HomeMy WebLinkAboutGore Creek Promenade - International Bridge Improvements*t^-,X- r r A -B(k5-8,t)O'\CbDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cobrado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB030180 Location: Project Name: TOV / Scalpello flags in Village Project Description: Project Address: 413 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Bridge St. Gore Creek Dr. Promenade & LH legal Description: Lot: Block 5-E Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 Parcel Number: 210108204004 Comments: Staff approval based on DRB's reqmnts 125 Country flags to place on wall brackets around TOV for the summer. Particapants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 05/28/2003 Phone: C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 816s7 n. x_<_CV'-Licenser (/\ u" - 4 APPLICANT RickScalpello&Larry Parde05l28l2O03 Phone: 47}-L7LL - I n,KyVtrozd'p-PoB160 (\/*.- ,,,,: \\Vail,CO J^,/|-VV'-- Scalpello@attglobal.net 81658 | dK'>" - -yLLicense: - W <(e't' BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:0612512403 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $0.00 ,.,*tD Application for Design Review General Inlormation: All projects requiring design review must receive approvirl prior to $ubmitting a building permit application Please refer to the submittal rcqurrements for the par|cular approval that is requested. An application for Design fieview cannot be accepted untit att reluired Information is recciverl by the Oommunity Development Department The projecl may also need to ne re,uieweA by the Iown Corrrrc;il, anil/or the Planning and Environnpntal C'omrnission Design review approval rup""" uni"*l a building pefmlt i$ issued and construction commencos wilhin one year of the aPProval. Depa rnenl of Oomrnunity llevolopment 75 South Frorttage Road' Vail, Colorado 81657 lel. g'10.4/g.2139 lax 97 O.479'2452 web: www.ci vail.('( .uri oescription of the Requeslt tNJLIX]_-WRIOA5. .(:l2qJTK"l-t,LAhi'..r.u-ttunlrc}t)- tru*.Utitnee I -uottsa,eap'_91 .O/aaloe. r*tt\G *aALL-elLt-&e*t1i,sJAt*'c'b'al7eE€ 'Luk|"l eeeiiiirlu -i:rr wev :sRr\^D-eD a"-,u-!-c'DNG aMeR/IlAPA€€{l -' -'-' "-' lllle4€. t"ttktfiep Location of the ProPosal: l-ot: Physical Address: parcet No.:210 l06aB-(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcol no ) ,qDtr'rAS ?6D. aaJ€, Zoning r Name(s) of owner(s): U4-P]?Q-5- , Mailing Address: Name of Appficant: RLCK-K%L-9-€LL..2. fr ^ i,ou- tb? vAtL c0 glbgMailing Address: .y!2, .i3!/8.-...;.?-v.. .' tul'. innnu,-1ltz:-Yfi-:.I7t l- .. ile uov6l; rlto'-we- 13so --' - g E-mail ArJdress: --S4flLGl-LOe fl Type of Review and Fee: ' Sigrrs ' Conceptual Rcview . New Conslru0lion ' Addition . Minor Alteralion (mulli-lamilY/commorcial) . Minof Altet€tion (sin gle-tamily/duplex) ' Changes lo Approved Plans . Separation Requ€st $50 Plus $1.00 per squat€ focl of total sign area' No Fee $650 f-or construction oi a new building or demo/rebuih' $300 [:or an arldition wn€re squa's footage Is added.lo any residential or cornrnercial building (inrJudes 25O additions & interior Oonversiolls)' $250 For mirto[ ohangBs lo buildings and site improvefnel. s' such as' reroo{ing, painting' window adclitions' landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For nrintr changes lo buildings and site improvements' such as' reroofing, painting, windo;v additions, landscaping' fonces and rctaining walls' elc- $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Slaff or the Desigr) Roview Boarcl No P:ee IVED i 2003 For Office U$e ( Fee Pairf : It\hll) ,,*ffi APj.fgyED BY rHE Desir :1r",[,}?boro DATE. SIGN APPLIcaTRDTNNE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. Specific requirements are available from the Department of Community Development. I. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Name of Business: B. Building name and physical address; C. Written approval from condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. D. Type of sign (check all that apply): !Freestanding Sign !WallSign DHanging / Projecting Sign DDisplay Box trDaily Special Board trJoint Directory Sign l-] Subdivision Entrance Sign U Building Identification D Mural! Window Sign tr Sign Program tr Gas Filled/Fiber Optic tr Temporary Sign E Other Number of signs proposed:/z Number of signs existing:- Sign message: Sign and lettering dimensions for each proposed sign (attach a colored scaled schematic drawing@1/+"=I'): Length of business frontage: Height of sign(s) from grade: Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly indicating the proposed location of sign(s)): Materials and colors of sign (atbach samples): Sign lighting plan: o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area.o Atbach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. Drawings showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed. 5E. F. Lr. H. I. 