HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ05-0438 B07-0072 LEGAL08-17-2009 4:02 pm ln'p""$:iT,F"d:FsifEPo'tins Pase 14 Reouested lnsoect Date: Tuesdav. Auoust 18. 2009' Sitd Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL 54 BEAVER DAM RD SECONDARY UNIT A/PrD Information Status:lnsp Area:B.PLMB 'J ISSUED Phone: (970)625-8551 CHANICAL Requested Time: 08:00 AM- Phone: (970)625-8551 Enlered By: JMONDRAGON 'l0l16t0g Inspeclor: JGG ' Action: AP APPROVEDCommenl: Brdzed coDper lines were OK.Unitlq Insoector:' 'JGG Action: AP APPROVED _ Co_Elnlenl:_.Cobper lines and Aqua-Pex pressure tested at 100 psi.Item: 240 PLMB-GaS Pipinir' -* Aoproved *- 10/16/08 lnsbeclor: JGG ' Action: AP APPROVED LMB-Gas Pipinir' -* Aoproved *- 10/16/08 lnsbector: JGG ' Action: AP APPROVEDCommenl: GaS oioino tested at 28 osi. OK. 01126109 Insodctor:- GCD Action: APAPPROVEDCommenl: MEDIUM PRESSURE PIB FROM METER LOCATION TO MECHANICAL ROOM 100psi TEST. REGULATOR REQD TO BE VENTED TO THE EXTERIOR PRESSURE TEST REQO. NOTE TO CONTRACTOR ALL GASPIPE TO BE CALLED UNDER THE PLUMBING PERMIT. 01126109 Inspector: JGG Action: AP APPROVED Description: SECONDARY UNIT ryE SEPERATE STRUCTURE ./ Reouestedlnspecrion{s) [/ /f?t fifirq/ Item: Requestor:Coniments: Assigned.To: Actton:Comment:Comment: Insoection Historv Item: 230 Item: 210 PlMB-Underoround ** Aooroved ** 04/30/08 'lnsoector: JRM ' ' Action: AP APPROVEDComment: 6# AIR TESTllem: 22O PLMB-Rouqh/D.W.V. *t Aooroved '*10116109 Inspector: JGG ' ' Action: AP APPROVEDComment: Roiroh DVW OK. 0'1126109 InspEctor: JGG Aclion: APAPPROVEDctor: JGG Aclion: APAPPROVED was pressure lested at 10 psi. OKr. .^ ^* Approved *" ' Ol n6l0g InsDeclor: JGG Action: AP APPROVEDComment: Ga3 pipinq in various size iron oipe pressure lested at 30 psi. 01/30/09 lnso6dor:- JGG ' ' Action: AP APPROVEDComment: Me-djum.pre.ssure.gas piping pressure tested at 100 psi. Gas regulalor venl piping pressure lested. at 30 psi: (1" black-irori)'LMB-PooUHot TubItem: 250 PLMB-PooUHotTubItem: 260 PLMB-Misc. ** Aooroved * 04/30/08 Inspeclor: JRM Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVALComment: HEAT MAINS 100 # AIR TEST 01122109 Insoector: JGG Action: AP APPROVEDCgnmp.nt: Heirt pex wasppssure tested at 10Q psi. Copper helt_Line_spressure tested at 100 psi.O1l22l0g Insoeblor: JGG Action: AP APPROVED REPT131 Run Id: 10137 08-17-2009 Inspection Request Reporting Page 11 4:02 pm Vail Co - city of - Reouested lnsoect Date: Tuesdav. Auqust 18. 2009' Site'Address: 54 BEAVER UAM RD VAIL SECONDARY UNIT IN DETACHED STRUCTURE A/P/D lnformation Description: INFLOOR HEAT, SNO\ ^4ELT, A/C Item: 310 Item: 315 Item: 320Item: 330Item: 340 Item: 390 Comment: 01t22to9 Comment: MECH-Final 02t04tog Comment: 08/04/09 Comment: B-MECH Sub ADUP Phone: (970)625-8551 llESi Slatus: ISSUED Insp Area: 0/( ** Approved ** InsDector: shahh' Aclion: AP APPROVED 12 inch round duct encased in concrete.Insoector: JGG Aclion: AP APPROVED In-flo9r heat tubilg was OK. Copper heat supply lines all pressure tested at 100 psi. Heating mainfolds were OK. REPT131 InsDector: GCD Aclion: NO NOTIFIED BOILER ROOM VENTING WASN'T INCLUDED IN THE ROUGH INSPECTION, CHECK INSTURCTIONS FOR TOTAL LENGHT. SEE ROUGH INSECTION.lnsDector: shahn Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED hedt has been operational for some time, however hojle_r id_ormalion is required on site lo inspect f he boiler lenoht'and termination tvoe oer comment 02lo4logTCO for one inaster bedroom suilb and kitchen, Run Id: 10137 Inspection Historv llem: 200 MECH-Rouoh "* Aooroved *" 0112610g lnsDector: JGG ' ' Action: AP APPROVEDComment: All fuC supply and return ducts OK. All make-up air s_upply3tnd registers were OK. 01126109 Inspector:' ' JGG Action: AP APPROVEDCommenl: Snow melt Wrsbo tubino oressure lested at 100 osi. 02104109 InsDector: GCD Action: AP APPROVEDComment: BATH AND KITCHEN EXHAUST AND DRYER DUCT APPR.BOILER VENTS ARE 32 FEET AND 1 90. THIS DOESN'T INCLUDE THE BOILER ROOM PORTION. 9LiltoS.'oon ''"0"$:,T,F"3'F"'! *rPon'nn t'n" t Requested Insp.ect Date: fuesday, August 18,2009' Inspeclion Area: SH Site Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL A/P/D Information Activitv: E08-0138 Tvoe: B-ELEC Consl Tvp6: Occuoahbv: Ow.TieT: RYAN. JOHN ALEXANDER. JR.&KARENSCHROEDERContractor: UNITED ELECTRIC. INC > t+"/ Reouested Time: 08:00 AM' Phone: 970-328-3336 -or- 970-390- 5579 Enlered Bv: JMONDRAGON K Sub Tvoe: NSFR Stalus: ISSUEDUbe: Insp Area: SH Phone: 970-328-3336 P oort K,L-A- Description: SECONDARY UNIT AS SEPERATE STRUCTURE Requestedrnspecrion(s) An ,l l-\,r-t(Item: 190 ELEC-Final A lV IRequeslor: UNITED ELECTRIC, INC U / Comments: 390-5579Assigned.To: SHAHN Time Exo: Sb 9o,ut N"tln f,,J. >/4 ,f*.ha '{wr"L, lnspection Historv F oc.th Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Item: 130 Item: 140 Item: 190 Comment: ELEC-Misc.11t04t08Comment: 11t07t08Commenl: ELEC-Final Action: AP APPROVED SERVIING THE SPA MECH ROOM LOAD CENTER. THIS VOID O INSPECTION AROUND SPA WALKING SURFACES. Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVALioK. DECK TO BE INSPECTED AFTER INSTALLATION.Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL IN SPA BONDING. REPT131 Run Id: 10137 08-17-2009 4:02 pm Inspec$:ll,F?$yFs.,bRSPortins Pase 12 Resuested lnslect Ri*i JHf;io*, Ausust 18, 200e Site Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL A/P/D Information INSTALL TWO CLASS A ONE GAS APPLIANCE F Requested Insoection(s) Item: 390 MECH-FinalRequestor: WESTERN FIREP AssionedTo: JMONDRAGON- Aclion:Commenl: SEERC,UGF- Insoection Historv Item: 200 MECH-Rouqho2toztog I Comment: o2t05tog Comment: 03/19/09Comment: 03/19/09 Commenl: SubTgne: NSFR Phone: 668-3760 B-MECH Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM (t SUPPLY. INC. Time Exp: o^Lt FIREPLACES (GAS LOGS BY OTHERS) AND. INLCUDE GAS PIPING) Requested Time: 10:30 AM' Phone: 668-3760 -or- (970) 827- 9623Entered By: JMONDRAGON K MFnao-il IREPLACE T ON SITE s'l/ '* AoDroved *. lD' Action: CRqS LOG SET BTU RETING AND STALLATION INSTRUCTIONS F E AND SIMPSON RRECTION REQUIRED ING SIZE. INSPECTION Item: 310llem: 315Item: 320Item: 330Item: 340Item: 390 Action: AP APPROVED Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIREDInsoector: GCD SEE ROUGH REPT131 Run Id: 10137 OWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL 210107113053 Permit #: ,409-0052 AND ELECTRONI 07/14/2OO9 Phone: 91O-926-8788 AND ELECTRONT 07/74/2O09 phone: 970-926-8788 OWNER RYAN, JOHN ALEXANDER, .lR & K O7/L4/2OO9 ].3 WISTERIA LN COVINGTON LA 70433 APPLICANT SUPERIOR ALARM P.O. BOX 4910 EDWARDS co 8L632-4970 IJicense : 429 -S CONTRACTOR SUPERIOR AIJARM P.O. BOX 4910 EDWARDS co 8r-632-4910 l,i cense : 429 - S Desciption: INSTALL FIRE ALARM SYSTEMValuation: $5,265.70 t*l'.*,}',}).**|*',}*|'.**'r*.|'|..|:}**'.|*t'':l**:}:}|'t..r*|**.*..l**|*.l| Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : Status. . Applied. Issued . Expires. .: ISSUED.: 07/14/2009 . i 0711712009.: 0lll3/2010 $485.45 $48s.45 $48s.45 Eleclrical-----> DRB Fee-----> Investigation--> Will Call---> TOTAL FEES.-> $0, oo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $485.4G Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees------> Total Permil Fee-------> Payments-----1 BALANCE DUE-----_> l l,ll * l + + a t * * * t * * tt '! r * a + l l. a * * * t + *:t r Approvals:Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 07 / 1,6 / 2009 mvaughan Action: AP . * | * a + + rt * t 't t*:r * t i a + * I t | * | * t t t I t I t *:i:* * 'l 'l | + a t I I t | * t + * | * i * rt | * rt * r' *,t* * | | * a * t rt tt.t,t | + a { * | * r.} i t t t * I * | I * a * i * * t * a t x * ** + t 'r + *,i * CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 52 Monitored fire aLarm system required and shalI comply with NFPA ?2 (2002 ed. ) and VFES :-:.Ti-TT- -+**,**:, **.r *1 *+i. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town appliaable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADf, TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE * * * t + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '3 * * * t *'t********+'i**i*****ti*******'t ****'i*'}t t *******'|.*'|*i(***';******{!****** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t + + * * * '1. I l. * * * * * * * * * * * | * * i*{.t ***t,t***rt*:}*,i,f *****{.*,t,t,t*rt*ttt,t * *,} rt tt,t|t * * * + rt * rt + Statement Nunber: R090000866 Amount: $485.45 07 /I7 /200904:03 PM Pa)rment Method: Credit Crd REEMAN Init: SAB Notation: MC CLIVE Permit No: ParceL No: Site Address : Location: This Palment: 409-0052 rype: AIARM PERMIT 2101-071-1305-3 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL $48s.46 *:l**'l****'l***********'l**'l***'tt****{'*{.*,t*{'****rt********{.**'t****|.**I*'t******'t*****t 't********** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: AccounE Code Current Ernts Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: $485.45 $485.45 $0.00 De scriDt ion BP 001"00003111L00 PF 00100003112300 FIRE AIJARM PERMIT FEES PITAN CHECK FEES 797.46 288.00 i i l i I t ,1 t 1 ior Alarm VaiI, i Comrne@al and Reslden submlEat and must Indu not be adcepted wlthouti I (rtun?o4 s''*C!2-- NEme; Nam€: Oonplete V.lustion for Flrc FireAam l: .. r.tln9 evpircA r^-?q l1 x Slrl I t:,bq ' ll.) X Utu ,JU 970-926-8790;Jul-14-09 ALARM PERIIIIT Hre Alarm shop drawlngs ar€ rcqulrcd at the Ume of applhaUon Infoimaflon llsbed on tfie 2ntl page of thls torm. Appllcation wlll lnformation. (8ulb#) (rr€mlonilrhcq tt ncoeccrry) Ooc. . Fitr Al.tm Erld? Do.. r Spdnkl.t 8Y!t!tn Erbt? Yac ( l l{o Wort Char: Nerv(\,)4daiuon( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Reto-Fit( ) oher( ) TyDe of Buildlngi sinsle-FamllypfDuplo(( ) Multt-Family( ) Commsrcial ( ) Rertsurent ( ) Othot ( ) Dfr R.GeIYed: -:M-l:-l P]oiect*%( Euilding P€rmil #: Alarm Femlt # -DO &_fta1-g'-q? -Lot #: _ Block #- suMivision:Urjo\rs Detailed Desaiption v=\il 200e u,l LVAIL lr- tltgu 14 r- rrDlg Llt JUL A- 3 uru.l-lv NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES/":'_'\ ^\ fY)l:S_7.f TWNEyIilV Town of Vail, community oevetopmeniTffiuth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 047 I -21 39 f. 97 O.47 9.2452 inspections. 97 0.47 9.21 49 MECHANICAL PERMIT NSFR Job Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location...,.:ParcelNo...: 210107113053 OWNER RYAN, JOHN ALEXANDER, JR & K O3/O22OO9 13 WISTERIA LN COVINGTON LA 70433 APPLICANT FIRESIDE OUTFITTERS LLC 03t02t2009 Phone: (970) 928-7501 PO BOX 2133 GLENWOOD SPRINGScoLoMDo 81602 License: 392-M CONTRACTOR FIRESIDE OUTFITTERS LLC 0310212009 Phone: (970) 928-7501 PO BOX 2133 GLENWOOD SPRINGS coLoMDo 81602 License: 392-M Derclption: INSTALL GAS LOGS (GAS PIPING BY OTHERS) $0,00 $79,00 Permit #: Addilional Fees---------> TOTAL PERMIT FEE--> Payments----------> BALANCE OUE-----> Status...: ISSUEDApplied... 0310212009 lssued. . : 03/11/2009 Expires. .: 09/07/2009 M09-0029 PRJ05-0438 s79.00 90.00 t79.00 $79.00 i0.00 Project #: Valuatlon: $3,000.00 *€**,,,.FEE SU Mechanical Permil Fee--> Plan Check----------> I nvestigation----------> $60,00 WillCall------>$15.00 Use Tax Fee----> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees--> APPROVALS llem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03/02/2009 JLE Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:.22 (BIDG.): COMBUSTION AIR lS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: CON0010574 SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GAS PIPING BY OTHERS. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the infomation required, completed an accurale plot plan, and state thal all the intormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Internelional Building and Residential Codes and olher ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE ilIADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRQM.Q:0( mechcanicaljermit_041 908 Mer 02 2OOS 2: 44PM FIRESIDE OUTFITTERS 9709288?85 p.1 Tt follo*lno llsrha MUET b. ltbchd to thb lGrmll appllc!flon tuactranlcal Room Levo|t drrwn to acrle to l]rcludt: Msdranlcsl Roqn Olmlnslms Combustlon Alr Dud Size end Locauon Fluc, Vcnt and Ga3 Llns Siza .nd Localion lleat Losr Cs|qlla0ont X Equipmcr Cut / Sp.c Shc€ta I Prol'nr.^.kt*e5y' Feor* \.^ /r(.,ro,t"oo'@L;l e-n"ir, Itt 4*t O &' resiAoorr**i tte-r s . 6cvr,. x Contractor Slgnaturc (..qul.!d) Proparty Intorm.tlon Par.6l#: fltot 0?l Baf3 Detill.d Do.cllptlon of Wofk: Tqu'l of Vail Cortlq,ror RcEbinuol No: Lagal D$cifptbn: tol* ?A Bl *J-- Job Namr: Orrner Nams: Mailir€ Addr€ss: (For Parcel d cont|ct Eagle county a3 rofs omc6 al 970-32E-8340 or villl '.vtflw.e'gL@ u nty.u3/p!tl€) ArEhftoct ( )1 1 enOinc*){ Nam€: Phone: Fax: E+4ail: comDlBlG velualion for Machanic.l P.lmll: Mcchanicar i {7, AU * i work clata: l't i ttewvAdditbn( ) Rrmodd( )Rcpair( )€rthel( ) |I- y'\-i 8o[e? Locatlon:ililntcrior( ) Exlerbr ( ) Other( ) iL- -*-.--. --'--.--_ -..- -=-_.-^ '. '.-i I lonypc erortng Flreplacrs; i ! Cas Apptianccs( ) G!3 Log3 ( ) WoodiPGllct ( ) it -, - I No/fype P'opo.ld FlEpLc.o; i I Gar apgnnces( ) Gd Logs D{ woodfP€llet ( ) i-.. *., ...."--.-_-..'.__-.2..s- I Buildlng Typc: I':./'j slngh-FamivlqTwo-Family ( ) Mufii-Famry ( | , Commcrc*rl (' ) Tonmhome ( ) Oth€r ( )j [r ttl lr,lNfE 'c;AR ( 2 icfig rOWN OF VAIL41q.oo Ptr1D * *a*t{' * * 'l *'t t t 'l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ****l|.*:l'l * {' t * * * * * * * 'l** * * 't t ***lll * ** ** i f * i * * * * * * * * ** * * * * I I I rl * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemont * *t'* i*{' 't {"ttt* i{' *l****+** * * *ir * { { t{'t*t *'t't*{r{r11t * ***tta** * * * * * * * * *****11l* * * *l * f **'|*** * i I *'l* * *** sEatement Number: Rogoooo22o Amount 3 $79.00 03/Lo/2OO9L0:L9 }I.l Palment Method: Check OTXTFITTERS Inits : iILENotation; 7935 FIRESIDE Permit No: M09- 0029 Parcel No: 2101- 07L-1305- 3 Site Address: 54 BBAVER DAIII RI) Location: This Palment : TIIPE: MECHA}IICAJ., PERMIT VAII. Tota1 Fees: Tota1 ALIr PmtB I Balance: 979.00 $79.00 $0.00 $79.00 tat * | tf* t | *{r * t *l*'t't*'t'}'l:l ** 'a '} 't+***lt 'lt t f{rt* ** * t *trt*tltllaaallff****t***{"4*t}***r* *:t:ltl*fa* | * ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accounc code DescripE ion Current PmtE MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300}|c 00100003112800 MECHAIIICAI., PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES V|ILL CALL, INSPECTfON FEE 50 .00 15.00 4.00 b-?- ob7}ffi WELD / BOLT INSPECTION REPORT SUMMARY Client Name: SUMAN ARCHITECTS Project: RYAN RESIDENCE Prolect Number: DN441 59.000 Report Number: ! Inspection Date: 021 17 12009 Fleld Rep: G. JARVIS Town of Vallofr TYPE OF INSPECTION EJ VieualWeld AWS D1.1-02 Table 6.1 / APPLICABLE CODE E Ultrasonic Weld AWS D1 .1-02 Srci. 6.13 E Decking A\ /S Dl.3{2 Secl. 4.5 E Magnetic Particle Weld AWS Dl.142 Sed.610 tr High Strength Bolt Atscspcc.forsrruclural Joinb Using ASru A 325 or 4490 D Anchor Bolts Proiecl Specillceliong D Liquid Dye Penetrant Weld AWS Dl 1-02 Sed.6.10 Location and Description of Work: TO!,vi',. WELDS VVE PERFORMED VISUAL WELD REINSPECTION OF ITEM NOS. 1 THROUGH 5 NOTED ON THE OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES LIST DATED 2110109.ITEMS SIGNED OFF. PLANS BY: REDWNE. ATTACHMENTS: OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES LIST DATED 2I1OIO9 AND ULTRASONIC TESTING OF WELDS REPORT. BOLTS At the time of our inspection, the items observed met the qualig standards sited above unless noted below. E Discrepancies were observed, please see the attached Outstanding Discrepancies list. Specific information is presented on the following inspection reports. 197'l West 12th Avenue I Denver. Colorado 80204 lPhone: 303-825-0777 Fax: 303-82$a252 . LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES I CLIENT: SUMAN ARCHITECTS PROJECT: RYAN RESIDENCE LOCATION: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL, CO CTL ITHOMPSOt{ PROJECT NO.: DN44159.000 DATE: FEBRUARY 10,2OO9 PAGE: 1OF 1 ITEM NO.LOCATION/DESCRIPTION DATE ACCEPTED 1 rop rurusE FULL PENETRATION WELDS WERE NQIACEESSIELE 2117t09 GJ ffiSoNIc EMMS OF FULL PENEIBAI!qN-!ryE!q HAVE BACKING OR BACK GAUGE AND BACK WELD. 2 rULL PEruETRATION WELD HAS OPEN ROOT/NO BACKING BAR OR 2t17t09 GJ ENCX WEIO T6 ACHIEVE FLL PEN WELD. BOTTOM SIDE OF TOP FLANGE. 3 TI.TUI- PETEfNNTIOru WELD ON BOTH BOTTOM FLANGES REJECTED 2t17t09 GJ ffiTtoNs AT 0.375" x 1" DEPTHS FRoM BorroM FI-ANGE UP. 4 FTJLL PEr.r WELbS REJECTED BY VISUAL E@ 2t17tl9 GJ HOLES. LACK OF FILL OPEN ROOT. 5 NEOUIRE WELDING PROCEDURES AND WELDERS CERTIFICATES 2t17t09 GJ TO ACCEPT WELDS. CC:TECHNICIAN: G. JARVIS .Ultrasonic Testing of Welds Report CLIENT: PFOJECT: LOCATION: CTL ITHOM PSON JOB NUMBER: DATE: WELD LOCATION AND IOENTIFICATION SKETCH--weldidentitrcalron /5?4- The above w€fds w€re tested in accordance wrth the requarements ol AW S O,.', t 24 ) Structural Weldrng cod6. Manulaclur€r or contractof q)-o q) .9:i o (/'o F(! t! c lJ-J Oecibels Discontinuity c o=ny -oi(r-q -- ?- E6<ls C fqt cl) o E l!-oqo P9:';Lo:::€€u FtD Y(d 7A' 6Sah Deg il-TeP 7D'A /'z 5d 2 ?/-ff.9 lvl.b 7/I /z a 2 ?1- n.a*rDrz? 5.f4 7.4 n t'z I z ?/- trc/- s, tsdr 72'11 /'z I 2-K/.A4ET SCOPE:/€-z<,.2-gs s4r:a4aeal CALIBRATION SETTINGS GAIN, ?Ae*cr, a scFrEEN DrM: /2 - 6ors +?t TRANSDUCER: S/N caea. Z.4rll/Z-gze, .ziZ€* 79 ANGLE ?'W)zoR TEST MATERIAL:4"4?,REFERENCE STANDARD:Ds'Z ';sZ K .tA/ 7"984( -,' FIELD COPY TO TECHNICIAN LEVEL List of Outstandinga Discrepancies CLIENT: PBOJECT: LOCATION: (,vP gol')'&?-CTL ITHOMPSON PROJECT NO.: DATE: a€K,4, LPc Ez Visual Welding Observation Report CLIENT: PBOJECTI LOCATIONI CTL ITHOMPSON ?4t:f PROJECT NO: DATE: F) tll] EGTEI] VE FEB 24 2009 TOWN OF VAIL Descriotion of Workilocation : '::1<:.'i7 r-? y'.a 2,, F,44,7-//// K Standard or Code: .dRWS ot.t tr AWS Dl.3 weather conditions: /2.v/ .-n< tr Shop € E&EDS N AWS DI.4 Type and Capacity of Machines: /-,/.'-' Types of Welds: f f 'Electrodes: weld Sizes: ./- " 5-'-' welding Positions Used:h SUMMARY Totaf Lineaf f nches ol Welds Made: ,'/r"' ^ ' -t Inspected: ! Discrepancies Noted: :S't='ea' a-> '-> ' --'-"'- @ o(! Visml Welding Observation Report cLrENr: 5,'' ')+ .' ' , PROJECX LOCATION: CTL ITHOMPSON pFoJEcr No: { I t / #'/ t ': + -- ..-'':'' l'r' ' oATE; 1'7 ?' ' I '.t '-{'" <7 Plan by: Project No. Date, Description of Work/Location: I Standard or Code:ffAWS Dl.l tr AWS Dl.3 r AWS Dl.4 weather conditions: 1.fu'l/eza-I ShoP pFietd Type and Capacity of Machines: a-.'-' flearodes: ,.f)/z-::/r(', ,, Typesof welas: F. y'-- weld Sizes: .4 ./Z;:Welding Positions Used:/)/,'' :.2 Total Lineal lnches of Welds Made: SUMMARY ^- .-./zatl fnspected: ,/z%-t" ./7 ,/Zf-i.2Rewefded: C) AccePted:-./ tr Discrepancies Noled:BEST AVAILABLE I IE -=/Azs -4353 lEi RETisTRUCTURAL MEMORANDUM Town of Vail 0FFlcE"$^,_ofrx,,, 4- Sean Molloy, P.E. Associate Redwine Engineers, Inc. cc: Mike Suman Suman Architects 970-479-7511 700 17th Slr€e! iSL,ilo ls00 i Oonver, CO 80202 li.l 303.675.9510 :t 903.575.9515 Ol5O Easr B€avo. Creek Btvd. i Unit 2O4A, PO Box SOOg i nvon, CO 81620 ti) 9?0.748.0711 '..) S?O.74A.A122 970-926-4781 fu?- do?L TO: Pat McDonald / Mountain Estate Builders FROM: SeanMolloy SUBJECT: RyanResidence Bracket at Master Tenace Pat, The bracket shown on the master terrace, north of grid intersection C-3 on 52.21 is called out on plans as "S.B." for Structural Bracket. The design of this area was revised so that the 6x16 beam in the masterbedroom cantilevers out to support the overhang. The bracket is no longer structural and is therefore an architectural bracket which should be noted as "A.8." on the plans. Please call ifyou have any questions. Thank you, Redwine Engineers Inc. Job Title: Job No: 061 05-valley connection 3:23 PM Ryan Residence 06105 Valley Beam Connection Sheet 2t10t2009 By: SJM (f74o7t Town of Vail OFFICE OOPY Rafter Span (ft)Added OlyLogs Added Lags Lags Only Z 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 o 0 U z 1 1 .'1 ,|I z I 2 1 ? 10 2 1 3 11 2 3 tz J ia 4 2 4 14 2 4 Town Transmittal Form Revision Submittals:1. 'Field Sef' of approved plans MUST accompany revisions2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the pe.mit is r+issued. 3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance' Permit #(s) informatlon applles to: Attention: ) Revisions ) Response to Cofiection Letter _aftached copy of correction letter ) Deferred Submittal !{other Project Address: Contact lnformatlon Conlact Name: contact Ph: gLZL!