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PEC080015 Application Materials
to Zoning Code Amendments Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission i Department of Community Development TOWN OF ttttt 1't'~tl, ~ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: ❑ Rezoning $1300 ❑ Conditional Use Permit $650 ❑ Major Subdivision $1500 ❑ Floodplain Modification $400 ❑ Minor Subdivision $650 ❑ Minor Exterior Alteration $650 ❑ Exemption Plat $650 ❑ Major Exterior Alteration $800 ❑ Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 ❑ Development Plan $1500 ❑ New Special Development District $6000 ❑ Amendment to a Development Plan $250 ❑ Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 CC Zoning Code Amendment ~13Q0~ ❑ Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 ❑ Variance $500 (no exterior modifications) ❑ Sign Variance $ 00 Description of the Request: AyuM 1, ZV,.AQZ_ ~t~.. V►LlkGt r Vtslt~ ~Z., Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision: 1~.s Physical Address: Parcel No.: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) GJJ -Z (~1 06 4 o oQQ 3 Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): -I cJ ©f7 \J A 1 i~7 t1k 1~ Mailing Address: ~ ~ 5' ~~-~~~tGc ► c.~ g~l(~~7 Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: T 1 1 Mailing Address: IN -40 mo T M-~~- SiJ~1G - WAt 16Q a06 t_1 Phone: -301 ' Co6l E-mail Address: t 4 hJ-M 1#J .cowl Fax 3>1 ' ( S y For Office Use Only: 7 7 1 Fee Paid: Check No.: By: ' - Meeting Date: r (i PEC No.: r Planner: -71 7 Project No.: 01i m D G ror ~ t / 2"" DRAFTFOR INTE'RNAL REV-11"W MEMORANDUM TO: George Ruther & Town of Vail PEC members FROM: Rick Pylman DATE: _7 2008 RE: Vail Village Master Plan amendment On December 8`h, 2008 the Vail Planning and Environmental Commission held a work session on the Triumph Development, Inc. proposed amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan (V V MP). The proposed amendment would create a Vail Village Master Plan Sub-Area 4-2, which would describe potential re-development land uses for the berm area on the south side of the Village NOW Parking Structure. The proposed amendment to the VVMP would describe potential future land uses, their general location at this site, and bulk, mass and height parameters. No specific architectural design, financial deal structure or sale or lease terms of town owned land is part of this proposed amendment. At this time, the question is focused on the general issue of whether the proposed land uses (residential employee housing, retail/commercial and offices) may be appropriate for the proposed location. If the VVMP amendment is approved then a logical next step would be for the Town to determine if, when and how they would engage a private sector partner to assist with a specific project design and pro-forma. Any proposed development on the site would then require some level of land use approvals that would involve public review and PEC/Town Council approvals. The following is a summary of the PEC and public input comments made at the work session and our response to those points. Comment: Question of applicant standing and if covenants negatively affect the proposal. The Vail Town Council has authorized Triumph Development to initiate and proceed with this application. This was re-affirmed during the PEC update at the Vail Town Council meeting of NOW December 16`h. The applicant and the Town staff have reviewed the covenants in place for the Vail Village Parking Structure and the town legal staff ~tf)-the Town Council l There is plenty of housing in this price range available in town. This proposed amendment would allow for the potential of building affordable housing on the south side of the Village Parking Structure. However, no specific density, unit design or sale price points are part of this request. Affordable housing, retail and office uses are wrong land uses for this location. The Vail Town Council has identified affordable housing and office space as priority uses needed within the Town of Vail and community goals include the desire to add shoulder season vitality to Vail Village. We believe that these land uses are very appropriate for this location and that this will provide a benefit to the entire village area by adding local residents and business people into the village on a year round basis,. Vii. t1,,1 11) !xhe.r th 'it' ~i"f leis is a_hicce oflo,ni 1_i}, We believe that an appropriate design for this area would increase pedestrian connectivity from the parking structure to the Solaris/Austria Haus/Village Center shops and improve streetscape ambience to this important portion of the village East Meadow Drive is needed as a bus route. East Meadow Drive along the One Willow Bridge and Sonnenalp buildings also serves as this primary Vail Village-Lionshead shuttle route. The r, development of these buildings and the improved streetscape ,t-i-vic,s is t.f; both pedestrians and bus traffic. he improved streetscape now does a better job of delineating iho, pedestrian spaces and Ti the bus lanes and has significantly improved the appearance of this area. The portion of East Meadow Drive along the Village Parking Structure would benefit from a similar treatment.I li, The Village Parking Structure may need to be redeveloped in the future, this will preclude that from occurring. We believe that a freestanding retail/office/residential building could be developed in this location, with it's own parking, without precluding future redevelopment of the Village Parking Structure. In fact, any future redevelopment would likely entail a similar type of development along its south side anyhow. . f '1-` O is Y-i -kd F ; ---This concern should not end discussion of this concept at this point in the process. WANW This will create a "canyon effect". Again, we believe it is premature to let this concern end discussion of this idea. This concern is more appropriately discussed and determined at a more detailed future stage of review of this concept. There are many potential design solutions for the bulk, mass and height of these uses that could successfully address this concern. (Can we & should we find or develop sections that would illustrate this?) 1%W Don't give away (or sell) public land. This ! VVMP amendment does not detail or require any specifics on how a deal structure might be established. 