HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail COMMON 1969-1973P.oarpr-0.JJresrrp ARCHITECT tE$Cidd$rl(r€{**t{jed<$btB$t!F P. O. Box 335, Littleton, Colorado T elephone 798-7965 April 10, 1959 Mr. Blake Lynch T own Co-ordinator Town of Vail Vail, Golorado Re: Proposed Congtruction. Lodge at Vail Dear Mr. Lynchl The plane ae eubrnitted for conetruction of Lodge at Vail comply with tlle uniform Building code, 195? Edition, and supplernentel plans to be sub- rnitted will aleo cornply with these codes. J Ae Architect for the project it is my contractual obligation to perform on cite eupervision during congtruction so that I rnay certify on completion that t,Le building does comply with applicable ordina^nces. ,\ truly yours, obert A. o o o Stalder & Son AOO WASHINGTON STREET. D 26€-O664 April 10, 1959 t Mr. Blake Lynch Town Co-ordinator Town of Vail Vail, Colorado Re: Proposed Conetruction, Lodge at Vail. Dear Mr. Lynch: In accordance with our previous conversations I hand youthe following; 1. Architectural plans including site plan, foundation plan, parking plan, floor plans and evelations. Z, Structural plans. 3. Letters from the Architect, Robert Hiester. Essentially these plans are in accordance with the past subrnissions to Vail Architectural Cornrnittee and Vail Planning and Z oning Cornrnission. Further suppLements to the plans will include rnechanical, electrical, sections and details. We wiI1, also, subrnit the specifications, renderings and color for rnaterials plan together with necessary sarnples prior to cornrnencernent of that portion of the construction. These should all be cornpleted and available to you within 30 days. A l8t' scale rnodel is, also, being built. As you know we are very anxious to cornrnence construction as we have a great deal to do with the short building season. Accordingily, we request issuance of the building perrnit either on a partial or cornplete basis in order to cornrnence excavation on Monday, April 14, 1969. 655 EROAOWAY LANAI APARTMENTs LIOO APAR'TMENYS LATOUR APAR'TMENTS ts{Jila./ /lc,,z-? v -#5 Ot yzt t \rA" _ /I - BUILDING PERMITU " uail, colorado a / etorv -*-'lt o tz."" 44. /e4o .t/ //.;/ y' ddres s In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail .A'rchitectural Control Cornrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set forth in the Vail ViIIage Protective Covenants, and in cornpliance with the 1964 Uniform Building Gode. Type of Construction- _Z Group C ont racto r Perrnit Permiggion is hereby "r---Xa'tfrtchr c^t. En. 4 t932 grantea, .,,,..... ffi1Q/32 Coa"fr - r /,bn Eo Dru.fruc f A pproved INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION iPPROV}L COMMENTS DATE & SIGN'TURE FOUNDATIONS FRAMING o0E .o $FINA L ROUGH(Jo f4 FIN}L ROUGH b.0 E p,FINAL ROUGHu0 -+l r! + II o FIN.A L TO\IVN OF VAI LO DAILY BU]LDING INSPECTION REPORT Contnacto:r: M qi) Biuldine:LODO€A( VAL O(^lerE R Permit No:9to9o P,++-',^1 ?^ e"- fz.'4,f I c'+-.,'-'1 7rP-* 't i. 'J () ('' 63tt Octobrr llr t9t3 ff ocT 1 910? l|r. Donrlil L. EltlhrOorrel lfarg.r 116tYrll,Golorrde 0165, l|rr Sltrbrt lbrh you for }lur proqt co.p.r.tleB la regrrdr !o thr tr.tb -''.'