'l K, L. M. L/-/rt9/ra fl4a0Ec /p P4/40 Page 3 of 4/0lll0/02 &/fr eru//L,/,M-^*.ft- l**t,,,-+ E/, The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, speciflcationsf samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. NOTESTO ALLAPPUCANTS Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at htto://ci.vail,co.us/commdev/olanning/drb/meetinos/default.htm Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in T'itle 12 (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, Desion Review Board Meetino Reouirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative, shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Approval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. N. Page 4 of 4/01/10/02 May28,2003 To Whom It May Concem: The Town ofVail has purchased over one hundred colorful country flags to display throughout the downtown business districts from mid June to late September. These flags will add color, motion and ambiance to our streetscapes. We are asking property owners, condominium associations and/or property manager to allow the town to fly one or more 3' by 5' country flags that will be affrxed to the exterior of your building. The Town of Vail will take responsibility for affixing the brackets for the poles, installing the flags at the beginning of each summer and removing them at the end of each summer. Because the flags will add to the festive ambiance of the villages for our Independence Day celebrations, we would like to install them by the end of June. Please fax your agreement to participate to Lary Pardee (479-2166) at your earliest convenience, but not later than June 16. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Larry Pardee (479-2165) or Rick Scalpello (479-l7ll). Sincerely, Town of Vail Larry Pardee Public Works AGREED TO: PROPERTY NAME/ADDRES S : NAME & TITLE: APPROVED BY THE '#tgHEffibo'o SIGNATLIRE: DATE: FIL T COPY DES]GN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, June 18, 2003 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION, LUNGH - Gommunity Development Department EI Sign Code Design Guidelines - Please bring your commentsE GRFA Discussion MEMBERS PRESENT Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Margaret Rogers David Viele SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT Clark Brittain 12:00 pm 2:00 pm1. Wren House - 5024 Main Gore Drive2. Deighan residence - 1163 Cabin Circle3. Vail das Schone - 2111 N. Frontage Rd.4. Roost Lodge- 1783 N. Frontage Road5. VailVillage Inn - 100 E. Meadow Drive6. Bogart's Bar & Bistro - 143 E. Meadow Drive7. Bridge Street Driver:Allison PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. VailVillage Inn DRB03-0190 Final review of proposed repaint 100 E. Meadow Drive, Lot 0, Block 5D Applicant: Village lnn Plaza Phase V Condo Assoc. MOTION: Margaret Rogers SECOND: David Viele VOTE: TABLED UNTIL JULY 2,2003 2. Bogart's Bar & Bistro DRB03-0194 Final review of proposed signs 143 E. Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 50, VailVillage l"tFiling Applicant: Dalu Enterprises, Inc. MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: David Viele CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That a new awning must replace the existing awning. 3:00 pm MaWBill 3-0 (Hans recused) Bill VOTE:4-0 3. Roost Lodge DRB03-0184 Final review of proposed deck alteration 1783 N. Frontage Rd./Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek SubdivisionApplicant: Lester Narpecha MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: David Viele VOTE: 4-0 Allison CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the entire railing must be completed as is already started. 4. The Wren House DRB03-0185 Allison Final review of proposed re.paint and replacement of windows The Wren House, 5024 Main Gore Drive/Block 3, Gore Creek Subdivision Applicant The Wren House Condo Association MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: David Viele VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITIONT 1. The applicant will replace the proposed dark green trim with a gray color similar to the gray on the Christiania which must be submitted to staff for review and approval, prior to submitting for a building permit. 