HomeMy WebLinkAbout291 Bridge St #R1TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESf. Permit" *: E96-0119ELECTRICAL PERMIT Status...:, ISSUED Applied. .t 06/07/t996 ri!ued. . . t' o6/It/19e6 Expires. . : !2/08/1996 Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 FEE SU fi ARY TT**r**t***H**fffr**t*M Tota[ catcutated Fees--> 53 '00 Additionat Fees-------> '00 Total permit Fee------> 53.00 Paymerits------ 53'00 gl'LrHce oue----- Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. APPLICANT WH]TE RIVER ELECTRIC P o Box 11,18, AVON co 81620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 OWNER DII.,,LARD DAVTD B & ANNA KAREN 291 BRTDGE ST' VArL co 81657 Description: RECESSED LITES Valuation:500.00 Etectricat---> 50,00 DRB Feetnvestigation> .@ ri L L ca L L---> 3. oo TOTAL FEES---> 55.00 Dept: BUILDING Division:Iten: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT66/67/t996 Dlot Action: APPR ffi ***f,f,f,****ffi CONDTTION OF APPROVAL *i**i*******tt** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge thrt I have read this apptication, fitted out in fult the information requi red.' Go[ptetcd.En accurate ptot ptan, and stato that aLL the information provided as required. i_s cofrect. I agree to.comPty.t{ith ttlr inforoation and ptot pten, to comp Ly uith att Toun ordinances and stlte taws, and io buitd this structure according iothe Tovn's zoning and subdivision codesr'disign review approved, Uniforn BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Tolrn applicabl'e thefeto. REAUESTS TOR INSPECTTOilS SHALL BE }IADE TIIENW-TOUR HOURS IN AOVAI{CE BY Al 17y?138 oR AT ouR oFtIcE FRoll 8:00 A 5:00 Pil 291 BRIDGE ST PI,AZA LODGE 2Tor>osz-6-r-007 TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0154 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: 16117 53.00 06/LL/e6 13:36Init: ALM 895-0119 Type: 2101-0 82-62-007 29]. BRIDGE ST PLAZA LODGE B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Total Fees: 53.00 Tota1 ALL Pmt6: Balance: *****************t********************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4r.3r,3 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILI CALL INSPECTION FEE 53.00 53. 00 .00 Amount 50 .00 3 .00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES "*.Permit-*: E96-0119ELECTRICAI, PERMIT Status...: ISSUED App]ied. .t 06/07/L996 riiued. . . z' o6/r1/Le96 Expj-res. . : L2/08/t996 Phone:3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 VaLuation:500.00 FEE SUlll'IARY ******fttk*'f,trf,* *iffi Total cal,cuLated Fees--> 5J.00 Additionat Fees--------> -00 TotE t Permit Fee-----> 55.00 PsyDents-------- gri_Ali cE oue------_---> . 00 Item: 06000 ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENT06/07/1996 DArt Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: Job Address: 291 BRIDGE ST Location... ! PLAZA LODGE ParceI No. . : 2101-082-62-007 Project No.: APPLICANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118' AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P o Box 1118, AVON co 81620 OWNER DILLARD DAVID B & ANNA KAREN 291 BRTDGE ST, VArL co 81657 Description: RECESSED LITES Etectri ca l--> 50.00 DRB Fee Invrstigation> Ui LL caLt---> TOTAL FEES_-> .m 3.00 53.00 *******t******t**********t****ri*t***********tt*********t*************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******t****************l**l***t*l*t*t**t ********i***********i**r**Jr|t,rlrfihtjrJrr*'rri**** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedg! thet I havc read this apptication, fittcd out in fuLL the infornation requi red-, corytcted.an accurate ptot ft"n, "ia state thlt aLt the infofnation proviaeo as required.i_s correct, I agree to.cotP[y.],it! L!? iil:roation and ptot ptan, to compl,y uith al,t Town ordinances and stltc [a!rs, and io buil,d this structurc according lo-tha Tovn's zoning and subdivision codesr'disign revien approved, Uniforn Bui tding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appl'icabte thefeto. REOU€STS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI.IENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Af 479-2138 OR AT ouR oFFICE FRotl 8:00 Ail TOtltN oF vArL, coLoRADo staternnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0154 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: 1611? s3.oo 06/Lt/e6 13:36lnit: AI-,!1 E96-0119 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL, PERMIT 2101-0 82-62-007 291 BRIDGE ST PTAZA LODGE Total Fees: 53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addrese: Location: This Payrnent Account. Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CAI-,L INSPECTION FEE .i'; - 53.00 53.00 .00 Amount 50.00 3 .00 t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr.,, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DRB Fee Job Address: 291 BRIDGE ST Location... : PLAZA LODGE Parcel No.. : 2101-082-62-OO7Project No.: Status...: APPROVED App1ied. . : 06/.o7 /.tee6Issued...t 06/07/1996Expires..: 12/04/L996 Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI.,t TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E96-0119 APPLICANT lflItil- SVER. E.ESCTRIC P O BOX 1l_l_8, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620OIiINER DILLARD DAVID B & ANNA KAREN 291 BRTDGE ST, VArL,, CO 8!657 Description: RECESSED LITES *ir**t****t****ffi*l****ffi***t***** FEE su llARY Etect ri cat--->50. 00 Valuation:500.00 *Jr*Jnhlnt*rrffi*ffiffi* lotal catculated Fees---> 53.00 Additional. Fees---------> .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 53.00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- Invest igat ion> l.,i tt CaL t----> TOTAL FEES---> .00 3.00 55.00 **lnt**rt$rf*:l*lntlnft*******t***rr*#*tr*r*****rt***#r***ffi*****ff*ffi*ffi*Jr||t***ffif,*ffiffir DeDt: BUILD]NG DiVJ-SiON:ITem! O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTO6/O7/L996 DAN Action: APPR ***ffi**tffirr*lrJrtriit t CONDITION OF APPROVAL *** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this apptication, fitLed out in fu[[ the infornation required, cottpleted an accurate p[ot pLan, and state that atL the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty vith the information and ptot ptan, to conpl,y rrith a[! To]rn ordinances and state taws, and to bui l,d this structure according to the Tounrs zoning and subdivision codes, design revieH approved, uniforn BuiLding code and othep ondinances of the Toyn appticabte thereto, REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I{ADE TI{ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-?138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII E:OO A 5:OO P SIGNATURE OF OI{NER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER uo/ u I / uo IJ: ot O orrr*u Job NaEc: oHTlerE NaDe! Arcbitect: Nunber of DtteUing Unlts: , EUII,DING FERI{IT FEE: PIJIHBING PERIfII EEE8 IdECHANfCAL FERIIXI EEE: EECXRICAIJ FEEr OTEER EYPE OF EEE: DRB FEE3 Nr.uber of Accorirnoclaticn Units: !.llt uru H4u 074s WHI1U I{I YI;IT ELEC rgj0uto*jrCorlfce EEE]e Couuty AssessU tJf lrce ! f/ ".-Si0-sz6:8640 for pqrcel #. IOSN oF VAIL ggNSIRUCTISN Erficer. -* l-,;1o1sggga-ge!-- PERIIg APPLr-carr-oN roRl{ ,r DAIEr 6-F-?(- lERnrr tl g-t6-*9t . AI'PLICAm9u ilgsT BE rIr'r.FD OIn colFl.EqElv oR IT I',IAy NoI BE ACCEHT'$D,(f,*******+*****+***********i**+ pERldrr rNFo ![f,TroN ** *t*****+*:r *t**********'r'**tt A'i-'[. ]-"rrllding [ ]-Plunbing tt4l-blectr'cal 1 l-t{echnniba} [ I-Other '.*gL Job AddteEE: + L,egal Daccription:I,ot Blocic- filing Address: -1t g^!u- s *r. (r-,'Lr,'ro. 9!./.4w Address: GencraL Descriptionr BIITIJDING FI,EN CEECX FEE: PLUI(BING PIIA}T CHECK FEE! I4ECIIAIIICJIIJ PI-.AN CEECS FEE; RECREATION FEE: CI,ENT-UP DEFOSIT: r(}TAL PER!4IT FEEST BUILDIHG: STGNATIIRE: EONINGs SICIATT'RE! tronmentsi C*.ro C*U Borcsun-J lilorh Class: [ ]-New t,4'-atteration [ ]-Adilitional lg:rber and $pe ef, Flreplacesl GaE.eppliances- eas Ings- Wood/Pellet-t[*************r****:]********rr***** VAIUATIONS ****t*********+*******:t*t**!t**++*ttttiurrorue: ErJEcrHlcAL lt----5-oo'- gTgT5t ;;TxrBrNA; T-- recsA}ricnr.r s---:- lorAL: f--rt--- L*********^r********+******* COilIIRAC'IIOR INFOEI{ATIOI1 rl*t*****+** jt************i+:t /leneral Ccnttactor; A+., 1" i (4rs..... n - - Toun of val-1 nog. NO"- Iddressr P,., A^x W Fhonc Nuruherr 9? t;taL- l!1L:.C l.tsIeccrLcal contractert 4lr,lo. R,1u---ElJ 't,E.,= Torm of vail Reg' No' E-'lqd actctresrs: pat\o*rttA.T@ - phone Nu:nber: tlL-+rf+J: Prunbing Contrastor': - , --------------_ Tovn of vail Reg. NO.- AdcEess:' Phonc Hrlrnber! Mechanical contractor: Adclteas: Ta$n of vail R€E. NO. Phone Nuuber: rr* ***+**** * * * *+*** * * * ** **.