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B07-0096 Code Response Manual
Town of Vail OFFIr.,'-c. COPY RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES 1UN 12 1001 TOWN OF VAIL -tol _601 G ~~3 vc _ p '~'Y 1 The Willows Vail, Colorado CODE RESPONSE MANUAL (Date of review 05/18/2007) Revised Permit set June 6, 2007 M OF VAIL Department of Community Development Building Safety and Inspection Services 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www vailgov.com BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO: Contractor/Applicant Architect RA Nelson RDA Mike Cuthbertson proj#23270.00 FAX/Email mcuthbertson@ranelson.com MFoster@ResortDesign.com NUMBER OF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMIT OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: 7 Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 05/18/2007 B07-0096 Triumph Development 74 Willow Road R-2/S-2 ? II-B proposed 4 56174 s.f. The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code, 2003 International Energy Conservation Code and 2005 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The following comments will need to be addressed prior to issuance of a building permit; For processing. Please submit four complete sets of revised construction documents containing the requested information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. • Please respond in writing to each comment by marking the attached list or creating a response letter. Indicate which plan sheet detail specification or calculation shows the requested information Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the building permit application number noted. • Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architect's "wet" stamp, signature, registration number and date on the cover page of any structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the plans For commercial or multi-family projects all sheets of the plans must be stamped. Architectural Comments: Plan sheets marked not for construction cannot be issued for building permit. IBC 106. "Not for construction" has been deleted from all sheets in revised permit package. 2 Sheet A6.2 was not included in the plan sets submitted for review. A6.2 has been included in revised permit package, building section. 3 Include A8.8 and A8.9 on the plan index sheet. These two sheets have been added to plan index on cover sheet A0.0. 4 Include A13.106a, A13.106b, A13.201 on the plan index sheet. These sheets have been added to plan index on cover sheet A0.0. 5 Include A13.205a-A13.303b sheets on the plan index sheet. These sheets have been added to plan index on cover sheet A0.0. 6 Include A13.305a and A13.305b on the plan index sheet. These sheets have been added to plan index on cover sheetAO. 0. 7 Amend material symbols, sheet A0.0. Wood studs are not permitted in type 2b construction. Floor plans and graphics do not show key shown for metal studs. Revise either material symbols or all plans sheets accordingly. No wood studs are being used on this project. Material symbols have been changed on cover sheet A0.0. 8 Revise plans to include a complete code analysis for the east exterior walls and openings to show compliance with IBC table 704.8 and IBC table 602 based on fire separation distance to the property line. Multiple sheets. RDA has created a new sheet, A1.10, to show the % of glazing as a percentage of complete exterior building face. Per table 704.8 in a protected building, which we fully sprinkled, openings can be up to 2596 of this calculation. This new sheet shows we are at less than 219b. So these windows need not be rated. They will be standard clad casement windows per window schedule A9.1 /A9.2. 9 Revise code analysis to show a complete building area calculation per IBC ch. 5. Building area is calculated per IBC 502.1, delete plan references to "net floor area", or "gross floor area" on the code review sheets. Code plans need to show building area as defined by IBC 502.1 Code analysis sheets have been revised to read "Floor area per IBC"and delete reference to "net" and 'gross "'floor area as defined in IBC 502.1. 10 Revise code analysis where referring to "gross floor area enclosed". Building area must be calculated per IBC 502.1 and includes any spaces under any horizontal projection per IBC. Building floor area will include patios and balconies where they are covered above per IBC 502.1. However occupant load calculations will not take into account this additional square footage so that it doesn't push this calc into adding additional exits. 11 Amend sheet A1.1 to show 2 hour fire barrier separation designation between Elevator 1 and Stair 2. IBC 1019 This is a solid concrete wall that exceeds the 2 hr. min. requirement between the stair and elevator core. Sheet A1.1 has been revised to show this 2 hr requirement. 12 Revise all fire resistive assembly details based on the type of construction proposed. Plans reference typical floor to be 2 hour fire resistive construction. Construction type of the building is specified as II-B. Please also refer to comments 13 and 14. IBC chapter 6, Table 601 Details and system notes have been revised to match Type II-B construction. 13 Horizontal assemblies (floor/ceilings) and supporting elements (columns) separating dwelling units shall be not less than 1/2 hour per IBC 711.3, 711.4. Include complete construction details and listings. See A7.1a and A7.1b that show horizontal separations as tags relating to system notes. Typical walls for separation of dwelling units is wall type 24 (1 hr party wall and the associated assembly). Floors are called out as floor type 2, our assembly with the thickness of concrete within our composite slab achieves a 2 hr. rating. Only one hour is required, so no additional sprayed on fire proofing is needed but only the thickness to achieve the 1 hr rating at the structural steel. 14 Horizontal assemblies (floor/ceilings) separating occupancy groups, or incidential use areas must be not less than required by IBC table 302.3.2 or IBC table 302.1.1 Per table 302.1.1, in a building with a fire extinguishing system, required floor to floor separation is only required to be 1hr. 15 Amend Sheet A1.1 to include square footage and occupant load designation for the entry lobby area. Sheet A1.1 has been modified to show the square footage and occupant loads for the entry lobby area. 16 Revise plans to provide complete construction details and fire resistive listings referenced on A3.0 for the garage columns, beams and bearing walls supporting the floor/ceiling assembly between the S-2 occupancy and the R-2 occupancy above. IBC 711 See new sheet A1.0.1 showing what portion of building is over floor above. Supporting structure and structural lid to be 1 hr. construction. Structural columns are encased in 18"dia. Concrete up to 48 AFSIab. From this point up, the structural column to be wrapped with 2 layers type 'X"gyp. board. See A7.Ia. 17 Specify doors 120 to comply with horizontal sliding door requirements of IBC 1008.1.3.3. Doors must be capable of swinging in the direction of exit travel where serving an occupant load of greater than 50. Sheet A3.1, A10.1 Both set of sliding doors at the entry will meet the requirements for egress. Stanley doors, see attached cut sheet. Sheet A3.1 shows how these doors to "release"in case of exiting. 18 Include complete wall, column, floor/ceiling assembly details for each type of assembly used in the building as listed on the plan sheets. Include all assembly information on the detail from the fire resistive listing. The assemblies in the detail manual are incomplete. RDA is working on drawings for all system notes, this will need to a deferred submittal. 19 All loose detail sheets must be stamped and signed by the architect of record. If detail sheets are in a bound manual, the cover sheet only may be stamped and signed. IBC 106 Detail manual will be spiral bound with only the cover sheet stamped and signed. Construction detail manual will be in 3 ring binder format so additional or revised non-code related details can easily be inserted or removed. 20 Include a complete code summary on the plans to indicate compliance with IBC ch. 11 and ANSI 117.1 1998 dwelling unit provisions. Indicate number of type A units provided, number of type B units provided and whether option A or option B is used for the type B dwelling units. The Willows is designed to have 19 units total, 9 FFU, 9 Wholly owned units and 1 emmployee housing unit. With this number of 19 units ANSI describes that ONE unit must meet all requirements ofa type 'A "unit, We have designated FFU #103 as this Type 'A"unit, this unit is designed on sheets A13.103. ALL other units will be designed and constructed as Type "B" option "B" Unit 103. A# fixtures shown with appropriate approaches. All bathroom walls to receive plywood backing for future blocking purposes. This unit to be equipped for persons with hearing impairment. Exterior patios to be at same level as finished door (112"threshold). Electrical outlets and switches to be mounted @ proper elevation per type 'A 'requirements. 21 Amend the unlabeled restroom and shower room on the ground floor adjacent to the pool area to comply with ANSI 117.1 1998 and IBC ch. 11. Accessible clearances are not provided at fixtures, doors, etc. Unlabeled restroom is the "Spa bath": It will meet all the requirements of ANSI by having a 60"turn around space provided. Shower is at floor level with 2961 sloped finish tile pan to trench drain. Counter top is 34 "AFF. Center line of toilet is 18" off south wall. 22 Amend window 148 to 45 minute. IBC 1019.1.4. Window 148 has been deleted from bathroom in unit 101. This window has been deleted in plan, elevation and schedule. 23 Exit discharge from stair #2 door 127 at the exit court between the building exterior wall and the pool area fence is less than 10' in width. Revise plans to show compliance to IBC 1023.5.2 at the building exterior wall, or revise court width to a minimum 10'. Sheet A3.1, multiple sheets. Pool barrier has been revised, pushed away from building, so there is 10'between 48"high metal railing to face of finished building. See revised sheet A3.1, this does show up on multiple other sheets as well. 24 Revise detail references on all floor plan sheets for enlarged stairway details to reference the correct stair detail and sheet. Multiple sheets. IBC 106 Floor plan sheets have been revised to correctly show the sheet and detail number of stair blowups. 25 Entry lobby interrupts the unit 102 and 103 exit corridor. Revise all plans and code sheets to provide 1/2 hour fire resistive construction throughout the lobby per IBC 1016.1 and IBC 1016.5 All finish materials in Entry lobby must meet a min. of %z hour resistive construction. Note has been added to A1.1 and A3.1 referencing all finish materials to this standard. 26 Show opening of window type N, window 354 on the graphic window plan. IBC 1025. Sheet A9.1 Operation has been added to this window 354 as a casement with egress hardware to exit bedroom #2 of unit 303. 27 Amend stair#3 construction, openings and adjacent walls to comply with IBC 1019.1.4. Multiple sheets. Stair #3 has been revised to called out as a 2 hr. construction (W25) all around. Underside of this stair to be rated so that Ski storage and office can extend under this stair. 28 Amend plans to provide a section/detail for the roof access corridor to show ceiling heights. Ceiling ht in this corridor is 9'1-011AFF. This can be seen on sheet A13.403 and detail 3.43 29 Amend plans at the roof access corridor to provide details for the alternating tread device per IBC 1009.10. Detail 3.43 has been modified to reflect the alternating tread ladder to mechanical pit. See re- submitted detail manual. 30 Amend roof plan to show a minimum 36 landing at the top of the alternating tread device. Plans show mechanical equipment obstructing landing. Coordinate with mechanical plans. A4.1. IBC 1009.4 Roof plan, sheet A4.1 has been modified to show 36"landing at top of roof access. 31 Amend sheet A3.4 to show all window identification tags corresponding to the window schedule. Sheet A3.4 has been replotted with window tags turned on. 32 Amend roof plans and details to specify class A roof covering. Supply manufacturer's information for proposed R1 synthetic roof assembly. Class A roof covering is required per TOV ord. Note has been added to sheet A4.1, Roof plan, indicating class 'A"' construction. See attached cut sheet on DiVinci roofing material which carries a class 'A "rating as well. 33 Clarify W5 and W9 siding type on all exterior elevations. Clearly specify cement board, or other non- combustible materials. IBC 1405.4. Multiple sheets W5 and W9 siding type is constructed with "Certain Teed" materials. It is a non-combustable material. See attached cut sheets on this material. 34 Amend all exterior elevations to show elevation line of 40' above grade. Revise all trim to non- combustible materials per IBC 1406.2.2. Multiple sheets Line has been added to all elevations showing 40'1-0"above grade line. ALL materials above this line must either be non-combustable or fascia and trim must be fire treated cedar materials. R.A. Nelson to provide documentation of this fire treated material to inspector in field. 35 Amend all building sections, elevator details, stairway details and other plans to clearly show all fire partitions and fire barriers to extend to the underside of the fire rated floor or roof deck above. IBC 706 and 708. Multiple sheets. All fire barriers and partitions shall extend to underside of fire rated floor or roof deck above. This joint shall be fire caulked to maintain this rating. See revised building, elevator, and stair sections. 36 Include top of wall construction details for termination of fire barriers and fire partitions to the underside of the corrugated concrete deck above. IBC 706 and 708. See new 2.18, in detail manual, detail showing top of wall to metal deck termination. 37 Revise 1/A8.6 to show 2 hour fire resistive construction on the underside of the stair where located in the office ceiling area. IBC 1019. Stair #3 will be fully constructed with 2hr, construction so Ski storage and office can extend under this stair. Added notes have been added to A8.6. 38 Revise 1/A8.9 to show 2 hour floor and wall construction where unit 403 projects into the exit stairway enclosure. IBC 1019. Stair #4, wall tags have been added to show 2 hr construction where unit 403 extends into this stair space. Under frame with W25 achieve this rating. See sheet A8.9 39 Amend all unit plans to provide a key to the dashed clear floor space lines shown for type A and type B dwelling units. Clearly indicate this as the required clear floor space per ANSI 117.1 1998. Multiple sheets. Accessible clearance key has been added to all individual unit plans to show line type and thickness to represent each approach required. 40 Amend all unit plans to show distance to centerline of the water closet per ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1003. Multiple sheets Dimension lines have been added to show center lines of toilets to be 18" off side walls. 41 Amend all unit plans to show a 30"x 48" clear floor space positioned for parallel approach centered on the lavatory at all type B, option B dwelling unit bathrooms. ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1003. Multiple sheets. A# these type "8"" option "8" bathrooms to have a forward approach WITH the lavatory not having a base cabinet, see attached detail. Forward approaches will still be centered on the sink. 42 Specify all doors within the dwelling units to provide a minimum 31 3/4" clear opening per ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1003.5.2.1. per door schedule, A10 series, all accessible doors are scheduled to be a 36' door which will result in greater than 32"clear opening. 43 Revise all dwelling unit plans to clearly show where grab bar reinforcement will be provided per ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1003.11.2. Multiple sheets. See new details ID-10-20 thru ID-10-23 in detail manual for blocking in all accessible bathrooms. 44 Amend all unit plan sheet to clearly show fire rated wall tags on the unit plans where necessary at fire rated walls. Multiple sheets. All wall tags turned on for individual unit plans showing fire rated wall assemblies. 45 Amend all unit plans to provide door labels corresponding to the door schedule. Multiple sheets. A# door labels have been turned on for individual unit plans showing correct door callouts corresponding to the door schedule. 46 Amend general notes on the unit plan sheets to clearly indicate interior wall types. Plans specify wall type Wxx. Multiple sheets. All interior wall types are W22 (3 518" with gyp. on either side) unless otherwise noted. 47 Amend plans to clarify which unit is intended to meet type A dwelling unit provisions. Notes on unit plans indicate unit 101 is proposed. Unit 101 does not meet type A provisions. Multiple sheets. Unit 103 is the one required Type 'A"unit. A13.103 has been modified with proper labels and all code requirements. Unit 101 is a standard Type "B"option "B"unit. 48 Amend unit 101 plan to show 30"x48" clear floor space with parallel approach at the bathroom lavatory. Sheet A13.101. ANSI 117.1 1998. Master bathroom has a forward approach to the lavatory, see attached detail for clearances under lavatory for easily converting if necessary. See sheet A13.101. 49 Revise unit 101 kitchen plans to provide a minimum 60" between opposing cabinets and countertops per ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1003.12.1.2. per attached cut sheet from 2003 ANSI, as designed, our kitchens are considered Galley shaped so only 40"is required between opposing countertops. We have designed in for 48"' from countertop to countertop. 50 Amend unit 102 plan to show 30"x48" clear floor space with parallel approach at the bathroom lavatory. Sheet A13.101. ANSI 117.1 1998. Master bathroom has a forward approach to the lavatory, see attached detail for clearances under lavatory for easily converting if necessary. See Sheet A13.102. 51 Revise unit 102 kitchen plans to provide a minimum 60" between opposing cabinets and countertops per ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1003.12.1.2. per attached cut sheet from 2003 ANSI, as designed, our kitchens are considered Galley shaped so only 40"is required between opposing countertops. We have designed in for 48" from countertop to countertop. 52 Revise unit 102 to provide the 30" x 48" clear floor space centered on the washer and dryer. ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1002.10.1. door and washer and dryer are being moved to the right, then door to have hinges that allow 180 degree of operation which will allow the required space to be centered on opening. See A13.102 53 Revise all type B unit toilet compartments to clearly dimension the required 48" clear width. Multiple sheets. ANSI 117.1 1998. Dimension line has been added to all accessible toilet compartments to show min. 48"finish. 54 Revise unit 104 plans to provide a minimum 30"x 48" clear floor space positioned for parallel approach at the bathtub. Toilet is encroaching on the clear floor space. ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1003. Sheet A13.104 See A13.104 for revised bath layout by moving bath plumbing wall 6" towards the kitchen. This will satisfy the approach for the tub. 55 Revise unit 104 clear floor space outlines at the kitchen to clearly show all 30"x 48" spaces. Sheet A13.104 See A13.104 for all the accessible spaces in kitchen, they were all there before, graphics needed to be worked on so it is easier to read. 56 Amend unit 104 plans to show 30"x 48" clear floor space positioned for parallel approach centered on the lavatory. ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1003. Bathroom has a forward approach to the lavatory, see attached detail for clearances under lavatory for easily converting if necessary. See sheet A13.104. 57 Amend unit 104 plans to show a complying clear floor space at the water closet. ANSI 117.1 1998. Clear floor space will be shown on A13.104 in bathroom. 58 Clarify which bathroom is proposed to meet the type B dwelling unit, option B unit provisions in unit 106. Clear floor spaces are shown in multiple bathrooms. Amend plans to provide a minimum of one complying bathroom in unit 106. Sheet A13.106b Master bathroom is the Type "B" option "B" bathroom for unit 106 as shown in A13.106. 59 Clarify which bathroom is proposed to meet the type B dwelling unit, option B unit provisions in unit 201. Clear floor spaces are shown in multiple bathrooms. Amend plans to provide a minimum of one complying bathroom in unit 201. Sheet A13.201 Master bathroom is the Type "B"option "B"bathroom for unit 201 as shown in A13.201. 60 Provide a minimum 30"x 48" clear floor space for unit 201 laundry equipment per ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1002.10.1. Sheet A13.201 Clear floor space rectangle added to sheet A13.210 for laundry. This is accomplished by door being fit with hinges that allow for 180 degree operation. 61 Revise unit 202 kitchen plans to provide a minimum 60" between opposing cabinets and countertops per ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1003.12.1.2. Sheet A13.202 per attached cut sheet from 2003 ANSI, as designed, our kitchens are considered Galley shaped so only 40111s required between opposing countertops. We have designed in for 481" from countertop to countertop. 62 Revise unit 202 to show the 30"x 48" clear floor space measured from the foot end of the tub. ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1003. Sheet A13.202 Redesigned master bath that will allow for this clear floor space at foot end of the tub, see sheet A1.3.202. 63 Amend unit 202 plans to show a 30"x 48" clear floor space positioned for parallel approach centered on the lavatory. ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1003. Sheet A13.202 Master bathroom has a forward approach to the lavatory, see attached detail for clearances under lavatory for easily converting if necessary. See sheet A13.202. 64 Clarify which bathroom is proposed to meet the type B dwelling unit, option B unit provisions in unit 301. Clear floor spaces are shown in multiple bathrooms. Amend plans to provide a minimum of one complying bathroom in unit 301. Sheet A13.301 Master bathroom is the Type "B"option "B"bathroom for unit 301 as shown in A13.301. 65 Revise unit 302 kitchen plans to provide a minimum 60" between opposing cabinets and countertops per ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1003.12.1.2. Sheet A13.302 per attached cut sheet from 2003 ANSI, as designed, our kitchens are considered Galley shaped so only 40"is required between opposing countertops. We have designed in for 48"from countertop to countertop. 66 Revise unit 303 to show 30"x 48" clear floor space at the refrigerator. ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1003.12.2.5. Clear floor space has been added at the refrigerator for unit 303, see sheet A13.303 67 Revise unit 402 kitchen plans to provide a minimum 60" between opposing cabinets and countertops per ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1003.12.1.2. Sheet A13.402 per attached cut sheet from 2003 ANSI, as designed, our kitchens are considered Galley shaped so only 40"is required between opposing countertops. We have designed in for 48" from countertop to countertop. 68 Revise unit 403 plans to provide the minimum clear floor space at the water closet per ANSI 117.1 1998 section 1003. The bidet may not encroach on the required clear floor space. Sheet A13.403b. Penthouse unit 403 master bathroom has been modified in design by owners, new design will meet all code door space requirements. See sheet A13.403 69 Specify flamespread for all proposed interior finish materials per IBC ch. 8. Revise plans to include a list of all proposed materials and the flamespread index on the plans. Flame spread of finish materials will be added to the deferred submittal list, 70 A statement of special inspection is required to be prepared by the design professional in responsible charge per IBC 106.3.4. The statement must list all required special inspections and the names of all firms, or individuals who will perform the inspections. See IBC 1704.1.1 See special inspection list attached in this resubmittal. Items not covered in this proposal to be tested by HP Geotech, (Concrete, Soils and asphalt). 71 Include a single complete deferred submittal list for all deferred items per IBC Include all deferred submittal items on a single list. Refer to structural plans and civil plans for additional deferred items. See deferred submittal list attached in this resubmittal. 72 Decorative shrouds shall not be installed at the termination of chimney or vents unless specifically listed for use with the chimney per IMC and IFGC. Revise all details "Chimney King" chimney cap selected to meet all UL listings for the both fireplace flues and boiler flues. See attached cut sheets of "Sunset" 36"x36" 73 Include complete details and code review showing compliance with pool barrier provisions of IBC 3109.4. Pool enclosure to be 48"tall painted metal fence. Gate to have closing hardware with thumb latch for egress purposes See detail 8.04 in detail manual. 74 Revise the Comcheck envelope compliance certificate to show all the building area including the condo units and parking garage. It appears only part of the building was entered in the report. BGCE Response: Unit heaters in the parking garage are designed to maintain a space temperature of around 50°F to help prevent pipes from freezing. As this space is not conditioned and is designed to use less than 3.4 BTUh per SF, this portion of the building is exempt fYom building envelope provisions (IECC 101.2.1 and 202). A separate COMcheck was performed, and submitted, to show lighting compliance of the parking garage. Also, the building envelope assembly separating the unconditioned space (parking garage) fYom the remainder of the building was including in the building envelope compliance check. Structural Comments: 75 Include (4) copies of the soils report for this project. Soils report has now been included in Project manual. 76 Amend plans to provide details for all floor and roof beam connections to the concrete elevator and stair shear walls. The embed plate schedule is not keyed to the framing plans. Multiple sheets Please see KL&A s responses attached. 77 Clarify roof framing at both elevators marked as elevator #1 and #3 on the architectural plans. Roof framing is not shown for these areas. Sheet S2.5 Please see KL&A s responses attached. 78 Clarify roof framing over the fourth floor "rotunda" area. Framing is not shown for this upper roof area. Sheet S2.5. Please see KL&A s responses attached. Plumbing Comments: 79 A backwater valve is required for waste piping for the garage level where below the upstream manhole elevation of 8156.2'. Waste piping from levels above 8156.2 may not discharge through the backwater valve. IPC 715.1 See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 80 Provide cleanouts for all waste piping per IPC 708.3 See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 81 Amend gas piping plans to show compliance with IFGC 410.2 for the MP regulator. Sheet M6.4 See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. Mechanical Comments: 82 Clarify 10" spa/pool room exhaust duct and EF-7. Show compliance with IMC 510 for hazardous exhaust provisions. Duct discharge location is also not shown. Sheet M3.0 See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 83 Provide a smoke/fire damper for the 18x14 supply duct at the bottom of the shaft. IBC 707.11, IMC 607.5.5.1 Sheet M3.0 grid 11-12 area. See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 84 Coordinate parking garage exhaust discharge with architectural plans. Include complete plan details. M3.1 refers to "metal grate by architect". Architectural plans show a roof covering and walls around the exhaust shaft area. See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 85 Provide a smoke/fire damper for the 10x14 supply duct at the bottom of the shaft. IMC 607.5.5.1 Sheet M3.0 grid 6-7 area. See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 86 Revise the EF-6 exhaust duct discharge to continue to the exterior of the building per IMC 501.2. Duct is shown discharging into the generator room. Sheet M3.0 See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 87 All mechanical equipment in the parking garage shall be elevated such that the source of ignition is not less than 18" above the floor surface per IMC 304.3. Show compliance on sheet M3.0 See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 88 All mechanical equipment in the parking garage shall be protected from motor vehicle impact, or installed with a minimum clearance of 6' above the floor per IMC 304.6. Show compliance on sheet M3.0 See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 89 Include complete refrigerant type and quantities proposed per IMC 1103 and 1104 See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 90 Revise sheet M3.1 to clarify location of the smoke fire damper on the supply duct. Show the smoke fire damper at the 11" duct where the duct leaves the shaft. Grid 10-11 area. See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 91 Revise sheet M3.1 to clarify supply ducting at the 11x16 duct. Plans do not clearly show routing of this duct. Show the smoke fire damper at the duct where the duct leaves the shaft. Grid 10-11 area. See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 92 Provide a smoke/fire damper for the 10x10 supply duct at the bottom of the shaft. IBC 707.11, IMC 607.5.5.1 Sheet M3.1 grid 10-11 area. See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 93 Provide a smoke/fire damper for the 8x10 supply duct at the bottom of the shaft. IBC 707.11, IMC 607.5.5.1 Sheet M3.1 grid 10-11 area. See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 94 Provide a smoke/fire damper at the 5" duct where passing through the fire partition at the lobby corridor into the office. Sheet M3.1, IMC 607.5.4 See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 95 Amend all mechanical unit plans to show all environmental exhaust ducts a minimum of T from openings into the building. IMC 502.7.3.6 See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. Electrical Comments: 96 Panel Schedules E6.5 (typical): Show all heat trace circuits to be 30ma trip GFPE. NEC 426.2B. See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 97 Electrical Unit Plans (typical): Show circuiting for all receptacles. See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 98 Electrical Unit Plans (typical): All 120 volt outlets in bedrooms (dwelling and guest) including lighting and receptacles to be arc fault protected. Amend drawings/panel schedules. NEC 210.12. See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. 99 Show the load calculation for units load centers. (Typical) See Beaudin Ganze responses attached. Please refer to the cover sheet for information on resubmitting plans. In order to avoid delays in issuance of a permit, please check all requested information is included with the resubmitted plans. Please submit revised plans as a complete set. Partial plan resubmittals will not be reviewed. F•\cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT COMMENTS\B07-0096\B07-0096.DOC May 22, 2007 Mr. Mike Cuthbertson R.A. Nelson & Associates P.O. Draw 54 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: The Willows Building Permit Application Review (B07-0096) Dear Mike: I have completed my review of the building permit application submitted on behalf of Triumph Development to facilitate the redevelopment of the Willows Condominiums, located 74 Willow Road. Upon completion of my review I have determined that I can not approve the application at this time. Please submit a revised set of plans addressing each of the comments outlined below: Note: Each of the numbered comments below corresponds to a numbered note on the plan set. ,Y. Please reference Ordinance #30, Series of 2006, with regard to the project data noted in the table on Sheet A.0 entitled "Project Data A0.0.1 will be a new sheet with this information on it. Remove notes on Sheet 00003 regarding "possible shoring" and reference shoring plans submitted on behalf of Coggins & Sons. 00003 has been revised with notes regarding to shoring plans. Town of Vail approval is required for shoring on town-owned land as depicted on Sheet C0004 00004, south shoring ~i,all will require TOV approval. fk The proposed 44" tall railing atop the stone veneer retaining is NOT approved. Please submit a redesign for this wall and railing system. Stone wall with metal railing above tivill be the detail WITH landscaping on the west side per Terrasan 's landscaping plans. See L-2. ~S Proposed gas meters shall be painted to match surrounding building color or flat black. See Sheet 00007. Note has been added to sheet A3.1 calling out for meters to be painted flat black.. FS Please add a minimum of three 2" caliper Aspens at the northwest corner of the building per prior discussions with owner and architect. Sheet L-2 3 2 " caliper Aspens have been added up close to building at north/west corner. See L-2. Please revise site plan (Sheet A2.1) to locate the serpentine wall entirely on Willows property. Landscape wall has been revised so entire design is on our property. See sheet A2.1 8'. Please label roof ridge elevations on Sheet A2.1 maximum building height shall not exceed 48' per Ordinance #30. Roof ridge elevations have been added to Sheet A2.1. Please provide a section of roof top mechanical pit as depicted on Sheet A2.1. Additionally, please highlight the location of ALL roof top mechanical equipment. See sheet A6.3 for section thru this mechanical pit. Metal railing has been deleted to hide mechanical equipment. RDA will work with TOV once all equipment is identified and find a solution that works for all prior to installation. y~. Please revise Sheet A2.2 per comment #7 above. Wall has been revised on all sheets, so A2.2 has been revised as well. ltY. Please correct the distance to property line measurement on Sheet A3.0 Dimensions line has been revised to read 9'-0", as previously approved. What is that? See Sheet A5.0 and A5.1. Metal railing will be deleted off design drawings. RDA to work with TOV to find a solution that works for all prior to installation. Jn Remove stucco from this portion of building and replace with wood siding as previously approved. Wood siding added back to finish of this portion of building, see sheet A5.2 .~4. Why has the window in this location been relocated? Window has been relocated to reflect stair #6 behind wall. l~ Why have the windows in these locations been re-sized? Windows have been resized due to location in tub/shower enclosure. Shutters have been added to these smaller windows. See elevations. l Why has the roof form in this location been reconfigured? Roof form was redesign to work with elevator over-run requirements. When addressing the comments above, please ensure that the entire plan set and application is coordinated and depicts accurate information. For example, if a revision is made to the site plan in response to the comments outlined above, please ensure that the same information is depicted on the grading and landscape plans. Failure to coordinate the plan set and application will only unnecessarily delay the issuance of the building permit. Should you have any question with regard to the information contained in this letter, please do not hesitate to give me a call. You can reach me most easily at (970) 479-2145. Sincerely, George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail KL&A, Inc. Structural Engineers and Builders 4412 W. Eisenhower Blvd. Loveland, CO 80537 Ph: 970-667-2426 Fax: 970-667-2493 805 14'" St., Golden, CO 80401 17 Academy Lane, 2nd Floor, Falmouth, MA 02540 Response to Structural Comments on Permit Review List 75. Architect to coordinate with Geotechnical Engineer to get copies of soils report. 76. All floor and roof beam to connect to concrete elevator and stair shear walls with embeds. Contractor is responsible for choosing embed according to noted reaction and embed schedule on sheet S 1.6. 77. Roof framing updated for elevators #1 and #3. See sheet 52.5 on resubmitted plans. 