HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail COMMON 1979-1982Nc')c\v r..(\.o v.oN @ot\tf).oC\ro c\(r)o.F\o.(\lN .fF..o|r)o.ro @o.(f).o o..(.N .C\.olr)c!c-)o'N Ff\cO .OO- O-.oo-roN .o .o rr) I Y I I C\o.I I (\l.o1r) C\ It\ { cto.o. @(9 .o o's.o O.q N o' lq 1..o. N ct c{ @ 6 s i,st l-- >- o.-o F\ FN CO .Oc! o' (\lo. (\l o.<r |r, ot ro .f c\tf.. .o o.o ro .oc\ rr) Nr..(!C' f.. o'.oN |r) c\| C\ oo.!' .q ro.oN (\l I I OO.O (\ .o I I I Io)l 3l I '6t El rl,-lololLl +l-l I o) ; .s : I oo r!. a,r- I o) =c =I oo u- (7) o) ='o II ILI -lrJ- | YI ; .; = € t-oo;l-l +l I o o u- s C = =c <l I u-l I rr)l o -J oo u- lo o) ; -a z I oo)I6l ll- t- lJ- c\t oo LL c, -t x u- (.) (, E tu o u- gl b-ElOr! |ii -l&l Frl**l| :l -N- |ot.- olLL- |E ol.5il c').o.qO!lr)'q .o F.9-!O !fI- (-) .o(r) C\r Tr) c9o 5< c! .o ro J F F a\..t Hlnos rccolllvn lv tccot 3Hi. ('c\loo'; cct+d=r{ nt' 6I lFl} OP EC o-+ :ru oD -o--o<- oro F*\ J (\J! "* 3d f E <- I(t-'--\?' /t'l/,,rl/HN' nJu/ oult.ozoz J .o o2zo tNlro: i-\il Iz =o z ) I I I I I I I I I I I Gulz-o uJ. Foz{ r!Ju, EI or|. o o Fz o |rtuz3o ILo uJ(r z \ ,l o. of 0) "c c) -o(6r .9 q c{'3Y,o \-/F,6-\E- oo@'o qlctror, 0) o !, oolJoo o)c6'3 d) E o =cf ooo. o,o. 3.g o) --- o c =0)ur;i*XsnEUb,/i F.9 R€*tgeF'= I c CUP:OC:-o>e:5i : EE: c966 -*io): C'; Co o >'= E EAREtEoI€ S: 3 eeP $!Ee. o.({ o.-sEagoi6-qrs*e€ H,:REE.E Hq)N:- EEFs-- o.Y o --cP(! 0'-.=r:; tD /) ar O i.9 8E5€e; Bo5()>'-9 (g E--6tFFe iE ;:9Eo. iE$E aLIJ tr =tuL s \ $s h =g.t!(L o! z6 =f L oE ocoig t! z =t! L aLulo o- 2 t|J aluuJll-F = UJ(L J FoFNOIIVNlVA g ulE z Eoo z tr (rt!t^- illJz \ f\rt ua J { 'IFI Ufi t .3zzuo ootr - 62q 5 :9c I of, aoEZ!Oo()nozXr!<oq iH6 C =R 2 dotO Ed63 l dH2 g=d.1<gFvg;5s5o('olz oz!?i v<dq.f3r\Ct#Emo>oozOf, otr t!d) z zoF C)() z tr v>z t! J ? olz:l olul:f al>l rLlolzl3lpl I I I rl vl,tl \rll \NI '/11'l'l =lrlt .ilzl ol Hl al>l r|-|ol zlil -t I I I I .l ;lGlJl al>l hl 1t,ol uJFIF tJ., 0 s J < F 'dil,lrltl rJl 3l )rl\u lltdatlttfil6l "l -lr"t I?l olYt zl ,l gl ul alrsl >l -J ll-l 421 =l 3lGt oltrl Fl I I \]l$lal\ Iol.l Et JI<l dzl]lpl !i F.\]\J \rl $ sl crtr {J\J '-..iz z -1 t-+ :c J !:(J oz J oF() cF o z -r Qtu EngX .!EOz (J Jt<oC)F;() 5eu1zfioo ()ozj-;c) =f'F-tzc6 t-() LL't: :E x <F uJ<zctUJF<52 O E Lr"Jz5 oz b =(rul(L i z ,rt 9z2(Dc)Ezl:)JOLU. .^i6 =riY ?r r aHE mnD t t! ItoP tttE2E<9Ecr->ovtr €o- tr :JF::uJ-E h=c''o.tr : :(LY ou-E 9'oI \ tr.r5 6gh nr- = UJ(o F :r.;aara \-or{rl(:) lrJ tsa(oo.2 zo F uJvuclot- =Elrlc*"J" ccla -'lo -11oplrl ttl .: L-LJzo b E 0atl.lo-zol-(.)f E,Fazo() a F{rl{>) LrJ ts(t,oo')zoFculY uJd) oFF G IJJc * crlrJ@ rl ^Fl=FlOo t-lI =Eu.tqltoEqE<clf€8a9EA EEE dEE FE; =oE 8bE =HE ;Ia u.l€i ul.ooF I-r E =Elrto-zIF(J -i E, 6zoo HHzo Elan zo9zedlo =zlfd8 EEia;3 Eatr '; !I c ozt =GllJc r.o ootr) (f, ro <\' (n IJJuJlJ-t =GuJc )w ;f:;,t!,5 I I $\-.|uTt.<o'o I I .i Nu \!(,1,s I Il|lJ.Fl<r6 I I I rg rEc IEz tE t:,zlo (Fo o Po !+)u, o ! (g L6o (Fo o!o (l.,L ,inulFozoz6Jf@ .6 o =zo oo o-c o .o6 = F\oq o or:looc(oEEb. Q)E o E (g q)Eoo CD .EI lo E o =l Eo o o,o.6 3.9 o .o'': -o o 1lc6 o) .E oN -q,c+o\F o.c o o, E ooC)(5 o o at, .9.c =ll o .ti '6 E:9E6g'=Oo g8E eoatt9; IEgrc-.= 6F5C E8Etr-o e:5 =eicPd'- o'€ EEE E E-s9OO st;gi Eo.(5 o-sEEq)PlE*e E6:EE Eg 6-6 FFE_Eg eeC,(! o'-.c= o+, ..c $EEE3;.o(E=c-= ifis9Eo€Eg -o6 c C\rc r.r)(\I (o F\ oI LO (f) Oc> a.) oO l.i oIora)(\l \ rf,\ (f)sftO F =g uJc =o -J -() UJIoz o- J IEFouJ) UJ (,z : oz auj ulu,lltzo F uJe()ulE o6 'g UJEzIv,uJo al, o-uJoo- z IJJJ x F UJol U'uJtfllt EEG,uJoJ FOiF oz6j o I Fc)qJ UJ ('z6 =lJo- J 9z olr, = NOtrvn'lYA ..cIE E'13E!oc2'to1trco.+Ec().F ul <UE= fr -'\=>c q=\... 6 =J* N =(Ot\l zzooF^U'q5F90oo5ba)zr!<oqltl t:9UFO -;ni .d aa ,tJ oI(F z9F |- cto 4 o uJc. F o o $l(\l cE u,E z Eo z ;<' uJ) ;uJz lIl =27 9=; E Fief e =sPg8Be s<aocrfItl 2 2, Hg g =-o-]iE iEiIE E5oo()12 z9F J a,l>z lu J E F ul (, ,'i ulJqJ oo3 J a alJz:<slIF Fl I lr| F 2F*bil8 uJ (,z l! I Jo FoJ {,o aoL+, lrl r1'E oa L(t an (lJ.Yo =ui =z dlo-! u] =z tattuJ o J = o. F6 =cl! thUJE o = c F +iI q C.t 5-lo :l .4 oz ol!E' ll.o 21 =9lF1 =tr o c,u.l 1 t!oz3loF c oz ol!(E ltoz =oF Etr oz ourEJ ltoz3oF g o out 1l <i>it!lol z13lolF] lltJulF ulz =o FC)uJ = C) E -lO<FtotJ.r <ztuj F.oz., C) JT<o()F -<RtXF -d6IO z co = d c t z :.) dE =3g= =g E E', =*EOz<c) - I il tl 9't- =r.E' IJJo- <> {,..C\I U'Iu IJ.JLL E =EIIJo- I I ,ll.{r.!:| :"; -.-tH '6 l I I l_ IEt6 I II I IEdrFtazt=to lotz ,7 q-o P L1JIA o(J OC H'69r. Olfzq'5 5_lo'cJ o6=ro9 =fr6r I I I I F I' le r.uz3o ultF z ct o Iq) €. ,.9.o 6'-\_ ;'o\.F'.o) '\ E tn. )o'O 'r or.c9.o,l o\ oEc.E o) o C)o I o E =f ! o o.od =.9 o ---oc6 ri 8.9 iH;:F.e*8EI E A E1E5e 6 E:0'c-o>'- tt =e:5i ; si;c96F -*Eo)35;: E E-s:*.€s: €cefElsecL (5 cL-SEisoiE-ors*e€P;66PEEH i;Eg --C?(ll 0'- .:.c;tD(,| $€; EgBlE 9 6a; if :;9Eo - iE$E G $ l4 N\ N ccl a U l"f\ Do I(\ I T\1. I C) (\ F\ clf) ").ir) (: ::_r i) r') -: :_ iv) .-') F LUo- zo! d) Y qJ oz Jo- - u.i.J TIJ z6 =l o- z IouJ = r|JUJt!z tr uJ ut =UJ uJ z F6 (Lt!oc z IJJo x F IUol U'uJ UJILF =uJ(L J FoF z J c) J 9 F tll) UJ zo =J .J 2-(-) uJ = NOIIVN'IVA .F C o< E I + ( aP Y ;It z F anuJ e,uJzuJ -,-- r Gl \=J lr,l ci =l!N zz9oF^an95890aO =f,.c)zL<og"98 FO >E .t: tA P (F z E) tr-oo o- uJd F ,::' {\, uJ J z Eo z F UJFJ 3tuz ||tl) rll = .2 :EE, T H =BE gEH:g<d]olI|llrtrrl ,^dtda5 < E?2 E=d =<E iEgEE H3ooorz z.IF J:)(.f)z lu ? F LU'r oUJJlu o o3 LIJzx9 F Id (L 2X<ux-odiE UJ L q .D ,j \ vJ uJFoooazo F(L UJY ulc0 oFF =TE UJ ILo o-oo I utFoz 'ts =E lrJo-z9F() :) E,Fazo(J uJF o i{ z ,aoz4d)0 =zffJOCL TL Etr! J.^i6zizQf-r -r -'i t!6E= trgtr rF,= UJ0- oPUt59E<c!f6V)Eoe9lrk cf,E iltE FEx >o-]} oLE 909 \srE XO-E fTa'io=IJE ,IIJ @ ---i =.1oltltl 5l<l>l zl cilull 5l <l>lEI :l3lolFI ol =.1olutl 1lal>lEIq zl 3lolFI =l(rl uJl 5l<l>I blzl3lolH I I I I cil =.1olujl 5l <l>l tr.lol =l sOl |llFI F (Jz Jtr {t) r!L+J IJJ {l L td o.v, E u; z (Do-) I ILl' I Afl Ed<l:ll<=E() l ILl" I I Ia frl ct<lj Ec) -,r O<F r.! <zE.L!F(nZ F(J Fzo() z - UJ EI] \JZ UJ T Y, rr,rsffirtoNTOWN OF/tt REOUEST. VAIL sa1g ,'/* .tl' -i/1- JoB NAME 'f:t -t - { INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT r] SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ..qAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,',,i ( -:/2.INSPECTOR - JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST i-- L) . TpwN'\:'^(* VAIL t._ I'DATE INSPECTION: . MOI.I\(;/ l- t ,-r. 4 CALLER TUES THUR FRI A'lrrr , pnrWED----/READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE. tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL OVED ,, CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNstiron-TOWN OF REOUEST.tratl DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED i THUR FRI JOB ./. \AM r PM,r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr Flr*AL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT n tr FINAL PLUMBING: _ tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH/D.W.V. N FIC,I IGH / WATFR - tr GAS PIPING - tr POOL / H. TUB n n _ tr FINAL MECHANICAL: - tr HEATING _ C] EXHAUST HOODS _ tr SUPPLY AIR - o O FINAL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNs#ItoN neouisr. CALLER TUES i/.iDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MoN 'r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr u u r-l UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-., ROOF & SHEEH" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr r'l EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n_ SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPBOVED tr DISAPPROVED :REINSPECTION REQUIRED {DATE INSPECTOR I INSPECTION ,I, \ r i,/, -x !ojo**toj REOUEST VAIL (r, AM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES @ THUR JOB NAME MON CALLER FRI BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - s rouNi'bnrroru l srEei tr RoucH / D.w.v. O FHAMING tr ROUGH / WATER . 83,,ff"%tJfiilr,*o tr GAS PTPTNG tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr .tr F|NAL n FTNAL ?, ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: .i'x tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING IA ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB - trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL (APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oor= /(''- .l - f2- tlspEcroR ta J'/,.,,, ., f ., REOUESi VAIL \t ,"r#troNTOWN OF .t.DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRI AM, PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr cl tr tr tr n UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB !: sneernocK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER TTIECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr r'l EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR nflFet tr FINAL f,$eeaoveo tr DISAPPROVED r] REINSPECTION REOUIRED ' 'conRecloNS: DATE INSPECTOR 'Ns#eroNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING F ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POO L/H.TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr cl tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR a rt{au tr FINAL ,-/E APPROVED , CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -.a' ' DATE INSPECTOR rNsf,lrior,r REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE t.,l,lii,i t. i i ! i ..,'JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER/'MON ITUES j -/ ,{y;READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr o tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oz tr =EuJo- t.f)(\l r.clu) atlljIut! tr =EuJo- Y8lElqt-+)n'zrry \P O/"*tN ..1s ,{i5 t$, N$l\r \dlv I Jt-,.\,<ldlo\Jtr\tB\ Dr-z r5 I l_ .Ft<ro I I I I l*,oIFt< l6z t= t:,zlo oIIJ ozozoJl(o .1,a =zo j-oc6*8.9 aEE: .;E gE E.= qt - =1.:O€ EE:g :$E ig >= Xc9dFIoSoBE'= E E-s; gE gi .t-; e-g SEae €Eig E6:F EEEg - o..!l o (60'-!<; o (' sE ii P 3lo5 ;A;E TE$E { c rr)N rorr)OO oo O lr)(\I (r)o)C\I E =G,UJ (,z J co I C)utIo2 o- I F uJJul zto =Jo- ) ()z LU ]Uutl!z tr uJ uJ oE oao =g UJcz d o a AllJ 2 urJo x F uJo (t) lrJullJ-F =E,tlJ FoF zo Ic,FC'UI ltl oz an =Jo- 9z Eou,l = NO[Vn'lVA EF =lJ- -o= 6'dlrc =lEGC fle -1I<LEd: 2- U =>E \=J,.-r! -N zz9o8s 9F90ao<>E9r!<oquj :<gUFO.j<\i iF zo F Eoah uJ F rft(\l rJ)lr) cuJ : .J z Eo z tr uJFJ ;t!z l|tl "llll = .^ze = xAef S =sE g 8Se:<roof||lrttrl ?7-t43 < rHg g =-o,=iE iEie3 H3ooo-z z tr J a,l,z UJ J ? F lllI \ o C)uJ lu oo 3 E J o luzY9 GI Ico E IUo- F Fibil8 UJ ;lfItcfr-{(to uJF @oo-zo Fo.ulY UJctoF F =tUJo.3lI c.,l (-) =l\., (7) |r\lr€lgur i^F\Jzo z oPz_zoo =z3>dP :f;;:XOA;E tr G,ulo. l!o Luoz lU'I F CEIEo. JFu.t :h=dfi:o-O|!9o\ IJJxo-:>IJFllrJJtr l!@oF I-- E =Elrlo-zIFofEF(nzoo n!tr (, =J lJ- rd .tJ(6 (U E' J i'i =z CD -) ol =.1(t rl <l>l t!lqzl3lotFI =.1olurlclJI BloFI I I I I Iolzl FlJI<l>lttlolil gol urFI F tllltl -tl+lli '-lloot IBt Iqlct Iql hl dct u,{El1qfld= lltl sl Itl c;lorl zl sl 5|lilloltzl>t 3lHPI trlolzl3lolFI E-rO<FCO[!<zEIIJ F(42o() EF() uJ 6 29 s3 d3 ot'-o Fzoo Et.'9X Ft-o2 o - FtE t EDN :l I oz E =Eluo- { r4 tt uJ LUlJ- ==EIJJ(L 'l : ',,! ' .'. ,, i '.. ." ) ,! ;, .': j. I I I I I ti ':I I I I I I I t. lr ti ri ti t: IJ j 5b I l,., .Fl<td I I I I I, IE rF| <ltzl=lo le_,zt9 ulF z z = { =z t\ ^li\,t\ a e : It\rt i\\r'\- N lMrl\' lnt\lLL F- -.i - o c l+oti ct.:' |uJair$; l3 ;*Eei ll E$EEF;IE:E;E! lg iEElt]gI ;*iir$'. !EE; r - +. r- /E ii!=-c;E'i gEiES I iBaiit a \ o 5'') )) ): -).'l )_j,t v =uJ z J-o x UJ oz J F UJLU z co = E z lu ultulJ-z EuJ IJJ E =uJ>uJ z -u)UJ F l,! C z uJ)(J x F utof U'trJull! == UJ =oF zoJ oEF u.l uJ z =J J z IollJ = NO[Vn'lVA I I It- l'-| '.4 - lI{ lo-N\ l> YAgr 3Z u-..o oEatt Z\-I Ou:6 Fc =,!EAax AUE1)yc uJ =>tr z h. iotrGaO 9(Ja)zrL<oq o-HiE I ItrlL,to ifE I ':, ,l$,t ^rlo 't'r-lr.'.1lI':I(J IEl- iF rq*, ah z E Fl! o- E lrlo- F o.:\Ir')Ln g o-uJ J z E z E UJF 3UJz Z ^z=e = E,aa8sI P =gE 5883 ?<a0()fIlrlrttrl ,^6;:>'- (t :'l5 < [?2 e=d.joE !EuJ+5Ot!;CoEoooorz z tr J az UJ ? F llJ-r ()qj tIJ o 3 (r 6 uJzY = C\, I cc! LE UJ 2FfBJIPlu -f:,I} --i UJ tsooo-zo Fo- IJJY 1!o oF"tt Elll()- t!lol> .,1o-.il8#| :)lgu,bEzo z ..! YzecoO =z=rf ifi 2"ra aH= tr ut t!outoz U'IoF CE Eo- JFtu-h=AE,E r.!>o-O|!9o5uJ :>lu' =tr uJ.?.ooF co Eoo ct eal iE-,tE E 8 o io E oIT'-- E =Elrlo-zo F(JfEFazo() trntr ql <lilol2l3tpl FI ol =.1olrul 5l<l>lu.lolzl3lolFI I I I I I "l=.1olu.ll 5lal>lttlol 5l gol rJJFI F I Ilil^ I IIu\Lt4 olol<lj EO tlttIIllll-tlJt t?LI IEol I 4Jl I clt I -tlF'l "JEt fl!l ql*l Ht<>t J =l g5 ol-l oluJl 1lal>l ar-lolzl3l9lr-l .{J s7 <J OJ =E ll. I .l =.1ol uJl 5l al>ltI.lolzl3l9lz =l! f7 Pal tttr J u; =zo -) t di, = \JZ EoF() zoO J 9 F uJJ >Y =E)z(r-O oF t z 9z r Lu = tr <F(r(JuJ<ze. I,IJ F(42uJJ tr!n 'N$fcnoN REduE$r,TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES THUR, FRI - Afi- j:er,,r, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr tr tr tr u FRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr n GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL E FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDU tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR n a rt$ft tr FINAL 'gy'aeeeoveo T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR rNsilcroN neouibr*TOWN OF VAIL! . i,oarc L/ 3o /f>// READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES LOCATION: tr tr tr tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/H,TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oare 7 /"- f{* rNSPEcroR r|.Jtu Ii Got\ lEoFo.( GFzo() co 0cutz odtr u,o3 6ioIutFI.(F 6e U,< ?t'- dl (: li ri i,i sl .':t S1 '" ii I urH:$ curolPt €sHI*s:E 5.U €*B:E$ E;F:S = sr;3:€cFe'- O-C -!F:i i'; !Ea: e 5E;FE .:* ls€o=*o"(u: o!rt : fiEE$ :E.g gB i. i! 9€ :s€s; .c= o (/r tr --ar!tr,Oi'FsEE * e lel-P:EN9.*6F996Buo& a'ie€s IE$8s I I I l_ t:i II I ,in UJFozoz6I:)(D €oz oF FI = z7o F g) (-t F...) Gl,- oa) <-) .t Itl .a L'lcZts- -a f. (L() (J -r rc-(Oc) t-;,: l)i:: < I !-J- ', - --' -rO<( l-(r. (.)t', < tJ, l--(! '".()() Ltrz o I I I I I I llr,.(lo I I I I I I l- rd IE r3 rE 'l Lr) .--lc) v.-l€cf tnul UJt.t. 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IJJ z 9 F()tu u.t z coE .J z uJ UJuJl!z F llJ gJ .D =tl, uJ z 6ul a o-UJ lz qtJo x F utth anuJlljtL tr =E UJ.L -)FoF z s2EFoujJuJ 2 !l =J J oz uJE NO|l.Vn'lVA Jg 9F F5-59E5 35 *' a o \-, z 6 6 L\. ' cq.> \€) <r- z9bqietto6b()z!!<oqH6;oFO;$i z E F oah o- oEo uJ F s n,l uJ J z Eoo z9F EUJt- 3uJz JIlF =2z 2* E, F $;= e s EEg E<too3tltrl||rl ?9,!?3 i Eg9 gzd !s=gEoo()rz zoF 5U'z Iu3J ? F UJI ;i uJJql o3 ;) 6 uJzY, iF <{ I .E UJ F JFSbJF= t! c7, C)a:--l'I '.) (v U)I\tC{I<i uJFodto-zo Fo- lrJY uJ @oFF Gtrlo-lto (Loo I tuFoz IuF o trD! z oP =e=zdP :F* -r ": tU6tr= =HIL EUe3€8B93i! 5T F $E':i = o-E 8bE iHE ;I6, ulo-it,E lu.0o \ *" E =E UJo-zoF(J3 E,Fazo(J z J tl- Jtr| o .p (U 'o JI &t -c)oJ UJ =zdl -) llJ =z !Jcoo = = c tr ul oo - = o- Fo o !{JrnG t = =ttr oz o uJtr at- z3 =tr oz.; l! Ja l!o23 F =tr o oul(r J t!oz3oF =ctr -iz oular J iozB F =(ts tr z(' UJ E. = ltoz3 F uiJuJF uJz =o FOUJF oE -rO<F(r()LU<z.Er.! F(rzo C) J ItF()ItlJ r t r t2? E?>e.]Fd6 <^ ::Fz<) =#il<=u t-t ir =b2<c)trt! I 6 bI I I Itr-1 |:lrl I I oz tr =tulo- I I oz HF t do CI (t N I do(t I 0 , I I l (f,ulrlJll- F =EllJo- I I PI\P,s -i I I lri-, llE 6 \J_s tlli-l,{-= l.t.+J) z rERL?rSSi n JJ z zz i=)<FeZt2 . =i, . <: x^,Jli" 2rZv.=..lFF .)<! :i.t =<!i'; 2 a c><a c< 0 a t; q \\ srv) rh 0nU(r'v) tv) \) a \ b \ \ .$ I U N t tr =Eu,Goz : (o !ou, az 9 F ul)ul z I c z !u = gJ l!2 tr UJc ttlE 3 2 IJ F o-uJoc 2 UJ \t\lr t- { 6uJ!Ut]. ==UJo- J FoF (,z =l co J 9GF(J uJ qJ z = gz (,lu = NOtrvnlv^ =B*\) \ N |It It z tr F c, (9 ltro- F $, tI.l c uJ z E o z9F ut Bu,z J||lie2E E: FesaFre EEEE;q!llIl F(,.^ozl.>-o=A i E F E *EEEE; zo J tnz uJ 4e F UJt ooo = u,ll,ll!o- ia6z e.uJF B |lJ oz J3oUJ : o3 z tr a() u, J eltlzuJo \r'rll' 3 -,,.tD N- o\ zz F.o_ i<fE90U'Oz>.oot)ztt <(o(LE !.1iE.;<ri ur2-o F \\> tl \ >< gJ t! t; o ul FI\ 2q-Llilo J>-= UJ \N tr lal .rl lvrl sjg ,13 441 2F: Jt! tJ.; z. dt , fr€ $s l$ J{ "t€s H,fr da==4= $ *JI .J { = II T 3qtc! tr { E?<! ulAg ,! f; gl oo J $ Ni J s F() rrlt=l< d4UqJtlr,dl "tl r,, +u dH &<d> q fi In ^n \ aLl B /: E E,t!z3o F UJL?()E -rO<F(r(JuJ<ZE,UF<rzoo Jt<o(JF -< XF-,2-3 EOOzt- =#)zo-O (J i5YF 13 il= =u {I FEc) H-!. dFOz<()ftfl=1 F =E, lrJo- Jz z ur )J =< =zff O- u- zo !- tPl-tC)E -CL-roE,Ej-. iz'EOEoE o t]Df, Fkgs o -:e € ! tINSPECTION REQUEST.TOWN OF VAIL DATE / " t1r' .=JoB NAME -t-!-:.-t--Lfr ltllL CALLER TUES [- tz- 3z- BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FBI PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr POOL / H. TUB EI FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR, '/ CTION CARD (MUST BE POSTED ON JOB SrrE) CONTRACTORS Gancrel Contractor: Excevetor: Foundetion: Ptumber: Electrician: Mechanical: Framer: lnsu lator: Dry Wall: Painter: Roofer: i j .l I CONTRACTOR NAMES AND LICENSE NUMBER MUST BE LISTED INSPECTIONS ^ vn'7:ouExcavation Footings / Steel Foundation / Steel Ground Plumbing Engineering (Utilities) Temp. Electric Rough Plumbing - D.W.V. Rough Plumbing - Water Rough Electric Gas Piping THE ABOVE TO BE COMPLETED Rough Framing lnsulation Sheet Rock Nail Exterior Stucco Wire Nailing Final Plumbing Final Electric Final DRB Fire Inspection Final Engineering (Utilities) Final Building AND APPROVED BEFORE PROCEEDING UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF ALL ABOVE INSPECTIONS, RETURN THIS CARD TO BUILDING DEPT. FOR ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPPANCY $25.OO"REPLACEMENT CHARGE FOR LOST INSPECTION CARD FOR TNSPECTTONS CALL 476-7000, EXT. 235 0R 247 24 Hours In Advance Between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday Through Friday DISAPPROVED APPROV fl rNsiltroNTOWN OF neouesr VAIL loe Neu=DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: t-- o i>L "{Fe THUR FBIMON CALLER TUES AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMTNG /il .o,tt('. n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr., tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT o_ SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPBOVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR t rNsttoN REeuEsr, TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR trtr O FINAL tr FINAL . PAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER ON / STEEL tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION trPO OL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUSTtr ROUGH HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIFED DATE INSPECTOR o April 29, 1982 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Re: The Lodge at Vail - Lobby Stair Dear Sirs: This letter is in regard to the beam bearings for the steel stairstringers. The existing bond beam discovered in the South wall of the lobby is a continuation of the beam which supports the twin tees that in turn forrn the floor structure of lrlickey's Bar and can be considered more than adequate to distribute the load of the stairstringers. A lintel was exposed in the fireplace wall which blocked the anchor bolts for the stringer paralleling the wall. Therefore, the bolts were inverted to maintain their full embedment for grouting. Thislintel also blocked groutir.rg for another stringer bearing. The area below the lintel was drilled; verifying that it was grouted duringconstrtrtion. The only grout necessary is that required for setting the bearing plates. The hot water heating piping which passes through the area of the stair footing will be relocated to bypass the footing entirely. These changes from the original drawings provide adequate supportfor the stair stringers. lf you have further questions, please call. Ruott/Went\^/orth AfCh iteCtS i:r s{$i{,{:#ii AA William J. Ruoff Kenneth S. Wentworth Sincerely,w)Roger T. Landing RuoffiWentworth Architects AlA, PC ajm rNsttoN REeuEsrTOWN OF VAIL DATE : : JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH /WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL cl otr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr o tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL .O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR F 3 (]z :(tz F z z z a z F I-t JFt :Fi <-9 .<: !tF-a'=q:o 222z:- :iu ;<i)i9,, -Ftrlo><c3v,5()ZE >ts- TUF F (x Iz = zz $ I auJ TJJu- E =E, UJIL z6 = E = tJJ zo ld) z = UJF z) =() LIJ t!uJ o- Fi oz EllJ 3 z2 F-iilf;a F-iEe?, = S;Es E 3 EFaBS !oZcoe@z= ,aUrZt d ov = < rHf2 3 =deJ<=+e.E*tEg55ooorz(J zf,z tr o : o z tr U)z - c z Eoo z Ec uJFJ ;UJz clct q =l u\.4q I x =Z tt- ^ 6z5 >e E= !(J>A*i7e.xulXz N(, =E -(')ur$ (DN \ - e z tr l Fz x o- F; z tr l Id4r-t . -l:la I I ozt =tuJo- oz FollJ-) Eo- o-zIFof E,Fazo() ,,(----\,/ \..?\/ ,._ dt-\ /IF\ l/ ts-\\ -// tE-'<_-1..J E-F' t' IlrI 4.6 UJF o Jz z .n =zed)0 =z O- tL ix(9(J= ="*3dd= Llutr Kr!k F = LlJ u-o o F {, o C! oE c Eot) o {, E oclo!a I - I I I Iol ,Elolol-l +)lLlQ)l aoJ /)xl Hul 6lol<>l :Gl <trt > @lu.JlEI otjl <l>l tltltlI|ltltl,lt3ltdltoltolt<l>l Jlcl =ltrl=t tltltlltlll-l| (tl,I LrJllEl tdtsglq<trt >l oo I IL l- I .,lfl ooJ><==o uJto z Jtr rtsooLI(uE (o +,rE (U LU =z (D s6 =i-b2 z "t_ ulE (.,oZr-;#)zLLO )E<oC)F -< Ltl,2ilo <F uJ<zEtuFtrz O J<Oo?,lo z L uJ L Li L; aa.- r- .= - ? - -C\-13': . < - /.i .' = L - - t.V-. *.. IL:'::.'-. e: -Q n::7:\:1^;iR i --:-1\. a .^ t . ='3- z; -:: !! ii z _r','z!!7I,l--iz:. ,:::-: e =.-_ !:g:;M-i <&----:-- - i i _ r-.s<a-)c* *r=<-\-:- t' r: -rc\- I IP lo I I I I I I t--, r5 rtrIt! t3tzr6 r5 I l_ t3 I I I gIa ,El9z l"E lo NOIIVNIVA F(J,zr{z = 'tr't a <z)-Xryrgi';i9?=do -r<=+st:-l ', = - i:- Ltlg;-;;aooorz|J =297 z E r: H: S<trcazA.tP3E { ilrFEiiPits; [i E o><coG(Dz- e =ZiZtL f,.-az: r >YgV 6c-rtz>-o/'\ 7\ <n r!< !.J=u)-9U s LIJiN(J z F UJ__) E(L trJ o )z z zz c0o>z )J<<.) =ea coil> Llt,L t E o o E () o F =E UJo-z9Fo &FazoO - a E.uJo-u- LUo- F .-G' o3 i.li tltllttltll."lI s'tll;ltoltoll<l>t _-lEl <lrl >l RI :l r1 RIal =l<l>l z: ut z (D I I t_l- I .,l@l PI;l;l<l <l i>l (J lt+t*LItllllfltEltoltoll<l>!lfl=l 5 ca c( itLIJ-fN O d l-O t Fz O E zt et )z (J t F tFz ) dF uJ -JLU E. <Fd(J LTJ <zg.L!rrtZ-oO E. tJJz3 LUi-(J E. aoa9.:o lrltl DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR it,/'/ .'/lt / BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL c*EcrRrclr-: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: C] DISAPPROVED RETNSPECTTON REAUTRFD oarc f .z/-zT INSPECTOR,. F zozzo G F FI =6 4 I I I t!! to I I I I I I I r(J IGtr! ,zlo 'f tIa:. :-igl F?- ?- 3r:ii i,rZ=ai. 1. ==rFF3r <ir.tZ:-:tl:ilg;!!:::iii, '*:> _4< 3 i'r!:<l<'-: <f, r$ LLt (r UJo-ault!ll- E.uJ J F F o 3g Ez 6 o ur 2 llJ (J 9EF(J zd f UJ z tr E == (L (5zo 5(D J 2 Io UJl NOrlvnlvA ; o- F@ i GuJ 3 = u,l ? CE=zz,r-=<e f;a Fc:attgBPls+eaEgfl-azZ ,^UrZt. d .nr3 < rHF9 9z- ai o3oE=HH9p;gEEooorzc) zIFI z I II II I l_;\ 3_ z E 3rtlt3\ (r u.tzt!(, N (\I zztr^ @Oz>.o(J<)zl!<oqHr?i5..: c.i zotr l UJ t z Eoo z9 k uJF =z z Tl- uJ UJ aYl\atc) ,uJcroo = lltlIIIiltl lml| 0.1toltcll<lAJ|crl <lEl >l I I (lUI <l -4al flEI q I<la tllltltltltltltltlIJtfl tcltcrt<>t Jcl A tltltlll-llo-tlrlltltfrtettcxtclg;. 4dQ (.'z J t! t! z TD &6 t.lJ FF F tF z T(J LU z t-- =<2d )zo.O O )E<o(JF -< ut, 26o <F0a c)uJ<ZGUJF(1 Z r-c C oz E G UJc Jzozo9ze >zffJO(L LL LJLJL I -JJ<.,59 = e'< dd= c0, E o c) q) E f,pF=Ca?o ;'iia; otL tr>!. t- (u!a:I I trnLl oz Foul'-'t F 15E liE, I-lrl l- o-z9F C)lE azo C) /CAI .- ,1F:\ ' r/l=\z_E = UJ ko €YPtz+ 57sa (sfes flnrn oft , 6. fu{,\&,u 4a*Lr Eo /t,"f*t Lfn L/rt Ll ,r L/ro tp at LEa'l L/8as L/aau c/ar cf so t/r ?/, fs po td"n k ou€.,R. .al I, 'l JI It .llVo {r)oEL 6uLR 1( l( f( rl 7,;;.(-, aJ "V,'V*',-/ oo €- c. I II ttn L J.he. DcLL S€* up ,!u.,fr,r1,tf- 56"J *AM4,.(%4 5^+.S,r,t , ,Lt i 1oa. n-"g9-59'-) GRAVEL SURFACE ROOF WITH NAILABLE DECKS ^€D Fyn"n"F, APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS- -, RCCOUTTACNDED FOR ALL ZONES MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS MATEBIALS REOUIREMENTS PER 1OO SO. FT. Mechanical tasleners ' as requited PERMAGLAS EVANS BASE - 1 plv' 25 lbs. PERMAGLAS ULTRA PLY - 2 plies 22 lbs. Asohalt - plies (nominal) 60 lbs. Asphalt. surlace 60 lbs Gravet or 400 lbs. Slag 300 lbs. Accessories and llashing materials as required 'PERMAGLAS COMBINATION BASE may be substiluted lor EVANS BASE on WOOD decks This sp.cilic.tion is.ligible lor t PERI'AGLAS REXEWA8LE FOOF GUARANTEE whon in thr opinion ol t'| tulho?i:td P€nMAGLAS inspeclot all- con.lilaonr lisl'd in "G'nertl Recomm€n(t.lioos'' Podron ol this SPacilicllion Mlnull h'r' baen m€l,.nd the published.oquir.monls lor impl'ment"rg th' "Gurrsnteeal guill'up Rool ProcedutG" hive be" comPlclt(t THE ROOF OECK shall be lirm, clean, dry and smooth PERMAGLAS EVANS AASe sn"ff be applied at right angles to continuous ioints ot surlace to be rooled anOtappeO so water llow is ovet or parallel lo, but never against' lhe laps The [""" "'nL", sha be tapped 2" on sides and 6" on ends and naited on 9" cenlers tnt*gn1h" r"p. and on 18" centers along lines 12" distant lrom each edge lt rrt"fii" rrtn"O up 2" above the canl on alt walls and vertical surfaces PER' t/|aeLns ulrnn PLY shall be applied parallelto the base sheet and lapped so the iio* or ,n"t", is over or paralel to, but never against, the laps. A1 end laps shall be at leasl 4" and adjacenl end laps shall be al least 12" aparl' Embed lwo plies oipinr"rnCr-aS uLThA PLY in shingle lashion, lapping t9"' inio uniform solid iloppingt of hot asphalt. Embed the full $/idth ol each ply sheel in hot asphall api[J"ai " unirorm rate ot 25lbs. per 100 square leet Each plv shall be lighlly lioot"O ". ii is applied. All plies shall be turned up 2" above the lop ol lhe canl andshall be soliO mopped to the cant and vertical wall Embed not less lhan 400 fU". of gtru"f or 300lbs. ol slag per 100 squareleet of roof area into not less than 60 lbs.;l hot asphalt per 1OO square leet On slopes 2" per loot or over' the ply sheets shall be nailed to the deck 18" ttom lhe back edge ot each sheet' vnlliis nNo wATEBWAys shal 'eceive an exrra tayer of ULTBA PLY which ,nJio" "r leas.t 36" wide and shall extend at least g" up lhe inctines oul ol the valfeys. fnis pfy shall be laid ptiot to the application of lhe rooling plies' ' Alt Application Recommendalions lrom "Genetal Recommendations" Sec' iion are considered part ol lhese specilications' ROOFSIOPE> ooz 2frc() {ozTFIF ={ CLo'Eo 3o: o oo3 3g:. og olt3oa nRn Ef;E I3 +!