo Ah: OADB: 63 Wall Glass: 0.0 Heat Airflow 85 cfrn WB: 51Padition: 54.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fctr 93' cfrn RELHUM: 49.1% 9o Goollng Coil Peak Heating Coll Peak I olat Loao Dens Loaq rercnt or I ar( Btuh, ( Btuh I ft)( Btuh ) (%l ENVEIOPE TOAIXT Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. Conducled Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFk 0.00 0.000_00 0.000.00 0.0032.69 32.69 -67 .72 S7.72 -17 .62 -17 .62 0.00 0.00 0.00 -211.50 -78.41 -600.00 Sub Total -- - -52s' -52.65 -3.73 -889.91 100. INTERML LOADS Lights People Misc 1,365.20 1,365.200.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification lnfiltration Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duc-t Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat j.365.20 1,365.20 96.60 0.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.0045.45 45.460.00 0.0055.27 55.270.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 100.71 100.71 1.13 o-w o.o(, OVruNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Fac{or 1,413.27 1,413.27 1,413.27 1,413.27 €89.91 -978.90 r- t ' - Load Express: Load Calculation t"*L Version 2.2 Peak Load Summary FeaK LOad Summaly . Attematve 1 Keatoence Zone 13 Laundry 11.5 Areas ( fi2 ) Space S€ns Load 11.7 Btuh Heatlng Coll PeakFloor: 59.8 Spc Sens Ld WSny Fc{r 1 1.7 Eluh Outsid€ Air: OADB: -28SlabOnG/ExFh: 60.0 cool Airf,ow 1 cfrnRoof: 0.0 Cool Airflw W/Sfly Fc'tor 1 sftn coollng Coll PeakSkylight: 0.0 Cooling Ch6ck 0.01 cfin/fr2 Peaked at Time: Mo/Hr: 7 I 17Wafl: 47 .8 Cool Check WSfty Fcir 0.01 cfrn/ftz Oulside Alr: OADB: 76 Wall Glass: 6.3 Heat Airflow I cfm WB: 57Partition: 63.0 Heat Airflw W/Sfty Fctr * drn RELHUM: 34.5o/o -{'n..1v*' , .)e')..2\t - Cooling Coll Peak Heating Coil Peak ( Btuh ) ( Btuh ) l%l ( Btuh ) (%l ENVETC'PFIOADS Solar Skylight Solar Glass Solar 0.00 0.00109.36 109.36 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 109.36 109.36 E04.97 Conduc-ted Skylight Roof Glass Wall Partition SlabOnG/ExFlr -sub rotal 0.00 0.000.00 0.007.51 7.51-5.93 -5.93-79.00 -79.00-22.30 -22.30-=W -_47T_a*.31- 0.00 0.00 -212.07 -224.43 -91.48 -360.00 -88-z97----100:00INTERML LOAOS Lights People Misc --sd6 Totat-'- 2.04 2.440.00 0.000.00 0.00---2.W 0.00 0.00 0.0003-- O.oo- MISC LOADS Outside Air Humidification lnftltration Sup. Fen Heat Ret. Fan He'at Duc{ Heat Pkup Exhaust Heat o.00 0.000.00 0.000.00 0.000.40 0.400.00 0.000.49 0.490.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total 0.90 0.90 7.r3 0.00 0.00 oVTNDR Sizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand Total Wsafety Faclor 12.59 12.59 12.59 12.59 -887.97 -976.77 wood Pellet 0ri{ffi**.L*.**.*f,rr{{*r{r{* FEESUMMARY Mechanical-> S80 . 