HomeMy WebLinkAboutBell Tower BuildingC \ REPT 131 Uf 6/ 1 1 /94 tA7 ! 53 REoUE.5TS Aetivity: ltl9B-Oe44 TOWN OF VAIL, COLURADo FOR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FoRt' 6/rr/98 6/lL/9A Type: B*MECH FAGE AREA: CD Status: IS$UED Constrr Af,OM Adclress; 3Ol GORE CREEK DRLocation: 3Ol GORE CREEK DR (BEL[- TOI{ER BLDG)Fareel: ?1Ol-08e-63-D01 OecrDescription: REtrLACE BUIL-ERS AND HOT t,lATER HEATERSApplicantr UALLEY WIDE FLUMBING & HEATING 0wner': STAUFER HERMRNNContraetor.: VALLEY WIDE FLUMBING & HEATINB F,h on e l Fhone l Fhone: Use: 3!a39491747 SrZr:J949 t 747 Inspect i on Reqr,rest Request or: LYNN Req Ti me ! O1 : qtgl It ens request ed to 'a0394 MECH-Final Infor"mation.,.. Comment s r CAL.L be Inspected... Fhone r 949-t747 VERR IN MAINT. 476_4?:6E IF NOT OF.€N Act i on Comment s Time Exl I n spect i on Item: Itdm:It en; 'I#"er' ' , d[g#:" :{teri IItem:Iten: History..,,. rAOEOra MECH-Ror-rgh fiAI??,s FI RE_SF.RINKLER ROUBH OrAe4O FLMB*Gas F,ipinq Ara3lA MECH-Heat ing AAS8O MECH-Exhar-tst Hoods OA33IA MECH-Supply Air Oe'34lZr MECH-Mi sc. AO39O MECH-Final BIZI538 F I RE_F I NAL C,/ T] ,I V r:k 7 S'\och g TOWN OF VATL75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657970-479-2L38 DEPARTMEIIT OF COMMI'NITY DEVEIJOPMEN:T NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE MECHANICAIJ PERMTT PeTmiE AT #: AI,L TIMES M98 - 0044 JOb AddrCSS... : 2OL GORE CREEK DRLocaE,ion......: 201 GoRE CREEK DRParcel No. .... : 2101-092-53-001Project, Number: SLaE,us...: ISSUED(BELL TOWER Applied..: 04/L6/L998Issued... : 04/29/1,998 E>cpires. . : L0/26/L999 APPLICANT VALLEY WIDE PLT'MBING & HEATTNGP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81520 COT{TRACTOR VATLEY WIDE PLUMBING & HEATINGP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 8L620 OWNER STAUFER HERMANN PO BOX 5000, vArL co 81_658 Valuation:28,299 .00 *of wood/pal.1s!: FEE SUMMARYMlchanical---> Plan Check---> fnvcBtsigali.on> Hill call----> Phone: 303949L74? Phone 303949t74'l Description: REPI,ACE BOILERS AND HOT WA,TER HEATERS Fireplacc InforBaeion: Redtricted:#Of ca6 Appl iances I *Of cao LogE: .00 Totsa1 Calcu1aecd Fecs-- -> ,00 Additional, Pcc6-- ----- - ->725.00 ToCaI Pcrtllit, Fcc------ -->paymen!6------- ;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;-;;;; ;;';;;;;;;;*;;: "'84/.29 /.L998 {Bl-4 -AaEib;:--NoTE sE}frr To.GARY--o 4 / 2 e / Le_e-g - cqQgDEI,I, Aat ion ; AFpR Sea - c6idl'r-ionsIreqri .05600_!'rRE DEpARTT,rElfi - - .- ------Dd!-E: FrRE Di-vision:04/29/L998 JRM Acaion; AppR N,/A CONDITTON OF APPROVAL 1. E-rE-LD- rNsPEcT-roNg aBE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMprJrANcE.?. eypusrroN 4rR Iq BE9UTRED psR SEc.--6d7 bF-Tun-rgsi'-uMd. '--' 3 . rNSTA!_LATI QN _!{Vqr_gONFoB}! ro MANUFACTURES - rr,rsTnoetioNs -nwo Tq_AppENDrx CHAPTER 2l_ OF rne r9g1--uMe-.--- --'-4. qAg_App I4NqES_S[{4L!_EE VEI0TED AeCOnOiNe TO CHAPTER 9 AND441,! TERMTNATE 4S SPECTFTED r}[-gEe .3d?i-OF-rns--l9q1 nM-C.-s. aq_cEss ro HEATIN_G_,EQUrpMENr uDSr-eoupl,y wrrH-ssc. sos-:ffi703 OF THE 1991 UME:6. _B_Q_I!EBS SHAL! 9E_MO!'I\XfED ON FLooRs oF NONCOMBUSTIBLE coNsT._ qNI,Ess LrsrED_-E9R-[,ror]NTTNG oN e0prBuStrELE-Fi,odRiNG:- ---'--' 7 . pEBl4rTr PI,ANS ^AND qO_DE_ANALYS r S -M1ESi-sE-FOstep rN -FtecHANr cAL_ BgoM pRroR r_q_4!- rrys-pEsruoN-nsouEstl8. DM,INAGE OF UECEAN_rqAI, R00MS C6NrArrtrre HEATTNG oR HoT_WATERqlrppry BorLEBq^qHAr.,L BE r0UipFsD-lirtH-'E FL?ioR DRAIN -FEn' Sse-.-2Lt9 0F THE 1_991 IJMC.9. IIMq 504 ROOM SrZE COMPARED TO SrZE OF EQUTpMEt[r10. 199r- IIBC 708 EVERY ROOM W.BOILER MUST BE 1HR FIRE RES]STIVE SEPARATION11. combust,ion air E,o be provided by-4- risEeal-inEei:ii'irIea-^Comn s60.00 145.00 .00 3 .00 Rcatsualant, Plao Revies- -> DRB Fc6--------729.00 . o0 72S.00 129.OO \ ***************:l**************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS r her'by 'cknorl.dg. Bhat r havo !.ad thia spplication, fillqd our in fuLl che i,nfordalion r.quiled, coropl.c.d ln .ecurate plotPlan, lnd sgat. tshats all the infolilation provided as requirad i,s corrccts. r agre€ to eonply rirh the infottlrcion and pLot. plan,tsg qooPly xilh alt Torn ordinancca and glatc 1at,6, and co build !hi6 structsure according !o Ehc Toen, s zoning and aubdivigioncodea, dc6lEn rcvicr approved, Itniforu Building code and ochqr ordinanees of the aoln applicablc thereto. REQUBSTS FOR INSPEeIIONS SIiALL BE tiIADB TT'EMY-PoT,R HoT,RI; STCI\IATURB OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HTMSEIJF AND OWNER PROM g :00 AI'l 5 :00 PM uihiRi"S'fi.:tF..BEq{s}' lE 5:""oll $39iu.3"3Effi }*i s3*83'{ 58ilis#e"fi ; stE:'33' i+ H:r.i3 ?i -HYi; E,lg' i;ilig.#g-le ;".E-o-be _repticqd by pg]id-aooi-i cqiiEuJEidn-ili-d[cE eo -- -- ext,end t-o side of btds. -i-pef 4727756-6iinEiicE5i-diXwins. I'l flir"'!i' ..3- g+* s$ $ vt/,yotJFoflltt, gxgy_. p = \ rq\0 L So*8 NRFS \q --- \ li. st\ Xr\ qXl *$ s.) (-f 'b _R u txt# r{v 6t:01 N0tr 86-tz-udv APR-27-98 l[ON l0:38 Al'| TO: FROM: DATE: FAX#: RE: r. l It '//?il?r *ir ,13 tU *l*t ttc4ar*// /,dttuutt. {,k*,r. Vgp T Total pages to follofr (-ncluding this page): . 6 -. tf there are probtems withr -e-a'your receipt of this transmission, please advise. thank you. This transmission is submitted:Original/copy will follow: For your file For your information For your approval For your review For your response Per your request For your Quotation rhe documenrs accomo,,;'3|lL?r=Tl3H;ll llffior,rn .ontrin inrormarionbelonging ro the sender that is confidential and/or legally privileged. rheinformation is intended only for the use of the individual or-entity named above. lfyou are nol the intended reoipient. you are hereby notified that any disclosure,copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the conlents of thistelecopied informa'lion is strictly prohibitbd. lf you have received tt,,= i"*iril,li"error' please notify us immediately by telephone to arrange for return of rheoriginal documents to us. 431 METCALF RoAD ' P' O' BoX 50s0 ' AVON, COLORADO Bl 620 . (970) 9{9-1 747 r FAX (s7o) 84S.Zt 44 J ,/ = = Regular Mail Overnight Delivery Hand Delivery Other 7 Origin l/copywillnot follow MON 10:39 AM heield Controls omparryQE 210\i Airpon Rord Kiniror), NC :$50t (010).tr2-30.1t FA)( (019) s]l.(ttllIunc 1995 ArR-27-98 [{oN l0:41 A',o Re liefAtLast! P.4 . Provides consislent alr flow for Vacmnn Relief Valve fialfi!. Intake Air Hood optirnal combustion efficierrcy. . Reduces potential ,rCO,, formalion in gas syslems. 'R.educes potential for sooting in oilsystems. The Ncw Combustion Air Systcms(CAS) are a brcarh of frrch air for oil and gas applirnces that are starvcd for nir due to "too tigh!" home construclion or porur lmation. The CAS provides cqntroflcd amounts of ourside air for pmper conr- bustion of oil or gos hcating appliances. The Vacuum Relief Vdve (VRV) providcs srfery in cnse of blockage anrl tcntpcrs thc incoming sir with insidc rir. Therc ore four tnodels dcsigncd to rvork with a variery of gas or oil applianccs. Use thc descriptions at right to select the nrodcl best suilcrl firr your needs. Fan-in-a-Can'" Assenbly Iield AirBoot'"(Optionol) APR-27-98 ]{oN 10:42 AM P.5 Intake Air Hood A \ Vacuurn Burnerlnlel ReliefValve CAS-I and CAS-2 Thcsc rtrodels conncct directly to oit burners. Thc CAS"I is dcsigncd for usc wilh Eeckett AFlu bwners with ioput up ro Z gph. Thc CAS-Z cooqccts via the Field AirBootfl to Bcck€tr-AFC and AF burners or Carlin EZ.l burncrs or Wayne MSR burncrs. Thc uoiguc shultcr air innke control on the Field AirBoot provides forcrlibrrled air flow conuol for oprimum cfficiency, Thc AirBootrM is designed ro be mounted in eirhcr of rwo positions so it can ba adapted 1o fulnaccs as well as boilers. The Vacuum Relief Valve (VRV) provides additional safety to the CAS- l & 2, Should rhe air intakc bccome fully or panially bloclced, the VRV will open to provide adequatc aii for the bumer. The vRV also "tempers" the incoming air with warm inside eir for optirnal efficiency. CAS-3 and CAS-4 These models are designcd for use with systems where rlirecr conncction is not possible. The CAS-3 is dcsigned for use with oil lpllianges up to 2 gph. The CAS-4 is for uso with gas appliances wirb 24 VAC gas valve conrrols, up to 280,$0 btu. Each is designcd for optimum safety and includes 8 prt vilg dcvicc that wonrt allow rhe burner to cngagc without incomiog air flow. I Whcn the thermostrt calls for heat, thc Fan-in.a-Cantrr engages ard betins drawiag outside air into the slructurc. Whcn air flow is established, rhe CAS allows thc buraer to activEte. The VRV rempers theoutsidc air as it pagses rhrough the systctn, Eod rhe Fan-in-a-exnru diffuses lhe oir into the room ncar rhc burner. {- l0',-____rF . .APR-2?-98 lloN l0:43 r[{o P6 CAS Combustion Air SystemsAt$x"ffi*'' 4' intake air hood 4'Vacuum Relief Valve Apfliances with Beckett AFG or AF Bumers, Carlin EZ-i and Waynb MSR Burners 4" tnlake air hood 4'Vacuum Reliet Valvo Field AlrBootru Any oil heating appllance 4' intaks alr hood 6' Vacuum Relief VaVe (oplional) Fan-in-a-Canrt Assembly 6" lo 4' Reducer Restricter Plale Any gas heating applianco wlth 24 VAC gas valve controls 4' intako ajr hood 6" Vacuum Reliel Vatve (optjonal) Fan-in-a-Ganrn Assembly 6" to 4'.Reducsr Restricl€r PlateWffiffi@rEEE 50,om 242 273 293 75,000 0.50 233 28 278 100,000 0.75 180 n2 262 125,000 o.90 124 194 247 150.000 1.00 w 165 232 175,OO0 1.25 136 217 200,000 1.35 100 2U2 225,000 1.55 75 186 250,000 1.75 43 17r 300.000 2.@ 141 350,000 2.50 110 400,000 2.75 80 450,000 3.25 49 . '6'inlake air hood is oplional. The Field Controls Company...Your Number One Draft Choicc DraftConhols a DraftInducers O PowerVenters o AirBoosters The Field Controls Company 2303AirportRoad Kinston,N.C.2850l (919) 522-3031 Far(919) s22-02r4 Itinr.d in U,S.A. (1t95 t(P, AIX-16-98 TIIU 9:17 A}{ 't DATEI T;I I 'iq P lf you do notreceive all Pates, Pl91s.e contact this office as soon as possible Ma-v- l5-97 ol ! 53P eot ]eubl 'lc saf ety' Fax Coaer Sbeet rf 0. 0F PACE& (hdudlrycovarshcGtu?- (303) 572-2900 or 2903 Department of |-qbor anil Employment Division of labor Boiler lmPddion Section 1515 Arapehoe SL Towsr 2, Sulte 750 Ilenver, Colo radlo 80202'21 17 f$(:603).620"{993 30:62t 1993 ffifr-zffi\\6 *\?