*******FOR OTFICE USE ****r****************ri****t*** l-nepair [ ]-other 06/07 iS6 19:51 TO: FROM: DATE: RE; FAX 9?I B?4S094o ELECo EJUUZ ALL CONTRACTOHSiowi dF vAtt'puBllc woRKs DEPARTMENT MAY g, lg94 ffiLN';;?uEuc wAY FERMr ls REoUIFED rfiITE Job Name; Fi# arding the need ior a 'Public Way.Permit': 1) 2) E this a new residence? l$ dcmoliilon work belng perfonned that requires the use oi the right of way, eesernents or public property? ls any'utilitY wsrlt needed? ls the driveway being rePaved? ts dif{erent eccess needEd t0 site other than existirrg drivewaY? ls any drainage wotk being done affecting the right of way' €asementE' or public ProPerty? ls a'Revocable Hight Of Way Fcrmit* r€quired? YES 'filt &, . , L-/ - tI lll.' 3) 4) s) 6)z1+t' 7)*{ r u n1n y'8) A. ls the right of way. ease?nents or public property to be used lor siaging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to BA, is a Parl{ng, $aging or feneing plan reguired by CommuniU l.have read and answered allthe'above ahlqb nlu{ Development? ll you answered yes to arty ol lhese questions, a'Public WayJt1it: musl be obtained' 'puOtic Way Feimif appilcations may be obtalned at the Frrbtio Work's offico or et Comrnunity Developmeni. lt you have'any-ques'tions ptease call Charlie Dryr's, lhE Town of Vail Coisilruction lnsPec'lor, at 479'2158. Name ContrastoFe Date Q6/u7l96 tS:51 FAI 970 94S 671S WHITE RIVER ELECI @ 00s a lnwn u TO: EROMI DAjrE: SU&TECtr: |la tll r6uth t ontrqe rs.d Hil, cdlErado BlB57 (so3) 479-2I.38 or 479-2139 In srrnnary, Ord,iaance Ho- 6 states that it is unlanful fer anyperson to Litter, track or degosit any seil, Eoclty sand,, debris.or naterial, lncluding trash dungsters, portable toilets andwollmen veblcles upolr any EtreEt, sider*a1k, alley or puLrlic place or Errry portion theresf. The riEht-of-way on all T6rm ofVail ctreets and roadr is approxJ:nately 5 ft. off paveuent.lhis ordinance will be strictly enfotced by the Toyn of VailPub1ic lforlrs DeFa:itsent, Persons fourad vid1atlng thl3 ordlnancewill be given a 24 hour flritten notice to renove Eaid naterial-In tbe €vent tlre per:son so not'iti€A doas not co$Fly sltlr ttreaotice within the 2{ hour ti-ue specified, the Public tlorksDepartrnent sill renove said nat.erle]. at the e:qpense ol p€rgonnotified. The provisions of ttrie ordinance snaff not beaFPlicable to c-onst:rrction, Daifltrnarce or repair projetrts ofany stteet or alley or any utilities'in the right-a-way- To ravies Orelinance No. 6 in futl , please stop byVail Building Departarnt to obtain I *py, lfranlcooperation on this natter. clflea ol communlly devlloFmcnt AIjtJ C0lf,lfiACfor€ gtIRRElIrtYI. AECISrERED I{IE:E llE rTWN OF \TAITJ rolr.N oF vNr/ puBrrc woRKs/col.luIINIlT DEITEIOFHENT l-rLRcfi 16, 1988 CONSIRIIEIION FARMTtr & }TAITIERIAJJ STONACE the town ofyorl for your (i.e. contraftor, owner) acknouledge oeitionm 06/07 /56 13:51 ELECoFAX 970 94S 674$ luttn 75 roulh tlEnlpg! rtrad rtll, coloEdo fieiI(t0lt) &79-2138 or 479-1139 WHITE RIYER l4 004 atf,cc.of ccnmmlty drurlolmrnl . UILDII'IE PERI.IIT ISSUAI{CE TIHE FRAHE If thi.s permtt requires a Town of Vait fiire Departnent Approval, Engineer's (.Publ ic l{orks) review and agproval , a Planning uepartilenl reiiewor Hdalth uepartment revier+, and a revienr by the Building Departnent, the est'irnated time ftr a tota'l review may take ai long as three weeks,. All conrmerci'al 'flarge or smal'l) and all nrultl-family permits wlll have to fo] 'low ihe ibove nentioned naximun requirements. Residentia'l and small projects should talie a 'l esser amount of tirre. However,.if residenti'ai or smaller projects inpact the various above nentioned deprrbnents wtith regard to nec,essary review. these prtjects mal, also take the three week period Every attemFt will be nade by this department to expedite th'is 'permj:t.at sgon as Fossihle. I, the undersigned, understand the plnn chcck procedure and timeframe, r -O./f.-J f*: - -Project Name Conmunity Develoonert Department. TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t34 APPI,ICANT CONTNACTOR OWNER Job Address. . . z 291 BRIDGE ST LoCAtiON : PLAZA LODGE Parce1 No..... : 2101-082-62-007 ProjecL Number: Status...3 ISSUED Applied..: 06/05/7996riiued...: o6/os/L996 Expires. . : 12'/02/L996 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAI., PERM]T Permit #: M96-0058 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN co JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340r MTNTURN CO DII,I,ARDDAVIDB&ANNA291 BRTDGE ST, VArL CO 8164 5 81645 KAREN 81657 Phone z 3038275736 Phone : 303827 57 36 Description: MOVE F1RE SPRINKI,ER HEADS AND PIPES Valuation: ,0f Gas Logs: s00 .00 flof llood/PaL let:Fireplace Information: Restricted:flof Gas Appt i ances: ***ffi*****ffirr*trffi*ff**************t*****tt*******i****** FE€ SUllt'IARY ********************************************t************.OO Total' catcutated Fees--) 28'00 :oo Additionat Fees---------) '00Ze.oO Totat Pefmit Fee-------) 28'00 Payments------ eni-Altcg oue---- llechani ca t---> PIan Check---> lnvestigat ion> t itt Catt----> 20.00 5.00 3.00 nestuarant Plan Revi ev--> TOTAL FEES----- Item: .05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT -- -- -.