HomeMy WebLinkAboutRiva Ridge NorthDAN UNGEA GSZO WILDLI'E F'OAD Ma|-rlu, Ca|-rFoFl{ra goaG! TELEPHCINE zt3 - 137-3J37 LAW OFFICES: I34 SOUTH II SALLE STREEf cHrcaco, t|-l-tNors Go6o3 . TELEPXONE: 3IE . zCs-AOOO November 12, 1985 Tcrdn of VailVaiI, Colorado 81657 Re: Rirra Ridge Noucttr Buildingfitlarce Renndel To Vltron It May Cqern: t'like Haselhorst has been retairred in behalf of the Rirra Ridge llorth Condcrnirriun Association r*rich herehlz autlrorizes him to present tbis Varianee (xlange atrplicatiur. MiJ<e lriIl be irr ctrarge of the renrodelproject for this associatiqr. DUab Corrtominiun Association Urger, kesident, ',/ lnwn 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce ol communlty development November ll, .|985 plan, the submit Lr Mike Hazelhorst Box 9L2 Avon, Colorado 81520 Re: Riva Ridge Planning Commission Submittal Dear Mike: Several days ago I tal\ed with you about submitting a sitecondominium letter, ano'the correct height of the arch forRiva Ridge submittal. I would appreciate it if you wouldthese items no later than November 13. Please let me knowthis is a problem. Sincerely,r A\t/,1 v,lKn{*nrn. l'ffLI \lrr \u. \ "' 'LKristan Pritz Town Planner KP:br I c,N}' gnc,oa,\ I ''a TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81,657 970-479-2L38 APPL]CANT CONTRACTOR OhINER ilob Address: LocaEion. . . :Parce1 No..:Project No.: 133 WILLOV{ RD 133 VArL RD #L9 2LOL-082 -14 - 005 PRiI98 - 02r-1 co, co, CELL# CELL# NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P. O. BOX 347_9 , VAIL, NEDBO CONSTRUETIONP.Q. BOX 34l.9, VArL, .# LUCINDA I]NIT Phone: 47L-4888 81658 Phone: 471,-4888 81658 970 -845 -1001 970 -845 -1001 J Wood/Pal let: TOV/Comm" Dev' DescripLion: IIVTERIOR REMODEL OF ENTIRE Occupancy: R1T)pe Construct.j-on: II 1-HRType Occupanc|: Valuat.ion: Fir:eplace Informabion: R€scricLed: Y 155, 000 aoprovedMulti-Familv'ril.-ri"iifri36rount daic Add Sq Ft: Building-----> Plan check- - - > Inve6tigat ion > will call----> RestuaraDt- Plan Revieir--> clean-Up Deposit--- -----> Tocal calculaged Pee6-- -> Additsional Fees-- --- --- -> Total Pennit Fee- --- -- - -> Pal.mente------- BAI,ANCE DUE---- 960. OO 624.OO . o0 3.O0 . o0 2,O87.O0 .00 2 , OA7 .OO - 00 2,087.0O DRB Fee-------- .oo Recleation Fee----------> ,O0 500. o0 2, 087 .00 o n3:,,\; DEPARTI\4ENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMBS ADD/ALT MF BUTIJD PERMIT PeTmit #: *of caB Appliances: *of cas FEE SUMMARY Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTI,IENr DepE: BUILDING Division:09/01/1998 JRM Action: AppR AppRovED ,JRIvfItqm:'.05400 PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT Depts: PT,ANNTNG Division:O9/OL/L998 JRIII ACTiON: APPR N/Arrqm: .05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT '. Dept: FIRE Divisj-on:09/01/1998 JRM Action: AppR N/AItqm: .05500 PIIBLIC WORKS ' Dept: PIIB WORK Division:O9/OL/L998 JRM Act.ion: APPR N,/A See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions Lhat may apply to this permit. DECLARAT I ONS I hereby ackno$ledge that I have read thie applicali.on, filled o\rt in full the infor:mation r:equir:ed, coftpleeed an accurate plot plan, and state thaL a1I the infonnation provided as lequited ia correcE - I agree to comply eith the infoa-nalion and plot. Plan,to conply rilh all Toen ordinancee and Btate laws. and to build this etructure according to the Town'6 zoning and €ubdivision codes, design review approved, Unifor:m Building code and other ordinanceB of the Tolrn applicable therebo. RBQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE UADE TWEI.fTY.FOUR HOI,RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-213S OR AT Ot'R OFFICE T'ROU 8:OO AM 5:OO PM 898-0252 SLatus...: APPROVEDApp1ied..: 09/OL/L998rssued. . . : 09/oL/1,998 Erqpires. . : 02/28/L999 Send clean-Up Deposits To: NtsDBO S]GNATURB OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEIJF AND OWNER .'r ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS PermiE, #: 898-0252 as of 09/0L/99 status: AppRovED******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: O9/0L/L999Applicant,: NEDBO CONSTRUCrION Issued: O9/OL/L995970-845-1001 To E:qpire: 02/28/L999 ilob Address:Location: l-33 VAIL RD #19Parce1 No : 2l-01--082-l-4-005 Description: INTERIOR REMODEI-, OF ENTIRE I'NIT CondiEions:r-. FIBLD INSPECTIONS ARB RBQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,EEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALEDIIITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DBTBETORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AIiID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1-991 T'BC.4. FIRE DEPARTI4ENI APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AM WORK CAI'I BE STARTED.5. PI.,ANS RED LINED FOR REQUIREMENTS NEEDED ,i ra-.: iContacr E88Ie Coun EY ac 970-328-8640 for n"""""o.lff ,"" OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO o N PER}IIT /i $ffEL /r:PERMIT APPI/ICATION FORMoxrn; X .) L.?X r APPLICATION MUST BE FTLLHD OUT COMPLE"ELY oR IT t{Ay NOT BE ACCEPTED (***************************** pERl"rrr rNFoRMArro*..A&tfE6;*Q7.1!******/l.tf-auirains{l-e1umuing[!]-E1ectrica1[!-Mechaniba1[]-other rob Name: WnIso* ?ev "/el Job Addrer", 133 l/e;l PuJ 4rg Legal Description: Lot_ Block__ Filing SUBDIVISION:,'owners Narne: Luciu!.a WAf<o^J^J Address : lbtL hrrJ.tJ A *.Ph.vl Architect, M/n Q'f?acAddress:Dh ceneral- Description: work class: [ ]-New t fi-efte Number of Dwelling Units:v- Number of Accornmodation Units: I )pmber and rype of Firepraces: Gas Appri.ances-_ cas Logs_ woodr/pert "E /tl* * 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNs * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr rr * * * *\ I )nr z"^ ^-!ur"orn,". +lb,oocs ELECTRICALz $I0,OOo.OtQt99-e-Q OTHER: $ l-Additi6nal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other PLUMBTNG' +lE 6o' Address:?_eIt] Phone Nunber: Mechanical Contractor: Address: BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAIJ FEE; OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO. tTLl-l'nPhone Nunber: 922-sz>.1 **** * ************* * * ** tr** * * **** *FOR OFFICE USE *****Jr*************'t*********** BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION CLEAN UP DEP.OSIT REFTINI) TO:N "!1t" 75 Joulh Irontage road Y!ll, colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 or 479-2t39 Every attempt wil'l be made by thispermt't.as s,qon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the f rame.. Communi ty Development DeparUnent. departnrent to expedite this plan check procedure and tjme lnwn BUILDING PIRI.IIT ISSUANCT TIME FMNE If this permi.t requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineer''s (pubr ic fg1!s) review und'ipp"ouut ,'a piinnini-blp.rt .ntrevi ew or. Heat th Departm6nt ieview, -unl'i-ruui u; ;y" tii;";uii oi ngDepartment, the estirnated time tor'a iotat ..ui""-iluy"iu[e'is iongas three weeks. All commercial ('rarqe or smail) and a'l r murti-family permits wilrhave to follow the ibove menti6ned rixirrr requirements. Residentialand small projects shourd take i-ieii.r"urornd or iime.' However, ifresidential or smalrer.projects impaii the various above mentioneddepa rtments wrl th reqa rd' to- necessai"y revi"n, -il .r" i""j..ii' ruyalso take the three weef peiioO. off lce ol communlly dovolopmetrt TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED ls this a new residence? ls demolilion work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecling the fight of way, easements, I have read and answered all.the 1) 2) Job Name: Dale: (- Please answer the following questionnalre regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit': YES NO ./_ J.'.- ,/ or public property? ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property 1o be used lor staging, parking or fencing? B. ll no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) 92c-?.9 -/' lf you answered yes lo any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis,lhe Town of VailConslruclion Inspector, at 479-2158. Job Name Date 'a( RIVA RIDGE NORTH CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 133 VAIL ROAD vAtL, co.81657 To: Town of Vail Building Department 8/13/98 The intent of this letter is to inform the TOV Building Department that Lucinda Watson the owner of Riva Ridge North unit 620 has permission from the Association to remodel her condominium. The Riva Ridge North Board of Directors approved a construction policy which govems work in the buiHing severalyears ago that Nedbo Construction, the contractor must follow. Construction must not begin until after Labor day and be completed by mid-November. Tom Saalfeld Riva Ridge North Property Manager $w-ou'1' ,: TOI'IN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 9L657 970-479-2138 Job Address: 133 WIITLOW RDLocation...: L33 WILLOW RD #L9Parcel No. . : 2LOL-082-1-4-005ProjecE No. : pRt98-02L1, APPTICAIIT VALLEY WIDE PIIJMBING & HEATINGP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRA TOR VAIJLEY WIDE PLI,MBING & HEATINGP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 8!620OWNER 'rffi$ LUCINDA DEPARTIIEI{T OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPME}flf NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLIJMBING PERMIT Permi-t #: P98-0118 SEaEus...: ISSITEDApplied..: 09/0L/L998Issued...: 09/04/L998 E>cpires. . : 03/03 /1,999 Phone': 3039491-'74'7 Phone: 303949L747 Descript.ion: PLUMBING FOR ITiITERIOR REMODEL ENrrvaluaEion; l_3 , 000 . 00 FEB SUMMARY Plumbing-----> Plan check- -- > Invc6tj.gatsion> Hill Call----> RcBtsuarant, Plan Raviat.- - >Total calcul.l.d Fe€g- - - > Addi,Eional Fcc6- --- ----- > ToLaI Parni,E Fce--------> Palnnenta - -- -- - - t95.OO 4a .75 .oo 3.00 .00 246.75 . oo 246.75 246.15 .,...,...:iH::.?3:;..;:;.;.;;;;:.......-....;::... It,CM: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPT] BUILDING DiViSJ-ON:09/01/1998 .IRM AcEion: AppR APPROVED JRtrI!eB; ,05qq0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Depr: FrRE Division:09/0L/L99e JRN| Act,ion: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hcrcby acknovledge lhal I hrvc rcacl this applicatsion, fj,llcd out in fuII thc informati,on requircd, complctcd an accurac€ plol plan, end 6!atc lhrl .11 thc inforrflatsion plovided aa rcquircd is correct. I agrec to cooply with Lhc infornation and ploc p1an, to codtPLy vith a1l To!|n ordinanccs and atatc lays, and fo build Chi6 selucEure according to_ thc Town,s zoning and 6ubdivi6ioncodcr, dcgign rcvirw rpprovcd, UniforE Building codc rnd othlr ordinanccE of the To$n REQUESTS rOR TNSPBCTIONS SHALT BE MADE T'!{EIITY-FOUR HOURA IN AD\IANCE By o0 Alil 5: OF OW}IER OR AND OWNER 1.. : TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 APPI-,ICAI{T COITTRACTOR OWNER a0 .00 10 .00 STONE MECHANICAIJ, INC. 1111 SOUTH. 9TII, GRAIID STONE MECIIANTCAL, INC.11]-1 SOUTH 9TH, GRAND WATSON LUCINDA DEPARTMEI{| OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMETCT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ilob Address...: 133 wILLOw RDIJocaEion......: 133 WILILOW RD #L9Parcel No..... : 2101-082-14-006Project Number: PRJ98-0211 MECHANICSL PERMIT ,JIINCTfON JI'NCTION iIOBSITE AT Permit #: SEaEus...: ISSUEDApp1ied..: 09/0L/L998rssued...: 09/04/L998 E:qrires. . : 03/03/L999 AIJIJ TIMES M98 - 0168 Phone:. 97O-242-5014 Phone: 970-242-5014 2, 000 . 0o *of vlood/Prll.ts: co co 81501_ 815 01 Description: Valuation: MECH FOR INTBRTOR REMODEL BATII FAIiIS & DRYER DUCT Fircplecc tnf onrtion: Rc.tsric!.d: y *of GrA Appl,iuc.s:*Of O.. t og.: PEB SUIA'ARY ucchrnic.l--- > Phn chcck- --> Inv..cigrEion> will crll----> .00 ToTAL PEES-- - - - 3.00 Rc€turranl Phn R€vicr-- > DRB fec- ---- ---?otal calculated F.e6 -- - > Addilional F!cs---------> ToEal P.rEit F.c--------> Pa]ruentsE - - - - - - - - .00 .00 53 .00 53.00 .o0 53 .00 53.00 ...Tfl:3.:::::;:;;;;;;.;;:....,..-....;::... ITEM: -O51OO BUIIJDTNG DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUII'DING DiViSiON:O9/OL/L998 JRTI ACEiON: APPR APPROVED ,JRI,TITbM:-O56OO FIRE DEPARIT'IENT DCPT: FIRB DiViSiON:09/0L/L998 JRM AcE,ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI,IAIiICB.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIR-ED PBR SEC. 507 OF THE 1991 I]MC.3. INSTAI,I,ATION MUST CONFORI4 TO MANI'FACTURES TNSTRUCTIONS AI.IDTO APPEIIDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 I'MC.4. GAS APPLIAI{CES SIIALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 Al.lD SHAT'L TERMTNATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O5 OF THE 1991 IJMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMETiIT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 ATiID703 0F TIIE 1991 rMC:6. BOII-,ERS SHALI-, BB MOI'NIED ON FI.OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI,E CONST.T'NI,ESS I,ISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FIJOORING.7. PERMIT,PI..A}IS AND EODE AIiIALYSIS MIUST BB POSTED IN MECHANICATROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPEqTION REOT'EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR H T-WATERSI'PPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2LL9 OF THE 1991. IMC. **************************************************************************:t***** DECI.,ARATIONS I h.r.by rcknorl.dg. thrt I hrv! rced thir rpplic.Llon, fillcd ouC in ful1 lh. inforuaglon rcquircd, cotrrplctcd an accurage plog Pl'm, lnd tcrl. lh.t rll th. lnfolo.tloo provldrit rr rcqulrrd 1. co!r.c!. I rgrsG to cocply rlth thc info:uclon rnd ploE plrn,!o c@ply rlth rll lora ordl,nrnc|r .nd agrlr hrr, ead to bulld !hl. lgrucEu!. rccordlng Lo tshr Torn. a 3otrlng rnd rubdivblon coa.a, d.alga ravl.r rpplov.a, Ull'folr Eulla|l't€ cod. rnd ogh.r ordtnrnc.! of Eh. Torn rppllcrbl. ghrrrgo. nlCUttE tfi, tB8Ptettol|3 aHt!& Bt l|lDl I||Ftt-lOt R t|ottRg tn turaltcB Br lta Al 479-:1!8 OR AT OUn OllICt lDOL aloo t|l 5r0O DX gto|rllnt ot omGR oR coflnrcloR toR BIltSlt F AltD onf,tR, TO9IN OF VATI., 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAI T CO}ITRACTOR OWNER ilob Address: Locat,ion. . . :Parcel No..:Project, No.: 133 WILLOW RD 133 WTLLOW RD #r-9 2L0L-082-1,4-005 PR,l98-0211 Status. .Applied.Issued..$cpires. Phone: 970827-598Q Phonez 970827-5980 ISST'ED 09 / 0L/Leeg 09/04/L998 03/03/L999 DEPARTI'IEIIT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPME}TT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELEETRICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permits #: 898-0208 LECTRIC I]MLIMITED 1768 AIJPINE DRIVE I.,,ECTRI C IJI4LTMITED ].758 A],PIN8 DRIVE WATSON LUCINDA INC1, VAIL INC1, VAIL 81,557 8r_657 co co Description: ELECTRICAL FOR IINIT REMODEL Valuation:L0, 000 . 00 FE8 ST'I4MARY EIcctrlc.l,---> DRB PCC Inw6atigation> ni11 CalI----> TdfAIJ PEES---> TolaL calculat.ed Peee- - - > Additsion.l Fcc6---------> Total. PGrmits Fcc--------> Pal'ncnco - - - - - - - - BAI,ANCE DUE-... - 180.00 .00 .00 3 .00 183 .00 143 . O0 - oo 183 . O0 183 .00 . oo It,EM: OSOOO ELESTRICAL DEPARTI4ENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O9l0U1998 JRM AcEion: APPR APPROVED .JRT"fItgm: .05600 EIRE DEPARTMEIfT Depr: FrRE Divj-sion: . " " :::::"::::: "::.... ::::::::::: :i:,, CONDITION OF APPROVAL r_. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. r i r r r * r r t t tt.r a ia DECI,ARATIONS I h.lcby acknosl.dgc th.L I have read thig rplrlicaLion, fill,€d ouc in full Ehc information required, complcted an accurate ploC phn, rnd st.tc chat.ll th. infornagion provid.d aa rcquircd i. corrccE. I agrcc co comply with th. inform.cion and ploL plan, go conply r|ifh all Town ordinanc€g and ltacr! 1atf6, and tso build tshi6 Etruccurc according to lhc Tor,n'6 zoning and subdivision codc., dc6ign r.vi.w approvad, Uniforn Building Cod. aDd olhcr oldinanc€E of th6 Iol|n applicable lhlreEo. RAQUESTS FOR INSPECIIONS SllAlL BE !.{A.DE TI|E}IIY-FOUR lloURS IN AD\IANCE BY TELEPIIONE AT 479-213S OR AT OI,R OPFICE FRoM 8:o0 AM 5:oo PM o i a * ai.) t t a t t a t r a a l '} tttt a ri t a l a tttt.,+r t tt rJ arrtll t* a J a f ta t IOfiN Or VAIL, COLORTDO SETE.DnE . rr.rr,r rra arri t L| r r Scrc.nnt lfuubsr I RBC-oa{s lu.unC I PryD.nt ll.Ehod: Ctr NotrBloD! 1{?93 133.O0 09/01/98 09:{l InlE! m P.rrig lto, Prrcal llo: 8It. lddr...3 LocrClon ! nrir l|l|drnE 2101-082 -14-005 13r rfM,otf RD 133 'ILIJO}I RD I19 focrl l..r: 113.00 totrl IIJIJ PEta: Er8-O2oa tyt.!.B-EllEC ELECTRICI! PERTIT lccounc Ood.D..crtpclon galanca 3 183 . OO 183 .00 .00 loounE 190. 00 3.00 lP 00100001111{00 lhBelnlcln PlRltIT PBBg t.c 10:00003111800 rrLL ctt IJ ltlaptcllq tBa \ ,I t "?*cbnt'""c Eagle cog'. *."1/ o;3 2 B-8 540';::trf :: ; il tlt"?i oF vArL "o""r*u"rrtN_^___ ,_ PERMTT APPLTCATION rORMf . a I<)\-6 479 14-a OL DATE: ?_z , .qE PERIIIT /! \ 98 -oz-{} -, APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT CoMPTETELY oR TT MAy NoT BE ACCEPTEDat J$***************************** PERMJT TNFORUATToN *********************.**r.****r I J-Building t J-plunbing/ xJ-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal I i-other Job Name: Legal. Description: Lot Block Job Address: Fiting or,rners Name: \$lc(^+ "\.rs_c_r+l- Address: Architect: General Description: Work Class:- [ ]-New Nunber of Accornnodation UnLts: BUTLDING: $ ELECT.iiul6iii;; -L-- MF:c,{^*::}l: it-L?-ooa 9T!ll, i^ tlrvr..prN\'; + MECHANTCAL: $=.-,lt /t:;: :: i .::;::: ::: : I.. 1..::.9 €oNrRAcroR r NFoRMArro: TOTAL: $ Address: ---- Fr'E:rrr E)l-r rown of vail Reg. No.Phone Nurnber:Electrical Contractor:TovrnAddress: Plunbing Address:Phone Nurnber: Mechanical Contractor_:Address: Number of DweLLing Units: I Ph. Address:Ph. ld-Alteration t l-Adctitionat [ ]_Repair [ ]_other PLUMBING PERMTT F8E: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF TEE: DRB FEE: Contractor:""$"H:l,.Efr,Jli'uta=L wn of Vaij. Reg. NO. Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Number:. FOR oFFrcE usE *******************************. BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLWBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:MEC}IANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE!RECREATION FEE:CTEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUILDINGs STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: VALUATION CLEAN UP I'EPOSIT IETUND tro: o 75 south ,ronlage road vall, colorado 81657(303) 479-21.38 or 479-2I39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Read and acknowledged by: olllce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOI.TN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DE\MLOP}IENT MARCH 16, L988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn surulary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to 'itter, track or deposit any-"rirl"=lck, sand, debrisor materiaL, incruding tri=rr-t"^psters, portabre toirets andworkmen vehicles. upon-any street., sidewalk, altey or publ-icplace or any norti6n th";";;:--Tf. right_of_way on aII Town ofVaiL street-s and.r""a=--il-Jiproxiratery 5 ft. Lff pavement.This ordinance will be ;t.i:ii;'enforced by the rown of VaiI. Public works DeDartment. --p"i=lns found violating this ordinancewirl be siven a 24 hour rriti""'noii""-to-;;;;;; said rnareriar.In the event the person so notified does-";t"';;;ply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the pubric worksDepartment vriLr remove said mateii.r it in""""pl;;;-";";;;=",.,notif ied' The rrrovisi"n=-"t-'[;i=. ordinance stratr not beapp)'icabre to cbnsrrucrion, rii"ta""";;-;;=r:;li, proiecrs ofany street or arrey or any "tiil,.ii;;"i; ;;"^;I!i._u_"uy. To review ordinance No. e in fuII, please stop by the Town ofVail Buil'ding Department to obtain a copy. riranx you for you.cooperation on this rnatter. liii S\9_sj-ej[e=,.. r C-or.r{p r,osrt:ron/Relationship to (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 roulh ,ronlsge toadv!ll, colo'rdo 81657(303) 479-2L38 or 479-ZL3g otf lco o, communlly devclopmerrl BUILDING PERT|IT ISSUANCE TII,IE FRAI.IE If this permtt requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval , .. Engineep ''s (.publ ii tl$l ""vi"n "na'ipproval ,'a planni n!.bepartmentreview or Health Deoartm6nt.ieview, un['i-r"uid ;i'il;.';ritaing liri[ll;',1;.[!: "'.ir. teJ iime' io.'u-iotur ievie*iav"iaii'a, r6ns A'll commercia't (lu"g:-9f sma'l'l) and al'l mu]ti-family permits willhave to fol'tow ihe ibove ;;;ii6";;-ri*irrr reguirements. Residentiarand small projects should t.t" i-i"lrl. amound of time. However, ifresidential or snra'r'rer .projeJis ii,pi.i the various above mentioneddepartmcnts with resa.rd' to- necessaiy-ieview, -th;;; ;;;j;. ii ruya'l so take the three-week period Every.attempt wi'r 'r be made by this departnrent to expedite this .permi't.as. s.Qon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the plan check piocedure and timeframe, X ta= vo.u QAt Proj 'Conrnuni ty Devel opment Departmept. TO: FROM: DATE: FE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPAFTMENT IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire, regarding lhe ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed lhal requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public propeity? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed to sile other than exisling driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting lhe right ol way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right OlWay permit' required? A. ls lhe right of need for a'Public Way YES Permit': NO D( I -Y )< 1) 2) J( x 3) 4) 5) >< x 6) 7) B) public property to be parking or fencing? way, easemenls or used lor slaging, B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, slaging Xor {encing plan required by Community :Development? . . lf you answered yes lo any of these questions, a "Public Way permit' musl be obtained,'Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's ofiice or atCgmmulity Deve.lopmenl. ll you have any questions please call Charlie Davis,lhe Townof Vail Construction lnspector, at 479-215g. I have read and answered allthe above questions. o TOWN OF VAIL'75 S. FROT,|ITAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657q70 -479-2L38 APPIJICA$TT CONTRAqTOR OWNER Job Address:Location. . . :Parcel No..:ProjecE No.: NEDBO CONSTRUCTIONP.O. BOX 3,4L9, VArt, NEDBO CONSTRUCTIONP.O. BOX 34t9, VAIL, WATSON LUCINDA 1-33 WIIJIJOW RD 133 VAIL RD #19 2L0L-082-L4 - 0 06 PR,J98 - 0211 898-0252 status...: ISSIIEDApplied..: 09/OL/L998 rssued- -.: 09/04/L998 Ercpires- . : 03/03/L999 DEPARTT{ENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOtE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON.IOBSITE AT ALt TrMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PeTmit, #: co, CO, CELL# CELt# 47L-4888 471,-4888 Add Sq FE: *of ga. IJog.: .00 .00 Phone: 81658 Phone: 81658 970 -845 -10 01 970 - 845 -r.00r. #of wood,/PallcL r DescripEion: INTERIOR REMODEL OF ENTIRE UNIT Occupancy: R]- Mult,i-FamilyI)pe Construction: II 1-HR Type. II l-HourI:r[)e Occupancy: Va1uat.i-on: Flr.pl.cr Infolr.llon: nc.tlicecd: y 155, 000 *of ga! Appli.nca6: ' ii{.rr+t*r**irr*'rrr'rt}ttr.r*r**rrrrtt*rrirrrr}irr FEE gwMARy *rrr**, Building-----> Phn ch.ck-- -> Inv..tl,g.Lion>ni1l. crll- -- - > 950,00 52{.00 3.OO s00.00 2, 0s7 .00 .00 2,O91 .OO 2, 08? ,00 Rlgbuaranl Plen Rcvian- -> DRB PGo-------- Rcc!6at.ion Faa-- ---- - ---> clc.n-Up Dcporic--------> To!a1 calculat.d FeeB- - - > AddiEional Frcs---------> PayDonts------- .oo Total Prmit Pce--------> .........:H,l3T;;:;;;":;;;;.,1........1:331;i3...,...THll.3H:;;;;:;:;;;;:.,,.""."."..;::.". ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTIIBITT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:09/01/1998 iIRM Action: AppR APPROVED ,IRl,fIEbM:.O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTII'IEMT DEPT: PI,ANNING DiViSiON:09/01/1998 JRM Act,ion: APPR N/AIEeqti .056Q0 FIRE DEPARII'IEI.IT '. Dept: FIRE Division:09/01-11998 JRM Acrion: APPR N./AIEen: .05580 PIIBLIC WORKS '. Dept: PUB WORK Division:09/0L/L99e JRNI Action: APPR N/A tr'ltiartitrr*rr arrrrrrrrrirrr'rtrt*rtri*it*rrrr See Page 2 of t,his Document for any conditions t,hat may apply Eo Ehis permit,- DECIARATIONg I h.rcby rcknotlcdgc Lh.t I hrvr r..d this applic.gion, fill.d ouL ln ful,l the infornatsion rcquircd, collplet€d an accura!€ plo!phn, rnd.tetsr th.l aLl tho infortn.tion providcd aa requircd i! corrccts. I agrcc Eo cofrply vilh chc inforEEtion.nd plots p1.n,fo coinltly rrich.ll Tof,tr ordinanc.. .nd ltatr 1at'6, .nd to build !hi. dllucture according !o lhc To{n'F zoning end eubdlviaion codcs, dcrign rcviet approvcd, Itnifo Buitding code and other oldin.nccB of lhe Town appllrablc tshcrclo. RBOUESTg FOR INSPACIIONS AHAI,I, BE MADE TVIBIITY - FOUR HOURS IN A.DVA.IICB BY TELEPHONE AT 4 gcnd Clcrn-Up DcpoliC to: NEDBO OF OVINER OR COMTRAcIOR FOR HII.|SBI,F AND OVINER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermiE #: 898-0252 as ot O9/04/98 SLaLus: ISSIIED *************************************************************rl****************:l* Permit Ifpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 09/OL/L998Applicant.: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: O9/04/L998970-845-100L To E>qgire: O3/O3/L999 lloh Address: L,ocat,ion: 133 VAIL RD #19Parcel No: 2101-082-14-006 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL OF EIITIRE UNIT CondiEions:1. FIBI,D INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRBD TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PBNETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEIITNGS,AIiTD FLOORS TO BE SEALBD iWITII AT{ APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI. '. 3. SMOKE DBTEqTORS ARE REQUTRBD rN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF TIIE 1991 UBC.4. FIR3 DEPARTMBNT APPROVAL.rS REQUIRED BEFORE ANy WORK CAIV BE STARTED.,5. PI,ANS RED LINED FOR REQUIRSMENTS NEEDED TO: FROM: DATE: HE: MEMCRANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLlC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED 1) 2) regarding the need for a'Public Way Permit': YES NO ls lhis a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires lhe use of the right of way, easemenls or public propertv? Contractois Signalure (- e'-- 1_--_--- L----'' 1-'-- 1.--- 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls lhe driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecling the right ol way, easemenls, or public property? 7) ls a "Flevocable Right Of Way permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community .Development? :. lf you answered yes to any of lhese questions, a'Public Way Permit' musl be obtained. 'Public Way Permil" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at C9.mry{ity Development. tf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-215g. I have read and answered allthe above questions. \-,r DateJob Name oz E =tuJo- !o 5c'\ U)t! LlJII ts =E IJJo- '#'lh**rr, No\or rn & xz F z r! !JO\E-'r d1 E €-<Atrt4lt+r<>l44 J llJ FIz = z = F] z H H z zd'iii oSzllo"z&,ooJH =d6!'1ofi Olr:z =2 @|r)\o tscnco z\f XOO - rE]O<Z Ol'> I A 2 ldd(-) C) o o 6 q) c dl E l ot (! 3 q) O) v,q, .9.9 .= aD It (E o) '= oN -v,; F q) ct) E oo(E E of v, .9 I f.o co ./63(5 o;(!'=q)(,r*-oE8E =2R.EB9 E=E6F€c-oef:i€ed'i =c96'- o'c EE5 E E-PsOo .j: o E,e!q! f.=-(!o-(5 o- sEE.n€ o- =fieE6:EE EO (5: EFE :: C(u 0'- ptE .r O! eE=gd;5(J>9 (!a r=E3i8hte9EoEEE!oct) \T \c) \T @ \a(.)(r) \t \t(fl+ tal (f) |rl (r) \T rne c.l tr]& trl 2 rnN F t u.lc z oJ :< uJIoz aFotu IIJ z =l J 9z uJ = llJrllll'z tr u/ ouJ o ; _tlt UJ z 6t! F6 uJ 3z ul o x ulo U' IJ.Julu- L = uJ(L =FoF z (l) F UJ IJJ z =J z ouJ Fl H H NOtM]VA I I I I lca l-dol<_l+" lc-(\t t:- .1.2 ;c6bs6zY>Ye 7=d6FgJo; TF HE =>E ztr^ ano1>()(J<)z!L<o*H6:9 .ini Itr l=I()lz t;l-lrd lx Itslrd ItrIHItrl IE IE atll(,z 6 lolH ELIlFl F< z tr ) II (Llo o UJc E Lr.lt z Eoo rd4az F- E LIJ J =uJz lltltlll EzfzOatruJ<oo< =aR,rX/i<z Fz, 9z--': Fdo3trOI X X X X F:) F(r, ztr J =Y(l UJo Jl 2l 2l .. >lo uJ uJ uJzoF LIJ zq =oo utl ac t)) uJz o z F 5U)zHFI GI@ a l-C)ld ,--\qO H u)Z( JAI UJ Ea @o-zoFolrlY IIJdl O e.rFo\ l- Y' E,JuJx(L.' tLc4ar< o-a oE t-gu,bEzo uzHoY P =< rrlcoo x2zH =JO 6IL|J- F.x-_-__d tsiuL_.1 )..i6\:J !,' =zEi Qh- A;E E (r ur(L E qJoz l aho I o- JFlll ;li= cuJ>(LOL9o\t!xd:>fiFJ =t! llJoo co ECIoo ott ,= 5 E EI E =E.lrJo,zoF(JfEFazoo anl uJltrlJI <l>lttlolzl =lclFI I el EIJI <l>lu-lol Pl E lr) (f} CN I\o(\ IctlIlol-l I dlz.l olqJl 5l <l>lttlolzl3tolFI F-i t!,1|.l B ah =tr c{ .if I(\'Ol I Io. lJIF-l-l I el (rl ullElJI <l>l 6lzl3lolFI Q4 A trJfrlF{z =tr -v\o f:f(JAH& t{& z =TL lue. J = U)zH ts - uJ =z E (hzHFrq i'i =z co I I ILl' I IIv,rr| oo I E() I IFct Irl JI<l>lruolzl =lPI 1r) c|.l.if I\oF\\' l-Eir !nb2 E2? =#fF-a zo c) z To uJ Fo UJ I E -rO<FGOIJ,J <ZEU'Fa, Z,-o D+ )+ D<rX]E{Jp<] It UJoE e,o .\ E E5e, Eco':6 osoc I c :o Eo= Eo a,o=ctCIo ,2E tt6g Ios 6 o CD!g)oeJoat ll0, q,E EEE* gE€$ Ei$ EEgE gEgg giii .{ Gi NJ. \\l\i\1 i lf. dJ\d um 0 d $p ( ,\{\ oz ts =EuJe, u,I oI o utIEt(.) (- UJ z f-iiEs E3 t! tl Iz oo z9F E 9J tltrz =o UJ =z @o-r citct)6' Jl<t zl ul 3 6 aD!,1zII io l- JDoz 6 5I tr o .. >logJoIIJulz Q ==UJo- J z9troo ! !).) :; !'t ozY o. 0 =oIo ts =E trJAz9F C).qJE, 6zoo i $\J z.n9zeaoOz,z ia 8trD J Iz (Jul = oo4e =c)59co uJ E =Gu,4|roEEEE3ate,rEb9'=g =l!EFEXEPEEBgid uJ@o I=j- { I .,]!.:l (:l(]i fr-l ._1 F,,. 6 =o2 o(, \,r,'\a I I t, t?ro I I I I 3t Fxlrj uJ9bF oz('g, GJ oz3o {rlv\-i<\lsa GI AA .Limited.r "b- ccvo. I l= common /eietr @ 5U, e!{rc, Riva *t" Norrh Condominium et.i.tion P.O. Box 3671 o Vail, Colorado 81658,3671 r l^E .6ri r E altt'I1EronPn15uu i Aprll 14, 1992 To Whom It May Concern, The Elva Eldge lforth'Condominium Association has re-viewed the plans to remodel unlt +64o ovned by Ken Robinsand has no objections to the plans as approved at theAnnual Meetlng of Aprll lL, L992. This includes the pro-vision that no remodeling will take place with the exteriorwa1l of the building and that no additional living area vil1be added. Please call if you have any guestions. Sincerely,A;^il;lDRick Haltermann Managing Agent Managing Agenu Burke Mamgemcnt Works, Ltd. Q03l e26-2877 Plan Review Based ontbe 1992 Uniforn Codes NAD.{E: ROBBINS REMODEL DATE: 4-L5-92 ADDRESS: 1?8 GORE CREEK DR. CONTRACTOR: NEDBO CONST. VAIL,, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: R-1 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:II PLANS EXAMTNER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQI'IRED Tbe ltens liated belor are Dot intended to be a complete llstingof all. possible code reguirenents in tbe adopted codeg. It is a Euide to selected sectiosg of tbe codeg. The following ig not to be conetrrred to be an atr1proval of any violation of any of tbe pro-visions of tbe adopted codes or any ordinance of tbe Torn of Vail . 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REOUIRED TN AI-,L BEDROOMS AND HALLS AS PERsEc.12t0 1991 U.B.C.2. FTRE DEPARTMENT TO BE CONTACTED BEFORE AI{Y WORK CAN BE STARTED.3. ALL PENETRATIONS TO BE FILLED WITH APPROVED MATERIALS. COLOMDO DEPARTMENTOFAHEALTH 4210 Eaat llth Avenue Denver, Colorado 80220-3716 Phone(303) S2G833i, Telefa.: Nurobcrr: Main Buildin3/Dcover(30s) s22.90?6 Ptrndgan Plac./Dclvlr(303' 32Gr629 Firrt Natlonal Bank Buildil3/Dcnvcr (303) 36ffi69 Greud Junction Officc (303) 2{&?r9t Pucblo Offcc(7r9) 6.t&84{t ROY ROMER Governor JOELKOHN Interim Erecutive Director ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT THIS PER}IIT IS GRANTED SUBJECI tO THE COLORADO AIR QUALITY CONTROL COMMISSION'S REGULATION NO. 8, N)OPTED FEBRUARY 21, 1991 AND EFFECTIVE APRIL 30, 1991. IT IS ONLY FOR TgE PURPOSE OF ALLOWING ASBESTOS AEATEMENT. AS A CONTRACTOR, YOU MAT BE SUBJECT TO OTHER LICENSES AND PER"I{ITS, DEPENDING oN THE REQUIREI,IENTS oF THE COUNTY AND I.TUNICIPAI.IIY IN NHICH THE 9IORK IS BEII{G PERFORI'TED. THE COLORA!)O DEPANIMENT OF HEALTH, AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION STRONGLY SUGGESTS THAT YOU CHECK I{ITH COUT{TY AND MUNICIPAL AUTHORITIES IN ORDER TO DEIERI.TINE ANY OTHER LOCAI, BUILDING/PERI{ITTING REQUIREMENIS THAT I'{UST BE MET. THIS ORIGINAI, PERI{IT I{UST BE POSTED ON SITE AT ALL IIMES. THIS EUISSION PERMII IS VALID FROM o4/zz/sz rHRouGH ol/zt/cz THIS PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED TOs a4-4970522 A & E TSBESTOS ABATKqBI|T, Il{C. 635 IIBST IIEITE AVENUE GRIII|D JrnrcTION, CO 81505- FOR THE LOCATION SPECIFIED BELOW: BVA BTfiIB T*)nlg 174 GOPA CNtsEf, DNIVB vArL, o0 81668- EAGTA COUI{TT ISSI'BII BY: AS ntsconD * 7'189 PtsFtIIT * 92BAI283ATITI,B: II{DUSMIAI EYGIEI|IST QUALITY CCNTROL COXHISSIOIT AND rHE AIR QUALITY CONTROL ACT C.R.S. 1982 E 1989 (25-7-101 and 25-7-501 et 3eq) RECEIPT Colorado Dept. of Health AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION 42Lo E, 11th Avenue Denver, Co aO22O DATE: 04/t5/c2 PERMIT #: 92EAI283A AMOUNT: 9 ZIS CHECK #: tl45 RECORD #: ?t8tl For! HEVA RrDGB ltoRrg I74 CORE CRtsEf, DRIVE vAIr,, oo 816$B- ReceLved from: A & E ASBBSTOS 635 nESt TfEIIT GRAI{D JI'I{CTIOII, ABAIKIIEIfT, IIIC. AVBNI'B co rHE AcruAL SCHEDULED woRK DArEs ARE FRor{ 04/22/92 rHRouGH O{/Z1/C2IF THESE SCHEDULED }IORK DATES CHANGE, NOTIFY. TIiE ASBESTOS UNIf AI 331-8543 II,IMEDIATELY. Project Srperwisor: JOHI{ coPY ifArraD 04/15/92 ro PATBnMAIf 52&-19-0192 BAGI,B OOIIIfIY Recelved by: G*l memilJ -Ao,'rt 1V*ru I ::frS O PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEC\ _=s\TUES ,'V'|ED)\-,..ii '\ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI CALLER AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEr-ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr q tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL FJPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR niF*ce 12,7 --, .)