78. "Rotunda" area to be reframed to match updated architectural plans. C:URDA-IEF\23270Wdbws\23270docskodt\070529 permit response from KL&A (5-30-07).doc BEAUDIN GANZE Consulting Engineers, Inc. V0/ May 29, 2007 Mr. Michael Foster Resort Design and Associates International 357 S. McCaslin Plaza, Suite 200 Louisville, Colorado 80027 RE: The Willows Project #8388.00 Dear Mike: Please find the following revised responses to the Town of Vail's Building Safety and Inspections Services Plan Review Comments for The Willows projects in Vail, Colorado. Our comment responses are in italics below: Architectural Comments 74. Revise the Comcheck envelope compliance certificate to show all the building area including the condo units and parking garage. It appears only part of the building was entered in the report. BGCE Response: Unit heaters in the parking garage are designed to maintain a space temperature of around 501F to help prevent pipes from freezing. As this space is not conditioned and is designed to use less than 3.4 BTUh per SF, this portion of the building is exempt from building envelope provisions (IECC 101.2.1 and 202). A separate COMcheck was performed, and submitted, to show lighting compliance of the parking garage. Also, the building envelope assembly separating the unconditioned space (parking garage) from the remainder of the building was including in the building envelope compliance check. Plumbing Comments: 79. A backwater valve is required for waste piping for the garage level where below the upstream manhole elevation of 8156.2'. Waste piping from levels above 8156.2 may not discharge through the backwater valve. IPC 715.1 Post Office Box 9650, Avon, CO 81620 • Phone: 970.949.6108 • Fax: 970.949.6159 VAIL 14142 Denver W. Pkwy., #195, Golden, CO 80401 • Phone: 303.278.3820 • Fax: 303.278.3843 DENVER 251 Linden St., #200, Fort Collins, CO 80524 • Phone: 970.221.5691 • Fax: 970.221.5697 FORT COLLINS 11430 Deerfield Dr., #B5, Truckee, CA 96161 • Phone: 530.550.7334 • Fax: 530.550.7336 LAKE TAHOE www.bece.com BGCE Response: Actual municipal sanitary sewer invert elevations in the street are currently being confirmed. Based on the results, all fixtures located in the parking garage (fixtures first floor and above are above 8156.2) may need to be routed to sanitary sewer ejector which will be equipped with a backwater valve. Otherwise, all fixtures which do not need to be routed to the ejector will be routed through a backwater valve(s). 80. Provide cleanouts for all waste piping per IPC 708.3 BGCE Response: Refer to Note 14, Sheet M3.0, and Waste/Vent Isometrics, Sheets M5.2 through M5.7, for cleanout installation locations and instructions. Note #14, Sheet M3.0 will be copied to other plumbing sheets. 81. Amend gas piping plans to show compliance with IFGC 410.2 for the MP regulator. Sheet M6.4 BGCE Response: Diagram A, Sheet M6.4, will be revised to include tee fittings for pressure-testing and other requirements per IFGC 410. Mechanical Comments 82. Clarify 10" spa/pool room exhaust duct and EF-7. Show compliance with IMC 510 for hazardous exhaust provisions. Duct discharge location is also not shown. Sheet M3.0 BGCE Response: We understand the spa sanitation chemical is solid chlorine tablets and is not considered a hazardous emission, therefore IMC 510 does not apply. Pool equipment room ventilation is intended for heat mitigation and dehumidification and is not intended to mitigate hazardous fumes. 83. Provide a smoke/fire damper for the 18x 14 supply duct at the bottom of the shaft. IBC 707.11, IMC 607.5.5.1 Sheet M3.0 grid 11-12 area. BGCE Response: Smoke/Fire damper will be added at 18x14 supply duct where it penetrates through garage lid. Sheet M3.0. 84. Coordinate parking garage exhaust discharge with architectural plans. Include complete plan details. M3.1 refers to "metal grate by architect". Architectural plans show a roof covering and walls around the exhaust shaft area. BGCE Response: Note to be clarified to indicate shaft to be used as exhaust pathway. Walls extend IOft above grade per IMC 502. Shaft opening cover to be coordinated with Architect. Sheet M3.1. 85. Provide a smoke/fire damper for the 10x14 supply duct at the bottom of the shaft. IMC 607.5.5.1 Sheet M3.0 grid 6-7 area. BGCE Response: Smoke/Fire damper will be added to 10x14 supply duct where it penetrates through garage lid. Sheet M3.0. 86. Revise the EF-6 exhaust duct discharge to continue to the exterior of the building per IMC 501.2. Duct is shown discharging into the generator room. Sheet M3.0 BGCE Response: EF-6 exhaust duct will be extended through generator room to west exterior wall. Sheet M3.0. 87. All mechanical equipment in the parking garage shall be elevated such that the source of ignition is not less than 18" above the floor surface per IMC 304.3. Show compliance on sheet M3.0 BGCE Response: A note will be added to sheet M3.0 to clarify that all source of ignition on equipment shall be mounted so that the source of ignition will be 18" above the finish floor. 88. All mechanical equipment in the parking garage shall be protected from motor vehicle impact, or installed with a minimum clearance of 6' above the floor per IMC 304.6. Show compliance on sheet M3.0 BGCE Response: Please refer to plan note left of Grid A, Sheet M3.0. Equipment to be installed so minimum height to bottom of equipment is 6ft AFF. 89. Include complete refrigerant type and quantities proposed per IMC 1103 and 1104. BGCE Response: The refrigerant in the condenser units within the garage is R- 410A, which is a class Al refrigerant. There are not any condensers or independent circuits which contain more than 10 lbs/f 3, therefore per table 1103.1 of IMC and section 1104.2 of IMC a machinery room is not required. 90. Revise sheet M3.1 to clarify location of the smoke fire damper on the supply duct. Show the smoke fire damper at the 11" duct where the duct leaves the shaft. Grid 10-11 area. BGCE Response: Smokelfire damper will be added and identified where the ducts penetrate the shaft. Sheet M3.1. 91. Revise sheet M3.1 to clarify supply ducting at the 11x16 duct. Plans do not clearly show routing of this duct. Show the smoke fire damper at the duct where the duct leaves the shaft. Grid 10-11 area. BGCE Response: Plan will be revised to clarify 16X10 duct routing and the smokelfire damper will be identified at the shaft penetration. Sheet M3.1. 92. Provide a smoke/fire damper for the 10x10 supply duct at the bottom of the shaft. IBC 707.11, IMC 607.5.5.1 Sheet M3.1 grid 10-11 area. BGCE Response: Smoke/Fire damper will be added to 10x10 supply duct where it turns into vertical shaft. Sheet M3.1. 93. Provide a smoke/fire damper for the 8x10 supply duct at the bottom of the shaft. IBC 707.11, IMC 607.5.5.1 Sheet M3.1 grid 10-11 area. BGCE Response: Smoke/Fire damper will be added to 8x10 supply duct where it turns into vertical shaft. Sheet M3.1. 94. Provide a smoke/fire damper at the 5" duct where passing through the fire partition at the lobby corridor into the office. Sheet M3.1, IMC 607.5.4 BGCE Response: Smoke/Fire damper will be added to 5" round duct where it passes into office at lobby. Sheet M3.1. 95. Amend all mechanical unit plans to show all environmental exhaust ducts a minimum of 3' from openings into the building. IMC 502.7.3.6 BGCE Response: Please refer to revised window schedule in Architectural Drawings for operable openings into building. Environmental exhaust outlets and operablelfixed operation of openings to be verified with Architect. Electrical Comments 96. Panel Schedules E6.5 (typical): Show all heat trace circuits to be 30mA trip GFPE. NEC 426.2B. BGCE Response: Per sheet E6.6 panel schedule RMI Specific Note (1) states "Provide GFCI Breaker". We will clarify the 30mA trip rating on schedule. 97. Electrical Unit Plans (typical): Show circuiting for all receptacles. BGCE Response: Per sheets E6.3 through E6.5 unit panel schedules show circuiting intent for all units. 98. Electrical Unit Plans (typical): All 120 volt outlets in bedrooms (dwelling and guest) including lighting and receptacles to be arc fault protected. Amend drawings/panel schedules. NEC 210.12. BGCE Response: Per sheets E6.3 through E6.5 unit panel schedules specific note (1) states "Provide AFCI Circuit Breaker': A note on will be added to unit electrical plans to add further clarification. 99. Show load calculations for all unit centers. (Typical) BGCE Response: The NEC calculated loads will be added to unit panel schedules. Please contact me with any questions and/or comments. Associate MWN OF YAK Department of Public Works & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2158 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.vailgov.com MEMO To: Steve Virostek, Triumph Development From: Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer Re: Willows Redevelopment Building Permit Plan Review Date: 5/11/07 CC: Chris Gunion, George Ruther, Mike McGee The Town of Vail Public Works Department has received the Building Permit plan set dated 4/11/07 for the Willows Redevelopment. The following comments will be required to be resolved prior to approval of a Building Permit. Please submit a response letter with the next submittal responding to each comment. Comments The flow calculations for the 4' pan with a 1" invert is acceptable, please add a statement within the final drainage report that `x' amount of flow with over top and flow down the driveway and be contained within the driveway trenchdrain. A statement addressing overflow from the cross pan has been added to the final drainage study. 2. The Drainage report provided has a few inconsistencies that will need to be corrected during the final drainage report submittal. Please call to discuss. Some of the inconsistencies appear to be a result of rounding. Others are a result of error during data input. The values have been verified for the final submittal. 3. All public storm sewer that is located under heated surfaces must be RCP as shown, but public storm sewer under non heated surfaces may be HDPE or RCP. RCP is shown where cover is minimal. 4. The south wall between the access stair and the west property line should extend at least 18" above finish grade on the back side to help protect the patios and building from snowplow "slobber", unless it is deemed that an adequate vegetative barrier has been created. The landscaping plan that was submitted is not approvable as shown in this area. The drip line of trees shall be maintained at a minimum of 5' from edge of asphalt and the tree trunks shall be a minimum of 10' off the edge of asphalt. As an alternative, shrubs may be planted. Landscape plan was determined to be st- fficient to protect patios and building from so called snowplow "slobber with this said south walls will be 6 " AFGrade. All trees planted in this area are to be a min. cYf 10' off edge of pavement, to trunks. See revised landscape plans. 5. Please widen the drive , at station +43 by about 1' to allow for of clearance for bypass traffic when a vehicle is stopped at station 40. Also the location of the access pad does not allow vehicles to pass if a vehicle gets stuck. The driveway, has been widened as requested. See revised civil and architectural plans. 6. What type of flow is entering inlet `C'. It is understood that dewatering is entering inlet `B'. The additional flow at inlet `C' is from roof drains, and has been added to the drainage model as a known Q. 7. All tiebacks into the Town of Vail ROW must be temporary. No permanent tieback or vertical shoring elements will be allowed to remain in the ROW. This has been noted on sheet 0003 in General Note #20 8. Add a manhole at the bend in the storm sewer at east end of Willow Rd. A manhole has been added as requested. 9. How will the dumpster be emptied, is the removal company willing to drive down this driveway and back out? Please get confirmation from vender. A signed memo is attached from Honeywagon, cogfirming that thev are willing to back down the drive for trash collection. 10. The port cochere column can not be located within the ROW nor can any roof overhang, please adjust to conform. The porte-cochere columns have been adjusted to prevent the columns and roof'overhang from encroaching into the ROW. 11. The concentrated drainage flows at the end of the curb and gutter on Vail Rd, must be conveyed to the storm sewer in an adequate manner. A rip-rap lined channel and a scupper within the retaining wall have been added in order to convey the .flows to Inlet `D' 12. The pedestrian walk added to Vail Rd. will be required to be maintained by the property owner, per Town code. On site property maintenance will maintain the walk as required. 13. The addition of the walk will remove a snow storage area that the Town currently uses, as discussed regrade to provide 10' from back of new walk at a grade not to exceed 5%. Then 2:1 to match existing grade but no further north that the 8160 contour. A bench_for snow storage has been added as requested. 14. Prior to construction verify whether the electic manholes and sanitary manholes in the streetscape need to be adjusted in elevation and if the manholes can be rotated out of flowlines. Please also verify location of the 12" connection to the existing 36" with the assistance of the Town. Additional locates have been added to the plans for existing electric manhole rims and storm sewer. The Contractor will set tip a meeting with public works to discuss the storm sewer connection prior to beginning the streetscape project. 15. All construction staging issues shall be resolved prior to construction including staging, phasing, access, schedules, traffic control, emergency access, etc... R.A. Nelson will work with all TOV authorities to approve a "Construction plan "prior to start of construction. This process is in the works. 16. A ROW/Utility permi all be obtained and approved by the T n of Vail prior to commencing any construction within public Right of Way. R.A. Nelson shall apply and receive all permits before starting with associated construction. 17. A Town of Vail Revocable ROW permit shall be recorded for all private property improvements located within public ways. R.A. Nelson shall apply and receive all permits before starting with associated construction. 18. Prior to approval of a Building permit all necessary permanent and temporary easements are recorded with Eagle County. The Contractor has applied for a revocable right-of-way permit to construct temporary shoring within the Vail Road ROW. No other easements are proposed. 19. Prior to approval of a Building permit a shoring and excavation plan shall be submitted including; excavation phasing, engineered shoring plans with plan, profile and cross sections. Cross Sections and plans shall include all existing conflicts (i.e. utilities). Shoring plan prepared by Coggins and Sons dated 5-07-07 has been submitted to TOV for approval for shoring and excavation permit. 20. Any excavation shoring methods used that encroach upon adjacent public or private property shall have approval by the appropriate owner and have a recorded easement prior to construction. The Contractor has applied for a revocable right-of-way permit to construct temporary shoring within the Vail Road ROW. 21. A CDPHE Permit and all applicable ACOE permits (i.e. Dewatering) shall be submitted prior to construction. R.A. Nelson shall apply anti receive all permits before starting with associated construction. 22. Provide a soils report. Soils report is provided in project manual. 23. If temporary or permanent dewatering is expected an analysis from a qualified professional engineer shall be required, addressing potential impacts to all adjacent properties (i.e. building settlement). A letter from the project Geotechnical Engineer has been submitted addressing potential settlement impacts to adjacent buildings. 24. Detail C-All curb and pans shall have 6" of class 6 roadbase as bedding. The detail has been revised as requested 25. Detail H-Please provide a detail for how the inlets will be set in the 2' pan. A detail for a concrete apron surrounding inlets has been added to the Willow Road Streetscape plans on Sheet 5 of S 26. Detail N- All gutters and downspouts shall tie into inlets The detail and affected downspouts have been revised as requested. 27. Vail Rd. sidewalk shall be 6" concrete on 6" of base. All concrete for walk and curbs and pans shall be 4000psi with 1.5 lbs/cy of fibermesh. The detail has been revised as requested. 28. Willow Rd paver walk detail- Sand bedding shall be 1" to 1.5" thick, the 2" weep holes shall be filled with 3/4" washed rock with fabric over the top of the hole to prevent migration of sand. The detail has been revised as requested. 29. All compaction shall be bared on modified proctor. All details referencing standard proctor densities have been revised to moth faed proctor densities. 30. L-1: Show sight distance lines on landscape plans. All landscape within sight triangle shall be 3.5' or less. See revised landscape plans. 31. Provide a detail for planting trees on a 2:1 slope. See revised landscape plans. 32. I-1: Irrigation heads shall be a minimum of 2 feet off edge of asphalt along Vail Rd. See revised landscape plans. 33. The section of Vail Rd. that does not have curb and gutter shall have a 2' roadbase shoulder. A 2' shoulder of class 6 road base has been added. 34. A-2.2: Site wall along the east side encroaches onto adjacent property with cap and footing. Please revise or provide an easement. Landscape wall on east side has been revised to pull within our property lines. See sheet A2.2. 35. A-3.0: How are the storage closets assigned. If they are not assigned together with the appropriate parking space the doorways on many will not function with a car parked in front of them. Storage units are assigned in relation to the assigned parking spaces. Doors on some storage units have been changed to roll-up doors to resolve conflict with parking spaces and storage space. See sheet A3.0 36. How is the ADA space allocated. If it is a general ADA space it blocks another parking space. ADA parking space has been relocated so it does not work in conjunction with a tandom space, see sheet A3.0 37. Provide plan, details and spec's on the entry exit system for the one way traffic. This submittal will be added to the deferred submittal list. 38. M-3.1: Snowmelt zone #11 msut have a separate zone for the area within the ROW. BGCE response: separate snowmelt tubing loops will be provided at current zone #11 for the area within the Town's ROW to allow ROW tubing to be isolated. 39. The sand/oil separator must discharge into the sanitary sewer system. This will require approval from ERWSD. BGCE Response: A letter from the Owner seeking approval will be provided to ERWSD. BEAUDIN GANZE~ Consulting Engineers, Inc. May 29, 2007 Mr. Michael Foster Resort Design and Associates International 357 S. McCaslin Plaza, Suite 200 Louisville, Colorado 80027 RE: The Willows Project #8388.00 Dear Mike: Please find the following revised responses to the Town of Vail's Public Works and Transportation Plan Review Comments for The Willows projects in Vail, Colorado. Our comment responses are in italics below. Comments 38. M-3.1: Snowmelt zone #11 must have a separate zone for the area within the ROW. BGCE Response: Separate snowmelt tubing loops will be provided at current zone #H for the area within the Town's ROW to allow ROW tubing to be isolated. 