HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail Int'l WingTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIflTAGB ROADVAIL, CO 81_657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIifT COI{TRACTOR OT{NER ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, 6045 E 76TH #L2, COMMERCE ALL-STATE FIRE PROTE TION, 6045 E 76TH #L2, COMMERCE LODGE PROPERTIES INC. L74 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIL |. DEPARTT{EMT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NO{IE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AL,L TIMES MBCHANICAL PERMIT Permit. #: M97-0087 Job Address... : L74 E GORE CREEK DRLOCAtsiON......: IJODGE AT VATL II[T'NI-' WINGParcel No. ... . : 2101-082-23-009 ProjecE Number: PRiI96-0054 t*EliErlB . .tW-"-f;[rFr]-ecr. Issued. .Extrlires. 80022 80022 VaIuaEion: #Of GaB IJogE: FII{AI, 06/03/L997 o8 / 04/L997 oL/3L/L998 Phone: 3032883901 Phone: 3032883901 45, 000 . 00 #Of wood/Pal lec: INC CITY INC CITY co 816s7 co co Description: INSTAI.,L SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR ADDITION FirGDlace Informahion: Re5lricted:*of cae AppliancrB: tleehrnical- - - > Plan check- - - > InvaE!igation> will call----> Totsal Calculated Fee6---> 1, 128.00900.00 225 .OO .00 3.OO Rcgtuaran! Plan Revier--> .00 DRB Fee-- --- --- -O0 TOTAL FEES- - -- - 1,128.00 Addihional Fe.E-------- -> Tocal Permit Fee--------> . o0 1, 128 . 00 BAIAIICE DI'E- - - - .OO * t**a*i rt*****'rJ.rlar r ** **r**** 1.2. ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTTVIENT DCPT: BUII-,DING DiViSiON:08/04/L997 CHARLIE AcIion: APPR N/AITbM:-O55OO FIRE DEPARIMENT DEPE: FIRE DiViSiON:06/03/L997 CHARI,IE ACTiONI NOTE FIRE DEPT NOTIFIEDo6'/04'/L997 MIKE M Action: APPR aDDroved as noEedO7./15./L997 CHAREIE .A,CTiON: NOTE PI,ANS ROUTED TO FIRE08'/04'/1997 ']EFF A Action: APPR fd approves CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COIIPLIAIIEE.1. SEaEe plan reqistsration form is required.2- Plans fuust be-stamped bv PE or NICET III.J. Appr-oval is subject Eo leview by FPE when retro designrs cornDleE.e.4. All-work must. be in compliance wit,h NFPA 13. ***tl******rl:l:l**************************************************:k**************** DECI,ARATIONS I h.reby acknooledge thaC I hrvc read this application, fitled ouf in full the information required, coBpleled an accurate PloE plan, and 6eate bhat all the inforuation Frovided ae required i6 corlect. I agrer to cotoply sith che information and plot plan, bo comply nith all Totn ordinanceg and etaLe lawe, and to build thia glrucgure according tso tshe Town'F zoning and subdivi6ion cod66, design review approved, Uni. form Buildilrg code and otsher ordinances of the Town apltlicable thereto. REQUBSTS FOR INSPSSIIONS 9HALL BE UADE 1'!{BlIIy-POt R HOURS IN -IDI,}NCE By TELBPHONE AT 4?9-213S OR AT oIJR oFFICE PROl,l 8.00 Al.{ s:oo Pl.l **************.************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprintedt 09/79/97 14:39 Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0281 Amount: 1,128.00 06/03/97 l-5:04 Palrment Method: CHECK Notation: t10325 Init: CD Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: Thie Paynent Account Code 0r. 0000 4131201 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 M97-0087 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2101-082-23-O09 174 E GORE CREEK DR LODGE AT VAIL INT'NL WING **************************************************************** Total Fees:1,128.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEESWItt CALL INSPECTION FEE 1, 128. OO 1, 128 . oo .00 Amount 900.00 225.00 3. 00 Qo* oF. vArL coNsrRucrro" O PERI{IT # PERT.TIT APPLICATTON FORMoetnz b.z,gz I APPLICATIoN I'{UST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT UAY NOT BE ACcEpTED,r r***************************** PERMTT INFORHATToN * ****** ******* **:r******** * * * * I J-Building [ ]-pluhbing [ ]-Electricat fZl-Mechanicat [ ]-other Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: Archi.tect: Block_ Filing sunorvrsroll, Address: Address: Ph. Ph. laces: Gas Appliances :t********* VALUATIONS EI-,ECTRICAL: f Number of Acconmodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pe11et ********************************* OTHER: S MECHANICAI,t S-Eo-E TOTAL: I General Description: fil:znll fire.o. apr,^lh/_nr S{sFa". work class: p(]-llew [ ]-Alteration I J-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: ryFnber and Type of Firepf T***** ** ** **** **** ** ** ** BUILDING: $ Address: Electrical Address: Contractor: CONTRACfOR INFORI4ATf ON * * * * * * * * * *'r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO.Plurnbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor:Address: * * * * * * ** ******* ** * * * * * *{trZ*;* BUTLDING PERMIT FEE:PII'MBING PERI,TIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. 3"OsPhone Number: gon'Zae Agot ******************************* PI,AN CHECK FEE: R OFFTCE USE BUTLDTNG gda.do PLTIMBING PI-,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAIJ PI-.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: 9JE.oo OP ES VALUATIONI rYPE -lERoupt_t_ lomments: TOTAL BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATI'RE: DEPOSITCLEAIV I lnwn ProjeE 75 south lrontage rosd eail, colorado 81€Sz(303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 oftlcc ol communlty d,ewloprncnt BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If this peryrlt regut'res a Town of Vail fiire Department Approval,Engineer ''s (pub'tic r,lorks) reyiew and approvai,'i iiirrriii'bipu.t*"ntreview or Health Departrnint review, ani'a_review by the Buirding-Departrnent, the estimated time for-a iotar ""ui"*-iluv i.[.'i, Iong - as three weel(s. ll] .?