= le FE" lfi l=!ntr 3P z=0@22ooz zt- 2 ,/-\ an d=ZA 'b>-^2-r^\J> o9p-{c3=o=d8n -il$ig rtrd 9io- o 2A-{mnz>mC)!-{> n T =mo{ €zm tz IT dc $$;9ifi Fu tt' i Di-lt siPr. FLx EFo>'t- - (Dt- :!trzo = -oI : mln I ?-t !- Bt>r-t>lo fl l3t> lFt> l8 nF : lI x u) N u f h 6' 0 ErFDlonFB P+ ln rC F_r F 5t- + 3 F o um(tN" 'Tl T- m n 3 : .l t- nm z m ma--{-9=6'F7) l-U' ooo3*;;tiFZ Fct-zlr, -,6A{ cz@zOiil4<Y= !m@g;+ 30fi=x .,1.tz I@mmc)utoo>6=I95zqr0--r >ffi=>= ON -2g-i*fi IgUP i or^ > 'n\-r e z o 'A.i c2 of{.o '< zt\lAr " E !Eo = E b -2 a, - -llo 6 oil -n z zr,r'€ tx .{>F>3El'l€;o>a- <tr->"=_ X-(')=l'> o>: =:9:i;:=;i<:ztro>r, o>orloi-txg: > 6 =-222v-9zu>F3ia3ElrISii,?aaii; '; ol-n>:,,1 N:3i-> EIz6l PIdl"l I I I ol>l--t ''l I I ,u' I t/' I 9ln--{vml r\' ( t'1 I mn =-tzo 0 -{m N.t: ts !vo(-mo-lz9 It-t\z ll lp $ zl<l I\loO E-: E o- ttoit _:olrl =o,+'Tl o io|:O?? trt CLog 3o3 NDtr trtr! <I@rfl :.- (- -.o ::."iB,t- 'n Il z=9@ ooz zr- ooza -{nco _{ozTm7 =-{ 2 .-\ x3z': ;>oz \J> z.; 3< tzoon 90 =T3: -too> r) -tmaz>monl> o- =mo €zm tz =m gf,uiao>'l- r --l tI,t- I =z G)= !- l' fn I t- m TI f,t = I 3 t- m II Et> IFl> l3 -n = moa n o I l- mo z m m TFo(-mo zo c)Nm^zy=m!l;'u '.:P Eo =za)daoo'azvoutIo 62.o< S h2 l./, - --lo5 o'nzz € ^ or€s+mfirEazoolct-z <;: --l VALUATIONCI-l0lz'6)lojilOl -l I I I I I I ol -rlml z. lol ol =lzql 4ldl'l I I I I El-l I I r.€>F>: @ It€+c>(,|* <trroo"j] ca(/,;g> -n>::;:;r!;iii<:z Iro>", Q>otrc'!ixSI>o=rYZZY9zu>:7t > = l 1il39.1!-'Et. -iz i :]} d"ct-lJ ?"t=:> ir>zFi i;; 1'm =-.1 zo i.I.- ==17>All(.9 o.r .(Do'otl-r' fl=3lni Ilo ..l-n o t:(|t'-:.: otiil-Jl'-'r cJ G(DgoT'3o: Dnn FHE ,32iooYFf 'TrTorCCz=oq,>= 5"zozr 0f () @z m c)Ifm frc)av 2;{c7? BE1ZOon mc)I z 2{ o -.1on o.-l:rmv {:o () =c z r 1 7,a 0 :omrt !uu I{m s $t\t\R-t\ o(-mo-{ zo 1'mn3q zo r€>ro>:!rrtt+c>vr- <O:o>ti]3F6;i:-!.f,ii!ii :Ztoo>., Q>n@c'r€x F,! ti4 iiiii iSdri it'ii>-ir€tiiitH; tql>Ft>lolo la I I I I o .li{t><F Fplnrn Y' I I I I'olrl I I I c)N9ois E$F .io =zc)A ?9DoaIo 64o< S bzqoo o'f1 z z.€oFx. zol9a= *TEu."S:oottanzo :oom m o.939eP6EF93zano-{>nlzz o z. I c, c) oggH?*H E$=E'2*n1i =2" A a tNsP0noN REOuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE i I '.:'JOB NAME ! I \'r-r ; CALLER TUE9READY FOR LOCATION: ..--..-.\. (-AN4.r PMTHUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: I tr UNSERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. . ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr tr tr POOL i H, TUB E o FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING g-noucH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR g-FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED (.4)DATE INSPECTOR - -/ t\pI $s F1\ Y uJ Oiz<rJt z '-uj Y* 4. !J o UJ uJ z ,+ t- F2 O Irlz = a z 335fl<$lgr: -ko(au rr. F O f <I9;iT;T"Ug;Hfr3 a:?istrir:5se;ri,<oaz;nliS:E*6:fH=95E- i .. < c- i B e'sa o E<c < >,1 F =lll UJ zg F2uJEuJ UJ F ul oo It UJ F J IJJ <t J I ELI t Er lrl B g z -oJ -f o = l!G' -,-eF- tl llJ Fxut =c Fo z o I F tttto 2 llJo.oz J @ llJ UJt!voIIJT z J a ul z F o zo F cuJF ? =ut2 (,z J 6 ul Fz ourJuJ u,lo tt z UJ C) t!z F ul oul LL 5 uJ o-o cul vz o ur rt uJ 4ctz Fo o z tr A IJJq 2 4 o JJ Btxut Js() Iu =E Flt A oJo|r F ^ ulcoFat, ciz E2f z f, tto 2 NOtrvn'lvA v 3tl 2 tr ut-o c |lJz!J z F (J tt llt ll,l J = o = 6 J trr>9(r| :*N alt F zo9 -ot z trq*d.6F.(9Ox>x(J:z:< >U -ni ' 4,%t +f 'ftr$"Jtt-1-fu rn#prtoN REeuEsr CAL TUES WED THUR TOWN OF VAIL DATE J- ta- t?JOB NAME &/ts'zu,t - 0-t z.6ath-u READY FOR LOCATION: PMFRIINSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V,E FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr O EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED lNSPEcroR - tr ,'( t, -DATE FO ez3 DF F. z tOol ql Irl F t F l-tF h z z Pi<='1 a a Y z z troiH:*EoA(J IJJ zf,z O E ,1 a F z e z z 2 F rlrl Ft F Lu (Jz :< cc oF E lu cc Jtt alJc( FoJ J F F uJ oJtt aFoF tr1 zulE UJ uJ \Y,r-rYwi =f; ! I LLGto -?-oE'Ib-fo uJ xul oz Y iQt!tl-o 2 Jiv, F u, uJ 2 lll E u,l z oJ lhulul Y,ufg oz Y 3 tt (J ul zo oo z llJv, F 2 ulJ IJJ uJt) u, 3 (,/,tgl Yz Ec u,/t tl. IJJcq z F u,l = ulA 6- z F cl z F lE 4ul ul zot- u,to oz IJo o IIJ lJ- 6 uJ o.o zoF uJFJ =uJz so ulE =o Flt t4 o ott Fl! t,g lloFq l! z z z z NOtrvn'lvA a) \)i[ =-Is>(9(| \ll(\l-ul 2 _tn z tr91e6FEa0 =>-2*< AO>oFO ;ni u,l ) : z J II Y @ J o IJJ J aE z J t! F 7 tuwn u 7:30 Pl4 75 soulh tronlaqe roadGrr-;a;f.-rrSZ- (303) 476-7000 ORD I NANCES AI'ID RESOLUTI ONS C]TIZEN PARTICIPATION PRESENTATI ONS 6) AppEAL 0F THE pEC DECISI0N 0N LODGE AT VAIL C0NDITIONAL USE PERMIT - SWIIiIMING P00L ENCLOSURE APPEAL OF PEC DECISION ON LION'S PRIDE BUILDING APPEAL OF DRB DECISION OF METAL ROOF AT LODGE AT LIONSHEAD PHASE II APPEAL OF DRB DECISION ON GORE RAI'JGE PROPERTIES DISPLAY BOX VARIANCE VAIL ASSOCIATES. PRESENTATION ON CLOUD SEEDING APPROVAL OF EASEI4ENT AGREEMENT BETI^JETN TOIIN OF TO|,lN MAIIAGER REPORT TOWN ATTORNEY REPORT AJOU Ri1i4INT IAI t) 0RDINANCE # 25, SERTES 0F 1982, FIRST READTNG. AN ORDINANCE PROVIoING FOR A CHANGE in THe RIVIEI^I PROCESS FOR ADDING OUTDOOR PATIOS iN COMMERICAL CORE I AND COMT1ERCIAL ._ _.c0RE II. 2) ORDINANCE # 26, SERIES 0F 1982, FIRST READING. AN 0RDiNANCE AMENDING oFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING IN THE VAIL I'IUNICIPAL CODE. 3) 0RDINANCE # 27, SERIES 0F 1982, FIRST READING. AN ORDINANCE CORRECTING TYPoGRAPHICAL ERRORS IN THE NEI^I MUNICIPAL CODE SUPPLEMENT. q) 0RDINANCE # 28, SERIES 0F 1982, FIRST READING. AN ORDINANCE MENDING SECTION 17.40.07s coNDoMrNruM coNVERSToN niirnlcrlne rHE TIME AN owNER i"lAY usE TllE UNIT. 5) RESOLUTI0I,| # 19, SERIES 0F 1982. A RES0LUTION EXERCISING THE OPTION AND 0BLIGATION 0F THE TOWN COUNCIL TO REDEEI'I CERTAIN OF ITS TOl,lN OF VAIL STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS' 7) a) e) t0) t't) FOR VAIL 1982-33 SEASON AND VAIL WATER AND SAI'IITATION DIST. o MEI4ORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmenta'l Commission FROM: Connunity Development Department DATE: August 4, 19t32 SUBJECT: Application to erect an air-supported structure to be used as awinter-time enc'losure over ha]f of the Lodge at vail swiruning pool.Applicant: Lodge at Vail, Inc. The Lodge at Vail is returning with the same proposal that they submltted at thelast meeting on July 26. The-staff recommenditibn remains the-same and the memodated July '15 is enc'losed, t' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMOMNDUM Planning and Environmental Comm:ission Commun'ity Deve'lopment Department July 15, 1982 Application to erect an air-supportedtime enclosure over half of thb'LodqeApplicant: Lodge at Vai1, Inc. structure to be used as a winter-at Vail swimming poo1. The project is essentiall.y a bubble to be placed over half of the swimming pool atthe_Lodge at Vail. The dimensions of this'structure are approximately 40-fbetby 50 feet by 15 feet high. This is a seasonal recreational structuri which willbe.erected the.week prioi to Thanksgiving and will be removed the'week fo1 lowingski'season each year. The bubble ii a wiite, translucent, vinyl coated polyestlr. PROCEDURE Planning Corrnission review of this projectin the conditional use chapter of the iode,Design Guide Plan--the bubble is classifiednot count as enclosed floor space. Sectionstructure as: A temporary covering erected over a recreational emenity, such as a swimmingpoo'|. or tennis court, for the purpose of expanding theii use to the cold weithermonths. Such seasonal covers may'not be in'place-for more than seven consecutivemonths of any twelve-month period. For the iurposes of this title, a seasonaluse or structure shall not constitute site coverage and shal'l not be subjectto building bulk control standards. Any seasonal-use or structure shall-requirea conditional use perm.it. . . Since a seasonal structure is not subject to bulk control standards, such as enclosedf'loor area, it is not subject to the Vail Village Design criteria. However, theComrnercial Core I d'istrici does'list several sp6cial c6nditional use criteria inSection .|8.24.070. These criteria are listed below. CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA I. In considering an_application for a conditional use permit within Commercia1 Core Idistrict, the following development factors are applicable: A. Effects of vehicular traffic on conrnercial core I district DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE: is subject to the criteria outlined not the criteria outlined by the Urban as a temporary structure which does 18.04.290 defines "seasonal use or The bubble has no direct influence on traffic. a Reduction of This project Reduction of No influence. Consideration of Faclors : .- vehicular traffic in Commercial Core will not reduce or increase traffic non-essential off-street parking. !\r\r jg i"r !r!r!,, lC _c_ t/ t,tl9t- I in the Commercial Core. of Community Development recommends on the following factorsl B. c. E. F. D. Control of delivery, pickup, and service vehicles.. No influence. Development of public spaces for use by pedestrians. The bubble js not adjacent to any major pedestrian way. Continuance of the various commercial , residential, and public uses in ConmercialCore I district so as to maintain the existing character of the area. The bubble will not interfere with the various commercial , residential andpubi'ic uses in the village. The bubble will allow a recreational use to becontinued throughout the year. Contro'l quality of construction, architectural design, and landscape designin Commercial Core I so as to maintain the exist'ing-character of tire area] The.quality and design of the bubble should be careful ly reviewed by the Design Review Board. Also, the continued quality of this structure over the years will_depend on maintenance procedures. The applicant should nor allow thebubble to deteriorate. Effects of noise, odor, dust, smoke, and other factors on the envjronnrent of Commercial Core I district. The bubble will not produce any odor, dust or smoke. The mechanical systems which support the air supported structure are fairly quiet. The conditional use criteria, as outlined in chapter .lg.60, should also be usedto,,evaluate the pool bubble. G. H. II. Upon review of Chapter 18.60, the Departmentapproval of the conditional use permit based Relationship and impact of the use on devel o nt ob.iecti ves The code has provided for seasonal rneet the conditional use criteria.the amenities of the Lodqe. town, long as they bubble will enhance of the recreati onal A properly structures as designed pool The,gffgct of,llrg light and air, distribution of population, transporlationfacilities, utili schools, parks an The bubble willl have s1 ight to negligible influence on the above factors. :- - - t e arb I roasepre -s- 7lts/sz Effect n traffaic with rti cul ar reference to conqestion. automotive andesrran safetv an conven ence raTTtc tlow a control . access. maneuvera-remova snow rom street a nq areas. e scate a n relation surroun nq uses. Lodge maintenance crews will have to periodically remove snow from theperimeter of the bubble. Effect the character of the area in which the sed use is to be located The Lodge bubble will be.fairly inconspicuous. 0n three sides it will be sur,-rounded_by the. Lodge,_and facei the reir of the Lazier Ariade on the fourthside. The bubbre will be visible from the viilag;-eiarii-u"i the bubble wilrbe tucked awav so i! yllr by n9 meani dominate ifie vjers't"o,i irre priia.If Hamy's Bar is built, the bubble will be entiiely-iireinea from the plaza. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to theproposed use. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Department of Community Development recomnends that the conditional useperm'it be approved based on the foilowing findings: Illt !.!: p"oposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of thisorornance and the purposes of the district in which the site'is-located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it wouldoe operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety,or welfare or material'ly injurious to properties or improvbments in the'vi;i;iii. That the.proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions ofthis ordinance. The staff recommends that one stipulation be attached topermit: '1. That the structure wil'l be erected the week priorwil1 be removed the week following sfi seaioh eiitr the conditional use to Thanksgiv'ing and year. - 7 BJ'L, 6d.Q - -< €as --rL f*L T 44 t4 --(ty*4--t,AJ&u-; dJ- 5"4 7Au,-a^,2, cM;** /",a- a-t, H(/ ?r,^--Tf 4"Ma".-- fJ v/ s, /a 6/- (- A tJJY-k - e#J4 P^4 P olt\)P Cr) t\t F N { @t9 \J< CNp . 'r5 l\JBF ry I>o ^P l!!O t!9 lOPO op. ll{/\!' P IF,PP FJ OPP' O!.1.4 ts ooFiPF ooO"\ vO4F ti |r')Q' EvOq pOHa\pocfts p P. \, oFIoa H E :UEIv)Fl a H tr1Fz cl H @HFlt{oz H !d F = H5orrl w v) Fl.l Fl rl H h-l h-l 'l P \,/ \J \JoFl t ts €I .-+ -+ >.1 fi ts' H. P..r ra ,4P0coOct r'J (-f F cfA \J PJ Li' (JoH.op oooo tsHgog al' ctoHoo F X Flti a) a(A t-.t z H oC.t EF] HU t!u F HHUOF\JO catrlFcJF€ rdu H )t @@ @@@-{ -l('lot\J qrQOC,t | '- |o oo ooo I oo I oo I I @@@-1\l \lut ('l oo I 1* P *.0 I nl-'t f ,' EDMUND H. DRAGER, JR. ATTOR,NEY & COUNSETOR BOX 1669, VAIL, COL 81657 303.,t76- | 3 t4 URGENT PLEASE RESPOND BY oo tr NO REPLY NECESSARY DATE: SUBJE / € ACT: ') 7'7L ,--0-z .,trUJ +ti,*'/& %6r IETS SIGNEo: DATE: SIGNED: SENDER: SEttlD WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBON INTACT.F0Rlt n0. 3c. nt sTlfl0inY Houst,lllc..1000 rloRlottlt., xlecmn l, fD.2ltl0 .\? t I TM H. NAER .t. ,tF$rE r oqrttGorr n, ur- oq. r t -*Ert D D tr URGENT PLEASE RESPOND AY NO REPLY NECESsARY tJ D ATE: SU BJE / 5 'J 7 -] L- c, A--+. tU'J'* i,*'/"^hu< pr-t- *,a @ )ffi*%--Qf ,fiU""-/ I ,u,tt- cA /^t*4 dt/- (*lh, eJ!,,^ ffi JOw- SIGNED:DATE: SENDER: KEEP THIS COPY. roR i0. Mnt3c. fllE srrflontty Houst. Inc, 1000 FLoRloa lvt.. HAffRsmfll. t!0- 21740 ? =.F / Er.EI. nlffi, IL tIL fr.r J-rl URGENTtr o D PLEASE RESPOND BY NO REPLY N EC EssARY TU DATE: SUBJE / @ ) IEI! SIGNED:DATE: RECEIVER: KEEP THIS COPY, RETURN WHITE COPY TO SENDER r0rM 0. ilRl3c. rHE srtTr0lltRY llous[. lllc.. l0m tonlM avt.,lllcffsrorf , rl0.21740 l)t.., .1:.' r.: . :;rrf,.i'1 ( , , (, /.r.' [)eOi. t,titi, t ! .r i ti.,r.ttua LIOLi A f' FivF(tRCtirtENT DtVISION REOUfST TO CHANGE, ALTER OR MODIFY PREMISES NOTE: e retail or wlrolesale licensee may make no physical changc, alteralion or moclrtrcation of the licensed premrses whrch materially or substantially alter the licensed premises or its usage irom the plans and specifrcations submitted at the time the original license was obtained unless prior request is made on this form and prior written consent obtained lrom the local and state licensing authorities. Consent of the licensing authorities is not necessary before a licensee . paints or r.edecorates the licensed premises; installs or replaces electrical lixtures or €quipment, plumbing, refrigerat- ion, air conditioning or heating fixtures and equipment; lowers ceilings, installs or replaces floot coverings; or replaces fLrrniture and equipment, Ouestions concerning whether to obtain prior consent of the licensing authorities shall be addressed to the State and Local Licensing Aurhorities. The undersigned licensee hereby requests permission to change, alter or modify the licensed premises pursuant to Colorado Liquor Code Regulation 47-106.2 or Colorado Boer Code Regulation 46-106,3 All answers must b€ printed irr ink or typewritten. lf additional space is required to answer any question, a separate sheet maY be attached. i, N Al!"E OF LICENSEF,lndcp Prnncrt i eS InC.Lvv:re ' 2. TRAOE NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT:Lodge at Vai I 3. LICENSE N UNIAE R: 04-22776-001 4. TYPE OF LICENSE: 3.2 ff Liq uor fE 5. CLASS OF LIQUOR LICENSET\fter hours Hotel & Rest. t . A DDF Ei7 E Ff : tf6?.d TFataT S.rT,JE " * tho acld'6si o/ lee.r descnption .s it aepr€ars on tho late.t prior rlconre apprlcatron): CITY: Vai I COUNTY: tagl e AUS INESS PHONE: 476- 5011 ZtPt B 1657 ,'. f.lAlLlNG AODRESS lrf Dilterentl Sarne CITY: Vai I STATE: Col orado | 8i657 8. U,'ILL I*: PR.ITO:'L ].IA\G5 RESULT IN ANY INCREASE OR OECREASE \THEIOTALSIZf OR CAPACITY OF THE LICENSEOPREt.llSL:.,r (r't: c I t,,..,-r r5 !es cxpLa/n In detr l: vc< f llJtr,l L Sr' LL THE PROPOSEtI CHANGE ALTER THEI INGRESS OR gcRESS TO THE LICENSED PREMISES? (tf answer Is yes, explain in detail): YE.- I r',o IJ r' ...,. r . riL pR ' ""',, -.;.:i '.',.,.'r,' .,; ;, -o,- r ,.*, r" "-'"e "oRrc-" "D" "f""o..-detril):,{ x NO I See attached expianation I 1 \.'; I*I I]']f)POSED CI-]ANGF ''FFL(:T IHE BAS]C CHARACTER OF THE PREMIS,OR THE PHYSICALSTRUCTURE THAT EXISTED IN=fllE lrLn N ON FIL [ !\ iTH ] rla LAIEST PRIOR APPLICAYION? (tf answer rs yes,expaln in d€tail]: -._- Fi,YL) I r\(' I/\ , - r -tiRoPo..J rJ iFtr3l'i THL LICEN:,LD pREllil5F-S? (ll an5wer rs yes, state how iaf ge a ch;jngc n consumption is aotrcLpated)r 'E5r i l No IX i'i l)Ot S Tf lt L-ICENSEE HAVE LEGAL POSSESSION OF THf cHANGED PREt\'!l5ES lF -fHE PROPOSED CBANGE iS APPROVED? (lf answeri! no,5l.Jii' 1,0,,.,, l.1gr posses5ion i5 to be obtained): \'as ix i!:r i l t4 APf r.i I H(t\/,i Lr PRf [1-{(t 1 OyJNEO , x I UwneqYt:. N' ' OR LEASEO (A1t dclr copy oi deed,lease or contract): lF LEASED, F ROM WHOM?: 1 :I.,'{ I L. I iiI J R.-.2]-.)::I I) ( T]AI'IGE R[SULT IN TIIE LICENSED P{1EM]SES BEING Lo.A I ED w THII.I 5OO FEET oF ANY PREMISES:):,( I,I I 'J.Y, A FIJI]LIC OR PAROCHIAL SCHOOL OR THE PRINCIPAL CAtvIPUS OF ANY COLLLGE. UNIVERSITY. or SEMINARY?ii' ;'ir.{. ,:, y.i,. !xr,.|i rr det.l ): VeS _ lO ii lo.'"(rl. l lf ll r''rilPoSF,D CHANGE uE lN COMP!ln NCE wITH THE gUILDINO AND ZOINc LAWS OF IHE APPLICABLE GOVERNMENTAL/.-l. llOt-'ll \; li ais,,.{'r is no,erplain In detJal): 'r' E:. X Nr) L- i .HANGE BI II.]]I IATE D ?n"'"t' June i- 1s l"*' tg8z WHEN WILLTHE PROPOSED BHANGE BE COMPLETED?Month ,l rrne I oav 30 | vear 19Bz1"" I€ I; I.]O I]N'5 SC..]f TJULE HAS BEEN ADOPTED FOR THE PROPOSED C HANGE. APPROXIMATELY HOW LONG WILL BE REQUIRED TONl/il\a T .r LlANa,f OfrCE AFpROVED? 1:.DEs{ tt Iri tiEl O\! I llf PROPCSf O CHANGE lN THE LICENSED PREMISES WITH ALL PERTTN€NT DETAILS NOT HERETOFORErriscrrr! r.i. (Aira..r). separate sheei I needecr): sgg attachgd gxolanation ATTACH TO T HIS FOR[1 COPIES OF THE INTERIOR PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE LTCENSED PBEMISES WHICH SHOW THEPREMISES AS P RESE NTLY LICENSE D, AND THE PREMISES AS PROPOSED AFTER THE CHANGE. ' Lodge Properties Inc., doing business as Lodge at Vail-and currentlt holder of an extended hours hotel and restaurant license is desirbus of obtaining approval pursuant to the Town of vail Local Liquor Licensing Autir-ority D-eck and Patio Guidelines approved June 24r'1981 to cLarify use of-the prernises on a permanent basis and to spell out and define tenporary and other special uses ot the licensed prenises. At the present time, one pernanent bar is located in Mickey's bar and duriig the next iew moirths that will be remodeled, reduced in size and relocated within Mickey's bar. Wren special functions necessitate portable service bars ire set up and temporarily operated at various piaces within the buildings throughout the licensed.premises. In each instance, control is naintaiied by Lodge personnel and/or special group personnel to assure that only authorized guests use that facility. The Lodge also has historically used the patio areas designated(A), around -wimning pool; (B), adjacent to Salt-Lick Dining Roon dni-to be renodeled-and renaned Cafe Cipriani; (C)' adjacent to Cafe Arlberg and covered in sunmer with an awning; (D), -rooftopof Internatlonal Roon partially covered with a tent roof j ald-;(E), the patio adjacent to the International Roorn. It would be dui'desirb to continue use of a1l of these areas and to continue to utilize one or nore of them on a seasonal basis for food and alcoholic beverage service. The alcoholic beverage s-ervice would be by means of p6rtable service type bars located within each fencbd or enclo-sed patio and acceis from the street or public- areas would be throirgh one entrance, with sone type of control program. Three of the patios are presently enclosed so as to neet the guidelines establi-snea Uy the- Local Airthority, -those being tfe fool area (A), and the Ritberg Terrace. (C) I and the International hoom patio'(6i. The renainin! two, (B), adjacent to Salt Lick, Cafe bipriani-dining loom and (D), roof of the International Room' we wouli propose to enclose with cedar split rail fence similar to that used on the International Roon patio. on those several. occasions during the spring, summer and fa1l seasons that there is need to host a lnuch larger group' such as Jerry Ford Invitational Golf Tournament, we uould proPose to use the 'entire area encompassed within the dotted line and the Lodge structuTe, using the -designated patios for service bar locations and placing a t6nporary f6nce in- the ge-nera1- location of the aottba 1in5 and hiving'the one access from the strceet manned by an attendant during service hours. We do not believe that this clarification or lequest to altel will naterially increase the consumption of alcoholic beverages on ihe ticensed pi'enises and does not hake any physical changes in the existing liceirsed prernises. We feel that it nerely- clarifies.our' present use and re-cognizes that-portable bars will be in use in certain designated areas from tine to tine. ADDENDUM TO REQUEST TO CHANGE, ALTER OR MODIFY PREMISES LODGE PROPERTIES INC. LODGE PROPERTIES INC. lnund H. Drager,ice President u,Lt U^]* fu, a H,_ -+2- /1/OT?Y"* ; \/;Q z-) rt ,t/,^f (D @)/t\'\:-/ l, Ili I I _- I \ lnwn u l|fll 75 soulh fronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 office of the lown manager July 9, J-982 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: Vall Town Council 0 CBicbard Caplan, Town Manager I!' Need for Lodglng Task Force On Thurs'day, JuIy 8, Dick Ryan and I met with Bob Farmery(Mariott Mark), Steve llarper (The lVestin), Frank Johnson(VRA), Paul Johnston and Hermann Staufer to discuss theissue of whether or not Vail may need additional lodge rooms and is the balance of lodging and privately managed condominium units unsatisfactory to Vail. After a review of existing units and a philosophical discussion,the group reached the folLowing consensus: 1. With a significant number of new rooms coming onthe market at the Mark and the Westin it appearsthat the short-term may, if anything, have a sur-plus of rooms. I{e discussed the situation asrelates to the Orlando, Florida/rlla1-t Disney Worldarea in which there was a significant surplus of rooms for a long period and was a serious detrimentto the area during that time. Therefore, until the new rooms under construction are fu11y absorbedinto the Vai1 market, there should not be anyadditional need. 2. The issue of potential rooms in Beaver Creek and Avon was also recognized and considered. More thanever, these units will become part of the general Vail accommodations market and shall ensure thatthere is an increasing one-night availability inthe immediate area. Vail Town CouncilJuly 9, L982 Page 2 Tbe addition of new rooms to a botel are extremelydifficuLt, lf not irnpossible; to justify without the concurrent addltion of meeting space. Even largerhotels such as the Mark and the Westin would not be.inclined to pursue additional rooms unless they could simultaneously add further meeting space. This needis even nore likel-y in the case of smaller lodges or hotels. A prospective applicant who may desire new or additional aceommodation units should be required to do an extensive market study and analysis showing the need for such rooms.It was pointed out that very few times during the year,if at all, do lodges have to turn away customers. It was concurred that we should not get into tbe "buildlnga church for Easter" syndrome in the hotel area. VRA stated that eveu in the peak winter months, the overall . ocsupancy rates in Vai.L are in the 90% range. C1ear1y, ' even during most peak times, there are rooms that are available in Vai1. no need for theor other programs to allow additional accommodation units--fliffi1 at this time. If the Town Council would like additional research or need a more detailed anal-ysis, the committee would be happy to convene again. 3. 4. In conclusion, the group felt that Town Council to consider potential /- -lV I a a a o (r" .(' ,'( La:n i %.*,-c&{*. i_i',:l-L av-,V". l fE..- /*/4.-{-%"- L:? (.t. . <-- / ?--e'- F tC. teq* /' hfr L ll, (4o+-:-{rcot*, / l a. tat-- 71- ao o14 51.^.^t.b-t o(tn^..,^- ..- tfu- r{ tffi,(-,L-Ll"J,-fu 1,4-o { c-J- Ua(tW n l(, ,Jlt^l- +" I /*J &'-- -*/*rI(-r-r- k-^- {L-.-, 6.1-l-{_. - l+"-^-,- OC k* eo-*' - tt a4o bfr.,- 4L,_Cryr,,* (*,_r,L^-f Q \?, (\h'J /WJ'{ # /*-L ^*(.-'e-trr-.'- t t/^J /2*.",* L O/a{'T' r'"- rr) /2l D" i a>rc2.,,,- .4 12"1" n'*'l \q +-- T Ur4,r"/12r,'fu^r; o?- t)L.CA \ o o 1"/ ccz*--<- Ca-.-_>_ * e-a.,-a 1!/,,p*t'*",t1 -L l/,^4 D C-,*.*zr C*,,*- /2".*"6 /*+a-a,* f-."*-*z^ h.r'i.ror--*/4 t. 2. 3, .t (o, v,8, hrE- @a + LE*L O SruDY bF. /aneg Reoara s /*/ ''6"L t- p.oo4.r- Al pP * ,&aE€ FbdR #+o-!^* 0-JrT ,^.-t-uffi.r*Il- gXih-, by\_4>;L?w* ?"* 6-t-t-. t* ',a^z & Jt *r.rnva^/4( n@ /o&a o //nr,,,ta AT VAIL o ,lL./^ ozutzt+A%rf*@44", I 'r^f)A. CP-r.?1D6\{- ,-"- k /r2--,- U>Z-L- ;-\ \\n r / .ti n ./-)i.x)y"Tg 4. (r""-*,d.+-)! + /"--r, '[Ln*-- -(r*. d*./Lovr& 4 Pt".a,+*.trH +,,-.*- u -.#^Q r!* J* i/-- L** --f- (-/ tL Flh- app*?4 Te u-zl d* ?..e.r,*1 ,4L&-1"**^ AZ az,y'*J/- /) llT/l* /.'7rLdLzt- s -e-*ltb2arab' fu%,,#dm€;; $^MM1T%ffiry*4.ft{,w4u;*^Yq Vd-\ ',LL/U.' o..-.- t/*- ooqa u-* ai'red.+ #)t',WrryrydhPPT.r-'.. /-' d u4qV6,+-o--l?f*Tt - l" ff=-*; ba4ft o ?t2- ) 4lhTry4ru /z- .I .t lnun box f oo o vait, colorado 81657 r 3o3.476.56r3 PUBLIC NqIICE There will be a joint meeting of the Vail Town Council, the Planning and Environmental Commission, and the Design Review Board to review a presentation of conceptual plans for The Lodge at Vail. The meeting will be held at b:OO p.m. on Friday, January g, Lggz in the Town council chambers in the Vail Munlcipal Building. The public is invited to attend. aplan,anager t .a 'r'o Mn. Richand Rqan, CommunLtttr Devzlopm Town o[ VaiL 75 S. Fnontage RoaVaiL, Colozado 816 Oean Diclz, With he,st wiahe".a Sincenetg gount, Januattg 4, 19 82 u, 0inectottznt 0zpantnent (tJ e..t t {on 1982, '1. an, Jane.a B. Shetwood, Founden a.n-d Pttztident a d thz Sea Containe4t G_r:oup o$ ecnpo.nied,. wiLl- be he.;Le $ar" a {zw dary in Januattg.The U.S. nLgL4te.ned c"onpa-nq, Sc.aCa ivLa., , put chated tlle con-tnolt-in.g iwtetett. in the Lodge. ttt Va.LI" .in Jctn*attg o{ iSBl. '!nmedlstet-g dol"Lowing the tltsnsaetion, tlte Ae.