00 Reshrarant Plan Review-> Plan check-> $20 . oo DRB Fee-> S0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $103.00 So , oo Additional Fees'->s0. o0 lnv€stigation-> willcalt->s3 .00 Payurents-> $103 . O0 BAT,\]\ICE DTJE-> Item; 05100 BUIL,DING DEPART!{ENI o4/o9/2OO2 rR!4 Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond! 12 (BLDG. ) : FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAITCE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRm PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F TIiE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAJ.,L,ATION MUST CONFORI.! TO MANUFACTTRES INSTRUCTIOIIS .eND TO CIIAPTBR 10 0F THE 1997 tnrc, CHAPTER 10 0F rHE 1997 TMC. ***NroFcoMMuNrryoer,ilpr,mwr tLt u; ll.Jt dtr $0. 00 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 R(L I f.of 3 S0 . 00 TOTAL FEES--_> S1o3 . 00 Total Permit Fee-> 9103 . 00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Percrit #: M02{046 |ob Address: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: 97 Rockledge Road Applied . . : 04/03/2002 ParcelNo...: 210107115033 Issued. .: M/70/2W2 ProjectNo, ?R3- O1-OOGS Expires. .: 70/07/2Nz owNER BENNETT DORRANCE TRUST O4/O3/2OO2 phone: 75OO DOI'BIJETREE RANCH RD 3OO SCOTTSDAI,E AZ 85258 License: COIITRiACTOR HEARTH ExcIIAliIGE, INc. (THEI 04/03/2002 Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 570 MINTURN, CO 81545 License. L'74-I'tt APpr.,rcAt{:r HEARTH EXCHANGE, INC. (rHE) 04/03/2002 Ptrone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MI}iET'RN, CO 81645 License z L7 4-Nl Desciption: INSTALLATIONOF A B VENT GAS FIREPLACE AND 2 GAS LOG SETS Valuation: $3,400.00 Fireplace Infornration: Restricted: Y #ofGasAppliances;0#ofGaslogs:0#of Cond: 25 (BLDG.) : GAS APPITIAIICES S TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN BE VET.iTED ACCORDING TO .805 0F THE 1997 I,II{C, OR 8 AIiID SIIALL 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. o CIIAPTER CIIAPTER Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH CIAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O1? oF THE 1997 I'MC A}TD CI{APTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAIJIJ BE MOUNTED ON FITOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBL,E CONST. ITNLESS L,ISTED FOR MOIII{TING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BIJDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AtiID CODE AIIALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIAIIICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AII INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRjAINAGE OF MECIIAIITCAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SIIPPIJY BOILERS SHAI-,L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR sEcTrolr 1004-6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioo filled out in full the inforrration require{ completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninS and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. o TIAIJL sEc REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET a***aa**larafltfataaftfliaatt***flal+fffaaaat+afi*ftafaa*aiftifaaf**a*aa*++aattfafa*taf*aata TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprlnted on 0,1-10-2002 at 11:32:03 O4n0n0i0lz. Stat€m€ntrifaraftafaaat*a*llt*++++aala+++al'a*aarfraa*a*r+araaaaaara**++af++t++aaa+*a*aaaaaaaaaaa*aa** Descri pti on Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERJ.,IIT FEES 8O.OO PF 00i00003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 20.00 I{C OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO gtatement lfirmber: R000002128 Arnount: $103.O0 O4ltO/2OO2t1:31 AIrl Palm€nt Method: Check Inlt: AO (ArJLf . _ _:"_'_:'_::1 ',_ 1A1 Permit No: U02-0045 Tlpe: I,IECHNIICAL PBRIIIT Parcel llo: 210107115033 81te Addrese: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIIJ IJocation: 97 Rockledge Road Total 9ees: $103.00 ThLE Payment: $103.00 Total AIrL Pmts: $103.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOI,JNTITEM LIST: Account Code TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970479-2738 toorrrNT oF coMMUNrry orutrrr* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLTIMBINGPERMT Permit #: P014080 ]ob Address: 97 ROCKLEDGE RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 97 Rockledge Road Applied . . : W/75/2007 Parcel No...: 21.0107115033 Issued. . : 08/2O/2N7ProjectNo, {(-\0t-Oot.q Expires..: 02/76/2002 owNER BENNETT DORRANCE TRUST LO/O7/20OO phone: 7600 DOIIBIJETREE RANCH RD 300 SCOTTSDAI,E AZ 852 58 CONTRJACTOR WHITE WATER PIJT'MBING & HEATIO8/L5/2OOL PhONE: 970-328-3708 P O BOX 4290 EiAGIJE, CO 81631 License: 104-P APPLICAIqT WHITE WATER PITUMBING & HEATI0S/16/200L Phone: 970-328-3709 P O BOX 4290 EAGIJE, CO 81631 License: 104-P Desciption: NEW 8 BATIIROOM HOUSE Valuation: $43,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ??# of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas Logs: 77 # of Wood Palleh FEE SUMMARY Plumbing-> S645 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> $151 .2s DRB Fee-> lnvestigation-> will call-> So .00 Total Calculated Fees-> 9809.25 S0. 00 Additional Fees__> 975.00 SO.o0 TOTAL FEES----> S809,2s Total Permit Fee-> S884.2s $3 . OO Payments--> $884 .25 BALANCE DIJE->s0.0o Item: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTI,IEI{T I8/L6/2OO]- CDAVIS Action: AP Iten: 05600 FIP:E DEPARTI.