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PEC080015 Neighborhood/Citizen Comments
• 1~ VAIL HOMEOWNERS F e b r u a r y ASSOCIATION 2 0 0 9 Vail Economy - More Skiers, Less Income: Skier numbers are increasing as gauged by revenues from the Town of Vail, reporting lift ticket tax up 10.2% for November thru December, over the previous ski season. Another indicator of good ski conditions, parking on the Frontage Road has exceeded the Town's desire to limit on-street parking to 15 days during the ski season. Proving the fickleness of observation, Sunday of President's Weekend saw no overflow parking on the Frontage Road, while long lines, at times, formed at some ski lifts. Looking forward, airline mid-ski season bookings into Eagle County Airport are ahead of the same period last year. Managers of an online community market promotion are still reporting brisk traffic on their website. The Town of Vail's sales tax receipts (Vail Business Review 02/04/09) are reported to be down 6.4% for December 2008. However, Vail's sales tax declined less than other comparable Colorado winter resorts. Aspen was down nearly 20%, Winter Park -14% and most others down around 10%, including Snowmass. (See CAST Comparative Chart) The Vail Lod2in~ Occupancy Forecast, prepared by the Vail Valley Partnership, reports January was down 14.3% and February is projected to be off -12.6% from the prior year. A closer look at Vail's sales tax shows a more serious prospect, with the Town's end-of-year sales tax balance increase of 3.7%, barely keeping A neavy weignt nangs over the direction of vad's future development C Photo2raphy -James Franklin Lamont pace with the rate of inflation. Despite incentive from holiday season promotions, Vail Village saw a 28.2% decline in revenues from retail stores. Lodging was up 4.9%, with restaurant/bars down 10%. Lionshead showed positive growth in all categories due in part to the lack of historical data, as several new businesses have been opened over the past year. Town Budget Cuts: A sharp decline in development and building permit activity, combined with a decline in 4`h quarter sales tax revenues has prompted the Town of Vail to reduce its 2009 budget by $1 million. Already, $5-6 million had been cut during the budget approval process in November. In this round, staff positions were cut and a hold put on 2% of the Town staff's 6% merit pay increase. If additional reductions are required, recommendations may include putting off more capital improvement projects and cutting service levels. Town Consultants Looking Forward: The Town Council, at the urging of several business interest groups, is investing modest sums in consultant reports that may prove useful in guiding economic development decisions. (See Vail Citizens for Action, former Town Councilman Kent Lozan's, ECOTV presentation to Vail Town Council 2/17/09 1:12) One study will investigate the economic value of the Vail Valley Medical Center (VVMC) to the community. The VVMC has been conducting studies of its own to determine the merits of relocating aspects of its operation down valley closer to the center of resident populations. The Council's second consultant report will explore investments in facilities that would qualify for the reallocation of the nearly $10 million Conference Center Fund by Vail voters. There are those who advocate that there are common interests to be served by allocating the Conference Center Fund to the VVMC for the development of a health education conference center on or near its Vail campus. Real Estate and Development - Working: Vail, in December, saw one of the highest average sales price months on record with closing occurring on several high value condominium properties in Vail Village. Eagle County real estate sales for 2008 were off with a 25% decline in year-end total sales from the prior year. There is limited expectation from market observers that the decline from prior year highs will reverse in the near term. Vail's six major construction projects remain underway. Indication of the severity of the construction slow down in Eagle County can be seen by the conspicuous presence of "not hiring" signs posted at the entrances of some of Vail's larger construction projects. The Colorado Labor Market Service (CLMS) is reporting for December 2008, an Eagle County unemployment rate of 4.27% of the county's 32,589 labor force as compared with the state at 6.1% and a climbing national rate at 7.2%. While Eagle County's unemployment rate for most of the past decade has closely mirrored both state and national trends, it has consistently remained lower. See Comparative Graphs) Work Force Stressed - Population Shifts Ahead: Should the pace of development and real estate sales continue to weaken, there is growing speculation there could be a substantive decline in opportunities for employment. With shrinking job prospects, a reduction in employee population should be anticipated. Seasonal layoffs are being reported in some resort related businesses. A review of (CLMS) statistics indicates that nearly 64% of the county's workforce in one capacity or another is employed in the resort economy. The county is verging on a population of 52,000 with nearly half being younger than 45 years as described in a recent report by the Economic Council of Eagle County. This segment of the population is typically stressed by the high cost of living that pervades the region. Those high growth communities having a recent upsurge in permanent employee population, such as Eagle and Gypsum, may well experience a trend in their employee population being replaced by higher income part- time residents and retirees. This tendency continues to occur in resort communities furthering the probability of an aging population countywide. Some say more subsidized affordable housing is needed only if the factors that caused ~J the most recent resort development boom are repeated. Federal reforms of the national financial regulatory system may affect the aggressiveness curtail future resort development. I%w Affordable Housing Focus Needs Adjusting: The Town of Vail and Eagle County both have a younger age group as the primary beneficiaries of their subsidized affordable housing program. The national and global recession came on with such speed that neither has revised their official estimates of housing demand within the context of a substantive shift in the employment profile of Eagle County and the surrounding region. Pre-recession research for purchasable affordable housing, recently presented to the Vail Town Council, remained out of reach for the main stream of local employees. Both entities are furthering their negotiations to built affordable housing with the hope that the recession will bring down construction costs and mortgage qualification will become more advantageous. There is a mutually expressed assumption that the demand for affordable housing will return, either in the short or long term. Vail and Eagle County's shift towards mandated private sector subsidized affordable housing during the boom years, turned a blind eye to the need for senior affordable housing. It is reported that the Town of Eagle is reluctant to approve a first of its kind for the area, proposed senior housing project that includes care facilities. By economic necessity, seniors may well become the backbone of the Eagle County workforce in the coming years. Public and Private Interest at Odds: If the recession is prolonged, some development interests may contemplate taking up initiatives to roll back affordable housing and other development impact fees, if these mandates are viewed as a deterrent to re-stimulating development. Vail and Eagle County's primary industry is development, advancing "survival anxiety" is palpable among professionals and workers. There are efforts underway by some private development interests, who are attempting to rush through the Town of Vail's approval process, so called "make work" development projects on Town owned public lands to the personal benefit of a select few. One such project is the proposal to develop the open space berms on the south side of the Vail Village Parking Structure into commercial retail, offices and high cost "affordable housing." Some people believe, with the large inventory of unsold real estate in the private sector, "make work" projects have questionable and unsubstantiated value to the community-at-large; Some of these private/public projects have the potential to do more harm than good. Other economic development CW interests say public projects that compete with private projects will only prolong the local recession. Meanwhile, reported foreclosures in Eagle County are marginally on the increase, while some say national economic recovery programs could be muddled for years to come. Vail Resorts - North Day Lot Arrabelle Affordable Housing Approved by Town: The project includes affordable housing units and a skier drop off area. (See Plan Details) The approval provides for an access easement from the site directly onto the South Frontage Road, should there be a need to improve traffic circulation. It is hoped that the skier drop off will be able to provide relief to traffic congestion in other areas of the community, like the Golden Peak Ski base. The project is scheduled to begin in 2010. The outcome of the Town's ongoing negotiations over the redevelopment of the Timber Ridge Affordable Housing Complex may affect whether the North Day Lot is built at all, or if it is included in the Timber Ridge redevelopment. Security Cameras and Traffic Congestion: The Town of Vail was unable to implement the Greeter program to assist with traffic congestion. On the technology front, the Town of Vail's first wireless closed circuit television camera (CCTV) is standing guard over a public art ice sculpture in Lower Gore Creek Plaza. The Homeowners Association advocates the use of wireless CCTV technology in areas where traffic congestion occurs. There are cost effective systems that could be installed on public or private property if the Town would take the steps to improve traffic enforcement. A live feed could be sent to the Town's new television security center, as well as directly onto the Internet. Drivers with Internet accessible cell phones and neighborhood residents with computers could make decision on how to avoid Vail's traffic congestion. Traffic code enforcement could be dispatched to trouble areas more efficiently. The Town's public art CCTV installation cost around $5,000. It has all the bells and whistles including remote controlled tilt, pan and zoom. There are other wireless CCTV (webcam) systems with less expensive cameras that can be installed for far less. Should the Town not make progress in resolving objectionable traffic congestion, private property owners have the option to install their own inexpensive CCTV cameras and link together their own Internet based network to document lapses in enforcement. Transportation Issues: ECO Buses at Capacity: Regional mass transit bus service (ECO Transit) provided through Eagle County was discussed in a meeting between the Vail Town Council and the Eagle County Commissioners. Vail's higher winter parking rates are driving up demand; adjustments are being made so that shopper parking is more affordable and well regulated. ECO officials say they are not keeping pace with demand. Economic conditions have increased ridership and impacted their service and budget limits. Down valley communities are asking for their own feeder bus service, Vail officials are reluctant to subsidize these communities. Some officials would like to see a .05 cent sales tax increase to expand service within Eagle County and to link with other regional bus systems in neighboring Summit and Garfield counties. Vail's mayor suggested it might be cheaper for the Town, rather than build more parking, to provide its own park and ride bus service to the communities along I-70. Duplication and inefficiencies have fueled long standing controversies between ECO and the two community feeder systems operated by the Town of Vail and the Town of Avon. Eagle County airport: Expansion of airport service is secondary to the Commissioners' desire to build a new $80 million I-70 interchange near the airport, so that vehicular traffic bypasses both Eagle and Gypsum. The project is not qualified for Federal stimulus funds and should not hold back expansion of airport capacity. The Homeowners Association urged the officials to set aside the I-70 bypass Interchange in favor of the overriding economic importance, in the short term, of increasing domestic air passenger traffic and upgrading terminal facilities to handle international commercial flight. Runway rebuilding mandated by Federal authorities will close the airport to commercial traffic this coming summer. When reopened, the runway will have been extended by 1000 feet, increasing the take off seating capacity of commercial airliners during summer month when warm temperatures adversely affect wing lift. Interstate 70 Mass Transit Planning: Commentary - Allen Best: Devilish details of land use & mass transit along 1-70 Mr. Best is a Colorado based journalist, with strong ties to Vail and Eagle County, reporting on growth and environmental affairs. His articles have appeared in the New York Times and a variety of national publications. He is publisher of the Mountain Town News an online magazine reporting on development issues in North American ski resorts. C~\ J SILVERTHORNE, Colo. - Champagne was poured all around on a recent Thursday afternoon in the Silverthorne Public Library meeting room by consultants hired to study station selection and land-use planning in conjunction with some sort of future mass transit along the Interstate 70 corridor. Not to dismiss the value of a little bubbly to wet your whistle in mid-week, but the symbolism of the champagne seems premature. Flo Raitano, director of the I-70 Coalition, said as much in her introduction of the consultants. "This not the end of the story," she said. "This is just the beginning of the chapter." This beginning of the chapter cost $500,000, with four-fifths provided in a grant by the Colorado Department of Transportation and $100,000 chipped in by local governments along the way. Those governments extend from Jefferson County, on metropolitan Denver's side, to the Roaring Fork Valley, with a terminus of either Glenwood Springs or Carbondale, depending upon alignment. Included along the way, or laterally, is the greatest concentration of major ski resorts in North America. The precise alignment, however, remains highly uncertain, as does the technology. As such, there's a huge amount of looseness to this study, judging from the public presentation last week. Despite the champagne, the study will not be released until mid-March, after it has been further vetted. Traffic on an August afternoon near the Twin Tunnels, located just east of Idaho Springs and a major bottleneck on both winter and summer weekends. © Photography - Allen Best The conversation about land-use started a decade ago, as some in the mountain communities along I-70 began to realize that any kind of mass transit that successfully unkinked the weekend traffic could also be used to commute to jobs in Denver. This simple but profound implication about all transportation systems is something that mountain communities are still sorting out. That appears to be the main value of the dialogue fostered by the team of consultants, Craig Gaskill of Jacobs Carter Burgess and Beth Ordonex of Ordonex & Vogelsang. "There is some decision-making that needs to be made as we move forward, and we're laying the ground-work for that," explained Mr. Gaskill. "We're trying to get a community consensus." The study-officially called the I-70 Mountain Coalition Land Use Planning Study for Rail Transit Stations and Alignment-is neither a feasibility study nor an environmental study, he said. "We're a planning study," he added. This study is being done in collaboration with another ongoing study being conducted by the Rocky Mountain Rail Authority. That study, due for completion in August, is evaluating potential rail-based mass transit options for both the Interstate 25 and 70 corridors in Colorado. To further complicate this narrative, the Colorado Department of Transportation is completing yet another, parallel study that includes evaluation of somewhat broader transit options-called automated guideway system-as part of the massive, and now nearly 10-year programmatic environmental impact statement. That study has been extended, reports Michael Penny, Frisco town manager and chairman of the I-70 Coalition, in order to allow more collaboration with corridor communities before hand. It is now set to be completed late this year or early in 2010. "Now we know where these stations might be, and what the implications will be for local communities," said Mr. Gaskill. Potential stations: West of Denver at the intersection of Highway 6 and again at El Rancho; then again in Idaho Springs and somewhere in the Georgetown/Empire Junction area; seasonally at Loveland ski area. In Summit County, at either Frisco or Silverthorne, and then again at Copper Mountain. Or, if the alignment is different, then Keystone and Breckenridge. l e County In the Eagle Valley, at either Vail or Avon, and if ridership justifies them, conceivably both, and at Eag Regional Airport. This is not set in concrete. Particularly in Summit County, there was also recognition that stopping everywhere isn't possible, and high-speed transit must be integrated with local feeder routes. As for the land-use component of the study, Ms. Ordonez said that the local working groups that were convened were very clear about what they expected to see around the stations: transit-friendly development, yes, but of a scale that was very different-and less dense-than found in cities. "That came through loud and clear," she said. Also-this is important-what the corridor groups expect is a mass transit that relies primarily upon the influx of visitors. When the study is completed in mid-March, it is to be posted at the website of the I-70 Coalition, at www.i70solutions.org/. Already, that site has had several of its PowerPoint presentations used when meeting with community groups. Other documents can be found at the Rocky Mountain Rail Authority website, www.rockymountainrail.org. The study, if still officially incomplete, does raise obvious questions. Most fundamental is what kind of development would mass transit beget? Is it really possible to create an efficient way to commute between Denver and the mountain valleys without also causing a great amount of development built around those stations and, more generally, in those valleys? And just as importantly, can mass transit work if there isn't enough density along the way to pay the bills? That was the point, I believe, of Tom Norton, the former director of the Colorado Department of Transportation, when he spoke at one I-70 forum in Silverthome about five years ago. Mountain towns before the automobile era were dense, even cramped places, typically of 25-foot lots, but altogether pedestrian friendly. They were connected by trains, much as is envisioned by mass transit along 1-70, with the exception that the new vision foresees high speeds. The old trains were anything but fast. With the possibility of a new type of mass transit, a central question for mountain communities is, will something affordable and efficient for visitors make bedroom communities out of them? Or, will such transit be possible without the daily ridership of commuters? There are devil's bargains either way. Contact Allen Best. Review VHA 2008 Annual Report Membership Information VHA Newsletter Reprint Policy Contact Editor Production Credits - Web PDF Version: Copy and Layout Editing - Elizabeth Bailey E-mail: vha(a)vail.net Web Site: Morning Mist on Golden Peak V Photoeraphy - James Franklin Lamont Post Office Box 238 Vail, Colorado 81658 Telephone: (970) 827-5680 FAX: (970) 827-5856 (12/10/2008) George Ruther - Vail Village Master Plan Amendment/Triumph Development Page 1 From: <RJ1340@aol.corr>> To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 12/10/2008 10:40 AM Subject: Vail Village Master Plan Amendment/Triumph Development CC: <steveh@mountainhaus.com>, <TargoTee@aol.com> Bob & Teri Abrams 2050 Kipling Court Highland Park, IL 60035 847-831-5821/fax 847-831-5862 _RJ 1 340@AOL.COM_ (mailto:RJ1340@AOL.COM) To the esteemed members of the Vail Town Council: Please consider the following regarding the "Triumph Village Parking Structure Berm Development": After skiing many of North America's resorts, my wife and I have considered Vail our winter home for the past 25 years. We have a ground floor condo in Lion Square 100 feet from the gondola, but usually stay in our condo at Mountain Haus for the same reason we choose to return to Vail every year and for the same reason that the people we've introduced to Vail continue to return: Vail Village. You can call it charm, ambience, magic... whatever it is, it makes Vail Village unique in the skiing world and its what brings visitors and revenue to Vail year after year. The proposed changes to Meadow Drive may destroy that attraction irreparably, possibly alienating a significant portion of our customer base, who've already been subjected to a few years of cranes and construction traffic. Visitors come to Vail to escape the big-city environment, not to be caught up in traffic jams and concrete. At this time of bank `%W closures, credit freezes and economic pullbacks, Vail should consider carefully a new project that might stall or fail and leave yet another gaping hole in the ground. Few employees of Vail businesses are able to afford housing in the $500,000 to $1 M range, and those who can are more likely to choose more family-oriented neighborhoods, away from the ski hill. The population this development might serve is a tiny fraction of the general population, the vast majority of whom would be dis-serviced by the development. Looking at today's real estate market, failures of over-development abound. There's always one more parcel, one more sliver. Vail's changed a lot these past few years, it may be time to let the dust settle and see what we've got before we bury our treasure for