-Pept: -BIII-LqINC Division: 6E7dit\6g|-cfiIf.trE- -eit,ion:' EijFn SHARLIE AND I{IKE M.GEE COND]TION OF APPROVAI., 1. FTELD TNSPECTTONS ARE BEOqIBqD To cHEqE EqB-9ODE CQUqL'I4NCE' i . Fifr.e-oEiiARruiNi"[piiii6viit-,-RE0-70 Fnr6n-to FINAL INspEcrIoN * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * * dt * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this appl,ication, filLed.out in futl' the information required' compteted an accurate ptot ptan, and ststc that att the' infornration pro;ided as nlgui red is correct. I agree to conpt'y riith the infornation and ptot plan' to compty uith a[t ronn ordina;c"s and state [aus, and io buitd this structure according tothe Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design reui", "pp"oi"i,"u.it"'.r auiiaing Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto' REGITJESTS FOR ITISPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE T!'ENTY-TOUR ADVANCE BY TELEPTONE AT 4 SIGNATURE OT o!INEN OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND OI'INER .. ',..:' TOI^IN OF' VAII., ?5 S. FRONIAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2]-38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0058 Job AddTCEig.., : 29L BRIDGE ST Location : PLAZA LODGE Parcel No..... : 2101-082-62-OO7Project Number: Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 06/o5/1996riiued... : o6'/05/ree6Expires..: 12/O2/I996 JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P o Box 340, MTNTURN CO JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN co DILLARDDAVIDB&ANNA 291 BRTDGE ST, VAIL co 8164s 816 45 KAREN 8165 7 Phone: 3038275736 Phone z 3038275736 Fi repl.ac! tnformation: Restfi cted:flof Gas AppI iances: **tr**t*t******HoH*tt*#*Jr***ffi**ff.******************** FEE SUllllARY echani cat-*> 20.00 Restuartnt Ptan neview-> Description: MOVE FIRE SPRINKTER HEADS AND P]PES PLan check---> 5.00 DRB **rr********i******************fi *******i**i******ffi ****** ,Oo Total catcutated Fees--> 28'00 :00 Additional' Fees---------> '0o Za.OO TotaL Permit Fee--------> 2E'@ Payments-------alllt'lce ouE---- Valuation: fof 6as Logs: s00.00 flof t'lood/Pa I' tet: tnveetigation> .00 t,i Lt caL[---> 3.0O TOTAL FEES----- Item: .0s100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT - --pepq-i-B!I1!PING Division: 6Eliislidi|-cHARr,rE- -eEEibn j"[i;Fn SHARI,IE AND I4IKE M.GEE CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1. FTELD TNSPECTTONS ARE RqQqItsED ro cI{EcE qqB-qoDE CQ}4ELIANCE'2. Finn-nnpARTMtNi"[pi;iiovjil,-nn6;o pnron To FINAL INSPEcTIoN ********r.*r,********d.*********************************di*t'***d'***************"**** DECLARAT]ONS r hereby acknoHl,ecrge th6t I have resd this appl,ication, fitl,ed.out in ful,t the infornation requi red, compteted an accurste ptot plan, and state that art tne'iniormaiion prouid"d as rlqui red is correct. I agrec to conply riith the inforrnation and ptot ptan' to corpLy Hith at t rown ordinances and stite [aws, and io buil.d this structure according io the Tovn's zoning and subdivision "oO""r'a'".ign r"u.i"v approieJ, U^it."r euitding Clde and other ordinances of the Toun appticabte thereto' ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 8:0O A 5100 P REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IAOE TI.'ENTY-FOUR STGNATURE OF OTINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF ANO OI'INER **************************+************************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO statemnt ***********tr**tr***********************************!r************* statemnt Number: REC-0152 Amount:28.00 06/05/96 14:40Init: DSPayrnent Method: CK Notation: *24A74 M95-0058 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2101-082-62-007 29]. BRIDGE ST PLAZA LODGE Total Fees: 28.00 ,Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L312 01 0000 4L33201 