+vi*es.6 o $ t.tneq.nchLtectuLz.L iinn o{ Ruc'{ 6ittJzntwanth wene en_ga_ge.d with thzd.in.eetion ta !-ootz .Lntc how be,st to upgnade and etpand. thz dac.il,ittl , bath thont- ond Long-tQ,ttn, beo-nlng it,s dominantand y.tnint Laca.tian in the viLtage. in mind. - S.{we thew, a Lot od cne,at.i.ve thi.sh".tng hnt gune int.o.theptoject s.nd uJe atte. st a po.Lnt whe.a-z LlQ. c&n Aee Lome nathelLdedin;-te dututte outL"inea'. We u,tou!-d venq mtLch tLtze to dh*neouz thinhing with qoa Lun-ing ilfi-. Slzenwaod,6 vi6it, and con- aecguentL,g ittvit.e qou to meet l"ln. SrLe.Ituooci fiatr eoclztaiL,s andliona d'euvns6, do[-{awed bq an anehitectunaL p4etentationon Ftidag, Januanq tth at, 5pm Ln tlte lnt.e.nnatianaX, Room. It wou!-d be much appteclat.zd i-g you dind time to dttend,and. qou ane lzindlg a,ah-r.-d .to RS0p'to nq tze:te,tanq, BettqAithen, arc ext. 510 on 562 dd ,5oon e4 pottibLe, T hen G. l't,anagin Lo heng0ineeton TGL/ha 174 East C'ore Creek hve Yail. C-olorado 81657 303-476-501f Telex45-0375 ?5 routh tronttgc rd. Yall, colorEdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development November 3, l9b2 l{r. Wamen P'latner, Architect'18 Mitche'll Drive Nevr Haven, Connecticut 06511 Re: Lodge at Vail Dear Mr. P]atner: Good to meet with you and djscuss the Lodge at Vai'l . It was also interestingfor me to see the exce1 lent interior design work you and your firm does' and know Sea Containers will want the same qua'l ity. I consider that the Lodge at Vail is the anchor for Vai'l Village. For manyyears, more was probably taken out of the property by the past owners than effortsto improve and upgrade the area. Nov is the time to transform this develop,ment into its role as the center of attention for Vai'l Village. Enclosed are copies of the Vail Village Urban Design Guide P1an, Design Considera- tions and Conmercia'l Core I zoning district code. These are the planning documents needed to make a determination on the potential redevelopment for the Lodgeat Vai'|. I would'l ike to see plans you csne up w'ith at an early stage, so my staff can share their views and make recormendations. lie look fonrard to working with you and your firm. Sincerely,.tt-A / ,,//-<bk-<- r'L {_:14,..-.__.'.-. \ DICK RYAN--J Cormunity Development Director DR:bpr Enc'l . box 100 uail, coloredo 81667 (3031 47&5613 department of community development November 1, 1982 Shirlee Finney, President Great Escape Travel Co. Box 774168 Steamboat Springs' Co'lorado 80477 Dear Ms. Finney: This letter is in regard to your 'letter to Dick Ryan requesting approval of a banner on the Lodge at Vail during the CAMDA meeting. I have enclosed a portion of the Town 6f VaiI sign code which explains that the on'ly banners which are al'lowed are those which refer to cormunity events or activities. I'm sure you can understand that with the large number of dlfferent groups stayi-ng in vail at any one time that it would not be appropriata to identify each group's headquarters with banners. If you have any guestions' please contact me. Peter Jamar Town P'lanner PJ:df Encl . cc: RJc Tanner, Lodge at Vail BYRON D. BRO$1/\J aoxs4r-vArL,coLonADo8l6s8 REAL ESTATE CO.VAIL - Corner ol Bridge Streel & Gore Creek Orive AVON - Corner ot East Beaver Creek Boulevard & Beaver Creek Place fi'(, (303) 476.2211 (3CB) 94+,1422 September 28, L982 l{r. Rich Kaplan Town of Vaii 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Kaplan, On September 27, L982, I approached you on apProval for wax and technicaL rooms for skier reDresentat,ives to be built under the north wins at The Lodee at Vail in- the north east --2- corner of the parking gardlE I was told to talk to ltr, Steve Patterson and gave him a setof temporary electrical plans and temporary plans for the roompartitions. Dates for assembLy were stated Eo be the 4th through the 6th of March 1983 and that the temporary rooms would stay in placeuntil after the last World Cup Race scheduled around March 13, 1983. Removal will rake place betweln the 13th and the 15th of March 1983. Mr. Patterson sa$t no problems with Ehe installationthat an inspection be conducted prior Eo use after i and thaE I pass through the plan and descrigt,ion r..rit chief. I oroceeded to the fire staLion and reviewed the plafile capcain. Both he and Steve Pactetson requested(6) fire extinguishers attached to the outside of ththat everything will be 0.K. if they have the oDport inspect prior to occupancy. It was stated and agreed that a 24 hour guard _Iras re would be in place during the periods of use of the r I feel this constitutes our understandlng and condit lve (12) rooms Doors would 4ced from the to be 9 foot $ut requestedrfstallationh the fire ds with the we have six I rooms and fnitl to fluired'and Poms. [onal approval I explained to 1.1r. Patterson that, there would be twe each with a light and double socket outlet provided. have eombination locks. llire mesh screen rvill be pl tog of the partition to the ceiling. The rooms areby 15 foot in size. REALIOR. I't for any the !{orl.d Cup wax roorDs. Please notify me Lf there lsfurther items of concern. Respectfully submitted,24"*t+ Bfron D. BrownCo-Director, t'lorld Cup Event cc! Fire Department Steve Patterson John lloran-Kates Thor Loberg "{ Project Application ProjectName: LoOt'F AT \/A/ L ^4Ait't Doo1l Reltec EtntExtT ./ /7s4 Proiecl Descriplion: Al: Owner Address and Phone: C ONC T?€78 APR O | /+T- ,,./A/ L Archilect Address and Phone:Lo Etw i-t",t o .rzT /'l 4 /L( Lf /'TtrC TS Legal Description: Lot C C.L Block Filing t/ArL Vi-L4<.^t= /ST Zone: Zoning Approved: Motion by: .. Deslgn Revlew Board OISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL SJmmary: Zoning Administ Chief Building Otficial O Project Apptication ll te Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: '\d*tt Approval a lnun box 100 t nll, olorado 8l GdlFqil tY6€813 August 23, 1982 A'llen Tafoya Ruoff -lJentworth Archi tects 500 Lionshead Mall Vail " Colonado 81657 Dear Al'len; 0n August 18, 1982, the Design Lodge PooI Bubble. You should assoclationrs approval of the Sincerely, dspartment of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 8-18-82 Review Board gave final approval to the produce a letter indicating the condomlnlumproject before a buildlng permlt is lssued. fuoJfm Sayre Town Planner JS:df I Prolect Name: L<sAGf- Proiect Application PrsOe-4:ttb 6Lr4- Proiect Description:Tl1=V/ca 4A-/A- r r't- 5.s P,4)za.'Tf4 Contact Person and Phone sTn-uc-fi)rt tQ-.Cu/.2.ft"tt4 HL c/': 'uJ t,r-11-r rzrl b r+5o u-LOO GT 4f u*tt- Owner, Address and Phone: \vA,s TkTrlJA foi,>r;'u4.\UJf:.47.+)tD4 g Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date /Awr^\Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPFOVAL /4sT-,', t<\ AJ Sv0 H rrTfA Su m mary: nner E Statt Approval Name of Project:at Vail Swimminq Pool Enclosure Legal Description: Lot Description of Project : TractsA,BEC Block lC Filing Vail Village First Air supported structure to cover 1/2 Lodge at Vail Pool. Erected seasonallv between earl November and late April. The following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be given: by the applicant to the Design Review ColorA. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Type of Material . See sample 24 ounce white vinyl coated polyester. attached below. Aluminum Revolving door in white. fiberglass housing. White to be Pratt E Lambert Y358W. To be aluminum painted white. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Mechanical Equipmentto be painted white, .will be.housed.in removable boxPratt 6 Lambert Y358W. B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer:NA Phone: PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size TREES NA SHRUBS NA !' GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE NA SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGENA NA SQUARE FOOTAGE NATYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landscape Features (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. I Name of Project: Lodge at Vail Swimming pool Enclosure Legal Description: Lot Tracts A, B E C Block 5c Filing Vail Village First The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A.BUILDINC MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: NA Type of Material Color. )ee sampre 24 ounce white vinyl coated polyester. attached below rl NA White to be Pratt E Lambert Y358W. To be alqminum painted white. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Mechanical Equipment willto be painted white, Pratt be housed in removable boxt Lambert Y358W. B. Description of Project: Air supported structure to cover l/2 Lodge at Vail Pool. Erected seasonally between early November and late April. phorr€,: PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size TREES NA SHRUBS NA GROUND covERs SOD SEED TYPE NA TYPE OF NA NA SQUARE FOOTAGE NA SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE IRRIGATION TYPE OR NA METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landscape Features (r:etaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc;) Please specify. NA ..' Name of Profect: Lodge at Vail Swimming Pool Enclosure Legal Description: Lot Tracts A, B S C Block sC Filing Vail Village First Description of Project: Air supported structure to cover l/2 Lodge at Vail Pool. Erecied seasonally between early November and late Aoril. The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: Type of Material grl". ,r, or.,"" *n,r" ,r,r',,r, "ou,a, *r',r"","r. ?i,?atffO*tta,o",. tl A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other NA NA Aluminum Revolving door in. white. fiberglass housing. White to be Pratt 6 Lambert Y358W. !o be aluminum painted white. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Mechanical Equipmentto be painted white, will be. housedPratt 6 Lambert .in removable box Y3s8W. B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer:NA Phone: PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size NA SHRUBS NA i- GROUND covERs NA SQUARE FOOTAGE SOD SEED TYPE NA NA SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE NATYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.Other Land specify. scape Features (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please NA oo ol PLANNINC AND ENVIRONI4ENTAL COMI'IISSION August 9, 1982 2:00 pm Site Visits 3:00 pm l. Approval of minutes of July 26,1982. '2. Request for conditional use permit in order to construct a termporary winter' tinie enclosure over the Lodgl at Vail swinrming poo1. Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc. 3. Request for conditiona'l use permit in order to obtain approval for the sale of birds and manrnals at the Mountain Tropics Pet Shop on lot 3 Block 1, Vail Das Schone #3. Applicant: Mountain Tropics Pet Shop: Catherine G. Street. 4. Request for a variance for a two foot front setback variance on lot 28block'l , Potato Patch in order to corect a survey error. Applicant: Fox, Romrell, a Texas partnership. 5. Request for an exterior a'lteration and modification approval for the Covered Bridge Store building on lots C and D, Blk 5 B, Vail Village lst Filing in orderto fill in the northern part of the entry to the Snug store. Applicant: John Dobson6. Request to amend Sections 18.24.020 (C), 18.24.030 (C), .|8.24.040 (B),'18.24.065 (A) and 18.26.045 (A) of the Vail Municipal Code to change the process for an outdoor patio in CCI and II to a conditional use permit procedure which can be applied for year-round. Applicant: Town of Vail 7. Request for amendnents to the parking chipter of the Vai1 I'iunicipal Cotleto clarify wording, revise certain parking requirements and to amend thedefinition of Floor Area and to incjude a-new'parking requirement for employee housing projects. Applicant: Town of Vail 8. Request for amendments to the municipal code section 17.40.075 Condominium Conversion--Lodge and Accommodation Units to clarify working and to reflect the original intent of the ordinance. Also an amendment to section 18.22.020 Permitted Uses in the Public Accommodation District to nnke it clear thatonly units without kitchen faciljties (i.e. accommodation units) will be al'lowed in the PA District. Applicant: Town of Vail. Pub'lished in the Vai'l Trail August 6,'1982 ,:l o'fr ].GMOMNDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Conunission FROM: Conmunity Development DeparUnent DATE: August 4, 19t32 SUBJECT: Application to erect an air-supported structure to be used as a winter-tinp enclosure over half of'the Lodge at VaiI swinmlng pool Applicant: Lodge at Vail, lnc. The Lodge at Vai'l is returning wjth the same proposal that they submitted at the last rneiting on iluly 26. The-staff recommenditibn remains the same and the remo dated July 15 is enc'losed. 1* I MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Cornmunity Development Department July 15, 1982 Application to erect an air-supported time enclosure over half of the Lodge Applicant: Lodge at Vail, Inc. structure to be used as a winter-at Vail swimming pool. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE: The project is essentially a bubble to be placed over half of the swimming poo'l at the Lodge at Vail. The dimensions of this structure are approximately 40 feet by 50 feet by 15 feet high. This is a seasonal recreational structure which wil'l be erected the week prior to Thanksgiving and will be removed the week following ski season each year. The bubble is a white, translucent, vjnyl coated polyester. PROCEDURE Planning Conmission review of this project is subiect to the criteria outlined in the cond'itiona'l use chapter of the code, not the criteria outlined by the Urban Des'i gn Guide Plan--the bubble is c'l assified as a temporary structure which does not count as enclosed floor space. Section 18.04.290 defines "seasonal use or structure as: A temporary covering erected over a recreational emenity, such as a swimming pool or tennis court, for the purpose of expanding their use to the cold weather months. Such seasona'l covers may not be in place for more than seven consecutive months of any twelve-month period. For the purposes of this title, a seasonal use or structure shall not constitute site coverage and shall not be subject to building bu1k control standards. Any seasonal use or structure shall require a conditional use permit... Since a seasona'l structure is not subject to bulk control standards, such as enclosed f'loor area, it is not subject to the Vail Vil'lage Design criteria. However, the Commercial Core I district does list several special conditional use criteria in Section 18.24.070. These criteria are listed below. CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA I. In considering an application for a conditional use permit within Commercial Core Idistrict, the following development factors are app'licable: A. Effects of vehicular traffic on Commercial Core I district ...., The bubble has no direct inf'luence on traffic. l- 1 On" Llubble -2- 7/15/Bz Reduction of vehicular traffic in Connnercial Core I This project will not reduce or increase traffic in the Commercia'l Core. Reduction of non-essential off-street parking. No influence. Control of delivery, pickup, and service vehicles.. No influence. Development of public spaces for use by pedestrians. The bubble is not adjacent to any major pedestrian way. Continuance of the various commercial , residential , and public uses in Commercial Core I district so as to maintain the existing character of the area. The bubble will not interfere with the various commercial , residential andpublic uses in the Village. The bubble will allow a recreationa'l use to be continued throughout the year. Contro] quality of construction, architectural design, and landscape design in Commercia'l Core I so as to maintain the existing character of the area. The quality and design of the bubble should be carefully reviewed by the Design Review Board. Also, the continued quality of this structure over the yearswill depend on maintenance procedures. The app'l icant should not a'l low the bubble to deteriorate. H. Effects of noise, odor, dust; smoke, and other factors on the environntent of Commercial Core I district. The bubb'le will not produce any odor, dust or smoke. The mechanical systems which support the a'ir supported structure are fairly quiet. II. The cond'itional use cri teria, as outlined in Chapter .l8.60, should also be used tor'evaluate the pool bubble. Upon review of Chapter 18.60, the Department of Community Development recommends approval of the conditional use permit based on the following factors: Consideration of Factors : Relationship and impact of the use on deve'l opment objectives of the town. The code has provided for seasonal recreational structures as long as theyrpet the conditional use criteria. A properly designed pool bubble will enhance the amenities of the Lodge. The effect of the use on lIglt and air, distribution gf popu'lation, transporfacilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, utilities, - The bubble wi'l'll have slight to negligible influence on the above factors. B. c. D. E. F. I G. |J Bubble -3- 7/15/Bz rticular reference to stion, automotive andraffic flow a control . access. maneuvera- nq areas. Lodge maintenance crews wi'l I have to periodically remove snow from theperimeter of the bubble. EffgcXJpon,the clraracter of tlle area i@o be located,incl ud i n The Lodge bubble will be fairly inconspicuous. 0n three sidesrouhded by the Lodge, and faces the rear of the Lazier Arcadeside. The bubble will be visible from the Vi'llage plaza; butbe tucked away so it will by no means dominate tfie views fromIf Hary's Bar is built, the bubble will be entirely screened Such other facto!.! a_l!_-q1j!elia as the commission deems ap Effect traffai c an safety an STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Department ofpermit be approved That the proposed ordinance and the it will be sur,- on the fourth the bubble wil'l the plaza. from the Plaza. Community Development recommends that the conditiona'l use based on the following findings: location of the use is in accord with the purposes of thispurposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it wouldbe operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety,or welfare or material1y injurious to properties or improvbments in the viciniiy. That the-proposed use would comp'ly with each of the applicable provisions ofthis ordinance. The staff recommends that one stipulation be attached to the conditional usepermi t: 1. That the structure wil] be erected the week prior to Thanksgiving andwill be removed the week following ski seasoh each year, ao t - '' " fZlt,,'M - '^ -iT ' tl tl . I rec 4- B/slsz 4. Request for conditional use permit in order to construct a temporary winter ii!_,Iry"g, _repeated the. explanation of the memo for scott Edward's benefit,Decause Ldwards had not.been_at the previous meeting. He added that the afiticanthad gone.back to his.originat proposil, to cover nait ot the pool with a uirbute.savre asked the connission to iook esp6cialiy at e.' "conirot'iiiriii""i iiiiiiuction:....to maintain the,existing character of thl area.', sayre stated that it wasthe staff.feeling that this-area r.las isolaied ii.om-peoeiirian ,ou.r.nt and wastopographically depressed as wel l. He then discussed item H."Effects of noise, odor,.." and added that the mechanical 1.re9 9I the pool bubble would make noise, but thit the staff had been assuredthat there wouldn't be much noise from the mechanics, but that the staff recommendedthat this be one condition of approval . ^E!^D,"lq:t representing theapplicant answered that since bubbles are expensive,tne Lodge was interested in maintainence of the bubble. Bill Ruoff, ai-chiteclfor the applicant added.that a large percentage of noise from swimnring poolicame from children running and shoitiirg, and lhat ttre bubble woujO muifie-tnatnoise. He mentioned that there was a iondominium owned by Knoblock that wouldbe affected by the view of ttre OuUUte. -- Ruoff added that with snow on the white bubble, it would not be noticeable inthe winter. Trout stated that he had no sympathy toward a bubble, but might possibly changehis mind if he knew that the -other Luildings proposed tor ttr6 Lolge ne"i goini-to be built. He added that since Harry's Ear'hai not been uuiit,-people Suviigski tickets could view the bubble. Edwards was in favor of ttre UubOtb, feetin!that it would serve a function and was not very visibie. Donovan was confused by a statement made by Ruoff that people.would not be ableto continue to use the a1ley. Ruoff compaied the bubblb ai tne Lodge to the oneat the^Racquet C]ub in east-Vail, but Doirovan pointed out that this-bubble wouldbe in Commercial Core t and woulrj be very visible from the Plaza. Ruoff statedthat it would be below the eye level ot ihe second floor balcony railings. - Ruorr pointed out that the pool was I'nffi:'Hiif;:{i: ll"if;l'[itTli,,l'lll'l3lrl'onot get much sun. Donovan felt that the bubble would have a very negative effecton Commercial Core I. Piper pointed out that one positive effect was that the bubble would be removedln the sumner. He felt that if the snow were allowed to pi'l e up around the bubbleit would blend in we'|l enough. Ruoff added that it was the Lodle guests who wouldsee the bubble. Corcoran agreed with Donovan that the bubble could Ue seen fromthe Plaza and added that he-would like to see the control of noise as one cond'itionof approval, but felt that CCI was not the place for a bubble. Scott.moved and Piper seconded to approve the reguest for a conditona'l iise permitin order to construct a termporary winter time ericlosure over half of the Lbdgepogl ?1. per the staff memo dated t/'15182 with the one condition the staff suglestedand with two more conditions-Item b, Quality Control be added, and Item H, C6n-rplaintsof noise, would cause a review of the'condiiional use. The vote was 2-3 (Piper and Edwards in favor). The motion failed. Ruoff was remindedthat he had l0 days in which to appeal the decision. , 'itr . t o ].,lEl'IORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Comnission FR0ll: Connunity Development Department DATE: August 4, 1982 SUBJECT: App'lication to erect an air-supported structure to be used as awinter-time enclosure over ha1f of the Lodge at Vail swirming pool.Applicant: Lodge at Vail, Inc. The Lodge at Vail ls returning with the same proposa'l that they submitted at the]ast neeting on iluly 26. The staff recormendation remains the same and the memodated Ju'ly l5 is enclosed. t' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmenta'l Comm:ission Community Development Department July 15, I982 Applicat'ion to erect an air-supportedtime enclosure over half of the LodgeApplicant: Lodge at Vail, Inc. structure to be used as a winter-at Vail swiruning pool. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE: The project is essentially a bubble to be placed over half of the swimming pool atthe Lodge at Vail. The dimensions of this structure are approx'imately 40-feetby 50 feet by l5 feet high. This is a seasonal recreational struFture which willbe erected the week prior to Thanksgiving and wil'l be removed the week followingski season each year. The bubb'l e is a white, translucent, vinyl coated polyester. PROCEDURE P'lanning Corunission review of this project is subject to the criteria outlinedin the conditiona'l use chapter of the code, not the criteria outlined by the Urban Design Guide P1an--the bubble is classified as a temporary structure which doesnot count as enclosed floor space. Section 18.04.290 defines "seasonal use orstructure as: A temporary covering erected over a recreational emenity, such as a sw'immingpool or tennis court, for the purpose of expanding their use to the cold weathermonths. Such seasonal covers may not be in place for more than seven consecutive months of any twelve-month period. For the purposes of this title, a seasonal use or structure shall not constitute site coverage and shall not be subjectto building bulk control standards. Any seasonal use or structure shall requirea conditional use pennit... Since a seasonal structure is not subject to bulk control standards, such as enclosedfloor area, it is not subject to the Vai'l vil'l age Design criteria. However, the Commercial Core I district does'l ist several special c6nditiona'l use criteria inSection .|8.24.070. These criteria are listed below. CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA I.In consideringdistrict, the A. Effects of The bubble an application for a conditional use permit within Commercial Core Ifollowing development factors are applicable: vehicular traffic on Commercial Core I district has no direct influence on traffic. a ovehicular traffic in Conrnercial Core I will not reduce or increase traffic in non-essential off-street parking. L\/gyc (,L.U|JIg _a-- ll t)lv.- the Commercial Core. B.Reduction of This project Reduction of No influence. D. Control of delivery, pickup, and service vehicles.. F. No influence. Development of public spaces for use by pedestrians. The bubble is not adjacent to any major pedestrian way. Continuance of the various commercial , residential , and public uses in Commercial Core I district so as to maintain the existing character of the area. The bubble will not interfere with the various commercial , residential andpublic uses in the Vi11age. The bubble will allow a recreational use to be continued throughout the year. Control quality of construction, architectural design, and landscape designin Cormercial Core I so as to maintain the existing character of the area. The quality and design of the bubble should be careful ly reviewed by the 0esign Review Board. Also, the continued quality of thi s structure over the yearswill depend on maintenance procedures. The applicant should noi allow the bubble to deteriorate. H. Effects of no'ise, odor, dust, smoke, and other factors on the environntent of Commercial Core I district. The bubble will not produce any odor, dust or smoke. The mechanical systems which support the air supported structure are fairly quiet. II. The conditional use criteria, as outlined in Chapter .l8.60, should also be used to,evaluate the pool bubble. Upon review of Chapter .