_-/(' /--_ .a -SPE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJ€CTt, l/Zfrz-oB NAME CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM' /6 /t) IN / /, :2DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES FRI BT o tr II n o tr tr ILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL tr FINAL -d nppRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE /k'ji'INSPECTOR a ANTS, INC.KRM coNsuLr P.O. BOX 4572 vArL, coLoRADO 81657 t303t 949-939r FAX 949-1577 FIELD REPORT TO: Qzoo A.M. 1: lo A,t-4. WEATHER: JOB NUMBER: REMo DE L 1"q5:A DATE: ARRIVE: DEPART: NEDBo CoNST[ucTlo{..l ATTENTION: LEE ALLEMAN PROJECT: RIVA RIDEE + U+O COPY TO: s384 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT /-,l, ":)INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL r--\(-,READY FOR INSPECIION: l4ON. TUES \ WED, THUR FRI AM \ PM " / "' 4-'7-"/"' * LOCATION: 'y' ."t:'t'r,':t'' /"'t "t'.i":'t '- (5 |/Zt . //oE, DATE JOB NAME ^ "q/-c--( CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr FINAL XAPPROVED--tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\\\ t\ \' \ L_\ \ \ r DATE . ) \ .\ \\: JOB NAME a$'\\ .- !- -INSPECTIONTOWN OF \FIti: \, REQUEST VAIL MON CALLER TUFS WED THUB AM PM,READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECT BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL {neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR '*i Y. DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL\. '/- / '^JoB NAME '-- ./-4 /2 o- ' ' "'7 ,., -- .ar | trFl {' f.t - ,.9'.-2./ --<-.^1{t2CALLER 7'+'-t -,2?r''.-Z'/--.zll:t-.t MoN. ruES Cw;) rHUR rir C{D PM /: ./ zr-t ,:Wttl,t PERMIT NUMBEF OF ,lS; |,-/a.z BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTR!CAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: I] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR INSPE TION REQUESTWN OF VAIL I t t.',r"Lz., it,/2 AM PM. tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED L'^t.y' ,' .'' /' /i t, CALLER FRI't'i APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT .D SUPPLY AIR E FINAL , . -^ CORRECTIONS: 'f""-'-'.....'...---... DATE /- 12 INSPECTOR *?_ )r-'i "")/'.1---> ;lt& PERMIT NUMBER Of PROJECT "*, fu '7/ t l4z^oB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:D4ON WED INSPECTION REQUESTTOW OF :"( 2 -.J v/ \" / r'L- VAIL ,>/a ('- l./) AM PMr LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOI / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL Knppnoveo D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nffisroe *.-l--*--""--*-.-- v rINAL INSPECTIONIS COMPLBTSD fbe iteng belor teed to be complete beforeglvlng a pernl.t a fLnal C of O. Pleaae cheek off ln tbe box provlded. EIIIAL PLUAING DATE: FINAL I'IECEANIC,AI. DATE: IUPROVEilENT SURVEY RESID. I{A}IB: DATE: TET.{POMRY C OF O T T n N N I tr rl DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PAT{CY DATE: rILE NAHE: .-/W\ a8 rr'n ,-.c- a- ,- | (-'\ Y>Z t2 a) I I gl +l -.-lorH rf I I I I I f, Ei=toEtrlt!;o60<.2d6ti c t+.9 td$€ tg s;rls EA\F E:NF iN !eN? EErlj i#i)r gE $8(n O- ) J'F= ----l + =c , \?rJ -v Eg g .oP -'r-6.--\.E O. -"- vlFI Jx €E =t !t: gE6s'=Ost sbE EEg EgEe*5:geE >=c96'- oE EsE E EE,tsooiE() 3'e s!!! i.Y- do.(5 o.sEi .he o-sfie E6: :E€ :t"s; 6.E.tr; o)- *-c E't€-ci'36>, E Ilo ;fis9E osEg -oqt oN t\(o ouJuJlr E =E IJJd J FoF Y o3IrozoFgE() IJJo EUJzuJ \ (? = 66F^attq5EP .'oo6b<)zu-<oluJ -CEFOj(\i - uJE J z E t zI uJF- r-(\j -F OJOO ')4 .4 q .h Y" q ,')I n/)h.a2/ oz F =EuJo- gur 2E N I N\ $ $\ H T E =ElrJo-zoFo =& 6zoo ul tsU' cooazo gt ooFF =Eulo- l!o o-oo I - 5€At zo9zeoo =zlf a-,P Ern J Iz I C)llJ =! J o E,F()ulJutffl!:t (,zo =l TD;<tx ==E.ulo-t! E9Es€frE9?kb93[E-t> E FEE 6tE ooE irE ;TEut€= UJ!0oF rm\ztE -i- i.I oz =t! tlll,tl Ia r\l4lr)1:{ rolOf ,-r ls-ll,ol4 rol:E stl 1d l5 Az IulIEJ ttoz:oF d-doQ Fat,d.o Jlrltn Tg, |r rl)(\ltlt(r) I\o(\l('l oz duJGj t!oz3oF e.ld d. !JF = o Lr)stIorslor I"l q ?lolrlltcl JI<t>l !ltrolFI I I I el >l tr.lol fl -rO<Foa c)uJ<zt tJ.r Ft4Zo() E2P 33 =Fd6 C) sb =+E t-o2 .YL =(F x ca \)0 x ctc\ \r. x \ a x x tnuJuJlJ- ==UJ(L I I si\s 5lHlorl \l di,t\l Nr N\-r6 NT \E tllF z. zz Qr kl\lN ,ll\l Ic{ lql\l\)l'lo UJFozo z_ 3f6€o'zao + "| lt u,at = lt oF trF2 o o uJz =o II uJ F ccuJz3o ]u'r F z E6EX'.'=o(,);(o g8E: SF.eS?€: EgE;E -€ gE€ $ :fis5:i E;E!'- O. -c -rE : E.E,T iEale E€;EeEISeEaE a=:o=-oL'(E:o-E f E ='gE:6(!65 :EE g;, E6FE=- OE 9H c;o(atr etEe€6 iE.'":5 (J >,iEo (!:; o'c-=-> E$E:i EEgE g i$i\N h IN p d 0 $\! , \NJ ) U w NJ 0 0 dtA N 0 0 fi N 0f. cr \9 S E =uJ z c)J Y u.l oz Jc Fo|.lJ uJ z6 = o-- = C)UJ uJtu z9 UJ uJ oE oql 3llJ UJ z 6UJ o-uJ z qJ () x F uto aD I,J,J UJlJ- E =g. $ FoF oz6: ao o F u.rJul z ao =J a z () uJ = Jc l--e NOrrvnlvA + 5< =Z lL:o oraz> 9l- c( CE -l3tut-o\l J EuJzauJ-o-. $c+\^\x 5l9 *q,,^r\=\,l SIYosrc/-'€{ ztr^ ;o t!, o1><)zr.! <o1 o"- !2i5;Gi l,r.fj 'l,rt!,l+ ti zIF !L (L E UJ F tl Ns-N (r tll z 8z tr TIJF 3UJz II I I ( lljoIo-rlJ(E .iz I I I !)F1;9z -iF.,-d3E atLz z tr oo:ooo zo J az + Jt-.. I I \\ I \ 3 ; F !,1 3 NHIztlizt- t,-ll I ; ciuloutul2 U)F Eru z9tr oztr J F uJ.r ulo. ttto v $ N (uFr E(o a LtJ 'r C OO--o- (F lr(, o-'- ro = 6v C.ctJ(F I'-H.F (t o_Ll- v C X d..=OC.O(uu- ln llJr, -(, (uo<uJ ooo o+) EuJ -o (u oL! CF ()=8Bov't _o =F{ E (JP (5 !- q- . z. .t- o rhg) =r.ncO (U +r 'rJPOJ=J.u r, (ooo Lt.r- J (\j -o L!-^^F .-{ (\l \ot \ -l-i sl CL IJJF x oFF =.ElllIL tl-o oo I uJFoz a t-1l.Fl $I J..lq= l1 $sl(,tzF-i J IJ- 0 -t- S a< :q UJ =z r_)2 od = $:| I) ,qt =() v\ Sl!9 o/L t C-n E Ni (cl\o <.b I \,{c6+ tt IJJ J = F C) ,{lvlc,nl's $ d rl +- s 3 u(f =E ozti ul Ja ttoz3p lc \n t\ r( \o (.in ,-t a(.{! ac IJJJ IJ,J s o,) q I.<3 3 Etr tg T]:}.-1o ut(E J rLoz3 F h.t $ I \s,'{ d. uJ ulF g €s =E c\\ \.* F,^cllio oull5t<l>Lt!loz =l9 \ () n $J u u =tr .iz ciul aioz39 l(Jl 4''l-<1 qq< cf1(9 =tr Jt)$,((:oz oul T aL>lEoz3 F cI ktf (r) \t ui trF :r3*+2\Y3i<r i "+ i1 F(J IIJt o E. <Ffr? *ztr c.iaZlo5! )E<oOF FS \2trolo 9e =s!zrro *5::Fz()=<=?YYZ =g E Ei; =t-Oz<c)aQ.3t -.1 lJ.lol -- 9lg =l e$f rl EE 3 Hl ;F E I l-,vdnE !! l=lI =lffl r* = L- lo-l .5.i:{ E =lbl =E1E ;l:l =$4g Hl ffid a!.Jo- F LIJrp \n Y scrOz >< Prolecr Apptication eat\f1 "q6t o","?uh. l, Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: -374 f\,,, .- -l-1,)l-L3J-15Jf /inrsz5 ''r\', Owner, Address and Phone:n \ n r l..:1 ",i'-, H g S-) C lbs '4/z 3 Legaf Descripti on'to, /-t? , eu,"x ! o ,r,,,nnffi, ,on" Comments: \ .-1\ lrl , i-'A. ,; ! I ir. ' Design Review BOard o"" ]l \9 lX {., DISAPPROVAL tt \ 0tKirrfnn Yr, R Town Planner n,r.. .\l(l l{L E statt Approval \ * SPE AM aeli) ('itr, i'qt,c'). \\ \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL c 199.1^&^s-HqFn ..^ tr cAs prprNc -- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - nr-l_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MEGHANIGAL: Cl, TEivlP- POWER tr HEATING F ROUGH ,'t '. tr i ' rir'--4.- tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT r-tn_ tr FINAL tr FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I SPEIN PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON CTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES.,WED THUR : PMFRI BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL . . j0 neenoveo CORRECTIONS: C] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -\ ( t/"t '1,) '/ .' I!'-'/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: I JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI D^rE s" /\ ,ii: L BUILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr o tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUSTtr ROUGH HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr, FJryAL tr tr FINAL -:-.fT.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR *-a.' * SPE DATE INSPECTION: I NAME MON IN TUES ,weD- THUR FRI CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: ,AM', PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING X tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ,Yaeeaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR \ , I '.'t''l ,'J 'f ,i' I tINSPECTION ^ ; TOWN OFtl Li-,/i\/ ot i /, ' REQUEST VAIL I Itt/t\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON _ g_AL\iER tleEg' wED THUR PMREADY FOR LOCATION: FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERq, FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr d rtruRl tr FINAL JAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE - JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI t INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR FRI oor= = \ tr-Sf\t.t JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES @ THUR tNstcrroN REeuESrTOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr n ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL . tr"'neenoveo GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED , ,." ,/'- .,/. 1. ::| / .' I'L'DATE 'INSPECTOR ,, /r-, ,r/ IINSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES ,WED THUR FRIREADY FOR TOCATION: !',: ".r', ''iU BUILDING: E] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL o B FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT '1 ,tr FINAL t''tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR crtoN-'TOWN OF A--t*.rrt REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 2oor-o*. r l^r>lg, INSPECTION: JOB NAME tV,A CALLER - MON TUES THUR FRI Ldz- /Jcr S{ READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMTNG _ ROOF&Sn ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING -tr GAS PIPING jtr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr D(r,"o.tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING F ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR cl D ffi/Jwet'Tnup (9o h,ra,,tr,r v E] FINAL u,fl,{tt*ou.o E DISAPPROVED o'\L-5ffi httNspEcr o N R Eeu I R ED L ': ''t a-ti lt1. 'Il :l ".i:i' QF/ [{rrHctvtu / coRRECTtONS: ti : C>og.qoo gn'\"..t - Fi*,i:k -J)nt..",\ '^.. . .- - Tr-.,a. ?,rsl..- 4 ?, \\ ,il,o\.s .',-\<i ,i: , INSPECTOR rNs$croN REQUEST VAIL DATE LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR tNSpECrrOru' / -rvrOru -)trueS wED THUR FRI Aw PM.,..---._..', PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED dORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /\I-1 I /\ \ /-( n\ \-cct\/,r.rq ( ' " I .7>\ t/^ <- ' / : DArE |n -/)5--t\1 tNSpEcroR e0(\l+ (\J OO IJJF6looazoF(oo- coLlJ "\Ycq uJ ...-d! s,- 92,FH E rr-r =,E7\t!-o- trt]tr z(,9z_ecoo =zJO.L IJ- 9z -o tJ.t =! C)EFouJJul t=lrr< (9zo co ! F EuJctto I'|loz lat,IoFtr Eo- #tshE =Eo- lll>o-O|!9o =uJxo-;>EF JrL ulooF ITlDl---- Eo Ee -9o EE .E I E E 8 o co Etto! -lEI sl uJF o ts =E lrJo-zoFC)fEFU'zo(J l!o (Loo I ulFoz [: o =E =E uJo- I I l_ ,F t3 I I I tee,IFIat'2 t= lotz f r.lJ <FZrto> ct, < rlJu,o i lt o Fzoo lr- I o36 6bi o- 6z = F =E.lroGZ!()..'! ir al>o> Hr!<oq i.|rJ-EE6 sio 6iN(9 =>E -riv)f tr.t * =ao6t G o-tu J z E z Etr!r,lFJ =UJ2 zl .. >loulo uJUJz tr = UJIL azoF =o 6 I I =r Io-l .F 'l(,tzF-i9; -t-Fd. z. lrlC' d d. ui =zclo--) +J(g (,ovla IJJ =z tltl I rrr I l,A I lElt.ldl olrdl zl =l El Hl ilr-tl >l-l r.ul=l :l!31qolEFI z Fz, = :l>l tr-lolzl il I I I ,l HI JI<lilol El cot lllFI F E-rO<Fc()uJ<ZElll F(rz-o (J gP =#4Zrro O EoF() EFz c) !+() =+EFt-o2 oz b =t IJJo- I I l_ .Ft<r6 I I I I I,r9t<t IFtqz IE lot2 E6g.:',.'=ooXO gbE; E €E eE*F.=EF3 € gEEE lffE5:,i'i=9Fc 9 6 EPiiEc; iEp:e 5E;FEg.; ge g (5 ): O:! f E=9!:0D.vooiio F ROiei:e:EF:=- o;9; $sE:g E E:=g fi; 5: ai'EeE: i;$ei xe. 3zz!- i o- 4=X I >YF 9 6E q> a5 e.z>-ooon()zXt! <(o* dH5 E =R 2 aNO =>e, -rcti tr,t .t =clGl zl -. >l uJoutllJzaF (r uJo- J zo F6 uJ =z (Do-) I I ItdI' I Ifrqd dE =o lil' I I Iu)trqqqd J E() I I I I el dl HlJI<lilolzl3lolFI I I I I Iolz.l olIJJI 5l al>lIUolzl3lolFI =.1oluJl 5l al>l LLIolzl =lolFI I Iolzl ciluJl 1lal>l rLlol 5l g Ol !rFI F F uJ =IoE eJO<FEOuj <zEUJF(iZo() EF C)luJ UJ E(JO ;2. t- =#=F)zrJ-o t z Ei\ J. IY \JZ uJF UJFocoo-zo F(L^ uJYu@ oF tr (r UJ(L u- (Lo ulFoz z(,=ze(Do =ztfJOTL tL EEi =H= = ut(Ll! IJJoz U)L F d.o- JFuJ-h> IL I.lJ>o-O|!IJO-t l.lJ6rLx> lll 'J.J uJ @ F o Ecto6 B€ .E E EI o --- ts =Elrlo-zoF C) EFazoo !nn anntr -:<t-o3 q- l" I x lr I \ I t5 x X (n LullJl! E Iuo- \i,, \lI lrrJ'xi3 I I tt\\\\ .\\l \\ \\tcttlb \5 TIJF FIz zz a UJFoz zoI ct .6 =zo lLJgJo = lr oF Fz o E t!z3odGul ?.,rvpg <FZ r,r9.2o< \ '=O(/);(O gEE;E =.e * 3::EE3:F'=P:3 :Ex3&'lP-to :EE;5i E;E! E x E.E';;*>3 3g E g:3 ;: iE€'! qjr:6 t-;;.9 g oPo-E .o=E 95s*e€i :qrrgoo :EE H!, isiSE:-'E 3a' c:o(/rciei ssui;.'":;6 >.=Ei9 (!a5 Q;EF'i;fi;Eg i;H,ei o\ \ \s snt IJJ z !o LIJ oz J c)uJJuJ z = o. J ()z-C)UJ = UJUJ z tr uJ OuJ 3UJ qJ z u., F o uJo z UJJ x F ulo { ( .t' u.J UJt! E. =Ir J FoF z l FoulJut z J 2 L!z ) C F- 19 NOUVn'tvA II Ilr f;l-rIJ"E-tr z-i tr1o-tr:(-) llJo <lErzuJ\ =>E -=(t =(D(\l zz.o9 XfF9 0aoir5ilt <( ,,, fg8 FOr '\i z F :fJ lt- f o t! tu z Eo z tr llJF 3uJz tltltltlll Ezfzy ttt <oo< =E>lrxu-do<z a!3i9z -:F fio3tr IJJ J v,!) UJz:<() I uJ F z tr J az I! I :: 5 oo ; I I III I I I I ,-lxl:lr/,l JI<ltrl =l zl .. >lo UJ u,t!zoF Ellt zo F6 o4 o J OJ H! = ao tflc!(JogU.J.- C Oo--o-9 +JC5 o-.- roZ.OvC aqJ\F U)-H.- O) o'.|.l- e C X.r (Ue..BOc.o(utr- (,1 l- +) O<tr.J CJ Ooo+)Eut'o qJ oL! g- (J:zoo-(-)EO3 E 3i C5 Lq- .z(F o (n =!-rrcO C, +>.rJ +) 0., llJ.F'(,/16Oc, l-Lr- J C\j ! IJJ-^^F5- oF E CE \\uJ\ I tr-\ |orl> .'9 |o- Y-lo tIo\lr\\ HurbEzox EE=-r -: L!'F=DNN ::!u.loi E*ltr <la =l-g=lE -l: *l€ trlE =l-E *l=E =lsE qlF-e o16P ' ltuE -t(!t =l>I t- l-€ al r!.JA- 3=et \L l-\L!)t+J \a z.n9Z*.lr)0 =z ELrr-!n! H !; col t1 {iF-i -JII -1- 5 €< \o-ag { a< t-r'i z -ta 3l:1q tl ilVlqn\r!>t z u./ 6 J t\t\ft\l$F tod ..1)c[ltq,ntul J = 1o M .\9 = q 3 sU t a: a; t\s =tr z.) olull :l at>ltrlolzl3l9lFl \c (n ><f{ |<r-l !oe[ q(A\f o4{. IJ,J)llJF ( d T AJf I3 tr tr I t :l- c,z ctlrJ = l!oz3 r- \{ c t{ d \ a'l o i{ 1 1 ,s<lg Iq 4 =tr ,t liar s.] orl\.] izouJI t! zBI a(a$ $r )s\ ui E =E z ..i J u- z3I =E oz (, llJ IC J l!oz3 F u,l uJF t,3Ear.lJ 9zY Eo-i':-d,2 2 F UJF C) <F r!<ztI.lJ Fa\ Z <oOF FS ;F-zu.r O.lo z = -J 6g =<)=tYZ =g F v rr, Z <c)a9.r.,.'| x-1 \, >< v! rrFtL l4ao 2*v a*f, 1a? I bof\. *4,rtdol o tr z2Ye2l I,FI A r7c tAU>' rH(o V,,\l+f t*.', tA,lf rjt+ *+( !' t9"/-(/ f,rplV, 4 <:.Kc'''tlf fl ^-t bq/e ergreerr€. rrc 143 e rneodor dr surle n-10 crGsroods sh@prrg center rorl, cohrodo 81657 303/a7c2170 v1r* '1rlFr'2 .+* brtLF(l)t^v ,t^'a71 ?Ftcv.. t-Lt*iL +++ .---;o 1r r,'' ,Pctl hlA)' r: ? t,tl ' ll/2 / l-P (elYrft v e f2vrr4 /*n'l'atl '>W'['ro r]__P_ lu'l ,'-o" f"i 'rio" --+- , I '-(ttn:4,o -- t-@ ---NUtr-WfFr ----] Fryr Flvnf, t4a?Tfrl VAI L, COT-AE b" Q I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\.. \ \-x\DArE ',- \- \\l JoB NAME BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON oALLER \s'.rs-s lt-- -- '\..'-.: -,":r. ,roi)*. l:. st. ruEs (6), ,nu^ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr O FINAL D FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHAN!CAL: B HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,A'-nppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o ?l'r,r,.!,{ "{KtProject Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone tYl i ir c \\ rr.\\o ^ .t L\., ,' - ?'j 1.,- -j 7 J 8 Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Atldress and Phone:i).r t,-,\,,r )bl', 'tL-. tl-T Legal Description: Lot (l , Block Comments: Design Review Board Morion by: \l.tv n seconded ov' lL)il r f' I f i\\-il APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL K\.',,tru. ?,,'t* Town Planner o",", )/ t'l lfi r-, E statt Approval a LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is-required for submittal by the applicant to the DesiSnhqglew Board before a final approva'l can be fiven: {: .d\ A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng 0ther l'lal'l Materi al s Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows l.lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai]s Fl ues Flashings. Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED for conifers. (over ) I Rr fit" \ *Indicate caliper for deciduc'ious trees.Indicate height Square Footage a . "punr MATERIALS: Botanical Name common Namq ' Quanitv size (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS TYPe s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I4ETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swirming pools, etc.) Please specify. i --t' -. i Appl ication O^, PEC MEETING DATE requesting a variance. The applicationis submitted. * B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE for any project al I information -/. I.Th'i s wil I A. procedure is required not be accepted until NAME OF APPLICANT ( PHONE c.NAME OF owNER ( S )(type or print) s re ADDRESS r , f ADDRESSiTOfe L."-K lril^cle *l:"*J_ LEGAL DEScRrpTroN :t:!#:tocKJ2_Frune2ioit [/,'/lnfo fi le , l,l, q/tr s/ ---\cR- * 3517a - o ' I t E. FEE $100 - plro /o/a?/85 cK # 3bAg spst4/-(ase/hocst' A4>enrre1 '-J PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL AccEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THEREGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their mailing addresies.THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECi MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I^IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO ]DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMTION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION l,lILL BEACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEM5 REQUIRED 8Y THE zONINGADMINISTRAT0R). IT IS THE APPLicANT's RESpoNsIBILITy To NnrE nn AppoINTMENTWITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REqUIREIATNTS. _ :' _ PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION t.|ILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR Y0uR PR0JEcr sv oEcRmXc THE NUMBER 0F coNDrTIoNs 0F AppRovAL THAT THE pLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BECOMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT Is IssnE-D. T i 1. The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The- degree to which re]ief from the strict or 'literal interpretation andenforcement of a^specified regulation is.necessary to achieie compatibilityand uniformity of treatment afrong sites in the vilinity or to atthin ltre--"objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. OVER .,::.,,.r,, . rl .rj"i.;i;.:'",t:: . .,i.i.,.,' . Vari ance 3. The effect'of the variance on light and ajr, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities' utilities' and public safety. B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least l" - 20t stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all existing improve- ments, including grades and elevations. 0ther elements which must be shown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, Iandscpped areas andutility and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed buildings. D. All preliminary bui'l ding elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance' scale and use of al'l buildings and spacesex'istjng and proposed on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' association, then written approval from the association'i n support of theprojebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as detennined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site p'l an may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. Time Requirments The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and a1l accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a mi nimum of 4 weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) wi'l'l be accepted by the planning staff before or after the desig- nated submittal date. rr,"",r.i,. ,;.ri-&J1,,:r;1i6i:::;': ,,, . ., . !r,.{$rl ri o (h /*u /)& oltg,Ut- % /*,at17/ Ea4t fu d,L O*A D,.- tO "^,( c_ol,- 8 rL;01 AAtv"+ J ,*^t,r* n C-t-"fB^t # r{v" V ^;,1 c-LfrIsf ttllili r v ( *S"yUtf-e' I \"de'/ ,+hlr{ ?/* d-'<rrz,a:2z o-14dtL v--rt-l'L ,LAtu;/UaW)/-) u\ror;JuY ryF uffir-aln*!*t"L oLtp- "-.rftttj, " ,/nz?./,, a*r6,ur."r-l*e- /r^r* P;/A',d & A "--lA vfrJ-P,r*a/AM A fur, u.rur-n zznhct,//M ,.6 ;b a, -/nj/-</ zznfraa CjJtt'. tt -'a o 2//-,rfltzcrr z-n7rt-r, f a-9.0h 0'L a -/"rr , {r--,tLtffiw,-'rk{*/ ry --fu o1,//ftf'ue-,o,"tt^'ffiX*%-=4t rU "^T-, m*/rt#r e,r! z-.fr*4 M t-u,/Jfi>'\) ,fu-of,qt-.f-d 2r'- &*l CL M,4.€ l- 2A- rr?-L.r-<r "^-lt*l ,/t-or.U !r.lJhrJwr frr ,r'-rfr-L 4'f.4rpM-. ?A-ffi4],*.-- zjnz-ar tgpt^- *r-.*q^ A"Argr4,'Wituil"-J"^ru--fu';^ Y,fuoM/**{q e o o /)/n...1 e ./ /Zz Utxrnstfu M ftrtiJt /)1"'ftL vtar"JA .Lil*O ffi u,nt 7h a/1/1. ,'1-(, G/ rry{ .. ,;- . :t.'-tr7 vf. -. .t// yv \Y v.-4J-\-4J (*-t/v. ,:';i;' j' q/p,o'\< d,J -A,tt<p-'f - ,z4/ /nz-u)' na Ako<-'t-tr--," 74 Jq" 4L?41a 94p.^- .^*t q proiecr Appricarion O uffi'?fi .'firh^Ulu"s\ f\*L- ^, r, "","Sn,h*.,?("-8s l-For-- A3,,r- Sxdr Fx -lsr( Comments: Proiect Name: Projecl Description: Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n, ro, 10 . atocx h , rittng Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: ""," \tl,-1J(ft l- DISAPPBOVAL a t l'-\ u;{h &Md v Town Planner t Project Application ll/-Proieci Name: Proiect Oescription: Contacl Person and Phone t r) )'r Architect, Address and Phone:i ,;< j Filing )t i) [,, | \']' ') /'\ , Zone - Legaf Descriptio n: tot (D , Blocr Commenls: Design Review Board i\ ,'r I iy''.rAl.t.Date lu't 'l I frti APPROVAL -{, DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: .(IELl1I_ r!,l/ vU.' ' . i E statt Approval LIST The folloling infonnation is_required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Revier,r Board before a final approval can be fjven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P Roof Si di ng Other t,Jal I Materi a'l s Fasci a Soffi ts l,'li ndows Nindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngS Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses otner 1\e{5 l{ /\ n.- c, B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani'ca'l Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Common Name Quani ty Si ze* Indicate height for conifers. (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. EXISTING.SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Tvpe Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL .i c()N:; S$EL ' .-?o'(-.--- t/i t ) li'rtj :,6a.E / tA.. ii;'']+- ()ir -v) 0a E IE ir ,.a A { 5f \r\N\ tUo\{q. rl'o Ji -.l itl l qJ tU a0 $ot) i. \ n! t !; 'o CAtJ ..f,;,. 'Xo;,'oo Xa- R\vA f'" ..f '.zN I - ^i?'"<c, wusF*utNc' , PtN rO 2.c .''._O.:. o- \ *'r, oa ao.o **n:ft"1'frii:,t;:i:' -JO LrO LOOOz?J) z (\o\o\ -ir z b z 2H ulFg)oo-zoFo- UJY taJ@ oFF Euio-tro oo I u.l Foz utF o EE=--iLu6G> rHn L ut (! ,P lllE9E<af606ee9tt;a9.EE :> =uJ:-E b=o # i'ii ; =aE F59 lurE Xo-t x>Oi:iFct .1ofeE gl @ t- mvr= '.= z oP =Q.coo =z o-- P E =Etrlo-zoF(JfE 6zo(J !!D oz tr =EuJo- tl 2ltr. I IrI1 HISr,H,3v t(J r-'. lE(/l:o o - (U .Y' Bb E:E EEg;fr € og,5 a :EiaE iEFiE*;s!{v$Eaei" f E="gi !EEsg=:.cisc;o(aE e*i: € * s l=i ;i F; i EESEE =>E -- z Fo- F9tt, <5X: QZt! <(o*r!-q. :{i6.; c\i -'g? OY =nZ u--o o.-.6z=;o-6fz;9 ni< -,r r.lr*g iri64(Jr- tn tsX lr.{ It 14 FJ a F-] J 3 F qJc(!-o zl .. >louJouJllJz U)F rruJ z F6o oluJlElJI<l>l tl.l oz oUJGJ z3oF I els 9* !l =lolFI I el dull.clJl <l>l tl-lqzl3lolFI f-. Iirl zl f.l I(.)lAIFrlel l-{ z =u- Jdld-l\cIt e 1F E-{ l<I.b{!{lit U) rI1& d z ii =zoo-) olzl ol Hl il>ltrl tY !: = ri, =+8,rFo2 2P s3]F'.6o z - uJ t-rO<FGOuJ<zE!UF(rt z-o C) oFC) EFzo C) J F uJ IJ,J ct) .t ulF.a dlo.-,zo FouJY O r.tF''F3 ffi*+(L b:r!'zoE o_ .aOo1-r i{t-' IJJo Uqrbkzo utrx z('=zz coo2Z dP ."iE =F36d> rr ri4 r-rL l[!tL l F uJ(L ILo:!!-ezE< oo B9tt; cd:-t \-E ;rE h=o i;iE =o-E 6bP 5pE X>€iiFaL "j0r-ttn uJlI]o E =E, lrJo.zoF(JfEFazoo ts---tr oz L =t UJd ru{il1 I I l., ,Ft<ro I I I I I, t<( laz t= l(Jtz rtl I -?| It\!d.llrnlFt.<lri ,? EiH i5 rzro l! UJ =i o t-z EE-sfe t! (!0-:-c:o(ac o o) -.:;9F5* - E J i=r-t o >'=EO(d=;oc-=-> c96FE E sE E'b =; E': E;Es:i =g-FoE!tce €*1.; iE$EE o(o= F FFEgI JI<lFl zl zl l!oIJJlllzaL ll,Jc J z Eo- F H.k-o9 X }{i4 Fl F z f- (D z (l o uto YE =Zz!- F o- 4=Xf>YE I of, tnotZ!OoonL) z .XlJ- <9q isx EaXz dNO r{ [-{XH v) IiJ rrlt H Hvl,4 t--l i< qJ J >|r -r(t N =coN Irtltl t_l lEltoly''ilJ ^rlo;ilJ-l dElr*t<Ff>>1 Hme1,,tzF --:9i H :d }{lll;4arlta rjl ^l x )<F< x =z LqEqq --l = r n + t') xo- F Etr uJ oo F =tr oz o alJ(E II z39 !-'i z tr I z .'iut cc J .r>ILoz3 F .n I -?<:\ =tr oz uJ Ja t! z3o =c oz ul ttoz =oF z. !! oz ouJE Ja l! z3 F .:: -'tI,JglF LUz = uJ .r E, <F l,,rJ <zgLIJ F(nZo(J .J E,<o()F -< ;F',26roAO, >Y =f!z|ro <;i YF7()4< iz -CJ t ir =oz<o(5 '1,ttt .?EE =r',-rr"-, I E =OElrJrz9F(J DE 6zo() oz E =c,u,c I I t, t3 I I I I J L__=' t.a E lJ G aa rla Ir .= !t .-r C, !9 \l- =ib-o; Jta F5e=a.t alE -ocr;=\ \-lv iEE: E \E; sE:EE dEF gE c'o :t _Y169 -=-=5 \ lsr<ELg Er'' = E;3sEx !iE:g iifii -Go '2ZtLo ooF ^ 62 3 E =Fooc6a tt[= 6oq {H6 tr=,t z-:uJrNc, t>G -larl3rs.! =olG. zl .. >lo uJo UJllJz6 E: uJ zoF6o I ]-A fl slul lrrl el { o =lt I JD o jl *l tfrlt> t? dq:(, EL ,rl 6l t 3$H;t$ 3i - cUJz3o (J UJtr-C)e a-rO<(FGC)l!<ze,1rlF.rt Z-oo dF fr3;F'izu.l OAA EF 3Ed6o dE =3gE Egl+e,5=. 8lEExr<)<)c>< z oP =-<@o=z=:)de J IeFC)uJ UJ d ozoJfto LJ E =eIIJo. o UJc tr:EuJo. b EUE<*aie,TEb9.EEta =uJEF8H:Ft;EXiBsi HoF .I] - !D I ..\ 7t louth lronllgc ?o!d r.il. color.do 81657 l3o3l 479-21.3E or 479-2139 TO: PROM: DATE: suRfEgr: oftlcc ol communlty dcvclopmcnt AI.,& CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLIL REGISTERED WIllT 1IIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORIG,/COI,TMUNITY DEVEIOP!,IENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I.{ATERIAL STOR,.AGE fn surnnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dumpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxiroately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic !{orks Departnent. Persons found violating thls ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the putfi.c WorksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln fuLl, please stop by the Town ofVait Bul.lding Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to ProJect (i.e. contractor, owner) Date t7 ) tl l\J.-/ --/ l-/ | P b,!,,^rn,:'---d'^ 7a Q'r-'(7'aat r(att'" I 41/1- n riftirEctoN REeuEsr.TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEC JOB NAME ON.- _..1, BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING OUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL D FINAL ,{'neenoveo- CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oz tr =euJo- (n -+t1 t4 an uJuJt! E =Et!(L dlo ctlt ls ltott\ +Yl C\or C'i (nN q Y z U) z (\o\!! o\ ?FTo N Al z (A H <De3 OF 2Z6<J t!F E F G z = zz p{ tvrtz IHItst<lc)..r-{ fit'1 5E a3zd,6oJ t-{ =c6!coI O lrlz z^2 t!zt UJ F z *s $d\ r$ u-JuJu) = l! oFo Fzo ql \\, v\< sspQ =tdle F{ =Y o Eo-c olt a0 ,(JEclo ; F Q)t {.Ao!oc$.5!t o.coo (! o oo ==dl E '= l E(D o.o.(! =.!P qt -a- o c FH€g €fr eEF=E: .E 8E:Etr-o>= :Ei ic9cFIo€or B 5;.5 EEE; EE;E Eleeo.(o 0.-sEae f€;g 94(66 HEEg E6F: - o..^Y o (!0-.:.c; o (/, $t; f ; H;; lf;:;9Eo - !E$E .v @\o6l Nr\ .ir(n(t) .it o\ e r^f.- rnc{ F CA ==IJJo. z J ao :< ul (Jz) F qJJ UJ z ao =J 9z I ut = uluJu-z9 IJJ ouJ E ao;g uJe.z auJ aoo-llJ 4 z x F llJo aDuJ LrJII E =E UJo-J FoF z c)J 6 J 9eF() uJJul o2 E J J 9z uJ. ,l H 3 NOrlV0 vA to IEl*IE Eo loq?t-tt:tir.- -lH-*cH 9*6EzQ 7-,>Yo h.aa()=s5 JH Ev HToz =>oa = ,., ztr^ .tO1>-(,C)<)z!L<o\Hd;()FO.ini l. II t* tg IE IH IttllE-. t; IFtt F4 nvzHgKrq trz 7aHtsv t'E]F|< TJ Frv zIF .J ll- u., F o\ CO & uJ .z E o ><4xz F- uJFJ t z lt)trzlz k6o< =HYr!3ct<2 Fz,- Ozz- --! -do3trOI X X X fo F z J 2 :<o uJo JI<t -l zl zl .. >lo IJJ uluJzoE uJ(L J zo F6 uJfJ) (t) uJzY = z tr l z UJo- t!>oFo!c JJ 3 F ul I III cr) -+Ol-$e'r' lf) -lJ6O zH (t)z Nc'\c'\ F\ & Lll ts(t,g)oazo Fc IJJY llt @oFF =GuJo- l!o o-oo I IJJFrOlz I I uJF o mnrf$,4UU F =ul t! 1>. U.l59E<l\l60noB9ltk Ea =>.=uJ:-E h=o dilE =9E U59 iutE XO-t x>6=FCL *io-i!i llJo F -=- zg,r9 Ez-< ;coo !-l =3 E JO cn(L I crl .^*3 ="^= J l'il c)a;3 rXrrXrrrIXIIXJLJ E =elrlo-zIF(JfE 6zo() I I I .l :YIurl:l at>lru il 'Ol ur]-l F I TI Rl el FIJI<l>lt!tolzl il rn \o I F\.it <nz z E fr =c IL fl.+t(il-l ol =,| El., aEl l-.,tN =l:bl5 =lo|FI H IA z E H d =G tllo.lHl lelt.l l?llolI urlI rcl tJlt<ll>llbltf H H frlts B .l) z -) ; e NN Io\.$ €'\ I I I el dl Hl JI <l>lt!lolzl;totH Hfi(,z l! z (J F!H&o2 lrt Al-lE Jo @N FIHz =lEl Hz EHat) zt{ ts A ui =zo hz.I (JVel-{.dtr-z.r<lFl lf(\ U) \Cts<oEC Fo Oro\\o X rq aUJt = 3aI FzH >t lll 2 Egt o' C)zH Aah E zH aFf U) e,tr 2? gE d- =oo E i,u.r E!tvb2 FC)uJE- t E-rO<F(EC) IJJ <zt I.IJ F(tZ \ o- ts-E H olot \(r ol s, N\ \. \t s E N ar, UJ UJll E-cu,c ltl tt,ll N,i tJltr* ulo =t Eo I,!o6:lJ( t'C\EO, =o\6EEls-osF' EE ED- \_so58'it (t -a$SE3RFoob.2E9O PE;o EE Eo6EDoS 3=:66Eoo;= Er :EEeg tr6t3 e-9.a >,46 E C CttooE toEoocoJ' ,ttD o Ego ot6 ',1oi -E !. A !. (, o c.6.a oc\ E:cGgo e E o ;'E E--] Eooo !OrgI Ct)ro Egoo) EE.,6 :s9C.=3ttgE:oec RBttFE=0-ig5t => EE€9 6!Ei ,E€'E; =Eo-EC6crC.c EEojeE -og6! s=rRl(rtr6? ;EE'Rii6JI o,aiE!;ol'(ra (t c, oo O d'Ei ctlol Ei3 E.o C 3t. =.f. E t0. 3= Eo' =GoEoa O G EGo IEE 6E o EDDo Eotrt()E !o oE tru,z3o ulI oz cot(Ilzt 50 UJE) '2.(' \) \i T\ $. \\ \) IrI \r\ $. sls\\\N \\ .\ p'o \ C\ N $.r\\J wi${ F TBg l,zoJfE I(tg,-(J2 d {() B(, UJ 9,| IzoIld {Iz a.Ju,. TIUJ -I g,EoUJE t: l.:t I 6 R oc 2 Itt (, I IloD (,'\urlu,lt E.g UJ \ o (9zo .D {Ic C' c'zo.td aIt3Ill,t NOrtvnlvA I )s \,..:Nil SN TS NSJrj r:\ FcB\2 'E* E$3rt\ 2.E* \{,>\ rElYv !t --Fl3u € =lDnl zz 33 2o06atJ2 o*tu-iE ls t\t\j IN IN l\ IE l$ -9 c o o UJr F :I E1 A : z F 8z9 3UJ2 .. >loUJorJltz ttt EtEulc 2o F 6o uJ c oll, 2I; F u,o. aoF 3hz Io 2 z9a6P =PxsTetltltltt Ez-; 2? EO}E6I o2 o zz A z a) o -$ -l I I \\- >Y) - t (\.Io,ot a'' u, E(t @o z.o o- UJx u,Eo E TE UJ4 tto o.oo I uJ oz E:EuJo. bEEE=BA =e39!L.}9EEEEEF!EE9EEi8si UJ@o ,rG. I Frl ,l- '?= - ul o ts =g, lrl CL'z9FoqJE V,zoo F o J<c)qg N\ s\- s it It tA la;l.t<tzt@tq -As :.nF!lrI t- s =() hl \l il$ $ga e 3E \\ I t \ ,j\lil't{!rJ\ll rJ f"s I\'nlrIEIta *l \* 3.s Hs 3r tv \\t\n $ I ll o2 0ttE o2: I 3 :lil 3e:g Ss: N=a.EltEI Fl "; 'FI=E\EK Eu, =3o E{et |iE f9 =@ =: o- Bo t) zo(, 3E =3EE El! o / tl t\ a \$\\\s.\ ?f/h $\\er o \ 7l aouth tront ga to.d t|ll, color.do 81657 (303, 479-2138 or 479-J\39 offlco of communllY drvrloPmrttl BUILDING PERI'iTT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If thi.s perml.t requires a Town of Vail Flre Oepartnent Approval 'Engineer''s (.Public l,lorks) review and approval, a Planning Department reilew'or Health Department review, and a review by the Euilding Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeLg. All commercial (large or sma'll) and all rnulti-family permits will have tq fol'low the above mentioned maxinum requirements. Residential and small proJects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these proJects may also take the three week perlod. Every attempt wlll be made by this department to exped'ite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. DttE-To-rk Sheet was turned into the Communi ty Oevelopment Departnent. luwn To3 EROM: DATEs suEtitEgls ?5 roulh fronhga tord vell, coloredo 81657 (303t 479-21.38 or 479-2139 olflca of communlly dlvcloPmcnt ALL CONIrRASIORS CURRENTLTL REGISTERED WITH THE TOT{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS,/COUIruNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUEIION PARKING & MATERIAI. STORAGE fn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash durnpsters. portable toilets and worknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aII Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.this ordlnance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaiIPubllc works Departnent. Persons found vl.olating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove said naterial.