-fuLL-cer:- E-Mail: tJ, 5q Bcaue4 Dat^ 0J co o nvt JT"t Llrr,', - Han t. uunl Company Ph: Town of Vaif Contraclor Registration No: V/ L I Revised ADDlTlOl,lAL Valuatlons (Labor & Materials) (DO NOT include original valuation) BuiHing $ Plumbing $ Eleclrical $ lvlechanical $ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm $ Total I 0.00 Description / List of Changes: Signafure (roquired) X (Use additional sheet if necessary) D [enntrFtd. wlF 18 2009 -OF VAIL l-AL= \, FEB OWNT D ill] Oate Raceived: ^*WN' lnsufVail; uc'?rd'"- - - 007L Post OfFce Box 2888 Vail, Colorado 81658 970-524-3000 Fax 970-524-3001 Mr. PatMcDonald Mountain Estate Builders 0137 Main Steet Edwards, CO 81632 Town of Vail OFFIOE OOPY Febnrary 17,2009 PRO.IECT: Ryan Residence 96 Forest Road Vail,CO SPECIflCATIONS: R-Values R-39 6'polyurethane spray foem to?xl? exterior ceiling. The roofor (per the plans) is to instrll 3 inches of rigid insulation on the roof deck with an R-27 for a Totel of R{6 on the ruof. R{0 9 /r' polyurethanc spny foen to 9 Yz" LYL master tcrrace exterior ceiling R-39 6" polyurcthane spray foam to rims of the exterior ceilinp R-19 3' polyurcthane spray foam to garage exterior ceiling and rims R-60 fiberglass loosefiIl insulrtion to garegc exterior cciling bclow polyunethenesprry foam fora total ofR-79 in the garege erterior ceiling. R{.5 I' polyurethane rpray form to gange ertcrior ceiling beams R-38 5'polyurethenc sprey foem to crawl space metal decking below entry stainr R-23 Blow-In-Blrnket Slntem fibcrgless insuhtion (BIBS) to 2x6 exterior wrlls R-23 BIBS to 216 gange common wells R-15 BIBS to 2x4 fured concrete exteriorwells R-9.6 1 /z' polyurethrne sprry foam to 2x2 frrrred concrete exterior wells 6-nil poly eirrlapor berrier to exteriorwallr, ganrge common walls Mcmbnin Smart Vepor Rcterder to 2x4 frrred concretc crterior wellr R-49 BIBS toll7lP mid floor I Yz" foil feced rigid insulrtion to crawl ceiling under radient heat tubing R49 BIBS to ll7n'' crewl ceiling R-15 BIBS to 2x4 interior walls R-23 BIBS to 2x6 interiorwalls Foem ellwindows, doon end penetrations Call me with any questions, CertainTeedEl Builders Statement qb f 12 N"oee sI #PTHf\,4,r^\'^ Ffiheir .f"r,etss flrrlsl.lfiatForilr ri;serjl nin itifr,e llkolrv iln-i3ll:rulrireii"" li'.,jr.ci:r a R-value of n *3 or{ trY TEEtoA VR.,- (-o usinc bass ofThe OPTIMA System has been installed using OPTIMA Insulation to provide insulation to coverl5S I square feel of area at a thickness of-[/a inches, I nsta I lc'r Contt.tctor / D,rtt; / liuilrler lsign) Conpany Nanre / Drt.' / :, i_ jf :.iivirAl I,,F ti F D l{rVil\i-.1(_r OPTIMATM Loose Fill ltrsulatiot't is rlarrufacturecl for closed cavity application irrstallecl l:ehincl OPTIMA Fabric or equivalent. lt shoulcl not be used for open blorv applications. In accordance with the charts belorv, you murst install the ntittimum nurlber oi bags per 1,000 sq. ft. of net area for eaclr R-va lr-re/cavity thickness listed. Coverage is ltased otr a nominal 28 lb. bag. The nraximunr net coverage must not exceed that specified for each R-value. Failure to install the requirecl nrininrurn weiglrt per sc1. ft. of insr-rlation will result irr a recluced R-value. This prodr.rct should not be mixecl witlr other blown insulations or the tlrenral claims will becorre invalid. Sidewalls, Cathedral Cei and other closed cavities that are c filled. Floored Attics-Closed Cavities that Al'FllicvlED roiR riSE Il..l 1rH: SiLoM/.;N..Ei,8ri.l1(tlli s"5l i,AL CERTAINTTED CORPORATION, P.O. BOX B5O, VAI.LEY FORCT, PA 19482 Mininrrnl Weight tbs. Pcr Sq. Ft. Maxinlum Sq. ft. Cover.ge Per B.rB* l j,, r..l\.lr 0-52; 7Il, r_'x{l ) (rrl, " l2\ ll.i) 11'/:'\'!xl2) l3r/i'r:xl4) are Thiclness lnchcs R-vnlue Densily [br. Per Cu. Ft. Minim m weight tbs. Per Sq. Ft. Brgs Per 1,000 5q. tr. Miiimum 5q. ft. Cover;rge Per BagN lrl'llx4 t:t.{)t).292 I o.4 lrl ' 12x4)rl 1.2 0.150 ').5 ti(l ]'ir';2x{t4 ii.40{i .1.5 6(l li ' r-'\4)t4 L()l.) .167 | 6.7 (,() 5'l.' ll trIl 1.0 {r 45{l I f'.-r {,1 5t','t:lr6)2l 0.5 50 I 9.6 5l 5 jl" r2x6))2 4 0.t,42 22.7 ,14 51." (.1\br .ll o./.t l 2{r..1 .iit 7'/ i' (2x8t LO o.604 2t.7 7rl." (2xll)27 1.2 0.7? 5 2\./-t9 7'/.i lxlll 29 t.4 0.846 l0. J 7lt'i2tL\)30 l.tr 0.967 I4.5 !.) 9r/" {:l r Io)J3 1.0 \).77 I 27.n -l ar 9'lr' (2x l0)35 0. 2 s l l.,l l1) 97"'U\10)t6 4 1.079 l B.5 26 9',/r (?x10)3B t.2J3 41.5 21 Code: i0 2-l 2lll 1999 Certaineed CorDo.ation 5/99 Manufacturer Insulation Fact Sheet CertainTeedEl 'jibrer C,:iaiss llnsu,lla,(:f;oxn nrrsed ffrn lith,e Bflow.:lli.iEiainlc,eri' Sysliernn Certa inTeed Corporation P.O. Box 860 Valley Forge, PA 19482 " - lA/ /\, - li'[i(]f OlRM^Ai\.lC E * 'Bascd (rr ,, o,,,r1 ,ht 211 ). t,.lji OPTIMATM Loose Fill Insulation is manufactured for closed cavity application installed behind OPTIMA Fabric or equivalent. lt should not be used for open blow applications. Sidewalls, Cathedral Ceilings and other closed cavities that are compression filled. R.v.r|uesarede|el.minedinaccorc|ancewit|rAsTMC687'Cotn1r|ieswithAsTM lhe grealef the insulari READ THIS BEFORE YOU BUY What you should know about R-values. The chart shows the R-value of this insulation. R means resistance to heat flow. The higher the R-value, the greater the insulating power, Compare insulatiorr R-values before you buy. There are other factors to consider. The amount of insulation you need depends mainly on the climate you live in. Also, your fuel savirrgs from irrsulatiorr will depend upon the ciimate, the type and size 6f your house, the amount of insulation already in your house and your fuel use patterns and family size. tf you buy too much insulation, it will cost vou more than what vou'll save on fuel. To get the marked R-value, it is essential that this insulation be installed properly. Thickness lnches R.valuc Density Lbs. Per Cu. Fl. Minimum Wekht lbs. Per Sq. Fi. BaRs Per 1,000 Sq. fr. Maximum 5q. ft. Covera8e Per 8ag* 3'l:' (2 x4)t.B 0,52 5 r 8.9 5t/t't2x6l 2l L8 0.B2 5 29.4 34 7rli'(2\B)30 I B 1.088 38.5 26gth" l2x10)39 LB 1.38B 50.0 20 11t/ t" (2\12],47 t.8 'r.688 58.8 17 I3rr" (2x14)t.B 1.98B l4 Floored Attics-Closed Cavities that are not compression filled. Thickness Inches R.value Den!ity tbs. Per Cu- Ft- Mininrurn Weighl Lbs. Per Sq. Fi. Ilags Per 1,000 5q.;1. Mnximom Sq. Fl. Coverage Per Bag* t\i'\2x4 12 1.0 0.292 10.4 96 31/t'(2x4 .2 0.3 50 12.5 00 1'lt 1.2 x4 t4 4 0.40B | 4.5 69 |%'(2x4 l4 o.467 16.7 60 5'/r'(2x6)19 t.0 0.458 1 6.4 51ll'(2t(61 '| .2 0.550 19.6 5l 5'1" (2x{r)22 0.642 22.7 44 5r/:" (2x5)22 o.7 3J 26.3 3a 7ji," (2lllj 26 1.0 0.604 21.7 46 71t.i'lzxB)27 1.2 o.725 25.7 .]9 7\/l'QxB)29 1.4 0.845 I0.3 7'1," (2xB)l0 1.6 o.967 34.5 29 9'/a" (2x10)33 1.0 o.7 71 27 .8 l6 1),/,1" {2x 1O)35 12 o.925 33.l l0 9'li" (2xl0)36 1.4 1 .O79 3B_5 9'li" (2x10)3B 1.23J 41.5 23 Blolt-ln-Blanket'r'Syslem isa registefed trademark ofArk-SeaI Internatjonal, lnc., De[ver CO B0223 . OPTIMA is a traden)ark of CerlainTeed Corporation List of Outstanding Discrepancies CTL ITHOMPSON Pase / ot /. . Vlsual Welding Observation GTL ITHOMPSON Report CLIENT: PROJECT, LOCATION: PROJECT NO: DATEi Plan by, Project No. Date Descriplion of Work/Localion: Standard or Code: Ir AWS Dt.t n AWS Dt.3 I AWS Dt.4 ! Shop U Field .!.' ., Type and Capacity of Machines: Electrodes:Types of Welds: Welding Positions Used: Inspected: SUMMARY ,r'' -. - , ..- ,,'.] t,. t: ' 4.:":',: Total Lineal Inches of Welds Made: Rejected:.'-. :.( Accepted:Rewelded: Il Discrepancies Noted: FFer__r, ICOpyt AvArt^BtE (o o(r FIELD COPY TO TECHNICIAN ,=/azs -4353 lEi REt iSTRUCTURAL February 2,2009 Mike Suman Suman Architect 2211 North Frontage Road, Suite A Vail, CO 81657 pt. 6o7Y Town of Vail OFFf,fiffi #OPY i 333.575.35t5 81620 I iS7O.74g.07ll t: 9fO.'l4A.Or22 1. RE: Ryan Residence Letter on Substantial Conformance of Structural Work Dear Mike: REI Structural, as structural engineers of record for the referenced project, state as follows: 2. To the best of our professional knowledge, belief and opinion, the design of all structural features is in accordance with applicable building codes and ordinances to the extent that they apply to our portion of the work. During the course of construction to date, we have made periodic visits to the site to observe the progress and quality of the construction. To the best of our professional knowledge, belief and opinion, and based on these limited observations, we believe that the structural work currently in place is in substantial conformance with the contract documents, and meets the structural requirements of applicable codes and regulations of agencies having jurisdiction. 06105 70C 17rh Srr0or Srilr 190C ol50 E as1 Ecavor C, eek Blvd. 0o')!er. CO Bo202 :!;303.575.95r0 I Uiir 204A, PO Bor aocc Avo,r, cO Sincerely, 6an Molloy NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES 'b1 - oo1 z- Permit #: M08-0320 ./':\ TmETMV_-;.*- Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 o.47 9-21 39 f. 97 0.47 9.2452 inspections. 97 O.47 9,21 49 Job Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Stalus . . . : ISSUEDLocatlon.,...: Appli6d,.: 1211112008 Parcel No...: 210107113053 lssuod. . : 1211512008 Expires . .: 06/13/2009 OWNER RYAN, JOHN AIEXANDER, JR & K 12l11/2008 13 WISTERIA LN COVINGTON LA 70433 APPLICANT WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY. lN 12111/2008 Phone: 668-3760 1685 PAONIA coLo sPRrNGs, co 80915 PO BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 81645 License: 323-M CONTRACTOR WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, lN 12l11/2008 Phone: 668-3760 1685 PAONIA coLo SPRTNGS. CO 80915 PO BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 81645 License: 323-M Desciption: INSTALL TWO CLASS A FLUE SYSTEMS ON MASONRY FIREPLACES (GAS LOGS BY OTHERS) AND ONE GAS APPLIANCE FIREPLACE. (PERMIT DOES NOT INLCUDE GAS PIPING) Valuatlon: $5.700.00 Mechanical Permit Fee--> $120.00 will Call-------> $4,00 Total calculated Fees--> $154 00 Plan Check--------._---> $30.00 Use Tax Fee----> 90.00 Additional Fees--------> $0 00Investigation---------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE--> 9154'00 Total Calculated Fees-> 9154.00 Paymonts---------> 9154.00 BALANCE OUE-----> $0.00 MECHANICAL PERMIT NSFR Project #: PRJ08-0438 APPROVALS llem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 12l1212008 cgunion Aclion: CR called conlractor contacl (Pat Rice) need to get log set specification sheels and clarification on the 2 class A chimney systems 1211212008 cAunion Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond.22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR lS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 1O OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond:25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTEO ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond:29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING, Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND COOE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED lN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR mechcanicaLpermiL04l 908 TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIOUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004,6. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge lhat I have read this application, filled oul in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and slate that all the infotmation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with allTown ordinances and slate laws, and to build lhis struclure according to the towns zoning and Eubdivision codes, dEsign review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. LL BE MADE TWENW.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:O( t4ts lot Prinl Name REQUESTS FOR II{SPE mechcanicalloermit_041 908 t t * t I t * t | * t | * | | t I t I t | * * * * * | I * * * * * 't * * * * | * | * | * t 'l | * | * || | * * | * | | | t I t * || 't * | * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | | | * | 't TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement al*lrllalaaaalataaalaiaaa'a'at+a'+aa{'11'a'*aaaaaaaaaaaatltlrral'}lll * a a * a I I * * * * * + a + a l a * * * * * a * | | r a I gtacemenc Nunber: R080002355 Amoun!: 9154.00 12/L5/2ooerL:19 AM Paynent l.lethod: Check Inits: LCNotation: #218Ilwestern Fireplace Supply Pernit No: M08-0320 T14re: MECIIAIIICAL PERilIT Parce1 No3 2101- 071- X3 05 - 3 Site AddreEs: 54 BEAVER DA!,f RD VAIL Location: Total FeeE: 5154.00 This Payment: $154.00 Total AIJJ Pnts: $154.00BaLance: 90,00 * t I t t * t * * * | t | * * | t l a | * * * * * ** * * * * | * * *+ *i t I * * * I * i I * i * * * * * * * t 'l * t 'l * | t * I | * I * +*{r{' * * **fall*tlt** ** *a ACCOLJNT ITEM LISTI Account Code DescriDtlon Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31111OO MECITAITICAI., PERMIT FEESPF 00100003t12300 plAlr cHEcK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CAI.,IJ INSPECTION FEE 120.00 30,00 4.00 TOWN AIL MECHANIGAL PERMIT APPLICATION The followinq items MUST be attached to this permit application Mechanical Room Lavout drawn to scale to include: Mechanical Room Dimensions Combustion Air Duct Size and Localion Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location Heat Loss Calculations Equipment Cut / Spec Sheets Project #: Project Address 5e".6 tar.a(. Dan Rd Cont|actor lnformatlon co'p"ny' b€E€dci Company Address: city: /t0^) state:=to, S lbflb\ contactName: YaU Rt€ tltls.fl68 3#.4 Buihing Permit #: Mechanical Permit #:fAc Detailed Description of Work: Contact Ph: E-Mail: Contractor Signatu re (required) Property Information e.,""r*, SloJ -o7r. 13' DSl Remodel( ) Repair( )Other( ) Legal Description: Lot #7 Btk Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other( ) Subdivision: Job Name:r Gas Appliances( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Mailing Address: (For Parc€l # Contacl Eagle County asse^ssors Ofiice at 97G328-6640 or visit w\.,^ /.eagleco u nty. u s/p atie)l"A zo+g; No/Type Proposed Fireplaces:., Gas Appliances( ^) Gas Logs ( Building Typo: Single.Famif ($ Two-Family ( Commercial ( ) Townhome ( ) ) MultFFamily ( ) Other ( ) 0{C (r) g "s fizre{.rtacC (Use additional sheet ifnecessary) ' Comolete Valuation for Mechanical Permit:r.?DO.00 Mechanical $ r'r 'r Work Class: nI7 f- 2008 F VAIL rnr It9L DEC ]WN E 1 :ll 1 or tL-lq T(ofirc+ ca Date Received: Engineering, Inc. CIVIL/GEOTECHNICAL R.E: Observation of dowel construction into Retaining Wall Subgrade, south of Driveway Lot32, Block 7, Vail Village, Filing I 54 Beaver Dam Road, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado ProjectNo.07l95 Dear Pat: At your request, on August 27, and twice today, August 29,2008, we visited the construction site on Lot 32, Block 7, Vail Village, Filing l, 54 Beaver Dam Road, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose of our site visits, was to observe the doweling into the bedrock subgrade for the retaining wall on the south side of the proposed driveway. They drilled four rows ofholes at 12 inches on center for the entire length ofthe footing for the retaining wall. The holes were cleaned with an air compressor to blow out all the fine particle deposited during the drilling of the holes. An epoxy was placed in each of the holes and the re-bar was placed in the holes. We also, inspected each dowel location after it was constructed and did not observe any cracking ofthe bedrock surrounding the dowels. Ground water seepage was observed near the west and of the retaining wall. We were informed that there is a drainage system being constructed behind the retaining wall with a drain pipe at the bottom to collect the water and discharge it into the storm drain at the northeast comer ofthe property. This report has been prepared in accordance with locally accepted professional Geotechnical engineering standards for similar methods of testing and soil conditions at this time. There is no other warranty either expressed or implied. Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, LKP Engineering Inc. \\ // tE | \\'/ q; ln\lIl2008 il /i LJ VAIL =ti Oa'J i) OF le[, ecDuLl TOWN n tnll"l tltl August 29,2008 Mr. Pat McDonald Mountain Estates Builders 137 Main Street, Suite # 0203 Edwards. CO 81632 X,"-Btuiza Petrovska. PE President Jl WPl2-LKP\2007\07l95dowel-retwall.wpd ."-$tt''tr&, P.O. Box 2837, Edwards, CO 81632, (970) 926-9088 Tel, (970) 926-9089 Fax [D) =cErt=R Lil] sEP 03 2008 lu TOWN OF VAIL l-gt REr sTRUCTuRAL MEMORANDUM August 27,2008 TO:Pat McDonald i Mountain Estate Builders FROM: SeanMolloy 970-926-478r SUBJECT: Pat, Ryan Residence Retainine wall As we discussed, the retaining wall at the driveway (detail E/S5.02) can transition to a typical retaining wall (details C&D/S5.02) at the point where all boulder walls end which is approximately 20' east of the main entry stairs. The typical retaining wall therefore begins at the stairs and transitions to the driveway retaining wall for the remainder of the distance to the end of the driveway. Also, as we discussed, the driveway retaining wall (detail E/S5.02) is bearing on bedrock and the construction of a 4' deep key is not feasible. Per LKP's August 21" letter, the bedrock is suitable to dowel into. The key and reinforcement within the key may be replaced with (4) *i4 dowels (8" hook in footing, 31" leg) @ 12" on center along the length of the wall. The dowels must be embedded a minimum of 18" into the bedrock with Epcon A7 epoxy in aVa" diameter hole. The dowels must be spaced a minimum of 12" from any edge of the footing and from any adjacent dowels. All other footing dimensions and reinforcement remains the same. Finally, because the retaining wall footing is bearing on bedrock, the steps at the bottom of the footing does not need to slope between footing elevations as shown on detail DiS0.02. The additional reinforcing in the bottom of the wall at the step does need to be provided. Please call ifyou have any questions. Redwine Engineers, Inc. Mike Suman Suman Architects D{:nvcr, CC 8n2i2 :,3+3 573.9510 970-479-7511 700 17rh Sirec'r , Suit0 ! J00 ' 1l150 E:a.'t []rn'or Crr,:l Ulr.t. olloy, P.E. U, il L'i'4.4 'r{) []or 8i]ot ,\vo. O{) 0ltlc ' : ti}.i4t.ii11 : i.l74.748.s7i2 n tDl lttl |e6ren\\riel-C \, l-= tl \7 lq sEP o 3 2008 TOWN OF VAIL GEOIDflILE DMINAGE FABRIC DRAIN TO DAN.GHT BOUDA YiAIS BY O]HEXS ,or Lo s'0.c. $3'r. 15 o 16'0.c. HoRz. (6) ,s ror{c. ToP t6 0 12'0.C. lRAriS. ToP DHVEI{AY RE: CML (4) f5 LoNG. B0Tr. BFAR ON SOUND BEDROCK I (l) ftls o 12'0.c. DOIIEIS INIO BDROCKv HrGH-SrRENGtll NON-SHRINK GROIII TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970479-2t35 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES $01-oor4 ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A08-0104 -??:SOS 6 t(Sg Job Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Applied..: 1l/26/2008 Parcel No...: 210107113053 Issued . . : 0111612009 ProjectNo: Expires..: 0711512009 OWNER RYAN, JOHN AI,EXANDER, JR & K IT/26/2008 13 WISTERIA LN COVINGTON LA 70433 APPLICANT CONUNDRIIM TECHNOLOGIES 7L/26/2OO8 Phone: 970-748-4500 P.O. BOX 8435 AVON co 81620 License:613-S CONTRACTOR CONUNDRIJM TECHNOLOGIES ]-I/26/2OO8 PhONC: 970-748-4500 P.O. BOX 8435 AVON co 81620 I-,icense : 613 -S Desciption: INSTALL FIRE ALARM SYSTEMValuation: $9,000.00 * t **:r *t * * { ar} t *:} *'}:} *'t:} *t a:t t* l'ttt t t 'tElecfiical-------> $0.00 Total Calculaled Fees-> $569. s0 DRB Fee-----> $0.00 Additional Fees-------> $0.00 lnvestigation--> S0.00 Total Permit Fee----> $569.50 Will Cdl-----> $0.00 Payments----------> $s69. s0 TOTAL FEES-> $s69. s0 BALANCE DUE----> $0.00 *t t * | 't t rt | { * | t * t t I Approvals:Item: 05500 I'IRE DEPARTMENT 12/ol/2o0e drhoades Action: DN Resubmittal required. FP1 .L Smoke detector shown in garage, south bay. Change to heat detector. Keypad placement strown in elevator shaft. Relocate. Smoke detector shown outside ot Bdrm 2/Guest suite is onfy 2 teet trom bath doorwi Standards it must be 6 feet or greater from baEhroom doorway. Add heat detector to storage under staj.rs. No detector shown. Add smoke detector to entrv vestibule. FP1 .2 Slopes shown only with arrow and DWN. Need slope shown in mathematicaL terms. Depth of beams not shown. FP1 .3 Beam depths not shown. Slopes only shown with arrow. (No DWN or UP) Arrow tor keypad in master bedroom points to middle ot wafkway. Relocate to a waI. Detectors for upper leve1 shown on main leveI page, Show in actual locat,lons. General: Knox box shall be recessed mount. No mechanical room or mechanj.cal equipment is shown on these p1ans. OL/ 05/2009 drhoades Action: AP Approved as noted on plans, t r*tt+t t a tl at t rt t t *ar* *i rt tl'tl t lta CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have and state that all the information Town ordinances and state laws, approved, Intemational Building REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE SEVENry.TWO read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town aDDlicable thereto. AM-5PM, FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER a*atl***t****ataai*taattaat{'t*aat*a+a*aa+*+*+ttaaaa**at't****l * * | | *aal*l*t * * a a t * * I * * + a I t | | | | | TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ldraat*+ttt**'i***a*t** * * 'l f **t*ttt t tttf aaatr*a'taat* * * * * * * t ** t ** * I * I r * * * {r** t I * * l' * ***ttt* * * * * * * * Slatement, Number: R090000047 Amount: $559.50 0l/L5/200908:29 Atrl Palment Method: Credit Crd fnit: SAB NoEation: MC - BROOKE MCQUEEN Permit l{o: A08-0104 T}fpe: ALTARM PBRIIIIT Parcel No: 2101- 071- 1305 - 3Site Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Locat.ion: Total Fees: 5569.50 ThiE Palment: $559.50 Total AIJL Hntsr $569.50 Balance r S0.00 | | 'i | | 'l 'l 'i | | | * * | | | * | | | | * | | | * ') * | | | * * t * + * * * | * * * | * * * * * t *** | | | *t 't I t**'t*'t't * t 't | '; '; 't 't | * * ') | * * * | t t *t I t | | ACCOUNTITEM LIST: AccounE. Code Description Current Pmta BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 FIRE AI,ARM PERMIT FEES PIJAN CSECK FEES 337,50 232.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGN Project #:€&E*Building Permit #: Alarm Permit #:-_:olct+970-479-21 35 ( lnspectio ns) Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of 75 S. Frontage Rd. application submittal and must include infor81657 2* page of this form. Application will not be accepted information. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION *"*Jil;l 2008 u \/all Nov 26 'rn\AtNl ntr Fire Alarm Contractor: Co u u r..r s eoM -Cecrp.rrr& | ES Town ol Vail Reg. No.: to t: -S Contact anfPlldlTfF fY\*rr MclzE-r.z,e lto-1l9{Soo E-Mail Address: ly\mc-u-er..-ra,g € cou..ruDR.lrn-r€cK{JoLoG res . o orrrr Contractor Siqnature:-r/tt@--uu6t COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Alarm: S$ Q ooO Contact Assessors Oftice at 97G328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel# 2to\- 01 I -t3-OS3 Job Name: RyAN Pz,srber..rc€-JobAddress: 51 bea,"ea [+rn vArL gtb57 LegalDescription litot: 3Z ll etock: ?Filing:VAruUleileg I Subdivision :!4ru Ur uL4 r. r owners N"r",TAcc Ry+*l ll Address: 13 \,sre.un- L* Gv,*rarJltlg."tu=< tng'n""''Pr*r.,. M n-re*:s Address: Drxoa,& P^ B.