|8.60, the Department of Community Development recommends approval of the conditjonal use permit based on the following factors: Consideration of Factors : Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the town. The code has provided for seasonal recreational structures as long as they rneet the conditional use criteria. A properly designed pool bubb'le will enhance the amenities of the Lodqe. The effect of the use on liqht and air. distribution of population, transportation Tacr l'llles, ulrlrtres. schools. Darks and recreatlon factllttes, utllltles,ralcrt tLtes, utrrtrrtes, scnools. parKS ano recreaEton Tactt-tf,tes, urrtrLteS, scnools, parKs ano recreation faclllttes. and otner publlc tacr lrEres anoscnools, parKs ano recreation faclllttes. and otner publlc tact ltEtes ano lrpublic facilities neffi E. b. The bubble willl have slight to negligible influence on the above factors. a q Lodse fle -3- 7/1s/82 Effect traffai c wi th rti cul ar reference to t'ion, automoti ve andestrnsatety a con ven ence raTtlc ? low a control . access . maneuvera-remova sn0w rom sEreet an rKlnq areas. Lodge maintenance crews wil'lperimeter of the bubble. have to periodically remove snow from the a a Effect u n the character of the in which the ro renc luol n e scale an seo use ]n a The Lodge bubb'le wil'l be rounded by the Lodge, andside. The bubble witl bebe tucked away so it willIf Harry's Bar is built, fa'irly inconspicuous. 0n three sidesfaces the rear of the Lazier Arcadevisible from the Village plaza; butby no means dominate the views fromthe bubble will be entirely screened use is to be I ocated 0n surrou nq uses. it will be sur- on the fourth the bubble willthe plaza. from the Plaza. sed Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to theproposed use. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Department of Community Development recommends that the conditional usepermit be approved based on the foilowing findings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of thisorornance and the purposes of the district in which the site'is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it wouldbe operated or maintained would not be detrimental to ihe puUlii treitttt, iut"ty,or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improviments in the'vi;i;iii. That the.proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions ofthis ordinance. The staff recormends that one stipulation be attached topermi t: l. That the structure will be erected the week priorwil'l be removed the week following ski seasoh each the conditional use to Thanksgiving and year. Eorvrurvo II. Dna.enR, JR. P.O. BOX 166e vArr4 cor-oR.A'rlo 81667 PEONE (808' 476.1a14 August 2, 1982 Mr. Dick RyanDirector-Department of Conmunity Developrnent Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road WestVai1, Colorado 8165 7 Re: World Forun Dear Dick: This letter will confirn our conversati I July 29, L982relating to the use of national f1 ticipantsil, Augustin the World Forum to be held at t l-3- 1.6 , 1982. The current plan ca -play of thenational flags (about 1-Z in nunber) in a fan shaped displayof 3 x 5 foot flags over the main entrance way to the Lodge and also a display of the same size flags on the mountain siderail on the terrace above the international room. This use has been now verbally approved by you and we under-stand that your approval is sufficient for conpliance withthe provision of the Vail Sign Code, Title 16, Town of Vail Ordinance and Section 1"6.20.030 in particular. If there are any questions, please advise me at once. Drager, Jr. EHD/nc cc: T. LobergJ. Horan Kates s'x:COND FII)OR \/AIL NATIONAI. BAI\IK BLDG. yours Eputrrvu If. Dna,onn, Jn. ATTORI|ITY AI|ID COI'NSEII)R P.(). BOf( 166e \/AII4 C9LORAIX) ATA67 PIIoNE €O$ a7G1g14 July 29, 1982 Mr. Dick Ryan Di rectorDepartnent of Town of Vail75 S. FrontageVai1, Colorado Dear Dick: stcrol\rD rlooR \/AIL NATIONAT- BANI( BI,DO. Conmunity Development Road West 81657 0n Monday, July 26, at the conclusion of the hearing on theconditional use pernit, by the Planning and EnvironrnentalConnission, Lodge Properties noved to continue the hearinguntil August 9. The reason for this postponenent, was toperrnit a reappraisal of our desires and advisability of seekingfinal approval of a bubble to cover only one-half of or all ofthe Lodge Poo1. We have now reviewed the criteria discussed by the Planning and Environrnental- Cornmission and our needs and will stand withour original request for a conditional use pernit for a bubbleto cover only one-half of the swimrning pool. Jr. EHD/nc cc: Alan TofoyaThor Loberg yours Drager, Steve Sheridan 5. Request for exterior alteration and modification remode'l the second floor office space for Christy PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Ju'ly 26, I9B2 1:30 pm Site Inspections: Ipanema, Christy's, Lion's Pride 3:00 pm l. Apprdval of minutes of meeting of July .'12, 1982. Z. Request for approval of conversion of'19 apartments at the Inn at West Vail. Apflicant: Jimes Bapy Craddock, d/b/a Craddock Development Company 3. Request for approva'l for conversion to time-sharing for Ipanema Condominiums. Applicant: Daymer Corporation 4. Request for exterior alteration and modification in CCII District in order to:'expand the first floor shops in the Lions Pride Building. APplicant: in CCI District in order to Sports in the Plaza Lodge Published in the Vail Trail July 23, 1982 Bu'i'lding. Appl icant: Christy Sports 6. Request for conditional use permit in order to construct a temporary winter tinie enclosure over one-half'of the Lodge at Vail swinrming pool Applicant: Lodgd Properties, Inc. 7. Request for amendments to the municipa] code section '17.40.075 Coridominium Conversion--Lodge and Accommodation Units to clari.fy wording anc to reflect the original intent of the ordinance. Also an amedment to section 18,22.020 Permitted Uses in the Pub'lic Accommodation District to make it clear that only units without kitchen facilities (i.e. accommodation units) will be a'llowed in the PA District. Applicant: Town of Vail lGl'0RANDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Commissi6n FROM: Community Development lhpartment DATE: July 15, 1982 SUBJECT: Application to erect an air-supported structure to be used as a winter-time enclosure over half of the Lodge at Vail swirming pool.Appllcant: Lodge at Vail, Inc. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE: The project is essentiall.y a bubble to b9 placed over half of the swiruning pool atthe_Lodge at vail. The dimensions of this'structure are approximaieii,iii-rE"i'by 50 feet by 15 feet high. This is a seasonal recreationii strugtura which willDe erected the week prior to Thanksgiving and wil'l be removed the week fo'l'lowingski season each year. The bubble ii a w6ite, translucent, rinviliiiild ;;ii;;t1.. PROCEDURE Planning Cormission review of this project is subject to the criteria out'linedln the conditiona'l use chapter of the iode, not tli Criieiita outiinea ov-1ie-uroanDesign Guide Plan--the bubble is c'tassifiei ai a iempoii"v'structure which doesnot count as enclosed floor space. Section 18.04.29b defines ',seasonal use oi-structure as: A temporary covering erected over a recreationa'l emenity, such as a swirmingpool. or tennis court,_for the purpose of expanding theii use to the cold weathermonths. Such seasona] covers inay'not be in'plii."roi-niore than ieven-conlecutivefi,nths of any twelve-month period. For the iurposei of this ittte, i iiisonaruse or structure shall not constitute site cbveiage and shal'l not 5e suUjeitto building bulk control standards. Any seasonal-use o" structure shall-iiquirea conditional use permit... Slnce a seasonal structure is not subject to bulk control standards, such as enclosedfloor area, it is not subject to the Viii vitii6; il;ig;'ciiteria. However, theConrprcia'l Core I districl does list several spEcial-c6noiiionat use criteria inSectionl8.24.070.Thesecriteriaare-iistedbe1ow CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA I.In consideringdlstrict, the A. Effects of The bubble -an_application for a conditional use permit within commercial core Ifollowing development factors are applicable: vehicular traffic on Commercial Core I district has no direct influence on traffic. Lodge Bubble -2- 7/15/82 Reduction of vehicular traffic in Cormercial Core I This project will not reduce or increase traffic in the Commercial Core. Reduction of non-essential off-street parking. No inf'luence. D. Control of del ivery, pickup, and service vehic'les.. No influence. Deve'lopment of public spaces for use by pedestrians. The bubble is not adjacent to any major pedestrian way. Continuance of the various cormercial , residential , and public uses in Ccxmercia'l Core I district so as to maintain the ex'isting character of the area. The bubble will not interfere with the various connercial, residential and publ'ic uses in the Vi1lage. The bubble will a]]ow a recreational use to be continued throughout the year. Control quality of constluction, architectural design, and landscape design in Comnercial Core I so as to maintain the existing character of the area. Thgquality and design of the bubble should be carefully reviewed by the Design Revidw Board. Also, the continued quality of this structure over the years wlll depend on maintenance procedures. The applicant should not allow the bubb'le to deteriorate. H. Effects of noise, odor, dust, smoke, and other factors on the. environment of Cormercial Core I district. The bubble will not produce any odor, dust or smoke. The mechanical systems which support the air supported structure are fairly quiet. II. The conditional use criteria, as outlined in Chapter 18.60, should also be used to'evaluate the pool bubble. Upon review of Chapter 18.60, the Department of Community Deve'lopment recormends approval of the conditional use permit based on the following factors: Consideration of Factors Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the town. The code has provided for seasonal recreationa'l structures as long as they reet the conditional use criteria. A properly designed pool bubble will enhance the amenities of the Lodge. fect of the use on 'li t and air distribution of ulation es. ut recreall0n ties. ut The bubble wll'l'l have slight to negligible influence on the above factors. B. c. E. F. G. ano recreatl0n tac rtati on traffai c with an satety a con ven remova I o snow rom stree rKlnq areas. Lodsfubble -3- 7llsl8z rticu'lar reference to congestion, automotive and ence raTTlc T low controt, access, maneuvera- Lodge maintenance crews will have to periodically remove snow from theperimeter of the bubble. the character of the in which the use is to be 'located surr0u uses. Ihe Lodge bubble will be rouilded by the Lodge, andslde. The bubble wi]t Uebe tucked away so it willIf Harry's Bar is built, fair'ly inconspicuous. 0n three sides it will be surrfaces the rear of the Lazier Arcade on the fourthvisible from the Village plaza; but the bubble willby no means dominate tfie views from the plaza.the bubble wi'll be entirely screened froir the plaza. Wd criteria as the cqmission deems applproposed use. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Department of Community Development recormends that the conditional usepemit be approved.based on ttre foilowing findingi: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of thisordinance and the purposes of the district in which ttre iiie'is'locateo. -'-'- That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it wouldbe operated or maintained woutd not be oetiimeniii'il-;h";ttiil ri.iriri,"iiiltv,or welfare or materially injurious to propertiei or-improvEments in ttre'viiiniiv. That the-proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions ofthis ordinance. The staff recommends that one stipulation be attached to the conditional useperml t: l. That the structure will be erected the week prior to Thanksgiving andwill be removed the week fouowins itii ieiJofi .iinl.ir. Date June 28 1982 APPLICATION CONDITIONAL FORM FOR USE PERMIT t.This procedure is reguired for any proiect required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Lodge Properties, Inc. ADDRESS 174 East Gore Creek Drive PHONE 476-s0ll c. B.NAME OF APPLICANTlS REPRESENTATTVE Edmund Drager, Jr. ADDRESS 108 South Frontaqe Road. Vail co PHoNE 476-1314 AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE Thor Loberg ADDRESS 174 East Gore Creek Drive PHONE 476-s011 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 174 East Gore Creek Drive. Vail, Colorado LECAL DESCRIPTION Lot ABC, Block 5C, Filing Vail Village First FEE: Check for $102.00 previously submitted. A list: of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property and their addresses is attached (10 names). This project includes the erection of an air-supported structure approximately 40rx 50rx l5thigh to be used as a temporary winter time enclosure over one-half the Lodge at Vail swimming pool . Thestructure will be erected the week prior tolThanksgiving and will be removed the week following the closing of the ski season each year. The use of an air-supported structure at the Lodge swimming pool has no impact on surrounding properties and is therefore compatible with other properties in the vicinity. See attached drawings (four copies). See attached drawings (four copies). E. F. A.il. B. c. ArJr.cgr.ir ,.l,oa*r,' ;,r,,,r;..s ro rHE Lo IDGE A] vA IL Trre Llrriled Slates Foresl ServiceP.O. [-.ox 190 l,?inlurn, Coloracio E16q5 Riva Ridge South Ownerrs AssociationlTlt Core Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Rir.a Ridge North.Orvnerrs Associationi74 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Sitinrark Lodge Robert Fritch lD3 E, Gore Creek DiveVail, Colorado 81557 Gore Creek Plaza Building Jack Fritzlen t93. E. Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Bell Tower Building Clark Willingham 1300 Eryan Towers Dallas, Texas 75207 Lazier Arcade Bob Lazier r '.1P. o. Box 1325 ol '' + tc v Vail, Coloradi 81658 One Vail Place Vail AssociatesP.O. Box 7Vail, Colorado 81658 Lodge Apartment Ownerrs Association 17lt Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Lodge South '174 Gore Creek Drive 'Vail, Colorado 81557 \ '/1 , (r,/1 )/t /r'- []l lrt 0( tDate | . This procedure is required for any proiect required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Lodge Properties, Inc. ADDRESS 174 East Gore Creek Drive PHONE 476-5011 June 28 r 982 APPLICATION CONDITIONAL FORM FOR USE PERMIT B. NAME OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS 108 South Frontage Road, Vail, Edmund Drager, Jr. co PHoNE 476-1314 E. F. C. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE Thor Loberg ADDRESS 174 East Gore Creek Drive PHONE 476-5011 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 174 East Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot ABC, Block sC, Filing Vail Village First FEE: Check for $102.00 previously submitted. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property and their addresses is attached (10 names). This project includes the erection of an air-supported structure approximately 40rx 50rx 15r high to be used as a temporary winter time enclosure over one-half the Lodge at Vail swimming pool . The structure will be erected the week prior to Thanksgiving and will be removed the week following the closing of the ski season each year. The use of an air-supported structure at the Lodge swimming pool has no impact on surrounding properties and is therefore compatible with other properties in the vicinity. See attached drawings (four copies). See attached drawings (four copies) . A.lt. B. c. i.iir.ca'., l',rr*T' or, r,r i.s ro rHE L tODG E ;.T vAIL T lrr- Uniled States Forest ServiceP.O. Box r90 ,i,iinturn, Colcrracio t'l 6lt5 Riva Ridge South Ovrnerrs Associalion 174 Gore Creek l.triveVail, Colorado t,lE57 Riva Ridge North On,nerrs Associationi74 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Sitzmark Lodge Robert Fritch lE3 E. Gore Creek DiveVail, Colorado 81657 Gore Creek Plaza BuilcJing Jack Fritzlen 193 E. Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81557 Bell Tower Building Clark Willingham 1300 Eryan Towers Dalfas, Texas 75201 Lazier Arcade Bob LazierP.O. Box 1325 Vail, Coloradi 81558 One Vail PlaceVail AssociatesP.O. Box 7Vail, Colorado 81558 Lodge Apartment Orvnerrs Association 174 Gore Creek Drive\rail, Colorado 81657 Lodge South 174 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81557 I i I o te,} APPLICATION CONDITIONAL FORM FOR USE PERMIT t. Da June 28 1982 This procedure is reguired for any profect required to obtain a Conditional Use Permit. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Lodge Properties, lnc. ADDRESS 174 East Gore Creek Drive PHONE tl76-5011 B. NAME OF APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATIVE Edmund Drager, Jr. ADDRESS 108 South Frontage Road, Vail, CO PHONE 476-1314 C. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE Thor Loberg ADDRESS 174 East Core Creek Drive PHONE 475-501r D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 174 East Gore Creek Drive. Vail Colorado LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot ABC, Block 5C, Filing Vail Village First FEE: Check for $102.00 previously submitted. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property and their addresses is attached (10 names). This project includes the erection of an air-supported structure approximately 40'x 50rx 15'high torbe used as a temporary winter time enclosure over one-half the Lodge at Vail swimming pool . The structure will be erected the week prior to Thanksgiving and will be removed the week following the closing of the ski season eachyear. The use of an air-supported structure at the Lodge swimming pool has no impact on surrounding properties and is therefore compatible with other properties in the vicinity. See attached drawings (four copies). See attached drawings (four copies). E. F. A.il. B. c. a,,. ' o ;.DJr.cE!,rT ,,Q,ra*r,,' or,:.ai.s ro rHE LoDcE AT 'ArL Tlre t-lrrited States Foresl Servic,eP.O. Box 190li'iinlurn, Coloracio tl6q5 Riva Ridge South Ownerrs Associalion 174 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Riva Ridge North Orvnerrs Associationi74 Gore Creek DriveVail. Colorado 81657 Sitzmark Lodge Robert Fritch 183 E. Gore Creek DiveVail, Colorado 81557 Core Creek Plaza Building Jack Fritzlen 193. E. Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 8l 657 Bell Tower Building Clark Willingham 1300 Bryan Towers. Dalfas, Texas 75201 Lazier Arcade Bob LazierP.O. Box 1325Vail, Coloradi 81558 One Vail Place Vail Associates P.O. Box 7Vail, Colorado 81658 Lodge Apartment Orynerrs Association 'l 74 Gore Creek Drive \rail, Colorado 81657 Lodge South 174 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 o ON FO / B. NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANTIS 500 Lionshead f Application [a1 20, 1962 APPLICATI RM FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCI) l. This procedure is required foralteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or replacement of an existing building strill Ue subject to review bythe Planning and Environmental Commission. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT UAg" p.operties, I PHONE476-s011 REPRESENTATIVE Ruoff/Wentworth Architects AlA, PC ate oo Mall, Vail, CO 81657 PHONE 476-30s1 C. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPER SIGNATURE ADDRESS 174 East Gore Creek Dr. D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL co 816s7 PHONE 476-soll ntr,E. u if'z/r" F. ADDRESS lodqe at Vail 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 LEGAL DESCRIPTTON TTacts A,B,C Block 5C Vail Villaqe First Fill FEE: Check for $102. 00 enclosed. IMPROVEMENT SURVEY: See attached improvement survey prepared by Johnson Kunkel 6 Associates dated 12118180, revised 1/1/81. G. LIST OF NAMES OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: See AttAChEd IiSt Of 10 names. ll. SITE PLAN: See attached drawings (4 copies) IIt. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project includes the erection of an air-supported structure 40t x 501 by approximatety 15r high to be used as a winter-time enclosure over one half of the Lodge at Vail swimming pool. III II f tV. URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONST A. Pedestrianization: The proposed structure is not adiacent to any public pedestrian way and therefore has no impact upon pedestrianization. B. Vehicle Penetration: The proposed structure is completely removed from and has no impact upon vehicle traffic. C. Streetscape Framework: The proposed structure is completely removed from any street. D, Street Enclosurer The proposed structure has no impact on street enclosure. E. Street Edge: The proposed structure has no impact on street edge considerations. F. Building Height r : The height of the proposed structure is 1510". The height of the lowest adjacent building is 32r0rr. G. Views: There are no designated view corridors in the areai H. Service and Delivery: There will be no change in existing service and delivery functions at the lodge. l. Sun/Shade: The proposed building will not cast any shadow on adjacent properties or R.O:W. V. ZONING CHECK Zoning: Commercial Core I 18.24.090 Lot Area E Site Dimensions Existing lot area: 132,523 square feet l&24.100 Setbacks None Required 18.24. 120 Height Existing: 55r at main wing of The Lodge, 99r at the Lodge South. o18.24.130 Density Control , 18.24. 140 Reconstruction of Existing Uses NA 808 of lot Area 80E (132,523) = l05,0t8 allowed GRFA Existing r 151,632 sq, ft. GRFA in The Lodge at Vail and The Lodge South. 246,340 total square footagr including garages and conditional and permitted uses. 80E (132,5231 = 106,018 sq. fl allowed coverage. Existing Coverage: 49,958 sq. ft. 18.24. 150 Coverage 18.2t1.170 Landscape s Site Development Unchanged 18.24.180 Parking 6 Loading Unchanged _ ADJACENT PROPERTY OI'JNERS TO THE LODGFAT VAIL The United States Forest Service 'P.O. Box 190 Minturn, Colorado 81645 Riva Ridge South Owner's Association 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Riva Ridge North Ownerrs Association 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Sitzmark Lodge Robert Fritch 183 E. Gore Creek Dive Vail, Colorado 81657 Gore Creek Plaza Building Jack Fritzlen I93. E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Bell Tower Building Clark Willingham 1300 Bryan Towers Dallas, Texas 75201 Lazier Arcade Bob Lazier P.O. Box 1325 Vail, Coloradi 81658 One Vail Place Vail Associates P.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Lodge Apartment Ownerls Association lTtl Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Lodge South lTlt Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 o",t APl>lrcation!a'1 20, u4_ tt t. APPLTCATlON FORI'I FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS oR MODIFICATIONS lN COI\4MERCIAL coRE | (ccl) Thisprocedureis.requiredforatterationofanexistingbuiIdingwhich removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor Patio or reptacement of an building shall be trUi""i-to ieview bythe Planning and Environmental The apptication rvi|| not be accepted untiI a|t information is submitted, A. NAME OF APPLICANT adds or existing Commission. B. c. NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANTIS 500 Lionshead co 81657 PHONE 476- 50'l I Creek Drive Vail Colorado 8'l 557 ADDRESS 174 East Gore Creek Dr', Vail, CO 81657 PHONE476-501I REPRESENTATIVE Ruoff/Wt"t*otth Atthit C PHONE 476-3051 AUTHORI ZAT ION OF PROPER'TJ-OWNER SIGNATURE Thor Lober D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 124 Eaq! tqt'e-greek ADDRESS Lodge at Vail 174 Gore LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN TryS!q-4.8-.9 Block sc Vail Villaqe First Fili E. F. FEE: Check for $102.00 enclosed' IMPROVEMENT SURVEY: See attached improvement .t:1Y9I prepared by iohnson Kunkel E Associates dated 12118180, revised 1l1l8l C. LIST OF NAMES OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: l0 names. ll. SITE PLAN: See attached drawings (4 copies) See attached list of III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION : Thisprojectinc|udestheerectionofanair-supportedstructure40'-x'50' bv approxit"t.iy li; high to be used as a winter-time enclosure over one rtlriiF the Lodge at Vail snimming pool' IV. URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: A. Pedestrianization : The proposed structure is not adjacent to any public pedestrian way and therefore has no impact upon pedestrianization. B. Vehicle Penetration : The proposed structure is completely removed from and has no impact upon vehicle traffic. C. Streetscape Framework: The proposed structure is completely removed from any street. D. Street Enclosure: The proposed structure has no impact on street enclosure. E. Street Edge: The proposed structure has no impact on street edge considerations. F. Building Height: : The height of the proposed structure js 1510". The height of the lowest adjacent building is 32'0". G. Views: There are no designated view corridors in the area. H. Service and DeliverY: There will be rn change in existing service and detivery functions at the lodge. l. Sun/Shade: The proposed building will not cast any shadow on adjacent properties or R.O:W. V. ZONING CHECK Zoning: Commercial Core I 18.24.090 Lot Area E Site Dimensions Existing lot area: 132,523 square feet 18,24.100 Setbacks None Required 18.24. 