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tfune specified, the Public WorksDepartnent will remove said naterial at the expense of personnotlfied. The provisions of thls ordinance shall not beapplLcable to constnrctl,on, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 Ln full, please stop by the lown ofVail BuLldlng Department to obtaln a copy. Thank you for yourcooperatlon on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Positlon/Relatlonship to ProJect ID o,, I Date (1.e. contractor, owner) Riva #r" North Condominiu* at.i"tion @ oor I ?pge P.O. Box 3671 o Vail. Colorado 81658-3671 April 14, 1992 To Whom It May Concern, The Riva Ridge North Condominium Association has re-viewed the plans to remodel unit #645 owned by Dr. D'Agos-tino and has no objections to the plans. This includes theprovision that no remodeling vi11 take place vith the ex-terior wall of the building and that no additional living area will be added. Please call if you have any guestions. ee"Ata Ricli Halterrnann Managing Agent Managing Agenu Burke Management !0(,lorks, Ltd. o03t926-2877 Plan Revier Based onthe 1992 Unifom Codcg NAME: DAYCO INVEST REMODEL DATE: 4-23-92 ADDRESS: 133 WILLOW RD. CONTRACTOR: BERGI"IAN CONST.VAIL, COTORADO ARCHITECT: ASHLAR ARCH. OCCUPANCY: R-l ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-],HR PLANS EXAMTNER: DAN STA}TEK coRRrcTroNs RaourRED lbe itcne lieted belor arc not iotended to be a coaplotc listingof all posslble code requircnents in the adolrted cod€t. rt is aguidc to eelacted gectioac of tbe codes. Tbe fol'l'oriag is not tob€ conatrued to be an atrTrroval of any wiolatioa of any of tbe pro- visl-ons of tbe adopted codes or any ordinance of tbe Torn of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REOUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLS AS PER sEc12L0 1991 UBC.3. AI,L PENETRATIONS OF FLOOR,CEILING, AND WAI,LS TO BE SEALED WITH APPROVED MATERIA],S.4. MECHANICAL VENTILATION REOUIRED IN BATHS WITHOUT NATURAL VENTILATION. o )-.*N:> PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECTe\ \ir onre )-,-\--]\N- JoB NAME \\ CALLER TUES WED THUR IN t SPE REQUEST VAIL AM ..PM',READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:@ FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI D FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING U tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL D tr FINAL { neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR IN I SPE ,.\ CTIONTOWN OF !l lt REOUEST.VAIL I" a I - \- \\ ro, *o',DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES qP5 rHUR FRI AM PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- ,FRAMING D tr tr o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL tr FINAL D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIREDpneenoveo CORRECTIONS: DATE 4 t79z INSPECTOR S7o t ffi INSPECTION q ll REQUEST,vAlL 'r!PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: APPROVED L.*(- TOWN OF //b CALLER ;::fr- WED THUFI FRI -l tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr D tr tr tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ll N FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING N ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n- D SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL O FINAL CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR JOB NAME\ -INSPECTIONTOWN OF W:}'P; t PERMIT NUMBER OF DATE .:> READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES eD IHURF N APPROVED CORRECTIONS: .E DISAPPROVED .tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr D FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL n$isroo DATE INSPECTOR NUMBE l|rt ) PERMIT DATE J READY FOR LOCATION: F PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON )t, LER paLLt u&\ri,n'a,J - /-'vED rHUR FRr --aD PM tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ! B^q,ouEsT t INSPECTION )vrfr TOWN OF VAIL Bt D tr tr D tr d tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELE trl trF trC D CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr EI FINAL tr FINAL fneenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED INSPECTOR o JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WE ) LJ- INSPECTION REQUEST.,, .. TOWN OF VAIL I --/- ./'L-1,'-(zt7-'' t.4)7-r,,,,A.t...-- '1Anz-/ / -"/ PERMTT NyMBFR OF PTqJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: f,0 ;1 .4L y BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL E UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEE_tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr LI tr D tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E] REINSPECTION REQUIRED \,,' -\-tt 1 l__2:.__4'., t. DATE - /i 1 ,//t-/INSPECTOR {Un< ,-' ( \-'-/REQUEST."VAIL ! . OJECT INSPECTION' ,TOWN OFPERMIT N,UMB DATE READY FOR INSPEC LOCATION: 4LJOB NAME CALLER MON rQFsrt L-L( t \f- WED FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED /4./C] DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,rt .t 2 a).,DA1E (' ' <a (. - ,/Z tNspEcroR t5/c3 PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER ES WED INSPECTION REQUE -) t ',,1^lr. C. TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEEB" pLYWooD NAtLtNG O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR FdFsrop t PERMIT NUMB rNstctoN REeuEsrTOWN OF VAIL 1 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO CALLER IIJESllt' ,4 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr TEMP' POWER O HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR D FINAL O DISAPPRO O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: \ INSPECTOR n?Gs'o" . r^r -.J INSPECTIONIS COUPLEIED -The ltens below need to be couplete before tiving a permlt a fLnal C of O. Please check off ln the box provlded. FINAL PLI'MBINC o t_l DATE: FINAL UECITANICAL II DATE: t_., ,P R n L] tl IUPROVEUENT SURVEY RESID. T{AilEs DATE: TEMPOMRY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: \tr\u x\"r.or\x'o*\. \s"nNq\ \355 o =E =c, UJG o @ oUJ IJJtt E =tr uJo ?5S9 \rOvflwfKL8trttF.fC c{c'\ c olN a zz{5 Flrrlh w rff PEE< 3d =^9Z- IUJIF lo qJ o oF c,F =I o =z U'UIFoz (9 =oIlo .ao =z IEa!z3o uJ Foz &@ar4E\oHr{.it @r4 or>@Oc! O X&O .rrl Fcl F-lFH<o<FqA> 6F Fp z tsltlC) IEoF(J GFzoo !EuJz3o lt.o ul lF ci Eot gtt(!o oG o EcGoooo Ctl .Es o E o=:) o ec\o.6 '.g o .(aIoF @t o CD .gt, o(,oo (1, J(t att ,2.E =.o o ttco ot 'o '-o@i,5i;s. Ea-ao-oc?;6 E.Et-6 FEa9+,9o'-E90'- E€3]o>o-o FF P669 -o. oEEOEDo6 :g6g@q,E:o6.Oo;89c.=6 =c8E E: 8eEF'i=gc OG 5'-E> EEooEo'-o@i,5i ;s" Ea-ao-oc?;6 E.Et-6 FEa9+,9o'-E90'- E€3]o>o-o FFpE<o -o. oEEoE,o6 !tE6 =gE8 5.: EEF'= "E8cL.os5o@ =E.j';c9'-o EEoEocEb ccee .E= o.ao $Eat?5€ E6ottsc Odic-cg-odo =oo.gAE6:EEoGt tF(0 !t>g-ooPEq,Eso-() rnc\l @ o \o (n a. ==Euto-(, =o = ao YC)uJ oz o- 9 Fo uJ l! ('zot o- 92 o UJ = u,lllJlt2IF uJE()llje, oc o@3g UJEzo u,o F6oo-u,loa z luJ x F UJu, (n uJu,]l-F =tuJc J FoF ozo o -t 9qFollJ llJ oz ao-fJ4 Iz C)uJt NOtrvnlv ts z lu) JPcx 7^, otsz;. FLTc,>Gl-{ HU -r{<Flctrrzp o =>E __.rr =uJcn=(ool 66F^V'(J=f==gEvro 69lr- <o1gs ;ai 2I J Il! rri c ot uJe. F e gJ(r J z troo 45zo ?e.ulFJ ;UJz. =z z F- oo =z 2 =tr3o at)u,o lll(Er! oz il! =Iotr:c UJ) G ulzY i l! z tr) oz I z z ---f J =F lll oo = (D 0 I-ji I IFI 9lFIalt I iltrl zl zl ^>lt! uJ uJzotr =t!o- J z Eo ztral> J6 !EFl&o2 tdrJAt{F t-{trl oz ll- 6 FoJ \o tsHv z H& l-l& ui =z @orii I IIJ z H Irll F1E tt) .+\o(?) u, IIJe J- Io- F.l Fq(,zHE F] E =Et! atlat uJg,o = o- 6 FzI,{ &AEH t & cq tgtl I@ cjz ciu,E Ja ttoz3oF .if.ii N.$ Io\.c Or l/ IJt =c ciz cilut J l!oz]oF Ee u- =ctt o2 o UJG tt z =oF =Et! ct2gul IE t!oz3oF uiJql F Elllz =o F() UJF ! C)t E-rO<FEC)uJ<zEurFtrt 2-o() J&,<oc)F f;34ir| t 9P E3fFd6o 6F =3g6 (rot-*o =iar t-o2 o <()a4 at)rir tllJO (o t--+ Lf)OO 6lo\o\ 6,1 &rAI<l -,1:-l C)l 14l u,l Eo fr1 LJa F{ EI U) x E UJ tsu,oo-zo o-ulY u,t@ o E ElrJo-tto ooo I uJFoz !!! zo9z4oO =z=rldP :E?foti-! -i uJ6tr=4--xlLtLl tr:Etuo-l!oE9E5€8E9!i! '9'5 ,EE dEE FE! 6tE oo9 iurE XO-E E}si UJ cooF E- ts =El!o-zIF(J --E, 6zo(J FJ o c,o B u, =II I I I I I I I I I I arol23o l!a o2 Ju,o = = o Eoc oE o ECoo!,oo Ctlc!t=5tD E o=f do o clct6 's o oo E.E -oagt EPEO TE =6Ee -955go-o€.9 E_t '9e3Eoo-oEoc-6o.g.g;'s o3 t! o o 6 g2 E}g(t c6o o o 6 C) 6 tr6Eoo Eo() tto'l 5oo c-o. GE. 0c o!. t. C 3o. !'o Co C.(, Aa6oE !oo o oE oE ooEs 'ocao!t !o oE z F UJFJ =2 .. >logJ UJurz v,F: UJ z tr zz99i. o, '2 =E e vrlJ33Q2r-<oqtq:E :9:3u.l=:s Cr g, d o- E.g H slCD(tt o- L)H UJ anEo zo c UJY UJ TD o E IJJclr o. uJ o I UJ z tr H oEgE3€u39Ea €EE >-t =u,EF?lrXEXE6ie€-i llJ@oF rmvrf=.- E =E, lrJo-zoF(J J E,Fazo(J zo9ze60 ===6O- t! :E? =sE \$a trD! E!D E =El!c llo UJo { A.- o =l! I I I I JJlo oJ d \ II{l\5 f;s R ti =z @q dqt a. 6 I UI,atrl Eq JaI TI \o =olrrEJ b , P tElt lo|2) Iular J Iozt IEl Ig I I J <l>l bl =lol 3l 3l 6l fli=E cUJz3o Fo UJE C)E E-rO<FEq)uJ<zer!F6Z-o C) IE () UJ u, E 5 I z0t) 9F 3Ed6o i5 =3gE gosb =+Eo2 o() <c)9,frJO :TL T^\d ae{ tr6 gqpl oo 75 louth fronlrg. road v.ll, colorldo 8165? (303t 479-2138 ot 479-1.\39 ofllca of communltY daYaloPmfltl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineelr's (.Public Works) review and approval ' a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weel(s. All commercial (large or smal'l) and all multi-family permits wi'll have to follow the above mentioned maximun requirements. Residential and small projects should take a'l esser amount of t'ime. However, if residential or smaller proiects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review' these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt wlll be made by this department to expedite this permi.t as soon as Possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. ffirned into the Cormunl ty Development Department. Project Name luwn u lJ0l 75 touth lronlagc road veil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 otflce ol communlly devrloPmcnl TO: FROM: DATE3 su&rEcT: ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent. This ordinance will be strictty enforced by the Town of vailPubl'ic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said rnaterial.In the event the person so notified does not cornpLy with tbenotlce within the 24 hour tLrne specified, the Public works Departnent wlll remove said rnaterial at the expense of personnotifled. The provlsions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To revLew ordinance No. 6 Ln full, please stop by the Town ofVail BuLldlng Departuent to obtain a copy. Thanlc you for your cooperatton on thls natter. Read and acknowledged by: c (i.e. contractor, owner) Plan Reviev Baeed ontbe 1992 Unifora Codcs NAI'IE:RIVA RIDGE N. DATE: 04/28/92 ADDRESS:133 wILLOw RD. CONTRACTOR:BAUER HOME IMPR.VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONEOCCUPANCY:RI ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLANS E){AMINER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUTRED Ehe itens listed belor arc Dot intended to be a conlrlete lirtiagof al'l possible code reguirenents in tbe adoptad codes. It fu aguide to s€lected sections of tbe codes. Tbe folloring is not to be construed to be aa approval of any violation of any of tbc pro-visions of tbe adopted codes or aay ordiDaDce of tbe Torn of VeiI . 1) SMOKE DETECTORS REOUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS PER sEc . 1210 2) FIRE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK IS STARTED 3) DOORS TO CORRIDORS NEED TO BE RATED. 4I FIELD INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. R('U ts r't j..eFEr)( flAY.3O-gI THU 1HLE.-ut? ! Er. ?OtO 15304 Tosn | $-30-lr of Vall ct-14& 'i;=2 3 r s'tFH I s{.)3{?9elg?r lt0. 3034?s2157 5U-},.1.:,1 te.Cl ll - P.02FAI{ e F frE rn r,.|NIc'l.{i(\l rd.l H z HE 3F EtttoI 1I Pae E EBII eo|ll.| Et EIt .eCtl F o EI E g U:Ag EEgs gili gEgg Eii? Fg$E EtIc0Et5E oE e E 3o!g - Co aIt:a &a tg otGa f,a ot3 aoEto>ogo Eot{Y '3t.r{ a,6ao(,qt |}{o d '6Fogo& It: ritltErg iiT|EN '<'F -Bt EaEEBE $ iHE aE.E! EE rtt IrO({(rt J,a.l!o E r{d6 6 d- # oza tL iE li z6-gr-E 1 Eu, Tcu,HHE gP I =E l sotsEEsueazttzbffiEZ EII,ETE6Lf€.SE , aO) o_ !iFst gJ Eo lrlEv,ao zo Ell,E u,g, P ts:lElr,o.lto 6.oo I Hoz SENT ..j I EY:A B ASEESTT]SI5T[]3 AmTE t 4-L3-s.Z LzS?Pt4 i 3fjm4zltul|, gMWZLgTt H Ioo A & tl Asbestos Abatetuent [nc' @$r - "" 635 lTest Wlrlle AvetruB " I 3 bn^rtltqtvl lrrnntlott- Colotado 81505 '"VGrattd Jurrctlon. Colotado 815O5 Phons (303,243-2575 SAX t 3O3- 2'12'llZt!l -800-?48-l aod uArE: -At-U-tZ*lffiE---- p^x rrrAt{srf t rrn L r o, -39-?-:A7-1:-?)-SJ-- Al'ruilr I ott o r' --19-95-U-g-1 Aosrruyoncutp^rrv,-89-C--gf-!hF-:-CejI'J'!gJJEtlD-E-gt€Jtt-sJ9r r' rr ^ r{ s il r'r' A L r" rt t t{, --EKt E - N Lu-p-gN- : ---Pr"E&9-- JF$Le!e--9-tlg f-g4t!LE-lr!J(aLod-3^rD--tEr--rlE--K$-o-ql--r5-ilag--Ls-QgL(E .hteBg--l$f egI0Ail9JE,--L./g-iA.f g-^ZPLLED--tuE--f]Js--BE:4^tl-EED €p-:egnp_e_P_EgA&lg-q.:r:-erJleag--€-nr'sr-gtgd-EgttLLT-*lAlLL4-tl- r^2J-!r-_s_E-(pjr0g__yr.ttD__Qf-_-4/_L913?,_4$--N-cSprAt-E-4--a?',t o-E-Ftg---ElltrE--Pgsnnrr-af P-r'-r-qrs[t-ea]--I-e'--H-qLf--g4g!Ej-- ][rtg---s-s-eP5--o-E--f 3t e--_e_s.-!EF,--'Tflqs<I* ! HUlllrun 01, PAcl:s ilt Tlt^ltSlllIrAL ttlCLuultlo Ttlts sllEET: Itr ltliCilrlEttT ttAS Aalf tJUCSTtufl$ ltEGrrltttltltt TIIIS TltAltStllTtAl' 3 , -g- Square feat {on othsn surfaces) sfngle forllY """rornaro, o"?rngz v /6 ,r""f", proJect? u /6) proaes deecrlbe ln the epace belon the work practlcco and^procodura! to- bb enplqyed In ' conrtucttng.the auataiinil se speclftc. inai"liJ-tvpe(sl of-AG8l| to bo sbatsd ld'g' vAT' celllng tlle, botler'-iirsutatton, t'tc.I You nan use addltlonal paper lf nocesrary' prof".t 1ooo1o"" th. ,"t t"tou"l. of "pr"i "ppHid ..tllog ""oo"91" fto" d4y*,tll lo""te! ln Gntryway. R€@val ttlll be perfonned wlthlD e full contaltrrelltt consiltlBg of tro .. Thru !g an /(gC fl,oor, llElA exhaugt fan vented outalde' thrcs qlellbGroll rof Crttlcal barrlera s111 be left l-D Place resulta are provlded by an lndeperdent re rl11 ba left ln table floal untLl paEty. acceptsble flnel elearance alr oonltorlng @epn 1\ps? lace untl1 SENT BY:A B PSBESTCri AENTE ; 4-13-92 ?.EZPFI t w4zLLA)3SB4?9219?'S 3 rEB rusr.AcgotrPAll O tg*T' INcotrPLErB annrtcrrr{rr*r:: lillllflrp+pr' ' =-.....-fp""*i rfff be ralled-to abatenent contrrctor. unleor Etherrrse spscrtr|'s' ''r-'1. I..;'-J 1, lnrltcats the typc of notlca/pernlt opptloatton by checklng thc approprlate box belor /t,r"' +------------------+------------+ r-+-----------:-:1--:;;;-;;;;-i":;;il-i "l ---------------- - -+ lperrtt Length I so Dav | il;-i , 385 Dav l--**ott*" o*ot l--. orHBn | ' | *--+ $--l *--* lFeeRequlred lxl 32?6 I | $5s0 | | 3825 | | lsE I lNoFEB| +------------------*--1---------*--'| -------F--i--*-------- ,::::.;::;;;-;;;;;l;;--------' fcfty state zl0 | lcltv sounfv -^::: i ismio runcrron, coionaoo 8t6oo __l l_:l*____ su@lt -----8-1-6-5!--l +---a------ --------+ +--------- |Telephonecolo'oAcNunbor*||0ulldlngtelephone&contactper'onI Iisoa-ils-aozo 8.-oe7o522 | lx/r +---------- --------+ +---------- -------? lproJect sugervlsor/coto. cert. Nunber * | llforkstte telephone & contact peraon I lJohn pateruan 526-19-0t92 i i 303-82r-49s0 John Pctarnan I +---------a --------+ +---------- -------+ TITSPOSAL STTB DUILDTNO OTINER OR OPBRA?OR +--------L---------j-::::---------- - -----* + - -------- - -------+ llandflll Nane ! lonners Nane I lflaere conrrol t4anagerenr i i Ken I Judv Roblns/Reva -111s-"--ttj-tl----l+------------------::::::----------------* +---------- lstreet I lstr""t ! +--r---"-- --------* +-----F--- fclty stato ztp I lcrtv stat6 zlp l lselr Lske city utah 841t5 i i v"ir colorado 81658 I +---------- --------+ +---------- ------'+ lTelepbone ! lT"Ienhone I ls0r-485-665s i i 303-832-3265 -- -'---l+---------- --------+ +---------- oBNEllAL oR DBtilo[lTlot{ col{TRAcTOp For cDB Uee Only ,--.1 +-'-----r-- -------+ in.auo conetructlon I I -- -+-F----r-r --------; I clcr llld -- lStrsst I '---- i Poat off lce Bor 3419 | +---------- - -------+ |cttyStateZ|pIAutlclpatod|forkschedule i v"rr colorado 81558 | -- .'Err'!!F'--"!rc!t'3'nrF'r!r --------i state Date &/JL/ 92 tTelephone | -- ._L .r-+- nit ,7,1303-476-4305 i rlnlsh Data -atl-g/-n-+---------- -------- + Arount of asbestos Approrlnole hours of opsrotlon ,-_oo .6'r p, 200 Llnear leet (on Plpes, onlyl Square feet (on sther turfacesl Fron Thru :g ,, t@ Sfngte fontly reotdentlal dreltlng? v /6 Energency ProJect? Y /@ ----.- {---.. I a-r o.rt ^r-nrodrrroR to bb enployed ln tto ''E{>lHFt tllznFl Eh Hhr NI HI l'"I\tl*tlolHI:lolal Fa I\E ld'i r" n En0 t ,1, '6tIt BIH'olnloQooE Fl oitFlH Eg dH e IN lh ?H.onoth B|lt ltl rt HF'F FntrlP i'lrlololx lql l t8 F ill.lF'Fo E 9t{FloF Flul Htr DzuFxcltltl ol{ozFHcFa! rlt"(,| lrr b,g;:E IEn <pts |oF l{ l>l B i!." loo ort l' i-,EHFtE ;EiulF FPFg IE sqEtlF[! P.o i ?irseH!"(. oI nsifi' Q t{ Fl o 6' 'lo Fg FFtbr{ 8; FI ril?'H['El efr;t i[15 E..E F $nF. TP.,tlFF. F. NrtT "iF E',Bv =ltt.'EAilqP. o-I EIx l-lo :r F R'f-.. ,l B E HfrozTirlz E {.+,t," F _i l.ruTs:g .. . z6-Lz-, ! - - - - -:--: - ::_:_: - - - -'- :. - - - - - -3].USU(eTtTzveEar ' ,.r I rEls (n uJuJtt tr =E UJo- F] Atrr z FTHHz zH H I tsztrl UIH z HHM Fq F{tn (tulFoz c, =oI o ott I 'uJ.Ft<td I I I I,c IFt< Iq,z t= l2 I tuJIF lo I I I I I I I r(J IEiot(,tzrd t= EI o\x oGI F E wtd4 ut z lt uJat =I Eott E F EFz L/r\o HOr@CA.{Z-+ XOO . OHFl 0<ztu> H z FI F os q al,o3 GIc Eo €) o (6 c)E o =(D E =l Eot clo.qt =o't Q' 0lc,oIt (toooocoo E.o.foo 6 otcc No ''oF o o CD = ()o(g o o .2 I fo .tit(! -i- oE6g'=E'(D sbE iEr E8Ec-o e:5:gPj'i =cPG'- o. -c EEE E E-s+ooiEoeqgtq! i.=- 6ct(o 0-$Eao? o-E€eEX(!(!-'-EE EO(!: EFE -: C(! 0'--c; or --c ETE-s?= 'u>,P:tr-Y;E ;Eg9E q) eEg -o(I' ouJ UJl! F =E UJc J FoFNO[Vn'lVA lJ- (, z H ! Fl & Fltr{ Bfrlz zfrl HHv Bfrfz :<E 3 zo aa tu) uJz IJJ E>E --(t,iur.A =lllN zzootr^-v,95F9 0 @o5b<) z.rr.<og o-Y-5joi E LuE z Fo .. >l uJoulutz U)F uJ(L J z Eo @IJ1 C4crl I c{c''l tl tdtPll=lc)l I fil 'lHI EI Fl 3ol bltzl ==lqot r! Fl rtl6tr\ I\or\.$ &trlH B IA z H =G =.1('l uJl 5l<l>lI!|ol a I I el sl.El 3ltrlol el i tEl{:l tqF-9- tr1 6Elr1 zE] ui =z trt lltl!llllliI l-azt t<trl | | CJ Ol l.(Jt t<I tt-{Al tzl-{ | d<it EdAl d<tdg:E aEc) lrl \' I\DF\+ flFlll^l(\rl I el ctl HlJI sl H zH Hu,z FA z =tr t-E ir o2 t <FEC) IJJ <zG.UJF-o() J 9E F C)ulJ E,2P gE d.zo(J oz E =E UJc zoPz_ed)0>z de J.^i6t./\J= =E'=- i\ ! 6il= FlTtft*..-" tr =Eulo-rloEgE?al€vB9tt iri9 =EF :JF =uJ:-E FE: >o-E 8b9 \urE XO-E ;I6. u.lo-!i lrJ(D ---FFN I (o(o @A-+BOJOrl< u)z FJ UJE(t, Coo?zo F(L lrJY uJ @oF E =99 ,-'.o-;{ l.l- -{loJ> (')llL '{l8rltFl'lguJbkzo E =g, lrJo-zIFo :)EFazo(J I I l." t=ro I I I I ocE.9 3g€ E€$6a6E 6-s E# iF; sffi 3:€ EgE € s:sE =E €:Ef ; E;!€ EE?8;E g;E tE65EgE ?o_g; =o53;E-o o6Ggo =ttg5 cP-o EE \r6OE=l>o EE =9g: o,c $E =€E6ooLCOoie.cg -cl EEoOat EEoa f;;.E>gIlq) !9CLEE5O oa as a trta 2ZooF^U':B =ato enl! .(ogH6-t .i.{ 3tu =o oz (tutEJ s z-oF oz E =Ell,o- 8nn CaEt-3E EI E E8 .o z oPze@o =zip Eg: :qH6tr= tr8n -lo<u,Attlo UJG ll I I uJt.t)t0o zo o-u,lY ut.0 oF'?-pcD =9frcoO- r--1 b=li>loFtiq HeJ2E ts =E,llJo-zIF() E, azoo I -;'-T-1--r **,lh h q'o J .-,.,2./,/, ,gVOtlZ"/J oI 75 toulh frontrgo to.d Y!ll, colorldo E1857(303) 479-2138 or 479=2L39 ofllco of oommunlty dcvclopmcnl BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thi.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval, Engineelrs (Pub'lic l,lopks) reyiew and approva'|, a Planning Department revi'ew or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as longas thfee weel(s. A'll conrnercial ('large or sma'll) and all multi-family permits will have tq frllow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if fesi.dential on smaller projects inpact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this departnent to expedite this permi.t as. sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Conrnuni ty Devel opment Department. \ I 75 soulh t?onlag! road Iail. colondo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2I39 TO: FROM: DATE: su&TEcT: ofllco ol communlly devclopmcnl ALIJ CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH gHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMINITY DEVEIOPI|ENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & UATERIAI, STORAGE In sunrnaryr -Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicp1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on al1 Town ofVaiI streets and roads is approxiruately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will. be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic l{orks Department. persons found viorating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .fn tbe event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotlce within the 24 hour tine specified, the puttj.c l,itorksDepartrent will remove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance stratt not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. fo review ordinance No. G in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this matter. (i.e. contractor, owner) Riva Ridge North C-ondominium Association P.O. Box 3671 . Vail, Colorado E165&3671 May 13, 1991 Tolrn of Vail Community Devel-opment75 South Frontage RoadVai1, CO 81657 To Whom It May Concern, The Riva Ridge North Condominium Associati-on has re-viewed the plans for the remodel of unit #635 and has noobjections to the work. One part of the plan cal1s forthe raising of the entry ceiling and the addition of storageabove the kitchen and second bedroom bathroom. This partof the plan is currentJ.y being put to a vote of the Associa-tion menbership. Once the outeome of the vote has been de-ternined, 1rili1l send another letter to the Town of Vail- soyou will knors vhether that part of the remodel can be in-cluded or not. If you have any questions, please do nothesitate to call me at 926-2877. Sincerel-y, &,+a";te- Rlck Haltermann Managing Agent Managing fuenr Burke Manegement Works, Ltd. (3O3) 47 67133 . Pae3'j. 949:1294 ct JOB NAME TION: /va NUMBER OF PFOJECT READY FOR INSP LOCATION:t., VAIL ail THUR -?g- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL AMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION iSHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SIJPPLY AIR tr FINAL )EqPPRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DArE /J?* /2 -q/ rNSPEcroR nFs*"' +'g. ] PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE rU '/ "" {SPECTION: [--,t Jz' JOB NAME MON TUES -' --INSPECTIONTOWN OF a, REQUEST VAIL I ,,.' CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE. tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr LJ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr HEATING F ROUGH 7 V- ttt ta N CONDUIT tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR D FINAL D FINAL APPROVED ,:. ::D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST..--rpwN oF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES ON THUR FRI 33 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAII NG tr tr o ! tr GAS PIPING SULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL b(ntt*ou.o CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nffisgop .l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT s,;;E L, -11 t.JOB NAME INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: ONNOFlNs REQUEST VAIL CALLER TUES WED FRI AM@ s- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O,NOUOX / WATER _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , - /)rr ,r'l t D^rE Lo-,/U 7 rNSPEcroR # INSPECTION. TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I / ,/,.1 ,DArE // .\ "/ ( JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER THUR BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr n n UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEE_ UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL n O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH o tr D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB {i'*o,-tr FINAL APPROVED ,-i--tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: / i/ r/ r7t//- X -t4/u,ttc- , ,, ,, INSPECTOR (sar PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI N:;lA WE?- JOB NAME MEN INSPECTION REQUESTWN OF VAIL THUR FRI AM tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED 3 Ft\PPRovED D DISAPPBOVED BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr -' T-l FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr B ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL RECTIONS: INSPECTOR -.tAL INSPECTTON'S COUPLBTED Tbe ltens belor need to be couplete before gtving a pe:ialt a flual C of O. Please check off ln the box provided. FINAI PLI'MBING DATE: t_] n FINAL }IECEANICAL DATE: IUPROVE}IENT SURVSY RESID. NA}TE: DATE: FINAI, ELECTRICAL Nrtr\ \ \ Q\DATE: \\\\\\\. N \\ -J FINAL BUILDINC TEUPORARY C OF O EAST SIDE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCIIPANCY I.AI{DSCA?ING DIIE DAIE: FILE NA}TE: January 12, L987 Mr. Dan Unger 6970 l,lildlife Road Malibu. Cal ifornia 90265 Re: Design Rev'i ew Board decision on Riva Ridge North tree Dear Dan: 0n January 7, .1 987, the Design Review Board voted to deny your request to remove a tree and plant in jts place a l0 to 12 foot or larger specimen. The motjon was made by Grant Riva and seconded by Roy Sante. The vote was 5-0 to deny the request. In general the Board felt that to approve the request would be precedent setting and contrary to Sections 18.54.030 and 18.54.040 0.1. and 18.54.050 8.3. of the VaiI Munic'i pal Code: 18.54.030 A. No person shalI commence removal of vegetation. site preparation, buildjng construction or demolition, dumping of material upon a site. sign erection.exterior alteration or enlargement of an ex'i sting structure,, paving, fencing orother improvements of open space within the corporate ljmjts of the Town ofVail uniess design approval has been granted as prescribed in this chapter. The addiiion of plant materials to existing landscaping, gardening anci l andscape ina intenance shal l be exempt from thi s provi si on. B. It shalI be a violation of this chapter and the building permit for anyperson to commence. continue or complete work that has not received designapproval as prescribed in this chapter and/ori s not in conformity with theplans approved and authorized by the Zoninq Admjnistrator and/or DRB ancl theChief Buildins 0fficial . 18.54.040 D. 1. 75 3oulh fronlage road Yall. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 The goal of any landscape plan should be landscaoe character of the area in whichscale and overall landscape design sha11intergral with the natura'l landscape andtexture of the local plant communities. landscaping is to help reduce the scale olflce of communlty developmenl to preserve and enhance the naturalit is to be located. The landscaoe be developed so that new vegetation isthe inherent form 1ine, color and Since the major objective of theof new structures and to assist in the screening of structures, the planting of large sizeo plant materials .i s encourage - 18.54.050 8.3. Removal of trees, shrubs, and other native vegetation sha'l I be l.imited toremoval of those essential for development of the site or those identifjed as d i seased . The board members were against the removal of the tree and felt that theexisting "sub-alpine fir" should be relocated. They understood that this willtake some planning and co-operation wjth the Summers Lodge and will alsorequire that the tree is placed in a location that will not block the concrete walkway to the lower level of the Riva Ridge North building. If you choose tosubmit a new proposal that relocates the existing tree, the Design Review Boaroasks that you submit an overa'l I s'i te plan showing the new location for the treeas wel'l as a Condiminium Association Ietter of approval for the request. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at Ph. 476 7000.Extension 111. S i ncerel y, {-t -Rq Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: ba Prolect Appllcation l--l --<7tr-t Project Name: Project Descriplion: Contact Porson and Phone \. r r\owner, Address and phone: l\J t-zplf-fP. Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date I -i l,';' Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL I { -r-t-J r/ Summary: '->w€y'a\ !: ' I . - r!, Proi€ct Name: Prolect Application | 'l- <-/ Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: {,{L-ri.) (...{ *'f,..-t,, )r4 Architect, Addr$s and Phone: Legal Oescription: Lot Block Filing Zone Comm€nts: Design Review Board o^t" - i 17 Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL . -;i#rr^,- -*l - _,/ 5 "r> Summa{y: ,. ,tld I r.4 ' fi.'' ii\rO,;o.l ' Town {tannlr o",", F*."'-- 1fu1*--. [ '] o0 ' . ',t\3. .4..r.; -.k s f'vl- I'( r.i;18 75 soulh tronlagG rord vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofllce of communlty deyolopment January t2, L987 Mr. Dan Unger 6970 Wildlife Road Malibu, California 90265 Re: Design Review Board decision on Riva Ridge North tree Dear Dan: 0n January 7, I987, the Design Review Board voted to deny your request to remove a tree and plant in its place a 1.0 to L2 foot or'l arger specimen. The motion was made by Grant Riva and seconded by Roy Sante. The vote was 5-0 to deny the request. In general the Board felt that to approve the nequest woulci be precedent setting and contrary to Sections 18.54.030 and D.1. and 18.54.050 8.3. of the Vail Municipal Code: 18.54.030 A. No person shall commence removal of vegetation. site preparation, buildingconstruction or demolition, dumping of material upon a site, sign erection,exterior alteration or enlargement ot an existing structure, paving, fenc'i ng orother improvements of open space within the corporate limjts of the Town oiVail uniess design approval has been granted as prescri bed in this chapter. The addiiion of plant materi als to ex'i sting landscaping, gandening anci I andscape inai ntenance shal I be exempt from th is provi s'i on. B. It shall be a violation of thjs chapter and the build'ing permit for anyperson to commence, continue or comp'l ete work that has not received design approval as prescribed in this chapter and,/or is not in conformity w.i th theplans approved and authorized by the Zoning Admjnistrator and/or DRB and theChief Building 0fficial. 18.54.040 0.1. The goal of any landscape plan should be to preserve and enhance the natural landscaoe character of the area in which it is to be located. The lanoscapescale and overall landscape design shalI be developed so that new vegetation isintergra'l with the natural landscape and the inherent form line, color andtexture of the local plant communities. Since the major objective of the landscaping js to help reduce the scale of new structures and to assist in the screening of structures, the p1 anting of Iarge encourage. sizeci plant materials is 18.54.050 8.3. Removal of trees, shrubs, and other native vegetation shall be limited toremoval of those essential for development of the site or those identjfied asdi seased. The board members were aga'inst the removat of the tree and felt that theexisting "sub-alpine fir" should be re'l ocated. They understood that this wjlltake some planning and co-operat'i on with the summers Lodge and will alsorequire that the tree is placed in a location that will not block the concretewalkway to the lower level of the Riva Ridge North building. If you choose tosubmit a new proposal that re'l ocates the existing tree, the Design Review Boardasks that you submit, an overall site plan showing the new locatjon for the treeas urell as a condiminiun Association letter of approval for the request. If you have any questions please feel Extension l1l. Si ncerel y, free to ca'l I me at Ph. 476 7000. {tt"-?ti1-Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner KP: ba NOTES ON RIVA Roy - Ned - Grant Brian Kathy TREE: Should work on moving it Would like to see overall - In favor of working with cutting tree- Against I I I l I \ o-_*' Cr plan for moving to sidewalks to try North and move to North Motion - Riva Second - Sante VOTE 5-0 Request to remove the tree be denied. STAFF APPR0VALS: Mill Creek Court MEMBERS PRESENT: Roy Sante Grant Riva Kathy Warren Ned Gwathmey Brian Hobbs STAFF PRESENT: Rick Pylman Betsy Rosol ack Thatcher Croup Sign Video Exp'l osion Sign Treetops Plaza Riva South Garage l,lindows Teen Express Sign Crossroads Crtzer Residence Fence Lot 5, 81 k 4, Bighorn 5thVail Assoc. Banner Golden Peak MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF ABSENT: Kri stan Pritz ^ n rr --l-( fi lt -r 'lC,"L!,) LY {o{ fr,Jl;\ 7Lf ^ lo F^^ L*d Ft 1,r& c\ (rr) Vs 1sss7 ,0!d+W &" )q lqKL DAN UNGEA 6970 WILDL E ROAD MaLTBU- CaLrFoRNra goaes TEI.EPHONE 213 . 