. I torrga ltrrSr : .i: : :.; :'f. r.conpd rn lrcbltrca bG obt lDrd to drrl3p plrnr tbrt ytll oorrlCbor frcllltto ro ttrry rrr ..tbetlcrlly plltlng to alt.rr cerlng dora tbe Dunt ln. llnl thrt clr plrar br eubolttrd to tLl Vrtlhdldfa3 D.prrtr.nr for prnlt rrrd rrvlrr te ccryly ultb Hlnrm,ril tp- t9t9r lora of Vrtl. :- . ' lfr r1l1 lrpprrclr3a lnur eoettnred cooparrtlonr Slocrrrlyt Erlh f. Sdrar LP.S.Eovlaertatrl lorltb Itl/brcat Yrll lulldlrg D.prrr$at,8crt. nrrltb D.prrtrmc lbr-"!Pr O. D.tr Date Oet. Ftcg 197o. BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Permitfl 1O7OM Perrnig gion ia hereby granted Loooe AT VA(L t?elao o cL a Ott€sto!y sre.tR. cANoPt'on Aildrecs V rqtu I4 accordance with the provisions aet forth by the Vail Architectural ControlComrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations aa aet forth in the Vail VillagePxotective Covenante, and in cornpliance with the 1964 Uniform Building Gode. Type of Gonetruction Group Gpntractor OWNER, t y' pproved €4. *'slP' Vail Building Inspector INSPECTION REGORD(for D epartrnental use only) NTS DATE & SI , b0 F I b0F Ha fr boq tia ATIONS ROUGH FINAL ROUGH ' t*' t., APPLICATION THE licant FOR BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF VAIL lr tUF Bo & a)h{ udL+rtrou fill in thia eection onl -suitptNc rNro RMATIoIL New --Addition (A11 parte of building) Signcd (Pe ittee) control committee to obtain buildtng Alteration-[ RePaira Type of occuPancy-]lglrance at reai oI bldC. - shelteroverBUILDING DIMENSI Total floor area (co?IPllgget No of etori.a no Ht.J!_lt_ No. of roomalro No' baths---llo No. of water clogeta no (covering over gntrancewav over stairs) No. of F amilieg no . ESTIMATED cosT ,7oo:?o'or consrRucrroNiEg&(Materiela & Labor)ntb0(,}] Lot Bro& I Subdiviaion Approval by planning and architectural pcrmit. ( Gircle correct clae gificationl Type of congtructloa I. II. III. I V @ occuprncy group A. B. C. D. E. F . G.H.l.@ Datc Receipt of Plane ? eetg required) Amount of Permit Fee $ Amount of Clean up Fee $ Datc permit igaued Ocu Fiael lnepcctlon BUILDING INSPEqTION Signature Approval of Plane Date Pald: Caeh Paid: Cash Date $ , Gheck $-e -'$l__cbect $ Tap fee pald Amount Coantr uctlo."J cl can' uP addregs Gore Creek lJrlve Application October 5, 1970 Addregs Tel. No. NAME NONE INVOLVED Address Tel. No. LODGE INVESTMENT COMPANY Name LODGE EMpLOYEESAddresa SAME Cirtlflcttc of occupracy & cornpllrnco_ # ,r*tRo PERMTT nppucf,hoN Jurisdiction of TOWN OF VATL icant to complete numbered spaces only. I1270112 L2/3/70 E. Erl '-J H E- I o E5C R.1[see rrucr eo sr:rt; 2 Ross E. Davis zlP Denver2230 lst National Barik B ' omlrn MAIL ADORESS PHON E LICENSE NO. a owutn MAIL AODRESS PHONE !ICENSE NO. MAI L ADDFESS PHONE L ICEN SE NO. MAIL AODR€Ss BRANCH6 owwrn 8 Classof woTK: ENEW DAOOITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE 9 Oescribe work: . g"and Guard House for (mobile 10 Change of use from 11 Valuation of work: $ ZbO. 0O PERMTT FEE $7 .00PLAN cHEcK FEE -0- SPECIAL CONDITIONS:Type otconrt. V Size of Bldg.(rotal) sq. Ft. 3 2 No. ofStori* One FIr€ Sprlnklgr5 Requlred [\.,€s {lNoPLANS CHECKED 8Yeas APPBOVED FOR ISSUANCE BYI No. of Owelllng Unlts- 0 - OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPABATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB.ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONTNG. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF I1'ORK OR CONSTRUC.TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTFUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR APERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM.MENCE D. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Speclfy) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION INSPECTOR hEORO€R FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING PERMIT VALI,DATION t, t' oFFtctaLs a 60 so. Los hoBLE3 r! pasaDENA, ceifonrlre ettotIForm 100.1 9.69 ',{ t INSPECTION RECORD ) USE SPACE BELOW FOB NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. p ?t.P TOWN OF VAIL Building Pe::mit Supplement rAr Pnoj ect LODGE AT VAIL GUARD & SECURTTY HOUSE Date rr/25/10 I: Doneld L- Elisha ' General Manaqer of the above mentioned pnoject do heneby centify that f have::ead and undenstand in ful1 the following excenpts from the Unifonrn Building Code (UBC): A. Sec. 302(a)Approved plans and specifications shalfnot be changed, modified, or altened with-out authonization f::om the Building urrl_ct-a-1 . No pe:rmit pr^esuming to give authonity toviolate or cdncel pnovisions of this Codeshalt be valid. The issuance of a penmitsha1l not prevent the Building Officialfnom theneafter: nequining the conreetionof erno:rs on fr:om preventing building openations being canried on when in vio-lation of this Code o:: of any other or- dinance of the Town. Inspeetion card shal1 be nead and filledout in ful1 where requined. No wonk sha1lbe done beyond the point indicated, and signed by Inspecton. Inspection candshall be maintained until Centificate of Occupancy has been issued and then returnedto Building Inspection Office. Building Official shall be notified, inwniting, of any pontion of the stnuctuneor building to be pne-fab:ricated off-site. Such pne-fabrication facilitiesshal1 have a certificate of approval fnom ICBO o:: be inspected by the BuildingOffieial prio:r to the stanting of work. B.Sec.302(c) C. Sec. 304 T\ Qan ?n( CERTIFIED BY: 1f7, - o //r"/ | CATIONBUILDING Juridiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PINK - APPLICANT rJ l-ou&s AT V*t L (Ll3rE ArracHED lHirr' MAIL AODiE!'IIP PHON!o5s )+,rir * Aiir.- LrccitSE No. t lLu_C_/ I DaicHrlEcr oi oEstcrr L AODRE33 'HOI{E ENGINEEi MAIL AOOTEIII PHONE LICEN9E NO. USE OF BUI LDIII G l-obGE 8 CIASOf WOrK: tr NEW trAODITIOil EIALTERATIOI{ tr REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE 9 Oescribe work:* DooA--S l0 Change of use lrom iJDlnf, Change of us€ to o'O11 Vafuation of work: $ A ,o o O PLAN cHEcK FEE /q, 'u SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. lTotall Sq. Ft. No. ot Owolllng Unlt5 NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB.ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC.TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOR APERIOD OF I2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOFK IS COM. MENCED. ,THIS RECT.ITHIS FI EDNOT SOI L REPORT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR IYHEN PROPENLY V TED IN THIS THIS PERMIT VALIDATION - cK.M.O.$s-z* CANARY - AUOIT CASH GOLDENROD - TEMP. FILE Juridiction to complate numbard spaces only, Io.ryvl/2t THIS IS YOUR PERMIT 4 ftr.ad BUILDING IT APP N { PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR WHEN PROPERLY V cK. Ve /e - rf-"lgrr atrrcrro sn::tr/6-L- C2" N -5AiCHIIECY OR DE6ICI{Ei LENDEi MAIL ADDIEIg USg OF 'UI LDI N G 8 crass of work: tr ilEw peoorrron tr ALTERATT0il E REPATR tr M0vE Ei REMovE e oescribework, FkECft t 10 Chrnge of use from 11 Vatuationofwork: g {&.OO.OZ PLAN cHEcK FEE Z. na SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slz€ ot Bldg.