1~ tt~r ~:~II_~.Otl1t{ it (I h;,r' ~l ,I3 U~tilO11 UE it C#i~a1 5-jl Jtl: ':t , ~1, iiall~jcl oI 11111-11C Vail Mountain Lodge hotel rooms face north and guests would prefer no development to the north. Vail Mountain Lodge hotel rooms located above the second floor look out over the open deck of the parking structure and at traffic on I-70. There are many lodge rooms and condominiums in Vail that look across a street to another building. An appropriate building design would go a long ways toward mitigating these concerns 1 i11 Ilid{ i Ill. "~if -aic t}i.' .T1I11 _';ll! Illccllall*t,:~ #!Id 1I1~ ~.il ? lam: Ulrf l'l Ali !Y~ i II,: 1)1cfl.,lli 1 al d Private sector re-development projects should be completed first. Finish Lionshead first. The timing of any development in this area would be up to the town to decide, and certainly there will be opportunity for public dialogue on this point. But even so, there are few opportunities to create a meaningful amount of employee housing in a Vail Village location and private sector projects are not likely to fully address this issue. Any affordable housing associated with private sector re-developments would likely be in the "keep up" not "catch up" category. In addition, there are no private sector re-development opportunities along here that would finance the associated streetscape improvements. The Town staff will determine if their workload would allow for simultaneous involvement in this project while also reviewing private sector proposals. Like the landscaping in this location. I1 'lccO1i11)1ISII i(11 131 IiIII ~IIclllo! Ih4:' Any future decisions on major parcels of land must be thoroughly vetted for all implications and v.w options. r.- We agree completely. That's why the question at this stage should focus on whether these land uses may be appropriate for this location. We believe that they are. Specific deal structure, price points, building design and timing questions should be addressed at the appropriate stage of future discussions of this idea. The discussion at this level should not be sidetracked or derailed by these questions. Due to recent economic developments many people will be leaving town and Vail will have lots of employee housing opportunities. We do not believe that market conditions will change to make employee housing or office uses more viable in Vail Village. We believe that the use of public land will still be necessary to bring these uses into Vail Village. PYLMAN & ASSOCIATES November 13, 2008 Mr. George Ruther Town of Vail Community Development Director 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Village Master Plan Dear George: As you recall, in March of this year Triumph Development submitted a formal application proposing to amend the Vail Village Master Plan, specifically, to amend Sub-Area 4, Transportation Center, to address the possibility of redevelopment of a portion of the Transportation Center site with employee housing, commercial and office uses. Triumph Development subsequently decided to stay this request in order to allow the Town of Vail Community Development Department to conduct an update and re-affirmation of the Vail Village Master Plan and the Triumph application was withdrawn from the PEC agenda of April 28, 2008. The Vail Village Master Plan re-affirmation process has now been successfully completed and Triumph Development now desires to resume the process to amend the VVMP to address the Sub-Area 4, Transportation Center concept as previously envisioned. Under cover of this letter please find four copies of a revised project narrative for your review. We will make more copies available as necessary. I assume the application form and fee previously filed may be applied to this re-submission. Steve and I look forward to the opportunity to sit down with you soon to discuss this exciting opportunity. Please call if you have any questions. Sincer0,y Rick Pylman Copy: Steve Virostek, Triumph Development Npy 141008 TOWN OF VAIL Office: l37 M un ~nrrr, "~uirc C-107W E~I«~~r~l>. 51632 Mail: PA). bk,\ 233(;, Elv\,irJ,, Colorado ,1632 Phone: OT 0) ')264)06~ Fax: 07 0) 926-6004 Email: rick (ip lman.com 0 `or January 28, 2008 Town of Vail Mayor and Council 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Memorandum of Understanding Vail Village Parking Structure Mixed-Use Development Dear Town of Vail Councilmembers, Triumph Development is pleased to present this memorandum of understanding regarding the proposed redevelopment of the Town owned land surrounding the Vail Village Parking Structure. We believe this underutilized land presents a unique opportunity for Triumph and the Town of Vail to create a vibrant mixed-use community of retail, office, residences and parking in the heart of the Village through the creation of a public-private joint venture. Perhaps more importantly, it represents a significant initial step towards alleviating the Town's lack of affordable housing and parking. This project in no way precludes the Town from redeveloping the Village Parking Structure itself in the future should they so desire. v ftw Before outlining the below terms, let us begin by clarifying that this memorandum is far from a final proposal for development. A project on town land will require a lengthy dialogue with neighbors, Town staff and officials to clearly define and structure. At the same time, Triumph has spent the last three months working with architects, engineers, contractors and land use counsel to know that the essence of a realistic, successful redevelopment exists. We have also reached the point in our due diligence that requires significant money to further the planning, design, and approval of the project. We are happy to undertake is task, but would like your acknowledgement that this redevelopment is a goal worth pursuing, and that the Town will work with us exclusively for the next year to make it a reality. Project Location: Structural berm on the south and west side of the Vail Village Parking Structure Proposed Project: Mixed-use development composed of affordable housing, retail space, office space and underground parking. Preliminary mix of 65,000 square feet of commercial space, 65,000 square feet of deed restricted work force condominiums (approximately 45 individual one, two and three bedroom units), all atop new underground parking. All affordable housing would be deed restricted for permanent town residents and/or employees. Project would also include enhancements to the streetscape, existing stairs, and existing access paths to the garage. Sponsor: Triumph Development or a Triumph controlled LLC Memorandum of Understanding Vail Village Parking Structure January 28, 2008 Page 2 Ground Lease: 100-year ground lease at $1 per year for commercial buildings and garage. (Ground lease and ownership options for land under the affordable condominiums will need to be investigated further with Town Attorney and our legal counsel). Exclusivity Period: 12 months Triumph Obligations: Negotiate terms and draft development agreement and ground lease Pursue project entitlements (including required zoning clarifications) Building design and permitting Provide/arrange all project financing Town Obligations: Work with Triumph in good faith to culminate development agreement and ground lease. Expedite project design, review, and permitting Waiver of permitting and review fees on workforce housing I.. Target Schedule: February 2008 - Project Due Diligence