{ (4 ) ha/* lrA'i- t:-9? AFR-IO-g8 THU 9:18 AM"" /- oi':;il' or' ' rl '-- ' 'L Y- j : -t ,/ r .6R z&ieA. nFPARTMENT O.,.,, d..ffi DEeARTMENT'AOF6LABOR.f,$P,,E"ttOYMENT ''.l*'TH; W *!Er,'rdorsj..d rorr.rrtrcGt'r sA'rcx tor.r 2. 6rtrr ?lo ?rTi|ct^ t. MOORE O.nvt. Co !0102'21'tt ili..J*. iri.i mltr.. f PaJl tfitJloo c' ltllt PUhlic Srlrlv P.4 Moy 13, 1997 Adanr Duch Group Thcrmo Inc l0 Summit Avenue Bcrkelcy Heights' New Jersey 07922'1179 Rel': lirgomax Wrter Hqiitcr$ Dcor Mr Duch: Ihavccomplctcdathorrlug|rrevicrvofrhe0rgonraxinrlirecthotwntcrhcl|cr-modclsF.20 througb Ul00- .l.he de-si8n antl conshrctirut is aurptabtc lbr installEtion \Yithin the srrtc ot'colorsdo in low pr*rur"i.utiog "pplicationr, *'f itlt not bc rc4uirerl to be ASMF' constructcd or stampcd' 'l'hc statc vicrvs your producl t3 a hcat exch'dngcT 8nd not a skrroSc tank or hot $atcr hcittcl' thus eliorinating your product l'**,t"t" rcquircnrentr' I lgwever' rvhen tjle fireo1al is insttllcd corr,."rcio-liy, it witl bc inspected (,tr rit heat cxchangcrs erc) to vcriff installation. systenr comparibility and rafety controls.: I thnnk you for your patience anrl assistancc is this mltter' If I can help qi1ft ipy-que'trions pertaining to rh. insutt"ti,rn of thc Ergomax within the sEte ol'cohnado. llt'iLse lct mc koorv' fluf,lf r.sFlthl .1 2:C0 PUttAT-l-1-9? Tll:i 3[: 62] 1993 !. !- AP.R-I6-98 THU 9:18 Al,f ffiffiffiffiffimffirM Instantaneous, Indirect Water Heater o o c-{{ 99% Heat Transfer Efliciency High Output Volumo & Temperatures No Recovery Needed Glosed Loop System with Boller . No scaling or conoslon. Minimum Thormal Stross Constant Turbulence in Tank & Coils ' Minimizes energy use. Ends stratification & cold spotsr Prevonls baclerlal growth. Scrubs coils clean ThermalStorage Savss heat until needed Needs less boiler power Euffers low-mass boilers No Maintenance Required Lowest Lifetimo Operating Costs1{- l8 fo 28 ERGOMAX combines unparalleled performance with the highest energy savings and is backed by the best waranty in the industry. ln homes, ERGOMAX can supply hol water to all your appllances, muttiplo showers and baths, fill large whirlpool or spa lubs, even heat swimming pools oi melt snow. In commercial use, ERGOMA( is ideal for producing large amounts of hot waler, including high temperafrr,,'e output, for rest'aurants, laundries, hotols/motels, sports clubs, hoalth care facilitles, schools, dormitories, apartments, oftice buildings, dairies, farms, barns and factories, while using /ess energy. You never have to run out of hot water again! Visit our website @ www.ergorniu.com ABR- 1 6-98 TI{U 9:19 AliI P.6 ERGOMA1 i, .uutut. ln slzeb to *..r everyone's tl,".rrr needs . , . so[.ER srJPPrY rt)lw IER OUT |sffg,|DIB€ D)\ / tcoPPCn rswtfT t\6 Ergomax can be attached as partol lhe heat loop or as a separata zons, az FmL€VEUIiS T BOILEB rsJ^lt^r 0 Model E20 c&0 w r[E n SOrLER nFllnN GPH First Hour @110'F @140'F GPH Continuous @110"F @14O"F 000 967 R Factor - 15. Standby loss <72'lhr. Heat Transfer Etficiency = 99% Output Temp. up to 200"F CoilTest Pressure = 700 PSI Tank Test Pressuro = 225 PSI (Rated Pressure = 150 P$l)E100 = 58.9sq. *Lifetirne tank warranty applies to residential use, Commercial applications carry a 10-year warrdnly. Conslruclion: Steel tank with L.orade coooer coils. aquastal, T/P reliel valve (set at 30 psi) and drain. Models E30,45, 65 and 100 alsb include T/p gauge. (Specilications subject lo chango without notice.) @tggz enOOuAX'- is a iradema* of Group Thermo Incorporatod, US Patent No. 5165472. All rights reserved. GROUP THERMO, INCORPORATED 10 SummitAvenue Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 FAX 908-665-4107 email to jsmithT@mail.idt.net Calltoday! 908-665-0700 Visit our website @ www,ergomax.com ATR-16-98 THU 9:16 AliI i'1-.1. FAX GOVEB_S.HEET rtrl u.rrJt' .:tN Vr; t_,t #/'t/qt '47q-J45Jr Totaf pages to fotlow (including this page): 7 , lf there ate problems with your receipt of this transmission, please advise. thank you. This transmission is submitted:Original/copy wil! follow: For your file Regular Mail Overnight Delivery Hand Delivery Other -_r2_F or y our information For your approval For your review For your response Per your request For your Quotation ,/ Original/copy will nol follow CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE The documents accompanying this facsimile transmission contain information belonging to the sender that is confidential and/or legally privileged. The information is intended pnly for the use of the individual or entity named above. lf you are not the lntended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, diskibution, or the taking of an| action in reliance on the contents of this telecopied information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this facsimile in eror, please notify us immediately by lelephone to arrange for return of the original documents to us. 431 METCALF FTOAD ' P. O. BOX 5080 . AVoN, C0LORADO 81620. (970) 949-1747. FAX (e70) 845-7144 P. I TO: FROM: DATE: FAX #: RE: -{{-(F /1 Qp)_.c At\6 \o { rll s. IH tvz = \-;t v) %-va4 IiIr s.lo F4 hg,-{B $' )" \ N \ N Ns \ \e! Sr;t $r{.{!Ov\ g3 L dx*V,S .S rf,") unEIsfA uF*4tt\i11 zd to.-et-\ s N *t\ N(-6 I - __t -=-tg-llL.l'$' _J t{-\\ts R$ I $-tq* 6f,ii E poA$trgs$ $ .-+ ed r$$ flv ll:6 nIIt 86-91-udv : TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT OWNER 1Vrt ALc5E f,cL t"'t l5t.- iNr WL TuvrYi'- &'y DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT .-o,(4'- JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit €: B97-0311 Job AddressLocation. . .Parcel No. .Project No. 201 GORE CREEK DR LANCELOT INN; BELL 210r-o82-6 3-001 Status. . ToWER Applied.Issued..Expires. I S SUED0e/L6/tee7 oe /Le /7es703/L8/tss8 STAUFER HERMANN PO BOX 5000, VArL CO 8l-658 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved ,4-4- Description: RELOCATE A 10 FT. NONBEARING WAL occupancyt RI/82 MuIt Type Construction: III l- HRNot Type Occupancy: Valuation: 5.500 STAUFER HERMANN PO BOX 5000, VArL CO 81658 amOUnt CONTRACTOR MUELLER CONSTRUCTION 910 FATRWAY DRrvE, vArL co 8ldfile I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl,ication, fitted out in ful.l, the information required, conpleted.an ptan, and state thit atI the jnformation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the informat'ion to compty r.rith att Toyn ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according to the Tounrs zoning and flL i-Famiry Residence t/A'&{in tablet \ Add Sq Ft: F i reptace Information: Rest|icted:fof Gas App I i ances:fof Gas Logs:fot [,ood/Pa t Let: *****************************t*ff****i*******************t* F EE SUt.lIARy **************lci***ff**************f*t********rri********** Buitding-----> 1O5.OO Restuarant Ptan Reviev--> .OO Total Catculated Fees---) 296 -25 Ptan Chick---) 68.25 DRB Fee--------tnvestigation> .OO Recfeation Fee----------> ,00 Totat Permit Fee--------> 296 -25 t|,i|'|'caIt---->5.o0ctean-UPDeposit-------->1oo.ooPayments----------------> TOTAL FEES-----********ffi*ir****ff**********************fr***L*lr**********i****************t***ft***************ff******t***********Jr****lr******* Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DCPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:09/18/1997 LORELEI ACtiON: APPR APPROVED BY ART HOUGLANDII,CM:, O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DCPI: PLANNING DTVTSION:Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FrRE - ,- plvlslon:item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Drvlsl-on: ****ff*********************************Jrt**********i*****i**ffi*****H******t************************************#ff**tt*ff** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS accurate pl,ot and ptot ptan, subdi vi si on REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE }IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: I'IUELLER CONSTRUCTIoN FICE FROII AND OI'NER :' '' **********:r********************************************************************* CONDITIONS Pernit C.: 897-0311 as of A9/L9/91 Status: ISSUED ************************************r,******************************************* permit rype: ADD/ALT coMM BUrLD PERMT Applied, 9?/.\9/,\2?7applici-nt : sTAIJFER HERMANN rssued: 0?/.!2/,\29-7- To Expire: 03/L8/7998 Job Address: LocATiON: I,ANCELOT INN; BELL TOWER BLDG Parcel No: 2101-082-63-001 Description: RELOCATE A 10 FT. NONBEARING WALL Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. - OK AS LONG AS EXITS ARE NOT CHANGED OR BLOCKED. 4. -IF SPRINKLED, HEADS ARE TO BE RELOCATED PER FIRE DEPT. 1*Ceintict Ebgle County Assessors 0ffice !f at 970-329-8640 for Parcel /l . TOWN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTfON fpARcEL ttt'L+al Aq?:b?-001 pERMrr AppLfcArroN roRMrV nATn:_4 lte IQT . APPLTCATTON MUSr BE FILLEDt I******************************n [2Q -Building [ ] -PJ-umbing t PER]'IIT /' oUT CoI'IPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT INFORMATTON * * * ** ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * Ph. Electrical Address: Contractor: Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FORBUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OT FEE: DRB FEE: -0e[], " l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Narne: /a Job Address: 7o{4Ot; azc;g Lesal Descriptiont LotlzALA Block*Q! 3.irir.n Wil V'Ju47rrJK,fi't'A9 owners Nane: l)wnan UtrHL Address, Po.(eol J-eeo /A/c pn. ?"6J-f,ZP Architect | /(O/y {Address: General Description: work class: [ ]-New [)Q-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: -- Gas Logs -- Wood/PeJ.let ********************************* OTHER: $PLI]MBING: $ _.- TOTAL: S *************************** Address:OflTown of Vail Re.g.,NQ.ler: Vail Reg. NO. Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE! Npnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancesv fi* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS dulr'prnc, yflmg e EmcrRrcAls $ VALUATION CLEAI{ I'P DEPOSIT REFIND J'v\notdr Cousl{uchon As ar0t un fy for P443 Eagle Co 23-8640 CE 0-3t,. Ph.ddress: Address:Ph. (Htr late Received N APR 15 1998 PERr\rrr /i Job Name: 4 , " ,04 ' " ;rt,Job Acidre"". *lalJtu(,,r"0/ r?diul, /n)/, Legal Description: Lot Block filing suBplvrsroN: Owners Narne: Architect: """"otl"'""cel #. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMTT APPLICATTON FORMollrgz_4//d/?/ , APPLfCATIoN MUST BE FTLLED oUT COMPLETELy OR IT MAY NoT BE AccEpTED x***************************** PERMIT TNFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *rl [ ]-Building [ ]-plurnbing [ ]-Electrical [{-Mechanibal [ ]-other General Description: work class: [ ]-New gft-lrteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units: Number and Tvoe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancesv [* * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS Number of Acconmodation Units: cas Logs_ Wood/pellet ********************************* PY-r!PIIG: Er,ECrRrcAL: $ orHER: $PLUMBfNG: $ t'lEeHANrear.. SV;IZTVF- -iiii'. r ra\r(M>D. Electrical Contractor: To$rn of Vail Re- Nr.|Address: _- . i,r-^-^ Y' r!\"- ;]X*:3? contracto'' =- frt- S T:::^"s..y:11.o.n. No.-Phone Nunber: _ Mechanical- Cqntractor :rown of Vail Res. No.lp3-PAddress:.rLfr.r-e-. ><(u.v141/1 vatu/ u/1'tju/ oa dl/rtg)o _ phone2)nAepz /4?_/r,/T- ******************-*tli.t'rto'1q11i-*+*' FOR OFFICE USE ***** *"*\ffi??*****************RIITT.nTNd DFDr,fTm DEft-!'. r'-r: .-'t l.r'; i ' 'BUfLDfNG PERMIT Ffrrt r(,,r;..r;.., :'. i, PLUMBING PERMIT "ffi i I,:I-- : 3[$i3}il3 ;Hil 3#3T ffH: -__-.- MECHANICAL PERUTT]fi'EN: --^ -*:,,, , MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: --ELECTRICAL, FEE: .:rr , . AFfiTntf- 1 '.' Rncnnaiiiill rnn,oTHER TyPE OF FEF! -.-------,.;.!i nr.pol._rri-;!';;;;-. DRB FEE; ':',''ti ;'i"t,'r,i:,, i,l''; l'i''il i CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:rUU'\iJiliiL'r&r--lrL' J' TorAL PERMTT FEES: VALUATION I BUTLDTNG: I STGNATURE: SIGNATURE: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFITND TO: ir, @ GJo.l(- uJ ts @ooazoFo-r.ljY IJJo oFror3>r{tr o-t - bg qs{R6--tl'I HFJ2E (!' I ul =z -.| z."ozzoo =z=))(! rJ- dfi :f;= A;H !!! tr =Eul uJoz loo Eo- JFuJ-E=o- uJ>o-O|!9o\uJxo-:>IJF JJtr UJdt l-Eir b ,-z z a.() uJ = F Fzo z6 =,J JE<o(JF FSfiF-zilo E <FC() r.rJ <ZFI,IJ F(rzo(J EoF EFz C) F UJF (Jt tuJz =or )<oo !r.3H oz E =EuJo sr C\I Ort |r (\ (t uJutl! tr =E LIJo- O 9 boovg A/-,)\ -Js/ty',Pl cl =.tl .OltEs' -iJ. >t =< o-,# ..1i{t or Yo -'t2 lrol 16 l I I lll,lIF ,rrX \FT )r-l I I UJF e. F F z o zz I I I I I I I Il-luJl(5t=l< ourdiozd. OPJ E*J_ ae .6 z2oN ct o o -9!6 =oo 3oFo oa)() d E\ o (! o o q) = dt E =l E0) o CLo.(6;,o c) -i- o c6*6.9'=O(');i*!rtE8Ea E;cEEiEs€ 6P:Ec-o> :i EiE >=:c96F d6t.: EEEI* O O-cfEo=€eeP Elaeo. G o--sErso!dors€:€ P6(g6 :EEH i6Fg - o..i: o --C?6 0'- .:E= O' OP*E,. s€; i *a=-=9 6a5 ifi;;9Eor - iE$E rJ) (?) NI C\I |r<\ T -)3 o,, V 5 'o,a O Nrr) F gujo-oz J lq! x() UJ z I FouJJUJ z lo =Jo- J 9z ul {!uJu-z tr UJ tut oc. !o =g llJEz(9 uJ F6 o- UJo z ul x F llJU'f U' lr.J uJt! =Eulc Fo zoIlc0 J IEFC)luJuJ z to =fc J 9z uJE NOIVnlVA ( r+ ++ ;sE. 31 \,s2.9;F'o-Et+ta(UJ:(a-(Effrjc,- >E _-lr) =l!&=(o$l zzoo F^Aad e ana7,i6Xr!<o* i-o;oFO 'i ni I hl=l,*lo{ 1: {-lilol-s- l!l;['-1g1= IE 2 E l! o- o u,/ F rr, <\t -(L uJE z Eoo z9F G, UJFJ =IUz tltltltlg) trz zOokoo< =E!{ r!bci<2 tr2,. 2= do3d lul c q)!)utzY iF 2 tr Jlg,z JJ =F uJ o B lH 2_l zl .. >lo u,louJ uJzoF El!o- J 2o Foo zF .J(DH <\lI@ JblJ3lool l:l16' II I tzl--i-t J JI! I zl ol 5|>lttlolzl FI aU !o F_ =tr =.1ol g| <t>lttlol FI -l >l u-lol zl 3lolFI ol =.1(9l|lllr(l JI <l>l 6lzl fl I I I ;l JI<l ;l' ts =Elrlo-zoF(JqJE hzoo Etr! oz ts =eLuo J' rr,N a IJJuJlJ- E =E LlJo- (mt'n' 7?6/ )// ? H71,Rp #ffi) $_ N3 $srt"pl YI-i: $ *ir: ',\tl9 f;\q'it=v UJF Ee. atz 6 ozz oUJF z zoI 6 6 =zo (u +qUI a aU'.o o (I,o {Jtn ==. ulIF z (7)sfso@ oL'<5 tn =,LLL Lt- Oe. r\ (5@ oaX O(5 CCt l!)uJo = EoFo tFz o q) o) q,o(! .9 g\c E.Fo*t oqt g (s E o o.c o (E o O I f,(D E o =l d @ (! 3.9 o .9 aoo .rto o '6'r q, a, c(u '= N -vt ioF (t o o) =ooo.E o an .r2 = -o o ar; '(tt rD t: .!'=gg' g8E =en.Yo 6 F.g E O YEc-o'- ate:5:€8d l=c96 E EE E E-Fe-oO;Eo eaetq! f.Y- (E cl 6 cL*Es./,€ o. =€:E6:EE Eoo= ETE g+ E(! o'-.c=@- --c SiEoJ>36>9 6a!FEHi eBfe9E qrc5g -o(5 rn sf(rl (c oo ro(\l o oO ooorf)(\,1 D<t r,rfo F uJ zo Y UJ z .J J uJ.JuJ 2 = J 9z uJ = uJll,t!zo F uJ uJ oE oao;UJtUJez. 6 UJ F U> lrrJ z u,l x uJ U'UJulIIL = u.Jo- -4F\oF (,z 4 co J 9eFou, UJ z ao fJ J = IIJ NOtl'Vn'tVA\l= t-EF >tll.o:;:l;Bi"s l: EFo> =^z z u-=oooE E s ?68 EF"E5RQ 3Fb( sHoq-,:H EE FloloI' ls F lc t: lolr-lFl(6 l=ltnlc[-h zIF IL IJJ- oOro (Y'(! cll,E ) z Eo z tr IJJF) =UJz trzlz9ckoo< =PRtrdo<z otr<FOz f,FEO3fi utl E UJz:a-F zsF l <t)z I -1 I I-i 8lqltrl e- = aJ 3 F uJ o 3 a Fl F cil! UJllJz atEE uJ J z Eoo ztru) Jc} z Y (\l Ico l-l I-c cf)GI (>c) z.n9z2d]o =zJO(! LL ..i5 =*=A;E F llJ(L II :l{92E<CLf€uE9Eir =o-=>.=ul:-E r-=E ^:gE =FE 669 itrE XO-t x>o--Fe'io-i!tr uJooF -=- tuF at>oo-.zo Fo- uJY uJo oF tr (E IJJ ll-losl>\(L '-lar r-l5 ;;lrlguJ iF\,,zo Fi Ec8,.lrlo-zIFof &,Fazo() truD I I I ^l2.1 olull(El -Jlalilol 5l cOl uJFI F' =.1 :l>ltrlolzl BlolFI olIJJIElJl <lilolzl =tIFI z.l uJl 5l <l>l :lolFI tltltl l1 t(lCDI I =l t4 '.-rl dSzl do-l Lqot IIl r-1tqzl e.l Et fl aqEt dct E J zl dl Hl ilt!lolzl =lFI (5z. u- od. C5 oo E tr d '-l'FiIq r.lg q =c) o =lt lJ- od. lr.l =oF JJule tr.J =z (D tFll-!lLoolr()3l tOlstFlsflr\sl l-dlslr+>lr-*! crt-lolol x(')l F-A-ES xd-to{ =o o+t(o ()ott an Ia) =oF (u d UJ =z >Y =<ZE 4ZLLO EoFo tFz.oo L.e. ir =ftfo2 -.r O<F(rO IJJ <ZEUJF..1 Z J 9 F(J uJ E F uJE- E <c)qH I Eirn Manville Application of Roof Insulation .ti | (r..rir,rl,il This specification is tor use over wood board or plywood decks which can receive and adequately relain nails or other types ol mechanical fasteners as may be recom- mended by the deck manufacturer. Asphi t z 2' Lap l nishing F€lt(lr Olirsl'ly :,neirihin{l l)iili(ri - Wr"rotl l}oard Det;ks Ottly .. I lilyer i: i)ltsi: As nailable base-GlasBase or /l1B /u;l:cr;tos; l';inishing Folt . . .... I lilyer As virpot rc,: lat der---(ilas [:) ly ot Arbestos l'itttslrirrgl fjr,'l[..., .. .,.... I lilyer lr rt;tllation: I csco Boarcl, [:es. Oorc ur F:<l;r;o- ljout.n ......1 or 2layers Uiiunrerl: Per Felt Per Insulation Ply (lbs.) layer (lbs.)lype I /0 d(jg 'l ype ll' 23 33 190 cieg l'ype lll 23 33 2120 deg fype lV 23 33 tlio M riivillc l)rslricl Enrjirreor rogarrling projscts in hot cli- Specification No,500 For use over Wood Board or Plywood Decks, Employi ng Fesco E and/or Fes-Core. Fescoloame, on Inclines up to 6" per foot-with or without a vapor retarder For Regions 1, 2 & 3 .03 Application Base: Apply one layer of #18 Asbestos or GlasBase' Start with a full 36" width and apply the following felts lull width, lapping each 2" over the preceding one. Nail lhe laps on il" centers and down the longitudinal centEr of each fell nail two rows of nails with"the lows spaced ap- proximately 11" apart and nails staggered on approx'. male 18" centers, Use nails or last€ners appropliate tu tho type of deck. Vapor Retarder (il required): Apply a full 36" wide'|:ll with following lelts applied full width, lapping each felt 2"'over lhe preceding one. Each lelt shall be firmly attd urrifornrly set withoul voids, in a lull width mopping of hot (at EVT) asphalt applied iust before the fell al a nominnl uniform rate of 23 lbs. per square (18-25 range) over llle entire surface. All edges ol lhe felts shall be lurned ttp on, but not connected to, all vertical surfaces and exlet td beyond all roof edges. This overage musl b€ greill errough to pennit at least a 4" return over the top surfar:c ol the insulation. Nailers (if required): Nailers, tlle sarne lhickness its llti insulation, are to be installed in keeping with tlte tt' quirements of the selected membrane specificaliott Wood nailing strips, edging and ctlrbs should llave l.rectt treated wilh preservalives which will not reacl witlt at; phalt, Oil based preservatives suclt as creosole ale ltr)l lcceptable. See Section 13 "Nailers" for specific place- ment of nailing strips and orientation ot roof assembly materials. Insulation: Firmly set the units of insulation, long jt.rirri' continuous and short ioints staggered, inlo a full witlllr mopping of hot (at EVT) asphalt applied at an apptoxt male rate of 33 lbs. per square. When applying a second layer ol insulation, have Lx.rll; lhe long and short ioints offset from lhe joints in lhe [ir ji rayer. Before application of the roofing, the proiscting felt itt verlical surfaces and edges shall be turned ovet atrtl solidly mopped to the insulalion, The insulation shall ttol be left exposed to the weather. No more insulation shall be applied than can bo completely covorod witll tlri' finished built-up roofing on the sante day. /lll/l 1l t,f '" t,l l I ''ltlL ii lr.elittc L r;r lo l"I to:,'' .r ' io ti" '( il)n1;Ull ll' lLlr: Descrlptlon Thermal Systems' Thermalclas is a non- composile roof insulation board tor FM and UL approved roof applrcations. ll consisls ol a high index isocyanurale loam core bonded chemicallY In tne marufaclLfl ng process to liberglass lacers which are compatible with BUR and single- ply systems. Uses I ! ( ' r r r r i i | ( , L ; l 1 , r:,, i l[)si(]ned lor uSe Over, : th)( t, r (rr 1,ltu(iliotl Wll(lf{) a llf6} . ,lrlt,, i.rrll irl lircl()l I .' , I lli i ,l i I 11 J ti I l,( rJ .lrL '''] ],1 I , irrirr()V(itl lLrl rl Jrll{ I rLL ' ||I,IIIII|;I(.|IIIr L lr), t) l ",1;ll ,ri , r'; rll rlr)l ()./vl rlirr r)r', ' i .1tit, i :,, tl, r I l,rrtt rlir',r, ',1' i, ,i ,, t.li rll , llr|tr| ,:;, r,[r , rl)lrr,)'( (i r,y vI l|lillly irll rt frllr,,r{r l l;r',lirn{)(l ill)d .t (ri) .i.,1{ |' r'rjll llrrltr i. (l (,lit"r ( r)llllr()l;lLrr lr\:.11i11. i ll , |llliLl(i.lr; r', ll(]llier Lll wrrl!llrl lllall (,r) n J(rs i() lroillcls wllrl oolllpalilDle rrr ,, Ilrl |l(J (]lllol()lloy o I i ,r' l(,t trJIt III)('t(JIiL:, || ||| iI'.II Ll( I(|t(! (.1)l|rll r('(i ','vr1 l lS(x)yillllllillrr l()iLll I I 1 1 .r,.; I I r'lrll,llCL irli :,110 l(ji'l llliill l i ry' li ( I lyl,{'f, (,1 III.iI|iII|(,Il ', I ,,ii ir' ,1v! ,tltl ., rrl tL'tlttt;t (J llll( l\lli)l;1; r, ir '.1,r, rll,llr'rl,ll ittttl lt.rlvt:l t'tllt'tl t:,..,1 , rr,rIir I 11'ltltiti( ilil{]. r ll i rr iii ji r l)ilt:t:; it wi(1(l valr cly ol ir rl,lr(:,ltLLr r ,r l(l il ll (Jll llfe rill ll(J (;o. tifiu irl i.rll o I'lv1 ;tpl;tovoil Ior (-;i;lsis I lrlsulalcd :ilr',,1 li rr,1 I )o(;l\ (lL)ltljlltl(;lioll l;tll)Jool i 2,P5"i I 2.50"1 . 