* rouq P6one:Jo3-r.f ?b- o31z Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) \^Jtsrfvu^rs'1e.L Co BcCS(a- t do8 [ra^r-Gra*r "or 165\ v*tu \rutALJ; Detailed descriotion of work: lrraw $p513r1.1ro[), P*rra- s\rrpF Ee Ar-u \tvrc8s IIET,d"LL "TESr ffburToe SvSrEr/l WorkClass: Newf[ Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Bepair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single{amilyQ(lTwo{amily( ) Multi-farnily( ) Commercial ( ) Bestaurant( )Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation units in this buildinq: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) ttto,1io Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes @<.1 No ( ) /ru - llr34 Nvn- oegLn ****{.***x.***!************ * ***** *****{<*:* * FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*** t! * *.***:1.*<x. * {.****{<d.***** * ** ** * *x*** * \VaiI\dalabde' FOR MS\PERM ITS\ALRM PEBM. DOC tn Kuor fuy /ilusr Be Re"ess eo ftJuur Snofe0€r€rroP S*ro,o lo $6p1aqt C*n ryefo tbrhrern (ro,,r"H* €gOe (glato Prer^r-rSr{or.t.r lp €rcparoe Slapt: Rer-o"n're. SmOX"Der. purs,oe Or &rmlr ]uasrfute lO 2Peer fla,z EaApUrtbeoU, &p UF€s sTos ,T rnrs? 7 bcr fgbaw'tN' AOo t{er. Derecre. To SroenEe Acee tlloe..5ra,cs. Lb Oct,sttot t* Aoo Smoxeoq. b €rrret Vesnreu'3@ *43Pu' FPI,A Suores 5,ro*r IptJ Arp Aceo;"ileeo Srcpe /^t Pnr,o fre.@ Deprr 0; Seams r{or Srrou^t,@bwr FPI,3 Be*-DePrls No, Slousu S uopa, o,t ry .S*lor^ro d/ newa ARRotl 6e (etrno Po,ot"To ffhooe Derecroes 6c ilPree LevetSuouola) - No ffecmr,rcAL Rpm Op6.u*rneerrSxoo,rr ot Pnos. '! t. I o F Ltfl ,.xtt *1. Rez,cr,re To * a)ALL, (tnwe&oe'*r) fhan kuerPaqe. Stlocl |cTuht Loeftttotts, 'l j- e:rl Transmittal Form Revision Submittals:1. "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions2. No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued.3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit #(s) inform4li =6'6! Company: Co rv., nrS E.-rr.rf -Ta<+....raCgc.r'-9 company tn .1xO-e{Soo pay- nfr-1nb-21?1 "on,"o *"."' Mf,-T\- Mc{l€lr}zte contact ph: qo9t-z.€o u, gs||' S{.vl€- E-Ma i | : M tncgf, ,N ?€ O Co |.rr N be!,fvff€ c+r.$ ac ocJ 6 s. Town of Vail Contractor Regislration No: lM..$,s Rt . n,o" S ( ) Revisions f1) Response to Correction Letter' attached copy of correction letter( ) Defened Submittal( ) Other Description / List of Changes: Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor & Materials) (DO NOT include original valuation) Building $ Plumbing $ Electrical $ , Mechanical $ I Fire Sprinkler/Alarm $ s{' $ts Sr\s'r Total $ceEilv=lR' oEC 1e2oo8 I TOWN Of. VAIL tTOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES G6l _ . O1Q., SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F08-0096 ?Rlo5'o((38 Job Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUEDLocation.....: Applied..: 10131/2008 Parcel No...: 210107113053 Issued . . : 12129/2008 ProjectNo : Expires. .: OWNER RYAN, 'IOHN ALEXANDER, JR & K 10/31/2008 ]-3 WISTERIA I,N COVINGTON Lfl IV+J5 APPLICANT PHOENIX AUTOMATfC SPRINKLER, IO/3L/2008 Phone: 1720) 922-923L 373 INVERNESS PLACE LITTLETON coLoRADO 80128 IJicense:759-S CONTRACTOR PHOENIX AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER, 70/31,/20Og Phone: (7201 922-923L 373 INVERNESS PLACE LfTTLETON coLoRADO 80128 |.r /-rErlcla. /\I-\i Desciption: INSTALL WET AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM Valuation: $l3.500.00 t + {:t * * t * t * t 'r,i:i tii'tr**r*:}t*l *ri*r*t Mechanical--> $0. oo Restuaranl Plan Review--> $0. oo Total Calculated Feas--> 9923."1s Plan Check--> $3so.oo DRB F€e----------> $o.oo Additional Fees--------> 9171.00 lnvestigation-> $0. OO TOTAL FEES---------> i923.15 Total Permit Fee-------> S1,094.7s Will Call--> $0. 00 Pa),me nts------------> $1, 094. ?5 BALANCE DUE_____> $0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT I]./06/2008 drhoades Actron: DN Review termrnated. The tollowing is a part. 1. Plans not signed. 2. NFPA 13D used. Redraw using NFPA 13R (2002 ed) 3. Head coveragie sfrown in calcs is 440 sq tt. Notes on FP1 show spacing ot 16x18 maximum. 4. No date of test on water flow data. 5. Hydraulic graph only goes ouu to 500 gpm but tl-ow was well beyond that. No mufj shown. 6. Fire sprinklers are required in the garage. Resubmittal required. L2/05/2OOA Mccee Action: DN 1. The hydraulic calculations show a 2.62" I tactor. Per Town ot Vaif Fire Prevention Bureau Standards, a mj.nlmum 10? satety ti required. ( Copy attached) Note: Seasonal tlow reduction trom tlre tlow test (10t up to l-0 psl) per Div. ot l Ru-Les and. Regulations (Section 5.8.21 does not abrogate the requirement to caf cu-Li size to insure proper tlow. The seasonal reduction is inlended to retlect peak del supply. The l-0? satety margrin is intended to account tor domestic use inside the I 2. Graph shouLd retl-ect standards in NFPA l-3. See Fig. A.]-4.3.2 (d) , NFPA 2002 Hat Scale on graph not shown, points not identified, (Copy attached) Head placement appears to be OK. Pl-ease resubmit with adjusted plpe inside the buiJ-ding. Thank you, Michael Mccee Deputy Chief Vail Fire & Emergency Services FSSI 006 sizes and calcu-Lations to retlect a 10? hydrau. > tu + I t-zt5a 12/a8/2008 drhoades Action: AP Approved as noted: 1. Domestic water connecti-on not shown. 2. Add control val-ve before the PRV. 3. It crawlspace, sfiown on Lower level, is accessj-ble then add heads be determined by engineer of record. 4. Separate control- val-ve with tamper required tor the head Located 5. Top floor, area above fireplace may not have adequate coverage. (piacement al in Ehe elevat( CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 .l?*"*".?-:1.;..11:::..,1..T::i::::::.:T:.:.::.Y.::::..T:..:.1"-T."::i,,:::.:..::H:.1.T:-".*,*..**,,,*...**,***,,,,,,,,,,,i,r DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE SEVENTY-HOURS DVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970-479-2252 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER * * *a** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** **+*'t * ** ****t* * + * * * {. * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ***t*'i************************************i******ltl**********l**';+**'f*******************i** Statement Number: R080002407 Amount: $1,094.75 L2/29/200812:02 PM Payment Method: AIITO SPRINKLER check Ini-ts: SAB Notation: 195 0 PHOENIX Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Locat 1on : This Palment: F08-0096 210r_-071-1305-3 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAII. Type: SPRINKLER PERMIT ToEal- Fees: Total ALL Prnts: Balance: $1,094.7s $1,094.7s lu. uu $r., 094 . 75 * * i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *********** * * * * * * * {. * * * * * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'l * '} * * * ** ** ******** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account, Code De script ion Current Pmts BP 001000031r.1r.00cL 00100003123000 PF 00100003112300 SPRINKIJER PERMIT FEES CONTRACTOR LICENSES PI..AN CHECK FEES 649 .7 5 55. UU 350.00 APPLICATIOil WIIL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF I]{COMPLETE OR UNSI Proiecl#zfJ 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Building Permit #: Sprinkler Permit #: TOWN OF VAIL FIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT AbPUCATION Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are rcquired at time of permit submittal and must include $e following. Pemit applicaUon wall not be accepted without this information:o A Colorado Registered Enginee/s stamp or N.I.C.E.T. Level III (min) stamp.. Eguipment cut sheets of materials. Hydraulic calculations.. A Stah of Colorado Plan RegistraUon form.. Plans must be submitbd by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor. CONTRACTOR INI'ORMATION Flre Sprinkler @ntractor: 'rha t"tl.'4 3oS-5zg'2a78 CO]IIPLETE VATUATIONS FORALARM PERIIIT (tabor & Materials) Fire Sprinkler: $ /S€r()) - Iil1a Flef./,*po._,.o -r,rff n**{tiAf i8$@k errerm-r* r}06.Doc OlfieConbct Eacle @unlvA*nrc Olfre at visit for Parel # Parrel #PlotD1tl3o.93 Job Name:] vc,nSqt d.tnc.o---.JobAddress: 54 Enau"uD^rn FD. tegal Descdption ^,fl flero.r,l lrtins, +Subdivision: l/a.t I lh le G a- Owners ttamet pypl llAddress:Phone: Ensineer:rryr,1n l,dA *gCJ lAddress:51g1 &rnacL f,phone:93-zq/- /b/ z_ . Detailed location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #. bldg. #){t/ta- b//A ^ Detailed description of work:{vs/rq/ t/z-/ 4zmaa,9c 9/4r,t,Lt-t '%aaua/, btT WorkClass: t'tew1/frAddition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-familyP}.Trlo.family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) NoP9= ll Ooes a Fire Sprinkler System Exist. Yes ( ) No-hr***vAlLffi3Ef;ilH**' rErrr hg ,, IlUt FlBr /t)spen--^o us=ffitrrF.[.. l'ri ocT a,:.n\************ 3 0 2008 I ! rowN oF -vAJ!* - - _---_-->-'<-- 10/r9/2006 ,(YJ'nAs1*/ Nntfrifity HOW DtD UYE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Devehpmert Deparlnent Russell Fonest, Direetor, (970)47e-213e Gheck allthat applies. 1. Which 0Earhen(s)did you contac? Building A Environmental- Housing_ AdminPlanning DRB - PEC \/l2. Was your initial contact wiih our sta;ff immediaie /\ dow no one avdfabfe ? 3. lf you were required h wail how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a limely UasisZ@ ruo lf no, why no? 5. Was fris yourfirstiime b file a DRB 4p- PEC +p- Bldo Permit NUA 6. Plgase rate $e perfurmance of he siaf person who assisbd you:r€)ts2iltame: (knowledge; responsiveness, availabifty) 7. Overall effectiveness of fie Front Service Counter.A I 3 2 1l_/ 8. Whatis he bestlime of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you ne\ttime? Thank you fur taking the lime to complete $is survey. We are commitbd b improving our service- at{ Transmiftal Form Revision Submiftals:1. "Field Set" of approved plans MUST accompany revisions2, No further inspections will be performed until the revisions are approved & the permit is re-issued.3. Fees for reviewing revisions are $55.00 per hour (2 hour minimum), and are due upon issuance. Permit4(s) information applies to: w6-joqb l/",/ ,4rz- - ) Revisions ) Response to Correction Lefter _attached copy of correction letter ) Deferred Submittal ) Other Project Address: Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor & Materials) (DO NOT include original valuation) Building $ Plumbing $ Electrical $ Mechanical $ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm $ Total $ Description i List of Changes: Cor/c /o 7a (Use additional sheet if necessary) company pn:7Zo'f 2Z -ZZJ/rax: 7a222-22),/ contact Ph: 3a 3 *9 Z 3'-7W curt, 99123 -b?df- 7-11a;11 L)fp7t6l<a/rdn a@ ?altsf qF- , u4 Town of Vail Contractor Registration No: rE ej F._-ily _ts:if t\rilt iitDEC 1 2 2rl08 TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: 807-0072 Project #: PRJ05-0438 Job Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUEDLocation.....: Applied..: 03/30/2007 Parcel No...: 210107113053 Issued . . : 09/1912008 Expires,....: 12119/2007 owNER RYAN, JOHN ALEXANDER, irR & K L2/20/2007 13 WISTERIA IJN COVINGTON LA 70433 APPI,ICANT RYAN, ,fOHN A. JR. 03/30/2007 phone: (985) A92-A999 70389 HWY 1077 COVINGTON LOUISIANA 70433 License : 4)-6 -L CONTRACTOR RYAN, JOHN A. ,JR. 03/30/20O'l Phone: (985) 892-8989 70389 HWY 1077 COVINGTON IJOUISIANA 70433 Li_cense: 4].6-L Desciption: CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SFROccupancy Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Totals. . . 3, 958 $1, 500, 000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: I Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 1,600,000.00 RevisionValuation: $0.00 .,.'.,}'it'+**|+*'|.*|*|*''l**|*fl..****.l'l.+*.**t*i*.*:|:l',|.*|*.**:}*.fFEEsUMMARY+.{'|1.*.*+.iil.+ Buifding---> 17,79A.15 Restuamnt Plan Review-> go.oO Totalcalculated Fees--> 5L3,514.64 Plan Check--> 55,069.19 Recreation Fee----------> gs93 . ?O Additional Fees------> g2?5. OO lnvestigation> $0.00 TOTAL FEES----.--> 5L3,s74.64 Toral Pemit Fee-----> 513,949.64 Will Call-> S3 . OO Paymcnts--------2 S13 , g4 9 . 64 BATANCE DUE-------> So. oo *i t i lt l l f tt +{ t t l *a't t t' a * a f* +:t t + t:t{ l Approvals:Item: 0510 0 BUf IJDfNG DEPARTMEI\]T O4/27/2OO7 jplano Action: CR CORRECTION LETTER SENT,p: \cdev\CHRrs\pERMrT. CoMMENTS\Boz - ooz2 \Bo 7 -oo12 .Doc 05/77/2007 jplano Action: AP BUTIJDING CORRECTIONS ADDRESSED OI/10/2OO8 jplano Actlon: AP REVISIONS TO FOOTINGS AND FOTNDATION AND CI EXTERIOR DECK APPROVED O8/72/2OO8 Mh ACtiON: AP REVISIONS TO FOOTTNGS AND ARCH. FOI,]NDATION 09/t8/2008 lplano Actlon: AP COMPIJETE NEW SET OF STRUCTIIRAI-., DRAWINGS API ON THE APPROVAL STAMP 9/L8/08 - 2 HOI'RS PLAN REVIEW DUE IICM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT 04/ 02/2OO7 bgibson Act j.on: COI\ID (exceeds site coverage fimits), so the O5/24/2OO7 bgibson Acrion: AP the crawlspace bel-ow the patio/deck is not patio/deck must be revised o7/o7/2008 bgibson Action: PA L/7/07 revisions approved by planning 09/18/2OOB bgibson Act'ion: AP spa vault changes approved by pfanning witl condition t.hat the vault space does not exceed 5 teet in height, except where the equipement is taller than 5 feet. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/04/2007 JJF. Action: DN Address lncorrect. Access r-s on Beaver Dam O5/1,4/2OO7 JJP. Action: AP See condit:-ons. 06/26/2007 mcgee Action: AP revisions dated 5/23 / 07 Upgrade fire alarm system to current code.Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 03/30/2007 gc Act.ion: DN Provide stamped PE drawings ot retaining wi (any wall over 5' and combination walls) Provide a erosion control detail. Provide a Public Way permit. Provide a Revokable Right of Way permit. 06/21,/2007 gc Action: COND Item: 05550 ENGINEERING CIVIIJS * *i t t * t t t t * l* t** * See the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN 4 PM. ADVANCE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 6100 AM ' CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER BEST COPY AVAILABLE * * ** *'l * +* +'t*** '1. * * * {. *:1.,t * !i 't:t * * * *:f **:i't{' * ***:+ * l' 'l' 'l' i' 'lr ** *,1' * '}* *'l'* ** * *:lr,}* * ** ** * +* **,{. **,t* * *!i,t!t *** ** * +* ** * ** *** *,t * + CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 8,07-0072 as of 09-19-2008 Status: ISSUED * * **,t* * ** ** * ** ** * ** ****.*** * +* ******* * +* * * * ** ** *'t* *{' * ***{'t '1. 'l' 'l i* + * * *t **,t ** ** * ** ** * *{. * * * *{. 't* tl. *'1.+*'1.* + *** * * * * Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 03/30/2007 Applicant: RYAN, JOHN A. JR. Issued: 09/1912008 Job Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: ParcelNo: 2l0l07l13053 'i+**{.****'|.*,|.'}******+**++'t*'l.*tt**{t*{.,t*{.*{.*********'|,|.,|.*'**,i(,t'|.'l.*t|*'|**,|.**,}!|.******** CONDITIONS******'t**,**:****************'F't'f * * 'i :l * * {. + * * * * * * * * r' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'i * ,1. '} + * {. * * * * * * * * * * * + 'f * * * * * {. * {. 't * * * * 't * * * * 't *** Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REOUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0008819 The applicant shall delete the crawlspace below the east patio/deck as it is not permitted (exceeds site coverage limits), so that patio/deck must be constructed slab-on- grade. Cond: CON0008942 Fire sprinkler required and shall comply with NFPA l3R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0008943 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) nd VFES standards. Cond: CON0009094 Provide stamped PE drawings before any retaining walls are to be consturcted. Entry: O6/21/2007 By: gc Action: AP * {' *{' * {' * t* {' * *{' 'l:l 'a { { {' * {' * * *l* 't{' { * * {' {' * r * * { r r i * * I * * * I * I ***ttltt********rr;*tttr****a*;lrr**f t * ** t TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statementtrr{ i tf *f tlrar*+*+*ttialallla+lttraa*a* + I * * * * * * * * * * '} t | | | | | | ir * '}***** * 't * * * t* * * * * * *r! ***r} * * * * I I Statement Number: R080001693 Amount: S110,00 09/19/200e01 :1? PM Payment Methods Cash FREY Init: LC Notation 3 CASI{ FROM iIASON PermiE No: Parcel No: Sit,e AddresE : Location I This Palment ! 807 -0072 2101-071-1305-3 54 BEAVER DAM RD VATL Type: NEw (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT $r10.00 ' Balance:$0.00 *aat l' 1+1aar1*+** + tltt+tlrrr'ltlftllr*rtt'i* * * * * l!a l * + I l*ltlt**r**r*++a+tlli*l **l**'i'tl'*l******lla ACCOI'NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description PF 00100003112300 PI,AI{ CHECK FEES 110.00 Tolal FeeE: $13,849.54 ToLal ALL, Pmts: $13,849.54 Current Pmta Revision/l nformation Transm ittal All Revision submittals must include the Field Set of approved plans and a copy of the correction letter. Project Address: SLI B€nvet }trrt (D. $; Revisions. \'. ( ) Response to Correction Letter l _attached copy of correction letter I( ) Deferred Submiftal Reason for Revisions (include a list of all changes that have been made from original approval): 5PA ttAvr:i- A€F-A wqs ^/ol- -{o Attention: Contact lnformation Company: Contact Name:or.l Contact Ph:\{F 3j1- c1o6g Cell: E-Mail:(sx-sz) (sx-t3) ,\ | <x-sq tTown of Vail Contractor (Labor & Materials) companyPh$U&l'' Sig (DO NOT include original valuation) Building $ Plumbing $ Electrical $ Mechanical $ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm $ Total $ (Use additional sheet if necessary) t- /rr 1q LlLq \:2 ls- U lcit ir,l I ' .vi tE R lltt?ilc8 lllja TOWN OF VAIL {-',E,cb TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: B'07-0072 Project #: PRJ05-0438 Job Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUEDLocation.....: Applied..: 0313012007 Parcel No...: 2l0l07l 13053 Issued . . : O6/22D007 Expires...,.: 12/19/2007 owNER RYAN, ,JOHN ALEXANDER, ,JR & K 12/20/2001 13 WISTERIA LN COVINGTON LA 10433 APPLICANT RYAN, aIOHN A. JR. 03/30/2007 Phone: (985) 892-8989 70389 HWY 1077 COVINGTON LOUISIANA 70433 License,: 4L6-L CONTRACTOR RYAN, 'IOHN A. ,JR. 03/30/2007 Phone: (985) 892-8989 70389 HWY l_077 COVINGTON LOUISIANA 70433 License: 4L6-I-r Desciption: CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SFROccupancy fype Factor Sq Feet Valuation Totals. . . 3, 958 $1, 500, 000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: I Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 1,600,000.00 RevisionValuation: $0.00 +:}i*+:l''}**'|]i'+tt*.t*+tl*'tt*|*t.'ii'l.'t*.*||l.l*|l**'}l'}'ll*''l'***:tt+| Buifding---> 9't ,'t98.75 Resluamnl Plan Review-> 90. oo TotalCalculated Fees---> 913,464 .64 Plan Check-> 55,059.19 Recreation Fee---_-----> S593.70 Additional Fees---------> $2?s.oO Invcstigalion-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES-----> 913,464.6,r Total Permit Fec-------> $13,?39.54 Will Call----> S3.OO Pa),rnents--------------> 913,739.64 BALANCE DUE-_---> $O. OO f * a t r * + * 't t t * l t * a 't + t *r * i * * a * t t,i * + t t Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/27/2007 jplano Act.ion: CR .CORRECTTON LETTER SENT, F : \cdev\cHRrs\pERMrr. CoMMENTS\Bo 7 - 0 o z2 \80 7 - 0 o 72 . Doc 05/1,7/2007 jplano Action: AP BUILDING CORRECTIONS ADDRESSED Ot/lO/2008 jp-Iano Action: AP REVISIONS TO FOOTINGS AND FOIINDATION AND CI EXTERIOR DECK APPROVED O8/A2/2OO8 Il:i-I ACtiON: AP REVISIONS TO FOOTINGS AND ARCH, FOUNDATION ftem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT O4/O2/2O07 bgj.bson Action: COND the crawlspace beJ-ow the patio/deck is not (exceeds sit.e coverage os/24/2007 bgibson 0I/07/20oa bgibson IIEM: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENT 04/ 04/2007 JJP- 0s/14/2oo7 JJP. 06/25/2007 mcgee limits) , so the Action: AP Action: PA Action: DN Acti-on: AP Action: AP patio/deck must be revised l/7/07 revisions approved by planning Address incorrect. Access is on Beaver see conditions. revisions dated 5/23/o7 Dam Upgrade fire alarm system to current code. Item: 05500 PI'BLIC WORKS 03/30/2007 gc Action: DN Provide stamped PE drawings ot retaining wi (any wa1l over 5' and combination walls) Provide a erosion control detail. Provide a Public Way permit. Provide a Revokable Right of Way permit. O5/27/2OO7 gc Action: COND Itemr 05550 ENGINEERING CIVILS r a *r)t 't +'t a**t **a *'r See the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN AI}V 4 PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM Er00 AM . NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 'l.****'i*'|,|.****'l.*:|.****************{.'},t:l.**,|.{.*'i***'t,f*1.'|.'|*****{.,i{.'i*******,}***.******'t***********'i*'|*!i't******** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 807-0072 as of 08-12-2008 Status: ISSUED *,t *{.,f *,t +i. * * *** *:$ * ** t|! * * ** ** t *'1. 'f '*,i ** ** *'f *****'l*t,l*{'****'i*f *****:f {. +:1. ** * ** ** * ** *:l' * +* 'f *'1.***************'1.**'|l{'* Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 0313012007 Applicant: RYAN, JOHN A. JR. Issued: 06122/2007 Job Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: Parcel No: 210107113053,|.*'|.*{.,|.*{.*{.,t*:|.*'t*************+t***'}*,i**,}*,|.**+*********'t*:|.***********+,t'i{.'t*{.**,|**'}*'|**+{..f*!|.* CONDITIONS*+******'l+**********'1.**,f ***:il.*****+****+****{r't*********'l**'1.***+:1.+:f **t,t*{.*{.****:1.**,1****,}t*,t * dt {. 't ,it * * * * * * * * * Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION, Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0008819 The applicant shall delete the crawlspace below the east patio/deck as it is not permitted (exceeds site coverage limits), so that patio/deck must be constructed slab-on-grade. Cond: CON0008942 Fire sprinkler required and shall comply with NFPA l3R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0008943 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0009094 Provide stamped PE drawings before any retaining walls are to be consturcted. Entry: 06121/2007 By: gc Action: AP TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO ***** * * * **** * tr't t *******{.