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT TEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILI, CALL INSPECTION FEE 28 .00 28.00 .00 Amount 20.00 s. 00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8165?970-479-2t38 Job Address...:Location......:Parcel No.....:Project Number: 291 BRIDGE ST PLAZA LODGE 2101-082-62-007 APPROVED 06 /05 /],ee6 06 /05 /Lee6t2 /02 /ree 6 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT PeTmit AT +. ALL SIMES M9 6-0058 Status. . .Applied..Issued. . .Expires. . APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER JERRY SIBLEY PLI'MBINGP O BOX 340, MINTURN CO JERRY SIBLEY PLUMB]NGP O BOX 340, MINSURN CODII.,LARDDAVIDB&ANNA 291 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO Phone : 303827 57 36 Phone z 30382'15736 Valuation:s00.00 #0f Uood/Pal. Let: ,00 Total Catcutated Fees---)28.00Additional. Fees---------> .00 81645 81645 KAREN 81657 Description: MOVE FIRE SPRINKLER HEADS AND PIPES Fi rcptace Intornation: Rcstfi cted:#0f Gas Appl.iances:#0f cas Logs: TEE SUl4tlARY ffitrfttttrt***hl*********W .00 28.00 28.00 .00f,****i***HWffir**********r*ffi ***ffi ****-*-**.?lll.lif-llfi ;;ilili"---***-hA* rtEM: O5IOO^PUILPING-DEPARTMENS- QEPI: BUILDING DiViSiONI06/0s/Lee6 cHARLTE- -AcEi6iir-EirFn cuenr,rE ANb-fiiKE-M6dEfr''" "' CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. EIEI.,D INSPEC.TI.ON$_4RE REQUIREP TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FrRE DEpARTMENT ApFnoviii-i.Eifb Fnroil-ici i'iir'Ai' rNspEcrroN******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS r hereby acknoxledge that I have read-this appLication, fil.ted out in fuLl, thc infopmation. fequi red, compl.eted an accurate pl,otplan, and state that a[[ the infonmation provided as rlquireu t" "o..".i. i "g.;" to conpty Jith tne in?o.*iion and ptot ptan,to compty vith al't Toun ordinances and state [avs, and to buiLd this structure according to the Toun,s zoning and subdivis,ioncodes, design rcvieF apProved, uniform Building c6oe ino other ordinances ot ine iown appticabl,e thereto. RESIJESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IiIAOE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47g.213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI4 6:00 A 5:OO Pl,I SIGNATURE OF O!'NER Oft CONTRACTOR FOR HII,ISELF AND OII|I{EN ]'lechani ca [---) PLan Check---) Investigat ion> ll i L l. Ca l. l.----) 20.00 5.00 .@ 3.00 Restuarant Plan Revi eu--> TOTAL FEES-----Tota I Permit Fee--------> Payments------- rs office. ^ --To?rN oF vA,,. coNscRu&N tf?r a*t* rU/i JJl b PERIIIT iI-- al APPLrcArroN l{usr BE FTLLED OUT COUpLEtELy oR rr uAy NOT BE AccEprED f,***************************** PER!{rT TNFORI,|ATJoN *!r************************** [ ]-BuiJ.ding tS -er 'FinS [ ]-Electricat I J-rrrechanibal [ ]-otherJob Nanes ,fob Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing Ot{ners Nanre:\\ ).Address: Address:Arshitect: ceneral Description: t7$:n"pair t :-otrr""Nunber of Dr.relLing Units! *-_r-^_ *:::-:::'*" ;; ;;;"J""= onn".'":I ::=T;I';::J;:::.- {***"***************************** vALUATToNs * ******************************** BUTLDING: $EI.ECTRICAL: 9lrEcHANrcAr,t=uE ;#il: co*rRAqroR ur$"*t{}i*% * * * * * * * * * *Illlllffi Toh'n of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaiIPhone Nunber: Towr of VaiI Req.Phone Nnnheri. FOR OFFfCE USE ***********************rr*****fr* NO. BU.TLDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: -P-_L!l!PrNc Pr.al-r cHEcx "rei:IitlcHANrcAt PI.AN CBECk FEE:RECREATION FEE:CI"TAN-UP DEPOSTT:TOTAL PERUIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZQNTNG: STGNAtrURE: PERI.{IT APPI,iICATT9N FORIiTDABE, gr,l/i e r PIttl.tBrNG:. T-,W*- f,*******-. €1*******f Eeneral Contractor:* Address: Electrical Contractor:Address: Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: ******************r************* BUTLDTNG PERI{TT FEE:PLTJMBING PERMIT FEE: IEICITANICAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:DRB FEE: Contractor: CI.EAT{ IIP DEFOSIT IEPIIND TO: ON fiTIt I 75 roulh ironLgc rord real, colorado 81657(303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2t39 TO: FRO}T: DAIE: su&TECt: ottlcc of communlty deyclopmrnl *#r"3IT^ffRs cuRREurLyL REGTSIERED wrrH urE TOWN OF' VArL puBl,rc rfoRKS/CO!,t!firNITy DEVETpPMENT ttARcH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & }TATERTAI STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) In sunmary, ordinance No. G states p-1t ig- is unlawful for anvperson to Litter, track o, a"io=_i!,"ry soil , rock, sand, debrisor materiar' incluaing tr]sil-Iiip=t"ri, poii.iir' to*"ts andworknen vehicres--y9_"n. 3nv-;I""!i; siaewair, -;ii;y or public-qr?9e or any p"Tl?l.trreieoi.