120 Height Existing: 55' at main wing of The Lodge, 99r at the Lodge South. ('- 18. 2q. 130 DensitY Control 18.24. lltO Reconstruction of Existing Uses NA 808 of Lot Area 809 (132,523) = 106,018 allowed GRFA Existing : 151 , 632 sg. ft. GRFA in The Lodge at Vail and The Lodge South. 246,340 total square footagt including garages and conditional and Permitted uses. 80E (132,523) = 106,018 sg. ft allowed coverage.18.2{.150 Coverage Existing Coverage: 49,958 sq. ft. 18.24. 170 Landscape 6 Site Development Unchanged t8.21t.180 Parking 6 loading Unchanged ooADJACENT PROPERTY OIiIiETiS TO THE LODGE AT vAIL The United States Foresl Service' P.O. Box 190 lrlinturn, Coloracio 8lGlt5 Riva Ridge South Ownerts Association 174 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81557 Riva Ridge North Owner's Association 174 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Sitzmark Lodge Robert Fritch 183 E. Gore Creek Dive , V"il, Colorado 81657 i Gore Creek Plaza BuildingI Jack Fritzlen 193. E. Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Bell Tower Building Clark Willinghan 1300 Bryan Towers. Dallas, Texas 75201 Lazier Arcade Bob Lazier P.O. Box 't325 Vail, Coloradi 81658 One Vail Place Vail AssociatesP.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 8'l 658 : Lodge Apartment Ownerrs Association 174 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Lodge South lTlt Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 l..1 t. Date of APPlrcation I""aY 20, 199? APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR IVIODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCI) This procedure is required for alteration of an existing building which removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor Patio or reptacement of an building shall be ,rO;""i-to t""1"* bythe Planning and Environmental The application lvill not be accepted until all information is submitted' adds or existing Commission. A. NAME OF APPLICANT erties , I nc. co 815s7 PHONE 476- 501 I B. c. NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT'S 500 Lionshead REPRESENTATIVE n,roff/Wttt*otth Atthi C PHONE 476-3051 AUTHORI ZAT IO}.1 OF PROPERTJ-.OWNER SICNATURE Thor Lober D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL co 816s7 PHONE 476-s0l I Colorado 81657 ADDRESS 174 East Gore ADDRESS 174 East qSIg-gIeeE ADDRESS l-odge at Vail Gore Creek Drive, Vail LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN rfeSlg-A B.C Block 5C, Vail Viltage First Fili FEE: Check for 5102.00 enclosed IMPROVEMENT SURVEY: See attached improvement .tYfY:I prepared by jof,r'rron Kunkel E Associates dated 12/18/80' revised 111181 c.L|sToFNAMESoFADJACENTPRoPERTYoWNERS:See.attached|istof 10 names. ll. SITE PLAN: See attached drawings (4 coPies) E. F. III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project inctudes the erection of an bv approximately 15' high to be used as rtlilt *t" Lodgje at Vail snimming pool' air-suPPorted structure 40t x 50t a winter-time enclosure over one IV. URBAN DESICN CONSIDERATIONS: A. Pedestrianization : The proposed structure is not adjacent to any public pedestrian way and therefore has no impact upon pedestrianization. B. Vehicle Penetration: The proposed structure is completely removed from and has no impact upon vehicle traffic. C. Streetscape Framework: The proposed structure is completely removed from any street. D. Street Enclosure: The proposed structure has no impact on street enclosure. E. Street Edge: The proposed structure has no impact on street edge considerations. F. Building Height: The height of the proposed structure js l5r0r'. The height of the lowest adjacent building is 32t0r'. G. Views: There are no designated view corridors in the area. H. Service and Detivery: I There will be no change in existing service and delivery functions at the lodge. l. Sun/Shade: The proposed building will not cast any shadow on adiacent properties or R.O.W. V. ZONING CHECK Zoning: Commercial Core I 18.24.090 Lot Area 6 Site Dimensions Existing lot area: 132,523 square feet 18.24. 100 Setbacks None Required 18.24.120 Height Existing: 55r at main wing of The Lodge, 99' at the Lodge South. I 18.24. 130 DensitY Control | 8. zlt. 150 Coverage 18.2q.170 . LandscaPe E Site Development Unchanged 18.2rt.180 Parking E Loading Unchanged 18.2t1. 140 Reconstruction of Existing Uses NA 803 of Lot Area 80ed (132,523) = 106,018 allowed GRFAExisting: 151,632 sq. ft, GRFA in The Lodge at Vail and The lodge South. 246,340 total square footagt including garages and conditional and Permitted uses. 8OE (132,523) = l06,0t8 sq. ft allowed coverage. Existing Coverage: q9,958 sq. ft. _-, I vvADJACEi.IT PRC,PERTY Of,i..Ef\5 TO THE LODGE A'I VAIL The United States Forest Servicei P.O, Box'l 90[|inturn, Colorado 81645 Riva Ridge South Ownerrs Association 174 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Riva Ridge North Owner's Association 174 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Sitzmark Lodge Robert Fritch I83 E. Gore Creek Dive Vail, Colorado 81657 Gore Creek Plaza Building Jack Fritzlen 193. E, Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81557 Bell Tower Building Clark ltfillingham 1300 Bryan Towers. Dallas, Texas 75201 Lazier Arcade Bob LazierP.O. Box 1325 Vail, Colora{i 81558 One Vail Place Vail AssociatesP.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Lodge Apartment Ownerrs Association 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Lodge South 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail , Colorado 81657 qroiect Appllcation Project Name:tul/rV O tL ALT. !? AT'r ; v-s Tc ". )p v-[ A7 vl\/t- projectDescriplon. AsD APfr t/ - f oo -F '>-t ,.;Fct, .+!:! i .i+ r' . AELBL'.rL6' ..iEiiii . ADD F<+TEQ/uR- sTAtR i\ 7- r/r'7i4-r'/A';'/o/{'\L 7-/-/+?A(E Contact person and phone AL/o/:+/LJE^/ f L<,toR 7 /-r At/ ( )4 - 4 7' 6 3 a! / Aupci-E A7 VAtt- 4Zo-Jc,// Architect. Address and Phone: 3oo a/DMSr(tao flAt L tlo tr tJEvTOOF lA, L e(htTrCTS . ,ffjr -',1 A, B,c Legal Description: Lot -1/A tt- l/-l4c L- / ST zon"@5 -cBlock Filing Comments:At odr<.T AD/.t/M- /7c't/fq) Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ..,{-,Approva, A4avPl t NqE9. ,wr4qf TZEI ra.;^t E>,4ofu/, 4^6- rr4vlS tua^ Ptt-tu ,qtPPAoP t+fL /aHt)/JS ts4 , ')4ooF <rzrTf At/+ ,o tn fflA conrz-B*)T E7pAEssr o a'J , 4Ab o6J9>nua_ , fen_ zooF s /t>1 TtrL y t Lu4 t E_ / S fo Fe4ln .1 co A g6 Te*tfL,y L/Ht P) r'g t" 6t/ct<rtaa'.o Por T$6- ryuc-+f oEaTvzg ,eNO pgptfi-frfrueg STzeEr gu2eD- , 4t4A To filOto aDoFs tl/Hlo t+ ,reg- To 574/4 O,T t >J tO lu tQo 42-t--> 6"< 471sffi4uf aJf4.q utS ur'rry FrZotl THe oufr?-eo-- oHe-L+ f/ E-.- t! - f 3E L\E/E TaqT T0L5 .rzaoq ,oaEs P13qary7 ftCu4u/y fr-aP/ odfru4cc- cc/fr2tfo7944 " ll Wf rzooFS 14Fl 4L ,frvNo tH TtlE- ylrt-Q 6E 6(,T THf> /?zE_ QAflea-gtAal Co^1.5t e%.LEr4 To 6E o,T ttOF c)e.L,ec;Te ?L 4pa 2NA-P.29,z14TE. Of LE4JT' aEnt.t4L t-tsr oF CototL. , HftfEttaf u /s N e f- pfo , Lonaa4 F) c-A w rff) U?'tL nLL4bE t/A6e,s oESt(tts 'utroL Puers oNa ofurc<t €otJs/oErL- lTtorlS l, 5.J b -ArL€q coIllcf ptS (DtoL &Aa 4LTt)CUb tJ T+le U,L.LAUB ft424 tS p,ft o*J€<r lA $qE- €;.Je, ,q>t4 @HcS,?f , , do Sf6c-r Frc- ot+e4*+) Caotof t tt4 65 4L6. 6lv6tg foa,- J.Hts 5?+€ . L , Psets T ruo H RaTrc kt TtaL weww,+J 6ET,J€Etg 4q<aet 6utuo rqb 4Ao OF c,ta.,64$ af,_gt|u,AJ TtfE rfi 21t/r< |t+F Lcto 6& ftz*vnEa*7 +s STn+6c4,aE - 6J tsLtTv+.,vt rT H t6rtf 6F Atu*tc-- afrzrl ET&.-PIL Eu s>l o\ faw4;2 4sa 7Etrt4v /-ool(tt)(, 5. F4c-+o 2 TQcr-- ,741 q &-ae -t=+c4_eEt GE .-T '4ILoa orLo ^Po T1/+r4.) 4r-{) To /\( Acc-ts"-ca )A€U T|o^9*5 t,t& /oa{- {,1( . ^<,1 ?' ^6 l'":$'l'f f/4H 6oa.g t6agEr- eNvE EUH\NT+TEO, Tr,ls ,5 Ardr PEO Es Trztt4q qcL.Ees t4,+t LoObL , ANO THE AEflovAL w4Lt< dtLL AdT p$r2v4 5tctt+lFl ctqBT P@es rrz4tlA ,sH,Jt t- 66- A /1AJP4- To TiE eF fDE A ,+G- E_oo,TE . .r-rl,"t"ff {*';1, %;ffi'Wl-''Nfl "pft tr 1 ,Ea* .)4)--7*4 ' n!*1-, 6- At1QvlvLE s"/^\ Sru;.'O 4A4u> sU. N(2 .*>c.a-1'-- 4LcE st oa-,at)'J4'+cE - '\o tv' (- :'#rq "/-o" od' 3, t*d To OlrO lf . NO ctt+D 6A T[Jr.-OU(DB - @t>C ct-vf.f- OfZtUf. 4+a+t6 - St4eeTSLAPE FzAt4Ed*r<,o&r**,, No c{+4H 6 e Fl.:>Pr-- RoA9,ri No 4)+H GE g74f E', FO 0t Alo c rn$6.f- ea-os u rLlL , Nc>f rrJHffivTHb &---firaf t-6 sJH 'IaTgr.- Po , LO TTTi. f.tft t/A HONG T1O N c oA}c-> olzh *cA uSL 91-ylaf Sr-S ota p,tt-wSs4g-'twa//+s 4t+ o f rlu Lt-tot Jtg6 - z+'Tt4G sdA\ zf I^t tT I)I-X>rlg 6lt-Ban-sor) /cJ oc516 c-7 - thr-/d k"4e \ I Cl LT-) Af^lr: ttt+- 6 t-E,/ n.I t si.-1 d,otlq- cAf 'L lotl -4 c o+@ 4.: I{ SUTC k-fT //-ZP o t+J- , w f'l a) q)TYPL -t+Ar 6- 9qfl6t+T /'orlsta6.,t- 47rolL>= 015\un'Vb€C bj 51qa1<t-1t9 s5 # wrNCoqJ ?rz4,r)'>3 - oon oF qr\TH c@sf - tr.,rl^lDlt-J OLJ ,--_=-\4,ad cgr)oTN -- t-r-.-=.-----_----_--- -/ c Hen4tf 9,.._ =. EtS,sB V"lSt;ttt4 rl c^, AoOP oF $JtvOl *)rt -55t4s rr9 t,o Q--'joFfrAp" s,r*' btE f*Jc.ioA- , PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION l4arch B, '1982 3:00 p.m. l. Approva'l of minutes of February 22, 1982 2, Request for a rezone of 1ot l, Vail Vi1'lage 2nd Fi'llng t9 change from Prinnry/Secondary to Special'Development District with an underlying zone of High Density Multi-Family to al'low construction of 5 dwel]ing units. Applicant: Ron J. Byrne 3. Request for a condjtional use permit to construct an office building on the existing Texaco Statjon site at 953 South Frontage Road West. Applicant: M & t,t| Venture. Request for a rezoning of lots I through 5' Cliffside subdivision from Residentjal Cluster to Single Fam'ily District. Applicants: Charles Rosenquist, David Co]e, Daryl R. Burns, Phil'lip 0rdway' Richard Brown. Request for exterior alteratjon and modification in CCI to allow the Lod'ge at Vail to construct Harry's Bar. Applicant: Lodge Properties' lnc. Published in the Vail Trail February 26, 1982. 4. 5. o Scott EdwardsWill Trout Diane Donovan Duane Piper Jin Viele Jin Morgan ABSENT Dan Corcoran The neeting was caLled to order by Duane Piper, vice chairman. DRAFT PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ldarch 8, 1982 PRESENT STAFF Dick Ryan Peter Patten Peter Jamar Betsy Rosolack COIJNCIL REP Gail Wahrlich l. Approval of. qinules of February 22, 1982. the date typed on the ninutes was February 8, and Betsy changed to February 22, Diane noved and 'Scott secondedthe correction, and the vote was 6-0 in favor. 2,R uest for a rezone of lot I Vail Vil1a 2nd Fil to chan licant I Peter Janar exPlained_the memo, pointing out that the existing house was I duplex. He poi.nted out the nodel and the p1an, adding that the staff was not in fpvor ofthe rezoning of the special develbprnent distiict. _) Dick Ryan stressed the concern of the Cotmcil and of nany residents of Vail concerningVailts growth. He quoted from a report of 1977. He added that from this reportthe whole conununity was down zoned to reduc e the nurber of potential units that couldbe built. He added that in 1980 the Town purchased open space for'two reasons: l)to retain the open space and 2) to renove fron the marketplace a nudber of potentialunits. He added that when the hospital land lras being considered for acquisition,the council was concerned that there not be more units built at that t.ine. Dick also pointed out that the proposal before the board was a significant changefrom what the staff felt was proper for that lot. Richard Black, architect for the project, showed slides of other buildings that hisfirn had done. He added that the proposal could be nodified if the only issue were setback concerns. He felt that they needed a certain amount of nass to acconplishtheir architectural objectives, However, he asked if the board'would consider 3units, and Duane answered that they could not answer that. Black felt that theycould not afford to do 2 units. Also that they could not have a transition withonly 2 units . noted thatto apProve this should be the ninutes with ecial Devel strict with an underlyin con s truct ion s/8/82 Discussjon followed concerning the proposed fountain, pavers, setbacks from stream and west side. Ron Byrne, owne,r, stressed that his driveway was at present a turn- around" Ben Boutell, a neighboring property owner, expressed concern that if the zone change were granted, the other property owners could also ask to have their property zoneddifferently. The staff agreed with his concern. Lynn Price of Beaver Dan Road stated appreciation of the building but r{as concerned about the fact that norelots would then be rezoned. Morgan Douglas, owner of the lot one renoved fron the ProPerty in question voiced the sarne concern. Wil 1 expressed concern that a duplex would not be abLe to accomplish the transition, but also pointed out that the staff had spent nany hours studying the issue. Dick felt that although the streetscape in front of this building had been addressed,it was important to get a long tern solution to the streetscape that would deal withall of the properties, rather than dealing with one property at a tine. He addedtlat ar1 improvemert district was needed in order to create some type of streetscapealong the entire Meadow Drive to connect the village and vail Lionshead.Jin Morgan felt that the board could possibly consider a height variance while stayingwithin a duplex. He added that he had been on DRB when Ipanema was being designed and that when it went through there had been little public i.nput showing concernover the height. He added that this uright be .o*po,rrriir,g the problen by allowing5 units. Dick added that lpanena was first denj.ei by Council ,'and aftei that thedesign was modified and eventualIy approved :by Town -Council . Black stated that if his building had been constructed on the Ipanena site, he would have no reason to be before the board, for the transition would already have beennade, He added that the lot west of lot I was narrow, and that it would be difficultto create nuch arguenent to nake a structure on it larger than a duplex. Jin M.fel.t that r. neverthel ess, the owner of lot I could accomplish the transition with a duplex. Bl.ack answered that if density $ere the t.rue issue, he could possibly nake the transition with 3 units. Jim V asked if' Black had looked at what could have been done with a duplex, and Black answered that the tower and the wrdergroundparking would be lost. Jim V, stated that it seemed that a 4600 square foot building was quite a lot and that perhaps the desired effect could be accornplished with abuilding of that size which is currently allowed within the duplex zoning on the lot. Scott felt that density and size were the issues, and that in trying to solve one problern they were creating another, Diana Don ovan fett that the project didnrt fit the purpose of a special developnent district, and added that she felt that Spraddle Creek was a logical place to have a break in the zones. She agreed that if there is a change in the zoning, .the change woutd sinply creepall along the street. Diane added that it violated several general provis ions ofthe zoning ordinance. She acknowledged dislike of Ipanena, but pointed out that.their landscaping would be a buffer when the trees were fully grown. I 5 -3- 3/8/82 Duane stated that he felt the effort in transition was a positive one, but pointed out that a transition did not necessariLy have to be nade with a building, but could be nade with landscaping and open space as well. He added that transition with landscaping night be an even better transition. Duane agreed with the nenbers of the neighborhood, that it would be difficult to stop the rezoning. He added that he liked the streetscape, though felt it night be a little bit urban for Vail , but liked the idea that it had been designed and was conplete. Black asked for reaction to three units, and concern was raised that the neighbors could then all ask for 3 rmits. Will pointed out that this lot could sinply be identified as a transition site, and since each case is dealt with separately, each succeeeding lot wouLd be considered on a case by case issue. Will felt that either Ipanena or the duplex wds a silly solution because of the scale junp, He pointed out that the applicant was willing to deal with this Problem, Dick stated that he could see a raising of the mass on the east side of the site, but felt it could be done with a duplex. Jim Morgan noved and Diane seconded to deny approval of the zone change to Special Development District with an underlying Hi.gh Density l,lultiple Fanily zone as per the staff rnemo dated I'tarch 4, 1982. The vote was 5-l in favor of denial .Will voted against denial stating that he wouldnrt have supported a five unit buildinB, but wanted the appl icant to know that he would support a scaled down version, 3 or possibly 4 units if it were carried out jn the same manner, Dick reninded the applicant and the audience that this item was to go to the Council neeting of Ma 6- 1982 I use ernit to construct an office building on the Front e Road West..Applicant: M Q W Venture. of0ne and licants, Jin Morgan, asked to table this iten.moved Diane seconded to table it until lUarch 22, The'vote was 5-0 with Jim abstajning. 4. Request..for a'rezoning of lots I through 5, Cliffside subdivision fron Residential Phi.l_Ordway, .Ri.cheld Brown. Peter Patten stated that theapplicantswanted to table, but that they had not yet put this in writing, He reviewed the happenings to date, and added that the attorney for the adjoining Ridge property ownershad asked to start the proceedings over again. It was poi.nted out that if the board asked to tab1e, they then mrst act within 30 days. Diane moved and Jin V seconded to table the iten. The vote was 6-0 in favor of tabling. :' Request for g\ionditi;---.-----------.-:_-'l exaoo gtt1ce .srte a,9 5. Reqge:! for exterior gltera_tign and. nodification in ccr !o allow the Lodgeat Vail fo construct Harry,: Bar. npplicani:-@ Peter Patten explained that the Lodge had cone before the planning Connission inJuIy of l98L with a proposal to add 620 square feet to the Salt Lick dining room.The Planning Comnission disappioved the "ddition with a tie (2-2) vote. Lit.er the'Council overturned the Pl anning Conrnissionts decision by a vot" of Z-0. The presentrequest is to increase the addition fron 620 to 11800 square feet and to add a meetingroon of 884 square feet in the basement. Bill Ruoff, architect for the project, showed the site plan and explained that theroof wouLd be lower than the existing roof because of rlmoving the parapet. He addedthat a pitched roof didnrt work on the part of the building,6ut tfrit ii the longr-ange plans were allowed, other things could be done. He felt that the treatmentthrough the alleyway would inprove the alley and felt that a shortcut through t.}t e alley wasntt needed. Diane expressed concern that the building extendeJ thedistance shown, because of blocking a view of the rnountains that included the base.Ruoff stated that it was necessary in order to have the restaurant work. Dianeexpressed the feeling that the addition did not look as though it belonged there,but looked added on and didnrt go with anything else in view. JinViele questioned the reason for not putting the restaurant on the other sideof the building where the large kitchen was. Ruoff answered that the entry situationwasntt good on that side and that they were trying to accornmodate the future plansso that the restaurant addition would not have to be torn down. He added thaibVenlud$&y the Lodge want.ed a snall convention center in the 'existing courtyard toaccorunodate 600 people--the nax inun nunber who could stay at the Lodge. The Master Plan was looked at to see if perhaps the restaurant should be consideredin light of the master plan. However, Ruoff itressed that the restaurant additionnust stand on its own. Will asked how high the addition connected to the restauranron the naster plan would be, and Ruoff stated that it would be another story high. Duane asked the staff if there was a limit to the anount of density added, andDick answered that there was no limit in conrnercial space. Diane rnentioned thatrith- -the open space around the lodge, it didn rt look ls large as it really was.Jiur M, mentioned concern about the sirade onto the Hong Kong cafe and the boardwas shown the shadows on the Hong Kong on March 22 ani Sepi ZS. Ton Gilbertsonof the Hong Kong stated that he had discussed the issue with Ruoff and had decidedthat the_Hong Kong "could live with it," He added that he would have preferredto see the Lodge placed farther back, however. Discussion followed concerning the staffrs three coriditions, and Ruoff said theappLicant did agree to them, Will asked if the Urban Design Guide PIan elininated flat roofs, and Dick respondedthat it discouraged flat roofs but that each project had to be ionsideredindividually, will feLt that the flat roof seerned awkward. Rrioff pointed outthat there is a flat_roof there at present, and Duane stated that that yras true,but the new flat roof would be twici as long, Ruoff said that the flat roof workedbest with the existing roof, PEc -s- )taz Ruoff stated that this project would be accessed thr';ugh the al1ey during constructiontiut i-n the future al I service would be as it is today, frorn the back or Vail Road. Jin M, noved to recorunend approval of the exterior alteration and addition ofHarryrs Bar on the eastern side of the Lodge at Vail per the staff nemo dated March 2, 1982 with the three conditions as stated. Will seconded the notionbut added that he would like to have the rnernbers polled to see how they felt about approving the adclition without the consideration of the whole naster plan. Jin M. stated he had no problen rith it as it was, Jim V said that it was difficultfor him to support the plan by itself. Diane agreed with Jim V adding that shedidnrt feel. the building stood by itself. Duane felt he could endorse the addition,without consideration of the master plan, but did wish it did not extend so farout. Will stated that he could support the addition because it. would be betterin the overall schene (he was endoising it in light of the naster pian). The vote was 3-2 in favor of the addition. For were Jin M, Duane and WitI. Against were Diane and Jim V., and they felt that they had already stated theirpositions, Will noved and Jin M. seconded to ad'iourn. Vote was 6-0 to adiourn at 5:50. t PTANN o SSION l. t 3. 4. 5. ING AND ENVIRONIIIN'TAL COMI"II February 22, 1982 Election of chairman and vice-chairrnan. Approval of minutes of neeting of February 8, 1982. Request to amend the Town of Vail zoning code to add a new zone districtcalled Arterial Business for an area west of Vail Lionshead including VailAssociatesr west day parking lot, Vail Associ.atest shop and yard area, EagleValley Water and Sanitation site, old Town shop site, Chevron site, HolyCross Electricrs yard site, Texaco site, Voliter Nursery site and the Glen Lyonoffice building site. Request to amend Section 18.54 Design Review Guidelines of the zoni.ng codespecifying information which nust be subnitted with the application t'or designreview board, setting forth design review board procedures and details. Request to anend the zoning code to include definitions of "najor arcade," I rrminor arcade" and "anusenent device. " The request is to anend the following zone distri-cts: Commercial Cores I, II, and fII, corunercial service center,public use, parki.ng district, public accomroodation district, Special Develop-nent Districts 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1.0 and ll. Major arcades will be subject toconditional use review. In CCI and II, major arcades will be restrictedto basenent or garden levels Request for exterior alteration antl rnodification j-n CCI to rernodel the GalleryBuilding (Ore House Building) to add a condorniniurn on a new thiad level above grade as well as redesigning the entrance to the Ore House, expandingthe restaurant toward the west and adding and renodeling second flooi officespace. Applicant: Ron H. Riley. Request for exterior alteration and modification in CCI to renrodel theSlifer Building in order to add storage space on the lst floor, office spaceat the rear of the 2nd floor and a deck and windows on the 2nd floor. Appli-cant: Rod Slifer. Request for exterior alteration and modification in CCI to al1ow the Lodge at Vail to Construct Hanyrs Bar, Applicant has requested thatthis item be tabled until the I'larch 8th meeting. Applicant: LodgeProperties, Inc. 6. 7, 8. eq a\tt PLANNING AtlD ENVIR0NI'IENTAI CO|IMISSION Monday, February 8, 1982 2:00 p,ur. l{ork session, Architerra project revisions 3:00 p.n. Public Hearing l. Approval of minutes of January 25 rneeting. 2. Request for a density control variance in gross residential floor areato construct lofts in 20 units dnd a request for a parking varj.ance forthe Sandstone CreekClubCondornj.niums on lots 84 and 85, Block B, Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing No. 1 Applicant: Vail Ridge'Partnership-- Jack Perlmutter. 3. Request to anend Special Development District 4 to subdivide lot 39, Glen Lyon subdivision into 2 single family lots from one Priurary,/Secondary duplex lot. A second arnendment requested is for a setback. changefron the SDD4 requirenent for Area A to enable construction of the parking. structureT'athletj.c club to encroach on the north side. Applicant: AndrewNorris. 4, Request for a conditional use pernit to operate a real estate office on the basement leveL of the llountain Haus at 292 East lvleadow Drive,Suite #2. Applicant: Earth Sheltered Realty and Investnents, Ltd. f\ - S[\Ot#. Request for exterior alteration and modification in Commercial Core I 4 &f J for the Lodge at Vail to construct Harryrs Bar. Appli.cant: Lodge Propertie. I 6. Reguest for exterior alteration and nodification in Conmercial Core Ito allow the Red Lions Inn to enclose with glass the northern portionof their front deck on the west side of the building. Applicant:Jeff SeLby. Published in the Vail Trail February 5, 1982. N0TICE IS IILREBY GIVIN that of the Town of Vail will hold a 18.66.060 of the Zoning Code of in the Town Council charnbers in PUIJt.lc No'ft(:l; thc Plannintl and Environrnental Connission pubtic hcaring in accordance with Section the Town of Vail on FebruarY 8, 1982 the Vail Municipal Building. - 1. 