*g.gial (large or smail) and all mutti_famity permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requirem"enls. iesidentiarand.small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smarler projects impact the various auove mentioneodepartments with reqard to necessary review, tt,"i" p."j"cti'mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be nnde by this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. - l:-!1" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timetrame. eet {vas turned intb the Oevel opment Department. o 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&]ECT: olflce ol communlty devclopmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE?OI{N OF VAIL TOWN oF VAIL puBl-,rc woRKs/couMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUSTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunnary, ordinanc. l{o- 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soif,-roci, sana, debrisor naterial , including trash it*p=""a=, portable toilets andworkmen vehictes.upon any streetl =ia;;ul;;-;ri;y or pubticplace or anv porti6n tn.l."i. --ii" rrgrrt:of-way on arr Town ofVail streetl ana.Igag= is "pproxlnately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinancb wirr be aari:ii;-'lnforced by the Town of vailPublic works Department. --p;;;;nJ founa vi6ratine this ordinancewill be siven a 24 hour r-iar;;';"ii""-ti-;;;;"."id nareriar.fn the event the person so notified-does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour.til;-;G;i;i;;,"il.;ffiiic worksDepartment will remove said nateii.r "t it"--""i"ise or peEsonnotified. The orovi=ions-oitrrll orainance snhr not beapplicable to clnstruction, ,"irt"rr.rrce or repair projects ofany street or altey or any utiiiii"s i; ii"-;iiii_"-""v. To review ordinance No. 6 in ful1, please stop by the Town ofvair Building Department to obtain a copy. tirani you for yourcooperation on this natter. ratio@(i.e.contractor, owner) ALL STATE ETRE PROTECTIOM INC. 6045 E.76rH AVE., UNrT #72 COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 TEL (30il 288-3907 FAX (30il 288-7936 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: ATTN: JOB NAME: WE ARE SENDING: [ ] attached I I blue lineo { | mylars I l product Eubmittal | ) plan registration form | | eampleo | | change orders | ) propoeal | | sign contract I I eite plan DATE:@ pn*, QLilD I I copy of letter [ | flow teet | | approved printE I I elevation water and rize | | other - SETS OF PLANS WITH-PAGES, DATED DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: | | for approval | | for your ure I I as requested | | for review and comment PLEASE RETURN COPIES. COMMENTS: ALL.STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. SIGNATURE f .i{ REtrTI31 TOWN 0F UflIL, C0L0RAD0 F,A6E IOeltTl9A SBr35 REGUESTS FOR INStrECTION I^JORR SHEETS FOR; E/17/98 AREA: CD Aetivityl F97*rZt0$7 'El17/9A Type: B-pLMB Statrie: I$.5UED Constrr NCOt'l Address z 174 E 6URE CREEH DRFarcel t a1'Zt1*OBA-';:3*OO9 Deseript ion r FLUIvIBING FOR ADDITIONHpplicentr FALCON F,LTJMBING & HEATING Owner: LUDGE F,ROFERTIES INCitrOttrACtOr: FALCON F'LUMBINE E HEATING f nspection Reqr.rest Infor"mation.,... 'si Requestor.r DAMON Fhone I 97tZt-434-8tfi56 Req Time: Ctl IOO Comments: DAMBN / pENTHOU$E & H:T[-'HEN Itess requested to be Inspected... Action Comments OO89O trLHB-Final Time Exp 0ecr Use: Phone: 97t1434O556 Fhone: F,hone: 97O4348556 --'--'-':- InsBection History., . ..Iten: OOgItZt F,LMB*Urrdergt or.rndQ6/t7/97 lnspeetor: DS Action: PA MECHANICAL ROtrM IIATER T. A6/-c6/97 Inspector: DS ftct ion; trA I^IATER TESTNotes: I'IATER TEST FRE-CONFERENCE flND LOAbING DOtrRA7/IB/97 Inspector: DS Actionr Ffl EAST l/e A7 /89,/97 Inrpeetor; CD Act i on; FA [^,EST SF 5 L.INE Notes: UNDER I'IATER COLUMN TEST ROOF DRAINS WEST OF 5 LINE KITCHEN I"IASTE LINES TO GREASE TRAP , Item r OGPEfi FLI{B*Ror-rgh,/D, W. V. @6/0,3/97 Inspector: DS Aetionl DN NgT RERDY A6/A3/97 Inspector*r DS frction: FA RBOM 1*1 A6/W5/97 Inspector: DS Action: DN CANUELL-EDQg/69/57 Inspeetor": CD Action: AtrFR IFARTIRLI EXCEFT NnteEz 47 1.4/47e. t/48F. I/477.e I,IATER COLUIYIN TEsg9/LL/97 Inspeetor-: trD Action: flFPR LEUEL 116 AND 1S5 :\ Notesr HATER COLUNN TEST trERFROI{ED, 1L/IA/97 Inspector*: ART Action: fltrFR nF'FRCIVEDLt/e5/97 Inspeetor"l CD Action: AtrFR FUBLltr RESTROOFIS Item : OOgSrA FLMB-Ror-tghll^latere7/e3/57 Inspector*r ART. Fction: AFF'R AFFRUVED Notes: Level 116 lvlain heat dist. and snaHmelt systen. FT tl 1€ttZtps QBIAQ/$7 lnspector": CD Aetion! AptrR UNITS 371 THRU 377 NotBsr EXCI-UDES UNITS 378,379 140 pT Ag/gA/97 Inspeet sF r LPV Act i on: AFF'R AFF'ROVED Notes: F,flRTIfiL LEUEL 1'aq' Rf]T]MS lOJ / 1UI4 NOT TESTED I4EZZRNINE AREA EXCEF.T 1A3 /1814 NOT iNSF'EtrTED RE.STROtrFIS 11€. EXCEF,T 371. 4 / ?,'18, L / 374" r STROM DRRIN COMtrLETE TO lCICIl 1IZII ' 6S/AS/97 Inspector': CD Action: lrlR drllR TEST REOUIREn 09/1t/9'7 InspectorI CD Aetion: AFFR lftlzt FSI COLD ENLY tIllS/97 Inrpeetor': CD Aetion: AF'PR LEUEL 136 Npte*: 45 L'SI AIRTESTlL/e3/97 Inspectrrrl ED Act ion r AF'FR LEVEL lFla FUBLIC RESTRUO ,, Notes: 83 trSI RIETEST EOLD LINES ,.", 95 F,I S R I RTEST TEMF ERED t- I NEg i REPTI3l TOt^fN 0F UAIL' C0L0RADO PAGE .. v*F AREA: CD \6e/17/9A OB:35 REOTJESTS FOR INSFECTIUN I^IORK SHEFTS FDR: '?./L7 /qa Iten I O6E4ta FLMB-6as F,i ping@9/tl/97 Inrpeetor.: CDIt em : OAeStZ' F,LMB*F,oo i./Hot TubIten: Age6A FLMB-lrli c;*. A6/e7 /97 Inspector": DS A7/ lE/97 Insoector-: DS. A9/A5y'97 Inspeetot : CDNotes: FROM LEUEL 108 TO 149 A9/ te/57 Instrector.: ARTtA/43/97 Insoector: ART Action: fltrtrR LEVEL 116 3O PSI Act i on : F,A $N0l^l IYIELT t^l I LDIIOODArtion: FA UNDERGROUND STURM DRffIN Act i on : APtrR !3NUt,llYlELT/HERT FIAINS 5ra F,T HEAT! 5'A F,T SNotlt4Et-Tflction: AtrFR SnowmeLt for cooling twr'Action: APFR aE notedrNoter: Approved snowmelt pipinp for at grade walkwaytrir. test StZl ) 35 p. s. i.tQ/fi7/97 Insnector.: CD Action: F'A SNOWMELT LEUEL 13& 16/@9/97 In:pector'! ffRT Action: AFTFR per notationsl NOTCS; AF'F'ROVED F.I.RCEMENT OF SNOWMEL] F,IF.IN6 ALL NT]RTI{ SIDE ), DFCHS OF IEs LEVEL, AIR TEST TO BE RECRI.LED I^IITH EXtrEF'TIO trF EAST DECK I]N I^'HICH AIR TEST I5 AF,F'RDUED.IL/LA/97 Inspector : CD Action: RFFR SNOIJ FIELT NORTH CDURT Notgs T 18 F.SI AI RTEST $UBGRRDE AF'F.EftRS TO BE FRT]ZEN RECTlFY PRIOR TO CT]NCRETE iPLACE14ENTIteml @Ere90 F,LMB-Finalt 08/4!J/57 InstrectorI LFU Notes : F,ARTIAL SNO-FIELT. DhIV FT]F AREA 37 1.5LE/e'e/97 Inspector": ART I on North si Aet ion; AtrFR AFPRCIVED Action: AFFR IpveI 116 'l t/t'" +-- :.*D ur{ --./ Single Family ZONE CIIECK . FORResidence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS Primary,/SecondarY DATE: I-,EGAL DESCRIPTION: LoL - Block - Subdivision ADDRESS: OlrlNER. ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE tl0Lor srzg 4a{"-{. 3 a4o lst,+zz.l *-u k ^ ^ A."^ "J. (l ."p . L tf ztP, ?s&alLorod Z, DYt lD,qsJ.t- , ss+ i(,517., (30) (33) BUILDABLE Existinq LOT AREA MrHrU sdignt Tt""t 4o"u, cRFA(sal) !drine**-€n#A yfu€nfdrfcT{FA 6eubacks Proposcd TotaI *zot' L 4*8 + 425 +425= FronL Sides Rear 20, 15', 15', .72.fi z.t'"{irc coverage/xo:z') ,{andscaping no rel -th,rr- v'feraining wall lleights rfarkLnq p1),.'lzl. SLope No % No-_d.L a *f rtooa Prain 6 put""nt sl.ope (< > 30t) r *l-^'^ so( 3) Geoloqic tlazards "€) Snow Avalanche nF- 6, Rockf all 4* ,vT Debris FIowg t'{) weulands rt-.t "u' 12.88a.b ' D, .p{/""/ n CC t' 2E q+-L ' 3; :u;1 3q. 2"7 f-r lec& &'- /ap/.EA1]- ,C*."e"-et g-t ,-ti-ai /IaY,k 7.