5. Deighan residence DRB03-0193 Allison Conceptual review of proposed addition and exterior modifications 1 163 Cabin Circle/Lot 1 , Block 2, Vail Valley 1'r FilingApplicant Kevin Deighan, represented by Gwathmey Praft SchulE Architeets CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 6. Brandt residence DRB03-0181 Warren Final review of proposed single-family with EHU 1722Bulfehr Creek Road/Lot 5, Eleni Zneimer SubdivisionApplicant Scoft & Claudine Brandt, represented by Cottle Graybeal Yaw Architects MOTION: Margaret Rogers SECOND: David Viele VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 6 CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall make revisions to the plans which show combination retaining walls with a minimum four foot separation between walls as required by Town Code. 2. The applicant shall submit engineer stamped drawings for all retaining walls over four feet in height with the building permit application. 3. The applicant shall obtain proper approval to locate landscaping improvements in the designated utility easement at the time of building permit submittal. 4. The applicant shall file the appropriate paper work to establish a deed restricted EHU on the property when submitting for a building permit. 5. The applicant or a representative shall file a revised plat which depicts the revised platted building envelope which must be reviewed by staff and recorded prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy.6. That the amended building envelope is approved for this design only and will revert back to the previous 60X90 platted envelope in the event this project is not constructed or there is a design change. 7. Vail Das Schone Building DRB03-0211 Warren Final review of a proposed re-roof 2111 North Frontage Road WesWail Das Schone Filing 3 Applicant: Vail Das Schone Condo Association, represented by Scott Wirth of Wirth Management, Inc. MOTION: David Viele SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:4-O APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS: 1. That the cold roof be redesigned to match the design found in the Zoning Code Interpretations Handbook with a ridge vent height of 12 inches or less as measured in the drawing. 2. The applicant shall use the "weathered wood" Cetainteed Presidential Shake AR. 3. The applicant shall submit a complete Design Review Board application for replacing the existing damaged awning no later than July 21, 2003 in order to be heard on the August 6, 2003 Design Review Board Meeting 8. Sonnenalp Hotel/Swiss Chalet DRB02-0279 Warren Final review of proposed major exterior alteration 20 Vail Road, 62 E. Meadow Drive, and 82 E. Meadow Drive/Lots K & L, Block 5E, Vail Village 1"'FilingApplicant Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Braun Associates, Inc. MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITH 6 CONDITIONS AND 1 SUGGESTION: 1. The applicant shall submit a Design Review Board application for review and approval of a comprehensive sign program prior to issuance of a Temporary Certifi cate of Occupancy. 2. That there be no roof top mechanical equipment permitted and all roof penetrations be painted to match roofing material prior to approval of a Certificate of Occupancy. 3. The applicant shall address the relevant comments from Public Works in the document dated June 10, 2003 prior to submitting for a building permit. 4. The applicant shall submit civil drawings for review and approval by the Public Works Department which must address all engineering issues and concerns prior to submitting for a building permit. 5. The applicant will erect larger material mockups on site for review and final approval by the Design Review Board of the colors and materials to be used on the Swiss Chalet prior to beginning their application. 6. The applicant will submit plans to the Design Review Board for review and approval if in the design of mechanical systems vents are proposed on any elevation within view of the public. 7. lt is suggested that the wall of the fourth floor room located in the tower on the comer of the building follow the outline of the octagonal tower. 9. Town of Vail DRB03-0180 Warren Final review of proposed flags Bridge St., Gore Creek Drive & Promenade, Meadow Drive & Lionshead Pedestrian area Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Rick Scalpello MOTION: David Viele SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:4-0 TABLED UNTIL JULY 2,2OO3 Staff Aoprovals Atwell residence DRB03-0192 Elisabeth Ghanges to approved plans 1390 Buffehr Creek Rd./Lot G-2. Residences at Briar Patch CondosApplicant WebsterAtwellll Priebe/Gisondi DRB03-0207 Elisabeth Deck extension and new stairs 2600 Kinnickinnick Road/Meadow Creek SubdivisionApplicant Erick Priebe Hill residence DRB03-0189 Warren Replace entry walk, stairs and planter box 4889 Meadow Drive/Lot 