39. The sand/oil separator must discharge into the sanitary sewer system. This will require approval from ERWSD. BGCE Response: A letter from the Owner seeking approval will be provided to ERWSD. Please contact me with)iy questions and/or comments. Dan Koelliker Associate Post Office Box 9650, Avon, CO 81620 • Phone: 970.949.6108 • Fax: 970.949.6159 VAIL 14142 Denver W. Pkwy., #195, Golden, CO 80401 • Phone: 303.278.3820 • Fax: 303.278.3843 DENVER 251 Linden St., #200, Fort Collins, CO 80524 • Phone: 970.221.5691 • Fax: 970.221.5697 FORT COLLINS 11430 Deerfield Dr., #135, Truckee, CA 96161 • Phone: 530.550.7334 • Fax: 530.550.7336 LAKE TAHOE www.bece.com Access Technologies Dura-Glide Tm 2000 (All Glass) SLIDING AUTOMATIC ENTRANCES SECTION 08 42 29.23 [08460] SECTION 08 42 29.23 [08460] SLIDING AUTOMATIC ENTRANCES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.02 'SUMMARY A. This Section includes the following types of automatic entrance doors: 1. Exterior and interior, single slide and bi-parting, sliding automatic entrance doors with glass sliding and fixed panels. B. Related Sections: 1. Division 7 Sections for caulking to the extent not specified in this section. 2. Division 8 Section "Aluminum-Framed Entrances and Storefronts" for entrances furnished separately in Division 8 Section. 3. Division 8 Section "Door Hardware" for hardware to the extent not specified in this Section. 4. Division 16 Sections for electrical connections including conduit and wiring for automatic entrance door operators. 1.03 REFERENCES General: Standards listed by reference, including revisions by issuing authority, form a part of this specification section to extent indicated. Standards listed are identified by issuing authority, authority abbreviation, designation number, title or other designation established by issuing authority. Standards subsequently referenced herein are referred to by issuing authority abbreviation and standard designation. A. Underwriters Laboratories (UL): 1. UL 325 - Standard for Door, Drapery, Gate, Louver, and Window Operators and Systems. B. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) / Builders' Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA): 1. ANSI/BHMA Al 56.10: Standard for Power Operated Pedestrian Doors. 2. ANSI/BHMA A156.5: Standard for Auxiliary Locks and Associated Products 3. ANSI Z97.1: Standard for Safety Glazing Materials Used In Buildings - Safety Performance Specifications And Methods Of Test. C. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC): 1. CPSC 16 CFR 1201: Safety Standard for Architectural Glazing Materials D. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): 1. ASTM 8221 - Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes. 2. ASTM 8209 - Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate E. American Association of Automatic Door Manufacturers (AAADM): December 20, 2006 Page 1 of 10 Access Technologies Dura-GlideTM 2000 (All Glass) F. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): 1. NFPA 101 -Life Safety Code. 2. NFPA 70 - National Electric Code. G. International Code Council (ICC): 1. IBC: International Building SLIDING AUTOMATIC ENTRANCES SECTION 08 42 29.23 [08460] H. Building Officials and Code Administrators International (BOCA), 1999: 1. International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO): 1. UBC 1997: Uniform Building Code J. International Organization for Standardization (ISO): 1. ISO 9001 - Quality Management Systems K. National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers (NAAMM): 1. Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products. L. American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA): 1. AAMA 607.1 - Clear Anodic Finishes for Architectural Aluminum. 2. AAMA 611 Voluntary Specification for Anodized Architectural Aluminum. 3. AAMA 701 Voluntary Specification for Pile Weatherstripping and Replaceable Fenestration Weatherseals. 1.04 DEFINITIONS A. Activation Device: Device that, when actuated, sends an electrical signal to the door operator to open the door. B. Safety Device: Device that prevents a door from opening or closing, as appropriate. 1.05 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Provide automatic entrance door assemblies capable of withstanding structural loads and thermal movements based on testing manufacturer's standard units in assemblies similar to those indicated for this Project. B. Thermal Movements: Provide automatic entrance doors that allow for thermal movements resulting from the following maximum change (range) in ambient and surface temperatures by preventing buckling, opening of joints, overstressing of components, failure of joint sealants, failure of connections, and other detrimental effects. Base engineering calculation on surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime-sky heat loss. 1. Temperature Change (Range): 120 deg F (67 deg C), ambient; 180 deg F (100 deg C), material surfaces. C. Operating Range: Minus 30 deg F (Minus 34 deg C) to 130 deg F (54 deg C). D. Opening-Force Requirements for Egress Doors: Not more than 50 Ibf (222 N) required to manually set door in motion if power fails, and not more than 15 Ibf (67 N) required to open door to minimum required width. E. Closing-Force Requirements: Not more than 30 Ibf (133 N) required to prevent door from closing. December 20, 2006 Page 2 of 10 &-i MN RIM m Access Technologies Dura-GlideTm 2000 (All Glass) 1.06 SUBMITTALS SLIDING AUTOMATIC ENTRANCES SECTION 08 42 29.23 [08460] A. Submit listed submittals in accordance with Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections. B. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, sections, details, hardware mounting heights, and attachments to other work. C. Closeout Submittals: 1. Owner's Manual. 2. Warranties. 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Manufacturer's authorized representative who is trained for installation and maintenance of units required for this Project. B. Manufacturer Qualifications: A qualified manufacturer with a manufacturing facility certified under ISO 9001 and with company certificate issued by AAADM. C. Certifications: Automatic sliding door systems shall be certified by the manufacturer to meet performance design criteria in accordance with the following standards: 1. ANSI/BHMA A156.10. 2. NFPA 101. 3. Underwriter's Laboratories 325 (UL) listed. 4. IBC 5. ICBO 6. BOCA D. Source Limitations: Obtain automatic entrance door assemblies through one source from a single manufacturer. E. Product Options: Drawings indicate sizes, profiles, and dimensional requirements of automatic entrance door assemblies and are based on the specific system indicated. Refer to Division 1 Section "Product Requirements." F. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. G. Emergency-Exit Door Requirements: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction for automatic entrance doors serving as a required means of egress. 1.08 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Field Measurements: General Contractor shall verify openings to receive automatic entrance door assemblies by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. B. Mounting Surfaces: General Contractor shall verify all surfaces to be plumb, straight and secure; substrates to be of proper dimension and material. C. Other trades: General Contractor shall advise of any inadequate conditions or equipment. December 20, 2006 Page 3 of 10 Access Technologies Dura-GlideTm 2000 (All Glass) 1.09 COORDINATION SLIDING AUTOMATIC ENTRANCES SECTION 08 42 29.23 [08460] A. Templates: Check Shop Drawings of other work to confirm that adequate provisions are made for locating and installing automatic entrance doors to comply with indicated requirements. B. Electrical System Roughing-in: Coordinate layout and installation of automatic entrance door assemblies with connections to power supplies. 1.10 WARRANTY A. Automatic Entrance Doors shall be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of substantial completion. B. During the warranty period the Owner shall engage a factory-trained technician to perform service and affect repairs. A safety inspection shall be performed after each adjustment or repair and a completed inspection form shall be submitted to the Owner. C. During the warranty period all warranty work, including but not limited to emergency service, shall be performed during normal working hours. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 AUTOMATIC ENTRANCE DOORS A. Manufacturer: Stanley Access Technologies; Dura-GlideTm 2000 Series sliding automatic entrance doors with glass sliding and fixed panels. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Aluminum: Alloy and temper recommended by manufacturer for type of use and finish indicated. 1. Headers, stiles, rails, and frames: 6063-T6 2. Extruded Bars, Rods, Profiles, and Tubes: ASTM B 221. 3. Sheet and Plate: ASTM B 209. B. Sealants and Joint Fillers: Performed under Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants". 2.03 AUTOMATIC ENTRANCE DOOR ASSEMBLIES A. Provide manufacturer's standard automatic entrance door assemblies including doors, sidelites, framing, headers, carrier assemblies, roller tracks, door operators, activation and safety devices, and accessories required for a complete installation. B. Sliding Automatic Entrance Doors: 1. Single Slide sliding doors: a. Configuration: One sliding leaf and one full sidelite. b. Traffic Pattern: Two-way. C. Emergency Breakaway Capability: Sliding leaves only d. Mounting: Between jambs 2. Bi-Parting sliding doors: a. Configuration: Two sliding leaves and two full sidelites. b. Traffic Pattern: Two-way. C. Emergency Breakaway Capability: Sliding leaves only, December 20, 2006 Page 4 of 10 Access Technologies SLIDING AUTOMATIC ENTRANCES Dura-GlideTm 2000 (All Glass) SECTION 08 42 29.23 [08460] d. Mounting: Between jambs 2.04 COMPONENTS A. Framing Members: Manufacturer's standard extruded aluminum reinforced as required to support imposed loads. 1. Nominal Size: 1 % inch by 4 '/z inch (45 by 115 mm). B. Glass Panel and Rail Doors and Sidelites: Manufacturer's standard 1 % inch (45 mm) thick extruded-aluminum tubular rail members. Rail members to be specifically designed by automatic entrance manufacturer for use with glass panel door systems. Fasten rails to glass panels in manner approved by the manufacturer. 1. Top Rail: 5 1/2 inch (140 mm) nominal height. 2. Bottom Rail: 4 inch (102 mm) nominal height. 3. Glazing: Provide glazing for sliding automatic entrance doors as follows: a. Provide safety glass complying with ANSI Z97.1 and CPSC 16 CFR 1201 for Category II materials. b. Safety Glass: 1/2 inch (12 mm) clear, fully tempered, with polished edges, in all panels. C. Headers: Fabricated from extruded aluminum and extending full width of automatic entrance door units to conceal door operators, carrier assemblies, and roller tracks. Provide hinged or removable access panels for service and adjustment of door operators and controls. Secure panels to prevent unauthorized access. 1. Mounting: Concealed, with one side of header flush with framing. 2. Capacity: Capable of supporting doors up to 220 lb (100 kg) per leaf over spans up to 14 feet (4.3 m) without intermediate supports. D. Carrier Assemblies and Overhead Roller Tracks: Manufacturer's standard carrier assembly that allows vertical adjustment of at least 1/8 inch; consisting of urethane with precision steel lubricated ball-bearing wheels, operating on a continuous roller track. Support doors from carrier assembly by 2 inch diameter anti-riser wheels with factory adjusted cantilever and pivot assembly. Minimum two ball-bearing roller wheels and two anti-rise rollers for each active leaf. 1. Minimum Load Wheel Diameter: 2 1/2 inch (64 mm). E. Thresholds: Manufacturer's standard thresholds as indicated below: 1. Continuous standard tapered extrusion double bevel. 2. All thresholds to conform to details and requirements for code compliance. F. Fasteners and Accessories: Manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant, non-staining, non- bleeding fasteners and accessories compatible with adjacent materials. G. Signage: Provide signage in accordance with ANSI/BHMA Al 56.10. 2.05 DOOR OPERATORS A. Provide door operators of size recommended by manufacturer for door size, weight, and movement; for condition of exposure; and for long-term, operation under normal traffic load for type of occupancy indicated. B. Electromechanical Operators: Self-contained overhead unit powered by a minimum of 1/4 horsepower, permanent-magnet DC motor with gear reduction drive, microprocessor controller; and encoder. 1. Operation: Power opening and power closing. December 20, 2006 Page 5 of 10 Access Technologies Dura-Glidel 2000 (All Glass) SLIDING AUTOMATIC ENTRANCES SECTION 08 42 29.23 [08460] 2. Features: a. Adjustable opening and closing speeds. b. Adjustable back-check and latching. C. Adjustable braking. d. Adjustable hold-open time between 0 and 30 seconds. e. Obstruction recycle. f. On/Off switch to control electric power to operator. g. Energy conservation switch that reduces door-opening width. h. Variable rate open/closed speed control. i. Closed loop speed control with active braking and acceleration. j. Variable obstruction recycle time delay. k. Self adjusting stop position. 1. Self adjusting closing compression force. M. Optional Switch to open/Switch to close operation. 3. Mounting: Concealed. 4. Drive System: Synchronous belt type. C. Electrical service to door operators shall be provided under Division 16 Electrical. Minimum service to be 120 VAC, 5 amps. 2.06 ELECTRICAL CONTROLS A. Electrical Control System: Electrical control system shall include a microprocessor controller and position encoder. The encoder shall monitor revolutions of the operator shaft and send signals to microprocessor controller to define door position and speed. Systems utilizing external magnets and magnetic switches are not acceptable. A single controller shall be capable of controlling up to 2 operators per entrance system. B. Life Cycle Data Counter: The microprocessor control shall incorporate a non-re-settable counter to track door operation cycles. C. Controller Protection: The microprocessor controller shall incorporate the following features to ensure trouble free operation: 1. Automatic Reset Upon Power Up 2. Fuse Protection 3. Electronic Surge Protection 4. Internal Power Supply Protection. 5. Software "Watchdog" protection in the case of software malfunction. D. Soft Start/Stop: A "soft-start" "soft-stop" motor driving circuit shall be provided for smooth normal opening and recycling. E. Safety Search Circuitry: Provide system to recycle the sliding panels when an obstruction is encountered during the closing cycle. If an obstruction is detected, the system shall search for that object on the next closing cycle by reducing door closing speed prior to the previously encountered obstruction location, and will continue to close in check speed until doors are fully closed, at which time the doors will reset to normal speed. If obstruction is encountered again, the door will come to a full stop. The doors shall remain stopped until obstruction is removed and operate signal is given, resetting the door to normal operation. F. Programmable Controller: Microprocessor controller shall be programmable and shall be designed for connection to a local configuration tool. Local configuration tool shall be software driven and shall be utilized via Palm@ handheld interface. The following parameters may be adjusted via the configuration tool. December 20, 2006 Page 6 of 10 Access Technologies Dura-GlideTm 2000 (All Glass) SLIDING AUTOMATIC ENTRANCES SECTION 08 42 29.23 [08460) 1. Operating speeds and forces as required to meet ANSI/BHMA Al 56.10. 2. Adjustable and variable features as specified in 2.05, B., 2. 3. Reduced opening position. 4. Firmware update. 5. Trouble Shooting a. 1/0 Status. b. Electrical component monitoring including parameter summary. 6. Entrance profile copy/paste. Software for local configuration tool shall be available as a free download from the sliding automatic entrance manufacturer's internet site. 2.07 ACTIVATION AND SAFETY DEVICES A. Motion Sensors: Motion sensors shall be mounted on each side of door header to detect pedestrians in the activating zone, and to provide a signal to open doors in accordance with ANSI/BHMA Al 56.10. Units shall be programmable for bi-directional or uni-directional operation and shall incorporate K-band microwave frequency to detect all motion in both directions. B. Presence Sensors: Presence sensors shall be provided to sense people or objects in the threshold safety zone in accordance with ANSI/BHMA Al 56.10. Units shall be self-contained, fully adjustable, and shall function accordingly with motion sensors provided. The sensor shall be enabled simultaneously with the door-opening signal and shall emit an elliptical shaped infrared presence zone, centered on the doorway threshold line. Presence sensors shall be capable of selectively retuning to adjust for objects which may enter the safety zone; tuning out, or disregarding, the presence of small nuisance objects and not tuning out large objects regardless of the time the object is present in the safety zone. The door shall close only after all sensors detect a clear surveillance field. C. Photoelectric Beams: In addition to the threshold sensor include a minimum of two (2) doorway holding beams. Photoelectric beams shall be pulsed infrared type, including sender receiver assemblies for recessed mounting. 2.08 HARDWARE A. Provide units in sizes and types recommended by automatic entrance door and hardware manufacturers for entrances and uses indicated. B. Emergency Breakaway Feature: Provide release hardware that allows panel(s) to swing out in direction of egress to full 90 degrees from any position in sliding mode. Maximum force to open panel shall be 50 Ibf (222 N) according to ANSI/BHMA A156.10. Interrupt powered operation of panel operator while in breakaway mode. 1. Emergency breakaway feature shall include at least one adjustable detent device mounted in the top of each breakaway panel to control panel breakaway force. C. Deadlocks: Manufacturer's standard deadbolt operated by exterior cylinder and interior thumb turn; with minimum 1 inch (25 mm) long throw bolt; ANSI/BHMA A156.5, Grade 1. 