(Totall sq. Ft. Flr! Sorlnklarspgqutrcd !y€3 [t{e No. ot - n-Ow€lllnt Unltt NOTICE SEPAFATE PERMITS AFE REOUIBED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF T\,oRK OF CONSTRUC.TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED IVITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF @NSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOEO OR ABANOONED FOR APERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE O.T I }IAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISTHE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.VS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISCOMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO PERMIT VALIDATION CANARY - AUDIT OATED PIN K - APPLICANT GOLDENBOD - TEMP. FILE boote nt (n'L u)o rt 4' o { 'n*w(, 6 A5 r CllL(lRAD(l TEilT & AWNI}IG PANY o G(lM f.'m"i R. P. GUTSHALL R. C. GUTSHALL C. M. MEYER MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS 3333 E.52ND AVE. AT COOK ST., DENVER, COLORADO 80216 PHONE: 303-623-5124 Apri,L 27 , L972 Torn of Vai L Vail, Colorado 8t657 Re: Awning at the Lodge At Vail Ge nt leme n: Enclosed is our check for $48.00 for the building permitfor the awning at the Lodge at VaiL. The steel superstructure that the anning will be laced towill be built as follows: At the top of the awning, we will we ld a 2x2x3 / L6n angle lron to the present overhanglng balcony beam. Where the awning is not going across the balcony, we will Lag a 2x2x3 / 16" angle iron into the brick. From these angle irons, we will have ltr and ltrrsteel pipe rafters that \dill be supported in thecenter by a l5rr barjoist truss. This truss wilL be supported by the underside by 2t' steel posts.At the front part of the awning, we wilL haveanother 2x2x3 / L6n angle iron that will be supportedby l*" posts set in cenent approximately every 10 fee t. Thank you for your help. S ince re ly, AWNING COMPANY C. M. l'leyer CMM:bc Check ,{-f.' .l (Y(oj ?/it gza'i ItJn4t" ///7/ BUILDING PERA,IIT APPLICATION Juridiction o Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOF TED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION 4so E F fi f\ (1 | 0 Esci,ail Village lst filing {l lgat arracHlD lHtlt} OWNEi M IL AOOTESIIzRoss Davis, 2230 First National Bank Building, Denver 80202 292-3432 goN Tiac roi PHONE 476-5011 LICEN!I NO.3 Dave Jacobs (Maintenance) Box 1168 AFCI{IIECI' OR OE3IGNER4 Dave Jacobs EI{GINEEF5 Dave Jacobs trct st No. LENOER IL ADOiE3t IIATCH USE O' IUILDINC 8 ctassofwork: E new tr AoolTloil El ALTERATToN tr REPATR O ir0vE 0 RELtovE 9 D$cribework, New sidewalk & fence (see attached diagram) 10 Change of uss from 1l Valurtion of work: $$QQ. $Q SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze ol 8ldg.(Torar) Sq, Ft. No. of Dw€lllng Unltr NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC.TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 OAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR AEANOONED FOR APERIOO OF 'I2O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCEO. Stcr.