14, Bighorn 5'Addition Applicant: Joan S. Hill Mill Creek Condo DRB03-0179 Elisabeth Re-roof 302 Hanson Ranch Road/Block 5A, Vail Village 5'n Filing Applicant: Mill Creek Court Condo Association Rogers residence DRB03-0188 Elisabeth Re-roof 4802 Meadow Lane/Lot 6, Block 7, Bighorn sth AdditionApplicant David S. Rogers Baker residence DRB03-0208 Warren Deck addition 4126 Columbine Drive/Lot 16, Bighorn Subdivision Applicant: Judy & Bruce Baker Eckelberger residence DRB03-0204 Allison Porch extension Booth Falls Townhomes, 3094 Booth Falls CourULot 1, Block 2, VailVillage 12h Filing Applicant: Judie Eckelberger De lraola residence DR8030209 Deck addition Warren Vail Point, 1881 Lionsridge Loop, #33/Lot 1, Block 3, Lions Ridge 3d Filing Applicant: lgnacio & Sara De lraola The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. 75 south trontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2100 offlce ol mryor June 18, 1990 Mr. Chuck Ogilby Mr. Don C. Byers 2938 South Frontage Road lJest Vail, Co'l orado 81657 Dear Chuck and Oon: Thank you for your letter and your discussion concerning your ideas for the Town of Vail taking over regulation of Gore Creek to promote flyfishing and enhancement of fish habitat. I have turned the letter over to Ron Phil'l ips and expect the staff to be analyzing your suggestions and providing funther information for the Council. I expect that Ron or another nember of the Town staff will be in touch with you to discuss this further in the near future. S i ncerel y, R. Rose KRR/bsc cc: Ron Phjll ips en March 16, 1990 Mr. Kent Rose, Mayor Town of Vaii City Hall Vail, Colorado 8'1657 Dear Mayo Rose, Per our recent conversation, we feel that the town should consider a proposal to improve the quality of flyfishing in Gore Creek. We have done our homawork (by fishing the stream for many days over many years) and we would like the city council consider assisting us. We know the following; 1. First and loremost, Gore Creek has the necessary insects and the quantity of insecis to support a substantial tout population. 2. The steam needs very few impovements. meaning that very little money needs to be spent. 3. Continuing to allow fish to be caught and killed in Gore Creek continues to decreasa the numbers ol trout and the average size because the fish in their pime are being taken before they can reproduce, 4. Proper regulations and policing of thoss regulations would enhance the quality of the fishing experience and would hing fly fishermen to Vail during the monihs of July, August. September, and October. Assuming for now that the above facts are conect, we think a plan aiong the foilowing lines would be workable and very successlul. Appoach the State ol Colorado Department of Wildlife and ask them to let the Town ol Vaii take over regulation of Gore Creek from the town boundary in East Vail to the confluence of Gore Creek and the Eagle Biver at Dowd Junction. The town would then designate this portion of the creek 'tlyfishing only with barbless hooks and all lish caught must be immediately returned to the steam." Then the town would sell annual permits to fish the creek for $10.00. When a person buys a permit he signs a statement ihat he agrees to abide by the regulations and would agree to a substantial fine for any violation. The money received from the sale of permits would be used to hire two people to police the stream during the months of June, July, August, September, and October to make sure fishermen are abiding by the rules. For lhose people who want to take fish home to eat and lcr the kiCs, one of the ponds by the golf course could be stocked annually with fout and people would be allowed to keep those lish. We really feel that the Town of Vail has a tremendous asset in Gore Creek anC with a ./.. little " tender loving care " we could make this into one more reason people lova to come to Vail. Many local businessmen we have talked with about the plan think it would be a great way to help business in the fall of the year. We are available to dscuss this matter with you at any time. Thank you for inviting this letter. {etr - CorrJaY- -roill Cttrcse TC $'a,te Pcso c LrrqNo - €ee Lrce'tce 1ve Fa<t Se"<tce tJes rlr lQt-orl5ro>Q FaRL'<g'*- Cner-(*atzr'7 Chuck Ogilby / 47&3070 ( 75 soulh frontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 479'2138 (303) 4792139 June l-5, L989 otfice of community development Mr. Bob FritchSitzmark Lodge 183 East Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Credit for fnprovements to Gore Creek Prornenade Dear Bob, Stan Berryman, Director of Public Works, has reviewed your costsincurred for improvements