2,75n , , 3.00" 3.25" ,.j 3,50"I i I 3.75"r ' , 4,00"1 N()/r-aspi rir/l/c rbe, (//ass i/'',r lLr lltt: Lrotttltltottr; ttl ltlr;ttLrvitl t:; rlt r,o||l)e(l Il l:M llcpoll.l.l l(i']/\')"J'i .rru J.l rJl lBA6.Al\,4t Classilie(l l)y Underwrilers Lilltotlr lories Olass A itntl (-lott::lt ttollott:' l?t). t'?:l . lvlooli; I L'rIrtitl lip0trtltcitltt.ltI lltr-l- 19 /'2 / 1 ,2. Dimensions . lloar(l si/cs: 4'x4', 4'xtt'. o llricktretist;r; l.4" to 4'. (Jllr('r 'l ilfd llricl(n('ssos itl(r (lv( llli ll)l(' .l)il(;l\il(J1 rt1 l'i.tlywt, r1.rp(,r I lrLrly('llr'i l)al!l!Jc(l ,tll(l l)illl( kl( | l,'.,11 , ii lili Lll, , ,,r ,.iut ,,. l' i'lLl L ,lri rr i \1U:lli.:|.j3, r Ilvrlirr rr,r rt i|r l, ,rl ll l rlil,,l I 1l r'tcffil tilltx W{f,lj.'jd i )!r\tsir,i.il Ft'o$r(rf ilos rr,)pody l( taclor \r,later absorplion (% volume-21 hr6.) Moislure vapor transmission perm Compressive slrength fJhnensionnl stfl bilily (with tace0 l:xp0sufu linr0-. 7 da Ys. Iest Melhod ASTM C.518 ASTM C-209 : ASTM C-355 ASTM D-1621 ASTM O-2126 -40cF/amblonl RH A6TM D-2126 158"F/97% RH ASTM D-2126 200cF/amblont Bll Lsnglh: under 2% Widlhr under 2% Lenglh: undor 4% Widlh: undsr 4% Lenglh: undot 4% ;li4dlh: under 4%. '&rjfli lt; ,,, .,i i,{t.l:ii ii.in-trip .' ; til ll9'17 , 1!rtJ,fli i , ii:1"9'No r i. \l:19 ir 17,30 10.23 21,15 23.07 25.00 26.92 ?8.84 30.7s l:luk, (r i ti: 31r" 3l',,', 3?1" 31i" 3t,r" 31i', srh' I rl" 4,t ,:, , ,l, t('r rtLl (\lliL lr L )lri.rrr', ' i It lil\ llful,\ 1, ( ir,.r,rl 1,.,,'. ', Ftberqlass i lu! lacet. "Agcrl llr()tir|,tl vitl!('li ol lllls I)r((kr( lwr'rl I lNln ( ort,lltrullllq pl(x;o(illl {r .1'. u(lllllrr r!l .Manville Built-Up Roofs ,01 General This sp€cification is for use over any type of structural deck (without insulation) which can receive and adoqudtely retain nails or other types of mochanical lasleners as may be recommended by the deck manu' l:tcturer, Exam'ples of such decks are wood and ,iyr,','116,1. -l-his specification is not for use ov€r light- r',r1irt irrstrlatintl corrcrete decks either poured or pre- tFour Ply Gravel-Surface Fiber Glass ;*-# Specification o No.4GNG For use over Plywood or other Nailable Decks on Inclines of uP to 3" per foot For Regions 1, 2, & 3 Surlaclngr Incllne Per Foot Bltumen TYPoUptoVz" 170 deg. TYPe ll- vi" tog" 190 deg, TYPe lll Gravel or Slag Approx. installed weight (lbs.): 495'595. .03 Appf icatiorr ol Rooling,r Ltvrr lill rrrrrrlc uI liglrtweight tnsulating concrete. .rll qcrrr.rrl Ir,,lrLroli(,ns containod in the currgnt ;rl, Iil,er;ilic,:rliurr ivlarrual ior lluilt-Up Rool Systems sltall ,, rrl rro(l pi,rioi rlri:; r.;l.ruoilir;aliorr , ,ij.i: LiLtrii,Jtr iir,rl iiistitllatiotr of llte deck and/or .,:i -,[rit, rnr:iL |usult in the toctf drainlng freoly :r.ir ri lltrtrrtJl r]us ettough antl so located as to ,J\) ,i'lirlci' lirr.rrrrptly altCl complelely. AreaS ,.. vi'riicr 1.;urrtlu lor rnore lhari 24 houts are un- ,1'tirllle antl will rrot be 0uarorrtced, ;rirrgr;: licc section on f:lashirrqs, Manville Spccifi. " ivl;rrrul\l ior lluili-Up lluc.rf f)ystcrtrs. t.t' Total Wt. 60 lbs. 60 lbs. 400lbs. 300lbs, Over wood board decks one ply of sheathing paper rrust be used undor the base lelt nexl to the d€ck' Using GlasBase, start with an 18" width. Following fells to bedpplied lull width, lapping each lell 2" over the pre' ceding one. Nail the laps at 9" centers and down the longitudinal center of each telt nail two rows of nails with rows spacod approximately 11" apart.and nails staggered on approximately 18" c€nlers. Use nails or fasteners appropriate 1o the typs ol deck. See Faslener Data in general instructions. Starting at tlre low edge apply one 12" wide, then over tlrat one 24" wide,lhen ov€r both a full 36" wide Glas- Ply. Following lelts are to be applied full width overlap- ping the preceding tellby 242h" in such manner lhat at least 3 plies of felt cover the base felt at all locations. lrrstall oach felt so that it is firmly and uniformly set' with' out voids, into hot (al EVT) asphalt applied iusl belor€ tlre lelt at a nominal unilorm rate of 23 lbs' per square over the entire surface. On inclinos ot 1 " per loot or more, for horizontal ap- plication, "back nail" each felt along lhe leading, edge bn approximately 9" centers' Where such nailing is accomplished, ihe base felt need only be nailed througti the laps, on 9" centers, omitting field nailing' All felts may also be installed parallel to inclines over l " per foot. Fasten the base felt on 9" centers through lhe iaps only, back nailing each mopped finis,hing. felt al lhe lebding-edge on spacings ot 20' (1"'2" slope)' 10' (2'-3' slope). All fasteners to be covered by the suc' ceeding plies. All nails or other fasteners are to be driven through tin caps unless lho nail or fastener has an Integral flat cap no less lhan 1 " across. Flood the surface with the approprialo asphalt, depond- ing on the roof slope, al an approximate ralo of 60 lbs per squale ancl while it is still hot embed [herein ttrt ilc- ceptable gravel at lhe rate of approximatoly 400 lbs. pet square or an acceptable slag at a rate of approxinlately 300 lbs. per square. tllr5t.alt|llre tl eti .,ilriitg l)a1.;ut : i. l: l:ililsli.1r.,.'' ' , rr,)l''l\''"' ,,i.il , . -:iirr.' l' :r .).,r ltt /' rlj I' ',ill lirt lvli fivllii rr it; i {"; Wootl boarrl (lerrks only iJiiu r tt: rl I ytic l/0 tk;q. 'l'ype ll" i90 (lcg. Iype lll r.tr,,tr iul l- rrclinoer reUilr(linq . 1 layer . 1 layer. 3 plies 'totalWt. 69 lbs. 69 lbs. proiects in \,i \',, \r I' i' ,rii 5 ;l oz F =e.IIJo- 1 c c€q rr: oo ooo cr) o ro F{ anul IJ.Jl! F =tlrJo- q+ rF F8/4t14 qobhc*Y. I I QI-.Ilr iix I JIsl F{t\t, | ,t;IulIFxlzEloEt=thl J =laol € Elz uJ 5 FG'L(u+, :lo'il crlPIxl C)l ol =l E|rl23o uJ F z CD.. sfo<tPx+,O.- Gt.nloo.()P@! u)roc r.oo O.{5 (J@ c(U.(o'-o(l, o(Jr- (Ju. ! I.r =td(l,(./, <./, tugt i o z (E z3 IL uJ F Eo o.6 ',o.t- o o o)oqsEo E o) o o) == d) E o =l o- 3 .o) c.9o^o:!E s69€!8: et!04oo';o E*-oc;e Dt-:sDc(! o) '= oN -at> !oF o o (5 o f v, .9 s o o at3(! o:(t''=OodisEUKc.9 .t,.9c 3EPc-.= (rtx6i ET;:€fd i=c96 85t_'F >,3 Ea ==E l.)'- OE o-tq: tr.=- (E cr.s cL *EEur- O-E*p Ei;!EE EOt5:e cEi6i eeCo o'-c;o* -.E.DO)- EEE-si3;6>.o6;5=F3i8 ,i6 s9E-oEeg!oo) -o(' o|Jt o oO t\ oq ro(?) o o(\l oO oo ) r)r) E UJ (.5z I llJIc)z J 9trF q,lJ UJ 0z @ =J J z gJ = q,l IIJl!z tr uJEou, o oco3uJtUJ z 6qJ F oGuJo z UJJo x F uJo U'lulrJlJ-t t IJJ -+got- ) I l! oz.6 zo! CO J 9GF uj tr z J 9z otu- NOtlVntV tl-'ll tl9 : " l'l =,e 6 lgl -'*'le rnlO"-l =plz z u- Clo o o@lF - .n zvl3; =F6l2* fiEl3= Hggi 3liH EIr(\l(,l z9t- Ll-(r f e uJ F ooo ror{ UJ z F o z9 Ee|.lJF 3lltz <,,tz:z9!4 <Qo<Eft>trRtr6ci<z oF2,. 9z d6BE utfJJ IE oa UJz:<o IF 2 F Jl U)z Ff u) -.rl tr1zl zl .. >loulol!l!z lt)F ul(L J z E o zF(t, 6 o =xG $lI ! I C}-{'o .-t,..) l.:) IJJFaao-zo Fo-utY UJ cooF = ElrJ IlO <qlrRl6:lO \Jr-l'lHuJbEzo z oPze coo =z dP.x--ULJL-I )..i3\., !/ =zEtoqhr BJ=- F CEuJcltouloz foL F I o- JFlLt :h= =to- ul =a!O|!ooEurxc:>fiF Jtr UJ F --- F =E,lrlo.zoF C)D E.Fazoo \ J €lFl.Fl 6lrlgl ol :l Edl (9z =TL ol!lol :lol*l F J (Uo (FrFO +tU' P (uo g rii =z d) -'t lr,-| !lorI ol otI lcoI jl.; | (Jt r\cl I sf .rvl Ol r!I LI Lol ol 3l -lOl -lot olI c\r Irt IH d-I uJ.FlqEJEeeiaE(J Orc)N(7) I(or\st I<lrl HI I ?l slJI <l>lItlol =lel +,vl o(-) o, o(J j+ tt) EEItr (\lr\NroIr\(\J cil =.1 sltrlJI at>l IU 3tl FI C'(, UJ (u (6 o (tl.dLtJ E trl sf(f,(7)l\I@(\l (f) ?lol IJJIElJIal BIzl3l9l dLc,-o IA c) =tr olz.l otuJl 5l <l>lttlol zl 3l 9'lFI I I I rl oluJlEI il bl Zl ,.t3t fOl t!FI F Ege P-XZE !zq.o =+.Eo, " 2 J<oa95HEiEN .q5YSD tT3sO1t3c$; d&=-a\ vi .{\ .{\ Dru f a\qJ SuUr*M:t:Yror J2 2o t-G $tvv soql l+- € '.h a--.-tx \ \Jq $p -{* U) F.l\n\ t)"o 6g"A 'H 33 JJ I F-{ t-, *,' \-J v ') il,[ L!,t\e llJ e'dfi sjAr -ls:,F e\a u"-t g t s,t - .bku) 2d 5h{3'i' M[r av^ Lv. 9 q 8qs6e Ei\) tU f, 6.1 tr "#"€F 6x' tI E,"% *iHH\."- o rE- :u o =t =e. UJo- ootoN (n IJJuJu- E =&.tIJI re.Ef/#/fn IMl $ .,) R l[' Ni- $k t- t!F linIl!IFxlzXloftl=at J =t=>t*ol.dllo>lz717 trIuz3o tr'xa Ito <ltg3:o9!r.oe(!6.9'6E't o. ocr;q,o o 1too ((t E o o (tt (D olcI o E o:Ecf, d€) o (5 3q) o) cG ct) oN -o 'F ol .g P oo(d E o o v, .o o o ar;3 j-o (l);6 '=g)(')*io;-oc-o(EEat O€; gg.: EFJCO YE'c-o'r3s =Ei c96 35= BEi =!EeoO e os,!! c.=- (! ct(s 0-SEr qtP O-E*eE6:EE bo(!= EFE_ o..!:urC(! 0'--cxo)P-E dt (l)- EEEoi= '6>,o (0; -Y:E3i8 i'6 B Ir o- d) eEg -o([ cu] € lrA (f oo o oooo oo oo LON N ro =UJ zoJ:) Y uJ z. o- J = UJJ UJ zdl = d =olu = LUuJrr.z tr uJ IJJ oco3ul uJ z 6uio IJJ o- z uJJo x F ul(tl U)ul UJu- ts =EIJJ\o- J FoF ozo -Jo J EF() uJJtl, ozlo: J oz UJ- NO|lVn]VA ql ):- " I = T T I::: sl;"Ji 9s6 6 B;F ^ t, Z-3E =F.rt <, e.e? BF: iF8 Z-ot(, zo F J IL cc e. uJ oorJ)T\ tr o-ujt J z Eo z tr euJ J iuJz IItltlII trzfz Et!<oo< =PPtr6o<z a =2,. Oz -iF fi(,3tr I II Itrl-I II(rlolotd IJJlJJ d tl,aulzY = ul F z tr Jl<J)z t-l +\ : --lur, I-.t I<l:i!l!JI o 3 rl<l-l zl zl .. >l uJouJuJzoL E IJJ(L J z Eoo I! 1I I "l;lo z t! I = C, ,a.J .:f,-l(:)(:f LrJ Eodlo-zo Fo- IJJY .ul'o oF"tr =Elllo- lJ-loJiqo<lo<ltq.Igu,akz.o nf]n z,.o1,,, i-ze(no =zJO CL u- .-i5 =E==uJXdd=irr E CEuJo-ltout z oo oFE CCo- JFuJ-E=dE =o-O|!9o -t!xo-x>fiFJJtrllt F o E -9o B! .E 5 E oC' AO::l -. lco>gl-E _CL:o -t F =E lrJo-zoF(JfEF CNzoo (,z lJ- Jd! J (.5z. oJ dt d,LIJ =oF JJlrJ cct 'ii=zoo-t uJE o J = Eo .|J(o oooo L(l| =oF @co UJ =z 6 UItr ! q Tqq'ct =cltrttl =l;l ol.lt o J = c Eo trc +o Iifft4 oIt4 ".1:l trI "lz. ull :l ?l>l u-l :l3l Fl (\l O) I(or\st uiJllt =tr z tu(E J ozBoF E tr o olrJ 1t rl.oi z1-loFI tr =.1ol tl <t>l|rlolzl-lolFI =tr <i] =.1 ql <l>lttlot zl3l9l uJJltl G IJJz =o FO IJJET E <FIr() I.IJ <zEt.IJ F(42o <oOF F3 tu,2Eo E2?;o =<(:0afF d- zo ex:1 F 13g= =g t t. =o2 J<QQ9.!o'a 1 \ I-t)l 1l rl I I oz E =Gu,o- $ sllJu- tr =(r UJ.L J 9t!tr-o z ) f <nu.lF z zoJ5 .6 oz F z UJz3 uJat i & lJ- Fo z o o uJz3o t! g, Cl ciE@ ;c) oq)o; -(Eo.