1. Cylinders: Provide BEST lock cylinders, with core and key. 2. Entrances with Glass Panel and Rail Doors: a. Locking: Provide independent locks incorporated into the bottom rails of the sliding door panel that, when engaged, automatically extend flush bolts into the door threshold. b. Provide two locks for bi-parting doors. December 20, 2006 Page 7 of 10 Access Technologies Dura-GlideTm 2000 (All Glass) SLIDING AUTOMATIC ENTRANCES SECTION 08 42 29.23 [08460] D. Control Switch: Provide manufacturer's standard header mounted rocker switches to allow for full control of the automatic entrance door. Controls to include, but are not limited to: 1. Power On/Off 2. Reduced Opening 3. Open/Closed/Automatic E. Sliding Weather Stripping: Manufacturer's standard replaceable components complying with AAMA 701; made of flexible PVC. F. Weather Sweeps: Manufacturer's standard adjustable nylon brush sweep mounted to underside of door bottom. 2.09 FABRICATION A. Factory fabricates automatic entrance door assembly components to designs, sizes, and thickness indicated and to comply with indicated standards. 1. Form aluminum shapes before finishing. 2. Use concealed fasteners to greatest extent possible. a. Where fasteners are subject to loosening or turning out from thermal and structural movements, wind loads, or vibration, use self-locking devices. b. Reinforce members as required to receive fastener threads. B. Framing: Provide automatic entrance doors as prefabricated assemblies. 1. Fabricate tubular and channel frame assemblies with manufacturer's standard mechanical or welded joints. Provide sub-frames and reinforcement as required for a complete system to support required loads. 2. Perform fabrication operations in manner that prevents damage to exposed finish surfaces. 3. Form profiles that are sharp, straight, and free of defects or deformations. 4. Prepare components to receive concealed fasteners and anchor and connection devices. 5. Fabricate components with accurately fitted joints with ends coped or mitered to produce hairline joints free of burrs and distortion. C. Doors: Factory fabricated and assembled in profiles indicated. Reinforce as required to support imposed loads and for installing hardware. D. Door Operators: Factory fabricated and installed in headers, including adjusting and testing. E. Glazing: Fabricate framing with minimum glazing edge clearances for thickness and type of glazing indicated. F. Hardware: Factory install hardware to the greatest extent possible; remove only as required for final finishing operation and for delivery to and installation at Project site. 2.10 ALUMINUM FINISHES A. Comply with NAAMM Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products for recommendations for applying and designing finishes. Finish designations prefixed by AA comply with system established by Aluminum Association for designing finishes. B. Class II, Clear Anodic Finish: AA-Ml 0C22A31 Mechanical Finish: as fabricated; Chemical Finish: etched, medium matte; Anodic Coating: Architectural Class II, clear coating 0.40 mils minimum complying with AAMA 611-98, and the following: 1. AAMA 607.1 December 20, 2006 Page 8 of 10 Access Technologies Dura-Glide Tm 2000 (All Glass) SLIDING AUTOMATIC ENTRANCES SECTION 08 42 29.23 [08460] Applicator must be fully compliant with all applicable environmental regulations and permits, including wastewater and heavy metal discharge. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION Examine conditions for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances, header support, and other conditions affecting performance of automatic entrance doors. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Do not install damaged components. Fit frame joints to produce joints free of burrs and distortion. Rigidly secure non-movement joints. B. Entrances: Install automatic entrance doors plumb and true in alignment with established lines and grades without warp or rack of framing members and doors. Anchor securely in place. 1. Install surface-mounted hardware using concealed fasteners to greatest extent possible. 2. Set headers, carrier assemblies, tracks, operating brackets, and guides level and true to location with anchorage for permanent support. C. Door Operators: Connect door operators to electrical power distribution system as specified in Division 16 Sections. D. Glazing: Glaze sliding automatic entrance door panels in accordance with, the Glass Association of North America (GANA) Glazing Manual, and published recommendations of glass product manufacturer. E. Sealants: Comply with requirements specified in Division7 Section "Joint Sealants" to provide weather tight installation. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Testing Services: Factory Trained Installer shall test and inspect each automatic entrance door to determine compliance of installed systems with applicable ANSI standards. 3.04 ADJUSTING Adjust door operators, controls, and hardware for smooth and safe operation, for weather-tight closure, and complying with requirements in ANSI/BHMA Al 56.10. 3.05 CLEANING AND PROTECTION Clean glass and aluminum surfaces promptly after installation. Remove excess glazing and sealant compounds, dirt, and other substances. Repair damaged finish to match original finish. Comply with requirements in Division 8 Section "Glazing", for cleaning and maintaining glass. END OF SECTION 08 42 29.23 [08460] December 20, 2006 Page 9 of 10 Access Technologies Dura-GlideTm 2000 (All Glass) SLIDING AUTOMATIC ENTRANCES SECTION 08 42 29.23 [08460] Available options not specified in this document are summarized as follows: 1. Integral transoms, with optional number and placement of verticals. 2. Various threshold configurations (Continous Double Bevel threshold specified). 3. Finish (Class 2, Clear Anodized specified) options include: a. Standard color anodizing options. b. Multi-coat Fluoropolymer painted finishes. c. Cladding. 4. Locking options (2-Point locking specified): a. Electric Solenoid Lock (Fail Safe/Fail Secure) 5. Activation and safety options including video based motion/presence sensing. 6. Control switch options including keyed control switch. 7. Wind Resistant Damper option, controls movement of breakout panel. 8. Panel Closer option, returns breakout panel to closed position. 9. Alarm Contacts option, allows for remote monitoring of panel status. 10. Emergency Power Options. a. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS); extended operation. b. Fly Open Box; One time operation. Contact SpecCentre services or your local Stanley Access Technologies representative for more information on specifying the right sliding automatic entrance for your project. peentre" December 20, 2006 Page 10 of 10 JOB NAME LOCATION DOOR NUMBER SHEET OF 6"(152) 1/4" SHIM SPACE 0 N v 00 MOTION SENSOR n EXTERIOR T FRAME WIDTH 4 1/2"(1103) W N N M U Z ,n Z w v' 0 INTERIOR Q J U 1 0 N I DURA-GLIDE 2000AG ALL GLASS BI-PART STANLEY DOOR PACKAGES ARE INDIVIDUALLY ENGINEERED TO FIT YOUR JOB REQUIREMENTS PACKAGE WIDTH Q ELECTRICAL- , "SX" \ \ / / "SX" I "0" F 2 W S W Q(9 Y a MANUAL LOCKS IN THE (SX) BOTTOM DOOR RAILS ARE OPTIONAL ELEVATION STAN-GUARD THRESHOLD SENSOR PACKAGE WIDTH INTERIOR "0„ "0" I co EXTERIOR NOTE: 1 1/2" TEMPERED GLASS (STANDARD) 1 VERTICAL SECTION DIRECTIONAL MOTION SENSOR EACH SIDE OF DOOR EMERGENCY BREAKOUT SLIDING DOORS ONLY ROUGH OPENING PACKAGE WIDTH PLAN L CLEAR DOOR OPENING 1 3/4"(45) ~ d. r~ N "0" PANEL /-,--,HORIZONTAL SECTION SAMPLE PACKAGE WIDTH INFORMATION PKG NOMINAL SLIDING DOOR EMERGENCY . WIDTH CLEAR DOOR / PANEL BREAKOUT OPENING NOM. WIDTH NOM. WIDTH 10'-0" 48" 30 1/2" 56" 12'-0" 60" 36 1/2- 68" 14'-0" 72" 42 1/2- 80" EXTERIOR 1/4" SHIM SPACE "0" PANEL CLEAR FLEXIBLE PVC HOUSING WITH POLY PILE NOTES: 1. DETAILS NOT TO SCALE. 2. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS: 120VAC, SAMPS MIN. TO OPERATOR BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. 3. SEE APPENDIX FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. BI-PART FORMULAS PACKAGE WIDTH = 2 X CLEAR DOOR OPENING + 23 3/8" CLEAR DOOR OPENING =1/2 PACKAGE WIDTH - 11 11/16" EMERGENCY BREAKOUT WIDTH = CLEAR DOOR OPENING + 7 1/4" DOOR PANEL WIDTH = 1/4 PACKAGE WIDTH + 3/8" INTERIOR Page 1.1.35 Siding Products Group Technology Center CertainTeed Corporation 803 Belden Road Jackson, MI 49203 517-780-3185 FAX 517-787-1740 nell.j.sexton@saint-gobain.com December 3, 2003 Product Compliance Memo Ge tainTetedEwl Re: WeatherBoardsTm Fiber Cement Siding Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (U.L.) Listed Wall Assemblies Through on-going work with Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (U.L.), it has been determined by U.L. that WeatherBoardsTm Fiber Cement Siding products may be used as exterior cladding in the following U.L. listed, fire rated wall assemblies: U.L. Wall Assembly Design Nos.: U354, U355, U356, U418 and U425. The U.L. wall assembly designs listed above are comprised of various residential exterior wall constructions that have been tested and determined to provide fire resistance ratings of 1-hour to 2-hours, depending on the assembly. U.L. listed wall assemblies are invaluable to the architect or building designer when project conditions require the use of fire rated walls. The architect or designer typically only needs to provide the U.L. Design number in its documents as evidence of a properly designed fire rated wall assembly. The U.L. fire rated wall assemblies listed above may be added to the 1-hour rated wall assembly currently published in our NER-537 and ER-5735 evaluation reports as possible solutions for fire rated walls utilizing our WeatherBoardsTm Fiber Cement Sidings. Details of the U.L. wall assemblies can be found at the following U.L. webpage: http•//database ul com/cgi-bin/XYV/template/LISEXT/1 FRAME/gfilenbr.html Simply type in the U.L. design number, click on search, and the wall design details will come up. U.L. has provided CertainTeed with a letter confirming the above information, which is available in PDF form in LiveLink, in the Specifications & Technical Documents / SPG Product Compliance folder for Fiber Cement. If you have any questions regarding the utilization of the above information, please contact me at 517-780-3185 or neil.j.sexton@saint-gobain.com. Sincerely, Neil J. Sexton, A.I.A. Product Compliance Engineer CertainTeed Corporation Specification Sheet CertainTeedll CertainTeed Composite Trim Composite Trim General Description: CertainTeed Composite Trim is reversible, featuring a smooth side and a woodgrain finish side. It can be used in such trim areas such as window and door surrounds, rake boards and fascias, and for decorative elements. It is suitable for residential and light commercial applications. This product offers a high degree of dimensional stability and impact resistance. Finishes: CertainTeed's exclusive FiberTect TR- Sealing System ready for field top coating with high quality, acrylic latex paint or stain. Surface Patterns: Smooth on one side, deep woodgrain finish on the other. Sizes: 3V2" (89 mm) width x 12' (3657 mm) length x 7/8" (22 mm) thickness 51h" (140 mm) width x 12' (3657 mm) length x 7/8" (22 mm) thickness Composition: The products are manufactured using a multi-step process that combines polyvinyl chloride polymer with recycled wood flour. Technical Data: CertainTeed Composite Trim was tested in accordance with the American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) standards of the following specifications: ASTM D143 Standard Method of Testing Small Clear Specimens of Timber; 1994 ASTM D198 Standard Test Methods of Static Tests of Lumber in Structural Sizes; 1998 ASTM D570 Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics; 1998 ASTM D696 Standard Test Method for Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion of Plastics Between -30 degrees C and 30 degrees C with a Vitreous Silica Dilatometer; 1998 ASTM D1413 Standard Test Method for Wood Preservatives by Laboratory Soil-Block Cultures; 1976 (Reapproved 1994) ASTM D1761 Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Fasteners in Wood; 1988 (Reapproved 1995) ASTM D1929 Standard Test Method for Determining Ignition Temperature of Plastics; 1996 ASTM D4060 Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by the Taber Abraser; 1995 ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials; 1999 ASTM F1679 Standard Test Method for Using a Variable Incidence Tribometer (VIT); 1996 ASTM G26 Standard Practice for Operating Light-Exposure Apparatus (Xenon-Arc Type) with and without Water for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials; 1996 ASTM E1 Standard Method for Laboratory Evaluation to Determine Resistance to Subterranean Termites; 1997 Weather and Other Considerations: Product offers resistance to freeze/thaw cycles and is highly dimensionally stable. It is resistant to damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays, salt spray and is immune to wood-boring insects. Fire Resistance Characteristics: CertainTeed Composite Trim products have a Class I Flame Spread Index - maximum 25, per ASTM E84. Installation: Preparatory Work - CertainTeed Composite Trim products are cut and installed like conventional wood trim. Handle and store product according to CertainTeed recommendations. Methods - Complete installation recommendations are available from the manufacturer. Composite Trim may be installed with a pneumatic nailer or by hand-nailing. Fasteners must be corrosion-resistant, galvanized or stainless steel, should penetrate 11/4" into a solid substrate, and must be placed no closer than 1/4" from product edge. For window and door trim, miter or square-cut boards and join them in contact with each other. At corners, leave '/4" at top and bottom of the wall. Butt joints can contact the trim, and all joints should be caulked. Precautions - Composite Trim products are not for use in load-bearing applications, or directly adjacent to high heat applications. Keep Composite Trim a minimum of V2" above grade or concrete. Avoid breathing dust created by drilling, cutting, sawing, sanding or otherwise abrading the material. Use with adequate ventilation. CertainTeed Composite Trim coated with FiberTect-TR must be painted, using high-quality acrylic latex paints or stains, within 24 months of application. Building Codes - Current data on building code requirements and product compliance may be obtained from CertainTeed. Installation must comply with the requirements of all applicable local, state and national code jurisdictions. Warranty: CertainTeed offers a prorated warranty to the original purchaser and the first transferee for a period of 20 years from the date of purchase. The warranty includes SureStart"" Protection for the original purchaser only for a period of 2 years following the date of installation. Under SureStart, CertainTeed, at no charge, will pay to repair or replace any Composite Trim product proven to be defective during the 2-year SureStart period. CertainTeed warrants that the product will be free from manufacturing defects including rotting, cupping, separating, rupturing, twisting, splitting, or absorbing excessive moisture and will resist wood-boring insects when stored, installed and maintained according to CertainTeed printed instructions. See warranties for details and limitations. Technical Services: CertainTeed maintains an Architectural Services staff to assist building professionals with questions regarding CertainTeed products. Call 800-233-8990 for samples and answers to technical or installation questions. CertainTeed Corporation P.O. Box 860 Valley Forge, PA 19482 www.certainteed.com © 11/03 CertainTeed Corporation Specification Sheet CertainTeed WeatherBoardsM1' FiberCement Siding and Trim FiberCement Siding CertainTeed L-1 General Description: WeatherBoards- FiberCement siding is available in different products providing both traditional and contemporary aesthetics. It is suitable for residential and light commercial applications. These products offer a high degree of dimensional stability and impact resistance. Styles: Shapes Perfection Shingles Random Square Straight Edge Random Square Staggered Edge Half-Rounds Octagons Lap Textured Dutchlap Textured Beaded Lap Smooth Beaded Lap Smooth Lap Cedar Lap Vertical Trim Stucco Cedar Smooth Cedar/no groove Cedar/8" grooved Finishes: CertainTeed's exclusive FiberTect® Sealing System ready for field top coating with high quality, acrylic latex paint or stains. Factory prefinishing available with paint or stain. CertainTeed WeatherBoards FiberCement Siding must be allowed to breathe; therefore, it must never be primed, painted or stained on the back side. Surface Patterns: Smooth, redwood grain, cedar-textured grain, stucco texture, vertical grain Sizes: Shapes - 81/4" x 12' (209mm x 3657mm), 12" x 48" (305mm x 1219mm), 16" x 48" (406mm x 1219mm) Lap Siding - 51/4" (133mm), 6%4" (159mm), 7'/4" (185mm), 7W' (191mm), 8%4" (210mm), 91/4" (235mm), 12" (305mm) x 12' (3657mm) length Vertical - 4'x8' (1219mm x 2438mm), 4'x9' (1219mm x 2743mm), 4'x10' (1219mm x 3048mm) Trim - (7/16" thick) - 3W' (89mm), 5W' (I40mm), 71/4" (185mm), 91/4" (235mm), 111/4" (286mm) x 12' (3657mm) length Composition: The products are manufactured using a multi-step high-pressure process combining Portland cement, sand, wood fiber and specialty additives. Wood grains and other architectural features are pressed into the surface. Technical Data: CertainTeed WeatherBoards- FiberCement siding was tested in accordance with the American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) standards of the following specifications: ASTM C1185-96 Sampling and Testing Non-Asbestos Fiber-Cement Flat Sheet, Roofing and Siding Shingles, and Clapboards ASTM E72-95 Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for Building Construction ASTM E84 Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials ASTM E119-95a Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials ASTM E136 Non-Combustible ASTM E330-96 Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference ASTM G26-95 Operating Light-Exposure Apparatus (Xenon-Arc Type) With and Without Water for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials Approvals: ICC ESR-1668 Texas Dept. of Insurance Product Evaluation EC-16 Weather and Other Considerations: Product offers resistance to freeze/thaw cycles and is highly dimensionally stable. It is resistant to damaging ultraviolet (W rays and salt spray. It is immune to wood-boring insects. Product can resist high wind forces when installed in accordance with CertainTeed application instructions; see instructions for details. Fire Resistance Characteristics: CertainTeed WeatherBoards- FiberCement siding products have a Class 1(A) Fire Rating, Flame Spread - 0, Smoke developed - 5, per ASTM E84. Installation: Preparatory Work - CertainTeed WeatherBoards- FiberCement