--ine rigrrt_of-wav i;i i : : :;ff H " : "$;if g;. ::"iliiriti4 r_ if {l ;*iiil3tt, "'Pubtic works DeDartnent- --ilirins found .riirrrling this ordinancewitl be given "'aa rro"i-r"i.-i!i"iotice t"-i"iJil:sai.d rnarerial.rn the event the p9rs9r, =o ,rotitiea.ao""-r,li-I"iprv with thenotrce within the- 24 rr"ui-tiiJ-lq3:lrl:d, the p,rf,ri, worksDepartnent nill remove =iiJTIt]ri.r _"t trr" "riJise of personnotrfied' The provi"i""l-Jr''iiil orair,"ne" srrlii not beappticable to cinst=o"iio"I-diii:=r?" 9r repair projecrs ofany street or alley or any utifiires in the right-a_way.To.review Ordinance I?.,6. in full, please stop by *.-r""" .,:::i.::.'i:i"g,"Ef;ifn:*.::""i.'ii,, e ";;y. --;f,;il you ror your lutryn 75 aoulh trontagG .ordttll, colottdo tl657(30q 479-2138 ot 479-2139 olllcc of comrnunlty d.vclopmr[t BUILDING pERtriIT ISSUANCE TIME FMHE If this perrnit ".Crj:::_t Town of Vail -Fire Department Approval,Ensineer's (.pub't ii pliri ;;;;'.;;'Jpprova.t, a ptannin!.beparrnentrevrew or Hea'ttn Oep1yngnt ""ui.n,-.iq.l.'r9vi9w Uy tfre 6uitAingi:ril*:rh"ffl "rtrruted time ro"'.-tot"r review *y iur. as lons All commerci'al ('large^g1 small) and all mutti_family permits witlnave t0 fotow the above.menti6neJ nn'iimum requirements. Residentialand smalt proiects ;pr!a-pi"-;.-i".s!:;_"mount.of time. However, ifresidentiar or smar rer,Rrojefir-iri,piIi' the various above mentioned:i3: "$il'i,,li ll"ilniiS- T"li*:;;li'i"u i.", il;i. p"iii.ti *v Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermrit as soon as poss i b1 e. ' '" '| ' ssf's ' i;.j!l undersigned, understand the pran check procedure and time v s n e/t G s-tTFiEETnT6-The Ueve I Oomant Department. 2 0ate]Jo- Cormuni ty TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name: Please answer I have read o MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS FEQUIRED ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the rightof way, easements or public iroperty? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls difierent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls-.any drainage work being doneaffecting the right of way, easements,or public property? ls a "Flevocable Right CI Way permit. required? A.. -- ls the right of way, easements orpublic property to be usld tor "t"ging, ' parking or fencing? B. - lf no to gA, is a parking, staging ilflg!_g ptan required ov cErrnu-niiiuevetopment? lf you answered yes to any of lhese questions,.a.'public way permit. rnusl be obtained.'Public wav Permit' appiication? r:t6;;btained ar rhe-'puliic work,s office or arcommunitv DeveropmenliFri.d;-r1!-guestions preas" car cr,arrie Davis, rhe Townof Vail Construction Inspecloi, at 4Z}-Z1SB: NO X X K \( 1) z',) questionnaire regarding the need for a ,public Way permit.: YES 3) 4) 5) 6) K \ K 8) f, Job Name allthe above How it relates to Building permits: 1) 2) 3) Fill out our check list providedlf yes was answered.to any oFiiilE6ve questionsffren a "pubric Way" isrequired' You can pick up an apprication at eiiher community-oeveropment,located at 75 s. Frontage noao 6i puolic works, rocated at 1369 vailvailey Drive. Notice sign offs for utirity companies. Ail utirities must fierct verify (rocate)respective utilities prior to signing application. some utii,ty.orn'p"ni". require upto a 48 hour notice to schedute i td&te. A construction tratfic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheetof paper.An approved.site ptan mai itso be used. This pran wirr show rocationsof all traffic contror devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of forytru,gtig.1, !!aging, etc..).. Tlis pran wiil expire on ocr. rsth. and wiil need tobe resubmifted for approvai througn the winter. sketch of work beinq performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (rength,width & depth of wiril. rnis r;til;;n on the traffic contror pran or a siteplan for the job. i'rv r'sr"!' \.,r''r"\ *!g compreted apprication to the pubric works,s office for review. rf required,rocates wiil be schedured for the Town of vait ercciricia;;;;; trifation crew. Thelocates take prace in the morning ori, may require up to 4g houis to perform. The Public work's construction Inspector wirr review the apptication and approveor disapprove the permit. you wiil ti".onart"o as to the .t"t* i"o any that mayneeded. Most permits are released within 4g hours of being received, but pleaseallow up to one week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy wiil be faxed to communityDevelopment ailowingthe lgriulp F"rntiito be rereased. prease do not confusethe "Pubric way perriir'*iir' ";eiiioi-a"n"rrit,to do work on a project itserf. NOTE: ] Ig.:U:-y prooess-is ror work in a pubtic way onty.