457-5557 LAW OFFICES: I34 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET crlrcAco. rLLrNors 60603 TELEPHONE: 312 , 263-2000 Decernber L7, t986 Desigrn Review Board 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8l-657 Attenti-on: Iftistan Pri-tz Dear ltistan: I am writi-ng to you, as you have suggested, in connection with myrequest for permission to refipve a spnrce tree btocking the pictr:re windcnr of my corrtomini-um. Tlre apartmen't i-s nurber 620 in Riva RidgeNorth. The tree ard the wirdos are on tlre west side of tire buj_1di_ng,near the north corner. The aprtnrent is on tlre first floor. The problemis ncr,r more troublesole because ttre only other vi*r from the living roornis nor,v blocked by the nq^r Sunuer Iodge building. The tree in question is on ttre north side of ttre picture wjldorw,Larqf Benway, of Benway Nursery, has examjled the site. He has i_nforredre that it is not econornically feasible to ncve this tree. Itlat the onlysolution to the blockage is renrrval. He has prondsed to write youdirect, with this report. This pa.st sumrEr, ttre o,rners in our building urdertook asubstantial renpdel arxf decoration program for our comnon area,including the entrance. As president of our Cordorninium Association, I have been irvolved in the planning and execution of the rrork. MiJce Haselhorst has been Jl ctnrge of tbe job. We plan to re-landscape the area ttris corning sr:rrfiEr. I will trndertake to plant a ne\^r spruce, 10 -12 feet or largier, to replace the one I w"ish to rencve. I w-i1l atteqrtto replant it a fernr feet north of the present site. If there is not enough space. then it will be replanted on the north side of thebuilding. I am enclosing a copy of landscape plans that lie are e<amining ncrh/. lhis will give you an idea of vtrat we have in nind. It is our intention to beautify and utrryrade our propertlz in a manner, $tat I believe, is guite in accord with the poliqf of yourboard. We have no irltention of dfuninishing o\rr appearance jn any respect. Please consider ttris an application for permission to reflrcve thetree noted above. I rpuld appreciate your response and, of course w-ill supply any additional infornation requested. DU/ab ftrcI sd\ _/ v (o .. 4t f Jon, \_^ FJacei.fu-"9o" ko) 7'38 ', 00 "Pln I capl hereby cercify chac this lmprovenent locaElon cerclflcace nas prepared for theL'S' toa2i$6g7gage lender and che tltle lnsurance cohpany, rhat lr ls noE a land survey placor lnprovenenc survey pJ,ac, and thac lt Ls noB co be rel1ed upon for che estabrlsh-Dent of fence, building, or ocher future j,nprovenenr lrnes- r furcher cerclfy chacche lDprovenencs on the above described parcel on thls da!e, excep! urlltcy con-necllons, are enctrel.y sichin the boundaries of che parcel, except as shoun, cha!there are no encroachnents upon the descrlbed prenises by iurproveruents on any ad-Jolnlng prenises, excepr as tndicaced, and chaE Ehere 1s no ipp"."nr evldence orsign of any easenenr crossing or burdening any parE of satd parcel, excepc as noced. This certlficaEe does no! constlcurelo decerElne ounershlp or easenents easenenEs, righcs-of-eay or citle of upon Rivo Ridge Norlh Condominium Mop Lot 5 a title search by Incer-Hounca!n Engineerlngof record. For all inforsurion regardlngrecord, Incer-Mountain Engineering relied prepored by Mburer, Serofini od Meurer, Ine a\ (ol tsl IBr l"i s1o [t =.---sryk z#r;,,u','*..5t.Gone ?,<-n€€k dslr.Jt Ct ncJe r40, ffie ltZ.o rZ'frrt" as,hart " 7.49 Haroon E. Mclendon P.L.S. t2?575 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE l"?ffJ T3,""" llnter-Mountain .Iff.;gE.8:E';.3:3::r.--sc:- llEngineeringrra .3:3.ase-:':s RIVA RIDGE NORTH LOT 6, BLOCK 6, UAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO !" = 20' \ a F FI ==o z q ti I $ z Fa) F 2 IJ z a z \I& 'J F F 2 e z z z 'E i- >tJ -!.>-<9 k'o 'it{ oa(,a;<iioAzzz2<XFI.:58:iE ;<OAs- -Fsto><oLl 6c< a UJllju- ts =E uJI (, UJuJt! ts =El!(L J FoF tEeu, zoJ z =J E (L UJt J zo Eo z - uJFJ =UJz zI az uJ u./Lr- o- F;ano z .a IJJ - J uJ oz ; ut a I I I I I I =l+rl.gl-ol OI-l EIol'lFI(ut EIel(ul"l :aar -' z tr a(J ttlo l!z. LU *6,\.J(!N N z 6 o =eo -I ztr^ aaz>-oo<)zu-<v= (LY d(v z tr fJ (,ozz {94a-o f-2Evre =[;EEES+96srE;9sr(Efozf ? 9- -= = i rUF2 &=d e =<H FHEgE=955 oo (J-z<) z z. tr o = .nluJlEIolol<l -1<l>l ts uJ ) = llillqlalfllfllgl dA qH =Jqatrr E .,l 8l olol 1l <l =ltr (,z =u- = =(do il = tlttl;ltq IHI E tolLl ol(Ut €lcD olEI JI=l IclE3l HtcIgli 4E() !+o -UFtro2 () E dPE(JuJ<zETIJ Fa6 () )E<o(JF fr3t() EOc|z)- =f1Zrro() oz E =EIuo- Jzoz tqYatcoo =zdP ) "dg =x=A;H Enn tro Eaoo o.o .E tr-E'-E=8H 6 lJ- PO5pE>EF gstr F@\t Grlz. oz F() lr.J-toEo- _l@lrlF{ltl+l I luF b =ElrJo-z9F()fE azo(J E =E uJo- lE r=lP i= itlil= ,7|,4 . Sq\sR$O o ct)P-lHllr -7-SiE;! ^^a.iK;li=;'i\tFin.-i{ i!h;F"5 at:?:j " < o zEui6lii .IFFOFJ.r<uL<9:=:'i d E i ?;<Ott9o.i!?:T;iE < c *3ri!0=<t( < 3r NOIIVNlVA >E -r(t =(DN :<E =Zzu- i o- 2<Xr>YrP oI aaez>-o/\ t\ <ft<)zXLL<oq 4IJJ ;:!L X u.rFo--, t-rNO z9 =e<FOaz9> Sao= =9OOt/>(J L! LLl<mE oz Fo TJJ-')o o- LrJF o z z ze(nozz (L u- ."i3r-,/ \.,, =zEeoi- dil= o E CLoo o .:c3r-E=Qtr ou- 5HE>IF.o CLo1' E =Elrlo-zoF C)f E,Fazo C) trtrn G-- 6 F J z II uJ =zil l,tl z q) IJJEoo) -o- Fo tr UJ --la = f E tr a uJ I Etr tl.lEoo = =Etr LU o = Io- F tr UJ(roo)=c uJE o a E tJJ.7 F UJF I <FEC)tu<ztIIJ F <o()F;C)T<ir(En = o. I ; <-YF7()z< Y, z.>Y E. = \JZ J<oa?.trt uJJ-O trTtr o rNstcnoN REeuEsr ,*, 6r//61ru JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATlON: TOWN OF CALLER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIREDtr APPROVED GORRECTIONS: l,rNsilcnoN REouEsr. DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETBOCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ', !' .:' -, n INsTcTIoN REoUEST ./ / oerc rr / / h ./ Fo JoB NAME// TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES ) WED THUR FRI ,PMAMREADY FOR I LOCATION:4^ ,,EnPPnovro q,r'/4f ''.,'J tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTION tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR Ftl.et /+Lt,z". tr ,4/l: "/ ItlI,;I);; - < o6'-':;igi:11 t'?!1,,:i-iui'<jl'ilYit'r'<o ziAt.z=-; c < :::xl-FCaI <U. < tr..r z-.:-l:]:;t5i:< < (r.(J36J( --: - J! -l_'-tto,ai -c<o.-:tt o g -".u_i.l It' I tntuturr-t: ::-ca o- -J FOF I l;,, h! I I t. I I I I lru-(lo I I I I I I I I I I t- I I o F{ tr, :l c\ l=i=I -.i: Ir,Fo 2_(,zzo oF cFI -o (,4-2.o I 1., t5 tGIu-rot(J t)=lo r= tao ttlttlttl -lll =z-l-0sFV'<FO.tz.O='-<:Or=!i^6;S(rOtn'c) rrt r!.< 3J e. o F-:o (,z Y.G G.ouJ o<J f Fu,Jot-oz 1. I ETrl =o:c\ lF!F ot 1a o('( ;J z.oz.,PzQoto =zlr :fJc)o-r! YoJ .( 9!?:: o: 1:'! l; :.; 'ii :z9F l (L lofr(, =-9* rG,'N qt (Y l*letlZZu-:looo :! a3 36is P 'E iF ? E ii s *L:" ., (,zvr;ir, =qt'a (Ldotu ulc< cccEoozt) F2t3 ir2 gz =rr, L! :; (,] q 6 _;ooo:I uto- P .L()(t-(: h cL-ll,IL' lr. C)rt,ll (l: -rO o.E-(oc) Y ;t u, :r9t- (:(J CC 9 ()\ o: o- t?(r ott.t trJ '.(-) t- 1 c(,- 5(D LUtr,ltl-L G LUo_ 9 I (J (] a )J .(!lg,-(J N Or lvn lYA o:o!:)6 tuvt o- F F o i (r, F .7 n o .( oIJJ trtf, -J.t7E zIF Jlt/)z. vtJ*<33.JFu-x u.l e-.-;----<--y/ aj (: o o Art1'l't' ,Andrew Andrikopol6fgsP.O. Box 788 Cheyenne, !tryoming 82001 March 12, 1980 Dan'Unger 6910 Wildlife RoadMalibu, California 90265. Dear Dan: As president of the Riva Ridge North Codominium Association, managing the affairs of our condominium building in Vail ,Colorado, I have reviewed your plans for remodeling your apartment number 620 in our building. I noEe that you intend to build a sauna and bathtub-spa in, what is now;'a storerocrn and closet area. Please be advised that your plan, herein referred to,is accepted and approved by this association. I.Ie agreethat you can commence construction at any tinre that is convenient to vou and vour contractor. Yours President, Riva RidgeNorth Condominium Association. Andrew Andrikopo4da", ENTRY F/oon €ar=Fr'.ctelF| / r rl ,ofJS, -l o fta /o{ '/ ex,sTtpe'- B.R: 6yrsnwG_ FNTr/ EYI<rlN c* BlTH EXts7lruG EF- uof 7'ir ScALF'. APT. AzoYffun, "b!i;nA*r\sf nleo EXISn$G'- BAT}I €IrSTrNe L. R. ?.-'. AAxe4. il.i /.' t NEv J^J erKocr tat/ P LA t/l,-,o tJ, "nY.t: _t a.t. N !,:f if'e rylrn VA(1, C.o " , t, ttl<,tZtt utl $ -l .+-|l'41 'ct-ztE' ttzV4lt - o/--us ar-i -rn ;. 1 ' d.zvz EXltr llJ-"'' FLccP PLAL) Tw r<rqt? /clrT tt .rl vA,lt-/ c o . ,3,' ,i_r -gL, ' z+t-it/4tl-..*41-to/zii o HASE Mlchlcl Hrrclhortt l{qrch 29, 1980 Town of Vai1, BuilCing Dept. Box 100Vail, Oolorado 81617 Ril: Renodel - Riva Rittge North #620 Dan Unger Sir:. Please find enclosed structural d.rawings for condoninium renodel at Riva Rid.ge North #620- In the event tbat we should encounter enything i^n theprocess of remodeling that should. require structuralbttentj-on, it will be hand.led, acdord:iagi to building standards.. Thank you, ,fuz-taz0/e-tZ"*l'I'lichael J.. Haselhorst P.O. BOX 2 AVON, COLORADO 8l620 LHORST CARPENTRY o HASE AND REMODELING P.O. BOX 2 AVON. COLORAOO 81620 L ,9 s- AJ+ 0 ( 0 v d o c \dR! Jt+l + i; q q I) i d or\-"dl1-Y ! otd 7 /:-,A 2+ o(r d 'i9q)-o >,.P 4 -s. 0 n"; 3 J-+ ?\)cja( J =4\-.:rc,>F-1,Qu J<r 5-t 2 +. .? \\) \) c4 o O ) \r\\ t,( o HASE LHORST CARPENTRY AND REMODELING ( c4t t,: tii -x_:e n f ? 5''R61 2_1 Ic\ a- h o ar? ,t- x(>.(gl ad P.O. BOX 2 AVON, COLORAOO 8t620 ,1Oj,--*-- I ,U'/i,,Ii fr), ,,; ^ Q' ,l r/! rrudtcrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL WED THUR FRI OATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:a' B tr tr tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT tsn trc tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr,FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -i 2-t"-{- Fr.')INSPECTOR [uun bor lfit Y.il, c.lorado 81657(gl3l 47e5513 Mr. Russell Stark Lodge at Va11 Box 1168Vail, Colorado 8l-657 Dear Mr. Stark: Tbe Town oi Va1l is allow a limited number of on a long-term basis. A enclosed. Extensive studies of during last ski season.prlvate parking lots had season. DST/di Euclosure aroending the Zoning Ordlnance to private parking spaces to be leased copy ot the ProPosed ordinance is narking utilization sere conducted These studles indicated that most sDaces available even during peak ski You are eligible to lease 4 parking spaces' If you wish to partlcipate i-i tni-s leasing program, p1eas9 complete the enclosed form and return it witl an appti"atios fee of $1O.O0 to us for review and aPProval ' "")"'5 department of community dwelopment December 20, 1977 Re: Rlva Ridge APartments ana S. Toughill nlng Admlnistrator F F F F ts, sa S' [; NOrtvnlvA o9: \lll! !J z -o-o z trx='G6Falqo =>:z:< o. (J>o ;.i I .{ .-\l\l NI Nl \Pi3 <:A FFo (,)oQP v 2?:,"2 d Ra < izo z6z ^.:< E5 a z;5ix ()< .- < q > -.ao nta =<< ilJ Yo o F El F() Fz ez ' F z E UJ z) uJ z -< F2uJ =uJa ul G ul .E )t! u, F J J ul l! J ! =tr=H ozI oJ -l o lee =, =eF a 3 \ August 20, a974 Mr. Homcr Brovn Lodge at Val IP. O. Box | 168 Val l, Colorcdo Re: Palntlng and Roof Repalr at Rlva Rldge Deor ilr. Brovn: It has come to our attentlon that the roof at Rlva Rldge ls being repalred uslng shako shlngles In ploce of theorlglnal roof and that the bul ldlng ls belng palntcd. A bulldlng permlt ls requlred for the roof repalrs andtho changes must be approved by the Deslgn Revler Board. Our prevlous bul ldlng Inspector, Harvey Travls, dld stop ond tol I the contractor to get o permlt, but he apparently dl sr€garded ih I s request. Pleese stop by the offlce of your €arllest convenlenca sothat we can get thls stralghtened out. lf you have anyqucstlons, p I ease call. Yours truly, OEPARTMENT OF COI{MU}IITY OEVELOPMENT Dlano S. Toughl | | Zonlng Adnlnlstrator dt elHlDv LEIGH H. NOR€REN & CO. rrc so. ,rclrsofi, DEivEr, o0ro. 8dlt0 . n0.2zs .lf f , f,/ 0 / 0ctober 20,1974 Flr. Jerry AldrichVail Planning Corrnission City of VailVail, Colorado Dear Sir: This is in reference to the request for a fence that the Lodge of Vail has nnde, to be between the Riva Condeminium and qy house located at 723t,lillow P'lace. The reason for the request ls that there seems to be a com-plete disregard by pedestrians of the current fence. As a resu'lt, people are coming in and going through there Just as if non existed. If such addition to the cunent fence is approved by you, I would authorize the Lodge to proceed with that section on ry property, subjectto my approval of the design and bids. SincereJy, LHN/cr cc: Mr. Homer Brown Lodge at Vail Vail, Colorado The fo DONALD L. ELISHA GETIERAL MANAGE R October 28, 1974 Ms. Diana Toughill Zoning Administrator Town of Vai I Box .|00 Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Dear Diana: The Lodge, on behalf of the Riva Ridge Condom'inium owners, should 'l ike to request permission to erect a six foot stockade fence from the north west corner of the Riva building over to the Leigh Norgren home. This would be along the existing split rail fence. Purpose of the stockage fence is to reduce the pedestrian traffic from the area of the Edelweiss Condominiums, The l,lillows, and other properties west of the Riva building. Si ncerely, d.r,t"V,d,ro-rnt Homer N. Brown Manager HNB: 1 k IN THE BROADilTOOIR I4ANNER TELEPHONE: VAIL 303 -476 - 5O11P. O. BOX 1168, VA|L, COLORADO 81657 DENVER 303.222 - 7078 o 0ctober 20,1974 .{r. Jerry AldrichVall Pl annfng Cornlssfon Cltyrof VallYall, Colorado Dear Slr: Tfis is ln reference to the request for a fence that the Lodqe of Vall has rnde, to be between the Riva Condemlnium and my house located"at 723tlillow Place. The reason for tha request is that there seems to be a com-olete dlsregard by pedestrlans of the current fence. As a result, people :nd comlng in and golng through there Just as lf non exlsted. If such addltlon to the current fence ls approved by you, I would authorize the Lodge to proceed with that section 0n my pFoperty, subJectto my approval of the deslgn and blds. '| I I I i i I Slncerely, t-!6,u4.42-r-{,r :,.* r..tnir. *;;)' - -'\ r\ LHtl/cr cc: ltlr. Homer Brown Lodge at VallVall, Colorado /^,() ) J-.2):?'6 ^ (Please type or print)Fence Wdl Landscaping Other i.3_____ DATE aprrr, zg. t995 OWNER OF PROPERW XAH53'.^'il"TlADDRESS r.o. no" LEGAL DESORIPTION OF PROPERry TO BE SERT/ED: l9T!-BLOCK 6 SUBD1V1SION vail village lsr Fl11ng ( | r n ecqs s.ry, attacrr@;;ipri ; ;' il;lpm;f "+Corner lot x Inside lot Rlva Rldge Nor!h Condominlum Assoc. :( i"1 o =t?I| !l? nl.o f"tEy.".TYff 9,Erfff {s r ilX "?r8E rig t U[€Ii" ". " d o r s t o n e . +ffic'D l.|AY o il995 bl t€- APPLICATION FOR REV_OCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAINA STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIOHT.OT.WNY filill:HfiflH:"- dimensione.r\ ,^r.-^i,^,j?irgf::]gd appurrenance in tne prole-i-"i*ilo scate ordim en sioned) and secrion (st ""lt,"rr "r'Jr Ju;ff 0f Hfi"!|]Lj: Does slructure presently exist? yes rroposed date f or commencemeiGjEiffii In consideration of the is applicant agrees as folo;:|ce of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated, frtr{r{ I 1. 2. 3. 4. That the srructure herein authorized on a revocabre permit basis is resrrictedexclusively to the land aOove OescriOeO. -'- That the permit is timiteo speciLatv [-inu .,pe of structure described in thisapplicalion. That the appricant shat notify.rhe Town Manager, or his dury authorized agent, twenty_four hours in advance or the'time t";;;ffiffiement ot construction, in orcter thalpr:ei inspection may be made by rn"i"*".'Ine appricant agrees lo indemnifr and hord rrarmress rhe Town of Vair, its officers,:Jl:{::: and asenrs rrom and;t"i;ri;n iiJoiritv, craims and demands on accounr orIn,ury' ross or damage, incruding without rimitation'craims;ri.;ilf iooiry injury,personar injury, sickness, diseaie, o""in, pioilny ross or damage, or any other ross ofanv kind whatsoever, which arise;;i;i ;i;;;'rn any manner connecred w'happlicant's activities pursuanl to this permit, iisucn injury, ross, or damage is caused inwhole or in part bv' or is craimed bil;il!;iyn.yrror.e or in parr by, the acr, omission,error' professionar enor,^mistat e, negrigenc;ir otner faurt of the appricant, hiscontraclor or subcontractor or any "rr,.ii, JrJilyee or representative of the appricant,his conlractor or his subconrru"t"".-in"'lppu!"n, "gru", to investigate, handrerespond to, and to provide defense r"iirT["r*d against, any such riabirity, craims, oroemands at rhe sore expense or're appiicanr.'*,"ippi[Ji ffi;ffis ro bear arlolher expenses rerating thereto- incffi'lirrr .ort, and attorney,s fees, whether ori:l.1iL.:::!-liahility, "'ia'r., or demands areoed are ororn.tcsc rarca ^r r,,,,,r..r^-,.'!'c apprcanr agrees to procure and maintain, "r iG o,"n "ori, I ir"ri;t;;'o"iJ"!'li'Insurance sufficienr to :1::1e against arr riaoirii)l craims, oemanos aniorher obrigalionsassumed by rhe appricant.pursuant to this parJgraph 4. . The appricant furlher agreesto release the Town ot vail_its oiti""ir, "gi"'i"-and employees from any and allriabiriry' craims, demands, or actions oi.""rr", of aciio;;-;;;Li"""r'"i,r,"g our of anydamage' ross or injury to the appticinl or ri-ii""pprican.s property caused by thetown of Vair, its oticers, agenis ana emptoyee-s wnite engaged in maintenance orsnow removar activities or any other acriuiri6s *rratsoever-oi ro*n oi'vair property,slreets, sidewalks, or rights_oi-wiy. 563205 8-66? P-183 O5/t2/g5 02:08P PG 1 oF 3Sara J. Fisher Eagle County Clerk & Recorder BEC 15.00 5.T_hat ttrg permit may be revoked whenever it is determined lhat the encroachment,obstruction, or other struclure constitutes a nuisance, deslroys or impairs the use olthe right-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or tne property upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or itmay be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail.That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, orstructure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure is notaccomplished within ten days, lhe Town ls hereby authorized lo remove same andhave lhe right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs orrerhoval in lhe same manner as general taxes are collected. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth inthis application. Special conditions: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. S','* - W.Vrt6* Signature of Property Owner E/zlqs Date(lf joint ownership, both signatures) APPROVED: ct)r{d slah6 DAte' 563205 8-667 P-183 05/LZ/95 02:08P PG 2 oF3 t- a"? O" $I \ \ I 4u'-t% o!- t^ '9 +or) o o o ) (. , R!o 9a "€ i ,l r E' to ot lont t o t ,, E' 3i21 A"3r 3[: " ^a.o5< O O3o" =. ro 3 pE g 5ca Fo ex3 3 s -1. "=3.'rii l" - Q'F i:i3.r E3'.? o.E y r-ocf q >lU t o |- c) 9'o 9a * . ,,.(i!'. _., ( Crt\ Ir '.....i -.;r .I oV '. i l:r--,, CeFP l*J... ,^, '-1, irirO ,:Y E:";:i;'ii !3 *jB Zr..fr".flR S::,t"i'# 7..r'iiiii"',ii.{ i fi Ea |-oc)LIe c) $fIg il Ir sflf; fl[n r F Ioc)n $t .9 Fo RI sF F|-b E Iill llr- ; d€z ),l sr- $ Eoo Ea-{o F $q <ie =-ct t8r-d ,99-g 902099t cd d80,20 96/zr/90tdo I /o/ b, N" /</t/fr xMe %n/rbLhrl b, 8l( / t/" /il/'*7e tt BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESNOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST eoo/ar,r MF BUILD PERMTT permit i: 895-0316 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Job AddressLocation...Parcel No..Project No. 133 WIIJIJOW RD RIVA RIDGE NORTH2101-0I2-14-0 01 PRJg 5-019 6 APPI.,,ICANT RIPPY CONTRACTORS P O BOX 999, EDWARDS CO 8t632 CONTRACTOR RIPPY CONTRACTORS P O BOX 999, EDWARDS CO 8L632OWNER SCHUSTER SHARLENE 75 CHERRY ST, DENVER CO 80220 Description: STAIRWAY Status. . .Applied. . Issued. . .Expires. . .00 Totat CalcuLated Fees---> 20.00 AdditionaI Fees--------->-00 Totat Pefmit Fee--------> DepT: BUILDING Divj-sj-on: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB VJORK Division: D epartment of Community Development ISSUED 0e /Le /Lses 0e /26/rse503/24/res6 Phone: 3039263655 Phone: 3039263655 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De it Refund Occupancy:Type Construction:Type Occupancy: Valuation: approved amount date Add Sq Ft: Fi reDtace Infornation: Rest ri cted:fof Gas App[ i ances:#Of Gas Logs:#0f Iood/Pa l, Let: ****************t*****lrikJ(**Jr*************ff******lr******lrt FEE SUlltiARY *******************************#***lr*******t i**ft******* z Bui tding-----) Ptan check---> Investigation> t.li t I, Cat l.----> 115.00 74.75 .00 3.00 Iten:'.05400 PL09/t9/L995 DANItb.m:'.05600 FI09 /]-9,/1995 DAN R1 Multi-FamilyV 1-HR Type V 1-Hour 6, 500 Restuarant Ptan Rev i ew--> DRB Recreation Fee----------> Ct.an-up Deposit------> Actr-on: APPRAcIion: APPR ) t1- I> .00 312.7 5Payments-------100.00 Item: O5lOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT09 /.\911995 DAN Action: APP09'/.19'/]-995 DAN Action: APPQ9'/,I2'/,\2e! pA!! gction: APP o9'/t9'/r99s DANo9'/19'/t99s DANo9'/L9'/799s DAN o9'/.19'/.t99s DAN Acrion: ApFnO9'/L9'/7995 DAN Action: APPRItEn:' .O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENTO9/19/L995 DAN Action: APPRO9/19/L995 DAN Action: APPRItEm:. -O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENTO9/L9/1995 DAN Action: APPRItem:' 05500 PUBIJIC WORKS09/19/1995 DAN Action: APPRItbm:' 05500 PUBIJIC WORKS09/19/1995 DAN Action: APpR ffitrf,*J('r*ffilct't*ffi*ffi*tr*********ffrJrJr**'H.ffi************Jr*********lrt*********rt**#rffiJr***********#ffi** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I havc read this apPtication, fil"ted out in futt the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and statr thrt atl the infornration provided as required is correct, I Egree to compty with the information and ptot itan,to compLy vith al'L ToLrn ofdinances and state Laws, and to buiLd this structure according to'the Townr s zoning and subdivisibncodes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabLe thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL SE I'IADE TIIENTY-F0UR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 4?9-2138 oR AT OUR OFFICE FROII E:OO An 5:m p Scnd Ctean-t p D.po3it To: nIPPY {; *"n"""o ru"* 75 South Frontage Road Department of Community Development,r**ffire,btffi8lElv****************************:r********************************** 970-479-213V479-2139 w#!{,f-?44?,u-,,,u CONDITIONSas of 09/26/95 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Perrnit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMITApplicant: RIPPY CONTRACTORS 30392 63655 Applied: 0e /t9 /L995Issued: 09/26/L995To Expiret 03/24/L996 Job Address:LocatiON: RIVA RIDGE NORTHParcel No: 2101-082-14-001 Description: STAIRWAY Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.3. GUARDRAILS AND HANDRAILS TO MEET SEC.33O6 AND SEC.1712 OF THE 1991 UBC. {S*""o,toouo . (n*'.L r z u l - "d,- ::^',,co*sr*Ucrrol, PER}IIT APPLICATIOII FORI' DATE: A/15/95 , $!"fi;,qu $U"Cf,it{llrrl' DE\|'DEFT APPLICATIOII IIUST BE FILLED OUT COIIPLETELY OR IT }IAY IIOT gE ACCEPTED .rf.rr.rrf...r.rrrrrrrrrrrrpERltIT INFORllATlOflrrr*rrrrrr*rrr.rrrrrrrrr.*rrli tXl-Buildl'ng I l-Plunbtng t l-Electrleal t l-llechanical [ 1-Otheru/ill,-'Job llane: Blve Rldoe ll. Stelre Job Addreaer 133 Yall Road Legal DeecrlptLon: Lot_ Block_ Flll'ng Rl.va Rldqe Chalet llorth Ornerg Hane:Rl.va Ridqe Condo AaE Addreger 133 Val'l Roed Ph. Archt.tect:Addreee:Ph. General Deecrl.ptlon:Renove and Reolace H. E. Stalrray lfork Claee: I l-l{er I l-Alteration I l-Addltlonal tXl-Repalr t ]-Other llunbe'r of Drelllng Unlte:Nunber of Acconodatlon Unltg: O Hunber and Type of Fl-replacee: Gae Appll-anceell/A Gae Logel{/AHood/PelletN/A ;;+lll*llllr;lllllllll*lllllllrrrrrVALUAJlQl{$rr**}}}}}}}}}}r}}}.}}}}}}rrrrrr} BUILDIIG: 6.OOO PLUIIBII{G: ELECTRICAL:OTHER: !|EGHAI{ICAL: 5OO TOTAL: f Lr.i g-4ktk^"ro* r-""-r^tt** l l ) l l ; ; r l{echenical Contractor:St{Utf COUI{TRY SERVICES Torn of ValI Reg. No._lZ.L_ Addreee: BOX 157. AVOH, CO eL62O Phone lfumber: 926-7373 l l l l l r l l t i l r l l l l l l l l l l l r r l l l * l r r rFOR OFFICE USE}clrlllll*lrllllrllr;lfi*r*r* TOTAL PERI{IT F€ES: BUTLTDHo: LL , , q- ,q -f { SIGNATURE: * lt*llllllllrllltl*lll General Contractor: Rlppy Contractore, Inc.Addreee: P.O.Box 999. Edrarde. GO 81632 5 -o7tvEl.ectrlcal Contractor: Addreee: Plunblng Contractor : Addreea: BUILDIIIG PERIIIT FEE: PLUIIBIIIG PERIIIT FEE: I{ECHAIIICAL PERIIIT FEE: ELEGTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: L*l *lllrrrlllt*ll*; Tovn of Vall Reg. No. _14:E_Phone llunber: 926-3655 Tovn of ValI Reg. No. Phone tlumber: Tovn of VatI Reg. l{o. Phone Nunber : FROUP I SO.FT. IIc"I I J -l-l a3 VALUATTON I -t BUILDII{G PLAII CHECK FEE: PLUIIBIIIG PLAN CHECK FEE: ITECHATIICAL PLAII GHECK FEE: RECREATIOII FEE: CLEAII-UP DEPOSIT: ZONI}IG: SI6}IATURE: CLEA}I UP DEPOSIT REFUIID TOr RrPPY CONTRACTORS P. O. BOX 999 EDHARDS, S1632 Pt o,r an i s q.n f'15 ilri I r-ts v 97et 4'76 =east r I ,t ll, P. A1 Riva Ridge North Condominium Associarion P,O. Box 36?t r Vatl, Colorado 6165g.16?l r(3 M$"^h€',AG Aree;r TDQ. t,1q\ibee_ Oovtrl 6ntb'"lr r0rr.r'+ s .f t,.ja4Li) Lt kL'Td, (ftJtrrpfi,\- -.l kdrr- -n€ RrDA h.iuee Doq6 Asgo*r*T,onJ Ftffi rtWuo*-b*rl€ Itr,tPQ,ou€u/atr-\ fz, -1}f€- Oodf* :Ilt"e t-l)cR,.K rs Tb Be ba,nla tsq R,FpV r<, ' t'Ue-A<e- ilo*]-rFy lr{L < Ho,^_t\ t?qg r|-.+r+(clDS r Qt tc( lon) . llz +nJy &UtSfrD,JS oR Car{cet+os, *Ta*^ S**t-pEN {lt"- 33r(fM-ffi t:i -.v tloo{\. 6YG =lrlGzo (,rlcoz Eii='e@tL e fI E Eo I I I II I I I I I I I I I II Iotcllt.llFl*l I o lL:l= Foo- Glrla o (l)c.o .cIg ll.hllthllutlil s 3l:lH > 6l !-F \Olsl 3l 2.!tl Grl a.,'rl 6l-l sle e Elu;6 E sl! gE g EF aIE : EI :IE E 'l ;l= g glElr HI EI 5 *l El !El El .talt5 J 3lroz =P lt-va|\-irr'l,Fi__-- $ign Review Action Fen TOWN OF VAIL Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot - Block_ Subdivision ./ ' IVtrrl 2, irl Zone District Project Street Address; -!-1-- Comments: Motion by: l Board / Staff Action ' Vote: Seconded by: E Approval ! Disapproval a StaffApproval DRB Fee Pre-paid Ir- CLIENT --?tp PF CONTRACTORSADDRESSi?1 VAIL JOB NORTH LOCA'|ION PIAN TYPE CONSTBUC'IION DATE 8-11-e5 SCALE3/E RIVA 133 RIDGE I\IORT VAIL RD stair section Town uf Vail Colnmunlq PIa'I \Dproved fl Oenrod ii Hoalth r-'l Validity ot Permit Sec. 303 (c) 19 U.B C. l-he igsuance or granting 01 a permil 0r .;oeciiications shall not be c0nstrued t0 b-" a rpproval of, any violation oi any 01 tne or of any other ordinancc of the iu a permit brsed upon plans, specilica not prevcnt the building official trom thereafier requiring the Ffto B t! WOODEN CURB (EXISTING) rorrogtion of errors in said glans' soccilicatons and othar l2f:r " - / -tq-% ROAD BASE ASPHALT ()FFICE COPY IftryTYru ro\/'c0ll4[/], DEV, DIPT DEMO EXISTiNG TOP AND STAIRWAY RE.,IIACE WITH HEATPIPE PAD INSTALLED sf air z REPT131 Toflt oF VAIL, COLOnADO PAGE 3 AREA: CDO2123/2Ow o8;06 RE9UESTS - rnSPECTll IORI( SHEETS FORr 2t23f2L Actlvltyr 895-0316 2/23/26 Type: A-llF Statue: ISSUED Conetr: AllFAddreeer 133 IILLOI RD LocatLonr RIYA RIDGE IIORTHParcelr 2I0L-OA2-14-0O! Deecrlption : STAIRTAYAppllcent: RIPPY COIITRACTORSOrner: SCHUSTER SHARLEIIEContractor: RfPPY COIITRACTORS Occ: Use: V I-IIR Phone: 3039263655 Phone: Phone: 3O3:t263655 Inepectl,on Requeet Inforratl-on..,.. Requeetor: llJ.ke Rtppy /0,.6 t4.trA Phone: 390-3738 Req Tirer OBte{| Corrente: Aill ball. betteen lOe-l2p pleaeefters requeeted to be Inepected... OOA9O BLDG-FLnal ActLon Tlre Exp Inepectl.onItenlIten:Iten:Iter:ItertIten:Iter:Iter:Iten:Iten:Iter: Hl,etory.... - OO51O drl.veray grade fl-nal- AOOLO BLDG-Footlnga/Steel OOO2O BLDG -Foundat i.on /Steel 0,9.520 PLAII-ILC Sl-te PIan OOO3O BLDG-Frarlng OOO5O BLDG-Ingulatl-on 0,o,o16;|o Bl.DG-Sheetrock llaLl OOOTO BLD6-|llec. 60090 BLDG-Flnal OO53O BLDG-Tenp. Clrt OO5,4|n BLDG-FlnaI C/U 7 Proiect Name: IProject Application P16,ect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone; It (- Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot V U!,6" Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL . PUBLIC IOIICI I()!ICI f8 tlAtBI efUII that the Plannlng Staff will- be reviewing'r the following application on .ruly 9, 1993, in the Town of vailMunlcipal Building. 1. A request for an additlon 250 seluare feet of GrossResidential Floor Area for the Ganez Resldence located at 133 Willow Road, Unit 630/Vai1 Village. Applicant: Gil Gamez The appllcations and information about the proposals are availablein the zoning adninietrator's office during regular offl-ce hoursfor publlc inspection. TOTIN OF VAIL COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT Publlshed in the Vail Trail on ,June 25, 1993. fiq, l'Y fr/3 {* "'A T *%^t ! aoce**Jt' ,Pel aa 6/Cr= ..'' ffi1C12tC APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA FOR PBOPERTIES tN EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GHFA can be added to a site. lt should be understood that his ordinance does nol assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for uo to 250 souarb fe-et if certain conditions are met. ApplicaUons for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This lncludes all information requlred on this form as well as Design Review goard sdbmittal requiremenls. A.PROJECT APPLICA purposes onlv B.LOCAT]ON OF PROPOSAL: 1y room for decorat i on Legal Description:Lot_ Blocf_ Filing Zone 1l aqe c.NAME OF APPLICANT:Gi1 Gamez Address 2215 Cherr Hi1ls Fr. Dr. Enqlewood Co. 80110 D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S Addrgss ?53q Frr.i.rh+ REPRESENTATIVE: Chris Romero ,^.O rr;nnf ". rrr.n. ^"'rl- D E. It NAME OF OWNEH(S):Gi1 Gamez Slgnature( Address 2215 cherrv Hirls F hone_195-M F.Fifing Fee of $200.00 is required at time ot subnina-)kA The following information, in addition to DRB submittalrequirements, shallbe iequired with 2. stamped, addressed envelopes and a separate list of adjacent propefi owners and of owners of units on the same lot. This intormation is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. Condominium Association approval (if applicabte). Existing floor plan of structure. 3. 4. G. H. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be rs-published, then the entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town statf. Should a determination be made by the town stalf that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be fonryarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he liles his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultiant, any of the funds fonrvarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be retumed to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount fonrvarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. May 14, 1993 Dear Neighborsr One of ny homeovD€ESr Mr. Gualberto Gamaz, ls in the process of remodeling his unit #630 in Riva Ridge North. Included in his plans is the addition of a loft vhich vil1require a variance from the Town of Vail along with your approval . Based on Mr. Gamaz's design, the loft is for cosmetic purposes only and cannot be used as a bedroom.If you do not have any objections to this loft, please sign below. Thanks for your help. '(h'wk-- Rick Haltermann Riva Ridge Lodge Tower The Lodge at Vail The Sitzmark Lodge The Summers Lodge South o v SCALE ' l'. 20O' - zo OF VAIL BOUNDARY IE iBIER HOLIOAY INN l3 LOT O (sDl VILLAGE INN loo ARCAOE ,jas tll ozt =&llJo- U' IJJulll ==EIJJo- NDeblur/q scol++ Itl C+v. q rlrlt, llrl l.' I.< -,I- o\lr rllClrill1tl I''lll'I I oll,i +.t,16 tl ib .!l,Z "rlO dlt=dl? bl ( oz- 2z olllFq z al6 .a o =zo i ft a C( '1 z l_ In lql9lol'- lo [' oo t; (! rnc! t t H HHa z Ff 6(, (lo t6E!oH Q) ooo()c(! .go. o (D.c ooc aI| oooo ct) I dl E =l Eo o 6 3 .qt E -:- o c6 *;.9) aE€: EEEE e 6P:0c-o>'- ah = = gei c96Elo€or !EiF:€85 €'q e€ ElsecL tE o--sEreotE-orE€:€ E6:F EEE E -o.go:ecPGO.-F.E= O (/' nr o i.9 9E; s ;glE8:-eE;6F9 ;E;EPEg: c\s c F.o rn trl C\ EE qJ oz ! @ x uJ z C J c UJ UJ oz ao d 9z () uJ uJulu-zoF ul uJ @3uJ5UJEz 6 UJ F oo-rlJ o z llt x F luU' (/, uJu,lt ==g, uJo- J FoF zo3 .o UJJuJ (,z =J 9z oll, =o \ o lr (!NOtlVn'lVA o P cl tr .l Bs9o<F 3:(!-i zX9E Jl r..,[ioO'r{Jt{go uJ;.'!z.a C\I 2Z Fo- Ax3zE9 0 atoz>-Oa)ozr!<oq o-Ht6 =>G 0) (!r{ q,l tr l! X tr (! t;lo t: t: l=taIFIP\Itr loFql . b0 ..1 ;qjo ooF lol" z tr J I (E.; ul a UJt J z Eo6 Xtf z tr E UJFJ =u,z atzlz <oo< >a! xrLUo<z Fz, 9z d630OI UJfJ a9)uz:a iF llJ(l. zoF Jl(t)z (ro J o I lJI<ltrl 2_l zl .. >l UJ llJllJz =(r uJo-J zI = ( { ( { .,()- $+t s\YY_\:.\ \ s €. (,z Fo J@ z tL .lccolg:tolrJl(/)I lr I =uJ b.rr ulE9 7E < .'!:ta zlE ci ocE I =!I B ;iE E;;E i -,-'= Lrl i-lE 5EI . tE e frl EitrE 3:t =:=F 3'';:si d r-?{L l!co F ,-2'; l a -.l-|o o ).I <F! oqa2=L <.r.i I t. ]J d. Ir + IF J (, =tt u 0l c,60 d (! & \o ui z c] Nq) d € ul z ,|.J o0.Fl Ln <ttaaul o \o I!n Ore.l i trq, q) E >l JN o.