* * {i t* 't*1.*** ** 'l 'l * ll |l I Statement | * I *i"l*i****** 'l t*t*iil.*'l * * * * ** * * * * * 'l * |l * rtltl AmounE: $155. 00 0e/L2/2OOSO2:37 PM INit: DDG Notation: credit card Statement Nunber: R080001374 Payment Met,hod: credit crd Jason Frey PermiC No: Parcel No: Site Address : Locat ion : This Payment: BO7-0O72 IYpe: 2101- 071- 13 05 - 3 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL NEW (SFR, P/S,DUP) PERMIT Total Feea: Total AIJL, Pmts : Balance: $13,739.54 $13,739.64 s0.00 9165.00 * * * * t * | I I * * i * * t * * * * * * t * * * * * * * *t* * * * | * * ** ***t ***'+*** * * * * * * * * * * **'a*i' r'l 'l * * * * ****** * **i'l*{' * * 'l * * 'l ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion current Pmts PF 00100003112300 P].,AN CHECK FEES 16s.00 Revision/l nformation Transmittal All Revision submittals must include the Field Set of approved plans and a copy of the correction letter. N Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor & Materials) (DO NOT include original valuation) Building $ Plumbing $ Electrical $ Mechanical $ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm $ Total $ Permit #(s) information applies to: Attention:$Revisions ( ) Response to Correction Letter _attached copy of correction letter( ) Deferred Submiftal Reason for Revisions (include a list of all changes that have been made from original approval): (Use additional sheet if necessary) #&{,,#{ta't tf,EGELl vEF\ lLJj - - lt li [ll] AUG 08 2008 A TOWN OF VAIL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES .2.-:_\./rr t\ -l l:S.Zrtmriltrruz To^,n of Vail, Community D"""lopr"ntJffiuth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.21 39 t. 970.479.2452 inspections 970.479.21 49 Permit #:Eo8'0138 leor - oo1< PRJ05-0438 Status.,.: ISSUED Appfied . .: 0612612008 lssued. . : 06r26t2008 Expires. .: 12t23f2008 CONTRACTOR UNITED ELECTRIC. INC P.O. BOX 3't5s EAGLEco 81631 License: 111-E 06/26/2008 Phone: 970-328-3336 Dosclptlon: Valuatlon: SECONDARY UNIT AS SEPERATE STRUCTURE $76,000.00 Square feet: 4000 FEE SUMMARY Electrical psrmi{ pss--> Invesligation Fee-> will call Fee-> lls6 Ta( Fee-> Total Calculated f6s5-y ELECTRICAL PERMIT NSFR JobAddross: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Locatlon.....:ParelNo...: 210107113053 OWNER RYAN, JOHNALEXANDER, JR& K06/262008 13 WISTERIA LN COVINGTON LA 70433 APPLICANT UNITEDELECTRIC. INC 06nGl20O8 Phone:970-32&3336 P.O. BOX 3155 EAGLEco 81631 Licsnse: 11 1-E Project #: $178.25 $o.oo $4.00 $0.00 $182.25 Total Calculaled Fees-'> Additional F€€S-> TOTAL PERMIT FEE->Payments-> BALANCE DUE-> $182.25 $0.00 $182.25 $182.25 $0.00 APPROVALS Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 06/26/2008 JLE Action: AP Cond: 12 CONDMONS OF APPROVAL l2 .): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I h€r€by acknolvledge that I have read this application, fill€d out in full he information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all th€ information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wilh all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchJre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, d€sign review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Torvn applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENW.FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.'179.21'19 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. Signaturo of Owner or Contractor elecjrm_041908 6lx"l or ua€ " 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, @lorado 81657 APPUCATTON WrLL NOT BE ACCEPTED rF TNCOMPLETE OR UNSTGI{EDF- P-j""t #: Vglo=-OqA Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (I nspections) CONTRACTOR IN FORI,IATION Electrical Conhactor: U-ntiteA LV* ru,:,- 9-,-. ,"*.fil1n3. ruo.:Contact Person and Phone #'s: fr\arK L-s-x-C\ 9o'SS71 E-Maif Addrcss: /n/eK_cqo4@ Aot_ rL.ory\ Fax#: 31g -Z3Z\ coMpLETE SQ. Fq)TAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VALUATTOI{ OF WORK (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FI IN STRUCIURE: loOo ELECIRICALVALUATION: $ 1b,@o' oo or visit # Parcel #&lot o?il300>- Job Name: kro^, l4i!aet,-JobAddress: 6\ &<o* fu,n ?oo..Q, legal Descrlption wt=J7 Blod<: 7 Filing:Subdivision: (orrre B fesub l-+Y o,vners l'tame:r'1L, 6.q=L U. w" l[ Aooress: B1 fl\a. u s]- Su )g ao3 ll Phone: 1a,r - \l go Engineer: ll Mdressr Phone: Detailed description of work: fO..^S\ I f.r",.^-.. t- SL.J i c_<_Jl' WorkClass: NetnX Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) bderior( ) Bothld Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single.familyfi) Ouplo<( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Reshurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: I Is this oermit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No 6( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) forPatel *!*********!t****:********:r***************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***'t**rr****rr************************* Ittt 75 fut4^+o +bxov f F : \dev\FoRMS\PERMm\Bui lding\electical-.permiL1 1-23-2005. DOC Page 1 of 2 tLl23l2005 tr o (\DAr -.+..{rt lWI{OFYTILLZ rl Amendmentto the 2fi12 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4, Series of 2005 Overhead seMces are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services shall be in conduit (PVC) from the utility tnnsformer to the electric' meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect wvitch shall b tedily awiible, andloated next to the meter on the o<terlor wall of the structure. All underground conduits are required to be inspected befiore back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common wafls and spaces are xenpt NM Cable (Romex) an ba ud only in single and muld-hmilydwellings net exding 3 turi*, Type llWannotE ud ln anybuilding mixdwith 7|F+8.EEH'I,M &Soanpncle. Aluminum anducbtssmaller than size #8 are not permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAII ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDEUNES All installations of elterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is br installaUon of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hottub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will suppoft the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application.o If this is a remodel in a multFfamily building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission frcm the association is requined.tr If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Electrial one4ine and pnel rchdules arc rcguircd if load is added or dis'trihution is alhrcd, I have read and understand Ure above. Signaturc Date Signed If you have any questions regading the above information or have additional questions' please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Monday thru Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. F: \odev\FORI'lS\PERMm\Building\electicaliermilu -23-2005.DoC Pag,e2oJz rLl?3,l20p/S **'t'i'tl.*****+++,1"]+*|}*tttalf*****t+*++**l'*{'*****ttttt**t*+*+*f*t*f******l****'}t|*'}f'}ff+t******t TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement f +*******'t:t'i'i**tlf f llilf i'ttl'|,i * 'i 'i 'i * 't't't * {' {' * * * * * * * **f **+***'}i++t**++++* I | | l*f tf tl'}*'f *'}'}*****tf t Statement Nuntcer: R080001033 Anount: 1L82.25 06/25/2OOg]-0:09 ADI Palment Method: Credit Crd Init: iIL,Etilotat,ion: L,OVELL/UmTED ELECTRIC Permit No: 808-0138 q/pe: EL'ECrRICAL PERI,IITParcel No3 2101-071-13 05-3Site Address: 54 BEAVER DAI,I RD VATIJ Location l Total FeeEr $182.25This Pa)menC 3 iL82.25 Total ALL PnEB 3 $182.25Balancer $0.00tf*++lt***'if'if*lr*****fffftttt*t+ff*****f****lfl+*{'***'t'}**!t*l'+*+*t*******{'{r{rt'{r{r{r++++*****l'***t ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmta BP OO1OOOO31111OO EI,ESTRICAIJ PERIIIT FBBS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CAI,I. INSPECTION FEE 174.25 4.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES -,':'-\ wtFn:l Town of Vail, community oevetopmenilffiuth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 97 0a7 9-21 39 f . 97 O.47 9.2452 inspections. 97 0.479.21 49 3o-l - ool( MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M08-0092 ADUP Project #: PRJ05-0438 Job Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: SECONDARY UNIT lN DETACHED STRUCTURE Applied . . : 0510212008 Parcel No...: 210107113053 lssued. . : 05/0512008 Exoires. .: 1110112008 OWNER RYAN, JOHN ALEXANDER, JR & K O5/O22OO8 13 WISTERIA LN COVINGTON LA 70433 APPLICANT STORM KING MECHANICAL 05102t2008 Phone: (970)625-8551 2335 AIRPORT ROAD, BLD 1, ST A RIFLEco 81650 License: 276-M CONTRACTOR STORM KING MECHANICAL OslO2l2OOg Phone: (970)625-8551 2335 AIRPORT ROAD, BLD 1. ST A RIFLEco 81650 License: 27GM oesciption: INFLOOR HEAT, SNOWMELT, tuC Valuation: S148,000.00 Mechanical Permil Fee-> $2,960.00 Will Call-----> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---> S3,704.00 Plan Check--.--------.> $740.00 Use Tax Fee---> $0.00 Additional Fees---> S0.00Investigalion-------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE-> t3,704.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $3,704.00 Payments-----> $3,704.00 BALANCE DUE----_-> t0.00 APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/02/2008 RLF Action: AP IIem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT . CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG,): FIELD INSPECTIoNS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR lS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MOOIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 1O OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond:31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AMLYSIS MUST BE POSTED lN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG,): BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004,6. mechcanical_pemit_041 908 REQUESTS FOR INSPECT Signatura of O ner or Conlraclor DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that t have read this application, filled oul in full the information required, complEled an accurate plot plan, and slate that allthe information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and lo build lhis struclure according to the lowm zoning and subdivision codes, design roviet / appro\red, International Building and Residenlial Codes and other ordinances of lhe Town applicable therelo. SHALL BE MADE TWENW.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.21.+9 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:O( f^ s-aP Prinl Name BEST COPYmechcaniceljerm it_041 908 AVAILABLE t I *l'{'t'l { {' l' * * * * * {' * * * {' {' 'l * *'l{r *r' i' 'l **'r * * *'l 'r* 'l * 't 't' 'l 'l * * *,1' {' * i' r' * * l' {' * * {' l' * * * { * * 'r 'l 'l tl t * * {' * * * * * 'l 'l 'f rl:l'l:l{'***{' TOWNOFVAtr4 COIORADO SArcment t*ti I **alla*tal***aa***lt*a**tt*t!******t*at**aatll****l***t**t ri*ttl**rll******l*****llll*a** staternent, Nunber: R080000616 Amount: 93,?O4.OO 05/OS/200802:15 PM Payments Metshod: check nechanical Init: SAB Notation 3 9256 storm king Permit No: Parcel No: site AddreEE 3 IJocat ion 3 IhiE Payment: !!08-0092 T:4)e: MECIIANTCATJ PERMTT 2101-071-1305-3 54 BEAVER DAl,l RD VAIIJ SECOI{DARY I'NIT IN DETACHED STRUCTURE Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts 3 Balance: Description MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILIJ CAIJL INSPECTION F'EE $3,704.00 $3, ?04 . 00 $0. 00 $3,704 .00 *** ll**** 'l 't 't * 't {' * I t:t * * * * t{rta* {' {' +*****a** * * I * * * ***{' {' * * * * * { * * I * * t | * * * + * * * * * ** * {{***'l'|* *** ** a**+ ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account code--------- MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 Current PmtE 2, 960. 00 740.00 4.00 APPLICATIOI{ -ffi 75 S. Fmntage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 qti uilding Permit #i Mechanical Permit #: 97 O 47 9 -2149 (Inspecdons) z Permit will not be acephd without the following: Prcvide Mechanlcal Room layoutdrawn too Medranlcal Room Dimensionso Gopbustion Air DuctSlze and locaUono Flrn, Vent and Gas Llne Size and Locationo Heat Loss Galcs.o EqulpmentGut/SpecSheets CONTRACTOR INFORMA'TION t5 lt nt ; OF VA' R A' Fax#: 6 ZS - orvhtt for # Parcel # Llot -o7t - l3OS - 3 JobName: Rr^'^' ?ts JobAddrcss: ..SI lle.,oer D*r,\ RJ fAlt Legal Descdpdon I lot I Blodc I Fillng:Subdlvislon: Owners lrtame:5,_ck {Lr^ .".1 Address:Phone: enOnee Phone: TnF[orrr k"-+. <ao. rr*r-[lr &/e- Wo*Class: NewpQ MdiUon( ) Altention( ) Repalr( ) Other( ) Boiler LocaUon: Interior (;().. EGerlor ( ) Ottpr ( )Does an EHU o<ist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) ( ) C-ommercial ( ) ReSaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of ExisUng Dwelllng Units in thls buildirp:No. of Ammmodation Units in this building: No/Tvoeof FireotaesExistino: @sAooliances( ) GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) woodBuming( I -sdrlsaconverslonfromawoodburnlngnreplaaetoanEPRPhaselldevice? Yes( ) No( ) F:\cdaAFORilS\PERilm\Bdldlng\mechanlcaljermill 1-23-2@5. DoC tu?3/2005 Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Desion Criteria o You must obtain Design Rwiew Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical work will involve ANY exterior w6rk. This includes and is not limited to removal and replacement of driveway snow melt systems. Please aontact the Development Review Coordinator at 479-2L28 for additional information. o The Town of Vail has adopted the 2003 International Mechanical Code and the 2OO3 International Fuel Gas Code. r Alt new constnrction within the Town of Vail is onsidered to be of unusualty tight onstnrction, thus all combustion air is rcquired to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical eguipment. Town of Vail Fireplace Ordinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted an otdinane which restricts E construction and use of open hearth fireplaces within municipal boundaries. Since that time the ordinance has undergone numerous changes and rcvisions, striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore t{re following criteria has been adopted: r Construction of open hearth wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal bounf,aries. Dryvellino Units - Each new dwelling unit may contain: One (l) EPA Phase II eltified solid fuel burning device and no more tlran two (2) gas appliances (B vent) OR Tyvo (2) gas log fireplaces and no more than two (2) gas appliance fireplaces (B bent). Restricted Dwellino Units- Each new rcstricted dwelling unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace and not mor€ than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. Ac@mmodatioil Units - Each new aooommodation unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliance fireplace. If two or moFe separate dwelllng units or accommodation units are combined to form one larger unit, Ure combined unit may retaln one woodburning fireplace (if one atready exists) and no more than 2 gas appliance fireplaces, or may @nvert up to two existing fireplaces to gas. If during the cource of a remodel an existing woodburning fireplace is altered or moved, the unit must tfien omply with all provisions of the ordinance. That is, the fireplace must be onverted to natural gas or rFplaced by an EPA Phase II certified uniL F:\cde\r\FORMS\PERMITS\Building\medranlcal_l]ermt-l 1-23-2005. DOC tLl23l2ms ,-m HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Please take the time to tell us how we performed during the development review process. We will use this information to recognize our employees who serve you and we will also use it to improve our level of service. Please know we do care and will react to your suggestions. Thank you for your, comments. George Ruther Director of Community Development 1. What services did you use at Community Development today? Check all that apply Admin- Building - Environment - Fire- Housing - Planning - P.W 2. Was your visit today as a: Homeowner- Contractor- Architect Otheq 3. Please rate yoursatisfaction with the following aspects of the Community Development Departrnent. Use a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 means 'not at all satisfied' and 5 means "very satisfied' to rate each of the following items. Please use DK (Don't Know/No Opinion) as appropriate. Please circle your response Not Satisfied Very Satisfied Friendly and Courteous Knowledgeable 12345DK'1 2345DK TimelyResponse/CallsRetumed 1 2 3 4 5 DK Overall Experience 12345DK 4. Was the review pnocess clearly exptained to you? (i.e., how the Design Review Board and/or 'Planning and Environmental Commission works, when they meet, what you need to have when you apply for the planning and/or the building process, how long review times generally iake, housing and/or environmental health policy, etc.) YES NO lf NO, what additional information would have been helpful? 5. Did the planning process meet your expectations? YES NO 6. Did the building permit review process meet your expectations? YES NO 7, Did the inspection process meet your expectations? YES NO 8. Did you feel the process was falr and efficient? YES NO Please explain your response(s). 9. lf you were looking for information (i.e., legal address file, plat map, plans, etc.) was the information in a format that was helpful / user friendly? YES NO 10. Are you awane of the Community Development DepL information available at http:/lwww-vailqov.com?YES NO Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. lf indicated below, we will personally contact you on specific concems. lf it is your desire, you may contact the director by telephoning,970479-2145 Please feel free to use the back for addftlonal comments. Name:Company: Address:City:- State:- ZiP Code: F:\cdevlFoRMS\S U RVEYS\comdev-survey-og1 907.doc Telephone: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Town ol Vail, Community Development, T5 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2'139 f. 97 0.479.2452 inspections 97 0.479.2149 PLUMBING PERMIT ADUP Job Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RDVAILLocation.....: 54 BEAVER DAM RD SECONDARY UNITParcelNo...: 210107113053 OWNER RYAN, JOHN ALEXANDER, JR & K OI/23l2008 13 WISTERIA LN COVINGTON LA 70433 APPLfCANT STORM KING MECHANICAL O4l23l200g Phone: (970)625{551 2335 AIRPORT ROAD, BLD 1, ST A RIFLEco 81650 License: 309-P CONTMCTOR STORM KING MECHANICAL 0412312008 Phone: (970)625-8551 2335 AIRPORT ROAD, BLD 1, ST A RIFLEco 81650 License: 309-P Desciption: SECONDARYUNITASSEPERATESTRUCTURE valuation: $67.614.00 FEE SUMMARY Permit #: Project #: P08-0022 PRJ05-0438 ISSUED ut23no08 04t2812008 10t25t2008 jor -(,'61( Plumbing Permii Fee--> Plan Check-------> I nvesligation-------> $1,020.00 WillCall---------> $255.00 Use Tax Fee-----> s0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $4.00 90.00 $1,279.00 Total Calculated Fees---> Additional Fees---_-> TOTAL PERMIT FEES-> Payments-----------> BALANCE DUE-----> $1,279.00 s0.00 $1,279.00 $1,279.00 $0.00 APPROVALS Item: 051 00 BUILDING OEPARTMENT 04/2312008 RLF Action: AP llem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled oul in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with lhe information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stale laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Al 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0(AM-4PM. Print Name plmbpermtl_041908 4-zY-op ******* ** ******* * * * * * | * | | | 't | * | | | * | * | 'i * * | '| * 't 'l | * * | * * 't 't * 'f 'r * * * * * *****'|' 't 't **t*r*** ***t*t**l** ***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stalement I * a* | i I * I +***t* * *****t t't * * l***ttt* t * | * **ttl*ttrrt** I * * * *** ** *+* * 'l * f* *i********** *l* I * *l'|*r**t Statement Number: RO8OOOO545 Anounts: #t,27g,OO 04/2e/200801:19 PM Payment Method: check Init: sAB Notation: 1795 MARC CAIJDlTEIJJ Permit No: P08-0022 q4)e: PIJUMBING PERI,IIT Parcel No: 2101-071.-1305-3 Si.te Address: 54 BEAVER DA!{ RD VAIL IJOCATiOn: 54 BEAVER DAM RD SECONDARY T,NIT Total Fees: $1,279.00This Payment.: $1.279.00 Total AIJr Pmts: il ,279.00 Bal.ance: $0.00 * 't * ll'l | * * * f* 't* * l* | I * *{t**ll* * a*l a** t * t * * a*a* * * t a** I ll I I * * * * * tl * * *,1* * * * ****** * * l*l!}t*lt t* ** **** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LTST: Accounts Code Description Currene PmEs PP 00r.00003112300 PP 00100003111100wc 00100003112800 PI,AN CHECK FEES PLIJMBING PERI{IT FEES WII,IJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE 255.00 1,020.00 4.00 AppLrcArron wrLL Nor BE AccEPTED rF rncoMPfilt5 XiW;ffi tiunt>uerPr\al$frii;iffiI I I fill I llj ]l||lhlii:' : 13fi;[frtEtx*3i.,, P08-O 0ZZ tl z ??.ov P{H"U$ffir Fax #: 7Zo - COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERIIIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: + 67 at 97O-328-8640 or # Parcel # Job Name: R"-,^. Zru) )enrn-rob Mdress: t/-,t{ r?ff= u l suuoi"l"lon, Owners Name: i-U A^ .^ lMdress:Phone: Enrineer: D-cr,r Q-)", |Mdressr Phone: - WorkClass: Ner,v(lC -Mdnlon( ) AhenUon( ) Repalr( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Slngle-family(A Duptex( ) Muld-famlV( ) Commerclal( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existlng Dwelllng Unlts ln thls bulldlng:No. of Accommodation Unlts in this bullding: **********:.