siding products are cut and installed like conventional wood siding. Handle and store product according to CertainTeed recommendations. WeatherBoards" FiberCement siding may be applied over sheathed walls or directly to studs spaced up to 24" (610mm) o.c. where local codes permit. When applying direct to wood or metal studs, a continuous weather resistant barrier, not a vapor retarder, must be applied. A vapor barrier, permeability of 1 perm (57.5 ng/(Pa•s•m2) or less, should be used in the wall when required and as described in the ASHRAE design manual. Consult a qualified mechanical engineer or other design professional. Note: CertainTeed WeatherBoards- FiberCement siding must be installed with the textured or smooth finished exterior surface facing out. Methods - Complete installation recommendations are available from the manufacturer. Pneumatic nailing is recommended for attachment to wood framing. Use double hot-dipped galvanized or stainless steel nails. Do not use staples. For steel framing application use corrosion resistant bugle head screws. Vertical joints on Prefinished FiberTect®-Sealed lap siding should be moderately butted. Unfinished or unsealed joints must be gapped 1/8" maximum and caulked. Follow caulk manufacturer's application instructions. Use drip cap flashing above all openings. Precautions - Avoid breathing dust created by drilling, cutting, sawing, sanding, or otherwise abrading the material. Use with adequate ventilation and a dust collection system; see MSDS for additional dust precautions. Use of plastic foam insulation may call for special installation attention. FiberTect®-Sealed siding must be painted within 24 months of application. Building Codes - Current data on building code requirements and product compliance may be obtained from CertainTeed. Installation must comply with the requirements of all applicable local, state and national code jurisdictions. Warranty: CertainTeed offers a prorated warranty to the original purchaser and the first transferee for a period of 50 years from the date of purchase. The warranty includes SureStart'" Protection for the original purchaser only for a period of 2 years following the date of installation. Under SureStart, CertainTeed, at no charge, will pay to repair or replace any FiberCement siding proven to be defective during the 2-year SureStart period. CertainTeed warrants that the product will be free from manufacturing defects and will not crack, rot or delaminate and will not suffer damage from termites when stored, installed and maintained according to CertainTeed printed instructions. See warranties for details and limitations. Technical Services: CertainTeed maintains an Architectural Services staff to assist building professionals with questions regarding CertainTeed siding products. Call (800) 233-8990 for samples and answers to technical or installation questions. CertainTeed Corporation P.O. Box 860 Valley Forge, PA 19482 www.certainteed.com © 4/06 CertainTeed Corporarion CERTAINTEED WEATHERBOARDS SIDING features the most authentic wood grain in the industry, so you can enjoy the lasting features and handsome appearance of wood without all the upkeep. But the real difference between CertainTeed WeatherBoards and similar products is actually in the material. It's stronger and more durable. Built to take on the elements and then some. LOOKS BETTER • Deeper, more authentic wood grain • A complete system of siding, decorative shapes, soffit and trim • A variety of textures, profiles and colors to match virtually any design style PROPRIETARY PATENTED FORMULA ,#JV • Environmentally friendly design using a recycled material Product contains more • Lighter weight, lower density boards for than post industrial Y recycled ed material easier handling and installation • Compatible with a wide variety of trim boards LASTS LONGER • Higher interlaminate bond strength means superior freeze/thaw protection • FiberTect' Sealant/Primer protects against damaging moisture • Resists everyday bumps as well as harmful impacts • 50-year limited transferable warranty* *See actual warranty for details and conditions WeatherBoards Siding offers beautiful options in profiles, textures and colors? Shapes' five popular configurations rival natural cedar for grains. Dutchlap, Beaded, Smooth and Cedar Lap Siding in smooth and textured finishes, and four styles of vertical siding complete the siding choices. Finish with solid or vented soffit in a range of sizes. OUTPERFORMS THE OTHERS Fiber cement siding continually earns recognition for the highest appeal and performance. It consistently outperforms wood and other siding. • Consistent quality and dimensional stability • Class 1(A) Fire Rating • Impervious to wood-boring insects • Resists damaging effects of salt spray and UV rays • Will not rot 5 FLU 10 55 1A OR 55 1 5 OR FLU 11 5B 10 MORTAR BED BLOCKING A5 NEEDED FIXED DRAWER PANEL a„ VERIFY PLUMBING REQUIREMENTS PER MANUFACTURER m 5 1A ry CUSTOM 5 15 OR 6„ REMOVABLE ACCE55 OR PANEL VERIFY 5 1G HARDWARE NEEDED W5 1 W tz 77"w77777777/ d BLOCKING A5 NEEDED a REMOVABLE SHELF AND TOE-KICK 4" 1-84 VERIFY HARDWARE NEEDED TYPICAL FHA GAB. MASTER BATHS 5GALE: 1-11/2"=V-0" UNITS VARY The Willows Revision: Job No: 23270 Sheet No: VAIL, COLORADO Drawn By: AGF RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL 303-449-3366 F Date: 04.24.07 ID 8.27 ax: 1434 Spruce Street Suite 110 Boulder, Colorado 80302 Tel: 303-449-4433 Scale: q-0- Chapter 10. Dwelling Units and Sleeping Units 1004.12.1.1 Minimum Clearance. Clear- ance between all opposing base cabinets, counter tops, appliances, or walls within kitchen work areas shall be 40 Inches (1015 mm) minimum. 1004.12.1.2 U-Shaped Kitchens. In kitch- ens with counters, appliances, or cabinets on three contiguous sides, clearance be- tween all opposing base cabinets, counter- tops, appliances, or walls within kitchen work areas shall be 60 Inches (1525 mm) minimum. 1004.12.2 Clear Floor Space. Clear floor space at appliances shall comply with Sections 1004.12.2 and 305.3. 1004.12.2.1 Sink. A dear floor space, posi- tioned for a parallel approach to the sink, shall be provided. The dear floor space shall be centered on the sink bowl. EXCEPTION: Sinks complying ~vIth Section 606 shall be permitted to have a dear floor space positioned for a parallel or forward approach. a IV IN 100/ANSI A117.1-2009 1004.122.2 Dialmsher. A clear floor space, positioned for a parallel or forward approach to the dishwasher, shall be provi- ded. The clear floor space shall be posi- tioned beyond the swing of the dishwasher door. 1004.122.3 Cooktop. A clear floor space, positioned for a parallel or forward ap- proach to the oooktop, shall be provided. The centerline of the clear floor space shall align with the centerline of the cooktop. Where the clear floor space is positioned for a forward approach, knee and toe clear- arioe complying with Section 306 shall be provided. Where knee and toe space Is pro- vided, the underside of the range or cook- top shall be Insulated or otherwise config- ured to prevent bums, abrasions, or electrical shook. 1004.12.2.4 Oven. A clear floor space, positioned for a parallel or forward ap- proach to the oven, shall be provided. 1004.122.5 Refrigerator/Freezer. A dear floor space, positioned for a parallel or for- ward approach to the rei igeraW freezer, shall be provided. 1Uib (b) Fig. 1004.12.1.1 Minimum Kitchen Clearance in Type B Units iLl?q INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 303-674-7560 FAX 303-674-7560 April 30, 2007 R.A. Nelson P.O. Drawer 5400 Avon, CO 81620 Attn: Mr. Mike Cuthbertson Project: The Willows at Vail Subject: Onsite Special Inspections of Structural Steel Welding and Bolting, Reinforcing Steel Placement Verifications and Inspections of Structural Steel Spray-Applied Fireproofing After our meeting there we reviewed the referenced project construction schedule and scope of work requiring onsite verification of conformance inspections, ITIS has formulated the following cost estimate: SCOPE: PART A - Onsite reinforcing steel placements for all cast-in-place concrete PART B - Onsite inspections and tests of structural steel welding and bolting including all metal Decking and light gauge framing PART C - Onsite inspections of structural steel sprayed fireproofing including density testing The projected time line for these three phases of site work includes the months of July 2007 through December 2007 for a total of twenty-four (24) weeks. ITIS has estimated forty-two (42) site visits at an average of two site visits per week. Some phases of work may require three or four site visits per week while others may require only one weekly site visit. The following price estimated is based on straight time, eight hours per day. Neither reinspection time nor a contingency for the cost of reinspections are a part of this proposal. If reinspections are necessary, the reinspections and the associated costs will be separately reported and invoiced. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to R.A. Nelson with our proposal. If successful, we look forward to being a part of your team. Respectfully submitted, David L. Sturgeon President IBC # 1138247-85 AWS QC-1 #82122691 Resident Level III DLS:ss May-30._07 06:41A To: Matt Donovan. Honeywagon >Fmm Jason Copies, Alpine Engineering, lnc. tiow May29, 2007 ltm The WHows Redeveiopmmnt The purpose of this memo is to acknow0edge that the Grading plan for the Mows has been reviewed by Honeywagon, and that Htmeypagon is %miling to !tack drawn the proposed driveway to collect trash from the proposed dumpsW location. Additional Comments: Matt Donovan Tede L ~i..1 Date P.01 RESORT DESIGN ASSOCIATES The Willows 23270.00 6.6.2007 Deferred submittal list: 1) Will provide a hazardous material list for pool equipment room and the generator. Indicating the classification of each material to Table 307.7(1)/(2) and indicate if it is under the exempt amounts. Material list when the pool subcontractor is selected and on board. 2) Will pFeyide the STG FatiRgs feF the assemblies sepaFat*i;g the dwelling-units when aGeustiGal repeFt is wmp:eted-by D.'. dams, Acoustical report is part of this re-submittal, see attached report from D.L. Adams. 3) Contractor will provide fire-stopping details for all penetrations of fire-resistive assemblies. Include all plumbing piping, electrical components and mechanical systems. ) Sign package is to be submitted and approved prior to installation of the signs per IBC 1019.1.7 5) Sign package is to be submitted and approved prior to installation of the signs for accessibility per IBC 1110, IBC 1011.3, ANSI A117.1-502.6 and ANSI A117.1-703 6) Will provide adequate information on the plans to verify all "operable parts" in unit #103 conform to section 309. (ANSI A117.1-1002.9) 7) Flamespread for all proposed interior finish materials per IBC ch.8. As these materials are selected and specified they will be submitted for review from TOV building department. C:\RDA-MEF\23270Willows\23270docs\code\Willows - RDA Deferred Submittal.DOC 5/14/99 Chimney King@ Chimney Crown and Fireplace O.E.M. - Compatibility and Framing Chart HEATILATOR HEAT-N-GLO MARCO MARTIN SUPERIOR MAJESTIC TEMCO E.M.I. METALBESJOS GASB-VENT GASURECT•VENT Fireplace & Chimney O.E.M.s (WOOD) (WOOD) (WOOD) (WOOD) (WOOD) (WOOD) (WOOD) (WOOD) (WOOD) (Y-8") (6V ) A B C D N/A N/A N/A WA N/A J K Numbers in boxes are finished / flashed framing dimensions in inches for single and double termination chases 'Open Top with solid sides and legs' style shrouds - numbers 1-20 Monarch 1 " 30X30 30X30 44X44 40X40 34X34 34X54 30X30 30X46 slope per side 5 30X48 30X48 44X78 40X70 Regal 2 " 30X30 30X30 44X44 40X40 L 34X34 34X54 30X30 30X46 slope per side 5 30X48 30X48 44X78 40X70 LB Dynasty 3 i " 28X28 28X46 28X28 28X46 42X42 42X76 38X38 38X68 32X32 32X52 28X28 28X44 slope per s de 4 Majesty 4 ~ " 28X28 28X46 28X28 28X46 42X42 42X76 38X38 38X68 32X32 32X52 28X28 28X44 slope per side 4 Empress 5 " 36X36 36X54 36X36 36X54 50X50 50X84 46X46 46X76 40X40 40X60 36X36 38X52 slope per side 8 Emperor 6 " 36X36 36X36 50X50 46X46 A::EEL 40X40 40X60 36X36 38X52 slope per side o~ 8 36X54 36X54 50X84 46X76 Princess 7 " 32X32 32X32 5 46X46 46X80 42X42 42X72 36X36 36X56 32X32 32X48 slope per side 6 32X50 32X 0 Prince 8 ~ " 32X32 32X32 46X46 42X42 36X36 36X56 32X32 32X48 slope per side 6 32X50 32X50 46X80 42X72 Sunset 9 id " l 36X36 36X54 36X36 36X54 50X50 50X84 46X46 46X76 h==~J 40X40 40X60 36X36 36X52 e ope per s 8 s Terra Potta 10 34X34 35X35 54X54 49X49 O 39X39 34X34 4" slope per side 34X70 35X69 54X107 49X97 39X58 34X70 Octocrown 11 id " l 34X34 34X52 34X34 34X52 48X48 48X82 46X46 46X76 38X38 38X58 34X34 34X52 ope per s e 4 s 12 Pentacrown 34X34 34X34 48X48 46X46 38X38 34X34 4" slope per s slope per side 34X52 34X52 48X82 46X78 38X58 34X52 Anglo 13 ~ 23X23 23X23 38X38 34X34 34X34 23X23 0" slope per side 23X42 23X42 38X72 34X64 34X60 23X42 Imperial 14 " 23X23 23X23 38X38 34X34 24X24 24X48 20X20 20X40 slope per side 0 23X42 23X42 38X72 34X64 Centurion 15 " 23X23 23X42 23X23 23X42 38X38 38X72 34X34 34X64 24X24 24X48 20X20 20X40 slope per side 0 16 I I I 23X23 23X23 38X38 34X34 I I I 24X24 20X20 j j OOs slope per side 23X42 23X42 38X72 34X64 j j 24X48 20X40 Venetian 17 23X23 23X23 38X38 34X34 24X24 20X20 0" slope per side 23X42 23X42 38X72 34X64 24X48 20X40 Page 1 of 5 5/14/99 Fireplace & Chimney O.E.M.s HEATILATOR (WOOD) A HEAT-N-GLO (WOOD) B MARCO (WOOD) C MARTIN (WOOD) D SUPERIOR (WOOD) N/A MAJESTIC (WOOD) N/A TEMCO (WOOD) N/A F.M.I. (WOOD) N/A METAWESTOS (WOOD) N/A GAS P-VENT (3".8") i GURECT-VENT (6"-8") K 'Open Top with solid sides and legs' style shrouds - numbers 1-20 (cont.) Georgian 18 o" slope per side ° 23X23 23X42 23X23 23X42 38X38 38X72 34X34 34X64 ~ 24X24 24X48 20X20 20X40 Trumpeteer 19 0" slope per side 23X23 23X42 23X23 23X42 38X38 38X72 34X34 34X64 24X24 24X48 20X20 20X40 Spanish Arches 20 0"slope per side 23X23 23X42 23X23 23X42 38X38 38X72 34X34 34X64 24X24 24X48 20X20 20X40 'Mailbox with open ends' style shrouds - numbers 31-44 Roundhouse 31 ~ 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 ~ ❑ ~ 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A Roundhouse 32 (W/T-tops) .,top hybrid 24X24 24X44 24X24 24X44 38X38 38X72 32X32 32X64 24X24 24X44 20X20 20X40 Barrel Top 33 ~ 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A Barrel Top 34 ~ (W/T tops) open top hybrid 24X24 24X44 24X24 24X44 38X38 38X72 32X32 32X64 u 24X24 24X44 20X20 20X40 Bishops Arch 35 n-L) 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 ❑ 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A Double Diamond 36~ 60X31 N/A 60X31 N/A 72X38 N/A 32X32 60X60 ~ ❑ 28X56 N/A 20X40 N/A Bishops Arch 37 (w/seams) 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A Mediterranean 38 Arch 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 ❑ 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A Archangel 39 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 a 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A Aspen 40 3 Al 3 N/A 1 3 N/A 8 32X60 28/A8 2N AO Chalet 41 0 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A Moonbeam 42E3EIp 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A Sentry 43 u 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A Sentinel 44 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A Have an idea for a chimney crown? E-mail: sales@chimneyking.com Page 2of5 5/14/99 Fireplace & Chimney O.E.M.S HEATILATOR (WOOD) A HEAT-N-GLO (WOOD) B MARCO (WOOD) C MARTIN (WOOD) D SUPERIOR (WOOD) N/A MAIESTIC (WOOD) N/A TEMCO (WOOD) N/A F.M.I. (WOOD) N/A METALBESTOS (WOOD) N/A GASB-VENT (Y-81 J GASDIRECT-VENT (4' 'Roofed with partial sides' style shrouds - numbers 50-61 High Hat 50 ~ 33X33 N/A 33X33 N/A - = ifEl ~ 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A San Clemente 51 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A Warrior 52 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 1.,, ~L111. L~ 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A Defender 53 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 ~ 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A Rotunda 54 VAM (w/columns) 35X35 N/A 35X35 N/A 54X54 N/A 49X49 49X97 28X28 N/A 20X20 20X40 Tower 55 ❑ Q 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 ❑ ❑ 28X28 N/A 20X20 20X40 Parthenon 56 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A Athenian 57 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 II II 28X28 N/A 20X20 20X40 Egyptian 58~ 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 r T-1 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A Magic Carpet 59~ 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 u u 28X28 N/A 20X20 N/A Mesa 60U" W' 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 28X28 N/A 20X20 20X40 Hacienda 61 ® 31X31 N/A 31X31 N/A 38X38 N/A 32X32 32X60 ® ® ® ® 28X28 N/A 20X20 20X40 'Flow Through Sculpture' style shrouds - numbers 70-75 Box-Top 70 ~ 23X23 23X42 23X23 23X42 38X38 38X72 32X32 32X60 24X24 24X48 20X20 20X40 Rainbows 71 23X23 23X23 23X42 38X38 38X72 32X32 32X60 n 24X24 24X48 20X20 20X40 Nucular 72 23X23 23X42 23X23 23X42 38X38 38X72 32X32 32X60 24X24 24X48 20X20 20X40 Iron Maiden 73 23X23 23X42 23X23 23X42 38X38 38X72 32X32 32X60 ® 28X28 28X60 20X20 20X40 Serbian Arches 74 23X23 23X42 23X23 23X42 38X38 38X72 32X32 32X60 [rM 26X26 26X44 20X20 20X40 The Cage 75 23X23 23X42 23X23 23X42 38X38 38X72 32X32 32X60 24X24 24X48 20X20 20X40 Page 3of5 5/14/99 PLEASE READ THE NEXT TWO PAGES OF TEXT CAREFULLY BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO DESIGN CHIMNEY/SHROUD INSTALLATIONS A.THE USE OF A SHROUD THAT FAILS TO ADHERE 100% TO ALL SHROUD LISTING SPECIFICATIONS WILL RESULT IN THE VOIDING OF THE FIREPLACE WARRANTY AND THE FIREPLACE'S UL OR WH LISTING, A VIOLATION OF SEVERAL BUILDING CODES, A LIFE SAFETY HAZARD FROM POTENTIAL CHASE FIRES AND/OR FIREPLACE EXPLOSIONS AND WILL VOID THE WARRANTYS, GUARANTEES AND LISTINGS FOR ALL CHIMNEY KING CHIMNEY SHROUD SYSTEMS. B. GAS DIRECT-VENT LISTING CURRENTLY APPLIES ONLY TO HEAT N-GLO GAS F/Ps. (5/99) C.TOP NUMBERS ARE MINIMUM FRAMING DIMENSIONS FOR SINGLE TERMINATION CHIMNEYS. D.BOTTOM NUMBERS ARE MINIMUM FRAMING DIMENSIONS FOR DOUBLE TERMINATION CHIMNEYS. E. MINIMUM SIZE INCLUDES 1 " FOR FASTENING FLANGE AND 1 " OF 'PLAY' PER SIDE. HOLDING THE SHROUD IN 2-4 INCHES FROM EVERY SIDE ALSO PROVIDES FOR PROPER AESTHETICS AND WILL PRE- VENT THE CHIMNEY AND SHROUD FROM CREATING A'LIGHTBULB' EFFECT, CAUSED BY THE 'DIMIN- ISHING' PARALLEL LINES OF THE CHASE COMBINED WITH VISUAL PARALLAX. F. MINIMUM SIZED CHASES HAVE NO FLEXIBILITY REGARDING EXIT LOCATION OF PIPES. G.MINIMUM FRAMING DIMENSIONS CAN, AND PROBABLY SHOULD, BE PULLED, STRETCHED AND HEIGHTENED TO MATCH THE PROPORTIONS OF THE HOME, CHIMNEY AND ENVIRONMENT. H.SPECIALIZED FRAMING, FLASHING, AND INSTALLATION PROCEDURES MAY BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON WHAT BRAND OF FIREPLACE IS USED SEE SPECIFIC TECH INFO SHEET FOR SPECIFIC CROWN - FIREPLACE - CHIMNEY SYSTEM YOU WISH TO USE. ARCHITECT'S NOTES FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY O.E.M. 