-Yrx. L Complies with T.O.v. Lighting Ordinance 6otot coursc SeLback (30) (50) zfo Pinish Grades Exceed u,Efivironmen t al /Hazards : 3',@ ttZ,lapReqrd (3oo) (6oo) (9oo) (1200)- PermiLLcd slope t Proposed Yes 2zI (501) 'r(i., Corridor Encroachmen t :Yes 4t/;Fd j ?/. a( o. z:g d /4r nry t4,E 62. atQ g ?/, ab.Z =f klf /d-A-/ Qefr <4rl'a<-q.\t - 2l,St??.s?,4 1tS+:Z: A . tT.4{ J^u- '< , 9-7e-- e <, ,. ,3a/... €126 Z us ,/Iar*J ^/4r*J.44r.*4 6rc* J taZ : az,-Esz,b 4 cr/nno-\ 35 7. q 77,gl ?_4/,tr",-;;1 2srl^- / a,e = s-z .z(I Accuan^^., -J^AA u.-:l'| - 1e*S/-1"-/ 4PrA - 3?, qs / 4 {"+.-( en--<*-e* - 3, , qg-. z- accov.ur-n ++ J* l^'^ - li z za. r3E.lJk ft-af t> JI t/"'* eF.t^ ,t"-cLJ- btL fl* uyu'lrS t$. L-U / r;{r_ *ri*J /+.M= a4h'-d t e46*1 v LodgeApts I Lodgs Apanments o -9ll @'x uJ f !to6oq e&l fo tttf(t oC)co o EoO co E Eoo boooo)o() G''6 o E Eoo 0 0 I 2670.3 1256.0 4491 .2 2U5.4 105.6 4214.3 113.6 Total 5515.7 14752 8705.s 2 0 0 18 705s.8 2645.0 2865.5 27il.9 Total 126762 2645.0 3 0 0 19 7812.2 2318 3607.5 2918.8 Total 14338.5 2318.0 4 8 19261.2 927 Total 192€,1.2 5 0 0 12 6564.3 1368.3 3956.2 4339 Total 1/459.5 1it63.3 6 7589.3 Grand Total 65 7424/'.4 8't82 8705.5 Page 1 \--l I n/np l-{ntel --/ Lvvl,v I rvrvl a Lodge Hotel o -eLL U''x r.u f Eoooog (L f l 6oF fo lJ.tro ooco ocoo coE Eoo EF- i Haeg:eE < :< (/) .q() q) E Eoo 1 4 3 7 0 1275.4 (4\1430.2 288.0 106i1.4 310.6 217.6 9118.8 310.8 6030.2 5s22.6 328.6 6350.2 931.9 Total m5.4 7678.0 u8211.5 1063.4 2 16 9 25 0 967.1 405.7 1380.0 3899.9 411.4 1347.8 3030.9 409.8 2250.3 457.2 u7.1 188.7 24€,2.8 1000.8 470.3 517.8 473 1271.1 2243.2 1594.4 Total 1@06.0 4p,5.7 5166.8 9870.8 3 18 0 18 0 4174.3 0 1624.0 1593.4 132.2 Total 5767.7 17fi2 4 20 9 n 0 343.6 1083.5 2489.7 2038.8 3162.3 613.7 422.3 418.5 425.7 4n.7 624.4 411.8 852.3 1058.1 Total 11300.1 3122.3 5 3 3 n 3452.2 142.1 257.3 Total u52.2 399.4 Grand Totalg 58 24 82 0 329s1.4 8083.7 32656.2 9870.8 1o6it.4 Page 1 -FIF -9.rg.'e -$ ,l -. l>\r- ls lomt<m 6l!tml! t=l!t!ot<ml=tm l=t>lol!mml=mtzt{ -{I @ otmm mz;r 3A'o_o g) =o.o:lo (Do. =o =(t, I ai---t,\ ct) F) o $ 'N'r q F)fo. 0,3o =(O l(D t5to.p lol'u top ID E. wr p =o a. =A' o oOl=oo. = oo q.oEo v Ot'5 CL =o+o€zo'n eBl;taF ,=ei$*EilEE*F*g EgEaEgigHg3 $g*ggEl+E ls$EsFs$Egg €F gs;i g ncceir*n$;E dq *Esa65iEc 6'0vt d 5 AI 6' gl _€ (o A) o- (Dtt,oo AIo 0t(o !tCL(D CLoc F o-ooqr!too. cro 3Eo o 0tttC'o oo I H3€gb=H F3 38eFE: I!' P E_=HilEC. Ea.E 3=;.sl.l'; E"€6g€Eg 3a' 5*$snEqH +E*=Hnd lE €-sFg EH iHs*a=*s:eF%€g 1f;-gEl ga +ggiiagg ggagalt gfi asn +e agt #FFEg Fegf*eil Fg gta*g-EgtligelgEEggg Eg-EiEgFagIisai*BEE 6 6AEeq Bg ) F 9odiO =35'qEg o $NF\\t aR *N.o$pE>s{ FrE t ht ElEEEEI tctx. Es= ,;Al =g ul< = s$ ;t1 F ggilagllgggggi :':r6 oi: o6 \or- EIt { at\,i:.E' lHlN)tg CLqr=to.=at6lGtl(r)olo ='lEdlaO13(Dto<tooI'Jo-l!,l(D ocnP; =ilel{P-p9 m oo oae4=m<oq3 FEmoo c)@Pi =rnq3{Pa9moo F 4t-tFrtlU' zc) = o33g E mxE' (Evt A:o:1(9o :('a =al=o'-7l 'uB'{ <(DooF(Cl€oocLr.q oo 3o =ah ==ou,o 3 Ot =o- A)fo.o = oo33a2.o = t-\ ls-$+ E3 N€ NENB N-glrol(Dt-l3t!tldt<lol3l(Dlf d4 lNg €"9 ='=ooo 3 =A'fo. ptfo.o E: ar_ oopr_ oo336'32.o =oxE. oo ==oU'u, 3 J!t =CL !)fo.o Q. o)_ ato 9J_ oo33 .Dat,ofoxp. ou,ott,o ah a\\Jt-a \J- \-\ ^-5 :?6 6 * :9 r- € r,ct D s=RNc . d3t? 6.-...:.,*; s aELfOo f(DIoo33c = o(D !qoE'3o = I \hilAst"s,Inc. Crcators and Operattrs of Vaii and Bcavcr Creek March 8, 1985 !4r. Peter PattenDirector of Conununity Development Town of Vail75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: I am writing to you on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells,condominium owners in the One Vail place condominium building.Mr. and lfrs. Wells own unit R-4 which has views to the westof the One Vail Place building. Mr. and Mrs. Wells have expressed their concerns toVail Associates regarding impacts on their views from theproposed International Room expansion at the Lodge at Vail.Whi-le I realize that approval of the expansion has alreadybeen granted by the Town of Vail, Mr. and Mrs. Wells feelthat the impacts on their views of the expansion were notsatisfactorily addressed during the approvaL process andthat the Town failed to adequately notify them during theTownts review process. I ask you to consider their position in this matter,and ask you to be sensitive to their concerns. HHF/mk Sincerely, ssocIATEs, rNc. Post Office Box 7 . Vail. C,olorado 81658 . (303)476-5601 Ia This application was submitted in the fall of I99I. No actton was taken on the request, and as a result, the application was voided on January 20, 1993. o TILE COPI TO'VN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorailo 81657 t 0 t -479 -2 1 t I / 47 9 -21 3 9 D e p artm e nt of C ommunity D eo elopme nt January 20, 1993 Mr. Jay Peterson Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road, Suite 307 Vail, CO 81657 RE: The Lodge at Vail, InternationalWing Expansion Dear Jay: As it has been scrnetime since there has been any activity on the proposed expansion of lhe International Wing at the Lodge at Vail, please accept this letter as notification that your application has been voided and the file is now closed. Attached to this letter are photocopies of the receipts for the fees you paid for this review. I have requested that our Finance Department refund these fees lo you as there was no action taken on the project by the Town. lf you would like to reactivate the request, you may submit a new application on the lourth Monday of May or November. These are ihe standard submittal dates for major exterior alterations in the Commercial Core I Zone District. Please note that the staff is currently working on revisions to this review process, and the submittal dates may change in the near future. lf you would like to discuss the proposed expansion with me, or would like to talk about the review process, please call me aI 479-2138. Sincerely, L / ,-/ /,/p(6/a;{,/4 Ol ft4t' I Andy Knudtsen I Town Planner cc: Lorelei Donaldson executiuea 5- /f- 8s 5 - t3 7-f'6s /a -L-ts /a -r; -s s /a-/*',s 3 to'24- Ss PffEPARED gY ,f-K DATE /-./c fz, n4",""*" ,{"^ J.n 15 La,,r:L 7fu,*',421 Url *--H-.//./ oSr.'-.-=.'-*/ 5,V-,-..( /--,/-"-^ trtL 1ry & Lt- !h4/ u*".---- c;r.y'f^ --<--z.c <.+z-^*-z&t -n-.ou-p /Ee o(----, ., ".{ -o,*. .. I y'. 5 -c, 7;-^ Cor.,",^, - / ,u-..,/< p,4 ur,s- /, 4J./ /*, ,1 6 fE- f{a --z--urt)t-..;,-.,1, a ^.1-u f ^vy-"un 4 f (^ (<-' =) PREPABEO SY OATE z-hz/e, lla;l Ta-r fu.'/ Ar*,q ,4V Z, tq?3 Cllr,-, /.t/. #d L.lr*.*,f (nt/ t4*v /.dr6 M^ /> # 4r-.! fW tr 6 .\hr- nJ lt'< /rLt{'r^ LU/r^?y ,2.t^ 7./J Tt^'-*l*l e"J*ad*. -l lM/ e=#svAt fttk (9 Gr"^'d A.,J-*-+ hM ,-rr-"^-'-*t)fu I PRO,IECTS DATE SUBI4ITTED DATE OF PUBI,IC HENRING Date: Mhfw*" h"--.1 LJ 1{ .) ,l:: J,l^L.