****************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* /l \,7 f= j D TOWN OF VAIL F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMm\Building\dumbingu]ermiLl 1-23-2005.doc Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department George Ruther, Director, (970) 47s-2145 Check all that apply Date: 1. \Mich Department(s) did you contact? Building-Environmental-Housing-Admin_Planning DRB-PEC 2. Was your initial contact with our staff immediate- slow- or no oneavailable ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes/No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app-PEC app- Bldg Permit N/A- 6. Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 54321(5 is high) Name: -(knowledge, responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 13 2 1 (5 is high) 8. \A/hat is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 8. \Mat comments do you have which would allow us to better serve you next iime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed to improving our service. 08D8t07 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: 807-0072 Project #: PRJ05-0438 Job Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . I ISSUED Location.....: Applied..: 03/3012007 Parcel No...: 210107113053 Issued . . : 06/22/2007 Expires.....: 12/19/200'l oltNER RYAN, JOHN ALEXANDER, JR &. KI2/20/2007 ].3 WISTERIA LN COVINGTON L,A 7 0433 APPLICANT RYAN, ,fOHN A. JR. 03/30/200'7 Phone: (98s) 892-8989 70389 HWY l_077 COVINGTON LOUISIANA 70433 License t 416 -I' CoNTRACTOR RYAN, .]OHN A. .TR. 03/30/2007 Phone: (985) 892-8989 70389 HWY 1077 COVTNGTON LOUISIANA 70433 License : 4L6-L Desciption: CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SFRooorinanr.rr Type Factor Sq Feet Valuation Totafs. . . -- r , ru, $L, 600, ooo , oo* Number of Dwelling Units: I .Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 1,600,000.00 RevisionValuation: $0.00 t+.*|:t.*:l**:t'**:lt*:l.:*:l**'t,lt**:}'t:l|.*t|**''|'.*..t't+:}*:}*+**+..'|*** Building---> 97 ,79a,75 Restuarant Plan Review--> $0. oo Total Calculated Fees---> 5r3,464.64 Plan Check--> 55,059.19 Recreation Fee--------> 9593.?0 Additional Fe€s-------> 9110.00 lnvesligation-> 90. OO TOTAL FEES-------> $13,464 .64 Total Permit Fee--------> 913, 574.64 Will Call---> $3 . oo Pa),ments--------------> $13, s?4.64 BAIANCE DUE------> SO. OO Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/27/2007 jplano Act.ion: CR CORRECTION LETTER SENT, r: \cdev\cnRrs\pERMrr. CoMMENTS\B0 T - 00 72 \80 7 -oo72 .Doc 05/77 /2007 jplano Action: AP BUII-.,DING coRREcTroNs ADDRESSED OL/IO/2OOB jpl-ano Action: AP REVISfONS TO FOOTINGS AND FOUNDATION AND CI EXTERIOR DECK APPROVED Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEN:I O4/O2/2OO7 bgj-bson Action: COND Ehe crawlspace below the patio/deck is not (exceeds site coverage limits), so the patio/deck must be revised ***********,t***********,1.*****'t'l'****{',t*,1**'t*******'1.******'t't*,t *:t{.{'***:fi*{(,}{.'}**********'l***,}***:1.****'l,l*{.***,1. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B07-0072 as of 01-11-2008 Status: ISSUED {.'i*{.**'t*'t*,t.|.***********'|.*+*+:i.*.i'lt{.:N*'f,t*,i.*:l..**{.**'}*,}******{.l.*:|.**,t.****'|.****x.+,t***************+*+****!|.****** Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 0313012007 Applicant: RYAN, JOHN A. JR. Issued: 06122/2007 Job Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: ParcelNo: 2l0l07l13053 ***t{,******f**:|.,}:|'****:l*****'t**'f****'f*'f+***'|t+,|.,}****'t***'|.'|*{.,|.***{t'*'t,t*,|t*:|'+*'|.*:s,**,}'t*****'},F+*,}*,|+*********** CONDITIONS *+**{.,}d.**t *t **'f *******,f+***********t***+t***********,t***!t*********:f*********:t,}+**:+**:l********+**'l*'};t*f** Cond: 33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0008819 The applicant shall delete the crawlspace below the east patio/deck as it is not permitted (exceeds site coverage limits), so that patio/deck must be constructed slab-on-grade. Cond: CON0008942 Fire sprinkler required and shall comply with NFPA l3R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0008943 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0009094 Provide stamped PE drawings before any retaining walls are to be consturcted. Enty: 06/21/2007 By: gc Action: AP 0s/24/2007 bgibson Ol/07 /2008 bgibson Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/04/20o7 JJR 05/!4/2007 JJR 06/26/2007 mcgee Upgrade fire alarm system Item: 05500 PTBLIC WORKS 03/30/2007 gc Acti.on: AP Action: PA Action: DN Action: AP Action: AP to current code. A r.l- i nrr . 1/7/07 revisions approved by planning Address incorrect. Access is on Beaver Dam See conditions. revisions dated 5/23 / 07 (any wall over 6' and combination Provide a erosion control detail. Provide a Public Wav permit. DN Provide stamped PE drawings ot retainingf wi walfs) Provide a Revokable Right of Way permit. 06/21/2007 gc Action: COND IEem: 05550 ENGINEERING CIVILS ,a a* at atrt,i a+:t:t *+a See the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zoning and su_bdivision codes, desigrr review approved, lnternational Building and Residential Codes and other the Town le thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURSIFADV 4 PM. TELEPHONf, A 49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM . CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER APPLICATIO WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED PLETE OR UNSIGNED Permit #: REVE TON TO TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT separate Permits- are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657***Att Revision submittals must include the Field Set of approved plans. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION oo74 General Contractor: -ii EL:/|B-/Jus Town of Vail Reg. No.: 4/q -h Contact and Phone #'s: Lf.?/ /167 a./ttzFo ATTENTION: JOE, JR, CHARLIE, GREG, CHRIS Contractor Signature: fl/ffZf-2 /hIlql//" v/?=/ | coMPLETE REVISIONS EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor REVISED AMOUNT: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER:$ ,._-2-" PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$neV'tSeO-,Ofni,O ?# For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970328'864! e1vls!-ry P,eid3,Eil ))D tn? n3 004 .,* *"r*, fl "on IL'JobAddress: qg rerrJ flJ /SqF ".P Legal Descripti#Lot:j],Block:,7 Filing:I Subdivision: Phone: ArchitecVDesiqner:.-- )c'yrle.aa A,n'tt Ehsineer: fuLrA, h.,n REASON FOR REVISIONS: , n '/1#r/ ct?2.-z *JJ./ . vWorkClass: New$t' Addition( )'Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both $J Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ()a)- Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) . No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:N6. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Typeof FireplacesExisting: GasAppliances( ) GasLogs( ) wood/Pgllet( ) woodBurning( ) Noffvpe of Fireplaces Propcised: 62s 4ppliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) wood/Pellet ( ) wood Burning (NoT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist Yes ( ) No (ffixist: Yes( ) No( *#s*****ff******r.t*****************+*****FoR OFFICE USE ONLY*******""*******"*** 4t18t2007F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Buildi ng\buildi ng-revision-4-1 8-2007.doc Page 1 oJ 1 TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement |} *** I * ***'ft* ** l* * ** | ** t i* *tt' * **'|*trl* l*t* ** * * * * * * * * * tt**t'tt t*t* * {' *:t' {' 't*{.*'t'} * * *****t****** I i I ** * Statement, Number: R080000041 Anoune: $110.00 Ol/ll/2OO8l0: l3 Alil Paynen! Method: Check Init: 'JSNoEation: 9033/MOI'NTAIN ESTAIE BUILDERS Permit No: BO7-0072 q/pe3 NEW (SFR, P/S.DUP) PERI'IIT Parcel No: 2101- 071- 13 05 - 3 SiTe Addresg: 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL IJocation: Totaf Fees: $13,574.54This Payment, r $110.00 TotaL AIJL, Pmts: $13,574,64 :i | 'r r'rr* *,r * * i I r r r'r* * r * r r' * * * r'* * * * r r r | * r ****{ *****{' * i * * * * * * * * * * ** * * *ll*l*lli*t* * * * * * * * * * * - -11;-t-t ACCOT.INT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current PmtE PF 00100003112300 PLAI{ CHECK FEES 110.00 SUMANARC}IITECTS MEMO Dote: 1l3l2m8 From: Michoel Sumon. AIA Project: Ryon Residence Subject: Chonge to opproved plons summory Hoppy new yeor Bill, The ottoched Chonge to Approved P/ons opplicotion serves to consolidote post opproved opplicotions ond some odditionol minor chonges into lorge sheet formot for the permit set, An overview of the chonges on eoch sheet ore os follows: Cl,0 Revisions oddress necessory groding chonges ossociqted with tree removol on eost ond west dde of residence. Re-groding of opproved wesi side terroce olso included, Ll .0 This drowing should reploce both the Ll ,0 ond L l ,l in the permit set. The new Ll.0 combines oll tree removol opprovols ond ossocioted londscope revisions. M.2 New plon includes opproved spo ond terroce design.A3.l New elevotion includes opproved spo ond terroce design. Also includes the oddition of o l'-0" horizontol support member to the living room (left side) window group' A3.2 New elevotion includes the oddition of o l'-0" horizontol support member to the living room (either side of chimney) window groups. A3.3 New elevotion includes opproved spo ond tenoce design ond detqched equipment voult locotion. Also includes revision to window 57. 52.01 Revision extends crowlspoce eost from grid line E to A. Also includes spo terroce stoir foundotion woll on grid J ond detoils.SXI-9 Soo terroce stoir detqils, michael @ sumanarchitects.com 2211 North Frontage Road o 970.479.75O2 suite A f 970.479.7511 Vail, CO 81657 m 970.471.6122 @,.r,i.||{lTY t€lrELOfl,lEl|T Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax]. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov'com Proiect Name: Project Description: Participants: Project Address: 54 BEAVER DAM RD Legal Description: Parcel Numben Comments: RYAN CHANGE DRB Number: DR8080002 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS FOR EXTERIOR REVISIONS OWNER RYAN, JOHN ALEMNDER, JR & KO1/O4i2OO8 13 WISTERI,A LN COVINGTON LA 70433 APPUCANT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECI, LLC0 1/04/2008 Phone: 970-47 l-6L22 PO BOX 7760 AVONco 81620 License: C000001764 ARCHITECT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECT, LLC01/04/2008 Phone: 970-47 l-6122 PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81620 License: C000001764 54 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: Lot: 32 Block: 7 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE 1 2101-071-1305-3 Motaon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 01/072008 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS' Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O'OO TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 807-0275 3or - oo.l t Job Address: 95 FOREST RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 95 FOREST ROAD Applied . . : 10/1112007 Parcel No...: 210107113003 Issued . . : 10/17/200'l Legal Description: -? ? -'i-A r- - Oq-3tr Expires . .: O4ll4l2OOB Project No : \ rt '-., \"'/ --) OhINER -RYAN, iIOHN AIJEXANDER, 'JR & KIO/7I/2OO7 ].3 WISTERIA IJN COVINGTON LA 70433 APPLICANI GORE RANGE ELECTRIC l0/7L/2007 Phone: 970-s24-ILI8 ]-5794 COIJORADO RTVER ROAD GYPSIJM \-\, .'LbJ / License: 135-E CONTRACTOR GORE RANGE ELECTRIC 7O/I7/2OO7 Phone: 97O-524-ILAB 15?94 COLORADO R]VER ROAD GYPSUM co 8l_537 License I l-35-E Desciption: INSTALATION OF CONDUIT TO RESIDENCE AND TEMP POWERValuation: $0.00 Square feet: 300 *t 'l ** a l l +a l * a t l * +tl't r * a *,1*,i'r,* ** +t* Electrical-----> $51. ?5 Total Calculatcd Fees-> $ss.7s Investigation-> $o . oO Additional Fees-_-> $ o . oo Will Cdl-._-> g4 . oo Total Permit Fee----> gss . ?s TOTAL FEES--> gss.7s Payments---------> gss. ?s BALANCE DUE----> 50.00 t + ttl *r:| ** +t i + 'r * t a+* at t *a + + *:r r'* *r * Approvals:Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT L0/]-1/2007 shahn Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT * r + l t * *:t *:i *r t l * *:i CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To CHECK FOR coDE COMPLIANCE. *:r l * * * r:i * * *'* t * a i * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and otler ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. -//-/i /// I - //('^/'- | * tff't***ltt* t*at **al'|t*tt tllt*a*aat*t{r* * I **l *t t | * **tata**at*tatta'|***a*llalll'tta*a*lall '}*'t't* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stet€ment ttt** taatttttat * t' +***tattttt{r**** *{ {' +**ttt**r{'*{'{'{'aa+t*******alaala****llatlai*****aa*t **** * statement Number: Ro?ooo2254 Amount: $55.75 lo/17/200703:25 PM Payment Method: Check eLectric 1138 Init: DDG Notation: Clore llange $ss. ?s * **a**'i****ttt*t't'tf**t'{"tttttt*f**rrtt*t | | | * * | | | | | rttttttt{r{'lat * {' I i * *** til* | {' I i' *i*t++{r* * *'l*{'* ACCOI.JNT ITEMLIST: Account Code current Pmts Permits No: Parcel No: SiEe Addrees: L,ocaEion: This Paymene: EOl - 0275 2101-071-1300-3is FoREsr RD vArIJ 95 FOREST ROAD Deecription TIG)e ! ELECTRICAIJ PERMIT Total Feea: Total AIJIJ PMts ! Balance: $ss.7s $ss.7s $0.00 EP 00100003111100wc 00100003112800 ELECTR,ICAL PERMIT FEES WIIJIT CAIrL INSPECTION FBE 51 .75 4. OO AppucArroN wru Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLErE oR uNsrq;t$ \iE - O.{3b Eb".o27f if*Hfi"# 75 S. Frontage Rd" Vail, Colorado 81657 , 9>7 EldHcal Contrator:6tpz 4/ri"" Ab/Town of Vail Reg..No.:fr34 Conlactlerson and Phone #'s: '7,; Qn /- 7 7t? g E-Mail Address: ,Fax#: C.ontractor Signatu re : / COMPLETE SQ. FOOT43E FORAREA OF WORK AND VALUATION OF WORK (Labor & Materials) AMOUNTOFSQ FTIN STRUCTURE: 3OO ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ 1O.<s oe Aswsrs Office at 97O-328-8640 or uisit for Parcel # Parcel# 21O)o?//,VOoJ rob Name: foro, /rz Job Mdressz--, sznrz", Oon*- "/tuo Legal Descripdon I Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners *r ", lrrrr,_ $Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: * p* f'"/ ,/WorkClass: New(r/ Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( -f Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofBldg.: Single-familylc,y'Oupto<( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaunnt( ) OSpr( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Unib in this building:No. of Acclmmodation Units in this buildingl Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ( /) Does a Fire Alarm Exish Yes ( ) No (-J ll Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ("7 ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY* I F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMm\tullding\electicaUrermit_1 1-23 -2005.DOC Page 1 of 2 7Ll23lzms Amendmentto the 2002 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4, Series of 2005 o Overhead seruices are not allowed in the Town of Vail.o Underground seruices shall& in conduit (PVC) ftom the utility transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch, and to the first electrical distribuUon circuit breaker panel.o The main disconnect switch shall be tudlly aoessiile, andlocated next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure. All underground conduib are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench.o In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass ftom one unit to another. Common walfs and spaces are exempeo NM Cable (Romo<) an b ud only in siryb and multi-family dwellings net exding 3 sbrfrs,|yF IUM @nnot b u*d in any building mbcd with llpe Ar8.E F.H,I,M &S oeupnciu.s Aluminum ondututssmaller than size #8 are not permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWil OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDEUI{ES o All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form atbched (if applicable).o If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. o If this permit is for installafion of an elterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condiUon and veriff that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application.o If this is a remodel in a multFfamily building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required.o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. Electical one4ine and panel rchedules are neguited if load is added or distribuffion is altercd, I have read and understand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2I47. The inspector can be reached on Monday thru Friday momings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Buildinq\electical--permit-l 1 -23-2005. DOC Page 2 ol 2 tLlz3l2OOs ?WN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNIry DEVELOPMENT 5 S.FRONTAGEROAD /AIL, CO 81657 70-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW (SFR,PiS,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: B07-0072 Project #: PRJ05-0438 Job Address: 95 FOREST RD VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 95 FOREST ROAD Applied. . : 03130/2007 Parcel No...: 210107113003 Issued . . : 06D2/2007 Expires.....: 1211912007 )WNER RYAN, ,JOHN ALEXANDER, .tR & K03,/3O/2O0'| 13 WISTERIA I-,N COVINGTON I-,A 7 0433 .PPLICANT RYAN, irOHN A. irR. 03/30/2OO7 Phone: (985) 892-8989 70389 HWy 1077 COVINGTON LOUISIANA 70433 L,i cense z 4L6 -I-' :oNTRACTOR RYAN, .]OHN A. ,fR. 03/30/2007 Phone: (985) 892-8989 70389 HWY 1077 COVINGTON LOUISIANA 7O433 License : 476-L )esciption: CONSTRUCTION OFNEW SFRrccubancy Type Factor sq Feet valuation Totals... 3,958 $1,500,000.00* Building-----> S?, ?98. ?5 RcstuErant Plan Rcview--> RevisionValuation: $0.00 FEE SUMMARY +**'tt+t*{{*a**.+r+**'ri***t**.**++rarara*lr,}*+***t***)tr*.*'r** so. oo Total Calculated Fees'---> 913 ' 464 . 64 Plan Check-> $s,069.19 Recreation Fee----.> $593.?0 Additional Fees----> $o.o0 Invcstigation-> $o.oo TOTAI FEES------+ $It,464.64 Total Permit FeF..--.> 513,464.64 Palments----> $13,454.54 lumber of Dwelling Units: I bwn of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 1,600,000.00 Will Csll-->53.00 BALITNCE DUE->9o. oo ir*+ ra a*,r * | rt ai+aa rl*:r***+t l at at*:3 **:| **:r t I '! t rl* l+a + rta tta a \pprovals:.tem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/27/200? jplano Action: cR CoRRECTION LETTER SENT, F: \cdev\cnRrs\pERMrr. coMMEr\rrs\B0z -0072 \807 -oo72 .Doc Os/L7 /2Oo7 jplano Action: AP BUILDING CORRECTIONS ADDRESSED .tem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT O4/O2/2OO7 bgibson Action: COND the crawlspace be.l-ow the patio/deck j-s not (exceeds site coverage limits), so the patio/deck must be revised 05/24/2007 bgibson Action: AP .1tem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/04/2007 JJF. 0s/L4/2007 JJF' ten: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 03/30/2OO7 gc DN Provide stamped PE drawings ot retainl-ng wi waI 1s ) Action: Action: Action: DN AP Address incorrect. See conditions. Access i-s on Beaver Dam (any wa]1 over 5' and combinatsion Provide a erosion control detail. Provide a Public Way permit. Provide a Revokable Right of way permit, 06/21/2007 gc Action: COND .tem: 05550 ENGINEERING CMLS I't a*tt*,t*** *a ttttl iee the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, nd state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all 'own ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigrr review pproved, lnternational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. ,EQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCT T 479-2149 OR AT OUR OffICE FROM 8:00 AM . PM. PU"-- TURE OF OWNER OR NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER BEST COPY |rq T AVAILABLE *************+*,t't,{.+'i******,t**{.:f *.**+++'r*:f *+ t t +* * * *:1.,f +**f !t * *** * * *** **+* 'f ,t *{.,}* + **** ** *** 'F* {' ** '} * * ** * ** 't *++* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: BO7-0072 as of 06-22-2007 Status: ISSUED :* +* '**,t **,id.:f ****,**,t ** ++,*** ***'**:t *{.,}'} *+* 't* * *,t,}*,} ** 't!t**{.* f {. '}.t:1. *:1. * * '} * +:f * **{' +* '} ** ** 't ** +'l *t**'l:i +***'' ** ***** * * Permit Type: NEW (SF&P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 03/3012007 Applicant RYAN, JOHN A. JR. Issued: 06/2212007 Job Address: 95 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 95 FOREST ROAD ParcelNo: 210107113003 ***{.+**'}+***:t!t +{. * * * *.t,t ** rt*,i ** *+ ** 't,}* * ** 't **,tt!t ** i(,},1.*+ {. ** ** * **,1+ * **,t ** ** * **** +:t,1.** * * * ** *** ** **'f **'f * 't ** + '}*'i **,r***,r*'r*+**'r'i+*+,r.*dr+++++*+!F'r*'r'*****+'**********"*?l]?*tll.o):-------*t*++*+*t*,t+****,t****:F+********+**t't )ond: 33 PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL tE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. )ond:12 BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. )ond:CON0008819 'he applicant shall delele the crawlspace below the east patio/deck as it is ot permitted (exceeds site coverage limits), so that patio/deck must be onshucted slab-on-grade, )ond: CON0008942 'ire sprinkler required and shall comply with NFPA l3R(2002) and VFES tandards. lond: CON0008943 4onitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and iFES standards. lond: CON0009094 'rovide stamped PE drawings before any retaining walls are to be consturcted. Entry: 06/2112007 By: gc Action: AP BEST ,.I ' 39IL'', PWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMLTNITY DEVELOPMENT 5 S.FRONTAGEROAD /AIL, CO 81657 70-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEW (SFR,PiS,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: 807-0072 Project #: PRJ05-0438 Job Address: 95 FOREST RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [,ocation.....: 95 FOREST ROAD Applied . . : 03i30n007 ParcelNo...: 210107113003 Issued. .: 06/22/2007 Expires.....: 12/1912007 )WNER RYAN, ,tOHN ALEXANDER, JR & K03/3O/2007 13 WISTERIA I,N COVINGTON r-,A 7 0433 .PPLICANT RYAN, iroHN A. ,rR. 03/3O/2OO7 Phone: (985) 892-8989 70389 Hhry l_077 COVINGTON LOUISIANA 70433 I-.,icense : 4L6 -L :ONTRACTOR RYAN, JOHN A. iIR. 03/30/2007 Phone: (985) 892-8989 70389 HI,{Y 1077 COVINGTON LOUISIANA ?0433 Li.cense: 416-L )esciption: CONSTRUCTION OFNEW SFRrccupancy Type FacEor Sq Feet Valuation Totals. . . 