2:00 Work Session Architerra Project Revisions 3:00 Public Hearing Request for a deng ty control variance in Gross Residential Floor Area to constTuct lofts in 20 units and a request for a parking variance in accordance with Section 18.62 of the Vail Mrmicipal Code. The requests are for the Sandstone Creek Club Condominiums located on lots 84 and 85, Block B, Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing No. 1. Applicant: Vail Ridge Partnership-- Jack Perlmutter. Request for a conditional use permit in accordance with Section 18.60 of the Vail Mtrnicipal Code to operate a real estate office on the basenent level of the Mountain Haus, located in a Public Accorrunodation Zone District at 292 East Meadow Drive, Suite #2. Applicant: Earth Sheltered Realty and Investnents, Ltd. Request to anend Special Development District 4 to subdivide lot 39, Glen Lyon Subdivision into 2 single fanily lots--it is now a Prinary/Secondary duplex lot. A second anendrnent requested is for a setbback variance from the SDD4 requirementforArea Ataenable construction of the parking structure/athletic club to encroach on the irorth side. Applicant: Andrew Norris. 4. A request for exterior alteration and rnodification in Comnercial Gore I zone district for the Lodge at Vail to construct Harryrs Bar. This is in accor- dance with Section 18.24.;65 of the Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc. 5. Request for exterior alteration and nodification in Connercial Core I. zone district in accordance with Section 18.24.065 of the Vail Municipal Code to allow the Red Lion Inn to enclpse with glass the northern portion of their fiont.deck on the west side of the bui.lding. Applicant: Jeff Selby. The applications and information relating to the proposed changes are availablc in the Zoning Administratorts office during regular business hours for rcview or inspection bY thc Public. TOWN OF VAIL DEPAR'ITIINT OF COI{TIIJNIfi DEVELOPMENT A. Pcter Pattcn' .tr. Zoning Administrator 2. 3. Publlshed in thc Vail Trail January 22, 1982. Ruof tAllentworth AfChitgCtS,:: :;";:,* r'r, fi lfi TRANSMITTAL RECORD TO Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development JOB NO. #8102 B DATE 75 S. Frontage Road JOB TITLE Harry's Bar Vail, Colorado 8'l 657 Lodge at Vail We Are Sending: For Your: The Following: Herewith (1 ) Under Information ( X Use Prints (t' Letters ( Shop Drawings ( ) Requisitions . ( ) coPrES DESCRIPTION REMARKS Design Review Board Submittal for Harryrs Bar and East Lobby Entry to be reviewed on APril T. 1982 Allen Taforra Separate Cover ( ) () Action() ) Specs() Cuts() Photographs ( ) Photostats ( ) RUOFF/WENTWORTH Copies of Above ( ) Transmittal Only ( ) ARCHITECTS AIA P.C. To: o\o MElvORAI{DUM TO: Planning and Environnental Corrunission FROM: Department of Corwn:nity Development DATE: March 2, 1982 RE: Public hearing and consideration of an exterior alteration and addition of a restau""it ,pu"" called Harryrs Bar,' On the eastern side of the ioage at Vai-f. Applicant: Lodge Propercties' Inc' A. .COMPLIANCE WIrH THE PURqOqE_!E TION OF rH! COIO€RCIAL C IE I ZoNE DISTRICT BACKGROI.JND: In July of 1981 the applicant, Lodge Properties, Incorporated, came to the town with a proposal to add 026"rq"""" i'eet io^the'Salt Lick Dining Roon; the addition is to benamedHarry|sBar.onJulyt.S,lgSlthePlanningCorunission,expressjJrgissues concerning the reduction of open space and pedestriinizati'on, disapproved the "Jaitl"t in a tie (2-2) vote'- on iuty 22, lgsL the Town council overturned the Planning Conrnissionts decision by a vote of 7-0' At the present tine the applicant is returning to the Planning corunission with "1"r0-"!q""rt. The applicant proPoses increasing the restaurant add-ition ' .. .-!:.-'. frorn 620 to 1,800 ,q'"t" feet and adding a neeting roollr 6€ 884 sqrrare feet in the basenent of the renoiel . The new acldition will extend 54 feet to the east' to within five feet of the property line. 18. 24 . 010 PurPose The cornmercial core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintain the *iq"" character of the Vail Village connercial- area, with its nixture of lodges and conmercial establishments in a predorninately pedestrian environnent' The conmercial core I district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open sPace, and other amenities appropriate to the Pernitted trpes 9f buildings and uses.. The district regulati-oi1, in u."o"dance with the Vail Village urban design guide plan and design considerations prescribe site development standards that are in- iended to ensure the rnaintenancl and preservation of the tightly clustered arangments of buiLdings fronting on pedestrianw"ys and public greenways, and to ensure con- tinuation oe tne Uuiiding- scale and alchitectural qualities that distingursn the village This department reconnends approval of the project with itl" "ppi:."tnt pay for the inprovements in the entrance Drive and the entrance to thc addition from the Villagc the condition that to the bar fton Gore Creek P Iaza. lJ'lamy's Bar -2- 3/2/82v B. COMPLIANCE WITH TIIE VAIL VILLAGE UITBA,N DESIGN CUIDE PLAN 1. St:b-area conseet_s of tlre_Urb.an Desj.gll G.uide P1an. Although the Village Plaza is mentioned in the Guide Plan, no specific guidelinesare given for this space. The applicant has indicated that. the secondary entry to Hariyrs Bar will be from. Gore Creek Drive, between the Lazier Arcade and the Lodge. ihe sub-areaconcepts call for a "pocket park" wilh benches, planters and snow storage.The objectives of the guide plan are partially fulfilled by upgradingthis area by adding landscaping and benches, fe{.r,t.t!.rtq+li-"" The current proposal r,rill alter pedestrian access to the Lodge. Access between the Lodge and the Lazret Arcade Bui.lding on Gore creek Drive willbe-encouraged. ihe rnain entrance to the bar will be frorn the plaza. Vehic.lb Penetretion No change. 4. Streetsc.?pe. Fr.elrework Although the proposed addition has no direct frontage on a public street,the proposed facades will eventually be an important part oi a very publicarea in Vail, the Village Plaza, This addition should be carefully integratedinto the Plaza and nust be able to stand alone without relying on any fuiureinprovements--which may or rnay not cone about. 5. Street Ehclosure no change 6. 9tJegt*lggu. no change g"jsll The building height of li'3" is well within the height linitations of boththe Guide Plan and the zoning code. Views t'., 2. 3, 1 8. There are no designated viewaddition. One proposed viewthe al ley between the arcade corridors that would be irrfluenced by the restaurantcorridor, originating fron Core Cr.eek Drive throughand thc Lodge to the ski mountain is affectcd. II 't oHarry The eastern edge of Harryrs Bar will be within five feet of the greenhouseof the Hong Kong Cafe. Harryts Bar will cast a shadow over thb bar area' of the cafe. C. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS PaTk ing Tha appltcent will be required to pay a parking fee before the issuance ofa buildlng P€rnit. The fee will be calculated using the seating capaCityof the neu rostaurant and the square footage of the neetiJlg roon. RECOMMENDATION The Departrnent reconmends approval of the project with three conditions: 1. The applicant should pay for all irnprovements to both entrances to the bar,including the entrance fron the Plaza as well as the nini-park off of GoreCreek Drive, ,1; 2. Ttre street lights along the entrance wa lkr+ays should be the same type as ...'\'- those purchased by the Town for VaiL Village. l. 3, Ttre applicant should agree to participate in and not retnonstrate againsa *Uaspecia1funprovenentdistrictwhenoneisfornedfortheVi11agearea. l ts Bar -S- 3/2/82 9. Service_agd Delivery no change 10. S/rua" Dat e of APPlicat ron l l ,'23,81o APPLICATION FORI,I FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS oR MODtFtcATIONS lN COMMERCIAL coRE | (CCl) A. NAME OF APPLICANT Lodge Properties lnc. ADDRESS 174 E. Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Cdlorado 81657 PHONE 476-501 1 NAME OF APPLICANTIS ADDRESS 500 Lionshead REpRESENTATIVE Ruoff/Wentworth Architects AlA, PC Mall, Vail, Colorado 81557 pHONE 476-30s1 c.AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER !rSTCNATURE Thor G. Loberg ADDRESS 174 E, Gore Creek Drive,Vail, Colorado 81657p961r16 476-5011 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS Lodqe at Vail 174 E. Gore Creek Drive- Vail. Colorado LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tracts A, B. C. Block 5C. Vail Village First Filing E. FEE: Check for $102.00 enclosed. F. IMPROVEMENT SURVEY: See attached improvement survey prepared by Johnson Kunkel 6 Assoc. dated l2l18/80, revised 111181 I ) G. LIST OF NAMES OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: See AttAChCd IiSt Of IO names, ll. SITE PLAN: See attached drawings (4 copies) PROJECT DESCRIPTI ON,ltP O This profect includes a -9+! sq. ft. existing east lobby entrance. A. Restaurant Additon I restaurant addition and modification of the It is proposed'to extertd the existing Salt east property line. The concrete terrace t l. This procedure is required for alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or replacement of an existing building shbll be subject to review by the Planning and Environmental Commission. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. B. Ej, b" ,o-^-r- Lick Dining Room 57 feet j.6 the that is used for outdoor iummer ilt. I ffi dining wilt remain. The space currently occupied by the Salt Lick Dining Room will be used for additional kitchen space and restrooms to serve the new dining room located in the new space farthest to the east. To reinforce the identity of the relocated Salt Lick Dining Room it will be renamed Harryrs Bar and will have its own entry directly off the walkway from the sotith. B. East Lobby Entry Modification: The east lobby entry will be modified to include a revolving door located few feet north of the existing door plus a conventional door for guests entering the Lodge with skis. The objective of this modification is to enhance the visibility of the east hotel entry from the Village Plaza. IV. URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: Pedestrianization: The walkway from Qore Creek Drive to the Lodge at Vail east courtyardwill be eliminated. Pedestrian traffic flow will be redirected throuohthe Village Plaza from the southeast. B. Vehicle Penetration: The restaurant addition and the lobby entry modifications are completely removed from and have no impact upon vehicle traffic. Streetscape Framework : Although the restaurant addition and lobby entry modification are not adjacent to any public way and are totally on private proPerty, the walking experience from the Village Plaza into the east lobby entry will be improved by a better definition between restaurant and hotel lobby. Street Enclosure: Street enclosure considerations do not apply here because the proposed addition and modification do not occurr on any street. However, the extension of the south wall of the present building will help define the court yard and create an improved sense of place. Street Edge: Although street edge considerations do not apply, visual interest along the walkway from the Village Plaza will be improved by the addition of colored awnings over intricately detailed windows along the south wall of the addition. Night views into the lighted dining room will also provide added visual interest. c. D. E. 7 'l o F. Building Height: The restaurant addition ls Jft{o|,riStr. This matches the existing building d-t V. ZONING: See attached zoning check. Service and Delivery: There will be no change in service and delivery patterns at the Lodge. l. Sun and Shade: The addition will cast late afternoon shadows on the Hong Kong Cafe bar addition to the Lazier Arcade Building. oo ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS TO THE LODGE AT VAIL The United States Forest Service P.O. Box 190 Minturn, Colorado 816115 Riva Ridge South Ownerls Association 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Riva Ridge North Ownerrs Association 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Sitzmark Lodge Robert Fritch 183 E. Gore @eek Dive Vail, Colorado 81657 - Gore Creek Plaza Building Jack Fritzlen 193 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Bell Towei Building Clark Willingham 1300 Bryan Towers Dallas, Texas 75201 Lazier Arcade Bob LazierP.O. Box 1325 Vail, Coloradi 81658 One Vail Place Vail Associates P.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Lodge Apartment Ownerrs Association 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81557 Lodge South 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 tt ZONING CHECK The Lodge at Vail #8102 B Parts of Tracts A, B, E C, Block 5C, Zone: Commercial Core 1 Proposed 1,270 square feet of additional Vail Village First Filing dining at Salt Lick Restaurant. Demensions Existing lot area 132,523 sq. ft' None Required Existing: 55r at main wing of The Lodge, 99r at the Lodge South. Proposed: 161 8rr to match adiE6t-ouilding wing. 80E of Lot Area 808 (132,523) = 106,018 allowed GRFA Existing : 151,632 sq. ft. ERFA in The Lodge at Vail and The Lodge South. 246,340 total square footage including garages and conditional and Permitted uses. ProPosed: 1,270 sq. ft. addition to restaurant. Existing Uses N /A 80E (132,523) = 106,018 sq. ft. allowed coverage. Existing Coverage: 49,958 sg.-f!, Proposed Coverage: 50,846 sq. ft inaieE o-Tffd-q. ft. Sidewalk in courtYard will be extended to serve entry to restaurant addition. Unchanged OIA - 18. 24. 090 18. 24. 100 18. 24. 120 18. 24. I 30 18. 24. 140 18.24.150 Lot Area 6 Site Setbacks Height Density Control Reconstruction of Coverage Landscape E Site Development Parking 6 Loading r8.24.170 I 8. 24. 180 {4',t Project Application oate March 19, 1982 Proiect Name: Hrrryr< Rer Restaurant Fypansion* The Lodge at Vail 1800 sq. ft. restaurant addition to the existing Salt Lick Dinlng Room Project Descripli6n; and mndificaiinn tn thc Faqt I obhy Fntry. Contact Person and phsns R uoff /Wan tuynrth Arr'hiioct AlA, P-C - 476-30i1 /'.ll:n Taft.y;; Owner, Address and Phone: I orllt t.. Properties Inc t,76-5011 lzA tr Corr. t- rpol< irrivo, V;:il. C() lll657 Architect, Address and Phone: FUnff /liientn'^rtl-r \rr hit"-'rt'.i A I q., i)-i- r:.7ti-litil 500 Lionshead iriall, Vail , i ', ut6l7Parts of Legal Description' lsf A, R, C , Block q-C , Fiting Vail Village First , Zone _Q1]1_ Comments: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL o Summary: Harryrs Bar - The Lodge at Vail Exterior PlasterPratt 6 Lambert Ulhite Y l58lij Trim Moorwood S*T Brown 5T-68 Exterior Siding Olympic Solid Bodyrrl{oodland Green" N ame of P roject : Legal Description: Description of Proj Har Bar Restauranttso Lot A, B, C Block Filing Vail Village First sion. T s-c ect: Harryrs Bar expansion of existing Salt Lick Din Room, The Lodge at Vail The following information is required Board before a final approval can be A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall lVlaterials Fa sc ia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures G reenhouses Phone: PLANT MATERIALS TREES SHRUBS for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review given: Type of Material Wood Shingles T.M"E. and BuiJt up with Baliast Natural Sand lndividual Cedar Board Olympic Solid Body Color Verticle Sidinq nWogdl-anj GreentlPratt E Lambert Portland Cement Plaster White Y358W Moorwood Semi-Trans- Wood T6G Pine Pella Clad Moorwood Semi-Trans* Rouqh Sawn Cedar parent Brown 5T-.68 Walnut Clear Sealer Moorwood Semi*Trans-Wood parent Brown 5T-68 Metal Exterior Wall Color Metal It N/A Moorwood Semi-.T rans=. Rouqh Sawn Cedar Brown 5T-68 Green to Match ExistingCanvas Awning at Arlberg Terrace Other Knee B races Awning at East Lobby Entry B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Gary Powell of : Carl A" Worthinqton Partnership 443-7271 1309 Spruce Streel Boulder, CO 80302 Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size Please refer to submftlgg_lgllleape plan for landscape infsrmetion. arent Brown 5T-68 Moorwood Penetrating Clear White to Match Portland Cement Plaster Portland Cement Plaster on Concrete Block Pratt White Pratt lilfhite E Lambert Y3s8W E Lambert Y358W - ,L.=FOOTAGE soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTACE TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landscape Features (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Retaining walls on north side of building will be Portland cement plaster on concrete block painted to match existing building addition. Fence along service area on the west side of the Arcade building will be the same construction as the retaining walls. -,ri ,r- !, PI,A,\NING AND I]NVII{ONMTNTAL COIMISSION December. PRNSENT Scott [dwardsWill Trout Gerry Mri.te Dan Corcoran Duane Piper .Iim Morgan ABSENT F6gEFTitkeneier The meeting was cal 1cd to order at 3:00following a work session on CC4 zoning Sl)\F F DicK Ryan Peter Patten Petcr Janar J.in Sayre Bet-sy Rosolack p.m. by chairnian, Gerry ltthite, and rev.i-sed .Red Li,on p1ans. Iqrl Will moved unaninclus. 1. Arrproval. of tlie nrinutes of the {gy-_en!-9.f_?q,_1981 Tcetj!-g.and Duen c scconded to approvc the ninutes. The vote was S-Cl, 2. Request for a njljr_jq!4iv-r:1gl!- _g_f_lots 10Patch. Applicant: CUS tinicrp-ises .ll and 12 Block I Pota toPatch. Applicant: CUS Entcrprises, lnc. Pcter Patten shor,red site plans showing new lj.nes with the old property line.sin red. Ile explained why the staff rcrcornnrended approva.l and Ken l{ilson representingthe property owners expl.ained that a drivertay cncroachrnent on lot 11 was tobe i:liminated with the resubdivi-sioir , Dan explained that no a.llowable GRFA changes wouid occur. Duane voiced concern aboutlot lines rcgarding the distance between the buil.dings. Peter assuaged thcirconcerns. .Scott rnoved and Wil l seconcir,d to approveci the l'equest for a minorsnbdivision. The vote wets 5-0 in favor with Dan abstaining. 1. Beg"e-lt- Jqr"-g r9.?9r,1!&_e!_t_o!:-_l- !l'r9gg!_1,.-.c1iffsjde:!,'u4iy!:igrr-.]irsgResi.dential cluster Djstrict to single Famili nist.ict.. rippticants: luchardBlown, I)aryl ll. Burns, David L. Colc, and Charles H. Rosenquist. Pctcr Patten explained che meino shorving the sitc plan and di"scussed the graphsin the memo. Phil Ordway cxplained thlrt- he and Dave Snren+-ana each had a contractto bt"ty a I ot if the zoning was changecl , and that they wcr'r.) j,nstrunental inlqrqtresting thc lezcnitrg, J jrn rccal led tha.t whcn this subdivision was annexed and zoned ltesidential Clustcr it was the intentj.on to lccon:;i.der the zoningat a later date. lle was j.n fe,r'or of 1-hc changc. Drur stirtecl that ho fcl. tthat lot 6 should be includctl. ori,lwrry e.rpiainccl that Roscnquist. (owner oflot 6) was in favor of (:hrrlging hi"s lot to duplcx (p.rescntl.y hc corrld builclIt possibl e 3) or P/S. 0rdway statcrl tlrat hc <lidn tt havc t i.rne to stutly thealt.ernativos .in fu1 1 ond so dccidcr<l llot to inc.lrrde 1ot 6.at tJre last nrjurrtr,,r.rtlding th:Roscnqui.st told hinr tllat llc (Ro.st nqrrist) woulri rroi j.n-sisl cln builtling ; urriii. - 0rdway l'/cnt oll to stiltc tlrlt ht-' di<j lot'fccl. tlurt this r,,;r:; silot zonirlg for' .lot (r:-ince it ivus adjaccnt to llc zr.rning. lo. -r- tz!/a/st Scott agrced with Ordrvay adding that lot 6 was so different,, there was no need to consider it with the other lots. Scott addcd that he was concerncdthat the houses not bc built high on thc ricige and wondcrcd if a tradc-offcottld be made in this re-spcct. Ordway assurcd Scott that thc houses would be down thc hill far enough so that they wouldn't interfcre with others,views.Ordlay added that siting was the main r'cason for tns request. Jim voiccd -- -' concern ovel' the visual impact, also, then said he was sur:e DRB would takethat into considerat ion. Will noved and Duane seconded to rezone lots 1 thru 5 to Single Family. Thevote was 6-0, unanimous. Dan voiced his concern that thebuild, because the owners of the high point. Gerry felt this was owners would be coming in with a RC zone in thj-s developnent made hone owners show concern as to how high they Ridge rvere purposely not building on the the correct zoning because otherwise the series of requests for variances since theit virtually unbuildable. Prelininary Review Session for Exterior Alterations and Irlodifications. This session was to decide whether or not the submitted projBcts wouldbe considered najor--requiring a 90 day study, or minor--requiring a 60 day study. AlI of the following were considered to be najor revisions: Gallery BuildingSlifer Building Lodge at Vail - llarlyts Bar (new location) Red l,ion Inn -Deck Enclosure The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. TO la , , ^.Cr r?f-. r...]-i !. rF,, . . ,,LS,IJCfi 'VYet tLviu, Lr i. JOB NO. #8102 B JOB TITL1 Lodge at Vail - Harry's Bar Herewith (j Under Seporote Cover ( ) lnformolion ( ) Use ( ) Action ( ) Prints(1) Letters () Specs() Cuts() ShopDrowings () Photogrophs ( ) Photostots ( Requisitions ( ) DESCRIPTION REMARKS Archite cts ;: .*{iil; AtA RECORD DATE November 23, 1981 T RANSMITTAL Town of Vail - Cemmunity Dev. 75 S, Frontage Road Vail Colorado 81657 We Are Sending: For Your: The Following: COPIES Application Property Owners 4 copies of Site Plan Building Floor Plan and Sections North E South Building Elevations Existing Floor Plan Roger Landing RUOFF/ WENTWORTH ARCHITECIS, AIA CoPies of Above ( ) Tronsmittol OnlY( ) To: o Date of A PP lrcat ion I r /2f181 APPLTCATION FORN'I FOR EXTERIOR ALTERAT]ONS oR MODIFICATIONS lN COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCl) t. This procedure is required for alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed-floor area or outdoor patio or replacement of an existing building sh'alt be subject to review by the Planning and Environmental Commission. The apptication witl not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Lodge Properties lnc. ADDRESS 174 E. Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 pHONE 476-s011 B.NAME OF ADDRESS APPLTCANT'S .500 Lionshead REpRESENTATIVE Ruoff/Wentworth Architects AlA, PC D. Mall, Vail, Colorado 81657 pHONE 476-3051 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS Lodqe at Vail 174 E. Gore Creek Drive. Vail. Colorado LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tracts A. B. C. Block 5C. Vail Village First Filing FEE: Check for $102.00 enclosed. IMPROVEMENT SURVEY: See attached improvement survey prepared by Johnson Kunkel 6 Assoc. dated l2l18/80, revised 111181 I G. LIST OF NAMES OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: See attached IiSt Of IO names. ll. SITE PLAN: See attached drawings (4 copies) IIt. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project includes a 7,27A sq. ft. restaurant addition and modification of the existing east lobby entrance. A. Restaurant Additon: It is proposed'to exterld the existing Salt Lick Dining Room 57 feet to the east property line. The concrete terrace that is used for outdoor summer C. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNEB ^li srcNAruRE ';^:: ;'.";;:;;'% I /^"4, ' ADDRESS 174 E. Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657p661,19 476-5011 ,,, dining will remain. The space currently occupied by the Salt Lick Dining Room will be used for additional kitchen space and restrooms to serve the new dining room located in the new sPace farthest to the east' identity of the relocated Salt Lick Dining E9"T it wjll be Bar anb will have its own entry directl!'off the walkwayTo reinforce the renamed HarrYrs from the south. B. East Lobby EntrY Modification: The east lobby entry will be modified to include a revolving door located few feet north of thL existing door plus a conventional door for guests entering the Lodge with skis. The objective of this modification is to enhancJ the visiSility of the east hotel entry from the Village Plaza- IV. URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATTONS: A . Pedest r ia n i zat ion : . The walkway from Gore Creek Drive to the Lodge at Vail east courtyard will be eliminated. Pedestrian traffic flow will be redirected through the Village Plaza from the southeast. B. Vehicle Penetration: The restaurant addition and the lobby entry modifications are completely removed from and have no impact upon vehicle traffic' c.Streetscape Framework : Although the restaurant addition and lobby entry modific.ation are not adjacent to. any public way and are totally on private property, the walking experience from ihe Village Ftaza into the eist lobby entry will be improved by a better definition between restaurant and hotel lobby. Street Enclosure: street enclosure considerations do not apply here because the proposed "aOition and modification do not occurr on any street. However, the extension of the south wall of the present building will help define the couqt yard and create an imProved sense of Place. Street Edge: Although street edge considerations do not apply, visual interest along the walkwa-y from the Vitlage Plaza will be improved by the addition of colored awning! over intricately aetailed windows along the south wall of the addition' Night-,ri"*" into the liltrteO dining room will also provide added visual interest' D. E. F. Building Height: The restaurant addition is 16t 8" high. This matches the existing building G. Views: There are rxr designated view corridors in the area. H. Service and Delivery: There wilt be no change in service and detivery patterns at the Lodge, l. Sun and Shade: The addition will cast late afternoon shadows on the Hong Kong Cafe bar addition to the Lazier Arcade Building. V. ZONING: See attached zoning check. ooADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS TO THE LODGE AT VAIL The United States Forest Service P.O. Box 190 Minturn, Colorado 81545 Riva Ridge South Ownerrs Association 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Riva Ridge North Ownerrs Association 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Sitzmark Lodge Robert Fritch 183 E. Gore Creek Diveil, Colorado 81657 : Gore Creek Plaza BuitdingI Jack Fritzlen 193 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Bell Tower Building Clark Willingham 1300 Bryan Towers Dallas, Texas 75201 Lazler Arcade Bob Lazier P.O. Box 1325 Vail, Coloradi 81658 One Vail Place Vail Associates P.