all time. You have always tried to uphold the spirit of the Master Plan; uniqueness, ambiance and open spaces. Please allow the future of Vail to be re-evaluated during the next development cycle without the impediment of yet another strip mall. (May I get a quick response indicating that you've received this email?) **************Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now. (http://www.aol.com/?optin=new-dp&icid=aolcom40vanity&ncid=emlcntaolcom00000010) Va il's MNjhfoin~rh~ Covered Dridge February 25, 2008 Honorable Mayor and Members of the Town Council Town of Vail - Council Chambers South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Regarding: Proposed TOV Master Plan amendment - Vail Parking Structure Dear Mayor and Members of the Town Council: The Mountain Haus Home Owners Association represents seventy-five property owners and over $200M in real estate assets directly adjacent to the south side of the Vail Parking Structure and the beautiful mountain ambience provided by the plentiful trees (flowers, too, in the summer) and vegetation on the south side. This is the main entrance to the Town of Vail, provides a wonderful buffer to the freeway and traffic to the north, and gives our Village at its entrance the mountain resort feeling which all of us in the Village treasure so much. We urge the Council to take all necessary action to protect the mountain ambience of this entryway to the Village and ensure the integrity of the TOV Master Plan by rejecting any attempt to amend it. The proposed development of the Vail Parking Structure berm area would cause multiple negative impacts on our Village by cheapening, commercializing and urbanizing the entryway to the Village and making it look like any other cheap, ordinary recreation area. It definitely will adversely affect our own property by substantially decreasing the foliage and open space, causing loss of light & views, increasing traffic, noise pollution and congestion, and resulting in an overall urbanization of East Meadow Drive. There wll undoubtedly be damage to our own property values and loss of income. Who wants to live or stay in a mess like that? People who come to Vail want to escape the urbanization and commercialization of their own towns and neighborhoods and want the mountain ambience and tranquility we all now enjoy. The Master Plan was designed to preserve what is special about Vail. Please don't let it be changed! I encourage any member of the Council, or Town Staff, to call me at anytime if there are any questions. Regards, Steve Hawkins General Manager `170. kq; ~ b Mountain Ilaus 292 East Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 * 970/476-2434 * 970/476-3007 www.mountainhaus.com * e mail: info(u;mountainhaus.com * For Reservations: 800/237-0922 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Triumph Development of Bethesda, Maryland From: "Sally Cassidy" S C VS i n? To: Date: 02/28/2009 5:06 PM Subject: Triumph Development of Bethesda, Maryland Dear TOV, As a property owner in Vail Village for over 36 years, I want to voice my objection and tell you how disappointed I am that you would even consider the Triumph Development's proposed amendments to the Vail Village Master Plan (VVMP) regarding our neighboring East Meadow Drive berm parcel. Why would you even think about this ...a project that would eliminate the last green space in the area? Do we really need more buildings jammed together? All this project would bring is more blight, more noise, more congestion and less parking. Do you want it to look like the Lionshead parking structure where the first thing you see is a neon Subway Sandwich sign when you step of the bus? We are fast losing ...if not have already lost ...the charm and the beauty of our Vail Village that attracted potential owners as well as visitors for so many years. Let's greet those who come to enjoy the beauty of Colorado with wildflowers, not more bricks and stone. Respectfully, Sally Otis Cassidy Owner of Mt. Haus condo file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49ABF... 03/02/2009 Page 1 of 1 `W Nicole Peterson From: "Paul Treacy" To: 1 Date: 03/03/2009 10:42 AM CC: , , I have been following the council's interest in pursuing the development of the "green space" along E. Meadow dr. Do NOT DEVELOP IT! Enough is ENOUGH! Do not do it! Take the terraced concept at the Bridge St. entrance and expand it all the way to Village Center rd. Make it a park with patio areas for relaxation, and keep the "GREEN". Please no more concrete and zero set backs. I'm sure developing the "park" concept would be more widely accepted, why not float the idea an get "resident" input before going ANY FURTGER! Sincerely, Paul Treacy file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Sett1ngs\Temp\XPgrpwise\49AE6... 03/04/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - proposed amendments to the Vail Village Master plan From: "Jerry Neill" O e To: J Date: 03/05/2009 2:23 PM Subject: proposed amendments to the Vail Village Master plan CC: , , Vail Town Council Members, This e-mail is to express my concerns about the proposed amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan regarding the E. Meadow Drive berm parcel. I have been skiing in Vail since 1968 and a property owner since 1976 and have watched the changes in development over the years, mostly good but some particularly bad. This proposed change would very definitely be detrimental to Vail, its residents and visitors. There would be loss of green space, never a good thing without an extremely compelling reason beneficial to all residents. It would begin to change Vail Village to look more like Lion's Head which is already had too much "in fill" and the crowding. It reduces future options for the parking structure modification and will make repairs which will ultimately be needed much more expensive! The street is currently narrow, but open to the sky above and therefore does not give a closed in feeling. This would obviously change with development. Developers by their nature would develop every square inch of available property if they could see a profit in it. They mention the catchphrase "employee housing" in order to justify their use of green space and I'm sure their projections show huge potential property and sales tax benefits to the town which may or may not ever materialize. These are standard developer tactics and should be viewed as such. Any employee housing built in this location will be far too expensive for any employees except possible high paid professionals and they can afford to buy or rent any place in Vail! The bad thing about developer projections are that even if they turn out to be untrue it is too late to undo the projects! It would certainly appear that we already have adequate high-end shops, art galleries and restaurants. The cost of any retail spaces will be so expensive to lease that shops going in are not likely to benefit the majority of residents or visitors to Vail. I urge you to deny this application for a change which would not be in the long-term best interest of Vail. Jerry R. Neill #567 Mountain Haus 816-830-3253 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B 12B... 03/07/2009 Page 1 of 1 Pam Brandmeyer - (no subject) law From: <vailllew220@aol.com> To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 3/8/2009 11:31 PM Subject: (no subject) I am sending this a mail to all members of the Vail Town Council to let you know that we totally and strongly oppose any change to the master plan that would allow the development of the berm near the transportation center.This past week there were two letters to the editor of the Vail Daily which outlined the reasons why there should be no development allowed at this Iocation.Mr. Neill's letter(Friday March 6th) in particular stated our view so we will not repeat the reasons why this area should not be developed other than to say that the town does not need to develop every square inch of land/open space.We need to preserve the character of Vail that has made Vail successful. Let's not turn it into a "mini Manhattan"or Beaver Creek. Sincerely, Bob and Linda Llewellyn 1220 Lionsridge Loop Vail Worried about job security? Checkout the 5 safest jobs in a recession. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B4556B... 3/9/2009 Pagel oft Nicole Peterson - RE: Developer's Proposal to Develop the Town's Parking Structure From: TAD SMITH ✓''1W To: Date: 03/08/2009 12:21 PM Subject: RE: Developer's Proposal to Develop the Town's Parking Structure My message should have referred to I-70, not I-25. Tad Smith From: tadjoann@msn.com To: towncouncil@vailgov.com Subject: Developer's Proposal to Develop the Town's Parking Structure Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2009 10:33:21 -0700 Honorable Mayor and Members of the Town Council: I have been a property owner in Vail for over 30 years and have cherished the beautiful mountain ambience provided by the landscaped south side of the Vail Parking Structure (plentiful trees, flowers in the summer, and lush vegetation). This is one of our main entrances to the Village, provides a buffer to the traffic on I-25 and the Parking Structure, and gives our Village at its entrance the mountain resort feeling which all of us treasure so much. We ask you to reject the attempt of Triumph Development of Bethesda Maryland to effectively destroy one of the Village's precious green areas by taking it for private development. Please honor a long term commitment to preserve and protect this precious green space. The Vail Master Plan mandates in Goal #4 fundamental goals and commitments to "preserve existing open space areas and expand green space opportunities," and "improve existing open space areas and create new plazas with green space and pocket parks" and states that "existing natural open space areas throughout Vail Village and existing green spaces shall be preserved as open space." The Master Plan was designed to preserve what is special about Vail, and we have relied and depended on it. Does it mean something, or is it just a promise to be broken? We ask our Council to honor this long term commitment to preserve and protect this precious green area. A January Vail Daily article said, "Vail to Turn Greener." Is this true, or NOT? Can a smooth- talking developer talk the Council into rejecting its long term commitment to preserve this green landscaped area and, instead, turn East Meadow Drive into a narrow urbanized concrete canyon? The proposed development would cause multiple negative impacts on our Village by cheapening, commercializing and urbanizing this entryway to the Village and making it look like any other ordinary urban area, to say nothing of usurping critical parts of the Parking Structure which may ultimately be needed for other public purposes. Please reject this developer's attempt to destroy this beautiful green mountain ambience. Of course developers salivate over getting their hands on this public land. Don't let them do it! Yours truly, Tad Smith 20 Stratford Hall Circle (itilo~~?. }~i•S). El Paso, Texas file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B535... 03/09/2009 Page 2 of 2 Tad Smith 20 Stratford Hall Circle El Paso, Texas file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B535... 03/09/2009 Page 1 of 6 Nicole Peterson - IMPORTANT MEETING MARCH 17: Town Council Decides Future of VailVillage Transportation Center n... e'::i~x } ~ ....u ...-..mo=t. ~ r _ n From: Vail Homeowners Association To: Date: 03/08/2009 3:22 PM Subject: IMPORTANT MEETING MARCH 17: Town Council Decides Future of VailVillage Transportation Center Having trouble viewing this email? Click here w Town of Vail 31P :er Plan Amendment public hearing ny Winston Associates Bird's eye view of Vail Village Transportation Center "privatization" proposal (on right) looking west from Blue Cow Chute along East Meadow Drive towards Solarius Vail Homeowners Association March 8, 2009 IMPORTANT NOTICE: Vail Town Council Decides Future of Vail Village Transportation Center file://C:\Documents and Settings\Admimstrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B532... 03/09/2009 Page 2 of 6 The Vail Town Council will consider a proposed amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan, made by a private developer, to allow the "flexibility" for private mixed-use development to replace the landscaped berms on the south side of the Vail Village Transportation Center during their March 17th meeting. Vail Homeowners Association recommends that the Town Coucil deny the proposed Master Plan amendment to allow "flexibility" and "privatization" of portions of the Vail Village Transportation Center. It is of the greatest importance that no other uses be allowed on the site that would constrain the intended functions of the Transportation Center, which are to provide public parking, a mass transit terminal and landscaped open space buffers. K To restrict these uses, today or in the future, would adversely affect both business and residential owners throughout all of Vail Village. The Transportation Center is the single largest and most important facilitator of in-town and on-mountain business activity in Vail Village. Tell the Town Council (towncouncil@vailgov.com or (970) 479-1860 ext 8) that the future modification, reconfiguration or expansion of the Transportation Center should preserve the intended purposes and continue to conform to the design concept of the original voter approval. Tell them to respect the good faith agreements set out by the community's founders; to preserve the Vail Village Transportation Center site for its intended functions of providing public parking, a file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B532... 03/09/2009 Shown above, a 1972 architect's rendering of Vail Village Transportation Center approved by Vail voters and constructed in 1974. In the early 1990's the Center was upgraded and expanded within the original voter approved design concept. Page 2 of 6 The Vail Town Council will consider a proposed amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan, made by a private developer, to allow the "flexibility" for private mixed-use development to replace the landscaped berms on the south side of the Vail Village Transportation Center during their March 17th meeting. Vail Homeowners Association recommends that the Town Coucil deny the proposed Master Plan amendment to allow "flexibility" and "privatization" of portions of the Vail Village Transportation Center. It is of the greatest importance that no other uses be allowed on the site that would constrain the intended functions of the Transportation Center, which are to provide public parking, a mass transit terminal and landscaped open space buffers. To restrict these uses, today or in the future, would adversely affect both business and residential owners throughout all of Vail Village. The Transportation Center is the single largest and most important facilitator of in-town and on-mountain business activity in Vail Village. Tell the Town Council (towncouncil(@vailgov.com or (970) 479-1860 ext 8) that the future modification, reconfiguration or expansion of the Transportation Center should preserve the intended purposes and continue to conform to the design concept of the original voter approval. Tell them to respect the good faith agreements set out by the community's founders; to preserve the Vail Village Transportation Center site for its intended functions of providing public parking, a file:HC:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B532... 03/09/2009 Shown above, a 1972 architect's rendering of Vail Village Transportation Center approved by Vail voters and constructed in 1974. In the early 1990's the Center was upgraded and expanded within the original voter approved design concept. Page 3 of 6 LJ mass transit terminal and landscaped open space buffers. The beauty of Vail Village, with its landscaped open space, attracts thousands of admiring visitors each year. Vail Village is unique because it blends its buildings with the mountain landscape. Tell the Vail Town Council that you prefer to preserve the intended public uses of the Transportation Center and its landscaped open spaces, such as the southeast berm shown below... to Mountain Haus and Vail Mountain Lodge rather than promote through a master plan amendment more urbanization, commercialization... file://CADocuments and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempAPgrpwise\49B532... 03/09/2009 Page 4 of 6 low ...and canyonization. E x u A bib, file://CADocuments and Settings\AdministratorTocal Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B532... 03/09/2009 View east along East Meadow Drive, with entry to Austria Haus on the right View west on East Meadow Drive at the intersection with Vail Valley Drive, Vail Mountain Club and Mountain Haus on the left Page 4 of 6 EO and canyonization. View west on East Meadow Drive at the intersection with Vail Valley Drive, Vail Mountain Club and Mountain Haus on the left file://CADocuments and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempAPgrpwise\49B532... 03/09/2009 View east along East Meadow Drive, with entry to Austria Haus on the right Page 5 of 6 ~tts .and the landscaped Grand Stairway at the Transportation Center. file://C:Tocuments and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B532... 03/09/2009 Bird's eye view northeast, Solarius left center and top center Vail Village Transportation Center Ask that the landscaped open space berms and historical features be given special protection, like the Children's Mural at the Bus Stop.... Page 6 of 6 Vail Town Council 75 S Frontage Rd Vail, CO 81657-5096 Fax (970) 479-2157 Please advise and forward to appropriate parties. Vail Homeowners Association PO Box 238 Vail, CO 81657-0238 (970) 827-5680 Click for PDF Version [Join Our Mailing List! Forward email Email Marketing by ® SafeUnsubscribe S This email was sent to towncouncil@vailgov.com by vha@vail.net. Update Profile/Email Address I Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe'"' I Privacy Policy. [wst~wca*v' TRY IT FREE Vail Homeowners Association I P. O. Box 238 1 Vail I CO 1 81658-0238 A file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B532... 03/09/2009 We encourage you to contact the Vail Town Council with your opinion: towncouncil vail ov.com or (970) 479-1860 ext 8. Page 6 of 6 Vail Town Council 75 S Frontage Rd Vail, CO 81657-5096 Fax (970) 479-2157 Please advise and forward to appropriate parties. Vail Homeowners Association PO Box 238 Vail, CO 81657-0238 (970) 827-5680 Click for PDF Version Join Our Mailing List! Forward email Email Marketing by ® SafeUnsubscribe® This email was sent to towncouncil@vailgov.com by vha@vail.net. Update Profile/Email Address I Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe'"' I Privacy Policy. COnSWntCOtn=* TRY IT FREE Vail Homeowners Association I P. O. Box 238 1 Vail I CO 1 81658-0238 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempAPgrpw1se\49B532... 03/09/2009 We encourage you to contact the Vail Town Council with your opinion: towncouncil vailgov.com or (970) 479-1860 ext 8. Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - market plaza From: "Randy Braden" To: Date: 03/08/2009 3:44 PM Subject: market plaza Your sketches of the mountain market plaza bring Vail to a new low! Looking at the before & after pictures & you are still considering this proposal? If this goes thru all of the town council should be fired. It's urban squall that's disgusting. R, RANDY BRADEN PAIL STORE IvIA1V.€kEER, 293 BR.IDQE STREET VAIL,OO 81657 PHONE 970-476-2244 FAX 970-476-9479 file://C:ADocuments and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B532... 03/09/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Proposed development of Vail's Transportation Center From: "Jo Brown" To: Date: 03/08/2009 3:58 PM Subject: Proposed development of Vail's Transportation Center I beseech you to preserve the landscaped historical side of the transportation center just as it is today. Already Vail is beginning to look like Beaver Creek - all pavement and stone where the sun never hits the ground. Don't push our guests further down valley because Vail has lost its charm, its uniqueness, its Blending with nature. Respectfully, JO and Ernie Brown 40 year residents jbrown@slifer.net file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B532... 03/09/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Possible Development - South-side of Vail Parking Structure From: "Werner Bruggemann" i V , I . e f To: Date: 03/08/2009 5:56 PM Subject: Possible Development - South-side of Vail Parking Structure I would like to go on record to oppose the possible development on the southside of the village parking structure for the following reason: Most recent developments in Vail, such as Solaris, Vail Plaza Hotel, Four Seasons Hotel, Arrabelle etc. replaced an exiting structure. The possible development in question however will distroy a kind of "green" zone with grasses, flowers, fairly mature trees and other various plants and brushes, not to mention the restriction we may face with future repairs, enlargements etc of the village parking structure and transportation center. Also I am not quite sure, how the potantial developer will satisfy the parking needs of the proposed housing and businesses. Will this further reduce the available public parking spaces in the village parking structure? I strongly urge you to deny this development request. Thank you. Werner Bruggemann 20 year Vail resident P.O.Box 3634 Vail, CO 81658 471-9336 file://C:ADocuments and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B531... 03/09/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - The Proposed Change to the Transportation Center From: "Chris Brody" To: Date: 03/08/2009 6:10 PM Subject: The Proposed Change to the Transportation Center To whom it may concern, We are owners in the Mt Haus, having purchased our units several years ago based on the clear understanding that: • the berm protecting esthetics of the north-facing side of the Mt Haus, . the access to the transpiration center for ourselves and skiers and shoppers in the Village, and . the manageable amount of traffic along East Meadow Drive, was all protected by the Master Plan and the intended use for the transportation center. We strongly urge you to deny the proposed Amendment to the Master Plan. Very truly yours, Chris and Barbara Brody Christopher W. Brody Vantage Partners, LLC 610 Fifth Avenue 7th Floor New York, NY 10020 Tel 212/218-8130 Fax 212/218-8133 chrisbrody@vantage-partners.com I%W file://C:ADocuments and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B531... 