and Plan Preparation March 2008 (5 Months) - Undertake approvals (PEC, Town Council, and DRB) August 2008 (4 Months) - Building design December 2008 (4 Months) - Submit for building permit April 2009 (18 Months) - Start construction October 2010 - Temporary Certificate of Occupancy May 2011 - Final Certificate of Occupancy Other Items: Parking provided for the office component could be shared with general public on weekends and evenings. We believe a mixture of retail and office is an important component of a project in the heart of the Village. It will compliment the affordable housing and help activate the area year-round. Memorandum of Understanding Vail Village Parking Structure January 28, 2008 Page 3 IV%W . k Our due diligence has confirmed that the berm provides some lateral structural support for the parking structure. Our preliminary engineering analysis indicates that by carefully sequencing demo Iition/construction and upgrading structural design of the new buildings, we can adequately maintain the required structural stability. These additional costs have been included in our analysis and plans. Please contact us at your convenience should you have questions. Should you find the terms of this memorandum agreeable, please indicate your intentions by signing and returning this letter to us at your convenience. We look forward to working together on this exciting project. Best Regards, Steve Virostek Countersigned, Name: "+AW Principal, Triumph Development LLC Title: r.. c c c c c r t L t C L i C C r L~ APPLICATION FOR TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN TRIUMPH DEVELOPMENT November 2008 C E Cr~oMIE NOV 14 2008 TOWN OF VAIL i.~ If. u.O INTRODUC'T'ION The Vail Village Master Plan (the "VVMP") is intended to provide guidance to Town of Vail decision makers and citizens in developing land use laws and policies for development by both the private and public sectors and in implementing community goals for public improvements. The plan serves as a guide to the Town staff, review boards, and Town Council in analyzing proposals for development in Vail Village . The Vail Village Master Plan was originally adopted in January of 1990, was revised in 1993, updated in 2005 and was again recently updated. This most recent update of the VVMP was initiated by the Town of Vail Community Development Department as an exercise to address the continuing validity of the six major goals outlined in the plan, to acknowledge the action steps that have been completed in keeping with the plan and to identify any next steps needed to further implement the goals of the plan. The VVMP was reviewed by the Vail Planning and Environmental Commission, the Vail Town Council and by several citizen based groups, such as the Vail Chamber & Business Association Board, the Vail Economic Council and the Meadow Drive Business Association membership. A group of Vail Village property owners also reviewed the plan. This review resulted in a re-affirmation of the overall validity of the VVMP and the six major goals articulated within the plan. Completed action steps were noted as complete and several new action steps were added. On September 16`h the Vail Town Council formally updated and re-affirmed the Vail Village Master Plan by the approval of Resolution No. 23, Series of 2008. The purpose of this report is for a private sector entity, Triumph Development, to introduce a proposed amendment to the recently re-affirmed Vail Village Master Plan. The Town of Vail faces several significant challenges over the next few years; keeping full time working residents living within the community, battling the loss of professional businesses to down-valley locations, and with maintaining dynamic and vibrant community activity in the spring and fall shoulder seasons. The Vail Town Council has identified these, and several other issues, as high priority items to address during this current council term. It may be appropriate, perhaps even imperative, to use town owned land to help address some of these issues. 11 Triumph Development has envisioned a project that would bring full time housing and professional office space to a vital area of Vail Village. The idea is to create a dynamic and beautiful infill development site along East Meadow Drive on the south side of the Vail Village Parking Structure. A building consisting of retail, office and local ownership residential uses in this location would address several of these very important 1 goals of the Town of Vail Council, staff and citizens of the community while providing design improvements that would strengthen the fabric and character of Vail Village. Vail Village Master Plan Text Amendment Triumph Development l Infill development along this southern fayade of the parking structure would provide a more distinct edge to Vail Village and strengthen the streetscape presence along the west portion of East Meadow Drive that links the Covered Bridge Plaza to the new Solaris development. The land along both sides of the main Village Parking Structure access portal extending west to the west end of the Village Parking Structure would include retail and office uses. These uses would provide a strong pedestrian draw to support the existing retail uses along the Austria Haus and create a much stronger connection from the village to the Solaris site. This strengthened retail streetscape would complete a shopping/pedestrian loop around central Vail Village. The land east of the main access portal would be developed as a brownstone style residential building for use as local ownership housing. It is possible that up to 40-45 units of varying size and bedroom configuration could fit in a three to four story building along this east end of the parking structure. These residential uses provide a compatible land use to the residential/lodge properties across the street. The south side of the Vail Village Parking Structure is a great location to add these much needed and desired uses into Vail Village and the use of Town owned land to provide mixed use and affordable housing opportunities is consistent with projects currently under way in other parts of the community. The first step in analyzing this opportunity is to amend portions of the Vail Village Master Plan to address the vision articulated by this concept. This amendment process will allow for a full community discussion of the idea at a conceptual level and, if found desirable, provide a framework for moving forward with detailed design for the project. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO VVMP The Vail Village Master Plan is shaped around six major Goals, each with clearly articulated Objectives and Policies, and includes both text and graphics that detail specific development, re-development and public improvements for certain sub areas of Vail Village. The overall Goals, Objectives and Policies provide general support for the proposed concept and no change to the goals, objectives and policies is contemplated by this application for amendment. This application proposes to add a paragraph titled #4-2 East Meadow Drive Infill, to the Transportation Center Sub Area, Sub Area #4, and to revise the graphics that support the sub area concepts. The specific amendments proposed by this application, as they would appear in a revised and re-printed Vail Village Master Plan document are included as Appendix A of this narrative. VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN GOALS This section of this application narrative addresses each of the six major VVMP Goals in context with the proposed amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan. Goal #1: To encourage high quality development while preserving unique architectural scale of the village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. Vail Village Master Plan Text Amendment Triumph Development 2 ..r An infill development in this location will re-invigorate a tired parking structure and potentially provide a vibrant new landmark portal to Vail Village. The specific project architecture could and should celebrate and enhance the established character that is embodied by Vail Village and solidify the architectural and pedestrian connection between the Village Parking Structure and Bridge Street. Creating an active edge on East Meadow Drive will provide much needed and requested vibrancy and act as a link from Village Center Drive to Bridge Street and the core, reinforcing and extending the Village. It will upgrade the appearance of an existing facility and provide much needed additional housing, office and retail uses. This will be a public improvement with the participation ' of a private sector catalyst. Goal #2: To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year-around economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole. A design with a mix-use philosophy that will infuse vital employee housing, residential, retail and office space into the heart of Vail certainly meets the spirit and intent of this goal. A well designed and executed building here will enhance a visitor's experience of the overall Vail Village area. This infill site will re-invent the arrival and departure 1 experience at Bridge Street, one of the most important and memorable experiences in Vail. This plan will also establish an everyday population with its attainable residential and office components that will provide an economic boost to the existing and future businesses. Goal #3: To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village. By encouraging a variety of retail and office activities, new street life along East Meadow Drive will be generated. A worn down berm and exposed concrete structure would be transformed with a family of streetscape elements, including storefronts, signage, lighting, stoops, sidewalks, landscaping, furniture, urban gardens and intimate plazas. In scale, massing, form, height and architectural design, the new commercial construction would take major design cues from traditional architecture: long. continuous streetscapes of side-by-side glass storefronts placed in a common setback; a lively variety of facade design with a wide range of architectural elements; separation of facades into discrete "storefront" units that read as pedestrian-scale multiple facades; and building heights that support the perception of the district as an intimate pedestrian environment which is I friendly and inviting: A primary goal of the building design would be to avoid the "blank walls" make a streetscape considerably less attractive as a pedestrian environment. In addition, the design responds directly to the multi-level nature of the structure by providing retail and office on multiple levels with simple and easy connections throughout. The conceptual design proposal envisioned for the site employs a traditional approach to design in its residential components. The placement of residential units on upper floors Vail Villa-e Master Plan Text Amendment Triumph Development 3 or in `brownstone' scaled buildings is a standard tradition in urban areas large and small to create rows of modestly scaled attached residential units. ' Goal #4: To preserve existing open space areas and expand green space opportunities. The Southeast, West and North sides of the parking structure would be maintained and enhanced with organic landscaping elements to transition smoothly into the Vail Village core area. Open plazas should be maintained as urban gardens, entertainment squares, and outdoor dining patios. This area is currently designated as a "planted buffer area" in the current version of the Vail Village Master Plan and is not recognized by the document as an important open space. Goal #5: Increase and improve the capacity, efficiency, and aesthetics of the transportation and circulation system throughout the village. An infill development in this area should be accomplished without major closures of the parking structure and may in actuality fix many of the existing structural problems currently existing. Any infill building here should remain independent of the parking 1 structure, which would allow for future expansion of the parking structure. Locating mixed use program elements in the core of town and adjacent to public transportation encourages maximum pedestrian circulation and minimal vehicular traffic. The L expansion of private parking for the project can potentially occur via access through the existing parking structure and underground of the new buildings. V, Goal #6: To ensure the continued improvement of the vital operational elements of lk the Village. This amendment would allow for a project that will address important community needs and Master Plan considerations without precluding future options for the Village Parking Structure. It will allow for the continued operation of the existing facility and allow for 1 future development with the potential of additional service and delivery facilities. In addition, the gateway created will enhance and improve the guest experience and circulation. i REVIEW CRITERIA 1 The following paragraph details the criteria that must be met in order to approve an amendment to a master plan document. "To change the Master Plans it will be the responsibility of the applicant to clearly demonstrate 1) how conditions have changed since the Plans were adopted; 2) how the Plans are in error OR 3) how the addition, deletion, or change to the Plans are in concert with the Plans in general. " Vail Village Master Plan Text Amendment Triumph Development 4 i +~r Response to the Review Criteria: 1) How conditions have char ed since the Plans were adopted: The Vail Village Master Plan (VVMP) demonstrates a very strong vision for Vail Village and has been an extremely useful document in guiding the growth and development of Vail Village. The