-, 1^2u "1. o. ru:rtc\,.-2 dq-L7o.wl Ch^r/:- \ _r rz+4t' ?^1 c'L( o' to*--^ u/ q* c',sl<,,5) Post : h t ' Dr,*; no7y ca,rce rn s a..1 4t4{". s-'L , ,aonl4^ <: L a-.v) t/o"'/ K.*t4) aL*ls.-yu T.-,-7.,-t-n1,.*4s *l^d h's'<- C/*uk )1,"tu- rf Io*J.'7 g-p- " ou^7 t) Uh, ,!".r, , (e."., srtal o[rry a-,"J/.,-.^,-,, bni'--rn 0"/\!- V*}l P/"u a-.^-) fLL,--, *'JJ.fi---r, J rIRE DEPARTMENT Revlewed by: Date: connents 3 (rl il, - i'> tu nu [f, [,''-^- tt'!-'c^-'/u't t 'T I L\,t./\ {il' \t Ll'h\q\, \' r r'- v '-",rk ,'J tnnp rW glp*^+,,\ Date:POLICE DEPARTMEN'T Reviewed by: Cornnents: RECREATION DEPT\STMENT Revlewed by: conments: revieed 3/LL/ A{ l -t ItJ t Sd. 6/ el W rP'rz o 4t4 F'r" t /',7 alc /z/z /<l* a<-4- 6.tq rt u aLJ ffi.t.?ltYe W - fi sazl f-j ^a/; lz,rwt u /tl4dw..,'t'|z4t3 h 4 4,/,-*/ /@ 64 X^. r / /',.r. wr*f 4*. ?/n / nz-t*E ^d-fa<-<--a'.na{,\ L."r* r)[amt b""] r^$t4 ,\d"' ^-] ^.v A, " A^*\ tl a-{r A-/Lzla ,*--e-a/ ? 'b),lol;, l^-,/-fed- 62,- L"-- -L-/ Al,'.1 P;, / C t'.^ /, "Ll^e .- /,t. C-/',"".^^-".,^-f Plt*f ,w e-a'-r.l-7a:/ ,(fu)W +D +, 0*" uo'l # Eo> PREPAFED BY .4-K DATE t/s/q2,, nn!)rt-;urt fY?,^ l4 8S X"yrr*-l o I F II-E COPY hwn 75 louth lrontrg€ ro.d Yell, colo?ado 8't557 (3rxt) 4792138 (303) 479'2139 December 30, 1991 Mr. MichaelShomo Otten, Johnson, Robinson Neff and Ragonetti, P.c. 1600 Colorado National Building 950 17th Street Denver, Colorado 80202 RE: EXTERIOR ALTERATION APPLICATION-THE LODGE AT VAIL Dear Michael: Attached to this letter, please lind the title commitment that was included as part of the exterior alteration application made by The Lodge at Vail. Also included is a copy of the survey. The following list shows the ieference page number, revision date and title of each sheet in the set ol drawings submitted to the Town. . SK-1.W.1, revised January 8, 1991, Site Plan' . sK-1.W.2, revised January 8, 1991, Footprint and East Elevation comparison. . SK-1.W.3, revised January 8, 1991, North Elevation. . SK-1.W.4, revised January 8, 1991, Master Plan Plaza Level. . SK-1.W.5, October 26, 1990, Master Plan Conference Level. . SK-1.W.6, revised January 8, 1991, Sections. . SK-1.W.7, revised January 8, 1991, Plaza Level Floor Plan. . SK-l.W.8, October 26, 1990, Conference Level Floor Plan. . SK-1.W.9, October 26, 1990, Upper Guest Boom Floor Plan. olllce of communlty developmenl a't .;. t I Mr. MichaelShomo December 30, 1991 Page 2 . SK-l.W.10, October 26, 1990, Suites. . SK-l.W.11, revised January 8, 1991, Presidential Suite Floor Plan. . SK-l.W.12, revised January 8, 1991, Presidential Suite Floor Plan. Please let us know if you would like to see any of these plans. lt you have questions about any of this information, please call me at (303) 479-2158. Since;ely, ) fl*,t,{^//*,/AndaKnudtsen ITown}l4pner \- \lrd enc. ARTHUF E, OTTEN. JR. FRANK L. FIOEINgON ARUCE 9. JOHNSON A. IRUCE CAMPEIELL WILLIA'.I R, NEFF THOMAS J. RAGONETAI DAVID W. STARK EETTY CAR.rER ARKELL OARRELI G. WAASFIOBERi C. FISHEFI. JR. NE L M GQFF BLAIR L. LOCKWOOO HUGH O. OOTTSCHALXJ, 'THOMA9 MACOONALO JOHN O, 9IERNBEFIG MICHAEL WESTOVER EOWARO P. TIMM IN9 DANIEL M M INzER XEVIN A. 6LIWA HENRY I. LOWE Orrnw. Jonr.rsoN, RosrrqsoN, Nrrr & RecoNnr-rr, P.C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW I600 COLORAOO NATIONAL BUILDING 95O SEVENTEENTH STREET DENVER, COLORAOO SOEOA TELEPHONE 303-425-4400 TELECOPTER 303-825-6525 December 16, 1991 If you have anY questions Andy Knudtsen Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81557 Re: APPlication bY The Lodge at Vailfor a ProPosed Addition Dear Andy: Per our recent telephone conversationr I am enclosing a check for $7.00 to cover the cost of a copy of the survey submitted with the above-referenced appliLltion. Please forward .-ropy of such survey and-a copy of the title conmitment """"hir."ving the appiication t6-me at the address appearing in the head of this letter. Thanks for Your assistance.or comments, Please cal1. Sincerely r nuS/dIc Enclosure fl,/efura R. Michael Shomofor OTTEN, JOHNSON' ROBINSON, NEFF & RAGONETTI' P.C. BETgY EOYCE BRAINERD OAVIO ' BFENNANCAIIIERINE N. LONG KAFIEN L. E|ARSCHKENNETH K. SKO6G KATHLEEN M. BOITAGARO KRISTEN L. MIX IERENCE M. 'IIOLEYJ, BRAOLEY OLSEN ERAD W. SCHACHTlloBEllt w. HATCH, tlSIEVEN N. JACOES R. l"tlCHAEL SHOMO DAVID P HUTCHINSQN MAROUERITE L, SAOLER REBECCA HALL ELIZABEIH SAVAGE MlFr, ^ttggf PROJECT: DATE SUBMITfED COMI.IENTS NEEDED BY: DAI'E OF PUBLIC HEARING ROPOSAIJ: li* )!,-..r-A h tz-, y-4 |BRIEF DESCRIPTION OT TNE lL tL[l lr p*taD u.r,ul-; .vtr</-rv 1 !,.,rr;lrl;^ !.PUBT,TC WORKY O ' f--'J\ l,r,,kj Date: e;*/ 4 (i^.--- RevJ.ewed byl Conments l '' "'* );' ; ' '4"" /i2,-' ,r4 ' / /.. . , /'i.. ., ti 9'<' -''-'' t'1 "'''- '/'" ' FIRE DEPARTI.IENT Reviewed ayz - ./Z'' c'o't- _/t 4,!t:,. , r, ,t ' - 4a' .'! ' ''"/ l-'./.,''," ' I Date:./2- L1 Z / 'J.-,a' -< : / t) zza"a/ 'tt"'il /r:) Ewr/F'- R/4 POLI,CE DEPARTT{ENT Revlewed by: Cornrnents: RECREAIION DEPARTI{ENT Revlewed by: conments: revlged 3/Lt/9L Uw r9) 0 €) (/ I,TT ,f /,,7 W,W'L t ...r h','-D 0 ,tl t F,,.ills' A*4frr.t DATE OF PUBLIC HEARINC naf set !+i .rtrs--(er*'*^'-"4 l-'' tZ-t <(-4 t aLt<,,--+OSAL: r ' f otA k wL+o r".r,*,\.. r- V.q,Zi(1Ft'vt\ btr;lrl )^ r-PUBLIC WORKy 0 PROJECT! DATE COI,II,TENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE Revl.ewed by: Conments: FIRE DEPARTTIENT Revlewed by: Cornments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Revlewed by: comnents: RECREATTON DEPARTI{ENA ' t-"-*"n\ iot,'f-/ ",*l 4 ,t1"..-- Date: Date3 Date: Date:Revlewed by: conmenta! revlged 3/LL/9L' 0 ,tl-l" F;r. t /,,7 (,)/s' o o .J lu:tWdnl J vt440Y G tJ'KLt- gtyw D LL Ih ILLILfu k l1ttur456r1 4tvali .4* ,z'c7k ezl . e) --*;:\ )-*-d rka,- C/-q- ara4 a-^-P '# 7a"-.Lt Y4h-,_ ,@ er=r'/1=., a-,c<-* ,h* Hlra7-a J r- , ' .A rlpb taa-4y s Y-244 .-/'T\_./ adbfiu\ . o llq{lllc 2 4ill't orient-express hotels Orient-Erprcas llot€ls Inc. 1155 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036 Tcbphone: (212) 3O2-5O55 Telsx: nCA 2361416 December 17, 1991 Town of VaiI Planning DepartmentVail, Colorado 8LGS7 Dear Sir or Madaml This wirl confirn that Adarberto stratta, General Manager of TheLodgg at vail, was authorized on beharf of Lodge propeities rnc.to sign and file the apprication for exterior iodifilation of theproposed fnternational Wing at The Lodge. fery truly yours, [4"u1][A- Erik P. WoitPresident Lodge Properties Inc. EPI{/ncp ao 2.tz.q( \7 ,bU "r?oo, i cati on-..--jl!1!5 / stDate Date APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE of PEC Meetinq Ellbi {t I. Planning and Environmental Coflilnission review is requjred for the alterationof an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or 9y!999f patio or the replacement of an existing -building LoCATED IN THE CCIDISTRICT. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT-MUST BE NEVIEWED BY THE DRB. The application wi]I not be accepted until al'l information is submitted. A. NAME 0F APPLiCANT_!o<!g{59perries, rnc. ADDRESS L74 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 PHONE B. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Jay K. Peterson, Esq. ADDRESS 108 S. Fronrage Road wesr, 11307 476-5011 Vail. Co 81657 PHONE 476-0092 c.NAME 0F ol,lNER(s) (prjnt or type ) Loage PrcPert ie s ' Inc . STGNATURE(S) ADDRESS 174 E. Gore eek Drive Vai1, CO 81657 pHoNE 476-s011 |.t '0. LOCATION ADDRESS OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL L74 E. Gore Creek see attached 1egal descript ion Dr ive .'.IIF FFF REVI Et^l ksouo PArp ll!411 cK tAgi!_B MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT YOUR PROJECT. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDTO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I'|ILLBE ACCEPTED UNLESS^IT IS_COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEM5 REqUIRED BY THEzONING ADMINISTRAT0R). IT IS THE AppttcAttt's REspoNaIBrLITy'T0 MAKE AN App0INT- MENT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION t.lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESSFOR YOUR PR0JEcr BY-DEJ-RE-ASING THE NUMBER or conoriioi,iS or nppnovAl THAT - THE PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE cOMPLIED WITH BEFOREA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSIIED. THE FOLLOWING MUST ST SUBMTTTTO: A. Improvement survey of property showing property lines and location ofbuilding and any 'improvements-on the land.' B. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subjectproperty iNCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their maitingAddTCSSES. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. DEPARTMENT I,JILL OVER ccL III. Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A. The site p] an sha't 'l be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a sca'leOf I'' = 20. SHOWING EXISTING AND PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SITE. Avariation: of the sheet size or scale may be approved by the CornmunityDevelopment Departrnent if justified. B. The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed developrnnt WITH ITS LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N shall be shown on the site plan. C. The existing topographic character of the site inc1uding existingand proposed contours. This condition will only be required for-anexpansion area where there is a change of two feet of grade. D. The existing and proposed landscaping, patios. E. The 'l ocation of all existing and proposed buildings, structures. and improvements. F. ,A title report to verify ownership and easements. IV. THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT IN WRITTEN AND GRAPHIC FORM A PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INDICATING THAT: A. THE PROPOSAL IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PURPOSES OF THE CCI DISTRICT.AS SPECIFIED IN I8.24.0'IO. B. THE PROPOSAL SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES I.IITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGNGUIDE PLAN REGARDING: l. Pedestrianization2. Vehicle Penetration3. Streetscape FramewoFk4. Street Enclosure5. Street Edge6. Building Height7. Views8. Sun Shade Consideration MANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED BY GRAPHIC MEANS, SUCHAS SKETCHES, SIMULATIONS, M0DELS (INCLUDING NEIGHB0RING BUILDINGS),PHOTOS, ETC. IF THE APPLICANT IS PROPOSING A MAJOR CHANGE TO DESIGN GUIDE PLAN, THE PROCEDURE FOR CHANGES ARE18.24.220(B). C. THE PROPOSAL IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE VAiL VILLAGE URBAN NOTED IN SECTION THE NEIGHBORHOOD. V. THE TOl'lN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCI ALSO DESCRIBES OTHER ZONING ISSUESTHAT THE APPLICANT MUST RESPOND TO IN I,IRITTEN OR GMPHIC FORM. VI. THE ZONING ADTI4INISTMTOR MAY DETERMINE THAT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL IS NECESSARY FOR THE REVIEl.l OF THE APPLICATION. VII. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN CCI INVOLVINGMORE THAN 100 SQUARE FEET 0F FL00R AREA ARE 0NLY REVIEWED SEMI-ANNUALI-i. tnEyNEED TO BE SUBMITTED BEFORE THE FoURTH MONDAY OF I{AY OR NOVEMBER. THE PE.H0LDS A PRELIMINARY REVIEW sESsIoN WITHIN 2l DAYs oF-THE sDsMiiinr iinrL.- n PUBLIC HEARING SHALL BE HELD WITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRELIMINARY REVIEl,l SESSION. APPLICATIONS FOR THE ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING THAT ADDS OR REMOVES ANY ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF NOT MORE THAN IOO SQUARE FEET MAY BE SUBMITTED AT THE REQUIRED TIME OF THE MONTH FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REVIEI^I. FOR MORE SPECIFICS ON THE REVIEl,J SCHEDULE, SEE SECTION 18.24.065 A5. I. A. ADDENDTJ}I TO APPLICATION FOR IODGE AT VAIL EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODTFICATIONSIN COMI,IERCIAL CORE ONE FOR THE INTERNATIONAL WING AND ARLBERG RESTAI'RA}flI CONFORMANCE WITH THE PI'RPOSE OF CCI - DTSTRICT: VaiI village is successfut in that it has a character appropriateto the mountains and offerE todging, dining, shopping andentertainment concentrated along streets, public and privateplazas and other public spaces. The proposed fnternational Wing is designed to further thatsuccess with a focus on active and charming pedestrian spaces. The new International Wing will be created at the back of theLodge, reinforcing and enhancing both existing village plazapurposes and the Lodgers own food and beverage lodging andconference functions. This nehr open space, through the use ofpavers and planted with trees and flowers wouLd be enclosed ontwo sides by existing Lodge structures and on the third by a netttwo and three story International Wing. The existing WildftowerRestaurant has been renovated pursuant to prior approvals. Thesouthside will be enclosed with a new wlng with hotel roomslocated at the plaza level and second floor. fhe third floorWill house one dwetting unit and the area below the plaza andexposed on the southside towards the mountain will be theconference facilities. The ground level of the plaza will haveindividual patios for each hotel suite, while the upper floorswill have individual balconies and bay windows informallycomposed. The three story portion of this new wing will betopped by pitched roof overhangs similar to those of the adjacent One Vail Place, with the two story portion