* Pubtic Way permits_are vatid onfy uh$if.fovember 15th.* A new pubric way permit irl"qrit.ol""h year it woii is not comprete. 4) s) 6) 7) cdpway TOW OFVAIL 75 South Fronmge Road Vail, Colorado 8],657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 3sFAX 303.,479-2452 1. 2. Deparnnent of Conununi ty Deve lopment rrFo*ul'llolr I'EEDED rnEN r'pr.yrf,e FoR [ [Ectt.rrgrr pERrtrr HEAT LOSS CAI,CULATIONS. TO SCATE FTOOR PLAN OF }IECIIA}ITCAL ROOM WITH EQUTPUENTDRAI{N IN To scAtE, r.rr1H pCiili-Ar DTMENST9NS AND BTuRATINGS OF AI,L EQUIPI,,ENi IN itECrriNICAI, ROO!,I. SHOI,it SIZE AND TOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS irNiS"---' NorE 'HETHER EtEvAToR EeurpMENT wrLL Arso BE TN'TAT.LED rNMECHA}IICAI, ROOM. FATLURE lo PRovrDE rttrs rxFoRr,tarrofi ru.L DELax rouR pEnurr. 3. 4. lnttn 75 routh IronfigG ro.d Y|[, colondo 8t65z(3qr)4r}3|38 (303) 47$A3e offce ol community development . NOTTCE IO CON:XRACTORS/OVINER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, rggrt the Tovirn of vair Buirding Department hasdeveloped the forioon_i"g'p;tlo-,i.." to ensure that new constructionsites have adequarelv-u!t"iii"l!o_prop.i-or"I""g. from buildingsites along and-adjade"t-io ior" of vair" roads oi st.reets. The Town of vail public lforks .Departnent will be required toinspect and approve -drainage -Ja3aclnt to ,or- of vair. roads orstreets and tbe instarrati"ri "itlrpgrary or per'anent curverts ataccess points from tbe roaa oi-sireet oa-to tie coo"truction site.such approvar musr -le obriin;; ;;i"t ro any reguest for inspecrionby the Town of vair ruilainn-iJcra*ent for fobtings or temporarvelectrical or all orh:r ii"p.-"ii.on. - ;G.;;-"^urr qtg_ziao tirequest an inspection from tn!-puuric works Depart.ment. Arr-ow amlnrmum of 24 hour notice. Also' the Town of Vail pubric works Department !,;i11 be approvingall final drainage and culveia'lr,"t.riation with resulting roadpacching as necessa_ry. Such approval must be-oUta:-neO prior toF j nat cerrif icare of 'o"""pli"v-i5",r.r,"". coMMuNrryt"o*o * FEBRUARY,1996 DIRECT LINE TELEPEOITIE LIST: ADMINISTRATION Susan Connelly, Director of Comnnmity Dwelopment Lorelei Donaldson, Depatnent Secretay Judy Rodriguez, Planning Seoetary BTIILDING DTVISION Charlie Davis, Building rnspector/plans Examiner Chuck Feldmann, Building Inspector/plans Examiner EnNt ClaEle, Electical TnsFrector Dan Stane( Building Uaison OfEcer ENVIRONMENTAL TIEALTH DTVISION Russell Forrest, Selrior Environmental policy planner Paul Rewes, Environmental Health Officer HOUSINGDMISION Andy Knudtsen, Senior Housing policy planner PLANNINGDTVISION Jim Cumutte, Semjor Town plannq Dominic ly166iello, Town plann6r Mike Mollic4 Assishnt Director of Comrnrmitv Dw. George Ruther, Town Plmna Randy Stouder, Town planner t awen Watoton" Planning Liaison Officer FaxNumber Inspection Requests 479-2140 479-2149 479-2139 479-2143 479-2325 479-2147 479-2321 479-2146 479-2333 479-2440 479-2t42 479-2148 479-2144 479-2t45 479-2150 479-2128 479-24 2 479-2149 STATE OF COLORADO DIVISION OFFIRE SAFEW PLAN REGISTRATIONFORM**{u/L Conhactors Name Number lto-Ot3 Mailing zpcode F/6u<'-- Telephone No. Name of System Test Signature Certification No.(Qualified Fire Inspector) I*irdi.tio. Comments (for additional comments use separate sheet) Distribution: Original copy goes to-Division of Fire Safety upon total completion of form. Copy to local fire department. Copy to conbactor and copy to building owner upon completion and sign-off. ,,?b,{Ss(3 ,+ ;--.+ sN :l ,d ,v . -\-t s \A\,N \ ? .J "{- \3\) D ^lz r) +, I 4 '.) {$ \ P {\,JFJt\\f, $,'.$,5\\iq*-l +-I .ti li jflnt--. =Fq ^l\-< d M\>->rI l'- \i:- Yl*4 d 4"t1.i-_-----;ti\t{.ttr\rl \ i, | _....=___t ,/\---at/b\ - .o .( \.r\\) x \\l-N t '\s \ L-l l\* !