03/09/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Parking structure berm development ale w~ s , c From: Janet Testwuide tc~+ vv" To: Date: 03/08/2009 7:28 PM Subject: Parking structure berm development I hope to be at the meeting on Tues. evening but want to be aware of our opinions about this "possible development". We strongly oppose it at this time. It is a very bad precedent to give our property away. If and when we need to add levels, redo, and/or develop, our options will be hampered. We don't see what the upside is for the town. We are having trouble getting and keeping quality tenants as it is and our present economy and development on the boards now (Ever Vail) could prove problematic. Let's see what the actual URBANIZATION of Solaris will feel like. We like the idea of multi-priced housing but we all know the prices ALWAYS start out attractive but the reality is something completely different. Let's leave well enough alone for now and send a clear message to developers that this is off the boards for the foreseeable future and they can put their energies into something else. Thank-you for all you do, Janet and Paul Testwuide Express your personality in color! Preview and select themes for Hotmail@. See how. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Sett1ngs\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B531... 03/09/2009 (03/09/2009) Nicole Peterson - redevelopment of transportation center Page 1 From: david cohen <dmcoh@yahoo.com> To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 03/09/2009 3:06 AM Subject: redevelopment of transportation center I am opposed to the removal of the berm south of the transportation center for the proposed Vail market .The natural surrounding the transportation centes is what makes vail so special; I am a home owner in vail and would like to continue with trees and landscape which frames our Village. david m cohen and 14OW *AW (03/09/2009) Nicole Peterson - Transporation cebter From: <juk@att. blackberry. net> To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 03/09/2009 7:29 AM Subject: Transporation cebter Keep it as is. Do not change the original plan. James King Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T Page 1 'err. Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Vail Village Transportation Center From: To: Date: Subject: "Bob Pickens" r! ~ f ~K- C w `''t 03/09/2009 8:11 AM Vail Village Transportation Center To the Vail Town council : Please preserve the original purpose and design of theTranportation Center - that of public parking coupled with open space landscape. I don't think we need more commercial business and traffic in that area. Sincerely, R.H. Pickens, 197 Rockledge Rd. Vail. file://C:ADocuments and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B542... 03/09/2009 (03/09/2009) Nicole Peterson - Transportation Center From: John Dayton <johndayton@mac.com> To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 03/09/2009 10:53 AM Subject: Transportation Center I agree with the stance of the Vail Homeowners Association. The Council should DENY any effort to alter the existing greenscape of the south side of the Transportation Center. The proposed tight cluster of buildings is what exists throughout Beaver Creek - and Vail should make every effort to preserve its more inviting, open and green appearance. John Dayton 344 Beaver Dam Road Page 1 Page 1 of I Pam Brandmeyer - Vail Transportatin Center From: Gilda <gilkap@aol.com> To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 3/9/2009 12:51 PM Subject: Vail Transportatin Center KEEP VAIL GREEN! DON'T URBANIZE! We've lived in Vail for 23 years. We formerly lived in the "canyons" of New York City, where buildings are in very close proximity to adjacent buildings with little or no green space between them. That's one of the reasons we moved here! Open space! We are disappointed that the Vail Planning Commission voted to take away the green space on the south side of the parking structure for private development. We now appeal to the Vail Town Council to deny this modification to the Transportation Center and Parking Structure. Many of our guests cone from metropolitan areas and part of Vail's appeal and charm is that we are a small town and when these guests walk around, they see space and sky, not building after building so close to each other that we resemble an urban area. Open space is a valuable commodity. Once gone, it's gone. Having passed the Planning Commission 3-2, we hope the Town Council will vote down this project. Having green space is important to our guests and to us. Vail has also been a construction zone for many years. This was a necessity to maintain our position as a World Class Resort. When current projects are completed let's have a change of scenery and get rid of construction cranes. Vail residents, let the Council hear your voice (town ncouncil@vailgov.com), or be at the Council Meeting on March 17th when this subject cones up for a vote. The questions to be considered are: do we really need another construction zone, should the original intent for this land be changed, should any changes be made by amending the Master Plan or by public vote, and do we want to loose this open green space? Don't urbanize Vail! Werner and Gilda Kaplan Vail KEEP VAIL GREEN! DON'T URBANIZE! file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B510C9... 3/9/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Vail Village Parking Structure From: "Bart Cuomo" To: Date: 03/09/2009 2:32 PM Subject: Vail Village Parking Structure I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan that would facilitate the development of the berms of the Village Parking garage. It seems that some people are intent on building out every last square inch of land in Vail, which I believe is a terrible mistake. As is, the berms provide a pleasant green-belt in the village, especially from the bus stop east across from the Mountain Haus and Vail Mountain Lodge. I do not believe that we need further urbanization of Vail Village. Bart Cuomo Vail Realty 970-476-8800 www.vailrealty.com file://C:ADocuments and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B53C... 03/09/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Future of Vail Village Transportation Center From: "Jordan Bayersdorfer" To: Date: 03/09/2009 2:58 PM Subject: Future of Vail Village Transportation Center Dear Vail Town Council, As a member of the Vail Village community, I would like to express my opinion that the Town Council should deny the proposed Master Plan amendment to allow "flexibility" and "privatization" of portions of the Vail Village Transportation Center. I believe that the future modification, reconfiguration or expansion of the Transportation Center should preserve the intended purposes and continue to conform to the design concept of the original voter approval. I urge the Town Council to respect the good faith agreements set out by the community's founders. Please preserve the Vail Village Transportation Center site for its intended functions of providing public parking, a mass transit terminal and landscaped open space buffers. I strongly prefer to preserve the intended public uses of the Transportation Center and its landscaped open spaces, and I ask that the landscaped open space berms and historical features be given special protection. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best regards, Jordan Bayersdorfer 'fw file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B52F... 03/09/2009 (03/11/2009) Nicole Peterson - revised plan for parking From: Barbara Fey <int2solo@earthnet.net> '*M. To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 03/10/2009 11:50 AM Subject: revised plan for parking I implore the council to NOT put forth their current plans..a sterilization of landscape for Vail. As the current construction now existing, a walking person can Not see the Mtn from the approach streets. One can only see the Mtn., if one is ON the Mountain. Yes, we need a plan to take cars off of the approach roads; but do not punish the public by having the automobile be king. Parking and connecting bussing is perhaps a solution, but the current plan is NOT the answer. Sincerely, Barbara Fey Vail Trails Chalet owner---with thanks Page 1 (03/10/2009) Nicole Peterson - Vail Transportation Center From: Max Caulkins <max@thrumcap.com> N %W To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 03/10/2009 2:32 PM Subject: Vail Transportation Center To Whom It May Concern: Page 1 I am writing to express my hopes that the future modification, reconfiguration or expansion of the Transportation Center will preserve the intended purposes and continue to conform to the design concept of the original voter approval. I hope, as a council, you will respect the good faith agreements set out by the community's founders; to preserve the Vail Village Transportation Center site for its intended functions of providing public parking, a mass transit terminal and landscaped open space buffers. The beauty of Vail Village, with its landscaped open space, attracts thousands of admiring visitors each year. Vail Village is unique because it blends its buildings with the mountain landscape. I prefer to preserve the intended public uses of the Transportation Center and its landscaped open spaces. I am a lifelong part-time Vail resident. My father was one of the original group of six founders of Vail. I cannot express the pain it brings me to see these plans for further urbanization and commercialization of a once quaint European-style village. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Max Caulkins Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Master Plan amendment N. From: "Don Faust Jr." LLti1Sk 04 L To: Date: 03/10/2009 3:11 PM Subject: Master Plan amendment I strongly urge council members to keep the plan "as is" with respect to the transportation center. Long before I owned property in Vail, I was highly impressed with the open space landscaped berm that disguised the parking garage. It has the look of a natural mountainside. Don't lose the charm that so many have enjoyed for so many years. This is the type of detail that keeps so many people coming back, and the reason I chose to buy a residence in Vail as opposed to one of the many other options. Donald Faust 610 587 6221 `r.. rr. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpw1se\49B783... 03/11/2009 (03/11/2009) Nicole Peterson - Vail Village Transportation Center-march 17 meeting Page 1 From: Ellie Caulkins <operalvr@mac.com> I%W To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 03/10/2009 4:55 PM Subject: Vail Village Transportation Center- March 17 meeting Please deny the "private developer" permission to abrogate the existing covenants which have protected us for so long. Do your duty, Town Council ! Thank you Ellie Caulkins (widow of George- in Vail since 1962) r.. Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - No! No! No! From: "Annette Mackie" To: Date: 03/10/2009 9:31 PM Subject: No! No! No! Please leave the transportation center as it is. Vail has had too much rebuilding. Vail is Vail. Leave it before it becomes something else. I miss being a condo owner at 9 Vail Road--Annette Mackie file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B781... 03/11/2009 (03/11/2009) Nicole Peterson - OPPOSITION to proposed amendment to Vail Village Master Plan Page 1 From: Indre Biskis <indre_biskis@yahoo.com> To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 03/11/2009 6:53 AM Subject: OPPOSITION to proposed amendment to Vail Village Master Plan CC: Aras Biskis <arasbiskis@gmail.com>, Ellen Biskis <ellenbiskis@earthlink.... Dear Vail City Council Members and Fellow Villagers, I received some very sad news from Vail Homowners Association and this letter is in response to it. I am adressing those of you who will, during the March 17th meeting, consider a proposed amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan made by a private developer, to allow the "flexibility" for private mixed-use development to replace the landscaped berms on the south side of the Vail Village Transportation Center. My family has owned property in Vail for over 30 years. One of the properties, Vail Trails Chalet in the center of Vail Village, would be directly affected by the increased density and all that it brings with the proposed changes, the other, in Fall Ridge, would suffer from the decreased acessibility to public spaces, not to mention the reduced transportation center services. But, most tragically, what would suffer most is the Vail Village dear atmosphere which is one of the most important attractions of people to Vail. Please let the last several years' development "soak in" for awhile before considering such a drastic change which may completely change the essence and reputation of the Vail Village. I ask that the Town Coucil deny the proposed Master Plan amendment to allow "flexibility" and "privatization" of portions of the Vail Village Transportation Center. To restrict these uses, today or in the future, would adversely affect both business and residential owners throughout all of Vail Village. The Transportation Center is the single largest and most important facilitator of in-town and on-mountain business activity in Vail Village. The future modification, reconfiguration or expansion of the Transportation Center should preserve the intended purposes and continue to conform to the design concept of the original voter approval. Please respect the good faith agreements set out by the community's founders; to preserve the Vail Village Transportation Center site for its intended functions of providing public parking, a mass transit terminal and landscaped open space buffers. The beauty of Vail Village, with its landscaped open space, attracts thousands of admiring visitors each year. Vail Village is unique because it blends its buildings with the mountain landscape. I prefer to preserve the intended public uses of the Transportation Center and its landscaped open spaces. Sincerely yours, Indre Biskis t terminal and landscaped open space buffers....rather than promote through a master plan amendment more urbanization, commercialization... N,,,, Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Vail Village Transprotation Center Proposal From: Richard Lubin To: "towncouncil@vailgov.com" Date: 03/11/2009 8:51 PM Subject: Vail Village Transprotation Center Proposal To Members of the Vail Town Council: I am writing to register my opposition to the granting of a proposed amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan to allow flexibility for private mixed use development adjacent to the Transportation Center. I believe that such a development runs counter to the objective of preserving open space buffers, not to mention the good faith agreements to preserve the Vail Village Transportation Center for its intended functions. Having seen renderings of the impact of the project on the East Meadow Drive vistas, it seems inconceivable to me that such a project could be seriously considered. Thank you. Richard Lubin Richard K. Lubin • Managing Director Berkshire Partners LLC • One Boston Place, Boston, NL-1 02108 • Tel (617) 227-0050 • Fax (617) 227-6105 ,*or v,,ww,berkshirePartners.ccm file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B925... 03/12/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Transportation Center Area From: Sandler Gloria To: Date: 03/11/2009 8:51 PM Subject: Transportation Center Area To The Vail Town Council: We are 6 month seasonal residents and taxpayers of Vail. Although not directly impacted by the proposed modification to the Transportation Center, we encourage you to deny this request for private development on our public land. This space was voted upon for the purpose of transportation and parking. Although it is a parking area, it is well landscaped and attractive to the village. Putting homes, condos and retail space in the area will make E Meadow Drive look like a canyon of concrete. It would be sad to see attractive green space destroyed. Vail is talking about "being green," destroying a beautiful green area seems to be contradictory. 'Iftw Gloria and Maurice Sandler file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempAPgrpwise\49B925... 03/12/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Vote NO on Amendment to VVMP From: Ionny moore To: Date: 03/12/2009 11:37 AM Subject: Vote NO on Amendment to VVMP CC: Matt Drummett Town Council Members: This letter is to state my opposition to the proposed addition of a paragraph, "titled #4-2 East Meadow Drive Infill, to the Transportation Center Sub Area, Sub Area #4, and to revise the graphics that support the sub area concepts", to the Vail Village Master Plan Resolution 23, Series of 2008, as proposed by Thriumph Development L.L.C. I have enjoyed Vail since 1965 and own a condominium in the Mountain Haus. The Vail Transportation Center and planted berm area should be considered the initial welcoming entrance and exit to Vail and is a focal point of the unique mountain village to the many visitors that enjoy it. No other resort has an entrance that leads the visitor through a planted greenspace to the plaza, covered bridge, Gore Creek, and into the original Alpine Village. The planted berm was a well thought out structural feature of the historical Transportation Structure and should be maintained as such until future necessity dictates that the entire area be considered as part of a long range transportation plan. To subdivide the area into small parcels at this time would reduce options the town has for future overall renewal of the site as one entity. I%W The updated VVMP is clear in that the preservation of existing open space and is of prime importance to the welcoming ambiance of the village. The planted buffer area with flowers in the summer is the last impression of the visitors as they exit from the covered bridge and the fountain plaza. To canyonize this area with more shops and buildings would detract from this experience and the feel that Vail is a unique village nestled in the mountains. Please vote NO to any changes to the Vail Master Plan that would allow the destruction of the planted buffer zone greenspace which is part of the Transportation Center. Sincerely, Lonny J. Moore 719 Gaylord St. Denver, CO 80206 303-377-7749 Express your personality in color! Preview and select themes for Hotmail@. See how. file: //C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49B904... 03/12/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - proposed new transportation center From: Marty Swenholt To: Date: 03/13/2009 1:16 PM Subject: proposed new transportation center I can't believe that anyone who has ever been to Vail, let alone those of us who LOVE Vail and own property here would ever consider such an atrocious structure as the newly proposed transportation center. It does not represent anything even close to what Vail stands for and for the ambiance and European charm that our founders wanted for our Vi Ilage. What in the world are those involved with this disgusting structure thinking of? The mountain and the charm are what has made Vail the top ski and summer resort in the world. To change that direction would be devastating. We should preserve the Vail Village Transportation Center for its intended functions of providing public parking, a mass transit terminal and landscaped open spaces. Vail Village is unique because it blends its buildings with the mountain landscape. These mountain landscaped areas are a big part of the beauty and appeal. The transportation center should preserve and conform to the design concept of original voter approval. No other uses should be allowed on the site that would limit or eliminate the intended uses of the transportation center. To do otherwise would adversely affect both business and residential owners throughout all of Vail Village. The town council should deny the proposed master plan ammendment to allow flexibility and privatization of the Vail Village Transportation Center. We do not need nor do we want Vail to be urbanized or commercialized. We are not "Concrete Village". We are "Vail Village". Let's keep it that way. Sincerely, Marty Swenholt Vail Trails Chalet - 38 Windows Live Contacts: Organize your contact list. Check_it out. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BA5... 03/13/2009 (03/16/2009) Nicole Peterson - Vail Transportation Center -Page1 From: elizabeth schramm <elschramm@yahoo.com> To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 03/14/2009 1:02 PM Subject: Vail Transportation Center Dear Council Members, I agree with Vail Homeowners Association that the future of the Vail Transportation Center should be restricted for it's intended function of providing public parking, a mass transit terminal and landscaped open space buffers. We have enough cement structures in Vail already. Thank you for your time. Elizabeth Schramm Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Transportation Center Development From: "Edward Carroll" To: Date: 03/14/2009 4:10 PM Subject: Transportation Center Development Dear Sirs and/or Madame, As an owner of a unit in the Austrian Haus I ask you to deny changes in the zoning that would allow privatization and development of the Transportation Center. It would clearly work against the nice historic entry to The Town of Vail as we know it. Thank you for your consideration. Edward J. Carroll Jr. 5111 E. Calle Brillante, Tucson, AZ. 85718 "*.r. r.w file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Sett1ngs\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BE46... 03/16/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Vail Village Transportation Center proposal From: To: Date: 03/14/2009 6:22 PM Subject: Vail Village Transportation Center proposal To whom it may concern: I am NOT in favor of the proposed Master Plan amendment to allow "flexibility and privatization" of a portion of the Vail Village Transportation Center. Sincerely, David Nicholson Austria Haus club member / condo owner v.. N%W file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempAPgrpwise\49BE46... 