|Atuit ol OTHER (Spacltyl CANARY - AUOIT PIN K - APPLICA GOLDENROD - TEMP. FI LE ? ll N!r *x tF IN'l lr{ ? LI t- lr ---' I --tlri } t- I I -----J a J anuary 10, 1972 Mr. Ross Davfs Lodgc Management Company 2230 F l.rst Natlonal Bank Bul ldlng0enVer, Colorado 8A2Oz Dear Mr.0avls: ln January l97l I agreed wlth you and i.lr. Ellsha to allow the nonconformlng bedrooms In the employee quarters to be used untl Ithe end of the skl season. 0n l4ay 12 the Town Attorney wrofeyou t leiter statlng tho above and also the facf that these bed- rooms rere stlll belng used. I met wlth yqu and Mr. Ellrhaafter you received thls letter and you agre€d to lock these.bedrooms permanently so that they could not be used untl I suchtlme as you decldod what was to be done. 0n Decenrber 30 the Chlef af Pollce and I spot-checked four dlffer-ent unlts, all of whfch were stl ll belng used for bedrooms. On J anua ry 14 | wlll make another lnspecf lon of these quartersand lf the bedrooms are not perman€ntly locked and void_of bods,the To.wn of Vall wl ll be forced to take the necessary stepe to see that thls le done. You rs tru l y, TOWN OF VA IL Ed Sf rub le tsul ldlng Of f lclal dw cc: Mr. Donald EllshaMr. tay;rence Rob Inson, Town "Atforney Roeenr AlfiesrenARCHITECTPsst 0ffice Boxi,335 Littloton, Colorado 80120 Ter ephonei (303) 798 -7965 9 .IuIy 1971 Mr. RosE E. Davls, Lodge ltlanagement CompanyFlrst Natlonal Bank Bulldlng, Denver, Colorado 80202 Rer Certlfl.cate of Occupancy, Addttions to the Lodge at Vat1. On 24 ilune 1971, I had a conference and lnspectlon of, the referenced proJect wlth l{r. Ed Struble, Bulldj.ng Offlclalof the Torvn of Va1l. By mutual agreement, he has agreed tofurnish a Certlflcate of, Oecupancy lf, the following ltems are accompllshed. 1. Preventlon of tlre uge of, the rear rooms in the employees houeing unlts for sleeping lrurpoaeE.l. Offset tlre top of the fire departnent slamege connectlon closer to wall to lncrease clearance f,or passlng trafflc.3. Prsrrlde steps at north entrance ln accordance with the enclosed drawing.4. Prorrlde hand ralls at botlrcrglde walls at lnslde Eteps in north lobby.5. Provi,de a labelled door at the soiled llnen room at tbe garage Level.j 6. Provlde a closer on the active leaf of, the trash room doors and weatherstrlp felt strlpd to close the gap at the bottom of tJrese doors.7. Provlde a L-3/4" solld core door wlth closer from the garage into the elevator vestibule at the garage. 8. Patch holes arsund plplng l.n walls of, the sotled llnen and trash rooms at the garage level.9. Prorrlde sprlng closers on the traelr chute doors atall f,loors; check all llnen cbute doors f,or tlghtcloslng, all f,loors. 10. Provlde exlt signs at man door ertts garage level. l,[r. DoD EllEhal{r. Ed Strub1e. o l*ri : _CTE[) DETAIL NoeTLt E-l-{Tea^.r4€. Loeaoe AT VAr r- f2lr.r F xod &q AJv'lvrtt VIIo LODGE Properties rnc. 2230 FIRST NATIONAL EANK BUILDING . DENVER' COLORADO 80202 TELEPHONE (3031 . 292.3432 June 11, 1971 Vail Water and Sewer Box 631 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: I'lre Lodge Management Company, A/c no, N 00362 - / y', > EO, O O : Dear Sir: As you know, we have a dispute with the Town of Vail at the present time in regard to the issue of the certificate of occupancy for The Loclge - this ilispuie and itrs outcome qrill have a ilirect bearing on the amount of the outstanding account, ancl therefore until thie iliepute ia aettleclr we cannot clos€ this account. RED/bc ""8'or* Roee E. Davie c -e.7l/ru7.'u /nt, '/fc(. Jflnt tc€ o ornefODGE Mr. Lawrence B. Robinson Town of Vail Box 631 Vail, Colorado 81657 June 1, 19?1 Dear Mr. Robinson, tharik you for your letter of May 12th regarding 'remployee quarters'r The letter has been forward to Mr. Ross Davis, 2230 First National Barik Building, Denver, Colorado 80202, who is in charge of the Iodge Management Co. Any further correspondence should be di- rected to Mr. Davis with a copy to myself. General Manager ec: Mr. Ross DavisMr. Karl Eitel \tj- V $u'"'a P. O. IN THE BROADidCOR i'iA|l,IT.IER Very truly yours, BOX 187, VArL,coloRAoo 81557 TELEPHONE: VAIL ,o ""1,ODGE Mr. Terry Minger City Manager Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 June 1, 1971 Dear Terry, please advise whether you have come up with a new design for the the steps on the north side of our building. The summer season is rapidly approaching, md I really would like to take care of this matter as soon as possible. Donald L. Elisha General Manager IN THE SNOADT,TCOR IilANT\ER 303.476.5011 DENVER 303-222-7074P. O. BOX 187, vAlL, COLORADO 81657 . TELEPHONE: VAIL tlay 12, 19?1 Genrnat Hrnagcnlodgc at VailVal!, Colorado Subjcot: Enployee Quantcna You ,wen inforood laet.January !y our Bulldlng Ore. "!E4'!. ,'rrrsr*€cr -Iasr.rJanuary by oun Bulldlng offlolelIli! tl,. empteyec houeing fnoittig on Gono CndekDnl.vc lg no;roo;rfg"ring-$ ;;;il;ce with the requirnente of. thG Unlf,onn Buildlng Code and in oracr n'Jt.+^ r.^-l-.- !.---r^L! mente of. thc Unlf,onn in accordance with tbc require- to rlork a hardship,_hc ag:reed to atlp; ihc;;-qr..tjrutd br oooupled untir apnit zi.=igzr.td br oooupled uniir ap"ir-ii, -igit. larp'cncr B. RoblnsonTorn Attonnry ,'; . It 13 ny undonatendlng that somG of thaeo guarrtonoarc still bcl,ng usrd for living quantena and thenefonrin dl.reot vlolltlon of oun euiiaing Codc. Unteeethcr.-guartcnr 4r€-vaoated bt-ilt ro, irri Til;-;iVrtI llLl be fofqed to takc inroii..o nrceasary aotlon. Youre vctly- t!.rrly, TOta| OP VArL dw Lodge At VailVailr Colorado Attention, itou,"o Brown, Aesiatant }lanagen Dea:r Honen: rn confo:rnation of oun meetlng., ln refere-ngg tg the non-o6nfonrl'ng bed:roons in the enployeee quarte:r'ir';;;- i"iio"r"s detcnnlnatloar have boen rnade: a). The plreEent exlrage!-syatem for the bcdroona uay i-''l E' il;"in ;;"ie-G"i"dln-g ttre awltoh' b) Theee unite nay :renal'n I'n uae unden the pnceent , condLttor," "ii'"iiili;liinJ unfir Anrt|-2!" 1-e71 :- at which tr*.:ti"i';ifi-t" "*:?::?-y:l1ahe11 anc ll.llli".i'i!"i"itt-i"rg"*' Bulldlng codEi,' "'' c) , Subnlt wl'thln flve'daye.a letten atatLng-yo1^}nderr etand trre non-ciiiot*iir"" and aoooPt'furl' t'tPong- tcnuatY 28r 19?I ibilttY f,or .8ane. S,rffaing Offlclal fir'lr0lit'!'l )ii,l" 93?'li.,,i O,r I ;lt'r:j\',rf,ie* __ .r...rr .r.+:aslF r'r:-,'- .':..1'j l':'T;:. .,.., .t,,.';.,-,:: ,r';:I 'i;;1 r.,., t.,,*,r:i-1''i' ,,.,t_,+ f! L\U .:l (.'. l 'ii.,ti \i oli Fiz 2t ts ti z o rP i,<:Flrcno oc2t1 z 9,"izza -()azhoa& ,f (, ,l 9l<c -loF}E<!r r: zoF o J outtur (,z utoz3E U'Fzul =ulo !t oF E u,lG cooJtt lrj ca Fo J FoF I!c Goo ttJ FoF t 5TI =tr=l!o LL€O -z-=oE'I ---l o (9z YE A F.attttto G 4u|c -o oo Gtu iqJz zf ouJ ul o uJ lJ- 6utro Itt- 2 2 Jtto ciz t-nL 0v 0\lq V? \ ul =z C,- =-rrt>(9Gt glF 2o9-.0t =o FaJlalrEOFCq0 =>69EA u|tA.('>(JFO; c\i ?,o vl\ Tn JJ3 vco5l!o2o FA E(, atltlo