{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 :::;.:i:"33:."J-'.:.::..tr-"HYj*".:::X:1"-::i::-'::' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, comPleted an accuraie plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforsration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp andsuHivisioncodes, designr.oi"tppno.r"O Unifornr Buildingcoa" arrterordinances of theTown applicable REQTJESIS FOR II\EFECNON SI{ALL BE MADE TWEXITY-FOUR I{OT'RS IN ADVAI$CE BY PM. {7!LZ3E OR AT Ot R OIFICE FROIT,I &{n AM - 5 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HITdSELF {' {' {r * * * ** * * * l* ** ** * ft * * *t I t**** * * *** * *tf*t ****** * *** *** ** + t + *++* +** ttt + *++ + +*+**** **** + * * **** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statem€Nrt * ****r + *l a *l fa******a* * **t*t tlt* * * * * ***l+ +*.!*+ ++t+ +++ +t**tfat ++*++++**a* * *** * * ++ * * * * * * * * **r* Statenent Nurnber: R000001254 Arpunt: $884.25 08/20/2OOLO3:49 pM Payment Method: Check InIt: LC Notation: #9777 /VI}rlXe water plurnbing Permit No: P01-0080 Tlpe: PL,t MBING PERMIT Parcel No: 210107115 033 Site Addre8a: 97 ROCKTJEDGE RD VAII Location: 97 Rockledge Road Total FeeB: 9884.25Thj.s Payment ! $884.25 TotaL ALL, PmtE: $884.25Balance: $0.00tl f+*** * +*l 't+ ** ** * +f * t*** +t'if'i * * +*+*f *t+**++++*l t++ **+ *++ ** * ** + * * * t* *** **** **** *****t+f+t t +f ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts cL 00100003123000 C0NTRACT0R LICENSES 75.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 16I.25 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 645.00 t.IC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO cArroo*' - *ff tt a* ry*"i##% \ 97 o- 47 I - 2149 (In spections) TOWT{OFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR IN FOR.MATION Materials) ***********ti***************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****************************'t******** Town of Vail Reg. No.: Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) 2l WorkClass: New()Q Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family M Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaunnt ( ) Otfier ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No Conta.t Assgsors Office at 970-328-864O for Parcel # <t 104ry8y l-{. -\ - It t\ t-I\J-I WE RATE WNH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Cmmunity Development Deparhnent Russell Fonest, Direstor, (970)4i9.2.t3e n0 one 3. lf youwere required b wai[ how long was it before you were helned? Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? yes / No lf no, why not? PEC appq I. 8. Was ttris yourfirstlime to file a DRB app_ Bldg Permit_ ltl/A Pjease rate fre performancp of tre staffperson who assisted you:54321Name: (knowled ge; responsiveneffi Overall efiectiveness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 g z What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, We are commitbd b improving our seMce. fi5. - Ili Lt t 07-09-2001' 5:12 om hrpec{an Request Rcportlng Pags2__ - vArL co -TcHUlt oF - Rcerefffrl In8p.ctt}|blArilflrd ToilffDcofrfi TrDcilnrir.adon A+ar:StbArktrctcl TrMay, July 10,2001 cDAVtS BLDG CD E? ROCKI.EIX}E RDVAIL S? Rocklcdg.Rocd AJP,D |ruorrpdlon Actrtlu Et){-mS{ Tyre: SBUILD SubT\Do: NiFR conr* Tyri: orcqxftcy (b.: v Nffid: 2{tX071t503ts.. Ormr: BEI{IETTDORR IICETRISTAmlcst S]IIEFFER COiSTRI CTIOII Phorp: 97$8{S5666Criibacbr: SI-0EFFERCOTIS'IRICT|O$r Hrom: 970.84S€666D|rc|tstloni tEW $FRlffca: l{ri erbm[ EHU d..d re*tcl,on - AOCtfSCo|tm.ftT RECEI,ED DRNEII.AY SLNUEY GRADES PLAIV. AFFITOVED L SAT.D('T,AL .CDAI'B Ststn: tSSLEO[EpAna: CD lbm;Rqu$r:Ardnned To:' Acuon: I,s'j Colrmst urvev revblon mdod to rfiobn std cffi - CDA\tlgCoilrn.rf PI,t'{s ROI,,TED TO ALLT$ON,CFnRLE ANT, Pt,BI,I'ORKS . CDAUS R€quesbd lnse€cden{d lqctrlre[.skhll " ltcnr: 6{12 ryr'-Ronth lra<tc (Ofticoal}!sn: s{Xl Pf,tJ.FlnaI drhrorry gradc @p{loridlItin: 10 Bl-G'Foofln6i$b.t {ODdaJrd}(W2{101'- lrliDa.Jo(: CDAVIS Actkn: PAPARTIiLAFPRWIICommrrdr: Tf,lls ll.lSFECTlOti EXCLUDf3 -fHE EXTERIOR STATR FOOTT${G ANt} ALt. 0{rERnR FOOTF{G PAIE ?t) ELEc'-Fo{rdfrtlorusle6l {Otdsrt} 52O PtAhl{lc Sih Plan (Raquredi 3() BLDCr-Franfiq tof0otloD3O BlDglmdalFn io!fio{rd}60 ELDCr-shcdoejltbt IOO$mft$70 BLE6|fi5c. {Ofdo.ra|}g, BLD|C,.FT|aI ffi*ru*sdr 530 ELDCrTemp.OO 'l0llhmt) 5SA PW.TE}|P.'C/O {ffin tl 1l(l3 P|lil-TEW.C6 affiocr$637 PtAr*F$lAL G0 {O!froflal)538 PW-FTMLCiO (W(ld)EOEN.D+FIm|G/O {fr*flfirrt) z0 ElDc"Foundsdon/sb€l S}IAEFFER COfi}STRI,CTK,T.YPilIN {t2 TffiErP: fiUt n u'razl 6:4/, €3 ll P-5 R€quesbdJlm€;0l:00 PISPtron : 970.&{SS6$6Enlereday: LCAUPB€LL K llem: lEm: tbm: hsm: llenr:nalr:bm:lEm:hm:kr:nm:k|nr: \ REPT131 Run Id: ?56 {ir 3$3T#' ""Hi:"Hffim:8E'* '"*' Rcqlesbd lntpcctlhb: Frlrlay, Junc20, 2{ffi- ln$.dlbnArer: CDSlb Addracr: 07 R()CK€DGE RD VA|LeTMdcdgCRod ArPrD lnlbnn tlon AattilrConatTb)a:olrrbr: B(x?.(lstl _ Il?.: ABT,LD BEHiErrrxrR" ^.HffiYM^r0ilt n cotrcRT PooL & sPA" hE.MAXhnn cortfoRT Poot & sPA htc. SubTYD.: ASFR[6e: VN Plrm: 97D9.Gr€399PtgF: 9 I9.I9GX!9 SbhF:firyArs:ISSIJEDCD Dcctbdon: hl-GROt t€Gt MTE SPACon*ner{: ROI,TED TO PI.A}$[IIG ATID C}|/IRTIE FcN REVEI,Y/APFRO,ALS . DFLORES RrqrpstEdTlmo: l|8;(X)At' Plron6: 97D9't$,68P Er{.r.dBy: DFLORES K Insocatqo lClglotr It m: An 1W11rA2Commonb: .