='aa'; o-E(6 f,l4to 1JF-:e-- !r CO'i- oo)NO 3;OYFOoh oo otcc(g'r,r O,i!loo3o(toD cl .c ::i a-.,E oo El lrJ o9 o- C(Et; .'io3';(EE '=O(,)*ioE3F =e2,'Yp! E:Fo Y!c-o o.r(uci- 3-60 =l'FiE=c96 d5i_;)x!l (6=QCs -oO.j: (,) .e'; IF5; o-(! o- F'E 6!, r l:LE9o(oCE",:oo:- c.YOo:eiE-c(gL e-C 99:;,E !o;3 =6> .:<:ts in Y'-xeite9E-arEeer-Oo) -o(! p 'o u \ I9\ \ tb \ 0 \ \ 0\ $\ e \ 8\ h \ tr lu oz. J x UJ z (L I C) UJ z = 2 I tu o =_ul uJ z 6ur F6ocr! o-?z x F ulo af) I,J.Jrljt! ==Eu.,4 J oF oz.o =f F(Jut u, z6 =l o- = () uJ = NOIIVNlVA I,\ It !\l - 3 z F-o uro zgJ t\l(>\ P: rr -rl'l =...o -.o14{-.\) zzooFo- Axf-*Po@oz>-oa)<)zr!< v=lu-9UFO.i$i z tr r!t (r(, utIL F o ,o f. ao-uJE J z E o zo F- (r UJF J3ul2 IItltl Ezlz truJkoo< >fi2(EYr/-3ci<z (hFz .. Oz _'i Fd636OI J.J lt,a z iF z F l z o ; Jl<ltrl zi zl .. >lo LIJoIttl,zoL uJ& J z ao zY II I i I I elrr.r Iol I I Ii,.ol{ rJJ | (,,t UJF0-(L<>og is J J 3 F t! oo$ a-l.f, , -l ._),l t,rltro(Do_f z F u,Y l,u.dl oFF =fa UJ It- & I H !'r2E a 2 z u- J<c)aa53 I I I I I-d FoJ t\ :or = ii =z -) I{f<i ! AIx\ I sI F /l r1.-YI'\.Y, !qtlq.t1 =l -ll!l lzl\ill{if u) )l\r cf{ aatq qos -.1 = q .l N* -(n = o a -4 I \t L J { =tr oz outl 5 <l>l s-lol 21 6l Js i |-+ t! altF E E ol =.1 ql el>l rr-Iolzl =lolH E z cjul ?>l tl- 3I uJ)ulF b'z ulE <l>lt!lol zl3lolH E i d I I I I I I I =.1 uJl:l<l>lr!lol Zl ,,t3t :Ol ulFI F I,J.Jz3 F UJ =I C) E <F ur<zd.uJ r-(52oc) <o(JF i< =zUJO(J 9P =sf,Fd6o *5YFz()-<-: aY iz>Y \JZ z .R =zzcoo =zl:)JO(L t! ."i5\'., \J = =r*-!-ucofi> D!D L uJ u_ E9E<ctl60EgB9tl ir ctrJ:F-J,:uJ-EF=8 lfi: >(L: ou-E ooP 5pt x>G;F o"i!,E ql (D oF h le = l:E l,lrl l- o-zoF()f^\ Fb*$azo" C) -,(.-.---\ lavF\zE -IE'RND INS o PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \7.e- ( DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED - / ?rL\ 7*E-'*.:'/ lJ THUR @ AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION i STEEL A tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION fI POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr t rrNnl tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POW€R MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D D EI ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr- FJNAL O FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED I CORRECTIONS: U'uJ I.IJII F =t I.JJo- v,-4'.=-a C\;-A' cc\'-.F--j>s I I l., t?lo I I l* rtsIEe.IFlutzl=to lotz F z z ']f z a.l 'J 9H:E IrEri-<9, < .. ? zIE:< "Iilq-i,dl'!io9Xs1 z - <z:2 =^>?<aYt roA<O<Q9l Zbii3HEU'u9o4 Ii. oo>,<o* .(<' ==uJ z J ldt zo ==(L UJu.lILz9F tu otu ot d) 3LIJt IJJ z 6u.l anu! IIJIL F =TE UJ J oF zo -) NOTJ.VntVA ll=llEll -qllr.Dll Iasll =F Ioo I^ 6z I E =ilu F#l = z trofEFzo t]-l F z tr:J J z E z tr IIJFJ =qJz (,z (r o- lDoF tll!! (rJLUx> oz2), I rlJl Ltlvt Ylrl I z<n=qa1o-doUJ r!te.r!Eooza) t! = IJJ z F UJ FaZ =fY<oat! uJ .t,lI I dl Y I IIl'l ln <OE'LU:>EE z =zI o =o()() ,I {l a =zl z =LU = zo J (t,z IJJ J uJUJlt-(L F oz € F B a ttlzY9 F alrl'll(rl LJIol<lJ =l z l!- I I Il-I' I II(dutl cllq I =o I I ILlo I I Idu4d ai <lIa!Eo olurl <l --.'l E uJlEI RIalI = allrJltl RI<lJl <l =l a IJJtroo J =<o(JF trst(,) >Y(D> =d1ZLl-o E F IYFz z a. trj F(J E.Fz. frY R t <FE()lfr <'zEIJJ F(42o C) <()an:E \'6lo olz. oz ts =E uJ.L tI oz FouJ -!ot u.l Eo F =E,lrlo- z. z zed]o lL>zs ;Fd nnh J."i5v\J= =d-3=o^-'! -i l,!6il= L = UJ ll-o uJo. F c€, Eooo o! .E, -3'E Eo.)\rFA9fei 6l-Fl=E'=t:oA- It z9FofEFazoo nt]n 9iFt:s!:<O!,rO+9 p :-?zti;;ai^Ene 22 Z2<oi6zZA)3:tB<O 4gFE3ei3F"<dQ> *c4<o*=l,lo=<c<'J a F tr trl rl 2 tr Io ul 2 r!oz5 Izut:t! ul ul Goo lt u, .E Fo F ! Er lrlo oz -oJ -l n -l< 15e =, =eF - 2 I NOrrvn'lvA z z9Fo cF z o u. IuA F 9S dzo9ot<6 oz c oo N oz ==EuJ 8 6l x6d '-l oI siri E c.i (n uJ UJu-t =tlu I I l".,Itld I I I l.,9t<E IEzl=to lotz,zt9 I-1i IolN rrl\_l-(qIu IF,< I I ! I I I I to <lE<,io -,t(.'5'z-<q-<= rd I I I I I I I "l I I Irl I IIF @ u.lf I frF z zz L P DJ D{J{ ( s \ a{-tr ,\ \ F.\ IK { \ { IHlrzF1<: kCoorO f \,21- Vz "?i, r !'i v 22 Z2<oz6zzA)g < t5 FFv_ Qslz::r;:FXe9<O Fo <d6> -(/)<c*'G)6!<c<'a F F -t '2 t! \ \:l Iil : l).t; t< tFlz l. t^ *il7 llrLt -{: ,l t lcil t \| ll'I q ntr{ rO,q O)o) q cN q Nt-lFl rC E; srrr) e 8r-l 8cri st 6: ts =uJ z6J d) :a() UJ oz t! J 9 F UJ E z @ = J = uJ Lrltultz tr tu LU 3uJ uJ z -(/,uJo F llJo o- z uJJ auJ UJII F =E UJ J F zo f co J EF IJ)IJ z CN o- ) = OllJ = NOtlVn'tVA -Goci =qz z !-'no 905F ^ <h z;lq 5 =eEE 9 Of,< ttt o dtr6 a fig? = 6a5q dI^ur - t. f4:B HEdN(J |!N =>G =t! =cl z tr J TL c llJc F :c fioi LU t9 J z E z F EuJFJ =t!z |ltIl) rtttl? z. z? a 5 F6->.5p?,9= E;qE EBdE:g<cooacoz=rllllltpt | | tlt-,1 | | tlv lrto I =tr.'aAY ; $ fr t- I fi =<g FEEgI= H55ooo-24) z tr U'z UJf F LUT a uJJu., o = t) a UJ UJ o- FFtJ7 2 a ca UJF B o _olt{ odH io..P.rlg o.r-: r?6J xH 3t z3?9 :f +)6A F G a. U)t!z:< =F d UJc F Fgbil9l! !O 1\IoGI olz. oz FouJ-)oeo IJJt- o E =E,lrlo- IsF{lcql t{lol El '<l EI (9z =tr J -o o.Fl +J.r{ Ft.r,t Y .r-t fi t{ R tX F{ E u; =t u,l z v,ouJ = = o IO u)t].t{ it rd "E E (n tr 00 o) XII uJ oo = NN ,LFs o- F-l.Fi = a)fl .-l oaQ € ,!4 olrl =Etr -l<il f; aatu o J = xx EJ dN6 o 8 '-{ F Ec tr aoLU oo Ja =tr rtU'UJ oo J =tr fr oo 1l <lE tr o Ll-tEoo Ja o- L t UJz =o F UJF- c --.,6 $#5 *rrJ < ;jzEa6 c) <o FS e=() E 9P =f)zr.Lo C) ix:IF7<) =#i'Z =g E t., \J Z. J<(Ja !'t5H Jz z(J9z_e dlo =zJc)CLL afi(J(J= =r,i6d= ==E uJo-lt- l,rf, co f oz ITJ-)otL i crlFTrlI llJF o z z =ecoo =z CL r.l- zi| 6d= o clo o' ot .ts 5r-E=E#o;o; ol! C lr9EE>rF E =E Ltlo-zoFOD E.Fazo(J T]L]D oz t = uJ(L 42. I I t, telo I I I I l.,9IE laz t= \ NO|lVntVA (,z 'I IJJdBuro 2Aqt<\l:G@u.1< tsgfl kcie.@z :<E =Z.ZtL F o- azx: =YF9 OE aae.z>(Joar9]QzXu-<oq iU :.:CU EFofi iN(J tao-t!e. z Eoo z tr uJ =t!z )Ei!Llalo JF= uJ a I I x. E o = ull EI ',1 <(l =l ull 6loloJ <l =l = I Ju,u{dlq <l --t E r.q o 1l =l=tr Lo Eo +) o 6o (no L(uJc,ntt\ u; z (D -') I ILl- I J 3II ?--{ >-<E>I() o- = g ;\= F z (J z I uJ zt- =#ll-)z () F z J tr r.lJ) F UJF 7 <Fgour<zEUJFozo o Dfltr /"n A,Ps/'ff);fi /&@nffi Z A 7--*a7ru,2 1/z zr*426 Z 4/4"2dA/- z//frrr/"r;" A/ fun fu%tZ ",&fu.funfu,d,Z{?/t-ruk'1 26 2.,,A/ 4a/-Uq; /..wffiffi&,t -q;t .*.4fl" -aJ .d4/u4.%,an/,k<-2t/4u&ust dZ Jrfu tuaaz .z ta*,;ra'/--n;-rrr*. .r'/fuA//4/ ,h 44"/r%/ O,"u/ -r?4// y'Zan /rt/-,J -g"z /zu/ a/ 4/ &az,'. %"/ /'* , fr '44/d 4F o Art 0rill*tM C/ .J,,fr,r-" A,t& C/ Za.k/rr!/ {'(7,"*r/rh &r^)'v ru" 2, t/g/ T,WQ'-k4/fffr 5 % T,,,'C/W @ Afrri/l-" C/,Qzrnz : hr,B frd Eb,r^ Atrr,qil*t*tts: /t,At* O/ Zh%e/A/,,fl /*/,/6 - il,rt")/ Jry"/d*, 7n, fu4/#//* e**^.Ard'24il,&U?/z A^/W tzzfuz-r4>fr,atazZllful -\ Urr,tz- erfuq tM,/E^ 24// e.i/ A/4.,4 M Zr4 eo --6",/4/r"* t/ ?r4e-z fu,q ,M a,,/ 7),14/21;/hter- 0e4,,%4 J,z*fuZn 4/h/"ful {6, fia*iLhu,t . ,Zr4p(: M/b{dl MW flt?l, er- ebr"" Vlr,"lry fl"',r,re/ Town of Vail ELECTRICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee lnspection Fee Total Fee APPROVALS Bulldt{ Omdal THIS FORM Ig BE FOSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTTOI{ 24 H(X]RS ADVANCE NOTICE REQIJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Date Paid... Received By rou N",n"..k !etl*- (2w^' g-a ...mffi Date or Apprication..-.kO- ..... 27.........-..........-1s.7.b.......... 232 Erecrricar "on o"ror-R& Et-mreC-' (lA =g) orrru,rfu.4r... $../.w-.. $.... ..?a_= Drxvar ! r oa52 Best coPY Available RU JUN 13 1974lun P. O. Box 10O vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 Vail Fire Department CORRECTION NOTICE Date served: Date ol original inspection: Buildingname: Buildingaddres ", )O'1 Building owner: 476-2200 476-5613 Ext.223 {. Time served: THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: tr uNrFoRM F|RE CODE (U.F.C.) VTOLATTONS tr tr NATTONAL ELECTRTC CODE (N.E.C.) VTOLATTONS tr tr OTHER SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PRACTICES DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: ACTION REQUIRED TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS: CITED CORBECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY: COPY TO: tr WATER & SAN. DEPT. A.M. / P.M. Date: tr tr VAIL POLICE DEPT. PUBLIC SERVICE FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT IN FURTHER ACTION UI{OER THE PROVISONS OF THE U.F,C. 1973 EDITION tr VAIL BLDG. DEPT. (Signaturc) tr PUBLIC WORKS BU ILDING OWNER/MANAGER: FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFIGER: (Signeturc) a>r't Fg< <Q?) :- Y Z ilHgrArcX 2<i4az227ct<EFr. o< (-)O r'1 Z5d'*x9?5'9o'l E,-r<a> **98c<t ,,t cE-=<. r1 r -: F. ll\ H I l:r iltgJ/s-lo t> ?I H:l !rrl : +t F =E uJ4 rf} iir _,o ll F1fsl )Tp z ;o KH;b6-(J6.(J v \') \-i. tYr!\l , ,r ll I l1/ F.\<.{o-,s/ ll,ozg G z IJJE u,l ul tr u,iE J u,l Fol F ul .\: lt J F o UJ t! oz Ft )1 !.t =tr=H o z -oJ Il o lre =,-oF zv F4,,ttuo F E UJ zoJ @ cc{ ul z Foo zo F cr IJJ =: =ut2 N lt. zoJ f,o t! ll,t F2 uJJlll E ouJ a,ott lltF 3 Gut Yz (t ItlGII ul z o zIF ul tl, 2 tr uI oz o s \4q .a out l.L 6ulcc/, 3 UI ==o(J Ftl A ioJo t! Ft!;a o 2 e2:J -iz Y oBt!ozo F EIJ ulo J Gul G- trt>(9.' :*N zo9 - I't,5 2 trc1d.6F.Et4(, =>:z:< o. (J>oFO -.i z tr o 44 Ito IIJF llrll\l (t) F{ I I I I{t I II I stt\I'l II 0)'a b E t-1| N 6)' i II I N I b 6E rll E E C) ah !r!(! trl , t') h o E o o F 3 a II I - all r-.1c{l I I tt 6 a t tl) <D ' <t) F € q) * q) I '- ol.,Nt= 9i-.:< oq'd ul- tDlEAt sdEZ301Ezl 3o Icrl El i I Io'l I!/llllst:l 9lol 1.sl -:f 3 6'65rrg9.=*9lirc3sg'B8b I d € Fo t B T' .B 3 u. o a E ii$FiiiEg ii;;sEEi; E ; E ' o I I I I I II I 1?lzl\11-l zl 3lJI<t I I I I I I '-i z v 11 A,; llr ES 5 :< O lt1 fr \J r,r F 3Ra 5' aa! Fq) T EB o u Er Fl frl F Ot"/lJ3rr-"rZQaex/a-'t Wc /y'//u >4-/t/ /a4'L4-//r/u' llEl'l0nANDUll TO\I}I COUTICIL VAII, PLATi]{ING CO:'!]IISSION NECOiI:'I]:;\])ATIONS ON PANiiI\G VARIAIEry]]JE]]4]q FEQluSr IJ'i Dri ljll:ilt lilll-l DECE}iBER 3, 1.973 fn its regular meeting on Tlrulsday, November 29tlt, the Planning Conmisslon met rvith Jay Peterson, AttorueS' for Dr. Peter \\'e11s, in regard to the fatter's duaf request for a parliing variance or exemptlon in regard to a centist's of f ise in Pensi.on Isabel. Granting a var j.ance rvould mean that Dr. 11'e11s rvould not have to provide larking of any kind (one space is required) for his bperation. After dlscussior.r, tIe Planning Cornmission votecl to recommend to the council that a parking variat:ce not be grantecl . Reasons given are the increased traffic which employees and patj,ents rvould create for that area and concerll for general public healtir and safety because of that increased traffic. The Commj.ssion theit took up tlre matter of a parl<ing exemption. This rvoul-d mean that Dr. \\'el-Is, or l'lanf red Schober, could purchase one space in the Parking Structure, under the sa'me formula as other businesses earlier this fa11 (attached minutes of meeting october 23rd outlining that formula). Aftel dis- cussion, the Planning commission voted to recommend to the Council- that a parking exemption not be granted. Reasons giveu centered on the poj,nt that granting an exemption rvould not be in the best interests of that area' or in the best interests of the Town at large. SU}I}lARY TO: FRO}I: RE: DATD: The Plannlng Commission recommends to the neither a parklng varj-ance, nor a parking to Dr. Peter liells. DS/nmm Toq'n Counci-1 that exentption be granted o III.