*"\\r)\\$ 9S '(J ) 15 \ \J\\l \\\\\h lv.) J t)\ o Dlign Review Action Fdlh TOWN OF VAIL <N-. Proiect Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecvGontact, Address and Phone: 4 Legal Description: tot Y - V-- Btock ? Subdivision Zone District If;' Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: fl Approval ! Disapproval Q€tafiApproval Conditions: ''', t( t./': , ii.,t.r.t'j r': \ ' i _, 1_,.'r i, tj - Town Planner ilDate: ;" I t'. I 'i- | DRB Fee pre-paid --,-l -Pill*l1e,d.el ?|";eW \liew {rcn Toqtt t4 ' ' t.vtt.d,7lLl1l DESTGN REVTEW o BOARD APPI,ICATTON . TOWN OF VAIIJ,COI,ORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:t******ttr rll*******tI. A. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: -..-New ConsbrucLion (g200. 00)Addirion ($50.00)X uinor AIt,erar,ion -ConcepLual Review ($20.00) ($0) c. D. ADDRESS: I,EGAIJ DESCRISubdivision Eo this application. rf property is aescriuel uydescripti.on, pleiase provide a meet,s and bounds legal.on a separat,e sheet and atbach ZONTNG: NAI'{E OFMaiLing APPLICANT: G. H. F. NAME OF n9 APPLICANT' Address: il NAI'{E qF OWNER(S) : PHONEt . - /472LAPPrrrcATroNs wrLL Nof aE p8oca.sgED l+rrilour owNER' s srGlfA"uR.s I. J. Condoniniun Approval if applicable. DRB FEEI DRB fees, as shown above,\ are Eo be paid aE Lhe!irne of submit,.at. of . rhe DRB uppiibiii"ri. --r,II"i, "henaPprying for a buirding permiul-plbase iaenciiy-ih" u."ur"c"valua.ion of Lhe pqopoiai. The bown ot vait witt adjusr .hefee according to lne- taUte Ueiow, Lo ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE P ZU. UU$ s0.00 $r00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED Ar{D CONSTRUCTION FEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUATION$ o $ io,ooc$10,001 -$ 50,000$ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000$150,001 - $ 500,000 $500. 001 91. 000, 000$ over $1, ooo, ooo DESIGI{ REVXEI{ BOARD APPROVAT EXPIRES JAII '1995 i'i]U - 1,,,i-ii'ri, #i y, rhpl. SS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ^i I,IST OF HATERIALS r.mre oF pRorEc,, (lr?[de lVa4il Pt/1"?4 (u;fr rfrnJO LEGAL DEscRrprroNt -r.,or'ff efocx Z suBDrvrsro* lV ltt' STREET ADDRESS: The foLlowing infornaLion is Review Board before a final A. AUTIJDING IIATERIALS: required approval TYPE OF for submittal can be given: UATERIAIJ Lo t.he Design, COLOR Roof Siding Obher WalI MateriaLs Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash EncLosures Greenhouses ReLaining walls Ext.erior Light.ing Other LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: 4r tI/[aI B. pl,Ar'rr *r"*Or: Bocanical Name co**olnu*" PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Ouant itv Size* *IndicaLe caliper for r].aac**Indicat.e size of proposed shrubs. uiffirubs is TVbe GROT'ND, COVERS soD SEED T\/DF OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OFEROSTON CON?ROL c.lf,H':f,:""Hfi:l'::',T:,".::::'i9T linn'+ns is proposed, pleasei?:H.:l: :yH". :t^::r:r;ii'i;e i;:;;i:;".i"ol"lliil;.8linl;:"g"lll';., ::"1::;l:i::l_ ;:ril;:';:;*'t"3 i:8ffil; deciduous Lrees. .Minimur! caliper fornghes. Indicate nergnL tor coniferous il"il.":::::.:"' ?i"_::;^i :Ii;"' ;t;"il:,;;:Hl:"';?l:::n.ill"o,li3'l,lillo?iif,l'.lr*:t^:iii:;, "'i&ii:nl:":':x; 3':::' ";#: :fthe lishr, rixture. rsecuibn ia. il]tii6'.ri D.OTHER LANDscApE FEATURES (retaining-yarls, fences, swimmingpools, ecc. ) please. specify, inJi"uc" rreiqni;_oi,r"euining l?1t"""*YfiX**il, ::l"l!'.::-,iiri"ii.hin che rronE seEback is. -.I.aximum heishr ot wiris-;i";il;;; Jii=ril"llr;::fi.f"';, -_- RrichoTa 600 FIFTH AVENUE. NEW YORK. NEW YOBK ROBERT F. HOERLE MANAGING DIBECTOR CHIEF INVESTMENT OFFICER o ng 10020-2302 (212) 83G53s3 lPF'*n**T!.l tE. JAS 3 $ 1g*5 TCI\ ' u*l+uligii., rE{d,[w[ January 18, 1995 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 110 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Sirs, The PlazaLodge Condominium Association does not have any objection to the plans for the Plaza Lodge units 54, and 58, as presented. The Dillard's desire to add a greenhouse enclosure and miscellaneous windows has met with the Board's approval. Ths Association has no objection to submission of the plans to the Town of Vail Design Review Board for their review. (.^- cc:Craig Snowden |.ECHFT-'ItrTsrr of tftt RECEIVEDFROM ADDRESS T{rLrH *,F*;;;. ---** l{iscel I aneaus CEgh F1-tl*:JF 1F: !l I !i. F:Fc*iF,t * lS{,ifiII::::'l"t# rH#r6s:5t.i0tiln0t{ Hr:rFHIfi5...trFE FEEHtii,un I. t *nd+ red ..r Iren paid $1Fr3rff41f,JlBEE Change r* t u rne,J .i :8, Bg &rounr, paid :Lr. Eig U, ljljl THR}.II{ I/ELI f*Lrr fEshi€lr F;Ef;THfi