VVMP was originally adopted in 1990 and was revised in 2003 and 2005 and very recently re-affirmed as an important and valid guide to the future of Vail Village. Since the VVMP was originally written conditions in the community in general and in Vail Village have changed tremendously. Through these changes the VVMP has remained a valid guiding document and has been invaluable in maintaining the character of Vail Village while allowing and encouraging development to keep the Village fresh and vibrant . There has been a tremendous investment into both private and public spaces in Vail Village and many goals of the original version of the VVMP have been addressed. However, the improvements that have been made to the Austria Haus and its streetscape, the current construction of Solaris, and the Village wide upgrades to the streetscape and public plazas now highlight the deterioration and age of the berm and streetscape along the south side of the Village Parking Structure. East Meadow Drive, from Vail Valley Drive all the way west to Solaris is a weak link in the streetscape of Vail Village. This corridor serves as a poor edge to Vail Village and creates a deterrent to the pedestrian shopping and walking experience. As one exits the Vail Village Parking Stricture it does not feel like you have entered Vail Village until one crosses the covered bridge on Bridge Street. This area between the parking structure and the covered bridge would benefit greatly from an enhanced streetscape/plaza design. The retail/residential/office fayade along the street would provide pedestrian connectivity to the east and west of the plaza and create a strong border to the village. There has also been a significant change in the residential and office space needs of the community and of Vail Village. Local ownership housing has become a much larger, more focused and critical issue than it was when the VVMP was originally envisioned in 1990. There is a strong commitment on the part of the Town Council to create opportunities for local working families, couples and singles to live within town, and if possible within Vail Village. Creating additional opportunities for locals to live in the village brings tremendous benefit to the community. The in-town location of housing brings local working citizens back into Vail Village and, in conjunction with the office space, will bring much desired vitality into the village in shoulder seasons. The need for local housing runs across a wide price range and covers all types of employment. This location provides a great opportunity to provide a higher end ownership product to mid and upper management level employees, small business owners and professionals. The site is large enough to accommodate a significant amount of housing and a well thought out design could include a variety of home sizes and price points. Vail Villa,-e Master Plan Text Amendment 't'riumph Development 5 2) How the Plans are in error OR We do not believe the Vail Village Master Plan is in error, we believe that since the adoption of the plan 18 years ago that conditions have changed and that the proposed amendment is in complete concert with the goals and original intent of the VVMP. 3) How the addition, deletion, or change to the Plans are in concert with the Plans in eg neral_ The specific written comparison of how this proposed amendment relates to the six primary goals of the VVMP indicates that the proposed amendment is definitely in concert with the general intent and character of the existing Vail Village Master Plan. In addition to being in concert with the very specific goals, objectives and policies of the VVMP the proposed amendment are also meet the intent and spirit of the Vail Village Master Plan identified in the "Executive Summary" of the plan. The following excerpts from the Executive Summary found on Page One of the VVMP support the general concepts of this proposed amendment. "At the same time, Vail is maturing. There is a need to continually maintain and upgrade the quality of existing buildings, as lvell as streets, walks and utility, services. Vail's economy relies to a large degree on maintaining its overall status and attractiveness as a world-class resort. " "The Master Plan recognizes the need.for growth and redevelopment, but at the same time encourages the preservation of the "historic " aspects of Vail Village. In response to the continued growth pressures in Vail, a number of sites in the Village that can accommodate increased levels of development are identified. In addition, many improvements to public spaces are proposed. It is, however, the Master Plan's underlying goal to strike a balance between controlled grolrth while maintaining the character and ambiance of the Village. " While these are only selected excerpts, a full read of the plan indicates that the proposed amendments are in concert with the intent and purpose of the Vail Village Master Plan. Summary This proposed amendment to the VVMP provides an opportunity to create direction and policy that could result in much needed attainable housing and office uses in a location that will enhance the overall character of Vail Village. The placement of a vibrant mix of housing, office and retail uses along the south side of the Village Parking Structure would create a significant improvement over the existing poorly defined strectscape of this area and will reinforce, connect and complete this unfinished edge of Vail Village. Vail Village Master Plan Text Amendment Triumph Development 6 APPENDIX A WMP PAGE REVISIONS 1 f41 Vail Village Master Plan Text Amendment Triumph Development 1 1 L Vail Villaec Master Plan The only existing facility within this sub-area is the Vail Village Transportatign Center (TRC). The TRC serves as the transportation hub of the Village and the entire community. There is potential for future expansion of the parking structure eastward along with other ancillary development potential... Foremost among these is development over the expansion of the parking structure. The primary purpose of this sub-area is to provide parking for the entire Village area. The priority of any expansion to this facility should be to maximize the amount: of additional public parking available at this site. An important consideration in future expansion of the TRC is the view corridors as depicted in the Building Height Profile. #4-1 TRC Expansion (Complete) This site has long been considered the logical location for future expansions to the Vail Transportation Structure. Any expansion should maximize the number of additional public parking spaces. There is a potential for a one to two story structure over the parking expansion to accommodate some type of public purpose facility. Special emphasis on 3.1, 3.2,5.1,5.3,5.4. #4-2 East Meadow Drive Infill This site is appropriate for infill development. Currently the area consists of a landscape berm