-iUTES SPECIt.L JO:\T ]::''TISG VA I L PLA:,lti I -\-C CO:.!l: i SS I O.\- /1 01".:l COUN-C I Locro$iifi 23. 19?3 I speclal joln! nteLlng of thi? vtil PlanninB Corvnissionand the To$n Counci.l to consiCer the parkilg va!.iances ofthe Patio Rest.r.rraat and Tne Slopc, ard a setback v{rtancefrom the ToNn of \.ail a.t and craf! centcr, rv.ls dulJ' czrlledaDd held at 2:OO ?.!1., Tu€sd:r:.', Octobe! 23, 1973, in thcCo.rfereDce Roon oi the To\in of Vail llunicipal Building. The followlng Cou:lcllnen $er.e present: ]tayor John l. DobsonRichard Bai le:i Jobn Doro van . Joscf Sr a.u ter The following members of the Planning Conmission $ere prescnt: David Sege , Ch a lrma nJack FrltzleoBill Na::1onllerv Lapl D Also preseDt $erc: Terrel.l J. inger, ToNn \laniger J iro Lafiort, AC!:inistrative AssistantBill Pierce, Tor+ n StafiCtndy Lanont, lai I Trail Tlre Plaoning Cor,rii sslon conslCered an applj.cation of tb(- To$nof Vail l<)r a vari:.nce iD acccrdanc€! $ith Article 19. Scction 19.2OO of Ordinance 8 (Series of 1973) in order to permit theconstruction of an addition for a public art and craft center$lth zero (0) feei setback in lreu of 13.5'as requir.cd. ThePlanning Cornmission stated tha'" they !rould rccornncnd that thevariance be granted. Cpon motion duly rnade b]' tlerv Lapin arndseconded by Jack iritzlen, i! s.as unani.nousl!. voted to recomncndto the Town Council that the setback lariance be granted, The Council then consiCered the \ariance application and thereconnendation of the pl.annr.!g Ccr-nission. Upon motion dulymade by John Donor-an and seconCcd by Richard Bailey, it wasUnanj,hously voted to approve the !ariance. The Planning Cotr,rnisslon and the Torr D Council then revie$cd theColuDission's nenorandu:l of 0ctober 19, 1973 (arttached herctoand trade a part of these ihinutes) regarding parking var.i.rnccsand chaoge of use in the Cor"ncrcial Core I (espAcially clrangcsfron !'esidential to co!.,.'re:.c ia I ), There $as discussion of tlrc90-day intcrim period, during i'ihich tine no \.arianccs for (:h:rnfeof use t|'ould be c.Jnsidered tot' Ccn:nercral CoIc' I- Upon ftotiondulJ' made by lterv Lapir and sL-conded b!' Jack Fritzlcn, it wasunanimously voted io rccc:iflcnd to the Torvn Counc-iI tll.lt aninety (90) di!' p,,riod. efilctive innodi.rtcl!', be sct drlrinFcblcb no l'ariinccs of an,v kind be entcrtaincd by tlr(: Pl:rnningCommissian or Toirn Council for Ccinerci:rl Cclrc I z-one. ThcCouncil $'as in agreemcnt iri.th such pr.ocr'ldurc; ho$ever, no vote$as taken. The Ccuncil .*ill takc formal action at their ncxtregularly scheduled mcct i ng. I ItI I I II ID accordirncc witlr tlrc mcmorandum of Octobcl' 19, thcrc was discussion of tltc pur.hitse i)f p.rrkin,l sp.rc(!:j in the sl)(jcific cascs (rf Burdick, llile), Sch(,bcr rtnd SlilPr'. Thcrc s:tsgcneral at:rcorncnt tba! th.' considcrlltjon r('( ejved for !h(l additi(,nirl spit(:(:s rcquire(l should bc (rontl'jbuttid t():i lritns-port!rtion svstcm, or D()ssibl) :rn escroi( ac(:(/un1, ra!thct' thilothc actu.rl sellinf of pill'ki nl{ spilc(-'s, pcr se. Th('r(' $ds d1'.sc.ussion oi the pricc $lrlch should bc scl for th(: addiliorl:rl parkintj spaccs rcquired uDdcr the ordiniln(l('. It lvarli l)oinLcdout that S3.500 rvas a rcas()onble ligtll'c' to eitlror pul'cl)nsc il spacc o!' to buitd on(-' indepcnd(lntly. IIo$cvcr, :I1t('r' furth(!r discusston, it \rirs agrc(id Lhat tlre price sh()uld be seL at $3,OO0. UpoD nrotion dul!' made by lur. L.!pin and socond(-'d b!' llr. t'ritz1cn, it Nas unaoinousiy votcd to t(ic()nmend to thc Town Council that the incremental parking requirements bc met and that thc termlr of thc purchasc be s-t)t at S3,000 per additional space lequired, to bc paid cither in cash, or b!' a tcn-y(:ar nole carryinu interest at thc ratc of 8i; p(?r annuro, wltb a minimu:n patnleDt of 51,ooo per !'car, secured bJ'a subordinated Deed of Trust on !he proper.ty in questj.on, issucd to the Town of vail- The Ptanning commission considered an appl ication by llr' Ron Riley, represeDtiDg The S1ope, for a parking sariilnce in accoidance t{ith Sections 1-1 .2OO, 8'510 and L0.2OO of Ordinaoce 8, Serics of 19?3, in order to alIolv the expirnsion of l-hc aubject restaulnnt into thc present Vall-Jli Books and 'l'hings prcmises, The Change of Lrse requires four addilionlll lrarkingspaces which tlre site will not accommodato. Tlle PllnnlDg CoIIunission advised ]'lr. nilev of their rccolruTrendltti.ons m.!cie to thc To\vn Council. I'lr- Riley statcd h(r t{irs nol ploased $itb their proposal for thc purchase of spaces and quc?sl ioncd tlle reasoning used fo. caLculating additional splces f o!' ch3ngirl!i use lrom shol) to restaulant, inasnluch as it is a change from commercial to -ommer.cial. ll(J also sta!ed th:rL he asstinld llc was going to get a varirnce, as it \'fas irnplied at Ilis 1lqu{)r license hcariDg that parking rvould bc revic$ed at a latei' tilne.lle undcrstood tha! the p:rrki-ng rvrs going !o be aosol\'cd \ri!h no economic impact and it $otlld be reasonable irnd equltrtble"llr. Lapin nade a motion, seconded Ly Jnck Fritzl('n' nnd 1t was unanimously voted to reconincnd to tho T(lvn CouociI thal -r.1r'.Filcy's app'lication, rcpt'oscnting The sIopc, dated octobc'r 3' 1,9?3, be approl'cd subicct to the condition that the inc!'er.lentalparking requirernents bc rnct and th,rL tlre terms of tho purchdse be set at S3,000 per. ildditional space r.cquired, to be p.rid elther in cash, or by a ten-ycar noLe carrylng lnte!(:s! irt thc rate of 65 per annum, rvith a minimttm p:r)'ment of 91'OOOper year, secured by a subordinat(id Deed o-t Trust on theproperty in question, :.ssued to the To$n oi Vail. Thc Torvn Council considered ilr. Riley's application lrncl ttle Plannitlg CorLnission's recom,nendation. Af t('r r.-'\":e\ring thc' sane, Itichrrd Bailey tradL. a nlotion, seconded b! J(thn l)()lrovan, and it vas unanimous]!' r'otcd that thc illlplic.rti()n for ir !arjance be apptoved, in accordance \\ith the reconmendation made by th(- Planning Cotnrnission, as st:rted above. -2- The planning Connission considercd "l :p?],1t*ti:i of !lichilel i'i"sLiii]'i"yl ireoerick L' Ansel()h 3nd Rrlplr 'r' 5to&n' rclrre- ;;";;;; th; Patio llcstnuriLnt' for :r p'rrkrn* varianc. rn accordance wi tlr scct tt'nt- J'i ' iOO ' . 8' 5i0. and l?:199 "f Ord: :'ant t' 8 (Sc,ries of le?3) in ora"i to allow 'n:,::*l1l::'1" "t tt'' aubiect restau!'ant ,-n"') it'" aren above rhc' Condola Ski Sxop' The change of use requlres two sdditional pirrking sPaces rvhich the site will nnt u"(]onllnotiott--' J"l.l!t::t:n and Do'rs llc|.aughlin $crc also prcscnt at this portion o[.tlrc tr'eetrng' tt vas statcd bv Lhem tn"i it'" space is p":l:t:::I a f'ur- bedrooo rcsidcrrcc' "ittt possiufv'4 to 8 Cars parked itt rh'' Dremises. Thc resuaurant rvitl irc '! brcaklast-lunch t'1 pe i;;i;;;;;t, -"p.n z A'M' io 3 or a P'l't' It w&s. noted ]11:'--^ iiiiit*-litra'not be furnished on ihc sile without a varrance' fi;;:-;i";-;;;.d tb.rt witt the prcscnt. oplltl'lli, tbL:re a:'Fj apii'oii..t"fy 4 cars corning thiough the To\rn and r itl')-a^ rcstaurant, Do cars wou'd come into. the gtlt:-1]::1' ttt"o they lvould probably tro potking in the main.parkrng lot' Theplanningcornmissloni"ii'if'utthisapplicationshould;;; ;;-;;;;A upon untir oiio' ti'" eo-dav interirn pericd' iii.i""n-il-li^ h;d not ueen revic'*ea bv them' nor 1-he Deslsn ir.iii."-iitoia , untit this iime' llo\rever' it was pointed out by the ltayor that the ";t;;;;; "tqttt"t" of both The Srop'- and the Patio Ilcstaurant t"tt"-ln"Oo on'the same 9"t:-1ndl :1::1:"l.t' ;i;;ri;-;; consioered at this time' Itr' Lapin mnde a nolr'-'n' !liI""J.i'uJ- J..x rtit"ttn, and it was unanimousli' votccl !c) iliJitilia- i"- i t,. to'un councii that tho-apDlication oi th" i,iii" lr".tour"nt, r'ated'ociober 3, 1973, bc approvcd subJect i;"i;"";;;;;ii"n'tt"t the increnrent*l parking requlrcrcn!s bc net and that the tttrni oi ih<: pur.thi"t' l;c set a[ s3'o0o per additional space required' 10 be pai(- cither in cash' or by a ten-vear no.. .ot"iins-into"ttt^it th:l li!: oI 51 pe! l;:r*lll::':.;;:i:t:,'iinli':'.il' 3?3"::i,'il'';"iii liil u' lssued to the Toi{n of Vail' Ttte To\rn Council then considered the patio Restatrrant's iiit il"i i." -iiia- tn" prtttitg commission's rccommendat ion ' g::r -i:uiil';:l;:;:'+"f'i ;.:' ll i:l :l:i l'.1'l;*::',1"1*:l]:',""'iit i ii,i'itri -tade uy .loset Staufer, seconded bv Rich:trd Balle!', and it was unonitott=iv uottd that t!9. ttll1i:1li:l--,.' for a variance be approved' in accordance with.the recorL::enoa- iion-t"ao by the Planning colunission' as stated abose' notoAs1ttbere vastfas voted further '.usinolis to come before the tneetiDg, ad.journ. /nntn F? Fz I z o )F, z 39tsl i<F1<:1F.2 FF*k9,,,9 < :- | z -itP- <t ,.rJ]]?V;i;dJlv_on9Z9\z - <= =<azal>zA);o<;5vFr.3aQ<o<aaz;>;t-:e*:t:3i5-?Gg,'i!? IFr<cQ>_r,/)<oi=rdac=<d<>,r lll J Y IJJ z z trO>u o-- (Jcc!J z UJ zg ca uJ c <t IIJtc<t F , F F ut G i a F Fzut uJ uJ L =r=H o =0 Jl E lre, =, =et- uJ !X uJ ul uJ z ru F z F ltlt z F llJ IJJtt uJI 2 J z E) J F ul ll,t u, z E tr uJd z 6) d 3 o J(J ut z F oo zotr FJ =UJz z oJ l ; ul z llJJt! t! cc UJF B r! = ula ul z F z F E uJ z tr z o oF lll z ot! o o t! Ll- () uJ o-o G .J z E IJJE E6z FuJ = Js GuJEE i Jo F ut E F tt ctz zl z .iz z EI NO|J'VntVA Ci >o(, \l!