for the Gore Creek Promenade on the northside of the Sitzrnark Lodge. Stan stated that ttas far as we candiscern, these costs seen reasonable. I As you know, when the Planning Conmission approved your request for an exterior alteration and density control variance on March 9, 1987 ' Condition No. 6stated: ttTtre applicant wiII agree to participate in and not rernonstrateagainst a Vail Village irnprovement district if and when one isforrned. Credit will be given to the applicant in an equitable manner (deternined by the Town council via an improvenentdistrict process) for the cost of improvements off of the applicant's property if an overall. Vail village improvement district is formed.tt In accordance with this condition of approval, the planning staff andPublic Works department acknowledge that you have spent $50,968.56 on improvements located on public ProPerty. The staff will place theinfornation that you have subrnitted for your construction costs inthe perrnanent file for the Sitznark property. If and when the special improvement district is formed for the Village area, this information will be readily available in the Sitznark file. If you have any further guestions about the cost crediting, pLease feel free to contact me. As per the condition of approval, it will be up to the Council to deterrnine exactly the anount of credit you will receive for your inprovements. In the future, if staff,Council, or you would like to review the discussion of your credit, Isuggest listening to the Council Worksession tape #2 of March 1.0,1987. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, r) l fi,\ nniz\fl kr'f+Kristan Prit2Senior Planner KP: lr cc: Peter Patten Ron Phillips 75 south lronlsge road Yall, colorsdo 81657 (303) 47$'2138 (303) 47$'2139 olllce ot communlly develoPmenl october 25, 1989 Mr. Ned Gwathney Gwathney Arnold Architects L000 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Gore Creek Promenade ConstructLon Dear Ned: Yesterday Joe Norris and I met with Eric Johnston and Curt Brosig on the site of the drainage and paver work adjacent to the Gore Creek Building. A pipe of 6rr was already in place. Eric agreed that the contractor would build a connection from the down spout on the Gore Creek Plaza Building to a catch basin connected to the 6" pipe. Heat tape wiII be placed from the down spout through the pipe. Bob Fritch of the Sitznark carne to the site, and explained that the connection between the Sitzmark and the Gore Creek Plaza belonged to the sitzrnark. He stated that he would have a connection nadewith heat tape from the down spout on this building to the catch basin being placed by the contractor for the Gore creek Plazabuilding. The Town of Vait will continue the pipe to the creek. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me. SincereLy, "* "6r/rJPlanning Technician cc: Bob Fritch $ il _{sr! € d+ Trli H$ ilt El r {l i $i{ ol0- I nld $t$ $. P I:t- .FIsl'o 3 ! $ $t; C\ :t0- I v4t- $t*,\\J :({t El 8l.l 0-l rl\)l ul0lol -,-r' F b $$ s,il h UL.tl rJ $nro s-t-$ {\ $tt^ 8_L J i $.FIx s8 i i E $ Lq,n T ,ottnn c9 L t' g 5A- -$as ':I T _[ +tf 3 $ 4(.-6t N\$. \)tN ,(\:- N\.{t'gs\$G- NRi ." o\$tN \S- { \$L=L J-{-issrQ,\a-Ffit' G\2 {\ 1*J .S n.r{t;.6h =\St{'5 :i;t; \ S"- \ g. Nb,, \{t, $F$ \,\, \\ \\\' N\ lrt J-5-sS*Q:.s-{.tr rtisu'i, t\ \ Et_ 1q.qr UT *,7I flL q \i N\Pv- h x th-5 s .T8 t ; t.i. 5i g f Jt\5\,{ It { T 4, s 3 € Rs to) V 'l* x $ U J$ {I ri {R .,S -t $* $ $ s ss- .L * t * $ d$ * PAGE " (11 | 52 oo gr =\\ @\\2\.I+ { --\itS -( .r.{\qL Q -r.qJ{ {,,5I ST 5. lJ,x { \ E\"_ ta51 1l -10-8861, ii . .lcvd h\t s+Tt$ st s \ Ts Et rttr --F$t tI tx..t- \LfrFIt If& .\ 5rf * { FF F T.F F+ c-* FF'l\:S\rl r\+ $ & $t + I ,l' -t, -[ .L3s'l prlJfn\uf ;l Ei E.\ \ I -.*.t L'--+ H$F $ lFr ll $ F} t s' T { Fnut. Nt q. \ l I xv ::1:,.{ ::st $(\ FTEtT,t $ $ ii J rn 't t4 *- cj !; ..b r I {I t:.Hrj Itu?trif rl; h'rfl, tl*'i ?i$ I .sltlt'i.I'r;. I J .Jt\ TL; ts TJ I.Jt-- ,utrl tl]fil \.! lrl ntr\- at I H * ss- g r s l\s- B- h x tk-5-$'s $H '{t N {i1l /$il I*y'{{,L $R$ ' :,tj {{ J$' '\t $ o L ..n q ={Gr l$lFL--+l ,N$ TJ l$ llrt r$ *I rI\ $t 11:521983-07-20 ?*, G{ - Pn,-.