-) =g, a IJJroo (fl T\ I F1.. lrqrt c) Fc il EI>ll!lol zl fl 5ulF :G ll. oz uJtr lr z3oF =tr c Cu = lt F =e l! o2,; ulE Ja ttoz3 F = oz oulE Ja ltozBoF utJl,tlF':TE{H-i=: tn UJz =o F-c)uJ tsr C)E E -rO<Foaour<z&t,.U Fs= C) JE<o(JF;oi#UEI g"g gH =Fd6o 6F =3gE E E irul Ft-o2 C) <ofrfrfo LC) CD C) C.o IJJFoooazo F(L UJY lLlo oFF trHo-: ttlol>=l(LloHoglrlgur :^F26 E =E,lrlo-zol- C)fEFazoo oz E-culc oUJllJl! E =G UJc { = @ G| loi u € l3 5 5bF ^ 62 H A =Furoc6b fiH= 6oq ilync,:E H -N(, .F9e.?|r? zl ,, >lolr,lolu UIzIF =llt J z Eo s B" r) NY -S { 'i;=z IDo cta 0lrlE lt023o oz g ltJGJ ozt F o- ciUJG oz =o g,u,IFo zo9ze(oo =zid J IG (,) uJJ UJ =l ! gl= ==.Eu,qttoEgt5€frIPIGt.oEEt\ =|IlEF?=Eb EAi8si llJ .DoF ffi\urE Y- I !=,= E lrJg-zo ^Fl()D N< 6zoo z () I l r.lJ!:o @o zoFo- UJY UJl0oFF tru,o-tto A o I UJFoz t lown 75 roulh tronbgc rold |.ll, color.do 8il857(303) 479-2138 oz 479-2\39 ottlco of communlty drYclopmrnl BUILDING PERI,IIT ISSUANCE TI!4E FRANE If this p"ry-it. rySujleg a Town of Vait fiire Department Approval, Engi neel''s.-(.Pybl ic lJopks ) reyiew and approval,' a planni n!' Departmentreview or Health Departnent review, and a review by the euiliingDepartment, the estinated tine for a total review may take as longas three weeRs. All cormercial ('large or smal]) and all mu]ti-family permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and smal'l projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, iffesi.dential or smaller projects impact the various above mentionid departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects maya'lso taRe the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite thispermi't as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the p'lan check procedure and time frame. Conmuni ty Devel opment Department. I \ I luwn u llal 75 loulh frontaEe rord I.il. color.do 81657 (303) 479-2r.38 or 479-2139 offlcc ol communlly devclopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RREI{TLYL REGISTERED TIITII TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI{MIINITY DEVELOPITIENT uaRcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I.{ATERIAL STORAGE TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: rn sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor paterial. including trash dumpsters, portable toileti andworkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public _ql?ge or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n aII Town ofvair streets and.roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance vill be striclly enforced by the Town of Vailpl9li: works Department. persons found violating this ordinar,"ewrrr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said materiar.rn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the puLfic WorksDepartrnent will remove said nraterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfritt not bEapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Departroent to obtain - copy. rlank you for yourcooperation on this uratter. r contractor, owner) erJrr"i .vrcrcr .rrFrr-t ||r r,rrra|r, I rrjl lrl Jt rrrr tca_nrxel 6rt utg torto|.ttrg ocsc|.lqtq tot or paccetlying ard being in the Corrrty of EAGT..,E sd Stste of Col.or.do, to yi t: Signed, Seatcd rnd Det lvcred in the Pr.66ca of or lorEt. ffi*P4q_424a_$lD_trE FIRSE N,IENIT'{EIII lr{ER@ !@R[ED rffirARg 25,'rgeg-!.r-'mK 2r4lI EAq qg3, AUIWBEEtsm srrrnmm 20, rsia nl-ujx-ZjeAf PAGE 557; OCUNIy OF EecLE, SEATE Or @I!RAm. also kru.r !3 str.rt nurb* @Nm IX(IT 26, RWE RIEE (!WI$ CIAIEIS ToGETIIER rith .tt .td sitrtuler thc hcrcdltanntr lrd rpFrrtcranccs th.r.to betorplr, or In arrprl ec appcrtalnlng, ardthe reversion and reverslons_, rgr:inder -ard rcmelrders, rents, I ssrrs lrd profits theieoi! and atl. ihe estlie, rightr'tittcintercst, clrin rd de|tsrd rlratsoevcr of thc raid pcrty of thc flrst p.rt, clther In tay or eq.rlty,of, in erd- to ihr'abovc barlalncd pP6lisc3, rith the hcredltdgrtr ard apFrtcrurrce..lo l{ vE ArD To lbLD the 3!ld prctl acc .bo\rc b.rgalned end deccrlbed, slth th. lpFrtrnalEc3, urto th. s.id partles ofthe srcord P!rt, their heirs and aeslgm forever. Ard thc said party of the tlrst psrt, for hirnsclf, his heirs, GrGcutora,sd .dninistrstors, does coveriant, grant, barlain sd ggre. to 8rd rith the said parti-a of the gecind part, tleir heire ' and assigns, thlt .t the tinE of the aiseatlr|g ard delivcry of these presents, he ls irett seiz€d of the'pre;ises lboyeconycYcd, as of gpod, surc, perfect, lbsolutr and in&fcesibta c3t.te of ir$eritance, in tar, in fec ainpte, ard hre goodrlght, futl porcr srd llt fuL. authori ty to grert, bargain. scll erd carvey thc serrc In nsrnei and form as'eforcsaid, ndthat the sa p arc frce and clear frcn atl fomar lnd othet gtsnts, bargains, sltca, tiens, texes, agsessmnt3 andencurbrsrcca of {ratener kind or naturG socvrt.D(GElr GENRAL lNGq AND ASqlS@ms EQR THE YEAR 1992 AI.ID SUBSECUtsII YEARS, A}IDSIJEECI 10 EAsMEns, RESER\aIEIoIIS, REgIRfcT[oNs, @VBmlTS A],rD-f;ieixs-otrEAy CtFRE@RD. and the aboved bargained prenlrer in.thc qrlct ard Faceabte posscsslon of aald parties of the eeco.rd part, the eurvlvor ofthqt, thlir aesigns and thc helrs ard assignr of such survivor, agaimt att and wery parson ot pe"scrir tcrfutty clriningor to ctsin the *tole or rny prrt thercof, the ssld porty of thc first part Cratt ana ilitt u RRAitT Alo fmEvER iEFEltD. Thcsinguler ntcr ehatI itrctude the pturat, thc plurut thG eingular, lrd the use of any gcrdea shatt ba appl icable to attgerders. . lI trlltlEss U|{EREOF, the slld party of thG ti?rt psrt has hcreurto set hls hard erd scat thc day lrd yelr fij3t atrgv.rri t tGn. (sE t) (sEAt) (sEAt)"^l:^l,ir*.i**! .4 I> 88. I Ihc foregoing irEtru|rnt ras aclmntedged bcforc m W ILINICE H. SMIIH ard cORmN H. SG{IIH Iy cqnloiiar rrpi ncstlitmss o/ hand and officiat scal. thi3 day of Dece[ber L4, L992 Fofln 9ZIA GOIPUIER VARNA}ITY DEED 20101V.20101V To Joint Tenants\I201.01 ,)lt,4/L&d ( /-(t1'-- i6itf'?,1,'ntlAigpr^qpldnibonotCorrir-,iffi 7.30.96 Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: RIVA RIDGE #630 ADDRESS: 133 WILLOW RD DATE:5-10-93 CONTRACTOR: CM ROMERO VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: R-l ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. I. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC I21O OF THE 199I UBC. 3. ALL DRYWALL USED TO BE.5/8 INCH MINIMUM. 4. ALL PENETRATIONS IN FLOORS,CEILINGS AND WALLS TO BE FILLED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIAL. to Riva Ridge North Condominium Association P.O. Box 36?l r Vail, Colorado 81658.3671 May 6, 1993 To Whon It May Concern, The Riva Ridge North Condominium Association has re-vlred the plans for the remodeling of unit #630 owned byGualberto Ganaz and has approved these p1an6. Pleasecall if you have any gueations. Sincerely, H;Alf,',,/-G- Rlek Haltermann Managing Agent Managing Agenr Burke Management Worls, Ltd. $03r926.2877 TFI hN:En'14 wt? gept 20, 1993 Ailbert Gamez e2l6 1henY Hllts Farm Dt Englewoocl, @. Eoll0 909',295-1625 CitY of Vait Vall, Oa. Alase Attn: Oonstruotlon Pemlts Daar Slrs; I would ttko to rtotily your offica thet construotlon at Riva Ri/41a North tfigl will bt comPletcd bY: Nodlp Cottcttuotlon, lnc, noEN J. KIetu ( President ) 476'g1tg , P. O. tux 9419 Vall, Co, ercfi lf thcrc ie any guestions or il l can be ol any turthar assistat6a please cell Mr, l$rsOo or mYaoll. Thutk Yw,a/^v Gitbort Qamaz / 3Eev KRI'I CoHSULTANTS, I HC.59491577 : KRM coNsuLTANTs, lNc. P.0. BOx 4672 VAIL, COLORADO OI6bE (303) FAX 949-157? FIELD FEPOfrT t; T,ATE:TOr .a/t-laaI i I f I rJ _ ARRIVE: !.,,2O P,M, ., DEPART: a: an F,lf .L..Ju t _ ATTENTIONT 4H.EtE CEG PROJECT: QAMEZ' tN€t.F9-:cTtlN (ewt etn,ne \ *lto) ' 74a1-o(o 2, NFnJ loF-t FLoaP FEAt*4ll.J4? 1 Lx 0'', g 19" riP NNlHq 1t'1 iN|' FRAMTNd{ lNTo t;-ltht'll+ x b''o M,L. F.DA9 SEAM' 3, NOTCI.IED RAFTERS THAT NFFE gPLICED N FOBMEF EFAEI,.J({ . i4JAtL ut/ (z)' z\lc's x U'-o G EACH 'eFLl€E , ExTFNDTN9 TO NE.I.d 'BFAEIN/r IAALL APPEOflFNA1E.L'( €:+ UF 6IJFE FPA/| FaBMEe LrCl..T loN ' +, NeH HE,ApER lH DlAdqaNAL DQar- avsN'llq AT #Me u)c^TloN Ab RAF?eRE ,N l.rEM *3 ) (z)-a,rt', gf'ANNlNa lt'o Dao.e. I PEVIF-NED 1i'{E FOLLOVIINa FRAMINq 'trpE ),aaEPTACI.E A* CAN€TFU4TED, l, (B)- t]/+ xtll/o sn,r-, Roor BM LFT-rr+ AND BFARIN4 AT 3 FflINTS'. JO8 NUMBER: REVl6laNg 1 ALL oF HHICH TO ETg,-r6. RAF'TFF* AT LDFT SIGNED:COPY TO: INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL i( ',), / ^ r,------_-________ r'\ w) ,\ _1:/ tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MqN CALLER,- '\TUES "PM P APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: O TOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,-_', ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tro tr FiNAL- ^--tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: ,' -:-- -.-..------ tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER 0 ROUGH - I\b CONDUIT - tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR NUMBEB OF/PROJECTgg ,o, Y!i- ;.n.r.tr- , -. 1 .: i ". _ .IECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL NAME Tr rtrs'(:-{ .--( fls? READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ?_1_, CALLER 13!t9" D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL o tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERt/fi:iY'):o tr o tr tr ; ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR KR+I CONSULTANTS, I HC.I 3S394915??P.82 KRM coNguLTANTs, lNc. F.O. BOX 4872 vAt[, coLoBADO ElObs (3O3t 94S-0391 FAX 949-1577 FTELD NEPONT [lF-bEiL__corr 6fcu4T lo H L: oe_El4 VAt, ' cd- blqE* ATTENTION: cr{Fl6 CeL PR(}JECT:JOB NUMBER: 7,ta7 - ota ' FEVIENED TFE FdLLOLIIFI(' FRAMINE REVI9I4N6 1 ALL OF I'{HICH trPg A,CC.EPTAE{.E A* CONgTF VETE;D? t, (a)-t%xtl1/o v)-, RooF BM .LFT'r.r T,J EysrS. F FTFF* AT LIFT AND BFARIN4 A 3 PTINTS, 2, NEW L1FT FLaaP FRAl.4tt.I4l y ?-rth''. e lu" *tP NNtHaf 1t-7 ANt) FEAMINdT tNTo f )-leA,t1ll x b'-o M,L. F-.D4E BEAM. 3, NOTEHED RAFTER6 THAT IdEEE gPLiCEtr I^7 FAgHEB BEARII-Iq . i^IALL t^J/ (Z)' zr,lc'* f U'-o C FACH ';,FLl.:e 1 ExTFNDTNQ T4 NF.'.d BFAE.IN/r I.CIALL APPE,OflFNA"IE.L'I €]+ Ui SLDFE FPdF'1 FaBMEe Ltcl'^TlON, +, N?N HE,API9FI I}tI DIAGANAL DQAE A|'FNI}JCr AT sl\ME IOC,TION A" RAF?ERB tN rrsM *3, (a)-att'" gFANNTN4 at-o Dacr. ,. DATE: ARRIVE: DEPART: q/nlqe 1,,?O P, M,- SIGNED:COPY TO: t INSPECTIONWN OF CALTER WED THURIMON v uA, INSPECTION: 7,,2 REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBt.\lL) DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM 6) BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL .'--.^.'tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR '.+lrryrqF.ir.st:r.'f'tr( aI'1:nq'..'i{lrI/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -, JOB INSPECTION:MON\, i i l iri.' --. t-,'I PEtNs CTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR 1\ .l I :t-| -ff BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL -tr FOUNDATION / STEEL - O FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING -F TNSULATON _ tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr tr tr FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V- tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING N POOL / H. TUB n r-l O FINAL MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR - r-1 ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER o tr tr ROUGH CONOUIT tr FINAL O FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Rffisop PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL WED THUR FRI:'AM PM i( READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON ,\ '' r CALLER TUES {: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,__ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D trtr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ft'orsneenoveo B nerruspgcroN REeUTRED DATE ". t'INSPECTOR tt,*fr { . (- .tt-i INSPECTIONTOWN OFPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECTrl I ---l .,DATE ,t I . =/ I : JOe Il'i. t 1't) READY FOR INSPECTION:MON AM PMFRIUR LOCATION:rl I 4./ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, D ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH CONDUIT -fr' l: Y(r ( (')f f't " tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR { neenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 'A..,1 /'-r' ') INSPECTOR -..-/-) 1/)-t,/ ...'INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL DATE /Q'3 ,o, *o* PERMIT NUM READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: MON? -?.I;1: WED ,' .1",1 APPROVED /",,: )'":,PPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ER OF /^' BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICALi '" tr HEATING ROU,GH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL /-I CORRECTIONS: 7- 17 ' ,'l'- ,- x DATE INSPECTOR I ' IJJ.Ft<r6 I I I I, IFt< lv,'z t= l2 IH lo I I I I I I l- to IEioto,z .$ I cn I v z H (nlllulu- E =tuJare.l E r,lJz3 uJIFoz o qt o olt6(,t o o o.c o E (! q)Eooo E dl E =c do o o.o.(! c O) al,oo ttioooa .9.9 I'-ct' ooE6 -at;oF oE o CD .gE oo()(! E o o .2 I o o E (! aD](! D:9E6E'= O .t) g8E EEHXo=c-oef::gFE >=c96'- o.g EsE_F>g E-s500:E t) Eietq! c.=- 16ct(5 cLsEEoP oE€:E6:EF b or 6E EEE_ag -Pc(! o'- $sEEE;9(Eai:E ;Eg9Eos5g -o(! |.\ .ir c'\ !-) F\ at|ltult! ==Eu,o- J FoF E UJ zoJ g) :< UJ z uluJl!zo F uJeouJ =ltiol c,otzodl <ldl !dHl o fllzt< Zlo.1<lzl6r'l I O EEI FJol hFrlF{l outz - o3l! z trct UJoJ UJzu,l(5 =>t -E(O = lrJ 6: =aoal zz Fo- /XlEP o.nOz>-Ooozt! <(o*o-H>x rni E o-llJG z E *X z EEulF trz. Oz 'iFtroBtrOI Hz ts4 z =() IOrt\(\ t\ F\ X ato IJJ o ) = \t.irN\t I\'c'\ TIoldlFrl I I el cil gl al>lttlol fl &tl-{ E & =g tt c.lF\F\r1) If\c.l@ ,l JIH&H 14Fl tsr'1Fl.t FlL2 t4 =gtt =.1olIIJIEl JI <l>lruolzl fl oz ciuJ Ja lroz3oF ."lHI&lolzl trflol ;l (, =t! Fl E14& FH B u; =z. CD -) -rO<FEC)uJ<zf 7r,2o C) JE<oc) t- E3qEfroo t2? =<2E d6() z... llJ = *c) =J- IYbzJ<()fiffifo oz E =g, uJc z ,rPz_eoo =zf=JO.! r! :.j ? 3e =i6> --.--lOKJLILf+ t{-ll+r r-r|. k_rL--.r tr (rulo.l! IutE9E<8AE 't,e9EA =El> =r!:-E E=|, dtrE :*E U59 5u,rE XO_E ;TEu]€; UJd!o J OOzd - ?1 55d)uJ I 1rol-o(o LuF U)(oo-zo Fo-uY IIJdtoF F =xEcl (L ]l .--rlo ".1iHloFloglt<l HuJbkzo ts =E, UJo-zoF()f G,Fazo() (rE\zrE = Legal Description: Lot Filing susprvrsroN: P;!/o-3+?_trzL Ph.,/tO ZnEpcr+ll n BIock_ oruners Nane: 32C . /OI+/TE- Architect: General Description: PLIIIIIBING PERIIfT FEE: '11 - +aa I.IECHANTCAL PERMIT FEET-- ELECTRICAL FEE: OTTIER TYPE OF FEE:ITI,TI DRB FEE: VALUATION Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: oFrrcE usE ** * *** * * * ** * * *** ** * * * ** * ** * * ** * BUTLDTNG PI,AII CHECK FEE: Address: Address: Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** ** * * * * ** * *** * * * * * FOR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: twlUt,n W--t l-r_r_r_t_t_t_Cornments: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERI,IIT FEES: ./OO.ar ZONING: SIGNAITIRE: 7+ 271- 1eO worlc class: [ ]-New ld]-etteratlon [ ]-Addittonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dlelling Units:I I Nunber of Accomnodatlon Units: / ^ {pnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ Woodr/pell etJ_v Jf** * ** * ** *********** ******* ** ***** VALUATIONS ************************ ********* iurr,orue: | ? ry,- ErrcrRrcAL.l_50?O.--_ orHER: ^ BLnr.rBINGz i.f tam.- uEcHANICAr,t $_ ToTAL: wv/f,*************************** colIIRAgroR INFORMATION *********** ****************f Eeneral contractor-: ?6trc:r2 /+r+e. z'- Town of Vail Re^g. No. //g\6Addressz '7+ 28f4 t,,7r la aE# phone Number: d*r-+24Adctress: \.6.f ZF74 tftt/ 1? a ' ( phone Number: ?n-+Zq- Electrical Contrac torz frtGx& ntz Le? t=-L, town of U^r, ^"Address: tv( ///6 tnu aa Frr.rp - phone Number: kav-sT Town of VaiI Req. NO.Phone Number: -q*-tzT PIIIMBING PIAN CHECK FEE: I'MECHANTCAIJ PI.AN CHECK FEET enlL 8r zc7* rz /c a e e/(sy 75 louth trontagc road Iall, colondo 81657(303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ottlce of communlty doyclopmont BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMIIE II_l!i: pg"lit,Iequi:res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer^s (Pub1 ic works) reyiew and approva'l , a plannin!'Departmentreview'or Health Department review, anb'a_review uv-tiie duiiiing -'- Department, the estinated time tur a total review *t ti;'as l6ngas three weelts. f]t cgmngrgial (large or sma'l'r ) and ail mur ti-fami'ry permits wirlnave to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnts. Residentiall!!.':rull projects--should take a tesser amount of time. However, ifresrdentTat or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned 1:?l"irynq,with regard to necessary review, ttrese proje.li"r.yalso take the three week period. Every attempt wil] be rnale by this department to expedite thispermi't as sgon as possible. I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe, tryrre- refta,6z...--Project Name 9_ 29 Communi ty Development Departrnent. 75 soulh trontage ro.d vail. color.do 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO3 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olllce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTR,AqTORS CURRE}flTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIIETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMLNITY DEVELOPIIENT MARCH 15, L988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I4ATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, r;-k, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dunpster3, poriabre ioilets "ra---workrnen vehictes upon any streetl siaewair, ;ii;y or publicp1?9" or any portion thereof. The righr;i_;;;-;n arr Town ofVail streets and,rga-d= is approxirnateiy 5 ft. lri-pavernent.This ordinance wirl be striiiry enrorcia by the-rown of VairPubric works Department. pers6ns found vi3:.aiing this-ordiiurr""yill- be given a 24 hour writren ""ii""-t"-;;;;;".aid nareriar.rn the event the person so notified_does not "orpiy with the---notice within the 24 hour tine specitiea,--itr"-p"[iic worrsDepartment wirl remove said nateiiat -at trr" "xp""le or personl?iifi"-d: The provisions of this ordinance srrlti-not Ueapprrcabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a_way. To review Ordinance No. e inVail Building Department tocooperation on this matter. -full, please stop by the Town ofobtain a copy. Thank you for your (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 lou|h honLgo rod vall, colorado 81657 (flB) {r}213E (36) 47$2139 olffce ol conrmuntty devolopment NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OSIIIER BUIIDERS Effective June 20, t99l , the Town of Vail Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new construclionsites have adequately established proper drainage from buildingsi-tes along and. adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of VaiI Public glorks Department nill be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of VaiI roadg orstreets and tbe installation of temporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from the road or street on to the construction site.Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of VaiI Building Department for footings or temporaryel-ectrical or any other inspection. please caII 4'l 9-2160 torequest an inspection from the Public works Department. Allow aminimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department wil] be approvingall finar drainage and cul-vert installation with resuttlng roadpacching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior toFj.nal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. I ' TOW OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 1. 2. FAILI'RE Department of Comrnunity Developnent IIIFORIIAIIOf, IBEDED T|HEf, IFPLIITG TOR I IIECHNTCTL PERI{II 3. 4. IIEAT LOSS CALCI'LATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAIIN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAI DII'IENSIONS AND BTU F.ATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECITANICAL ROOM. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FI,UES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE TNSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. !O PROVIDE TTIIS If,FONUTTTO|I WU.L DEI.AI IOUR PERTIT. Riva Ril" North Condominium,o?o.tdon P.O. Box 3671 o Vail, Colorado 81658.3671 August 18r 1994 To Whom It May Concern, The Rlva Ridge North Condominium Association haEreviered the plans for the remodel of unit #615 and hasno objections to those plans. Please eall if you haveany questions. Sincerely,e;he,t%*nlcf nartermann Managing Agent Managing AgmB Burle Managemcnt Worls, Ltd. (30])926-2877 t MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTi'ENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED .TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name:Dale: I -K Please answer the questionnaire regarding the need for a'public Way permit": 1) 2) YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires ths use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or fencing? . B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained.'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained eil the Public Work's office or atCommurity Development. llyou have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construstion Inspector, at 479-218. I have read and answered allthe NO { K K. K 7 K 3) 4) s) 6) 7) Job Name '.,) g s Signdure Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: WHITE REMODEL ADDRESS: 133 VAIL RD VAIL, COI.]ORADO OCCLJPANCY: R-l DATE:8-31-94 CONTRACTOR: BAUER HOME IMP ARCHIIECT: NONE ENGINEER: NONB TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTTONS REQLIIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selec{ed sections of the codes. The following is not to be cunstrued to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC T2IO OF TTIE 1991 UBC. 2. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 3. THIS PERMIT IS COOD FOR AN INTERIOR REMODEL (KITCIIEN AND BATHROOMS) ONLY. Town of Vail OFFISI frOPY fuza-z P-zt-?y' TO: FROM: DATE: RE: itElrloRANDUil ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED 1) 2l Job Name:Date: ?-zS--fY Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way permit": YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being pertormed that requires the use of the right of way, €asements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for slaging, parking or fencing? B. ll no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lflou answered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit'must be obtained.'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained d the Public Work's offic€ or atCommurity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspector, al479-21*. I have read and answered all NO { / { { { { (\ rl\ K 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Job Name fs Signature READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: NAME rrvstcnoN REeuEsr @ THUR ----@ PM L- !'neenoveo -l CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLE TUES BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " pLywooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR B FINAL DATE INSPECTOR hrd bu rt,-/T INSPECTION REQUESTt JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 '/ /./ ',' INSPECTION: CATLER TUES .WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: , TH\: ff- /',. n i r'i (: r, FRO PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED "" r, i r I t( I4t rNSpEcroR Q F jz,-,,r[ ----, lcr'I L,c r/ 1-:.5. _ t 4 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR I SPECTION: LOCATION: [-,L)CALLER TUES ]-:l:'': - IINSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 WED THU FRI +lct* JoB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEET PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH /WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL EtE tr'l trF trC tr MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPROVED -- CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED // A/ / /,.4/ol;.e //- /{ - Tf rNsPEcroR oz tr =GUJL c4 ao U'uJuJu-tr =E IJJc tu/oz /c Frl bo!tr++ Il'. I q .Lu I I I I IIIJIF )lo 'l 'l I I I i.<iro ltE||-t(,i'Z||d UJ F t-I == zz (|dcIo EI CI 1 { 1 U 1<tlorl q 3q(rl.l I oult- z z f6 .5 zz !!)ulo =I tr IL .E .EFz o .EuJz3vE!! tl,6z ... =crvft!FI<F2as2(t< 4q1 \, -n/x <- -z- F HHv) z Fl o) o I0xuD Eq(! ,trBo|J g\t\ or ttq,o tg .EE (t 'tOtlE o (6 o! O o) E dl E = j q, o- (! =o,'t ll) c')aoE .tio o .9.9,:E-o o (g o) '= N -at 3 F q) o g) .E ()(,,(! o U' .v, =ll (! !6](! -:- q)p6E'=o.',*ioXOcio(6 =.2 n.Es E E=E O YT'c-o'- al, tzlz- o.o =pFE >=c96 EsE EEA =:E500 --E o eaetqt c.=- 6 CL6 CLFEp oP O_ =€e;o:r E.9o.!: EE E eeC(!0- t,*;E:E36>9,!a -r=EHi;8hte9EcrEEE!ocD -o(! F o\.ir .ar o^l c..{ =tu, 0zo f Yolll oz J J 9 FouJJ IJJ z J 9z (Jul = LUuJu-z Etu uJ oG to 'uJ llJ z 6ui6 F6 o-gJo z u, x ulof U>uJ trJtLt =Elljo- -J FoF z J f -) o lu u, z .o =J J oz o!u- NOrrvntv^ .l+rl o1 AJ otl tloA (.,| x.lJd F{-t(B F>ttr YE =zz!- tr ^ 6zq 5 >esP of, @o(tsZ!C) ^ t, tA<JzXrL<oq duJ tii5 s dN(J >E -r z tr l! cco f,oE llJo- F E o- (E z E o q )3-z F- oau.lF ;uJz tlII L I Lzlz9a<oo< > iii>ERu6o<z Fz >= -Fdo3trOI llJl cr ulz (JrF c t- z F 5az l 5 F il -l zl zl .>l uJollJ uJzo =tu.l -2 E o I lr I -io c) lutU)d)o-z F(L UJY uJooF F clu "n-olL o'l I b eloxlI Ellu iF\Jzo z r^= =< =z O- t! z._anF lD r! ==uto-q-olu()z oLoF 9 JFllt -h=f(ro- uJ:o-O|!9o\luAO-x>UFJ! IJJlooF o Ecloo Ett .E J E EI ].O l=6>Fl=E -6=at:q,:! E =E, UJo-zIF(JfE azo C) Dntrlld-o JFI<r{Odz>(.n -: UJ = Iltl+l +ltlI' {"r\zF \-i:\ r,tr z qr o0 .Fl .11ot Iololo!<l ^l Cl F-ol \o()l (n Ioi xoot O!l Fq *l ttadl gl>lt EEl 3ul<Hial = 1..F-coC\ I\o C-l+ @rn\o @ F{.r{ rd F c) =G uJ o J = F o J4tr E n =ctr z .'i u, J r|. z3 F\ rn \o F\$ =tr oz.; H z3oF =c G =.1(9 uJl 5 tLoz3oF or!t t!oz39=tr =Etr z,; ul I ILoz3 F uJ UJ ls INUJ I tE-llz Itcoltolt-) | I -ft TUz = uJE?() <F(r(J I.LJ <zElIJ F-(rz )E<o()F l.-<iiEXF-,2EOI E2? c3fFd6 C) 6p =2-: ^zY,Z =g l-Eir b2 )<()anlo 8nn \'! Futr.,olte; g3oo0.o0 PLI'MBING: TOI{N OF VAIT CONSTRUC1ION ,""'- ob,b . APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPI,ETEIJY OR IT !,TAY NOT BE ACCEPTED, I** ****************** ** ******** PER!{IT fNFORMATION *****************************,l-6x1-auilding [ ]-Plurnbing [ ]-Electrlcal [ ]-Mechanical I l-other Job Nane: Riva Ridge North Job Address: 133 Vail Road Legal DescrLption: Lot-p Block_,_6 riftng_Iirs'9 Owners Name: Condo Assn. :' Address: P.O. Box 3671, Vail p5.926-2877 Architect:Address:Ph. ceneral Descriptiqn3 Drywall attiq per VFD request v work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional I J-Repair lx]-Othel Number of Dwelling Units: 10 Number of Accomnodation Units: M.rrnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Apptiances_ cas Logs_ Wood/Pelletj0vIr********************************* VALUATIONS * **** ** * * *** **** ***************** 't ""*ll*3:"!i?ti5?" Tftu t'rav 1 4lees EI,ECTRICAL: I.!ECHANTCAL: OTHER: ToTAL: -SIOUOTr- t*************************** CoNTRACTORt Drytnaiil contractor: ...!I@gal'aitE: - Electrical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanl.cal Contractor: Address: *********** ****** **** *********** FOR OFFICE USE ** * ***** ****** * ****** *** ******* BUUJDING PERMIT FEE: 7', dO BUII'DING PIAI.I CTIECK FEE: 47, Od PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAI. PER}TIT FEE: ELECTRICAI, FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: PLT'MBING PIAN CHECK FEE: I.TECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT! CLEAN I'P I}EPOSIT REPTT}ID !O:ni.rQ6u" North condo Assn. 5l t -QTYPEBUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAI.T'RE! o 75 3outh frontaEc road u.ll. color.do 61657 (303) 479-21_38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROlit: DATE: SURTECT: ofllcc ol communlty deYclopmcnl ALL COTflTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOWN OF VAIL TO!|N OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMLNITY DEVETSPMENT ltARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAIJ STORAGE rn surnmary, _ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash dumpsters, portable toileti andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicp1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on ali Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinateiy 5 ft. 6ff paveroent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of vailPyllic works Departrnent. persons found viotating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the pultic WorksDepartment will remove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snlft not beapplS-cable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. ttrank you for yourcooperation on this roatter. Reld and acknowledged by: Y PNk bUf''*rr^---- I 'l lnwn ?5 roulh fronl,rgo rc.d Ell, colorrdo 8105?(3o3) 479-2138 or 479-2139 ottlca of comnunlty do.lopmant If thi.s pen1it.lgquJ.res a Town of Vail Flre Departnent Approva't,Engineef 's..(.Pgbl i9 tlorks) reyiery and approval,- a planni n!' DepartmentreviEw or Health Departnent revi'ew, and a review by the EuilbingDepartnent, the esti.nated time for a total review iray take as l6ngas three weeRs. Al I corsnercial (.1 arge or smal I ) and al 'l mu'l ti -fami'ly permi ts wi 1 Ihave tq frllow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnts. Residentialand.small projects_should take a lesser ancunt of time. However, ifresr'.dential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments. wi.th regard to necessary review, these proJects maya'lso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this departnent to expedite thlspermlt as sgon as possib'l e. BUILDING PERfiIT ISSUANCE TII4E FRAME undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeI, the frame, Communi ty Devel op,ment Department. Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: RIVA RIDCE N ADDRESS: 133 VAIL RD VAIL, COLORADO OCCLJPANCY: R-l DATE:5-17-93 CONTRACTOR: MORKEN ARCHIIECT: NONE ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQLIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinancre of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2.5/8 TYPED X DRYWALL REQUTRED. 3. ALL PENETRATIONS IN FLOORS,CEILINGS, AND WALLS TO BE SEALED WTITI AN APPROVED FIRE RATED MATERIAL. 4. FIELD INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 5. DRYER VENT TO BE VENTED TO OUTSIDE OF TI{E BUILDING. ,JG"roN REeuEsrbns{peRMrr NUMBER or pnoJEET- D^rE .2-/./-qy' JoB NAME TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:")MqN,L WED THUR FRI / BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr' D , I ^ ^tl 4.r 1-----t-(flruRl /L'0/{(."/./14./,/r,.t-/ trFTNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR 0_ D FINAL O FINAL \PPFOVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED .,^'/ D^re ,7'{/ -:ry rNsPEcroR I oz E =Gulo- \o .J) UJ UJtL ==E TJ,J '. {'/i(asY, I <\ I Jro (! +,u) d uJ Eo C) l!lJ- 0z tllF Iz o zz ar, uJF 2oz ! (D.t ozzo o E .9 CLo.(! j-(Dc o ti (u .:z' ;ig$9Uh; :.q n€ EEE: E UP:Oc-o> sHsE =st;c9cF.l 05 o, B 6;.5 E E-s;:€35o-- O OE ll-F EIsec! (o cL-SE; eo!E-ors*e€96(ud :EE g Es i5- o-.!, o -- c l(g0'-!t= o (' E't; f E E;; tEEe iEie9rEol -eSgg - () (6: .iI cn(\o (r) F =euJ z J o Y u,- z C) Fo JuJ zo a ouJ = uJuJl!z tr IJJ UJ E iuJ UJ z 6u,o o-UJ fz uJJo x F uJo (t uJulll- ==EIJJo- J oF z J 9 FouJ tr z co = d J C)z uJ = NOtrvn'lvA T' d I 'rto Y;I = )'i = =*^;tr ^ 6z-X: ZY.c I o f,9u, O (! r-l1 > !?dI o ili.o\JZX* S le.r,JiH 6 go> o =>F O io;n.i5E >04 ootr {JX (H z tr {Lr- cc f E tt F ao- |J.1 z E +) z tr Eu.tf- =UJz tzfz <oo< =F8o<z Lz Oz do3 rrJOI tltl+ iin-ll I*-I t9 l5l3 lJli l qJz o-F ulo- F z F 5az E,F o - o JI<t F-l zl zl .. >lo UJouJllJzoF (r uJo- J z E I ! I t--O CO lllF U)dtoazoFo-lrJ!a LrJdl oFF (E c^uJ o\(L oru- -lo.l)- F-lhNle>lL' OlrEl UuJbkzo z,n9 =< =z O- rJ- =aoh ffcD ut Frn14 l L,J tr uJo. ouloz oIo I(rc JFlrJ -h= o.- Lu =rLOl!9o\ulxo-x>EF =tr uJo F o Eo' -9o o! .:ct E E 8 J\o Gt!>E =E=t:o:! t V E =E,lrlo-zoF C) -E,Fazo(J t Fr Fa oz I I |-J'.r{\tatitq r$lfll(!t?|"1 tz =tr L t\ IH I El l-{lIAItt Wl' I IluJt=l<lz [ -') No uJ =z FI Fq o! bt..{t{ ttl ra CN ou, oo J = (\\o I ol(! tro P o Fo g uJeoo ) ouJ t!oz39 g. ll- z tti ul Ja lt z =oF tlo{Jo lr +J ol r-l U)eZts =G BI lslol=.tolull:lal>lt!lolzl=loIF (\l C.l IF\ .if I(.)a! uJt- .iz r; ulE .J oz; F =tr z dultr Eoz3 F ul utF - UJz = F uJEI <FEOLu<2E(rz J -tr llJ - t i{ z E2? =<>E d. zo o =r UJ = t ; z E thg=+eOz tlJ =it U'r.lJouJ) !tr aD 7Q' Appr,rcArroN lrusr BE Frr,r.,ED our coM$t$%$g[ 2"ll??l *" Nor BE AccEprED-t f, * * * * * * *... zEx. M)i$tx%;ryr mFoRr'rAr*" :J 7.2.