(\l U zr.l 9 z trx=d.6F!C9o->:z >o .oi E 2 trd cc llJ ) z UJ E z z F f luF 6 o E J a = z J tl. ) @ F) J.CfIIHCUV . INSPECTION RECORD (For Department Use Only) t 24 hourB Phone 476.2310 tf-F-ol!l]:_ro BE PosrED oN JoB advance noric. r€qutr€d ior inspe"tiorre Sl TE AND ACCESSIBLE TO INSPECTOR REO. INSP. SPECIAL INSPECTOR APPROVAI. DATE COMMENTS / LOCATION SIGNATURE z o 6 SETBACK FOOTING FOOTING FOOTI NG FOOTI NG STEEL STEEL STEEL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FOUNDATION WALL FRAME (ooFrNG ROOM VENTILATION FIREPLACES WALL COVERING {INT}sA FINAL ./ ozF ulI APPLIANCE SYSTEM i/ FINAL t/ zvo42, Jc WAT€R SUPPLY & DIST. ORAIN & I\IASTE VENTING STANDPIPES AUTO. SPRINKLER SYSTEM FINAL J (J GF l!Jlu SERVICE ENTRANCE BOUGH ROUGH ROUGH FINAL il1 CORRECTION ORDER LEFT STOP ORDEF ISSUED:RELEASED: CEFTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED REMARKS: / NOTE: rxrs cARo rs ro aE FETURNED To rHE BLDG. DEpr. AFTER ALL REoutREo tNSPEcrloNs HAVE BEEN MAOE TO AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. I y'2 42.,'. ?ff .x tL- = t/? o l27a,ao -fR?6 k- *-*-,E-,,1e, -12y', a z all+'--l& 04r4 : t<?4 -l' ,r' ' o t-= ?, tfif:?/ l_ \ ., / / l.. ',A.O*-,,u.*. &.'+*( O 4T*lcr\ BUILDING PERl,tlT APPLICATION 1t Applicant to complete numbered spa'ces only. PLAN CH VALIDA I 57/,+BEE /t',E/r..2 flrte rrrecxzo rxtztl z ,t//tA/7/?f D .-?*ec,:7e -Eor,1^-7 3 5- ,fa,<,,r a1' t 6 S-476 - 339c't MAIL AODtt!6 'HOX I AiCHITECI Oi DEsI MAIL ADDIEII PNOIIE tlcaNsE l{ o. E'IGIIIEEi MAt|. aoDiEaa P||ot|E usE oF autLDr{c 8 Class of work:tr AOOITIOil tr AL1ERATION tr REPAIR U TTOVE E] REMOVE h., .4.,* 1;,^,'---,/' /*./l>,'t:.3 r4 'r"J ;Z ,/er-...r"-" ..-'y' ro-. - cz,- LL.. 1r'",(x'-- l0 Change of use from 4!,-.-. c>.,, s z' .,17i.,6'-, -77,2 chanseofurero c.. f-i,4--- c',, -9A/ 6*-- ; l l Valu.tion of work: $g J'o. 'j SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slz. ot 81d9.(Tot.l, Sq. Ft. OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PEFMITS ARE REOIJIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUM8.ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANDVOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC.TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ASANDONED FOR APERIOD OF I2O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE D. I HEREBY CERTIFYAPPLICATION AND IIALL PROVISIONS OfTYPE OF WORK WILHEREIN OR NOT.PRESUME TO GIVEPROVISIONS OF ANYCONSTRUCTION OR 3IGXATURE Of CON EXAMIN Jurisdiction of RLY VALIDATED THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PEEMIT cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION WHITE - I NSPECTOR ON CANARY - AUOIT PINK - APPLICANT o BUILDING PE Jurisdiction to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT t AT toN H/6 I+ I tL_CoL6 \ A/ o Bn rt-. 1[se: ertrcneo sxeerlI oE9Ci. Ap -s '=U\t-Ii3 ..ryQo /tF AFCH FF!+f bR DESICNER L lCEl.lS E NO.4 l )oA)a ENCINEER MAIL ADDiESS PHONE LtcEN3E O, o /)F USE OF BUILOINC7 k- t sz"E-fr. +a- ,T- 8 ctassof work: nNEw trA00lrl0N Xottetot,ot tr REPAIR trMovE tr REMovE I Describe work:E-L-/DA d t'J ut+L/ \- tac sF E t'lo,), l0 Change of use fiom PERMIT FEE11 Vaf uation of work: $ / j-eo . t - SPECIAL CONDITIONS: i;',* 4 Firo Sprlnkl€rs Required [yes ,EfNo NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OB AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OF IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCEO. SICNAIUFE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IAPPLICATION AND KNOW TIALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ,TYPE OF WORK WILL BE C(HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHOIPROVISIONS OF ANY-drHER""Y"u-) FIRE DEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (S PLAN CHECK VALIDATIOT\PERMIT VALIDATION /J:aa &. ,{fl INSPECTOR REOiDEII F'OMI INTERNATTONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS ' !O 90. L05 ROBLEs O PA9ADENA, CALIFORNIA 91I01\ Form roo.1 e.6e rruspecrrcil ned6no o a DATE REMAR KS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TBENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE EELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. \rtu $+\ \r\./lt\t\ J\I{r I i{ - -*.-- T--r-)j$f* i i$\'i\d, $ I \t.rrr;$s / \qTt" r i *---__ tl,j t\ I*\l urJ '4t'3t-<s' jt\- U i\l Lt{ 'a-J "\ \{.-l.\ I .\--..-,\ oo Jt.rtq -s. \ , FP o PLI 4*-J"rtr CATION FOR BUILDING THE TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT licant fill in this section onl I 'tl {) F .O lr {q t)dtH 6u Building addre s s Date of A pplication arne l ddress City Tel. No. Narne Address City Tel. No. Narne Addres s City Lot Elock Subdivi s ion (Circle correct class if ication) Type of construction I, II, III, IV, V 2. Occupancy group BUILDIN ORMr' TION New A ddition A lteration Repairs Type of occupanc y' rea of Lot Total floot area (sq ft} No. of stories g l{t. Nc. of roorirs /-? No. baths lf-..4 t7-No. of water closets t No. of Farnilies / t//t/at duh0 Itru !) "lQ c, D, E, F, G, J INSPECTION RECORD (f or Departmental use only) APPROVI L ESTIMATED COST '/"OF CONSTRUCTION ,/6rl(Materials &-Labor) COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE d lro (a o tl{ag$ Fr -tu5 HFHH!t;a8<p a.. I E6ZMZPa<iE-lOp,Q o) dA >.(, .d (J() o) r!I +'t<q)o Ic rtt€) (J o (.,Ik .Acou Io o H (tc h lr r! oo 9..d F. {rt {U R' It) o Elro q) (! A &o c) u q o dl Q .tln. o €) +r t{q) o +l F d ot. {)uE d H trr! ll. 0)Uq) Hi INSPECTION FOUNDA.TIONS ocd & o d oL o td 14 rd h ko (s t(0 c)t{ o c tro tro ,x o Frt dtr *r. i;o q(') o, riho u)drd>FO o€ it)ara'! o)q)(! F(t o o+r 6 Iu..!i .=;d Itnlo d .t,trodo bD +lE'7 TF t{ O+r E, "'E>\o r{phq) -1. d -'$odcq.oa t .'1 €f.'| (E -.rah'3<5Jl zo F+ rJ JI] az zt{aIr-lp ltl o F{ +,dch0 Lr) q) da ! cr FRAMING FIN^ L ROUGHIq) ft1 FINA L ROUGH FINAL ROUGH rINP L :|., r0!) (,o perrnit T<rr6r-*,r/t "u" 4 J3 n6P. Pe rrnis sion is hereby granted as O,tt)vrcr BUILDING PERMIT VaiI, Colorado t.to &++t tz--oet a story /a, In accordance with the C ornrnittee, subject to Prote ctive Covenants, Type of C onst ruction on .6p* ueak &r; provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1964 Group /. rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniforrn Building Code. Contractor I pproved Vail Euilding Inspector ddt'e s s INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) d INSPECTION .\PPROVA L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE FOUND;\TIONS FR.^ MING o0d g.l FINA L ROUGH FIN,,^ L ROUGH .: q) t4 bo 0,FINT L ROUGHdoFr{ FIN.^ L o . W;ll lialarr;la. Plcaac rd $260.00 $lgo. oo $360. oo Colorado 8165?.Vall, r'P o PLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN OF VAIL Fl)c Bo &IJ'k $i t)dlr+rgt^ o licant fill in this section onl Building address Date of A pplication .A ddress City TeI. No.toa Narne 'rl/ntln+o A ddres s City Tel. No. Name Address City Tel. No. .r'24 5)'Aq B Iock Subdivision (Circle correct class ification) l. Type of construction I, II, III, IV, V ?. Occupancy group C, D, E, F, G, J INSPECTION RECORD (f or Departrnental use only) INSPECTION APPROVA L FOUNDA.TIONS BUILD G INFORM} TION New A ddition A lte ration Repairs Type of occupancy -4 rea of Lot BUILDING DIMENSIONS Total floor area (sg ft)_fut Cn94 No. of stories 3 Ht. '72- 'Nr. of "oort" /61 b^ch No. of water closets /A 3 i':Xi3fi":?:3,(t zft o oo0poc)F{u (Materiais & Labor) COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE ,xIo u a.tq) nlQ do. q) dAsa G)o lro o 6 o E sl .0 .d oli n c) dA d 0, +,q c/ Uo c (J .d +, fil olr .d *.o o rt) t{ ,l<{) $sFi4u$ Hfi =E*t;8<p .5Rul''E6ZnlZ t1l<iz'lOp.9 o{,ao(a ts L {t)o. a.Pda >. Adr!,)uuo o r0o .utr 0)() Id.tt a) o g (, k 6aou E'o u c, (Dcr-l dE tll , fi d o() o. 3d F't Families o trt 0. d tq t1 g d 1..(nctro.:oa, tU l.l (f| lr to .xo o ru8*dy d*rXo};q Eo';s s.ftodrd>GO.96 o c tu ru U) r0 tu g d o Iq-' 9i .:.E .d otkL'dO TP do b0 +tF.F'49. EEtd O+r? o.i >O lrJlkC)nd-'sobc5 u.E tr .1 €ar ([-{aili<3s) zo Fiu td0.(/)zl-t oz rl ?g.l 0)k +.riFb0 U) q) fita FRAMING tjp F.IN^ L ROUGH FINA L ROUGH FINAL ROUGH !.a Fz Nx, Irvrxlclb l&il .J bi OF F F za n()z z z- F rt,l F 3 ao>>IJ<FeIF.: E'E4io2;2zg<lF,!.o<i.)<Olrl ;<r.) o><o ts< z kg9L dqr4(J llJ cc oz IJJ zs zul Eut.A ur u,l J gl F) J F F ul ll. FoF ! E tr lrlo oz -o Jl E I ]Le -,-eF NOIVn'lVA v 3tt z t ulo J UT2 lC-A-v- >(Jo ALIt v, ur z -6t z9 9qdoFG9oi> -z*< >(J ;ri \ '\ $ \ $ t ftlt DECt31974 0eeomber 13, 1974 CERTIFIED IIAIL RETURTI RECEIPT REqUESTED I ,t tkl Stoller tports P. 0.,8ox 1O6 Uail, Colorado 8165l lleu Slr: It has co1g to the rttentfon of thls offlec thr!.JPur constructlon pernlt, o6talnea 6n OetoUer-ii, igZg, tni not been flnrltlcd. Tho last lnspectlon iecoroea oceu#ea on r6venbei 1, 1973, whlch was for framlng' Slnce that daii, rn have not rocelved requisi ioi r final Inspcctlon ol'certlflcate of occuprncy. In rccoldance rlth Scetlon 3ffi (a) of tho Unlfora Bulldlng Code, "No htlldlng or stmctuii-shafl be us€d or odcupted untll a cartlflcate of occuprncy has becn lslu€d by the bulldlng offlclrl.o In rccmlance wlth tho Yrll Racrettlon Fee ffilamce, a speclfled recrcatlon fre rhall bs pr& to the Torn of Vrll prlor t0 occupancy' In the case of thc Skl Skellar Sports, three vlolrtlons are currsntly ln erls- trnie-and nust be corrccted lrmea1ot.ly. Thcy arc as follows. l. Flnal Inrpcctlon.2. pqlment oi rccreatlon fee ($2@.00). 3. Obtalnlng certlflcate of occuprncy. In the 6vent the above ltme ar€ not coryected by tlaconrber 31' 1974' a 3lmonsiifi ue riiuei-'ior-eiirr-iioiaiion irU correctlviactlon slll be-tnken. lf ls ttre rcspoiiiUititl oi-6m ornir-or contractor to tssune tlrat rll rasrlrenents ile nat beforc'occuparcY. ll yor hrve rny quertlont concrnlng thls nstter, pleasa feel free to contrct the urderstated 6t thc Towt Offlces. Slnccrely, itcrry L, Aldrlch Eulldlng Inrpector z frI tr z\Nz Erl { E r']' B rl I{F FI z aOz z !z, FI F] F Elr FrAt2k9 FO <!4'a& 2< z2o<Fe.<OI lrl EC <O9a F. F]o><og< s NI l\u {$JNit F =l z i lt);tFYq 6-(J4(J o UJ lll oozf uJ zs zu,lEu,lv, !J F c uJE c( t! uJ J J o uJ (t ooJtt J F to e tr ti z L .E=r=HLLoO =,2 =ql o !J Fx u,t z F t!II ululttY ul (Jz 4 u, z IIJJ C) ; ut 8zI oo zo uJ J =!lz (9z6J :)o ulo) z ulJut t Flt z uJ z F !J !J z tr ulct, oz f o lrt lJ- 6 Llt o,v, @ r!JY2 o ul )so UJE =oott! o tto FIL A ultoF(,It .iz F = z Ito ciz zo9-o-65 z i^Yi'G. 6F!c9o6?i?>:< o.