--a-(- T0l,i\ DEPART}IENTI PROJECT TITLE: fn. OF VA IL . PROFOSED CAP ITAL If'IPROVTIIENI PROJEC r D IVIS ION STARTING DATE:6rce crw Ppomqusg5 GOIIPLETION DATE: ff qr€,tL, ${lnA, d.,loanslroti Ql*hT of 60€ $eoLffi-- ,lo4& rr^?rafirui"3J witl caru,gQt+q FIND /I A}ID TITLE: PL4"NN ING /DES IGN LAND ACQUISITION SITE, LANDSCAPING.6. STREETDEVELOP}IENTS & IUPROVEI.IENTS BUILDINC, STRUCTURE & PLANTpEvELopr'lENTs & rlrpRovelgxri PROJECT FUNDINC FUTURE OPERATING COSTS ree2 iT0TAL PRIORITY RAT1NGS A}tOi,IG DEPAITT}IENT PROJECTS ONLY PROJECTS NEW PERSONNEL NEEDED (FTE ALL PERSONNEL COSTS OPERATING SERVICES 6 SUPPLI qAPITAL OUTLAY FUTURE REVENUE FRO},I PROJECT *T-l5ilffilFffi#Lryt u' mo .lusrrFrEFTdli D,\TE:!UB.YITTED -_-}ndtaaiaa 1I0Oru -ii- ,I lt ti I lrit o fr* i #&A ?a/a- .Its( rfu - d'1 C(. ^kb >r&z- v Project Application Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot B lock Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Summary: {,",fth Date: E statt Approval rozz-gtt GoEl 199r8 00vuo]0c 'llv a^rrc l0ar3 0.ro9 I0z slc3JHcuv sNtvdot{ oNv NootltoNs --fi/TFLvo --------rrr7r^E o3rvrncrve $ $r I I I ) U E sS L $' ,? t\ $-s -ss s = - E I,-+ s -rs * -F .g + FT Et; I s$i HE .g T -.9T35 Ti.g sti3s .g=:gss +,{\ =-+ ,J ts($C.gs : =6-r5Et €ss s) 6-6 Cr+\'s tg. 5_lt -t4-T-3 =\t- rJ =,J[_F\S3Frt \=_ s -rfs S:5 Sp$:.*g : 5sIiHtd v. .S.otFI N-i5'I s*SJ-+:S=\+a $E*;E + '-l ; $- ./$:- -,EIL- ffi =€*3 ,9t*-rF . sl.$-*3*[:JE r<1 -g€3t.-!1g €b e it_3 SE .Rsrf =6 .gIe ,Ee $ IL Ts-$.F g=_ +5>ts T.Lg.,F EFE.\ =S'sls $i Eil .9 -5€ :F RE*+ €$ ,,O',"rUl s-.oS.s.rt .S-so s \ . -s$ -.,sls -ill-S.so / .w o fi,. 4r;X 21, tttr 7, oVe| /6rr"-. * .L?4"rT oo h,l I I?elllwve", 'A' . bnls, eA , b--J. ,f ?zvav (- t'l '"llrlLr*A f=,* I r( rlol acsr co Taltevn -'tol)o' ";',e 'r ,,, \ilA +-=-l.tq t{ rQ.x-'" -- F!*o^ ^&tl ")"d.' llzl't' hnE*l truor*r wl. tuw . I-En- j26'lUql <l \lttt7b. )ot?L ,lV\,i"ut. " b" - allwnd, >Loune . t " l[ratlz-J ?,* iid,,t f", (tal ' (^o''cltsrtro" ) D"cOtt wd=u. (vil ry tr*-s(n ' - ,,lefi,Lo YolInn r^{itt- hollr,l 'r-J,^, I $rlrg 5d( K? fl\ l'*oGr,'*'l t** L \ ? ..'o Uttllt p"*'.4 1ry..-c.-.^fi ttd1+6o: hA ,.-'t f*t Cm<qn5 C"-\**\*' (=o^ \&-A , ;A u-L J- ' s*r.,<- .,n,.'i..r-sJrt- \^'r, -L\,^- t.- s*A) \^{-Itt ,""t-L\,^ Q".L^ .*. J* = $hV 0k A*D * ca.c-Qa- * & C.€,urro ,A N i '{d* lafiunca.h" I - h- p*.tl <n^ ru'/'io 1o? I "Tf tf'-l'\" U U^oo L Lr"k &--.-f $ rl/, ([-/*t-"n) u(- o-!-.-7a-J 7$.t2-rn ct.-{-2.;n n^.** ri a2[- at-t ///^-lrt-.\+ /^-,"1^ srt a/\ Aflb/ylt - ,4u ;."+ ,afna-' il tt--'(' 4t, C,l.l^lo\-^,.- '1" L^cz---(. ,uLnt 7.Ao"- )onrur: d**1^ -( k^y!* (Q,r^'* -l h.\ t^,-*L aa -:2 -_:) it\-\A \,\^,...$\\qA- s L^^-,!,^.,tJ @ &---l ^ + L,qJ,u,*, +-J>/ < t ,l fr rt\-.-.,"_t -.\ ,^1.^\_ \....\ i\ t lnwn n uffl 75 soulh frontage road va il, colorado 8-1657 (303) 476-700O January 30, 1987 , , ' ott)ce o/ cor;rr,runily development t, qrl Mr. Jeff l^linston Wi nston Assoc i ates 1426 Pearl Street l'1al I Boulder, Colorado 80302 Dear Jeff: I have finally had a chance to sit donn wjth Peter to discuss the status of the Gore Creek primenade. As you recall from our meeting on the 19th, there was general support from the plople present to continue with efforts to develop a Jnified streetscape improvement program. our next step will be to have another meeting with RosenquisL in order to gauge his interest_jn.the project as the- actual property owner. In addjtion, we need to start looking at the costs of these improvements as they relate to the properties involved- To facilitate these efiorts, we would like to have you develop two_alternative desjgn plans for the promenade. l^le would like to ii*it th".e designs to general1y the same level of detail as you have done on the "bumwaud" sketches. l'le basical 1y need to consoijdate the nrteror. design alternatives you have generated into two different schemes for the overali approach to the streetscape' Based on the input from our meeting, t.r,e feel one alterative should be of the "circ1e" thetne, while the other be the more rectangular or strajght line approach. I have djscussed with Kristan her impressions of our meeting, and tve t,lould reconmend the following be consjdered in developing these t;o alternatives: 1. Everyone seemed to favor a natural, inforrnal approach that respects the existjng green space as much as possible. Z. A strong foca'l point should be created at the base of the stairs for a- possibli sculpture site, and an additional focal point should be lncluded soncvrhere jn the center of the promenade. The concept shor^rjng the pavers "trailing off" into the open space seemed to be favored by those present. 3. Ihene r.ias a consensus to use a combination of pavers and cottct"ete along the streetsc;Pe. rli 4. Seating areas should be inclrrded in the p1an, as t.rell as in:proventents to the existing lighting in the area. 5. Consideration should be given to improvements that wil'l be visible jn the winter months as vrel I as summer. Possibilities may include a sculpture or possibly the up 'l ighting of trees.