3, 9sg $1, 600, 000 . 00* {umber of Dwelling Units: I 'own of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 1,600,000.00 RevisionValuation: $0.00 FEE SUMMARY rt'ia**a*tr*+irt't****,1*'t**i*:*:r*a*r+rl"l"i'lr+*it*t*'.**.:l'r'r***** 50 . oo Total Calculatod Fe€s----> $13 , 45'1 .64Building-> l7 ,198 .15 Restuannl Plan Review--> Plan Check--> $5,069.19 Recreation FeF-->Ss93. ?o Additional Fees----->90.00 Investigation-> Will Call---->93.00 BALANCE DUE--->$0.00 r 'r a*r *,t * l ***t l +t t tpprovals:.tem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/27 /2007 jplano Action: CR CORRECTTON LETTER SENT, r : \ cdev\cHRrs \pERMrr . CoMMENTS\B 0 7 - 0 0 7 2 \B 0 7 - o o7 2 . Doc os/L7/2oO7 jptano Action: AP BUII-,DING CORRECTIONS ADDRESSED .tem: 05400 PIJANNfNG DEPARTMENT O4/O2/2OO7 bgibson Action: COND the crawl-space below the patio/deck is not (exceeds site coverage limits) , so the patio,/deck must be revised So. oo TOTAT FEES--> S13 , 4G4 .64 Total Permit Fee----------> $13 , 464 . 64 pa)'merls---_--> $13,454.5{ BFST CCPY AVAIL 05/24/2007 bgibson Acti.on: AP ABLE .qem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04 / 04 / 2007 JJR os/L4/2OO7 JJR Action: DN Action: AP Address incorrect. Access is on Beaver Dam see conditions, .tem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS O3/30/2OO7 gc Action: DN Provide stamped PE drawlngs ot retaining wi (any wall over 6' and combinatsion wa11s). Provide a erosion controL detail. Provide a Public way permit. Provide a Revokable Right of Way permit' o6/2L/2oo7 gc Action: coND tem: 05550 ENGINEERING CMLS t1*t+ t l rtl +a t *a 't' +r lee the Conditions section of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan' nd state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all 'own ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns 2oning and subdivision codes, design review pproved, lntemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto' XQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM' PM. SIGNATUREOFO CTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNEB a tt { \ '.qFsr CUFY AVAILfutE * * ** *!t't* * *:* ** ** * ** *!t*****,|,i:t++ + ** ++,* **:t*'t** * * * ** *{.+** * *'i ** *:}:t*,} *,}* *:}+ **,t ** *!t * +* ** * +* *:t* *+ 'r* '} *i( 'f *+* ++ +* * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 807-0072 as of 06-22-2007 Status: ISSUED '** *** ** +ir + * * 'f *:t * !* '* * 'i+ *'**,i**,t't ** * ** *** ** !t+* +*'i*:t:t*'t** *+ f **:t** ** **t,t*+ +:t **,f * '1. *+ {. ** *+ * *'t ** 'f *+ *'} **+ {' '}* 'lt *+ *'* Permit Type: NEW (SF&P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 03/3012007 Applicant RYAN, JOHN A. JR. Issued: 06/2212007 Job Address: 95 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 95 FOREST ROAD ParcelNo: 210107113003 ***+**+*+*****,}**:}t't*****'t*,}t'f***+*+**+!*+*,}*,t(*.|..t*'*'}{.**,|.'i*'l.'}:t.*'l,}*,|.**,k,F*'}**'***++'}****+***i.'***t,}*+,l.'i*'t+,{.'* CONDITIONS *************,******:*'|+*,!++**,f ** +**:f *** **'* +***,t +**:**+*'t'i*:i+**,t,i****+*'|*:t***f,*++******+*****+*+*****'l*+'i+ )ond: 33 PLAN) THIS PROIECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL tE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. )ond: l2 BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FoR CODE COMPLIANCE. )ond: CON0008819 'he applicant shall delete the crawlspace below the east patio/deck as it is ot permitted (exceeds site coverage limits), so that patio/deck must be onstructed slab-on-grade. )ond: CON0008942 'ire sprinkler required and shall comply with NFPA l3R(2002) and VFES tandards. lond: CON0008943 {onitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and rFES standards. )ond: CON0009094 'rovide stamped PE drawings before any retaining walls are to be consturcted. Entry: 06/21/2007 By: gc Action: AP BFST -- .<? C*oy Buildinq Permit#: ffiil0r 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8'1657 ******,rr**********'tr****************rFoR oFF lcE us E oNL |l1' rr-lit, l1 i'i Ii.t : MAR 27 2001 $" F: \ 9 35.4s \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\building|-permit_4-21-06. DOC Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanica CONTRACTOR INFORMA ?as. alz. altf PLUMBING: 5 (o,0oo TOTAL:$ l,6or,d^a # Contact Assessorc Ollice at olvisftffi2tolo7lt7oo7 JobName: tQ*, fu;/a.a Job Address: I ffiftffi;ffit{, Lesaf Description llr-ot' iZlerocx: f Iriring, yY/ttF'/,4 Isrbdiri"ion' ^rchitequPesisli!;k L?4t trxa,es zz Engineer: E& B.lrna"Address:enone'qbllg.y'fll Detaileddescription **on rhn 4/..Otd tcaoa,l*7 ai 1-ou fo,u &-_"",b H. WorkClass: Neryld Addition( ) Remodet ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both |d Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) NoJ<I Type of Bldg.: Single-familylj Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: tr(4 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: e No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnino ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( f) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bumino (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (f,) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes Qf No ( OWN OF :t 't 't *** * * * * * * * * * *** * * 't * t ** {' ** * * * * 't {' ** * * *rt't ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'l 't * * * * * * * * 't 'l ,l * * * * * * * * '} 'l * * * * * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement {. * * {.{.x!* | 't * 't * 't {.{r*** * * * * ****** * * * **** ***** * *** **** {'* t * * * { * * * * * * * '} * * * * * * * * * * * 't * {. {. {. :l :lr * * * * * * '3 * l. l. * Statement Number; R0?0001001 AmounE: $8.395.45 06/L8/200711:45 AJvl Payment Method: Check iIr. 3l- 81 Tni |, nnn! Notation; lTohn A. Rvan Permit No: 807-0072 T)4)e: NEW (SFR,P,/S,DUP) PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-1300-3 Site Address: 95 FOREST RD VAIL I-,ocation: 95 FOREST ROAD Balance: S0.00 **** ********** ******rr * * * * * **{i*'t:t'* {r * * {. * * {r ,tr 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t { * { ********{'i************rr***'}**** This Payment:$8, 39s.4s Total Fees; $ 13 , 454 .64 Total ALL PmES: 973 ,464 ,64 Current Pmts 7 ,798.75 s93.70 3.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code 00100003111100 11100003r_12700 00100003112800 Descript i-on BP RF wc BUILDING PERMIT FEES RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE BillGibson - Ryon Residence "Michael Suman" <michael@sumanarchitects.com> "'Bill Gibson"' <BGibson@vailgov.com> 05/rcn007 3:39 PM Ryan Residence "Michael Suman" <michael@sumanarchitects.com>, <j.ryan@ryanforestproducts.com> Page I of 1 From: To: Date: Subject: CC: Hi Bill, As you ond I discussed, the building footprint for the proposed secondory residence hos been rototed one degree counterclockwise in order to sotisfy building code requirements, This is reflected in the drowing sets being submitted for the building deportment comments tomorrow, os well os, the finol plot olso being submitted tomonow, Let me know if you hove ony questions. Thonks. michoel sumon. AIA Sumon Architects 974.479.7fi2 Dn 970.471.6122 molrlle 970.479.751 I to( 221I North F ontoge Rood, Sulte A Voil. CO 81657 michoel@surnqnorchll6cts.com file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\GW)00001.HTM 05/10/2007 @a,tn errt of fun n u n ity Developnent Euilding Safety and Insp&ion *rukns 75 fuuth Frcnbge Rad Vail, furado81657 9VHn-2138 FA,Y97Mn-2452 wwwtailgav.@m BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW GOMMENTS: TO:Contractor/Applicant John Ryan FA)(/Email #: i.ryan@ryanforesQroducts.com NUIIIBEROF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILDI]IIG PERMTT #: OWNERS NAITIE: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCYGROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBEROF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: Architect Suman proj#501 micheal@sumanarchitects.com 3 John Plaqno, Building Plans b<aminer 0412612007 BO7-0072 Ryan 95 Forest Road Singe Family VB 3levels The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 Intemational Building Code, 2fi)3 International Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 Intemational Fuel Gas Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code, 2003 Intemational Energy Conservation Code and 2005 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. Thefollowing @mmqrBwill need b beaddtwd prtorb isuaneof a building permit: furprocesing:o Please submit four comolete sets of revised construction documents containing the requested information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. o Please resoond in wriUng to each comment bv markino the attached list or creating a resoonse letter. Indicate which olan sheet detail, soecification, or calculaUon shows the reguested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the olans examiner with the building permit application number noted. o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architecfs "wet" stamo, signature, registration number and date on the cover page of any structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the olans, For commercial or multi-familv oroiects all sheets of the plans must be stamoed. Y fne ResCheck is indicating R-21 continuous insulation on the roof and the drawings are indicating R- 15. Please coordinate. J' Provide 2 copies of engineer stamped soil nail drawings. There is a 5'crawlspace under the laundry room indicated as the mechanical room. This room is accessed from the garage. There have been issues with the elevation of equipment with this scenario. Equipment is required to be 18" above the garage floor that is within this space. Please show a cross section that shows this can be accomplished. (IRC M1307.3) g/ lndicate how the awning windows in Study/Bedroom 209 meet egress requirements. (IRC R310) W Section Jlss.tz indicates wood sheathing and wood blocks on top of the structural steel supporting the masonry fireplace and hearth. The wood is not allowed beneath the fireplace and hearth. Please remove the wood or provide installation instructions for the "Precast Masonry Fireplace" indicating it can be installed over combustible material. (IRC Rf009.9) ,.,6 The structural general notes are indicating 80 psf snow load on flat rooft. The Town of Vail amendments require flat roofs to be designed to 100 psf. Please change drawings accordingly. ./{ me Living Deck (211) is cantilevered over the windows of the lower level. The steel beams are used to support this deck are supported on wood below. The structural drawings are indicating 3lh" of concrete, the architectural drawings are showing a heated slab and stone on top ofthe structural slab. Wood is not allowed to support more than 4" of concrete. (IBC 2304.12) Building Depaftment Comments: Town of Vail amendments require that mechanical rooms in crawlspaces be separated from the house by one hour construction and the space be alarmed. Please show this on the drawings, tE thave included the comments from Public Works, Planning and Fire for your reference, please contact them directly for any clarification. Public Works Comments: 10 Provide stamped PE drawings of retaining walls. (Any wall over 6'and combinaUon walls) 11 Provide an erosion control detail. 12 Provide a Public Way permit. 13 Provide a Revokable Right of Way permit. Far€ Depaftment Comments: 14 Address incorrect. Access is on Beaver Dam Rd. Plannino Depaftment €omments: 15 The crawlspace below the east patio/deck is not permitted (exceeds site coverage limits), so the patio/deck must be slab-on-grade \8 Please rcfer to tfie covsr che€t for infiormation on resubmitfrng plans In order to ayoid delays in is$ane of a permit please check dl requested Informadon is Inclded with the rcsubmitEd plans. Pbase submit revised plans as a compl€te sd. Pardal plan resubmittals wlll not b€ rcviewed. John Plano I.C.C. Plans *aminer Town of Vail Building Safuty and Inspection Services 970.479.2140 jplano@vailgov.com F: \dev\CHRISilPERMIT.@MMENIS\807-0072\807-0072. DoC SUMANARCHITECT MEMO Dote: To: From: Project: Enclosed: 5/10t2007 John Ploqno TOV MichoelSumon, AIA Hothowoy Residence Building Permit #'. BO7 -0072 Response to Building Deporlment Comments This is in response to the review comments from the Town of Voil. doted 4/26107, for the Ryon Residence. The numbers below reference those on the TOV review, Buildino Deporf menl Commenls: ' n revised to be consistent with ResCheck Q. 2 copies of engineer stomped soil noil drowings included.-,Y Sheet A2.l:Door l0l wos moved to the inside so thot ihe mechonicol crowlspoce ond goroge no longer communicote through on opening.t{, Windows 37 ond 47 hove been modified to be cosements thot meet egress ,,.. requirements on Sheets A3.l ond A3.2, It'f,ee response by Redwine Engineers6 See response by Redwine EngineersV. See response by Redwine Engineers B/ Sneets A4.l - A4,5 hove been modified to include crowlspoce seporotion notes ond - requirement for crowlspoce to hove o fire olorm(generol notes). V N/A Public Works Commenls: 10, Stomped boulder retoining woll deioil in progress to be submitted' I l. Erosion controldetoils were previously submitled on sheet C2.0.l2, To be oddresed of construction stort.|3, To be oddressed of consiruction stori Fire Deoorlmenf Commenls:.|4. New oddress will be ossigned when finol plot is opproved. Plonnino Deoorfmenl Commenls: 15. Sheets ,A4,l-A4,5:Crowlspoce height hos be been reduced to code minimum cleoronce between bottom of bock-sponned structure ond crowlspoce floor. 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 michael @ su manarchitect.com 970.479;t502f 970.479.7sl1 m 970.471.6122 Redwine Engineers Inc. Structural Consultants Apt',l13,2007 Mike Suman Suman Architects 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Ryan Residence Permit Application # 807 -007 2 Plan Review Response Dear Mike: Here is our written response to the permit plan review. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please call. Sincerely, 06105 700 17h Street, Suit€ Denver, CO 80202 (303) 57 5-9510 (303) 575-9515 lax 150 East Beaver Creek Blvd. 4204 P.O. Box 8009, Avon, CO 81620 (970) 748-0711 '97 0l 7 48-07 22 tax Item #Response Drawings impacted and revised "{The area below the fireplace concrete slab on metal deck. accordingly. and hearth has been changed to Details have been revised s2.11, 55.12 t6 The general notes have been revised to indicate 100 psfsnow load on flat roofs and 80 psfsnow load on sloped roofs s0.01 4 The living room deck beams are now supported on steel beams and columns to foundation. s2.01, s2.ll 15 Top of wall, bottom of wall and top of grade elevations have been revised to limit the crawlspace height to 18" s2.01 1 900 Building Plan Revlew List: Slngle Family Dwdling Duplex/Townhome V-B construction 2003 tRc Y/ f.l "rf ",7 ",7 Y/ tf "r\ ", ].J Y/l.lY/N Ytd Pernit*ftJ'<5o17 Review dalet 4'LL-ol plan revlsions reqpired Y/N Reviewed byt Jo rRc Approval date: Architectural: Digitize floor plans for building area totals. Correction Reouired Two-Familv Dwellinq Units: One hour wall assembly for vertical separations to underside of roof sheeting (lRC R317.1) One hour floor/ceiling assembly for horizontal separations. Supporting construction shall also have equal fire resistive raling. (lRC R317.1.1) Check common walls or floors have minimum sound transmission class (STC) of 50. (lBC 1207) Townhomes: (Two) one hour wall assemblies, or (one) two hour wall assembly (plumbing/mechanical penetrations not permitted) (lRC R321.2) Check common walls have minimum sound transmission class (STC) of 50. (lBC 1207) Continuity of common wall shall be continuous from foundation to roof sheeting and extend full length of the wall. (lRC R317.2.1 ) Parapets shall be required unless alternate construction is provided per exceptions (lRC R317.2.2 and R317.2.3) Each townhouse shall be structurally independent (lRC R317.2.4) Check common wall detail is per actual structural walllfloor/roof conditions. Buildino olannino: Check location on property for exterior wall, overhang and opening protection. -- One hour walls less than 3, overhangs, no openings <3 (lRC R302) Y lK Check dwelling unit is maximum 3 stories and maximum 40' height (lBC Table 503, 101.2) Y l.l( Gheck separation and opening protection specified between dwelling/garage or carport if --not open on 2 or more sides (lRC R309) Y lN' -Check no openings from garage directly into sleeping rooms (lRC R309) Y /}l/ Check %' glpsum board specified on underside of enclosed usable space under stairs _ (rRc R311.2.2) Y / M--Check one hour fireplace f,ue shaft for other than appliance fireplaces. (TOV) Y / Df- Check minimum of one side hinged 3 ft. x 6ft.8in. exit door provided from dwelling lo exterior. - Exit path may not travel through lhe garage. (lRC R31 1) Y /N- Check minimum room areas. One room 120 s.f., habitable rooms not less than 70 sJ. (IRCR304) Y lN'Check habitable rooms not less than 7' in any dimension (lRC R304) Y / ly-lCheck minimum 7'ceiling height in habitable rooms, hallways, bathrooms, laundry rooms and basements (lRC R305) Y / Df- Check for glazing area (8o/o of floor area) and natural ventilation (4% of floor area) in habitable rooms (lRC R303). See exceptions for mechanical ventilation. Media rooms/rerc rooms etc. may be artificial light if mechanical ventilation system provided per ., lRc R303Y/}( Jheck ventilation in bathrooms (lRC R303.3) --At { Check bedrooms and basement for emergency escape door or window and window well\-'' (lRC R310) Mark egress windows on the plans for the field inspeclor. Check safety glazing provided in hazardous locations, highlight windows on floor plans for field - inspector:(lRC R308) Y /,Dl/ glass in side hinged doors, sliding doors, shower doors Y /}f glass in shower, bath, hot tub, sauna €tc. enclosures where window is <60" above floor Y / N- glass within 24" of either door edge in closed position and <60" above floor. Y l I*' anv glass panels >9 s.f. and <18" but >36" above floor Y / l1--,glass in railings Y / l{- glass within 5' of wate/s edge of pool or spa and <60" above floor Y /!f.g|ass at top or sides of stainvays within 36" Y / N- glass at bottom of stairways within 5' Y / D'll Check rafter space or attic space ventilation specified and ridge/eave detail provided _ (rRc R8o6) Y / l*- Check underfloor ventilation specified, or plans show other approved method per exceptions (lRC R408) Y / Dl- Check floor level and landings at doors. See exception for additional doors (lRC R311.4.3) Y /ff- Check guards provided where required and delail provided. (R312) Y / N- Check stainvay for head/riser size and nosing profile, open risers, width, landing size, handrail/guard (lRC R31 1) Y / N" Check fireplace chimney termination, 2' above roof within 10'. lf decorative shroud is used on -factory built fireplace, it must be listed for use with the specific fireplaee. (lRC R1004) Y / Df Check weather protection specified on exterior walls and any waterproof decks with _ enclosed space below. (lRC R703) Y / N- Check dampproofingAmterproofing specified on basement foundation walls (lRC R406) Y ll.{.' Check roof covering/underlayment specified. (lRC Ch. 9) Y / Dt-- -Check vapor retarder installed on warm side of insulation. (lRC R318) Y Ll'' Check any foam plastic insulaiion specified to have thermal barrier installed where exposed to jnterior of building or crawl space. (lRC R314) Y / Dl- Check for pool, hot tub or spa on site plan. Check compliance with pool banier provisions. Separate permit may be required if plans are not included. (lRC Appendix G) tRc Mechanlcal: Conection Reouired Y lr{ Check required heating is provided (lRC R303.8) @,N Y llt: Y /.$r Y tl( Y tl(,- Y IN,YI}{ Or'n 9tN Y(9. Y /t{--YIY . Check clothes drver location: Y /lE Check vent length, and lermination comply with (lMC 504, IRC M1501) Check mechanical equioment locaiion: Y /){/ Check mechanical equipment is not located in a sleeping rooms, bathroom/toilet rooms or storage closet unless allowed per exceptions. (lMC 303.3, IRC G2406) Check any equipment in garage specified to be 6'above floor unless vehicle banier is provided, then 18" above floor permifted. (lMC 304.3, IRC G2408.3, G24O8.4, M1307.3) Check 30" deep working space provided in front of equipment (lMC 306, IRC M1305.1) Check door large enough to remove equipment (lMC 306, IRC M1305.1.2) Check mechanical room large in comparison with size of equipment (lMC 303.5, IRC G2409.4.11 Check floor drain provided in mechanical room (lMC 1004.6 ) Check mechanical equipment vent shaft and vent termination shown. (IFGC 503.6) Note combustion air required per IMC Ch. 7 Check mechanical room is provided with t hour construction on mechanical room side and 20 minute door if equipment is over 400,000 Btu (TOV) Check if any mechanical equipment in crawl spaces is separated with t hour construction and 20 minute door. (IOV) Check fireolaces: Check total number of fireplaces are per Town Code 5-3-3. (1 EPA wood burner with max. 2 appliances, or 2 gas log set and 2 appliances.) Check fireplaces are specified to have gas log set if they are not an EPA unit. Check fireplaces in bedrooms are appliance units. (lMC 303 and IRC M1701.4) tPc Plumblng: Conection Required Y/ N- Check minimum sanitation facilities provided: bathroom, kitchen, water, sewage disposal. (rRc R306) Y / f'- Check sewer manhole elevation. Check if building sewer backwater valve, or valve and sump pump are required. (lPC712 and 715) Y / N-. Check if garage floor drains are shown. Floor drains may not be connected to sewer -- unless intercepior is provided. (lPC 1003) Daylight to drain is permitted. Y /N Check any floor drains other than mebhanical room noted to be provided with automatic trap primer valves where necessary. Laundry floor drains etc. (lPC 1002.41 Check bathrooms: Y /f-, Check for minimum clearances at water closet, 30" wide ,21" clear in front (lPC 405.3.1 , IRC 307) Y t'N'iifrjiY lN'-.Ch&k for minimum clearances at tub/shower, 24' clear in ftont (lRC R307) Y / X'- Check shower comoartment meets minimum size, 900 sq. in.', 30' circle (llshower compartment meets minimum size, 900 sq. in.', 30' circle (lPC 417.4)or retter wrrrl,s -Y...'