that provides screening and structural support to the south side of the Vail Village Parking Structure. Infill of this site would add needed vitality to the East Meadow Drive streetscape, create a strong pedestrian connection between Vail Valley Drive and Willow Bridge Road and provide a more defined edge to this portion of Vail Village. The potential uses of this site should support the goals of providing additional retail, office and local ownership housing into Vail Village. It will be important for any infill development to provide parking consistent with town regulations to support the uses. Commercial uses should be located west of the Covered Bridge Plaza and on both sides of major portals to and from the parking structure to support streetscape vitality, while the land east of the main pedestrian access portal should be predominately residential. A variety of three and four story building heights are appropriate across the sub-area. This infill should not preclude future options for re-development of the Vail Village Parking Structure. Special emphasis on 1.3, 2.4,2.6,3.3,5.1. so TRANSPORTATION CENTER (#4) 1 1 1 t 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vail Villau Master Plan 4 y_ } t ( 1 j 1 v s i t , x HPU 71 ~ rt a W ; t/1 s - l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 Vail Villaee Master Plan l~ V . UJ Z 4 ~r l ~ r t + --iii}~ Yf, J - ~~s ~1~.- - ~ ; v ~ 2 27 1 1 1 1 f Vail Village Master Plan 14 a l , ~ A.. > . t ~ > _ Q Q t _ aVa l i Z I... y Up= E Z~V - - O W - - I I N 4tt r 1 - 4 ^J ~ it 1 i r i i i t Vail Village Master Plan 0 Ir w F- z Cc Q LL O Ir U. O J w IY O O U W_ 7 0 32 Z~J ~VW.. 0 m=~ E 0 U W III cc O w Q J (3 (A Q C'3 z D C13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 WNW 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r Vail Villaee Master Plan 34 FILE COPY APPLICATION FOR TO VAIL VILLAGE AMENDMENT MASTER PLAN TRIUMPH DEVELOPMENT MARCH 2008 ITV 15T,-- b 1 1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to introduce a proposed amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan. The Town of Vail faces several significant challenges over the next few years; keeping full time working residents living within the community, battling the loss of professional businesses to down-valley locations, and with maintaining dynamic and vibrant community activity in the spring and fall shoulder seasons. The Vail Town Council has identified these, and several other issues, as high priority items to address during this current council term. It may be appropriate, perhaps even imperative, to use town owned land to help address some of these issues. Triumph Development has envisioned a project that would bring full time housing and professional office space to a vital area of Vail Village. The idea is to create a dynamic and beautiful infill development site along East Meadow Drive on the south side of the Vail Village Parking Structure. A building consisting of retail, office and local ownership residential uses in this location would address several of these very important goals of the Town of Vail Council, staff and citizens of the community while providing design improvements that would strengthen the fabric and character of Vail Village. Infill development along this southern facade of the parking structure would provide a more distinct edge to Vail Village and strengthen the streetscape presence along the west portion of East Meadow Drive that links the Covered Bridge Plaza to the new Solaris development. The land along both sides of the main Village Parking Structure access portal extending west to the west end of the Village Parking Structure would include retail and office uses. These uses would provide a strong pedestrian draw to support the existing retail uses along the Austria Haus and create a much stronger connection from I the village to the Solaris site. This strengthened retail streetscape would complete a shopping/pedestrian loop around central Vail Village. The land east of the main access portal would be developed as a brownstone style residential building for use as local ownership housing. It is possible that up to 40-45 units of varying size and bedroom configuration could fit in a three to four story building along this east end of the parking structure. These residential uses provide a compatible land use to the residential/lodge ' properties across the street. The south side of the Vail Village Parking Structure is a great location to add these much needed and desired uses into Vail Village and the use of Town owned land to provide mixed use and affordable housing opportunities is consistent with projects currently under way in other parts of the community. In order to bring this vision closer to fruition it will be necessary to amend the Vail Village Master Plan. This amendment process will allow for a full community discussion of the idea at a conceptual level and, if found desirable, provide a framework for moving forward with detailed design for the project. 1 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO VVMP The Vail Village Master Plan (VVMP) was originally adopted in 1990 and revisions were approved in 2003 and 2005. The plan includes overall goals, objectives and policies for Vail Village, and includes text and graphics that detail specific development, re- development and public improvements for certain sub areas of Vail Village. The overall goals, objectives and policies provide general support for this concept and no change to the goals, objectives and policies contemplated. This application proposes to add a paragraph titled 44-2 East Meadow Drive Infill, to the Transportation Center Sub Area, Sub Area #4, and to revise the graphics that support the sub area concepts. The specific proposed amendments are included as Appendix A of this narrative. VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN GOALS The Vail Village Master Plan is shaped around six major goals, each with clearly articulated Objectives and Policies. This section of this application narrative addresses each of these goals in context with the proposed amendment to the Vail Village Master Plan. Goal #1: To encourage high quality development while preserving unique architectural scale of the village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. An infill development in this location will re-invigorate a tired parking structure and potentially provide a vibrant new landmark portal to Vail Village. The specific project architecture could and should celebrate and enhance the established character that is embodied by Vail Village and solidify the architectural and pedestrian connection between the Village Parking Structure and Bridge Street. Creating an active edge on East Meadow Drive will provide much needed and requested vibrancy and act as a link from Village Center Drive to Bridge Street and the core, reinforcing and extending the Village. It will upgrade the appearance of an existing facility and provide much needed additional housing, office and retail uses. This will be a public improvement with the participation of a private sector catalyst. Goal #2: To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year-around economic 1 health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole. A design with a mix-use philosophy that will infuse vital employee housing, residential, retail and office space into the heart of Vail certainly meets the spirit and intent of this goal. A well designed and executed building here will enhance a visitor's experience of the overall Vail Village area. This infill site will re-invent the arrival and departure ' experience at Bridge Street, one of the most important and memorable experiences in Vail. This plan will also establish an everyday population with its attainable residential and office components that will provide an economic boost to the existing and future businesses. 