having a landscapedroof terrace deck above it. Below this wing, with an entrancefor the plaza but not fronting on it will be the conferencefacilities. This new International Wing is the same as the past International Wing which was previously approved by the Town of Vail except fora minor shift in the footprint which has been disclosed on theattached plans. In addition, the ground floor retail space hasbeen replaced with hotel rooms which better serve the applicantrsand the Townrs needs. Since the last subnittal and approval, thesurrounding village area has added substantial retail space while B. the number of hotel rooms has decreased. While numerousproperties in the Vail ViLLage area can expand existinq retail-spaces there is very linited opportunities to add hotel rooms tothe Vil-Lage core. The applicant feels that the current proposalbetter serves the Town's interest by the addition of the hotel rooms. The proposed alterations not only conply nith the vail VillageUrban -Design Guidelines, it -specificatty facilitates i€seffectiveness. creation of this plaza area surrounded on threesides by restaurants and hotel roons will bring increasedpedestrian usage and increased connercial life to the villageplaza adjacent to tlre Lodge reinforcing its purposes. Because ofthe relationship with the existing and new restaurants, thecombined activitles of eating, strolling and shopping, which arefostered by the pedestrian orientated environment, will producemore life than the Village Plaza itself as well as thesurrounding shops. If, however, any portion of this submittal is found not to conplywith the VaiI Village Urban Design Guidetines, then applicantreguests that this suburittaL be deened to seek an amendment tothe considerations and guidelines in accordance with L8.24.220(B). II. VAIL VILI,AGE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AS THEY APPLY TO THE PROPOSED ALTERATIONS A. Pedestrianization. As already described under number I A above,the desigm considerations already facilitate and enhancepedestrianization of the Commercial Core I District andspecifically expands and enhances the villagre Plaza area. B. Vehicle Penetration. The proposed alterations provide noadditional points of vehicle penetration. C. Streetscape Framework. While the proposed alterations provide nobuilding structures fronting on villagre streets, they do addressthe defined needs of the streetscape framework in respect to theVillage Plaza and the new space. Both the landscaped open spacesand the infill development will create new activity to givestreet life additional visual interest in the Vitlage Plaza area. D. Street Enclosure. From the design consideration section DrrStreet Enclosurerr the following is written: rrlfhile building facade heights should not be uniform frombuilding to building they should provide a comfortable enclosurefor the street.rl and rfPedestrian streets are outdoor rooms nhose walls are forned bythe buildings. The shape and feel of these roomEi are created bya variety of heights and massing (three dinensional variations)which give much of the visual interest in pedestrian scale unigueto vail. tl and rrAn external enclosure is more confortable where its walls areapproximately one-half as high as the width of the srpaceenclosed. rl In respect to the new proposed plaza and the structures around it,both existing and proposed, which will define and create the space,the height of the existing lodge is one-fifth (r-ls) the width of theenclosed space that faces itself and the opposite east rrall of theVillage Plaza. The existing restaurant wing adjacent to the north itone-sixth (l-16) the width of the enclosed space and would face betweenitsetf and the opposite ne$r proposed international wing. The proposedinternational wing would have generally two heights, one-fourth (L/4)the width of the enclosed space it faces and one-sixth (t/6) the widthof the enclosed 6pace it faces. While these heights are considerablyless than those recomrnended for street enclosure, this plaza will haveother proposed features in the form of restaurants, bay windows, treesand other features which conbined with the proposed building massingwill create a comfortable and attractive rrexternal enclosureti or room.WelI defined ground floor pedestrian enphasis will be provided. Roofswill be a conbination of flat and pitched roofs as they currentlyexist, with new flat roofs only where roof garden terraces areproposed. E. Street Edge. The Vail Village Design considerations have thefollowing to say regarding rrstreet edgerr: rrUnlike many American towns there are no standard setbackrequirements for buildings in Vail Village. Consistent with thedesire for intimate pedestrian scale, placernent of portions ofbuildings at or near the property line is allowed an encouragedto give strong definition to the pedestrian streets.rr and rrThiE is not to inply continuance building frontage along theproperty line. A strong street edge is iurportant for continuityof perfectly aligned facades over too long a distance tend to memonotonous. with only a few exceptions in the Village, slightlyirregular facade lines, building jogs and landscaped areas givelife to the street and visual interest to pedestrian travel . The irreguJ.ar facade lines of the proposed International Wing andrestaurant addition will furttrer the objectives of this section asapplied to this proposal and the Lodge property. F. Buildinq Height. The existing nain Lodge building ranges from 3to 5 stories in height with the existing Lodge South buildingnuch higher. The Gondola building adjacent to the InternationalWing is approxinately 40 feet in height with the proposedaddition being in the shadow of such building. Code Section1A.24.120 defines height and at the Plaza level the highestportion of the roof of our proposed new addition is within thatdefinition. Under the design considerations building heightreads as follows: rrBasically the Village Core is perceived as a mix of two andthree story facades although there are also four and five storybuildings. The nix of the building heights gives variety to thestreet which is desirable. The height criteria are intended toencourage heights and massing variety and to discourage uniformheights along the street.r! With the International Roon Wing we are proposing a two and threestory mix. The proposed heights are within the requirenents asspecified by the Code. G.Views. The most significant and obvious view corridors lrave beendesignated on the view corridor nap and have been adopted by the Town Council as designated view corridors. The International Wingexpansion