==: ?pou l oE }Pn e*oZ & cttt4lrt-ilTfrturu rA ,^fi\hJS/ -- E*Porfu Rcouecbd Inroecdon(sl tbn: 90 BLOG+hdRccudn MA,\nruH COIiFORT POOL & SPA hlC.Codnd{3: gtrf.LfiO WC G/fnY lHn: 70 BtDG.Mbc.ibm: 90 BLDC-Flnalst3 PLAI$TEIf. C/O63{ PLAN-F[.ltLCvO W *Appror6d" fb.: CDAVIS SPA AcTo[: APAPPROVED REPT131 i Run lil: 1108 ReCuesEd ln3pcct Drb: Ig!ed!y, June t7, 2003- Inrpectuon ArGai CDSIbATftITEtI: E7 RCICKI.ET}GE RDVAL S7 Roddcdgo Rord AfFfD lnlbrm.tlon Actlvtv: il01-012g TYD.: &MECHConctTvr6: occuooilv Ctruiier: BEt{rlETT DORRAI.ICE TRt Sf SEhr3:lEpAII:ISSIJEDco Conbacb': WHITEWATERPLUIIBhIGE.HEATII.IG PIloiB: ! ADOOcanT WHITE WATER PLUMBII.IG& HEAThIG Plpne: ! tredcilsUon: PARTIAL MDTANT FL@R, l{OT WATER FAl.l COILS,SIIOIVMELCodnont ROI.,TED TO CI"IARLE FOR REVEVY/AI'PRO/AL. CDAVTS R€auesbd lnsoc€don{sl Item: 300 ITECH#lnd RequerH Tlmc: 08:00 Ail' Phom: 37S3086Enler€d$ OCOLO€N R€qtr&f: Asshned To:- AcflotfT. wHm cDAVIS PA PARTIAL A]PROVAI CE SLABS LOWER SLAB TESTED AT 1OOT UPPER SIIB TESTED AT iOUI ARTEST. 0.U0302 fNDectof: CDAVIS Acflon: PA PARTUL APPROI/AL Comm€nE: IN FLOOR RAD{ENT HEAT LII'IES FOR FOI,'R BATI.IROOTTS LOCATED ON TI€ LOIIER TEVEL ALL TESTEO \,VITH lod ARTEST HEAT lil lNs FOR FA|II COIL L,NFS TESTEDAT l(Xlt AK "#'tffi iffiffitr*F'g^i ^ntD pARm THE Er-ft, AND *ArN FK)'rsE lffiffi83+ffifiF#W *hitl$ 5ffi fi i.tnr%k DE.K Ar.rD srAm# ft [T:Ar- APPRova 1?g2o,2 lntD€dor: GCD Ac0ofl' APAPPROVEO : rcm: 31s ffi"H$trtffitttHEirtnFJlnttffitf,]"Rs wALt(wAY At'rD sPA D€cK' r]ils '. ltenr: 32o lrtEcl-t-Exhaubf floodsI ltdn: 330 MECI'kBuppfyAf ' [3m: 34o tnroccjbr: JRl, Actbn: Pt PARTTAL hlsPEcrlo|{Coriln fltr: APPRO\rED SNOW MELT FOR ENTRY STARS. UIEST/}€RTH STARS. SilOt ttllELT I$EER i *:'-$:":lT':ytf"Yrorprv 6-tr'c,q'Qi *:"tr':Y^=*a- \ n. .,u,rst c_ r_ttkxtteruCf F/ortn /Lr{-1--\ | |l,/i L5ott[.Q ' B'' )fu\p' I subrlH: ASFR [:,t"' h; ' REPT131 Rr:n rd.: 1092l\l" ,'*- u SJ?3*t - *W"Hffi$fi,"t8*'u '*u Raolteafd InrBlct Drb3' l|||IccflolArr.:SlbAddlrr:: UY.dn €d|y, Junc lE,20011 O7 ROCXT.EDGC roVALgZ Ro.lftdFRord ArPtDlnlbrnrt|on L I I, t. I Act!rt!,:ConCTyfra:mbficontr!*l: ADDxcttttHIFlon:CdrirEflt }I}1.(P()3 _ TyD.: &I|CCH Subffi: ASFR Slil.t: ISSI EDAgq{t!nq,: [f,e: rEPAtr: cD8Et{tETT DORRA}|CE TRt SiT STOhE IIECHATSC^|.. hlC. Phon : g7}2/t2t0t,l STOflElEC}|Arrc L, ll.lC. Fhom: g7t>zr(l-!(Xf bFTALATIOiI l.G$r tGAThlo SYSTEU ltfot Stl OttT TtG tlOUgE Drm/norfi d EseE SFRROI'IED TO CI-URLE FOR REVEWAPPROVAL . CDAVX} &G$Et.Ellsgsdd lbm: 30O tECHflnal Rcqu$bdn,nc: (F:0OAil' Ptro.: 97t242-W11Enhndry DCOLDEN K XX) ilEc$Roush ir ApprolEdn O.L'3O02- lmp€clor: JRM -- Ac0ott APAPPRO/ED Comrnents: SLIpPLY/ RETITRN DUCT S.l PIICE l.lOT YET COIIhECTED. EClt FifiNT l.lOT lN F[J|CE. BATH FA'*' A}ID BOOSTERS IN PI.ACE oryOdo? hsDcb{: C Commonb: B\IENT FOR A.tft,n: APAPPRqGD -REIiOVE COtt{t ltllT CTtOtl FROII AROiJND B VEiIT A I'iilNiltjl,l OF 6'FROM B VEirT[dr: 3tO StEctl-l-lcatiru :- : it., f,am: 3'tt ittct+F|cattubn: 3tS PLffS"Gc Pldmlidn: SIO tlfcll-Exh.u.t ttood3 " ADDot.d "oS/Od(I2 lnrp€ctoi: CDAVIS A.don: AP APPROVEDCommsd3: DTJCT IJI,ORK AT.ID FIRE vVRiAP AJPROIVED FOR KITCHEN EXI'IAT,ST DIfTSnrm: 33O MECI-l-Suppry AlrIt m: 34' MEcl,l-ildc.lbltf 3S llECFlFhrl| - L).