11 1 Goal #3: To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village. By encouraging a variety of retail and office activities, new street life along East Meadow Drive will be generated. A worn down berm and exposed concrete structure would be transformed with a family of streetscape elements, including storefronts, signage, lighting, stoops, sidewalks, landscaping, furniture, urban gardens and intimate plazas. In scale, massing, form, height and architectural design, the new commercial construction would take mayor design cues from traditional architecture: long, continuous streetscapes of side-by-side glass storefronts placed in a common setback; a lively variety of facade ' design with a wide range of architectural elements; separation of facades into discrete "storefront" units that read as pedestrian-scale multiple facades; and building heights that support the perception of the district as an intimate pedestrian environment which is friendly and inviting. A primary goal of the building design would be to avoid the "blank walls" make a streetscape considerably less attractive as a pedestrian environment. In addition, the design responds directly to the multi-level nature of the structure by providing retail and office on multiple levels with simple and easy connections throughout. i The conceptual design proposal envisioned for the site employs a traditional approach to design in its residential components. The placement of residential units on upper floors or in `brownstone' scaled buildings is a standard tradition in urban areas large and small to create rows of modestly scaled attached residential units. Goal #4: To preserve existing open space areas and expand green space opportunities. The Southeast, West and North sides of the parking structure would be maintained and enhanced with organic landscaping elements to transition smoothly into the Vail Village core area. Open plazas should be maintained as urban gardens, entertainment squares, and outdoor dining patios. This area is currently designated as a "planted buffer area" in the current version of the Vail Village Master Plan and is not recognized by the document as an important open space. Goal #5: Increase and improve the capacity, efficiency, and aesthetics of the transportation and circulation system throughout the village. ■ An infill development in this area should be accomplished without major closures of the parking structure and may in actuality fix many of the existing structural problems currently existing. Any infill building here should remain independent of the parking structure, which would allow for future expansion of the parking structure. Locating mixed use program elements in the core of town and adjacent to public transportation encourages maximum pedestrian circulation and minimal vehicular traffic. The expansion of private parking for the project can potentially occur via access through the existing parking structure and underground of the new buildings. I Goal 96: To ensure the continued improvement of the vital operational elements of the Village. 19 This amendment would allow for a project that will address important community needs and Master Plan considerations without precluding future options for the Village Parking Structure. It will allow for the continued operation of the existing facility and allow for future development with the potential of additional service and delivery facilities. In addition, the gateway created will enhance and improve the guest experience and circulation. REVIEW CRITERIA r. The following paragraph details the criteria that must be met in order to approve an amendment to a master plan document. "To change the Master Plans it will be the responsibility of the applicant to clearly denionstrate I) how conditions have changed since the Plans were adopted; 2) how the Plans are in error OR 3) how the addition, deletion, or change to the Plans are in concert with the Plans in general. " Response to the Review Criteria: 1) How conditions have changed since the Plans were adopted; The Vail Village Master Plan (VVMP) demonstrates a very strong vision for Vail Village and has been an extremely useful document in guiding the growth and development of Vail Village. The VVMP was originally adopted in 1990 and was revised in 2003 and 2005 C di i i . on t ons n the community in general and in Vail Village have changed tremendously over the past 18 years. Th h b ere as een a tremendous investment into both private and public spaces in Vail Village and many goals have been addressed. The improvements that have been made to the Austria Haus and the current construction of Solaris, along with Village wide upgrades to the streetscape have highlighted the deterioration and age of the berm and streetscape along the south side of the Village Parking Structure. East Meadow Drive, from Vail Valley Drive all the way west to Solaris is a weak link in the streetscape of Vail Village, it serves as a poor edge to Vail Village and creates a deterrent to the pedestrian shopping and walking experience. As one exits the Vail Village Parking S i ' ' tructure t currently feels like Vail Village doesn t really start until one crosses the covered bridge on Bridge Street. This area would benefit greatly from an enhanced streetscape/plaza design with a retail/residential/office fagade along the street. In addition to these physical changes there has also been a significant change in the residential and office space needs of the community and of Vail Village. Local ownership housing has become a much large p g r, more focused and critical issue than it was when the VVMP was originally envisioned. There is a strong commitment on the part of the Town Council to create opportunities for local working families, couples and singles to live within town, and if possible within Vail Village. Creating additional opportunities for locals to live in the village brings tremendous benefit to the community. The in town location of housing brings local working citizens back into Vail Village and, in conjunction with the officespace, will bring much desired vitality into the village in f shoulder seasons. The need for local housing runs across a wide price range and covers all types of employment. This location provides a great opportunity to provide a higher end ownership product to mid and upper management level employees, small business owners and professionals. The site is large enough to accommodate a significant amount of housing and a well thought out design could include a variety of home sizes and price points. 