will not intrude into a designated view corridor.I{hile the proposed expansion will intrude into an area notdesignated as a view corridor as any other infill proposal woulddo. The design considerations are a broad overrriew of Conmercialcore one and designate the design criteria for eight differentcategories of concern, views are merely one of those categories.The view corridor ordinance addressed the nost significant andobvious view corridors which nust be left open. A11 other viensshould be reviewed in light of the effect it wiLl have on theseven other categories. No one category operates in a vacuumwithout affecting the others. The real objective of both theVillage Plaza and the new proposed e:<pansion is to presentdesirable and inviting activities in a charming and effectivebuilding frame including rnountain views, rather than merely tofeature a side long view of the rnountain per se. U. Sunshield Consideration. There is no effect on existing VillagePlaza public spaces. Obviously the new proposed addition willhave an inpact on the existing Lodge property, however, anyexpansion in that area would have such affect. c. In Eunmary the Vail Village Design Considerations states rrthe DesignConsiderations are intended to serve as a guideline design paraneters. They are not seen as rigid rules or cookbook design elenents to bringabout a honogenous appearance in vail.rr The intention of the proposedalterations is to address the spirit of Vail as Vail exists and toenhance and extend that spirit, IV. ZONING COMPLIANCE A. Site. - 2.0889 Acres: 90,992 square feet. B. Zoning. - CCI Basement l-,evel: This level is corupletely underground and willcontain the rrback of the housert types of uses such as storage andmechanical. This is a pernitted use. D. Garden Level: This level is exposed on the south side to thenountain but is substantially underground. Meeting rooms are theproposed use and are allowed as a conditional use under SectionL8.24.O20 c. In addition, meeting rooms could be deemed anaccessory use. E. First, Second and Third Floors: Acconmodation units will belocated on all three floors. This is a permitted use underSections L8.24.030, L8.24.O4O and 18.24.O5O. F. Accessory uses will include outdoor dining terraces as allowedunder Section 1,8.24.080. G. Lot area and site dimensions are conforning pursuant to Section18.24.090. There are no reguired setbacks. Heiqht: on the Plaza side of the addition (North Etevation) theheight ranltes from twenty to thirty-two feet. On the south sidethere is a one story facade at the lower elevation except for asmall portion at the southeast corner which is four floors inheight or approxirnately 43 feet. H. I. J. Deneitv Control: AIloHed GRFA: .8O X 90,992 = 72,794 sq.ft. Allowed Density. 25 X 2.ObB9 = Lo4 acconnodatlon unLts (This allowable density has been nodlfied by the Agreenent datedAugust 9, L983 as attached). Existing Density: 62 Accommodation units. Proposed GRFA: L8r0OO square feet Proposed New Density: 27 acconmodation units1 dwelling unit Comon Area: Allowed conmon area 251481 square feet (This includes 6,697 square feet of Restaurant Bar Area) Proposed New Common Area: 11,OOO square feet for neeting roomfacil-ities. 3'OOO square feet for hallway and stairways. ilew Addition to Restaurant K. Site Coverage: Allovable: 721804 sguare feet nxisting 1.9,819 square feet Proposed New Building: 10r633 square feet L. Landscaping: The existing vood deck will be elininated with theaddition of the new addition. The nain plaza area will be landscaped as per the p1ans. lif. Parking: Parking will be provided as per Section ].8.24. 180. N. Loadlnq: No further loading areas are proposed as the existingloading faeilities are adeguate for the proposed addition. --r', '1- " LrsT oF PROPERTY OWNERS i, s Jtfr,n The United states Forest Service N,"lf rlP 1 /V t P.o. Box l-90 le' r,,J " VMinturn, co81645 fl n{r(3 Riva Ridge south ownersr Association SuO lO= crlo Rick Halterman '/ 'l Box 3G7l \ -/ (^N4- VaiI, CO 81658 \ ,/ Y1 ', sitznarklodse Y l.rAV' I , f,1Robert Fritch \ VA 4-f1, U r 183 E. core creek Drive \ 1 iD() t vail- crln166? \ Vnhvail, co 8r-G5z \ V r)h f \J\ f" .4^coreCreekPlazaBuilding \ I r t,clarkwillinshan - \ (/ll,? t./ c/o WiJ.tows Box 759vail, co 81-658Attn: uorijke Brofos Riva nidge North ownersr Association c,/o Rick Halterman Dallas, EX 75201- Bell Tower BuildingClark Willinghan L300 Bryan TowersDallas, TX 752OL 174 core Creek Drivevail, co 81657 clarkwiltinsha ' \ dln,1300 Bryan Torvers \ b," UJd'b Lrr lq Pto,-r,azier Arcade \ ,.t I lJi/ ls"- , Plo,-Boblazier \ /t I-, r,l*l I P.o. Box 132s \ // I I .l ' /,/2 Lazier Arcade \ ,,' | | ,CI | P.o. Box 132s \ // \ ' ir, LL,^flVail, co 81.658 ,__/ -_= " \l l!2 Brandess Cadrnus ReaI Estate '-.-'1281- Bridge Street ---'t rl -,4' 0 l.-Vail , co 8L657 ---'-' HLh' , [, o ^-^ !,-J.r \tn ^/W ,'t ..o'lone Vait Place \ ,n/i et{Y. ), n frt' c/o ltrs. Blanche c. Hilt \ {V{' B\Vt* " il\pc/o ars. Blanche c. Hill \ II" l'\\V311 Bridge Street \ A-\ u'IJII l'rlqge r'EreeE \ 11 .\ - | .,-CVail , co 8l-657 I-" ' | ^'^ na /1 \ l-\\ ft,J,{="" 1 \'btu Lodge Apartuent olrners' association\ Y/ Ioclge south 2OO VaiL Road Box 490VaIl, co 81657 Sumers lodgec/o Rick Halternan Box 3571VaiL, Co 81658 John Hobart 325 lfest ohio Street Chicago, fIJ 60610 Ron Byrne285 Bridge Streetvail, co 81657 Ellzabeth WeberP.O. Box 31Blawenberg, NJ 08504 ., -.cll I ul.vnLrlrlrJ r\n.rlrlEIl ,tF, rr. JV t I I t|Jt trr tt Ly u.ntl ( tt'l'lrtt ( "The o'*ned b]' the Corporatlon tteelf ' 5. Ttre Parttec no\P *lsh to fenain betueen them' of the'zonlng {rorn bulldlng A(il{til'lll';N',r n--#' t, u 't'l,rij rlcltuutfuN'l *nLcrod lttLn fltts 3J uo't "t dltnd ' 1983 butwc'en thc Lodgs Propert'ttr.