. 'Y / N-- Check for minimum clearances at lavatories, 2'l' dear in ftont (lRC R307) tRc Structural: Correction Required Y /N' Check struciural sheets of plans and detrails wet stamped and signed by Colorado State Licensed Engineer or Architect (lRC R301.1.3) , Check the followinq olans are included: Y / l'{-. stnrc@ecifi cations sheel Y / lf _foundation plans and details Y I t{ I deaicated flbor framing plans for each floor level Y / N- dedicated roof/ceiling framing plans or huss layout Y / M- framing details Y / ['ll soils report for correct lot Check desion criteria used in structural desion: ---& N ols>4:12(S0 psO decks and roofs <4:12 (100psf)- Y / N. floor design for 40/30 psf live load and min. dead load if concrete topping or slone Y / N/ wind design for minimum 90mph (3 second gust), exposure referenced Y / N{ seismic design for zone C Y / t*- foundation designed per soils report bearing capacity. Y / Dl Check specifications called out for lumber grades/species, beams (LVL, Glulam etc.), log grades, concrete, foundat'ron reinforcing, steel framing Footino/foundation. slab and fl oors: Y / l{i Check retaining wall design provided where greater than 4' in height Y / |( Check footing ffoundation sized in accordance with soils report Y / Df Check footing, foundation stepped if site grade slopes greater than 10%' Top of wall/bottom of fooling elevations shown. Y / D{ Check foundation sections/details are provided for each type of footing/foundation and referenced on the foundation plan, dimensions clearly shown Y / N Check foundation sill plate pressure treated or redwood, bolt spacing speclfied. Check . joisUfoundation wall connection details. Y / K Check minimum fiost depth specified for bottom of footing Y / 1{ Check minimum slab thickness is specified and expansion joints are shown between thickened slab at bearing walls and post footings per soils report if expansive soil Y / l{ Check proper bearing is provided at all bearing walls/columns. Trace loads from all levels above to lhe foundation. Y / M Check floor joist and beam spans, minimum bearing for beams or joists ends Y /. t\y Check deck joist and beam spans, joist malerial suitable for exlerior Y / N Check joist liangers and beam hangers are specified, beam to beam connections specified Y /ff_ Check through bolting connections specified for side loaded (4) member LVL beams Y / K - Check minimum underfloor joisVgirder clearances Y / l'{' Check floor sheathing type thickness and attachmeni Y / M- Check all wood framing minimum 6" above grade Y t{ Check wood framing not supporting dead load of masonry/concrete over 4" thick. See exceptions / lorveneer. Y / ( Check support details are provided for slone or masonry veneer and height does not exceed 30', -- - or 38'at gable ends (R703.7) -$jF Check if irasonryfiriplace oi prefab masonrytype fireplace. Non-combustible support and"' construction details provided. Walls: -ilF Cne* stud size and spacing and height specified and complies with specifications for bearing - stud heights indicated on the plans. Y /,1( Check header specified over openings in stud'wall Y / M Check columns clearly specified at concentrated loads. Columns clearly shown where - transferring from upper level Y /fi Check stud wall lateral bracing specified on plans. Roof: Y /-r{- Y lA. Y/ N,- Ytd Y/ N-YIV 7 ftameinspection Y / l( Check overframing at infill areas sizey'spacing specified Y / |k Check roof sheathing tlpe, thickness and attachment specified Check rafler, hip, valley, beam spans Check ridge designed as beam or rafters ties provided at ceiling level Check rafter hangers are shown, beam to beam connections specified, welding or bolting connections for bent beams specified Check through bolting connections specified for side loaded (4) member LVL beams Check consbuction details provided for site built trusses (log or timber) Check truss layout plan if manufactured busses, note truss shop drawings to be submifted at t-Pagelofl\ Bill Gibson -Ryan Residence f/t,t Flom: Bill Gibson To: Michael Suman Date: 051t8120071:53PM SubJect Re: Ryan Residence Hey Mike, When looking at the rerrised building plans we noticed that there's a second patio with a large crawlspace below. As with the other pato, while thls large sbrage area/mechanical room volume may not be calculated as GRFA, it must be calculated as site coverage. Since there is only one square fmt of allowable site coverage remaining for the property, this patio must also be revised to cover only the minimum crawlspace area necessary to comply with the building code requirements. Additionally, a copy of the proposed duplo< plat was submitted with the recent building permit rarisions. However, the proposed plat can not be reviewed and approved without an a@mpanying duplex subdivision application. Please submit the appropriate application as soon as possible. Thanks, Bill Bill Gibson, AICP To^rn Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) 479-2173 (97O) 179-2152fax >>> "Michael Sumann <michael@sumanarchitects.mn> 051t0107 3:34 PM >>> HiBi[, As you ond I discused, the building footprint for the proposed secondory residence hos been rototed one degree counterclockwise in order to sotisfy building code requirements. This is reflected in the drowing sets being submitted for the building deporlment comments tomonow, os well qs, the finol plot olso being submitted tomorrow. Let me know if you hove ony quesfions. ThonK. michoel sumon, AIA Sumon Archilecls 97O.4i9,7fl2 r:n 970.47 | .6122 mabile 970.47q.7511tax 221 1 Norlh Fronfcrge '?ood. Suite A Vo'l. CO 81657 rn,choel(}srJry]or)orchilects.conr file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\GW)00001.HTM 05/1812007 I tt* { ,r/ /q / E ,{ ./ ,d / ,/ ,{ ,/.r Questions? Callthe Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Deyelopment Prciectt{ame: | .2.1,{ou ProjectAddres,, 1tfu/ kJ This Chsklist must h amplefud fuforc a Buildins Permit aoolication is aceoEd. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over 9100,000.00 (see attacied fee schedule) Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Work checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material stonoe allowed on roadways and shoulderc without written aooloval Asbestos test and results submitted if demoliton is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans induding building sections and elevations(3 sets for remodels, 4 sets of plans for SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) Window aM door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signafure on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicanfs Signahrre: DaE of submittal: F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingJrermit-4-21-06.DOC Received By: Page 2 of 16 0412112006 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multFfami[ permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time fnme. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: F: \cdev\FoRMs\Permib\Building\buildingJermit_+2 1-ffi . DOC Page 5 of 16 0412u2006 PUBTIC WOR.KS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Aoplication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required, You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1$ and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Works office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Works Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit, You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed, Most permits are released 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the BuiEing Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permifl to be released, Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with the "Buibing Permit". NOTE: The above process way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until t{ovember 156. A new each year if work is not complete. Re- application each an automatic nenewal. 7-j4'o7 Signature Date Signed F:\cde\r\FoRMS\Permits\Building\buildingJermiL+21-06.DOC Page 9 of 16 ulzu2006 DRAINAGE AND CUTVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WOR,I(S! Please read and check off each of the items below: { fh" Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from buiHing sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. d *" Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the insballaUon of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail BuiHing Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at970-479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow minimum of 24 hour notice. 2q' Rtso, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert insballation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: F: \cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\building_permiL4-2 I -06.DOC Page l0 of 16 0412112006 F MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete tot are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBTIC WAYS PROHIBITED Unlauvful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be litteted, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street ddewal( alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notiff and require any person who violates or c:ruses another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a p€rson who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Work, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rock, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. / Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. / natnand Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as proMded in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public WorK, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-?A.I AND 7.3A.3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED / tlo person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipalify in strh a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance, (ord, 2(1968) 5 1) Whenever any police officer finds a vehide attended or unattended, standing upon any portion ofa street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-Lt02, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar (910) impoundment charge, (Ord. 2(1968) 5 I have read and will comply with the above code Position or Relationship to Project:fr;t/r* F :/evervone/forms,/bldoerm 7 F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Buildi n9\building_permit_+2 1-06, DOC Page 11 of 16 0412112006 Jen-li-01 '0;5irr Frorl0lllr 0F VAtL Ct{tltltly EvEt0plftt;l7:digu 4t2 Design Review Board T-9ail c0!/!il F:ii ACTIOil FORM OcArrtnent of comrDunrty Der€lotment 75 li{ruth Frontage noad, Vail, Coltrado 81657 tel: 970.a79.2139 far 9?0,4/9.2,152 iveb: www. rar iqoa, Coln Protrct ll.rn€r RYAN RESIDENC'E Pruject Dcsipdon: RI{AI APPRO|/AL OF A NEW SI@iIDARY Rf,5IDENCF RYAI{, loftN ATEXANDER, JR & K$/13/2006 13WI$IRIAL''I COVINGIOl'l [A 70433 APruCANT l'llcH EL gJr'tAN AROJTr{T, tlCrU1320O6 Phone: 97F{71 6122 ru 8ox 7760 AVON co 8161,0 Li.ete: q.n(mlTg ARO{ITECT tUC}tAEl ST JMAN A,{CHrrFCT,,rcl l/U/2@6 phorn: 970 4/l-6122 PO BOX 7/60 AVOSI @ 81670 uerlle; c00qnl754 PtutecAddrt rt 95 FOREST RD VAII Locauonr 95 FORESTROI,I) Lryrl lre$rlpdon; Lot 32 8lo* / Subdlvirion! VAIL VTUAGF FILING I Parcd ilumbor: 2101 0/1-1300 3 Commqrtr: ootward reors€d DR"B tlumben frRB0605Z6 Pardcip.ntrr Owl{ER BO^Ro/STAFF Agrlor ttldon By! uBnbs Second By: FntrlenVdc: 2-1 CoodiHonc; Adoo: APPROVEO Deb of Apprwalt 011 17 l')@7 Cond: 8 (P{-AN): a'*) chanlee to thes€ plans may l.E made wrthout the lyritfen Conseff of Tnrrn of Vail stoff dndlor the oppropriate review commitee(e). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approraldoes not Lonstitrrtc a permit for building. Ptease crinsuft witn Town d Vail Buikling personrel prior b construction alrvrties. Cond:201 DRB appfural lhall not beqome ralid for Z0 days followrlg dle datc of spprwal. Cond: 202 Appmval of thls prcFct shall lapse and trecome void one (.1) year foltowtng the claie Jr:r-'9-ii lirlOm Fri,r?trl' 0r lliL c0lltilrn ElttgnEil liilrulall :-94{ p 00?/00a r-5g8 of fin lappro\Gl, unlcss a buldltE peflnt b h9ued and const'inio|r ls commerEed ortd ts dfli<lettty puBJed Umd cornplctlon. Coltd: ttil All de$ebp.tEnt applhationt subfi$tbd b &e Town after the dtective datc ol ctrdinare 26, serres Zm 3hat be sfiJect b $e Fndfirp ernplo]€e ho|ri'{ reguhbotts In whabrerfrm thcy are llnally adoPted; prnvidcd, horwr:r, thrt if the Torvn h||3 b adopt dE penditl ertplqyE houslltg t€g[lHitns by April 15, 2007, $F Ordn rn tra[ rct apgty b sdt (ffilom€nt appllcauons. 6ndr @UXXn568 Firt sprlnkler 5lt8n rcquked and shall cor{y wft l{tA 13R(2ffi2) end VFES gtrd.td3. tnrdr Cg{tP08S69 l{onbrd Rre abrm syst€rir rEquFd ard shafi cs.np'ly wrti ttFPA n(zmz) ard vFE{ stmdtrds, Conrl: C0N06632It! affIicant $all cotnply wth all Puotlc worLe Departsnent cordltbns of apprwal. Planncr: Bill GibsDn DRB Fr Prld: f55o.m PEAK TAND CT'NSULTANTS, INC. PEAK LAND SURVEYING. INC. PEAK CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC. March 1,2007 Tom Kassmel Town of Vail Public Works 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail, CO 81657 970-476-8644 r FAX 97047S8616 r 1000 LION'S RIDGE LOOP r VAIL, CO 81657 RE: Ryan Residence - 95 Forest Road Dear Mr. Kassmel: In response to Community Development comments dated l/10107, I am preparing this letter to address the approval conditions for the Ryan Residence. An erosion control plan and details have been provided. The driveway culvert has been revised to an 18" HDPE at 4.2o/o A l0' drainage easement has been added to the east side ofthe property. Hydraulic calculations have been provided for the rerouted portion ofthe east drainage swale, including hydraulic capacities for proposed storm drain piping (see attachments). Sight distance triangles have been revised to show the required intersection sight distances per cases Bl and 82 of the AASHTO Manual. I hope that our response addresses the civil related approval conditions. If you have any questions or comments or require additional information, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerelv. Romeo A. Baylosis, P.E. Peak Civil Engineering, Inc. Enclosures Cc: Mike Suman, Suman Architect Ptl400-1499\1450\docs\l450letter-TOVresoonse 2007-02-28.doc FULL FLOW CAPACITY Worksheet for Circular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For p:\1 400-1 499\1 450\docs\1 450.fm2 12" STORM DMIN Circular Channel Manning's Formula Full Flow Capacity Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.009 Channel Slope Diameter 0.310000 fvft12.00 in Depth Discharge Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Critical Depth Percent Full Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Maximum Discharge Full Flow Capacity Full Flow Slope 1.00 ft 28.65 cfs 0.79 ftz 3.14 ft 0.00 ft 1.00 ft 100.00 0.307438 fVft 36.48 fUs 20.68 ft FULL ft FULL 30.82 cfs 28.65 cfs 0.310000 fuft 4-r 2/2'ca.k.( b,as,,^, a,o//.d< ,+-"^phb,E: : Qoo. d1"fs , &t= 9.ls (rc{.r*. SFM A&,'4 \6,'l , , or,.l,,a- E1^^*,oa: e:c1y4 D^' .'nTn M"o'ler Phn Qzl*) (2=o,b , A=t2:?;*;5:= , h= t'o{v, 1=3..LHf,' t Q= O, a-( z*+ *z|+ 'o'9)GzLA,)( r,ol+) Q 7(?o., Qrn = 1.]" ie q (..too.rva*,r,re- 'esit^ il*''' ilh* i{ r's ^aeet^/v1a)- at* -tllo.- Pel'A I e r c o,,,ce- 44 cq+d,,\ a++A.owbth'|< ff tn . , al, oz2aloT O4:4O:1 1 PM Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of I GRASS LINED DRAINAGE SWALE Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For p:\1 400-1 499\1 450\docs\1 450.fm2 DRAINAGE SWALE Trapezoidal Channel Manning's Formula Channel Depth Input Data Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width Discharge 0.035 0.200000fuft 2.000000H: V 1.500000H:V0.00 fr9.00 cfs Results Depth Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Critical Depth Critical Slope Volocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is supercritical. 0.76 ft 1.00 ftz 3.05 fr 2.64 ft't.10 ft 0.026335fUft9.02 ff/s 1.26 ft 2.O2 ft 2.59 .1. g2EAIOT 03:37:15 PM Flo!'/Master v5.15 Pags 1 of 1Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road watetbury, cT 06708 (203) 755-1666 t.'t FULL FLOW CAPACITY Worksheet for Circular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For p:\1 400-1 499\1450\docs\1 450.fm2 18'STORM DRAIN Circular Channel Manning's Formula Full Flow Capacity Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.009 Channel Slope Diameter 0.042000fuft18.00 in Results Depth Discharge Flow Area Wefted Perimeter Top Width Critical Depth Percent Full Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Maximurn Discharge Full Flow Capacity Full Flow Slope 1.50 ft31.09 cfs1.77 ft24.7't ft0.00 fl1.49 fr 100.00 0.039882 fUft17.60 fUs 4.81 ftFULL ft FULL33.45 cfs31.09 cfs 0.042000 fuft ozzatoT 03:35:35 PM FlowMgstar v5.15 Pago 1 of 1Haostad Methods, lnc. 37 Brookside Road Wat€rbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEEMENT 95 FOREST ROAn,VATL, COLORADO THIS DEVELOPER IN{PROVENTENT AGREENIENT (this "Agreement") made and entered into this _day of 200-, by and between the TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corpotation (the "Town" or "TOV") andJack Ryan and I{aren Ryan, individuals (the "Developer"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the Developer is the owner of Lot 32, Block 7, Vail Village, First Filing, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, kno.*'n as 95 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, the Developer and the Torvn desire to make teasonable pror"isions for completion of the relocation of a natural drainage alignment within the Property to a defined drainage easement area (the "Drainage Improvements" oi "Improvements"); and WHEREAS, upon completion of the Improvements, the Developer desires to grant ro the Town a drainage easemenr of a minimum of 10 feet wide along the east side of the Propertv; and \VHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition o[ approval for a building permit for the secondaw tesidence on tlre Propetw (the "Building Perrnit"), has agreed to construct the Improvements, and the Town and the Developer have agreed to shate in the cost of the Improvements; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to pror"ide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of the Improvemelrts set forth in the attached estimates in accordance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Departrnent of the Town of Vail; and NO\f THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Torvn agree as follows: 7. Scooe o[ lmorovements. The Improvements are deemed to include all on-site and off-site Improvements, including but not limited to Improvements as set forth in all documents, construction drawings, designs, maps, specifications, sketches, cost estimates and other materials filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town or submitted to the Town by the Developer prior to acceptance of the Improvements b.v the Town (the"Plans"). 2. Scope of Work. The Developer hereby agrees, at its initial sole cost and expense, to fumish all necessary equipment and material and to complete all Improvements as referenced in the attached Exhibit A and as set forth in the Plans in accordance with all applicable laws. The Developer shall complete, in a good and workmanlike manner, the Improvements in accordance with all apptoved Plans, and do all work incidental thereto. The De'"'eloper and the Town shall act according to and in compliance u'ith the follou'ing: ^. The Developer shall submit construction drau'ings and the engineered flow analysis as required by the Town. b. The Town shall revierv and approve the Plans prior to the commencement o[ the work. c. The Town and Developer shall agree, prior to the commencement of the rvork, on progress thresholds for documentation or inspection bv tlle Torvn. d. For each documentation item, the Town, prompdy after receiving the required documentation, shall review the information presented and, i[ necessarv, make an on-site inspection of the work completed. e. For each inspection item, the Developer shall notifr the Town for the purpose of arranging an on-site inspection no less than fortv-eight (48) hours in advance of the identified threshold stages of construction. The Torvn shall make an on-site visit within the forty- eight (48) hour notification period or as shordy thereafter as reasonablv possible for general obsen'ation of consrruction methods being employed at these stages. Said on-site inspection b,v the Town shall in no wav abrogate the duties of the Developer oudined elsewhere in this Agreement. f. All work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction o[, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town o[ Vail, as affected by special disricts or sewice distticts, as thei-r respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed b,v the Communitv Development Departrnent and Public Works Deparunent of the Town of Vail. 3. Date of Completion. All Subdir,'ision Improvements shall be completed prior to December 31,2008. The existing drainage florv shall not be disturbed until the commencement of the work, and temporary drainage facilities will be pror,-ided during the progress of the work. 4. Approval and Acceptance of Work. All work to complete the Improvements shall be done to the reasonable satisfaction of the Torvn, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as complete by the Torvn. ^. Sole Responsibili.l* of Developer Prior to Torvn Acceptance. At all times prior to the completion and acceptance of the Improvements, each of said Imptovemerits not accepted as complete shall be under the sole responsibiliw and charge of the Subdivider. b. As-Built Drarvings of Subdivision Improvements. Upon acceptance by the Town, as-built drawings, sealed, signed and dated by a Registered Professional Engineer sho'uving the as-constructed locations of the Improvements shall be submitted to the Torrrn. This shall include as-built drawings in an electronic format acceptable to the To'r"'fl. c. Grant of Easement. Upon acceptance by the Town, Developer shall grant to the Town a drainage easement to accommodate the Improvements of no less than 10 feet wide along the east boundary of the Property. d. Cost-sharing. Within 30 days of the acceptance by the Town of the completed Improvements, the Tovn shall release all collateral and reimburse the Developer one-half of the costs of completing the Improvements. The costs are to be determined foindy b,v the Torvn and the Deyeloper based on the Plans. 