2) How the Plans are in error OR We do not believe the Vail Village Master Plan is in error, we believe that since the adoption of the plan 18 years ago that conditions have changed and that the proposed amendment is in complete concert with the goals and original intent of the VVMP. I no 3) How the addition, deletion or change to the Plans are in concert with the Plans in general. L ' The specific written comparison of how this proposed amendment relates to the six primary goals of the VVMP indicates that the proposed amendment is definitely in 1 concert with the general intent and character of the existing Vail Village Master Plan. In addition to being in concert with the very specific goals, objectives and policies of the VVMP the proposed amendment are also meet the intent and spirit of the Vail Village Master Plan identified in the "Executive Summary" of the plan. The following excerpts from the Executive Summary found on Page One of the VVMP support the general concepts of this proposed amendment. "At the same time, Vail is maturing. There is a need to continually maintain and upgrade the quality of existing buildings, as well as streets, Y.. walks and utility services. Vail's economy relies to a large degree on maintaining its overall status and attractiveness as a world-class resort. " "The Master Plan recognizes the need for growth and redevelopment, but at the same time encourages the preservation of the "historic " aspects of Vail Village. In response to the continued growth pressures in Vail, a number of sites in the Village that can accommodate increased levels of development are identified. In addition, many improvements to public spaces are proposed. It is, however, the Master Plan's underlying goal to strike a balance between controlled growth while maintaining the character and ambiance of the Village. " an ~r I While these are only selected excerpts, a full read of the plan indicates that the proposed amendments are in concert with the intent and purpose of the Vail 10 Village Master Plan. Summary This proposed amendment to the VVMP provides an opportunity to create direction and policy that will result,in much needed attainable housing and office uses in a location that will enhance the overall character of Vail Village. The placement of a vibrant mix of housing, office and retail uses along the south side of the Village Parking Structure would create a significant improvement over the existing poorly defined streetscape of this area and will reinforce, connect and complete this unfinished edge of Vail Village. rp *AD l 1 1 r moo 1 ~t APPENDIX A VVMP PAGE REVISIONS l ip C Vail Vilb-,c %lastcr Plan TRANSPORTATION CENTER (#4 - = - TRANSPORTATION 4 \1 CENTER II 1P~WOM7A - " I \ s rlt` fi 4 - - EA , rliAD~1i~ - ~.:.i.-...~.~e*.ecww The only existing facility within this sub-area is the Vail Village Transportation Center (TRC). The TRC serves as the transportation hub of the Village and the entire community. There is potential for future expansion of the parking structure eastward along with other ancillary development potential... Foremost among these is development over the expansion of the parking structure. The primary purpose of this sub-area is to provide parking for the entire Village area. The priority of any expansion to this facility should be to maximize the amount: of additional public parking available at this site. An important consideration in future expansion of the TRC is the view corridors as depicted in the Building Height Profile. #4-1 TRC Expansion (Complete) This site has long been considered the logical location for future expansions to the Vail Transportation Structure. Any expansion should maximize the number of additional public parking spaces. There is a potential for a one to two story structure over the parking expansion to accommodate some type of public purpose facility. Special emphasis on 3.1, 3.2, 5.1, 5.3, 5.4. #4-2 East Meadow Drive Infill This site is appropriate for infill development. Currently the area consists of a landscape berm that provides screening and structural support to the south side of the Vail Village Parking Structure. Infill of this site would add needed vitality to the East Meadow Drive streetscape, create a strong pedestrian connection between Vail Valley Drive and Willow Bridge Road and provide a more defined edge to this portion of Vail Village. The potential uses of this site should support the goals of providing additional retail, office and local ownership housing into.Vail Village. It will be important for any infill development to provide parking consistent with town regulations to support the uses. Commercial uses should be located west of the Covered Bridge Plaza and on both sides of major portals to and from the parking structure to support streetscape vitality, while the land east of the main pedestrian access portal should be predominately residential. A variety of three and four story building heights are appropriate across the sub-area. This infill should not preclude future options for re-development of the Vail Village Parking Structure. Special emphasis on 1.3, 2.4,2.6,3.3,5.1. 50 D 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 P Vail V111.1ve M.'is ei. Plan w d cGia ~ ZZ l J 4 - t r all Villaie Master Plan x OF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r Vail Villou Master Plan ~ Z J i~ OF 1w t~ Vail )1, .~j N ~11 M astcr Plan c 32 0 ~ LL W mza M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fail Villaec Master Flan - cc s • • p Y • x r ~Ai ti J t ~ ~ 7 I a i e • 1 ` ~ a ~ ~ • t jj S. t S a Y>~. r'. --ash N ti'Hll l ~ ~ ~ 'r • £ 9j w •t Y• f~ s ~ yR~g3 ~ .f~~" ~t S 34 TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R080000286 Amount: $1,300.00 03/17/200801:42 PM Payment Method: Check Init: JS Notation: 1767/PYLMAN & ASSOCIATES Permit No: PECO80015 Type: PEC-Zoning Code Amendmen Parcel No: 2101-064-0000-3 Site Address: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: TOV VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN Total Fees: $1,300.00 This Payment: $1,300.00 Total ALL Pmts: $1,300.00 Balance: $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PV 00100003112500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 1,300.00