'SHROUDABILITY' REQUIREMENTS 1. Heatilator and Heat-N-Glo Woodburning (WB) Fireplaces (F.P.s) that are used with Open Top (OT) style shrouds require SL chimney pipe and TS 345 / TS 445 updraft termination caps, and allow the chase flashing to rest directly on top of the chase framing (non-ventilated). Multiple termination chimneys - two or more - do not require vertical divider plates. Shroud can be anchored securely into framing members with 4" long stainless steel screws. 2. Heatilator and Heat-N-Glo WB F/Ps that are used with Mailbox (MB) or Roofed (RFD) style shrouds require SL chimney pipe & TR 344 / TR 444 termination caps and allow non-ventilated chase flashings. Multiple terminations are not allowed unless T-top style of shroud is used. Shroud can be anchored securely into framing members. 3. Heat-N-Glo Gas Direct Vent fireplaces (GDV) require D-Series and SL D-Series direct vent chimney pipe. Multiple termination chimneys require divider plates. Shroud can be anchored into framing. A non-ventilated chase flashing is allowed. 4. B-Vent Gas (BVG) chimney pipe restrictions vary per brand used. Call for desired gas brand tech info. 5. Marco WB F/Ps that are used with OT shrouds require 1/2 inch of cement board cover all top framing materials and require the chase flashing to be ventilated above the cement board 11/2 inches or the chase flashing be held 1112" above the framing and an interior heat shield be placed across the entire bottom of shroud. Multiple termination chimneys require complete vertical divider plates. Shroud is fastened into top chase flashing with 1/2" sheet metal screws. 6. Marco WB F/Ps that are used with MB & RFD style shrouds require 1/2 inch of cement board cover all framing materials and the chase flashing be held 11/2" above cement board; or two chase flashings spaced 11/2" above chase and 3" above chase, respectively, must be used. Multiple terminations are not allowed. Crown is then screwed into top flashing with 112" sheet metal screws. Page 4 of 5 5/14/99 7. Martin WB F/Ps that are used with OT shrouds require that at least 2" of the termination cap be raised above the highest point of the shroud. Vertical divider plates are required in multiple chim- ney termination shrouds. Flashing is not required to be held above framing. Shroud can be fastened securely into framing members with 4" long stainless steel screws. 8. Martin WB F/Ps that are used with MB & RFD shrouds require that a Martin brand 'VFK Flashing Kit and Radiation Collar' be used, and require ventilated chase flashings, the first 11/2 inches above the framing and the second 11/2 inches above the first. Shroud is then screwed into the top flashing. IN ORDER TO GUARANTEE THAT YOUR CHIMNEY AND SHROUD ARE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED PROPERLY, WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO WORK OFF OF OUR LATEST TECH SHEETS ONCE YOU HAVE CHOSEN A CHIMNEY CROWN STYLE AND APPROPRIATE CHASE SIZE. **BLUEPRINT DETAILS SHOULD INCLUDE A DOWNVIEW OF THE CHASE TOP SHOWING THE MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM THE CENTERLINE OF THE CHIMNEY TO ALL EDGES OF THE CHASE, AS WELL AS FROM ANY OTHER PIPES. THIS DETAIL IS THE ONLY WAY TO PREVENT THE FIREPLACE INSTALLER FROM PUTTING THE PIPES IN THE WRONG PLACE, SO PLEASE INCORPORATE A TOP VIEW INTO YOUR PLAN DETAILS. INCORRECTLY PLACED / SPACED PIPES WILL PREVENT THE USE OF A SHROUD WITHOUT SIGNIFICANT CHIMNEY RECONSTRUCTION. (Trust us on this one)** Chimney King • P.O. Box 8 • Gurnee, Illinois 60031 • (847) 244-8860 • Fax (847) 244-7970 www.ChimneyKing.com e-mail: sales@chimneyking.com Page 5 of 5 e~(, COMcheck Software Version 3.3.1 Envelope Compliance Certificate 2003 IECC Report Date: 06/07/07 Data filename: S:\BGPROJ-1\8388-1.OOT\Caics\MECHAN-1\ComCheck\ENVELOPE\838800-1.CCK Section 1: Project Information Project Title: The Willows Construction Site: Owner/Agent: 74 Willow Road Steven Virostek Vail, CO Triumph Development, LLC 8120 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 657-1112 steve@triumphdev.com Section 2: General Information Building Location (for weather data): Vail, Colorado Climate Zone: 15 Heating Degree Days (base 65 degrees F): 9248 Cooling Degree Days (base 65 degrees F): 44 Project Type: New Construction Vertical Glazing / Wall Area Pct.: 28% Activity Tvoefs) Floor Area Lobby - Other 1935 Corridor, Restroom, Support Area 2406 Office 81 Section 3: Requirements Checklist Designer/Contractor: Resort Design Associates 357 S. McCaslin Blvd. Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027 Design Envelope PASSES. code. Climate-Specific Requirements: Component Name/Description Gross Area Cavity Cont. Proposed Budget or Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Factor U-Factor Roof 1: Non-Wood Joist/Rafter/Truss Roof 2: Non-Wood Joist/Rafter/Truss Roof 3: Other W4: Stucco on concrete: Solid Concrete or Masonry 8", Furring: None Window 1: Metal Frame:Double Pane, Tinted, SHGC 0.29 W6: Stone on concrete: Solid Concrete or Masonry 8", Furring: None Window 2: Metal Frame:Double Pane, Tinted, SHGC 0.29 Door 2: Glass, Tinted, SHGC 0.29 W8: Stucco on stud wall: Metal Frame, 24" o.c. Window 3: Metal Frame:Double Pane, Tinted, SHGC 0.29 Door 3: Glass, Tinted, SHGC 0.29 W9: Siding on stud wall: Metal Frame, 24" o.c. Window 4: Metal Frame:Double Pane, Tinted, SHGC 0.29 Door 4: Glass, Tinted, SHGC 0.29 10362 38.0 19.5 0.021 0.045 1890 38.0 19.5 0.021 0.045 225 - - 0.645 0.045 579 - 1.0 0.336 0.064 12 - - 0.350 0.520 795 - 1.0 0.336 0.064 102 - - 0.350 0.520 28 - - 0.350 0.520 8388 19.0 1.0 0.088 0.064 1124 - - 0.350 0.520 1501 - - 0.350 0.520 8359 19.0 1.0 0.088 0.064 1376 - - 0.350 0.520 1054 - - 0.350 0.520 The Willows Page 1 of 7 W10: Stone on stud wall: Metal Frame, 24" o.c. 8866 19.0 1.0 0.088 0.064 Window 5: Metal Frame:Double Pane, Tinted, SHGC 0.29 831 - - 0.350 0.520 Door 5: Glass, Tinted, SHGC 0.29 1616 - - 0.350 0.520 Door 6: Solid 183 - - 0.200 0.108 Floor 1: Concrete Floor (over unconditioned space) 11244 - 38.0 0.024 0.040 (a) Budget U-factors are used for software baseline calculations ONLY, and are not code requirements. Air Leakage, Component Certification, and Vapor Retarder Requirements: Ll 1. All joints and penetrations are caulked, gasketed or covered with a moisture vapor-permeable wrapping material installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. ❑ 2. Windows, doors, and skylights certified as meeting leakage requirements. ❑ 3. Component R-values & U-factors labeled as certified. ❑ 4. Insulation installed according to manufacturer's instructions, in substantial contact with the surface being insulated, and in a manner that achieves the rated R-value without compressing the insulation. Ll 5. Stair, elevator shaft vents, and other dampers integral to the building envelope are equipped with motorized dampers. ❑ 6. Cargo doors and loading dock doors are weather sealed. ❑ 7. Recessed lighting fixtures are: (i) Type IC rated and sealed or gasketed; or (ii) installed inside an appropriate air-tight assembly with a 0.5 inch clearance from combustible materials and with 3 inches clearance from insulation material. 8. Building entrance doors have a vestibule and equipped with closing devices. Exceptions: Building entrances with revolving doors. Doors that open directly from a space less than 3000 sq. ft. in area. ❑ 9. Vapor retarder installed. Section 4: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed envelope design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed env a system has been des' ned to meet the 2003 IECC requirements in COM check Version .3.1 and to comply withth e mardateq ' ements in th n ecklist. STS Version -Zoe T Name -Title gnature rate The Willows Page 2 of 7 els(l COMcheck Software Version 3.3.1 Mechanical Compliance Certificate 2003 IECC Report Date: 06/07/07 Data filename: S:\BGPROJ-1\8388-1.00-RCalcs\MECHAN-1\ComCheck\ENVELOPE\838800-1.CCK Section 1: Project Information Project Title: The Willows Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 74 Willow Road Steven Virostek Resort Design Associates Vail, CO Triumph Development, LLC 357 S. McCaslin Blvd. Suite 200 8120 Woodmont Avenue Louisville, CO 80027 Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 657-1112 steve@biumphdev.com Section 2: General Information Building Location (for weather data): Vail, Colorado Climate Zone: 15 Heating Degree Days (base 65 degrees F): 9248 Cooling Degree Days (base 65 degrees F): 44 Project Type: New Construction Section 3: Mechanical Systems List uanti System Type & Description 27 HVAC System 1: Heating: Hydronic or Steam Coil, Hot Water / Cooling: Split System, Capacity <65 kBtu/h, Air-Cooled Condenser / Single Zone 27 Plant 1: Cooling: Condensing Unit, Capacity <135 kBtu/h, Condenser Air-Cooled 2 Plant 2: Heating: Hot Water Boiler, Capacity >=600 kBtu/h, Gas 2 Storage Water Heater 2: Service Water Heater w/ Circulation Pump Section 4: Requirements Checklist Requirements Specific To: HVAC System 1 : ❑ 1. Equipment minimum efficiency: Split System: 10.0 SEER ❑ 2. Balancing and pressure test connections on all hydronic terminal devices Requirements Specific To: Plant 1 : ❑ 1. Newly purchased cooling equipment meets the cooling efficiency requirements Requirements Specific To: Plant 2: ❑ 1. Equipment minimum efficiency: Boiler Thermal Efficiency 75% Et Lj 2. Newly purchased heating equipment meets the efficiency requirements - used equipment must meet 80% Et @ maximum capacity ❑ 3. Two-pipe changeover heating/cooling controls must have: a) 15 degrees F deadband where boiler and chiller can not operate, b) allow operation in either heating or cooling for at least 4 hrs. and c) prevent difference between heating and cooling set points greater than 30 degrees F ❑ 4. Systems with multiple boilers have automatic controls capable of sequencing boiler operation ❑ 5. Hydronic heating systems comprised of a single boiler and >500 kBtu/h input design capacity include either a multistaged or modulating bumer Requirements Specific To: Storage Water Heater 2: The Willows Page 3 of 7 ❑ 1. 1-in. pipe insulation on circulation systems ❑ 2. Automatic on/off control required for circulating systems ❑ 3. Gas Storage Water Heater efficiency 0.15 EF Generic Requirements: Must be met by all systems to which the requirement is applicable: u 1. Load calculations per 2001 ASHRAE Fundamentals L] 2. Plant equipment and system capacity no greater than needed to meet loads - Exception: Standby equipment automatically off when primary system is operating - Exception: Multiple units controlled to sequence operation as a function of load L] 3. Minimum one temperature control device per system ❑ 4. Minimum one humidity control device per installed humidification/dehumidification system ❑ 5. Thermostatic controls has 5 degrees F deadband - Exception: Thermostats requiring manual changeover between heating and cooling ❑ 6. Automatic Controls: Setback to 55 degrees F (heat) and 85 degrees F (cool); 7-day clock, 2-hour occupant override, 10-hour backup - Exception: Continuously operating zones - Exception: 2 kW demand or less, submit calculations 7. Automatic shut-off dampers on exhaust systems and supply systems with airflow >3,000 drn Lj 8. Outside-air source for ventilation; system capable of reducing OSA to required minimum Lj 9. R-5 supply and return air duct insulation in unconditioned spaces R-8 supply and return air duct insulation outside the building R-8 insulation between ducts and the building exterior when ducts are part of a building assembly - Exception: Ducts located within equipment - Exception: Ducts with interior and exterior temperature difference not exceeding 15 degrees F. 10. Ducts sealed - longitudinal seams on rigid ducts; transverse seams on all ducts; UL 181A or 181 B tapes and mastics - Exception: Continuously welded and locking-type longitudinal joints and seams on ducts operating at static pressures less than 2 inches w.g. pressure classification 11. Mechanical fasteners and sealants used to connect ducts and air distribution equipment 12. Hot water pipe insulation: 1 in. for pipes <=1.5 in. and 2 in. for pipes >1.5 in. Chilled water/refrigerant/bdne pipe insulation: 1 in. for pipes <=1.5 in. and 1.5 in. for pipes >1.5 in. Steam pipe insulation: 1.5 in. for pipes <=1.5 in. and 3 in. for pipes >7.5 in. - Exception: Piping within HVAC equipment - Exception: Fluid temperatures between 55 and 105 degrees F - Exception: Fluid not heated or cooled - Exception: Runouts <4 ft in length C] 13.Operation and maintenance manual provided to building owner 14.13alancing devices provided in accordance with IMC 603.15 15. Hot water distribution systems >=600 kBtu/h must have one of the following: a) controls that reset supply water temperature by 25% of supply/return delta T b) mechanical or electrical adjustable-speed pump drive(s) c) two-way valves at all heating coils d) multiple-stage pumps e) other system controls that reduce pump flow by at least 50% based on load - calculations required ❑ 16.Newly purchased service water heating equipment meets the efficiency requirements ❑ 17. Water heater temperature controls: 110 degrees F for dwelling units or 90 degrees F for other occupancies 18. Hot water distribution systems >=300 kBtu/h must have one of the following: a) controls that reset supply water temperature by 25% of supply/retum delta T b) mechanical or electrical adjustable-speed pump drive(s) c) two-way valves at all heating coils d) multiple-stage pumps e) other system controls that reduce pump flow by at least 50% based on load - calculations required LI 19.Stair and elevator shaft vents are equipped with motorized dampers ❑ 20.Three-pipe systems not used Section 5: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed mechanical design represei specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit app meet the 2003 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version 3.3.1 and Checklist. in this document is n istent with the building plans, Dn. The proposed hanical systems have been designed to omply with them atory requirements in the Requirements Name - Title d4cv_ Date The Willows Page 4 of 7 COMcheck Software Version 3.3.1 Mechanical Requirements Description 2003 IECC Report Date: Data filename: S:\BGPROJ-1\8388-1.OOT\Calcs\MECHAN-1\ComCheck\ENVELOPE\838800-1.CCK The following list provides more detailed descriptions of the requirements in Section 4 of the Mechanical Compliance Certificate. Requirements Specific To: HVAC System 1 1. The specified heating and/or cooling equipment is covered by ASHRAE 90.1 Code and must meet the following minimum efficiency: Split System: 10.0 SEER 2. Hydronic heating and cooling coils must be equipped with a way to pressure test connections and measure and balance water flow and pressure. Requirements Specific To: Plant 1 1. The specified cooling equipment is covered by Federal minimum efficiency requirements. New equipment of this type can be assumed to meet or exceed ASHRAE 90.1 Code requirements for equipment efficiency. Requirements Specific To: Plant 2: 1. The specified heating and/or cooling equipment is covered by the ASHRAE 90.1 Code and must meet the following minimum efficiency: Boiler Thermal Efficiency 75% Et 2. The specified heating equipment is covered by Federal minimum efficiency requirements. New equipment of this type can be assumed to meet or exceed ASHRAE 90.1 Code requirements for equipment efficiency. Used equipment must meet 80% Et @ maximum capacity. 3. Two-pipe changeover heating/cooling controls must:a) allow a deadband between changeover from one mode (heating/cooling) to the other of at least 15 degrees F outside temperaturesb) allow operation in one mode (heating/cooling) for at least 4 hours before changing over to the other modec) allow heating and cooling supply temperatures at the changeover point to be no more than 30 degrees F apart. 4. Systems with multiple boilers have automatic controls capable of sequencing the operation of the boilers. 5. Hydronic heating systems comprised of a single boiler and >500 kBtu/h input design capacity include either a multistaged or modulating burner. Requirements Specific To: Storage Water Heater 2: 1. Piping for the specified circulating service hot water system must be insulated with a minimum of 1-in. insulation having a conductivity no >0.28 Btu-in/(h-ft2- degrees F). 2. Circulating service hot water systems must have a time switch control that can automatically turn off the system during unoccupied hours. 3. Service water heating equipment used solely for heating potable water, pool heaters, and hot water storage tanks must meet the following miniumum efficiency: Gas Storage Water Heater efficiency 0.15 EF Generic Requirements: Must be met by all systems to which the requirement is applicable: 1. Design heating and cooling loads for the building must be determined using procedures in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals or an approved equivalent calculation procedure. 2. All equipment and systems must be sized to be no greater than needed to meet calculated loads. A single piece of equipment providing both heating and cooling must satisfy this provision for one function with the capacity for the other function as small as possible, within available equipment options. - Exception: The equipment and/or system capacity may be greater than calculated loads for standby purposes. Standby equipment must be automatically controlled to be off when the primary equipment and/or system is operating. - Exception: Multiple units of the same equipment type whose combined capacities exceed the calculated load are allowed if they are provided with controls to sequence operation of the units as the load increases or decreases. 3. Each heating or cooling system serving a single zone must have its own temperature control device. 4. Each humidification system must have its own humidity control device. 5. Thermostats controlling both heating and cooling must be capable of maintaining a 5 degrees F deadband (a range of temperature where no heating or cooling is provided). - Exception: Deadband capability is not required if the thermostat does not have automatic changeover capability between heating and cooling. 