03/16/2009 (03/16/2009) Nicole Peterson - Transportation Cente Page 1 From: Dick Saunders <D.Saunders@saundersci.com> To: "towncouncil@vailgov.com" <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 03/14/2009 6:45 PM Subject: Transportation Cente CC: "JPORTMAN@FWTB.COM" <JPORTMAN@FWTB.COM> Please be advised that i own a unit in the AUSTIA HAUS and strongly oppose any modifications to the Master Plan regarding any variances to the existing Plan. For obvious reasons i beieve it would be a serious betrayal if proposed changes won approval. Thanks for your consideration. Richard c. Saunders cell 303-324-9901 Home address: 1530 E Oxford Ln. Englewood, Co 80113 `r. Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Proposed Changes From: "Landers, Bill" To: Date: 03/14/2009 8:53 PM Subject: Proposed Changes Hello, My wife, Suzanne, and I are property owners at Austria Haus. I am writing to let you know that we believe that the future modification, reconfiguration or expansion of the Transportation Center should preserve the intended purposes and continue to conform to the design concept of the original voter approval. Please respect the good faith agreements set out by the community's founders; to preserve the Vail Village Transportation Center site for its intended functions of providing public parking, a mass transit terminal and landscaped open space buffers. The beauty of Vail Village, with its landscaped open space, attracts thousands of admiring visitors each year. Vail Village is unique because it blends its buildings with the mountain landscape. We prefer to preserve the intended public uses of the Transportation Center and its landscaped open spaces, such as the southeast berm. Thank you. Bill Landers The Todd Organization 6060 Poplar Ave., Suite 200 Memphis, TN 38119 800.976.8802 901.322.6040 901.322.6045 (Fax) 901.277.3969 (Cell) CA License OD03758. The Todd Organization does not engage in the practice of law or accounting. Anything contained herein dealing with legal, tax or accounting matters should be discussed with your legal, tax and accounting advisors. Registered Representative of Northwestern Mutual Investment Services ("NMIS"), Member FINRA, SIPC. A Think before you print. This communication is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential or legally privileged. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication, or any of its contents, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please return it to the sender and delete the original message and any copies from your computer system. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempAPgrpwise\49BE46... 03/16/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Proposed Transportation Center Modification I%W From: "Ron C. Anderson" To: Date: 03/15/2009 7:27 AM Subject: Proposed Transportation Center Modification Ladies and Gentlemen: As the owner of three properties in Vail, I strenuously object to any modification of the existing south side of the Transportation Center. The current level of development and proposed projects has become more of a concern to me over the past several months, and my firm belief is that current development will soon outstrip demand, both commercial and residential, if it has not already. Retail locations in Vail are now beginning to darken, and the complexion of the town is changing to a far more urban appearance than I could have imagined just a couple of years ago. No good can come of overbuilding and dramatically altering the look of our charming covered bridge area at this time. Ron Anderson 612-386-3208 cell file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BE46... 03/16/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Transportation Center Plan From: Susan Altamore Carusi To: Date: 03/16/2009 7:44 AM Subject: Transportation Center Plan CC: Dear Sirs: As owners of two fractional interests at the Austria Haus Club, I am writing to you to express my opposition to any changes to the Master Plan with respect to the Transportation Center. I am opposed to any modification or expansion of the Transportation Center, and do not wish to lose the berm along the south side of the Center. While I understand that Vail would like the additional tax revenue from a new development, I believe that in the long run such a development would hurt Vail's future growth as the Village would lose needed open space, and some of its charm. Thank you, Susan Carusi "I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle." Winston Churchill Susan Altamore Carusi PO Box 203 312 Feeks Lane Mill Neck NY 11765 (516) 671-0746 (516) 671-5429 (fax) file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempAPgrpwise\49BE1... 03/16/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Mtn Hans / VV Master Plan vote scheduling / 2009.03.16 From: "Steve Hawkins" To: Date: 03/16/2009 11:31 AM Subject: Mtn Haus / VV Master Plan vote scheduling / 2009.03.16 Dear Town Council: We were a bit concerned with the "tabling" of the Triumph proposed Master Plan Amendment from tomorrow night's agenda (the 17th). There were a number of folks that wanted to attend the Council meeting for this important issue that have now canceled those plans. Could we please request that when the issue/vote is rescheduled that we receive sufficient notice, preferably a minimum of 1.5 to two weeks, so interested parties can have an opportunity to make plans as possible? We would prefer not to see notice only a few days or week in advance and run into scheduling issues for those interested parties. Thank you very much for your consideration of this notification request Regards, Steve Steve Hawkins General Manager Vail's Mountain Haus at the Covered Bridge 292 East Meadow Drive I%W Vail, CO 81657 USA 800.237.0922 Reservations 970.476.2434 Voice 970.476.3007 Fax www.mountainhaus.com Vail's premier Boutique Hotel in the heart of Vail Village A Unil's ;IIountain Haus GOES GREEN. Please don't print this message unless you need to. Thank you for thinking green.1 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF5... 03/17/2009 (03/17/2009) Nicole Peterson - Transportation Center Re-Zoning From: <wnisonger@cbschweitzer.com> ''w.. To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 03/16/2009 5:09 PM Subject: Transportation Center Re-Zoning To Whom it may concern, As an owner at the Austria Haus, I wish to express my input against any use change to the current transportation center zoning. It is necessary to have a buffer zone and the idea of constructing additional buildings with commercial facilities creating a man made like "canyon" is not conducive to the current functional blending between nature and the town. Many of us come to Vail in order to escape from the urban lifestyle and this proposal will bring us several steps closer to the "big city" feeling we are all attempting to escape from. Additionally, one should be cautious not to over develop the area. People come to Vail to relax, expand into open spaces and get away from the constrictions necessitated by our cities. Finally, additional commercial space will have an effect on the area as a whole and I would submit that it is better have have a shortage rather than risk rows of commercial vacancies or unnecessary bargain driven uses. We all have an interest in not communicating a sub-conscious message that things are not as good as they were and that Vail's best days are behind her. The land is property owned by the people and it should stay that way. It is not appropriate nor necessary to consider this zoning change. Vail is a success and trying to "squeeze" in a little more could in the long run result in many unintended consequences. If tax revenue is an issue being considered by the Board, I would suggest that the green space and buffer have a greater value to whatever additional dollars may be raised by such a project, especially when the quality of life is factored into the equation. Additionally, I would state that the current zoning has served the people of Vail well and that it is inappropriate for the Board to make such a change. Zoning ordinances should be something that we can rely into the future on and this proposal has not satisfied the threshold necessary to dictate making any changes. Respectfully Submitted, Page 1 William Nisonger 248-701-4300 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Keep Vail Green `%ft. From: To: Date: 03/16/2009 5:11 PM Subject: Keep Vail Green TOWN COUNCIL: As 26-year owners in Vail, we urge Council to Keep Vail Green and not develop the south side of the Transportation Center. Visitors come to Vail for the Rockies, our Alpine Village, our hiking and biking trails, our concerts, our restaurants and hotels and shops. We don't need more concrete which creates a "tunnel" between two strips of buildings. Haven't we done enough to urbanize our mountain town? Please Keep Vail Green. Barbara Jean Paul Kuzniar The Wren #304, Vail Santa Monica, Calif. 310-392-9127 pkuzniar aol.com A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2_easy stes! file:X:\Documents and Settings\AdministratorTocal Settings\TempAPgrpw1se\49BF63... 03/17/2009 PUBLIC HEARING RESCHEDULED: Town Council Reschedules Vail Transportation Page 2 of3 Don't miss the opportunity to be heard! Tell the Town Council your opinion of this proposal. Already, many others have and it's having an effect. Have your voice heard on the public record by sending an email or writing a letter to the Vail Town Council: towncouncil(a vailgov.com Vail Town Council 75 S Frontage Rd Vail, CO 81657-5096 Fax (970) 479-2157 COMMENTARY: FOOLISH PLAN TO DEVELOP PARKING STRUCTURE BERM IS BACK The Vail Town Council is considering an amendment to Vail's Master Plan to facilitate the development of berms of the Vail Village parking structure across from the Mountain Haus, Austria Haus and Vail Mountain Lodge & Spa with a mix of office space, retail, and affordable housing. Affordable housing in Vail Village? Why should we subsidize that? Some people in Vail seem to be determined to develop every last inch of land. The berms *aw provide a pleasant green belt in the Village and before we even consider eliminating them, we ought to wait until Solaris and the Four Seasons are done before we decide on more urbanization, more commercialization and more construction. We think this is a bad idea and if you agree, we encourage you to tell the Town town co uncil(&,vailgov.com. Source: Vail Realty March Newsletter PRESERVE THE BEAUTY OF OUR COMMUNITY... http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001 nCzlSeWA 1 rY3tulh 1 kK5 coJbDc-OD... 03/17/2009 PUBLIC HEARING RESCHEDULED: Town Council Reschedules Vail Transportation Pagel of3 ~/IiP 5;31 rm The Vail Town Council needs to know your opinion... Vail Town Council March 17th public hearing postponed until April 7th The public hearing will decide upon a proposed master plan amendment, which would urbanize and eliminate the landscaped open space berms on the south side of the Vail Transportation Center, along the length of East Meadow Drive. Thanks to the efforts of the Vail Homeowners Association and other concerned parties, the public hearing on the issue has been temporarily delayed to allow more time to hear from the community. http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001 nCzlSeWA 1 rY3tulh 1 kK5coJbDc-OD... 03/17/2009 Town of Vail 3D computer graphics prepared as primary exhibits for proposed Master Plan Amendment public hearing by Winston Associates Bird's eye view of Vail Village Transportation Center "privatization" proposal (on right) looking west from Blue Cow Chute along East Meadow Drive towards Solarius PUBLIC HEARING RESCHEDULED: Town Council Reschedules Vail Transportation Page 2 of Don't miss the opportunity to be heard! Tell the Town Council your opinion of this proposal. Already, many others have and it's having an effect. Have your voice heard on the public record by sending an email or writing a letter to the Vail Town Council: towncouncilkvailgov.com Vail Town Council 75 S Frontage Rd Vail, CO 81657-5096 Fax (970) 479-2157 COMMENTARY: FOOLISH PLAN TO DEVELOP PARKING STRUCTURE BERM IS BACK The Vail Town Council is considering an amendment to Vail's Master Plan to facilitate the development of berms of the Vail Village parking structure across from the Mountain Hans, Austria Haus and Vail Mountain Lodge & Spa with a mix of office space, retail, and affordable housing. Affordable housing in Vail Village? Why should we subsidize that? Some people in Vail seem to be determined to develop every last inch of land. The berms provide a pleasant green belt in the Village and before we even consider eliminating them, we ought to wait until Solaris and the Four Seasons are done before we decide on more urbanization, more commercialization and more construction. We think this is a bad idea and if you agree, we encourage you to tell the Town towncouncil gvailgov.com. Source: Vail Realty March Newsletter PRESERVE THE BEAUTY OF OUR COMMUNITY... • http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001 nCzlSeWA 1 rY3tulh 1 kK5coJbDc-OD... 03/17/2009 PUBLIC HEARING RESCHEDULED: Town Council Reschedules Vail Transportation Page 3 of3 L. W-tff -N YOUR VOICE WILL MAKE THE DIFFERENCE. Please advise and forward to appropriate parties. towncouncil(kvailgov.com Vail Town Council 75 S Frontage Rd Vail, CO 81657-5096 Fax (970) 479-2157 This notice provided by the Vail Homeowners Association PO Box 238 Vail, CO 81658-0238 (970) 827-5680 VHA Collaborative Consensus Guidelines Click for PDF Version http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001 nCzlSeWA 1 rY3tulh 1 kK5coJbDc-OD... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - berms From: "Gretchen Busse" To: Date: 03/16/2009 5:45 PM Subject: berms Ladies and gentlemen, What are you thinking!!? the berms in Town are green and pleasant and visually easy on the eye. developing the berms is a concrete to concrete--much the look of Beaver Creek. Why should we subsidize affordable housing in Vail Village? We are a construction camp now and will be for a few years--please rethink this development? This is a bad idea! Thank you, Gretchen file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF62... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Vote "NO" Parking Structure Redevelopment From: "Bob Louthan" To: Date: 03/16/2009 5:58 PM Subject: Vote "NO" Parking Structure Redevelopment Dear Council: As long time Vail residents we are proud of the Village and generally supportive of Council's actions... But, we are definitely opposed to the subject redevelopment for most of the reasons stated by others! Please,, p/ease preserve what little "omen space" and public landscaping we have left in the Village! Thank you, Bob & Ann Louthan Vail file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF62... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - (no subject) From: To: Date: 03/16/2009 6:09 PM Subject: (no subject) As a second homeowner and resident of Vail for 40 years I completely support the position of limited development as stated below. There has been to much indiscriminate development by councils that have been unduly influenced by merchants, VR, and developers with little thought of what made this town in the first place. Big is not better! Gus Bramante FOOLISH PLAN TO DEVELOP PARKING STRUCTURE BERM IS BACK The Vail Town Council is considering an amendment to Vail's Master Plan to facilitate the development of berms of the Vail Village parking structure across from the Mountain Haus, Austria Hans and Vail Mountain Lodge & Spa with a mix of office space, retail, and affordable housing. Affordable housing in Vail Village? Why should we subsidize that? Some people in Vail seem to be determined to develop every last inch of land. The berms provide a pleasant green belt in the Village and before we even consider eliminating them, we ought to wait until Solaris and the Four Seasons are done before we decide on more urbanization, more commercialization and more construction. We think this is a bad idea and if you agree, we encourage you to tell the Town town councilu,vailgov.com. A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! N.. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Sett1ngs\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF62... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Proposal to develop The Parking Structure berms. From: "Albert G. Melcher" To: Date: 03/16/2009 6:41 PM Subject: Proposal to develop The Parking Structure berms. CC: "Daphne Slevin" , "Jim Lamont" I oppose the plan to develop the parking structure berms. Leave them as they are. I am a Denver resident but have been visiting Vail frequently since 1962 and I did the preliminary study for the first parking structure at the site. My wife and I love Vail for its flowers and landscaping. If I want walled-in urbanization, I merely need to go to downtown Denver. Vail is in danger of outgrowing and losing its beauty, is character, its viewplanes of its environment,. its pleasant ambience. The tall structure at the Crossroads site is indicative of the unfortunate change. Sincerely, Bert Melcher Albert G. Melcher MS, APA Captain Civil Engineer Corps USNR-Retired Transportation and Environment Policy Consulting 7504 East Jefferson Drive Denver CO 8023 7 Phone 303-770-3683 FAX 303-770-3241 a.melcher elcherkcom cast. net `,A Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempAPgrpwise\49BF61... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Proposed new commercial space along parking structure From: "Brett August" To: Date: 03/16/2009 6:45 PM Subject: Proposed new commercial space along parking structure To the Vail Town Council, At some point, building more commercial space in a high-density area as a means of increasing tax revenues becomes self-defeating, because you destroy the quality of life that attracts the tourists who generate that tax revenue. The proposal to build on land that is currently a sliver of green in the Village simply doesn't make sense, especially at a time when: a. an extraordinary amount of new commercial construction is already under way in Vail Village; and b. we are experiencing an economic downturn that shows no sign of abating. This is a time to do more, with less. Those of us who live in Vail do so for the exceptionally high quality of life Vail offers. I am not against development when and where it makes sense. The redevelopment of the Wendy's property and adjacent vacant land makes sense to me, because there is clear public good in creating a new fire station and new affordable housing in an area that is very lightly built. It will have no discernable, negative impact on tourism. I ask you to vote "NO" to the parking structure redevelopment! Sincerely, Brett August 2309 Chamonix Lane Vail The preceding message and any attachments may contain confidential information protected by the attorney- client or other privilege. You may not forward this message or any attachments without the permission of the sender. If you believe that it has been sent to you in error, please reply to the sender that you received the message in error and then delete it. Nothing in this email message, including the typed name of the sender and/or this signature block, is intended to constitute an electronic signature unless a specific statement to the contrary is included in the message. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF61... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 IVA.. Nicole Peterson - Master Plan From: "Susan Pollack" To: Date: 03/16/2009 6:52 PM Subject: Master Plan I think that the Town needs to retain the parking lot as a parking lot and not try to squeeze in more buildings into that space. Don't give away the open space that is in the town. Susan Pollack Susan Pollack 970-476-6845 s.-pollackpa co_mca.st.net file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF61... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Parking Structure Development From: "Tiffany Hoversten" To: Date: 03/16/2009 7:37 PM Subject: Parking Structure Development To Whom It May Concern, As a 20 year resident of the Vail Valley, I would like to express my concern regarding the development of the Parking Structure berm into commercial space. Please conserve the little open space that we have left around Vail Village. This project seems overwhelming and crowded. I think it would be a mistake to change the zoning and I strongly encourage the Town Council to vote against this amendment. THIS IS A CONFIDENTIAL SUBMISSION. I DO NOT WANT MY NAME ON RECORD. Thank you. Tiffany Hoversten Financial Manager Ski & Snowboard Club Vail 598 Vail Valley Drive; Vail, CO 81657 Office: (970) 790-5127; Fax: (970) 476-7287 `+m, toversten@skiclubvail.org *4W file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF61... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - RE:FOOLISH PLAN TO DEVELOP PARKING STRUCTURE BERM IS BACK r.. From: caulkins david To: Date: 03/16/2009 8:14 PM Subject: RE:FOOLISH PLAN TO DEVELOP PARKING STRUCTURE BERM IS BACK Members of the town council, I am a full-time resident of Vail, and I think the plan to develop the parking structure is an abomination. To think that the voting public would allow another typical developer to run the "end-around" and raze the pleasant landscaping surrounding the transportation center is unfathomable to me. I'll allow that the town certainly could use more parking spaces, but the overall project should not be to the benefit of a very few, and a detriment to the cozy ambiance that Vail embodied in it's earlier incarnations. If we allow them to build out commercial residential space to the very edge of the in-town bus route, that coziness is lost and is instead replaced by an oppressive urban landscape (look at what an eyesore the Vail Plaza building is, not to mention an economic disaster?). Clearly this is not something the town wants or needs; more parking maybe (which is already subsidized with our tax dollars), but definitely not the looming facades that have been represented in the renderings I have seen. I hope the members dutifully consider the ramifications of allowing as poorly a conceived plan, such as this, to come to fruition. Thank you for your attention to this matter. David Caulkins davec36@mac.com file: //C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF61... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Meadow Drive From: The Clemens Family <4clemens@comcast.net> To: Date: 03/16/2009 8:36 PM Subject: Meadow Drive Dear Council Members - I am writing to express my opinion regarding the proposed development on the mountainside of the parking structure. I am a former full-time resident, and 21 year property owner at 122 West Meadow Drive. I walk this section of West Meadow Drive every day, as I walk into the Village. It is not that I think the current landscaping is so great, or that I even really notice, but if this green space is removed and turned into more concrete jungle, I believe it will diminish the Vail experience for our guests. I am afraid it will turn this section of the Village into a canyon, one of the negatives I feel about the new Lionshead experience. It is not that I am against everything, as I feel you made the proper decision with approving Solaris, and hope it turns out well. Although I am not a voter, I believe that you strive to represent me as a taxpayer, and hope you will consider my input as you make your decision. Thank you for your consideration, Vince Clemens 6 Bixtone Path Hawthorn Woods, IL 60047 (847) 732-2322 122 W. Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF60... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 `AW Nicole Peterson From: RICHARD M LESLIE To: Date: 03/16/2009 9:29 PM As Vail homeowners since 1979, we strongly oppose development of the berm next to the Vail parking structure. Nancy and Richard Leslie file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF60... 03/17/2009 (03/17/2009) Nicole Peterson - Berm change From: <hgl27@aol.com> To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 03/16/2009 9:45 PM Subject: Berm change As a 40 year property owner in Vail Village I wish to express my objection to the proposed amendment to the Master Plan to facilitate development of the berm of the Vail Village Parking structure. The commercialization of the area is awful and destructive to the beauty of our town. Herb Glaser 62 East Meadow Drive #240-340 Vail Page 1 Page 1 of 1 r.. *4.. Nicole Peterson - Parking structure berm redevelopement From: "Don Cook" To: Date: 03/16/2009 10:20 PM Subject: Parking structure berm redevelopement Having been a part-time resident, and fulltime taxpayer, of the Town of Vail since 1972, 1 see no benefit, and perhaps considerable harm, coming from approving the 'canyonization' of the streetscape along the south side of the Vail Parking Structure by allowing, let alone subsidizing, the 'redevelopment' of the same. It's a very bad idea now and probably anytime. Donald Cook (970) 476-4561; (303) 770-4167. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpw1se\49BF5F... 03/17/2009 (03/17/2009) Nicole Peterson- Berms & landscaping fir. From: Barbara Fey <int2solo@earthnet.net> To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 03/16/2009 10:29 PM Subject: Berms & landscaping PLEASE Do not contemplate removing any berms or existing sound barriers from our roadways in Vail. The community is becoming a monster with visual and sound barriers impossibly small in comparison to the buildings. The only way to see the Mnt...is to be on the Mtn. POOR planning. Barbara Fey Vail Trails West owner Page 1 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - transprotation building From: Vicki Dempsey To: Date: 03/16/2009 11:30 PM Subject: transprotation building I Do NOT want to see the proposed plan go forward. The density is unattractive and detracts from the charm and personality of Vail. Vicki Dempsey Austria Haus Owner since 1999 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF5F... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - March 17. Meeting From: "Karl Fauland" To: Date: 03/16/2009 12:06 PM Subject: March 17. Meeting Dear Town Council, For the proposed amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan, to allow the "flexibility" for private mixed-use development to replace the landscaped berms on the south side of the Vail Village Transportation Center during your March 17th meeting, I would like to ask you to deny it for all the reason mentioned to by the Vail Homeowners association. Thank you, Karl H Fauland Vail I%W file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempAPgrpwise\49BF5... 03/17/2009 (03/17/2009) Nicole Peterson - Proposed Amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan From: <foxp@optonline.net> ,%W To: Vail Town Council <towncouncil@vailgov.com,> Date: 03/17/2009 9:05 AM Subject: Proposed Amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan Page 1 We would like to offer our strong objection to the proposed amendment to the Master Plan to allow commercial development of the south side of the Vail Village Transportation Center. We would hate to see the "Canyonization" of this piece of Vail Village and feel that changing the Master Plan whenever convenient sets a very bad precedent. Foxhall and Helen Parker Owners, Texas Townhouse No. 1, 483 E. Gore Creek Drive r.. Page 1 of 1 '*AW Nicole Peterson - transportation center From: Kerry Donovan To: Date: 03/17/2009 9:13 AM Subject: transportation center Hello Everyone! ! Please do not approve the proposed amendment to the Master Plan in regards to the Vail Transportation Center. Please honor the original public vote and its long term intentions. Thanks, Kerry Donovan (And Happy St.Pats) file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF6C... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Parking structure berms From: To: Date: 03/17/2009 9:39 AM Subject: Parking structure berms The Vail Town Council is considering an amendment to Vail's Master Plan to facilitate the development of berms of the Vail Village parking structure across from the Mountain Haus, Austria Haus and Vail Mountain Lodge & Spa with a mix of office space, retail, and affordable housing. Affordable housing in Vail Village? Why should we subsidize that? Some people in Vail seem to be determined to develop every last inch of land. The berms provide a pleasant green belt in the Village and before we even consider eliminating them, we ought to wait until Solaris and the Four Seasons are done before we decide on more urbanization, more commercialization and more construction. We think this is a bad idea and if you agree, we encourage you to tell the Town towncouncilgvailgov.com. My sentiments exactly, there is already too much development in town. It is not a good thing. Leave the landscaping. I have lived here for 30 years and own a home in west vail for 15 years. More building is NOT better for locals or tourists. There's already too much. Stop the greediness! Instead of trying to create more sales tax revenue, spend less and more wisely! Larry Kalusin 2701 snowberry drive vail, co. 970-476-8245 The Average US Credit Score is 692. See yours in iust -2- easy steps! file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF73... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Vail Transportation Center Public Hearing From: "Mourani, Peter" To: "'towncouncil@vailgov.com"' Date: 03/17/2009 10:30 AM Subject: Vail Transportation Center Public Hearing I am a homeowner in Vail Village at 9 Vail Road. I am writing in reference to the proposed master plan amendment, which would urbanize and eliminate the landscaped open space berms on the south side of the Vail Transportation Center, along the length of East Meadow Drive. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the hearing, but wanted to voice my stern opposition to such a plan at the present time. With so many other construction efforts ongoing in the Village and Lionshead, Vail has not had the opportunity to assess the impact of the new construction. Agreeing to further construction at this time seems premature and reckless. In addition, the greenery provided by the present berms provides excellent scenery and has been integral to the Vail aesthetic. I urge all members of the Town Council to vote against such a project. Thank you, Peter Mourani Peter Mourani, M.D. Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Section of Critical Care The Children's Hospital and *10" University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine Critical Care, Mail Stop 8414 13121 E. 17th Avenue P.O. Box 6508 Aurora, Colorado 80045 Tel: 303-724-2390 Fax: 720-777-7324 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this message is legally privileged and confidential information intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any release, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the author immediately by replying to this message and delete the original message. Thank you file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF7... 03/17/2009 (03/17/2009) Nicole Peterson - Re: (no subject) From: Kim Newbury To: MABRAMANTE@aol.com Date: 03/17/2009 10:38 AM Subject: Re: (no subject) CC: Towncouncil@vailgov.com Dear Mr. Bramante, I am appalled that you would suggest that any of the council members have been "bought". We work very hard for the Town of Vail, with very little compensation ($600 per month) in return for the huge amount of time we spend doing research and attending meetings (a minimum of approximately 15 hours per week). I, personally, am a single mother working a full time job, but still taking the time to contribute to the Town. We are dedicated citizens who try to ensure that the best decisions are made for the Town. We may not always get it right, but we are participating in an attempt to lead and improve the Town, NOT for personal gain. If you disagree with our decisions, you are welcome to become an active participant by either attending our public meetings to express your opinions or, better yet, you are welcome to run for a seat on Town Council. But to accuse us of being criminal is unconscionable and extremely counterproductive. Sincerely, Kim NewBURY Vail Town Council Member <MABRAMANTE@aol.com> 03/17/09 10:23 AM Dear Ms. Newberry, Ammending the Master Plan would not be necessary if the council was not contemplating more development. Intent is the operative word. My mother used to say "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me". Well, it's been shame on me for eight years. Look at the mess we have now not to mention the misdirection. One wonders what the people on the council are thinking. Except for the last election, which looks like it was bought, the electorate has voted against all the present expansion on more than one occasion. In my opinion, now that Solaris is under construction, the money that was spent on influencing the last election would not be available and the prior election results would prevail. Less is sometimes better. Pardon all the cliches but they often make the point. Gus Bramante In a message dated 3/17/2009 7:30:03 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, knewbury@vailgov.com writes: Thank you for your comments. We will certainly take them into account when making a decision on the proposed amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan. Please be aware that NO specific development proposal has been presented or applied for at the Village Parking Structure ...we are simply considering an amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan. Page 1 Sincerely, Kim Newbury Vail Town Council Member L(03/17/2009) Nicole Peterson - Re: (no subject) Page 2 <MABRAMANTE@aol.com> 03/16/09 6:09 PM As a second homeowner and resident of Vail for 40 years I completely support the position of limited development as stated below. There has been to much indiscriminate development by councils that have been unduly influenced by merchants, VR, and developers with little thought of what made this town in the first place. Big is not better! Gus Bramante FOOLISH PLAN TO DEVELOP PARKING STRUCTURE BERM IS BACK The Vail Town Council is considering an amendment to Vail's Master Plan to facilitate the development of berms of the Vail Village parking structure across from the Mountain Haus, Austria Haus and Vail Mountain Lodge & Spa with a mix of office space, retail, and affordable housing. Affordable housing in Vail Village? Why should we subsidize that? Some people in Vail seem to be determined to develop every last inch of land. The berms provide a pleasant green belt in the Village and before we even consider eliminating them, we ought to wait until Solaris and the Four Seasons are done before we decide on more urbanization, more commercialization and more construction. We think this is a bad idea and if you agree, we encourage you to tell the Town town council @vailgov.com_ (mailto:towncouncil@vailgov.com). **************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/l 00126575x1219850974x1201371016/aol?redir=http: %2F%2Fwww.freecreditreport.com%2Fpm%2Fdefault.aspx%3Fsc%3D668072%26hmpg ID %3D62%26bcd%3DfebemailfooterNO62) **************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/l 00126575x1219850974x1201371016/aol?redir=http:%2F%2Fwww.freecr editreport.com%2Fpm%2Fdefault.aspx%3Fsc%3D668072%26hmpglD %3D62%26bcd%3DMarchfooterNO62) `w Page 1 of 1 v.. Nicole Peterson - Housing Project by parking structure From: To: Date: 03/17/2009 11:55 AM Subject: Housing Project by parking structure Dear Council Members, As property owners in Vail Valley, we strongly object to the greenbelt by the parking structure being converted to housing of any kind. The proposed project is in direct conflict with the overall Vail renewal project as presented to those of us who spent a great deal of money to be part of the renewal of a world class resort. Janice S. Scheimer 9 Vail Rd file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF91... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 NOW Nicole Peterson - Vail Market Plaza From: "Dale Bugby" To: Date: 03/17/2009 12:16 PM Subject: Vail Market Plaza Attachments: Vail Town Council, Vail Market Plaza private development is a terrible idea. Public land is public land, it should not be sold, leased or developed for private profit. It amazes me that this nonsense can even make it to a council agenda item. The planning department should be opposing these projects not promoting them. We need long range leadership and thoughts about the future of Vail in 100 years. Condemnation of private land is always heavily opposed and difficult to afford. Don't trade away land now that we may desperately need in the future. Dale Bugby President Vail Resort Rentals, Inc. www.VailResortRentals.com 970-476-0900 970-476-5026 fax Vistar Real Estate, Inc. www.VistarReal Estate. com 970-476-6223 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF96... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Development of berms along parking structure. From: "Len Busse" To: Date: 03/17/2009 12:17 PM Subject: Development of berms along parking structure. Members of Vail Town Council; To even think about developing the berms of the Vail Parking Structure with retail space and employee housing is idiotic, as are plans for a parking structure for Ford Park! What is wrong with green grass? The Village is already overbuilt and is losing its charm. Stop thinking stupid!!! `4W file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BF95... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - VAIL TRANSPORTATION MODIFICATIONS From: To: Date: 03/17/2009 1:18 PM Subject: VAIL TRANSPORTATION MODIFICATIONS CC: We are taxpaying members of the Austria Haus and strongly object to any of the proposed changes to the berm area. It is unconscionable to even consider modifying in any way the natural beauty of the landscaped berm. This is what gives Vail the character that brought us to Vail in the first place. In spite of all of the extensive construction in Vail, most has retained this special character and has thus been successful. For the good of the community and the future generations who will come to enjoy Vail over the years, reject any proposal that would adversely affect the landscaped berm. Marie and Don Logan Feeling the pinch at the grocery store? Make dinner for $10 or less. `W file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempAPgrpwise\49BFD... 03/18/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - parking structure berm I%W From: Caleb Hurtt To: Date: 03/17/2009 1:30 PM Subject: parking structure berm We have been second home owners in Vail for many years. And, we feel that the town is way over building. PLEASE do not allow the parking structure berm to be removed and replaced with more shops and offices. Terrible idea!!!! Thanks ...Maryan & Caleb Hurtt, 272 W. Meadow Drive, Vail Express your personality in color! Preview and select themes for Hotmail(~). See_how. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BFD... 03/18/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Comment on Proposed Vail Village Master Plan Amendment - Buildingon Transportation Center Berms From: Matthew King To: Date: 03/17/2009 1:41 PM Subject: Comment on Proposed Vail Village Master Plan Amendment - Buildingon Transportation Center Berms Dear Town Council, I would like to express my great concern about the potential for an amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan that would allow buildings to replace the landscaped berms along the Vail Village parking structure. This landscaped public area is a respite from the intensive development in Vail Village. The area functions as a pocket park providing much needed natural ambiance to this highly visible area in the Village. It should be a priority of the Town Council to preserve and expand landscaped public areas within the Village. It simply would be a disservice to allow the removal of attractive publicly- owned landscaping and replace it with more buildings. As a property owner in the Town of Vail, I look to the Town Council for leadership in the preservation of the high quality experience that Vail Village offers to the public. Can anyone honestly say that removing this landscaped public area and replacing it with a wall of buildings would in any manner enhance or improve Vail Village? Thank you for your consideration. Matthew L. King Email: mking1881@msn.com Telephone: 970-926-5469 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5601, Vail, CO 81658 Na.. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BFD... 03/18/2009 Page 1 of 1 ti.. ,"W Nicole Peterson - Parking Structure Addition From: quincy mcadam To: Date: 03/17/2009 2:24 PM Subject: Parking Structure Addition To Whom it May Concern: I have lived in Vail for the past 20 years. I have seen the vast changes occur throughout the valley. Some of these changes have been great additions, others have not. With all of the changes around the town I feel that Vail has lost a bit of it's charm, charism and natural beauty. It is being masked by all these buildings, that are not even being used to their full capacity. The berm that divides the parking structure from town is a beauitful area! I think that it would be a great loss to the community to have another area, full of folliage, lost to more buildings!! Thank you for taking the time to hear community member opinions. Quincy McAdam file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BFD... 03/17/2009 (03/17/2009) Nicole Peterson - Vail Transportation Building Proposal Page 1 From: "Constance H. Miller, PM2" <markconvail@juno.com> To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 03/17/2009 2:34 PM Subject: Vail Transportation Building Proposal Dear Town Council, It is unfortunate that this is even being considered as an alteration to the Master Plan. More buildings on the skyline will not enhance this town in anyway. Do you honestly think it will be a draw to the tourists we need to survive, to have less green and more stores? We need to "have a breather" from construction and see what our transportation, retail and employee housing needs actually are, once the current construction is completed. Employee housing does not need to be in the middle of town. Keep the green belts. If you determine the need for additional employee housing - build them on the bus route, outside the main core, on land the town already owns and is designated for such a purpose. The rustle of the leaves, the sound of the river, the colors of nature in our village make Vail unique and attractive. Let's keep it that way. Please. Connie Miller Cell: 970-331-6038 Fax: 970-476-6686 Digital Photography - Click Now. http://thirdpartyoffers.juno.com/TGL2141 /fc/BLSrjpTDvmP8duRtEgd5bteTbpvaAcUbfwMQl bFfU4VKCr70 PMhOViC41 cE/ Page 1 of 1 r.. Nicole Peterson - Berms From: Elizabeth Stamos-Bushey To: Date: 03/17/2009 3:58 PM Subject: Berms I do not feel we need additional retail and housing on the berms on Meadow Dr.!!!!! Let's keep some greenery for beautification and less concrete! Liz Stamos-Bushey file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BFC9... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - berm development From: To: Date: 03/17/2009 4:06 PM Subject: berm development I have owned my condo in Vail for 18 years and have kept it updated at great expense. I strongly oppose the development of the berms in Vail Village, particularly with the object of building affordable housing. There are other places it can be done without depreciating the value of this valuable property, and diminishing the loveliness of the landscaped berms. People enjoy walking around that area, and making it into a concrete area, would certainly take away from the beauty of our village. sincerely. Terry Schantz, Fallridge Unit 401. A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy steps! I%W file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Sett1ngs\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BFD... 03/18/2009 Page 1 of 1 I.. Nicole Peterson - Vail Transportation Center Proposal for Redevelopment From: "Leslie Robertson" To: Date: 03/17/2009 4:25 PM Subject: Vail Transportation Center Proposal for Redevelopment To Whom it May Concern: I would urge you not to redevelop the Vail Transportation Center berm. It is lovely as is now and provides relief from the many other areas of development in town. Vail needs open space. People come here for the beauty, the quaint village and the mountain. Not to shop. I would hate to see the same "canyon" effect in Vail that Lionshead now has and Vail will have additional retail space in Solaris that doesn't impede views from the village. I also question the ability in this economy to sustain more development when current projects are only partially completed and retailers can't make it work in current village retail space. Thank you for your time, Leslie Robertson Marketing & Group Sales Manager Lodge at Lionshead 970-476-2700 / 800-962-4399 www.lodaeatlionshead.com **$14 Million Renovation Completed in 2008" file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49BFD... 03/17/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Parking Structure Berm Project. From: "H W SMITH Jr" To: Date: 03/17/2009 8:56 PM Subject: Parking Structure Berm Project. To allow the redevelopment of the parking structure - berm on East Meadow Drive would be for to many reasons a poorly thought out decision on the part of the Vail Town Council. Save us all from this ill conceived project and vote "NO" H. William Smith Jr part time Vail Resident VAW file://CAI)ocuments and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49000... 03/18/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Building on the berm next to the Parking Structure From: "Mary Ward" To: Date: 03/18/2009 10:27 AM Subject: Building on the berm next to the Parking Structure As a member of this community for the past 25 years and a homeowner in Vail for the past 20 years, I strongly disagree with the plan to build anything on the berm next to the parking structure. Enough already! One of the reasons people come to Vail is because of our beautiful landscaped village especially in the summer. I cannot even fathom why anyone would want to cram buildings into such a small space with or without the present economy. have never in my years of living here felt the need to voice my opinion to the Council until now. Please reconsider this proposed development and leave some of the landscaping in our village instead of covering it all with concrete. Mary Ward `w Master Teacher Red Sandstone School 328-2910 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempAPgrpwise\49C11F... 03/18/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Parking Structure From: To: Date: 03/18/2009 10:53 AM Subject: Parking Structure I own Skaal Hus #6 in Vail Village, and believe that the Town Council should wait to approve any further building until after Solaris and 4-Seasons are completed. John A. Bee President Rhein Medical Feeling the pinch at the grocery store? Make dinner for $10 or less. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Sett1ngs\Temp\XPgrpwise\49COF3... 03/18/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - urban berm ,%or From: Kit Abraham To: Date: 03/18/2009 11:00 AM Subject: urban berm don't do that. that entire space should be left in the hands of the town to make the adjustments they need to make over the years having to do with serving the public good. more commerce is not the best use of that area. even before this current downturn there were empty storefronts in vail - fill them, and leave what's green green. kit abraham 3912 crooked island drive punta gorda, fl 33950 941.575.3579 summer 17 MacDonald Street P.O. Box 5560 Eagle, CO 81631 970.328.8080 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49COE4... 03/18/2009 Page 1 of 1 r.. Nicole Peterson - No Subject From: To: Date: 03/18/2009 11:20 AM Subject: No Subject Against plan to develope parking structure berm. Concerned Vail property owner. Great Deals on Dell 15" Laptops - Starting at $479 (http://pr.atwola.com/promoclk/100126575x1220433363x1201394532/aol?red it=http: %2F% 2Fad. doubleclick.net%2Fclk%38212935224%3B34245239%3Bb) file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Sett1ngs\Temp\XPgrpw1se\49COE4... 03/18/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Elimination of the transportation center berms From: To: Date: 03/18/2009 1:06 PM Subject: Elimination of the transportation center berms CC: We own property in Vail and are against the elimination of the berms on the south side of the parking structure. Fred and Wendy Boutin `W file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgMwise\49COF2... 03/18/2009 (03/19/2009) Nicole Peterson - Vail Village Transportation Center privatization proposal From: Marvin Lubeck <sueblub@earthlink.net> To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 03/18/2009 3:07 PM Subject: Vail Village Transportation Center privatization proposal Our family have been part-time Vailites for over 35 years. We have great affection and admiration for this community and promote it every chance we get. > This proposal would seem to add little to the appeal of Vail Village > and, indeed, would make this area of Vail look and feel "congested", > diminishing the charm of our Village. We strongly oppose this > proposal. Marvin Lubeck and family Riverhouse 83 Willow Place Page 1 `%o. Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - The berm From: To: Date: 03/18/2009 4:41 PM Subject: The berm As a former full-time resident and current part-time resident of Vail Village, I implore you to leave the berm by the Village parking structure as it is. The beauty of the village is that it has some green spaces and every inch is not taken up by a T-shirt shop and a pizza parlor. Although there is plenty of that. The fact that Crossroads, which was a low key retail/residential area, will now be a towering behemoth of a property is bad enough. Leave the berm alone. Please. Pat Parrish 9 Vail Road Pat Parrish scout4ads@mac.com 310-652-5585 home 310-291-6618 cell file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49C25F... 03/19/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Town Council Proposal for privitazation of the of the Transportation Ctr. o.. From: "Steve Ellsworth" To: Date: 03/19/2009 4:53 AM Subject: Town Council Proposal for privitazation of the of the Transportation Ctr. Ladies and Gentlemen: I see little merit in the proposed project to substitute additional comercial and residential square footage for a small amount of greenspace left in the Town of Vail. Please put this project on hold (maybe forever) and focus on other critical issues such as parking, sound proofing 1-70, etc. Thank you, Steve Ellsworth bar_bells~@earthlink.net EarthLink Revolves Around You. I%W file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49C1F... 03/19/2009 Vail transportation Center Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Vail transportation Center From: "11. A. Ittleson" To: Date: 03/19/2009 8:20 PM Subject: Vail transportation Center I have been a part time resident in Vail since its inception. I feel so strongly about this project that I write this e mail. Upset, disappointed, dismayed, disturbed and confused all express my feelings. Vail is a special place. It is not Beaver Creek or numerous other well known resorts. It is a community where its Founders believed in Open Space, congenial living, fabulous skiing and charm. They could never have imagined the world as it is today nor would they have wanted to stop progress. They were thoughtful businessmen, but they did have a vision. I am not a lawyer so my words are not meant to be legalistic, but rather realistic. We do need a Transportation Center. It may at some time have to be larger, but that is not today and who know what the future will bring that might even change the desired location. However, what we do need is Open Space, landscaping and beauty. Certainly there were covenants or restrictions set forth in Vail's Master Plan. Every time the Planning Council grants variances, it gives up more of the original basic values that have made Vail what it is today. Developers will forever find reasons to build something, whether needed or not and it is up to our Town's governing body to protect us. This is exactly what has not been done here. Politics is a difficult thing to fathom many times. Innuendos abound regularly and as an interested party, I listen and try not to judge without proof. How much influence a developer might specifically have in our Town's governance is definitely a topic of discussion. My theory for whatever its worth is that perception is often worse than reality. If that is the case, we have a problem in Vail. I urge you as a body to respect the values our Founders felt important. I urge you to reject completely the proposed project as it does not help Vail and only helps a Developer's dream. Thank you for your attention. Henry A. Ittleson file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49C356... 03/20/2009 (03/23/2009) Nicole Peterson-- Re: Trans. Ctr. Master Plan Page 1 From: Margaret Rogers To: gilkap@aol.com Date: 03/20/2009 3:58 PM Subject: Re: Trans. Ctr. Master Plan CC: town council Thank you for your comments. Let me try to explain what is being asked of the council as I understand it, since there appears to be a fair amount of confusion about it. There was an application filed to amend the master plan to allow for uses other than parking and transportation at the main parking structure - the only uses currently permitted. An amendment would allow employee housing and retail/office space to be acceptable uses, if and when an application is filed requesting to develop the parcel for those purposes. There is no such application currently pending. No one is in effect asking for an exterior change to a home. There may not be such an application for quite some time, considering the current economy in Vail and elsewhere in the country. The council has identified employee housing as a priority. Also, we recognize that we have a significant shortage of office space in the town. The primary "pro", in my opinion, is that an amendment to the master plan would give the town the flexibility to use the site for other purposes which we have identified as priorities. I repeat, however, that there is no proposal to develop the property on the table, and we are not considering any at this time. If and when a proposal comes along, the Planning Commission and the council will thoroughly vet it, determine if it is in the best interest of the town, see if the "pros" outweigh the "cons," see what public benefits are offered to the town in exchange for the right to develop the property and make a decision at that time. That is not a decision we are being asked to make now. Margaret Rogers <gilkap@aol.com> 03/20/09 10:34 AM Putting The Cart Before The Horne? We have previously contacted the Vail Town Council with our opinion of why we do not favor a change at this time in the Master Plan for the Vail Transportation Center and Parking Structure. We have additional comments: Were we to request any exterior change to our home, you would ask to see what our intentions are before approving any zoning changes or requests, would you not? If the Planning Commission supports a change to a Master Plan, there needs to be a replacement plan, and because this is public land, AKA "our"land, we, the taxpayers of Vail, should have access, before April 7th, to see such a plan. It appears to be public understanding that the Planning Commission vote was to change the Master Plan, and this needs approval from the Council If such a replacement plan does not exist, then how can you change a "plan" without having a plan in its place? Aren't you putting the cart before the horse? We, and probably most of the public, would also like to know why a change is necessary at this point in time. What are the pros? I believe *AW from the volume of mail you've received that the "cons" outnumber the pros". We're a fairly well educated group of citizens who would like (03/23/2009) Nicole Peterson - Re: Trans. Ctr. Master Plan Page 2 to have some answers to the "why" question. Our thanks to the Council Members who responded to us previously, as they rightly should. To those who were not responsive, you are not fulfilling your campaign promises. Werner and Gilda Kaplan Vail 'gym. Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Potential Transporatation Center modifications From: "Brian Anderson" To: "towncouncil@vailgov.com" Date: 03/20/2009 4:03 PM Subject: Potential Transporatation Center modifications We are owners at the Austria House Condominium complex in Vail Village. As such, we just want you to know that we object to the future modification, reconfiguration or expansion of the Transportation Center and that that area should preserve the original intended purposes and continue to conform to the design concept approved and supported by the original voter approval process. There is no need to create enclosed spaces in this area, and some of the drawings/renderings of this project that we've seen create a wall of buildings and a narrow street, rather than retaining the openness and natural feel of the existing hillside/stairway to the Transportation Center. Please do not allow this project to proceed. We would appreciate being kept informed of any further discussions of this topic. Thank you. Brian and Nancy Anderson Austria Haus Condominiums Home Address - 9645 Wyoming Ter S, Bloomington, MN 55438 concept of the original voter approval. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49C3C... 03/23/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Vail Transportation Center From: To: Date: 03/21/2009 1:14 PM Subject: Vail Transportation Center Ladies & Gentlemen, I am writing in favor of the proposed changes to the Vail Master Plan to allow development of the berms on the south side of the parking structure. I do not think that the berms represent open space that should be saved. it's not park like surroundings to be enjoyed but only landscaping for the parking structure that appears to have been an inexpensive way to finish the project. the street as it exists today is dark and unattractive, especially at night. it seems that the Town ends east of Slifer Plaza. there is a long term project to extend the transportation deck out over the parking structure that would require support pillars and effectively eliminate the landscaping. the pillars could be integrated into a development project. one developer's concept would extend the shopping area of the town and provide badly needed housing for professionals who want to live in Vail. obviously the size and scale of a project for this '*A"' area would have to be carefully controlled and because of the economy would take some years to complete. but as the economy improves it would provide employment and sales tax.... both needed. Best regards, Alan Kosloff Feeling the pinch at the grocery store? Make _dinner_for$10 or less. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49C75B... 03/23/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - NO on this ridiculous proposal From: "Sharon Sloan" To: Date: 03/21/2009 1:57 PM Subject: NO on this ridiculous proposal We have watched Vail grow since 1970 when we purchased our first condo in East Vail - newly purchased condo at the Vail Mountain Lodge Spa with its magnificent open green belt space. Please tell me what is wrong with OPEN SPACE. TOO MUCH construction has been made in our Vail Village - are you trying to compete with Aspen? Affordable housing in Vail.??;' When is it time to stop reaping from our Mother Earth - leave some green, some open space, preserve some of her beauty. Times are NOT that great, have some dignity and enjoy what Vail has to offer now - NO MORE RUILDIN6 PROJECTS - you can't fill your shoes as it is nowA41 NO - NO - NO A950L U TEL Y RIDICUL OUS sUrvn.510..40 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49C75A... 03/23/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - BERM PROJECT ON PARKING STRUCTURE ON MEADOW DRIVE From: "Matt Sloan" To: Date: 03/21/2009 9:41 PM Subject: BERM PROJECT ON PARKING STRUCTURE ON MEADOW DRIVE Dear Town Council I have been an owner in Vail since 1972, and now you are considering another stupid project that will continue to destroy our idyllic Vail village. Will you not be satisfied until our streets are darkened by buildings everywhere like in NYC. Is the population density not crazy enough? Have you not already destroyed enough mountain views? Please come to your senses and put this idiocy to bed. HALT THE PROJECT. Matthew Sloan M.D. VML owner file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49C76E... 03/23/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - FW: berm area/parking structure From: "Alison Bluestone" To: Date: 03/22/2009 9:02 AM Subject: FW: berm area/parking structure Sorry. My husband sent this without our address or background. You should know we have been coming to Vail for 20 years and have seen all the changes. While we embrace change, not all change is good. We have property in the village and feel that the village is over priced, but affordable housing should have been thought through a long time ago when the village was originally planned. Additionally, it is nice to see undeveloped areas. We need a greater balance here. alison and andrew bluestone 17 wilrich glen morristown, nj 07960 t. 973 359 8800 f. 973 359 8822 c. 973 417 6881 From: Alison Bluestone [mailto:alison@bluestonemail.com] Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2009 10:53 AM To: 'towncouncil@vailgov.com' Subject: berm area/parking structure Too much building going on to quickly....I suggest we wait for the Solaris and four seasons development project to be completed prior to any new construction approval. alison file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49C76E... 03/23/2009 Tranportation center Nicole Peterson - Tranportation center From: "John Angelo" To: Date: 03/22/2009 9:28 AM Subject: Tranportation center Page 1 of 1 I have been coming to vail since 1970. And a home owner since 1986 I remember well when the tranportation center was built and how it was positioned. Necessary parking for the community while upgrading the beautification of the area. The new proposal of three stories on the north side of east meadow drive is a violaton of that trust. To say nothing of the continuation Of the destruction of our natural enviornment. there is much being built in vail there are a lot of empty holes this is a terrible economic enviornment. And certailny not a moment that an ill conceived project should be considered. Please do your duty and vote this project down. John angelo The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, and delete the original message. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TempAPgrpwise\49C76E... 03/23/2009 Page 1 of 1 r.. ,%or Nicole Peterson - Parking Structure Berm From: "Ed Cady" To: Date: 03/22/2009 11:57 AM Subject: Parking Structure Berm CC: I am an owner in Vail Mountain Lodge and want to voice my disapproval of the development of the berm. Enough is enough!! Whatever green space is left should be preserved particularly after the completion of the existing projects! I urge you to vote against this proposal. Thank-you. Edward Cady nilkew@hotmail.com file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49C76E... 03/23/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Not more building in Vail! From: Shirley Dunkin To: Date: 03/22/2009 2:11 PM Subject: Not more building in Vail! Attention Vail Town Council Members, It is my understanding that there is a proposal to erect a three or four story building in place of a landscaped berm across Meadow Drive in Vail Village. Please let my husband and me go on record as opposing any more urbanization, commercialization, and construction in Vail Village. You've already ruined a beautiful area with an excess of hotels and other buildings without thought for even small amounts of open space which is why many people come to Vail from urban areas throughout the country. We have been home owners in Vail Village for the past four years and are so disappointed to see all of the new buildings going up each time we visit which is about eight weeks a year. We think Vail Village is already overbuilt. Our fear is that when all of the construction is complete it won't be a pleasurable experience to be in Vail any more because of the crowds of people. Please don't make it even worse. Sincerely, Shirley and William Dunkin Shirley Dunkin 153 West Hyerdale Drive Goshen, CT 06756 860-491-2077 sdunkin(d~optonline.net ~ft. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49C76E... 03/23/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - berms From: To: Date: 03/23/2009 9:06 AM Subject: berms As a frequent visitor to Vail, I would like to encourage you to keep the berms in place ...too much building and urbanization will take away from the Vail experience. e info@sahlistudio.conn 27523 Pine Valley Dr. Evergreen, CO. 80439 303-670-8615 303-670-2915 Fax file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49C754... 