*, Inc' ' g Colorado Corp(iratlon' Cur1ii,,ration,,) and the To*n oJ Tnt], ri Colorgdo l|unlcSpul Corporatlon, Tu*'n" ). I RECITALS 1. fhe cornoration la the.owuer of ++rt*r'n rcel proPerty snd lm!'rovc- .ments:.oc,8ted therson wlrtsh ere colleetlv€ly known nn the I''odge at vsll (,,The Lodger'). Belng mora partlculnlly dcecr'lbed on the atteehad Exhibtt "4" and sontetntng 1.090 aer€g' 2.TheI',odgelelocatedwtthtnthe(lotlrnierelalCorelloneDlstrtct c,f the To*n of Vrll" 3.AdlBputebesarleetbet'rveea',h*corPtlntloncndtheTownag. to nhethef ih€ sonlns ordlnenc*s af :!rg Tsvrl w6u'1rt aLlor* the addltlon of 34 new Ac,commodalion unlte rnd one tivelltng unlt (CollccttVely referred to as "Unlts") to tbe todSe' ' a. The diepute lelatcG to $bethet' c'srtnln of the dselllng unltr of the L+dae Apsrtmente condominlums Loeeted on i pFrcel ol Dllt sprce ahove the real propsrty owned bi'ttre Lodgt''16 $ttl'tbutablF to thi land coftptcn:sa nnd Bettle all dlfferenes6 vrhlch II ACREEI{ENT ll0$ TIIERE F0BE, the partte$ bgs'ee'' ea followg: 1. Ttre partlea ngrea that tiie iliric'liy ccirtrtll oectlotl ,ordlnenco for commerclRl Core t ntrail nct pr':hlhlt ttre Lodge rh€ units 2,BeforetheLodgeshallprc,c,aetl""gtihLlreconBtructSonottheUnlt6 1g 6hall bo requlreC to conply u'ith nll ti:e apsrolrlate ordlnsnccB of t'he Toiln B,rrd obtnlD perBllsFlon fren ths $pnr$pt'tnto hor'rde *ud comlaelbne of the To$n nnr! further obtrln all re*utrerl g'na nd,catre*ry llcrrillts' S.ElrouldtheLodgsgoforwarit*1ri:t'ir*s'onetfudttanoftheubltsit ehallbefurtherrequiredtoctnetfui;t+:ep''Tn*+{{:otference'ettdnilet''nsroin f,rcilirtes 1n th$ LotlSe 8{, tlrat $hen euch'lxB;':re{on ls compltte tbc Lod#e SEN| fJ; UALlllNS llltAflEl{ i Y-ll-vu - "t:it II . t" ., r.,jrtJ,j s.1111l.lritt 1'utltJ (:('tl ful'L'llt:c irttd ? , r!00 I t:rll tn eiv'n, ot(r of Lcrrt+ nf 6,000 stluirrc fcot norc or lcss' i d; I J HIr'l r 4' The corporstlon ehall not. lnEI,t Lu i,{' 'l.n:t' 1*ggl nctl fin s.grtn6t l'hc Trrwn Conccrnlng rny of the dluiruted tr;eu*$ *ir:rl fcrlh he"sln' The LOCI{e b-" {rnLerrng rnto thlB Agre€ment does noi ?,ni.;r1 its:.-iaiita to request hn ['d''!'i'';i]trril slx sccommodEtlon unlte nor does the T'orin v'81v€ its f,i8ht to oppo8e Eucb reQu.eEt. lhe pilrtl€E hr{v€ elsned thtn Agrcemsnt th18 t {.HE LO\DbT FNOPERTIES, INC' by foriN or vArLe-iitltteo uunictpal corporet loh J U J 0 J V t I J 9------_l i'U itlT-\Ffe't-f!-e ttlrrr:i. i tli.i !'trtrltl $i,:icu Wlt i tllr is Ut lOlrs"t whi,.:h tlnc rtrom Bh0l l .crttl l ftin A't lotrut , Dra9efrierldent in&ger BATLEY, H-qRRn{c & PptnnsoNT A PRoFEssroNAL CoRpoRarroN AtToRNEYS AT L,,Aw LINCOIN CENTER 1660 LINCOLN STREET, STNTE 3175 DEIInYER. COIORADO 8{1264 TELEPHONE (303) 837.1660 FACSIMILE (303) 887.00S7 January 25, l-993 RIc',DJAN 2Stggt VAIL NATIONAL BANK BLDG. rOE SOrITH FRONTAGE ROAD WEgTi SUITE VAIL. COLORADO 8166? TELEPHONE (303) 4?8.0092 FACSTMILE (90S) 470.0407 Ur. Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVail , CO 81-657 RE: The Lodge at Vail International Wing Dear Andy: I am in receipt of your letter dated January 20, l-993 and wouldappreciate in the future if you would notify ne prior to your takingaction on applications with which I have been involved. It isacceptable, however, to void out last application on the International Wing Expansion as submitted. This acceptance on my part, however, in noway should be construed to invalidate any past approvals which we haveobtained for the expansion of the International Wing. The InternationalWing has been approved by the Planning Cornrnission pursuant to theexterior alteration requirements of the Town of Vail Codes and our lastapplication !'ras merely going to amend those exterior alterations. Atthis point, however, we are proceeding with the old plans as approved bythe Planning Comnission and at some point we will be subnitting forfinal design review approval when we are ready to comnence construction. ff this letter at all differs from what your understanding is, pleasecontact ue imnediately so we can further discuss the matter. If you have any guestions please contact rne at rny office. Sincerely, erson PURCHASE ORDER a?/o+/93 o:J/ La/93 , THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON Toa6g6 06039# ALL pApER & eAoKAGES RELATTvE. TO THIS ORDER. 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 8 1657 (3O3) 479-21OO SHIP TO: VENDOR: PAGE NUMBER ( 1 ) MUI.JIC IPAL BIJILDINO TOIIN OF VAILrrr?75 SSUTH FRtrNTAGE READ VATL, CO FT657 JAY K. PI!TERSON 1O,* SNUTFI FRONIACE RfiAD SL'1]-E 3OI i.'rAIL NAiIfrNAL-vAIL, CO 4t657 HEsr IEANK rrui.J*n PLEASE SEND - COP]ES OF YOUR INVOICE WITH ORIGINAL BILL OF LADINC F.O.B. LOR !:LF I IICNFiLDT:;Of'l IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO SHIP COMPLETE ORDER AY DAIE SPECIFIED, PARTDESCRIPTION. REFVNn oF CCT-FXT A\T Ftrt: F.nR ITHF II nnGE d,T VAII , TINTFRNATINI{AI LJ TNG Il_-_--------r------| | r l 1 EA | | eoo.'JOOOI aOo,OO I O1OOOOIj133OOOO ;o0 OO PART DESCRIPTIONttl PART DESCBIPTION T OIT A L loo oo I tl PART DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION PART DESCRIPTION PART DESCRIPTION RECEIVED AY DEPARTilENT COPY Dy :', 75 Soutb Fronttge Roail Vail, Colorado 81657 3 0 3-479-2t t I / 47 9-21 39 January 20, 1993 ?O u cQcaq Y Mr. Jay Peterson Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road, Suite 307 Vail, CO 81657 RE: The Lodge at Vail, International Wing Expansion Dear Jay: As it has been sometime since there has been any activity on the proposed expansion of the International Wing at the Lodge at Vail, please accept this letter as notification that your application has been voided and the file is now closed. Attached to this letter are photocopies of the receipts for the fees you paid for this review. I have requested that our Finance Department refund these fees to you as there was no action taken on the project by the Town. lf you would like to reactivate the request, you may submit a new application on the fourth Monday of May or November. These are the standard submittal dates for major exterior alterations in the Commercial Core I Zone District. Please note that the staff is currently working on revisions to this review process, and the submittal dates may change in the near future. lf you would like to discuss the proposed expansion with me, or would like to talk about the review process, please call me at 479-2138. Sincerely, Fooi+d !-- 5-"-'l^'l -Akice-.! gi;!x --..-- -. : Department of Community Dcrclopment tr Andy Knudtsen Town Planner 'i/6;://T Lorelei Donaldson o coPyfilt 75 Soatb Frontagc Road Yail, Colorado 81657 3 0t -47 9-2 1 I I / 47 9 -2 I 1 9 D epartment of Commuity Deoelopment January 29, 1993 Mr. Jay Peterson Bailey, Herring, and Peterson Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road West, Suite 307 Vail, CO 81657 RE: The Lodge at Vail InternationalWing Dear Jay: Thank you for your letter of January 26, 1993. As we discussed in my office yesterday, I would like to clarify that the Town's action to void the most recent International Wing exterior alteration application does not effect the status of previous decisions. What those decisions are, and whether or not the previous International Wing proposal is still valid today, is part of a discussion I will let you continue with Larry Eskwith. I appreciate your desire to discuss items such as this prior to letters being written. I would like lo continue our good working relationship and will certainly do this in the future. Sincerely,/, ,l/t/ /?7Yl/l-,N/ Andy KnLdtsen Town Planner