6. The system or zone control must be a programmable thermostat or other automatic control meeting the following criteria:a) capable of setting back temperature to 55 degrees F during heating and setting up to 85 degrees F during coolingb) capable of automatically setting back or shutting down systems during unoccupied hours using 7 different day schedulesc) have an accessible 2-hour occupant overrided) have a battery back-up capable of maintaining programmed settings for at least 10 hours without power. The Willows Page 5 of 7 - Exception: A setback or shutoff control is not required on thermostats that control systems serving areas that operate continuously. - Exception: A setback or shutoff control is not required on systems with total energy demand of 2 kW (6,826 Btu/h) or less. 7. Outdoor-air supply systems with design airflow rates >3,000 cfm of outdoor air and all exhaust systems must have dampers that are automatically closed while the equipment is not operating. 8. The system must supply outside ventilation air as required by Chapter 4 of the International Mechanical Code. If the ventilation system is designed to supply outdoor-air quantities exceeding minimum required levels, the system must be capable of reducing outdoor-air flow to the minimum required levels. 9. Air ducts must be insulated to the following levels:a) Supply and return air ducts for conditioned air located in unconditioned spaces (spaces neither heated nor cooled) must be insulated with a minimum of R-5. Unconditioned spaces include attics, crawl spaces, unheated basements, and unheated garages.b) Supply and return air ducts and plenums must be insulated to a minimum of R-8 when located outside the building.c) When ducts are located within exterior components (e.g., floors or roofs), minimum R-8 insulation is required only between the duct and the building exterior. - Exception: Duct insulation is not required on ducts located within equipment. - Exception: Duct insulation is not required when the design temperature difference between the interior and exterior of the duct or plenum does not exceed 15 degrees F. 10. All joints, longitudinal and transverse seams, and connections in ductwork must be securely sealed using weldments; mechanical fasteners with seals, gaskets, or mastics; mesh and mastic sealing systems; or tapes. Tapes and mastics must be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 181A or UL 181 B. - Exception: Continuously welded and locking-type longitudinal joints and seams on ducts operating at static pressures less than 2 inches w.g. pressure classification. 11. Mechanical fasteners and seals, mastics, or gaskets must be used when connecting ducts to fans and other air distribution equipment, including multiple-zone terminal units. 12. All pipes serving space-conditioning systems must be insulated as follows: Hot water piping for heating systems: 1 in. for pipes <=1 1/2-in. nominal diameter 2 in. for pipes >1 1/2-in. nominal diameter. Chilled water, refrigerant, and brine piping systems: 1 in. insulation for pipes <=1 1/2-in. nominal diameter 1 1/2 in. insulation for pipes >1 1/2-in. nominal diameter. Steam piping: 1 1/2 in. insulation for pipes <=1 1/2-in. nominal diameter 3 in. insulation for pipes >1 1/2-in. nominal diameter. - Exception: Pipe insulation is not required for factory-installed piping within HVAC equipment. - Exception: Pipe insulation is not required for piping that conveys fluids having a design operating temperature range between 55 degrees F and 105 degrees F. - Exception: Pipe insulation is not required for piping that conveys fluids that have not been heated or cooled through the use of fossil fuels or electric power. - Exception: Pipe insulation is not required for runout piping not exceeding 4 ft in length and 1 in. in diameter between the control valve and HVAC coil. 13. Operation and maintenance documentation must be provided to the owner that includes at least the following information:a) equipment capacity (input and output) and required maintenance actionsb) equipment operation and maintenance manualsc) HVAC system control maintenance and calibration information, including wiring diagrams, schematics, and control sequence descriptions; desired or field-determined set points must be permanently recorded on control drawings, at control devices, or, for digital control systems, in programming commentsd) complete narrative of how each system is intended to operate. 14. Each supply air outlet or diffuser and each zone terminal device (such as VAV or mixing box) must have its own balancing device. Acceptable balancing devices include adjustable dampers located within the ductwork, terminal devices, and supply air diffusers. 15. Hot water distribution systems with total system capacities of 600 kBtu/h and greater must have controls that:a) automatically reset the hot water supply temperature, based on heating load, by at least 25% of the design supply-to-return water temperature difference orb) reduce pump flow by at least 50% of design flow rate by using- adjustable-speed drive(s) on pump(s)- multiple-stage pumps allowing at least 1/2 of the total pump horsepower to be automatically turned off- control valves designed to modulate or step down and close as a function of load- other approved means (supporting documentation or calculations must be submitted). 16. Service water heating equipment must meet minimum Federal efficiency requirements included in the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act and the Energy Policy Act of 1992, which meet or exceed ASHRAE 90.1 Code. New service water heating equipment can be assumed to meet these requirements. 17. Water-heating equipment must be provided with controls that allow the user to set the water temperature to 110 degrees F for dwelling units and 90 degrees F for other occupancies. Controls must limit output temperatures of lavatories in public facility restrooms to 110 degrees F. 18. Hot water space-heating systems with a capacity exceeding 300 kBtu/h supplying heated water to comfort conditioning systems must include controls that automatically reset supply water temperatures by representative building loads (including return water temperature) or by outside air temperature. Exceptions: - Where the supply temperature reset controls cannot be implemented without causing improper operation of heating, cooling, humidification, or dehumidification systems. - Hydronic systems that use variable flow to reduce pumping energy. 19. Stair and elevator shaft vents must be equipped with motorized dampers capable of being automatically closed during normal building operation and interlocked to open as required by fire and smoke detection systems. All gravity outdoor air supply and exhaust hoods, vents, and ventilators must be equipped with motorized dampers that will automatically shut when the spaces served are not in use. Exceptions: - Gravity (non-motorized) dampers are acceptable in buildings less than three stories in height above grade. - Ventilation systems serving unconditioned spaces. The Willows Page 6 of 7 20. Hydronic systems that use a common return system for both hot water and chilled water must not be used. The Willows Page 7 of 7 COMcheck Software Version 3.3.1 Lighting Compliance Certificate 2003 IECC Report Date: 06/07/07 Data filename: S:\BGPROJ-1\8388-1.OOT\Calcs\MECHAN-1\ComCheck\LIGHTING\838800-1.CCK Section 1: Project Information Project Title: The Willows Construction Site: Owner/Agent: 74 Willow Road Steven Virostek Vail, CO Triumph Development, LLC 8120 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 657-1112 steve@triumphdev.com Section 2: General Information Building Use Description by. Project Type: New Construction Building Type Floor Area Parking Garage 10712 Section 3: Requirements Checklist Interior Lighting: Li 1. Total actual watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts. Allowed Watts Actual Watts Complies 3214 2439 YES Lj 2. Exit signs 5 Watts or less per side. Exterior Lighting: ❑ 3. Efficacy greater than 45 lumens/W. Exceptions: Designer/Contractor: Resort Design Associates 357 S. McCaslin Blvd. Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027 Specialized lighting highlighting features of historic buildings; signage; safety or security lighting; low-voltage landscape lighting. Controls, Switching, and Wiring: ❑ 4. Independent controls for each space (switch/occupancy sensor). Exceptions: Areas designated as security or emergency areas that must be continuously illuminated. Lighting in stairways or corridors that are elements of the means of egress. Lj 5. Master switch at entry to hotel/motel guest room. O 6. Individual dwelling units separately metered. ❑ 7. Each space provided with a manual control to provide uniform light reduction by at least 50%. Exceptions: Only one luminaire in space; An occupant-sensing device controls the area; The area is a corridor, storeroom, restroom, public lobby or guest room; Page 1 of 3 Areas that use less than 0.6 Watts/sq.ft. ❑ 8. Automatic lighting shutoff control in buildings larger than 5,000 sq.ft. ❑ 9. Photocell/astronomical time switch on exterior lights. Exceptions: Lighting intended for 24 hour use. ❑ 10.Tandem wired one-lamp and three-lamp ballasted luminaires (No single-lamp ballasts). Exceptions: Electronic high-frequency ballasts; Luminaires on emergency circuits or with no available pair. Section 4: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed lighting system has been designed to meet the 2003 IECC, Chapter 8, requirements in COMcheck Version 3.3.1 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. lL"'r'2;. ~Ct C' C• G 41( ~-"Ylte t r +7 " ` ~''~,1~- c2~-~ CJ/ 7 0 ~ Name - Title Signature Date Page 2 of 3 el~(, COMcheck Software Version 3.3.1 Lighting Application Worksheet 2003 IECC Report Date: Data filename: S:\BGPROJ-1\8388-1.OOT\Calcs\MECHAN-1\ComCheck\LIGHTING\838800-1.CCK Section 1: Allowed Lighting Power Calculation A B C D Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts Watts / ft2 Parking Garage 10712 0.3 3214 Total Allowed Watts = 3214 Section 2: Actual Lighting Power Calculation A B C D E Fixture ID : Description / Lamp / Wattage Per Lamp / Ballast Lamps/ # of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. HID 2: G: Garage / Metal Halide 100W / Electronic 1 17 129 2193 Linear Fluorescent 4: H3: Wraparound / 48" T8 32W / Electronic 2 2 59 118 Linear Fluorescent 3: H4: Gen. Purpose Strip / 48" T8 32W / Electronic 2 2 59 118 Incandescent 6: X3: Exit / Other 1 2 5 10 Total Actual Wafts = 2439 Section 3: Compliance Calculation If the Total Allowed Wafts minus the Total Actual Wafts is greater than or equal to zero, the building complies. Total Allowed Wafts = 3214 Total Actual Wafts = 2439 Project Compliance = 775 code. Design 24% better than Page 3 of 3 e~(, COMcheck Software Version 3.3.1 Lighting Compliance Certificate 2003 IECC Report Date: 06/07/07 Data filename: S:\BGPROJ-1\8388-1.00'RCalcs\MECHAN-1\ComCheck\LIGHTING\838800-2.CCK Section 1: Project Information Project Title: The Willows Construction Site: Owner/Agent: 74 Willow Road Steven Virostek Vail, CO Triumph Development, LLC 8120 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 657-1112 steve@triumphdev.com Section 2: General Information Building Use Description by: Activity Type Project Type: New Construction Activity Type(s) Floor Area Lobby - Other 2214 Corridor, Restroom, Support Area 5246 Office 83 Section 3: Requirements Checklist Interior Lighting: 1. Total actual wafts must be less than or equal to total allowed wafts. Allowed Watts Actual Watts Complies 7691 7176 YES 2. Exit signs 5 Wafts or less per side. Exterior Lighting: Lj 3. Efficacy greater than 45 lumens/W. Exceptions: Designer/Contractor: Resort Design Associates 357 S. McCaslin Blvd. Suite 200 Louisville, CO 80027 Specialized lighting highlighting features of historic buildings; signage; safety or security lighting; low-voltage landscape lighting. Controls, Switching, and Wiring: Lj 4. Independent controls for each space (switch/occupancy sensor). Exceptions: Areas designated as security or emergency areas that must be continuously illuminated. Lighting in stairways or corridors that are elements of the means of egress. El 5. Master switch at entry to hotel/motel guest room. Lj 6. Individual dwelling units separately metered. L] 7. Each space provided with a manual control to provide uniform light reduction by at least 50%. Exceptions. Only one luminaire in space; An occupant-sensing device controls the area; Page 1 of 3 The area is a corridor, storeroom, restroom, public lobby or guest room; Areas that use less than 0.6 Watts/sq.ft. 8. Automatic lighting shutoff control in buildings larger than 5,000 sq.ft. L] 9. Photocell/astronomical time switch on exterior lights. Exceptions. Lighting intended for 24 hour use. Ei 10.Tandem wired one-lamp and three-lamp ballasted luminaires (No single-lamp ballasts). Exceptions. Electronic high-frequency ballasts; Luminaires on emergency circuits or with no available pair. Section 4: Compliance Statement Compliance Statement. The proposed lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed lighting system has been designed to meet the 2003 IECC, Chapter 8, requirements in COMcheck Version 3.3.1 and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. Name - Title Sign ure - Date Page 2 of 3 e~(, COMcheck Software Version 3.3.1 Lighting Application Worksheet 2003 IECC Report Date: Data filename: S:\BGPROJ-1\8388-1.00'RCalcs\MECHAN-1\ComCheck\LIGHTING\838800-2.CCK Section 1: Allowed Lighting Power Calculation A B C D Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts (ft2) Watts / ft2 (B x C) Lobby - Other 2214 1.3 2878 Corridor, Restroom, Support Area 5246 0.9 4721 Office 83 1.1 91 Total Allowed Wafts = 7691 Section 2: Actual Lighting Power Calculation A Fixture ID : Description / Lamp / Wattage Per Lamp / Ballast B Lamps/ Fixture C # of Fixtures D Fixture Watt. E (C X D) Compact Fluorescent 1: A: Twin Tube 13W / Electronic 2 4 26 104 HID 1: B: Wallwasher / Metal Halide 50W / Electronic 1 11 50 550 Incandescent 1: D1: Entry Pendant/ Incandescent 40W 1 3 400 1200 Incandescent 7: D2: Public Vanity / Incandescent 60W 2 2 120 240 Incandescent 4: D4: Elev. Lobby Sconce / Incandescent 60W 2 20 18 360 Incandescent 5: D5: Corridor Pendant / Incandescent 10OW 1 14 26 364 Linear Fluorescent 1: 1-11: Stairwell / 48" T8 32W / Electronic 2 36 59 2124 Linear Fluorescent 4: 1-12: Wall Bracket / 24" T8 17W / Electronic 1 10 17 170 Linear Fluorescent 2: 1-13: Wraparound / 48" T8 32W / Electronic 2 5 59 295 Linear Fluorescent 3: 1-14: Gen. Purpose Strip 148" T8 32W / Electronic 2 19 59 1121 HID 3: M: Pinhole / Metal Halide 50W / Electronic 1 11 50 550 Compact Fluorescent 2: P: Elev. Pit / Twin Tube 13W / Electronic 1 3 16 48 Incandescent 6: X3: Exit / Other 1 10 5 50 Total Actual Wafts = 7176 Section 3: Compliance Calculation If the Total Allowed Wafts minus the Total Actual Wafts is greater than or equal to zero, the building complies. Total Allowed Wafts = 7691 Total Actual Wafts = 7176 Project Compliance = 515 Design Lighting PASSES: better Page 3 of 3 Colorado Code Consulting, LLC 4610 S Ulster, Suite 150 Denver, CO 80237 Momh4m.. Ph: 303-400-6564 Fax:303-693-0630 oil BUILDING CODE DATA Project: The Willows Client: Resort Design International Associates Date: 6/11/2007 Aaalicable Codes Edition Code Building 2003 IBC Mechanical 2003 IMC Plumbing 2003 IPC Electrical 2005 NEC Fire 2003 IFC Energy Accessibility 1998 ANSI State Amendments No Local Amendments? No Building Classification Type of Construction 116 Occupancy Classification R-2/S-2/S-' Automatic Fire Sprinklers? NFPA 13 Mixed Occupancy? Yes Seismic Design Category D Protect Information Company Name Contact Phone # Architect Resort Design Assoc Ben Marion 970.949.0899 Structural Engineer Mechanical Engineer Electrical Engineer Contractor 1. BUILDING DESCRIPTION 1.1 Actual Building Area Description Occupancy Floor Area Basement Parkin Garage S-2/S-1 14,897 1 st Story R-2 12,785 2nd Story R-2 11,932 3rd Story R-2 11,677 4th Story R-2 7,872 Total Buildin Area 44,266 1.2 Building Height Maximum Allowed Actual Stories: 4 4 Height: 55 44 Page 1 of 3 Not included in building total The Willows 2. BUILDING REVIEW 2.1 Allowable Floor Area Calculations Occupancy Group S-2 Group R-2 Group S-1 Tabular Area able 503 26,000 16,000 17,500 Frontage 506.2 F P W/30 244 493 1.00 24 24 24 Sprinklers 506.3 200 200 200 Area Per Floor 84,368 51,919 56,786 Stories 506.4 Max. 3 1 3 1 Maximum Building Area 84,368 155,757 56,786 The actual total area (44,266 s/f) is less than the allowable area (56,786 s/f) for the most restrictive use (S-1). Different uses are not required to be separated by fire barriers per IBC Sec. 302.3.1. 2.1 Exterior Wall Protection and Openings Wall Location Distance to Property Line Exterior Bearing Wall Table 602 Exterior Non-Bearing Wall - Table 602 Opening Protection Table 704.8 North 32 0 0 No Limit East 7 1-hour 1-hour 25%, Un rotected South 40 0 0 No Limit West 17 1-hour 1-hour 75%, Unprotected 2.2 Building Fire-Resistance Type of Construction: IIB Building Element Fire-Resistive Rating Exterior Bearing Wall 0 Interior Bearing Wall 0 Exterior Non-Bearing Wall 0 Structural Frame 0 Permanent Partitions 0* Shaft Enclosures 2-hour Floors & Floor/Ceilings 0* Roofs & Roof/Ceilings 0 * 1/2-hour F/R separations between dwelling units 3. MEANS OF EGRESS 3.1 Occu ant Load/Exit Width er Floor Tables 1004.1.2 81005.1 Location Use Floor Area OL Factor Occupant Load Exits Reqd. Basement Parkin Garage 14897 200 74 2 1 st Floor Residential 12785 200 64 2 2nd Floor Residential 11932 200 60 2 3rd Floor Residential 11677 200 58 2 4th Floor Residential 7872 200 39 2 Total Occupant Load 296 Page 2 of 3 3.2 Number of Exits oer Floor Occupant Exits Exits Min. Door Width inches Min. Stair Width inches Floor Load Required Provided Re d. Prov. Re d. Prov. Fourth 39.36 2 1 5.90 32 7.87 48 Third 58.385 2 1 8.76 32 11.68 48 Secind 59.66 2 1 8.95 32 11.93 48 First 63.925 2 2 9.59 124 12.79 Basement 74.485 2 1 11.17 32 14.90 36 3.3 Corridor Reauirements Floor Required Width Width Provided Fire Resistive Rating Opening Protection Basement 44 NA 0 0 First 44 60 1/2-hour 20-minute Second 44 60 1/2-hour 20-minute Third 44 60 1/2-hour 20-minute Fourth 44 60 1/2-hour 20-minute 3.4 Miscellaneous Requirements Exit Enclosure Rating: Maximum Travel Distance: Maximum Dead End: Door Swing Direction: Exit Illumination: Illumination Emergency Power: Exit Sign Requirements: Fire Alarm System Requirements: 2-hour 250' 20 Direction of travel at exits Sec. 1006 Yes Sec. 1011 Manual & local smoke detectors Page 3 of 3