03/23/2009 Plan to Develop Parking Structure Berm Nicole Peterson - Plan to Develop Parking Structure Berm From: "Maurer, Patti" To: Date: 03/23/2009 9:47 AM Subject: Plan to Develop Parking Structure Berm Dear Vail Town Council, Page 1 of 1 I am writing you to express my severe displeasure and disapproval of Vail approving any amendment to Vail's Master Plan to facilitate the development of berms of the Vail Village parking structure across from the Mountain Haus, Austria Haus and Vail Mountain Lodge & Spa. I am an owner of a 3 bedroom 3 bath condominium in Vail Mountain Lodge and Spa that happens to be on the parking structure side of the building. I am opposed to any more commercialization of greedy people determined to develop every last bit of land in Vail. I bought my place to be in the mountains and for the pleasure that the surrounding beauty of Vail has to offer, NOT to have yet another home in a commercialized city! Those berms provide a pleasant green belt in the Village and the beauty that I bought when I purchased my condo. I urge you to listen to the public and vote no on this plan. Sincerely, Patti Maurer Coldwell Banker Devonshire 200 Fillmore #300 Denver, CO 80206 www.denversluxuryhomes.com cell: 303-918-6769 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49C76A... 03/23/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Meadow Drive complex From: GJF165 To: Date: 03/23/2009 11:02 AM Subject: Meadow Drive complex We are aware of the potential building out of the parking structure on Meadow Drive and would ask that you do NOT permit such expansion to go through. We have been coming from Los Angeles to Vail since its inception in 1962, have owned several properties and adore Vail. We feel that the redo of Crossroads will make Vail very special as it was tired and it will bring vitality to the core of the village. It will feel communal. However, we feel that building a strip of stores and housing across from residential buildings on Meadow Drive existing since the 60's infringes on the privacy of those facing the proposed area, adds traffic, lack of light, lack of sound barriers and lack of "class" which Vail is trying to attain as a destination vacation location. If we want to live in a tightly packed environment, we can stay in Los Angeles and listen to our neighbors. The beauty of the mountain experience is not to build close quarters, but allow greenery and open space to welcome visitors and allow some serenity. Please show respect to those of us who come to Vail religiously ( winter and summer) to properties we own. We encourage others to vacation in Vail by our word of mouth and our action. We ask that you do not allow any edifice to be built, that you do not pass any laws that would allow it in the future and that you respect the environment by cherishing the small amount of green space left on Meadow Drive. Thank You. 1%W Nancy and Gary Freedman 165 Homewood Road Los Angeles, CA 90049 310-472-9775 The Average US Credit Score is 692. See Yours in Just 2 Easy Steps! v.. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpw1se\49C76C... 03/23/2009 (03/24/2009) Nicole Peterson - Dumb Berm Idea From: To: Date: Subject Dear Town Council, <miguelhennessy@aol.com> <towncouncil@vailgov.com> 03/23/2009 8:00 PM Dumb Berm Idea My family and I have been coming to Vail for the past nine years to ski and enjoy the summer. Wee have recently thought that the development of the town over the past few years has resulted in many good things, but also some bad. The Solaris project is the type of development which ruins the warm village atmosphere of Vail. Continuing to build on any green space will only make the town less attractive and reduce its allure. The berm next to the parking structure is the only green in the area and does a great deal to hide the ugly parking structure. Building on the berm would represent a short sighted development plan,with few, if any, benefits. Soon Vail will resemble overbuilt, soulless resorts which attract bus loads of visitors, few of which will care about the town. Regards, Miguel Hennessy MIGUEL E. HENNESSY 1088 PARK AVENUE, 14A NEW YORK, NY 10128 (646) 267-2550 miguelhennessy@aol.com Page 1 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Proposed Master Plan Amendment From: To: Date: 03/24/2009 11:52 AM Subject: Proposed Master Plan Amendment CC: Dear Town Council: I think the proposed master plan amendment is a bad idea. My wife and I have been part time residents of Vail for over 10 years now and Vail definately does not need more urbanization, more commercialization or more construction. Sincerely, Arthur Gelfand Villa Cortina The Average US Credit Score is 692. See Yours in Just 2 Easy Steps! file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49C8C... 03/24/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Vail Master Plan Changes From: To: Date: 03/24/2009 1:48 PM Subject: Vail Master Plan Changes To the Vail Town Council, I am writing to express my concern about the proposed changes to the Vail Master Plan which would allow for the destruction of the greenway/berm by the parking structure. It seems to be wrong to destroy the little green space we have in Vail. We already have a large amount of huge developments underway with Solaris, The Ritz Carlton, Four Seasons etc. Do we really need to take every square foot of space in the village and turn it into buildings. At the other end of Vail we have the massive proposed development - Ever Vail, which will add significantly to the number of homes/units in the valley while creating more congestion and destroying open/green space. I firmly believe that this will destroy some of the wonderful mountain feel of the village, and will have a huge negative impact on current residents and visitors. If this change were to go through we would seriously consider selling our home in Vail. We have been coming to Vail for more than 30 years and think it is the best ski resort in the world. But making changes that destroy the little open space we have sends a signal that the Town Council is not interested in the long term health and well being of our town. Thanks for listening. I sincerely hope that this plan to modify the Master Plan does not get approved. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49C911... 03/24/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Development of Vail Parking Structure From: "Sharon Treacy" To: Date: 03/24/2009 4:29 PM Subject: Development of Vail Parking Structure To all concerned, I believe the re-development of the Vail Parking Structure is a very bad idea. We need some green space left in Vail Village. Please don't develop everything, especially not this location. I do believe it could be improved upon as a park. Do you remember what it was like before they moved the entrance from Village Center Drive? It was terraced and more inviting than it is now. It had places for people to sit and enjoy. It had beautiful plants including large, mature Crab Apple trees which bloomed in the spring and were fruit bearing in the fall. The birds loved that as much as I did. I used to go pick crab apples and make jelly for friends and family. I think we should enlist the help of the Betty Ford Garden's experts to improve upon this entrance to the Town of Vail and keep it green. We could have indigenous plants which would not require too much water. I think people in the immediate surrounding area would be willing to volunteer time to help work on an improved garden in that location. I know I would love to spend some time out of doors each week on such a project. But please do not turn that location into just another concrete barrier. Green space is too valuable to waste on another building project. We need an end of the building at least for a while. And this spot is the doorway to our community. Most visitors come here to get away from urbanization. Can't we keep this area green? We do not need more office, retail or condos at this time. We do not have enough parking to accommodate what we already have. Why would we build more with vacant space still available in the village and why would we use some of our parking spaces to do so? I beg of you please do not do this. Just don't do it, it's not appropriate now or ever Thank you, Sharon Treacy file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Sett1ngs\Temp\XPgrpw1se\49C910... 03/24/2009 Page 1 of 1 `%u. Nicole Peterson - Vail Master Plan Amendment - Vail Transportation Center From: "Ted Hartley" To: Date: 03/24/2009 6:10 PM Subject: Vail Master Plan Amendment - Vail Transportation Center CC: Gentlemen and Ladies of the Vail Town Council: This is to request that you reject the proposed master plan amendment insomuch as it involves the Vail Transportation Center. All of the members of my 3-genrational family who have been coming to our condominiums on Gore Creek Drive for 30 years, join me in this deeply felt request. While we understand the financial appeal to develop all possible in-town building sites to increase the tax revenue, we feel strongly that losing the landscaped open space along the Transportation Center area would detract from the beauty of that section of Vail and replace it with another development which is not in the best interest of the town. You of the town council have done an admirable job of resisting development to the extent that it overloaded a particular area or negatively affected important aspects of the town. The Transportation Center deserves your support and determination to maintain one of Vail's most valuable features. Not only as long time property owners but as lifetime lovers of the unique quality of Vail, we ask you to exercise restraint and keep faith in the pro-Vail spirit and vision which created the Transportation Center and its critical mission. Please deny the proposed master plan amendment as it deals with the Vail Village Transportation Center area. Sincerely: Ted Hartley Ted Hartley Chairman and CEO RKO Pictures 1875 Century Park East Suite 2140 Los Angeles, CA 90067 P: (310) 226-2486 F: (310) 226-2491 E: TRH a rko.com file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49CA06... 03/25/2009 Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Commercial,etc.on the parking structure berm. From: To: Date: 03/26/2009 11:03 AM Subject: Commercial,etc.on the parking structure berm. GIVE US A BREAKHH There's more than enough concrete in Vail village now, and what's all this about changing the master plan to allow this?? Maybe you guys could put a Wal-Mart where the ball fields and tennis courts are??? Why do you feel that Vail should be one large concrete shopping mall?? See you at the April 7th meeting. Paul Caldwell Feeling the pinch at the grocery store? Make dinner for $10 or_less. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49CB61... 03/26/2009 Pagel of 2 Nicole Peterson - RE: Development of Vail Parking Structure From: "Sharon Treacy" To: "Margaret Rogers" Date: 03/26/2009 6:09 PM Subject: RE: Development of Vail Parking Structure CC: "Kevin Foley" , "Andy Daly" , "Mark Gordon" , "Nicole Peterson" "Paul Treacy" Thank you for your response. But I must say that location is a terraced park with trees, it was years ago. I believe this is appropr building or buildings. After all, it is the though you are not making a decision at this changing the master plan should be limited. that the only use I can see proper for flowers, benches and the like, just as late for that location and not a entrance to our community. Even time as to what can go there I believe Thank you, Sharon -----Original Message----- From: Margaret Rogers [mailto:mrogers@vailgov.com] Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 7:27 AM To: Sharon Treacy Subject: Re: Development of Vail Parking Structure Thank you for your comments. Let me try to explain what is being asked of the council as I understand it, since there appears to be a fair amount of confusion about it. There was an application filed to amend the master plan to allow for uses other than parking and transportation at the main parking structure - the only uses currently permitted. An amendment would allow employee housing and retail/office space to be acceptable uses, if and when an application is filed requesting to develop the parcel for those purposes. There is no such application currently pending. There may not be such an application for quite some time, considering the current economy in Vail and elsewhere in the country. The council has identified employee housing as a priority. Also, we recognize that we have a significant shortage of office space in the town. The primary "pro", in my opinion, is that an amendment to the master plan would give the town the flexibility to use the site for other purposes which we have identified as priorities. I repeat, however, that there is no proposal to develop the property on the table, and we are not considering any at this time. If and when a proposal comes along, the Planning Commission and the council will thoroughly vet it, determine if it is in the best interest of the town, see if the "pros" outweigh the "cons," see what public benefits are offered to the town in exchange for the right to develop the property and make a decision at that time. That is not a decision we are being asked to make now. "Sharon Treacy" <sharont@kidsportvail.com> 03/24/09 4:29 PM To all concerned, vftw I believe the re-development of the Vail Parking Structure is a very bad idea. We need some green space left in Vail Village. Please don't file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49CBC... 03/27/2009 Page 2 of 2 develop everything, especially not this location. I do believe it could be improved upon as a park. Do you remember what it was like before they moved the entrance from Village Center Drive? It was terraced and more inviting than it is now. It had places for people to sit and enjoy. It had beautiful plants including large, mature Crab Apple trees which bloomed in the spring and were fruit bearing in the fall. The birds loved that as much as I did. I used to go pick crab apples and make jelly for friends and family. I think we should enlist the help of the Betty Ford Garden's experts to improve upon this entrance to the Town of Vail and keep it green. We could have indigenous plants which would not require too much water. I think people in the immediate surrounding area would be willing to volunteer time to help work on an improved garden in that location. I know I would love to spend some time out of doors each week on such a project. But please do not turn that location into just another concrete barrier. Green space is too valuable to waste on another building project. We need an end of the building at least for a while. And this spot is the doorway to our community. Most visitors come here to get away from urbanization. Can't we keep this area green? *r. We do not need more office, retail or condos at this time. We do not have enough parking to accommodate what we already have. Why would we build more with vacant space still available in the village and why would we use some of our parking spaces to do so? I beg of you please do not do this. Just don't do it, it's not appropriate now or ever. Thank you, Sharon Treacy file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49CBC... 03/27/2009 Lurch ?b, 2009 AT FN: Vail Town Council As an owner in and a guest of -the [-own of Vail. I ur,-)e the To%~n Council to vthe no to the proposed Vail Village Master Plan amendment. A-i a home w,% tier in the Vail Village, I am concerned that the amendment rc3tricts %vhat could potentially be necessary additions to the parking structure transportation center in the future. Land and open space is already limited in the village. why would we throw away future opportunities to resolve these existing problems' 13\, passing the amendment and allowing an out-oI town contractor to start another massive construction project, not only do we continue to alienate our clientele, but we put Serious future issues for parking and transportation on the back burner. As a guest of Vail, 1 ate wcaty 01-111t: mess. the nuisc and the vvctall appcatauce ol'Vail as it conmruction zone. As guests drive into the Valley they should be channed by the Village and its ambiance, not distracted by high rising buildings and mile-high cranes. A construction project on the parking structure berth would be the center of attention: there is no hiding a project centered around the main entryway to Vail Village. Who visits a mountain town to walk down crowded streets hidden from the sun with little or no green scenery'? I tear that we will lose those guests that come for the atmosphere: those who come, not to ski or raft or climb, but to simply meander through the Village on a sunny day. We are a world-renowned tourist destination: let us not lose that distinction to congested streets, unappealing views and the inevitable urbanization that will eventually iollow the passing of this aniondmrnt .Jackie Gallagher Vail Village Home Owner (03/31/2009) Nicole Peterson - Proposed Transportation Development From: Simon Marsh <simonmarsh@comcast.net> `'t' To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 03/30/2009 7:25 PM Subject: Proposed Transportation Development To Whom it may Concern: I am writing to preserve the original design concept of the Vail Transportation Center so as to maintain the intended functions of providing public parking, a very efficient mass transit terminal, and a nice blend of open space within the village. Page 1 I have benefited from using the transit center for years, through either parking or using the bus system. More development within the center itself would put at risk further limitations to parking due to more staffing spaces needed or more non-skier parking use. With the state of the economy as it is, more commercial business space may lead to empty, unleased spaces, especially during the off- season. Why not preserve the open space that is already there? Part of the attraction of the Village is its blend of the environment with the existing infrastructure. More urbanization will lead away from the intended uses of the Vail Transportation Center which was for public use. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Simon W. Marsh Page 1 of 1 Nicole Peterson - Master Plan Amendment From: "Nancy Byers" To: Date: 03/31/2009 5:27 PM Subject: Master Plan Amendment Vail Town Council I am so disappointed and surprised that the Town Council is even considering developing what little "open space" we have left in this town. And for what reason? I'm against this for all the reasons most of the people in this town have already expressed. Please listen to us. Enough is enough. We've gone too far already. Nancy Byers 352A Beaver Dam Circle Vail, CO. 81657 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Sett1ngs\Temp\XPgrpwise\49D5F6... 04/03/2009 (04/03/2009) Nicole Peterson - Berm Project Page 1 From: mark ettenger <mdettenger@aol.com> VMW To: <towncouncil@vailgov.com> Date: 04/01/2009 5:13 PM Subject: Berm Project As an owner of interests in units at the Vail Mountain Lodge & Spa, and someone who spends about 50-60 days in Vail year round, I would like to respectfully submit my opposition to the potential development of the berms abutting the east end of the parking structure. As a real estate developer and investor, it appears to me that Vail is quite evidently being affected by the current financial crisis exacerbated by the number of new projects underway. The development of the berms will "closet in" an already tunnel feeling area which relies on the berms to protect the adjacent properties as an attractive buffer. Is now really the time to further add to the vision of cranes, construction sites and congestion in the Village. I hope the Council will take a little breather at this point from approving ambitious projects and particularly this one which will will cramp an already congested area where drop offs and parking are presently difficult for the existing operating properties particularly sitting right on the bus route. Thank you for your consideration. Mark D. Ettenger 1317 Flagler Drive Mamaroneck, NY 10543 1-917-846-9322 °4.. Vail Development - Deciding the Future of the Vail Transportation Center i r Page 1 of 11 r Proposed developer-initiated amendment to Vail Transportation Center would allow for mixed-use development to replace landscaped open space. Town of Vail 3D computer graphics prepared as primary exhibits for the proposed Master Plan Amendment public hearing by Winston Associates. Vail Homeowners Association Newsletter News, Analysis, and Commentary for Vail Homeowners April 2, 2009 In This Issue Breaking News Vail Development - Deciding the Future of the Vail Transportation Center Commentary - Kaye Ferry Breaking News: http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001 nCz1SeWA 1 rY3tulh 1 kK5coJbDc-OD... 04/03/2009 Vail Development - Deciding the Future of the Vail Transportation Center Page 2 of 11 DEVELOPER HAS WITHDRAWN PROPOSAL Please note that the developer who proposed the development of the Vail Transportation Center (VTC) southern landscaped open space berm has withdrawn their request. Reason given for the withdrawal was the overwhelming opposition received in correspondence from the public by the Vail Town Council. Efforts are continuing to provide enhanced protections and improvements for the open space berms, as well as the primary intended uses of the entire VTC site and other unique public amenities provided on the site. Concerned parties are urged to continue the efforts to make known their views on this matter to the Vail Town Council. The public's informed reaction to this proposal is a indication that engagement in the Town of Vail's public review processes can effectively alter the outcome of events. The public can still register their opinion on this matter by email, fax or public comment during the citizen participation at the beginning of the Town Council's evening meetings. This edition of the VHA newsletter was prepared in preparation for the public hearing, now cancelled, on Tuesday, April 7th. The edition provides a perspective on the developer's proposed Master Plan Amendment and its implications. Many of the same circumstances will apply should future efforts be taken up to reassert the same or a similar proposal under different circumstances. ---Editor Vail Development: Deciding the Future of the Vail Transportation Center Vail Development - Private development proposed for south berms of Vail Transportation Center, not a good idea says Vail Homeowners Association Board of Directors: A proposal by a private developer has been made to remove the landscaped open space buffer on the south side of the Vail Transportation Center (VTC) in Vail Village, that borders East Meadow Drive, replacing it with privatized mixed-use commercial and residential development. The first step in the Town of Vail approval process is to remove open space protections and add language in the Vail Village Master Plan to provide "flexibility" to increase urbanization and commercialization of the site. The Vail Homeowners Association Board of Directors has recommended that the Vail Town Council deny the proposed developer-initiated master plan amendment. The Town Council was to consider the matter during a March 17th meeting. Thanks to the efforts of the Vail Homeowners Association and other concerned parties, the public hearing of the matter has been postponed until April 7th to allow more time to hear from the community. A justification for the privatization proposal is predicated on the Town Staff's conclusion that with the construction of the highly urban Solarius project; the character