5. \Warranties and Guarantees. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all Improvements for a period of nvo years after the Tou,'n's acceptance of the Improvements. 6. Estimated Costs of the Improvements. The escimated cost of the Improvements is the sum of $as summarized in Exhibit A. 7. Securiqv. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: a. A cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount o[ $as collateral for the completion of the Improvements, in the event thete is a default under this Agteement by the Developer. b. The Developer ri,irl\j ^t any time substitute the collateral originall,v set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Torvn to guarantee the faithful completion of the Improvements and the performance of the terms of this Agteement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative secudty or collateral shall be at the To.,l'n's sole discretion. 8. Town Liabitity. The Town shall not, nor shall any of6.cer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specifred in this Agreement prior to the compledon and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for anv persons or property iniured bv reason of the narure of said rvork, but all of said liabilities shall be zr'd are hereby assumed by the Developer. 9. Indemnification. The Developer herebv agrees to indemnifv and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilides to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or emplo,vees may become subfect to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance b.v the Developer hereundet; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonabl,v incurred by the Tovn'n in connection with invesngating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemniw pror,-ision shall be in addition to any other liabilitv which the Developer my have. 10. Default. If the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the Improvements are not constructed in compliance u'ith the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town or not accepted b.v the Torvn as complete on or before the Date of Completion, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security referred to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 1,2-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the secondary residence may be revoked until all Improvements teferred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agteement. a. If the costs of completing the uncompleted Improvements exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, togeth€r with interest at twelve percent (12o/o) pet annurn, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected b_v civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer o[ Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. If the Developer fails or refuses to complete the Improvements, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Tide 12 (Zonng Regulations), of the Vail To'uvn Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 ffiolations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalq), of the Vail Town Code. 11. Certi{icates of Insurance. The Subdivision shall secure ftom any contractor or subcontractor engaged in the work oecessary to compl,v u.ith this Agreement a Certificate of Insurance providing for liabiliw protection in the minimum amount of $ 1 50,000 per indir-idual and $600,000 per occuffence naming the County as an addidonally-named insured. The Subdivider, if it sen'es as the contractor for the Subdivision Improvements, shall provide insurance in the same form and amounts as required of the general contractor. Said limits shall be adjusted to compl,v with any changed limits in the Colorado Governmental Immunity Acq Title 24, Arttcle 10, Colorado Revised Starutes. 12. Binding upon Successors. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective successors and assigns. 13. No Rights to Third Parries. This Agreement does not and shall not be deemed to confer upon or grant to any third partv anv tight to claim damages or to bdng any lawsuit, action ot other proceedings against either the Counw or its officers, emplovees or agents because of an.v breach hereof or because of any terms, covenants, agreements or conditions contained herein. 14. Notice. Notice required pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be deemed given on the day that the same is placed in the United States l\{ail, postage prepaid, certified or registered mail, return receipt requested. 15. Enforcement and Attorney Fees. The Counry may enforce the pror.isions of this Agreement in the same manner and with the same remedies applicable to the enforcement of land use regulations pursuant to the Eagle Counry* Land Use Regulations, as thev may be amended from time to time, or as otherw.ise provided bylaw. Altematively, the terms of this Agreement may be enforceable by the Board or its designee by anv appropriate equitable or legal action, including but not limited to specific performance; mandamus, abatement or injunction. The remedies explicrtly pror.ided herein are cumulative, and not exclusive, of all other remedies provided bylaw. The prevailing parqv in any action brought pertaining to this Agreement shall be awarded its costs and reasonable attornev's fees. 16. Amendment. The parties heteto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, pror,-ided that such amendments be in writing and executed bv all oarties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above wdtteo. !7N OF VAIL San Zernler Town Manager Address for giving notice: P.O. Box Vail, CO 81658 Phone: (970) _ - STATEOFCOLORADO )) ss. COUNTYoFEAGLE ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this -&y of---......-"...-- 20{J7,by San Zemler, as Town Maoager, Town of Vail, Colorado. WITNESS mv hand and official seal My commissioo expires Gol) Noary Public DEVELOPER: Jack Ryan Karen Ryan Address fot giving notice: 70389 Hwy 107 Covington, L470433 Phone: (985) 892-8998 STATE OF LOUTSTANA ) ) ss.COUNTYOF- ) TO Byt Theforegoingwasacknowledgedbeforemethisd^yof-,2007by Jack Ryan and l{aren Ryan. \TITNESS my hand and official seal. l\{v commission exoires (seal) Notary Public DRAINAGE EASEMENT THIS DRAINAGE EASEMENT f'the Easement") is made and entered into this - day ol 2007, by and between John Alexander Rvan and Karen Schroeder Rvan ("Grantor") and the TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation ('Grantee"). WITNESSETH: For good and valuable consideration and lhe mutual covenants hereinatter expressed, the Grantor grants to the Town a perpetual drainage easemenl upon a parcel of land lneed to describe the easemenl as well as lhe parceL , being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" anached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, the ("Grantor Propert/): TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, lor the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and repairing the following improvements under the Easement Parcel, to wit, drainage tor the conveyance ot water run-off. The Grantor and the Town mutuallv covenant and aoree: 1. The Grantor shall have the right to utilize the Easement Parcel tor any and all purposes not inconsistent with the rights and privileges herein granted to the Town, including but not limited to the right to place surface improvements other than buildings and trees. 2. Grantor shall not use the Easement in a manner inconsistent with the provisions ot this Agreement or which unreasonably inlerferes with the use or enjoyment ol drainage and drainage facilities by Grantee, including, but nol limited to, any artiticial diversion of waler from the Easement Area. Grantor shall not erect any lacility or impediment so as to prevent the,conveyance or storm water runoff over, under, and across the Easement Area. 3. Inasmuch as the construclion of the Run-otf conveyance Syslem is completed, the Town shall repair and maintain, in a proper, substantial, and workmanlike manner, the Run-otl S)rstem. The Town shallJnaintain the Run-off Syslem without disturbing the resl of the Servient Parcel or uses of the Owners thereol. Should any damage occur lo the surface of the Easement Parcel or to adjacent areas ol the Servient tenemenl due toJnainlenance by the Town, the Town shall be responsible for retuming those areas to their condition prior to the necessary,mainlenance lo the Bun-off System. 4. The term ot the Easement shall be perpelual, unless upon abandonment lhe easement is terminated and the property reverts to lhe Granlor. 5. Granlor, his successors and assigns, shall not impede, destroy or cause damage lo the Easement Area or any of Grantee's improvements therein. Grantee's use of the Easemenl Area shall not have any adverse impact on Granlor's use of the Grantor Property. 6. a-To the extent permitted by law, the Town will indemnify, delend and hold the Grantor harmless trom all causes ol aclion, claims, suits, judgments, losses, actual damages and costs incurred by Grantor as a result of the negligence or willful misconduct on the part of Town in carrying oul iis obligations under this Easement Agreement. b. To the extent permitted by law, Grantor will indemnify, defend and hold the Town harmless trom all causes of aclion, claims, suits, judgments, losses, actual damages and costs (including without limitation reasonable attomeys'fees) incurred by the Town as a result of the negligence or willful misconducl on the part of Grantor in carrying out ils obligations under this Easemenl Agreement. F. Grantor understands and agrees that lhe Town is relying on, and does nol waive or intend to waive by any provision of lhis Easement Agreement, the monetary limitations or any olher Delet€d: D€leted: the Del€ted: install and Delet€d: installalion or Del€ted: inslallalion or J lreleted:1l rights, immunities, and protections provided bythe Colorado Govemmenlal lmmunityAct' C.R.S. S 24-10-1Ol et seq., or any olher limitation or detense otherwise available 1o the Town, ils officers, or its employees. 7. The Town of Vail herebv voluntarilv relinouishes all riohts in the alaqnment of the natural drainaqe llow as it existed Drior lo the relocation of lhe runotf flow to the Easemenl area, in favor of the Easement oranted herein. S The parties agree that lhis Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement between the Parties and cannot be amended, modified or supplemenled in any way' except by written agreement executed by all Parties and duly recorded in the office ol the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, State of Colorado. g This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado. 1!t lf any provision ot this Easement shall be held invalid, illegal or unenlorceable, it shall not affect or impair the validity, legality, or enforceability ot any other provision ol this Easement Agreement, and there shall be substituted tor the atfected provision(s) a valid and enforceable provision(s) as similar as possible to the affeclive provision(s). 1L This Easement Agreement may be executed in counlerparts with the same effect as if all the parties had executed the same instrument. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have signed this Easement Agreement the day and year first written above. GRANTOB: John Alexander Rvan. Jr. Karen Schroeder Rvan STATE OF Del€tcd: 7 Dcleted: 8 lrcletcdr 9 Deletad: 0 COUNTY OF ) ) ss. ) The toregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on _ day ol 2oo7.bv -. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public By: My commission expires GRANTEE: TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado Slan Zemler Town Manager STATE OF ) ) ss. )COUNTY OF The toregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on - day of 2OO7 , by Stan Zemler. Witness mv hand and oflicial seal. Notary Public My commission expires Jobritle: Rfnl/ 2&lM/G 7>t-stt2- Job no.t 6/05 sheet or subid: 26h[NlUb 4n /4 MIYE By: 2*rt oa.,62547 nnllznz urU frq anlfra l Itlt ' btalr' fq, tu,w /Et' Y4.e4fPtf Et=Uo Town of Vall cta 66IAntE --->?WN46E ngAC 0r1*rx o 0/rqa6ftr ft6e/2" /) ktnu*ne W tulthiuaa /54 z 26oo BF o) 2wr trholan Ef, lelnn >/,, -> 04.//iV 455/^'P/?0NJ ro 0E a65rgrznefl 4r 77HE aF /rw4,1rn* 6u6ur42 ouuaFFlcE {h ffi.ef; P&t &iu I0lllilOl'yAIL Department of Community DnelaPmmt 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorada 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 97M79-2452 twuuailgou.cam May 24,2Q07 Erin Johnson Sperberg & Associates PC PO Box 3420 Avon, CO 81620 FILE COPI 3o-l -oo1 < .-y35o5-o r{ SK RE: Ryan Residence - DuPlex Plat g5 Forest Road & 54 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 32, Block 7, Vail Village Filing 'l Dear Erin, The Town of Vail Statf has reviewed the proposed duplex plat application for the Ryan property at 95 Forest Road and 54 Beaver our no"u. fhe following is a'summary of the preliminary comments from that review: 1. The main title must be corrected trcm "Final Plat"to "Duplex Plat"' 2. The address for Parcel B shall be 54 Beaver Dam Road' 3. The following note must be added to the plat: "For zoning purp.oses, the two lots created by this subdivision are b be treated as one entity with no more than one two-family residence allowed on the combined area of the two lots"' 4. The Planning and Environmental commission certificate must be deleted' 5. An Administrator's Certificate rnusl be added' In regards to the submitted Developer lmprovement.Agreement: qfllSTqh #11 must be revised to name the T'own of Vail, rather than the Gounty, as an additionally-named insurecl. please make the above listed corrections and then submit two signed mylar copie_s of t!" pFt with all certificates completed, "*."pt tn"-nOrinirtt"ror Certificate andlhe Clerk and Recorder Certificate' noiiii".irrv, preise suumii f "n""x piio to the order of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in the amount ol the recordation lees. Once these items have been submitted to the Town of Vail' the Town clerk will record the approved plat with the Eagle counfy clerk and Recorder. ff you have any questions, please leel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173' Sincerely, /,2+Zt zJz-- Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail CC: Eagle Valley Surveving {pht tonoruo .;:ooFtn4zait orooE oFI >o a Fz oe O({-{a a- za v EO E va oUI{ F o\o t<9 ()F 4| k o ql o F-a 40 F|FIn(ozo AFzz I'l E F Fts,2Zt4DEOtr: 5 btrAZroFE 9 til F,FHF ooAE o o ia x z F E()4U,zlil o EEIo olli./i A 6 (Jo o F. D a7 Fi a n E>a!4Eruri( o t{o 3 I { I Ko-Jy '1" K'l'-'s Be ' P/zt/o? CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Mailing Address: E9' &cavtPt* R^t)Address: Va',l , b 6/L5?Developer: Project Number: I mprovement Completion Date: THIS 6-,zo-4the Town ofby and Vail (the "Town"). WHEREAS.of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for (address, legal description, and project number) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including completion of the all improvements referred to in this Agreement, by means of the following: account as with the Town of Vail, as collateral for the this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: '1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The Developeq, a[reep to4omplete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the aayot' MOU 4 ,nA. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmarday of The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection ol and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed The Developer agrees to establish a escrow agent, in the amount of $ F:\cde!AFORMS\Pe.mils\Planning\Adminislrative_Aclions\DlA cash format_S1G2007.doc Page 1 of 5 i11,,11r1 . 1 i:. .,.. r-.r .l'a (,..,r. complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Departnent of the Town of Vail.2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, lhe Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cas ilacqlqnt with the Towtt of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of -\ C)<J ^^ ^^r^4^-^r a^- .r-^ ^^-^r^r:^^ ^a ^n :a^-^r,^6^^r^un<)$ (.#).''- as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement- Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnifo and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incuned by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Toum as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security referred to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy refened to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. I )IIt: F:\cdev\FORMSlPermits\Planning\Adminislrati\€-Aclions\DlA cash fomaLs-1G2007.doc Page 2 of 5 lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12o/o) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements refered to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penafties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements referred to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Flcde\i^FORMS\Permits\Planning\Administrative_Actions\DlA cash format_5-16-2007.doc Page 3 of 5 Dated the day and year first above written. Developer STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ) ) ss. ) lhe foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this Z5l+,oav of A,tnu"gr ,2o8-by .loh'r ft R.ra^ Jr Witness my hand and official seal. My commissio n erpves 11211?Ot9 Town Planner STATEOFCOLORADO ) )ss. couNTY oF EAGLE ) The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was ackqowledged before me this 4fr\ Oav of rAnral.ret .zOjfj-by ltil\ €ri\aaca,^. \Mrtness my hand and official seal. tl My commission expires: F:\cde\ FORMS\Permits\Planning\Administrati\re-Actions\D!{ cash format-$1G2007.doc Page 4 of 5 r=4\sos€ Qug Sst \+sssosqe -Fi*-\kD g _ yh,t., 1zr/, o( r .grJ ATTAcHED coprEs oF THE EsTMATED BID(st a\'q {qooo, oo { \,am,u' !6*'o Fr\cdel^FoRMs\Permits\Planning\Administralive_Actions\DlA cash format_s-l&2007.doc Page 5 of 5 Torn of Uai I**} CIFTI}ER RETEIPT *** 0per: SELLIS Type: FB Drarer: IDate: 8/?6/09 el Ribeiqt no: l?1?0 Custorer Location fhre flrount289S ?90!, FR505-5{38 JffX RYSIAI) AR-DEMSITS $€F0.m PR56-O{38 JtrK RYAI{ lender detailq( g{0{ 1e98 Total trderedTotal payrent Trans date: S/46/e9 Tire: 9:l{:3P 1}SI{ YITJ FtlR Y{IJR PRYE.IT! ffi€se.m t6250. es f6e5e. e0 L,bqb Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Name'. Ta/c l+t^ Address: n syt Bartu n/^ . R) Udl Receipt No. 6/UJ Dale 6l2r lof to the TOWN OF VAILPlease make checks PaYable 001 0000 3141110 001 0000 314 1110 001 0000 319 4400 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 3141211 001 0000 314 1111 Master Plan1 0000 314 1111 Studies. Master Plans, etc.001 0000 314 1111 00't 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees - RENEWAL001 0000 312 3000 001 0000 240 3300 001 0000 3121000 Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.001 0000 230 2000 110 0000 314 1115 Taxable @,4.4% (State) - Tax payable001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4% (Town)'Retail Sales Tax001 0000 310 1200 * all items charged tax Comments: L Check # l/ov Received gG , Credit Card: Visa / MC Last 4 CC #'s Auth #:Name on CC f/cdev/fo r ms/a d m in/s a le s_actio n-fo rm-z 00 7 1/5/06 I,UG/20/2\09/TIIU 07:47 AM f'll'lCC0G , To: \g.'' Date: frt*t{ape RyanResldene BO-0072 FAX No, 97o-46ry1h 1Tilrt 4.P,oot/i,ol RSoe -oc/BB rMtElyiloRANulllt$4r lvlartin Haeberle,twvn dVail Building fficial SEve Allen, Elerabr Irspector 97045&10295 o<b 108 oretedsr@u@es&s 8120109 couNcti oF GovEINMENTs tr F Conveyance Plan Revieul Conrieyance Test and Inspection I Loation:54 Bearrer Dam Road, Vail, CO,' Permit Number: NWCCOG 09-109 Convepnce Type: ResidenUal Elewbr The plans; have been reMewed and bund to conbrm b all applicable ASME 17.1 and ItsC codes The qted speed of the conveyance meets ASME A17.1 rcqulrcrnents, speed in up direction 41 FPM, speed in down directlon 42 FPM The Conveyance at the abore location was inspected and tested on 0811912009 and a: tr TEMPORARYCertificate; has been issued. 7 FIML Inspectiol Cedificab; has been issued. tr NO cerUficate; is being issued. tr FORCONSTRUCTION t'SE ONLY C.omments: l,lone I l" f, 6 I iI1,2 lrrn"*r"- t'u 7//BEST :cf,r COPY AVAILABLE hlodlM/estcolor€doooundldGovemmenh o POBox,2308 o Sihrcrtpmo r CO r 8tX98 9704884295 0 Fa(97S4€&1208 o wwwrnrc,cog.oo.u8