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Lodge Apartment Ownerrs Association 'l 74 Gore Creek Drlve Vail, Colorado 81657 Lodge South lTtl Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 t. ZONING CHECK The Lodge at Vail #8102 B Parts of Tracts A, B, 6 C, Block 5C, Zone: Commercial Core I Proposed 1,270 square feet of additional t 8. ztt. 090 Lot Area 6 Site Vail Village First Fiting dining at Salt Lick Restaurant. Demensions Existing lot area 132,523 sq. ft. None Required Existing: 55r at main wing of The Lodge, 99r at the Lodge South. Proposed: 16r Srrto match adjacent building wing. 80? of Lot Area 80% (132,523) = 106,018 allowed GRFA Existing : 151,632 sq. ft. GRFA in The Lodge at Vail and The Lodge South. 246,340 total square footage including garages and conditional and Permitted uses.Proposed: 1,270 sq. ft. additionto restaurant. Existing Uses N /A 80? (132,523t = 106,018 sq. ft. allowed coverage. Existing Coverage: 49,958 sq. ft. Proposed Coverage: 50,845 sq. ft. Increase o-tl0 sq. ft. Sidewalk in courtYard will be extended to serve entry to restaurant addition. Unchanged r 8.24. r 00 18. 24. 120 18. 24. t 30 18.24.r40 18.24.150 18.24.170 18. 24. r 80 Setbacks Height Density Control Reconstruction of Coverage Landscape s Site Development Parking 6 Loading box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 August 25, 1981 Tor Loberg, Manager The Lodge at Vai'l 174 E. Gore Creek Dr. Vail, Colorado 81657 PJ:df department of community development RE: DRB Submitta'l of 8-19-81 Dear Tor: At the August 19 meeting of the Design Review Board,-your submittal for an addition to the iestaurant at the Lodge at Vail was given final approva'l with the fol'lowing stipulations: modification that stone fiting be used along low p1 anter wall and lower walI be1 ow emergency eiit -- also signage and awning lettering be submitted at a later date. Jamar Project Appllcatlon on" a/tfot Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description:t-ot Arh{r.,g1ssy 5C) ,riting VArLVtu+4e- Ff ,zone-Q}l. Comments: Design Review Board OISAPPROVAL .J(fu"l/TAffi. E Statt Approval O O'rllit.\;itrii:r",t irr;iltt.O,,,, | ? The Lodge at Vail - Restaurant AdditionA piif-ofTot5 LOI A, B,C llt.t,..t: 5C lr ll.lli(;Vail Village First Filing l)rcl i nr. Final Auror.q Alrrgrgl Conr: nts Bl dg location on sitc Bldg Configuration Appropriateness with Neighborhood He ight Mass Roof Forns Use of l"lateri.al s Choice of Color Energy Efficiency B. Site Consideration Disturbance of Natural Features Snow Removal Access onto Site Vehicular and Pedes- trian circulation Landscaping Plan Grading S Drainage Erosion Control Irrigation System Exterior Lighting Retaining ltralls Accessory Structures C. ltliscellaneous Considerations D.Other. Conment s 'Q I .1n ,l1 '.,i7" r,'Jt-l''Y' l A. Col4plrANCE t{ITH pURPOSE SI:CTI0N 18.24.010 Purpose The Commercial Core I District is intended to provide sites and to maintain theuni.que character of the,Vai'l village Commerciai Area, *itn-iti miiture oi iojsjesand commercial establishments in a-predominantly p.O6si"iin environment. TheCommercia'l Core I District is intenied to ensuri bdequate light, air, open spaceand other amenities appropriate to the permii[eo atpd;-;i uriijindi jnj'rr.i'.--' If_Di:i"i!t-resulatiohs in accordance with the vait-viitate uruan oes.ign duiaePlan and Design Considerations prescribe site development itandards thal are \intended to ensure the maintenahce and preservation bt ttre tignity ciusieiea Iarrangements of.bujldings-fronting on pedestrian ways and pubTic lreenways ind to Iensure continuation of bui'lding siale ind architectira'i quitities"ttrit aistinsuiit, \the Village. ---, The Community Development Department considers thatLodge at VaiI do conform with the Commercial Core IUrban Des'ign Guide plan. the proposed changes to theDistrict, and the Vai'l Vil'lage B. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL VILLAGT URBAN DESION !!IDE PLAN AND DTSIGN l. Sub-area concepts of Urban No sub-area concept of the 2. Pedestrianization Design Guide Pl an Plan is related to this proposa'|. The restaurant expansion or coverjn$*Ae:fsbJ!#;l- not have any effecton pedestrianization. Lo<lgc Additions -2- 7/6/8L a. t'' \ 3. Veh j.cle Penetra.tion r No ch:rnge 4, St::ect !ggg_ l'UrytqlL' No change 5. Street Enclosure: No change 9. St.re.et Edge: No change 7. Building Ileight: ef,tlsurg . Ls One comment that cane out of the preiininary review of the and Environmental Comrnission neeting of June 8, 1981 was theheight. The Design Review Board will review in detail this concernproposal is presented to thern to see if this should be at a reduced Height of the restaurant addition is 13 feet. There is no designated view corridor that would be affected by either proposal . 9.Service and Deliverv:No change. 10. Sun Shade: Not affected by the proposal. . TONING CONS.I.DERATIONS Parking: The applicant will be required to pay the applicable parking feefor the restaurant. DESIGN CONSIDEMTIONS The Design Review Board will and for the enclosed pool . ENERGY CONSERVATION review the architectural plans for the restaurant part of the design of the enclosed 2. That the applicanr agree improvenent district when t-theh*@n the in and not remonstrate against a specialfor the Vail Village area. r_n the design of the enclosed pool area, energy conservation neasuresshould be introduced. RECOTII'IENDATION: The c-orrunun ity Development Departnent reconmends approval of the requestfor the restaurant eipansion- and covering the swirmning pool. rhe Departnentconsiders the request in confornance qith the vail vli,liee urban Desien Guidevlan and Design Considerations. &t^J A+:>>"'.'-.",t.-'ca! fuu f '>6>", d.;#.t, 1. to participate one is forrned//. I orv side Planniri 3l foot when the height, Views i PI,AT.IN ING AI.ID ENVIRONI"IINTAL COMMI SS1ON July 13, l98l 3:00 p.n. PRESENT Scott Edwards Duane Piper Dan Corcoran Gerry White Jim Morgan ABSENT STAFF Peter Patten Dick Ryan Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack COUNC IL REPRESENTAT IVE Roger Tilkeneier Gaynor Miller The ureeting was called to order by Gerry White, chairman. l. Approval of the ninutes of June 22, L98L. Tom Steinberg 2. A request for a setback variance to nake legal an exist.ing building which of an unplatted parcel in Bighorn titled Sundial Phase II. Applicant: Penner Constructio; l.ia;'^;;;;:;:i, Inc. Peter Patten presented the nemo, explaining the error nrade from the destruction and subsequent re-location of a concrete monurnent. Jeff Spanel explained how the survey error cane about, and Dan Corcoran added explanations regarding subsequent surveys showing other property corners in the subdivision andagreeing that an honest error had been made. Tim Garton representing VailEast Townhones told of his concern of the dyking of the property and feltthat it nould affect their side of the creek. Peter stated that he would discuss this with Tin. Dan noved and Duane ieconded to approve the request for the setback variance.the vote was 5-0 in favor, unanirnous. 5. lPPeaI 9f a.dninistT+tive decision concerning the color of a residence on Lot 20 Potato Patch. Applicants: Jonine and J. J. Collins. Larry Eskwith explained that the Collins had had some problems with their color and were told by'Peter Patten that their only option was to cone before the DRB to appeal for the change in color, or to change to the color that was listedin their original presentation. The Collins' did appeal, and were denied. . llouever, he (Larry) was of the opinion that the PEC did not have the powerto hear this item. Scott Edwards moved and Jin ltorgan scconded that the PEC did not have theauthority to hear the Collins appcal' The vote was 5-0, unanirnous to accePt thc fact that they couid not hear the appeal . PEc -2- 7/rs/8r a 4. Requcst for dcnsity varjancc for lot 12, Bljrck A7,_Clrsolar II at ll-01 Vail View Drive. Applicants: Jean and Janes ltl, MclJonald, Jean Catoe, et al . Dick Ryan stated that the staff would like to table this itcm until the next PEC rneeting, because that norning the staff had received a large memo fron the applicant, and wanted time to study it. George Straw, attorney for the applicant, stated that. this was the first tine that lr{r. McDonald had had a chance to present his case. Discussion followed, and it was decided t,hat the applicant could mke his presentation, and the request could still be postponed afterward. Peter Patten then reviewed briefly the previ.ous neetings and appeals with Deane Knox, and added that the staff still recorunended denial for lot, 12, GeorgeStrawthen gave his presentation for the applicant: He felt that the Town had acted illegally, and mentioned the fact that Phase I was zoned RC and then LDMF. (Dan pointed out that this was because it was originally Soingto be part of Homestake.) He added that Deane Knox had talked to Diana Toughhill in planning the subdivision. He pointed out that the plat did not show even cornmon open space, and yet was approved. He felt that the slope analysis should have been done first on each lot. His exhibit. G was a letter to Deane from Diana Toughill stating that. the units could be townhouses, and Straw added that Toughill indicated that GRFA was on a per unit basis. Dan Corcoran pointed out that the plat refers to protective covenants and are part of the plat and call out the restric.tions. $+1sv1 fhsn di"^ussed the fact that the resoluti-ons state 1400 GRFA, and yet 3380 GRFA was in the declarations. Deane was advised that there would be an evaluation later. Peter Patten read tninutes showing that the PEC approved resubdivision request' NOt GRFA. Straw then stated that Carling proposed a greater GRFA and received it and thenstill built a larger unit. He questioned why the conrnission assuned Knox was the spokesman for the subdivision. Gerry ltlhite responded that Knox had been the spokesman who responded to their inquiries. Jiur l"lcDonald stated that Knox further understood that he could transfer density fron Phase I to Phase Il. Straw questioned whether or not McDonald inflicted the hardbhip on hinself, uhether or not the Tohm violated its own zoning ordinance, and whether or not the Torin had ignored the true owners of the lots. Dan felt he wanted to know how nany building permits were issued Prior to the problen, and were the owners nade aware of the problern. Scott, ndntj.oned that the Town cannot enforce the covenants which state the GRFA. He also asked that the information in the new neno be boiled down to fewer pages. Larry E. said the events nust be reconstructed. Dan asked that the staff keep in contact uith Straw and McDonald so that both sides would know what would be said at the next neeting. Dan noved and Duan e seconded a nrotion to table the item until the next meeting. The vote was 5-0.to table. 5. PEC -3- 7/L3/8L o A request for anonttunent in accordance witll_9-ggegns__ljjqq._Ll0 throug\_r8.66_._l-qqto thc zoning ordinancc from Rcsidcntial (ll Lrstcr to l{csidcntial Pr.irna ry/ Sccondaryin order to build a residcntial unit togcther with a caretakerrs unit.Applicant: Doyle Hopkins. After beginning discussion, it was discovered that there were sone adjacent Property owners on the Ridge rvho werenrt notified of the neeting. Ed Drager asked to table the iten until the next necting. Duane rnoved and Jim secondedto table this until the next regular rneeting. Vote was 4-D (Dan had left.) A ninor subdivision request to vacate a lot line between 1o!: i:l_gn!_4:?, Peter Patten explained the memo, and Dave Green representing Architerra saidthat this was really overlooked at the previous meeting when the project had been approved. Gerry Whit.e stated that, while he was opposed to the projectitself, this point was a minor one. Drane moved and Jim seconded to grant the request to vacate the lot line. ltre vote was 4-0.in favor. 7. A qeque_st for an exterior alteration and modifi_cation in Connercial Core II, under Section 18.26.045 on Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead lst Filing, to add 51950 square feet of office space to the Lionshead Gondola Building, and a requestfor a variance to Section I8.26.150 to waive the requirernent of including onehalf the parking within the main building. Applicant: Vail Associates. Peter Patten explained the request, including an explanation of the nurnber of ParKing unlts tnat Vail Associates have for their employees, which the stafffelt was adequate. Ton Leonard of itail Associates explained that they did not have sufficient office space for their employees, Dr. Steinberg of the Town Council wanted to be assured that the parking lois were zoned for parking only., and Dick Ryan assured hin that they were. Scott was concerned that in futureyears, it miSht not be rernembered that this variance was granted on the basisof the existing spaces. Tom Leonard reminded them that VA had 140 extra parking sPaces.Discussion of the one condition, that the applicant agrees to parti-cipate in and not renonstrate against a special inprovement district when oneis formed for the Lionshead area, followed. Jin noved and. Duane seconded to approve the request as stated in the staff merno _of July 6, 1981 including the condition described above. The vote was 3-1 ,scott opposed because he wasnrt confortable with the parki.ng situation. 8. ... Public healing and consideration of an exterior alteration and modification reque st Conmercial Core I for the addition o 6. able glass Applicant: enclosure over the existing swimrning Lodge Properties, Inc. restaurant space and a retract- pool at the Lodge at Vail . decided to ask only for the restaurant applicant showed plans and stated 2 to 4 more parking spaces. Heis happening around this edge of would be increased. Duane agreed instead of quantity. Gerry White Dick Ryan explained that the applicant hadaddition. Ken Wentworth, architect for thethat the restaurant addition would rcquire enphasized that his firm felt that nothingthe open area and that pedestrian activity and added that his concern was wit,h quality w" PEc -4- 7/rs/8r o felt that therc_was already one najor entrance to thc Lodgc with a najorwalkway from Wall St,reet. Ken stated that he felt thcy were enhancing whatwas already there. Gerry felt that while it seems likl a srnall encro:rchnentit was not, and that the space was valuable. Duane noved and Jim seconded to approve the modification of the restaurantsubject to condition ll2 of the staif memo, that the applicant agree to parti-cipate in and not renonstrate against a special improvenent district whenone is forned for the Vail Village area. The vote was 2 for {Duane and Jim) and 2 against (Gerry and scott). scottwas a.gai-nst encroaching upon- open space. Gerry r-eminded the appiicant - that he had l0 days toappeal to fown Council. 9. A request for aoploval to. replat Highrand Meadows, rots 26-42, the HighlandTarFEpeciaiG;"ion new road dedications and vacations and rot rine removals. This is a majorsubdivision requested_under chaptet 17.04 of the vail Municipal code.Applicant: Sun Tech Builders, inc. Peter-Patten explained that -this replat was a nere technicality after approvalof sDD l1' (The applicant did not ippear.; o"ve-anJ r'irs. Eaeen appearedto voice their concern about a drainage problen they were having, with waterrrmning off of Highland park onto their iard. They stated that-ihey hadbeen washed out several times in the past weeks. bi"k Ry.n stated thatthe new plat would take care of drainige with the redesign of the road.scott suggested they use a nethod to divert the water temporarily as wasdenonstrated by Architerra. Larry Eskwith stat;j t.L;: L-;:. Ls,,r11ora.r,2 arrdpermanent diversion of water would be a reasonable condition of- apprtvat. scott noved and Duane seconded that the reprat be approved on conditionthat temporary relief of the drainage problenr that exists for the Edeensbe solved' water nust be diverted io itt" drainage ,yit", shown on the platwithin 15 days of final approval of the plat. The vote was 4-0, unaninous approval with the cond.ition stated. 10.@ion 18.14.090 of the vail Mwricipal Codeto allow applicant to jlcl ood plain area in c ting allowable:;;'#;"1;;;_normta in swin and rennis club, an unplatted parcel in vail rntermountainsubdivision. ,Applicants: Internouniain swirn and Tennis cluo who wish toconstruct 2 additional units over the previous "pprouoi uy eagte Gounty. Peter Patten presented the nemo stating that the st.aff recorunended denial .chuck ogilby, one of the applicants, siowed the plot pran and explainedthat l-6 acres in the center of their prot was considired flood prain. Heexplained that he felt the 2 units tooria tit well into their prot plan,that they wouldnrt be adding nore unit blocks, would not affect the parking,and they felt it rrculd be a pleasing addition architecturalry. He added :11..,:l:Lt:]._:Fy had praciical difficulties, and rnentioned that theynao loor(ed at other sites up and doo* the val ley and felt that theirs wasrmique, because of the survly euor, aoong othei things. PEc -s- 7/Ls/8t a Stan Cole added that l/3 of their total land was affected by the flood plain. Dick Ryan felt t.hat this was simply a circunstancc. Gerry White felt stronglythat a flood plain situation was not one upon which to grant a variance.Discussion followed concerning whether or not the flood plain was a hardship. Jim moved and Scott seconded to deny the variance request. The vote was4-0 in favor of denial . Gerry White rerninded them that they had l0 days in which to appeal to Council . 11. 4 requgst undgr.Ordinance 13, Series of 1981, for The VaIIey Phase 6for major revisions to an Cpprove<I site plan@designthe building locations and unit designs, along with a portion of the roadlayout. Applicant: Murray Properties Partnership of Dal las. Peter Patten shbwed the model and site p1an. John Wheeler, representingthe appl icant answered questions. He explained that the cul de sacs werelarge to accomnodate large vehicles. Jim Morgan expressed concern aboutcut and fills being largely visible. He wanted to nake certain the irnpact was downplayed so that the units didnrt give a wall-like facade. Gerryfelt that the tennis courts were alnost necessary to soft.en and add interest.scott wanted to know what will happen when this project went into DRB ifthe DRB decided there was too much visual impact, and Dick replied thatthat was the reason the DRB was invited on the field trip, however, the DRB could still suggest changes. Dr. steinberg asked if it were possibleto narrow the road, and was told it was necessary to have then thit widthto accormnodate large veirrcres.. The ciustering and redesigning of thebuilding locations were discussed. Jim rnoved and scott seconded to approve the revisions. The vote was 3-0rith Duane abstaining, in favor of approval of the site plan. scott noved and Duane seconded that. the neeting be adjourned at 6:45 p.n. I'lorrtt, -f.luty 13, 19,91 1. A1>proval ojl nj.trutcs of .lunc 22, I9Bl 2.A rcqtrcst for a sctb;rck vlrrilrlrcc to nrakc I q:111 I an cxistin.r; brrilding rvhich eucrolrchcs 4t j.nto thc sirlc sctback on 5010 l.lain Gore l)rivc rvhich is par'h ol: an unplattcd parccl in llighorn, titlcd Sulrrliirln Phase II. Applicant: Itctttlr:r Construction i\tanagcmcn t, Inc. 7 4. 5. Appeal of adninistratj.ve decision concerning 20, Potato Patch. Applicant: Jonine and .l ,J Rcqucst to table density variance application VaiI II at ll0l Vail View Drive. Applicants: Jean Catoe, et al . the color of a residence on Lot . Col1ins. for lot 12, Block A7, Caso.l.ar Jean and Janes I'J. McDonal d, 6. A request for anendment in accordance with Sections 18.66.110 through 18.66.160 to the zoning ordinance from Resiclential Cltrster to tlesidential Primary/ Secondary in ordcr to build a residential unit together with a caretakerrs unit. Applicant: Doyle llopkins. A ninor subdivision request to vacate a lot line between lots A-l and A-2, Lionsridge Filing #1. Applicant: AAV Linited Partnership. 7.A request for an extcrior :rlteration and rmder Scction 18.26.045 on lot 4, Block 1 to add 3,950 squa:'e fcct of office space and a rcqtrest for a varirnce to Section - of incltrding one-half thc parking within Vail Associates. nrodification in Corunercial Core II, , Vail Lionshead lst Filing, to the Lionshead Gondola Building, I8.26.150 to $aj.ve the requircnrcnt the rnain building. -^.1;r !r:r't: 8. A request for an exterior alteration and rnodification jn Corunercial Core I undei scction 18.24.065 olt Tracts A, B, C, l)lock 5c, vail Village lst Filing, 174 East Gore Creek Dri\'e, the Lodge at Vaii. , in ortler to adcl a 618 sqttale foot restaurant addition and a retractable glass enclosure over the exj-sting swinming pool . Applicant: . Lodge Propcrties, Inc. 9., A request for approval to replat Highland lleadols, Iots 26-42, the Highlatrd park Spccial Dcr.elopnent District ll. The approval is ::equested to al lotv ucl. road declications and vacations and lot linc remo.rals. This is a najor sub- division requestcd under Chapter 17.04 of thc Vail llunicj.pal Code. APpIicant: Surr Tcclr i'uii tiur's, Inc. 10. A request for a variancc to Scction 18.14.090 of the VaiI ltlunicipal Codc to allorv tfie applicont to irtclttde l'lood pllin ulcs in calculating allorvablc dcnsity in dcterrnining thc numbcl of units al lotrcd on the site of thc Intermountflin Swim and Tennis Club, :rn rrrPlrttc'd l):trccl in Vail Intcrrnountlin Subdivisiolt. The applicarrts ar.e thc Intct'rloutrtein .Swint nd Tennis Clrrl-r who rr'ish to constrtlct 2 additional units over thc prc'viotrs appt'ovll by Iiagle County. 11. A rcqucst undcr Ordinancc 13, Scrics of lg8l , for Thc \tallcy, Phase 6 for nrnior'. r'cvisions to lrrr illlProved sjtc Pllll . l'hc proposal i.s to rc-6csig1 thc brrildjnE.locltrr)tls ltttd ttttit dcsigns, nlong, with a por.tiolr of tllc roltl lrtl'ottt' !\htrril)' I't.oPcl'tics l)nrttlct'ship of Dallas. Publishctl in thc V:ril 'l't':ti I 'luly l{)' 1951 p PLANI.IING AND ENVIROI,IMENTAL COMMISSION AGENDA Monday, June 8, l98l 2:00 p.m. STUDY SESSION Gore Va11ey l,fater Issues 3:00 p.m. l. Approval of minutes of ltlay 26, .|98'1. 2. A request for a variance to brlild on a s'lope in excess of 4M, another variance to build within a set-back on lots A-l and A-2, Lionsridge, between Sandstone Drive and Lions' Ridge Loop. Applicant: AAV Limited Partnershi p. 3. App1ication for a density variance in gross resjdential floor area lnorder to build a duplex on Lot 12, B'lock A7, Casolar Vail II at ll0'lVail View Drive. Applicants: McDonald, Catoe, etc.,Pension Retirement Trust. 4, Preliminary review of CCI and CCII Urban Design Guide Plan Projects 1. Hl'll Building additions 2. Lodge at Vai'1, swimning pool enclosure and restaurant addition. 3. Casino Building remode'l 4. Concert Ha'l'l P'laza Bujlding, interior and exterior remodel 5. Lionshead Gondo'la Building, add office space and convert 3 officesto cormercial . 6. Lionshead Study Area No. 5 Published in the Vail Trail June 5, l98l. al:"ntlvair ---Restaurant {fit"L |) Vail Village First Filing The project consists of a 624 GSF RestaurantAddition and a new Entr"ance to the Lodge 'l'lrc fol1r,,.'ittig irtf ort:ilt iort i', r'r:rIt ! 1',.:11 {'or :;'.rl'r:r itt;rl l,;, lht: llcrlrrtl l:r'lur'': a l-ittll :rIprrtr,;r I r::rrr lrc 1;ivcn: A. llllll.lriii(i Il l'l;llJAl,S Iloof Sidirg Othcr I'iall l"latcrials Fasc i a Soffits l{indo',rs Itrindor,r 1'rim Doo rs Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Lhirrrlle)'s Trash E:rcl osures Greenhorrs es Othe:: -ltlq I ll,-l'i'lt j :) _ r_j,-l- Built-ug1cg! Stucco exterior to match existing (,o I or None None None Wood Frame with insul. glass Wood Wood panel doors Wood Ornamental I ron Sheet metal painted to match exist. None None None Planters - stucco on masonry B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES -476- 3051 Botanica'l Name P:pglg r _IrSn'q!9!g_es Pinus Mugo Pumilo Common Name Aspens Dwarf Muqho Pine Ruoff/Wentworth Architects, A. l.A. Quanti ty f, Si ze 2 - 3" dia. 24:E0" spread SHRUDS Juniperus Communis Saxitalis - Native Juniper 19 5 gal. {r=I=+--f |o 32 lqt. s0D SEED TYPr. SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR i4ETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landscape Features (retaining walls, fences, swirming pools, etc.) P'lease specify. oa t T ITrt .rlIt ff l Jl-r.I {tri n-l t J lr!c 5i =rigFlo Date of Applicfon Ilay 26, l9t.r APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCI) I. This procedure is requ.ired for_alteration of an existing building which adds or removes iny-dn.tosed floor ut"u ot outdoor patio or rep'l acement.of in-existing Uuifaiig-ihall be subiect to review by the Planning and Env1ron- mental Cormission. The appljcation will not be accepted all information is submitted. A. NAME 0F APPLICANT-!95!9{ry Inc. Vail , Crlprgds-91657 PHoNE 476-5011 B. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Ruoff/wentworth Architects' A'I'A' ADDRESS 500 Lionshead Mal'1, Vajl, Colorado 81657 PHoNE 476-3051 AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY ObJNER SIGNATURE Thor G. Lobe ADDRESS 774 E. Gore Creek rado 81657 PH0NE 476-sOi1 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL unti I rties ADDRESS Lodqe at Vail I74 Gore Creek Dri ve Vai'l Co'l orado LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N Trac!q--1!C. Block 5C Vai I Vi'l1a 1st. Fil in nlP'lr'E.FEE: Check for $101.50 enclosed IMPRoVEMENT SURVEY: See attached improvement survey prepared by Johnson, Kunkel & Assoc. dated 12li8,/80, revised I/I/81 ' LIST OF NAMES OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OI^INERS: SCC AttAChCd ]iSt Of 15 names. drawings (4 copjes) u. II. SITE PLAN: See attached III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project includes two elements: a retractable glass enc'losure over A. Restaurant Addition: a 618 sq. ft. restaurant addition and the exi sti ng swimm'i ng Poo'l . 