(J>()FO -.i Y = z tr ao ulo J \ ft uJt( J E (9z J E Y oz tr f, tt uJ o MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT KNOI.I ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Pension Isabel' in considenation of the granting of a building penmit for an addition to be constructed on the pnenises commonly known as Pension Isabel, Gore Creek Driver Vail , hereby agnees to cornply with the parking r:equit ements to be included in nevisions contemplated for the zoning ordinance for the Town of VaiI and to do any and all thirigs necessary and app:ropniate to conply with such zoning r:equinements when and at such time as they may be enacted by the Town Council for the Town of Vail . 14f4"DATED this lr\ _day of Octoben, 1973. PENSION ISABEL oz ==uJIL + o rr(n oo ('t ln (?).ir U'UJ UJu- ts = UJ d?btulsrh LcLllL+{t c'l rn C.l .v EIv HH F Fltrl HE cl!!'-- r* c.r .rl Ff|ltllE D4HH,E-E F':3H(,H =6J5co <QOHdHH(/)rlts, ,z "f Frl zl c)I Orl HlCJ=l Frl oaol Ffl EFIC)I (JI Hp[ tHt aur< frll FllF*'lol8-Elol ()lz.HtFtw{ttoFI .l ttll>l €llPl.liF{ Al I4l O< El Erl PdfltHl rnl Ar * F"l<+ F Hl-'x* z El".tr | oiul .St* z &1.-l Ht _,6'1,t | =hl <=o ;ol E gFf .5 p<l Fd E*:f,IHzFl *rl1t v)l9,{ X'rl <l HF &H(tz F H A ts 2 E u,z3 LiJIFoz H.t)2o()ao A\OOF{Orn@B(')lrnZ-t O >Xr-{ O .Ff FC Fl|lHFO<(/la> F z F] F1(J I (r F q) o o O)c fo E =cl; 0) o 'o u)q) ,; q)E o oo o (! g) '= N -tt;ot- o-c o o f (J tt, .2-c E'- u;; d-: g '= g) (/' q:9EUEcutao:e EEHF5E '-oooca-.:s3dS=c96 d63_E>.3 Ea _-gC+oO etsJ!- c.Y= <d0-(U 0-*6x (,)!O.E9o-(6c EE Ea) O:2;E-E<o!- o.9 --C(!0- P*Eo9-9s!5o:3 '6>o(6; J=E9: e'-xe:'t e9E-orEeer-oo) t\ !l .ifN ln 4 c?)rr)\t rne.l 6l CN\t * L =E zoJ ld) Y IJJI z J aF(J t/J IJJ (Jz6 = d 2 otll = l!z tr t/JE {l.JE ot Co 3g z 6UJo F-a cuJ o- z u (J x r!ol o u,l UJII F ulc J F l- z =l(D ) a (_) UJ tr zo =J J 2 IJJ: Fl H Fi NOrl-VnlVA o o U z F U ; Y =Zzt!-tr ^ 6zq 5 5oE 9 OE z>.(JOarnezXlL<oq iU- >(J=Foa.HNO C\I z tr 1 Eo o-f o- F ooo (r)-it Ea !r.l& X|4 z troo zo F &. Lr.l Bulz till I I izlzOu, og =F8r6o<z -z do3trOI lill l--1-il'I lt4ltzil=f--t-ll I t----liI ial513l:l; f (! ulz (J IF z F 5az ll I i--l H i i i I -. I 8 o-'."E:o+ ol3 zlX t-lO F ._ >lo uJ uJ UJzq)F =E UJo-) z Eoo o o (, =cr C.l I HHH G @ \-.1oO --f-1tl4-lI r'l(/ Jl"_l F] 2 TAz Fl llJFad)o-)zoF uJY uJo F tr UJ(L FI X \0 bH o-zlooloAt*lHurbEzo ,4 Hz*. Y= v1< 4coo q)>z ,-., =: E;-; x ftanf;}, N ."i3\J\J= =EicDil= tr UJ LL IJJ z loo F IE UJ:h=aE(LuJ>dOu-9o5tux> lllJ uJ(D oF co oo o tr E o.J o F =Elrlo-zoF C) EFazo(J (9 Fl I'JF ts F1Fl =) u- vJ .D FoJ FfrqcErd F |lF] a Fl ul =z \--) I 3 a Efi UJ z oo = N@ln I\o ro- Fft-l tr utzHvp{ 4 z B zrn g. !4 ()xFI (\ oo = 6l6t I\o io- t-lH =o Hv7z (.) B 4 z H F1 FJ v) =tr FqI \o z o UJ(r J oz3 F|.\ o XIE Io\$( tr Fl I\' z ol! a IL z3o ro Ic'\-$o\ llt lrl HB F FJ '-t =tr P{ I =.q uJl: r!oizl3l 9l r\\TF.FI I\'o\ atIF 4 HE |r FlFl =tr A I oz n UJ J tl, z3I r\\tF Ior.ir Oi =E z.; llJ = t!oz3I TIJJuJF EL!z = OUJtrI E, <FGQ LJJ <zErrrF.tZ O JG<oOF -<7tXF =z13 >Y =f)7o.6 <Fotr 7()3f Y,z =g E. Ei-g \JZ I I-) .l<()l<5 g.lIJJ UIJo/ trtrt])< )< ffi:.Boo =+>.o!E Ooto-.LFQ- ozlr, lrtJ @ E CJ a, TE o. a,E, oz. o EE o ! c'|tr ttLo(IoL j o t)o |! o IE o o o o o o q)oort, IL o t,q,-o o a,L o o o |! Lal ru o al(,o|! ru u |,| o..j c6G ..j ct t,o t .+r ..- c >tr !o t-t o L oola4-oET'{]on O ',{LOootrEtOrD(, otroC'.O+,-. l0dEl +r5'.o IttroJ+to{.lLL(,lgoo>ro toon3|uO-.-ro>l{,EL-. Iot +>rlro6!(, |'-r a, . rr +, orE .!.rI Lr.+ O .'.tGtl€Tl(Ea-.Os- -. tlCt' !tO U+'uJoLtrO+'+r|'oc>ooo-r (, lt IE -r -r at F f d XE .v,cr -o,a, lalE, oontl63oo tro.t uo (f o rEO '. +! !lcrorEotoL-r al o -+, oIrt o c)N-.ar->O-r-.E-..:'ordbJ:> o-[,a)-+'5|o5og) €ttt qJ '-1 zlottr.Fo-C)c{r=F{ >t- G aO,{ t'| F ltl-L(A rO i.Oood zc @>< o @-r3L O OLL T' OOtIl OO|.-T'o 6 r6s oo<f oc O LF- 3O-{ LdE O-t 3-r Oc'| -.N > |c .rr O | 1' Z. X OlJtl o(Ju) D<E o(Jo F- J>allO t! -r+ {f }.rFr\ J .1>i lq -r Fl . J O -lo< os L= . o(D-.>rO =('(L> ."{$$1t ot nrrQh grl r"lAY 13 -. -..r ,.-. \\'. ,91 17:15 GEORGI IFII]-DET{!''ERH FFI':I 'F.eil' CONFORIVI ANCE with the collective Mark of the AMERtcAN tNsrtrurE oF TTMBER coNSTRUcrroru tniiciand were manufactured in conformance with applicabte provisiorrs of American National StandardANSI/AITC 4190.1-1983, Structural Glued Lerninated Timber, and that such manufacture haobeen at our plant in ma$na.r tJtjah ..._ ._, , which plant has a quality control syst€;approved bv the Inspection Bureau of the AMEBICAN INST|TUTE oF TTMBER coNsTRUcTtoN .pnfl i4.qpegted periodically by s_uch Bure-au. IHE UNDERS|GNED MANUFACTURER HEREBY CERT/FIESthat the products identilied below and on attached $heets Nos.- are marked The rnanufacture of these members cornplies with the manufacturing and fabricating prwisions ofChapter 25 of the Uniform Building Code. JOB NAME:&.P*nt53 - JOE LOCA 'ION, cusrom€R's oAo.F No 2$3?ii _ oote Sl8l9'l nran.s onoEn ro. 4Bi ... SIGNA'URE ceuPANy . G I u-L.am lrr0hnnlo0y rrLe --Glualil$ont ro I ,, aooeess T?.r19 So - Sltfltl .Hast oere E /B/9i AITC IlEREBY CERTlFIES tharthesaidcornparryatitssaidplantislicemedbythe AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER coNsTBUCTION to use the etiC Coftecrive Mark in reipeciol products which comply with applicable provisiong of said Standard, thot the adequacy cif the guilirycontrol system in effecr at.said !l"q il periodically inspected and veiitied by the Inspection Bureau ofthe AMERICAN tNSTITUTE oF TIMBER CON'STRUCTION, and tnit, ln the judgment ot Afti,said companv is capable of complying with applicable manufacturing ano testinil pr-ovisions of saijStandard in respect of products manufactured ai said plant. Conlorrnanlce,"itn trrC-Siuno.;di; Ap.;iof any specific or particular product is the sole responsibility of the man;facturer; AlTC,s guaruntuuhereunder being that the.said company is qualified to produce a product meeting the saiaistinojioand that its plant is periodically inspected and verified by the Rtrcllnspection Bureau, AITC Certrficate No 303732 A AMERICAN INSTIIUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION AITC FOFM IBCA cl I9E3 AM€FICAN INSTITUTE OF TTMEER CONSTRUCTION U,tfitfuutr sf if,lumr Thtxixtunrr REGISTIRED APPllcATl0N JOHN CONCERII tlo. ilris is fo certify lhot the materiols describeJ on lhe reyerse lvl (b) The orticles desrrihr,C on iir:' r{..1rc, !o s;.i{, ,:ereof ore mode from o flome-resistonl fobric or moterioi JA registered ond opproved by the Sfofe Fir e Morshol ic,r such use. Trode nome of flqme-resistont fabric.or moierioi useej . .. -....Reg. No.-.--"-."--.-.--"...-.... The Flame Refardant Process tJsed WltL NCT Be Removed By Washing JOHN BOYLE & COMPANY. iNC. ,fu0#K*#r,,,ffi,"., ISSUED 8Y BOYLE & COMPANY, lNC. I T2.1I4 DU,A,NE STREET. NEW YORK, N.Y. IOOiT 21t-952-4770 Dole lrealed or manufaituted side hereof hove been flome- FOR/ CITY Certification is fiereby mode l|rclt:1Checft "a" or "b") l-l (o) The orticles described on fhe reverse siCe of rhir Cerrificote hove beenl-l chemicol opproved cnd registered by the Stqte Fire Morshol ond -chemicol wos done in con{ornronce wriir the iows of the Stole of' Regulotions of the Stote Fire Morshoi. lreoled with q flome-retcrrdoni rhot the opplicotion of soid Colifornio ond the Rules ond Nome of chemicol used_ ______ Chem. Reg. No. Method of opplicotion 'coNTRoL No. - ?/a? l') CUSTOMER ORDER No. i/ftolve 4swf ts 6worts lM i +s'tti'li,lil-iiifi:l'li-i,E+ilil /# :: ry*Lc' lrlal'l V ADDRTSS OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS one_uf ?ef14- '*NER 0F 'oorr r', rfil, PERMIT NO.t_ LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N 0F PRoPERTY T0 BE SERVED: Corner,Lot-,X-, Inside lot a Pdtlrn oEstnrprton 0F sTRUCTURE 0R ITEM(s) INTo RIGHT-oF-wAY 8St ranls,;;;;;h piint showins encroachmen|, ,lroleJlv ]ilt:-t], 'curbs, inta sca'l e U dimens i onedAttacn plans srruv{r I19 trIrLr v.v''''rs',v' t'"tlia'nanal-in ttre project area (topoles, manholes, any-other effected=1!y1,, /:.' ^hhl i-.h.rdl r #l';;.'iiillti'it'i".ri"ui' un'.i.uutioi'tt) ( ir app'l icabl e)' N0TE* Fences or walls shall not exceed 3'6" in height when'located in right-of-way' DOES STRUCTURE PRESENTLY EXIST? PROPOSED DATE FOR COMMENCEMENT OF In consideration of the issuance CONSTUCTION of a revocable permit for the structure above 'ind'icated' applicant agrees as fol'l ows: l. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit bas'i s js restricted eiiiusivety to the land above described' z. That the permit is ljmited speciticaiiJ'to t6" type of structure described in this 3. ii5lt;f,:t:lpticant shal't notify the Town Manaser,.or-his dulv authorized asent' twentv four hours in advance of the time for-cor*"ni6*"nt of constr-uction, in order that proper 4. +H?Tll':rriY.::..:3:"!{ l!"l:Snity ana save harmr.ess the rown of va'ir from and against a'l 'l cluiri,-iuits, damages,';itl;, ioit"l-una "ip"nt"t in any-manner resulting from, arjsing out of, or connected riit' -in. erectjon or maintenance of the above identified structure. 5.Thatthepermitmayberevokedwheneveritisdeterminedthattheencroachment'obstruction, or other structure .on!iitut"t a nujsance, destroys olimpairs the use of the right-of-way by the publii,-iJtititutes a tiaffjc hazard' or the property upon which tfre eniroai-nt"-nt, obstruction, or structure exjsts'i s required for use bv the pubtic, ;;";;";;;-U.'..uolr.O"ui-ity-ti*t io" uny reason deemed sufficient Uy tne Town of Vail.6. That applicant wiii remove, at his expense' the encroachment, obstruction' or structure within ten days atter recli[i^i-""iii" of any revoiation of said permit' 7. That in tfre event-iiia-i."rouuf ot t[e'eniroacnment, obitruction, or structure js not accompl'ished wiihin-tne ten aays, tiil i;;" i; hereby authorized to remove same and appl icant ug.""i"io ".itur"r. ih. io*n'iot tf't" iosiof sa jd remova'l' The Town shall have the right to make an assesment against,the properti-anO iottect the costs of remova' in the same manner as general taxes are collecteo' B. That the permit"io issiled'is not.;t;;;Ji;;-;il-;s issued so1e1v to the undersisned 9. +Hlltii:t;op'l'icant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth 'in th i s aPPl i cati qn . (S j gna ture ) (Da te ) ManagerApp rov ed Director of Community Development