of the neighborhood has changed, warranting even more development. The extension of this conclusion is for the Town to keep pushing more density into Vail Village. Their recommendations are taken without sufficient documentary evidence, especially in light of profound economic challenges that are now occurring. Some believe the staff's perspective threatens rather than strengthens the attributes of the village. J E 0 http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001 nCzlSeWA 1 rY3tulh 1 kK5coJbDc-OD... 04/03/2009 Vail Development - Deciding the Future of the Vail Transportation Center Page 3 of 11 ~tv~PORiATlON. If the developer's master plan amendment were to be approved, succeeding phases of negotiation will bring the developer into a self-dealing joint partnership with the Town of Vail. A competing interloper could intervene should the Town put the privatization proposition out to competitive bid from other developers. The Town of Vail in recent years has adopted a strategy of enticing private developers, with the promise of a lucrative partnership, to become co-developers on town owned property. Some believe this is self-dealing that could lead to abuse of public lands and powers. The Town is well skilled in this type of negotiation, having entered into a similar process for the redevelopment of the Lionshead Parking Structure as well as other projects. Stemming from a variety of legal, financial and political controversies, few of these joint entrepreneurial partnerships have come to a successful conclusion. Some critics say the privatization proposal threatens the long-range redevelopment of the VTC by placing limitations on reconfiguring the site in response to changing transportation technology and capacity requirements. The VTC is 35 years old, having had a major expansion and structure reinforcing in the early 1990's. Its life expectancy is far less than any would-be private development appended to it. The VTC's 1,500 vehicle parking structure provides for the parking needs of many buildings and businesses throughout Vail Village that do not have on-site parking. Some believe that for this reason Village property owners have a vested interest in maintaining the primary uses on the site. Encumbering its reconfiguration, some criticize, would be sacrificing long-term needs for the want of short-term financial gain. Neighborhood Reaction Negative: The proposal has raised the hackles of nearly every adjacent property owner on East Meadow Drive from the One Willow Bridge Road to the Vail Mountain Lodge and Spa. Objections include exasperation over the ever increasing urbanization and commercialization of their neighborhood. L Objections are raised by those who believe that it is inappropriate for the Town to encourage even more development when there is an unsold inventory of many millions of dollars in residential real estate in Vail Village and Lionshead. Likewise, there is nearly http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001 nCzlSeWA 1 rY3tulh 1 kK5coJbDc-OD... 04/03/2009 Vail Development - Deciding the Future of the Vail Transportation Center Page 4 of 11 50,000 sq. ft. of new commercial space being built in the neighboring Solarius project to be opened in 2010. All the while, the consequences of national economic conditions are putting a competitive strain on many businesses with some making predictions of a heretofore unseen increase in business closures. Legal Restraints Exist: The Town's proclivity for self-dealing was anticipated in the late 1960's and early 1970's by the founders of the community, represented by Vail Associates (now Vail Resorts, Inc.) in negotiations to exchange their land for an agreement with the newly formed Town of Vail to build the VTC. A complex set of agreements and protections were put in place to restrain, on behalf of Vail Associates and affected property owners, any effort by the Town to compromise the intended purpose of the Vail Transportation Center site, which is to provide public parking, a mass transit terminal and landscaped open space buffers. VTC Primary Customer Portal for Vail Village: The VTC is the primary facilitator in bringing customers to Vail Village. Changes such as increased air travel volume at the Eagle County Airport could significantly increase customers who arrive by mass transit. The developer's proposed master plan amendment impinges upon the flexibility needed, well into the community's future, to reorganize and expand parking and mass transit service. The Town has either limited or no specific concept plan with options to address changing community needs or reconfiguration of the VTC. Through the VTC flow the customers and vitality that the private sector must have to be competitive and produce the all important sales tax revenues needed to fund the municipal government. Some argue that the developer's proposal to add more commercial and office space will draw more consumers to the village. They appear to ignore the implication of the new Solarius commercial space. They provide no factual substantiation for their position, nor do they address the implication of foreseeable economic conditions affecting business closures and lease rates. Some want to redirect shopper traffic away from the Covered Bridge portal to Vail Village, moving it westward on East Meadow Drive towards Solarius, which is at times a highly congested shuttle bus and vehicular traffic route. They argue that it is necessary to complete a link to Solarius. However, they ignore the shopping arcade at the Austria Haus that has already completed the link in a way that is less hazardous to distracted pedestrians. Why Sacrifice Landscaped Open Space? Still others are critical of the potential size of the proposed buildings. They say that zero setbacks will be needed, further cramping and http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001 nCzlSeWA 1 rY3tulh 1 kK5coJbDc-OD... 04/03/2009 East Meadow Drive - site of potential traffic flow conflicts between pedestrians, traffic and buses Vail Development - Deciding the Future of the Vail Transportation Center Page 5 of 11 causing canyonization of an already confined mass transportation and major pedestrian access route to Ford Park. The increased traffic would co-mingle with on-street truck loading areas and a traffic turn around. These conflicts have not been addressed by the developer or Town planners. Critics say that the Town's design consultant is applying inappropriate height and setback restraints to the area given the size of existing adjacent buildings. As well, the consultant has provided no defense or recognition of the value of retaining the landscaped bermed open space buffer, discounting it in favor of more urbanization, commercialization and canyonization. The consultant appears to ignore the historical purpose and intent of the Town's plan to integrate buildings within landscaped and natural open spaces. The purpose of the bermed landscaped open space is to shield adjacent residential properties from the industrial aspect of the parking structure and transportation terminal. Critics say replacing the landscaped berm with buildings will create a barren and sterile canyon. Comprehensive Transportation Center Plan: Town engineers are working on a plan that is supposed to address the long-term transportation and parking needs of the community. The cost to implement the plan is well beyond community resources to fully fund. Hard choices will be impossible to avoid. Future private development will contribute to providing more publically accessible parking as well as pay for improving a central circulation boulevard for the community. Some critics believe the Town's transportation planning turns a blind eye to the amount of publically accessible private parking and transportation centers that can be built and operated in conjunction with private development on private property, thereby reducing the amount of public parking that the Town must finance and build. The Town has been unable to demonstrate that, without entering into a confining redevelopment partnership, it can provide for the replacement and upgrading of its existing parking structures and the Vail Transportation Center. Town planners want another transportation center in Lionshead, but have been unsuccessful in overcoming budget challenges, legal entanglements or the opposition of neighbors. It is increasingly doubtful that economic conditions will be conducive to the building of a similar transportation center for Lionshead. Some observers believe the Town should curtail its efforts to build more public parking on Ford Park and instead focus on increasing regional mass transit bus service. They should also focus on making plans to reconfigure and improve the VTC as the primary community transportation hub without relying on private partners or the privatization of any part of the publicly owned site. http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001 nCzlSeWA 1 rY3tulh 1 kK5 cofbDc-OD... 04/03/2009 Vail Development - Deciding the Future of the Vail Transportation Center Page 6 of 11 Historical Perspective: Vail Associates was the original owner of the site. In the late 1960's the newly formed Town government had agreed in principle to assume the responsibility to develop and operate a public transportation center, which included a large parking structure and mass transit terminal. The negotiation over the long-term control of the land became a political issue resulting from a public outcry over the industrial design of the parking structure which the Town proposed. The voters in a bond issue election summarily rejected the proposal. The Town redesigned the structure as part of an extensive master planning process involving the entirety of Vail Village property owners and residents. A team of internationally recognized consultants did the landscape design and town-wide master planning. The design for the Transportation Center, in response to the voter's rejection, included a landscaped open space berm, which was to provide a buffering shield between the parking structure and transportation terminal with the adjacent private development, including Vail Village. The design consultants set an open space natural theme for Vail Village and the community whereby through strategically located landscaped and natural open spaces, the town's buildings blend with the scenic alpine beauty and grandeur of the surrounding valley and mountains. The Vail Transportation Center, built and financed by the Town of Vail, opened for operation in the mid-1970's. The landscaped open space berm was installed, maintained and improvements added over the years. The landscaped open space berms became, in practice, an extension of Ford Park when streetscape improvements were installed along East Meadow Drive to Vail Valley Drive via the Gore Creek stream walk resulting in a high capacity access-impaired pedestrian portal for the park. Plans are in discussion to further improve the stream walk portion of the Ford Park access. U http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001 nCzlSeWA 1 rY3tulh 1 kK5coJbDc-OD... 04/03/2009 Vail Development - Deciding the Future of the Vail Transportation Center Page 7 of 11 C Preservation Protections Exist and Enhancements Sought: The VTC's landscaped berms contain open space improvements that are unique and historic features, whose qualities now receive or qualify for master plan protection. There are those who believe that the landscaped open space can be further improved, extending the public outdoor art collection and gardens that border the grand t stairway out o the berms creating a highly landscaped forested sculpture garden the length of the berms. With exception of a few locations where more infill landscaping and restoration maintenance is needed, the berms are in good condition. Landscape would flourish, as it does now in most areas of the berms, if the snow from the driving deck of the VTC were removed by truck rather than dumped on landscaped open space. Some have suggested that the open space berms should become in appearance similar to the Betty Ford Alpine Garden in Ford Park. http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001 nCzlSeWA 1 rY3tulh 1 kK5coJbDc-OD... 04/03/2009 Public assets worth preserving and improving: VTC grand stairway entry, gardens, forests, and public art. © Photography - James Franklin Lamont Vail Development - Deciding the Future of the Vail Transportation Center Page 8 of 11 Ever Vail Proposed Transportation Center: Planners for Vail Resort's Ever Vail have proposed a sophisticated and forward-looking traffic circulation, i • parking and transportation center for their new Town Center in West Lionshead. The plan brings together a 2,000 car parking structure, underground loading & delivery terminal with close-to-ski lift bus, van, skier drop off & pick up areas, programmable to respond to traffic demand by vehicle type and time of day. r, Importantly, the plan includes straightening the south • Frontage Road, building the Simba Run Underpass with 1•-- roundabouts west of Town Center and another new roundabout on the east. These features would bring a major improvement to traffic circulation community wide. The independently owned Glen Lyon Office Building site now has been included by the Vail Town Council in the Ever Vail Town Center. Consistency in zoning density will allow access and parking to be better coordinated with Vail Resorts holdings. The proposal set a milestone of progressive planning for a private project, which is bearing the financial responsibility to build and maintain publically accessible transportation and parking improvements heretofore funded and operated by the Town of Vail. Some believe Ever Vail is a break-through project because the Town is increasingly unable to finance or expand its control over public parking without having to bargain away public ownership of critically important sites for public infrastructure and amenities. There are those who believe the Town does not hold itself to the / . same standard of detailed transportation planning as it does those in the private sector, e.g. the future planning for the Vail Transportation Center. Vail Resorts is fulfilling its long-standing commitment to the Homeowners Association and the West Forest Road neighborhood to remove snow cat access on West Forest Road by commencing construction in April of the snow cat access road on Tract K. Once Town of Vail approval is received, VRI intends on straightening the South Frontage Road in 2010. Commentary Kaye Ferry: Ms. Ferry is a Vail political activist, a native of Chicago and highly experienced in the business affairs of the community. In an apparent never ending quest to develop every parcel of available land in the commercial core, yet another plan was presented to the Planning Commission. And in their quest to approve development of every parcel of available land in the commercial core, that's what they did, approve it. What we're looking at now is the Vail Village Parking Structure aka VTC. But different than Lionshead, no one's suggesting that we tear this one down, just build in front of it K http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001 nCzlSe WA 1 rY3tulh 1 kK5cofbDc-OD... 04/03/2009 Vail Development - Deciding the Future of the Vail Transportation Center Page 9 of I I by filling in the berm on the south side. So here's what's roughly on the table: retail and office from the center steps to the west end, and residential from the steps to the east end. I'm referring to the steps that flow on to Bridge Street, directly across from the Mountain Haus. And I've got a problem with that. Several as a matter of fact, so let's get started in no particular order of importance. I'll start with retail. I think before we add another square foot we should see how things shake out, and I mean in several ways. The economy is going to create a whole new set of circumstances. Without question, there will be retail space available without long lines of applicants waiting to take up new leases as old businesses fold under the pressure of high rents with low sales volume. At the same time, new inventory is about to come on the market as a result of new development, i.e. the Solarius etc. Wouldn't it be prudent to wait and see just what affect all of this has on an already taxed retail community? Then there's the concept of first floor residential in the middle of the business core. Up until now that's been a no-no. Do we really want to change that? I know I don't. And don't get suckered in with the notion of it being affordable. What? At numbers in the realm of $1 mil I hardly think that qualifies. But we're being told that there's a market for doctors and business owners who can't afford Vail prices so the TOV should help subsidize this space. Excuse me if I don't run for the Kleenex box just yet. And how about open space? Isn't that what the bermed area was originally all about? What's wrong with a little green and a few trees and bushes? Are we doomed to a never ending concrete jungle? But I'll keep going. We're also told that the developer will add to Vail's parking inventory when he burrows next to the existing structure to create the required parking for his project. Keep in mind, however, that access will be through the existing structure and will be controlled by some system of gates and codes. Which brings me to the current parking structure itself. Someday it will need to be replaced, either because structurally it will make sense or economically it will be required to provide more parking. Does anybody really believe that you can build in front of the current structure and cause no problems when redevelopment becomes necessary? And I'm not talking about whether or not it's technically possible. Already the Mountain Haus and Vail Mountain Lodge and Spa are objecting because of the noise, traffic, views etc. Can you imagine what outcry there would be if residential was smack up against a building requiring demolition? And don't loose sight of the fact that their parking will have access ONLY through our parking garage. No, No, No. Entirely too complicated. At completely the wrong time. And to add insult to injury, we're being asked to partner in this fiasco. The developer isn't asking to buy the land and even if he were, everyone knows how I feel about the town selling its most valuable asset. No, he wants us to lease it or in the case of the residential, partner in providing affordable housing. Did I mention in the $1 mil range? Oh, I guess I did but it's worth repeating. So listen up folks. You might just get what you deserve if you don't get out and fight this one. The next move will be the town council's. They also get a whack at deciding if we want to consider this. And judging by its first appearance before them, you'd have thought some of them were on the developer's payroll. http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001 nCzlSeWA 1 rY3tulh 1 kK5coJbDc-OD... 04/03/2009 Vail Development - Deciding the Future of the Vail Transportation Center Page 10 of 11 is 0 . T AV View of developer proposal to increase urbanization, commercialization and canyonization of East Meadow Drive. Quick Links Urge the Vail Town Council to provide enhanced protections and improvements for the open space berms: towncouncil a vailoov.com or Fax: (970)-479-2157 Review 2008 Annual Report Membership Information Visit VHA Website What's On Your Mind? Send Your Comments Contact the Editor Print Version VHA Newsletter Reprint Policy VHA Collaborative Consensus Guidelines 0 http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001 nCz1SeWA 1 rY3tulh 1 kK5coJbDc-OD... 04/03/2009 Pagel of 2 Nicole Peterson - RE: Open Space LI From: "Marlene Zamites" To: "Nicole Peterson" Date: 04/03/2009 4:09 PM Subject: RE: Open Space Thank you for this information. Another concern of mine is that all the new c onstruction has no set back. No room for grass, flowers, landscaping which makes TOV so attractive in the summer. there was a program on PBS on the flowers of Vail hosted dby the head of landscaping of TOV. I am sure it made huge positiveimpression on TV viewers and many probably thought they should visit Vaill as it is so pretty, or should I say WAS pretty. I am hoping you will give consideration to doing positive projects rather than giving so much attention to building more hotels and unattractive buildings. Ilove Vail, but many in addition to me are concerned with the changes being aproved by the Council and putting priorities in the wrong place. -----Original Message----- From: Nicole Peterson [mailto:NPeterson@vailgov.com] Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 1:28 PM To: marlene Zamites; Town Council Cc: George Ruther; Pam Brandmeyer Subject: Re: Open Space Dear Marlene, Thank you for your interest and participation in the public process. Please be advised that the application for the Vail Village Master Plan amendment for the Vail Village Transportation Center has been withdrawn by the applicant. The withdrawal of the application means that it is no longer under consideration by the Town of Vail. Therefore, the item will no longer be heard by the Town Council, as originally scheduled. You are receiving this courtesy notice in response to your interest in this application. If you know other interested parties, please forward this notice to them. Thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best Regards, Nicole Nicole M. Peterson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail, Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 PH: 970.477.3452 FX: 970.479.2452 npeterson a,vailgov.com file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Sett1ngs\TempAPgrpwise\49D634... 04/03/2009 Page 2 of 2 "marlene Zamites" <marlene@vail.net> 04/02/2009 5:45 PM I beg you to conserve open space and stop with more plans for construction. I can barely see the mountain now with all the crowded buildings in Lionshead. Time to stop spoiling Vail with more damage. I am a taxpayer but find little v alue for my tax dollars as you continue to cater to tourism rather than preserving the beauty and atmosphere of Vail. • • file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49D634... 04/03/2009 cam 'ROW WW a. aF U~~ l . -2-,4 Mvve f ~IS Jtb r 4-e.cA- Nas 4t,,c 1 4- •