1. It.is proposed to extend the existing salt Lick Dining Room 17.5 ft. to the'soirth in an area presently occupied by an uncovered concrete terrace that is occasioni't ty used for outdoor surmer din'i ng. The present dining facjlities in ttre Lodge are not'large enough to pl9- ierly accommoiate their guests jn winter or during inclement weather in the summer. 2. To rejnforce the 'i dentity of the wil'l be renamed "Harry's Bar: and remode'l ed Salt Lick D'ining Room it will have its own entrY directlY off of the wa1 kway from the Lodge to the Village Plaza. As part of this improvement the ex'i sting east entry to the Lodge wil] also be rebuilt and upgraded. B. Pool Enclosure: 1. The exjsting Lodge swimming pool is located'in an area that is completely inaAea in wintei ind partly shaded jn surrner. The en- cloiure witt a'llow full winter utilizatjon of the poo1. By making the lower half of the roof retractable in the summertime, use of the pool can be retained in.a manner s'imjlar to the present' ?. Enclosing the poo'l will significantly reduce the amount of energy required-to neit ttre water. Thjs reductjon dn energy use,wi'l 'l :at least equal, and probab'ly exceed, the energy required-to heat the space within the bnclosure during 1ts hours 9I use. Thus tota'l energy requ'i rements for the enclosed pool wil'l be no greater than now and util'ization will be markedly increased' IV. URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: A. Pedestrianization: 1. The pool enclosure has no impact on any public or private pedestrian path. ?. The restaurant addjtion will clean up and improve the east entry to the Lodge from the important pedestrian way leading to the Vi I 1 age P'l aza . B. Vehic'l e Penetration: Both the restaurant addition and the pool enclosure are complete'ly removed from and have no impact upon veh'ic1e traffic. C. Streetscape Framework: Neither the restaurant nor the pool enclosure will have any effect upon streetscape enclosure. However, the restaurant improvements wi'l 'l jmprove the quality of the walk'ing experiences from Vi1'lage P'laza to the east Lodge entry. D. Street Enclosure: Neither the pool enc'l osure nor the restaurant additon is affected by street encl osure considerations. E. Street Edge: apply to the pool enclosure. wi'll move 18 feet closer to the Plaza. The use of human scale 1. Steet edge considerations do not 2. The south wa]l of the restaurant pedesterian way from the Village o details in this wal], such as tal'l windows with small awnings ovei eactr and a1ow i'lanter be'low, plus night.views into the iigit"d-dining-"oor wi'l'l 'irnprove ihb streel edge aspects of this wal kway. F. Bui'ldinq Heiqht: The pool enclosure is 31 feet high on its h'igh s'ide.and 13 feet- high on-i[s iow stOe. The restaurant-addition is-13 feet high. Both are 'lower than the exi sti ng bu'i ldi ngs wh'i ch they abut. G. Views: There are noidefignated view corridors in the area and there is no impact on view from any pedestrian way. H. Service and Delivery: There will be no change jn service and delivery patterns at the Lodge. I. Sun and Shade: Shadow patterns are basica'l1y unaffdcted. V. ZONING: See attached zoning check and area breakdowns' ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS TO THE TODGE'AT VAlL The United Sfotes Foresi Service P.O. Box 190 Minturn, Colorodo 81645 Rivo Ridge South Orner's Associotion 174 Gore. Creek Drive Voif, Colorodo 81657 Rivo Ridge North O"rnerts Associotion 174 Gore Creek Drive Voif, Colorodo 81657 Sitzmork Lodge Robert Fritch 183 E. Gore Creek Drive Voif, Colorodo 81657 Gore Creek Plozo Building Jock Fritzlen 193 E. Gore Creek Drive Voil, Colorodo 81657 Bell Torer Building Clork Wi llinghom 1300 Bryon Towers Dollos, Texos 75201 Lozier Arcode Bob Lozier P.O. Box 1325 Voil, Colorodo 81657 One Voil Ploce Voil Associotes P.O. Box 7 Voil, Colorodo .81657 Lodge Aportment Orner's Associotion 774 Gore Creek Drive Voif , Colorodo 81657 Lodge South 174 Gore Creek Drive Voif, Colorodo 81657 ZONING CHECK The Lodge at Vail #8102 B Parts of Tracts A,B, & C, B'lock 5 C, Va'i1 Vi'l1age lst Fil ing Zone: Cormercial Core I Proposed 618 square feet of additiona1 dining at Salt Lick Restaurant. 18.24.100 Setbacks None Required 18.24.110 Distance Between Buildings None Required 78.24.120 Height Existing: 55' at main wing of The Lodge 99' at the Lodge South Proposed: l3' 80% of Lot Area 807 (132,523) = 106,018 a'l ]owed GRFAExisting: 151,632 sq. ft. GRFA in The Lodge at Vai'l and The Lodge South. 246,340 total square foot- age including garages and conditional and pennitted uses. Proposed: 618 sq. ft. add-ition to restaurant. 18.24.130 Density Control 18.24.140 Reconstructio of Existing Uses N/A 18.24.150 Coveraqe 80% (132,523) = 105'018 sq. ft. a'l I owed coverage Existing Coverage:_ 49,958 sq. ft. Proposed Coverage: 50,576 sq. ft. Increase of 618 sq. ft. 18.24.170 Landscape & Site Deve'lopment New planter on east and 18.24.180 Parking & Loading south sides of addition Unchanged for Existing. F\o.$ c?c! (?) @ v @r\c\| .o s@\o N @ N |r) co.oc\ tr, c\ o. O c') N o\ c!c\l sN.o ro o. rJ-) @o.(') .o o..qf @ (\I c!.ota) 6l c')o,N FN@.O o' o..o oc, rl-)c{o .o @.o ro I trr) I I I I c{ cf, C9o. @ (!.o|r) (\l I ao.N t (?)o.o. cr) @(f) .o o. @s.o I o.q O N o. sNo. No c\ oo. s@ \Al. l-- (f)>.o''-oN-ooF FN@.Oc\6 F@ ar: (\o.rr) C\l o.st ro o.q ro rfc\N .o .oo |r) 'oc{ ra) c\N(\ @ N o..oN lr) c\c')@ c\.1 oo,tif t ro.oF\ C\ OO .O c! @c).o o-j!ri o)c ='= =I oo u- -l o)c ; 'o : I o u- <\l I o,c = =I o u- (r) o) =.=o: I o LL .sr = oo u- !f -J u- .q (')c c o tr rr) _9 o I = oz I o o oo u- oo IL -oc(\I oo U- 6 oJ oo C' q, cq, co oo u- oho€u- LL-E -c@cblr! r- Crloobu---o€ -qo(\F t .o.q-6l (\rro.s ro cf) o oF .o (\ (E,lf) r C\c.)ro rf) -) F F C.9-+O) '13 --')c- U o- 5<U e.o Hrnos 3c€o] { - -t@()cv0)o T+ {=r€ i1'" k:\Jv + r---t ' ogQ Ec o.r '--< f-o oD -o =-og\ -J cu.:oY OJ- O) _c. t6 !s F= I lvn lv lgcot tHL d'r*eW r*# MEMOMNDUM T0: Plann'i ng and Environmenta'l Commission FROM: Corrmunity Development Department DATE: July 6, 1981 SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of an exterior a'l teration and modification request in Conmercia'l Core I for- the additjon of restaurant space and a retractable 91ass enclosure over the existing swiinming pool at the Lodge at Vail. Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc. REQUEST: The app'l icant is request'i ng to add approximately 620 square feet to the Sa1 t Lick Dining Room which will be renamed Harry's Bar. Thiswill be a one story addition to the south side of the restaurant area. Also proposed js to enc'l ose the existjng Lodge swirm'ing Pool . A. COMPLIANCE l,lITH PURPOSE SECTION .|8.24.010 Purpose The Commercial Core I District is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail ViIlage Commercial Area, with its mixture of'l odges and commercia'l establjshments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Conrnercial Core I Distri ct is intended to ensure adequate light, air' open space and other amenities appropriate to the pennitted types of buildings and uses. The District regulations in accordance with the Vai'l Vi'llage Urban Design Guide P'lan and Design Cons'iderations prescribe sjte development standards that are 'intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of bujldjngs fronting on pedestrian ways and pubf ic areenways and to ensuri continuation of building scale and archjtectural qua'lities that d'istinguish the Vi '11 age. The Comrnunity Development Department considers that the proposed changes !o lltgLodge at Vail do conform with the Conrnercial Core I District, and the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. B. COMPLIANCE l,lITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN AND DESIGN l. Sub-area concepts of Urban Design Guide Plan No sub-area concept of the P1 an is rel ated to this proposal . 2. Pedestrianization The restaurant expansion or covering the pool will not have any effect on pedestrianization. -=\ Lodge Additions -2- ,rt I 3. Vehicle Penetration: No change 4.Street Scope jluns"el!: No change 5. Street Enclosure: No change 6. Stregt Edge: No change l,__B'l4jj1g_!9$E-- The pool enclosure is 31 feet high on the high side and 13 feet on the low side, One connent that came out of the preliminary review of the Planning and Environmental Conrnission neeting of June 8, 1981 was the 3l foot height. The Design Review Board will review in detail this concern when the proposal is presented to thern to see if this should be at a reduced height, Height of the restaurant addition is 13 feet. 8, Views: There is no designated view corridor that would be affected by either proposal . 9, Service and Delivery: No change. 10. Sun Shade: Not affected by the proposal. .ZON ING CONS I.DERA.T IONS Parking: The applicantfor the restaurant. will be required to pay the applicable parking fee DESIGN CONSIDERAT.I ONS The Design Review Board will and for the enclosed pool . ENERGY CONSERVATION review the architectural plans for the restaurant In the design of the enclosed pool area, energy conservation measures should be introduced. RECOMI',IENDATI0N: The community Development Departnent reconnends approval of the requestfor the restaurant expansion and covering the swimrning pool. The depa.trentconsiders the request in confornance with the Vail Vil lage Urban Design GuidePlan and Design Considerations. 1. Subject to energy conservation neasures being part of the design of the enclosedpool. 2. That the applicant agree to participate in and not remonstrate against a specialinprovenent district when one is forned for the Vail Village area. -3- 7/rs/8la s. A reouest for anendment in accordance with Sections 18.66.110 through 18.66.160 v in order to build a residential unit together with a caretakerrs tutit. APPIicant: DoYle HoPkins. After beginning discussion, it was discovered that there were sone adjacent property or,ners on the Ridge who werenrt notified of the neeting. Ed Drager istla to table the item until the next rneeting. Duane rnoved and Jin seconded to table this untit the next regular neeting. Vote was 4-D (Dan had left.) 6. A ninor subdivision request to vacate a lot line betlveen lots A-1 and A-?,. Peter Patten explained the neno, and Dave Green representing Architerra said that this was really overlooked at the previous meeting when the project had been approved, Gerry White stated that, while he was opposed to the project itself, this point was a ninor one. D,rane noved and Jin seconded to glant the request to vacate the lot line. The vote was 4-0 in favor. 7- A reouest for sn exterior alteration and nodification in Connercial Core II, under section fA' 3,950 square feet of office space to the Lionshead Gondola Building, and a request for a variance to Section I8,26.1 50 to waive the requirenent of including one half the parking within the nain building. Applicant: Vail Associates. Peter Patten explained the request, including an exPlanation of the number of. parking units that Vail Associates have for their enployees, which the stdff felt was adequate. Ton Leonard of Vail Associates explained that they did not have sufficient office space for their employees. Dr. Steinberg of. the Town Council wanted to be assured that the parking lots were zoned for pirking only, and Dick Ryan assured hin that they were. Scott was concerned that in future years, it night not be rernembered that this variance r,tas granted on the basis of the existing spaces. Ton Leonard reninded them that VA had 140 extra parking spaces. Discussion of the one condition, that the applicant agrees to parti: cipate in and not renonstrate against a special improvenent district when one is forrned for the Lionshead area, followed. Jin noved and Duane seconded to approve the request as stated in the staff neno of July 6, 1981 including the condition described above. The vote was 5-1, Scott opposed because he wasnrt cornfortable with the parking situation. /'. .Public. hearing and consideration of an exterior alteration and nodification act_ able glass enclosure over the existing swirudng Pool at the Lodge at Vail . Applicant: Lodge ProPerties' Inc' Dick Ryan exPlained that the applicant had addition.. Ken $lentworth, architect for the that the restaurant addition would require ernphasized that his firm felt that nothing the open area and that Pedestrian activity and added that his concern was with quality decided to ask only for the restaurant applicant showed Plans and stated 2 to 4 more Parking sPaces. He is happening around this edge of would be increased. Duane agreed instead of quantitY. GerrY hhite PEc _4- 7/Ls/8r o felt that there was alreadY one walkway front was alreadyit was not,and that the sPace was valuable' Duane moved and Jim seconded to aPProve the modifi.cation of the restaurant subject to conditiot #2 of the staff memo, that the applicant agree to Parti- cipate in and not renonstrate against a special iurprovenent district when one is formed for the Vail Village area' The vote was 2 for (Duane and Jim) and 2 against (Gerry and Scott). Scott was against encroaching uPon- open_ sPac€. Gerry reninded the applicant that fr'e had 10 days to appeal to Town Council- 9. A request €or approval to replat Hig]tland Meadows, lots 26-42, the Highland new road dedications and vacations and lot line renovals. This is a najor subdivision requested under Chapter 17.04 of the Vail llunicipal Code. Applicant: Srm Tech Builders, Inc' Peter Patten explained that. this rePlat was a nere technicality after approval of SDD ll. (The applicant did not aPPear.) Dave and lrlrs. Edeen appeared to voice their concern about a drainage problen they were having, with water running off of Highland Park onto their 1and. They stated that they had been washed out several tirnes in the Past weeks. Dick Ryan stated that the new plat would take care of drainage with the redesign of thc road. Scott suggested they use a nethod to divert the water tenporarily as was demonstrated by Architerra. Larry Eskwith stated that both temporary and pErrnanent diversion of water would be a reasonable condition of approval . Scott moved and Duane seconded that the replat be approved on condition that temporary relief of the drainage problern that exists for the Edeens be solved. Water nust be diverted to the drainage system shown on the plat within 15 days of final approval of the plat. The vote was 4-0, unanimous approval with the condition stated. 10, A request for a variance to Section 18.14.090 of the Vail Municipal Code flood plCin area in calculating al lowable density in detennining the nurnber of units allowed on the site of the lnter- rnountain Swim and Tenn j.s Club, an unplatted parcel in Vail Internountain Subdivision. Applicants: Intermountain Swin and Tennis Club who uish to construct 2 additional units over the previous approval by Eagle County. Peter Patten presented the neno stating that the staff reconrncndcd dcnial . Chuck Ogilby, one of the applicants, showed the plot plan and cxPlained that 1.6 acres in the center of their plot was considered flood plain. l{e explained that he felt the 2 units would fit well into their plot Plan, thit they wouldnrt be adding nore unit blocks, would not affect thc parking, and they felt it would be a pleasing addition architecturally. Hc added that thly felt they had practical difficulties, and ncntioncd that they had looked at other sites up and down the val lcy and felt that thcirs was unique, because of the survey error, atnong othcr thinSs. Wall Street. Ken there. GerrY felt najor entrance to the Lodge with a najor stated that he felt they were enhancing what that while it seens like a small encroachnent, It Hg Floeq -oEF{ €Ftr-f(5aa € qf(t box lfl) vail, colorado 81657 {3031 47S5613 T\ December lq, 1980 ) \__.-l\lrlr. Ken llentworlh Ruof f 4,lentworth Arch i tects Drawer 2178 Vail , Co]orado 81657 department of community dwelopment Dear Ken: The Planning and Environmental Conmission at their meeting on December 8,-1980 had a preliminary review on-the proposed addition for new first f'loor office space and second floor kitchen storage and employee dining. They determined that this proposa'l had no signiflcant impacts and would not be a plan amendrent and wou'ld fol'lov the normal processing of an exterior alteration or modification procedure. Your pioject wil'l be schedu]ed before the Planning and Environmental Conmission on January 26th. The office use js not specifically permitted on the first f'loor of Comrercial Core I. Ho1i:ver, the Planning and Environmental Cormission considered that as long as the offices were used on'ly for the operation of the lodge, this space would be accepted as an-accessory use. In the future this space dould not be changed from office spacefor lodge operation to general office space or a real estate office. llith the proposed addition landscaping wou'ld be removed from the property. The zoning ordinance states that "no reduction in land- 3cabe aiea shall be permitted without significant cause shown by the applicant, or as'specified in the Vail Village Design Considerations." If you have any questions, please contact me. Si ncere]y, . ,/ .'1{)z r 4, (;+- Dick Ryan, Director Department of Cormunity Development DR:df ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS TO THE TODGE AT VAIL The United Stotes Forest Service P.O. Box 190 Minturn, Colorodo 81645 Rivo Ridge South OrnerJlAssociotion 174 Gqe Creek Drive Voil, Colorodo 81657 Rivo Ridge North OrvnerlfAssociofion 174 Gore Creek Drive Voil, Colorodo 81657 Sitzmork Lodge Robert Fritch 183 E. Gore Creek Drive Voi[, Colorodo 81657 Gore Creek Plozo Buitding Jock Fritzlen 193 E. Gore Creek Drive Voil, Colgrodo 81657 Bell Tonver Building Clork Willinghom 1300 Bryon Towers Dotlosr, Texoi 75201 Lozier Arcode Bob Lozier P.O. Box 1325 Voil, Colorodo 81657 One Voil Ploce Voi I Associotes P.O. Box 7 Voil, Colorodo 8.1657 Lodge Aportment Onnerd Associotion 174 Gare Creek Drive Voil, Colorodo 81657 Lodge South 174 Gore Creek Drive Voil, Colorodo 81657 l. Doteof Apflicoti% APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I ( CCI ) This procedure is required for olterotion of on existing bui lding which odds or removes ony enclosed floor oreo or ouldoor Potio or rePlocement of on existing building sholl be subiect to review by the Plonning ond Environmentol Commission. The opplicotion will not be occePted until oll informotion is submitted ' A. NAME OF APPLICANT e Properties 'lnc . B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Ruoffflentwo'th 4Et!e9t'r j-:!.4 PH ONE 476-3051 Suite 200 600 S. CherrY Street ADDRESS Denver. Colorodo 80222 PHONE (303) 292-3432 Suire 200 600 S. Cherry SrreetADDRESS Denver. Colorodo 80221 PHONE (3O3) 292-3432 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS Lodoe ot Voil 174 E. Gore Creek Drive Voil, Colorodo 81557 c {'(ot fc' Ce'\ LEGAL DESCRIPTION Trocts A, B, C, Block 5C, Voil Villoge lst Filing E. FEE $ 100.00 plus l5g for eoch property orner to be notified' F. IMPROVEMENT 5URVEY OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPERTY LINES AND LOCATION OF BUIIDING AND ANY IMPROVEMENTS ON THE LAND. G. A LIST OF THE N,AME OF OWNERS OF ALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. Site Plon - See ottoched drowings. Purpose - The proposed oddition is opproximotely 2,200 sguore feet of suPPlementol offices, kifchen storoge, employeers dining ond o new stoir occupying two floors on the souihwest end of the moin wing of the Lodge ot Voil. Due fo the uniformify of focode treotments on the west elevotion, woll finishes ond window detoils on the oddition reflect those of the existing building. Urbon Design Considerotions A. Pedestrionizotion: Hotel guests ond employee's who pork in the southernmost il. ilt. lv. Portion of lhe porking lot ore primorily the only people whowill poss directly in front of the oddition. B. Vehicle Penetrotion: Unchonged from existing except 7 porking spoces in front of oddition ore six feet furthei into oisle, leot,ing ror" ihon odeguote spoce for bocking ond snow removol . C. Slreetscope Fromework: Addition is off of street ond does not offect streetscope fromeworks D. Street Enclosure: Addiiion dces not offect sfreet enc Josure . E. Street Edge: Addition does not offecl street edge. F. Building Height: 25'ot roof intersection with existing woll. G. Views: Not opplicoble. H. Sun Shode Considerotions: Entire south portion of the Lodge of Voil is shoded by the l-odge South in fhe lote ofternoon. The new oddition does not cost shodovvs on odiocent properties or public right of woy. RUOFFAVENT\^1qts|ARCH rTECT S, A . I .A . November 20, 198-f ZONING CHECK The Lodge ot Voil rgoo5 Ports of Trocts A, B, & C, Block 5C, Voil Vi lloge lst Filing Zone: Commerciol Core I Proposed oddition is21200 grcss squore feet of offices, kitchen storoge, employee dining. ond o new stoir occupying two floors on the southwest end of the moin wing of the Lodge ot Voil. 18.24. 100 r8.24. I l0 18.24.120 r8.24. r30 Height Density Conirol Setbocks None Required Distonce Between Buildinos None Reouired Exisiing: 55' ot moin wing of The Lodge 99'ot the Lodge South Proposed: 25' ot roof interseciion wi th exisling wo | | 80% of Lot Areo 80o/o (132,523) = 106,018 ollowed GRFA Existing: 151,632 sq. ft. GRFA in The Lodge ot Voil ond The Lodge South + 37,972 sq. ft. (common oreos including corridors, lobbies, meeting rooms, ond goroges in excess of ZOc/o of GRFA) - 189,604 sq. ft. Toiol Existing GRFA 25,493 odditionol sq . ft. of speciol use spoce for offices ond Lodge operotions. Proposed: 540 sq. ft. GRFA ot employee's dining + 259 sq. ft. (corridors over 20olo of the new 504 sq. ft, GRFA)= 799sq. ft. Totol New QB!! I 198 sq. ft. oddiiionol sq. ft. of speciol use spoce for new kitchen storoge ond offices. Existing Uses N/A Londscoping & Site Porking & Looding 80o/o (132,523) = 106,018 sq. ft. ollc'r',red cove roge Existing Coveroge: 49,958 sq. ft. Proposed:Coveroge: 51r055 sg. ft. Increose ,'of 1,097 sq . ft. Development Unchonged for Existing Reconsfruction of Cove roge t. f*(.,,60 = lobrotS Alfuwe4 t5l/ b37 €Tls'fr{Q 'a?/€7-- Zo% a-r /o?aro4'f'tgv W efuau</ &rq"* /,a.V :.z//toig f'frtz'- / -\' " -5> 3Z/772,e/*zruqrdu€Z 7zz4/a//o. ltas - /o6/E .4/t'zd5? - a rF,/.'€/ f/rtga4 //ez6,€z>a6'.,/az tz 18.24.140 18.24.150 18.24.170 18.24. 180 Unchonged for Existing t . (0, U-'-- &r*zo-,-+ ct .tfl- f/'+ l-4 * , /- 1,40v .-71..+a- /ot,,^77r1- ,,o-n - fury+"-*% Exterior Modification Review@ciates December 3, 1980 Addition to The Lodge at Vail 1. Improvement survey? 2. Not covered by sub Area Guide Plan - so only U.D. consideration applv. 3. Wonder if there's any merit in overlapping the north end of the addition onto the reiidential facade...(see west elevation) seems to encroach on balcony spaces a 1ittle awkwardly on the secondfloor, and grcund f'loor exit door swings in front of residential windows. Is there any reason not to shift the who'ld thing south a few feet? 4. Most of my corments are probably DRB issues: *fenestration doesn't look consistent on west elevation - either floor.*can't tell if siding/stucco treatment is truly in keeping w/ adjacent b'ldg.*height of ground f'loor stucco wall seems just a little out of scale (subjective) and second f'loor a little too short someho,r...(admitted, this is not a major pedestrian throughway). 5. 0verall seems adequate from visual points. (Zoning oompliance may be another issue...) q, /0, a ZONING CHECK The Lodge oi Voil #aoos Ports of Trocts A, B, & C, Block 5 C, Voil Villoge lst Filing Zonez Commerciol Core I Proposed oddition is2,200 gross squore feet of offices, kitchen sioroge, employee dining, ond o new stoir occupying lwo floors on the southwest end of the moin wing of the Lodge of Voil. 18.24.100 Seibocla None Required , 18.24.1l0 Distonce Between Buildings None Required 18.24.120 Height Existing: 55' ot moin wing of The Lodge 99' ot the Lodge Sotrth Proposed: 25t ot roof interseclion wiih existing woll 18.24.130 Density Conirol 8Oo/o of Lot Areo 80"/o (132,523) = 106,018 olloned GRFA Existing: 151,632 sq. ft. GRFA in The Lodge oi Voil ond The l-odge South 25,4yJ odditionol sq. ft. of speciol use sPoce for offi ces ond Lodge . oPerotions. Proposed: 540 sq. ft. GRFA ot employee's dining. ll98sq. fi. odditionol sq. ft. of :r.ilj ili'5tll.llr new kitchen 18.24.140 Reconstruction of Existing Uses N/A 18.24.150 coveroge 80"/" (132,523) = 106,018 sq. ft. ollowed coveroge Existing Coveroge: 49'958 sq. ft. Proposed Coveroge: 51r055 sq. ft. Increqse of 11097 sq. ft. 18.24.170 Londscoping & Site Development Unchonged for Existing 18.24.180 Porking & Looding Unchonged for Exisiing No.rt (t(\ (f) @ t @N(\l \o 'sr@\o N N ro @\oc\ rr) N (.) o. @ c7) r.. @I 6l(! st\\o ro o. (f) lo @o.C' \o o.I@ c{ c\l.oro N (f,o.N FN@\O@F o. o..o o--o= loC\o .o o@\o lo t {lo I I OO(\| cf) (f)o, @ I I GI\oro(\I IN t c')o'o. (t @c.).ooo. Orrt\o I OYo I @ |.\ o. .tt\o. No(.) N @oo. .{t @ (')\o.ON3oF Ft\ co \oNO\ F@ o*- (\o.|r) GI os ro oY lo \t(\lN \o o\o u) @.oc\ lo <\NC\ o@(-) N I o.\oN ro <\ c\ oo.s $ ro\oT\(\ I ooOO\O <\t @o.o o-'oi o) c o I o u- o,.s =.Eo =I o II E(\ ctc ; c o: 1 o ll- E(t o)c ;> .=o I oo lJ- 'sr CD = o =tro oo tl- .a-.(. o -J oo Lt- I 'rt c c o -t, o lJ- --c l.r) oJ oo lJ- --cro o) ; {- oz I oo) o i() oo u- oo II -oc6l o u-- -o cf) oJ L'E -o (Y) 0) Eo CD o II oho O 1l- lJ- I -g@6l 'ELC\oo.5 t!-Eg -co\! F oooo o.rr(.) \otN (\lo.qt \o c') \oroN corr) 6l(?)\o ro o oF .9-.r- O !ft-oU c9oE0) 6<U II .o J FoF 'livn rv lccot lHr Hrnol rcoo'l BJts) 6-$s- { i,osg';@t+{=E5- o( ;+>- F6..::6> _Eco-fo o)o -o = -o -o o<gE F+--9 o5 Pi? Ie=z \