[ ]-BuiI Job Name: Legal Description: Lot TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLICATION FORMDATE:- Oluners Name: Architect: Address: 35tS Address: ceneral Descrfption: I{ork Classr [ ]-New @ota"ration I l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ] Nunber of Dwelling Unlts;Nudber of Accommodation Units: 1 **** Pn.4+{'/62{ pbfr6 -K3-t t{Unber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancesv ,f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ********************************* OTHER: TOTAL: 23.a€) ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: Electrical Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******* ****** ** ***************** FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLI'I.IBING PERMIT FEE: @I.IECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: - EI,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: ll I t) ttflL | ('l l_l_l i-t-t-t-lCornnents: lunbing Contractor: c. Town of Vail Reg.ddress: 4891 REbb St. lLJheatRidqe.C0. EBUJI Phone Number:(f0l) cToR INFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t-*Hfr*. Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFICE USE * ******* ********* ** ************ BUII,DTNG PI,AN CHECK F8E: PLT'MBING PIJI,N CHECK FEE: T'IECHANICAL PIAN CITECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: BUILDTNGs STGNATTJRE: ZONING: SIGNATT]RE: CLEA}I I'P IIEPOSIT REFIIND TO:^ nn n-f1g "Wtr*|ry %,We*> @ftv^tt,-*tA ',i'= ?5 aoulh ftontaga rold Y|ll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 to: FRO}T: DATE: SURTEET: oftlc. of communlty dcvclopmcnl AI,L CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED }TITTT IITE TOWN OF VAIL TOIVN OF VAIL PUBLIC !{ORKS/COMUI NITY DEVEIpPIIENT l,tARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqIION PARKING & !,TATERIAL STOR.AGE rn sunmary, -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trash dunpsteri, portable ioileti andworknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpl?ge or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way on afi Town ofVaiI streets and-1oads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance will be stri-Lry enforcld by the Toin of VailPubric !{orks Departnent. persons found vioratins this ordinancewilr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specJ.fied, the zuLfic WorksDepartment will remove said materiar at the expense of peraonnotified. fhe provlsions of this ordinance sfritt not beapplicable to construction, uraintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in f,ull, please stop by the Town ofvail Bui]ding Departroent to obtain i copy. rnani< you for yourcooperation on this matter. d and acknowledged by: (i.e. contractor, owner) ?5 .outh frontrgG rold rrll, color.do 81657(303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 ofllcr of communlty druclopmcnt !f thi.s peryr,1t requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval, Engi neer's..(.PgUt iq Wopks ) reyiew and approval,' a pl ann.i n!' Oeparinentreview or Health Department review, and a review by the BuiliingDepartment, the esti.mated tine for a total review inay take as longas three weel(9. A1'l corrnercia'l ('large or small ) and all mu1ti-family permits w.illhave tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and-smal I projects should take a 'l esser amount of time. However, iffesidential or smal'l er projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as s,gon as possibl e. BUILDING PERT.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE under5igned, understand the plan check procedure and timeI,. the ftame. {F Comnuni ty Devel opment Department. 6 UJuJt! ts =EIIJI : tegPWIB'lv I l." t3 I I I I, rEcIFl2z l= lg .if Or IN I.ir a tsaJ) 2 EoF() EF2oo CEo IEt|Jz3o tto ulElF F F trl A z rrlr-l o o-co Eg (E o oo Er .g =dt F o =cl do o o, 6 '.o E c.9oott ttotto(, oc6a H\q\ _att,g 'oF o o o) .g E (J C)o Efo o .9E I o o o (! o '(o o Go c6oo. Hct € oc; F 5o. Eoo o (0 c! o o,o (6 c .9(! E ;E t.=i io, o() o Eo)o -() E o() .2o E'3 ct0, oat c .9 (U E o .goE 6 (tE o $oE 6ig CL Io (D (U Jooa!cqtoog Eo() E E d Eco qt E o o J .5 oog io o .() CLo.o .2E o6 E {t o-c 6E oOto -9;o J()6 -o6' c,c O'tnea E =tru,A0zo = (n uJ UJl! ts =E,uJo- J FoF H 5 H EI zllrll -tt-{lvl Yto3IIozIF Etllu J UJzll,l0 =>E -tl'r =lOGl zz Fo- 4:<5'rF6 at (,6ba)zr!<oqH{iE -i$i z E t< zotr EUJ J =UJz 2oF oz 2.. 9z ..: Fd636OI I H E fl a Jtt) ; (,z J t.|- ao I -l I 5 < € = HH F4 Fl z>lts ui =zc!o:r llIFl Ilo It>lt14 |lFl Itzltflll-lFll -r I<t-t IAl\o IZl c"l IFt dItu ";l HFI CT,.J < 33 \'\fc!.v Io\.if c{|.\r\Ll IF\e.l€ I\ot/.) o2,i uJ!c Je ttoz3oF F.] F FlFl Ff =e ll- o\r'.F. I s J4H E;fFf a fr .iz (9 uJ J ltoz3oF oz (, uJ.E J l!oz3ot- t-E ir tsF-o2 C) E-rO<FEq)ru<zG.urF(qZo C) (9z co =Jo oz E =c,uJo- zo9 =e60 =z3F =frE trnD ==Eulo.t!oEqE<al€ve9t,Lbe5EE i=E FEE =*E 659 trurE Xo-E ;tE11€= ut @oF rI-EE crt-:t(0(o UJE U).oo-zoFo-utY uiooF E*xd3bJ) -rlo-lO '11oplr?l H!ubkzo ts =E UJo-zIF(JfE,, zo(J JulU'E .EoE$tgg\ EBE€a $ i€*EN gEFEN eia;td ; geg€ iEEgg36 O.-: -t= o (,' E gsE€5 iBiig fi =od t! llJ6z.---Eofu,Ftr<t- 6so< i?tt I zI 6 .l'q) ; UJo Gfoco (Jz o.J.(J (J .rl = zo ctDE tu,zoC)lt-o H G u, J zo zo UJFJ 'uJz al(Se(, =l! Nd R :TJ NS\( N Fii =z .oq qE N '.^\ \\ $o 6 ^{\ $.\ N N \r-\9fo ciz ctulE ll.qz il se I(l \\ \{r cjz ot!EJ ttoz3lo g"g 3Ed5(J ,\ \\ c;z E =Gu,A xC'\ ! Do)I 2) Luc uo) _a tsEEuL zoPz4dto =z]DdP no o6 =e, 3s fi]fi 0EgE<ct€uIP;EgE::>F dbE EE* i.-i 8bP HtnE 3EFT1rE lrJ.ooF ts =E1rlo-zoFofGF CNzo(J z ollj =tr IEI -a a:\it e 't 75 soulh trontage road vail. colorado 81557 l3o3l 479-2L.38 or 479-2t39 ottlca of communlly development TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITIT THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAII, PUBLIC WORKS/COlnrruNITy DEVELOPIIENT MARCI| 15, 1988 i CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unr.awful for anyperson to Litter, track. or deposit. any soil, to"r., sand, debrisor material , including trash &urnpsteri, poriuuie'toirets andworknen vehicles. upon. any streetl siaewaiil -;it;y or publicp1?9. or any portion rheleof. *re rishr-"i-;;t-;n aII Town ofVail streets and.:g"g" is approxirnately S ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wirr. be strilliy--enrorced by the Town of vai].Public works DeDartnent. pers'oni found viltating this ordinancerill. be siven a 24 hour written i"ii.J"-t"-;;;;;t""id mareriar.rn the event the person so notified d,oes not colnply with thenorice within the 24 hour.time-speciii;;,"in.-iiifiiic r{orksDepartment wilr renove said matei:..r it tr,"--""p."se of personnotified. The provisions of thii-oiai""""" ;ffiii not beappricabre to cinstrn"tion,-ruiil.nunce or repair projects ofany street or attey or any utilities in itre-rlfii_"_r.y. To review ordinance No. 6 in full,Vail Building Departrnent to obtaincooperation on this roatter. please stop bya copy. Thank the Town ofyou for your PositionTReI (i.e. contractor, owner) -'**--..*f ooRirza Ridge North Condominium Association P.O. Box 3671 r Vail, Colorado 81658-3671 Aprll 10, 1994 To Whom It May Concern, The Rlva Ridge North Condoniniun Association has re-vieved the plans for the remodeling of unit #610 (Dr.Tyndalrs) and no objectione to those plans. please callif you have any questions. Sincerel Rick Haltermann Managing Agent Managing Agent Burke Managemcnt Worls, Ltd. Qor926-28?? PIan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: TYNDAL REMODEL DATE: +12-94 ADDRESS: 133 WILLOW RD CONTRACTOR: BAIJER HOME IMP VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCI.JPANCY: R-l ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQ{JIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirernents in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the cpdes. The following is not io be ctnstrued to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted crdes or any ordinancc of the Town of Vait. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQI'IRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC I21O OF TI{E l99I IJBC. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQI]IRED BY TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. VENTILATION REQ1IIRED FOR BATHROOM AS PER SEC.12O5 OF TI{E 1991 IJBC. 4. THIS PERMIT IS FOR AN INTERIOR REMODEL OF KITCTIEN AND BATHROOMS ONLY. 5. FIRE DSPARTNGNT APPROVAL IS REQI]IRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Torryn oi \tn:ii OFFif:il i,i,itJi' rN#CTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL60/3 NAME REAOY FOR INSPECTION: LocArloN: laS l//i 572F 479-2138 ,i,/r,/s b/C il/.k4/1 hB BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING {roro" ,fu't la" = J6L tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR B FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE /., INSPECTOR +( (: Y i-.-{-VI Ct-r41=CF ..r --/\-tilg;t*o$, REeuEsr- ,..t --/\ : TL PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: 479-2138 NAME MON CALTER TUES WED HUR J FRI lr| -_l (| BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. daoucx / wArERO FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL 0 tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL IPPtrOVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 4- ,X ir 'ry'_ INSPECTOR t/ r. l. tl'^\ I Lr t ---' P wi )l ('(' i ' .ril"roN REeuEsr'l-1- t-'1 '^'1,t'lll rowN oF vArL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES 479-2138 'F+rl( i NAME MON l t 't ) i.rfT oor. . i .: l/ .i : toa BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER B HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS: oo* G' 3u 'l / rNSpEcroR l/,, -, ./+'. (- T NUMBER OF PROJECT ,"ril"rroN REeuEsr .TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ili2bttt PERMI DATE 6-zB READY FOR INSPECTION: wn,fl firctral THUR FRI JOB NAME MON CATLER TUES oeaTtoN.(,,/n- ilrri /h,* //o,r/r/.* ;27 5772-* BUILDING: o r$orrrucs / srEEL PLUMBING: U FOUNDATION / STEEI- N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr D tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL o o D FINAL O FINAT ELECTRICALT B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT r'l tr SUPPLY AIR E- Y rrrunl O FINAL /RppRoveD tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: / r7-l.sslE ('Z)-77 tNspEcTOR T NUMBER OF PROJECT ,rsil"noN REeuESr i. TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 / t l;tI .\ t ^ ./.L. ''LI_,, t{ t \.-, PERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: /fiLL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT'tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL ED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED r - A.l| ^* / 44UDATE tll c / 1 INSPECTOR n'I Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL tP Category Nurb"r' 1.9 Date Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecU0ontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot - Block zone Districttlbf\tf Project Street Ad ar"""' 113 Comments: --.': **--/Board) statt Action\t*-"/ Vote: f-'' - ()Motion by:Ir P+-,1 1y-, Seconded by: 'r''-) . t;(tt r frr'v-al \"Approvat n Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: i 1( i't i , ' i. t t,L) r.. -r ,:r i+ 'r Town Planner o","' ,t \ t-r lr\5 DRB Fee pre-paid +7.O f i t. t.'E.er.d,7/r.le. ,.- -:;' Ai.\i ? jr, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPI.IICATTON ' TOWN OF VAIL, COT.,ONAOO ''i;-'1 I. A. D. ace norlhvest, stairs to malch erfsolorado B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New construction (9200.00) x Minor Arterat.ion ($20.00)Addirion ($50.00) conceprual Review igot . DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: B iigS tl***tt*tt* *rl*rl****** DESCRIPTION: 1) Install 146 cedar casin around all r,rindowsor open].ncis(parnt to match ex16t1n nstalqrge windows, color sam es enc ose Il0 r EO ADDRESS: LEGAL, DESCRIPTION: Lot Sj.x _ Blocksubdivision vail vi.rraFffinilincl If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescripti.on,.please provide on a separate sheet ana attachto this application. 51X E. F. ZONTNG: NAME OF APPLICANT: 1 Road Association I. ,1 . - vai1. Co Phone 926-2877 DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid at theLime of submitLal .of the DRB applilation. LiLer, whenapprying for a buirding permit,-plbase identify Lhe accuratevaruation of the proposar. The town of vair. will adjust thefee according to the lable below, to ensure the correct, feeis paid /Lu" l[/^"- Cr^r" VAIJUATION n ih i .\ .\/\,\v g rv, tf uv NAME OF APPLICANT,S REPRESENTATTVE: Riclc HalTerniannMailing Addr eSS: crin6 phone NAME qF OhTNER(S):Riva Ridqe North Condominium Association Mailing Address: same Phone APPLICATTONS WTLL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT O'{IIIER'S SIGNTE?UR.E Condominium Approval if applicable. FEE SCHEDULE: |h.P $ 10,001 - $ s0,000$ s0, 001 - $ 1s0, 000 $1s0, 001 - $ s00, 000$500,001 91,000,000$ Over $l', 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI EXPIRES APPROVAIJ T'NI.|ESS A BUTIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. FEE ip /,v ' u t-r $ s0.00 $100. 00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 O}IE YTAR AFTER FTNAIJ ISSUED AIVD CONSTRUCTION fulot ' @,/ ,Wrd ta gl'n ttlr,r's II. PRE-APPIJICATION IrlEETfNc3 A pre-applicacion meeting wit,h asEaff is encouraged to determine III. application infoimat,ion- is needed. rr is ifre-ippiicanr, s VQcr*rresponsibility to make bn appoincment with the ilaff to I determine if Lhere are addit,ional- submiE,tar reguirement,s. f-lr,Please nole thaL a COMPLETE application wil-l streamline the >6JVV'ireview process for your projecu. I In-addit.j-on .to meeting .submittal reguirements, theapplicant mus! stake and tape the projecc site toindicaLe property lines, buitding lines and buildingcorners. Alt Erees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be completed piior to theDRB siLe visit. The applicant must ensure thaE stakingdone during the wint,er is not buried by snow. The revier^r process for NEVJ BUIIJDINGS normally requirestvro separate meeLings of the Design Review Board:.aconcepEual review and a final review. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have t,heir it.ems removed from the DRBagenda until- such time as the item has beenrepublished. The following iLems may, at the discretion of thezoning adminisLraLor, be approved by the CommunityDevelopment. DepartmerjL sLaff (i.e. a forrnal hearingbef ore t.he DRB may noL be required) : a. Windows, skyl.ight.s and similar exterioJ changeswhich do not alter the exist.ing plane of Lhebuilding; and b. Building addit.ions not visible from any other lotor public space. At Ehe t.ime such a pioposal is' submiEted, applicants must include tetteis frornadjaceni property owners and/or fron the agenL foror manager of any adjacent condominium associaLionstaLing Lhe association approves of Lhe addition. If a property is locaLed in a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfaII, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, et.c.), a hazard study must be submiLLed andthe owner musc sign an affidavit recognizing che hazardreport prior to Ehe issuance of a buiiding ierrnit.Applicants are encouraged to check hrith a-town pLannerprio-r to DRB applicacion t.o det,ermine the relat.ionshipof the property bo all mapped hazards. For aII residenLiaL construction: a. CIearIy indicat.e on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; and b. IndicaLe wit.h a dashed line on the sibe plan afour fooe disLance from Ehe ext,erior tacl oi tnebuilding walls or supporLing columns. If PEB approves the applicaLion wiLh conditions ormodifications. all conditions of approval must beaddressed prior ro the application- ior a Uui.iainepermit. +-'t .1WV IYG member of the planningif any addit,ional +-o A. B. c. n E. G. TON'NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:, 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us Project Name: Schuster-Baum Residence DRB l{umber: DR8010393 Protect Description: Window addition Pafticipants: OWNER SCHUSIE& SHARLENE 11/19/2001 Phone: 75 CHERRY ST DENVER CO 80220 License: APPUCANT Nedbo Crnstruction LLll9l200l Phone: 845-1001 POB 3419 Vail, CO 81658 License: Project Address: 133 WILLOW PL VAIL Locauon: Riva Ridge North Unit 500 Legal Description: Lot:6 Block: Subdivision: RIVA RIDGE CHALETS NORTH Parcel Number: 210108214001 Comments! BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:vote: Date of Approval= lIl2Ol200l CondiUons: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005127 Window must be same size and shape as window above, must be equally spaced. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: f20.OO I0f.0l(}lil/) 0i,4ti ilRTlTOilES | 001 i':''''rJ ' ''.I.'j:';r'';; f '{' j v 'r-ql.F'] Crll $o Plennin3 S'retrar 479-2 lltonr ? r rltsi appltcntion ir tbr rrnv nrojtut roguiring D:srgrr llcvrcw ,rpJ:rovnl, Any FolDgt rcqgiring dcrrgn revrcw mufitreceivs DcstlJ;n n"vierr gDProyc' pnor ro suunrltti'ng filr ri burrrJing pcrmrr. [,rr rTrccific rntrornEDo,, euc trrc rubl Edt'cquitsnlc'is tbr lhc naniQ'it rffvov trar ;s rcq,i.rai. :it,"...pptioirtio,r carnor tu arcFcrr rurtil cll rh! requircdinformqriotlisvubmitlcd' Thcpiqlcun'tv"rr"^J.Jri'icrcvicwcrtbythsTowncounc.il'urdrorrhcplanniugard IlilffiT:'j*,ili1lillT;uolilll*:irl:nl;ilr'*'r o'pr'',.,". i..i''ffii.r xprrovr, u,cl i- IOTN0TYAII,APPLIC"ITION F'OR DNSICN RSVIEW APPROVAI, Iilj$r.cJilHJ#P;nl.e,l133l:1sl1l:li?,rpirovnr, Any polgl loquiring d*rsr reviow munr .{. I)ESCRIFTIO\Ot,-.I'HEREQUESI.; l) F B.r,OcA1' loN 0f PROIlosAt_:LOT:_- 8LOC.K:_ t tLINc: PI{YSltaL ADDRESST PARcjnL *, AJalQYALful(conrlcr Erslc co, ZONINC: Asrss.qors Ofiicc irt 970-32t-t4640 lirr lw0st t) \IA ILINC i\T) CItIE.SS : () rvn* oR (8 ) 6 I CNA'[ U R E (S) : NAMti OF AFpLICANTT NAME OF O$".INR(S): -,t74F U, tl ConllnrCtion Ol a nctr brrildirrg. Inchtdcs any atkiirion whorc squilr! fdn14gs rS rfldOd f0 any rssidordal oroomrnqcial building. Inchtdc* rrrin0r qha rglr to trrrilclingn rull rite irnprovct rnl,ir su(n ns,rcrtxrfilrg, pninring, wrndow iuftiruiurs. lutdrcupinB. tgrr:er and rctaining wirllN, rtc. DRD lo,t $rc t0 bo paid 0t ttrc ritnc ef subnrin.r. r-qtcr, whcn applyi,g lbr a huirding pcnnrf, Flcssri rdfidryrhc Scctratc vtuushtrn olthq llrojcur. Tha Jbwn ,rlvlri witl arljrr.sirhJrco ,**"io,tg re thc prejeg,l vi uarsr. pI'EAsn suBllllr rHts APPLICA'I'10N, ALL suBMITTAL REeuInpMENl's AND THE FEE To.r.rfEDn'ARTI''EN'oF coMMUNlry Df,vEt opMr:N'r, zi sou,rn r,nnxtecu no,ro,vAtt. coLORAD(, tt657. MAII-INC.4"DDRESS: O Ncw Conrtr||cfi,rr - fl00tr Addiflon. SS0 FGrno. tlterodoo. $t0 PllOliFr rL/lt/z0O! 1J:ll :/b4lb5UAJ.rt PTARMIGAN MANAGffNT PAGE 8), RIVA RIDGE NORTH CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 133 VAIL ROAD vAtL, co.81657 To: Town of Vail Building Department Novembsr 16. 2001 The intent of this letter is to inform the TOV Buitding Department that sharlene Baum the owner of Riva Ridge North unit 6o0 has permission from the Association to remodel her condominium. The Riva Ridge North Board of Direc,tors approved a construction policy, yyhich governs work in the building several years ago that Nedbo Construclion the contractor must follow. Torn Saalfeld Riva Ridge North Property Manager 0!D irpuSuc x^Ttoiar ilTtE ttsuiArcE cotpAry A 5t0el Contsry d00 Setood Awnut South. ltirr.tpohj. Mih\tto0 5Si7l (6t?l 37t nt, '.J.,tii, ,l 4.1 ,1. t ". .. ,-.Si at t' SUBJTCT T() I||I EXCLUSi(}NS FROM CI]VERAG€, THE EXCTPTIONS FROM COVEBAGT COII./TAIN€[] INSCHiOUI.i 8 AND THT CONOITIONS ANO STIPUTAIIONS 010 REpUBl,lC NATIONAL IIIII INSURANCt C0MpAl,ly, o Minnesou cgrporsrion. herein called rhe Company, lli'f;|;,il iiH:rl ;1-t shown in schedrrre A egainst loss or drme se, nor sxcaedins rhe Anounr or insu,an* srared in schedure A, susuinsd 0r incuned by L Titla to tha lsuls or inreresr dascribsd in Schrdute A being ves*d orher rhan as slared rhgr'in;2. Any defect in or ljsn or encumbrsnce on rhg rirls;3, Ur)mrrteubility of the ride,4. Lrct of 0 righr 0f sccsss lo rnd from ths Isnd. Tho Company will slso pay lho costs. puorneys fees and axpensas incunad in doiensl ol lhe tille. ts insufed. bul only to ths arrenl provided in theCondirions and Stipularions. '.,'.l,l'!.WlTNtSSWHt8t0F.lh€sid0|d8opub|icNttrona|TitlelnsurlnceCompanyhascausedit$c0rp0leautnorr4d ofltcers es of the dats shown in schedule A ths poiicy to be valid when counurrigned oy li lrrnor,zeo olficer or aganr of rhe cgmprny TXCTUSIONS TROM COVTRAGT The iollowing rn,n'rs.Bre erpressry orcrudsd trom the coverrge of rhis porrcy End ths c'mprny wifl nor pay r0s$ 0r damags. cosls, a[orr]gy$. reqs orerperses which arjss hy rgoson of,l {sl Any lew, ordinence or govarnmenral rslatino t0 (il tht occupancy uss 0r 8nl0ym0nt of (he lsnd; 1ii1rhe character, dimanrc* or. torrr,on oiupy imprpvemenrnoworhersr srsrocred on rhehnd, {iiiJ asaparation in owngrship or a change in the drmonsions or eres o'f rhe land or any parcel oJ wtrich the land,s o, *r, a pen, or {iv} snvironfnantar prorectr0r. 0r thseflsct tf any violotion of thesa lows, ordinances 9r govemmenml regulslions. sxcspt to the sxtgnr thal a nolice of rhe enforcemanr rhgrsoi or r norice ol s dsfe::,trsn 0r En;umbronce nsulting from c viohton 0r sllogsd violalion allecring rha land has bssn rscordsd in the public records dl 0!tB o{ pollcy{b) Any govsmmenrat poljcs powsr not srcluded by {oJ olove. oxcepr to lhe snenr that a notjcs oi thi rrerclse (hersof 0r e norice of I defsst, ltgi 0fsilcumbr8nce tesuhing ltom a violltion or sllegod violslron aflacrinp the land has beon ncorded in tne pubtie records il 0;;;; ;,;;-2 Fight$ 0t sminsn( d0main unlsss notict ol lhe exarcisg thsroof has basn rgcorded in tho publip fecods 01 DatB of policy, but not ercluding iron covsrngsanv tiking whith hss oceufi8d pnot to Oatt 9f Polhy which would br binding on ths nghh oi u pu,ct'eier for value wir'hour kroweage. '3 De{sct6, liens. ancumbrences. edverse claims. 0r o(her msnors,lel cfsslrd. suffsrrd. assumad or agreed lo by the insumd claimanr, {b) not knoqn tq the compsny, not rscordod in the public trcords ar Orts of Poiicy. bur known ro the insurad claimanr end nol disciosed in wntrng !o rhgComprny by tha rnsured claimant prior t0 the d6te rhg insursd claimant bscama an insured undsr lhrs ?olicy,{c) rosuhing in n0 los$ 0r dsmsgs l0 rhs insutsd cloimsnlj {dl aneching or cmt'red sub$rquenr ro Dars of potjcy; gr {ei resuhing in loss or damago which woutd nor havs bssn suyrinsd jf thr insured clsimsnl had paid value for lhs sslSte 0f interesr insursd by tnrs pchgy4 Any chim, whrch orisgs out of tha lransactr0n vgsting in the Insund the sslate or inrsrsst jnsurod by thrs policy. by r8ason of (hg openlron of federolbankruptcy, slrrr Insoivency. or similar crrdirors dghrs laws, rhat js based on, iil ths lBns0ction greeting the sslrl€ 0f r0tortst insutgd by this policy being dssmsd a haudltenr con.rgyancg or frsvdulenr rnnsler, 0r{ii) ths trrnslclion crea ng tha sstrtr ot inlerls( rnsured by this policy being deemad r praferenriar rrsnster srcopt where rhe prelsBnrirl rrsnsfgr resurts lfcm thetsilu€, l!l l9 rrmelV record ih€ iflsIlJmonl of (ransferr or{bl of such rscordcuon to rmps( norice l0 a purch0ssr fer vglue or r judgemenr or lien cruditor lssued rhnalh the ?flhe of, IAND TITTE GUAR,ANTEE COA4PANYlO8 9o. Frontrgr Rd. Wot. Suifr 2O!P. O. lox 357Vril, CO 81658(so3) 476.2251 Jl ., Jil,t+n Q *frfutt+ llt6otitad 9cnalorr 0y i't ?!{ ; o oRT owners Form 402 Polrcy No. sv2149]-L2 Order No. v22779 Anount $245, O0o. oo SCHEDULE A Address 1. Policy Date: January L1, 1994 at 5:o0 P.M. 2. Nane of rn6ured: SHARLENE SCHUSTER 3. The estate or interest in the land dascribed in this Schedul-e and whlch ls covered by this policy is: A Fee sirnple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered by this poJ.icy at the date hereo( is vested in: SHARLENE SCHUSTER I S. The Land referred to in this policy is situated in EAGLE ,' county , Colorado, and is described as f olJ,ows : coNDor,lrNILDt UNIT 1, RM RIDGE (NORTH) CHALETS CONDOIIINIUIi{ ACCORDING TO T}IE CONDO}IINIUI'I MAP TTIEREOF, RECORDED JANUARY 6, Lg6g I IN BOOK 21,4 AT PAGE 425, AND AS DEPTNED IN THE CONDOMINTUM DECLARATION RECORDED JANUARY 6, 1969, IN BOOK 2]-4 AT PAGE 424, AND THE FIRST AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED FEBRUARY 25, 1969 IN BOOK 214 AT PAGB 683, AND SECOND AITIENDMENT THEREOF RECORDED SEPTEI{BER 20, ].974 IN BOOK 235 AT PAGE 557, COUNIY oF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO' Page r fhis Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached' iitt.,f i..v*' tif; {)Rf Owner Form 402 Order No. V2Z77gt:t ,.HEDULE B Policy No. SvzL4gII2 rfis-p9Ji.cy does not insure against loss or dqrnage by reason ofthe following: l. Right* or claims of parties in possession not snLwn by thepublrc records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the publicrecordE, 3. Dlscrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area,encroachmepts, arld any facte which a carrect survey andinspection ef the prernj.ses would disclose ancl which are notshown by the publ ic records. .,. 4. Any liehr or right to a l-ien, for services, labor, or:. naterj.al theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law.' and not shown by the public records. 5. 1994 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THETREASURERS OFFICE. 6. LIENS FOR UNPATD WATER AND SEWER CHA.RGES, IF ANY. 7. RIGHT OF PROPRTETOR OF A VETN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR TNTERSECT T}IE PRE}.IISESAS RESERVED fN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 13 , \899, IN BOOK 48 ATPAGE 475. 8. RIGHT OF WAX FOR PITCI{ES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THEUNITED sfATEs AS RBSERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECoRDED July l-3 , Ilgs,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 9. RES?RTC?IVE COVENANTS WHJCH DO NOT CONT^A,IN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OHTTTING RESTRICTIONS, TF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, ORNATTONAL ORIGIN. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRLII'IEN" RECoRDED August 10. \962, TN: BOOK 174 AT PAGE 1?9. T ro. rHosE pRovrsreNS, coveNANTS AND coNDrrroNs, EASEMENTs, AND REsrRrcrroNs,WHICI{ ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMTNIUM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS CQNTAINED IN INSTRLIMENT RECORDED January 06, Le69, IN BooK 214 AT PAGE 424 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECoRDED February 25. 1959, fN BOQK 214.A.! PAGE 683 AND AS AUENDED IN TNSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 20, 1974 IN BOOK236 AT PAGE 557. Page 2 i,},. I $'*' f.q11, uwner Form 402 Qrder No, VZ277g SCHEDULE B Policy No.sv2749]-12 -1 1 L2. EASEMENT AGREEMENT-BET'EEN vArL AssocrATEs LTD, t AND vArL *ATER ANDsANrrArroN DrsrRrcr ni"onilni'^ii"E" g,-igiz ir"i6oi. re2 Ar pAcE 2oe.EN.R.A.HIIENT oF :TlIRwAv ro sEcoND-FlggI--oITo G'RE .REEK DRrvE ANDix;^3i"f;ffxt.!;.x"?;";l*l^m#RE .REEK DRrvE As sHorfN oH rHe--roNDourNrur,r EASEMENTS, RESERVATTONS AND RESTRTC?TONS .E.S SHOI{N OR RESERVED ON THERE..RDED coNDoMrNruM MAp ;; il;A.;roci in;irij'"Iiior"rs eoNDoMrNruM. 13. :'. dit*., 'age t: {i -: It E. i4^ /v./2.4 Nam€ and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Cunent Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Cunent Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Strandards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: The Willows Redevelonment Comnarison Properties Blshop Park, rB and Gl Willow Place Lots 1 and 2, Block 6, Vail Village 1* Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 30,848 square feet (0.71 acres) Allowed/Required Existinq 18,493 sq.ft. 21,'42 sq. ft. 16,966 sq. fl. (55o/o) 10,766 sq. ft. (34.9olo)20ft. 5'$', 55' Riverhouse Condominiums, 83 Wlllow Place Lot 3, Block 6, Vail Village 1" Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density MultFFamily 16,523 square feet (0.38 acres) 9,087 sq. ft. (55%) 7,148 sq. ft. (43Yol 20ft.48' NA Edelweiss, 103 Wlllow Place Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Village 1" Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 15,825 square feet (0.36 acres) Allowed/Required 9,767 sq.ft. Allowed/Reouired 9,187 sq.ft. 8,703 sq. ft. (55%) 20ft- 48' 20 ft. $', Existino 16,190 sq.ft. Existinq 20,970 sq. ft. 6,963 sq. ft(44Vo) 0' NA Difference > 14o/o < 2oo/o > 15' >z', Difference > 60% <12o/o > 19.8' NA Difference > 55% < 11o/o >20, NA Difference > 32olo > 3o/o* > 19' <4.5' Summer's Lodge, 123 Wlllorr Place Lot 5, Block 6, Vail Village 1o Filing High Densig Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 14,063 square feet (0.32 acres) Allowed/Reouired Existino 8,188 sq.ft.11,202 sq.ft. 7,031 sq. ft. (50%) 7,420 sq. ft. (53%) 1', 43.5'*facts in file regarding site coverage were conflicting Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan Cunent Land Use: Development Sile Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Cunent Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Gurrent Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: Name and Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Development Site Size: Total Site Standards Density, GRFA (max): Site Coverage (max): Building Setbacks: Height: High Density Multi-Family 11,935 square feet (0..274 acres)Allowed/Required Existino Riva Rldge South, l14 Willow Road Lot 7, Block 6; Vail village 1" Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-Family 15,333 square feet (0.352 acres) Allowed/Required Existinq 7,161 sq.ft. ? sq. ft. (55%) 20tt. 48' 9,199 sq.ft. NA 20' 4E' 7,579 sq.ft. 6,947 sq. ft. (55o/o) 20ft.I' 13,126 sq. ft. ?sq.ft 1', 45' 19,824 sq. ft. NA 1', 45' 7,531 sq.ft. 4,678 sq. ft. (37Vol 10' 44' Differenec > 54o/o > 19' <3' Difference > 54o/o NA >19' <3" Difference < 1Vo < 18o/o >10' <4' The Willows Gondomlnlume, 74 Willow Road (existing) Lot 8, Block 6, Vail Village 1" Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-family 21,144 square feet (0.49 acres) Allowed/Reouired Existino Difference 16,069 sq.ft. 18,607 sq.ft. > 13Yo {1,595 sq. ft. (55olo) 12,638 sq. ft. (600/0) > Solo20tr. 4' >16'48' 48', NA 44Willow Road Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Village 1s Filing High Density Multiple Family Village Master Plan High Density Multi-family 12,630 square feet (0.29 acres) Allowed/Reouired Existino W,zlr;k1.{ 1 | /ofb' h/P0 coll'lflwm/Hrna|' Design Reuiew Board ACTION FORM Department of Communlty Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgo%com ProtectName: RIVA RIDGE N REROOF ProJect Descrlpuon: Participants: DRB Number: DR8060338 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A COMMON ETEMENT NEW BUILT UP ROOF TO REPIACE SAME FOR SAME OWNER SCHUSTE&SHARIENE 75 CHERRY ST DENVERco 80220 APPUCANT ACE ROOFING COMPANY P.O. BOX 275 GLENWOOD SPRINGS co 81602 License: 127-5 CONTMCTOR ACE ROOFING COMPANY P.O. BOX 276 GLENWOOD SPRINGS co 81602 License: 127-5 oT3rl2ffi6 07 13L12006 Phone: 970-945-5365 07 l3tl2006 Phone: 970-945-5365 Project Addrcss: 133 WIIOW PL VAIL Location: RIVA RIDGE NORTH REROOF SAME FOR SAME legal Descripdon: Lot: 6 Block Subdlvlslon: RIVA RIDGE CHALETS NORTH Parcel Number: 2101{82-1u100-1 CommenB: SEE CONDnONS Modon By: Se6nd By: Vote: condlUons: BOAR,D/STAFF ACTION ACI|ON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz Oil3Ll20O6 @nd:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activltes. @nd:201 DRB apprcval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. . .\ i.'', i\-'.t$\ill lr-'r$1 ; .\ .' ' -i 1 --r- ' Cond: 202's ' \t'\ \*''\Il Approval ofthlsproJectshall lapseandbeomevoidone(1)yearfoltouringthedate of final apprcval, unless a building pemit is issued and construction is ommenced and is dillgenUy pursued toward ompleUon. Planner: JoeSuther DRBFeePaid: S250.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Development 75 Souh Fronbge Road, Vail, Colondo 81557 teli 970.479.2128 lax: 970.479.2452 web: www.\railgo/,om eeneral Information: All projects requiring design rwiew must receive apprwal prior to submitting a building permlt application, Please refer to the submilbl requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An applicaUon fior Design Review cannot be accepted untit all required infiormauon is recelved by the Community Development Departnent. The project may also need to be revlewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcvlew approyal lapees unless a building pcrmit is issued and construction comtrences within one year of the applova!. DesctipUon of the Request:(-(-l vtLl u f^-r'/ c-R.r q- location of the Proposal: tou F gbck: C SuMlvision:v c/faLaft )B-oc477o/ Physical Address:i 3-! t) lLLo N la\ Parcer No.: AL PlPKa4:91'olQ (Contact Eagle @. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: l{ame(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): &t c, s'Y / t') Name of Appliq6, i2,fuc'u Ba(/c'l-cK- Mailing Address:tv /l t2,o6 s(gJ 'J+/L t^ h/b57 Phone: E-mail AddreCs: -Fax:- ce Type of Review and Fee: D. Signstr Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition Minor Alteration (multi-famiV/commercjal) Minor Afteration (si ng le-fa m ily/d u plar) Changes to Apprwed Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 .++w $20 Plus $1.00 per square foot of tobl sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addiuon where square footage is addecl to any residential or commercial bullding (indudes 250 addiUons & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re'roofing, painting, window addfions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, eb. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and tr tr rebining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee FR0l1 ': David Flami I ton PHONE NO. i 974 475 tF.?6 f'nx Jul, @6 zBBE A1 :saPf'l P1 c/')l:7 Yif ,r-m MIT{OR, EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEHENTS SUBilrnAt REQUIREI,IEI{TS Gcnrrrl lnfionnrUon: Thig applkEtlon is rquired for prcposals invgMng mlnor exterlor etteratiqrs and/or site lmFlvernenE. Propocals b add lardgcaping do not ragllrc DRB appro,ral unless tfiey involve the addltbn of patbs, wrtu frahfr€, gnding, or the addition of rctalnlng walb, L guBl,llTlAt REQUIREME |f,Slr ,-.t' StamPerl ToPograPhic Strrvqf ir Sltc.nd Gtading Plan*--9. Lardscagc Phnr- o/ Ardrfrrctural Elerrrtions*&*xterto, color and material sarnples end speclficstions, l/ *ctritccural Floor Plans* / Ughtng Plen* and Cut*hee(s) for grcposed fktures ! Tltlc. report, incll.ding $ciedules A & B to rarify owner$iP tnd easern€ntsr' ftetw ol tie exisdng sita and odF€ent ttructures, wherc appllcable.):6) Wrium approval from a ccndominium associatixr, hndlotd, End rolnt owner, if applicablc lF Sig*ecinc G€ologbl Hazard R€poft, if applicabb*7{ me Mnintrtrator and/or DRB mry require the submission of addtlorul pbrc, dtlwir€s, speciflcations, samples and o$rcr matcrials (including a rnodcl) if dccmcd nccessary b dctermhe whedrer . prsjed wlll comply with Dedgn Guidelirts or if tte intent of tie gtpposal is not dearlY indicated. Phosc tabmlt thrcr (3) cadcs ol63 aaalizle noud wlth an estcrtsl (*)- J*Fctr interior @nveFbns wfth no o<tqfior draoggs, $e submittal requirem€nt9 ittlt/dc a comdete set ot exsting and proposed flmr plons, a dte report, and writtcn approval liom a condominlum |3s€agon, landlord, and Jdnt owncr, if appllcable. I hlyG rsad aill undaEtend tlrs aboYc llitf,d aubmittrl rcqulrcnrcntr; ProJct !4 rD6 @ntracbr Ofla | :\Er,cvVORIt19\FRJ'lITSW.nningVrt-nh0r-dt-1 1'23-2005.doc "t , L77/ 6"Q , ,4\so e Prgc 3 of 13 ACTIVITY REPORT TIME : 07/65/2BEE 17266 DATE TIME FAX NTI. iNAME DURATTON PAGE(S)RESULT COMMENT E7 /45td7/96 B?lan ETIAEa7/45 67 /45g7/45g7ta1 6Q. tA A3;53tat26L8.32L8:35 LLtA2L4.2415:56 9?69258565 9239223 3033223814MH974 923 4223VL9231123 B1 4e 5E 4B =z39 2L 4g s5 vt'Jg2 a2g1 d1 hL a6 aL OK OK t]<tI(o( 0t(g( 0( RX RX TX RX RX RX RX TX ECM EqM EO"lEfi ECM ECM BUSVrNGi BUSV/NO RESPONSE PT]OR LINE CONDITION COVERPAGE CALL BACH MSG FOLLII{G RETRIEVAL CV CA POL RET l-tc3fluvoNvLs')lB Ltt ea:ra igagnzL9V6 IE1€T L@TLA 3U014l'rn53d(5)39vd NOIIVHNq 3l4uN/'01'r xvl3hIII.SIVO EgtEl gABZlLAlLA I AAIL ftIT]d3U M]IIVDIJIU3A NOISSIhISI{VUI. PROPOSED MATERHIS - Bulldino Materials Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Otrier Notes: g";l/ "p -F'{,J-"D Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMm\Pbnning\drb-mirDr-att-11-23-2005.doc Page 6 of 13 trl?3,lm0s . Location of all required parking spaces. Snow storage areas.. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.r ' Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height.o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate Uming, if applicable o tandscape Plan:. Scale of l" = 20'or largerr Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.. Location of o<isting trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (lncluding new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and gnding.r Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.o Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the o<isting and proposed plant material including ground cover.r Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings.. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. . Lighting Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area. Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. . BEPAMLERoPIoSALS . For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . C.olor chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s). Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stuccq window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits,'ek.) F : \CdeV\FORHS\PERMm\Pbnning\drb-mi nor-alt-l 1-23-2005.doc LL/2312005 Page 5 of 13 *m JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print na e)-l4fv:L c.€a joint owner of property located at (address/legal tt/ provide this fetter as written approval of the plans aata 7/7/!O L which have// description)r 5 /o/\ I Rtv,4 Rro6z UIACa .^to[-V1 been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development DeparEnent for the proposed improvements to be completed atthe address noted above. I understand thatthe vl L / \/ I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMm\Phnnlng\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.doc trl23l200s improvements ru o{Gr^u-f Page 2 of 13 3 ktb fltt-to ltri[ lsl ,,-#Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Dwdopment 75 South Fontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2LN tax': 97 0.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail,co,us Project Name: Riva Ridge North Deck Railings DRB l{umber: DR8030386 koiect Descripdon: COMMON ELEMENT-replace all existing wood balcony railings.desihn statys the same o(cept TOV bldg drpt wants railings to be created 6" taller currently are @ 36' will be 42" taller when completed Participants: OWNER SCHUSTE& SHARLENE 09/05/2003 Phone: 75 CHERRY ST DENVER CO 80220 License: APPUCANT BROWN-WOUN CONSTRUCTION 09/05/2003 Phone: 970-949-4185 P.O. BOX 701 VAIL, CO 81658 License: CONTMCTOR BRoWN-wouN CONSTRUCTION 09/05/2003 Phone: P.O. BOX 701 VAIL, CO 81658 Licenser 100-A Project Address: 133 MLLOW PL VAIL locaUon: 133 willow place (riva ridge north) Legal Description: loh 6 Block Subdivision: RIVA NDGE CHALETS NORTH Parcel Number: 21010821,1001 Comments: Seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Hans Woldrich Action: APPROVED Second By: David Viele Vote: 4-0 DateofApprovalz 09ll7l2O03 Condidons: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consuft with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction actlvities. Cond: CON0006131 The applicant shall paint the replaced deck handrails the identical color as they currently o<ist. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: S25O.OO Sep O3 O.t: 35p John H hlhite & Fssociates (21O)34S-8424."T"' !!rir r KLL. r|E t't:EEt't I OdruJ.i:{tuc.r p.1 ,. g?fI:S orcomR$nry Devsoprnent/r iol'|n F odi!9€ RDtd, lAt, Colondo g1657ref 970.{79.2t39 ra* iro.ctc.zcsl- - - web: rvr,r,w.o..vdt.@,us esrrC lnilog1net'Cn: All- ptojeEtt ruqtrHn€ drd$ r€vr€rr rnust rcclw rpP$rrat prlor b iub'niuing a buildlng pcrmit applcaron. preaseier.t to th. subnirtrl mtryan*a9.tr pd.d; ntfr;ifi E requ€su. An rpflicatbn rbr oesi;tn Rwiew$nnot be accEC€d rntit aF rcquned.hb##oa b;fi;; iiir,"..c66n*n*, oe.,iroprnart Dlp.rrnenr. Theprcjcct mav atso nsld tt' h' Et/l.ag-by q.tql i#ti-iiylr u.- p{anqag ard Envirmmer*Lr commission.mmT#..,*- "'d ; ;*iiilEE*r-fL.a rn c *,*.,r"*a,,-"oilmtrs rmn Ttlc of Rwicuvild Frd:tr Slgis tr CdrctDfrl'l Re\riavr D ttteyJ CqrfnfOon0 nd4ton fitnor Amraton . : (tnulU.fantV/coruner$+) Minfr AlEr.tbn (t169tr-ft{itfrduolq) Or||r{Es to Afycd Ftui ScparaOon Acque* Appficatlon br Desirln Reyiew S50 ttrElf .@ pcr squorc foot ofltotal ir;n area.trbFee: sz0 tzo flo Flr ofttrc RcCsesU locr$on of thc prolirri:Loil._tbci:_. SuMivFirn: PhWic.t Ad.|Ii6s:ia Ar t33 ;r t ParcGt I{o.:8rol (Cofrtact Elgl€ Co.,Asse$or at 97S328€640 for oorcel no.) Zcnlng: remc(s) down (s): l'lal[ryfddn$:J4' ome(e)stgmum(s): l$lneof lpDthank MralingArHresr: E-t|tril lddrrss; I/rit I t6s0$m $250 hF ronslr.ftion d a rEw buldng a (hr|o/?lbrrik .For €n addfio.t where ,sgan fotryE b rdfr tD arry rcgdendal orCon'Ifiatdal.bulldno GrtJ'"d6 2S0 addliqr & inr€rir converso6s]. xr.q:n3r fi{tqF ro boiHt{o rnd ser fiFDveme*, sJcfi as,lil$g, p.ir$,lg, xirdow addttcrs, bndsptna, encei anoFt.hing vrd[$ ctc. FEr mjnor dllngE to hltdings and 'itr lriprovemenb. gtdl .s.{|'frrrg, pti.{trg, ryrndon adddo6. hndrapini, Cr,ai *rO{.€tahfp rafl+ elc. la.|Fl.r.o:n to pErs alredy aporunrt by ptxniDo sraff or u,€9!d$ ae'da/ lerd. j o o Scp O3 O3 O2:16p John H lJhite & Rssociates (21O1349-88e4 p.l ,R_ RIVARTDGE NORTH lR_I-\.' CONDOMINIAM ASSOCUTION I\ E{xrlrom**o,Xf#;i*f#HiilJ.t,f ;','"11T111J,:}*"EE24(Far) September 3,2003 Dear Town of Vail, The Riva Ridge North Condominium Asso. is replacing all of the existing railings on the building because most are in poor condition. As suggested by our builder, Mr. Brown of Brown-Wolin Constructionr lnc., we approve changing the existing 36" tall railings to 42" tall railings. The design for the 6" taller railings will remain the sarne design as existing. Jr^uno.\^/Ofu Tulcta C. White President, Riva Ridge North Condo. Asso. B Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan:D Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINTPROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: / C-otor chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of L2lO2lO7l02 PROPOSED MATERIALS Buildino Materials Tyoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. w,"J Page 6 of LZlO2l07l02 Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Depafunent of Cqnmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Riva Ridge North PEC Number: PEC020022 Proiect DescripUon: Setback Variance and Site Coverage Variance Participants: OWNER Riva Ridge North Chalets C-onO5l09l20O2 Phone:476-2233 C/o Barbara FeeneY The Willows 74 Willow Rd. Vail, CO 81657 License: APPUCANT David M. Peel, AIA 0510912002 Phone: 476-4506 Peel/Langenwalter Architects, L.L.C. POB L2O2 Vail, CO Plarch@vail.net 81658 License: ProjectAddress: 133 WILLOW PLVAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 6 Block: Subdivision: RIVA RIDGE CHALETS NORTH Parcel Number: 210108214007 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Doug Cahill Action: APPROVED Second By: Chas Bernhardt Vote: 6-0 DateofApprovalz O6l2a/2A02 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0005379 That the applicant executes an encroachment agreement, or similar agreement, as deemed appropriate by Town Staff prior to the application for building permits. Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 o4/25/02 06;05 FA-{ 2059071115 IOI4TI\I Corditional Ur. Pcrmit Floodplatn Modncetion Irlirrof Exterior Altcntbn Major Exterlor Ater.tim Owelopment Pbn Amenoment to a Devdopment nan Zonlng Code Amendment VarLne Sign vrri.nce $650 +{00 t550 $t00 31500 $2s0 st300 f500 $200 Application for Review by the Planning and Envlronmental Commission Depsftment of Communiv Development 75 Sos$ Frontlg€ Rord, Vall, C.olondo 81657bl: 970.t1D.2139 hx 970.479.2452 fveb: lvwtN.d.vail,m,us Gcnrrel Information: All prqccts .equiring Plrnning rnd Envlronm€ntrl Commi$lon nylaw muit recrlvr rpprovel prao. to qibmrttng t bullding permit rppllcauon. plerr. reter to th. rubmittrl rrquircmcnts for the Fartcutar approvrl thlt b rcquc*cd. An lppllc.don for Plenning and Envlronfi€nbl C,ofirmissign rwiaw cennat be accepted untll all requhed lntormauan is r€caved by the Community Dovdoprnrnt oepr*nrrnt The project nray slso necd to be revi€wed by the town Councll and/or tfie DesEn Revicw ooord, Typ€ of Appllcadon rnd Fcc: O RezonhgB Major SubdiviionE Minor SubdivlgonEl Exempdon Ptattf Minor Amendment io aA sDDB New SDecjal Development DistrlctC MaJgr Amendment to an 50DE Mrjof Amcndment'b an SDD (no atterlor mdifia tim s ) Locetlon of thr Parcll No.: Zoning; Name(s) of Own6r(c): Owner(c) Slgnoturc(t): 31300 tr$1500 ot650 0$6s0 0$1000 El$5000 tr$6000 -E$1250 ,5 (Contact Eagle Co,tt 970-328-8640 for parcel rn.) ilu (W hli Phonc: @ol PhyrlcalAddrurr: E-mell AdCrt35i w Pagc I of6-01/18/02 r8 lgtrd U31'1Vr"1N:l!?.'rt''l l']33d 4tgr-9Lv-AL6 gE:gT zagz,/W,lFB ,{r\'' aa**tafta++*++aaaaaf.rraa*aa*a+aaaa*a+ataaaara+tt+af++aaaa*aaaaaala*ala.a*a*++a++*aaa+alarfa TOWNOFVAIL, CoLORADO strtcm€ot *t*aaaaftttaaalt*aaa*at*+tatfattafaat*aaaaf+aatfa*aaaalaaalltaaatl+at+t+*aataaafalaaaaata*aa Staten€nt lnrdber! ROOOOO2332 tnount: $5oo.oo O5/o9/2oo2ol:06 Pltl Pa]tment Method: Check Inlt: irAR ![otation: 2478 Rlva tutdge North condo Assocletlon Perrdt No: PBCO2Oo22 $pe: PEC - Varl'aoce Parcel No! 210108214007glte Addroaa! 133 TlIl'I€W PIl \IAIIT IrocatLon 3 Total Fcers S50O. o0 ThisPalmenE:ssoo.ooTolalAIJJttlts:s500.00Balarce: $0.00 aaaalallall*fttlla*aiaaltaaaaatt*alaaafatatalttalll'll''t'l't'l'lff""lt"tl"t't"l'*t'ltt+ ACCOUNTITEMUST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 500 .00 MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development ,) hrq'f, o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: June 10. 2002 A request for a variance from Section 12-6H-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a new entry feature in the setback at Riva Ridge North, located at 133 Wllow Place/Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Village l"tFiling. Applicant: Riva Ridge North Chalets Condo Assoc., represented by Peel/Langenwalter Architects, L. L. C.Planner: Bill Gibson DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Riva Ridge North Chalets Condo Association, represented by Peel/Langenwalter Architects, L.L.C, is requesting a variance from Section 12-6H-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a new entry feature in the setback at Riva Ridge North, located at 133 Willow Place/Lot 6, Block 6, VailVillage 1d Filing. The proposed new entry feature will replace the existing entry located on the east side of the Riva Ridge North building along Gore Creek Drive. The existing entry is currently located within the front setback and within the Gore Creek Drive right-of-way. The proposed front entry feature will also be located within the front setback and within the Gore Creek Drive right-of- way. In comparison to the existing entry, the proposed new entry feature will be located approximately 10 inches further away from the edge of asphalt of Gore Creek Drive; however, the overall width of the proposed entry will be approximately 4 feet 6 inches wider than the existing entry. Drawings of the proposed entry feature have been attached for reference. The construction of this proposed entry feature will also require the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of a site coverage variance. Please be aware, that a site coverage variance request for this proposed entry feature has been scheduled for review by the Planning and Environmental Commission at its June 24, 2OO2 public hearing. lf approved, the applicant will be required to execute an encroachment agreement with the Town of Vail to accommodate this proposed construction within the Gore Creek Drive right-of- way. ilr. BACKGROUND At its March 20,2002 public hearing, the Town of Vail Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the proposed new entry feature at Riva Ridge North. The Design Review Board was generally supportive of the proposal and encouraged the applicant to proceed through the Town's development review process. Since Riva Ridge North is proposing to construct a portion of its new entry feature on Town of Vail property (i.e. the Gore Creek Drive right-of-way), Town Council permission is required to proceed through the development review process. At its Tuesday, May7,2OO2 public hearing, the Town Council, acting as the property owner of the Gore Creek Drive right-of-way, granted the applicant permission to proceed through the development review process. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends thatthe Planning and Environmental Commission approve the applicant's requestfora variancefrom Section 12-6H€ (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a new entry feature in the setback at Riva Ridge North, located at 133 Willow Place. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions: 1. That this approval is contingent upon approval of an associated site coverage variance and Design Review approval. 2. That the applicant executes an encroachment agreement, or similar agreement, as deemed appropriate by Town Staff prior to the application for buiHing permits. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES The PEG is responsible for evaluatinq a proposal for: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. tv. Design Review Board: Action: The DRB has IVO review authority on a vaiance, but must review any accompanying DRB application. The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for:- Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and surroundings - Fitting buildings into landscape - Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography - Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation - Adequate provision for snow storage on-site - Acceptability of building materials and colors - Acceptability of roof elements, eaves, overhangs, and other building forms - Provision of landscape and drainage - Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures - Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances - Location and design of satellite dishes - Provision of outdoor lighting V. ZONING STATISTICS Lot Size: 1 1,930 sq.ft. (0.274 acres)Zoning: High Density Multiple Family Development Standard Allowed/Reouired Existinq Proposed Setbacks:East: 20 ft. 0 ft. 0 ft.South: 20ft. 6 ft. No ChangeNorth: 20 tt. 9 ft. No ChangeWest 20ft. 4ft. No Change Site Coverage: GRFA 6,566 sq.ft. (55%) 7,133 sq.fi. (60%) 7,151 sq.ft. (600/o) 7,158 sq.ft. 13,466 sq.ft. No Change u.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Consideration of Factors Reqardinq the Setback Variances: The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. This proposed entry feature is in keeping with the architectural character of the neighborhood since the design of this proposed entry is based upon the design of the entry feature at the adjacent Riva Ridge South, located at 114 Willow Place. This proposed entry feature will replace the existing entry for Riva Ridge North along Gore Creek Drive, therefore staff does not believe there will be any change in use or change in intensity of use associated with this proposal. Staff believes that the proposed entry will aesthetically benefit the neighborhood; and that there are no other significant changes from the current conditions in relationship to the existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Therefore, Staff does not believe that there will be any additional negative impacts associated with this proposal in comparison to current conditions to the other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staff believes the applicant has requested the minimum amount of relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the setback regulations necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformityamong sites in the vicinity of Riva Ridge North and within the High Density Multiple Family Zone District. Staff believes the proposed encroachment into the required setback is warranted and will not result in a special privilege as Riva Ridge North was constructed priorto the adoption of zoning regulations within the Town of Vail. Since the existing Riva Ridge North building has been constructed within less than 2 feet from the east property boundary and the east building entrance door is located within less than 10 feet of the east property boundary, any construction of an east entry feature will require approval of a variance from the required 20 foot setback. Staff believes this to be an extraordinary circumstance and exceptional condition. Therefore, Staff does not believe this proposal will constitute a grant of special privilege. 1. 4 B. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Even though this proposed entry feature is a total of 4 feet 6 inches wider than the existing entry feature, the proposed entry will be located 10 inches further away from the edge of asphalt of Gore Creek Drive. Staff believes that the scope of the proposed changes to the Riva Ridge North entry is minoq and Staff believes that the proposed new entry feature at Riva Ridge North will not have any additional significant affects on light and air, population distribution, pedestrian and vehicular traffic, snow removal, drainage, public facilities and utilities, public safety, etc. along Gore Creek Drive in comparison to the existing conditions. The Plannins and Environmental Commission shall make the following findinqs before qranting a variance: 1 . That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety orwelfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 2. 3. b. peeylangenwalter architects, l.l.c. david nrar* peel, a.i.a. Lathy langenwalter, a.i.a. 2588 arosa drive p.o. box 1202 vail, co 81658 9704764506 970,4764572 fax Application for a Variance Riva Ridge North Condominiums 133 \Mllow Place, Vail, Colorado Lot 6, Block 6, VailVillage 1st Filing Variance Description The current proposal is to replace the existing east entry stair and roof canopy structure of Riva Ridge North Condominiums. The new stairway, columns and roof structure will create a more appealing entrance to the building in scale with the exterior elevation. The construction of the new entry will take place at the same time as a proposed exterior remodel of the entire building. The existing entry stairs and roof structure currently encroach into the required 20' front setback along Gore Creek Circle and also into the roadway righfof-way. Varying the footprint of the existing entry slightly will require a setback variance and possibly a revised encroachment agreement. The current proposal reduces the encroachment of the columns toward the street by approximately 10". The total width of the piers increases approximately 4!-0". The roof structure encroachment toward the street remains the same as the existing roof. The total width of the new roof increases proportionately by approximately 4'$". Since the existing entrance structure and, in fact, the building itself, already encroach into the setback, a strict or literal interpretation of the required front setback would impose a physical hardship on the project. ln a practical sense, access to the building's front entry door from Gore Creek Circle could not be achieved. The exterior remodel of the building, including the revised entry, received conceptual approval from the Design Review Board on January 16,2002. At that time, the DRB expressed their encouragement to proceed with the new entry proposal and the required PEC variance process. l' peel,/langenwalter architects, l.l.c. . david mark peef a.i.a.. kathy langenwalter, a-i.a. 2588 arosa drive p-o. box l2O2 vail, co 81658 970476-4506 9704764572 fax Riva Ridge North Condominiums 133 Willow Road, Vail, Colorado Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing Consideration of Factors A. The proposed, revised entry will have no new major impact on existing or potential uses or structures in the vicinity. In essence, it replaces an existing, non-conforming condition with a more attractive solution with better proportions. The encroichment of the support columns toward the street is actually reduced (approximately 10"), while the gable end roof overhang encroachment remains the same. The width (footprint) of the columns and the width of the roof overhang do increase in the side-to-side dimension. The pier width increases approximately 4'-0" and the total roof eave overhang dimension increases approximately 4'-6". However, these increases are parallel to Gore Creek Circle and the property line, minimizing conflict with the existing street conditions. B. The proposal is a new design solution to an existing condition. Relief from the strict or literal interpretation of the front setback requirement is necessary to achieve compaiibility with the original building entry location. Due to similar, non-conforming situations in nearby properties, we do not feel that this variance will be a grant of special privilege. Again, since the current entry, along with similar encroachments in the vicinity, is an existing condition, uniformity of treatment is maintained. C. Since the proposed new entry replaces an existing condition and does not encroach any further into the right-of-way, the variance will have no significant additional impact on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities and public safety. D. There was some thought that the two existing handicapped parking spaces north of the entry and the two regular spaces to the south may have to be revised. However, since the spaces currently are located to the east side of the existing piers, and the new piers are moved closer to the building, no significant revisions should be necessary. We believe that the proposal is compatible with Vail's planning policies, design standards and development objectives. The new main entry, along with the totalexterior remodelof the building, willenhance the aesthetic experience of Gore Creek Circle and the west end of Gore Creek Drive. The VailVillage Master Plan states, "There is a need to continually maintain and upgrade the quality of existing buildings, as well as streets, walks and utility services." Goal #1, the encouragement of high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the village, has as one of it's objectives to "encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities." Goal #2, the fostering of a stronger tourist industry, encourages "the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve our guests." Goal #3 has the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the village as a top priority. Again, we believe the new entry and building remodel is in keeping with the above objectives and will help preserve and strengthen the Tyrolian and Alpine character of Vail Village. 3F !* 6.s: :B$3 s. 55if Es iis. E3 9e b! t-$ liti }Et"--9 35 iitElii: iiiiliii ***p 'o <.? A"tzatl $ 6o.q:ll/ IItl rr.tsrrceurt*fY7qqErcIf.ree|rlM o aa 3{nB rSrU :pYTr^ lrYA '9 )€016 '9 rO1 xlaoN f30n YAE ( \\ €5brr =!ob:. iEsi cb :-a€t.9.El n* .:iF{ .=@ ie..FEqi3;faRn-F i ll ll{&iP86 ,aar"ffi r--@'ro S\.O -- F-'neic fi [ 3:Re Ii?{&_rP85 E i.: i i!i;! i€; e !- !€:EJ. }E l:9il. 1e;:! ! r 3e; i; F;iiE€ Hi;:i: ^6 i /46' -P A\g 'BRqq':$ eR83i8 Trrg!+{ -zo tl(Do z e 2 o E.for- .=.EE€ obgEr OC o:o-oo)()o!=f:sis Ho @;- g,E Etrm= tE19>> .*, ce iu_9P o .c) }H.:6 '6.oLo-o .E oogl oxx@ LrJ r- .9xIU ooG c) o 0) OJ ' /Y1 o : to) o' o- olLI ololEl q)lr-l(l)lot E.l I.o)l -l ol'il'tu I aAd6ueqt q) J o) ! cct o, oxtu z00z8zudv0,3lu /v\oN (E.9 olts.c 6:!r-co(It> -(Uoo-Cr-9oqoo).:o(Uu-o I II I Jt. luaurqeeoJcua esPq auols l eN luauqoPoJcua Jelld lcuq 6utlsrx3 b _lr il v o o i<ool-O oL.o(9 '\.. I I I I I I Il- ;o srE .(! (J-cobg>o iJ-co)o.g !F U) Eil -9f '. (!(EOE l<,ooo cLo(J q) o @ (Ila -l(J (g o- t-oo LL T o) otr.f o,c.E.EE€ €s 3c oEO olOos=a\ (sE=>:s g o(oi- E'€- edr= G @->> .-..co iz_38 o o) o'o (t U) o N3;Ed)ts.se= E4'eP s=Ou, &'E II I Jl:\t\\I\ '(o L (g gt '=oxo o oF (E a o) qC-G.O -o -a-ol oCLoc)gi ig L-o).o o o oa \ (!-o'a a;oo TL'ooo @x@ (l .oo. !;.E (Eq) co Eoo .E (\l x@ .e =_E 3=V (EE .B 'H:E b eEI le.r T gx E+EtrJG H E8 o)CllE ct,ocofr ./,ct i(,'Ea E7 .flXL- q, o-E 7Ct .= r-6e o.tr L .=,.FF O €ps EsEO s,=-€:s5F oz'-H o<oh- EEatrro= (s cci>> *, cf) iu_3P o E(It c) !s .d E c! X.@ c) J CD E' o) v,xlrl -43lr-l _,tlNl-l @)lvrl NI9lFI F-- |_=-]( I.- 'tl v .=(g+,a {-J(g o oo @ oo) q) c)coa fit C)oe o (! U) () oo'o.3. Ibb o'dru€€EO'r3; Eg oo o oodt: to --.!=6E^otlo oD=E!.(! o)E.tbRBrb-ce'E Pa.= 0)*o,6 ;nE {+ o if I (o IF o c).9 E, @ aDt T'Ig Er c Hr.;G li(Jo3o 0.rgc B€c' ct P8 .=,liXE ;E gE 9aocctr 3'E !ta tl) E 8."865cr (Jii: f* !;bE 3>o:6!-gEE oio. 26, 'Ea Pa6qiEv.orH 'i.9od 3X ET -9PP €I e.E I re- ic 'i€E;E oo cl o olcl 3 Co 9IFg u{h C)(&. & Eq Fz llql/[iv, FJ fl IIIJIifrE F-lF:EL.u- @, @2 EU @e fN- ,-/j-\'lL-\-- (M I LJI+ oo (o {,!, E o lE(J o. oo qo q) Go !.o'o]!.o (! 'ut oo E tl,xoot4 otr c Eocle 'o .; ()oEo.a .=; vt c) T'oo3;oz CD.s!|, ocoD3-C! -(E.= ?io58't(g r/D +o- -q, otr tt tq) cro a'tg(! o6o !too] CI *f5 rOp 0)E .HZ1oE s ItrLIlf EJ F= @ ts{ n(EEoPb;s E9i2 EiEJ}Ei€ oo93a EB* $g# Fe €€' di.g tr 9 .ri go ;fF ;t ;r Bng E"' ."eE g s -1 9; €Ejs g; ctloo-to>()g3 Ett o!tr c) lD-x,=uJ= . MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development Applicant: Plariner: Do"v. &L'll u df u,t*n,{:^lt*Y,4 Clr.^s la,-t*'/( 11ravel 6-o q;l4tt TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: June24,2002 A request for a variance from Section 12-6H-9 (Site Coverage), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a new entry feature at Riva Ridge North, located at 133 \Mllow Place/Lot 6, Block 6, VailVillage 1d Filing. Riva Ridge North Chalets Condo Assoc., represented by Peel/Langenwalter Architects, L. L.C. Dili Gibsvi', DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Riva Ridge North Chalets Condo Association, represented by Peel/Langenwalter Architects, L.L.C, is requesting a variance from Section 12-6H-9 (Site Coverage), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a new entry feature at Riva Ridge North, located at'133 \Mllow Place/Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Village l"tFiling. The proposed new entry feature will replace the existing entry located on the east side of the Riva Ridge North building along Gore Creek Drive. The existing entry is currently located within the setback and within the Gore Creek Drive right-of-way. The proposed front entry feature will also be located within the front setback and within the Gore Creek Drive right-of-way. The proposed new entry stairs and columns will be located approximately 10 inches further away from the edge of asphalt of Gore Creek Drive than the existing structure; however, the proposed entry roof will match the existing roof encroachment. The overall width of the proposed entry roof will be approximately 4 feet 6 inches wider than the existing entry roof. Drawings of the proposed entry feature have been attached for reference. Due to the proposed increase in the width of the entry feature, additional site coverage is being proposed for this site. The proposed entry feature will increase the amount of site coverage on this site by approximately 23 squarefeetwhich is a 0.19% increase overexisting conditions. Sincethis site is currently legally non-conforming in regards to site coverage, a variance from Section 12- 6H-9 (Site Coverage) is required to allow the construction of any additional site coverage on this property. lf approved, the applicant will be required to execute an encroachment agreement with the Town of Vail to accommodate this proposed construction within the Gore Creek Drive right-of- way. il.BACKGROUND At its March 20, 2002 public hearing, the Town of Vail Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the proposed new entry feature at Riva Ridge North. The Design Review Board was generally supportive of the proposal and encouraged the applicant to proceed through the Town's development review process. Since Riva Ridge North is proposing to construct a portion of its new entry feature on Town of Vail property (i.e. the Gore Creek Drive right-of-way), Town Council permission is required to proceed through the development review process. At its Tuesday, MayT,2002 public hearing, the Town Council, acting as the property owner of the Gore Creek Drive right-of-way, granted the applicant permission to proceed through the development review process. At its Monday, June 10, 2092 public hearing the Planning and Environmental Commission gondilionally apprg.ved .a. -setback variaqge .request for this propose{ new entry feature, pending approval of this site coverage variance request. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve the applicant's request for a variance from Section 12-6H-9 (Site Goverage), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a new entry feature at Riva Ridge North, located at'133 Willow Place. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the following condition: 1. That the applicant executes an encroachment agreement, or similar agreement, as deemed appropriate by Town Staff prior to the application for building permits. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES The PEG is responsible for evaluatinq a proposal for: 1. The relationship of the reguested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. ilt. tv. Desisn Review Board: Action: The DRB has IVO review authority on a vaiance, but must review any accompanying DRB application. The DRB is responsible for evaluating the DRB proposal for:- Architectural compatibility with other structures, the land and sunoundings - Fitting buildings into landscape - Configuration of building and grading of a site which respects the topography - Removal/Preservation of trees and native vegetation - Adequate provision for snow storage on-site - Acceptability of building materials and colors - Acceptability of roof elernents, eaves, overhai,gs, and other buildiirg forms - Provision of landscape and drainage - Provision of fencing, walls, and accessory structures - Circulation and access to a site including parking, and site distances - Location and design of satellite dishes - Provision of outdoor lighting V. ZONING STATISTICS Lot Size: 1 1,930 sq.ft. (0.274 acres)Zoning: High Density Multiple Family Development Standard Allowed/Required Existing Proposed Setbacks:East 20ft. 0 ft. 0 ft.South: 20 ft. 6 ft. No ChangeNorth: 20 ft. 9 ft. No ChangeWest 20ft. 4 ft. No Change Site Coverage: 6,566 sq.ft. (55%) 7,133 sq.ft. (60%) 7,156 sq.ft. (60%) (less than l% change) GRFA: 7,158 sq.ft. 13,466 sq.ft. No Change Landscape Area: 3,579 sq.ft. (30%) 4,397sq.ft. (37%) a,374 sq.ft (37%) (less than 1% change) vt.CRITERlA AND FINDINGSA. Consideration of Factors Reqardinq the Setback Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. This proposed entry feature is in keeping with the architectural character of the neighborhood since the design of this proposed entry is based upon the design of the entry feature at the adjacent Riva Ridge South, located at 114 Willow Place. This proposed entry feature will replace the existing entry for Riva Ridge North along Gore Creek Drive, therefore staff does not believe there will be any change in use or change in intensity of use associated with this proposal. Staff believes that the proposed entry will aesthetically benefit the neighborhood; and that there are no other significant changes from the current conditions in relationship to the existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinitv. Therefore, Straff does not believe that there will be any additional negative impacts associated with this proposal in comparison to current conditions to the other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staff believes the applicant has requested the minimum amount of relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of the site coverage regulations necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity among sites in the vicinity of Riva Ridge North and within the High Density Multiple Family Zone District. Staff believes the proposed increase in site coverage is warranted and will not result in a special privilege as Riva Ridge North was constructed prior to the adoption of zoning regulations within the Town of Vail. Since the existing Riva Ridge North building was originally constructed in excess of today's site coverage limits, any enlargement to the building foot print or existing roof overhangs will require approval of a variance from the site coverage requirements. It is important to note that this proposed increase in site coverage is for the reconstruction of an existing common entrance element for the Riva Ridge North building. This request is not associated with a request for additional gross residential floor area (GRFA) or commercial floor area, and is not associated with improvements for an individual dwelling unit. Staff believes this to be an extraordinary circumstance and exceptional condition. Therefore, Staff does not believe this proposal will constitute a grant of special privilege. 3.The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safegr. Even though this proposed entry feature roof is a total of 4 feet 6 inches wider than the existing entry feature, the proposed entry roof will not encroach any further in the Gore Creek Drive right-of-way than the existing entry roof. Staff believes that the scope of the proposed changes to the Riva Ridge North entry is minor, since it will only create an additional 23 square feet of site coverage on the site which is a 0.19% increase over existing conditions. Staff believes that the proposed new entry feature at Riva Ridge North will not have any additional significant affects on light and air, population distribution, pedestrian and vehicular traffic, snow removal, drainage, public facilities and utilities, public safety, etc. along Gore Creek Drive in comparison to the existing conditions. B.The Planning and Environnrental Commission shali make ihe followino findinqs before orantinq a variance: I . That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety orwelfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 2. 3. peeylangenwalter architects, l.l.c. david mark peel, a.i.a. lathy langmwalter, a"i.a. 2588 arosa drive p.o. box 1202 vail, co 81658 97V764506 97O4764572(ax Riva Ridge North Condominiums 133 \Mllow Place, Vail, Colorado Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing Variance Description The current proposal is to replace the existing east entry stair and roof canopy structure of Riva Ridge North Condominiums. The new stairway, columns and roof structure will create a more appealing entrance to the building in scale with the exterior elevation. The construction of the new entry will take place at the same time as a proposed exterior remodel of the entire building. The existing entry stairs and roof structure currently encroach into the required 20' front setback along Gore Creek Circle and also into the roadway right-of-way. Varying the footprint of the existing entry slightly will require a setback variance and possibly a revised encroachment agreement. The current proposal reduces the encroachment of the columns toward the street by approximately 10". The total width of the piers increases approximately 4r-0". The roof structure encroachment toward the street remains the same as the existing roof. The total width of the new roof increases proportionately by approximately 4'-6". Since the existing entrance structure and, in fact, the building itself, already encroach into the setback, a strict or literal interpretation of the required front setback would impose a physical hardship on the project. In a practical sense, access to the building's front entry door from Gore Creek Circle could not be achieved. The exterior iemodelof the building, including the revised entry, received conceptual approval from the Design Review Board on January 16,2002. At that time, the DRB expressed their encouragement to proceed with the new entry proposaland the required PEC variance process. t ' peel,/langenwalter architects, t.l.c. david nrarft peel, a.i.a. kathy langenwalter, a.i.a. 2588 arosa drive p.o. box l2O2 vail, co 81658 9704764505 9704764572 fax Riva Ridqe North Condominiums 133 Wllow Road, Vail, Colorado Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing I Gonsideration of Factors A. The proposed, revised entry will have no new major impact on existing or potential uses or structures in the vicinity. In essence, it replaces an existing, non-conforming condition with a more attractive solution with better proportions. The encroichment of the support columns toward the street is actually reduced (approximately 10"), while the gable end roof overhang encroachment remains the same. The width (footprint) of the columns and the width of the roof overhang do increase in the side-to-side dimension. The pier width increases approximately 4'-0" and the total roof eave overhang dimension increases approximately 4'-6". However, these increases are parallelto Gore Creek Circle and the property line, minimizing conflict with the existing street conditions. B. The proposal is a new design solution to an existing condition. Relief from the strict or literal interpretation of the front setback requirement is necessary to achieve compatibility with the original building entry location. Due to similar, non-conforming situations in nearby properties, we do not feel that this variance will be a grant of special privilege. Again, since the current entry, along with similar encroachments in the vicinity, is an existing condition, uniformity of treatment is maintained. C. Since the proposed new entry replaces an existing condition and does not encroach any further into the right-of-way, the variance will have no significant additional impact on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities and public safety. There was some thought that the two existing handicapped parking spaces north of the entry and the two regular spaces to the south may have to be revised. However, since the spaces currently are located to the east side of the existing piers, and the new piers are moved closer to the building, no significant revisions should be necessary. D. We believe that the proposal is compatible with Vail's planning policies,. design standards and development objectives. The new main entry, along with the total exterior remodel of the building, will enhance the aesthetic experience of Gore Creek Circle and the west end of Gore Creek Drive. The Vail Village Master Plan states, "There is a need to continually maintain*andupgrade the quality,of existing buildings,'as wel! as streets, walks and utility services." Goal #1, the encouragement of high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the village, has as one of it's objectives to "encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities." Goal#2, the fostering of a stronger tourist industry, encourages "the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve our guests." Goal #3 has the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the village as a top priority. Again, we believe the new entry and building remodel is in keeping with the above objectives and will help preserve and strengthen the Tyrolian and Alpine character of Vail Village. fe o gr{r|u 19lu t9v'tlt lrYA '9 x)ole ', .ro1 Sluo[ 3cot8 YAa I Etqrceu;8cgvT I I wfEpFr.aEr5 | :i co3a !gi ii: :g'r !laE!{.l =3 :. !E 8b !.$€to9 EE7t5*:!F€ :t 3a=zr! -g i! !c ;i$ ilii: iiiiliii iii' ifft Eii ffiffi b<it.'- Ul "r=ttl o *t* .5-v .Itl 6 ,a' ls $s^g tTl-# { f '.t\$ .il ;,o _E_ AH F@ I8',XgsiSJTBRn-n F ll ll{&iP86 ,tn"ffi lq .-I'reis i [::R3 !??{Jllf85 3 !.r ii:!i iijii;tirEFi::i::E$ssli FI l:il E; iIEEi t ! E It E;;:fi : o2t96 o- 3 s$ '3 R'q q.: $sR83i3 lI,$;J .D(J t*, *ron"r) o @ 0) o-tnoJoo o) Existing brick pillar encroachment . New stone base encroachment 36)A)o)*cf^ =roo=XX 3.(oJ 9:cr< H9o 0r' g6''-t I I I I I.\ 1-tt $oJf;ll, =o'. '- ttoo,.x oo oo ooFo =.o 't I'I II I (/) -Tl oD):i'(oVrOoo5JEOot-<0to:l o ='.y.(o 6'or.o- mx an (o u, o- (ot- o rhangpve I I lm.txlo IJt- l(Drol-lol=rO t6 lroof I I I I Il'ol-il.o l(Dt-tt:t'-. l6 I I o d o o o 0)oo trlxo (o o m@xx an3'€(o.o o EJ 6' d54O)-<< -o) q,5wZt 3flsJoro .H ,.3 6=+'-dogE9 o ro-il9o&r=. ='-(oE' 3.o R[C'D APR 23?i,O? .o E.foc.c.EE€ €88c oEo o)(JOS=f:s es Ho(od 8g' atrm= (U rci>) *..(9:i?.3P o. () o)co.o'ocoU) o '6 E (! ct =vtxo oo. ,o :(Et-Ec-ebII L 6tl.S:s\rr Hauto-OOEr-oc)gR ir- F o (o o tIJ rh,a(E tu q).c)co o o U) \oC)'a o'oo(Lpo @X@ o.oo. o'E(o o)co Eoo .ric (\t x@ c €E=o oE € g'F 9 ror; 8r;i 3c!E+Etr Jo B EE qlCtIF E)ocOF;foE Es 9.E 9.6 o-E7(u .=L-6e Eg-o'9o=.o-(6 3.a=osd6EEilo-f:Gl46. 3F eo,ctI + 9oo ooo- U)o il815ge AH qq 8 -P'o- qto o aq, o-ooJooo)E' U)oJo oJoo CNoo!to g) FF @ g. - t--;5' il. I IC) = mxg, :3. (o trt =:o-5(or =o @'x N =' 5o.o.tDoqt v, d54(r*<a-o ql 5w7t' 3isuolo HsF f=+=Fo839 3 d3 &3=. ='-(oE' 3.o -.{dgto- @ \E \I1ro @ 6'oo r'A\ q A Io +i \'t o o) o o ''C)z o 'o ;E ctt c.cf;!t oeo]oogc o. -c||,.=043 ! E ct Ea'o t!ou,([ T'oo;tl * {,IA {ltr El8i;XE9rbP EE9adrcc.tr 8E '- 0, =ti'i 8.o3655E 3EiTo, .g l,>u|f8p5;E€crio. 267 =(0Eo i5 -qocus;g!9 .u 2..!(E*s.!g oZE b eP9e *5;€ 6'g! EE.+! s*! * E $;E6s ;*f;z9E *34sg* $g€ Fs €€E'8: 3.e 9s6gs 'g i;: !*F 3s iE Et* EE,sE g s .'- Eg t3I e ;.Ejs g; .g0, cLE(! 33cq) o=Erocc.Oax=r,rJ 3 '6;i5ooE.YorH i.9o6 8X F* (! :.(Jo; otr Ec)o!o- =9>a)6!s2E. z/A\vil s IILII =I@ lF* @ E4 9IFIItnf F-- fto @< @ ET ilr #z Ittrlt C9 atl r,t IrJliEE r---lF;Elr-u--lIM @z HJge N7 -tlr-{t.F\\ rM (!o (o q) c o (go o(, ooo c) ! (E o .o '.o 'o o q, cD .9x CJ q) J2 0) o oo-e 3oE '(J a, o.t) ot.stto:=.=t, co)f 'Et' 6S'x= Eo<o'Eo>'! yto.6^qbElt I l"peel/angenwalter architects, l.l.c. david ma* peel, a.i-a. &athy hngmwafter, a"la. 2580 aro6a drive p.o. box 1202 vail, co 41558 970,4764506 97O47US72lex Riva Ridge North Gondominiums 133 Wllow Place, Vail, Colorado Lot 6, Block 6, VailVillage 1st Filing I I I I I I I I t I I I t The Lodge at Vail Attn: Mr. Charley Viola, Assistant General Manager 174 East Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 Lots A, B and C, Block 5C, VailVillage 1st Filing The SiEmark Lodge Attn: Mr. Bob Fritch, Owner 183 Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 Lot A, Block 58, VailVillage 1st Filing Riva Ridge South Gondominiums Attn: Ms. Barbara Feeney, GeneralManager The \Mllows, 74 Willow Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Lot 7, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing Summers Lodge Attn: Mr. Rick Haltermann, Summers Lodge Condo. Assn. 123 \Mllow Place, Vail, Colorado 81657 Lot 5, Block 6, VailVillage 1st Filing t I I I THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 24,2002, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a recommendation to the Town Council for the adoption of two view corridors within Lionshead and to amend Section 12-224 (Adoption of View Corridors), Town Code to include View Corridors 1 and 2 in Title 1 2, as identified within the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. View Corridor 1 is located approximately at the main pedestrian exit looking southwest towards the Gondola lift line. View Corridor 2 is located approximately from the pedestrian plaza at the east end of the Lifthouse Lodge looking south up the Gondola lift line. A more specific legal description of the two view corridors is on file at the Community Development Department. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Sections 12-14-7 (Setback from Watercourse) and 12-15-5C5 (Guideline Compliance), Vail Town Code, to allow for an addition within the 50 ft. Gore Creek setback and to allow for the continuance of a non-conforming driveway, located at 5175 Black Gore Drive, Unit B-1/Cedar Point Townhomes Filing 2. Applicant: John Welaj, represented by Mike SumanPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a major exterior alteration in accordance with Section 12-78-7 (ExteriorAlterations or Modifications), Town Code, and a variance from Section 12-78-12 (Height), Town Code, to allow for an addition, located at225Wall Street / Lot B, Block 5C, Vail Village 1"'Filing. Applicant: Eugene Fahey, represented by Mark O'Bryan, ArchitectPlanner; Allison Ochs A request for a variance from Title 14, Development Standards, to allow for the construction of a new driveway that exceeds the minimum entry angle deflection, located at 3275 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 1 1, Block 1, Vail Village 12h Filing. Applicant: John & Gina Reimer, represented by John PerkinsPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a variance from Section 12-6H-9 (Site Coverage), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a new front entry feature at Riva Ridge North, located at 33 Willow Place/Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Village 1't Filing. Applicanl Riva Ridge North Chalets Condo Assoc., represented by Peel/Langenwalter Architects, L.L.C.Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Communi$ Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. _. 1.cwl r ,{ "if:' 1o''"^)t* MWOTVAIL Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published June 7, 2002in the Vail Daily. Please call 479- { peel/langenwatter architects, l.l.c. david nnrk peel, a,i,a. kathy largenwalter, a.i.a, 2588 arosa drive p.o. box |202 vail, co 81658 9704764506 9704764572 fax Riva Ridoe North Condominiums 133 \Mllow Place, Vail, Colorado Lot 6, Block 6, VailVillage 1st Filing l, I I I l l I t I lr l I The Lodge at Vail Attn: Mr. Charley Viola, Assistant General Manager 174 East Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 Lots A, B and C, Block 5C, VailVillage 1st Fiting The SiEmark Lodge Attn: Mr. Bob Fritch, Owner 183 Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing Riva Ridge South Gondominiums Attn: Ms. Barbara Feeney, General Manager The \Mllows, 74 \Atillow Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Lot 7, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing Summers Lodge Attn: Mr. Rick Haltermann, Summers Lodge Condo. Assn. 123 Willow Place, Vail, Colorado 81657 Lot 5, Block 6, VailVillage 1st Filing THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 10,2002, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a variance from Section 12-6H-6 (Setbacks), Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a new front entry feature in the front setback at Riva Ridge North, located at 133 Willow Place/Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Village 1"'Filing. Applicant: Riva Ridge North Chalets Condo Assoc., represented by Peel/Langenwalter Architects, L.L.C.Planner: Bill Gibson A request for an amendment to the approved development plan; a request for conditional use permits to allow for the construction of Type lll EHU's, to allow for an expansion of the Vail Mountain School, to allow for a private outdoor recreation facility, to allow for a private school/educational institution and to allow for temporary modular classroom structures; a request to modify the official Rockfall Hazard Map to indicate approved mitigation; a request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a rezoning from Two-Family Residential to General Use (Tract C); a request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council to amend the land use designation from Low Density Residential to Public/Semi-Public (Tract C) and a request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a text amendment to Section 12-84.- 8 (Density) Vail Town Code to amend the GRFA requirements in the Ag and Open -S.Pace Zone Oiitrtct, l6iated at 3'l 60 Katsos Ranch Road / Lots 1 1 & 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12tn Filing and Tract C, Block 1, Vail Village 12'" Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Russ Forrest A request for a variance from Section 12-OD-6 (Setbacks) Vail Town Code, to allow for an addition in the front setback, located at 4887 Juniper Lane/Lot 78, Block 4, Bighorn sth Addition. Applicant: Stephen & Jackie ClarkPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for the operation. of a private outdoor recreation facility, located at 560 Lionshead Mallffract D, Vail Lionshead 1"t Filing. Applicant: Vail ResortsPlanner: George Ruther A request for an exemption plat to amend a platted building envelope, located at 1094 Riva Glen/Lot 4, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Spraddle Creek LLCPlanner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community 4.ai \, Develooment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend ru i. r - , lo iDevelopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town ot V{,.fciv"* qlD 11" ,-'fl\-.jdiilf,'!I. [JCommunity Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information.;x\'*ti Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published May 24,2QOZin the Vail Daily. ,, i iqiri sl|.ll/yrr q.r +1 r. a q t. ?- *.1 L Category NumbeL Project Name: Building Name:\{6 Project Description: Review Action Filt TOWN OF VAIL Owner, Address and Phone: A / L/A seconded oy: MCrf'{Zd- ,\Annrovat I Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: { X 1.,,,,.,...,^ ll\-,l_ ,'r I | {,t y1,, Li' frl / | t y,_.--t Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-pald{l'i,:l Z:l 'l'a .a irlrllla 7ltttga DESIGN REVI I. A. B. _jJMinor AlLeraLion (920.00) JConceptual Review (90) o EW BOARI) DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: s 1Sg5 **t**t**** ONS TT,A t!:ltrtL*:3tt* PROJECT TNFORMATTON: DESCRIPTION: 1) lnstall 1x6 cedar casin around all windows openinqs ( paint to match exi-stln Iarqe windows , color sam eE encorthvest stairs match exis nq r' TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConsE.rucLion ($200.00)Addition ($50.00) do Buff stone i1 Roadc. D. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: LoLSubdivision If properEy is described bydescription, pI€iase provideto Ehis application. ZONING: Six Block Six a meets and boundson a separate sheeL legal and aLtach F.NAME OF APPLICAT\II: Riva Ridoe North Condorninium Association G. I. ,1 . /l;uo fu/"- ^rL h-/t t\c ,FEE !l^'t^^F zv. vu$ s0.00 $100. 00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 First FiLin Mailing Address: p.o. gox 3671Vai1, CO Phone 926-2877 NAME OF APPIJTCAI.TT,S REPRESENTATIVE: Riclc HaltermannMailing Address: same Phone H,NAME qF OWNER(S): Riva Ridge North Condominium Association O1INER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailing Address: same Ptrone APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOW OITNER'S STCNA"UNT Condominium Approval if applicab)_e. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are t,o be paid aB theLime of submiteal of Lhe DRB applilacion. Liter, whenapplyj.ng for a building permit,, plbase idencify the accuratevaluat,ion of the proposal . The Town of vail_ wili adjust thefee according to the t.able beIow, Lo ensure Lhe correct feeis paid. FEE SCHEDUITE: VAIJUATION,h n A ,i r.r ,.r'r,.rI v * r,V,UUv$ 10, 001 - $ s0, 000$ SO, 001 - $ 1s0, 000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500, 001 $1, 000,000S Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES ONE YEAR ANTER FINAIJ APPROVAIJ ITNIJESS A BUILDING PERITIIT IS ISSUED AIID CONSTRUCTIONIS STARTED. -rrjFI "!,U L .*: 4- t{'' *' o W ..t t .'Jr; ',$+ ;* e -+-' - &* r,ul fr,, r- f 7"' \ .trtt r:- J. \ ,4 sd\ _/ s'{o 4/J J Jou o$4 Fz{ dCe ko,O+5t C*t^^:_:4p ,b, C9_-N1 7'SB'0O"Et capl hereby cercify rhat thls improvetnenE locaclon cerclflcate was prepared for che1642&ortgage render and rhe tlrle lnsurance coopany, chaE 1.t ls noc a land survey pracor lstProvenenc survey plat, and chac it 1s noc co be relled upon for che establlsh-oenc of fence, building, or ocher future inproveoenc ll.nes. I further cerclfy thacche loprovernencs on che above descri.bed parcel on this date, excepc utiltcy con-necci.ons, are encirely tJichin che boundarles of the parcel , excepc as shoern, chaEchere are no encroachnencs uPon che descrtbed prerni.ses by inprovements on any ad-Joining premises, excepc as indicaced, and rhac chere 1s no apparenc evidence orsign of any easement crossin8 or burdening any part of said parcel, excepc as nored. Thi.s cercl'ficace does noc consctcuce a clEle search by Inter-Houncaln Engineerlngco determlne or.rnershlp or easenencs of record. For all inforsracion regardingeasenencs, righcs-of-lray or citle of record, rnEer-Mouncain Engineerlng rel.iedupon Rivo Ridge Norlh Condominium Mop prepored by Mburer, Serofini ord Meurer, Inc. 1n L. J. \ II Ai'loo n\nil _...,,$Nt;.jk Zln;;iu Lot 5 Harmon E. Mclendon P.L.S. 422575 12h (o Gone -,cng€k o\ CtncJe <-€ (J' ko, @e 7.49 Ptn L.S. cap 18e27 asphal t ol rh Po,Box 978 AVON, COt-Cr 816eO(303t st 9- 5072 - a|l lrfvrlnt IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE *- -' 8.M".PRO.J€6 n v- stgzs w lnlE |3sr€D'9/26/85RIVA RIDGE NORTH LOT 6, BLOCK 6, VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING, TOWN r V!L, EAGLE COUNTY, CUORAT *r"o o, 8.M".rcrlEt !" = ZO, 217 n lo rrEEr b' r oF la I o esign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Ploject Namc: Riva Ridge North Condominiums Project Dcscription:Addition of Window Shutters Orvner. Addrcss and Phone: Riva Ridge North Condominium Association, Box 3671, 81658 Arrchitcct/Contact. Addr ess and Phone: Proicct Street Addrcss:133 Vail Road Lcgal Description: Riva Ridge North Condominiums, Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Village lst Filing Building Namc: Riva Ridge North Condominiums o Parcel Number: Commcnts: Board / Staff Action Action: staffapprovedMotion by: Secondcd by: Votc: nla Conditions: nla nla l) Color to be approved at a frrture date Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: July 20, 1998 FIIiVER\'( )N T.,\DR I}\APPRoVAI-\9I{\RI VA RID(;, 720 DRB Fce Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstions? aOr. Pla;rning Statf lr.i7-.-l i2.l APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigrr Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicrv ntust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrnrit. For spccific infonnation, scc thc subrrrittal rcquirctrtcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc applicatiou cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd inlornration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd bythcTorw Council and./or thc Planning and Environntcntal Cornnrission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Board approval cxpircs one ycar aftcr linal approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. Lt. C, D. E. r. U. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:_ BLOCK:_ FILING:_ 'FT''T.ALADDRESS: l6e U+ru h4b . - PARCEL #:(Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Ofticc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) PHONE: ZONINC: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: I{. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) : NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncrv Construction - $200 Construction ol'a ncrv building. Includcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial building. lncludcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcnrcnts, such as, rcroofing. painting, rvindorv additions, landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. tr Addition -$s0 D N{inor Altcration - $20 DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc tinic of submittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying fora building penrrit. plcasc idcntifo thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. ThcTorvn of Vail rvill adjust the fcc according to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMI'TTAL REQUIRENIENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIIIMUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 8I657, TOII/N OF VAIL RIPTION OF THE PHONE: ,OIiyN OFVAIL tr o IUINOR ALTBRATIONS TO TI'IE.EXTEiUOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IM PROVTIVIDNTS GENERAL INFORMATION This application applies to changcs uladc to a site or exterior altcrations ofa building. Anyaltcration in rvhiclr additiorral building square footngc is addcd rvill rcquire an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENT.S Photos or skctchc.s rvhich plcarly convcy the existing conditions. Photos or skctches rvhich clcarly convcy thc proposcd build.ing or site altcration(s). All rclcvant spccifications for thc proposal including colors and rnatcrials to bc uscd. Condonriniun Association approval (if applicablc). Ll o o o lfthc intcnt of thc proposal is not clcarly indicatcd, thc Adnrinistrator may dctcmrinc that additional nratcrials arc ncccssary for thc rcvicrv of thc application. STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may rcvicrv and approve Design Rcvicrv applications. approvc rvith certain modifications, deny thc application, or nray retbr the application to thc Design Revierv Board for dccision. All staff approvals arc subjcct to final approval by the DRB. Thc follorving types of Dcsign Rcvicrv applications may bc staff approvcd: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with thc architcctural dcsigr. rnatcrials and color.s of thc building. and approval has becn rcceived by an authorized mernber ofa condonriniurn association. if applicablc: B. Any application to nrodify an existing building that does not significantly changc the existing plancs ol'the building and is gencrally consistcnt rvith the architectural desigr, materials and colors ofthe building. including. but not limited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stonework. siding. roof nraterials. paint or stain.), cxtcrior lighting. canopics or arvnings, fences. antennas. satcllite dishcs, rvindorvs. skl,lights. siding. urinor cornrrrcrcial facadc improvcrucnts. and othcr similar modil-rcations: C. Anv application tbr sitc inrprovements or modifications including. but not limitcd to. driveway rnodifications, sitc grading. site rvalls. rcnroval or modifications to existing landscaping. installation ol accessorv structures or rccreational f'acilities .\ . BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Sof'tits- Windows Windorv Trinr Doors Door J'rinr Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chirnncys Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other * Please specify the nranufacturer's color. number and attach a srnall color chip ++ All cxtcrior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcaseindicatethcnuntbcroffixhrrcsandlocationsonaseparatclightingplan. Identifycachfixturetypeatdprovide the height above grade, luntens output, lunrinous area. and attach a cut shect ofthc lighting fixtures, o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:r Updated f197 There was a lerfy discussion concerning the building r|i"g system. Dr. Cohen stated there was a iErrible waste of heat in the btilding, his thermostat can be in the off position but lris trnit is still so hot hc nccds to ol)cln windows. Torn describcd the problems as bcing related to thc way the hcating syster:- ..": s retrofit into the building. Controls for the boilcr turn them on ancl ofl'dcpendin11 , n 'he outside temperature. When the boilers are on hot glycol is flowing through all the urrits in a bypass regardless of whcthcr thc units tl.tclnrostats is calling for hcat or not. ,'lirm said it is not unusual for him to get calls from a unit saying it's too cold and another sal ng it's too hot during the same day. Tom has brought in several plunrbcls to hclp deternr ,le proper setting etc. and he adjusts the boiler tenrperature and controls as thc scasons :hangc, but it is tough with this building due to the way the heating system was br.rilt and lne huge daily temperature fluctuations in Vail. Dr. Cohen mentioned the benefits of gas log frruplaces and asked if the association would be interested in a rctrollt. Tom mcntioned the association in last years survey voted the motion down 8-1. This proposal was tabled. Tom went to the Town of Vail with the associations shutter proposal, which was tabled several years ago. In his nrceting with thc town planncrs he was told they were 85olo sure this project would be approved by the Tov staff. Tom found bids that were dolle at the time of $24,000 and $27,000. Davicl r-'r] en remembered the cost was so high due to the difficulty fastening the shuttels to the sr 1,.,.::). Dr. cohen motioned that Tom go to the Town of Vail planners scckirrg approvat rii:ris project. Dr. Tyndal seconded. If the project is approved then the Board will Ih,'ssibly seek new bids. Dr. Cohen then discussed the advantages ofrent.vating the hallway lobby aleas. The bottom line was the past lot'rby proposal was tablcd tr, ,:ausc it was clcar it would exceed the proposed budget of $15,000. Dr. cohen belier.,:s the hallways should be remodeled for several reasons, l) nearly all thc units have reen rernodeled ald the hallways should reflect these improvements 2) the hallwaT lighting is inadequate and the light boxes are an eyesore,3) the plastic wallpapcr doesn' .:nhance anything. Boe^rr ' -ft\rs \e A CoP( otr NrilA Nlotr'rrH C]ot.1.ofto()(D (D CL C-e a\9 CC'a HoR Arnlnludl{, re€rrnJG . -1 Kz f{t6*Lr6fi-E) Q+"tt64.A++t e Na.os-ll€- sA-,xlq &{PrzuJ *c. , -(trWZ q"u, fin QUe-J"r^e_ I Al-r-- L(1r..33) tr For (fa 6ee: Deparnnenl of Community Development 75 South Frontag€ Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-Zr3E $ Ser".'.T Dir€ct Line: 9'l 0-479-2139 - Fax: 9'104'19-2452