- l1 g!' (c r< se, O F S -ID M rrh oul]ft rrJ Ccr*P ftl.leF frort1 B U f47 An- fYor'OE Btk U.'lc{ tf2ogf b{Z u0,'thr-tn.tulh %;"u) B ',;f ,"-.-t1 i: i. f &tt+\J( t / REPT131 J: ;l: 'lI I f;Jl#o' '*Hf:"t1ffimE** o*"' Rccuccbd lnspect D$;t Tuccdry, Junc 17, 2lDg- Insoes'tl,on Area: CDSlbAddrccs: ez ROCKIfDGE RDVAIL 97 Roddctl3cRo.d AIPrD lnformrlhr RaouceEd lnso€cdodsl "*lH:Phofr: Phone: ASFR 9ru€48€7tEgtoSEt&37u Stfr|3: SgtfEDhspAn: CD lEmr Rc<n*rlor: Arslgned To:Afr: 290 Re$|€lbd Tlmc: 0Eldl At' Phs|c: 37GCSEnbntlff DGOI-DEN i -ti f 'l /t,\, 1Inrocbtorl nbrfo rt .L-'l- - nsnr 210 lbm: U0 08/2301 lbn:lam:lgn: 2$ PLflBffnct ' i ,bm,r APPPRo\,EDTEST' 'rLlt&RouolvD.WV. *ADo|or,3d -o4odof ln DEb.: CoAVls" A.foo: APAPFRO\rEDcomnrsrd3: liAlN FK,USE Of.lLY EXCLUD€S EHU OEIZZIO2 lrtrD.cbr: ArtCofinents: APPRO\/EO EHUItsm: 23tl PLMBRouoh/Wrtlr * $plovo<l "O4OaOZ hsp.dof: CDA\ftg"coflrm.nb: i/t lN l-lousE oillYIOilARTESTlsn: 240 PLMeC'asPidm *ADprored- O,goryO2 LsMr: CDAlrKi Comm€ds: r/iAl.l I{OUSE Ohfr-YL, WATER COLUIIN TEST PERFORTIEO CAI{ FOR hSSPECTIO}I FOR ALL O€CK A}ID RCKIF DRA|NA YWIEN COTTPLETEDA.ton: APAPPRO\GD Af0on: APAPPROVED A.O.on: APAPPRC'VED 2W2fl) 1) 6()| AIRTEST FOR }#D. PRESSI.RE LhE 2) r Ir AIRTEST FOR REST OF OlS PPil{G* ALL GAS |IMPS TIt'ST B€ LISTED ASSEIETES PROI'DE DOCI'TIENTATIO}I PRIOR TO rNsTALt.ATtoilO4tfrttz lttro.cbr: CDAVIS Ac0on: APAPPROT/EDcomments: CaAS PFhE FOR EHU TESTED 15t AFTEST MUSTPRCN'EE hIFOON TYPE OFGAS UM PROFOSEDTOBE hETT^LLEOGyzo/m hrD.cbr: cdnA A.[o.|: APAFPRfl,ED QqgEnilr: thlqgound 9!o plplng fll rFHPLfFPooYHotTubPLt SMtsc.u'tL| ct+fttr@ Rr,.ot x/e I t t\/ r+L- - a*t=rttL Gfte Sr,trk PP6 b.F?, D:{W6L t> Nnr,,/ REPfl3T *i Run Id,: tO92 Wayne Martin, Inspetor, Elevator Inspection Prognm 970-+59-0295 ext 108 or elevator@nwc.cog.co.usL/a{os P, 0t tJ I ftfame: Dorrance Ruldtnce , rPermit Number llllCCOC l',I Et"u.to. ryw Furnicuhr Li]t l!Tllb plans have been reviewed and found to conform to all applicable ANSI 17.1 and UBC codes Iutnlcvlor The ele€tor*esieskbf / lift/ dsmbffisihr at the above location was inspected andf| 6gted o" 6h.l/ol ... and a: l-TEMPOMRY Certificate has been issued. FINAL Inspection Certificate has been lssued, N0 ce*ificate is being issued. I \tqr tr { EIr Elevator Plan Review I ElevabrTest and Inspectign , ,Qt ltuutI Location Vn;|, Co. Nonnwelt Cclclcco Counctl of Go/Ernmcnts I PO Eox 3308 o SlMcrthomo r CO . EO4sa 070-168-0295 r Fax 07&{€&1?08 I warrv,nwc.acg.co.us