- 6. At the staff level , we have decided that efforfs should be concentrated on the streetscape as opposed to any ddditjonal study of modifying Gore Creek to create a skating pond. I have enclosed a copy of a site p'l an done by Craig Snowdon sholing a conceptual layout of the expansjon to Blu's and subsequent relocatjon of their dining deck. Please try to.i ncorporate this relocation into the design of the prornenade. One can assume the expansion of the interior space of the restaurant will go up to the propenty 1ine. The deck expansion should be no greater than what is comfortable given the redesign of the walkway. I would agree with the idea of using tree grates with temporary chains or other means of fencing to define the dining decks. There seemed to be no real opposition to this concept at our meeting, and would suggest jndicating this type of treatment on your drawings. As I had stated, one of the next steps we have to take is to look at the cost of improvements as they relate to property frontage along the pro,renade. 0nce the tr^ro design scenarios are generated, I would like to get with you to once again discuss the figures to be used in generatirrg cost estjmates for these i mp roveme n ts . Please do not hesjtate me with any questions you may have.' Sincerely, / \ 'a^/ \61- Thomas A. Braun Sen i or Pl anner TAB: bor 4/87 GORE CREEK PRO}MNADE IMPROVEMENTS COST ESTI!'ATES No.Size Cost Totalcost Aspens 9 Evergreens 4 Evergreens 5 Deciduous 9Crabapples )Green Ash )Cottonwoods )Shrubs/Chokecherry) 3il to 4n 91f5 8r-L0' 2 colo spruceg 532/ft = $2e0 ea2 Evergreene 2e/ft: $270 ea 6r- 81 3 Colo sprucee $30lft = $21-o ea3 Evergreens @ i29/fE = $270 ea 2-!/2tt-3tt $22O each a combination of 2 to 3 ofthese trees would be used $ r.o3 s $580 $540 r-120 $os o $8r-o t44o 1980 $ 5s75 2500 l_0, 000 l-8, 075 :tThese nunbers assume that the Sitznark 20r tree,Plaza 20r tree and Blurs 3 clulnps of aspenare replanted Benches Relocation of T.o.V. VillageIights 5 irrigation TotaL Landscaping, @ 95oo ea (nininal cost accordingto Public Works) 0 $2soollight Total Project Cost, O 4/87 Cost Estimates frorn Ellison Designs Large Deciduous Shrubs (4 - 6 ft-i I - l0 gat) i.e Serviceberry ) Mugo Pine ) Small Deciduous Shrubs (5 gal) i.e. Potentilla )Redtwig DogwoodAlpine CurrentShrub Rose Golden Elder Honeysuckle 0 $18 ea Evergreen and Broadleaf Evergreen Shrubs (5 gal) 0 $22 ea Nannyberry Viburnurn ) Rky Mtn Birch ) € $eO Cistena PIum ) i.e. Junipers $zracanthaOregon Grape Manzanita Groundcovers and Perennial FlosrersFLats (25 plants/flat) e 924 eaIgal €g6ea Colorado gpruce 5-8ft eg3o/ft $2Lo8 - r.o ft e 932/ft 29o10 - 12 ft e s3s/ft 39012 - up € $38lft 42o + Other Evergreen Trees (8 - 10 ft) i.e. Bristlecone Pine )Ponderosa Pine )Lodgepole Pine ) 0 i29/ft 2'to.ooConcolor Fir ) Aspen 2'r - 3rr caliper 0 995 ea3,r - 4rr caliper € $LL5 ea4rr - 5tt caliper 0 $L50 ea Other Deciduous TreesL-I7zn - 2rr caliper e g17o ea2tt - 2-L/2 | caliper € 9190 ea2-L12n - 3rr cal-iper e 9220 ea3tt - 3-L/2'! caliper e 9255 eai.e. crabapples, green ash, cottonwoods, shubertchokecherry Note:Tlre above unit costs are based uppon averagedwholesale prices as found in Colorado nurserLespracticing state nursery standards. Truckloadordering (100 pieces ninimun) can be valued forsavings of up to 40 percent if purchase is rnadedirect with tree brokers. Tyically, savings ofthis nagnl-tude can be realized prinarily throughthe purchase of evergreen and deciduous trees.Buying broker dlrect reduces high risk because ofdigging and freight reliability. lnwn 75 south lrontago road. vall, colorado 81657 (3O3) 476-7OOO July 12, 1988 ttr. Bob FritchSitzmark Lodge L83 E. Gore Creek Dr.vail , co 8L657 RE: Costs for Gore Creek Pronenade Dear Bob: Stan Berryrnan has reviewed the costs for the portion of theGore Creek Promenade which you built last surnner. He asked meif I could get some general. quantities for the project from youso that he can better review the bills. He asked that youprovide estimates on the square footage of pavers, amount ofconcrete, and landscaping for the project. In general , hethought the figures lrere reasonable. However, the guantityinforrnation will be very helpful . If you have any furtherquestions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, l/^ \ fl.r firth', YrffrKristan Pritz Town Planner KP:Kc 4/87 GORE CREEK PROMENADE IMPROVEMENTS COST ESTII'IATES No.Size Cost Total Cost Aspens 9 Evergreens 4 Evergreens 6 Deciduous 9Crabapples )Green Ash )Cottonwoods )Shrubs/Chokecherry) 3tr to 4r $115 8f-10t 2 Colo Spruce @ $32/ft = $2902 Evergreen @ 29/ft = S27o 6r- 81 3 colo Sprucee $30lft = $21-o3 Evergreens e 92e/ft = $2'7o 2-L12tr-3tr $220 each a combination of 2 to 3 ofthese trees would be used s 1035 ea $580 ea $540 1.120 ea $630 ea $810 L44O L980 $ 5575 2500 l_o, ooo 1_8,075 rrThese numbersPlaza 20r treeare replanted Benches Relocation of T.O.V. Villagelights assume that the Sitznark 2or tree,and Blu I s 3 clurnps of aspen Total Landscaping, 5 e $500 ea irrigation (rnininal cost accordingto Public Works) € $2500/light Total Project Cost, I O 4/87 Cost Estimates fron Ellison Designs Large Deciduous Shrubs (4 - 6 ft; 7 - 10 gal) i.e Serviceberry Nannyberry Viburnurn ) ea Cistena PIun Mugo Pine Rky Mtn Birqh ) @ $60 Small Deciduous Shrubs (5 gal) i.e. Potentilla )Redtwig Dogrwood )Alpine current ) G $ls ea Shrub Rose )Golden Elder )Honeysuckle ) Evergreen and Broadleaf Evergreen Shrubs (5 gal) i.e. Junipers $zracanthaOregon Grape Manzanita G $22 ea Groundcovers and Perennial FlowersFlats (25 plants/fla|-) @ $24 ealgal @$6ea Colorado Spruce6-8ft e93o/fr $21_o8 - 10 ft e 932/ft zeo10 - 12 ft e $35lft 3eo12 - up e $38lft 42o + Other Evergreen Trees (8 - LO ft) i.e. Bristlecone Pine )Ponderosa Pine )Lodgepole Pine ) 0 929/ft 27o.OOConcolor Fir ) Aspen 2't - 3tt caliper B $ss ea 3n - 4rr caliper 0 $l-15 ea4r _ 5n caliper 0 $15O ea Other Deciduous TreesL-L/2n - 2rr caliper € $17O ea2n - 2-L/2 I caliper € $190 ea2-L/2t - 3rr caliper € $220 ea3n - 3-L/2r' caliper e $255 eai.e. crabapples, green ash, cottonwoods, shubert chokecherry 'l 3 Note:The above unit costs are based uppon averaged wholesale prices as found in Colorado nurseriespracticing state nursery standards. Truckloadordering (1oo pieces rninimum) can be valued forsavings of up to 40 percent if purchase is madedirect with tree brokers. Tyically, savings ofthis magnitude can be realized primarily throughthe purchase of evergreen and deciduous trees.euying broker direct reduces high risk because ofdigging and freight reliability. J. r.oo !$n [; D oear ctneico lr.W cor,rua o( \bthhd k"s'S,rP'Sffi*$S;**nBa^el O 4/s7 GORE CREEK PROMENADE IMPROVEMENTS COST ESTIMATES No. Size Cost Total Cost Aspens 9 3n to 4rr 9f15 S fors Evergreens 4 8r-l-0 1 2 ColoSprucee $32/ft = i29o ea $seo2 Evergreeng 29/fE = $27O ea $540 LL2O Evergreens 6 5r- 8f 3 Colo Spruceg $30lft = $21-0 ea $5303 Evergreens @ 529/tt = $27o ea $8L0 t44o Deciduous 9 2-L/2x-3n $220 eachCrabapples )Green Ash ) a conbination of 2 to 3 ofcottonhroods ) these trees would be usedShrubs/Chokecherry) *These nunbers assume that the Sitznark 20r tree,Plaza 2Or tree and B1urs 3 clumps of aspenare replanted Total Landscaping, $ SSZS 1980 Benches 5 egsooea Relocation of irrigation (ninirnal cost accordingto Public Works) T.o.V. Villagelights 4 e $2soo,zlight 2500 10, 000 Total Project Cost, g l_9,075 t Mugo Pine ) Snall Deciduous Shrubs (5 qal) i.e. Potentilla )Redtwig Dogwood A1pine Current Shrub Rose € 918 ea Golden Elder )Honeysuckle ) Evergreen and Broadleaf Evergreen Shrubs (5 gal) i.e. Junipers )Pyracantha Oregon crape Manzanita G $22 ea Groundcovers and Perennial FlowersFlats (25 plants/flat) e 924 eaIgal 0$eea Colorado Spruce6-8fr e$30lft 92108 - 10 ft e $2/tt 2eoL0 - 12 ft g #s/ft 3eo12 - up e $38lft 42O + Other Evergreen Trees (g - 10 ft) i. e. Bristl-econe pine )Ponderosa PineLodgepole PineConcolor Fir e 92e/fE Aspen 2rr - 3n caliper 0 995 ea3rr - 4rr caliper 0 gL15 ea4 - 5rr caliper 0 gL50 ea Other Deciduous TreesL-tlZn - 2!' caliper @ g17O ea2.t - 2-L/2 | caliper € gL90 ea2-L/2n - 3rr caliper e S22O ea3,. - 3-L/2tr caliper @ 9255 eai.e. crabapples, green ash, cottonwoods, shubertchokecherry Nannyberry Viburnun ) Rky Mtn Birch ) @ $60 Cistena Plun ) 27 0. OO O 4/87 Cost Estj-mates fron Ellison Designs Large Deciduous Shrubs (4 - 6 fLe Z - lO 9a1) i.e Serviceberry ) o,I Note:lfhe above unit costsvholesale prLces as are based uppon averagedfound in Colorado nurseriespracticing state nursery standards. Truckloadordering (100 pieces ninimurn) can be valued forsavings 9f up to 40 percent if purchase is nadedirect with tree brokers. tyicltty, savJ.ngs ofthis nagmltude can be realized prilnarily throuqhthe purchase of evergreen and dlciduous trees. - Buying broker dlrect reduces high risk because ofdigging and freight reliability. tr*. U*k ?**' ? [. \ .;"-k 0t"-" l* 51"{t G- Q ' --,ir-r1-/ *-c^.- \-.- /)l . S l-. ,\t..ttz 8^.-k .., t *vr{r.lr,*,,^1 L r*L *',.-JI *{ur.''(o *lo4 0^.^t''* f-*"',1 0""k K IF- /^r41+- .s,! r\\.[^ I i I tl:l -t I'-l I rl I I-,1tl ---'----- lI ti tl t, -_____l ..[-*t-C^.I" tl l,_,:_.__jf , Anlttr't . l. I n rl \\\ '. - *zY-U bo,n-.-#- o**\O \- ('; \r: \ \ \ L &lln" lr "f\-^A*" ,- {.+ 4*,^1 l-^[ &tar7 ^- @,4. f,,.'*0",^ (, ,-- \'e,',-r { o,J + &-f.J) ''' AtY Fr},-,.--,-\..o - $. L,^r'^iNe-- f *L f}-.*^*.^t r& l.n^'Q.* +"- Anr&^\ < 6s T> lJ""* ryt0{k I -T--ti '---ia- - tlll I I i I